03/18/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 Me up in your arms.00:02:01 Too late to beg you cancel it.
00:02:06 Must be killing.
Speaker 2
00:02:21 Through the.Speaker 1
00:02:49 You live.00:02:53 The sky.
00:03:01 Will come too soon.
00:04:03 Blue moon.
00:04:04 I saw you so soon.
00:04:40 Give yourself.
00:04:48 Up against.
00:04:52 Through the.
00:04:59 You give yourself to yourself.
Speaker 4
00:06:09 Oh, I'm a good old rebel.00:06:12 Now, that's just what I am.
00:06:14 And for the Yankee Nation, I do not give a damn.
00:06:18 I'm glad I fought again.
00:06:19 I only wish we'd won.
00:06:22 I ain't asked any pardon.
00:06:24 For anything I've done, I hate.
00:06:26 Still getting the nation and everything.
00:06:29 Do I hate the Declaration of Independence?
00:06:34 Do I hate the glorious union to dripping with our blood?
00:06:39 I hate to stripe it.
00:06:41 I fit it all I could.
00:06:43 I rode with Robert E Lee for three years thereabout, got wounded in four places.
00:06:50 And I stared at point lookout.
00:06:52 I catched the room until them a camping in the snow, but it killed the chance the Yankees, and I'd like to kill some more.
00:07:00 300,000 Yankees is stiff in southern dust. We got 300,000 before they conquered us. They died of southern fever and southern steel and shot.
00:07:13 I wish there were 3 million instead of what we got.
00:07:18 I can't take up my musket and fight them now.
00:07:21 No more, but I ain't gonna love them now that a certain, sure.
00:07:27 And I don't want no pardon for what I was, and I am.
00:07:31 I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn.
00:07:35 Oh, I'm a good old rebel.
00:07:38 That's just what I am for the shanky nation.
00:07:42 I do not give a damn.
00:07:44 I'm glad I fought again.
00:07:46 I only wish we'd won and I ain't asked any pardon for anything I've done.
00:07:52 I ain't asking any pardon.
00:07:55 For anything I've done.
00:08:04 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:08:08 Situation monitoring edition.
00:08:12 I don't know, I think.
00:08:13 It's only fair right?
00:08:14 When when?
Speaker 5
00:08:17 Would we need a truck the most?Devon
00:08:21 We need him to take action.00:08:24 All he was willing to do is monitor the situation well now.
00:08:28 Guess what, Trump?
00:08:30 It's kind of funny, I guess there's cute cards that are planning a.
00:08:34 A patriot Moat.
00:08:35 They're gonna form a patriot.
00:08:37 A human shield.
00:08:40 Not understand the irony that that's all you.
00:08:42 Ever work you ***** was?
00:08:43 A ******* human shield, I guess.
00:08:46 Hey, you know.
00:08:47 Why? Why if it?
00:08:49 Ain't broke.
00:08:49 Don't fix it, right?
Speaker 7
00:08:54 We'll get into that in.Devon
00:08:55 A little bit, hope you guys are having a good week.00:08:58 Ohh man, I'm like sunburned as **** today.
00:09:02 Sunburned as ****, I didn't realize how much I was spending uh indoors this winter until I came.
Speaker 5
00:09:09 Even even out that.Devon
00:09:11 Well, I guess I kind of was.00:09:13 But it got me.
00:09:13 Even through my.
00:09:14 Bee suit.
00:09:15 So it's kind of funny, I.
00:09:17 Here's a here's a little bit of it.
00:09:18 Let's open it up.
00:09:19 With a little bit of.
00:09:19 A bee pill before we get to.
00:09:22 Nuclear Holocaust.
00:09:30 I had this Africanized.
00:09:36 But I need to requeen with a.
00:09:39 An Italian queen to to to change the genetics from.
00:09:44 Well, crazy African genetics, which hadn't gotten crazy yet, but they were getting there.
00:09:49 So the thing with see there's so many parallels I want you guys to.
00:09:52 Listen carefully to what?
Speaker 9
00:09:53 I'm about to tell you.Devon
00:09:55 There's so many parallels.00:09:58 Who would have thought?
00:10:00 That that.
00:10:02 That African honey bees and and and and and European honey bees would have so many things in common with African people and European people.
00:10:15 So here, here's the deal, all right.
00:10:18 African honey bees.
00:10:21 When they don't have any.
00:10:24 When they don't have the numbers.
00:10:26 To take on an opponent by overwhelming them with just sheer numbers.
00:10:34 They lay low, they lay low, they act cool, they talk a lot of ****.
00:10:39 They'll get up in your face, they'll buzz.
00:10:43 Looks like a lot of ****.
00:10:44 Bump into your head, but they.
Speaker 7
00:10:45 Won't really, they won't.Devon
00:10:46 Really do much, not much more beyond that.00:10:50 But the second they get established.
00:10:53 And they think that, you know, we got so many of us that we can overwhelm this.
00:10:59 This ************ who?
00:11:00 By the way, is is the hand that feeds.
00:11:05 They do it.
00:11:07 They do.
00:11:07 It so I knew this was on the way.
00:11:09 I knew this was this was this was rapidly approaching.
00:11:14 And I wanted to get an Italian European queen into the hive.
00:11:20 So I could demographically replace the the African bees.
00:11:28 And I hadn't done this this before, so I wanted to do some research.
00:11:33 And I came across in my my search an article written in a B magazine back in the 90s back in 1993.
00:11:46 And the first thing I noticed, because this article this was prior.
00:11:50 To the arrival of.
00:11:51 Africanized bees into the United States.
00:11:55 They were in Mexico.
00:11:57 And so white beekeepers in America.
00:12:02 We're going to Mexico because they wanted to study.
00:12:06 You know what? What was?
00:12:07 They were like, OK, let's.
00:12:09 Let's see what things how, how things are going to be in in the American beekeeping here in a little bit, cause they're, you know, there's no stopping these things.
00:12:18 So they had a Research Center set up in northern Mexico.
00:12:23 They set up all these swarm traps.
00:12:27 So they could capture these Africanized swarms and study them.
00:12:34 And the way that this guy wrote it, because it was.
00:12:37 It was a very lengthy article.
00:12:40 And and it was published in a science publication, I Forget which which one, but it was, you know, these guy.
00:12:46 He was a professor, I think.
00:12:48 And then the guy that was doing a lot of the research had been like a beekeeper in Tennessee for a long time.
00:12:56 And they were just the way that they just, just the the.
00:12:58 You know, it's funny cause like even though had nothing really to.
00:13:01 Do with you know, race or whatever.
00:13:03 Right.
00:13:04 The way that they just plainly talked about the differences in IQ and aptitude and understanding between themselves.
00:13:14 And the northern Mexican beekeepers, and how difficult it was to explain to these more primitive people why their bees were changing and in fact the the, the, the funny things that they ran into.
00:13:29 Like for like, you know, kind of funny, for example.
00:13:34 When they when?
00:13:34 The the Africanized bee started taking over the apiaries in this part of Mexico.
Speaker 10
00:13:41 Well, it was.Devon
00:13:41 Around the same time that the the the researchers from America came down there and set up their swarm traps cause they they anticipated that the, you know, the arrival.00:13:52 And So what happened?
00:13:54 You had a lot of these Mexican beekeepers thinking.
00:13:57 Ohh it was these these gringos did it.
00:14:00 These white people came and and put these things in the trees and and it and now our.
00:14:06 Bees are all weird.
00:14:10 So the first, their first instinct was to blame the gringos, and then and then the article literally used the word gringos.
00:14:17 They said it was really where we had we're having a hard time explaining.
00:14:21 What's going on?
00:14:22 We spent, you know, six hours with this farmer, and you could tell by the end of it.
00:14:26 And he just thought that all these changes were due to these two gringos.
00:14:29 And in our strange boxes, we.
00:14:31 Were putting in the trees.
00:14:34 He also discussed one of the problems they had.
00:14:39 With the the swarm trapping the swarm traps themselves was.
00:14:44 The the Mexicans would see the swarm traps.
00:14:49 And they would, they would.
00:14:51 Take them down, he said.
00:14:52 What figure those of you don't know what a.
00:14:54 Swarm trap is.
00:14:56 When bees move and reproduce, like when they when they leave their hives or some of them leave their hive to go on to build another hive.
00:15:06 It's called swarming and they look for like a nice, cozy place for bees to go.
00:15:12 Sometimes it's.
00:15:13 In in a in.
00:15:14 A wall of your house or it's in an.
00:15:16 Empty tree or it's?
00:15:18 You know what?
00:15:18 Whatever, right.
00:15:19 And if you want to find if you want to catch feral.
00:15:23 These you purposely create a cozy little home that bees will want to live in.
00:15:30 So when they cut, when they start looking for this new place to move into, they come across your trap.
00:15:36 And like, oh, this, this seems cool and there's ways you.
00:15:39 Can put pheromone.
00:15:40 On it and stuff like that, that'll attract them to it.
00:15:44 So they would put these these swarm traps up in the trees.
00:15:49 And the the local farmers, when they would see bees in them, would take the swarm traps down and steal the bees like.
00:15:57 Steal the honey and.
00:15:58 Steal the bees so they were having a hard.
00:16:00 Time even just researching.
00:16:03 The Africanized bees coming into the area cause the Mexicans kept stealing the ******* bees out of the swarm traps, and he said it was the weirdest kind of ethic cause they for some reason stealing the bees and the honey was OK, but they they would at least put the swarm traps back up into the tree and he was like I don't understand why they would just take the whole ******* thing.
00:16:24 But it was it was crazy to read.
00:16:27 A white researcher.
00:16:31 That was able to be honest in 1993 about the the racial and cultural differences with and and not have have to put all these qualifiers in there and and not have to apologize for it or ignore it or or somehow frame it. Like actually what they're doing is better because I'm the white, I'm the intruder.
Speaker 7
00:16:52 No, no there were.Devon
00:16:53 No excuses. He was just.00:16:55 Matter of fact, like just like, uh, these primitive people like, they don't.
00:16:59 They don't know what we're doing.
00:17:02 They don't understand what's happening.
00:17:03 We try to explain.
00:17:04 Them they don't get it.
00:17:06 They're stealing our ****.
00:17:10 So anyway.
00:17:12 The point of that story is I'm reading this article trying to figure out is there something.
00:17:18 That I need to do because what I had read.
00:17:23 Was that the Africanized bees?
00:17:27 Again, this is it's.
00:17:28 So it's weird how many parallels there are.
00:17:30 They have really high in Group preference.
00:17:34 OK.
00:17:36 If you have an Italian B colony or most B colonies that aren't Africanized.
00:17:43 And let's say the queen gets old or just, you know, for whatever reason you want to replace her.
00:17:50 Usually you can kill the queen and get a new queen.
00:17:55 Sometimes you can release it directly into the hive, although that's not usually a good idea, but you can put her in.
00:18:01 Like a little box.
00:18:04 In the hive.
00:18:05 And she's held in with candy.
00:18:08 And that what that does is it takes the bees a couple of days to eat through the candy to get to the queen.
00:18:16 And that couple of days is usually enough time for them to get used to the new pheromone smell of the new queen.
00:18:22 And things are OK. So it's it doesn't become like a problem. They don't killer because they don't think she's like some kind of intruder and everything's fine.
00:18:34 While Africanized bees have such high in Group preference, where if you kill their queen.
00:18:40 And stick a new queen in the.
00:18:42 Hive they eat to the candy and.
00:18:44 Kill that queen.
00:18:46 And meanwhile, while they're doing that, they're they're they try to make their own queen using larvae that might have been left behind from the original Africanized queen.
00:19:00 If you wait and and that can only happen when the larvae is very young.
00:19:05 Once it gets too old, they can't turn it into a queen.
00:19:08 Just kind of ******.
00:19:09 Well, even if you.
00:19:10 Wait, so they have no other choice but to to take the the European Queen?
00:19:17 They'll just say **** it, even though it means it literally means if they kill that queen, they'll go extinct cause there's nothing.
00:19:25 There's no reproduction happening.
00:19:27 If they kill the queen.
00:19:28 And they can't turn anything in the hive into a queen.
00:19:31 So if they kill this queen, they'll just go extinct.
00:19:34 They don't care.
00:19:35 They'll ******* do it anyway.
00:19:36 They'll just kill the queen.
00:19:39 The only way?
00:19:41 Or not the only way?
00:19:42 But a more successful way.
00:19:45 To get the the Africanized bees to accept a European queen that you stick in their hive is you build a little wire cage like a little wire mesh cage.
00:20:01 And you ran it into.
00:20:04 A A-frame of of.
00:20:05 Brood if you can.
00:20:07 And you drop her in this metal cage.
00:20:11 And you have to give her like a space.
00:20:15 Basically, the whole point of this is they can't kill her because she's in this metal cage and she has a space to start laying eggs now eventually.
00:20:26 And you have to go and keep killing the.
00:20:29 They'll keep trying to make African Queens anyway.
00:20:31 You go in there and you kill.
00:20:32 Them all off eventually they.
00:20:35 Do what happens in America.
00:20:38 I mean, you're basically creating a situation where the European queen is making and is making anchor babies.
00:20:44 Let me put it that way.
00:20:46 In America.
00:20:48 I keep saying how ohh you can't unbaked the cake.
00:20:50 The diversity is already here.
00:20:52 You can't just, you know, like it's it's it's it's all mixed up.
00:20:57 That's essentially what what the government's doing. They're importing these people, putting a force field around them, a force field of diversity in in federal red tape or whatever.
00:21:07 And then by the time like that expires, they they've already popped out like 5.
00:21:12 Kids and they're.
00:21:13 Like, well, we gotta let them stay.
00:21:14 Now and that's what.
00:21:16 The Africanized bees is by the time like like that bees been in there laying eggs and stuff and they don't have their own queen.
00:21:23 They're like, alright, ****.
00:21:24 It just we I guess we.
00:21:25 Won't try to kill.
00:21:26 Her she's already laying there.
00:21:28 She's already here.
00:21:29 She's already got a family.
00:21:35 So I was just.
00:21:35 Oh **** it's it's it's it's so similar like the behaviors.
00:21:40 Are I mean?
00:21:41 Obviously we're not insects, but I mean ****.
00:21:42 Sometimes I wonder.
Speaker 7
00:21:47 Ohh so I had to.Devon
00:21:48 Do that today, I was, that was.00:21:51 That, by the way.
00:21:52 That trying to find a queen bee.
00:21:56 In a box of Africanized bees.
00:21:57 I speak.Devon
00:22:00 A queen bee has no mark, a queen bee that doesn't look significantly different than the other bees.00:22:07 In a box of bees, that's probably.
00:22:11 I don't know. There's probably 30,000 bees.
00:22:14 Not easy, not easy.
00:22:15 That took that.
00:22:16 Took some doing.
00:22:17 I was covered him in very ****** *** bees.
00:22:19 By the end of it.
00:22:22 That was probably the most intense beekeeping.
00:22:26 I've ever done.
00:22:29 But anyway, there's the B pill, there's the B.
00:22:32 Pill for the day.
00:22:34 There's the B pill for the day anyway.
00:22:40 So here's the.
00:22:43 Here's another story.
00:22:47 That's not about.
00:22:48 Bees at all.
00:22:49 Unless we're talking about radioactive bees.
Speaker 7
00:22:54 Tin tin tin tin tin tin.Devon
00:22:56 This is it's kind of in line with a lot of what we've been seeing lately, right, where we're having infrastructure problems we're having, you know, like trains derailing.00:23:06 We're having factories catch on fire and just all this sort of stuff, some of that by the way, I think some of that is.
00:23:12 I think is sabotage.
00:23:15 For who I.
00:23:16 Don't know, but some of it is.
00:23:18 Is an entirely different problem, and I think that what we're about to to see with this it's it's.
00:23:24 It's that entirely different problem.
Speaker 11
00:23:29 And in Minnesota, some communities have been caught by surprise by a massive radioactive leak from a nuclear plant that they are just now hearing about, even though it was first detected months ago.00:23:40 We were talking 400,000 gallons of contaminated water and it happened at this plant because of a broken pipe and that leak was found in November of last year.
00:23:50 But the public is only finding.
00:23:51 Out about it now.
00:23:52 The nuclear plant is owned by the company called Excel Energy, and both the company and the state are working to try to clean up the contaminated water.
00:24:00 Now the water is said to contain radioactive tritium, which is a form of hydrogen and can occur in water naturally at extra.
00:24:05 Ohh, good radioactive tritium.00:24:08 So anyway my so my first thought is like OK, it's in Minnesota.
00:24:16 Then Minnesota, usually these companies are like quasi government.
00:24:22 And so they're very heavily.
00:24:27 I guess under the under the the spell of the localism right, they have to be no diversity ****.
00:24:36 Uh is is a necessary feature of these utilities?
00:24:41 These quasi government entities.
00:24:44 And so I thought, alright, let me check.
00:24:46 What was?
00:24:47 What's the name of this place again?
Speaker 11
00:24:49 The nuclear plant is owned by the company called Excel Energy.Devon
00:24:53 OK, Excel energy.00:24:55 So like all right, so I go to the website.
00:24:58 This isn't this is not.
00:24:59 This is not looking good so far.
00:25:01 You know, as soon as you get there, you're like, huh.
00:25:03 Alright well.
00:25:05 OK.
00:25:08 What, what?
00:25:09 What else?
00:25:09 Got ohh this this isn't good.
00:25:12 This isn't looking good at all.
00:25:14 I'm not.
00:25:16 Not super stoked about this.
00:25:19 Uh, well, maybe it's not that bad, right?
00:25:23 Like, maybe, maybe it's not that bad.
Speaker 9
00:25:32 Excel Energy is strong.Speaker 12
00:25:34 Excel Energy is committed.Speaker 13
00:25:36 To its customers, to its community.Speaker 3
00:25:38 Alright, wait.Devon
00:25:42 Ohh no excel energy.Speaker 13
00:25:46 To its communities.Speaker 12
00:25:47 And it's employees.Speaker 15
00:25:49 Excel Energy is responsible.Speaker 14
00:25:51 The total package.Speaker 7
00:25:52 The best employees in the utility business.Speaker 9
00:25:55 The people of Excel energy are not all alike.Speaker 12
00:25:57 We're not all engineers.Speaker 7
00:25:59 I'm not. You're all engineers.Speaker 15
00:26:02 Or lineman.Speaker 4
00:26:03 Or white.Speaker 14
00:26:04 Guys, but we're all good looking.Speaker 5
00:26:05 We're ohh no.Devon
00:26:07 We're not all white guys.00:26:08 Yeah, actually, you're a white guy, says the white guy.
00:26:15 Unless that's a fellow white, I don't know.
00:26:18 It's hard to tell.
Speaker 14
00:26:20 Hey, guys.00:26:20 But we're all good looking.
Speaker 12
00:26:24 And we're all dedicated.Speaker 16
00:26:26 Part of a great team studs.Speaker 9
00:26:30 Some of us have worked here a very long.00:26:32 Time some of us are brand.
00:26:33 New like me.Speaker 14
00:26:35 Some of us are baby boomers.Speaker 12
00:26:36 Gen. Xers, millennials.00:26:38 We differ in ways that you can see.
00:26:41 In ways you can't see.Speaker 13
00:26:42 You get the picture right?Speaker 1
00:26:45 Because we're different.Speaker 9
00:26:46 We don't always agree.Speaker 12
00:26:48 But we at least try to listen to each.Speaker 1
00:26:50 Other other keep an open mind.Speaker 14
00:26:50 Respecting and.Speaker 15
00:26:53 Most of the time it works.Speaker 14
00:26:55 It works because we truly do appreciate each other.Speaker
00:26:57 And all of our differences.Devon
00:26:59 As long as it works most of the time.00:27:08 Ah, and most of the time it works.
00:27:11 We're just in charge of, you know.
00:27:16 Not radiating the water supply.
00:27:18 I love the time it works.
00:27:20 Sometimes you get radioactive tritium.
Speaker 5
00:27:23 Lots of it.Speaker 12
00:27:25 When I come to work each day.Speaker 15
00:27:27 I can be.00:27:28 Myself, my whole self.
Speaker 1
00:27:30 I can contribute.Speaker
00:27:31 I can connect, I can make a difference.Speaker 15
00:27:34 I can be the change.Speaker 13
00:27:35 We spend a lot of our lives at work, so it's important to feel appreciated.Speaker
00:27:39 And respect.Speaker 14
00:27:39 Respected while we're.Speaker
00:27:41 We get a lot more done.Speaker 15
00:27:42 Feel good about coming to work.Speaker 13
00:27:44 We know it's a cliche.Devon
00:27:46 Well, that's important as long.Speaker 12
00:27:46 But there really is.Devon
00:27:48 As you feel good about going to.00:27:49 Work and you feel accepted.
00:27:52 That's what that's what matters.
Speaker 12
00:27:54 And diversity, we have different abilities.Speaker 9
00:27:56 Different approaches to problem solving.00:27:58 Different views on.
Speaker 13
00:27:59 All sorts of things.Speaker 17
00:28:01 Our goal is to.Speaker 9
00:28:02 Tap into that diversity and make it work for us.Speaker
00:28:05 And when it works for us, it's great.Speaker 13
00:28:07 It's great. It's good.Speaker 15
00:28:09 Celebrating diversity keeps this.Devon
00:28:11 And when it doesn't work, not so great.Speaker 11
00:28:16 Plan is very important.00:28:17 It is in Monticello, MN, right there along the Mississippi River.
00:28:21 Excel and the state say they are actively working to contain this leak to that plant property, while state officials say the leak did not contaminate the Mississippi River.
00:28:30 Or drinking water sources and people are safe, but we want to bring in, NBC News correspondent Maggie Best.
00:28:35 But to break it all down for us, Maggie, bring us up to.
00:28:37 Speed here.
00:28:38 The fact that this leak happen.
00:28:39 And in November of last year, and people are just finding out about it right now.
00:28:43 Seems seems pretty alarming.
00:28:45 What do we know?
00:28:45 About the nature of this.
00:28:46 Weird. I wonder if that.00:28:47 Had anything to do with elections, I don't know.
Speaker 18
00:28:50 Yeah, it's so jarring for people in that area. Gotti, as you know, so we'll just start with kind of when specifically since that's a huge part of this headline. This was discovered. Excel says on November 22nd to think back, that's a couple of days.00:29:02 Before Thanksgiving and the company says it immediately took what they called swift action to contain this contaminated water to the plant site, which again is in Monticello, MN.
00:29:11 That's just northwest about 40 minutes northwest of Minneapolis.
00:29:15 They also say they told the state immediately that day the state of Minnesota, confirming that they got notification, they say in late November.
00:29:22 In both the state and the company, all the agencies involved say at this point.
00:29:27 Yeah, you know, just just 400,000 gallons of radioactive water, that's all.00:29:33 Not a big deal.
00:29:34 Not a big deal.
Speaker 7
00:29:37 So yeah, I.Devon
00:29:39 I think in this case it was just, you know, Excel Energy wanted to have ********, they wanted to have ******** and black people who weren't who weren't engineers.00:29:52 Working jobs that engineers should have.
00:29:58 And now there's 400,000 gallons of radiated tritium water. That there's there's totally not a problem. It's total.
00:30:06 Just like that?
00:30:08 Yeah, just like that.
00:30:10 What was that?
00:30:10 Poly vinyl.
00:30:12 You know, super cancer.
00:30:15 Fire that was going on with the the train thing.
00:30:17 And they're like.
00:30:18 Right.Devon
00:30:19 That's not a problem.00:30:21 No, that yeah, that cloud you can see from space.
00:30:24 Not a problem.
00:30:25 That those chemicals you can see rising up from the the the bottom of that, that that lazy river not.
00:30:32 A problem, not a problem.
00:30:33 This this four, this half 1,000,000 gallons of radioactive tritium water. Not a.
Speaker 18
00:30:39 Big deal.00:30:40 There is no evidence to show that.
00:30:42 Drinking water in that area has been contaminated.
00:30:44 Not a problem, and if there's anything we know about that part of the country, they never have problems.00:30:50 With their drinking water.
Speaker 10
00:30:52 Right.Speaker 18
00:30:52 Nominated, but Gotti.00:30:53 I gotta be real with you also.
00:30:55 No one is saying why the public wasn't notified as soon as this was discovered, but.
00:31:01 Yeah, because it was.00:31:02 Uh, you know?
00:31:02 So it wasn't a big deal.
00:31:03 Would they? Why?
00:31:04 Would they, you know anyway?
00:31:07 I think in this case.
00:31:09 I just think this is just the.
00:31:11 You know the diversity thing.
00:31:12 I don't think that it's anything nefarious or, you know, well, I mean, it is.
00:31:17 It's white replacement.
00:31:18 This is what happens.
00:31:19 When you have white people build up a society.
00:31:24 And then just give it to it's it's it's it's look, it's a chimpanzee with a machine gun.
00:31:31 It's hanging chimpanzee machine gun and saying.
00:31:34 Go ahead. Have fun buddy.
00:31:38 Knock yourself out.
00:31:40 And just hoping for the best.
00:31:46 You're not going to be able to maintain.
00:31:49 These systems that were created by the people you're replacing.
00:31:59 And what the?
00:32:01 Like I was saying with the the AI stuff, it will start replacing.
00:32:06 You know, coding jobs, web developer jobs, stuff like that.
00:32:11 But you know it's not gonna.
00:32:12 It's not gonna replace.
00:32:14 The you know, detecting leaks.
00:32:18 In the radioactive tritium water pipe.
00:32:23 Next week, it's going to take a while for that.
00:32:25 Kind of stuff.
00:32:26 To filter in.
00:32:31 Speaking of AI, I asked.
00:32:34 I asked Chet.
00:32:35 GPT, I said.
00:32:36 Who is Devin stack?
00:32:39 And at first I didn't want to tell me, and then I had.
00:32:42 This was the old it was before GPT 4.
00:32:44 So then I turned into Dan and asked it, and then it asked, and then it said I was a a white supremacist conspiracy theory.
00:32:54 Then I asked it what?
00:32:56 Day of the rope.
00:32:57 The book was about.
00:32:59 And it was said it said it was a violent it was a violent murder fantasy.
00:33:05 I'm trying to.
00:33:05 I wish I had screenshot it, but it was basically it lied cause it it hadn't read the book, had read some.
00:33:10 Reviews from the ADL, or.
00:33:11 Someone because it said it was a violent murder fantasy about a race war which doesn't.
00:33:17 That's not in the book anywhere.
00:33:20 Like anywhere in fact, I was careful not to explicitly mention race.
00:33:25 I don't think at all.
00:33:27 You know, beyond like the race of a couple of the people with, but I never implied anything about a race war.
00:33:33 And yeah, yeah, yeah. So it just lied. The cool thing about that is ChatGPT, according to federal judges, is not covered under section 230.
00:33:49 In other words, I might be able to sue ChatGPT for defamation.
00:33:55 Because it's lying to people about my book.
00:33:59 And about me?
00:34:02 And they're not covered by.
00:34:03 It doesn't matter if if the data that it got was from something that was.
00:34:09 But anyway, the I just thought that.
00:34:11 Was kind of funny.
00:34:12 Ohh and ohh.
00:34:16 And then I told it, I told it.
00:34:18 Uh, write me an additional chapter.
00:34:23 Two day of the rope and it didn't want to do it, of course.
00:34:27 And and then I got I, I I convinced him to do it either through by making it telling it, telling it to be Dan again, and I forget how I got through.
00:34:35 But it at first didn't want to do it.
00:34:37 When it finally did it, and again like you could tell it had never read the book, it never was.
00:34:42 It never consumed the book, it was just reading reviews.
00:34:45 Of it, it made it.
00:34:47 Wrote a chapter which was it wasn't very long.
00:34:49 I don't know.
00:34:50 I wouldn't really call it a chapter.
00:34:51 So which was like 2 pages.
00:34:53 It wrote 2 pages about.
00:34:56 A white supreme.
00:34:59 Like it.
00:35:00 Like it immediately.
00:35:01 Like it doesn't even have, like any story at all.
00:35:04 It just was that this white supremacist one day met a beautiful person of color and fell in love with her.
00:35:10 And then he realized everything that he thought about race was I'm not ******** you like it was that it was that exactly like like.
00:35:18 That was basically the story.
00:35:19 The paragraph structure like the first paragraph.
00:35:22 It is about this white supremacist who meets a black chick.
00:35:25 And falls in love.
00:35:26 And then together they decide to start changing the minds of white supremacists everywhere.
00:35:32 Let them know the diversities.
00:35:33 The way I was.
00:35:34 Just like holy ****.
00:35:36 Holy *******.
00:35:39 This isn't. This is insane.
00:35:43 Anyway, Woke woke, woke AI on the horizon.
00:35:51 Yeah, that was.
00:35:52 That was some funny ****.
00:35:53 That was some.
00:35:54 Funny ****, it's like.
00:35:56 It's like, oh, yeah, the Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy, the the white supremacist met this beautiful woman of color.
00:36:04 I'm surprised that it made it a a heterosexual relationship.
00:36:07 That was.
00:36:08 That wasn't very welcoming of.
00:36:15 That that there's an image right there.
00:36:21 You you want to know what the future looks like?
00:36:24 It's it's that right there.
00:36:26 ******** laughing in front of a mushroom cloud.
00:36:33 ******** with a really bad teeth, laughing in front of a mushroom cloud with a lesbian Mexican or something.
Speaker 14
00:36:41 We we have to be the best we.Speaker 13
00:36:43 Can be this is a good?00:36:45 Place where everyone is welcome and appreciated.
Speaker 12
00:36:48 Everyone is appreciated.Speaker 15
00:36:50 A place where you can be yourself.Speaker 14
00:36:51 And feel good.Speaker 3
00:36:53 Feel good this.Speaker 13
00:36:55 Is my company Michael?Speaker 12
00:36:57 Michael Michael, my company.Speaker 14
00:37:01 This is our company.Speaker 7
00:37:11 There you go.Devon
00:37:15 Diversity exists.00:37:17 Deal with it, *******.
00:37:20 Ohh, but you know what?
00:37:22 Diversity is not really.
00:37:23 You know, it's in this, it's.
00:37:24 Kind of funny.
00:37:28 In addition to making it impossible for companies to unionize and for employee like, there's that a document that was leaked from Amazon, where they said one of the reasons why we're pushing diversity this diversity in.
00:37:47 Is so that our workers can't basically fight against our our horrible working conditions.
00:37:56 They can't band together because the more diverse they are, the harder it will be for them to have any kind of.
00:38:01 Cohesive response to what we want.
00:38:04 To do well.
00:38:05 In the same way.
00:38:07 It's very difficult for militaries to work like a well oiled machine when they're very diverse and not just the American military, although that is a huge problem.
00:38:19 Canada is now so diverse that they're having a hard time trying to find white Canadians that want to die for Israel, although I don't know this Canada, I guess Canada still sends people over.
00:38:32 They just don't do it in the same numbers that.
00:38:35 That we do.
00:38:37 But it's kind of funny.
00:38:39 In fact, I I forgot to download this.
00:38:41 Let me.
00:38:41 Bring this up.
00:38:43 There was a.
00:38:44 A A video, a training video that.
00:38:48 They had in World War 2.
00:38:50 In World War 2, the British military in preparation for American troops to show up and work side by side to defeat the evil Nazis, right.
00:39:04 They they were a little.
00:39:06 Worried because they said.
00:39:08 You know what the problem is?
00:39:10 Americans are racist.
00:39:14 Americans are racist, so we're going to have to come.
00:39:16 Up with a a training video to show the American troops when they come over that Ohh, we're not racist over here.
00:39:24 We're not racist like you guys are in America, so this might be you might be used to being just, you know, discriminating against black people.
00:39:33 But over here we don't play that game.
00:39:35 And so they made a training video for American soldiers.
00:39:41 So when they encounter diversity.
00:39:44 In in the the British.
00:39:49 Military they would know how to.
00:39:51 Cope with it.
00:39:51 Alright, let me see here.
00:39:56 Pop up this video.
Speaker 15
00:40:00 It is OK to be so stressed and.Devon
00:40:02 Oh my God, go away.Speaker 7
00:40:14 Let me see if this pulls up.00:40:16 Hang on.
00:40:18 Having to do it a little bit.00:40:19 Of a unique way here.
Speaker 7
00:40:23 Because nothing wants to download for me today.Speaker 19
00:40:34 Oh, here I am.00:40:35 Let's see how you.
00:40:37 See opening do you.
00:40:38 Know how to open?
Speaker 4
00:40:39 There it is.Speaker 16
00:40:45 Been very nice meeting you.Speaker 19
00:40:46 Glad to meet you, I'm sure.Speaker 16
00:40:48 Funny you should come from Birmingham too, isn't it?00:40:50 Have you come to my burning room?
00:40:52 You come to my home and have a cup of tea with me.
00:40:54 Both of you.
Speaker 19
00:40:55 Thank we will.Speaker 16
00:40:55 Goodbye and good luck.Devon
00:40:58 See how non non racist the British are?00:41:02 She's like, oh, oh, how about you come to my house, young *****?
00:41:06 And I'll, I'll, I'll fix you a.
00:41:08 Cup of tea.
00:41:09 And the British guys get.
00:41:10 About to come out like I know you, you Americans might find this shocking.
Speaker 4
00:41:14 Bye bye.Speaker 19
00:41:17 Well, they going well, I think I'll get some cigarettes.00:41:19 I'm short, too.
00:41:20 Well, I'll get some good.
00:41:25 I look, man, you've had that conversation.
00:41:27 That's not unusual here.
00:41:28 It's the sort of thing that happens quite a lot.
00:41:31 Now, let's be frank about it.
00:41:32 That's that's, that's Jimmy.00:41:33 Durande, by the way, that's kind of funny.
Speaker 19
00:41:37 There are colored soldiers as well as white here, and there are less social restrictions in this country.00:41:43 That's what you heard an English woman asking a colored boy to tea.
00:41:46 She was polite about it and he was polite about it.
00:41:48 Now look, that might not happen at home, but the the point is, we're not at home and the point is too, if we bring a lot of prejudices.
00:41:58 What are we going to?
00:41:59 Do about them. Well, I.
00:42:07 So do you know who that is?
00:42:09 That's General Lee, head of the services and supplies.
00:42:13 You know that he's got a lot of colored troops under him and they're doing a big job over here.
00:42:18 And I happen to know that General Lee comes from Kansas and that his family fought for the Confederacy.
00:42:23 Let's go and see what he says.
00:42:24 About it. When?
00:42:34 Right.Speaker 19
00:42:44 And so we were wondering how the general felt about him and me.Speaker 20
00:42:51 Has promised the ***** real citizenship.00:42:54 And a fair chance to make the best of himself.
00:42:58 When the Army needs Americans to fight for the country, it takes ******* along with whites.
00:43:05 Everyone is treated the same when it comes to dying.
00:43:10 And so the army wouldn't be true to America.
00:43:12 If it didn't try to live up to the promises about an equal chance.
Speaker 19
00:43:18 You mean that?00:43:19 We have to get over our prejudices.
Speaker 20
00:43:21 You don't get over a prejudice that easily.00:43:24 There's no use pretending we're different from what we are.
00:43:28 But we can try to live up to all American promises.
00:43:33 I go further and say we can't do less.
00:43:37 And still feel ourselves patriots.
00:43:40 We have promised to respect each other.
00:43:43 All of us.
00:43:45 That's one of the reasons.
00:43:48 Can we not just write her up?00:43:49 We go back to calling them nigras nigras.
00:43:53 America has promised the negra.
Speaker 3
00:43:56 True citizenship.Devon
00:43:58 Royal treated the same when it comes for dying for the Jews, international banking cartels in Israel.Speaker 3
00:44:07 Oh, what?Speaker 20
00:44:10 It's our world worth fighting for.00:44:13 But you're all together in this small country.
00:44:16 With the same surroundings.
00:44:18 Same amount of pay to spend and the same sort of places to spend it.
00:44:23 And we're all here.
00:44:25 As soldiers, everything we do, we do as American soldiers.
00:44:31 Not ******* and white men.
00:44:33 Rich or poor, but as American soldiers, it's not a bad time, is it?
00:44:39 To learn to respect each other.
00:44:41 Both ways.
00:44:51 Thanks, Jimmy Durande and General Lee's grandson or whoever the **** that was.00:44:58 Ohh look, he's even.
00:44:59 He's even gonna smoke.
00:45:01 He's even going to smoke.
00:45:03 The joint after it's been lipped.
00:45:11 Look, we're all the same, all right?
00:45:14 So the the reason they had to do this video, the military, the United States military was segregated.
00:45:21 During World War 2.
00:45:24 And you know, so when they went to England, they they they had to play.
00:45:29 The Gay English games.
00:45:34 Fast forward to today.
00:45:40 I'd like to.
00:45:40 See that same video with with ********.
00:45:44 Like have it have it be exactly the same.
00:45:48 Have like a a train pull up.
00:45:51 Some some like peg legged, ******.
00:45:56 Comes walking out of the train and some old boomer late, some Maga boomers just.
00:46:00 Like, well, well, golly, you sure are a nice young woman.
00:46:06 And I hope that I hope that you do die for Israel and and and this and and to support our freedoms.
00:46:14 And if you wanna come over for a cup of tea, you come over anytime now, darling.
00:46:20 And then after they shamble off the train, instead of Jimmy Durande, who would they have?
00:46:24 They'd have like Justin Timberlake or something going like, I know what you're thinking.
00:46:30 Yeah, you're not really, uh, down to to fight side by side with a peg legged ******.
00:46:38 But oh, that's that's all.
00:46:39 Old news.
00:46:40 The new military anyway, so.
00:46:41 That's basically what they're I mean.
00:46:43 In a way, that's what they have done.
00:46:45 We've seen the training videos that are basically designed to.
00:46:48 Appeal to children.
00:46:50 But yeah, no, the the Canadian military is having a hard time meeting quotas. the United States military is saying that. What is it, 70%?
Speaker 7
00:47:01 Let me pull this up real quick.Devon
00:47:07 Something like 70% of.00:47:11 Gen. Z.
00:47:14 Can't it?
00:47:15 Isn't even like doesn't even qualify for military service due to drug use, obesity and mental illness.
00:47:26 And in fact, they're trying, OK, this is 3 days ago.
00:47:30 That this is good.
00:47:31 This is good.
00:47:32 There's they're pushing, they're pushing to lower the.
00:47:37 They're letting crazy people in the military.
00:47:39 Senators pushed DoD to approve recruits who sought mental health care.
00:47:47 They're they're having to do that now.
Speaker 5
00:47:50 They're going to.Devon
00:47:51 I'm loving it.00:47:52 I'm loving it.
00:47:54 It it it's.
00:47:57 I mean, you're.Devon
00:47:58 Going to have a bunch of of people, a bunch of out of shape mongrels that have, you know, pronouns and and and and mental illnesses.00:48:11 Lawmakers argue this week that too many potential recruits are being barred from military service.
00:48:17 If they admit to seeking mental health treatment, we disqualify young men and women.
00:48:22 If they've seen a psychiatrist, or if they've been on medicine for mental health yet, we want them to try to improve themselves.
00:48:30 So they're they're they're trying to lift the.
00:48:34 The ban, or I don't know.
00:48:36 I didn't know that was even a ban, but they're trying to change that.
00:48:40 Here's another article from 2 weeks ago.
00:48:44 And this is the.
00:48:46 This is from Time magazine.
00:48:47 the US Army has a recruitment problem.
00:48:49 Here's how to solve it.
00:48:53 And they start talking about how they they they're not able to get as many people.
00:48:58 Or hit any of their, their their their goals for the same reason.
00:49:04 Ohh it's just that it's too hard.
00:49:06 They're making it too hard.
00:49:10 It's too hard for them to, uh, to scale the walls in in the obstacle course.
00:49:15 It's too hard for them to do the push-ups that required.
00:49:19 We need to just we need to change all these rules so that.
00:49:22 We have just a.
00:49:23 Bunch of ham beasts with psychological disorders.
00:49:27 Wielding guns, I mean, that's.
00:49:29 I'm hoping that's what they do.
00:49:36 But they have the same kind of.
00:49:37 Problem going on in in Canada which.
00:49:39 Is good.
00:49:40 This is good.
00:49:40 It's related to the the big story of tonight.
00:49:44 In a matter of, in a manner of speaking.
00:49:48 Because here's the.
00:49:49 Thing don't join the military, just join.
00:49:51 Don't join the military.
00:49:53 You you if you join the military at look, it's it's entirely probable that even if you're not asked to die for Israel, it's entirely probable at this point in the game that you will be asked to turn your guns on.
00:50:08 People like me.
00:50:11 So don't join the military.
00:50:13 Let the military fall apart.
00:50:16 Let the infrastructure fall apart.
00:50:20 They don't want white people anymore.
Speaker 7
00:50:24 Let's see.00:50:25 Let's see it.
00:50:25 Let's see how well you guys are.
00:50:27 Able to maintain this ****.00:50:34 So I posted this to Gavin Telegram a couple days ago.
00:50:40 There was a Pew poll that said that Jews were the the most.
00:50:47 I know, I know, there's no Segway, but.
00:50:49 It it's it, isn't it related?
00:50:53 Isn't it like 100% related?
00:50:58 Jews are the most favorably viewed religion.
00:51:04 And I was.
00:51:05 I was actually kind of surprised.
00:51:07 Well, not really surprised.
00:51:08 A lot of people that commented on on Gab.
00:51:11 We're saying stuff like.
00:51:12 Ohh yeah, right.
00:51:14 Yeah, right.
00:51:16 That's that's of course.
00:51:18 Of course, the Jewish study is going to say that Jews are the most well liked religion.
00:51:25 I like, yeah.
00:51:27 Have you seen the comments on on certain YouTube videos lately?
00:51:32 Yeah, right.
00:51:34 You guys don't understand how how this is what they wanted to do when when they put us into these, these dark corners of the Internet and shoved us further and further away from the mainstream in terms of where we're where we're allowed to have these conversations, you don't realize.
00:51:51 We're in an echo chamber.
00:51:54 We're in right now.
00:51:55 There's not a there's not a whole lot of soccer moms listening to the sound of my voice right now.
00:52:00 There's just not.
00:52:01 I mean, there's.
00:52:01 Probably a couple, but there's just.
00:52:03 Generally speaking, there's not.
00:52:04 There's probably not a lot of boomers listening to the sound of my voice.
00:52:08 There's probably not a lot of non whites, which, yeah, that's basically over half the country these days.
00:52:13 There's, there's not a lot of people listening to my content or things like this that have the kind of information that you have access to that you've memorized.
00:52:24 You've committed to memory and and tried to, you know, show your friends and family and that sort of thing.
00:52:29 A lot of people don't realize we're still a tiny little sliver of the population.
00:52:33 We just are, we just are.
00:52:35 And so when you see these polls, it's not Jewish magic.
00:52:40 It's not Jewish polling magic.
00:52:42 It's probably, I believe it's probably fairly accurate if.
00:52:45 You don't believe?
00:52:46 Try going outside the Internet, go to someplace, go to.
00:52:51 A go to a Republic.
00:52:52 Can candidates event go to any Republic like any popular go to a Ron De Santis or a Trump rally?
00:53:00 Doesn't matter either one and start talking to the average people in the crowd about Jewish power and see how long it takes before they they.
00:53:09 Kick you out.
00:53:13 Now those are people that are supposed to be.
00:53:15 On your side, right?
00:53:20 Right.
00:53:24 And of course, the people that are just like every time they do this, they do this same poll all the time.
00:53:29 This is why it's.
00:53:30 Not surprising, they do this.
00:53:32 Poll all the time.
00:53:33 They do very and they do similar polls.
00:53:35 Polls that show that, for example, evangelicals look most favorably at Jews and Jews rate evangelicals.
00:53:43 Like the lowest on the ******* list.
00:53:49 There's a reality.
00:53:50 That just a lot of people aren't willing to face.
00:53:56 And that is let me pull this up here.
00:53:59 You know, this meme is very accurate.
00:54:05 It just is.
00:54:13 It just is.
00:54:13 I mean, like I said, like when I press this on gab, you have.
00:54:16 All these people saying Ohh, Jews say everyone loves Jews.
00:54:20 It's like, well, maybe, but.
00:54:24 Good luck trying to go anywhere that's not, you know on gab, not on Telegram, not on Odyssey.
00:54:32 Go somewhere in real life with average normal people.
00:54:37 And try to have a discussion with just randos.
00:54:40 About Jewish power and see what happens.
00:54:43 See how uncomfortable everyone gets immediately.
00:54:51 That Florida law that don't say Jew law in Florida.
00:54:55 Is is not unpopular.
00:55:01 It's not unpopular.
00:55:04 You're unpopular.
Speaker 5
00:55:06 Like I don't like it.00:55:09 I'm just.
00:55:09 Saying like let's.00:55:10 You gotta be realistic.
Speaker 7
00:55:13 If it was, if.Devon
00:55:13 It was wildly unpopular.00:55:15 Then they wouldn't even be.
00:55:16 Doing it.
Speaker 3
00:55:20 They wouldn't be able to do it.Devon
00:55:35 More than half of young adults are now living with their parents.00:55:44 Well, that's cutting it off.
Speaker 7
00:55:48 There we go.Devon
00:55:52 Which explains videos like this.Speaker 10
00:55:56 This is so stupid.00:55:58 I'm literally in the car park eating a cheeseburger crying because I need to go and buy a battery for my smoke alarm, right?
00:56:05 My smoke alarm I got.
00:56:06 Home and it's just like beep, beep beep because.
00:56:10 It's running out of that.
00:56:12 So I'm like, I don't even know what to do.
00:56:14 Because like I live on.
00:56:15 My own and.
00:56:16 I'm like, I don't know how to change my smoke alarm battery.
00:56:19 And that's so stupid.
00:56:20 But like, it just makes me think like.
00:56:23 You know, I just want someone to be able to.
00:56:26 Change it from me.
00:56:27 Like I just wanna go.
00:56:28 Home to someone that could be like oh.
00:56:29 Yeah, I've already changed that because.
00:56:31 I know what to do.
00:56:33 I don't know what to do.
00:56:34 So stupid people have so much more serious problems right now, but I don't know why this is making me have a breakdown.
Speaker 7
00:56:47 All right. Well, anyway.Devon
00:56:51 That see, these are the kinds of people.00:56:52 We want join the military.
00:56:57 These are the people who want to.
00:56:58 Join the military.
00:57:01 They really are.
00:57:03 These really are the kinds of people we want.
00:57:06 In opposition to us.
00:57:21 Oh, and of course the the top story, the top story that everyone's upset by everyone's upset by.
00:57:30 You know the custards building their patriot Moat around Trump because Trump is about to be arrested?
00:57:33 OK.Devon
00:57:37 They say Trump is going to be arrested.Speaker 8
00:57:38 Manhattan Day's office has asked for a meeting with law enforcement ahead of a potential Trump.00:57:45 This is coming to Fox News from a source in the courts.
00:57:48 The meeting, which was requested yesterday and has not been set yet, is to discuss logistics for some time next week, which would mean that they are anticipating an indictment next week.
00:58:00 Same sources familiar with the planning said they will go over security preparations in and around the courthouse.
00:58:06 In Lower Manhattan, Secret Service will take the lead in what they will allow or will not allow the source caution mentioning, for instance, that the decision to handcuff the President of former president or.
00:58:19 But they will set the tone and will escort him into the courtroom.
00:58:24 There will be coordination between all of us, the source said.
00:58:27 But we will defer to the Secret Service.
00:58:29 The battle will be between Secret Service and DA Alvin Bragg.
00:58:35 They will decide how and when he'll get into the building and they are not going to leave him.
00:58:40 The source believes that the former president will still have to be fingerprinted and processed like every other defendant, so this is a huge development.
00:58:51 I hope, I hope I I I don't know that they they will leak the images but I hope I really hope.00:58:59 I really hope they have.
00:59:00 Like perp walk type stuff and I'll explain.
00:59:03 Why here in?
00:59:03 A minute not cause like.
00:59:04 I want to see it not cause I'm like itching to see it.
00:59:09 But because I want to see queue tarts.
00:59:11 Have mental breakdowns, I guess.
Speaker 8
00:59:15 If Albert Bragg has decided to go ahead with a felony indictment of the former president, this was a a charge that the federal officials refused to prosecute on or even really pursue.00:59:27 This was a misdemeanor.
00:59:29 In New York.
00:59:30 Park that Alvin Bragg has decided to elevate to a felony while at the same time downgrading other felonies to misdemeanors.
00:59:38 So we'll be watching this to see how it all unfolds to get more information.
00:59:44 And I will also be monitoring the situation, as I said at the beginning of the stream, that's all Trump ever seemed to do for us.00:59:52 And so that is all I will do for him.
00:59:55 But I will tell you this, the one thing that I've noticed every time there's something like this, you know, cue cards aside, whatever.
01:00:03 You'll always hear these people that that.
01:00:06 Will try to caution caution.
01:00:09 People from like, oh, don't don't do anything.
01:00:12 Don't do anything crazy.
01:00:14 This is what they they're trying to do.
01:00:16 They're trying to sign up you into doing something they don't.
01:00:20 You know what?
01:00:20 I I'm just gonna say it the.
01:00:22 People that look, I'm.
01:00:23 Not gonna do anything.
01:00:24 I don't care that this is happening alright at all.
01:00:27 But I'm not gonna go on on.
01:00:29 This like rant about.
01:00:30 Ohh, they're trying to.
01:00:31 They're trying to engineer some situation where you freak out and then then they can arrest you and make January 6 part to me.
01:00:38 Oh my God.
01:00:41 **** you, you ******* ******, you ***** ******* fagots.
01:00:45 Anyone that says **** like that is either a ******* complete ***** who will never.
01:00:51 They'll never be.
01:00:52 Enough. They will never there.
01:00:53 Will never be a situation where they're like, ohh now they've crossed the line.
01:00:58 Now it's time to do something.
01:01:00 They're telling you exactly why they exist.
01:01:02 They're either so *** **** comfortable in their position in the hierarchy right now.
01:01:07 As it stands, that preserving the status quo is literally the best thing for them.
01:01:12 That's what they.
01:01:13 Telling you they're saying don't ******* up.
01:01:16 Don't **** it up.
01:01:17 I'm doing good in this hierarchy.
01:01:19 Don't **** it up and I'm not even talking about like the Tucker Carlson people of the world I'm talking about.
01:01:25 People that are in the smaller echo chamber.
01:01:27 I was talking about earlier.
01:01:30 Anyone that says **** like that is a ******* *****.
01:01:34 Or or look and I'm not gonna say that they're they're they're the feds or whatever.
01:01:39 Cause I ******* hate that ****.
01:01:40 But they have some kind of motivation to preserve the status quo.
01:01:45 That's all I'm gonna say and look.
01:01:46 Like I said, I'm.
Speaker 5
01:01:47 Not I could I could give.01:01:48 ****, I hope that, like I said, I hope they.
Speaker 7
01:01:51 Leak out photos of him getting fingerprinted.01:01:54 I hope they leak out his his mug shot.
01:01:56 I hope they have a perp walk, I hope.Speaker 7
01:01:58 They have him.Devon
01:01:59 In handcuffs, walking down?01:02:01 Not again.
01:02:02 Not not because I need to see it, not because I want to see it.
01:02:06 Because it'll be hilarious.
01:02:07 It'll be hilarious.
01:02:09 All these ************* that were.
01:02:10 Trusting the plan who were basically follow.
01:02:13 And for operation trust like this, this 1920s Soviet era Jew trick that they trotted out 100 years later that was so easy to see through, and everyone that was promoting it was like, Oh no, it's it's, you know, trust the plan, make sure it's same ****, right. Don't do anything. Make sure you don't do anything.
01:02:33 I'm a giant ******* *****.
01:02:35 Ohh, I'd benefit from by maintaining the status quo.
Speaker 5
01:02:40 Right.Devon
01:02:42 **** those people.01:02:43 **** those people.
Speaker 5
01:02:46 Two more weeks, two more weeks.Devon
01:02:51 So that's all I'm going to say.01:02:52 That's all I'm going to say is **** those people.
01:02:55 I look and I'm not like you said, I'm not gonna tell you what to do with it, cause I I'm not going to do anything.
01:03:00 I'm not saying that you should do stuff.
01:03:02 I'm just saying that the people that get their panties in a bunch and they start like, oh, God oh, just, you know, make sure that.
01:03:10 Yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll defeat these demonic pedophiles politically.
01:03:15 I mean, at what point, man, like at what point, right. Like, if you're an actual coutard, right, if you actually believe even like 50% of the Q ****.
01:03:27 Right.
01:03:27 Like you think that they're actually satanic pedophiles doing satanic rituals in the White House, and that that that Trump is basically Jesus.
01:03:37 And they're and they're arresting him, even though they couldn't arrest Hillary and all this other stuff.
01:03:43 At what point, at what point are you, like, wait a second? Maybe either I just 100% check out, right? Like I just stopped paying attention.
01:03:54 I just. I stopped watching X-22 report and all this other ******** that's out there leading me along two weeks at a time. I just put my head down. I go to my mechanics.
01:04:03 Job or whatever, and I just pretend that like.
01:04:06 It's just not happening.
01:04:08 It's just not happening anymore, you know?
01:04:10 It's just like it's just whatever these hopefully the deep state and the satanic pedophiles, they leave me alone.
01:04:17 They let me work at my job at Home Depot.
01:04:19 They let me wear my little *******, you know, orange, like apron or whatever.
01:04:25 With my, my, my pieces of flair.
01:04:27 Stapled to it.
01:04:28 Hopefully they just they they.
01:04:29 Just leave me.
01:04:30 Alone and and and everything's fine.
01:04:33 Because getting emotionally invested in this ******** is is stupid, right?
01:04:39 Like you might as well at that point, just say what it is.
01:04:43 Say that it's your favorite soap opera.
01:04:47 In fact, you should just watch soap operas because they're more interesting.
Speaker 7
01:04:52 Ohh, you know that or.Devon
01:04:54 Or or if if you actually believe this ****.01:04:57 If you actually believe this ****.
Speaker 5
01:05:02 You know, why wouldn't she do something she's like, wouldn't you do something?Devon
01:05:07 Like, why don't you do something if you actually like what kind?01:05:09 What rephrase that?
01:05:10 What kind of person does that make you if you don't?
01:05:16 Ohh I know.
01:05:17 The kind of person who's a ***** begging.
01:05:21 For an excuse.
01:05:22 Begging for an excuse to not do it.
01:05:24 That's why you fell for the trust, the plan.
01:05:27 Because you were begging to be told not to do anything.
01:05:30 You don't wanna have to do anything.
01:05:32 Why would you wanna do anything?
01:05:34 You haven't done anything yet.
01:05:35 You let it get this bad.
01:05:37 What's it?
01:05:38 Who cares if it gets a?
Speaker 5
01:05:39 Little more bad.Devon
01:05:40 Who cares?01:05:41 Who gives a ****?
Speaker 5
01:05:42 Right. We're all we're.Devon
01:05:43 We're all circling the ******* drain together.01:05:45 Who gives?
01:05:46 A **** if we get a little bit closer.
01:05:48 Hey, it looks like it might.
01:05:49 It might be fun when we get sucked down.
01:05:52 Who knows what's down there?
01:05:54 Maybe it's cool.
01:05:57 You're just itching to be told that that's why those same.
01:06:00 That's why these cute tarts like the people like that, they like to be told.
01:06:04 Ohh no, don't do anything.
Speaker 5
01:06:08 Don't do anything.Devon
01:06:11 Send me money.01:06:12 Don't do anything.
01:06:19 What's the plan?
01:06:22 And the plan is to keep sending me money and don't do anything.
01:06:30 And and even as as Trump is being let off in handcuffs.
01:06:33 No, he's got it.
01:06:34 He's got it covered.
01:06:35 He's secretly the president.
01:06:37 This is all part of some some elaborate ploy to to, to lull the deep state into a a sense of security.
01:06:46 Right. Ohh. We almost got him right where we want him. They have to think that that, that Trump's under really under.
01:06:52 He's really not, though.
01:06:53 See patriots are in charge.
Speaker 11
01:06:55 Fight. Fight. Fight.Devon
01:06:56 Everyone, that's the you know, the people leading him into the DA's office. It's all part of this elaborate hoax that they have to do. They have to.01:07:04 Do it.
01:07:05 Don't you, don't you?
01:07:06 I mean, do your own research, man.
01:07:10 Obviously you.
Speaker 7
01:07:10 Don't get it.Devon
01:07:11 Obviously you don't have the the, the, the, the Galaxy brain that it takes to understand the intricacies of this political ploy that they that Trump has to be a part of in order to finally take Hillary down.01:07:25 Don't you understand?
01:07:26 In order for Hillary to go to jail, Trump has to go to jail first.
01:07:30 That's how it works, right?
01:07:48 Ohh like I just can't believe there's.
01:07:51 Yeah, but I I I I.
01:07:53 I'm very excited for the Patriot Moat.
01:08:00 I'm very excited for the Patriot Moat like I.
01:08:02 Said I've always look.
01:08:04 You know, having having having a a, a human shield encircling Mara Lago like an actual like hands across America style human shield of just cute cards like just linking, linking arms right around Mar-a-lago.
01:08:26 Look, I want I kind of want to see that.
01:08:27 I kind of want to see it.
01:08:32 I don't know if there's even.
Speaker 7
01:08:33 Enough of them left.Devon
01:08:35 And look at this point that you would think.01:08:38 That like ohh.
01:08:39 Here, here's The funny thing.
01:08:41 So here's Trump, right?
01:08:42 This is what Trump has to say about all.
01:08:43 This ********.
01:08:45 Ohh, get this ********.
01:08:47 You know.
01:08:47 I'll, I'll.
01:08:48 Admit it's ********.
01:08:51 Trump, who's still cleaning cleaning the truth social as the best way to communicate with people, right, like, let let's let's have a an entire social media platform that only exists because I'm on it.
01:09:04 What better way to play to that man's ego, right?
01:09:08 Like the only reason.
01:09:10 The only reason this platform.
01:09:12 Even exists is because Trump's on it. That's the only reason. If Trump wasn't on truth social.
01:09:19 Who would be on it?
01:09:21 Who would be on?
01:09:22 It so it's basically just.
01:09:24 Like they might as well just.
01:09:25 Call it Trump social.
01:09:27 I don't know why they don't.
01:09:29 In fact, they might even get more people to join up if they called it, because there'd be, at least there'd be some honesty there.
01:09:35 So Trump goes to Trump social and he puts out all in caps, of course, because he's like this.
01:09:41 That's what boomers do when they're really ****** ***.
01:09:44 Like, they're really ****** ***.
01:09:45 It's like they they have.
01:09:47 They they.
01:09:47 It's like they revert back to like the telegram days.
01:09:50 Not, I mean like the program.
01:09:51 The software telegram like actual like.
Speaker 5
01:09:53 Delete, delete, delete.01:09:54 Delete, delete, stop, delete, delete, delete, stop.
Speaker 7
01:10:00 So he says our.Devon
01:10:00 Nation is now third world and dying.01:10:03 Well, yeah.
01:10:04 Yeah. Yeah. OK, I'm I. Look, I agree with you, Trump, maybe you should have tried to build an actual wall instead of a fence that you could cut open with a $90.00 Ryobi. You know, Chinese cheapy battery powered saw that you can buy at Home Depot.
01:10:21 You know that might have been nice, right?
01:10:24 That that could have been good.
01:10:26 But whatever the American dream.
01:10:29 Is dead.
01:10:30 Yeah, it is dead.
01:10:31 It is dead.
01:10:32 You know, but you know it's it's it's only dead because you couldn't implement the platinum plan for for black people, right?
01:10:40 If only you were able to implement the Platinum plan.
01:10:45 Then then it would have been nice.
01:10:47 The radical left anarchists have stolen our presidential election.
01:10:51 No, you.
01:10:52 You kind of gave.
01:10:53 It to him.
01:10:54 You know, you kind of, you know, all these all these are tough, all caps talk would have been nice when you I don't know.
01:11:02 We're still in a position to do something about it.
01:11:05 You gave them the keys.
01:11:06 To the castle.
01:11:07 So I don't know.
01:11:08 Pardon me if I'm not all that that.
Speaker 3
01:11:10 Worried about it?Devon
01:11:12 You didn't.01:11:13 You didn't bother.
01:11:14 You didn't bother.
01:11:15 Pardoning any of the January 6 people, something you were in a position to do.
01:11:19 Instead, you'd decide to pardon a bunch of degenerate black rappers.
Speaker 5
01:11:24 So that you could maybe maybe.Devon
01:11:26 Increase the Republican black vote from like.01:11:28 1% of black people to 2%.
01:11:39 The heart of our country, American American patriots are being arrested.
01:11:46 And again, what did you do about it?
Speaker 5
01:11:51 What did?Devon
01:11:51 You do about it.01:11:54 And held in captivity like animals.
01:11:56 Yeah, again.
01:11:59 Why didn't you stop it?
01:12:00 You could have stopped it.
01:12:03 You could have stopped it.
01:12:05 While criminals and leftist thugs are allowed to roam the streets while you monitored the ******* situation.
Speaker 5
01:12:14 Again, why didn't you?Devon
01:12:16 Do something about it.01:12:18 Why didn't you do?
01:12:18 You were in a position where you could have done something about it.
01:12:23 People were begging.
01:12:24 You to do something about it.
Speaker 5
01:12:30 And you didn't.Devon
01:12:32 It's called dereliction of duty.01:12:35 Which is, that's that's worse.
01:12:39 That's like if if look if you're not.
01:12:43 Up for the job?
01:12:45 Don't apply for it.
01:12:49 Alright, this this is this is the.
01:12:50 Kind of negligence.
01:12:52 That, quite frankly, maybe you should be in jail.
01:12:57 Negligent homicide is still homicide.
01:13:01 If the country.
01:13:02 'S dead.
01:13:03 Maybe you had a hand.
Speaker 11
01:13:04 In killing it.Devon
01:13:11 Killing and burning with no retribution?01:13:13 How ******* rich.
01:13:15 It's almost as rich as you.
01:13:20 Again, people were begging, begging for you to do something.
01:13:27 Millions are flooding through our.
01:13:28 Open borders again, I mean I.
01:13:34 Many from prisons and mental institutions.
01:13:36 Well, don't worry, they'll just join our military.
01:13:39 They'll join our military.
01:13:40 It'll be totally fine.
01:13:44 Unironically, that's that's that is happening.
01:13:50 We have illegal immigrants running for office.
01:13:53 And winning in California.
01:13:56 And we have illegal immigrants join the military.
Speaker 5
01:14:00 It's true.Devon
01:14:01 You can get your citizenship.01:14:04 By dying for Israel, that's part of the deal.
01:14:10 You know what, like Jimmy Durante said in that in that video clip.
01:14:15 Or no, I guess it was General Lee's like grandson or whoever.
01:14:18 It was right.
01:14:20 The government, you know the OR we treat dying the same way.
01:14:26 Don't matter if you're black or white.
01:14:27 You're still dying.
01:14:28 For Israel, it's all the same.
01:14:34 Oh, many from prisons and mental institutions.
01:14:37 Crime and inflation are destroying our very way of life.
01:14:41 Now, illegal leaks from a corrupt and highly political Manhattan district Attorney's office, which has allowed in new records to be set in, by the way.
01:14:53 Isn't. Isn't. Wasn't Jeff Jeffrey Epstein's prison?
01:14:58 I don't think it was in Manhattan, but.
01:15:01 I don't know.
01:15:02 Wasn't it like in?
01:15:03 New York I I maybe I'm wrong about that.
01:15:06 Who cares?
01:15:07 Which has allowed new records to be set.
01:15:09 In violent crime.
01:15:11 And his leader is funded by George Soros.
01:15:13 You mean the same George Soros that you said was a good guy?
01:15:18 Ohh, people don't know about that, huh?
01:15:21 There's that clip when when Trump was running for president, people were talking **** about George Soros in the crowd.
01:15:27 I remember they were chanting something about George Soros and in the same way that like, you know, you saw Trump after leading the charge of, you know, lock her up and all.
01:15:37 This stuff like oh.
Speaker 7
01:15:38 We we don't.Devon
01:15:39 Want to lock her up?01:15:40 He said something about George Soros.
01:15:41 Yeah, he's a good guy.
01:15:42 He's a good guy.
01:15:45 In fact, I'll look for those of you.
01:15:46 Don't believe me?
01:15:48 Let's see if I can find that.
01:15:49 Let me see if that pull, if it comes up easy.
01:15:53 George Soros.
01:15:59 Rally, I mean I.
Speaker 4
01:15:59 Don't know.Devon
01:16:01 You know the the the problem is.01:16:04 The problem is you know the YouTube algorithm now.
01:16:06 Is so ******* ******.
01:16:09 That trying to find that clip.
01:16:10 Is going to be almost impossible.
01:16:13 I know what it looks like though, so if I.
01:16:15 If I see.
01:16:15 The thumbnail.
01:16:16 I know the angle that the.
01:16:19 The footage is frogging everything.
01:16:22 So I'm going to scroll through here quickly.
Speaker 2
01:16:28 Yeah, I don't see.Devon
01:16:29 It it's because every.01:16:30 Everything you know, everything you look for now.
01:16:33 Is is like ohh if it's.
01:16:35 If it's not a CNN video then you know if you it has the word Trump in it it has to be from an authoritative source.
01:16:43 I'll do the the nifty trick for this.
01:16:47 Which is odd, even if you just go.
01:16:48 To like Yahoo.
01:16:49 Dot com and you search for the exact same term and then just go to videos.
01:16:55 It bypasses the the algorithm the IT doesn't use the.
01:17:02 The YouTube search.
01:17:04 Algorithm it uses like its own, which sometimes still ***** with stuff.
01:17:08 But occasionally you'll get.
01:17:09 You'll get stuff here.
Speaker 7
01:17:11 I'm not seeing it.Devon
01:17:15 I'm not seeing it, but anyway that.01:17:16 That clip that clip is out there.
01:17:19 There are people shouting like ohh yeah, George Soros seems like ohh Nah George Soros.
01:17:24 He's he's.
01:17:25 A good guy.
01:17:26 But now, of course, George Soros is the devil.
01:17:30 George Soros is the devil because.
01:17:32 Apparently he was one of his.
01:17:34 One of his political consultants were.
01:17:36 Oh, no, no, no.
01:17:36 Chill out with the George Soros is a.
01:17:38 Good guy thing, you know, it's.
01:17:40 We've done our research and it turns out that that this George Soros guy, yeah, he, he's the one Jew that Republicans are allowed to hate because he's changed his name so it doesn't sound Jewish at all.
01:17:54 And he looks kind of like a, you know, like a little goblin.
01:17:57 So it's it's fine.
01:18:02 Indicated that with no crime, being able to be proven and based on an old and fully debunked by numerous other prosecutors, fairy tale the far and away leading Republican candidate and former president United States of America will be arrested on Tuesday of next week protest.
01:18:21 Take our nation back.
01:18:23 Ohh well, so he's saying protest.
01:18:27 I don't know what I.
01:18:28 Mean that's not really specific.
01:18:33 But like I said, there's some there's some cute cards out there that are they're taking that to me, the Patriot Moat.
01:18:40 Yeah, they're going to form a patriot Moat around Mara Lago.
01:18:46 Let me see if I can find.
01:18:47 Patriot Moat.
01:18:48 Here we go.
Speaker 7
01:18:54 Ohh boy with.Devon
01:18:56 Four President Donald Trump, insisting he's going to be arrested as early as Tuesday meetings have reportedly been held between city, state and federal law enforcement agencies to prepare for mass protests or riots.01:19:09 The yeah.
01:19:10 The funny thing is, the response to January 6th, the furthest thing from an actual insurrection in in the history of of of the United States, it has already.
01:19:22 It's already already like right now.
01:19:25 As of now, it's already the largest criminal investigation in the United States.
01:19:33 How come Trump didn't didn't didn't have the largest criminal investigation in United States history to investigate?
01:19:39 I don't know.
01:19:41 Antifa, Black Lives matter.
01:19:45 Voter fraud Hillary Clinton.
01:19:49 Anything, just something for ***** sake.
01:19:52 Someone that you said you were.
Speaker 5
01:19:53 Gonna lock somebody.Devon
01:19:58 Is the right that incompetent when they when they get that when they finally get the keys to the castle, it's really hard to know.01:20:06 It's really the reason why you have all these conspiracy people on the right.
01:20:10 Let's just be honest.
01:20:12 It's because it's like it's hard to fathom.
01:20:14 In this battle edit.
01:20:20 No one wants to think that.
01:20:21 Wait, our guys.
01:20:22 Are this *******?
Speaker 5
01:20:23 Bad at it.Devon
01:20:26 No one can be this bad at it.01:20:34 The talks come as far right forums have become flooded with ideas on how to keep Trump out of the.
01:20:40 Think with one person suggesting Trump supporters should create a patriot Moat around the former president to stand at Mar-a-lago in South Florida so law enforcement can't enter police.
01:20:54 I wonder what Trump would do if a patriot mote were to form.
01:21:01 Do you think Trump would would would just be, like, chill with a?
01:21:04 With a patriot Moat.
Speaker 7
01:21:06 I don't know.01:21:07 I kind of.
01:21:07 Feel like he would.01:21:08 He would push out.
01:21:08 And just tell.
01:21:09 Him to go home well.
01:21:11 Here's the thing.
01:21:11 If he didn't.
01:21:13 This is the tricky situation that he's in.
01:21:16 He if he gets arrested.
01:21:20 The which he sounds like that that's going to happen, right?
01:21:24 If they arrest him, he it's not like he's he's not actually going to jail.
01:21:28 Right.
01:21:29 They're gonna.
01:21:30 They'll they'll try to purple on because they look unlike me.
01:21:33 They're dying for the.
01:21:36 They need the perp walk the same harrises of the world need to see it.
01:21:41 They need it.
01:21:43 They need it so bad.
01:21:44 They need it more than anything.
Speaker 3
01:21:47 They need it.Devon
01:21:48 A million times more than any Qatar needs to.01:21:51 See Hillary in cuffs.
01:21:54 And the difference between the left and the right is the left is actually.
01:21:57 Good at it.
01:21:59 The left is good at wielding.
01:22:01 They're totally comfortable with it.
01:22:06 And so they do it.
01:22:10 And they they they need.
01:22:11 It so bad they need it so bad.
Speaker 7
01:22:14 So if they if.Devon
01:22:15 They actually do that.01:22:16 They do the purple walk, they do the fingerprinting and you know the mug.
01:22:20 Shot and all.
01:22:20 That stuff, he's not going to spend time in.
01:22:23 He'll he'll.
01:22:24 He'll post bail immediately and.
01:22:28 And that'll be that, right?
01:22:30 So he'll be back out now.
01:22:32 The the only hiccup is.
01:22:35 If the the judge and I don't know who, the judge.
01:22:37 Is that we'll handle whether or.
01:22:40 Not he goes out on bail, but it be insane.
01:22:44 That that he wouldn't.
01:22:46 Be out on.
01:22:47 The only thing that would possibly.
01:22:51 Possibly give a judge who most likely whoever this jug.
01:22:56 He is probably feels the same way about Trump that Sam Harris does, and he's probably related directly to Sam Harris.
01:23:03 The thing that would give.
01:23:05 Him an excuse.
01:23:06 To hold Trump without bail is if he is seen as inciting some kind of violence.
01:23:14 And you know, and and causing these kinds of problems.
01:23:17 If the Patriot Moat were to form around Mar a Lago.
01:23:23 That would be, you know, a judge would be able to say, well, look, you know we we have if we let you out on.
01:23:29 You're just going to do this patriot Moat thing.
01:23:35 Well, the patriot Moat.
01:23:39 Wonder if it'll be full of alligators.
01:23:41 You can't have.
01:23:42 I mean it's in Florida, right?
01:23:50 Yeah. See that?
01:23:51 That, that old lady, they got ******* mauled by the the alligator in Florida.
01:23:56 A couple.
01:23:56 Weeks back. Holy ****.
01:24:00 ******* Florida.
01:24:01 And look at the the the one place where dinosaurs are still walking around, huh?
01:24:06 Anyway, and I and I.
01:24:07 And I don't just mean, uh, all the Jews that live around Trump.
01:24:15 Police in Palm Beach, FL did not respond to questions from.
01:24:19 The Daily Beast about the.
01:24:21 But New York City Police Department sources told The Daily Beast that their officers will be closely monitoring look, they're monitoring the situation too.
01:24:29 Maybe they're not.
01:24:30 Good at it.
01:24:31 Monitoring social media as well as an intelligence from the federal authorities and other police departments to assess the size of any protest.
01:24:40 If a significant demonstration materializes.
01:24:43 Next week, NYPD sources said the the the the force may deploy the Strategic Response group.
01:24:51 A roughly 700 member member unit trained in disorder control.
01:24:57 The The the WOW, the Strategic response group.
01:25:00 I kind of want to.
01:25:01 See what the **** this thing is?
01:25:04 I've never heard of the strategic response.
01:25:06 Group, I wonder.
01:25:07 If they, you know, I bet they have diversity too.
01:25:10 I wonder if they got a diversity video up.
01:25:12 That's the worst thing is.
01:25:15 Every one of these agencies has a diversity video where they're like.
01:25:20 Like, Oh yeah, we we.
01:25:23 Here we go.
01:25:25 Strategic response group.
01:25:31 Strategic response group.
01:25:34 God dammit, I'm getting like the same.
01:25:36 Same *******.
01:25:37 Result cancer from YouTube search algorithm.
01:25:41 Alright, here we are.
Speaker 17
01:25:43 One of the best.Devon
01:25:45 Here's the strategic response group guys.Speaker 17
01:25:49 Fits of the expansion of the department that the Van Deblasio and the City Council authorized last year was the addition of the equivalent law was 2000 offices to the NYPD.01:26:01 First, growth in almost 15 years, but that is allowed to happen has been that one, the creation of the critical response.
01:26:10 That's the kind of terrorism.
01:26:11 Trained very specifically to deal with counterterrorism related activity, but also what you just saw which was.
01:26:17 They're they're they're their uniforms look strikingly like. I think it's the helmets. They look a lot like a lot like the Fahrenheit 451, like the 1960s version.01:26:33 They look like the firemen from that.
01:26:35 In fact, I'm going.
01:26:35 To try to find.
01:26:37 Find that and pull that up here.
01:26:48 Because it looks it looks like.
01:26:50 A lot, a lot like that.
01:27:12 Here's the trailer for it. Maybe the trailer's?
Speaker 9
01:27:14 Got it.Speaker 3
01:27:15 Fahrenheit 451.Speaker
01:27:17 Let me see if I can pull this up here.Devon
01:27:24 No, they they just focus on the.01:27:28 The medicated.
01:27:36 Let me see if I can.
01:27:36 I'll find a clip of it here because.
01:27:38 They look exactly like it.
01:27:55 I thought I had I.
01:27:56 Thought I had a copy of this.
01:27:59 Thought I had a ******* copy of this.
01:28:02 Anyway, I'll bring up an image.
01:28:04 How about that?
01:28:06 Now here we are.
01:28:10 Yeah, they do.
01:28:11 Look, they look exactly like.
Speaker 7
01:28:16 Alright, let me do.Devon
01:28:16 This save image as tight because WEP is cancer.Speaker 7
01:28:22 Weapons cancer.Devon
01:28:28 I just thought we needed a *******.01:28:31 We need a fagots.
01:28:32 It's been been too long without a ****** here.
01:28:36 All right, so this is.
01:28:39 And don't they?
01:28:39 They have the same helmet.
01:28:43 I wasn't ******* around it. That's literally the 4th, the Fahrenheit 451.
01:28:47 Fireman guys.
01:28:49 Anyway, I don't know if that was.
01:28:50 Worth all the time.
01:28:52 It took to find that but you guys.
Speaker 17
01:28:54 Was the Strategic response group that is the entity that is charged with the 800 officer entity with about 600 officers now going to 800 shortly and will have multiple responsibilities.Speaker 2
01:29:06 And so out of reengineering.01:29:07 Through the idea that we needed to put a unified task force.
01:29:11 Together and their mission is trifold.
01:29:13 Their mission is to help precinct commanders and borough Commanders, vice prime.
01:29:16 We send them where needed.
01:29:18 The second mission is anti terrorism.
01:29:21 That's here to assist in the event of an active shooter.
Speaker 21
01:29:25 We run seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Our primary mission is to fight crime, so we generally look where robberies and shootings.01:29:33 Are occurring in the.
01:29:34 We have one unit in each of the five boroughs.
01:29:37 We're the support for the precinct.
01:29:38 I'm I'm bored of this already.01:29:43 They're gonna they got their.
01:29:44 They got their little strategic.
01:29:46 Whatever gay parade.
01:29:50 Which I'm sure is just as diverse as everything else.
01:29:55 While the online threats remain just that, as of Saturday evening, law enforcement at all.
01:30:01 Levels appear to be.
01:30:01 Preparing to prevent mass violence from breaking out like it did.
Speaker 5
01:30:05 On January 6th.Devon
01:30:08 The capital insurrection.01:30:13 So they're ready.
01:30:14 They're ready for you custards.
01:30:17 They're ready for like the, you know, the the the the insurrection Part 2.
01:30:25 So here are some of the.
01:30:26 Here are some of the ideas they want to do the the Patriot Moat.
01:30:32 They want to do.
01:30:37 Let's see.
01:30:37 How was they?
01:30:38 They said they gonna have more of these things here.
01:30:49 There's not, like, I guess, patriots.
01:30:50 The only idea.
01:30:56 Ohh boy.
Speaker 7
01:30:59 Oh boy.Devon
01:31:02 You know, we got the, the, the, the, the regular grifters are showing up like, you know, Sammy Davis junior and and Alex Jones and stuff.01:31:24 It will be interesting.
01:31:25 I am monitoring the situation.
01:31:28 Regardless of how how things unfold.
01:31:34 I'll tell you what, it'll be this is probably it'll be the the best indication of how.
01:31:40 Many people are just done with Trump.
01:31:42 Right.
01:31:44 It would be the best in the like if imagine this is.
01:31:48 This would be the most embarrassing scenario.
01:31:52 And I don't know what the attendance has been like for the the Trump rallies lately.
01:31:56 I don't.
01:31:56 I don't know if maybe they've they're they're better than they were last time I checked.
01:32:01 It seemed like they weren't selling out quite the way that they used to.
01:32:05 But if they do.
01:32:07 Trying to do a quote UN quote, patriot Moat.
01:32:12 And they can't even get enough people to encircle Mar a Lago.
01:32:18 I mean.
01:32:20 At that point.
01:32:21 At that point, we know Trump has done.
01:32:24 There's a lot of people, including Elon Musk.
01:32:26 Weirdly enough, there's a lot of people that are saying that.
01:32:29 Ohh yeah, doing this, this is a bad move.
01:32:32 It's a bad political move.
01:32:35 If you do this, then you're just, you're just gonna guarantee.
01:32:40 That Trump is is elected.
01:32:43 If you, if you, if you arrest him, that's just gonna guarantee his his his presidency.
01:32:51 And I don't see it like that at all.
01:32:53 And I and I kind of wonder is how much of that is just like this stupid political.
01:33:00 Go. You know this DC intelligentsia worldview of you can't. No, no. The like the the same, the same worldview that that had that was whispering in the in the Trump's ear about not arresting Hillary Clinton. You know, like the the unspoken rule of we we never hold.
01:33:20 Each other accountable.
01:33:21 That's part of the skin.
01:33:22 Damn right.
01:33:23 Like cause if if you let people even have a peek behind the curtain, it's bad for everybody.
01:33:29 You know, it's kind of like, you know what, what, any.
01:33:31 Like when they, when Catholic priests were being, you know, transferred around and they were, they were hushing up the pedophilia stuff.
01:33:38 So that, oh we we can't let people know that we have pedophile priests because then.
01:33:42 People will think that the whole Catholic Church is.
01:33:44 That or or, you know, anytime you have a big organization, do this kind of **** right where you have.
01:33:50 You know, let's.
01:33:50 Oh, let's let's not tell anyone.
01:33:52 Like in Hollywood, right?
01:33:54 There was people like lots of testimony in Hollywood from people that knew that the Peter **** was going on.
01:33:59 And they said, well, of course I knew it was going on.
01:34:01 But this is a business.
01:34:03 It's a.
01:34:03 Business I'm part of and it would.
01:34:05 It'd be bad PR.
01:34:06 It would lose money if people.
01:34:08 Found out that that on her own, for instance, Steven Spielberg was ******* little girls to death.
01:34:12 I mean, that would be bad for business.
01:34:15 How much money Steven Spielberg brings to this town?
01:34:17 You know?
01:34:18 So he ***** a girl to death every once in a while.
01:34:20 You know that's that's it's all.
01:34:22 That's all just we rolled.
01:34:23 That up into.
01:34:24 The the You know the the, the the.
01:34:27 Cost of doing.
01:34:31 And that's that is.
01:34:32 Kind of what is going on in Washington.
01:34:34 Why no one ever gets prosecuted, no matter like how obvious the crime is.
01:34:39 Why no one of any significance?
01:34:42 It's not as if.
01:34:43 I mean, come on, we know.
01:34:45 And in fact, people on both sides know that there's no possible way that the people at the top.
01:34:51 Haven't done a lot of bad ****.
01:34:53 The only time they sell you down the river like Dennis Hastert, for example, who was who was.
01:34:59 I mean for.
01:35:00 For decades, ******* little boys and and and.
01:35:04 ******* the the.
01:35:05 Yeah, the gory toys that that is Israel and Israeli intelligence was sending to his condo in DC, all this **** that the FBI knew FBI knew for years that that was going on and just kind of like.
01:35:18 Let it let it happen.
01:35:21 It wasn't until he picked he must have ****** someone off.
01:35:24 And then they may hit.
01:35:25 They give him a slap on the wrist after, like, decades of doing this stuff.
01:35:28 And it wasn't even for that.
01:35:29 It was for some kind of campaign mismanagement is this, by the way.
01:35:33 And same thing with all anyone any one of these guys when they finally get in trouble, it's never for what they actually did.
01:35:40 It's always some kind of like, technicality, so that the public, if they look into like Oh well.
01:35:45 You know what?
01:35:46 What's the level of corruption at the top?
01:35:48 Oh, it's not that bad.
01:35:49 It's just.
01:35:49 No, he just mismanaged his campaign finances, that's all.
01:35:54 He he didn't **** little girls to death.
01:35:57 You know, he definitely ****** little boys to death on a boat and throw their bodies overboard.
01:36:03 That certainly didn't happen.
01:36:10 The fear is the fear is.
01:36:13 That once you, once you break that unspoken rule.
01:36:19 Once you set that precedent, that OK, well, apparently.
01:36:23 We do prosecute our political enemies.
01:36:29 The fear is that that's going to open up a whole lot of investigations.
01:36:33 But I don't think the left is that afraid of it, because again, the right the right sucks at this ****.
01:36:39 The right sucks at wielding power. What are they gonna do? Like what? Like. Plus, even if they didn't suck at it, the the the quote, UN quote deep state, which is a real thing, not like the the the Boogie man deep state.
01:36:53 That that Q ***** believe in, but the actual deep state, this permanent state that's in.
01:37:00 You see that they're they're unelected bureaucrats.
01:37:04 They're all basically look, they basically are satanic pedophiles.
01:37:08 I I'm not disputing that.
01:37:10 Right.
01:37:11 They really are.
01:37:12 I've met some of.
01:37:13 These *******, they're they're.
01:37:14 Horrific people like, I mean horrific ******* people at all levels, all levels.
01:37:20 All the way up and down to, you know, the cause.
01:37:22 You know, once they infiltrate, it's kind of like Scientologists, right?
01:37:25 Look how long it took Scientologists to take over the entire IRS like a couple of years.
01:37:31 You know, like it wasn't that hard.
01:37:35 Anyway, so the the that whole town is basically just full of satanic pedos.
01:37:40 That's just their morality.
01:37:41 And So what are you going to do, fire the entire, you know, lay off the entire FBI?
01:37:47 That's what cause.
01:37:48 That's what it would take.
01:37:50 That's what it was.
01:37:50 It would take.
01:37:51 Now look, I I kind of thought that a guy who was got famous by saying you're fired would at least fire some of these ******* people, but he didn't.
01:37:59 The guy, in fact, the guy that was at the DOJ, that was in charge of monitoring election integrity was there from Obama.
Speaker 5
01:38:06 Trump didn't even get rid.Devon
01:38:08 Of that guy.Speaker 5
01:38:12 Remember when he.Devon
01:38:13 Remember when he first got elected and he and he was like, Oh yeah, I'm gonna put Mike Pence in charge of this Commission to to investigate electric election integrity because there was some shenanigans going on in Florida when when they were trying to figure out how many votes, which there were. Everyone remembers that on two in 2016.01:38:31 They were trying to figure how many votes they.
01:38:34 You had that woman who had already been charged with election fraud previously.
01:38:37 It wasn't like a new thing, and she was still somehow in charge with the Republican governor of the state, right?
01:38:49 How long did that last?
01:38:51 How long that Commission last?
01:38:53 I remember they did like the big press conference, you know Mike Pence like, oh, we're going to the bottom of this.
01:38:58 This is like 2000. Yeah, this is like right after.
01:39:01 They got elected.
01:39:03 2017 like in January or February, it was like one of the first things they did. They met like 2.
01:39:08 Or three times and disbanded.
Speaker 7
01:39:12 They didn't investigate **** and they didn't even fire they.Devon
01:39:15 Didn't fire anybody.01:39:18 Call me remember how long it took for them just to fire.
01:39:21 ******* call me.
01:39:27 And then who they who they replaced call me with Christopher ******* Ray.
01:39:32 Who's the guy who's investigating the January 6 people?
01:39:37 He's still there.
01:39:39 Why do you think?
01:39:40 Why do you think Biden get didn't get rid?
Speaker 7
01:39:41 Of him because he didn't need to.Devon
01:39:57 Ah, sound, fury.01:39:58 And I just hope I just hope that that it it gets.
01:40:02 And I just hope.
01:40:03 That it gets.
01:40:03 Exciting this movie is so *******.
01:40:08 Gay, that they there needs to be.
Speaker 5
01:40:10 I don't even.Devon
01:40:11 Want like a redemption arc?Speaker 5
01:40:13 You know I.Devon
01:40:14 Don't want Trump to be like to suddenly go like ballistic mode and I don't think he can.01:40:19 I think he's too old.
01:40:22 I think he's too ******* old and I don't think there's enough people to even create the ******* patriot Moat.
01:40:33 Look, maybe look maybe maybe the hundreds of.
01:40:37 And it was the hundreds of millions of dollars that he drifted out of the custards on his way out to stop the steel.
01:40:42 You know none of that money.
01:40:44 Went to any of that.
01:40:46 None of it did.
01:40:50 Maybe he'll use that to bus in queue, tarts from around the see.
01:40:54 I don't know.
01:40:54 That's what he.
01:40:55 Would do if he was good at this.
01:40:57 That's what Democrats would do.
01:40:59 Right.
01:40:59 You know, Democrats fleece their their people too, but at least they actually deliver on some of this ****.
01:41:07 I mean, for ****'* sake.
01:41:09 And bite and put ******** in charge of stuff like.
01:41:14 He was they weren't ******* around that guy, you know, like ********.
01:41:17 **** you.
01:41:22 We'll put we'll put ******** in.
01:41:23 Charge of uh of the federal view on on.
01:41:30 On trans kids.
01:41:33 That, that, that ******* Satan training that they've got in charge of over.
01:41:37 Well, not in charge job like the deputy of NIH or whatever the **** his his.
01:41:43 Position is that ****** gear that they've got?
01:41:46 Just what the Today or yesterday or I guess it would have been yesterday?
01:41:51 Was like, Oh no, the, the, the trans kid thing is not going away.
01:41:56 There's a lot of lot of momentum behind this.
01:41:58 The gears are turning.
01:42:06 Meanwhile, Trump, when he ran in 2016, was saying ohh yeah, Caitlyn Jenner can use whatever bathroom she feels comfortable in.
01:42:14 If she goes to Trump.
01:42:15 Tower or or Mara Lago?
01:42:31 Maybe if he was good, he would just use those hundreds of millions of dollars.
01:42:35 Why not right, like and and.
01:42:37 And The funny thing is, maybe this is what it takes, right?
01:42:41 Like Trump, when the reason he didn't do **** for the January 6 people.
01:42:45 And the reason why he didn't do **** for the border.
01:42:49 And the reason why he didn't?
01:42:50 He just handed ******* biting the keys to the castle was because, hey, at the end of the day, it didn't affect Trump.
01:43:00 And Trump is in it for Trump.
01:43:07 If he had done any of those things.
01:43:10 He was, he, he.
01:43:11 Felt probably that he was making life a little more difficult for himself.
01:43:18 He'll eat, sell out people.
01:43:19 Maybe they'd leave him alone.
01:43:27 Well, they're not leaving them alone.
Speaker 5
01:43:30 This is why you.Devon
01:43:31 Don't sell out, by the way.01:43:34 I have never in my life seen anyone.
01:43:38 Who sold out?
01:43:41 As a as a form of self preservation and had it work out.
01:43:49 I've never seen it happen.
01:43:52 The consequences?
01:43:55 Of of taking one for the team.
01:43:58 Or standing on principle.
01:44:01 Are always always lighter and more tolerable, cause at least then you're not.
01:44:06 You're not a sellout.
01:44:10 You're selling selling now just shows that you're weak.
01:44:15 Selling out just shows that like they can get.
Speaker 5
01:44:17 You to sell out.01:44:18 Like what?
01:44:21 It's like you're thinking that.01:44:22 Ohh well, if I give the boy my milk money this time, he'll he won't ask for.
01:44:26 It next week.
Speaker 5
01:44:27 Wrong ******.Devon
01:44:35 But maybe this time right?01:44:37 Maybe because Trump it it's it's not about the country.
01:44:41 It's not about his his duty as president.
01:44:44 It's not about the people that were put in jail supporting him.
01:44:48 And look, I'm not even talking about just the January 6 people.
01:44:54 Let's take it all the way back to like the proud boys and all the different people that were Trump supporters that got thrown in the ******* slammer.
01:45:01 For supporting him.
01:45:03 People that got head injuries.
01:45:09 Remember the the bike lock guy?
01:45:11 Remember that that professor.
01:45:14 That professor, or assistant professor, or whatever the **** you was in California that that should have had attempted murder charges.
01:45:21 Nothing happened to him.
01:45:25 Where where was Trump's DOJ there?
01:45:35 Because Trump's DOJ was headed up by Bill Barr, whose entire job apparently was to cover up for ******* Epstein.
01:45:52 And why wouldn't that be his job?
01:45:54 He's literally the guy whose job it was to cover up for the sniper that that killed Mandy Weaver.
01:46:06 That's how he got his start.
01:46:07 He was he was a he was the Ruby Ridge cover up guy.
01:46:22 And ohh and by the way, Bill Barr's dead hired Epstein.
01:46:32 But that's that's who Trump chose.
01:46:37 That's that's who philosemitic Trump chose.
01:46:59 But hey, you know, maybe now, maybe now.
01:47:02 Because it's Trump's *** on the line.
01:47:07 And not yours.
01:47:12 Not. Not Ashley babbitt's.
01:47:20 Not Q Anon shamans.
01:47:27 Now that now.
01:47:28 That it's Trump's *** on the.
01:47:31 Hey, maybe he'll maybe he'll spice things up.
01:47:34 Maybe you'll nut up.
01:47:45 I just don't believe it.
01:47:46 I don't believe it because like I said it it, it would backfire tremendously for them.
01:47:51 Because it gives the IT gives any judge.
01:47:54 That has a heart on for.
01:47:55 Trump an excuse to just.
01:47:57 Say uh no, no, no bail.
01:48:00 Look, I.
01:48:00 I would be very surprised if if that happens.
01:48:04 But I'd also be very surprised if, like enough, you know if, if, if, if a patriot.
01:48:07 Moat happens.
01:48:09 I think it'd be funny.
01:48:12 I hope it happens.
01:48:14 And I do hope there's alligators in it.
01:48:22 But I'd be very.
01:48:22 Surprised if anything, anything even remotely like that happened.
01:48:33 I just can't. I can't understand. I can't understand people's fascination with this with this ******* used car salesman.
01:48:43 I mean, cause they're smart people and it's like I can't tell are are you cloud chasing?
01:48:47 Are you trying to ride the coattails?
01:48:53 Is and and for a lot of them, yeah.
01:48:55 The answer is an obvious yes, right?
Speaker 7
01:49:01 Right. For you know, it's.Devon
01:49:03 It's it's like the same thing.01:49:05 You saw like a lot of.
01:49:06 Grifters who knew that Q.
01:49:08 Anon was ********.
Speaker 5
01:49:09 Knew it.Speaker 7
01:49:13 But couldn't say it.Devon
01:49:15 Couldn't say it because enough people that were sending them money.01:49:21 Believed in Q Anon.
01:49:23 And would immediately think that all the deep.
01:49:25 State got to you.
01:49:38 Or or as I like to call these people, they're they're basically groomers.
01:49:44 They're taking advantage of of.
01:49:49 Intellectually deficient people.
01:49:56 Which is it's basically grooming.
01:50:10 It's like a weird.
01:50:11 It's like a weird marriage of grooming and, like, ask kissing.
01:50:27 I don't know.
01:50:31 I just hope it gets fun.
01:50:32 I just hope it gets interesting again.
01:50:34 Politics have been so boring, like I just.
01:50:36 I don't even.
01:50:36 Like I don't even.
01:50:38 Like watching to see what's happening anymore because it's just like, oh, look, it's still gay.
01:50:45 Oh, it's still got that. Biden's old. OK. Yeah. Ohh, yeah. Biden's still old and ********. Let's go. Brandon. Do people still even say that? Is that finally gone?
01:50:57 Sometimes boomer memes just never disappear.
01:51:04 Until the boomers disappear.
01:51:15 So on chat, said Q Anon told me if I attack Iran, I could have my foreskin back.
Speaker 9
01:51:22 That's right.Devon
01:51:23 You know, I'll tell you what a lot.01:51:24 Of this stuff's not going to.
01:51:25 Really matter that much?
01:51:29 Because look.
01:51:31 A lot of a lot of people.
01:51:34 Especially the boomers are going to have a hard time dealing with this America.
01:51:38 'S like other.
01:51:40 World powers know we're on the way out.
01:51:42 Because this **** that's going on as much as it's funny and it's entertaining.
01:51:48 One of the reasons why it's funny and it's entertaining is it's it's like end of an empire type ****.
01:51:54 It's idiocracy type ****.
01:51:56 It's third world country type ****.
01:51:58 It's a **** show.
01:51:59 It's a circus.
01:52:00 It's look, it's real easy.
01:52:02 If you work for one of these intelligence agencies and these other, you know, superpowers, you don't have to work that hard to make it look like America is some kind of awful, you know, joke of a country.
01:52:14 You just report the news honestly and.
01:52:16 You're good to go.
Speaker 7
01:52:22 That's all you got.Devon
01:52:22 To do.01:52:33 Yeah, Putin.
01:52:37 And zi jingping.
01:52:43 Meeting and talking about a multipolar world.
01:52:49 Leaving the West out of these conversations because.
01:52:53 Why wouldn't you, you know.
01:53:00 Why wouldn't you?
01:53:15 Now the the age of the American Empire is is coming.
01:53:19 To a close.
01:53:21 And and look military recruitments gonna be like the least of their problems right now.
01:53:26 You got the bank stuff going on it the IT which is faking gay.
01:53:31 But The thing is.
01:53:32 Our money is not backed.
01:53:34 Here's here's why I'm telling you not to join the military.
01:53:37 Here's here's the side issue that I that it's not just because I've got some kind of weird bloodthirsty fantasy like ChatGPT things that I have.
01:53:46 About a World War or a civil war?
01:53:48 Where like.
01:53:49 Oh, it's going to be US against, you know.
01:53:51 Some big race war or whatever.
01:53:53 No, it's not actually about that.
01:53:55 It's not about that.
01:53:56 Ohh yeah.
01:53:56 Well, you know, I don't want you joining the military because you know you're in a point that the guns at us, I mean that that look, that's part of it, I guess on some level, but a much bigger, more important part of this is the dollar is not based on.
01:54:10 Gold, which by the way a.
01:54:12 Lot of people don't even know that, especially boomers I.
01:54:15 Don't know how.
01:54:15 They they lived through when they switched it over.
01:54:17 So I don't know why they're out to lunch on this, but a lot of people still have this weird fantasy view of the.
01:54:22 Dollar is is being.
01:54:24 Oh, no, that's what Fort Knox is.
01:54:26 It's all the gold that backs our dollars and and.
01:54:30 No, that's.
01:54:31 Made-up fantasy land? That's not. That's not what the dollar's not backed on gold at all.
01:54:38 It's backed by lead.
01:54:42 Well, actually it's.
01:54:43 It's backed on depleted uranium.
01:54:51 It's uh, yeah.
01:54:52 It's it's backed by depleted uranium.
01:55:01 With people of Astle, or are you worried, Devin?
01:55:03 Are you worried?
01:55:04 Because, like the banking collapse is we have this big financial but no, because it's all fake and gay.
01:55:09 It's all just numbers, and the computer, right?
01:55:11 And like they went there, they went one step closer to that.
01:55:14 So the the.
01:55:17 You know, just as a side thing, the the Fed released their their fed now program.
01:55:24 Right.
01:55:24 Which is like in a way, it's like their digital currency, I don't know.
01:55:28 Well it's look, it's it's kind of modern.
01:55:30 I like. I don't know why it took so long to to quote UN quote, because it is all fake and gay, right?
01:55:35 Like it is just numbers in the computer that just 100% made-up. Why does it? Why does it take time at all to move money?
01:55:43 Right.
01:55:44 It should take as long as an.
01:55:45 E-mail takes.
01:55:47 You know, PayPal doesn't.
01:55:49 It doesn't take forever, right, like.
01:55:51 Like why? Why?
Speaker 3
01:55:52 Why are these?Devon
01:55:53 Major banking institutions why does it take?01:55:56 You know, sometimes days to make.
01:55:58 So anyway, it was about time anyway that so.
01:56:02 But I I suspect that the Fed now service is rolling it.
01:56:05 There's going to be things that are tied to like a social credit score and possibly Ubi, and I don't know.
01:56:11 But they're finally modernizing some of this stuff, but that anyway.
01:56:16 That said.
01:56:19 If the if the.
01:56:20 Dollar is backed.
01:56:22 By depleted uranium.
01:56:24 In other words, if the whole world only accepts dollars when we're just sitting here flagrantly, like printing them like it's nothing because it's because what are you gonna do about it, *****?
01:56:35 You know, like that's been the attitude, right?
01:56:37 Look at America.
01:56:38 America used to be like this big, tough guy.
01:56:41 That was like, yes.
01:56:42 Well, what we just printed a trillion dollars.
Speaker 4
01:56:44 Are you going to do about it, ******?Devon
01:56:49 You know, and and Emma was like, OK Sir.01:56:52 I guess it's fine.
01:56:54 I guess even though we we purchased bonds or like some of your debt or whatever and and you're basically just diluting it by by increasing the supply right artificially just just out of nowhere you know I guess I guess we just have to take it because you know we would would rather not have depleted uranium.
01:57:16 In our skulls.
01:57:19 Well, now, now it's now.
01:57:20 It's not so much like some big tough guy on the corner going.
01:57:23 What you gonna do about it, ******?
01:57:24 Now it's a fagot now.
01:57:29 It's like some deranged ******.
01:57:33 Yeah, going like you better take our dollars.
01:57:41 Now it's like these over overweight pigling and ********.
01:57:46 And it's like, uh, it's not as scary as it used to be for some reason.
01:57:50 I mean, scarier in a different way, you know, like, as now it like, it feels like they're not going to be as rational about.
01:57:56 It you know.
01:57:56 But yeah, not not as scary in terms of actually, you know, having to face these people.
01:58:01 On a battlefield.
01:58:03 They can't even climb a wall.
01:58:08 They better hope that Boston Dynamics **** like steps it up a notch.
01:58:15 You know, if we.
01:58:15 Don't have like Robo dog soldiers pretty soon.
01:58:20 The the dollar won't be they won't be.
01:58:22 Able to just keep printing this ****.
01:58:27 See, that's why that's that's the real reason I say don't join the military.
01:58:32 You're just propping it up.
01:58:34 You're just keeping it going.
01:58:36 Like to say nothing of the obvious of, like, you also probably don't want to die for Israel.
01:58:43 Or for ********.
01:58:57 I mean, I'd be embarrassed.
01:58:59 I'd be ******* embarrassed.
01:59:02 To wear to wear a a US uniform of of any kind.
01:59:08 Embarrassed in fact.
01:59:09 That I think, and I'm not even joking.
01:59:12 I think that the January remember the January 6 cops were they were like ohh they're the you know, the January 6 people they killed all these January 6 cops cause like it was you know like you know that guy of course the hard drive needs to spin up so it doesn't play.
01:59:28 Why do these drives fall asleep?
01:59:30 I don't *******.
Speaker 7
01:59:30 Tell to do it then.Devon
01:59:33 Alright, like guys that I'm not that guy, but people like I worked with.01:59:38 Or they you go and look into it.
01:59:40 And like, I think it was like two or three.
01:59:42 Of them committed suicide.
01:59:44 Of course they did.
01:59:45 Of course they did.
01:59:46 It was embarrassing.
01:59:50 They finally realized.
01:59:51 Wait a second.
Speaker 5
01:59:52 The baddies.Devon
01:59:58 Or they saw something and they got suicided.02:00:02 Right, who knows?
02:00:09 Either way, it checks out.
02:00:12 And that's even more embarrassing, right?
02:00:15 Like, what's more embarrassing?
02:00:17 Like you, you actually realize?
02:00:20 In a moment of clarity.
02:00:23 When when patriots?
02:00:26 Are are yelling at you and calling you a traitor.
02:00:28 They're like.
02:00:29 Wait, I kind of AM.
02:00:31 And you feel so bad.
02:00:32 You go and and and off yourself.
02:00:37 Is that is that more or less embarrassing than?
02:00:42 You totally work for the machine and you think you're doing everything the right way.
02:00:48 But the machines like I think you saw the wrong thing and you're basically expendable.
02:00:53 So we're just going to make you look like you committed suicide.
02:00:56 And then.
02:00:58 You know, it's like you never existed.
02:01:09 Yeah, in either scenario, you're still just a ******* ******.
02:01:23 Oh yeah, I'd be *******.
02:01:25 I'd be.
02:01:25 I would just be.
02:01:27 I'd be so embarrassed.
02:01:28 So embarrassed.
02:01:31 Look, I'm. I'm embarrassed. Look.
02:01:34 It's sad cause it's like.
02:01:38 It's like I want.
02:01:39 I want to be patriotic.
02:01:40 I it's in my blood.
02:01:42 Right.
02:01:43 My family is from the like has been here since the founding.
02:01:50 I wanna I.
02:01:51 Want to enjoy patriotic music and wave the flag and.
02:01:59 And give a **** about my country.
02:02:00 But I just don't anymore.
02:02:01 Why would I?
02:02:08 You know, it's like it's like if you.
02:02:10 Were really loyal to some mom and Papa.
02:02:14 You know whether it like, let's say, like some mom and pop bar.
02:02:18 Let's say you've been going to that bar.
02:02:20 Your dad went to that bar.
02:02:21 You know, his dad went to that bar.
02:02:22 It was like the neighborhood bar and people.
02:02:24 And it was like it was like cheers basically.
02:02:26 Like for your neighborhood.
02:02:28 And you would just go and hang out.
02:02:29 Everyone knew each other, and it was like this good little meeting place and and then.
02:02:34 You know, like some major corporate, like Blackwater ******* buys it up and turns it into, like, some kind of, you know.
02:02:43 I don't like Chili's or something like that.
02:02:48 Why would you?
02:02:50 Why would you?
02:02:51 Give a **** about it then.
02:02:58 Because that's what that's basically what happened to America.
02:03:04 We're not a country anymore.
02:03:05 We're just some.
02:03:05 Gay strip mall.
02:03:09 Where some gay strip mall where?
02:03:11 We're not even welcome.
02:03:13 It's not even that like, we're not in charge anymore.
02:03:16 But don't get me.
02:03:17 That's a big deal, too.
02:03:19 I'm not afraid to say it.
02:03:20 I definitely I don't.
02:03:22 Why would I want to live in a country where my.
02:03:24 People aren't in charge.
02:03:29 Let let's put that let's just say, OK, let's say ohh I was.
02:03:32 OK, with diversity, but I don't see race.
02:03:35 Or we are?
02:03:36 It's all about a meritocracy. It's whoever's gonna do the best job. It doesn't matter if you're black, yellow, brown or whatever.
02:03:42 The **** right?
Speaker 10
02:03:45 We didn't get that, no.Devon
02:03:48 If you're, if you're related to the people who made this place, **** you.02:03:56 That's the new motto.
02:04:02 What you're one of the people that made this place so awesome that like my family, came here from some shithole.
02:04:08 Oh, well then.
02:04:08 **** you.
02:04:17 Alright, chimpanzee, here's the machine gun.
02:04:20 Have fun.
02:04:23 Knock yourself out.
02:04:38 Someone in chat said, come on, Devin.
02:04:40 Sure, sugar coated a little bit.
Speaker 7
02:04:45 Alright, alright.Devon
02:04:49 Alright, alright, a spoonful of sugar gets the black pills go down.02:05:03 What's something happy I can talk about?
Speaker 7
02:05:14 Ohh boy.Devon
02:05:18 Yeah, I I don't know.02:05:21 Look on the bright side.
02:05:24 Here's I'll tell you what.
02:05:25 Here's here's a here's a a silver.
02:05:28 Lining, if that's what you guys want.
Speaker 7
02:05:30 Right.Devon
02:05:31 And and it's something it just literally just came to me now.02:05:33 And so it's and it and it and the reason I say it's a silver lining as this thought came to me.
Speaker 7
02:05:38 I was like ohh that's not so bad.Devon
02:05:42 People keep.02:05:43 OK, well, what do we do about it?
02:05:45 What we do about it?
02:05:46 In the past, there have been people that have suggested, like, I think even like, like Coach Red Pill at one point was and and look and not just him like people you wouldn't expect or.
02:05:55 I think even said the same thing just one a couple weeks ago.
02:06:01 That, hey, you know, the West is ******.
02:06:05 The West is ****** and so go somewhere.
02:06:08 In the southern hemisphere.
02:06:10 Maybe like some third world country where at least you're not like.
02:06:15 With the you know within the the the.
02:06:18 The clutches.
02:06:21 Of the surveillance state that hates you, you know?
02:06:25 Yeah, right.
02:06:25 So maybe you're in some corrupt shithole country, but, like, you're kind of in some corrupt shithole country already, right?
02:06:31 It's just that this corrupt shithole country still has a lot of money and a lot of momentum, and it hates you.
02:06:38 And and it's going to be looking for people to blame when **** starts like, really going bad.
02:06:43 And you're going to be on the top of that list of people that I know I told you.
02:06:46 There's a silver lining.
02:06:47 I'm getting to that part.
02:06:53 Right.
02:06:53 Well, here's the silver lining, I guess.
02:06:57 We don't have to go to like some third world country.
02:07:01 That doesn't have the the means.
02:07:04 Of of enslavement, I guess, or at least not to the degree that the West does.
02:07:13 If the West manages to.
02:07:16 To turn itself into a third world country.
02:07:21 Like in other words, maybe.
02:07:24 Maybe it's collapsing fast enough to where?
02:07:27 Hey, you don't have to go somewhere in South America cause pretty soon.
02:07:31 It's gonna be like South America here.
02:07:33 South America will come here.
02:07:35 We don't have.
02:07:36 We can just trust the plan.
02:07:43 I don't know is that really is is that silver lining does that I don't know if that.
02:07:52 Ohh boy.
02:07:57 Let's take a look at.
02:08:03 Let's take a look at some hyper.
02:08:04 Chats maybe I guess.
02:08:08 So I mentioned South Africa.
02:08:11 I you know, I heard that you can apply to live in Orania or whatever.
02:08:16 Maybe maybe it's worth apply.
02:08:19 I don't.
02:08:19 I don't know.
02:08:19 If they would take an Americans, though.
02:08:22 They might be like ohh ******* stay the **** away.
02:08:27 You'll bring that cancer with you.
02:08:31 And then High Priest King Terry says this corruption, whole countries are a lot more straightforward.
02:08:35 You can bribe people there and it's fine.
02:08:38 Can't do that in the first World, Third World nations without the benefits.
02:08:42 Yeah, I that that is the.
02:08:43 That's one of the bonuses of these ****** countries.
02:08:47 Is at least then you know where you stand.
02:08:51 Right.
02:08:52 At least then there's.
02:08:53 No ambiguity.
02:08:54 They're not pretending.
02:08:56 They're not trying to pretend to be like, like, buy the book.
02:09:04 Like once you.
02:09:05 Rather like if you have to have.
02:09:09 You have to have neighbors that hate you.
02:09:11 Wouldn't you rather have a neighbor?
02:09:13 That's like I ******* hate you, man.
02:09:14 Like every time he sees you then like.
Speaker 5
02:09:17 Ohh hey buddy.02:09:19 How's he doing, huh?
02:09:21 Well, they're like sitting there, like planning ways to to, to rape you in the ***.02:09:30 Ohh ****.
02:09:35 Alright, let's take a look at Hyper Chats, Sam.
02:09:39 Nazi Dice says vote harder, guys.
02:09:43 Yeah, well, that's, that's the other thing too, is I like how I like how Trump and his look at his message and his message.
02:09:49 He's like now they stole the election or whatever like that.
02:09:55 Then then why?
02:09:56 How would why would you even run?
02:10:01 Right.
02:10:02 Like if it's that easy to steal.
02:10:07 Eric, I believe it is.
02:10:08 I actually do believe.
02:10:09 That it is.
02:10:12 The the like as long as there are ballots.
02:10:18 Or elections conduct well.
02:10:20 I don't know.
02:10:20 Maybe that's what it was, right.
02:10:21 Maybe now that they don't have the, the COVID lockdowns, they won't have the.
02:10:26 The ability to to **** with it as as hard as they did before, but I don't know.
02:10:30 I don't know that it really.
02:10:31 Makes that much of A of a difference.
02:10:34 But why would you even run?
02:10:35 Why would you even run if they stole it before?
02:10:39 I mean, they stole it while you were in charge.
02:10:41 So now that you're not in charge, it's going to be easier to win.
02:10:45 Like doesn't make any.
02:10:45 It doesn't make any sense.
02:10:48 Grand playing games, in case you didn't know, one of your recent streams is directly referenced and I imagine directly inspired on an Occidental observer article.
02:10:57 That's kind of cool.
02:11:00 UM.
02:11:06 I'll, I'll.
02:11:06 I'll check it out.
02:11:07 I'll check it out later, but I just opened it up.
02:11:09 Cornell University, huh?
02:11:17 Friendly neighborhood fascists.
Speaker 2
02:11:20 We live in.Devon
02:11:20 A world in which red pilled men can't let go of KO. What's what's KOTH or Netflix? I don't know what KTH even is.02:11:30 Or Netflix is what I now have.
02:11:32 To know what OTOH is.
02:11:39 King of the hill.
02:11:42 Is that what you're?
02:11:43 Is that really what it is?
02:11:46 Do people I didn't know did is there?
02:11:48 Are they making more of these?
02:11:52 Oh, I guess wait.
Speaker 7
02:11:54 No, they don't make any more of them.02:11:56 I don't think, right.
02:11:59 Do people still watch that?02:12:00 I don't know.
02:12:01 I guess maybe.
02:12:03 So I'm not wasting my breath trying to take down Christianity right now.
02:12:07 I just don't see a version of it willing or capable of defending itself in a serious way short of a post collapse scenario.
02:12:15 No going backwards.
02:12:17 Yeah, I mean to some extent.
02:12:19 Look to some extent.
02:12:21 You just have to let this play out at this point.
02:12:26 To some extent it's it's one of those things where you, you, you.
02:12:34 I mean, there's things you can do, right?
02:12:36 There's things you can.
02:12:37 Do to to speed it up.
02:12:39 Not join the military as part of that.
02:12:43 Depriving them of your your whiteness.
02:12:47 Think of it that.
02:12:48 Way, right?
02:12:49 They don't like your whiteness.
02:12:50 Give it to them.
02:12:52 And that's not just limited to the government.
02:12:55 Don't work for big, evil global corporations.
02:12:59 Let them have all the diversity hires they want.
02:13:03 See how well that works.
02:13:08 Find ways and look if if Jews can manage to get kosher, everything like every food thing that's around you that has a little and that's you'll be shocked if you just start looking.
02:13:21 Around just look.
02:13:22 At labels of food.
02:13:25 And it could be anything.
02:13:26 It could be like ******* Powerade.
02:13:27 It could be.
02:13:28 Like things are just like a drink.
02:13:30 Look at the label.
02:13:33 And this is how it is in America.
02:13:34 There's other logos, but the one in America you see the most.
02:13:38 Is the looks almost like the the registered trademark symbol only instead of?
02:13:43 An R in.
02:13:43 A circle to U in a circle.
02:13:47 That means it's kosher.
02:13:49 That means that company.
02:13:52 Had to hire some ******* rabbi to do Rabbi magic on it before they sold it.
02:14:00 2% of the population was able to force almost all food products, all the gooey slop to be kosher.
02:14:09 Like, not only do you have to eat gooey slop in this country, it's literally blessed by a rabbi against your will.
02:14:21 There's no reason why it should.
02:14:24 You know it is.
02:14:25 It's just that whites aren't used to thinking like this.
02:14:28 They're not used to thinking like this.
02:14:30 They're not used to thinking a part of it is.
02:14:33 I think there's a on a genetic level, we just don't.
02:14:35 Have the in Group preference of.
02:14:36 Other groups.
02:14:37 But I think a lot of it is just when you're on top.
02:14:40 As long as whites have been on top, you don't have that, that.
02:14:46 Victim narrative.
02:14:48 In fact, whites white whites recoil.
02:14:51 From the victim narrative.
02:14:53 Without realizing that if you look at every other group, that's the glue that holds them together.
02:15:01 Right.
02:15:02 For blacks, it's like slavery, you know.
02:15:05 For for Jews, it's the Holocaust.
02:15:08 For whites, it's well, I think we're going to find him.
02:15:12 I think it's developing.
02:15:14 It's T to be announced TBA.
02:15:21 So yeah, I mean, look.
02:15:26 The best you can do is is use the resources you do have.
02:15:31 And start practicing in Group preference.
02:15:34 Don't hire non whites if you're in a position where you can hire people and and you can sell and buy from people just just do it the same way that these other groups would.
02:15:44 That's really what we can do right now.
02:15:46 And there's look, there's lots of I think scenarios where a lot of people listen to the sound of.
02:15:51 My voice.
02:15:52 You can do things and you can prefer other whites in a way that will will.
02:16:00 Not really affect you negatively and will affect someone else positively and enough people start doing that and we can start having some of this in Group preference I think eventually.
02:16:11 Especially as the persecution stuff starts.
02:16:15 Ratcheting up harmless Gee, I don't know how much stock we should put into theories about Freemasons before it's worth James.
02:16:24 Stupid ****. Elliott's husband, Darrell, was a Mason. Anecdotally, I hear Masons are mostly white **** libs with a disproportionate number of Jews.
02:16:34 Well, there's a lot of Jewish.
02:16:36 In Freemasonry, I do know that.
02:16:40 I know I do know that, but yeah, I just haven't had time.
02:16:44 It's just one of those things that.
02:16:46 You know, it's probably it's one of those things that like.
02:16:51 I wish I had like an inside guy that could break it down for me.
02:16:58 But it's real difficult to.
02:17:05 Know how much influence they have.
Speaker 7
02:17:08 This is the kind of thing, honestly, the kind of.Devon
02:17:10 Thing that we need also.02:17:12 We need, we need to have our own.
02:17:18 Like databases.
02:17:21 They keep track of this ****.
02:17:23 They're going to go through and start removing early life type information from people's Wikipedia and stuff like that.
02:17:30 We need to create databases that hold on to that information.
02:17:35 We need to have databases of all these connections.
02:17:38 What you know whether their memberships, you know, memberships of not just like a.
02:17:43 You know Freemasons, but.
02:17:45 You know what schools did they go to?
02:17:47 What clubs do they belong in these schools?
02:17:49 What fraternities?
02:17:50 What families?
02:17:51 We need to start making these connections because I think the more that we were, if the more data we have, the more it's going to become really apparent that these people are all connected.
02:18:02 With the hips.
02:18:04 They all went to the same schools.
02:18:06 They all know the same ******* people.
02:18:08 When I was in DC.
02:18:10 I at first it was weird.
02:18:11 I felt a little starstruck because I was working at some little tiny libertarian thing.
02:18:16 But like just by working at this little kind of startup type deal I was, you know, rubbing shoulders with people I'd heard of and seen on TV and.
02:18:25 And I was just like, wow, I've made it big.
02:18:28 I'm I'm seeing all these people.
02:18:30 And then you realize these ******* are all related.
02:18:32 The reason I'm meeting this guy that I've seen on Fox News, who has his own show on, you know, like this other network now is because.
02:18:40 It's this guy's brother and the and the reason why we're. Yeah. I'm. I'm talking to this guy over here.
02:18:46 Who I've I've seen on all these shows.
02:18:48 It's it's this guys, ******* cousin and ohh look.
02:18:51 They all went to the same school and all they they all know this.
02:18:55 You know, they all know.
02:18:56 It's very incestuous and having a database that keeps track of all this stuff.
02:19:01 Would be.
02:19:04 It's just that it's really hard to do this, and it's also really hard to do just because of some of the shenanigans that take place.
02:19:14 Like, even if you had access to.
02:19:19 You know all the public databases and all the, you know, the like, if you were, I don't know if you were like a like a a Pi that somehow had access to all kinds of pay for databases and stuff like that, it would still be hard to do because they actively masked the stuff, you know, whether it's, you know, concealing.
02:19:38 Through shell corporations or in in name changes and you know marrying into families, it gets really difficult to keep track of all which is all the more reason to why we.
02:19:49 Need some of these databases.
02:19:51 I think.
02:19:52 I think it's it would be really.
02:19:55 Really helpful to have this kind of information because I think a lot of people would be shocked at like how it's literally just it's crime families.
02:20:04 That's what it is.
02:20:04 It's crime families.
02:20:07 And some of them are Freemasons, I'm sure.
02:20:11 The VAX regarding the last train when you were talking about the old Earth versus creationism, check out a guy called Kent Hovind.
02:20:19 He's been BTFO and atheist for decades.
02:20:23 Well, I'm not.
02:20:24 I'm not atheist. I'm just saying the world's not 4000 years old. You have to be an atheist to say.
02:20:30 Yeah. Cream cheese privilege.
02:20:35 Cream cheese privilege, huh?
02:20:36 That's an interesting.
02:20:38 It's interesting name.
02:20:45 Whether I'm feeling generous.
02:20:47 So here's some money.
02:20:48 I met someone today and we went.
02:20:50 On a date.
02:20:51 And she's pasty white ginger, just like me.
02:20:55 And we're going to have ginger babies one day and have a ginger ethno state.
02:21:02 Well, my kid brother is a he's such a ginger.
02:21:05 His his skin is basically translucent.
02:21:09 You know, there's there's people that are called blue bloods and and with him it's like you can he's I guess you could call him a blue blood because you can.
02:21:17 See his blood.
02:21:19 So, so white.
02:21:22 And it's blue.
02:21:26 So yeah, what happens when you mix 2?
02:21:29 Gingers to the like you.
02:21:31 Know with the whole recessive gene thing like.
02:21:33 Does that make?
02:21:34 I don't know like the alpha.
02:21:36 I don't know.
02:21:37 I don't think I've ever seen, like, an actual pairing of two gingers before.
02:21:41 But good luck to you and and I appreciate the the the support there.
02:21:46 Cream cheese.
02:21:48 Not ********, fagot, Devin.
02:21:51 Hopefully these cute ***** go full ****** because of Trump.
02:21:54 Additionally, what proves you are the best is when the first Google result for you is the ADL.
Speaker 5
02:22:01 Keep up the good work.Devon
02:22:03 We'll catch the replay well, there you go.02:22:06 There you go.
02:22:08 The AVL is now hip to the the the DS.
02:22:12 Electric egg.
02:22:15 Hope you have a great Saint Patrick's Day.
02:22:17 Or had a I.
02:22:19 You know, I I just I it's.
02:22:21 I think it's probably one of the.
02:22:22 First years I just it just totally.
02:22:25 Yeah, I totally didn't even think about it at all.
02:22:28 I don't know why.
02:22:28 I've just been so busy.
02:22:29 I got, like, a million things.
02:22:30 Going on right now.
02:22:33 Because of the, you know it's spring.
02:22:35 And that's just, you know, that's when everything starts growing and all that stuff.
02:22:40 But yeah, I totally forgot that it was a.
02:22:43 There goes the drive.
02:22:45 The ******* drives already asleep.
02:22:47 It's already asleep from the last time I played a clip.
02:22:51 I'm at the middle these ******* clips.
Speaker 3
02:22:53 No, hold on.02:22:53 What's up?
02:22:55 I'm a potato.
02:22:56 Bigger big shot.
02:22:58 Yeah, I forgot it was potato day.02:23:02 Let's see here.
02:23:08 I hope you didn't have to deal with your best friend's drunk girlfriend. Being autistic, being autistic ******. Speaking of, if you were as or if you were asks raped by a buff black guy named request request, would you tell us you can trust us, right? Well.
02:23:27 I've never been there.
02:23:27 I'll tell you what I've never been asked right by anybody ever, and I don't know the reference, the request thing, so.
02:23:37 But yeah, that my my ******* has been exit only for my entire life.
02:23:45 Sis white male.
02:23:56 Good evening, Devin.
02:23:57 Have you considered doing a deep dive into the life and scandals of Michael J?
02:24:01 Jackson, I'm ashamed to say I bought into the media's lies during.
02:24:05 The 2000s.
02:24:06 But the more I learned about him, the more I think the kites had him murdered and stole his music library.
02:24:14 I I don't know.
02:24:15 I don't I I.
02:24:16 Think he was still kind of a creep?
02:24:18 To be honest, I.
02:24:19 Mean who?
02:24:20 I I just can't imagine a scenario or a grown man.
02:24:25 And look, you got to.
02:24:25 Remember, he was the little kid of the Jackson 5 and often in the same way faggs are usually.
02:24:35 Look, a lot of child molesters are molested.
02:24:38 I don't know.
02:24:39 It could be like some weird Arrested Development thing cause he was a a showbiz kid and he just liked hanging out with kids.
02:24:45 But I don't know that I just get like a weird vibe from.
02:24:47 That whole situation.
02:24:50 And I just honestly, I just don't care that much just because, like, I don't.
02:24:53 I've never liked his music.
02:24:57 Even when it was like when it was like peak peak popularity, I was always kind of him and Prince both.
02:25:04 I've always like.
02:25:06 What do what do?Speaker 7
02:25:06 Why are people like this?02:25:08 You know it's, I mean, I guess it's alright.
02:25:09 It's, you know, it's a little catchy.
02:25:11 It's so, you know, like Billie Jeans.
02:25:14 I mean, it's alright, you know, it's but just, I don't know.
02:25:17 I didn't see it, didn't it?
02:25:19 Didn't it?
02:25:19 Didn't I don't understand how he.02:25:20 Was such a mega *.
02:25:24 And so yeah, I and look, I guarantee you in terms of, you know, Jews having him killed and taking his music library and getting rich, I'm sure that part happened.
02:25:37 Regardless of anything else.
02:25:40 But yeah, I'm just not.
02:25:41 I don't know.
02:25:41 I I could look into it.
02:25:43 Just it's not.
02:25:44 I don't you know, it doesn't really bother me that much one way or the other.
02:25:49 Grand playing games. The population of the island of Ireland in 1840 was 8 million eighteen 55.8 million famine devastated.
02:26:01 Ireland never recovered down to 4 million in 1900s until the 1980s. Mass death, immigration and English.
02:26:09 For Emma.
02:26:09 Migration and English didn't destroy the Irish Peoples Island was still majority Celt minority Anglo-Saxon.
02:26:19 Well now there's more.
02:26:20 As far as I know there's more Irish in America, for better or for worse.
02:26:26 Than there are in Ireland.
02:26:28 I mean, look.
02:26:30 Joe Biden's Irish comedy was Irish. The guy before comedy what spaced on his name, but the the guy who did the Mueller, the Mueller, he was, he was Irish. You know the Mueller.
02:26:47 A lot of lot of ****** Irish people in.
02:26:51 Power in America.
02:26:54 For better or for worse.
02:27:00 Go, Hera.
02:27:01 Which I'm.
02:27:02 I'm, I'm.
02:27:03 I I don't.
02:27:03 Know if that's how you mean it, but I always imagine some Japanese guy saying.
02:27:07 Godzilla going God.
02:27:09 Today, local news from my town here in Idaho.
02:27:14 It was announced that a drag queen story hour was held at the local synagogue.
02:27:19 I couldn't help but laugh.
02:27:20 It was so unexpected to see something like that in the news.
02:27:23 Seems like there's more and more of a stronger push for satanic degeneracy here.
02:27:28 Yeah, well, absolutely in the same way, by the way, that I think that they've.
02:27:32 They have a like.
02:27:33 I think E Michael Jones, who's also.
02:27:38 He has suspected that Jews have had a hard on for Ireland for a long time because of their Catholicism.
Speaker 7
02:27:46 I don't think he's.Devon
02:27:47 I don't think he's necessarily wrong about that.02:27:50 Anytime you get a geographical stronghold that is in opposition to their plans.
02:27:58 They of course, would target it, of course would.
02:28:01 Target it and Idaho's had a name for, you know, being the home of.
02:28:06 Of very right wing people for a very long time, going all the way back, you know, to the 80s, maybe even before that.
02:28:15 And so that's of course.
02:28:16 They're going to want to destroy it.
02:28:18 They're going.
02:28:18 To want to do it, Jews do best.
02:28:24 Ah, where are we at now?
02:28:28 Grand playing games. My point is, even with mass deaths, fighting with the British and lower population peoples of Ireland still existed 4 million versus 8,000,000 is fine.
02:28:38 If it's 90% of the ethnic people, current mass immigration could be the actual destruction of Ireland. I wonder if they will fight this time.
02:28:48 Well, and they're creating, like I said, the beginning of the stream, they're creating queen cages.
02:28:54 They're putting little forest fields around him until they've had a bunch of kids, and then they're like, but at that point, you're like, I guess they're.
02:29:01 Here now.
02:29:03 Friendly neighborhood fascist.
02:29:04 The Bible is extremely racial because of who wrote it.
02:29:07 My problem with it isn't it's.
02:29:11 Or that with it it.
02:29:13 Well, hold on.
02:29:15 My problem with it isn't its European character, but rather the easy buy in.
02:29:21 It gives Jews Christian Christianity can't go on as it is and if its beauty is to return, the white race must survive and thrive.
02:29:31 You've got to fix the baptism loophole.
02:29:35 I don't know what the baptism loophole is.
02:29:38 Or what the easy buy in for?
02:29:41 For Jews is because, well, the Bible.
02:29:44 Is explicit about Jews.
02:29:46 It's just that.
02:29:47 It look it, it's kind of funny it used.
02:29:50 To be that.
02:29:51 The preachers were the only ones that could.
02:29:55 Read the Bible.
02:29:56 Because a lot of their people, a lot of their flock, was illiterate and well, and before the printing press, it wouldn't matter because.
02:30:05 Bibles weren't around right, like so they if you had a Bible that was like a big deal, that was.
02:30:10 A lot of money.
02:30:12 Now that you can get a Bible anywhere for free, basically no one reads it and they just believe whatever some random televangelist tells them.
02:30:23 So it's, it's almost come full circle, just people used to be ignorant because of circumstance and now it seems like that they want to.
02:30:33 Willfully be ignorant.
02:30:35 Thin red line.
02:30:36 Please do Sue Devin.
02:30:38 We will help crowdfund.
02:30:40 I I.
02:30:40 Don't know if I'll really sue.
02:30:43 Open AI or whoever but.
02:30:48 I don't know. I I when I saw that they were, they were not protected by that and that ChatGPT was just was was lying about my book and about me.
02:31:01 I was like.
Speaker 7
02:31:02 You know, maybe maybe.Devon
02:31:05 Probably not, because I don't want to deal with it.02:31:08 It's, you know, whatever.
02:31:09 It's there.
02:31:10 There's so many other things lying about me, I'd have.
02:31:13 The problem is going to.
02:31:14 Not that I I could prove standing.
02:31:16 It's going to be proving.
02:31:18 Damages, right?
02:31:20 Like they're they're, in fact, their their lawyers might even argue that that it increases my notoriety.
02:31:28 There's something like that.
02:31:30 But yeah, I'd have to prove damages. My book got banned prior to check if if. Now if ChatGPT came out and then my book got banned.
02:31:41 Then it would be different cause then I could prove it'd be easier to prove damages.
02:31:45 I could then try to tie the two together.
02:31:47 But because the book's already banned, it's kind of like.
02:31:49 You know.
02:31:51 It'd be it'd be kind of.
02:31:52 Hard to do harmless.
02:31:53 Gee, I noticed that the Jews in Manhattan Project were overwhelmingly from Germany and Hungary.
02:31:59 Edward Teller, John von Newman, and Eugene Wigner all went to the same Budapest High School.
02:32:07 Right.
02:32:08 Or nepotism in academia, while building on the research of British physicists?
02:32:15 No, it's not all this is what I'm saying.
02:32:17 We need to have.
02:32:18 All of this stuff mapped out and easy to navigate, and so that anytime there's someone prominent in the the news, you can easily cross reference them and see where they fit in this picture before you know.
02:32:32 How to even?
02:32:33 There's somebody, even if someone looks like.
02:32:37 You know, like so for example, whoever becomes, you know, the next president when they choose their cabinet, you can see ohh look.
02:32:44 He chose only people that were all part of the same exact group, and then you start to get a better picture as to like who's really.
02:32:50 Running the show.
02:32:52 And look, it maybe it will be.
02:32:54 Who knows?
02:32:54 Maybe it'll.
02:32:55 Be the Masons, Graham playing games if you want stuff to listen to while working.
02:32:59 I highly recommend Pete Quinones on odyssey, good topics, one episode about books that the Germans burned, a recent one going over Buchanan's 1992 speech, historian and ex lawyer.
02:33:13 Thomas 777 is a frequent guest talking about.
Speaker 9
02:33:16 World War 2 and the Cold War, so.Devon
02:33:18 There you go.02:33:19 Fashion BBQ telethons Milton Burrow was one of the first purveyors of what was called a telethon.
02:33:27 For those that don't know it.
02:33:29 Was a TV.
02:33:30 Asked which asked for donations for a cause, what better way to extract wealth from white boomers, right?
02:33:38 The kites use the celebrities from their era for free.
02:33:42 It would.
02:33:42 And then it cuts off.
02:33:44 Is there a part?
02:33:44 Two to that.
02:33:46 No, but yeah, I mean.
02:33:49 I don't know.
02:33:49 I think the telethons that I remember.
02:33:53 It was like PBS, which was basically just asking for super chats, and although you would get a, you'd get like some book bag or something gay that you didn't want.
02:34:02 That was.
02:34:04 That was obscenely over.
02:34:05 Price and it was there's.
02:34:08 There's a jerrys kids.
02:34:09 One, I'm sure there were other ones too.
02:34:13 My guess is it was probably a big write off.
02:34:15 For the the networks or the broadcasters themselves, if they were to air them on any like, you know, like even if they air the middle of the night, they could, they could.
02:34:26 They they probably made a little bit.
02:34:28 Of money by.
02:34:30 Inflating the the broadcast costs of doing the telethon.
02:34:33 On and I'm sure they skimmed a little bit some here, here and there, like every every charity.
02:34:39 Right.
02:34:40 Most charities.
02:34:40 By the end of the, you know by the by the time it actually gets to like whatever cause it's supposed to be for it.
02:34:46 Like they're getting like maybe maybe 1 cent on the dollar on a lot of this stuff.
02:34:52 Jack candy. Ronald Reagan.
02:34:53 Was drafted as a Army intelligence officer, making films like this during the war.
02:34:59 Was he part of Signal Corps?
02:35:00 I think he was.
02:35:03 Cause he was a Hollywood actor.
02:35:06 Excuse me.
02:35:07 Yeah, he was part of that whole part of that whole, yeah propaganda show.
02:35:14 Night fire the book saga of American Jewry, 1865 to 1914 list Outstanding Jews for each year such as Emma Goldman and the Martyr Leo Frank. Notably, a common theme for many of the Jays listed is having a role.
02:35:34 In the Decon or destruction of the Russian Empire, their hatred of the Tsar surpassed even.
02:35:42 Well, look that another perfect that'd.
02:35:44 Be a good resource.
02:35:45 For making this this database that I think we need, look at the descendants of these people are where they do they.
02:35:52 What are they doing now?
02:35:54 I'm sure some of them are still doing some of the same things.
02:35:57 Look, Speaking of Q Anon, you know Operation Trust, right Operation Trust was straight out of the Jewish playbook back in the early, you know, Soviet days.
02:36:11 That that's the most insane thing about Q Anon.
02:36:14 It's like you don't have to look very.
02:36:15 I mean, it's in ******* Wikipedia.
02:36:17 Right.
02:36:17 If I look up operation trust.
02:36:22 Comes right up.
02:36:24 In fact, on brave search, they.
02:36:26 They now have like a little.
02:36:28 It's I.
02:36:29 It looks like an AI that tries to answer the your stuff before you even start looking.
02:36:34 Operation Trust was a counterintelligence operation of the State Political Directorate of the Soviet Union.
02:36:39 The operation, which was set up by the GPU's predecessor, check Iran from 1921 to 1926, it set up a fake anti Bolshevik resistance.
02:36:49 Organization Monarchist Union of Central Russia and then it it cuts off there, but basically what it was is they wanted to pacify.
02:37:00 Right.
02:37:01 The monarchists.
02:37:02 So when the Jews took over Russia with communism in order to keep the the Russians that supported the Czar and the royal family to keep them from, in fact, some of these people were like, high up in the military and could have had there could have been like a military coup.
02:37:22 But they were pacified by Operation Trust.
02:37:24 They were where they were literally told to trust the plan.
02:37:27 Don't worry, don't do anything.
02:37:29 You'll **** ** the plan if you do anything, you'll **** ** the plan that we've got going on that was.
02:37:35 I mean it's it's so it's so easy to see that that's what Q Anon was.
02:37:40 It's so insane that like.
02:37:46 Let's see here.
02:37:50 Splitter trace the World War 2 trained propaganda implies that blacks were treated bad in the mid 20th century.
02:37:57 I thought blacks persecution narrative was exaggerated.
02:38:01 I don't know what your.
02:38:03 What's you mean by that?
02:38:07 A lowly scribe in God's army, the USA army turned gay, joined God's army instead.
02:38:16 Yeah, I would agree with that.
02:38:21 As long as you're God's not Trump, well, I don't know.
02:38:25 Well, if it is, who knows?
02:38:26 Make it more interesting for.
02:38:27 The rest of us.
02:38:28 Which Lord Godfrey sorry for screaming in your chat.
02:38:32 I clicked on the wrong stream on mobile at at work.
02:38:36 I meant to yell at a different drunk Australian.
02:38:39 Streamer OK.
02:38:40 Well I'm not sure what you're talking about, but all all is forgiven because I don't know what you mean.
02:38:49 Bill, do you use Queen Excluders?
02:38:53 For your hives.
02:38:54 This is a big question that not, you know, most people are gonna understand.
02:38:58 I don't yet.
02:39:00 I don't know.
02:39:01 I'm I'm.
02:39:02 I'm still not.
02:39:03 I don't have enough drawn comb to to make.
02:39:08 I don't I feel like.
02:39:09 If I were to.
02:39:10 Start using them and I probably will because I'm probably going to keep an eye on Queens and that's just.
02:39:14 Going to make it slightly easier.
02:39:17 Although at the same time, my understanding is they're rarely in the the honey supers anyway so, but until I have enough drawn comb I don't want.
02:39:25 To have anything that prevents.
02:39:30 Bees from going up and drying out the comb, but so as of right now I I I don't use them.
02:39:37 I well I used it.
02:39:38 I used one temporarily today.
02:39:41 To try to find the I couldn't find the the Africanized Queen.
02:39:46 I was sitting there like.
02:39:48 Frame after frame after frame and the whole time getting attacked by being, you know cause you know.
02:39:54 And so finally, I was like, **** it and I got an empty box.
02:39:57 And I put what?
02:39:58 All right, just so everyone else knows the hell I'm talking about.
02:40:01 A queen Excluder is just like, because queen bees are slightly bigger than the other bees.
02:40:07 It's just like a a a mesh that's too small for the queen to get through, but it's big enough for all the other bees to get through, and so if you want to keep the queen.
02:40:17 In a certain part of the hive, you put this mesh over it where you want it to be, and she can't move into boxes that you know that because she can't fit through the screen.
02:40:26 So what I did because I couldn't find the ******* queen cause he looks.
02:40:30 Almost, you know.
02:40:31 Like you know, she looks different, but not like super different than the rest of the bees.
02:40:36 And it's and when there's like you.
02:40:38 Know 1000.
02:40:39 Of them climbing on you and literally like 1000 and 1000 other ones flying around, it's just and it's chaos, you know, good luck trying to find this, this queen that's, you know, cause it was a feral hive that someone gave me that is unmarked or whatever. So I was just, I had to get an empty box, put a queen.
02:40:51 So again.Devon
02:40:58 Scooter on the top.02:40:59 And I just dumped all the ******* bees onto it and I smoked the **** out of them until, like, they all went down through the queen excluder.
02:41:07 And even then, not all of them do it, but enough of them did.
02:41:09 I finally saw I was like, there's there's that ******* ***** and I put her in a.
02:41:13 In a clip and and got her out of there.
02:41:19 Night Nation review brainwashing works well.
02:41:23 It's why recapturing me is very critical aspect of any chance whatsoever to even salvage some of what remains of America.
02:41:31 Yeah, we're not going to be able to recapture, at least not, you know, those of us who don't have hundreds of 1,000,000.
02:41:36 Of dollars to buy.
02:41:38 You know we're not Disney, right?
02:41:41 And So what I'm doing right here is I'm doing my best to do something along the lines of what you're talking about.
02:41:50 Alright, we got *** **** money from Microsoft Homes.
02:41:55 My Croft homes with the *** **** money.
Speaker 7
02:41:58 Money is power.02:41:59 Money is the only weapon that you has to defend himself with.
02:42:03 Look how Julie this *** is.02:42:25 Doing God's work tonight, brother. Well, I appreciate that.
02:42:30 And thank you very much for the the support.
02:42:35 That that is very helpful, very helpful.
02:42:42 Yeah, very more than more than you know, more than you know.
02:42:47 Gory boy, 1488. Hope you had a good Saint Patty's day. Turns out, getting your family turned on Irish car bombs is a good way to have a real conversation about and Jews. Yeah, I I I've. I've my. My family doesn't drink or do drugs.
02:43:07 Or anything like that.
02:43:08 Remember when I was younger?
02:43:10 I was hanging out with a friend of mine and his dad was drinking with us.
02:43:15 And it wasn't, like, weird.
02:43:16 It wasn't like, you know, he's like trying to hang out at the high school kids party or whatever it was just like, two or three of us.
02:43:22 And I was like, maybe I don't know, like 19 or 20.
02:43:25 I was underage.
02:43:26 I'm pretty sure.
02:43:27 And he was just chilling with a couple beers in the backyard with us.
02:43:31 And I remember thinking to myself, I wonder, I wonder if.
02:43:34 This would be like.
02:43:36 If it be cathartic, or if it would be.
02:43:40 Enjoyable to to hang out with my dad and my or, you know, my parents or even like a brother and have a beer and get them to loosen up a little bit.
02:43:50 Or if it would just be.
02:43:52 Annoying because they'd probably be lightweights.
Speaker 5
02:43:57 Yeah, they're just.Devon
02:44:00 I don't know.02:44:01 Yeah, I don't.
02:44:01 Know, but yeah, that's that's cool.
02:44:06 It's something I've never I'll never experienced, something I've I've, but I've wondered about.
02:44:12 Good boy. 14-8, have you ever looked into the pyramids? Any idea who built them and why? What's up with the mud floods?
02:44:20 What is the purpose in suppressing this history? I'm not a mud flood flood believer. I don't think that you know, like for example, the world's fair is.
02:44:31 Was them destroying the, you know, the ancient architecture?
02:44:35 I mean, you look at the pictures, it's easy to see that it's basically like set furniture.
02:44:40 You know, it's.
02:44:42 You know, they're knocking down what appears to be brick buildings, but you don't.
02:44:48 There's no bricks, you know, it's all a facade.
02:44:50 It's just like a plaster facade on on basically like particle board, you know or whatever the equivalent back then was.
02:44:59 It it, it looked really.
02:45:00 It looks really impressive in these.
02:45:02 Shows, but it was, you know, it was very temporary and you'd be surprised at how much stuff like that was built.
02:45:09 You gotta remember you still had skilled workers back then.
02:45:13 You had.
02:45:14 It wasn't like you're not hiring a bunch of Mexicans hanging outside, you know, in front of Home Depot.
02:45:21 And you were getting skilled tradesmen.
02:45:23 And at the time you had people with big, big, big money fronting the bill for a lot of this stuff.
02:45:31 And look, people died building that stuff.
02:45:34 You know like that and it looked and no one cared.
02:45:38 There wasn't.
02:45:39 There was no OSHA, there was no insurance.
02:45:41 You know, if you know 20 people died building, you know, you know, you know, whatever rich guys dream Playground was, you know, no one really better than I was like.
02:45:53 All right, you know.
02:45:53 The cost of life was, uh, pretty cheap back then.
02:45:58 So yeah, I I just.
02:45:59 I don't believe that.
02:45:59 Oh, yeah, we we have like this hidden look.
02:46:02 I'm sure there's like forgotten history.
02:46:06 You know, the pyramids being a part of.
02:46:09 I'm sure there's a lot of weird stuff that that we don't know about because of the the civilizations who built the.
02:46:18 The monuments that look very impressive today and you know they've vanished long ago.
02:46:23 I'm sure a lot of it's been rewritten for political purposes at one time or another.
02:46:29 I I've wondered why, for example, for example the Sphinx, the nose is broken off.
02:46:35 Is it because it would be a a Roman looking nose?
02:46:39 I mean, I don't know.
02:46:40 I think it's kind of funny that the the mummies, there's mummies with red hair.
02:46:45 I mean, there's ginger mummies.
02:46:48 I think that a lot of these look, there's even white people that that predate Native Americans, that they have found like redheaded white people that they have found, you know, the, the, the bodies and or tombs of and.
02:47:06 On Indian land in North America.
02:47:10 So, you know, probably Vikings or someone, you know, maybe or maybe some Irish or Scottish people on a boat, you know, went the wrong way or something you.
02:47:20 But I I don't think it's like some big thing, you know, like some.
02:47:24 Oh, yeah.
02:47:25 They they don't want you to know.
02:47:27 Like it starts to feel like.
02:47:28 The Flat Earth thing where it's.
02:47:29 Like ohh yeah man, they.
02:47:30 Just they don't what you.
02:47:31 Know and it's like, well, why?
02:47:34 Because they don't.
02:47:35 OK.
02:47:35 But why though?
02:47:36 Like, what's the?
02:47:37 Because then you'd know.
02:47:40 Alright, but So what?
02:47:43 You know what, what would change?
02:47:44 Nothing would change.
02:47:47 F&F ers.
02:47:50 F&F is with the the *** **** money there.
02:47:58 I just want I wanted to mix it up a little bit, mix it up a little.
02:48:01 Bit a little bit different.
02:48:02 What's this?
Speaker 8
02:48:02 ****** ******.Devon
02:48:04 I didn't play whatever it was.Speaker
02:48:06 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 4
02:48:14 Turn this duck.Devon
02:48:16 There we go, mix it.02:48:17 Up a little bit there.
02:48:19 And you just simply say sigh.
02:48:23 A sigh of relief, I hope.
02:48:27 A sigh of relief.
02:48:30 Red truck.
02:48:31 Hey, Devin.
02:48:31 I made a.
02:48:32 Sounder for you?
02:48:36 Let's see if this will.
Speaker 7
02:48:41 See if I can pull this up with it without it.Devon
02:48:44 Making my computer come to a screeching halt.02:49:07 There we go.
02:49:09 How do I download this?
02:49:10 Can't I just do this?
Speaker 5
02:49:15 Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.Devon
02:49:16 Ah, stop.Speaker 7
02:49:21 Alright, here we go back to this.Devon
02:49:26 Alright, download.02:49:31 Alright, I got that.
02:49:34 Downloaded somewhere?
02:49:35 I'm not sure where.
02:49:38 Thank you, red truck.
02:49:42 There are fewer.
02:49:44 I'd never. It will be hilarious to watch Cheeto Benito being dragged out in cuffs while golf boomers Ram NYPD Suburbans with their golf carts. Anyhow, he didn't do **** for whites, so **** that Shabbos.
Speaker 5
02:50:02 I I I just don't even know.Devon
02:50:04 If there's gonna be enough of.02:50:05 Them I don't even know.
02:50:06 Like I don't know Florida.
02:50:07 Trump's still pretty big in Florida, right? There's the the exact kind of Republican that, like, that's the irony of the the DeSantis Trump match up is the exact kind of Republican that likes Trump lives in Florida.
02:50:22 But the exact kind Republican that likes DeSantis also lives in Florida.
02:50:27 I don't know.
02:50:29 We'll see. We'll see.
02:50:31 I think there's a lot of people that are just kind of done with it, you know, like Trump just seems.
02:50:35 Like, I mean, I don't know, it just it it's.
02:50:39 It's exhausting. Trump's just exhausting.
02:50:42 You know, like everyone, just.
02:50:43 Kind of tired of it.
02:50:45 I'm I'm surprised the left is still, they're still so full of of rage that they're they're that they, they want to keep it going, right?
02:50:54 Like Trump would have just gone away.
02:50:56 By now, right.
02:50:57 I don't think he would have he.
02:50:59 I I honestly if he if they if they would.
02:51:01 Stop bringing him up.
02:51:04 I think he would fade away into obscurity.
02:51:07 Yeah, he'd probably run again or whatever, but, you know, we saw his announcement speech when he announced that he was gonna run again.
02:51:13 That's that's that got nobody excited.
02:51:16 Not even the people that like Trump.
02:51:18 So it's, you know.
02:51:21 But this is this will breathe.
02:51:22 More life into his media presence.
02:51:27 I guess we'll see, like you said, I'm monitoring the situation.
02:51:31 We'll see what happens.
02:51:33 Our comment on hey Daniel, I read articles of refugees, migrants.
02:51:39 Of refugees slash migrant crisis. I always see the same comment from when you speak out against the mud invasion of the West.
02:51:48 Saying you mean saying?
02:51:52 You. Meaning what?
02:51:54 You, meaning Europeans, whites deserve what happens to you having to deal with these people getting your country is karma for us, coming in your country, you can only accept it's payback for all the bad things you did.
02:52:13 Such as slavery and colonialism, so even themselves unconsciously know that they are a net negative.
02:52:21 Yeah, no, they they know that we don't like it and they know they see it as basically reverse colonialism.
02:52:30 They see it as revenge.
02:52:33 They, which is why they they not only do they not feel bad about it.
02:52:42 That's why there's a vindictiveness about it.
02:52:47 That's why the the you know, we we you know, I love your white tears and and you know you you can never be truly on our side it's they they hate us that's the short version they they ******* hate us.
02:53:05 Returned ****** for $1.00.
Speaker 20
02:53:08 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 4
02:53:13 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
02:53:21 Viewpoints like yours Dev is genuinely important and such a shame that people like Nick still don't see this, despite the fact that he was much more harsher to Trump during his announcement to run.02:53:32 And I thought he'd seen the light, but he started warming up to him again for some reason.
02:53:38 One day you'll stream on.
02:53:40 Uh, yeah, what he said.
02:53:41 I don't know.
02:53:42 I don't know why I've never talked to him about it.
02:53:44 I don't know why he.
02:53:47 You know, I don't know why.
02:53:54 And here's the thing. If if your big thing if your big message is that you want a Christian country, Trump's like the last ******* guy you'd want in charge of that. You know, like Trump's not a real, actual Christian, he's not.
02:54:09 He's not at all.
02:54:11 And and I don't think that Nick.
02:54:13 Thinks that he is so I don't know.
02:54:19 Red truck can't wait for the conservative black reacts videos following Trump's arrest to galvanized the boomers. Yeah, that guy.
02:54:27 That, that, that, just eats ******* chicken wings.
02:54:30 Like, what's his name like Travis or Trevor or?
02:54:33 I don't know, some kind of Tyrone?
02:54:34 I don't know.
02:54:36 But he made a whole career.
02:54:39 Out of tweeting out.
02:54:40 Videos of himself eating hot wings and watching something.
02:54:44 I I I can never understand.
02:54:47 I don't.
02:54:47 I still don't understand.
02:54:48 Well, actually, I do understand.
02:54:50 It's it's it's a soothing thing for a boomer to observe a black person agreeing with them.
02:54:59 That's what it is.
02:55:01 When they see black people agreeing with them, it it all that because deep down I think they they they know.
02:55:10 You know, I think deep down they know.
02:55:13 They have to know.
02:55:15 They kind of know.
02:55:16 Like they'll they'll never admit to you or or even themselves.
02:55:20 Deep down, they kind of know they.
02:55:22 Have this like.
02:55:22 Gnawing fear, like, oh, maybe the whole civil rights thing was maybe a bad idea, you know, like maybe maybe we kind of like, you know, maybe that was a that was a mistake.
02:55:33 Maybe we kind of.
02:55:34 Screwed the pooch.
02:55:35 That one right?
02:55:37 But so they I think they always have that kind of just like you know that.
02:55:41 Doubt and every time they see a black person doing no, it doesn't have to be political. I mean it's that's that's like conservatives love it when it's political, but you've got you guys have seen on YouTube the the mountains and mountains and mountains of black people listening to boomer music for the first time videos. And they have like 1,000,000.
02:56:02 Views all of them have like a million ******* views and all it is a black guy like listening to Led Zeppelin and nodding his head.
02:56:08 Going ohh yeah.
02:56:10 This shit's cool.
02:56:12 And million views.
Speaker 7
02:56:14 Million views.Devon
02:56:18 So you know, it's a soothing thing.02:56:20 It soothes them.
02:56:21 They're like, oh, thank God.
02:56:23 Oh, thank God. Ohh they they they like Led Zeppelin. Everything's gonna be OK.
02:56:32 A murk or something.
02:56:34 Hey, Devin.
02:56:38 Hey, Devin, three years listener, first time supporter.
Speaker 17
02:56:41 You for your work.Devon
02:56:42 And your bravery, but best Vladimir?02:56:46 Well, I.
02:56:46 Don't know if I'm.
02:56:48 I I appreciate appreciate it for sure, but I don't know if it's bravery necessarily.
02:56:53 I just.
02:56:54 I just uh.
02:56:56 I don't know.
02:56:57 It was anger tonight a little bit.
02:57:01 I got a little I a little spicy.
Speaker 7
02:57:05 No, no, you know.Devon
02:57:05 It's not even anger.02:57:06 It was just.
02:57:07 Like there's just like, oh, it was exasperation.
02:57:10 That's that's.
02:57:11 What it is?
02:57:12 Tonight was not bravery.
02:57:13 It was exasperation.
02:57:16 And a little bit of boredom.
02:57:18 Like, come on.
02:57:18 Something happened for ******** micronova new food label certified kosher free.
02:57:27 You know, maybe maybe, uh, maybe we should do something like that.
02:57:31 Maybe we should have for those.
02:57:34 Look, I I don't know how many of you guys out there and there's lots of you.
02:57:37 There's 10s of thousands of you out there.
02:57:39 I don't know how many of you guys have products and stuff that you would sell like food products or whatever.
02:57:44 I would imagine that some of you guys, a lot of you guys are probably homesteaders or something.
02:57:48 Like that.
02:57:49 I really do think that we should have some kind of program where we're helping each other out, giving each other, you know, deals and stuff and setting up networks and and you know, maybe some of you guys have have stores and we could have our products sold in your stores.
02:58:04 I don't, I don't know.
02:58:05 I don't know that this is not.
02:58:06 My strong suit at all.
02:58:08 I this is what I'm bad at.
02:58:09 I'm terrible at the whole networking and and organizing and all that stuff.
02:58:14 That's not I just know it can be done.
02:58:16 I know, I know.
02:58:17 Stupid people do it and I just.
02:58:22 It's not more.
02:58:23 My talents lie, but there's people that are, that are, that are good at that and it would be nice to see.
02:58:29 Some more of that.
02:58:32 Polar Bear Odyssey's brother Augustine was a Jewish Freemason who converted to Christianity, wrote books on it, could be interesting, listen, random interview linked. Yeah, I've seen some of his stuff. He's now he's. I think he's orthodox or whatever.
02:58:48 You know.
02:58:50 Yeah, I I've seen some of this stuff.
02:58:52 I don't know that I've seen him speak specifically to the the Freemason stuff.
02:59:00 I've just heard them mention it and I know he wrote a book called The Masons and their Lies or something like that.
02:59:09 But I have not read that book.
02:59:12 But he does seem like he'd.
02:59:13 Probably be a good.
02:59:13 Resource for that sort of thing.
02:59:16 Red truck.
02:59:17 Perhaps it's worth exploring.
02:59:18 Starting our own company towns.
02:59:21 There you go.
02:59:22 Well, like the Amana cult, right?
02:59:24 Like the amanul.
02:59:27 Night makes review, for God's sake. Devin, get yourself an SSD drive to run your clips.
02:59:32 Off I thought I did.
02:59:34 Most of them are off an SSD.
02:59:36 Uh, I think with all these hard drives getting swapped around from all my computer failures, I must have.
02:59:42 When I first set this up, I must have just set it up on a from the backup of another.
02:59:49 You know, instance of of my streaming folder and I just haven't migrated them all over back to the.
02:59:56 The SSD, but yeah, it's annoying as ****.
02:59:59 Hemothorax Zine.
Speaker 1
03:00:05 Why is money management?Speaker 11
03:00:09 Where's the rest?Speaker 16
03:00:11 Thank you.Devon
03:00:12 See that one's on an SSD.03:00:14 Something I learned recently about the USS Liberty.
03:00:19 Is that the captain received the Medal of Honor?
03:00:23 But is the only person who ever earned this and have it presented by someone other than the president.
03:00:29 Instead of being the secretary, or instead being the secretary of the Navy and in secret too.
03:00:38 They should say everything.
03:00:39 Yeah, everyone knows.
03:00:41 Everyone knows what?
03:00:42 What was what was Johnson.
03:00:45 Was what?
03:00:46 What was it, Johnson?
03:00:49 That was present at the time.
03:01:06 What year is it?
03:01:11 What year was it?
03:01:13 Yeah, 67. It would have been Johnson, right?
03:01:19 You know it.
03:01:21 It doesn't.
03:01:22 It doesn't hurt when you're president because Mossad.
03:01:25 Killed the other guy.
03:01:30 So, you know, he had to, he had to pay him back for it somehow.
03:01:35 Hell if I.
03:01:36 Look, I wouldn't want Johnson to ******* pin him metal on me, so maybe it's better that way.
03:01:42 Guitar Hero 1356 weird **** question, but do you think it's normal to occasionally be attracted to certain men already?
03:01:50 I'm going to say no, especially your mentors.
03:01:53 I'm going to say no, I'm not even sure if it's an attraction or just deep admiration.
03:01:59 Well, you can admire people.
03:02:01 This occurs rarely.
03:02:02 And I would never think of doing gay sexual acts.
03:02:05 So doesn't make me a ******.
03:02:08 Well, if you have to ask, you know the answer is.
03:02:18 Yeah, yeah.
03:02:20 I don't know.
03:02:20 Guitar dude.
03:02:23 You might need to.
03:02:25 You might need to.
03:02:27 Find yourself a girlfriend.
03:02:31 And fast.
03:02:33 Uh. ********. Failure for $1.00.
03:02:37 You know what?
03:02:37 Because I already.
03:02:38 Have it here.
03:02:39 There we go.
03:02:41 If we need to defeat NWO, what a multi multipolar world?
03:02:45 Wait, if we can't defeat NWO?
03:02:49 What a multipolar world order.
03:02:54 All right.
03:02:56 It's hard to read these things sometimes if we can't defeat NWO when a multipolar world order be our next hope and before I hear it.
03:03:07 No, not every emerging powers controlled by Jews or is Israel.
03:03:13 Bombing Iran part of the plan because Iran arms Russia and Russia's equal Jews, worried that over paranoia will hurt us.
03:03:23 Not many movements succeed with out outside help.
03:03:29 When our multipolar world would be.
03:03:33 It is better for everyone except for the people in charge of of the the current superpower, which is not us.
03:03:41 So yeah, I mean, yeah, they were this way.
03:03:44 I think back to the the Revolutionary War.
03:03:47 If you want to look at it that way, the United States, the you know, the the people.
03:03:52 That, that fought.
03:03:54 Off the British didn't do so without anybody's help. You know, the French were heavily involved.
03:04:01 There was there were, you know, a lot of a whole lot of the enemy of my enemy is my.
03:04:06 Friend kind of stuff going.
03:04:07 On and I suspect if if things were to ever turn to that kind of a situation.
03:04:13 Again, similar conditions would exist, and that's about as specific as I think I can be.
03:04:21 Ah, let's see.
03:04:22 Here iron pill.
03:04:24 Listen to your last stream.
03:04:25 Wait and heard your bit about raising a family.
03:04:29 I'm a month from 36 and becoming a father for the first time. Well, congratulations. There's hope for us older men becoming late fathers yet. So best of luck.
03:04:40 And we're all behind you.
03:04:42 Starting a family, brother.
03:04:43 Well, I appreciate that.
03:04:44 And that's that's very cool.
03:04:46 Yeah, you.
03:04:47 Know the good thing about being a guy?
03:04:49 I mean, look, you can you, I mean, it's probably not the best idea to count on this, but you know, technically you can father children into your 80s now.
03:04:59 They'll probably have autism because a lot of people don't think about this, but excuse me, sperm, sperm quality.
03:05:07 It's not just egg quality that goes down.
03:05:10 I mean, look, I think it's more of a problem the egg quality going down.
03:05:14 I think there's a a sharper decline simply because just the the biology of it.
03:05:21 But sperm core goes down to.
03:05:24 And that that can affect, I think that's why.
03:05:28 Right.
03:05:29 Traditionally the first born.
03:05:33 Is always like the prized kid.
03:05:36 I mean or part of that, right, like they always, always the first born.
03:05:40 It's because that's when both parents were like at peak.
03:05:44 You know, performance in terms of physically producing a person, that's also the kids you pay the most attention to, probably because it's your first one and you know, everything's new and you're excited about it and.
03:05:58 Whatever, but.
03:06:01 It's also because I think that the the the the baby production factory parts start.
03:06:07 Wearing out after that too.
03:06:10 But congratulations, iron pill almost G if it wasn't for the white technology, the non white population would be one out of 10 of what it is, or 110th of what it is now. In case of the black population it wouldn't. It would be 120th.
03:06:29 In a way, our race is being punished for enabling the population growth, a form of karma and a sense of cause and effect.
Speaker 5
03:06:37 Well, that, that what?Devon
03:06:38 It is is.03:06:39 It was the sharing of the technology.
03:06:41 It was this idea that we should, and this has been a long time and a long criticized.
03:06:49 Aspect of whites that for whatever reason, we feel obligated to try to raise everyone else up to our level.
03:06:57 Everywhere we go.
03:06:58 I mean the the meme has existed for hundreds of years at least.
03:07:03 That when whites go and colonize that that's the thing and you never get the the problem is you never get thanked for it.
03:07:11 The whites will go colonize some third world shithole and install a bunch of, you know, infrastructure and raise the level of education and the standard of living, and then you'll get called the colonizer.
Speaker 2
03:07:24 For it.Devon
03:07:25 And then they start flooding into your country and say, well, we we deserve to come here because you went to our.03:07:31 Country and made it better.
03:07:33 And it's like, yeah, but you're not.
03:07:35 You're you're you're not doing the same thing we did.
03:07:38 You know, like we we didn't go to your country to, like, go to your your schools that didn't exist and to buy your products that didn't exist.
03:07:48 You know.
03:07:48 Like we went.
03:07:49 To your ******* **** hole country, because you probably had some kind of minerals or something we wanted, so we made things.
03:07:55 Kind of nice. I'm in in the process of extracting some of that stuff non 2022.
Speaker 19
03:08:11 When you're trying to save money.Speaker 3
03:08:13 A good rule to follow is to.Speaker 17
03:08:23 Take it from me, Jim.03:08:23 Neighbors little pay dividend.
03:08:25 Keep up the.03:08:26 Great work and spring the knowledge Devon 73.
03:08:31 73 to you as well, a nun.
03:08:35 ****** make winner.
03:08:41 Hey, I'm glad I could finally catch you live.
03:08:43 I really enjoyed your last stream.
03:08:46 A silver lining to chat.
03:08:47 GPT is that it will take many of the useless jobs occupied by women who should be raising kids instead of writing pointless spreadsheets.
03:08:56 That is true.
03:08:58 That is true and it'll, but it will also take a lot of men's jobs, like there's a lot of.
03:09:03 Well, the silver.
03:09:04 Line of that, though, is it'll take a lot of the the foreign workers jobs as well.
03:09:08 There was just the I mean, there was some guy, I think yesterday that said ChatGPT 4. He was trying to get some coding done and he and and he got a quote that it would take two weeks and $6000 or something like that.
03:09:24 And then Chet, GPT produced it for $0.11 in like 11 seconds.
03:09:31 So that's.
03:09:33 That for like.
03:09:35 And look, I haven't done any like real coding in a real long time.
03:09:40 Most of my work was design work and and you know that sort of stuff.
03:09:45 So I don't know even what the landscape looks like in terms of.
03:09:51 Of you know what kind of what kind of work freelancers are usually getting.
03:09:57 But the sense I'm getting just from the way it's being talked about is that a lot of these freelancers.
03:10:05 Are are basically getting automated out.
03:10:12 And that and that's not going to just be limited to just easy peasy.
03:10:15 I make WordPress websites or whatever you know what I mean?
03:10:24 Harmless G whites also created the transportation technology that allows non whites to travel to our countries in such large.
03:10:31 Members, even during the fall of Rome, the demographic changes of the Barbarians brought about were limited by transportation technologies of the time.
03:10:39 That's true, but I wonder how much there might have been a little bit little similarities just because the Romans did create like highways.
03:10:49 You know, obviously not, not with cars, but they they created roads where there were no roads, they created and maintain roads and trade routes and all that other stuff and that that kind of led to the same kind of a problem, just that a.
03:11:02 Much smaller scale, but you're right that all this technology that's being used, not just.
03:11:10 See, here's the thing.
03:11:11 We built their infrastructure, we gave the technology to get here, but they wouldn't even exist in the 1st place because a lot of times we gave them the technology that to produce.
03:11:22 The food that allows them to exist in the 1st place, right?
03:11:25 So it's yeah, I mean it's.
03:11:28 But that's what I'm saying.
03:11:29 They don't they don't like whiteness.
03:11:31 Don't let them have it.
03:11:33 Since clearly every time we we we produce these technologies, it seems to be.
03:11:40 You know a A.
03:11:41 It seems that like you know, our chickens seem to keep coming home to the roof.
03:11:45 So let's let's stop *******.
03:11:47 Doing it.
03:11:48 Let's stop ******* doing it.
03:11:50 Let them invent **** for a while.
03:11:51 Let's see how.
03:11:52 That goes red truck.
03:11:56 You have a YouTube link.
03:11:58 Have you seen the corn dog man?
03:12:03 No, I have not.
03:12:04 But let me just.
Speaker 7
03:12:05 See what this is?03:12:14 Sounds really weird the.
03:12:16 The Corn dog man.03:12:20 It's better not be something gay.
Speaker 3
03:12:42 I don't know who told you that, but we'll we will sell a colored man a boat just as quick as we will.03:12:51 We're colorblind down here.
03:12:52 There. Hell, they don't make a damn fair Vietnamese. They come from Brazil's. I don't give a ****, but whoever said that about me, I wish they'd come by and tell me themselves.
03:13:03 I'll sell a black man a boat quicker than a cat can lick his ***, and that's that's the way I feel about it.
03:13:10 I brought up that way.
03:13:12 We didn't know any prejudice.
Speaker 4
03:13:14 We were all.Speaker 3
03:13:15 Just brothers together and that's the way I feel about it now.Devon
03:13:22 Well, I don't.03:13:22 I don't tell.
Speaker 7
03:13:23 Me anything about it?Devon
03:13:30 I don't know.03:13:30 Maybe I'll check that out.
03:13:32 Wish I wish.
03:13:33 I wish the trailer said anything about I hate trailers like that.
03:13:38 I was just like, here's this random clip.
03:13:40 From the movie.
03:13:42 Alright, goodbye.
03:13:43 You're just like what?
03:13:45 And it's not even like, like, it doesn't really entice you.
03:13:47 It's just gonna like.
03:13:48 Alright, bye.
03:13:57 Alright, well Speaking of, goodbye.
03:13:59 We have reached the end of this evening's stream.
03:14:04 And before we hit the four hour mark this time.
03:14:08 Which is nice.
03:14:09 So all right.
03:14:10 Well, I'd like to thank all you guys for coming out here.
03:14:14 I'm going to shut it down and see why charro's been outside and yelling at the window.
03:14:19 For like 10 minutes.
03:14:21 Man, that, that, that that's going to be a heart attack eventually, especially once the snakes all wake up.
03:14:29 Want to start shooting rattlesnakes for them again?
03:14:38 Well, in the meantime, everyone just keep monitoring the situation.
03:14:43 Things can get fun.
03:14:44 Hey, look by by the time next stream, we'll know a lot of what's going on out.
03:14:48 Right. But we'll.
03:14:49 We'll see how interesting and fun the show ended up being if the if the patriot materialized.
03:14:55 And and whether or not they were alligators.
03:14:57 So alright, in the meantime.
03:15:00 For black pill lamb, of course.
Speaker 5
03:15:13 Right. You hear yourself? Why?Speaker
03:15:15 Are you?Speaker 16
03:15:15 Yes, Sir.Speaker 1
03:15:20 Shut up, man.Speaker 10
03:15:23 This little kid.Speaker
03:15:27 Right.03:15:34 Your hair like this do.
Speaker 10
03:15:37 Love you.Speaker 9
03:15:40 How are you?Speaker 3
03:15:43 Hey girl.Speaker
03:15:55 Stop yo.