03/20/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 Here are The Beach Boys.Speaker 2
00:04:16 I'm getting burnt.Speaker 3
00:04:17 Burning up and down the same Rd.00:04:19 I gotta find a.
00:04:20 New place where the kids are.Speaker 3
00:04:26 My pennies in need.00:04:27 Getting real well known.
00:04:29 Yeah, the bad girl.
00:05:00 My car cause it's never been beat and we never missed it with the.
00:05:04 Girls we meet.
Speaker 4
00:05:09 The guys go steady because.Speaker 3
00:05:10 It wouldn't be right.Speaker 5
00:05:13 Now on Saturday night.Speaker 3
00:05:32 Round, round.00:05:33 Get around.
00:05:34 I get around here.
00:06:06 Love is a burning thing.
00:06:12 And it makes a fiery ring.
00:06:19 Bound by wild desire to a burning Ring of Fire, I went down, down, down and the flames went higher.
00:06:25 I fell into a Ring of Fire.
00:06:39 Burns, burns, burns.
00:06:42 Paying of fire, the Ring of Fire.
00:07:03 I fell into a burning Ring of Fire.
00:07:07 I went down, down, down and the flames were fire.
00:07:12 And it burns.
00:07:13 Burns burn the Ring of Fire, the Ring of Fire, the taste of love is sweet.
00:07:26 One parts like collars feet.
00:07:33 I feel for you like a child.
00:07:41 But the fire went wild.
00:07:44 I fell into a burning Ring of Fire.
00:07:49 I went down, down, down and the flames were tired.
00:07:54 Barns, barns, barns, the ring expires the Ring of Fire.
00:08:03 To a burning Ring of Fire, I went down, down, down and the flames went higher and it's burns, burns, burn.
00:08:15 The Ring of Fire and it's Fern ferns Fern.
00:08:21 The Ring of Fire, a Ring of Fire, the Ring of Fire.
00:08:28 The Ring of Fire.
00:08:30 The rain of fire.
00:08:36 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.00:08:39 No, it's started.
00:08:41 It's lagging out there.
00:08:42 It's back, OK, it was lagging there for a second.
00:08:46 So far, no disconnection, but we do have some dropped frames tonight.
00:08:50 So again this is a reminder.
00:08:52 This is a this is night.
00:08:54 Two of testing out the space Internet.
00:08:57 I'm hoping that it holds up.
00:08:59 Because then we can do this at a more available time for everybody.
00:09:06 OK.
Speaker 4
00:09:08 So how you guys doing this?Devon
00:09:10 Uh, well, I guess now it's almost pretty much anybody.00:09:14 It's going to be at least Sunday.
Speaker 8
00:09:17 Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.Devon
00:09:20 We're going to be talking about some politically incorrect commercials.00:09:26 Politically incorrect.
00:09:29 And we're going to talk about perhaps.
00:09:32 What can we spot?
00:09:33 Like almost like spot.
00:09:35 The difference kind of a thing.
00:09:36 Right.
00:09:37 I think we're all familiar with.
Speaker 4
00:09:40 It's it's dropping connection.00:09:41 Again, it's not Internet, it's not doing.
00:09:44 So great tonight.
00:09:46 We'll be able to see kind of the difference between the ads that we're all familiar with today where the the men are are stupid, they can't do anything, their wives are are superhuman and able to do anything.00:10:02 Thing and usually having affairs with black men for some reason.
00:10:13 And you know, lots of interracial couples.
00:10:17 And all the like.
00:10:19 And now it's it's kind of funny.
Speaker 4
00:10:23 You look at.Devon
00:10:24 You can go on to YouTube or go in any you know, video platform and and do a search for politically incorrect commercials.00:10:32 And you look at them, you read the comments and the comments are always like, Oh my God, I can't believe how misogynist the.
Speaker 4
00:10:39 America used to be ohh.00:10:41 They'd never.
00:10:42 Get away with that now.00:10:43 And I do wonder.
00:10:46 I I guess rather I hope.
00:10:49 I hope that one day.
00:10:52 You know that our that our children will watch these interracial couple commercials and the the men are ******* idiots commercials.
00:11:00 And say holy ****.
00:11:03 I can't believe that that they got away with that back then.
00:11:06 I can't believe that's how it was back then, however, I suspect.
00:11:11 That might not be the case.
00:11:13 But anyway, I thought, you know we could lighten the mood.
00:11:17 Take a look at some of these.
00:11:19 Commercials from a time that we'll never come back.
00:11:24 Just being real with you guys.
00:11:27 A time that we were that we were that we were not made for for some reason that were not meant for, rather for some reason.
00:11:35 And maybe see.
Speaker 4
00:11:38 What might have changed?00:11:41 How has the culture changed since these aired?
00:11:44 All right.00:11:45 So let's take a look.
00:11:45 Well, let's.
00:11:46 Just dive right in.
00:11:48 And I and some of these, I haven't really seen.
00:11:50 I I just popped a bunch of these on the timeline.
00:11:53 And we'll so we'll react to the we'll react to these together.
00:11:58 So this first one.
00:12:00 I believe is for some kind of.
00:12:03 Office equipment or something.
00:12:05 So let's have a look.
Speaker 10
00:12:10 I can't type.00:12:13 I don't take dictation.
00:12:16 I won't sharpen pencils.
00:12:19 I can't file my boss calls me indispensable.
Speaker 11
00:12:25 Miss Jones.Speaker 10
00:12:26 Just a minute.Speaker 12
00:12:28 Will you make a copy of this naturally?Speaker 10
00:12:36 I pushed the button on the Xerox 914.00:12:43 I make perfect copies of whatever my boss needs by just turning it up and pushing a button.
00:12:49 Anything he can see I can copy in black and white on ordinary paper.
00:12:55 And am I fat?
00:12:57 I can make 7 copies in a minute.
00:13:00 By the way, I never need wet chemicals. My 914 is a dry machine powder dry. Sometimes my boss asks me which is the original and sometimes.
00:13:12 I don't know.
00:13:13 Here, Mr.
00:13:14 Smith, I'm going to lunch with mother.
Speaker 4
00:13:20 So that's the the horrible commercial.00:13:22 Oh my God.
00:13:24 Imagine that having a A bimbo secretary that doesn't know how to.00:13:28 Do anything but she's.
00:13:30 You know the the this machinery is.
Speaker 4
00:13:32 So wonderful and user friendly that even a.00:13:35 Stupid bimbo can do it.
00:13:39 And look, you wouldn't see this commercial.
00:13:41 These days, not at all.00:13:43 Not at all.
00:13:44 Why do you think that is?
00:13:47 Why do you think that is now?
00:13:49 When I worked in advertising we.
00:13:53 Did a little bit of like the history of advertising kind of thing and looked at how advertising had changed.
00:13:59 They didn't approach it quite like this.
00:14:02 But it was more of they they the the.
00:14:07 The message given in this in this, I guess training that I that I was in was that.
00:14:13 What companies realize?
00:14:17 Was that while men were?
00:14:18 Still, the breadwinners men were making all the money.
00:14:21 It was women doing the shopping.
00:14:25 And so they slowly started to.
00:14:27 Frame commercials.
00:14:30 So that they would appeal to women and not so much the.
00:14:33 Men. But this is before.
00:14:35 That decision was was made apparently.
00:14:38 All right, so move on.
00:14:39 Let's move to the next one here.
Speaker 2
00:14:42 Catches Charlie's eyes that makes his false weight.00:14:45 Here's the story.
Speaker 8
00:14:48 He gets hurt every time.Speaker 11
00:14:51 That's because wild root grooms clean as a whistle, quick as a wink.00:14:54 Works fast, disappears in your hair, grooms with no greasiness at.
Speaker 14
00:14:57 All that's why.Speaker 3
00:14:59 When Charlie sees a lovely girl, a girl.Speaker 11
00:15:02 Yours or mine?Devon
00:15:09 Now, this kind of commercial, I would say that we saw modern versions of this all the way up until fairly recently.00:15:16 You those of you that are older, you might remember like beer commercials in the 1990s, because this would be the exception.
00:15:24 These are the products made specifically for men, so they were made to appeal to men and that went on for quite some time.
00:15:32 Even, you know, axe body spray commercials, things like that.
00:15:36 They weren't.
00:15:37 They weren't misogynists, but they were.
00:15:39 They weren't making the men look like ******* idiots.
00:15:43 They weren't making the men look like ******* idiots and they were making the women look like sex objects.
00:15:48 They were because they were kind of appealing to the minds of men.
00:15:53 So nothing too crazy about this one.
00:15:56 Let's take.
00:15:56 A look at the next one here.
Speaker 15
00:15:59 Polyglass means more than mileage when your wife has to drive alone.00:16:31 When a woman is at the wheel, polyglass means more than mileage.
00:16:40 See now this one.00:16:42 I think honestly at the time that this was aired and if I had to guess, I don't know, I'd say probably early 70s just because it's in color and the music and everything.
00:16:53 Late 60s maybe.
00:16:57 But just by looking at this, what's really wrong with this commercial?
00:17:02 You know, like it it appeals to both people involved there, right?
00:17:07 Honestly, I think at the time that this aired, men would be thinking that's right.
Speaker 4
00:17:12 I want my wife to be safe.Devon
00:17:15 And women would probably.Speaker 4
00:17:16 Thinking the same thing, I want to be safe.00:17:19 But it's implying that women might not be as.
00:17:21 Good at driving as men.
00:17:23 And that you can't have that you can't have that.00:17:25 And it's funny because, you know, I've had.
00:17:27 I've had girlfriends that don't ever want to drive.
00:17:31 And they much prefer me, you know, driving than than they than having them drive around.
00:17:36 Even when it's their car.
00:17:41 Anyhow, moving right along.
00:17:45 No, they're driving one, I think.
Speaker 4
00:17:50 You know, I found for.Devon
00:17:51 Whatever reason and I'd like to, I I'd like to see, like maybe perhaps was it a ad agency that's responsible for this or maybe just the CEO's of?00:18:00 The companies that.
00:18:01 Involved, but one thing that I noticed over and over well, while getting these commercials is it was car companies that would make sense, right?
00:18:09 Cause who's making the purchase there?
00:18:11 You know, most women were not making the purchase with cars.
00:18:14 In fact, they weren't allowed to get financing for cars.
00:18:18 Women weren't allowed to get credit cards without their husbands.
00:18:22 Permission until the late 70s, like 19.
00:18:26 Well, actually, you know what the magical year when everything went bad in 1978. I think it's when that changed.
00:18:32 Or thereabouts.
00:18:34 So that makes sense, but the other one that doesn't make as much sense I guess, is coffee.
00:18:41 There's a lot of we're not going to watch all of them that I found because there's just so many of them.
00:18:44 But there's a lot of coffee commercials that are almost carbon copies of each other where they're just like, well, we'll see.
00:18:51 But first, let's take a look at this Volvo commercial.
Speaker 16
00:18:54 If your wife won't let you buy a Volvo.00:18:59 Let her drive one.
00:19:02 That'll really do the job.
00:19:10 Once she gets the feel of it, she might like knowing you're getting a car that in most cases lasts long enough to get people out of new car payments and into new furniture.
00:19:21 Payments or swimming pool payments or fur coat.
00:19:26 Of course, if she still seems to have some doubts, let her drive a Volvo with automatic transmission.
00:19:33 She'll feel right at home in there.
00:19:45 All right, well, once again.00:19:48 You know it's it's aimed towards men, but it's advertising a automatic transmission.
00:19:56 And the the whole the selling point is it'll be easier.
00:19:59 For your wife to drive.
00:20:00 Now, unfortunately, I think we live in a time when most men can't drive a standard transmission, which is ridiculous if you can't drive stick, you're not a real man.
00:20:08 I'm just saying.
00:20:10 And but that would make sense.
00:20:13 You know, most women would struggle with a standard transmission as compared to not most people, right?
00:20:19 And it's it's the selling point is make life easier.
00:20:24 On your wife, the horror.
Speaker 4
00:20:27 The horror that she would actually want to.00:20:29 Make life easier.
00:20:31 On your wife, but women.00:20:33 Can't have that because that implies that that things are more difficult for them.
Speaker 4
00:20:38 Nothing can be more difficult for a woman.Devon
00:20:41 All right, let's check out this next one here.00:20:45 Oh, this one was just funny.
00:20:48 This one is because there's a lot of these commercials too, too.
Speaker 4
00:20:53 With the Murphy.Devon
00:20:55 World the nerfing environment that kids grow up today, it's no wonder that they grow up like weaklings.00:21:03 I mean, just in the in the.
00:21:04 The the period of time that.
00:21:06 I've been on this earth, I've seen playgrounds evolve from, you know, the kind of metal slides that if you touch them.
00:21:12 In in.
00:21:13 Son, like you, you basically get third degree burns and there's no safety railings on the side if you fall down, you're basically going to get a broken arm or something like that.
00:21:24 And you know that that the only safety feature in the playgrounds when I was in elementary school was like sand and no sand.
Speaker 4
00:21:33 Not soft sand is not soft when you.Devon
00:21:35 Fall from like, you know, 8 feet.00:21:39 It still hurts like a *****, but everything was metal.
00:21:42 Nothing had padding on it, but in addition to that, when you got home, you didn't wear bicycle helmets.
00:21:49 No one wore bicycle helmets.
00:21:51 No one wears shoulder pads and knee pads.
00:21:54 And you know or pads.
00:21:55 Of any kind.
00:21:57 I think the only pads that we ever had.
00:21:59 We we had bike, our bike pads and that was more like a fashion statement.
00:22:02 We had pads on the bike that which served really no purpose other than to have like you know it was like a way of dressing up the bike a little bit.
00:22:14 Now. Well, I mean now.
00:22:16 It's not even safe to go outside.
00:22:17 So I guess a lot of this stuff is a little irrelevant.
00:22:21 But take a look at.
00:22:21 This toy imagine that this was like a normal toy, and lawn darts.
00:22:26 Remember lawn darts.
00:22:29 I can't believe they banned lawn lawn darts.
00:22:32 Was that really like an epidemic where kids getting impaled by lawn darts left and right?
00:22:38 And and if they are, isn't that just kind of natural selection running this course?
00:22:44 You know, I was talking to someone recently and I said.
00:22:49 Given the amount of of Western medicine, you know the technology that exists, you know, COVID vaccines aside.
00:22:59 Is it dysgenic employing all this technology?
00:23:05 In every instance, when it comes to trying to keep babies alive, like if you have a situation.
00:23:14 Where a baby, what in in the I don't want to say it like in the wild, but maybe like say 50 years ago, like in, you know, civil society but without the use of like, breathing machines and all this other stuff to keep people alive.
Speaker 4
00:23:30 Is it a moral imperative?Devon
00:23:34 To employ all of this technology to preserve the life of that child?00:23:40 Or is I mean not to be?
00:23:43 You know, cold and heartless about it, but is nature maybe trying to tell you something about that kid?
00:23:50 Is the high infant mortality rate that that has been?
00:23:55 Almost eliminate.
00:23:57 Because this technology is that feeding.
00:24:02 This decline, this dysgenic effect that we see in our people, is this producing some of these psychopaths?
00:24:11 That we see well, like, you know, everywhere.
00:24:16 You know, is this are these people people that would have just been kind of filtered out?
00:24:23 Filtered out naturally.
00:24:25 You know, nature would have.
00:24:26 Just, you know, they would have died in, in childbirth.
00:24:29 They would have died, you know, of whatever elements they have.
00:24:33 You know, these mutations that they have.
00:24:36 They would have been taken out because what happens invariably?
00:24:39 If they do survive.
00:24:41 And then they let's say for example they, they.
00:24:45 They meet someone who was also kept alive by technology, so they're basically they shouldn't be here and then.
00:24:51 And then the two of them breed and then.
Speaker 4
00:24:54 They make Super mutants, you know.00:24:57 Is that really?
00:25:00 Is that maybe a problem?
00:25:02 Is this something that maybe we should consider?00:25:05 Is this one of those things where just?
00:25:06 Because we can.
Speaker 4
00:25:09 That we should.00:25:12 And again, I don't want to sound cold.
00:25:13 And heartless about it.
00:25:16 But I and.
00:25:17 Everyone knows the story, I.
00:25:18 Don't know how true it is, but in the movie what it was in the movie 300.00:25:22 Where the Spartans were they, they, they they get their newborn babies and they leave.
00:25:27 Them what do they what do they do with them?
00:25:29 They like or I I forget the whole thing.
00:25:31 But like the there it was basically like a eugenic thing going on where they got their babies and like left them outside or or or something or put them in the forest or, you know, and if they die, they die.
00:25:40 They weren't strong enough.
00:25:41 Right.
00:25:42 And if they lived, they lived.
00:25:45 And I'm not saying that maybe we'd.
00:25:46 Do something proactive like that, you know?
00:25:49 Is it maybe something to consider that you know just because we can?
Speaker 4
00:25:55 You know, does that mean we should?00:25:59 Or at the very.
00:26:00 Least shouldn't we be making maybe childhood a little more dangerous?00:26:04 And I don't mean dangerous by having pedophiles everywhere, which is the kind of what's going on right now.
Speaker 4
00:26:10 But I mean like physically dangerous.00:26:16 Why should a toy like this not be?
00:26:18 A popular toy, let's have a look.Speaker 11
00:26:21 Motorcycles do it.00:26:24 Cars though.
00:26:27 Even trucks do it.
00:26:30 Now you can do it a real wheelie with wheelie bar, a wheelie bar just like the big tractors you wheelie bar is a precision engineered, permanent accessories made by whammo for bikes like Stingray, Wild cat and spiders.
00:26:44 It's made out of harden Chrome plated steel.
00:26:46 Take a real beating when you do a wheelie or lay a strip of.
00:26:50 Mother like this, but Wheelie bar isn't just for drinking, it's for exhibition riding too.
00:26:56 So see who can do the most tricks.
00:26:58 See who can go the farthest.
00:27:00 See who can have the most fun.
Speaker 4
00:27:03 Not only is that kid not wearing a helmet, they're.00:27:06 Not even wearing.
Speaker 18
00:27:11 They're not even wearing shoes.Speaker 11
00:27:13 Further, see who can have the most fun.00:27:16 Remember, you can't do a real freely without a wheelie bar and only one who makes wheelie bar.
Speaker 2
00:27:23 More fun from grammar.Speaker 11
00:27:28 So go with the big ones with wheelie bars sold wherever bikes are sold.Speaker 4
00:27:34 I kind of want a wheelie bar.00:27:37 Why can't I?
00:27:38 Have a wheelie bar.
00:27:41 You know, and actually the answer is quite simple.
00:27:54 I wonder wonder what group might disproportionately have affected.
00:28:00 The the products available to us.00:28:04 Through litigation.
00:28:11 You know, we always talk about, you know, how capitalism has run amok, right, like multicultural capitalism.
00:28:20 Basically, what ends up happening is if you have the people selling the products.
00:28:26 Feel like they really have.
00:28:27 No connection to the people they're selling them to.
00:28:31 They don't really feel bad.
00:28:33 If the products are bad, right?
00:28:37 They don't really feel bad if if.
00:28:38 If if the the products are are harmful or whatever, it really the only the really the only question.
00:28:46 The only question is does will this make money?
00:28:52 The only goal in capitalism and in multicultural society is maximizing profits at at any and all costs.
00:29:06 And we think about that and we think like well, that's why everything has gone to ****.
00:29:09 You have all these companies that are literally just making decisions based on profit.
00:29:16 With no concern or anything like that about what it's doing to the people buying of.
00:29:21 The communities that that.
00:29:25 That are affected by the product or even the employees.
00:29:30 That are manufacturing the product.
00:29:32 They'll pay people as little as possible.
00:29:36 They'll pay people just enough to where they don't or to where they they at least someone shows up.
00:29:41 To do the job right?
00:29:44 And that determines the salary.
00:29:46 You know, it's not like Henry Ford, where Henry Ford, you know, wanted employees that could actually afford to buy the cars that he was manufacturing.
00:29:55 You know Henry Ford, who actually felt connected to his people.
00:30:01 But no, we live in a we live in a multicultural society where they don't care that you're interchangeable.
00:30:09 And in fact.
00:30:09 If if look if if they want to lower the the salary so.
Speaker 4
00:30:13 Low that Americans.Devon
00:30:14 Don't show up to do the job.Speaker 4
00:30:16 That's OK.00:30:16 We'll just bring a.
00:30:17 Bunch of Mexicans in.00:30:18 To do it, they'll do it.
00:30:23 And they won't.
00:30:24 And when you hear, you know, Boomer specifically comment on this.
00:30:28 They don't say stuff like wow, you know, it's a shame that that company did such a poor job of providing for their employees that they had to go find outside work that they had to basically go find slave labor.
Speaker 4
00:30:44 No, instead they.00:30:45 Say, look at those hard working Mexicans.
00:30:49 Americans are so lazy now.
00:30:56 They've lost their heads.
00:30:57 These hard working Mexicans though.
Speaker 19
00:30:59 God love them.Devon
00:31:05 But not only did you have that.00:31:06 Kind of that kind of thing going.
00:31:07 On for the.
00:31:08 Last several decades, but.
Speaker 4
00:31:09 You also have the litigation end.Devon
00:31:17 You get, you get sued for little literally everything.00:31:20 If you're a company and and eventually you end up spending so much money on compliance.
00:31:25 Because of federal, federal and look, some of that's the other thing too, because the manufacturers stopped giving a ****.
00:31:32 About their people, that's it's almost that's what introduces this kind of thing into into the works.
00:31:41 You know, because you you cease to self police.
00:31:46 So then all of a sudden the the multicultural population is like.
00:31:49 Well, ****.
00:31:50 Your product is harming us.
Speaker 4
00:31:51 We need a new agency.00:31:53 We new regulations.
00:31:58 And Jewish lawyers are like we.Speaker 4
00:31:59 Need to sue and litigate.Devon
00:32:07 And eventually that, you know, just to be compliant.00:32:09 Just to run.
00:32:10 The company it creates so many new hurdles.
00:32:16 Then it makes it.
00:32:16 Impossible for just like the average guy to start his own company and start making stuff because there's so many stupid little checkboxes he has to check and each one of those checkboxes is another.
00:32:27 Check written to to.
00:32:28 Another agency or another lawyer, or, you know, some kind of safety consultant or who knows right.
00:32:44 I don't know the short version.
Speaker 20
00:32:45 Is everything's gone to ****.Speaker 4
00:32:50 I want wheelie bar I want.Speaker 18
00:32:51 A ******* wheelie bar.Devon
00:32:54 All right, moving right along.00:32:57 Oh, this one's good.
00:32:59 This one's this one's racist. So racist.
Speaker 21
00:33:06 Today, so I have exciting story to tell.Speaker 6
00:33:09 About the beautiful new.Speaker 21
00:33:10 Ford Mustang car and inside the car boy and mother and shopping bag and inside bags box of post rice crinkles and inside box of post rice crinkles.Speaker 22
00:33:22 Wow, mom boy, oh boy.00:33:25 There's a Mustang car inside the rice crinkles.
Speaker 2
00:33:28 Ohh no dear.00:33:29 The rice crinkles are inside their Mustang.
Speaker 22
00:33:31 But there is a Mustang inside the rice crinkles.Speaker 23
00:33:35 Oh, there is a Mustang inside the rice crinkles.Speaker 22
00:33:39 A Mustang just like ours and so.Speaker 21
00:33:41 Sugary rice crinkles give happy ending to story.00:33:45 Boy, get Mustang.
00:33:46 You do too.
00:33:47 Inside post rice crinkles.
00:33:50 Collect them all.
00:33:51 Convertible hard top and fastback.
00:33:53 Raise with your friends.
00:33:55 You go wrong wrong when you get Mustang car free inside post rice crinkle.
Speaker 4
00:34:03 Alright, so there's.Devon
00:34:04 A couple of things going on here actually, aside from the the obvious ******** guy.Speaker 4
00:34:08 This might be one of the.Devon
00:34:10 1st at least that I'm aware of.00:34:11 This is like this is what they call or they they used to call synergy, right?
00:34:17 They're actually advertising 2 products and I wouldn't be surprised if post didn't split the bill with four on this one.
00:34:24 Because they're, they're.
00:34:25 Obviously, advertising the Mustang like, oh, look at this Mustang.
00:34:29 It's awesome.
00:34:30 Ohh, yeah.
00:34:31 It's the brand new Mustang.
00:34:33 Yeah, good old Mustang, Mustang, Mustang.
00:34:35 And then at the end there even like, look at all the different kinds you can get.
00:34:39 You can get hard top soft top.
00:34:41 You know it's, you know, the the Mustang Mustang Free Mustang, real big on the box there.
00:34:48 But the in terms of the oh, it's so racist because.
00:34:51 There's the Chinese guy.
00:34:55 Here's what I have to.
00:34:56 Say to that.
Speaker 4
00:35:00 This is.Devon
00:35:01 A positive.Speaker 4
00:35:03 Not not.00:35:04 I mean it's not.
00:35:07 Negative for Asian people.00:35:11 Because by pointing out.
00:35:14 The the way that you like.
00:35:16 Look, you came to our society.
00:35:18 Your accent sounds ridiculous.
00:35:20 This is what it sounds like to us.
00:35:22 So what does that do?
00:35:24 That motivates them to assimilate.
00:35:27 No one wants to be the object of ridicule.
00:35:30 You don't want to hear a caricature of the way that you speak.
00:35:36 So you're going to try, you're going to.
00:35:37 Work on not sounding like.
00:35:39 That right, so it's a positive in that direction.
00:35:44 And again it's a positive.
00:35:45 For the the solidarity of the the the the group.
00:35:53 You know, looking at this other culture.
00:35:54 Is something different?
00:35:56 And look, it's not like he's not.
00:35:58 They're like.
Speaker 18
00:35:58 Oh, I'm so tiny.00:35:59 I'm so tiny.
00:36:01 Ohh, I'm so tiny.
00:36:02 Easy ohh you big white man.
00:36:03 Ohh, I'm just stupid Chinese, you know, it's.
00:36:06 Not like that.
00:36:08 You know, it's not like super ridicule.Speaker 4
00:36:11 It's just pointing out that like this is different.Devon
00:36:14 This is different.00:36:18 Alright, so anyway, moving right along.
00:36:19 Let's go to.
Speaker 19
00:36:20 The next one here.00:36:21 Ohh, you'll suck.
00:36:22 You're so you're so big and handsome white man.
00:36:25 Just stupid Chinese man.
00:36:27 With my rice crinkle.
00:36:30 Alright, here we go.00:36:33 Oh, this is going to be one of the.
00:36:34 Coffee ones.
00:36:35 There's a lot of these for some reason.
Speaker 10
00:36:38 Your coffee, Sir.Speaker 24
00:36:40 Thanks, beautiful.00:36:41 You're welcome.
00:36:44 How can such a pretty wife make such bad coffee?
Speaker 25
00:36:49 I heard that.00:36:54 Frank cracked about my coffee again.
00:36:59 I can't make good.
00:37:01 Good coffee is no problem if you use the coffee with better flavor.
00:37:06 Folgers coffee.
00:37:07 Yeah, Borges is different.
00:37:08 They blend a special and forges is mountain ground coffee mountain ground.
00:37:13 That's the richest kind.
00:37:15 You try it.
Speaker 24
00:37:17 Coffee, Sir. Ohh thanks.Speaker 23
00:37:19 Honey, you're welcome.Speaker 24
00:37:22 It's great, Hun.00:37:24 How can such a pretty wife make such great coffee?
00:37:29 I heard that.
Speaker 4
00:37:33 Oh, the horror.00:37:34 Oh my God.
00:37:36 She wants to make coffee.
00:37:39 That her husband likes.
00:37:40 Oh, my God, it's so terrible.
00:37:43 And she cares about what he thinks of her.
00:37:46 Ohh goodness.
00:37:48 So sexist.
00:37:51 And really, the other thing is.
00:37:53 Like look, she makes the coffee he's not, and he's not like a super **** ***** it.00:37:58 He has a compliment thrown in there.
00:38:00 He's like, how could such a beautiful wife makes make such he's not like.
Speaker 27
00:38:03 You ******* *****.Speaker 4
00:38:05 You go back to the kitchen right now and you make another *** **** cup you.00:38:09 Know it's.
00:38:10 He's being kind of fun about it, right?
00:38:14 And what does she do?00:38:15 There's the other thing that that's.
00:38:16 That's odd.
00:38:17 That strikes me about the this commercial.
00:38:20 She goes and asked her mom.
00:38:23 For advice now I think in my opinion, her mom gave terrible advice by saying just just ******* give them folders.
Speaker 4
00:38:31 Well, I guess.Devon
00:38:31 You know, if he likes it, whatever, right?Speaker 4
00:38:34 And and you know, she's like, oh, I'm I.00:38:36 I want to be a Good Wife.
00:38:38 I want to be a Good Wife, Mom.
00:38:41 Do you have any advice?
00:38:44 And she gets the advice and then she goes and uses it.00:38:46 Now here's the.
00:38:47 Other thing, this commercial was aimed at women.
00:38:53 This wasn't aimed at men, men.
00:38:55 Is the this commercial showing he's not the he?
Speaker 4
00:38:58 Doesn't know where the coffee comes from, right?Devon
00:39:01 He's just in the bathroom shaving and it gets handed to him and he's like ohh good coffee.00:39:07 And then he goes off to work.
Speaker 4
00:39:08 He doesn't. He doesn't go.Devon
00:39:09 To the grocery store and.00:39:10 Buy it and he doesn't make it.
Speaker 4
00:39:13 So who is this?00:39:13 Commercial for it's for the women.
00:39:18 Which means they're trying to make it relatable.00:39:22 To women.
00:39:26 So when this commercial area and again I don't, I I don't, none of these have years on.
00:39:30 Them so this I'm.
00:39:32 Guessing late 50s, probably late 50s, just based on like the appliances and hairstyles and everything, maybe early 60s.
00:39:46 But at that time, this was relatable to women.
00:39:51 I want not only to look.
00:39:53 Good for my husband.
00:39:55 And to bring him coffee.
00:39:58 But I want it to be coffee that he likes, and if he doesn't.
00:40:01 Like it, I'm going to be concerned.
00:40:06 And it seems perfectly reasonable that I'm going to go to my mother and ask her hey.
00:40:11 You know, how do I how do?
00:40:13 I fix this.
Speaker 4
00:40:13 Problem with my husband.Devon
00:40:16 And now pretty much every.00:40:17 Aspect is as normal as this is.
00:40:20 To my brain.
00:40:22 Every aspect of this commercial is is horrifying and shocking to the.
00:40:27 The modern woman, every every aspect of this.
00:40:31 It's just like a nonstop horror show the whole time.
00:40:35 What I should look nice for my husband?
00:40:38 I should worry about what he thinks about my looks.
Speaker 4
00:40:42 I should even I I should be.Speaker 18
00:40:44 Making him coffee.00:40:45 What the **** is this?
Speaker 4
00:40:46 He can't make his own damn coffee.Devon
00:40:54 If my mother talked to me like that, I would never ask for her for any advice.Speaker 4
00:41:00 What kind of woman?00:41:01 Is this look, she's she's sitting there like listening.
00:41:04 And beaming when when he enjoys the coffee.00:41:06 What? What a.
00:41:08 What a terrible.
Speaker 19
00:41:09 Person she is.Devon
00:41:13 All right. Moving right on.00:41:16 I don't know what which one this one is.
00:41:17 We'll find out together.
Speaker 5
00:41:20 Back to present the ancient Chinese pantomime just for fun of it.Speaker 18
00:41:24 Ohh more Chinese.Speaker 5
00:41:26 Back to present small Chinese Thai baby waiting for dessert.00:41:31 Chinese mother bling baby jello.
00:41:33 Famous western delicacy.
00:41:35 Poor Chinese baby he unable to tell if this jello.
00:41:40 Strawberry has belly Jelly, orange, lemon, lime, apple, black Raspberry, black cherry or clay.
00:41:47 Jenna, come in.
00:41:48 All 10 flavours.
00:41:50 Poor Chinese baby.
00:41:52 But Chinese must are bling, baby.
Speaker 19
00:41:54 Ohh Chinese celebrity.Speaker 5
00:41:54 Great Western invention.00:41:56 Spoon Spoon was invented for eating jello baby.
00:42:00 Fine, this is grape jello.
00:42:02 Deep, dark.
00:42:04 No flavor Chinese baby.
00:42:06 Very happy.
00:42:07 So and ancient Chinese pantomime is pretty good.
00:42:12 Commercial, no?
Speaker 4
00:42:16 It is a good commercial.00:42:18 And literally nothing's wrong with it.
00:42:20 Nothing's wrong.00:42:21 With it, it's a joke about trying to eat jello with chopsticks.
00:42:25 That's literally it.
00:42:27 That's the whole thing.
00:42:29 But now I.
Speaker 4
00:42:29 Can't have that.00:42:32 Can't imply that that.
00:42:35 That the cultural eating utensils of another group might be inferior when it comes to trying to eat jello.00:42:45 So yeah, all right.
00:42:48 Not much to say about that one.
00:42:49 Other than.
00:42:51 We don't have stuff like that because of faggs.
00:42:53 Here we go.
Speaker 17
00:42:56 Her idea of child raising was called permissive everything mine wasn't.Devon
00:43:02 Ah, a commercial about boomers.00:43:07 Or maybe raising the boomers.
00:43:09 I don't know.
00:43:11 This looks a little newer.
00:43:12 This looks a little more current.
00:43:14 It's in color.
00:43:16 Ah, this is at the earliest has to be.
00:43:19 Late 60s, so this is this is.
00:43:22 You know, this is about Boomer parents raising Gen.
Speaker 17
00:43:26 Her idea of child raising was called permissive everything.00:43:30 Mine wasn't woman, I said.
00:43:32 You've experimented with everything from my son to my coffee.
00:43:36 I want instant Maxwell House coffee.
00:43:39 Good to the last drop.
00:43:41 Maxwell House.
00:43:42 The instant that tastes like coffee.
00:43:45 Be a good little Maxwell housewife and don't experiment with my son or my coffee.
Speaker 4
00:43:54 We need this commercial.00:43:55 Again, now we can cut the we can cut the *******.
00:43:58 Coffee part out.Speaker 4
00:44:03 Woman, stop experimenting with my son.Devon
00:44:07 Again, it's a little creepy because it makes you wonder like this, this was a relatable thing.00:44:13 In this case it's it's clearly targeted the man.
00:44:17 But it's a relatable thing that means that that this would be something that most.
00:44:22 Men in the audience would be like.
00:44:24 I know, right?
00:44:25 My ******* wife.
00:44:26 She's experimenting with my son with these stupid hippie child rearing techniques that that's that's ******* ******** and she can't make coffee.
00:44:36 *** **** it.
Speaker 4
00:44:38 I mean, that's a.00:44:39 Little that's a little crazy.
00:44:40 It's a little crazy.
00:44:41 That that's.00:44:43 That was like the relatable scenario they decided to.
00:44:45 Go with.
00:44:46 That she's experimenting with your son.
Speaker 17
00:44:52 Her idea of child raising was called permissive everything.Devon
00:44:57 Permissive everything.Speaker 4
00:45:02 Oh, the monster had already entered the homes.Devon
00:45:06 The monster was already in American homes.Speaker 4
00:45:11 Permissive everything.Devon
00:45:14 And then that little boy grew up.00:45:17 To be a ******.
00:45:21 This is.
00:45:23 Like, that's a little shocking.
00:45:24 That's this is this.
00:45:26 See, this is the kind of commercials we need.
00:45:28 Now, yeah, like that.
Speaker 4
00:45:31 Is your wife turning?Devon
00:45:32 Your ******* kid into a ****** or a fagot?00:45:35 Well, tell her to stop.
00:45:36 Being such a ****, by the way, Maxwell coffee.
Speaker 17
00:45:41 Mine wasn't woman, I said.00:45:44 You've experimented with everything from my son to my.
00:45:48 Woman, I said.00:45:49 That's not a thing, too, honestly.
Speaker 4
00:45:52 Why is that?Devon
00:45:52 Such a bad thing, woman.00:45:57 Whenever you see that portrayed in movies or you know, something produced by left, they may get something analogous to, you know, back when or I guess something like similar would be when they have movies with the slaves.
00:46:11 Right. And the?
00:46:13 Old southern guys.
Speaker 4
00:46:13 Oh boy.Speaker 8
00:46:15 Boy, you better watch out, boy.Devon
00:46:20 And really, it's for the same reason, right woman?00:46:29 It's emphasizing.
00:46:32 A difference?
00:46:34 It's emphasizing and pointing out and highlighting.
00:46:38 A power imbalance.
00:46:42 That exist between the two people in the conversation.
Speaker 4
00:46:49 Stop experimenting with my boy.Devon
00:46:55 When you start out like that, you're starting out like.Speaker 4
00:46:57 Hey I'm in a position.Devon
00:47:00 Of power.00:47:03 That is above you.
00:47:06 And I'm going to emphasize that.
00:47:08 So that when the.
Speaker 4
00:47:09 Next, words that come out of my mouth.Devon
00:47:12 You listen and you listen.00:47:13 Good woman.
Speaker 4
00:47:17 Is that maybe something that needs to come back?00:47:21 It was a common way of speaking.
00:47:26 It was a.
00:47:26 Common way of interacting with women.00:47:28 I mean, I'm not at all times.
00:47:29 You weren't always constant, like all.
Speaker 4
00:47:31 Come here, woman. Woman.Devon
00:47:34 Go, go get the mail.00:47:35 Woman this but no.
Speaker 4
00:47:39 In certain instances.Devon
00:47:41 It was appropriate to remind them.00:47:48 Stop experimenting on my boy.
00:47:52 By the way, get us some Maxwell House.
Speaker 17
00:47:59 I want instant Maxwell House coffee.00:48:01 Good to the last drop.
00:48:03 Maxwell House.
00:48:05 The instant that tastes like coffee.
00:48:07 Be a good little Maxwell housewife and dog.
Speaker 4
00:48:11 Be a good little Maxwell housewife.Devon
00:48:15 And don't let our son be a ******* ******.00:48:24 We'll both be happier in the long run, trust me, woman.
Speaker 17
00:48:30 Experiment with my son or my coffee and I.00:48:33 Love you a lot, Maxwell House.
Speaker 4
00:48:35 See and then after the tough.00:48:37 You know, he slips and and I love you a lot.
00:48:40 Don't worry, you know, it's not.
00:48:42 This isn't.
00:48:42 Out of hatred.
00:48:45 This is there's nothing violent about what I'm saying.
00:48:47 It's just, you know.
00:48:48 Like, hey, hey, hey, hey, woman.Speaker 4
00:48:52 You listen here, woman.Devon
00:48:56 All right, now I got.00:48:56 Your attention.
00:48:57 I love you.
00:48:58 I'm sorry.
00:48:58 You know, I'm sorry you made me do that.
Speaker 4
00:49:05 I don't know, I think I.00:49:06 Think we need to bring that back.
00:49:08 I think we need to bring it back.Speaker 19
00:49:11 All right, let's go.Devon
00:49:12 Let's go to the next one.00:49:16 Hmm, not sure what this one is, but.
Speaker 19
00:49:18 Let's have a look here.Speaker 29
00:49:21 Eyes are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.Speaker 9
00:49:28 She uses Maybelline, Maybelline.Speaker 14
00:49:33 And your eyes, too, can be beautiful when you use Maybelline. It's so easy. Start with Maybelline's new automatic eyebrow pencil. Use short feathery strokes accent the natural line of your brows soften.00:49:47 The effect with your fingertips see how much more personality shows in your face.
00:49:52 Now the most important step of all velvety smooth Maybelline mascara brush up and up every woman needs mascara because even brunette lashes are light at the tips.
00:50:04 With Maybelline, your eyes look larger, so much lovelier.
00:50:08 Even pale, skimpy lashes look longer, more luxuriant.
00:50:12 See before Maybelline and after.
00:50:16 See why the loveliest eyes in the world use Maybelline in such perfect taste.
00:50:21 New Maybelline automatic eyebrow and eyeliner pencil.
00:50:25 Maybelline eyeshadow Maybelline solid or cream mascara and for added.
00:50:32 Now I I'm almost one of the things already jumps out of me is the prices of everything.00:50:38 This is like maybe that's like the the name brand stuff.
00:50:41 This is all made in America kind of stuff and.
00:50:45 So far, the only that cost more than a dollar.
00:50:47 Is is the stupid eyebrow thing.
00:50:50 But yeah, all right.
Speaker 14
00:50:52 Beauty maybellines new professional eyelash curler and precision tweezers.00:50:56 Why don't you try Maybelline?
00:51:06 Oh my God.00:51:06 How dare you imply that you should do things to make yourself more?
00:51:10 Attractive. See yet yet again.
00:51:12 Now, look, I I'm not a big.
00:51:14 Fan of the.
00:51:15 The caked on makeup look or or even like the like. I'm a fan of like the the Black and white photography of women from the 1950s.
00:51:26 You know that that whole look or whatever and and even like that you see like the, like the drawing that's in the the the thumbnail of this of this video stuff like that.
00:51:35 But the women that try to actually look like 1950 with like the the dark red, you know, lipstick and the you know it's I'm not a fan of that but but in the context of the time that this was.
00:51:55 Notice the difference?
00:51:57 And I remember in the 90s, in fact, I think it was Maybelline.
00:52:02 You started hearing a different it was.
00:52:06 It wasn't.
00:52:06 Hey, look pretty so that you can attract a man look pretty for a man.
00:52:13 You heard stuff more like do it for yourself.
00:52:16 So you feel better about yourself.
00:52:19 Do it for you.
00:52:20 Have a you day.
00:52:24 It's a totally different way of of.
00:52:27 Of framing it.
00:52:30 And again, it's one of those things where.
00:52:32 Was that something that motivated women to start being more self-centered and thinking about everything that I do? I'm doing for me? I'm not doing it for someone else.
00:52:42 And so therefore, if I don't.
00:52:43 Feel like doing it?
00:52:44 It's fine that I.
Speaker 4
00:52:45 Don't do.00:52:45 It because I'm not doing it.
00:52:47 For I'm just doing it for me.
00:52:50 So why does it matter?00:52:52 I'm OK with looking like a, you know, a slob.
00:52:56 So **** ***, right?
00:53:01 Whereas back then and.
00:53:02 She's clearly not doing it for herself.
00:53:05 There might be, you know, some self esteem wrapped up in that.
00:53:08 But like that self esteem, quite frankly, it's probably based on you know these guys here that are being attracted to her.
00:53:16 So I do wonder.
00:53:16 Like how much of this this switch that you saw in advertising from oh, you know, make sure you wear your makeup nice so that you look good for the boys.
00:53:27 And now it's switched to.
00:53:29 Oh, you feel good about yourself.
00:53:31 Feel like how much of that was?
00:53:35 A motivator in the behavior and how much of that was just, you know, reflecting.
00:53:42 The behavior.
00:53:45 You know, I was reading.
00:53:46 What was it? I forget the name of the book now, but it was basically about boomers and one of the things that the author theorized that had an effect on the psychology of the boomers being more self-centered.
00:54:02 Was that because they had so much money, right?
00:54:06 And mostly because.
00:54:08 You know, like the economy is just really, really good.
00:54:11 But you also had, like, the spoils of war.
00:54:13 Like all the World War 2 contracts.
00:54:15 And, you know, the fact that our country wasn't blown to **** but everybody.
00:54:18 Else's was.
00:54:19 And so you just had tons of ******* money and all of a sudden, in the same way that, you know, they shifted from going with advertising to men to going to advertising, you know, to women because they were the ones spending the money.
00:54:35 A lot of companies around the same time started shifting from.
00:54:40 Selling to adults.
00:54:42 To selling to the children that were spending their, you know, adult parents money.
00:54:49 And they discovered that telling them how great they.
Speaker 4
00:54:54 Were all the time.00:54:55 Was a great way to attract money to your product.
00:55:01 So you had a lot of commercials, especially like in the 70s and 80s, especially in the 70s and 80s?00:55:09 Where you not only would you see that that change in narrative of like, oh, do it for yourself.
00:55:15 Do it for yourself, but telling.
00:55:17 You how great you were the whole time, like.
00:55:18 Oh, I know.
00:55:19 You're a ******. You're awesome.
00:55:22 But think of how awesome you'd feel if you were also using our product at the same time.
00:55:29 You ******* awesome ****** ******.
00:55:31 You know, it was stuff like that, like it was no longer because it was it was.
00:55:37 It was.
00:55:39 Appealing to the narcissism.
00:55:41 But it was also a fueling.
00:55:43 The narcissism.
00:55:46 So that, that's that's one thing I have.
Speaker 4
00:55:48 I do have some commercials.Devon
00:55:49 From like the 80s that we can take if we have time.00:55:52 We can take a look at they're from Canada though, so I don't know if that really counts since they're not like a real country anyway.
00:55:58 But the we can take a look at them anyway.
00:56:01 There's a couple of things that are in.
00:56:02 There that are maybe useful to take a look at.
00:56:05 OK.
00:56:06 Oh, here we go.
00:56:07 Another Mustang commercial.
Speaker 4
00:56:12 My my dad, I.Devon
00:56:13 I have been in several Mustangs.00:56:15 My dad used to work for Ford.
00:56:17 And to make extra money on the side, he would.
00:56:21 Old Mustangs.
00:56:22 When I was a kid, so we always had like 3 or, like, almost white trash style.
00:56:26 We also we always had like 3 or 4 Mustangs on the property and in, in various levels of restoration at any given moment.
00:56:34 And that they were never nice looking because the second they got nice looking.
00:56:37 He sold them you.
00:56:38 So we always had these beat up ******* Mustangs.
00:56:42 But here we go, Mustang.
Speaker 30
00:56:44 A whole new way to swim.Speaker 31
00:56:47 Now get ready to swing again. Mustang 69.Speaker 30
00:56:52 About Mustang sports, rule now priced as low as the hard top and all new from the rear deck spoiler to the front fuel headlights.Speaker 31
00:57:00 If you buy a new Mustang, you'll have goals.00:57:03 Constantly calling you.
Speaker 21
00:57:04 In New Jersey, the number is Bigelow 2, not.Speaker 30
00:57:08 You name the style Mustangs.00:57:10 Got it.
00:57:11 There's luxury in the roomy new Grande.
Speaker 31
00:57:14 If a Mustang Grandi married an Indian Prince, would it be?00:57:18 Called Mahatma grandis.
Speaker 4
00:57:26 It's such a weird joke.Devon
00:57:28 To have in the commercial.00:57:30 Oh, it's so racist.
00:57:31 How dare they?
00:57:33 How dare they have a joke about Gandhi?
Speaker 32
00:57:36 That's, that's that joke.Devon
00:57:40 So it's just seems randomly placed but alright.Speaker 30
00:57:43 Things got it.00:57:44 There's luxury in the roomy new Grande.
Speaker 31
00:57:47 If a Mustang Grande married an Indian Prince, would it be called Mahatma Grandi?Speaker 30
00:57:54 There's a hot new Mach 1 coming on with all out performance.Speaker 21
00:58:00 Hey, that mark one Willie cuts it.Speaker 4
00:58:04 Hey, what are you doing in here?00:58:09 How'd you get in here?
00:58:13 And it had it had begun in 1969, of course.Speaker 8
00:58:17 That mark the knife.Speaker 30
00:58:20 Mustang 69 at your Ford dealers now.Speaker 15
00:58:32 This flat tire needs a man, but.00:58:37 When there's no man around.
Speaker 12
00:58:51 When there's no man around.Speaker 13
00:58:56 Goodyear should be.Speaker 4
00:58:59 Again. Oh no.00:59:01 Wouldn't want, because who's going to be?
00:59:02 Making that that purchase, right, who's going to be buying the tires?00:59:06 It's it's not going to be the wife, right?
00:59:07 It's so.
00:59:09 How dare they appeal to a man's desire to keep his wife safe?
00:59:17 And again, how?
00:59:18 Many people can ******* change a tire these days.
00:59:21 You know, men or women.
00:59:23 You know probably about the same amount of people that can drive a stick.
00:59:28 So it it?
00:59:29 Yeah, it wasn't something and.
Speaker 4
00:59:32 And why? Why?Devon
00:59:33 Should women have to know how to?00:59:34 Change a tire.
00:59:38 I mean, I guess nowadays it's a safety issue.
00:59:40 I would definitely want my my wife to know how to change a tire just because I wouldn't want her to depend on some stranger that that, you know.
00:59:49 Might. Might.
00:59:51 Seemed like a Good Samaritan, but has ulterior motives.
00:59:56 But in a high trust society, you know, usually you're going to be OK.
01:00:01 All right, so here we go.
Speaker 14
01:00:04 Why watch this?Devon
01:00:08 We got it, we got it.01:00:12 Alright, it's the.
Speaker 13
01:00:14 Some people who don't worry about dandruff ought to Pam, for instance, good looking girl until you look close.Devon
01:00:29 Good looking girl until you see the ******* snow banks on her shoulders.Speaker 13
01:00:35 Never occurred to her that behind her back people were thinking to hand her.01:00:41 Of course some people just can't hide their thoughts.
Speaker 10
01:00:44 Look, Mommy, that Lady and Sandra.Speaker 13
01:00:51 Pam got the word, started using head and shoulders the most effective dandruff shampoo you can buy.01:00:58 Had everything or other shampoo had too nice leather.
01:01:02 Nice smell, beautiful way of handling hair.
01:01:06 Pam just made head and shoulders her regular shampoo.
01:01:10 And of course, it really worked on her dandruff.
01:01:13 You can imagine what he's thinking now.
01:01:16 Pretty hair.
01:01:21 That's how crazy.01:01:23 See, there's actually nothing.
Speaker 4
01:01:24 Wrong with that commercial.Devon
01:01:25 At all.01:01:25 But that's how crazy ******* feminism feminism is.
01:01:29 The fact that women should even care.
01:01:31 What men think?
01:01:34 The patriarchy.
01:01:37 It's misogynistic to think that that women should even.
01:01:42 And all consider how they're perceived by men.
01:01:48 That's insane, because this was again, this was in a compilation of, like, sexist commercials.
Speaker 4
01:01:53 It's like, what are you talking about?Devon
01:01:57 Like it, it's about dandruff.01:01:59 Just and.
Speaker 4
01:02:00 Just because some of the.Devon
01:02:01 Some of the people noticing are men.01:02:08 Can't have that.
01:02:09 It's ******* sexist.
Speaker 13
01:02:13 Maybe you ought to think about it.Speaker 10
01:02:16 I can't type.Devon
01:02:19 Already watched this one.01:02:21 Let's see here.
Speaker 3
01:02:25 Yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.Devon
01:02:30 This is 1970. Barbie, huh? Let's see.Speaker 33
01:02:37 Suddenly Barbies movie like you move.01:02:47 Suddenly, she's a new living Barbie, moving more naturally, looking more lifelike than any other fashioned doll.
01:02:55 Suddenly she's posing as though she's walking, running bendy.
01:03:05 Holding cherry humbling.
01:03:10 Suddenly she was a noob.
01:03:12 Living Barbie, acting more like a real teenage.
01:03:16 Well, I don't know this is.01:03:17 Sexist, but I'll tell you why I'm not.
01:03:18 Not down like the little.
01:03:19 Girl in the miniskirt.
01:03:20 But you know, whatever, let's.
01:03:23 Continue on where's where's the sexist part?
Speaker 33
01:03:26 Bigger than ever before, suddenly she's a new living Barbie, wearing special new costumes, more easily, more gracefully, more glamorously.01:03:37 Suddenly she's doing things only a living Barbie can do.
Speaker 10
01:03:41 Wow, she's real like me.Speaker 33
01:03:43 She's the new, the one and only the true living Barbie.Devon
01:03:49 OK, I I don't get it.01:03:51 I don't get how that's sexist at all.
01:03:54 Because Barbie can now bend her arms.
01:04:00 Like I said, the only I didn't like was the the what I saw is the inappropriate 1970s miniskirt ******** on the little girl. But you know, maybe there weren't as many pedophiles back then.
01:04:13 I I don't know.
01:04:16 But uh yeah.
01:04:18 I guess I guess just the very concept of Barbie having some kind of standard of beauty in a in a toy, that's where it's sexist.
01:04:27 You know, we should have.
01:04:28 The fat, ugly Barbies they actually have those now.
01:04:33 Let me take a look.
01:04:34 I think I've seen.
01:04:38 Like they got like fat wheelchair lesbian.
01:04:41 Barbies, now I'm sure.
01:04:44 Oh, God. Oh gone.
01:04:46 OK.
01:04:48 You want to see?
01:04:48 A uh.
01:04:53 This is the. Let's see.
01:04:55 If I can find a better res 1.
01:04:58 I can't believe that that's real.
01:05:06 Ohh man.
01:05:11 What the **** are they doing?
01:05:14 All right, let me pull this up here.
01:05:29 I mean.
01:05:30 I don't really.
01:05:31 I I get it.
01:05:32 I don't really care that much.
01:05:34 Because it's.
01:05:37 You know, it's a Barbie doll.
01:05:39 But still.
01:05:45 Is this real? I don't.
01:05:46 Know this is real.
01:05:46 I bring this up anyway.
01:05:49 Where are you at?
01:05:50 Or you have file I downloaded.
Speaker 28
01:05:58 We're ready to go.Devon
01:06:07 It's not coming up anyway.01:06:08 They've they've got fat Barbies, Google Fat Barbie.
01:06:10 Sometimes I can't.
01:06:11 I'm not going.
01:06:12 To waste any more time on this.
01:06:14 Alright, stupid fat Barbie.
01:06:19 Let's see what's next here.
Speaker 34
01:06:25 Hold the grapes, the names goofy grape.Speaker 23
01:06:27 Right.Speaker 34
01:06:29 But why they call me goofy?01:06:30 I don't know.
01:06:32 Yes, Sir.
01:06:33 I'm one of the new funny face drinks from Pillsbury.
01:06:40 One of the new funny face.
01:06:43 I think this one they're trying to say makes fun of *******, but there's nothing really.01:06:47 I think I have seen that commercial that doesn't.
01:06:49 Make any.
01:06:49 Sense alright, take a look at this one I haven't seen.
01:06:56 Can't make fun of *******?
Speaker 10
01:07:01 I'm Caroline.01:07:02 Try me.
01:07:04 I'll take you on a trip you'll never forget.
01:07:06 I'll bring you your lunch.
01:07:08 I'll hang up your coat for you and let you watch movies.
01:07:11 I'll take your little mind offline by the time I finished, you won't even know you've been on an airplane because that's exactly what will have happened.
01:07:19 Because I work in an acne car.
01:07:22 As a Hostess, so come on down to acne.
01:07:26 And while your car is being washed, Caroline, clean you out too.
01:07:33 Wait, what? All.01:07:33 Right, this this one's not sexist. This one's just pornographic.
01:07:42 Alright, I guess this one's degenerate. I'll. I'll give them that. This was degenerate, but not for the reason that.
01:07:48 They think all right.
01:07:53 Ah, alright, let's go to the next one.
Speaker 8
01:07:55 Here, your squad is ready for you to lead them through with Johnny 7 OMA.Speaker 4
01:08:07 Now I think we.Devon
01:08:07 Might have gone over this one before.Speaker 4
01:08:09 This is like.Devon
01:08:10 The most ****** toy I've ever seen.01:08:13 And they used to make toy guns.
01:08:15 You know, it's ****** **.
01:08:17 You know, they used to make realistic looking toy guns, cap guns you could buy at the ******* supermarket.
01:08:24 Like they every every supermarket sold cap, guns and caps.
01:08:29 And you know, the guns looked real.
01:08:31 I mean, they were small.
01:08:33 They were too small, but they they looked real.
01:08:35 And I and I.
Speaker 4
01:08:37 I think it it wasn't until I think.Devon
01:08:39 What happened if this could be like an urban myth or whatever?01:08:42 But when when I was a kid.
Speaker 4
01:08:43 The story I was told about like why we couldn't do it anymore.Devon
01:08:47 Was some ******* black kid jumped out of a Bush or something and blasted his cap gun at a cop and the cop shot him.01:08:55 Because he thought he was getting shot at.
01:08:59 So yeah, again.
01:09:03 That's another thing ruined a miss cap guns.
Speaker 8
01:09:08 Fire grenade.01:09:09 Bullseye for Johnny seven.
01:09:11 Watch out.
01:09:11 Tank fire.
01:09:13 Any armor, shell fire.
01:09:15 Anti tank rocket.
01:09:18 Johnny Sevens got him on the run.
01:09:21 Johnny 7 fires bullets like a rifle, fires like a Tommy gun.
01:09:26 Now it's a cap firing pistol you've won with Johnny 7, the one Man Army gun.
01:09:32 It's seven guns in one.
01:09:33 Let's count them.
01:09:34 One is a grenade launcher, two anti armor gun, three anti tank gun, 4 bullet firing rifle.
01:09:42 High Tommy Gun 6 anti Bunker Gun 7 cap.
01:09:47 Wearing pistol, there's no other gun like it, to be sure.
Speaker 4
01:09:51 So that's pretty, that's kind.Devon
01:09:52 Of ******, like if I was a kid, I would definitely want that.01:09:55 I don't know why this is politically incorrect.
01:09:56 This is like the exactly the kind of toy I would want.
01:10:00 Alright, let's see what we got here.
01:10:02 Or is that sound different?
01:10:03 Alright, here we go.
Speaker 20
01:10:07 You ready?Speaker 29
01:10:11 The Barbie bubble bath you have to put it together.01:10:14 Magical Barbie Doll sold separately.
Speaker 10
01:10:17 Mini Bubble time runs off now.01:10:23 Really work.
01:10:26 Pretty bad.
Speaker 14
01:10:26 Maybe I should try a Barbie bubble bath.Speaker 29
01:10:30 Body Bubble bath comes with everything shown Sachiko Bobby doll from separately.Devon
01:10:35 I don't know what I don't know.01:10:36 What's so?
01:10:37 Bad about that other than you know.
01:10:45 Let's see what we got here.
Speaker 35
01:10:50 I bought the fresh stick just as you told me.01:10:55 You're absolutely right, it's neat and quick and it goes on dry.
01:11:00 It did make me feel cool and sweet, just as you said.
01:11:03 I did everything you said, but my boss still hasn't asked me to lunch.
Speaker 30
01:11:08 Unlike some deodorants, fresh doesn't guarantee you'll get ahead in business.01:11:12 All fresh does.
Speaker 14
01:11:13 Keep you fresh.Speaker 35
01:11:15 When you think of it, that's quite a lot.Devon
01:11:20 But my boss still hasn't asked me out to lunch.01:11:23 I'm so mad.
01:11:27 You know, it's funny.
01:11:28 Like that was actually that.
Speaker 4
01:11:30 Was not an.Devon
01:11:30 Uncommon marriage strategy like getting a job because that puts you around the men.01:11:36 In fact, I think even like in.
01:11:40 What was that show called the?
01:11:41 Show about the 1950s Mad Men.
01:11:44 That was that was even reflected in those characters.
01:11:48 A lot of the women that were secretaries or I mean, look, obviously there was a lot of infidelity and she like that going on.
01:11:54 But like in the.
01:11:55 Beginning of the the show, they.
01:11:57 When they introduced those characters, they even say things.
01:12:00 Like, well, I thought this would be.
Speaker 4
01:12:01 A good place to find a man.Devon
01:12:03 And that's something.01:12:04 I've seen over and over and over.
01:12:05 Again in movies.
01:12:06 And other media from that era that the women that found jobs.
01:12:13 Found jobs to meet a man, get married and then they.
01:12:15 Never worked again.
01:12:17 Like so, they were just receptionist or, you know, something that just put them in the office, put them in the environment where the men were.
01:12:26 Especially if you live in a city, right?
01:12:27 Like that's you.
01:12:28 Know that's where you're going to meet guys.
01:12:30 That have jobs, you know, like it's at a job.
01:12:35 And so they.
01:12:36 Do clerical work.
01:12:37 Or, you know, whatever.
01:12:38 They'd get married and quit.
01:12:41 So they could.
01:12:41 Start their family.
Speaker 4
01:12:44 That was a perfectly normal sexual strategy.Devon
01:12:50 But now it's it's the horror, the.01:12:52 Horror that she.
01:12:53 Actually wants her boss to ask her out.
01:12:57 This is another Barbie one.
01:12:58 Is this the same one?
Speaker 19
01:13:03 I don't know.01:13:04 Let's not watch another Barbie one.
01:13:12 I don't know this is long.01:13:12 Maybe this is creepier than I I'm thinking.
01:13:15 I don't know.
Speaker 13
01:13:15 Let's tell you.01:13:16 Look, have you heard what's happened?
Speaker 6
01:13:19 Barbies chain Barbies, new and different.01:13:23 She's the very same size, but now she comes with a groovy outdoor look and Barbies.
01:13:28 Lashes are really for real and even her face has changed.
01:13:32 Best of all, the biggest news of all is the way Barbie moves the new Barbie twist.
01:13:38 The new Barbie turn.
01:13:40 What did you like?
01:13:41 The new book?
01:13:48 Alright, I'm not slowing down.01:13:49 Whoever added that or posted this did that for some reason.
Speaker 21
01:13:54 You like the new party?Speaker 10
01:13:56 But what do I do with my old Barbie?Speaker 6
01:13:59 What do you do?01:14:00 Here's what you do.
01:14:00 Just take your old Barbie before.
01:14:02 It's too late and.
01:14:03 Run, run, run to the toy store, then trade it to the man with $1.50.
01:14:06 That's less than half what you normally pay and.
01:14:09 Look what you get.
01:14:10 New Barbie for less than half price.
Speaker 20
01:14:12 But better hurry up.Speaker 8
01:14:13 First come first.Speaker 6
01:14:14 There's a limited supply at this special low price, so take your old Barbie and a dollar and a half and trade.01:14:19 Them for the Barbie who's new.
Speaker 10
01:14:22 Trading your old Barbie today while you can still get the new Barbie for less than half price.Speaker 4
01:14:29 $1.50.Devon
01:14:31 And then there's like nothing for $1.50 even like does really cheap fake Chinese Barbies in like dollar stores are are more than $1.50 you ever notice that dollar stores like almost have nothing? That's a dollar anymore.01:14:49 Their dollar stores in name only.
01:14:52 All right, so this is.
01:14:55 Next up, we got some.
01:14:58 A couple.
01:14:59 Wait, why is that doing that?
01:15:01 We've got a few commercials from the 80s.
01:15:06 And these are Canadian, so you know, bear with them and they're they're trying.
01:15:13 God bless them.
01:15:17 And I think a lot of these, some of these are local, if I remember correctly.
01:15:21 So they're kind of cheesy, but let's have a look.
01:15:23 Let's have a look.
01:15:24 And see what?
01:15:25 Was so terrible in Canada in the 80s.
Speaker 36
01:15:31 Hello goddess.01:15:32 I'm here with very interesting cooking tip.
01:15:35 Did you know real Lemon made from real fresh lemons?
01:15:38 Oh, yes, real Ramon taste just like real fresh lemons.
01:15:41 Very good, very easy to use.
01:15:44 You can use Real Ramon wherever you use fresh lemons in cooking and baking.
01:15:49 So many places can even use to make nice Rimon pie.
01:15:53 That's lemon, yes.
01:15:55 Try real Remo wherever you use fresh remos.
Speaker 4
01:16:00 Again, what's it with the?01:16:04 The inability. Why?
01:16:05 Can't we do this anymore?01:16:06 Why can't we make fun of accents anymore?
01:16:10 It's so frustrating.
01:16:12 Alright, what was this?
01:16:13 That was kind of lame.
Speaker 13
01:16:15 This one.Speaker 14
01:16:17 It's fabulous fun.Speaker 27
01:16:19 1000 surprises every week to be won.Devon
01:16:22 Our $5 chicken and it's good for five draws.Speaker 1
01:16:25 Friday could be your day.01:16:27 Good luck.
Speaker 4
01:16:39 That's Al jolson.01:16:42 The the Jewish blackface guy.
01:16:47 So that's why this commercial is.
01:16:48 Terrible because it features a Jew in it, a Jew.Speaker 4
01:16:51 Wearing black face.Devon
01:16:53 Those you don't know, I did an entire video on this.01:16:56 What was it called?
01:16:59 Something, I mean, I think the black face might be in the name, but no, I did the whole video on this.
Speaker 4
01:17:05 The whole idea that, oh, white people are so racist because they did black faces ******** Jews did blackface.01:17:13 You know the the.
01:17:14 Jews popularized if I mean if not invented, I don't know, but they popularized black face with Al Jolson.01:17:23 Like all the.
Speaker 4
01:17:24 All this mammy, mammy.01:17:26 All that stuff that's Jewish, that's literally a Jew.
01:17:30 In fact, the first movie and again I go over all this in the video, but the first movie with sound.01:17:38 Like literally the first movie ever that had sound.
Speaker 4
01:17:43 Was about a Jew.Devon
01:17:45 Who wore black face like it was about a character who was Jew, like his dad's.Speaker 4
01:17:50 A rabbi in the movie his.01:17:51 Dad's a rabbi.
01:17:54 And his dad is disappointed because his Jewish son doesn't want to follow in his footsteps and be a rabbi, but instead he wants to wear black face and sing jazz.Speaker 4
01:18:06 Like that's, that's the movie.01:18:09 And the actor Al Jolson.
01:18:12 Is really Jewish?
01:18:15 And all this mermaid and all this.
01:18:17 Black face stuff.Speaker 18
01:18:19 Is from Jews.Speaker 4
01:18:24 But all you hear about.01:18:25 Is like ohh it's white people.
01:18:27 White people.
01:18:27 My culture is not a costume.
01:18:30 Tell that to the ******* Jews.
01:18:33 So that's obviously why this commercial is bad, bad.Speaker 33
01:18:36 Prices of the vibrating side.Speaker 24
01:18:39 You need a.Devon
01:18:40 That's a nice touch.01:18:43 When they when they turn the lights out and all you.
Speaker 4
01:18:45 Can see.Devon
01:18:53 That's a nice touch.01:18:59 I like that all.
Speaker 5
01:19:00 Right.Devon
01:19:03 All right.Speaker 4
01:19:10 See, I'm still all these years later, I'm still enjoying.Devon
01:19:14 Enjoying the the effort that went into that joke.01:19:20 OK.
01:19:23 Let's see what this next one is.
Speaker 12
01:19:28 You don't need a crystal ball to know that a guarantee $1000 a month for life would let you enjoy some of the things you've always wanted to do.01:19:36 Buy a cash for life lottery ticket. You could win 1500 or $250 a month for life or one of more than 16,000 cash prizes for $2.00.
01:19:46 You get a chance for a lifetime of security at the Ontario Association for the Mentally ******** and Win for Life.
Speaker 36
01:19:49 It's the cash.Speaker 3
01:19:50 For life, the boy.Devon
01:19:57 Ohh, just as I was thinking like what's wrong with this and then I.01:20:00 Guess they because you can't say mentally ******** anymore, even if it's about raising money for them.
01:20:06 What kind of stupid **** is that?
01:20:10 Yeah. All right.
Speaker 20
01:20:15 This is Paul Nathan at the Arts crafts hobbies.01:20:17 Building an exhibition.
01:20:18 Place for the last time this year, 48 Of Montreal and Toronto's leading 4 manufacturers are assembling their entire collection for the largest end of season for clearance.
01:20:25 For help, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of designer purses, including such prestigious names as Lobang Canada, Majestic and Black Wabbit, this luxurious mink coat worth $3200 at Exhibition Place only $595.
01:20:37 We're on the spot financing. You're at home for just $55 a month, February the 14th to 17th in the.
Speaker 4
01:20:44 So I'm assuming this one.Devon
01:20:45 'S bad because they're selling for.01:20:49 So I've got a thought about that.
01:20:52 In terms of the first stuff, yeah, I I agree that a lot of these mass production of, you know, mink for for farms are inhumane.
01:21:03 And I understand that.
01:21:05 But I think this is this is just a it's a.
01:21:07 Kind of what we were talking in the beginning of the stream.
01:21:09 It's just.
01:21:09 It's literally what happens when capitalism kicks in.
01:21:14 It's like, yeah, sure.
01:21:14 I'm I'm torturing animals, but the profits increased.
01:21:19 Like that's that's in in the cap the the phase of capitalism that we're in right now.
01:21:24 That's the only thing that determines what the company does.
01:21:28 The only thing.
01:21:32 Of course, now I think.
Speaker 4
01:21:33 See, here's the thing, people.Devon
01:21:35 With the go go broke stuff they're saying like, oh, they they have so much money now that.01:21:40 They don't have to.
01:21:42 Base their decisions on money.
01:21:44 No, they're.
01:21:44 Still doing that?
01:21:48 There's people are still buying Gillette razors.
01:21:52 After that, Gillette commercial.
01:21:54 People are still buying coke.
Speaker 4
01:21:57 After they support a BLM.01:22:00 People are still paying for Netflix.
01:22:03 After they mass produce child ****.Speaker 4
01:22:07 They're they're not.Devon
01:22:08 Going out of business, it's not the oh, they're so big they can absorb all the losses that they're going.01:22:13 They're not absorbing any losses.
01:22:22 They're not.
01:22:25 People on the right, they get mad on Twitter for a couple of days and they go right back to buying Starbucks or whoever.
01:22:30 It was that.
01:22:32 That is funding white extinction, they.
01:22:36 They don't ******* care.
Speaker 4
01:22:39 Amazon Prime don't mind.Speaker 6
01:22:41 If I do.Speaker 19
01:22:43 You know the thing about Amazon Prime is you get same day shipping.01:22:46 It's amazing.
Speaker 4
01:22:51 Well, I would cancel Netflix.Speaker 18
01:22:53 But they have all my favorite shows.Devon
01:22:58 They just they realized that the that the right doesn't ******* follow through with anything.01:23:05 They really don't, I mean.
Speaker 25
01:23:07 One of.Devon
01:23:08 Let's just be real for a second.Speaker 4
01:23:12 What has the?Devon
01:23:13 Right followed through on.01:23:18 Keep thinking.
Speaker 4
01:23:21 Keep the only thing literally.01:23:23 The only thing I.
01:23:24 Can think of and I guess this would explain the response is getting Trump elected.01:23:30 Right.
01:23:31 They got Trump a lot and that's where.
01:23:33 It stopped again, but like they managed to get Trump elected.
01:23:37 But that's it.
Speaker 4
01:23:40 That's it.01:23:41 And and as we saw like what?
01:23:42 Were the results of.01:23:43 That, I mean, you know.
01:23:45 Kind of backfired in some ways, right?
Speaker 4
01:23:50 So who cares?01:23:52 Ohh no ohh no.
01:23:53 The right wingers are mad on Twitter today.
01:23:56 Ohh quick Bobby.
01:23:57 Pull the commercial.
01:23:59 That conversation has never happened, like that's never happened.01:24:04 They know that you'll be.
01:24:06 You'll be right back to buying their **** in, like in a week.
01:24:09 If if, if you even stop.
01:24:14 So yeah, the the capitalism driven only by profit.
01:24:19 Creates scenarios where you've got giant torture factories to make coats.
01:24:27 I'm OK with fur though.
01:24:28 I'm OK.
01:24:28 With using animal pelts to.
01:24:32 To make clothes, I mean, how do you?
01:24:34 Think we started?
01:24:35 With clothes like what do you think the 1st?
01:24:37 Clothes were made out of.
01:24:40 You know, it's funny.
01:24:40 People are so against fur.
01:24:43 That even like.
01:24:44 Used furs that used to be.
01:24:48 You know, hundreds or thousands, even of dollars.
01:24:51 And go for like 50 bucks now, cause no one wants a fur.
01:24:55 Which is stupid at that point, the minks been.
Speaker 4
01:24:58 Dead for like 40 years, you know, like it's you're not killing it again.Devon
01:25:02 You know it's.01:25:03 Now you're just making it.
01:25:05 Have it.
01:25:05 You're just saying that it was tortured and killed for nothing.
Speaker 12
01:25:13 But yeah.Devon
01:25:14 Fur fur is definitely out.01:25:16 Of style, but which, which is a shame, I.
01:25:18 Kind of like it.
01:25:20 I'm kind of down with the fur.
01:25:22 All right, not furries.
Speaker 4
01:25:25 Not furries.Speaker 13
01:25:27 Just furs.Devon
01:25:30 Let's see what the next one is.Speaker 37
01:25:36 Promotional consideration provided by totes when the weather turns bad turn to.01:25:39 Totes. Rain rolls.
01:25:41 Right off, totes hats and caps that you can take along anywhere to stay warm and dry.
01:25:48 Wait, so you can't have an Indian take his headdress off and put on a normal hunt?01:25:53 And that was, I just racist.
01:25:55 Now by calling it a normal hat.
01:26:02 I mean, that's just silly.
01:26:03 That's silly that this is.
01:26:04 I mean, it's Canadians, right?
01:26:05 So how racist are they going to get right?
01:26:11 I think this one's going to be racist.
01:26:12 Just because as a pregnant white woman in it.
Speaker 23
01:26:15 Thanks very much.01:26:16 Goodnight.
01:26:18 When my husband came home and I told him there was less than 30 minutes until delivery, he looked at St.
Speaker 32
01:26:25 Then when I told him we were having.01:26:27 He did come on pizza.
01:26:31 Pizza, darling.
01:26:32 Pizza pizza.
01:26:34 Just the way you like them.
01:26:37 No, having a husband is almost like having a baby.
Speaker 11
01:26:41 Pizza pizza 967-1111. Still the one.Speaker 4
01:26:46 See honestly, this is.Devon
01:26:47 More like if this is where it's during the turn, there's nothing anti woman about any of that.01:26:53 It's just they probably don't, honestly.
01:26:55 It's because it Oh my God, it's a pregnant white woman.
01:26:58 And more than that, she's having twins.
Speaker 4
01:27:04 But this is.01:27:04 Starting to go into the territory of the.
01:27:06 Stupid husband, you know.Speaker 4
01:27:08 Ohh. He's like a baby having a husband's like having a baby. Come on.01:27:14 Because I don't.
01:27:15 Get it?01:27:15 What is it?
01:27:16 Is it upsetting that she is ordering a pizza?
01:27:20 Like she's not even cooking it?
01:27:24 I'm I'm I'm seriously kind of not able to grasp why this is.
01:27:30 Considered upsetting to feminists, like I said other than.
Speaker 4
01:27:34 The fact that.Devon
01:27:34 She's pregnant.01:27:36 Just the just the idea that she's pregnant and married is offensive.
01:27:42 To feminists.
01:27:46 All right, so here we go.
01:27:48 Go the next one.
Speaker 1
01:27:51 From the early days of color TV, the challenge was to get the world's best color. Now, Toshiba brings you the world's first flat square, picture 2 EFS T black stripe only from Toshiba colors up to 18% more accurate than conventional Jews. So reliable the FST has the longest comprehensive warranty in Canada.01:28:12 50 months at our top rated VCR the VM 32 for color that sings Toshiba.
01:28:20 OK, again I I fail to see what what's racist about.01:28:25 Ohh look, an Indian is in our commercial like that.
01:28:29 Can't have an Indian or commercial?
01:28:32 I don't get it.
01:28:33 So Japanese company can't put an Indian in their commercial.
01:28:37 Alright, well.
01:28:39 Let's see what's next.
Speaker 26
01:28:43 Boy, you should have had to throw a party.Speaker 15
01:28:45 Well, it's all.Speaker 33
01:28:46 In the wrist. So.Speaker 10
01:28:47 Hi I just moved in.01:28:49 Next door, here below cup.
Speaker 32
01:28:50 Of golden thanks.Speaker 4
01:28:52 On my watch.Devon
01:28:54 Swim a lot.01:28:55 Or just enough to keep him drowning.
Speaker 37
01:29:00 So you're an old friend of bobs.Speaker 35
01:29:01 Oh, sure, we go back.01:29:04 It must.
01:29:04 Be an hour.Speaker 21
01:29:07 What a great way to open a party.Speaker 4
01:29:09 All you gotta say is go.Devon
01:29:12 All right.01:29:13 I kind of feel like this is the new grilling boomer.
01:29:16 That guy right there.
Speaker 4
01:29:21 You want to know what boomers were doing?Devon
01:29:24 When the as as the whole W was going to hell in a handbasket.01:29:28 This commercial is a is.
01:29:30 Basically it is.
01:29:33 Let's let's let's let's make this easy to see for everyone.
01:29:38 You want.
01:29:38 You want to know what boomers were.
01:29:39 Doing while.
01:29:41 While the world was burning.
01:29:43 This basically this.
01:29:47 You know, grilling and drinking.
01:29:51 And *******.
01:29:54 There you go.
01:29:54 This is the.
01:29:56 This is the visual representation.
01:30:00 In 30 seconds of.
01:30:02 Of what?
01:30:03 Like what the **** was going on with the boomers like.
Speaker 4
01:30:06 What the hell, man?01:30:07 How did you guys let it get?
01:30:08 Like this?01:30:09 Well, like, because of this, we were just doing this.
01:30:12 We were just grilling.
Speaker 4
01:30:15 Like this, this commercial is offensive to me.Devon
01:30:19 I don't care about the objectifying of women and.01:30:22 And all that stuff that's.
01:30:24 That's that's perfectly fine.
01:30:28 It's just the.
Speaker 4
01:30:30 Hey, we're just a bunch of degenerate boomers.Devon
01:30:36 Drinking beer and grilling.01:30:39 Right there.
01:30:39 There's the guy.
01:30:40 There he is.
01:30:43 There, there. That ****** is so hey, Canada. When this commercial came out, you guys were still like 95% white.
01:30:57 And now you're 66% white.
Speaker 4
01:31:01 This is why.Devon
01:31:03 Because that **** right there.01:31:04 Millions of that.
01:31:05 **** right there.
01:31:07 Drinking molsons.
01:31:13 Alright, that's the same one here.
01:31:18 Or it's slightly slightly.
01:31:19 I guess this is a slightly different version, but it's basically the same **** like oh, we're they're literally grilling in this one.
Speaker 4
01:31:31 Ah, the meme holds up.01:31:34 What can you say?
01:31:36 This is literally grilling boomers like, hey, what's up, honey?
01:31:41 Oh, no, *** ****.
01:31:41 Just just grilling.
01:31:44 Life's just one big ******* picnic.
01:31:48 Yeah, I bought this house for $20,000.Speaker 4
01:31:55 Oh man.Devon
01:31:59 Oh, must be nice.01:32:01 Must be nice.
01:32:02 Good old molsons.
01:32:05 There's another one right there.
01:32:07 Hey, guys.
01:32:08 Hey, gang.
01:32:09 Sir, we ****** everything up.
01:32:11 We were too busy grilling and drinking molsons in the backyard.
01:32:15 Alright, let's see what's next here.
Speaker 26
01:32:26 This is the first time nymph Indians had ever been filmed.01:32:29 They had never seen red hair or anything like a Pathfinder.
Speaker 33
01:32:35 Here on the equator, the air conditioner was a big hit.Devon
01:32:38 And I'm pretty sure they liked.Speaker 30
01:32:39 Our music.Speaker 4
01:32:41 You don't mind?Speaker 9
01:32:44 You know what?Speaker 26
01:32:45 We decided we liked their music even more.Devon
01:32:52 OK.01:32:54 What's wrong with that?
01:32:55 I guess what it is you can't point out that there exist cultures.
01:33:01 That are so primitive.
Speaker 4
01:33:03 That your technology.01:33:06 Looks like magic.
01:33:09 You can't point that out.
01:33:11 Can't point that out that that.01:33:13 You know, they've never seen red hair.
01:33:19 You know a white trait.
01:33:21 You can't point out that that these people.
01:33:24 See red hair and it's the most beautiful thing they've ever seen because all they see is.
01:33:30 You know these this ****.
01:33:35 You can't point out that this this primitive tribe looks at white people and the invention of white people mass produced by Japanese people, but still an invention of.
01:33:44 White people.
01:33:48 That they they find all this technology amazing.
01:33:52 Oh my God. Air conditioning.
Speaker 4
01:33:54 So good.Devon
01:33:56 Oh, your music, your electronics.01:34:00 Uh electric windows.
01:34:02 It's all magic.
01:34:03 It's amazing.
Speaker 4
01:34:05 Even at the end even.Devon
01:34:06 At the end you try to qualify it with.01:34:08 Well, actually we like their music because we're ******* hippie boomers.
01:34:13 We always have to do that.
01:34:14 Right.
Speaker 4
01:34:14 Good morning.Devon
01:34:15 We like their music more.Speaker 9
01:34:17 You know what?Speaker 26
01:34:18 We decided we liked their music even more.Devon
01:34:21 Because diversity is our strength.01:34:24 OK, let's see what's next.
01:34:29 I think I've seen this one. This one's.
01:34:30 Just like a ******* perv.
01:34:32 But this was more funny because how new video technology was like when.
01:34:38 This commercial came.
01:34:39 Out, obviously, no one had cell phones or cameras on their phones, and but no one had cameras at all like video cameras.
01:34:47 So it is kind of funny that that this is how they advertised it.
Speaker 27
01:34:54 My new JVC compact VCR is the world's smallest, lightest VCR ever. It's ideal for taping graduation, school plays Halloween.01:35:05 It's loaded with features perfect for Christmas morning, Groundhog Day.
01:35:12 Honestly, it's another I'm a degenerate boomer, like this is what when the boomers aren't grilling, they're thinking about going to the beach to.01:35:21 To take make.
01:35:22 Pervy videos of women in their their swimsuits.
Speaker 27
01:35:28 My new JVC compact VCR is the world's smallest, lightest VCR ever. It's ideal for taping graduation, school plays Halloween.01:35:39 It's loaded with features perfect for Christmas morning, Groundhog Day and league fig.
01:35:48 That what's funny is once again, this is the audience.01:35:58 This is designed to be relatable.
01:36:00 To an audience, right?
01:36:02 It said this was relatable to the boomers buying video cameras, that this is what it would be used for.
01:36:09 And I even suspect you know, to some degree right like the, because look, **** was produced on video and distributed on tapes and stuff like that.
01:36:19 And the barrier to entry like it wasn't like now where you can just set up an only fans account.
01:36:24 Then what you had to buy expensive equipment like that camera.
01:36:26 Is as goofy as that is that.
01:36:28 He has to have like, a a man purse with a giant VCR in it, and then have this big, heavy ******* camera on his shoulder too.
01:36:35 And all these cables everywhere, and the battery probably only lasts like, you know, 45 minutes, if that.
01:36:41 Like, as silly as that is, this was top of the line.
01:36:44 Expensive ****.
01:36:46 When this came out.
01:36:48 And so you.
Speaker 4
01:36:49 Were paying a lot of money to.Devon
01:36:50 Have this you know contraption.01:36:55 And yeah, don't don't think that there's not like a.
01:36:59 An unspoken you can make **** with this.
Speaker 8
01:37:08 Jamie, she's new compact VHS video system with the world's smallest, lightest VCR ever.Devon
01:37:14 See that was the smallest one.Speaker 4
01:37:18 That was that was the compact version.Speaker 22
01:37:22 Tall Buster.Speaker 27
01:37:23 Great sound to.Devon
01:37:27 There's another kind of boomer right there.01:37:29 The Coomer boomer.
01:37:31 That's the Coomer boomer we got.
01:37:33 We got the the two grilling boomers and then the the Coomer boomer right there.
01:37:37 So yeah, when?
01:37:39 When they weren't out grilling in the backyard, they were they were out perving out of the beach.
01:37:47 Alright, here we go.
Speaker 38
01:38:13 For soft touchable skin.01:38:15 Informing the Vaseline intensive care body lotion how beautiful feels.
Speaker 10
01:38:21 I can't type.Devon
01:38:23 Alright, that was just confusing.01:38:26 Is he supposed to be blind or something?
01:38:28 Or is he just, like creeping on her on the bus?
01:38:34 I don't get it.
01:38:36 Ohh yeah, he's blind.
01:38:37 He's got the.
01:38:37 He's got the ******* dog, OK?
01:38:40 So she's excited, but isn't she wearing a wedding ring?
01:38:47 Right. Yeah, she.
01:38:48 Is, so she's wearing a wedding ring.
01:38:54 OK, so he tries hitting on a girl.
01:38:57 He can't say.
01:38:58 All right, this is just stupid.
01:39:00 I don't I I don't find this offensive so much as.
01:39:03 It's just dumb.
01:39:04 But feminist again, feminists are so ******* sensitive.
Speaker 4
01:39:07 Now Oh my.01:39:08 God, it's a man touching a woman.
01:39:11 There's no consent.
01:39:12 She didn't consent to.
01:39:13 The touch, you know, like it's just like, OK.01:39:17 That's what it's that's what it's, that's what.
01:39:19 It's down to at.
01:39:20 This point, but that doesn't even make any sense.
01:39:22 This I don't know some someone was someone was fresh at art school and trying to to be very.
01:39:27 You can just tell I mean the fact that it's in black.
01:39:29 And white, black and white is more dramatic.
01:39:33 You know, so there's just ********.
01:39:35 There's some ********, artsy Canadian commercial for Vaseline.
01:39:44 Alright guys.
01:39:46 Uh, we've been through a bunch of these.
01:39:49 Let's go ahead and take a look at the Super chats.
01:39:52 I have some more but.
01:39:53 They're not. They're not quite.
01:39:55 As I mean, they're all.
01:39:58 A lot of these we've already, I have a compilation that's like really long, but I think it contains a lot of the ones we've already taken a look at.
01:40:04 We've seen a lot of them, but as you can see by looking at just the.
01:40:08 You know, just look at the difference.
Speaker 4
01:40:11 Just look at the difference.Devon
01:40:14 That was the dominant culture, I mean, because again, you have to relate to your audience, right.01:40:18 The whole point of that is you're connecting with your consumer and and motivating them to think emotionally about your product and and and so strongly.
01:40:27 That they go out and buy it.
Speaker 4
01:40:29 And those are the avenues they decide to take.Devon
01:40:37 There wasn't a single interracial couple in all those commercials.01:40:44 Now commercials, I will say you know as much as I said, you know, capitalism, you know, going for profit, that's never changed.
01:40:53 Trying to maximize profits.
01:40:56 And they're not worried about boycotts and stuff like that.
01:40:59 I do think that a lot of these ad agencies that have produced these degenerate well ads that you're seeing what they end up doing is they they'll get a client that might not have, like, pushing an agenda in mind.
01:41:17 When they first hire out these ad agencies, and I've worked at ad agencies, I kind of know the process.
01:41:23 So you hire this ad agency.
01:41:27 And then a a room full of, you know, surprise, surprise.
01:41:31 There is a demographic that's over over dramatically overrepresented and agencies like you would expect.
01:41:39 So they get together, they have an interest personally, right?
01:41:44 Because a lot of these guys did go to film school and they're kind of ****** *** of they're making commercials for deodorant, right?
01:41:51 They they still want to push their social engineering through narrative.
01:41:56 And they see, you know.
01:41:59 Deodorant commercials as the vehicle for that.
01:42:03 And look, everyone does to some extent, right?
01:42:05 Like even when I worked in advertising and when.
01:42:08 I did commercials.
Speaker 4
01:42:09 I you know.Devon
01:42:10 I wasn't pushing an agenda necessarily, but I didn't really give a **** about the.Speaker 4
01:42:14 Product I want.01:42:15 It was an opportunity for.
01:42:17 Me to like do something visually artistic using, you know, some kind of narrative.01:42:23 And then if I could.
01:42:25 Somehow incorporate the product that was then good.
01:42:28 OK, but that.
01:42:29 Honestly came secondary.
01:42:32 And so that's that's the mindset a lot of a lot of these people, because no one, no one making commercials wants to make commercials.
01:42:38 Everyone making commercials wants to make movies or you.
01:42:41 Know whatever, right?
Speaker 4
01:42:43 So you're you're basically just.Devon
01:42:44 Practicing you see it as an opportunity to practice for when you are eventually making movies or whatever.01:42:50 So that your commercial gets.
01:42:53 Sent to one of these ad agencies.
01:42:55 You have a room full of these people cook up their little woke agenda story.
01:43:01 And then when they present it 2.
01:43:03 Things are at work.
01:43:05 And I've been to a lot of these meetings where you get pushback from clients and stuff like that.
01:43:09 Well, now how?
01:43:10 Are they going?
01:43:10 To push back on your commercial if it's.
01:43:13 You know, pushing a woke agenda.
01:43:16 Why are you racist?
01:43:17 You don't like my commercial?
Speaker 4
01:43:19 Is it because?Devon
01:43:20 You're a. You're a.01:43:22 Homophobic, you're transphobic?
01:43:23 Is that why you don't like this commercial?
01:43:30 In which you know that's when the.
01:43:32 Executive, of course, will be.
01:43:33 Well, no, no, it's.
Speaker 4
01:43:34 I think it's great.Devon
01:43:36 No, that's sure that's good.01:43:39 Or another tactic.
01:43:40 They they could take is say.
Speaker 4
01:43:42 Well, no it I.Devon
01:43:43 Know it seems controversial.01:43:45 I know it's.
01:43:47 But that's what that's what gets the eyeballs.
01:43:50 People don't like commercials anymore.
01:43:52 People like to Fast forward right through them or skip them, or put ad block on.
01:43:56 Or, you know, all this other stuff.
01:43:57 So if you want people to watch your commercial.
01:44:00 You have to make it controversial.
01:44:04 You have to generate outrage because that's going to make it go viral, and then everyone's going to see it.
01:44:11 So that's our strategy, didn't you?
01:44:13 Don't you understand what we're doing here?
01:44:15 We're marketing geniuses.
01:44:19 In which case, once again the.
01:44:22 The executives like Ohh, I guess that makes sense.
01:44:30 At least that's how it started now.
01:44:31 I just I think a lot of these executives are are on board with it.
01:44:34 They're just like, ah, ****, you know, kill two birds with one stone.
01:44:40 Push the the narrative that I want to push, push the agenda that I want to push.
01:44:44 Be controversial.
01:44:46 Get shared, get our name out there.
Speaker 4
01:44:49 And ultimately increased sales.Devon
01:44:53 Because whatever momentary dip we get from the right wingers on Twitter splurging out.01:44:58 For a couple of days.
01:45:00 We'll probably get a much larger.
01:45:06 Bump in sales from the much wider audience.
Speaker 4
01:45:09 That likes it.Devon
01:45:16 And they're probably they're probably right.01:45:20 All right, so anyway.
01:45:23 It is.
01:45:24 It's just interesting to have a look at these and just.
01:45:26 See how much things have changed.
01:45:29 In fact, Speaking of how much things have changed.
01:45:33 The background today is, I believe, 1940s.
01:45:39 What is it?
01:45:39 I can tell you actually.
01:45:43 This is Hollywood in 1952 Sunset Blvd. In 1952.
01:45:51 This is what how clean Hollywood looked in 1952.
01:45:58 I missed those cars.
01:45:59 The aesthetic of those.
01:46:00 Cars, you know?
01:46:03 Back when?
01:46:05 For back before they knew what aerodynamics were, you know, like really, you know.
01:46:12 And we had tons of money, so we could just make these cars like tanks, cover them in Chrome.
01:46:20 Anyway, you want you want a depressing demographic?
01:46:24 Thing like what?
01:46:26 I I I kept finding all these, I guess, like a new thing that people are doing.
01:46:31 Is in fact let me pull up some of these.
01:46:33 A new thing that people are.
01:46:34 Doing is they're getting like.
01:46:35 Some of this really, really, really old footage.
01:46:40 And running it through AI that stabilizes it and colorizes it and it does an OK job in some instances.
01:46:47 You know, it's a little.
01:46:47 Crappy and others.
01:46:50 But some of this stuff's just depressing. Like you look at this stuff. Let me see here. Like I found one of in of Berlin in the 1930s.
01:47:01 Let me see if I can let me pull up the Berlin in the 19.
01:47:03 30s one.
01:47:10 Excuse me.
01:47:13 Well, it's kind of a.
01:47:14 Cactus pill for you guys.
01:47:15 Today, but I didn't get it.
01:47:16 Get it done.
01:47:19 Alright, so this is.
Speaker 19
01:47:23 Bring this up here.Devon
01:47:28 This is colorized.01:47:32 Berlin in the 1930s.
01:47:35 And then the.
01:47:36 So I've got this footage.
01:47:40 There's A and then there's Berlin. In the 1940s, after the occupation. And it's really ******* sad.
01:47:48 Like, it's really ******* sad.
01:47:51 UM, in fact, let me pull that up while this is playing here.
01:48:03 Where did that one go?
01:48:16 Yeah, this is Berlin, July 1945. And it's also been colorized.
01:48:27 It's not quite as happy the footage.
01:48:51 That's nice.
01:48:51 Look at that architecture.
01:48:54 They don't make them like they used to.
01:49:04 You Fast forward through this book.
01:49:06 That was buses also found some speed of cool buses.
01:49:11 Also found some Victorian era London with some really.
01:49:16 I mean everyone, everyone knows the.
01:49:17 Double Decker buses in London, right?
01:49:19 But the Victorian arrow ones were ******* sweet.
01:49:23 Look at that.
01:49:24 I'd ride that all the time.
01:49:27 Probably never get mugged on it.
01:49:42 Look at that stuff.
01:49:44 Very interesting stuff.
01:49:47 Non degenerate.
01:49:49 Well, I was about to say non.
01:49:50 Degenerate. I don't know.
01:49:54 Is this non degenerate?
01:49:55 Come on, Germans.
01:49:58 I mean, it could be worse.
01:50:00 I guess it's far better than what was probably playing in that theater a few years prior.
01:50:11 Look at that. Hey, Germany.
01:50:13 Alright, so here's here's here's after the war.
01:50:21 A guy without a leg, all the, all those buildings, all ******* destroyed.
01:50:29 Oh, look at that.
01:50:32 All those buildings bombed out.
01:50:39 Soviet soldiers and American soldiers everywhere.
01:50:45 Monuments that have been bombed to ****.
01:50:56 Oh, giant giant portrait of Stalin.
01:51:02 Look at that.
01:51:03 Isn't that good?
01:51:05 Not only did we come in here and bomb the **** out of you and defeat.
01:51:09 You we're going to make you look at this.
01:51:16 Knocking down the buildings that have.
01:51:19 They're unsafe now.
01:51:27 Now look at that Stalin.
01:51:34 Some Volkswagens bombed to hell.
01:51:38 This is the sad one.
Speaker 4
01:51:41 That's right, you evil Nazis.Devon
01:51:46 Now clean up our mess.01:51:59 But it's cool that they have the technology, at least to, you know, somewhat stabilize this stuff and make it in color.
01:52:06 I mean, I don't know how accurate the colors are.
01:52:08 I guess you never will know.
01:52:10 But UM.
01:52:15 It makes it seem more real than like a dusty old damaged black and white film.
01:52:34 Alright, here, that's the one.
01:52:39 There's the look.
01:52:43 There is the look of those who.
01:52:46 Who understand what's coming?
01:52:53 Ah alright.
01:52:58 Let's take a look at Super Jets.
01:53:04 Let me pop this out here.
01:53:07 Seems to work better when it's popped out for some reason.
01:53:20 Alright, purge all pedophiles at all costs.
01:53:23 Truth in advertising isn't that an oxymoron?
01:53:26 Up the good work.
01:53:27 It's truth in advertising more than you would think.
01:53:30 Not these.
01:53:31 Days, I mean that, that's.
01:53:32 What's that's nothing that's changed.
01:53:35 In fact, that changed, I would say probably.
01:53:38 You know, in the 70s there's that movie, there's an entire movie.
01:53:42 I think it's called crazy people.
01:53:45 And the entire.
01:53:48 Movie is based on the idea that you have an ad agency guy who and maybe this would be a good movie to cover.
01:53:56 I don't know.
01:53:57 But then you have an ad agency guy who loses his **** and goes to an insane asylum because he just starts telling the truth about the products he's selling.
01:54:10 And for some reason, like one of his crazy ads that actually tells the truth.
01:54:15 Accidentally gets printed and the and the people are so refreshed by the.
01:54:22 The honesty of the ad that the product actually they make a bunch of money.
01:54:27 So they start contracting him and his team of crazy.
01:54:31 Compatriots in the insane asylum to keep making ads that are honest.
Speaker 4
01:54:40 It might be interesting to analyze that because.Devon
01:54:41 I don't know that that would work psychologically.01:54:44 Right.
01:54:45 And maybe it would work.
01:54:46 Less now, because just corporations are so much worse now, you know.
01:54:50 So as an example, if in this movie like it was like it was meant to be funny, but it was like brutally honest about the companies.
Speaker 4
01:54:59 Well but but the the the.Devon
01:55:00 Brutal honesty wasn't that bad. Like you would say something like, you know, Fly Pan Am the the chances of dying on our our airline are are 5% less than on the other airlines. And so that was like the the scary truth right about Pan Am.01:55:17 Well, I mean, if you did a truth in advertising commercial about like say the iPhone, the iPhone made by Asian slaves that often commit suicide because the that we make them live in the factory and, you know, I mean like, but.
01:55:33 But don't you like how pretty the phone is?
01:55:35 You know, it would be something like that.
01:55:36 It would just.
01:55:37 Be this horrific.
01:55:38 You have like a horrific 20 seconds and then.
01:55:40 Say but you.
Speaker 4
01:55:41 Should buy it anyway because you like you.Devon
01:55:43 Like to consume products you *******.01:55:46 Sheep, you know, like, how could you make it honest now without just being a complete horror show?
01:55:54 And I guess that would, that's maybe something that's worth taking a look at that, but that movie is that's the whole you know point and that that came out if I I'm I'm guessing like probably around 84 or so somewhere around there like early part of the 80s.
01:56:10 Which means at that point it was already pretty apparent to most consumers that you know, commercials were were lies.
01:56:20 And again, this might even tie into what I was talking about earlier when I was, I read a book when I was going into advertising about boomers changing the face of advertising and how that they they realized there was a new demographic that was able.
01:56:36 They had the disposable income.
01:56:38 They could buy this stuff and they got the best results.
01:56:41 By just telling them how great they were all the time.
01:56:44 You know, in fact, that's why you have, you know, the the famous Coca-Cola commercial where they're all the hippies are hanging out. And it's supposed to look kind of like Woodstock or whatever.
01:56:54 Because they're they're embrace.
01:56:56 They're trying to embrace the the boomer culture and.
01:57:00 Say yeah, we.
01:57:01 We here at Coca-Cola, we think it's great too, which is that's that's the same thing that's happening now with the the Black Lives Matter. You know, it's like, oh, OK, yeah, yeah, what? Black Lives Matter too? Yeah, buy coke.
Speaker 4
01:57:13 And that's what they're doing.Devon
01:57:15 They see a cultural trend and they they chase.01:57:19 They want it.
01:57:20 They they want you to think.
01:57:21 Oh, no, we're on your side.
01:57:23 In fact, remember that that cringe Pepsi commercial.
01:57:26 There's, like, the the white nationalists and the.
01:57:29 You know versus the you.
01:57:32 Let's see if I can find that commercial.
01:57:35 We're like the Antifa chick hands someone a Pepsi and then racism is solved or something like that.
01:57:47 See if I can find that.
01:58:00 Yeah, the Kendall Jenner one.
01:58:06 They didn't air for long.
01:58:12 I think they they.
01:58:13 Might they might make it so.
01:58:15 You can't find it now.
01:58:24 Uh, let's see if I can get it.
01:58:31 I mean, I found like.
01:58:32 A new story about it.
01:58:36 Whenever I'll download the news story about it.
01:58:40 But Pepsi might be doing like copyright claims on anyone trying to oh, it's a real test. The Internet. I accidentally told it to download it at 720P. So.
01:58:51 Hold on.
01:58:51 Hold on to your hats.
01:58:52 Let's see if this kills the.
01:58:54 Connection. Here we go.
01:58:56 Here we go. Oh, no.
01:59:00 So far no frames dropped, I mean it it dropped to some earlier in the stream but.
Speaker 3
01:59:05 I don't know you.Devon
01:59:06 Know what?01:59:06 I'm gonna stop it from doing this.
01:59:08 I think this is gonna cause it.
Speaker 1
01:59:09 Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.Devon
01:59:12 Look at that.01:59:13 It actually did it.
01:59:15 All right.
01:59:15 OK.
01:59:16 So let's take a.
01:59:16 Look at this.
01:59:33 When Pepsi made this commercial, they were literally just trying to recreate.
01:59:39 What coke did with the.
01:59:42 With the hippie ****, they're just trying to be like ohh no.
01:59:44 We're we're cool like you too.
01:59:47 Look Kendall Jenner.
Speaker 17
01:59:52 We are the dumbest.Devon
02:00:17 All right. So yeah.02:00:19 It was.
02:00:20 They were just.
02:00:21 They were just following the footsteps of coke.
02:00:23 And everyone else.
02:00:25 It just was poorly executed.
02:00:28 It would been funny if I thought it was.
02:00:30 He handed it to.
02:00:32 And it was a cop, but it would have been way funny if she'd handed it to like some guy in a KKK outfit like waving a Nazi flag.
02:00:39 And then he's like.
Speaker 4
02:00:41 I love now.02:00:46 That would be the controversial commercial.
02:00:48 That would get, you know, the eyeballs.
02:00:51 Eyeballs on your brand.02:00:54 Alright, let me take a look at.
Speaker 34
02:00:57 Let me check it.Speaker 4
02:01:01 You know, on second thought.02:01:03 Now that I've had this Pepsi.
02:01:07 White genocide? Not so bad.
02:01:10 All right. Wow, $100 from Vivian. Really appreciate that. Pass my ham tech in November then joined a local club just this year.02:01:18 I have built a 70 centimeter coax antenna, A2 meter yagi directional antenna out of a PVC pipe and a metal tape measure and FM radio that I'll learn.
02:01:29 How to convert into a 2 meter receiver this summer summer and pass my general last week?
02:01:35 Well, that's good.
02:01:37 That's real good.
02:01:39 You know, another fun project would be.
02:01:41 As my voice cracks.
02:01:43 It would be.
02:01:45 Doing a crystal radio.
02:01:48 I have an old crystal.
02:01:50 Radio from 19 like I think like 1916. Like it's old, it's like.
02:01:55 It's at least 100 years old.
02:01:58 And that's just, I mean it's just you know, it's.
Speaker 4
02:02:03 The hard part.Devon
02:02:03 Would be, although actually now you can replace this with a modern component.02:02:07 The hard part if you want to do it real old school is actually getting that crystal, but the you can replace that with like a diode or or whatever.
02:02:17 Then there's tons of videos showing how to make these things.
02:02:21 But yeah, crystal.
02:02:21 Radios would be a fun product and in fact.
02:02:25 Because they they detect AM you could just by adjusting the coil like how much windings you how many windings you have on the coil.
02:02:36 You can make it receive on 80 meters, so you can have like a you know 80 meter, 80F AM crystal radio.
02:02:44 Which would be kind of cool.
02:02:47 There's still enough people on 80 meters transmitting an AM to where?
02:02:51 If you knew when, I mean, there's scheduled times and frequencies, but if you knew kind of.
02:02:54 When that was, you'd be able to do it.
02:02:56 Which is kind of cool, but congratulations.
02:03:01 Vivian Low, 25.
02:03:02 Dollars appreciate that.
02:03:03 Just thought I'd thank you for the Ham suggestion earlier last year.
02:03:06 Also your shekels song last week was the best thing I've ever heard.
02:03:12 Well, I'm glad you guys like that.
02:03:14 Yeah, I I spent, like I said.
02:03:15 Like an absurd amount of.
Speaker 4
02:03:16 Time because I got all I got tested about.Devon
02:03:20 Like it's not time, right?02:03:21 It's got to be like this and trying to make it exactly right, which it never ended up exactly right.
02:03:26 But it got good enough like I.
02:03:27 Was like this will.
02:03:27 Have to do.
02:03:28 I'm not spending more ******* time on this.
02:03:31 But I appreciate the the $25 there.
02:03:34 Tips and Mike, stagger $5 appreciate it more. Run on shekels fasters.
02:03:40 Oh, I don't know.
02:03:40 It's on my telegram.
02:03:43 You can you can download it on my telegram, so you can check out the and download.
02:03:50 You can download it and play it and upload it.
02:03:52 You can rip the.
02:03:53 MP3 you know what?
02:03:54 You can do whatever you want with it.
02:03:57 But appreciate the 5 bucks.
02:03:59 Pagan bear spiteful mutants.
02:04:01 We are getting weaker.
02:04:03 There is no natural selection.
02:04:06 Right.
02:04:06 There's no, there's no there is natural selection.
02:04:08 There's just no selection pressures.
02:04:10 So, but here's the other thing about this, right and I'm being serious.
02:04:15 It's real easy to look at these weak people and say, Oh yeah, this is the product of of dysgenics.
02:04:24 And you know, they're they're not suited to live and we are.
02:04:27 We are more suited at just the environment changed.
Speaker 4
02:04:31 Well, listen to yourself.Devon
02:04:35 They are more suited for the environment, so therefore they're dysgenic.02:04:46 Is there maybe an uncomfortable truth that we're not examining a little bit closer?
02:04:51 I mean sure they require all this, you know, technology to stay alive and they survive because of parasitism.
02:04:59 And we might find that morally reprehensive morally reprehensible.
02:05:07 And we might long for a time.
Speaker 20
02:05:11 Where we would have been.Devon
02:05:12 More adapted to the environment.02:05:18 Is there a chance that maybe?
02:05:21 We could be a type of spiteful mutant.
02:05:28 But instead of.
02:05:29 A spiteful mutant that we are a a romantic mutant.
02:05:36 That we are not.
02:05:37 We're not suited for the modern times.
02:05:42 Just something to think about, something to think about.
02:05:44 Something I've been thinking about lately.
02:05:45 I mean, not that we're mutants, but like.
02:05:50 Maybe we're going about this the wrong way.
02:05:52 You know, like maybe think about it like a bunch of like a farmer grows A crop.
02:05:59 Know generationally it's the same crop, and because the weather is pretty much the same and it and over the years he's kind of got like these heirloom seeds that really produce well.
02:06:10 In this environment or whatever.
02:06:12 And then for whatever reason, you.
02:06:14 Know, let's say because Greta Thunberg is.
02:06:16 Right, you know.
02:06:17 The the the environment drastically changes one year.
02:06:22 And now the genetics that he's been tailor or being very selective about and choosing the strongest and all this other stuff that work great for the old environment.
02:06:33 Now they're they're not surviving so well.
02:06:36 They're not producing so well.
02:06:38 And now he has, like some other strain that it doesn't produce as well as the original strain used to.
02:06:43 And maybe like it's the product isn't as good, but it's it's surviving in the new environment.
02:06:50 So that's what he has to go with.
Speaker 4
02:06:53 And So what we need to avoid.Devon
02:06:55 Is being that seed where it's?02:06:57 Like Oh yeah, we.
Speaker 4
02:06:58 Would be doing good if like it was different.Devon
02:07:01 It's well, it's not different, you know, so either adapt or die.02:07:08 Those are really the.
02:07:09 Choices when you come down and when it comes.
02:07:11 Down to evolution, right?
02:07:13 So I mean, if because I'm starting to think we might be proving this to be the case, if you're incapable.
Speaker 4
02:07:23 Of changing the environment.Devon
02:07:26 To fit you.02:07:28 At a certain point.
02:07:30 You have to change a little bit.
02:07:33 To fit the environment, you have to adapt and that doesn't mean obviously start cutting **** **** off and you know, being like a total global **** fanboy, or even accepting of it or or anything like that.
02:07:45 You know, I think there have been groups, certainly.
Speaker 4
02:07:47 That have infiltrated our societies, that.Devon
02:07:49 Had a a way of.02:07:51 Life that was different than ours.
02:07:53 And and created little pockets of their own environment in which they could live in.
02:07:59 But they adapted.
02:07:59 To our environment, right, they were able to just sneak right in, so to speak.
02:08:05 And begin the long work of slowly changing that environment to better suit them.
02:08:12 And rather than sitting around complaining that the host society wasn't exactly.
02:08:22 How they wanted, they just took matters in their own hands and I just don't see a.
02:08:26 Lot of the right.
02:08:28 You know with that capability and part of that's just the way that the monetary system is structured obviously does not put us at an advantage.
02:08:39 You know.
02:08:40 Different folks use different strategies to get their power, so.
02:08:45 Who says we need to use use the monetary system to to roll things back anyway?
02:08:50 Just something to think about.
02:08:52 Some I've been kicking around the last few weeks.
02:08:56 Harmless Gee thoughts on Sergio Leon.
02:08:59 More specifically his film one.
02:09:02 I think Once Upon a time in America, which features Robert De Niro, James Woods playing Jewish gangsters.
Speaker 4
02:09:10 I have not.Devon
02:09:11 Seen that I have it, I haven't seen it.02:09:15 UM.
02:09:17 So I'll tell you what.
02:09:20 I didn't know they played Jewish gangsters.
02:09:21 I didn't know that Robert De Niro and James Woods rent it.
02:09:24 UM, but I will. I will take a look at that one because that was already on my long list, so maybe I'll bump it up to the short list.
02:09:36 Harmless G do you whoops it up?
02:09:38 It updated.
02:09:39 Going to Scroll down again.
02:09:43 How do you think Christopher Nolan's upcoming movie, Oppenheimer will turn out? It's being criticized for its cast being too white.
02:09:52 And non Jewish white actors playing Jewish characters.
02:09:56 It does have Rami Malik, who is Egyptian in a role that I suspect will be a Middle Middle Eastern looking Jew.
02:10:05 I actually this is first I've heard of the.
02:10:06 Movie so I.
02:10:07 Don't know.
02:10:09 I'll leave one to lookout for, I guess.
02:10:11 UM.
02:10:13 Arno Brecker 1488 preciate it.
02:10:18 Keep up the great work, Devin.
02:10:19 Just want to let you know that the day of the roof audiobook is available on whoops.
02:10:24 And updated.
02:10:27 Ah, it keeps something and keep you guys keep sending me stuff or it's.
02:10:32 I don't know what it's doing now.
02:10:34 It's just freaking out.
02:10:36 Now it's not showing me anything.
02:10:38 Can I get?
02:10:38 Disconnected. No, I'm not.
02:10:41 This is an odyssey thing.
02:10:42 Let me go back to this dream and pop it back out again.
02:10:44 It freaked out and died.
Speaker 13
02:10:48 Alright, here we go.Devon
02:10:53 Is it not going to work?02:10:56 No, that didn't die.
02:10:58 All right, here we go.
02:11:00 It's just going really, really slow.
02:11:04 OK, let me back this up.
02:11:06 Where was?
02:11:06 I at uhm.
02:11:11 OK.
02:11:11 Well, you're telling people how to steal my book.
02:11:14 I'm like, I've got to tell people how to steal the book.
02:11:17 I mean, I get.
02:11:17 It it's not real, they're actually there.
02:11:19 I think there is still maybe like one or two like really random places.
02:11:23 You could buy it but.
02:11:25 I mean, I get it and I'll have to find.
02:11:28 And a a way of actually selling it anyway, that's.
02:11:32 That's, you know.
02:11:35 Maybe just like on a website, you just send crypto somewhere or whatever, and then you can get download the app.
02:11:42 I already know.
02:11:42 It's already out in the wild.
02:11:43 It's already been.
02:11:44 It's already out on different places.
02:11:46 People can find it or whatever, but if you feel like paying for it, I'd like to at least have.
02:11:51 That option, and by the way, merch.
02:11:53 Merch is on the way.
02:11:55 People have been asking for merch.
02:11:56 Merch is on the way, I've actually I've got someone that's going to that's.
02:12:04 Let's just say nagging me to to do it.
02:12:06 So we'll that'll get done.
02:12:10 All right, let's take a look here.
02:12:12 Our Mickey, our Arma Lucas.
02:12:17 You gotta you gotta have an easier name to say, man.
02:12:20 At least some places still don't care about Western PC standards.
02:12:25 You send me a link.
02:12:26 I will download that.
Speaker 13
02:12:30 And we'll see.Devon
02:12:33 Well, download in a much smaller.02:12:36 Resolution and we'll see.
02:12:39 What that how that ends up?
02:12:43 OK.
02:12:48 350 hammer of Thorazine. Here's your you guys keep sending. That's Odyssey team. If you're listening or.
02:12:59 If you can make the Super chat window not go to the top every time someone someone like just have it, just stay, just have it.
02:13:08 You know, it's like, you know, like Twitter would do that annoying thing.
02:13:11 You'd be like sitting there, reading a tweet and then all of a sudden, the whole page just refreshes, and now you have no idea where that tweet is.
02:13:17 That's what the Super chat window does when.
02:13:19 Someone sends a new chat.
02:13:21 Which is really annoying.
02:13:23 OK.
Speaker 4
02:13:25 Here's your 350 because you.Devon
02:13:26 Spelled shekels wrong and your.02:13:28 Music video. Great work though.
02:13:30 Oh, well, alright, that's OK.
02:13:34 Shekels is spelled.
02:13:35 However I however, the actually they spelled it wrong.
02:13:41 Shekels is, however, the white man spells it.
02:13:43 That's how it's spelled.
02:13:45 Let's Lord God free $5. Appreciate it. A lot of Jews, influential and not, are leaving Russia, the geopolitical reality interrupting the and ****** organizations or NATO plans seem to be very real. I've heard rumors we are headed into a post ideology age.
02:14:05 Yeah, I mean, we'll see what happens with this war stuff.
02:14:07 I'm not gonna lie.
02:14:08 It's they.
02:14:09 Look, there's, there's a lot of danger that's possible.
02:14:13 I my gut feeling is that it won't turn into a World War three type of situation.
02:14:20 But you know, I also thought that.
02:14:24 Apple would stop making the iPad after they realized it was just a big, stupid phone that didn't make phone calls.
02:14:29 And I was wrong about.
02:14:30 That so?
02:14:32 Who knows?
02:14:35 Alright, person $25 appreciated that so many of the well fed young that so many of the well fed young television watchers in the world's most powerful democracy should be so completely indifferent to the idea of self government, so blankly uninterested in freedom.
02:14:55 Of thought and the right to dissent is distressing, but not too surprising. All the sexuality 1958. Well, there you go.
02:15:05 Wise words.
02:15:11 Arma, Lucas, you are dropping frames intermittently.
02:15:15 Not terrible.
02:15:16 Some bumps here and there, but I would much prefer you switch to a better time while you work on improving your connection.
02:15:26 OK.
02:15:26 Well, if it's not in the replay, I watched the replay last time to see if it was smooth and there were no hiccups at all in the replay that I saw.
02:15:39 You know the replay I think is still.
02:15:41 Good and if?
02:15:42 The the drops that are happening in the live stream aren't too bad.
02:15:46 Then maybe that's something I can live with.
02:15:49 I always feel like I'm jinxing it as I say that, so I'm like clicking back to make sure.
02:15:53 Yeah, I mean, for so for the whole stream.
02:15:55 Look, it is significant. The whole stream has dropped 856 frames. You got to figure this way at 30 frames per second. You know every 300 frames is is 10 seconds.
02:16:10 So, I mean, we're almost up to 30 seconds now, 30 seconds out of, you know, two hours in, according to this two hours and 15 minutes.
02:16:19 It might not sound like a lot, but it's.
02:16:21 It's a lot, you know.
02:16:23 Like I would be.
02:16:24 Way more comfortable with, with less than 10 seconds.
02:16:29 Uh. Let's see here.
02:16:32 $1.00 from uh, and that's.
02:16:35 I think it died again, not the Internet, but the I think the.
02:16:38 Super chat Window died again.
02:16:41 Alright, well, I'll just.
02:16:43 Close it and pop it out again.
02:16:49 There we go.
02:16:49 Come on.
02:16:50 Come on, odyssey.
02:16:51 Yeah, this is an odyssey thing.
02:16:53 This is not a me thing.
02:16:58 There we go.
02:17:03 OK.
02:17:04 Where are we at?
02:17:05 I mean back it up again.
02:17:11 Colonel N word $1.00. Appreciate it.
Speaker 4
02:17:14 How would you?Devon
02:17:14 Rate space Internet is it worth the cost?02:17:17 You know, honestly depends on what you're paying now.
02:17:20 What I was paying for, like the much slower Internet was really it was like it was barely cheaper.
02:17:26 Like bear?
02:17:26 Like pretty much the same price.
02:17:30 And I had to pay an initial cost for that Internet because I had to buy it.
02:17:34 It's it was, you know, it's LTE.
02:17:35 But it's like a it's like a hot spot.
02:17:38 That's like beefy.
02:17:39 It has like antennas coming out of it and you know also is.
02:17:43 Has a you know like a a router hooked up to it and everything. So it's like, you know, I I think the initial investment was kind of high because like 500 bucks to.
02:17:55 Get that dish.
02:17:56 And get going.
02:17:58 But I mean as speed.
02:18:01 I mean, look.
02:18:03 In terms of the speed, if you're somewhere, you can't get it any, you know, high speed.
02:18:09 And you work on the Internet.
02:18:12 Then yes, if you're somewhere where you can get kind of slow Internet and you're not using the Internet that much and you can, at least you know you can stream the videos that you watch, you just have to down, you know, make the quality lower or whatever.
02:18:23 I'd be OK with that if that's all I.
02:18:24 Was doing if.
02:18:25 It was a lot cheaper, you know, because 500 bucks a lot of money. 500 bucks.
02:18:29 And then like, it's like 100 bucks a month.
02:18:32 So that's a lot of money.
02:18:33 That's a lot of money for Internet.
02:18:35 If I wasn't making my living on the Internet, I that would be too much, I think.
02:18:42 Compared to what I already have, I mean it it, it doesn't save much money, but I I think dropping the 500 bucks for the initial I I don't know.
02:18:49 I don't know it is way less frustrating to be able to use Internet at a normal speed during the day.
02:18:57 It's been and look it doesn't disconnect it.
02:19:00 It never.
02:19:02 It seems too bad you'll get weird glitches, but that's always been something that I was expecting because it's satellite, right?
02:19:09 You're always going to have weird glitches because literally like.
02:19:12 Like an airplane could.
02:19:13 Fly over and and and **** ** the connection.
02:19:17 I'd like to see what it's like in bad weather.
02:19:20 I'm guessing it probably does not work well in bad weather.
02:19:24 We'll find out and it probably will not like it when I haven't done any significant transmitting on my ham radio stuff since I set it up because I the antenna is probably way too close to the dish, but I suspect that's going to knock it down.
02:19:42 I mean, I've tried doing.
02:19:43 We'll see.
02:19:44 I put a bunch of.
02:19:46 RF blocking stuff all over the cables and everything else, but you know we'll see.
02:19:50 We'll see what happens.
02:19:52 But yeah, I.
02:19:53 Guess my after using it for only about.
02:19:57 I guess less than a week, right or?
02:19:58 About a week.
02:20:00 I'd have to say my initial impression is good.
02:20:05 In some ways.
02:20:06 It works better than I thought it would.
02:20:09 The dropping frames thing I'm not too happy about, but you know.
02:20:13 It's for if you're not streaming, then it.
02:20:19 If I wouldn't even notice.
02:20:20 If I wasn't, you know, streaming.
02:20:23 It would seem like kind of slow cable.
02:20:26 Because the speed isn't that great, it's like.
02:20:29 I mean it's absolute best.
02:20:32 I think it's like 50 down, which is like pretty good.
02:20:35 And then like, it's like 15 up, you know, so it's like that would have been like really fast, you know, few years back or whatever.
02:20:44 But if you're in a rural area, that's like ******* amazingly fast.
02:20:50 So hopefully that answers your question.
02:20:55 $3 ******** ******. Appreciate it. I'm seeing how our elites are so ****** that Russia is giving them a punch to the nose on.
02:21:04 The world stage that it seems like they're willing to have Article 5 of NATO activated at a sheer spite.
02:21:12 Hell, they're so psychotic that they know it will go nuclear and lie about it or.
02:21:20 They believe they're propaganda.
02:21:22 I mean, I don't know.
02:21:22 I don't know.
02:21:23 I look, there's definitely.
02:21:25 You got to think about this way.
02:21:26 The people that, that that are on TV and stuff like that, they're not the ones calling the shots. Those are the incompetent middle management people that in many cases do drink the kool-aid.
02:21:35 That's why they're doing it and that's how they sleep at night is they think that they're doing it for the the whatever they're doing, they're doing for the greater good.
02:21:41 They just don't understand it.
02:21:43 Or maybe they think they do.
02:21:44 Or you know what I mean.
02:21:45 So the people really calling the shots, I think that they're way more interested in not having the economy.
02:22:01 Because you know major cities.
02:22:03 I don't.
Speaker 4
02:22:04 Know it's hard to.Devon
02:22:05 Really what it comes down to, what are we?02:22:06 What are we talking about, right.
02:22:09 This this stage of capitalism, every decision is what will maximize profits.
02:22:17 So that's what you got to watch out.
02:22:19 Or if they do a calculation and they decide that war and and then they've had, they've made that calculation many times before and we know what they've, you know, the answer they've come up with.
02:22:30 If they decide that war is going to fix the economy and be the most profitable solution.
Speaker 4
02:22:36 They might do it.02:22:39 They might do it.
02:22:41 Some of that might be how.
02:22:42 Confident they feel about their ability to ward off a nuclear attack.02:22:47 I don't think nuclear warheads would be out of the would be off the table in a in a all out war between NATO and or even just, you know, a member of NATO and and Russia.
02:23:02 I don't think.
02:23:03 I don't think that they would you.
02:23:04 Know Russia or?
02:23:05 You know, NATO, for that matter, would just be like we're not using nukes.
02:23:10 There's also a very, very, very, very long, deep seated hatred, ethnic hatred.
02:23:20 That Jews have for Russians.
02:23:24 That's just the fact there are a lot of Jews that really ******* hate Russians.
02:23:30 And that will figure into the decision I'm sure.
Speaker 4
02:23:37 Yeah, I mean.Devon
02:23:40 You know that's.02:23:41 But there's no way to know, which is why we talked about commercials tonight.
02:23:44 Because I'm just so tired of, like, every every ******* stream is about Russia or Ukraine, World War 3.
02:23:50 And I'm just like, we don't.
02:23:52 No way to.
02:23:53 So if it I mean, is it soothing?
02:23:56 To sit there and.
02:23:56 Act like we know you know and.
02:23:58 Let's let's talk about it.
02:23:59 And in a way that makes it sound like I know what I'm talking about.
02:24:02 Or, you know, it's just it's all guessing.
02:24:04 We don't know.
02:24:05 We have no idea.
02:24:07 And and so it's just, it just gets repetitive and I just get bored with it.
02:24:12 UM and it's not.
02:24:16 Look, I I would absolutely, but you should be doing this already.
02:24:18 I've been saying this for years.
02:24:19 You should.
02:24:20 You should have food supply stocked up.
02:24:22 Things are gonna get more expensive.
02:24:24 Gasoline is already way more expensive than it was out here.
02:24:28 Like it's a little shocking how expensive it's getting out here.
02:24:32 It's it's already north of $5, you know, a gallon. So I would, you know, I would try to.
02:24:41 Account for that.
02:24:43 And and and certainly and food is getting more expensive too, even like the cheap canned food, there was cheap canned.
02:24:49 We used to have this the off brand canned food I would buy like a bunch of every once in a while just to, you know, stock up my my supplies that I always have, you know, some stuff.
Speaker 4
02:24:59 And it was like really?Devon
02:25:00 Cheap to do because it was like $0.75 a.02:25:02 Can or whatever.
02:25:03 And then like the name brand stuff was like a dollar A can or, you know. And now the cheap stuff's like, a dollar A can. And the name brand stuff's like $1.30 a can. So the.
02:25:12 Prices are going up.
02:25:15 And that's that's a significant, you know in those.
02:25:18 Denominations. It doesn't sound like a lot, but that's like that's like a 30% rise. You know that that's a lot of that's a big increase in price.
02:25:25 And as gas prices go up, that's going to increase even more because they're.
02:25:28 Going to make up that money.
02:25:31 In fact, I was talking to the local.
02:25:34 We don't have a lot of.
02:25:35 We have like a store here and I was talking to the local checkout lady because she was there because they they were out of a bunch of stuff, right?
02:25:45 And I made some comments about like.
02:25:50 Yeah, you know, usually I would drive in the town because, you know, no offense, but your prices are not that great and your selection is pretty crappy.
02:25:59 But if I drive out of town and to, you know, save a few bucks or whatever the the savings.
02:26:08 With like the gas prices are getting so high now it outweighs the savings and the selection.
02:26:14 Even at these places I've been driving to is is.
02:26:17 I mean it's better, but it's it's still it's getting limited too.
02:26:21 So it's kind of just like, you know, might as well just buy it at the rip off place that's local, you know, might even save money in gas.
02:26:30 So I would just, I would just get ready.
02:26:32 I would get ready for.
02:26:35 For the possibility of it, especially if you're in like.
02:26:41 I mean, you shouldn't be in an urban area anymore, but.
02:26:43 If you are.
02:26:45 You know, just just look at a map.
02:26:47 How about this?
02:26:48 Look at a map of the country that you're in.
Speaker 4
02:26:52 And think to yourself, if I.02:26:55 Was going to nuke this.
02:26:55 Place you know, where would I be sending these nukes?02:26:59 And if you live near those places.
Speaker 4
02:27:01 Maybe think you know, maybe keep that in mind too.02:27:04 Maybe just keep it in mind.
02:27:07 So yeah, all right.02:27:11 $1.00 from lifts. Lord Godfrey. Appreciate it. There were lawsuits pushed by organizations to force ad agencies that weren't with it.
02:27:20 To force them to push race mixing and ******** in the 80s and 90s that started a hard pivot.
02:27:26 That was built up to almost no heterosexual whites and ads, except for when pushing opioid.
02:27:33 I'll look into that.
02:27:34 I I'm not aware of any lawsuits that were forcing ad agencies to change the demographics of their advertisements, but I wouldn't be surprised.
02:27:44 That wouldn't shock me if you've got links, shoot me a link, I'll.
02:27:50 Take a look.
02:27:50 At that, that, that would be worth honestly that.
02:27:52 Would be worth.
02:27:54 A stream right there.
02:27:57 You know, seeing, like, who's bankrolling these?
02:27:59 What excuses were they using?
02:28:01 Frugal $100. Wow, that's super generous, really.
02:28:06 Appreciate that you didn't have to, but I'm glad you did.
02:28:13 But always, always a pleasure to see you here based bro update.
02:28:18 How is your brother doing?
02:28:20 Hi, Devin and all Dave says thank you all for the prayers and well wishes.
02:28:24 Oh, and then it updates.
Speaker 14
02:28:27 Hold on.Devon
02:28:30 And he's hanging in there.02:28:31 We'll have major heart surgery very soon.
02:28:34 Please keep praying and sending positive thoughts.
02:28:37 Thanks, fam.
02:28:38 Much love for the this community.
02:28:40 Yeah, yeah, Dave, we're all still pulling for you and everyone keep Dave in your hearts and and.
02:28:50 Prayer or or.
02:28:51 Pray for him.
02:28:52 When you pray the.
02:28:53 Night, which you all should be doing.
02:28:58 And yeah, I hope I hope I I have a good feeling.
02:29:00 Well, I don't want jinx thing I hope.
02:29:03 I hope that he.
02:29:05 I hope everything goes goes smoothly.
02:29:08 First, last $10. Appreciate it off topic for this stream, but India just made a huge oil deal with Russia without the Petro dollar.
02:29:18 It was a pure ruble rupee deal and it was done with a significant at a significant discount price.
02:29:25 China is also agreeing to a serious.
02:29:30 One ruble oil deals.
02:29:32 Soon even Saudis are now considering it.
02:29:36 Yeah, I mean, you know, it's uh again.
02:29:41 That's when you get into wars, when the economies get going to the tube, into the tubes, and even if this is largely self-inflicted, you know the West just being incompetently run or or maybe purposely run into the ground so that they can usher in the great reset.
02:29:57 In fact, a book I'm reading, Klaus Schwab.
02:29:59 Came out with a new book.
02:30:01 Called the great narrative.
02:30:03 That I am now currently going through.
02:30:07 It's not super long.
02:30:08 It's like.
02:30:09 100 and.
02:30:10 100 and something pages long.
02:30:15 Yeah, that's not good news if you.
02:30:18 Well, like peace.
02:30:20 Ruger sold again $10. Really appreciate it.
02:30:23 Someone mentioned Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing last string.
02:30:27 You touched on this, but there are those who believe McVeigh was sheep dip, meaning he was a covert, employed or covertly employed military asset while in the military and afterward.
02:30:38 So the whole anti government thing was not.
02:30:40 Right.
02:30:40 No, I think that's a that I think that's a good possibility.
02:30:44 I think that's that's a good possibility or he was in the same way the FBI.
02:30:52 But look, we have records of the FBI creating Islamic terrorism by or the kidnapping of the, you know, the Michigan governor.
02:31:03 So it could even be a thing like that with the FBI.
02:31:06 Basically just they found a guy that would be susceptible to this and started pushing him to do it.
02:31:11 And you know, like I was saying, Bill Cooper, when he met him.
02:31:14 Said that he was with some other guy that could that could have been and that who know who.
02:31:18 Where's that guy?
02:31:19 We don't know.
02:31:20 Well, maybe he was the guy that was the FBI handler.
02:31:24 Holding his hand through.
02:31:25 The whole operation, we don't know.
02:31:28 Race car now $5 per unit. Can you put the Hitler remix from the Uzi Heart Surgery Edition up on telegram?
02:31:38 OK.
02:31:39 I'm yeah, I'll try to find it.
02:31:44 In my stuff, I think that's on the other computer, the one that's currently sad and broken.
02:31:50 But I got to get a bunch of data off that.
02:31:52 Hard drive anyway so.
02:31:55 I'll just have to.
02:31:56 I'll I'll probably I'll copy that whole that whole black pill, the folder over so.
02:32:03 And trying to make that available somewhere alright. Shut shuffle, schock. Something $25. I like to share your video titled Why Abortion is worse.
02:32:16 If you're an atheist, to everyone, I can probably the best argument to use against my lefty fagot friends.
Speaker 4
02:32:23 Yeah, yeah, I.Devon
02:32:25 It's just an argument I came up with.02:32:27 When I was.
02:32:29 Really young because I had a friend that was very pro-life and then he stopped believing in God and suddenly, like all kinds of things, seemed morally acceptable to him.
02:32:38 And so I I just tried to frame it in a way that didn't require God for it to be, you know, immoral.
02:32:46 And it actually worked on him.
02:32:48 So I was.
02:32:48 Like, OK well then this will.
02:32:50 This will probably work on others, so that's that's I'm glad that that you're having that's that's getting some traction.
02:32:57 $5 from Cardiff. So many Barbies to choose from. Beach Barbie, Malibu Barbie on and on and on. The best Barbie to get is divorced Barbie. She comes with all of Kenny's stuff, but on.
02:33:11 Yes, that's the that's the realistic Barbie.
02:33:16 Veruca Salt $1.00 appreciate it. I drove my I drove by a massive sign for a Jewish War Memorial.
02:33:27 Can you imagine if our government funded a Christian War Memorial Jews have these things because they can, right?
02:33:39 You know, but like, again, part of it's because it's just, it's almost impossible to get the right Christian right to actually make things happen.
02:33:49 And part of it could be just there's not the numbers anymore.
02:33:52 You know, even though Jews only make up 2% or whatever, first of all, they have a lot.
02:33:56 More funding, right?
02:33:58 But they probably have more people show up.
02:34:00 You know, they're probably better at organizing and getting people to show up.
02:34:05 And you know, if you.
02:34:09 If you if we had that same capability, we'd probably get some, you know, some stuff done but.
02:34:17 You know, global **** is is.
02:34:20 Diametrically opposed to white Christians, so you wouldn't have a whole lot that you could accomplish anyway, just because of that in terms of, you know, getting.
02:34:30 Getting stuff built on public land and whatnot.
02:34:33 Iceberg 123, do you remember that one Skinhead kid from the Jewish Oprah knock off you? Show it a while back. You should play it again. **** was great.
02:34:45 Yeah, the time out, the, the guy on Ricky Lake.
02:34:49 Someone messaged me and said that they knew him, that he's like still around and like involved somehow.
02:34:56 So that's pretty funny.
02:34:59 But yeah, he was.
02:35:00 He was pretty articulate for.
02:35:03 For just because he was just like 18.
02:35:04 Or whatever.
02:35:07 At the time, Don Argent, you talked about the spiteful mutants allegory as if we are getting selected by more fit cells rather than getting picked off by cancer cells that will kill the Organism soon.
02:35:23 You're you talk about as if we're getting selected.
02:35:26 By more fit cells.
02:35:28 Rather than getting picked off by no, just natural selection invariably means.
02:35:35 Whoever adapts to the environment in such a way that they reproduce the most.
02:35:40 That's it.
02:35:45 Look, I mean, it's real easy to.
02:35:47 Say well ha.
02:35:48 Ha ha.
02:35:48 Trainees don't reproduce and ha ha ha, gays can't reproduce and ha ha, cat ladies left.
02:35:54 These don't reproduce well.
02:35:55 There seems to be a **** ton of them, so they're.
02:35:57 Coming from somewhere?
02:35:59 You know what I mean?
02:36:00 Like their numbers aren't shrinking.
02:36:04 So maybe they might not reproduce in in the traditional sense, you know.
02:36:11 But there there's there's certainly multiplying, you know, I mean, that's all I'm saying is, is there, I guess, like a cancer cell?
Speaker 4
02:36:23 So maybe I guess you're right in a way like, yeah, they're multiplying.Devon
02:36:26 Like ******* cancer cells.02:36:30 They but they.
02:36:30 Yeah, they don't reproduce in in any kind of healthy.
02:36:33 Way but you know.
02:36:35 They're adopting ******* kids and and having surrogate moms and or you know, they're doing, they're doing something because there's more of.
02:36:43 Them than there are of us.
02:36:47 Uh $50.00 from Deterra Poly. Appreciate it. We have to at least change our local environment. There are. There are ways it takes patience and strength. You might think you don't have or strength you. You might think you don't have persistence wins.
02:37:06 Yeah, it's it's it's much easier on the local level and it's much easier to interact with at the local level if you're not in a.
02:37:15 I mean, good luck if you're in a city trying to change at the local level.
02:37:18 If you're in a in a.
02:37:20 You know, global ****.
02:37:21 Stronghold City, which pretty much every city you're not going to have any power.
02:37:28 And what are you going to do?
02:37:29 Make a neighborhood watch a Neighborhood Association, become president of Your HOA?
02:37:33 You know, I mean like.
02:37:36 In order to really wield power and actually legislate things and stuff like that at the local level and and and even this is going to get increasingly harder as as and that because these local municipalities are still beholden to like the county and the state that they reside.
02:37:52 OK, but you're right, you can.
02:37:54 You can.
02:37:55 You can do things at the local level in sparsely populated areas or at least not.
02:38:03 Overpopulated areas.
02:38:06 And you'll get some **** done.
02:38:09 And and yeah, I I would never discourage anyone.
02:38:13 From doing that.
02:38:16 Race car now $1.00 why does Barbie ever seem? Or why doesn't Barbie ever seem to be pregnant? Because Ken always comes in another box. Hey. Oh, and he doesn't have * ****. He's all smooth down there.
02:38:32 And there is a pregnant Barbie.
02:38:33 It's really creepy.
02:38:35 I mean, it seems creepy just cause there's like a weird little plastic baby that, like literally you pop open her belly and it comes out.
02:38:43 But in a way, it's also kind of like, you know, I'd prefer I'd prefer to have, you know, my daughter have pregnant Barb.
02:38:51 You know that that's promoting the idea of having children, right?
02:38:55 I guess in a kind of creepy way.
02:38:57 But you know, I guess I'll take what I can get.
02:39:01 UM.
02:39:03 Let's see here.
02:39:07 Don't care 150 about the Panda movie. I knew they. I knew they looked too white, but then I was like, it must be the animation. That's it. Then they showed her family all Asian looking now when?
02:39:20 The girl turns.
02:39:21 Is red, she's white.
02:39:24 And when the mom opens her eyes wide, she looks whiter.
02:39:27 Surprised they didn't go for race.
02:39:29 Mixed family, right? Well, even the dad, like, you know, the dad's got kind of a, you know, like an Asian guy. Look, I mean, they all look, they all have.
02:39:38 They have like an Asian.
02:39:40 They look like hapas is what it is.
02:39:42 They they don't look like Asians.
02:39:43 They look like half Asian.
02:39:46 And that was done on on like so on purpose so that it didn't seem like.
02:39:52 To little white girls.
02:39:53 Oh, this is a story about another culture.
02:39:56 You know, this is not this isn't anything I have to connect with.
02:40:00 You know, this is some exotic thing that I can I can look at and be entertained by, but it's nothing that I'm not on a personal level connect to.
02:40:08 But by making her look like the Wallace and Grommet, you know?
02:40:12 She could be anybody.
02:40:13 Kind of a thing.
02:40:15 That's that's what they accomplish.
02:40:17 They accomplish that relatability, which was absolutely a a decision.
02:40:25 It wasn't like a, a, a random thing that happened, but through, like.
02:40:29 Ohh we just.
02:40:29 Designed her that way, and randomly, whatever.
02:40:33 UM.
02:40:37 Let's see here.
02:40:39 Trash panda, right? Is that the right? Yeah, $25. Appreciate it. Hey, Devin, you probably don't Remember Me, but a long time ago, you gave me some advice that changed my life forever. You told me to stop being a a gay autistic ******.
02:40:56 It feels like.
02:40:56 It was just yesterday, but it wasn't.
02:40:58 It was 3 days ago.
02:41:00 Thank you.
02:41:00 There you go.
02:41:02 Hope that advice has has serves you well.
02:41:06 Yeah, yeah.
02:41:07 Never be a gay autistic ******.
02:41:10 But I appreciate the 25 bucks and I do remember you. Of course. Yes. Veruca salt. Another person I remember.
02:41:16 $1.00 appreciate that I drove through several states recently and was in awe at the beauty of our country. I was in tears thinking about how it was less and less our country I often.
02:41:29 I often feel like I'm in a foreign.
02:41:30 Land right and honestly, that's it's bittersweet.
02:41:36 It's sad in a way, but like as I've I've said before it like, you know, they're Biden's time of putting Susan B Anthony on.
02:41:43 The $20.
02:41:43 Bill I.
02:41:44 ******* go for it.
02:41:46 Because you need to.
02:41:47 Get to that point where you.
02:41:51 You you need to feel like you are in occupied territory in order to shift behaviors from a group that's operating from a position of power, which we're not anymore.
02:42:03 Like, maybe we were at some point, but not in a really long time and we're still behaving as if we're in a position of.
02:42:12 But we're not.
02:42:13 And so you need to shift strategies and everything out and goals and and timelines so that you're you, you can be more effective instead of just trying the same stupid **** over and over again.
02:42:27 The the, the right has been trying.
02:42:29 It hasn't worked because they're doing it in a.
02:42:32 Incorrect context.
02:42:34 But yeah, I love this land, my family, you know, has has helped settle a lot of this land.
02:42:40 And I've been all over this country. I I don't think I've been to all fifty. I've never been to like Hawaii or Alaska, but I've been pretty much the other 48.
02:42:51 There's maybe one or two I haven't been to, but I've at least, like, stopped at an airport and, like, at all the stage or something.
Speaker 4
02:43:00 But yeah, it is sad.Devon
02:43:01 It's sad, but like I said, it's.02:43:03 Bittersweet. We will come back.
02:43:05 But we have to realize that we have to come back, you know, like we can't just operate with the assumption that, oh, no, we can still fix this.
02:43:15 It's like, no, it's gone.
02:43:16 Let it go.
02:43:17 It go let it go.
02:43:19 The Foobar Nation $5 appreciated. Ditto on the Once Upon a time in America, I've purchased 3 copies of daily rope on Amazon, Barnes and Noble.
02:43:29 Apple I pay for what I consume, I still wonder is getting free digital copies of they they're up online is stealing if it's not available for purchase anywhere, try Delta Press.
02:43:41 They print some crazy ****.
02:43:44 Yeah, I'll make it available again.
02:43:45 Like I get it.
02:43:46 I get it.
02:43:47 I mean, I'd prefer, obviously, like I worked hard on it and stuff, and I did it.
02:43:50 Specifically, the to help fund it, knowing that it's going to get demonetized and everything else like you know, trying to plan ahead.
02:43:56 But yeah, you're right.
02:43:57 I got to, I got to get that back and.
02:44:00 Or somewhere in book two.
02:44:02 I was hoping to release at the same time, which I have been working on.
02:44:08 I have been working on so it's.
02:44:12 I gotta find a publisher so that when that's ready, that has a place to go.
02:44:16 But yeah, I'm not don't.
02:44:17 Get me wrong.
02:44:18 I'm not like raging.
02:44:19 Like what people are stealing.
02:44:20 Get it?
02:44:21 I know what happens.
02:44:22 In fact, it's a little flattering, right?
02:44:23 Like Ohh people think it's worth stealing.
Speaker 4
02:44:28 You know I.Devon
02:44:29 Mean like I get it.02:44:30 So I'm not, like, raging mad.
02:44:32 And you're right, it's not available right now, but I'll make it.
02:44:34 I'll make it available at some point soon, hopefully.
02:44:40 So many things to do.
02:44:42 I need a manager.
02:44:43 I need like a I need an army of a.
02:44:46 Of interns or something?
02:44:49 G gog.
02:44:52 Hey or G cog or no GG.
02:44:54 Hey, Devin.
02:44:55 I spoke to you a few streams ago and you gave me insight on this war that we're in right now, not about Russia versus Ukraine, but Zaag.
02:45:03 And it gave me a lot to think about.
02:45:05 I'm wondering how can I learn about this information like you and be more red?
02:45:11 Filled like you.
02:45:15 Well, I guess you have to be more specific about and.
02:45:18 There's so much information out there.
02:45:21 UM.
02:45:23 Yeah, I mean.
02:45:24 A lot of it's.
02:45:24 Just it's just researching.
02:45:28 I'll tell you what like.
02:45:32 I should come up with a reading list.
02:45:35 It wouldn't be that.
02:45:36 Difficult to come up with a reading list.
02:45:39 There are some books.
02:45:40 That I think are worth reading.
02:45:42 UM.
02:45:44 So maybe I'll do that, maybe I'll do that there.
02:45:48 But there because there are like a few, there's a handful of books that really kind of.
02:45:53 Got my head going.
02:45:54 You know, like that really made me think.
02:45:58 And so yeah, there's.
02:46:01 You know.
02:46:02 Well, I'll.
02:46:03 I'll come up with a.
02:46:04 I'll come up with the list.
02:46:07 Doorknob Shalom. Devin, please accept this very generous $30.00. I worked very hard for these $20.00, but I've been.
02:46:15 Long time fan of yours?
02:46:17 So $10 is a big deal. Keep up the good work. So I don't spend these $5 all in one place, Graham. I only great great things with this $1.00.
02:46:26 Or well, you should end with.
02:46:27 $0.05 because that's.
Speaker 19
02:46:28 What you gave me?Devon
02:46:31 At least I think it's what.02:46:35 Yes, I pretty sure everyone knows.
02:46:37 That joke, but.
02:46:39 I'll give you that.
02:46:39 I'll give you the.
02:46:41 The what is that called?
02:46:43 The the rim.
02:46:44 Something not *** ***.
02:46:45 It's called the something.
02:46:46 What is it?
02:46:48 I forget.
02:46:50 $5 from debtor Polly appreciate it. Lots of money, lots of money, dead people dying, people trying to control past the grave. One generation can change everything.
02:47:03 This is true.
02:47:04 So that's why we need to raise the army of John Connors.
02:47:08 An army of John Connors.
02:47:10 Geiss and Peter are 1488 appreciate.
Speaker 4
02:47:13 It do you know?Devon
02:47:14 How I Met your mother.02:47:16 Now there is a show called How I Met your father.
02:47:18 I skipped to the first episode.
02:47:20 It's insane blonde thinking a black is her soul mate.
02:47:24 White guy having an Asian sister.
02:47:27 Needless to say, it's made by the usual suspects.
02:47:30 Yeah, I never watched uh.
02:47:33 Well, I I just.
02:47:34 I've never liked.
02:47:34 I mean, I didn't.
02:47:35 Like by that.
02:47:36 By the time that was around, I was not a.
02:47:38 Fan of sitcoms at all?
02:47:40 You know, the laugh track would just, you know, just just.
02:47:47 So I'm not familiar.
02:47:48 I know of the first one.
02:47:52 The second one.
02:47:54 I've never even heard of, but if it's new, it's gotta be awful.
02:48:00 Or art imitating life.
02:48:01 I think in some ways, but also in a way around.
02:48:05 Last stand, Mississippi.
02:48:08 I was working on.
02:48:08 A project in was it Bossier City?
02:48:15 Or bozier or I don't know those.
02:48:18 Weird Southern French names.
02:48:19 You never know which way to go with it.
02:48:21 And Shreveport, all this week, I've seen so many Halliburton semis over the last few days.
02:48:28 I've never seen this before.
02:48:30 Over here, they do have facilities here, but Barksdale Air Force Base is here as well.
02:48:36 Whatever they're up to, we're paying for it.
02:48:38 You know, it's funny.
02:48:39 I was talking to someone about.
02:48:48 Art bell.
02:48:49 You know the old late night guy.
02:48:52 And there was a he he did an interview with John Lear of Learjet and he was talking about Bob Lazar.
02:49:03 For those of you.
02:49:04 Guys who are aware of that.
02:49:05 And John Lear, he's the the He's the son of, like, the guy who made the Learjet.
02:49:12 Right.
02:49:12 So he's part of the the Lear family that makes.
02:49:15 Yet and they have a lot of government contracts and stuff, and he's like any UFOs and **** like that.
02:49:20 And the show is about UFOs, but somehow for some reason it came out and this this this this aired in like 91 or something like that.
02:49:29 And it came up that he was. He was helping the deep state-run guns through Tel Aviv.
02:49:40 Into Iran.
02:49:42 And was talking about how he'd worked with Mossad and this other stuff.
02:49:45 And I was just like, how did this, just like, fly, right?
02:49:48 Over people's heads in the 90s, right?
02:49:51 Like, it's not that.
02:49:52 No, I mean, it was less frequently talked about, right?
02:49:55 The Mossad, Israel influence stuff, obviously.
02:49:59 But it's not like it wasn't talked about at.
02:50:01 And why is it only now?
02:50:03 But people are just starting to put it together.
02:50:06 You know, was the propaganda that I guess the Internet is part of the answer to that question, right?
02:50:12 The Internet, because they, you know, the Jews controlled the networks.
02:50:16 You know, there wasn't going to be a mass communication on that topic, that that was any significant, you know.
02:50:23 Of any significance.
02:50:25 But yeah, that's crazy about the Halliburton stuff.
02:50:27 I wouldn't be that surprised that they're not running illegally running weapons, you know, under the table, type of stuff that they do that.
02:50:34 All the time.
Speaker 4
02:50:36 We may or may.Devon
02:50:37 Not find about it out or.02:50:38 About it. Ever.
02:50:41 Yeah, I would not.
02:50:43 I wouldn't.
02:50:43 I would be.
02:50:43 In fact, I'd be shocked if they weren't providing.
02:50:49 Way more support to the Ukrainians than they than they're saying.
02:50:55 Leah, let's see here.
02:51:01 Warsteiner 89110 dollars. Appreciate it. Can I please get some guidance on how to better detach myself emotionally from my normal family, focusing on my own thing helps me worry less about them.
02:51:14 But the relationship with my MPC family can be best be summed up as quote, just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
02:51:24 Well, I'd have to have more information on that to give you any kind of meaningful advice.
Speaker 4
02:51:30 But I look if you're if your gripe.Devon
02:51:33 With them is that they are NPC's that they don't get it, and then when you try to Jew pill them or red pill them.02:51:41 Or whatever pill.
02:51:42 Them they just think you're a crazy person or or or whatever.
Speaker 4
02:51:47 I've given up.Devon
02:51:49 On on most member not every, but most members of my family.02:51:54 On and and and and I have stopped trying to turn them in, you know.
02:52:02 Turned them into me.
02:52:03 I've stopped trying to make them based.
02:52:06 And I've learned to just let them be them.
02:52:09 And just not talk about certain, you know, cause they're your family, right, whether you like it or not.
02:52:16 And and I've just learned to just.
02:52:21 Like you can never go back, right?
02:52:22 Like you can never go back to before you.
02:52:25 You took the black pill like you can that you can't.
02:52:28 You just can't.
02:52:28 I mean, there's people that try, but I I feel like it.
02:52:33 They never really got it in the 1st place, right?
02:52:35 If they're doing that, you know, they just.
02:52:36 They never actually got it right.
02:52:39 And and you can never go back, but you can remember.
Speaker 4
02:52:43 What it was.Devon
02:52:43 Like when when you were a normal too.02:52:46 Right.
02:52:46 So just I just do that you know, maybe it's easier for me because growing up in a Mormon household.
02:52:53 I just.
02:52:53 I had to be like that all.
02:52:54 The time right?
02:52:55 Like I couldn't be like.
02:52:56 Alright, mom, I'm gonna go hang out my friend and smoke a bunch of pot and then try to ****.
Speaker 4
02:53:01 Some girls like.02:53:04 That never happened.
02:53:05 I had.
02:53:05 I was basically living.
02:53:06 A lie at home.02:53:09 And so I was, you know, I would have to be like, oh, we're going to go.
Speaker 4
02:53:12 Play cards at my friend you.Devon
02:53:14 Know I don't know what excuses I use.02:53:18 But I just feel like that's the way to do it at a certain point, if you want to keep that relationship alive, that's really the only way to do it and then to try to be.
02:53:25 A good example.
02:53:26 Like, don't, don't, don't.
02:53:27 Don't like if.
02:53:28 They ask you, you don't lie, you know.
Speaker 4
02:53:31 But just don't try to profit.Devon
02:53:33 Proselytize them all the time about it.02:53:36 Let them know how you.
02:53:36 Feel and it sounds like they.
02:53:38 Know how you feel.
02:53:40 And then just be awesome.
02:53:43 And then, because what will happen is they'll be like.
02:53:46 Well, you know.
02:53:48 He's he seems to know like this is, you know, he seems to really have his **** together.
02:53:53 He seems like he's really awesome.
02:53:57 And if he thinks this, then maybe it's true.
02:54:01 That would be my advice that.
02:54:03 Would be my advice.
02:54:05 And and again without.
02:54:07 Without enough information, that's the best I can do really.
02:54:11 UM.
Speaker 19
02:54:14 OK, Scroll down.Devon
02:54:27 Glock 23, would you please play your masterpiece from last stream again? I'm sure everyone wants to hear it.02:54:32 Maybe some have missed it.
02:54:34 I'll think about it.
02:54:35 Like I said, it's on the telegram channel.
02:54:37 You can get on the Telegram channel.
02:54:39 I just don't want to get like.
02:54:40 Repetitive, you know.
02:54:44 Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I'll play at the very end.
02:54:46 I already have an end video queued up, but after I'll tell you what after that I'll I will play it.
02:54:52 For those of.
02:54:52 You want to hang on and have a listen.
02:54:56 Davis MJ $25 or appreciate that. Love you. Devin. No ****. I never get to catch these things live.
02:55:04 Please shout out to fields and friends and tell him that I have been trying to get a hold of him.
02:55:13 He can e-mail my Gmail.
02:55:15 My username is the same as my.
02:55:19 So there you go.
02:55:20 Fields and friends.
02:55:22 Davis MJ, 20.
02:55:24 Is trying to get ahold of you.
02:55:27 Another $5 from Davis MJ, 20. Devin I am a church going Mormon? Can you please provide us with a based Mormon pill? Also, I went to the Boyce Thompson.
02:55:42 Arboretum outside of Phoenix and Oded on cactus pills.
02:55:48 I recommend that place if you ever have the chance.
02:55:50 The Boyce Thompson.
02:55:53 Arboretum, huh?
02:55:54 Well, maybe if.
02:55:55 I'm ever out that way.
02:55:56 I'll check it out.
02:55:57 I've got.
02:55:58 I've got quite the.
02:56:00 I I told you guys I was working on.
02:56:01 A cactus bill for you guys today.
02:56:03 I put a bunch in the ground because it warmed up enough to where I don't think they're going to.
02:56:07 You know, they'll they'll.
02:56:07 I think they'll be cool.
02:56:09 Or warm rather, and it's starting to look pretty Arboretum mesh out there so.
02:56:18 If you want to base what's a based Mormon pill, you know what.
02:56:22 Here's here's a Mormon pill.
02:56:24 This is kind of funny.
02:56:25 Everyone has seen that seen this meme, but not.
Speaker 4
02:56:28 Everyone knows what.Devon
02:56:29 What they're looking at?02:56:35 Alright, let me see this.
02:56:49 OK.
02:56:52 I promise you, most people.
02:56:57 Listening right now.
02:57:02 Have seen.
02:57:04 This meme at some point.
Speaker 4
02:57:19 Right.Devon
02:57:20 Most people have seen this meme.02:57:23 But what they don't know?
02:57:25 Is that's Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church.
Speaker 4
02:57:34 You never knew that, did you?Devon
02:57:35 I'm sure some people, all Mormons, all knew it, but like you know, there's a lot of people.02:57:39 Like I said, Mormons was Mormon was like the wisest religion ever. Until the ******* same time. It's it's the the evil year 1978 when like Satan took control.
02:57:58 So there you go, I.
Speaker 4
02:57:59 Guess that that's that. That's.Devon
02:58:00 About the best I can do for a.02:58:03 A Mormon pill is just point out that that guy is that Joseph Smith.
Speaker 4
02:58:09 For those of you didn't know.Devon
02:58:13 All right. Let's see here.02:58:21 $5 from shuts Scheffel.
02:58:26 Something add Helston to the reading list.
02:58:29 I don't think I've read that, but I'll I'll take a look and see.
Speaker 4
02:58:36 G gog.Devon
02:58:38 Really appreciate it, Devin.02:58:40 I look forward to seeing what that reading list you come up with or yeah, and you have a good rest of your day, Sir.
02:58:47 Yeah, you.
02:58:47 Do as well.
02:58:51 Gee, the ***** movie characters being hoppa makes sense since it's Canada and Vancouver and Toronto where?
02:59:01 WMF couples are everywhere.
02:59:03 What is this?
02:59:03 I'm trying to remember.
02:59:04 What it stands for?
02:59:05 A white male Asian female couples are everywhere.
Speaker 4
02:59:09 Right.02:59:09 But in the movie, they're.
02:59:10 Not they're not hoppas.02:59:11 In the movie.
02:59:12 They're supposed to be full blooded Asians.
02:59:13 You know what?
02:59:16 I don't.
02:59:16 Well, I don't know.
02:59:17 Maybe they they never show her her dad, so maybe maybe the moms.
02:59:21 Is is white.
02:59:22 They just never show.
02:59:23 Because dads pretty much don't exist at.
02:59:26 All and and and in all of that.
02:59:28 Movie. There's the.
02:59:31 There's that element to it because the patriarchy or something.
02:59:36 Tell the truth, Devin seems like the Tyler Perry Madea franchise owes Mama's family some royalty rights.
02:59:46 Wait, what?
02:59:47 Seems like the Tyler Perry Madea franchise?
02:59:52 Owes Mama's family some royalty rights.
02:59:57 I know what the Tyler Perry Madea crap is.
03:00:01 UM.
03:00:03 You know where he just dresses.
03:00:04 Up like a a woman.
03:00:06 Mama's family.
03:00:08 I know what that is, but I mean, it's been a long time.
03:00:12 I guess they have the same.
03:00:14 Right.
03:00:15 I guess that's we're getting that.
03:00:17 Man, I forgot about Mama's family.
03:00:20 Maybe that's something to look at.
03:00:22 I don't remember what the premise is.
03:00:23 I just remember it had, like an old lady with curly white hair like I.
03:00:26 Can picture her.
03:00:28 Who was that? Was that?
03:00:32 Who played that chick?
03:00:33 I forget.
03:00:34 Yeah, I totally forgot that existed.
03:00:39 I'm sure I'm sure it's way funnier than Medea though, because let's face it, literally anything is going to be way.
03:00:46 Funnier than Medea.
03:00:49 $5 from Dinapoli, by the way, the Bible is full of of of JQ. That's why the Jews turned atheist, ****** **** and try to exterminate Christians. We replace them. It's a decree from God and their nasty **** hurt about.
03:01:08 Well, I don't know if you asked Ben Shapiro.
03:01:11 Jesus was just a troublemaker that that deserved to go go to prison.
03:01:18 So by the way, did I tell you about the judeo-christian values of America?
03:01:24 God, that's.
03:01:29 Warsteiner 89110 dollars. Appreciate it. You hit the nail on the head regarding my previous question, I'll focus on becoming more awesome so that I'm ready to explain things to my family when the time is right.
03:01:41 It's frustrating as hell, but family is family.
03:01:43 Thank you.
03:01:44 Well, I'm glad that that helped out.
03:01:46 Like I said, it's just it's.
Speaker 4
03:01:48 You don't want to.Devon
03:01:49 You don't want to ruin your relationship with your family and look if they were, if they were like.03:01:55 Terrible people like murderers or pedos, or you know what I mean?
03:01:58 Like, if they were actively hurting.
03:01:59 You or you?
03:02:00 Know abusive or then yeah, tell you know.
03:02:02 Tell the **** *** and go to.
03:02:05 But if you.
03:02:06 Know if they're.
03:02:07 If they're trying and they're and they're good people.
03:02:10 Basically, they're just, you know, some people you'll never get to.
03:02:14 You know you'll never get to.
03:02:17 You know, let's let's find.
03:02:18 Him right.
03:02:19 Where was this at?
03:02:25 You'll never get to these guys.
03:02:29 Let me let me.
03:02:31 Move a Joseph Smith out of.
03:02:33 The way here for a second.
Speaker 4
03:02:35 You'll never get to the grill.03:02:37 You know some of these.
03:02:38 Because this is the world they were raised in.
03:02:42 You know what I mean?
03:02:42 Like, this doesn't.
03:02:43 This is their reality.
03:02:45 They don't know, they really don't.
03:02:47 Know how bad it is.03:02:49 They think you're exaggerating the problem.
Speaker 4
03:02:52 They really do.Devon
03:02:55 Because they went to, they were in classrooms that were, like, at least 95% white, if not more. They worked in businesses, the same thing. They lived in neighborhoods. Same thing.03:03:07 And as they get older like you think, they're not like they're, especially if they're no longer in the workforce, they're not going to work every day.
03:03:14 They rarely have to venture out and you know, because look, you can order everything from Amazon Prime, right?
03:03:20 So they rarely have to venture out.
03:03:21 And when they do that, it can be in their safe little, you know, suburban ghetto with lots and lots of.
03:03:28 Tgi Friday's and Petsmarts and you know like.
03:03:31 It's so they they.
03:03:32 Don't ever have to encounter the the problems.
03:03:35 So they just don't believe it.
03:03:37 They don't believe that.
03:03:38 That's what happened, partially because if they did believe it, they'd have to examine how it changed so much.
03:03:46 In their lifetimes.
03:03:48 And and if maybe perhaps they bore some responsibility for that.
03:03:53 And that's the last thing that Boomer wants to do is well, bear responsibility for anything, so you know.
03:04:03 #Not all.
03:04:04 Boomers, you know what I mean?
03:04:06 But like.
03:04:08 You got it?
03:04:10 There's just going to be.
03:04:11 Situations like that where.
03:04:16 They're just not going to get.
03:04:17 It or they're, you know.
03:04:18 They're just, there's just like mind block and.
Speaker 4
03:04:20 You can chip away, you know, chip away.Devon
03:04:22 Just drop a little nugget here.03:04:23 I mean I've I've slowly turned a lot of my family.
03:04:26 Not all.
03:04:27 But there was a member of my family recently where I.
03:04:30 Was able.
03:04:30 To start talking about, you know, certain events in World War 2 that the numbers.
03:04:36 And just quite out, you know, it was it was a, it was a good step forward, it was it was a surprising step forward in you know in in the.
03:04:45 And you know, making way on indoctrinating my family.
03:04:54 So all right, guys. Well, I'm not going to wrap it up. We're at, we're about 3 hours here. I didn't drop any frames for quite a while, so that's good. All together, we're still at 856 drop frames.
03:05:07 Not the best, but I think good enough to wear.
03:05:11 Let's let's try a different time Wednesday or or, you know, I'll announce online sometime tomorrow.
03:05:18 I got to figure out what time because I do have some stuff going on next week.
03:05:22 Oh, and and guess what in.
03:05:24 Addition to cactus pills.
03:05:30 Early April.
03:05:33 I will have B pills for you guys.
03:05:37 ISB pills there are bees on the way. Non killer bees. Happy little Italian bees, European bees, friendly bees.
03:05:48 Of course, until the killer bees subvert their hive, I'm have to keep an eye out for that.
03:05:53 But I'll start doing B pills, which I think will be fun.
03:05:56 So in fact, it's all set up.
03:05:58 It's all ready to go.
03:05:59 I'm just waiting on the bees, so that'll be.
03:06:02 All right.
03:06:03 I got one last little Foobar Nation posted his.
03:06:08 His short list of his reading list.
03:06:11 Mein Kampf, which way? Western man by WG Simpson. The dispossessed majority by W Robertson. The law by F Bastiat.
03:06:26 Fiction is Don Juan in hell by GB Shah Brave New World by Huxley 84, and Animal Farm by Orwell. And of course, day of the rope by.
03:06:40 Devon Stack and that is my name.
03:06:42 And for black pill line, of course.
Speaker 18
03:06:46 What's my name?Speaker 22
03:06:50 Devil snack.Speaker 2
03:06:55 Listening about the way you look now, I've heard it said that we women attach too much importance to our appearance, but that isn't true.03:07:04 After all, the way we look exert so much influence on the way we feel and on the way other people feel about us, that it really is very important.
03:07:14 I'm gonna talk about good appearance or good grooming or looking your best.
03:07:19 You probably think immediately of clothes or hairstyle or makeup.
03:07:24 Well, I realize that those things are especially interesting to you and they are important and I am going to talk about them that.
03:07:33 Please remember that they are just really the killing, just like the icing on the cake.
03:07:39 If the icing is very good, well that's fine.
03:07:42 But if the.
03:07:43 Cake itself isn't good.
03:07:45 You can lose.
03:07:45 It just in the icing.
03:07:47 So let's start with the cake and come back to the Cannings later.
03:07:52 Basically, of course, good health and intelligent physical care are the foundations of all beauty.
03:07:59 We all want.
03:08:00 A lovely skin, shining eyes, a beautiful smile and loads of pets.
03:08:06 But we can't have them.
03:08:07 Except in a healthy, clean body.
03:08:10 And I mean.
03:08:12 Remember, you can't have good looks without soap and water.
03:08:16 There is no substitute for the daily bath as a groundwork for glamour.
03:08:20 Pulling teeth made brushing.
03:08:22 Gleaming hair means frequent and stale shampooing.
03:08:26 And keep that area freshness by using a deodorant regularly.
03:08:30 It's a shortcut to Social Security.
03:08:34 Please comes next to cleanliness.
03:08:35 As a beauty base.
03:08:37 And I mean sleep, not just go to bed if that means sitting up writing letters or listening to music.
03:08:43 I've seen lots of sparkling eyes and good connections sacrificed to swing records at bedtime.
03:08:49 Mind you, I'm.
03:08:50 All for music in this place.
03:08:52 But there is another sound.
03:08:53 And that old expression beauty sleep.
03:08:56 So snap out that light early enough every night to get 8 or 9 hours of its most effective beauty treatment.
03:09:04 And then there is this business of eating.
03:09:07 It worries me to see that so many girls think.
03:09:09 A balanced diet.
03:09:10 Consists of soda pop and a sandwich or a big breeze.
03:09:14 Cindy, let's remember what we were taught in home economics about a well balanced diet.
03:09:20 Meat, cheese, eggs or fish.
03:09:24 Milk, butter, bread.
03:09:26 Fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits, green dashed vegetables in proper proportion and of course food sweets.
03:09:34 So please go easy on fried foods.
03:09:38 Beautiful skin vitality, hair.
03:09:42 All the things you want.
03:09:43 Begin with a balanced diet.
03:09:46 So watch it, girls.
03:09:47 It pays big dividends.
03:09:52 Preferably outdoors.
03:09:54 And when I say exercise, many of you may think of work well.
03:09:58 A little work is a helpful beauty hint, but there is outdoor.
03:10:01 OK.Speaker 2
03:10:02 I'll leave it to your own conscience whether you work in the garden, ride a bike, play ball, hike, swim or ski the plane.03:10:11 Spend some time every day outdoors, developing the grace that comes from pulling up muscles and the complexion that goes with good circulation.
03:10:20 And even the all these things that you do every day can help to make you more grateful.
03:10:25 But not if they do them like this.
03:10:28 Walking up stairs, reaching up to a high shelf dusting or can be good body conditioning if you use your muscles to do them vigorously instead of flushing through them.
Speaker 10
03:10:41 I'd like to speak to you please, Miss Davison or?Speaker 2
03:10:44 Go right ahead I.03:10:44 Want you girls to ask you questions?
Speaker 10
03:10:46 So I guess I have what?03:10:48 Called round face and I wear my hair the way you sit.
03:10:51 I shouldn't, but I don't see how things like that and posture and mannerisms and the other things will make a girl more popular if she's not pretty to begin with.
Speaker 2
03:11:01 Sometimes I like to shake you girls when you worry so much about being pretty or not being pretty, as all prisoners were.03:11:08 A women's only attraction if you'd spend just one month doing everything I talked about to make the most of your.
03:11:14 Appearance. You wouldn't.
03:11:16 Need to worry about being pretty or popular.
03:11:19 I wish that I could wave a magic wand.
03:11:21 To show you what.
03:11:22 The difference would be presto like that.
03:11:28 I don't work.
03:11:29 You will be prettier.
03:11:31 You will be more popular.
Speaker 4
03:12:13 Yeah, that's a shame.Speaker 28
03:12:19 All Western countries, so I can't get my faster.03:12:26 Master, Old master master.
03:12:29 Shuffles chefs faster.
Speaker 9
03:12:33 Shooting the toxic vaccine so I can get my.03:12:48 Right.
Speaker 28
03:13:05 Being all your offspring so I can get my shackles faster.Speaker 9
03:13:12 Coming to Jewish **** kings so.03:13:15 I can get with my shekels.
Speaker 28
03:13:21 You don't need so I can get high faster.Speaker 9
03:13:29 Since I can get my chickens faster.Speaker 28
03:13:37 All day.03:13:41 .8.
03:13:49 And you spin and style blue Finn so I can get high shuttles faster.
Speaker 9
03:14:08 Settles faster so I can get faster faster.Speaker 28
03:14:25 Volume way.