

00:00:00 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:02:55 This is Devin stack.
00:02:57 This is the insomnia stream live and direct from the pillbox.
00:03:04 Thousands of feet, miles even.
00:03:07 Beneath the Earth's surface.
00:03:11 In an old abandoned.
00:03:13 Cold War era missile silo.
00:03:19 Alright, so before we get started.
00:03:23 I'm sure you guys are aware or if.
Speaker 1
00:03:25 You're not. We're going.
00:03:25 To talk about it.
00:03:26 A little bit of the the mass.
00:03:28 Invasion going on at the border?
00:03:30 You know, it doesn't even bother me anymore.
00:03:32 Doesn't even bother me anymore.
00:03:33 Like it's you.
00:03:34 Know what? ****. **** this.
00:03:35 Gay country.
00:03:37 Let them ******* have it.
00:03:39 Let let them have it.
00:03:40 Let them fight.
00:03:41 Over the ******* scraps.
00:03:42 Let them fight over the rotting corpse like straight dogs that come across it in a post apocalyptic alley somewhere.
00:03:50 It's not fit for me.
00:03:53 Are you going to fight for a?
00:03:55 Nibble at a.
00:03:56 At a little piece of a a rotting.
00:03:58 Corpse, I'm not.
00:04:00 I'm not let him have it.
00:04:01 **** him.
00:04:03 And in the meantime.
00:04:05 If you plan on staying in the cities or whatever, just just to just to give you a.
00:04:09 Little taste of.
00:04:11 In a funny way, in a in a light hearted funny way.
00:04:17 Here, here's here's what to expect.
00:04:19 Here's what to expect.
00:04:20 Let's if.
00:04:21 You Fast forward.
00:04:22 This is this isn't going to just be pockets of America.
00:04:25 This is just going to be.
00:04:26 Just another day and well, I guess already it's already just another day in America.
00:04:30 This is what it's going to be like.
Speaker 2
00:04:33 Got damn shoulda.
00:04:34 Cut Niger.
00:04:34 Niger came through with the uh.
00:04:36 Got hit.
00:04:36 Got damn cut.
00:04:38 Who came doing the little dirty Honda Civic? Suck my.
00:04:41 Shut up, cook.
00:04:42 Bumper hanging and.
00:04:44 They left the big running cut airbag cup.
00:04:47 Liga, how about that ***** left so?
00:04:50 *** **** cook.
00:04:57 Going there tires out.
00:04:58 He won't go nowhere.
00:04:59 That why he got smacked cooked.
00:05:01 He tried to be in the corner, was going nowhere.
00:05:03 Niggle, spin it right there.
00:05:03 Middle St.
00:05:06 Ohh ship.
00:05:08 Sit soda cup.
00:05:09 Ain't come.
00:05:10 We got the *** ****.
Speaker 3
00:05:11 Kobe got the got damn.
Speaker 2
00:05:13 Minutes of minutes to call him.
00:05:14 So what the **** going on? Cut it. Only clean this out. Could that be running all sitting sliding that big silver cup, that being running off for three AAA batteries out, that being running off.
00:05:28 Of vegetable oil.
00:05:31 Power steering fluid.
00:05:34 Welcome.
00:05:34 Welcome to the United States.
00:05:41 That that's now, that's now. So you know, add a few 100,000 more Haitians. What what could go wrong? What could possibly go wrong?
00:05:58 See it?
00:05:59 Just it.
00:06:00 It's just you just got to like just not care.
00:06:02 You just have to say all right?
00:06:05 **** you guys.
00:06:06 I'm taking my toys and I'm going home.
00:06:09 I'm going home.
00:06:10 I'm done with this.
00:06:12 Have fun.
00:06:13 Enjoy the ride.
00:06:15 Enjoy the I'm getting.
00:06:18 I'm getting off.
00:06:19 I'm going to do something else.
00:06:21 You guys can keep ******* with this.
Speaker 4
00:06:23 I don't need you anymore.
00:06:25 Done. I'm ******* done.
00:06:27 So if you.
00:06:29 Don't know what I'm.
00:06:29 Talking about not not that like I said, not that it even ******* matters anymore.
00:06:33 Like, does it really matter at this point?
00:06:36 Realistically, like I'm not, not, not not.
00:06:38 I'm not using.
00:06:39 This isn't rhetoric.
00:06:40 Does it actually really matter at this point?
00:06:43 You know, 100,000 more Haitians, 200,000 more Mexicans, 50,000 more Afghan. Like, does it matter?
00:06:52 I mean really does it?
00:06:54 Does it matter?
Speaker 4
00:06:56 Is it maybe even better?
00:06:58 Because the decline will just be.
00:07:01 That much quicker.
00:07:03 And we'll get into, we're going to get into why that might be an important thing.
00:07:09 Why that might be an important thing.
00:07:11 If you want to get what you want.
00:07:14 We're going to be taking a look at a.
00:07:17 Well, I'm going to let you be a little suspense. I'll just say we're going to take a look at an interview with an activist back in 1996 that functionally got everything that he wanted already by now. And what we can learn.
00:07:32 From maybe some of that.
00:07:36 But in terms of what's going?
00:07:37 On in the border right now.
Speaker 1
00:07:39 Let's take a look here.
00:07:43 So yeah, basically.
00:07:45 Oh, I don't know.
00:07:48 Well, let's take this basically this.
00:07:52 Let me get this.
00:07:55 Up here.
00:07:57 There we are. Uh uh.
00:08:01 Basically this is going on at the border.
Speaker 5
00:08:05 Jackie, this is a crisis in every way, shape and form.
00:08:08 We are live on the Rio Grande right now on a boat.
00:08:10 We want to show.
Speaker 5
00:08:10 You what we're looking at take.
00:08:11 A look at this this is.
00:08:12 Sealed out of kunia.
00:08:13 This is Mexico right here where we have been watching a steady stream of hundreds of migrants crossing the Rio Grande illegally.
00:08:19 Brian will Pan left here.
00:08:21 They're crossing the Rio Grande illegally over a dam.
00:08:24 And they are slowly walking over to the United.
00:08:26 States where there.
00:08:27 Is a massive crowd of these migrants who have gathered.
00:08:30 They go over there, they bathe in the river, they change their clothes.
00:08:33 And then they walk down a dirt path.
00:08:36 Notice how all of these migrants.
00:08:38 Are black by the.
00:08:40 They're all black.
00:08:41 And it's not this is, this is before it gets crowded.
00:08:44 I'll show you some video of once it's got crowded.
00:08:47 This is before it really gets going.
Speaker 5
00:08:50 Towards where that international bridge is, some Border Patrol agents and.
00:08:54 See, here's the thing.
00:08:54 Notice how there's like literally no Border Patrol yet like this is.
00:08:58 That's how.
00:08:59 That's how.
00:09:00 That's how secure your border is.
00:09:02 That's how great the wall is.
00:09:04 Yeah, that wall that that Trump built, yeah.
00:09:07 They're just literally walking across, walking across.
00:09:11 No problem.
00:09:12 No ones even showed up yet like that many people.
00:09:14 Made it across.
00:09:16 And no one's even there yet. No one.
00:09:19 Like they're just now starting to, like, roll in after that many people and it's it's been it's been going on for so long this Fox News ****** *** is already there like he's in he's there in a boat he's there before they are.
Speaker 5
00:09:32 And Texas State troopers just pulled up on the other side over there.
00:09:36 You might not be able to see him, but they're they've got their lights and sirens.
00:09:39 Ohh, the lights and sirens that'll stop.
Speaker 5
00:09:43 Them there, there's a Texas State trooper vehicle pulling.
00:09:45 Up earlier there was nothing, but this is a remarkable scene here, showing just how much this situation down here is deteriorating.
00:09:54 Let's take a live look at our Fox drone right now, which is over the international bridge, which is where this crisis first.
00:09:59 Yeah, we got we.
00:10:00 Gotta we got a.
00:10:02 Literal African village just forming just just just forming inside.
00:10:08 See you guys think we can't do this.
00:10:11 We can't. We can't get.
00:10:12 Some land and start start a a little village.
00:10:15 Of our own, apparently.
00:10:17 You can just walk in and.
00:10:18 Do it.
00:10:19 Oh, but, Devin, they'll they'll come down with.
00:10:21 The the the sweet hammer of justice on us because.
00:10:24 We're not Haitians.
00:10:25 Yeah, maybe you're right.
00:10:26 But So what?
00:10:27 So what?
00:10:29 Really, So what do?
Speaker 4
00:10:30 You do you want to live on your knees while this is going on?
00:10:33 Is this where is this?
00:10:34 The neighborhood you want to live in.
00:10:37 What would you rather you?
00:10:38 Know what you want to die on your feet.
00:10:39 If they're going to come at you hard.
00:10:41 You know, if that's what you're worried about and and isn't that what everyone's been worried about now?
00:10:46 And so they they just keep not doing anything.
00:10:49 Ohh, there might be consequences if I do something really.
00:10:53 Ohh well then in that case.
00:10:55 That's that this happened.
Speaker 5
00:10:55 Started sources are telling me the number.
Speaker 3
00:10:58 Of migrants under that.
Speaker 5
00:10:59 Bridge has now swelled to more than 14,000.
00:11:02 Consider that on Wednesday morning it was just over 4000. So these numbers are absolutely.
00:11:07 Exploding it hasn't stopped.
00:11:10 This is one place.
00:11:11 This is one place.
00:11:13 On the border.
00:11:14 One little tiny place.
00:11:17 On a on a huge border.
00:11:20 This this is what it was.
00:11:21 The name of this place.
00:11:22 Something Texas.
00:11:22 It's Del Rio, TX.
Speaker 5
00:11:26 And the reason why that's happening is what you just saw in the river right here.
00:11:30 These migrants continue to show up.
00:11:32 By the hundreds.
00:11:33 Pretty much every single hour.
00:11:35 These Border Patrol agents are completely overwhelmed.
00:11:38 It doesn't matter how many of them are busted out.
00:11:41 Griff Jenkins.
00:11:43 Ohh we got.
00:11:47 Bust out more like bust in.
00:11:50 I got footage of the.
00:11:50 Buses they they ain't leaving.
00:11:53 They ain't leaving boarding.
Speaker 5
00:11:55 That about 1900 migrants were processed here just in the last 24 hours.
00:12:00 That's not going to cut it when you got 14,000 under the bridge with more coming, how are they supposed?
00:12:05 To keep up.
00:12:06 With that, this is not only a humanitarian crisis.
00:12:08 It's a crisis in every way, shape and form a public health crisis.
00:12:13 Again, most of these migrants coming through are from Haiti.
00:12:16 That's a country with the.
00:12:17 Nation rate of less than 1%. And again what we're seeing on the other side of the river in Mexico right now, again that's see without a kuna you see all the people gathered up there, what's going on is people are being taxied up there and dropped off into that residential neighborhood by the Hut.
Speaker 4
00:12:34 Gee, I wonder who's paying for all that.
00:12:38 I wonder whose.
00:12:39 Pain for all that.
00:12:44 I don't know if you're aware of this, but hey, he's not exactly.
00:12:48 Right next door to Mexico.
00:12:50 I mean, it's across the ocean from Mexico.
00:12:54 But there's a whole lot of Mexico between between.
00:12:57 Where where you would if you were to get.
Speaker 7
00:13:00 On a boat.
00:13:01 Cuban style.
00:13:03 And try to boat your way to Mexico.
00:13:05 You still got, like, a whole lot of Mexico to get through.
00:13:07 To get to where they're at.
00:13:10 And they're not doing that.
00:13:12 They're not hot, they're.
00:13:13 Not doing the boats Cuban style to Mexico and then like walking to the Texas border, they're not doing that.
00:13:21 This is all funded.
00:13:24 This is all funded by mostly Jewish NGO's, just it just is. It just is.
00:13:31 It just literally is.
00:13:34 And it was the same thing with the caravans.
00:13:37 Same exact ******* thing and same exact ******* groups.
00:13:42 For the same exact ******* reason.
00:13:50 And don't worry though.
00:13:51 Don't worry, don't worry.
00:13:53 I'm sure white people.
00:13:54 Will will respond right?
00:13:55 Like they'll send tweets about how Oh my.
00:13:57 God, it's it's horrific.
00:13:59 Look, it's human.
00:14:00 That I bet they're not vaccinated.
00:14:04 And then Glenn Beck will raise money to buy them.
00:14:06 All teddy bears.
00:14:08 And you know just.
00:14:10 The unrelenting stream of immigration will will continue.
00:14:16 It's done.
00:14:17 It's done.
00:14:18 These guys, it's done.
00:14:20 I I it was look, it's been done my whole life because my entire life, my entire life.
00:14:27 The majority of Americans.
00:14:30 Wanted to stop immigration?
00:14:32 My whole life.
00:14:34 For decades.
00:14:36 The majority of of Americans wanted this to stop.
00:14:42 It's never stopped.
00:14:44 It's never even really slowed down.
00:14:48 Doesn't matter if you vote for a Republican or a Democrat.
Speaker 4
00:14:53 And now it doesn't matter because.
00:14:55 They outnumber you.
00:14:58 Now it doesn't matter because you have no political power.
00:15:00 So even if, like the the system wasn't rigged, if it was somehow actually representative of what you wanted.
00:15:07 You wouldn't be able to get it.
00:15:11 You wouldn't be able to get it.
00:15:15 This is this is just a couple of days and this isn't like an anomaly, right?
00:15:23 This this sort of I mean, OK, it comes in waves, whatever.
00:15:26 But like this kind of **** has been going on for ******* years.
00:15:32 I mean, look at this ****.
Speaker 8
00:15:37 Little literal African villains.
00:15:46 Welcome to America.
00:15:53 Good, good thing they got like those guys.
00:15:56 On horses to.
00:15:59 I don't even know, I mean.
Speaker 4
00:16:01 They're building ******* hots for ***** sake.
00:16:04 They're building ******* huts.
00:16:22 This is this is.
00:16:25 This is just it.
00:16:27 They are just trash.
00:16:30 Just ******* trash blowing around all over our ******* trash country.
Speaker 9
00:16:37 Come on up guys.
00:16:42 Having network of course.
00:16:46 Literally nobody will stop you.
Speaker 3
00:16:50 Alright guys, look at that right now is that is the US side of the Rio Grande.
Speaker 7
00:16:50 Come on in.
Speaker 3
00:16:55 That is a mass of several 100 illegal immigrants who just crossed the Rio Grande and look.
00:17:00 At this several 100 more.
00:17:01 Stretching across as we speak.
00:17:03 Run a boat in.
00:17:04 The Rio Grande this.
00:17:05 Is the Mexican side of the river.
00:17:07 Right now.
00:17:07 Just vote harder, guys.
00:17:10 That always seems to work right.
Speaker 3
00:17:12 You can see it's a.
Speaker 5
00:17:13 Never ending stream.
00:17:15 Hundreds of people crop.
00:17:16 Ending stream.
00:17:18 Isn't that what they want?
00:17:20 I want people.
00:17:22 To come in this country in the largest numbers ever, says Trump in his state of the Union address.
Speaker 3
00:17:30 Missing the Rio Grande.
00:17:32 Basically every hour and they're heading over to the International bridge, which you can see in the.
00:17:37 Look at that mask, people this.
00:17:40 Is why this situation?
Speaker 10
00:17:41 Under the bridge.
00:17:42 Look at all those natural conservatives.
00:17:45 Mission accomplished.
00:17:46 Trump, you're getting what you wanted.
Speaker 5
00:17:48 Continues to deteriorate.
Speaker 9
00:17:52 This is insane the federal.
Speaker 3
00:17:53 Government has to wake up.
Speaker 11
00:17:56 Oh, you're right.
00:18:01 He see the federal government needs to wake.
00:18:04 Up as if.
00:18:05 They're not aware of the problem.
00:18:08 Ohh this is don't you understand?
00:18:09 Guys, this is just this is just.
00:18:13 It's just a product of incompetence.
00:18:15 You know it's.
Speaker 4
00:18:16 Because that that that.
00:18:17 ******* Kamala Harris.
00:18:19 She just has her head up her ***.
00:18:21 She doesn't know what's going on.
00:18:23 She's so incompetent.
00:18:27 Stop thinking your enemy is stupid.
00:18:33 I mean, they think you're ******* stupid.
00:18:37 Look, are they wrong?
00:18:39 If this, this is just.
00:18:42 Going to happen. Nothing's going to stop it.
00:18:47 Look at this.
00:19:02 Beautiful force man.
00:19:06 Like literally no one.
00:19:08 Stopping him. Look, you can see him just. There's a line of them just going across the ******* Rio Grande. Not not no law enforcement insight, nobody.
Speaker 12
00:19:23 That's under that market share.
00:19:33 Literally ******* nobody.
00:20:04 And what?
00:20:04 What are they?
00:20:04 What are they?
00:20:05 What are these guys busy doing the guys?
Speaker 1
00:20:09 Look at. Look at all.
00:20:10 Those new Americans? New Americans.
00:20:16 I can't wait till they're they're my neighbors.
00:20:22 So this this is what?
00:20:23 The Border Patrol is busy doing right you.
00:20:25 Want to see?
00:20:26 Because they're not?
00:20:27 They're not stopping this.
00:20:28 No, they're speeding it up.
00:20:30 What they're doing?
00:20:33 Show those buses.
00:20:43 That that's what.
00:20:43 They're doing they're they're bringing them in.
00:20:46 And giving them a bus ride into your neighborhood.
00:20:55 See the the time the time.
00:20:57 For being ****** *** about this is over.
00:20:59 They didn't do anything.
00:21:01 They didn't do anything.
00:21:04 That that it accomplished nothing.
00:21:09 It literally accomplished nothing.
00:21:11 **** this gay country.
00:21:13 Let it let it ******* burn.
00:21:16 Let it ******* let him have it.
00:21:18 Let him ******* have it.
00:21:21 Try to try to find.
00:21:23 Try to find a place that you can defend from the the the literal zombie apocalypse.
00:21:28 That's that's that's taking place that they're engineering.
00:21:33 And you know, try to fortify it and and lock it down and and try to it is is as much as possible.
00:21:40 Avoid being a ******* pinata to pay for this ******* ***********.
00:21:46 And that's that's your choice or leave.
00:21:49 Right.
00:21:50 Isn't that what?
00:21:51 Isn't that what?
00:21:52 What conservatives always say.
Speaker 4
00:21:53 There's a.
00:21:53 This is America, and if you don't like it, then you, *** **** leave.
00:21:58 I don't ******* like it.
00:22:00 I don't.
00:22:02 Maybe maybe I should ******* leave.
00:22:03 I don't know.
00:22:05 But where would you go?
00:22:06 That's the problem.
00:22:08 There's really nowhere to really go.
00:22:11 Uh, so yeah, this is uh.
00:22:13 That's what's going on.
Speaker 10
00:22:20 You're beautiful.
Speaker 7
00:22:32 A good thing we bought them all.
00:22:33 A bunch of water and potato chips.
00:22:37 Yeah, that's where the money's gone.
00:22:49 Everybody gets a free lunch.
00:23:04 Look at that ******* trash.
00:23:05 Like they they literally if you want.
00:23:08 If you want evidence that if you get people from one place and you stick them somewhere else.
00:23:16 That that place turns into the place they were from.
00:23:20 If you told me this was footage from Haiti.
00:23:23 I would. I would.
00:23:24 I'd believe it I'd be.
00:23:25 Like, huh?
00:23:26 Well, I mean that, that concrete structure that's that's there underneath looks a little high.
00:23:30 Tech for them.
00:23:30 But other than that.
00:23:31 I mean, it looks pretty, pretty much like, hey, you know, just ******* trash everywhere and yeah.
00:24:01 Welcome to America.
00:24:06 Land of the free.
00:24:09 And the real funny.
00:24:09 One home of the brave right.
00:24:16 Home of the brave.
00:24:17 So brave.
Speaker 9
00:24:26 This law enforcement.
00:24:27 On top of.
00:24:36 Terminate Border Patrol agents, making sure that this stops.
00:25:04 At least at.
00:25:05 Least racism is over now, right?
00:25:08 Since we elected Obama.
00:25:11 So that won't be a problem.
00:25:27 But you know what, I.
00:25:28 I we gotta, we gotta, you know, go easy.
00:25:32 We got to go easy.
00:25:34 On the federal government.
00:25:36 Because you know that there's only so many.
00:25:40 Of these federal agents to go around, you can't expect them to be in in two places at once.
00:25:50 I mean, there's they they have limited limited supply of these guys, right?
00:25:56 And and how can we possibly expect them to be patrolling the border when they were all literally in DC this weekend?
00:26:11 They they were busy, they had, they had a.
00:26:12 Prior engagement they were.
00:26:14 All at the the justice for J 6th Rally in Washington, DC this weekend.
Speaker 1
00:26:23 Oh, good Lord.
00:26:26 So for those of you who are not aware of that, let's shift gears.
00:26:30 That's our little segue.
00:26:32 Shifting from, I don't know, I was going to say from bad to worse, not really, just from from shift to more **** in our in, in the country of ****.
Speaker 2
00:26:45 Oh boy.
00:26:47 So what they what you know?
00:26:50 With the federal.
00:26:50 Government see, this is the thing.
00:26:53 The Conservatives will look at this juxtaposition now, look at this and.
00:26:57 Be like oh.
00:26:59 Ohh I I.
00:27:00 Get it?
00:27:01 They have the, you know.
00:27:03 They don't have the.
00:27:03 Resources to patrol the border.
00:27:06 Because incompetent, you know, camera.
00:27:10 This can't have the the right people at the border taking care of that problem, but they have the resources to go, you know, infiltrate the **** out of this rally and and make sure they've got biometric data on everyone that showed up.
00:27:29 Sure is their priorities.
00:27:31 Yeah, yeah.
00:27:34 Yes, you utter ****.
00:27:36 That is their priorities, obviously, and it's they're the same thing.
00:27:40 It's the same priority.
00:27:43 Do you not get that?
00:27:45 I mean, I I'm not.
00:27:46 I I know.
00:27:47 You guys get it, but like.
00:27:49 Do you see why it's dunkies?
00:27:52 Because even the people on your side right nominally.
00:27:57 Or the people that.
00:27:58 Fancy that the people that that you need?
00:28:01 You. Well, we.
00:28:02 Thought we needed as a voting bloc who are going to be.
00:28:05 Dying off.
00:28:08 They're irrelevant.
00:28:09 You can't count on those ***** because they can't put two and two together because they're so ******* either terrified of being a racist.
00:28:18 Or let me hang on.
00:28:19 I'm gonna turn this thing on.
Speaker 1
00:28:22 This will make it a.
00:28:23 Little bit quieter.
00:28:26 At least for me, maybe you won't know that.
00:28:28 Got it a lot quieter.
00:28:29 So maybe that got quieter for you too.
00:28:31 So this doesn't just change things, or you have people like that should be on your side that should be pointing out the obvious.
00:28:44 That this is all part of the same agenda.
00:28:47 This is all part of the same thing.
00:28:49 It's not like, oh, their priorities are ****** **.
00:28:51 No, it's.
00:28:51 The same priority.
00:28:53 The priority being let's destroy.
00:28:57 Any last remnants?
00:29:01 Of any kind of right wing founding stock Americans.
00:29:07 Specifically, you know the white ones.
00:29:11 Let's let's get rid of that.
00:29:13 By any means necessary.
00:29:16 It's part of the same ******* thing.
00:29:20 It's not a difference in priorities.
00:29:22 It's the same ******* priority.
00:29:26 And whether it's because they're afraid of being called racist, they're boomers that were brainwashed by the civil rights movement, and they're so excited that there was, you know.
00:29:36 That, that, that.
00:29:37 About Martin Luther King and he had a dream and all this other ********, or whether or not it's, you know, the way Edward Dutton and his.
00:29:46 In his I think most recent video he he basically.
00:29:51 Articulated something.
00:29:53 It's something that's not super original, but like he articulated in a really good way that that you do have these people on the right that because they are motivated by power and status, they do believe.
00:30:08 That in in functionally the same way that you believe.
00:30:12 They do believe that whites are, in fact they're probably they, they they don't even just believe in white primacy.
00:30:20 They believe in white supremacy.
00:30:22 They believe it in such a way that they pander to the other groups and look people have talked about this, even Bush said something similar.
00:30:29 You know the the well, was it the soft bigotry above low expectations which was a super gay way to put it, but.
00:30:38 It's it they that that's that's functionally what you're dealing with is the people that would agree with you on on the, the founding stock Americans having more capability and more potential really than these other.
00:30:56 Whoops, that because their motivation is not the good of the country because their motivation isn't any kind of in Group preference.
00:31:04 It's an individual, individualistic based.
00:31:11 Ideology or personal ethos that is just based around acquiring more power.
00:31:19 I mean, they still agree with you.
00:31:20 It's like they they still they look at those IQ statistics, they look at all that information they they ingest it, they just process it differently.
00:31:28 They don't process it the way that you would.
00:31:30 They don't process it and come to the conclusion, wow, in order for me to do what's right for my people as a group, we need to.
00:31:37 Maybe do something about?
00:31:40 No, no, no, just the opposite.
00:31:44 They, they, they, they look at that.
00:31:47 And say oh.
00:31:47 OK, I can now point to the people.
00:31:51 Like you and me that want to do what's good for my people and sell them down the river.
00:31:59 I can say, oh, look at these racists.
00:32:01 Look, see, I'm one of the.
00:32:02 Good ones.
00:32:04 I'm one of the good ones.
00:32:07 I don't in my personal life practice anything that I preach.
00:32:12 I live in a white neighborhood.
00:32:13 I only hire other white people.
00:32:16 Or, you know it's not.
00:32:17 Look, look, let's, let's talk about fellow whites.
00:32:19 That's a even better example where you have Jews that that work for Jewish organizations that are funded by other Jews.
00:32:27 That the only higher or at least largely higher, other Jews for being less than 2% of the population, you know, they're these NGO's are like at least 80% Jewish.
00:32:36 So you know that obviously if they believed in diversity in in all this nonsense that they they tell you that they.
00:32:43 Even their organization, the demographic makeup of their organization, would not would reflect that right.
00:32:51 And it doesn't.
00:32:52 And the the neighborhoods they live in would reflect that.
00:32:55 And it doesn't.
00:32:56 You know the people that they end up breeding with would reflect that, and it doesn't.
00:33:01 So if you look at what they really actually.
00:33:04 To leave and there's enough evidence to conclude what they actually believe.
00:33:08 It's easy to see that what they're doing.
00:33:12 Is seeking power and they're seeking power by not only selling you.
00:33:16 Down the river.
00:33:18 And and pointing at you as a as a as a deflection, but they're purposefully destroying you.
00:33:25 They're purposefully destroying you because.
00:33:28 If there is, think of it this way, if you really think by me being white or by me being Jewish or or or you know whatever that I've got a an advantage over these other groups.
00:33:43 Then you're not worried about these other groups?
00:33:46 It's the same.
00:33:46 Thing I've talked about with right wing people.
00:33:48 Where they don't.
00:33:49 See minorities as a threat.
00:33:51 They just pat them on the head and kind of condescend to them.
00:33:53 At least that's what they used to.
00:33:54 Do and now they're going a little nervous.
Speaker 11
00:33:58 Well, these people go a.
00:33:59 Different way with it.
00:34:02 Sure, they condescend to them the same way, but they, because they have no interest in actually preserving the.
00:34:07 Group. Quite the opposite.
00:34:10 In order to increase their power in order to increase their status, it is actually in their interest to destroy you and destabilize.
00:34:18 Other white people.
00:34:20 Because it makes them rarer.
00:34:22 Think of it that way.
00:34:23 That's a way to simplify it.
00:34:25 By removing other members of their group.
00:34:30 It makes them more exclusive.
00:34:33 It makes them a hotter commodity.
00:34:36 It takes away competition from them.
00:34:44 So it's in their interest to destroy.
00:34:47 Their own people.
00:34:50 Because they don't care about their own people.
00:34:54 They only care insomuch that.
00:34:58 They're able to leverage or use those other people for power.
00:35:01 I've talked about this when I lived in DC.
00:35:03 One of the really disgusting things that I noticed right away just because it was so consistent across the board.
00:35:08 If I went.
00:35:09 To a a.
00:35:10 Bar and just tried to like meet people or whatever I upon meeting someone new.
00:35:15 And I mean like this was across the board.
00:35:19 Literally the first question.
00:35:23 The first question out of their mouth.
00:35:25 So what do you do?
00:35:30 And they asked that question for a variety of reasons.
00:35:32 The first one was well, if you're someone important.
00:35:36 I need to know how I can even.
00:35:38 Interact with you.
00:35:40 You know, I need to know where.
00:35:41 Where am I in this hierarchy in comparison to you?
00:35:47 Because if you are higher up in the hierarchy then I need to behave differently than if I'm above you in the hierarchy.
00:35:56 You know, just socially I need to be able to do that.
00:35:58 And the other reason is I also need to know.
00:36:01 Can I use you?
00:36:04 Are are, is there any way that what you do or your position in the hierarchy can somehow increase my power and my status?
00:36:16 The entire town thinks like that.
00:36:18 I mean, everybody I talked to every ******* last one of them that I would talk to left wing, right wing, liberal tech.
00:36:24 Doesn't ******* matter.
00:36:26 You talk to these people.
00:36:28 Their entire focus was on power, personal power and personal status.
00:36:35 They didn't care.
00:36:36 About they didn't even care about the organizations that they worked for the.
00:36:40 Advocate the groups.
00:36:41 That they advocated for the parties they were members of nothing.
00:36:47 ******* nothing.
00:36:49 It was all about personal gain.
00:36:52 And I mean.
00:36:53 Like with the deep saturation this feeling, this, this, this attitude.
00:37:00 Permeated through that entire ******* town.
00:37:02 It was disgusting.
00:37:03 That's why the.
00:37:04 Big part of why?
00:37:05 I had to get out of there.
00:37:07 Because I went in there all all you know, bright eyed and bushy tailed thinking that people actually gave a **** about the things that they were out there doing.
00:37:17 And it didn't take long before.
00:37:18 I realized that was all ********.
00:37:22 Like I was amazed I would go to these parties and I would.
00:37:24 I would, I would say.
Speaker 4
00:37:26 Hey this is weird.
00:37:28 Why are we at a party of literal communists like this is our enemies.
00:37:32 I mean, it's one thing if you're there to like, maybe try to, you know, engage or build bridges or.
00:37:38 Well, that's not what it was about ever.
00:37:44 It was about it.
00:37:45 Was about status climbing even then.
00:37:50 It was an incestuous ******* **** show.
00:37:56 Nobody gave a **** 0 principles.
00:38:03 And that's what you're dealing with.
00:38:04 That's that entire ******* town.
00:38:06 And that's why nothing ******* changes.
00:38:08 Even if our elections weren't rigged.
00:38:12 And you were able to actually get anybody elected, you know, if you weren't outnumbered at this point demographically.
00:38:18 It still.
00:38:19 Wouldn't ******* matter.
00:38:23 Still, wouldn't ******* matter.
00:38:27 Because the whole system is just rotten to the core.
00:38:35 You got no one on your side.
00:38:38 You've got no one that actually has an interest in being on your side.
00:38:46 In fact, if anything, it's a liability.
00:38:48 To be on your side.
00:38:51 Having principles in DC that's not going to.
00:38:53 Get you anywhere?
00:39:01 It's not going to.
00:39:01 Get you anywhere?
00:39:06 Which was another reason I had to leave.
00:39:07 I was like, oh, I'm not going to get anywhere here.
00:39:10 I'm literally this.
00:39:11 I already plateaued, I guess because I cause I I'm not like some slimy ****.
00:39:17 I gotta get out of here.
00:39:24 So that's what you're dealing with.
00:39:27 That's why it's so easy.
00:39:29 For the the people that do have agendas.
00:39:34 To just leverage this disgusting attitude.
00:39:36 In that town to get what?
00:39:38 They want.
00:39:40 And why no one ever seems to respond to what you want.
00:39:44 Cause who? Why, why bother?
00:39:48 What's the benefit really?
00:39:50 What's the benefit?
00:39:51 To them.
00:39:54 They don't care about their people.
00:39:58 So they don't have that that benefit.
00:40:00 It's not like they don't have, they don't feel any kind of sense of.
00:40:02 Community with you.
00:40:06 In fact, in a weird way, the ruling class does have in Group preference, you're just.
Speaker 3
00:40:11 Not part of their group.
00:40:17 In fact, that might be the best way.
00:40:19 To look at it.
00:40:21 The ruling class has extreme and.
00:40:23 Group preference you're just not.
00:40:25 Part of it.
00:40:27 Their group is not is not racial.
00:40:31 It's not ethnic or religious.
00:40:36 It's status.
00:40:38 That's it.
00:40:41 That's it.
00:40:45 And you have no status, you just don't.
00:40:50 And so your interest will never.
00:40:51 Be met.
00:40:55 At least not willingly.
00:40:58 Not politically.
00:41:04 Their loyalties are to their group.
00:41:09 And they don't care.
00:41:10 They don't care what religion or or ethnicity or whatever, and in fact that makes them feel like somehow they're more virtuous than you.
00:41:26 That's what that's what makes you the ignorant **** that that, of course.
00:41:29 I'm going to ignore what they want.
00:41:31 Are you kidding me?
00:41:34 Those ignorant fox and fly over country.
00:41:39 They hate you.
00:41:43 They just do.
00:41:47 That and you're interchangeable.
00:41:49 Why do they give a **** about whether whether it's like a billion Haitians or a billion hillbillies?
00:41:53 As far as they're concerned, it doesn't matter.
00:41:55 It really doesn't matter.
00:42:05 The only way it will start mattering is if the systems that you maintain.
00:42:11 You stop maintaining.
00:42:13 You know, there's there's a reason why Atlas Shrugged is so it's even though it's like.
00:42:19 It's a long *** ******* book.
00:42:21 In fact, I think it's probably like the longest book.
00:42:23 I've ever read and yes.
00:42:24 I've actually read the whole thing.
00:42:26 It's it's, it's.
00:42:28 Took a long time. It's a thick, thick *** book. Even if you get the audio book, I think the audiobook's like 100 hours or something.
Speaker 1
00:42:35 Crazy like that.
00:42:35 Like it's long.
00:42:39 But the appeal of it, in fact, in a weird way, is long as it is.
00:42:43 And as you know, as kind of gay as it is.
00:42:45 In some places, the reason the reason why it's there's I don't want to say it's a page Turner.
00:42:52 But the reason why I guess it has any kind of?
00:42:56 Notoriety is it has a type of wish fulfillment.
00:43:02 It has a.
00:43:03 Type of wish fulfillment that is really attractive.
00:43:06 To productive people.
00:43:08 Productive people who I think, or at least when I decided, oh, you know, being a libertarian, that's the way to go because it rewards merit.
00:43:17 And if you're a productive person who feels as though that would be a system in which you.
00:43:24 Do well in right, like the idealistic libertarian fantasy world where, like everything is just based on merit and everything's privately owned and you don't have some ******* that was born into, you know, some kind of royal family telling you what to do. And whatever. I mean, it ignores the fact that you would still have some *******.
00:43:46 That was born into generational wealth, and it's functionally the same thing as we're learning now, right?
00:43:51 But that aside.
00:43:53 When I was younger and and hadn't experienced corporate tyranny, I guess.
00:44:00 I before I had, you know, my book banned, but from two different corporate giants and and several accounts banned and so forth.
00:44:11 It is appealing thing.
00:44:14 Because you really do believe.
00:44:17 That that is a.
00:44:18 System you would do well in.
00:44:20 Right.
00:44:22 You think that you know what?
00:44:26 If we were, if all the productive people in society.
00:44:29 Or just say, **** this place.
00:44:32 I'm out.
00:44:34 You know, we go to like this, whatever that I forget what it's called now, but let's go a little made-up libertarian utopia.
00:44:41 In, where was it supposed to be?
00:44:43 Like New Mexico or, I don't know, it was somewhere and and it's been several years since.
Speaker 1
00:44:49 I read that ******* thing.
00:44:50 But we'll just, we'll let the trains. You know, the trains collapse and and the whole society collapse because all the smart people that know how to run, all the machinery and and and make sure everything's, you know, running smoothly.
00:45:02 They'll all be gone.
00:45:04 And the ruling class that you know that stands on the backs of our of our intelligence and our efforts.
00:45:10 And our our sweat and tears and all that stuff.
00:45:14 You know, they'll they'll come tumbling down.
00:45:16 And it's this great wish fulfillment, right this fantasy that like, oh, if we left the society, it would all just crumble.
00:45:23 And then all these people that have been ordering us around and and that have no business being in the positions that they're that.
00:45:30 They you know that they sit in.
00:45:34 Would suddenly have a wake up call.
00:45:36 In fact, in a weird way.
00:45:37 It's literally the same wish fulfillment that takes place in the the any well, not just the zombie apocalypse film, but all the apocalypse films.
00:45:49 Because and in fact, I was thinking about this the other day.
00:45:54 You would watch old movies.
00:45:57 Or let Luxor say.
00:45:58 The Jetsons as an example.
00:46:01 Prior to the Immigration Act of 1965.
00:46:05 When you had watched depictions of the future.
00:46:10 What were they like?
00:46:13 People had flying cars, robot butlers.
00:46:19 You know you would, you would.
00:46:21 Your kids would learn from like these supercomputers that would.
00:46:25 You know, ZAP.
00:46:25 The information into their brain, all our matrix style, you know.
Speaker 1
00:46:30 It was a utopia.
00:46:34 And there was that video we played, and it has several strings back now, but everyone had their own like fusion generator in their house.
00:46:46 You had tons of free time because so many things were automated.
00:46:52 Is very optimistic, wasn't it?
00:46:58 Not so much.
00:47:00 After the Immigration Act of 1965.
00:47:05 Now I would say it took a few years.
00:47:07 But not many.
00:47:11 Little by little, you started getting this.
00:47:14 Sense that the future wasn't looking so bright.
00:47:20 And the art in the popular culture was reflecting that.
00:47:26 You didn't have movies like The Jetsons.
00:47:30 With people with flying cars and everything was nice.
00:47:36 I mean almost uniformly.
00:47:39 The views of the future was a multicultural hellscape.
00:47:46 Just crime everywhere.
00:47:49 Totalitarian government somehow is just like everyone's.
00:47:53 I mean, literally think of a movie that's not like that.
00:47:59 You know whether you're talking about, you know, Blade Runner or Mad Max, whether you're talking about, you know, what's the one with Bruce Willis and the the orange haired chick.
00:48:14 Now the fifth element you know.
00:48:19 It's always a multicultural hellscape.
00:48:22 There's a huge separation between the rich and the poor.
00:48:28 That's almost uniform.
00:48:33 It's it's almost just like an.
00:48:34 Assumption like everyone kind of knew.
00:48:39 Like this is where it's going.
00:48:43 Because in movies you need to have that suspension of disbelief, right?
00:48:49 So if you're going to be talking about the future.
00:48:52 It has to.
00:48:52 I mean, you're already cut.
00:48:53 It's a big ask.
00:48:54 You're like, OK, I'm not.
00:48:57 I'm not showing you something that really.
00:49:00 Is relatable in the reality that you occupy. I'm asking you to come into this made-up universe.
00:49:10 That takes place in the future, so I have to make it believable enough.
00:49:18 To where your brain can make the connection between the time that you're in now and this magical made-up time.
00:49:27 And your brain can.
00:49:27 See that, that that that is.
00:49:29 A plausible A plausible outcome.
00:49:33 And that way it stops fixating on some inconsistency or some weird thing that doesn't make sense in your future, you know, imaginary world and I can actually suspend my disbelief and get lost in the story and enjoy the movie.
00:49:53 Because if I do anything that's that's that doesn't make any sense.
00:49:58 The audience is just going to be wondering, like, what's up with the, you know, whatever.
00:50:03 The weird thing is.
00:50:06 Think of it like it's kind of like if you're in a technical field and look if you're in the computers.
00:50:11 You can think of 1,000,000 movies like this, right? Imagine if you're in a technical field and you watch a movie and just using computers example because it drove me crazy from like I was a little kid on like as soon as I understand anything about computers, I realize movies didn't.
00:50:28 Like and it was distracting, like if they were like, OK, I'm hacking the mainframe with the Super, you know, they would just make up words that sounded computers, like, oh, I downloaded the BIOS chip with the the RAM hard drive CD-ROM.
00:50:42 And you're just like, you just put a bunch of ******* buzzwords together.
00:50:45 That's not even like, that's nothing.
00:50:48 You know and and and of course it's always some black guy or a woman that's doing it. And then, like, the interface on the screen is just some made-up operating system and it distracts you like, you're just like, what this that's not a thing. That's that's. I can't now. Now I can't. Now I can't enjoy this.
00:51:09 Now I'm just stuck on like the.
00:51:10 What are you doing like this?
00:51:12 This isn't realistic.
00:51:14 And there's there's look there and there's tons of other technical things, right.
00:51:17 If you're in a technical field like I was talking to someone that she's.
00:51:20 In the medical field.
00:51:22 And the same things you'll watch movies that have scenes about, you know, medical procedures or whatever, and it's just like.
00:51:27 They always get it all wrong.
00:51:30 And so she fixates on.
00:51:31 Like ah, and it ruins the whole movie.
00:51:36 Well, the the same thing applies to these futuristic movies.
00:51:43 If you're going to present this, this future.
00:51:47 Your brain has to be the the average person has to be able to look at this.
00:51:51 Dystopian, multicultural hellscape and think.
00:51:55 Yeah, that's probably it.
00:51:58 And the fact that the majority.
00:52:01 The majority.
00:52:04 Of films about the future.
00:52:06 Look like that tells you everything you need to know about what.
00:52:09 Everyone in the West.
00:52:13 Thought was plausible.
00:52:18 That was the future.
00:52:21 That lay ahead.
00:52:29 And because of that, because that's all like a gut feeling that we've all had.
00:52:36 That is why things like zombie apocalypse movies are the same thing with the around the same time, why do you think that sprang up into popularity?
00:52:45 There's, there's actually a number of reasons, but another one of the biggest reasons.
00:52:50 Is it destroyed?
00:52:53 The hierarchy.
00:52:58 That's the first thing that happens right now, all.
00:53:00 Of a sudden.
00:53:02 The hierarchy, the injust incompetent or evil or whatever, doesn't matter.
00:53:08 The people that really doesn't have any moral authority.
00:53:14 That are in charge.
00:53:16 They all get wiped out.
00:53:20 It's kind of, it's like the end of Fight Club.
00:53:22 You know, they, they, they dynamite the the the debt records.
00:53:27 Reset everyone to 0.
00:53:29 Same thing, it's.
00:53:30 It's the same wish fulfillment.
00:53:33 They're hitting a giant ******* reset button on.
00:53:36 The hierarchy.
00:53:39 And that almost seem that and it doesn't matter.
00:53:42 Like it's people are so.
00:53:45 Disenchanted and so dissatisfied with the hierarchy.
00:53:51 To many, it seems preferable.
00:53:54 To have to go through life wielding a ******* chainsaw and having to chop off people's heads and almost die on a regular basis and have to scrounge through abandoned buildings for canned food and and and live a life of of just constant fight or flight.
00:54:14 That sounds preferable.
00:54:17 To the current situation.
00:54:24 Because at least the ******* hierarchy would be dissolved.
00:54:40 And that's the attractive aspect of of Atlas Shrugged.
00:54:45 Because obviously I mean I guess you could wait, right?
00:54:48 For a zombie.
00:54:49 Apocalypse I look there, I know this.
00:54:51 I was kind of hoping when this COVID stuff started, I was kind of like.
00:54:56 Excellent. It's kind of a.
00:54:59 I was a little excited for a minute.
00:55:01 I was like, yeah, really.
00:55:03 Like you.
00:55:04 See those videos coming out of China and you're like?
00:55:06 Oh, really?
00:55:07 This could?
00:55:07 This could get cool.
00:55:09 You know, maybe crazy kill. 80% of the people kind of pandemic thing. Well, maybe not so bad like it is again as long as long as it dissolves the hierarchy.
00:55:33 Because that's.
00:55:34 That's how ******* out of control.
00:55:36 ****** it is.
00:55:40 That that many people were like, you know what?
00:55:43 OK, so we got to lose like 80% of the.
00:55:46 Population to get rid of it.
00:55:48 You know, it's.
00:55:50 Yeah, you know, whatever.
00:55:51 You gotta pay a price.
00:55:52 You know, for anything.
00:56:00 But the problem with those fantasies, or that that wish fulfillment stuff is it's you're you're waiting for some, it's you're, you know, you're waiting for Superman to show up.
00:56:10 You know whether Superman is is some zombie virus or or whatever you're waiting for someone else to take care of it.
00:56:19 Basically, you're waiting for like an act of God to take place.
00:56:26 Whereas an Atlas Shrugged.
00:56:30 The idea was.
00:56:31 Hey, you know what?
00:56:32 We're going to just.
00:56:33 Say **** you guys.
00:56:36 We're going to go create.
00:56:38 Our own community.
00:56:41 We're going to take the best of the best, the people who are tired of the incompetence.
00:56:47 And the corruption and the degeneracy.
00:56:52 Of the ruling class.
00:56:55 We're going to detach ourselves.
00:56:57 We're going to take off.
00:57:00 These harnesses they've strapped to us while we drag the rest of.
00:57:04 The world behind us.
00:57:08 And we're going to let them deal with it themselves for once.
00:57:19 Now the way it's depicted in Atlas Shrugged is unrealistic.
00:57:23 For a number of reasons.
Speaker 9
00:57:26 But that.
00:57:28 That dream, I think is still a valid dream.
00:57:33 That dream.
00:57:36 Of liberating yourself.
00:57:39 From a parasite that's been sucking you dry.
00:57:46 Is a valid 1.
00:57:50 Detaching yourself from.
00:57:54 Just the blood sucking ******* vampire.
00:57:59 That's been just trying to steal your life force and everything that you've ever worked for.
00:58:09 That's a valid 1.
00:58:15 And there's there's versions of that that we can make happen.
00:58:21 And the great thing is.
00:58:24 None of those versions.
00:58:29 None of those versions at all involve giving a ****.
00:58:34 About **** like this.
Speaker 9
00:58:50 And then there's a big protest tomorrow.
00:58:53 Yeah, that's good.
00:58:58 Because **** them.
00:59:01 **** them.
00:59:06 Someone else's problem, not my problem.
00:59:12 Not my problem.
00:59:21 If you really believe that they are incapable of operating.
00:59:26 A complex society.
00:59:30 And I look, I I firmly believe that I think the evidence is all over the place of that.
Speaker 1
00:59:35 Right.
00:59:36 Show me.
00:59:37 Show me the the one successful.
00:59:40 African country.
00:59:46 Show me the the the Mexican computer company.
00:59:56 Show me the the the El Salvadoran space agency.
01:00:12 It doesn't exist.
01:00:19 There not only is there no effort.
01:00:22 To prevent this kind of thing from happening, that's part of the.
01:00:25 That's part of the plan.
01:00:29 And there's just not.
01:00:33 Again, we have.
01:00:35 You certainly still the the, the the frustrating thing is and the thing that misleads people into thinking that, oh, no, we can still stop this.
01:00:44 Is that yeah, I mean.
01:00:46 Physically, right? Technically.
01:00:49 I mean, if you had some kind of weird mind control over white people or you could make them act in unison or ****, I guess.
01:00:56 I mean, in terms we're talking mind control.
01:00:58 If you just had control over the media, that would be enough, it would be it'd be enough.
01:01:03 If you controlled just the the major news network or just the the, I guess you need entertainment too.
01:01:09 If you controlled the media as in the the the television media and the film industry.
01:01:17 That'd be all you needed.
01:01:19 You could turn things around.
01:01:24 You could and weirdly fast.
01:01:28 It would take some time, but you could.
Speaker 1
01:01:29 Do it weirdly fast.
01:01:32 And for starters, all you'd have to do is just report on stuff like this, right?
01:01:37 And frame it the way that you know.
01:01:40 In reality is like.
01:01:43 You wouldn't have to do much.
01:01:44 You wouldn't have to be that sneaky about it.
01:01:47 I guess you would also need to, you know, control over academia, but these are institutions that.
01:01:52 Are long gone.
01:01:55 They're long gone.
01:01:57 And have been long gone for decades.
01:02:03 And without it, you're not going to control the NPCS because you don't.
01:02:08 You're not.
01:02:08 You're in no position to install their firmware.
01:02:15 So let it burn.
01:02:17 Let it ******* burn.
Speaker 1
01:02:24 All right on that happy note.
01:02:29 Another reason to detach from.
01:02:33 The society.
01:02:35 I honestly, I just think some of this is going to be necessity.
01:02:40 Some of this is going to be a necessity.
01:02:43 It's not not just because of the COVID nuff and vaccines.
01:02:46 And, you know, vaccine, passport or whatever.
01:02:48 It doesn't matter, even if they roll it all back, you know, you know, if they, they, they, they backpedal from a lot of these things that they're trying to do it they've already, they've already showed their hand.
01:02:59 We already know we know where they what they want.
01:03:02 We know where this is headed.
01:03:05 You know, I mean, it's not like, well, I mean like here.
Speaker 12
01:03:10 I want to be straight with you.
01:03:12 There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future, I repeat.
01:03:19 There will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
Speaker 13
01:03:24 So people assume we are just going back to the good old world which we had and everything will be normal again in how we are used to normal.
01:03:36 It's old fashioned.
01:03:38 This is, let's say fiction.
01:03:41 It will not happen.
Speaker 12
01:03:42 A vaccine on.
01:03:43 Its own will not end the pandemic.
01:03:50 Yeah, regardless if they they ruled us back, we know the what the ruling class has in store long term.
01:03:59 And you might be able to slow it down.
01:04:02 And you might be able to do things.
01:04:03 And look, there's there's very impressive resistance, surprisingly.
01:04:09 And, you know, in some places I look every this was a white pill in some way.
01:04:13 But it's again, it's a drop in the bucket, like when you see this kind of thing going.
01:04:17 This is Australia, the protesters interacting with law enforcement that was trying to shut down their protest.
Speaker 1
01:04:24 It was.
01:04:24 Well, it was a little surprising to see and good to see and people should be doing this and this is good.
01:05:16 Look, and that's awesome.
01:05:17 And I I'd love to see more of that.
01:05:22 And I don't know what the demographics are like in Australia, so it's it's harder to to know.
01:05:27 What lies ahead for those guys?
01:05:30 But in America?
01:05:32 We're not seeing stuff like that.
01:05:36 We're not. We're just not.
01:05:40 You know, in America we're seeing stuff.
01:05:46 You know, like like this.
01:05:53 And all the protests that that happen that have any kind of energy behind them.
01:06:01 It becomes a excuse for the ruling class to bludgeon.
01:06:06 Us to death.
01:06:08 You know, a number of people that I know have been visited by federal law enforcement in, well, even, like, just even recently just in regards to the, the the justice for J 6th rally that happened today.
01:06:27 I know a number of people who are visited by federal law enforcement and questioned about whether or not they were going to go and.
01:06:35 And stuff like that.
01:06:44 And look, I don't think that the organizer necessarily was like trying to do some kind of fed up.
01:06:50 It was just a bad idea because it would be easily turned into a fed up like it just was unbelievably foolish given the the.
01:07:02 Current climate to try to do something like that.
01:07:06 Because, I mean, that's what they want.
01:07:08 They they have been milking the January 6th thing for so long that they would love to have, you know, a sequel.
01:07:16 They would love it.
01:07:22 Now, fortunately not a lot of people that don't work for the federal government showed up to that thing.
01:07:26 That thing today was, I mean, in fact, a lot of people just didn't even know what's going on.
01:07:32 But there, if you didn't know what's going on.
01:07:33 So there was a a a rally today in DC that was supposed to be in support of the people that are in prison right now because of.
01:07:45 Showing up to the protest that Trump told them to go.
01:07:48 To and believing that patriots were in charge, as Q said.
01:07:53 And now they're still locked up, and many of them are put in on a regular basis into solitary confinement.
01:08:03 And there, you know, look, there should be some kind of advocacy for those people, I guess, but I.
01:08:09 Again, it's like you have to know you have to know what it at a certain point you have to be able to do that calculation.
01:08:18 And and.
01:08:20 When it comes to.
01:08:22 Your ability to accomplish what it is you want the the larger.
01:08:28 The larger objective that you have.
01:08:36 Then I don't see how going to DC this weekend would have accomplished any objective that would have been in your favor.
01:08:43 I mean perfect if you aren't know.
01:08:44 Like a good example of of how you would know that that's the truth.
01:08:48 The media coverage alone should have told.
01:08:50 You everything you need to know.
01:08:52 If that's a protest they didn't want you going to they.
01:08:55 Wouldn't have covered it 24 hours a day.
01:08:58 There was a lot of media coverage.
01:09:02 And as I said, there was almost as many reporters that showed up as.
01:09:05 There were protesters.
01:09:08 If this was a a protest that they didn't want to have happen, they wanted to bury it.
01:09:12 They would, that's all.
01:09:13 You have to do is just, not.
01:09:16 Just not had the camera crews there.
01:09:20 Because then as far as the normies are concerned.
01:09:24 It didn't happen.
01:09:26 Doesn't matter if you bring your phone and you stream it to.
01:09:30 You know, even 10,000 people or whatever.
01:09:35 That's not going to reach most people.
01:09:37 It's going to reach the people that are looking for it.
01:09:41 The people that already know, but that's going to largely be a preaching to the choir type operation.
01:09:48 And sadly, like even some of the people that were that are locked up, they're they're aware.
Speaker 9
01:09:52 Of this.
01:09:54 I think this is the right.
01:09:55 One, let me see here.
Speaker 11
01:09:58 January 6, defendants being held in jail, pre trial and their representatives tell us they do watch TV news inside the jail and they're aware the September 18th protest is set to happen.
01:10:10 One of those inmates is Landon Copeland, a U.S.
01:10:12 Army veteran from Utah accused of assaulting police outside the capital January 6th.
01:10:17 We're awaiting.
01:10:18 His play in this case.
01:10:19 To a federal charge of assault and violent entry, he has already made multiple jailhouse phone calls to us.
01:10:26 To say he doesn't think he committed any crime and argue that it was police who were being too aggressive that day and to say he knows there are some people who consider the dozens of January 6 defendants to be political prisoners.
01:10:38 That Copeland.
01:10:39 Tells us the numbers of those supporters are dwindling.
01:10:43 And that he expects.
01:10:43 Little turn out at the protest in DC Saturday.
Speaker 8
01:10:47 It's going to be anything big.
01:10:50 See he.
01:10:51 This is one of the people in jail.
01:10:53 I mean, even he knows.
01:10:58 And that sucks for him.
01:10:59 It does.
01:11:02 And his heart was in the right place, and whatever, I guess.
01:11:05 But it was, you know.
01:11:09 It was a bad idea.
01:11:10 It was a bad idea.
01:11:11 It's it's like it's kind of like what they say.
01:11:13 You know, if you're going to point your gun at someone or don't point your.
01:11:16 Gun at.
01:11:17 Someone, unless you're planning on shooting, you know, like.
01:11:22 Like, I'm not saying maybe it was a.
01:11:25 Bad metaphor, you know.
01:11:27 But you know what?
01:11:27 I mean like.
01:11:28 You don't.
01:11:29 You don't do half measures.
01:11:30 You don't half ask something like that.
01:11:33 Otherwise now you're this.
01:11:34 Now you're this guy.
01:11:39 Now you're this guy.
01:11:41 This guy who probably got caught up in the moment, got caught up in the energy got riled up by Trump speech.
01:11:49 Trump speech reesa I'm going to go down there with the capital with you and.
01:11:53 Then he didn't.
01:11:57 Got caught up with the, you know, like there was federal agents.
01:12:00 They're agitating.
01:12:00 Know that already.
01:12:07 They got caught up in the energy of the custards that were there that thought that they were going to somehow, I don't know, they had no real plan.
01:12:15 Who knows what they thought, right?
01:12:21 Or maybe he just was unlucky.
01:12:22 Maybe he didn't get caught up so much his.
01:12:25 You know, he just having to be the wrong place.
01:12:26 The wrong time doesn't matter.
01:12:29 And now he's ******.
01:12:32 And there is no advocacy group.
01:12:34 There is no Jewish NGO.
01:12:35 That's going to be defending him.
Speaker 8
01:12:43 Everybody's broke right now too.
01:12:46 Well, that's the thing too, is we don't have.
01:12:50 We don't have money behind us.
01:12:54 We just, we just don't.
01:12:57 We are not up.
01:12:58 That's kind of the whole point, right?
01:13:02 You know, people like to make fun of AOC.
01:13:04 Oh, she wore this this cringe dress.
01:13:06 This set that that probably cost like thousands of dollars.
01:13:09 That said, tax the rich and she, you know, paid $30,000 for this ball than that and.
01:13:17 Like, that's like, like anyone cares, right?
01:13:19 Like that.
01:13:21 Like, So what?
01:13:24 So what?
01:13:25 We get it.
01:13:25 We ******* get it.
01:13:34 We get it that we're you.
01:13:35 Know we're the poor people.
01:13:40 Yeah, it's disgusting.
01:13:41 But, like, you know.
01:13:47 It doesn't matter. So what?
Speaker 11
01:13:51 You don't think people are mobilized to to come get you all out of detention?
Speaker 8
01:13:57 No, there's nobody's going to do that. There's there's people are broke. People are so poor right now.
Speaker 11
01:14:03 They're kind of coming here for you and.
01:14:04 For the others who are detained.
Speaker 8
01:14:07 Yeah, I mean, I'm actually working a big deal, but I don't see anybody, nobody cares.
01:14:11 Nobody cares.
01:14:12 I'm in there, you know, I'm just an average Joe.
Speaker 11
01:14:15 We've seen protests outside the DC jail.
01:14:17 Earlier this summer, people busted in from as far away as Idaho, with signs calling for the release of the January 6 defendants.
01:14:24 And according to our.
01:14:25 And this ****** right here you can.
01:14:27 Tell he loves it.
01:14:28 He loves it.
01:14:30 He ******* loves that those guys are in jail.
Speaker 11
01:14:34 Latest reporting.
01:14:35 There's a separate ring of the jail strictly for January 6 defendants.
01:14:39 The inmates call.
01:14:40 It the Patriot wing, according to a new.
01:14:43 Look at that.
01:14:43 ******* his eyes.
01:14:44 Just light up.
01:14:45 He loves it.
Speaker 11
01:14:46 Filing from one of those inmates have been a series of disciplinary issues among the January 6th inmates, with multiple inmates being put in the hole.
01:14:55 Oh, look at that.
01:14:56 He's he loves that with multiple inmates being put in the hole.
01:15:03 That that light in his eyes.
01:15:14 You got to.
01:15:14 Know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away and and know when to run.
01:15:20 All right.
01:15:21 So that leads us to.
01:15:26 Our our main attraction, I don't know if it's really a main attraction, but there there is something I wanted to talk about in reference.
01:15:34 I I kind of teased this the very, very, very beginning.
01:15:38 For those of you who tuned in early.
01:15:42 There have been movements.
01:15:44 That have made a lot of progress that seemingly did not have a lot of power.
01:15:50 Of course they did, but seemingly didn't have a lot of power back in the 90s that have made enormous strides for their movements.
01:16:01 Now there are huge differences between.
01:16:06 Our movement.
01:16:08 Which I don't even like calling it a movement because there doesn't seem to be.
01:16:11 A lot of movement, right?
01:16:15 I don't know what you'd call it.
01:16:17 Our interest group about that.
01:16:20 And this interest group and the the biggest reason, or the biggest difference, rather, is the funding.
01:16:27 And the fact that they had friends in high places and really that that we don't have either one of those.
01:16:33 We don't have funding or friends in high places, so our strategies have to be completely different and our expectations are have to be completely different and.
01:16:44 In fact, there's it's a mistake.
01:16:49 To try to look at what they've accomplished and how they've accomplished it, and think that somehow you can repurpose a lot of that for your own movement.
01:17:01 Because, again, we're coming with, we have totally different resources. It's kind of like when in 2016 a lot of people on the right thought they were being real clever. Like, let's read rules for radicals.
01:17:14 And let's basically copy all the tactics that the left has been using for the last 40 or 50 years to accomplish all the goals that they've clearly accomplished.
01:17:24 Then they've done it.
01:17:26 And let's let's try to do that.
01:17:27 Let's try the same kind of activism.
01:17:29 Let's try the same, you know, and it was exciting and fun because it was something different.
01:17:35 It wasn't just like the same old stupid.
01:17:37 Let's vote for another shift bag.
01:17:39 That's not going to do anything for us, that it it actually got conservatives energized and showing up something that didn't doesn't really happen cause conservatives have always been had like an aversion to.
01:17:50 Protesting or like look because they are part of the the support system that people that that are, you know, the Atlas right holding up the world, they can't just take time off work and show up to some stupid protest or whatever and because or as that guy said they're poor because of the economy because of all the jobs that have shifted to the.
01:18:10 The people walking across the the Rio Grande and by the thousands or just the taxes that have been taken from their paychecks in order to pay for all that **** because of all of these reasons.
01:18:24 The right just hasn't been as engaged in the same ways that the left has.
01:18:30 But that missing piece to that puzzle.
01:18:35 Is that the right?
01:18:36 Also doesn't have like.
01:18:37 A George Soros.
01:18:39 The right also doesn't have you know, these people with deep pockets.
01:18:47 Bussing people in funding organizations, they're missing an entire infrastructure.
01:18:54 That without that infrastructure.
01:18:57 All of your little activism.
01:19:00 While it might go viral and be very entertaining, and you know again be something, that's kind of exciting and adds a little bit of a cool factor.
01:19:14 Online it stays online.
01:19:18 It stays online.
01:19:21 Because that's the only outlet that you have access to, and because they realize that and they start shutting that down so you don't even have access to that in.
01:19:30 The same ways that the left does either.
01:19:36 So with that.
01:19:37 In mind, we're going to take a look at these activists in 1996.
01:19:42 Talking about some of their objectives and and we'll see how they've accomplished some of their goals.
01:19:52 What it is we can learn.
01:19:57 Because I still think there are some things we.
01:19:58 Can learn from this.
01:20:02 And because I want you to learn.
01:20:06 I want you to learn.
01:20:06 The hard way what this is about.
01:20:11 I'm going to make you.
01:20:12 I guess you'll learn pretty.
01:20:13 Quick, so let's watch the.
01:20:16 Let's watch the intro.
01:20:19 So here we go.
01:20:50 So, yeah, it's gay rights activists for those.
01:20:52 Of you just listening.
01:20:54 The intro was very global.
01:20:56 So it's gay rights activists.
01:20:59 In 1996, I believe.
01:21:03 And well, there's something very unsurprising about about the the main guy.
Speaker 10
01:21:15 Can we go too far with gay rights on this episode of sorting out, we'll discuss that question with a man who is one of Westchester counties and the Hudson Valley's most committed activist for the lesbian and gay community. I'm Robert wizzle. Please join me in welcoming Mr. Lester Goldstein.
01:21:35 His name is.
01:21:36 Lester Goldstein like.
01:21:43 I mean, that's like.
01:21:49 I mean not I.
01:21:49 Mean the Goldstein obviously.
01:21:51 Right.
01:21:51 It's Lester Goldstein.
01:21:54 Like ohh God.
01:21:57 And he and he sounds.
01:21:58 Look, he hasn't talked yet.
01:22:00 He sounds exactly like you would expect, Lester.
01:22:03 Goldstein to sound like.
01:22:06 Well, he and.
01:22:07 He looks he looks like Lester Goldstein would look like.
01:22:12 And this was like one of the top, you know, gay rights activist Lester Goldstein.
01:22:21 Here we.
Speaker 10
01:22:24 Thank you for being on.
01:22:27 Lester, please, just give us about your background in the community, please.
01:22:32 Well, I've been working with the Law Forces Co president now for 5 1/2 years and active with the Westchester County.
01:22:41 This Council, as well as the Rockland Coalition against AIDS and I travel quite a bit in.
01:22:46 The Hudson Valley.
01:22:47 So Orange County, Ulster County, Rockland, here in Westchester and speaking in generations and trying to educate the public and build bridges.
01:22:58 Alright, so first and foremost.
01:23:01 Why is that irrelevant to us?
01:23:04 Because all because someone's paying for that fat **** to do all that ****.
01:23:11 That's a a high paying job.
01:23:13 It's not even just a paying job.
01:23:14 That's a high paying job.
01:23:17 And you don't have anyone paying you to do that.
01:23:21 You don't have anyone paying a right wing guy to drive around and try to network.
01:23:28 You don't have people within the even at like the lower end of the ruling class inviting you to.
01:23:37 Dinners, you know, charity balls and stuff like that.
01:23:42 You have no angle of attack.
01:23:45 Whereas this guy, even in 1996.
01:23:49 He's going to have access to tons of money.
01:23:53 He's going to have access to invites to the right parties.
01:23:59 Is going to have access to media.
01:24:05 He's going to have, I mean, these are all things we don't have.
01:24:10 And so trying to repurpose.
01:24:13 What they're doing here in this very organized fashion, it just isn't.
01:24:18 It's an, it's a non starter.
01:24:20 We don't even have an in.
01:24:23 That's just not where we're at right now.
01:24:28 So he goes through and he basically names some of the things that he's trying to accomplish.
01:24:32 He goes in numbers.
01:24:33 It's like one through 7 that these things he wants to accomplish.
01:24:37 And this is again this is in 1996. So just think of how much things have changed 1996.
01:24:44 These are his objectives and he's and he and he acts like he's kind of frustrated, like, oh, we haven't got.
01:24:48 Enough done yet, and I mean.
01:24:52 ******* a like mission, Mission, way accomplished.
01:24:56 And The funny thing is, so the the name of this episode is can gay rights go too far?
01:25:02 And obviously the conclusion is no.
01:25:05 But the reason why they they called it that is and I couldn't find it, but apparently he was doing this, you know, gay.
01:25:11 TV appearance to after after engaging in a debate where that was the title.
01:25:19 Can gay rights?
01:25:21 Go too far and he was debating some ethics, some Christian ethics professor and I could not.
01:25:28 Again, I could not find that actual debate anywhere, or even references to it.
01:25:35 So I mean, I guess it was probably pretty small or whatever, maybe some college campus lecture.
01:25:41 Hall kind of a.
01:25:42 Thing, but they don't really talk about it that much, so I'm assuming he might not have performed that well, but he lists out one of the things he wanted to make clear was that when they list their objectives, it had to be some they had to list it in such a way that it would apply.
01:26:04 Almost universally.
01:26:06 So they couldn't, for example, or at least the framing that he wanted to do is he couldn't frame that his objective as well.
01:26:14 We need this because this is important to gay people, he had to say.
01:26:20 Well, we need this because this is important to everyone.
01:26:26 And the ****** ** thing is it opens up the floodgates because you have to redefine and we'll talk about some of that here in a moment.
01:26:34 But you have to redefine.
01:26:35 I mean even just words in the English language which.
01:26:37 They've done to make that.
01:26:40 Work and it opens the floodgates to people like everyone. Everyone's like pedophiles. Just as an example, everything he says because they're framing it in such a generic way and not just being specific about what they want, he everything he says, applies to pedophiles every.
01:27:00 A single thing.
01:27:02 And so here we go.
Speaker 10
01:27:04 Hey, how did you present the right?
01:27:07 Well, we went right through them from 1:00 to 6:00.
01:27:10 The first being the right to live and work free from discrimination based on sexual orientation.
01:27:18 Sexual orientation that literally applies to pedophiles. It's a made-up term.
01:27:26 Now here's the Google Ngram of sexual orientation.
01:27:31 Now, for those of you who can't.
01:27:32 See it.
01:27:33 Maybe I can make.
01:27:34 This bigger I just don't think you.
Speaker 1
01:27:35 Will see it, but let's.
01:27:36 See if I can make it bigger anyway.
Speaker 1
01:27:41 I made it too big.
01:27:46 Sexual orientation did not exist as a term until the ******* boomers.
01:27:54 It did not exist.
01:27:56 It was not a thing.
01:27:58 There's like 0 mention of it until about the mid 60s.
01:28:04 Well, not even like, that's like the.
01:28:05 That's like the late 60s, early 70s and then around the 80s, nineties, it skyrockets.
01:28:15 Sexual orientation is a made-up term.
01:28:20 And again, it applies to pedophiles.
01:28:24 It applies to bestiality.
01:28:30 It applies to anything it applies to.
01:28:33 Anything you can stick **** **** **.
01:28:38 Applies to furries.
01:28:41 It applies to literally anything.
Speaker 10
01:28:51 To be evaluated on the basis of merit and not by our sexuality, and to be free from unfair discrimination by our own government.
01:29:02 Now again, that's that applies to pedophiles.
01:29:08 He he'll he'll bring up more of the legal stuff in a second, but we'll we'll wait till until we get to that part.
Speaker 10
01:29:15 Just a little bit on the this, I think that's a good point to start out with because this is an area.
01:29:20 Where we have made some progress.
01:29:23 There are nine states now that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, and the world has not come to an end.
01:29:30 And this.
01:29:33 See, that was the other thing.
01:29:34 The the hyperbole of oh.
01:29:35 You you think the world's going to?
01:29:37 End if we let gays get married.
01:29:39 Now there's something something else interesting that that they bring up.
01:29:43 I think this is the club let.
Speaker 1
01:29:44 Me see.
Speaker 10
01:29:45 That's the second right.
01:29:46 That's the second right, the right to feelings and violence and harassment.
01:29:51 And this is.
01:29:54 I I think that we have at least.
01:29:56 In New York.
01:29:57 All right, so this is this is something that it's very important.
01:30:01 How they accomplish this and there is some scary parallels with with what he's about to talk about.
01:30:07 But the first and foremost thing is, and this was the one of the few on, unfortunately one of the few rational arguments that the right made against this, this hate crime.
01:30:18 Stuff, which is what he's about to.
01:30:19 Discuss because he's saying, Oh well, we just want the free from violence and harassment again.
01:30:24 It has to be something that would apply to anything, right?
01:30:27 So that would apply to pedophiles.
01:30:28 But here's the thing that already existed.
01:30:32 That already existed.
01:30:34 If you got harassed or someone beats you up or whatever, that was already illegal.
01:30:41 You didn't need new laws.
01:30:43 And the only way that you needed new laws.
01:30:47 Is if you wanted specific extra punishments.
01:30:52 Like hate crime, this is before hate crimes were a thing.
01:30:56 Well, in order for him to get the hate crimes, listen to how they they accomplish that, and then we'll talk about what is going on today.
Speaker 10
01:31:04 Have so far to go in.
01:31:05 30 states have passed bias related crimes bills.
01:31:09 New York Chancellor is not.
01:31:11 One of them.
01:31:13 I think that.
01:31:15 That the federal hate Crime Statistics Act, which was passed and was renewed last year, is a good indication that the numbers there are a good indication of the need for this bill in New York, the.
01:31:29 OK, so that's.
01:31:31 That's important.
01:31:32 It might not seem.
01:31:32 Important but it is.
01:31:34 The federal hate Crime Statistics Act.
01:31:40 Now what?
01:31:40 That what that is is that's a law that's requiring.
01:31:46 The basically separating out.
01:31:50 Of the regular crime statistics, things that.
01:31:55 Government employees and bureaucrats determine our hate crimes and believe me, because it's another one of those things that, you know, federal law enforcement doesn't have the time for.
01:32:09 So what they would do, oftentimes including the FBI, surprisingly or not.
01:32:14 So surprisingly these days.
01:32:16 They would offload a lot of this clerical work.
01:32:19 To groups like the ADL.
01:32:23 They would go to the ADL and say we need you to because we don't have the manpower or whatever to tell us.
01:32:33 How many of these crimes are hate crimes?
01:32:38 So you literally had NGOs, Jewish NGOs.
01:32:44 What constituted as a hate crime and whether or not the crime has reported qualified as a hate crime?
01:32:53 And this is very important.
01:32:56 Because if you want to make legislation.
01:32:59 Directed at hate crimes.
01:33:03 You have to have that statistic that you can flaunt all over the media in front of congressional hearings, saying look, how dare you you you don't want to address this problem. You know we have an increase of 50% in hate crimes this year and.
01:33:21 Well, what's one of the things that they're?
01:33:23 Doing right now.
01:33:24 We talked about earlier this year.
01:33:28 About how the Biden administration wants to start, we focused more on this part of the the the the bill that they were passing.
01:33:39 They want to start all these agencies.
01:33:44 Within agencies.
01:33:47 That specifically go after.
01:33:50 I mean they there's a lot of fancy language, but if you cut through all the ********, it's to go after white people.
01:33:57 Is to go after white supremacy, right?
01:34:02 And to not only find white supremacy in in crimes.
01:34:08 Excuse me, but within the the law enforcement.
01:34:12 Apparatus itself to like ferret out.
01:34:15 Any white supremacists that might be working for federal law enforcement, local law enforcement, the military.
01:34:27 And a big part of that.
01:34:30 Also focused on exactly what he's saying.
01:34:36 The the like reporting and and generating statistics.
01:34:43 And it's for the same ******* reason.
01:34:47 It's to generate all these statistics so they can say much like and who do you?
01:34:51 It's going to be.
01:34:52 The same ******* people.
01:34:55 Like when you see the ADL tweet out like every week.
01:34:58 Oh, anti-Semitism is at an all time high, like every week.
01:35:01 It's just it's always going up.
01:35:06 It's going to be the same thing when it comes to the white supremacist crime.
01:35:12 Or like when they **** with the gun violence statistics when they act as if somehow gang violence.
01:35:20 Is not a factor or they'll include suicides.
01:35:23 They include suicides in, in, in the gun violence statistics.
01:35:31 They'll find any way.
01:35:32 I mean, it's kind of like.
01:35:33 Well, I mean, look, look how they're doing.
01:35:35 The COVID statistics.
01:35:36 Oh, you got hit by a car, but you had COVID, COVID, Neath.
01:35:42 They're going to do the same thing.
01:35:46 The same exact thing and for the same reason.
01:35:50 You know, people like that mean they pass it around.
01:35:52 That photo of Bill Gates with that book, like how to Lie with statistics or whatever that was.
01:35:59 That's that's that's why they they need these statistics so they can lie.
01:36:06 In in a formal manner, in a formal setting to formalize the next stages of their plans.
01:36:15 And it worked with hate crime legislation, it will work again when it starts, when they start legislating against white people.
01:36:23 Which they they're they've already.
01:36:24 You know, they've already accomplished some of that.
01:36:26 But like when it you know, if you want to turn the heat up a little bit, Oh well, we got to do something.
01:36:30 It's like John or Don Lemon said.
01:36:33 Oh, we had this Muslim ban.
01:36:35 When are we going to have the white white guy band?
01:36:38 You know the biggest danger to Americans these days, it's these white guys and we got to do something.
01:36:43 About them.
01:36:46 Well, this is the.
01:36:47 This is the statistics necessary.
01:36:50 To make it all legal and nice when they do.
Speaker 10
01:36:54 The number of hate crimes, not just directed against those lesbians, but against people on the basis of religion or color or age or sex, is just outrageous.
01:37:05 Or not, but certainly not political affiliation, right?
01:37:11 Man, I mean.
01:37:11 That that would.
01:37:12 Have been if you wanted to get rid of Antifa, right?
01:37:15 All you'd have to do is include that as a hate crime and you'd have to arrest.
01:37:19 Like almost all of them.
01:37:20 For violence political, you know, against people, for political reasons or, for example, when my books got banned, I could say, oh, that I'm a protected class.
01:37:30 In fact, The funny thing is, weirdly enough, is cucked as Canada is.
01:37:34 And Canada is like that.
01:37:35 You can't discriminate based on political ideology.
01:37:38 But in America, you can.
Speaker 10
01:37:40 And it's it's a shameful, you know, state that we live in the York, the progressive state, the Empire State is counted in the minority.
01:37:50 Of this on this issue.
01:37:52 OK.
Speaker 10
01:37:52 I mean, I know in some states there is an anti violence division within police departments and someone where they're actually documenting.
01:37:59 Because understand, we need documentation in order for any kind of well, fortunately.
01:38:03 Ah, see, he even started to say we need the documentation in order for, you know, for us to.
01:38:08 Get these laws.
Speaker 10
01:38:09 Let's just because many of the areas.
01:38:12 Where the reporting of hate crimes has become mandated, according to the county legislature, and that is something that happened just last year.
01:38:21 Should people be reporting hate crimes?
01:38:23 Well, if there's little crime should be reported to the police.
01:38:26 Notice how he also, he also says well.
01:38:28 And people should be reporting hate crimes.
01:38:32 You know what he what?
01:38:33 He's what.
01:38:33 He's talking about there, right?
01:38:38 He's talking about any excuse you can find to try to beef up that number.
01:38:47 Now that you know.
01:38:48 You live in a jurisdiction where that's a requirement.
01:38:52 Anytime someone calls you a *** or or or doesn't you just you just imagine that they do it like remember all the hate crime hoaxes that happened, especially around 2016, around the Trump election. It seemed like there was a hate crime hoax every 5 minutes it.
01:39:08 Was like multiple a day.
01:39:13 That's the that's the pad, the numbers and you know they don't take the hoaxes.
01:39:16 Out of the statistics.
Speaker 10
01:39:18 The responsibility to report them as hate crimes than is on the police departments, and even though in Westchester County we still need to do a lot of work to educate police chiefs and to have them, you know, include educational model bias.
01:39:32 Crime is at the at the level of the rookie Academy publisher step.
01:39:36 See and he's already he's literally getting his hands into police academies.
01:39:43 And trying to implement which I guarant look it's it's there I you find me a police Academy that doesn't have some kind of like hate crime training again Jesus Christ that mission accomplished there.
01:40:00 But you're not going to be able to do that with anything that we'd want.
01:40:03 You're not going to be able to find a way to make sure that police enforce or or or respond to violence against right wing people.
01:40:17 And the right being learning people are are Public Enemy #1.
Speaker 10
01:40:25 Let's go on to the third line, please.
01:40:28 That would be the right to privacy and let's animate over section and reproductive lives.
01:40:33 OK.
01:40:34 Again, everyone already had right to privacy.
01:40:40 And his his, his.
01:40:42 Reply the the the control over his reproductive lives.
01:40:48 By definition, your sex life is not reproductive.
01:40:53 And so it's funny because you think to yourself, oh, is he going to go in like an adoption, you know, way with this, like, no?
Speaker 10
01:41:03 Again, without criminal sanction, there are still many states that are categorize sex between same sex partners as sad and as a criminal act.
01:41:19 In 96.
01:41:24 96 That's how quickly it changed. Listen to what?
01:41:26 He said specially.
01:41:29 In Virginia.
Speaker 1
01:41:33 That went too far.
Speaker 10
01:41:35 Again, without criminal sanction, there are still many states that categorize.
01:41:44 I thought he said the number.
01:41:45 I guess he doesn't say the number, but there were.
01:41:47 There were lots of states where you.
01:41:49 Could get arrested for, but *******.
Speaker 10
01:41:51 Sex between same sex partner?
01:41:55 It was a.
01:41:55 Criminal act.
01:41:56 So general thing comes to me.
01:41:58 Virginia has, as a matter of fact, beyond the side that says it's not legal to serve alcohol to a gathering of more than two million homosexuals.
01:42:08 Look at that. Virginia had a literal anti-gay bar law.
01:42:13 You could not serve alcohol to a gathering that had more than two known homosexuals.
01:42:20 That was on the books.
01:42:22 And 96 in Virginia.
01:42:28 That wasn't that long ago.
01:42:36 That was on the books.
01:42:39 And effectively prevented gay bars.
01:42:42 If you had a gay bar, you could literally bust it because you're ohh, you're serving alcohol and there's obviously like, there's like 30 homosexuals here.
01:42:52 You can take their liquor license.
01:42:54 And that was it.
Speaker 10
01:42:58 Well, in terms of reproductive rights, and I have very often, people do not think of gays and lesbians as parents or as as as having reproductive sex.
01:43:08 But of course, they're not all the same.
01:43:11 And by the way, because I forgot.
01:43:12 To do that.
01:43:14 The same thing applies to pedophiles.
01:43:19 Right, everyone already has the right to privacy.
01:43:24 But we have laws against ******* kids.
01:43:33 Just like we have laws.
01:43:36 Or had laws against ******* each other in the ***.
01:43:44 So so far everything he has said.
01:43:48 Would also apply to pedophiles.
Speaker 10
01:43:54 Bisexual people or people who choose to use an alternative insemination, and along with you know, control over our reproductive lives, of course, abortion.
01:44:14 You want to you want to explain that?
01:44:15 One to me.
01:44:18 You want to explain why?
01:44:22 **** would need abortion.
01:44:32 Really, I mean explained.
01:44:33 I don't know that it sort of seems like.
01:44:36 That's that doesn't make any sense.
01:44:41 Doesn't make any sense unless really your goal is just to destroy society.
01:44:45 I don't see how having abortion is is helpful or a gay issue.
Speaker 10
01:44:50 Is an issue. It's an issue where there's very much aligned. I think with the women's movement.
01:45:01 Unless it's just you're purely satanic.
01:45:05 And you want to destroy.
01:45:09 The white male patriarchy, which is exactly what you're there to do.
01:45:12 And in fact, they even kind of start to admit that towards the end, what a lot of people, well, we'll get to.
01:45:17 When we get to it.
01:45:22 What would the gay rights movement?
01:45:26 Have in common.
01:45:29 With the feminists that want abortion.
01:45:35 Just like the the the the gay rights movement and the feminists that want abortions, they have nothing in common with the Muslims that want to immigrate by the millions into the country, and yet they still.
01:45:46 Create coalitions.
01:45:49 Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
01:45:54 They have a common enemy.
01:45:59 And that's all that matters.
01:46:01 All that matters is destroying.
01:46:04 What your ancestors built, that's the only purpose here.
Speaker 10
01:46:09 And we think that we live in a society, of course, where abortion is legal.
01:46:14 But the question is, is it available?
01:46:16 It wasn't enough that it was legal.
01:46:18 He wanted it to be government funded.
01:46:22 That's what he means by available.
Speaker 10
01:46:25 Recent study, I think it was in USA TODAY Front page news 84% of of the of the United States counties do not have publicly funded abortion of.
01:46:37 He wants it.
01:46:38 To be free.
01:46:40 He wants it to be publicly funded. That means he wants the majority of Americans that don't. Well, I mean, I don't know what it is now, but in 1996, it certainly the numbers were like 70% of Americans didn't support abortion.
01:46:58 And yet he wants them to pay for it.
01:47:00 Because he wants to destroy.
01:47:03 Your society, that's the.
01:47:05 That's literally his his purpose.
01:47:09 That's literally his objective.
Speaker 10
01:47:13 I mean in terms of their parents, why do you think that the society isn't aware of us as getting lesbians?
01:47:23 I think that too many of us are in the closet, so to speak.
01:47:26 We're hidden, and I think that's why our movement perhaps progresses more slowly.
01:47:32 And then.
01:47:34 OK, now this actually made me think of something that.
01:47:40 That I think we can learn something from this, even though he's being disingenuous because like I said, the differences are are vast in that.
01:47:49 OK, there, there was a time in that time in in the 90s where if you were gay, you didn't really talk about it.
01:47:56 You were in the closet.
01:47:57 There weren't all these ******* TV shows everywhere.
01:48:00 About how awesome **** were and and and you know, like it wasn't, it was.
01:48:04 It was still a shameful thing, right?
01:48:08 And as a result, you did like he's complaining here that because of that.
01:48:14 You don't have the the support.
01:48:19 Of all the members of your community, because they're afraid of being outed, and so they're not going to show up to your parades, they're not going to show up to your events and stuff like that.
01:48:30 How is that different?
01:48:32 That aspect, at least.
01:48:35 From where we're at right now, I mean, look, there was there was a lot of closeted **** in 96, but there's a lot of claws that are right wingers right now.
01:48:46 And for the same reason, right?
01:48:50 Well, I don't want to get outed.
01:48:55 I don't want to lose.
01:48:55 My job.
01:49:00 Now there is a significant difference.
01:49:01 He'll he'll point that out here in.
01:49:02 A second.
Speaker 10
01:49:03 And other civil rights movements.
01:49:06 If more or less were visible in that area from the moment said to me, it's all gay people would turn purple.
01:49:12 You get our rights a lot faster.
01:49:15 Well, it's funny, because if all Jews turn blue, well, that's something else.
01:49:20 But so here that that's one of the difference.
01:49:24 So if you are a pro white.
01:49:26 White person, you are white.
01:49:32 Now the difference is, is the racism that's against you as a white person.
01:49:37 Because that, like I said before, that that power that white people have, it's it's unrealized and it's it's not very effective, but it's at least it's there.
01:49:48 And it's there enough.
01:49:50 The residue.
01:49:52 Hasn't dried away yet.
01:49:55 Like the the adhesive.
01:49:57 Hasn't cracked and peeled and it hasn't all fallen apart yet.
01:50:01 It's doing that.
01:50:03 It's only a matter of time.
01:50:05 So that's the unfortunate thing.
01:50:08 For you, if you're one of these closeted white people.
01:50:13 Is that's only going to protect you.
01:50:14 For so long.
01:50:18 That's only going to protect you.
01:50:21 While the the violence.
01:50:26 That's happening right now against white people.
01:50:29 Isn't state sanctioned?
01:50:34 But as they collect these statistics, they create these agencies.
01:50:38 They infiltrate these groups.
01:50:43 As white people hold fewer and fewer Senate seats.
01:50:48 When fewer and fewer elections.
01:50:52 That will change.
01:50:55 And then you will be wearing.
01:50:59 Your costume that you can't take off.
01:51:03 You'll be wearing a uniform.
01:51:06 That everyone can see.
01:51:12 And then keeping your mouth shut and staying in the closet.
01:51:16 Won't be enough.
01:51:19 And if you try to ride this out and ignore it now, well, it's it's easier to do.
01:51:24 You're just damning your children to have to deal with that in the same way boomers kick the can down the road, you're just doing the same thing.
01:51:32 You're literally doing the same thing, the same thing that people get ****** *** about.
01:51:37 The boomers that, oh, you guys, could you you could have turned this around.
01:51:40 You could have done something.
01:51:42 Well, so can you.
01:51:47 But you're doing exactly what you complained the boomers did.
01:51:50 Which is you're trading comfort.
01:51:58 You're trading comfort.
01:52:00 For doing the right thing.
01:52:02 But like I said, all that's doing.
01:52:04 You're just prolonging the inevitable when you do that.
Speaker 10
01:52:07 But unfortunately we don't have the ability to do that.
01:52:10 We we have to respect the privacy of people who want to stay sexual, so it's easier for us to sort of enjoy the heterosexual rights of.
01:52:19 Society and not.
01:52:21 Refer to that and I've read.
01:52:22 About it as the.
01:52:23 Sorry guys, but if I met either one of you had no instantly.
01:52:26 You were ****.
Speaker 10
01:52:27 Heterosexual assumption, and that is, you know, the assumption that all people are doing straight on that or or gay people, that homosexuality is acquired, homosexuality is known, homosexuality is evil.
01:52:41 Yes, yes and yes.
Speaker 1
01:52:46 All right.
01:52:48 And then this I put in because it was just funny.
01:52:50 He starts talking about the civil rights movement and this is when he starts getting into like the evil right wingers.
01:52:58 Like all these myths about gay people like they molest kids at an alarming rate, you know, it's it's they're all just myths, kind of like the the myths that we're hearing now that I think this is right around when the bell curve was first coming out or or being popularized, which is why he brings this up.
Speaker 10
01:53:13 I think we still see that with people of color that was recently an IQ controversy.
01:53:17 You know, therefore, the substandard intelligence in the African American community is determining the standards.
01:53:25 Yeah, those IQ tests, they're racist.
01:53:28 They're racist, see cause again.
01:53:30 And what does that have to do with gay people?
01:53:33 But it has everything to do with unseating the white patriarchy, which is actually the real goal of these people.
01:53:46 Global **** has one objective and has always had one objective.
Speaker 10
01:53:52 You know the myths are there of in a lot of communities with ours, I think because we're so invisible, it's harder to to counteract.
01:54:02 Yeah, you're not so invisible these days.
Speaker 1
01:54:04 Are you?
Speaker 10
01:54:06 The 4th is the right to family, and that's the legalization of gay marriage and the right to have our relationships, the elimination of unfair discrimination against their capacity to be parents.
01:54:18 This is something that's been resolved, I think very slowly in the courts in Hawaii.
01:54:26 Currently, you know, the Hawaii marriage is probably going to happen like and that's where we saw the Defense of Marriage Act.
01:54:36 You see, this was when they were just barely starting to get gay marriage legalized in at the state level.
01:54:43 And in response, because it was, it was wildly unpopular. Again, this wasn't that long ago, 1996.
01:54:51 Wasn't that long ago, what, 25 years ago?
01:54:55 And 25 years ago.
01:54:58 The federal representation of the people.
01:55:04 Felt pressured enough to where they had to pass some basically symbolic.
01:55:09 Legislation the Defense of Marriage Act that really didn't accomplish anything clearly.
Speaker 10
01:55:15 But they use.
01:55:16 The the wrong tactics, they use the wrong framing.
01:55:20 Because again, it it because it's so easy to pick apart.
01:55:23 That was the Defense of Marriage.
01:55:24 And what would the gay people always say?
01:55:27 Well, no, letting us get marriage doesn't attack marriage.
01:55:32 You can still get married, they would say, oh, you think that because we're going to get married and all of a sudden you can't get married anymore?
01:55:43 And that's not the that's not the.
01:55:46 The way to frame it, because I mean it's so easy to just, I mean you can just say what they just said.
01:55:54 They are.
01:55:54 You'll still be able to get married.
01:56:00 But now what they're doing is they're redefining it completely.
01:56:04 And so generically that once again.
01:56:07 It applies to pedophiles.
01:56:13 Why wouldn't some ****** guy be able to marry an 8 year old?
01:56:20 Why not?
01:56:24 Why not?
01:56:26 So far, everything he's talked about.
01:56:29 Would apply to pedophiles.
01:56:32 And because they've already built.
01:56:36 This infrastructure.
01:56:39 That's exactly what it's going to facilitate.
Speaker 10
01:56:43 You know, coming in in the, in the Senate this year and unfortunately gets signed into law.
01:56:49 It's very interesting that many other state has passed the law that says that since its knowledge, you know is going to be illegal if it happens or it is illegal and.
01:57:00 See that there? Almost every state, he said. Again, this is 25 years ago. That's how much. That's how much they've they've moved the Overton window almost, you know, like 25 years ago. Even state governments were like **** that.
01:57:13 And they were obviously it was all toothless, right?
01:57:17 They didn't go.
01:57:18 They didn't go the extra mile.
01:57:19 They didn't change their their constitution.
01:57:24 And in places like California, where they put it to a vote and it passed, you had conservative lawyers.
01:57:30 Conservative lawyers.
01:57:33 Challenge it and win.
01:57:36 And overturn.
01:57:40 The proposition in California that would have banned same sex marriage conservative lawyers.
01:57:47 In the name of my freedom.
Speaker 10
01:57:50 You're reaffirming that it can happen.
01:57:53 I think you know, they.
01:57:55 I don't think that had asexual marriage needs defense.
01:58:00 Again, it was the wrong framing.
01:58:04 Gay marriage wasn't an attack on.
01:58:08 On on heterosexual marriage, it was a normalization of ********.
01:58:16 And everyone was afraid to just say that.
01:58:19 That no.
01:58:21 It's not you getting married that we find.
01:58:29 And not not.
01:58:29 Not just distasteful.
01:58:34 It's your homosexuality.
01:58:38 Same thing with the pedophile, right?
01:58:40 Like, if you skipped that first part.
01:58:43 And go right to like if you you're just making the assumption that being homosexual is totally OK.
01:58:51 It's the.
01:58:52 It's the the marriage part, right?
01:58:53 That's the battle.
01:58:56 The same would apply to a pedophile.
01:58:58 It's just an orientation, right?
01:59:01 That's all it is.
Speaker 1
01:59:08 Why is that not?
01:59:08 Loading up.
01:59:11 There it is.
01:59:13 See, it's just a sexual orientation.
01:59:21 Something that applies to literally anything, and if the argument isn't about the the that that being a ******** term.
01:59:32 You can apply that to anything you can apply that to a guy who wants to ******* marry a horse.
Speaker 10
01:59:44 Research we don't want.
01:59:46 We don't want have research for.
01:59:47 People to stop getting married.
Speaker 7
01:59:49 Right.
01:59:52 See it again.
01:59:52 It's ********.
01:59:53 No, that it was.
01:59:55 It's skipping over the actual.
01:59:57 And that's because conservatives, they don't have balls.
02:00:00 Now they didn't have balls back then.
02:00:02 They couldn't just say no.
02:00:03 It's it's it's not about you guys getting married.
02:00:05 It's about you being faggs.
Speaker 10
02:00:09 Coming to the next.
02:00:11 So the 6th was the right to live in peace as openly gay, lesbian or bisexual people and.
02:00:19 OK.
02:00:19 Again, how does that not apply to pedophiles?
02:00:24 It's the right to live in peace as a pedophile.
Speaker 10
02:00:27 Openly is the keyword.
02:00:30 Openly, why can't you just be up like right now?
02:00:32 I mean, they're all in the shadows.
Speaker 9
02:00:34 Right.
02:00:35 Right now, they're all in the closet.
02:00:37 There's all these closeted pedophiles.
02:00:39 Wouldn't it be better if they could live openly as pedophiles?
Speaker 10
02:00:42 And this really relates to so many areas that I think in particular to the military.
02:00:49 And this another thing.
02:00:50 Again, everything he's talking about is about destabilizing white Christian male patriarchy.
02:00:57 Why the interest in the military?
02:01:00 That's odd.
02:01:03 That's odd.
02:01:04 Why this focus on wanting gay people in the military?
02:01:10 Seems like a strange thing for gay people to focus on.
Speaker 10
02:01:15 This has been the response through all of our request for civil and human rights has been drawn as don't tell my friends always say don't ask, don't tell, don't know, don't care.
02:01:28 It's a it's an attempt, I think, by heterosexual society to tell us.
02:01:34 Stay closeted, or, if you're not going to be closeted, then it wants to act everywhere as asexual human being.
02:01:45 See, here's where we get to the real civilization destabilizing force that normalized homosexuality is.
02:01:55 Now he to him, it's hilarious.
02:01:59 But if you want to destabilize male like male, heterosexual male relationships.
02:02:09 Then you do the same for the same again.
02:02:11 This actually it applies to.
02:02:13 Pedophilia once again for the same reason like the.
02:02:17 One of the.
02:02:17 Reasons why you don't want incest.
02:02:20 As an example, I mean, obviously there's the genetic thing, but one of the reasons why you don't want sexuality.
02:02:27 In the home with children.
02:02:29 And stuff is you don't want.
02:02:32 You want that to be a safe place.
02:02:36 You want those platonic relationships to be strong.
02:02:39 You want that love to be completely free of any kind of sexual element.
02:02:47 And that is the love that bond that that connected heterosexual males prior to all this gay stuff.
02:02:59 I mean now.
02:02:59 I mean it's it's even destabilized relationships between heterosexual men and women with the the trans stuff.
02:03:05 We've created all this down, not only now with men.
02:03:09 If you're trying to be intimate with a guy in a heterosexual way, there's always that question, though.
02:03:14 Is he a fad or you being a fad and the the the term no **** didn't used to exist?
02:03:19 You could actually compliment the guy without people assuming you were gay.
02:03:29 But it destabilizes all of that.
02:03:30 It destroys all of that.
02:03:34 Now you've got, you know, with the trans thing, you've got people paranoid thinking that everyone's a ******* ****** now.
02:03:45 When they're only right about like 5% of that stuff.
02:03:52 There's this paranoia.
02:03:56 Because it creates doubt and uncertainty.
02:04:00 And fear.
Speaker 4
02:04:09 He knows exactly and he.
02:04:10 Knows this?
Speaker 10
02:04:13 Heterosexual people are not required to be asexual.
02:04:18 And this I think is, you know it's a response that comes from the fear that heterosexual men have.
02:04:24 Of being objectified.
02:04:27 They don't want to be a sex object.
02:04:30 Of course they don't want to be a sex object when working in cooperation with other straight men.
02:04:36 That's exactly what I'm talking about.
02:04:39 You don't want to have to worry about that aspect of relationships if you're working in cooperation with other men.
02:04:47 You don't want that to be a thing.
02:04:54 And in fact, that's why we don't want women in the workplace either, because we don't want that to enter the workplace.
02:05:00 If you want people to be effective.
02:05:04 And focused.
02:05:06 And good at what they do and work cooperatively.
02:05:11 You don't want there to be sexual anything involved with that.
02:05:16 That's why having gays in the military is a ******* horrible idea.
02:05:24 In fact, I guess that would be like an extreme example of why it's such a.
02:05:28 ******* bad idea.
02:05:35 You don't want to introduce that element.
02:05:40 Into and it will dissolve.
02:05:44 And disrupt all of those important bonds that are necessary.
02:05:49 For having strong communities.
02:05:54 And he.
02:05:54 Knows it.
Speaker 10
02:05:56 They know how they've treated women all these years they've treated them.
02:05:59 I think everything he's saying would apply to pedophiles too.
02:06:03 Oh, people are just, you know, they just don't like pedophiles because they don't want their kids to be treated like Sept sex objects.
02:06:09 Now all of a sudden, you know, you know, kids are going to have to worry about what it's like to be a woman and they're have.
02:06:15 They're ohh and that's too bad.
02:06:17 They're just.
02:06:17 Going to have to deal with it.
02:06:21 Literally everything he's saying could apply to pedophiles.
Speaker 10
02:06:25 Women as sex objects and after rule gay men treat men as sex.
02:06:32 Not necessarily.
02:06:33 As a sexual object, but as sexual matters, a part of who we are.
02:06:36 It's not all that we are.
02:06:38 Well, yeah, we we have to be honest and say that, you know, a gay man is attracted to other men.
02:06:45 So other men have sex objects to, like, sexual man.
Speaker 11
02:06:48 OK.
Speaker 10
02:06:49 This is very fearful because it means that.
02:06:52 In a world where we're.
02:06:53 Well, I could ask.
02:06:55 Or you could ask heterosexual man, if you want to go to the movies, you want to go out and have a beer?
02:07:01 Wanna come back to mother place?
02:07:04 And it disrupts.
02:07:06 Society and it weakens bonds between men.
02:07:10 And it's one of the, I think, major.
02:07:14 Factors and the feminization.
02:07:18 Of the society as a whole is that it has made it more difficult to have strong male relationships that aren't fad Fagg influenced.
Speaker 10
02:07:30 The servant of Things is not easy, but I think it's.
02:07:33 One that address the next, the right to equal access and public accommodations, the right to dine in a restaurant.
02:07:39 This is.
02:07:43 Sort of like the.
02:07:43 Right.
02:07:44 OK.
02:07:44 Again, you already have that.
02:07:47 Everyone you already had that.
02:07:54 This this isn't something that, that again, this is something even ******* pedophiles have.
02:07:59 Pedophiles can go eat at restaurants.
02:08:03 Unless people find out their pedophiles.
Speaker 10
02:08:06 Like to live openly but but I think.
02:08:10 See, they should be.
02:08:11 Able to be open pedophiles and be.
02:08:12 Able to.
Speaker 12
02:08:12 Go eat people.
Speaker 10
02:08:13 The things that you know the, the, the right to get the family discount, you know, at an amusement park, if you are a family.
Speaker 12
02:08:13 Let's try this.
Speaker 10
02:08:22 No matter what kind of family you are at, you know the right to.
02:08:27 See, you shouldn't have anything that favors people that are that are re renewing the the society with with more people you shouldn't have anyone that's carrying on the torch of the society.
02:08:40 You shouldn't have anything that's going to make it easier.
02:08:44 For the people that that are breeding and reproducing, you should.
02:08:48 You should treat every relationship the same.
02:08:54 Again, this would apply to pedophiles.
Speaker 10
02:08:58 Equal access to housing.
02:09:01 Equal access to credit into a property and so forth.
02:09:04 A lot of that comes with marriage, but not all of it.
02:09:07 Because now that we're gay, people will want to get.
02:09:12 Nature will go together and allow other understand how anything to human beings can do.
02:09:16 To be unnatural.
02:09:18 Applies to pedophiles.
02:09:20 I don't know how any anything to humans human beings could do together would be considered unnatural.
Speaker 10
02:09:28 Through human beings can do to grow together and allow.
02:09:31 I don't understand how anything to new human beings can do to be unnatural, because we are all creatures of nature.
02:09:40 In that case, there's nothing immoral about pedophilia.
Speaker 10
02:09:44 Though immoral and unnatural, go together and allow other understand how anything to human beings can do to be unnatural.
02:09:51 Because we are all creatures of nature.
02:09:54 That's literally satanic.
02:09:58 That's literally.
02:09:59 I don't see how anything that anyone would ever do, ever with each other would be immoral.
Speaker 10
02:10:08 Billy Marlena Nature will go together, although I don't understand how anything too human beings can do to be unnatural, because we are all creatures of nature.
02:10:18 But on on the morality, I think you know the the question is, and my response was, who's morality is going to govern our society?
02:10:30 See now, now.
02:10:31 Now they start to actually define the enemy.
Speaker 10
02:10:37 And we are a very diverse society.
02:10:40 We don't have, but that's just the question.
02:10:42 Who is determining our morality?
02:10:44 And that's sort of underneath all of this.
02:10:47 Yes it is.
02:10:51 Yes it is.
02:10:56 And the people that determine the morality is the majority with the political power.
02:11:02 And so if they are in opposition to.
02:11:07 Well, vague tree and pedophilia.
02:11:10 The solution is.
02:11:12 To dissolve.
02:11:14 That structure, which is precisely what they.
Speaker 10
02:11:18 Well, our morality is always changing.
02:11:21 We like to think that everything.
02:11:23 Our morality is always changing, just like it'll be just one more change when they normalize pedophilia.
Speaker 10
02:11:30 Is as it was when the founding fathers, you know, established this nation.
02:11:35 And there was certainly.
02:11:36 See again.
02:11:39 This is something that's obvious, like, obviously, Mr.
02:11:42 Goldstein, Lester Goldstein here has no connection to the founding fathers.
02:11:49 And so it's really easy for him to say, oh, you know, they just want all these, these fundamentalists, they just.
02:11:54 Want to?
02:11:55 They just want to pretend like we still live in that era, things they have.
02:11:58 No, he has no connection and therefore no desire to preserve any of that.
02:12:10 And then the and the host mentioned well, we're at a very, very diverse society.
02:12:15 See, diversity isn't our strength.
02:12:17 It's their strength.
02:12:19 Because it's our weakness.
Speaker 10
02:12:21 Some fundamentalist groups out there, and we all have the religious right trying to establish the actual in this country.
Speaker 9
02:12:24 The backside.
02:12:30 The religious right is trying to establish a theocracy.
02:12:34 I wish.
Speaker 10
02:12:36 Very much that they are.
02:12:37 I think the Christian right or religious right, I don't.
02:12:41 Well, I don't like to call them, right.
02:12:42 That's I think that that's sort of like the.
02:12:44 The Christian right.
02:12:46 I was at the very Christian either.
02:12:48 OK.
02:12:49 Oh, really, Mr. Goldstein?
02:12:52 Do tell.
Speaker 10
02:12:53 I I think that they're intolerant of of of difference and not just with those and lesbians, but in the.
02:13:02 You know, with pedophiles.
Speaker 10
02:13:04 They can't tolerate the role and the changing roles of women in our society.
02:13:09 Yeah, that's those roles are actually well defined in in the Christian Bible.
02:13:13 So sorry, Mr.
02:13:16 Goldstein, that that you don't like their their religion.
Speaker 10
02:13:21 They want to go back to.
02:13:23 I'm not really back to because we never were a nation, of all you know, white people, you know.
02:13:29 And there's the big lie.
02:13:33 We were never a nation.
02:13:36 With white primacy, it's always been like this.
Speaker 10
02:13:39 You know where women stay at home and the male, you know, rules the house and.
02:13:43 Ohh yeah, we've.
02:13:43 Always had, you know, women in in leadership roles here in America. Don't you remember? There was the 1st Congress had like it was like 50% women.
Speaker 10
02:13:54 Goes out to work.
02:13:56 And women were working.
02:14:01 And women could always vote.
Speaker 10
02:14:03 Enslavement of women, the enslavement of many minority group.
02:14:06 One group that's sort of months of break.
02:14:08 So and express themselves from who they are.
02:14:15 They go on and on and they they, you know, they attack Christianity for like another 20 minutes or so, but basically this, this is what what I wanted to get out of this here.
02:14:29 They listed all their objectives, all of which they've exceeded.
02:14:32 In 25 years, they exceeded.
02:14:34 All of these.
02:14:40 And they did so because they had infrastructure set up.
02:14:44 You know this guy like 25 years ago and I guess that's what I'm saying, too, is if, yeah, if if we had the infrastructure that they had set up 25 years ago.
02:14:56 Then yeah, this this fantasy of, oh, we just need to infiltrate the the institutions and blah blah, blah.
02:15:02 And then, you know, then we can turn things around.
02:15:03 Yeah, you could and.
02:15:04 It would take probably about 25 years.
02:15:08 But we're like 100 years away from, like the 25 year plan.
02:15:17 And so pretending that somehow you're going to be able to do that.
02:15:21 It's just a it's just a lack of understanding of how we got into this position.
02:15:30 And which makes sense because it seems as though white people for over 100 years have been oblivious.
02:15:37 To what's been going on around them.
02:15:43 So why would they?
02:15:44 Why would they get it now?
02:15:52 And I really do think it's going to get to a point where, well, like when we're doing the stream Wednesday night, showing the Indian group.
02:16:00 It will have to get to a point where whites either feel so threatened.
02:16:07 That they feel that they have to do something.
02:16:10 Which is a long way off.
02:16:14 Because they'd have to feel so threatened.
02:16:17 That it overrode their MPC programming.
02:16:22 Or it would have to the the the frogs been boiled away.
02:16:26 It's gone.
02:16:26 It's soup.
02:16:29 And you have so little political power at that point.
02:16:33 That the power that the people that do have power.
02:16:36 In the same way they were using Indians to try to dissolve the power of white people, you'll have powerful people that want to use white people.
02:16:46 To try to dissolve whatever you know, whatever dominant group you know, maybe.
02:16:50 Maybe it's the Chinese who knows, right?
02:16:52 But some other dominant group.
02:16:54 They'll use the plight of the poor, noble white people that are now disappearing from the earth, and they're great.
02:17:00 They'll talk about you the same.
02:17:02 Way they do Indians.
02:17:05 But in that case you're.
02:17:05 Like 200 years off.
02:17:14 And so the choice is clear.
02:17:16 The choice.
02:17:17 That you have.
02:17:19 And it's not like a choice that a lot of people want.
02:17:22 It's not a.
02:17:22 Choice that I want.
02:17:26 At this point you're limited to, OK.
02:17:31 I don't have the power necessary.
02:17:36 Financially, institutionally and otherwise.
02:17:39 To try to change the wider society.
02:17:43 I mean, in the beginning of the stream we showed all those clips of the the Haitians moving in by the thousands.
02:17:49 By the 10s of thousands.
02:17:51 And that's just one.
02:17:51 This is one week.
02:17:53 One week in a decades long problem.
02:18:00 That's not going to get any better.
02:18:05 So your choice at this point in not only you don't have the power, now it's.
02:18:10 Going to decrease.
02:18:14 It's going to decrease.
02:18:19 And so you kind of have to triage things.
02:18:24 You have to know that OK, at this point, my choice is preserve. Pick the things that I think are good that are worth preserving, that I have the ability. It's kind of like if you've ever read Fahrenheit 451.
02:18:38 In Fahrenheit 451.
02:18:41 They have banned books.
02:18:44 And one of the the firemen because in, in, in the book Fahrenheit 451, firemen have now been there because all homes or or fireproof in the future their job is to burn books and so they go around looking for illicit books and burn the books.
02:19:02 And one of the firemen, like, starts to sneak books and, like, starts reading books and, you know.
02:19:07 But at the end of it.
02:19:09 You know he's running from the law and he finds a community.
02:19:14 Out in the forest.
02:19:17 And they have dedicated their lives.
02:19:20 To memorizing.
02:19:22 Books that they thought were worth preserving.
02:19:26 In the hopes.
02:19:27 That there will come a day in the future.
02:19:30 That they'll be able to rewrite these books and make them available again to the public.
02:19:38 But in the mean time, because they lack the political power they they lack the financial backing and they're essentially fugitives.
02:19:46 And if you don't think that's where.
02:19:48 We're headed. Then you know.
02:19:49 Good luck.
02:19:51 You're going to need it.
02:19:56 But with with.
02:19:57 Really not a whole lot of choices.
02:20:00 They've determined the best choice for them.
02:20:03 If they really do care about preserving these books.
02:20:08 Is to commit them to memory.
02:20:11 And then to pass them on verbally.
02:20:14 To their children and so forth, generationally, so that if if there does come a time in the future that they can commit them back to paper.
02:20:24 That they'll be they'll be able to do that.
02:20:28 And we're kind of faced with a similar situation.
02:20:34 Where if you think there's things about our culture.
02:20:37 And our genetics and otherwise.
02:20:40 That that's worth preserving.
02:20:45 You're going to have.
02:20:46 To be the one that preserves it.
02:20:49 And you're going to have to make sacrifices.
02:20:53 To preserve it.
02:20:54 And look, if you're not willing to make those sacrifices, maybe it's not worth preserving.
02:20:58 It's certainly not worth it to you if.
02:20:59 You're not willing to do it, right?
02:21:02 It's not worth it to anyone else then it just doesn't get it doesn't get preserved.
02:21:13 And like the people in the in Fahrenheit 451, he decided to do this.
02:21:18 You know, to avoid any kind of prosecution.
02:21:20 They don't.
02:21:21 You know, they don't write the books down.
02:21:22 They just memorize it and pass it on to try to limit their liability and try to, you know, stay as safe from law enforcement as much as possible.
02:21:33 We have to take in some of the same considerations.
02:21:39 And look things there.
02:21:40 There are Black Swan events and things that could totally change the paradigm or whatever.
02:21:46 But in in the current paradigm.
02:21:50 Our choices are fairly limited.
02:21:58 And that's why going to rallies like this weekend.
02:22:01 Even though, like, look, it's it's it's something that many of us believe in.
02:22:05 I believe that that the the people from the six that are in prison, I mean maybe not all of them, I don't know like maybe some of them really did you know cross some kind of line.
02:22:15 That put them in jeopardy in a way that, you know that was.
02:22:21 Negligence on their part, you know.
02:22:24 But Even so, it doesn't matter.
02:22:26 I think through solidarity, we should support even those guys just, quite frankly.
02:22:30 If I'm being perfectly honest, we're we're we're beyond that, right?
02:22:34 Like where we have to sit there and and and try to judge our own people there, they, they, you know, there's plenty of people already doing that.
02:22:46 But most people didn't show up, not because, like I said, I don't think that the the organizer was was a fed.
02:22:51 I mean, he was a Trump staffer.
02:22:58 Maybe he was.
02:22:58 Who knows, right?
02:23:01 But it was too much of A target rich environment.
02:23:08 For the media or for the the government to.
02:23:12 To not take advantage of.
02:23:15 It was just a bad idea because it was bad opsec.
02:23:20 And that's something else that we need to talk about, too.
02:23:23 Is is in terms of like Fed posting.
02:23:27 And you know, just saying the wrong things.
02:23:30 Well, you you need to to.
02:23:33 Some people will try to make it sound like that's contradictory.
02:23:36 Right.
02:23:36 Like the me saying that you shouldn't keep your mouth shut at work and you should talk about your views openly and stuff like that.
02:23:42 But at the same time, you shouldn't fed post like somehow that's not being true to.
02:23:45 Your true self.
02:23:47 Shut the **** **, ******.
02:23:52 That's what makes you a liability.
02:23:59 If you don't know the difference between a hard target and a soft target.
02:24:03 Then you need to do some research.
02:24:07 Because every time you start you, you, you fed post in a way that's not productive and it's not going to actually move the football or the Overton window in any kind of way that is useful.
02:24:19 You're basically signaling.
02:24:22 Not that you're a fed, necessarily.
02:24:24 I think that's like a I don't think.
02:24:25 I think there's just a lot of people.
02:24:26 That are angry and and and and.
02:24:30 Just not articulate or maybe not the brightest bulb, but what you're doing is you're signaling that you have poor situational awareness.
02:24:41 That's all you're doing.
02:24:47 And the same thing if you showed up to this, this rally, you're you're signaling that you've got poor situational awareness.
02:24:56 That means you don't you?
02:24:57 Don't quite grasp the situation that we're in.
02:25:02 And that the the pros and cons are are not being properly evaluated.
02:25:13 Now that's different in the workplace.
02:25:15 Saying what you believe in again, I would say you also don't fed post at your work, right?
02:25:26 Like if they start doing diversity training.
02:25:30 You don't just stand up and say.
02:25:32 That's it.
02:25:33 Time to time to overthrow the government or.
02:25:36 Something like that.
02:25:40 Right.
02:25:40 That's, that's again, that's that's poor situational awareness.
02:25:45 But you sure as **** don't sit there and take it and and silently agree with what they tell and what they tell you.
02:25:50 Silently condone that behavior.
02:26:05 You explain you explain exactly why it's.
02:26:08 What it will lead to?
02:26:10 Why it's *********.
02:26:21 Why it's dangerous to you and your people.
02:26:26 Why you won't stand for it?
02:26:28 Why you don't want to work for a company that supports this?
02:26:31 This kind of.
02:26:33 Hate speech if you will, against your people.
02:26:39 This blood libel.
02:26:43 This genocide.
02:26:52 Another thing you can.
02:26:53 Learn from your animes is exactly that.
02:26:56 Did did your enemies get to where they are?
02:27:02 Signaling that they wanted to genocide whites.
02:27:10 By signaling.
02:27:12 How bad they they hated white people.
02:27:17 I mean, certainly in subtle ways, right?
02:27:20 In their art.
02:27:21 In their media.
Speaker 12
02:27:26 But they didn't.
02:27:27 Outright, at least in very few instances.
02:27:31 Make a movie series you know, like, oh, look you.
02:27:35 Guys going to come with me to go watch kill ******.
02:27:38 You know, I mean, there's some of us, they might have.
02:27:41 Well, might as well have done that, right.
02:27:42 But you got to be smart.
02:27:47 You got to be smart and understand.
02:27:49 That, that uh.
02:27:52 Your lack of resources.
02:27:54 It leaves leaves you very vulnerable.
02:28:05 If the people.
02:28:05 That have been dismantling white primacy in our countries in the West had been open and honest about their aims and their objectives.
02:28:15 They wouldn't have been successful.
02:28:27 If when they passed the Immigration Act of 1965, that has.
02:28:32 Irreversibly damage the demographics of North America.
02:28:39 If they had at the time, instead of what they did say is ohh no, this is not gonna they.
02:28:44 They said this.
02:28:46 Very fervently and often like that.
02:28:49 Oh, no, this is they knew specifically that that was what they were doing, and yet they.
02:28:54 Said very clearly this is not going to change the demographic makeup of the country.
02:29:02 It's not about that.
02:29:03 It's about these few cases that, you know, these high IQ, I don't know, Nigerians or you know, whoever right, that's not that isn't allowed into the country because of the way that we our current immigration system is set up to favor Europeans.
02:29:21 It's for these isolated cases that, you know, because of the red tape, we can't get them in here.
02:29:26 We really would really be good.
02:29:28 You know, these are high IQ.
02:29:30 People that we want in here and we just need to let them in.
02:29:35 But it's not going to be.
02:29:37 It's not going to change the demographic makeup, we swear.
02:29:42 When that was, that was.
02:29:43 Specifically why they did that?
02:29:50 And if they, if they had been.
02:29:55 Well, I guess you know the Fed posting as communists.
02:30:03 That would be the end of that.
02:30:15 So anyway.
02:30:16 We're going to.
02:30:17 Chat just.
02:30:17 For a.
02:30:17 Little bit and.
02:30:22 We'll shut her down.
02:30:24 Let's clear that out of there.
Speaker 1
02:30:33 Let's take a look here.
02:30:37 Air sick.
02:30:38 Devin, I am looking for some life advice.
02:30:41 I'm currently living abroad and the country I'm in isn't requiring the vaccine now.
02:30:45 Do you think I should stay here for now and try to ride out the COVID and sanity or move back to the US Now before airlines start requiring vaccine?
02:30:54 I don't know.
02:30:55 I don't know how that's all going to go down.
02:30:56 I would assume that that's going to happen at some point.
02:31:01 I you, you.
02:31:03 See a little backpedaling in places like England and other places, but I I think that ultimately that's I mean.
02:31:09 That that's what they want.
02:31:11 That's one of these protests.
02:31:14 Like I said, they're not entirely useless in that they they have the ability to slow some of this stuff down.
02:31:24 That's all it's ever done.
02:31:28 So that's up to you.
02:31:29 I mean, I guess part of.
02:31:30 It would for me if it was me, if I was living.
02:31:33 Abroad somewhere, I'd have to ask myself, is this some place if I end up getting stuck here?
02:31:40 I want to stay.
02:31:42 Or I'd be able to stay.
02:31:44 Because, I mean, do you really want to go back to the United States of trash, garbage of garbage people?
02:31:53 I mean, if you're coming.
02:31:54 So here's the thing.
02:31:55 I mean, unfortunately, if you're coming back to the United States, you got you got to realize, you know, this is what you're coming back to, right?
02:32:10 What was that?
02:32:21 Well, like like.
02:32:24 And look, I I get it.
02:32:25 I I I'm.
02:32:27 I'm probably going to stay you know, because I kind of just in a way I just don't want.
02:32:31 I don't want to let them have it like in terms of ownership.
02:32:35 I want them to have the cities.
02:32:39 I want them to have the crumbling corpse.
02:32:44 But I don't want them to have the continent, if that makes sense.
02:32:50 I want them to to **** ** all the machinery because you know what I just talked about?
02:32:57 Like we don't have the power to, you know, to infiltrate into whatever and take over the the hierarchy.
02:33:02 So what's the next best thing?
02:33:04 Let them ******* have the hierarchy.
02:33:07 And watch it ******* crumble.
02:33:16 So if you're in a country that you think that you could have a happy life in and and it would be better and it look and I don't know, I I haven't done a whole lot of traveling.
02:33:25 I've been to a few places outside the country, but I'm by no means a world traveler.
02:33:31 So maybe there are places that are just.
Speaker 1
02:33:33 That would be better.
02:33:37 If that's something that you think would be a good idea, maybe that's not a bad thing.
02:33:41 I mean, my ancestors left their homelands for for a better place.
02:33:45 I think about it, I I think, see.
02:33:48 Here's the thing though, I think there's still enough open land and and frontier, even though not really.
02:33:55 You know, it's not like it's not like it was.
02:33:57 I still think there's enough open space.
02:34:00 I mean, America is huge.
02:34:01 People forget how big America is.
02:34:04 And they forget how much open space there is, and they forget, like, yeah, certainly.
02:34:08 Like the the Internet and everything else is making it smaller and it's making it way easier for the for surveillance state.
02:34:14 You know, I've talked about the the Elon Musk satellites and everything else and all that's going to make it much easier for them to, you know, surveil you and and whatever.
Speaker 1
02:34:23 And and and.
02:34:24 Extend their control into places that would have been much harder to do that.
02:34:29 Uh, But there's, you know, I I still feel like you.
02:34:32 Have you still have a chance to, uh, go to a unpopulated part of the continent and start making something yours.
02:34:43 Are there other countries where you could do that?
02:34:45 Probably I don't know.
02:34:47 I just don't know.
02:34:48 I mean, I know there's like a lot of open.
02:34:50 Space in other countries.
02:34:51 But is there, like maybe a jurisdiction where that'd be a smarter place to do it?
02:34:55 I don't know.
02:34:57 So I guess it all depends on.
02:34:59 Yeah, I guess I I don't have a really good.
02:35:01 Answer because it's just.
02:35:02 It's tough.
02:35:02 To know when and how that's going to unfold.
02:35:06 I just think it's it's and it's inevitable.
02:35:08 It's not going to just be like, like I said, they might drop it for vaccines, but they've already showed their hand.
02:35:13 You've already you already know what they want now.
02:35:16 And you already know that they the the the extremes, they're willing to go to get to it and we don't even know what's going to happen this winter.
02:35:24 Right.
02:35:25 Like, right now we're at.
02:35:26 A we're not like in flu season.
02:35:30 And the flu.
02:35:30 The actual flu?
02:35:32 The regular flu kills thousands of people every year.
02:35:37 And don't think that that's not going to get reported as as COVID in every instance.
02:35:43 And so when when the winter rolls around and you know, of course, Biden's been super creepy about talking about the dark winter. And so who knows? Who knows?
02:35:55 Yeah, I I guess it depends on what's your ability are, are you able to, I mean even whether you want to or not, are you able to stay in that country, can you get employment in that country?
02:36:06 Do you have family connections in that country?
02:36:09 I would just.
02:36:09 I would just keep that in mind that let's say that like you are put in a position where you are not able to go back to your to America as A at least as a free person, right?
02:36:21 Like you'd be able to do it right if you if you.
02:36:23 Decide to get on your knees and and.
02:36:27 Do what you're told.
02:36:29 But if that's unacceptable to you, then you got to be willing to stay where you're at, possibly indefinitely, because I think that is a possibility.
02:36:39 I don't know when.
02:36:40 Maybe, maybe not anytime soon.
02:36:44 I mean.
02:36:46 Could anyone have?
02:36:46 Predicted this a couple of years ago.
02:36:48 Did you have any idea like two years ago that this is where we'd be at?
02:36:55 Or even certainly not think of how optimistic a lot of people on the right were after Trump's election.
02:37:02 You know, after the the great meme War of 2016, like everyone, everyone was thought that like this was we're going to turn even idea foolishly, I thought maybe.
02:37:11 We would.
02:37:12 We would turn some of the stuff around.
02:37:13 I thought we finally, you know, Hillary would get it.
02:37:16 And all this other stuff really not very long, not for very long because you know.
02:37:19 It didn't take long for Trump.
02:37:21 To show his true colors.
02:37:22 But there was that moment right.
02:37:25 I was very optimistic and excited and and and look how quickly that went to **** like not just to like ****, but like to wow ****.
02:37:34 You know, like next level.
02:37:35 Who would have ever imagined kind of ****.
02:37:39 So who knows?
02:37:39 Like you know what?
02:37:40 What are the next five years?
02:37:41 Going to be like who?
02:37:44 So just be just keep that in mind.
02:37:48 You got to be prepared for a lot of.
02:37:51 The possibility of really bad ****.
02:37:53 And and and you might and that might include having to stay.
Speaker 1
02:37:58 Where you're at.
02:38:01 Ebenezer Michael John, please do a stream on John Money.
02:38:07 The guy who separated the word sex from gender.
02:38:12 Yeah, that'd be an interesting one.
Speaker 1
02:38:18 Let me make a note of that.
02:38:24 Because that was an important.
02:38:28 It was an important thing for them to do in order to to implement a lot of.
Speaker 1
02:38:32 This stuff.
02:38:46 In my notes.
02:38:48 Base can increase the door.
02:38:49 I'm thinking of travelling to South America or South Africa to learn from the wars how to live as a hated civilized minority among the primitive savages, then pass.
Speaker 1
02:39:02 There we go.
02:39:03 And then pass that knowledge to my kids so they can survive America's future.
02:39:10 I mean, I don't know.
02:39:11 I don't think going to have to.
02:39:13 I I don't think you'll have to travel to South Africa.
02:39:18 I mean, it looks to me as if, you know, South Africa is coming to you.
02:39:26 I don't think you have to go.
Speaker 11
02:39:26 Very far.
Speaker 10
02:39:29 There it is.
02:39:32 It's right there.
02:39:33 I'm going to cross the bridge.
02:39:40 So might not be necessary.
02:39:44 It may be fun, I guess to.
02:39:45 Go there but.
02:39:46 Yeah, cool.
02:39:48 If you had a huge amount of money.
02:39:49 How would you use?
02:39:50 It or use.
02:39:52 Use it for our benefit.
02:39:55 First and foremost, I would establish a foundation and just do all the legal crap that that.
02:40:03 If you have the big lump of money you need to do in order to protect it and and make it survive multiple generations, I mean, if you can't win, if you can't beat the generational wealth game you got to, you know, if you can't beat them, join them.
02:40:15 Kind of a thing.
02:40:16 So you'd want to establish some kind of foundation and nonprofit status and.
02:40:21 And acquire some land and get that owned by the actual nonprofit.
02:40:26 And so, you know well and, you know, you might be able to avoid property tax at that point.
02:40:32 And I don't know, there's probably a lot of legal stuff again, I guess that's where part of the money would go to a lawyer, because I don't know the answer to all.
02:40:40 I know the basics but I don't know all the INS and outs and things you have to do and I would just do kind of what I'm planning on doing.
02:40:46 I just.
02:40:46 I would do it with and more grandiose way.
02:40:48 I would do it with more money, but I really do think that's kind of like.
02:40:53 That's what whether you have money right now, whether you have money or not, I think we need a home base and we don't have a home base.
02:41:01 And and and.
02:41:03 We need, like at the very least, a home base to regroup.
02:41:08 And circle the wagons and then we can start making long term plans.
02:41:17 But short term is I think it's.
02:41:19 We're kind of in a in a crisis moment that not everyone sees it.
02:41:23 Not everyone sees it.
02:41:24 And and and and partially because it's it's it's hard to predict when it when it's going to get to a point where it gets really bad.
02:41:32 And so a lot of people, they.
02:41:33 Have that what is?
02:41:34 It you know the, it's the fear of missing out, right?
02:41:37 They don't want to spend all their time preparing for something that doesn't.
02:41:40 Happen, right.
02:41:42 They don't want they see it as a waste.
02:41:44 They don't want to, you know.
02:41:45 What if what?
02:41:46 If you dedicate your life to trying to survive like this, this you know, apocalyptic scenario.
02:41:55 I mean, that's a little hyperbolic, but you get what I mean, and then it turns out that it was totally unnecessary.
02:42:01 And so I think there's a lot of people like that, right?
02:42:03 They're not willing to make these sacrifices because they feel like, well, we can ride it out like, like, again, it's boomer thinking I don't have to worry about that.
02:42:10 I can kick the can down the road.
02:42:12 It's not bad enough to where I.
02:42:13 Can't be a part.
02:42:14 Of the machine have a have a very.
02:42:18 Nice life, you know, get, you know, get the new product, get excited about next product, have all the entertainment, have all the the fast food or or Uber eats delivered to my door.
02:42:29 Have the latest.
02:42:30 Video game watch all the new **** you know have the ****** Tinder girls, or.
02:42:35 You know, they they feel like they can live that life.
02:42:39 That really is just lulled everyone else to sleep that they can.
02:42:44 Well, I guess that's what it is.
02:42:45 They think they can go back into the matrix in a way, right?
02:42:49 Like that, they find comfort in like.
02:42:51 Well, I I'm.
02:42:51 Biased because like I know about, like genocide, but I'm going to basically make it easier for it to happen by not doing anything about it.
02:42:58 Because it's not going to, it's not going to get to a a anything at a level where it's actually affecting me at anytime in my life.
02:43:07 So it it it, it behooves me to make any kind of sacrifice that I might not be able to enjoy personally.
02:43:14 There's too much of that going on, right?
02:43:17 There's there's too many people that that are just like, you know, again, it's boomer thinking I guess.
02:43:24 And I I so if I had a bunch of money, I would just, I would.
02:43:28 Do exactly what I'm going to do just with.
02:43:31 More money.
02:43:31 I would do it so it would be more land, I guess, and more lawyers and and more money to to build structures and stuff like that and and just make it more legally and physically sturdy.
02:43:51 Angry goy.
02:43:52 Where do you see American five years?
02:43:56 There's a lot of uncertainty.
02:43:57 Like I said, it's really hard.
02:43:58 Like people always ask me for predictions, I don't like to make a lot I.
02:44:01 Mean there's some things that's easy to.
Speaker 1
02:44:03 Per day.
02:44:04 But you know, like for example I I predicted that Trump wasn't going to cross the Rubicon, but even then I was like, it's possible.
02:44:10 Like if anyone's.
02:44:11 Gonna do it. And if anyone's had an opportunity rather to do it, it would be him.
02:44:15 I just didn't see it happening, so there's things like that you can predict, but it's it's real tough to know because it's just like it.
02:44:23 You know, I keep using this metaphor, but it's still a good one.
02:44:28 Where it's kind of like we're a leaf floating on the surface of the water, getting closer to the drain.
02:44:32 And as you get closer to the drain, the the orbit around the drain gets faster and faster and faster until it spins like a top and drops down.
02:44:39 And when and?
02:44:41 Right now we're spinning pretty fast and the faster you you got that spinning going, it's really hard to tell what happens next.
02:44:47 I never could have predicted that we'd be here.
02:44:50 In 2021, I I knew things would be worse. I mean, just because I think that's that's all I can really tell you.
02:44:56 It's going to be more dangerous for white people in five years.
02:44:58 That's really the only prediction I can give you is white people will have less political power and it'll be more dangerous and it'll be harder to be even just if you want to take the blue pill and try to participate in the society.
02:45:10 That's going to be a harder thing to do because a lot of this.
02:45:14 Systemic racism.
02:45:16 They ***** so much about that doesn't exist for non whites, but does exist for whites.
02:45:21 We'll we'll.
02:45:21 Be more and more solidified and egregious.
02:45:26 Just as white people are are aren't around to to to stop it, or at least mentally they're not around to stop it like they're they're all.
02:45:34 Out to lunch.
02:45:39 J Dog, what do you think about possible war between US and China due to Taiwan?
02:45:45 I don't know.
02:45:45 I I think that would be a big mistake on America's part and then probably not something that would happen.
02:45:51 And in just historically, even if we had a military that was competent in the same way that we in in past years that we had, that didn't have like the global home element in it.
02:46:04 And didn't have like the just everything else that's degraded even back when it was.
02:46:11 For example you could look at Afghanistan during the the Soviet occupation if there was some kind of involvement with a a conflict between China and Taiwan.
02:46:24 I really doubt it would be direct involvement.
02:46:26 It would be some kind of thing where they're supplying Taiwan with weapons or supplying someone else.
02:46:31 Or, or maybe the CIA trying to start some kind of ******** in China.
02:46:35 I don't even know that that would be something they would be interested in doing though, because I kind of feel like the ruling class would side with China.
02:46:42 Quite frankly, you got to realize the people pulling the strings they want to consolidate, they don't want, they don't want, I mean.
02:46:51 And the same way they were against Brexit.
02:46:53 I mean, I don't think that they would want an independent Taiwan.
02:46:58 I mean, there's probably elements that do.
02:47:00 You know, you have the Taiwan protests going on and that got more press than you would you would expect.
02:47:06 And and there was definitely elements that would want that.
02:47:09 But I think it was more just to maybe **** with China.
02:47:11 I don't know.
02:47:12 I I I don't.
02:47:13 I think ultimately at the end of the day, they want more.
02:47:16 Consolidation, not less.
02:47:17 And I think that there's a substantial amount of influence from China within our power structure right now.
02:47:30 So I don't know, I don't know how that would go.
02:47:38 Andrew Jackson is there a single discord everyone has decided on?
02:47:42 I've always had an interest in film making.
02:47:44 I want to be part of making this movie.
02:47:47 Yeah, the movie thing kind of got derailed by just current events.
02:47:51 Getting kind of ******* nuts.
02:47:55 But that is something we can still do.
02:47:56 It's less of a priority to me just because like.
02:48:02 I mean, if we Crowdsource and you guys do it, I'll edit it together.
02:48:06 I'm I'm a really good editor and but that's not something that we've really gotten the ball rolling on just because like to me it's become less of a.
02:48:17 I'm I'm more focused right now on like.
02:48:23 I I I sincerely believe.
02:48:26 That it's going to get.
02:48:27 Harder and harder for us just.
02:48:28 To exist.
02:48:30 And participate in the economy and stuff like that.
02:48:33 So making a movie is has kind of not seemed as important lately as you've seen, not just with the the COVID stuff certainly, but just also because of January 6th and all the things related to that.
02:48:47 You know all the, the the talk of.
02:48:50 You know, crushing white supremacist, domestic terror things, you know, and all the Fed operations that have happened this year and.
02:49:00 You know, maybe we should do it.
02:49:02 It it it just uh.
02:49:06 I don't know as and as far as there being official discord server, I haven't been able to focus on that either, so I actually don't even.
Speaker 1
02:49:13 Know what the?
02:49:14 What that what's going on with all that?
02:49:16 Just because I've had, I've had things going on over here that I haven't talked about that have been kind of distracting as well.
Speaker 1
02:49:26 Then I might be able to.
02:49:27 Talk to you guys.
02:49:27 Nothing too crazy, but it's just not something I can talk about just yet.
02:49:33 No, it's not like it's not like.
02:49:35 Fed stuff or like that?
02:49:37 Uh rooftop natural is it time to flee?
02:49:40 Texas seems lost and a migration N is the only option for white.
02:49:46 I don't know.
02:49:47 It depends on what part of Texas you're in.
02:49:50 There's certainly I wouldn't live in any city, no matter what the state.
02:49:54 But Texas is huge.
02:49:56 Texas has a lot of empty space, and Texas has a lot of different counties and and and now I don't know.
02:50:02 I've never lived.
02:50:04 I've been in Texas, I've never lived in Texas.
02:50:06 There might be a county that you can get some unincorporated land and and live disconnected from some of the tyranny for a while.
02:50:15 I don't know that would.
02:50:17 That would be something worth looking into though, cause it's it's a big.
02:50:21 And while the urban parts of Texas are certainly completely cut, that's the that's true of pretty much every state we're going to go, you know, like you're, I mean.
02:50:30 Even like places like Idaho that used to people used to have this.
02:50:35 Like we saw in that movie, the Second World War, that there was this image of Idaho as if it was like.
02:50:41 Basically, this big militia and even Idaho has a bunch of a bunch of, you know, Californians and other other lefties moving into the the more urban areas and turning that state slowly but steadily blue.
02:50:56 So I mean to me it's less about.
02:51:01 The state the more about the county, but unless there's some kind of, like right now, Texas State laws aren't so bad.
02:51:08 And at least that's my understanding, right?
02:51:11 So unless there's something that's going to prevent you from from having the kind of freedom that you want in that in that scenario where you're living away from these cities.
Speaker 1
02:51:23 I think you're OK in Texas.
02:51:28 All right.
02:51:31 Yeah, there's lots of states where you.
Speaker 1
02:51:32 Can live.
02:51:34 Fine and and be left alone.
02:51:39 Even though they're they're full on cook, you could even technically if you do it right, you there's even ways you could live in California that, I mean.
02:51:49 If you had.
Speaker 1
02:51:49 The the money and stuff, I mean.
02:51:50 That I think.
02:51:52 The tax situation would be the hard part, but there's ways.
02:51:55 Again, if you make it a nonprofit and do a foundation, there's ways.
02:51:58 There's legal ways you could even live in California and and be somewhat left alone, depending on the county that you're.
Speaker 1
02:52:05 In and stuff like that.
02:52:10 UM, Fast forward.
02:52:12 Through here I'm going to do.
02:52:15 I'm just.
02:52:15 I'm just Fast forward to the end here.
02:52:16 Because there's just too many of these.
02:52:19 I got way behind what happened here.
02:52:25 OK.
Speaker 1
02:52:27 Let me see someone who hasn't said.
02:52:28 Something yet?
02:52:32 Pixel slot movie review the power of 1.
02:52:40 Should we watch the?
Speaker 1
02:52:43 Let's see if there's a.
02:52:47 A trailer I've never heard of that.
Speaker 1
02:52:50 Let's see, the Wikipedia says the.
Speaker 5
02:52:54 Power of 1.
02:52:56 Sounds like a Q Anon movie.
02:52:58 1992, huh.
02:53:04 An English boy living in Africa during World War 2 through his boxing prowess becomes a symbol of hope in a time of war.
02:53:13 That sounds interesting.
02:53:16 92.
Speaker 9
02:53:20 Let's see.
02:53:22 Sounds like it could be super gay though, too.
Speaker 13
02:53:28 Power 1.
02:53:33 Oh yeah, this looks like one of those.
02:53:37 You know the.
02:53:38 Black Guy teaches.
02:53:43 White kid had to be.
02:53:45 Good or something?
02:53:46 It's got more than framing in it.
02:53:48 OK, I'll take a look at it.
Speaker 1
02:53:52 We'll see.
02:53:57 See someone else here.
02:53:58 Collective dismal.
02:54:00 I feel like Trump set everyone up on January 6 and baited them into hazard to save his own skin.
02:54:07 I think he also promoted the vaccine to save his own skin.
02:54:10 Looks like he was just blatantly shilling last year.
02:54:13 Well, he's still showing the vaccine.
02:54:16 And that's never stopped.
02:54:17 But he's he's always been shilling.
02:54:20 And yeah, it's.
02:54:23 He's basically a used car salesman.
02:54:25 It was all self promotion and ego driven as far as I can tell.
02:54:29 AA Z random question, did you ever watch any Soviet movies like?
02:54:33 The OR like.
02:54:34 White Sun of the desert or Moscow doesn't.
02:54:40 Truant tears.
Speaker 1
02:54:43 No, I've never seen either one of those.
02:54:46 I have a few Russian movies I I have planned to watch, but I haven't.
02:54:50 I haven't seen that Veruca Salt.
02:54:52 The Mennonites are a community for us to look into.
02:54:54 They're like the Amish, but can drive and use technology.
02:54:57 They have religious component and they are looking for people to convert.
02:55:01 Yeah, the Mennonites are actually kind of cool.
02:55:03 I actually own some land right next to a Mennonite church that I was building.
02:55:10 I've talked about like I was building like an Earthship and stuff out in the desert.
02:55:14 There were like Mennonites that lived very near there.
02:55:18 And my my nearest I guess neighbors, even though they were they were miles away because it was middle of ******* nowhere.
02:55:25 They were men at nights and it was always funny because I would drive in the town every once in a while and you would see like the the the bus.
02:55:34 That took all the Mennonite kids to to school.
02:55:39 And it.
02:55:39 Was basically a busload of pioneer women.
02:55:43 Like, they wear bonnets like it's it's legit.
02:55:47 Let me see if I can.
02:55:49 I don't know what they believe though.
Speaker 1
02:55:51 But let me.
02:55:52 See here.
02:55:55 But yeah, they could use like the guy.
02:55:58 Used a cell phone and he drove a car.
02:56:00 They think there's rules about.
Speaker 1
02:56:02 Because he had, like a.
02:56:03 Flip phone. Uh. Mennonites.
02:56:08 Yeah, they, I mean, they're legit like in terms of.
02:56:15 And here's like a.
Speaker 1
02:56:20 Let me see here.
02:56:23 I can save this photo.
02:56:25 Hurry up and load.
02:56:34 So here's what Mennonite women look like.
Speaker 1
02:56:44 We're going to be asking.
02:56:45 I've got too many things open now.
02:56:59 So I'd see like this, it was, it wasn't really a bus it.
02:57:02 Was like a van and there'd be a bunch of.
02:57:05 These are adults, but like, there'd be a bunch of little girls dressed like that.
02:57:08 And then the boys wear.
02:57:11 Well, there's, there's the little boy and little girl on the left there, so you can kind of see that.
02:57:15 So they'd be like and then they had, like, this old tiny looking like one room schoolhouse, kind of a thing.
02:57:22 Like you would see in an old Western.
02:57:24 And they'd be out playing during recess or whatever, or lunch or whatever.
Speaker 1
02:57:29 When I when I drive by and.
02:57:30 It was, you know, they seemed pretty cool.
02:57:33 And they, yeah, they used some technology.
02:57:35 Like they had wells, you know, with like electrical pumps.
02:57:39 And it wasn't like they were pumping like, you know, Amish style pumping it out of the ground.
02:57:42 Or anything like that.
02:57:44 And they had, you know, I think they had some solar power stuff and, you know, stuff.
02:57:50 Like that, but they seem pretty cool.
02:57:52 They seem pretty normal.
02:57:53 Like the guy.
02:57:55 The guy drove up in his truck to see my earth ship at one point and was and when he talked to me, he sounded like a normal like it.
02:58:03 It wasn't like a weird cultural gap, either.
02:58:05 He, like, he sounded like he seemed like a normal guy.
02:58:09 But I don't know what they believe.
02:58:11 I'd have to look into what they actually believe, but yeah.
02:58:14 They're pretty based.
02:58:15 They're definitely pretty based in terms of, you know, having a close knit society and and all that stuff.
Speaker 1
02:58:23 So all right, we want to look.
02:58:24 At the last one.
02:58:27 And then we're going to close it down.
02:58:29 Who's the last one?
02:58:30 Here we go.
02:58:31 High Priest King Terry.
02:58:32 The problem I have with the Amish and Mennonites is they are extremely passive.
02:58:37 They will not fight even when pressed against the wall, they believe God will protect them and trust it is God's plan.
02:58:44 They have a strong community and and and population.
02:58:47 Growth don't believe they racially discriminate?
02:58:51 Yeah, I mean, I don't think they racially discriminate, but I think that it's.
02:58:59 Here's the thing.
02:59:00 This is why having a religious component.
02:59:03 Is almost.
02:59:05 More important than the racial component because you can codify the things that you like like about your race.
02:59:14 Into a religious way of life and it'll it'll work itself out, right?
02:59:22 Like the reason why?
02:59:23 Like you, they right?
02:59:24 They don't religiously.
02:59:26 They don't racially discriminate but notice how there's no black Mennonites.
02:59:31 It's because other races don't want to.
02:59:33 Live like that.
02:59:35 It's it's it's like you.
02:59:36 Know Ham Radio doesn't racially discriminate, right?
02:59:40 But somehow everyone in Ham radio is white because no one else wants to do that.
02:59:46 And it's just hard enough to do it to where there's just enough of a barrier to where it keeps people out.
02:59:52 And the same thing, right?
02:59:54 Technically, by the way, technically.
02:59:58 White people can go convert and be Jews, but they make it just hard enough to where no.
03:00:03 One does it.
03:00:05 You see.
03:00:07 And now also I think especially with the Jew thing, there probably is like the unwritten law, right? The the, unless you're like Trump's daughter. Yeah, then then you know it it it's almost impossible and there might be something like that going on with Mennonites too. You don't know. I don't know what the process is for conversion.
Speaker 4
03:00:28 But there's a lot of rules you don't.
03:00:29 Want to write down?
03:00:32 So that's something to consider also.
03:00:36 So with that, I'm going to go ahead and shut it down.
03:00:41 Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and hopefully you didn't show up to the 6th and get biometrically databased.
03:00:51 And hopefully you are far away from what is it, Rio day or whatever in Texas.
03:00:58 So you don't get your family raped by a pack of feral Haitians and hopefully we can.
03:01:08 We can get some of this figured out and and we don't have to become Mennonites.
03:01:12 Do it so with that for black pilled I'm of course.
03:01:19 Devin stack.
Speaker 7
03:01:30 Tomorrow, the National Square Dance magazine presents a glimpse at the national recreation so many people are enjoying called square dancing.
03:01:45 OK.
Speaker 7
03:01:48 With your father doing photography.
03:02:07 With the right hand.
Speaker 7
03:02:08 Cropped in front of your girl.
03:02:10 With the ladies.
03:02:12 Hope you're watching is a typical American Western square dance the kind that is proving so popular today in cities all over the country?
03:02:27 Like Venus and one like Mars.
03:02:52 Another gentleman.
03:02:56 When the girls go back to the left.
03:02:58 You'll notice that the 8 bouncers are following the spoken cause of a person who is best known as a collar.
03:03:05 In addition, more movements which are timed to the redneck beat of the music are confined to the limits of a square area, which is about 12 feet across.
03:03:09 How about you?
Speaker 11
03:03:14 That hole and get up.
Speaker 7
03:03:15 Now, let's leave the 49ers for the moment, enjoying the 12 year old 7th grade Linwood Shufflers as they set up a square.
03:03:23 Starting from.
Speaker 2
03:03:25 Got. Damn.