

Speaker 1
00:00:00 I like to sing dance.
00:01:20 Pretty I like to have fun.
00:01:26 Fun fun fun fun fun, fun, fun.
00:01:50 Let's go over here.
00:01:52 Just you say.
00:02:13 Can we do more kazoo?
00:02:26 You're my special friend.
00:07:24 I I had.
00:07:25 A spoiler at the beginning that was supposed to.
00:07:27 Be hidden. Alright. Well anyway.
00:07:29 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:07:31 Good night.
00:07:32 This is Devin stack.
00:07:33 You are watching the insomnia stream.
00:07:37 Oozy heart surgery edition.
00:07:42 It'll all come together soon enough.
00:07:47 All right, so let's have a little look, see.
00:07:53 At what I've got for you tonight, it's a special edition.
00:07:58 It's a very special edition.
Speaker 4
00:08:01 The special remix edition.
00:08:06 In fact, it deserves a science.
Speaker 3
00:08:08 Yes, science.
00:08:10 There we go.
00:08:11 Nothing to do with science.
00:08:13 But it's all about the remakes we're going to watch together.
00:08:19 There was a show back in the day.
00:08:22 That I completely forgot about.
00:08:27 Called Highway to heaven.
00:08:30 Highway to heaven.
00:08:32 It was another one of these boomer shows they made, you know, in retrospect.
00:08:37 They made quite a lot of these.
Speaker 5
00:08:40 It really wasn't.
00:08:41 A lot different if you think about it, then quantum leap.
00:08:46 Quantum Leap was about we ****** ** the past.
00:08:50 We need to go back.
00:08:52 We need to go back and fix the past.
00:08:56 And I've got magical powers to do it.
00:09:01 And in many ways, I'm meddling.
00:09:07 I'm taking away peoples free will.
00:09:11 Because I know what's best.
00:09:15 I'm going to meddle and fix what went wrong.
00:09:20 I'm going to fix what people got wrong.
00:09:23 I'm going to heal the world, you might say.
00:09:29 The highway to heaven.
00:09:32 Let's bring let's.
00:09:34 Take a look, I forget what year it started.
00:09:36 Highway to heaven.
00:09:40 There we are, 1984.
00:09:42 So yeah, it was about the same time as quantum leap and all these other shows.
00:09:48 And it starred Michael Landon from, you know, Little house on the Prairie.
00:09:54 It was a.
00:09:54 Very Zionist show.
00:09:56 It was a very Christian Zionist show.
00:09:59 The basically the the.
00:10:02 The storyline was instead of quantum Leap, You had Sam Beckett, who's traveling back in time because of some weird.
00:10:13 You know, they don't really explain it.
00:10:14 Time machine thing.
00:10:15 Right.
00:10:16 Well, the way this is a little different is you had Michael Landon.
00:10:23 Who was? Uh. Let's see here. Well, I'll just read this here. Jonathan Smith, formerly a man who lived on Earth from 1917 to 1948, is now a probationary Angel sent to Earth to help people in need.
00:10:41 In the course of an assignment, he meets Mark Gordon, an embittered retired policeman, now bouncing from job to job.
00:10:50 At first, distrustful of Jonathan, Mark helps him complete his assignments.
00:10:55 So it's it's.
00:10:56 Literally, quantum leap only instead of a time traveling, you know Scott Bacula.
00:11:02 It's a an Angel.
00:11:05 Michael Landon with Victor French as a sidekick.
00:11:10 In the same way.
00:11:11 That that Scott Bakula had his stuff.
00:11:13 It's it's like the same thing.
00:11:14 It's literally.
00:11:15 The same thing.
00:11:17 Now this episode.
00:11:20 Is it has.
Speaker 6
00:11:23 A lot of things we've seen before.
Speaker 5
00:11:26 I told you that the when.
00:11:28 You when you have to fight boomers on World War 2 related things or on ethnicity and stuff like that.
00:11:37 You have to realize this was.
00:11:39 I mean, it wasn't just a little bit, it was saturated.
00:11:42 It was every single show had these episodes.
00:11:45 Every single ******* show.
00:11:48 And they just beat look and these are the shows that Gen. X was watching. And the older millennials in 1984, right?
00:11:58 Isn't that ironic, 1984?
00:12:00 Is when this was on.
00:12:03 But to spice it up, because it is 1984 and I know there's a lot of younger people with, you know, much shorter attention spans and this is like an hour long show. This was like an hour long show.
00:12:13 And there's a lot of stuff that we need to watch.
00:12:15 I thought I would spice it up a little bit.
00:12:19 I thought I would make it more of.
00:12:22 Like a remix.
00:12:24 So that if it gets a little boring and you know I couldn't spend, I couldn't spend forever on it.
00:12:30 So it's it's only a little select parts in which I do this.
00:12:34 But I thought I would liven it up a little bit.
00:12:36 For the younger kids, right?
00:12:40 Without further ado, let's let's pop this up here.
00:12:42 Let's have a little look.
00:12:43 See, let me get my disclaimer up here.
00:12:47 Boom. Look at that.
00:12:50 All right.
00:12:50 So we're going to take a look at how this episode opens up.
00:12:55 So all you know is Michael Landon, who is the, you know, the guy from little house on the.
00:12:59 Prairie is an.
00:13:00 Angel, which oddly enough, he doesn't really.
00:13:04 Have a big role in.
00:13:05 This episode, like he's almost not in.
00:13:06 It uh.
00:13:08 Well, you'll see.
00:13:10 Perhaps why.
Speaker 3
00:13:12 19414243.
00:13:16 Was another time.
00:13:19 In Germany we lived with fear.
00:13:21 We slept with it.
00:13:23 And camera 2.
00:13:25 You see, today it is difficult for anyone, but especially for the young people who have known no other life to imagine what Hitler's Germany was like for her teenager, who happened to be Jewish. I was one of only 7 survivors.
Speaker 7
00:13:38 Ready 3.
Speaker 3
00:13:43 Of a transport of 1.
00:13:45 See the irony of this?
00:13:47 Is this is a TV show?
00:13:52 With Holocaust propaganda in it.
00:13:57 About so right now a TV show.
Speaker 6
00:14:01 With, with, with even it's like 2.
00:14:04 Layers of Holocaust propaganda already going on here.
00:14:11 But anyway, I digress.
00:14:14 Let's let's hear what he has to say.
Speaker 3
00:14:16 1000 people of about my age who entered Auschwitz with me God 3.
Speaker 10
00:14:22 Versus speak to the nation.
00:14:25 And I'm Jed stone.
Speaker 7
00:14:26 We are talking today with.
Speaker 10
00:14:28 Everett Solomon, the philanthropist, industrialist, individualist world leader and thinker and spokesman for international peace.
Speaker 8
00:14:29 Hey, Mark, listen to this.
00:14:43 He's not just he's not just a Holocaust survivor.
Speaker 9
00:14:47 He is.
Speaker 4
00:14:48 Of genius.
Speaker 5
00:14:51 A A virtuous man.
00:14:54 The face of world like, wow.
00:14:56 Like, what do they say here?
00:14:57 I mean.
00:14:57 It was ridiculous.
Speaker 10
00:14:59 We are talking today with Everett.
00:15:01 Solomon, the philanthropist, industrialist, individualist.
Speaker 11
00:15:02 Hey, Mark, listen to this.
Speaker 5
00:15:06 Philanthropist industrialists, individualist.
Speaker 10
00:15:11 World leader and thinker.
Speaker 6
00:15:13 World leader and thinker.
Speaker 10
00:15:16 And spokesman for international peace.
00:15:19 And spokesman for international peace.
00:15:26 Oh yeah, OK.
00:15:28 And Holocaust survivor.
00:15:29 We forgot that.
Speaker 10
00:15:31 Mr. Solomon.
00:15:32 What are your feelings concerning the rise of Neo Nazi cultism?
Speaker 3
00:15:38 The world has always mirrored its own history.
00:15:42 It isn't surprising that the mirror some of these people hold up to themselves is Nazi Germany, he once told a Seattle Times reporter of teaching his daughter his three-year old daughter.
00:15:56 How to kill Jews?
00:15:58 You gotta watch out.
00:16:01 There's Neo Nazis out there teaching their three-year old daughters.
00:16:06 How to kill Jews?
00:16:10 See again 1984, right. So right around this time you have this episode playing, you've got the the MacGyver episode playing, you've got the I.
00:16:20 Mean it's it.
00:16:22 I wasn't exaggerating.
00:16:23 It's every ******* single show that's on television.
00:16:27 And many times multiple episodes.
Speaker 3
00:16:33 He said someday she will be a fine marksman, firing bullets into the heads.
00:16:41 Of kites.
00:16:43 And they say these people are no good, they are inferior.
00:16:48 Get rid of them.
00:16:50 Only they know.
00:16:52 No one else knows the cruel, fanatic dirty Jew.
Speaker 6
00:17:30 OK, I'm spicing up.
Speaker 5
00:17:32 Spice it up a little bit there.
00:17:33 Just grab your attention.
00:17:34 Keep keep, keep you.
00:17:36 On your toes.
00:17:38 So that guy is the uh, you know, he's he's one of the crazy Nazis.
Speaker 5
00:17:43 And he's like that.
00:17:45 That damn Jew on TV.
00:17:47 I'll get him.
00:17:49 And his his wife, of course.
00:17:52 Always the betrayer, isn't it?
00:17:54 The white woman.
00:17:55 She's like, I don't know.
00:17:57 I'm, I'm uncomfortable with this.
00:17:58 Oh, God.
00:18:00 So then.
00:18:03 What's this the?
00:18:04 Oh crap.
00:18:05 Ah, here we.
00:18:06 Are send the other evil Nazi guy?
00:18:09 He sneaks up on the Jews house to Todd. Well, you'll see there. These these, these are bad people. These these neo Nazis that are everywhere in 1984.
Speaker 7
00:18:48 Don't go out.
Speaker 9
00:19:13 The Nazi killed his dog, named Atlas.
00:19:17 It's Nazis.
00:19:18 Fake dogs hate him.
Speaker 5
00:19:22 And now his dog lives.
Speaker 7
00:19:28 Long in time.
Speaker 6
00:19:46 OK, so the dog's dead.
00:19:50 The dog, which I thought was funny. The dog's name is Atlas. I wonder if that's supposed to be like Atlas Shrugged.
00:19:55 You know, because.
00:19:56 What's her face as a Jew?
00:19:58 And remember, in the beginning when they introduced, you know, Mr.
00:20:01 Solomon, he's a individualist.
00:20:04 So the the Nazi went to the Jewish guys house and killed his dog.
00:20:10 Ohh, that's not all.
00:20:12 That's not all.
00:20:13 If only that was all that happened.
Speaker 3
00:20:38 After all these years.
00:20:41 The hate continues.
00:20:45 You're going to like this one.
Speaker 6
00:20:53 Ohh snap the day of the rope is coming.
Speaker 7
00:21:13 How far away?
Speaker 1
00:21:15 I'm gonna.
00:21:16 I'm gonna call.
00:21:17 I'm gonna.
Speaker 9
00:21:17 Make a call tonight, Joseph.
00:21:20 All right, so he basically starts having a heart attack.
00:21:23 And his his sons like I'm going to call the the ambulance and the, you know, Michael Landon's character.
00:21:32 Like I say, he's not in this episode a whole lot.
00:21:34 Apparently for this mission.
00:21:36 In the same way that that in Quantum Leap Sam back it would leap into other people.
00:21:43 And so he'd have, like, a different job every episode.
00:21:46 Same thing with this right in this episode, they're paramedics.
00:21:52 They're the ones.
00:21:53 That show up and and to help this world leader.
Speaker 3
00:21:58 No, no, no hospital.
Speaker 9
00:22:00 Yeah, you have at least got to go in.
Speaker 3
00:22:02 And no, no.
00:22:03 What are they going to tell?
00:22:04 Me I need.
Speaker 3
00:22:05 A new hunt?
00:22:07 In 43 I was an experiment. Since then I've needed a new heart.
00:22:12 But I'm here.
Speaker 4
00:22:14 The Nazis, they put in a monkey hot.
00:22:17 And I've always needed a new heart ever since then.
00:22:20 But I'm here despite my Nazi monkey heart.
Speaker 3
00:22:24 I saw my father LED away to the ovens.
00:22:26 The last thing he said to me was live.
Speaker 9
00:22:30 I mean.
Speaker 4
00:22:31 They took my my father to the to the ovens to to bake some cookies and also to.
00:22:39 I don't know.
Speaker 3
00:22:43 I'm here.
00:22:44 Let's take a little more this.
Speaker 4
00:22:47 Have some guests.
Speaker 8
00:23:02 Ignore this.
Speaker 6
00:23:11 You guys liking the remix?
00:23:16 OK.
00:23:17 Meanwhile, meanwhile, behind the facade of this innocent looking bookstore, you've got this, the Nazi kid who's the son of the the evil Nazi guy from the beginning.
00:23:31 Not not the the dog killing Nazi, but the Nazi that was mad at the TV.
00:23:37 And so he's, he's in the the the because this was the other thing, right.
00:23:41 This is another common denominator.
00:23:43 They always show that like the the evil right wingers, they've always got a secret Nazi room.
00:23:49 Like they've all have, they all have, like a basement or an attic, or a cave or something where they've got Nazi flags everywhere.
00:23:58 And and before going to the their their lair, they dress up usually and in full.
00:24:05 You know Nazi outfits.
00:24:08 Even when they're just hanging out and playing poker, which is what these guys are doing, so he his son's cleaning guns and cause, you know.
00:24:18 And now this thing is not behaving.
00:24:22 And so they're playing poker and talking about their evil Nazi plans.
00:24:27 With, you know, notice and they got all the guns in the background.
00:24:29 Because you.
00:24:30 Know it's it's the gun, guys, you.
00:24:32 Got to watch out for.
Speaker 13
00:24:33 The whole country can be watching our rally.
Speaker 11
00:24:35 I never thought we'd.
Speaker 14
00:24:36 Get a permit.
Speaker 13
00:24:38 This is a democracy, isn't it?
00:24:40 We're even going.
00:24:41 To have special police protection, Jan.
00:24:43 No, no.
Speaker 6
00:24:46 Oh, how the times have changed.
00:24:51 In 1984, which this is The funny thing? In 1984 you could be like a straight up NEO Nazi group and get a permit and get police protection.
00:25:07 You could and.
Speaker 6
00:25:08 The ACLU would defend you in court.
00:25:12 In 1984.
00:25:18 Because the communists, the leftists.
00:25:22 Had not quite they didn't have control yet.
00:25:25 The only reason why all these people always like how come?
00:25:28 Why is it that the leftists went from defenders of free speech?
00:25:34 To the biggest sensors in the world?
00:25:36 Well, that's because they were going to use it as a weapon.
00:25:42 Like, well, that's what they were doing with this TV show.
00:25:44 They were using it.
00:25:45 As a weapon.
00:25:47 And so while they were using that as a it.
00:25:50 As a weapon.
00:25:54 They would go and defend literal Neo Nazis, the ACLU.
00:26:00 Would would go defend.
00:26:03 Neo Nazis.
00:26:05 And not think twice about it.
00:26:12 And Neo Nazis could easily get.
00:26:18 Because of some of those court.
00:26:19 Rulings and yeah, instead of getting set.
00:26:22 Up by the police.
00:26:24 You'd get police protection.
00:26:27 That's how this country used to work.
00:26:30 But once they you know, once they were firmly in power.
00:26:35 They don't need, in fact, not only do they not.
00:26:38 Need freedom of speech anymore?
Speaker 4
00:26:40 Now it's a danger to them.
00:26:43 Because now people like me.
Speaker 6
00:26:46 Can do to them.
00:26:48 What they.
00:26:50 Did to me already I can flip.
Speaker 5
00:26:53 It around on them thanks to this Internet thing.
00:26:58 So anyway, it was oh, how the times have changed. In fact, in a way, this is kind of, you know, the way that they're because, look, they they make of course like in every one of these shows, the Nazis are like super ******** guys and you know, in fact, one of them's like one step away from just the the guy who killed the dog.
00:27:18 The guy in the middle there and he's just like he's randomly going.
Speaker 6
00:27:21 Yeah, for like, no reason and ****.
Speaker 4
00:27:22 I probably know.
00:27:23 Right.
00:27:24 Just like completely *******, you know, ******.
00:27:27 And this is this was kind of.
00:27:30 In a way.
00:27:32 At least at least floating the idea.
00:27:36 Well, maybe they shouldn't get permits.
Speaker 6
00:27:39 Right.
00:27:42 Maybe they shouldn't get police protection.
00:27:48 And then once again, of course, the White woman destroyer of nations.
Speaker 6
00:27:55 She's like, what's going on down here and you're Nazi layer.
Speaker 13
00:28:00 What do you want?
Speaker 15
00:28:02 Well, should be.
Speaker 12
00:28:02 Upstairs, honey, he's got homework to do.
Speaker 13
00:28:05 He'll be up when he's done.
Speaker 8
00:28:07 Then what?
Speaker 13
00:28:09 Cleaning guns.
Speaker 12
00:28:11 Gee, I don't like him down here.
00:28:13 He's too young.
Speaker 13
00:28:15 Too young for what?
00:28:16 To know the truth.
00:28:18 To know that we're in.
00:28:18 A fight for our very lives.
Speaker 12
00:28:20 He's only a boy, that's why.
Speaker 13
00:28:22 He should be down there with us now.
00:28:24 So that he knows who the enemy is.
00:28:28 So when he grows up, he'll be fighting right alongside with us.
Speaker 15
00:28:33 Why do you keep talking about fighting all the time?
Speaker 7
00:28:37 How can you fight with a handful of men?
Speaker 13
00:28:41 Hitler started with less.
Speaker 1
00:28:50 Excuse me.
Speaker 13
00:28:52 Sometimes I scare a lot of people.
Speaker 4
00:28:55 Da da da.
Speaker 13
00:28:55 That's OK.
00:28:58 His country's going straight to hell, man.
00:29:02 There's a lot of godless people out there.
00:29:06 Inside the government.
00:29:08 Eating it away.
00:29:12 Alright so.
00:29:14 Now the next day at school.
00:29:17 Someone has written Kite on his on his locker.
00:29:23 Well, I would just like.
00:29:24 To know who did it well.
Speaker 6
00:29:25 It could have been anybody.
00:29:35 It could have been anybody.
00:29:52 Never mind, it could have been anyone.
00:29:55 But I would just.
00:29:56 Like to know who did it well.
Speaker 12
00:29:57 It could have been anybody.
Speaker 14
00:30:00 I'm a Jew who has to be used to trouble.
00:30:02 There's one way to stop these Nazis, and that's to get rid of them.
Speaker 3
00:30:05 Do you think I could ever forget what?
00:30:07 It was like.
00:30:10 OK so.
00:30:13 So the this is this is the, you know, super World Peace leader guys son and the angry his angry you friend was like we need to get him.
00:30:27 Let's get them Nazis and he's like I don't know we should.
00:30:32 Like not do that.
00:30:33 And you know, my dad says peace is good.
00:30:36 So he's basically going home and saying my friend says you're a ****.
Speaker 3
00:30:40 Do you think I could ever forget what it was like?
00:30:46 Never isn't the moment that it isn't with me, not a moment.
00:30:53 The day the Nazis took my father and mother to the truck.
00:30:58 They said the women were.
00:30:59 Going to work at it.
Speaker 7
00:30:59 It's a.
00:31:06 Again, This is why it's so difficult to talk to these people sometimes.
Speaker 16
00:31:10 About this stuff.
00:31:11 And I mean you.
00:31:14 You you couldn't make it through life in America without hearing atrocity ****.
00:31:21 In every medium, at every opportunity, always all the time. non-stop year after year after year.
00:31:31 And it was, I mean, it was inescapable because there was in your education system, it was on the radio.
00:31:38 It was on the television.
00:31:39 It was.
00:31:40 In the theater.
00:31:41 There was no Internet.
00:31:44 Any media that you consumed included.
00:31:48 A huge.
00:31:50 Huge amount of this Holocaust stuff.
Speaker 3
00:31:56 My father kissed my mother.
00:31:58 She got on.
00:31:58 The truck.
00:32:00 And they closed the doors.
00:32:03 The s s officer in.
00:32:04 Charge then told the waiting husbands to take always connected from.
00:32:11 The exhaust pipe.
00:32:13 To an opening in the rear of the truck.
00:32:18 Of course, your grandfather and all the other prisoners refused, and the officer said if they don't.
00:32:26 Kill all of them and their children.
00:32:32 So they connected the holes.
00:32:36 My father.
00:32:37 You know what he's saying?
00:32:38 Those and so instead of.
00:32:41 Defending their families, they murdered their wives.
00:32:47 Sorry, I'm just not moved by this story. This story just really makes me feel like this guy's dad is kind of a disgusting.
00:32:53 ******, but OK.
Speaker 3
00:32:55 Stand by the truck until the screaming stuck.
00:33:02 So you see.
00:33:05 What I do is not easy.
00:33:08 Must have it.
00:33:12 So it's kind of funny because his his son comes to him and says, yeah, my friend says you're kind of a **** and he's like, I'm not. Now, let me tell you this story about how my father's a giant ******* ****. Like, literally.
00:33:24 Like killed.
00:33:26 Killed my mom because he was.
00:33:29 He was afraid of of Nazis.
00:33:35 So Speaking of Nazis, here we are.
00:33:37 These are the Nazis.
00:33:39 And again the the guy closest to the camera.
00:33:41 That guy is the the dog killer and he's extra stupid, but the guy the you know, the, the dad's obviously no genius himself.
00:33:51 And the kids, just like my mind's getting my soft little mind is getting poisoned by this evil ideology.
Speaker 13
00:33:59 Circulate the crowd.
00:34:00 Start your applause, and keep your eye open.
00:34:02 Don't you worry then.
Speaker 3
00:34:04 You you just give them hell.
00:34:08 See, I mean, cartoonishly ******* ********.
Speaker 13
00:34:13 And cow, be cool.
00:34:15 You are going to be on TV.
Speaker 7
00:34:17 Yeah, right.
00:34:19 Well, what do you think of?
00:34:20 Your daddy?
00:34:20 Well, he's going to be an important man after today, right, Dad?
Speaker 13
00:34:24 Gentlemen, today we take a meat axe to the system.
Speaker 5
00:34:30 Raw, I love the way your daddy talks.
00:34:36 Like they're cartoon *******.
00:34:46 So then we go to.
00:34:49 There's a scene where they're basically like, lamenting the Holocaust some more.
Speaker 10
00:34:54 Amaze is still around after all the stuff.
00:34:55 He's been through.
Speaker 15
00:34:58 He won't let himself die.
Speaker 8
00:35:01 As long as men are still wearing swastikas on their arm.
00:35:04 As long as men are still wearing swastikas.
00:35:06 On their arm.
00:35:08 The Jews will never, never relent.
00:35:12 So the that, that guy has this big speech.
00:35:16 The weird thing about this there was prominently featured Arabs in a time when that would not be a usual thing to see in America.
00:35:28 But I don't know, maybe that was just.
00:35:30 Me noticing something but.
Speaker 3
00:35:32 Events occur because many small events occur.
00:35:37 The hates letters reject this view of life.
00:35:40 They simplify everything.
00:35:43 They will always find some group responsible for every tragedy.
00:35:50 Because if you can blame someone.
00:35:53 You can make yourself a leader who will.
00:35:55 Avenge the wrong.
00:35:57 So they fanned the flames of hatred.
00:36:00 Until the people no longer use reason.
00:36:03 You mean like maybe white supremacy?
00:36:09 Projection much maybe exactly what you are doing.
00:36:13 In this episode.
00:36:15 Saying like you're blaming all.
00:36:17 Of the the all the hatred.
00:36:18 Of the world on these cartoonish.
00:36:24 White supremacists, these Neo Nazis, these people who did not exist in any in any numbers that posed any threat to anybody at all, in 1984.
00:36:39 Isn't that exactly what the the DOJ is doing right now?
00:36:45 Isn't that exactly what Homeland Security is doing right now?
00:36:52 Isn't that exactly?
00:36:56 The situation that we've got going on right now and and not by the way, it's not just, I mean it's it's you know it's the white supremacist but it's also anti vaxxers.
00:37:10 What our enemies are doing to us?
00:37:15 And The funny thing is, something that you'll see again and again and again.
00:37:19 And of course, like people have heard, like the.
00:37:22 The simpleton, you know, talk to a mid wit about what?
00:37:28 Like ask them.
00:37:29 Ask go find yourself a mid wit.
00:37:31 They're everywhere.
00:37:33 And asked them.
00:37:34 Do you know why Hitler hated Jews?
00:37:37 And you.
00:37:37 Will often hear some version.
00:37:41 Well, of course it's because he was like at art school and they didn't like his drawings.
00:37:47 Oh, it's because some Jewish girl like turned him down and wouldn't take him to homecoming.
00:37:52 Oh, it's like they.
00:37:53 They'll all have some, and it's The funny thing is, is there's.
00:37:56 More than one.
00:37:57 There's like several different.
00:38:00 Stories, simpleton story.
00:38:04 About oh, this one thing happened in Hitler's life, and then he just.
00:38:09 Hated Jews because like one Jew.
00:38:13 One, you wouldn't take him to the prom.
00:38:15 You know one Jew didn't like his paintings one you know, and that's that's essentially what they do with a lot of these episodes too.
00:38:23 Is they, they say, well, not only.
00:38:26 Are these guys?
Speaker 5
00:38:27 Crazy and full of hatred and irrational.
00:38:33 But really the we'll get into that in a minute, but.
00:38:35 Like basically the what planted.
Speaker 5
00:38:37 The seed is.
00:38:38 It was just one, you know, he had a problem with one Jew and then.
00:38:41 All of a sudden it was all Jews.
Speaker 3
00:38:44 They think of only one thing destroy that group, the enemy.
00:38:50 And so then they want to destroy the the the Jews so that they.
00:38:53 Can they can have power?
00:38:55 It's all about power.
Speaker 3
00:38:57 Blacks, Jews, chicanos.
00:39:01 Well, that's like three groups, dude.
00:39:04 You're kind of you're not making sense.
Speaker 6
00:39:06 Here you're saying.
00:39:08 Oh, they, they, they.
Speaker 5
00:39:09 They want to find.
00:39:10 That one group.
00:39:11 And say it's causing all the.
00:39:14 And then you listed like a bunch of groups anyway.
00:39:17 So meanwhile, the the Hitler speech guy is is doing his.
00:39:23 Is way less.
00:39:25 Eloquent speech.
00:39:27 That, as you might imagine, being delivered by the the kind of caricature of a Nazi that you would expect.
Speaker 9
00:39:35 We will no longer tolerate government by the minority for the minority.
00:39:42 There is no way a free society can evolve peacefully.
00:39:49 From a society?
00:39:51 That succumbs.
00:39:54 To Jewish corruption, we do not pay taxes to support our government.
00:40:05 No, we pay them to support us now.
00:40:11 See and that's.
00:40:12 That's a real thing, though.
00:40:16 And that's also.
00:40:17 A real thing that the people involved at the making of this episode.
00:40:22 We're very concerned with this is something that you saw in that X-Files episode 2.
00:40:27 It's one of the first things that they need to attach to the the.
00:40:32 Oh, look, it's it's just, it's just crazy people that worry about that.
00:40:40 It's just these insane Hitler wannabes.
00:40:44 That don't want their tax dollars going to Israel.
00:40:55 Isn't it shocking how many conservatives who don't want foreign aid going to any country except Israel?
00:41:05 They're all they're they're against.
00:41:08 Foreign aid, unless it's for Israel.
00:41:11 You ever wonder why that exception exists?
00:41:16 I mean for some of these people, yeah, there's probably a religious.
00:41:20 Component to it, right?
00:41:23 For a lot of Protestants there, there is a.
00:41:24 Love of of Israel?
00:41:28 But that's not enough to explain it.
00:41:32 Certainly a piece of the.
00:41:33 Puzzle, but that's not enough to explain it.
00:41:39 It's because they were told over and over and over again.
00:41:41 I guess in their case it's not just being.
00:41:44 Told at school.
00:41:46 Being told when they listen to the radio being told when they watch TV, being told when they watch movies.
00:41:54 Being told when they read newspapers or magazines.
00:41:59 They indeed they are being told from the pulpit when they're at church.
00:42:06 That they must support Israel.
Speaker 5
00:42:07 Where are they hearing anything else?
00:42:12 I can't think of anywhere else you would hear that, so it would like it would be like.
00:42:16 Hearing something crazy?
00:42:24 Because you probably wouldn't encounter that view that hey, maybe we shouldn't give money to Israel.
00:42:31 You probably wouldn't encounter that.
00:42:38 So before that, that idea.
00:42:42 Could be allowed to reach your mind.
00:42:45 They had to make this the face of that idea.
00:42:53 If you question giving your tax dollars to a foreign country that doesn't need it.
00:43:00 Or just to a foreign country.
00:43:02 **** it.
00:43:02 Like, why are we giving anybody?
00:43:07 Now you're one of these guys.
00:43:10 These are the guys that don't want to give Israel money.
00:43:14 Are you one of these guys?
Speaker 9
00:43:17 Think about that. The Jew.
00:43:23 He is smart.
00:43:27 He hides behind politicians with names like Smith like Jones.
00:43:36 But the money for their campaigns comes from men with names like Goldberg and Cohan.
00:43:48 Again, an excellent point.
00:43:51 In fact, let's look at Trump.
00:43:56 We have politicians with names like Trump.
00:44:00 But behind them, we have people with names like Adelson.
00:44:09 Like Kushner.
00:44:14 That's an excellent point.
00:44:15 And again, this was a problem that was that had been ongoing.
00:44:22 But where would you hear these ideas?
00:44:24 Where would you think to question this sort of a thing?
00:44:31 It's not as if.
00:44:34 Don't get me wrong, I think the IQ in this country has dropped and I think the understanding of of just the way the government works, you know just.
00:44:46 Like just basics.
00:44:51 Have just been eroded, right? Like the average person in 1984 had probably had a better grasp on how the government worked and and whatnot.
00:45:00 But don't think that they were like some kind.
00:45:02 Of geniuses back then.
00:45:06 You had just as many NPCS back then too.
00:45:09 That just, you know, or people that just everyone had jobs.
00:45:16 You had just as many politically involved, I would say, or maybe even less people back then.
00:45:24 As you do now, a lot of people who.
00:45:25 Have no idea.
00:45:29 Who was funding what?
00:45:31 You know, because there was number Internet like now we can go look it up, right?
00:45:36 We can go on the Internet right now.
00:45:39 Look up and see who's funding what politicians. It's public information. But in 1984, that information was hard to get.
00:45:50 If you weren't like a journalist.
00:45:55 But with the Internet you can just go look it up.
00:46:01 So this would sound like a crazy idea if you started telling people.
00:46:05 Yeah, well, I mean.
00:46:07 The the politicians that you're voting for, they might seem like, you know, white Protestants or white Catholics or whatever, but.
00:46:15 There there's a.
00:46:17 Totally different kind of person bankrolling their campaign.
00:46:26 Maybe that's, you know, if they if they have dual citizenship, just as an example, that might not.
00:46:31 Be good.
00:46:38 Maybe we should look into that.
00:46:40 Maybe we should look into why this same group is funding both sides.
00:46:47 Of many elections.
00:46:53 Oh, if you you hear that idea.
00:46:58 Do you entertain that idea?
00:46:59 You're that guy.
00:47:04 This is why boomers call everything Nazi.
00:47:14 It's really frustrating, you know, everything's Nazi, right?
00:47:18 Because to boomers, Nazi just means bad.
00:47:20 Nazi just means like this.
00:47:23 Crazy people bad.
00:47:28 You, I mean.
00:47:29 Look, boomers.
00:47:30 Didn't live in Nazi Germany.
00:47:31 They lived in America.
00:47:34 So their exposure to to what a Nazi was is was this.
Speaker 9
00:47:53 For that.
00:47:56 We will not.
00:47:58 We must not.
00:48:01 We cannot.
00:48:03 Let this continue.
Speaker 6
00:48:06 Country girl.
00:48:08 So yeah, he's a raving lunatic.
00:48:11 Meanwhile, the.
00:48:14 The Super Jew is.
00:48:17 Preaching a different message, a message of inclusion.
Speaker 3
00:48:20 We can never forget the horrors that took place.
00:48:23 And of course, never forget the Holocaust.
00:48:26 Trust me.
00:48:27 Mission accomplished, dude, it's 40 years later.
00:48:32 No one's forgotten. You won't let us forget.
Speaker 3
00:48:36 But if we are to go on.
00:48:39 We must somehow learn to live together.
00:48:43 In this world.
00:48:46 In peace.
00:48:54 Nice little multicultural speech again there with a weird emphasis.
00:49:00 Or at least just seeing with the way they shot this with with these Arabs.
00:49:04 I I thought that was odd just because, I mean.
00:49:09 I don't know.
00:49:10 Meanwhile, evil make evil.
Speaker 9
00:49:13 We must destroy the myth of the Holocaust, which of course never happened.
00:49:23 Say once again, don't question the Holocaust.
00:49:28 Or you're that guy.
00:49:34 It's crazy.
00:49:35 You're one of those stupid guys, those stupid, angry guys.
Speaker 9
00:49:41 Unless cultivated by the Jew to gain for himself, higher, higher.
00:50:14 Watch out.
00:50:15 Watch out, Jew kids, you don't **** *** the the the Down syndrome Nazi.
00:50:26 Meanwhile, your your dad, he's he's a.
00:50:30 He's been welcomed by all the the.
00:50:31 World the the multicultural elites.
00:50:35 Good job, Mr.
00:50:37 We all share your vision of inclusion.
00:51:31 Alright so.
00:51:33 They killed the the Jewish kid.
00:51:36 That's the the old guys, son.
00:51:39 And they're they're watching on TV, the TV report.
Speaker 14
00:51:44 We've done it that is national.
Speaker 9
00:51:47 News. We are big time.
Speaker 7
00:51:49 I didn't feel nothing said.
Speaker 14
00:51:50 Good. Pushed up that, kiddo.
Speaker 11
00:51:52 I don't feel.
Speaker 6
00:51:52 You're so sweet.
Speaker 7
00:51:53 The fear of God.
00:51:53 Into the wreckage.
Speaker 6
00:51:54 Oh my God.
Speaker 7
00:51:54 Hey, hey, come on.
Speaker 9
00:51:56 OK.
00:51:57 Yeah, they're all *******.
00:51:58 Like all of them are *******.
Speaker 14
00:52:00 Upon hearing of the shooting of his son, Everett, Solomon collapsed and was rushed.
00:52:04 To the hospital.
00:52:05 I like how in their basement you can't really see it.
00:52:08 You'll see this later.
00:52:09 They've got a it's like a shooting range in the basement.
00:52:13 That's why they got all these sandbags.
00:52:15 With the JFK like a a life-size JFK.
00:52:20 Behind behind the the guy in the middle, there's a life-size, MLK. I forget who's on the end. There's another guy too.
00:52:29 We'll to wait and see for that.
00:52:31 So apparently the Nazis really hate JFK and Martin Luther King, and then whoever is, we'll see who that guy is.
Speaker 14
00:52:41 Sullivan, a widower, has been in poor health for some years.
00:52:45 The result of time spent in a concentration camp.
00:52:50 Never forget, never, never forget.
Speaker 14
00:52:53 In Nazi Germany, his condition was listed as critical.
00:52:59 Upstairs, the northeast.
Speaker 13
00:53:00 I'll tell him it looks like we killed two birds with one stone.
Speaker 10
00:53:03 Late afternoon broadcast will be up to help.
00:53:04 OK.
Speaker 7
00:53:06 Go ahead.
Speaker 9
00:53:09 To the audit, to the order to the order.
Speaker 13
00:53:17 We're keeping this to celebrate.
00:53:19 Well, tonight's tonight.
00:53:22 I can't believe it.
Speaker 1
00:53:25 We finally got the offer yet.
Speaker 13
00:53:30 Here we go.
00:53:33 Come on.
00:53:33 I want to.
00:53:34 Make a toast.
00:53:40 What the hell is wrong with you?
Speaker 15
00:53:44 He was a boy.
Speaker 13
00:53:46 He was a *** ***.
00:53:48 His father was a.
Speaker 15
00:53:50 I don't care how murdered him.
Speaker 9
00:53:53 He's the enemy.
Speaker 15
00:54:00 Did you see your son tonight?
00:54:05 When he ran in here.
00:54:06 To tell you that boys Father was dying.
00:54:10 He was thrilled.
Speaker 3
00:54:12 He should be.
00:54:26 Just keep just cut it.
00:54:27 It started.
Speaker 3
00:54:29 Donald, Donald.
Speaker 13
00:54:40 Let's put it down right here.
00:54:43 Well, let's play it one more time.
00:54:44 Let's play.
Speaker 15
00:54:50 Tell you that boys father was dying.
00:54:54 He was.
00:54:56 You see.
00:54:58 Was sung tonight when he ran in here to tell you that Boyd's father was dying. He was thrilled.
Speaker 3
00:55:08 He should be.
00:55:21 Just keep just cut it.
Speaker 1
00:55:24 Donald Donald duck.
Speaker 7
00:55:34 OK.
00:55:38 So now for some reason.
00:55:41 They don't really explain how or why.
00:55:44 Well, I guess they explain why because.
00:55:46 They made national news some some secret order of the Nazis.
00:55:52 That's even, you know, like it's like upper level Nazi because these guys, they're just like the local chapter of the evil hate Nazi.
00:56:00 And then there's like, as we all know, there's like a, a, a secret cabal of ruling class Nazi that now is providing them with automatic weapons.
00:56:12 Because they're like, whoa, you guys made the national news.
00:56:16 Holy ****.
00:56:17 Here's a crate full of automatic weapons because you did.
00:56:21 You did so good.
00:56:22 We're, you know, you're moving up in the world.
00:56:24 We're going to start providing you with, with, with, with weapons now.
Speaker 13
00:56:29 Alright, let's put it down right here.
00:56:33 In other words, the federal government gave them a great the FBI's like, here's some here's some automatic weapons.
Speaker 13
00:56:44 Will you see these, son?
Speaker 1
00:56:45 I can't wait.
Speaker 13
00:56:46 There's more coming.
00:56:48 Look at that.
00:56:48 See what a little.
00:56:49 Person can do Cal.
Speaker 1
00:56:50 Do I ever wow.
00:56:52 Look at that.
Speaker 13
00:56:53 You could sure quite a crowd with.
Speaker 7
00:56:54 That where'd you get these, dad?
Speaker 13
00:56:56 From our friends, from friends of our class boy.
00:56:59 Can I hold it? Sure.
Speaker 7
00:57:03 Man, look here, Dad.
Speaker 6
00:57:04 Why not play with the Uzi?
00:57:08 What could go wrong?
00:57:10 Randall. Ohh it's great.
Speaker 13
00:57:12 I don't want them Jews getting any sympathy because of that.
00:57:16 So here's the here's another ****** ** thing.
00:57:18 This is another projection thing.
00:57:21 They they so they they instead of calling it ADL, they called the JDL.
00:57:27 But we all know that, you know.
00:57:28 We know they're talking.
00:57:29 About the ADL.
00:57:30 But here's another little piece of projection.
00:57:34 It's a little stunning.
Speaker 13
00:57:36 I don't want them Jews getting any sympathy because of that kid.
Speaker 8
00:57:40 Not much you can do.
Speaker 13
00:57:41 About that, yes, there is.
00:57:43 We could call some police agencies, federal agencies.
00:57:47 And tell them who killed that kid.
00:57:50 Yeah, well, tell them it was the JDL or another Jew group.
00:57:53 Who's going to believe that?
00:57:55 I mean, what?
00:57:55 What reason would they have a very good one?
00:57:59 They killed the kid and blamed it on anti Semites to further their own cause for sympathy.
Speaker 6
00:58:04 Oh the the.
00:58:06 ADL would never do that.
00:58:11 Ah, kind of makes you wonder why? Why in 1984 did they feel it necessary to?
00:58:17 To make you think that's crazy too.
00:58:21 That they would ever.
00:58:24 Make something up attack themselves.
00:58:28 And then blame it on quote UN quote white supremacy.
00:58:33 That's that's literally never happened, right guys?
00:58:37 We've never ever seen the ADL or some other Jewish group do something like that.
00:58:47 I mean, except for all the time but.
00:58:50 It's it's fantasyland fantasy.
00:58:53 That's totally crazy.
00:58:54 It's see.
00:58:55 Really, it's the Nazis.
Speaker 5
00:58:58 They're like, it's like double double, double agent.
00:59:01 And you see what they do is they do.
00:59:05 They they paint the the swastika.
00:59:10 The the the Jewish rabbi on the rabbis garage door.
00:59:14 Of course.
00:59:15 They paint it backwards, but they paint it on the rabbis garage door.
00:59:21 And then they called the police and the FBI and they say, hey man.
Speaker 5
00:59:28 I bet that Rabbi painted on his garage door himself and tried to blame white supremacists so that people would feel bad for him.
00:59:42 And then of course, because you know the the federal agencies and law enforcement, they hate Jews too.
00:59:49 They that's the they go to the the people in the press and they say yeah, I mean some guy you just on the phone called us.
00:59:58 Some anonymous guy called us and said that it was probably the rabbi that just painted on his garage door himself.
01:00:05 So that's the story you guys should run with in the press that's owned by Jews.
01:00:09 I mean, clearly.
Speaker 13
01:00:12 It's no different than blaming Hitler for killing the Jews during World War Two, we notify the press, they check with the federal agencies.
01:00:20 They can't deny the calls.
01:00:21 They won't.
01:00:22 And you think they will believe?
01:00:24 It well, hell yes.
01:00:25 Everyone knows how cunning Jews are.
01:00:27 Think about it.
01:00:28 Imagine they killed one of their own to further their own cause.
01:00:32 Oh, what a story.
01:00:33 What press?
01:00:34 What do you?
01:00:34 Think I think you think like a Jew.
01:00:49 Do you ever say that?
01:00:53 There's some more remix there for you guys.
01:00:58 And now for the most ridiculous scene.
Speaker 6
01:01:01 The most ridiculous thing.
01:01:04 In maybe anything?
Speaker 5
01:01:07 Maybe anything?
Speaker 6
01:01:11 And I'm being serious.
01:01:12 This might be the.
01:01:14 I can't tell if it's like the laziest writing of all time.
01:01:19 I mean for the for the budget that these.
01:01:21 People have this is amazingly bad, like amazingly bad.
01:01:26 It's starting to get a little, you know, like intricate here.
01:01:29 You have the Nazis that are going to blame the the ADL for shooting a Jew so that they can, you know, like it's starting to get, like, down the rabbit hole a little bit and and you're.
Speaker 6
01:01:39 Just starting to think like, oh, this is.
01:01:40 OK, let's get a little sophisticated.
01:01:42 Then all of a sudden.
Speaker 7
01:01:43 Hey, dad?
01:01:44 Yes, boy, where's the?
01:01:51 Hey, dad.
01:01:54 What the ****?
01:01:55 Hey, dad.
01:01:56 Yes, boy.
Speaker 6
01:02:01 Like, it doesn't even look like an accident.
01:02:05 Like it doesn't even look like an accident.
01:02:06 He's like, look at look at his look at.
01:02:08 His stance? Look at that.
01:02:11 Top, top, top, top, top like that looks like ******* Carlito's way and ship.
01:02:15 And he's like, yeah.
01:02:17 Hey, Dad, you didn't get me that ******* Nintendo for Christmas.
01:02:22 Pete Landon. **** you.
01:02:32 I mean, it's not even like you.
01:02:36 What is it, Billy?
Speaker 7
01:02:36 Yes, boy.
Speaker 6
01:02:37 What's going on?
01:02:41 I mean, what the ****?
01:02:45 No one was like, I don't know, like this is.
01:02:48 Maybe, maybe we should be a little more complicated about how we get rid of these Nazi guys.
01:02:54 Like, anyway, I still can't see.
01:02:57 See, because the the kid in killing the Nazis, he shot up those cardboard cutouts.
01:03:02 I can't tell who that guy is on the left.
01:03:04 Maybe it's like Malcolm.
Speaker 16
01:03:05 X or something, I don't know anyway.
01:03:09 It looks like a black guy.
01:03:10 Who knows?
01:03:12 So anyway.
01:03:14 After the what the ****?
Speaker 16
01:03:17 I just lost my place.
Speaker 8
01:03:21 There we go.
01:03:23 So after the kid.
01:03:26 Guns down, his dad and the.
01:03:30 The special Ed Nazi word gets out on the TV.
01:03:36 But also the the father.
01:03:41 Of the Jewish guy, that the ****** Nazi shot, he he, you know, remember, because he has like a an orangutan heart or whatever because the Nazis put an orangutan heart in them in Auschwitz he's he's he's had like this heart attack and he's in the hospital and he's he's dying now.
Speaker 11
01:04:01 Police reports suggest that Baltic was accidentally shot by his son Roth and following rally held yesterday by his organization.
01:04:09 The police were notified by the wife of the victim, who remains under house arrest, for her own protection.
01:04:17 Michael Landon the you know because he's an Angel.
01:04:19 So he can like magic places and stuff like that.
01:04:23 So he magics over to the the the dead Nazis house.
01:04:27 Yeah, I still can't figure out it's cause they're all shut up.
01:04:30 I can't figure who those.
01:04:31 People are supposed to be.
01:04:33 You go on.
01:04:33 The far left.
01:04:35 That doesn't matter, so they.
01:04:39 He magically appears in the basement and she's just like cleaning up the blood because it's not a crime scene or anything, I guess.
01:04:48 And gives her the gives her the, the the tough, the the speech that she.
Speaker 4
01:04:53 Needs to hear.
Speaker 15
01:04:54 He was a good father.
Speaker 1
01:04:59 He was loving and gentle.
Speaker 15
01:05:03 He just wanted to make everything better.
Speaker 8
01:05:16 From the loving caring.
01:05:17 Father, when did he start to change?
Speaker 12
01:05:24 I don't know really.
Speaker 15
01:05:29 After he lost his.
01:05:30 Job at the plant he came.
Speaker 8
01:05:31 Home, he said he.
Speaker 15
01:05:33 Got fired because of some Jew auditor.
01:05:36 So there you go.
01:05:37 So there's there, there it is.
01:05:40 They found the root.
01:05:42 The root to his Jew hatred.
01:05:46 Was he got fired by a Jew?
01:05:49 And then after that, he turned the poison pill had been taken.
01:05:55 And he turned into this hateful Jew hitting zombie.
Speaker 15
01:05:59 That's what he said.
01:06:02 After that, he blamed the Jews for.
01:06:08 War jobs.
01:06:09 Hunger was always to choose the juice.
01:06:14 Always the Jews. Always.
01:06:19 Again, leaning into that caricature that if you criticize Jews for anything, then then you're blaming your your breakfast being cold on Jews. Everything's the Jews, right? Like Jews.
01:06:33 Can't be responsible.
01:06:34 For anything, it's it's all or nothing, right?
01:06:37 Either either Jews are behind everything that they can possibly go wrong in your life.
01:06:43 So that you don't have to have any responsibility for yourself.
01:06:47 Right.
01:06:48 It it either has to be that or Jews are completely innocent.
01:06:52 And and you can't ever have an opinion about a group working together as a group to achieve anything, ever.
01:07:06 Right.
01:07:07 And that's basically what that's that's the choice.
01:07:10 And unfortunately, enough, people are light switch brains.
01:07:13 They're, you know, binary thinkers.
01:07:16 To where they they believe that they're like, yeah, I guess, you know, I guess that's those are the choices, right.
01:07:21 Either I have to think that if I stubbed my.
01:07:24 Toe it was the Jews.
01:07:28 Or I can't ever think that that Jews might have their own interests that might be in opposition to mine.
01:07:36 That they wouldn't ever use their influence or their power or their money to do anything that might be in the interest of their group and might actually hurt my group.
01:07:50 No, I can't think that.
01:07:54 Or I'll be like that crazy Nazi guy.
Speaker 8
01:07:59 Edward Solomon needs a new heart mate.
01:08:02 Oh, so here's where we.
01:08:03 Get to the really ****** ** part.
01:08:06 Like this?
Speaker 16
01:08:08 This is.
01:08:11 This part's kind of ****** **. I don't even know. I don't know how to think about it exactly. Honestly, like I've got a couple different ways you could go with it.
01:08:20 So, uh yeah, so basically the, the, the Nazi guy that his son went Rambo on.
01:08:28 Apparently his heart.
01:08:31 Is still. Uh, you know, he's he's brain dead, but his heart's still good. And wouldn't you know it.
01:08:39 That Jewish guy, he needs a heart.
01:08:45 So white woman.
01:08:47 Why don't you give your dead husband's heart to the Jews?
Speaker 5
01:08:53 Why not?
01:08:56 This Angel is asking you to do that.
01:08:59 Think of all.
01:09:00 The think of all the healing that could take place.
Speaker 8
01:09:05 But he needs a donor, A donor with a strong heart.
Speaker 15
01:09:11 But my jam was a physical specimen.
01:09:15 He was.
Speaker 15
01:09:18 He was always working out.
01:09:22 The lights are.
01:09:23 Still in the closet.
01:09:26 I love to hear his heart beating after he worked out he would just go.
Speaker 8
01:09:43 It's still beating me.
01:09:46 Jane's heart still beating.
Speaker 6
01:09:52 By the way, what kind?
01:09:53 Of Nazi like scary Nazi name is Jan.
01:10:00 I mean really like, if again these writers like, you're you're trying to have a scary Nazi guy.
01:10:06 I mean, I get it, he he's he's kind of what?
01:10:09 Is he gay too?
01:10:10 Like, are you?
01:10:11 Are you saying that he's not only is he like?
01:10:12 This idiot, he's like a ******.
01:10:15 You couldn't come up with a better name than Jan.
01:10:19 Really, Jan?
Speaker 8
01:10:26 They could save that old man's life.
Speaker 15
01:10:31 Right.
01:10:33 You mean James Hart?
Speaker 10
01:10:36 That's right.
Speaker 8
01:10:40 But only you can make it happen.
Speaker 15
01:10:47 Sam's heart and the old Jew.
01:10:54 All the bad things they'll say about him.
01:10:58 Bound to.
01:11:01 This might make a difference.
01:11:04 They'd have to say that it was his heart that saved the old man.
01:11:10 They'd have to save.
01:11:18 OK.
01:11:20 And so she.
01:11:22 She gives it to him.
01:11:24 And I don't know if you.
01:11:25 Guys know this about.
01:11:26 Organ donation.
01:11:30 I would not be an organ donor.
01:11:32 If I were you.
01:11:34 Just as a side note here.
01:11:36 There have been too many cases.
01:11:39 Of hospitals where they've got people like the staff they've they've grown attached to a couple of patients, they've got that they know, oh, we just need to get a heart.
01:11:51 Or whatever it is, right?
01:11:54 And then you show up kind of mangled ****** ** from a car accident or something like that.
01:11:58 Totally savable, but they don't know you.
01:12:02 And they do a little math.
01:12:04 And the math is well.
01:12:08 He would save 5 people.
Speaker 6
01:12:13 Five people.
01:12:16 I don't know this guy.
01:12:17 I know there's five people.
01:12:22 And who knows, this guy might not survive.
01:12:24 He looks pretty ****** **.
01:12:29 Let's just chop them up.
01:12:32 Why save one person when you can save 5?
01:12:39 Anyway, that's just my side note.
01:12:41 I used to be all about organ donor cause I'd be like, Oh yeah, that'd be why not?
01:12:45 Who cares?
01:12:45 I'm dead.
01:12:46 I'm not.
01:12:46 I I'm not using that **** right.
01:12:50 Like decapitated in a in a in a car accident and.
01:12:53 You want.
01:12:54 To put my lungs in someone I don't give a **** right.
01:12:59 I trust, man, I trust societies.
01:13:04 It's a hell of a drug, as they say.
Speaker 3
01:13:08 Justice has not been meted out.
01:13:10 So then the Jews all ****** ***.
01:13:13 And he doesn't know yet.
01:13:14 He doesn't know yet that he's got the Nazi heart.
01:13:18 And he's mad because he finds out that the the Nazi was killed by his son.
01:13:24 And he's like, well, I I'm, you know, obviously.
01:13:28 It's good that he's dead.
01:13:30 But it's not enough that he's dead.
01:13:34 Because he's he wasn't killed intentionally.
01:13:48 For it to really be revenge.
01:13:54 You have to be killed intentionally.
Speaker 6
01:14:01 I want you.
01:14:01 To think about that.
01:14:02 For a second.
01:14:06 Because oftentimes I hear a lot of people say stuff like, well, well.
01:14:12 White people do it to themselves.
01:14:17 You should know better than to trust.
01:14:21 The television, the radio, the newspaper, your politicians, art.
01:14:27 Movies. Music.
01:14:29 Literally everything in your environment, you should just somehow instinctually know, right?
01:14:36 It's not the Pornographer's fault.
01:14:39 They wouldn't be there if you weren't there watching the ******.
01:14:45 And there's a part of you that hears that and you think that, yeah, there's there's some truth.
Speaker 16
01:14:50 To that.
01:14:59 But it's not revenge.
01:15:04 If what's happening to?
01:15:07 The people you gain revenge on.
01:15:10 Are doing it to themselves, is it?
01:15:21 It doesn't count.
01:15:26 You only get that satisfaction.
01:15:31 If the revenge.
01:15:35 Comes from your intention.
01:15:41 It's a direct result.
01:15:42 Of your intention, even if what you intended happens to them anyway.
Speaker 16
01:15:48 It's not revenge.
01:15:55 Your blood is not on their hands.
Speaker 16
01:15:59 They wanted on their hands.
Speaker 3
01:16:09 Justice has not been meted out.
01:16:14 The man was an.
01:16:16 He needed to be shot.
01:16:20 Every wash answer accidentally.
01:16:26 There's no solace in that vengeance.
01:16:30 I need my vengeance.
01:16:35 And notice how they said, well, that he needed to be shot.
01:16:41 The guy he's talking about.
01:16:44 Didn't didn't do anything.
01:16:48 Worthy of the death penalty.
01:16:52 You know, he wasn't the guy that shot the shot, his son.
01:16:58 He was just spreading hate.
01:17:01 Right.
01:17:05 And even the Angel was like.
01:17:08 Didn't seem too disturbed by the idea that maybe he needed to die.
Speaker 3
01:17:11 But he was Johnson.
01:17:13 He was shot.
01:17:18 Accidentally not.
01:17:20 He didn't die at my hands.
Speaker 3
01:17:25 There's no solace in that.
01:17:29 There's no solace in that.
01:17:32 There's no reward.
Speaker 4
01:17:33 In that.
Speaker 3
01:17:43 Vengeance. Look, I'm really sorry.
01:17:47 So now this reporter sneaks in, dressed up as a doctor.
01:17:53 And and let's the.
01:17:56 The ****** *** Solomon guy?
01:17:59 No, whose heart he has.
Speaker 3
01:18:01 About this, honestly I am, but can you talk Max Billings Journal?
Speaker 11
01:18:05 All right, let's go.
01:18:06 No, wait.
01:18:07 I can really use.
Speaker 8
01:18:07 A quote from you not now, Mr.
Speaker 11
01:18:09 What about the fact that they gave you?
01:18:10 Jan Ball part.
Speaker 3
01:18:14 Right, jam ball.
01:18:16 The Nazi.
01:18:17 How does it feel knowing that his heart beats inside your body?
01:18:45 So he finds out that he's got the the Nazi heart.
01:18:50 And he's.
Speaker 6
01:18:50 Like no, come on.
01:18:52 Like the the the really ****** Darth Vader now.
01:19:09 And then so yeah, he loses the wheel.
01:19:13 He he then loses the will to live.
01:19:17 And I'm going to, you know, Fast forward through a bunch of it now, because just it's just like Michael Landon saying you you really shouldn't just give up on life.
Speaker 4
01:19:28 He's like I can't.
01:19:30 I cannot go on living.
01:19:32 In fact, he says he would rather die.
01:19:38 Because by dying.
01:19:41 He is making the Nazi guys heart stop beating.
01:19:46 He is willing to die.
01:19:49 Because that's.
01:19:51 What it would take?
01:19:53 To make the Nazi guys heart stop beating.
01:20:04 Because now it would be intention.
01:20:10 Now that Nazi.
01:20:13 Who caused his sons heart to stop beating?
01:20:18 And now I will cause his heart to stop beating.
01:20:33 He's willing to die.
01:20:39 For something as trivial trivial as that, I mean.
01:20:43 Completely irrational.
01:20:46 I mean, obviously the guy's dead. He knows that.
01:20:52 I mean, you can't die twice.
01:20:54 His heart is beating inside your chest. Pretty sure the guy's dead.
01:21:01 You know you're going to basically just own yourself trying to own the Nazi guy.
01:21:06 But he is so hell bent on revenge that seems like a rational course of action.
01:21:14 But of course, of course.
01:21:18 I almost forgot the thing that we can never forget.
01:21:24 Almost forgot, the thing that we can never.
01:21:26 Forget and and and.
01:21:28 The thing that will give him the strength.
01:21:32 To endure the Nazi heart beating inside his chest so that he can carry on with his mission.
Speaker 7
01:21:41 You must.
Speaker 3
01:21:44 You promised me.
Speaker 8
01:21:50 Grandfather's right. You can't let them win. You must fight.
01:21:57 You must carry the torch for all.
Speaker 15
01:21:58 Of us now.
01:22:00 You can't let them win.
01:22:05 You have to carry the torch.
01:22:08 In fact, the name of this episode is the torch.
01:22:14 You have to carry the torch for all of us.
01:22:21 You have to.
01:22:27 Or what?
01:22:28 I don't know.
01:22:28 How do you word?
01:22:29 That do you revenge someone?
01:22:32 Get vengeance for them.
01:22:40 For his father.
01:22:43 And his mother that his father gassed.
01:22:49 And his son?
01:22:50 I don't know where his wife is and all this.
Speaker 15
01:22:54 Don't let them win my son.
Speaker 1
01:22:57 Don't let the world forget.
01:23:04 Doesn't seem like you're you're ever gonna let the.
01:23:06 World ever forget.
01:23:17 My son.
Speaker 1
01:23:20 Fight fight.
01:23:26 Right.
Speaker 3
01:23:40 We must all fight against hatred and prejudice in this world.
01:23:47 Must never give up until all men can live without fear in peace, regardless of his religion or his race.
Speaker 9
01:23:58 And the boomer?
Speaker 6
01:24:03 Yes, as he starts to rub his hands together.
Speaker 4
01:24:12 Yes, boomers. Yes, yeah.
01:24:22 Oh boy.
01:24:29 So that's.
01:24:32 Isn't that nice?
Speaker 16
01:24:39 Let me get rid of this here now.
01:24:44 Although I kind of feel like.
01:24:52 Kind of like we should watch this part.
Speaker 16
01:24:53 One more time.
Speaker 15
01:24:57 When he ran in here.
01:24:58 To tell you that Boyd's father was dying.
01:25:02 He was thrilled.
Speaker 3
01:25:04 He should be.
Speaker 13
01:25:28 Right.
Speaker 16
01:25:33 All right.
01:25:34 Let me get rid of this disclaimer here.
01:25:39 So yeah, again, it's just there's an endless amount of these, an endless amount of these.
01:25:50 It's shocking how identical the message and well, I guess it's not that shocking if you think about it.
01:25:59 It's shocking that no one thought about it, though.
01:26:04 I guess that is a little weird.
01:26:07 I mean, I guess.
01:26:08 I I mean it's it's.
01:26:10 Easier to, you know, judge and look back and say.
01:26:12 Well, why didn't didn't you notice like?
01:26:18 Every single everything.
01:26:21 Had this Holocaust stuff in it, like everything all the time.
01:26:26 Didn't you think that that was a little weird, but I guess it doesn't.
01:26:29 It it wouldn't really register because it would.
01:26:32 I mean, because it was so everywhere.
01:26:37 Then it would be weird.
01:26:38 If it wasn't there, right?
01:26:41 I mean, it'd be like, say, well, Devin, I mean, every show has a Christmas episode.
01:26:48 Is that supposed to seem weird to me that every TV show has a has a Christmas episode?
01:26:53 And that like.
01:26:54 Around Christmas, the news people talk about Christmas and there's books about Christmas and movies about Christmas.
01:27:06 The Holocaust is just just as American as apple pie and Christmas, apparently.
01:27:23 The The the weird.
01:27:24 I guess the disconnect.
01:27:27 That I would I have trouble with is OK, let's say that's the case, right?
01:27:32 Let's say that you're surrounded by this stuff.
01:27:35 So it just seems weird that that it.
01:27:37 Wouldn't be around.
01:27:40 But a lot of these same viewers, a lot of the same people watching this stuff.
Speaker 6
01:27:46 Shouldn't it be weird that?
01:27:48 The the target right, the people that are supposedly.
01:27:52 So hateful.
01:27:55 The people that are.
01:27:56 You know that are spreading hate and they're going to gas the Jews.
01:28:00 They're descended from the people that, according to this narrative.
01:28:05 Freed the Jews.
01:28:08 Right.
01:28:09 They we're talking about the children of people who stormed Normandy.
01:28:13 And and uh, you know that killed Hitler.
01:28:19 And while you did have.
01:28:22 Some very.
01:28:24 Very isolated pockets of Neo Nazis.
01:28:30 I mean to pretend they had any kind of political power.
01:28:34 Or to pretend that I mean that there was a terrorist threat from them.
01:28:39 Is ridiculous.
01:28:53 Now, when I was watching.
01:28:54 Stuff like this.
01:28:55 I mean, I was a kid, so.
01:28:58 Now, what did I know?
01:29:03 I just thought to myself, oh, apparently there's just.
01:29:07 There's these people out there.
01:29:08 They're just, they're just crazy.
01:29:11 They just they just ******* hate Jews.
01:29:17 You know what?
01:29:17 Some Jew fired him like it was, you know, the Jewish auditor fired him.
01:29:24 And after that it was everything was Jews that just this and Jews that Jews, Jews, Jews.
01:29:38 Even though that doesn't align with my personal experience.
01:29:47 White people have a bad habit of touching the hot stove a lot.
01:29:50 Of times before they the pattern recognition.
01:29:53 Of this sort kicks in.
01:30:00 I mean, just imagine if that's all it took.
01:30:05 What would the country look like if that's all it took to enrage white people?
01:30:13 Oh, a black guy committed a crime against me.
01:30:16 I now hate All Blacks.
01:30:18 If imagine if every white person thought like that.
01:30:26 This Hispanic gang.
01:30:29 Went into my neighborhood now all all, all Hispanics are.
01:30:35 Are bad and gangsters.
01:30:42 It's just ridiculous and it's insulting.
01:30:46 I mean, even just.
01:30:47 A little stuff like the killing of the dog.
01:30:52 Even Hitler liked dogs.
01:30:55 White people are are are the kindest people to animals.
01:30:59 Out of all people.
Speaker 16
01:31:04 There's lots of evidence of this.
01:31:11 I mean every bit.
01:31:13 Of this is just it's insulting.
01:31:26 But it worked.
01:31:28 It's pretty popular show.
01:31:30 And the the just like with.
01:31:33 I mean just that format, right?
01:31:35 My parents are very religious, you know, I've talked about this before.
01:31:39 They were religious Mormons, and they policed what we could watch on TV to a pretty crazy degree.
01:31:46 Right.
01:31:50 They loved **** like this.
01:31:56 Oh, is it?
01:31:57 This is good, clean Christian entertainment, right?
01:32:01 He's an Angel.
01:32:04 God sending him.
01:32:05 To earth to like help help people out.
01:32:24 I don't remember seeing this specific episode.
01:32:27 I do remember seeing the show like when it was in reruns.
01:32:29 I think so like.
01:32:30 I don't you.
01:32:31 Know I think a couple episodes or something I remember existing.
01:32:36 And I remember having watched.
01:32:40 Some of it, but.
01:32:42 And maybe, who knows, maybe I saw this episode.
01:32:44 That's The thing is, when an episode like that plays.
01:32:49 And you're like 7, right?
01:32:51 It's not like you're going to memorize.
01:32:54 I mean, unless you're some weirdo kid with with photographic memory.
01:32:59 You're not going to remember the storyline. You're not going to remember the dialogue. That's not the take away that gets burned into your ******* brain.
01:33:09 In fact, the irony is because white people.
01:33:14 Just adopt this.
01:33:17 This very they they don't have this super sensitive pattern recognition that they're trying to say that.
01:33:23 They do in this TV show.
01:33:24 Like, oh, yeah, there's one Jew boss fires him or Jew auditor or whatever it was.
01:33:31 And from that point on, it was every all the Jews are bad.
01:33:36 Well, if that was the case, they wouldn't have to make a billion episodes like this.
01:33:39 They could just make one.
01:33:41 Because then the white people would see him like, oh, all Nazis are bad.
01:33:44 This is terrible.
01:33:45 Oh my God.
01:33:50 But no, people need to see for for patterns to be recognized, there has to.
01:33:56 Be a pattern.
01:33:59 And so television shows like this created this repetition.
01:34:05 That's, I guess that's the value and repetition.
01:34:12 Is 1 instance.
01:34:15 Can't be a pattern.
01:34:24 You need at least two instances of anything for there to be a pattern.
01:34:31 For there to be a percentage, I mean, I guess you could say one you know one is 100%.
Speaker 16
01:34:36 But you know what I mean.
01:34:40 And the more data your brain thinks it has.
01:34:42 Like Oh well.
01:34:43 Yeah, I've seen like 8 episodes where there is apparently there's these crazy Nazi guys and they're, you know, really bad and stupid.
01:34:52 Again, you don't remember the show.
01:34:53 You don't remember the dialogue.
01:34:55 You don't remember even the storyline?
01:35:00 But your brain is seeing a pattern here.
01:35:05 Your brains taking notes.
01:35:08 On key points, bullet points.
01:35:12 Your brain is saying Jews pretty cool.
01:35:18 Very gracious and powerful, benevolent people.
01:35:24 Nazis, very angry, ignorant, violent, stupid.
01:35:42 Then, once your brain makes those same notes over and over and over again.
01:35:50 It starts to get filed in a different cabinet.
01:35:59 Identified patterns.
01:36:05 And you start to treat some of these things.
01:36:07 Like fact.
01:36:17 Anyway, anyway, let's take a look at some.
01:36:20 Of these super chats.
01:36:23 Do do, do, do, do, do alright.
01:36:37 Alright, we've got JD WG.
01:36:41 With an exclamation point.
01:36:43 OK, that's it.
01:36:45 As you're testing.
01:36:47 FW 190 Devon the medium was different in those days. It was more selected on the TV. You could watch this show, but then turn the channel and watch the reruns of Lawrence Welk Show. It was just.
01:37:06 We had a better ability to review.
01:37:08 At these days.
01:37:11 I think what you're saying is, yeah, that there wasn't.
01:37:14 You didn't have the ability to.
01:37:16 There's only so many options, right?
01:37:18 But it wasn't even it wasn't even about.
01:37:20 Just TV.
01:37:21 It was no matter what.
01:37:22 You looked at.
01:37:23 If you read a book, if you read a textbook, if you listen to a professor, if you listen to the radio, whether it was right wing radio or left wing radio.
01:37:34 If you watch the news, if you watched a movie.
01:37:39 It really didn't matter.
01:37:40 There wasn't anything in opposition to the story line we just watched.
01:37:49 Not a single thing.
01:37:51 In fact, the only time I guess that you would see something in opposition to this stuff is if you were talking about the.
01:38:01 The people they're trying to portray in that show.
01:38:05 Right. Like in both MacGyver and in X-Files, they were very concerned with Nazis that had access to printing presses.
01:38:16 Because prior to the Internet, I mean, that's basically you'd have to do, right, you'd.
01:38:19 Have to.
01:38:20 Print up newsletters.
01:38:23 And mail out newsletters because I mean, that's just what you'd have to do.
01:38:26 I mean you?
01:38:27 Couldn't buy a radio station.
01:38:31 So they attacked that specifically in in, in.
01:38:34 Those shows like, Oh yeah, don't.
01:38:35 Ooh, bad.
01:38:36 Don't look at these newsletters.
01:38:42 Yeah, and.
01:38:43 And also like you say, you couldn't even reveal it because it was just it was on and then it wasn't.
01:38:49 Like we can go through this and pause.
01:38:53 Play techno music. Zoom it in. You know you couldn't do that. Most people didn't have VCR's in 1984.
01:39:06 So it was just on and then it was gone.
01:39:09 There was no TiVo.
01:39:12 There was number on demand.
01:39:19 People would gather around the TV.
01:39:20 Oh, look, it's highway to heavens on.
01:39:25 It's Thursday at 7:00 central time.
01:39:28 Or, you know, I.
01:39:28 Don't know what it when.
Speaker 16
01:39:29 It was on.
01:39:30 But you know what I mean.
01:39:33 Gather round, kids.
01:39:38 Then you watch it together.
01:39:40 And it's like an event.
01:39:44 It's like an event that you all witnessed all at the same time.
01:39:53 See and that's the.
01:39:53 Other thing, because memories are not perfect.
01:39:59 You know, they they talk about how eyewitness testimony is basically the worst evidence in.
Speaker 14
01:40:04 The world.
01:40:06 Because a lot of people, their memories, even if they're trying to recall something accurately.
01:40:13 Especially if it was something traumatic, that memory gets colored.
01:40:18 By emotions that you're experiencing when the thing happened.
01:40:25 And we've, we've especially seen this now that there's so many cameras.
01:40:30 How often eyewitness testimony conflicts?
01:40:35 With video evidence and again, not necessarily because they're trying to lie.
01:40:42 It's just that your emotion.
01:40:47 Acting as a as a like a lens filter.
01:40:54 When that memory is getting recorded.
01:40:58 And sometimes if it was something you feel strongly about.
01:41:04 Or you feel very emotionally about.
01:41:08 It gets filtered again when you recall it.
01:41:12 So it's being filtered.
01:41:13 When it's written down and it's being filtered when you.
01:41:15 Recall it.
01:41:20 And there's no way you can go.
01:41:21 You can't just go.
01:41:22 Let's look.
01:41:22 You know, let's look at TiVo.
01:41:25 Let's look at the tape.
01:41:26 So your memory of that show.
01:41:31 Which I think is mostly just going to be emotions.
01:41:35 And as I said, kind of bullet points.
01:41:40 They're only going to be as accurate as they can be after one viewing.
01:41:47 Let's take a look here, Shan.
01:41:50 Vladimir Lenin cut out.
01:41:52 Oh, you're talking about the is that Lenin you think?
Speaker 16
01:41:58 I don't know if that's later.
01:41:59 Let me see.
01:41:59 If I don't think there's ever like a shot that lets you see it but it.
01:42:03 Could be Lenin.
01:42:05 Or it could be.
01:42:05 You know what it could be, Lenin or no, I think you might be right because the the literally the guy had a goatee.
01:42:15 Oh, no, cringe Panda is saying it's someone named Moshi Dion.
Speaker 16
01:42:22 Let me look up Moshi Dion.
01:42:25 See if that looks like.
01:42:30 I think.
01:42:34 I mean, it'd be more based if it was Moshi Dayon.
01:42:39 That was the Israeli military leader when Jerusalem was.
01:42:44 That was the guy with the iPad.
01:42:47 When they when they first found that Israel, the guy with the iPad, he was he.
01:42:51 Was literally a terrorist.
01:42:53 He was one of the people.
01:42:54 That invented terror. I.
01:42:54 Forgot that.
01:42:55 Was his name, but he was literally one of the guys that bragged about inventing terrorism.
01:43:04 But that's kind of funny, if that's.
01:43:06 I I'm not at the scrub.
01:43:07 All through and look for it.
01:43:09 I'll take your word for it.
01:43:10 Sean says haha.
01:43:15 Cringe panda.
01:43:16 Also, I don't know if you saw Matt Walsh destroying ******** on Doctor Phil.
01:43:21 Well, of all things, the audience clapped on queue to update the viewer's firmware, but Matt was awesome and shut them up with truth pills.
01:43:32 They couldn't answer what a woman was so weird that this is allowed on mainstream TV.
01:43:39 Well, Matt Walsh is one of the approved people.
01:43:43 He knows you know where not to go with things.
01:43:46 He'll never talk about how literally all the companies that make these these.
01:43:53 Medications for trans kids are based out of Israel.
01:43:58 You know, but.
01:44:02 Yeah, I didn't.
01:44:03 I didn't see it all.
01:44:04 Looked that up. Uh.
01:44:06 The wives in these shows never seem to.
01:44:09 Know who the heck they married.
01:44:11 I guess the husbands didn't take them on the cross burnings.
01:44:14 The first date.
01:44:15 Well, here's The thing is, remember, he was he was a loving dad.
01:44:20 He was a loving dad and then one day a Jew fired him and then everything was about Jews.
01:44:24 And then.
01:44:25 He was Insta Nazi.
01:44:27 That's all it took.
01:44:28 That's all it.
01:44:28 Takes for white people.
01:44:30 White people have terrible pattern recognition, and the second anything bad happened.
01:44:37 What they're what they're trying to train white people to do is to have even worse pattern recognition.
01:44:42 Honestly, that's what it is.
01:44:44 That's what it is.
01:44:45 What they're saying is if a member of a group does something.
01:44:49 Bad to you?
01:44:51 And you start to generalize, you start to say, huh?
01:44:58 I'm starting to see a pattern with this group.
01:45:02 That you're that guy. You're that guy that's spiraling out of control and freaking out over and and just everything's the Jews. Like I stub my toe.
01:45:11 With the Jews.
01:45:13 My toast is burnt.
01:45:14 It's the Jews.
01:45:19 That's what they're saying.
01:45:20 They're saying that if you start to recognize the pattern, you know that that's the danger.
01:45:28 And they're telling your wife that too.
01:45:32 A lot of wives are watching that show and.
01:45:36 What they're telling the message to the wives is pretty loud and clear.
01:45:41 If your husband starts to say that he's noticing patterns.
01:45:47 With certain groups.
01:45:49 He's going to become abusive.
01:45:52 He's going to get ultraviolent.
01:45:56 He's going to start teaching your kids to be.
01:46:00 You know, little Hitlers?
01:46:05 That's why they do that with the wife character.
01:46:10 That wife character exists for the women in the audience.
01:46:23 That's to.
01:46:25 Prepped them.
01:46:27 To look for the red flags.
01:46:32 Oh, I think I think I heard my husband criticize Jews.
01:46:38 It's it's only a matter of time before he has a Hitler bunker in the basement.
01:46:43 And our son is is waving Uzis around.
Speaker 16
01:46:55 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:47:03 Cringe pan.
01:47:04 I love all my submissions.
01:47:05 Make the cut.
01:47:06 I might have something again soon.
01:47:08 Hope we get some cactus pills tonight.
01:47:12 Well, no cactus pills.
01:47:14 I was going to do it.
01:47:15 I've been feeling like kind of crappy today.
01:47:16 I I slept at a weird I slept basically during the day.
01:47:20 My sleep schedule is kind of well.
01:47:21 It's always screwed up, but it was.
01:47:25 Yeah, I didn't get a whole lot done.
01:47:27 During the day today.
01:47:28 So no cactus pills today.
01:47:31 But the weather?
01:47:32 Is it is getting warm enough to where I can start dropping some cactuses in?
Speaker 16
01:47:36 The ground.
01:47:39 FW $195 Devin, I have a weird time frame. My parents had me in 1971.
01:47:47 My dad was 45, my mom was 40. Do the math. Anyway, my brother and sisters are boomers and I'm Gen. X now 50. The anti German propaganda was extreme.
01:48:00 After the war that it or it was so extreme, I think you mean that it turned my brother and sisters against my dad during this time.
01:48:10 Well, yeah and a.
01:48:11 Long time ago.
01:48:12 It's I don't.
01:48:12 Remember what stream was.
01:48:13 Because it's been so long.
01:48:14 We were digging up a post war propaganda that was designed specifically to get the the white Americans to accept Jews that were coming in from Europe.
01:48:29 And that there was entire and it wasn't by the way.
01:48:32 It wasn't just like a lot of people.
01:48:37 Do over generalize right?
01:48:40 I'm not saying that like.
01:48:42 There that, that cartoonish level, where they stubbed their toe or and they burn their toes.
01:48:46 Then they say it's the Jews.
01:48:49 But there was.
01:48:49 You have to realize there.
01:48:50 Was a lot of cooperation going?
01:48:52 On even in those that film that we looked at.
01:48:55 And again, I can't tell you the name of that stream because I don't remember what it was.
01:48:57 Now it.
01:48:58 Was almost like a year ago, if not.
01:49:01 A year ago, where we found these, these old film reels.
01:49:07 And it featured in these film reels.
01:49:10 It was the Catholic.
01:49:14 It was the Protestant leadership.
01:49:18 It was the local governments all working together.
01:49:22 In openly like it was, what was it called?
01:49:26 Oh, it wasn't the Anderson plan.
01:49:28 It was something like that though.
01:49:30 But it was.
01:49:30 Basically, it was a plan to get white Americans to accept the influx of of Jews coming into America.
01:49:41 And they had remember that I they.
01:49:42 Had that funny?
01:49:43 Clip of that, that the dad that's like.
Speaker 4
01:49:45 I don't want you hanging out with him, Billy.
01:49:47 He's a Jew.
01:49:48 Or like, what if I forget?
01:49:50 I forget I I could probably I'll I'll maybe.
01:49:53 I'll dig it up for.
01:49:53 Next time.
01:49:54 But they they they they was.
01:49:57 It was heavily propagandized starting in like say,
01:50:01 I mean, right after the war, really.
01:50:04 I think the the clip that I'm thinking of might have been even late 40s.
01:50:11 You know, early 50s at the latest.
01:50:12 I mean, it wasn't even the 60s yet.
01:50:15 So they they came in hot.
01:50:17 With that stuff.
Speaker 16
01:50:24 Let's see here.
01:50:26 But yeah, that is kind of weird because.
01:50:28 Yeah, your your parents.
01:50:29 Are too old to be boomers.
01:50:35 Cringe panda.
01:50:36 Did you see the interview where Tim Poole dragged the getter guy over his censorship of ****** Fontes?
01:50:45 I thought it was a little bit of a white pill.
01:50:48 Tim is the most milk, toast, fence sitter and he exists to stay.
01:50:52 Monetized and be algorithm friendly.
01:50:56 So I wonder what these signals?
01:50:59 Or I wonder what that signals?
01:51:02 Orders from above.
01:51:03 Well, look, there is some look, there's some.
01:51:07 I have noticed that there is some pressure valves.
Speaker 16
01:51:10 Going off right now.
01:51:13 I haven't seen this.
01:51:14 I don't watch Tim Poole.
01:51:17 So I haven't seen what you're talking about, but.
01:51:22 On the bright side?
01:51:24 If you think about it, the reason they're having to.
01:51:29 I guess talk about this stuff is we've, we've.
01:51:33 Pushed the Overton window over quite a bit.
01:51:36 Quite a bit.
01:51:38 I mean, just me doing this stream.
01:51:42 And being able to get reasonable people to watch this and just be like, wow, holy ****, this would have sounded like crazy Jew.
01:51:49 You know you're.
01:51:50 A crazy Jew.
01:51:51 Hater and it probably still does tell you a lot of boomers and you know other.
01:51:55 People like that, but this this topic would have been radioactive even on an alternative platform not that long ago.
01:52:05 And so we are pushing the Overton window over.
01:52:08 And so you're you are seeing the the fence sitters having to readjust and some of that, I don't necessarily even think it's coordinated, some of it's they.
01:52:20 People like Tim Poole, they are the ultimate.
01:52:26 To remain a fence sitter, you have to know where the fence is.
01:52:30 If you're going wherever the wind blows, you have.
01:52:32 To pay very close attention to where that wind is blowing.
01:52:36 And so people like him pay very close attention to find that middle.
01:52:43 And the further we push to the right.
01:52:47 That makes the middle move.
01:52:50 Not very quickly.
01:52:52 But it does move so.
01:52:56 But at the same time, I don't think that's even really like a.
01:52:58 Move to the right.
01:53:00 My understanding is Tim Poole is kind of like libertarian and.
01:53:03 Most shockingly, actually not.
01:53:06 It used to be all libertarians, right?
01:53:08 All libertarians are anti censorship and now.
01:53:13 You know, not so much.
01:53:14 And it's well.
01:53:14 And of course, libertarians are the ones that do the whole private company argue.
01:53:20 Right, because they're they're in love with corporations, they think that.
01:53:23 That everything's.
01:53:24 Profit motivated somehow.
01:53:26 Like they they can't imagine that corporations might ever have too much power, or or might wield it in in in interest other than profit.
01:53:37 You know.
01:53:39 So I don't know.
01:53:41 But he is more libertarian, and I've noticed that a lot of libertarians are to some extent anti censorship.
Speaker 16
01:53:49 Let's see here.
01:53:53 FW190. My dad fought, and Mom lived in Germany in World War 2.
01:54:00 They moved here after the war.
01:54:01 Their country was destroyed and they had.
01:54:03 To leave.
01:54:05 They spent their lives being Americans and had to watch these anti German films over and over and over again.
01:54:12 Yeah, that that must suck.
01:54:15 You know what, though?
01:54:16 There's a lot of I I think it would have.
01:54:17 Been worse if they stayed in Germany.
01:54:20 The Germans and Germany are way more brainwashed.
01:54:25 I mean it's it's.
01:54:26 You can't even.
01:54:27 I mean, look.
01:54:29 This this video right here, right.
01:54:32 You want me to make my streaming illegal in Germany?
01:54:37 It's illegal in Germany right now.
01:54:39 My stream is illegal in Germany.
01:54:41 Uh, not illegal illegal in Germany.
01:54:46 Not illegal.
01:54:47 Illegal in Germany and probably other countries that.
01:54:50 I'm not aware of.
01:54:53 That is ****** **.
01:54:56 In fact, well, I can't.
01:54:57 Tell the story because it'll.
01:55:00 Let me just say I've met Germans.
01:55:03 I've worked with Germans.
01:55:06 That have.
01:55:08 Hired incompetent people.
01:55:12 Because of, again, I can't say the circumstances, but there was a very high up German person that irrationally hired someone.
01:55:22 Out of out of World War 2 guilt.
01:55:25 That's that's as specific as I can get, but I can tell you that the Germans in Germany are are way more siop than they would have been here.
Speaker 16
01:55:38 Let's see here.
01:55:41 FW190 another $5, really appreciate that, Devin, this show was after little house on the Prairie in time.
01:55:51 A year after I remember my parents following this stuff, my parents were German and had to live with these insults all their lives.
01:55:59 Yeah, don't, don't get me wrong.
01:56:01 Like you know, look, just think about it.
01:56:03 Just American culture was full of anti Germans.
01:56:07 OK?
01:56:07 Remember before.
01:56:10 Well, think about Wolfenstein, right.
01:56:13 The average American kid was murdering mass murdering German.
01:56:17 In fact, that was one of the reasons why in the same way that zombie movies, that's why or video games.
01:56:24 That's why it's OK to have the ultraviolence cause, oh, it's just, it's zombies.
01:56:28 They're not actually people.
01:56:31 Nazis are not actually people.
01:56:36 That's why you can have a game called Wolfenstein.
01:56:40 There was one.
01:56:41 I mean, it was, I guess.
01:56:42 It was really the 1st.
01:56:44 There's probably others, but that was the first popular.
01:56:48 First person shooter.
01:56:50 And it was ultraviolent.
01:56:52 And one of the reasons why no one really complained.
01:56:56 Is you or all the people you are murdering?
Speaker 6
01:57:00 We're Nazis.
01:57:01 So it's OK.
01:57:05 And there's lots of examples like that.
01:57:07 Lots of video games where it was, you know, killed Nazis.
01:57:11 And just like, just think.
01:57:13 Of the word Nazi in in common parlance, like just in the 90s.
01:57:19 It was attached to anything that was bad, you know, grammar Nazi soup, Nazi.
01:57:26 Ohh, he's a real Nazi about that.
01:57:28 Yeah, it it.
01:57:29 It became like a verb, an adjective.
01:57:34 It was.
01:57:34 It was just a negative, you know, or Hitler, right?
01:57:39 Hitler was the same thing.
01:57:42 What was I watching the day I was watching something where they were saying that the the name Adolph was making a comeback?
01:57:49 That there was actually like for the first time in a long time that that people getting named Adolf again, finally, which is a good sign.
01:57:55 It's a cool name.
01:57:58 It's a.
01:57:58 Cool name.
01:57:59 Maybe I'll maybe I'll name if I ever have a kid.
01:58:02 I'll name name Adolf.
Speaker 16
01:58:06 Let's see here.
01:58:07 1488 from Tipsy MCC stagger just admit it, Devin, you're a national socialist. No, I see against the centralization of power that I'm uncomfortable with because.
01:58:19 I mean, I think that it could work in certain ethnic situations.
01:58:24 But unless you had a homogeneous society.
01:58:27 It would be a nightmare.
01:58:29 Because you'd have basically what's kind of happening now, like I know you know, boomers call everything fascism, but to some extent, like there is a technocrat.
01:58:36 See that is in a way emerging of, you know, the corporate interests with the, with the, the interest of some of the people and the interest of of some of the elites and.
01:58:50 I'm not saying it's fascism, but there's, you know.
01:58:52 There are some.
01:58:53 Parallels and, but it sucks because those people are in opposition to us.
01:58:59 So it would only not suck if the people that were your relates.
01:59:04 We're not in opposition to you and I don't know if there's a way to really police that I.
01:59:09 And I'm not saying there's there's other systems that that are that are better, I don't know.
01:59:15 I don't know, but I do know that that you you couldn't get it off the board.
01:59:18 You couldn't even get off the ground, honestly anyway.
01:59:21 Realistically speaking, unless you you got rid of all the people who tend to apparently have a ethnic connection to communism, there's a reason why you look around the world.
01:59:33 And communism took off in quite a lot of places.
01:59:37 And there's a lot of places that.
01:59:39 Are very kind of.
01:59:41 Commune, like, even if they're not outright communist, right.
01:59:45 They are that they're that kind of socialism.
01:59:49 You know what?
01:59:51 And there's there's a lot of that or those people living in in America now.
01:59:59 And those I don't think you can't have a nationalist government with the demographics we have just in general.
02:00:06 I mean, let alone National socialism.
02:00:09 Because what is?
02:00:10 I mean, what's an American?
02:00:13 It doesn't even make any sense.
02:00:15 Now it's it's literally it's, it's.
02:00:17 Like what is one right?
02:00:19 Isn't that crazy?
02:00:22 It wasn't that long ago you can ask anyone.
02:00:24 You could go around the world.
02:00:26 You could go to.
02:00:28 Yeah, especially because, yeah, everyone had seen American television 1950s you go anywhere in the world and say, you know, describe an American to me.
02:00:39 And what they'd come up with would look like, you know Cary Grant or Perry Mason or something like that.
02:00:48 And now it's like, who?
02:00:49 ******* knows?
02:00:50 Like, what is it?
02:00:51 Is it?
02:00:51 Uh Desmond is amazing, is it?
02:00:56 You know, is it Michael Jordan?
02:01:01 Is it Kamala Harris?
02:01:04 Is it Ted Cruz?
Speaker 5
02:01:06 Is it Chuck Schumer?
02:01:10 You know what's a ******* what's an American now?
02:01:12 It's meaningless.
02:01:13 It's completely meaningless.
02:01:17 So you're never going to get a nationalist government in a country.
02:01:20 It's like, like I've said before, we're it's it's at this point we're just like a bunch of random people staying at the same hotel.
02:01:34 There's there's no pride about the hotel.
02:01:36 You're just that's just.
02:01:37 Where your room is.
02:01:39 You don't know the other people staying at the hotel.
02:01:41 You don't want to know.
02:01:42 The other people stay at the hotel.
02:01:47 If something happens to the hotel.
02:01:50 You're not going to help fix it.
Speaker 6
02:01:53 It's not your hotel.
02:01:56 You're just staying there.
02:01:59 You might call management up and say I think there's water leaking in the hallways on, you know, level 4 or what, but that's that's the extent of it.
02:02:09 Doesn't belong to you anymore.
02:02:17 It's actually it's worse than a hotel.
02:02:19 It's a it's a cruise ship that you.
02:02:21 Can't get off of.
02:02:23 It's like a COVID cruise ship.
02:02:26 Where you're stuck in the port.
02:02:29 You're not allowed to get off because.
02:02:30 Of COVID regulations.
02:02:36 And they brought out of alcohol.
02:02:43 Everyone just locked in their ****** little room and it just smells.
02:02:46 Like **** and ****.
02:02:50 That's America.
02:02:54 And until that changes, I mean it's just there's no way to get around that.
02:03:00 I just think that you have to it.
02:03:02 It's kind of like.
02:03:04 You know, using the the cruise ship thing that all that what I just said is true and what I forgot is and there's a leak on.
02:03:11 The boat.
Speaker 6
02:03:14 It's a slow leak.
02:03:17 It's a slow leak.
02:03:20 There's a leak.
02:03:21 On the boat.
02:03:25 So I think you just got to wait for.
Speaker 4
02:03:28 It to sink you know.
02:03:31 You just got to prepare.
02:03:32 You just be like look, because not everyone knows.
02:03:34 About the.
02:03:34 League you know about the league.
02:03:36 You've told people about the league.
02:03:38 I'm telling people right now about the league.
02:03:41 A lot of people.
02:03:42 Don't want to know about the leak.
02:03:45 So you do what you can to tell people about.
02:03:47 The leak.
02:03:49 And then you start making plans because you're you.
02:03:52 You know what happens eventually if this leak doesn't.
02:03:54 Get fixed.
02:03:54 It's not going to get fixed.
02:03:57 You gotta you gotta survive the leak.
02:04:03 So that's, that's where we're at, is we're just like.
02:04:07 And look, you get your life raft ready.
02:04:11 You get your life preserver on.
02:04:17 Maybe you go raid the kitchen.
02:04:20 Grab some canned foods.
02:04:23 And you get ready.
02:04:24 You get ready.
02:04:31 But until then, you're just walking around with the the soggy carpets.
02:04:37 That everyone's trying to pretend.
02:04:41 Aren't there?
02:04:44 You know when you.
02:04:45 Point out like uh, it seems like the ship's listing a little bit to the left here. Having to stand a little crooked. No, that's all. That's your imagination.
02:04:51 You racist.
02:04:54 All right, Vivian $20.00, I appreciate that.
02:04:59 Urban Germans are *****.
02:05:02 I was born.
02:05:02 And raised in Munich.
02:05:04 Yeah, they're.
02:05:05 I've seen some real horror shows when it comes to like, like, I don't know.
02:05:12 I don't know anyone from Munich, but I've people from Berlin that have just been total ******* nightmares.
02:05:19 After you went 9100 dollars, really appreciate that. That's really helpful. Like I think you've been like pulling a lot of the weight tonight.
02:05:29 Thanks Devin for your good work.
02:05:30 Hope this helps with the Internet and cactus pills for your people.
02:05:35 Yes, it will definitely, absolutely stribog or stribog.
02:05:44 Greetings from Russia, Devon Zaras switched.
02:05:49 No fun zone.
02:05:51 Appreciate that.
02:05:53 All right.
02:05:53 Now I've had weird things with the.
02:05:57 The Super Chat's not working, so I'm going to refresh it.
02:06:01 Just to make sure I didn't miss someone's super chat because last time it was doing weird stuff. Yeah, I thought so. So it's it's doing weird stuff again.
02:06:13 Something to see who I've missed.
02:06:14 Who did I miss?
02:06:15 I know I must.
02:06:19 So $10 from Henry Ford, 21 Jump St. had a lot of Nazi racist episodes. They're pretty funny to watch now. I forgot about that show.
02:06:30 I would expect that they would.
02:06:33 I'll have to take a look at that.
02:06:37 Let's see if I forgot.
Speaker 16
02:06:38 Anybody else or if the?
02:06:42 Again, if I miss you guys, you got to keep in mind this thing's broken.
02:06:47 And not bringing everyone's thing up.
02:06:50 So I might just miss it.
Speaker 16
02:06:57 OK, let's see here.
02:07:04 Uh, hi pricing, Terry, you modded cringe panda, and she tried to ban people in the chat.
02:07:08 She had personal fights with and then tried banning other moderators.
02:07:12 All right.
02:07:13 Well, we don't want drama, guys.
Speaker 16
02:07:19 Let's see here.
02:07:21 Can we?
02:07:22 I don't know.
02:07:23 Can we unban people?
02:07:24 Let's not.
02:07:25 Let's not ban people right now.
02:07:26 I mean, I haven't been in.
02:07:30 In chat, let's just anyone, let's just do it this way.
02:07:33 Anyone who is banned.
02:07:36 Let's just unban them.
Speaker 16
02:07:39 And I I guess I could probably do that.
02:07:41 I don't know.
02:07:41 I'll look at.
02:07:42 This This is why.
02:07:43 The community stuff drives me crazy sometimes because there's.
Speaker 16
02:07:46 Always drama and I don't want that.
02:07:51 Let's see here.
02:07:53 JD WG.
02:07:55 I managed to buy your audiobook from the iTunes bookstore.
02:08:00 I don't know how.
Speaker 16
02:08:00 It's on there.
02:08:03 I wonder how much you get from the.
02:08:04 Store for each book anyway.
02:08:06 Yeah, I don't, I don't know.
02:08:10 I know it's randomly on certain things, but whatever it is, it's like pennies.
02:08:16 It's like almost unnoticeable.
02:08:20 ******** ******?
02:08:21 What type of government would you be comfy with if you if right wingers ever got the levers of power?
02:08:26 Can't choose Constitutional Republic with democratic tendencies?
02:08:29 Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 16
02:08:32 I don't know.
02:08:37 That's I I've I've said that before.
02:08:39 I don't know.
02:08:40 I I don't think it's.
02:08:43 I don't think that we're even like in a situation to to talk.
Speaker 16
02:08:47 About that yet.
02:08:53 There's other people talk.
Speaker 16
02:08:54 About the bands, let me just see here what's going on.
02:08:59 Or who got banned?
02:09:00 How do I look at?
02:09:01 Who got banned?
02:09:05 Is there like a ban list or?
Speaker 16
02:09:07 Something let me see here.
02:09:10 Pop out chat.
02:09:19 Let's see what's going on here.
02:09:22 Show more.
02:09:27 Live chat.
02:09:39 I don't know that I've never used this interface, so I don't know that there's even a way to to see who's.
Speaker 16
02:09:44 Banned right now.
02:09:47 Let me look on.
02:09:49 All right, after the show, I'll dig into all the band stuff, but we need to not be banning people left and right.
Speaker 16
02:09:58 So we'll figure.
02:09:59 Out what's going on after the show?
02:10:02 Which will be soon.
02:10:04 Let me just make sure I haven't missed.
02:10:06 Anymore super chats.
Speaker 16
02:10:09 And then I'll get out of here.
02:10:13 OK.
02:10:27 I think I got.
Speaker 16
02:10:31 All of them.
02:10:35 There's other people talk about the band stuff, so alright, I'll figure all that out after the show.
02:10:41 But anyway hopefully if I missed if I missed any of your super chats, I'll make sure I get to the next time I'm going to go through and try to figure who got banned.
02:10:49 That all unbanned you know.
02:10:52 Maybe we'll do like an amnesty and we'll unban everybody and then.
02:10:58 Start from scratch again and justice you know.
02:11:02 Have to be more, more careful with.
02:11:03 The bands all.
02:11:04 Right guys, so you guys have a good evening, 4 black pilled I am.
02:11:07 Of course.
Speaker 5
02:11:11 Dev stag.
Speaker 12
02:11:21 What makes people all wearing like a breakdown like this? Called one 900-9099 cry for yourself.
02:11:31 $2.00 for the first one $0.45 each additional month. If you're only 18, ask your parents before you call one 109.
02:11:41 99 cry.