

Speaker 1
00:13:02 Well, I don't like tonight.
00:02:28 I gotta feel something, right?
00:02:32 I'm so scared because I fall off my chair.
00:02:37 Get down the stairs.
00:02:42 Joke us to the right here.
00:02:47 Yes, I'm stuck in the middle with you.
00:02:53 It is I should do.
00:02:55 This so hard.
00:02:56 To keep this mouth on my face.
00:03:05 Jokers to the right here with you.
Speaker 3
00:03:10 Where you start enough.
Speaker 1
00:03:42 But I can see you.
00:03:46 Thank you.
00:03:56 Jokers to the right, here I am.
Speaker 4
00:04:32 And yeah.
Speaker 1
00:04:59 I was just kidding.
00:05:00 Kiss I fall off my chair.
00:05:24 With you.
Speaker 5
00:05:49 Load up on guns and bring your friends.
00:05:55 It's fun to lose and to pretend to be so bored and so.
00:06:07 Oh no, I know a dirty word.
Speaker 2
00:06:29 Here we are now.
00:06:35 I feel stupid contagious.
00:06:41 Here we are now worse.
00:06:53 Hello. Hello.
Speaker 5
00:07:42 And I forget just why I taste.
00:07:48 Oh, yeah, I guess it makes me smile.
00:07:54 I found it hard.
00:07:57 It's hard to find.
00:08:00 Oh well, whatever.
00:08:03 Never mind.
Speaker 2
00:08:08 Hello. Hello.
00:08:10 Hello. Hello, hello.
00:08:17 Right.
00:09:12 I forgot to turn that one off, apparently.
00:09:15 Here we go.
00:09:16 All right.
00:09:16 Well, we already had our stream, hiccup.
00:09:18 I had to reset the stream.
00:09:19 Hopefully that's the only one we get tonight.
00:09:22 But we are back, hopefully.
00:09:26 For the next several hours, all right.
00:09:30 This is the insomnia stream.
00:09:31 I'm your host, Devin.
00:09:33 Good evening and good morning.
00:09:34 Good afternoon.
00:09:34 Good night.
00:09:36 This is the Burns Libel Edition, part one, part one.
00:09:42 I don't know if we're going to do like as many parts as we do with healing hate.
00:09:47 I'm already burned out on it and I've only watched like like an hour and a half of this six hour thing.
00:09:54 It's it's so.
Speaker 8
00:09:56 You know.
00:09:58 Part of it's cool because just like with healing hate.
00:10:02 It's it's funny to see how they twist the historical events and you.
00:10:08 Know what?
00:10:08 They're what they're doing.
00:10:11 Just and you'll.
00:10:11 See this because we're gonna go over.
00:10:13 This, you know shortly here.
00:10:16 But just like with healing hate.
00:10:19 They lay out.
00:10:20 All the things.
00:10:22 That have actually kind of led to the current situation.
00:10:27 In the West.
00:10:30 And but they they do it, I think in the hopes that they think.
00:10:35 You know, because we they don't control information anymore.
00:10:37 They're like, oh, these people are going to find this **** out one way or another, so.
00:10:40 What we're going to.
00:10:41 Do is we're going to nip it in the.
00:10:42 We're gonna we're we're going to we're going to start out.
00:10:45 And tell them about the history that led to today.
00:10:49 But we're going to spin it.
Speaker 10
00:10:51 We're going, we're going to we're.
00:10:53 Going to poison the well.
00:10:55 Before they have a chance to learn.
00:10:56 It on their own.
00:10:59 Right.
00:11:00 So they present a lot of stuff that like some of it's pretty ridiculously obvious, right?
00:11:05 Like you'll see, just like with healing hate.
Speaker 10
00:11:09 Where you're like.
00:11:09 Well, well, hold on.
00:11:11 A second like.
Speaker 11
00:11:13 Now, now looking back at a, you know, just as an example of Oklahoma City bombing thing, some some's.
Speaker 12
00:11:18 Now right here.
00:11:22 But they're hoping that you won't look before they've had a.
00:11:24 Chance to tell you oh.
Speaker 10
00:11:25 No, no, no.
00:11:27 See what happened was.
00:11:29 You know William Pierce?
00:11:30 He wrote this book, you know, called The Turner Diaries.
00:11:34 And it made this made this army guy crazy.
00:11:38 And he just and he blew up a federal building for no reason.
00:11:42 Yeah, that's what they're hoping.
00:11:45 Same thing that if you start looking back at historical events that might have contributed to where we are today.
00:11:53 And rather than looking at it with fresh eyes.
00:11:57 You'll already have this poison.
00:11:59 In your mind that they.
00:12:00 Are that they're?
00:12:01 Broadcasting to you.
00:12:03 Before you have a chance.
00:12:06 It's kind of why they need this.
00:12:07 This constant Holocaust education, which This is why I'm already like it's it's already tough to get through what they've just, what I've seen so far out of the six hours.
00:12:19 Six hours of how the Holocaust is America's fault.
00:12:25 That's that's.
00:12:26 That's what they should have called it.
00:12:29 They kind of did.
00:12:31 I mean they they basically did call it that.
00:12:34 But they should just instead of trying to, you know, beat around the Bush.
00:12:40 They showed, you said.
00:12:43 You murdered all the Jews, part one.
00:12:48 Because that's basically what they're saying, at least so far.
00:12:51 And what I've what I've seen so far.
00:12:55 The best part about this is just like with the the the summit that we covered where we watched, you know, oh, look at the hundreds of millions of dollars being given to anti white organizations to spread their message and combat hate.
00:13:11 You know the code word for.
00:13:13 White people.
00:13:14 Just just keep that in mind you.
00:13:15 Should be.
00:13:16 You should be telling that to people.
00:13:18 Hate is just a code word for white people, so if it's a hate crime, it's a white people crime, you know, hate speech laws are white people, speech laws.
00:13:27 That's what it is.
00:13:29 Hate equals white people.
00:13:30 Just just keep that in mind.
00:13:33 But in the same way.
00:13:34 That all that funding.
00:13:35 Is going to the the anti whites the the thing because this this was put on by PBS.
00:13:42 Which is partially funded by your tax dollars.
00:13:46 You helped pay for this documentary.
00:13:50 You helped pay for this documentary to get produced to be aired, to be put on DVD and.
00:13:56 Blu-ray if you want.
00:13:57 To order for, you know, order away for it and help support PBS so they can make more anti white propaganda.
00:14:03 But it was also paid for by philanthropists there.
00:14:06 There is, you know, it's not just.
00:14:10 The government funding they they really do have billionaires that fund all of this stuff.
00:14:16 And thanks, thankfully.
00:14:19 In the very beginning of this.
00:14:22 6 Hour America hate fest.
00:14:25 They tell you exactly who paid for it.
00:14:29 Let's have a look.
00:14:30 Let's see, let's start.
00:14:31 If you were to watch this live on.
00:14:34 Well, not live, but on PBS.
00:14:37 They open it by telling you exactly.
00:14:40 Who bankrolled this?
00:14:43 So let's have.
00:14:43 A look here.
Speaker 13
00:14:48 Funding for the US and the Holocaust was provided by David M Rubenstein.
00:14:53 David M Rubenstein Rubenstein.
00:14:57 Would he be a relative of the Rubenstein?
00:15:03 That shot Lee Harvey Oswald?
00:15:04 Well, yes, he would.
00:15:13 Jews don't have any kind of influence in the West.
00:15:16 That's the other funny thing is, throughout this entire documentary, they keep kind of saying like, ohh all these crazy ideas that Hitler had that Jews had this influence over the United.
00:15:28 States and then they tell you about the influence that Jews had over the United States like it's like.
Speaker 10
00:15:32 Like a sentence.
00:15:33 It's like they can't.
00:15:35 They can't help themselves.
00:15:36 I understand.
00:15:38 Oh yeah, so David and Rubenstein, let's see here.
00:15:46 Here's an American billionaire, businessman and former government official and lawyer.
00:15:54 He's the co-founder and Co chairman of the private equity firm The Carlyle Group.
00:16:01 You know the Carlisle group.
00:16:04 Bush and Cheney were heavily involved with the Carlisle group.
00:16:12 My guess is is just as David Rubenstein's relative Jack Rubenstein knows or knew.
00:16:22 Who really killed Kennedy?
00:16:25 My guess is David Rubenstein knows.
00:16:27 Who really did 9/11?
00:16:31 Speaking of which.
00:16:33 We don't get into that in this episode.
00:16:35 But uh yeah, you're going to see a.
00:16:37 Lot of parallels.
Speaker 11
00:16:40 You're going to see a.
00:16:40 Lot of parallels.
00:16:43 Like what happens?
00:16:46 When Jewish paranoia affects military actions in European peoples.
00:16:55 What lengths they're they're willing and able to go to.
00:16:59 In order to preserve.
00:17:02 Their people using your people as cannon fodder.
00:17:11 Oh, yes.
00:17:12 Oh yes.
00:17:12 Anyway, so let's see.
00:17:14 Let's see who else paid for this.
Speaker 13
00:17:16 Investing in people and institutions that help us understand the past and look to the future by the Park Foundation, the.
00:17:21 Ah yes.
00:17:23 Park foundation.
00:17:25 It was a some journalists that used to work for.
00:17:29 I think Associated Press back around World War 2.
Speaker 13
00:17:33 Judy and Peter Blume Kohler foundation.
00:17:36 Judy and Peter Blum Culver Foundation, you know more Jewish money.
00:17:40 My name.
Speaker 13
00:17:41 Supporting those who remind us about American history and the Holocaust by Gilbert S Oman and Martha a darling.
Speaker 14
00:17:48 By the Arthur.
Speaker 13
00:17:49 Vining, Davis, foundations of vesting in our common future and by these members of the Better Angels society.
00:17:50 Ohh like this list goes on and on.
Speaker 13
00:17:56 Jeannie and Jonathan Levine, Jan and Rick Cohen.
00:18:00 Allen and Shelly Holt, the Carette foundation, David and Susan Chrisman, Joe Carroll and Ronald S Lauder.
00:18:03 Like never ending.
Speaker 13
00:18:08 The Fullerton Family Charitable Fund, the Blavatnik Family Foundation, the Crown Family Philanthropies honoring members of the Crown and Goodman families, and by these additional members.
Speaker 11
00:18:21 Notice how my streams.
00:18:22 Don't open up with stuff like.
00:18:24 This tonight's insomnia stream was brought to you by a ground. A grant of $100 million from.
00:18:35 It just goes on and on and on.
00:18:36 This is how they afford it.
00:18:38 And then, of course, the the cherry on the top.
00:18:42 You're mentioned last.
Speaker 13
00:18:43 By the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and by viewers like.
Speaker 15
00:18:47 You. Thank you.
00:18:50 And it doesn't have to be viewers like you.
00:18:52 You just have to be paying taxes and federal money goes to this.
00:18:59 So anyway, let's get started.
00:19:04 Now we're going.
00:19:05 To look at this.
00:19:07 I think it's important to do this because most people that sit down and watch, they're not going to be historians.
00:19:13 They're not going to have like, a huge, I mean, look, look, most Americans are not big into history or education.
00:19:21 You know, most people don't have a they're and look in their defense.
00:19:26 Our lives are so complicated.
00:19:29 The amount of information that you need to understand and.
00:19:32 Know and be able to.
00:19:34 Access just to like navigate in a modern western society these days, it's pretty incredible, you know, compared to what you would have to know to get through your daily.
00:19:45 Lives say, you know, even 50 years ago, but certainly like 100 years ago, the amount of just like weird technical garbage that you have to be able to master and understand in order to to just do your job. It's kind of phenomenal. So when people.
00:20:05 Make fun of.
00:20:06 Westerners, Americans specifically for not understanding or having good understanding of history or things like that.
00:20:13 It's like, can you blame them? Like, if you were to go back 50-60 years ago and ask someone how to operate a computer they went, they would.
00:20:22 It would baffle them.
00:20:24 It would baffle them just the the technology alone that you're having to be able to have a good understanding of as an average person.
00:20:33 It's it's way above the understanding of the people that were, many would say, way more educated, say 50.
00:20:42 100 years ago, but anyway.
00:20:44 So it's not that I think that everyone's.
00:20:46 Stupid or although that that is playing.
00:20:49 It's just that everyone has more **** to worry about.
00:20:52 So when you have the middle class Americans that are going to be watching this and forcing their children to watch it, they're coming in, they're they're flying blind.
00:21:02 A lot of these people, all they know about the the Holocaust, is what they've heard from popular culture.
00:21:08 It's whatever residue.
00:21:10 They still have in their brain after watching Schindler's List or.
00:21:13 The endless amount of headlines they've read about the Holocaust or the endless covering of the Holocaust and on The History Channel.
00:21:23 Or just the it's just or the movies that they've watched, other than Schindler's List, or they're comically fictional.
00:21:33 You know, like, what was the one with the bear Jew?
00:21:37 Oh, the the the the not the the the Nazi hunter movie.
00:21:40 I forget the oh, the.
00:21:43 The something ********.
00:21:44 Inglorious ********, that sort of thing.
00:21:47 So that's that's the average middle class.
00:21:50 Person who's going to be watching this because you know that's that's the, that's the target audience.
00:21:54 And that's the thing you need to keep in mind when watching.
00:21:56 This kind of stuff.
00:21:57 Well, who's who's their target audience? They know Tyrone and the ghetto's not going to be watching a six hour long Holocaust.
00:22:05 Documentary on PBS right.
00:22:08 This is aimed at white middle class families.
00:22:12 That, especially if there's boomers of the head of the household, still have this misconception that PBS is educational and and non bias, right?
00:22:25 It's just that's, I mean, it has to be.
00:22:27 It's PBS, it's public broadcast.
00:22:29 They can't be biased.
00:22:30 Oh, no.
00:22:31 Like NPR, right.
00:22:33 Anyway, so let's dive right in.
00:22:35 So first thing it does, it starts to do like it tries to do a human connection.
00:22:38 We're not actually.
00:22:39 Going to follow this.
00:22:41 Story throughout the documentary so much because.
00:22:45 It's more just like an emotional appeal to like one of the talking heads in the documentary, but that this is how the OPA they, you know, put yourself in in the shoes of this totally normal Jewish family that had to face the horrors of the Nazi Party in Germany.
Speaker 16
00:23:05 Otto's ancestors had lived in Germany since the 16th century.
00:23:10 Merchants and bankers, they were not.
00:23:14 Yeah, they were just merchants and bankers, just like your average.
00:23:18 Average family just merchants and bankers like I like I do like.
00:23:23 I think this is like the these are the.
00:23:25 First words of the document.
00:23:27 They open up trying to get you to relate to, like, oh, look at these Jews, they had to go to this persecution and the story they picked wasn't like he was just a farmer.
00:23:36 He was just a humble farmer.
00:23:39 Or or he was just he was.
00:23:40 Just a Carpenter?
00:23:42 Or a A he owned a A.
00:23:45 Shoe store or just anything?
00:23:48 No, it's it's a banker.
00:23:50 It's already it's, it's a, it's a merchants and bankers family.
00:23:54 But anyway, let's I I just cracked.
00:23:56 Up when I was.
00:23:57 Like, Oh my God, that this is your OK.
Speaker 16
00:23:59 Particularly observant Jews.
00:24:02 Otto, a proud officer in the Great War, was a patriotic German.
00:24:10 But in January of 1933, Adolf Hitler had come to power and everything had begun rapidly to change.
00:24:19 Jews Hitler charged were parasites.
00:24:24 Dun Dun Dun Dun.
00:24:28 And so his family is scared and they have to leave.
00:24:33 But they don't seem to have any trauma.
00:24:35 They're they're bankers.
00:24:37 Are we supposed to be?
00:24:38 Like, Oh no.
00:24:40 The bankers are in trouble.
Speaker 16
00:24:43 By early 1934, they would be living in a spacious, sunny apartment.
00:24:51 That's the.
00:24:52 That's the adjective they're using.
00:24:55 It's a spacious apartment.
00:24:57 Oh my God.
00:24:59 They had to leave Germany and live in this spacious, sunny apartment.
00:25:09 Let's OK.
00:25:10 I'm sorry.
00:25:11 Let's let's try to connect with this story.
00:25:14 Let's try to, you know, let's try to understand.
Speaker 16
00:25:19 In the city's river quarter, alongside hundreds of other Jewish families from Germany.
00:25:25 Oh no.
Speaker 16
00:25:26 They would eventually try to seek a safe haven in the United States.
00:25:31 Only to find, like countless others fleeing Nazism, that most Americans did not want to let them in.
00:25:41 Ah, look at that cute little banker.
00:25:43 Most Americans did not want to let them in.
00:25:47 Now this is another theme.
00:25:49 These people that like to scream about how much they love democracy and how oh we're, you know, people like me, I'm a threat to democracy.
00:25:58 Often mention.
00:26:01 In this documentary.
00:26:04 That democratically Jews should not have been allowed in.
00:26:09 Because no one wanted them in.
00:26:12 They say it over and over and over again.
00:26:14 They because they're trying to make Americans feel ohh.
00:26:16 You should have let the bankers in.
00:26:19 You should have let the bank you.
00:26:21 I mean you let a lot of bankers.
00:26:22 In, but you should have let more.
00:26:24 You only let in like 1/4 of a million, but actually probably more because many of them were unrecorded because there's a lot of corruption going on. But you know.
00:26:31 You should have let in more.
00:26:34 You should've let in more.
00:26:37 Look at this kid.
00:26:39 You kept him out and now he's just a a banker.
00:26:43 Still cause nothing happened to him.
00:26:45 Alright, so they then leap into.
00:26:50 The imagery of the of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Islands or Ellis Island and and and.
00:26:59 All the the.
00:27:00 Immigration and how America was this this shining beacon for the rest of the world and and everyone was welcome until they realized how anti-Semitic.
00:27:10 They were.
00:27:11 And it's funny because they don't mention this.
00:27:14 Part of it.
00:27:15 What they do is while showing all this imagery of the immigrants coming in and stuff like that, they have a voiceover that reads.
00:27:24 A poem written by a Jew written by a Jew.
00:27:28 That was later added.
00:27:32 To the Statue of Liberty.
00:27:34 Not that it would matter.
00:27:35 Americans didn't make the Statue of Liberty.
00:27:39 You know, it wasn't like.
00:27:40 Hey, you know what?
00:27:42 Let's that's something.
00:27:43 A lot of people don't ever think about.
Speaker 10
00:27:47 They don't think.
00:27:47 About the fact that no, that was a foreign gift.
00:27:51 It was a foreign gift.
00:27:52 It wasn't like America, you know, in the same way that Americans were were making their own monuments, whether you know in Washington, DC, Mount Rushmore, stuff like that, right?
00:28:02 It wasn't like that.
00:28:03 You know what we should do?
00:28:04 We should make this giant ******* lady.
00:28:07 Right.
00:28:08 Holding a torch with this weird * Crown.
00:28:12 And then stick it on like this island.
00:28:14 You know, like that, that that never occurred to the the white Protestants that were in America at the time.
00:28:22 That was a gift, and that poem didn't exist on the gift when they received it and accepted it.
00:28:30 It was a poem.
00:28:31 Written by a Jew that was later added.
00:28:34 To the monument.
00:28:37 And so they start to read that.
00:28:38 Without telling you that little.
00:28:40 Part of it.
Speaker 6
00:28:41 Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
00:28:51 The wretched refuse of your team, really.
00:28:57 That's the kind of people.
00:28:58 We want coming to America.
00:29:00 The wretched refuse.
00:29:05 That's what we want.
00:29:07 That's immigration policy in America, the wretched refuse.
00:29:12 Send us all your trash.
00:29:19 Welcome to America.
00:29:20 We want all your trash.
00:29:22 We're going to this huge giant statue that says give us your trash.
Speaker 11
00:29:32 It's supposed to be this.
00:29:33 Beautiful poem.
00:29:36 But really, it's saying give us your trash.
00:29:44 Just get your trash, just bag it up.
00:29:48 And justice, throw it over your fence into your neighbor's yard. We want it. We want the trash.
Speaker 6
00:29:57 Send these, the homeless Tempest tasked to me.
00:30:01 Yeah, send us your trash and the homeless.
Speaker 11
00:30:04 That's what we want.
00:30:09 Bring on the homeless people. Look, I guess San Francisco's really enamored with this poem because they've been seen seemingly taking this to heart.
00:30:17 And just give us all your trash and homeless.
00:30:23 That's what America wants.
00:30:31 Once again, that this idea did not originate.
00:30:34 Although it has since been, this is the woman here, the Jewish woman that wrote the poem.
00:30:40 It did not originate from the white Protestants that founded this country.
00:30:47 That was not their ideal.
00:30:51 They had very strict immigration laws, which we'll get into some of that here in.
00:30:56 A second too.
00:30:59 The founding fathers were very clear.
00:31:06 They only wanted Europeans from from certain parts of Europe that they thought would be compatible with this.
00:31:12 Kind of government.
00:31:17 As I've said before, you know Ben Franklin didn't he didn't want Italians.
00:31:20 He didn't want.
00:31:20 Eastern Europeans didn't want slaves.
00:31:28 And look, not because he hated Italians.
00:31:30 I mean, look, I think a lot of you can look at the architecture.
00:31:34 Of the you know, Washington, DC and know that there was something to be admired there, right?
00:31:48 But they understood that this nation.
00:31:51 These people.
00:31:53 Had a shared history and shared values, and that the government had been tailor written.
00:32:03 Tailor made for those people and their descendants.
00:32:07 And then even then, it was kind of a crapshoot.
00:32:09 They weren't sure they.
00:32:10 Were like, I don't know.
00:32:17 And then something happened.
00:32:18 I don't know what happened.
00:32:19 We'll find out.
00:32:19 I guess.
00:32:19 Maybe maybe you'll find maybe this documentary will tell us.
00:32:22 What what happened?
00:32:26 And then they it's funny because they they give us these.
00:32:30 The other side, right, because they've already set the stage like this, is the beautiful, you know, American vision.
00:32:36 This is the one that you should connect to.
00:32:38 I mean, didn't you see the the Statue of Liberty looming in the background there when we were saying how we wanted everyone's trash?
00:32:47 Isn't that like how how you are emotionally connecting to our story so far?
00:32:52 Right?
00:32:53 Give us your trash and your homeless.
00:32:55 Look at the statue.
00:32:57 Oh, but now listen to the evil white Protestant view of of all this, because it was they wrote poetry, too, and it just it wasn't as nice.
Speaker 16
00:33:06 Miss Bailey Aldrich, a writer whose family had also lived in America since colonial times, wrote another poem warning of what he believed would happen to his country if the golden door remained open.
Speaker 17
00:33:22 Wide open and unguarded stand out gates and through them presses.
Speaker 18
00:33:27 A wild, motley throng.
Speaker 19
00:33:30 In Street and Alley, what strange tongues are these?
Speaker 20
00:33:35 Accents of menace alien to our hair.
Speaker 21
00:33:38 Voices that once the tower.
Speaker 18
00:33:40 Of Babel knew, oh, liberty.
Speaker 19
00:33:44 White goddess.
00:33:46 Is it well to leave the gates unguarded?
Speaker 22
00:33:51 Well, I don't know.
00:33:52 That resonates with me a lot more than give us your trash.
00:34:01 When I hear that not only is it just more beautifully written.
00:34:07 It's warning of something.
00:34:10 It's rooted in a reality.
00:34:15 You can feel that he has tied.
00:34:17 To the land.
00:34:19 He has a.
00:34:19 Connection to the land and the people.
00:34:23 Not some Jewish immigrant that says give us your trash.
00:34:26 Give us your homeless people.
00:34:32 He's saying maybe we shouldn't let all the trash and homeless people in.
00:34:38 I'm walking around in New York City.
00:34:41 And I'm hearing all these weird, menacing accents and these customs and this, these people I don't understand.
00:34:49 And and I can't trust.
00:34:52 And I'm wondering what's going on here.
00:34:54 This is this is not headed in the right direction.
00:35:00 But of course, you're supposed to feel bad about this.
00:35:07 Tis you're supposed to want everyone's ******* trash.
00:35:11 That's the American way.
00:35:16 Taking the world's trash.
Speaker 20
00:35:21 All of my grandparents are immigrants from Eastern Europe.
00:35:27 Why am I not surprised?
00:35:30 Why am I not surprised?
00:35:32 Mr. Mendelson.
00:35:36 That you like everyone.
00:35:38 That we've talked about on this stream, it seems like.
00:35:42 Are Jews that emigrated from Eastern Europe?
00:35:44 I don't.
00:35:44 It's weird.
00:35:45 It's like I didn't have to look years up you.
Speaker 10
00:35:48 You just said it.
00:35:52 It's like all of them.
00:35:55 So if you're wondering what happened.
00:35:57 That's what happened.
00:36:02 That's what happened around the turn of the century.
00:36:04 Late 1800s, early 1900s.
00:36:07 You're about to hear the look.
00:36:08 You're they're about to explain how bad it really was.
00:36:12 When they, but as they explain, it's.
00:36:13 A good thing?
00:36:16 But the demographic shift?
00:36:20 Especially in in power centers like New York City was incredible.
00:36:25 Early on.
00:36:27 And just like in the healing hate documentary, because I think there's a lot of white people that think to themselves like.
00:36:32 Why did people try to stop it?
00:36:34 Because it seems like no one tried to stop it because you don't hear about the the.
00:36:37 Attempts to stop it.
00:36:39 And popular culture.
00:36:41 All you hear about is is, oh, there were these crazy Nazi people in the 80s and 90s that, you know, that were racist and whatever.
00:36:48 And this is just going back, it's just.
00:36:49 Taking it back further.
00:36:52 Oh, there were.
00:36:53 There were these crazy white.
00:36:54 Protestants that just didn't want the trash.
00:37:04 So they talked about the 6 million, of course.
00:37:08 Like Oh yeah, the 6 million.
00:37:12 So many people died and it was terrible.
Speaker 16
00:37:16 In the end, the United States admitted some 225,000 refugees from Nazi terror, more than any other sovereign nation took in.
00:37:28 But it wasn't enough this whole documentary.
00:37:30 Is about how it wasn't enough.
00:37:34 So America took in 1/4 of a million.
00:37:38 1/4 of a million.
00:37:42 The population of a major city back then.
00:37:49 More than any other country.
00:37:54 And now feel bad about it for the next.
00:37:56 5 1/2 hours.
00:37:59 Because it wasn't enough.
Speaker 16
00:38:09 The American people and their government proved unwilling to welcome more than a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of desperate people seeking refuge.
00:38:21 It wasn't enough.
00:38:22 And again, they make it sound like they're saying democracy is it doesn't matter.
00:38:29 They're saying the American people and the American government didn't want to.
00:38:35 Well, that's democracy buddy.
00:38:38 Don't you guys love democracy?
00:38:47 Wasn't that the democratic will of the people?
00:38:55 But that's OK.
00:38:57 When democracy gets in the way they they always find.
00:38:59 A way around it?
00:39:02 So then of course they they have this lady on.
00:39:07 Herbal Ding.
00:39:10 You can guess her.
00:39:12 Her ethnicity.
00:39:14 Everyone, at least so far.
00:39:17 Like with one exception.
00:39:19 Every historian.
00:39:21 That they they talk about it with again, you would think that if you're trying to present this as an unbiased view, which I don't even know if they're trying.
00:39:29 But if you were, if you were trying, you would try to find historians that maybe weren't emotionally connected to it.
00:39:35 But maybe our institutions are so saturated with these people that that that's almost impossible to do anyway.
00:39:45 So all you're hearing from are people.
00:39:48 Who have descended from the people that we're talking about.
Speaker 23
00:39:53 And even though the Holocaust physically took place in Europe, it is a story that Americans have to reckon with, too.
00:40:01 Even though it happened in Germany.
00:40:07 And even though countless Americans died to liberate them, as the story right, Lord your Grandpa liberated the Jews from Hitler.
00:40:16 Not anymore.
00:40:19 Not anymore.
00:40:21 Now it's you did the Holocaust too.
00:40:25 You're bad and you should feel bad.
00:40:38 Now look at this, Deborah Lipstadt, historian.
00:40:44 I'm sure, sure, she's a historian.
Speaker 24
00:40:47 The refugees they lost their lives because those doors, the golden door was not quite open.
00:40:56 Oh, that golden door wasn't wide open.
00:41:00 That evil poem.
00:41:03 But maybe we should be guarding that golden door to protect our way of life here.
00:41:09 You know it because it wasn't wide open.
00:41:14 Jewish bankers died.
00:41:17 And you should feel bad.
Speaker 16
00:41:23 Before the Civil war, most immigrants had come from northern Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Holland and Scandinavia.
00:41:35 That's a rare admission.
00:41:39 I thought immigrants built this country.
00:41:45 Sounds like a very specific type of immigrant.
00:41:47 Built this company country.
00:41:52 Prior to the Civil War, you say?
00:41:58 What happened after the civil?
00:41:59 War, I wonder.
Speaker 11
00:42:04 Go on.
00:42:07 Oh, then they started letting other people in.
00:42:11 They started letting all these other people in.
00:42:14 And Americans didn't like it again.
00:42:16 Democracy doesn't matter.
00:42:18 Americans were upset.
00:42:19 By letting all these other people and they had.
00:42:21 Nothing in common with.
Speaker 19
00:42:23 We Americans must realize that the altruistic ideals which have controlled our social development during the past century and the modal and sentimentalism that has made America and asylum for the oppressed are sweeping the nation toward a racial abyss.
00:42:40 This generation must completely repudiate the proud boasts of our fathers that they acknowledge no distinction in race, creed or color.
00:42:49 Or else turn the page of history and write phinisee amerikai.
00:42:55 Madison grant.
00:42:59 Well, I think Madison Grant had hit the nail on the head there.
00:43:09 Just like with the healing height, when you look back at the boomers and they.
00:43:13 Tried that the the the frustrating thing about this.
00:43:19 When you go back this far, you look at the people in the 70s and 80s and they had no financial backing whatsoever.
00:43:28 They didn't.
00:43:30 You know, that's why you had the order robbing armored cars, trying to get money to fund their groups that way.
00:43:40 They didn't have any institutional backing at all.
00:43:45 Because by that time, the WASP elite.
00:43:52 Used to at some point.
00:43:54 Have power in this country.
00:43:58 And used to at some point.
00:44:00 Care about the demographics of this country.
00:44:06 They had already been dethroned.
00:44:12 By the 70s and 80s.
00:44:17 Almost as if Hitler wasn't the only one that.
00:44:20 Lost World War 2.
00:44:27 But when you go back to.
00:44:30 The early.
00:44:31 20th century.
00:44:36 The early 1900s.
00:44:40 You did have.
00:44:42 A wasp alley like Madison Grant.
00:44:46 Speaking out.
00:44:53 And to some extent, putting their money where their mouth was.
00:44:56 And he wasn't the only one.
00:44:57 We'll go into a little bit more of that.
00:45:05 But they were.
00:45:05 Worried about immigrants and people that didn't fit into the.
00:45:12 The wider society, the society that had.
00:45:17 Struggled to build this country.
00:45:21 On this continent.
00:45:29 And they begin to see the problems of multiculturalism.
00:45:35 Over 100 years ago.
Speaker 16
00:45:46 Among the new arrivals from Eastern Europe were more than.
00:45:49 2 million Jews.
00:45:53 Wow, I wonder.
00:45:54 I wonder if that had an influence on the direction of our country.
00:46:04 2 million.
00:46:07 That was.
00:46:07 A lot back then.
00:46:11 2 million.
00:46:15 Makes a little more sense now how so many of these people that we look at their backgrounds, whether you know Epstein, Weinstein, Spielberg.
00:46:24 The the guy that made the garbage pail kids.
00:46:26 That from the other night were.
00:46:28 Time out.
Speaker 14
00:46:29 How? Like all of them?
00:46:32 All of them.
00:46:35 Always influential.
00:46:38 Jewish movie producers.
00:46:41 Studio heads, media moguls.
00:46:47 Government officials, senators.
00:46:54 All of their families.
00:46:57 Came from Eastern Europe.
00:47:00 Around the turn of the century.
00:47:06 And permanently altered.
00:47:09 The direction.
00:47:12 Our country would go in.
00:47:15 And the Wasp elite noticed it.
00:47:22 So what do they do?
Speaker 16
00:47:31 By 1910, New York would be home to more than a million Jews. More than 1/4 of the city's population, far more than any other city on Earth.
00:47:45 Understand that.
00:47:52 The largest, most influential American city became 1/4 Jewish.
00:47:58 In just a few decades.
00:48:04 New York City was 25% Jewish.
Speaker 11
00:48:14 You don't think that made a difference?
00:48:23 Look, even if you thought this was a.
00:48:24 Good thing, right?
00:48:29 What have I told you that over a period of a few decades?
00:48:35 1/4.
00:48:40 Islamabad their population became Mormon.
00:48:45 You don't think that would affect the the culture?
00:48:54 I mean ****.
00:48:56 Look at London 1/4 of of London is basically Muslim at this point, right? That's that's having an effect.
00:49:07 But that's what happened.
Speaker 11
00:49:09 When you want to.
00:49:10 Look back and it it's look it it wasn't.
00:49:13 It's not as if the the America existed without corruption and all kinds of bad influences and problems prior to this massive immigration from Eastern Europe.
00:49:23 But I think it's safe to.
00:49:25 Say that many of the Weimar.
00:49:27 Conditions that we find ourselves in today.
00:49:31 Originated from this massive movement of people into.
00:49:38 Our biggest, most influential city.
00:49:44 To the extent that it was, it became 25% Jewish. Not only that, it was the most Jewish city.
Speaker 12
00:49:51 In the world.
00:49:55 You could argue that New York was the capital of jewelry.
Speaker 10
00:50:00 Of world jewelry.
00:50:03 It went from being a white Christian, you know, white Protestant.
00:50:11 To the capital of world Jewry in just.
Speaker 10
00:50:14 A few decades.
00:50:15 You don't.
00:50:16 You don't think that made a difference?
00:50:24 And you don't think that the the the Protestants of the time would have cause for alarm?
Speaker 16
00:50:36 Many white Protestant Americans came to fear they were about to be outnumbered and outbred by the newcomers and their offspring, that they were being replaced.
00:50:49 You just said they were.
00:50:51 This is what?
Speaker 10
00:50:52 I'm talking about.
00:50:53 All throughout this documentary, they they try to.
00:50:56 Frame these the.
00:50:57 Ohh and then the paranoid white people.
Speaker 10
00:50:59 It's like no you.
00:51:00 Just said they were.
00:51:02 You just said it. It went to 25 ******* percent Jewish and and that's just the Jewish.
00:51:08 People in New York, it wasn't just Jews.
00:51:10 In New York.
00:51:13 You had tons of, like, Italians and other, you know, other Catholics and all kinds of.
00:51:17 People going to New York.
00:51:18 It wasn't just Jews and Protestants only. It wasn't like 25% Jewish and 75% Protestant.
00:51:26 Gee, I wonder why they would think this.
00:51:36 And of course they're they're saying this because the the.
00:51:39 People in the audience.
00:51:42 The boomers in the audience.
00:51:45 The same boomers that might might occasionally, you know, say things like.
Speaker 10
00:51:50 Well, you know.
00:51:53 You know, Tucker's not so bad.
00:51:57 But you know, maybe he's a he's a little ********.
00:52:01 Sometimes I'll watch him sometimes.
00:52:03 Oh, you know what?
00:52:04 I hate to interrupt.
00:52:05 I don't know if you.
00:52:06 Guys can hear that Ghost Kitty is back.
00:52:10 I let oh, so so we're we're going to timeout just for a second because I might have to go out and.
00:52:16 Give some food to Ghost Kitty.
00:52:18 So what happened with Ghost?
00:52:19 Well, you guys don't care about this.
Speaker 25
00:52:20 They got it.
00:52:24 But the other night during the storm.
00:52:26 This wet cap.
00:52:26 Showed up my back door.
00:52:28 I let it in.
00:52:29 It hung out.
00:52:33 During the stream they had a little fight with classified cat after the stream he was meowing at the back door, so I let him back out.
00:52:41 Haven't seen him since until just right this second so.
00:52:47 I'm going to give them some food.
00:52:50 I know this.
Speaker 17
00:52:50 Is weird but.
00:52:52 I don't care.
00:52:54 To entertain you in the mean time.
00:52:57 Let me see what I.
00:52:58 Can do.
00:52:59 Uh. Let's see here.
00:53:02 I know what I can do.
Speaker 17
00:53:05 Let me see here.
00:53:10 Let's see. Downloaded downloaded.
00:53:14 I'm going to play a little video for you.
00:53:19 Or I'm going to start.
00:53:20 Playing a video for you.
00:53:34 Yeah, this will work.
Speaker 25
00:54:01 It's just another.
00:54:05 Out to score, but not so much.
00:54:12 Could be the one.
Speaker 3
00:54:15 She could be the one.
Speaker 13
00:54:18 He could be the one.
Speaker 3
00:54:27 That makes it all worthwhile.
00:54:38 She could be the one.
00:54:39 She could be the one.
Speaker 25
00:54:41 He could be the one.
00:54:42 He could be the one he could.
Speaker 3
00:54:44 She could be the one.
00:54:45 She could be the she could.
Speaker 25
00:54:46 Be the one he could be the.
Speaker 3
00:54:49 One, she could be the one she could be the one she could be the one.
Speaker 25
00:54:53 It could be.
00:54:54 It could be the.
00:55:03 The night to be with someone besides.
Speaker 26
00:55:05 Well, you're not exactly my dream date.
Speaker 17
00:55:08 What is our problem?
00:55:10 I mean, our mothers think we're cute.
Speaker 26
00:55:12 I'm serious.
00:55:13 Have you ever stopped to analyze what went wrong again?
00:55:16 I mean, why are some people getting into these nice relationships and we always seem to end up frustrated.
Speaker 27
00:55:23 Maybe we're saying the wrong things or pushing the wrong buttons.
00:55:26 I don't know.
Speaker 17
00:55:27 I know.
Speaker 26
00:55:28 It's like I'm losing my confidence.
00:55:30 Sometimes you don't even know what to say.
00:55:32 To a woman anymore or how to act?
00:55:35 I went up to this one woman and we started talking and I thought we were hitting it off.
00:55:40 The next thing I know, she's giving me the cold shoulder and.
00:55:42 Then she.
00:55:42 Turns and walks away.
00:55:44 I don't know.
00:55:44 What I did wrong?
Speaker 4
00:55:46 Having a conversation.
Speaker 28
00:55:47 Over there.
00:55:48 And he came over and we talked and he left and never came back.
Speaker 2
00:55:51 Yeah, I gave a guy my phone number, but I'm not going to.
Speaker 23
00:55:54 Hold my breath till he calls.
00:55:56 I am so.
Speaker 25
00:55:57 Sick of guys asking you out and then you.
Speaker 23
00:55:59 Never hear from them again.
Speaker 28
00:56:00 Did they do that?
00:56:02 Is it us or?
00:56:03 Is it them?
00:56:03 I don't know.
00:56:06 Why is it that we always seem to attract the guys that we're not interested in?
00:56:11 There's one guy wanted to meet, so I smiled at.
00:56:13 Him and he never came over.
00:56:16 I wish I could project my thoughts to him and have some force.
Speaker 29
00:56:18 OK.
Speaker 2
00:56:19 I'm back. I'm back.
Speaker 28
00:56:20 Bring him to me.
00:56:22 There's only some.
00:56:23 Hopefully that was that was fun for you guys.
00:56:26 I don't have the audio on on my side, so I don't even know.
00:56:28 I haven't watched that yet.
00:56:29 Just figured it was probably funny so.
00:56:34 I just put.
00:56:34 Some food.
00:56:35 I think it's just a cat that's out here by itself.
00:56:39 So that's why I wanted to get some food while.
00:56:40 It was still around.
00:56:42 Because good possibility hasn't eaten since the last stream.
00:56:46 So anyway it I'm not going to let it in right now and have it fight classified cat and cause problems.
00:56:52 But after the stream, I'll see if it's still.
00:56:55 Sticking around.
00:56:56 Anyway, where where are we?
00:56:58 Oh, yeah, Jews so.
Speaker 11
00:57:06 So this is this is.
00:57:08 It's it's.
00:57:09 It's fascinating to me.
00:57:11 It's just like when you watch the summit or the healing hate stuff and they're like, yeah, white people are being replaced and then 5 minutes later, they're.
00:57:19 Like Oh yeah.
00:57:20 White people with their crazy conspiracy theory that they're being replaced.
00:57:24 They're doing the same thing.
00:57:27 They're doing the same thing you've been getting replaced now for.
00:57:30 It's not.
00:57:31 This isn't like a new.
00:57:32 Project of theirs.
00:57:35 Jews look by and large, not exclusively Jews.
00:57:40 OK, it's just it's not.
00:57:42 And you gotta understand, Jews would not be able to do this without the the will willing cooperation of many guys.
00:57:52 OK.
00:57:54 Jews don't have any magical powers.
00:57:57 They might think so, but they don't have any magical powers.
00:58:00 They can't just show up in your country and and my, you know, Jedi mind trick the.
00:58:05 In charge.
00:58:08 There were many goings that went along with this.
00:58:11 And many religious groups, specifically in this case the Catholics.
00:58:15 Now that might be shocking.
00:58:16 To a lot of you Catholics out there.
00:58:18 The Catholic nationalists.
00:58:19 No, no, no.
00:58:19 We've always been a no.
00:58:22 You have not always been in opposition to Jewish power, not in America.
00:58:26 I don't.
00:58:26 Maybe in Europe, I don't know.
00:58:28 That's not.
00:58:29 That's not where that's not my nation, OK?
00:58:32 But we'll get into that too here.
00:58:34 In a moment.
00:58:36 Let's take a look here.
00:58:41 So next they start talking about how the the Protestants were.
00:58:45 This is the other funny thing.
00:58:47 So Protestants did a lot of the same thing that white people are doing today.
00:58:52 Which is why it's probably not going to work because it didn't work back then and they had way more money and power back then.
00:58:57 This is what?
00:58:58 This is what's a little alarming.
00:59:01 OK.
00:59:01 Because we looked back at the 80s and 90s and we said, OK, you know, Larping is Nazis and, you know, dressing up in cringe outfits and trying to put on, you know, like these shows of force when you don't have any.
00:59:16 Force to back it.
00:59:17 Up doesn't intimidate anyone.
00:59:20 You look ridiculous.
00:59:22 It's it's, it's a, it's it.
00:59:24 It's not socially acceptable and and whether or not you want it to be, that doesn't change that it's not.
00:59:31 And you end up not influencing people.
Speaker 10
00:59:35 So there's a.
00:59:36 Lot of other people, right, and especially white people, right, they they they think well especially conservatives like this is the poison that makes conservatives lose.
00:59:44 So they say, well all you.
00:59:45 Have to do is just come up with rational arguments then, right?
00:59:50 We need to come up with with the the science and the rational arguments.
00:59:54 That explain.
00:59:56 And articulate the problem.
01:00:00 Because if you look at Western societies prior to America, if you look at you know where most Americans came from, you go back to the countries that they came from.
01:00:10 That was the tradition.
Speaker 10
01:00:12 That's not always how it.
01:00:13 Worked out, but that was the tradition, right?
01:00:16 You argue rationally.
01:00:18 About your side and the other side, argues rationally and hopefully not always, but hopefully the rational argument wins.
01:00:30 And society progresses.
01:00:32 Comes to another standstill and then, like you know, the process continues.
01:00:39 And so especially with the right Protestants that had come to America, that's how they had engaged with each other.
01:00:47 Since the founding of the country.
01:00:50 You want this?
01:00:51 We want this.
01:00:52 This is our rationale.
01:00:53 That's again.
01:00:55 Rationality didn't always win.
01:00:59 But that was the process.
01:01:02 So what happens is you have these white Protestants.
01:01:07 Do exactly that.
01:01:09 They take a scientific approach.
01:01:12 They start saying, well, one of the reasons we're worried about this.
01:01:17 And again, you got to, you got to think about.
01:01:18 They didn't have the the kind of of research available to them that we have today.
01:01:23 They didn't have the kind of, you know, they didn't know what DNA was.
01:01:26 As an example, they had they had some sense that there must be some kind of hereditary traits, you know.
01:01:33 They knew that breeding, as they called it, mattered.
01:01:38 But they didn't know.
01:01:39 All the INS and outs as to why.
01:01:43 So they started talking about this, and look, eugenics gets a really bad name because of this kind of tongue.
01:01:54 Where they started saying well look.
01:01:57 We shouldn't.
01:01:57 We shouldn't be letting all.
01:01:58 These people in.
01:02:01 Because a lot of the problems that they're bringing to our shores.
01:02:07 Are not behavioral problems that can be simply solved by immersing them in our magical country.
01:02:15 That's going to somehow erase their brain like it's a hard drive and install the American operating system.
01:02:24 And now suddenly they're compatible with all of our software.
01:02:31 They said no there there is.
01:02:32 There are biological differences between us.
01:02:38 And them.
01:02:39 That's why the American nation was produced by us.
01:02:45 And not them.
01:02:47 If we were biologically similar.
01:02:50 The outputs of our people would be very similar.
01:02:55 They wouldn't be the trash coming to America.
01:02:59 They would be the citizens of similar nations in other places.
01:03:08 That our circumstances are not just a product of happenstance.
01:03:16 Our circumstances are a direct result.
01:03:21 Of our biology.
01:03:26 And anyone I've talked about, you know, like.
01:03:29 I'm going to use another bee analogy.
01:03:31 I don't care.
01:03:32 Same thing.
01:03:33 It's not just bees.
01:03:34 It's anyone that does any kind of animal husbandry or even like dog breeding for dog shows knows this.
01:03:41 Different breeds have different traits.
01:03:44 Going all the way down to insects.
Speaker 11
01:03:46 Going all the way down to bees.
01:03:48 There are certain bees.
01:03:50 They behave certain ways and it doesn't matter what environment you put them in, they'll keep behaving that exact same way.
01:03:59 And if you.
01:04:00 Kill the queen, who which is the the?
01:04:03 The vessel for all the the genetics of the entire hive and you put a different queen inside and her genetic spread, the behavior of that hive will change dramatically.
01:04:16 And then stay the same no matter what.
01:04:18 Environment. You put them in.
01:04:22 Same thing with cattle.
01:04:23 There are certain cattle that you use for milk.
01:04:27 There's certain cattle that you use for meat.
01:04:35 Same thing.
01:04:37 There are meat chickens, and then there's.
01:04:40 Egg laying chickens.
01:04:46 And if you get the meat chickens.
01:04:48 And try to turn them into egg laying chickens.
01:04:51 By changing their environment, it's not going to happen.
01:04:56 And if you get the egg laying and look, you can eat the egg laying chickens and justice as the meat chickens are going.
01:05:01 To lay eggs.
01:05:02 Obviously they're going to.
Speaker 11
01:05:03 Be produced but.
01:05:04 It's going to be a different output.
01:05:07 A significant or there wouldn't, or it would.
01:05:09 There would just be a chicken there.
01:05:11 Wouldn't be different kinds.
01:05:15 And humans are no different, and that's all that these white Protestants were saying.
01:05:20 They were saying, look, we're bringing in these people.
01:05:25 Who are?
01:05:25 Doesn't matter that the environment change.
01:05:28 It doesn't matter that we, we we brought them in from the pasture and brought them into the the the chicken coop where you know the other chickens are laying the eggs.
01:05:38 There's still a ******* meat bird.
01:05:43 That didn't change.
01:05:47 They're going to affect the overall.
01:05:50 Productive level of our society.
01:05:53 They're going to change the environment of our society.
01:05:55 They're going to change the destiny.
01:05:59 Of our society.
01:06:05 And that's what they did.
01:06:07 And it's funny because you'll hear the left and the right in America now.
01:06:14 Both denounce this equally in the exact same way that they don't agree on much, but they'll agree on that.
01:06:26 I wonder why?
01:06:30 Wonder why they see eye to eye on that.
01:06:34 When I just explained it in a way that even the simplest of human beings could understand what I just what these guys were getting at.
01:06:42 And it's impossible to argue that the.
01:06:44 The reality of it?
Speaker 15
01:06:47 The idea was that the bad people have to stop reproducing and the good people need to reproduce more.
Speaker 4
01:06:58 The the bad people, the bad, the.
01:07:05 Yeah, that's the idea, *****.
01:07:09 That's exactly the idea.
01:07:17 That's just reality.
01:07:25 So what they said is, look, if you're going to insist on bringing all these ******* people in, we're going to.
01:07:30 Have to manage this.
01:07:33 Oh, by the.
01:07:33 Way I'll use Zionists out there.
01:07:35 Israel did exactly.
01:07:36 That by by.
01:07:37 Sterilizing a bunch of the the the black Jews that would show.
01:07:41 Up, I think what?
01:07:42 The Ethiopian Jews, or whoever they were.
01:07:47 They didn't want that ad mixture in their population.
Speaker 19
01:07:55 The man of the old stock is being crowded out of many country districts by these foreigners.
01:08:01 Just as he is.
01:08:01 Today, being literally driven off the streets of New York City by the swarms of Polish Jews.
01:08:09 These immigrants adopt the language of the American they wear his clothes, they steal his name, and they are beginning to take his women.
01:08:19 But they seldom adopt his religion or understand his ideals.
01:08:23 And while he's being elbowed out of his own home, the American looks calmly abroad and urges on others the suicidal ethics which are exterminating his own race.
01:08:37 I'm going to play that again.
01:08:41 Again, they're they're presenting this incredibly based on point.
01:08:48 As as something evil and dark and terrible.
01:08:51 So that if you.
01:08:52 Were to.
01:08:54 If you manage to encounter this online on your own.
01:09:00 It's already been flavored.
01:09:03 Sort of being colored.
01:09:06 You're already going to be primed to see it through the the lens of something dark.
01:09:14 And evil.
01:09:18 But what is wrong with anything he just said?
Speaker 19
01:09:22 The man of the Old Stark is being crowded out of many country districts by these foreigners, just as he is today, being literally driven off the streets of New York City by the swarms of Polish Jews.
01:09:36 These immigrants adopt the language of the America.
01:09:40 They wear his clothes, they steal his name and they are beginning to take his women.
01:09:46 But they seldom adopt his religion or understand his ideals.
01:09:51 And while he's being elbowed out of his own home, the American looks calmly abroad and urges on others the suicidal ethics which are exterminating his own race.
01:10:04 Madison grant.
01:10:06 Based Madison grant.
01:10:12 Then at the end there.
01:10:15 He also observed not only is this killing us.
01:10:21 We are seemingly attempting to export this ideology to other countries around the world.
01:10:32 You know, not only is this suicidal.
01:10:38 Way of living.
01:10:40 Going to be the end.
01:10:41 Of us, we're spreading it like a virus.
01:10:51 This was the beginnings.
01:10:54 Of the global ****.
01:10:59 An infection that took hold.
01:11:02 Shortly after millions of Eastern European Jews arrived in America.
01:11:10 That's just it. Look.
01:11:12 Conclude what you want from.
01:11:13 That, that, those are facts.
01:11:18 Those are facts.
01:11:24 So that's based Madison Grant, who they then they try to vilify him like, oh, he's such a bad man, which is weird because he did that.
01:11:32 That's the funny.
01:11:32 Thing is that he he was he was a philanthropist that did a lot of great things that the left dislike.
01:11:38 Right.
01:11:38 Like the Redwood Forest in California, the reason why those are protected Madison grant.
01:11:46 The Everglades in Florida, Madison grant.
01:11:50 He was a conservationist.
01:11:52 He was simply just trying to conserve.
01:11:55 The existence of his own people.
01:12:00 And they can't put the put the two together.
01:12:02 They don't understand why.
01:12:05 Why would he want to?
01:12:06 Conserve these beautiful works of nature.
01:12:08 These things that you know these these grand trees that took thousands of years to take root and to.
01:12:17 To breed and spread across the California coast.
01:12:24 Like monuments to God.
01:12:27 Why would he?
01:12:28 Why would he hold this natural?
01:12:33 Occurrence in in such reverence.
01:12:36 But then be an evil racist.
01:12:39 What do you don't understand?
01:12:40 It's the same thing.
01:12:44 It's the same thing.
01:12:50 It's funny because these same global **** ********.
01:12:55 Who want open borders?
01:12:57 Who want to just import the trash and the homeless?
01:13:02 From around the world.
01:13:06 Are the same people.
01:13:07 They get upset about invasive species in their.
01:13:12 Nature preserves.
01:13:17 The same people who are willing to go through economic ruin to preserve.
01:13:24 A spotted owl.
01:13:38 And that is because they have.
01:13:39 No reverence for their own people.
01:13:44 They have more reverence for an animal that they didn't even know existed.
01:13:49 Until they read some article.
01:13:54 An animal they'll never see.
01:13:58 They won't make their life any better.
01:14:05 Than they do for their own brothers and sisters.
Speaker 20
01:14:24 And he was also a violent anti Semite and a violent anti Italian and he really was horrified by what he saw happening on the streets of New York.
01:14:36 Well, I would too 25%.
01:14:44 And like I said, it wasn't just 25% juice 75%.
01:14:50 Protestant, you know, white Protestant.
01:14:52 You did have.
01:14:53 A bunch of Italians and other groups showing up in New York City specifically.
01:14:59 Changing forever the course.
01:15:04 And Destiny of America.
01:15:12 And I, like I said, I love this documentary because it it it's it gives you book recommendations.
01:15:17 Look at this.
01:15:20 Tells you that you should read the passing of the great race by Madison Grant.
01:15:32 Where he lays a.
01:15:33 Lot of this out.
01:15:35 I bet it's a really.
01:15:35 Good read.
01:15:36 I'm going to find out.
01:15:41 But again, he was in the same way that he argued for the preservation of the Redwood trees and for the Everglades.
01:15:51 Appealing to the morality that he understood.
01:15:58 Using rational arguments.
01:16:00 That he understood that he.
01:16:02 Knew that the people he.
01:16:03 Were that he was speaking to, would understand.
01:16:08 He attempted to use the same logic.
01:16:15 This same appeal to their morality.
01:16:21 But it failed.
Speaker 20
01:16:31 He fills it with all sorts of interesting historical, so-called data, which is mostly crazy.
Speaker 4
01:16:37 But it's very.
01:16:39 I like that.
01:16:40 You like how?
01:16:41 That that was just explained away.
01:16:43 He filled.
01:16:43 It with all this data, that's just crazy.
01:16:48 Like, well, how is it crazy?
01:16:50 Like, you know you're gonna elaborate a little bit on that?
01:16:53 No, no.
01:16:58 He fills it with all this data.
01:16:59 That's just crazy crazy.
01:17:03 It's just all crazy.
01:17:09 Just crazy ramblings of a madman.
01:17:13 I wonder if all the data he provided while trying to save the.
01:17:16 Redwoods was it was all crazy.
Speaker 20
01:17:19 Crazy, but it's very persuasive and.
01:17:22 It does give.
01:17:24 Hold on.
01:17:24 If it's persuasive, it can't be that crazy.
01:17:33 Are you saying that the the the Americans at the time were just these insane people?
01:17:39 It's like when they said it like and then one day for no reason at all, you know, Hitler got elected and he's just this madman and everyone just went crazy.
Speaker 10
01:17:47 Really. Is that what happened?
01:17:50 Everyone just simultaneously lost their.
01:17:52 Minds and justice, you know.
01:17:56 I guess I guess that's.
01:17:59 That's how the world is, huh?
Speaker 20
01:18:01 Is the anti immigration movement.
01:18:04 It suddenly gives some science.
Speaker 30
01:18:07 Oh, not science.
01:18:12 Yeah, that that was upsetting for them.
01:18:19 The anti immigration people.
01:18:22 Had some science to back their claims.
01:18:26 You know, it's funny because now you know, back when Melania was.
01:18:29 Still kind of a thing.
01:18:31 And they were calling him a scientific racist, and they were saying all this scientific racism well.
01:18:41 What do you mean?
01:18:43 Because the implication is is racism is scientific, then is is.
Speaker 10
01:18:47 That what it is.
01:18:52 By the way it is.
01:18:58 All this damn science that he had.
01:19:04 Now, science says that there's now we got the real science where there's.
01:19:09 There's trans trans women are women, and all this fun stuff.
01:19:13 Good thing it changed.
01:19:15 And then they really let you know.
01:19:19 Who's on the right side of science with this gem?
01:19:24 By by letting you know this is you're ready for some real science guys.
01:19:28 Here's the real science.
Speaker 16
01:19:30 Grant supposedly scientific claims about a rigid hierarchy of races was ludicrous.
01:19:36 The biological notion of race itself is a fiction.
01:19:41 There's no such thing as race.
01:19:42 That's real science.
01:19:48 That's their argument.
01:19:50 That ohh his ideas were crazy because race is isn't real.
01:19:59 Just like gender is not real.
01:20:04 Race has no biological what?
Speaker 14
01:20:12 That's odd.
01:20:14 But that's what you're going.
01:20:15 With Hun hi, Ken Burns.
Speaker 7
01:20:21 And that's as.
01:20:21 Far as they go in terms of trying to discredit his science, they say some some guy says it's crazy.
Speaker 19
01:20:31 And then Ken Burns.
01:20:32 Says no, there's no such thing as race.
01:20:35 That means that book probably has some pretty ******* good arguments in it.
01:20:40 If that's all they can say is like, it's just crazy.
01:20:43 There's no such thing as race.
01:20:47 Another thing that.
01:20:47 They they they flip around on right.
01:20:51 There's this thing as race unless you're.
01:20:52 Talking about the Jews.
01:20:55 Where 6 million of them died because of white people.
01:20:59 Then there's race.
01:21:04 It's madding.
01:21:05 It's madding because of just how ******* ******** this is.
01:21:11 Oh, that's classified cat.
01:21:13 He's sad because I think the ghost Kitty ran away.
01:21:17 It's alright buddy.
01:21:19 He'll be back when I fed him.
01:21:22 Yeah, I know you'll get a friend again soon.
01:21:31 So then they move.
01:21:32 On to the early 1900s.
01:21:37 And they say that indirectly.
01:21:40 That basically because of all the Jewish immigration.
01:21:46 You had a bunch of communists all of a sudden in your country.
01:21:51 And so America responded by rounding up communists, which just whoopsie happened to be like 99% Jews.
01:22:03 And so.
01:22:05 They kind of gloss over that part and then just kind of focus on.
01:22:09 The oh look.
01:22:09 America was was rounding up Jews but saying it was because they were round up communists.
01:22:14 No, they were round up communists and they.
01:22:16 Just happened to mostly be Jews.
01:22:28 And they they they talk about base Henry Ford.
01:22:31 Again, this was a time when we still had people.
Speaker 12
01:22:35 With money and means.
01:22:37 Doing what they could to combat this.
01:22:39 You know, it's funny, I.
01:22:40 Was talking to my mom the other day.
01:22:43 And I mentioned to her, Henry Ford and his international Jew.
01:22:49 And how?
01:22:50 If you went into a Ford dealership, a lot of people don't know this.
01:22:52 If you went into a Ford dealership anywhere in the country?
01:22:57 For free.
01:23:00 In the showroom.
01:23:02 Was the international Jew.
01:23:07 It was a series of articles that Henry Ford paid to have written.
01:23:12 And a newspaper that he bought that he made available free at his.
01:23:22 That explained.
01:23:23 All of the problems.
01:23:26 That he had encountered as a non Jew trying to deal with people in finance.
01:23:32 And international trade.
01:23:35 You know, as a gore.
01:23:36 That made it big, for example.
01:23:40 The roadblocks he had, he had hit.
01:23:46 We're typically Jewish.
01:23:51 And because he had the money and the means.
01:23:53 He tried to alert the American people to the.
01:23:57 The growing.
01:24:01 That these people posed.
01:24:03 To the American way of life.
01:24:07 And my my mom was blown away.
01:24:08 She had never even heard of this.
01:24:09 I was like, yeah, you can you can buy.
01:24:11 I mean, I have the books.
01:24:11 You mean you?
01:24:12 Can buy the compiled articles in book form now.
01:24:17 And you read them and it's it's all the same stuff.
01:24:20 It's literally.
01:24:20 It's like the behavior is the same.
01:24:24 Nothing has changed.
01:24:28 The same the same issues.
01:24:31 That the West has with jewelry today.
01:24:35 Were the same issues they've always had.
Speaker 16
01:24:48 Anti-Semitism intensified.
01:24:51 The automobile pioneer Henry Ford blamed Jews for everything from Lincoln's assassination to the change he thought he did.
01:25:00 Yeah, I know. I'm. I'm not actually. I'm kind of open to the idea, quite frankly, of the Lincoln's assassination thing now.
01:25:07 But that said, I kind of want I kind of want to clip this out.
01:25:09 Wouldn't this be a good sound bite ready.
Speaker 16
01:25:10 Anti-Semitism intensified.
01:25:16 Just clip that out anyway.
Speaker 16
01:25:19 The automobile pioneer Henry Ford blamed Jews for everything from Lincoln's assassination to the change he thought he detected in the flavor of his favorite candy bar. He bought himself a weekly newspaper.
01:25:36 By the way, they they try to make.
Speaker 11
01:25:38 It ohh he's crazy.
01:25:40 He's crazy.
01:25:41 He's saying Jews are controlling the the flavor of his candy bar.
01:25:45 Now he's talking about like Jews that are trying to squeeze every dollar out of the products that are selling, swapping out ingredients for ingredients that are cheaper.
01:25:56 It wasn't just like.
01:25:57 Oh, they're controlling my candy bars.
01:26:00 But that's how they make it sound.
Speaker 16
01:26:02 Bought himself a.
01:26:03 Weekly newspaper The Dearborn Independent and used it to spread his anti-Semitic propaganda.
01:26:10 In a series of 91 weekly articles called the International Jew, he promoted the protocols of the Elders of Zion.
01:26:22 Which we might cover in a future stream.
01:26:26 So this is this is.
01:26:29 One of the reasons why, by the way.
01:26:33 You want to know why Detroit looks like Detroit?
01:26:41 A big reason why Detroit looks like Detroit.
01:26:44 Is revenge.
01:26:55 Think about that.
01:26:58 Because it's true.
01:27:04 They then talk about how look and this is to me they they're framing this like it's some kind of horrific.
01:27:10 Oh this.
01:27:11 Rampant anti-Semitism but to me it's a testament to how much opposition there really was.
01:27:19 And how futile it seems to have been.
01:27:24 They talk about how you know, for example, they bring up this, oh, there was this.
01:27:28 Here's a resort.
01:27:30 And in the advertisement for the resort.
01:27:35 It says.
01:27:37 Can some thieves I think that means people who drink and Hebrews not accommodated.
01:27:48 Because there were many American establishments at the time.
01:27:53 That openly excluded Jews, you know, country clubs and such, trying to at least hang on to some kind of homogeneity among their class.
01:28:04 Unfortunately, they.
01:28:05 Didn't do enough.
01:28:16 They weren't even able to keep.
01:28:17 Him out of the government.
Speaker 16
01:28:19 Early 1920s support grew steadily for congressional legislation to permanently restrict immigration designed to return to the ethnic mix of America as it had been before the waves of newcomers from southern and Eastern Europe.
01:28:37 Then of course they have to.
01:28:39 They always bring in the clan and then the clan marched.
01:28:41 It was really evil and bad.
01:28:43 They love that March.
Speaker 16
01:28:46 President Calvin Coolidge supported it, too.
01:28:49 America must be kept American, he said.
01:28:55 Based, Coolidge.
Speaker 16
01:29:00 Jewish and Catholic organizations were adamantly opposed.
01:29:06 ******* Catholics.
01:29:10 This is what I'm talking about.
01:29:11 Look, it's just, it is what it is.
01:29:12 I know there's a lot of Catholics today that that recognize the the Jewish problem, but you you can't ignore your past there, buddies.
01:29:20 This this is.
01:29:21 This went well into post World War 2, also in America.
01:29:25 Again specific to America.
01:29:26 I don't know what Catholics were doing in Europe, but in in America they.
01:29:31 They were opposing.
01:29:34 They were standing hand in hand with with Jews opposing the the white Protestants that founded the country and pushing for the immigration because immigration for the Catholic Church meant more church members.
01:29:46 And that's what matters.
01:29:56 In fact.
01:29:59 We often hear about the Heart Seller act, right?
01:30:05 Now, Speaking of Jews and Catholics working hand in hand.
Speaker 16
01:30:10 Freshman Congressman Emanuel seller was a third generation Jewish American who represented Brooklyn's 10th district.
01:30:22 There's Emmanuel, seller of the Heart Seller act.
Speaker 16
01:30:29 And he liked to tell his constituents that his Catholic grandfather had jumped into New York Harbor to save his Jewish grandmother from drowning.
01:30:38 After the boat, they had both taken from Germany, began to sink.
01:30:45 It's only been a a.
01:30:47 Worse swimmer, huh?
01:30:48 That Catholic grandfather of his.
01:30:52 So just just saying, just saying they're Catholic just.
01:30:54 Throw it out.
01:30:55 There we love you guys, but I mean, come on.
01:30:59 You can't act like you.
01:31:02 You know that all this, all this hyperbole about you being like the force.
01:31:05 Against Jews is.
01:31:06 Is simply hyperbole.
01:31:09 Because good old heart seller here, you know, or a manual seller rather.
01:31:17 So they they talk about a manual seller, one of the first Jewish senators.
01:31:22 Who represented now that New York was 25% Jewish, you know, pretty easy to.
01:31:27 Get a Jew elected.
01:31:33 Which has been the case ever since.
01:31:36 Not a whole lot of.
01:31:37 Non Jewish senators from New York.
01:31:46 So after Coolidge.
01:31:49 Tried to tamp down on this non white Protestant immigration.
01:31:54 An annual seller went in full spurred mode.
01:31:58 With endless funding.
01:32:02 Attacking it is it's the same look the the playbook hasn't changed.
01:32:06 Racist, xenophobic, same ****.
Speaker 16
01:32:09 But nothing seller or his allies said, could halt the rush toward passage.
01:32:14 The new law, the Johnson Reed Act, passed by overwhelming margins in both the House and Senate.
01:32:22 On May 26, 1924, Coolidge signed it into law.
01:32:29 It drastically limited the total number of immigrants admitted to the United States, and it allotted quotas to each country overwhelmingly favoring immigrants from northern European countries.
01:32:44 So they they actually were able to kind of.
01:32:48 Try to.
01:32:49 Slow it down.
01:32:50 But unfortunately, just like with everything else.
01:32:54 It was 1/2 measure.
01:32:57 Imagine, for example, you have an.
01:33:02 Infection. You get a disease.
01:33:05 And you start to feel sick.
01:33:08 And you go to the doctor's office.
01:33:13 And the doctor says.
01:33:16 Well, we got two options.
01:33:20 I can give.
01:33:20 You this one treatment, which is relatively painless.
01:33:25 And it'll just stop the the spread of infection.
01:33:28 It'll just be exactly like, you know, you feel.
01:33:30 Kind of crappy now.
01:33:31 You have a cough every once in a while you feel like garbage in the mornings, whatever.
01:33:35 But it's not so bad, right?
01:33:36 It's tolerable, but it's enough for where you know you went into the doctor over it, right?
01:33:40 So we can give you something where?
01:33:42 It will just keep you.
01:33:42 At that level, it won't.
01:33:44 Get worse.
01:33:45 They won't get better either.
01:33:49 Now we have this other treatment.
Speaker 3
01:33:53 It'll be a little.
Speaker 10
01:33:54 Painful for a little bit for a little while.
01:33:59 It'll kind of.
01:34:00 Hurt really bad for a little bit.
Speaker 16
01:34:03 But it will.
01:34:03 Get rid of the infection entirely.
01:34:08 And you'll be back to how?
01:34:08 You were back to normal.
01:34:11 But it's going to.
01:34:11 Cost a lot.
01:34:14 And it's going to kind.
01:34:14 Of hurt for a while.
01:34:20 The white Protestants said, well, I'll take.
01:34:23 That first one.
Speaker 10
01:34:27 I want the one that's.
01:34:28 Not going to hurt so bad and.
01:34:30 It's not going to cost that much.
01:34:32 And I'll just live with these symptoms.
01:34:36 And hope that they get better.
01:34:42 Hope that you know my immune system will take over or something and just you know.
01:34:49 Because this other this other option.
01:34:52 That looks like it's going to hurt, and it costs a.
Speaker 10
01:34:54 Lot of money and.
01:35:01 That's what conservatives always do.
01:35:03 They never do anything proactive.
01:35:14 They just slow it down.
01:35:18 Sometimes stop it for a little while.
01:35:25 But they never push it the other direction, they don't.
01:35:30 Address the.
01:35:34 Of the problem.
01:35:38 And in many times they they don't even address the symptoms.
01:35:49 And again, they talked to more Jewish historians.
Speaker 23
01:35:54 White Protestant immigrants.
01:35:58 She's so mad because.
01:36:01 That's the kind of people that this new.
01:36:03 Bill would let in.
01:36:11 It limited the number of Catholics and Jews.
01:36:17 And they even go so far because it it it also pretty much excludes Asians.
01:36:24 From immigrating to America.
01:36:27 They go so far as to imply that that might have had something to do with why Japan.
01:36:32 Bomb Pearl Harbor.
01:36:35 Like they don't say it, but they kind of imply like, oh, yeah, well, you know.
01:36:41 After they banned immigration from Japan, they.
Speaker 11
01:36:44 Are setting themselves.
01:36:45 Up for a confrontation with Japan.
Speaker 16
01:36:56 In 1920, one 805,000 immigrants had come to America. In 1925 under the new quota system, just under 150 thousand were allowed in.
01:37:13 I bet that was a breath of fresh air.
01:37:18 Can you imagine though?
01:37:20 They were letting in close to 1,000,000 people a year. Even 100,000 is quite a lot of people.
01:37:28 But Ken Burns here, he's he's.
01:37:30 Acting like, Oh my God.
01:37:34 The horrors.
01:37:39 They stopped letting all the trash.
01:37:42 Didn't you see the Statue of Liberty?
01:37:44 We're supposed to want everyone's ******* trash.
01:37:48 Why'd they stop letting trash in?
01:37:52 And that's actually.
01:37:53 What they mean?
01:37:55 Because one of the reasons why the immigration went down.
01:37:59 Is they started looking at whether or not you had a means of supporting yourself once you got here, they didn't want the trash.
01:38:05 They didn't want people that were going to come here and then instantly be attacks on the system.
01:38:16 Seems reasonable enough.
01:38:17 Seems rational enough.
01:38:23 But they also changed the rules so that.
Speaker 29
01:38:26 Uh oh.
01:38:28 A particular demographic wasn't allowed to come in by the millions anymore.
Speaker 16
01:38:32 It was not an accident that most recent Jewish immigrants had come from the Eastern European countries that now had minuscule quotas.
01:38:47 Can you imagine where we would have been?
01:38:51 Have they not at least slowed that **** down for a little bit?
01:38:55 I mean, look where?
Speaker 14
01:38:56 We are.
01:38:56 Now, with just the millions that were allowed to.
01:38:59 Come prior to this legislation.
01:39:02 Can you imagine those floodgates that.
01:39:04 Stayed open all the way.
01:39:05 Up leading up to World War 2.
01:39:11 I mean, holy ****, it was bad as it is.
Speaker 16
01:39:20 America has closed the doors just in time to prevent our Nordic population from being overrun by the lower races, said Madison Grant.
01:39:31 Well, based Madison Grant, you were wrong.
01:39:34 Were wrong.
01:39:34 You should have done more.
01:39:37 No half measures.
01:39:41 The damage had already been done.
01:39:46 At the very least, you should have.
01:39:47 Amended the constitution.
Speaker 29
01:39:51 And made.
01:39:52 It supremely difficult.
01:39:55 To change the demographic flow into the country.
01:40:04 Because as we all know now.
01:40:08 That only lasted until 1965.
01:40:21 So then they say.
01:40:23 See, this is part.
01:40:23 This is part.
01:40:24 Of why you?
01:40:24 Did the.
01:40:25 Holocaust they say that.
01:40:29 Hitler was in jail at the time.
01:40:33 And he was looking at America and going, ah ******* based.
01:40:38 That's how you do it.
01:40:39 That that's how you do it that, uh, that Madison grant guy that Coolidge.
01:40:46 They know what's up.
01:40:51 And that's what inspired Hitler to do the Holocaust.
Speaker 16
01:40:59 To Hitler, all Jews were clannish, stateless, subhuman leeches who drained the strength of every country in which they lived.
01:41:09 From his cell, he promised to one day make Germany free of them and by so doing, restored Germany's greatness.
01:41:18 He would seek to destroy the power of what he.
01:41:21 Believed was a worldwide conspiracy, international Jewry.
01:41:29 Dun Dun Dun Dun with the scary music behind it.
01:41:33 And of course he was.
01:41:34 Heavily influenced by what was happening in the United States, you did this.
01:41:38 You planted this seed in his head.
01:41:42 You should be ashamed of yourselves, founding stock Americans.
01:41:47 Dun Dun Dun.
Speaker 16
01:41:50 When Hitler was released from prison in December of 1924, the fledgling Vimar Republic that had been born at the end of the Great War was finally coming into its own.
01:42:03 Berlin, its capital and largest city, home to 1/3 of Germany's Jews, have become the intellectual and creative center of Europe.
01:42:15 Expressionism on canvas and on the movie screen.
01:42:20 Bauhaus architecture and American jazz scientific advancement and avant-garde music.
Speaker 1
01:42:29 You guys listen to.
01:42:30 This he's saying the Weimar Germany was like the the the crown jewel of Europe.
Speaker 10
01:42:38 They're saying why Mar Germany was.
01:42:40 Like, Oh my God.
01:42:43 Before Hitler was around.
01:42:46 Why Mar Germany was like this wonderful utopia, full of free art and expression.
Speaker 10
01:42:52 What they're saying?
01:42:55 Is this ****?
Speaker 16
01:42:57 When Hitler was released from prison in December of 1924, the fledgling Vimar Republic that had been born at the end of the Great War was finally coming into its own.
01:43:10 Berlin, its capital and largest city, home to 1/3 of Germany's Jews, have become the intellectual and creative center of Europe.
01:43:22 Expressionism on canvas and on the movie screen, Bauhaus architecture and American jazz, scientific advancement and avant-garde music.
01:43:38 And and they, they included ********.
01:43:40 Look, they're including ********.
01:43:44 As as part of why like it was so great.
01:43:46 Look at this.
01:43:49 And of course, Einstein's the smartest man to have ever lived.
Speaker 16
01:43:54 Scientific advancement and avant-garde music. Sexual freedom.
01:44:01 And leftist politics.
01:44:04 Wow, it sounds sounds very.
01:44:08 Very awesome.
01:44:09 I don't know why people.
01:44:11 Why would they let Hitler then?
01:44:15 Not really like what's your argument for that?
01:44:17 Like, what's how do you explain it?
01:44:21 If it's just this wonderful, awesome place.
01:44:24 All of a sudden.
01:44:25 This magical place why?
01:44:28 How did how did this?
01:44:29 Guy get elected.
01:44:33 The way they tell the story is, you know, while Hitler was in jail admiring the the roots of Nazism that were that were brewing in America.
Speaker 11
01:44:44 You know like.
01:44:45 Driving him to to write mine comp.
01:44:50 You know, he gets out of jail and he sees.
01:44:51 This wonderful Jewish paradise.
01:44:55 And he's just like, I hate it.
Speaker 11
01:44:58 That's that's what it that's how they tell the story.
01:45:03 He gets out of jail.
01:45:04 He's just like **** this place.
01:45:05 I hate it.
01:45:08 I need to be more like the Americans.
01:45:10 Which they then flip the script on again like it's, so it's so nonsensical.
01:45:17 So then they talk about how the Americans start.
01:45:22 This is this is pre operation *******.
01:45:24 In fact, this was like I forget the name of this one, but it was it was basically operation went back.
01:45:29 Before operation went back.
01:45:31 Where they did kind of start to proactively deport people.
01:45:35 Not enough, but they did go through the southern States and round up illegal immigrants from Mexico.
01:45:42 And and bolstered their their border security.
01:45:48 So they did sorta start.
01:45:51 Being proactive.
01:45:55 And of course, all this did was inspire Hitler.
Speaker 16
01:46:01 From now on, the United the United States would deny a visa to any would be immigrant, likely to become a public charge dependent on government support.
01:46:13 Why is that a problem?
01:46:19 Why is that a problem?
01:46:22 That's like saying from now on.
01:46:24 This evil corporation would cease to hire people that wouldn't do anything.
Speaker 10
01:46:32 Well, of course you're not going to.
01:46:33 Hire people that don't do anything.
01:46:38 Why would we want people that weren't going to do anything?
01:46:41 Oh, yeah, that's right.
01:46:42 We're supposed to want everyone's trash.
Speaker 16
01:46:48 Under the slogan American jobs for real Americans, Hoover's Labor Department approved raids by sheriffs, marshals, and vigilantes that rounded up some 1.8 million people of Mexican descent and deported them.
01:47:06 See not only have we done it before, we've done it multiple times.
01:47:10 It can be done.
01:47:16 Where there's a will, there's a way.
01:47:19 There's just no will.
01:47:21 That's something that I think a lot of people.
01:47:22 Have to come to terms with.
01:47:25 It's not that it's impossible physically.
01:47:29 There's just no will to do it.
01:47:31 There's not a single right wing candidate.
01:47:36 That would publicly.
01:47:39 Or even privately, probably support something like this.
01:47:47 And there was enough will.
01:47:48 There was enough.
01:47:49 You still had enough power.
01:47:52 To get rid of 1.8 million people.
01:47:58 Obviously didn't work because they had to do operation, went back a.
01:48:01 Few years later.
01:48:06 So again, they're like and then the Nazis saw that and they were like, wow, that's ******* awesome.
01:48:11 Look, what America is doing, they're deporting all.
01:48:13 Their riff raff.
01:48:16 We got to do that.
01:48:18 You know, it's kind of funny in this frame that I just grabbed it kind of looks like the Facebook logo on.
01:48:25 That Nazi flag.
01:48:30 I just noticed that it looks like.
01:48:32 A boomer meme.
01:48:39 So then they're like they go to there and then one.
01:48:41 Day for no reason at all.
01:48:43 In this Weimar utopia.
01:48:47 This Weimar utopia that everyone lives in.
01:48:51 With all that American jazz music and ******** everywhere.
01:48:57 The people start thinking Hitler is not.
01:49:00 Such a bad idea.
01:49:04 And the Jews in America.
01:49:07 Who totally don't control the media.
01:49:11 Start propagandizing Americans against Hitler.
Speaker 16
01:49:16 American newspapers published more than 3000 stories about anti-Semitic incidents during the first 100 days of Nazi rule.
01:49:29 OK, again, how?
01:49:31 If Jews had no influence on the media.
01:49:35 That's that's a lot of ******* articles to write in 100 days.
01:49:41 Right.
01:49:43 How is that possible?
01:49:44 How is it that they wrote?
Speaker 16
01:49:47 American newspapers published more than 3000 stories about anti-Semitic incidents during the first 100 days of.
01:49:57 They wrote 3000 articles.
01:50:00 In 100 days.
01:50:10 That's thirty a day.
01:50:17 But you know, Jews don't.
01:50:19 Have any influence on the media right?
Speaker 30
01:50:22 Americans who picked up their papers or who listened to the radio had access to a lot of information about Nazi persecution of Jews.
01:50:32 Ohh or listen to the radio.
01:50:39 Oh, so they had influence on the radio too, OK.
Speaker 12
01:50:46 And there was.
01:50:47 Also, the fear and a legitimate fear that if we talk too much about this, Americans are going to say, well, that's right, you know, Jews are like that.
01:50:55 Jews are conniving.
01:50:58 Wait, why would that be a legitimate fear?
Speaker 3
01:51:06 Can you?
01:51:11 Do they listen to themselves?
01:51:12 I mean, come on.
Speaker 10
01:51:17 There was a fear that if we said we talked too much.
Speaker 11
01:51:19 About it, and Americans would be like, wait a second.
01:51:23 That's right, Jews are shifty.
Speaker 12
01:51:26 Like and it was also the fear and a legitimate fear that if we talk too much about this, Americans are going to say, well, that's right, you know, Jews.
01:51:35 Are like that.
01:51:36 Jews are conniving.
Speaker 3
01:51:40 What kind of argument is that?
01:51:47 Ohh, why would you?
01:51:50 Why would you put that?
Speaker 11
01:51:51 Clip in there.
01:51:59 So anyway.
01:52:02 They then talk.
01:52:04 Here's The funny thing.
01:52:10 After that after that gem they start to talk about how and again this is.
01:52:15 This is funny because like you, you hear about how.
01:52:22 Like a lot of times.
01:52:23 I'll be like, well, I mean.
01:52:24 Come on, what do?
01:52:25 You think we're all meeting together?
01:52:26 In some dark room and planning this.
Speaker 11
01:52:27 That sort of thing.
Speaker 7
01:52:29 And it's like, well, I.
01:52:30 Mean not.
01:52:32 Not like in the you.
01:52:33 Know like the way you're describing it.
01:52:34 But yeah, there there is some coordination.
01:52:38 Between these NGOs and.
01:52:39 These groups right, and they they act as if they.
01:52:43 No, no, that's crazy.
01:52:44 That's crazy.
01:52:45 Well, right after that, after that quote.
01:52:48 They then go and talk about.
01:52:51 A meeting that they had.
01:52:53 Like all the American Jews had this.
01:52:54 Huge ******* meeting on what to do about Hitler.
Speaker 16
01:52:59 On March 20th, despite a heavy rain storm, some 1500 representatives of Jewish organizations gathered.
01:53:07 In the ballroom.
01:53:08 Of New York's Hotel Astor, hoping to find consensus about what to do.
01:53:15 Wait, hold on.
01:53:18 They gathered together to find consensus.
Speaker 11
01:53:24 I mean, isn't that?
01:53:28 Isn't that coordinating?
01:53:29 Isn't that look you can?
01:53:32 You could say.
01:53:33 What they're doing is is good or whatever, but to act like ohh no.
01:53:37 All these Jewish.
01:53:38 Organizations, they all just independently, somehow or are all working towards the same goal and they don't.
01:53:44 They never, they never coordinate any.
01:53:46 Look at this.
01:53:51 Of course they do.
01:53:55 And look, these weren't just like nobodies. These weren't just like, oh, yes, a a group of small town rabbis who were concerned about, you know, fascism or something like, no, these were, like, high-powered people.
Speaker 16
01:54:08 Many called for a mass rally at Madison Square Garden and other demonstrations across the country.
01:54:15 New York Supreme Court Justice Joseph Proskauer.
01:54:20 See look, a New York Supreme Court Justice.
01:54:26 Was in attendance.
01:54:27 These weren't small, you know, small time people.
01:54:30 These were like, the the Jewish elite got together.
01:54:36 In a meeting numbering over 1000, you know nearly 2000.
01:54:45 The talk strategy.
Speaker 16
01:54:54 Rose to object.
01:54:56 He begged those present to vote against public meetings that could only further inflamed Hitler.
01:55:03 The crowd began to Boo, but he continued.
01:55:07 I ask you to think whether you want Jewish blood to be seen in the gutters of Germany.
01:55:15 Then Stephen Wise, the best known rabbi in America, stood up.
01:55:22 So this New York Supreme Court Justice, Jewish justice.
01:55:28 Said hey, we don't want to antagonize Hitler because that will actually lead to violence against Jews in Germany.
01:55:39 And then this guy, Steven Weiss.
01:55:44 Pops up and says **** that.
01:55:47 It's on.
01:55:50 We are going to antagonize Hitler.
01:55:53 We're going to organize boycotts against Germany.
01:56:03 We have enough power here in America to where we don't have.
01:56:06 Anything to worry about?
Speaker 17
01:56:10 It is happening in Germany today, may happen tomorrow in any other land on earth, unless it is challenged and rebuked.
01:56:20 It is not the German Jews who are being attacked.
01:56:24 It is the Jews.
01:56:27 You see.
01:56:31 The kind of solidarity solidarity that's illegal for white people to have in many parts of the world is.
01:56:36 Just normal.
01:56:40 For Jews?
01:56:43 And again they they they say it doesn't exist or whatever, but this documentary.
01:56:47 Is bragging about it.
01:56:51 You know this, this paranoia they had.
01:56:55 Uh, the jig is up.
01:56:58 The the woman even said it like, oh, we can't be too loud about this because then Americans.
Speaker 11
01:57:02 Might start saying wait a second.
01:57:13 But he said no.
01:57:16 We're all one people.
01:57:23 Only we have that.
01:57:24 Kind of solidarity.
Speaker 19
01:57:25 Right.
01:57:29 So again, because they they owned and operated many of the newspapers in America.
01:57:34 They went full blast.
01:57:37 Boycott of German goods.
01:57:39 Judea declares war on Germany.
01:57:41 This is all pre.
01:57:43 World War 2, by the way.
01:57:46 This is all pre Auschwitz.
01:57:47 This is all pre any of that stuff.
01:57:51 They start organizing boycotts because Hitler was getting rid of their.
01:57:56 Weimar Republic.
01:58:07 I find this part of the newspaper interesting.
01:58:11 Germans denied julu persecutions.
01:58:16 Stories spread by Hitler's enemies.
01:58:21 Name one Jew who has died.
01:58:31 You see the woman in the photo?
01:58:32 Of course it's a woman.
01:58:34 Boycott German goods.
Speaker 16
01:58:50 On March 27th, 1933, more than 20,000 New Yorkers packed the garden to show their support for German Jews.
01:59:00 20,000 New Yorkers, eh?
01:59:08 I wonder what the ethnic makeup of that what?
01:59:10 That crowd was.
01:59:11 Remember, in New York at the time was 25% Jewish.
01:59:15 So not a stretch to say it was.
01:59:18 It's very Jewish in that room, but not.
01:59:20 A not 100%. You might be surprised. There was another group represented there too.
Speaker 16
01:59:26 35,000 more gathered around loud speakers outside.
01:59:32 Christian clergyman denounced the Nazis.
01:59:36 Former New York governor Al Smith, whose presidential candidacy in 1928 had been undercut by anti Catholic bigotry.
01:59:45 The ******* Catholics again.
01:59:51 So yes, the Catholics were up there on the dais, too, you know.
01:59:57 Holding hands with the Jews, saying we must stop Hitler.
Speaker 16
02:00:01 Equated the Nazis with the Ku Klux Klan.
02:00:05 That don't make any difference to me, he said.
02:00:07 Whether it's a brown shirt or a night shirt.
02:00:12 There you go.
02:00:15 And again.
02:00:19 One has to ask.
02:00:22 Were the white Protestants in America?
02:00:27 Right or wrong?
02:00:29 To wonder if demographic changes might have.
02:00:34 Dire consequences.
02:00:37 For the future of America.
02:00:41 How many Americans white Protestant Americans died in World War 2?
02:00:49 A war that.
02:00:51 Most likely America would not have entered.
02:00:59 Had there not been a demographic?
02:01:01 Change that took place.
02:01:05 Meanwhile, of course, in Germany.
02:01:08 Hitler was just being crazy.
02:01:11 In response to these boycotts on Germany, whose economy was already, you know, that was part of the whole issue.
02:01:17 That was one of the reasons why Hitler was put into power.
02:01:19 As the economy was kind of in the *******.
02:01:23 And now you've got a.
02:01:26 A huge group that controls a large part of the American economy, not a small economy by any measure.
02:01:35 Attempting to what amounts put what amounts to sanctions.
02:01:42 On Germany, because of the results of a democratic election, remember democracy?
02:01:50 We love democracy, right?
02:01:51 Unless the the results are.
02:01:53 Not what we want.
02:01:55 And when the German people Democrat democratically?
02:02:00 Elected Hitler.
02:02:03 Jews freaked out and started imposing financial sanctions on Germany.
02:02:09 And Hitler was crazy to suggest.
02:02:12 That perhaps and again this is one of the many paradoxes in this documentary, right?
02:02:17 Like just a few.
02:02:19 Few minutes ago Hitler was was.
02:02:21 Looking at America and drooling and ohh.
02:02:24 That's how you do it.
02:02:25 This is giving me all kinds of ideas on how to exterminate those rat Jews.
Speaker 11
02:02:32 Right.
02:02:34 Like just admiring the the evil work that they that the groundwork the Americans are paving the way for my Nazi take over.
02:02:43 Who? Ha ha.
02:02:44 Like, right?
02:02:45 Just like a few minutes ago, that was.
02:02:46 That was what was going on.
02:02:47 Right.
02:02:48 But now.
02:02:48 All of a sudden.
02:02:52 Now, Hitler's convinced that America.
02:02:55 Is run by Jews.
Speaker 16
02:02:58 Hitler now claimed that Jews controlled the United States government.
02:03:03 He ordered a one day boycott of Jewish businesses throughout Germany.
02:03:10 So again.
Speaker 11
02:03:12 *** for tat.
02:03:15 The irony here is.
02:03:17 The big evil thing that that Hitler did was he boycotted the Jewish companies.
02:03:27 That were boycotting him.
02:03:33 Jews hate boycotts, by the way.
02:03:37 That's why they've made it illegal to boycott Israel in so many states.
02:03:43 They have a they have a I don't know what it is.
02:03:45 They have this.
02:03:47 Well, it's cause they're merchants, I guess, right?
02:03:49 Got to keep the money flowing.
02:03:55 But it was tip for tat.
02:03:59 There was a 11.
02:04:00 Day so one day boycott of of Jewish businesses.
02:04:08 Again, this is I'm just going by the documentary.
02:04:11 As I said in the very beginning of this.
02:04:13 Pretend we're just like some.
02:04:16 Some random upper middle class.
02:04:20 White family that has sat down around the TV to watch this PBS special.
02:04:26 And this is the big evil old thing.
02:04:28 That after Jews decide to impose financial sanctions against Germany, that Germany boycotts Jewish businesses for a day.
02:04:39 Ah, it does sound pretty funked up. That's definitely worthy. The 3000 newspaper articles in the 1st 100 days of his uh.
02:04:51 Of his rule.
02:04:54 The Thirty articles a day.
02:05:02 And then it's funny because they just they just said.
02:05:08 Right, that Hitler is insane.
02:05:11 Because he thought America was controlled by Jews.
02:05:17 Like they they just said that.
Speaker 10
02:05:20 Right.
02:05:21 And then they launch into this.
Speaker 16
02:05:26 In 1932, FDR had been the first major party candidate ever publicly to denounce prejudice against Jews, and had been rewarded with between 70 and 80% of the Jewish American vote.
02:05:42 Oh, but it doesn't stop there.
Speaker 11
02:05:47 So right after saying Hitler's.
02:05:49 Insane for thinking that there's Jewish influence controlling America.
Speaker 16
02:05:54 They they, they literally.
02:05:55 Go into this thing about how Jews.
02:05:58 Are controlling in America like it.
02:06:00 It's like what is going on here?
02:06:04 Are people that mentally?
02:06:08 Like, is that what it is?
02:06:09 Is it just the people are so they forget what just happened 10 seconds ago?
02:06:14 I think it is.
02:06:15 I think it is.
Speaker 16
02:06:18 The federal government had always been the private preserve of white Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
02:06:25 FDR opened it up to men and women of talent, regardless of their faith.
02:06:31 He appointed more Jews to his administration than any president before him.
Speaker 8
02:06:39 What do you what do you?
Speaker 4
02:06:40 Who wrote this?
02:06:43 They they they managed to put, they got white replacement and Jewish.
02:06:47 Influence like into.
02:06:47 The in the same like what the ****?
02:06:53 So again, in the beginning of the documentary, when the white Protestants were worried about being replaced.
Speaker 7
02:07:04 They were right.
Speaker 10
02:07:07 Is what you're saying.
02:07:09 Because you just said.
02:07:11 That since the founding.
02:07:14 The White House.
02:07:16 Had been a place for white Protestants.
02:07:20 To administer the country.
02:07:24 And that that.
02:07:24 Was no longer the case.
Speaker 10
02:07:29 And then.
02:07:31 You follow that with.
02:07:33 The 1st President.
02:07:36 Who to ever denounce anti-Semitism has more Jews in his cabinet.
Speaker 10
02:07:42 Than any other president before him.
02:07:46 Isn't that exactly?
02:07:48 What the white Protestants were worried about.
02:07:55 And I'll do it one further, isn't?
02:07:56 That exactly what Hitler was talking about.
02:07:58 Like just in your own documentary a few minutes ago.
02:08:07 This is why it was so exhausting to watch this.
02:08:10 Because I was.
02:08:11 Just like what I feel like I'm going insane watching this.
02:08:13 Like I feel like you have to be.
02:08:14 An insane person to not pick.
02:08:17 Up on this stuff and and.
Speaker 10
02:08:18 And the the most frustrating part is knowing that most people watching it, we're.
02:08:22 Not picking up on it.
02:08:29 I told you last dream I overheard A Maga boomer telling his.
02:08:32 Friends that they had to watch this.
02:08:36 Because, oh, we had a lot we, we sure were responsible for a lot that we've been denying.
02:08:42 We've been in denial about the role we played in the Holocaust for too long.
02:08:46 It's time for us to face our demons and see what we really did to the Jewish people.
02:08:52 You definitely have to watch this documentary, my friend.
02:08:56 It opened up my eyes.
02:08:58 Done by Ken Burns.
02:08:59 You know Ken Burns.
02:09:02 He doesn't lie.
02:09:08 People like that are watching this and like.
02:09:12 Not not doing the math in their head.
02:09:23 So of course they.
02:09:24 Talk about the ohh look at the evil.
02:09:26 Nazi book burnings.
02:09:32 And while there have been Jews who have since admitted.
02:09:38 That the types.
02:09:38 Of books being burned here were not.
02:09:42 Great works of literature, but rather.
02:09:45 Books on on transgender surgery.
02:09:55 Degenerate filth.
02:10:02 They don't mention that in this book or in this documentary.
02:10:09 They they they go along with the old story that they were saying in the 90s about how, oh, they just hated literature.
02:10:17 They were just burning books if.
02:10:18 A Jew touched it.
02:10:25 So little by little, Germany was just brewing and getting mad and.
02:10:30 Hating Jews more every day for no reason.
Speaker 23
02:10:39 In the 1930s and 1940s, you could be openly anti-Semitic and serve as a State Department official.
02:10:46 The rest of Washington is changing.
02:10:49 See, this is another example of like.
02:10:52 The Wasps were were were totally valid in their in their fears.
02:11:05 You know, prior to prior to Roosevelt.
02:11:10 You could be, you know, they say openly anti-Semitic. But let's face it, what that really means is just pro white Protestant.
02:11:22 Anti globalist anti communist.
02:11:26 And you work at the State Department, the State Department today is mostly Jewish.
02:11:30 It is.
02:11:33 I've been there.
02:11:34 I can, I can tell you from from being there.
02:11:48 Didn't take long to.
02:11:52 To get over or and infiltrate that institution.
Speaker 23
02:11:57 In the 1930s and 1940s, you could be openly anti-Semitic and serve as a State Department official.
02:12:03 The rest of Washington is changing.
02:12:05 They're changing under the Roosevelt administration, they're changing with.
02:12:08 The new deal?
02:12:11 Oh, you mean the demographics are changing.
02:12:13 Things are changing.
02:12:14 You know, everything that, like the the white Protestants were worried about it.
02:12:18 It's it's all happening.
02:12:22 Like everything, they were worried about is like you said, they were crazy and you know, it's all happening.
Speaker 23
02:12:28 But State Department officials were more conservative. They were more anti-Semitic, they were more nativist, at least openly than anywhere else in Washington.
02:12:38 As I said, that didn't last long.
02:12:43 That did not last long, and in fact you know what?
02:12:49 It wasn't just the changing demographics.
02:12:53 Or rather, racial demographics.
02:12:57 In government, it was the changing gender demographics.
02:13:02 In government.
02:13:10 This is one of the well actually.
02:13:12 I think the.
02:13:12 First, women or the woman?
02:13:16 To be in a presidential cabinet.
02:13:20 What does she do?
02:13:21 What does she do?
02:13:22 The first woman.
02:13:25 Right. Oh, we've.
02:13:26 We're so progressive now.
02:13:27 We're putting women in charge of things.
02:13:28 Oh, God.
02:13:29 This will this will end well.
02:13:35 It's not even that important.
02:13:36 It's labor secretary, right as but like ohh, let let's.
02:13:39 See what happens.
Speaker 16
02:13:40 Francis Perkins Roosevelt, Secretary of Labor, sided with critics of the State Department.
02:13:48 The first woman ever to serve in the presidential cabinet she had known and worked with immigrants all her life believed the United States should be a haven for refugees.
02:14:01 First woman in a cabinet.
02:14:03 Refugees welcome.
Speaker 31
02:14:11 Ohh boy.
02:14:17 So ******* predictable.
02:14:20 ******* predictable.
02:14:27 So the first woman in a presidential cabinet goes to war against the anti-Semitic State Department.
02:14:36 Shouting refugees welcome.
02:14:38 She wants the trash.
02:14:41 Just like the woman, the Jewish woman that wrote the.
02:14:43 Poem on the.
02:14:45 Statue of a woman.
02:14:48 That says give us all your trash.
02:15:03 She says give us all your trash.
02:15:12 But wouldn't you?
02:15:13 Know once again that pesky ******* democracy.
02:15:17 Keeps getting in the way.
Speaker 7
02:15:22 Why don't people like what we like?
02:15:25 And they will just get, you know, just manufacture consent for a little bit longer.
02:15:29 You're you're you're getting there, trust me.
02:15:32 I'm from the future.
02:15:33 I'm from the future.
02:15:38 You guys get what you want eventually.
02:15:42 That they're upset.
02:15:44 They're upset because still, even with all these this progressive **** going on.
Speaker 16
02:15:49 Public opinion overwhelmingly opposed loosening restrictions.
02:15:56 Oh so.
02:16:05 Is opposed to this.
02:16:07 The democratic rule of the people, the.
02:16:09 Will of the people.
02:16:10 Right.
02:16:12 Democracy is only good when it's.
02:16:15 Non whites.
02:16:19 Keep that in mind too.
02:16:22 Just like hate equals white people.
02:16:24 As I said earlier in the stream.
02:16:27 Democracy means.
02:16:30 The votes of non whites.
02:16:35 That's what it means.
02:16:36 Everything makes sense when.
02:16:37 You look at it that way.
02:16:39 And by the way.
02:16:40 Republicans mean it that way, too.
02:16:43 Or else they they.
02:16:45 If they if it didn't mean that.
02:16:47 You'd have at least one politician say the words together, white and people.
02:16:53 Somewhere in their campaign, if they thought white people votes.
02:16:58 They'd bring it up.
02:16:59 They don't.
02:16:59 They don't bring it up because it doesn't matter.
02:17:07 Really. I mean think.
02:17:08 About it that way.
02:17:12 If what white people wanted mattered.
02:17:15 Surely A politician would at least mention them.
02:17:20 Nope, it doesn't matter.
02:17:22 Doesn't matter to the left or the right.
02:17:28 Americans were against it.
02:17:32 Didn't matter.
02:17:36 And it's funny, because once again, the documentary starts saying that the right wing voices.
02:17:44 There, we're springing up now. Again, we're not like we're about 1020 years from the the, the, the Evil Madison grant and all those people that were speaking out a few decades prior.
02:17:59 All these evil white Protestants who are starting to notice that, wait a second, we don't want these things that you're doing and you're doing them anyway.
02:18:06 And there seems to be a lot of Jewish influence all of a sudden in our country. I don't know why. Maybe it's because New York is 25% Jewish.
02:18:15 You think?
02:18:19 But again, they're because Jewish people owned many of the newspapers and radio stations and stuff like that, in the same way that in the 70s and 80s and 90s people that were worried about demographic displacement were.
02:18:36 Relegated to small newsletters they could produce in the in, you know, in with a Xerox machine.
02:18:45 You didn't have a whole lot of options for these people to try to get.
02:18:49 The message out.
02:18:50 You know, even few with them, they didn't have Xerox machines back then.
02:18:58 But they show these these publications like, oh, look at the hate.
02:19:02 Look at the hate, which again.
02:19:05 Code word for white people.
02:19:06 Look at the white.
02:19:07 People look at the white people.
02:19:09 Look at this headline.
02:19:10 Who controls our government?
02:19:12 The Jews behind the Jew who tell Mister Roosevelt what to tell you.
02:19:16 See again?
02:19:17 But come on.
02:19:18 This is serious business.
02:19:22 But again, I think that the the the same.
02:19:25 It's the same reasons I've talked about in the past about how lower class whites were.
02:19:32 The first to have to really face the problems of immigration first.
02:19:38 That was certainly true back then.
02:19:39 You didn't have White ruling class Protestants in their country clubs.
02:19:44 I mean, at the time.
02:19:45 Their country clubs.
02:19:46 Excluded Jews and blacks, so they had all white country clubs that they went to and all white.
02:19:50 Neighborhoods, this is.
02:19:52 This was when all that stuff was full on.
02:19:57 And a lot of those people are are very self-centered and don't care about the the lower classes.
02:20:04 You have some one offs you have like Henry Ford and.
02:20:06 People like that trying to help out.
02:20:16 But you don't have the best of the best really.
02:20:19 Really help in large numbers.
02:20:23 Fighting against this in any kind of.
02:20:24 Meaningful way.
02:20:26 On the following pages appear photographs of a few of the Jews occupying important positions.
02:20:31 In our government today.
02:20:32 There is one exception, Secretary of State whole.
02:20:35 See, this is when the.
02:20:36 This is when the State Department was not Jewish.
02:20:39 Which is another and the same reason why when I was earlier saying why do you think Detroit is the way that it is now?
02:20:46 Why do you think the State Department is the way?
02:20:48 That it is now.
02:20:50 While not Jewish, has fallen under Jewish domination through his present wife, a relative of the member of the New York Jewish.
02:20:55 Banking House of Kuhn.
02:20:57 Our Con Lobban company, so it already it already slowly began.
02:21:01 There has been considerable discussion throughout the country during the past several months relative to possible Jewish domination of our government affairs World News breaking through the Jewish Advertiser, censorship of our press.
02:21:17 Informs us of activities in France, Spain, other countries.
02:21:21 In each instance, we find these countries now under Jewish community or communistic control.
02:21:27 But we also learned, and that control was achieved by the slow.
02:21:33 In penetration of Jews into public offices in those countries.
02:21:38 We repeat the photographs appearing on the following pages represent only a few of the many Jews now holding important positions under the administration.
02:21:49 In addition, a reliable Washington news agency informs us that the greater majority of minor official appointive positions under this new deal.
02:21:59 Are being held by Jews.
02:22:01 And that the greater majority of the better paid clerks and stenograph positions in the New Deal agencies.
02:22:08 Are being given to Jews.
02:22:10 Most of whom are being brought to Washington from New York and Chicago.
02:22:16 This reliable agency informs us that at least 60% of the major and minor positions in the city of Washington are now in the hands of Jews, despite the fact that Jews represent only about 3% of total population of the country. Gee. Sound familiar?
02:22:40 Sound familiar?
02:22:50 The more things change, the more they stay the same.
02:22:57 That, of course, is not Ken Burns.
02:22:59 Doesn't doesn't even read this.
02:23:01 I'm surprised he put it.
02:23:02 On the screen.
Speaker 16
02:23:05 And Roosevelt's willingness to work alongside Jews had already become a source of controversy. Right wing orators now denounced what they called the Jew deal. Others claimed FDR himself was a Jew whose real name was Rosenfeld.
02:23:23 See, that's where that's.
02:23:24 Where I mean.
02:23:27 That's where go out little you.
02:23:28 Know getting a little hyperbolic bites.
02:23:30 You in the.
02:23:31 Although, look, I mean, would I be surprised if I found that?
02:23:33 Out at this point.
02:23:39 Rosenfeld. I knew it.
02:23:42 I mean, look, Merrick Garland, right?
02:23:45 He's really a Merrick, Garfinkel or whatever it was.
02:23:47 I forget.
02:23:49 So it's not like they don't do that.
02:23:54 So they go over.
02:23:55 Some of the the more vocal.
02:24:00 White Protestants that we're trying to push back on this.
Speaker 16
02:24:06 Father Charles Coughlin, the Detroit priest with the radio audience of 1,000,000, blamed shylock's and international bankers code words for Jews for the depression.
02:24:22 Yeah. So.
02:24:25 This was kind of like the.
02:24:28 In a way, the beginning of talk radio.
02:24:33 But he was very limited in his reach, too.
02:24:38 I mean, in a way, he's kind of like the equivalent of a a streamer on Odyssey.
02:24:46 You know he.
02:24:48 You could get in certain markets or even less so because right, like if you were in certain markets you just.
02:24:53 Couldn't hear them at all.
02:24:54 In fact, I I believe they they resorted to pressing records of some of his shows.
02:25:02 And mailing them to people.
02:25:05 Because you couldn't even get on, you know, get.
02:25:07 On the air in in many places.
Speaker 16
02:25:15 A visitor to the White House reported that FDR was quite apprehensive of the growing anti-Semitic and pro Nazi sentiment in the United States.
02:25:28 I find it odd now when I first heard the way you phrase that a visitor to the White House.
02:25:33 That's all it says.
02:25:35 Well, hold on.
02:25:37 Who is this visitor of the White House.
02:25:40 And at first I'm thinking like, oh, you're just saying that cause like, you know, you don't need the source, so you need to say whatever.
02:25:46 But I don't disagree with what he's saying.
02:25:47 I I guarantee you FDR was concerned about these things, right?
02:25:51 So why would you say that?
02:25:52 Why do you say a visitor?
02:25:55 Well, I my guess is.
02:25:59 That visitor probably had a last name that ended in Berg or Stein or.
02:26:02 Something like that.
02:26:03 And so they didn't.
02:26:04 They didn't want to be like and then and then the Jews visiting the White House all the time.
02:26:08 We're we're concerned, you know, I mean like.
02:26:11 Because they've already kind of laid.
02:26:13 Out a lot here.
02:26:20 So let me move on to this incident.
02:26:26 Again, it's like it's funny because this whole time.
02:26:30 They're trying to make it sound as if Hitler is like the instigator.
02:26:34 Hitler is causing all these problems, but when they actually lay out the events.
02:26:39 It's the other way around and every every instance.
02:26:42 In every instance.
02:26:44 You know, like first the Jews decide to boycott Germany.
02:26:46 Germany decides to boycott Jewish businesses.
02:26:48 For a day.
02:26:51 I mean, look, I'm.
02:26:51 Sure, it went on longer than that, but still.
02:26:55 It's return fire.
02:27:00 And in this instance, there's a German ship in the harbor.
02:27:04 About to about to head back to Europe.
02:27:08 A bunch of communists.
02:27:10 I guess I guess the.
02:27:13 The Antifa of the day.
02:27:17 Climbed on top of the boat that was flying the.
02:27:21 The Nazi flag because it was a German ship.
02:27:26 Ripped the flag off and threw it over.
02:27:32 You know, people got shot like it wasn't like like it was like an Antifa riot as the the ship.
02:27:38 It was just.
02:27:38 Some ship in the harbor going back to Europe, and they hated the Nazi flag so much they Antifa rioted their way onto the boat and ripped the flag and threw it in the harbor.
02:27:48 But just like the Antifa of today.
02:27:53 The Antifa of yesterday.
02:27:59 When faced with with law enforcement.
02:28:03 Specifically, Jewish judges, which were.
02:28:06 Just as prominent back then, apparently.
02:28:11 Were treated.
02:28:16 Shall we say?
Speaker 16
02:28:18 When it was time for guests to disembark, the seamen charged toward the Bow, New York cops and German crewmen tried to.
02:28:26 Up them, one officer was badly beaten.
02:28:29 1 Invader was shot in the thigh, but two men managed to make it to the Nazi flag and as onlookers cheered, they cut it loose and hurled it into the Hudson.
02:28:44 Oh yes.
02:28:46 As onlookers cheered.
02:28:49 Jewish onlookers cheered.
02:28:53 And then then.
02:28:53 When when they went to court, remember this is.
02:28:56 They beat up a cop.
02:28:59 And the only.
02:28:59 The only one that actually got any kind of time.
02:29:03 Was the one that had brass knuckles.
02:29:05 And beat up a cop.
02:29:08 For basically causing an international incident.
Speaker 16
02:29:11 Six men were arrested and arraigned before a judge.
02:29:15 A Russian immigrant named Lewis Brodsky.
02:29:20 And again, a Jew whose family came here from Eastern Europe around the turn of the.
02:29:24 Century. It's all of them.
02:29:28 It's it's very.
02:29:29 Specific the the demographic that is involved with all this Eastern European Jews.
02:29:34 It's not just the Jews, although you know, as we saw before, that's not as if they don't work together on things.
02:29:43 So an Eastern European Jew lawyer, OK.
Speaker 16
02:29:47 He jailed 1 protester because he had worn brass knuckles, but he let the others go.
02:29:53 The swastika, he said, was nothing but a Black Flag of piracy.
02:29:58 It represented A revolt against civilization, a merciless war against religion against freedoms.
02:30:09 So then the documentary says that when this gets back to Hitler, that an American judge basically said that his flag was this, you know, evil thing.
02:30:23 And that it was a Jewish judge that let the communists go.
02:30:27 Hitler exploited it.
02:30:29 That's the word they.
02:30:30 Use Hitler exploited the the news.
02:30:33 And made propaganda.
02:30:34 I don't know.
02:30:35 I would just say what happened.
02:30:37 Is that exploiting what happened?
02:30:39 That's just telling the people, like, look, one of our ships was in the harbor in America.
02:30:44 And a bunch of communists went on.
02:30:46 Jewish communists stormed onto our boat and threw our flag in the water.
02:30:53 And the Jewish judge let him go and.
02:30:55 Said that, we're an evil empire.
02:31:00 That's all you have to do.
02:31:01 Is just report what happened.
02:31:04 How is that exploiting what happened?
02:31:15 And then, of course, they go into.
Speaker 14
02:31:18 But now?
02:31:18 Hitler because he's schizophrenic here, right?
02:31:22 So he's simultaneously saying.
02:31:26 That America.
02:31:30 Is run by Jews.
02:31:33 And also they've got the right idea.
02:31:38 Like literally right after saying that like like right after.
02:31:43 Right after saying that, like Hitler, then, you know, exploited this to tell everyone that America is run by Jews and they then switch over with that without even a pause.
02:31:56 And then the Nazis started looking about how the the Americans were segregating the blacks, and they were like God, they got some good ideas over there in America.
02:32:06 Like. Yeah, I'm.
02:32:06 Not even ******* with you.
02:32:07 It's like.
Speaker 10
02:32:09 You just what are you talking about?
02:32:13 There's no rationality to this documentary.
02:32:18 And I think what it is really.
02:32:22 Is in the same way like this is one of.
02:32:23 The reasons why I.
02:32:24 Don't like going over the newer stuff because it's just so ******* obvious, especially in the fiction, right?
02:32:31 Like you see, all these people that are reviewing stuff like, oh, look at she Hulk, it's like, well, it's called.
02:32:37 Did you even have to?
02:32:38 It's called she Hulk.
02:32:39 There's my review.
02:32:41 It's called she Hulk.
02:32:42 Do you have to know anything more?
02:32:45 I didn't like.
02:32:47 It's called shield.
02:32:48 It's in the name.
02:32:51 So like, I don't like revealing the newer stuff because it's kind of like.
02:32:54 It's just like.
02:32:56 The lowest of the low hanging fruit.
02:32:58 It's not even it's on the it's fruit on the ground.
02:33:05 And the reason why it's that ******* heavy-handed is just the audience. Is that stupid?
02:33:20 The audience is truly that stupid.
02:33:24 And the writers are that stupid.
02:33:27 It goes both ways.
02:33:28 Part of it is just like you know, it's.
02:33:31 When you, when you're doing diversity hires for every position in your company, you know it's like, you know, import the third world.
02:33:39 Your country becomes the third world of your company, becomes the third world too.
02:33:42 If that's all you hire.
02:33:49 But that's just that's I think that's also reflected in this documentary.
02:33:54 Where any rational person watching this.
02:33:57 Has got to be pulling.
02:33:58 Their hair out like I was.
02:33:59 And just going, what in the **** you just you're you're contradicting yourself like every couple of minutes.
02:34:09 Like every couple of minutes.
02:34:19 And maybe maybe that has something to do with the quality of people behind it, although I don't think that would be the case in this particular instance, simply because it, I mean it's Ken Burns.
02:34:28 I think it's probably the same kind of people that he's worked with in in all of these other documentaries he's done over the last several decades.
02:34:48 But again.
02:34:50 Picturing the audience picturing the white.
02:34:53 Middle class family at home watching this.
02:34:57 Absorbing it.
02:34:58 Thinking it's so good, they're telling their friends to watch it.
02:35:01 So they can feel bad about doing the Holocaust too.
02:35:07 That's what we're up against.
02:35:11 When I say.
02:35:13 When I try to to convey to people the minority that we're in.
02:35:19 That's what I'm getting at.
02:35:26 That when you watch this stream and you think to yourself, well, this all makes a lot of sense to me.
02:35:30 This is kind of crazy.
02:35:34 That's not how a large portion of the viewers are taking it.
02:35:42 We're outnumbered by the people that are watching this and going away feeling oh, wow, that's terrible.
02:35:47 We did the Holocaust.
02:35:56 And we were mean to blacks too, and Mexicans.
02:36:00 And everybody.
Speaker 11
02:36:04 So anyway, that's as.
02:36:05 Far as I got into this.
02:36:08 This week.
02:36:10 I don't think next stream will be about this.
02:36:11 I got something else I think I'm going to be doing next stream.
02:36:15 But I will do.
02:36:17 The very least do it Part 2 I.
02:36:18 Don't know how many.
02:36:20 I might in fact I might if I have time try to zip through the the other five hours of this ****.
02:36:27 And and maybe just do like an overarching.
02:36:31 Super Stream on on the rest of it or I don't know if it's it might.
02:36:35 I don't know if I could shove that all into one stream.
02:36:37 Maybe I'll.
02:36:38 Do it a couple more, but it's that's as far as I got in and.
02:36:41 I was just like holy.
02:36:42 **** like.
02:36:44 This is ridiculous.
02:36:47 This is ******* ridiculous.
02:36:48 And we we haven't.
02:36:49 Even gotten to the Holocaust yet.
02:36:54 Imagine how crazy it's going to get when they get.
02:36:56 To the Holocaust part.
Speaker 8
02:36:59 Oh boy.
Speaker 14
02:37:01 And the little the little banker boy.
02:37:03 That had to move.
02:37:03 To the spacious apartment.
02:37:05 Oh, I wonder what happens to him.
02:37:12 So anyway, let's take a look.
02:37:14 At let's take a look at Super Chat.
02:37:18 Uh, I had one more frame in here.
02:37:20 Is this uh?
02:37:21 Alright, I'll just put that up, I guess.
02:37:25 OK.
02:37:28 Ohh man.
02:37:32 What a joy this was to watch.
02:37:35 Super brother $25.
Speaker 25
02:37:40 Easy money.
02:37:42 What's a great recent, relatively speaking movie, shameless propaganda or otherwise?
02:37:49 I'm sure you can think of something you've enjoyed also, thanks for defiant.
02:37:53 Got someone to tap out after sending it to them.
02:37:57 They said the system isn't really coming after whites figure it's worth.
02:38:03 Worth the penning?
02:38:07 I don't know something that's recent.
02:38:12 I guess that kind of depends on what qualifies as recent.
02:38:17 I have been increasingly unimpressed.
02:38:20 With anything and everything that's come out.
02:38:26 I think the last movie that I watched.
02:38:29 That I really liked that in retrospect, I've gone back to watch that I still thought was good.
02:38:40 Was there will be blood?
02:38:43 Now there are some.
02:38:47 Anti Christian aspects to that obviously.
02:38:51 They frame the.
02:38:54 The Christians in the Old West, as you know, just fraudsters.
Speaker 10
02:39:00 Many of them were, though.
02:39:04 But it's to me, not so much about that.
02:39:09 As it is about.
02:39:15 What a what?
02:39:17 What bottomless ambition does to a man.
02:39:23 And and the acting is great, even though I think Daniel Day Lewis is part Jew, unfortunately.
02:39:34 That's one of.
02:39:34 One of the ones I still like.
02:39:37 I don't know.
02:39:37 I I I feel like I've seen a lot of stuff and it's just every time I'm.
02:39:41 I'm very disappointed in.
02:39:42 It so it's.
02:39:44 It's tough.
02:39:45 I'm I'm maybe I'm.
02:39:46 I'm just forgetting because a lot of it's very forgettable, too.
02:39:50 Like, there's not a lot of movies you watch, even if they're not just banging you over the head with, like, woke **** that do anything so meaningful or or impressive that it sticks in your head, right.
02:40:03 Because it's like because it's it's. It's kind of like UM.
02:40:08 If it's not woke, they can't do anti woke so it's like this fence riding **** right where it's like.
02:40:16 It's people watch it and it's like, OK, well, at least they're not, you know, trying to to put, you know, push ******** on me or something like that.
02:40:24 So they they like it almost in the same way.
02:40:27 If I'm constantly poking it with a stick.
02:40:30 And then I just let up for.
02:40:31 A few minutes it's going to feel good.
02:40:34 Even though it's not, it's not a good feeling.
02:40:36 It's just the absence of pain, and I feel like that's kind of like what a lot of new movies are.
02:40:40 Yeah, even if they're not super woke, it's it's not.
02:40:43 It's not that they're good.
02:40:44 It's just that the.
02:40:45 An absence of pain and so.
02:40:49 I don't know.
02:40:49 Maybe I'm forgetting something or maybe something has slipped past, I don't know.
02:40:54 Jay Ray, $25.
02:41:01 Devin, I can't catch the whole stream, but I have to say a lot of folks are still asking you're going to do voter fraud, classified cat fight stream.
02:41:11 Well, I'm doing the voter fraud one.
02:41:12 I don't know if I'm doing classified cat like stream I.
02:41:17 I don't.
02:41:17 I don't know what you mean by that.
02:41:19 All that happened was, I think, classified cat.
02:41:24 Let ghost cat know that he wasn't welcome.
02:41:27 And then I didn't see him again.
02:41:28 Until, well, just.
02:41:30 An hour or so ago, during the stream, he came back and I gave him a can.
02:41:33 Of cat food.
02:41:35 I think I think he's living on the property somewhere.
02:41:37 I don't know where, cause we had some storms and I thought for sure I'd see him again and.
02:41:41 And then I thought, well, maybe he's dead, I don't know.
02:41:43 Classified cat.
02:41:44 You know, trying to trying to stop the demographic replacement happening.
02:41:48 At the pillbox.
02:41:51 Jay Ray Knight, 21, oh, by the way, did the teacher with the fake **** do it to game the clown world system seamlessly in Canada, using the sick Fagot system? Just a thought, no.
02:42:04 I think it's just.
02:42:05 That's where we're at.
02:42:06 There was no 40 chess.
02:42:08 There's just a quadruple D chest.
02:42:14 Look at.
02:42:15 I just thought of that on the on the.
02:42:17 Wasn't very funny, but still, you know, kind of.
02:42:20 Written out it would have been.
02:42:21 Fun I don't know.
02:42:23 Super Brother, $5. Also as a shameless word from a fan, your videos have done more to ruin movies for me than anything else I've ever watched.
02:42:31 Thanks for helping me get off my mindless entertainment.
02:42:34 Yeah, I know.
02:42:34 That's The thing is, people get mad when I ruined movies for them.
02:42:38 It's no different than the person.
02:42:40 That the the the drug addict that gets mad because you take away his crack.
Speaker 10
02:42:44 That's what it is.
02:42:46 It means that part of your identity is wrapped up in this in this fiction.
02:42:51 If you get mad because I say bad things about a movie or a book or something.
Speaker 10
02:42:59 That means part of your.
02:43:00 Identity is wrapped up in it.
02:43:02 And that shows you exactly how susceptible you are to that kind of propaganda.
02:43:06 So it's good that you're mad.
02:43:08 Maybe it'll make you.
02:43:09 Think about it.
02:43:10 But yeah, I I I'm glad you've.
02:43:14 You've had that self reflection there. That's good. Uh, mighty mouse, $5. Appreciate that. Hit the.
Speaker 10
02:43:20 Fire button y'all.
02:43:22 Yes, hit that fire button.
02:43:25 Smash that fire button.
02:43:28 Stinky $1.00. It's corn. It's got the juice.
02:43:33 No idea what that means.
02:43:38 Colonel N word $1.00. Does anyone else have an innate distrust for anyone wearing a flat billed baseball cap, regardless of the individual's race?
02:43:49 You know it's worse.
02:43:51 Is if they have stickers on that hat.
02:43:54 That's the ultimate don't trust that guy.
02:43:57 If someone's got a baseball hat that looks like the bills been ironed.
02:44:01 And there's like, especially if the sticker is shiny.
02:44:05 Don't relax around that guy.
02:44:09 My fat little ******** toe $2.00 appreciate that as a proud member of my of the of the ****** clan.
02:44:16 I challenge ******** ****** with a $2.00 donation. Look at that.
02:44:21 Look at that.
02:44:21 He's trying to.
02:44:24 Trying to one up you there ******** ******?
02:44:27 Tipsy MCC stagger.
02:44:29 $88.
Speaker 15
02:44:31 Cash flow checkout.
02:44:38 I'd like to return this duck.
02:44:42 Just because I can love your content, you are a huge part of my reawakening.
02:44:49 Never give up the fight, brother.
02:44:50 Hail victory reawakening.
02:44:52 Does that mean you?
02:44:53 Went back to sleep.
02:44:55 I I have never heard of the report and.
02:44:58 Thank you for the the.
02:45:00 Generous donation, by the way, but.
02:45:02 I did not know that you could.
02:45:05 Unread pill yourself.
02:45:06 Once you've been red pilled.
02:45:07 I know that's dated terminology, but you.
02:45:09 Know what I mean?
02:45:11 But that gives me hope if you can fall back asleep and come.
02:45:14 Back come back from the dead.
02:45:19 1980 Chrysler Cordoba.
02:45:24 $25.
02:45:29 Small donation. Long overdue. That's not a small donation, and especially if you're driving a 1980 Chrysler Cordoba.
02:45:37 That's probably like all the money.
02:45:38 You have.
02:45:40 I say that I actually don't know what I'm going.
02:45:42 To look this up.
02:45:43 1980.
02:45:45 Chrysler Cordoba.
02:45:50 I just feel like it's like a Ford Fairmont or something like that.
02:45:53 Yeah, it basically is.
02:45:56 It's got the vinyl roof on it and everything.
02:45:58 Yeah, OK, well, let me bring this up.
02:46:00 So here's a really fancy one.
02:46:04 It's that **** brown that everything was in the 80s for some reason.
02:46:09 Why was it in the 80s?
02:46:10 Everything was just ******* either **** brown or like that ****.
02:46:14 Brownish red like that burgundy ****.
02:46:18 Like the colors.
02:46:20 The colors in the 80s I it's.
02:46:21 I don't even know.
02:46:22 I I don't understand.
02:46:23 I was trying to like at one point I was like is it cause they they they had some new technology that allowed for more colors.
02:46:30 And if the answer was yes, then it still doesn't explain it because like, why why those colors?
02:46:36 Let's see here.
02:46:38 Here it is.
02:46:42 Look at that.
02:46:42 Look at that beauty.
02:46:47 Harmless G recommend listening to the MP3 audio of Ron Unz's essay American Provda Understanding World War 2, which contains his famous quote in per capita terms, Jews were the greatest mass murderers on, in or of the 20th century.
02:47:04 Holding the unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close.
02:47:12 And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last 100 years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims.
02:47:22 Well, again, my entire channel is about the power of propaganda.
02:47:25 Or at least that's certainly how I started out, right?
02:47:29 And that just really underscores all of that.
02:47:31 This is this is more like more and more it's important that we invest in, in fiction.
02:47:39 More and more, especially as.
02:47:42 There's a the ground is fertile, there is an audience that doesn't like to watch.
02:47:46 She Hulk out there.
02:47:48 And it's it's it's nice to see some people struggling to try to produce something that's, you know, kind of.
02:47:54 OK.
02:47:55 But it really you're going to it.
02:47:58 It takes money to make this stuff.
02:48:00 It takes a lot of money to make that stuff and, you know, movies are really expensive.
02:48:06 Not just, I mean, some of it's stupid ****, right?
02:48:08 Some of it's like because of the unions and because of the the actors that command these ridiculous salaries and whatever, but.
02:48:16 It's it's not all ********, it's just it's also just a really complicated, expensive process in.
02:48:23 In other ways.
02:48:25 Even with the new technology, although it you know there, there are ways you can cheaply do it and I highly.
02:48:30 Recommend people look into doing stuff and with the resources they have, but.
02:48:36 Yeah, we just need.
02:48:37 We need people with.
02:48:40 With money to to bankroll.
02:48:44 Bankroll some stuff, some culture, if you will.
02:48:49 Tipsy MCC stagger can I get the OG cactus video you made for my *** **** dono the OG cactus video.
02:49:01 I don't know what you're talking about.
02:49:06 Talking about the.
02:49:13 I don't know if there's if this is in here.
02:49:19 Is this it?
02:49:23 No, that's not it.
02:49:27 I don't think it's in here anymore.
02:49:32 I'll have to find it.
02:49:35 I'll have to find it.
02:49:36 It might be.
02:49:37 On the other computer, the one that's been broken forever.
02:49:40 I still haven't had a chance.
02:49:41 To fix that, just so.
02:49:42 You guys know behind I?
02:49:43 Am on things this computer I've been using for months now was like the the computer I threw together out of just parts and was like I'll use this until I can get this other one fixed and the other one.
02:49:53 Just sitting there, it's been broken for months.
02:49:56 There's a lot of stuff on there, including a lot of my favorite intros.
02:49:58 That are on there.
02:50:01 But if I find it, I'll try to.
02:50:02 Resurrect it by next stream.
02:50:04 Our cake weighs $3. Would you ever want to go to Israel? I find lots of things interesting in that land and want to go.
02:50:14 But David Duke almost died from poisoning after visiting there in his 20s and says he believes it may have been on purpose by Israeli authorities after raiding his hotel room knowing who he was.
02:50:26 Yeah, I wouldn't go.
02:50:27 I wouldn't.
02:50:27 I personally wouldn't go.
02:50:31 Just because of the possibility, I have no.
02:50:34 Reason to go?
02:50:36 There's so many other places I'd rather go.
02:50:39 Than another desert.
Speaker 4
02:50:42 You know.
02:50:44 I just you know.
02:50:45 There's no reason for me to go.
02:50:47 I'm less curious about what it's like to be in Israel than I am about so many other places.
02:50:53 It's pretty low on my list.
02:50:55 And I would.
02:50:57 And like you said, it's just I wouldn't.
02:50:58 I wouldn't even feel safe there.
02:51:00 Tipsy mix stagger 110% volume grocery store would also suffice. Uh, well, we'll see. We'll.
02:51:06 See, we'll see.
02:51:09 We'll see.
02:51:10 I I I, I I definitely.
02:51:20 How about that?
02:51:28 Thomas Matthew $50.
02:51:33 Look at that generous donation there.
02:51:35 Very nice.
Speaker 32
02:51:36 When you're trying to save money a good.
Speaker 4
02:51:39 Rule to follow is to.
Speaker 32
02:51:47 Take it from me, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.
02:51:50 Hey, Devin. The five year anniversary of Route 91 shooting.
02:51:56 Is Route 91 shooting.
02:51:59 Ohh, is that the Bundy thing?
02:52:02 Is coming up next Saturday.
02:52:04 You should do a video analyzing all the false narratives, the dumb conspiracies and what was actually a fishy about.
02:52:10 It is that what?
02:52:10 It is.
02:52:12 Am I thinking of the right thing?
02:52:18 Roots 91.
02:52:29 Oh, no, you're talking about the Vegas.
02:52:33 I don't know the.
02:52:34 People were calling the route 91 shooting.
02:52:37 Yeah, yeah.
02:52:39 I mean the the problem is we're we're kind of at a we're kind of.
02:52:43 Like at a dead end with that.
02:52:45 You know, there's lots of people that have lots of ideas, but there's there's nothing that has really been.
02:52:50 I mean, there's a lot of obvious stupid ones, right?
02:52:53 But we just don't.
02:52:54 Know I have some suspicions.
02:52:57 And I don't know.
02:52:59 I still don't know.
02:53:01 What happened there?
02:53:03 I I strongly suspect.
02:53:07 That foreign governments and our government were involved.
02:53:13 And that's about as I mean.
02:53:16 It's hard to get more specific than that.
02:53:20 I bet that sheriff that the FBI agent kept telling to.
02:53:23 Shut up during.
02:53:25 During the ******* press conference knows a lot.
02:53:28 I don't think he won reelection.
02:53:31 That might be worth looking into.
02:53:32 Maybe I could, maybe I could talk to that guy now that it's kind of.
02:53:37 You know, simmer down a little.
02:53:39 Bit I don't know.
02:53:43 I do have a video which is probably on Odyssey.
02:53:48 That plays.
02:53:50 Pretty much every piece of footage from the event synced up in real time, so you can watch the whole.
02:53:58 Thing which took.
02:54:00 Weeks for me to put together.
02:54:03 And I can say with at least some certainty that there were probably not simultaneous shooters.
02:54:12 If there are multiple shooters, which is possible.
02:54:16 Because I used the gunfire to line up all the different pieces of footage.
02:54:22 And so I had to.
02:54:23 And it took weeks.
02:54:24 So for weeks I was looking at a waveform of gunfire.
02:54:29 That appeared in multiple shots simultaneously and painstakingly aligning the peaks.
02:54:37 Of the.
02:54:38 Gunfire sound?
02:54:40 And there were.
02:54:40 As far as I saw.
02:54:43 There was never an instance where there were there was overlap.
02:54:47 So I will say that and I know that's contrary to like what a lot of people think.
02:54:53 There was.
02:54:53 There was never any overlap.
02:54:58 In in terms of the.
02:55:00 Type of weapon used.
02:55:03 I don't think it was a bump stock, but I also don't think like a lot of people were saying like it's an M.
02:55:08 60 or something like that.
02:55:10 I don't think it was, but it it's hard to know at the at that distance with the kinds of microphones that were, you know, it's phone microphones and stuff.
02:55:21 I can say that while I was editing the footage, though, I did get I went and found footage of someone firing an M60.
02:55:33 At a similar rate of fire.
02:55:37 And at the peaks of that wave file did not match.
02:55:42 The peaks.
02:55:43 Of the the fire heard in those in that footage.
02:55:48 So I can also say with at least reasonable certainty that there was number M60 involved, that it was probably.
02:55:58 I don't know if it's a bump stock.
02:55:59 I don't think that that bump stocks are that.
02:56:06 I think it's more likely that they were fully automatic because I think it was probably.
02:56:11 I think it was some kind of weapons deal went wrong.
02:56:15 And that's all I know.
02:56:17 Or or something else?
02:56:18 I don't know.
02:56:18 It's it's hard to know because there's.
02:56:21 There's so many dead ends.
02:56:22 There's so many people that in some official capacity that have contradicting statements and obviously we know that that government was involved on some level, but that's all we know.
02:56:35 And there was also, you know, the Saudi Prince was there.
02:56:37 And so there there's talk of a possible assassination attempt.
02:56:43 I don't know.
02:56:44 I don't know.
02:56:46 I think it's one of those things that we're just never going to find out about because it's national security guys.
02:56:53 Didn't you know they can just say national security and then they never have to tell you anything.
02:56:58 They're keeping you safe from ideas.
02:57:03 Harmless G here's a link to the Ron Unz essay.
02:57:06 There you go, everybody.
02:57:10 Jack Burton, the Statue of Liberty, was not even meant.
02:57:12 For the United States.
02:57:14 Yeah, I forget the the.
02:57:15 Full story behind that, but I think, yeah, he was commissioned to make it, I thought.
02:57:19 And then.
02:57:20 Then I don't remember the whole story.
02:57:22 I'd have to I'd.
02:57:24 I'd have to look.
02:57:25 At it again archaic ways.
02:57:27 $3 appreciate that if you were, if you or anyone wants to watch a movie, so try me. It will **** you off. Watch the movie beer fest. Lots of World War 2 propaganda analogies.
02:57:42 Cringe as they get gloat about the eye of the Jew.
02:57:45 Yeah, yeah.
02:57:46 Now there's a lot of.
02:57:48 There's a lot of Jew references and anti German **** in that, obviously.
02:57:53 And how they also kind of imply that like it's the, you know, the the diverse team, the degenerate team diversity, like literally now.
02:58:02 That said, when I watched it the first time I I thought it was really funny, but.
02:58:05 I was also probably high as a kite.
02:58:08 That goes to illustrate why it's hard for me to come up with movie recommendations, because a lot of this stuff.
02:58:14 It's funny when you when you're blue, pilled and high.
02:58:17 But then again, what's not?
02:58:20 Mine. Comfy chair $25.
02:58:24 Let's see here.
02:58:28 I made a bumper for big donations.
02:58:30 The footage is from a TV program for Jewish children made by a Jewish nonprofit called Uriah.
02:58:39 It hilariously stars a character named Fabish, who is a Jewish anthropomorphic $5.00 bill. Oh yeah, and I've I've seen.
02:58:50 I have seen that show.
02:58:52 I will.
02:58:53 I will copy that link.
02:58:57 Let's see if.
02:59:03 See if this will download without destroying my.
02:59:07 My Internet.
02:59:12 I like it open.
02:59:13 It right, it did it all.
02:59:14 Right, let's we'll play it.
02:59:17 We'll let the you know I'm going to let chat decide whether or not they like it.
02:59:22 So let's go to and I'm going to regular chat here.
02:59:26 We're going to see if people like your.
02:59:28 I haven't.
02:59:29 I haven't seen it.
02:59:30 Let's just see.
02:59:39 Let's open this up.
02:59:48 Where did it download to?
02:59:49 Hang on, I'm looking for it.
02:59:54 My computer so slow I've got this.
02:59:55 Everything downloads to the same folder and it takes it.
02:59:58 Like like 1/2 hour for.
03:00:00 It to.
03:00:00 Be like Oh yeah.
03:00:02 Yeah, here.
03:00:03 It is.
03:00:08 I'm just going to.
Speaker 33
03:00:08 Drag it in from here.
03:00:09 There we go.
03:00:11 There's no audio to this clip or.
03:00:13 At least not that.
03:00:15 My player is recognizing.
03:00:20 Should there be audio to this, let me.
03:00:21 Play it somewhere else.
Speaker 8
03:00:24 Money is power.
03:00:25 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
Speaker 11
03:00:28 Look how Julie this *** is.
03:00:33 Ah, it won't stop playing.
03:00:36 OK, there is audio.
03:00:37 Just doesn't want to play.
03:00:38 It's it's screwing with my computer.
03:00:39 Hang on.
03:00:43 Let me try to load it this way.
Speaker 1
03:00:48 OK.
03:00:51 I really wish OBS just had a drag and drop feature.
03:00:54 I know I said all the time, now it's going to start playing.
03:00:57 I'm not going to hear it.
03:00:58 Until I fix it, but here we go.
Speaker 8
03:00:59 Money is power.
03:01:01 Money is the only.
03:01:02 Weapon that that you have to defend the joke.
Speaker 11
03:01:05 We got Julie, this *** is.
03:01:24 All right, Chad.
03:01:28 So wines, if you like it.
03:01:31 Two is if you don't like it.
03:01:44 Got a little bit of a delay.
03:01:53 All right.
03:01:53 Lots of ones.
03:01:55 All right, we're keeping it.
03:01:59 We're keeping it.
03:02:00 So that's that's.
03:02:02 We're going to add that to the.
03:02:06 To the.
03:02:08 The list there.
03:02:12 Good job.
03:02:14 And in fact.
03:02:16 I would say.
03:02:18 If you guys want to do that, do what he did, make one and send it my way.
03:02:22 Don't have to make them.
03:02:24 So good job.
03:02:26 I'll actually be able to hear it next time because I couldn't hear it until I made some audio changes.
03:02:30 So next time I play it, I'll see it in all its glory and I resized it to be full screen.
03:02:36 So good job there.
03:02:39 Good job, Mike.
03:02:40 Campy chair.
03:02:42 Return it for it, for $1.00. You know what? Let's do it.
03:02:45 For ******** ****** with.
Speaker 8
03:02:46 $1.00 money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have.
03:02:50 To defend itself.
Speaker 11
03:02:52 Now, Julie, this *** is.
03:03:10 Nice. I like it.
03:03:14 All right, I'll return frag any chance?
03:03:18 Any chance heard no.
03:03:21 Anything involving the supposed coup attempt in China and protests in Iran, PS Love you to have but not thee not in love, cause that would be gay as ****.
03:03:33 Any chance heard?
03:03:35 Or I've heard I guess.
03:03:37 OK you're talking about.
03:03:38 I actually have no idea we're talking about.
03:03:40 I am on opposite sleep schedule.
03:03:43 Right now that I didn't intend to get into I.
03:03:45 Didn't all night or the other day.
03:03:47 Which totally ruined me and then.
03:03:52 Because I I the reason I had to do the all nighter is I ended up staying up so late that it was going to be time to do a bunch of bee stuff I had to.
03:03:58 Do before you know the bad weather came in.
03:04:02 And so I.
03:04:02 Just stayed up and then I got all suited up and then that took forever.
03:04:06 And then, you know, just by the time I was all done, like, noon again, I was just like, I can't ******* sleep like that.
03:04:10 Then I had a weird nightmare about the ghost cat where you don't want to hear about it, just boring.
03:04:15 But it was just a weird ghost cat nightmare.
03:04:19 And maybe ghost cats trying to maybe Ghost Cat does.
03:04:23 Work for the Jews.
03:04:24 Hmm, maybe it's a good thing I.
03:04:26 Didn't let him.
03:04:26 In you guys, the stream might have saved me.
03:04:30 He was just testing the.
03:04:32 The security the first time he came.
03:04:35 Look at me.
03:04:36 Poor wet cat.
03:04:36 Let me in.
03:04:38 Who doesn't like wet *****?
03:04:39 Right.
03:04:39 Anyway, so the the China stuff, I have no idea.
03:04:43 I have no idea.
03:04:45 It hasn't made, I don't think it's because I.
03:04:47 Usually check headlines.
03:04:49 I don't remember any headlines, even let me see.
03:04:53 Let me check the Boomer report.
03:04:55 Because the boomers hate China, you'd think they'd be talking about it.
03:05:00 No, there's nothing about it.
03:05:04 Which could mean two things, right?
03:05:06 That could mean either it's 100%.
03:05:08 Real if they're not talking about it.
03:05:10 Or it's or.
03:05:11 It's just fake and gay.
03:05:13 I'll look. I'll look into it after the the show. Archaic way is $1.00. Are you making any progress or effort towards getting married and creating a family?
03:05:22 I assume you're happy, but I wish even more for you.
03:05:25 We need that great mind of yours to please reproduce and live on.
03:05:30 Time is fleeting, my friend.
03:05:32 No comment, but I will say that I'm.
03:05:34 I'm definitely not.
03:05:37 I'm definitely not Mig Tau.
03:05:40 OK, I I understand people that are.
03:05:44 I get it, believe me, I get it.
03:05:50 But there are some.
03:05:55 No comment.
03:05:56 That's all.
03:05:56 That's all I'm going to say.
03:06:00 But I I I I believe as you do, I want my I think my genetics are pretty ******* awesome and they need to move they need.
03:06:06 To go on.
03:06:07 It would be a travesty.
03:06:09 If my genes died with me and I am, I am.
03:06:13 I'll tell you what I am putting forth an effort.
03:06:16 To ensure that my genes do not die with me.
03:06:19 I do not think that I will.
03:06:24 In this, in this effort I will tell.
03:06:26 You that much?
03:06:30 Winter child $5. Appreciate that I liked your Cider House rules video. I didn't realize at first that I read the book years before because the German version was a totally had a totally different title.
03:06:45 Gold's work and truthful's.
03:06:48 Beats rag.
03:06:50 ******* German.
Speaker 10
03:06:53 I'm going to hurt my.
03:06:54 Throat to say excuse me.
03:06:59 Meaning God's work delivering children and the devil's share.
03:07:10 Ah, sorry, I had to like cough.
03:07:11 There for a.
03:07:11 Second, gonna take another drink.
03:07:14 Hang on.
03:07:18 Talking this long.
03:07:20 And this loud is not always good on the old pipes.
Speaker 10
03:07:25 Well, now we know why they changed the name.
03:07:27 To something that would appeal to women like Cider House rules.
03:07:32 Harmless G.
03:07:33 I gathered some data and did some math and found that at a current I found that at current immigration rates and non white fertility, white Canadians need to have a fertility rate of four kids per woman to maintain the population percentage in in the USA it's 3.
03:07:53 But rounded up to four because of the undocumented illegal.
Speaker 10
03:07:58 Right now it's.
03:08:00 You have put.
03:08:01 Your finger on why I am black pilled in terms of.
03:08:05 This idea that oh.
03:08:06 We're just going to turn it around.
03:08:08 That's not going to happen, but which is fine by the way, in in America, by the way, also European countries, you guys have a totally different situation.
03:08:18 America, too many people forget.
03:08:20 How in flux this geographic area has been always demographically, it's not like we sprung out of the ******* ground out here 500 years ago and populated the entire continent, OK?
03:08:34 When we first got here.
03:08:37 We were a tiny percentage.
03:08:38 Of the population, obviously.
03:08:40 And then we spread to a lot of it slowly, but even there, there was a lot of back and forth.
03:08:44 You know, California was part of Mexico, so was new.
03:08:47 New Mexico was part of Old Mexico, you know, like part of.
03:08:50 Texas, you know, was.
03:08:52 Went back and forth a little bit there, right?
03:08:55 Remember the Alamo?
03:08:57 So it it's it's not as as ancient.
03:09:03 Of a white homeland is say, you know, England.
03:09:08 So it's a totally it's a totally different story and that has that has fluctuated so much just.
03:09:14 In the last.
03:09:15 Few centuries that it hasn't even really settled down.
03:09:20 And I suspect.
03:09:20 That it's going to keep fluctuating until there's a decisive winner, and I don't think in the immediate future that that's going to be us.
03:09:30 And I think that we've watched a lot of reasons why that is.
03:09:33 We had the chance so many times we've had the chance.
03:09:37 So many times we've had the chance.
03:09:40 And so many times our ancestors have blown it.
03:09:47 It is what it is. ******** ****** for $1.00. I already gave you the big one. Imagine seeing this.
03:09:55 Quote you didn't take in enough refugees from Jews only to see them turn around and see them lurch at the thought of taking in European white Christian Ukrainians.
03:10:06 Why are these people like this?
03:10:07 Well, because.
03:10:10 The same way that like a lot of.
03:10:12 Parents are hypocrites.
03:10:14 If you view.
03:10:15 The rest of the world as lesser.
03:10:18 Genuinely, they think we're like animals.
03:10:21 Are you going to let the cows live in your?
03:10:23 House with you?
03:10:25 That's why.
03:10:28 They'll tell the other cows.
03:10:30 Hey, you.
03:10:30 Behave like like if you if.
03:10:32 They buy more cows that are different cows.
03:10:35 That don't get along with the cows they.
03:10:36 Already own and the cows start to act up.
03:10:40 You say you behave cows.
03:10:41 You get along with these other cows or put.
03:10:43 In the cow pen.
03:10:46 Doesn't mean they want those cows to be.
03:10:47 In their house.
03:10:50 That's how they view us.
03:10:53 There's no inconsistent that.
03:10:54 Look, if that's how you see it there, there's not an inconsistency.
03:11:02 And you're good.
03:11:03 You don't tell the cows that.
03:11:04 I mean, not that you probably don't think.
03:11:05 They have the ability to understand that.
03:11:08 They don't, they.
03:11:09 They're not on the same level.
03:11:11 They don't see us as the same kind of beings.
03:11:13 That we are.
03:11:19 Sharp wing, $10. Appreciate that.
03:11:28 Let's see here.
03:11:29 Hey, Devin, we wanted to catch the stream tonight, but got a little too.
03:11:32 Gosh, so we'll have to catch tomorrow. But from a Adam, what is your opinion on the states of Idaho and Montana as far as places for conservative people to live, especially with the direction in our country is going, I think there's some good strongholds, but I also think there's a **** ton of white liberals that.
03:11:52 Are are better at?
03:11:54 Getting into positions of power, apparently.
03:11:58 Right, because that's who runs all those cities in in Idaho, despite there being like this large population of of right wing white people there, like they don't run any of the cities.
03:12:10 So you know Montana, I don't know. I don't know enough about Montana, but yeah, those are. I mean, they're they're pretty places. I think Wyoming is a good place too. Even that's where I think that's where Cheney's from.
03:12:24 I mean, look, there's ********* Zionist everywhere.
03:12:27 I live in an area that's very Trump ****.
03:12:31 Like very Trump ****.
03:12:33 And it's like if you ever talk to these people about race or like that they they blow their top, they don't.
03:12:39 It's like they're stuck in in Boomer con thinking, and I don't know, I would say.
03:12:45 And I know that probably wouldn't be the case.
03:12:49 But I don't.
03:12:49 I've never lived, and I've only been there, you know, recently at least I was there when I was a kid.
03:12:53 A lot.
03:12:53 But recently only a few times.
03:13:01 And then it's the same one from you over and over and over again.
03:13:03 I don't know why it's.
03:13:05 I think you accidentally donated like a lot of money to me.
03:13:09 So hit me up next next stream because you are drunk and you donated the you sent the same super chat.
03:13:16 Unless this is just reading it wrong 123-4567 times, so you sent $70.00 instead of 10. Unless this is reading it wrong, you know.
Speaker 18
03:13:27 Why is money management press the rest?
03:13:35 So if you accidentally did that, you can actually last time that happened. You can just message the Odyssey people and they'll actually get back to you fast and they got back to me because some guy accidentally sent like 500 bucks or something once and he messaged them and they they undid it immediately. So you can do that as far as I know.
03:13:57 UM, tipsy Mcstay Agger, $5. Don't let the ghost Jew cat steal classified cat spotlight. Yeah, ghost cat. I don't know where he he went away. He could be he. Although he's not. He's white. He's actually white. He's much whiter than classified cat is.
Speaker 8
03:14:15 UM.
03:14:18 But I think he's going to be an outside cat, even if he's.
03:14:21 I don't even know.
03:14:22 I don't know where he comes from or where he goes.
03:14:24 But I don't mind giving them some food.
03:14:27 There's some food that classified cat hates.
03:14:29 What I'm giving him?
03:14:31 Then I just I don't want to throw it away.
03:14:32 It's like, well, if there's ever.
03:14:34 This is like your.
03:14:34 This is like your your prepper food cat.
03:14:38 Like you'll eat it when you're hungry.
03:14:40 And so I'm just giving them the **** that classified cat doesn't want anyway. Guitar Dude 1356, other non white races may not have a claim to building the US, but Chinese laborers sacrificed their lives taking on most dangerous tasks, building the transcontinental railroad. Chinese also built a lot of wineries in California.
03:15:02 But no recognition.
03:15:04 What are your thoughts on that?
03:15:05 Well, I mean, they were manual laborers building the railroad, but they by no means, I mean.
03:15:12 They they were.
03:15:14 They weren't instrumental in doing it beyond the labor right, and which is not.
03:15:19 Look that I'm not.
03:15:19 Saying that's.
03:15:21 That was easy.
03:15:22 That was hard.
03:15:23 ******* labor, right?
03:15:24 A lot of people died doing it, and it was a dangerous job and.
03:15:28 And you know.
03:15:30 If you've got family that's been here for hundreds of years, if you're a Chinese American that's been here hundreds of years, and that's part of your history, I have a respect for that.
03:15:39 Like I said, the the Americans demographic story is a lot more complicated than that of Europe, and I get it, you know.
03:15:51 But at the same time, to pretend that that still means that Chinese Americans think.
03:16:01 The same way that a Anglo-Saxon Americans do is is is not the case.
03:16:08 I don't think that that's the case.
03:16:10 I think there are biological differences and and they're not always bad.
03:16:15 You know the the biological difference is it's not like a.
03:16:19 You know the Chinese are like, we're better than the Chinese and everything.
03:16:23 No, we're probably better at some things and worse than.
03:16:25 Other things, but we're different and this government was tailor made to accommodate.
03:16:33 Anglo-Saxon people and their children.
03:16:37 And so other people are going to in large numbers at least.
03:16:43 Are going to necessarily alter that equation.
03:16:48 And if you look at Chinese or just Asian American voting records, it's.
03:16:53 You know the proof is in the pudding.
03:16:55 They vote lefty.
03:17:00 So you know it is what it is, but you're right, you know, America is is a different animal.
03:17:06 It's not Europe.
03:17:07 And there are other races that have.
03:17:11 Occupied and worked the land for a lot longer than many of the white people that live in America, their families.
03:17:18 You know, like there's a lot of white people who came from Europe that whose families didn't come and tell, you know, maybe, I don't know if you're Chinese, but maybe your family's been here since, you know, 100 years prior to their arrival. So.
03:17:31 I think as long as these groups.
03:17:35 Recognize and defer to the founding principles and people of the country.
03:17:43 There's not really a problem in small amounts.
03:17:47 I don't think because it's just not practical. It's not even possible. I don't it's ever even existed that there's been a country that's 100%.
03:17:55 One race.
03:17:57 You know.
03:17:58 And I think that if we were to get back to like a 9010 kind of percentage ratio.
03:18:06 That would be.
03:18:08 Well, impossible.
03:18:10 Without some crazy **** going down, but.
03:18:15 That would be ideal for any people.
03:18:18 You know, like I think that the Chinese people you're talking about and other people that you're talking about, it'd be ideal for them to be somewhere that's 90% then.
03:18:26 But if they want to be part of the.
03:18:27 10% all right.
03:18:29 As long as you don't cause problems and as long as you realize that, hey, this is our place.
03:18:35 And you know, we'll treat you with respect and.
03:18:37 All this other stuff, as long as you're.
03:18:38 Not, you know, causing trouble.
03:18:42 They'd be the same as if I moved.
03:18:44 To another, you know, an Asian country.
03:18:48 I would expect to be.
03:18:49 Treated well and as long as I'm.
03:18:52 I'm respecting their customs and their way.
03:18:54 Of life and everything.
03:18:56 I think that's a reasonable answer. Your question #2 Asians and whites are much more closely related genetically. We come from a common ancestor than sub-saharan blacks are to us.
03:19:08 We both have high IQ's, low crime rate, et cetera. Why not accept Asians more into the fold, a ton of whites and Asians marry and have kids anyway.
03:19:17 I, you know, like I said.
03:19:20 It's not like.
03:19:23 It's not like I hate Asians.
03:19:29 I think I think Asians cause way fewer problems in our society.
03:19:35 Than, well, probably any other demographic group that's come here in any kind of numbers, really.
03:19:42 But at the same time it's it's, you know, look at the voting record, it's that tendency, the tendency towards collectivism, the tendency towards.
03:19:53 Over over liberty, you know that kind of a thing, right?
03:19:57 The tenancy.
03:19:58 Like, if you watch.
03:19:59 I mean, even now.
03:20:00 One thing I've noticed, if you watch like.
03:20:04 Even during the summit.
03:20:06 The anti White Summit from last week, they cut to the audience and I and I think I said even oh, look at the audience.
03:20:12 No one was wearing a mask anymore.
03:20:14 The one person that was was Asian.
03:20:18 You know, Asian people are, are they?
03:20:21 They have a different mindset.
03:20:23 And they they.
03:20:25 It's not just the Chinese government that is producing the kinds of reactions to COVID that are occurring in China.
03:20:34 You know, the Chinese Government is a product of Chinese biology, right?
03:20:40 And so are there going to be some people that that find themselves incompatible with that and want to go live in America?
03:20:45 And whatever?
03:20:46 Again, in, in, in manageable enough numbers.
03:20:48 That's fine.
03:20:49 I just I appreciate.
03:20:52 My people.
03:20:54 You know, I appreciate and want my people to continue to exist.
03:20:58 In numbers that are sustainable and and to continue to pursue their unique destiny.
03:21:09 I I that's just my personal view and I think that.
03:21:13 The one thing that you should take, I'm assuming you're Asian or maybe your wife's Asian or something like that, just based on what you're saying.
03:21:20 You need to take into account white Americans viewpoint on this maybe not being what you want to hear simply because you've got something either you or whoever you're talking about have something that we don't have and that is there is a huge chunk of the earth that's almost 100% you guys.
03:21:42 White people don't have that.
03:21:45 Right.
03:21:46 I don't have.
03:21:47 Well, if America goes to ****, I can always go to England or whatever.
03:21:50 No, they're ****** too.
03:21:53 You know, it's only the white countries that are being asked to accept everyone.
03:22:03 And so in order to correct this.
03:22:07 We have to draw the line.
03:22:10 And there might be a case by case basis for like I said, like in a perfect world where there's a floating 10% of of different people that that come and contribute in some way.
03:22:21 And I think that's always been the case for homogeneous societies or maybe 90s, not maybe it's higher than 90 because travel is so much easier now, right?
03:22:33 You just have to understand that how unnerving that and maybe if you're if you're yourself Chinese, you probably can't understand how unnerving it is to be white right now and know that there's no like.
03:22:45 You know, well, I can always go back to here.
03:22:47 There's no here.
03:22:52 So that's that's something that I think that if if you are a Chinese or whatever.
03:22:57 That you need to take into account.
03:23:01 Iron Pilled 350 you're not Nessie but this this will have to.
03:23:07 Do 350.
03:23:11 Night train 88. Some *** **** money.
Speaker 8
03:23:16 Money is power.
03:23:17 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
Speaker 11
03:23:21 No Jewry this bag is.
03:23:40 All right. Night. Turn 88. I can't watch anything nowadays without seeing all the subversion propaganda. Dishonest framing.
Speaker 19
03:23:49 My work.
03:23:50 Was worth it?
03:23:52 Thanks for the lessons to help build those skills. Remember that website calledjejadar.ca? I saw that it was back up, but you can't actually search for anything to get there. Boasting score. Get there boasting score rating.
03:24:10 Ohh yeah, is that the one that uh.
03:24:14 There was, like Jew or not, Jew.
03:24:16 Like, there's there's a was that what it was, I forget.
03:24:20 I don't know if I remember that website actually.
03:24:23 Let's see if.
03:24:23 It will come up.
03:24:35 Let's see here.
03:24:38 Jadar test your Jadar.
03:24:43 No, I don't think I ever did see this.
Speaker 16
03:24:46 But it's.
03:24:48 Presented by the Toronto Jewish Film Festival.
03:24:55 I didn't know about this website, so it lets you search and see how Jewish they are search movies.
03:25:02 Or that, but they broke it.
03:25:03 That's kind of funny.
03:25:04 I wish.
03:25:04 I'd known about this.
03:25:06 How did I not know about this?
03:25:08 So it's a Jewish see that they they do this to themselves.
03:25:12 They made a website.
03:25:14 Jews made a website that would allow you to search movies and it would score it on how?
03:25:19 Jewish it was.
03:25:21 Holy ****.
03:25:23 Well, I guess you let me, I'll.
03:25:25 Just type, there will be.
03:25:26 Blood in here.
03:25:30 Let me see how Jewish.
03:25:31 There will be blood is.
03:25:33 But like you said, it doesn't work huh.
03:25:35 The website itself is is up, but it doesn't function.
03:25:41 Yeah, it doesn't work.
03:25:41 Nothing works anymore.
03:25:43 That's kind of crazy.
03:25:47 Yeah, that's too bad.
03:25:48 I wish I'd known about that.
03:25:49 I would have been.
03:25:50 Using that for sure.
03:25:52 Joannes Brahms, $5. Is there anything you would recommend to study World War 2?
03:26:05 What is it like Europa?
03:26:07 The the last battle or I forget the I always forget the full name of that.
03:26:11 I I think that's not right.
03:26:14 It's probably on bit shoot.
03:26:15 It's really long that be a good place to start.
03:26:20 I'm not a historian, though, so there's also what's his name?
03:26:24 David Irving has a lot of books that.
03:26:25 Would be good to check out.
03:26:28 Channel 01249575 dollars. Can you please look into the A a satro folk assembly runestone.org they are only explicitly pro white organization I have found in the.
03:26:46 OS and pretty successful meet IRL and have events and properties. They are growing and also have started a pro white home school. Their YouTube has more info on it. Runestone.org huh? I have not heard about that.
03:27:04 Yeah, I'll give it a glance I'll give.
03:27:06 It a glance.
03:27:08 Let's see.
03:27:08 Let's see how whacky their website looks.
03:27:10 They definitely the web designer.
03:27:12 That's my first impression is they need a web designer, but.
03:27:16 That doesn't mean.
03:27:17 I'll check it out later.
03:27:19 But they definitely they have a very 1990s looking website, very Geocities vibe.
03:27:27 But that's fine.
03:27:28 I don't even have website.
03:27:29 I know what it's like to have to put.
03:27:31 In the time to do that.
03:27:35 The Asatru and this Part 2, the Asatru Folk Assembly seems pacon resistant and has relatively good optics.
03:27:45 I don't think that every person needs to join, but it isn't.
03:27:49 But isn't it a good idea to?
03:27:51 Promote the very few organizations that are willing to explicitly support us and successful in doing so.
03:27:58 Thank you for all you do.
03:28:00 I appreciate that one I'm OK with.
03:28:02 Yeah, I mean.
03:28:04 With checking things out, I don't know anything about these guys, so I can't obviously endorse it or whatever until I do.
03:28:09 But yeah, absolutely.
03:28:11 I love it when you guys share these things.
03:28:14 And so it's.
03:28:15 Yeah, check it out.
03:28:15 See if it's for you.
03:28:18 Gee, how to meet women living in the homes.
03:28:20 The homestead life.
03:28:22 What social activities do you find in the rural communities?
03:28:25 And how do you integrate as a single male from the city?
03:28:32 It's difficult.
03:28:36 Luckily, there's the Internet.
03:28:38 I would say if you're looking for a based person.
03:28:42 You're going to have more luck on the Internet because even if you go to a rural area, you're you're not going to necessarily find people that are going to get it on the level that you do, because we do represent a fairly marginal minority.
03:29:01 At the moment now I think it's trending in some areas in our direction, but.
03:29:07 You might be surprised that even you know, even if you meet people, how how difficult it is going to be to find someone that is ideologically aligned with you.
03:29:17 So I would say harness the power of the Internet as much as you can, but not I don't mean like Tinder, by the way, obviously.
03:29:26 The other thing I would.
03:29:27 Say is churches, there's churches in rural areas and lots of people will drive.
03:29:33 Long distances to go, and that said there's a lot of old people at churches, so you're not always going to find young people you might have to find yourself planning on going out places in the weekend like to a larger area.
03:29:50 You know, going to a city.
03:29:51 There's there are some cities not super far from me that I've gone to to socialize.
03:29:59 And it kind of sucks because, you know.
03:30:03 Driving for a long time just to hang out.
03:30:05 You're almost doing more driving than you are doing hanging out, you know.
03:30:10 But that's just, that's a reality.
03:30:13 It depends on how densely populated the area that you're in in is, because rural doesn't always mean no one lives there.
03:30:20 Where I live, there's not a lot.
03:30:22 Of people.
03:30:24 But there's there's plenty of farm communities that have a decent.
03:30:30 Population with there's also like a lot of weird things you wouldn't think of doing.
03:30:34 You know, like a lot of the local areas will hold events, parades, luncheons, picnics, you know, like check with the the local.
03:30:46 Uh, what's your?
03:30:47 Call it.
03:30:48 The I forget the name of it.
03:30:51 What's the?
03:30:53 Chamber of Commerce.
03:30:55 That might sound weird.
03:30:56 Check for the local Chamber of Commerce.
03:30:58 That's usually like the.
03:31:01 The the the the more powerful people in the area getting together and putting on things from time to time, check out if there's like a the penthouse small your area is if they've got like a tourist office or you might be surprised there are.
03:31:19 If there's any kind of community at all where you live.
03:31:22 There's going to be even.
03:31:24 There's going to be picnics, there's going to be, you know, 4th of July picnics, parades, things like that.
03:31:30 But it's it's it's way harder.
03:31:31 It's way harder when you're just flying and blind.
03:31:33 You're the outsider.
03:31:35 It's kind of an uphill battle because a lot of these small communities, you're it's a smaller pool of people.
03:31:43 But also a lot of these people, if they're from that area, they went to high school with the only other.
03:31:50 Say 20 single people in the area like they've they've grown up with each other.
03:31:55 And so here come, you know, which could be an advantage.
03:31:57 You're like the oh, you're the mysterious city guy.
03:31:59 You know what I mean?
03:32:00 So who knows.
03:32:02 But I would say.
03:32:04 I would say, you know, don't don't ignore it just because Tinder is awful and so is a a lot of the formal dating sites doesn't mean that you can't meet people.
03:32:14 Look, there's probably people in the chat.
03:32:16 That you could meet.
03:32:23 Joannes Johannes Brahms $5 for that based Madison Grant Passage. Yeah, that was pretty awesome. I'm surprised they put that in there.
03:32:32 Like I said though, they did it so that if you encounter it later, you're like, Oh yeah, that's that race.
03:32:39 Splitter trace $1.00 what are the issues with Italians? Sicilians. I hear that Americans didn't like them either. Well, it's it's it's, I mean, you've heard of the mafia, right?
03:32:55 They brought a lot of organized crime with them.
03:32:57 OK, look, a lot of that stuff, there was a lot of Jewish mafia.
03:33:00 **** going on too.
03:33:01 It's and that.
03:33:03 And a lot of Jewish mafia that got passed off in movies as Italian mafia there.
03:33:07 That's true.
03:33:08 But there was.
03:33:08 A lot of Italian mafia.
03:33:10 There's a lot of Italian mafia **** that came across, plus they were Catholic, which if you're a Protestant country that you know, that doesn't jive for, I don't see what the big deal is personally, but like.
03:33:23 You know, it doesn't always jive.
03:33:28 Yeah, that was the big thing is you have you have a bunch of people that that culturally are different that religiously are different and they bring with them a.
03:33:41 I would say a level of in Group preference that well surpasses.
03:33:49 The native people in a way that results in stuff like mafia is happening.
03:33:56 You know, like where is the Anglo-Saxon mafia?
03:34:01 Doesn't exist.
03:34:03 You know.
03:34:04 And so that that, that, in and of itself was a foreign problem that they had to deal.
03:34:09 With in fact, I mean look at the, look how long it took.
03:34:13 I mean the the FBI to to even just try to reel that in a little bit.
03:34:19 You know the Anglo-Saxon effort that went into just curtailing Italian violence and crime? It was not insignificant.
03:34:29 So that's kind of why.
03:34:31 That's kind of.
03:34:32 Why, you know?
03:34:35 Now that said, I think things have settled down dramatically since.
03:34:41 The early part of the of the 20th century.
03:34:44 But let's not pretend that wasn't a thing, you know.
03:34:51 If I wanted to be funny.
03:35:00 Let me see if I can find this clip.
03:35:05 Oh, it's so long.
03:35:13 Uh, let me.
03:35:14 See if I can let me see if I.
03:35:15 Can play.
03:35:15 This I don't know if it.
03:35:16 Will hopefully doesn't ruin the stream.
03:35:30 So there's another reason.
03:35:33 The Anglo Saxons.
03:35:37 I wouldn't say they take issue with Italians.
03:35:41 But you have to be very careful when dealing with new people coming to your country, right?
03:35:47 And you have to take into account a lot of stuff.
03:35:52 Let me see if I can if.
03:35:53 This will come up here.
03:35:58 And this is illustrated.
03:36:01 In this scene here, which I hope is in English, it's got Spanish subtitles for some reason.
Speaker 33
03:36:10 One thing.
03:36:11 No, it's.
03:36:11 In ******* Spanish.
Speaker 33
03:36:15 Do you know who I?
03:36:16 Am Mr. Woolley?
03:36:16 Oh, oh, good.
03:36:17 Here we go.
Speaker 34
03:36:19 I give up.
03:36:20 Who are you?
Speaker 33
03:36:22 The Antichrist.
03:36:24 You got me in a vendetta kind of mood.
03:36:26 You tell the angels in heaven you've never seen evil so singularly personified as you did in the face of.
03:36:31 The man who killed you?
03:36:33 My name is Vincent Kakadi.
03:36:34 I work as counsel for Mr.
03:36:36 Lou Boyle.
03:36:37 The man your son stole from.
03:36:40 I hear you.
03:36:40 Once a cop, so I can assume you've heard of us before.
03:36:43 Am I correct?
Speaker 34
03:36:45 I've heard of Blue loop oil.
Speaker 33
03:36:47 I'm glad.
03:36:49 Hopefully that will clear up the handful of **** on my question you've been asking yourself.
03:36:56 We're going to have a little Q&A and at the risk of sounding redundant, please make your answers genuine. You want to Chesterfield?
03:37:08 I have a son, my own butcher boys age.
03:37:11 I can imagine how painful this must be.
03:37:13 For you but.
03:37:15 Clarence, an habitual girlfriend.
03:37:18 If he's brought this all on themselves, I implore you not to go down that road with them.
03:37:23 You can always take comfort in the fact you.
03:37:25 Not had a choice.
Speaker 34
03:37:28 Look, I'd like to help you if I could, but I.
03:37:31 Haven't seen Clarence.
Speaker 29
03:37:36 You see that?
Speaker 33
03:37:40 I'm smarter than you're slammed in the nose.
03:37:44 Wait for it.
03:37:44 It'll be worth it.
Speaker 4
03:37:44 Box you all up.
Speaker 33
03:37:46 Get that pain shooting through your brain.
03:37:47 Your eyes fill up with water.
03:37:50 Add any kind of.
03:37:51 Fun, But what I have to offer you.
03:37:54 That's as good as it's going to get.
03:37:57 And it won't ever get that.
03:37:57 Good again.
03:38:00 We talked to your neighbors, they saw a Cadillac.
03:38:04 Purple Cadillac. Clarence's purple Cadillac.
03:38:08 Parked in front of a trailer yesterday.
03:38:11 Mr. Wally.
03:38:13 You seeing your?
03:38:13 Son, I think.
Speaker 34
03:38:15 See him.
Speaker 33
03:38:17 I can't be sure of how much of.
03:38:18 What he told you so?
03:38:20 And the chance you're in the dark about some of this.
03:38:22 Let me shed some light.
03:38:23 That ***** your boy hangs around with a pimp.
03:38:27 Is an associate of mine and it is pimping and other affairs.
03:38:30 He works for me in a Courier capacity.
03:38:32 Well, apparently very little horror found out on glue some business.
03:38:38 Because your son, the cowboy in this flame, came in the room blazing and didn't stop.
03:38:43 These ******* goombas.
Speaker 33
03:38:44 Well, we're pretty sure everybody was dead.
Speaker 34
03:38:47 What are you talking about?
Speaker 33
03:38:50 Talking about a massacre.
03:38:52 They snatched my narcotics.
03:38:54 Hightailed it out of there would have got away with it, but your son, ******** that he is left his drivers license and a dead guy's hand, you know.
Speaker 34
03:39:07 I don't believe you.
Speaker 33
03:39:09 That's a minor importance.
03:39:10 What is a major ******* importance is that I believe you.
03:39:15 Where did they go?
Speaker 34
03:39:18 On their honeymoon.
Speaker 33
03:39:25 Getting angry and asking the same question a second.
03:39:27 Time. Where did they go?
Speaker 34
03:39:29 They didn't tell me.
03:39:30 Now you just wait a.
03:39:31 Minute and listen to me.
03:39:32 I haven't seen Clarence in three years.
03:39:36 He shows up yesterday with a young girl.
03:39:39 Saying that he got married.
03:39:42 Yes, for.
03:39:45 Some quick cash going up.
03:39:47 This is the honest Anglo trying.
03:39:49 To help out.
Speaker 34
03:39:49 Yeah, it's made for he.
03:39:50 Could borrow $500.
03:39:53 I felt like helping him, so I wrote him.
03:39:55 Out a check.
03:39:56 We went to breakfast in the morning.
03:40:00 And that's the last I saw of him.
03:40:03 So help me God.
03:40:06 They never thought to tell me.
03:40:07 Where they were going.
03:40:10 And I never thought to ask.
03:40:17 Oh, but the goomba.
Speaker 34
03:40:34 Don't mentions.
03:40:36 Who wouldn't want these guys in their country?
03:40:39 Wait for it.
03:40:40 Though this is they, they should have cut.
03:40:41 Like this whole first part out of it.
03:40:44 Here we go.
Speaker 33
03:40:47 Great liars.
Speaker 34
03:40:49 Best in the world?
Speaker 33
03:40:53 I'm Sicilian.
03:40:54 My father was the world heavyweight champion of Sicilian liars.
03:41:00 From growing up with him, I learned the pantomime.
03:41:03 There are 17 different things a guy can do when he lies to give himself away.
03:41:07 Guys got 17 pantomimes.
03:41:09 Woman's got 20 guys, got 17, but if you know them like, you know your own face, they'd be like detectives all to hell.
03:41:17 Now what we got here is a little game of show and tell.
03:41:20 You don't show me nothing but you tell me everything.
03:41:25 I know you know where they are, so.
03:41:28 Tell me.
03:41:29 Before I do some damage, you won't walk away from.
Speaker 34
03:41:35 Could I am?
03:41:36 I'm one of those chesterfields now.
Speaker 2
03:41:40 Trump, you gotta.
Speaker 34
03:41:50 Oh, no, no, don't bother.
03:41:55 So polite the Anglo.
Speaker 34
03:42:02 You're Sicilian, huh?
03:42:13 I read a lot, especially about things about history.
03:42:19 I find that **** fascinating.
03:42:23 Here's a fact I don't know whether you know or not.
03:42:32 Were spawned by.
Speaker 33
03:42:40 Come again?
Speaker 34
03:42:43 It's a fact.
03:42:45 You see?
03:42:47 Sicilian Saber.
03:42:49 Black blood pumping through their hearts.
03:42:52 And no, if you if if you don't believe me, you can look it up.
03:42:56 Hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
03:42:58 You see, the more is conquered, Sicily.
03:43:02 And the Moors are, see, see way back then. Sicilians were like Wasps from northern Italy. They all have blonde hair and blue eyes, but well.
03:43:16 Then the Moors moved in.
03:43:20 Well, they changed the whole country.
03:43:22 They did so much *******.
03:43:25 With Sicilian women, huh?
03:43:27 That they changed the whole bloodline forever.
03:43:30 That's why.
03:43:32 Blonde hair and blue eyes became.
03:43:35 Black hair and dark skin.
03:43:38 You know, it's absolutely amazing to me.
03:43:43 To think that to this day, hundreds of years later, they're dead.
03:43:49 That's the seins still carry that gene.
Speaker 35
03:43:55 Now this.
03:43:57 No, no, I'm quoting history.
03:44:01 Written it's a fact.
03:44:03 It's written.
Speaker 33
03:44:04 I know this guy guy.
Speaker 34
03:44:11 Your ancestors are.
Speaker 35
03:44:18 Yeah, and and your great, great, great, great grandmother.
03:44:22 **** the Niger.
03:44:26 And she had a half naked kid.
Speaker 34
03:44:30 If that's a fact.
03:44:33 Tell me.
03:44:34 Am I lying?
03:44:39 Because you.
03:44:43 You're part eggplant, no.
Speaker 35
03:44:53 Hey, hey, hey.
Speaker 33
03:44:56 You're a cantaloupe.
03:45:33 Since 1984.
03:45:38 Go to this committee in the Sons apartment.
03:45:42 So there you go.
03:45:49 Oh, right. All right.
03:45:52 I kid, I kid.
03:45:53 Kind of.
03:45:58 All right, let's go.
03:46:03 I think that's what Ben Franklin was talking about.
03:46:09 It's a great sing.
03:46:10 It's a great sing.
03:46:12 Uh, let's see here.
03:46:20 Legally or iggly, I can never know. Never know if it's an iron L $5 rumor is that the big titted Canadian shop teacher is actually based and is just trolling the virtue signalers.
03:46:32 I hope it's true because that could be hilarious.
03:46:34 Got to be a high number of normies that be scratching their heads about that insanity.
Speaker 10
03:46:40 Yeah, a lot people keep bringing this up.
03:46:42 Maybe people know.
03:46:42 Something I don't know.
03:46:45 It's entirely possible, I guess I just don't.
03:46:48 I just think this is.
03:46:49 Just where we're at.
03:46:52 It doesn't seem that.
03:46:55 Unusual to me, unfortunately, and just like in the article when I was.
03:46:59 Reading the article.
03:47:01 And it said that a a small number of the students had begun skipping the class because it made him feel uncomfortable.
03:47:06 But and it said in the article, at least this is how they worded it that the majority of the students didn't see what the Big deal was.
03:47:14 So if you're looking for what are the results of the social experiment, it's the same.
03:47:20 It's the same whether he's pretending or it's real.
03:47:24 The fact remains.
03:47:27 That the school board said it was illegal.
03:47:31 To criticize him.
03:47:34 And that the.
03:47:35 Majority of students didn't see what the.
03:47:37 Big deal was.
03:47:41 And I said that at the time that though, that's the two things that matter.
03:47:46 It's not that there's some psycho or in what you're proposing, a non psycho.
03:47:52 I mean I I think he's probably still a psycho.
03:47:54 If he's doing that in in a funny way, but instead of a scary way, but still, yeah, instead of it just being some psycho dressing up like that.
03:48:05 Being the problem because we have plenty of examples of something just as crazy as that all over the place.
03:48:12 The data points that concern me.
03:48:15 Or that the school board said it's illegal to criticize him.
03:48:19 And that most of the.
03:48:21 For them, it's normalized already.
03:48:24 So either way, it's not.
03:48:25 It's not good news.
03:48:26 I'll tell you what.
03:48:27 If if he did like a big reveal and was just like I was just showing you how ridiculous this was.
03:48:33 Good job, dude.
03:48:34 Good job.
03:48:38 But it's not unless it's it's way funnier at that point.
03:48:42 But that's not the data.
03:48:43 Points don't change.
03:48:47 But I'd like to see.
03:48:48 I'd like you're.
03:48:49 You're like the second or third person to bring that up.
03:48:51 And so maybe.
03:48:52 I don't know where you guys are getting it from, so maybe winter child $1.00 is Ghost Kitty a girl maybe classified cat is just lovesick? I don't know because you can't tell if they've been fixed.
03:49:05 And I I don't think this is common in other countries, but in America it's pretty common to chop your cat's balls off.
03:49:12 Especially if you get your cats from like the SPCA or something like that, they come that way because they want to lower the population of feral cats and that sort of a thing.
03:49:20 So they just and any cat that gets brought to them, they just chop their their balls off or spam or whatever.
03:49:28 So I don't I I.
03:49:29 Didn't see any balls on on Ghost.
03:49:31 Cat so it's.
03:49:32 Either a female or it's a neutered male.
03:49:38 Tipsy Macs stagger and there's a link, a link to the International Jew.
03:49:44 So there you go everyone.
03:49:45 There's a link to a free copy of the International Jew.
03:49:50 Which you can.
03:49:51 Funny, not release.
03:49:52 You could you used.
03:49:54 To be able to get it off Amazon.
03:49:56 I don't know if they still have it on Amazon, but you used to be able to get the International Jew in book form on Amazon.
03:50:05 I think there's like 4 different volumes or something.
03:50:10 I got mine used off of eBay for cheap and they're not that.
03:50:13 They're pretty easy to find.
03:50:18 Alif the nemesis, $5, probably also talking about the kosher ******** with the candy bar hustle to get food manufacturers to hire rabbis at facilities.
03:50:31 Right.
03:50:31 Well, not only that, it's it's.
03:50:37 You basically, you're you're.
03:50:40 It's almost like you have a bill and an ability to regulate.
03:50:45 Food processing plants at that point.
03:50:49 So it's giving you an unofficial regulatory power.
03:50:57 Talking about the kosher stuff, harmless.
03:50:59 Gee, I think it's plausible that the Jews assassinated Lincoln to prevent him from saying the blacks back to Africa.
03:51:05 The Jews brought the Blacks to America and they wanted the blacks to stay in America to do what black people do.
03:51:12 I I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
03:51:14 I don't have any evidence that supports that, but I would not be surprised at this point.
03:51:20 I will say that you know what John Wilkes Booth was a.
03:51:24 Anarchist and A and a actor.
03:51:27 So I mean what ethnicity usually comes to mind when thinking about anarchist actors.
03:51:35 Splitter, trace $1.00 Jews rule the world now, but the Roman Catholic Church was the old global **** of the Middle Ages, a red pillar. Catholic viewers may find hard to swallow.
Speaker 10
03:51:46 Yeah, I mean, look, there's.
03:51:49 Any institution like that, once it's spread as large as it has and it it's a global institution, it kind of has to be.
03:51:57 Right.
03:51:58 There's what if you're a global institution with huge populations and non white areas, you can't be explicitly pro white as an institution.
03:52:08 And the Catholic Church, just like the Mormon church nowadays like it started out as an explicitly white organization.
03:52:16 And then as it became a global organization, they changed the rules to accommodate.
03:52:23 Because they wanted more people in countries.
03:52:26 That were non white.
03:52:28 To join their church to increase their membership and their power and their money and all that stuff, that's any institution, whether you're talking about Catholics, Mormons, whoever.
03:52:38 You can no longer.
03:52:41 It goes back to what I was talking about, commercial beekeepers versus backyard beekeepers.
03:52:47 Anytime an organization goes global, gets that big, they are no longer going to be concerned.
03:52:54 About the individual rights of separate groups, they're going to, they're going to look for the cheapest way.
03:53:02 To maintain the entire group.
03:53:05 And maintain it so that it produces the most.
03:53:10 To perpetuate.
03:53:12 Their organization.
03:53:16 That's every organization.
03:53:17 It's not unique to the Catholic Church.
03:53:18 It's any organization.
03:53:20 The only reason why the Jews have managed to avoid this is they're.
03:53:25 There and even I could, I'd say even within Judaism, there are certainly other Sephardic versus.
03:53:34 Ashkenazi for example, right.
03:53:35 So there's a little bit of ethnic diversity to some extent, but there's an ethnic component to the religion.
03:53:44 And because of that.
03:53:46 They do.
03:53:47 They will never suffer.
03:53:50 The same problems that these other religious organizations acquire when they when they get too big to fail.
03:54:05 Rooftop Korean $50. Look at that big money from a rooftop rooftop Korean here.
03:54:12 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 19
03:54:19 I'd like to return this duck.
03:54:22 It's a bit surreal to think that someone who I've never met and discovered less than two years ago has had such a profound impact on my entire worldview.
03:54:32 I'm talking about you, of course. Cheers to you, Devin. Well, cheers to you. See that this is part of that 10%. If you're really Korean, 10% of the non white population.
03:54:42 But I think you can handle.
03:54:44 You can handle a little bit of it, right?
03:54:46 He's acclimating to our worldview.
03:54:49 It's all good.
03:54:53 It's just that when when it ceases to be, when you, when you no longer have a homeland, you got to start putting your foot down or else you know there will be.
03:55:02 No more white people, eventually.
03:55:06 But I appreciate that rooftop.
03:55:08 You're an honorary area in there.
03:55:12 What's your bird, $5? Hey, Devin, think about this stream.
03:55:16 Have you read the culture of critique by Kevin McDonald?
03:55:19 Thank you for your work.
03:55:20 I have not finished it.
03:55:22 I do own it.
03:55:23 To my shame I have not finished it.
03:55:26 I need to get it on audiobook really and listen to it while I do stuff.
03:55:32 It's just really hard for me to.
03:55:34 Sit down.
03:55:35 And focus on a book.
03:55:38 Because I can't do other things right like I can, I can pay.
03:55:41 Attention to a book.
03:55:43 Fully while doing some kind of mindless repetitive manual labor and take it.
03:55:48 In maybe not.
03:55:49 Quite as well as I would have taken.
03:55:50 It in if I'd read.
03:55:51 It but pretty close so.
03:55:54 Maybe I need to do that?
03:55:56 FOP $25.
Speaker 20
03:55:59 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 4
03:56:01 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 32
03:56:10 Take it from there, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.
03:56:14 Devin, will you plug?
03:56:15 Friendschan.org we will host Flyers tailored to every ethnicity. Tell the Asians their kids get cooked at unies in favor of and Jews tell 70% of Jews own slaves versus 4% of whites and 100% of the ships sending them, et cetera, et cetera.
03:56:36 And then Part 2.
03:56:38 Or I guess?
03:56:40 Yeah, friendschan.org, I I went to it. It looks like as I think you said before, it's like a.
03:56:46 Alternative 4 Chan. So if there's people that like that format, you can check out friendschan.org.
03:56:54 And then Part 2 is yes, American golems. After you kill all our enemies, your kinsmen. By the 10s of millions, we will tell your kids you actually were the enemy. By not killing them fast enough. If your daughters have, they have absolved themselves. If your sons cut their balls off, they absolved themselves.
03:57:14 Well, and we haven't even gotten like, like I said, they haven't got to the Holocaust part.
03:57:18 They're trying to make you feel bad for just not wanting to take in Jews that were mad that Hitler got.
03:57:23 Connected like that's.
03:57:24 That's all we're that's that's all we that's as far.
03:57:26 As we got.
03:57:29 I'm sure like the guilt really gets laid on when the Holocaust part happens.
03:57:34 Vale Investments $1.00 what kind of investments are you making only give me one.
03:57:39 Dollar. Come on man.
03:57:43 Wait until Captain America New World order with new Super Jewish Sabra coming in 2024. Yeah, I I talked about that. I think in a previous stream the, the, the Jewish.
03:58:00 Do I still have that?
03:58:01 In here somewhere.
03:58:03 I don't think I have it.
03:58:03 Loaded anymore.
03:58:08 Harmless G What do you think of China using AI to unblock the Hollywood movies like The Little Mermaid?
03:58:15 Is that China doing that?
03:58:16 I thought that was an independent person that was doing that.
03:58:19 I'd seen a like a tweet about it or something like that where they were running it through face swap, AI and changing.
03:58:26 Aerial to a white person.
03:58:29 I would think that if China.
03:58:30 Was doing it.
03:58:31 They would make them Asian or something, but I don't know.
03:58:33 Yeah, it's kind of funny, but it's, you know.
03:58:37 I don't know.
03:58:38 It's still The Little Mermaid, which is.
03:58:42 I don't know.
03:58:43 I don't know.
03:58:44 It's funny.
03:58:46 I I I think it's funnier that someone's doing it than than someone's not doing that, but I'm still not going to watch it.
03:58:52 Since you like, there will be blood.
03:58:54 Can you include?
03:58:55 I drink your milkshake as one of the donation money clips.
Speaker 22
03:58:58 I drink your.
03:59:00 I almost did it right.
03:59:02 Hold on, hold.
Speaker 22
03:59:02 On let me try it.
03:59:08 Drainage, Eli.
03:59:13 I drink your milkshake.
03:59:16 I drink it up.
03:59:18 How about that?
03:59:19 That's the best I can do.
03:59:20 For right now I just.
03:59:21 Chewed up my throat again.
03:59:27 Bubble jammer $25.
Speaker 18
03:59:30 Why is money management press the rest?
Speaker 2
03:59:36 Thank you.
03:59:38 Uh, hey, Devin.
03:59:40 I was watching one of your recent streams while working out, and my dad came in, overheard you talking about bringing back hangings to fix the gene pool and renaming it a a breeding program.
03:59:55 It was priceless.
03:59:56 Keep up the good work.
03:59:57 Well, he.
03:59:57 Should have agreed with that.
04:00:04 ******** ****** $2.00. Look at that. Look at that, $2.00.
04:00:07 There you know what?
Speaker 8
04:00:10 Money is power.
04:00:11 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
Speaker 11
04:00:15 Go, Julie, this *** is.
04:00:32 Alright, that's last one.
04:00:33 You get sure brothers here.
04:00:37 Sure, brother.
04:00:38 Here's 2 shackles spend.
04:00:39 Them. Well, my homies.
04:00:41 Glock 23. Three dollars well, since I just gave some for $2.00.
04:00:50 Antifa was created in Germany.
04:00:52 Would hit.
04:00:53 No, it totally was, actually by Jews in Germany when Hitler was gaining in popularity.
04:00:58 Antifa was a communist organization that was founded by Jews and they would attack Hitler supporters in the street.
04:01:05 I think Antifa's name in Germany.
04:01:08 Was antifa.
04:01:09 It was antifascist.
04:01:11 Or at least that.
04:01:12 Or anti fascista or I I forget.
04:01:15 I've seen like the I mean their logo was the same and everything like I've seen the the old photos, the brown shirts beat the **** out of Antifa.
04:01:24 Canine friend $25.
Speaker 15
04:01:28 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 19
04:01:35 I'd like to return this duck.
04:01:38 More shekels.
04:01:38 Faster, big pharma CEOs.
04:01:41 Conniving jabs for all.
04:01:44 Yeah, well, winter.
04:01:45 Is is still yet to come?
04:01:46 We don't.
04:01:46 Know what's going to happen when winter rolls around.
04:01:49 Colonel Inword $1.00. Hey, Devin. How do you feel about the John Wicks series? I'm wondering if you can ruin it for me. I, you know, I saw the first one in.
04:01:59 Theaters and that's the last one I saw.
04:02:01 UM, I'm sure it's not.
04:02:04 That hard to ruin, though.
04:02:05 I will say this, there's been a romanticization of.
04:02:10 Yeah, organized crime to some extent.
04:02:12 Speaking of, you know, mobster stuff that really was introduced to the American public, I think as kind of a.
04:02:21 Public relations campaign to protect Italian and Jewish mafias.
04:02:28 You saw a lot of like, you know they they obviously because of their audiences, they couldn't just be like, oh, look how fun the mafia is until much later, like in the 90s with The Sopranos and stuff.
04:02:40 But even during the height of a lot of this, this organized crime that was going on in America, you know the the pre code movies you had a lot of movies that were romanticizing organized crime and and that sort of a thing.
04:02:56 And I I I.
04:02:58 Again, I haven't watched the I saw the first one in movie theaters, but there's an element of that.
04:03:04 Or you know.
04:03:04 Romanticizing the idea that you're part of some underground.
04:03:09 Assassin, group or whatever that was.
04:03:11 But I I don't remember much about it.
04:03:13 Honestly, I'd have to watch.
04:03:14 It again, it's been a long time.
04:03:17 Griselle graybeard here's money for Dubai in eastern Ukraine, refugee and chainer, to the sink, $100. Look at that big, big money.
Speaker 2
04:03:27 Ohh ******.
04:03:30 I clicked the wrong one.
04:03:31 But I guess that works too.
04:03:39 Thank you. Chris held Gray Beard trustee repeater $5 appreciate that. Hey, Devin, what are your thoughts on the DIY flow?
04:03:48 Hive builds buying knockoff parts and tossing it together seems like it would really lower the the learning curve for most people.
04:03:56 I don't like flow hives.
04:03:58 I've never been able to.
04:03:59 Get them to.
04:04:04 Like I I I got a knock off Chinese made flow hive at 1:00.
04:04:07 Point and the bees just don't seem to like it.
04:04:11 I don't think it's because of the the knockoff frames though, cause from what I can see.
04:04:15 In pictures, they're identical.
04:04:18 And it's just that if you're going to go, I mean, if you're going to have just like 1 hive, I guess.
04:04:24 That'd be fine, but it makes it a big mess if you're if you have multiple hives, which you should have just.
04:04:30 Because they're bugs. Bugs die.
04:04:33 And you're going to have to have multiple hives so that when some of them die, you can swap resources around and flow frames.
04:04:41 Just make it kind.
04:04:42 Of a mess.
04:04:43 If you're just going to buy a package of bees every year and hope for the best and just have like one or two hives, it'd probably be fine.
04:04:50 Or if you're going.
04:04:51 To have.
04:04:51 Like a bunch of normal hives, and they have a flow hive in your apiary.
04:04:55 As like a.
04:04:57 Is like a fun thing to have.
04:04:59 That'd probably be fine.
04:05:01 I'm just not a fan.
04:05:01 I like everything to be interchangeable and and and easy to manage.
04:05:06 I think the commercial beekeepers at least do that part of it right, like they have.
04:05:09 The right idea if you're going to be moving parts around and stuff like that, the flow, the flow frames are just they get in the way of.
04:05:16 Doing stuff like that.
04:05:19 But it's probably a fun project.
04:05:21 Like I said, if you had other hives to borrow from and stuff like that, it's.
04:05:25 And some people love them.
04:05:26 I just, I don't use it.
04:05:28 I just.
04:05:28 I use the, I use the shell and have normal frames in it.
04:05:36 That's in here trustee repeater, also Veruca Salt, suggests that indexing your streams if others would like to come up with tag lists and send them to me.
04:05:46 I have over a year's worth of insomnia streams on a telegram channel, something like 120 uploaded so far would be a great team.
04:05:54 Effort. Yeah, I don't know.
04:05:56 You'd be just out of curiosity, I'd like to.
04:05:57 Know how many I've done?
04:05:58 I don't even.
04:05:59 Know how many I've done.
04:06:00 It'd be kind of.
04:06:01 Fun to have like numbers, I started doing that.
04:06:04 When I was calling it pill stream.
04:06:07 Like the first pill stream was just.
04:06:10 It was like my first night.
04:06:11 I think spending the night in the pillbox on my laptop, tethered to my phone.
04:06:19 And I think that was the first one.
04:06:22 I don't even know.
04:06:22 If that's.
04:06:24 If that was where that was from, I don't even know if.
04:06:26 That went to YouTube.
04:06:28 It might have gone to YouTube in my or D live or something.
04:06:32 I don't know.
04:06:33 That was a long time.
04:06:34 Ago. Yeah, right, it'd.
04:06:35 Be it'd be interesting to know, like where I'm at.
04:06:38 Episode Wise, I feel like there's probably a.
04:06:41 Lot of them.
04:06:42 You're well over 120, apparently.
04:06:47 Amos Burton.
04:06:48 Hey, Devin, quick shout out to Thailand scene for recommending your rope for the last battle.
04:06:54 OK, it's called that.
04:06:56 It's a very eye opening documentary that is stark contrast to this one, and also everything I've been taught about the origins of Communism, World War One and two.
04:07:06 And all the ****, Lib stuff that's followed since.
04:07:08 No, it's a.
04:07:10 It's a great starting point, I think.
04:07:13 I don't know that it's 1000% accurate, but it's got a lot of it makes you think about a lot of stuff.
04:07:19 That you just never.
Speaker 24
04:07:21 What if?
04:07:21 Would have.
04:07:22 You should have maybe, but you never really would.
04:07:23 Have thought of.
04:07:24 Like it may, it pokes a whole lot of holes in the World War 2 narrative that you were.
04:07:28 Taught in high school.
04:07:29 That and it just it only the only reason why it made sense because everyone said it made sense.
04:07:33 But there was like some gaping holes and things that really if you thought about it, didn't make any sense at all.
04:07:38 And watching that makes you question a lot of it and that.
04:07:41 That's a good starting point, I think.
04:07:44 Glock 23, FDR knew about the Pearl Harbor attack ahead of time, but after Pearl Harbor attack, FDR sent all war effort to Europe to fight Germany for the first year or two of the US involvement, the World War 2 in World War 2, the Marines had to fight the Japanese with old, outdated weapons and all new weapons were sent to Europe.
04:08:04 I don't.
04:08:05 I I don't think it's outside the.
04:08:08 The the realm of reality at all that Pearl.
04:08:12 Harbor was simply.
04:08:14 World War 2's 911.
04:08:17 And ironically, what did they keep comparing 911 to when that happened?
04:08:22 Pearl Harbor.
04:08:24 Sometimes, as Netanyahu said, Americans have to be bombed into action.
04:08:30 I absolutely think that FDR was at the minimum aware of that.
04:08:36 Now, that said, it doesn't change the fact that the Japanese.
04:08:39 Still did it.
04:08:42 Harmless G The Sicilian, seeing that you played from the movie True romance, was written by Quentin Tarantino, who is Italian on his father's side.
04:08:51 He made in glorious ******** Django and change and he married a Jewish woman and moved to Israel.
04:08:56 Yeah, and he likes feet.
04:08:59 He likes children's feet.
04:09:02 I don't know if there's an actual child, but man, I'll tell you what, if you haven't seen this before.
04:09:10 I'm just going to look up.
04:09:13 Tarantino and feet.
04:09:26 Oh, has it been scrubbed?
04:09:30 How about kid feet?
04:09:36 OK.
04:09:39 Oh, it's been ******* censored.
04:09:40 What the ****?
Speaker 10
04:09:43 Where is the photo like this?
04:09:53 I can't find the original one.
04:09:55 I see a lot of memes where they ****** ** the photo.
04:09:59 Look at that different search engine.
04:10:05 I don't know, like I don't know.
04:10:08 The the the the full background of this photo.
04:10:11 I'm just saying remember when this photo was getting passed around and it was kind of like.
Speaker 10
04:10:17 Is that Tarantino sucking on?
04:10:19 There we are the the.
04:10:21 Foot of a child.
Speaker 20
04:10:24 Here we go.
04:10:33 I don't know if you guys have seen this or not.
04:10:45 Alright, so here's.
04:10:47 Even if it's not, it's just weird.
04:10:48 That he's sucking feet.
04:10:50 That foot looks pretty ******* small.
04:10:54 That leg looks like.
04:10:57 A child leg.
04:10:57 I'm just saying I don't know.
04:11:00 Could be the angle maybe but.
04:11:02 It's very small person.
04:11:05 Very small person.
04:11:08 Butcher Bird $5 Devon for you and chat for laughs. Considering all Ukraine BS going on these days, here's the recent headlines from Yahoo. Zelinsky I'm shocked because Israel gave us.
04:11:23 No, I saw that.
04:11:24 I saw that Zelensky went on, got really up or I.
04:11:29 At least I I saw.
04:11:30 And I read, like, the first few sentences of the.
04:11:33 Similar story.
04:11:35 Where Zelinski went off on Israel for literally providing 0 support for Ukraine.
04:11:44 Mine. Comfy chair $5. Appreciate that. Speaking of Jewish charities, do you remember the aggressively marketed 1877 cars for kids?
04:11:54 They raised half a billion dollars by misleading donors into thinking they were helping needy children.
04:11:59 All the money went towards sending Jewish children to Jewish private schools.
04:12:03 They've been sued many times.
04:12:05 Yeah, that Jingle is stuck in my ******* head.
04:12:08 I didn't know that that had happened, but I I I've heard that.
Speaker 10
04:12:10 Stupid. You know, it's 77 cars for.
04:12:13 Kids blah blah.
04:12:15 Blah like I I heard like I.
04:12:16 Think they played that on AM radio endlessly for like years?
04:12:21 Uh, But that's, I'm not at all surprised that that ended up being a scam.
04:12:28 Most charities are a scam.
04:12:31 Even like the ones that.
04:12:33 That are supposed to.
04:12:34 Be totally legit, like the the breast cancer, you know, pink ribbon garbage.
Speaker 10
04:12:40 Most of that.
04:12:41 Most of that goes to administrative costs.
04:12:46 Which is just.
04:12:46 Paying the people that work there, right.
04:12:49 To make pink ribbons, I guess.
04:12:51 And same thing with the Red Cross, a shockingly small amount of that goes anywhere other than the pockets of the people working at Red Cross.
04:13:02 And usually when they do, the blood drives for things that happen like.
04:13:05 Oh look the.
Speaker 10
04:13:06 Earthquake in Haiti.
04:13:07 We got to do a big.
04:13:08 Blood rub none of that goes to actual Haiti.
04:13:11 It goes into their blood bank and they make profit out of the blood.
04:13:16 And that's easy to find.
04:13:18 That's not like.
04:13:19 Weird conspiracy theory stuff.
04:13:21 That's just that's most charities are are scams.
04:13:27 Vail Investments, 25.
04:13:29 That's more like a bail investments now, now I.
Speaker 18
04:13:35 Ryan's money management.
Speaker 10
04:13:36 Now I know that you.
04:13:38 You you practice wise men and money management.
Speaker 20
04:13:41 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 4
04:13:43 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 32
04:13:52 Take it from these Jim neighbors.
04:13:53 It'll pay dividend.
04:13:55 There you go.
04:13:55 I was just giving.
04:13:56 You ****, though.
04:13:56 You didn't have to.
04:13:59 Thanks for doing what you do.
04:14:00 Got black pilled from your.
04:14:01 Leave it to Beaver.
04:14:02 Boomers killed America on YouTube.
04:14:05 I use it.
04:14:06 To ease people into your work, do you have any others you'd recommend to start red Pilling normies?
04:14:12 I I guess my you know anything that would be on YouTube, right?
04:14:15 Because I I was working under the constraints of YouTube at the point.
04:14:19 So I think that's probably the way to do it.
04:14:22 And part of that wasn't even just like, oh, I was trying to work within the constraints of YouTube.
04:14:25 Part of it was just like that was.
04:14:27 My own personal black pill.
04:14:31 I hate that word by the.
Speaker 27
04:14:32 OK.
04:14:33 When women like everything's a journey.
04:14:37 You know, like anything on.
Speaker 10
04:14:38 Follow me through my homestead journey.
04:14:42 Follow me through this journey, my weight loss journey.
04:14:47 I ******* hate that.
04:14:49 So I hate it.
04:14:50 I hate it.
04:14:50 So much anyway.
04:14:53 Yeah, I would.
04:14:54 Look if you look.
04:14:55 At the older.
04:14:55 Stuff you can kind of tell as I slowly get like figure out more and more stuff.
04:15:03 And I get less and less careful about what I say, because I'm just like what?
04:15:07 Because I just.
04:15:08 Don't have any to keep it secret.
04:15:09 You know, I might be hesitant at first because I just.
04:15:12 I don't.
04:15:12 I don't quite believe.
04:15:13 It yet myself, but eventually it just.
04:15:16 You know, it all comes out.
04:15:18 So that's what I would check into.
04:15:20 All right, let me.
04:15:22 I think that's I think that's it.
04:15:25 And you know, we're well over 4 hours now, so that's good.
04:15:28 And the only Internet ****** we had was during the intro, so.
04:15:33 That's not even a problem.
04:15:34 That's not even a problem.
04:15:35 That's good.
04:15:37 So let me just refresh this and.
04:15:38 Make sure I don't accidentally ruin something.
04:15:42 Because I never trust the Internet.
04:15:43 Even when it doesn't **** **.
04:15:46 UM.
Speaker 17
04:15:48 Here we go.
04:15:50 All right.
04:15:51 Well, thanks for the support guys.
04:15:53 I really appreciate it.
04:15:54 Like I said, next stream is.
04:15:56 Not going to.
04:15:56 Be about this.
04:16:00 In fact, I might do kind of what I was, because with healing hate, I just had to take breaks because it's for the same reason.
04:16:05 It's just like and I just think you guys kind of want to take a break too.
04:16:08 It's like you don't want to hear about this for *******.
04:16:11 Every stream for weeks on end which.
04:16:13 Is what it would.
04:16:13 Have to be.
04:16:15 But I'll probably.
04:16:16 At least do another one and maybe a third one I.
04:16:21 It's six hours long and we only got through like an hour and a half of it because of just.
04:16:26 How insane it.
04:16:27 Was and I just don't want to be sitting.
04:16:30 There doing this forever.
04:16:32 But I still think it's important to see what they're pushing out there for the same look.
04:16:36 And it's it's funny because it's literally the same people that put out healing hate, or at least the same kinds of people that put out healing hate for the same reasons.
04:16:45 And it just kind of shows you the capabilities they have, the abilities that they have to reach these people with this kind of stuff and.
04:16:52 And and basically rewrite history to suit their their narrative.
04:16:57 So anyway, thanks for joining us.
04:16:59 We'll be back on Wednesday.
04:17:06 And I got I I said I got something a little more funny, a little more funny than the Holocaust, although the Holocaust.
04:17:11 Is pretty funny I.
04:17:12 Have to.
04:17:12 Say for next time so.
Speaker 31
04:17:15 Without further ado.
04:17:17 Oh, we got.
04:17:17 Another one right at the end here.
04:17:20 Looks like in late speak Jenny $5 ghost Cat is most likely female. If there's no ****, **** the vets slit the sack open and remove the testicles.
04:17:33 But the empty sack is left on the cat, so even if a male cat has been fixed, he should still have the ball.
04:17:39 Like I don't know, unless I've been wrong about classified cats, gender, which I don't think I have been.
04:17:48 I'd be very upset if classified cat was a.
04:17:50 Woman, But then a lot of things would start making no, I don't think he has a I I I try to, you know, let him have his.
04:17:58 Privacy. I don't.
04:18:00 I don't go digging around down there.
04:18:03 I don't know. Maybe.
Speaker 7
04:18:05 All right. Well, anyway.
04:18:06 You guys have a great rest of your weekend for black pilled.
04:18:11 I am of course.
Speaker 3
04:18:16 Devis deck.
Speaker 1
04:18:18 Are you looking for?
Speaker 2
04:18:25 Can you be?
Speaker 21
04:18:28 OK, early to bed.
04:18:29 Early to Rise makes a woman healthy, wealthy and wise.
04:18:34 That's why you're wiser than me.
04:18:36 It's Steven.
Speaker 31
04:18:38 Hi, I'm Maurice.
04:18:39 I'm an executive by day and a wild man by night.
Speaker 4
04:18:43 My name is Monroe.
04:18:44 You've probably already noticed that I have incredibly blue eyes.
Speaker 21
04:18:47 My name is Phil.
04:18:48 Most of my friends call me big Phil.
Speaker 20
04:18:50 OK.
Speaker 21
04:18:52 I like to talk to people.
Speaker 20
04:18:53 Deep into the night.
04:18:55 I play guitar.
Speaker 15
04:18:57 I'm eight time.
Speaker 20
04:18:59 Hi, I'm Fred.
Speaker 27
04:19:00 Hi, my name's Mike. And if you're sitting there watching this tape smoking your cigarette, well, hit the Fast forward button because I don't smoke and I don't like people.
04:19:08 Who do smoke?
Speaker 31
04:19:09 I'm not afraid to get there.
04:19:10 No more tuxedo, or if you're not afraid to let the wind mess your hair up.
Speaker 4
04:19:13 A little bit when I take the top down, perhaps even a a nice bath with some champagne and candles.
Speaker 31
04:19:18 Hi, mom.
04:19:23 I do fashion photography.
Speaker 29
04:19:25 And I do consider myself a refined valley dude.
Speaker 21
04:19:29 OK, I'm looking for a trendy girl with a simple smile.
04:19:35 Wait, it says here.
04:19:36 Oh excuse.
04:19:36 Me, I don't know what I'm not looking for is some big.
04:19:42 Overgrown monster that's always thinking about.
Speaker 29
04:19:44 Food and who so binds to himself a joy.
04:19:49 It's weird life destroy.
04:19:51 I like to do out of sailing.
04:19:54 I like to outdoor activities like climbing and like.
Speaker 4
04:19:56 Travel. I take a sponge ball. I was pulling him out of a little girl's ear.
Speaker 21
04:20:00 Vivacious, foxy.
04:20:02 I'm looking for the goddess.
04:20:04 Are you the goddess?
Speaker 29
04:20:06 Who is the goddess?
Speaker 21
04:20:08 The goddess is the woman is a woman, is any woman, is all women.
04:20:13 A figure that is.
04:20:13 Sexy slim tight, excellent legs.
04:20:19 And a 25 year subscriber to both Playboy and The New Yorker magazine.
Speaker 31
04:20:24 At night I operate a time zone distress hotline.
Speaker 3
04:20:28 I guess you'd.
Speaker 31
04:20:29 I mean like.
Speaker 4
04:20:31 One of my.
Speaker 29
04:20:31 Favorite foods is pizza.
Speaker 1
04:20:35 And just sugar, spice and all those things that are nice.
Speaker 29
04:20:39 Like to be.
04:20:39 People who are wear.
04:20:41 As fun and adventuresome as well.
04:20:43 As into having fun.
Speaker 31
04:20:44 Have fun.
04:20:45 I enjoy having fun, yes.
Speaker 29
04:20:47 Looking for somebody who has who likes.
04:20:49 To have a.
Speaker 31
04:20:49 Lot of fun.
04:20:50 I'm looking for someone to.
04:20:51 Affirm with love to have.
Speaker 21
04:20:52 A good time able.
04:20:54 Have fun.
04:20:55 Final laughter and anything that's fun.
04:20:58 I like to have fun and.
04:20:59 And have a lot of fun.
Speaker 2
04:21:02 Are you looking for me?
Speaker 4
04:21:05 No fatties.
04:21:06 I want it all.
04:21:07 No hamsters still watches, no dopers, no smokers, no Alcoholics.
04:21:11 We don't like to write checks.
04:21:13 No, Donna juanitas.
04:21:14 We don't like to take out the garbage.
04:21:17 What I'm doing right now is making a movie about World War 2.
04:21:20 No crazy.
Speaker 31
04:21:21 Santa Monica and my front porch.
Speaker 21
04:21:23 Swing I'm currently involved in cleaning up toxic waste.
Speaker 6
04:21:26 I'm not having fun doing.
Speaker 21
04:21:28 Do you like?
Speaker 4
04:21:29 Cats. Domestic violence.
04:21:31 And I like to wear bright socks and I'm an avid Cleveland, Cleveland Browns.
Speaker 21
04:21:34 Fan sexual abuse.
Speaker 4
04:21:35 Life is a playground and I want somebody.
Speaker 27
04:21:37 To play with.
Speaker 4
04:21:38 All sorts of Alcoholics and addicts.
Speaker 26
04:21:39 And stuff because I really.
Speaker 21
04:21:41 Have a zany sense of humor?
Speaker 4
04:21:43 We probably don't like.
Speaker 33
04:21:44 To clean the house.
Speaker 29
04:21:45 My mother still writes to me.
Speaker 4
04:21:46 Regularly because I average about four hours a night's.
Speaker 30
04:21:49 I will cry at a.
Speaker 20
04:21:50 Commercial, I'm interested in most phases of data pros.
Speaker 4
04:21:55 Fire breathing Dragons.
Speaker 29
04:21:56 Taipei I'm not comfortable caring.
Speaker 31
04:22:00 And serious about our relationship, I am.
Speaker 29
04:22:03 I'm I'm really looking for somebody I can feel.
Speaker 21
04:22:05 Special about and I don't.
Speaker 4
04:22:07 Encounter people like that very often, and I'm hoping.
Speaker 29
04:22:10 You're one of them.
Speaker 4
04:22:11 Are you that woman?
04:22:13 Please give me a call.
Speaker 21
04:22:15 And you know that a journey always.
04:22:17 Begins with the first step.
04:22:22 And I hope that if you like what I'm trying to say or you'd like to know more about me.
04:22:29 Two, please write.
Speaker 4
04:22:41 We're going to have a great time together, too great.
Speaker 14
04:22:42 It may be the creepiest episode ever on the dating game because this bachelor looking for love back in 1978 is actually a serial killer.
Speaker 29
04:22:51 I'm called the banana and I look really good.
Speaker 14
04:22:57 No one had any idea that Rodney Alcala had already launched his killing spree when he appeared on the popular dating show.
Speaker 7
04:23:04 He was a real creepy guy, a real idiot.
Speaker 14
04:23:07 Jed Mills was bachelor #2 and nearly 40 years later, he's still haunted by their encounter this.
Speaker 15
04:23:07 #2. Hi, Michelle. It's nice to.
Speaker 7
04:23:13 Creep comes up and he puts his face practically in my face and he says I always get the girl when I think about what he said, I always get my girl he kill.
04:23:24 That's what he's talking about.
Speaker 23
04:23:26 What's your best time?
Speaker 4
04:23:29 The best time is at night night time.
Speaker 12
04:23:33 Why you said that?
Speaker 14
04:23:33 Despite all callers weird behavior on the dating game, The Bachelorette chose him incredibly.
04:23:34 Because that's the only.
Speaker 14
04:23:38 He had already served time in prison for sexual assault before he appeared on the dating game.
04:23:44 Somehow, the producers of the show overlooked his criminal record.