

00:02:34 Oh no.
00:00:16 I left the, uh, the Pekingese up.
00:00:19 This is what?
Speaker 2
00:00:20 Happens when you run.
00:00:21 Out of coffee, which I have.
00:00:24 How do I get rid of this thing, make it stop?
00:00:26 There we go.
00:00:27 It's gone.
Speaker 3
00:00:29 Ohh, I need the voice.
Speaker 2
00:00:32 Jesus Christ, what is going on here?
00:00:36 That coffee makes a big difference.
Speaker 2
00:00:41 Let's see here. Uh.
00:00:50 And there it is.
00:00:53 OK, let's let's make it round.
00:00:56 Ooh, fancy.
00:00:59 Fancy round circle.
Speaker 2
00:01:02 Alright guys.
00:01:05 How you guys doing?
00:01:08 I'm definitely going to need.
00:01:11 To get more coffee.
Speaker 2
00:01:16 Oh man.
00:01:19 Someone asked if I'm hungover, no.
00:01:20 I'm not hungover, I just.
00:01:21 I just got up.
Speaker 2
00:01:24 There we go.
00:01:25 About an hour ago.
00:01:27 My sleep schedule is annihilated right now.
00:01:30 Completely annihilated.
00:01:34 It's alright, my internet's still working during the day, so we might have to move the insomnia stream.
00:01:41 Back a little bit.
Speaker 2
00:01:43 In the day where, so I don't have.
00:01:45 To sleep like a weird person.
00:01:48 All the time.
00:01:49 That would be good.
00:01:52 So yeah.
00:01:55 That would be really good.
00:01:59 Anyway, let's let's uh let's pretend that I'm full of energy.
00:02:04 And jump right into some of this stuff.
00:02:08 Oh, by the way, if you for those of you, let's do this at the beginning of the of the stream this time because it was at the end of the stream last time.
00:02:16 I said last stream if you want to help with community building and specifically I was thinking about it.
00:02:23 So I was thinking like a good trial run is the the day of the crowdsourced movie right?
00:02:29 That way there's.
00:02:30 A purpose, right?
00:02:31 There's a purpose for us.
00:02:32 All to to have a a community, if you will.
00:02:36 And a place to congregate online.
00:02:40 It's nothing spooky, you know, it's it's nothing fed.
00:02:44 Yeah, it's just we're making a movie.
00:02:46 We're making a movie, right?
00:02:48 So there's.
00:02:48 A purpose for.
00:02:49 It and at the same time it's like a good like dry run.
00:02:54 Like, OK, how is this going to work?
00:02:55 Out and if?
00:02:56 It all falls apart.
Speaker 4
00:02:57 It's not a big deal.
00:02:59 It's like, OK, so.
00:03:00 The the movie we're trying.
00:03:01 To make it kind of you know it.
00:03:05 It's falling apart a little bit, you know.
00:03:07 So anyway.
00:03:09 That's that what I said at the end of last stream was if you want to help out with community building and specifically that the first project we're going to work on is a crowdsourced movie about.
00:03:21 And I've mentioned this, I mentioned this a long time ago and then I kind of you know it kind of cut got put on the back burner, but we're.
00:03:27 Going full blast with it right now.
00:03:29 We're making a crowdsourced movie using found footage found food.
00:03:36 Basically, the way that it's going to be, the way that we're the way it's going to be possible for it to be crowdsourced, that you guys can kind of do whatever you want with, you know, with the understanding that I won't put it in if it's just complete ********, all right.
00:03:52 Or if it's like, yeah, edgy, you know, too edgy.
Speaker 4
00:03:56 Going to, it's going to actually.
00:03:57 Yet, right.
00:03:58 And I might edit stuff down.
00:04:00 Try to.
00:04:00 Keep it, you.
00:04:01 Know try to keep it concise or whatever, but here's here's the here's the and look part of this organization.
00:04:06 We're going to be doing, there will be some direction involved, so it's not just like Willy nilly people not knowing.
Speaker 3
00:04:13 What to do?
00:04:14 But the basic idea is the day of the rope film, the crowdsourced film.
00:04:19 Is going to be like a lot of little shorts that you guys make.
00:04:23 Stitched together in the same like a found footage style and by found footage.
00:04:29 I mean stuff like you know Blair witch, Paranormal activity, VHS.
00:04:34 Like those horror films where the whole gimmick is, oh, it's like, you know, you found this video and it's and.
00:04:41 We looked at it and oh, it's.
00:04:42 Scary, you know?
00:04:43 But it's going to be a bunch of little vignettes that you guys make and what these vignettes are.
00:04:49 The reason there's got to be a reason like why is there all.
00:04:51 This footage, right?
00:04:52 Like, why do what?
00:04:54 What is?
00:04:54 This footage that I'm looking at is it just.
00:04:56 Why random footage from people?
00:04:58 No, what it is is.
00:05:00 There's a guy at the end.
00:05:01 Lisa. And he's turning on the camera on people's phones, and he's just seeing what he sees. And so that's like the hub.
00:05:10 Like the thing that brings it all together is this guy that's going to be at the NSA watching.
00:05:17 What people are doing?
00:05:19 And so you can have.
00:05:22 You could be like, a a political dissident and they activate your phone.
00:05:27 Down to catch you doing whatever you know, you could be a politician and they catch you getting a prostitute.
Speaker 2
00:05:35 You know you could.
00:05:36 Be, you know, we're gonna have a lot kind.
00:05:39 Of a lot of leeway with this, right?
00:05:41 I want you guys to be creative with.
00:05:42 You're probably gonna think.
00:05:43 Of stuff I'm not thinking about but stuff.
Speaker 4
00:05:45 That's going to fit within.
00:05:47 The day of the rope universe.
00:05:49 OK, stuff that's going to be it doesn't have to be.
00:05:52 In fact, it's probably better if it's not characters in the book.
00:05:56 OK, it it's better if it's just like.
00:05:59 Along those lines.
00:06:01 So if you haven't read the book, grab a copy of the book.
Speaker 4
00:06:04 If you have.
00:06:05 Read the book just to give it as an idea like as an example.
00:06:10 Just imagine that the NSA turns on the camera of a random Anon if you will not.
00:06:17 I hate that queue.
00:06:18 People have ruined that that is.
00:06:22 Operating the list, you know, and they maybe they catch him in the act or or right before or right after.
00:06:27 I don't know just whatever or or anything so, but just it has to fit within that universe and I'm thinking probably I will work with.
00:06:40 Some other people that so there's like.
00:06:42 A core story.
00:06:44 That goes in between some of the the user submitted ones to make it flow a little bit better.
00:06:50 So it's not so chaotic.
00:06:51 I don't know yet, but it doesn't matter.
00:06:53 We're just going to.
00:06:54 We're just going to go for it, you know, we talked about last time how Jim Henson, when he was making the dark crystal.
00:07:00 They were just like.
00:07:01 **** it, let's just start making a movie with these monsters and then they kind of just wrote it as they went.
00:07:06 And you know, and it worked out.
00:07:08 So usually not the way movies are done, but we're going to just do it that way anyway and it could end up being a big pile of steaming ****.
00:07:17 Or it could end up being.
00:07:18 Really cool.
00:07:19 So this will give us, like I said, this will give us a a purpose give us a project something.
00:07:25 To work on.
00:07:27 Allow us to be creative and also workout the kinks in terms of a place to congregate online and figure out how all that's going to work and you you can stay anonymous.
00:07:40 You know, like the the credits will just be a bunch of John does and Jane Doe and.
00:07:46 You know specifically 1 otherwise, but probably no one's going to want that. And so just, you know, or or maybe no credits.
Speaker 2
00:07:55 And then we'll.
00:07:56 What we'll do is once it's all.
00:07:57 Put together.
00:07:59 Hopefully it'll be awesome.
00:08:01 And you know, we'll have like, a viewing party.
00:08:04 We'll do like, you know, maybe like, I don't know.
00:08:07 Something where we play it online and obviously look thousands of.
00:08:11 People will see this.
00:08:13 So this is a good opportunity.
00:08:14 If this is something that.
00:08:16 Like when I was younger I used.
00:08:17 To make.
00:08:18 Admittedly, pretty ******.
00:08:20 You know, short films as I was learning and but sometimes they made something that wasn't so bad and then don't no one ever saw it.
00:08:27 Right.
00:08:28 So this is like an opportunity, if you're that's something you want to get into.
00:08:32 We always talk about how the right needs to get involved with this sort of thing.
00:08:36 So this is a way we can address that and.
00:08:42 Hopefully make something cool, maybe make a big pile of trash we I don't know, but hopefully something cool.
00:08:49 So anyway, if you want to get involved with that in one way or another, and even if it's not in in terms of actually creating a short, you want to get involved with just helping out with.
00:09:02 The the platform that we're going to be using to communicate and stuff like that hit me up at evil Hillary.
00:09:11 At protonmail.com now there is also there's a a rope movie e-mail I don't remember leaving what it is. I'll have to look and find it. A lot of people sent me some stuff.
00:09:22 Like months and months ago.
00:09:24 And so that's going to be part of, you know, the organization here is going through.
00:09:28 All that stuff and you know seeing.
00:09:31 If they're, you know what we got already.
00:09:34 And so if you already submitted stuff like months and months ago, it will not be forgotten, we will.
00:09:39 We'll get to everybody and same thing I already got like a **** ton of emails.
00:09:43 Some people.
00:09:45 From last string so I will be getting back to everyone.
00:09:48 I just wanted it to be out there for like a few days so everyone gets a chance to to know that this is what we're doing.
00:09:55 And we'll go from there and it's going just it's going to take and I got so.
00:09:59 Many emails it's going.
00:10:00 To just take a while to go through all that stuff.
Speaker 5
00:10:03 Anyway, so now that that's out of.
00:10:05 The way that is out of the way.
00:10:12 What is going on?
00:10:14 What's going on out there in the world?
00:10:18 I'll take a look here at my notes.
00:10:21 I need the ******* coffee.
Speaker 2
00:10:24 Ohh God, I alright whatever.
00:10:29 One thing I.
00:10:29 I I put this on telegram.
00:10:31 This was this was a little interesting to me.
00:10:33 This is a little bit interesting to me and I'm gonna.
00:10:36 I'm gonna find the article on this.
00:10:37 Because I want.
00:10:37 To know a little more, some specifics here.
00:10:40 But it was interesting, not so much that it was happening, but it was interesting that this was happening in the open.
00:10:48 And So what that is is Minneapolis as a result of the trial.
00:10:59 The trial of the George the George Floyd trial, right, that's going to be going on and you know how how how much of a hot button issue that is in Minneapolis, they the City Council voted.
00:11:15 They voted to UM.
00:11:18 Let me pop this up here.
00:11:21 To give quote UN quote influencers money.
Speaker 5
00:11:25 To combat.
00:11:28 Fake news?
00:11:29 Essentially, they're going to be paying Youtubers.
00:11:32 And well, I don't know because what community are they trying to influence? So is it like maybe black Twitter, black, TikTok?
Speaker 4
00:11:41 Like what?
00:11:41 What are black people?
00:11:42 I don't even know.
00:11:42 What black people use?
00:11:44 It's weird that they have their own Internet, you know, every.
00:11:46 Time people are.
00:11:47 Given the option to segregate, they do every time.
00:11:51 Don't believe me?
00:11:52 You've never been to a prison.
00:11:58 Every time that the groups have a an opportunity, the ability to segregate they do, they do but yeah.
00:12:08 And and blacks have done that on the Internet apparently.
00:12:10 So I don't, I don't know who they're going to be paying exactly.
00:12:14 But it's just interesting.
00:12:16 That they're they're saying.
00:12:17 That up in the open, it was at a it was at a City Council meeting.
00:12:19 They're paying, like uh, let's.
Speaker 3
00:12:22 Let's take a look here.
00:12:23 I'm gonna find the article.
00:12:26 I didn't because I didn't believe it when I first saw the headline, I was.
Speaker 2
00:12:28 Like no way.
00:12:30 Why would they?
00:12:31 Would they do?
Speaker 2
00:12:31 That open.
00:12:34 But I guess they just don't.
00:12:34 Care anymore?
00:12:35 There's so much.
00:12:36 I mean, I guess.
00:12:36 I mean, look you.
00:12:37 Steal an election.
00:12:38 Out in the open.
00:12:40 Do you really give a **** anymore?
00:12:42 Like you know, like it?
00:12:43 No one.
00:12:44 Nothing happened when you did that.
00:12:45 Right, all bets are off. No one's.
Speaker 5
00:12:47 Stopping you when?
00:12:48 You steal a presidential election, so ****.
Speaker 3
00:12:51 It we can literally do whatever we want.
Speaker 5
00:12:54 Whatever we want and.
00:12:57 Who's gonna?
00:12:58 Who's going to stop us?
00:12:59 You. No, obviously not.
Speaker 4
00:13:03 All right, let's take a look.
00:13:04 Here this is from.
Speaker 5
00:13:07 CBS News.
00:13:10 The Minneapolis City Council has unanimously approved paying six social media influencers to spread city approved messaging and updates throughout the upcoming murder trial of former officer Derek Chauvin, who has been charged in George Floyd's death.
00:13:29 On Friday, the Council approved.
00:13:31 One point.
00:13:32 Wow, that's more than.
00:13:32 I thought it was.
00:13:34 $1.181 million for communication with the community during the trial, the city says social media partners will help dispel potential misinformation.
00:13:48 And that the influencers will intentionally target black Native American Somali ****.
00:13:54 **** and Latin X communities, with their messaging, each influencer will be paid $2000. Well, I guess if those are the communities, you're.
Speaker 2
00:14:05 It's probably cheaper to do.
00:14:07 I don't know.
00:14:09 And they've already got a closet full of Nikes that they got last summer, right?
00:14:12 So I mean.
Speaker 2
00:14:13 2000 bucks.
00:14:14 The goal is to increase access to information to communities.
00:14:19 That do not typically follow mainstream news sources.
Speaker 4
00:14:26 The goal is to.
00:14:27 Target illiterate people who don't know.
Speaker 3
00:14:30 What the **** is going on?
00:14:32 Just let's just be honest, right?
00:14:35 Or city communications channels and or who do not consume information in English.
00:14:43 You mean that's a problem?
00:14:47 You mean it's a problem when you have populations that huge populations who don't speak English?
00:14:56 That might riot.
00:14:58 OK, the Minneapolis City Council said in a statement.
00:15:01 It's also an opportunity to create more two way communication between the city and communities.
00:15:10 Two way that doesn't sound very two way that sounds like you're paying two.
00:15:13 1000 bucks to.
00:15:15 To for approved messages.
00:15:16 I don't know how that's two.
00:15:17 Way communication but.
00:15:18 Whatever City Council hasn't finalized how they will choose the influencers, but said selections will be based on.
Speaker 5
00:15:26 You know, this is another, you know.
00:15:28 I mean, look, they've just influenced influencers right there.
00:15:31 I mean, it would probably.
00:15:32 Would have done.
00:15:33 A better job they've made the the number a little higher in like 2000.
00:15:36 Bucks, right.
00:15:37 I mean, but look, there's lots of people that have sold their soul for a lot less, right?
00:15:41 But if you just said like, I wonder if.
00:15:43 That would be a good strategy, just say.
00:15:45 You know what?
Speaker 5
00:15:46 We're going to spend.
Speaker 6
00:15:48 $8 billion.
00:15:51 To convince people to get the vaccine, we're going to give Youtubers 8 billion ******* dollars.
00:15:57 If you can, you know.
00:15:58 To to talk about the vaccine.
00:16:00 We're not sure who we're going to pick yet, though we're not sure who we're going to choose.
00:16:08 And then just.
00:16:08 Like let it.
Speaker 2
00:16:09 There, you know for a.
00:16:11 While and you would just get.
Speaker 4
00:16:12 You'd get free.
00:16:13 You get free.
00:16:14 Press because you'd get all these these.
00:16:16 You know, money grubbing Youtubers like ohh pick me, pick me and and and and toe in the line to show like how awesome they are at talking about vaccines.
00:16:26 It would happen, you know it.
00:16:27 Would happen the promise of money.
00:16:29 It's just as valuable as money itself.
00:16:34 OK, some activists and legal experts are concerned about the decision that of course, that's like the last one of the last sentences in here.
Speaker 2
00:16:42 Ohh man.
00:16:45 There we go, an activist with a.
00:16:46 Phone and over of over.
00:16:47 11,000 see, this is what this is.
00:16:50 What's so infuriating?
00:16:52 It's so infuriating when when they talk about these influencers, influencers.
00:16:58 I did a documentary.
00:16:59 I think it was on Netflix at the time.
00:17:01 Oh, yeah.
00:17:01 These rising YouTube stars.
00:17:04 And these people?
00:17:05 Would have like a fraction of of how many subscribers.
00:17:08 I would have on YouTube.
00:17:08 There's there's no ******* Netflix.
00:17:10 Documentary about me is there.
00:17:12 You know, like and.
00:17:14 This guy like 11,000.
00:17:16 Users on Instagram *****. I had like 50,000.
00:17:19 On my Instagram that got banned like the 1st 111 though.
00:17:24 Jesus cry anyway, using his platform to educate the community.
00:17:29 You know, does he?
00:17:30 He's worried about the bias behind information that will.
00:17:33 Come from the city funded influencers.
00:17:35 Yeah, yeah, you.
00:17:36 Probably worried about.
Speaker 2
00:17:37 The exact wrong thing here anyway.
00:17:42 I I I I I look.
00:17:46 I'm wondering if they're gonna burn it all down on the ground if.
00:17:48 They acquit him.
00:17:49 I don't think they'll acquit him.
00:17:51 It's kind of like it's like the opposite of the leave it out there with the money promise.
00:17:55 Right.
00:17:56 Like saying there's, like a billion dollars because right when right now, it's pretty obvious to everybody that that's going to be on that jury that, you know, what's being left out there isn't isn't a promise of a billion dollars.
00:18:07 It's a promise of, well, maybe a billion dollars worth of fire damage.
00:18:11 If they if they.
00:18:12 Ruled the wrong way, so I don't know this.
00:18:17 And that's assuming there's not any kind of like nonsense.
00:18:20 Look, I know there's people that think.
00:18:21 Well, they knew each other.
00:18:22 And you know, he's a.
00:18:23 Mason and all this.
Speaker 5
00:18:25 Look, maybe, who knows, maybe it doesn't matter.
00:18:28 Doesn't matter.
00:18:30 I I I just still wonder if.
00:18:31 They're going to burn.
00:18:32 Down again or now that now that Biden's.
00:18:34 In if the they'll they'll call out the dogs.
Speaker 2
00:18:37 Who knows?
00:18:39 Who knows?
00:18:40 So yes, they're going to be paying in floors and influencers and it's out in.
00:18:45 The open.
00:18:46 And look.
00:18:48 A lot of this stuff.
00:18:51 Happens in the background already.
00:18:55 A lot of this stuff.
00:18:57 Happens in the background already.
00:18:59 What's shocking about this isn't the fact that they're going to be paying them, it's that it's kept secret. That's just the way that it is. That's the way that it is. There are some influencers, quote UN quote, that are paid.
00:19:15 You know top.
00:19:15 To bottom, like they're just wholly owned by billionaire funders.
00:19:19 That's the way that it is.
00:19:21 That's the way it is.
00:19:22 And even if you're not, if you have sponsors, right, like people have to keep them, it's.
00:19:27 Always in the back of.
00:19:28 Your head.
00:19:28 Right.
00:19:29 Well, if I say this, are they going to stop wanting me to advertise their?
Speaker 5
00:19:34 You know, whatever.
00:19:36 Yeah, I I.
00:19:37 I better not say this if I say this.
00:19:41 So that that's why.
00:19:42 I haven't done sponsorship stuff, you know, because it's like if I do sponsorship stuff as much as look, it's just part of like it's survival, right.
00:19:52 Money is tied to your survival.
00:19:54 And so even if you try it and not like have that influence you on some level, it probably would like a little bit, you know a little bit.
00:20:01 I don't know.
00:20:03 I don't want to find out.
00:20:07 There we go.
00:20:08 There we go.
00:20:09 If we start pushing penis pills here.
00:20:13 Yeah, that would be that would be upsetting.
00:20:17 And any penis pill.
00:20:19 That comes out of this place.
00:20:20 First of all, they would be black.
00:20:22 And uh.
00:20:26 Call them BBC bills or something.
Speaker 2
00:20:32 Oh, God, yeah.
00:20:35 I'm not going to.
00:20:35 Be doing that all right?
00:20:38 Another interesting development, and I haven't been able to find out if this is actually real, but I think it might actually be real.
00:20:51 But I don't know.
00:20:52 I don't know if this is actually real.
Speaker 5
00:20:58 Again, this might but.
00:21:00 It's one of those things where it's kind of like, even if it's not real, it's real.
00:21:06 And that is.
00:21:11 All the all the anti war folks from.
Speaker 3
00:21:16 Well, I don't know.
00:21:16 Not that, not even.
00:21:17 That long ago, I guess it I.
00:21:19 Guess a while ago now because they shut the **** ** during the Obama.
00:21:23 You know all.
00:21:24 The all the anti war.
Speaker 3
00:21:25 People on the left.
00:21:28 That had all this, this huge problem with all the Bush wars.
00:21:33 Bush lied.
00:21:34 People died.
Speaker 2
00:21:35 You know no.
00:21:36 War for oil.
00:21:37 They shut the **** **.
00:21:40 The second, there was a black man in charge.
00:21:43 And that was that.
00:21:45 That was that, that was.
00:21:46 The end of that.
00:21:47 And then weirdly, that's the one thing they didn't.
00:21:50 Care about when Trump would do it.
00:21:53 That that was.
00:21:53 Like the one thing that that Trump got.
00:21:57 Applause When he did.
00:22:00 What was it?
00:22:00 Was it Tom?
00:22:01 Brokaw, that was just like.
Speaker 3
00:22:03 Look at those.
00:22:04 Those beautiful missiles.
00:22:06 Those beautiful.
00:22:07 Look at that sight.
00:22:08 The beautiful ******* missiles flying into this foreign country.
00:22:13 Look at this this glorious.
00:22:19 Act of war Illegal act of war without authorization from Congress.
Speaker 4
00:22:26 Uh, that's yeah, that's.
00:22:27 The one thing they didn't care that that that Trump would do is attack Syria.
00:22:34 But anyway, like I said, I don't know if this is real, but why wouldn't it be?
00:22:38 Why wouldn't it be?
00:22:40 We're officially the bad guys now.
00:22:43 We are.
00:22:44 We are the bad guys.
00:22:46 And you and I aren't bad guys.
00:22:48 But we're the bad guys.
00:22:52 When other countries.
00:22:55 Think about the Big Satan.
Speaker 3
00:22:59 They're not wrong.
00:23:02 It's like not even hyperbole.
00:23:07 We're the bad guys.
00:23:10 You're you're officially a citizen of the bad guys.
Speaker 4
00:23:16 Whether you like.
00:23:17 It or not?
00:23:22 And so that should give you a little bit of pause.
00:23:25 And I don't mean the kind of pause that's decorated on that, that bomb there, but I mean.
Speaker 2
00:23:32 You know.
00:23:35 In fact, I was looking at this.
00:23:40 One of the things that came to mind when.
00:23:42 I looked at this.
Speaker 2
00:23:45 Let me bring.
00:23:46 It up here.
00:23:54 Oh no, I didn't save it.
Speaker 2
00:23:56 No way, I didn't save it.
Speaker 3
00:24:01 There's no way I didn't save that.
00:24:04 I must have saved it somewhere weird.
Speaker 2
00:24:07 I do that sometimes, that's OK.
00:24:08 I'll bring up.
00:24:10 I'll find another.
Speaker 5
00:24:11 Something similar that won't be hard to find.
00:24:19 But I remember a few years back.
00:24:22 There was a much.
00:24:24 Maligned group.
00:24:27 And look.
Speaker 4
00:24:33 People said.
00:24:34 They weren't very optical and and I would say.
00:24:38 You know, quite possibly.
00:24:45 You could say that's the truth, but hang on.
00:24:54 All of a sudden they look way less crazy.
Speaker 2
00:25:00 I don't hurt anyone's feelings with this. Why is?
00:25:02 This not ******* going up there.
00:25:13 I really hate the way that images work on.
00:25:18 On OBS, where it's like this big ordeal, just a load of ******* picture.
Speaker 2
00:25:23 It's like no you.
00:25:24 Should just be able to drag it.
Speaker 2
00:25:25 On there, why not?
00:25:26 Why not?
00:25:29 Why can't I just do that?
00:25:33 Why can't I just do that?
Speaker 4
00:25:36 With your.
00:25:37 With your free software.
00:25:41 Alright, I can't complain.
00:25:42 It is free.
00:25:43 Here it is.
Speaker 4
00:25:47 All of a sudden these guys don't.
00:25:48 Look so ******* crazy anymore.
00:25:51 You know.
Speaker 4
00:25:52 It's like uh.
Speaker 5
00:25:55 Yeah, I mean.
00:25:59 Yeah, I mean.
Speaker 5
00:26:03 Maybe you guys just uh.
00:26:06 Maybe you guys just kind of saw it.
Speaker 2
00:26:07 Before we did, I don't know.
Speaker 4
00:26:14 I mean, is it really that distasteful anymore?
00:26:18 Is it?
00:26:20 For those of you, I guess just listening, I just put up a picture of a protester from the Westboro Baptist Church.
00:26:26 You know the people that would go out and protest the funerals, funerals of soldiers holding up signs that said, you know, God hates America, and he's glad that the soldiers are dying and stuff like that.
Speaker 5
00:26:42 I mean.
Speaker 4
00:26:46 I mean like.
00:26:48 Once you're the bad guy is, I mean, is that wrong?
00:26:52 Is is maybe God rooting for the other side now, I mean.
00:27:01 Something to think about, you know, maybe.
00:27:06 I don't know.
00:27:08 I don't know.
00:27:09 I mean, sometimes when people are ahead of ahead of their time, you know?
00:27:12 Sometimes they they they.
00:27:13 Look, they look crazy to to the normal person.
00:27:17 And now I'm kind of thinking like.
Speaker 2
00:27:21 Yeah, I maybe.
00:27:22 They were kind of based, you know, like maybe they just.
Speaker 5
00:27:27 Maybe they, uh, you know, I don't know.
00:27:30 I don't know.
00:27:30 I don't know what they're doing these days.
00:27:32 I don't know.
00:27:32 Maybe they've gotten crazier or less, less based or.
00:27:36 Whatever, but uh.
00:27:39 Yeah, I mean, you know.
00:27:44 Kind of.
00:27:46 It's a little more.
00:27:47 It's a little more saying of an argument than it was before.
00:27:52 It doesn't seem even as like, really edgy at all like it.
00:27:56 It used to seem like, wow, that's like an extremist thing to do.
00:27:59 Like you're going out there and and and protest, I mean, dead soldiers.
00:28:02 I mean, come on.
00:28:03 Have you no shame?
00:28:05 This is horrific.
Speaker 5
00:28:06 And now it's kind.
00:28:06 Of like yeah. Ah.
Speaker 3
00:28:11 I mean.
00:28:18 I mean, yeah, think about this way too.
Speaker 4
00:28:20 I mean for the.
00:28:21 Well, that's not that's not cool, Devin.
00:28:24 The you know the the soldiers.
00:28:26 That they don't believe in this stuff.
00:28:27 Well, I mean.
00:28:28 You kind of signed up for it.
00:28:30 Right, you kind of.
Speaker 5
00:28:31 Signed up for it.
00:28:34 I mean it's it's not my.
00:28:35 Fault if you didn't do the research right.
00:28:39 You kind of signed up for.
00:28:40 It that was kind of part of the deal.
Speaker 4
00:28:44 I mean if if.
00:28:45 You're flying the airplane that's got that bomb on it.
00:28:51 You know.
Speaker 4
00:28:54 You think you're you're on the right side.
00:28:56 You think you think you're?
00:29:00 Your mission is is is just and righteous and holy.
00:29:05 Do you?
00:29:10 Maybe that's something to think about.
00:29:11 You know, I'm just saying, I'm just saying.
00:29:17 Anyway, another story was in the news today.
00:29:24 And of course, because I didn't have my coffee.
00:29:28 Totally unprepared.
00:29:29 I'm going to bring this up real quick.
00:29:31 I mean, just a half a second.
00:29:34 We've heard a lot of bad news in the past.
00:29:38 About soy soy making you feminine because it's got the.
00:29:45 Estrogen mimicker's in it.
00:29:50 As it turns out, soy is worse than that.
Speaker 2
00:29:58 If I can find the article, there we go.
00:30:02 I'm going to bring this image up in the same clunky fashion that I've brought up every other image to you guys.
00:30:09 I almost want to leave up.
00:30:13 The The hateful protester person.
00:30:18 You know what?
00:30:19 Maybe I will just for fun.
00:30:21 I'll give her a moment in the sun.
Speaker 2
00:30:24 That's right.
Speaker 4
00:30:26 OK.
Speaker 2
00:30:28 Would you like brain damage with that?
00:30:36 America's favorite cooking oil causes neurological changes, says animal study.
00:30:44 New research has shown that despite being marketed as a healthy alternative, soybean oil American's most popular oil. So that means you've had it.
00:30:55 You've had.
00:30:55 It even if you're trying to avoid it, you've had it.
00:30:58 If you've eaten out at all.
00:31:01 You've had it, you know whether you're.
00:31:04 Going to a drive.
00:31:05 Through or even if you're going to like a fancy restaurant.
Speaker 2
00:31:07 And you've had it.
00:31:10 Causes neurological changes in the brains of mice and may contribute to autism and dementia.
00:31:19 In humans.
00:31:24 Well, imagine that extracted from the seeds of soybeans and used in everything from fast food to animal feed and even baby formula.
00:31:38 Baby formula.
00:31:40 That was a big ******* scam.
00:31:43 ******* baby formula.
00:31:45 That was another thing that ******* boomers fell for.
00:31:47 That's just like.
Speaker 4
00:31:48 You had a free alternative that was way better.
00:31:55 Soybean oil is the is easily the most widely consumed oil in the US.
00:32:06 It's in McDonald's fries, Pizza Hut crust.
00:32:11 Healthy 9 grain bread used for subway sandwiches.
00:32:16 And many others.
00:32:17 A research team from University of California, Riverside, has been studying the impact of soybean oil for several years.
00:32:26 They previously found that it induces diabetes.
00:32:30 And obesity in mice.
00:32:35 Oh, did you look at that?
00:32:36 See, this is what capitalism does.
00:32:40 This is what because everything just everything is, is.
Speaker 3
00:32:43 The bottom line, everything.
00:32:47 Oh, it's cheaper.
00:32:49 Let's do that.
00:32:51 Let's do that.
00:32:54 Oh, it's not legal.
00:32:55 Let's make it legal because.
00:32:58 As we all know, corporations control the government.
00:33:03 Yeah, we live.
00:33:03 We live.
00:33:04 I've been tired.
00:33:04 We live in a libertarian Wonderland.
00:33:08 We're we're ruled over by massive corporations.
00:33:12 You got what you want?
00:33:13 Free market one.
00:33:18 And that's why we have soybean oil.
00:33:23 Hardly surprising given that vegetable oils are high in saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
00:33:29 By now, most people know that eating too much fried food is bad for your ticker, says that any more ticker.
00:33:38 But what is really shocking about their latest findings is the effect soybean oil seems to have on the brain.
00:33:48 From Alzheimer's to autism, the study is published in endocrinology, a scientific journal, and it shows that when soybean oil is fed to mice, it has major and has a major impact on their hypothalamus in an area of the brain crucial for regulating mood and behavior.
Speaker 5
00:34:09 More worryingly, it affected over 100 of the.
00:34:14 Mice's genes.
00:34:17 It changes your genes.
00:34:21 Isn't that great soybean oil?
00:34:24 Because the way this is manufactured, it's it's highly, it's highly processed.
00:34:30 OK.
00:34:32 Stuff like this probably isn't happening.
00:34:34 You just pop a.
00:34:34 Soybean in your?
00:34:35 Mouth, but like you know.
00:34:36 The manufacturing process.
00:34:39 Makes it in this pure ******* nastiness, but it changes your genes, including one for controlling oxytocin.
00:34:48 The love and bonding hormone.
00:34:53 Soybean oil makes it harder for you to.
Speaker 5
00:34:57 Love it gives you autism.
00:35:03 It gives you diabetes.
00:35:06 And it.
00:35:07 Makes you fat. What?
00:35:10 All of a sudden.
00:35:13 All of a sudden.
Speaker 3
00:35:16 Because it's the number.
00:35:16 One cooking oil.
00:35:18 You know, for the American diet.
00:35:20 Now look at the American public.
Speaker 5
00:35:23 It's almost as.
00:35:24 If there might be a connection here.
00:35:28 There might be a connection.
00:35:30 Other genes affected had to do with metabolic and hormone pathways, including the insulin pathway synonymous with diabetes.
00:35:43 There was also upregulation of genes associated with anxiety, depression and schizophrenia.
00:35:54 But it's cheap.
Speaker 5
00:35:56 It's cheap guys.
00:35:59 And healthy.
00:36:01 That's how they marketed it.
00:36:02 Remember when?
00:36:02 Remember when?
00:36:03 For McDonald's.
00:36:04 They made like this big ******* deal about changing over to soap, soybean oil.
00:36:08 They had this big campaign like ohh.
00:36:10 Don't worry guys.
Speaker 5
00:36:11 We've we've managed somehow, which means they're just there's even more poison in it, right?
00:36:17 We've managed somehow to make our our old fries.
00:36:20 That you know.
Speaker 3
00:36:21 We which obviously.
00:36:22 All also aren't healthy, but you know.
Speaker 5
00:36:24 What I mean that we?
00:36:25 Used to boil an animal fat.
00:36:28 We now boil them in this soybean Coombe and it's it's, it's healthier and.
Speaker 4
00:36:37 It tastes the same.
00:36:39 It's like it's like, you know, 50 calories less.
00:36:43 Like that matters to someone eating ******* McDonald's French.
00:36:46 Fries. But you know whatever.
00:36:48 Because the bottom line was what the reason they're really doing.
00:36:51 It is. It was cheaper.
Speaker 4
00:36:53 It was cheaper.
00:36:56 Everything comes down to the bottom line.
00:36:58 That's why they don't ever research this ****.
Speaker 4
00:37:02 That's why I mean.
00:37:02 Why even have these regulatory agencies?
00:37:06 I really want to know like, what are they doing?
00:37:11 What are you doing?
00:37:13 I mean here, here's these people are.
00:37:15 Conducting a study.
00:37:17 Why can't I mean, what if if you're the FDA, why can't you conduct this study like that?
00:37:23 Well, I'll.
00:37:23 Tell you why?
00:37:23 Because of capitalism.
00:37:27 And it's not just the FDA.
00:37:28 This goes.
00:37:28 Across the board, right?
00:37:31 Or guess what?
00:37:32 The FDA or USDA, whatever one of these agencies.
00:37:36 Well you got.
00:37:36 To do these big companies, just say you know.
00:37:39 Just just, ******* just *******.
Speaker 2
00:37:40 Approve it.
00:37:41 Just ******* approve it.
00:37:43 Let's make it happen cabin.
00:37:45 Here's some money.
00:37:49 Libertarian paradise libertarian paradise.
00:37:53 Considering the evidence, the authors believe that soybean oil could increase the risk of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and autism.
00:38:03 However, there is no concrete evidence yet that soybean soybean oil.
Speaker 3
00:38:11 Will cause this.
00:38:14 Hold on.
00:38:15 I got out of my place.
00:38:16 Soybean oil causes these conditions since the research was conducted on male mice only.
Speaker 4
00:38:23 Ah, it's only.
00:38:24 Well, it's only the male mice.
00:38:26 First of all, why would they?
00:38:27 Why would you do a study like?
00:38:28 That why would you only do it on male mice?
00:38:31 But mice are used as a model Organism for human health for a reason.
00:38:36 As a mammal species, they have similar tissues and genetics to us, and it is reasonable to provisionally project some of the authors health warnings onto humans.
00:38:46 Well, that's what they do with everything.
00:38:49 That's just. That's why you.
00:38:50 Do experiments on mice weird that it's.
00:38:52 Only male mice.
Speaker 2
00:38:53 Though very weird.
00:38:57 Very weird.
00:38:59 So I guess if you're a woman, you.
00:39:00 Can keep keep guzzling down that soybean oil.
00:39:03 You'll be totally fine.
Speaker 2
00:39:05 You'll be totally fine.
Speaker 4
00:39:07 All right, Next up.
Speaker 2
00:39:10 Bump, bump, bump.
00:39:12 Let me get rid.
00:39:12 Of the French fries.
00:39:17 DOJ opens the door to seeking domestic terror powers.
00:39:23 DOJ opens the door to seeking domestic or new domestic terror powers and he coughing, a senior Justice Department official opened the door to seeking new legislative authorities to pursue domestic terrorism, a step the Biden administration has yet to entertain.
00:39:43 Since January 6th, the well the January 6th insurrection.
Speaker 5
00:39:48 And something civil libertarians have warned against.
00:39:53 Yeah, well, they they weren't against lots of stuff and they never seemed to actually.
00:39:57 I mean, where are these civil libertarians?
00:40:00 Where are they?
00:40:00 I mean, they're not defending ******.
00:40:02 They they they seem to be nowhere.
00:40:04 The prospect of expanding investigative and prosecute prosecutorial tools arose during a Friday briefing with reports with.
00:40:16 God, the coffee thing is, is killing me.
00:40:19 Briefing with reporters in which multiple Justice Department.
00:40:22 And FBI officials.
00:40:23 Described in an expansive array of authorities already available to them.
00:40:28 While there is no domestic terrorism statute and U.S.
00:40:32 officials cannot designate a domestic group for sanction like they can of foreign.
Speaker 2
00:40:37 10.
Speaker 5
00:40:39 Oh, that's a.
Speaker 3
00:40:42 I hadn't thought about that.
00:40:49 I hadn't thought about that.
00:40:58 Wouldn't that be interesting?
00:41:01 Wouldn't that be interesting if the federal government could say, you know what, Devin?
00:41:08 We have determined.
00:41:11 That you are part of a domestic terror group and so it doesn't matter if you're not breaking any laws or or anything like that because of your association.
00:41:23 Which we determine in the same way that YouTube determines terms of service, and there's no recourse or even transparency as to what that is.
00:41:34 We determine that you are a domestic terrorist using some method that we will not tell you and.
00:41:41 Likely that won't even tell you that.
00:41:43 That, that, that, that you're.
00:41:44 On the list.
Speaker 4
00:41:46 We have decided that because.
00:41:47 You are a domestic terrorist.
00:41:50 We're going to impose sanctions.
00:41:55 In the same way that we do terrorist states.
00:42:07 We're going to impose.
00:42:08 Sanctions, in other words, seize your assets.
00:42:14 Freeze your bank accounts.
00:42:19 Deny and and look and this is if you haven't done anything illegal.
00:42:23 Now this is the they wouldn't.
00:42:24 Have to this would.
00:42:25 Skip the whole.
00:42:26 They don't have to prosecute you.
00:42:28 You know nothing.
00:42:29 You just get on this this naughty list.
00:42:34 And all of the sudden.
Speaker 5
00:42:38 Oh, we're just we're imposing sanctions.
00:42:42 We're imposing sanctions on a terror group.
00:42:51 I had not thought of that.
00:42:53 I mean, that's pretty ******* ballsy.
00:42:54 I mean, I got, I guess I thought stuff like that would come down the the I did not.
00:42:57 That's that reasoning.
00:42:58 That's some sneaky *** ******* reasoning.
00:43:03 That's some sneaky *** ******* reasoning I have.
00:43:05 Not thought of that angle, but there you go.
Speaker 2
00:43:09 There you go.
00:43:10 Anyway, one senior official acknowledged the statutory definitions of domestic terrorism.
Speaker 2
00:43:15 Oh wait, we're back up here.
00:43:20 Where? Where was that at?
00:43:23 While there is no domestic terrorism statute, the US officials cannot designate a domestic group for sanction like they can a foreign 11 senior official acknowledge that the statutory definitions of domestic terrorism expand a.
Speaker 4
00:43:36 Lot of authorities.
00:43:38 We can use.
00:43:40 So that's one of things they want to do.
00:43:41 They want to expand the definition they.
00:43:43 Want to expand the definition?
00:43:46 Ah, OK, such nationwide search such.
00:43:53 It seems like it's phrased wrong.
00:43:54 Such nationwide search warrants expanded law enforcement access to tax and educational records, and harsher sentencing.
Speaker 4
00:44:06 Oh well, that's.
00:44:07 That's another thing.
00:44:08 So what they want to do, guys, do you guys remember this article that came out a like a couple of weeks ago when they said that many of the people that were arrested at the capital had a tax and financial problems and and it was, it just seemed like they were just, you know, dunking on poor people.
00:44:26 Right.
00:44:27 Like, yeah, OK.
00:44:28 Poor people have financial problems.
00:44:30 Surprise, surprise.
00:44:31 And guess what?
00:44:32 The people that are going to be have, they're going to be more in the camp of nothing to lose are certainly.
00:44:38 Going to.
00:44:38 You know that's going to fit right and that, but they made this big deal.
00:44:43 Out of.
Speaker 2
00:44:43 It well.
00:44:46 What this is saying now is if they can rope you, they can define you as a domestic terror terrorist.
00:44:54 What they can do is they can access your tax and educational records and financial records.
00:45:05 And they can look for stuff like that in a weird way, that kind of to me also seems it seems like blackmail material.
00:45:12 You know, one of the things that they do when they give you a secret clearance, if you're going to be working on some.
00:45:17 That requires a clearance in the federal government.
00:45:20 Part of that background check involves seeing if you have, you know, financial problems, right, because if you have financial problems, they then you would be vulnerable to being bribed or, you know, that's the.
00:45:34 At least that's the, you know, that's the thinking, right.
00:45:37 So interesting. All right, keep.
00:45:46 But on Friday, a senior Justice Department official suggested the administration would consider seeking seeking a domestic terrorism statute as well.
00:45:54 Well, we know how the administration.
00:45:57 Gets things done.
00:45:58 They do what?
00:45:59 Trump didn't have the ability or balls or or fortitude or aptitude, or who knows to do, and and they just signed it into law and no one ******* does anything.
00:46:09 Obviously that's going to be a policy question for the folks that are coming in to the administration, said the senior official.
00:46:16 I'm sure we'll run a data-driven process to see whether we need additional legislative authorities in this area. You, you love the way that they talk, don't you? You got.
Speaker 4
00:46:26 To love it, you got to like the.
00:46:29 The abuse of language there like the total.
00:46:36 Obscuring of meaning that happens when they open their mouth.
00:46:40 It's so ******* devious and ******.
00:46:43 Like, oh, this is just how people in DC Talk.
00:46:45 That's part of the reason I couldn't handle.
00:46:47 Living out there because.
00:46:48 It was just, I mean just.
00:46:49 Imagine, like, I'm sure we'll.
00:46:51 Run a data-driven process to see whether we need additional legislative authorities in this area.
00:46:57 What are you really saying?
00:46:58 What are you really saying?
00:47:00 I'm sure we'll find reasons to to make the to make the laws rope in more of these white people we don't like.
00:47:08 Just say it.
00:47:09 Just ******* say it and they will.
00:47:11 Someday they will.
00:47:11 That's all you have to do to see, like, how in control they are is to see how open they are about certain things.
00:47:19 Right.
00:47:19 The more open they are about stuff, the less fear they have, because that's the only thing that's dialing that back.
00:47:24 That's the only reason why they're obscuring language is that that there's a fear, right?
00:47:29 There's a fear.
00:47:32 Perfect example.
00:47:33 I'm going to go a little sidetrack here just for a.
00:47:35 Little bit.
00:47:38 I'll bring it up a little.
00:47:39 Bit maybe we'll talk about it more.
00:47:42 But today I saw another story.
00:47:44 I was going to put it on telegram.
00:47:47 But I didn't bother with it.
00:47:50 But there was a new story about a kid in a school I'm trying to.
00:47:55 Find a pic.
00:47:55 There he is.
Speaker 4
00:48:01 He wore a shirt.
00:48:05 To school that his teacher said was inappropriate because.
00:48:10 It was racist.
00:48:13 And this is his shirt.
Speaker 4
00:48:16 And for those?
00:48:16 Of you that are just listening or can't see that the black kid wearing a shirt that says Black King.
00:48:23 Bow down to your king.
Speaker 5
00:48:26 Bend the knee to your king.
00:48:32 The headline the headline is again this this is how this is a measuring.
Speaker 5
00:48:37 Stick this is this.
00:48:39 Is a measuring stick for who's in control.
00:48:43 The headline for what I just described to you.
Speaker 4
00:48:48 A black kid.
00:48:49 Wearing AT shirt that says Black King.
00:48:53 And a teacher saying that that's inappropriate because it's racist.
00:48:58 The headline is teacher investigated.
Speaker 4
00:49:06 For telling kid that.
00:49:08 Whatever the the rest of the wording.
00:49:09 Is important. Teacher investigated.
00:49:11 That's the kid.
Speaker 5
00:49:14 That's the measuring stick.
00:49:16 That's the measuring stick.
Speaker 5
00:49:21 You are not in charge anymore.
00:49:25 You're not in charge anymore.
00:49:26 In fact, every time people.
Speaker 5
00:49:27 Say so with it and said White King.
00:49:32 Yeah, every time you say that, all you're saying is you're you're sounding baffled that you're not in control anymore.
00:49:38 That's all you're doing.
Speaker 3
00:49:40 Every time.
00:49:40 Well, if the one person did that, then it would.
00:49:43 All you're saying is like, wait a second.
Speaker 5
00:49:45 We're not in control anymore.
00:49:47 I don't understand.
Speaker 4
00:49:48 That's that's what.
00:49:49 That's what that's all.
00:49:50 You sound like to me.
00:49:53 Yeah, you're not in control anymore.
Speaker 5
00:49:56 Of course you.
00:49:56 Can't do what you could do if you were.
Speaker 4
00:49:59 If you were.
00:49:59 The dominant group, of course not.
00:50:02 You're not the dominant group anymore.
Speaker 5
00:50:06 White primacy is gone.
00:50:08 It's gone.
00:50:11 Obviously you can't.
00:50:13 Do the same things.
Speaker 6
00:50:16 Well, if the white person.
Speaker 3
00:50:17 Had done that.
00:50:18 Everything went yeah, it would have.
Speaker 2
00:50:21 What if?
Speaker 5
00:50:25 Because you're not.
00:50:26 You're not in a white country.
00:50:35 Hello McFly.
00:50:37 You know, like it's what the ****?
00:50:39 How are you not getting this?
00:50:44 You lost it, man.
00:50:45 It's gone.
00:50:48 You're just another.
00:50:49 Minority group now.
00:50:51 That's it.
00:50:52 And and and though it's worse because you're a minority group.
00:50:58 That hasn't organized.
00:51:01 And has zero institutions.
00:51:06 Because you're still delusional, thinking that that.
00:51:10 You're in a white country.
00:51:11 You're not, you're not.
Speaker 3
00:51:13 It's done.
00:51:15 It's done.
00:51:18 You can't go back.
00:51:19 It's done.
00:51:27 I had said back to the story.
00:51:30 You're the black king.
00:51:32 Hope I hope you've all bowed to your king before I get rid.
00:51:35 Of this guy boom.
Speaker 3
00:51:39 Now where where were we?
00:51:42 The data-driven process to see whether we need additional legit.
00:51:47 That has been a.
00:51:48 Step the new administration has yet to tank yet to tank.
00:51:52 You know they'll they'll take it on Tuesday.
00:51:54 Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, or of the Virginia Democrat who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, told The Daily Beast's New Abnormal podcast that the FBI has not sought additional powers to confront.
00:52:09 White supremacists, or far right?
00:52:11 Far right?
00:52:13 The FBI did not challenge that characterization, telling The Daily Beast the FBI defers to the legislative branch to work with leadership at the Department of Justice on whether any additional legislation is.
00:52:26 Well, sounds like it's required.
00:52:27 They're they're.
00:52:27 Getting it done.
00:52:30 You know what? What is it again? The data-driven process to see whether we need additional legislative authorities in this area, that's.
Speaker 5
00:52:38 Sounds like it's it sounds like it's going down.
00:52:41 The prospect of new counterterrorism powers has alarmed civil libertarians are that, you know, these very, very influential and powerful civil libertarians that have been crying and and wringing their hands for the last ******* 40 years while everything just goes to ****.
00:53:02 Others who fear that such authorities are both unnecessary and ripe for abuse to criminalize extreme political views.
00:53:10 You think?
00:53:12 Of course.
00:53:13 That's, that's what it's for.
Speaker 4
00:53:15 That's what it's for.
Speaker 5
00:53:19 But guess what?
00:53:21 Guess what?
00:53:24 Bow to your king.
Speaker 5
00:53:27 Bow to your ******* king.
00:53:29 It doesn't matter.
00:53:31 Doesn't matter.
00:53:34 They're not going to give you a reservation to.
00:53:35 Live on.
00:53:42 Rather than pursue people who have planned or committed acts of violence, pointing to the excesses of the FBI during the 20 year War on Terror, they also feared that expanding those law enforcement, intelligence and prosecutors prosecute prosecutorial powers.
00:54:01 Will permit future presidents.
00:54:03 To use them against marginalized groups, ohh marginalized groups.
00:54:08 Yeah. You mean white people.
Speaker 5
00:54:14 By definition.
00:54:17 Former President Donald Trump, for instance.
00:54:20 Oh, of course it's it's going to be.
00:54:22 Used against Black Lives Matter, I'm.
00:54:24 I'm really *******.
00:54:26 That's what it says, former President Donald Trump, for instance, slandered Black Lives Matter activists as terrorists.
00:54:33 Oh yeah, that's that's.
00:54:35 That's the big worry, right?
00:54:37 That's the big worry.
00:54:39 No, we can't do that.
Speaker 3
00:54:41 Because then the FBI.
Speaker 5
00:54:42 Might actually start arresting BLM instead of kneeling.
00:54:47 Speaking of which.
00:54:49 I have an idea here.
00:54:52 Here's the black king.
00:54:56 And this FBI that they're they're so worried.
00:55:00 Right, the FBI.
00:55:02 They're going to come and start using these new data-driven legislative options to to take down the black man, right? Like that's that's what. That's what we got to worry about, that's.
00:55:18 The big problem?
Speaker 2
00:55:21 Where is that?
00:55:22 I know it's around here somewhere.
00:55:27 I know it's around here somewhere.
00:55:29 See, This is why.
00:55:31 It would have been nice if I had a.
00:55:33 Maybe I need to get a producer.
00:55:35 Maybe that's maybe that's something can come out of this, right, this organization stuff.
00:55:45 Feel faster on her feet.
00:55:48 Joe Rogan's got that guy. What's his ******* name?
Speaker 2
00:55:52 I don't know who watches Joe Rogan anymore anyway.
00:55:56 Here we go.
00:56:00 So they're worried about the FBI abusing this power.
00:56:02 But look.
00:56:04 The FBI, they kneel to their king.
00:56:07 They kneel.
00:56:09 To their ******* king.
00:56:12 That's that's that's never going to happen. No one. No one's really worried about that. No one's really worried that. Ohh, no. If we get these data-driven legislative options, the FBI is going to use it against BLM.
00:56:30 Quote we should not lose sight of our disgust at the double standards employed against white protesters and black ones.
Speaker 4
00:56:39 Give me a *******.
00:56:40 Really, really.
00:56:44 Really, just like a few paragraphs up, you called the January 6th an insurrection.
Speaker 5
00:56:53 Just like a few paragraphs up.
00:56:56 See, but it doesn't matter.
00:56:57 It doesn't matter why.
00:56:59 Because bow to your king.
00:57:02 Bow to your king.
Speaker 5
00:57:06 In the same way.
00:57:09 In the same way.
00:57:11 All of these things that we see the left complain about and they call it white supremacy.
00:57:15 And I've said, look, it's it's not white supremacy.
00:57:18 It's white primacy.
00:57:19 And they're right.
00:57:20 They want to get rid of that.
00:57:22 What you're seeing now.
00:57:25 Is anti white primacy.
00:57:27 This is the worldview that this is the dominating.
00:57:29 World view now.
00:57:31 In the country that you live in.
00:57:33 That bombs countries with ****** flags painted on the side.
Speaker 5
00:57:39 We should not lose sight of our.
00:57:40 Disgust at the double standards employed against white protesters, protesters and and black ones, or against Muslims and non-Muslims.
00:57:50 Elon Omar told.
00:57:51 The Daily Beast.
00:57:52 Of course.
00:57:53 Elon Omar.
00:57:54 In the week after the capital insurrection, the insurrection.
00:57:59 God, I wish, but at the same time we must resist the very human desire for revenge, to simply see the tools that have oppressed black and brown people expanded.
00:58:13 The answer is not more laws expanding the surveillance and security state.
00:58:17 Well, she's right about that.
00:58:18 But it won't matter.
00:58:19 It won't matter.
00:58:22 She's obviously right that that.
00:58:24 That look every once in a while, Omar says something based but like doesn't matter.
00:58:30 She's not.
00:58:31 The Democrats are not the party of of of Omar.
00:58:34 They're the party of of Biden still.
Speaker 4
00:58:37 It's still, it's.
00:58:38 Still, a boomer parting, it's still a boomer Zionist global **** parting.
00:58:45 On the call acting.
00:58:46 Deputy Attorney General John Carlin pledged that the Justice Department was prioritizing the detection and disruption and deterrence of domestic terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms.
00:59:01 Carlin repeatedly referenced continuities and such prioritization. Prioritization with the post 911 pursuit of. See this.
Speaker 4
00:59:08 Is it's.
00:59:10 I'm telling you, 911 is where we turn like we turned a huge ******* corner. A huge ******* corner after 911.
00:59:18 Huge ******* corner.
00:59:19 That's when all of those powers were expanded.
Speaker 2
00:59:22 The first time.
00:59:25 And all these people now that are going to be called domestic terrorists, a lot of.
00:59:30 Them supported it.
Speaker 5
00:59:32 A lot of them did.
00:59:37 A lot of them did.
00:59:40 Yeah, let's get those.
00:59:42 Let's get those ******* *** *****.
00:59:43 Those goat ******* *** *****.
00:59:46 You know that.
00:59:47 Was that was, that's what it was.
00:59:49 I don't care if they I have nothing.
00:59:51 To hide what who?
00:59:52 Cares if they spy on me.
00:59:54 They're just going to be spying on mosques and and Muslims.
01:00:00 That's what, that's what they uh.
01:00:04 You know, that's that, that's what.
01:00:05 They said. And now, now that Cannon's being.
01:00:08 Being turned around on them.
01:00:12 And look that to be, to be fair, that's what Omar was saying, right.
01:00:15 There's like, if we do this to get the white supremacists, they'll go up to the black, but she's wrong and that no, they won't.
01:00:20 They'll never go after the.
01:00:21 Black people because white primacy is gone.
01:00:25 You know, there's there's, there's never.
01:00:26 Going to be a.
01:00:28 The resurgence like zoom out the graph as I always say.
01:00:37 But yeah, a lot of these people that are.
01:00:38 Now going to be the targets.
01:00:41 Fully supported this stuff.
01:00:45 Fully supported this.
01:00:45 Stuff. Now look.
01:00:47 That was a long time ago, right?
01:00:48 That was over.
01:00:50 It was about 20 years.
01:00:51 Ago. So there's a lot.
01:00:52 Of people that had no political power at the time and or many of them, couldn't even vote and **** like that, you know.
01:00:59 Or weren't alive.
01:01:04 And and and in fact the people.
01:01:06 That had the.
01:01:06 Power to stop it at the time.
01:01:10 Won't be around much longer.
01:01:15 So they're not going to have to, they're not going to.
01:01:17 Have to feel the burn.
Speaker 2
01:01:17 They're not going to feel.
Speaker 6
01:01:18 That they're not going to be.
01:01:20 Here to to pay the toll, as it were.
01:01:26 And whatever came out of that, by the way, that's the other thing.
01:01:31 Nothing ever came out of that every time the.
01:01:34 The FBI would.
Speaker 5
01:01:34 Be like haha we stopped the terror.
01:01:36 Attack a couple of years later, you find out they started the terror attack.
Speaker 4
01:01:43 Like they they had.
01:01:44 To, like, justify their existence.
01:01:46 They they went around and found some psycho and and got them to buy fake bombs from them or something like that.
Speaker 2
01:02:00 Alright anyway.
01:02:03 Across the government and to include Director of National intelligence, blah blah blah, forthcoming comprehensive threat assessment of domestic terrorism, Carlin said the administration was looking at expanding information sharing to prevent rattle radicalization and disrupt extremist net.
01:02:22 Already read that part, Carlin said the Justice Department would soon issue guidance ensuring.
01:02:28 Its National Security Division has insight into the.
01:02:33 Into and can track all cases with a Nexus to domestic terrorism or violent extremism in the hope of generating leads in cases across jurisdictions.
01:02:47 Yeah, just it, Leia said.
01:02:48 This is kind of like it's kind of like remember there was that that Millie Weaver did that documentary with that total fraud chick.
01:02:58 But there was that one guy.
01:03:00 That was involved.
01:03:01 That actually sounded like he knew he was doing.
01:03:03 He was.
01:03:03 He probably worked at a government contract there and worked on some of this software and.
01:03:08 And I'd seen similar tools myself, but it was basically it was really it was project management software.
01:03:16 That had that was just, it was big data like that was like the big thing.
01:03:21 Well, like 10 years ago.
01:03:22 That was like the big buzzword, big data, big data, big data, because all these social media companies were acquiring just these mountains of ******* data and they didn't know.
01:03:32 What to do?
01:03:32 With all of it.
01:03:33 But they knew they could do lots of cool **** with it, right?
01:03:36 And it's kind of.
01:03:36 Like what I.
01:03:37 Was saying about the pre crime stuff, right?
01:03:39 Where if?
01:03:41 You have.
01:03:43 You have.
01:03:46 A profile like if someone and it doesn't have to be a real person, it could be a false flag.
01:03:50 It doesn't matter, but if they generate a profile of someone who's going to do something violent or whatever based on data points that you know, the footprint they've left online or whatever they what they're talking about end of the day.
01:04:04 What this is is.
01:04:06 They're talking about.
01:04:08 Using your data, which by the way earlier in the article they said that they could acquire a lot of this stuff without a warrant, so even if not just the stuff that you that you know is pretty much or not a lot of people think about it, I guess.
01:04:20 But you should.
01:04:21 That, you know, is public, that the government has access to because you're voluntarily putting it online.
01:04:28 And agreeing to terms of services that say that they're going to sell your data and stuff, who thinks buying it?
01:04:33 You know, so not only do they have access to all this stuff, they're going to put in permanent permanent databases.
01:04:40 That they will.
01:04:41 Unleash a IIS on to try to find.
01:04:43 Patterns and stuff like that.
01:04:45 But they're also going to.
01:04:46 Be able to warrantless sly.
01:04:50 Well, I mean, you know, I guess some judge will rubber stamp it or maybe maybe, I don't know, maybe unless they change the law, right?
01:04:56 I don't think judges have the rubber stamp.
01:04:57 ****. When it comes to.
01:05:01 But who knows, maybe there's some kind of process, but it won't matter.
01:05:04 It'll be, you know.
01:05:04 It's going to be rubber stamped.
01:05:06 They'll be able to access financial stuff.
01:05:09 Look, they.
01:05:09 Can look at what you buy.
01:05:10 Right.
01:05:11 I mean the financial records means they can look at what you buy.
01:05:14 What if?
01:05:15 You buy a lot of ammo.
01:05:17 Oh, this guy bought a lot.
01:05:18 Of ammo.
01:05:20 That's a red flag, you.
01:05:21 Bought a lot of ammo.
01:05:24 Your or doesn't have to be ammo like like like you're let's say you're just buying, uh.
01:05:30 Well, like me, I buy army surplus stuff all the time, right?
01:05:34 Well, not so much.
01:05:35 Now I got what I needed, but yeah, it's got.
01:05:37 What's this guy up to?
Speaker 4
01:05:39 What's this guy going to do?
01:05:41 With all this army surplus stuff.
Speaker 6
01:05:43 As he started an army.
01:05:47 You know what I mean?
01:05:48 Like that's.
01:05:49 That's the danger of this stuff and it's.
01:05:53 And and and literally.
01:05:54 I think one of the biggest problems with the right and they just lacked foresight, just almost.
01:06:01 Across the board, in the same way, the right doesn't seem to understand the power of media and propaganda and has just been like a sleep of the *** **** ******* wheel when it comes to, like Hollywood and all that ****.
01:06:14 Letting like literal communists, Dr.
01:06:17 the culture of the entire country.
01:06:19 For 50 *******.
01:06:20 Years with their heads in their *** **** sand and then just complaining about it.
01:06:23 And saying like, well, that's just Hollywood.
01:06:25 Ohh, the media leans left and then doing nothing about it.
01:06:30 That's the same thing they've been doing with with.
01:06:33 With this data stuff, same exact ****.
01:06:38 And when it all?
01:06:39 Comes around and it bites you in the ***.
01:06:42 They just ***** and complain about it.
01:06:44 They ***** and.
01:06:44 Complain about it.
01:06:47 But nothing ever gets done.
01:06:49 Nothing ever gets done.
Speaker 6
01:06:59 Because bow to your king, bow to your king.
Speaker 5
01:07:04 Bend the knee.
01:07:06 Bend the knee.
01:07:11 OK, what's the last quote?
01:07:13 What's the last?
01:07:16 Uh, this approach recognizes the success as not the prosecution of violent extremists or terrorists after the fact.
01:07:23 See, this is what I'm.
Speaker 2
01:07:23 Talking about.
01:07:25 After the fact.
01:07:25 When families have lost loved ones and are grieving, Carlin said success is a disruption before the violence occurs and not.
01:07:35 That always has to be the what?
01:07:38 And that always has to be the goal of our counterterrorism work.
01:07:45 See, it's didn't, you know?
Speaker 5
01:07:48 It's not about, it's not about.
01:07:49 Prosecuting people that commit crimes.
Speaker 5
01:07:52 It's about arresting people before.
Speaker 4
01:07:55 They commit crimes, don't you know?
01:07:59 That's what it's about.
Speaker 4
01:08:06 That's what they do.
Speaker 3
01:08:15 Then like like.
01:08:16 I said the right just that most.
01:08:18 People have no idea.
01:08:19 How important this is?
01:08:20 They don't, they don't.
01:08:23 They have no idea how important how important this big data stuff is.
01:08:29 You know that.
01:08:30 And by the right, I don't mean.
01:08:32 I mean, look, there's people on the right using big data like well, you know.
01:08:36 Let me rephrase that.
01:08:37 There's Republicans.
Speaker 5
01:08:39 Using big data.
Speaker 3
01:08:43 Right.
01:08:45 I mean, look, not to throw shade, but I mean, who do you think funded a lot?
01:08:49 Of F pack like Nick Font does this thing.
Speaker 4
01:08:52 You know.
01:08:55 So there, there are people that you.
01:08:57 Know Republicans using big data.
01:09:03 But a lot of people on the right like.
01:09:06 When I say the right.
Speaker 5
01:09:07 I mean.
01:09:09 You know, people like you and me.
Speaker 4
01:09:12 There's a lot of people that.
01:09:13 Just they don't understand it.
01:09:15 Really what it comes down to is just you're going to have to be.
01:09:18 You're like I I said this before.
01:09:20 You're going to have to, even if you're not doing any illegal, you're gonna have to just kind of start.
01:09:23 Living kind of like a criminal in in, in that or like a.
01:09:27 Uh, someone in the mafia.
01:09:29 You know, you're just.
01:09:29 Going to have to be and look, there's ways.
01:09:33 Of doing this without just being like a a ****** like you have to be like.
01:09:36 A total paranoid mess.
01:09:38 But you're going to have to start, you know, encrypting your data and stuff like that, and just being really careful about the trails that you leave online.
01:09:48 And that's something.
01:09:49 That maybe that's something that that's another project that we can put into the you know, we can crowd source out to our community and find out if there's maybe ways of, like I said, congregating in a way that's that's not like I said, it does not be like, ****** ******* crazy paranoia.
Speaker 5
01:10:11 But just enough just.
01:10:12 Enough to where it's not like you know.
01:10:15 It's not like leaving a trail.
01:10:19 And to be honest, like look, there was a time I would have had the answer to that, but I that that's not it's not something I read up on constantly anymore.
01:10:27 So I'm going to have to.
01:10:30 Rely on you guys to help out with that, but there's just stuff like that.
01:10:33 We're gonna have to do where we're we're.
01:10:37 Just being a little more careful.
01:10:40 As we organize to.
01:10:44 I mean, look, we're.
01:10:44 Just making a movie.
01:10:45 FBI, we.
01:10:46 When you.
01:10:47 We're just making a movie.
01:10:48 Do it.
01:10:48 Won't matter, right?
01:10:50 That's the problem.
01:10:50 It doesn't matter because.
01:10:54 They don't need a warrant. Well, I mean, that's coming. That's coming. That legislation's coming, and then we'll see what we'll see.
01:11:04 What kind of gun control stuff they follow through?
01:11:05 With too, but.
01:11:07 This is definitely something to keep an eye on.
01:11:10 Definitely something to keep an eye on.
01:11:14 So let me take a look at chat chat.
01:11:18 Are you bowing to your king?
01:11:20 Are you bowing to your king?
01:11:29 My Twitter that got suspended was.
01:11:31 On an ADL list.
01:11:38 Well, that's the thing too is the FBI will outsource a lot of this stuff.
01:11:41 The ADL and and they pay them for it.
01:11:44 A lot of the the the hate crime statistics and all that stuff, that's all aggregated by a biased party called the DLL.
01:11:52 Oh my God.
01:11:53 I'm here for a reason because I have the way out of **** like FB and Twitter.
01:11:58 Alright, well, hit me up with an e-mail.
01:12:01 I will be getting back to all the emails.
01:12:02 It's just like I said, I want to give it a couple days.
01:12:05 It's going to take a couple days, a lot.
01:12:06 Of you guys are.
Speaker 3
01:12:07 ******* sent me ****.
01:12:10 When are?
01:12:11 You hoping to have the movie done?
01:12:12 I know it depends on how quickly people send in.
01:12:16 I don't want it to be super long.
01:12:17 I mean, I guess if it's good if we have like a lot of good stuff sent in.
01:12:21 It'll be longer.
01:12:23 I don't suspect that that we're going to have mountains and mountains of good stuff, but who knows, maybe we will.
01:12:32 So it all depends on on.
01:12:35 How quickly people get.
01:12:36 Stuff done and send it in.
01:12:38 We should probably make a deadline that usually gets people to work faster, right? So maybe we'll have a submission deadline and that'll kick people into gear because if we just leave it open-ended, people will be like, oh, I'll do that next week, you know, or whatever.
01:12:52 So we'll find.
01:12:53 Out we'll find out if we can maybe do that.
01:12:57 And I got to get away that people can.
01:13:00 You know, maybe uploaded or.
01:13:02 Or uh.
01:13:05 Something like that, I don't know.
Speaker 4
01:13:08 UM.
01:13:13 You still wanting clips for?
01:13:14 Yeah, we.
01:13:15 Talked about that.
01:13:16 We're going to.
01:13:18 We're definitely going to kick that into gear.
01:13:21 So the first.
01:13:24 Step is I'm going to have to have.
01:13:25 Like a website.
01:13:27 Or something like that that maybe gives some people a little bit of direction as to where to go.
01:13:33 And has the deadline on it, you know, **** like that.
01:13:36 Easy peasy, right?
01:13:37 I just need to make a page.
01:13:39 And so that's something that will get done probably in the next couple of days.
01:13:43 And then I'd like to have some place that people can maybe collaborate on things you know, whether that's like a discord server or something like that.
01:13:53 And again, something that has a little maybe probably hopefully better than that.
01:13:56 Something has maybe a little bit of security to it and something that we can that has room to grow so that we can continue to use that whatever this is.
01:14:06 Again, I'm open to.
01:14:07 Suggestions as a platform to communicate moving forward, there's just that, like I said, if we have a project, we have a purpose and we have a reason to get the Community going.
01:14:21 And even if you know, like, even if you're not planning on helping out, you just want to hang out.
01:14:24 That's cool too.
01:14:25 But I'm just saying.
01:14:27 This is it's a good trial run to see how.
01:14:29 It goes and.
01:14:30 That way, if it's a big disaster, So what you know and like I said, it's it's just like with.
01:14:37 The big data.
01:14:38 The right needs to start focus.
01:14:40 They need to understand the power of art and put at least some effort into that.
Speaker 2
01:14:52 Let's see here.
01:14:55 Uploads can go to streamable.com. You forgot to mention Rocky talking about 70s movies.
01:15:05 Rocky talking about 70s movies.
01:15:08 Uh oh, I forgot.
Speaker 4
01:15:10 Yeah. Rocky's all right, I guess.
Speaker 2
01:15:14 It's been a while since I've seen it.
01:15:16 They made like a billion of them.
01:15:17 Stallone was some.
01:15:19 I mean, for a Hollywood person was not as full as most of those people.
01:15:21 Got it.
01:15:28 I've been using dating apps.
01:15:29 It's disheartening me to meet a girl.
01:15:31 Seems cool, then find out she has an only fans.
01:15:36 I swear this is the most women on these apps.
01:15:38 Now, where is this coming?
01:15:40 From is that.
01:15:42 How common is that?
Speaker 4
01:15:45 Is there like really like a lot of like?
01:15:47 I I don't know.
01:15:48 That's like.
01:15:49 I haven't online.
01:15:51 Dated for a long time, but is.
01:15:52 That like is that.
01:15:53 Actually pretty common now that girls have only fans.
01:15:59 Because that's pretty crazy if it.
01:16:00 Is I don't have to tell you.
Speaker 3
01:16:03 That's a level of.
01:16:06 You know, that's the level of ****** ** that.
Speaker 2
01:16:10 I don't know.
Speaker 5
01:16:22 There chill out OMG I'm the owner of lobby and friends dot.
01:16:26 Com but alright.
01:16:28 Just send me an e-mail like.
01:16:28 I said.
01:16:29 It's OK, you're the OMG me.
01:16:32 Chill out.
01:16:34 I'll tell you look.
01:16:36 Preferably I'd like I don't.
01:16:37 I don't know.
01:16:37 What it is that we'll go with, but I'd like something that.
01:16:42 Like I said, preferably that's that's not censorable.
01:16:47 Uh, many prostitutes, also all over those dating naps.
01:16:52 Maybe you're hooking up with prostitutes.
Speaker 2
01:16:59 Let's see here.
01:17:02 What do I think of eyes wide shut?
01:17:05 I don't know I.
01:17:11 It's worth watching.
01:17:14 I know there's a lot.
01:17:15 It's one.
01:17:16 Of those movies, 1.
Speaker 5
01:17:17 Of the reasons why.
01:17:18 I don't do Kubrick films is people have done that **** to death.
01:17:22 And if it doesn't matter, like people have already made-up their minds, usually with that stuff, and so it doesn't matter like what you say.
01:17:29 About it.
01:17:30 Like they're gonna be.
Speaker 5
01:17:30 Like, no, you you didn't.
01:17:32 Oh, my God, you totally missed how like the.
01:17:36 The rainbows everywhere.
01:17:37 And like the the Christmas lights.
01:17:40 And it's just like it's just not worth it to me, because, like everyone already has, like the.
01:17:45 Like, unbelievably over, you know, super autistic deep dives on these movies.
01:17:52 Some of them aren't bad.
01:17:53 You know, there's some people that actually, I think have some interesting takes and stuff like that on on these movies.
01:18:01 But it's just it's just one.
Speaker 4
01:18:03 Of those movies I like.
01:18:04 I like.
01:18:06 Because here's the thing.
01:18:07 Even even when they came out, it's not like.
01:18:11 To me, what I think is more influential isn't stuff like that.
01:18:14 It's stuff that people don't think have hidden messages in them.
01:18:18 You know, everyone already know, like when a Kubert movie would come out, everyone knew what they were getting into, you know, like no one thought that like it was just.
01:18:27 Some normal movie you know.
01:18:29 And so when you?
01:18:30 Have a movie. That's that's.
01:18:31 Kind of like it's.
01:18:34 It's, you know, it's going to be cryptic and whatever.
01:18:38 Like, that's I, I don't think that has as much of A impact on society as so much as all the stuff that seems more peripheral and and more like white noise.
01:18:48 But really that's the stuff that's getting into your brain, you know.
01:18:53 So I'm I've kind of I've kind of stayed away from movies like that.
Speaker 2
01:19:06 Let's see here.
01:19:08 Do I know of Jay Dyer Dyer's work?
Speaker 4
01:19:11 Uh, yeah, I know.
01:19:14 I know who he is.
01:19:19 Yeah, I I.
01:19:19 I actually haven't read any of his movie thing.
01:19:24 But I think again, like he's one of those guys.
01:19:27 My impression is I could be wrong about this cause I haven't looked at it, but my impression of him is he gets really into like, esoteric details that, again, don't ******* really have an impact on society because most people aren't like.
01:19:44 They're not operating on that level, you know, like no one's. No one's like no one's going to change the way that they behave because a.
Speaker 4
01:19:54 The color of.
01:19:56 A wall behind an actor.
01:19:58 You know what?
01:19:58 Like there's there's little subtle things everywhere.
01:20:01 I'm sure in, in, in, in symbolism and all this stuff.
01:20:05 But for the most part, that doesn't affect the majority of the audience.
01:20:11 You know what's more impactful is just the just the, the, the, the casting of characters, you know, just normal stuff that the that the average AD IQ person can like walk into the theater and walk away with with.
01:20:25 An understanding the aiq person is not going to walk into the theater or sit down and start watching a film.
01:20:31 And then because there was.
01:20:33 You know, like a swirl, you know, in the sky or, you know, I.
01:20:37 Mean like you know, there's there's there's.
01:20:39 **** like that that you could say that they're communicating some kind of esoteric ****, but it it doesn't ******* matter.
01:20:47 Like in terms of propaganda, really.
01:20:50 I mean it's or it's very.
01:20:54 It's not the most effective way if if you're trying to influence and control behavior.
01:20:59 Stuff like, that's not really going.
01:21:01 To you know, that's not what's.
01:21:03 Doing it so I just kind of.
01:21:07 I don't I.
01:21:08 Don't focus on that stuff as much, because I don't see it as as being terribly effective.
01:21:20 Any thoughts on making entertainment for our children thinking generationally?
Speaker 4
01:21:24 Yeah, I have, actually.
01:21:25 Thought about doing a children's book?
01:21:28 I had a in fact I have.
Speaker 4
01:21:31 I have a.
01:21:33 I have one that like is like halfway written cause I started even.
01:21:36 Writing a kid.
Speaker 4
01:21:37 This book.
01:21:39 And then it was because I started doing this back when my book was still on Amazon and I was like, **** like.
Speaker 5
01:21:45 If I can get this thing on Amazon.
01:21:48 And and and and just be like, you know, kind of kind of subtle about it, but not really, you know, just subtle enough to where they wouldn't.
01:21:57 You know, no one would be like this is.
Speaker 6
01:21:59 I hate book.
01:22:00 You know, but at the same time if.
01:22:01 You like look.
01:22:02 At the message you'd be.
Speaker 4
01:22:03 Like oh, this is I see what?
Speaker 5
01:22:05 He's doing there.
01:22:07 I'm not going to tell you what it is.
Speaker 3
01:22:09 Yet but.
01:22:12 It's uh, that's something that it wouldn't be that hard to do.
01:22:17 It really wouldn't.
01:22:18 It wouldn't be that hard to.
01:22:19 To get out there.
01:22:23 Yeah, I don't know.
01:22:24 I don't know.
01:22:25 And even with the illustrator, I even have some of the illustrations I got started on.
01:22:28 I don't.
01:22:28 But maybe that see.
01:22:29 That's that's another.
01:22:30 Reason why we could do this this community.
01:22:33 You know, we could find.
01:22:34 I'm sure there's illustrators out there listening right now that are probably better than I am.
01:22:38 I can't draw where the. Damn I'm I'm not very good at drawing. That's why it was doing 3D modeling.
01:22:43 You know what I mean?
01:22:44 Because I I can do that.
01:22:47 But I can't draw like I had friends that could they could draw it, it looked like.
01:22:51 A ******* photo and I wanted to.
01:22:53 Just stab them in the eyeballs like it was, so lots of envy when I when I.
01:22:58 Would see that ****.
01:22:59 But I'm sure there's people out.
01:23:01 There that could do.
01:23:03 Cool children's illustrations, because that's half the battle, right?
01:23:07 That's half the battle, like Doctor Seuss, for example, who ironically enough, now you know they they got rid of the Mr.
01:23:13 and Mr.
01:23:14 Potato head.
01:23:14 And now he's just potato head.
01:23:16 Because Mr.
01:23:16 is, I don't know, normal and now doctor Seuss.
01:23:22 His real name is Ted Geisel.
01:23:24 Pretty sure he's Jewish.
01:23:26 They're getting rid of him because of racial undertones.
01:23:30 In his writings, I don't even know what.
01:23:33 That could.
01:23:34 Well, let's check.
01:23:35 Let's look.
01:23:35 That up.
01:23:38 I'm gonna bring that up here.
01:23:45 And then look and say he's Jewish, I thought.
Speaker 4
01:23:47 He was.
Speaker 2
01:23:50 UM.
01:23:58 No, don't.
01:23:58 Don't look for that too.
01:24:02 Doctor Seuss, his real name was.
01:24:08 Ted geisel.
01:24:12 Let's see, early life.
01:24:14 Where's early life, early life.
01:24:16 Geisel was born and raised in Springfield, MA, son of Henrietta and Theodore Robert Geisel. His father managed the family brewery and was later appointed to supervise Springfield's Public Park system.
Speaker 3
01:24:30 Blah blah blah.
Speaker 2
01:24:32 Blah blah blah.
01:24:34 Famous maybe wasn't Jewish? German.
Speaker 2
01:24:41 UM.
01:24:45 It was German, I guess.
01:24:46 I don't know it.
01:24:46 Doesn't say anything about him being Jewish.
Speaker 2
01:24:49 Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't.
01:24:51 UM.
01:24:53 But they're talking about banning him.
01:24:56 Here's the this is a Virginia.
01:24:58 School, of course. You.
01:24:59 Remember all these every time you see like Loudon County and all this stuff, that's that's just like where the FBI and CIA lives and so like.
01:25:05 When you see all this ****.
01:25:09 And uh.
01:25:13 That's being.
01:25:15 It's all super crazy in those areas that that's that's their community.
01:25:20 That's that's that's that's a thermometer.
01:25:22 You know when you see something crazy like this happen in Virginia, by the way that that when I was telling you about the that preschool where they had that sexual thing happen, that was that was in.
01:25:35 That same county.
01:25:36 All right, let's take a look here.
01:25:37 At least I think it was loud and county.
01:25:39 Might, but it was in that same area.
01:25:42 Virginia School District says Doctor Siste motored as focus of reading event due to racial undertones.
01:25:51 Facing public backlash over its alleged cancellation of Doctor Seuss's over concern that his store, I guess they're backtracking a
01:25:57 Little bit.
01:25:58 Doctor Seuss over concern that his stories and illustrations are racist.
01:26:03 A Virginia school district denied it banned the author but said it deprioritized his books.
01:26:09 That's all just deprioritized his books.
01:26:13 Dating back more than two decades, the annual event falls on March 2nd, a recognition of the late Geisel's birthday Doctor. Seuss is the top selling children's book author of all Time.
01:26:33 Where is the?
01:26:34 What did they think was racist, though?
01:26:36 They're not saying what they thought it was racist.
Speaker 2
01:26:43 Here we go.
01:26:44 Progressive activists group learning for justice and offshoot of the Southern Poverty Law Center Great has campaigned for schools to cancel Doctor Seuss.
01:26:54 Well, he's definitely not Jewish then.
01:27:01 The the group has cited research by Minnesota's Saint Catherine University, the alleged doctor Seuss books are rife with Orientalism, anti blackness and white supremacy. For example, the researchers speculated that the.
01:27:17 The appearance of the cat in the hat was influenced by blackface performers.
01:27:24 And he performed tricks for white children.
01:27:28 Give me a ******* break.
Speaker 2
01:27:31 Oh my God.
01:27:34 Does he look black?
01:27:35 I haven't looked at the cat in the hat.
01:27:37 In one, let me take a look.
Speaker 3
01:27:42 He doesn't look black at all.
01:27:43 He's white.
01:27:45 I mean, he's got a white face.
01:27:47 It's literally white face and his nose is tiny and he has like, no lips.
Speaker 5
01:27:54 Let's bring.
01:27:55 Him up.
01:27:57 Let's bring up the cat in the hat here.
01:28:03 He's apparently he's the new black king.
01:28:06 Move over black king.
01:28:10 We now have a new black king for them to kneel to.
01:28:14 And that is the cat in the hat.
Speaker 5
01:28:21 Well, no, there's.
01:28:22 One way we can figure out we can figure out if this is.
01:28:26 If he really is supposed.
01:28:27 To look like a black person.
Speaker 2
01:28:29 All right, let's do this.
01:28:37 Do this OK.
01:28:44 Go like this.
01:28:49 Does that work?
01:28:50 Does that look?
01:28:51 Does it look?
01:28:51 Normal. Does it look like?
01:28:53 It fits.
01:28:56 Is the cat.
01:28:57 In the hat.
01:28:58 And say he's the black king.
Speaker 2
01:29:03 Oops, I moved the wrong thing there.
01:29:05 Where did he go?
01:29:10 Shrink this up a.
01:29:11 Little bit.
Speaker 5
01:29:14 I'm your black king now, FBI.
Speaker 2
01:29:21 Let's do this right here so you can see the kneeling.
01:29:24 There we go.
01:29:26 Yeah, I don't see it.
01:29:28 I don't see it.
Speaker 3
01:29:29 Doesn't look doesn't look.
01:29:30 Too black to me.
01:29:33 It doesn't look too black to.
01:29:34 Me. That's that's pretty ridiculous.
01:29:37 So because he performed for white children.
Speaker 2
01:29:41 He's black.
01:29:43 Alright, so anyway.
01:29:49 So that's happening.
01:29:51 That's happening right now.
01:29:54 You better believe they would hate.
01:29:55 My book, if they they think that.
01:29:58 Cat in the hat is uh.
01:29:59 You know what?
01:30:00 Let's let's let's make this actually work this.
01:30:03 I'm not buying it, so I'm going to give.
01:30:04 Him a little bit of help here.
Speaker 2
01:30:07 Alright, let's do.
01:30:14 They want they want the.
01:30:19 And what the cat had to be.
Speaker 2
01:30:22 To be black. Let's help.
01:30:23 Them out a little bit.
01:30:25 That looks like the right color.
01:30:28 There we go, a little black.
01:30:32 Let's do that.
01:30:40 There we go.
01:30:42 There we go.
01:30:44 That works.
01:30:46 All right, we got black cat.
01:30:47 In the hat guy.
Speaker 4
01:30:50 OK.
01:31:00 Let me take a look at Chad here.
Speaker 5
01:31:03 All of a sudden he became more violent.
Speaker 4
01:31:10 All right.
01:31:10 Let me let me.
01:31:15 As long as.
01:31:15 We're doing that as long as we're doing that.
01:31:19 Let's let's add a little more realism here.
Speaker 2
01:31:25 I'm just going to make my computer glitch.
01:31:27 A little bit.
01:31:30 As it wakes up, some drives wake up drive.
Speaker 2
01:31:39 Let's see.
01:31:50 There we go.
01:32:10 And I guess we should we.
01:32:10 Should dress some.
Speaker 3
01:32:11 Do a.
01:32:11 Little, let me see if I.
01:32:13 Can give them a a gold chain.
01:32:16 Cat and hat with a gold chain.
Speaker 2
01:32:27 Give them some sunglasses.
01:32:28 Maybe, too.
01:32:29 Let's see here.
Speaker 3
01:32:32 That looks pretty that.
01:32:33 Looks pretty pimping.
01:32:34 That might be good.
Speaker 2
01:32:42 All right, we're going to.
01:32:43 Give them a gold chain.
01:32:55 What's something else we should give him?
01:33:00 Because he's like the black in the hat now, not the cat in the hat.
01:33:04 He's the black in the hat.
01:33:13 Give him a grill.
01:33:14 Well, he's not, I guess.
01:33:15 Make it.
01:33:15 No, that might be tough.
01:33:17 I have to find a grill.
01:33:21 There's the there's the black in the hat.
Speaker 2
01:33:30 And if I could find a grill.
01:33:35 So yeah, yeah, maybe that'll that maybe.
Speaker 4
01:33:37 That'll be the name of.
01:33:38 My my children's book will be the.
01:33:40 The black and the hat.
Speaker 5
01:33:45 Oh, I wish I had coffee.
01:33:48 Let me take a look.
Speaker 3
01:33:48 At Chad here.
01:33:50 Do I have disc or no I?
01:33:51 Don't have anything like that yet.
01:33:54 People, I should give them blunt or a 40?
01:33:57 Let's give.
01:33:58 Let's give them a 40.
Speaker 2
01:34:00 Let's give him 40.
01:34:07 See if I can find one.
01:34:11 And I get some OE.
01:34:17 Oh, I hope that has it.
Speaker 2
01:34:24 All right, this is going to be good.
Speaker 3
01:34:28 Alright, this is the.
01:34:34 This this.
01:34:35 This will complete the look.
01:34:37 Of the black and the hat.
01:34:48 So he's pouring the 40 on the.
01:34:51 His loyal subjects over here.
Speaker 2
01:34:59 Let me get rid of that.
01:35:00 What is that thing called over here?
01:35:03 There we are.
01:35:13 And there's the black and the hat.
01:35:18 It's like the new, that's my new children's book.
01:35:23 I'm going to come out with.
01:35:30 All right, let's take a.
Speaker 2
01:35:30 Look at Chad here.
01:35:38 Have I seen the Wokes children's books at Target lately?
01:35:41 It's worth picking.
01:35:43 A quick Google search.
01:35:46 Woke children's books at Target.
01:35:49 Is that going to if I just look for that?
01:35:51 I'm going to find it.
Speaker 3
01:35:54 Woke children's books.
01:36:08 I don't really see anything.
01:36:18 There's uh.
01:36:28 There's a trans, I think, like there's a.
01:36:30 Trans kid book.
Speaker 2
01:36:33 Like there's a.
01:36:35 Article that says.
01:36:40 This was this was from.
01:36:43 From like a few months ago, it says.
01:36:46 Friday, Target confirmed to PJ Media that it had restored Abigail Schreyer's important book irreversible damage to the transgendered craze of such as they put it back in.
Speaker 6
01:36:58 I don't know.
01:36:58 I don't see what you're talking about.
Speaker 3
01:37:03 I don't see the.
Speaker 2
01:37:07 Let me do.
01:37:08 An image search? Maybe someone's got.
Speaker 2
01:37:15 I did not see anything.
01:37:20 Yeah, I can only imagine.
01:37:21 I'm sure.
01:37:21 I'm sure.
01:37:22 I'm sure.
01:37:23 I'm sure there is super woke.
Speaker 2
01:37:26 Kids books there now.
01:37:30 We live in a country where human centipede is mainstream.
01:37:36 It's already gone.
01:37:39 Look up 500 toothed dinosaur.
Speaker 2
01:37:44 Alright then I'm going to.
01:37:46 Not look for this crap anymore.
01:38:00 What am I looking for?
01:38:01 I don't get it.
01:38:09 Yeah, I don't.
01:38:11 I I can't pull this up button string, but yeah, that's.
01:38:17 That's kind of funny.
Speaker 2
01:38:20 That is pretty funny.
01:38:27 He looks appropriate. Yeah, just look up what dinosaur has 500 teeth?
01:38:33 For those of you at home.
01:38:35 Following along at home.
01:38:41 All right, here we go.
01:38:45 How would the list know who to pay part of the movie could be recording the act as proof that you're the person who gets paid now.
01:38:53 So the way that the the list would know that you.
01:38:54 Got paid is.
01:38:56 You would have to.
01:38:58 When you made it like a smart contract, you would essentially, and I didn't get into too much detail because I'm sure it'd be like.
01:39:06 There'd be all kinds of holes you could poke into it, you know, that's why I left it vague, but my thinking was.
01:39:12 Is that you would you would have to basically say like the date and time or something you'd have to like put something in there.
01:39:20 And I guess one way you can ensure that people couldn't just spam it is you could like once the contract's been set like no one can put a contract in there for another person.
01:39:32 I'm sorry for that same person.
01:39:34 Until that time has expired, I don't know like it.
Speaker 4
01:39:37 Gets it. That's.
01:39:38 One of those things I love vague for a reason because it it just gets.
01:39:42 There's there's ways you could probably do it just like I didn't want to sit there and think for months because that's what you have to do, right?
01:39:48 To get something that was completely.
01:39:51 It would take months to figure out how to make that actually happen, but I'm sure it's doable.
01:39:57 The reason why I'd say if we make the, maybe someone could do something kind of like that, but you don't want the film.
01:40:05 We don't want to just be a bunch of gore, you know, just a bunch of people getting shot over and over and over.
01:40:10 Again I I.
01:40:11 Think the the cool part.
01:40:12 About people's cameras on their phones being activated randomly.
01:40:17 Is you're going to get all kinds of random ****, you know, you might.
01:40:21 And someone can make a little short, like little vignette.
01:40:23 That's like funny.
01:40:24 Someone can make one that's violent.
01:40:26 Someone can make one.
01:40:27 That's you.
01:40:31 Right, there's there's so many different ways you can go with it.
01:40:34 Because and that's part of the.
01:40:36 Point of the.
01:40:36 Movie too is.
01:40:38 We want to bring attention to the the the big data and the surveillance state stuff.
01:40:43 Right.
01:40:44 So part of it is the.
01:40:45 Fact that, like you know, they can just.
01:40:47 Turn on your camera whenever.
Speaker 2
01:40:48 Right.
01:40:49 And they can already do that.
01:40:51 Then they can do that to.
01:40:52 Me right now they can just for all I know.
01:40:54 They they.
01:40:54 They're doing it right now.
01:40:56 In fact, the only thing that's probably stopping them is the bandwidth.
01:41:00 So yeah, it's really not a matter of.
01:41:04 Of you know, we're not trying to make like an action film.
01:41:08 That's just hard to do low budget anyway because it's so easy for that to look cheesy.
01:41:12 You know what I mean?
01:41:13 Like if you.
01:41:13 Try to make it to.
01:41:14 Where you know like it, it looks really cool and ********.
01:41:20 Like there's it's so easy to to for it to just look lame.
01:41:24 You know what I mean?
01:41:25 And trust me, I've I've I've worked on low budget scenes that are supposed to be hyper violent and they have been.
01:41:35 They usually don't turn out.
01:41:36 The way you want them to.
01:41:37 You know that that's just it's just really hard to make stuff like that look.
Speaker 3
01:41:41 Good without a budget.
01:41:47 Who did more impressive.
01:41:48 Work from a programming standpoint, Wozniak or Terry Davis.
01:41:53 Ah, that's a good that's a good question.
01:41:55 I would say I'm probably more impressed with Wozniak just because.
01:42:01 Of everything he.
01:42:04 And it wasn't.
01:42:05 Just the programming like he did hardware like I've talked about this before where the game breakout like everyone's familiar with that, like the you get the blocks at the top of the screen and then you're like, oh, it's a real simple game.
01:42:17 Like you're a block at the bottom, and then you're bouncing another block into the.
01:42:21 Blocks and the whole point is that, like, knock out all the blocks and.
01:42:24 It's called breakout.
01:42:26 And in that game, the first version of that game had zero software.
01:42:33 It was entirely hardware.
01:42:37 And I want you to think about that what that means and for some of you, that's.
01:42:40 Going to that's going to.
01:42:41 Fly right over your head, but.
01:42:45 To get more right to maybe explain other people who might not understand how amazing that is.
01:42:51 It's like, imagine you built a self driving car.
01:42:57 This would be a little more amazing but.
01:43:00 But it didn't have.
01:43:01 Software like that, everything that it did to sense people in front of it, it was all mechanical.
01:43:08 Right.
01:43:09 And like, uh, like those crazy like that machine that.
Speaker 5
01:43:14 Let me see.
01:43:23 And by the way, a lot of there's there are actually some really amazing **** that is all mechanical.
01:43:27 I I got really into fixing electromechanical pinball machines for a while, and that that's just pinball machines before computers existed well before computers.
01:43:39 Existed, they still kept score and they still did, like bonus points and deemed and had extra ball and all that stuff.
01:43:47 But there wasn't any computer involved.
01:43:49 And so it was kind of like, well, like how?
01:43:53 How then is it working, you know?
01:43:54 And it was, it was.
01:43:56 It was just.
01:43:57 If you look inside these things, it was just like this massive mess of switches, like mechanical switches, like a watch.
01:44:06 Like, think about like a A really complicated cuckoo clock.
01:44:11 Right where?
01:44:12 You know, a door opens up and someone comes out and does a little dance, you know, like the kind of cuckoo clocks that that you see in cartoons and **** like that.
01:44:22 There's cuckoo clocks that are that are almost at that complicated.
01:44:26 And that's the same thing, right?
01:44:27 It's there's no software, they're not programming anything they're having to physically build.
01:44:32 Something that is just driven in the case of the cuckoo.
01:44:36 Clock. It's just.
01:44:37 Driven by the tension of the spring and so by by because of the tension of a spring, you have a a machine that's capable of putting on like a a ******* show, you know and.
Speaker 5
01:44:52 To design that.
01:44:55 Is crazy.
01:44:57 That's ******* crazy because the just the the complexity of it is just on on another level and in the same way.
01:45:08 That, you know, the cuckoo clock is all mechanical and doesn't have any software, and it just took some like super autistic person.
01:45:16 For like a really good.
01:45:18 That works.
01:45:19 It took them who knows how long to figure it all out, but also to have the artistry, that capability, that part of the brain working well enough to actually make it look good too.
01:45:30 On top of that, you know, it's one thing to to be able to figure out all the mechanics of something, but if it doesn't, you know, like you can have like a super complicated.
01:45:38 Machine that doesn't do anything cool.
01:45:40 It has to have the wow factor, right?
01:45:42 So in the same thing, you know, with the pinball machines, right having it.
Speaker 4
01:45:47 Still tickle, like. Because pinball.
01:45:49 Machines were designed much like slot machines.
01:45:53 In fact, they even banned pinball machines in America.
01:45:57 For a while.
01:45:58 Because they were addictive, you know, they uhm.
01:46:02 In fact, it was crazy because most pinball machines were still being made in Chicago while they were banned.
01:46:08 They were just shipping them overseas, but they they were illegal because it was.
01:46:14 It was like selling.
01:46:17 Drugs because people were.
01:46:18 Spending all their ******* money on this little box that would go Ding, Ding, Ding it's.
01:46:22 Remember, I was talking about the game.
01:46:24 Being addicted to video games.
01:46:26 This goes back like this isn't like a new thing.
01:46:29 The whole history of video gaming is.
01:46:33 It's very much about addiction, you know, like that's that's what that's what addicted people back in like, I think it was like the 19, I don't know, maybe like 20s or 30s.
01:46:42 I don't know when.
Speaker 3
01:46:43 This was so.
01:46:44 We're talking about pinball machines that weren't even all that complicated when they banned them, but it.
01:46:50 Was they were just there was no computer.
01:46:53 There was number computer.
01:46:54 There was no software, there was no screen.
01:46:56 It was all accomplished through mechanical switches.
01:47:00 And if you look at try to find one, you know, I wonder if I can find.
01:47:04 It's probably not that visually interesting, less like a video, but if you can find video of a, you know I'm going to look and see.
01:47:12 Maybe I can download it my other band?
01:47:16 But if you look just see these machines in action, but anyway, the reason why I'm speaking out about that is Wozniak designed the hardware and the software for Apple. You know, he wasn't just a a software guy and Terry Davis's.
01:47:36 UM.
01:47:37 Temple OS is impressive in a lot of *******.
01:47:40 Ways, But it's also doesn't have.
01:47:47 He didn't design the hardware for it and additionally.
01:47:53 It's not as usable, right?
01:47:55 And so he added his own because, look, he was a little nuts, right?
01:47:59 And so he a lot of.
01:48:00 Some of his little his.
01:48:01 Quirks got got baked into it.
Speaker 2
01:48:04 Uh. Let's see here.
01:48:14 Yeah, I'm going to try to just see.
Speaker 2
01:48:18 If I can find a video.
01:48:22 Of the insides of one of these.
01:48:25 Pinballs. Pinball machines.
01:48:32 I mean, he's not going to.
01:48:33 I'm trying to find video of it because, like, if you I've done this before because when I would work on these things, I put like a GoPro.
01:48:39 I wish I.
01:48:40 Had that footage still, I mean, it's.
01:48:42 I don't even know where it.
01:48:43 Would have gone by now.
01:48:44 But you watch these things in action.
01:48:46 It's like insane.
01:48:48 It's so complex.
01:48:50 Oh, look.
01:48:50 Some someone.
01:48:51 Did that I.
Speaker 2
01:48:52 All right.
01:48:52 Let me take a look here.
01:48:54 Ohh, that's going to take I can't download.
01:48:56 That's ******* 20 minutes long.
01:48:59 Anyway, just look it up.
01:49:01 Look up if you give a.
01:49:03 **** about it.
01:49:05 And it's good ****.
01:49:06 It's crazy.
01:49:09 Where is Steve was these days?
01:49:11 I don't know. I don't.
01:49:12 I doubt he's based first of all.
01:49:16 Someone said he died.
01:49:17 I don't think he died if he died.
01:49:18 It would been fairly recently.
Speaker 2
01:49:21 UM.
Speaker 4
01:49:25 He got there's.
01:49:26 Another weird thing about him, he got in this a plane crash.
01:49:30 Like right around when Steve Jobs was kind of taking over Apple it with an iron fist.
01:49:37 And he survived it.
01:49:39 But he got like, this massive head injury and like, forgot like six months of his life or something crazy like that might have been longer.
01:49:48 And so that's.
01:49:50 You know.
01:49:52 That's a rabbit hole.
01:49:53 I've never.
01:49:54 It's just.
01:49:55 It was like a chapter.
01:49:56 And I read his autobiography years and years ago, and I remember thinking, like, that's pretty ******* weird.
01:50:03 Like it was just like one of the chapters was, you know, they got in a fight like he and John, I think.
01:50:08 I think this one was he.
01:50:09 He and Jobs got in a fight and then he got on his plane.
01:50:12 Like I don't remember the details of the crash, but then and then it crashed and he.
01:50:16 Lived but like.
01:50:17 His his head was all ******.
01:50:19 Up afterwards and it just it just seemed something about it just was.
Speaker 5
01:50:22 Like ah, that's.
01:50:25 That seems a little weird.
01:50:30 So you know, no, he's he's not based though.
01:50:33 He used to date Kathy Griffin or Griffith or the the girl that the the chick that held up the the decapitated head of Trump, the bleeding fake head on Twitter.
01:50:49 That was that was.
01:50:51 Like his girlfriend for a while.
01:50:55 Which is weird because they're separated in age by a significant number.
01:51:02 I mean, he's a smart guy, but.
01:51:04 He's not base.
01:51:06 Do I like 80s and 90s metal?
01:51:08 I think it's height and your music like your video about The Sims, and it often has satanic, anti Christian or tones, as with Ozzy or the band named Pantera.
01:51:20 I love the music but have a hard time with the subversive elements.
01:51:24 Yeah, I mean.
01:51:28 Look, I like some of it, but yeah, a lot of it has.
01:51:31 If it makes you feel.
01:51:34 Here's here's the thing, does it make you it?
01:51:37 If if God came over to your house to hang out, would you play it?
01:51:43 Simple question.
01:51:44 If God came over to your house.
01:51:47 Would would you turn that off if it was playing on your radio or you know, whatever.
01:51:54 If the answer is yes.
01:51:56 You shouldn't listen to it.
01:52:00 The easiest way to determine if something is.
01:52:07 Bad for you?
Speaker 2
01:52:09 You know.
01:52:10 Same thing with movies.
01:52:12 If you are watching a movie or.
01:52:15 **** or whatever.
01:52:17 And God came over to hang out.
01:52:20 Would you be embarrassed and turn it off?
01:52:23 Well then turn it off.
Speaker 4
01:52:27 Yeah, that's.
01:52:29 Pretty easy, pretty easy, quick and easy way of determining if something's.
01:52:32 Good or bad?
01:52:37 And look not.
01:52:38 Everyone's going to have the same idea.
01:52:40 As to what?
01:52:42 God would be OK with him.
01:52:44 He wouldn't be OK with, which is not ideal honestly, because I kind of feel like that's that's why we need the objective morality, right?
01:52:53 Because it'd be nice if everyone was kind of on the same page with this ****.
01:52:55 But look, if you do that, you're going to be better off.
01:52:58 In the most cases you know.
01:53:02 UM.
01:53:04 Like you know, someone said there's some metal I would listen to with gun.
01:53:07 All right?
01:53:07 That's that's that's you.
01:53:10 But the yeah, the band Pantera might have well called themselves the Jew.
01:53:15 What kind of Gentile glorifies?
01:53:18 Jewish propaganda like that right?
01:53:20 Like why would you name your band after a Talmudic character?
01:53:24 You know, it makes you wonder.
01:53:27 Maybe that's why God didn't protect Dimebag Darrell from that crazy fan.
01:53:36 But yeah, look, I'd be lying if there's there's some Pantera songs where it makes it almost like you want to listen to that **** when you like lifting weights, right?
01:53:45 You know, because it makes you.
01:53:48 Feel more aggressive.
01:53:51 And maybe there's a time and a place for everything, right?
Speaker 4
01:53:54 Like if you were like I I remember I.
01:53:55 Watched. It was.
01:53:57 I think it was like a Michael Moore film.
01:53:59 And they were trying to make these white soldiers in Iraq look like just complete, bloodthirsty animals.
01:54:10 Right.
01:54:10 And they had embedded in a.
01:54:16 Like with a tank crew.
01:54:18 And there was inside the tank.
01:54:22 On the speakers they were playing, you know, let the bodies hit the floor, right?
01:54:31 They were all getting into.
01:54:32 It and whatever.
01:54:33 Look, it's in the context of that situation.
01:54:39 I don't know.
01:54:40 Maybe stuff like that's.
01:54:42 I don't know.
01:54:42 I don't know.
01:54:45 So some of it's contextual too, you know.
01:54:48 There, there's a lot of things that you.
Speaker 4
01:54:51 Wouldn't want to.
01:54:53 Listen to with God around.
Speaker 4
01:54:57 No, I I don't know.
01:54:58 Because when.
01:54:59 That's a tough one.
01:55:00 Because I guess, wouldn't you still?
01:55:01 Want God with you? When?
01:55:02 You're doing that if you.
01:55:04 Were in war and you were slain.
01:55:07 See, maybe I'm wrong here.
01:55:10 Because the, let's bring that person back up.
01:55:17 Maybe that's the kind of attitude that's the kind of aggression.
01:55:22 You know that leads to uh.
01:55:26 To this ****.
01:55:27 You know what I mean?
01:55:31 You know, like maybe that.
01:55:32 Who knows?
01:55:35 Maybe that's why?
01:55:36 Why that kind of.
01:55:38 Those kind of excuses we give ourselves is precisely part of why.
01:55:44 Where the baddies now?
01:55:48 Because, aren't there other ways?
01:55:51 Of eliciting, you know, masculinity through art.
01:55:56 I don't know.
01:55:57 I don't know.
01:55:58 That's a that's a good question.
01:56:00 But I think golden or a good.
01:56:04 Rule of thumb is if.
01:56:06 If you would turn it off, if God came over, it's probably not good and that doesn't matter what God you know, if you're.
01:56:14 Pagan or Christian?
01:56:15 Or whatever.
01:56:16 If you would turn it off.
Speaker 2
01:56:19 Then it's probably not good.
01:56:25 I think South Korean culture is much more satanic than North Korea's lack of culture.
01:56:31 I don't know much about.
01:56:34 South Korean culture.
01:56:38 Bin Laden hated music.
01:56:41 I know why now.
01:56:45 Have you ever seen the Marty Walmart robot that moves around Walmart like a Roomba?
01:56:52 But just to finish, or just to find trash and sound an alarm for wages to come clean it up?
01:56:59 I did not know about that, but that sounds like a.
01:57:03 Step in the right direction. Kind of in in terms of the automation stuff, look automation's not.
01:57:11 It's not bad.
01:57:12 It's in fact.
01:57:13 Here's the thing.
01:57:14 That's why.
01:57:16 That's why we didn't need all these *******.
01:57:19 Because robots are going to.
01:57:22 That's why we're going to be extra.
01:57:24 That's why she's going.
01:57:25 To get extra bad.
01:57:26 As technology gets better because all of these.
01:57:28 People that they imported.
01:57:31 Because the magic dirt theory isn't real because their IQ doesn't jump up 20 to 30 points when they step on American soil.
01:57:40 Because they aren't actually doctors and engineers like they've been telling everybody.
01:57:46 Once the the jobs they can do get automated.
01:57:52 That's that.
01:57:54 You know, like they're just going to be infinitely.
01:57:56 Let's let's wipe the whole Andrew Yang thing happened.
01:57:58 Andrew Yang was saying the same thing.
01:58:00 He was saying that they're gonna.
01:58:01 I mean, he didn't say it like that obviously, but he was saying they're gonna get they're gonna.
01:58:05 Automate you know.
01:58:07 Huge parts of the workforce out of the job.
01:58:09 And that's why he was pushing his whatever.
01:58:14 That was called like the free money, Gibbs, 1000 bucks A.
01:58:17 Month thing or whatever that was.
01:58:22 Universal basic income or whatever it was which they're going to do, I think they'll.
01:58:27 Do and that's how.
01:58:28 You know that the economy is fake and gay.
01:58:31 The second they do that all at the same time, it makes you wonder, like if if they were going to do that, why do they seem so hesitant to just?
01:58:39 Give people the.
01:58:40 The COVID money, it seems like they've been like, really not.
01:58:43 Wanting to do that.
01:58:46 But anyone who knows about the debt and the the state of the economy in the.
01:58:50 West probably has a.
01:58:51 Better idea as to why they they don't.
01:58:52 Want to do that and?
01:58:54 It's very probable we're headed towards a war.
01:59:00 Andrew Yang is the Chinese vanilla ice.
01:59:03 I'm not sure how that works, but OK.
01:59:08 Endorsed by Black America.
01:59:11 Blacks like Andrew Yang.
01:59:13 Then why are they attacking Asians?
01:59:17 Ubi paid for by inflation, right?
01:59:22 Recently I went to a local bookstore, found the diary of Anne Frank, and moved it into the science fiction section where it belongs.
01:59:34 I've been waiting for you to check out my artwork for DOTR since April.
01:59:38 Sorry, man.
01:59:40 I sent it several times.
01:59:41 Yeah, I.
Speaker 4
01:59:42 I will.
01:59:44 Like I said, we'll we'll get that figured out.
01:59:48 I haven't checked that e-mail in a while.
01:59:50 I will check it out.
01:59:51 That'll be part of this.
Speaker 3
01:59:52 Gonna get that.
01:59:53 We're gonna get that going.
01:59:56 Yeah, I thought it's been a long time and I know there's people that have been involved already or want to get involved in and we're going to.
02:00:02 Get that going.
02:00:04 That's going to be that's going to.
02:00:05 Be focused on.
02:00:08 Thoughts on Isabel Peralta, the Spanish fan?
02:00:11 I still don't know about her.
02:00:13 She looks cute, but I don't know nothing about her.
02:00:17 It's people like McConnell, droopy turtle that don't want inflation.
Speaker 4
02:00:24 Hitler is still very.
02:00:25 Popular in India, Hitler had more to do with India's independence than Gandhi.
02:00:29 Did captured Indian soldiers fighting for England were handed over to over by Germany to Indian leader Beaus, who led a resistance against England.
02:00:40 Gandhi was largely inconsequential.
02:00:44 I don't.
02:00:44 Well, I don't know all the.
Speaker 2
02:00:45 Details of that, but I wouldn't be surprised.
02:00:48 Possible movie night 1 old comedy Watermelon Man written by Herman Raucher. Australian Jew movie about a bigot made in 1970 and UK about US racial situation at the end of the 60s decade. Jeff Gerber is a white guy. Mario Van Peebles wakes up to find out he's now black.
02:01:08 Plenty of jokes, really.
02:01:10 Watermelon man, that sounds familiar.
02:01:13 I feel like I've seen something with that.
02:01:17 We'll watch the trailer.
02:01:18 How about that?
Speaker 2
02:01:26 And we can find the trailer here.
02:01:33 All right, this is going.
02:01:34 It's going to take a minute to.
02:01:35 Download it, but we'll watch the trailer of that.
02:01:44 It's weird that it's a.
02:01:46 Australian movie.
02:01:58 All right, that's going to take just a second, huh?
02:02:00 It's actually going really fast.
02:02:03 Right.
02:02:03 We'll have it like 15 seconds or so.
02:02:07 Yeah, there's a few movies they did like that in the 70s.
02:02:09 Usually though, it was like I said, there was a lot of forced integration going on and so a lot of these movies were designed to make whites feel more comfortable with it.
02:02:19 Right. Like oh.
02:02:20 Put yourself in their shoes, you know like.
02:02:22 That kind of a thing.
02:02:23 So I can imagine.
02:02:24 It being something like that.
02:02:27 All right, let's take a look.
02:02:28 We're going to watch it together.
02:02:30 I mean, well, I have to.
02:02:32 Move it over all.
02:02:32 This stuff.
02:02:34 Where's where's my video player at on this big, long, stupid list of?
02:02:40 Of the black and the hat.
02:02:43 Here we go.
Speaker 5
02:03:22 Oh ****.
Speaker 4
02:03:27 Winner and still undefeated folks pay some respect.
Speaker 6
02:03:31 For homage, please fair please.
02:03:34 Arrogant, arrogant. They're all arrogant.
Speaker 4
02:03:39 And the good old days back in the old South, you would have.
Speaker 6
02:03:42 To drive from back here.
02:03:45 Get it back on the right.
Speaker 3
02:04:23 He warned me to that.
02:04:27 That's awesome.
02:04:35 Yeah, well, like, well, now we've all seen black *****.
02:04:38 That's great.
02:04:44 Ah, you *******.
Speaker 4
02:04:47 Anyway, yeah.
02:04:53 ******* Aussies ******* Australians with.
02:04:56 Their their black *****.
02:05:02 Well, it's on YouTube, so it can't be too.
02:05:04 You know, if they're OK with.
02:05:05 That on YouTube.
02:05:08 Then I guess.
02:05:10 No, it's OK.
Speaker 4
02:05:13 Yeah, it just looks like it's kind.
02:05:15 Of like it it.
02:05:16 It's exactly what I said it was.
02:05:17 It's going to just be.
02:05:18 A movie where it's like, well, imagine.
02:05:20 If you were black.
Speaker 5
02:05:21 Look how hard it would be.
02:05:24 I guess we can hope for a movie some day in the future, maybe in 100 years. 203 hundred.
02:05:29 Who knows?
02:05:29 Someday they'll do the same movie about white people, you know, like it'll be some mulatto who's, you know, very successful and and you know, works for the the the AI.
02:05:43 That controls everything and uh, one day he'll wake up and.
02:05:48 He'll have a white.
02:05:49 And he'll be.
Speaker 4
02:05:50 Like, Oh no.
02:05:52 What happened?
02:05:58 Yep, Yep.
02:06:00 All part of the normalization plan.
Speaker 2
02:06:08 Let's see here.
02:06:11 Why would Dr.
02:06:12 Sears lobby for a war against Germany if he was ethnically German?
Speaker 2
02:06:17 I don't know.
02:06:19 But he was said he was German.
02:06:31 White Man's burden came out in the 90s.
Speaker 2
02:06:38 I let's see.
02:06:41 Have you googled HP Lovecraft's cat?
02:06:46 HP Lovecraft's cat. I'll check it out, and then we'll close things up. I know I'll be a little.
02:06:50 Short tonight we're over 2 hours and I'm tired.
02:06:55 Let's see here HP.
Speaker 2
02:06:58 Lovecraft's cat.
02:07:20 I don't get it.
02:07:20 What am I looking at here?
02:07:23 I'll bring it up.
02:07:26 Is this what you're?
02:07:26 Talking about, it's just a guy holding the cat.
02:07:50 I got it.
02:07:51 What am I?
02:07:54 Yeah, it's a creepy picture, but I mean, obviously.
02:07:57 That's intentional. I don't know.
02:08:01 Put him over here.
Speaker 3
02:08:04 All right.
02:08:08 Once again, like I said, if you want.
02:08:10 To help out with.
02:08:11 The community stuff, the movie stuff and everything like and like the the movie I.
02:08:15 Think is going to be a good dry run.
02:08:17 Of how well you know, we're able to accomplish something as a group.
02:08:24 We'll also it'll weed out some.
02:08:26 People and it will promote other people.
02:08:28 You know, it's a chance for us to work together on something, something that's not going to get us.
02:08:33 Into trouble.
02:08:35 It'll still get us on lists or whatever, sure.
02:08:37 But whatever, everything we do is going to anyway.
02:08:41 You know.
02:08:41 We're we're we're.
02:08:42 Born with our uniform, we can't exactly take.
Speaker 2
02:08:44 It off nor.
02:08:45 Would we want to, despite what Australian black *** movies might have, lead you to believe so?
02:08:52 Let's if you want to get involved with that. Shoot me an e-mail at evilhillary@protonmail.com and like even if you if you sent me something months ago, I'm going to go through the the old. I got to find it.
02:09:07 Remember which one?
02:09:08 I think it's rope movie.
02:09:10 But it might be.
02:09:10 The rope movie I have to look.
02:09:13 At ProtonMail, look.
02:09:14 But don't.
02:09:15 Don't e-mail me that one and tell I know which one of that is and so e-mail me at evil Hillary at ProtonMail dot.
02:09:20 Com and I'm going to.
02:09:23 Gather all this stuff together.
02:09:24 Remember, there's a lot of people.
02:09:27 With a lot of good suggestions and I will get back to everyone, but I'm not going to be able to obviously follow everyone's suggestion.
02:09:37 There's only, you know, we're we're we're only have a limited amount of things that we can actually get done.
02:09:43 So don't get **** hurt if.
02:09:46 You know, we don't want to do your idea for some reason.
02:09:49 So yeah, thanks for hanging out this Saturday night or Sunday morning or whatever it is for you.
02:09:57 And I will leave you with I've got to have something.
02:10:04 In fact, I thought I purposely looked for something because last time I had to recycle something.
Speaker 4
02:10:09 I felt like like.
02:10:11 It was cheap.
02:10:12 That was cheating somehow.
02:10:13 Oh, I know that I can leave you with.
02:10:16 I know I can leave you with all right.
Speaker 4
02:10:20 For black pilled.
02:10:22 I am of course.
02:10:25 Devon Stag wait for the video.
Speaker 6
02:11:03 What is the broccoli bombs? What is The Dirty birds? What is the Lords of broccoli book? Go back. Go on the words. Those were missing on the curve, dishing out the dirt. You. Someone's got a shout out to.
02:11:19 Don't get hit by this.