04/16/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 Let's give resorted in here.Speaker 2
00:01:02 And the base keeps running, running, running, running, running, running, running, running, running, running.Speaker 3
00:01:12 In his contacts, there's no disrespect, so when I bust my around.Speaker 4
00:01:16 You break your neck, we.Speaker 5
00:01:17 Got 5 minutes for us to disconnect from our.00:01:20 Let the rhythm of.
Speaker 6
00:01:21 Back loser inefficient follow your intuition for your inner soul and break away from tradition because when we be out.Speaker 7
00:01:27 You'll just fully without you.00:01:28 Wouldn't believe how we.
Speaker 6
00:01:29 Push it out, burn it till it's gone down, turn the tiller turned down, hacked up from Northwest Easter.Speaker 7
00:01:35 Everybody here, everybody is getting to it.00:01:39 Get stuck.
00:01:40 Get ********.
Speaker 4
00:01:45 Let's hit the toilet in here.00:01:48 Let's hit the toilet.
00:01:50 Let's hit the toilet in here.
00:01:54 Let's hit.
00:01:59 Let's see.
00:02:02 Lose control of body and soul, so move to fast.
00:02:06 People just take it slow.
00:02:07 Don't get ahead, just jump into it.
Speaker 6
00:02:09 You'll hear about it.Speaker 8
00:02:11 Just do it.00:02:12 Get started.
00:02:13 Get stoopid.
00:02:14 Don't want about.
Speaker 9
00:02:15 It people will.Speaker 8
00:02:15 Walk you through it.00:02:16 Step by step like that infinite kid, it's by.
00:02:19 It's with the new solution.
00:02:20 Translate hits with no dilution.
Speaker 7
00:02:25 Everybody, everybody.00:02:29 Stupid ********.
00:02:54 Come on, y'all, let's get let's get.
Speaker 3
00:03:20 Lose your mind.00:03:21 This is the time your test is still just to bring your spine.
00:03:27 And massage your club in your.
00:03:28 Bentley can't miss it.
00:03:30 Then stick your mom passed.
00:03:34 Them now do not correct it.
Speaker 7
00:03:38 Yeah, yeah.Speaker 4
00:03:51 That's it. Let's get.00:03:58 Let's let's.
Speaker 8
00:04:30 That means goes go.Speaker 10
00:04:45 And the beat goes gold.Speaker 11
00:04:58 There were there were, really.Speaker 8
00:05:14 Broken hearted.Speaker 4
00:05:30 And y'all, let's get.Speaker 10
00:05:30 ******** now that the party started go.00:06:31 Let's get ******** now that the party.
Speaker 5
00:06:51 Like it really ain't nothing.Speaker 7
00:06:56 Hey, yo, let's get ******** now.00:06:59 Party started.
Speaker 8
00:07:39 Sexy girl.00:07:43 Just walking in the party, don't even not people.
00:07:45 Love this jam?
00:07:45 Like I love got all your legs hanging on my.
00:07:50 Jack, come on.
Speaker 7
00:08:22 Go, go.Speaker 12
00:08:40 I I can always go back.00:08:50 We're gonna get ******** tonight.
00:08:54 It's kind of funny how they changed that song the how.Speaker 9
00:08:57 It's let's get it started in here.00:09:00 Let's get.
Speaker 12
00:09:02 Can't say ******** anymore.Devon
00:09:06 Oh, good Lord.00:09:08 Can't say ********, can't say ******.
00:09:12 Can't say can't say anything.
Speaker 12
00:09:17 What's happened to our?00:09:19 Our societies, what we're going to find out.
00:09:22 Tonight, with a special focus on retardation.00:09:29 This is the special edition in more ways than one.
00:09:33 I of course.
00:09:34 Am I.
00:09:35 I'm your.
00:09:36 Well, I'm.
00:09:37 I'm your humble host.
00:09:39 I'm your the the host with the most.
00:09:42 I don't know how how humble that was.
00:09:45 Devin Stack and this is the insomnia stream.
00:09:48 Let's get ******** edition.
00:09:51 So tonight we're going to talk about how Hollywood was trying to get people to literally turn off their brains and be ******** and just allow every all the the problems of diversity take place specifically how they targeted the boomers with a special a special kind of movie.
00:10:13 This is a it's it's the feel good movie.
00:10:16 The feel good movie.
00:10:18 Now, this particular movie we're going to jump, right?
00:10:21 Into a little a lot.
00:10:22 To cover here this particular movie.
Speaker 14
00:10:26 Is called radio.Devon
00:10:29 Radio and you would think I would like it right?00:10:31 Cause if you know me, you.
00:10:32 Know I like radios.
00:10:36 Not not really.
00:10:37 A movie for me.
00:10:39 I knew it.
00:10:39 Then I knew when this movie came out.
00:10:42 Ohh yeah.
00:10:42 OK, so it's a movie with, with, with all the things I hate.
00:10:46 It's it's it's sports ball and white guilt and ******* all all in one movie.
00:10:54 No, thanks.
00:10:55 No, thanks.
00:10:56 But a lot of parents thought this was.
00:10:58 Oh, this is a great family film.
00:11:01 This is a great family film.
00:11:04 Let's go get Billy and and put him in the car.
00:11:07 And let's drive him to the theater so that we can watch this new film that's directed by this Jewish guy, Michael Tolin and written by another Jewish guy named Mike Rich.
00:11:18 Let's let's have them sit down and watch this movie with Cuba Gooding, Junior.
00:11:23 We all like him, right?
00:11:24 You show me the money right?
00:11:28 With Ed Harris, I mean, everyone likes Ed Harris.
00:11:32 He's like the boomers, boomer, you know, every boomer can relate to Ed Harris.
00:11:36 He always plays these masculine characters, you know, with the he's he's like the the the white guy that, you know, the old white guy, that old white guys.
00:11:45 Want to be like?
Speaker 4
00:11:47 So let's let's let's grab.Devon
00:11:48 The kids and let's watch this movie.00:11:51 Well, I'll tell you.
00:11:53 I'm going to save you the time.
00:11:55 You know, in the interest of time, it is a long movie.
00:11:58 I I've actually, I've, I've kind of condensed it down a little bit featuring some of the more important symbolism that's in the film and kind of made it into a a, A just just an abbreviated like a Cliff notes version of the movie.
00:12:14 So we're going to watch that.
00:12:15 The intro is is really important to pay attention to because I there's a lot of symbolism there.
00:12:22 Usually I don't focus too much on SYN.
00:12:26 But it's it's just so in your face with this one, it's kind of.
00:12:30 Like well you.
00:12:30 Know they.
00:12:32 They're obviously meant something by this, right?
00:12:34 So without further ado, this is.
00:12:42 The Devon Stack cut, I guess you could say.
Speaker 10
00:13:12 Thank you.Speaker 1
00:14:25 When you.Speaker 11
00:15:24 Thank you.Devon
00:15:43 All right, so now you.00:15:44 Don't have to watch the whole movie.
00:15:45 You've seen it.
00:15:50 So now that you've seen my my exciting fun cut.
00:15:53 We're going to watch.
00:15:54 We're not going to watch, we're going to go over the actual movie.
00:15:57 I'm gonna let you guys and I'm going to let you interpret whatever you just saw on your own.
00:16:01 I'm not going to give you any kind of input whatsoever.
00:16:03 You're just going to have to grapple with that.
00:16:05 With your own.
00:16:06 You have to wrap your head around, wrap your head around what you just saw.
00:16:09 Alright, inspired by a true story.
00:16:13 Anytime you see this phrase.
00:16:15 You know that Hollywood is about to.
00:16:17 To to lie a lot, like a lot to you.
00:16:21 So it's inspired by a true story.
00:16:24 Oh, anything can be inspired, you know, by a true story like Star Wars could be inspired by a true story.
00:16:33 You know, it doesn't matter, like in fact, pretty much, I would think every story is probably inspired.
00:16:39 By a true story, right?
00:16:42 But be that as it may, they want you to believe that this is rooted in reality.
00:16:47 You gotta remember, this came out in in.
00:16:50 Was a 2003, 2003 and the the the aim, the demographic for this film.
00:17:00 The idea was get boomers to bring their children to this movie.
00:17:07 Get boomers to think that this is a family friendly movie.
00:17:13 Well, how do?
00:17:13 You do that.
00:17:15 Well, for starters.
00:17:17 You make it based on a true story or inspired by a true story.
00:17:21 And you fill it full of sappy feel, good music, that, that music that was in the cut that you just watched is played throughout the film.
00:17:30 Well, you also.
00:17:30 Want boomers there, right.
00:17:32 So you saturate it with Boomer rock.
00:17:34 Anytime the sappy music isn't playing.
00:17:38 And then you make it relatable to a time when boomers can remember when they were alive, 1976.
00:17:46 So we have Anderson SC 1976 is how it opens and how churros, churros. Here he's gonna.
00:17:52 He's gonna ***** and whine for, like, a little bit he wants.
00:17:56 He wants attention.
00:17:57 He's back from coyote hunting.
00:17:58 But that's OK.
00:17:59 I'm going to ignore him.
Speaker 15
00:18:02 Oh my God.Devon
00:18:04 That bad timing, bad timing.00:18:05 Gerald. All right, so Anderson SC, 1976, you have Cuba Gooding junior pushing a shopping cart on some tracks.
00:18:16 And of course, the the scene that you guys just watched the train goes.
00:18:21 By and he's like the train.
00:18:25 And you, you learn pretty quick that he's ******** because he's really playing up the ****** thing.
Speaker 10
00:18:35 Whoa, whoa.Speaker 4
00:18:45 Will return.Devon
00:18:47 Never go full ******.00:18:49 This is.
00:18:50 This is not the example that they used when they made that part of this movie, but that is the example they should have used.
00:18:56 They used I am Sam.
00:18:57 In my opinion this is way worse, way worse than I am Sam.
00:19:03 So anyway, there's lots of super ******** Cuba Gooding junior here.
00:19:08 He is walking, pushing his shopping cart down a a small white town, a small white town, and of course, all the white people are looking at him suspiciously.
00:19:19 And you're supposed to feel bad for doing this.
00:19:21 You saw how innocent he was sailing.
00:19:24 Down the road in a shopping cart going wee wee, I mean you see that.
00:19:29 Part again cause it look.
00:19:34 You know, like, how could anyone be afraid of that?
00:19:37 How could anyone be?
00:19:37 But you know what the evil white people are?
00:19:40 See, this is what this movie is trying to do.
00:19:42 It's trying to get you to be ********.
00:19:44 It's trying to get you to be.
00:19:46 If you're this white woman walking down the street with your little white girl and some crazy looking black guy pushing a shopping cart full of junk is coming your way.
00:19:55 You're supposed to feel bad if you're afraid of him.
00:20:04 Ah, the horror. See this movie? This movie is trying to make you literally ********. You're supposed to look at that and be like, oh, that woman's a total ******* ****. How? Why would she do that? He looks totally harmless.
00:20:21 If I saw him walking down the street, I'd want to be his friend.
00:20:26 So look at that white.
00:20:27 Guy, he's just like.
00:20:30 I'm so ******* racist.
00:20:31 ******* hate that guy.
00:20:34 Hate that guy because he's black, not because he's he's acting unusual and pushing a shopping cart full of junk and drooling as he walks.
00:20:43 No, no, it's cause he's ******* black.
00:20:45 Just like this guy.
Speaker 4
00:20:49 You, boy, get.Speaker 6
00:20:50 Out of my way.00:20:51 Get out.
Speaker 4
00:20:51 Of the way, boy.Speaker 12
00:20:57 Like just everywhere he goes, everyone's just like, oh *******.00:21:04 I hate black *******.
00:21:06 I ******* hate him.
00:21:07 God, here we go away, boy.
00:21:12 So uh you.00:21:13 Know poor Cuba Gooding Junior just pushing his shopping cart full of junk and getting yelled at and and and getting getting the stink eye from white people everywhere he goes and he just wants to play around and and play around on the train tracks.
00:21:29 So he looks over and.
00:21:30 He sees that our other main character, Ed Harris, this is the, you know, the Alpha boomer.
00:21:35 Ed Harris here.
00:21:39 He's a he's a, you know.
00:21:40 Of course of.
00:21:41 Course because you want.
00:21:42 You want boomers to like this?
00:21:44 Right. So.
00:21:45 He he's he's a coach.
00:21:47 He's a boomer, ball coach.
Speaker 14
00:21:49 And what what?Devon
00:21:50 That's the most relatable character in a movie for Boomer Dads.00:21:54 Possible so he's.
00:21:55 He's Ed Harris playing the boomer ball coach.
00:21:59 And training up the kids, the, the, they they got to take state this year, you know?
00:22:05 And Cuba ginning junior is is watching the game and and the ball gets thrown over the fence.
00:22:13 And one of the white kids.
00:22:15 Probably racist walks up and is like, hey, can you pass us that ball that went over the fence and Cuba Gooding junior gets the ball?
00:22:25 And and starts to walk off with it.
00:22:27 And he's like, hey, that ******* black.
00:22:31 I I told.
00:22:32 You they steal.
00:22:33 He's stealing.
00:22:34 He's stealing the ball.
00:22:37 But you know the coach, he knows better.
00:22:39 He knows better.
00:22:40 He knows that.
00:22:40 Ohh, no, he's harmless.
00:22:41 He's just a mixed up, you know, ******.
00:22:44 Let's not.
00:22:45 Let's not cause any problems.
00:22:46 It's it's fine.
00:22:47 We got more football.
00:22:48 Just let him go.
00:22:51 But then the next day.
00:22:54 Ed Harris.
00:22:54 He's going to go to coach the the team and the other says that that they've got got someone locked up in the equipment shed.
00:23:04 And he's like, *** **** it, you racist.
00:23:07 You locked up and tied up a ******** black kid.
00:23:11 And tortured him.
00:23:13 Wow, cause we all know that's real, right?
00:23:15 We all know that's exactly how it like.
Speaker 11
00:23:19 I just want.Speaker 8
00:23:19 To help you.Devon
00:23:20 I seem to remember something like this, only it's a little different.00:23:25 Like even the way this is shot.
Speaker 16
00:23:29 Just gonna cut the tape off.Devon
00:23:32 Hmm, well, this is weird, huh?00:23:35 Cause what could I possibly?
00:23:36 Be thinking of.
Speaker 4
00:23:38 Kiss the floor.Speaker 15
00:23:39 The 18 year old victim, described as mentally challenged, had been missing for two days when he turned up Tuesday on Facebook and in trouble.00:23:49 Forced to drink from a toilet, he's also seen being kicked, choked, cut and cursed.
Speaker 6
00:23:55 OK.Speaker 15
00:23:58 All of it streamed live on Facebook.Devon
00:24:05 Weird how reality is the exact opposite.00:24:08 See, here's the other funny thing.
00:24:09 You got to think about taking into account and watching this movie.
00:24:13 The target audience for this film is not black people.
00:24:16 Black people don't give a **** about movies about ******** people.
00:24:21 They don't.
00:24:22 This movie is to make you as a white person feel bad.
00:24:29 The audience.
00:24:32 Are supposedly they're going to feel bad because they think they're the ones doing this ****.
00:24:37 They're going on locking up black, ********, black kids and torturing them, duct taping them.
00:24:47 Ed Harris the boomer had to come.
00:24:48 And save him.
00:24:54 But once you.
00:24:55 Know it.
00:24:56 Reality as we know is quite the opposite.
00:25:03 So the white kids.
00:25:05 Feel bad because they got they got caught not because they were torturing a ******** kid.
00:25:14 And the coach is like, oh, you guys are going to pay for this.
00:25:17 I'm going to make you work extra hard next or next practice.
00:25:23 So then he goes and talks to the principal, who of course is a powerful black woman.
00:25:31 And he talks to the ******** kid and he's like, sorry, my team did that, you know, they're they're just being ignorant *****.
00:25:38 And I want to make it up to you.
00:25:42 And so.
00:25:44 The ******** guy keeps watching the games.
00:25:47 He's not as he, he likes the coach.
00:25:49 He's not as afraid now, so he's.
00:25:50 But he's he's keeping his distance.
00:25:54 And he watches as the coach runs the the team back and forth across the field all night long as punishment for torturing the ******** black kid.
00:26:09 So then he gives one of those boomer peptalks.
00:26:16 Because you know, boomers love these pep talks, I kind of feel like when boomers give you that pep talk about like, oh, you just got to pull yourself up from the bootstraps and, you know, like they they, they're imagining that they're in some locker room talking to a high school football team.
00:26:32 Like, that's.
00:26:32 I think that's how they imagine life is.
00:26:35 So he he's giving one of those kind of boomer talks about.
Speaker 12
00:26:38 Like that's right, team all you.00:26:39 Gotta do is visualize, visualize.
00:26:43 And then we can we can win.
00:26:46 And so they're all ready to win.00:26:49 They go to the game.
00:26:50 Turns out they don't do so hot.
00:26:54 So after the game the the coach goes to the Barber shop.
00:27:00 Where everyone hangs out.
00:27:03 And everyone's kind of good-natured about it. They know he's a good coach, they know.
00:27:06 The team's going to get better.
00:27:11 And so they they tell them, oh, we got confidence in you.
00:27:14 We know that you'll you'll get us to state.
Speaker 12
00:27:16 We'll go to.Devon
00:27:17 State you know, The funny thing is, small towns are kind of like this in a weird way in terms of the boomer ball, probably not as much these days.00:27:24 But there was a point in time.
00:27:27 Not that long ago that if you lived in a small town or or were in a small town that even like high school sports was like a big deal to people.
00:27:35 Which honestly makes more sense to me because it's like your actual kids, you know, like, perfect, like NFL makes no sense to me at all.
00:27:42 Like on any.
00:27:43 Level it's it's a bunch of people, not from your community at all.
00:27:47 And by the way, most of the people in that town are, or city.
00:27:50 If it's a city big enough to have a professional sports team of any kind.
00:27:54 They're not from that city either, so it's so it's a bunch of people not from the city.
00:28:00 Rooting for a bunch of other people not from the city, playing against other people, not from the city that's on their jersey.
00:28:07 It doesn't.
00:28:07 None of it makes any sense.
00:28:10 At least with in in the in in the small town high school sports, it's like your kid or your friend's kid battling out with like kids from the next town over or whatever that makes more.
00:28:21 Sense to me at.
00:28:22 Least I mean it's still kind of gay, but.
00:28:27 But you know, it's way less gay.
00:28:30 So then the next day.
00:28:34 You know, they see that all that ****** kids back.
00:28:38 He's back.
00:28:40 Let let's let's let's try to invite him over and feed him and stuff.
00:28:45 And see if we can we can be his friend.
00:28:52 Now there's a lot of things going on.
00:28:53 On here.
00:28:54 It's not just so much like I just said before that the movie's trying to get you to be ********.
00:29:00 It is.
00:29:01 It's trying to get you to be ********.
00:29:02 Turn off your brain.
00:29:04 It's trying to get you to view black people, because that's what this is.
00:29:08 This is just a metaphor for black people, right?
00:29:10 This whole movie is a metaphor about integration.
00:29:13 It it it's it's showing that like, oh, look at the White Group and then we have this, you know, the the outside are the black people.
00:29:20 And oh, I know, at first you're suspicious of him because he's different and maybe he doesn't act the same way, but deep down, we're all God's children and.
00:29:28 So we should learn to.
00:29:29 You know, you know it.
00:29:30 That's the that's the.
00:29:32 That's the movie, right, that, that that's what's going on here.
00:29:36 But the other thing that's going on here is not only is it telling.
Speaker 9
00:29:42 You that.00:29:42 Oh, no.
00:29:42 We should all get along.
00:29:43 Even though we're a little bit different.00:29:45 He's totally harmless.
00:29:48 He's he's he's as harmless as harmless.
00:29:51 Could be.
00:29:52 He's basically a child.
00:29:56 And if you think that that's not, that's not telling boomers.
Speaker 12
00:30:01 That that's that.Devon
00:30:02 Applies to more than just this specific black person.00:30:05 In this specific scenario.
00:30:06 In this fictional narrative, you're crazy.
00:30:09 It's telling you in the same way it was telling the woman that's walking down the street and pulling her kid aside because she's afraid of the weirdo pushing the shopping cart.
00:30:19 It's telling the boomer dads like, Oh yeah, these black kids are.
00:30:22 They're just, they're harmless.
00:30:23 They're basically like, lovable *******.
00:30:28 If anything, you have to protect them from the.
00:30:31 The the scary white kids.
00:30:36 You know the the whole.
00:30:38 Well, was it the soft bigotry of low expectations?
00:30:41 You know the Bush thing, right?
00:30:43 It was the condescension.
00:30:47 The condescension of the.
Speaker 9
00:30:51 The Yankee.Devon
00:30:57 Oh, it's adorable.00:31:00 It's adorable.
00:31:01 Look, ohh, he thinks he's people.
00:31:09 There, there's there's a mindset that a lot of people on the right still have you think for just as an example, diamond and silk.
00:31:19 The white boomers watching diamond and silk and throwing money at diamond and silk.
00:31:26 Would never watch that and think it would and would.
00:31:28 Think it was stupid if.
00:31:30 It was 2 white ladies.
00:31:33 Right.
00:31:34 They would think it was ******* stupid.
00:31:38 Baby, what the **** are these two white like?
Speaker 9
00:31:40 What the **** is?Devon
00:31:41 This ****, they wouldn't be saying the money.00:31:46 But guess what?
00:31:47 It's it's impressive when it's black ladies.
00:31:50 The same way it's impressive if a dog can count to 10.
Speaker 12
00:31:56 Right.Devon
00:31:58 If you were watching the Late Show with David Letterman and he brought in like some.00:32:03 So math professor and he could count to 10 and like, that's why he was on the show.
00:32:08 You'd be like, what am I?
00:32:09 Why am I?
00:32:10 What am I watching?
Speaker 9
00:32:12 But if it's a golden retriever, you're like, wow, that's amazing.00:32:17 This dog can count to 10.
Speaker 6
00:32:21 Ohh and they put a they.Speaker 9
00:32:22 Put a sweater on him.00:32:24 He thinks he's people.
00:32:30 That's what it was.00:32:32 That's what this movie is doing.
00:32:38 And not what?
00:32:39 It was that.
Speaker 9
00:32:39 That's what it is.Speaker 12
00:32:42 That's exactly what it is.Devon
00:32:45 See look, look at.00:32:46 Look at the condescension here and and again forget for a second that this character is ********, like actually ********.
00:32:56 Pretend for a second that and you.
00:32:58 Don't have to pretend because it's obvious.
00:33:01 That, that, that this is a A.
00:33:03 A metaphor for race relations.
Speaker 10
00:33:08 Hey, look who's here.Speaker
00:33:14 We'll catch you in the.Speaker 10
00:33:14 Morning. Daddy's night yet?Speaker 17
00:33:16 Thank you.Speaker 16
00:33:19 The other don't talk too much.00:33:22 Are you sure taking the locking that?
00:33:24 Radio you want.
Speaker 3
00:33:27 Thank you.Speaker 11
00:33:35 You know, it's just sitting there.00:33:38 And as far as I'm concerned.
Speaker 16
00:33:41 Hey, you hear that?00:33:45 Cochina good says you can.
00:33:46 Take that home with you if you like.
Speaker 14
00:33:50 Hey, are you hungry?Speaker 18
00:33:52 Would you like a hand?Speaker
00:33:59 You don't want something.Speaker 11
00:34:00 Wash it down with two root beer.00:34:02 Coke, coke.
Speaker 2
00:34:08 May I know?Speaker 11
00:34:10 How can you?Devon
00:34:23 You know what I see when I.00:34:24 Watch this scene.
00:34:28 When I watched this scene, all of a sudden this ship makes a lot more sense.
Speaker 9
00:34:34 I'm very proud of African American unemployment stands.Speaker
00:34:38 At the lowest rate ever recorded.Devon
00:34:56 I mean, it's basically just that right there, that's what that's what all the boomers are picturing their head.00:35:02 His ******** Cuba Gooding junior shoving.
00:35:04 A ******* whopper in his throat.
Speaker 9
00:35:09 You want you like that radio boy.Devon
00:35:13 Well boy, you can have it or.Speaker 9
00:35:15 It's just sitting there.00:35:17 You want a coke?
00:35:19 Wow, look at.
00:35:20 Look at him.
00:35:21 Drink that coke.
00:35:23 Boy, he sure was hungry.
00:35:32 That's what it is.00:35:33 That's what it is.
00:35:45 And you have these little these little.
00:35:46 Things peppered in right.
00:35:50 And there's different versions of this exact scene.
00:35:55 This idea that you should assimilate to them.
Speaker 12
00:36:01 Right.Speaker 9
00:36:17 You know there's nothing.Speaker 17
00:36:18 Wrong with a good country station.Speaker 16
00:36:23 When I get used to this too, I guess.Devon
00:36:33 I can get used to this too, I guess.00:36:42 So he takes uh.
00:36:46 As he is now known.
00:36:49 He takes radio home.
00:36:52 And of course finds out that radio is being raised by a single mom.
00:36:57 Because is anyone surprised by that?
00:37:03 Radio then proceeds to take apart.
00:37:06 The radio that he was gifted.
00:37:08 And does what would fatally electrocute him like immediately?
00:37:15 Like, if you know anything, I happen to know about tube radios from this era, this is likely an all American five.
00:37:22 There is absolutely no protection.
00:37:26 What you touch, basically.
00:37:28 Anything on that?
00:37:29 That radio and and if it's plugged in, you'll you'll probably die.
00:37:35 Or at least you won't feel good.
00:37:37 You're not gonna hold it up to your ******* face like he's doing but.
00:37:40 Whatever. That's just me being.
00:37:44 So he yeah, he immediately takes it apart.
00:37:46 He's like, oh, I'm gonna rub all this electricity on my face.
00:37:49 It's like, OK, maybe that's why he's ********.
00:37:52 He's he comes home and and electrocutes himself to sleep every night.
00:37:58 So the next day, he.
00:38:04 He uh.
00:38:04 It goes to the the game again.
00:38:09 The coach is like, oh, you know, we're gonna we're gonna include you.
00:38:13 We have to include you now at the expense of the white kids.
00:38:18 We are going to go out of our way and include you in all of our activities, even though you're not a student here.
00:38:25 In fact, you're you're too old to be.
00:38:27 A student here.
00:38:28 You're just some random guy.
00:38:31 And even though it's going to make.
00:38:33 Everything more difficult for the white kids that are attending the school that's designed for them and for the betterment of them.
00:38:41 We're going to sacrifice your learning experience so that we can accommodate this random guy.
Speaker 15
00:38:51 There's one other thing.Speaker 16
00:38:53 See the young man over there.00:38:56 Believe some of you already.
00:38:57 Know him.
00:38:58 He goes by radio and he's going to.
00:39:01 Be helping us out for a while.
00:39:05 And we are not going to.
00:39:06 Have a problem with that.
Speaker 9
00:39:09 And you are not going.Devon
00:39:10 To have a problem with that.00:39:14 If anyone has a problem with that, you can get the **** out of here.
Speaker 9
00:39:19 If you do not, you do not.Devon
00:39:21 Readjust the priorities of your society to accommodate these people.00:39:28 You can get the **** out.
00:39:30 They belong here more than you do, and if?
Speaker 12
00:39:32 That's the case.Devon
00:39:36 So then there's, like, this crazy montage of just like uh.00:39:41 Just the the white people being.
00:39:44 ***** to the ******** black guy.
00:39:55 Never go full ******.
Speaker 4
00:39:59 Ohh good yeah. Ohh.Devon
00:40:08 And it just keeps going.00:40:09 It's just like.
00:40:10 It's it's such bad acting, it's just.
00:40:12 Like ohh God.
Speaker 4
00:40:17 Ohh will return.Devon
00:40:25 So bad it's so bad.00:40:28 But you know, again this is for for children.
00:40:36 The only all they're trying.
00:40:37 To do is make it so this this guy.
00:40:39 Is is as non threatening as possible.
00:40:43 How could you be afraid of that?
Speaker 4
00:40:48 Movie time.Devon
00:40:53 You know, so it's it's just it.00:40:55 It's just trying to hit you over the head.
00:40:57 He's non threatening.
00:40:58 He's he's just like a he's like a child.
00:41:01 He's like a 2 year old.
00:41:04 Look, he's ohh.
00:41:05 He he he thinks he's like a cheerleader, so they take.
00:41:08 Him to the game.
00:41:12 You know he's he's a a feature of all the practices.
00:41:19 And and this is all these montages have boomer rock every single one of these montages has 1970s boomerang.
Speaker 4
00:41:36 Will return.Devon
00:41:39 And lots of full ******.00:41:40 Over and over and over again.
00:41:44 So then he goes to the Barber shop and he has, you know, the team.
00:41:49 Still not doing so well.
00:41:51 And those ******* racist old white guys are like, dude.
00:41:55 What's with the ******** kid like?
00:41:57 Why are you?
00:41:58 What's why is he there?
00:42:01 I thought we were paying you to coach our kids and you're just dragging this weird ******** black kid around.
00:42:06 Like, look, we don't.
00:42:07 Whatever, right, we don't hate him, but.
00:42:10 It just seems inappropriate like you want to do that on your own time.
00:42:13 That's fine, but you're you're paid to be the coach.
00:42:20 And then uh, he goes and talks to the the mother to find out, you know, what's what's his story?
Speaker 18
00:42:28 James is a good boy coach.00:42:32 He got himself a good heart.
00:42:34 Most folks just don't take the time to see it as all.
00:42:39 See, he's a good boy.00:42:40 He didn't do nothing.
00:42:42 People just, they're just, you know, you're just you're afraid of what's different.
00:42:48 Right, people fear things that are different.
00:42:55 And if you would just take the time to get to know him, you'd know that he's just a he's a good boy at heart.
00:43:02 Right.
00:43:03 And and it's it's obviously it's set up in such a way this movie that like what do you what you know who in the audience is going to be like **** that ****** kid.
00:43:11 You know what I mean?
00:43:13 Besides me, right?
00:43:19 They've they've made it impossible.
00:43:20 They've made it impossible.
00:43:23 You know with with the, the emotional music swelling.
00:43:31 All the tear jerking moments.
00:43:34 You know his mother's had she works three jobs.
00:43:40 The father's dead.
00:43:44 She's a widow.
00:43:49 Raising this, this kid all are on her own.
00:43:56 He wouldn't hurt to fly.
00:44:00 So uh.
00:44:02 The coach takes him out to lunch.
00:44:06 Because he's never, never ate at a real restaurant before.
00:44:11 And of course, the waitress, that is all racist and ******* hates him.
00:44:15 Just like, oh, that ******* ********.
00:44:17 What? Why? Why?
00:44:18 Is this ******** here? I ******* and everyone is like that. They're all like, oh, look at him. Look at him. If only we could go back to segregation.
00:44:28 That loving ******** so everyone's just like an ******* and hates the ******** kid for no reason.
00:44:39 Oh, a face that only.
00:44:41 Only a Mother Mother could love, and even then.
00:44:44 It's, you know.
Speaker 12
00:44:46 Never go for return.Devon
00:44:50 So yeah, and then they they make him basically like a superhero.00:44:55 He's like the mascot.
00:45:04 Look at that.
00:45:06 The whole team learns to love him.
00:45:11 Everyone cheers when they see him coming out.
00:45:16 He's become like this.
00:45:18 Regular fixture at the games.
00:45:23 The only one that doesn't like it is this racist dad.
00:45:27 Who just happens to be the father of that racist prick white kid that locked him up in the equipment shed earlier in the film.
00:45:34 Turns out that dad's an ******* racist, too. That's how it works.
00:45:42 But then one of the games.
00:45:46 Radio gets caught up in the excitement.
00:45:50 He gets caught up in the excitement and not realizing.
00:45:54 That that he shouldn't be shouting out.
00:45:58 The different plays that the coach is is giving the players to do on the field.
00:46:05 Giving away their plan to the opposing team.
00:46:12 And so the racist dad is just like, God, get what?
00:46:15 Why do you have him here?
00:46:16 This is what the ****?
00:46:20 And radio starts **** with the referee on accident because he doesn't understand what the hell is going on.
00:46:27 It's all a misunderstanding though, because radio wouldn't hurt to fly.
Speaker 14
00:46:31 You know, just call penalty on the jackets bench.Speaker 2
00:46:41 Damn train wreck down there.Devon
00:46:47 So yes, he goes full ****** again.Speaker 9
00:46:56 But eventually they come back.00:47:00 To the sound of Boomerang.
Speaker 4
00:47:12 We we won, we won.00:47:15 I'm ********.
00:47:16 That's it's.
00:47:17 Like the worst acting ever.00:47:21 So he goes to the Barber shop after the game.
00:47:26 And once again.
00:47:29 People aren't super thrilled with the fact that radios there.
00:47:35 They're starting to think that, you know, Coach.
00:47:38 Maybe you should just, you know, do your charity.
00:47:40 On your time.
00:47:43 Focus on winning games.
Speaker 2
00:47:51 Nobody else going to say anything, I sure.00:47:53 As hell will.
00:47:56 You got yourself a distraction needs dealing with.
Speaker 16
00:48:04 Is that what you think radio is working?Speaker 12
00:48:07 Right, I.00:48:08 Come on now, Frank.
Speaker 9
00:48:12 Now let's get to heart of.Devon
00:48:12 The heart of what he's actually saying here.00:48:14 Again, this is all just a metaphor.
00:48:20 What would have America have accomplished?
00:48:26 And I'm being 100% serious here.
00:48:31 What would America have accomplished?
00:48:34 If say in 19, we'll just say 100 years ago, right 1923. All black people just disappeared.
00:48:45 You know I'm not.
00:48:46 I'm not saying we you.
00:48:46 Know round up and kill black people. I'm just saying, let's just say in in this like hypothetical in 1923, you wake up one morning as an American and all the black people are just gone.
00:49:04 So there's there's no racial tension, there's no civil rights movement, there's no trillions of dollars going into.
00:49:14 Affirmative action programs.
00:49:19 There's no getting called or racist.
00:49:24 Communities run smoother.
00:49:31 There's less crime.
00:49:35 Less money spent on.
00:49:38 Preventing crime and enforcing laws.
00:49:44 There's a less money spent on welfare.
00:49:55 Is completely different.
00:50:00 What would America look like today?
Speaker 9
00:50:05 Right.Devon
00:50:08 And this guy here, he's basically kind of saying this, he's saying look.Speaker 9
00:50:15 What are we getting out?Speaker 12
00:50:16 Of this.Speaker 9
00:50:17 You've got a distraction.Devon
00:50:20 You've got something that is sucking resources from you.00:50:26 And preventing you from keeping your eyes on the prize.
00:50:30 And winning.
00:50:34 And that's nice and adorable and whatever, that you.
00:50:36 Feel a need to.
00:50:41 Protect those weaker than you and provide for them.
00:50:46 And be charitable and whatever.
00:50:51 But the rest of us are paying.
00:50:52 The price for this?
00:50:56 The community.
00:50:59 Is paying a price.
00:51:02 For your desire for your fetishizing the underdog.
00:51:20 And so this thing here is is is basically telling you if you're having thoughts like that.
00:51:25 If you're having any kind of thought like, well, you know, maybe, maybe we shouldn't be spending all these billions and trillions of dollars.
00:51:33 On these people that really it's kind of just like a net loss.
00:51:39 You know, they're they're not contributing to this cost.
00:51:43 They're increasing this cost.
00:51:47 You know, if we do the cost benefit analysis, it's not good.
00:51:55 Maybe we, maybe we shouldn't be doing this.
00:51:58 You're supposed to feel like an.
00:52:00 *******, if you think that.
00:52:08 You're just like this racist prick the oh, oh, oh, sure.
00:52:11 Let's just let's just kick the ****** out of.
Speaker 9
00:52:14 The football game, bro.00:52:16 Nice going, *******.
00:52:23 You prick.
00:52:31 So then they start bringing radio to class and radio to school.00:52:35 He's not enrolled in the school, so the school board gets involved and it's kind of funny because they basically he he comes in and and and it starts telling the school, you know, maybe we shouldn't relax.
00:52:48 We don't, we don't know.
00:52:50 We don't.
00:52:50 Well, now we got I got.
00:52:51 Coyotes right outside.
00:52:52 I know you guys hear that.
00:52:57 But now we have this situation where we've got this guy who's unpredictable.
00:53:02 We don't know what's wrong with him.
00:53:03 Even he's never even been diagnosed.
00:53:05 He's too old to be in the school.
00:53:07 And sure, you guys think he's nice and he didn't do nothing.
00:53:10 But let seems like a liability.
00:53:13 A pretty big liability.
00:53:14 I don't.
00:53:14 I don't think we should relax.
Speaker 19
00:53:22 But the fact of the matter is none of us has any experience with having our severely ******** man wandering the same hall as our students.00:53:31 The risk is enormous.
00:53:33 Please keep that in.
00:53:33 Mind I will.
00:53:38 Miss Daniels, Mr. Jones.
00:53:43 And the boomer is just like **** you.00:53:48 Tell me not to relax.
00:53:54 And then we get to another aspect of this that relates directly to boomers.
00:53:59 Boomers who are quick to sacrifice the priorities and the needs of their children for.
00:54:03 Their little pet projects.
00:54:06 Their little sympathy white guilt projects.
00:54:11 Here's his daughter, who he's been ignoring the entire movie because all of his free time is going into this random ******** black guy.
00:54:21 **** his daughter, right?
00:54:22 **** her needs.
00:54:24 She doesn't need a dad.
00:54:27 And he basically tells her as much.
00:54:32 The one time they do hang out.
00:54:35 They go around gathering gifts for him.
00:54:38 And she kind of makes a comment like look.
00:54:40 I mean.
00:54:42 Uh, I'm your daughter.
00:54:44 Why are we spending all this time?
Speaker 14
00:54:48 On radio.Speaker 4
00:54:51 What about me?Devon
00:54:56 And again, this is this is this is supposed to speak to both the boomers who brought their kids to the movie and the kids in the seats.00:55:05 Who might see some of this behavior in their parents?
00:55:10 Why are my parents so hell bent on sacrificing my future for the future of people who have no ties to us whatsoever?
00:55:24 Well, because they need it more than you, honey.
00:55:27 Because, sweetie, I put.
00:55:30 A roof over your head.
00:55:31 Radio doesn't even have a dad.
00:55:34 So it's only fair that you don't have.
00:55:35 A dad now.
00:55:38 Few shirts.Speaker 16
00:55:38 Great, thanks.00:55:42 This is nice.
00:55:43 You're getting folks help radio out.
00:55:45 No shortage of people feeling.00:55:46 Sorry for him.
Speaker 16
00:55:49 And nowadays, can people feel sorry for me?00:55:52 It's the last thing you need.
00:55:55 OK.Speaker 16
00:56:07 Look, Mary Ellen.00:56:14 I know we haven't had much chance to talk lately.
Speaker 1
00:56:17 There's been plenty of chances, Daddy.Speaker
00:56:19 You just don't take any of them.Speaker 18
00:56:27 It's all right.Speaker
00:56:29 Radio means what you're doing more than I do.Devon
00:56:34 Radio needs it more than I do.00:56:42 Don't be a selfish, bready kid that doesn't understand that.
00:56:48 What you you have to stop learning in your classroom because the whole class is held up while the teacher spends time on the new kids that don't speak English.
00:56:58 So you're learning effectively just ends.
00:57:01 So that she can try to get.
00:57:04 Kids that have no business being in in your class where they can, they they can't even read yet.
00:57:11 The special attention.
00:57:14 Don't feel bad that they're in need.
00:57:20 You should only feel bad for being selfish.
00:57:31 There is on Christmas, not with his family, no, he's with radios family.
00:57:41 Giving radio gifts.
Speaker 12
00:58:00 Will return.Devon
00:58:03 And they go full ****** yet again.00:58:08 So then of course, we go to the obligatory.
00:58:12 Well, now we have to address black people.
00:58:16 Gain arrested more.
00:58:19 Even if they're just like radio, radio didn't do nothing, right?
Speaker 12
00:58:23 But because he's black.Devon
00:58:27 He gets hassled by the cops.00:58:30 Right.
00:58:30 Like, what could he possibly be doing wrong?
00:58:33 I'll tell ya.
00:58:35 He's walking around the shopping cart full of stuff he must have stole it cause he's black.
00:58:49 My love you got.Speaker 1
00:58:50 There, yeah.Speaker 10
00:58:56 Put my bill right here.Speaker
00:59:00 And tell me where it.Speaker 8
00:59:01 Came from present for me.Speaker
00:59:19 Hold up.00:59:21 It's a pretty decent Christian.
Speaker 3
00:59:24 What's your name?Speaker 11
00:59:25 Radio. Radio.Speaker 10
00:59:27 Yeah. No, no. OK.Speaker 16
00:59:27 Hey, hey, hey, I said.00:59:31 Keep it here.
Speaker 10
00:59:36 Never hopeful return.Speaker 4
00:59:40 Alley owie owie.Devon
00:59:43 It's like how is?00:59:44 Isn't he like an Oscar winner now?
00:59:50 Uh, so you know he gets.
00:59:52 He didn't do nothing.
00:59:53 But he's black, so the evil white cop has to arrest him.
00:59:58 See that and.
00:59:59 Again, this is obviously obviously at this.
01:00:01 Point everyone has to realize as a metaphor.
01:00:05 Oh, these poor black people.
01:00:07 They what I mean, could you be more innocent than radio?
01:00:10 And yet even he is getting hassled by the white cops.
01:00:19 He gets taken down to the station.
01:00:22 And the other white cops know who he is.
Speaker 12
01:00:25 So like ohh you.Devon
01:00:26 Know he shouldn't rest him.01:00:27 He's he's just the town ******.
01:00:33 The boomer coach comes in.
01:00:34 He's like, yeah, you ******* bigot.
01:00:37 You ******* racist cop.
01:00:40 So what do they do? Well, they they do what they, you know, 20 years later, right. Every cop's very familiar with what they do.
01:00:48 They punish him.
01:00:50 Make him do all this extra paperwork and make him drive radio around and deliver him presents.
01:00:57 Because I he should have known.
01:00:58 Just like that Lady that that tried to protect her daughter from the crazy black guy pushing a shopping cart.
01:01:05 He should have known that a crazy black guy pushing a shopping cart full of of goods is is clearly just innocent, and there's no possible way that could have been anything.
01:01:20 So then they get radio to start doing the the announcements at school.
01:01:28 The whole school loves him.
01:01:30 He's the lovable, lovable ****** that does the announcements, and in fact, he's basically a superhero.
01:01:37 And this reenactment of of how the movie is portraying radio.
01:01:42 You will see exactly how you're supposed to feel about him.
Speaker 20
01:01:47 Good evening and welcome to the Justice Legions of America.01:01:53 As you all know.
01:01:54 The Justice Legion recently settled an affirmative action suit brought against it by the United States.
01:02:02 Apparently it was felt that the legions membership has shown a discriminatory preference for white men and incredibly beautiful white women.
01:02:15 As part of our settlement, without denying or admitting our.
01:02:20 I'd now like to present our newest members.
01:02:23 Please welcome our first Jewish superhero, beardman.
01:02:35 Chico, the human computer, our first our annual.
01:02:44 And of course, the woman who originally brought this suit against us, angry woman, the world's only black feminist lesbian superhero.
01:02:58 And last but not least, let's give a warm Justice League welcome.
01:03:04 For the newest handicapped superhero handyman.
Speaker 8
01:03:20 Thank you.01:03:23 I'm a man of few words and I'd like to say to all those who never believed in the power of the handicap.
01:03:32 They're the new sheriff in town.
01:03:35 But this is his badge.
01:03:41 And that, acting, surprisingly, is better than Cuba Gooding Junior's acting ohh boy.01:03:49 So cubic King Junior is now a a ******** superhero for the school.
01:03:57 And he's he's now helping the basketball team as well as the football team.
01:04:04 And the white kid that locked him in the equipment shed earlier in the film, he's still out to get handyman.
01:04:13 I mean, uh radio.
01:04:16 And so he tricks radio into going into the women's locker room.
01:04:23 He's like, oh, Are you sure?
01:04:25 I I I don't think I'm supposed to be there.
01:04:27 And he's like, oh, no, I'm sure just go in there and it'll be fine.
01:04:32 And so he goes in there and the white girls are, oh, my God, look radios in here.
01:04:39 He's he's a perv.
01:04:40 Oh, my God.
01:04:43 And once again.
01:04:46 Another fear because remember this, this whole thing's a metaphor. This whole thing is a metaphor about white boomers accepting black people in their society, right?
01:04:58 And what's one of the things they're worried about?
01:05:01 Ohh their white daughters.
01:05:03 What's going to happen when the black kids around their white daughters?
01:05:08 Well, now your your brain is saying.
01:05:11 Well, he's only.
01:05:11 There because he got tricked by that.
01:05:13 Evil white kid.
01:05:15 And and look, look how uncomfortable he is.
01:05:18 Look, look at this.
Speaker 12
01:05:34 Never go for return.Devon
01:05:37 So yeah.Speaker 12
01:05:39 How could you?Devon
01:05:40 Be worried about that.01:05:41 Look, he's he's clearly not creeping out.
01:05:43 Look, he's oh, he's so distressed.
Speaker 9
01:05:46 You got nothing to ******* worry about.Devon
01:05:50 You have nothing to ******* worry about.01:05:58 So the coach of course knows radio couldn't have possibly have gone into the the white girl's locker room on his own accord.
01:06:04 He must have been tricked by some white kids, so he tries to get him to admit, like, I know, I know you were tricked by some white kids.
01:06:14 You better tell me the white kids that tricked you into doing it.
01:06:19 And radio.
01:06:22 He's, you know, he's he's upstanding.
01:06:25 He's he's no rat.
01:06:26 He's not going to rat even though you know, he he was tricked by the white kids that don't like him.
01:06:33 He's no rat.
01:06:33 He's not going to talk to the the coach and tell him, but the coach is smart and he knows it was that ******* white kid.
01:06:41 Is that ******* blonde Aryan sports * white kid?
01:06:45 And so he goes and he's like.
01:06:47 Listen here, you little ****.
01:06:50 You little, you punk.
01:06:51 Listen here, you punk.
01:06:53 You're not playing in the next game cause I know you tricked radio into doing that, you ******* punk, you dirty, ******* racist, bigot punk.
01:07:06 Because nothing gets a boomer mad like a racist punk, right?
01:07:12 I think we're all we're all familiar with this.
01:07:15 Right, you're all everyone here that's participated on social media in any kind of racist, sly, realistic way.
01:07:24 You know, like anyone that's made comments that just, you know, maybe you're just pointing out crime statistics or something like that.
01:07:31 You've all encountered the enraged wrath of the the boomer that calls you a racist punk.
Speaker 9
01:07:39 What are you, some kind of you like Biden?Speaker 12
01:07:43 Because the Democrats are the real racists.Speaker 9
01:07:48 Ever notice that nothing ****** them off more?01:07:52 You get the the Conservative boomer who thinks he's ohh.
01:07:56 I'm extreme right wing you can't get.
01:07:58 More right wing than me.
01:08:00 And I know this because you know the Nazis, they weren't right wing, you know, they, you know, a lot of people don't know this.
01:08:05 It stands for the the National Socialist, you know, the socialist and they're socialists.
01:08:13 The Democrats are the real Nazis and.
01:08:16 And the real racist?
01:08:17 You're the KKK party, the KKK, the Democrats.
01:08:21 They're the ones that started the KKK.
01:08:27 You can give these boomers.01:08:30 All the statistics in the world.
01:08:33 About white replacement.
01:08:35 Show them all the videos you can find and they're not hard to find of white kids being beat up in school by black kids.
01:08:43 And they don't care.
01:08:44 They don't, they don't care.
01:08:46 In fact, if anything, they'll get mad at you.
01:08:48 Oh, you're just spreading hate.
01:08:50 Why are you spreading hate?
01:08:56 The thing that really gets their.
01:08:58 Panties in a bunch.
01:09:03 Is if you make fun of radio.
01:09:07 If you trick radio into doing something.
Speaker 9
01:09:12 Like BLM, remember that how many boomers thought that they ohh.01:09:16 They're being they're being tricked.
01:09:18 They're being tricked by white Antifa.01:09:20 Remember that.
01:09:28 It's it's not.
01:09:29 No, it's not a race ride.
01:09:30 They're being tricked by white Antifa.
01:09:38 Just like radio got tricked into going into the girls locker room.
Speaker 11
01:09:43 I 've.Devon
01:09:51 So then, uh, the coach goes home and his daughter says Ohh. Terrible News Radio's Mom died of a heart attack.Speaker 12
01:10:00 And he's like, ah ****.01:10:03 ******* this.
01:10:04 This radio kid just can't.
01:10:06 He can't catch a break.
01:10:09 Just can't ******* catch a break.
01:10:13 So it goes and sees radio and radios full ****** crying about.01:10:20 His mom being dead.
01:10:24 But he's like, don't worry.
01:10:26 Don't worry, you got white boomer savior here to set to help.
01:10:30 I'll take.
01:10:30 Care of you?
01:10:33 And the daughter's like, yeah.
01:10:35 I don't need a father.
01:10:38 Save radio.
01:10:39 He deserves it more than I do.
01:10:44 And he's like, I'm.
01:10:45 I'm glad.
01:10:46 I'm glad you've grown.
01:10:48 I'm I I I'm proud to.
01:10:49 Call you my daughter.
01:10:50 Now that you can see that radio deserves me more than you do.
01:11:02 But then that ******* that told them not to relax shows up.
01:11:05 And he's like, yeah, I've been hearing this stuff about, like, he went into the like the.
01:11:09 Girls locker room, I mean this.
01:11:11 I tried to warn you guys and I told you not to relax and this is looking, uh, not looking good.
01:11:18 I'm thinking we're gonna have to ban radio from the campus.
01:11:21 I just don't see why we have this.
01:11:23 Like, why?
01:11:23 Why is he here?
01:11:25 What's the point?
01:11:26 Like, why?
01:11:26 Why is he here exactly?
01:11:28 I guess you feel bad for him.
01:11:30 But like, beyond that?
01:11:32 Like, what's the actual like?
01:11:33 Why is he here?
01:11:36 Like you feeling bad for him.
01:11:38 Doesn't mean he gets to be here, so why is he here?
01:11:45 And coach gets mad.
01:11:47 He's like, oh, that's all that ******* racist guys fault.
01:11:50 So he storms down to go give the racist guy talking to and wouldn't you know it, that racist guy, just like all bankers, is a white racist banker.
01:12:03 Like, can't they do that in movies?
01:12:06 Has there ever been a Jewish banker in a movie?
01:12:11 I mean, besides Harry Potter, has there ever been a Jewish banker?
01:12:19 So he goes down to the bank.
Speaker 12
01:12:20 And he's like you racist ****.Speaker 2
01:12:26 What can I do?Speaker 16
01:12:26 For you, what are you trying to do?01:12:28 Here, Frank, I'm afraid I don't understand.
01:12:31 What you do?
01:12:32 Calling the school board, making complaints about reading this is about you getting back at me for cracking down on your board.
01:12:38 Nothing more than that.
Speaker 3
01:12:39 Now, now let's not.Speaker 2
01:12:40 Let's go off making this all personal, right?Speaker 10
01:12:42 It is personal, would.Speaker 2
01:12:43 It is not person.01:12:44 Besides which, if it was, I wouldn't have most the guys over there and don't feel the same way I do.
Speaker 16
01:12:50 Yeah. What one is that?Speaker 2
01:12:53 You're one of the finest coaches in the upstate.01:12:56 And with John and the boys, we got coming back next year.
01:13:01 It's just better if we do things the way we used to.
01:13:07 See, he's just a white nationalist.01:13:08 He's saying like, look, look.
01:13:12 I get you feel bad for the the ******** black kid.
01:13:19 But at the end of the.
01:13:19 Day. So ******* what?
01:13:23 Why can't we go back to the way?
01:13:26 We were kicking ***** before.
01:13:29 Why do we?
01:13:29 Gotta waste all these all these resources.
01:13:33 On this ******** black kid that has nothing to.
01:13:36 Do with us.
01:13:40 Why is this our responsibility?
Speaker 9
01:13:43 You could be a good coach.01:13:46 You could lead us to victory.
01:13:50 But you're too busy sitting there crying about black unemployment to get anything *******.Speaker 9
01:13:54 Done for us.Devon
01:13:59 And he's the bad guy for this.01:14:02 Just like Tucker Carlson thinks you're the bad guy.
01:14:06 For thinking the same way.
01:14:12 See Tucker Carlson is is the perfect see?
01:14:15 He's not the demographic.
01:14:16 For this movie.
01:14:18 He's an evangelist for this kind of thinking.
01:14:28 He's just proselytizing this exact same message to a different audience 20 years later.
01:14:38 You ******* Nazi. **** you.
01:14:49 So the boomer gets mad and storms out because he's he's not going to talk.
01:14:55 You can't reason with these these bigots.
01:15:00 And he decides I'm going to.
01:15:02 I'm going to.
01:15:02 Teach radio how to read and write and get him a get him a high school diploma.
01:15:14 So he's doubling and tripling and quadrupling down.
01:15:17 Now instead of justice inconveniencing the team and not having very much time for his wife and daughter, he's he's like full time.
01:15:27 Everything I do is for radio.
01:15:40 And the white kid.
01:15:42 That was cruel to him in the beginning.
01:15:45 Even he starts to like radio because radio didn't rat him out.
Speaker 12
01:15:57 He's like, sorry.Devon
01:16:02 So I'm glad you didn't wrap me out.01:16:05 And he's on the basketball team, so he he gets to go and save the day and win all the the games for the the the, the home team.
01:16:18 Radio is excited and their friends now.
01:16:22 But his *******?
01:16:24 Bigot dad, he's like.
Speaker 12
01:16:29 Why you being friends with that, that radio kid?01:16:34 And he's like, you're a racist dad.
01:16:40 The chain of bigotry ends here.
01:16:43 See this is.01:16:44 Another common thing that you saw in lots of movies and TV shows in the 90s, over and over and over again.
01:16:49 It was the theme that ohh, you know, racism is learned.
01:16:53 Don't pass the disease of racism.
01:16:55 To your children.
01:17:07 Don't tell them not to relax.
01:17:14 Leave them completely vulnerable.
01:17:19 Fill their head with the comfortable lies that we boomers tell ourselves as we go to sleep at night so that we can go to sleep at night.
01:17:30 That race is skin deep and we're all just the same and behave accordingly.
01:17:35 What could go wrong?
01:17:44 In fact, if you do anything but that.
01:17:48 You're a bad parent.
01:17:49 It's basically child abuse.
01:17:51 You're infecting your child with this disease.
01:17:53 The social disease called.
01:17:59 Bigotry and racism.
01:18:08 But he doesn't learn.
01:18:10 The old bigot doesn't learn.
01:18:14 They have a town meeting at the barbershop.
01:18:20 They want to talk about what to do with this radio kid.
01:18:30 And that's when.
Speaker 12
01:18:33 You get this stirring speech.Speaker 16
01:18:38 We got ourselves a.01:18:39 Young man, we're not thinking about.
01:18:44 The same young man who could hardly talk when we first met him, and now he's making announcements in the.
01:18:49 Morning over loudspeaker.
Speaker 3
01:18:52 Same young man who?Speaker 16
01:18:54 Got himself a football letter last fall, but he never wears it because he can't afford it.Speaker 8
01:18:59 It's a giant handicap sign.01:19:05 I'd love to stay in chat, but there's someone who needs my help.
01:19:10 I'll be back.
Speaker 4
01:19:14 The word.Speaker 16
01:19:15 I know some of you don't know or don't care about all that radios learned over these past few months, but the truth is we're not the ones been teaching radio.01:19:31 Radio has one been teaching us?
01:19:38 Ohh and then of course that smog little.01:19:42 Message that they the little cherry they put on top of all these movies.
01:19:49 Not only.
01:19:53 Does radio have nothing to gain from learning from you?
01:19:58 You should be so lucky to have radio.
01:20:03 You are the one that's really benefiting from from radio.
01:20:19 That's how all these movies are like, especially like the white Savior movies.
01:20:24 The moral of the story?
01:20:27 The moral of the story is never like, oh, you know, it's a good thing that that white lady went to the ghetto to teach those kids.
01:20:35 Because someone had to do it right, and I guess it's the white man's burden.
01:20:38 Of course.
01:20:38 That's obviously never the the message, right?
01:20:41 No, the message is she's the lucky 1.
01:20:47 Those kids had so much to teach her.
01:21:02 Radio then somehow graduates from high school.
01:21:11 It ends with.
01:21:14 This touching song I want you to listen to the lyrics.
01:21:16 Of this song.
01:21:18 Listen very carefully to this song.
01:21:21 That plays during the ending credits.
Speaker 1
01:21:27 Close your eyes, love will.01:21:41 Child with all the same, we are all God's children. She gets simple. The one you call stranger.
01:22:18 Chance to take the chance to make.
Speaker 6
01:22:26 We are all the same.Devon
01:22:30 Literally, it's like the worst song ever, but it's the it's.01:22:32 The perfect song for the perfect movie, right?
Speaker 12
01:22:42 So that is.Devon
01:22:45 That's radio, I think.01:22:48 I think my version of.
01:22:49 The movie was.
01:22:50 Better, I don't know.
01:22:51 I don't know.
01:22:53 See, I told you.
01:22:54 I I.
01:22:54 I I saved saved.
01:22:56 You all the time in the beginning, just by showing you my version of the movie.
01:23:11 But there you go.
01:23:13 There you go.
01:23:14 So that's the kind of poison that Hollywood is really good at putting out.
01:23:19 And you know what?
01:23:19 It's not that hard to put on a movie like that when you have budgets like they did for this movie.
01:23:26 A budget of 30 ******* million dollars.
01:23:32 And that's in 2003 money.
01:23:42 They spent $30 million.
01:23:48 On justice, this one of.
01:23:51 Mini in a sea of movies basically exactly like this and television shows and.
01:23:57 Books and after school specials and all.
01:24:00 This other garbage.
01:24:11 Meanwhile, made nothing.
01:24:14 Made absolutely nothing.
01:24:21 There's not a movie that exists.
01:24:24 That tells the other side of of the segregation store there's.
01:24:27 Not even one.
01:24:29 There's not even one movie.
01:24:31 That's even kind of sympathetic.
01:24:36 To the other side of that story.
01:24:39 Or any story of that nature.
Speaker 9
01:24:44 There's not a single movie.Devon
01:24:48 Depicting diversity, even accurately.01:24:54 You can't even get a movie that just doesn't have white guilt.
01:25:02 Right.
01:25:03 Like it it's maybe it's not pro white, but it it doesn't have white guilt injected into it.
01:25:12 Doesn't exist.
01:25:19 And you know what's crazier?
01:25:21 The movie cost 30 million to make.
01:25:25 Because it was a family friendly movie that tons of conservatives brought their kids to, tons of boomer conservatives like Garen ******* to you brought.
01:25:34 They're kids to this movie.
01:25:38 It made $52.6 million.
01:25:49 $52.6 million.
01:25:57 So that was a A, a net of $22 million if you invested in this movie you you walked home with 22.
01:26:04 Million ******* dollars.
01:26:11 See the way this works is you can now if you're one of these producers.
01:26:16 Get that $22 million?
01:26:18 And fund another one.
01:26:21 And then that makes money.
01:26:24 Rinse and repeat.
01:26:27 Look, and the people that your mind.
01:26:29 ******* are lining up, lining up.
01:26:33 Money in their fist their grubby little.
01:26:37 Greasy fists.
01:26:42 Buying the extra large popcorn.
01:26:46 And a box of milk duds.
01:26:50 While you mind rape them willingly, so I guess it's not rape if you.
01:26:54 Like it right?
01:26:56 **** ******* maybe.
01:27:06 You know, it's funny.
01:27:08 This movie you can watch for free on YouTube.
01:27:14 Of course, it's got ads, right?
01:27:16 It's ad supported, so it's still making funny.
01:27:18 It's still making money.
01:27:20 This movie today still makes money.
01:27:26 It's we all know how bad that movie is, right?
01:27:29 Just watched part.
01:27:29 Of it.
01:27:30 If I go to the YouTube page.
01:27:38 There's not a.
01:27:38 Single bad comment.
01:27:44 The number one is such an amazing, incredible film, both Cuba Gooding Junior and Ed Harris give some outstanding performances here.
01:27:53 Thanks YouTube for making this.
01:27:55 Available to watch for free.
01:27:58 The part when radio lost his mother brought tears.
Speaker 12
01:28:01 To my eyes.Devon
01:28:03 What a movie makes you laugh and.01:28:06 Makes you cry.
Speaker 9
01:28:08 No matter what, we are, what color?Devon
01:28:10 We are or how smart we are.01:28:12 We can make it together.
01:28:17 Another one, the real James Kennedy, passed away not too long ago.
01:28:21 RIP to the real radio.
01:28:24 Cuba definitely paid tribute to you the way you deserved.
01:28:28 I should hope not.
01:28:28 I'd be ******.
01:28:35 Another comment that Part 1 radio.
01:28:38 And the officer is watching the game, eating sandwiches while the cop arrested him do paperwork that made me laugh.
01:28:45 Can't stop watching this film?
01:28:46 The cast is phenomenal.
01:28:50 How everyone learned from that awesome young man.
01:28:54 The little things make a big difference.
01:29:00 And on and on and on, I scrolled down for I tried to find one that was just like, yeah, the acting.
01:29:05 Is bad, no?
01:29:07 Not one, not one.
01:29:12 Scroll down page page page.
01:29:14 Good movie.
01:29:15 I watched it 10 times, says.
01:29:18 Ninja 40.
01:29:23 Cuba Gooding Junior is a damn fine actor, says Heather W.
01:29:28 I don't know.
01:29:29 I mean, maybe somebody, I mean, I'm gonna start a feel like these comments can't all be real.
01:29:34 The acting so obviously bad but.
01:29:38 Yeah, not a single bad comment.
01:29:43 Going all the way down, probably a lot of black people commenting, I don't know, but.
01:29:53 So that movie still making money?
01:29:54 That's the thing about IP.
01:29:59 Is they make sure it makes money forever.
01:30:08 All right.
01:30:09 Well, we got like an amazing amount of hyper chats somehow.
01:30:14 Like I don't.
01:30:15 Yeah, I mean, I like it.
01:30:18 We had a bunch where I just started before I even went live.
01:30:21 I was like what?
01:30:21 The ****?
01:30:22 What's going on here?
01:30:22 I didn't even said anything yet.
01:30:25 Do you guys like get ******** that good?
Speaker 12
01:30:28 He likes the ********.Devon
01:30:32 There's another ******** thing I was going.01:30:33 To play, let me see everything.
Speaker 22
01:30:35 Do I still?Devon
01:30:35 Have it here.01:30:40 Oh no, I found this other thing that was kind of.
01:30:42 Funny was this is completely unrelated, I might say of.
Speaker 16
01:30:47 This for another time.Devon
01:30:51 Yeah, I'll probably say that prime time.01:30:58 OK, let me take a look at Hyper jets here.
01:31:06 Pop this up, pop out the chat.
Speaker 16
01:31:15 All right.Devon
01:31:18 Nazi dice simply just says *******.01:31:26 Harmless G.
01:31:27 Did you watch the JSF?
01:31:29 Milo tried to sleep with Nick Fontez.
01:31:32 Nick Dodge stream.
01:31:33 Can we get 2 fagots from Milo and Ally Alexander?
01:31:37 Uh, no, I I I watched the the the part of it with the allegation that or whatever, I believe it, you know.
01:31:45 I believe it.
01:31:46 That's what.
01:31:47 Look, I have been saying for a really long time.
01:31:50 And by the way, I I I mentioned that Allie Alexander, the guy who looks like a dysgenic Sammy Davis junior, and that's saying something to Sammy Davis.
01:31:59 Junior doesn't exactly look like a handsome man.
01:32:02 I said back during the stop the steal, when that when he was first grifting off, stop the steel and I would love to know how much money.
01:32:08 He had Lynnwood conned out of out of the kinds of people that probably loved this movie.
01:32:16 Back in November of 2020.
01:32:19 I showed screenshots on my telegram and it got a lot of views. Got like 23,000 views. There's no way people didn't know that he had been actively hitting on 12 year old kids, 12 year old Kids, 12 year old boys.
01:32:35 That he had a grinder account when he lived in DC, that he was literally.
Speaker 9
01:32:40 Karl Rove's **** boy.Devon
01:32:43 There's there's no way people.01:32:46 Didn't know this.
Speaker 9
01:32:47 There's no way.Devon
01:32:53 See, This is why principles are important.01:32:57 This is why sometimes, when you think you're being pragmatic, you're just being ******* ********.
01:33:04 Because as it turns out, having principles is kind of ******* pragmatic.
Speaker 12
01:33:09 Hindsight being what it is.Devon
01:33:14 Never trust a ******.Speaker 9
01:33:17 Never trust a fan, especially if.01:33:22 If your official platform.
01:33:25 Is we need to get rid of the fagots.01:33:27 Why would you trust a ****** to help you accomplish that?
01:33:41 See, This is why.
01:33:46 It's very pragmatic to not involve these people.
01:33:49 You don't want a big tent.
01:33:53 That's what that's what is wrong with the right right now, is it they they went with a big tent.
Speaker 9
01:34:01 And you know what goes on in big tents?01:34:03 ******* circuses.
01:34:09 So if you want to.01:34:10 Be a ******* circus.
01:34:12 Hey, go right ahead, right.
01:34:16 But if you want to get something done, you don't let fagots in your organization.
01:34:23 Certainly not in leadership positions, but no you.
01:34:25 Don't even want them at your events.
01:34:33 It's funny because right now if you were to say hey.
Speaker 9
01:34:39 We should invite pedophiles to this Trump.Devon
01:34:41 Rally the all the Trump you know.Speaker 9
01:34:42 The couple. Ohh. What? No.Devon
01:34:46 But in 10 years, you know that they're they're going to be speaking at Trump rallies or you.01:34:50 Know whatever the equivalent is.
Speaker 9
01:34:52 You're going to have the based Peto.Devon
01:34:57 We already have base ********.Speaker 9
01:35:08 No, fagots aren't based.Devon
01:35:12 And and look, This is why I like I've said in the past, I just would refuse the help of people that are not me, people that are not in my my my interest group.01:35:25 Because we have different interests.
01:35:29 And thanks, but no thanks.
01:35:30 I appreciate your support, but.
01:35:37 We got this.
01:35:42 Isn't part of why we want to preserve white people as we think that we have a specific way of doing things, and that's something we want to preserve.
01:35:49 Is this specifically specific way of doing things?
01:35:54 So why would you want to have outside?
01:35:56 Help come in and.
01:36:00 Alter it isn't it?
01:36:01 Isn't that like a microcosm for what you're complaining about?
01:36:06 Is that what you're saying is wrong with America is you have all these other groups coming in from outside and ******* all everything up?
Speaker 14
01:36:12 So we're going to form a.Devon
01:36:13 Group and then we have these people from outside.Speaker 12
01:36:18 To help out.Devon
01:36:23 It's ******* stupid.01:36:25 It's ******* stupid.
01:36:27 And and whatever.
01:36:28 Right, whatever.
01:36:33 And and everyone everyone knew about Milo.
01:36:37 I don't think very many people take his.
01:36:40 I'm not gay anymore.
01:36:52 I think I look, I think it would take Pence electrocuting him for a lot longer than than he's planning to be straight to be straight.
01:37:03 I know the British accent confuses a lot of people because those people just sound gay half the time.
01:37:07 Anyway, right? But.
01:37:09 You know.
Speaker 9
01:37:12 He does not sound like a straight man.01:37:14 Not hard. It's not hard.
01:37:17 Your gaydar doesn't have to be that sensitive.01:37:24 Yeah, it it's, it's amazing to me.
01:37:27 It's amazing to me.
01:37:28 Uh, that.
01:37:31 Yeah, whatever. Whatever.
01:37:41 Makes you wonder how serious one would one could be, though, about Christianity.
01:37:48 If you think.
01:37:51 The ends justify the means.
01:37:52 I don't remember that part of the the New Testament when Jesus was like, yeah.
01:37:56 And if you gotta, like, have a a ****** around to help you achieve your ambitions, then then you should do that.
01:38:03 I forget that that chapter.
01:38:07 Of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, where, where, where exactly is that?
01:38:10 I don't know.
01:38:14 It was that part of the Sermon on the Mount.
01:38:19 And if you need to associate with gay pedophiles.
01:38:25 To boost your popularity then do it.
01:38:33 I don't know what do I know though, right?
01:38:38 I mean, maybe it's a Catholic thing.
01:38:40 There does seem to be a correlation between Catholicism and and gay pedos, so I could.
01:38:49 See how maybe people would be.
Speaker 9
01:38:50 Confused that Milo and Elliot Alexander would.Speaker 4
01:38:53 Were are just priests.Devon
01:38:58 OK.01:39:00 Calm, calm.
01:39:01 Calm down Catholics.
01:39:04 Calm down.
01:39:08 Nazi dice just simply says and large type.
01:39:14 Skeeter Mcbutter Genghis Khan created an empire with strong, healthy men who ate nothing but horse meat.
01:39:20 Because of this diet, they were able to be highly mobile, not only because their food ran with them, but also because in a ketogenic state one doesn't need to eat multiple times a day.
01:39:33 This day.
Speaker 8
01:39:38 Cash flow checkout.Speaker
01:39:45 I'd like to return this duck.Devon
01:39:47 I have nothing horse related so.01:39:49 I got that one instead.
01:39:50 The Mongolian horse breed is very hard, very Hardy animal.
01:39:55 It can graze just about anywhere.
01:39:57 They're smart and train easy.
01:39:58 Despite their size, they're very muscular.
01:40:01 Think of them as the Joe Rogan of Horses.
01:40:04 This may well.
01:40:05 They're not very big then, huh?
01:40:07 This may be an an Ave.
01:40:09 to look look down as far as creating parallel societies and food.
01:40:13 I don't want to eat horse.
Speaker 12
01:40:16 I don't want to eat horse.Devon
01:40:19 There's easier ways of.01:40:20 Getting meat than eating horse like and if you don't have the room for like cattle, which is I think the ultimate.
01:40:30 I mean, you get like zebus, right?
01:40:33 Zebras are like the.
01:40:33 Little little tiny cows that can fit on smaller properties or goats.
01:40:41 But yeah, I mean, look, you just need a.
01:40:45 You just need a lot of land.
01:40:46 If you're gonna.
01:40:47 Eat meat that you're gonna grow yourself, and there's people that have a lot of land that can do that.
01:40:54 Just just by by meat from the the Bundys.
01:41:02 Yeah, I don't want to eat horse.
01:41:05 Nazi Dice, says foreskin vampires.
01:41:11 Hey, Devin, I know you've said you wouldn't ever review any Kubrick movies because they've all already been picked apart, but what about an episode on the man himself?
01:41:22 He started making movies right after World War 2 and checked the early life on wiki.
01:41:27 Would be curious to hear your take on his life.
01:41:30 And death?
01:41:30 I don't know.
01:41:32 I'm not usually when I do these, you'd be there's.
01:41:36 Not like a.
01:41:39 It's it's pretty chaotic the way that I decide what I'm streaming on.
01:41:44 It's usually it.
01:41:45 I don't have a lot of plans, like I didn't plan on doing radio.
01:41:49 I I found radio looking for something out that's almost almost 100% of the time I'm looking for something else and I'm like what?
01:41:55 The **** is this?
01:41:56 And I'm like, Oh my God.
01:41:58 And then it get it turns into a rabbit hole, and then I just basically.
01:42:03 Show you like how I went down the rabbit hole.
01:42:07 I just do it.
01:42:07 You know I do it again with you guys.
01:42:10 It's not like it's usually not that planned out.
01:42:14 But you know, maybe.
01:42:18 I just feel like it's it's.
01:42:19 It's it's.
01:42:20 It's more fun to stream that way for both of us too, when it's not like this college lecture, it's more like.
01:42:27 Hey, look at this weird thing I found.
01:42:31 It's more like show and tell than.
01:42:33 Then, alright, now we're going to spend the next 20 minutes just on the the appearance of rainbows in the.
01:42:41 Eyes wide shut. Movie.
01:42:45 On a different subject, I always enjoy hearing the snippet parables of young Devin.
01:42:49 When you do share them, would you ever do a time machine episode where you take us through all the major moments in your life that brought you here?
01:42:58 Either way, catching up on some overdue tipping.
01:43:01 Good night?
01:43:01 Well, I appreciate that.
01:43:03 I I mean, I don't know I.
01:43:05 I my life's not super interesting.
Speaker 9
01:43:08 A lot of.Devon
01:43:08 You'd be surprised at how random **** is.01:43:11 And it doesn't stop.
01:43:13 I think everyone's, I hope everyone's life is like this, because it would be boring if it wasn't.
01:43:18 But in the same way that I discover things to stream about, that's usually what informs like how I you know where I Live Today, right?
01:43:26 The the pillbox I I had no plan, never at any point in time was like I've I figured out a plan.
Speaker 9
01:43:33 I need to move to this location and blah.Devon
01:43:35 Blah, no, it was literally I.01:43:36 I was searching for like the cheapest place I could.
01:43:40 And I made like a list of.
01:43:42 You know, five or six places.
01:43:44 Went, drove and visited all of them, and this was the least ******.
01:43:50 And then I just bought it because it was so cheap.
01:43:52 I could pay cash for it.
01:43:54 And that was a big deal because I.
01:43:56 Don't believe in usury.
Speaker 12
01:44:00 And it was that should tell you how.01:44:02 Cheap it was too.
01:44:04 We're talking cheaper than than.01:44:06 Actually, probably all new cars nowadays.
01:44:10 Very cheap.
01:44:12 In fact cheaper than.
01:44:13 Many used cars.
01:44:18 And that's why I live here and I like it.
01:44:20 And and things have happened weirdly since I've been out here just.
01:44:25 You know, like the the, the, the, my going getting into bees.
01:44:28 That wasn't a plan.
01:44:29 I was never like.
Speaker 12
01:44:30 Ohh and then I'll have bees.Devon
01:44:33 No, I I bought.01:44:34 This place, and there were bees in the ceiling, and I was like ****.
01:44:37 I got bees in the ceiling.
01:44:38 What am I gonna do with these ******* bees?
01:44:40 And I had to learn about.
01:44:42 And so that's what happened.
01:44:44 So yeah, it's just, it's just all random.
01:44:48 My life is very chaotic.
01:44:54 Had to yell at.
01:44:55 There's some.
01:44:55 There's some growling going on over here.
01:44:59 There's going to be some.
01:45:01 Some cat fighting, I think soon.
01:45:05 But yeah, there's uh, it was uh.
01:45:09 Yeah, that's how my whole life's been. It's just I I I got. I I'm not a planner so much as I'm. I'm winging it and I think.
01:45:15 That's how most people are.
01:45:17 Ram playing games.
01:45:19 This is funny.
01:45:19 Some leftist activist in that recent anti second or amendment protest emulates.
01:45:27 The black civil rights sing song pitch, along with an Afro, it honestly looks and sounds like parody.
01:45:34 I think most people saw that.
01:45:36 That's the.
01:45:38 One of the Tennessee.
01:45:41 State senators that got ejected.
01:45:45 UM.
01:45:48 Ohh me close it.
Speaker 14
01:45:49 On outsiders.Devon
01:45:49 Ah, I hate I need.01:45:52 To get a new browser for this stuff.
01:46:04 Is he?
01:46:04 But here's the thing.
01:46:05 Is he as ******** as?
01:46:10 His radio.
01:46:14 Where's my button for this?
01:46:18 Where's my ******* button?
Speaker 16
01:46:23 There we go.Speaker 6
01:46:26 It was a sad day on Saturday.01:46:29 All hope seemed to be lost.
01:46:31 Representatives were thrown out of the State House.
01:46:34 Democracy seemed to be at its end seem like the NRA and gun lobbyists might win.
01:46:42 Well, we know he doesn't actually talk like that.01:46:43 I've seen.
01:46:44 I was hoping this would have a.
01:46:45 Clip of him.
01:46:47 There's there's video of him when he was younger going to, I don't know, some Ivy League school that he was affirmative action into and he just sounds like a normal black guy.
01:47:01 It's it's it's theater politics.
01:47:03 It's theater.
01:47:05 It's all theater, but and.
01:47:06 You think it's funny, but a.
01:47:07 Lot of people don't.
01:47:10 The black people are probably digging it.
01:47:12 Look, look, that's not even new.
01:47:15 Obama did the same ****.
01:47:16 Obama doesn't sound black, right when he talks, he just sounds like a a normal person.
01:47:23 But when he would talk to black Hillary Clinton, for ***** sake, when she would talk to black audiences, all of a sudden.
01:47:28 She sounded black.
01:47:32 And you know what, even to some extent, a lot of Republicans do that same ****.
01:47:37 It's just it's just, you know, it's a condescension.
01:47:41 And that even apparently even blacks participate in.
01:47:45 Grant playing games, the cartoonist Doctor Seuss is often referenced, but he did American Pro World War 2 propaganda and those cartoons were pretty cringe.
01:47:53 He helped smear people like Lindbergh.
01:47:56 I think political cartoonists are the worst class of editorial journalists their stuff.
01:48:05 Then and now looks cringe and ********.
01:48:07 Yeah, it's usually not the most insightful.
01:48:10 It's it's in fact, I'm a little surprised that you gave a make a living, you know, doing that anymore it it's.
01:48:18 You know, I I've never understood it.
01:48:20 Even when I was a little kid reading, I used to hate.
01:48:24 When they what was the what was?
01:48:25 The political comic back.
01:48:27 In the 90s, that was Doonesbury or something like that.
01:48:30 But I I I would.
01:48:31 I would love getting the comics page and I'd.
01:48:33 Get to that when I'd be like, oh God.
01:48:36 Yeah, like it's just bad.
01:48:38 It's always bad.
Speaker 1
01:48:40 UM.Devon
01:48:43 Yeah, Nazi dice, mystery meat, spice and Vader.01:48:47 Bean bag of hybrid.
01:48:48 Alright, now you're just getting weird.
01:48:51 They're just getting really weird on us.
01:48:53 Nazi dice.
01:48:54 I think you've been maybe hitting the sauce a little bit tonight.
01:48:59 Alright, now we got night train 88.
01:49:03 With with some big old ball money.
Speaker 4
01:49:07 Money is power.01:49:09 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself.
01:49:13 Go, Julie, this *** is.01:49:33 And you say don't worry scro which I don't know if you mean, I don't know.
01:49:37 What that means?
01:49:39 There's plenty of ***** out there, living real, ****-*** lives.
01:49:44 OK, well, despite not.
01:49:48 Being able to interpret what that any of that means. I appreciate the support there night train 88.
01:49:57 I wish there was a.
01:50:00 Wish we had like a.
01:50:04 The radio going.
01:50:06 I wish I had.
01:50:06 I I should.
01:50:07 Have clipped that.
01:50:08 Cause I I would have given you a radio for that.
01:50:11 But thank you very much.
01:50:12 It is very much appreciated especially for this this stream.
01:50:15 This stream took a lot longer than they normally.
01:50:18 Do see This is why.
01:50:19 I couldn't do it Wednesday.
01:50:21 I was still editing that masterpiece that most of most of you were probably annoyed.
01:50:26 By I played at the very beginning.
01:50:30 Graham playing games more interesting illustrator in the 1930s and 1940s.
01:50:38 Her gang George. Prosper Remi, who wrote Tin Tin 1/2 Walloon half Flemish Belgian. He didn't really support the war and was disgusted by the Allied French regimes actions. What they tried to do to him and his friends was.
01:50:59 Spiteful unread Pilling.
01:51:02 UM.
01:51:06 Was was that Rin Rin Tin Tin?
01:51:09 Because didn't Steven Spielberg make a movie of that?
01:51:15 Let me look that up.
01:51:20 I don't know if like.
01:51:21 Tin Tin is the same as Rin Tin Tin.
01:51:25 Was Tin tin adventures of tin tin.
01:51:31 Yeah, I think uh Steven Spielberg made a movie.
01:51:38 Using that IP right?
01:51:42 Yeah, the adventures of Tin Tin was a 2011 film directed by Steven Spielberg.
01:51:49 So either Steven Spielberg was.
01:51:51 Subverting this tent, I don't know.
01:51:53 I honestly, I just know the name.
01:51:54 That's the reason why I know that that happened.
01:51:57 I've never seen. I've never watched 1010 or anything 1010 related. I just remember Steven Spielberg an interview back then talking about how he was purchasing.
01:52:07 The the IP and doing the movie.
01:52:11 And I never saw the movie like that.
01:52:13 Well, there you go.
01:52:18 Take your red exit pill.
01:52:22 It might be interesting to review comment on the movie surviving the game.
01:52:27 Ice tea is hired as a survival guide for a group of wealthy businessmen on a hunting trip in the mountains, unaware that they are killers.
01:52:38 Oh yeah, I I vaguely remember this movie.
Speaker 12
01:52:42 Man, the most dangerous game.01:52:45 Iced tea, the the rapper who brought us cop killer.
01:52:50 Is now being hunted by white business men.
01:52:54 Wasn't he, like, supposed to?01:52:55 He's like some homeless guy that they tried to hunt.
01:52:57 And of course.
01:52:58 He outsmarts them all and I.
01:52:59 Don't know I I.
01:53:00 Vaguely remember that being a movie?
01:53:05 Graham playing games part of the point about herg is other than he and tin tin or are worthwhile, the French resistance sounds similar to Antifa today in many.
01:53:17 Cruel, brutal, disgusting in a lot of ways, heard with his highly regarded reputation in France and Belgium, saved his friends from Crispin and execution.
01:53:30 There you go.
01:53:30 There's that's a a portion of European history that I'm not familiar with, but I will take your word for it.
01:53:38 Florida, man. Greetings. Devin's been a while since I caught one live. This 5 second clip is for all the guys in chat spamming fagots.
01:53:48 I don't know, dare I?
01:53:52 See you guys just that's that, that doesn't qualify as context.
01:53:58 And does not qualify.
01:54:00 As context.
Speaker 10
01:54:05 That's so gay.Speaker 3
01:54:06 You ******. So you're.Speaker 1
01:54:08 A queer, aren't you?Speaker 6
01:54:09 Clear ******.Speaker 9
01:54:12 And I've I've.Devon
01:54:14 I played this when I was uh.01:54:17 When I was doing that, I did a stream about how they brainwashed people to stop using gays and insult.
01:54:25 Something that never should.
Speaker 9
01:54:28 See, that's that's why.Devon
01:54:30 I mean they both.01:54:31 Not only do they get you to stop saying ****** or and and *** ** * as an insult, but they also got you to stop saying ******** for part of the partially the same reason you're supposed to embrace dysgenics.
01:54:45 You can't say ******** as something bad.
01:54:49 They're special and look, no one was going to ******* ********.
01:54:52 People and saying.
Speaker 9
01:54:53 What's up, ******?Devon
01:54:56 Like maybe in that movie they were doing that, but no.01:54:58 One in real life was doing that.
01:55:00 Right.
01:55:01 You're not going around like like.
01:55:02 Harassing ******** people and calling them *******.
01:55:08 But you're not allowed to say it because that's implying that there's something bad about being ********, no?
Speaker 9
01:55:13 It's you're special.Devon
01:55:16 You're special.01:55:17 If you're dysgenic, you're special.
01:55:19 If you've got a defect.
01:55:25 We're the ones that should be.
01:55:26 Learning from you.
01:55:30 It's this.
01:55:30 It's it's more of this look and and to the.
01:55:35 To the modern Christian brain.
Speaker 9
01:55:38 That sounds legit.Devon
01:55:42 Oh yeah, we're all God's children. And even this ****** is and and they're special.01:55:50 And again, no one's saying be.
01:55:51 Cruel to ********.
01:55:53 No one, I don't think anyone.
01:55:55 'S ever advocated that.
01:56:00 But we just don't look.
01:56:01 We certainly don't want them.
Speaker 9
01:56:03 I I don't know if.Devon
01:56:04 You guys seen that?01:56:05 I, I'm sure you have.
01:56:06 Right?
01:56:07 There's that awful tick tocker where she's got this horrible disfiguring genetic disease.
01:56:16 And doctors told her if you have a kid, they're going to have.
01:56:22 This same horrible disfiguring genetic disease.
01:56:27 And she said **** it and had a kid anyway.
01:56:31 And now she parades this monster kid on TikTok.
01:56:35 And everyone says how awesome she is.
01:56:40 I I I'm I don't wonder how you would.
Speaker 16
01:56:41 Even find that I'm gonna.Devon
01:56:43 I'm gonna search Twitter for deformed kid to talk.01:56:51 Is there going to is that?
01:56:52 Going to come up with a.
01:56:52 Deformed kid, TikTok.
Speaker 9
01:56:57 Oh, there's no.Devon
01:56:58 Deformed kid.01:56:59 Tick tock.
01:56:59 Come on.
01:57:00 There's gotta be.
Speaker 12
01:57:02 It's gotta be.Devon
01:57:05 Hey, does regular chat have?01:57:08 Well, I don't know.
01:57:09 Let me see.
01:57:11 Let me see if I can see.
01:57:12 Let me see if I can find this.
01:57:16 It's horrifying. Oh God, I should not have looked for deformed kid TikTok there I just.
01:57:21 The amount of horror that's on my screen right now and none of it's what I'm looking for.
01:57:28 Anyway it's it's.
01:57:31 That's the kind of thing that that I think is immoral.
01:57:38 You know at that point it's you're just being, you're being immoral.
01:57:42 And it's big, but.
01:57:43 All the comments are people praising this woman for passing down her deformity.
Speaker 15
01:57:50 To her child.Speaker 16
01:57:57 Ah, let's see here.01:57:59 Take a look at.
01:58:03 Graham playing games. One more thing for everyone. A great historical reference for the evolution of PCs is a show called Computer Chronicles ran from 1983 to 2002. Most episodes on YouTube really fascinating, some very interesting people show up, you might know, and then there's a.01:58:23 Time stamp.
Speaker 16
01:58:26 Ohh let's see here.Devon
01:58:28 Seeing these cryptic, here's a link with a about a computer show.01:58:34 Well, I mean joining us.
01:58:38 What is this?
01:58:39 What is this?
Speaker 22
01:58:42 The studio now is Phil Wealth spreadsheet product manager with Microsoft next to Phil Jan Lewis, president of Lewis Research Corporation, and Jared Taylor, West Coast editor of PC Magazine.Devon
01:58:51 Ohh, it's actually Jared Taylor.01:58:52 OK, well, alright, that was at least a pleasant surprise.
01:58:55 I was starting to be like I.
01:58:55 Don't know any of these ******* people.
01:59:01 So that's based on Jared Taylor right there on the right.
01:59:04 Yeah, it looks like him.
01:59:07 Does he ever say white?
Speaker 17
01:59:10 Very, very well dug in, I think at this point there are few people who would try to argue that it's it's a better spreadsheet than Excel, for example.01:59:17 Or that it's.
01:59:19 It's kind of funny, his his cadence is, you know, well obviously it's it's the same but it's.01:59:24 It's weird to see him so young.
01:59:28 And with hair.
01:59:30 Alright, Nazi dice hit the fire button. If you're not a ******, I agree with that, guys. I mean, we have we have 700 and some odd people watching and only 255 fire buttons pushed. Come on. Hit that ******* fire button.
Speaker 9
01:59:45 Hit it now.01:59:46 Do it now.
01:59:47 Do it now. I'll wait.
01:59:50 I'll wait.
01:59:53 I'm still waiting.01:59:57 I'm still waiting.
01:59:59 I don't know if it updates in real time.
02:00:00 So for all I know you guys did hit it and.
Speaker 1
02:00:03 OK.Devon
02:00:04 Oh boy.02:00:06 All right, let's go to the next one here.
Speaker 12
02:00:12 Beach Boys.Devon
02:00:23 Let's give our appreciation for Mr.02:00:25 Stack and the work he does show.
02:00:27 Some support or be a ******.
02:00:29 Yeah, I don't.
02:00:30 I don't think an option should be.
02:00:31 To be a ******.
02:00:33 We have we have way too many fagots, uh, trying to infiltrate the right as it is.
02:00:39 Super Brother a certain someone in South Dakota and another guy in Illinois can both now know.
02:00:45 I really do listen to this podcast, but rarely live.
02:00:49 Good night, gentlemen.
02:00:50 Well, there you go.
02:00:51 Person in South Dakota and other person in Illinois.
02:00:56 I hope that you guys are not.
02:01:01 Aliff, the nemesis.
02:01:11 And you just say white power. Let's go. OK. Tennis nuts. Anyone really think Kid Rock was ever based? He is famous for making Wigger rap music. I would go so far as to suggest that Hank Junior isn't close to what people makes and makes him out to be.
02:01:31 His music is pretty degenerate and he and is probably a Ji don't know.
02:01:39 I don't know if the Hank Junior is.
02:01:42 UM.
02:01:44 But Kid Rock, I mean, someone was posting a they posted an old photo of him drinking bud light next to a a drag queen from like the 90s or something.
02:01:55 I'll tell you one thing, there's.
02:01:57 No way.
02:01:57 Kid Rock hasn't done a lot of degenerate stuff.
02:02:00 He's been in too many movies and and too many Hollywood parties and record label parties to not have probably done some really horrific **** in his days.
02:02:13 But yeah, honestly, these people are meaningless to me.
02:02:17 There it's, I don't know anyone that gets excited about Kid Rock.
02:02:20 That's not a boomer.
02:02:22 A lowly scribe in God's army.
02:02:25 Ever meet someone who you can tell has the ******** gene, but it's not fully expressed so that they are pretty normal and functional like Ben Shapiro or the short guy from the TV show, workaholics.
02:02:41 You know, I I.
02:02:42 Know the show workaholics.
02:02:43 But I never watched it so I don't know which guy that is.
02:02:48 I don't know that Ben Shapiro has the ******** gene.
02:02:52 UMI just think that he's got.
02:02:54 The runt gene.
02:02:57 So yeah, and maybe you said the other guy short too, maybe it's the, maybe your mistaking the ****** gene.
02:03:05 For the ******** Jane, right?
02:03:08 Because *******.
02:03:09 Kind of look a little ********.
02:03:13 See this is.Devon
02:03:13 The this is this is the fine discourse.02:03:15 You got.
02:03:16 On the insomnia string, Nazi dies inspired by a Jew story.
02:03:22 Yes, it was.
02:03:23 Yes, it was.
02:03:24 Alright, we got ******** ******.
02:03:27 ******** ****** for $1.00?
Speaker 15
02:03:32 Do you have that much money in?Speaker 16
02:03:33 Your bank at home.Speaker 12
02:03:37 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
02:03:44 And then you have a really super long link.02:03:51 Let's see what happens, should we?
02:03:53 One of these days you're going to send me gay *****.
02:03:56 Ah, this looks like gay *****.
02:03:58 What's is this the day?
02:04:00 Is this the day that you send?
02:04:01 Me gay *****?
02:04:04 Please don't knock those together.Speaker 14
02:04:07 Holy ****.Speaker 10
02:04:10 Maybe stop fighting.02:04:11 Stop, not move.
02:04:15 What is wrong with you?02:04:16 Are you dumb?
02:04:17 How are you laughing at this?
02:04:21 There you go.02:04:22 ******** ****** sent us a home movie.
02:04:26 I appreciate that now you've you've doxed yourself.
02:04:30 Jack Handy, I wish I could have watched this movie now.
02:04:35 Or I wish I would have watched this movie.
02:04:37 Now, no you don't.
02:04:39 No, you don't, unless you're talking.
02:04:40 About my version of it, then you have.
02:04:42 Super brother, actually.
02:04:44 What's the limit from acceptable to used good in regards to women.
02:04:49 I think in today's environment the concept of finding a virgin with no past is is ignorant and unrealistic, but also that no man should accept a woman who has been **** ******.
02:05:00 I think this is a line that needs clarification.
Speaker 9
02:05:03 Well, I I mean.Devon
02:05:05 Obviously being ********** is like that's a disqualifier.02:05:10 If you're if, if you're being serious, which in look in 2023, I guess that is a a serious question. If being ******** disqualifies woman, I would say yes, the answer is a is an emphatic yes.
02:05:24 I mean, I don't know.
02:05:26 I don't know.
02:05:26 I guess it's all relative at this point, right?
02:05:29 If you're out there, you know what the numbers you're hearing you're you know what body counts are out of the the ordinary.
02:05:36 You know, and it's probably different now than it was when I was when I was younger and stuff, right.
02:05:42 I mean, it wasn't unusual even in in my late 20s, which I mean, ****, I don't even.
02:05:49 I almost don't want to know.
02:05:50 I don't want to know what's what's the average for a woman that's out there in the late 20s.
02:05:55 It wasn't that unusual.
02:05:56 Find women in their late.
02:05:57 20s that were well into the single digits, right?
02:06:03 And I mean.
02:06:05 Virgins existed at that age, but at at it, you know what it at that point.
02:06:13 It it was like a weird thing.
Speaker 9
02:06:16 They they they look it.Speaker 12
02:06:17 It was. It was.Devon
02:06:18 Just a weird thing.Speaker 4
02:06:21 Right.Devon
02:06:22 It it just was like if you were like 30 something and still a virgin as a woman and you were attractive, right?Speaker 9
02:06:37 Like, you know, like morally, I get it right, like, morally it's like, yeah, you know, you're if you're not married.Devon
02:06:43 But also realistically, I'm like ah, something's wrong here.02:06:48 Something's not.
02:06:49 This isn't normal.
02:06:50 This isn't normal either.
02:06:52 You're lying, or there's something weird.
02:06:55 You know, there's something weird.
02:06:57 There's something weird because if you're an attractive virgin and you're not married and you're in your 30s or even late 20s.
02:07:03 There's something weird.
02:07:05 Something's weird.
02:07:08 You know, something's weird.
02:07:11 And I get it like I know I I know morally nothing's weird, but in in the context of the day.
02:07:17 That's unusual by definition.
02:07:20 It's unusual.
02:07:21 It is weird.
02:07:21 It's it's, you know.
02:07:23 Speaking it's it's weird.
02:07:24 I'm not saying weird, it's bad.
02:07:26 It's weird. It's definitely weird.
02:07:31 Yeah, that refrigerator might be, uh.
02:07:34 Set to cold.
02:07:37 But yeah, I don't know.
02:07:38 It's all relative.
02:07:39 It's all relative.
02:07:41 And look, it might be relative to you too if.
02:07:43 You were a man *****.
02:07:45 Uh, you know.
02:07:48 Maybe you don't deserve a virgin, you know.
02:07:50 If you've if you've banged 50 chicks.
02:07:53 Do you really you know?
02:07:56 You want to be the the first, the first one.
02:07:59 For this this virgin girl, I mean.
02:08:01 I don't know.
Speaker 12
02:08:03 Let's see here.Devon
02:08:08 Super Brother, it's an odd question that honestly, I don't expect you to be able to shed hard light on.02:08:14 The reality is that a movement needs little shifts.
02:08:17 Forgetting to turn off the lights and handing.
02:08:21 Tools while under your car.
02:08:24 But a lot of guys can't seem to figure out what's realistic.
02:08:27 Wait, I don't understand.
02:08:28 Asking you it's not a question.
02:08:31 Honestly, I don't expect you to be able to shut, alright.
02:08:36 The reality is that a movement needs little shifts for getting to turn off the lights and handing tools.
02:08:44 While under your car.
02:08:46 But a lot of guys can't seem to figure out what's realistic, acceptable, and what I don't know what your I.
02:08:54 That that one sailed right over my head.
02:08:59 Not not not I don't know.
02:09:02 Nazi dice now, he says. Hail churro well, I'm sure Churro will appreciate that, provided that when we heard those coyotes, he was not being eaten alive. The nemesis I've been to Anderson SC several times in 20.
02:09:18 20 totally infested town. One neighborhood got a $500,000 grant to fix all the houses and those destroyed every thing the white man paid for within a decade. Disgusting.
02:09:35 I mean, I've never lived in, like, a a black town like that, but I would assume it's probably not much different than Indian reservations in that way, where it is just throwing.
02:09:47 Money away.
02:09:52 Duke, Duke, 1911.
02:10:01 African immigrants commit 44 times more crime than the people born here in Australia I.
02:10:10 Believe that.
02:10:12 Definitely believe that.
02:10:14 But you know what's crazy is is African immigrants in America commit less crime than like the Africans that have been here for.
02:10:24 You know, centuries.
02:10:28 It probably depends on what part of Africa though.
02:10:31 You know what I mean?
02:10:31 Like I don't know that that.
02:10:33 Statistic exists.
02:10:36 Nazi dice and lots of pictures this time.
02:10:41 OK, my fat little ******** toe going to catch the replay here to say hi and let you know.
02:10:48 I'm spreading the message of getting the pit everywhere I go, including the grocery store.
02:10:55 People are.
02:10:56 Shockingly receptive and interested.
02:10:58 But nobody wants to do the first Spartan kick.
02:11:01 It's reminiscent of musical chairs.
02:11:06 Like I said it it has.
02:11:07 To get to where it's.
02:11:08 It's it's.
02:11:12 It's more uncomfortable to not do the Spartan kick than it is to people are just too are comfortable.
02:11:18 They're too comfortable.
02:11:24 That that you risk a lot doing that Spartan kick.
02:11:28 And people would prefer not to risk anything.
02:11:32 Retired ****** for $1.00 every one of me has been in a strippers *** at some point.
02:11:40 Wait, no. This is ********. ******* $1.00 every one of me. Are you talking about dollar bills, you know?
02:11:49 Speaking of stories of when I was younger.
02:11:53 There was a.
02:11:53 Girl, I I went out with who I suspected.
02:11:57 I don't know why I just had this gut feeling that she had been a stripper before.
02:12:02 And what what?
02:12:04 100% sealed. My suspicion was when.
02:12:13 She recoiled.
02:12:16 Money and said and made made some comments about it being dirty.
02:12:21 And I was like ohh OK you.
02:12:23 Are a stripper.
02:12:27 Yeah, you associate dollar bills with.
02:12:32 Being shoved in vaginas and such.
02:12:35 Dave, 762, we had to watch this movie in my 9th grade English class. I said it was Black Forrest Gump and we all did ****** impressions afterwards.
02:12:46 Well, at least with Forrest.
02:12:47 Gump. The acting wasn't atrocious.
02:12:53 You know, I mean, it was just as full it had just as.
02:12:55 Much boomer music, I guess.
02:12:58 But at least it wasn't.
02:13:02 The worst acting I've ever seen in a movie like this one basically was.
02:13:07 But there you go.
02:13:08 See if they spend they spend the money, they produce the movie and you're you're probably not the only ninth grade English class that ever had to watch that movie.
02:13:17 Yeah, they wheeled in the the TV and made me watch movies when I was in in government schools.
02:13:22 I'm sure that.
02:13:26 That lots of you had had a similar experience and these are the kinds of movies that absolutely they would show to kids.
02:13:31 And it's it's the kind of movie that no parent.
02:13:35 Would say no to.
Speaker 9
02:13:36 Ohh, of course I'm gonna let my.Devon
02:13:38 Kid watch a movie about a.02:13:39 Poor little ******** black kid.
Speaker 9
02:13:42 Who would say no to that?Devon
02:13:47 That's what I'm talking about, too.02:13:48 When it comes to, like conservatives, not, not only do they not make propaganda, if they had, if if right wingers tried to make that movie.
02:13:57 They would have just.
02:13:58 Been so over the top heavy-handed with it that no one on the.
02:14:02 Left would have watched it.
02:14:05 See the the insidious thing about the way that they the subtlety.
02:14:10 Of of our enemies is.
02:14:13 Probably the people that that went to see.
02:14:15 That movie The most.
02:14:16 Were conservative right wing people.
02:14:19 Right.
02:14:20 Because they like.
02:14:20 They're the ones that like the family movies, the family feel good movies.
02:14:25 Oh, it's rated GI mean. I don't know if it's rated PG or PG.
02:14:32 This is something I can I can?
02:14:33 Have my kids watch.
02:14:37 You'll teach them not to be an evil bigot.
02:14:44 It's the right wing has has a hard time with subtlety.
02:14:48 They have a hard time trying to think of a way that they could craft a narrative that would be attractive to left wing people.
02:14:54 The left wing people would actually be drawn.
02:14:59 To this narrative and bring their their.
02:15:03 ****** families I guess to it.
02:15:07 And then be subtly **** ******.
02:15:10 By the message that was snuck in there, they can't deal.
02:15:12 They just *******.
02:15:13 Smack you over the head with it.
02:15:20 UM, Speaking of witch, like Nazi dice here.
02:15:26 And ******** churro stumbled upon their field, so they gave him food and took him in.
02:15:32 I don't know what that means exactly.
02:15:34 But there you go.
02:15:36 Winter child.
02:15:38 Not sure if you've talked about this before, but here's a great speech about blacks and why they behave the way that they do.
02:15:48 UM.
Speaker 17
02:15:52 I don't know, let's.Devon
02:15:52 See why not? Why not?Speaker 23
02:15:56 With which? Blacks everywhere.02:15:59 Have such difficulties?
02:16:01 The zoo entry for number by the way, Nee means numerous which is not at all the same as the concept of number.
02:16:12 It is clear, therefore, that there's no such concept as number in Zulu.
02:16:18 White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about 10 years later that power outages started.
02:16:27 Has recently reached epidemic proportions. 1 cause of this is deliberate load shedding precisely because the zoo government, the ANC government, which was specifically warned by the government parastatal in 1999 to build more power plants, did not, enough said.
02:16:49 The other is the breakdown ended in 1994. It was about 10 years later that power outages started.
02:16:57 Which has recently reached epidemic proportions.
02:17:00 I don't know it's repeating there so.02:17:04 Like a, you know, a little more context there, but it sounded like he was saying.
02:17:07 They don't have a a word for number.
02:17:12 Well, like I said, people get excited when a when a a golden retriever can count.
02:17:20 You get invited on to the David Letterman show.
02:17:24 Well, that's not a show anymore, I.
02:17:25 Guess, but whatever.
02:17:27 Do people I don't even think people watch those late?
02:17:29 Night shows at all anymore.
02:17:31 It's everything's changed since the Internet.
02:17:35 I don't think they're as relevant, just like there's not, like movie stars anymore.
02:17:38 I mean, they're they're all the movie stars, like the big ones are movie stars.
02:17:42 They're just aging movie stars from before the Internet.
02:17:47 You know, like Tom Cruise.
02:17:49 Like, is he like the last real movie star?
Speaker 16
02:17:55 But anyway.Devon
02:17:57 Let's see here.02:17:58 Jack Russell.
02:17:59 Have a good weekend, Devin.
02:18:00 Appreciate it.
02:18:01 You as well.
02:18:03 Ryan, even if they were just like us, we still have the moral authority to separate by whatever means is required.
02:18:11 Yeah, it's, it's, it's not.
02:18:13 It's just not our responsibility.
02:18:15 Just like you're the neighbors.
02:18:17 Kids are not your responsibility.
02:18:21 You have no mandate to take care of the neighbors, kids.
02:18:26 Now if if.
02:18:28 If you take care of your own kids and and you're part of a community and and you want to take care of the neighbors kids because of some disaster or something like that, yeah, that's up to you.
02:18:41 You're by no means responsible for anyone beyond.
02:18:47 Your own people.
02:18:50 And that was normal up until very recently.
02:18:54 Cringe panda.
02:18:55 Goodnight, I think.
02:18:57 Goodnight, Devin.
02:18:58 Going to sleep but wanted to know.
02:19:00 Let you know I'm home and doing better.
02:19:02 Also on the way back from the hospital, I picked up a huge cactus pad to propagate on my property.
02:19:08 Any tips on how to propagate it?
02:19:10 It's pretty large pad like 10 inches in diameter.
02:19:13 Do I need rooting hormone?
02:19:15 Well, I'm glad you're out of the hospital.
02:19:19 Hopefully it's nothing serious.
02:19:24 No, the good thing about cactus pads or at.
02:19:26 Least where I live.
02:19:28 You just ram them in the ground and they just start going.
02:19:30 They start growing.
02:19:32 I, especially if it's big, if it's big and beefy, it'll.
02:19:35 Just it you don't have.
02:19:37 To do much, just make sure that it's at least.
02:19:41 At least a third of the way.
02:19:43 In the ground.
02:19:46 I'd go maybe slightly a little less than halfway in the ground is what I.
02:19:50 Do, especially if it's bigger like that, because if if you don't have enough of it in the ground, it's just going to once it does start making pads, it'll eventually just fall over.
02:19:58 So you need to have some of it in.
02:20:00 Around and then this time of year, it's going to be ready to it'll it'll root pretty quick.
02:20:06 You don't need rooting hormone or anything.
02:20:07 I just I just shove them in the ground and water them and they they grow.
02:20:13 In fact, a lot of my cactuses are are putting out tons of pads.
02:20:16 Right now they're they're cactuses.
02:20:18 That started out as one pad when I first came out to the pill box.
02:20:22 That are as tall as I am now, and that's, well, not quite.
02:20:26 But they're almost they're getting there.
02:20:28 They will be by the end of the year.
02:20:31 I mean, I've got, I've got column style, Cactus says.
02:20:36 That that are taller than me, but in terms of like the, uh, the pad, cactuses, none of them are taller than.
02:20:45 Me yet pretty close though.
02:20:48 Yeah, easy peasy.
02:20:50 Cactuses are easy in.
02:20:53 Well, in most environments I don't know.
02:20:56 It depends on where you live, I guess.
02:21:00 Gee, Mr.
02:21:00 Beast is managed by Knight Media, which also manages several other major creators, including Hassan Piker.
02:21:08 Reed Ducher is the CEO of Knight Media.
02:21:14 Here's his Wikipedia page for an early life check.
02:21:17 Well, I I'm assuming that.
02:21:19 He's Jewish most.
02:21:21 Most of those companies are run by Jews, so no surprises there.
02:21:25 Uh, Jews.
02:21:26 Jews like to.
02:21:27 They like to be in charge of talent that they don't have and they like to monetize talent.
02:21:32 The talent of others in the same way that like they're, you know, it's just a it's like a.
02:21:40 It's like that when when they were merchants, right, they're not providing the goods.
02:21:44 They're just distributing the.
02:21:46 And marking them up.
02:21:48 It's the same thing that with your talent, they're doing the same thing.
02:21:50 Not they're not providing.
02:21:51 They're not creating the content, they're just distributing it.
02:21:56 And what they do is they make deals with other Jews that gatekeep and thumbs up or thumbs down different creators.
02:22:06 And if you get a Jew to represent you to the other Jews.
02:22:10 Then your content makes it out there onto the mainstream.
02:22:14 Now, of course, there's lots of rules that come with that for that view to keep representing you.
02:22:18 You you have to follow certain rules.
02:22:20 And one of those rules is if if you're.
02:22:24 Long time partner turns into a ******.
02:22:28 You have to be totally fine with it and it seems as if Mr.
02:22:31 Beast is.
02:22:32 And as I mentioned on Twitter, he literally called himself Mr.
02:22:38 Why is everyone surprised?
02:22:40 And I've always said that I look before all this **** even came out.
02:22:43 I I said.
02:22:44 Anyone who walks around acting like ohh, I'm so charitable.
02:22:49 Look, I just gave this person a Lamborghini.
02:22:52 Ohh, look, I'm.
02:22:52 I'm look how awesome I am because I just gave all these people $1,000,000. Ohh I just bought a. It's like where all where is all this ******* money coming?
02:23:00 And you're not doing this, you're you're not doing it out of the kindness of your heart.
02:23:04 You're doing it because it makes you money that you've done the math.
02:23:08 You know that giving this person $1,000,000 is going to make you more than $1,000,000. So it's it's just a it's a cost of doing business. It's just that that's how much your content cost. So doing this.
02:23:20 Charity work isn't charity.
02:23:23 It's a business.
02:23:25 And I just don't trust people that that try to act as if.
02:23:31 They're they're doing charity for clout.
02:23:34 I mean, that's like to me, that's, like, the worst kind of person.
02:23:37 It is.
02:23:37 It's like the worst kind of person.
02:23:39 It's the look at me.
02:23:40 Look how it's, I mean, people talk about, you know, virtue signaling.
02:23:45 Can you get any more signaling of virtue than than Mr.
02:23:49 He's like he's monetized it.
02:23:52 He's turned it.
02:23:52 He's turned virtue signaling into a like, literally definitionally, virtue signaling into an empire.
02:24:00 He's the King of virtue signaling.
02:24:04 He's like the Elon.
02:24:05 Musk, of of of Virtue signaling.
02:24:10 And I don't know why there's all these little ******* ******** zoomers on the right.
02:24:13 They're like, but he's based and it's.
02:24:15 Like no.
02:24:16 Are you that ******* they're young?
02:24:22 Water weights.
02:24:29 My guess is of all black people had disappeared post slavery.
02:24:33 America would be a lot like Europe, but unironically better.
02:24:37 No, it would be way better.
02:24:39 Absolutely, it'd be better.
02:24:42 Because American exceptionalism would mean something.
02:24:47 But I think for that equation to.
02:24:48 Actually work we'd have.
02:24:49 To also.
02:24:51 Magically have all the Jews gone too.
02:24:57 Uh, Christ or Christ?
02:25:00 So chrysotile, Chris, Chris Kyle.
02:25:09 Been a while since I cut a live stream which.
02:25:11 I got the one.
02:25:14 A while back, with the guy wanting to be a geologist.
02:25:17 It's a tough line of work, specifically in consulting firm.
02:25:22 I've been in that role for a few years now.
02:25:24 Maybe I should make a point to finding the BP gold mine for the compound.
02:25:31 Yeah. I mean, there's.
02:25:33 There's gold to be had out there.
02:25:35 There's gold to be had out there.
02:25:38 I want to find that that unsolved mysteries episode where the the guy found all that gold in New Mexico.
02:25:45 That would be good.
02:25:49 But that's kind of cool that you're.
02:25:52 A geologist and thank you for the support.
02:25:56 Christ, chrysotile.
02:25:59 Water weights.
02:26:00 This movie brings back nightmares of the amount of times my boomer teacher showed it through out my time in public school.
02:26:06 There you go, there's another person.
02:26:09 That had that movie forced upon them.
02:26:13 In government schools.
02:26:16 Lampshade denier black dermatologist in Atlanta, who performed plastic surgery.
02:26:21 Not only did they had her a hand, her a degree she didn't earn, they allowed her to butcher people.
02:26:29 Is this the one that was putting acid implants into people?
Speaker 16
02:26:33 Let's see here.Speaker 8
02:26:40 She had them Apple bottom.Speaker 14
02:26:43 She's dancing with the scars.Devon
02:26:49 Yeah, we we covered this on the stream like.02:26:52 Years ago.
02:26:53 Yeah, it's four years, four years ago.
02:26:56 But yeah, this is uh.
02:27:00 This is not unexpected.
02:27:02 This is import the third world, become the third world.
02:27:07 This is why hospitals are increasingly dangerous.
02:27:14 Homeland, a few strings back.
02:27:17 You spoke about church community shining members.
02:27:20 Shiny members.
02:27:22 You mean shunning members?
02:27:25 If you bring up red, black pill or JQ stuff in Bible study or Sunday school, you'll get shunned.
02:27:34 No, I I believe that there is.
02:27:36 That's why I told you that I don't really have a I don't feel like there's a religious institution that I am interested in in participating in.
02:27:45 Because there there's none of them.
02:27:47 In fact, they all would.
02:27:48 They all preach that I'm evil.
02:27:51 For the same reason, I would feel like a a dumb asss serving in the military.
02:27:57 I'd feel like a **** *** giving tithing to the Catholic Church, and not just the Catholic to any, you know, any of these, the Mormon Church, even.
02:28:05 If I'm like.
02:28:06 Oh, here's 10% of my income. So you can go around.
02:28:09 Making things worse for me.
Speaker 17
02:28:14 I mean.Devon
02:28:17 That is what it is.02:28:20 The North report.
02:28:22 OK, I hate this movie.
02:28:24 I'll catch the replay, but here is some money for Devin.
02:28:26 Well, I appreciate that.
02:28:28 Harmless G The highest paid surgeons are those that do trendy surgeries, not heart or brain surgeons.
02:28:36 The Devil will offer you a lot of money to sell your soul.
Speaker 11
02:28:42 It's lucrative.Devon
02:28:45 Dill, Bob.02:28:48 Dill, Bob.
02:28:48 God bless brothers and sisters.
02:28:51 Well, thank you, Bill, Bob.
02:28:53 Poly frog 64. I don't know if you've done a deep dive on a movie called The Blind Slide or side the blind side.
02:29:02 It's a movie about white parents adopting a homeless black kid and teaching him to play football.
02:29:08 We're all the same boy.
02:29:11 We're all the same guy.
02:29:12 Let them into your home.
02:29:14 Is that the one with?
02:29:16 Sandra Bullock.
02:29:19 I mean I I I I haven't done a video on it, but if if it is.
02:29:22 That's the one.
02:29:23 I'm thinking it is.
02:29:24 Let me see.
02:29:31 Yeah, it is.
02:29:33 And Sandra Bullock, Senator Bullock is the white savior that gets the ******** black kid and.
02:29:47 Oh, look, he hated his own movie.
02:29:49 Wonder what this is all?
Speaker 21
02:29:50 About from day in and day out, man, the time I was 11-12 years old, getting up on my own, going to school when somebody else get that credit. Yeah, it ****** you off. It ****** me off.Speaker 5
02:30:00 You know, he's 29 years old and they're wanting him to talk about when he was 16. You know, he's been through a Super Bowl.02:30:04 He thinks that's probably more interesting than.
02:30:06 That's not true.
02:30:07 OK, she calls.
02:30:09 If I had to put a bed in my kitchen, my chimney had somewhere to sleep.
02:30:14 See, I've been protected as the worst mother in the world.
02:30:16 And what it.
02:30:17 What that one is?
02:30:20 So basically, they're they're ******** on the white lady that raised him.02:30:26 Alright anyway.
02:30:30 I'm not surprised by that.
02:30:32 Lampshade denier 45 year old white nurse Katrina Mullen adopted a 14 year old Black mother who gave birth to triplets.
02:30:44 OK. Well, that sounds like something a 45 year old white nurse would do.
02:30:49 Uh, let's go, Brandon says, *******.
02:30:54 There you go.
02:30:56 No chance. I worked with a radio mom whose was was always getting kicked out of elementary schools, but thought everyone owed her son's special accommodation accommodations while he uncontrollably disrupted the education of the normal kids.
02:31:17 Yeah, I mean, it's one of those things where like if if you're paying taxes into the government school system you, I mean there should be something to set up for your kid.
02:31:24 But the rest of the kids.
02:31:25 Shouldn't have to suffer.
02:31:30 And they didn't used to.
02:31:31 They used to have, you know, they used to put.
02:31:33 The special kids somewhere special.
02:31:37 But not so much anymore.
02:31:40 Upper commandant.
02:31:42 Hey, Devin.
02:31:42 We should help ******* and mentally ill help them to free lobotomies as the white race.
02:31:49 We should practice eugenics, root out the weak genes in the gene pool and prevent dysgenic people from breeding by force sterilization.
02:31:57 I mean, look.
02:32:02 I don't.
02:32:04 I'm not on board with with forced sterilization.
02:32:10 Right now, especially because.
02:32:14 Like it comes down to who's doing the sterilizing right?
02:32:20 Who's doing the sterilizing?
02:32:22 I think that there should just be some social norms that are so.
02:32:30 That there's just not.
02:32:32 There's just not that that reproduction is just not taking place a lot.
02:32:36 Or or maybe.
02:32:37 Look, you could tie it to crime, right?
02:32:39 If you're going to sterilize someone because they are super low IQ and they're in and out of of the prison system, then OK, you know, something like maybe, you know, make it so has.
02:32:48 To be both.
02:32:51 But just for sterilizing people that could that, there's there's certain powers.
02:32:56 I'm still.
02:32:57 I don't.
02:32:57 I'm not comfortable with the government having, especially given the makeup of our government right now.
02:33:06 And and as far as I don't, I don't think you need to give them lobotomies.
02:33:10 I just think that you know you shouldn't.
02:33:13 You shouldn't make the rest of the kids suffer.
02:33:17 As a result of of a dysgenic kid, because that's just it's just.
02:33:22 You're you're bringing, you're lowering the bar for everyone else.
02:33:26 I experienced that in elementary school and not just I don't mean just like ******** kids.
02:33:30 I just mean like kids that don't speak English.
02:33:32 Kids that were.
02:33:33 That were, you know, non white kids.
02:33:36 That were probably 10 IQ points, at least below the white kids, so just everything was slower it it was just.
02:33:44 Like there was just so I experienced.
02:33:46 I I witnessed so much.
02:33:49 Non learning going on in the education system, you know, just bored white kids waiting around for like something interesting to happen.
02:33:57 You're just waiting for class to be over while the teacher catered to a handful of.
02:34:02 People who were never going to contribute to.
02:34:03 Society, quite frankly.
02:34:06 And I guarantee you that if you Fast forward that those those same bored white kids that were just sitting there twiddling their thumbs waiting for class to be over are now the ones that have jobs and are paying the taxes that are.
02:34:18 That are paying for the the.
02:34:21 Disability checks of those same people that waste all their time in class.
02:34:26 And at a certain point, you have to say, look, we got to prioritize our our best and brightest.
02:34:32 If we want to be a a successful civilization.
02:34:39 Murata some Catholic rights have ethnic components like Maronites, cops, which are much more based. We can't be anti-Semitic because Jews committed the ultimate act of anti-Semitism when they crucified our Lord Jesus. Mormons too.
02:34:58 Have ethnic component.
02:34:59 Although the diluted Protestant version.
02:35:02 Well, they used to have a way more ethnic component and then the 70s happened and you know the 70s just ruined a lot of.
02:35:09 Stuff, but the the Mormons used to be very explicitly pro white on the, you know, officially speaking until the 70s.
02:35:22 The vexed I've never understood people that go to see non action films at theaters.
02:35:30 Well I I don't understand people that see action films at theaters.
02:35:36 I've heard comment, Don.
02:35:38 Hey, Devin, you know that Jews are people and not evil, right?
02:35:42 Never forget the 6 million lamp shades and soap bars.
02:35:46 Jokes aside, keep up the good work and good stream as usual.
02:35:52 Mirada again, did they reduce the character limit because I sent to super chat earlier, but it got cut off halfway through.
02:36:00 I'm not sure.
02:36:01 I'm not aware of any character limit there, or I mean I don't know.
02:36:05 How far it goes?
02:36:07 Let's go, Brandon.
02:36:09 OK.
02:36:10 Cali or wait.
02:36:12 OK, Callie, let's try that again.
02:36:15 I don't know what you mean.
02:36:17 OK, Cali.
02:36:20 Lanzhou, thanks for the stream and videos, I rewatched nobody will remember Carl today. Very important message. I'm still not done with ******* Carla's mess.
02:36:31 It's it's like it's it.
02:36:33 You have no idea.
02:36:35 It's so bad.
02:36:36 It's so bad it's it's most it's.
02:36:39 Just like a quantity problem.
Speaker 11
02:36:40 You know.Devon
02:36:43 I you know what I need to do is I just need to.02:36:47 They just, it's just so expensive.
02:36:49 If you rent one of those big dumpsters, they get dropped off of your property like you know they do in construction sites, those big metal dumpsters, they're like the size of, you know.
02:36:58 The like an entire big rig has to haul up to rent one of those.
02:37:03 It's just like it's I think it's like thousands of dollars and then.
02:37:07 But you know, it's either that or or taking millions of trips back and forth with my truck.
02:37:13 To the to the dump.
02:37:19 Max Demian, what are your thoughts on the concept of off ramping from racial consciousness?
02:37:27 Some say black Pilling and Catholicism are off ramps from radical action.
02:37:34 Off ramping from racial content, I don't know what that.
02:37:38 Is that some fancy term that someone came up with?
02:37:41 Oh, you're off ramping.
Speaker 9
02:37:43 Ohh, you're off ramping.Devon
02:37:46 Your counter signaling and off ramping.02:37:50 I don't know what that means I.
02:37:51 Mean I'm.
02:37:52 I'm going to try to.
02:37:54 Figured out just by like in the context of it, I'm guessing I'm guessing what that means is it's distracting.
02:38:00 You know, if if if you're black Pilling people then you're distracting people from racial consciousness.
02:38:06 That doesn't make any sense to me.
02:38:07 I mean, is racial consciousness means something that other than I mean.
02:38:12 I think that's that's why you get black pilled is you understand, race realism is part of why I'm black pill.
02:38:20 It I don't see how it it it's it makes you avoid that.
02:38:26 As for Catholicism, I mean, look, I don't know.
02:38:29 I I can't answer the question because I'm not Catholic, but.
02:38:35 I don't see how how understanding the situation that we're in like the dark reality that we're in, I don't know how that prevents you from understanding our racial situation cause that I feel like it's hand in hand.
02:38:49 Jay Ray 1981, can we get the pit love the cricket in the background? That's I don't love the cricket in the background.
02:38:57 That ******* cricket there's like, well, it's it's more than one. There's like, three or four of them in my house somewhere and they just go all. They're 24 hour crickets. I thought crickets only went out at night, but it's 24 hours.
02:39:08 All day and all night, I have to listen to that **** and you know, frankly, I want to get the.
02:39:13 Cricket and.
02:39:32 Put it in the pit.
02:39:35 Great show.
02:39:36 Devin, can I get a little baby platypus, please?
02:39:39 A little baby platypus.
Speaker 4
02:39:43 If you don't bring me back.02:39:44 The bus. There you go.
02:39:46 Jerry, 91, me and my cousins watched and internalized radio and Rudy and sports ball crazy missed those innocent days well.02:39:56 I don't.
02:39:57 You shouldn't miss being brainwashed.
02:40:02 Ignorance is bliss.
02:40:05 But do you really want to live live in ignorance?
02:40:08 I don't think so.
02:40:10 Splitter tray.
02:40:11 Sorry for the personal blog, I got some action yesterday night with a girl I met online, but this girl coworker I was interested in posted on her Instagram stories.
02:40:23 Her going mountain biking with another coworker who was mauled.
02:40:26 Why do I feel slightly bad but not devastated despite scoring what?
02:40:32 And then it just cut off?
02:40:33 What show?
Speaker 9
02:40:35 What show?Devon
02:40:37 I don't know what show.02:40:42 I don't know.
02:40:43 Don't, don't.
02:40:44 Don't try to just score with.
02:40:46 That's the problem is you're going with girls that you're, you're.
02:40:48 Just hooking up with.
02:40:50 You should be trying to hook up with chicks.
02:40:53 You should be trying to marry them and put babies in them.
02:40:56 The kinds of girls that just are that you meet on the Internet and hook up with are not the girls you're gonna.
02:41:02 You know, put babies in.
02:41:05 So that's maybe, maybe that's why you feel kind of ******.
02:41:09 You feel slightly ****** because.
02:41:11 Because you know, that's what you should be doing.
02:41:13 That should be what you're shooting for.
02:41:16 But instead you're going for the degenerate pleasure.
02:41:22 And so that's all you all that's.
02:41:24 All you are to her.
02:41:26 And that's all.
02:41:27 This other guy probably.
02:41:29 Don't. Don't go after ******.
02:41:32 Man of low moral fiber.
02:41:33 Fine devil hits your fire button, but you gotta share a funny clip about a Jamaican future doctor tragically dying in a dance hall accident.
02:41:43 Vid is only 30 seconds long.
02:41:47 How do you die in a?
02:41:47 Dance hall accident.
02:41:49 That's like dying in a baking accident.
02:41:54 I can't.
02:41:56 I can't watch your clip.
02:41:57 It's rated R.
02:41:59 So there you go.
02:42:00 It just says dancer Bumpa breaks her neck and dies after doing stunt.
02:42:05 There we go.
02:42:07 Well, everyone else has that link.
02:42:09 Let's apologize, but.
02:42:11 It won't let me watch it.
02:42:14 Let's go, Brandon, one last hyper chat here. Deb and Kelly Soap Company said I should give you more than $1.00 because they take $0.40 from every dollar. So I'll give you $1.40 or from now on. Well, there you go.
02:42:33 Well, if they take $0.40 from every dollar, then they probably take more than $0.40 from $1.40. But I don't know. I don't know what the math is, but I appreciate it all the same.
02:42:44 All right, guys.
02:42:44 Well, let's go ahead and uh, shut her down.
02:42:48 It's been a wonderfully ******** stream.
02:42:51 And I appreciate you guys all being here.
02:42:53 We almost broke a record on on on live viewers.
02:42:58 And I know this is.
02:42:58 I know we're.
02:42:59 It seems like it's we're kind of a.
02:43:00 Little short, because it's not 4 hours.
02:43:07 But man, I'm I'm I'm I'm still in the.
02:43:12 The allergic reaction.
02:43:13 I still can't hear.
02:43:14 I can hear a little better out of my.
02:43:16 Left ear now, but it sounds you know you got water.
02:43:19 Like if you know, go swimming, get water in in your ear and you hear like that ********* sound or whatever, that's what I hear.
02:43:25 I hear that little bubbling, ********* sound in my left ear.
02:43:28 It ******* sucks.
Speaker 9
02:43:31 Appreciate all your.Devon
02:43:32 Support and I will be back here on Wednesday.02:43:36 Same bat time, same bat, bat, bat channel.
Speaker 9
02:43:40 For black pilled.Devon
02:43:43 I'm of course.Speaker 12
02:43:47 Demon stack.Speaker
02:44:14 You know.Speaker 9
02:44:17 And everything else.Speaker 20
02:44:49 You know.Speaker 8
02:45:15 Run, run.