The Simpsons on God.mp3
00:02:57 You see, there are some cry babies out there.00:00:16 Religious type mostly, who might be offended.
00:00:19 Even before The Simpsons became its own show, when it was just a poorly drawn cartoon used as filler during the Tracey Ullman Show.00:00:29 The Simpsons were still setting the tone.
00:00:32 For what was to come.
00:00:34 Mom. Dad, look, we're fighting.Devon
00:00:37 Christianity is old and outdated and uncool, but in these early episodes that could be seen as just, you know, kids just being kids.00:00:47 That's only a sentiment that these unruly children have Homer and Marge, like most Americans at the time they they still attend church.
00:00:56 Even if they have to drag their kids kicking and screaming because church was so uncool, that's something that children were picking up from their parents.
00:01:05 Let's go.Homer
00:01:06 Homer, but you don't understand.00:01:07 Marge, I have 50 bucks riding on this game.
00:01:11 Way before The Simpsons, the boomer generation had already gone through a anti Christian propaganda ringer for decades, and they themselves seem to have internalized.00:01:21 That attending church was just out of some kind of obligation to the past.
00:01:26 Why should I feel like a traffic cop every Sunday morning?00:01:30 I'm just trying to get a little goodness into the family.
00:01:33 Where is it the game?00:01:35 Where is it?
00:01:37 An obligation that seemed increasingly less important as time went by, especially as church began to have to compete with all of the luxuries and entertainment available to the richest and most decadent generation the world had.Marge
00:01:53 I can't believe you're giving up church, Homer.Homer
00:01:56 Hey, what's the big?00:01:57 Deal about going to some building every Sunday.
00:01:59 I mean, isn't God everywhere and brother?
00:02:01 And then.Homer
00:02:01 And don't you think that the Almighty has better things to worry about than when one little guy spends 1 measly hour of his week?Bart
00:02:07 Tell her daddy.Homer
00:02:08 And what if we picked the wrong religion every week?00:02:11 We're just making God matter and matter.
00:02:14 When The Simpsons attacks Christianity, as it does many aspects of Western culture, they often speak directly of these temptations of of entertainment.00:02:27 But the writers also skillfully address that lingering.
00:02:31 That other thing that kept this generation going to church.
00:02:35 The fear of going to hell.
00:02:40 Thou hast forsaken my church.00:02:43 Well, kind of hot.
00:02:47 I'm not.
00:02:47 A bad guy.
00:02:48 I work hard and I love my kids, so why should I spend half my Sunday hearing about how I'm going to hell?
Speaker 6
00:02:56 Hmm, you've got a point.00:02:59 You know, sometimes even I'd rather be watching football.
00:03:03 Does Saint Louis still have a team, though?
00:03:05 Now I moved to Phoenix.00:03:07 You know what I really hate about church?
00:03:09 Those boring sermons.
Speaker 6
00:03:12 I couldn't agree more that Reverend Lovejoy really displeases me.00:03:17 I think I'll give him a kicker sword.
00:03:19 Give them one for me.00:03:21 I will so I figure I should just try to live right and worship you in.
00:03:25 My own way.
Speaker 6
00:03:27 Homer, it's a deal.00:03:29 Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to appear in a tortilla in Mexico.
00:03:32 But you see, even God is fine with you.00:03:35 Not going to church.
00:03:37 We shouldn't have communities.
00:03:39 We should.Devon
00:03:39 All be these.00:03:40 Floating atoms in.
00:03:41 Space doing our own thing with our own version of morality, moral relativism.
00:03:48 No connection to anything or anyone else.
00:03:52 All defining good and evil.
00:03:55 For ourselves.
00:03:56 Boy time really flies when you read.Speaker 7
00:03:59 The Bible, ill.Devon
00:04:01 That's right, kids and grown-ups alike. The Bible is gross. Nothing good ever came from the Bible.Speaker 8
00:04:08 Let's thank the Lord for another beautiful school day.Marge
00:04:12 Thank the Lord.00:04:13 Thank the Lord.
00:04:15 That sounded like a prayer, a prayer.
Speaker 9
00:04:17 A prayer in.Marge
00:04:18 A public school.00:04:20 God has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place with an organized religion.
00:04:26 Facts have no place in organized religion.00:04:28 You see, as this Jewish character, one of many in The Simpsons explains, we have evolved past that religion.
00:04:36 It's just a lie.
Speaker 6
00:04:38 Did a divorce.Marge
00:04:40 But isn't that a sin?Speaker 6
00:04:42 Mark, just about everything is a sin.00:04:44 You ever sat down and read this thing?
00:04:46 Technically, we're not allowed to go to the bathroom.
00:04:49 A silly, ridiculous lie.00:04:51 Even the clergy thinks so.
00:04:53 If the Bible is taught us nothing else.00:04:56 It hasn't.
00:04:56 It's that girls should stick to girls sports such as hot oil wrestling.
00:05:01 But actually it's worse than just lies.00:05:04 It's hateful lies, hateful lies that promote things like sexism and homophobia.
Speaker 8
00:05:12 Do you reject Satan and all his empty promises?Devon
00:05:16 That's why Homer is willing to do whatever it takes to keep it from his children.Speaker 7
00:05:20 But it doesn't.Devon
00:05:21 Matter if we mock religious traditions and blasphemy and imaginary God.00:05:27 After all, God has.
00:05:28 Faken and so is the existence of a.
Speaker 7
00:05:30 Soul, soul.00:05:32 Come on.
00:05:33 No house.
00:05:33 There is no such thing as a soul.
00:05:35 What religion are you?
00:05:36 You know, the one with all the well meaning rules that don't work out in real life, Christianity.Devon
00:05:43 Just a bunch of meaningless rules.Marge
00:05:46 Comma the Lord only asks for an hour a week.Homer
00:05:49 In that case, she should have made a week, an hour longer.Devon
00:05:53 Remember and you will, because that's how repetition works.00:05:57 It's OK to blasphemy.
00:05:59 God over and over and over on prime time television.
00:06:04 God is still in your face.Homer
00:06:06 Yeah, he's my favorite fictional character.Devon
00:06:09 Because over and over.00:06:12 He's not real.
00:06:14 Wait, I'm no missionary.00:06:16 I don't even believe in Jeepers.
00:06:18 And you know.00:06:19 That that's why you're going to tune in again next week.
00:06:22 We taught them some English and ridiculed away most of their beliefs.Speaker
00:06:26 So you can take it.Bart
00:06:27 From there, bye.Devon
00:06:28 Ridicule away most of their beliefs.00:06:33 I can't think.
00:06:34 Of a better phrase that describes what Hollywood aimed to do with Christians in the 90s, nearly everything that's come out of Hollywood for the last 30 or 40 years has attacked Christianity.
00:06:45 And yet, American Christians, time after time, line up around the block waiting for tickets.
00:06:52 Son, it times like this.00:06:54 I just look at my bracelet.
00:06:56 Good point, dad.00:06:57 What would Jesus do?
00:06:58 Jesus, I thought it was Geppetto.00:07:02 I wish God were alive to see this.
00:07:05 The message is loud and.00:07:06 Clear God is.
00:07:07 Dead and it's fun.
00:07:08 Me the dance on his grave.
00:07:11 I've come to hate my own creation.00:07:13 Now I know how God feels.
00:07:15 I'll build you a new tree house when so grand, it'll be an affront to God himself.
00:07:20 Can it have a rope ladder?00:07:21 You can.
00:07:22 Pull up after you.
00:07:23 Only if it's an affront to God.00:07:25 It would have been a lot worse if I hadn't been carrying this Bible in my crutch.
Speaker 10
00:07:29 I'm dying and there's heaven.00:07:32 But who's that?
00:07:33 Confucius and Milton.
00:07:36 Burl boy, have I been barking up the wrong tree.
00:07:39 Well, I guess Jews still go to heaven.Speaker 6
00:07:43 Meet Maggie Simpson, IQ 167.Speaker
00:07:47 167 that's amazing for a Christian.Devon
00:07:51 But that's OK, because Christians are too stupid to get that night after night.00:07:56 They are the joke.
00:07:58 And when I feel weak, I will draw strength from the Bible.Devon
00:08:08 They will TuneIn every week and laugh.Homer
00:08:10 Hey, anything's possible with a little help from my Bible.00:08:16 Ohh no, it's a real one, no?
00:08:20 As we insult them to their faces.Speaker
00:08:24 Can I put my faith in science and technology?Homer
00:08:30 Ohh, why did I choose to be gay?Devon
00:08:32 As we make fun of them, destroy.00:08:34 Their faith.
00:08:35 Hey Moses, are you a loser?Speaker
00:08:37 You're a loser.Devon
00:08:39 They laugh and buy our T-shirts and all the other.00:08:42 Crap. We sell them.
00:08:43 I coveted the wife and joys too.00:08:44 I lied to a waiter.
00:08:45 I *********** 8 billion times and I have no plans to stop ************ in the future.
Speaker 11
00:08:50 Wow, I'm clean in your face, Lord.Devon
00:08:53 They eat it up.00:08:54 And go to bed.
00:08:55 With a smile on their face.
Speaker 8
00:08:59 Oh no.00:09:00 Saints had such fat hats.
00:09:02 It's all a big scam.
00:09:03 It's both no religion in general.
Speaker 6
00:09:06 You've got to take this thing with a grain of salt.00:09:08 I mean, come on.
Speaker 11
00:09:10 So does this theory of evolution necessarily mean that there is no God?Marge
00:09:15 Trust not.00:09:17 It just says that God is an impotent nothing from nowhere with less power than the Under Secretary of Agriculture, who has very little power in our system.
00:09:25 It's a high I.
Speaker 12
00:09:27 Hate being white?Homer
00:09:29 I hate going.00:09:30 Why can't I worship the Lord in my own way?
00:09:32 Like praying like hell on my deathbed?
00:09:37 Those pious morons are too busy talking to their phony baloney God.
00:09:41 Peace be with you.
00:09:42 Praise jeepers.
00:09:44 This book doesn't have any answers.
00:09:45 Man, that church service was so boring.
00:09:48 Well, you make people miserable and there's nothing they can do about it.
00:09:52 Just like God, I guess I'm more powerful than God, no.
00:09:58 Trick or treat isn't just some phrase you can't mindlessly like the Lord's.Speaker 9
00:10:02 America has a tradition of turning outlaws into legends after their deaths.00:10:06 Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde, Jesus Christ.
00:10:09 Martin was like Jesus.00:10:11 Only real.
00:10:13 Jesus Junior's gonna set us all.
Speaker 8
00:10:15 Straight look, Homer, people don't come back as anything except for our Lord who came back as bread.Homer
00:10:20 I know parts of our marriage are based on lies, but so are a lot of good things.00:10:25 It is me, Jesus.
00:10:28 Under the watchful eyes of God, and I'll be watching you too, in case God's busy making tornadoes are not existing.
00:10:35 If you're happy and you know it, that's as a.Speaker 11
00:10:39 The same schmuck wrote the New Testament.00:10:42 I can't.
00:10:42 Talk to you.00:10:43 You talk to my niece to read.
00:10:45 Don't read.
00:10:45 Talk to the stupids.
00:10:48 What are you?Marge
00:10:48 Up to reading prayers and ignoring them, just like God.Homer
00:10:51 Created a devil.00:10:53 Finally he did something cool.
00:10:54 We're visiting grandpa.Homer
00:10:56 No fair.00:10:56 We just went to church.
00:10:58 So we've already heard stories from thousands of years ago about stuff that didn't happen.00:11:03 Hey, it's gotta be good if Satan put his name on it.
00:11:05 But you're God.
00:11:07 Couldn't you make everything the way it was?
Speaker 6
00:11:09 Well, I could, but the big man downstairs wouldn't like it.Speaker 12
00:11:18 Be a coffee.Speaker 6
00:11:19 Yes, Sir.Homer
00:11:20 Hell Flanders, more dear than Jesus no more.Speaker 8
00:11:24 Church Harry Maude. Ghost.Marge
00:11:26 There is no God, Nettie.00:11:27 It's just an empty, meaningless void.
00:11:30 And that's why I really don't believe there's a God.Speaker 10
00:11:33 Where's my God now?Homer
00:11:36 God, what is it?00:11:37 I'm paying you for every Sunday.
Speaker 8
00:11:39 How long has it been since we prayed together, neighbor?Homer
00:11:39 Song is.00:11:41 This is praying.
00:11:42 Let me outta here.
00:11:44 Are you saying I'm wasting my time?Homer
00:11:46 No, I'm saying you're wasting everyone's time.00:11:49 But it's a church thing.
00:11:51 So that's a given.
Speaker 6
00:11:53 Bad news, people.00:11:54 Our religion is not.
00:11:56 True, sorry about that.
00:11:58 How do you stay so happy and don't say Jesus?Speaker 6
00:12:02 Merry Christmas, son.Marge
00:12:05 Touch me. Happy birthday.Speaker 6
00:12:07 It's two presents.Marge
00:12:09 Walkie talkies don't count as two presents.Speaker 11
00:12:12 God, I mean you.Marge
00:12:21 Stupid church.00:12:22 Why would Jesus want us to waste our weekend on extra boring?
00:12:25 No recess.
00:12:25 Dress up school.
00:12:28 God gets your prayers, but he just clicks delete without reading them.Speaker 13
00:12:33 Come on, guys, give it back.Speaker
00:12:36 Ohh forgive them father.Speaker 6
00:12:39 I raised a wuss.Speaker 8
00:12:42 God is in everything.00:12:43 He's omnipresent.
00:12:45 You mean if I check into the Omni hotel right now he's there?Speaker 8
00:12:48 As a matter of fact, he is.Homer
00:12:50 And from now on, we're staying at the Hyatt Regency.Speaker
00:12:52 The Simpsons are one of the most popular families.Homer
00:12:55 In the world they knew.00:12:56 It in your face Jesus family.
Speaker 12
00:12:59 It's Yiddish, the language of our focaccia, people.Marge
00:13:02 Mom raised me, Christian.Speaker 12
00:13:05 Christian for business.00:13:08 Check Sir.
Speaker 6
00:13:09 Maybe I could teach SAT prep.00:13:12 At least there are answers in the back of that book.
Speaker 12
00:13:18 Look, this game is, or at least was bigger than Jesus, OK?Speaker 6
00:13:23 It's a pretty low bar these days.Marge
00:13:25 This sad wino doesn't look like your God.00:13:29 Hi Aslan.
Speaker 5
00:13:31 Marge, my child, I've come to offer solace in this difficult time.Marge
00:13:36 You mean convert me to your religion when I'm at my most vulnerable?Speaker 5
00:13:40 No, no, no.00:13:41 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:13:43 I'm just here to ask you an important question.
00:13:46 Have you heard the news?
00:13:48 Yes, yes, I will be saved.00:13:50 Thanks so much for stopping by.
Speaker 5
00:13:52 Yeah, I'm just gonna leave you with this literature.Marge
00:13:55 What if after we die, that's it.00:13:58 We're just gone.
Speaker 8
00:14:01 So just ****, really **** and then just super nothing.00:14:05 Now make a decision to turn your life to God, God.
00:14:10 I lit these for our son.Homer
00:14:12 Much honey.00:14:13 He's never gonna come back if he thinks it's a church.
00:14:17 Marge, it's worse than we thought.
00:14:19 He's speaking in tongues.
00:14:20 He's a religious weirdo.
00:14:22 The worst thing there is.
00:14:23 There is a God and his name is the devil.Homer
00:14:27 Thank you for this Christian Oscar.00:14:29 And I'd like to thank the Academy of Arts and Anti Sciences.
00:14:33 And let me just ask this is it possible any other religious beliefs are founded on myths?
Speaker 6
00:14:38 This interview is over.Devon
00:14:40 And after 30 years of successfully socially engineering the West to throw away the idea of God and promoting atheism.00:14:49 What if the public feels empty?
00:14:52 No problem.
00:14:53 As it turns out, atheists go to heaven too.
Speaker 13
00:14:56 Talking about people who don't believe in God but are still righteous, I'm talking about atheist Lord.Speaker 6
00:15:03 Atheists have refused to believe they exist.Speaker 13
00:15:06 Well, they do.00:15:07 Maybe they deserve a place here too.
00:15:09 It's not just the Buddhists and the Jews.Speaker 6
00:15:11 All right, I agree.00:15:13 We will open heaven to the deserving atheists.
00:15:17 If we've learned anything from these three tangentially related stories, it's that there are many paths to heaven.
Speaker 13
00:15:23 Maybe we should let everybody in.Speaker 6
00:15:25 Great idea.00:15:26 I'd agree that all with good souls are welcome in heaven, now and forever.
00:15:33 In fact, in the last few years.00:15:35 That The Simpsons have been on the air.
00:15:36 Seem to have been.
00:15:37 Trying to drive the final nail into God's proverbial coffin.
00:15:43 Hey, Marge, I could go for some Donuts.00:15:48 I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
00:15:52 Holy crap.
00:15:56 They never had faith in God or family, but I had faith in television.
00:16:00 Ooh, this place looks interesting.
00:16:03 Dad, no, that's an actual church.Speaker 5
00:16:07 The church will not be cancelled.Devon
00:16:15 Episode after episode has been focused.00:16:18 On this idea of moral relativism.
00:16:21 Sweetie, prayer doesn't have to be to God.00:16:24 It can also just be an honest conversation we have with ourselves.
00:16:28 Just do what your heart tells you.
00:16:31 This idea that every morality except for Christian morality, of course, is good morality.00:16:38 It's a replacement for God.
Speaker 14
00:16:40 A love that isn't mad at us for our doubt or angry at us because we're Alcoholics.Homer
00:16:46 Finally recognized for my accomplishment.Speaker 14
00:16:51 I think so many of us have made a God that's like us instead of the other way around.00:16:55 God loves diversity.
00:16:56 God didn't just make one type of flower, he made thousands of different flowers, roses, lilies, orchids, and he made the weeds too.
00:17:03 But he loves all of them indiscriminately.
00:17:06 Just like the bees.
Speaker 12
00:17:06 You have made this bumblebee a humblebee.Speaker 11
00:17:07 Will be.Speaker 14
00:17:10 Jesus said let the weeds grow with the wheat. That means it's all in the game. Go easy on yourself. You don't have to earn God's love. You are God's love.Devon
00:17:19 And now, after three decades of relentlessly undermining.00:17:24 They don't need to mask it in humor.
00:17:27 They just tell the cattle outright.
00:17:29 The Simpsons dedicated entire episodes to this idea while still keeping up the constant hammering at Christianity and going to church to find answers.
00:17:39 You're a vegetarian.00:17:41 What about evolution?
Speaker 14
00:17:42 Into it.Bart
00:17:42 Gay rights?Speaker 14
00:17:43 Love is.Devon
00:17:44 Unless of course, that church is the same kind of globalist Unitarian trans kids supporting church that promotes moral relativism.Speaker 14
00:17:52 Look, God is the love.00:17:54 The yes, that set the universe in motion.
00:17:56 He or she.
00:17:59 For over 30 years, the message was the same.00:18:02 You don't have to have standards or morality.
00:18:06 You just have to be yourself.
00:18:09 Embrace diversity.
00:18:11 You see, God, if he or she is even real.
00:18:16 He or she will let.
00:18:18 Everyone into heaven anyway, if there is heaven, guess what?
00:18:21 Mom, I'm a cruciverbalist.Marge
00:18:24 Another religion, you know, you're just gonna drop the whole thing when you go to college and get a Jewish boyfriend?Devon
00:18:32 And certainly if you watch The Simpsons.00:18:35 You have to agree, right?
00:18:38 Certainly, if you believed in God, then you wouldn't tolerate all this blasphemy night after night, week after.
00:18:45 Week. Clearly you can't.
00:18:48 Take God seriously.
00:18:51 If you conveniently overlook the repeated attacks on your sacred beliefs.
00:18:56 And trade for some ha ha funny time.
00:18:59 You cannot tell me.
00:19:01 You believe in God.
00:19:03 Because if you did.
00:19:06 If you did believe in God.
00:19:09 If you believed in God.
00:19:11 And you decided to just sit there?
00:19:15 And not just ignore the insults.
00:19:19 Hurled at him.
00:19:21 But to join in.
00:19:24 On the fun.
00:19:26 So you can have your haha.
00:19:31 What kind of man would that make you?
00:19:33 Clearly you can't believe in God.
00:19:37 Because what would that say about?
00:19:38 You if you did.Devon
00:19:42 Think about that.00:19:45 If you really believed in God.
00:19:48 And week after week.
00:19:50 Night after night.
00:19:53 You laugh, or even just look the other way.
00:19:59 How is that any different?
00:20:02 Then a coward just standing there ******* his pants.
00:20:06 As another man.
00:20:09 Threatens and insults your wife.
00:20:14 To her face, right next to you.
00:20:17 Because you're too much of A *****.
00:20:19 The defender.
00:20:21 You're so conflict avoidant.
00:20:23 Not only do you not defender, you actually start to laugh at the insults this man is hurling.
00:20:30 At your wife.
00:20:31 So he knows you're on his side, so he knows.
Speaker 11
00:20:34 You don't pose a threat.00:20:36 That's how much of a *******.
00:20:38 *****. You'd have to be.
00:20:40 Worse than that, because God comes before your spouse.
00:20:44 You would have to be lower than that.
00:20:46 You would have to be so low, surely?
00:20:49 You can't possibly believe in God.
00:20:53 You can't be that disgusting.
00:20:57 That feeble, that pathetic.
Speaker 10
00:21:02 Are you?Speaker 11
00:21:08 Or did The Simpsons just finally get what they wanted after 30 ******* years?Devon
00:21:15 Making you feel uncomfortable at first.00:21:19 But because you are too scared.
00:21:22 Do not laugh at the jokes.
00:21:27 Written by gay Jews and pedophiles in Hollywood.
00:21:32 That insulted your God.
00:21:35 You were too scared.
Speaker 11
00:21:38 Not just to say something, but to not laugh.Devon
00:21:46 You'd rather have the acceptance of pedophiles.00:21:50 Then stand up in service of your God.
00:21:55 Until little by little.
00:21:58 There was only one way.
00:22:00 To avoid the shame.
Speaker 11
00:22:03 Of that level of cowardice.Devon
00:22:06 Now is to stop believing in God in your heart.00:22:11 Because if you did.
00:22:14 If you did believe in him.
00:22:19 And you still not only.
00:22:20 Allowed this to go on.
00:22:24 Not only allowed this to go on.
00:22:28 But you joined in the.
00:22:29 Fun so pedophiles would think you were cool.
00:22:35 What kind of man would you be then?
00:22:42 For black pill.
00:22:45 I'm Devin stack.