

Speaker 1
00:00:00 This week.
Speaker 2
00:01:05 Chilla chinguetti.
Speaker 3
00:01:32 He doesn't.
00:01:43 They are neither.
Speaker 4
00:01:51 In store smoke solidaria.
00:01:55 Are they available as an English textbook father?
00:01:59 Pansori asylum.
00:02:03 Yeah, 340 is a.
00:02:04 Pretty girl for each other.
00:02:08 Was your pantelleria?
Speaker 6
00:02:13 $5.
00:02:17 On the field.
Speaker 8
00:02:32 Too much?
Speaker 9
00:02:50 No, no, little, no, no little.
00:03:06 Perushim re.
00:03:56 No, no.
00:04:00 Terra Mari.
00:04:03 No, no later.
00:04:22 Aspetar MI.
00:04:54 No nolita.
00:04:58 No, no Lita.
00:05:13 Sola kunte.
00:05:32 Bring you.
Speaker 9
00:06:47 The gym down the alley.
Speaker 1
00:07:05 To get back home.
Speaker 9
00:08:28 When you smile.
00:08:42 When you smile.
00:09:16 Sweet, sweet dreams.
00:09:26 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:30 I'm your host.
00:09:32 I think my microphone is a little too loud, alright.
00:09:34 OK.
00:09:35 I'm your host, Devin Stack.
00:09:39 Happy 2023.
00:09:43 I had a nice little time off.
00:09:45 I mean, well, time off from this.
00:09:47 I yeah, I did miss it, I'll admit.
00:09:48 It I missed I almost.
00:09:51 In fact I almost streamed one of the night.
00:09:53 I almost streamed out and I didn't end up doing anything on New Year's.
00:09:56 But it was kind.
00:09:57 Of Nice doing nothing on New Year's.
00:10:00 Kind of nice not having to worry about.
00:10:05 You know, shepherding drunken friends and and all that sort of nonsense that goes on when you're younger and and you're told for some reason that that's the night to get the most annihilated.
00:10:19 No reason it's the same as every other night.
00:10:22 Humans, like anniversaries, don't they?
00:10:26 They like anniversaries.
00:10:28 I don't know why.
00:10:29 Well, I guess in a way, we're coming up on an anniversary here.
Speaker 11
00:10:33 In fact there.
00:10:34 Might be a anniversary, the insomnia stream.
Speaker 11
00:10:37 I streamed prior to.
00:10:39 I guess quote UN quote the insomnia stream, but I think this became a regular thing in January of 2020.
00:10:47 Right. So.
00:10:51 Yeah, there we go.
00:10:53 So this is.
00:10:56 Two years, two years of the insomnia stream.
00:10:59 This is our third year.
00:11:02 Still streaming strong.
00:11:05 I'm still waiting for Trump to become president.
00:11:10 That's how this started, right?
00:11:12 That's how it started, was looking to see if Trump was going to cross the Rubicon, streamed every night, every night until January 20th.
00:11:24 **** talking every night.
00:11:25 Shift talking.
00:11:26 Custards every night for like 20 nights straight.
00:11:33 It was fun, good times, good times.
00:11:35 It's still good times.
00:11:37 It's still good times.
00:11:38 Hope you guys are all doing well.
00:11:39 Hope you had a good New Year's and a good Christmas.
Speaker 11
00:11:44 Tonight we're going to talk about we'll do a.
00:11:46 Little bit of the news.
00:11:48 But then we'll talk about something that happened a few years back that many of us weren't paying attention to, and I know I.
Speaker 11
00:11:55 I I it.
00:11:56 Was really peripheral for me and I was somewhat involved in politics when this well, when the end of this story happened at the beginning, that wasn't really alive.
00:12:04 When the beginning, when the story begins.
00:12:08 But I I think a lot of us probably missed a lot of this.
00:12:12 And I think it's very important and it's tied to.
00:12:16 Kind of what's going on?
00:12:18 You see a lot of news, people, news commentators.
Speaker 11
00:12:24 And such talking about Ohh Kevin McCarthy, Kevin McCarthy.
00:12:35 As if it you know as if it matters.
00:12:37 But look, I'll tell you what.
00:12:41 We'll talk about a little bit later.
00:12:43 Kind of explains.
00:12:45 Why the status quo seems to be so important.
00:12:49 Why the status quo seems to be relatively hard to defeat.
00:12:56 Well, not relatively just.
00:12:59 Rather impossible to defeat.
00:13:01 The same ************* are in Congress and just Washington in general.
00:13:06 For the last, I don't know.
00:13:07 Most of our lifetimes.
00:13:09 It's the same ******* people, not even like the same kinds of people the same people.
00:13:14 You know when you.
00:13:15 When you think Chuck Schumer showed.
00:13:17 Up in Washington yet?
00:13:18 I mean, these ******* never leave.
00:13:21 So before we do that, let's just let's take a look at.
00:13:24 Some new stuff.
00:13:26 Let's see here.
00:13:27 Well, you know, before we even do that.
Speaker 11
00:13:30 I thought this was uh.
00:13:33 This was this is related to actually.
00:13:35 If you think.
Speaker 11
00:13:40 So this this popped up.
00:13:41 There was a a lot of.
00:13:43 People are familiar with these videos where you got.
00:13:46 These pedal hunters basically.
00:13:50 And God bless him.
00:13:51 You know, it's it's kind of funny because it's like the last kind of people.
00:13:53 Like I'm I'm aware of like two or three of these YouTube.
00:13:56 Channels that you know.
00:13:58 Go viral from time to time.
00:14:00 And it's it's never white guys.
00:14:01 I don't know why it's not white guys doing.
00:14:03 I'm sure there's white guys doing this.
00:14:06 But I I have a theory about that I have a.
00:14:08 Theory that, well, not why they're not.
00:14:10 Doing it?
00:14:10 But why they're not?
00:14:11 As if they're doing it.
00:14:12 Why they don't end up with videos like this?
00:14:15 But this Pedro hunter?
00:14:16 He's like this gangster black guy.
00:14:19 That's the way he sounds.
00:14:22 And busted a pedo in in Pennsylvania.
00:14:27 He pretended to be, I think, a 15.
00:14:30 Year old boy.
Speaker 11
00:14:32 On the Internet.
00:14:33 And this guy here.
00:14:37 We'll talk about a little bit.
00:14:41 Well said.
00:14:42 Hey, come to this secluded area.
00:14:45 And get in my get in.
00:14:46 My van basically.
00:14:51 So this gangster black guy shows up and this is the the conversation that that took place.
00:15:00 Hey. Hey, how's it going?
Speaker 6
00:15:04 How you I'm good.
00:15:04 How you doing?
Speaker 9
00:15:05 What's your name again, Josh.
Speaker 6
00:15:08 I mean, I'm sorry, I'm Ryan.
00:15:10 Yeah. Sorry, you're Josh.
Speaker 13
00:15:11 Right.
Speaker 12
00:15:14 Let me ask you a question.
Speaker 6
00:15:15 Yes, Sir.
Speaker 12
00:15:16 How did I tell you I was?
Speaker 6
00:15:17 I know.
Speaker 12
00:15:19 How did I tell you I was?
Speaker 6
00:15:20 You said you were 15.
Speaker 12
00:15:22 So what would you come here then?
Speaker 6
00:15:23 I don't know.
Speaker 12
00:15:24 What was the?
Speaker 6
00:15:25 I was going to talk you how to.
00:15:26 Doing this actually.
00:15:28 Honest to God.
Speaker 12
00:15:29 So you you want you came all the way around?
00:15:31 Here to talk me out of.
Speaker 6
00:15:32 Actually, I don't live very far from here and I was trying to protect you.
Speaker 12
00:15:34 It said 4 miles away.
Speaker 6
00:15:36 I was, yeah.
00:15:36 I wasn't 4 miles away.
00:15:37 I was trying to protect you.
Speaker 12
00:15:38 How are you trying to protect them?
Speaker 6
00:15:39 And I was trying to protect you.
Speaker 12
00:15:40 How old are you?
00:15:42 How old are you? 26. Don't ******* lie to me, man. I'm 26.
00:15:46 26 You and me know both know. That's some ******* ******** now.
Speaker 6
00:15:51 Of 26 I didn't want you to do this.
Speaker 12
00:15:54 You're 26 years old.
00:15:57 You also say do you want me to get the police involved with this then?
Speaker 6
00:15:59 No, I don't, Sir.
Speaker 12
00:16:01 Don't ******* lie to me, man.
00:16:03 I asked you how old you are.
Speaker 6
00:16:05 I'm 38.
Speaker 12
00:16:06 You're still not.
00:16:07 You're still lying to me.
Speaker 6
00:16:08 No, I'm not. Now that's true. Yes, Sir. Yes, I do. No, I'm not showing you my ID. I am 38 years old.
Speaker 12
00:16:10 That's true, you got ID.
00:16:12 Let me see.
00:16:16 Alright, so here's The funny thing.
00:16:19 He I think he's 41, but yeah, it it's.
00:16:26 He is a Jew, so this goes on for like a little bit.
00:16:35 And he's the the, the, the.
00:16:37 Weird thing is, he's very submissive, right?
00:16:39 He's very submissive, he lies and then eventually, once he realizes the guy he's talking to is was was posing as the teenager.
00:16:48 And he thought he was talking to and he knows everything he said.
00:16:50 He admits.
00:16:51 OK, yeah, I said I was going to suck you off and all.
00:16:53 This, you know, degenerate **** and.
00:16:56 But it's it's odd to.
00:16:57 I mean.
00:16:58 Because he could have just driven away.
00:17:01 Like he could have just driven away and I think the reason why these channels work is.
00:17:08 Quite frankly, the kinds of people that molest.
00:17:12 Little boys, specifically Jews, they're afraid.
00:17:15 Of people like this.
00:17:17 Like he's terrified.
00:17:19 You know, he's the the Jew, fears the *****.
00:17:26 So it eventually does drive off after admitting.
Speaker 12
00:17:29 For what you say to to, to tell them the little them off that like, yo, get off that ******* app.
00:17:36 That's what.
00:17:36 That's what you're trying to tell me.
Speaker 6
00:17:37 I know I was trying to help.
Speaker 12
00:17:38 How were you?
Speaker 6
00:17:39 Trying to.
00:17:39 I was trying to help.
00:17:40 I'm sorry I I don't know.
00:17:43 I don't know.
Speaker 12
00:17:43 This is ****** **.
Speaker 6
00:17:44 It is.
00:17:44 You're right.
00:17:45 You're right.
00:17:45 And I'm sorry.
00:17:46 That's all I can say.
Speaker 12
00:17:46 What do you do for a living?
00:17:50 I'm going to.
00:17:50 Find out I'm going to find out everything I need.
00:17:54 To know about you.
Speaker 6
00:17:55 OK. All right.
Speaker 12
00:17:55 And more.
Speaker 11
00:18:02 I ain't closed the ship.
Speaker 12
00:18:06 Ohh ****.
00:18:15 Don't we meet no more kids online?
00:18:17 No more kids online?
00:18:19 I'm gonna tell everybody on your ***, ************.
00:18:25 You're a ******* scumbag.
00:18:29 Alright, so this guy.
00:18:33 There's a dentist at Schumann and Schwab.
Speaker 11
00:18:42 Schumann and Schwab now.
00:18:44 Here, here's.
00:18:44 Here's this.
00:18:45 This goes to what I've been trying to say.
00:18:48 This really underlines what I what I've been trying to say.
Speaker 11
00:18:54 Don't bring your kids.
00:18:56 To kosher Dennis.
00:19:01 Just a dentist, no.
Speaker 11
00:19:05 Don't hire.
00:19:07 People that are not your people.
Speaker 11
00:19:10 To do the job.
00:19:11 I I'm not saying.
00:19:12 There's not white pedophiles or whatever.
00:19:17 But there's pattern recognition comes into play when.
00:19:21 It comes to.
00:19:21 This ****, he was not only was he a dentist I say was cause.
00:19:26 Well, we'll get to that.
00:19:31 He was in charge of a dentistry.
00:19:34 For the whole school district.
Speaker 11
00:19:37 He he would go and and do like he'd go.
00:19:39 To the schools.
00:19:41 As a pedophile would and tell kids about, you know, brush your teeth and all this other fun stuff.
00:19:50 Well, this grant or or or.
00:19:53 Keep in mind that video I think came out yesterday.
00:19:57 He already offed himself so he got.
00:20:02 Busted being a pedo.
00:20:05 People figure out who he was.
Speaker 11
00:20:08 And within like 24.
00:20:09 Hours he killed himself.
00:20:12 And the the interesting thing to me.
00:20:16 Is if you look at the the the news reports.
00:20:21 Like this is the local NBC station.
00:20:25 Because they know they know, obviously that he's Jewish.
00:20:28 Listen to how they report this.
Speaker 11
00:20:31 Listen, now the report this about Brian Schwab, this is.
00:20:36 I mean, he's he just. He just got busted trying to **** a 15 year old in a parking lot and then killed himself. And this is what they say. This is the msnbc13.com website.
Speaker 8
00:20:51 He was a clinical.
00:20:53 Associate professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and a recipient of numerous awards for leadership and advocacy at the local, state and national levels.
00:21:08 Doctor Schwab has also given talks to dental students at Temple.
00:21:12 University Kornberg School of Dentistry and Harvard University School of Dental Medicine, doctor Schwab focuses on oral medicine, dying at like they're they're just they're just giving you like his his resume.
00:21:28 They're making them sound like not so bad.
00:21:33 No talk about like ohh any tried to **** a 15 year old?
00:21:37 Probably not the first time.
00:21:38 In his life, by the way.
00:21:44 But I'll tell you one.
00:21:44 Thing that is encouraging you, look at the comments in this video.
00:21:50 You know, this person says Ohh.
00:21:52 He was my he was my dentist.
00:21:55 And everyone's like, oh, my God.
00:21:56 Yeah, here's my.
00:21:57 Dentist too. Wow.
00:21:58 Yeah, I grew up and he was my dentist.
00:22:01 And then this comment says to.
00:22:02 Other people saying they didn't.
00:22:04 Expect that it's a common thing in the Jewish community.
00:22:10 And the next comment, as soon as I saw.
00:22:12 The last name I laughed.
Speaker 11
00:22:15 So there you go, people.
00:22:16 I mean to.
00:22:16 Some extent people are figuring it out.
00:22:19 That's, I mean it's YouTube comments, so who knows, right?
00:22:23 But the the problem is, you know, look at MSNBC dot Coms website you know.
00:22:28 They're like, yeah, he's great.
Speaker 4
00:22:31 He's great.
00:22:32 He's, you know, worked worked hard.
00:22:34 He was at university professor.
00:22:38 So anyway.
00:22:40 I thought that was.
00:22:41 Fun one last one.
00:22:42 Last ******* filthy ******* **********, right?
00:22:47 All right.
00:22:49 Saves us some time.
00:22:51 Speaking of Jews that you shouldn't.
00:22:55 Trust to do things.
00:22:58 Like like be your dentist, you know.
Speaker 11
00:23:00 Be around your kids when they when they're.
00:23:04 Put under the.
00:23:04 Gas, you know.
00:23:07 I wonder that's another.
00:23:08 That's another question.
00:23:09 If he's meeting 15 year olds and in dark alleys in the middle of the night that he's, he's coercing on the Internet, what is he doing when he's when he's putting little belly under, when he's putting his the root canal in and **** like that?
00:23:24 But yeah, so the elections director in Pinellas County, this Arizona cluster **** election fraud ship that was going on last well and the last two elections.
00:23:37 This is what blew my mind.
Speaker 11
00:23:40 To uh to make sure.
00:23:42 There was no election fraud.
00:23:44 They hired a Jew.
00:23:47 To work for four months.
00:23:51 And they paid her $175,000.
00:23:59 For those four months.
00:24:02 They paid a Jewish woman 170.
00:24:05 $5000.
00:24:10 For four months of work.
00:24:12 And then when she was done, they gave her a $25,000 bonus.
00:24:19 Because she she made the election fine.
00:24:23 And now that they they're actually doing the recounts and and stuff and they're discovering all these errors.
00:24:31 You know it's it's just like.
Speaker 11
00:24:34 Don't pay, don't pay.
00:24:35 Jews don't pay Jews to do the job.
00:24:39 Oh man.
00:24:41 Anyway, and that's just a minor story.
00:24:43 I just thought that.
00:24:44 Was funny.
00:24:45 Speaking of Jews, is this guy Jewish?
00:24:47 I'm asked Chad.
00:24:47 I've been.
00:24:48 I've been trying to figure this out now for a few days.
00:24:50 Soon as I saw.
Speaker 11
00:24:51 That picture I.
00:24:52 Was like ohh.
00:24:53 He's a Jew, huh?
00:24:54 And I saw the name was like, yeah, he's definitely a Jew.
00:24:57 And then these people.
00:24:58 Were saying.
00:24:59 Oh, no, no, he's not a Jew.
00:25:01 He went to a Catholic school. I was like, yeah, but his dad's from Brooklyn. And he looks like that. So. And his name is Koberger.
00:25:10 So and then and then and then as the little icing on top the day he got arrested on Infowars, Alex Jones kept mispronouncing his name to not like.
00:25:24 That's not a hard name to pronounce Coburger, right?
00:25:27 You can sound that hooked on phonics.
00:25:29 Worked for me.
00:25:30 Right, you can sound that out.
00:25:33 Cold burger.
00:25:34 It's not even that unusual.
00:25:36 It's not difficult.
00:25:38 And yet, you know, Alex kept saying coburger or coburger or.
Speaker 11
00:25:43 Like he, he.
00:25:44 Wouldn't just say coburger?
00:25:48 And I I found that odd.
00:25:50 So that was like.
00:25:50 OK.
00:25:50 That's another mark in the in.
00:25:51 The column for he's probably Jewish.
00:25:54 So a lot of people in chat are saying saying, Jewish, Jewish, Jewish, yeah, like, look, maybe he's not, maybe he's not.
00:26:03 Maybe just like, some weird ******* phenotype, but.
Speaker 11
00:26:07 If your last name is koberger.
00:26:11 And your.
00:26:11 Family's from Brooklyn.
00:26:14 And you look like that.
00:26:17 People are asking is that the guy that murdered the?
00:26:19 Beautiful young women, yes.
00:26:21 That's the.
00:26:22 That's the guy who?
00:26:23 Well, we don't know for sure, but like, you know, that's.
00:26:26 Who they arrested?
00:26:28 That's the guy who butchered not just murdered, butchered the three white women and white guy in Idaho.
00:26:37 He was a criminology.
00:26:41 Student getting his PhD and other mark for, you know, cause Jews value education, right?
00:26:47 You know, they're always talking about value education.
00:26:49 So that's a little another little mark in the the very possibly a Jew.
00:26:58 So yeah, yeah, that's.
00:27:02 I don't know though I have.
00:27:03 I haven't able to find out either I doubt.
00:27:04 Well, I mean, come on.
00:27:06 It's not like they're going to be breaking news here on CNN.
00:27:08 We just discovered that coburger.
00:27:10 Is a Jew like?
00:27:12 They're not going to do that.
00:27:14 So yeah, it might be one of those things that doesn't come out until someone with access to a a database.
00:27:22 I don't have access to.
00:27:23 It figures it out but.
00:27:25 Yeah, they were not really.
00:27:27 Talking this is still nothing.
00:27:29 'S really happened.
00:27:29 They just arrested him.
00:27:31 And so I I plot on on covering this.
00:27:35 At some point there's just there's.
00:27:36 No information really.
00:27:38 They've been pretty quiet about it other than that they the the the guys in charge of the investigation in Idaho, look like ******* Santa Claus.
00:27:47 And we're very tight lipped and maybe for.
00:27:48 A good reason.
00:27:50 Maybe that's why they were able to arrest this guy.
00:27:53 But uh yeah, apparently he was on Reddit.
00:27:55 Uh, asking people to fill out a a survey at, you know, basically if you.
00:28:03 Know questions like if you're a criminal, what what made you choose the if you're, you know, if you violently attack someone, what made you choose your target?
00:28:13 Just like some creepy **** like that. And it was all set up officially through his his school. So you would actually click on the survey and it would go to a site hosted at at the school. And it was part of his, quote, UN quote research. So who knows, maybe maybe look.
00:28:33 Jews do a lot of crazy **** when it comes to research, right?
00:28:36 Like with with a lot of our last couple streams, we're talking about, you know, like the the orgasmo energy guy, right?
00:28:44 Sometimes they ruin civilizations just to see.
00:28:47 If their theories work out so.
00:28:49 You know who?
00:28:50 Knows maybe this is this was just all part of his his research.
00:28:54 But the yeah, we'll we'll find out.
00:28:56 We'll find out soon enough.
00:29:01 In other news, you know we're.
00:29:03 Just briefly going through this before we get to the.
00:29:05 The meat and potatoes, the meat and potatoes.
00:29:09 Are vaccines fueling?
00:29:11 New COVID marians.
00:29:19 And uh, yeah.
00:29:20 So they've released the crack and that's the new variant that they're that they're talking about here.
00:29:25 They're trying to say that because of the vaccine.
00:29:29 Which is funny because it's like everyone.
00:29:32 This this is not even like you a unique thing, right?
00:29:36 That that you would, I mean, that's the whole reason why you can't go pick up antibiotics in America, at least at the grocery store.
00:29:44 Because of the fear that they'll create some kind of super bug, like if everyone starts using antibiotics every time they.
00:29:50 Get the sniffles.
00:29:51 They're going to create this, these infections that will be very resistant to antibiotics because everyone's just always taking them right.
00:30:01 Or, you know not to always bring up bee stuff.
00:30:04 But that's the same thing with the the treating varroa mites with different chemicals.
00:30:09 Vera mites because they just like a virus.
00:30:11 I guess they mutate so often and they reproduce.
00:30:16 You know the the turnover is so quick.
00:30:20 They they become resistant to things really, really fast so.
00:30:24 Look, regardless of what the clot.
00:30:26 Not really was if you would just do a a a go at the official.
00:30:32 Explanation as to what it was right it was the dumbest thing it was.
00:30:36 Always, no matter.
00:30:37 How you looked at it?
00:30:37 It was ******* stupid.
00:30:39 It never made any sense.
00:30:40 It was always ******* stupid.
00:30:42 Let's give everyone in the world this experimental mystery juice.
00:30:45 That, that even.
00:30:46 If it is what you say it.
00:30:47 Is it's still a bad idea?
00:30:50 Because immediately, what's going to report it like if you managed, let's say you made an actual vaccine, they're not like some M RNA, you know, mystery juice thing.
00:30:59 You made an actual vaccine that actually stopped the spread of a of a virus.
00:31:04 Say, and let's.
00:31:05 Say virology is everything that you say.
00:31:07 Like you know.
Speaker 11
00:31:08 There's a lot of, like a lot of.
00:31:10 Different unknowns here, but let's just say it's all exactly the way the CDC explains it is.
00:31:17 Still has made sense.
00:31:19 Because the only thing now that's going to spread is going to be mutant strains.
00:31:24 And then you're going to have any immunity to that.
00:31:26 And that's exactly what they're saying now.
00:31:28 So they're they're talking about maybe having more mask mandates.
00:31:32 I don't know.
00:31:32 I don't in America, I don't see that flying.
00:31:35 But who knows?
00:31:38 Maybe in in places like Canada.
Speaker 14
00:31:39 It is the rise of the.
Speaker 3
00:31:40 Kraken, what we don't know is, is this a strain that's going to cause more severe illness and hospitalization innately?
00:31:48 It doesn't look like that.
Speaker 14
00:31:49 The COVID-19 Omicron variant, with a catchy nickname is scientifically known as XP 1.5. It represents over 40% of new COVID-19 cases in the United States.
00:32:02 And has led to an increase in virus related hospitalizations in New York State.
Speaker 8
00:32:06 It may attach to cells more easily.
00:32:09 It may not be as susceptible to protection by vaccination.
Speaker 14
00:32:14 The vaccine still has some efficacy against it, but early studies.
Speaker 11
00:32:18 Show, so it might kind of.
00:32:23 What's amazing to me is they're.
00:32:24 Still, even pushing it.
00:32:26 It's like well, like sort of where I mean?
00:32:27 You it's probably just as likely.
00:32:29 You'll drop dead of a heart attack.
00:32:31 But it might. Maybe.
00:32:33 Maybe there's still mandates, by the way, you still have to be vaccinated if you enter United States from out of.
00:32:41 Unless of course, you enter illegally and then, in which case they'll put you on a bus and send.
00:32:45 You to Maine.
00:32:45 If you're brown enough, you know like this.
00:32:50 But yeah, that we still have met with the the last country.
00:32:53 In fact America is the last country to have a Maxine bandit.
00:32:58 Just Maxine vandine.
00:33:01 Vaccine mandate just to enter the country.
00:33:06 So yeah, I don't know.
00:33:07 I I kind of expect that if it was going to actually come back, come back like lockdowns and **** like that.
00:33:12 That it would it.
00:33:13 Would start a lot earlier.
00:33:15 They would roll it out so that you know you know that they could do the whole winter thing, but knows maybe they wanted.
00:33:19 To let us have the holidays first I.
00:33:22 I doubt that it's really going to.
00:33:24 I think that's just this more.
00:33:26 You know, like oh.
00:33:28 We have. We have.
00:33:29 To have vaccine passports and we.
00:33:31 Have to have you know digital ID and and all this fun stuff and maybe some mask mandates but.
00:33:40 But we'll see.
00:33:43 And Weimar news.
00:33:48 This went viral.
00:33:49 I guess yesterday some **** chick on Twitter.
00:33:55 I have made a decision to come out as we know humans are complicated and intelligent beings.
00:34:01 We aren't always simple.
00:34:03 I have been with six dogs this past year and only two men.
00:34:08 Isn't that funny?
00:34:09 Only two.
00:34:10 She's only been with.
00:34:11 I mean, the dogs aside.
00:34:18 She's been with six dogs this year and two men.
00:34:22 My entire life I have.
00:34:25 I'm trans.
00:34:26 I guess who meant her entire life?
00:34:27 OK, well, at.
00:34:28 Least her.
00:34:28 Her her human.
00:34:30 Body count is kind of low for.
00:34:32 OK, I'm trans canine.
00:34:36 I just want friends and a crowd that accepts and loves and cherishes me.
00:34:45 So yeah.
00:34:47 Women, ******* dogs and uh, wanting to be trans canine.
00:34:55 She keeps going on and on, defending it.
00:34:57 Apparently she had a YouTube channel where she had video of.
00:35:02 Well, of related acts that she deleted.
00:35:06 And yeah, she keeps.
00:35:10 Here's someone saying this is normal for a woman. I would say 3/4 of women, but probably 4 out.
00:35:15 Of five women.
00:35:17 Or four or five out of 10 women? No, it's actually 75%.
00:35:23 Or maybe higher?
Speaker 11
00:35:25 It's just the amount you've heard about.
00:35:27 Most girls keep it secret.
00:35:29 People can be racist about it.
00:35:35 Yeah. So there you go.
00:35:39 There you go.
00:35:40 ******* dogs is uh.
00:35:44 I mean, look that that literally was happening look and that by the way that's not even that new.
00:35:49 Anyone who's who's seeing the horrifying sides or parts of the Internet?
00:35:53 Knows that this kind of content has existed for as long as the Internet.
00:36:02 But not but it was.
00:36:04 It was, it was safely hidden away, like the really nasty parts of the Internet, and not on Twitter.
00:36:12 But yeah.
00:36:14 And then now we.
00:36:14 Get to kind of our tie in story.
00:36:17 The Republican Jewish coalition leader, saying that the anti McCarthy Republicans are infidels who must.
00:36:24 Face consequences.
00:36:27 And for those of you don't know what's going on.
00:36:30 Because you're, you know, smart.
00:36:34 And don't pay attention to politics anymore.
00:36:40 Uh, basically, the speaker of the house, because the Republicans have the majority.
00:36:46 Who was Nancy Pelosi?
00:36:49 Was going to be replaced if the Republicans had their ways.
00:36:54 By Mr.
00:36:56 McCarthy, over here, who, despite having a based last name is is far from it and is is very much part of the status quo of Zionist Neo con fagots that have been controlling the Republican Party for my entire life.
00:37:12 And a a couple of holdouts.
00:37:15 I think 20 or so, Republicans are preventing him from getting the votes to be speaker of the House.
00:37:23 And so everyone.
00:37:26 In their in the establishment Republican sphere is splurging out, and even Trump.
00:37:32 Because, let's face it, Trump is part of that same swamp now and well, and probably always was to some extent.
00:37:40 I mean, he went golfing with the Clintons before he was elected.
00:37:45 And you know, things like that on a regular basis, friends with Epstein, et cetera, ET.
00:37:49 Cetera. But even Trump was.
00:37:51 Like, Oh no, we need we need to support McCarthy.
00:37:57 People are not so inclined.
00:37:59 And a lot of people are wondering why?
00:38:03 Why is it that we have no matter, no matter who wins the elections, it seems like we have a unit party.
00:38:11 And the mayor, we're going to talk about tonight kind of illustrates exactly why.
00:38:17 If you're different and you go to.
00:38:20 You go to Congress and expect to get anything done and change things and change the power dynamics.
00:38:27 Exactly what to expect.
00:38:30 And a lot of people might not.
00:38:31 Have ever heard of this man?
00:38:34 Bring up my my notes here.
00:38:38 Here we go.
00:38:40 This is.
00:38:44 As the name of the stream might suggest.
00:38:47 James traficant.
00:38:51 James traficant.
00:38:53 He was a kind of a Chad football player in college.
00:38:59 He actually got drafted by a couple of pro teams in the NFL.
00:39:05 And I didn't end up playing.
00:39:08 Later went on to run for sheriff.
00:39:13 In Ohio.
00:39:15 Let's see here what I think it was in he's from Youngstown, I forget.
00:39:21 See where was he sheriff at?
00:39:26 Yeah, I guess it was.
00:39:27 I think it was in Youngstown.
00:39:29 So he ran for sheriff.
00:39:32 And uh got got a little bit famous because.
00:39:36 The banks.
00:39:38 And the IRS?
00:39:41 When they would try to foreclose on.
00:39:44 Someone's house.
00:39:46 Because they were unemployed.
00:39:49 Especially as a result of a lot of the manufacturing that used to be in Ohio being moved out of the country.
00:39:57 So a lot of plants are being shut down, a lot of blue collar jobs are being shipped overseas and a lot of people found themselves unable to pay their mortgages.
00:40:06 And if you've ever seen, like, if you've ever lived in an apartment.
00:40:09 Complex and you've seen those notices on doors, you know, like the Sheriff's Office.
00:40:14 You know, you are ordered to vacate and what?
00:40:16 Right, that's that's the jurisdiction of the sheriff.
00:40:20 If you have to evict someone or foreclose on their house, the sheriff or the Sheriff's Office has to be the one.
00:40:31 That that does it.
00:40:32 You know you can't just even if you know it doesn't matter.
00:40:35 It's your property.
00:40:36 You can't just go and like kick someones.
00:40:38 You know, out of their house you have.
00:40:39 To have the sheriff.
00:40:40 Do it right.
00:40:41 So as sheriff, he basically told the banks.
00:40:44 To **** ***.
00:40:48 That didn't make a lot of people really happy.
Speaker 11
00:40:52 You might have.
00:40:52 Been involved in some shady stuff by any sheriff, just like you know any any any powerful person in law enforcement, you're going to be interacting with some ****** elements.
00:41:03 And that's just, you know, the fact of the matter.
00:41:05 But this seemed to **** *** a lot of people.
00:41:10 And so and of course, if you're going after the the investments of bankers.
00:41:17 You know exactly what kind of people, and this seems to be a theme in Trafficante's life. ******* off the the this type of person.
00:41:27 So they the the DOJ.
00:41:32 Went after him on on Rico charges.
00:41:36 Said that he was accepting bribes and and that he was racketeering and they brought him into court.
00:41:50 And he defended himself.
00:41:53 No lawyer defended himself against the the FBI and the Justice Department.
00:42:00 And one.
00:42:02 And one.
00:42:05 And years later, you know, they went back and they they was a jury.
00:42:08 Trial they interviewed the.
00:42:10 Some of the jurors of the local news and they they didn't regret it.
00:42:14 They're like, no, like he he seemed like a normal guy. Just that the FBI and the DOJ's a bunch of.
00:42:18 Corrupt ********, something that's not.
00:42:21 New, by the way guys something.
00:42:22 I wanted to point out.
00:42:24 So now here's like a little recap.
00:42:28 This is from their local news there at the time.
00:42:30 This would have been.
00:42:32 Ohh, I think the in 80.
00:42:36 Actually, what have been like I think like around 91 or so.
00:42:40 But it just made it more popular.
Speaker 2
00:42:44 Clear how most of the jurors in traffic against 1983 trial felt about him back then.
00:42:49 Oh, 83, apparently.
Speaker 2
00:42:51 Eager to shake his hand.
00:42:52 Outside the courthouse when it.
00:42:53 Was all over.
00:42:54 We looked at every aspect of the trial.
Speaker 16
00:42:56 Well, and there was no way that we felt that.
Speaker 15
00:42:57 Right.
00:42:59 We could come up with.
00:43:00 Any other verdict?
Speaker 14
00:43:02 But not guilty.
Speaker 2
00:43:03 18 years later.
00:43:05 Some describe it as a very stressful ordeal, memories coming back as the congressman gets ready to go up against the government again.
Speaker 15
00:43:11 Because it was just so hard.
00:43:14 It was really rough.
Speaker 2
00:43:17 Chuck Buttrick a truck.
00:43:18 Driver from outside Cleveland gets quite emotional talking about it.
Speaker 11
00:43:22 Every day it was different.
Speaker 15
00:43:25 You seen it?
00:43:26 You seen the evidence today?
00:43:31 And you say he's.
00:43:33 You see the evidence tomorrow.
00:43:35 So wait a minute.
00:43:37 There's about.
Speaker 2
00:43:38 In the end, traffic in completely wins this over. Standing behind the 83 verdict, despite the latest allegations.
Speaker 7
00:43:45 The FBI.
Speaker 15
00:43:47 Is upset that they lost the last time and I believe that they're still trying to get him.
00:43:58 And what he's talking about, we'll get into here in a second.
00:44:02 So this trial that he he defends himself and wins, and that propels him into this new level of popularity.
00:44:13 Eventually he ran for Congress, and while a congressman, he went after the IRS.
00:44:21 And specifically, specifically the IRS prior to his legislation.
00:44:29 If they accused you of tax evasion or or something like that and wanted to start confiscating your property.
00:44:40 You weren't innocent.
00:44:41 There was the one time that you weren't innocent until proven guilty.
00:44:46 You had to prove that you were innocent.
00:44:47 They could just say, oh, you're a tax evader and you had to prove that you weren't.
00:44:52 They didn't have to prove that you were.
00:44:53 They could.
00:44:53 Just say that you were.
00:44:57 And so he, uh, he changed that and which significantly.
00:45:03 And I mean like they it went from something crazy.
00:45:06 Like they were seizing.
00:45:08 Something like 100,000 houses every year, the IRS and immediately after the bill passed, it went down from like 100,000 a year to like 50, not 50,000 like 50 a year.
00:45:23 And same thing with seat with garnishing wages.
00:45:27 They went from garnishing. I I don't remember the numbers anymore, but it it went down like it basically 90%.
00:45:35 It was a 90% drop in the wages they were able to garnish for the same reason because they.
00:45:40 Had to prove.
00:45:41 That the people that they were going after were guilty as opposed to these people having to prove that they were innocent.
00:45:49 Which again obviously is is gonna **** *** a lot of people, but he was also opposed to sending money to.
00:46:01 Which is, which is gonna **** *** the same kinds of people.
00:46:05 And then they'll.
Speaker 11
00:46:06 Really **** them off.
00:46:09 We got this guy here.
00:46:12 Now this guy is John Demjanjuk.
00:46:18 I know it's a weird name.
00:46:20 It's he's Ukrainian.
00:46:22 But Israel?
00:46:25 Claim that he was some evil Nazi named Ivan the Terrible.
00:46:31 And they whisked him away to Israel, like Israel is is fond of doing and and sentenced him to death.
00:46:39 He he was like this old man that they basically kidnapped, brought to Israel and and we're going to kill him because they said he was some Nazi named Ivan the Terrible.
00:46:50 And trafficking gets involved.
00:46:54 And says look, this isn't.
00:46:55 This isn't even like the same guy.
00:46:57 This isn't.
00:46:58 This isn't even like the guy that that you that you're saying like?
00:47:01 That guy probably didn't exist.
00:47:02 But this isn't even like the guy.
00:47:05 This guy was a Ukrainian, like he wasn't even like German.
00:47:08 Like what?
00:47:08 What are what are?
00:47:09 You ******* doing here?
00:47:11 And the the Jewish DOJ at the time.
00:47:16 I think his last name was like Moskovitz or something like that.
Speaker 8
00:47:23 Would wouldn't.
00:47:24 Declassify certain documents that would that in, in in respect to this guy because they had a lot of the immigration records and stuff like that that they.
00:47:34 They hid away and so he got a Freedom of Information.
00:47:37 Request in and and got enough data to prove that that wasn't the guy.
00:47:42 And he went to Israel with the family of this guy and.
00:47:48 And eventually got him freed from Israel, the story goes on.
00:47:52 From there, we'll talk about that here.
00:47:53 In a second.
00:47:55 In addition to that.
00:47:59 There was the case of.
00:48:03 Ohh let's see.
00:48:03 Here. What's this guy's name something Rudolph.
Speaker 11
00:48:07 Arthur Rudolph.
00:48:09 So Arthur Rudolph was a Nazi.
00:48:12 He was part of Operation Paper Clip and they whisked him into.
00:48:18 America to work on, you know, rocket projects and stuff like that.
00:48:26 Due to pressure from Israel, he was he was kicked out of the country and and after, you know, after working for the government basically, you know, after the government took him to the United States and and had him work on on projects.
00:48:43 And so he and Pat Buchanan.
00:48:46 Work to try to get him back his citizenship and and and bring him back into America.
00:48:51 And that, of course, ****** ***.
00:48:54 The wrong kinds of people.
Speaker 11
00:48:58 So what do they do?
00:49:02 They charged him with the same kinds of things.
00:49:07 Now it's funny because look, some of the stuff that they, they charged him.
Speaker 11
00:49:12 With he probably did.
00:49:14 You know, like the small stuff, like for example, one of the things that he got in trouble.
00:49:18 For I don't even know why this would be a thing.
00:49:21 But apparently in the chart, like one of the major charges, in fact was that the staffers that he had working for him, he he had, he had them work at his farm.
00:49:33 I don't.
00:49:34 I don't know why that's against the law, but apparently you can't make your staffers work at a farm.
Speaker 11
00:49:41 Like I don't know.
00:49:43 So that was that was.
00:49:44 Actually one of the charges.
00:49:47 And they?
00:49:49 They expelled him from Congress.
00:49:52 No, this is the same Congress.
00:49:55 That didn't expel Menendez.
00:49:58 A couple years ago, the guy that got busted ******* underage prostitutes in South America.
00:50:06 He didn't get expelled.
00:50:09 You know Dennis Dennis Hastert, who was ******* kids on the regular.
00:50:16 Yeah, I I think I don't know if he, I don't think he.
00:50:18 Got expelled.
00:50:19 I think he just couldn't run again.
00:50:22 I mean.
00:50:24 Well, I mean, I'll let him say this is his.
00:50:26 His speech trying to defend or part of his speech trying to defend himself the day they were going to expel him right before throwing the book at him.
Speaker 16
00:50:37 What's happened to U.S. Congress?
00:50:39 The two members.
00:50:42 Who violated a?
00:50:43 17 year old page Boy and a 17.
00:50:46 Year old page girl.
00:50:48 Which is rape in every state.
00:50:50 We're not expelled.
00:50:54 OK, now I I don't know.
00:50:56 I don't know.
00:50:56 I tried to find out who he was talking about there.
00:50:59 Probably all of them.
00:51:01 But I'm sure there was a specific case, but this isn't new.
00:51:05 These ******* scumbags have been petal rapists forever.
00:51:09 They just that nothing ever happens, especially prior to the Internet.
00:51:14 But these, these, they, they've.
00:51:15 Always been satanic.
00:51:16 ******* blood sucking pedophiles.
00:51:19 So he brings up, he's like look.
00:51:21 You guys, you guys just and again I.
00:51:24 Wish I knew.
00:51:25 The the two congressmen he was talking about, because I I couldn't find the the obviously you know who, where, who.
00:51:32 Where would I find it?
00:51:33 Who would have written the news story right.
00:51:36 But they apparently know who he's talking about.
00:51:39 They're not expelling congressman for being rapists.
00:51:46 But don't. Uh.
00:51:47 Don't defend the Nazis.
00:52:03 I didn't put the game music in.
Speaker 16
00:52:05 If you know law enforcement and you've got a target, you want a confession.
00:52:12 When you can't get that confession, you want an admission.
00:52:16 And I am telling you this right now, they have more tapes on me than NBC.
00:52:21 I did nothing wrong.
00:52:22 That's why you go ahead and expel me.
00:52:26 And I believe this judge is so afraid of what's resonating throughout America, who believe that they should not have to fear their government, and the Congress is their last hope to take it back.
00:52:38 And I'm saying this, you speaker, take it back.
00:52:46 No Americans should fear their government, and this guy doesn't.
00:52:50 I'm ready to go.
00:52:54 You expel me?
00:52:56 But you know what you have done.
00:52:59 You'd have taken the standards of a Rico case down to less than the DUI, and you're not going.
00:53:05 To frighten me.
00:53:08 I'm ready to go to jail.
00:53:12 I'll go to jail before I admit to a crime I didn't commit and there was never any intent to commit a crime.
00:53:19 And when they start bringing letters that you send to cabinet members trying to.
00:53:23 Help your people.
00:53:24 Folks, there's a dangerous precedent set in US versus trafficking.
00:53:30 So he goes.
00:53:31 To jail this time he defends himself and.
00:53:34 And loses.
00:53:38 Goes to jail for nine years.
00:53:44 And when he gets out, he he he's kind of a man with nothing to lose.
00:53:47 He just got in.
Speaker 11
00:53:48 Jail after nine years.
00:53:50 And a lot of the stuff that was kind of implied in his past work starts to be less implicit and more explicit.
00:53:59 So this is an interview he does with with Hardball, Chris Matthews.
00:54:04 She used to be a thing.
Speaker 17
00:54:09 Well, Jim, traffic again, thank you very much for joining us.
00:54:11 You're a powerful guy.
00:54:12 I appreciate you coming on the show.
00:54:14 I assume after these seven years out of the political business and in prison that you've learned something about life, something important that you didn't know before.
00:54:23 I'm just guessing.
00:54:25 What are what are your attitudes?
00:54:28 I think he actually I think he was sentenced to 9 years but but serves 7.
00:54:32 That's that's why the discrepancy there.
Speaker 17
00:54:36 Now, how are they important for us to learn from?
00:54:38 I assume you've learned something.
Speaker 16
00:54:42 First of all, I'm glad to be here, Chris.
00:54:44 I'm, I'm glad to be anywhere.
00:54:46 I still have federalism swarming around me.
00:54:49 They won't admit that, but they're looking for every opportunity to send me back.
Speaker 17
00:54:53 Well, well, you still talk like a politician, like you're running for office again.
Speaker 16
00:54:58 You never know. I may. I want to get the IRS, kick them in the crotch real good. I want to reform the Justice Department who investigates themselves when they commit crimes, as they did in my case. And it's going to explode before it's over. But most importantly, I think the problem with America, no one's talking about.
00:55:16 While they're talking about healthcare and all these other issues to basically camouflage, what I think is the systemic problem, we have a tax code that cannot be reformed.
00:55:27 It must be replaced.
00:55:28 They gotta throw the tax code out.
00:55:30 Abolish the 16th amendment, Chris.
Speaker 17
00:55:32 So you're talking.
00:55:35 He starts sounding like he's going to.
00:55:37 Run for office again.
00:55:40 He starts talking about getting rid of the IRS, abolishing the IRS.
00:55:44 He starts talking about the Federal Reserve.
00:55:47 He starts hinting at connections between maybe some of the influences in Congress.
00:55:55 And these institutions?
00:55:58 But again, like I said, it gets little by little.
00:56:01 It gets a lot less implicit and more explicit.
Speaker 17
00:56:04 Talking with this popular you're talking with this populist fervor, Jim Traficant and.
00:56:08 Had you know the Democratic Party and the Congress voted you out, they voted to kick you out.
00:56:14 I mean, how do you how do you go back into a room of politicians now and say you guys were all wrong?
00:56:20 I was right all wrong.
00:56:22 I'm the only guy in the room.
00:56:23 That's right.
Speaker 16
00:56:23 Right. I don't have to tell anybody. I don't have to tell anybody they're wrong or right. I was targeted by the Justice Department since 1983, being the only American in history to defeat the Justice Department of Rico trial Pro.
00:56:35 Say, without being an attorney and they couldn't live with that.
00:56:37 Finally, I was the number one target American Israeli Public Affairs committee.
00:56:41 And let me tell you something.
00:56:43 People are.
00:56:45 The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee.
00:56:48 Ohh, it might might not have wanted to mention that explicitly, but oh he.
00:56:52 Gets a lot more explicit.
Speaker 16
00:56:54 We're scared to death in Washington to say what's wrong with the country, because if you rile some big, big people, you're done.
00:57:03 They're more concerned with perpetuity than what's good for the country and the country's going to hell in a handbasket, Chris.
Speaker 15
00:57:03 Almost, said Jew.
Speaker 17
00:57:09 Well, let's talk, talk talk.
Speaker 16
00:57:10 Very serious.
Speaker 17
00:57:12 Without getting into the specific charge against AIPAC and the others, when you said.
00:57:17 Yes, Chris Matthews is is quick to say, yeah, let's not.
00:57:20 Let's not talk specifically about APAC.
00:57:26 Let's let's let's not talk about the Jew stuff.
00:57:28 Let's not talk about the Jew stuff.
00:57:29 Let's talk about something else.
00:57:31 Again, this is this is this is.
00:57:34 When would have this been? This would have been like around 2012. This was a long time ago.
Speaker 17
00:57:39 Sit in Congress.
00:57:41 I want your perspective on this because you were in Star for seven years.
00:57:44 You're in Congress for 9 terms.
00:57:45 You've got a neat are you saying to members of Congress are basically prostitutes, that they're basically scared to death in the interest groups, scared to death the people that buy their campaign.
Speaker 16
00:57:54 We know, Chris.
Speaker 17
00:57:55 What are you actually saying?
00:57:56 About the system.
Speaker 16
00:57:59 Chris years ago on the House floor on a foreign aid debate, I called the members of the House of Representatives a bunch of political prostitutes. They demanded my words be stricken. They they jumped up like 100 wounded TV evangelists.
00:58:13 So finally I said OK, I apologize to all those people who were offended and to those who were not offended.
00:58:18 I commended them, but it went outside.
00:58:20 There's this little Stringer group and they said tell us what you really feel, Jim.
00:58:24 And here's what I said, Chris, I said.
00:58:26 I wanna apologize to all the hookers in America for having associated them with the United States House of.
00:58:32 It is.
00:58:33 Yeah, I think it's a big warehouse and I think they better start taking care of America and forget about the Mideast and start worrying about the Midwest, forget about the borders overseas, start working on our borders, take a look at the trade deficit and throw out this tax code.
00:58:47 It's killing America.
Speaker 17
00:58:48 Well, let me ask you about that.
00:58:49 Let me ask you about what you but but give it for you've been missing.
Speaker 16
00:58:50 That's that's what I stand.
Speaker 17
00:58:52 Few chapters in American political life, the election of Barack Obama while you're inside and and when you got out, you were watching all these tea bag.
00:58:59 Parties all these town.
00:59:02 So of course this is when it was funny to call the Tea Party tea baggers, and that's what the the memo went out.
00:59:08 And so even like it wasn't just John Stewart and and the fake news on Comedy Central calling them teabaggers, it was normal new shows it was calling.
00:59:18 Them tea baggers.
00:59:20 And you know, it is what it is.
00:59:22 But so he, he actually spoke a lot.
00:59:25 Of Tea party rallies.
00:59:27 And was pushing tax reform.
00:59:29 I don't, you know, it wasn't like enough and it was.
00:59:33 He wasn't going to fix the.
00:59:34 Problem but he.
00:59:35 He he wouldn't let off the fact that AIPAC and other Israeli run organizations basically had their hands in everything.
00:59:45 And again, like I said, he gets more.
00:59:47 What we'll see.
00:59:48 What we're going to watch tonight is the progression.
00:59:50 Where he gets he.
00:59:51 Just lays it up more and more plainly.
Speaker 16
00:59:54 Every law to convict me and before it's over, I just wanted to know.
00:59:59 I'm coming back at them.
Speaker 17
01:00:01 OK, let me ask you a final question, Jim, I wanna ask you a final question, Congressman.
Speaker 16
01:00:01 This is the bottom line.
Speaker 17
01:00:05 You were under the law, Ohio law permitted to run.
Speaker 16
01:00:07 For office many names.
Speaker 17
01:00:09 OK, Jim, you're running.
01:00:10 You can run for office.
01:00:11 There's no legal reason why you can't, right?
Speaker 16
01:00:16 I'm 25 years old. I'm eligible to run. There's no restriction on me running, but my case is beginning to explode. People are starting to admit they were pressured to lie.
Speaker 17
01:00:19 What would stop?
01:00:27 So he starts looking into running for.
01:00:33 Office again.
01:00:35 This is an event that he was at.
Speaker 18
01:00:39 Going to back up a little bit and talk about Ivan the terrible, it is that little story about how you.
01:00:46 You know you were.
01:00:47 Sitting in your office and they came in and so forth.
01:00:50 I think that's a good story.
01:00:52 And I think it's one that.
01:00:53 People should hear because I.
01:00:55 Don't think very many people know about that.
01:00:57 And in a certain sense.
Speaker 4
01:00:58 Well, when I first became aware of the Demoniac.
01:01:04 That is the island.
01:01:05 The terrible issue from Treblinka concentration camp.
01:01:09 Before when I was.
01:01:10 In my office.
01:01:11 And at the time I and my office, there was a three room suite and you had the reception area in the middle and my office was in the right staff office that left.
01:01:22 I had some conversation outside and what caught my attention.
01:01:24 Does. Yeah, I heard someone say that he's not in the congressman's, not in. He's over on.
01:01:29 The House floor.
Speaker 1
01:01:30 Thank you.
Speaker 4
01:01:30 And we don't know when.
01:01:31 He's going to be back.
01:01:32 That I never had that happen because I was always in for anybody to come into my office, so I called out on the phone and said, you know, what's going on.
01:01:40 Out there.
01:01:40 And he said, you know, you know, be cool, Sir.
01:01:43 We'll get in touch with you.
01:01:45 We'll you know.
01:01:46 Quiet, sort of like Cloak and dagger stuff.
01:01:48 And one of my staff come in.
01:01:50 And says don't let anybody know.
01:01:52 You're here.
01:01:52 We told me on the House.
01:01:53 Well, it's the demonic family from Cleveland.
01:01:58 It's the son and the son-in-law there, and the father has been convicted of being Ivan the terrible of Treblinka, murdering over a million Jews at at the Treblinka concentration camp, and he said so you don't want to get involved.
01:02:11 With that so.
01:02:13 I said to them, I said.
01:02:15 Why? Why are they here?
01:02:18 And he said, well, they said they've been to all of their congressman and they've been to every Congress office in the United States.
01:02:25 Of America.
01:02:26 And every senator's office.
01:02:27 So they want their own conference.
01:02:28 Rooms in the Cleveland area.
01:02:30 They went through two have centers in addition.
01:02:32 They went to every office.
01:02:33 What's that?
Speaker 4
01:02:34 And when they went to every.
01:02:36 They wouldn't even get past the.
01:02:37 Door and they said, and then I.
01:02:39 Could hear them saying yes.
01:02:40 You know, we didn't want.
01:02:41 To come in here and talk to Jim, you know?
01:02:43 The government hates Jim because.
01:02:45 I have defeated the justice.
01:02:46 Department in the Rico trial in 1983.
01:02:50 And had a bullseye on my back from day one, so the bottom line is they said we we have nowhere to turn them and we know that Jim is a stand up guy.
01:02:59 We want at least somebody to listen to us.
01:03:01 So we never.
Speaker 16
01:03:02 Had a parking.
Speaker 4
01:03:02 We can't talk to our elected representatives.
01:03:06 So I called in my chief of staff at.
01:03:07 The time and I said no.
01:03:10 Send them in.
01:03:13 And he said this almost worth really said, if you meet with this these two people, he said.
01:03:19 When the press.
01:03:19 Is done with the year.
01:03:22 You will never be a congressman again.
01:03:24 You lose your seat over this.
01:03:26 Now is one of the most popular congressmen in.
01:03:28 The country in.
01:03:29 One year led the entire Congress 435 in total votes with an opponent.
01:03:36 I received more votes than.
01:03:37 Five US senators at run statewide.
01:03:42 He said you will lose your seat over this.
01:03:45 I said sentiment.
01:03:47 When they come in one.
01:03:49 Thing the press didn't say was the first thing I said to them, and he introduced himself.
01:03:54 John, Dominic, Junior and the ethnic the.
01:03:56 Son-in-law.
01:03:58 So anyway, because he goes on.
01:03:59 For quite a while.
01:04:00 About this basically tells the story that I said at the beginning of the stream where he.
01:04:05 Does the free information well, first of all, he tries to work with the DOJ to say like, look, can we find out this guy was an American citizen?
01:04:13 Israel is saying that he's some kind of Nazi murderer.
01:04:16 His kids are here and saying that this doesn't make that.
01:04:19 There's no way he's even the guy.
01:04:20 They're saying that he is at all.
01:04:23 And he's a U.S. citizen.
01:04:26 So what good is citizenship if if it doesn't come with some kind of representation in these matters?
01:04:31 And the DOJ, which is run by Jews.
01:04:35 Then and now.
01:04:38 Basically stonewalls him and doesn't want to work with him, and he finally, through a Freedom of Information Act request, exonerates this guy.
01:04:47 And gets him out.
01:04:49 But sad story.
01:04:52 He gets returned back to America.
Speaker 11
01:04:55 And what happens?
01:04:56 Germany arrests him.
01:05:00 So Germany arrests him, brings him to Germany, convicts him again.
01:05:06 And uh, he died like they they he dies on death row in Germany.
Speaker 9
01:05:12 OK.
Speaker 7
01:05:13 The former Nazi concentration camp guard John Demjanjuk has died at a care home in Germany, aged 91.
01:05:20 He was convicted by a court in Munich last year but was released from prison after having spent two years in detention during the court case.
01:05:28 Ukrainian born Demjanjuk had lived in the United States since the 1950s, but was extradited to Germany in 2009 to face trial.
01:05:36 It wasn't his first time before a judge. In 1986, he was extradited to Israel after former inmates at Treblinka death camp accused him of being one of the most ruthless executioners there.
01:05:47 Mr. Rosenberg.
Speaker 7
01:05:49 Demeanor was condemned to death, but doubts lingered over his identity.
01:05:52 The Israeli Supreme Court overturned the verdict and he returned to the US.
01:05:58 The guard, known as Ivan the Terrible, said he had been drafted into the Soviet Red Army but was captured by the Nazis in 1942. Damanik had admitted working in various Nazi camps after that.
01:06:08 And said he'd been forced to by his captors.
01:06:12 The court in Munich had no doubt about his identity and convicted him of taking part in the killing of nearly 28,000 Jews at the Sobibor camp in.
01:06:21 So basically, the Jews ruined an old man's life.
01:06:27 The last remaining years he had on this earth.
01:06:29 He spent being.
Speaker 8
01:06:32 Move from court to court.
01:06:33 Prison to.
01:06:34 Prison and died in captivity.
01:06:43 So anyway, that's how that story sadly ended.
Speaker 16
01:06:53 I'm good.
01:06:56 And we've known for a long time they've been spying on us.
01:07:03 We've got a problem.
01:07:05 You're gonna read about me in the history books all you have.
01:07:07 To do is go to the law library.
01:07:11 So he starts doing speaking engagements where he talks about the CIA and the FBI spying on Americans.
01:07:18 Before it was cool to talk about that ****.
01:07:24 He did this interview with wearechange.org that that ****** *** that's on.
01:07:30 Tim pools.
01:07:32 Podcast now and he and he and he predicted.
01:07:36 Listen to the date he predicts the the collapse of the American Empire.
01:07:40 But listen to the date.
01:07:41 I believe this interview.
01:07:42 This was pretty close to right before.
01:07:47 Well, we'll get to that.
Speaker 16
01:07:49 Well, you could see the inevitable collapse, and I I'm the predicted an implosion in our country similar to the Soviet Union, the former Soviet Union, by the year 2030.
01:07:58 Now Pat Buchanan has come out. What I understand that he's predicted an implosion by 2025. I mean, the debt is going against their mind when people are going to get tired of sending their money to Washington.
01:08:09 And seeing that money go to cities like Detroit and Chicago and Los Angeles and New York, and they're half of the working people are paying for half of the people are not working and it's gonna blow up in their face.
01:08:20 There's no question, and people are gonna get sick.
01:08:22 Tired of it? We've got tremendous illegal immigration problem and we got open borders. We got Homeland Security Agency with open borders and I passed legislation in Congress to bring 10,000 troops from overseas and put them on our borders and never saw the light of day because the Senate opposed it. McCain and those guys.
01:08:42 That want those Hispanic votes and that's what we.
01:08:44 In both parties are catering to this Hispanic vote.
01:08:48 It's a big block of votes, so they can continue to their continuity in office and their and maintain their majorities.
01:08:54 So they're going overboard to help, but you know it's just going to be another cycle of people moving towards government dependence.
01:09:02 And there's too much.
01:09:04 There's too much government dependence.
01:09:06 I read.
01:09:08 A classification of people known as government dependents is exceeding now 40% in the United States. Think about that and that we're at the point now where.
01:09:18 What 50% are basically paying the taxes and they're going to get fed up? They're not. They're still listening to the propaganda coming out of Washington.
01:09:27 The truth is they're starting to wise up.
01:09:29 They're getting fed up, and when when the government starts to collapse and you see the economy starting to break, that's when you'll see the rest.
01:09:39 Restlessness of the American people and that they see these political maps on TV, the blue and the red, where you're going to see blue States and red States and these some of these states are going to want to secede from the Union.
01:09:51 And I could see it coming.
01:09:52 I predict Alaska will be the very first.
01:09:54 They have their own revenue stream, their big land mass.
01:09:57 I see Texas and the compact, the states separating.
01:10:00 I see some of those states out there, Montana, Wyoming, you know, they're just gonna be tired of sending their money to Washington and seeing.
01:10:06 It going they distribute it to these.
01:10:08 Cities and they've.
01:10:09 That they're high, tired of paying the bills and you can't blame them. And so no one's seeing the social disruption. No one's reading the symptoms. They're not problems in America. These are symptoms.
01:10:20 Of a of a systemic collapse that no one's really looking at.
01:10:27 And now we are in the midst of it.
01:10:29 But more than talking about surveillance States and the collapse of America.
01:10:38 Really got him into hot water.
01:10:40 Really got him into trouble.
01:10:42 Was after being released from prison, he went on Fox News.
01:10:49 To be interviewed by Greta.
01:10:53 Greta's Scientologist van Susteren.
01:10:58 And this is how that went down.
01:11:01 This is the big interview that got him into trouble.
Speaker 16
01:11:05 Don't say it because I'm going to get personal.
01:11:06 I'm going to ask.
01:11:08 I'm gonna ask right now.
Speaker 16
01:11:08 Get out.
01:11:09 Get out.
Speaker 18
01:11:11 Are you gonna run for Congress?
Speaker 16
01:11:12 Again, I don't know yet. There's a lot of people that want me to run for Congress. You know, I was the number one target of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, and the number one target of the Justice Department since 1983.
01:11:25 Being the only American to ever defeat him, Pro SE in Rico trial.
01:11:29 And I have big enemies.
01:11:31 But I have some.
01:11:35 And I want to go at him.
01:11:36 I want to go at him big time, Greta.
01:11:39 So I have to see.
01:11:40 First of all, if I'm.
01:11:41 Viable and and second of all, if the people would support me, they come in here and they fractured this district.
01:11:47 They broke it up, certainly didn't make it tougher.
01:11:50 I think they also felt they gave me a life sentence that I'd never survive in prison.
01:11:55 Then they came to me and said if I said I was guilty, I might even get a pardon and I told them to shove the pardon up their dairy are sideways, so here I am.
01:12:04 And if I do run.
01:12:07 Get your best hold.
01:12:09 Because I will be running downhill with my tails flapping in the wing wide.
Speaker 2
01:12:16 Then he had some grudges.
01:12:17 Who are your?
Speaker 16
01:12:18 Grudges against, well, number one and my wife constantly reminds me to tone down.
01:12:25 I brought that guy back from Israel, John Demonik.
01:12:28 He was my Freedom of Information Act, which proved not only that he was innocent, but who Ivan really was.
01:12:36 The case was so sensitive, members of Congress would say, Jim, I love you, but please don't involve me.
01:12:42 I sent my evidence to the 6th Circuit Court in Cincinnati.
01:12:46 They wouldn't accept it.
01:12:48 I finally send it over to Israel to the Israeli Supreme Court and they called me over there and I.
01:12:53 Went with the family.
01:12:54 I did a live interview satellite with Brian Gumbel and I said when they put this innocent man to death, they're going to lose 15 to $20 billion every year.
01:13:05 They get from the American taxpayers, and Brian Gumbel says. What are you talking about? They only get $3 billion. And I said, Brian.
01:13:12 That's only the foreign aid bill.
01:13:14 Look at all the other trade compacts, economic assistance, military assistance.
01:13:20 I'm saying this to you right now. Israel gets approximately $15 billion a year from the American taxpayers. That $15.15 billion is $30,000 for every man, woman, and child. And people in my district are.
01:13:35 So did you hear that?
01:13:39 30,000 and this is just this is back then.
Speaker 11
01:13:44 $30,000.
01:13:50 Per American.
01:13:52 Every year.
01:13:56 Goes to Israel.
01:14:01 You know Israel, the country with a balanced budget.
01:14:06 You know Israel, the country that.
01:14:09 Has the only country by the way.
01:14:12 That has a deal.
01:14:15 Where most countries that get aid.
01:14:18 They have to spend it.
01:14:20 It's almost like a voucher.
01:14:22 It's almost like an EBT card.
01:14:26 They have to spend it at American companies and.
01:14:34 They don't.
01:14:35 It's not like cash.
01:14:36 It's not like a.
01:14:37 A pallet full of of cash.
01:14:41 Unless you're Israel then it's a pallet full of cash and not only is it a pallet full of cash, here's the ****** ** thing about Israel.
01:14:50 Israel again, no national debt.
01:14:54 Is is given this pallet full of cash I mean.
01:14:58 It's all digital, but you know what I mean.
Speaker 11
01:15:02 They then deposit.
01:15:06 This free money.
01:15:08 Into the Federal Reserve Bank in New York.
01:15:13 Than America.
01:15:15 That borrowed.
01:15:17 From the Federal Reserve Bank.
Speaker 11
01:15:19 In New York to pay Israel.
01:15:23 The 3 billion in the first.
01:15:24 Place or which is more than that now.
01:15:27 And and more as he said.
01:15:28 More than that, then.
Speaker 11
01:15:32 Then has to be reborrow.
01:15:35 The money that they just borrowed to give to Israel that Israel could put back into the federal.
01:15:42 Reserve Bank of New York and then.
01:15:44 Pay interest on it.
01:15:47 And Israel's earning interest.
01:15:50 On that money.
01:15:53 It's not like just some voucher, you know, like all these third world.
01:15:57 Countries we send them.
01:15:58 Quote UN quote aid.
01:16:03 We're borrowing money from Israel to give to Israel.
01:16:07 To then pay interest on the money that we borrowed from Israel.
01:16:15 Usery is a sin, my friends.
Speaker 16
01:16:19 Losing their pension benefits, so I was targeted big.
01:16:22 Time by the Israelis.
01:16:23 The Israeli Supreme Court looked at the evidence.
01:16:26 Could not refute it, and it came from the Justice Department, Greta, and they said take him home.
01:16:32 I brought him home and he was bombarded ever since.
01:16:37 Now he's in Germany fighting for his life now.
01:16:39 Let me say this.
01:16:41 Prosecutor Moskovitz of the OSI Office of the United States Justice Department suborn perjury with Otto Horn.
01:16:49 The documents clearly state who Ivan the Terrible was, a man named Yvonne Marchenko, not demonik, and they had to release him, and now they can't live with it.
01:17:00 They couldn't live with Jim trafficking, having beaten them in 1983, I was a walking symbol of defiance, and now they have this man in Germany and if someone doesn't look into this.
01:17:10 The American people should be ashamed of themselves when you allow one American to be violated, you threaten.
01:17:18 The freedoms of every American, and I can't understand this.
01:17:22 Why no one in Congress is raising their voice.
01:17:25 And the reason is very simple.
01:17:27 This may be you don't want to hear it.
01:17:31 This is the first time.
01:17:34 In American history, by the way.
01:17:37 Any American congressman?
01:17:39 Openly admitted to what he's about to say.
Speaker 16
01:17:44 Of every American, and I can't understand this.
01:17:46 Why no one in Congress is raising their voice.
01:17:49 And the reason is very simple.
01:17:51 And this may be you don't want to hear, I don't know.
01:17:54 And I certainly don't want to hurt you on your show.
01:17:56 You have one of the best.
01:17:57 You're fair.
01:17:59 But I believe that Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government.
01:18:05 They control both members of the.
01:18:07 The house, the House and the Senate.
01:18:09 They have us involved in wars of which we have little or no interest.
01:18:13 Our children are coming back in body bags.
01:18:15 Our nation is bankrupt over these wars, and if you open your mouth, you get targeted.
01:18:20 And if they don't beat you at the pole, they'll put you in prison.
01:18:27 So he just basically said it.
01:18:30 And you gotta remember in the context when this aired.
01:18:37 Profant, who was was a Democrat and then became an independent.
01:18:42 Who used to be celebrated?
01:18:50 By the mouthpieces like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, who will get to his interview here in a second.
01:18:59 Ohh, look at base Traficant they would say.
01:19:03 When he talked about immigration.
01:19:07 And they would just ignore this, this Nazi stuff, because they knew it was.
01:19:10 The right thing.
01:19:12 They they just didn't want, you know, just don't involve me.
01:19:14 We know we know you're making enemies.
01:19:16 Don't don't involve me.
01:19:17 But when he actually named it when he named the Jew.
01:19:24 That's what it that's when he had gone too far.
01:19:30 When he expresses expressly named the Jew.
01:19:36 And said look, I ****** *** Jews and they.
Speaker 11
01:19:39 Couldn't beat me.
01:19:41 At the ballot box.
01:19:42 So they stuck.
01:19:42 Me in jail.
01:19:45 And they've been trying to stick me in jail.
01:19:47 Since 83.
01:19:48 And they finally did it.
01:19:54 That was too much.
Speaker 18
01:19:57 Explain to me what you see, as you know why you target or why you have a grudge.
Speaker 16
01:20:01 Against the Israelis, the grudge is not necessarily a grudge.
01:20:07 It's an objective assessment that no one will have the courage to speak about.
01:20:14 They're controlling much of our foreign policy.
01:20:17 They're influencing much of our domestic policy.
01:20:20 Wolfowitz's, Under Secretary of Defense, manipulated President Bush #2 back into Iraq.
01:20:28 They pushed, definitely, definitely to try and get Bush before he left to move into Iran.
01:20:34 We're conducting expansionist policy of Israel and everybody's afraid to say it.
01:20:39 They control much of the media.
01:20:41 They control much of the commerce of the country.
01:20:44 And they control powerfully.
01:20:47 Both bodies of the Congress they owned the Congress.
Speaker 18
01:20:50 Are you an anti Semite?
Speaker 16
01:20:51 No, I'm not.
01:20:52 That's exactly what they're going to say, and I expect that what I am is an American.
01:20:57 You see, I think American comes first and we have A1 sided foreign policy in the Middle East and we've alienated Arabs who have no way of fighting.
01:21:04 So what they've done and that predicted this on the House floor is they would export violence to America and they have.
01:21:13 So base trafficante.
01:21:16 Not just name the Jew, but double down and super named the Jew.
01:21:22 On a program with with the with more eyeballs on it than anyone had ever been on.
01:21:28 While naming the.
01:21:29 Jew from a position of knowledge.
01:21:34 Someone who had served many years in Congress and had seen first hand.
01:21:40 The Israeli lobby.
01:21:42 Controlled both parties.
01:21:45 In both the House and the Senate.
01:21:48 Not just foreign policy, but domestic policy.
01:21:53 It was very explicit about this.
01:21:58 And of course, Khan Inc was no different than than it is now.
01:22:05 They went in full spring out mode.
01:22:13 Wetting his pants and and and vomiting.
01:22:18 Booked booked traffic and on his show so.
01:22:20 That he could.
01:22:21 He could give him a good talking to for his Jewish masters.
01:22:28 And that's how this went.
01:22:30 I actually saw this live.
01:22:33 I remember watching this live.
Speaker 11
01:22:38 Wondering what the ****?
01:22:40 He was talking about I wasn't.
01:22:42 I wasn't.
01:22:42 Jew pilled yet?
01:22:44 That wasn't going to happen for for quite a.
01:22:45 Few years yet.
01:22:49 But I remember sticking out that like.
01:22:51 Ohh this guy.
01:22:55 Uh, what's this guy talking about?
01:22:57 This this is uh.
Speaker 11
01:23:01 This might this.
01:23:01 This little unsettling if this is real.
01:23:05 This is Israel, Israel, Israel.
01:23:08 I tell you.
Speaker 16
01:23:08 This I forfeited my the future life.
01:23:13 To make sure that I survive, I'm mad as hell, there's no doubt about it, and I'm looking to get back at the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service, and I predict before it's over that I will.
01:23:26 I want to get.
01:23:26 Them right by the short.
01:23:28 Hairs. That's how mad.
Speaker 13
01:23:29 Man right now and that so you are going to try and prove your innocence.
01:23:34 Say you were wrongly convicted.
Speaker 16
01:23:35 I don't need to prove I'm innocent.
01:23:37 I don't need to prove I'm innocent.
01:23:39 I believe there's enough happening now with this fellow, Mr.
01:23:42 Accola over in Nigeria who submitted an affidavit, the Nigerian government said my life was ruined because it wouldn't perjure myself for the Justice Department against.
01:23:51 Trafficking now all of these revelations are coming forward.
01:23:54 You stay tuned, you're going to see them and you're going to be surprised before it's over.
01:23:58 Anyway I can get back at the Justice Department?
01:24:01 The IRS is to be a sitting member of Congress, and I may I have to look at it.
01:24:06 I have no money.
01:24:07 I don't expect to raise any money.
01:24:09 I never did raise money.
01:24:10 I've never supported by any political party.
01:24:13 Nor the newspaper.
01:24:14 So I'd have to run against everybody.
Speaker 13
01:24:15 Well and and I.
Speaker 16
01:24:16 Wouldn't support. I just may.
01:24:17 Do that.
Speaker 13
01:24:18 I I bet there's a probably a few nervous congressman in your district right now or in and around your area.
01:24:24 In Youngstown.
01:24:25 Congressman, you said something in an interview with our own good event.
01:24:28 Question you and I got into.
01:24:32 Here it goes.
01:24:33 Hannity, protector of the Jews.
Speaker 13
01:24:37 This on my radio show and I am shocked, frankly, disappointed and these remarks sound like the conspiratorial anti-Semitic remarks.
01:24:49 Of of people that we have heard from over the years and what you said was, quote, talking about Israel and and quote Jewish people, they're controlling much of our foreign policy.
01:25:01 They're influencing much of our our domestic policy.
01:25:05 What do you mean by that cause?
01:25:07 That sounds to me.
01:25:10 What do you mean?
01:25:10 What does he mean by that?
01:25:13 He explained it pretty clearly.
01:25:18 He's living it.
Speaker 11
01:25:22 He's showing you.
01:25:24 What happens when you don't play ball?
01:25:31 Don't act like you don't know.
Speaker 11
01:25:34 Because you.
01:25:34 Are playing ball Hannity.
01:25:39 You just like the taste of carrot.
01:25:41 Do you guys know that Sean Hannity's first day on the air?
01:25:44 Was 911.
01:25:52 Yeah, look it up his first day on.
01:25:54 The air was 911.
01:25:59 Where's the CIA pin on the air?
01:26:02 It's always telling people how there's good.
01:26:04 People in the in the FBI and the CIA, the rank and file.
01:26:08 They're all good people.
01:26:15 So what do you mean by this Traficant.
Speaker 11
01:26:18 I mean you only.
01:26:19 You only spent seven years in prison.
01:26:22 For ******* the Jews off, what could you possibly mean that they could control things?
01:26:28 You psycho conspiracy theorist.
Speaker 13
01:26:34 Like a bizarre conspiracy theory, why would you say something like that when it's just first of all, patently untrue?
Speaker 16
01:26:42 Number one, I served in Congress for 17 years.
01:26:46 I've seen Members, question bills and votes on how does Israel feel about this?
01:26:52 I must have heard that every time there was a significant vote.
01:26:57 Imagine that because that still goes on today.
01:27:06 Every time there's a significant vote.
01:27:13 You're our so-called representatives.
01:27:17 You know don't give a **** about what you think.
01:27:20 Because they haven't done anything that they said they've they're gonna do, right.
Speaker 11
01:27:25 Literally nothing.
01:27:30 But they sure as **** care.
01:27:31 What Israel thinks, right?
01:27:34 What's Israel going to think about this?
01:27:39 Ohh Jesus.
01:27:41 I sure hope Israel likes this.
01:27:43 I can't vote for this unless Israel likes it.
01:27:49 That's been going on.
01:27:51 In your nation's capital.
01:27:54 For most of your lifetime, since probably since not much long after World War 2, quite frankly, since probably like the 70s.
01:28:04 That's been going on in your capital.
01:28:10 But they don't control anything.
01:28:11 No, it's all a wild conspiracy theory.
Speaker 16
01:28:14 Here's what I'm saying.
01:28:15 I'm not an enemy of Israel.
01:28:17 America supports Israel, and we should their free nation.
01:28:21 There are friends amidst the cluster of dictators and monarchs, so certainly I support Israel, but Israel through its lobby has manifested so much power over the United States Congress that we're embroiled in wars that I don't believe.
01:28:34 We should be.
01:28:35 Our kids are coming back in body bags.
01:28:37 And in the long run, this Israeli lobby is going to hurt Israel.
01:28:41 So as soon as you mention Israel, someone claims you're an anti Semite the truth of the matter is, I'm pro American, Sean, and I don't know, I don't like.
Speaker 11
01:28:44 No, no, no, no, no, that's not.
Speaker 13
01:28:46 What happened here?
01:28:47 That's not.
01:28:48 I'm pro American too.
01:28:53 And here's where Hannity is going to pull the no no.
01:28:58 We were attacked on 9/11.
01:29:05 We were attacked by by some ******* goat ******* with with box cutters.
01:29:12 That's what did. 9/11 certainly not Mossad. And and the CIA, no.
01:29:19 It was a bunch of goat herders with box cutters they did 9/11.
01:29:28 Yeah, they, they, they, they flew these giant commercial airliners that they've never flown before, anything even remotely close.
01:29:40 In ways that that even trained pilots can't replicate.
01:29:47 It was them.
01:29:49 It was the goat herders.
01:29:56 And sadly traficant.
01:29:59 Well, he doesn't. He doesn't.
01:30:03 Fully acknowledge the official story.
01:30:05 Can't get into that, of course.
Speaker 16
01:30:07 Hear me.
01:30:08 Hear me.
Speaker 13
01:30:08 I'm listening.
Speaker 16
01:30:09 I don't like what's happening in America today.
01:30:12 All right, that's.
Speaker 16
01:30:12 We, our kids, are coming back in body bags and we're bankrupt, completely broke.
Speaker 13
01:30:14 Wait a minute, you're saying, but you're.
01:30:16 But you're you're suggesting here that we're fighting wars on behalf of Israel, but you just mentioned the 9/11 attacks?
Speaker 16
01:30:22 I think I think a lot of that has.
Speaker 13
01:30:23 We're not.
01:30:23 Wait, wait, wait.
Speaker 16
01:30:24 Been influenced by Israel.
Speaker 13
01:30:25 Hear me now, Congressman, we're not fighting the war.
01:30:27 We didn't fight the war in Iraq.
01:30:29 We're not fighting in Afghanistan for Israel, we.
Speaker 11
01:30:33 Push it ********.
01:30:37 No, that's exactly what we're.
01:30:38 Doing or what we did?
Speaker 11
01:30:44 Remember being a kid.
01:30:46 And wondering why you would turn on the TV.
01:30:50 And for some reason.
01:30:52 Our military would be on the other side of the ******* planet in some desert somewhere, blowing ****.
01:30:57 Up every day.
01:30:59 For decades, all the time.
01:31:04 Yeah, as a kid, it doesn't make sense.
01:31:06 You just.
01:31:07 Think well, maybe when I.
01:31:07 Grow up.
01:31:08 I'll get it cause this.
01:31:09 Doesn't make sense like why do we care about this?
01:31:12 And like a little bit, you start to think, oh, well, maybe it's the oil right, cause people start saying, oh, it's the oil, but then you find out that we don't even get the oil contracts after Iraq.
01:31:21 So it's not the oil.
01:31:26 So you're kind of like, well, what?
01:31:27 The ****'* going on here?
01:31:31 Yeah, people say stuff like, oh, the military industrial complex like, OK, well, I mean that makes some sense.
01:31:36 You know too, but.
Speaker 11
01:31:38 These people, they're it's not.
01:31:41 It's never.
01:31:42 As simple as that.
01:31:43 There's other ways to make money.
01:31:50 Not that they mind killing.
01:31:51 Don't get it wrong.
01:31:53 But there's there's, there's always a strategy to this.
01:31:57 They're not trying to kill two birds with one stone.
01:31:59 They're trying.
01:31:59 To kill.
01:32:01 6 million birds with one stone.
01:32:08 Now, of course we were.
01:32:09 Fighting those wars for Israel.
01:32:17 That's why and and look.
01:32:18 That's why Americans.
01:32:20 If we weren't, why did it take a night?
01:32:23 Did it take 9?
01:32:24 11 to get Americans to support wars in.
01:32:26 The Middle East because we didn't give a ****.
01:32:31 It took it took Israel bombing us into wars for them.
Speaker 13
01:32:36 We're fighting cause this country was attacked because the 9/11 Commissioner.
01:32:42 Oh yeah. The 9/11 Commission report that's that's like the Bible. So the.
01:32:50 The other thing is too and obviously there this is.
01:32:53 This is at a time when the USS Liberty would never get mentioned.
01:32:57 And that's not the only example, but that's like a clear example of of Israel doing exactly.
01:33:03 Exactly this in the past.
01:33:06 Let's let's bomb the Americans into helping us in our wars.
01:33:12 There's other.
01:33:12 There's other examples of that too.
01:33:15 So it's not like it's not like some.
01:33:17 War crimes are conspiracy.
01:33:18 No, it's just a continuation of of the same bad behavior that Israel has exhibited for for decades.
Speaker 13
01:33:25 Report said there's an A group of enemies against us that are fighting a war against us, and we're not at.
01:33:31 War with them. So we.
01:33:33 Again, that as a kid that, that, that.
01:33:37 Made no sense to.
01:33:38 Remember I watched this interview.
01:33:43 Now I remember thinking like.
01:33:45 That doesn't make sense either like that, that whole.
01:33:48 I remember Boomer saying.
01:33:49 That to me.
01:33:50 Ohh no.
01:33:51 What what it is is they've been at war with us for years and we just never knew it.
Speaker 11
01:34:00 The **** kind of.
01:34:01 Sense. Does that make?
01:34:04 They've just been at war with us.
Speaker 11
01:34:05 And over nothing.
01:34:08 They've just been what?
01:34:13 That's making *** **** sense.
01:34:17 Am I saying Muslim countries love America?
01:34:19 But it's like.
01:34:22 And I'm not even saying terror attacks are fake.
01:34:24 I'm just saying.
01:34:24 Like what kind of *** **** sense does that make?
01:34:30 But rulers thought it may tell us they hate.
01:34:31 Us for our freedom.
Speaker 11
01:34:42 When when was the last time?
01:34:44 Cause America is.
01:34:45 Always at war.
01:34:47 When is the last time we went to war with someone because?
01:34:49 We hated them for their freedom.
01:34:54 Imagine imagine trying to like sell.
01:34:56 Look, I mean, it's not like we're the only people.
01:34:59 That have to.
01:34:59 Sell wars to the people participating, right?
01:35:03 So you're trying to tell me that in in their countries, they're going to their.
01:35:06 Public and like.
01:35:06 Look, America's Got this God.
01:35:08 Damn for I ******* hate freedom.
01:35:10 And they got all this ******* freedom.
01:35:12 Just all.
01:35:12 Over the place.
01:35:14 We gotta go to war with them to stop all this, God.
01:35:17 Freedom, Allah forbid.
01:35:20 I it's going down, man.
01:35:26 But Sean Hannity would like.
01:35:28 That's that's that's his version of the universe that he wants you to believe in and everyone did.
01:35:35 You know, the 9/11 Commission report came out.
01:35:37 Look, I bought a copy.
01:35:40 I bought a copy and I read it.
01:35:46 That trust in government, the trust cause.
Speaker 11
01:35:48 Look when you.
01:35:49 Are a patriot.
01:35:52 When you're a.
01:35:53 Little baby nationalist.
01:35:54 It's because you you have a love of your country.
01:35:58 You have faith in your country.
01:36:00 You believe in your country.
01:36:08 It wouldn't be.
01:36:09 It would.
01:36:10 Again, it'd be a couple of years before I.
01:36:11 Realized it was.
01:36:12 Run by satanic pedophiles, you know?
01:36:15 But at that time, you're.
Speaker 11
01:36:16 Like, yeah, well, of course.
01:36:17 Why would we?
01:36:18 No, we wouldn't do that.
01:36:20 All these discrepancies are are kind of shadily, shoddily explained in this really unruly long book.
01:36:30 But yeah.
01:36:32 They they did a report it it has to be fine, you know, just like the Warren Commission has to be fine.
01:36:40 By the way, that's how you know the government did.
01:36:42 Something really bad.
01:36:44 When they have to do a report.
01:36:47 And notice how the reports never say.
01:36:49 Anything like that?
01:36:49 Ohh yeah, lots of evil corruption.
01:36:53 No report has ever said that.
01:36:57 And the governments never, never investigated one of these things and.
01:37:01 Been like, oh, holy ****.
01:37:04 We had this rogue.
01:37:05 Guy, you know in.
01:37:07 The CIA or the FBI and.
01:37:09 And he did some funked up.
01:37:10 We're going to take care of that.
01:37:11 No, never.
01:37:18 And they use the same ******** excuse every time, because the national security, well, we can't let our enemies know that we had.
01:37:25 Bad **** going on so.
01:37:26 We'll just sweep over the that's that's the.
01:37:30 That's the excuse that they they give to these so-called good people and the rank and file that Hannity's talking about. They look the other way just.
01:37:38 Like all the rest of them.
01:37:43 They just do it for a gayer reason.
01:37:46 Instead of doing it because they're in on the scam.
01:37:50 Give it for nation.
01:37:51 No, we have.
Speaker 11
01:37:52 To lie to everyone otherwise.
01:37:54 You know, we can't.
01:37:54 We can't show weakness.
01:37:57 To our enemies.
01:38:02 It also would damage our credibility with the American public and the American public has to trust us this is.
01:38:06 Just a one off.
01:38:10 That's what the cowardly Fagot in the rank and file tells himself.
01:38:18 Oh, I know it was bad, but it would be.
01:38:20 Even worse if.
01:38:20 Our enemies knew how bad it was.
Speaker 13
01:38:26 We're fighting them because they killed 3000 plus Americans. That's why we're fighting. Has nothing to do with Israel.
Speaker 16
01:38:36 All right, let me respond to that.
01:38:37 We're in a situation where the Commission come out and they discuss the attack on America.
01:38:42 There's no doubt about it, but our.
01:38:44 Policies in the.
01:38:46 And like Kelly said that.
01:38:49 Yeah, they, they, they, they came out with the Commissioner report.
01:38:52 And they discussed it.
Speaker 11
01:38:55 Pretty non committal Baron.
01:38:58 Conspicuously noncommittal.
Speaker 16
01:39:00 The Mideast have been so one sided and subjective without objectivity.
01:39:05 We've created so many enemies.
01:39:06 The only way they can strike back is we've imported the terrorists from those actions.
Speaker 13
01:39:08 Congressman, what?
01:39:10 Wait a minute.
Speaker 16
01:39:11 So if you question it, you're saying you're an anti Semite.
Speaker 13
01:39:11 Wait a minute.
01:39:13 No, that's not what you did.
01:39:14 Not what you said.
01:39:15 You said they're controlling our foreign policy.
01:39:18 They're controlling our domestic policies.
01:39:19 And I.
Speaker 16
01:39:20 Believe they are.
01:39:23 Based again, this was this is.
01:39:28 A lot of, I mean, look, I.
01:39:29 Said I remember seeing this.
01:39:32 A lot of people watch this.
01:39:33 This is where everyone got their I mean, this is prior to the Internet really having a lot of good content on it in terms of politics and news.
01:39:42 Hannity and I think this was back when it was still Hannity and Co or I guess no, it looks like it's just Hannity on the on the bottom there.
01:39:49 But Harry was one of the.
01:39:52 The highest rated shows not just on Fox News like in the world.
01:39:59 And you got you.
01:40:00 Got him naming the Jew and doubling down over and over and over again.
Speaker 13
01:40:07 Hear me now.
Speaker 16
01:40:07 I believe I.
01:40:08 Believe they control the Senate and the House foreign affairs.
Speaker 13
01:40:10 Oh, that's that's insane.
Speaker 16
01:40:12 Controlling our foreign policy.
Speaker 13
01:40:14 Congressman, that's conspirator.
Speaker 16
01:40:15 Well, that's in your opinion.
Speaker 13
01:40:16 Conspiratorial nut job stuff.
Speaker 16
01:40:18 So we something to do with conspiracy?
Speaker 13
01:40:19 Wait a minute. I'll.
01:40:20 We supposed to be friends with Syria.
01:40:22 Are we supposed to be friends with Iran?
01:40:23 Are we supposed to be friends with Saddam Hussein?
Speaker 4
01:40:24 I never said that Allah.
Speaker 13
01:40:26 Hezbollah hubbub us.
Speaker 16
01:40:27 Hold it, Sean.
Speaker 13
01:40:28 What's well, you said we're not.
Speaker 16
01:40:29 Sean, I know you need rating.
Speaker 13
01:40:29 We're only friends with Israel.
Speaker 16
01:40:31 I know you need ratings.
01:40:33 But just hold.
01:40:33 It I have ratings.
01:40:34 I'm not saying we should be friends over there with anybody.
01:40:37 I'm saying we should be objective. We have developed serious enemies from A1 sided policy and.
01:40:43 Yes, I believe.
01:40:44 Israel, through their through their lobby, has manifested total power of the Congress, United States and my concern is that.
Speaker 13
01:40:49 Total power by total power.
Speaker 16
01:40:51 Taxpayers and the citizens of the United States should control their government, not a foreign entity.
01:41:00 I mean, that's about as explicit as.
01:41:02 Like I said, anyone has ever been prior or after?
01:41:10 And look, look at what look what they start.
01:41:12 Popping up on the screen as he starts talking about this traffic and was convicted in oh.
01:41:16 Two and expelled from the house.
01:41:21 You think that?
01:41:21 You think that was just random?
01:41:25 Just a little random factoid they put under his face.
01:41:30 You don't think there was a a Jewish technical director behind some soundproof glass going?
01:41:36 Put up, put up the, put up the Super about him being.
01:41:39 Convicted and expelled.
01:41:53 You know, it's funny because people.
Speaker 11
01:41:56 People think like, Oh yeah.
01:41:57 We've got these, we've got these base.
01:42:00 Magnetars that are that are standing up to McCarthy.
01:42:14 ******* cowardly ******** compared to this guy.
01:42:20 You think Bobert's willing to go to jail for seven years?
01:42:32 Now they wouldn't even let this go on television anymore.
01:42:34 They would shut this **** down.
01:42:45 See that? That what?
01:42:45 They knew then that has changed now.
01:42:50 The reason why I was thinking about this the other.
01:42:52 Day I was like, why is it that they?
01:42:54 Would allow a lot of this stuff on television.
01:42:58 That they would never even let.
01:43:00 I mean the conversation.
01:43:00 Would even get started now.
01:43:07 Because it's not like Jews didn't run the media.
01:43:08 Back then, you know like it's.
Speaker 11
01:43:12 It's it's been a pretty, pretty permanent fixture.
01:43:16 In American life.
01:43:19 Jewish control of the media.
01:43:21 Almost since its inception right or at least electronic media.
01:43:26 So why?
01:43:27 Why the?
01:43:28 Why the change, you know?
01:43:31 It's as simple.
01:43:32 It's as simple as this.
01:43:36 As I said, I watched this live.
01:43:42 But then it was gone.
01:43:46 You know, it was gone the next day, it was gone.
01:43:48 They were talking about something else.
01:43:53 There were no video clips circulating on Twitter of this interview.
01:44:05 This wasn't getting spread.
01:44:06 There was no such thing as viral.
01:44:09 I mean, I don't know.
01:44:11 Maybe the the the the Harlem Shake, you know?
01:44:14 The whatever the **** was.
01:44:17 Was kind of viral back then, right?
01:44:23 But people weren't paying attention.
01:44:24 Either you saw it live or you didn't.
01:44:28 And this guy was never he was never.
01:44:30 Allowed back on Fox News again.
01:44:33 The only reason why?
01:44:33 They brought him on, is see if they.
01:44:35 Could get him to retract.
01:44:37 Because that's what most people will do.
01:44:40 Oh, you ****** *** the Jews, Sir.
01:44:43 We're going to have you on television so that you can you.
01:44:45 Can tell the Jews you're sorry.
01:44:49 He's just not gonna he's not playing ball.
Speaker 16
01:44:52 They're lobby has manifested total power of the Congress, United States, and my concern is that taxpayers and the citizens of the United States should control their government, not a foreign entity.
Speaker 13
01:44:55 Total power total power.
01:45:04 To suggest, as you're doing here tonight, that they control our Congress that quote.
01:45:09 They are influencing and the sole control of influencing of our domestic policy is an absurdity.
01:45:15 It sounds like you.
01:45:17 Are a kook.
Speaker 16
01:45:20 Sean, I'm not suggesting it.
01:45:23 I'm telling it.
01:45:24 Yes, I believe they manifest a great power over America.
01:45:27 Let me also say in the last four years there are two separate incidents of AIPAC spying on America.
01:45:34 We even conducted a search warrant on APAC headquarters.
01:45:37 Now I don't like what's going on here.
01:45:39 All I'm telling you is I'm concerned about America. You and I might disagree. I'm not an anti Semite. I'm not against Israel, and if Israel's.
01:45:48 Back I'm the first one to want to support them, but what I'm saying to you is this power is being manifest on our Congress is going to backfire and is gonna end up in the long run hurting Israel because the American people are getting about fed up with this government.
Speaker 13
01:45:57 Let me say this impressive.
01:46:02 One last shot at this.
01:46:03 Will you back down from quote, they are controlling much meaning the Israelis.
01:46:09 They are controlling much of our foreign policy.
01:46:11 Will you back off that statement?
Speaker 16
01:46:16 No, I don't.
Speaker 13
01:46:17 Alright, that we disagree, congressman.
01:46:18 Thanks for being.
01:46:21 Now is the last time he was on.
Speaker 11
01:46:26 So what would what would happen with with?
01:46:29 Trafficante it is.
01:46:31 He wouldn't.
01:46:32 He would go and speak at, like I said, Tea party rallies and was looking into running for Congress again because he wanted to face.
01:46:42 The the face off with the DOJ and the Israeli lobby.
01:46:46 Which is basically the same thing these days, right?
01:46:51 And probably probably back then as well.
01:46:55 And what happened?
Speaker 19
01:46:59 Good evening and thanks for watching. First at 11 former US Congressman James Traficant has passed away following an accident this week at his family's farm in Green Township. A family spokesperson tells First News. Traficant died after four days at Saint Elizabeth Health Center in Youngstown. Trafficking was critically injured.
01:47:18 Tuesday, when a tractor he was riding flipped over on top of him at that farm.
01:47:25 That's right.
01:47:27 A tractor flipped over on and and killed him.
01:47:36 At low speeds.
01:47:39 In his barn.
01:47:46 I'm not saying tractors can't flip over, but here's The funny thing.
01:47:50 A tractor flipped over.
01:47:54 Let's talk about like some of the ways.
01:47:57 A few tons, right?
01:47:58 This is a big ******* tractor.
01:48:01 So apparently you would expect oh, so he got ******* squished by a tractor.
01:48:10 No, no, no.
01:48:15 He had no crushing injuries.
01:48:17 At all zero.
01:48:20 That's right.
01:48:21 He was killed by a tractor flipping over on.
01:48:24 Top of him.
01:48:28 While he was he.
01:48:29 Was he's like parking it in the barn, but.
01:48:31 It flipped over.
01:48:31 And landed on him.
01:48:34 Didn't leave a scratch.
01:48:38 Didn't leave a scratch.
01:48:42 But you see.
01:48:44 It pinned him just perfectly.
Speaker 11
01:48:47 For he died of of of expiation.
01:49:02 So not a scratch on him, no broken bones, nothing.
01:49:07 It just flipped over on him.
01:49:10 Landed on him in this perfect way to where it suffocated him.
01:49:14 So he just couldn't breathe.
01:49:15 Didn't have a heart attack.
01:49:18 Didn't have a seizure.
01:49:22 He was suffocated with no other injuries.
01:49:39 I'm just saying that's.
01:49:40 That's the official story.
01:49:41 That's the official story.
01:49:44 Is right after going around doing these interviews, talking at Tea Party rallies, talking about running again, going after his quote UN quote enemies and being kind of explicit about who those enemies were.
01:49:59 A man who was who was formerly very popular when he was in prison, he ran against the guy who took his place while he was in prison and got 30,000 votes from prison.
01:50:15 I mean, let's face.
01:50:15 It that's more votes than Kanye's.
01:50:17 Going to get like altogether.
01:50:28 But man, he was.
01:50:31 ****** luck, huh?
01:50:32 He went to Go Park his tractor and it flipped over.
01:50:35 And and.
01:50:36 And Suffolk drowned him, basically.
01:50:44 His tractor held a.
01:50:45 Pillow over his face until he stopped moving.
01:50:50 And then flipped over on him.
01:51:07 Surprise, surprise.
Speaker 19
01:51:09 We're told he succumbed to those injuries sometime Saturday morning. Funeral arrangements are pending. Gym Traficant was 73 years old.
01:51:18 Whether it was good or bad, trafficking was often the topic of conversation in the Mahoning Valley or on Capitol Hill.
01:51:25 First news reporter Jerry Ricchiuti spent many years of his career.
01:51:29 Covering Traficant, he takes us through the congressman's life and career.
Speaker 20
01:51:36 The man who many saw is representing the little guy grew up like many boys in the valley.
01:51:41 As a teenager, Jim Traficant played football for Mooney High School in the late 50s.
01:51:47 Anyway, it goes on from there they talked about.
01:51:52 All the stuff we've talked about tonight.
01:51:58 I know this.
01:51:59 There's this.
01:51:59 I want to play this part just cause it's kind of funny.
01:52:02 Watch him with the cameraman.
Speaker 20
01:52:03 Traffic's legacy will include funding for two federal courthouses and a convocation center in Youngstown, as well as a wing of C One 30s at the air base in Vienna traffic. It may ultimately be best remembered for how he treated those he knew.
01:52:20 He just walks up and pokes on the belly.
01:52:27 So anyway.
01:52:33 He seems like he was he would have been cool to hang out with anyway.
01:52:40 So yeah, that's uh, that was trafficking.
01:52:43 That was James trafficking.
01:52:46 And you know, you mentioned and ever since then.
01:52:53 Miraculously, right, ever since then?
Speaker 11
01:52:59 No one, no one on.
01:53:00 Fox News has named the Jew.
01:53:07 Certainly no congressman.
01:53:13 You even start to go down there.
01:53:15 That road and they get really.
Speaker 20
01:53:19 Where are you?
Speaker 16
01:53:19 Friends with David Duke.
01:53:30 So yeah, anyway.
01:53:32 I just thought it was interesting because it's like you you see the difference?
01:53:35 It's like the bar is so ******* low.
01:53:38 Now the bar is so ******* low and look, it was then too.
01:53:42 This guy kind of stood up and he wasn't perfect, you know, he had a lot of things kind of wrong, like, but I.
01:53:49 Yeah, he clearly.
01:53:52 He clearly wasn't owned by Israel, and honestly, that's the bar at this point.
01:53:57 Are you owned by Israel?
01:54:00 Yes or no.
01:54:04 And unfortunately, I would say that 90 plus percent of the people in Washington.
01:54:12 We'll have to answer yes to that question.
01:54:16 And that's just been the case for a long time.
01:54:21 Anyway, alright P.
01:54:25 RIP, I don't know if you guys noticed the the churro cams got a little more complicated.
01:54:31 There's more angles.
01:54:39 You can't really tell.
01:54:41 But he's on that on camera 432. He's on that white thing on the right hand side. That's like a it's like a little stool chair.
01:54:53 Because he wasn't, he wasn't showing up in his tubal, and I was like what?
01:54:56 The ****?
01:54:56 Where is he going?
01:54:57 I'm actually gonna have more than just these.
01:54:59 These are just the ones I have hooked up right now, not just for Truro cams, but like I'm a I'm gonna.
01:55:05 I'm gonna have some live shots set up for the stream.
01:55:11 Bees and you know, maybe some garden shots.
01:55:16 And if I can find some other animals, maybe I can set up some, I don't know.
01:55:23 It's at night, so it's kind of like.
01:55:26 It during the summer, especially if I were to like, put a light out somewhere.
01:55:31 It'll get surrounded by a lot of creepy crawlies.
01:55:35 Ohh, by the way, man, it's being creepy crawlies.
01:55:38 I was fixing the roof on Truro shed.
01:55:43 When I pulled this this board up that was had a lot of rotted wood around it, and I see this like silky sack.
01:55:52 The size of my fist.
01:55:55 And it's like attached to this board.
01:55:57 And I'm like, oh, God.
01:55:59 Like, what is what is that I I'm you know what's in that because you could tell something was in that.
01:56:08 Like, it wasn't just a silky sack of nothing.
01:56:12 And I was expecting it to.
01:56:13 Be full of like spider like eggs or something like that. Right? I was like, what the ****'* gonna be in here? So I was up on this ladder with my hammer.
01:56:21 And I'm like, I'm just.
01:56:22 Gonna rip it open and.
01:56:23 See what's in.
01:56:25 I was like, I know, whatever it is, it's going to be horrible.
01:56:28 And I get my hammer and I tear it open and out crawls.
01:56:34 The biggest ******* spider I have seen in my entire life, and I've seen some big *** ******* spiders.
01:56:41 I mean, this thing was so.
01:56:42 Big the the little ball.
01:56:46 You know, I don't know what I.
01:56:47 Couldn't I couldn't find the picture of anything looked like this.
01:56:51 Let me see if I can find something just so I can describe this a.
01:56:54 Little bit better.
01:56:54 So you guys get an idea.
01:57:00 It won't be the exact thing, cause I've already done this search, but I'll find you something that.
01:57:05 Looks similar, so I can give you an idea of the size.
01:57:11 OK, this looks pretty similar.
01:57:14 Let me save this.
01:57:19 Going to wait for it to, there we go.
01:57:23 OK.
01:57:25 You're a squeamish.
01:57:28 You might want to turn away.
01:57:32 From the stream.
01:57:35 If you're afraid of spiders.
01:57:38 You have arachnophobia.
01:57:39 This is not the.
01:57:41 Right, not the right thing for.
01:57:42 You to look at.
01:57:47 Alright, look pretty similar, like at least in style to this thing and they give you an idea of the size.
01:57:54 I that little, I don't know what that's called on.
01:57:57 I guess the abdomen or whatever, but the ball at the at the you know the.
01:58:01 At the the tail end of the spider, just to give you an idea, proportionately it was like this spider.
01:58:09 That thing was like the size.
01:58:10 Of a ping pong ball.
01:58:13 So something like that crawled the **** out of this silky bag and I and I just started laughing my *** off because I was.
01:58:21 I I knew it was.
01:58:22 Going to be horrible.
01:58:24 But it.
01:58:24 Ended up like 1, upping me in on expectations and I'm laughing too.
01:58:29 Like I get my hammer.
01:58:30 I'm like trying to smash it while I'm on the ladder.
Speaker 11
01:58:33 And I'm laughing too hard.
01:58:35 So I can't get it and it got away.
01:58:37 So that thing's still back.
01:58:38 There, like I don't anyway, so that that happened.
01:58:44 That was a couple days ago.
01:58:46 I found it.
01:58:46 Apparently some some hibernation sack.
Speaker 11
01:58:51 Know what you would call it.
01:58:54 So anyway, all my hives in terms of the bees, all my hives seem to be alive still.
01:59:00 There's one that's iffy.
01:59:02 I knew it was going to be iffy in the for I I split, I made the split way too late this season.
01:59:06 I knew there was a good chance it wouldn't make it.
01:59:10 It's it's.
01:59:11 It's hard to tell with that one.
01:59:13 It's hard to tell.
01:59:14 It's hard to tell, especially this time of year cause it's cold all day so that you don't have like.
01:59:19 Normal traffic in and out of the hives.
01:59:23 So when it warms up, sometimes you get like a ton of bees flying out like this.
01:59:28 No, I'm not kidding.
01:59:29 They they fly out and take a **** and they go because they've been, you know, cooped up in there.
01:59:35 And so they fly out, take a ****, and then they go back, you know, back in the Hut.
01:59:39 And when that's going on with, like, a bunch of them are doing that, it can look like robbing.
01:59:43 And it's hard.
01:59:44 It's really especially for me because I'm new to this.
Speaker 11
01:59:47 So there's the one that.
01:59:48 I'm concerned about.
01:59:49 I couldn't tell if it was getting robbed out or if.
01:59:51 They were just a lot of them were going in and out of it, but there was like an unusual amount of traffic for that one.
01:59:58 But we'll see. It's not.
Speaker 11
02:00:00 Hasn't been warm enough for.
02:00:01 Me to crack open the hives and actually take a look inside, but so far so good.
02:00:05 On in that front.
02:00:09 And what else?
02:00:11 I guess that's it, I guess.
02:00:14 Yeah, but I also got got some work done on the book, so I know I was trying to get done for Christmas, obviously.
02:00:23 You know that that deadline.
02:00:24 Came and went.
02:00:27 I'm working on it.
02:00:28 Working on it, but I actually did got some.
02:00:30 Good progress done with that.
02:00:32 It was nice to have a few days.
02:00:33 Like I said, when I do these strings.
02:00:36 It's not just the day of I'm usually working on it prior to that and.
02:00:40 And so it's nice to have a few days off anyway.
02:00:44 Not that I didn't miss you guys.
02:00:46 Let's take a look at super chats.
02:00:49 Or hyper chats.
Speaker 6
02:00:52 Da da da da.
02:00:56 Troy's gonna.
02:00:58 He's awake now.
02:00:59 He's gonna come in.
02:01:00 He's gonna come in here.
02:01:03 You can barely see him moving around now.
02:01:06 There you go.
02:01:08 Told you it's hard to tell.
02:01:09 It's so.
02:01:09 It's so washed out.
02:01:11 There's that little BLOB.
02:01:14 On the camera 432 they just moved around. All right, I'm glad. I don't want them to come over here and ***** at me.
02:01:21 He's been very, very clingy lately.
02:01:24 Take a look here at Hydrogens.
02:01:28 Get rid of the spider.
02:01:30 I'll put up.
02:01:30 I'll put up base Traficant.
02:01:34 There we go.
02:01:38 OK.
02:01:39 We're in the hyper chat stuff.
02:01:41 Go there we go.
02:01:45 Alright, Western collapse report.
02:01:48 Stack is back.
02:01:50 Missed your content buddy Wayne.
02:01:51 I like I said I missed being here.
02:01:54 It was, uh.
Speaker 14
02:01:56 It was weird it.
02:01:56 Was weird. Uh.
02:01:58 It was weird not doing it.
02:01:59 It's it.
02:02:00 It was nice to have the time off, but it was weird not doing it like I felt like I was.
02:02:04 You know, like I wasn't like I was not like, I was leaving.
02:02:07 Like I left the like, I left the oven on or something.
02:02:10 Like, what?
02:02:11 Am I forgetting something?
02:02:14 Skeeter mcbutter $25.
Speaker 9
02:02:20 YouTube baby back the bus.
02:02:22 I need a I need a I I forgot I added this thing in the wrong place.
02:02:26 I'll move it down.
Speaker 4
02:02:31 There we go.
02:02:32 That'll be good.
02:02:34 OK, been on the same night runs for several months, home every morning spent the last week swapping trailers with a man from East Africa.
02:02:46 Racial differences in work ethic and and.
02:02:49 Punctuality are very apparent in the trucking industry.
02:02:53 Ohh yeah, OK.
02:02:56 So you're.
02:02:57 Yeah, I I tell you what, like I said, I live not too far from a truck stop.
02:03:02 And it's.
02:03:04 Well, it's kind of far actually, but it's for.
02:03:06 Out here it's close.
02:03:08 And it's like this time of night.
02:03:10 Right.
02:03:11 Like it when the stream is over, if I decide oh, I need to go to the store.
02:03:14 It's the only thing that's open.
02:03:16 So I have to drive all the way out there and when you go out there and it's the kind.
02:03:19 Of truck stop that has.
02:03:20 Like showers and you know, that kind of thing, right and.
02:03:24 Not a lot of white guys.
02:03:26 Not a lot of white truckers.
02:03:28 Of these days.
02:03:30 There used to be.
02:03:32 Yeah, you went to a truck.
02:03:33 Stop it was it was, you know, white guys, you know, scruffy looking white guys wearing, you know, trucker hats.
02:03:39 That's why they're called trucker hats, right?
02:03:41 And now it's like a lot of Middle Eastern military aged men or no, actually men in their 40s. Actually, they seem like they're older, you know, like a balding, balding middle-aged, you know, Middle Eastern men and Africans.
02:03:59 Yeah, there is a different.
02:04:00 But anyway, stay stay.
02:04:03 Stay safe out there and thanks for the the support hammer Thorazine.
02:04:10 Let's see here.
02:04:15 Ohh, where'd it go?
02:04:16 Oh, you know I'm gonna.
02:04:16 You know, I'm gonna do this.
02:04:30 Oh yeah, you thought the cookies were gone?
Speaker 11
02:04:36 I I will.
02:04:36 Get rid of most of them.
02:04:37 There's too many wookies in here.
02:04:39 I have wookie fatigue already.
02:04:43 Hey, good to see you, man.
02:04:45 Reminder clear home of the pantry Jew.
02:04:50 Wait, what reminder?
02:04:53 Home of the pantry, Jew.
02:04:54 Take all your food and lock or look up or look for man.
02:04:59 I can't read tonight.
Speaker 11
02:05:01 Ah, take all your food.
02:05:03 And look for the kosher signs, which are a small U or K, typically with a.
02:05:08 Circle around them.
02:05:10 Companies who have this are literally paying tribute to rabbis to get this certification, stop feeding the Jew.
02:05:17 Yeah, not a bad idea, and in fact, here's the thing.
02:05:21 If you are religious in any way.
02:05:24 Or even just superstitious.
02:05:27 Some might say that that that both are the same thing.
02:05:30 I I disagree.
02:05:31 But it doesn't matter.
02:05:32 One of the.
02:05:32 Here's the thing, the rabbi, if you if you eat the food with that symbol on it, a rabbi has prayed over that.
02:05:42 Do you want do you want Rabbi food?
02:05:45 Some of you might not care.
02:05:48 Makes me feel a little iffy.
02:05:51 What what exactly is in there?
02:05:52 Are we allowed to know what's?
Speaker 11
02:05:53 In the prayer.
02:05:57 Anyway, yeah, that's not a bad idea.
02:06:01 And there's like, there's that guy that that put together the what is it called the kosher certified or Coast, I forget.
02:06:07 But he had, like, an app that would.
02:06:10 I think you could like scan products.
02:06:13 I might be overselling it.
02:06:14 I've never used it so I don't know if it actually works this way, but I think you could scan products like the UPC symbol or something like that and it'll tell you if it's.
02:06:22 If it's kosher or not, so you don't have to like, look for that symbol.
02:06:26 But that symbol is there and it's weird that it's there.
02:06:31 Good boy, 1480.
02:06:40 Been consuming a lot.
02:06:41 Of your and Morgoth's content lady or lady lately?
02:06:47 See, I'm out of practice.
02:06:49 Is there a reason you have not done anything together?
02:06:52 Do you think his heightened value or his heightened value of the white pill is detrimental to nationalist movement?
02:07:00 It's because my family has a blood feud with his family.
02:07:05 I'm just.
02:07:06 I'm just kidding.
02:07:07 I'm never talked.
02:07:09 No, there's no reason I.
02:07:10 Just I don't haven't done anything.
02:07:11 With a lot.
02:07:11 Of people you know.
02:07:13 I just don't do a lot of collab stuff just out of.
Speaker 11
02:07:18 Really. What it?
02:07:19 Was was when my Internet was really bad.
02:07:20 It just wasn't possible.
02:07:22 It's getting better.
02:07:22 I know if you guys have noticed this, it seems like it's it's getting more stream like it's still.
02:07:29 Obviously it chokes every once in a while.
02:07:31 I don't wanna, you know, let's knock on wood.
02:07:33 I don't wanna jinx.
02:07:33 It on like.
02:07:34 That, but it seems to be a lot more stable than it was when I first got it.
02:07:39 So maybe, hopefully they're working out the kinks and that will allow me to do more, more things with other people.
02:07:48 You know, I don't have a problem with.
02:07:50 With more goth the.
02:07:51 Things, the things that I've heard.
02:07:53 From him, and admittedly, I haven't heard him recently.
02:07:57 Have been reasonable.
02:07:59 I don't.
02:07:59 I don't know that he's too white pilled, in fact the.
02:08:02 The things that.
02:08:03 I've heard haven't sounded very white pills, but I don't know, maybe.
02:08:08 Maybe he's had.
02:08:08 A change in tone, I don't know.
02:08:11 I don't think it's it.
02:08:14 I I think I again I.
02:08:16 I'd have to hear.
02:08:17 Specifically, what you're talking about, but what I've heard from him just sounds.
02:08:21 Maybe it's optimistic, I don't know, but I don't think it sounds crazy.
02:08:28 Harmless G.
02:08:31 Thoughts on the interpretation of Citizen Kane being about the decline of the WASP elite paving the way for their replacement by the Jewish elite?
02:08:42 You know, it's been so long since I watched that.
02:08:45 I want the last time I watched, Citizen Kane was when I was first studying film.
02:08:49 And I kind of revolted against it and didn't give it a fair showing simply because I was tired of hearing art faggs tell me about how it was the best movie ever made because.
02:09:00 Some Jews in Hollywood that made a list, you know, put it like what was it that, that I, I forget.
02:09:06 But some of you know, because the official Hollywood.
02:09:09 Establishment decided for some reason that Citizen Kane was the best movie ever made.
02:09:18 So I just didn't give it.
02:09:19 I didn't.
02:09:19 Give it.
02:09:20 A fair shake and you know that was many, many, many years ago.
02:09:24 I mean, I remember the basic idea, you know, Rosebud and all that stuff, but I'd have.
02:09:28 I'd have to watch it again.
02:09:36 Your content is top notch.
02:09:37 Thank you for your or.
02:09:39 Thank you for sharing with us what you are building.
02:09:42 You are a voice in the darkness that laughs at clown world.
02:09:47 Oh, it's it's always good to laugh if you don't laugh, you cry, right?
02:09:54 I mean, I think that well.
02:09:56 Thank you very much, first of all.
02:09:59 Yeah, it's, it's we're in a position where we have to build it, no.
02:10:01 One's going to do it for us, you know.
02:10:05 Postmaster $25.
02:10:11 YouTube baby back the bus.
02:10:14 Black pilled.
02:10:15 I'm divorcing my wife for 30 years.
02:10:18 And going back with my redhead hottie Stoner.
02:10:22 Yeah, it's kind.
02:10:23 Of it's like the drama of postmaster.
02:10:24 It's like every every stream.
02:10:27 There's there's a new there's the this week on postmaster, previously on postmaster.
02:10:35 Did you say your wife, like, wrecked your truck or something?
02:10:38 Well, hey, I don't know.
02:10:38 I don't know your wife or or the situation there, but divorce never.
02:10:43 Is a good thing, but it it it sometimes.
02:10:45 Is an appropriate thing.
02:10:46 Hopefully that's the.
02:10:48 That's the case here, and good luck.
02:10:51 Good luck.
02:10:54 And hopefully, hopefully there aren't kids involved, that there are hopefully that you know you're responsible, you know, with all that.
02:11:01 I know look and and and and it makes it way more complicated, not just in terms of.
02:11:07 Yeah, it it's.
02:11:10 I'll tell you.
02:11:11 What I've I've brought this up before, I remember.
02:11:14 I don't know.
02:11:15 It's probably in a while.
02:11:16 I mentioned once I had this ex.
02:11:19 But every you know that you.
02:11:20 Know real narcissist.
02:11:22 And I mean like textbook narcissist, right?
02:11:25 Not like just throwing that word around like people, you know, everyone's a narcissist these days, but I mean, like, actual, you know, personality disorder, kind of, you know, like crazy.
02:11:34 Person type stuff.
Speaker 11
02:11:37 And that.
02:11:39 After that, **** crashed and.
02:11:41 Burned and I learned a lot about.
02:11:43 You know evil.
02:11:47 What she would do?
02:11:49 Is periodically.
02:11:53 Resurface like a turd that wouldn't flush.
02:11:57 And and just like, you know, you'd get like this random text message or e-mail like you had, you know, you hadn't.
02:12:03 Thought about her in like a.
02:12:05 Month or or whatever.
02:12:07 And at first, it sucked.
02:12:08 Cause like you know, you're.
02:12:09 Yeah, because it's one of those things where you just, you're trying to get over them and and so every time it's like it it we wound doesn't have time to heal because she keeps ripping the scab off, right.
02:12:20 I haven't talked.
02:12:20 To this ***** in in forever many years.
02:12:24 She literally like she must be having a bad Christmas as someone with that kind of personality type would cause after Christmas she literally emailed me a response to an e-mail I had sent her in 2013.
02:12:40 And and opened it up with.
02:12:41 Oh, I'm sorry.
02:12:41 I didn't see this.
02:12:45 Like that works if like.
02:12:46 You haven't answered like an an e-mail for a little while, but.
02:12:50 Like 10 years.
Speaker 11
02:12:51 Like, how did you see it this time?
02:12:52 Like, like, how did you find?
02:12:54 The 10 years.
02:12:58 So if she's, if your wife's like that.
02:13:05 Ohh just I was.
02:13:05 Like wow, this is, this is the.
Speaker 11
02:13:08 I can't believe.
02:13:09 I mean even.
02:13:09 For her, that's ridiculous.
02:13:15 So if she's like that, then yeah, run run.
02:13:18 Run for the hills.
02:13:22 Jay Ray, 1981. Let's see here.
02:13:32 I gotta I.
02:13:33 Gotta load more of these in here.
02:13:35 They're gonna get repetitive unless we use the wookies.
02:13:39 Everyone knows the Buffalo.
02:13:40 Bills jogger died from the ******* clot shot, but they have fed agents at the hospital taking looking over who comes in and out.
02:13:49 Holy ****, bro.
02:13:50 It's NFL.
02:13:51 They're shot.
02:13:54 Or NFL tier shot death now Big D welcome back, Sir.
02:13:59 Yeah, you're talking about Hamlet.
02:14:04 And yes, the the.
Speaker 11
02:14:07 And look.
02:14:09 People are saying, well, he got hit, he got real hard hit real hard in the chest.
02:14:13 That's basically trying if you don't know what he's talking about, it's the sports ball guy, the American football, not, you know, not.
02:14:20 Soccer but the.
02:14:22 The American football guy.
02:14:23 That that died.
02:14:25 He's he's officially dead.
02:14:27 As of I think today.
02:14:27 Like a few hours ago or something.
02:14:29 He's dead. Dead.
02:14:31 He was just in critical condition up until then, but.
Speaker 11
02:14:35 He he dropped dead.
02:14:37 In the middle of the game after getting tackled.
02:14:42 Yeah, they were saying, oh, when he got hit real hard, he got.
02:14:44 But these ******* get hit real hard all the time.
02:14:47 If anything, this game's got a lot more nerfs.
02:14:51 And in Europe, you know you guys got rugby and she like, it's the same kind of, you know, in fact less padding.
02:14:55 I think in rugby.
02:14:56 So people get hit all the time.
02:14:57 People aren't just ******* dropping dead.
02:15:01 You know, but this guy did.
02:15:04 Drop dead.
02:15:06 Of a of a heart attack or some kind of cardiac situation.
02:15:12 And as I as I mentioned on Telegram.
02:15:15 The problem is you had all these people I saw immediately on Twitter and other elsewhere, all these sports Ball fans went straight to, oh, that this is going to wake the normies because it's on national television and everyone was watching now they're going to have to pay attention to the died suddenly.
02:15:35 Game and everyone's gonna ******* know that.
02:15:37 They got the.
02:15:38 Clutch shot and.
02:15:40 And that's not, that's not at all, obviously.
02:15:44 What happened or will happen and and?
02:15:47 The bottom line is it's because.
02:15:50 You know, people have seen there was that, that tweet that went viral, the woman that basically said, and I I don't have it handy, but she's she basically said that if I find out that the shot was pure poison, I still won't regret getting it because at least I got the vaccination.
02:16:10 Out of love and the anti vaxxers didn't get it out.
02:16:13 Of hate.
02:16:14 It it I mean.
02:16:17 They're so out of their minds.
02:16:19 Because, and especially the ones that watch football.
02:16:23 Because it's not about.
02:16:25 It has literally nothing to do about the vaccine or or any any, you know it it's teams.
02:16:33 It's just teams now.
02:16:35 They're just rooting for their team.
Speaker 11
02:16:38 And like any.
02:16:39 Loyal fan.
02:16:40 It doesn't matter if everything, if all hope is lost and and your team didn't make it to the playoffs and you know they keep you might get mad.
02:16:49 But you know you're you're you're.
02:16:50 Still, you're still wearing the jersey.
02:16:52 You know you're still wearing the merch.
02:16:54 You're still putting the ******* bumper sticker on your truck, right?
02:16:58 And that's just, that's how vaccines and and anti vaccines, some of them.
02:17:02 Well that's how they are.
02:17:05 And so expecting sports Ball fans who, by virtue of being sports ball fans, have demonstrated that that's exactly how their brain works, because there's no possible way you can be a spectator of American professional sports.
02:17:24 Specifically, I don't know, but maybe maybe it's different in other places, but judging by what I saw at World Cup, not.
02:17:32 It's like everyone saw the French team.
02:17:35 If, if you're.
02:17:36 If you're still entertained.
02:17:38 By watching a bunch of black people run around black millionaires run around throwing a ball.
Speaker 11
02:17:45 You know, like, do I really have to say anything more like it is, I mean?
02:17:50 That's I feel like that's that's self-explanatory, right?
02:17:54 I mean you've you've already demonstrated that that you're just the kind of person and I'm using the word lightly.
02:18:01 When I say person.
02:18:05 That's just.
02:18:06 You're not all there, you know.
02:18:08 You just want to belong to something and you want to cheer for something.
02:18:15 Just like you're not going to be.
02:18:16 Able to go to a A A.
02:18:19 Sports ball game.
02:18:21 And fine fans of the opposing team and start talking them into liking your team.
02:18:28 You know you're not gonna does it matter?
02:18:30 Regardless of how.
02:18:31 Like your team could be kicking their team's ***. What do they do?
02:18:34 Dig, they dig down even harder.
02:18:36 They find excuses.
02:18:38 Ohh, that's because you know your coach was blah blah blah.
02:18:40 That's because someone so had an injury and but.
02:18:44 You know, like that's they're.
02:18:47 Never gonna be like ohh.
02:18:47 Wow, you're right.
02:18:48 Your team is doing better.
02:18:51 I'm going to.
02:18:51 Start running for your team now.
02:18:53 No so.
02:18:53 How it works?
02:18:56 The only exception again I said this on telegram.
02:18:58 The only exception that I ever saw like.
02:19:01 And in like school.
02:19:04 I remember everyone all of a sudden was wearing like Dallas Cowboy merch.
02:19:11 And I didn't live in Texas.
02:19:12 And so it was like, why is everyone wearing?
02:19:16 Dallas Cowboy stuff, and it's because they were like the cool team, and apparently they were winning a lot or something.
02:19:22 I don't know.
02:19:22 I didn't ******* watch the stupid ****.
02:19:26 So if if the NPC perceives you as.
02:19:30 The cool people?
02:19:31 Then then they'll.
02:19:33 Like, look all those people that are that are vaccines would turn anti VAX in a heartbeat if the right cool people told them to.
02:19:41 You're not the right cool people.
02:19:43 You're the, you're the the.
02:19:45 The fans of the opposing team.
02:19:48 They hate you more than they hate.
02:19:49 The opposing team.
02:19:53 So anyway, it's it's not going to wake up any normies.
02:19:57 It's just going to be.
02:19:59 You know, and look, we don't know for sure.
02:20:01 We don't know for sure.
02:20:02 I mean, it's suspicious to say the least.
02:20:08 And we won't know.
02:20:09 Yeah, that's not it.
02:20:10 Well, then, I'm sure they'll come up with something, right?
02:20:12 There's like that.
02:20:13 Oh, we had that heart disease thing. That's one and two, that was the real #1 and 200,000,000. Oh, OK.
02:20:24 All right.
02:20:25 It's a healthy ************.
02:20:26 You know, Jews pay good money for that *****.
02:20:29 And you don't think that they are going to just not protect their investment that that ************* getting visited by doctors and and giving physicals around the clock, you know, they think think like watching a NASCAR race.
02:20:42 Now, the people that come running out and.
02:20:43 Changing the tires and **** like that, same thing.
02:20:45 It's just they're the ******* car man.
02:20:55 OK.
02:20:57 This looks like Goi lane guy.
02:21:00 I I can't.
02:21:01 Maybe something like that.
Speaker 9
02:21:06 Little baby, but the bus.
02:21:07 Happy New year.
02:21:08 If you were serious about having a cordial conversation with someone from the A A satra or a satru, I don't know.
02:21:18 How to say it?
02:21:18 Right.
02:21:19 I'm going to say Asatru folk assembly.
02:21:20 I can help facilitate that.
02:21:22 Could be an informative.
02:21:24 So my public e-mail is lash B.
02:21:28 Or I'll copy that.
02:21:33 Yeah, it could be interesting.
02:21:34 I mean, no promises or anything but but like it could be.
02:21:37 Interesting I've thought about.
02:21:40 Why is that not doing it right?
02:21:45 Where are my notes go?
02:21:50 I'm going to check out the website.
02:21:52 It looks like like it's it's pagany.
02:21:58 Which to be?
02:21:59 Honest, like you know, I'm not not.
02:22:01 Super my thing but.
02:22:05 Why are these notes so long?
02:22:10 No, I found some really old notes where where was what drive is this on?
02:22:19 OK.
02:22:23 And that's I'll have to check that out.
02:22:24 Like I finally found some old notes that I thought were deleted from the old draw.
02:22:31 But it might be interesting you know.
02:22:36 OK.
02:22:41 Noticing nose?
02:22:43 Hey, Devon.
02:22:43 Hope life at the pillbox.
02:22:45 Is going well.
02:22:47 Here's a few bucks for.
02:22:48 Ghost Cat looking forward to the new book.
02:22:51 Yeah, as I as am I.
02:22:52 As am I.
02:22:53 I'll get it.
02:22:53 I'll get it done.
02:22:55 They'll get done, I promise.
02:22:57 And yes, that will go.
02:22:59 I'll tell you what, man, ghost Cat's gonna eat me.
02:23:01 Out of house and.
02:23:02 He eats so much he's got.
02:23:03 A little fat though.
02:23:04 Like I'm gonna have to figure that out.
02:23:07 He I used to overfeed him because he was he was skin and bones.
02:23:10 When he showed up and now he's like getting a little chunky knocking, build outrun coyotes at this right.
02:23:17 You're a beastman of correction from the last type of chat, Google search psychosis.
02:23:23 This comes up common symptoms of psychosis are hearing.
02:23:27 Voices or having strong beliefs that you are not that are not shared by.
02:23:33 People within your community, for example, you may be worried that the government is trying to harm you and your loved ones.
02:23:40 Like, what do you what what previous hyper chat?
02:23:47 I don't see a previous hyper chat from you man.
02:23:52 I don't think.
02:23:56 OK, well, until maybe it'll come later.
02:24:01 So I don't know what that I.
02:24:02 Guess I don't know what you're talking about.
02:24:07 Noticing those again thoughts on Andrew Tate getting arrested for human trafficking charges?
02:24:12 Pretty obvious they're trying to remove him from discourse.
02:24:16 However, do you think he's really making an impact or just another celebrity like Trump?
02:24:21 I'm not a fan of Vander Tate.
02:24:22 Andrew Tate is is probably a human trafficker, honestly.
02:24:27 And his dad's a black.
02:24:28 CIA agent so like there's that.
02:24:35 You might not have known that.
02:24:36 His dad was a.
02:24:38 A black I don't know.
02:24:39 He's not like, he's not like Wesley Snipes Black, but he's he's pretty black.
02:24:46 Chess player, CIA agent and he's a **** king.
02:24:51 You know, so not exactly a good role model.
02:24:54 He brags about being the guy that would he would sex.
02:25:00 With men and, you know, pretend to be a woman.
02:25:03 And and so there's, like, he was totally OK getting money for guys are jacking off to him, but.
Speaker 11
02:25:11 Just you know.
02:25:14 Not exactly.
02:25:17 Good role model.
02:25:24 So I you know, I think I think it's entirely.
02:25:26 Possible that he was.
02:25:29 He was trafficking.
02:25:30 I've seen.
02:25:30 I've seen some.
02:25:31 I've seen some **** that.
02:25:34 That leads me to believe that that's not an impossible thing that was going on there.
02:25:42 I mean, I kind of feel like a lot of these pornographers.
02:25:45 In a way, do it.
02:25:48 Subtly like right?
02:25:49 Like they'll do stuff like they'll.
02:25:50 They'll say they'll put out ads asking young, stupid girls if they want to be models.
02:25:57 And when they say yes, they're like, you know, when they respond to.
02:25:59 The ad, you know, they they obviously.
02:26:02 There's a lot of dumb girls out.
02:26:04 There, right.
02:26:05 And so they'll take advantage of them and say, OK, well, we're going to fly you.
02:26:08 Out here. So you.
02:26:09 Can go to like.
02:26:10 Model town and and you can learn about being a model and it'll be model terrific.
02:26:15 And they're like, Oh my God, I'm gonna be a model and then they fly out to whatever.
02:26:20 Hellscape the the **** places and they will pressure them by saying like, oh, you know, you're stuck here.
Speaker 1
02:26:27 You know.
02:26:30 You have to.
02:26:31 You have to pay us for the plane ticket or you if you don't do the **** and you you already owe us for this and and basically coerce stupid girls into doing ****.
02:26:41 And you know, you can say, well, don't women have the agency?
02:26:46 And it's like, I mean, kind of.
02:26:48 But there's a reason we.
02:26:49 Don't want them to vote, right?
02:26:51 We have to acknowledge that, like the reason we don't want them to vote isn't cause.
02:26:55 We're just, you know.
02:26:56 **** women, it's.
02:26:57 It's not like that.
02:26:58 It's it's like, no.
02:27:00 They just, they don't have the same uh.
02:27:03 Level of agency that a man does, they just don't.
02:27:05 It's they're easy to trick.
02:27:07 That's like.
02:27:07 The whole thing.
02:27:08 And so I find it just as.
02:27:10 Despicable when you know.
02:27:15 Half black possible.
02:27:16 CIA asset **** kings take advantage of women.
02:27:22 As as when.
02:27:23 You know, Jewish **** kings do it.
02:27:25 So yeah, that's that's my thought.
02:27:29 On that.
02:27:31 Harmless Gee.
02:27:33 A lot of Jews, also communists, were involved in the Manhattan Project.
02:27:38 And they were disappointed that the bomb was not used on Germany since they surrendered first.
02:27:44 I was looking through the cast list of the upcoming film Oppenheimer and the most of the and most of the historic figures are being being portrayed are Jews.
02:27:54 Yeah, no surprises there.
02:27:55 No surprises there at all.
02:28:01 Yeah. Well, I mean cause.
02:28:04 There's never been pushback, by the way, you've never had.
02:28:08 People upset that that.
02:28:14 Like there's no such thing as like white face.
02:28:19 Or blood like it's whites are just they.
02:28:21 They just don't.
02:28:22 They don't collectivize, at least not in the West.
02:28:24 And so they don't have any power.
02:28:28 Maybe this is the one you were talking about.
02:28:30 You're you're a basement off.
02:28:31 This might be the the first half.
02:28:33 That was.
02:28:34 Maybe it got knocked out of order.
02:28:36 Little house on the Prairie.
02:28:38 Has the only person who can change, Nelly Olsen for the better.
02:28:44 Little house in the Prairie has the only person who can change.
02:28:48 Nellie Olson for the better.
02:28:50 Is her Jewish husband, but the bigot character they use.
02:28:55 In the Jewish victim episode says something like.
02:28:59 Look, a stinking Jew.
02:29:01 Watch your wallet.
02:29:02 Maybe a good hyper chat line.
Speaker 11
02:29:07 Yeah, I have.
02:29:07 A little house in the Prairie.
02:29:09 I haven't seen that since.
02:29:11 I remember that they they used to have reruns on like.
02:29:13 Nickelodeon or something like when?
Speaker 15
02:29:14 I was a kid.
02:29:16 But yeah, I'd have to take a look at.
02:29:18 That episode.
02:29:19 We that they would have a Jew episode on because I thought it.
02:29:22 Was about settlers and stuff.
02:29:24 I don't think there was a whole lot of stinking Jews, you know, settling the West, but OK.
02:29:33 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:29:36 Most of the hosts on RBN Republic Broadcasting network.org speak about Jewish power. Show them love folks, alright.
02:29:43 There you go.
02:29:45 Never heard of them, but there.
02:29:46 You go.
02:29:47 Maybe they're.
02:29:48 I'll tell you what they at least.
02:29:49 Talk about it.
02:29:49 That's that's they've got one up on a lot of people.
02:29:53 Kozlowska rocks. When the Tea Party movement began, and small groups were meeting in each other's homes, it was infiltrated within two months.
02:30:02 You mean with like feds?
02:30:04 I wouldn't be surprised.
02:30:05 I would not be surprised.
02:30:07 And look, it's not going to be just feds.
02:30:09 One of the problems and I don't have a good solution for this.
02:30:14 That's why I think you have to start with your family and the same reason why the like the reason why the mafia it starts.
02:30:21 With a family.
02:30:23 His blood is thicker than water.
02:30:25 Blood is thicker than water, and then once you have a family that has.
02:30:30 A solidarity to it.
02:30:33 You can extend that to other people, but I think families important.
02:30:40 UM.
02:30:42 Hammer of thorazine.
02:30:45 Let's see if I got maybe a Wookie.
02:31:01 I racially learned how disability cases work.
02:31:05 Jew lawyers take cases and get a cut of the back pay.
02:31:09 So if you can, if you have a condition diagnosed 10 years ago, get disability Now you get back pay going back that far more 6 figure lump sum.
02:31:20 8 bucks to infiltrate our currency more or inflate our currency more.
02:31:25 This is how lawyers are for afford their ads.
02:31:31 I mean, I've never tried to do that, but honestly, I'm all about ******* over the system at this point.
02:31:36 It's going to collapse.
02:31:37 You might as well get your piece before it does.
02:31:39 I would.
02:31:40 I wouldn't get a Jew lawyer, though.
02:31:41 Get a a goy lawyer.
02:31:42 Even if he's not going to be as crafty and shifty, you know what I mean?
02:31:47 Just the.
02:31:49 You know.
02:31:50 Yeah, I think we just need to abstain.
02:31:53 We need to abstain.
02:31:54 They do.
02:31:56 You think you think Jews are hiring you?
02:31:59 You know, like, no, of course not.
02:32:02 You got to keep it all in the family.
02:32:03 I just finished saying about family.
02:32:09 But yeah, that, that.
02:32:10 Yeah, I'm.
02:32:11 I'm sure there's lots of money to be had.
02:32:13 I've I've known people that were on disability and just seem to have, like lots of money to to.
02:32:17 Do nothing all day.
02:32:21 Hey, Devin.
02:32:21 When is DOTR volume to coming out?
02:32:23 I will let you know as.
02:32:24 Soon as I know.
02:32:25 As soon as I possibly can, and I mean that I I that that is a that's on the top of my list.
02:32:31 Right.
02:32:31 Now, and it's a long list.
02:32:36 But I I needed to get done.
02:32:38 It's just that it's not.
02:32:40 It's not easy.
02:32:41 It's not easy.
02:32:43 I'm not a I'm not like.
02:32:45 I'm not like these guys, they can just crank.
02:32:47 Out five books in a in a season.
02:32:52 You know, even if that's all I did all day, it's uh, it doesn't always.
02:32:57 Sometimes it flows out real easy and sometimes not so much.
02:33:02 Ramel, thank you for your work.
02:33:03 Happy New year.
02:33:04 Well, thank you and happy New Year to you.
02:33:08 Ally Mair through incredible national debt burdens, which sapped the nation's marrow. The governments of some indebted countries have become nothing more than Jewish collection agencies.
02:33:19 This explains their hostile behavior against their own populations in favor of during yeah, there was a clip from Traficant that I couldn't I I forgot to.
02:33:28 I guess I forgot to put in there where he basically says that that was another one of his big, you know, because just like all politicians, he would have like these themes he would repeat over and over again every time he had a speaking engagement.
02:33:39 And one of them was.
02:33:40 That it it was, it was the the the FBI and the IRS and these these agencies that Americans are afraid of.
02:33:47 And they are.
02:33:48 Look, everyone's afraid of the feds.
02:33:49 We just finished talking about, you know, being infiltrated by Feds and.
02:33:52 Stuff like that.
02:33:53 That was a, that was.
02:33:54 A new phenomenon, that wasn't something that.
02:33:57 That previous generations.
02:34:00 Really had to worry about right?
02:34:03 There was a different dynamic, or at least at least even if it was all show like there was the perception was that the federal government wasn't this central.
02:34:15 Authoritarian power.
02:34:16 Like, that's the way that it is now.
02:34:18 Right now, that's a that's a foreign.
02:34:20 And it is.
02:34:21 Foreign literally, it's a foreign thing.
02:34:27 And yeah, the those agencies have been they they exactly that they're basically the mall cops.
02:34:34 And the bill collectors of the the people who rule on rule us.
02:34:39 Damn, Bigfoot US bomb Serbia in the 1990s to support the Muslims and Kosovo and Bosnia. Literal foreign sandbaggers would have would would travel to kill white Christians.
02:34:51 US bombed Serbia in 1990s to support the Muslims in Kosovo and Bosnia. Literal foreign senators would travel to kill white Christians. Not sure.
02:35:05 You may have the word that differently for me to know you're getting out there.
02:35:09 This is some amazing information to be learning.
02:35:12 I missed all of this when I when it was live, I turned off the TV when Barack was selected.
02:35:18 And I never turned it on again.
02:35:20 It was all too disgusting to watch after that.
02:35:22 Yeah, it was pretty infuriating.
02:35:24 I was.
02:35:24 I was really hoping.
02:35:26 I remember telling people like you know.
02:35:30 My big fear is that America isn't racist enough to keep him.
02:35:34 Out of office.
02:35:39 But again, not that I don't know that the elections.
02:35:44 We're real then either, you know.
02:35:46 There's there's so much obvious fraud now, and it's it's like all this stuff you have.
02:35:51 To be like.
02:35:51 Well, is this the kind of thing that's just been endemic, like it's just been part?
02:35:56 Part of how everything has worked since forever and it looked voter fraud as a thing has always existed.
02:36:00 But like, has it always been just this bad all the time?
02:36:04 Or is this a relatively new development?
02:36:06 Has it gotten worse as the graphics have changed and you know, like look at who's counting the votes, right, and every B roll shot of vote counting and it's it's like a bunch of third worlders?
02:36:17 You know, shift the aid for the third world.
02:36:18 There's counting the votes.
02:36:21 So is it like, is this, like, a relatively new thing or is this, you know, it's impossible to know.
02:36:28 The Vaxxed, hey, Devin, do you do push-ups?
02:36:31 Or did did you do?
02:36:34 Did you do?
02:36:35 Today I knew them before every meal.
02:36:37 Simple way to stay strong now.
02:36:39 I did not do any pushups today.
02:36:40 That's not a bad thing to get into.
02:36:44 I I should I should.
02:36:45 Get into that.
02:36:46 I've never been a push up guy.
02:36:49 UM.
02:36:51 But yeah, that's that's not a bad idea.
02:36:53 Good advice.
02:36:54 How about that for, like, a New Year's resolution, guys?
02:36:57 Try. Try doing at least.
02:37:00 And like for people have never done them, you might be surprised how few, if any, you can do.
02:37:06 But you'll also be surprised at how quickly.
02:37:08 You'll build up so.
02:37:10 Maybe that could be a fun little New Year's resolution for some of the people out there.
02:37:15 Start with start with 0 if you have to start with zero, you know, start doing with the baby ones on your knees or whatever and.
02:37:21 And then build up and.
02:37:24 Try to get to 100.
02:37:27 You know.
02:37:29 That's my.
02:37:29 That's sounds like a big ask and it kind of is.
02:37:33 You won't.
02:37:33 You won't get there overnight.
02:37:36 But uh, that's always a healthy.
02:37:37 Thing to get into.
02:37:39 Ugly hate filled.
02:37:39 Man, Oye vey.
02:37:40 Well, there you go.
02:37:41 Obey abbur, commandant.
02:37:47 I will give you Wookie #14 or no, that that one's lame. I think that Wookie #12.
02:38:03 There you go, Wookie virtual reality Wookie metaverse.
02:38:07 Blacks and Arabs are maligned are malignant tumors and can be classified as by a weapons of mass the Senate.
02:38:21 Miscegenation, used by the Jews and their NGOs to destabilize Europe, should we use that or use the same tactics as the Jews create?
02:38:30 NGO's helping to smuggle these bio weapons into Israel that has stabilized Israel. You know, The funny thing is, they're doing it to themselves.
02:38:40 They they're they're slowly but steadily.
02:38:43 There's a lot of these lefty Jews in Israel that are they can't help themselves, right?
02:38:54 And they're they're injecting the same poison into their own.
02:38:58 You know, they don't have control.
02:39:00 They're not the ones at the wheel out there.
02:39:03 It's actually.
02:39:03 I mean if you want to call it right wing, it's kind of kind of is like, very right wing nationalist Jews in charge of Israel, right?
02:39:14 Obviously, Israel think of this Israel first nationalist.
02:39:20 You know what?
02:39:20 I mean.
02:39:21 And so they're the ones in charge.
02:39:23 And so they're not really, they don't have quite the influence.
02:39:28 I mean over their own country that they have over ours.
02:39:34 I think I think inevitably, that that poison will.
02:39:38 We'll we'll be injected.
02:39:40 But yeah, if we had that ability, we got to worry about ourselves first.
02:39:45 That's the kind of thing that if I was a billionaire, you could suggest that I'd be like, yes, I will start an NGO tomorrow.
02:39:51 But I'm not a billionaire, so that's not that's that's pie in the sky.
02:39:54 For me.
02:39:57 But in theory, yeah, yeah.
02:39:59 I mean, if we have the resources, that would be a tactic to use.
02:40:03 Kozlowski rucks trick question why so few Hollywood movies with Soviet villains?
02:40:09 Exactly. Exactly.
Speaker 4
02:40:11 OK.
02:40:13 I'm trying to think of 1.
Speaker 11
02:40:16 Yeah, even like in the 50s.
02:40:18 When it was.
02:40:20 When you would think there'd be a lot of these stop the commies cause of the you know the the so-called.
02:40:25 Red scare and all that ****.
02:40:28 There's not a lot of them.
02:40:30 There's a few.
02:40:33 And then you know.
02:40:34 Obviously, Red Dawn.
02:40:35 Right, there's the commies.
02:40:38 They don't make it.
02:40:39 The Russians.
02:40:39 They made it like Cubans.
02:40:41 I guess there's some Russians there, too.
02:40:42 It's Russians and Cubans.
02:40:45 And the other part of that is they humanize them, right?
02:40:48 Like the the at the end of the the movie, there's the the Cuban general or whoever that guy is that's supposed to be the the top dog of of the invasion or the invading force.
02:41:00 And he sees The Wolverine guys, you know, leaving the base and doesn't kill him or.
02:41:06 Or I I don't know.
02:41:06 But there's like, some kind of moment of humanity where he's like.
02:41:10 Why can't we all just get?
02:41:11 We're all just people, you know?
02:41:12 Like, can't, like, they don't make them into some demonic madman like they would if he was a fascist.
02:41:19 UM.
02:41:22 Hammer authorizing any opinion on the.
02:41:25 Lemon liminal liminal space phenomenon.
02:41:30 I don't know what that.
02:41:30 Is liminal space phenomenon, most notably that eerie, uncomfortable nostalgic feeling that comes from.
02:41:38 Dead malls and abandoned places.
02:41:41 I'm thinking it is a longing for the past and the subconscious realizing.
02:41:46 That things have fallen so far and we can't go back liminal.
02:41:53 I'm going to look that up.
02:41:55 And I know you're talking about the rest of it, but I don't know what.
02:41:57 I've never heard that term.
02:42:05 In anthropology, liminality from the Latin whatever is quality of ambiguity or disorientation that occurs in the middle stage of rite of passage when participants no longer hold their pre.
02:42:19 I don't know if that's the same as.
02:42:20 What you were talking about?
02:42:28 Develop blah blah.
02:42:35 OK, brought in to describe political and cultural change as well.
02:42:40 As rights during liminal periods of all kinds, social hierarchies may be reversed.
02:42:46 Or temporarily dissolved the continuity of tradition may become uncertain and future outcomes.
02:42:52 Once taken for granted, may be thrown into, yeah, of course.
02:42:56 Obviously you're going to have a.
02:42:58 That's going to be.
02:43:00 I would say that that, that, that, would that would feel like an existential threat, you know, that would be an existential fear, survival instinct that you're feeling.
02:43:11 Watching your home being disintegrated in real time.
02:43:15 Yeah, that's going to be.
02:43:18 And you're right.
02:43:19 You know, symbols of, you know, like these, these blown out empty malls and stuff like that.
02:43:25 In some ways.
02:43:26 You know, it's weird because America is not that old and we don't have, like, ancient ruins in America.
02:43:33 The closest thing to it is like a like a Old West ghost town, kind of a thing, right?
02:43:38 And I and I guess you could say the same thing about that.
02:43:41 Remember when I was a kid, my parents took us to a.
02:43:44 It was like a Fort, I think it was in Utah somewhere, but it was an old, you know, Frontier Fort and where they would fight off.
02:43:54 The Indians and.
02:43:55 And it was mostly all there, and they they'd rebuilt, I think, like the missing parts to it.
02:44:01 But they had like this, you know, reenactors, you know, like women churning butter and all that kind of ****, right, going on.
02:44:07 And you could buy like.
02:44:08 Weird. You know, 1800s candy and stuff like that. And even then, as a kid, I remember walking around and just there was this eerie, you know, like ghostly feeling as you walked around knowing that like men had had fought and died there, you know, and and and now it was just like it was a tourist spot.
02:44:29 You know, now there's like, kids running around and screaming and just like.
02:44:34 It was weird and and probably in the same way, right is is knowing that my ancestors had come from a past like that and look, there was some gratitude because not all change is bad, right?
02:44:47 Like I don't know if I'd.
02:44:48 Necessarily want to, you know, live in live in a ****** Fort, man at the logs fighting Indians all the time to stay alive.
02:44:58 But at the same time, yeah, I was like, yeah, this is, it's weird.
02:45:01 And and and and sadly because of of late stage capitalism, our forts are these malls, you know, like that's.
02:45:10 That's that's, you know, an abandoned Chick-fil-A is is like a, you know.
02:45:20 Yeah, but I agree like it's especially like you go through Route 66.
02:45:26 You know where where it's. It's like a it's rapidly disappearing too. It was more so the case a few decades ago, but Route 66?
02:45:39 Used to be this major.
02:45:42 Freeway that would go from coast to coast.
02:45:44 That's where you drew drove.
02:45:45 If you were going from California, you know, to the East Coast or vice versa.
02:45:49 And then when they built like I-40 and all that other stuff, it just, you know, disappeared. Like all the traffic ceased to go on the that run, the whole their entire communities that only existed because they were on route.
02:46:03 56 and so truckers would have to stop to get gas and.
02:46:07 You know, families would would want to stop and take a break and you know, whatever.
02:46:11 And overnight, these entire towns had, like, no purpose.
02:46:17 And so they disappeared.
02:46:19 You know, it's like it was a more modern ghost town.
02:46:22 It was a.
02:46:24 And so you get, like, that kind of like that, that rusty.
02:46:30 You know, broken down motel sign in the desert. Look, you know, like the the the weird abandon, you know, not not Ghost town like like Old West Style Ghost Town, but 1950s. You know, Ghost town type ****.
02:46:49 Yeah, I mean, it's just things are always changing.
02:46:52 But I think that a lot of these changes seem more to hit different because you know it's not progress and in fact like one of the articles I was going to talk about tonight that I didn't get to was specifically about.
02:47:08 Let's see here.
02:47:09 Where is it at?
02:47:19 I closed it.
02:47:19 It was.
02:47:20 Uh, oh, here it is.
02:47:23 It was a Gallup finally got their data together for Americans outlook in in 2023, and it's all negative.
02:47:33 It's literally all negative.
02:47:35 Eight in 10 for see economic struggles.
02:47:40 90% expect political conflict.
02:47:45 85% predict international conflict.
02:47:50 And then, weirdly, Democrats are more optimistic than Republicans.
02:47:56 Yeah, but like, there's almost, there's literally nothing positive in all of their data.
02:48:01 There's no no majority positive outlook on anything that they were asked.
02:48:07 And so when you got when you got people that when you see rot that that symbolizes the past?
02:48:16 And the future looks like.
02:48:18 Way worse.
02:48:23 It it it's a, it's a, you know, glaring reminder of that.
02:48:29 And that that's that you can never go home and that simpler time is gone and dead forever.
02:48:34 ******** ******. ******** ****** for $1.00.
02:48:39 Where is it at?
Speaker 4
02:48:41 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 16
02:48:46 I'd buy that for a dollar.
02:48:54 There you go.
02:48:59 Thoughts on Mr.
02:49:00 Medicare retiring from making content because he's dying from cancer?
02:49:05 Well, that sucks.
02:49:06 I mean, I don't know him, and I honestly, I haven't really.
02:49:10 Watched much of his stuff.
02:49:15 You know, so I don't, I don't know much about him other than I know I've.
02:49:18 I've seen parts of some of his dreams.
02:49:24 I never really got into it, but I don't want to wish cancer on anyone over, not necessarily loving their.
02:49:29 They're not loving their content.
02:49:33 So yeah, that sucks.
02:49:35 You know, it sucks when anyone when anyone is.
02:49:40 Afflicted by that so.
02:49:46 Yeah, I guess that's another one of those things.
02:49:48 Maybe that's another liminal space, right?
02:49:51 Is Medicare streams are are, are, are now a.
02:49:54 Thing of the past.
02:49:57 And you know in in 10 years, you'll you maybe you'll be like.
02:50:02 Remember, remember that guy.
02:50:07 You know good or bad, whether you know whether you like him or don't like him.
02:50:11 It'll be in the it'll be another one of those things that used to be kind.
02:50:14 Of just part of the the the.
02:50:17 Online environment, right?
02:50:19 That's now just gone.
02:50:22 Mighty Mouse, this is Truro and classified.
02:50:27 Cat fighting isn't it?
02:50:29 Thanks for the awesome content, Devin.
02:50:31 All right, let me take a look here.
02:50:36 Let me see here.
02:50:45 Blah blah blah.
02:50:52 Well, I wish it was easier to load files.
Speaker 9
02:50:57 OK.
02:51:22 Now I noticed on the videos Sammy, but I thought it'd be funny that everyone thought that was the video you sent me.
02:51:30 Unless it unless by just some freak coincidence it is the video you sent me, let me say.
02:51:36 See the thing with Odyssey links you guys, Semi Odyssey links odyssey, when I'm streaming odyssey and I go to an odyssey link, that's when it ***** up the thing.
02:51:43 So hopefully it doesn't.
02:51:45 Let's see.
02:51:49 How long is this?
02:51:50 14 seconds.
02:51:51 Alright, I'll download it.
02:51:57 Oh, it says downloads are currently disabled.
02:52:01 Well, I can't download it apparently.
02:52:04 Let me see if I can download it with the.
02:52:22 Maybe not.
02:52:26 Maybe not.
02:52:28 I don't know if there's another way I can do this.
02:52:32 Oh wait, there it goes.
02:52:33 It finally downloaded.
Speaker 9
02:52:58 OK.
02:53:23 Womp womp.
02:53:24 I actually couldn't hear the audio because of how I I played it, so hopefully it was funny.
02:53:32 Alright, we got ******** ****** for.
02:53:36 For $1.00, here again, I don't know if I should give you.
02:53:39 Another ********, yeah.
Speaker 4
02:53:40 Well, do you have that much money in your bank at home?
02:53:46 I'd buy that for a dollar.
02:53:54 With Kevin losing 1/6 vote for speaker the last time this happened, vote for speaker failing after one vote was in 1928 in World War 2 soon followed.
02:54:04 Before that was someone.
02:54:08 Being beaten into a coma on the House floor and the Civil War followed.
02:54:12 Is this a red flag?
02:54:14 Yeah, it it's it's absolutely a sign of the times.
02:54:16 It's a sign of the times.
02:54:18 It really is.
02:54:19 The sign of the times and.
02:54:24 And look, I think it's funny.
02:54:26 I think it's funny.
02:54:28 It's it's.
02:54:31 It's it's embarrassing to the establishment.
02:54:36 And anything that embarrasses the establishments good, whether it's gonna lead to, you know, anything crazy, I don't know.
02:54:45 But we'll see. We'll see.
02:54:48 Radu, I live in Eastern Europe.
02:54:51 And my in my childhood, the media made me think that the USA is the protector of the world and as long as you are a friend of USA, nothing can harm you.
02:55:01 I changed since then with the help of creators like you.
02:55:06 Yeah, you'll get used.
02:55:07 And I'll tell you what.
02:55:08 If you're a friend of the USA.
02:55:12 You better keep yourself useful because the second you're more useful as a as a a pun, or I mean perfect.
02:55:21 I mean, there's so many examples.
02:55:26 America does not keep its promises.
02:55:28 It is not a good ally if you are not Israel.
02:55:32 America is not a good ally.
02:55:37 OK.
02:55:40 Andromeda one Traficant was a Great American.
02:55:43 Thank you.
02:55:44 Yes, he was.
02:55:46 Like I said, I'm sure he had his flaws.
02:55:49 And you know.
02:55:50 His obsession with the national sales tax and some other reforms, I mean.
02:55:56 I don't know, maybe it would have worked.
02:55:57 Who knows?
02:55:58 But it it was.
02:56:00 Too little, too late, but.
02:56:02 You know, I'll be *** **** if if no no one else will ever match what he did on Hannity.
02:56:10 Truth forge regarding the Morgoth question he took a white pilled position you have before.
02:56:19 But it it could have come off as a warning or cooking.
02:56:23 He basically asked the question why would they not delete you for talking crap about them when he was done answering?
02:56:31 It kind of came out like ****.
02:56:33 It just live.
02:56:35 I don't know what.
02:56:36 You mean by?
02:56:36 This he took a white pill position.
02:56:39 You have before.
02:56:43 But it could have come off as a I don't know.
02:56:46 I don't know.
02:56:46 I don't know.
02:56:50 Like when I when I've seen more about the videos, I've thought they were fine.
02:56:54 I don't, you know.
02:56:56 I don't.
02:56:56 I don't know what you'd have to see.
02:56:58 What you're what he's talking.
02:56:59 You know what you're talking about.
02:57:03 Yeah, I I just haven't.
02:57:04 I haven't watched.
02:57:05 Any I've when I've been.
02:57:06 Off like after I did the the Christmas dream.
02:57:09 Honestly, I tried to stay off the Internet until.
02:57:13 Until I was getting ready for this stream actually.
02:57:17 And just because I just I that's part of.
02:57:21 It's a little relentless, like when you when you do this every, you know, do these streams.
02:57:28 I've been doing this for a year and I just decided this is like.
02:57:30 You know we're we're.
02:57:31 Now in.
02:57:31 Year three of this to be relentlessly.
02:57:38 All this.
02:57:40 You know data all the time and research and.
02:57:43 All this stuff.
02:57:44 You need a break from it.
02:57:45 You know occasionally.
02:57:46 So I've just been kind of tuned out for a little bit.
02:57:49 It was nice.
02:57:52 Dan Bigfoot many NFL fans get very autistic about it, like naming players and going on monologues about **** you don't care about.
02:58:00 Yeah, honestly, sports fans are no different than the like, nerdy Star Trek fans that can like name episode numbers and all that ****.
02:58:08 They're they're they're the same people.
02:58:11 They're literally the same people.
02:58:13 They might hate each other, but they're literally the same people.
02:58:16 The people that can name episode numbers and and, you know, like little minor trivia about stupid ******* actors and things like that in TV shows and and football fans that they're exactly the same.
02:58:30 They're exactly the same.
02:58:33 They're both soy boy *******.
02:58:35 Basically, they've both had * **** **.
02:58:36 Their mouth.
02:58:37 Tennis nuts.
02:58:39 Happy New year.
02:58:40 Glad you're back along.
02:58:41 Glad I'm glad I'm back too.
02:58:44 And well, and and you as well. Tennis Nuts, Lucid Nebula part one of two. The notion that are afraid of the cops is becoming less and less believable to me these days. My elderly aunt was almost killed last week by a feral nagger who tried running her off the road four times on the Interstate.
02:59:06 Before she held up her holstered firearm to get them to stop, she never pointed at them. But the vindictive negress called 911. The cops arrested the sick old white lady in her six.
02:59:20 60s days later, the cops went out and confirmed the four locations where she was almost killed on the Interstate and downgraded her charge to a misdemeanor.
02:59:31 The race to 911 is real. Many don't know this, but criminals call 911 on their victims all the time. Never assume that you chasing off a with a CCW is the end of the situation.
02:59:46 Well, it depends on the state you're in, but increasingly, just you're ******.
02:59:51 If you're going to, if you're going to pull, this is not advice, let me just pose.
02:59:57 I've heard it said I've heard people say.
03:00:03 That you don't take your gun out.
03:00:05 Unless you intend to use it.
03:00:08 And if you use it.
03:00:11 I've heard people say.
03:00:16 It's best if.
03:00:18 I don't know if.
03:00:19 I can even say it this way.
03:00:21 Let's just say.
03:00:23 You get in trouble when there's witnesses.
Speaker 11
03:00:25 That's all I'm gonna say.
03:00:30 Well, there's yeah, you only get.
03:00:32 In trouble, if people can can call 911.
03:00:38 Alright, there we go.
03:00:40 This one just says an Odyssey account.
03:00:53 That might keep that one.
03:00:58 Devin, thank you for your content.
03:01:00 I've been watching since the YouTube days, happy New Year.
03:01:03 No need to read this.
03:01:04 Part. OK, let's see.
03:01:12 All right.
03:01:12 Well, I don't know.
03:01:13 We'll see if I can.
Speaker 11
03:01:17 Uh, let me.
03:01:18 I'll copy and paste that.
03:01:21 Pretty sure Churro is trying.
03:01:25 Trying to meow at me through.
03:01:30 Little shack that's attached and I heard some banging around in there.
03:01:33 You can probably hear my voice in the window.
03:01:36 Why is this?
03:01:37 Where did the notes go?
03:01:43 I have so many ******* notes now.
03:01:45 This is gonna lie at hand.
03:01:51 I'm going to trim these down.
03:01:58 OK.
03:02:01 Damn Bigfoot.
03:02:02 Thoughts on speaker of the house **** kind of shows.
03:02:05 Even if Red Team had the votes, it's fake and gay puppet show is faking gay puppet show.
03:02:10 But like there's still procedure they have to go through.
03:02:13 Right and.
03:02:19 You know, like like having.
03:02:23 I mean, let me put it this way.
03:02:27 I'm sure we don't know the full story of that, of what's motivating all the players playing this game right now.
03:02:36 Is it faking?
03:02:37 Gay isn't, is it scripted, like they're pretending that no, it's not that.
03:02:40 Like, it's actual people going through a procedure to make, you know, to.
03:02:47 Who, like McCarthy or not?
03:02:51 As it as it happens right now to be the case, not elect McCarthy.
03:02:57 But does it really make a huge difference?
03:02:59 No, because if you have, if it's, if it's twenty people that are objecting to McCarthy, right, that are holding up the show, which I hope they keep doing, it's look.
03:03:08 It's best if, if if, if.
03:03:11 If nothing gets done in government right, it's like when they do the government shutdown.
03:03:15 So it's really shutting down.
03:03:16 It's not like it's not like an illusion, it's really shutting down and that's always good when they do it.
03:03:22 But The thing is like they those 20 people don't have the ability to OfferUp an alternative, right? Like there's no, there's no traffic camp that they can be like, oh, we, we want this guy, you know, or or, you know, some someone analogous to that.
03:03:37 So at the end of the.
03:03:38 It's just going to be.
03:03:40 It's just, you know, it's entertainment.
03:03:41 I don't know how.
03:03:42 It's going to end, but it's.
03:03:44 You know, it's just entertainment.
03:03:50 Your B updates has my imagination going.
03:03:53 I'll bet a micro controller, a camera and a hive entry.
03:03:59 Tube could use a jet of compressed air to divert African bees to a one way valve storage bin to die.
03:04:08 Maybe even some microelectromechanical system to prune away the parasites in the honey.
03:04:14 The problem is the the Africanized bees look identical to their normal bees.
03:04:20 The amount of, I mean look, there's probably some difference minute differences, but there's so much variation between bees and you know, like individual bees.
03:04:34 That that would be that wouldn't be cost effective, especially on an APR.
03:04:39 You'd have to have one of those installed and in a large a large AP area can have, you know, hundreds of hives.
03:04:46 But yeah, you know, it's fun to.
03:04:48 Dream I think it's just.
03:04:51 It's just that there's easier ways of of taking.
03:04:54 Care of the problem?
03:04:56 You could figure out a way to get rid of bromides easily, though that would be, I don't know.
03:05:00 I kind of just want nature to take.
03:05:01 Care of it?
03:05:02 That's The thing is, is I think the mistake is using technology to try to prop up weak genetics.
03:05:09 And and so have trying to come up with technical solutions to this problem that should be solved by by breeding in nature.
03:05:19 I just think it's a mistake.
03:05:20 I think that it would be a better.
03:05:22 It would be.
03:05:23 It'd be a better outcome to just have the weak bees that don't survive the Africanized bee attacks and the parasites just have them die off.
03:05:33 And you know what?
03:05:33 You're at the end of the day.
03:05:34 You'll probably end up in this case.
03:05:36 And no, that's not a metaphor for something, but you're probably end up with some Africanized jeans if you want.
03:05:43 Bees that are are going to be resistant cause Africanized bees happen to be resistant to a lot of the diseases and.
03:05:54 And parasites.
03:05:55 So maybe having some of their genes is is not.
03:05:58 A bad idea.
03:06:00 Truth Forge, I was talking about you.
03:06:03 I was talking about you with someone on gab and couldn't remember which of your shows you talked about.
03:06:09 All in the family on.
03:06:10 Do you remember?
03:06:14 No, that was a while ago.
03:06:16 That was like that might have been like a year ago.
03:06:18 That was a.
03:06:18 Long time ago.
Speaker 11
03:06:20 UM.
03:06:23 Yeah, sorry.
Speaker 11
03:06:25 I don't know.
03:06:27 I I would look, I would just try looking for the Word family cause I usually try to do something.
03:06:34 Somewhat related to the to what I'm talking about in the title.
03:06:37 You know like this one traffic violation traffic and you know like, but that's the problem is sometimes sometimes I get a little too.
03:06:44 You know, creative with it so, but yeah, I I don't know that that was a while.
03:06:48 That was quite a while ago.
03:06:51 Damn Bigfoot.
03:06:53 Think they will ever make a holding more movie.
03:06:55 Even if they show it.
03:06:58 They show it Russians starving people instead of Communist Jews, no.
03:07:03 I mean, probably not.
03:07:06 You never say never, right?
03:07:07 But they have no interest in doing that.
03:07:10 So especially well, maybe, I guess maybe now they're trying to demonize Russians and and show and show how awesome Ukraine is.
03:07:19 I mean, I guess that could be a reason to do it.
03:07:23 So there I guess there is a reason for them to do it they could.
03:07:26 Make a movie that.
03:07:29 That shows like, uh, that tries to draw parallels right between what's happening now and and and and re rewrite history so that it's like some bloodthirsty, you know, Putin clone that's in charge of, you know, starving the the Ukrainians.
03:07:46 You know what?
03:07:47 Mean like?
03:07:48 I I could see something like that being produced.
03:07:52 In fact, the more I think about it now that you mentioned it, it's it'd probably be it'd probably get funding.
03:07:59 You could probably write that that treatment up and and shop it around and get it get get it greenlit.
03:08:07 Micronova dark web marketplaces are moving towards I2P to be better hardened against DDoS attacks plaguing Tor for months.
03:08:21 Dread is the best site to.
03:08:24 Read up on the latest news about the dark web.
03:08:27 It's the Reddit of dark web, about or without the fagots.
03:08:31 Well, that's alright, cool.
03:08:32 I thought there was some kind of fatal flaw with L2P because I looked into L2PO **** like back in, like the WikiLeaks days.
03:08:41 When all the WikiLeaks drops were happening.
03:08:47 I looked into it for some reason and I thought I'd read some article saying that there was.
03:08:54 Something wrong with it, but I I yeah, I don't remember.
03:08:57 I'd have to look into it again, but there you go.
03:09:00 Maybe, maybe, maybe you could find out on that.
03:09:04 That site site you're talking about there?
03:09:08 Lucid Nebula I forgot to mention my recommendation for everyone to get a dash camera.
03:09:14 They aren't very expensive and serve as a great passive defense measure against maniacs on the road.
03:09:19 Get front and rear facing cameras if possible, but only if only.
03:09:26 But front only is better than nothing.
03:09:29 Yeah, that's that could be a double edged sword though.
03:09:31 That's The thing is that could be cool to have, but at the same time.
03:09:37 It's like.
03:09:40 I don't know.
03:09:41 Let me just put this way.
03:09:42 These cameras right here.
03:09:45 They're not being recorded anywhere, at least anywhere that can be accessed by anyone.
03:09:53 You know, like it might not be the best thing to have.
03:09:57 I don't know.
03:09:59 I I'll tell you what, if you do that, that's.
03:10:01 Not a bad.
03:10:01 Idea to have it.
03:10:03 But I it's.
03:10:03 A bad idea for people to know you have it.
03:10:05 Let me put it that way.
03:10:12 All right.
03:10:12 And last but not least.
03:10:14 We have dumb stop saying the N word. It's racist. Well, there you go.
03:10:22 There you go.
03:10:25 Let me get a regular.
03:10:26 Chat here.
03:10:33 People are saying future chat GTA I will be able to remake movies and actors using footage and sound samples.
03:10:40 You can then release alternative endings, ending movies on the dark web, blatantly violating any copyright for some Monero.
03:10:49 Yeah, well, I think they'll make entire movies out of AI eventually.
03:10:55 UM.
03:10:59 Yeah, don't have your speed recorded and don't record your audio.
03:11:03 I just, yeah.
03:11:04 And and don't have it.
03:11:05 Don't give it access to the Internet.
03:11:07 That's that's the big one.
03:11:09 Like there's one of the reasons why I use analog everything.
03:11:13 You know, cameras and everything else.
03:11:18 Is, yeah, digital access.
03:11:22 Is it's just too easy for people.
03:11:24 Who want you dead?
03:11:27 They just, you know, if it can, if it can access the Internet, they can access it for that way.
03:11:38 Oh, you guys want to see Andrew Tates dad?
03:11:46 And then I'll shut her down.
03:11:49 I just thought it was funny when I sounds.
03:11:51 Like what? Really.
03:11:54 Like that's just done, I guess I.
03:11:56 See the resemblance? Actually, but.
03:12:03 I mean, I guess he was really smart and he was.
03:12:07 He was a chess player, but like he wasn't like a chess master.
03:12:10 But he was.
03:12:13 Well, I don't know.
03:12:13 I don't know how that all it works, honestly.
03:12:29 Yeah, this is his dad.
03:12:43 I mean, he he's literally a CIA glow.
03:12:52 Like that's that's according to enter takes the one that said his dad was in the CIA.
03:12:55 Maybe he's.
03:12:56 Full of ****, but I would I wouldn't doubt it, you know.
03:13:03 So it is what it is, right? Where the chat window go? I just wanna double check before I close things down. Anyway, it's good to be back guys and look forward to another year of Insomnia's dreams and.
03:13:19 It was nice to.
03:13:20 Have the.
03:13:21 The break is well.
03:13:23 But now I'm back in the saddle and.
03:13:27 And remembering why I do it in the 1st place and that is because you guys.
03:13:32 You guys make it all possible.
03:13:35 All right.
03:13:35 Well, I'm going to take off and run out and see where.
03:13:39 Where this guy has run off too.
03:13:41 He's no longer in his in his chair.
03:13:44 Or in his tub.
03:13:45 And I think he was smacking things around in the storage thing at the side of the.
03:13:50 So I might have to.
03:13:50 Feed him.
03:13:52 And then I might go on a night hike.
03:13:55 Right after I feed him.
03:13:56 That's the hard part about the night hikes.
03:13:57 Now is I can't have ghost cat chasing me into the desert cause he'll be eaten by coyotes, so I have to, like, feed him and then sneak off.
03:14:03 Well, follow me out there so I might do that.
03:14:07 So you guys all have a great week.
03:14:09 I will see you on Saturday same bat time, same BAT, Channel 4, Black Pill line of course.
Speaker 5
03:14:20 This isn't an anti-Semitic video, it's an educational one and we hope you'll learn something by the end. Throughout history, Jewish people have been perceived as being wealthy, but where did that rhetoric stem from?
03:14:32 We know that Jewish people, like all people, have their wealthy middle class and their lower income group.
03:14:37 So Alexis today we're going to delve deep into this thought.
03:14:40 Process #1 Judaism and wealth.
03:14:45 Judaism doesn't cast poverty as a sign of righteousness, as other beliefs might.
03:14:50 Instead, they believe each person should avoid poverty and be gainfully employed to earn their own living.
03:14:56 This is a fundamental value that has led to a good work ethic and a personal responsibility for each person earning their own keep Jewish people.
03:15:04 Also believe in giving. They believe that 10 to 20% of wages should go toward religious and charitable causes.
03:15:11 However, they don't believe in relying on charity to lift yourself up, and certainly not to become a burden on the community.
03:15:18 Growing up with this kind of mindset makes for a solid foundation to see success as the only option.
03:15:25 #2 European Jews couldn't own land. If you think anti-Semitism was only popularized in World War 2, think again.
03:15:34 Jewish people have had a tough history, including not being able to own land in Europe from as far back as the medieval times, but where there's a will, there's a way.
03:15:43 So Jewish people found.
03:15:44 Alternative ways to build their wealth outside of property owning one of them being merchants and traders.
03:15:50 Industries to this day where they still have a big footprint.
Speaker 1
03:15:53 Good point.
Speaker 5
03:15:53 In most countries, this created a safety net for Jewish communities because where their services were needed, they were safe.
Speaker 1
03:15:56 Keeping it for Jewish communities because wherever their services were needed, they were safe.
Speaker 5
03:16:02 #3 was taken.
Speaker 1
03:16:03 Religious opportunity while studying to Christians in the Middle Ages, charging interest was a sin.
Speaker 5
03:16:07 Charging interest was a sin.
03:16:09 This prevented them from holding any type of financial job, leaving the opportunities in that field open to the Jewish community.
Speaker 1
03:16:09 This prevented them from holding money for their financial prob.
03:16:12 Given the opportunities when they opened to the Jewish.
03:16:15 Who did not say lending Jewish people became prominent in many lending businesses.
Speaker 5
03:16:16 Who did not see lending in the same way Jewish people became prominent in money lending businesses the Jewish people's early success.
Speaker 1
03:16:21 Of people's early success in this lucrative business, therefore.
Speaker 5
03:16:24 Was a forerunner.
Speaker 1
03:16:25 For many.
Speaker 5
03:16:26 Of the stereotypes we hear today of Jewish people.
Speaker 1
03:16:30 Number four opened the first banks.
03:16:33 It was a hop and a skip from money lending to open the first functions up through the Jewish community.
Speaker 5
03:16:33 It was a hop and a skip from money lending to opening the first banks in Europe for the Jewish community.
03:16:39 They could manage transactions, transfers and day-to-day financial services, plus continue to lend money and charge interest with their strong background in finance, this was a much needed service in a developing continent and helped fuel further growth.
Speaker 1
03:16:39 They could manage transactions transfers on day-to-day financial services, plus continue to lend money and charge interest with their strong background in finance, this was a much needed service on a developing continent and helped to fuel further growth.
Speaker 5
03:16:54 But it wasn't all worthy.
Speaker 1
03:16:54 But it wasn't all rosy. The success also led to jealousy, which fueled much of the anti-Semitic.
Speaker 5
03:16:55 This success also led the jealousy.
03:17:00 Sentiment throughout the oceans.
Speaker 1
03:17:03 #5, the most educated religious.
03:17:06 Group in 2016, the Pew Center released a study which listed Jewish people as the most educated religious.
Speaker 15
03:17:11 That's first.
Speaker 1
03:17:13 Group in the world.
03:17:14 On average, the Jewish community receives 13.4 years of schooling when it comes to post secondary degrees, Jewish people hold.
03:17:22 61% of the quality.
03:17:24 What's more surprising is the vast difference between first and second.
03:17:28 Most educated religions Christians rank second, most educated.
03:17:32 But compared to the.
03:17:33 Average of 13 point.
03:17:35 Four years of schooling among Jewish people. Christians only rack up an average of 9.3 years.
03:17:40 At school more.
03:17:41 Credentials lead to a higher starting salary.
03:17:44 And this immediately improves the financial status of Jewish people right out of university.
03:17:50 Number six, they look after one another.
03:17:53 Perhaps it comes from a long history of being marginalized, or perhaps it's just inherent nature.
03:17:59 The Jewish people have a deep pride in sharing their wealth to benefit their community.
03:18:03 This mutual aid mentality is a part of their ethos and ensures that each member of the community is supported to enable them to succeed.
03:18:11 If someone opens a new business, the community will while you're on them to support it.
03:18:15 If someone else falls on hard times, the community will try to help them out.
03:18:19 Judaic law instructs that poor people are to be respected and protected.
03:18:24 This is strong focus on uplifting the whole community has meant that even shunned the Jewish communities have managed to survive the hardest times by investing in one another.
03:18:33 The idea of wealth is not just to accumulate wealth, which is seen as vanity.
03:18:38 Wealth is seen as a means to an end.
03:18:40 To grow a community.
03:18:42 It is highly frowned upon to not give.
03:18:44 Generously to the social and spiritual needs of the community.
03:18:49 #7 their religion teaches good business, practices the Torah and many Jewish philosophers, leaders and writers have made it clear how Jewish businesses must operate according to these teachings, there's absolutely no room for dishonest practices, any deception, collusion.
03:19:08 Price fixing against the consumer is known as Omaha, which translated means oppression.
03:19:14 Fleecing the consumer is seen as an oppression.
03:19:16 Of their freedom.
03:19:17 Knowing that you're going into business with someone who is inspired to good ethics by a higher power makes Jewish business people a very attractive business partner to me.
03:19:28 #8 resilience and perseverance are second nature. Despite extreme challenges, Jewish people have shown resilience throughout. It's woven into their fabric, and the focus remains on the spiritual and practical. With this resilience and perseverance, giving up is not an option. When things go wrong in business.
03:19:47 Which happens there is no self pity but an attitude of **** happens.
03:19:52 Let's figure out how to fix it.
03:19:53 As author of the Money Code become a millionaire with the ancient Jewish code, HW Charles wrote.
03:20:00 The Jews are known for their perseverance, and this is what helps them achieve their goals. Perseverance means continuous persistence in the course of action or purpose. In spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement. #9 good financial education taught over generations jazz.
03:20:20 Had a lot of pushback for his comments on Jewish people in his track, the story of OJ, the controversial line was you want to know what's more important than throwing away money at a strip club?
03:20:29 Credit you ever wonder why Jewish people own all the property in America?
03:20:33 This is how they did it.
03:20:34 It was seen by many experts as reinforcing the stereotype that Jewish.
03:20:38 People have some kind of global control.
03:20:40 Of property and banks.
03:20:42 However, chasing defenders.
03:20:43 Saw it as.
03:20:44 A shout out to Jewish success and to hint to the black community to follow similar business ventures and invest in each other the kind of generational knowledge and market confidence in the areas of.
03:20:55 Finance and property that the Jewish community has is enviable no matter who you support.
03:21:00 #10 parents teach their children.
03:21:03 The value of money.
03:21:05 In many households speaking openly about finance is taboo.
03:21:08 Parents try to protect their children by not sharing if they're having financial troubles or if they're wealthy.
03:21:14 Displaying that it's OK to splurge by using up five jars.
03:21:18 Many Jewish parents teach their children.
03:21:20 How to be money wise, each jar is labeled type giving and offering, saving, investing and spending. Children are given 10 shekels and the child puts one in a tie jar, one in the giving and offering one in the savings, 2IN investing and five in spending.
03:21:38 The giving jar is opened up on Sundays tight, which means 10th in Hebrew is opened at the end of the month.
03:21:44 The savings is opened on special occasions and investing is only opened when full parents don't intervene and the child is responsible for the money.
03:21:53 But the children learn from their mistakes and take ownership.
03:21:56 Of their decisions.
03:21:59 #11 wealth is managed effectively. Sages of the Talmud, the lives, sayings and stories.
03:22:06 Of 400 rabbinic nests.
03:22:08 A book written by Mordecai Julius is a great read.
03:22:12 You can also hear it on audible and the cheers of many words of wisdom, including how to manage money with spiritual motivation.
03:22:18 The book also touches on finances and diversification.
03:22:22 What diversification means is that capital is allocated in a way that doesn't expose too much to one particular risk or asset, but rather spread to them to reduce the risk.
03:22:32 To sum it up, in its most basic form, don't put all of your eggs in one basket.
03:22:38 #12 networking.
03:22:40 Is important.
Speaker 1
03:22:43 We all know how networking opens doors and business opportunities, and only by actively engaging with others can we grow our business and wealth.
03:22:51 People do business with those they know, trust and who are genuine with Jewish communal life, there is ample opportunity to network the Sabbath, synagogue and Jewish celebrations.
03:23:02 Helped to build long lasting relationships, both business and personal.
03:23:07 #13 look at the past to plan the future elixirs. We've all heard the saying history repeating itself. The Jewish community are aware that any circumstances arising now are not new.
03:23:21 By looking at similar situations that have.
03:23:23 Happened in the past.
03:23:24 It's easier to make Better Business and financial decisions.
03:23:27 For the.
03:23:28 Patterns repeat themselves.
03:23:30 Wealth is gained by learning those patterns or trends, understanding market cycles, and gaining a foothold on worldwide currency.
03:23:38 Kelso cook your corn author of the Secrets of Jewish Wealth, revealed beautifully, right until now, your money has told you what to do and how much to work.
03:23:47 Now you're going to turn that around.
03:23:49 You'll learn how to tell your money what to do and how much to.
03:23:53 Work for you?
03:23:55 #14 advice from one of the richest Mark Zuckerberg was raised in a reformed Jewish house, he.
03:24:02 Had a Star Wars themed Barbie.
03:24:05 He was just 19 when he started Facebook in 2004. Zuckerberg says he's become more religious since becoming a father and often defends his great advice.
03:24:14 Becoming business leaders, he says some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard for it.
03:24:21 To help you along your financial journey with highly recommend you watch your video 10 life facts factually.
03:24:26 Work where we explain an.
03:24:28 Interesting concept called Parkinson's Law.
03:24:31 Check it out.
03:24:33 #15 the simple truth, Deluxe says it is true that all a lot of Jewish people that are rich, but it's also true there are a lot that are poor.
03:24:42 The same goes every other person, Jewish or not, the Torah does teach beautiful principles for success in life, which we.
03:24:51 Can all learn from.
03:24:52 Self learning, education and a hunger to learn will set you on the right path to becoming financially secure.
03:24:58 Lubitz and Dana Weinberg, Orthodox Jewish Robertson and founder and Dean of Art College of Jewish Studies for Women in Jerusalem, shares advice we can all take it.
03:25:08 There are no problems, only opportunities for growth.