

Speaker 2
00:00:00 Well, it really looks like Elvis.
Speaker 3
00:01:46 When I look out into your eyes out there, when I look out in your faces, you.
00:01:49 Know what I see?
00:01:50 I see a little bit of.
00:01:51 Elvis and each and every.
00:01:52 One of you out there?
00:01:53 Let me tell you when.
Speaker 4
00:02:14 He's everywhere, man.
00:02:16 He's in everything.
00:02:18 He's in everybody.
00:02:21 Elvis is in your jeans.
00:02:23 He's in your cheeseburgers.
Speaker 3
00:02:26 Elvis is in nutty Bunny, Elvis.
00:02:29 Then your mom.
00:02:31 Everybody's in the young, the old, the fat, the white, the black, the brown and the blue people got Elvis in them too.
00:02:41 Isn't everybody out there?
00:02:43 Everybody's got Elvis in them.
00:02:45 Everybody except one person that is.
00:02:47 Yeah, one person.
00:02:49 The evil opposite of Elvis, the anti Elvis.
00:02:53 Elvis got no Elvis.
00:02:55 And let me tell you.
00:02:57 Michael J.
00:02:57 Fox has no Elvis in it.
00:03:01 And Elvis, then Joan Rivers.
00:03:03 He's trying to get out, man.
Speaker 6
00:03:05 He's trying to get out.
00:03:07 Listen up, Joni.
00:03:08 Baby everywhere.
Speaker 3
00:03:26 Man had a lot of unexplained phenomenon out there.
00:03:28 In the world, lot of things, people say what the heck?
00:03:31 'S going on, let me tell you who built the fear of.
00:03:38 Yeah, maybe, see.
00:03:39 Guys walking down the street, pushing shopping cart and you think they're talking to Allah.
00:03:43 They're talking to themselves.
00:03:44 They know they're.
00:03:45 Talking to you know what's.
00:03:49 Going on that Bermuda Triangle in the Bermuda Triangle.
00:03:57 Saba Saba sabas.
00:03:59 Ah, the sailing Elvis.
00:04:03 Commodore, as it is.
00:04:06 Yeah, man, you know.
00:04:07 People from outer space, people from outer.
00:04:09 Space they come up to me.
00:04:10 They don't look like Doctor Spock.
00:04:12 They don't look.
00:04:12 Like Klingons, all that.
00:04:13 Star Trek job.
00:04:15 They look like Elvis.
00:04:17 Everybody in.
00:04:18 Her space looks like Elvis.
00:04:20 Because Elvis is a perfect.
00:04:21 Being we're all moving in perfect peace and harmony towards Elvis, this soon all will become Elvis.
00:04:27 Everything Everywhere will be.
Speaker 6
00:04:30 What do you think they call it evolution anyway, it's really Elvis solution.
00:04:35 Elvis Lucia, Elvis.
Speaker 7
00:05:10 Thank you, ma'am.
Speaker 8
00:08:36 Well, hello there, sexy vampire lady.
00:08:40 What go into this meat packing plant with you, OK.
00:10:03 With this, when liquid it just.
00:10:05 Drifts under my shirt.
00:10:08 I think it came from the sprinkler.
00:10:11 Something just.
00:11:21 OK, I don't know for sure, but I think.
00:11:24 That guy is.
00:11:25 A thing but.
00:11:57 OK, that goes on for.
00:11:58 Like another 5 minutes if.
00:11:59 You can believe.
00:11:59 It that song?
Speaker 10
00:12:02 Sorry, just to.
00:12:03 Say, hey, you know is my is epic.
00:12:06 Is the ending of.
00:12:07 It is, you know, it really, Bill.
00:12:08 I just don't have.
00:12:09 Time for that.
00:12:11 We don't have time for that.
00:12:12 I don't have time for, is it?
00:12:13 It's like over it's.
00:12:14 Like over a 10.
00:12:14 Minute song. Who does that?
00:12:18 So welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:12:21 I'm of course your host Devin Snack, and I apparently started with the the 1st frame all ready to go, so we might as well just launch right into it last stream and I and I.
00:12:33 Forget who you.
00:12:34 Were I wish I didn't that, but I'd like because I'd like to thank you for.
00:12:38 Reminding me of that terrible movie that we we're going to go over the night and.
00:12:43 And kind of talk about some of the the.
00:12:45 That is a little surprised in retrospect.
00:12:48 I know a lot of people look back to the 90s as if it's some kind of magical time when there was, there weren't faggs everywhere and there wasn't any kind of racism like ohh the the Blacks and whites were getting along and you know the demographics weren't totally ******.
00:13:03 It they were.
00:13:04 But you know, like there's this.
00:13:06 There's this idea that the 90s were some I.
00:13:08 Don't know why you know.
00:13:09 What it is?
00:13:11 Because a lot of.
00:13:11 People, a lot of people, my.
00:13:14 Look back even further, right?
00:13:16 You look back because we.
00:13:18 Were there in the 90s?
00:13:19 We're like, Nah.
00:13:20 Nah, you want to keep, keep rewinding that clock.
00:13:23 You know, maybe the 50s.
00:13:25 But yeah, the further you go back, the more you realize it's just always been.
00:13:29 And so we're going to see.
00:13:31 Some of that the 90s was.
00:13:33 We're not quite full tilt.
00:13:35 **** the way that we are right now, but all the all the necessary components were there.
00:13:42 The the seeds were planted that in.
Speaker 11
00:13:44 Fact the seeds that are.
00:13:45 They sprouted and grown roots.
00:13:48 And we're we're.
00:13:49 Blossoming blossoming into the the wonderful, wonderful flowers that we that we that we see all around us today.
00:13:59 Anyway, the.
00:14:01 We're going to go over is the movie but.
00:14:04 I'm a cheerleader.
00:14:05 I think of this call right?
00:14:07 Let me let me double check, I'm pretty sure.
00:14:09 That's the name of.
00:14:09 It it came out in 1999.
00:14:13 And why do I not have it?
00:14:14 Here, where did it go?
00:14:20 There it is.
00:14:22 Yes, but I'm a cheerleader from 1999. OK. Anyway, in the opening credits, I thought this was interesting. In association with the Kushner.
00:14:35 Lock company.
00:14:39 The Kushner Lock company, huh.
00:14:41 Now I looked into it and I couldn't find if the Kushner in the Kushner and Law company was related to Jared Kushner.
00:14:51 But he is an East Coast Jew.
00:14:54 I mean, how?
00:14:54 Many Kushners are there.
00:14:55 I mean I.
00:14:55 Don't know.
00:14:56 Maybe that's a really common Jewish last name.
00:15:00 Maybe not.
00:15:02 He I mean, this guy was pretty big in Hollywood.
00:15:07 He he worked on Tron.
00:15:09 He he worked on Tron and a bunch of other movies, so it wasn't like he was just making lesbian films, but yeah.
00:15:19 Possible connection to Jared Kushner.
00:15:23 The movie opens up, we're going to say like.
00:15:25 We're going to dive.
00:15:26 Right in here.
00:15:27 So the movie opens up at a high school.
00:15:31 And well, here we see that the demographics weren't quite ****** right in high school with all white cheerleaders and only one fat chick.
00:15:46 Which is honestly, I don't know.
00:15:49 I like I said I was around the 90s and I think I think she was a diversity hire because even in the 90s.
00:15:58 She's a little too thick to.
00:15:59 Be a cheerleader like our.
00:16:01 Least from high school.
00:16:02 That's all I'm saying.
00:16:06 And then we meet the star of the movie.
00:16:11 Ah, yes, Natasha Leona.
00:16:16 You know the degenerate Jewish character from from movies like, UM, well, you know, American Pie.
00:16:25 Or this old time favorite gory band.
00:16:30 Oh yes, we're going to have to go.
00:16:32 I had.
00:16:32 I had never heard of the movie Gory band.
00:16:34 Until today.
00:16:36 We we're going to have to find.
00:16:37 Out more about this movie.
00:16:39 But that's for another stream.
Speaker 8
00:16:42 But you know.
00:16:44 The funny thing is.
00:16:45 Natasha Leone, because you might think to yourself.
00:16:47 Well, hold on.
00:16:50 That doesn't sound like a Jewish last name.
00:16:54 That's cause it's not.
00:16:55 Her real name is Natasha Bianca Leon Bronstein.
00:17:04 Ah, yes, bronstein.
00:17:07 Good old Christian name.
00:17:10 And you might wonder, why would I say good Christian?
00:17:13 It won't cause she plays the part of a very ultra conservative Christian cheerleader.
00:17:21 And of course, she's dating like the cool guy, the cool jock at the high school.
00:17:27 But she's secretly not into him.
00:17:31 She keeps thinking about girls when he's trying to make out with her.
00:17:37 And she doesn't know why.
00:17:41 And her parents are kind of concerned.
00:17:44 They've been noticing things.
00:17:46 They've been noticing a few things, and they make this very obvious.
00:17:51 In the first, the first scene here, when they pray.
00:17:55 Of course, mocking Christians, this movie does a lot of that.
Speaker 11
00:18:00 And Lord.
00:18:02 Please help us to obey.
Speaker 7
00:18:05 The roles in life you set for us.
Speaker 5
00:18:09 For all that is natural and.
Speaker 7
00:18:16 And sacred.
Speaker 3
00:18:20 In your name, we pray.
00:18:25 Now something I want to point out and and I'll be pointing out stuff like this because it's just honestly, this is probably gonna be the theme of the the show tonight.
00:18:33 When you had scenes like this.
00:18:36 OK.
00:18:38 You had a movie that was produced by an.
00:18:40 Army of Jews, basically.
00:18:44 Targeting Christianity?
00:18:46 Certainly not the only one of its kind.
00:18:50 Christians did nothing.
00:18:54 Christians did nothing.
00:18:57 Because at the time.
00:19:00 What the left would say with the leftist Jews that were that were making this kind of content would say.
00:19:06 Well, if you don't like it, just don't see it.
00:19:08 Don't watch the movie.
00:19:11 Just change the channel or or, uh, listen to something else if you don't.
00:19:15 Like the song.
00:19:21 As if somehow that meant that this was.
00:19:24 This would cease to exist.
00:19:29 And Christians were OK with that solution.
Speaker 8
00:19:36 And it would be 1.
00:19:37 Thing if they were OK with like, OK.
00:19:40 We're not going to try to to to stop.
00:19:44 This stuff from being produced.
00:19:46 And we're not going to maybe protest because maybe that's not our style.
00:19:53 That's one thing.
00:19:55 But it's quite another thing to not even.
00:19:59 Try to counteract this.
Speaker 8
00:20:04 Where's the movie?
00:20:06 Making fun of the degenerate Jews.
00:20:10 Played by Christians.
00:20:14 Doesn't exist.
00:20:16 As Christians.
00:20:19 Didn't think it was important, I guess.
00:20:23 So anyway.
00:20:25 You can see her room and there's little little clues that she's a lesbian, you know?
00:20:29 Oh, she's got a Melissa Etheridge poster.
00:20:32 Oh, your little secret.
00:20:34 Ohh, and you start to get the sense that her parents are going to do something about their.
00:20:41 Daughter being gay.
Speaker 13
00:20:45 So Are you ready?
Speaker 1
00:20:47 It will be here at 3:00.
00:20:50 She just.
00:20:50 I hope we're doing the right thing.
00:20:54 So meanwhile, at school.
00:20:57 Everyone kind of gets that she's a lesbian.
00:21:03 And her parents have decided to have an intervention.
00:21:10 They've called in a a pray the gay away style organization.
00:21:18 Called true directions.
00:21:24 And the camp counselor.
00:21:27 Who's wearing a shirt that says straight is great?
00:21:31 Is played by.
Speaker 14
00:21:33 Ru Paul.
00:21:35 That's right.
00:21:36 That guy right there is this.
00:21:39 Guy right here.
00:21:42 Good old Ru Paul.
Speaker 8
00:21:46 But you know it's.
00:21:47 Hard for you to get upset.
Speaker 8
00:21:51 These days, I.
00:21:51 Mean again, one thing that has changed.
00:21:54 In 1999, Ru Paul.
00:21:57 Wasn't on national television.
00:22:00 With his own show dressed like a demon.
00:22:05 But Fast forward to today.
00:22:09 Look, you got conservatives cozying right up the ********.
00:22:17 It's normal now.
00:22:19 Culture War officially lost.
Speaker 15
00:22:22 God Bless America, land that I love.
Speaker 16
00:22:30 You guys, I'm here with two incredible Jewish drag Queens from San Francisco.
00:22:35 Hi, guys.
Speaker 16
00:22:35 They they drove.
00:22:36 All the way here to entertain you and inspire you.
00:22:40 We are so excited.
00:22:42 Friday night, six PM, 50 W and you can get a cocktail.
00:22:47 Mingle, meet other conservatives.
00:22:51 Meet other conservatives.
00:22:58 The utter state of conservatism.
00:23:01 In 2022.
00:23:04 Back to our movie, Ru Paul.
00:23:08 Starts passing out pamphlets to the people who are going to be at the intervention.
00:23:14 And they're all ready.
00:23:15 And of course, you know, he's dressed super gay and.
00:23:19 And whatnot.
00:23:22 And so she gets home.
00:23:24 And of course, the the only time in movies right where they they they like to prominently feature crosses or pictures of Jesus and things like that.
00:23:34 Is only when they're ridiculing a family.
00:23:39 Or when they are depicting a serial killer.
00:23:42 That's that's pretty much the only two situations.
00:23:46 That Hollywood will prominently feature Christianity.
00:23:51 When they are deconstructing the nuclear family.
00:23:54 Or when they are dressing up the the set.
00:24:01 Of a serial killers house.
00:24:05 That, that's.
00:24:05 That's the only time you'll ever see that stuff or a horror film sometimes, you know, possess demons and churches.
00:24:11 You know, the the movie, the nun.
00:24:14 You know, like they don't beat around the Bush anymore.
00:24:18 And so they confront her.
Speaker 5
00:24:21 Lately, we've become concerned about certain behaviors.
Speaker 7
00:24:27 We're afraid you're being influenced by a.
Speaker 5
00:24:30 Way of thinking and.
00:24:35 Do you remember the woman on TV?
Speaker 2
00:24:36 Honey, we think you're a yes.
Speaker 5
00:24:44 I myself was once a gay.
00:24:48 Now I'm an ex gay Meghan.
Speaker 17
00:24:51 I work for.
Speaker 5
00:24:52 A place called True Directions, who help people like yourself learn to understand the reasons behind homosexual tendencies and and.
00:25:03 How to heal them?
00:25:06 Now another thing that made this kind of ridicule possible.
00:25:12 Is that the the Christian answer to homosexuality was ridiculous.
00:25:20 It was this ohh hate the sin or.
00:25:21 Not the sin.
00:25:23 Hate the sin or not the sin.
00:25:29 Imagine if you will.
00:25:33 That you had at camp?
00:25:35 To pray the cannibalism away.
Speaker 8
00:25:39 To pray the murderer away.
00:25:42 To pray the Peter away.
00:25:47 So it was easy to make fun of the Christian response because it was ridiculous.
00:25:55 In an effort to be accepting and inclusive.
00:26:00 You know the kind of inclusivity that led to having Lady Maga.
00:26:07 They became ridiculous.
00:26:08 They lost.
00:26:09 They lost.
00:26:11 Any leg that they that they had to.
00:26:13 Stand on.
00:26:16 So she gets ****** ***, says she doesn't want to go to the camp, but they make her go to the camp.
00:26:23 And you know, so there, it's middle of the it's middle of nowhere, this little cottage.
00:26:29 And you meet, like, the crazy lady that that runs.
00:26:33 Runs the camp.
Speaker 1
00:26:34 Welcome, Welcome, welcome.
00:26:36 I'm Mary.
00:26:37 I'm the founder of True directions, and you must be Megan.
00:26:42 This is my son.
00:26:43 Rock looks like we got you just in time.
00:26:43 Hi. Pleasure to meet.
Speaker 1
00:26:50 What are you about 17?
00:26:52 Almost lost for the college, you know, it's so much harder once they've been through all that liberal arts brainwashing, but we've saved a few.
00:27:02 This was 1999 and in 1999 it was already a cliche.
00:27:08 The like the the whole like.
00:27:10 Ohh, when do schools get so woke?
Speaker 18
00:27:13 Like a million ******* years.
00:27:14 Ago is when.
00:27:16 In 1999, it was already cliche.
00:27:22 That people would go.
00:27:23 To college and college would turn them into *******.
00:27:30 Like that was already that was already like, oh, yeah, like it was a a hack comedian thing for, like, female comedians, especially to be like, ohh I I'm not a lesbian, but I experimented in college.
00:27:43 Ha ha ha.
00:27:47 And of course, the the The Lady's son is obviously gay and and you know the the the. Oh, she's only doing this because her her son's gay.
00:27:56 You know, you get that whole theme going, you know, it's pretty transparent, so.
00:28:02 Then she watches the.
00:28:03 Orientation video about what they're all about.
Speaker 11
00:28:12 No one would have guessed what would happen to this sweet little girl by a young age.
00:28:17 Kelly had a promising future Momma's Little helper.
00:28:21 And prom queen.
00:28:23 Kelly had hopes of being a model one day.
00:28:26 That is, until she was recruited into the homosexual lifestyle.
Speaker 2
00:28:34 She made me do things with other women.
00:28:36 She drove me on the back of her Harley, like I.
00:28:38 Was some showpiece.
Speaker 19
00:28:40 Even when she get high and pushing me off the back of her bike.
Speaker 2
00:28:44 I'd roll in the gutter broken ribs.
00:28:49 I just kept coming.
00:28:50 Back for more.
Speaker 11
00:28:55 But Kelly sought help after just two months in true directions.
00:28:59 Easy five step program.
00:29:01 Kelly rediscovered her femininity and embraced her true self.
00:29:06 On March 16, 1996.
00:29:10 Kelly was married.
00:29:19 And of course.
00:29:21 They reduce.
00:29:24 What it means to be a woman?
00:29:25 To ohh you bet.
00:29:27 I hope you like cooking and and makeup.
00:29:30 And boys and to get married as if first of all, as if all the any.
00:29:35 Of those things are bad.
00:29:37 But that's where they reduce it to.
00:29:41 And it's not like.
00:29:42 It's not a clever argument, but again.
00:29:45 When you're up against the Christian right of the 90s, well or ever, apparently.
00:29:51 You don't.
00:29:51 You don't need to be.
00:29:52 Play hardball.
00:29:54 It's pretty easy to win, as it turns out.
00:30:09 All right.
00:30:11 So then they go through the program, step one.
00:30:16 Is admitting that you're a homosexual.
00:30:22 So after she gets introduced to.
00:30:26 Some of the other people.
00:30:29 In the group.
00:30:31 And again, this is 1999. Those two, those could be mug shots for Antifa people in 2022.
00:30:44 Not not much has changed.
00:30:46 Not much has changed.
00:30:49 It's just, it's just on.
00:30:50 TikTok, now that's the only difference.
00:30:55 And ohh look Rufio from hook.
00:30:58 Is A is a flaming ******.
00:31:01 And so you get, you get to be introduced to some of these people.
Speaker 20
00:31:08 Hi Megan.
00:31:09 I'm Jan and I'm a softball player and I'm a homosexual.
Speaker 19
00:31:17 I'm Sinead.
00:31:18 I like pain.
00:31:20 I'm homosexual.
Speaker 7
00:31:21 I'm Joel. I'm a Jew.
00:31:33 Sorry. Yeah, you.
00:31:34 Meet all the ****.
00:31:37 Gay Rufio.
00:31:41 That ******.
00:31:45 And then.
00:31:48 Here's the insidious part.
00:31:50 Here's the insidious.
00:31:51 Part of this movie.
Speaker 8
00:31:53 They make it the.
00:31:55 The audience, you would think you.
00:31:56 Know. Maybe. Oh, this is.
00:31:58 This is just for for gay people, right?
00:32:01 This is for gay people or gay adjacent or, you know, whatever LGBT all.
00:32:06 All those letters didn't exist back then.
00:32:08 But you know, it was for ****.
00:32:10 Let's just let's just let's just use 4 letters faggs you know.
00:32:16 And so you you had.
00:32:18 It was for ****, you might think.
Speaker 8
00:32:21 Well, not so much.
00:32:23 I mean, that's definitely a part of it, right?
00:32:25 That's definitely.
00:32:26 A lot of the audience.
00:32:28 But here you have a scene.
00:32:31 Look, she hasn't done any gay **** yet.
00:32:33 The reasons that they picked out that her parents were concerned about we're we're pretty, you know, like haha.
00:32:41 Oh, she's a vegetarian.
00:32:42 Oh, must be a lesbian, right.
00:32:46 In this scene.
00:32:48 This is aimed at.
00:32:50 The Christian Goody Goody this is aimed at the.
00:32:55 The woman in the audience that.
00:32:58 Isn't gay, or is she?
00:33:01 What if, if she would?
00:33:02 Have really think about it.
00:33:04 Maybe she is gay.
Speaker 21
00:33:08 I'm a vegetarian.
00:33:12 I have pictures of women around.
Speaker 20
00:33:13 You think that's normal? Sure.
Speaker 21
00:33:18 I never really thought about.
Speaker 1
00:33:20 Have you ever had boy?
Speaker 21
00:33:21 A boyfriend?
00:33:23 For two years we've been going steady.
00:33:26 I really love him.
00:33:28 He's smart and popular.
00:33:30 He's got the ******* **** I've never seen.
00:33:33 Well, have you ever had sex with him?
00:33:38 I'm a Christian.
00:33:39 It's really easy to be a prude when you're not.
00:33:41 Attracted to him, isn't it?
00:33:44 He's very handsome.
Speaker 19
00:33:45 But does he make you hot?
00:33:47 I mean, do you think of him at night when you?
Speaker 22
00:33:50 I'm not perverted.
00:33:53 I get good grades.
00:33:54 I go to church.
Speaker 21
00:33:56 I'm a cheerleader.
00:33:58 I'm not like all of you.
00:34:01 Everyone reads Cosmo, everyone looks at other girls all the time.
00:34:07 See, these are all things that normal girls in the audience.
00:34:11 Will say well, yeah.
00:34:13 I do all those things.
00:34:16 And I'm not a lesbian.
00:34:20 Or am I?
00:34:24 Because then she realizes weight.
00:34:26 I guess I am a lesbian.
00:34:30 So meanwhile you find out for sure?
00:34:32 Yes, the.
00:34:35 The woman's son, that the woman that runs the place, her son.
00:34:38 Is definitely gay and.
00:34:40 Ohh that's that's what's driving her.
00:34:42 That's what's driving her.
00:34:44 She's just mad that her son is gay, so Step 2.
00:34:47 Rediscovering your gender identity.
00:34:49 And by the way, that's all that is, is just that's just a version of.
00:34:52 That's what they would say.
00:34:53 Anyone that opposed.
00:34:56 Homosexuality in the 90s, they would just say, oh, that's just.
00:35:00 Because you're gay.
00:35:02 I I don't know why that.
00:35:03 Worked on people, but it worked on people.
00:35:07 It was.
00:35:07 Like Ohh you're you're.
00:35:09 Only against homosexuality cause deep down you're a ******.
Speaker 5
00:35:14 And people fell for it.
00:35:17 It's literally.
00:35:18 I know you are, but.
00:35:18 What am I?
00:35:20 And people fell for it.
00:35:22 People back.
Speaker 8
00:35:26 I'm not gay.
00:35:29 And I really think.
00:35:31 It was that stupid.
00:35:33 I know you are, but.
00:35:34 What am I?
00:35:38 That drove a lot of the Christian right.
00:35:41 Into saying.
Speaker 8
00:35:42 Well, no, no.
00:35:43 No, it's fine.
00:35:44 It's fine.
00:35:45 I just don't.
00:35:45 I just don't want it, you know, around my kids or.
Speaker 16
00:35:48 What? You know it's you.
00:35:49 What what 2 consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home?
00:35:54 That's totally.
00:35:55 I really do think it was because.
00:35:58 Of the I know you.
00:35:59 Are, but what am I?
00:36:05 I I have no idea.
00:36:07 Why it worked so effectively, but it did.
00:36:11 OK, so Step 2, rediscovering your gender identity.
00:36:14 You might be.
00:36:15 What gender? This is 1999. They're talking about gender identity. Ohh yes they are.
00:36:21 Oh yes, they are.
Speaker 1
00:36:24 In Step 2, we'll begin the process of everybody rediscovering their gender identity, and we all know where latent heterosexual.
00:36:37 So once again.
00:36:39 They they make sure to have a 1950s motif.
00:36:45 Because in the 90s, that was the past, that they were ******** on.
00:36:51 That was what, like I did that video on Pleasantville.
00:36:55 Same thing.
00:36:57 Everything looks very 1950.
00:37:01 And they're ******** all over it as much as possible.
00:37:04 Because they know that era.
00:37:06 Is gone and it's gone forever.
00:37:10 And if you wonder why it's gone.
00:37:13 And start to think to yourself.
00:37:14 Away. That was way better.
00:37:17 You're going to start asking too many questions.
00:37:19 You're going to start asking why it's gone and and who took it.
00:37:25 Or as I.
00:37:25 Said in that video, you're going to find the body.
00:37:30 And you're gonna see the people holding the murder weapon and go.
00:37:33 What the ****?
00:37:37 And they can't have that.
00:37:40 So they have to make the 1950s.
00:37:42 Oh, my God, it's oppressive.
00:37:44 It's so.
00:37:46 Neat and tidy.
00:37:47 It's so beautiful that it's sickening.
Speaker 8
00:37:51 It's sickening.
00:37:54 It's so monotone.
00:37:57 Look at these severely bright colors.
00:38:06 Oh, and they're just vacuuming because.
00:38:07 That's all women were good for.
00:38:11 And if you're.
00:38:11 Not a lesbian.
00:38:13 That's what your life is going to be like.
00:38:17 Just ******* vacuuming.
00:38:21 No, that's right.
00:38:22 Just vacuuming and thinking about wedding dresses.
00:38:29 And then the guys, of course with the the prop, that looks like * **** behind them.
00:38:37 Dressed like the ******* village people.
00:38:41 Trying to be manly.
00:38:44 In a super gay way.
00:38:49 Always inserting that, the gayest **** they can possibly think of.
Speaker 14
00:38:58 My mom let me play in.
00:38:59 Her pumps.
00:39:01 And then when they talk about.
00:39:04 Well, what?
00:39:05 What made you gay?
00:39:07 And they make this joke.
00:39:08 They make this joke.
Speaker 8
00:39:12 My mom let me play in.
00:39:13 Her pumps.
00:39:15 Ohh, because that would make your kid gay.
00:39:21 Well, what they're what they're obviously trying to.
00:39:25 To distract you from.
00:39:28 Is the reality that yes, mothers I've I knew and personally, mothers who dress their little boys up as girls.
00:39:40 Turn their sons gay and there's actually a surprising number of women that do this ****.
00:39:50 And for each one of the people that talks about why they, they're gay about.
00:39:53 Half of them.
00:39:55 Are actually smokescreens.
00:39:59 For actual reasons why people end up gay.
00:40:05 So then again, the girls are all we're going to train them because that's all you're good.
00:40:08 For is making babies.
00:40:10 Making babies and vacuuming and looking pretty, that's all you're good for.
00:40:18 So Step 3.
00:40:21 His family therapy.
00:40:25 And this is where she's trying to find out.
00:40:27 Well, what made me gay.
Speaker 8
00:40:30 What's the root?
Speaker 21
00:40:33 You know, we've kind of been like this greeting card family.
00:40:37 And then there was that one near where.
00:40:40 Well, Dad was unemployed and mom had to support us.
Speaker 7
00:40:42 Wait a minute.
00:40:43 That was only for nine months.
00:40:46 And then I was offered a much better job at the plant.
Speaker 21
00:40:50 We'll maybe see and mom kind of being the.
00:40:53 Dad, maybe I.
00:40:55 Maybe I got kind of the wrong idea about the.
00:40:57 Roles of men and women.
00:41:01 And again they they mock this too.
00:41:05 They mock the idea.
00:41:07 That if you have a weak, ineffectual father.
00:41:11 That that could that.
00:41:12 Could play into it a little bit.
00:41:16 When that is also very true, I I played that tick I was looking for it today.
00:41:19 I couldn't find it, but I've played it on.
00:41:21 A previous stream where and and look it was it went all over the place, you know, like a month or so ago or something that most a lot of people have seen.
00:41:31 Where it was a viral TikTok where gay people were supposed to to Oh well yeah, you can't get through this list if you're gay and like it was.
00:41:44 Like I don't know what the first thing was, but the second thing was have a strong relationship with your father.
00:41:52 And they and every single one of them like, oh ****.
00:41:54 I failed the test.
00:41:58 And so this is another smokescreen.
00:42:00 Like, oh, no, no.
00:42:02 That has nothing to do with it.
00:42:03 People are just born gay.
00:42:05 They're just born gay.
00:42:09 So meanwhile.
00:42:12 Someone a literal like literally a gay Jew sneaks by the the camp.
00:42:18 Of underage kids.
00:42:22 And throws a a message.
00:42:27 To the the underage kids.
00:42:31 Telling them you know, live free, love free.
00:42:36 Meet out front midnight this Saturday.
00:42:40 Like literally a gay Jew.
00:42:42 Who will meet in?
00:42:42 A second.
00:42:46 So she starts fantasizing about making out with one of.
00:42:50 The other girls.
00:42:52 And ************ because, you know, gotta have a ************ scene.
00:42:59 And then Step 4.
00:43:01 Demystifying the opposite sex.
Speaker 1
00:43:07 And here are our love birds taking a relaxing evening stroll together now.
00:43:13 Notice how affectionate they are.
00:43:15 This could be you.
00:43:18 Thank you.
00:43:19 Is our happy couple at home.
00:43:24 See again, they're ******** all over the 1950s.
00:43:28 You don't want that.
00:43:31 That's all fake anyway.
00:43:35 That's all super exaggerated. Photoshopped.
00:43:43 You don't want to live in that.
00:43:44 Nightmare. Oh.
Speaker 1
00:43:47 Yeah, it's important to make your man feel at ease when he comes home from a long day at work.
00:43:56 See, that's what you really want.
00:43:59 To be with a girl.
00:44:02 So they start to fall in lesbian love.
00:44:07 And then they decide we're going to go hang out with that gay Jew that.
00:44:10 Sent us the note.
00:44:13 So they all get ready to go meet the gay Jew.
00:44:17 Again, these are.
00:44:19 These are not adults.
00:44:20 These are children.
00:44:21 At the camp.
00:44:24 Sneaking out to meet the gay Jew.
Speaker 23
00:44:26 Who's going to?
00:44:27 Take him somewhere so they sneak into the car of the gay Jew.
Speaker 19
00:44:34 Hi, I'm Lloyd Morgan.
00:44:36 Jordan, this is Larry Morgan Gordon.
00:44:38 Glad to have you.
Speaker 19
00:44:38 With us, you only one of these.
Speaker 3
00:44:42 May not be an exact match, but.
00:44:45 So the gauge you is is giving them fake ID's.
Speaker 24
00:44:51 We're just trying to provide you all.
00:44:52 With a balanced perspective to see that there are options.
00:44:56 That's all.
00:44:58 That's all the gay Jews just want you to know.
00:45:00 That there's options.
00:45:03 There's just options.
00:45:07 You know.
00:45:10 So get get into my van like they literally got in a.
00:45:15 They literally really got into a van with with the gauge Jew in.
00:45:19 The middle of the night.
00:45:21 And he's giving them fake ideas and driving them.
00:45:23 To a gay bar like.
Speaker 24
00:45:28 And it's up to you whether you.
00:45:29 Choose to live a life.
Speaker 15
00:45:32 Whether you want to be who you are or keep it hidden is really more of.
Speaker 11
00:45:35 What you're about?
00:45:37 See, it's really just up to you.
00:45:39 Says the gay Jew.
00:45:44 Now come to this gay bar with us called **********.
00:45:51 So the the gay Jew who just picked up underage kids.
00:45:57 In the middle of the night in this van.
00:45:59 To take him to a gay bar called **********.
00:46:06 They they go into.
00:46:07 The gay bar.
00:46:09 And you know.
00:46:11 Start making out, but then the next day.
00:46:15 The lady in charge of the place finds the matches from the gay bar.
00:46:21 And she's really ****** ***.
00:46:26 And she just and she knows she knows it was the gay Jews.
00:46:30 So she makes a sign.
00:46:32 I don't know if you can read it.
00:46:33 Silly ****** *****.
00:46:34 Are for chicks.
00:46:36 That was a that was a real funny joke back in the early 90s.
00:46:42 So they're going to go protest in front of the gay Jews house.
00:46:47 So she takes all of her students.
00:46:50 As part of their treatment plan.
00:46:52 They protest.
00:46:54 In front of the.
00:46:56 Gay Jews house.
00:46:58 And of course this is this is another reason why.
00:47:05 The Christian right.
00:47:08 Sucked at combating this stuff.
00:47:10 Because they didn't combat it, they created.
00:47:13 A power vacuum.
00:47:15 And who came in to fill it?
00:47:17 The Westboro Baptist Church.
00:47:22 Ah yes, the Westboro Baptist Church that would go and have the they would.
00:47:29 It was almost as if they were trying to have the worst optics possible as often as possible.
00:47:35 And because the Christian right wasn't doing anything.
00:47:41 That's that was the face of anti-gay.
00:47:48 That's that's, that's who. What the public saw as anti-gay. Ohh, you mean it's these people who who just go to soldiers. Like not gay soldier funerals.
00:48:01 And then say they're glad that they're dead because of gay.
00:48:07 Well, that that sounds irrational and crazy.
00:48:13 I don't want to be on that side.
00:48:16 Says the normie.
00:48:25 Then they have the final Test.
00:48:29 To see if their prey the gay away.
00:48:34 Education had worked.
00:48:42 So of course, to see if you're.
00:48:44 Not a lesbian.
00:48:45 They judge you on how good you clean floors.
00:48:51 I don't know.
00:48:52 That's what your life is like.
00:48:53 If you're not going to.
00:48:54 Be a lesbian.
00:48:56 And for the the faggs, they're they're like, oh, yeah, you got to, we got to.
00:49:00 See if you can fix cars.
00:49:06 And they have to write an essay, my root, and how it prevented me from homosexual loving.
00:49:11 And again, it's mocking, right?
00:49:13 They're mocking the idea that something would make you turn gay.
00:49:17 They mocked the idea that that that being gay was anything other than I was.
00:49:21 Just Born This Way.
00:49:31 And then of course.
00:49:33 She makes out or bangs the.
00:49:37 The other chick from her class.
00:49:40 But then she's caught.
00:49:43 And they send her packing.
00:49:48 And where does she?
00:49:51 She goes to the gay Jude House.
Speaker 13
00:49:59 You just have to continue to.
Speaker 5
00:50:00 Be who you are.
00:50:03 That's all.
00:50:06 This looks like a totally safe environment.
00:50:07 For a kid.
00:50:13 You got that?
00:50:14 Whatever the **** that is on the far left and the the gay Jew and his.
00:50:21 Yeah, his whatever that guy is.
00:50:26 Gay Rufio is also there because I guess guess he had nowhere to go.
00:50:31 So they also have like, a pool boy.
00:50:33 Gay, gay Rufio.
00:50:36 Anyway, I'm pretty sure by the way that actor is is gay Step 5.
00:50:44 Simulate the sexual lifestyle.
00:50:46 So meanwhile at the pray, the gay away place.
00:50:50 Now they're now they're they're making the argument.
00:50:52 No, you're it's, it's the I know you are.
00:50:54 What am I like?
00:50:57 These guys look, those guys are wholesome, right?
00:51:01 Look how wholesome that is.
00:51:03 They're being nice and giving her a place to stay.
00:51:06 And So what if there's like rainbow **** all over the ******* place and that ******* triangle that they don't use?
00:51:13 I guess any.
00:51:13 More I the I don't know if you guys can see on the the the coasters, there's the the purple triangle, right?
00:51:24 But the Christians, meanwhile, they pray the.
00:51:27 Gay away place.
00:51:29 Look what they're doing.
00:51:32 Look this weird twisted ****.
00:51:35 They're having to act out.
00:51:38 Sexual scenes.
00:51:40 While she's directing it like she's directing a ******* *****.
00:51:45 And with her son.
00:51:48 So you know the Christians are the real weirdo degenerates.
00:51:55 Not the wholesome ****.
00:52:00 So they get to graduation.
00:52:03 The final phase.
00:52:07 And the Jew, of course he's there.
00:52:09 He's graduating.
00:52:10 He's all proud.
00:52:11 His his Jewish parents are all excited.
00:52:13 Oh, thank God.
00:52:15 Thank God he's not a fad anymore.
00:52:20 And they're they're all going to get their diplomas.
00:52:23 But as you can see.
00:52:25 The girlfriend, the girlfriend of the main character, she.
00:52:28 She looks ashamed.
00:52:31 She looks ashamed for denying her true gay self.
00:52:37 And so the Jew goes and gets his I'm not gay statue.
00:52:41 But then she comes in with her, her cheerleading outfit.
00:52:46 And the world's not ready for her.
00:52:49 They're like, what?
00:52:50 What is she doing here?
00:52:52 We kicked her out of the school.
00:52:53 For being a lesbian.
00:52:56 But then this happens.
Speaker 22
00:52:59 1234 I won't take no anymore. 5678. I want you to be my mate.
00:53:08 1234 you're the one that I adore. 5678 don't run from me, cause this is faith.
00:53:20 Yeah. Yeah, so.
00:53:24 This is probably like the cringiest.
00:53:28 Love conquers all and saves the day seeing of.
00:53:32 And not not just because.
00:53:34 They're they're lesbians, just in general.
00:53:37 That's like the.
00:53:37 Gayest thing ever.
00:53:39 Which is fitting I guess.
00:53:41 But it works. Oh look.
00:53:42 She's like, oh, I I I know.
00:53:44 Now that I must be with you.
00:53:48 And then the end, that's that.
00:53:50 That's the end.
00:53:52 Donald Kushner.
00:53:54 Wasn't he president?
Speaker 3
00:53:57 Then we had.
00:53:58 Donald Kushner as president, just like a couple of years ago.
00:54:02 I don't know why that.
00:54:03 Why does that sound?
00:54:04 So familiar, I don't know.
00:54:07 Uh, so yeah, so that's the.
00:54:12 That was the movie.
00:54:15 Now I found.
00:54:19 An episode.
00:54:21 Of politically incorrect.
00:54:24 With Bill Maher.
00:54:26 From 1999.
00:54:30 Where they talk about this movie.
00:54:33 With a guy.
00:54:35 Who's actually an ex gay?
00:54:38 Who runs one of these kind of things, you know, doesn't sound as crazy as some of these things, but it's like a Christian stop you from being gay type of organization, right?
00:54:54 And Ru Paul from the movie.
00:54:57 Who is promoting the movie?
00:54:59 Obviously is on the panel.
00:55:04 This woman to his right.
00:55:06 I don't know who that is.
00:55:11 Probably some actress or whatever, and then the the fat lady. That's that. I think she's also from the anti-gay Christian Place. So anyway, let's have a look.
00:55:25 Yeah, it's 1999. There are some. There are some shocking, somewhat shocking differences, but also it's just shocking, like just how terrible.
00:55:36 They are at arguing their point.
00:55:39 And how desperate they are to be accepted by the the obviously.
00:55:47 Left wing MPC crowd in the audience.
00:55:51 They want so much to be accepted.
00:55:55 And they try so hard.
00:55:57 Ohh, it's cool we're we're vibing with you.
00:55:59 We're trying to have a.
00:56:00 Sense of humor about this, guys.
00:56:06 Which in essence just makes them seem like they're unserious people.
00:56:09 That well, what you're doing is it clearly isn't that serious of a thing.
00:56:14 You don't seem to be taking it seriously.
00:56:17 You seem to be more concerned about how you're perceived in this social situation than really sticking to your guns on some of this stuff.
Speaker 18
00:56:27 Six years later, just.
00:56:29 I slept with over 400 guys before I came out of the gay lifestyle. Wow.
Speaker 17
00:56:33 I want to get your.
Speaker 2
00:56:34 Number I'll give you my old black black, yeah.
Speaker 12
00:56:41 400 guys.
Speaker 17
00:56:42 Actually, I have a confession.
00:56:43 I'm not really gay.
00:56:44 I haven't.
00:56:44 Met the right girl yet after?
Speaker 6
00:56:45 What are you?
Speaker 25
00:56:45 The show, yeah.
Speaker 24
00:56:47 This is great.
Speaker 14
00:56:48 Why do you want to?
00:56:51 See and and just I I I've I've.
00:56:54 I've seen this kind of attitude from a.
00:56:55 Lot of Christians.
00:56:57 Where, you know, born the born again style Christians.
00:57:02 Where they almost it's almost like they they.
00:57:07 They're like Uncle Rico from Napoleon dynamite.
00:57:12 Where they want they as much as they say like ohh yeah.
00:57:15 Well, I'm different now.
00:57:16 Good thing I found Jesus.
00:57:18 It's always followed by like some glory day.
00:57:21 They never had kind of story.
00:57:24 Well, you should have seen me back then.
00:57:26 Cause whoa bro. Nelly.
00:57:29 I was.
00:57:30 I was sucking so much ****.
00:57:32 I must have made 400 ******* dudes.
00:57:37 Now and look at.
00:57:38 That smile on his face.
00:57:40 He's joking around.
00:57:41 They're having a good time.
Speaker 8
00:57:44 Well, I I don't know if.
00:57:45 You if you think that's a serious sin.
00:57:48 If you think that's the kind of sin that's going to send you to hell and, and he'll say in a second that that's exactly what he believes.
00:57:55 Why are you joking around about it so much?
Speaker 18
00:58:01 Double your wardrobe.
Speaker 6
00:58:02 You already got it.
Speaker 12
00:58:03 What camp I mean?
Speaker 8
00:58:04 That's that's.
Speaker 6
00:58:06 Hey, bill.
00:58:10 Oh, look and.
00:58:11 Again, 1999, so some of the things that.
00:58:13 Have changed, bill.
00:58:14 Maher said you should go to **** camp.
00:58:18 Well, he's ****.
00:58:18 Shaming now.
00:58:19 Now, you couldn't even say that.
00:58:22 Yeah. No, I mean.
00:58:23 That was pre.
Speaker 18
00:58:24 Age days and maybe you're gay friends.
Speaker 26
00:58:26 I agree.
Speaker 18
00:58:27 Maybe your gay friends don't tell you the truth.
00:58:29 But I was living in New York City doing the Fire island, Provincetown, Palm Beach.
00:58:33 The whole gate scene.
00:58:34 All the.
00:58:34 Way down the.
00:58:35 East Coast and.
Speaker 17
00:58:35 What's your favorite album?
00:58:39 And what did?
00:58:39 OK.
Speaker 17
00:58:39 You do with your old Judy Garland.
00:58:41 Records I could use.
Speaker 12
00:58:42 Them OK, I could use a commercial.
Speaker 18
00:58:42 I'm donating them to charity.
Speaker 12
00:58:44 We have to take a break, we'll.
00:58:45 Be right back.
00:58:47 You didn't want.
00:58:48 That fine.
00:58:50 That's right.
Speaker 18
00:58:52 It's like you.
00:58:53 Don't make 400 mistakes before you realize you're a bit sexually confused. I was exclusively homosexual. Had a born again Christian experience and decided that heaven was more important than my lifestyle.
Speaker 12
00:58:58 You know.
Speaker 17
00:59:01 OK, but that's.
Speaker 12
00:59:03 But that's you.
Speaker 26
00:59:04 Ohh, but that's so offensive to say that gay people can't go to.
00:59:06 Is that what you're saying?
Speaker 18
00:59:07 I didn't say that gay people.
00:59:10 Well, you should. That's why no one's taking you seriously.
00:59:17 That's why no one's taking you seriously.
00:59:21 Because you won't just say it.
00:59:22 You think it.
00:59:24 You literally just said that you thought going to heaven was more.
00:59:27 Important than your lifestyle.
00:59:30 Which implies.
00:59:32 Your lifestyle was going to prevent you from.
00:59:35 Going to heaven.
00:59:36 But the second someone challenges you on that, and that's what you meant.
Speaker 8
00:59:41 You're like, whoa, whoa.
00:59:43 Hold on there, buddy.
00:59:45 I'm not saying that because I know if I say that I'll get.
00:59:49 Booze in the audience?
00:59:56 And being accepted by these NPCS and the audience is far more important than any kind of principles.
01:00:01 Pretending to have.
Speaker 18
01:00:08 You can't go to heaven.
01:00:10 Saying to you.
01:00:11 Is the Bible is very clear on homosexuality?
01:00:14 Yeah, it is very clear.
01:00:16 But you're not being very clear, are you?
Speaker 18
01:00:19 Very clear, of course.
Speaker 12
01:00:20 Not everyone believes.
01:00:21 The Bible.
Speaker 18
01:00:23 And and we're not for everybody.
01:00:24 We're for people who have a desire to leave the gay lifestyle behind.
Speaker 12
01:00:28 That's it.
01:00:29 But what is unnatural about the gay lifestyle itself?
01:00:32 And that's what I understand.
01:00:33 Because do you know that homosexuality occurs in nature?
01:00:36 Mean this is.
01:00:37 You know what?
01:00:38 So does cannibalism.
01:00:42 This this is another argument that's so easy.
01:00:46 So easy to refute, but this was the this was like, the softballs being thrown at at the Christian right.
01:00:55 And it's like they didn't know.
01:00:56 What to do?
01:00:57 Oh, wait, hold on.
01:00:57 You mean.
01:01:00 Animals can be gay.
01:01:02 Well, then I guess being being gay is all right.
01:01:05 Because we're just animals.
Speaker 8
01:01:10 I mean.
01:01:13 It's the stupidest thing ever.
01:01:15 It's like when you you talk to one of these these hippie chicks, that that think anything that say that that's that's natural.
01:01:22 Must be good for you.
01:01:26 That's easy.
01:01:26 OK.
01:01:27 If that's true, why don't you go roll around in some ******* poison oak?
01:01:31 That's natural.
01:01:35 Why aren't you doing that?
01:01:39 There's lots of bad ****.
01:01:40 That's natural.
01:01:45 Cannibalism happens in nature.
01:01:47 Eating your your young happens in nature.
01:01:53 Murder happens in nature.
01:01:57 Oh, it's just natural.
01:01:58 Hey, chimps murder each other.
Speaker 12
01:02:03 Is a fact over 450 species of animals practiced?
01:02:08 Some form of.
01:02:09 Homosexuality, and they do not have dominant mothers, or else they be Jewish, not.
01:02:17 Oh, I can't tell you the Philosemitic 90s as I like to say, you know where you had peak Seinfeld.
01:02:25 Dominating the culture.
01:02:27 That's all you need if you.
01:02:29 Were a Jew.
01:02:30 The only thing you.
01:02:31 Needed to get a laugh out of an American audience because they were just so enamored with Jews.
01:02:37 Because they were boomers.
01:02:42 All you had to do.
01:02:43 Was just make do some throw.
01:02:45 Away a line about like.
01:02:47 Unless you had a Jewish mother.
01:02:50 Well, you're growing up as a Jew.
01:02:54 That's all it took to get boomers to.
Speaker 8
01:02:56 Be like ohh I love them Jews.
01:03:00 Oh, I I can only imagine haha.
01:03:04 I wouldn't want to Jewish mother.
Speaker 2
01:03:08 We wouldn't have, we wouldn't have.
Speaker 12
01:03:11 So why is it unnatural?
01:03:12 Isn't anything that occurs in nature by definition natural?
01:03:17 Again, easiest, easiest argument in the world.
01:03:22 Everything happens in nature.
01:03:26 Genocide happens in nature.
Speaker 8
01:03:28 I guess I guess it's natural guys.
01:03:32 It's totally natural.
Speaker 18
01:03:37 You you are a human being, you are not an animal.
01:03:40 You don't eat larva you know just because animals eat larva.
01:03:43 Should you eat larva?
Speaker 26
01:03:44 You plant sweet animals.
Speaker 18
01:03:44 I mean, come on.
01:03:45 You're you're.
Speaker 26
01:03:46 You are an animal.
Speaker 12
01:03:46 Very well.
01:03:47 I do eat larva.
Speaker 18
01:03:47 We're meeting God.
01:03:50 Yeah, look, he tries.
01:03:53 But eat larva.
01:03:55 Come on, dude.
01:03:57 You should have gone with the genocide one the.
01:03:59 Genocide one to a Jew.
01:04:01 That would have been ********.
01:04:03 You should have done it, but you're you're *****.
01:04:05 And by the.
Speaker 12
01:04:06 Way with a little tahini sauce, it's delicious.
Speaker 18
01:04:12 Well, the the bottom line, what it comes down to is I saw 35.
Speaker 17
01:04:15 No, no, no answer.
Speaker 12
01:04:16 That question first, how can homosexuality occur in nature and not be natural?
Speaker 2
01:04:22 But it doesn't reproduce and we the.
Speaker 12
01:04:24 What it occurs?
01:04:28 See, they were they were so stuck on that, and I swear to God.
01:04:34 You never had Christians with intelligent responses to this.
01:04:39 Or really anything.
Speaker 12
01:04:42 Maybe that maybe the?
01:04:42 What does have?
Speaker 18
01:04:42 To do.
Speaker 12
01:04:42 Goal of everything isn't to reproduce and spawn.
Speaker 18
01:04:45 You're comparing apples and and and and pigs.
01:04:47 In a blanket.
01:04:48 I mean, if you're an animal, animals can do whatever the heck they want. We are made in God's image and we've gotta do.
01:04:54 What God tells?
01:04:54 Us to do.
01:04:56 See and that's a weak argument too.
01:04:58 See here you are.
01:05:02 Here you are bending to the will.
01:05:05 Of of the secular people in the audience.
01:05:09 When you shouldn't be.
01:05:11 And then now you're.
01:05:13 You're not appealing to them.
Speaker 8
01:05:15 When you should be.
01:05:19 It is about procreation.
01:05:22 It is about continuing the species.
01:05:26 It is about continuing the people.
01:05:36 You really think that saying like it's it's fine for you to mention God and say that God commands you?
01:05:41 Not to do it.
01:05:43 But not if you're going to be a limp wristed.
01:05:45 ****** about it.
01:05:47 You can't waffle around because no one takes you serious already.
01:05:51 You were just laughing.
01:05:53 You were just joking around about sucking 400 *****.
01:06:01 You know who they wouldn't be laughing at?
01:06:06 If your name was.
01:06:07 Mohammed and you said Allah forbids it and just ******* stare at them with the most serious face you could make.
01:06:14 Audience would get uncomfortable, but they wouldn't be laughing.
01:06:19 You're the one that.
Speaker 8
01:06:20 Made it a joke.
Speaker 12
01:06:22 And you're you're not answering the question.
01:06:26 Avoiding the question because I assume there is no good answer that you have.
Speaker 18
01:06:30 No, I think I think it's a very.
Speaker 24
01:06:31 Good answer.
Speaker 17
01:06:34 You know, just just be very afraid if some organization told me how my mind should work or what I should do. It's like invasion of the body snatchers. I saw X-Men last night Speaking of movies.
Speaker 2
01:06:37 Now are we?
Speaker 8
01:06:46 Oh, Speaking of X-Men, you mean the movie literally made by gay pedophiles?
01:06:57 Imagine that.
01:06:59 Imagine that that nice movie to pick.
Speaker 8
01:07:02 Like literally the movie made.
01:07:04 By gay pedophiles.
01:07:06 But I digress.
Speaker 17
01:07:08 And the mutants.
01:07:09 So we're trying to save these.
01:07:10 By the way, for those of.
01:07:12 You don't know.
01:07:12 I'm talking about.
01:07:12 You need to watch open secret.
01:07:15 I mean, it's literally made by gay pedophiles like.
01:07:17 It's not. I'm not just.
01:07:18 I'm not just condemning all of.
01:07:20 Hollywood, as gay pedophiles. X-Men was made by gay pedophiles.
Speaker 17
01:07:25 And I think that's.
01:07:26 What we all are we all made.
01:07:27 I mean and I.
01:07:29 In addition to that, Hollywood is mostly gay pedophiles, but but specifically.
Speaker 17
01:07:35 Everything is of God.
01:07:36 We're extensions of.
Speaker 12
01:07:37 God's are you seriously telling me this man is not gay?
Speaker 2
01:07:37 Well, not person.
Speaker 8
01:07:43 Now let me tell you.
01:07:43 And forever.
01:07:44 I mean, listen to this.
Speaker 18
01:07:46 This we can work on this guy.
Speaker 12
01:07:48 You can work on this guy.
Speaker 18
01:07:50 The only thing he has, he's a lousy dresser, no.
Speaker 6
01:07:55 Like I like the Falcon.
01:07:56 Look, see, it's still a joke.
01:07:58 It's still a joke.
01:08:00 No one's taking you seriously because you're not taking yourself seriously. Really.
Speaker 12
01:08:06 You and your doctors and that shirt you are.
01:08:09 I believe you.
01:08:10 You're not gay anymore.
01:08:13 And the fact that you think he's.
Speaker 18
01:08:14 Allowed that those do not make the.
Speaker 12
01:08:16 Man, but they do.
01:08:17 If you're queer, OK?
01:08:21 And we.
Speaker 2
01:08:21 Don't force anybody to change.
01:08:23 They come to us wanting to change.
01:08:25 And we're preaching praise preaching.
Speaker 26
01:08:26 Yeah, but that's not true.
01:08:27 That is not true because because my film is about a girl whose parents sent her to.
Speaker 27
01:08:28 OK.
01:08:31 Ohh, you know, that's the that is.
01:08:33 That's the lesbian director of.
01:08:34 The movie we were just going over that woman on the right.
01:08:38 That's uh.
01:08:40 What's her name?
01:08:40 Let me say.
01:08:46 That is, where's the director?
01:08:51 Jamie Babbitt.
Speaker 26
01:08:54 To a homosexual rehabilitation.
Speaker 2
01:08:55 Well, that doesn't happen.
Speaker 26
01:08:57 Yes, it's a true story that.
Speaker 2
01:08:58 Absolutely. And we sort of.
Speaker 26
01:08:58 Hasn't happened, that's.
Speaker 18
01:09:00 I have to be honest with you.
01:09:02 It was utterly ridiculous, this girl.
01:09:04 Doesn't like tongue kissing her boyfriend and is a vegetarian, so they decide she's a lesbian and they grab her to an ex gay camp.
Speaker 26
01:09:09 Yeah, she's a lesbian.
Speaker 18
01:09:12 That's not really ridiculous.
Speaker 17
01:09:14 That's what the film is a surrealistic.
01:09:16 View of what's really happening I.
Speaker 3
01:09:17 Grew up a little boy.
Speaker 17
01:09:19 A little 5 year old flamer and I thought I I landed on this planet and it was like I feel like I was.
01:09:24 Space alien.
01:09:25 And you know what this is?
01:09:26 It's like another planet.
01:09:28 It's so crazy.
01:09:30 And the the curly perms and the tracksuits have to go.
Speaker 24
01:09:34 Well, and the polyester white suit.
Speaker 17
01:09:34 It's crazy and that's the view of the.
Speaker 2
01:09:35 Film it's looking.
Speaker 17
01:09:36 At it in a way where it's like, what is this menus when you follow your gut, whatever feels good, you do that.
01:09:42 There's nothing wrong.
01:09:43 Just do whatever feels good.
01:09:47 Like, that's literally Satanism.
01:09:51 Do what thou wilt.
Speaker 2
01:09:55 I had a guy I had a guy on my floor who thought killing was a.
01:09:59 Good idea.
01:09:59 That's how he felt.
01:10:01 So where do we draw the moral?
01:10:02 Where do, where if everyone has different feelings because of the different?
Speaker 17
01:10:02 There's a little ********.
01:10:04 Have to do with killing someone.
Speaker 18
01:10:15 32%.
01:10:16 A minute.
Speaker 22
01:10:17 On 6.
Speaker 18
01:10:17 Bill, 62% of people in this country who are dying of these are homosexual men. So Felicia.
01:10:23 Yeah, actually that number as it would turn out.
01:10:27 Was more like 99.9%.
01:10:31 But continue.
01:10:34 Even though HIV probably doesn't even really cause AIDS, but anyway continue.
Speaker 18
01:10:39 Chill does kill an animal. Sex, an animal sex. Animal sex does kill. OK, so when I saw 35.
Speaker 26
01:10:39 So what about the 40% of people dying of AIDS?
Speaker 22
01:10:42 That aren't gay. Hey.
Speaker 26
01:10:46 So did heterosexual sex.
Speaker 18
01:10:46 Of my friends.
Speaker 26
01:10:48 I'm a lesbian.
01:10:49 I'm never gonna get aids.
Speaker 8
01:10:50 Yeah, it was.
Speaker 18
01:10:50 Me, I didn't know.
Speaker 26
01:10:51 I am a lesbian.
01:10:52 And I will have less chance of getting aids than you.
01:10:54 You and.
Speaker 25
01:10:54 You and you.
Speaker 26
01:10:55 Why was the lesbian?
01:10:56 And I'm a lesbian, so that does that mean that lesbians?
01:10:59 That's God ordained?
01:11:00 Because now I'm.
01:11:00 Not gonna get aids.
Speaker 18
01:11:01 You're confusing the issue. What I'm saying here is when I saw 35 of my friends die of AIDS.
Speaker 26
01:11:01 It's ridiculous.
Speaker 18
01:11:07 And my therapist told me to go into the gay lifestyle and and there was nothing to worry about.
01:11:12 And when I began to see them die, I'm saying wait.
01:11:14 Maybe I made a wrong.
01:11:15 Choice here.
Speaker 26
01:11:16 But what about people?
Speaker 18
01:11:16 Maybe I do have.
Speaker 26
01:11:16 Family acts when all of their friends are, then they say, oh, I have an option.
Speaker 18
01:11:17 An option here.
Speaker 26
01:11:20 Now I'm not gonna be hemophiliac anymore.
01:11:21 Mean that's.
Speaker 18
01:11:22 You're comparing apples and oranges.
Speaker 26
01:11:22 Ridiculous. I'm.
01:11:23 Not comparing.
01:11:24 See this this.
01:11:28 They have no argument, but they didn't need one.
01:11:33 Or if you're a hemophiliac, you're just going to decide not to be hemophiliac anymore like.
01:11:37 What are you even talking about?
01:11:40 I mean I.
01:11:41 I know after watching your movie, you're not the brightest bulb in the ******* drawer.
01:11:48 But they they, that's the thing they they didn't really.
01:11:50 They really didn't have any good arguments and.
01:11:52 They still won.
Speaker 2
01:11:54 My argument.
Speaker 12
01:11:56 But you have to sell a few apples and oranges.
01:11:58 We'll be right.
01:12:01 And the question I'm asking is about how young is it appropriate to get the your hooks into people?
01:12:07 The Millennium mark?
01:12:11 Would you take a look at this?
01:12:12 See this.
01:12:13 This the whole people were saying oh, but they weren't trying to get kids back then.
01:12:19 Yes, they were.
01:12:21 Yes, they were.
01:12:23 Now, funny enough, Bill, Bill Maher of all people.
01:12:28 Seems to not like the idea.
01:12:31 That gay people are are grooming.
01:12:37 Because because that wasn't, uh, popular enough of.
01:12:39 An opinion for him to have publicly at least.
Speaker 12
01:12:43 March for Equality was a couple of months ago in Washington, first time that they had gay minors marching and the executive director said we have a responsibility to organize the younger generation because they're the future.
01:12:56 Now kids can be confused at that.
01:12:58 Age shift, don't you think?
01:13:00 See this 1999.
01:13:02 The gay activists were openly saying we need to start organizing the youth because they're the future.
Speaker 12
01:13:10 We should at least wait till they're 18 or so before you start with the you're gay and.
Speaker 18
01:13:15 Phil, the gay political movement in this country, is coming after junior high school and high school kids.
01:13:20 Now I think that's what we have to draw.
Speaker 26
01:13:21 So with the X game movement, so is the X game movement.
Speaker 18
01:13:22 The line no.
01:13:24 They should be able to make a decision when they're 18 years old of what way they wanna go, and I don't think we.
01:13:29 Should be touching them in school.
01:13:30 In any way.
Speaker 2
01:13:31 So what would?
Speaker 26
01:13:31 You do, So what would?
Speaker 3
01:13:34 You know what?
01:13:35 No, what?
Speaker 26
01:13:35 Would you?
01:13:36 What would you do?
01:13:36 If your 15 year old son came and said dad, I'm gay, would you send him to a next game ministry at 15?
Speaker 18
01:13:41 I I I would sit him down and and and try to find out.
01:13:45 Any part that I played in that and not being a good father to him, I'd get him some some good.
Speaker 8
01:13:51 You know I'm.
Speaker 12
01:13:51 Talking about the four.
01:13:52 100 guys, though at that point.
Speaker 3
01:13:54 Gonna be in my book.
Speaker 8
01:13:56 So everybody's.
Speaker 7
01:13:57 Gonna know it.
Speaker 26
01:13:58 You know.
Speaker 8
01:14:00 All I can say so.
Speaker 26
01:14:00 So you would send them to an ex ministry, so you want to get your.
01:14:02 Hands on the young people also, no.
Speaker 18
01:14:05 People come to us, we have 20,000 former homosexuals we're currently helping in five ex gay networks throughout the country.
01:14:12 We're spreading throughout the world.
01:14:14 We are on the front page of the LA Times.
01:14:16 We're coming to be.
Speaker 12
01:14:17 I just gotta say, it's got to.
01:14:18 A lot more fun to be.
01:14:19 For if I take me to.
01:14:21 Be a.
01:14:21 100 to get 400 women, I mean.
01:14:25 What is it?
01:14:25 That allows the gay people to like, just meet up and do it so easily, I guess.
01:14:30 Gee, I wonder, maybe because they're just a bunch of degenerate *******.
Speaker 8
01:14:36 But animals do.
01:14:37 It right.
01:14:38 So it's gotta be it's it's natural.
Speaker 12
01:14:41 I guess they.
Speaker 18
01:14:41 Don't have to well, especially in pre age days.
01:14:44 It was very sexually charged.
01:14:45 I mean it's.
Speaker 12
01:14:45 Very sexually charged, that's.
Speaker 26
01:14:47 71.
Speaker 18
01:14:48 Well, gay people are having unprotected sex against, so AIDS is on their routes again.
Speaker 17
01:14:50 Well, this your whole discussion is all the guys here if what?
01:14:54 So anyway, that's for some reason that's the whole clip that I was able to find.
01:14:57 It just ends right there abruptly.
01:15:01 But again, now again, here's the next thing.
01:15:05 This was another big.
01:15:11 Of anti-gay Christians.
01:15:14 From this is 1999 same year. It's the same year that that movie came out.
01:15:22 I'm not even saying they're wrong.
01:15:24 I don't think they are wrong and and especially after you see who they interview but like.
01:15:29 Just the the this, this, this angle of attack.
Speaker 27
01:15:32 Teletubbies cuddly.
01:15:33 Seemingly harmless talking dolls with TV screens in their tummies, best selling videos and a top rated morning show on Public TV.
01:15:42 But now one teletubby the little purple figure carrying a handbag is the target of Jerry Falwell's conservative religious magazine, the Doll accused of.
01:15:51 Being gay look and guess what?
01:15:55 They are gay.
01:15:57 In fact, I wonder if I can.
01:15:59 Find that ****, I.
01:16:02 Like just this year.
01:16:05 Or last year it was.
01:16:14 I know I sent that out on my telegram like a long time ago.
01:16:21 Uh, Teletubbies.
01:16:26 They are promoting trans kids.
01:16:28 Last year, I think it.
01:16:29 Was right.
01:16:31 Where is that ******* tweet?
01:16:32 It was from the official account.
01:16:56 I can't find it.
01:16:56 I know it's.
01:16:57 On my telegram somewhere.
01:17:09 Uh, well, anyway, it doesn't matter.
01:17:11 I can't find it.
01:17:15 There are, oh, wait, here it is.
01:17:21 OK, so this is.
01:17:26 The official Teletubbies account.
01:17:34 Tweeting this out last year or I think it was, uh, yeah, last year.
01:17:41 Where did that go?
Speaker 5
01:17:47 Here it is.
01:17:49 This is the official Teletubbies account.
01:17:56 They tweeted to little Nas X.
01:17:59 Can we get a feature on the next album?
01:18:04 And that was in response.
01:18:07 To people talking about his music video.
01:18:18 The devil ***** him in the ***.
01:18:28 So yeah, Teletubbies are gay.
01:18:31 OK, but it doesn't matter when when that's your angle of attack.
01:18:36 Let's go after ******* Teletubbies.
01:18:39 Which, yeah, that's.
01:18:40 I would tell parents not to have their their kids watch nonsense.
01:18:45 Like Teletubbies was, it was just brain cancer nonsense, you know, let, let alone the gay ****.
01:18:52 But when this becomes like the the this is your big crusade.
01:18:58 It's easy.
Speaker 27
01:18:58 To mock, used to being gay.
Speaker 11
01:19:01 Then it was Tinky winky's turn to.
Speaker 10
01:19:03 Wear the skirt.
Speaker 27
01:19:04 Falwell's National Liberty magazine calls the Purple Teletubby named Tinky Winky a gay role model, damaging the moral lives of children.
01:19:13 It is being.
01:19:15 How about all the the *******?
01:19:17 Why focus on Teletubbies, dude?
01:19:20 I'm not saying you're wrong.
01:19:23 I'm just saying.
01:19:25 Was is that?
01:19:26 Is that the the biggest that that's the biggest target, the biggest fish you were willing to fry was a ******* purple teletubby.
01:19:38 Out of everything going on like that's, that's what you're gonna go after.
Speaker 24
01:19:41 Being perceived by the gate community.
01:19:44 Out there as.
Speaker 24
01:19:45 Something good for them?
Speaker 27
01:19:46 Falwell says he did not research the issue himself, but his magazine, with 295,000 subscribers, points to what it says is evidence that the creators of the series intend for Tinky Winky to be a gay role.
01:19:59 I will have.
01:20:00 And look, he's right and he's right, but again.
01:20:05 Why focus on Teletubbies?
01:20:09 Why not talk about?
01:20:11 All, all the the gay people in power and and at the university level.
Speaker 27
01:20:17 Surfaced he is purple, the gay pride color and his antenna is shaped like a triangle.
01:20:22 The gay pride symbol.
01:20:24 Look and it was in the 90s it was.
Speaker 25
01:20:27 What is all this nonsense about?
01:20:29 It's a preschool series for.
01:20:30 Ohh, look at that.
01:20:32 Here's one of the guys that.
01:20:34 Works at Teletubbies. Ken viselman.
01:20:38 Ken viselman.
01:20:40 Works at Itsy Bitsy Entertainment.
Speaker 16
01:20:43 Yeah, dude, you know.
01:20:44 You know they're gay.
01:20:45 Don't act like you don't know.
01:20:46 They're ******* gay.
Speaker 25
01:20:47 The kids that they love, the parents are happy about.
Speaker 27
01:20:50 So why target Teletubbies? It's the number one children show in America, 16,000,000 US viewers seen in 50 countries and $2 billion in merchandise sold. But a gay role.
Speaker 18
01:21:02 Model it's hard to say I'm offended.
01:21:04 And to keep.
01:21:11 Keep a straight face at the same time.
Speaker 27
01:21:13 And child psychiatrists say, even if Falwell's magazine is right, and Tinky Winky has a sexual preference, it means nothing.
Speaker 25
01:21:20 People's identity is formed.
01:21:23 Oh, look, another Jew.
01:21:26 How many Jews they gonna interview here?
01:21:30 He's like, oh, it's fine.
01:21:32 It's fine if you give kids gay role models, says this Jew from the University of Chicago.
01:21:37 Well, it's fine.
01:21:40 That's not going to make your kid gay.
01:21:42 It's totally fine.
Speaker 25
01:21:44 People's identity is formed by biological factors and by their relationships to their parents.
Speaker 27
01:21:50 Not saying.
01:21:51 Oh, that now?
01:21:53 He's that.
01:21:53 That's not woke enough anymore.
01:21:55 He had to leave that second part off.
01:21:56 If he was talking today.
Speaker 27
01:21:59 Say the experts by a child's relationship with their favorite purple doll.
01:22:03 Now see experts say it doesn't matter if.
01:22:05 You play gay?
01:22:07 Propaganda to your kid.
01:22:08 That's not.
01:22:08 That's not going to make any difference.
Speaker 27
01:22:10 Jim Avila, NBC News Chicago.
01:22:13 Yeah. So anyway.
01:22:15 So that was from 1999.
01:22:23 This is this isn't American.
01:22:26 I just thought this was an interesting clip because.
01:22:29 Something I don't even know what show this is.
01:22:31 It's some British show.
01:22:33 From 1999.
01:22:36 And it's it's.
01:22:37 A great clip only because it encapsulates so many of the the.
01:22:44 I mean it was a version of this.
01:22:49 In countless movies.
01:22:52 And countless television shows, whether it was American, British or otherwise.
01:23:00 Right around this time.
01:23:05 So this was 1999. And again I don't, I don't know. I literally don't know the show.
01:23:10 But it's just interesting.
01:23:11 Because the old white guy, the old white bigot.
01:23:16 Is the one that doesn't get it, and the only one that gets it are the cat lady white women.
01:23:22 And the ****?
Speaker 23
01:23:27 Whoops, so Daisy don't drop the soap.
01:23:32 Just ignore the.
Speaker 28
01:23:35 Two points when ready, please stated.
Speaker 29
01:23:40 What do you fancy the fagots?
Speaker 28
01:23:42 Yeah, they always say them that.
01:23:43 Shout loudest wrestling with the demons.
Speaker 29
01:23:46 I've never wrestled with.
01:23:48 You see, notice how he used that and he he worded it very brutishly.
01:23:54 But he literally said the exact the that I know you are.
01:23:57 But what am I?
01:23:58 Oh, it's always those.
01:23:59 Who shout the loudest that that wrestle with the demons?
01:24:03 In other words, anyone who opposes homosexuality, they're really gay themselves.
Speaker 28
01:24:09 And they always say them the.
01:24:10 Shout loudest wrestling with the demons, les.
01:24:13 I've never wrestled with an animal life.
Speaker 10
01:24:15 Cheeky Git, the way you're thinking what?
Speaker 3
01:24:24 Thank you.
01:24:27 Uh, look at the looks of concern from.
01:24:29 All the white women.
01:24:31 The white women are don't don't pick on our faggs.
Speaker 7
01:24:34 You gotta.
01:24:38 Suck in it, les.
Speaker 28
01:24:45 Are you gonna kick me out?
01:24:46 Are you?
01:24:46 I'm not them.
01:24:47 Fagots, they're not offending me.
01:24:49 You are.
Speaker 28
01:24:50 Are you coming tonight?
01:24:51 Can't be doing this.
01:24:52 No, no, no.
01:24:54 Neither are you, Todd.
Speaker 28
01:24:56 Sorry, man.
01:24:57 Let's go.
01:24:58 No stopping you.
01:25:00 See yourself.
01:25:02 You do live there.
01:25:02 I guess, yeah.
Speaker 29
01:25:04 OK.
Speaker 28
01:25:05 The little fagot on the corner in.
01:25:07 That right, Liz, give over.
01:25:10 No, I won't give over.
01:25:13 I'm sick of the walks.
01:25:13 Every time I step.
01:25:14 Out of the house?
01:25:15 The whispers.
01:25:16 The crossing over the road condemnation.
01:25:18 If you don't like it, if my presence offends you that much, then go to Westfield arms.
01:25:24 If you don't like it, then change the channel.
01:25:27 If you don't like.
01:25:27 It don't go.
01:25:28 See the movie.
01:25:29 If you don't like it, don't listen to it.
01:25:38 But of course we we know that.
01:25:40 That's not how they actually think.
Speaker 28
01:25:43 And watch this bite.
01:25:45 You're joking, aren't you?
01:25:46 Anyone else wanna have?
01:25:47 A go at me.
01:25:48 Hey, we're not all like
Speaker 12
01:25:49 Him here. Here. Good.
01:25:53 Yeah, us white women, we're not.
01:25:55 We're not like him at all.
01:25:56 We're we're down with the ****.
Speaker 28
01:25:59 Because I've had enough of people thinking they can say all the light to my face and not one of you will stick up for me.
Speaker 7
01:26:05 What do you want me to do?
Speaker 28
01:26:06 Talk about you behind your.
01:26:08 Well, if anyone else thinks I'm not the devil Incarnate, back me up and tell him to.
Speaker 5
01:26:12 Shut up. Shut up, les.
01:26:15 Shut up, les.
Speaker 28
01:26:16 Ohh might know you 2 freaks would stick up for.
Speaker 8
01:26:18 Him les.
Speaker 1
01:26:19 Let's shut up.
01:26:22 Yes, Les, shut up.
Speaker 8
01:26:24 Shut up.
01:26:24 Shut up, Les, look at.
01:26:25 It shut up, Les.
Speaker 17
01:26:28 Shut up. So she right?
01:26:34 There you go.
01:26:35 The old white bigot.
01:26:39 The old white bigot is defeated.
01:26:43 In 1999.
01:26:48 But they hadn't won all the way.
01:26:52 They want it off to where people stopped complaining about homosexuality itself.
01:26:56 They stopped enforcing ****** laws.
01:27:00 And as the Conservatives lost ground.
01:27:02 As they always do.
01:27:05 They stopped opposing homosexuality.
01:27:09 And then they they they turn into well.
01:27:13 I don't care.
01:27:14 If you want to be a ******.
01:27:17 But you can't get married.
01:27:21 That's all.
01:27:22 That's all I'm saying.
01:27:26 Now, now you want to.
01:27:28 Have civil unions.
01:27:29 That's something we.
01:27:30 Can talk about but.
01:27:32 You know, like always slipping, always slipping.
01:27:37 Always losing ground.
01:27:56 Until we get to this.
01:28:06 Until we get to.
Speaker 15
01:28:09 God bless.
01:28:11 America land that I love.
01:28:22 See, that's fine.
01:28:25 Republicans are very diverse.
01:28:38 So you Republicans slipped all the way to this?
01:28:42 When this was Obama.
01:28:46 In 2004.
Speaker 7
01:28:49 Religious faiths.
01:28:50 Your religious faith dictates that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
01:28:54 Would you elaborate on that well?
Speaker 14
01:28:56 What I believe is that is that marriage is between a man and a woman.
01:29:01 But what I also believe is that we have an obligation to make sure that gays and lesbians.
01:29:08 Have the rights of citizenship that afford them visitations to hospitals that allow them to be to transfer property between partners to make certain that they're not discriminated on the job?
01:29:20 I think that bundle of rights are absolutely critical.
Speaker 7
01:29:21 Being said, excuse me, excuse me, but, but as far as why?
01:29:25 What in your religious faith cause you to be against?
01:29:29 Gay marriage.
Speaker 14
01:29:30 What I believe in my faith is that a man and a woman, when they get married, are performing something before God, and it's not simply the two persons who are meeting.
01:29:47 See, this is Obama 2004 or literally any Republican in 2008.
01:30:02 That's how quickly.
01:30:03 The Republicans just and the Conservatives, just.
01:30:07 Fold like a wet paper bag.
01:30:17 That's why it's.
01:30:18 So easy to ******* mock them.
01:30:26 Because at the end of.
01:30:26 The day they are just.
01:30:27 Kind of a bunch of ******* holding signs.
01:30:42 All right, so anyway.
01:30:45 That was.
Speaker 8
01:30:49 That was Bob, a cheerleader.
01:30:53 That was the movie.
01:30:54 From 1999 nineteen 99.
01:31:01 An area that it wasn't, it was.
01:31:03 It wasn't as ideal, like as a lot of people would like to think.
01:31:10 No, the 90s were great because the **** hadn't hadn't executed their plans to go after.
01:31:16 Our children yet.
01:31:19 They were just.
01:31:19 Making the plans if only it was like the 90s.
01:31:25 When when it wasn't, when it wasn't generally accepted to hate white people, yet they were just laying the groundwork for it.
01:31:36 When just every black comic would do a special on HBO for an hour and a half that just made fun of white people to a crowd of laughing white people.
01:31:50 Who didn't realize?
01:31:51 Wait a second, where is?
01:31:52 This going to end up.
01:31:58 No, they they didn't think that because they were too busy hitting themselves so, so badly.
01:32:04 They put this guy in office.
01:32:10 They elected this literal ****** to uh.
01:32:15 To be president, just to show how.
01:32:17 Racist. They weren't.
01:32:23 Alright anyway.
Speaker 5
01:32:30 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
01:32:32 Where is the chat window and.
01:32:36 There it is.
01:32:40 Super chat dabba.
01:32:52 Canuck tut.
01:32:54 $5 appreciate that. Hey, Devin, it's my 40th birthday today and I'm spending it with my based Bros in this dream.
01:33:02 I dedicated all or dedicated it.
01:33:06 To all the single white males who just want to get married.
01:33:11 There you go.
01:33:12 Well, I appreciate that and.
01:33:16 Yeah, but I don't.
01:33:17 Know if we should dedicate a.
01:33:19 Extreme about lesbian cheerleaders.
01:33:23 Two guys that want.
01:33:24 To get married.
01:33:25 But you know.
01:33:27 We'll see.
01:33:28 Purge all pedophiles at all costs daily.
01:33:32 Book two.
01:33:33 Stay on target.
01:33:33 Keep up the good work.
01:33:35 Yeah, absolutely.
01:33:37 I'm I'm.
01:33:38 I'm working out the.
01:33:42 Well, I I can't say everything.
01:33:43 Right now, but I'll I'll talk about that in.
01:33:46 A future stream.
01:33:48 Postmaster, $25. Appreciate that. Here's to a smart QS traffic shaped stream that I don't want to shoot myself in the face.
01:33:58 Just try to watch.
01:33:59 Yeah, we haven't dropped like a ton of frames.
01:34:03 I mean, it's kind of a little bit more than I'd like, but it hasn't lost connection.
01:34:08 And so we've been streaming the whole way and I'd say the bulk of the streams or the frames we lost, we're actually in the intro.
01:34:16 So that's that's OK.
01:34:18 White pill been meaning to ask if that church for sale in rural Illinois was in Rossville.
01:34:26 If you remember, I don't know if it.
01:34:27 Was in Rossville.
01:34:28 I remember the town.
01:34:31 I mean, I could tell you I remember the town was it was barely a town.
01:34:39 So I'll I'll look up and see.
01:34:41 Because I was looking at the town.
01:34:46 Like the satellite photos.
01:34:48 And it was like, barely a town.
01:34:51 Like, I don't even know how.
01:34:52 It was a town.
01:34:53 It was like, Nope.
01:34:54 Let me look here maps.
01:35:01 I don't think it was.
01:35:02 That doesn't sound familiar, but maybe.
01:35:12 Maybe actually let me see.
01:35:15 Where's the satellite?
01:35:17 Here we go.
01:35:22 Well, this is pretty small.
01:35:30 I don't know.
01:35:31 It's hard to say, but it's it was about that size.
01:35:34 I don't, I don't.
01:35:37 I don't think so.
01:35:39 Because I feel like this is actually even slightly bigger than the town I was.
01:35:42 Looking at.
01:35:43 I don't remember there being like a a school.
01:35:50 Or all these silos, or whatever the **** that **** is.
01:35:55 Yeah, there seems to be like way more businesses there than.
01:35:58 Were in this town, this town was like it was like a neighborhood more than it was a town.
01:36:03 Like it was weird that it was just down the middle of nowhere like that, and I don't think they even had a store.
01:36:09 It was just like a few house like.
01:36:10 I don't know why it was even there.
01:36:13 I know why the the church was out of business though, because, I mean, who would go to it?
01:36:19 So now sorry.
01:36:22 I don't think it was that.
01:36:25 Oh, so 5675 dollars. Appreciate that the cheap horror movie Cherry Falls 2000 was a push for everyone to lose their virginity in high school.
01:36:36 Heyman Holocaust is a line in the movie.
01:36:39 It wasn't even released in the states then.
01:36:42 Well, I mean, what do you think?
01:36:43 American Pie?
01:36:44 You know, Speaking of.
01:36:47 The girl that was in this movie.
01:36:49 That was literally.
01:36:50 The the the the whole point of.
Speaker 23
01:36:54 Where is she?
01:36:55 That was the whole point of American Pie.
01:36:59 And who's the main character?
01:37:00 Literally the a Jew.
01:37:06 That was the whole point of American Pie.
01:37:09 And as we all have to *** ****.
01:37:12 Before we graduate or whatever.
01:37:15 And there's lots of movies like that, I think.
01:37:20 I mean, going back far like into the 80s they were.
01:37:22 I I don't even know if I've seen Porky's, but I I've I've heard that.
01:37:26 That's basically, you know, Porky's is a let's get it's high school guys trying to *** **** movie.
01:37:33 And that was like the first or one of the first right.
01:37:36 And since then, especially because I think it was pretty low budget and made a bunch of money, they've remade that movie.
01:37:42 In fact, I was watching interview with the guy who wrote American Pie and they didn't have a title for it.
01:37:49 And he made some comment in the interview that, like, yeah, on the script that I gave the producer.
01:37:54 It literally was just titled **** *** movie.
01:38:00 Like that's, that's what it.
01:38:01 Was that was the working title.
01:38:04 Until they came up with American Pie or something, a lot like, I forget it.
01:38:08 That's the exact wording, but it was pretty much that.
01:38:11 UM.
01:38:15 Let's see here.
01:38:16 Jack diddley.
01:38:17 Have you heard of the show?
01:38:19 Yellowstone conservative think it's base, but I watched a couple of episodes and it's full of the usual anti white ********.
01:38:27 Yeah, there's no such thing as based TV.
01:38:30 Or based movies.
01:38:32 That's the problem.
01:38:34 Because while the left is pumping this **** out.
01:38:39 There is no conservative answer to it.
01:38:42 Conservatives don't.
01:38:45 For whatever reason.
01:38:47 Find value.
01:38:51 And making any kind of media.
01:38:54 And then they say.
Speaker 8
01:38:56 With great pride that the.
01:38:58 Left can't meme.
01:38:59 It doesn't make sense.
01:39:00 It's like they don't.
01:39:01 They don't understand how this works.
Speaker 8
01:39:05 The normies.
01:39:08 Aren't getting their firmware updates from 4 Chan.
01:39:12 Or from gab.
01:39:15 They're not lining up.
01:39:18 And paying $12.00 for a bag of popcorn.
01:39:24 And sitting through an hour and a half plus of you.
01:39:29 Preaching to them.
01:39:32 Because you don't have a, you don't have that.
01:39:35 You don't have that.
01:39:36 You don't have record labels.
01:39:39 You don't have anything.
Speaker 2
01:39:40 What do you have?
01:39:44 They're like Ben Shapiro.
01:39:46 Ben Shapiro making his his.
01:39:48 ******* gay movies.
01:39:55 If you want to go back to the 90s, watch, watch Ben Shapiro's movies. Because that's.
01:39:59 Where it's going to be.
01:40:02 We we watched that trailer for he made some or his company or whatever the the the blaze people or not the blaze.
01:40:12 The daily wire people or?
01:40:13 Whatever they made that that school shooting movie.
01:40:19 And and what was it?
01:40:23 Ah, it was this white.
01:40:24 Chick with a black boyfriend saves the day.
Speaker 8
01:40:30 And why wouldn't it be?
01:40:33 Ben Shapiro, as he famously said, doesn't give a God.
01:40:37 Damn about the Browning of America.
01:40:44 So yeah, all of his movies that he makes, they're going to.
01:40:47 Be, you know they're going to be like this.
01:40:59 That's what you're going to get with Ben Shapiro movies.
01:41:07 OK.
01:41:11 But now I haven't washed Yellowstone.
01:41:13 I'm sure it's terrible.
01:41:15 Based race makes her $5 appreciate that my five year old son asked how many people did the helicopter throw out. He saw the intro graphics well. Not enough. Tell him not enough. Never enough.
01:41:30 Ramel $1.00 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Thank you for your work. Syberg's video is great. Can you put a physical copy of DOTR book in merch store? Also why, you know, sell cactus pads in the Merch Store 2? Happy birthday cannot.
01:41:50 Cannot dot.
01:41:51 I can't say that right.
01:41:55 Well, I'll tell you.
01:41:56 What I don't have enough cactus pads yet.
01:41:58 I could see that maybe next year.
01:42:00 I feel like the cactus is actually big enough to.
01:42:02 I'll have too many.
01:42:03 I have one cactus, that's.
01:42:05 It's the first one to get so big I have to trim it back.
01:42:11 But yeah, I don't have enough to be selling, but that would be a cool thing because you guys just have to plant them and then you could have a.
01:42:19 A real, real piece of the pill box growing in.
01:42:23 Your front yard, unless you live somewhere that snows all.
01:42:25 The time.
01:42:27 Although there are some, there are some that can handle snow.
01:42:29 I've got some.
01:42:30 In fact, they have some East Coast.
01:42:33 They're not as impressive.
01:42:34 They're little.
01:42:35 They're little baby cactuses, but they.
01:42:37 Or at least the pads are.
01:42:38 They get.
01:42:39 I mean, they get very bushy and big, but as soon as it gets cold, they shrivel up and fall down and just lay there all winter long.
01:42:46 But they, you know, they come back alive as.
01:42:47 Soon as it warms up so they're there, you know, we could.
01:42:50 We could do that at some point.
01:42:52 UM.
01:42:53 And yeah, the book will have a physical copy out fairly soon.
01:43:01 Oh, so 5671 dollar. Appreciate that. I think Arminius was the one who mentioned this movie and 13 to be very subversive. I'm adding cherry.
01:43:11 Falls to the list.
01:43:14 Cherry is that in my notes that might be in my notes.
01:43:26 I've got too many notes here.
01:43:31 I'll just write down anyway.
01:43:32 I don't know if I have cherry falls.
01:43:39 And thank you, our Michaelis or Arma Lucas.
01:43:51 Devin, have you seen the twilights last gleaming?
01:43:56 No, I have not seen the twilight.
01:43:58 Is that like a vampire?
01:43:59 Is that one?
01:43:59 Of those twilight movies.
01:44:02 I feel like it's not.
01:44:03 But I don't know.
01:44:03 Let's look.
01:44:04 It up twilights last gleaming.
01:44:12 Oh, the full movie is on.
01:44:16 On YouTube.
01:44:20 Is there is there like a trailer for it? Perhaps so I don't have to. It's long. It's like 2 1/2 hours long.
01:44:28 Here it is.
01:44:28 Here's the trailer.
01:44:37 All right.
01:44:41 See, we can play this.
Speaker 13
01:45:09 Oh, see, can you see by the dawn's early light what so proudly we.
01:45:29 At the twilight, last gleaming.
Speaker 10
01:45:36 This is Lawrence Dell.
01:45:40 We have taken control of Stylo 3.
01:45:44 We have full launch control.
Speaker 7
01:45:48 General Dell was an exceptional officer.
01:45:50 Nobody in the Air Force, nor equipment better.
Speaker 29
01:45:52 You mean to tell me?
01:45:53 A renegade general's got his finger on the button of a.
01:45:56 Titan missile it's a small nuclear device.
Speaker 10
01:45:59 And ask you.
01:46:01 Hold on.
01:46:05 Why is he on the yellow phone?
01:46:11 Why is there a green?
01:46:12 Wait, hold on.
01:46:14 I know about the red phone.
01:46:16 Like the red phones.
01:46:17 Like, oh, the oh **** phone, right?
01:46:20 It is like the green phone that everything's fine phone.
01:46:24 And then the yellow phones like that.
01:46:26 That's not quite oshit.
01:46:29 Also, come on props department.
01:46:34 You couldn't make the cord yellow.
Speaker 25
01:46:37 Let let's let's.
01:46:37 Come on, let's be a little anyway.
01:46:40 Never seen the yellow phone?
01:46:43 Or the green phone for that matter.
Speaker 29
01:46:44 General's got his finger on the button of a.
01:46:46 Tighten missile it's.
Speaker 7
01:46:47 A small nuclear device.
Speaker 10
01:46:49 And they're all superpower.
Speaker 29
01:46:52 And he's running out to him.
01:46:54 Somebody better come up with a solution.
Speaker 10
01:46:56 Who was to talk to the President, Mr.
01:47:00 There are several demands $10 million in small denomination transportation to our country of our choices.
01:47:07 And to make certain we arrive safely the hostage.
Speaker 29
01:47:10 Who do you have in mind?
Speaker 10
01:47:13 You, Mr. President.
Speaker 8
01:47:16 Dun Dun Dun.
01:47:22 Yeah, I've never seen this.
01:47:27 Doesn't really.
01:47:28 I don't know.
01:47:28 It's really bad.
01:47:31 But apparently you can watch the whole thing on YouTube.
Speaker 17
01:47:34 Tucking on the yellow phone.
01:47:43 OK, let me Scroll down some more since apparently I have to do that every time.
01:47:50 Uh postmaster, $5. Appreciate that. That's Harold from Harold.
01:47:56 And Maude, isn't it?
01:47:58 Harold from Harold and Maude.
01:48:04 I don't know.
01:48:06 I'm assuming you're talking about someone in that movie.
01:48:10 Let me see.
01:48:11 I forgot what it looks like.
01:48:16 I wouldn't think so though, because I feel like Harold and Maude was from like.
01:48:21 Like the 70s, right? Yeah, 71.
01:48:28 And this was 1999. You mean the father? Maybe. No, it isn't. Let me see.
01:48:51 Who did he play alright?
01:48:58 Bud court.
01:49:01 Let me see 1999.
01:49:04 Yeah, I guess he did.
01:49:07 Who did he play?
01:49:08 The dad.
01:49:16 Where's the cast?
01:49:24 It doesn't have a cast list.
01:49:25 Here. Well anyway bug short.
01:49:30 Yeah, I think that was.
01:49:31 The dad.
01:49:32 Man, he did not age well at all.
01:49:35 Good. Aye, good. Aye, postmaster.
01:49:39 For those of you.
01:49:40 I guess I should be showing this.
Speaker 12
01:49:44 Let's see the.
Speaker 11
01:49:47 There we are.
01:49:52 So this guy.
01:49:54 That looks like the dad kind of right?
01:50:01 I mean younger.
01:50:05 But yeah, he was in Harold and Maude when he was much younger.
01:50:11 That's not a.
01:50:12 Photo of that's just the movie poster.
01:50:16 But anyway, yeah, that's that's kind of a subversive movie, Harold and Maude.
01:50:26 Alrighty, let's see here.
01:50:36 Gee Speaking of dressing up the set in the game Cuckold Simulator, there are Jewish artifacts and symbols in the office of Cuckolds, Globo Corp boss it is also heavily implied the guy is a pedophile.
01:50:54 Alright, well.
01:50:57 I've never played the.
01:50:58 Cuckold Simulator, so I can't.
01:51:01 I can't verify that.
01:51:02 But all right, I'll take a word for it.
01:51:05 Jay Caillou, can I get a translation of the prescription T-shirt, please?
01:51:09 No, you cannot.
01:51:10 It is a puzzle.
01:51:11 It is a puzzle that you must solve on your own.
01:51:14 It's not that difficult of a.
Speaker 14
01:51:15 Puzzle, either by the way.
01:51:19 Amos Burton.
01:51:21 Basically, a lot of Christians fell asleep at the wheel with regards to entertainment.
01:51:26 This didn't used to be the case, but somewhere along the way they forgot how the entertainment industry was shaping the culture and gave up the fight.
01:51:35 Well, yeah, and they.
01:51:36 Started they I don't know.
01:51:39 I don't know that.
01:51:39 They were ever really super into it because if you think.
01:51:42 Of like the, at least in America, right?
01:51:45 I don't think the Puritans.
01:51:48 Puritans really had like this rich tradition of.
01:51:52 Putting on plays and.
01:51:55 Like, you know, like obviously a culture.
01:51:57 But there was, I think, one of the reasons why the Christians in America are so.
01:52:02 Awful at this.
01:52:03 Is the the the founding stock Christians that came here?
01:52:09 Saw a lot of that.
01:52:11 Like, just even like dancing, right?
01:52:13 And and and most kinds of music.
01:52:16 Music that wasn't religious based.
01:52:19 They saw that all as.
01:52:22 And I guess in some ways, a lot of Christians still do.
01:52:24 I mean, that's why you have.
01:52:28 A market for this awful Christian pop music and stuff like that.
01:52:32 This stuff that.
01:52:34 I mean, I don't know his someone's buying it, right?
01:52:39 But they they don't.
01:52:40 They don't seem to have the ability to create entertainment that is, that appeals to most people.
01:52:51 They know how to create entertainment that appeals to like their little.
01:52:56 You know the people, they they know.
01:52:57 How to preach to the choir and that's about it.
01:53:02 You if you kill the Africanized bees, do the European bees start noticing the long nosed bees among theirs and finally snuff them out once and for all?
01:53:16 I don't know if there's like a.
01:53:18 A good metaphor to go with on that one, but I'd say.
01:53:22 No, probably the European bees are all they're all.
01:53:26 They're an ethno state.
01:53:28 They're all related.
01:53:29 Every beat.
01:53:31 In my hive is at least for now, they're all related.
01:53:37 They're all sisters and well.
01:53:39 And then a few brothers.
01:53:43 But yeah, I'm going to be.
01:53:44 I'm actually going to be taking out the Africanized hive.
01:53:47 I'm just waiting for some supplies to arrive that I ordered to help me accomplish that without them just.
01:53:57 You know, being a problem again immediately after I take care of it.
01:54:03 I'm going to try to permanently squash them out of existence, but.
01:54:09 But yeah, yeah.
01:54:11 B. By the way, B.
01:54:13 The B population is is finally going up, so the Queens eggs have hatched.
01:54:19 And the new bees are are starting to come out.
01:54:22 Or at least that judging by the traffic coming out of the hive, everything seems.
01:54:27 Be be so far, so good, and I felt like a real beekeeper for the first time because I actually like went inside the hive and was like I I I spotted the queen, something I wasn't sure I was going to be able to do and, you know, made sure that everything was.
01:54:42 Was good, but I want to be mostly hands off like I want to get in there enough to make sure everything's fine, but I don't want to be like these guys that are constantly ripping the hive open and it's like they they know what they're doing. You know, they're they're bees. They've been doing this a long time.
01:54:57 Harmless G alt height points out that as far back as the 1920s, Ivy League schools and schools in the north, where there was no segregation, were admitting blacks with lower test scores than whites. Affirmative action in the university in universities goes way back.
01:55:18 Absolutely, absolutely.
01:55:24 Ronel $1.00 appreciate that homeschool your kids. The gay agenda is being forced into schools, Devin. It would be great if you would speak about the SCL and CRT in the schools. I think you mentioned that before.
01:55:42 I have had time to look into the sell thing.
01:55:45 The CRT, I think a lot of people were kind of burned out.
01:55:48 I think most people get it, but maybe I don't know, maybe that maybe it would be useful.
01:55:53 At least come talk about the origins, because I don't hear a lot of people talk about the origins of CRT and they mostly focus on that.
01:56:00 That one chicks book.
01:56:03 That's kind of useless.
01:56:06 Gallons 1776 in 1995 the Fagot Tree in public schools was so bad that during the end of 8th grade the school nurse came and told the male students expect to get raped by *****. Once you start high school.
01:56:22 People instead of fighting the *******, the schools promoted it by saying expect it.
01:56:27 Where did you go to school, man?
01:56:32 That didn't happen in my school.
01:56:34 I mean, look, other **** that was bad happened, but they didn't say they expect to.
01:56:38 Get raped by Homer.
01:56:43 Yeah, maybe I lucked out.
01:56:48 Ryan is cool $5. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin, have you seen 5 ish. I thought you might might enjoy it. 5 ish.
01:56:58 5 ish that does not sound familiar.
01:57:03 Let's have a look, see.
01:57:07 5 ish.
01:57:15 There's a bunch of stuff that comes up with five ish.
01:57:21 There's like a whole channel called 5 ish.
01:57:25 Or not called 5 ish.
01:57:27 OK.
01:57:28 I know, I think I know which one you're.
01:57:30 Talking about.
01:57:32 This is probably the video you want us.
01:57:33 To to watch.
Speaker 22
01:57:34 What's wrong?
01:57:36 I just can't find anything.
Speaker 20
01:57:37 To do special for SABIS.
Speaker 24
01:57:39 Oh, sorry, don't feel sad.
01:57:41 That everyone could find something special to do to prepare for shapes, here's a song that might help, and I'll need all your help out there too.
01:57:51 Can you help me?
01:57:53 OK, great.
01:57:54 Let's sing it together.
Speaker 23
01:57:57 Is on its way.
01:57:58 I'm doing something every day special.
01:58:01 Something to prepare for showbiz?
01:58:05 Shop this is on its way.
01:58:07 I'll wear my suit and tie today shop this is.
Speaker 24
01:58:09 Three special pseudos we will eat our choppers.
01:58:16 You know what, though, to be fair?
Speaker 23
01:58:18 Instead of just.
01:58:20 To be fair, like is this.
01:58:21 Is this any worse than those televangelists that were?
01:58:25 Like $75,000.
01:58:26 Or Satan will kill me.
01:58:29 You know what I mean?
01:58:31 I mean it's it's a different kind of scum.
01:58:33 Scamming is but you know.
01:58:37 UM, let's take a look here. Yeah, there's actually a bunch more videos than just that one.
01:58:44 They're five ish is apparently like a a Jewish children's character, a $5.00 bill. I mean that that part's a little weird, right? That you have, you have you have a children's character. That's money.
01:59:01 I mean, that's a.
01:59:02 Little lacking in the software Awareness Department, but you know.
01:59:09 Splitter trace $1.00 appreciate that.
01:59:13 That you're secretly.
01:59:15 If you hate gays, meme was in the book after the ball.
01:59:20 Was in the book after the ball as a way to go against critics after the ball.
01:59:28 Is that like?
01:59:34 Rules for radical it's kind of a thing.
01:59:37 After the ball, what is this?
01:59:40 There's a 2000.
01:59:41 15 movie in a 1957 movie.
01:59:57 After the ball by.
02:00:00 Hunter Madsen and Marshall Kirk.
02:00:04 How America will conquer its fear and hatred of gays in the 90s.
02:00:11 All right.
02:00:11 When did this come out?
02:00:15 1989.
02:00:19 Well, I mean, they apparently Lee at least got that part, man, these ******* books.
02:00:27 So you can tell there's something up with it because you check out like you try to find a way of getting that book.
02:00:33 It's impossible to find.
02:00:34 Because it's out of print.
02:00:36 And then when you do find a copy.
02:00:39 It's on eBay for $215.
02:00:43 For the.
02:00:45 The soft cover.
02:00:48 That's what they do, and they don't want.
02:00:49 You buying books?
02:00:51 There's got there.
02:00:52 There's got to.
02:00:53 Be a digital version of it somewhere.
02:00:55 That makes me want to read.
02:00:56 It though.
02:00:59 Red Pilled Christian, $5 appreciate that. Hey, Devin, in light of the gain and degeneration of sexual morals, what are your thoughts on E Michael Jones thesis that sexual liberation is a means of control? He argues that all of modernity is simply sexual guilt being rationalized. I mean, I don't know.
02:01:18 There's elements to what he talks about on that topic that I agree with.
02:01:22 UM.
02:01:25 I mean, yeah, it's easy.
02:01:26 It's easy to control people when they are slaves to their appetites.
02:01:30 It doesn't matter what their appetite is.
02:01:32 If you're a slave to your appetites and you know, I think, I mean, look that homosexual that were that the ex homosexual, I guess there was in that clip we were watching from the the politically incorrect with Bill.
02:01:46 Said, I mean, he said. He's with 400 guys before he decided to stop being gay. That is not unusual. I don't know about.
02:01:53 These days, but like that.
02:01:57 That that's a stereotype for a reason.
02:02:00 Like gays, just indiscriminately **** each other all the time.
02:02:05 And that's that's, which is probably what was really causing AIDS.
02:02:09 It was, it wasn't so much like in my opinion, which by the way, Michael Jones also agrees with, I think that it's not even a that's not even like a caused by a virus.
02:02:22 It's just caused by doing lines of coke and then *******.
02:02:25 400 guys in dirty truck stop bathrooms.
02:02:29 You know what I mean?
02:02:33 But yeah, I mean to some extent, I think he's right.
02:02:38 Saks and Stargazer $5. I appreciate that. Hey, Devin. I'm a big fan of your work, and I'm glad that I was able to finally catch a stream live.
02:02:46 You've been a big inspiration for me and and in your work ethic, your determination and not giving up despite the odds and the quality of work you produce.
02:02:56 Just wanted to let you know that you're one of my heroes.
02:02:58 Well, that's that's very humbling.
02:03:01 I I really do appreciate that.
02:03:04 This is probably not the best.
02:03:05 Time to mention that there will be no stream Wednesday.
02:03:10 But there will be no stream.
02:03:11 Wednesday, But there will be.
02:03:13 There will be a stream.
02:03:16 On Friday, I think what is it really good calendar here?
02:03:23 Am I look at the right week?
02:03:25 I am looking the right week.
02:03:28 Uh, yes, I think.
02:03:32 Friday during the day.
02:03:38 Let me let me look at I gotta look at.
02:03:39 My messages here.
02:03:42 I keep forgetting to bring that up.
02:03:47 Here we are.
02:03:52 Yeah, Friday at 2:00 PM eastern.
02:03:59 2:00 PM Eastern Time.
02:04:03 I will be on Freddy's.
02:04:08 Film Festival thing?
02:04:10 Which I'll have a.
02:04:10 Link for I'll I'll but so.
02:04:13 There's no stream Wednesday, but I'll be.
02:04:15 Doing a A in depth movie review.
02:04:19 On on guide to culture is the name of the channel on Telegram.
02:04:26 I'm I'm guessing that's probably what it's called on Odyssey and everything else.
02:04:30 But guide to culture, so no stream Wednesday.
02:04:35 But in depth deep dive.
02:04:37 On a movie on Friday.
02:04:40 At 2:00 PM eastern, 2:00 PM Eastern.
02:04:44 So, but no, I appreciate that sacks and stargazer just reminding me that Speaking of Speaking of our work ethic.
02:04:52 Oh man.
02:04:54 You're right, I am.
02:04:55 I am.
02:04:57 I am super ******* sunburn.
02:04:59 I am sunburned like it's starting to get hot.
02:05:01 It's starting.
02:05:01 I'll tell you what I remember last time.
02:05:03 You guys like.
02:05:04 Oh, I'm working my *** off until the weather gets too bad.
02:05:06 It's it.
02:05:06 We're getting there.
02:05:08 We're slowly.
02:05:10 We're slowly going to where Devin stays inside.
02:05:12 Most of the day.
02:05:16 Purge all pedophiles at all cost you if you are book two, stay on.
02:05:20 To already said that one.
02:05:22 All right, that's because it it went back to the top, but I didn't notice.
02:05:28 Here we are.
02:05:32 Where are we at?
Speaker 10
02:05:38 Here we are.
02:05:40 Maratta $5 appreciate that a stream on sabotage Zevi might be interesting. He proclaimed himself Messiah in 1666 and started a crypto Jewish cult, who believed by sinning they can hasten the end times.
02:06:00 Yeah, I've heard.
02:06:01 I've heard him mention before, but I've never.
02:06:06 Done a deep dive on that.
02:06:09 I can I'll add that to the notes, along with lots of.
02:06:13 Other stuff here.
02:06:18 Save that.
02:06:21 Postmaster, $5 appreciate that bug. Court was also God in the 1999 movie Dogma. He was the body that God inhabited. So he.
02:06:34 So he come and play ski ball.
02:06:38 It's been so long since I saw a dogma.
02:06:41 I just remember thinking it was terrible because ******* Kevin Smith is awful and everything he makes is ****.
02:06:48 So yeah, I'm not surprised.
02:06:50 Like it's so his movies are so forgettable, mostly because I just want to forget him because it's just like I.
02:06:56 Can't handle that much useless dialogue in my head.
02:07:01 UM.
02:07:02 Oh, so 567. The 510 appreciate that the Miss education of Cameron Post is dubbed as a serious version, but I am.
02:07:17 Series version, but I am cheerleader.
02:07:21 Synopsis in 1993, a teenage girl is forced into gay conversion therapy, sent her by her conservative guardians, US. They they made this movie again only like, not as satirical.
02:07:36 And then it updated.
02:07:37 And I have to scroll all the way ******* down.
02:07:43 Come on, let's see why she didn't do this ****.
02:07:49 This makes makes super chats take literally take twice as long, and it's not like the hardest.
02:07:54 It's not like it's hard to to for them.
02:07:56 To fix so it's really it's it's starting to get on my nerves.
02:07:59 I am going to.
02:08:00 I am going to maybe send a nasty e-mail, maybe not nasty, but it's just about going.
02:08:03 Come on.
02:08:04 Maybe having this and encouraging e-mail.
02:08:07 Just saying.
02:08:07 Come on.
02:08:09 Why would you do that?
02:08:10 That seems like there's no reason, you know anyone would.
02:08:12 Ever want it to do it that way?
02:08:14 Have you never streamed like this?
02:08:16 I guess that doesn't sound too that just sounds like complaining I'll have to.
02:08:19 I'll have to think of some encouraging.
02:08:21 Way of saying that.
02:08:24 But the Miss education of Cameron Post.
02:08:28 Alright, I'll copy that.
02:08:36 Returned Fagot $1.00. What guest would you have on the stream if you ever had?
02:08:40 The chance.
02:08:42 What if I could have it literally anybody?
02:08:47 I'd have Q Anon.
02:08:50 And I'm not even kidding.
02:08:51 I'd want like the whoever was actually queuing on.
02:08:55 So I could ask him like.
02:08:57 What were you?
02:08:58 What were you?
02:08:58 Doing man.
02:09:01 I guess I might have to learn how to speak.
02:09:04 Yiddish thou right? It's possible.
02:09:09 They're fewer, $5. Appreciate that, Devin. We did it. Netflix is down 72% and dropping.
02:09:19 I heard that their stock was dropping.
02:09:21 I don't know how much of that is due to conservatives canceling their subscriptions, though.
02:09:28 I think that has to do with them like mismanagement, but I could be wrong.
02:09:36 I don't know.
02:09:37 I just, I haven't.
02:09:38 I haven't looked in to see what they're what the.
02:09:41 With the Wall Street analysis on the situation is, you know, not that that's going to 100% tell the truth, but I don't know what their excuse is for that kind of a a drop. So that's that's a lot. Are you?
02:09:53 Sure, it's 72%.
Speaker 15
02:09:55 Excuse me.
02:09:55 Sorry, I'm I'm tired.
02:09:57 I've been up since like 5:00 AM.
02:10:00 Hammering nails and stuff.
02:10:03 And I went.
02:10:03 To two yard sales the day like an old man.
02:10:08 Bought a big box of wood screws.
02:10:11 Like a big massive box.
Speaker 20
02:10:12 That's in the.
02:10:14 I don't know where the guy got had so.
02:10:15 Many ******* wood screws anyway.
02:10:18 I'll have to look into this, the Netflix thing.
02:10:21 But yeah, that that could be, you know.
02:10:23 Who knows, maybe it is right.
02:10:24 Maybe that's a white bill.
02:10:25 Maybe people are getting fed up with funding child ****.
02:10:29 I'd be surprised if that's the case.
02:10:30 But you know you.
02:10:31 Never know. Harmless Gee.
02:10:34 It's going to have to wait until I can Scroll down again.
02:10:57 This is what sucks.
02:10:57 There's so many.
02:10:58 Of these.
02:10:59 Harmless G most stereotypes are based on true 10s trend.
02:11:05 But the dumb blonde and inbred white person stereotypes I think have been mostly or entirely astroturfed by the usual suspects.
02:11:14 Well, not, not entirely.
02:11:19 Look, is the South demonized?
02:11:24 Are there lots of ******* in in rural southern states?
02:11:29 Yeah, there are.
02:11:31 There are, I mean, have you not even the South, have you been to West Virginia?
02:11:35 Look, I'm not.
02:11:37 Not talking **** about West Virginia as.
02:11:39 A whole, but even if you.
02:11:40 Live there.
02:11:41 You know what I mean, you know?
02:11:42 What I'm talking about?
02:11:45 There's look everywhere.
02:11:47 It's not.
02:11:47 I mean, look there.
02:11:49 Does exist white trash?
02:11:51 That just does exist.
02:11:52 It's just that.
02:11:54 It's the only stereotype.
02:11:57 That is socially acceptable.
02:11:59 That's what has been altered.
02:12:01 It's not that the stereotype is any more or less true.
02:12:05 It's just that it's the only stereotype that gets beat the **** like a pinata in every ******* movie.
02:12:11 You know what I mean?
02:12:13 Just like the stereotype of like the well, I mean, we just watched a ******* Jewish movie or or a kid show where there's a dancing $5.00 bill, right like that. That stereotype exists for a ******* reason.
02:12:26 But how many movies are gonna are are about the the the money obsessed Jew 0?
02:12:33 Because they're the ones making the movie right?
02:12:37 So I don't think that the stereotype is, is and look the the blonde thing.
02:12:41 It's not that, that, that blondes are stupid.
02:12:44 It's just that.
02:12:46 Blonde females.
02:12:48 Are universally considered more attractive.
02:12:52 By earth, OK.
02:12:53 I mean generally speaking, right?
02:12:56 And attractive women don't have any motivation to develop intellectually.
02:13:05 And so.
Speaker 8
02:13:07 There are.
02:13:08 The the dumb Hot Girl meme is more than just a meme, you know, but again, it's obviously also beat to death in pop culture.
02:13:21 White people right wing white people are not defining the culture.
02:13:30 If you're not defining the culture and you're not, you don't have a.
02:13:33 You don't even have a seat at the ******* table.
02:13:35 Guess what?
02:13:36 You're the you're going to be on.
02:13:37 The **** end of everything.
02:13:41 Southern Daily News, $5 appreciate that love your streams, Devin, keep it up. Also, Christianity is a pacifying religion.
02:13:49 Turn the other cheek or love thy enemy, universalist interpretations of Gentiles being grafted into the Jewish covenant was always going to happen.
02:14:00 Christianity rejects the past in favor of the Jewish moral religion.
02:14:08 Had to cough there of the I'm sorry, Jewish moral revolution.
02:14:12 Well, I mean, look.
02:14:14 Like it or.
02:14:14 Not Christianity was the the theology of Europe for a very long time.
02:14:23 During some of the most.
02:14:28 Some of the times when Europe was was was.
02:14:34 Oddly enough, creating some of its most significant cultural contributions to the world.
02:14:41 But the way that Christianity is practiced by most Americans.
02:14:48 Or by many Americans, many, many white, conservative Americans is.
02:14:52 It is like it is a focus on.
02:14:58 Being a pacifist, it's hard to argue that it's hard to argue that Christian conservatives aren't basically just ******* cucked pacifist.
02:15:10 You know whether it's.
02:15:12 It's just like it gives them an.
02:15:13 Excuse to not do anything.
02:15:16 You know, you know, hate the sin or not.
02:15:18 The sin isn't even in the Bible.
02:15:20 That's just something these people say.
02:15:25 Love thy enemy and turn the other cheek.
02:15:28 Look, that's that's.
02:15:33 And the look you get, you have to, I mean.
02:15:37 When you focus just on that, as modern American Christians do, so that they can be pacifists.
02:15:46 Yeah, absolutely.
02:15:47 That's going to be a problem.
02:15:48 But that's not the only thing that's in the testament, right?
02:15:51 And there's that's not the only interpretation that you can have.
02:15:57 Anyway, I don't think Christianity in and of itself like a lot of people will say like, oh, Christianity is like it's a slave religion to make you be.
02:16:05 A slave and.
02:16:07 I think that's, I think that's overplaying your hand a little bit.
02:16:13 Golan, 1776 if Fagots want to flame, make them face the flamethrower. Can't fix them from them.
02:16:22 Well, I mean, look, ****** used to be illegal.
02:16:27 ****** was illegal.
02:16:29 Well into the 90s, I think in most states I don't know at what point all of those, those states change their laws, but that's The thing is, is.
02:16:43 You can be mad that they're making movies like that.
02:16:47 But you should be more angry that.
02:16:51 That they aren't in jail.
02:16:54 Like, how are they?
02:16:55 How are they out of jail to?
02:16:56 Even make the movie right?
02:16:59 I mean, ****** laws that were on the books.
02:17:01 For a long time.
02:17:05 Uh Ryan is cool $5. Appreciate that I told someone the other day that they aren't immune to propaganda.
02:17:13 Along with mentioning that *********** causes emotional and brain damage, the response was an instant rejection with no real proof other than emotion, this system has.
02:17:22 A hold on people.
02:17:23 Yeah, the people that think that they're not that the the the people that think that they're immune to propaganda are the people that are least immune to propaganda.
02:17:32 I'm not even immune to propaganda.
02:17:34 I still everyone does.
02:17:35 Everyone falls for propaganda.
02:17:38 It works or they wouldn't do it.
02:17:40 It absolutely works.
02:17:41 It works on everybody.
02:17:43 There's no one is, is unmanipulated or even if you're like an.
02:17:49 AI right like imagine.
02:17:53 What was the name of that Microsoft AI that they had?
02:17:57 That was, it was just like basically like a chat bot but this.
02:17:59 Has happened a.
02:18:00 Couple times where they released this AI and.
02:18:03 The into the wild and it slowly becomes like a Nazi partially because, let's be honest, people coordinate info.
02:18:14 Bombing the chat bot with the well with hate facts.
02:18:23 And the propaganda works on the AI.
02:18:28 It works on everybody.
02:18:29 Yeah, if you think it doesn't work on you, then you're you're basically an NPC.
02:18:32 At that point.
02:18:34 Sachs and Star Gazer $1.00 appreciate that. Hey, Deb and I had three possible stream ideas for you. One, the influence the Scofield Bible has had on modern Christianity 2 and analysis of the movie dragged across.
02:18:49 There's a lot you can examine about the race, religion relations and that.
02:18:54 And analysis of the movie uncut gems, which it reveals is a lot about Jews.
02:19:00 Uncut gems is that the one with Adam Sandler?
02:19:04 I think that is the one I was going to watch that anyway.
02:19:08 I think I had that other one in my notes already dragged across concrete.
02:19:12 Scofield Bible.
02:19:14 Yeah, that would be a a week of research, at least.
02:19:18 But I could I can.
02:19:19 Add that to the the list. There ********, fagot $1.00. Appreciate that though I disagree with you on video games or cancer argument.
02:19:28 Oh, you're just wrong. I do think you're 110% right on people needing to take time to learn a skill and trade. Decided to put more work into learning.
02:19:41 And put work into one day.
02:19:45 Start a localization and publishing company.
02:19:49 Yes, it will cut my gaming time, but this is more important to me.
02:19:52 Well, that's The thing is you will.
02:19:54 You will realize very quickly.
02:19:59 If you are doing something that you should be doing.
02:20:02 You'll rapidly lose.
02:20:05 All your gaming time.
02:20:08 Because it'll seem so meaningless compared.
02:20:10 To what you're doing.
02:20:12 The only way you can justify playing video games is if you're not doing anything meaningful.
02:20:19 And I'm not saying this is an indictment.
02:20:22 I when I was playing video games all day.
02:20:25 I was it was because I.
02:20:26 Wasn't doing anything meaningful.
02:20:28 And even when I would and when I would.
02:20:29 Have like these, these little bursts of of productivity right?
02:20:35 Like I would find a project where I was actually feeling inspired and I'd want to stay up all, you know, all night working on the project.
02:20:42 I didn't think once.
Speaker 6
02:20:43 About video games.
02:20:45 And in fact, I'd have friends like, hey, I'll get on Teamspeak.
02:20:48 Or whatever we're going to go do.
02:20:49 I'd be like, oh, I.
02:20:50 Can't sorry, I'm working on this project.
02:20:52 Uh take a.
02:20:53 Break. It's like well, no.
02:20:58 So hopefully, yeah, you you find yourself inspired and you realize eventually that video games were a waste of time.
02:21:08 Alright, let's take a look here.
02:21:20 Sorry guys, I just it the way this super chat stuff works is really stupid.
02:21:29 Counter $601.00 appreciate that. Hey, Devin, love the show. Did you know the bill that Bill Gates is bragging about terminating some mosquitoes?
02:21:40 You think you could move from mosquitoes to people they do not like?
02:21:46 Maybe it's worth checking out.
02:21:47 Yeah, they're they're they're.
02:21:49 Doing the genetically altered mosquitoes or or whatever I've I've heard about that.
02:21:55 Yeah, absolutely.
02:21:56 I mean, you're a useless eater after all, right?
02:22:00 They I'm being serious.
02:22:01 I'm not being tongue in cheek.
02:22:03 You're not people to them.
02:22:06 Everything they do makes way more sense.
02:22:10 It helps if you're in charge of.
02:22:13 Of animals.
02:22:16 And just think of how you prioritize them versus how you prioritize humans.
02:22:22 You know, they're just they come second.
02:22:25 To everyone that you consider human right, and they just don't they your livestock.
02:22:33 Sachs and stargazer.
02:22:34 Devin, you managed to do a lot of things.
02:22:36 You're a film critic, author, streamer advocate.
02:22:39 Uh, homesteader music artist and more.
02:22:43 I'm sure that you'll accomplish a lot more before you die.
02:22:47 I don't want to think about that as well.
02:22:49 However, I'm curious what's the thing that you're most proud of, and what would you want to be remembered for?
02:22:55 I don't really think about it like that, but.
02:22:59 I mean, I don't know.
02:23:00 I don't know.
02:23:04 Yeah, I don't know.
02:23:05 I don't really.
02:23:06 Think about it.
02:23:09 I feel like it it's whatever it is.
02:23:11 I haven't done it yet.
02:23:11 Let me put it that way.
02:23:13 And it's not that I don't feel like I I I I haven't accomplished anything.
02:23:17 But it's just, I know I haven't accomplished what I'm supposed to do yet at all.
02:23:22 So I'll let you know when I I'll let.
02:23:24 You know, when I when I do it?
02:23:27 Our vertigan, I'm Gen.
02:23:30 It seems the you don't like gay because you're gay.
02:23:34 Ad hominem worked is worked.
02:23:38 As many didn't think it was worth pressing the argument, many didn't realize ******** will lead the ****** story book hour and everything else.
02:23:47 It was live and let live, and just a wedge issue.
02:23:50 Well, here we are today.
02:23:53 Right, right.
02:23:55 But that but it's not that it wasn't worth fighting.
02:23:58 It's just that they didn't have an argument.
02:24:03 They didn't.
02:24:04 They weren't able to articulate it, and part of that is because, look, I don't expect anyone in the average person to come up with the perfect argument.
02:24:12 And to counteract this stuff, that's not really your job, right?
02:24:16 Like you should have institutions thought leaders that are doing that or at least providing you with the tools to do that.
02:24:23 Right.
02:24:23 And then there just.
02:24:24 There was nothing.
02:24:25 There was nothing.
02:24:28 I mean, there was the Teletubbies.
02:24:31 Are gay, which they are.
02:24:33 Right, they're super gay.
02:24:36 But still it was like come on.
02:24:38 Man like let's.
02:24:40 Come on, prioritize here.
02:24:45 Puller $1.00 F for Dave Yes F big F for and the Fed Dave.
02:24:55 Amos Burton.
02:24:57 All this **** started with the boomers.
02:24:59 Their desire to be liberated from the rules, standards and commonly accepted Christian principles do what feels good.
02:25:07 If it if it ain't hurting anyone, why not everything we're seeing today is the *********** effects of the great Liberal experiment.
02:25:16 You know, I was thinking about today.
02:25:19 You know, millennials are obsessed with sustainability, right?
02:25:26 And you might think to yourself, Oh yeah, that's.
Speaker 16
02:25:28 Because of all.
02:25:29 The the global warming brainwash and that's yeah.
02:25:32 That's part of it, right?
02:25:35 But one of the reasons why that word in particular look, I like the idea of sustainable systems myself, right?
02:25:43 I mean the way that I'm living, I'm trying to live a sustainable lifestyle.
02:25:48 I'm, you know, I I.
02:25:49 In fact, when I.
02:25:50 First got here.
02:25:51 I was very Snooty about like, oh, why do they plant all these trees?
02:25:55 That would just instantly die.
02:25:57 And as they stopped watering, what were these people?
02:25:59 Doing you know and and and I started planting like plants that I thought, well, you know, survive beyond me, right.
02:26:06 And you know, other people wanted them or not or whatever.
02:26:09 And I and I care about like and the same thing with the way I want to be a beekeeper.
02:26:12 Right. I want it to be kind of like a self-sustaining thing. I don't want to be sitting there shooting poison on them all the time and all this other stuff.
02:26:19 I think one of the reasons why.
02:26:22 Millennials have this.
02:26:25 Like this word sounds so attractive to them, you know, sustainability.
02:26:31 I mean is is it's played out now, but like the idea behind it right is that?
02:26:36 The last thing boomers cared about was like anything that happened after them.
02:26:43 That's the last thing they cared about.
02:26:47 And I run, I run into it.
02:26:51 In the most like in literally everything.
02:26:54 That I do.
02:26:56 Everything that I do that involves interactions.
02:27:00 With boomers.
02:27:02 Including ******* beekeeping.
02:27:05 Including the Ham radio.
02:27:08 There is this the universe, this attitude, or at least their actions, reflect A mindset that tells me.
02:27:17 You don't.
02:27:19 It's almost like you think the universe stops existing when you're gone, cause then you know it kind of does for a.
02:27:24 Narcissist, you know.
02:27:28 It kind of does.
02:27:30 It just.
02:27:31 You know when I'm dead, but.
02:27:32 What's the point after that?
02:27:33 Like it's lights out, right?
02:27:39 You know the reason I was saying about about the, you know, even in ham radio beekeeping, it's it's true.
02:27:46 It's it's like, you know, the HAM radio operators, right, the the old timers, which is a lot, most people on ham radio, right?
02:27:56 They could care less if ham radio disappears after they're dead.
02:28:00 They don't care.
02:28:01 They really don't care.
02:28:04 Then they're not making any moves to preserve that.
02:28:10 Those those bans for use for future generations.
02:28:16 There's not a whole lot of focus, if any.
02:28:17 Focus on on that.
02:28:20 And ensuring that the government doesn't just.
02:28:24 Seize control and and give it to Google or like they did with the, you know, broadcast TV stuff.
02:28:33 Yeah, there's just.
02:28:35 And even with beekeeping, you know one, and I've seen this with with ranchers, too, by the way.
02:28:40 I've talked about, like, some of my interactions with ranchers that are kind of frustrating.
02:28:45 But it's the.
02:28:46 With with beekeeping, right, they.
02:28:51 They have this mindset where.
02:28:53 Like let's say, OK.
02:28:57 There's bees that have, they're vulnerable to parasites.
02:29:01 And and whatever, right and.
02:29:05 Every year.
02:29:08 Massive like they have, like beekeepers that have like 10,000 hives. It's like massive commercial operations.
02:29:19 And they'll lose.
02:29:20 Something like 40% of their hives.
02:29:24 And and they have to rebuild them every year.
02:29:26 And and they don't care what they're and it's unsustainable, right?
02:29:31 But they're just what they're doing is they're just, they're doing, they're running their operation in such a way that.
02:29:40 It it's maximizing the profit for right now.
02:29:44 You know.
02:29:46 Without thinking, you know if what if, what if we just stopped for a second and we tried to breed, you know, bees that could survive in the winter or why don't we examine?
02:29:58 Why aren't they making it the winter?
02:30:00 Why are we shooting?
02:30:01 Having to shoot all these poisons on them like it's just it's not just the beekeeping.
02:30:06 This is if the ranchers it's anytime that you have it's just capitalist, really.
02:30:12 It doesn't.
02:30:12 It's not even limited.
02:30:13 To like agriculture.
02:30:15 It's just that they want.
02:30:17 They don't care about whether or not this model.
02:30:21 Is going to collapse in on itself like a dying star once they're dead.
02:30:26 Taking with it like maybe the entire industry, right?
02:30:29 They don't care.
02:30:30 They really don't care.
02:30:32 If it means that the profits are going to be affected right now, they're not they.
02:30:35 Don't want.
02:30:35 They don't want to talk to you about it.
02:30:39 It's a, it's.
02:30:42 It's a frustrating mindset, but I'm telling you like this is how just a lot of.
02:30:46 These guys are and look by the way.
02:30:49 When you see these leftists especially like in the 80s and 90s, these leftist.
02:30:56 Criticisms of the Conservative right just being like these money obsessed hypocrites.
02:31:05 Was that really a A, you know, like a bad description of what they were?
02:31:13 Obviously they're hyperbolic and it was coming from their perspective, but.
02:31:18 I always say like when when the left talks about stuff they're they're usually yes, they're deceptive.
02:31:26 But they're usually not just.
02:31:29 Crazy talking.
02:31:31 They're not just the the rambling madman wandering down the street talking themselves, right?
02:31:38 Now they won't be honest, maybe with their with their aims and their intentions and everything.
02:31:43 But usually, especially if we're talking about propaganda, you know, jokes can only be funny if there's an element of truth.
02:31:55 And if you look at 80s movies.
02:31:59 Who's like the evil bad guy?
02:32:02 In almost like every 80s movie, especially 80s movies targeted at young people.
02:32:10 It's the old White Country Club guy, right?
02:32:18 The guy who who's who's?
02:32:21 Just full of of greed and hubris.
02:32:32 You know.
02:32:35 Uh. Let's see here.
02:32:39 Amos Burton kicking Jesus and God out of our schools in the 60s was a major turning point in where the culture was going denied.
02:32:49 God exists and all this degenerate **** is OK after we're all just animals.
02:32:55 Well, that's the problem.
02:32:56 Is once you take the divinity out of humans.
02:32:59 Once, once we are just smart apes, then why wouldn't we **** each other in the ***, you know?
02:33:06 As Bill Maher said, right, it's natural.
02:33:10 Harmless G check out this short video called the American preacher, the American preacher Preacher spreading hate by BBC Three.
02:33:22 About Pastor Stephen Anderson.
02:33:25 Not perfect.
02:33:27 Cooked on race, but definitely improvement over most of my.
02:33:29 Yeah, I think most people have seen Stephen Anderson.
02:33:34 And yeah, he's he's not.
02:33:35 He's not based when it.
02:33:36 Comes to race.
02:33:39 Although he does seem to be.
02:33:41 Wise to the Jews.
02:33:45 Mighty Mouse Devin got the first shirts in the mail you made very cool opinion on some older heads like James Mason, David Duke and Luther Pierce.
02:33:58 Yeah, I I.
02:34:01 Honestly, I don't know a ton about James Mason.
02:34:05 I've been on strings with David Duke.
02:34:08 And Luther Pierce.
02:34:12 His fiction was kind of mad, but his other writings were pretty good.
02:34:19 I heard his son is like the.
02:34:22 Exact opposite though.
02:34:25 Which is a little.
02:34:30 And I could.
02:34:30 I could be wrong about that.
02:34:31 Someone had told me something about his son just being the total **** that like.
02:34:36 Basically, I mean I don't.
02:34:37 I'm not saying this actually happened like the equivalent of donating his estate to like the ADL or something like that, you know?
02:34:44 Oh yeah, you got to raise your kids.
02:34:48 You gotta you gotta you gotta mind.
02:34:50 You gotta brainwash your kids.
02:34:54 Zara Peron, $1.00 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. This kind of streams.
02:34:59 This kind of streams made me realize the true power that arts and media have in influencing the emotions of people directly, and how infuriating it is that Jews and the left have absolute dominance on this.
02:35:16 The right needs more mastery and the arts.
02:35:18 If they have any hope in influencing MPCS right?
02:35:23 Well, just think of like anytime anything happens at all.
02:35:26 What are the MPCS on Twitter?
02:35:28 Do they always reference a movie they're always like, oh, this is just like when Dumbledore but but.
02:35:33 But you know, whatever.
02:35:35 Oh look, this is.
02:35:37 Remember that ****** that was taking credit for Coach Red Pill being arrested?
02:35:43 In in Ukraine, did that rambling psycho ****** video and?
02:35:50 He was making references to the movies like throughout the entire thing.
02:35:54 They're they spend as much, if not more, time in fictional worlds than they do in reality.
02:36:03 And so look, there's the rules.
02:36:05 We didn't make them, but if that's the rules, you need to start providing.
02:36:11 Fictional, you know, fictional worlds for these people to inhabit.
02:36:18 Right.
02:36:19 And then it's the ultimate.
02:36:22 The ultimate way to to reach some of these people, because in fictional worlds.
02:36:27 Anything's possible.
02:36:31 Anything's possible so.
02:36:33 Even if your ideology is wrong, like like theirs is.
02:36:37 You can make it sound like it works in fiction.
02:36:41 So imagine how easy it would be to to write fiction that.
02:36:45 That actually matched up with reality, like how how the universe works.
02:36:49 It would be so much easier.
02:36:51 And look, you just have to add a little spike because like no one wants to.
02:36:54 The whole point of fiction, right?
02:36:56 Whether it's movies or books or whatever, is that it's more interesting than reality, right?
02:37:01 If if all you did was.
02:37:05 You know, there's a documentary and stuff like that, but if you watch like a movie, like the reason why they like all these superhero movies.
02:37:13 Is that's more exciting than anything that happens in their life.
02:37:17 And so you have to keep that in mind, right?
02:37:20 And I think that's honestly I think that's where conservatives kind of dropped the ball.
02:37:24 I think they're so like.
02:37:27 Artistic and reality, you know, like based.
02:37:34 You know, like the whole.
02:37:36 Since we're just talking about gay conservatives, like, the whole facts don't care about your feelings.
02:37:41 Yeah, but feelings don't care about your facts.
02:37:45 And so when you're dealing with with feelings based people, which is?
02:37:49 A lot of people.
02:37:50 If not, most people.
02:37:52 You need to be able to engage them.
02:37:55 On that level.
02:37:58 And I just don't see.
02:38:00 I don't see the right doing that very often.
02:38:05 And it's because I.
02:38:06 I just don't think that's how they think.
02:38:09 And and you need.
02:38:10 They need to.
02:38:10 They need to realize it doesn't matter how you think.
02:38:15 It matters how like the 80% of people think.
02:38:25 Like the interview we were watching, the Bill Maher thing, right?
02:38:27 And that gay guy that was capitulating and trying to, like, be diplomatic and and laugh at himself and ha ha, ha, whatever, right?
02:38:37 The audience was against him not because of anything factual that was being said it.
02:38:42 Was all emotional.
02:38:45 It was all.
02:38:45 Emotional appeals the entire like everything that, that that was being said in that conversation that was getting an audience reaction.
02:38:53 Was based on emotion.
02:38:57 Every line they got any kind of applause or ooh.
02:39:02 Or, you know that kind of stupid ****.
02:39:04 It was all emotional.
02:39:11 You know honestly that that is why Trump had charisma.
02:39:15 Is he have the ability to?
02:39:18 To speak.
02:39:20 In ways that evoked emotion in people.
02:39:26 And that's just not a very I mean, look, he wasn't.
02:39:29 Really on the right, but.
02:39:32 You know, compared to a lot of people.
02:39:35 And look, that emotion doesn't always have to be a pleasant one, as Trump demonstrated.
02:39:42 But you're always more effective when you're getting, even if it's you're even.
02:39:46 If you're just getting your opponents to think emotionally more than it normally would, even if that emotional emotion is negative, getting people to think emotionally is that's the only way you're able to.
02:39:57 To ask, look, that's the rule number one in advertising.
02:40:05 That's why the stone toss meme of like burgers.
02:40:09 That's why we're that's why they do that.
02:40:14 That's why we watched that.
02:40:18 Well, was it Oreos, that Oreo commercial that was just basically like a big long, it was like a short film about lesbians.
02:40:25 Had nothing to do with ******* Oreos.
02:40:27 They were just lay at one point.
02:40:28 They eat an Oreo.
02:40:32 Because they're, they're they're not. They can't. What are they going to do? Oreos are really they take Oreo like the 1950s.
02:40:39 Commercials are the commercials that that you know, that that the concerns would make Oreo cookies made from sugar and cream and they taste good.
02:40:49 You know, like they just you.
02:40:50 Just say what it does.
02:40:52 That didn't.
02:40:52 They didn't sell cookies.
02:40:58 Now, now it's it's all about selling again.
02:41:01 It's part of the narrative.
02:41:02 People spend more time in fictional narratives than they do in reality.
02:41:06 So you got to you got to.
02:41:07 Provide that fictional world.
02:41:10 And for the the three minutes that that ******* long *** pro gay Oreo commercial was, you were transported into their fictional little world.
02:41:20 And you were bludgeoned with propaganda about being sympathetic to gays.
02:41:26 By the way, Oreo.
02:41:30 You know, it's still got.
02:41:31 Planted in.
02:41:34 You still know Oreo?
02:41:36 You know, you know Oreo.
02:41:41 And now you all.
02:41:42 Now you also got all this.
02:41:43 Other gay **** in your head too.
02:41:48 And conservatives just don't not, I don't know why.
02:41:52 They just don't know how to think that way, but they need to learn.
02:41:57 I think too it's it's it's.
02:42:02 Part of it's a money thing, right?
02:42:05 You have very wealthy conservatives.
02:42:11 But you don't have very wealthy conservatives willing to fund.
02:42:15 You know, like that Oreo commercial wasn't cheap to produce.
02:42:19 OK.
02:42:21 They probably spent millions of dollars on that gay short film and then put Oreo in it.
02:42:29 Because Oreo.
02:42:32 You don't have a a, a conservative or a.
02:42:35 Right wing billionaire.
02:42:38 Pouring millions of dollars into anything that's even that's even like as effective as.
02:42:42 The Oreo commercial.
02:42:48 Cause concern as they like to.
02:42:50 In the same way that they're like, oh.
02:42:52 Well, two people doing the privacy.
02:42:54 I don't want to push my. It's like it was literally. It was like the 2004 Obama clip that we played.
02:43:02 But he's, like, just because my religious faith tells me that marriage is between a man and a woman doesn't mean.
02:43:08 That that should.
02:43:09 Necessarily inform public policy or whatever, like conservatives love playing that.
02:43:14 ******* game.
02:43:16 Oh, just because I personally believe that homosexuality is wrong doesn't mean that I, as a senator, am going to actually use any of my power to to prevent it.
02:43:31 And they say it like they're being noble.
02:43:36 I mean, everyone knows what I'm talking about.
02:43:37 You always hear some version of that, right.
02:43:40 Well, me, personally, I find this reprehensible, but I don't think that we should start passing laws that are going to actually stop it.
02:43:52 Everyone has heard like, a million versions of that from some ******* ******** conservative.
02:44:04 I'm going to Scroll down.
02:44:22 You shouldn't write.
02:44:24 Off all Japanese media, for example, the show attack on.
02:44:28 Oh, my God, no more.
02:44:29 Not going to read the rest of that.
02:44:33 You guys with your anime?
02:44:39 OK.
02:44:40 Poor F for Dave.
02:44:42 Yes, F for Dave.
02:44:48 Wait, why am I back up here again?
02:44:54 OK.
02:44:56 I guess I I must have already passed by the anime one without even trying to pass it by my I must have like some.
02:45:04 In eight, you know.
02:45:05 Six cents that told me to pass so.
02:45:14 Let's see here. Harmless G, following up on the comment on the show. Yellowstone, it's a prequel or it's prequel show, 1883 has the blonde actress who was paired up with a black guy in the daily wire film run, hide, fight paired up with an engine.
02:45:33 Guy, one of the main characters is also a black Civil War veteran.
02:45:36 Of course he is.
02:45:39 And could service probably love it.
02:45:40 They probably do.
02:45:43 Pour $5. Appreciate that Jay Dyer broke down Rockefeller buying the evangelical churches, changing doctrine on Buck Johnstons or Johnsons latest Counter Flow podcast worth listen winds it into Hollywood propaganda.
02:46:03 Jay the white $5 appreciate that love your streams. Check out the movie Looper that has some really interesting stuff in it.
02:46:11 I think you would appreciate it, especially it being a 2013 movie, I feel like.
02:46:17 I've seen that.
02:46:20 But I'll tell you a look.
02:46:22 G Gallon 1776 went to school in Connecticut. Indeed, you lucked out. Oh, you're the one that had the teacher saying you're to get us raped.
02:46:30 The NE has always been disgusting. Yeah, I I don't think I have never been a fan of the East Coast.
02:46:38 Let's Lord Godfrey $1.00 appreciate that there is an old anime from the AH.
02:46:47 Ah, from the 80s and 90s, which explicitly calls out Jews due to them buying out property, intellectual and physical in Japan.
02:46:56 I've never seen this in Western cartoons or movies.
02:47:01 Ah, I'm not going to do any.
02:47:04 Later skater.
02:47:06 Devon, that here is some monopoly money.
02:47:09 Thank you for all that you do.
02:47:11 Purge all pedos and ******.
02:47:13 *** are the best donation names.
02:47:18 Arma Lucas.
02:47:19 Of course I am late to the stream on the film I suggested.
02:47:24 Glad you got to take a look at it and looking forward to the replay.
02:47:28 Do take a look at.
02:47:30 The other as well.
02:47:33 Yeah, I download the trailer.
02:47:35 I'll take a look at that later on.
02:47:38 I'm just trying to catch up on the Super chats right now, Murata $5 appreciate that and I miss you on Twitter.
02:47:45 Just delete your tweet and retweet it.
02:47:47 The algorithm is different now.
02:47:49 It might not catch it.
02:47:50 Also Milo says he's straight and starting a conversion clinic in Florida.
02:47:55 I called BS though.
02:47:56 Yeah, I called BS and.
02:48:00 I don't know about Twitter, I don't know.
02:48:03 Part of me just wants to just be done with Twitter.
02:48:11 And I, like I said, I don't want.
02:48:12 To just delete the tweet.
02:48:15 And I get what you're saying, but I kind of like want to stick to my guns on that one.
02:48:20 Even if it's stupid.
02:48:22 You know.
02:48:26 I don't know.
02:48:29 That's just how I roll sometimes.
02:48:35 But you know, we'll see what happens, but I I'm not going to delete that tweet.
02:48:41 Norse nature.
02:48:43 Jimmy Lentz wants to know your thoughts on dating vaccinated women.
02:48:48 Should he wait for unvaccinated or risk it with a jabbed girl?
02:48:55 I don't know.
02:48:56 I think it depends on what, which vaccine too.
02:48:59 Because not all vaccines are created equally.
02:49:02 I know that the.
02:49:07 Moderna one and the Pfizer one, I think.
02:49:10 Aren't those like the extra bad ones?
02:49:13 I don't know.
02:49:14 I would.
02:49:18 I don't know.
02:49:19 The research isn't all.
02:49:20 I mean, the facts aren't all in.
02:49:21 We don't know what what happens, right?
02:49:26 I don't know.
02:49:27 Like why would and plus.
02:49:32 It kind of.
02:49:33 I kind of feel.
02:49:33 Like it's a good.
02:49:34 Way to filter out stupid people.
Speaker 15
02:49:38 Right.
02:49:40 So maybe, maybe, maybe it's a.
02:49:43 Nice little filter anyway.
02:49:46 Let's Lord God.
02:49:47 For $1.00 appreciate that I I say to keep anime away because the vast majority of its weapons grade copium for dealing with a ****** life due to American occupation control of Japan. Not worth the analysis for non Japanese.
02:50:03 Yeah, I I you know, anime does not feel like it's part of my culture.
02:50:09 I feel like I might as well.
02:50:10 Just be, you know, analyzing.
02:50:14 Propaganda in Zimbabwe, like it doesn't matter to me.
02:50:18 Glock 23.
02:50:19 Hey, Devin. In 1999 and 2000, were you madly in love with Britney Spears like I was?
02:50:25 I couldn't get her off my mind and I stayed awake at night thinking about her.
02:50:30 I seen her in concert twice.
02:50:32 Did you ever see her in concert?
02:50:34 It's OK to admit it.
02:50:35 Things were no, never seen.
02:50:38 Britney Spears in concert and I've never liked her music, I thought.
02:50:43 She was hot.
02:50:46 You know, but I I didn't.
02:50:48 You know, I didn't I.
02:50:49 Didn't like any of her songs or anything.
02:50:52 They're fewer, $5. Appreciate that. Devin, this pastor was unironically born in Israel.
02:51:00 Which one? Let me see.
Speaker 18
02:51:06 What's going on?
02:51:12 Not really good quality.
02:51:16 Video, but let's see.
Speaker 22
02:51:23 All the pain is gone in this test.
Speaker 1
02:51:26 We break the door.
Speaker 3
02:51:43 You guys all the pain is gone.
Speaker 8
02:51:52 With her.
02:52:01 They were friends like that.
02:52:02 Who needs enemies?
02:52:06 Simpay $5 appreciate that happy.
02:52:09 Mayday, would you ever?
02:52:11 Isn't that like a commie day, though?
02:52:13 Isn't mayday?
02:52:13 Like the Communist Day?
02:52:15 I don't know. Would you ever consider letting someone help you manageyourminds.com account? I'm active there and I can help you manage your minds channel by posting stream links and mirroring content to gab.
02:52:27 Just putting that out there I I keep.
02:52:29 Forgetting I have in mind's account.
02:52:31 Is it?
02:52:32 I don't know if there's even, like, a lot of traffic there.
02:52:36 UM.
02:52:40 After I go back in my account, I keep.
02:52:43 I mean, I actually I used to post there all the time.
02:52:46 I don't know why.
02:52:46 I stopped doing it well, not post there, but I posted the links there all the time.
02:52:51 And then, you know, I think it was, I think it was on my other computer, maybe I forgot my password or something.
02:52:55 I'll have to look into that again.
02:52:57 I haven't logged in in a long time.
02:52:59 Midnight sun, $3. Appreciate that. Hey, devan. Love what you do. I was wondering, what are your thoughts on building a compound in the Great Basin region up in including Utah, Southern Idaho and Oregon?
02:53:14 I don't know what are your.
02:53:16 What are my thoughts?
02:53:17 On it.
02:53:18 Go for it, you know.
02:53:20 The the biggest the biggest hurdle is.
02:53:23 Getting the property, getting the land.
02:53:27 And and making sure that you have access to to water if you got water and you got the land.
02:53:36 The rest you can make make it.
02:53:37 Work you can.
02:53:38 You know you can do solar or wind or.
02:53:41 I mean, it's it's infinitely easier to generate your electricity today than it has at ever at any other point in the history.
02:53:50 Internet is now getting easier.
02:53:53 Thanks to space Internet.
02:53:57 Yeah, I mean if that's what you want to do, go for it.
02:54:02 That's a nice part of the country too.
02:54:04 Harmless Gee.
02:54:06 For most of the last thousand years, the tallest man-made structure was a Christian Church or cathedral in Europe.
02:54:13 That's one piece of evidence that Christianity was a net positive for the white race.
02:54:19 Well, I think it was a net positive.
02:54:20 I think that there's lots of, I mean not just buildings, there's lots of contributions culturally and and philosophically.
02:54:32 Have you heard of Rammstein?
02:54:33 A really ****** German band.
02:54:35 They're really pushing a white guilt firmware update on their newest video inks that came out yesterday.
02:54:43 Check out the last minute.
02:54:46 Yeah, I know they are just from.
02:54:47 That the 9:00.
02:54:49 That song.
02:55:01 I figured they'd have to be Cox.
02:55:04 What did you say 4?
02:55:51 All those damn white people.
02:55:58 ******* white people.
02:56:00 Why aren't they prioritizing the fortune and goodwill of the black people at all times?
02:56:08 Yeah, I'm not surprised those guys are *****. Noble prowess. Check out the 2022 audio book called Legacy in The Blood by Catherine May Orsi.
02:56:22 It's allowed on Amazon, but not your book.
02:56:24 New York detectives investigating white nationalist group with a plan to destroy democracy.
02:56:30 Uh. Fictional book.
02:56:37 What is that like a?
02:56:38 Is that like a lefty day of the rope or something?
Speaker 11
02:56:43 Legacy in the blood.
02:57:03 NYPD Detective Charlie corelli. And.
02:57:08 PJ Parker are assigned what should be a straightforward murder investigation, but what seems to be the simple murder of a man found than a part gets more complicated when they identify him as Ned Rich, a somewhat paranoid investigative reporter who seems to be living above his knee.
02:57:28 Means the more they dig, the more victims of riches blackmail they find and figuring out which one killed him seems like an impossible task.
02:57:39 But then they stumble on the project.
02:57:41 Rich was working on at the time of his death.
02:57:44 Not a a not so white supremacist and a threat to our democracy.
02:57:50 And the focus of the investigation turns to people who will do anything to protect their reputations and the secrecy of their traitorous goals.
02:58:02 I don't get it though.
02:58:03 What's the?
02:58:16 That's right. Kidding.
02:58:18 Yeah, I don't know.
02:58:20 I don't know.
02:58:21 I can't tell what this.
02:58:22 Is even right about?
02:58:23 They did a ****** job of describing it.
02:58:26 Amos Burton if you're interested in a deep dive as to why the Jews are degenerate, you need to understand the Maccabean conquest that happened a few 100 years BC.
02:58:38 Lots of Edomites were forced.
02:58:41 Converted to Judaism against their will, Herod.
02:58:45 Who? Who cut?
02:58:46 Off the head of John the Baptist was one of them.
02:58:54 Herod was a perfect example of a Jew who was totally degenerate at the time of Christ.
02:59:00 These Edomites, referred to as Edo means, have basically spent centuries, centuries subverting the world or the word of God, including everything in.
02:59:11 The Old Testament.
02:59:15 Later skater, how would you address a younger sibling that is dating?
02:59:21 Getting serious with a half, half white and black girl?
02:59:26 My mom, grandma, myself, don't agree with this choice.
02:59:31 He would be the first in our family race mixing.
02:59:34 He is happy.
02:59:35 Am I off the mark feeling this way?
02:59:40 I no, I mean I I would understand.
02:59:45 Wanting to keep.
02:59:47 Your genetics intact and.
02:59:52 But I mean you.
02:59:53 Know what are you going to do?
02:59:55 And it's not the kind of thing where where you're going to, you're going to be able to convince him.
03:00:01 Just what?
03:00:01 You know what I mean like.
03:00:04 Yeah, alright.
03:00:05 Yeah, good for you, buddy.
03:00:06 Why don't you?
03:00:06 Go away. We'll, we'll.
03:00:08 We'll play with you later.
03:00:11 That's fine, cat.
Speaker 6
03:00:11 Ladies and gentlemen.
03:00:19 Ohh now you throwing a tantrum.
03:00:23 Anyway, yeah, I mean, it's one of those things where.
03:00:25 It's like you know what?
03:00:27 I'm going to do it's.
03:00:28 It's more of a personal choice.
03:00:29 Honestly, I I I have similar situations than my family and I just you know, what are you going to do, you know, ruin your relationship with your.
03:00:39 With your brother.
03:00:43 It it that?
03:00:44 That's the way he's going.
03:00:45 That's the.
03:00:45 Way he's going.
03:00:46 You're not going to let me put it this way.
03:00:48 Nothing you guys say will likely have any outcome other than him alienating himself from you guys.
03:00:57 Like, that's just that's just the look and it's not not just because of the race thing.
03:01:02 It doesn't matter.
03:01:03 I've found when I've had friends.
03:01:06 That are dating people that, for whatever reason, whether you know whatever the reason, is where I think this is probably a bad idea.
03:01:15 If they get married or get serious or whatever.
03:01:18 You make you make it known.
03:01:21 Or at least you put it out there so they can't say that they won't.
03:01:24 You warn me, right?
03:01:26 You put it out there.
03:01:29 And you know, if they're willing to, you have the discussion, but then you just you let it go after, then you just.
03:01:35 Let it go.
03:01:38 And then let let.
03:01:39 Let let let it run its course.
03:01:43 You know, and that's that.
03:01:46 And you don't, you know, if you want to keep having a relationship with your brother or, you know, a friend, if if this is a friend.
03:01:54 Then you never bring it up again.
03:01:55 Really because.
03:01:58 That's just the.
03:01:59 I mean it you.
03:02:00 Know that's the way it.
03:02:01 Is and it it'll always be.
03:02:05 A wedge between you guys.
03:02:08 If you can't just let it go.
03:02:09 And I know that's not the.
03:02:12 Like people might not.
03:02:13 Think that's very based or whatever to say, but it's just.
03:02:15 You know.
03:02:17 It's one of those things that we haven't changed the culture enough to make that.
03:02:24 A convincing argument for a lot of people.
03:02:26 So it's like, you know, you just got.
03:02:27 To let it go.
03:02:28 It's not, and it's not the same thing as if.
03:02:32 There's worse things he could be doing.
03:02:37 Colonel Edward.
03:02:39 I'm having septum surgery on May 3 and I'm kind of worried that I may go on an anti-Semitic or racist rant while I'm drugged up.
03:02:50 I can't imagine why someone named Colonel Edward would would worry about that.
03:02:56 But good luck with your surgery.
03:02:59 Glock 23, I've noticed that just about everyone who is a Jew woke like me.
03:03:06 Anyone who ohh, anyone who's Jew woke like me, were born in the early 80s like me. I was born in 81. I heard last week that the majority of millennials believe the Holocaust didn't happen, or that the Holocaust is being used to gain something zoomers won't think that way.
03:03:25 I would, I would say no, I.
03:03:27 Wouldn't say that, like millennials are are more jeweled than zoomers I think it's.
03:03:34 It's in fact, if anything, I think it's going to increase every generation, right?
03:03:39 I think you're going to have a.
03:03:43 The the the further we get in time from the Holocaust narrative.
Speaker 8
03:03:50 From World War 2.
03:03:53 The less people are emotionally connected to it, the boomers were were very emotionally connected to it because the older ones first hand witnessed all the propaganda and the younger ones there.
03:04:04 Many of their parents went and fought the war and the and the narrative that made their parents sound really cool, which is a very seductive thing to have a narrative that makes your parents sound like that.
03:04:15 Somehow saving the world from evil.
03:04:18 Why wouldn't you want to believe that?
03:04:21 Right.
03:04:21 So those guys, they're they're done for.
03:04:23 They're never going to, you know, very few of them are going to shake that.
03:04:29 But the Gen.
03:04:31 Xers, not some, not as much.
03:04:35 Yeah, by that time it was.
03:04:38 You know, none of the Gen.
03:04:39 Xers were alive.
03:04:42 But it was still hanging in the air, right?
03:04:45 And the millennials, look, millennials still had to watch stuff like Schindler's List and.
03:04:50 And you know, and all that stuff.
03:04:52 And like I said, the 90s were very philosemitic.
03:04:55 Everyone loved Jews in the 90s.
03:04:59 And I just think that it's just starting to be a a distant enough.
03:05:06 Or distant enough emotionally and and just physically, like, how many people that fought in World War 2 are even alive now?
03:05:15 Yeah, pretty well.
03:05:16 I mean, it's already happening.
03:05:17 Their children already are dying now, right?
03:05:20 It's kind of like how?
03:05:22 Many people do you know?
03:05:23 Who feel strongly about World War One like nobody.
03:05:26 Most people don't even know really about World War One.
03:05:30 And that's how World War 2's going to be, and and not that long from now.
03:05:36 Isn't that awesome?
03:05:39 Because it's true, there will come a time in, I would say, not that long from now.
03:05:47 Where the World War 2 narrative.
03:05:50 Will be as relevant to the average person as the World War One narrative.
03:05:55 Or the the Korean War narrative.
03:06:01 You know, it just people.
03:06:02 Won't obsess about it anymore.
03:06:04 They won't. They won't care.
03:06:07 Will they will.
03:06:08 Will there still be a bunch of zoomers that?
03:06:11 That are massive *******.
03:06:12 I mean, look at the number, right?
03:06:14 They're the gayest generation of maybe ever on Earth, right?
03:06:19 And so you're contending with all this other **** with zoomers.
03:06:22 But I don't think that they.
03:06:25 They Revere.
03:06:28 The Holocaust, in the same way that that.
03:06:32 The Boomers, I don't think it's going backwards, is what I'm saying.
03:06:34 I don't think like.
03:06:37 Being woke to the the JQ, I don't think that the high watermark is the the millennials, you know, I mean that will ebb and flow like everything does.
03:06:47 But I think that the trend, the long term trend is is that's going in the right direction.
03:06:53 Ah, listen, Lord Godfrey $1.00 appreciate that I don't want you to do anime before you cut off my other comment.
03:06:59 I mentioned that having anything calling out Jews is a benefit is a benefit of ethnic and cultural homogeneity, whatever homogeneity.
03:07:13 I do think you should look into German denazification to your propaganda films.
03:07:20 I will take a look at that.
03:07:22 All right. Wow.
03:07:25 That was tough for some reason to get through all those.
03:07:29 That, that was, uh, that was lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of.
03:07:34 Super chat, so I appreciate that, but it was still, it was a lot.
03:07:38 I might have to up the minimum.
03:07:41 Not because I'm a greedy ************.
03:07:44 But just to to limit the amount of.
03:07:49 The five cent ones.
03:07:51 Again, not because like I want to pull them all.
03:07:53 And you know, just to like.
03:07:54 It gets exhausting.
03:07:55 Going through all of these like, Oh my God.
03:08:00 And I feel, and I feel obligated, even if.
03:08:02 It's $0.05, it's.
03:08:03 Like, well, you know.
03:08:05 I'm not like, I'm not ******** on you, if that's what you gave.
03:08:07 Just saying.
03:08:09 That you know.
03:08:11 Hour, hour later, you're like, all right.
03:08:18 So anyway. All right guys.
03:08:21 I'm going to close her down.
03:08:24 And again, remember Wednesday no stream.
Speaker 27
03:08:29 But Friday.
03:08:31 At 2:00 PM Pacific Time.
03:08:35 I'm sorry.
03:08:36 Eastern Time.
03:08:38 So what is that is?
03:08:39 That, like noon Pacific Time.
03:08:42 Or is that like 11?
03:08:43 In the morning, let me see.
03:08:53 OK, so there are three hours ahead.
03:08:57 Yeah, I guess 11 AM.
03:09:01 It's going to.
03:09:01 Be a morning string.
03:09:03 Pacific Time on Friday.
03:09:07 Deep dive on a movie.
03:09:10 With Freddie from guide to culture.
03:09:15 And his Film Festival thing, so I'll I'll I'll put the link out on gab and on telegram and everything like that and and promote that.
03:09:28 But just remember no stream Wednesday.
03:09:31 And on Saturday.
03:09:33 I think the cactus pill shirt will probably go down.
03:09:37 And a new shirt will pop.
03:09:40 At least that's kind of my thinking.
03:09:42 And on Saturday I'll have a pretty.
03:09:48 Impressive B pill for you.
03:09:51 So watch out.
03:09:52 For that.
03:09:52 All right, guys, you all have.
03:09:53 A good evening.
Speaker 8
03:09:55 For black pearls, I am of course.
03:10:00 Oh, here comes classified cat again.
03:10:04 You want to talk to people.
03:10:06 Yeah, what's my name?
03:10:09 No. Is that right?
Speaker 30
03:10:13 Devastate an employment tribunal in Paris has decided calling a male hairdresser a ****** is not homophobic, the hearing says.
03:10:24 This is because hair salons regularly employ gay people.
03:10:29 The case concerns A stylist who was sacked after not turning up for work due to sickness.
03:10:35 He launched a claim for unfair dismissal after the boss of the salon mistakenly sent him a text using the word.
03:10:44 French employment minister Mariam El Conry has described the verdict as scandalous.
03:10:53 The tribunal agreed the term used was insulting. However, it decided it could not be considered discriminatory. The employee, who wants to remain anonymous, was awarded €5000. He plans to appeal.
03:11:08 An employment tribunal in Paris has decided calling a male hairdresser a ****** is not homophobic, the hearing says.
03:11:17 This is because hair salons regularly employ gay people.
03:11:22 The case concerns A stylist who was sacked after not turning up for work due to sickness.
03:11:27 He launched a claim for unfair dismissal after the boss of the salon mistakenly sent him a text using the word.
03:11:36 French employment minister Mariam El Conry has described the verdict as scandalous.
03:11:45 The tribunal agreed the term used was insulting. However, it decided it could not be considered discriminatory. The employee, who wants to remain anonymous, was awarded €5000. He plans to appeal.