

Speaker 1
00:00:00 Ohh take thanks.
00:02:30 Take jigsaw. Take winshaw.
Speaker 2
00:02:49 They put in work in the street like a slave.
00:02:52 Keep your brothers wrestle.
00:03:02 Like your whole life.
00:03:05 999 perfect timing.
00:03:26 Poop. Poop. Poop. Poop.
Speaker 4
00:03:41 We are.
Speaker 3
00:03:41 In church, Straight Outta Compton, the crazy ************ named ask you from the game called Diggers with Fantasy.
00:03:42 The street knowledge.
00:03:57 When I'm all off, I got us all.
00:04:00 Off I squeeze.
00:04:01 The trigger body.
00:04:03 Hold off you too, boy, if you ****.
00:04:07 With me going to have to come and get.
00:04:11 Off your ***.
00:04:13 Is that some bowing out?
00:04:15 Over the pump ************* not showing up, Niger start to mumble.
00:04:20 They wanna rumble, I pick them up and put them in a.
00:04:24 Pot like gumbo.
00:04:26 I'm going off on the.
00:04:27 ************ like that with a gap.
00:04:32 At your age?
00:04:34 So bring it up smooth.
00:04:36 You know there ain't no telling when I'm down for a jacket.
00:04:40 Here's a murder rap.
00:04:42 Peepee a dancing with the crime record like Charles Manson. AK47 is it 2.
00:04:51 Don't make me happy.
00:04:54 You and me can go toe to toe. You know me. I'm knocking off the blocks Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Till you dumb ************. See.
00:05:07 That I'm down.
00:05:10 With the capital CPT.
00:05:13 Boy, you can't **** with me.
00:05:15 So when I'm in your neighborhood, you better duck his ice cubes crazy as pumpkin as I leave, believe I'm stomping.
00:05:26 But when I come back, boys, I'm falling straight.
00:05:42 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:05:46 I'm your host.
00:05:48 Devin stack.
00:05:49 This is the straight Outta Compton edition.
00:05:56 You'll see why here.
00:05:57 In a moment.
00:05:58 It's not just because of what you're thinking.
Speaker 1
00:05:59 Straight outta Compton.
00:06:02 It's actually a little more complicated than that, a little, a little more complicated than that.
00:06:07 It's funny because a couple streams ago.
00:06:11 I talked about how I wanted to look at maybe some of these old riots and the aftermaths and stuff like that, and and see what the the powers that be had, what they had to say about them, and what they had to say at the time and how it matched up exactly or not.
00:06:27 Maybe not exactly.
00:06:29 To what the people would say today, you know, this is a a problem that I've I've been detailing over the last several weeks that just exists any kind of European style nation.
00:06:43 Like the United States, like France, England, you know, actual Europe, whatever.
00:06:49 Anytime you you host a large amount of Africans in your country, you have to deal with something called riots race riots.
00:07:00 They happen every so often and they they happen with regularity and they follow the same script.
00:07:07 The riot we'll we'll talk briefly about today because we're not.
00:07:11 I know you're probably all burned out on riot, so we're not going to really go super into the riot itself so much as the aftermath of the riot.
00:07:21 Which then led to more riots.
00:07:22 And it's, you know, because it never stops, right?
00:07:25 And never stops.
00:07:27 I really want if you've got friends in Europe and they are, you know, on the fence or how they could be at this point about this topic, I'd like for you to share this with them so they can see kind of what America has been dealing with for the last 100 or so years.
00:07:48 And so that you can understand what you are basically.
00:07:54 Headed right towards and it's kind of funny because I remember growing up and hearing from a lot of Europeans and just really anyone that wasn't from America.
00:08:01 I mean, even Canadians, right?
00:08:03 Oh yeah, America is so racist.
00:08:05 It's so racist.
00:08:06 We're always we're.
00:08:07 We always see on the TV.
00:08:08 You guys being a racist all the time.
00:08:10 You guys just ******* hate blacks and.
00:08:13 These people had no no proximity to Africans themselves.
00:08:20 They just assumed that there were these people who look different, that lived in our country, and we enslaved them because we're evil.
00:08:28 And then after we, we stop being evil for some reason.
00:08:33 We let them go.
00:08:34 But we were still evil.
00:08:35 You know, we we we're just we it was.
00:08:37 It was a process, right.
00:08:39 We had to slowly get less evil because as everyone knows, whites are just inherently evil.
00:08:45 And so it's a long journey.
00:08:47 It's a journey out of out of evilness.
00:08:50 The story of America, right?
00:08:53 It started out just super ******* evil and then it's just been like little baby steps out of evil and we're still out of the woods yet, guys, we're still, like, full on evil.
00:09:02 We're we got a long ways to go and reparations are coming and so.
00:09:07 You know.
00:09:09 This is part of that story.
00:09:11 This is part of that story.
00:09:13 So that you can maybe understand what Americans have been dealing with for the last century and see what you.
00:09:21 Guys are going to have to start.
00:09:22 Dealing with for.
00:09:23 The next century, unless something radically changes.
00:09:28 The riots that are, I guess, are kind of key tonight.
00:09:33 They're just, I mean, just like all the other riots, it's the Watts riots.
00:09:38 The Watts riots started out very similar to the George Floyd riots, the Rodney King riots, the.
00:09:47 The I mean.
00:09:48 The riots going on in France right now the the, I mean all the race riots, they're all the same.
00:09:55 They're all exactly the same.
00:09:57 In the the case of the Watts riots, Watts is a a suburb of LA in California and back in 1965.
00:10:10 A black a drunk driver was pulled over by cops.
00:10:16 And while he was being arrested, a bunch of blacks surrounded the cops and started fighting the cops.
00:10:25 And next thing you know, the National Guards having to be called in because they burned the entire ******* city down.
00:10:32 And that's not an exaggeration.
00:10:35 You know, this is this is some footage of the the the riots.
00:10:39 That, according to AP, is rare.
00:10:42 I don't know.
00:10:42 I've never seen it.
00:10:43 I'm going to fix this.
00:10:45 I'm going to crop this out so we can make it a little bit better, a little bit bigger rather.
00:10:50 Because everything tonight's going to be 4 by 3.
Speaker 6
00:10:55 Let me let me.
00:10:56 Bring this up a little bit so we can see it.
00:10:58 A little better.
00:11:01 All right, so this is footage from the the Watts riots in 1965.
00:11:23 And and as I've mentioned in the past, you know, aside from, you know, the film quality and everything else.
00:11:30 You really can't tell the difference between these riots and any of the other riots. You know, if if you were to somehow be able to go back in time in 1965 with an iPhone and run around and get footage you, it would look like all the riots that we've been looking at recently because the same ****.
00:11:50 Happens every single *******.
00:11:52 Time. The only difference is is in 1965, the Americans there were still enough white people in in in power to where they they could take measures to stop it before it went crazy out of control.
00:12:06 They brought in the National Guard.
00:12:08 In fact, you know, thousands of troops were deployed to, to.
Speaker 7
00:12:11 Law enforcement personnel employed typical riot control tactics and weapons.
00:12:11 Shut it down.
Speaker 7
00:12:15 Shotguns and low velocity rifles, daily clubs and their standard side arms items with which the military normally is not equipped.
00:12:26 But again, burned out cars burned out again.
00:12:31 This is because a drunk driver got pulled over.
00:12:34 That was it.
00:12:35 There there wasn't even like a like they didn't beat him or anything like that.
00:12:38 That wasn't like, even like a police brutality thing.
00:12:41 They just didn't like that he.
00:12:42 Was pulled over.
00:13:07 I wish we still had music like that in our newsreels.
Speaker 7
00:13:13 The National Guard employed no armored vehicles or tanks.
00:13:17 Some of the 1/4 ton trucks had machine guns mounted and in only two instances was it necessary to employ those.
00:13:24 Ohh, they only had to use the.
00:13:25 Machine guns twice.
Speaker 7
00:13:28 With a tremendous amount of damage that was done to the area somewhere in excess of $250 million, it became difficult.
00:13:36 $250 million in 1965 money.
00:13:41 Remember when we were watching?
00:13:43 Look who's coming over to dinner and then you could buy a car.
00:13:46 For 55 bucks.
00:13:48 That should give you an idea.
00:13:50 That should give you an idea of how.
00:13:51 Much money we're talking about.
Speaker 7
00:13:52 For the citizens who were living in the area to continue any kind of normal activity, utilities were disrupted, food became scarce, and traffic and transportation was curtailed, and in some cases eliminated.
00:14:07 The 40th Armored Division was fortunate in having a number of police officers as members of the division, and their assistants and liaison helped tremendously working with law enforcement agencies.
00:14:22 So we actually have the ability to send troops out, shut it down, unlike what Trump was able to do.
Speaker 7
00:14:25 A curfew and blockade of the entire area was imposed and lasted in excess of 48 hours.
00:14:32 Civilian cooperation was generally outstanding.
00:14:35 National Guard troops were billeted in schools, armories, and in the famous Hollywood Park race track, which was a major staging area for National Guard troops.
00:14:46 Hollywood Park also provided ideal facilities for use of light aviation.
00:14:52 Schools were not in session and would have been a primary target for looters.
00:14:57 The National Guard troops had their own field equipment and of course were provided rations from local military installations and in some instances from commercial vendors.
00:15:07 Essentially, units operated as tactical units in the field.
00:15:14 It was determined that when National Guard personnel were present, that the riotous activity subsided appreciatively following the departure of National Guard from the area of looters, and rioters would return to the scene.
00:15:28 Therefore, it became necessary to deploy personnel not only around the area, but actually in the area.
00:15:40 So in Watts we had, we literally had to have the military with machine guns patrolling the area, and even after they would leave an area.
00:15:50 The riots would would.
00:15:52 Would just flare right back up after they left, so they had they ended up having to like, saturate the entire city.
00:15:58 With with machine gun armed military.
00:16:03 To get these riots to stop.
00:16:08 Again, it looks just like the George Floyd riots every you know, Rodney King riots everything.
Speaker 7
00:16:12 The most difficult periods were those of evening and night hours during the daylight hours.
00:16:18 Control was much more effective and more readily established.
00:16:23 And lots of fires.
00:16:25 They burned down much.
00:16:26 Of the city.
00:16:29 Lots of deaths.
00:16:31 They the the rioters themselves, acquired weapons.
00:16:37 At because they were looting, right?
00:16:39 Were looting gun stores.
00:16:41 Looting people's houses, stealing their guns, and they started opening fire on the cops, but they luckily did not use the guns.
Speaker 7
00:16:48 232 businesses were destroyed and 632 businesses were damaged. Considering all types of structures, 242 buildings were destroyed and 644 were damaged.
00:17:05 So this is all the guns they confiscated.
Speaker 7
00:17:08 Weapons taken from the rioters and looters.
00:17:11 The weapons were brought in, identified tagged, classified and stored.
00:17:17 The number and types of weapons was truly amazing.
00:17:21 Among the weapons confiscated were a great many Molotov cocktails of the simplest yet very effective design.
00:17:28 It is estimated that the majority of these weapons were obtained during or immediately prior to the rioting activity, and certainly a great many of them were actually stolen or looted.
00:17:38 From the buildings in the.
00:17:41 While there were a great many shots fired at police, firemen and National Guardsmen, the few hits indicated a lack of familiarity of the individual with the weapon he was using and again supported the contention that most of them had been acquired during the riots.
00:18:00 Chimpanzees with machine.
Speaker 7
00:18:00 851 guns were recovered, of which 174 were rifles, 286 shotguns, 391 handguns.
00:18:11 The death toll was 34 and over 1000 persons were injured as the result of the riot.
00:18:20 So there you go. So.
00:18:21 Again, we're not going to spend any more time on that.
00:18:23 I just want to kind of set the stage.
00:18:26 We just know as Americans out here that this is the cost of having Africans in your in your, in your communities, and look, if you're willing to pay this price, if you're willing to pay the the added economic price, not just because you're rebuilding cities constantly, just the added law enforcement.
00:18:46 Cost and and that's not just cops.
00:18:48 That's the cost of of of keeping the the prisoners in in jail.
00:18:54 You know, the jail population.
00:18:55 You know, it's funny because they always cite it as some kind of.
00:18:59 Racial disparity that shows how evil we.
00:19:01 Are and ohh we.
00:19:02 Keep forgetting we are evil, right?
00:19:04 Because we're white.
00:19:05 Rather than that, blacks just commit more crime.
00:19:08 And so if you were to, you know, you have to calculate that into your, into your figures, that you're going to have more prisons.
00:19:15 You're going to have to have more police.
00:19:18 These police are going to have the excuse to to want more surveillance.
00:19:23 I mean, look.
00:19:24 And it's not just Africans.
00:19:25 It's the same thing with the Muslims, where they use the now, obviously.
00:19:30 We we know that it wasn't that I guess there's there's a Jewish component to this too, but the the Patriot Act, this is all stuff they were able to pass because they were able to frame it as.
00:19:44 Ohh no, it's to take care of the the problem these foreigners are are causing these other people are causing so white people went along with it.
00:19:51 You're gonna have to just.
00:19:52 You're gonna have to pay more in welfare.
00:19:54 You're gonna have to pay more in just lawsuits.
00:20:00 If you're a company, you're gonna have to pay more.
00:20:02 I mean, it's just the the economic cost is astronomical, but you're going to have more rapes, significantly more rapes.
00:20:09 You're going to have more murders.
00:20:11 You know, everyone knows the the statistic in America that 13% of the population commits 50 / 50%.
00:20:18 Of the murders, so that.
00:20:20 Literally means your murder rate double s.
00:20:24 So you have.
00:20:24 You're gonna have this is this.
00:20:26 Is just the look.
00:20:27 Some people might want to have black people in their country and and that's fine.
00:20:32 I'm just.
00:20:33 I'm just trying to let you know what it costs to have black people.
00:20:36 In your country it you get double the murder rate you get.
00:20:41 I don't know what the exact number on the rape is, but I I would assume.
00:20:45 It's probably right. Yeah, it.
00:20:46 Might even be worse than that.
00:20:48 You know you have property crime, just the amount of money you personally have to invest to keep your home safe from these people.
00:20:58 It's just that these are.
00:20:59 These are just all.
00:21:00 Costs that that you have to pay in order for the privilege of having these people in your country.
00:21:08 OK, so the people who are directly affected by it first.
00:21:14 When it's first starting to happen, like in the case of the Watts riots, and watts is a a suburb of of Los Angeles, right next to another suburb that you might have heard of.
00:21:30 And that is the suburb of of Compton.
Speaker 8
00:21:33 Straight outta Compton.
00:21:35 Now Compton, believe it or not, is one of the oldest American cities.
00:21:42 It was.
00:21:42 It was founded by the the the Spanish when they were colonizing California.
00:21:50 It was incorporated in in the 1800s. It was pretty much 100% white.
00:21:55 And it stayed 100% white until the civil rights movement, where they forced integration and they they put a stop to redlining and other other things that whites were doing to protect themselves from having to live in proximity to blacks.
00:22:15 And So what happened? Well, especially after the Watts riots, you know, the white people left the white people left. You had a a city that was in 1950, as you can see there, almost entirely white.
00:22:31 To 1960 it was, you know, getting close to half and half.
00:22:36 And by 1970, it was about 75% black.
00:22:42 Now at that point, Blacks had enough political power.
00:22:46 To elect a black mayor, elect Black City Council people.
00:22:52 They essentially were the 1st.
00:22:55 City in America, to be governed by blacks.
00:23:03 So how did?
00:23:04 That work out.
00:23:05 How did that?
00:23:06 Work out because.
00:23:07 I know a lot of you've never heard of Compton, right?
00:23:10 You've never heard of Compton before?
00:23:12 So how did it was it was.
00:23:13 It was seen as like a model for whether or not blacks could govern themselves.
00:23:18 It was.
00:23:19 It was basically the the experiment, right.
00:23:22 Let's see.
00:23:23 Let's see what happens.
00:23:24 You know, we passed all these policies.
00:23:26 We we we keep telling everyone that that race is only skin deep.
00:23:31 And what we keep shoveling.
00:23:32 Money at these people and.
00:23:35 You know, that's another reason why a lot of.
00:23:37 People moved to Compton.
00:23:39 Was when the whites started moving out.
00:23:41 The no one, I mean no one.
00:23:44 No one wanted.
00:23:45 To move in, and so they and the federal government stepped in and started giving loans to black people so they could buy houses in Compton, set up government housing.
00:23:55 And you know it again. It became a very, very, very black city. And again, this is 19, this is in 1970s, so in 1971.
00:24:06 They had a guy. It's I I I don't. You'll recognize the voice. That's The funny thing. He's. I feel like he used to do the VH1 behind the music documentaries or something cuz he's got like a really.
00:24:20 Like it was.
00:24:21 It was driving me crazy the entire time I was going.
00:24:23 Through this clips tonight.
00:24:24 You'll recognize the voice right away like.
00:24:26 And I know, I know.
00:24:27 That guy and maybe someone in chat will know.
00:24:30 But this this guy went around and it's kind of funny cause.
00:24:36 Even the way he's talking to these people, you can tell even.
00:24:39 He this this.
00:24:42 White Californian guy, right, this upper middle class white Californian guy is skeptical because by the time the black mayor was elected, Compton was already famous for having some of the highest crime.
00:24:55 Actually, the highest crime in California.
00:24:58 And that's saying something, right?
00:25:00 Now of course.
00:25:01 California was very white at the time.
00:25:04 In fact, they'll they'll they're going to drop a a number on you here later in the stream here.
00:25:08 That's going to probably be very shocking to a lot of people.
00:25:12 But he went around and interviewed people in Compton, including the mayor, the the prize of the Chamber of Commerce, which that's going to make your blood boil.
00:25:21 If you're anything like me.
00:25:23 And I just kind of asked like.
00:25:25 Well, what's going?
00:25:25 On why is the crime just skyrocketing?
00:25:30 And and and you finally got what you wanted, right?
00:25:33 You got to remember.
00:25:33 The the the black.
00:25:35 Power movement was essentially in full swing in 1960.
00:25:40 In the you know during the.
00:25:41 Watts riots, 19 late 1960s.
00:25:44 This was pretty much the product of that.
00:25:46 This is they got what they wanted.
00:25:48 They wanted.
00:25:48 They wanted a an ethno city and they got an ethno city and they were able to run it however they wanted.
00:25:56 And this is this was.
00:25:57 The result?
Speaker 9
00:26:01 Compton was the American Dream, Sunny California, with a palm tree in the front yard.
00:26:06 The camper.
00:26:08 The boat temptingly close to the Los Angeles Ghetto in the 50s and 60s.
00:26:13 It became the Black American dream.
00:26:16 Open housing paved the way as middle class blacks flooded into the city.
00:26:20 Whites don't buy houses in Compton anymore.
Speaker 2
00:26:23 Get out of carpet.
Speaker 9
00:26:25 Now with 74% of the population, black power is the fact of life from banks to bowling alleys.
00:26:31 But the dream that many blacks thought they were buying has turned sour, though the mayor and four other five city councilmen are black, they have been unable to solve the problems of crime and growing welfare, which is slowly turning suburban Compton.
00:26:45 Into an extension of the black inner city.
00:26:51 Crime is now as high as the ghetto. 47 homicides last year gave Compton one of the highest per capita rates in the country.
00:26:58 Juvenile gang activity, muggings, small robberies. Make some blacks want to leave, but crime is just one of Compton's unique problems. Poor families, many on welfare, moved to the suburb.
Speaker 8
00:27:03 Straight on the cops.
Speaker 9
00:27:11 Expecting to find work.
00:27:13 Instead they found unemployment and the welfare rolls have grown.
00:27:16 Hampton has an additional problem.
00:27:26 Low income housing attracts families from the inner city.
00:27:29 Many are unable to keep up mortgage payments and when the homes are abandoned, the property declines.
00:27:36 Suddenly the middle class black, who moved here in the 1st place to get away from the problems of the ghetto, would like to move.
00:27:43 Again, it is ironic for the whites who stayed in Compton now watching both whites and blacks moving out, says they wanted this city.
00:27:52 Now they've got it.
00:28:03 They wanted this city.
00:28:04 Now they've got it.
00:28:06 So that was the attitude of the whites that moved out of the out of Compton.
00:28:09 And they said, look, you know, you guys wanted it you.
00:28:11 Drove us out of here.
00:28:14 You now have the city.
00:28:16 You can have.
00:28:16 It this is kind of what I've been saying right.
00:28:21 Look, if they want it, let them have.
00:28:22 It see what happens.
00:28:25 Let let him see what happens.
00:28:30 So they're they're seeing what happens.
00:28:35 The He then goes and interviews black people to see if they they could wrap their head around why all of a sudden it's bad.
00:28:43 I mean, Compton used to be a really nice town.
00:28:47 It was a really it was a very nice town.
00:28:49 That was it.
00:28:50 Was called the the Hub city.
00:28:52 There were lots of people that that like to live there because it was.
00:28:55 It wasn't the big, you know, Los Angeles, big city.
00:28:58 It was a a nice little suburb where you could get away from the.
00:29:02 And and that that was, it was basically a hell hole.
00:29:07 They had, like, the highest murder rate in all of California.
00:29:10 They had, you know, violent crime off the charts.
00:29:14 So he he interviews a few black people and asked.
00:29:17 Them well, why? Why?
00:29:18 Do you think this is going on?
Speaker 9
00:29:20 Why? Why the crime? Why?
00:29:22 Why these problems do you think?
Speaker 10
00:29:26 You got me.
Speaker 11
00:29:28 You got me.
00:29:28 I don't know.
00:29:29 It's more like the gain, weight or whatever.
00:29:30 Trying to see the better.
00:29:31 So what?
00:29:32 I don't know.
00:29:33 I don't know.
00:29:34 Who knows, right?
00:29:37 Who knows?
00:29:39 OK, it makes sense if you've been lying to people and telling them that the only difference between two groups.
00:29:44 Is is an aesthetic 1.
00:29:46 The only difference between these two groups is just one has light skin and one has dark skin.
00:29:52 It would be kind of puzzling, right?
00:29:54 You'd be like.
00:29:54 Well, I don't know.
00:29:56 It doesn't make any sense.
00:29:58 I mean, just the only thing that.
00:29:59 Changed is that people look different, right?
00:30:02 That's the only thing that changed.
00:30:04 Is that people?
00:30:05 Look different.
00:30:06 So why would that have such a dramatic effect on on the society?
Speaker 12
00:30:09 And soon.
Speaker 10
00:30:11 You know, as blacks.
Speaker 9
00:30:12 Moved from Watts, let's say into Compton.
00:30:16 Is it a behavioral thing or?
00:30:19 You know is.
00:30:20 It the poor.
00:30:21 Black is it blacks who just don't like other kinds?
00:30:23 Of blacks. OK, Dennis.
Speaker 13
00:30:26 At once, but when I.
Speaker 11
00:30:28 First moved to Compton.
00:30:29 It was violence here then and the majority was white.
00:30:32 And when we went to school.
00:30:35 When we went to school at Compton High School.
00:30:38 Your parents had to carry the school because the whites was jumping on the black so.
00:30:43 Oh, you see, he's saying actually, it's not bad.
00:30:46 When I first moved here, it was it was.
00:30:48 Mostly white and.
00:30:49 And it was the.
00:30:50 It was the white people doing all the crime.
00:30:59 See, you're you're you're going to hear.
00:31:02 The more things change, the more they stay the same.
00:31:06 You're gonna hear a lot of the same kind of arguments the, the lot of.
00:31:09 The same ******** thinking that you hear from your leaders and leaders of these groups today.
00:31:16 You see, the white people were doing all the crime.
00:31:18 It's just that that, you know, that's it's just different now because they look different.
Speaker 11
00:31:22 Violins have been here all the time.
Speaker 9
00:31:24 No, no, it's a black violence.
Speaker 11
00:31:26 Well, yeah, it's black writings, but I guess they don't have anything else to do.
00:31:30 Give them something to participate in and they wouldn't have all this, but.
00:31:35 And then when faced with the idea that no, actually.
00:31:39 This is a black violence problem.
00:31:41 He's like, well, it's see, it's still Whitey's fault.
00:31:45 Because you don't have, you're.
00:31:46 You're not giving them anything to do.
00:31:51 See, that's the.
00:31:51 Other cost is.
00:31:52 You, you now de facto become their babysitters.
00:32:01 This whole idea that you know of self governance, right, the whole idea around America was that, oh, you don't need this massive federal government.
00:32:09 We can all.
00:32:10 Self govern because we're all basically very similar in our beliefs and our value systems and we really don't like the tyranny from Europe.
00:32:17 And so we're going to make this new government.
00:32:20 That's designed to accommodate our our, our will and our self.
00:32:25 The nation so that we are all of our families become kind of like these little mini nations.
00:32:34 I guess if you will and that we are free from the bonds of the state because we don't need to be baby set.
00:32:42 Well, that might have been true for the founding stock Americans.
00:32:46 That might have been true for the people that lived in America in 1776.
00:32:54 But the problem is.
00:32:57 In 1971.
00:33:00 200 years later, that's not who was living in the country.
00:33:07 That's not who is living in the country.
00:33:10 And so that form of government.
00:33:13 Was ******** because you you couldn't the the new population.
00:33:18 You couldn't expect to police themselves.
00:33:20 You couldn't expect them to just behave.
00:33:22 Themselves and not riot.
00:33:25 Now this guy right here.
00:33:26 I was trying so hard to find his name so I could try to get an early life or whatever.
00:33:32 But I couldn't find any records on whoever was the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Compton in 1971.
00:33:40 He came in and it's look, it's kind of funny because it really does show you as much as we complain about.
00:33:48 Boomers sometimes provided this guy doesn't have the early life that I think that he does, but let's just you know, let's because we.
00:33:55 Don't know right let's.
00:33:57 Just say he's an old white guy.
00:33:59 It it's almost as if the.
00:34:00 Boomers had their own boomers.
00:34:02 Like if you listen to this guy, it's exactly the same.
00:34:05 This **** never changes.
00:34:07 This ship never changes.
00:34:10 And it won't change.
00:34:12 It won't as long as you want diversity.
00:34:15 As long as you want these racial groups mixed into your communities, this is just the reality.
00:34:22 This is just what you have.
00:34:24 To put up with.
00:34:26 And you might look, you might think.
00:34:27 It's worth the.
00:34:29 I happen to think it's it's obviously.
00:34:31 Not worth the cost.
00:34:33 But if if if you do think.
00:34:34 It's worth the cost.
00:34:35 You need to be aware of the cost.
00:34:38 You know, a lot of people sign on to things that they don't really put.
00:34:41 You know, they don't do the math on right.
00:34:43 There's a lot of people that sign mortgages and and car loans and they because it, you know, the salesman is really making it sound good.
00:34:50 Oh, no, no, you you.
00:34:51 Can afford it?
00:34:53 You can afford it.
00:34:54 Just imagine how nice it's going to be to have that swimming pool.
00:34:57 In the summer.
00:34:58 Ohh yeah, the kids are going to love that.
00:35:01 And then when you realize you can't afford it anymore.
00:35:05 And the bank takes your home and you're foreclosed on and you're bankrupt and homeless.
00:35:11 It's kind of too late.
00:35:13 So it's better to do this math before you do these sorts of decisions, and unfortunately, our forefathers didn't do these kinds of mathematical equations in their heads to to determine what kind of outcomes to expect.
00:35:27 But yeah, this guy here, he's gonna tell you that.
00:35:30 Ohh God, it's not a big deal.
00:35:32 It's not a bit Compton.
00:35:33 'S not so bad.
Speaker 13
00:35:35 Compton is a very unique city. It's one of the very few major cities in America that has 75% black population, majority black government and as a matter of fact, for all intents and purposes, that is the major American city. That is in fact our total backlog or a majority Black operated city.
00:35:55 Let's put it this way, they are the.
00:35:59 The black hasn't had an opportunity up until just recently to become active in government, so he is.
00:36:06 Learning as he participates, let's put it this way.
00:36:10 You can quote me.
00:36:11 They're they're running fast.
00:36:13 I I mean, I said to the City Council meeting where the Planning Commission.
00:36:17 I'm amazed at the at the, the foresight and and the the business center of the of the frequent.
Speaker 2
00:36:19 OK.
Speaker 8
00:36:23 Straight outta Compton.
00:36:25 If you.
Speaker 9
00:36:25 Problems also when you came here problems.
00:36:30 I like how the very the very.
00:36:32 Notion that there's problems you can tell.
00:36:35 Really sets him off.
00:36:37 Really ****** him off because.
00:36:39 He's like, oh, no.
00:36:40 This is fine. Everything's fine.
00:36:42 He's literally the everything's fine.
00:36:44 Me. Remember this is 1971.
00:36:48 Now you might not be familiar with with, with the history of Compton, but I can tell you it didn't get better.
00:36:58 We'll we'll cover that later, but it it for definitely sure did not get better.
00:37:04 Yeah, there there's a reason why all these gangster rappers in the 90s love talking about how they were from Compton, cause that was the most ******** gangster's town they could think of.
00:37:15 Well, and and and many of them actually were from Compton, you know, Eazy E was literally from.
00:37:22 So it's.
00:37:24 And by the way, he got, he got the money to start his record label.
00:37:27 By selling crack.
00:37:29 In Compton.
00:37:32 So you know, but this guy gets really ****** ***.
00:37:35 You're you're suggesting that possibly that Compton is not working out?
Speaker 13
00:37:43 Well, we all find problem.
00:37:45 You showed me that any city in America doesn't have problems and I will move out tomorrow.
00:37:50 We all have problems, conference.
00:37:53 Compton has problems.
00:37:55 Confident, has undergone in the past.
00:37:58 1015 years, quite a change. I mean we have.
00:38:04 And what exactly is that change?
00:38:07 And it's like pulling teeth to get.
00:38:09 These people to admit.
00:38:11 The the obvious the obvious cause and effect.
00:38:17 The obvious that well, when this was a White City, none of these problems existed.
00:38:22 Once it became a black city.
00:38:23 All these problems happened.
00:38:27 I mean, this isn't this isn't that hard.
00:38:29 To figure out.
00:38:32 But a lot of people, this is what drives me crazy.
00:38:35 And when, when?
00:38:36 When you hear these people that that lose their **** because you start to talk about racial differences.
00:38:41 One of the things they like to say, and if you're new to the channel and maybe you're one of these people that I told you to share this video with, there's a lot of these people that will say things like, well, they're trying to divide us.
00:38:51 You're just trying to divide us.
Speaker 14
00:38:54 We should be working together.
00:38:58 Against them, like I'll never define what them is.
00:39:01 But you know that this nebulous them.
00:39:04 And they.
00:39:06 You know they are trying to divide us.
00:39:11 When the opposite is obviously true, they are trying to ram us together.
00:39:19 They had to use guns and to.
00:39:20 Do it in the South.
00:39:25 They they made, they've made every attempt.
00:39:27 To ram us together.
00:39:31 What's going on in Europe right now is not an attempt to.
00:39:34 Divide the people.
00:39:37 It's an attempt to ram the mall together.
00:39:44 And look, I think there's some true believers that are just naive and they they, they they will keep but but it's religious for them.
00:39:52 It's become their religion, so it doesn't matter how many times they fail, they will keep trying over and over and over and over again until you make them stop.
00:40:06 Because this is their religion.
00:40:11 And they're not going to stop until you make them stop.
00:40:15 There's never going to.
00:40:16 Come a point.
00:40:17 Where they look at it like this guy, right?
00:40:20 Where they look at it and say, wow, this was probably a really bad idea.
00:40:26 It was probably a really, really bad idea to mix these two groups together.
00:40:32 We had a good thing going.
00:40:34 And then for really no good reason.
00:40:36 We ran these other people in here that are from countries that never had a good thing going.
00:40:43 Expecting them to magically get better.
00:40:46 And there's a lot of people on the right, a lot of conservatives.
00:40:49 They're so full of themselves.
00:40:51 There so.
00:40:54 They're so confident.
00:40:57 In their ideology.
00:40:59 And for them it becomes a religion too.
00:41:02 They think of it as as converting these people.
00:41:06 Well, if I can just convert them.
00:41:09 If I can convert them.
00:41:11 Then they'll they'll behave just like cause it's it has nothing to do with the people in a country, right?
00:41:17 It's just the system of government, you know, the founding fathers, they created this magical document.
00:41:24 And if I can just convert them just like.
00:41:26 The Bible, right?
00:41:27 If I can just get you to to believe in the Bible or in this case, it's the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, if I can just get you to believe.
00:41:36 In that.
00:41:37 You'll be born again and you'll be saved.
00:41:41 You'll be saved and you'll become just like us.
00:41:44 And everything will be great.
00:41:50 So for them it's a religion too.
00:41:53 For this guy, it's a religion.
00:41:54 Obviously you can tell he gets, he gets upset the same way a religious person would get.
00:42:00 When you start.
00:42:00 To poke holes in in some of their theology.
Speaker 13
00:42:05 This city has had a metamorphosis, if you may, if you will, from.
00:42:10 At one time, Compton was the the hub city of Southern California.
00:42:14 It was a A.
00:42:16 Medium income.
00:42:19 Solid white community, that was.
00:42:23 And then throughout the whole rest.
00:42:26 So, he acknowledges.
00:42:29 That Compton used to be a model city.
00:42:31 It was a nice middle class white town.
00:42:35 It was the place in Southern California.
00:42:43 But now what?
00:42:44 Now now what's changed?
Speaker 13
00:42:48 Then as the after World War 2, the the black population started moving into the city of Compton. Over the period of years. To the extent that today at 75%, right?
00:43:04 Oh, so after we lost World War 2.
00:43:09 I'm just to leave that hanging out there in the air there.
00:43:13 We had to.
00:43:14 Force integrate the cities.
00:43:18 And Compton became 75% black.
00:43:24 OK, alright.
00:43:25 So you still haven't explained how there's no problems in.
00:43:28 Compton but but go on.
Speaker 13
00:43:34 In all of this change, certainly there, there's been a little neglect and there's been you've overlooked a lot of things that are necessary in the progress of a of a good American type progressive city.
00:43:49 We I have found that the basic thing that we need in Compton.
00:43:54 Is a a more unified effort on the part of all of the organizations, all of the citizens, citizens, the Congress, the industry and the city government towards a a developing a spirit of flight of community and the spirit of pride in the appearance of our community.
00:44:16 That's all.
00:44:18 That's all you need.
00:44:18 You need to somehow get black people to care about.
00:44:23 The the community.
00:44:27 Now again.
00:44:31 There are other places you can go look.
00:44:33 Around the world where black people.
00:44:37 Have communities.
00:44:40 And and this is the kind of thing that you see, I mean this is a a famous meme.
00:44:44 Thanks to the whoever gave it to me on.
00:44:47 On Gab, I asked, let me see who.
00:44:49 It was who was.
00:44:50 It who was?
00:44:51 I'll give you a.
00:44:51 Shout out here.
00:44:55 I think it was black crimes matter on gab.
00:45:02 Lots of you have seen this meme.
00:45:05 But this is this is what he's.
00:45:06 Talking about, he doesn't understand that this is what he's talking about, but this is what he's talking about.
00:45:12 He's talking about whites wanting to put the trash in the trash can and blacks wanting to throw it on the ground.
00:45:22 If only we can get Compton to come together.
00:45:26 And act like this white kid instead of acting like these black people.
00:45:35 That's what he's saying.
00:45:39 But that's never going to happen.
00:45:40 That's never going to ******* happen.
Speaker 13
00:45:47 Like most cities, we've neglected our housekeeping.
Speaker 9
00:45:53 And the change?
00:45:54 Is that, I wonder, is that a carryover from the ghetto of Watts?
00:45:59 See look, even the interviewer.
00:46:01 Not buying it.
00:46:04 I'll have to tell you again if I I feel like this is the guy that does like the those documentaries on VH1 or.
00:46:11 Something like that.
00:46:12 But you can tell he's I don't want to say he's he's kind of based, but he's from a different time.
00:46:18 I mean, just the fact that he brings up some of this stuff is and the questions that he asked.
00:46:23 Is kind of stunning, but this was mainstream.
00:46:27 This is how much the culture has changed towards a a black centric or a non white.
00:46:35 Or an anti white rather society.
00:46:39 Which by the way.
00:46:40 Europeans that are importing these people in your countries prepare for more of that.
00:46:46 Prepare for more of that.
00:46:49 As you import these people in your countries, invariably they'll get they'll gain political power, they'll, they'll hold political office.
00:47:00 They'll apply political pressure.
00:47:01 Hey, it's easier for them.
00:47:02 They can just tell these people like.
00:47:04 Look, if we don't get what we want.
00:47:06 I can make a riot start by the end of the day.
00:47:11 And don't think that kind of **** doesn't happen.
00:47:16 That that kind of **** absolutely happens.
00:47:19 That's how Al Sharpton.
00:47:21 Made his career.
Speaker 13
00:47:28 It's a little habits.
00:47:30 Right now, let's put the when you talk about the ghetto of the watch.
00:47:35 See, he gets mad because the the guy interviewing his implying like, look, do you think these problems exist?
00:47:40 Because I mean, he's basically beating around the Bush a little bit, but he's basically saying is it because black people live here now?
00:47:46 I mean, don't you think maybe it's.
00:47:48 Because because black people live here now.
00:47:51 I mean that that seems like the logical conclusion based on the facts so far that maybe because.
00:47:58 Blacks live here now.
00:48:01 And this guy again?
00:48:02 He you're questioning his religion.
00:48:05 He's getting really irritable and fidgety and and having to to think of weird excuses that have nothing to do with with the demographics.
Speaker 13
00:48:18 It's a name, you know, that was affiliated with the with the guy.
Speaker 9
00:48:24 Is that a carryover from the poorer sections of the blacks who came from a welfare condition, let's say in that area and moved into Compton?
Speaker 13
00:48:34 Yes, there are a lot of a lot of the of the blacks who are long, long welfare, who have moved into our area into comparatively low, low rates of of of rental units.
00:48:51 A lot of them for you know, federally funded and these people, they just don't have the pride of ownership because they're they're they're dealing with an absentee landlord who doesn't particularly care about the the appearance of his property as long as he gets the rent in.
00:49:09 And allow these people have never lived in a home before and.
00:49:14 It isn't like owning your own home.
00:49:17 And there's a lot of them that don't supervise their children as well as they should.
00:49:21 They let them mess around and.
00:49:31 They don't.
00:49:32 Somehow I I I.
00:49:34 Think he just let that one slip because that that's a hard one to explain away.
00:49:38 His first one was like, oh, they never owned anything.
00:49:40 So like, they just don't know that you're supposed to keep your place.
00:49:43 Up, if you own it.
00:49:44 And that's that's why the place has gone to ****, not.
00:49:46 As if white people don't rent property.
00:49:50 You know, like, like come the **** on.
00:49:52 Come the **** on and then.
00:49:54 He starts talking.
00:49:55 About well, blacks don't really raise their kids.
00:50:00 Now they're there again.
00:50:01 There's going to be these skeptical people watching this that think to themselves.
00:50:05 Well, that's right.
00:50:06 No, Thomas soul.
00:50:10 Not understanding that they they think that this is somehow.
00:50:15 Blacks don't raise their kids because.
00:50:19 Of reasons or the Democrats, the Democrats like stopped them from raising their kids or something happened, right?
00:50:25 Not that maybe that that biologically.
00:50:29 That's just not they don't raise their kids the same way white people raise their kids.
00:50:36 That if you go to Africa, you don't see the same kind of parenting going on that you.
00:50:41 Would if you go to Europe.
00:50:44 And that that the Democrats didn't go to Africa, every African nation and Haiti and every every other Black Country around the world.
00:50:53 And and somehow change their parenting strategies.
00:51:00 They just use different strategies that, quite frankly, are incompatible.
00:51:10 But that's another cost.
00:51:12 Because if they're not raising their kids.
00:51:15 Now, now it's.
00:51:16 You know, you're you're paying more for law enforcement.
00:51:18 You're paying more for the the jails, and now you're paying way more for education.
00:51:26 They can't perform at the same level.
00:51:30 And not strictly because their parents don't give a **** because there's an aptitude problem.
00:51:37 So now you're having to dump all this money into education, and then you're you're gonna have to put even more money into programs to babysit them afterwards.
00:51:44 Because even after you educate them, there's a very limited skill set available.
00:51:50 And especially as as modern technology progresses and a lot of these things become automated.
00:51:56 Or were those the even the?
00:51:58 Ones that don't become automated maybe get more sophisticated.
00:52:06 Well, now you've got a whole population of people that really can't do anything.
Speaker 13
00:52:13 Degrade the the the environment in which they live and this is the one thing we're.
00:52:18 Trying to correct.
Speaker 9
00:52:20 One reason that people have been looking to Compton is because for the first time, black power really exists and there the City Council, black leadership and.
00:52:32 Been able to come to grips with these problems.
Speaker 13
00:52:35 Why you mean the black leadership?
00:52:40 Oh yeah, look at that.
00:52:41 Look on his face.
00:52:45 Comping really was the first time an American city.
00:52:50 Had as as the interviewer put it, black power.
00:52:55 You wanted it.
00:52:57 Now you got it.
00:52:59 Why? Why have you failed?
00:53:02 So spectacularly.
00:53:04 At delivering on just the the basic.
00:53:09 You know essentials.
00:53:12 I'm just not having a crime infested hellhole.
00:53:16 That resembles Africa.
00:53:19 And I and I want I why would?
00:53:20 It resemble Africa, you think?
00:53:23 That's that's probably just a coincidence, right?
00:53:25 That's probably just.
00:53:28 Nah, that that there can't be anything to that.
Speaker 13
00:53:31 Well, I would say this, that it isn't a question of not being able to come to grips there.
00:53:35 They just haven't to realize until just now possibly the basic importance of what we're talking about as far as Good Housekeeping is concerned, they have been so busy learning the business of government.
00:53:48 Negotiating with the with the Housing and Urban development branches of the federal government for the necessary funds to set up a model of cities operation in the city or set up redevelopment agencies and and they have been concentrating more on that aspect of it and sort of neglecting.
00:54:10 Leaving it up to the citizen to take care like it.
00:54:15 Ah, see, there's a lot going on there.
00:54:17 First of all.
00:54:19 He's saying ohh they're just well, they're new to it.
00:54:22 They're new to it.
00:54:23 Give him a.
00:54:23 Let's give him some time.
00:54:24 We're gonna give him some time.
00:54:25 We're going to give him some time.
00:54:26 We're gonna.
00:54:27 We're gonna check.
00:54:27 Up on him and see how they're doing, right?
00:54:31 We're we're we're going to see how how Compton.
00:54:33 'S doing today.
00:54:34 Straight out.
Speaker 8
00:54:35 Of the car.
00:54:37 And how it's done since since the time of this interview.
00:54:41 So we have, we have the benefit of.
00:54:43 Hindsight, we can look back.
00:54:45 At these arguments, which, by the way mimic exactly the arguments that you.
00:54:49 Hear today when?
00:54:51 You hear about all the refugees in Europe when you hear about any of the refugees coming to America.
00:54:57 This is the exact thing that you've been hearing your entire life about.
00:55:01 Why these groups are underperforming in white societies.
00:55:05 That, Oh well that we.
00:55:06 Just got to give them some more.
00:55:07 Time we just got to give them more federal money.
00:55:09 Me and give them some more time and by.
00:55:12 The way it's not the black.
00:55:13 People's fault, right?
00:55:14 It's not their fault because they're still learning on.
00:55:17 How to do it?
00:55:18 Also, they're learning how to get more gibs from the federal government, and they've been focusing on getting the Gibbs from the federal government more than they've been focusing on actually governing.
00:55:27 And they've been kind of just assuming that the.
00:55:29 Local population would be able to govern themselves with.
00:55:33 Obviously the implication is.
00:55:35 They haven't been able to govern themselves.
00:55:40 Because once again, that whole system of government was when it was written, was not written to accommodate.
00:55:46 All people of the earth.
00:55:48 In fact, there were lots of of the founding fathers that explicitly explained this in their writings.
00:55:55 Brent Ben Franklin specifically said, look, this is only going to work.
00:56:00 If we keep the country with the current demographics that we have today, he didn't even want slaves and Italians coming to America because he thought they would **** it up.
00:56:12 He for *** **** sure didn't expect black people to be voting and becoming mayors and presidents and that sort of thing.
00:56:21 That would have been a nightmare scenario in the heads of everyone of the founding fathers.
00:56:28 And the only reason they I think that they didn't explicitly ban that kind of a thing was it just sounded so ludicrous.
00:56:37 That that would ever happen.
00:56:40 It sounded insane.
00:56:41 It'd be like it would be like.
00:56:44 Trying to pass a law saying that in the future we don't want dogs to be able to run for mayor.
00:56:51 I mean, people go.
00:56:51 Like, well, that's never going to happen you.
00:56:53 Know like, why would we?
00:56:55 Do we have to include that?
00:57:03 But he like, you know, maybe maybe he was right.
00:57:05 Right.
00:57:06 Maybe, maybe they just needed some more time.
00:57:09 We'll see about that.
Speaker 13
00:57:10 Told a bunch of citizens the other day.
00:57:12 I said, look, you can't expect 5 councilmen at City Hall to put the show on the road.
00:57:17 That like we're talking about, they didn't follow it up.
00:57:22 To the condition that it's in, it's the.
00:57:24 It's the people themselves.
00:57:25 So what we're advocating is the time is now.
00:57:29 We'll do it yourself.
00:57:30 Rehabilitation drive in the City of conference involving every man, woman and child to clean it up.
00:57:37 Paint it up, pick up the paper off the street, and get rid of the.
00:57:40 Hands in the garbage and the house needs painting.
00:57:43 Let's do it.
00:57:47 Because that's what you would be able to.
00:57:48 Expect out of white people.
00:57:52 He still doesn't get it, or at least he pretends not to when he says.
00:57:57 Look, I was talking to the black residents the other day.
00:58:02 You guys are the ones that trashed the place.
00:58:04 At least he's admitting that.
00:58:06 You guys got to clean this up.
00:58:12 You have to clean it.
00:58:13 Up, why aren't you cleaning it up?
00:58:14 I don't understand.
00:58:16 Right.
00:58:17 Why aren't they cleaning it up?
00:58:35 Why aren't they cleaning it up?
00:58:37 I don't understand.
00:58:40 Must because they're new to this.
00:58:42 Right.
Speaker 9
00:58:48 Has been really pretty difficult.
00:58:51 Very difficult flux of new blacks into this area.
00:58:55 They've had to deal with all.
00:58:56 Kinds of things.
00:58:58 Our problems almost that have been tougher.
00:59:00 Than other suburbs.
Speaker 13
00:59:01 Yes, that's true.
00:59:03 It's they've they have had the problems that are unique to.
00:59:07 I can think of no other community in in America because you cannot compare Compton with a lot of the Eastern ghetto type areas emphasize.
00:59:17 Once again.
Speaker 9
00:59:18 Compared to suburbs, the white suburb.
Speaker 13
00:59:22 Can I compare?
00:59:22 It to white subway.
00:59:26 Again, good job on the the the interviewer guy.
00:59:29 That's not the kind of you certainly wouldn't have questions like this coming from journalists today.
00:59:36 And look at that look on his face.
00:59:40 Why can't we compare this to white suburbs?
00:59:43 Is this the kind of result you would expect from a white suburb?
00:59:46 Is there, is there a reason why the behavior seems to be so radically different than the white suburbs?
00:59:53 And he's like, oh, oh, God.
00:59:56 You're you're you're you're questioning my religion again.
00:59:58 I'm gonna have to think.
01:00:00 Think of some like nonsense.
01:00:02 **** that I can say that will absolve me of having to actually face the the logical inconsistencies and everything that I'm saying.
Speaker 13
01:00:13 Yes, I can.
01:00:15 You know what type of comparison you want?
01:00:17 With thinking that if.
Speaker 9
01:00:18 We compare with white suburbs.
01:00:20 What are the unique problems?
01:00:21 That make it different.
Speaker 13
01:00:24 The unique problem suburbs in in this area are basically all new subdivisions, planned communities with ample housing, or by that I mean four and five bedroom homes, you know, larger we.
Speaker 12
01:00:42 Don't have that.
Speaker 13
01:00:43 Compton. Compton is 85 years old.
01:00:47 And we had a lack of that of the type of.
01:00:52 Affluent housing, if you will, that is prevalent in the in the suburbs.
01:00:58 Oh, so it's just it's because Compton is old.
01:01:03 And they don't have 5 bedroom houses.
01:01:10 That's the that's.
01:01:11 That's yet another reason why.
01:01:15 Why Compton isn't comparable to a white suburb because white suburbs have have bigger houses.
01:01:23 So that explains the the murder rate and the trash in the street and the rapes and the assaults and the burglaries.
01:01:32 It's because the houses.
01:01:33 Are not big enough.
01:01:35 You know, if only they had bigger houses from HUD, from the federal government.
01:01:43 Then that would probably fix that probably.
Speaker 9
01:01:46 You have an influx of rather poor people from, let's say, I've got over slumming condition comparatively in in Los Angeles as we've been talking about those problems, rather difficult to to deal with.
01:01:58 Is this going to become just another slum runnable to absolutely not.
01:02:08 I wish this **** was still alive.
01:02:11 Absolutely not.
01:02:13 Is Compton going to be Compton?
01:02:15 Is Compton going to become just another slum?
01:02:19 Right.
01:02:21 Absolutely not. No possible way.
Speaker 13
01:02:25 Absolutely not, and I'm going to challenge that particular statement, we.
Speaker 8
01:02:27 Straight outta Compton.
01:02:29 Is it mother?
01:02:29 Else, mother, your mother and make your sister think I love her?
01:02:33 Dangerous ************* raising hell.
Speaker 13
01:02:38 Don't have an.
01:02:39 Influx of what you thought ghetto type people from the slums in the continent.
Speaker 8
01:02:45 That's the problem.
01:02:46 I see your ************* cap.
01:02:48 I don't dodge.
Speaker 13
01:02:49 Frankly, the the black white situation is a is a fabric of the imagination as far away.
01:02:55 We don't think about it.
01:03:03 It's just, it's just part of your imagination.
01:03:08 We don't think about it.
01:03:11 Well, we can tell you didn't think about it.
01:03:15 This is this is the same ****.
01:03:19 That leaders all throughout Europe pay attention Europe.
01:03:25 This is where you're headed.
01:03:31 This is where you're headed.
01:03:32 Your leaders are telling you the same ****.
01:03:42 We don't think about it at all.
01:03:45 Race is just all part of your imagination.
Speaker 13
01:03:48 I think possibly it might be this situation.
01:03:54 Because of these.
01:03:57 The background of our American.
01:03:59 Let's face it, the bigotry we've had in America.
01:04:04 It's the bigotry.
01:04:07 See, I knew it was coming.
01:04:11 Not only is it not the.
01:04:13 Blacks fault for how their community, how?
01:04:15 They're running their own community.
01:04:18 It's your fault.
01:04:23 White people made Compton bad by leaving.
01:04:29 By leaving and letting them run their own city.
01:04:35 It's your fault.
01:04:42 And look in a weird way.
01:04:43 And this isn't how he means it.
01:04:44 But that's that's true, right?
01:04:49 That's why when whites leave an area.
01:04:54 Diversity is always quick to follow.
01:05:01 When I was embarrassing Michael Tracy on Twitter the other day.
01:05:07 Until he blew his top, lost his cool.
01:05:09 It was pretty funny.
01:05:14 You could tell.
01:05:17 This you could you could swap him.
01:05:19 Out with this guy.
01:05:29 You're the one causing the problems.
01:05:35 It's all your fault. Everything's your fault. It's the bigotry.
Speaker 13
01:05:39 Modern American.
01:05:41 Let's face it, the bigotry we've had in America.
Speaker 8
01:05:45 When I've called off.
01:05:46 I got a soft dog with me.
01:05:52 The police are gonna have to come and get me.
01:05:55 That's how I'm going out.
Speaker 9
01:05:58 What is the gang problem here?
01:06:00 The crime problem?
01:06:01 How is it higher?
01:06:02 I suppose elsewhere.
01:06:05 Yes, yes.
01:06:06 Do tell.
01:06:07 Why is the gang problem and the crime problem so much higher?
01:06:14 I'm sure that's your fault too.
Speaker 13
01:06:17 For our question, Matt.
01:06:20 It's higher in theory on paper.
01:06:23 You read it in the paper.
01:06:26 That's all.
01:06:27 It's just higher in theory and on paper it's just statistically higher.
01:06:33 It's just factually higher, but.
01:06:36 As I was saying earlier in the interview, Ray, it's all imagination land.
01:06:44 This is the same **** when you when you confront these people that are that are ruining your nation with these statistics.
01:06:54 Oh, it just does doing just numbers.
01:06:58 Numbers don't mean anything.
01:07:03 There's no gang problem here.
01:07:06 And and look to these guys, it's it it it's true to some extent because they're not living in the neighborhoods where all this crime is taking place.
01:07:13 You think this?
01:07:14 Guy lives in the ******* ghetto.
01:07:20 I guarantee you this guy has a long commute before he gets downtown.
01:07:28 He doesn't have to see it.
01:07:29 That's the only time he has seen it.
01:07:31 When he's, as he said, reads it in the paper.
01:07:34 Or seize a statistic.
01:07:37 That doesn't bother him.
01:07:43 It's not his parents getting murdered.
01:07:52 He's safe.
01:07:54 He lives in one of these white suburbs.
Speaker 13
01:08:02 Where we have problems show me is the city that doesn't have problems.
01:08:08 Our youth today.
01:08:11 They're not gangs in the real sense.
01:08:14 The word like, if you find back East.
Speaker 8
01:08:16 Going off on the ************ like that with a cat that's pointed at your ***.
01:08:22 So give.
01:08:22 It up.
Speaker 13
01:08:25 For people that are in college, in school and so far, not particularly college.
01:08:30 In the elementary and junior and the high school areas.
01:08:35 That the basic educational system hasn't appealed to them.
01:08:46 See, it's just that the education.
01:08:49 System doesn't appeal to them.
01:08:53 Why is that?
01:08:58 Do you think that that's why there's not as many whites in the NBA?
01:09:01 Just basketball doesn't appeal to them?
01:09:07 Is that what it is?
01:09:09 Or is there maybe something else going on there?
01:09:21 Look, these are black schools with black teachers.
01:09:27 Why doesn't the education system appeal to them?
01:09:38 Do you explain?
01:09:40 Why all these scholars seem uninterested in going to school?
Speaker 13
01:09:44 And a lot of them are high school dropouts, and when they drop out of high school, they have nothing to do.
01:09:49 They're not trained for the job, so they hang around the peripheries of the high school, not attending.
01:09:56 And they get together and misery loves company and they set up a kind of a group that they're, we call gangs and.
01:10:04 We get the.
01:10:04 So there are gangs.
01:10:08 So they drop out of high school and start gangs.
01:10:17 Ohh, I'm sorry, it's just what?
01:10:18 I call gangs.
01:10:20 It it it it's it's not an actual gang.
01:10:25 It's just what I call gangs, so they drop out of school and start gangs and start selling drugs.
01:10:31 Because look what?
01:10:34 Really, what else are they supposed to do?
01:10:37 The whole reason this is happening, the whole reason, all these.
01:10:39 Problems are happening.
01:10:41 Is they're not compatible with the system of government that our ancestors created because they're not related to our ancestors.
01:10:54 Alright, this is like trying to run.
01:10:57 Windows software on Linux.
01:11:00 Well, I guess they've got that actually now they got wine.
01:11:05 Sort of works.
01:11:09 But it's incompatible.
01:11:17 You can't get these people.
01:11:20 To perform at the same level.
01:11:23 As the software that's that's written for natively for that operating system.
01:11:40 And look, they're never there.
01:11:42 It's a buy.
01:11:43 It's at the biological level.
01:11:47 There's no ******* way.
01:11:50 Skin color.
01:11:53 Is inherited.
01:11:56 And nothing else in your biology is.
01:12:04 There's no ******* way.
01:12:09 This is something we've known for centuries.
01:12:16 Everyone's heard the term.
01:12:17 The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
01:12:23 Look in your personal lives.
01:12:24 You probably noticed that to your horror, sometimes you start to act like your parents.
01:12:32 In weird little ways that.
01:12:33 You would never have expected.
01:12:38 Because on a biological level, you are your parents, you're literally your parents.
01:12:56 And these black people, they're they're part of their parents.
01:13:04 These Algerians in France, they're a product of their parents.
01:13:11 These packages in the UK, they're a product.
01:13:13 Of their parents.
01:13:29 So when they can't perform at the same level as the people who that the system is tailor made for, yeah.
01:13:37 What do you expect them to do?
01:13:42 Nature finds a way, right?
01:13:46 They're not going to just roll over and die, they're going to start behaving the way that they would in their.
01:13:52 Their native countries.
01:13:56 They're going to start employing the strategies that their ancestors have employed for eons.
Speaker 13
01:14:16 You know, like all kids do, you know, I get it.
01:14:19 And we were kids.
01:14:19 We were, you know, they got on the next block.
01:14:21 We'd fight.
01:14:22 Ohh yeah we when.
01:14:23 We were kids.
01:14:24 We all started gangs and started selling crack, right?
01:14:27 We all did it.
01:14:31 Remember when we dropped out of high school and started selling crack and started a gang?
01:14:36 We're no different than they are.
Speaker 13
01:14:38 Back and forth.
01:14:40 So this is a situation that's true all over central Los Angeles, East and South.
01:14:50 Rest and a lot of these, these kids, they they move from the school to school and they they set up a.
01:14:58 They they'll pick a fancy name and they'll have a gang of branches all over.
01:15:02 They're not organized, really.
01:15:04 Like in the true sense of a gang.
01:15:07 But they drive around their own wheels and they drove from one community to the other and they get in their little phrase.
01:15:12 And Fragas isn't unfortunately, occasionally we have where I have problems.
01:15:17 There's been some shootings and that sort of thing.
Speaker 8
01:15:20 You dumb ************.
01:15:26 It's a little stunning, right?
01:15:28 It's a little stunning to hear that.
01:15:30 This guy like.
01:15:31 The the lengths that he's going.
01:15:33 To try to make it sound.
01:15:34 Like it's not a big deal.
01:15:38 Oh, it's not like a real gang.
01:15:39 I mean, they're not very good at organizations, so it's not like the mafia like, you know, like, usually, you know, he's basically saying that whites are better at making gangs.
01:15:50 And so these aren't real gangs, because blacks aren't even as good as whites when it comes to making gangs.
01:15:58 And that when they make gangs, they just commit crimes and drive around in cars.
01:16:02 And shoot people.
01:16:04 And so somehow that makes it better because they're not like organized.
01:16:08 And they don't have like, it's not like a racketeering operation or something like that.
01:16:19 That's what he's saying.
01:16:20 He's he's literally saying.
01:16:22 That it's not that big a deal.
01:16:24 Because the violence is more random, it's it's less organized.
01:16:31 That's all.
Speaker 3
01:16:34 And shopping.
Speaker 9
01:16:36 There are other major cities around the country that are turning black or a majority of black.
01:16:42 Is come to.
01:16:42 The wave of the future, what can?
01:16:44 We learn from the experience here.
Speaker 13
01:16:48 Well, I think what you can learn and learn a couple of things #1 the contrary to popular opinion.
01:16:55 And the blacks are very capable of operating and running as they #2 and I, I mean this sincerely in my conversation. Frankly the blacks don't want a total black city. Blacks want integration.
01:17:16 Now, why would they want that?
01:17:26 Because on some.
01:17:27 Level they know.
01:17:29 They know if they are left to run their own cities to run their own states or counties or whatever.
01:17:37 Conditions will turn to ****.
01:17:39 As they did in Compton.
01:17:43 Not even the blacks want to live in black cities.
01:17:48 That is why no matter where whites go.
01:17:51 So long as they don't have a.
01:17:52 High End group preference.
01:17:54 So long as they they want to romanticize giant statues on Ellis Island that have poems telling the whole world to bring us their trash.
01:18:10 Which is what that poem says.
01:18:11 It literally says.
01:18:12 Bring us your ******* trash.
01:18:16 Bring your trash and justice, dump it on our.
01:18:18 Front ******* yard.
01:18:23 And no, Americans did not add that.
01:18:25 Poem to the statue that was added by Jews.
01:18:29 But it's it's taught that people.
01:18:32 Learn, learn it as if it was, you know, the almost as if the founding fathers themselves had built that statue, wrote the.
01:18:38 Poem. Put it on there.
01:18:55 Well, now the trash is here.
01:19:00 And not even the.
01:19:01 Trash wants to live with trash.
01:19:06 Doesn't matter where you go, they're always.
01:19:08 Going to chase you.
Speaker 13
01:19:15 And the the thing that makes a total black city and I'm going to say this.
01:19:20 With the with the with the.
01:19:22 With the impunity.
01:19:24 That what makes a black city like Compton or a black city like any other city that may be evolving.
01:19:31 There's just a bunch of bigoted whites.
01:19:35 And that sincerely.
01:19:42 What makes comptons's black crime?
01:19:47 Off the charts.
01:19:49 And the city dysfunctional.
01:19:52 It's the white people who don't live there.
01:20:01 Proximity to white people is not a human right.
01:20:14 But like I said, this guy so infuriating to hear someone like this because it's like even the boomers had boomers.
01:20:27 This guy could have been an interview in the 90s.
01:20:35 This guy could have been in an interview in the early 2000s or last year.
01:20:43 It's always going to be your fault.
01:20:46 It doesn't matter if it's been 50 years.
01:20:50 Doesn't matter.
01:20:52 Is that what you want, by the way?
01:20:55 Let's say it took 100 years and then finally blacks would get it.
01:20:59 Is that what you want?
01:21:02 That's a sacrifice. You think that's on you that you need to sacrifice the next century of your country's destiny to accommodate people that that don't belong there.
01:21:21 Why is that up to you?
01:21:27 For the next century, you want.
01:21:28 To have double the murder rate.
01:21:37 So you can have gangster rap.
01:21:41 And basketball players like what's?
01:21:44 When you're up food.
01:21:45 Like you're especially in in the case of France, right.
01:21:48 So your entire.
01:21:49 Team can cannot be white.
01:21:58 Why is this your responsibility?
01:22:03 Because they certainly seem to think that it is.
01:22:11 So they go.
01:22:12 I think this is the city manager.
01:22:18 And again, he asked him, like, well, you know.
01:22:19 What's going on? Why? Why?
01:22:22 Why does it seem as if you guys are incapable of governing yourselves?
Speaker 9
01:22:28 Colton has some unique problems.
01:22:30 Let's talk about them.
01:22:31 What are they?
01:22:32 What can you?
01:22:32 Tell us.
Speaker 14
01:22:32 Oh yes, Compton does have unique problems. I think the essential feature of compliance unique problems is that it's the city in transition and represents a city that approximately 10 years ago was almost all white. And now it says 74 to 75%.
01:22:48 With approximately 15 to 18% Mexican Americans.
01:22:52 And the West.
01:22:52 White and other.
01:22:53 Now this transition means that.
01:22:56 It's unique in that the kinds of things that have happened to cities that have changed ethnically in a in a very.
01:23:04 A large way has resulted in.
01:23:08 I'd say a cornucopia of problems that didn't previously exist.
Speaker 1
01:23:13 What he's he's agreeing with me.
01:23:21 He's literally saying multiculturalism causes problems.
01:23:28 He's saying that the problems exist.
01:23:31 Because the demographics changed.
01:23:36 Now, he's not coming to the same conclusion.
01:23:38 Of course not.
01:23:45 But he recognizes the problem.
01:23:54 And as he said, he said that this happens everywhere.
01:24:00 It's not just Compton.
01:24:02 It's anywhere diversity happens.
01:24:06 These problems happen.
01:24:07 He he just said it.
01:24:10 Any city?
01:24:12 We're not unique.
01:24:13 Any city where you, you take the white people out and replace them with someone else, you get these problems.
01:24:23 Are you paying attention, Europe?
01:24:27 I hope that you are.
01:24:32 You know, even though look, a lot of Americans.
01:24:38 A lot of white Americans, we never really.
01:24:41 Visit Europe.
01:24:42 You know the average white American doesn't go.
01:24:44 Maybe they go on a vacation or something like that.
01:24:46 But most Americans don't even do that, right?
01:24:52 But this **** that we've been dealing with for the last 100 or so years.
01:24:59 One of the things that made it feel less.
01:25:03 ****** was knowing that you guys were at least out there.
01:25:07 They're like, yeah, you know.
01:25:10 At least there's there's always a mother country, right?
01:25:14 There's always.
01:25:17 You know, in my case, you know, there's always the UK, you know, the Scotland and England.
01:25:25 I could always, you know, if if worst came to worst.
01:25:28 Right.
01:25:29 I I I, I'll.
01:25:30 I'll at least.
01:25:31 Have comfort in knowing.
01:25:35 That my people still have a.
01:25:36 Place in the world.
01:25:41 And maybe America will go to ****.
01:25:46 And maybe you can blame all these.
01:25:50 Horrific mistakes that were made that you know, going back to the founding.
01:25:57 You know the comedy of errors that took place to lead us to where we are now.
01:26:02 But at least there's these.
01:26:04 These very.
01:26:06 Ethnically strong.
01:26:09 Centers of white people, right?
01:26:11 The these native lands.
01:26:19 And I think a lot of white Americans like on some level, even have a little subconscious.
01:26:23 It made it easier to deal with knowing that.
01:26:26 Well, at least you know.
01:26:28 As this place goes to **** like.
01:26:30 At least there's.
01:26:30 Somewhere where there's white people doing doing stuff.
Speaker 6
01:26:32 And yeah.
01:26:34 Free from all this crap.
01:26:36 Now it's not. That's no.
01:26:39 No, that's not the case.
01:26:41 That's not the case.
01:26:44 It's more so the case than you know, it's not well, I don't know the, the, the right things are going.
01:26:49 I don't know.
01:26:49 You guys are catching up with.
01:26:50 America pretty quickly, it seems like.
01:26:54 But it makes it feel like.
01:26:56 More of an existential threat.
01:26:57 It's no longer.
01:26:58 Like well you.
01:26:58 Know like even if you had some like weird boomer understanding of America, you believed in the melting pot and all this other ******** that anyone should be able to.
01:27:06 Come here and or magic, dirt, whatever.
01:27:09 It was still comforting to know that there was still, like the the original source code existed somewhere.
01:27:15 So if you're making all these changes.
01:27:16 That ****** it.
01:27:17 Up you could always go back to.
01:27:18 The original source code, right?
01:27:20 No, not anymore.
01:27:23 Not anymore.
01:27:25 No, but it's it's stunning that this guy.
01:27:28 Openly admits.
01:27:31 This happens anywhere you do this.
Speaker 14
01:27:37 Providence first of all, we have to recognize that in our society there still exist a a double standard with regard to white and non white persons.
01:27:50 This means that the change from white to non white and Compton.
01:27:54 Has brought forth all the kinds of things engendered by these what I would term, very frankly, racist feelings.
01:28:05 It's racism.
01:28:08 So he acknowledges that anytime.
01:28:10 A city turns black anytime a city changes from a White City to a non White City.
01:28:16 Then everything gets worse.
01:28:18 Well, White does it get worse?
01:28:20 Well, racism.
01:28:22 Well, you'd think that racism would matter a lot less in a in a city that's 75% black.
01:28:30 Right. Like I could. I could see your argument if you said. Well, look, this this city is 95% white.
01:28:37 And you know, we're just 5% of the population and like I wouldn't agree with this. But if you were to you at least have a point, right?
01:28:45 If you were to say one of the reasons why we're not succeeding is, you know, the white people have high in Group preference and don't want us here, and so they're they're keeping us down like that would at least be believable.
01:28:59 But this doesn't even make any sense.
01:29:02 He's saying that as as there's fewer whites, white racism somehow.
01:29:07 Is more of a problem.
01:29:11 Like it somehow creates more and this is.
01:29:14 This is black on black crime.
01:29:16 Almost all of it.
01:29:19 Or in black and white crime.
01:29:24 Right.
01:29:25 Like who do you who?
01:29:26 Who do you?
01:29:26 Think this is affecting.
01:29:29 This, you know, mobs of white.
01:29:31 People aren't going around in black neighborhoods burning, burning their houses.
01:29:35 Down or anything like.
01:29:36 That like, it's not the white people that are.
01:29:38 That were rioting and wants.
01:29:41 Killing 35 plus people burning down over or close to 300 buildings.
01:29:47 Causing billions of dollars in today's money, billions in damages.
01:29:53 That wasn't white people doing that.
01:29:59 That wasn't white racism doing then.
01:30:06 That was cops pulled over a drunk driver.
01:30:10 And he tried to escape.
01:30:15 But they were in a black neighborhood.
01:30:19 So the black gangsters.
01:30:22 Attacked the cops and then rioted for.
01:30:28 Because it still isn't.
01:30:29 It's still not stopped.
01:30:37 But Nope, whites keep doubling down on this.
01:30:39 This failed experiment.
01:30:41 I don't know why.
01:30:46 I really wish I knew why.
01:30:48 Because I would dedicate my life to undoing that.
01:30:56 But for one reason or another.
01:31:03 Whites just have a real hard time accepting this.
01:31:10 And look, I'm which is not to ignore the the the influence that that Jewish propaganda.
01:31:17 And education has obviously those are very big, huge factors.
01:31:23 But let's face it, even when faced with, I mean, you're talking to people.
01:31:28 I mean, look, we I, I I like to try to be fair to boomers and explain how they didn't have the Internet and stuff like that.
01:31:35 But at the same time, it's like they live through this ****.
01:31:42 It's not like they didn't know that the riots and watts were going on.
01:31:45 That was on TV.
01:31:50 Now, maybe it was framed a particular way.
01:31:53 It probably was.
01:32:00 But still this is.
01:32:01 Like how many examples of blacks burning down a.
01:32:04 City do you need?
01:32:06 Before you realize, oh, this is just part of.
01:32:08 What they do?
Speaker 9
01:32:10 Well, what can we learn?
01:32:12 From Compton, as one of the largest black cities under black leadership.
Speaker 14
01:32:17 I think that.
01:32:19 We can't learn from Compton until Compton has accomplished things that people can recognize as successes.
01:32:30 He literally said you can't learn anything from Compton.
01:32:35 Until it's successful.
01:32:39 Which means you can't draw any conclusions or anything, and unless it's good.
01:32:48 By the way, that means we still can't learn anything from Compton because.
01:32:53 I don't know if you know this or not.
01:32:55 Things things aren't exactly better in Compton.
01:33:03 There's not a lot of success stories in Compton.
01:33:16 But this is the same kind of mumbo jumbo.
01:33:21 Nothing talk that you would hear from a politician today when trying to justify the need for, as an example, tons of migrants being forced into a small Irish town.
01:33:34 Well, I know it's all ****** and bad now, but.
Speaker 1
01:33:38 Shut up.
01:33:42 You can, if you can't say something nice, don't say.
01:33:45 Anything at all.
01:33:55 It was just a fancier way of saying it.
01:33:56 That's what he said.
Speaker 9
01:33:58 And blacks can govern themselves.
Speaker 14
01:34:01 Yeah, I think that's the same as saying can people govern themselves?
01:34:05 And if you say people can govern themselves, blacks are people, therefore they certainly can govern themselves.
01:34:12 See, we're all the same.
01:34:19 Until you can get whites to figure out that we're not all the same, they're.
01:34:23 Going to agree with that statement.
01:34:29 Oh well, blacks are people.
01:34:35 Ohh, and and hey conservatives.
01:34:37 Hey, idiots.
01:34:43 This is what leads to the ****** ****.
01:34:50 This is what leads.
01:34:51 To all the different ******* genders.
01:34:56 This whole people are people.
01:34:58 Thing is, this is.
01:34:58 What leads to it?
01:35:10 If you're not allowed to accurately use biology to classify different groups, why are you surprised?
01:35:19 When all of a sudden you've got 80,000 genders.
01:35:34 The same people that get all smug and like it's some kind of new, funny thing to say.
01:35:40 There are only two genders.
01:35:45 Think there's only one race?
Speaker 6
01:35:50 The human race.
01:36:06 So then they go and they interview the mayor.
01:36:09 It's kind of funny because.
01:36:12 They say he's black.
01:36:16 I mean you.
01:36:18 I couldn't find any.
01:36:19 Information on them other than alright, you're.
01:36:21 Going to love the name.
01:36:23 So this was this is one of the first black mayors.
01:36:26 Certainly I think the first black mayor of a major city.
01:36:30 And definitely the first black mayor of a major city in California.
01:36:36 He looks kind of Jewry to me.
01:36:38 And his name is Douglas Dollarhide.
01:36:42 And I'm not kidding you.
01:36:43 It's spelled like you're hiding a dollar.
01:36:45 It's spelled like dollar Hide.
01:36:49 Very suspicious of that name.
01:36:51 Cannot find any information because everything that I searched for it was just coming up with like all these, you know, black history, month type web pages.
01:37:02 Even ChatGPT didn't didn't.
01:37:06 Give me any anything.
01:37:07 It was just like uh.
01:37:10 But I'm very curious to know his background, because if he's black, it's like he's barely.
01:37:15 I'm sure he's barely black, right?
01:37:17 Like I'm sure there's some black in there.
01:37:22 But he gets elected.
01:37:26 And crime skyrockets.
01:37:32 So they go in to interview this guy.
01:37:37 And uh, ask him.
01:37:39 All right.
01:37:40 Well, what's going on then?
01:37:42 You know the same kind of questions.
01:37:46 Why does Compton suck so bad?
01:37:47 Like, why?
01:37:48 Why can't blacks govern themselves?
01:37:51 The that should give you pause, too.
01:37:53 Just the fact that white media.
01:37:56 Which was Jewish owned at the time.
01:38:00 Media in 1965 was pretty much as Jewish as it is in 2023.
01:38:07 The difference was the public wasn't going to just accept they hadn't been conditioned for decades to just accept a lot of ********.
01:38:17 A lot of common sense was still around.
01:38:19 Little bit of racial solidarity.
01:38:22 Among whites was even still there.
01:38:29 But imagine.
01:38:32 Any reporter, even like a Fox News or OANN or or Newsmax or any of these ******* gay conservative ones, right?
01:38:41 Imagine a reporter asking a black mayor can blacks govern themselves?
01:38:49 I mean just that question alone would send the entire world.
01:38:57 Into an hysteria.
01:39:04 But it's a reasonable question to ask, especially given the evidence that we have that.
01:39:09 That well, it doesn't look like it.
Speaker 9
01:39:15 Can blacks govern themselves?
Speaker 10
01:39:19 Of course, Sir.
01:39:20 We're in the city of Compton.
01:39:21 We have many very fine black administrators and black elected officials, and I think they're doing quite well.
01:39:28 And there's no question about us being able to govern ourselves.
Speaker 9
01:39:31 Do you have problems very high?
01:39:32 Crime rate for one.
Speaker 10
01:39:34 A very high crime rate.
01:39:35 Let me explain that to you.
01:39:37 If you take the the incidents of crime, yes, we have a high crime rate.
01:39:40 If you take dollar value, we'll probably have a low crime rate.
01:39:44 Right.
01:39:44 So here's the little that's.
01:39:46 Another reason why I think he's probably Jewish.
01:39:48 Aside from the last name of Dollar Hide.
01:39:52 He the little word game he's trying to.
01:39:55 Play, which is insane.
01:39:56 That I that anyone would be stupid enough to like.
01:39:59 Think of this.
01:40:00 Well, maybe I guess maybe people were stupid enough to, like be like, huh?
01:40:03 I mean, look, a lot of blacks still don't understand what per capita means, right?
01:40:07 So he's doing this, he's doing this little game where he's literally saying he goes into detail about this.
01:40:12 I just didn't want to like bore.
01:40:13 You with it.
01:40:14 But he literally says, well, sure, we have way more crime.
01:40:18 We have way more robberies and and whatnot, but they're not stealing as expensive.
01:40:27 Of things as like, say, people in New York, he's he's literally saying because we're poorer.
01:40:33 And so the dollar amount of the larceny, for example, does not rise the level of, say, New York, where they when they steal something, they're robbing a jewelry store and they're getting away with, like, $20,000 worth of stuff. Whereas in Compton, they're robbing another black guy and getting like.
01:40:53 $20.00 right. And so because the dollar amount his last name is dollar hide, so you know it's part, it's one of his things. So because the dollar amount.
01:41:04 Is lower than.
01:41:06 It's not as it it's actually not a high crime rate because it's just poor people robbing each other.
01:41:11 And so it's really not that big of a deal.
01:41:16 That's that's really what he says.
01:41:18 That's like his argument as to why crime.
01:41:21 And that's your mayor.
01:41:22 That's the guy in charge of trying to get a handle.
01:41:25 On this and he's in denial, he said.
01:41:27 Well, that's not a bad thing.
01:41:29 You know, his, the the city manager is telling you it's because of white racist.
01:41:33 The head of the the the Chamber of Commerce is is saying it's because of white racist and and and by the way, the Chamber of Commerce Guy.
01:41:41 Who also said.
01:41:43 Well, the crime is only high on paper.
01:41:46 The crime is only high if you read the statistics.
01:41:49 The crime is only high if you watch the news.
01:41:51 It's not actually high.
01:41:55 I mean, he must be high.
01:41:56 I don't know what that how that that doesn't make that.
01:41:57 Doesn't make any sense at all and this guy.
01:42:00 Is saying the same kind of stupid ********.
01:42:02 It's not actually that high if you think about it, because when when our thieves steal ****, they're.
01:42:08 Only stealing like a A.
01:42:09 $20 TV black and white TV.
01:42:12 And and when they're, you know, stealing the car, it's like some run down jalopy.
01:42:16 It's not like, you know, they're not stealing like the fancy nice cars like the the criminals.
01:42:20 In New York.
01:42:22 So therefore it's not that bad.
Speaker 9
01:42:26 I thought you had 47 murders last year.
Speaker 10
01:42:29 Now that's.
01:42:30 But you had.
01:42:31 47 murders last year, he says, cause again this interviewer. You know, he I'll give him this like.
01:42:40 He he at least asked.
01:42:42 The kinds of questions you would literally never get.
01:42:45 From a reporter today, so after this guy gives this long, drawn out ******** explanation about like how crime is somehow related to a dollar amount.
01:42:57 The interview is like, yeah.
01:42:58 We got 47 ******* murders.
01:43:00 And by the way, for those of you.
01:43:02 Who? Don't know, Compton's not huge.
01:43:06 You know the Compton's population.
01:43:09 Let's take a look.
01:43:10 I had it here.
01:43:12 In 19, what would it be?
01:43:18 In 1971.
Speaker 6
01:43:22 Where is the population thing?
01:43:23 Here we go.
01:43:25 Yeah, the population was was 78,000.
01:43:31 So it wasn't like some huge city.
01:43:34 And out of 78,000, you had 47 murders.
01:43:39 In one year that's that's ******* super high.
01:43:43 For a city of less than a.
01:43:45 100,000 people.
01:43:49 But anyway, let's let's hear him.
01:43:50 Let's hear him explain that away.
01:43:52 I thought you.
Speaker 9
01:43:52 Had 47 murders last year.
Speaker 10
01:43:55 Now that's our problem of domestic florals and so forth.
01:43:58 There's no way you can control domestic outbreak where all of a sudden impulse somebody killed the weather.
01:44:07 He literally is saying there's.
01:44:08 No way you can control low impulse control.
01:44:12 He literally just said that.
01:44:14 He said the reason why we have 47 murders is because it was mostly domestic disputes. People that can't control their impulses and just kill someone.
01:44:28 He just said it.
01:44:36 You know, in a way he's not.
01:44:37 He's not wrong, right?
01:44:38 He's not wrong.
01:44:41 You know he's he's he's saying what I've been saying this entire stream.
01:44:45 He's with saying he's basically saying without saying it.
01:44:48 Hey, this is what you get.
01:44:49 With black people.
01:44:54 You get more murder because they have low impulse control.
01:44:58 What are we supposed to do about low impulse control?
01:45:00 We don't.
01:45:01 We're just the government.
01:45:02 We can't.
01:45:03 We can't give people.
01:45:06 Impulse control.
Speaker 9
01:45:08 247 murders last year.
Speaker 10
01:45:11 Now that's our problem of domestic florals and so forth.
01:45:14 There's no way you can control domestic outbreak where all of a sudden impulse somewhere killed another.
01:45:21 And that's perhaps.
01:45:22 Because so many people in the community have guns and I don't know why so many people like to have guns.
01:45:28 Are all but perhaps.
01:45:32 Oh, it's it's the guns.
01:45:34 Same talking points.
01:45:37 Same exact ******* talking points.
01:45:41 And by the way, conservatives and libertarians.
01:45:44 That does play a role.
01:45:48 You want the Second Amendment to.
01:45:50 Stick around. You can't.
01:45:51 Have these people in your country.
01:45:58 There are certain rights.
01:46:01 That white people can handle people with with more impulse control can handle.
01:46:06 That other populations, not so much.
01:46:15 And so it's fodder for all the.
01:46:16 People that want to crack down.
01:46:19 On your ability to own a firearm.
01:46:24 And look if I to.
01:46:25 Be perfectly honest.
01:46:26 If I could wave a magic wand.
01:46:28 And take away blacks gun rights.
01:46:33 I'd probably do it.
01:46:38 Chicago would get safer in an instance in our instant.
01:46:47 But same same exact talking points.
01:46:51 Oh, it's the guns.
01:46:53 I don't know why people like guns.
01:46:55 Why? I mean if you.
01:46:55 Live in a city with.
01:46:57 47 ******* murders last year. I'd. I'd have more than just a gun.
Speaker 10
01:47:02 And that the only difference between a black man and a white man is.
01:47:05 The texture of the skin.
01:47:06 His habits are pretty much his.
01:47:08 The only difference?
01:47:11 See it?
01:47:12 It's racist skin deep.
01:47:16 It's the same ******* lies over and over and over again.
01:47:18 It's the same lies they're telling you.
01:47:20 Now the only.
01:47:21 Difference between white people and black people?
01:47:24 Is the texture of their skin.
01:47:25 That's the literal only difference.
01:47:27 It's a.
01:47:27 It's an aesthetic difference.
01:47:30 There's no possible way to explain why civilizations.
01:47:36 Where Africans lived never really went for much further than.
01:47:41 The Stone Age but.
01:47:44 You know.
01:47:46 That's the only difference.
01:47:49 Is that they they look different.
01:47:57 Now, if you're a conservative.
01:47:59 You should be agreeing with this guy.
01:48:06 See until you can face reality, you can't make any meaningful arguments about this stuff.
Speaker 10
01:48:12 And that the only difference between a black man and a white man is the texture of the skin.
01:48:15 His habits are pretty much the same, and the the habits of white people habit, the same habits that the white people have.
01:48:22 If you recall about an area and any large city throughout the United States where 72% of the people were black.
01:48:29 Perhaps come up with the same figures and ratio of crime and that's because of the same condition.
01:48:35 Of social conditions.
01:48:37 See, here's the insanity.
01:48:41 Now I didn't make that edit, that edit was in the the the source.
01:48:44 So I don't.
01:48:44 Know what was said between those two statements.
01:48:47 Or if when they they.
01:48:49 Edit it together.
01:48:50 They did that on purpose.
01:48:53 But he starts off with saying.
01:48:56 That there's no difference in race, but then he says if you go to another place in America.
01:49:03 That has the.
01:49:03 Same demographics.
01:49:04 So in other words, what?
01:49:05 He's saying is look in.
01:49:06 Compton the murder rate is high.
01:49:10 We were about 75% black and the murder rate is is much higher here, but we're all the same.
01:49:18 But also if you went somewhere else that was 75% black, you're going to have the.
01:49:24 Same high murder rate.
01:49:27 I mean, it doesn't make it.
01:49:28 It makes no sense.
01:49:36 It makes no sense.
01:49:38 He's contradicting himself.
01:49:43 In one breath, he's saying we're all the same. So if that's the case, why would you? Why would you mention that? You know if, when comparing the murder rates in your 75% Black city?
01:49:56 That you'd have to compare it with another city that was 75% black.
01:50:00 If we're all the same.
01:50:02 I should be able to compare your city to a city that's 70.
01:50:05 5% white.
01:50:09 See, we're not all the same.
01:50:13 On some level, this ************ knows it.
Speaker 9
01:50:30 And have really unique problems because it is black.
Speaker 10
01:50:33 Yes, we said, you know, as far as I was concerned that you need because we're 72% black take long silence.
01:50:39 That's 17% black. So when you start averaging around the crime, it's different. But if you take an early 72% black and with the same athlete proportion discounting, I think the figures will come out the same as they are.
01:50:56 See he.
01:50:58 It doesn't.
01:50:59 He's argue.
01:51:00 He's making my argument.
01:51:04 And saying that if you go to a part of Los Angeles that's 17% black, that there's going to.
01:51:10 Be less crime.
01:51:17 I I I just.
01:51:18 Don't know.
01:51:18 I don't know what to say to that because I don't know how this is.
01:51:22 You know, it doesn't, I don't.
01:51:24 Even know what he's trying, what he's thinking when?
01:51:26 He says this ****.
01:51:29 Because this is what I'm saying, you know, like it's like what?
01:51:33 What, how are we coming to again?
01:51:35 We're not the same.
01:51:37 We're not the same.
01:51:39 If we were the same, something would click something.
01:51:42 Would click in this guy's head.
Speaker 10
01:51:46 We in a sense.
01:51:47 You can understand why there's hostility among blacks because of the the the racial attitudes in the country that have prevailed for.
01:51:54 The last 300 years.
01:51:57 Ah, well, there you go.
01:52:03 There, there.
01:52:03 There it is.
01:52:05 Oh, OK.
01:52:06 Well, blacks are more violent, but you can understand it because.
01:52:17 It's always going to be your fault.
01:52:21 It's always going to be your fault.
01:52:25 You can leave a city.
01:52:27 Let them run it.
01:52:29 And live in it.
01:52:30 It's still your fault.
01:52:36 The high violence of blacks is because of whites.
01:52:41 The poor performance of blacks is because of whites.
01:52:51 And you're not even supposed to be comparing those things, because as that Black City manager mentioned, you can only compare things once the blacks are succeeding.
01:52:59 Which will be never.
Speaker 10
01:53:05 As a result, blacks even sometimes take it out under the blacks.
01:53:09 Hostile hostility is has been developed with other person that really want.
01:53:14 To take it out.
Speaker 16
01:53:16 See, even black on black.
01:53:17 Crime is because of whites.
01:53:22 Because that's the crime in his city, right?
01:53:24 He has to.
01:53:24 Add that caveat for it to for what?
01:53:26 He's saying to make any sense.
01:53:30 So even when black people are killing each other.
01:53:34 It's still your fault.
01:53:39 It's still whites doing that.
01:53:43 That's what they say today.
01:53:48 If you confront a professor at a university.
01:53:53 A politician.
01:53:56 Unless they're Republicans, because then they'll.
01:53:57 Just say, oh, it's the Democrats.
01:54:06 Confront one of these protesters.
01:54:10 Confront just your average run-of-the-mill liberal white woman.
01:54:15 And ask them.
01:54:16 Like, well, why?
01:54:18 Why is the crime so high?
01:54:21 Or even you know.
01:54:22 Like Chicago, a lot of Chicago.
01:54:23 'S crime today is black on black.
01:54:27 Why is it so high?
01:54:31 Oh, it's because of white racism.
01:54:43 Because didn't you know that you're evil?
01:54:45 You are inherently evil. You're.
01:54:47 A bad person.
01:54:49 You're a bad person.
01:54:50 All of your ancestors were bad people.
01:54:54 I mean, they were worse.
01:54:55 I mean, you're you're you're not as bad as them.
01:54:57 You're not as bad.
01:54:58 As your grandpa.
01:55:01 Pretty close, but you're not as.
01:55:03 Bad as he was and you know he's.
01:55:04 Slightly not as.
01:55:05 Evil as his grandpa, but pretty close.
01:55:10 And you're just you're never going to shake it because white people are born to not be human.
01:55:16 They're born to be demons.
01:55:21 And they just it's part of your nature to want to go around oppressing all the other people around you.
01:55:27 And so it is your responsibility now to take care of them forever.
01:55:36 At the expense of your children.
01:55:42 Because all of their needs.
Speaker 14
01:55:47 The root cause.
01:55:50 Is always you.
Speaker 10
01:55:55 Well, you got a white liberal judge in a city like confidence to all black.
01:55:58 He doesn't want to make any waves.
01:56:00 He doesn't want to randomize the black community, so he patched the criminal.
01:56:03 But I.
01:56:04 Really think these judges are?
01:56:06 Many of them should get out and talk with some of the people in the community and really learn how they feel about it because they aren't satisfied with the the system.
01:56:14 Whereas at work right now, but they they don't want anyone.
01:56:16 To feel sorry for these monies.
01:56:17 So few people do.
01:56:18 You know, but those are the ones that highly.
01:56:20 Those are the ones who are who are involved.
Speaker 9
01:56:25 Seems almost.
01:56:28 See and then you have these moments.
01:56:30 Where it's like he recognized like.
01:56:31 Like just moments ago, when he recognized.
01:56:33 The the demographic difference in the and how you would be able to extrapolate based on demographics a.
01:56:41 A crime rate.
01:56:43 He also points out the problem of he says white liberal judges.
01:56:48 I would submit to you in California at that time that would probably probably be very Jewish judges that he's talking about.
01:56:58 And so Jewish judges, he says, are right on crime for these black criminals.
01:57:07 And so they they just get turned loose back into the.
01:57:12 This into the the city, but then.
01:57:15 He says well, you know, they're only doing it because they don't.
01:57:17 Want to **** *** the black people?
01:57:24 All right.
01:57:24 Well, and they're, I guess they're representing the community, right, if that's what they want and he's.
01:57:28 Like, oh, but I don't think.
01:57:30 Most people want them.
01:57:31 Oh, really?
01:57:32 You don't think most of the George Floyd protesters?
01:57:39 You know the defund the.
01:57:40 Police crowd.
01:57:41 I mean, that's what.
01:57:42 That's what it's evolved into now.
01:57:45 But it it came from the same seed.
01:57:49 It came from the same source the Watts riots themselves.
01:57:55 Were a a.
01:57:55 Product of blacks not wanting to be policed.
01:57:59 Because they commit crime.
01:58:09 So if a Jewish judge is letting black people off the hook because he doesn't want to be called a racist, or I think there's probably maybe something else going on there.
01:58:24 That still goes, that still comes right back to the community.
01:58:29 And judges run for election, you know, at.
01:58:32 The local level.
01:58:35 So the communities voting for these judges, they can't be that ****** *** about it.
Speaker 9
01:58:40 It's ironic, but.
Speaker 10
01:58:40 They're beautiful psychologists.
01:58:42 They really know how to use psychology, and white liberal judges.
Speaker 9
01:58:45 And we finally.
01:58:46 And we finally have a city where.
01:58:49 The mayor is black police, Jay fire department.
01:58:51 Many of the city.
01:58:52 Council members and.
01:58:53 Yet the problem is, as you say, with a white liberal judge.
Speaker 10
01:58:58 White, liberal judge and adequate their probation department.
01:59:01 There are many of these.
01:59:03 Those have committed crime, so they, their parole and probation officer only see them once every six weeks and he he's not able to keep up with them.
01:59:11 If you see the problem is if they have a system whereby.
01:59:14 The problem is everything but the black people.
01:59:17 Notice how, again, that interview I I was.
01:59:20 Constantly surprised by his questions.
01:59:25 But he said, like, look, I mean, you're you're saying that with all these problems in the black community, all this crime, that, that the problem is the white liberal judges.
01:59:34 And he's like, well, it's it's the white.
01:59:35 Liberal judges, it's.
01:59:36 The system it's it's he's just rattling off everything he can think of.
01:59:39 That's not black people.
01:59:46 It's never.
01:59:46 It's never the people actually doing the crime.
01:59:49 It's all these other things.
01:59:54 And look, if you're a conservative, you probably agree with him.
Speaker 9
01:59:59 Compton is sort of a model city in the sense that it's the largest black governed city West of the Mississippi.
02:00:07 And their countless eyes are on you.
02:00:10 Can they make it?
02:00:11 Compton made it under black leadership.
Speaker 10
02:00:15 We're doing quite well.
02:00:16 We have some.
02:00:17 Very competent administrators.
02:00:19 We're very comfortable elected officials, and we're doing just as well as any.
02:00:23 Other city.
02:00:35 So let's fast.
02:00:36 Forward a little bit.
02:00:43 This was just like I think it was about 10 years ago.
02:00:48 Compton is worse.
02:00:53 Still run by black people, although the the demographics have drastically changed.
02:01:00 It's now more of like a Mexican city because it's California.
02:01:05 And California is basically.
02:01:08 Very Mexican, in fact, in 2010 you have an idea of how not White Compton is.
02:01:18 The population in 2010, which is right around when this this mayor here was the mayor.
02:01:24 Of whites and Compton.
02:01:29 .81%.
02:01:34 .81%, of Compton in 2010, was white.
02:01:42 Now the blacks have gone down dramatically, but still over twice the the national level. It's they were 32%.
02:01:50 Of the population.
02:01:52 But many of the blacks were driven out by the ghetto Mexicans.
02:01:57 Who are now in 2010 were 65% of the population.
02:02:07 Let's check in on on.
02:02:10 See if they're any better.
Speaker 12
02:02:11 Most people think of Compton in a place of gangs and drugs, guns and prostitution.
Speaker 17
02:02:20 Has pieces of that.
Speaker 12
02:02:23 A big piece is crying.
02:02:25 The city of 97,000.
02:02:27 Has one of the highest murder rates in the state, so it's not just an image.
02:02:32 Problem you have a problem.
Speaker 17
02:02:33 Compton definitely still has its issues and you know, that's no mistake, but we are definitely addressing those issues as a community.
02:02:40 I think for the first time in a.
02:02:41 Very long time for mayor.
Speaker 12
02:02:42 Brown Compton's crime is.
02:02:44 Personal and happened right here on this block.
Speaker 17
02:02:47 My grandmother was a victim of an home invasion and someone broke into her home and.
02:02:52 Raped and murdered her.
Speaker 13
02:02:53 Raped and murdered.
02:03:00 Those optimistic ************* in 1971.
02:03:06 Telling you how much better Compton was going.
02:03:08 To get.
02:03:12 This mayor's.
02:03:13 Grandmother was raped and murdered in her home in Compton.
02:03:19 The population size at least, hadn't changed much.
02:03:22 It was.
02:03:23 Still under 1000 people.
02:03:25 And they had the.
02:03:26 Highest murder rate in in California.
02:03:38 They had the.
02:03:38 Highest ******* murder rate in California.
02:03:44 Oh, but Deb, that was like.
02:03:45 10 years ago.
02:03:47 Certainly things have changed now.
02:03:50 All these clips I'm.
02:03:51 About to play.
02:03:53 Are from the last year and it's not all of them.
02:03:56 It's what I it was the first page of search results.
02:04:00 For the last year.
02:04:02 Of things in Compton, this is Compton.
02:04:05 This year.
Speaker 3
02:04:07 Breaking news out of Compton of a deadly shooting investigation.
Speaker 7
02:04:07 Right.
Speaker 2
02:04:11 OK.
Speaker 9
02:04:11 Let's get up to rich Prickett, overhead and sky five with the latest rich.
Speaker 18
02:04:15 Hi, Lou and Glenn.
02:04:16 Yeah, LA Sheriff's Department here on scene at the corner of Rosecrans and Acacia here in the city of Compton, where a shooting occurred just before 11 AM this morning.
02:04:26 And what appears to be a dollar store in this small strip strip mall.
Speaker 19
02:04:31 A popular Compton youth program that for 30 years has helped kids stay away from violence and gangs now may shut down because of gang violence.
02:04:41 The Wildcat Youth Academy closed a few weeks ago after rival gangs were in a gun battle just outside its door.
Speaker 20
02:04:49 That's right, business owners and residents tell me that things are simply getting out of hand, out of control, the vandalism happening on the weekends during these violent St.
02:04:59 And two businesses here in this strip mall were also targeted.
02:05:07 This is your future Europe.
Speaker 20
02:05:07 Lawlessness run amok a.
02:05:09 Total of 6 businesses were targeted over the weekend in Compton, in what authorities describe as flash mob style incidents.
02:05:16 Surveillance video shows 2 masked men break in through the front door.
02:05:19 Of vidia Gonzalez.
02:05:21 A Mexican restaurant on Rosecrans near Long Beach Blvd.
02:05:26 The suspects head straight to the cash registers and empty out what they can before 1/3 suspect runs in the intersection of Alondra and Central saw the largest gathering, and that's where a mob swarmed the Arco gas station around 2:00 in the morning.
02:05:44 You see some looters with their faces covered, others not even bothering concealing their identities as they ransacked the place.
02:05:51 They grab everything from.
02:05:52 Clues to condoms the LA County Sheriff's Department says thousands of dollars worth of merchandise was stolen.
02:05:59 Investigators say shots were fired about a block away, but nobody was injured.
02:06:04 The vandalism and shoplifting, becoming far too common, according to frustrated residents.
Speaker 15
02:06:09 Well, and we do have video that shows what happened.
02:06:13 We'll show that to you now.
02:06:14 A man is seen walking towards the officers SUV or the deputies SUV.
02:06:18 Investigators tell us it seems the suspect was going to pass them, then turned and fired multiple shots while the two were parked.
02:06:25 This was just before 7:00 last night. The suspect then ran off. Now this was near the blue line.
02:06:30 Metro Station on the 100 block of.
02:06:32 Palmer, we're told the deputies were working with the department's Transit Services Bureau, a 24 year old male deputy and a 31 year old female deputy were both hit.
02:06:41 The deputies were taken here to Saint Francis Medical Center and were conscious when they got here.
02:06:45 They both did have surgery and as of the latest they are both in critical condition.
Speaker 21
02:06:50 And wild video out of Compton.
02:06:52 Deputy still looking for two men after an armed robbery and a deadly shootout at a smoke shop, investigators say that four men tried to rob the place on South Wilmington Ave.
02:07:01 This month, deputies say that the suspects pointed their guns at the security guard and that's when he pulled out his own gun and they exchanged gunfire.
02:07:09 The guard was shot in the face and the neck but survived. 1 suspect was killed, another was arrested. Deputies are still looking for 23 year old kalel Lundy and 21 year old Keith Rachel.
Speaker 4
02:07:22 County sheriff's detectives are investigating a double murder tonight after two young men were shot and killed in Compton.
Speaker 22
02:07:28 Deputies tell us the shooting happened after drivers had converged to the area for illegal street racing.
02:07:33 This all unfolded near the corner of N Bullis Rd.
02:07:36 And E pine.
Speaker 23
02:07:37 Street sheriff's investigators are collecting evidence at this hour.
02:07:41 All this after a deputy shot and killed a man with a hatchet who had threatened people at a nearby gas station moments earlier.
02:07:53 It ended in a standoff and gunfire.
02:07:57 The suspect seen on surveillance video moments earlier walking into a Compton AM PM Gas station armed.
02:08:03 A hatchet.
02:08:04 He makes a beeline for the register and swings it at a store employee.
02:08:08 He then makes a few more threatening gestures before taking off.
Speaker 24
02:08:11 Well, they survived A frightening ordeal.
02:08:13 And this morning they are telling their story.
02:08:15 A local couple and their young children barely escaping with their lives after being chased and shocked by gunmen and Compton.
02:08:22 Yeah, Mario Ramirez is live at the Compton sheriff's station with the details this morning, Mario.
Speaker 25
02:08:28 Brooke, Tony.
02:08:28 Good morning.
02:08:29 The family of three extremely lucky.
02:08:31 They were coming extremely close to an attempted robbery.
02:08:36 A failed attempted robbery.
02:08:37 According to sheriff's officials, the mother, recovering after she was grazed by.
02:08:41 A bullet and you can see it here.
02:08:42 In the video, the bullet holes.
02:08:44 Throughout their car show you how much danger.
02:08:46 The family was actually in.
02:08:48 They say they had just left a Christmas party at their church on Saturday night when they spotted a house fire near Rosecrans in Alameda.
02:08:54 And Compton, they stopped to try and offer some help, and that's when they saw two men with guns, approached them and opened fire.
02:09:00 One bullet grazing the moms head, another hitting the dad's seat who was behind the wheel. One even struck the back of their two year old's car seat.
02:09:07 Where she was sleeping.
Speaker 2
02:09:08 Pursuit ends with a fraction Compton.
Speaker 21
02:09:11 And Desmond Shaw is live overhead in Sky Nine.
02:09:14 Boy, what?
Speaker 13
02:09:14 A car washing.
Speaker 16
02:09:17 Yeah, yeah.
02:09:17 Patent one.
02:09:18 It was a suspected DUI driver that led Compton sheriff's or or rather, yes, LA County sheriff's.
02:09:24 Deputies from the Compton.
02:09:26 Very short pursuit, maybe 30 seconds and ended in this massive water waste as the suspects vehicle goes up onto the sidewalk and shears off the hydrant.
02:09:36 So there you go.
02:09:39 That's Compton now.
02:09:42 Hasn't really gotten much better.
02:09:46 I I can't understand why.
Speaker 15
02:09:48 You guys are calling yourself.
Speaker 11
02:09:50 Right.
02:09:51 I I can't understand why.
02:09:59 So anyway, I just wanted to kind of show you guys that this is this is what America has been dealing with for like I.
02:10:06 Said close to a century.
02:10:14 This is what Europe has.
02:10:16 To look forward to.
02:10:28 Unless of course, something drastically changes.
02:10:41 I I suspect it won't, but.
02:10:47 Who knows?
02:10:47 You know, maybe, right?
Speaker 6
02:10:57 Alright, let's clear all this out.
02:11:10 Let me take a look at Hyper Chats.
02:11:32 Excuse me.
02:11:34 John Skywalker.
02:11:36 You mentioned a cop pointing a gun at you last.
02:11:38 Stream what was.
02:11:39 The circumstances behind that also is your real name, actually, Devin Stack or a pen name?
02:11:46 And do you live in Arizona or are you just trying to dox me?
02:11:49 Like, what the ****, dude?
02:11:51 I'm not answering those ******* questions.
02:11:57 Wait, are you trying to figure out where?
02:11:59 I live but.
02:12:00 Criminal record?
02:12:00 No, no, thanks.
02:12:01 No thanks, John skywalk.
02:12:03 We're not going to not going to help you.
02:12:05 Out with that?
02:12:06 Also, have you covered Thelma and Louise?
02:12:10 No, I I have not.
02:12:13 I have not. I have.
02:12:14 Not covered Thelma and Louise.
02:12:17 Graham playing games Michael Tracy was going off on Twitter against racists that call out the fact that the non ethnic French like Africans are not French.
02:12:28 Tracy brings up documents about citizenship as if someone's genes are changed just by the stroke.
02:12:35 Of a pen.
02:12:37 It's tiresome.
02:12:38 Well, I think I can probably clue you in on why.
02:12:42 Michael Tracy behaves the way that he does.
02:12:47 Let me take a look here.
02:12:49 I had this somewhere.
Speaker 6
02:12:52 Where is it at?
02:12:54 Where is it at?
02:12:55 Here it is.
02:12:58 Here it is.
02:13:03 See something that might might explain his erratic behavior?
02:13:10 Over the last, I guess 48 hours is right there.
02:13:18 So yeah, yeah, that that might explain some things. For those of you just listening, this is a tweet from Michael Tracy in March of 21. Happy Passover to everyone who, like me, identifies as socially and culturally Jewish.
02:13:41 Every single time.
02:13:43 Every single time.
02:13:48 Graham playing games Big Brain leftist, say in regard to being against immigration.
02:13:54 That is just.
02:13:54 Fear, as if fear automatically means that it's irrational like that dismisses it.
02:14:00 There are a lot of things to be scared of and do your utmost to prevent, which are justifiably.
02:14:06 Frightening on an existential level.
02:14:09 Wait, hold on there.
02:14:12 Let's see here, big brain leftist in regard to being against immigration.
02:14:17 Say it's just fear, as if fear automatically means it's irrational.
02:14:22 Well, that's true.
02:14:24 That's true.
02:14:25 They they use that all the time.
02:14:26 It's a cycle.
02:14:27 It's it's such an infantile psychological trick.
02:14:30 But it seems to work on people.
02:14:32 You know, like it's it's think about this it's it's, it's so infantile.
02:14:38 It's it's like when you were a kid and ohh why don't you well you chicken.
02:14:44 When you check in, you can't.
02:14:45 You don't want to do this.
02:14:46 You scared like that's it's.
02:14:48 That's what it is.
02:14:50 Like it's that level.
02:14:52 And it's embarrassing because it works.
02:14:56 And people fall for that ****.
02:14:58 Like, no, I'm not scared.
02:15:00 I've got a black friend.
Speaker 20
02:15:04 I went to the Holocaust Memorial.
02:15:09 I like gay people.
02:15:10 It's just these damn ********.
02:15:14 But you're right.
02:15:15 That's why they do it.
02:15:15 I mean it it it works and that's why it's xenophobic, Islamophobic, homophobic.
02:15:23 Right, that's.
02:15:23 That's what it is.
02:15:24 Every single time.
Speaker 6
02:15:28 Let's see here.
02:15:31 Are you going to see as?
02:15:32 A grand playing games again.
02:15:34 Are you going to see Oppenheimer?
02:15:36 I'm interested in seeing it in IMAX.
02:15:38 It was shot on film 65 millimeter. I respect that film is something good to support over digital, but I imagine it's not or I imagine it's going to be full of boomer truth and very tiresome.
02:15:50 Yeah, I definitely will not see it in the theaters or give them any of my money, but I don't know, I might end up seeing it at some point.
02:15:59 I don't.
02:15:59 I don't tend to watch new movies.
02:16:01 I think new movies are basically all garbage, that they're not even sophisticated in the way that they're trying to brainwash you.
02:16:10 It's it's, it's so it's so clunky and and clumsy and part.
02:16:15 Of it is.
02:16:16 I think that they've done so much of the brainwashing already.
02:16:20 That doing additional like to them, it probably doesn't seem all that clunky and clumsy.
02:16:26 You know that they they don't they.
02:16:28 They don't, and the audience is stupider.
02:16:31 Right, the audience is that's another product of the demographic change.
02:16:36 As the audiences are just stupider, they're not as sophisticated, and so the delivering a message doesn't have to be as sneaky.
02:16:45 It also doesn't have to be as sneaky because whites don't have the power that they used.
02:16:51 So if you do push it a little, you know lay it.
02:16:53 On a little bit thick.
02:16:55 What's going to happen?
02:16:57 Right.
02:16:58 Nothing. Nothing's going to.
02:17:00 Happen you're not going to have your.
02:17:03 Whites don't have the ability to cancel people anymore.
02:17:07 You know, unless unless.
02:17:09 Unless it's bud light or something like that.
02:17:11 Which is, you know.
02:17:13 Yeah, you made bud light.
02:17:15 Go away.
02:17:15 So what?
02:17:15 And then again they'll be back.
02:17:18 People always forget they might.
02:17:20 I I I will tell you this.
02:17:22 There's a I think there's a.
02:17:23 Possibility they end up having to rename Bud Light to something else.
02:17:28 But yeah, it's uh.
02:17:32 They're just not very good at at and.
02:17:36 Canceling people or enforcing Zazi, Mattas bought.
02:17:42 You know how I like to keep things light and cheery.
02:17:45 This is a former U of M Go blue, professor.
02:17:48 They gave up his career to become a comedy writer. I think your audience will like him. This guy did a 2 1/2 hour set, but the best stuff is well, I'm not going to play.
02:17:59 Look, people can look at the the link if they want to.
02:18:02 Not going to just play the links.
02:18:05 You know, clip from a comedy show, but yeah, you guys can can check that out if you want to.
02:18:13 Wandering fool.
02:18:15 Hello, Devin.
02:18:16 Thank you for your feedback on colonization, colony definition.
02:18:20 Quote a group of people of 1 nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country.
02:18:28 Is that not exactly how you would define your fire Shire?
02:18:32 The reason that these ideas come to you is because you are a.
02:18:38 Uh, white colonizer.
02:18:41 It is your identity.
02:18:42 It is your strength.
02:18:43 It also meets the criteria that you mentioned on previous streams on how the religion needs to be right.
02:18:50 Is this trying to?
02:18:51 Is, is this you trying to sell your space space religion again?
02:18:58 I don't know, I don't think.
02:18:58 Colonizer is the I, I you know I I look, I respect your tenacity here, but I don't think.
02:19:06 I don't think this is going to.
02:19:07 This is going to be what it is.
02:19:08 I don't think colonizers.
02:19:10 Because I don't even think necessarily colonization is, is even always a a positive thing.
02:19:15 I think colonization has led to a lot of the problems that we've had.
02:19:19 I think maybe conquering might be a better way of doing it because colonization when when.
02:19:27 Performed the way that Europeans have performed it.
02:19:30 It it always comes and bites you in the ***.
02:19:33 It always comes and bites you in the ***.
02:19:36 That's, in fact, it's biting the the French and the *** right now, like right now.
02:19:41 So I mean, I'll.
02:19:42 I'll see what else you have to say.
02:19:43 But like I you know, I'm just not feeling it.
02:19:48 By having a religion praising your history, it inherently becomes a religion of race.
02:19:53 Judaism and Islam are religions of history, and therefore religions of race.
02:19:58 Many of the stories within the Koran, Torah and Old Testament tell the history of a race of people.
02:20:06 I propose colonizers because we are uniquely suited for colonization of other planets.
02:20:12 We were either made this way by God, or have merely evolved to.
Speaker 6
02:20:18 To what is there?
02:20:20 Does it keep going?
02:20:21 Oh, to become.
02:20:23 The most statistically probable to succeed.
02:20:27 Why not both?
02:20:31 I just think that whites like to explore.
02:20:35 And had the technology to explore.
02:20:38 At the same time, and so they, they used that and when they encountered other civilizations, to their probably surprise these civilizations they encountered were far behind them when it came to civilization, technology and and other things like in fact the thing.
02:20:56 That ****** *** Michael Tracy was as he was.
02:20:59 He was saying something along the lines of, you know, Americans of all people, should feel bad about, you know, making comments or or or pushing the idea that that people should never come from one place and and and and conquer.
02:21:16 Another place or or, or maybe live in another place.
02:21:21 Because the the American story was Europeans coming to this continent and and pushing out the the Indians and you know that was that's the whole origin story of America is about doing exactly what you're complaining about.
02:21:35 The Algerians doing in France, right, that that's what he was saying.
02:21:39 And I and I simply pointed out which triggered a little sperg out of him was.
02:21:45 Yeah, I'm, I I I said.
02:21:47 I remember the exact warning, but I basically said.
02:21:49 Like look.
02:21:50 Sarcastically, yeah, of course.
02:21:52 Everyone knows, right, that the Europeans they came to America because they wanted to go to the the Navajo School.
02:22:00 Right. They wanted to.
02:22:01 Be recipients of the the the.
02:22:03 Navajo welfare programs.
02:22:06 They wanted to take advantage of the the Navajo technology that vastly exceeded their technology.
02:22:14 They wanted to participate in the Navajo culture and society and civilization was.
02:22:20 That was far, you know, like it's stupid.
02:22:23 To compare what Europeans did when they came to America with what the African and Arab immigrants are currently doing when it comes to the immigration into England and or Europe and.
02:22:44 It's stupid.
02:22:44 It's not apples to apples.
02:22:46 It's completely different.
02:22:48 They're coming here for complete.
02:22:49 These are not great explorers coming out to go build new civilizations in largely uninhabited areas.
02:22:58 You know that this is this is people that are coming specifically because of the civilization.
02:23:05 This is people.
02:23:06 These are people that are coming here, not as as builders of civilization, but destroyers of civilization.
02:23:15 These are in many cases, as you're seeing, what's going on in France and just everywhere else these people have arrived.
02:23:22 These are invaders.
02:23:25 Now, I wouldn't mind if.
02:23:27 People said, well, you know the.
02:23:29 The Europeans were invaders when they came to America.
02:23:32 Yeah, they were conquerors.
02:23:34 They were conquerors and they they conquered the the indigenous people that lived in North America.
02:23:44 To some extent there.
02:23:46 But look, there was there was diplomacy that happened, you know, they purchased Manhattan, like the island of man, you know, of Manhattan in New York.
02:23:55 They purchased that from a tribe, famously for a box of beads.
02:24:00 Doesn't matter if they if the Indians were too stupid to know that that was a bad deal.
02:24:05 They accepted it.
02:24:07 And so in.
02:24:08 In a lot of cases that that's what happened.
02:24:11 And also in a lot of cases you'd had whites trying to travel to the interior of the continent to areas.
02:24:17 That were not.
02:24:19 Infested with Indians because they didn't want to have to compete with the Indians because the Indians got violent and attacked them.
02:24:29 And even when they were doing that, The Pioneers, when they were crossing the plains, going out to the West Coast and whatnot were were always harassed and murdered and raped by by Indian tribes.
02:24:42 And so it's it's not like you know, it's not like a white people just showed up and just started immediately wiping out and displacing the Indians.
02:24:54 Now the other thing.
02:24:55 Is and I've gone.
02:24:57 I'm not going to spend too much time on this because I've I've got at length with about this.
02:25:02 But we also gave them reservations and of course this is framed as some great evil, because everything your ancestors did was evil because white people are evil.
02:25:12 And they always talk about ohh, it's so terrible.
02:25:15 You know the the Trail of Tears, you know, you made the the Indians go live in an ethno state that is supported by your tax.
02:25:23 And it's like, what the ****, like, the reason why that that, that's that wasn't a cruel thing to do is because that's precise precisely.
02:25:33 What I would want.
02:25:35 If other people, if all these invaders coming.
02:25:37 Into the West.
02:25:39 We're OK with us taking a a big chunk, cause it's not as if these Indian reservations are small either.
02:25:46 A big chunk of the continent and fencing it off and and making it our ethno state where just like look in the case of the Native Americans, you have to have a DNA test to prove your membership into the tribe.
02:26:00 It's totally ethnic the in the way.
02:26:02 That it's structured.
02:26:03 And you have treaties with the federal government.
02:26:07 So in in this case, if you were to make you know white people reservations, right, and give us the same exact same kinds of lands or even a little bit worse than the kinds of lands that we gave to like.
02:26:19 The Native Americans.
02:26:21 And you gave us the ability to for self determination, self governance and on top of that the, the, the benefits the federal government gives them.
02:26:31 Because of their treaties, you know, give them free healthcare, free education, lots of just grant money.
02:26:38 Just, you know, we're just shoveling money into Indian reservations.
02:26:43 That would be fine.
02:26:45 White people would accept that in fact, I would love that not every white person would love that.
02:26:51 I would love that.
02:26:52 I and and in fact so would the diversity.
02:26:56 The 2nd we developed a civilization that would obviously and like, especially if you contrast in the actual Native American.
02:27:05 Indian reservations in America, you contrast them with the cities that surround them.
02:27:11 I mean, they're ******* **** holes, but they're not shitholes because we put them on our reservation once again.
02:27:16 It's demographics.
02:27:17 They're shitholes because of the people that are in them.
02:27:22 They're a product of the people in them.
02:27:25 And the people in them turn them into shitholes.
02:27:29 And if you were to put my.
02:27:30 People into a reservation.
02:27:33 My people would be building more than just Indian casinos.
02:27:40 And eventually, diversity would want their way.
02:27:42 Would want to would come knocking down the doors once again.
02:27:45 They'd want to live there again.
02:27:47 Because like this.
02:27:49 This guy in the the documentary we were going over.
02:27:53 That was being interviewed said that not even blacks want a black city.
02:27:59 They want proximity to whites.
02:28:01 Because they know that's the only way it can work.
02:28:05 Excuse me.
Speaker 6
02:28:10 Anyway, let's take a look here.
02:28:16 Censored news now Dev and we need to build it. White communities Central Missouri is 95% white and there are cheap acreage lots and Forbes Lake of the Ozark subdivision.
02:28:29 Let's move there and build the first white community, like the Amish, $25,000 for 40 by 80.
02:28:36 The barndominiums plus five acres, all on live on Gab and Odyssey.
02:28:45 For more info.
02:28:46 Well, there's there's one idea.
02:28:48 I mean, I don't know.
02:28:50 I'm not at a point where I can just.
02:28:53 Go build a community right?
02:28:55 Like sorry guys, I I do what I.
02:28:56 Can I do I do the white advocacy that I can and I'm just not in a position, right?
02:29:02 Now where I can just go up and.
02:29:04 Start a community in the Ozarks right now.
02:29:06 But that's sounds like a good place for those of you who want to do that.
02:29:11 I think that, again, I've talked about how, you know, blood's thicker than water. A lot of times, I think that you're in better shape if you're able to go out and start a community with a lot of family members.
02:29:24 And also people that share your religion so that there's the religious aspect to it and.
02:29:30 There's also probably a lot of red tape and a lot of.
02:29:33 I mean, I've talked about this before about the amount of money.
02:29:36 It's not just a matter of the the land is the easy part.
02:29:39 The hard part is setting it up to where it's not going to become a a *********** right, like a bunch of people moving to some place.
02:29:50 With what?
02:29:50 You're gonna have to have something, you know gonna have, like, some bylaws and things like that set up and something regulating it.
02:29:57 Because immediately people will try to ruin it.
02:30:00 People try to ruin anything and it it just you need to to have make sure your your.
02:30:07 Your legal vulnerabilities are covered, so it's going to involve a lot of lawyers and such like it's.
02:30:14 It's it's, it's.
02:30:15 More complicated than I think people think.
02:30:17 Zazzy Mattas bought.
02:30:18 You have done a lot of stuff about subversion in film, but I, but what about talk radio?
02:30:24 I'm thinking Howard Stern and other chucklehead morning.
02:30:27 Shows the morning shows were probably at their peak in the 90s and would have undivided attention of Joe 6 pack as he drove to work.
02:30:37 Thanks for the show.
02:30:38 Yeah, I it might be worth it to to do something about Howard Howard Stern.
02:30:45 The problem would be is a I never listened to Howard Stern.
02:30:49 I never found him entertaining and so I don't have any background in his stuff.
02:30:55 I I'm I'm pretty sure I saw the movie at some point and but that's about it, so I'd have to go and.
02:31:05 And it would take a lot of consumption of Howard Stern media to to wrap my head around, like, even just the basics of his show and stuff like that.
02:31:14 I knew that he was.
02:31:15 I just didn't like it.
02:31:16 Like every time I heard it, I was just.
02:31:18 Like who's this?
02:31:19 This is before I even like understood the JQ thing I was just.
02:31:22 Like, who is this ******* annoying, you know?
02:31:24 Generate I you know, I just could.
02:31:27 I never.
02:31:27 I never.
02:31:28 I always saw his like a lot of it was predatory, you know.
02:31:33 Like it was like I don't bring this ****** off the streets and give him attention on national radio, but really we're just secretly making fun of him behind his back, you know, like.
02:31:44 It just sounded, it just seemed most of most of his humor.
02:31:49 Involve cruelty, and I just, you know, I didn't like that.
02:31:54 So I was never really on board with.
Speaker 6
02:31:56 That but yeah.
02:31:56 It might be worth taking a look.
02:32:01 Harmless. Gee, I believe part of why Jean Ross Spiel, I think described India and not Africa as the biggest demographic threat to the West and the camp of Saints. In the 1970s, India's fertility rate was above.
02:32:18 Five in Africa's totally total population was 1/4 of what it is today. India's fertility rate is now down to two. Yeah, I haven't read that, so.
02:32:29 I don't know but.
02:32:31 Yeah, India also is just, I mean there's more of them than I think any other group, right?
02:32:35 There's just tons of them.
02:32:36 So and they in in terms of the UK, they pose a unique.
02:32:44 Demographic threat because they've got that that white.
02:32:47 Guilt to hang over.
02:32:48 I'm about.
02:32:48 Like ohh, but you guys, you guys came here and and and civilized us.
02:32:55 And now you have to feel bad because your ancestors were evil.
02:32:59 They're always evil.
02:33:01 Blind ******.
02:33:02 What do?
02:33:02 You think about Fridays.
02:33:05 Gematria being 777 likely happening this weekend, 6 June last year was 666 Zionist world controllers.
02:33:16 Like they're happenings by the book, there is a shift in the wind.
02:33:20 I can feel it, but as an animal and a slave, I am pulled by the moon.
02:33:26 Uh, we're getting kind of out there with.
02:33:27 This I.
02:33:29 I don't.
02:33:30 I don't give much credence to jamatia, honestly, it it just doesn't really.
02:33:35 It just, you know, all that esoteric stuff, even if that's something that the ruling class dabbles in.
02:33:40 It's just like, come on, you know, like that many of them are just regular people.
02:33:45 Too, OK.
02:33:47 And I don't think everything has to have like some kind of numerical.
02:33:52 You know magic to it or anything like that.
02:33:55 Europe is not dealing with Africans, Devon.
02:33:57 They are dealing with Muslims, Arabs and Niger.
02:34:00 Muslims are waging their holy war against Christendom.
02:34:03 And just like in the 3rd century, it's Jews opening the gates.
02:34:08 Reconquista now.
02:34:09 Well, right, but like in, in the case of.
02:34:14 In the case of, I mean there might be N Africans, but they're still Africans.
02:34:18 In the case of Algeria and France, I mean, they're still technically Africans.
Speaker 6
02:34:25 Let's take a look here.
02:34:27 And thanks for the thanks for the support there, blind ****** Amos Burton.
02:34:32 It'd be interesting to take a look at at pure black countries and see how often they have riots when there are no whites around.
02:34:41 Maybe chimping out and destroying everything is just in their name.
02:34:46 Or maybe it's they don't have to build.
02:34:48 It back up when there's whites around.
02:34:52 I don't know.
02:34:53 I here's the thing.
02:34:56 I don't know that they have riots.
02:34:58 But they sure should have.
02:34:59 Genocides all the time, right?
02:35:01 Like you look like when there's war in Africa.
Speaker 20
02:35:05 It's I mean.
02:35:06 It's ******* ********. ****. I mean, it's guys walking around with ******* it's child soldiers with like AK-40 sevens and machetes going around butchering people like it's bad. It is bad **** and.
02:35:21 I mean, I I I don't know about the riot thing.
02:35:23 Like I said, I.
02:35:23 Don't know if you were to go to Haiti or or something like that and or or even like an African country and try to see how often they have riots.
02:35:34 I think that they probably.
02:35:35 Would have riots.
02:35:37 But they would either be.
02:35:41 And low and smaller in scale just because of their inability to to rebuild everything after each riot.
02:35:47 Like if.
02:35:48 They burn down.
02:35:49 I mean, think of how.
02:35:49 Hard how long it takes them just to get.
02:35:51 You know, basic infrastructure put in place sort of working.
02:35:56 And so if they're going around burning it down all the time, they would just.
02:35:58 Die out so.
02:36:01 But if they do it in America, you know, the white man comes and fixes it.
02:36:06 So it's it's a different different ball game.
02:36:14 I am a distant cousin of Simon Rodia, the artist sculptor that created the Watts Towers. Yes, I am part spaghetti. The Watts towers, huh?
Speaker 6
02:36:26 I don't know what the Watts towers are.
02:36:27 Let me.
02:36:27 Look at the Watts towers.
02:36:40 The watchtowers.
02:36:47 OK.
02:36:49 It's interesting looking.
Speaker 6
02:36:51 And they pop this up for everybody.
02:37:04 It looks like a pointy Eiffel Tower, kind of.
Speaker 6
02:37:08 Alright, so this is.
02:37:11 The watts towers.
02:37:21 That's the watts towers.
02:37:24 When were they?
02:37:25 When were they built?
Speaker 6
02:37:29 The Watts tower is.
02:37:34 Or built.
02:37:42 Oh, they were built after.
Speaker 6
02:37:42 The riots, I think.
02:37:43 Right.
02:37:43 Or wait?
02:37:45 The the entire side of the tower structures, sculptures, pavement walls were designed and built solely by Sabato, Simon, Rodia.
02:37:54 Ohh no, they're pretty old then from he was live from or no, he built them from.
02:37:59 Wait, hold on.
02:38:01 It says.
02:38:03 1886 to 1965.
02:38:07 Alright, so I guess he designed them and then it took like 80 years to put all together or something.
02:38:12 Italian immigrant construction worker and tile Mason over a period of 33 years from 1921 to 1954.
02:38:19 OK, that's weird.
02:38:21 The alright.
02:38:22 I guess that was that was his.
02:38:24 How long he lived.
02:38:26 So they they built the towers over 30 years.
02:38:29 The tallest of the towers is.
02:38:31 99.5.
Speaker 6
02:38:32 8 the work he.
02:38:34 Couldn't do 100, huh? Couldn't do a.
02:38:35 100 just needed six more inches.
02:38:38 He couldn't.
02:38:38 Do it.
02:38:39 He couldn't do the 100.
02:38:40 The work is an example of outsider art.
02:38:44 And Italian America.
02:38:45 You can naive.
02:38:49 That's a weird way of putting it.
Speaker 6
02:38:50 OK.
02:38:51 So there you go.
02:38:52 That's the.
02:38:54 That's the Watts towers that apparently were not burned down or destroyed, shockingly.
02:39:05 Harmless G whites with low exposure of non whites being moralizing fagots about the way exposed whites treated non whites is an old phenomenon. The British not letting American settlers expand W against the engines. The north being lovers.
02:39:21 Condemning the South and the and.
02:39:26 Condemning the South.
02:39:29 Ohh, and condemning of South Africa also.
02:39:34 Yeah, I again, I don't know.
02:39:35 I don't know what it is in white people that that romanticizes the out group, but it's there.
02:39:40 And maybe that's part of the whole explorer thing, right?
02:39:43 That's part of the whole colonization thing, right?
02:39:45 Because when we go there, we don't conquer we we get there and we're fascinated by this new foreign culture and these people.
02:39:53 And we want them to be successful like us, so we transfer our technology and culture to them as best we can.
02:39:58 And and again, it always comes back to to bite us in the ***.
02:40:04 Blind ****** racism is a social construct invented by Jews and academia.
02:40:09 Race is a fact of lineage sins of.
Speaker 6
02:40:11 The father carry carry.
02:40:13 Forth in the son.
02:40:15 Yeah, just everyone's racist.
02:40:17 Like everyone is.
02:40:18 Well, I.
02:40:19 Guess not.
02:40:19 Enough people are right now.
Speaker 6
02:40:20 Not enough white people.
02:40:22 But everyone knows everyone knows what race is, and everyone to some degree, unless there's something wrong with you and there's something wrong with a lot of whites right now, prefers their own race, and even the ones that say they don't like the whites that.
02:40:35 Say they don't.
02:40:35 They're like, oh, no, I.
02:40:36 Got a black friend and it's like, yeah, but you know, you live in a white neighborhood and you work with other whites.
02:40:43 And you know.
02:40:44 In fact, that's why a lot of these.
02:40:45 Whites don't have.
02:40:46 Experience with non whites because they they segregate and they moralize.
02:40:52 A going on the Internet.
02:40:53 Don't be a mental defect.
02:40:55 Hit the fire button.
02:40:57 ******* didn't do his chimping out.
02:40:59 I'm shocked.
02:41:01 That's right.
02:41:03 That's right, guys, make sure you.
02:41:06 Make sure you.
02:41:08 Hit that fire button.
02:41:11 We got close.
02:41:12 To 700.
02:41:13 People here and only 200 UPS. So we got to.
Speaker 6
02:41:15 Get some.
02:41:15 More of those ups, at least that's what it says on mine right now.
02:41:18 It's not always accurate here.
02:41:23 Gee, the great crime of the Atlantic slave trade, was bringing African genes to the Americas.
02:41:28 The institution of slavery itself was historically mundane, right?
02:41:33 No, it's literally like that guy who brought killer bees to the American continent, and he was trying to find a shortcut and thought he.
02:41:41 Would do it by.
02:41:42 Using African genes and all he did was he poisoned the well for eternity?
02:41:48 Cringe panda.
02:41:48 Hi Dev and I was wondering if you had received the two movies I sent you.
02:41:52 Anyway, please look at this picture and tell me if this isn't black face made to accept immigrants as childlike and docile.
Speaker 6
02:42:01 Let me see what this is.
02:42:04 I I I.
Speaker 6
02:42:06 I've checked my DMS.
02:42:09 I haven't really been.
02:42:11 Active on things today.
02:42:18 I'm not sure what you're asking, it's.
02:42:20 A picture of a guy smiling.
02:42:22 I don't know who this is.
Speaker 10
02:42:24 I'll pop it.
02:42:25 Up, but I don't know how this is so I'm not sure what you're asking here.
02:42:35 Maybe I should know who this is.
02:42:37 This is one of those things where I I should totally know who this is and I don't.
Speaker 6
02:42:43 I have no idea who that is.
02:42:49 In a weird way, it looks almost like a younger Ramsey Paul.
02:42:56 I don't know.
02:42:57 I don't hear that.
02:42:57 Yes, guitar dude.
02:43:03 I understand that Jews are going after whites because whites are the biggest.
02:43:06 Threat to them.
02:43:07 But why would they team up with people who?
02:43:09 Are so genetically different from them?
02:43:11 Jews are way more genetically similar to whites than blacks, Hispanics, et cetera.
02:43:16 Is it because they see all going as as the same?
02:43:19 No, it's because it's.
02:43:20 Look, it's if you're.
02:43:22 You don't have to worry.
02:43:24 Do you think Jews worry that blacks are?
02:43:26 Going to outcompete them, ever.
02:43:29 Like ever.
02:43:30 Course not.
02:43:32 Of course not.
02:43:34 They're they're like the perfect ally to have.
02:43:38 Because you can, you can take advantage of them.
02:43:42 Use them for whatever you want and then.
02:43:44 Throw them away when you're done and what are?
02:43:46 They gonna do about it.
02:43:47 Like, seriously, what are what?
02:43:49 You really think Jews are afraid of of blacks becoming competitive with them, or really any of the these other groups?
02:43:58 The only other groups that I think that they see as?
02:44:03 Potential rivals are the Europeans, who they have a historic chip on their shoulder about.
02:44:10 And the Asians most likely, and the Asians are probably that's a more complicated situation and they can't use the same tactics that they use against the Europeans because it's not going to be super easy for Jews to to sneak their way into an Asian country.
02:44:31 They don't look like.
02:44:32 Them they're they're so foreign that they, they, they they won't have the same ability.
02:44:39 That they had in in Western countries.
02:44:42 So I think it's just a it.
02:44:45 Just makes sense.
02:44:46 Like I don't.
02:44:47 I don't see what the.
Speaker 6
02:44:48 Where is there?
02:44:51 On the I guess you had a Part 2. According to Wikipedia, the average American household made 59,000 in 2016.
02:44:59 Compared with Orthodox Jews at 158,000 to 185,000, I agree that a lot of their success is attributed to nepotism. But at this point, shouldn't we try to emulate their success?
02:45:13 IE nepotism, education, making money, etc.
02:45:17 Well, I mean like, look, you don't want to be the Jew to beat the Jew, but yeah, obviously you need more in Group preference.
02:45:25 I think that's all there is.
02:45:26 Like if white people just had in Group preference.
02:45:30 That would solve a lot of.
02:45:31 These problems.
02:45:33 That's all you would need.
02:45:35 You know, that's literally all you would need if white people in America had the same racial solidarity that that Jews have in America.
02:45:45 Well, there wouldn't be very many Jews here.
02:45:47 That's for for starters.
02:45:49 And you know the ***** colonization thing probably would have happened, too.
02:45:53 They certainly wouldn't.
02:45:54 We wouldn't have blacks voting.
02:45:57 You know, you think Israel is gonna bring in a bunch of blacks to or even Arabs to vote?
02:46:02 No, of course not.
02:46:06 UM.
02:46:08 Man of low moral fiber, even exceptional blacks will have children that regress to the mean.
02:46:14 People need to realize that even a decent black will likely have average black children.
02:46:19 Violent, dominant, impulsive.
02:46:21 Many millionaire blacks have murdered murderer sons.
02:46:24 Good ones are just delayed problems.
02:46:26 Thanks for the stream.
02:46:28 Yet to some extent, you're right there.
02:46:34 And that's that's kind of the thing, you know, that's the thing Michael Tracy was trying to say is like, oh, actually it was like, he's such a ******* ******.
02:46:41 He said something along the lines of.
02:46:45 Oh, and by the way.
02:46:46 Maybe you should rethink your your racial you know your your flawed racial worldview.
02:46:54 Because Nigerians.
02:46:57 In America, outperform even Asians.
02:47:01 You know when it comes.
02:47:02 To attaining education and first of all, the first thing that's.
02:47:09 Wrong with what?
02:47:09 The **** he's saying he's trying to say that there's no difference between races by literally pointing out a difference between races.
02:47:19 So pointing out differences between races is totally fine if it makes white people look stupid or something like that right then it's totally fine.
02:47:29 And and and there there is a difference.
02:47:31 If the difference is is white people are worse, right?
02:47:35 But the other thing is.
02:47:37 That there those numbers.
02:47:38 Are funked up because you're talking about .01% of the Nigerian population?
02:47:44 That was smart enough.
02:47:45 So you're talking about the cream of the ******* crop.
02:47:48 Like the Nigerians that are in America are the cream of the crop Nigerians.
02:47:52 And like you said, you know, they will return to the mean.
02:47:56 After a generation or two.
02:47:58 It's kind of like that in just and not just, you know, in terms of intelligence, it's like.
02:48:09 It's like when, OK like boomers, that that thought that ohh, it's so great like you know it's one of the things they like to point to, to somehow dispel the.
02:48:18 The horror that they're feeling when it comes to the the demographic problems, you know, they like to point at at Florida and say ohh.
02:48:26 But you know, Cubans?
02:48:27 Prove prove.
02:48:28 That you know that.
02:48:30 That non whites can be.
02:48:31 Right wing too.
02:48:32 Because it's the Cubans that like to.
02:48:34 Vote for Disentis and.
02:48:36 What they don't mention is that.
02:48:39 1st Generation Cubans may.
02:48:42 But but eventually, I mean you you get in, but Asians are kind of the same way.
02:48:48 You might have a or really any immigrant, most immigrants that escape a communist are underperforming communist country because they want to live in a capitalist.
02:49:02 Country are naturally going to want to side with with Republicans.
02:49:08 Right.
02:49:08 But their children are going to be, you know, brainwashed with the same messaging that all the American children are, and they're going to revert back to their the, the kinds, you know, the thinking the same way that the Cubans in this case were thinking when they they switched to communism.
02:49:28 So it's, I don't know, I.
02:49:32 It's something.
02:49:35 And honestly, it's.
02:49:36 All irrelevant.
02:49:36 It doesn't even really matter if all Cubans wanted to vote Republican forever.
02:49:40 I I it's, I'm not Cuban.
02:49:43 You know.
02:49:45 I I I that's that's not my people.
02:49:50 It's it's.
02:49:51 It's as if that that like.
02:49:53 Doesn't even occur to these.
02:49:55 The people making these arguments.
02:49:57 It's like they don't.
02:49:58 It doesn't even occur to them that that you should.
02:49:59 Have a connection to your people.
02:50:02 And it's because these people don't.
02:50:03 Have a connection to their people.
02:50:06 So they have to make some other argument.
02:50:08 They can't has to be based on economics or something else.
02:50:11 They can't just be like, no, I.
02:50:12 Just I like people like me and I work better when I'm working with other people like me, and it's more pleasant to live around people like me.
02:50:22 And I want my kids to grow up to be like me and to marry.
02:50:25 Other people's kids. Who are you?
02:50:27 Know similar to to me and the rest of my family.
02:50:31 And continue to to value the same.
02:50:37 The same things that I value and and have the destiny that that I I I want the.
02:50:46 I just want the the right to determine the direction that my.
02:50:52 My genetics are going to go in.
02:50:54 I don't want them to be overwhelmed by a bunch.
02:50:56 Of other people.
02:50:56 'S genetics and and have them just be watered down and destroyed.
02:51:02 Uh, let's see here.
02:51:04 Blind ******.
Speaker 6
02:51:06 I think that's one we're on, right?
02:51:08 Yeah, I served in the MC. The military is fake and gay. The strong man died between 41 and 73.
02:51:17 The GA is on my business logo.
02:51:20 I a kid thanked me today.
02:51:22 I told him not to and that.
02:51:25 Israel did 9/11.
02:51:26 Blank stare at the response used to be proud when I learned about 911 through my Blues and alphas away sad face.
02:51:35 I have printed stickers of this pic and I'm going to super glue it to the doors of my local recruiting office well.
02:51:46 I'm not going.
02:51:46 To I'm not going to do the rest of that because it sounds like you're admitting to something.
02:51:50 Maybe not great. Well, it's.
Speaker 6
02:51:54 You know.
02:51:56 Probably not something that, yeah.
02:51:59 Arbor commandant.
02:52:01 Hey, Devin.
02:52:02 How can people still be racially blind?
02:52:05 Why do whites not learn from experience?
02:52:07 Haiti revolution killing all whites in Bob Way.
02:52:10 Former Rhodesia expels all whites South Africa, killing the boars.
02:52:14 When blacks rise to power in white countries, always ends in white.
02:52:20 Yeah, I don't know.
02:52:21 I like it.
02:52:21 Like I said, if I had the answer to that, I would.
02:52:23 I would work really hard and I look.
02:52:27 Working with the data that I do have.
02:52:31 I am working against that.
02:52:32 I think a lot of the the answer to that question is propaganda.
02:52:36 And so that's why I've I've focused so much of my time.
02:52:39 So much of my life, the last you know, several years now trying to get white people to be deprogrammed almost like if you were to get you were to kidnap.
02:52:50 Someone that was stuck in a cult, you'd have to do like the deprogramming.
02:52:55 You know the reeducation.
02:52:56 I guess I I feel like that's kind of what?
02:52:59 My job is right now and you know, if I ever find out if there's something more to it.
02:53:07 Like I said, I'm going to take a look at Kevin McDonald's book.
02:53:10 I feel like that's going to give me a lot of good ideas.
02:53:12 It's it's a really thick book, so it's going to probably take me a while to get all the way through it, especially if I can't find audio book version of it, which I really hope I can.
02:53:21 In which case I can get through it a lot faster because I've been doing.
02:53:24 A lot of driving lately.
02:53:26 And maybe that'll give me some ideas, but yeah, so far all I can think of is.
02:53:32 For no reason at all, white people seem to have a fetish with the out group.
02:53:42 My fault.
02:53:43 What's your fault?
Speaker 6
02:53:46 Did you say something before and what am I missing?
02:53:50 I don't, I don't.
02:53:51 I don't know what you.
02:53:52 What's your fault?
02:53:56 I don't know what you're getting at.
02:54:00 Abra Commandant Devin sometimes I come across as a Fed poster, reason being I'm a former military guy, so I used to direct action or I'm used to direct action.
02:54:13 I see a problem and I'm used to I I'm used to solving those problems with a hammer instead of a scalpel.
02:54:21 Maybe it's also some frustration in my fellow whites don't seem to care about race.
02:54:27 Yeah, I mean, I get it.
02:54:29 It's not like other people don't share those feelings.
02:54:31 It's just you gotta be careful, especially in this environment especially, I mean, ****, did you guys see?
02:54:38 I mean everything that we knew was happening with the federal government monitoring us on social media is is not just 100% true, it's true.
02:54:50 And then some.
02:54:51 The the, the, the stuff that came out about what was it might have that tab open still.
Speaker 6
02:54:58 Somewhere, let me look.
02:55:00 Yeah, the the sisa stuff, you know, sis collusion to overturn the festival, right, this is from zero hedge.
Speaker 6
02:55:09 The let's see here.
02:55:13 The House report reveals that CISA branch of the Department of Homeland Security worked with a social with with social media platforms to censor posts it considered to be dismissed or mail information.
02:55:27 Brian Scully, head of the Cisco censorship team, conceded that the process, known as Switchboard Ring.
02:55:32 Would trigger content moderation. Additionally, SISA funded the nonprofit E Isaac in 2020 to bolster its censorship.
02:55:43 SAC worked to report and track misinformation across all channels and platforms.
02:55:49 In launching the nonprofit, the government boasted that it leveraged its relationship with social media organizations to ensure priority treatment of misinformation reports.
02:55:59 The switchboard programs directly contradicted.
02:56:02 Sworn testimony with assistant director Jen Easterly so lying to Congress. Nothing new. No one's going to get in trouble.
02:56:09 So yeah, this this report came out that showed that they that not just one agency, several agencies were involved and in fact that that's why they had that court order issued this.
02:56:21 Was it this week?
02:56:22 I think it.
02:56:22 Was this week putting a stop to all at least censorship requests from basically every federal agency.
02:56:31 Again, no one. No. No one's head will roll. No one's going to be held accountable and.
02:56:36 And they'll just find find a way around it, just like when people first found out about the Patriot Act.
02:56:43 And like the abuses, you know, everyone got in a big, you know, uproar about it and talked about it, and then, you know, but no one went to jail.
02:56:50 And you know, I mean like when the snow and stuff was revealed.
02:56:53 And you know when when the WikiLeaks stuff was revealed, it's just like everyone gets, Oh my God.
02:56:57 Look how this is so terrible.
02:56:59 We need to.
02:56:59 Do something about.
02:57:00 It and then they and then nothing happens, you know.
02:57:03 And then Trump puts Christopher Wray in charge of the FBI and and nothing happens.
02:57:08 So that's.
02:57:10 Yeah, you just gotta understand that they're, you know, they're.
02:57:13 They're they're they're watching everyone closely.
02:57:19 Colonel Edward, have you ever heard the lies?
02:57:22 Damn lies and statistics phrase.
02:57:24 Someone said it to me on Twitter recently, and it has never made sense to me.
02:57:29 So I looked up who coined the phrase and apparently comes from Benjamin Disraeli, a British Prime Minister who happens to be Jewish every single time.
Speaker 6
02:57:38 That's right.
02:57:38 The crime rate is.
02:57:39 Not high that it's just high on paper.
Speaker 6
02:57:43 It's just high.
02:57:46 Paper uh. Let's see here.
02:57:52 They call me Mr.
02:57:55 Alright, Mr.
Speaker 12
02:57:57 Cash flow checkout.
02:58:04 I'd like to return.
Speaker 9
02:58:05 This duck.
02:58:07 And Mr.
02:58:07 Nags says thanks for the great content.
02:58:11 Also, **** *******.
Speaker 6
02:58:15 There we go.
02:58:17 Postmaster, your donations are off has to be the amount of money people here spent on fireworks.
02:58:24 Ohh, it's OK.
02:58:25 It's a little low this time.
02:58:26 It was a little high last time, so.
Speaker 6
02:58:28 It it works out.
02:58:30 It works out.
Speaker 12
02:58:32 People you know.
02:58:33 Part of it is people are still.
02:58:36 A lot of people are are just not watching tonight or yesterday like social media was just dead the last couple of days because of the holiday.
Speaker 6
02:58:45 But that's fine.
02:58:47 Exmoor hunt.
02:58:49 Ex Moore hunt.
Speaker 13
02:58:51 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 21
02:59:02 Take it from me, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.
02:59:05 Looking forward to the gambling stream, thoughts go out to the Super chatter last week with his short puts.
02:59:13 As you observed, those kinds of option trades are pretty much gambling and can be very addictive and or psychologically financially, devs.
02:59:21 Yeah, well, that's why one of the reasons why I'm glad I don't.
02:59:24 Understand any of it at all.
02:59:28 Skipperville, have you ever covered Midsummer?
02:59:31 I would be interested in hearing or to hear your take.
02:59:34 On that, yeah.
02:59:35 I mean it's I've I watched it.
02:59:37 I didn't cover it.
02:59:37 I watched it.
02:59:39 I don't think it's super complicated.
02:59:40 Like I said, it's it's pretty easy.
02:59:43 It's look at this scary white people that that's the movie is.
02:59:47 Look at the scary white people.
02:59:50 In the end.
02:59:53 So I mean, there's only so much you can cover.
02:59:55 I think red ice covered at some point.
02:59:58 So you can take a look.
03:00:00 If I remember correctly.
03:00:02 You can take a look at their video.
03:00:03 I don't.
03:00:04 I don't think I saw their video, but like I I I'm pretty sure I saw like a thumbnail post at one point.
03:00:10 Harmless Gee, having read the book on which the upcoming Oppenheimer film was based on, I say the protagonist is one of the most Jewish ************* I've.
Speaker 6
03:00:19 Ever read about?
03:00:20 Father of the Adam Bomb or not, I recommend seeing the movie when you can see it for free.
03:00:24 Well, that's.
03:00:29 A lowly scribe in God's army, there is a region of our country where Pollock jokes are extremely popular.
03:00:38 If you are not already aware of it, I believe you would be interested.
03:00:41 Oh wait, that's I thought that would go together cause.
03:00:43 I thought it's.
03:00:44 Too, hyper chats in a row I.
03:00:46 Thought like you would explain what this region was, I.
03:00:49 Have no idea what region that is.
03:00:52 No, if you are already aware of it, I believe you would be interested in the.
03:00:55 Early history of the.
03:00:56 Cajuns or wait no, I guess that is Part 2 of what you're saying in Louisiana and Louisiana likes Polish jokes.
03:01:03 Alright, well, I guess I'd have to.
03:01:05 I don't know why that would be.
03:01:09 I mean, I know that they were French.
03:01:11 Louisiana was right.
03:01:14 But I don't know what to do with Polish people.
03:01:16 I maybe check that.
03:01:17 Out polar Bear Odyssey thoughts on the idea of suing the federal government demanding your own reservation land under the 14th Amendment.
03:01:26 Equal protection clause.
03:01:27 Crazy enough for for for Free Press expensive.
03:01:31 If you you know, if you were doing it.
03:01:33 As like a stunt?
03:01:35 You would need lawyers that would know how to make it.
03:01:39 So it doesn't just get tossed out immediately, but it would probably still get tossed out immediately, but you still need lawyers for that mighty mouse. Matt Walsh's next tweet Nazis killed Jesus. That's right, Nazis.
03:01:55 Nazis killed Jesus.
03:01:56 Nazis, Nazis are the reason why Compton is bad.
03:02:03 E Harold Covington had a radio show.
03:02:05 He spoke his life away in the end of his content, was scrubbed from the Internet.
03:02:10 I had stopped watching your shows for a few months and came back and it seems like you've just spun your wheels like he did.
03:02:16 Reminds me of nobody will remember.
03:02:18 Karl Ozarks is a yes for me, by the way.
03:02:22 I don't think I'm just spinning my wheels, you know?
03:02:26 But thanks, I guess.
03:02:28 I don't know.
03:02:30 Morata, Devon.
03:02:32 Love you, buddy.
03:02:33 Even though you're a filthy Protestant.
03:02:36 You know, it is what it is.
03:02:39 All right guys, I'm going to go ahead and.
03:02:42 Close her down.
03:02:44 Hope you guys enjoyed the the Nice little history lesson on.
03:02:48 On Compton?
Speaker 8
03:02:51 Straight out of Compton.
03:02:53 And hope this is a warning to all of you in Europe.
03:02:58 I'm sure a lot of in Europe get it, but for those of you for, you know, maybe.
03:03:02 That are new here that don't.
03:03:03 Hopefully you understand.
03:03:05 Alright guys, I'm going to take off.
03:03:08 For Black pilled, I am of course.
03:03:12 Dennis stack.
Speaker 2
03:03:16 How to use I talk?
Speaker 15
03:03:18 I talk not Skype data.
03:05:06 You can't see this.
Speaker 3
03:05:34 This is the snake, the street knowledge.
Speaker 16
03:05:37 That's true, it's true.
03:05:37 Come the turn, baby.
Speaker 3
03:05:41 Straight outta Compton.
03:05:43 The crazy ************ named ice.
03:05:45 Cube from the game called Diggers.
03:05:53 I squeeze the trigger.
03:05:55 Bodies or hold off YouTube. Boy, if you **** with me.
03:06:01 The police are going to have.
03:06:03 To come and get me off.
03:06:04 *** is that Sam?
03:06:08 Over the pump ************* not showing out, Niger start to mumble.
03:06:13 They wanna rumble.
03:06:15 I pick them up and cook them in a.
03:06:18 Gumbo, I'm going off on the ************.
03:06:21 Like that, we have to get.
03:06:24 On it at your ***.
03:06:27 So bringing that smooth, you know there ain't no telling when I'm down for a jacket. Here's a murder. Dancing with the crime record like Charles Manson, AK47.
03:06:44 Don't make me happy, ************.
03:06:46 Fool, you and me can go toe to toe.
03:06:49 You know me.
03:06:51 I'm knocking.
03:06:52 Off the.
03:06:53 Blocks daily, your weekly, monthly, and yearly till you don't ************ see.
03:06:58 That I'm down with this.
03:07:06 Boy, you can't.
03:07:07 **** with me.
03:07:08 So when I'm in your neighborhood, you better duck is ice cubes crazy, as pumped in less?
03:07:16 I live believe I'm stomping, but when I come back boys straight.