02/18/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 His eyes.00:01:05 Cry every.
00:01:06 Night for you.
00:01:11 These are to hold you.
00:01:22 Happens on me.
00:01:32 Promise me you broke it.
00:01:50 These eyes.
Speaker 2
00:01:54 Watch you bring.Speaker 1
00:01:55 My world to could not accept and pretend.00:02:00 This part.
Speaker 3
00:02:12 Happens on me.Speaker 1
00:02:23 Me. Yeah.00:02:35 These eyes have seen a lot of love, but they never gonna see another one.
Speaker 4
00:02:39 Like I have.Speaker 1
00:02:51 Number one.00:03:17 For you to hold you, hold you again.
00:03:19 These are.
00:03:35 These eyes have seen a.
00:03:36 Lot of love, but.
00:03:37 They're never gonna see another one.
00:03:49 They're never gonna see.
Speaker 3
00:04:45 Things will never be ever same.00:04:49 Forget how you made that so clear.
00:05:20 For you.
00:05:34 Keep forgetting.
00:05:35 Things will never be the same again.
00:06:16 That's true.
Speaker 1
00:06:26 It will never be the same.00:07:02 Things will never be the same.
00:07:07 How are you?
Speaker 8
00:07:57 Every time for me, baby, baby, baby, baby.Speaker 9
00:08:05 I can't forget.Devon
00:08:10 What's going on?00:08:11 This is the insomnia stream.
00:08:16 Every night.
00:08:17 The Shabbos goy Nationalism Threat edition.
00:08:23 Hope you guys are all doing good.
00:08:24 We're gonna talk about the dangers of shabas going nationalism.
00:08:29 It has come to my attention that there's this.
Speaker 9
00:08:32 This this secret underground movement, well funded, well oiled machine with lots of hidden hands behind it.00:08:42 Greasing the wheels of history.
00:08:47 Lots of your friends might get mixed up in this.00:08:50 You don't know.
00:08:51 They might seem like normal people, but then the next thing you know.
00:08:55 They're wrapped up in Shabazz scoy nationalism.
00:09:02 I know it can seem innocent at first.
00:09:09 The tolerance turns the genocide quickly.
00:09:12 So what we're going to talk about tonight.
00:09:15 Is the the Brookings Institute.
00:09:18 One of you guys I forgot to write down one of you guys suggest that a stream they did a couple of days ago or I guess actually it's been like about a week or so ago now where they they talk about the dangers of of white Christian nationalism.
00:09:34 Actually it's kind of funny because it kind of started out with with Christian.
00:09:40 And then they had a black guest on that, that read framed it as white Christian nationalism.
00:09:47 And then for the whole rest of the presentation, it was it was white Christian nationalism.
00:09:52 But basically what they did is they they, the Brookings Institute, in a partnership with PRI, did a a study to find this is what happens.
00:10:01 Is this something you guys can understand?
00:10:02 Cause I unless you've lived in DC, I don't think you fully can appreciate the the the kind of cockery and ******** that goes on in that ******* town.
00:10:10 And how literally we are not going to be able to move on as a country and tell those people can be eliminated at some point in some metaphorically Speaking of course or no, I don't know.
00:10:26 But The thing is, I live in that town and I lived.
00:10:29 It was only oppression because I was.
00:10:31 Fairly political at the time, you know, not I'm certainly not as more right wing now than I was at the time, but.
Speaker 9
00:10:37 I was just, I thought fairly.Devon
00:10:39 Normal right wing, right at the time.00:10:41 You know, I was the kind of person that you know, like like I watched Fox News.
00:10:45 And I I listened to Sean Hannity, and I listened to Rush Limbaugh and you know, like like just, you know, kind of you.
00:10:52 Know I was.
00:10:52 Conservative I was really right wing.
00:10:54 I was.
00:10:54 Conservative and I went into that.
00:10:56 Now, during the Obama administration and I worked with libertarians making libertarian propaganda.
00:11:04 Amanda and I was under the impression that libertarians were at least somewhat right leaning and and, you know, economically speaking, you could argue that they they are, or rather, maybe the conservatives and right leaning people at the time were more libertarian economically.
00:11:21 But what I quickly learned was that that not only was that not even really true.
00:11:28 They weren't really even economically libertarian like the Libertarian Party wasn't economic libertarian.
00:11:35 At one point, I was in a room and I was the only one arguing against subsidies for for, like, little poor black children, like, it was insane.
00:11:44 Anyway, the, the, the the thing was.
00:11:48 Me just being kind of right wing.
00:11:51 Kind of right wing, a little bit in that town.
00:11:55 Any room I went into, I was a right wing extremist to a degree that I don't think a lot of people can appreciate.
00:12:02 I think a lot of people that are that are that lean right and the the kinds of people especially that say stuff like base Tucker, right.
00:12:09 They think that if they went and hung out with Tucker, had lunch with Tucker, you'd have a lot in common.
Speaker 8
00:12:14 You wouldn't.Devon
00:12:16 You wouldn't, and he would hate you.00:12:20 You wouldn't, and he would hate you.
00:12:23 And that's that's basically what I'm getting at is you don't have friends in that town.
00:12:29 You don't have any friends in that ******* town at all.
00:12:31 They hate you.
00:12:32 They all hate you.
Speaker 6
00:12:34 The ones that.Devon
00:12:34 Are supposed to represent you.00:12:36 They hate you.
00:12:40 And this is a good illustration of this.
00:12:43 This is a good illustration of how this town works.
00:12:46 Watching this presentation, in fact, it was giving me ******* flashbacks to when I had to go.
00:12:50 Attend presentations like this.
00:12:54 And then go to the the the unbelievably cringe after parties.
00:12:59 That was really what really did it for me.
00:13:02 What really did it for me was I I just naively thought that we were mortal enemies, you know, like the the, the Communists and and and the the Conservatives.
00:13:15 Right.
00:13:16 Like I just thought that they're, you know that that if you disagreed that much.
00:13:20 On on how the country should be run.
00:13:22 And if you really believe the rhetoric that you were saying, if you're on the right or a libertarian and you're basically using language that suggests that the other side is gonna cause.
00:13:32 The the end.
00:13:32 Of the the country.
00:13:34 And it's gonna be this huge disaster and it's like you.
00:13:36 Know if if you actually believe that, why would you be?
00:13:40 Hanging out with them.
00:13:42 Why would you be having cocktails with them?
00:13:45 After presentations that you went to or.
00:13:48 Why would?Devon
00:13:48 You invite them to your parties.00:13:52 And it's because then there's there is.
00:13:55 No right wing.
00:13:57 In DC, not even a little tiny bit, not even the.
00:14:01 Teensies amount I was.
00:14:03 The funny thing is, at this organization I worked for.
00:14:08 They hired the as they got bigger, they were hiring more and more.
00:14:11 People and I've been there a while and I start.
00:14:14 I started caring less and less about working there, so I was more and more vocal about what I really thought about things like immigration for example.
00:14:22 And, you know, libertarians are very open border.
00:14:24 And I I remember just just not ******* caring anymore.
00:14:28 And just just, you know, just saying whatever.
00:14:31 And they hired this, this guy.
00:14:33 That was, I forget what?
00:14:34 His his official title was, but it was some kind of title that was, you know, he was like the the, the media liaison.
00:14:42 Right.
00:14:42 He was the guy that would decide what, what the media would act like.
00:14:47 What part of the organization?
00:14:49 Like what the, what the the mask.
00:14:51 I guess the organization.
00:14:52 Would wear when Speaking of the.
00:14:54 And he the first time he met me, he talked to me like maybe a few minutes and said OK, so you're definitely never speaking to the media.
00:15:01 And I was like, OK, so yeah, is is.
Speaker 6
00:15:04 Is is that is that the that's the introduction, huh?Devon
00:15:08 And The funny thing is, to this day right now, I'm talking to you guys right now and thousands of other people.00:15:14 The videos they.
00:15:15 Spend about 1/4 of $1,000,000 on.
00:15:18 I **** you not.
00:15:19 I have less views than who's who's currently listening live right now.
00:15:26 So little, little.
00:15:27 I don't know.
00:15:28 Little little.
00:15:29 **** you like if that guy, if he's listening out there anyway.
00:15:33 We're going to watch this Brookings Institute thing, and it's it's it's a little painful, but I think it has to happen.
00:15:40 I think you have to understand what the ****'* going on in that town and how they think and why they do these things in the first place.
00:15:46 Because the other thing you understand is these people are.
00:15:49 So ****** ******* out of touch and they know they're out of touch.
Speaker 9
00:15:53 They know they're out of touch.Devon
00:15:55 And so they have to they they funnel millions of dollars to to conduct these studies to find out something that you and I.Speaker 9
00:16:03 Just know you.Devon
00:16:04 Know naturally from interacting with.00:16:06 Humans, but because they don't do that, do this.
00:16:09 They have to hire these Shabbat goys these Shabbat goys to these in many cases race traitors to the extreme.
00:16:18 The kinds of people who are are, you know, really if you.
00:16:22 But you know it's what's that.
00:16:23 So what's that stupid term?
00:16:25 Jews all of the capos right, like the Jews.
00:16:27 Always talk about.
Speaker 9
00:16:28 Ohh, in the in the death camps during the Holocaust you had the Jewish capos, you know, they they would do it.Devon
00:16:34 Because they you know.00:16:36 Projection, right?
00:16:37 That's how they operate.
00:16:38 That's how they ******* operate anyway.
00:16:41 So it starts off.
00:16:42 This presentation was a live stream.
00:16:45 It opens up with William Galston, William A Galston.
00:16:51 He's a he's an Ezra K Zika chair and senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.
00:16:57 Well, of course, you know, it doesn't take a whole lot of handy.
00:17:01 Work to figure out what his background is.
00:17:05 He was the son of Yale University plant physiologist Arthur Galston.
00:17:12 And so you look into that guy and it's obviously grew up in a.
00:17:16 Jewish family in.
00:17:18 So it's a generational wealth Jew.
00:17:21 Look at that.
00:17:21 Look at that guy.
00:17:22 Look at his, his contributions to America have just, you know, been countless so many contributions.
00:17:29 So let's take a look at.
Speaker 10
00:17:30 Some of them.Devon
00:17:33 So he he worked under Bill Clinton, he worked under Al Gore, worked under Walter Mondale.00:17:42 John B Anderson.
00:17:44 I mean, he he he's basically just been a a Jew whispering in the ears of of Shabbos goys in power for his entire life.
00:17:53 And he is going to introduce.
00:17:57 Some of these of these puppets that he controls.
00:18:01 And it's funny cause again this this gives me nightmares from when I used to live and work in DC the way that they like.
00:18:09 The longer your introduction, the more important you are.
00:18:11 The more you can name.
00:18:12 Drop it like it's so disgusting.
00:18:15 Like if you couldn't you it just to socialize.
00:18:18 Like if you go to a bar someone you know and Adam is Morgan.
00:18:21 Or something and.
Speaker 6
00:18:22 You let us going.00:18:24 They don't say, oh, I'm doing great.
00:18:25 How you doing?
00:18:26 They say, hey, what do you do?00:18:28 Like immediately.
00:18:29 You're like ohh you work for this and your answer will determine whether or not you're worth talking to and whether or not they you can basically whether they can use you to claw their way up a little bit higher on the ladder.
00:18:45 Right, so.
00:18:48 This, this, this woman, she's she's going to be really excited because of all the uh, the name dropping that's going to go on in her introduction so.
00:18:55 Here we go.
Speaker 11
00:19:00 It's now not only my duty, but also my pleasure to introduce the CEO.00:19:10 Of the public Religion Research Institute, Melissa Deckman, if I had the rest of the the rest of the session, I could walk you through her many accomplishments.
00:19:23 Suffice it to say that she's a political scientist who studies the impact of not only religion but also gender.
00:19:32 And age on public opinion and behavior.
00:19:37 Among her other writings, she's the author of.
00:19:40 I'm gonna translate for you.00:19:43 She's basically the the woman who has at least.
00:19:50 Has had a a taste of reality has actually had exposure.
Speaker 12
00:19:54 To normal people.Devon
00:19:56 And maybe, maybe she grew up in a religious family or whatever, but she's now using this.00:20:02 Her her ability to relate.
00:20:04 At least on a basic level, to religious people to provide Intel to the rich donors and, you know organizations like.
00:20:14 The Brookings Institute.
00:20:15 Because again, these guys like the guy talking.
00:20:18 They're so ******* wildly out.
00:20:19 Of touch.
00:20:20 They've never even met.
00:20:21 A right wing person, OK.
00:20:24 And now this just to give you an idea, this, this, this whole thing that we're watching, it's called understanding the threat of white Christian nationalism to American democracy today.
00:20:33 Really long title.
00:20:34 Anyway, these people have never met at white Christian nationalist or a white nationalist, or even like a someone that you would probably consider Christian.
00:20:43 They that's the other thing too.
00:20:45 If if you're if you're in DC and you say you're a Christian, everything I said before about DC people still applies to you.
00:20:53 You're you're like, the worst.
00:20:54 Like, I'm sure.
00:20:55 Tucker Carlson, who likes to wear Kabbalah bracelets on the air, considers himself Christian.
00:21:01 They can.
00:21:02 There are, I don't know if you guys.
00:21:04 If you guys have read my.
00:21:06 Book Day of the rope.
00:21:07 I allude to a mega church that's based on a real mega church that's out there.
00:21:13 That's that's.
00:21:14 That's basically the devil's Mega church.
00:21:17 Like it's where all these it's.
00:21:19 It's where all these intelligence agency people go so they can feel like that they're not, they're not going to hell for what they're doing.
Speaker 6
00:21:27 So anyway, party women.00:21:30 Well, we'll go over.
00:21:31 Some of her accomplishments here in a second.Speaker 11
00:21:33 Which examines the role of women in conservative politics and her writings, in addition to scholarly locations, have appeared in obscure publications such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, the Hill, Vice News, Wall Street Journal 538, and.Speaker 4
00:21:46 Wow. Wow.00:21:52 Let it go.
Speaker 11
00:21:53 Which pretty much covers all.Devon
00:21:54 Amazing. OK.00:21:57 So she is the the current head of the PRI.
00:22:05 Plus the PRI, the Public Religion Research Institute, so again their their entire existence is so that out of touch billionaire fagots can figure out how how religious people think because they don't know any.
00:22:19 And so they pay her millions of dollars to.
00:22:22 Come up with.
00:22:27 Data that they can use to try to mine, **** religious people that's.
00:22:33 I guess that's one way to put it.
00:22:35 And you know, just to give you an example, the person that.
00:22:40 That that I guess the is I think is the founder or no is the founder, yeah, the founder and CEO, Robert P Jones, who she's going to introduce in a second the even idea for the he's supposed to be.
00:22:53 A religious guy, right?
00:22:57 He wrote a book called the End of White Christian America in 2017. Really proud of that work. Robert P Jones.
00:23:06 He also wrote another book.
00:23:08 Again, we we're gonna see this guy.
00:23:10 He's gonna.
00:23:10 He's gonna he's just been because the the more introduction is the more important you are there's absolutely no reason why this guy needed to introduce someone who's gonna introduce someone else other than to make them seem really important.
00:23:22 White, too long, white.
00:23:25 Too long.
00:23:26 The legacy of white supremacy in American Christianity.
00:23:30 It's just it's been white for too long, guys.
00:23:33 It's just been.
00:23:34 White for too long.
00:23:36 Long so.
00:23:37 This is the guy, right?
00:23:38 He's supposed to.
00:23:39 He's a a Baptist, I think.
00:23:42 This is one of.
00:23:42 The reasons why really Baptist really rubbed me the wrong way.
00:23:46 Because there's just a lot of these type of ****** ******* that are Baptist.
00:23:51 But I'm pretty sure you went to a school of theology of some sort.
00:23:53 Don't know.
00:23:54 Maybe they'll rattle off all of his.
00:23:56 His resume before they introduce him.
00:23:58 But you take a look at.
00:24:00 Let's see here. Here's the.
00:24:03 This is this is the the.
00:24:04 Woman, we're about to who's?
00:24:05 About to introduce that guy.
00:24:08 In 2005, Deckman published women with a mission, gender, religion, and the politics of women's clergy. This, by the way, this is how out of touch this.
00:24:18 What I'm talking about, they spend millions of dollars in this ****.
00:24:22 Women, women, clergy.
00:24:25 Blah blah. The authors present data on the political activities of clergy members and rabbis, including 54 interviews conducted in Indianapolis, Omaha, Milwaukee, Washington, DC, supplemented by data from the National Survey of Clergy members in the 2000 blah.
00:24:43 Blah blah blah anyway.
00:24:46 After all that, they demonstrate that women members of the clergy tend to be politically motivated by progressive goals such as social justice and fighting discrimination.
00:24:58 So they spent millions and millions of dollars.
00:25:03 This woman lives way better than you do.
00:25:06 Way better than you.
00:25:07 Do they pay her millions and millions of dollars so they so she can have like?
Speaker 9
00:25:12 The the data the data.Devon
00:25:16 And present to them that hey.00:25:17 Yeah, you know who would have thought who?
Speaker 8
00:25:19 The thought female.Speaker 9
00:25:20 Clergy people are lefties.Speaker 4
00:25:24 That's that's that was.Devon
00:25:29 Yeah, good job, good job, best seller book.00:25:32 Alright, so there she is.
00:25:33 Melissa Deckman, CEO of PR, RI.
00:25:38 So they're they're very concerned about about these white Christian.
00:25:46 And so she's now.
00:25:47 She's introduced her boss, the one that the one that wrote the end of white Christian America, and white too long.
Speaker 13
00:25:58 It is my pleasure now to introduce to you Doctor Robert P Jones, the President and founder of PRI. He is the author of white, too long the legacy of white supremacy and American Christianity, which won a 2021 American Book award. He is also the author.Speaker 6
00:26:15 Oh, what a book award.Devon
00:26:21 Ohh man I'm going to fix.00:26:22 The eyes a little low.
Speaker 9
00:26:26 Because I'm a little hot, I'm a little hot.Devon
00:26:29 Why is it doing this?00:26:31 You're killing. You're killing me.
00:26:34 You're killing me, audio.
00:26:36 Come on, play along.
00:26:37 Play along.
00:26:42 Oh, that's weird.
00:26:43 Alright, well whatever.
00:26:45 I will just have to.
00:26:46 Let's see here.
00:26:47 How do I do this?
00:26:51 And I got it 1 by 1.
Speaker 10
00:26:53 I'll do it that way.Devon
00:27:01 We're going to bump it by 5 DB.00:27:03 Let's see how that goes.
Speaker 13
00:27:06 Author of the end of White Christian America, which won the 2019 Grammar Award in Religion, he holds a PhD in religion from Emory University and M Dib from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a BS in computing, science and mathematics at Mississippi College without.Devon
00:27:24 So he went to the Baptist school, right?00:27:27 A Christian nation, question mark. Understanding the threat of Christian nationalism to American democracy and culture. Now again, think of just the amount of money that went into just this presentation, let alone the amount of people who worked on it.
00:27:42 The people who made the PowerPoints, the people that that you know, like did all the the research.
00:27:48 Behind it, I mean, like, you know, having this space available, you know, how much rent is in Washington DC it's ridiculous.
00:27:57 And you'll see at the end there's all these other partnerships and and organizations that are.
00:28:03 Attending that have.
00:28:05 Again, millions and millions of dollars thrown at them.
00:28:08 One of the things that you're going to notice during this.
00:28:11 Despite this, this growing threat that they are perceiving.
00:28:16 I I think it's going to hammer home just how fringe, how fringe the Christian nationalism is you.
00:28:25 Know just by.
Speaker 9
00:28:26 The numbers.Devon
00:28:27 But anyway so.00:28:30 Let's take a look.
00:28:31 He talks about the the survey methodology, they they do it.
00:28:36 I think it was like, what was it?
00:28:37 Well, here it says.
00:28:40 From uh November 21st to December 14th, 2022. Responses from a a sample of 6212 American adults 18 and up.
00:28:52 It was designed by the PRI and Brookings Institute, made possible through the generous support.
00:28:58 Of the foundation to promote open society with additional support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York with the Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation, and the Unitarian Universalist Veach program at Shelter, I mean.
Speaker 8
00:29:17 We we don't even have 1/1.Devon
00:29:18 Group like that we don't have one group like that that's willing to.00:29:23 And honestly, the opposite of this study.
00:29:27 Why aren't we funding studies trying to determine the exact damage people like this ************ has been causing.
00:29:33 How many white?
00:29:34 Lives people like this guy is responsible for a genocide and and I'm being serious.
00:29:41 I'm being dead ******* serious.
00:29:45 They don't just make this, they don't.
00:29:47 Here's look, it's one thing to have this study so they can, you know, tell their donors.
00:29:51 Here's this data, but.
00:29:52 It's not like this data doesn't get used.
00:29:58 We need, we need we.
00:29:59 Need similar studies. We need similar studies and similar money going into these studies to to try to put a #2 the precisely the amount of damage these ************* are doing to us and our people anyway.
00:30:12 So here we go.
Speaker 14
00:30:14 The survey is conducted at the very end of last year. Between November 21st and December.00:30:18 14th responses representative sample of over 6000 Americans is a very large survey gives us a fairly small margin of sampling error and ability to break out smaller subgroups with higher confidence.
00:30:32 It was made possible through the general support of the foundation to promote open society with additional support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
00:30:40 The Wilbur and Hilda Glenn Family Foundation and the Unitarian Universalist program.
Speaker 10
00:30:46 Blah blah blah blah, alright.Devon
00:30:52 The Christian nationalism scale, so the first thing they do is they develop a a scale and look, why aren't we doing the same thing?00:31:01 Why aren't we creating a a Shabbos goy scale?
00:31:05 Where do you rank on the Shabbat goy scale?
00:31:09 How much of A Shabbat goy are you?
00:31:13 Let's see what their little scale is.
00:31:16 So they talk about, you know, how they score it and and basically how they weight different questions with different points.
00:31:23 And and how you respond to it and basically the what they what they come up with is you have adhered.
00:31:30 So if you're, if you were a a Christian nationalist adherent, that means you're like, you know, you're bad.
00:31:37 You are the full on Christian nationalist, you know, that wants to have.
00:31:42 Prayer in school.
00:31:44 And you want Christianity to be like the official religion and and whatever right sympathizers.
00:31:51 So you like the you like the terminology that.
00:31:53 They're that they're using here, the sympathizer.
00:31:57 Are the people that where are they?
00:32:01 They agree, maybe with with some of the the Christian nationalist goals, but maybe it's just it, you know, they're they're.
00:32:08 A little.
00:32:09 They're little reluctant to to really say that they want it to be like a theocracy.
00:32:15 Kind of a thing.
00:32:15 Right.
00:32:16 They're a little reluctant to go all in.
00:32:19 Then you have the skeptics.
00:32:21 Now the skeptics, the skeptics are are basically the people that disagree with most of the stuff.
00:32:31 Not all of it.
00:32:33 And then you have rejectors another name for this group would be Jews.
00:32:39 Because Jews make up the like or or.
00:32:42 Basically almost 100% rejectors.
00:32:44 And they completely disagree with with everything, right?
00:32:52 So he's going to go.
00:32:53 Over some of the data here.
Speaker 14
00:32:55 So where do Americans fall?00:32:57 If you take those categories?
00:32:59 This is what the country looks like.
00:33:01 On the one hand, in the top category that here it's that almost completely agree with everything in the scale.
00:33:07 It's 10% of Americans. There are an additional 19% of Americans who we call Christian nationalism sympathizers.
00:33:15 That is, those who lean toward supporting that, but with but less strongly than than adherents do.
00:33:22 So let's stop right there just to give you an idea.00:33:27 And I think these are realistic numbers.
00:33:28 In fact, I think the data that they present here is cringe at it as it is that they had to even do the study and whatever, I think it's fairly realistic.
00:33:36 I think it's it's the data is fairly.
00:33:40 It reflects what I you know what I would have guessed would be a reality, right? And what? So what they're saying here is only 10%.
00:33:51 Only 10% of Americans.
00:33:55 Would be would be classified as Christian nationalists.
00:34:00 And you might be surprised at at some of the what that exactly means.
00:34:04 How they define that.
00:34:04 Here in a little bit.
00:34:06 And that only an additional 19 percent or even sympathetic.
Speaker 9
00:34:10 So really only.Devon
00:34:11 1/3 of of the country.00:34:13 He's on board with this and we're again we're we'll get dive more into what that exactly means.
00:34:19 But you're talking about a maybe, you know, maybe almost 30% of the country now. I guarantee you, if they've done this exact same survey, worded it exactly the same way and present to the country and say prior to World War 2, you'd have like an 80 to 90%.
00:34:38 Would be the way they're classifying it. 80 to 90% would would would probably be classified as Christian nationalists that the way that they're doing.
00:34:48 And you know, that's so it's it's.
00:34:51 Well, you'll see well.
00:34:52 They'll define it here in a second.
Speaker 14
00:34:55 So basically, it's three in ten Americans, right? Who lean into supporting this Christian national view with only 10% in the top category. So that leaves.00:35:05 You know the rest of the country. I'm kind of leaning the other way, 39%, nearly four in 10 are skeptics.
00:35:13 Again, mostly disagree and then we have 29% that completely disagreed with, all with all five of those those questions.
00:35:20 So one way of thinking about this, this wedge here is that there are basically as many people who completely disagree.
00:35:26 As there are who either completely agree or somewhat disagree with those five statements, and then a plurality of Americans leaning away.
00:35:37 So that's important when you're thinking about.00:35:40 Ohh yeah, Christian nationalism's.
00:35:42 On the rise, which is weird because that's kind of what they're trying to say too, right?
00:35:46 But there's a lot of people that get high.
00:35:48 On their own supply and think.
Speaker 10
00:35:49 Ohh yeah.00:35:49 You know, crisis King or you.
00:35:51 Know we're gonna rise up, dude.00:35:53 You are smaller, you and the people just sympathetic to you are small.
00:35:58 Or a smaller group, or at least the same size of a group as people who.
00:36:04 Whole cloth reject everything that you say.
00:36:07 And everyone else the remaining 39%.
00:36:11 Don't like you either.
00:36:14 OK, you you are not a a growing majority.
00:36:17 You've been a like again zoom out the graph you are a shrinking group.
00:36:24 And now look at some of this.
00:36:25 This is some of the data that they they have in the study, so for example.
00:36:32 These are some of the questions that I think the answers would have been wildly different.
00:36:35 Just a few decades ago.
00:36:38 This says I would prefer the US to be a nation made-up of people belonging to a wide variety of religions.
00:36:46 Alright, so think of that I would prefer.
00:36:50 Basically that the United States be multicultural and at least religiously speaking, right?
00:36:58 Now, obviously the Christian nationalists.
00:37:03 Disagree with that?
00:37:06 You know only only 23%.
00:37:09 Which is weird.
00:37:11 Only 20, that even 23% would agree. But that's my point too is like, look, look how ****** you are.
00:37:17 Alright, if you want to make if you.
00:37:18 Want to make?
00:37:18 This into a.
00:37:19 Theocracy, like in terms of public opinion.
00:37:23 The all Americans, 73% agree with that 73% want it to be a multicultural country in terms of religion, even 23% of Christian nationalists want it to remain multicultural, which doesn't make it doesn't make any sense.
00:37:43 Uh people. 46% of the people that are sympathetic to the Christian Christian nationalism want it that way. It's about half of those guys and they're pretty much all of everybody else.
00:37:56 OK. And then when asked, I would prefer the US to be a nation primarily made-up of people who follow the Christian faith. All right.
00:38:06 Again, this isn't saying anything about it, making it an official religion or like that, but you would prefer the US to be.
00:38:11 A Christian country.
00:38:13 Out of all Americans, only 27%.
Speaker 9
00:38:16 Agree with that.Devon
00:38:19 Only 27% of Americans agree with that. They want a country that's mostly Christian.00:38:26 And if you break that down by group, again, it's a little weird.
00:38:29 Obviously it's just the inverse of what the other one was before.
00:38:32 But yeah, some of these numbers a little bit weird, like Christian nationalists, only 77% of Christian nationalists, the way they're defining it in that number we saw before where they were only they only make up 10% of the population.
00:38:46 Well, really it's kind of only 7.7 if you think about it like just this question alone kind of reveals that.
00:38:54 So anyway, go to another data point.
00:38:57 Impressions of the term Christian nationalism.
00:39:00 It's it's what you would expect, right?
00:39:03 If you ask all Americans.
00:39:06 You have very unfavorable makes up a a third, you know 32%.
00:39:12 12% mostly unfavorable, 37% they they've never even heard of it really. And then you have, you know about 20% of Americans have a somewhat favorable response to that term, right?
00:39:29 And they they break it down by how they categorize people.
00:39:32 And again, this is where it gets a little bit weird.
00:39:35 The people that they classify as Christian nationalists, the adherents, right really only. Only, you know, roughly little over 50% of them have a favorable opinion of the term Christian nationalism.
00:39:51 So again, it's they're they're overestimating.
00:39:54 They're overestimating Christian nationalists quite significantly here.
00:40:03 Another data point.
00:40:04 Is Christian nationalism scale by religious groups?
00:40:07 And this is exactly what you would expect, right?
00:40:10 Exactly we would expect.
00:40:13 White evangelicals score the highest.
00:40:17 They're, you know, if you look at, like how they.
00:40:20 How they they view you know how they view with their little over 50% they're they're closing on about 70%.
00:40:28 Other Protestants of color, which is kind of funny. So it's like they're about 50% of other Protestants of color, Hispanic Protestants, you know, less than about 4040%.
00:40:43 Black Protestants. Uh. You know, you're dropping down now, going to about, uh, you know about 40%. Also Mormons, Mormons are less. This is what's embarrassing. Mormons have a less favorable view of Christian nationalism than black Protestants.
00:41:04 Now I think the reason for that is the the Mormons have this heart on for the separation of church and state because of their their history and the way that they teach new Mormons the history of the church is, you know, like, oh, we need this because when we don't have it, they they start killing us.
00:41:23 They have this weird paranoia about.
00:41:26 Well, you know you.
Speaker 6
00:41:27 You have to have a separation of church and state.Devon
00:41:30 Or else we we get, we'll start getting killed or something.00:41:33 So they, they've got, they have less of a favorable view of Christian nationalism than than black Protestants.
00:41:41 Other Christians.
00:41:42 And then you got the, you know, white mainline Protestants.
00:41:47 I don't know how they're, you know, how they define mainline.
00:41:50 And then almost of the body of Catholics, that's.
00:41:52 The other funny thing most.
00:41:54 Of the people you hear talking about Christian nationalism or Catholics.
00:41:58 They're one of the smallest groups.
00:42:01 They're one of the smallest groups.
00:42:02 And look all the.
00:42:03 Data when it comes to Catholics.
00:42:05 I mean, it's worse than the Mormon.
00:42:08 They they seem to really want the separation of church and state even more so than than the Mormons.
00:42:13 A Hispanic Catholics are even smaller and then way at the bottom, of course, is Jews.
00:42:21 Jews obviously.
00:42:23 I mean the fact that there's even a number at all is insane.
00:42:27 So you know Jews.
00:42:28 Don't want my.
00:42:29 Guess is that's just, you know that's that's that's just a data error at that point.
00:42:36 Christian nationalism scale by religious attendance, so the the long and short of this is basically the more you attend church, the more likely you are to be classified by them.
00:42:48 As a Christian nationalist.
00:42:53 The evangelical effect on Christian nationalism, adherence by race.
00:43:00 This is this is another thing that Christians need to start looking at if they are if, let's say you are a Christian nationalist and you think that race doesn't matter, well, all the data says that it does even when it comes to Christian nationalism.
00:43:17 In fact, there there's a huge correlation between being white and this graph doesn't quite show this at this moment, but as we'll see, you'll see as we dig more into the.
00:43:29 Pretty much they're it's they're not being totally unfair by calling it white Christian nationalism.
Speaker 10
00:43:40 All right.Devon
00:43:43 Christian nationalism scale by party, obviously what you'd expect little over 50% Republicans.00:43:50 And like almost no Democrats and you know, very few independents.
00:43:58 Christian nationalism scale by Media Trust.
00:44:01 Again, this is this is the kind of thing where it's just like it boggles the mind that they had to do this study to just understand this kind of stuff.
00:44:09 So if they're considered, if they categorize them as Christian nationalists, they they don't trust the media.
00:44:19 Who are that?
00:44:20 Who would have thought?
00:44:21 So they they they trust mainstream the least.
00:44:26 Many of them don't trust TV news at all. They they might trust Fox News that they're going to trust. You know, that's only a little over 50%.
00:44:36 But most trust far right news far right news.
00:44:40 And by the way, my guess is the way that they did this, Breitbart would be considered far right news.
00:44:47 So there you go.
00:44:51 Christian nationalist adherence and anti black racism.
00:44:56 Ah, so this is again, this is where I'm talking about where, where race matters, you know?
00:45:01 So the this first question they asked people who were black and people who were white, who both scored high on the Christian nationalism scale.
00:45:13 Right.
00:45:14 These same questions.
00:45:15 And suddenly there's this huge divide.
00:45:18 So this this first question is generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for many black Americans to work their way out of the lower class.
00:45:31 So how many disagreed? Well in terms that dark bar, that's 83% the longest bar that's white people.
00:45:41 OK, that's white people.
00:45:45 The and then that other bar that's almost as long.
00:45:48 I'm sorry.
00:45:49 That's that's the white.
00:45:55 Alright, so the white adherence, in other words, the the white people classified as the the highest level of white Christian nationalists, right?
00:46:05 83% disagree with that statement that if you know that if you're black that you can't work your way up. In fact, if you take away the racial.
00:46:13 Component it drops down to 70%.
00:46:17 And then if you ask all Americans, it's down to 45. And here's the thing, it's which is barely less than adherence of color, which is 46.
00:46:27 So the reason why this number is so important is that basically means that Christian nationalists who aren't white are barely different than the normies.
00:46:39 1% different on that issue.
00:46:43 And you see the similar pattern on these other ones. So like so, for example, today, discrimination against white Americans has become as big a problem as discrimination against black Americans and other minorities. This is if you agree. Well, of course, 85% of white Christian nationalists agree with that.
00:47:02 But then you go down to the the adherence of color.
00:47:07 And it drops down to 62%, which is actually higher than what I would expect. And then normal Americans is 41%.
00:47:15 So you have that that sort of a?
00:47:17 A pattern go down the line.
00:47:19 So it is very divided by race.
00:47:21 Even when you have.
00:47:23 You know Christian nationalism in common.
00:47:26 You still have these vast differences in opinion.
00:47:30 So let's see.
Speaker 14
00:47:30 Here on this right, really different here. So like again, the first one, Christian national here, it's of color look like the general population only 46% disagree with that statement.00:47:42 And you can see these gaps, 2030 even 40, almost 40 points on the first one. So even within kind of Christian.
00:47:49 Inherent kind of whiteness tends to have its own.
00:47:51 Some kind of vector of operation here.
00:47:54 Here is 1 about anti immigrant views very similar.
00:47:58 These are the number of Americans for example.
00:48:01 I'll do the bottom one this time as an example.
00:48:03 Immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
00:48:06 Essentially, a survey version of kind of so-called replacement theory that you kind of heard.
00:48:12 Bouncing around, conserving.
00:48:13 Or a conspiracy theory.00:48:15 Ohh, it's a console.
00:48:17 He this ************, this ************.
00:48:22 He he literally wrote.
00:48:23 He wrote the book.
00:48:26 And of white Christian America, he wrote a book.
00:48:31 That guy that's talking wrote this book, the end of white Christian America.
00:48:38 And write too long.
Speaker 6
00:48:43 And they're hiding it. They.Devon
00:48:44 They mention it when they introd him.00:48:47 And he's talking like it's some ******* conspiracy theory.
00:48:52 He wrote the book.
00:48:54 He wrote the ******* this.
00:48:56 Is why this is what I'm talking about. This guy's supposed to be a conservative.
00:49:01 He's a Christian conservative.
00:49:02 He went to Baptist theology school or whatever the **** he's supposed to be on your side.
Speaker 6
00:49:09 He's he's on your side, he.Speaker 9
00:49:10 Just doesn't like those extremists.Devon
00:49:17 This is what I'm talking about in DC.00:49:19 That's the closest thing you get to a right wing extremist.
Speaker 14
00:49:28 40 almost 40 points on the first one, so even within kind of Christian national adherence kind of whiteness tends to have its own kind of vector of operation.Devon
00:49:37 Ohh, whiteness has its own vector of operation.00:49:43 Joe, I wonder why white people specifically and.
00:49:50 I wonder why they would be more sensitive to being replaced than I don't know the groups replacing them.
Speaker 14
00:49:57 Here here is 1 about anti immigrant views very similar.00:50:02 These are the number of Americans for example.
00:50:05 I'll do the bottom one this time as an example.
00:50:07 Immigrants are invading our country and replacing our cultural and ethnic backgrounds, essentially.
00:50:11 This is the thing.00:50:12 You need to talk to people.
00:50:14 When they're when they're like, oh, I'm a Christian nationalist, it's more important to me that you're Christian than.
00:50:18 That you're white.
00:50:21 Then ask them.
00:50:21 Do you care about white replacement?
00:50:24 If they don't.
00:50:25 Then then.
00:50:27 Ridicule them.
00:50:29 Ridicule them and shame them, because that's really the only that's really the only.
00:50:33 Option at that point.
00:50:34 Ridicule them. Shame them.
00:50:38 Make them a pariah.
00:50:44 Now, if they do care about it.
00:50:46 Just ask him and say.
00:50:48 How in the ****?
00:50:51 Would you expect non whites to care about your replacement?
00:50:55 They're the cause.
00:50:57 It it is a 0 sum game.
00:51:00 Demographics is a 0 sum game.
00:51:05 Right. Because if a country is 50% white, it's 50% other things, right?
00:51:13 And for those other things to increase their share of the pie.
00:51:19 The percentage of whites or other.
00:51:21 Groups have to go down.
Speaker 9
00:51:23 Because there's only 100%.Devon
00:51:26 There's only 100% it is a 0 sum game.00:51:31 So no matter how ******* Christian.
00:51:34 These non whites are.
00:51:36 They're not going to give a ****.
00:51:39 About your replacement, not just because they have no genetic connection to to the founding fathers or or to the people that settled the country.
00:51:48 In many cases, they might have a chip on their shoulder because ohh well, you know, you colonized India and blah blah.
Speaker 6
00:51:54 Blah blah or.Devon
00:51:55 Or, you know, they might, they might dislike.00:51:58 The white.
00:52:00 Old white guys, the old white slave.
00:52:02 Owners that founded this country, right.
00:52:10 If you care at all.
00:52:13 About preserving the West?
00:52:16 You have to care about preserving the demographics.
00:52:20 You have to.
00:52:22 I know it's a tired old old thing to bring up, but it's just apparently people still need to hear it. The Congo is like 90 ******* 8% Christian. Do you want to live in the ******* Congo?
00:52:34 Japan is like what like?
00:52:36 Like less than five like I think.
00:52:37 It's like 2% Christian.
00:52:40 Where would you rather live the ******* Congo?
Speaker 6
00:52:45 Or Japan.Devon
00:52:47 There's several African countries that are that are they officially Christian?00:52:52 Like, that's the state religion.
00:52:55 They are Christian nationalists.
00:53:00 You want to live in a Christian nationalist country.
00:53:02 Just ******* move to the Congo, you ******.
00:53:05 If that's all that matters.
00:53:09 And I'm not trying to be funny.
00:53:10 I'm being real.
00:53:13 If that is your ******* requirement, if that's what you want.
00:53:16 If you think that's going to fix all your ******* problems, move the ******* Congo, you ***** ** ****.
00:53:25 It's the official it.
00:53:26 You got your little Christian theocracy right there waiting for you.
00:53:29 They'd be happy to have you.
Speaker 9
00:53:32 You stupid ****.Speaker 14
00:53:38 A survey version of kind of so-called replacement theory that you kind of heard kind of bouncing around conservative media only 30%.Devon
00:53:43 Ohh yeah, stall conspiracy theory.Speaker 14
00:53:47 32% of Americans agree with that statement, but 71% of Christian nationalism adherence agree with that statement. Right? And if you look at those who are white.00:53:57 It takes up another 10 points, right Christian asylum here.
00:54:00 So are white much more likely to hold this kind of anti immigrant view and Christian hearings of color higher than the general population, but nearly 30 points different than those who are white.
00:54:13 So there you go.00:54:15 Because, again, why would they give?
00:54:16 A ****.
00:54:17 They're the ones replacing you.
Speaker 6
00:54:20 Why would they care?Devon
00:54:27 Why would they care?00:54:34 Ah, sorry.
00:54:35 So then we have the Christian nationalism adherence on on anti Muslim views.
00:54:40 Of course you know, you know they're they're Christian nationalists, hate Muslims who have thought.
Speaker 14
00:54:45 The view gets a little more.00:54:46 Complex when we get to anti-Semitism.
00:54:49 Oh my God, anti-Semitism.Speaker 14
00:54:49 For the memory of.Devon
00:54:55 Do I have a oh.00:54:58 There we go.
00:55:05 Oh my Oh my.
Speaker 14
00:55:10 Questions here that are around kind of attitudes about Jewish Americans, and you can see again already the gap between all Americans and and the Christian nationalism here once here.Devon
00:55:25 Now here's funny the the the, the the next figure is supposed to shock you and make you think that like ohh wow, you know, like, like these Christian nationalists of color.00:55:34 They're actually, they're more.
00:55:36 Anti-Semitic than the whites.
00:55:38 And look, they are.
00:55:39 They're not.
00:55:39 Here's the thing.
00:55:41 They just don't have white guilt.
00:55:46 So they're willing the a black person is not afraid.
00:55:51 To say so.
00:55:52 For example, this first question it's it's hard to read probably on the stream here says Jewish people stick together more than other Americans.
00:56:00 You know, do you agree?
00:56:02 Whatever, right?
00:56:07 Even Christian nationalists right the way they're.
00:56:09 They're classifying these people.
00:56:12 Have white guilt.
00:56:15 And they're going to see.
00:56:15 Them like oh.
00:56:16 No, I'm not anti-Semitic, especially the Zionists. Christian nationalists, right?
00:56:25 They loves them some, some Jew ****.
00:56:30 But black people don't have that baggage.
00:56:32 Mexicans don't have that baggage.
00:56:33 So when they ask these other, you know?
00:56:35 Non white groups.
00:56:37 They're they're not like worried about sounding racist because they can't be racist.
00:56:41 Remember, they can't be racist.
00:56:47 And that the next one's kind.
00:56:48 Of funny Jewish people are more loyal to.
00:56:50 Israel than America.
Speaker 10
00:56:53 Gee, I wonder.Devon
00:56:58 Now these are some interesting numbers though, too. So all Americans. Right, let's go through all of them. So Jewish people stick together more than other Americans. The average American says that's the 41% of of just Americans believe that.00:57:16 Unfortunately, I mean that number needs to get a.
00:57:18 Lot higher but.
00:57:20 It's not so high in these other ones like Jewish people are more loyal to Israel than than America.
00:57:25 Still not.
00:57:26 Not a bad number.
00:57:28 All Americans, 24%. That means 1/4 of Americans.
00:57:32 Think Jewish people are more loyal to Israel than American.
Speaker 1
00:57:35 That's it's not.Speaker 6
00:57:37 It could be worse.00:57:38 That could be worse.
00:57:40 American Christians love Israel. This I love this one. American Christians love Israel more than most American Jews do. 21% of Americans believe that.00:57:52 And 40%.
00:57:56 Of adherence of color.
00:57:59 Believe that that second Barney, that that's so that's basically Christian nationalists who aren't white, so non white Christian nationalists believe that at the number of 40%.
00:58:13 The last one Jewish people hold too many positions of power again.
00:58:18 14%.
00:58:20 That number needs to get much higher, and that's in the general population. And then 23%, quote UN quote, Christian nationalists who aren't white.
00:58:29 Right.
00:58:29 So I'm sure he'll he'll give us.
00:58:31 The white ones.
Speaker 14
00:58:31 And you that gap is there.00:58:33 But look what happens when we look at white.
00:58:35 The Christian has been here's her white basically look at that average for Christian national overall and we see in a couple of places actually Christian nationalism here.
00:58:43 It's of color actually scoring a little bit higher on these attitudes.
00:58:47 Again in part partially because again part of part of that's white guilt and part of that's just straight up ******* Jew ***** sucking Zionism.00:58:56 Because there's people who would who would definitely, definitely fit under the umbrella of Christian nationalists, the way they're defining it, the like that really like that they love saying Shalom.
00:59:11 They, they, they they really.
00:59:12 Loves them.
00:59:13 Some ******* Jew ****.
00:59:16 And that's that happens to be in my experience.
00:59:20 Again, none of this is shocking data, it's it's more shocking than they had to do with study.
00:59:24 None of this.
00:59:24 Data is shocking to me.
00:59:26 But you don't see that same kind of sycophant.
00:59:30 ******** in black churches.
00:59:34 That you see in in white churches.
Speaker 14
00:59:42 And then finally, the other place that we we saw is that there is a high correlation between holding traditional patriarchal gender roles and adherence to Christian nationalism as well.00:59:54 So here are again a number of state.
00:59:57 Yeah, this this is a depressing figure, too.01:00:01 It's a depressing figure because you have in the same way that whites are, are more susceptible to white guilt.
01:00:08 They're also more susceptible to feminism.
01:00:12 They just are.
01:00:13 There's a reason why white suburban kids were listening to gangster rap in the 90s.
01:00:19 Because they they were surrounded by this blooming FEMA.
01:00:25 That was just beginning to to rub them the wrong way and directly affect them.
01:00:30 And one of the only expressions, or the only artistic expressions that was misogynist at the time was ******* gangster Rep calling ******* and, you know, ******* ain't **** but hoes and tricks.
01:00:45 And that's I'm telling you, that's.
01:00:47 A good that's a good.
01:00:48 Part of why white suburban kids, you know, white male, suburban kids in the 90s listen to that ****.
01:00:57 Because on the other you know the the art being produced by their people.
01:01:03 Was fully embracing feminism.
01:01:07 In fact, there's some people that think ohh no, this is a good this is this is a technological advancement of the West.
01:01:16 I remember I remember like, like you would talk when you hear people talking about primitive, primitive societies.
01:01:24 I used the example last stream when they were talking about after World War 2 when they were discussing, you know.
01:01:30 Ohh yeah, it's so sad.
01:01:31 The Japanese wives, they're so quiet and compliant and they have to, you know, they they look down the ground, they and they they follow their husbands a couple steps back, you know or or when they were talking about the Oh yeah these these primitive.
01:01:44 Societies in India, you know the after the husband dies, the woman has to throw herself on the fire.
01:01:50 And you know there, there's this real this real.
01:01:55 Ohh I don't.Devon
01:01:55 Know like this.01:01:56 It's almost like this condescension, right?
01:01:59 Ohh, we're we're so much.
01:02:00 We're so much more advanced than these other cultures.
01:02:04 We have realized that men and women are exactly the ******* same and have the same to offer.
01:02:09 And that's why we're that's why we're so much more successful.
01:02:12 You know it has nothing to do with anything.
01:02:15 Yeah, like riding the coattails of of the spoils of war from the war, too.
01:02:20 No, it's it's it's, it's all it's all because, you know, we have this, this woke view of the world, and there's a lot of these white Christians that have the exact.
01:02:29 Same understanding of the West.
01:02:33 Where they think that.
01:02:34 That, of course, of course.
01:02:37 Of course, we shouldn't treat women.
01:02:38 Of course women should vote.
01:02:40 You're in fact try putting. I mean, I wish they'd had that data. I wish they'd asked these Christian Nationalists what they thought about remove giving or taking away women's right to vote because.
01:02:50 That's that's like for those of you thinking that's.
01:02:53 Like like this.
01:02:54 This you know something that's getting traction.
01:02:58 I mean that's we're talking, that's like super fringe, super ******* fringe.
Speaker 14
01:03:04 Statements here for society as whole become too soft and feminine. For example, 38% of the country agrees with that, but 66% of Christian national here.01:03:15 It's agree with that and then you could look at the numbers of white and non white.
01:03:19 Here again, the differences aren't quite as pronounced and on a couple for example, in a truly Christian family.
01:03:25 The head.
01:03:25 The husband is the head of the household and his wife submits to his leadership.
01:03:28 We actually have Christian nationalism, adherence of color scoring slightly higher, higher on that measure than we do but.
01:03:36 So you have whites.01:03:37 Willing to cut to their females more often than non whites.
01:03:40 Which is a.
01:03:41 A depressing figure, but it's totally believable to me.
01:03:45 So then, of course, they now go to whiteness.
01:03:49 Because that's the thing whiteness.
01:03:52 And Christian nationalism, whiteness.
01:03:56 And Christian Christian nationalism.
01:04:02 Now, that's kind of funny because the the way that they worded this, I guarantee you Mormons funked up the data on this question just because Mormons literally believe this, so maybe not with the racial component, but the way they were it says, says America as a promised land for the European Christians.
01:04:20 Question mark.
01:04:21 So that what they ask the people is God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that would be an example for the rest of the world.
01:04:32 Mormons literally believe that although.
01:04:36 Modern Mormons would take the racial component out of it, but I don't know, depending how many Mormons they got, that might have really ****** ** their data.
Speaker 14
01:04:43 So this question says God intended America to be a new promised land where European Christians could create a society that would be an example to the rest of the world.01:04:51 So we got kind of white Christianity built into the question here.
01:04:56 Among all Americans, you'll see there's about three in ten Americans agree with that statement, and then you could see it's highly stratified by.
01:05:03 Christian nationalism view so Christian nationalism here. It's 83% of of of well Chris has to hear it and sympathize.
01:05:12 There's kind of agree with that statement.
01:05:14 You can see it kind of going down here as you go down the scale toward rejectors as well.
01:05:20 And here's the rest of the the other side of that, who who mostly agree and mostly disagree.
01:05:27 So obviously Jews disagree with that.01:05:29 Of course.
01:05:30 Obviously, you know, like I said, the the full rejectors are.
01:05:34 That's basically Jews and Jew bots.
01:05:36 Alright, so.
01:05:42 Alright, here we go.
Speaker 14
01:05:46 The other thing the survey did to try to test out because one of the challenges is with the survey is getting people to tell you things that are sensitive, right?01:05:55 People survey respondents, even if we kind of give them guarantees of anonymity, which we do, these surveys are all online and anonymous.
01:06:02 It's still sometimes difficult to get people to tell you the truth about especially things about racism.
01:06:07 So we we designed an experiment where we basically gave we split our sample in half and because we had a big 6000 person sample, we had two samples of 3000 people and we gave one group only the first three of these questions and and asked and and here's what we did.
01:06:21 We said don't tell us which one of these questions you agree with.
01:06:24 Just tell us how many you agree with, which gave them an extra level of anonymity, right?
01:06:28 They can just say.
01:06:29 I agree too. I agree with three of those statements. So that was 1/2 the sample. The other half of the sample we gave all.
01:06:35 Four questions, same thing.
01:06:36 Don't tell us how many or don't tell us which ones.
01:06:39 Just tell us how many.
01:06:40 So I agree with three.
01:06:40 I agree with four.
01:06:41 So the the what turns out that what you can do is because the sample is split, the only way the average number of questions people agree with can be higher on the treatment side is if people picked that last question right.
01:06:54 So it's a kind of indirect way.
01:06:56 Of measuring people.
01:06:58 Being willing to pick something that they might not be willing to tell you directly, right?
01:07:02 So it turns out.
01:07:03 So that's what we did in the survey and we were able to estimate the number of people picking that 4th question, right, without telling us directly that they picked it.
01:07:11 And it turns out that our our estimates are that 17% of the of of Americans picked that question.
01:07:18 And and it's a pretty strong one, right.
01:07:19 the United States is a white Christian nation.
01:07:21 I am willing to fight to keep it that way, right?
01:07:24 That was the question, right, and we estimate using that survey experiment, 17% of Americans kind of hold that idea. And I just wanted to put.
01:07:31 Up our scale here, our Christian nationalism, inherence and sympathizer scale just so you can see them side by side.
01:07:37 It it's kind of gives us some confidence that we're probably we're in the ballpark here with with our scale with that experiment kind of verifying.
01:07:45 Now look.01:07:47 I actually don't have that big of a problem with the methodology here, like how they're trying to get this.
01:07:52 I know why they do this.
Speaker 6
01:07:55 But and and I don't even.Devon
01:07:57 Disagree with the numbers.01:07:58 This is this is what I'm trying.
01:07:59 To explain to people.
01:08:01 It's it's not like this huge number of people.
01:08:04 I mean, let's say actually higher that number than.
01:08:05 I thought it would.
01:08:06 Be you know that you'd have 17% people, 17% of people that would agree that the United States is a white Christian nation. And I'm willing to fight to keep it that way.
01:08:18 And that that number.
01:08:19 Honestly, if anything, that number is kind of a.
01:08:21 White pill like I.
01:08:23 I didn't expect it to be that high.
01:08:27 But you know, in the big scheme of things.
01:08:30 It's, you know, it's it's only 17%.
01:08:37 Now this is where it.
01:08:38 Gets super cringe, of course.
01:08:41 To please the donors, they have to try to lump in the, you know, the January 6th stuff and and.
Speaker 15
01:08:50 Here I think.Speaker 10
01:08:52 If you look at.Devon
01:08:53 The way they worded the the the the questions and maybe even intentionally that they did it this way, you'll see how they got the answers.01:09:03 But they want to make it sound like, you know, Christian nationalists or people that that fit this category, that they've they've.
01:09:11 Come up with.
01:09:13 Are more willing to use violence.
01:09:16 Now that that flies in the face of literally everything we've seen since 2016.
01:09:22 I mean, I can't tell you how many ******* videos I edited.
01:09:27 You know, during the election and afterwards of, you know, Trump rallies of just normal white Christians walking, minding their own business, getting attacked by non whites, getting beat up and and not responding, not responding.
01:09:43 And everyone, that's that's not a ******* ******.
01:09:46 That's not one of these ************* in DC who, by the way.
01:09:50 It's a mix of they're not exposed to that stuff.
01:09:53 They where would they see that?
01:09:55 I'm being serious.
01:09:56 Where would you think they watched the insomnia?
01:09:58 Where would they have?
01:09:59 Seen these videos?
01:10:01 They didn't air them on C excuse me, on CNN, therefore it doesn't exist to these ******* people.
01:10:07 The New York Times didn't write.
01:10:09 About it.
01:10:09 Therefore, it doesn't ******* exist.
01:10:12 The Washington Post didn't talk about it.
01:10:14 They said the opposite.
01:10:15 So therefore, that's what it, you know, that's.
Speaker 6
01:10:16 What was the reality?Devon
01:10:21 These people are so out of touch they're they literally think, and the only reason why they they think they feel so strongly about the January 6 is that actually happened in their town.01:10:36 All these rallies they.
01:10:37 Happened in fly over country.
01:10:38 Might as.
Speaker 6
01:10:38 Well, not have even have happened.Devon
01:10:46 And these people are *******.01:10:49 So if you make.
01:10:50 You put a situation in their backyard that makes them scared and **** their pants.
01:10:56 They're going to obsess about it and they're going to make these studies and they're going to do everything they can to prevent from being that.
01:11:01 Scared ever again.
01:11:06 So here you've got, you know, measures of individual violence over the past few years, when you've had this, this, this, what, this what I'm talking about?
01:11:14 It's it's the way they've.
01:11:15 Worded it here over the past.
01:11:17 Few years when you've had a.
01:11:18 Disagreement with someone.
01:11:19 Have you done the following?
01:11:21 Pushed, grabbed or shoved someone.
01:11:24 And the the adherence that the big scary blue bar, the dark blue, and that's that's the Christian nation.
01:11:30 Yes, the one above it is all Americans and the rejectors.
01:11:35 In other words, like the woke lefties.
01:11:36 That's the small one, you know, because they're just peaceful.
01:11:40 Well, for here's the thing.
01:11:42 They're liars, right?
01:11:45 They're liars.
01:11:48 There's the the the idea that lefties that the the Antifa types the people, the the anti Christian nationalists are less violent than the average Americans which are up here at 7 is insane.
01:12:04 It's insane.
01:12:06 But they actually kind of believe that.
01:12:08 And so they go through all these different things, hit, kick, slapped, someone threatened to use actually used, you know, whatever.
01:12:15 A weapon or something and so that you know, of course the data shows like ohh look how ******* scary and violent they are.
01:12:21 I ******* wish.
01:12:23 I ******* wish.
01:12:25 And their support.
01:12:26 The support for political violence is really high among Christian nationalists.
Speaker 14
01:12:31 What about political violence?01:12:32 So we've been asking this question for a while.
01:12:36 This question about whether so because things have gotten us off track.
01:12:40 True American Patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country. Here is all Americans, a 16% of the country agrees with that statement.
01:12:51 But again, among those who are Christian nationalism adherents, that number jumps to 40 are are are among. Yeah, it jumps to 40% sympathizers is 22, and then you can kind of.
01:13:01 See it going down.
01:13:01 Now again, here's the thing.01:13:04 This is why I think those numbers are.
01:13:06 And again, I don't know if this was intentional or not, but look at how they worded it because things have gotten so far off track.
01:13:15 This is how they word it because things have.
01:13:17 Gotten so far off track?
01:13:19 True American Patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.
01:13:29 I'm actually surprised the numbers not like way.
01:13:32 Like almost it should.
01:13:33 That, and I'm just being Frank.
01:13:36 You don't stand a chance if that number is less than 100%.
01:13:44 Because it's not saying are you gonna do violence?
01:13:46 Are you gonna do a violence next week?
01:13:48 Are you ready?Devon
01:13:49 To do a violence next week?01:13:50 No, it's saying because things have gotten so far off track.
01:13:54 True American Patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.
01:14:01 It's a hypothetical.
01:14:02 That the founding.
Speaker 9
01:14:03 Fathers would agree with, by the way.Devon
01:14:08 And but this is bad news.01:14:10 This is bad news if you think Christian nationalism is going to be the the big solution.
01:14:18 Because look at those numbers.
01:14:20 Way shy of 100% and you would.
01:14:22 Need 100%.
01:14:26 Or at least, at least over 50.
01:14:30 And this is barely, barely knocking on 40%.
01:14:36 And again, because of the way they they worded it right, why would the rejectors, in other words, the woke left Jews, whatever.
01:14:42 You want to.
01:14:42 Call it. Why?
01:14:43 Why would the rejectors?
01:14:46 Agree with you know.Devon
01:14:47 Agree with this statement because they don't think think they they don't think things have gotten off track.01:14:55 Right.
01:14:59 Things are things are going according to plan.
01:15:02 If you're the rejectors.
Speaker 14
01:15:07 So there is a much higher relationship between attitudes toward political violence as well among Christian nationalism adherence.Devon
01:15:20 OK.01:15:21 So then we get to.
01:15:25 Uh, they introduced another guy.
01:15:29 See where is this OK?
01:15:31 So this guy comes out on stage too.
01:15:34 Again, they have to like, have people introduce more people to introduce more.
01:15:37 It's so it's so because they these people haven't had a real job.
01:15:44 These people in DC have never.
01:15:46 Had a real job.
01:15:48 None of the people you've heard from tonight have had a real.
01:15:52 It's not that they're disconnected completely from reality and and they don't know real people.
01:15:56 That's true too.
01:15:58 But they've never had a real job.
01:16:03 So they have.
01:16:03 To they always have to justify their existence.
01:16:06 In one way or another.
01:16:09 But The funny thing is the guy.
01:16:10 They have that that they bring on.
01:16:13 To introduce the rest of the panel, he's the one that basically sorry Sargon.
01:16:21 He's the one that popularized the term radical centrist.
01:16:27 In 1991, he wrote the best seller why Americans hate politics and then this 1991, which argued that several decades of political polarization was alienating a silent centrist majority.
01:16:44 So yeah, that was.
01:16:46 Those sound familiar, huh?
01:16:48 These these ******* centrist.
01:16:49 They're always, they never go away.
01:16:51 They're always around.
01:16:54 So anyway, he introduces these these people that are going to be on the panel, and we'll dig into some of them here in a moment.
Speaker 12
01:17:07 This commitment to religion and its role.01:17:10 In public life.
01:17:11 Is disciplined in a free and pluralistic society, you know which is marked by a dedication to the religious freedom of all people.
01:17:21 Believers and non believers alike.
01:17:24 And that's why.
01:17:27 Or that's why this study I think is very important.
01:17:30 And one other note here that I feel obligated to do tomorrow.
01:17:35 There is a memorial service at the National Cathedral for a friend of many of ours, Michael.
01:17:40 Person A who was a columnist from The Washington Post, a very devout, faithful and eloquent Christian and a conservative, and he wrote an extraordinary essay at the end of his life of where he condemned an approach to politics that he said was closer to Game of Thrones.
01:18:00 And the beatitudes nowhere, Mike went on.
01:18:04 Did Jesus demand political passivity from his followers, but his teaching our our entirely inconsistent with an approach to public engagement that says this Christian country is mine.
01:18:15 You are defiling.
01:18:16 It and I will.
01:18:17 Take it back by any means.
01:18:20 I just want to honor Mike today.
01:18:24 So there you see the the.01:18:25 The whole tone of this.
01:18:29 The whole tone of this is get back to the center, you bigots.
01:18:35 Jesus wouldn't have.
Speaker 9
01:18:36 Agreed with you.Devon
01:18:41 Jesus was a centrist.01:18:46 So Internus is this guy, Jamar Tisby.
01:18:50 Oh yes, race, race theorist Jamar Tisby.
01:18:55 So I went to his his web.
01:18:56 So I look at that, that ***** photo he's got his website.
01:18:59 Ohh, he's so look at he's all he's all deep in thought, thinking about racism.
01:19:03 He's like, oh ******* ******* racism.
01:19:07 Good Lord, I I ******* hate racism.
01:19:11 So what's he up to?
01:19:11 Well, in addition to promoting this thing that we're watching, look at look at the other thing, the the more recent article.
01:19:19 What if we made Black History Month longer?
01:19:27 Let's make it.
01:19:28 Longer, everybody, let's make it never end.
01:19:31 Let's make it black history year.
01:19:34 Why not? Why not?
01:19:37 And then he introduces Kristin Kobes dumez.
01:19:42 Ohh Kristen kobes dumez.
01:19:46 She's a she's a.
01:19:47 Let's see.
01:19:48 What does she do?
01:19:48 She's a a gender studies gender studies professor.
01:19:54 Look at that.
01:19:55 Ohh, and she wrote some books that the New York Times likes.
01:19:58 Yeah, she wrote.
01:19:59 Let's see.
01:20:00 Here, history and gender studies, or she's a professor of history and gender studies at Calvin University, holds a PhD from the University of Notre Dame, and her research focuses on the intersection of gender, religion and politics.
01:20:13 She has written from New York Times, Washington Post, NBC News, Religion, News service and Christianity Today, and has been.
01:20:20 Interviewed by NPR, CBS and BBC, among other outlets, her most recent book is Jesus and John Wayne.
01:20:28 How white evangelicals corrupt a faith and fractured a nation.
01:20:34 There it is.
01:20:35 The best seller on Amazon #1 best seller.
01:20:41 That's the number one bestseller Jesus and John Wayne.
01:20:44 How white evangelicals corrupted a faith and fractured a nation.
01:20:51 See cause Jesus when he doesn't care, he's like Michael Jackson.
01:20:55 If you're thinking about being my baby, it don't.
01:20:56 Matter if you're black or white.
01:21:00 Next up, we have Peter Weiner.
01:21:02 Or winter.
01:21:05 And he's from the Trinity Forum, the Trinity Forum.
01:21:09 The Trinity Forum was founded by the an heir to the Guinness Fortune.
01:21:14 Like, as in the Guinness beer.
01:21:17 And uh, this guy.
01:21:21 Let's see here.
01:21:22 See again these.
01:21:23 These are the people on your side, right?
01:21:25 These are the.
01:21:26 These are the Christians in high places cause.
01:21:29 You know he's.
01:21:30 He's a Christian.
01:21:30 He's he's a senior fellow at the Trinity Forum.
Speaker 16
01:21:34 Right.Devon
01:21:36 So you've got like a beer guy and someone that was a a member of the the the Council on Foreign Relations.01:21:44 There you go.
01:21:45 That's the Christians you have on your side in in Washington.
01:21:56 He used to write speeches for George Bush.
01:22:01 And this guy, he he's super worried about Christian nationalism, had no problem with Zionism.
01:22:08 Has no problem with Zionism.
01:22:09 Zionism, which is.
01:22:11 Is is obviously more perverted and discussed than.
01:22:14 Anything Christian nationalism could be because it's putting a.
01:22:17 A foreign country first.
01:22:21 It's DFI.
01:22:22 In a foreign country he has no problem.
01:22:24 With that.
01:22:26 And neither does.
01:22:27 The Republican Party.
01:22:28 That's why he served Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush and George W Bush.
01:22:39 He was a speechwriter for.
01:22:41 All three of them.
01:22:44 He was the mouthpiece of the Republican Party for decades.
01:22:58 Here it says this again.
01:23:00 This is from him.
01:23:02 Weiner believes that young evangelicals ought to support Israel based on its record of human rights, social justice and advancement of human flourishing.
01:23:14 And a government that is accountable and based on the rule of law.
01:23:18 You know, all that ******** from the Republican Party during the Bush years and Reagan years were like, you would hear this repeated over and over again.
01:23:26 The reason why we have to support Israel is they're the only democracy in the Middle East.
Speaker 1
01:23:30 Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding.Devon
01:23:31 This guy.01:23:35 Young evangelicals, whose understanding of Israel is dominated by a narrative of Israeli misdeeds, ought to be told the story of Palestinian misconduct, ethical transgressions, transgressions, transgressions, authoritarian rule and horrifying anti-Semitism.
01:23:59 All right, so now again.
Speaker 6
01:24:01 We need to we need.Devon
01:24:02 To do do a study on this guy.01:24:04 It's not in this in the in the case of these guys, it's not.
01:24:08 Ohh wow, it's so dangerous that we have these people on the Internet and going to Trump rallies and and what have you who are talking about Christian nationalism.
01:24:17 Oh my God, it's so scary.
01:24:18 What about the ****** ******* Zionists, who served 3 presidents?
01:24:25 What danger has that posed to America?
01:24:31 What are the?
01:24:32 What are the ramifications of that ********?
01:24:43 But how would we know?
01:24:46 There's not a billionaire.
01:24:47 Among us willing to reach to to, to fund such research.
01:24:58 It's too bad too, because you know, he wrote this book.
01:25:01 This is how, you know, he's he's he's a reasonable man.
01:25:05 The death of politics.
01:25:07 How to heal our frayed Republic after Trump?
01:25:13 It's also a big seller on Amazon.
01:25:24 So anyway, this guy.
01:25:26 He is quick.
01:25:27 He's quick because the he doesn't like.
01:25:30 You can tell.
01:25:31 He's very upset that the data.
01:25:34 That was presented in this study.
01:25:37 Even had people of color included cause he sees this obviously as a as.
01:25:45 A white problem.
Speaker 17
01:25:49 Let me make this statement.01:25:52 White Christian nationalism is the greatest threat to democracy and the witness of the church in the United States today.
01:26:02 White Christian nationalism is the greatest threat to democracy and the witness of the church in the United States today.
01:26:09 These data back it up.
01:26:14 See and and that's.01:26:15 The other thing that a lot of these guys.
01:26:16 Cause all these these are your Christians.
01:26:18 These are Christians in DC He's a Christian.
01:26:22 These are Christians in DC.
01:26:26 And their argument is is not only are you posing a threat to democracy and the future of this country, you're you pose a threat to the to, to Christianity, just in general, you're perverting it.
Speaker 17
01:26:43 Just broadly speaking, when you talk about white Christian nationalism, it tends toward a rigid, narrow, authoritarian kind of politics.01:26:53 When you're talking about black Christian patriotism, it tends toward an expansive, flexible, inclusive kind of politics.
01:27:04 See you get that white people, bad black people.01:27:07 That's literally him responding to the data that that included black people in the the the people being classified as Christian nationalists he's making he's he's he's he's differentiating between the two groups by saying basically OK.
01:27:23 Sure, maybe you can classify some black people as Christian nationalists.
01:27:28 But when they do it, it's OK.
01:27:30 But when the white people do it, it's this authoritarian, narrow minded evil ********.
01:27:35 But when the.
01:27:35 Black people do it.
01:27:36 It's it's real.
01:27:37 Inclusive, fun stuff.
Speaker 17
01:27:43 Just broadly speaking, when you talk about white Christian nationalism, it tends toward a rigid, narrow, authoritarian kind of politics.01:27:53 When you're talking about black Christian patriotism, it tends toward an expansive, flexible, inclusive.
01:28:01 Kind of politics.
01:28:02 Ohh doesn't sound.Speaker 10
01:28:03 Too bad so.Speaker 17
01:28:04 It's not just the words people use, it's the ramifications of what they mean by those words.01:28:12 Now you've heard me say a couple of times.
01:28:15 White Christian nationalism.
01:28:18 I think Christian nationalism is a perfectly appropriate term.
01:28:22 Takes less time to say.
01:28:26 But I don't want us to forget the white in the white Christian nationals.
01:28:30 Ohh of course.01:28:30 Why would you want us to?
01:28:31 Forget that and look.
01:28:33 I'll be I'll just be fair with this.
01:28:35 Guy, he's right.
01:28:38 More white Christian nationalists need to understand that.
01:28:42 That. Yeah, he's totally right.
01:28:45 There's a huge difference.
01:28:48 Huge difference.
01:28:50 In in white people who consider themselves Christian nationalists and black people that responded to that survey in such a way that they got classified as Christian nationalists.
Speaker 6
01:29:01 Huge ******* difference in part.Speaker 17
01:29:04 That is to say, we cannot overlook the racial dimensions of Christian nationalism.01:29:10 Doctor Jones pointed some of that out.
01:29:13 I'll just remind us that as we see resurgence of what we're now calling white Christian nationalism, that tends to happen around times when black rights are expanding.
01:29:28 Ohh, it happens.01:29:29 This is what I like.
01:29:31 What black rights need to be expanded?
01:29:33 I thought that we had the whole.
01:29:34 Civil rights movement about that right.
01:29:36 Like, I thought that blacks are on equal foot if in fact if anything, blacks have.
Speaker 6
01:29:41 More rights?Devon
01:29:42 Right.01:29:43 There is no government system or program.
01:29:46 That that, that is designed to put me ahead as a white guy of other people, whereas the inverse is true, there are several government programs, assistance programs, job placement programs, loans exclusive to black people.
01:30:11 So what new rights are you getting now?
01:30:15 That that, that explains that cause his argument is like, Oh yeah, every time black people like, you know, we had the cake cause, of course, you know, he can't.
01:30:23 He can't.
01:30:24 He has to.
01:30:24 He has to.
01:30:25 He has to bring up the KKK cause they, you know, can't help themselves.
01:30:28 Yeah. When? When the when.
Speaker 6
01:30:30 The civil rights movement happened.01:30:32 The KKK had the three surgeons and.
01:30:37 What new rights are you getting now?
Speaker 17
01:30:44 So we can look at sort of the most notorious group that represents white Christian nationalism.01:30:49 And if you never thought of them in these terms, I think it'll be appropriate.
01:30:53 The Ku Klux Klan.
Speaker 10
01:30:56 The KKK?01:30:57 Ohh, the KKK.
01:30:59 We're always doing the bad, the bad, the KKK.
Speaker 17
01:31:03 White Christian nationalism is not only the greatest threat to democracy and the witness of the church in the United States today.01:31:11 To put a finer point on it.
01:31:14 White Christian nationalism is the greatest threat to a multiracial, inclusive democracy.
01:31:22 In that case, I would support.01:31:23 It I don't believe that, but I would support.
01:31:26 It if that was.
01:31:27 The case.
01:31:30 See, but I again.
01:31:31 I thought whites weren't it.
01:31:32 It was all conspiracy theory.
01:31:34 Then why?
01:31:35 Why would that matter?
01:31:36 Cause whites aren't being replaced, right?
01:31:38 So why?
01:31:38 Why is it so important?
01:31:44 To have this multicultural acceptance, that's not happening.
Speaker 17
01:31:51 And a diverse church in the United States today.Devon
01:31:54 Only a diverse church.01:31:57 The most racially.
01:31:58 Segregated churches in in the world are probably.
01:32:00 Black churches, which I'm.
01:32:02 Totally fine with, by the way.
01:32:04 Sitting at this guy.
01:32:07 The the speech writer for former presidents, very Christian, you know, this is again when people think that they, oh, we've got our guys that you know we we we elected Bush he's an evangelical he's a Christian you know all this other stuff this is the kind of Christian you're talking about this ************.
Speaker 18
01:32:22 You know that we're talking here about the threat to American democracy, which is really important, and we should care about that.01:32:31 But I do want to end by emphasizing the threat to American Christianity.
01:32:37 This this is acid.
01:32:40 This is acid.
01:32:42 See Christian nationalism.01:32:45 Is eroding the institution of Christianity itself.
01:32:51 That's his opinion.
01:32:52 It's so bad.
01:32:53 It's it's not just bad for our democracy, it's bad for everything.
01:32:57 So in this **** here that you know, wrote the book about how white people are ruining Christianity.
01:33:03 Also there's this.
01:33:04 That's the thing.
01:33:05 Right, right.
01:33:06 White people are ruining Christianity.
Speaker 19
01:33:09 Let me start off by saying that Christian nationalism is nothing new.01:33:14 Right.
01:33:15 And it might seem like it because the media has recently kind of discovered it.
01:33:19 It's a it's a handle that can help us talk about some of these patterns.
01:33:25 But if you, if you look at thinking that America was founded as a Christian nation, that America's laws should reflect Christian values.
01:33:34 That true Americans are Christians, right?
01:33:37 These are commonly held views over time and but they they find expression in different ways.
Speaker 14
01:33:45 You see.Devon
01:33:48 You shouldn't want.01:33:49 America shouldn't want a government that reflects Christian values and look for even all you pagans out there.
Speaker 6
01:33:56 I mean you, you.Devon
01:33:58 Would want, I would think a government that would, that would reflect Christian values and it's insane to to try to say that that this country.01:34:08 It wasn't founded on exactly that.
01:34:12 And but she's she's framing that.
01:34:13 As a bad thing.
01:34:15 It's a bad thing that in the past there have been moments when Americans believe this Oh my God, it's terrible.
Speaker 19
01:34:21 Since the 1970s, the dominant strand of Christian nationalism is that that has been shaped by the Christian right.01:34:29 And that's really what we're talking about here.
01:34:31 For the most part.
01:34:32 And that's what this survey is illuminating.
01:34:37 A couple of things have changed though.
01:34:39 I think in in terms of it's only quite recently that you have people proudly self identifying as Christian nationalists that you you could see some evidence of that in in this.
01:34:49 Survey and people like Marjorie Taylor Green most prominently.
01:34:54 You've got folks like Andrew Torba, founder of Gabbert, writing a book on Christian.
01:34:59 Nationalism and inside Christian spaces and conservative evangelical spaces.
01:35:04 We're seeing more people embrace the term.
01:35:07 Yes, I'm a Christian nationalist.
01:35:09 Not only am I a Christian nationalist, but all Christians ought to be Christian nationalists.
01:35:14 True Christians are, by definition Christian nationalists, right?
01:35:19 This is not still the majority view, though I would say that there are still a lot of pushback inside these spaces that.
01:35:28 Those who would adhere to ideas that we label Christian nationalism will often reject the label still.
01:35:35 And say that is a smear campaign that the left is using.
01:35:41 The media is using to smear good Christian Americans, right?
01:35:46 And so it's a contested.
01:35:48 Because sadly, a lot of Christians are ******* cooks.01:35:53 Look, if you're going to be a Christian, you should be.
01:35:55 A Christian nationalist.
01:35:58 But again, they're so afraid.
01:36:00 There's just like the Mormons, right?
01:36:01 Like, ohh.
01:36:02 We need the separation of church.
Speaker 6
01:36:03 And state.Devon
01:36:06 How's that been working out for you?01:36:11 Keep God out of my government.
01:36:13 Ohh so you agree with all those Jews that that that got prayer out of schools.
01:36:17 Good job.
01:36:23 But right, she's describing boomers.
01:36:28 That when they hear Christian nationalism.
Speaker 10
01:36:30 Ohh Lord that's terrible.Speaker 19
01:36:32 Inside these spaces, just a couple of days ago, I got a letter from somebody, an e-mail, who said exactly this.01:36:41 This is a smear campaign from the left.
01:36:44 I have yet to see anybody in the media.
01:36:47 Any scholar define Christian nationalism.
01:36:52 Now, as their smug smile indicates, well, now they have.01:36:58 That boomer that wrote her the e-mail.
01:37:02 Now they have.
Speaker 19
01:37:12 What kind of threat are we looking at?01:37:14 I will say I'm hearing from a lot of people, not just reporters, but ordinary folks at the local level saying this is a real threat.
01:37:22 People are leaving, moving out of their states, moving out of school districts.
01:37:26 And feeling this at the local level national level, the threat to our democracy, and here I'm going to echo.
01:37:33 I think what Pete was suggesting.
01:37:35 Is that among adherents there are clear anti democratic impulses here.
01:37:41 Very clear democracy is held up as idolatry.
01:37:46 In some of these circles.
01:37:47 What is more important, upholding democracy or upholding God's law?
01:37:56 So there you go.01:37:59 They're afraid because you want to.
01:38:01 Uh, you want to do the will of God.
01:38:05 And look, I think she supposedly she's Christian too.
Speaker 17
01:38:19 And in in a New York Times article in the 1920s.01:38:26 Remarking about and describing the clan, he said the Ku Klux Klan admits membership to none, but native born white Gentile Protestant Americans.
01:38:38 Whose statement of principles was a restoration.
01:38:42 Of the fundamental principles of American democracy as embodied in the Constitution, and an organization whose code of conduct was Christianity.
Speaker 9
01:38:54 ******* KKK.Devon
01:38:57 It's just the KKK.01:38:58 All over again.
01:38:59 ************* KKK now.
01:39:03 This is infuriating this guy.
01:39:04 If this is the clip I'm thinking of, it might not be the right one.
01:39:07 Let me let me.
01:39:07 Play here, but this is the guy that did the study.
01:39:11 This is the guy.
01:39:11 That founded the PRI.
01:39:14 This the guy that wrote the book about, you know.
01:39:17 You know, you know the the the days of white of whatever was the what, no more white Christian males or whatever the **** the the book was right that we went over.
01:39:25 A month ago, the guy who's who's basically celebrating and dancing on the demographic replacement of white Christians in his own country.
Speaker 14
01:39:35 But it's still we're saying that white Christian nationalism is positively correlated with anti-Semitic attitudes, right? We should just not miss the forest for the trees here.01:39:44 There is this kind of racial complexity within the group, but it is part and parcel of, you know, the worldview.
01:39:52 Last night, the clip I was it was.01:39:54 Yeah, we'll we'll get to that in.
01:39:55 A minute then.
Speaker 10
01:39:56 But Oh yeah, but also we're super antisemitic and alright.Devon
01:40:01 And again, he, you know, he's he's supposed to.01:40:03 Be a.
01:40:03 Christian, so they.
01:40:05 Open it up to questions and I I found this really ******* hilarious one because I did not expect to see anyone in this audience.
01:40:14 Ask this question and guess what?
01:40:17 They don't answer it.
01:40:19 The first question they go to is this old.
01:40:21 Lady who points.
01:40:22 Out the the the the.
01:40:24 The elephant in the room.
01:40:26 The big thing that no one's addressing and they never and they literally just go. Ohh, that's nice. Let's go. And they don't. Even they don't even try to answer the question.
Speaker 5
01:40:37 Economic power up until the 60s.01:40:40 Is pretty much rested with white people.
01:40:43 It didn't matter if you were in control of the Ford GM management structure or you had the day versus the night shift in the factory floor.
01:40:55 So isn't it true for white people?
01:41:00 That they have less economic power and feel that way than they did in 1955 when they didn't have to compete with blacks, they didn't have to compete with women. I'm not justifying it. I'm just saying the average 75 year old remembers when they rule.
01:41:20 Rich or poor?
Speaker 12
01:41:22 Thank you for that.01:41:23 Thank you so much Rachel Lazar.
01:41:25 Right over here, Catalina.
01:41:28 Thank you for that.01:41:29 We're gonna act as if that.
01:41:30 Wasn't even a.
01:41:31 We're not gonna address it at all.
01:41:33 We're act as if you didn't say ****.
01:41:41 I mean, look, they they they literally act like she didn't say anything.
01:41:46 If you asked a question.
01:41:48 Well, aren't don't they have less economic power? They did in in the 1960s?
01:41:54 Aren't they having to compete with all these other groups?
01:41:57 Aren't these possibly legitimate complaints that some of these people have?
01:42:01 Oh, great.
01:42:02 Thank you for that.
01:42:03 Let's go to this lady.
01:42:06 And The funny thing is, who who is this lady that he, he, he he immediately skips over her.
01:42:13 With with 0.
01:42:14 Even like, not even trying it like like they don't.
01:42:16 Even try.
Speaker 6
01:42:18 Look, watch this again.Speaker 5
01:42:20 Isn't it true for white people that they have less economic power and feel that way than they did in 1955 when they didn't have to compete with blacks?01:42:34 They didn't have to compete with women. I'm not justifying it. I'm just saying the average 75 year old.
01:42:41 Remembers when they ruled rich or poor.
Speaker 12
01:42:45 Thank you for.01:42:46 Thank you so much, Rachel Lazar.
01:42:48 Right over here, Catalina.
01:42:52 Like you didn't say it.01:42:53 Thank you for that.
01:42:54 What do you?
Speaker 6
01:42:54 Mean think it's a question.Devon
01:42:56 Answer the ******* no, they they're they're not even interested in even a little bit.01:43:04 They don't, even they.
01:43:04 Don't even ******* care.
01:43:06 They go straight to.
01:43:07 This ******* *****.
01:43:08 This is the kind of question they wanted.
Speaker 2
01:43:11 Well, thanks for the amazing research once again, Robbie.01:43:16 So church state separation feels like the obvious solution and antidote.
01:43:22 Right.
01:43:23 Because for a group that is trying to cement their power and privilege and codify it in our law, if we say you have to separate church and state, you fight back effectively.
01:43:33 What is the most important strategy in your minds for nationally recommitting to church state separation, and especially since we're such?
01:43:43 Really predominantly still religious nation because of church state separation, this is.
Speaker 12
01:43:49 Would you remind people of your job in?Speaker 2
01:43:51 Yes, I am the President and CEO of Americans United for Separation of church and state.Speaker 12
01:43:52 Light of that question.01:43:59 Version 6.
01:44:01 Ohh ha ha.
01:44:02 Ha, Yep.01:44:02 Yes, she is.
01:44:03 And before you ask, yes she is.
01:44:08 There she is.
01:44:09 Rachel lasers.
01:44:11 Jewish identity has always seen her fight for social justice.
01:44:17 But her battle to separate government and religion can pit her against some of her own Co religionists.
01:44:24 Yeah, I'm sure she's.
01:44:25 She's always having to fight the Jews.
01:44:32 See again.
01:44:32 They have an entire organization.
01:44:35 The entire organization.
01:44:38 That that, the, the, the whole point of it.
01:44:42 Is to separate.
01:44:45 Church and state.
01:44:50 It's called Americans United for Separation of church and state. Guess what? It was founded. Oh, I don't know. In 1948, just after World War 2. I wonder why that would.
01:45:01 Be so important.
01:45:12 I wonder why that would be so important.
01:45:20 One of the first things they did is they successfully protested against the appointment of a U.S.
01:45:26 ambassador to the Vatican.
01:45:29 Which look the Vatican's, whether you like it or not.
01:45:32 As a country so.
01:45:35 You know, weird little quasi way.
01:45:39 But anyway, there you go.
01:45:42 Wonder what their funding is.
01:45:47 You want to know?
01:45:48 Actually says here.
01:45:52 In 2015.
01:45:58 In 2015.
01:46:00 They raised $7 million.
01:46:03 7,142,780 thousand or you know $780.00 so $7.1 million in 2015.
01:46:21 And The funny thing is.
01:46:24 She's Jewish.
01:46:27 But it was initially founded by Protestants.
01:46:30 And it used to be called Protestants and other Americans United for the separation of church and state.
01:46:41 And now it's run by a Jew.
01:46:48 It was literally founded by Protestants trying to get to to to make sure Jews coming to America Post World War Two were accepted.
01:46:59 All those those those reeducation films that we've covered in previous streams.
01:47:05 Like stop.
01:47:06 Stop thinking that Jews are different just because Jews are flooding into your neighborhoods and they're and they're different doesn't mean that you should treat them like they're different.
01:47:14 They're just like everybody else.
01:47:16 This is one of those organizations that was set up during that time of trying to integrate all these Jews that were flooding into the country.
01:47:24 And now it's run by a Jew.
01:47:31 So yeah, she's she basically says, well, you know what would fix all this is what my organization does because again, you go you, you walk around in DC and you throw a rock and you hit some *******.
01:47:43 ***** like this?
01:47:46 The the amount of organizations.
01:47:50 Like this, there's just one of of of lots of.
01:47:55 Like there's so.
01:47:56 Many nonprofits, everyone.
01:47:57 That's The thing is.
Speaker 6
01:47:59 I mean ****.Devon
01:48:00 The the company I worked for was a nonprofit, basically for libertarians.01:48:04 And there were.
Speaker 6
01:48:04 Several of those.Devon
01:48:07 So you have all these groups working together to and well, well funded. I mean, look, like I just said, they're they're they raised or they had $7.1 million in 2015.Speaker 10
01:48:20 Ah, alright, so it's so.Devon
01:48:22 And you've never even heard of them.01:48:23 That's the thing.
01:48:24 You've never even ******* heard of these people.
01:48:29 And and they have a operating cost of seven.
01:48:32 Point $1 million.
01:48:33 And which isn't even that much that they're one of.
01:48:35 The smaller organizations.
Speaker 20
01:48:38 Hi, I'm Amanda Tyler, executive director of Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and lead organizer of Christians against Christian nationalism.Devon
01:48:47 That counts in charge of two of these organizations.01:48:53 This is what this was.
01:48:54 This was my life.
01:48:56 This was.
01:48:56 This was the my private.
01:48:58 Little hell that I lived in was listening to ******* ******* like that rattle off all these organizations.
01:49:04 They were in charge and you knew they made bank.
01:49:06 You knew they made so much ******* money.
01:49:08 To make your life worse.
01:49:10 They they they made money off of the the, you know, basically rich donors handed them money.
01:49:18 To make America worse.
01:49:23 Listen, listen to these.
Speaker 20
01:49:25 Hi, I'm Amanda.Speaker 8
01:49:26 I'm Amanda.01:49:28 I'm Amanda.
Speaker 20
01:49:33 Hi, I'm Amanda Tyler, executive director of Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and.Devon
01:49:39 Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty.01:49:42 I'm sure that's like a fantastic or I'm telling the Baptist man.
01:49:51 But wait, wait.
01:49:52 But what's the name?
01:49:52 Of the other organization that she's.
01:49:54 She's a part of.
Speaker 20
01:49:56 And lead organizer of Christians against Christian nationalism.Speaker 9
01:50:00 Christians against Christian nationalism.Devon
01:50:07 Like gays against groomers, right?01:50:15 Imagine these people had to get real jobs.
01:50:22 Imagine if she had to like.
01:50:24 Do a real job.
01:50:29 Or keep keep a husband happy and just be a stay at home Mom because she shouldn't have a ******* job in the first place.
Speaker 20
01:50:37 So I have two questions that really stood out for me from the excellent presentation, Robbie.01:50:44 One was the slide on the relationship between Christian nationalism, adherence and anti black racism.
01:50:52 And I thought it really complicated the question of the relationship of white supremacy.
01:50:57 Christian nationalism.
01:50:59 How much is this white supremacy that is using in Jamarcus words, the permission structure of Christian nationalism, and how much of this can be really attributed to Christian nationalism as an ideology itself?
01:51:12 And the second slide that caught my attention was about the fact that the more if you go to church more, you're more likely to be.
01:51:19 Christian nationalist, I think that begs the question about what's going on in our churches and how much of it is Christianity?
01:51:27 How much of it is Christian nationalism?
01:51:31 Stabbing her right in the back.Speaker 9
01:51:34 She sees she's.Devon
01:51:35 Supposed to be a Christian, right?01:51:38 She's a Christian against Christian nationalism.
01:51:41 And one of the big things that concerned her about the data was the fact that that church attendance correlated directly with Christian nationalism.
01:51:49 The more you went to church, the more likely you were.
01:51:52 To be a Christian nationalist.
01:51:59 So her, her her tendency is to blame herself.
01:52:03 This this is the this is the.
01:52:06 The eternal white woman, right, that that always sabotaging her people.
01:52:09 White woman phenotype right here.
01:52:13 Or arc type, or rather I should say where she's.
01:52:18 Oh, we we need if we need to get into what we need to find out what these churches are teaching.
01:52:22 If it's turning people into Christian nationalists.
Speaker 4
01:52:26 That's awful.Speaker 20
01:52:29 That's an active conversation going on in a lot of quarters and I would just love your understanding of how we understand Christianity as a.Devon
01:52:39 See. They want people to need to get back on to the the radical centrist George W Bush, Christianity, the the, the, the sucking, Israel's ****, Christianity.Speaker 19
01:52:52 Fox News and so on.01:52:53 Very important.
01:52:54 I don't want to diminish their role.
01:52:56 What's not in in this survey is Christian media and, you know, explicitly Christian media because I don't know that we can call Fox secular purely and.
01:53:08 And So what we're look at this deep story.
01:53:11 Has been.
01:53:12 I mean use the term catechesis.
01:53:14 We could, we could use the term indoctrination, grooming if you will or.
Speaker 9
01:53:19 Your name see.Devon
01:53:23 See, this is where the that you can tell the nervousness that a that there is such a thing as Christian media that they that you are no longer relegated to the the the media that they control.01:53:35 But also there's there's a real fear here, but that one of the things that I.
01:53:39 Always say.
01:53:40 Homeschool your kids.
01:53:43 And isn't it?
01:53:44 Odd that she would have flipped the groomer thing around, right?
01:53:47 If you homeschool your kids, you're grooming your kids.
Speaker 9
01:53:53 You're the groomer.Devon
01:53:55 I mean, it's a little ridiculous how, how childish?01:53:59 It is, but that's really what she's.
01:54:01 Saying ohh yeah, you're the groomer.
01:54:04 You're grooming little, little ******* Christian Nazis.
01:54:10 That's her point.
01:54:12 And look, one of the reasons why it's important to pay attention to this stuff is this eventually makes it in the hands of policymakers.
01:54:21 Right.
01:54:23 This eventually makes it into the hands of people who have to look at this as a problem that needs solving.
01:54:29 And they have to look.
01:54:30 And even if it doesn't, it does because they need to justify their existence and maybe maybe part of that solution is restricting access to.
01:54:41 Your own children.
01:54:46 Maybe you're not allowed, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to homeschool.
01:54:49 I mean, look, isn't that the case in many European countries?
01:54:55 Because parents are just grooming their kids to make little Christian Nazis, right?
Speaker 19
01:54:59 The term indoctrination grooming, if you will, or discipleship right.01:55:05 You know, what are we talking about here?
01:55:07 But what we see is for generations now.
01:55:10 Christian Publishers, Christian Radio, Christian home, school curriculum, Christian School text.
01:55:16 Books have told this story.
01:55:20 This story about America, the story about Christianity, right?
01:55:23 It runs deep.
01:55:25 And so this is not ultimately a story of politics, hijacking, religion, right.
01:55:32 You know, whether we we can make claims about you got Christianity wrong but.
01:55:36 People who think they are Christians, who claim the Christian faith are from the grassroots up inculcating this, articulating this and reinforcing it.
01:55:47 So I think that's a very important point.
01:55:52 We got to stop these Christian groomers.01:55:56 Literally what she's saying is we need to prevent Christians that we don't like.
01:56:02 From transmitting their beliefs to their next to the next generation.
01:56:12 And once again, I'll ask you, why are we not doing the same thing?
01:56:14 Why are we not having the same kind of discussions?
01:56:17 Why are we not?
01:56:18 Funding people to the tune of millions of dollars to try to figure out how do we stop Zionists from transmitting Zionism disease to their children?
01:56:27 I'm not being funny.
01:56:28 I'm being deadly ******* serious.
01:56:31 This is how they play the long game.
01:56:36 This is how it starts.
01:56:38 This is the seed that gets planted.
01:56:39 Eventually it does make its way into policy.
01:56:44 That's why these think tanks exist.
01:56:48 It's think tanks like this that that eventually.
Speaker 6
01:56:52 Draw out the.Devon
01:56:53 The road map for things like Ohh I don't know 911.01:57:02 That's how it starts.
01:57:05 You have one of these nonprofits come up with the idea that, well, if you really want to go to war for Israel.
01:57:12 You're going to have to bomb Americans.
01:57:14 Into a war.
01:57:18 And eventually that becomes policy.
01:57:24 We don't have.
01:57:24 Anyone doing this kind of academic work?
01:57:39 Not only do we have no one trying.
01:57:41 To to you.
01:57:42 Know put a number to it.
01:57:44 What exact?
01:57:45 Like, what precisely has been the damage from Zionist Christian Zionists?
01:57:51 How many American lives have been lost because of Christian Zionism?
01:57:56 And I bet you could.
01:57:57 You could.
01:57:58 You could put a number to it that would be pretty ******* accurate.
01:58:12 Start coming up with terms that will stick.
01:58:16 You know, anti Zionist terms that will stick, start calling them what?
01:58:20 They are.
01:58:21 Traitors, terrorists. Murderers.
01:58:27 By the way, that includes the people on the stage that we're listening to right now.
01:58:36 Start trying to figure out how to interfere with their.
01:58:40 Transmission of their disease.
01:58:49 So that we don't have generation after generation after generation of of slaves to ******* Israel.
01:59:01 These radical centrists.
Speaker 16
01:59:15 Put a number.Devon
01:59:16 To other things.01:59:16 Put don't make it like this nebulous thing where?
01:59:20 Well, you know, if if women couldn't, women hadn't voted, then all this lot of this bad stuff would have happened.
01:59:25 Like it's common sense.
01:59:26 We all get it.
01:59:27 But let's put a ******* number to it.
01:59:28 That wouldn't have happened precisely.
01:59:32 I know some.
01:59:32 Of that work's been done, but.
01:59:41 And look, I know a lot of the this is, it's just a matter of funding.
01:59:52 But anyway.
01:59:53 It's embarrassing. It's ******* embarrassing.
02:00:04 The fact that this guy right here.
02:00:06 Lives better than you do.
Speaker 17
02:00:09 To to to the.02:00:11 Whole kind of concept of white people, some white people feeling embattled and disenfranchised.
02:00:21 And it's not the America they once knew.
02:00:22 I'll just say this off.
02:00:25 Recited phrase when you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.
02:00:34 You hear that?02:00:37 You're just accustomed to privilege.
02:00:46 Now that you're having to compete with blacks totally on an even playing field, right?
02:00:51 Now that you're having to compete compete with H1B.
02:00:55 One visa holders.
02:00:56 Totally on a on an even playing field, right?
02:01:01 It just feels like oppression cause you've never had to try any.
02:01:05 It never had to lift a finger.
02:01:06 In your ******* life.
02:01:20 That's how he sees it.
02:01:26 This equity ********.
02:01:29 Look and you would expect like.
02:01:31 You know, maybe maybe one of the white people on the stage to object, right?
02:01:35 The guy who was right literally worked for Reagan, Bush, senior Bush Junior.
02:01:42 The white woman to his right.
02:01:46 Also, Christian claims to be somewhat conservative.
02:01:54 You know the Baptist guy in the end who was responsible to study you.
02:01:58 You'd expect them.
02:01:58 And that's that's kind of a.
02:02:03 Bold statement.
02:02:06 But this is all.
02:02:07 In your head.
Speaker 17
02:02:12 When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.02:02:15 I didn't come up with that, but it's it's very helpful, right?
02:02:19 So as rights and wealth and resources get more equitably spread, which they're not even close to yet, then the people who had those privileges.
02:02:31 Feel like something is being taken away when really we're just increasing equality.
02:02:38 By taking it away.02:02:45 But what do?
02:02:45 I know I it's so hard to compete with the big brain like you.
02:02:49 I mean, this feels like a pressure I've never.
02:02:51 Had to compete with Someone Like You.
Speaker 17
02:02:58 See happening is an attempt at one of two things, either to take over public education.02:03:04 And put prayer.
02:03:05 Back in schools and read the Bible and say in God we trust.
02:03:08 And all of those kinds of things in the public sphere, in education or completely defund and under resourced schools even more and funnel.
02:03:19 All of that toward quote UN quote school choice, which then allows institutions to teach and inculcate disciple their students in in this Christian nationalist ideology that.
02:03:33 Once again, we're here.02:03:36 The same solution to the problem.
02:03:39 Ohh wow.
02:03:40 You know there's, they're they're.
02:03:41 They're gonna try one of two things.
02:03:43 They're either going to try to to force prayer back into school.
02:03:50 And take over the school systems.
02:03:51 Or again, do the exact opposite.
02:03:53 They withdraw withdraw completely.
02:03:57 And then, you know, homeschool their kids and brainwash.
02:03:59 Them at home.
02:04:15 Now here's what's frustrating this guy here at the the guy at the end.
02:04:19 This is how they closed it out.
02:04:22 This is what the this is the problem I've I've I've.
02:04:26 I've talked about this over and.
02:04:27 Over and over again.
02:04:28 How so many boomers? And this goes for a lot of Gen. X's. I think it it it gets.
02:04:33 People don't think about it like the older Gen.
02:04:36 This applies to cause this guy isn't.
02:04:38 I don't think he's a boomer so much as he's a Gen.
02:04:43 But he's on the he's on.
02:04:44 The older end of thing, or actually actually, I think he's more like snack.
02:04:47 Well, maybe he's more towards the middle of it, older to middle.
02:04:52 And people forget how recently.
02:04:56 America was desegregated.
02:05:00 And so you have entire generations of white people.
02:05:04 Who went to school in all white schools?
02:05:12 And I mean like enforced all white schools in some places, like the place this guy's from in Georgia.
02:05:18 It was enforced and he went literally to an all white school, as he'll soon hear describe.
02:05:28 And because he's lived, he's some ******* in Washington.
02:05:32 All these videos that get passed around on telegram of white kids getting beat the **** ** by black kids in schools he's never seen.
02:05:39 One of them.
02:05:42 Doesn't exist at the private school that his kids go to.
02:05:48 See because segregation for him hasn't ended.
Speaker 12
02:05:53 One of the only.Devon
02:05:53 Black people that this guy even knows is the other black is the.02:05:56 Black guy that's on the stage with him.
02:06:00 He's not afraid of that guy.
Speaker 14
02:06:08 The word that just keeps coming to my, to my mind, I haven't read anything about this but it.02:06:12 Is cover up.
02:06:15 Right, is that's what we're really seeing, right?
02:06:17 Just at the moment that our very challenging histories coming to light, right, we have the Black Lives Matter movement kind of bringing this stuff up into kind of broad international consciousness, right, at least in my generation, that's something fundamentally unique.
02:06:35 That in my lifetime that I really haven't experienced and I think just at the time that's coming to the fore just at the time, there's a reckoning with that history, there's a.
02:06:44 Cover up.
Speaker 6
02:06:47 See, there's a cover up.Devon
02:06:49 White people are reacting to the very real.02:07:01 Racist History of America that you know the Black Lives Matter is brought to the forefront in international consciousness.
02:07:12 White people are just they're trying to cover it up.
02:07:16 They're trying to sweep it all under the carpet.
02:07:22 Thank God for Black Lives Matter.
Speaker 14
02:07:30 Right.02:07:30 And I really I think all of the stuff around so-called critical race theory is really about just not wanting to deal with this.
02:07:36 How do?
02:07:36 We not deal with take it off the shelf.
Speaker 6
02:07:37 Critical race theory is good.Devon
02:07:41 But just like all Nazis.02:07:45 But you want wanting to get rid of this stuff in the school curriculum, you're burning books.
02:07:52 You're trying to hide.
02:07:54 You're guilty past.
02:07:58 Trying to wash that blood off your hands.
Speaker 14
02:08:05 Right. Just as there is an explosion of of resources and books and stuff coming online, we just make sure that stuff's not there, right?02:08:12 And so I think it is a denial of history as a way of kind of maintaining the status quo.
Speaker 1
02:08:18 Let's quote.Speaker 14
02:08:19 Right.02:08:19 And that's really what's.
Speaker 6
02:08:20 Going on this is this.Devon
02:08:21 Is what qualifies as right wing in DC.02:08:30 This is why they freaked the **** out when, uh, when?
02:08:32 When Trump was looked like he might win.
02:08:35 I remember when I went to DC, it was prior to the election and Trump was just beginning to be a a front runner.
02:08:45 And I was asked to go to a.
02:08:53 It was it.
02:08:53 It was an event that a a libertarian nonprofit was.
02:08:57 I can't be too specific because I literally signed an NDA, but basically it was a brain ****** session.
02:09:02 That's the way I can put it.
02:09:04 They had a bunch of people that had.
02:09:06 That were you.
02:09:07 Know in one way or another, tied to professional libertarianism as I and had been in.
02:09:13 The past.
02:09:14 They invite all these different people from all over the world.
02:09:17 To discuss certain topics, right.
02:09:21 And when I and they flew me out there.
02:09:24 And I hadn't been back to DC in a while.
02:09:27 And I remember walking off the airplane into the airport.
02:09:32 And hearing conversation after conversation at different tables.
02:09:36 People literally.
02:09:38 Wringing their hands.
02:09:41 And going ohh God this Trump thing ohh it makes me so nervous.
02:09:45 The country is going in such a dark direction.
02:09:47 Ohh God I'm scared.
02:09:54 That's because people like this are considered right wing.
02:09:59 In Washington, DC.
Speaker 14
02:10:09 On there I mean and it it's under the guise of of Christianity.02:10:13 Like much of this is is going on.
02:10:15 It's just it's just racism wrapped up.02:10:21 In the cross.
02:10:22 But listen to this, this is what's so infuriating about this guy.
02:10:26 Listen to how he grew up.
Speaker 14
02:10:30 Public schools in Jackson, Ms.02:10:32 We had a Christmas party in my home room every year, like without any sort of, you know, Blake and I and any of that, by the way.
02:10:39 I'm 5054, my school, my public school in Jackson, Ms. wasn't even desegregated until I was in 3rd grade 1976.
02:10:53 He got to have the Christmas party.02:10:57 He got to have the white school.
02:11:08 Just you can't have it.
Speaker 14
02:11:13 Public schools in Jackson, Ms.02:11:15 We had a Christmas party in my home room every year, like without any sort of, you know, Blake and I and any of that, by the way.
02:11:22 I'm 5054, my school, my public school in Jackson, Ms. wasn't even desegregated until I was in 3rd grade 1976, right by the time.
02:11:33 Desegregation actually happened in Jackson, Ms.
02:11:36 so we had Christmas parties and all white Christmas parties until third grade, right?
02:11:41 And so that those changes, you know, they're big.
02:11:47 He got all white Christmas parties.02:12:00 See again this.
02:12:03 And he's the right wing guy.
02:12:04 He's the right wing guy in DC.
02:12:06 Look, I I don't.
02:12:07 I don't know what he, you know.
02:12:11 Or if he a lot of cause, a lot of these guys will will act like, you know journalists like well.
02:12:15 I don't, I don't.
02:12:16 I don't make my politics known who I vote for, as if there's any, any, any shred of a possibility.
02:12:21 There's any kind of, you know, like to to pretend that they're not biased, right.
02:12:26 But I guarantee you.
02:12:29 You know whether he does or not, he's right in line.
02:12:33 With with quote UN quote right wing people in DC.
02:12:41 It's this.
02:12:41 This ******* disgusting hubris, this, this.
02:12:45 Oh we're.
Speaker 9
02:12:45 Bigger than that?Devon
02:12:47 I know when I was a kid there was like segregation and it.02:12:50 Was totally bad and we need.
Speaker 1
02:12:52 To stop it now.Speaker 9
02:12:57 It was so horrible.02:12:58 We had, like, all white Christian.
Speaker 10
02:13:02 Christmas parties. It was terrible.Devon
02:13:06 **** this guy.02:13:07 **** this guy.
02:13:08 And we need to be doing we honestly, we need to do research.
02:13:13 On the damaged ************* like this guy does.
Speaker 6
02:13:17 And look we.Devon
02:13:17 Should separate it out the same way.02:13:23 Not just adherents like him, but who are his sympathizers.
Speaker 8
02:13:31 Who, who, who?Devon
02:13:32 Only kind of agrees with him, but is still.02:13:34 A danger to democracy?
Speaker 6
02:13:49 But that won't happen.Speaker
02:13:57 And that won't happen.02:13:57 At all.
02:13:59 So anyway that.02:14:00 That's pretty much how the and you can get the whole.
02:14:03 I mean, if you want to read it the the.
02:14:05 Whole study is available online.
02:14:08 It must that that interesting data points.
02:14:11 Are what we already.
02:14:13 Covered and like you said, it's mostly common sense.
02:14:15 It's it's.
02:14:17 It's the kind of thing that, like, didn't a study wasn't required if you were.
02:14:22 I don't know politically.
02:14:24 In touch or just even.
02:14:27 Civically, in touch, as an American and these people just aren't, they're just so disconnected.
02:14:32 They they need these studies to be conducted so they understand what, like normal people are thinking because they don't know.
02:14:40 They don't know.
02:14:41 But, but almost more than that.
02:14:43 Like I said, it requires it's kind of like how.
02:14:51 They're basically it's like when you get in, if you've ever seen these debates.
02:14:57 With these, with these lefties, and they're always like.
02:15:02 You know, they always defer to authority.
02:15:03 They they always want like a study to back up whatever, even if it's, you know, the sky is blue.
02:15:08 Ohh really.
02:15:09 Can you point to the study that that shows that the sky is blue?
02:15:13 And I'm being serious.
02:15:14 There's to that degree cause the tactic of a lot of these people.
02:15:18 Is to just wear you down.
02:15:19 To just make everything so ******* granular that you can't, you can't take.
02:15:24 A ******* step forward in your argument, you can't even explain what your argument is because you're just wading through this, you know, mountain of ********.
02:15:38 Well, in a lot of ways, that's how that's look.
02:15:40 If you want an article written about stuff, well, look now, this is now fact.
02:15:45 There's been a study.
02:15:48 So if I'm if I'm a a journalist at the New York Times, it's not just the policymakers.
02:15:52 If it this this gets fed into propaganda too.
02:15:56 So if and if I want to be a a New York Times journalist that's writing about Christian nationalists, and I've now got all this real hard data.
02:16:05 That I can quote this.
02:16:06 Fact you know, the study has been conducted.
Speaker 6
02:16:09 According to the study, blah blah blah.Devon
02:16:13 According to the.Speaker 6
02:16:14 Study Christian nationalists pose a threat to democracy and.Devon
02:16:26 Anyway, but that's pretty much it.02:16:29 Let me take.
02:16:29 A look at.
02:16:32 And his zipper chats.
02:16:35 There seemed to be a lot of some, like there was a.
02:16:37 Lot when I.
02:16:37 Started, So what the hell is?
Speaker 9
02:16:39 Going on over here.Speaker 6
02:16:41 I mean, I mean something yet.Devon
02:16:47 People in chat talking about the ******* Ghostbusters.02:16:49 Going on in chat over here.
Speaker 6
02:16:54 OK, let's see here.Devon
02:17:03 Uh, Graham playing games the cover of Mother Jones.02:17:06 I hate these people so much.
02:17:09 Well, what is?
02:17:10 What is it?
02:17:14 I want to bring up opera.
02:17:15 I hate.
02:17:15 I need to get a new.
02:17:20 Browser that.
02:17:22 They use for streams only.
02:17:24 That's not opera.
02:17:27 Here's the.02:17:27 Thing about mistake.
02:17:30 I close all these ******* things.02:17:32 That I had opened from last time.
02:17:38 OK, here we go.
02:17:45 Well, that's more funny than anything else.
02:17:47 I'm gonna pop this up.
02:18:02 Yeah, that's more, just funny.
02:18:03 I don't mind that.
02:18:07 My feature on Gen.
02:18:08 Z far right politics.
02:18:10 Nick Fuentes and the future of conservatism is the cover story in the latest print copy of Mother Jones.
02:18:17 Oh, look at that.
02:18:19 Your white kid might turn into a Pepe or no, I guess that looks like a gripper than more than a Pepe.
02:18:27 Look at that.
02:18:30 Also let me have two features in this issue so that you can so you can 10,000 words deep into multiple places on the bad Internet.
02:18:40 The other one is the website that wants you to kill yourself and won't die.
02:18:51 Yeah, whatever.
02:18:52 I just think it's funny.
02:18:55 Grant playing games ever hear of Jonathan Bowden was a fanatic British speaker, easy to listen to him for hours.
02:19:02 He was a nationalist, very concerned about the demise of the ethnic British peoples and Britain.
02:19:08 Interesting video by someone made with some of his speeches.
02:19:14 I'll check that out later.
02:19:21 Let me copy that link.
02:19:29 All right.
02:19:30 And then we got our first *** **** money of the night.
02:19:35 From night train 88.
Speaker 16
02:19:37 Money is power.02:19:38 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
02:19:42 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:20:01 Anti white.
02:20:03 White **** libs are like the self flagellating Christians that would whip themselves in the Middle Ages, or even like Renfield from the movie Dracula Dead and loving it.
02:20:17 Wookie, please.
02:20:18 Oh, you wanted a Wookie.
02:20:20 You want a wookie?
02:20:24 There you go.
02:20:28 Uh. Then you give me.
02:20:29 A YouTube link you only see what this is.
Speaker 3
02:20:37 He went into the Chapel.Speaker 10
02:20:39 You have led him right to you.Devon
02:20:44 Let's see.02:20:44 Oh, this is the guy from he reminds me of Ghostbusters Part 2.
02:20:51 Why is it not popping up?
02:20:52 Anymore. Here it is.
Speaker 10
02:20:55 To me, you stupid, not complete.Speaker 15
02:20:57 I didn't know.02:20:58 I'm sorry, master.
02:21:00 Me. No, no.
Speaker 16
02:21:02 Leave them away.02:21:02 I don't have any.
Speaker 15
02:21:04 You must punish me.02:21:05 Hurt me.
02:21:05 I deserve it.
02:21:06 Now, but I fail you, master.
02:21:10 I'm a useless, pitiful fool who has betrayed you.
02:21:13 You must help.
Speaker 4
02:21:14 Me, alright.Speaker 15
02:21:19 Good master.Speaker 4
02:21:19 And so.02:21:25 OK.
02:21:26 That's up.
02:21:30 Well, the only difference is.02:21:31 It's never enough for those.
02:21:33 So yeah, yeah, it is what it is.
02:21:37 The the the white guilt ****.
02:21:39 I don't know if there's ever been anything like it in history.
02:21:42 I really don't.
02:21:42 I've I've.
02:21:43 I've wondered about this and maybe I'm just not enough of a historian to know.
02:21:48 I just can't think of another group that is so generationally self hating and self defeating and self sabotaging.
02:21:56 And that's which is.
02:21:59 It makes it it it it look, I'll just be honest.
02:22:02 It makes it hard, you know?
02:22:03 It's like why?
02:22:04 Why am I trying to save people who don't?
02:22:06 Want to be saved, you know?
02:22:07 Like it's not that.
02:22:08 That question has been asked and signed my mind more than once, but you know, it's my duty is the answer.
02:22:16 I have to do it.
02:22:19 The thank you for the support there night Train 88 simbi. I should have written this sooner. The A in the SIM B or the E or a SIM Bay.
02:22:31 Should be pronounced with the long a vowel like in they or hey so simbeye simbeye.
02:22:42 Anyway, simpay.
02:22:44 Hey, hey, hey.
02:22:45 Would you like some?
02:22:46 Hey, my name is simpay.
02:22:48 Are you gay?
02:22:50 Tell me you won't stay in that place.
02:22:52 That's so gay all day.
02:22:53 I don't know.
02:22:58 All right, I'll tell you read my next message.
02:23:01 SIM Bay with the *** **** money too.
02:23:03 Oh man, I don't know what to do with all these.
02:23:07 We'll mix it up a little bit, huh?
02:23:14 That wasn't long at all.
02:23:16 That was not long at all.
02:23:18 What about what's this?
02:23:22 That's actually that's definitely appropriate.
02:23:29 And I'll never get.
02:23:30 Tired of that?
02:23:31 Hold on.
Speaker 14
02:23:31 What's up? Stop, stop, stop.Speaker 10
02:23:32 I'm a potato.02:23:33 Big shot.
Speaker 16
02:23:34 Always have to be lucky, Charles.Speaker 10
02:23:38 Alright, simbai.Devon
02:23:43 Alright, I sold one NVD a March 3rd, 2023. Two ten point. Wait, what the hell is this? I don't even know you're talking about here. Put at 9:00.02:23:59 .51 yesterday. Here's your cut. What is? What the Hell's NVDA?
02:24:08 They're like NVIDIA stock.
02:24:14 Is it?
02:24:15 Was that right?
02:24:16 Is it NVIDIA stock?
Speaker 16
02:24:18 I guess it is.Devon
02:24:20 All right.02:24:21 NVIDIA stocks.
02:24:23 Well, it's going down though looks like.
02:24:25 Let me see.
02:24:26 Here I don't.
02:24:27 I don't.
02:24:27 I don't have the ability to play the stock market.
02:24:30 I'm not one of the one of these rich guys like you.
02:24:34 But yeah, I would have.
02:24:35 I would assume NVIDIA.
02:24:36 Is doing well.
02:24:38 I'm not concerned about this being a bear rally that may soon end if my contract is assigned, I'll sell a call on so this is all.
02:24:48 I don't even know your this is all just gibberish.
02:24:51 To me, a.
02:24:52 Call on March 6th and make another $950, probably more. I wish someone told me about selling.
02:24:58 Stock options years ago?
02:25:00 Well, I wish someone tell me about them.
02:25:02 Now I don't, yeah.
02:25:06 Although although I will say look, in a way, I have to disapprove a little bit.
02:25:10 Is, in my opinion it's it's gambling.
02:25:14 I mean, it's gambling.
02:25:16 If you got the money to lose, yeah, that's that's you.
02:25:19 Know it is what it.
02:25:19 Is, but it is gambling.
02:25:21 It's it's gambling 100%. I mean, you're the way you're describing it is gambling, right? You're betting on it going one way or the other without knowing, that's gambling definitionally.
02:25:34 But hey, you know, if you got the money to lose, you got the money.
02:25:37 I'm not.
02:25:38 I'm not too good to to go to a casino and look at it as entertainment and put some money down and.
02:25:45 Whatever I.
02:25:49 Although I would say in the past I I thought I.
02:25:52 Looked at more and.
02:25:53 More I I would have to say I'm against that and I wouldn't.
02:25:57 I wouldn't.
02:25:58 I would.
02:25:58 I would never.
02:25:58 Tell my kids.
02:25:59 That. Ohh yeah, that's fine to just go to a casino and spend 200.
02:26:02 Dollars, if you're willing to lose it, I don't think.
02:26:04 That's a value I.
02:26:05 I would instill in them, but all the same hey, you know.
02:26:09 It's uh, if you're.
02:26:10 If you're one of the.
02:26:11 If you're going to be, maybe you're going to be our one of our first secret billionaires that's funding the kind of research that we need to be doing into these people by by buying sign and video stock.
02:26:22 With your wacky options trading that I don't understand, so thank you very much.
02:26:27 Simpay cold flame US tourist arrested for vandalizing Jesus statue in Israel.
02:26:34 Cops wondering if he has a mental illness.
02:26:37 He's Jewish.
02:26:39 When pinned down.
02:26:40 He tried the old.
02:26:41 Let me get.
02:26:42 My kippa on I would have liked to see Trump on the tarmac welcoming him back.
02:26:53 I don't know you talking about.
02:26:56 Alright, stay.
02:26:57 Look at whatever this is here.
02:27:04 Go to hell.Devon
02:27:08 An American tourist was arrested Thursday on suspicion of blow blah, a video shared on social media showed a security guard grappling with the suspect and then pending on the ground.02:27:18 And tell police is this the video?
Speaker 10
02:27:42 Which one is the cop?Speaker 21
02:27:48 The second to them.Speaker 5
02:27:51 Cities, chapter 20.Speaker 12
02:27:57 You're strong.Speaker 4
02:27:58 Come on.Devon
02:28:01 All right.02:28:01 Well, yeah, crazy Jew.
02:28:04 That, well, that's the thing in.
02:28:06 Israel, though you don't have to be a you don't have to be.
02:28:08 An American tourist to.
02:28:11 To vandalize Christian things. Israel's not exactly a stranger to anti Christian violence.
02:28:19 From its citizens.
02:28:23 Mark ESPY, how did you go to the wait?
02:28:27 How did you go the entire stream on Wednesday without mentioning the sentencing of Peyton Gendron?
02:28:33 Maybe the name doesn't ring a bell, but the crime sure will.
02:28:37 When you look him up, you'll know what you need to do.
02:28:40 Peyton gender on.
02:28:41 That sounds vaguely familiar.
02:28:45 Let's take a look.
02:28:45 What is this?
02:28:51 Oh yeah, the grocery store guy.
02:28:56 What did he get?
02:28:59 What was his sentencing?
02:29:02 I don't have part of it.
02:29:03 I don't have the grocery store clip anymore.
02:29:05 Guys, I'm at the either it find it from an old stream and and cut it out or.
02:29:11 Or something it's, but it's as far as I know it's gone.
02:29:16 Thanks to all my drive swapping and ****.
02:29:21 Three days ago, four days ago, three days ago, I guess.
02:29:25 Was this ones going to say?
02:29:28 With the sentencing, or both?
02:29:34 What did he get?
02:29:35 What did he get?
02:29:41 OK.
02:29:52 They're not saying.
Speaker 21
02:29:57 Extremely tense moment in a courtroom in Buffalo just minutes ago at Tops grocery store shooter Peyton Gendron is now back in court for a sentencing hearing after a man rushed at him during an extremely emotional and passionate impact statement.02:30:12 Here's the dramatic moment.
Speaker 8
02:30:14 I can't.02:30:15 We're never gonna know neighborhoods and take these.
02:30:30 Did she? Did she say?02:30:32 That they never go into white neighborhoods and take people out.
02:30:37 Hold on.
Speaker 4
02:30:37 11.Devon
02:30:37 Hold on.02:30:37 Is that what she did?
02:30:38 She really say that I think she said that.
Speaker 4
02:30:41 Me say I can't.Speaker 8
02:30:43 We never got to know neighborhoods.02:30:45 And take people out.
02:30:48 I think that's what she was saying.02:30:49 It's hard to tell because you know.
02:30:51 English is not.
02:30:53 Her strong suit, but.
02:30:56 That's a little bit.
Speaker 8
02:31:01 We're never going to know.02:31:02 Neighborhoods and take people.
02:31:05 OK, well anyway.02:31:08 Yeah, we might have to do our grocery store.
02:31:10 Thing and like again, I'm not.
02:31:12 As I said in the grocery store stream, the grocery store thing was was ********.
02:31:21 You know, am I going to?
02:31:23 I don't need.
02:31:23 To be at.
02:31:24 The death but.
02:31:28 Anyway that that I find that a bit amusing that we we never go to your neighborhoods and take people out.
02:31:37 Really. OK, OK.
02:31:41 Alright, Mark Esby, Creamer cream cheese privilege.
02:31:47 Hi Devin, do you think the East Palestine?
02:31:49 See here's the way thing.
02:31:50 Everyone's saying Palestine now.
02:31:55 I don't know if if that's really what the locals call it, because that happens sometimes, right?
02:32:00 Sometimes there are cities that you would think would be pronounced one way and cause it.
02:32:05 You know, it's spelled the way it's spelled and everywhere else in the in the country, you know, you would say it that way, but then you go there and they say it a totally different way.
02:32:14 So I don't know.
02:32:14 Do locals really call it Palestine?
02:32:18 What do they call it?
02:32:20 But I noticed the governor called it Palestine in the press conference, so I don't know.
02:32:27 Do you think the East Palace?
02:32:29 I'll just say.
02:32:29 Palestine, for now, why not?
02:32:32 Trained around it was a false flag.
02:32:34 I think it might have been, but I also but also that Norfolk Southern has totally diversified their workforce.
02:32:42 Either way, false flag or not, it's just another sign that we are devolving into a third world shithole.
02:32:48 I you know the reason why I don't think it's it was like some kind of I'll tell you what, the weird thing is with that is the fact that they did shoot a movie in East Palestine, right?
02:33:00 About a train derailment and chemicals that.
02:33:04 Parts super *******.
02:33:05 Weird to me.
02:33:06 And that's true.
02:33:07 There's a Netflix movie.
02:33:08 I forget the name of it, but that's true that that they legit just very recently, a couple years ago.
02:33:15 Shot a film in and and how many?
02:33:18 That's the other thing.
02:33:18 How many movies get shot in in East Palestine?
02:33:23 I would imagine not very many.
02:33:26 And the one time they do.
02:33:29 It's about what ends up happening.
02:33:31 That's weird to me.
02:33:32 That's really weird to me.
02:33:35 That said, it's also weird that there really wasn't a lot of press coverage of it.
02:33:43 And if it was a false flag, the way I understand the term false flag that you're you're doing one thing to trick people into thinking, you know, that one group did it instead of the other group that did it, you know, I mean, like, that's that's why they call it a false flag.
02:33:58 Right.
02:33:58 Because the flag that's that's that's being waved, you know the the country.
02:34:03 For the the group that's being blamed for it, it's not the people that actually.
02:34:07 Did it right?
02:34:10 I don't know how it would be a false flag because.
02:34:13 That to me, that would mean that the media would cover it.
02:34:16 They would just blame it on someone, right?
02:34:19 They would have blamed it on, well, white Christian nationalist as an example, and they they didn't.
02:34:25 They're they're just blaming it on nothing.
02:34:27 They're acting like it's not a big deal, which to me means.
02:34:34 Not necessarily that it wasn't intentional because you could, it could easily be intentional without the locals, you know, including the governor, without them being in on it.
02:34:46 Right or or even the train company.
02:34:48 Being in on it.
02:34:51 There is footage I did see of prior to the derailment where one of the cars is on fire.
02:35:01 Just prior to the accident?
02:35:03 Well, you know the incident.
02:35:07 So is it possible that this was an intentional thing?
Speaker 16
02:35:12 You know.Devon
02:35:14 Who knows? Who knows?02:35:18 I haven't seen any evidence yet and and it might just be one of these things where we just never will.
02:35:23 I will say this it it's a little disturbing.
02:35:26 The the response is weird.
02:35:29 I mean the response.
02:35:31 Obviously something's up with it because you don't.
02:35:34 You have none of the people that would normally want to capitalize on this to push, you know, climate change and you know, Greta, and they're not saying **** about it.
02:35:46 They're saying oh.
02:35:47 It's fine, but it's clearly not fine.
02:35:51 Yeah, it's clearly not fine.
02:35:52 You're having animals dying.
02:35:54 You're having the the everyone, probably by now has seen the video.
02:35:59 If, well, I don't know how to even find that.
02:36:03 Let's see if I just.
02:36:04 Look up east.
02:36:07 Well, you know, I know.
02:36:08 I can find it, there's.
02:36:13 I think I can probably find on telegram here.
02:36:15 But a lot of people have seen the video of people throwing rocks in a a local river, and you clearly see a a chemical.
02:36:26 Sheen kind of like, you know, if you go to a, if you're in a.
02:36:32 Like a in a parking lot that has oil spills and gasoline spills.
02:36:37 And then it rains.
02:36:39 And you kind of have like that rainbow Y look to the water because of that, that chemical that's in the parking lot.
02:36:50 Here it is.
02:36:50 Let me let me bring this up here.
02:37:06 But it's obviously not normal like this isn't what water should look like.
02:37:12 Let's see here.
Speaker 5
02:37:37 Look at all that.Speaker
02:37:37 Look at it.Speaker 2
02:37:38 It's all in the bottom of.Speaker 5
02:37:40 The Creek bed.Speaker 6
02:37:48 So that's not good.Devon
02:37:51 You know that's that's not good.02:37:58 That's I wouldn't drink any water that was tied to that water supply.
02:38:03 If I had a well in that area, I would never use it again, or at least not for like a really long.
02:38:08 I would I would have to do a lot of research and a lot.
02:38:11 Of testing of my well.
02:38:12 Water and and even then I I probably wouldn't want to drink it.
02:38:19 Yeah, that's that's that's definitely not good.
02:38:23 And they're acting like it's not a big deal.
02:38:25 So it's weird.
02:38:26 It's weird because this is precisely the kind of thing that.
02:38:30 They would want to capitalize on.
02:38:32 But that could mean any number of things.
02:38:34 It could mean that the company, the people, the the shareholders of the company are people that you.
02:38:40 Don't **** with.
02:38:41 You know, it could just be, you know, the kinds of people that that, I mean it's it's a railway, right.
02:38:48 It's not a small operation.
02:38:50 Like who's the?
02:38:50 Let's see here.
02:38:53 Who owns this Norfolk Southern?
02:38:57 Let's take a look.
02:38:58 Let's see who the shareholders are.
02:39:02 Norfolk Southern.
02:39:08 Alright, so it's a pretty big railway.
02:39:10 It it basically spans much of the East Coast.
02:39:15 So we're talking about they have train stations all throughout, like including DC, New York going all the way down to the Panhandle of Florida, parts of the South.
02:39:26 It doesn't get too W like it's.
02:39:30 It it it, it stops before Oklahoma.
02:39:34 Who's who's who?
02:39:35 Let's see here.
02:39:36 Who owns this stuff?
02:39:40 Headquartered in Atlanta.
Speaker 6
02:39:48 Here we are.Devon
02:39:51 Publicly traded key people Alan Shaw is the chairman and CEO.02:40:01 Alan Shaw.
02:40:08 But they're big money, so the revenue to give the idea of the kind of money we're talking about.
02:40:13 The revenue for 2020.
02:40:17 This is this is not small potatoes.
02:40:21 The revenue for 20/20 was 9.7 billion.
02:40:27 9.7 billion.
02:40:34 And their total assets, this is, this is insane. Their total assets total 37.9, so 38 billion in assets.
02:40:49 And they have over 20,000 employees.
02:40:56 So that might be why you're.
02:40:58 Not hearing about it.
02:40:59 Is you're talking about an entity.
02:41:03 You know 38 billion in assets and look, they're actually making money, which is surprising. A lot of these, you know, railways don't make any money they're netting. They're netting 2 billion. They in 2020 at least they netted 2 billion. So they're not losing.
02:41:17 Like a lot of people think, railways. Oh, they're losing money like Amtrak's losing money, right?
02:41:22 Amtrak is subsidized by the the the federal government, but these railways, apparently.
02:41:29 They netted 2 billion in.
02:41:33 In 2020.
02:41:35 So it it might just be that it might just be that well, you know, you don't **** with people that have that kind of money and those kinds of assets.
02:41:44 But who's this guy?
02:41:45 Alan Shaw?
02:41:53 Alan Shaw?
02:41:54 Well, it's it's hard to see much about it.
02:41:57 Like, you know, there's he doesn't have a Wikipedia entry.
02:42:01 He's got a LinkedIn.
02:42:10 Yeah, I mean, I don't know, there's not really.
02:42:13 It's hard to really get any.
02:42:14 Kind of.
02:42:16 I don't. There's. I don't think Shaw's like gonna come up as an early life thing, but.
02:42:22 Yeah, anyway.
02:42:24 It could be some I my my point is I don't.
02:42:27 It could be something as simple as just.
02:42:31 You know.Devon
02:42:32 The rich people don't look if there's if we've learned anything, it's the rich people don't play.02:42:36 By the same rules.
02:42:38 Or any rules really?
02:42:42 Uh, my fat little ******** toe 1488.
02:42:48 That deserves a little cookie, right?
02:42:54 So last stream I caught the replan. Ohh boy, did you open a can of worms with the medical transcription thing. My mother used to transcribe so she could work from home in early 2000s.
02:43:06 There are a few points about it that she wanted me to pass along, which I will do in a follow up comment.
02:43:14 Where where's your follow up comment?
02:43:18 I guess it's a couple down.
02:43:19 All right, Part 2.
02:43:21 .1 the transcription is taking spoken audio logs from the doctor and typing them.
02:43:27 She used to pick up cassette tapes from the hospital .2. They started using a speech to text AI around 2012 called Dragon, which messes up horrifically. Ohh. I used to use. Yeah, natural speaking. Dragon beach? Yeah, it's horrible. And then.
02:43:48 Where's Part 3?
02:43:52 Let's see here, which messes up horrifically in the notes instances of these mess ups, and the AI include misunderstanding.
02:44:00 A doctor with a lisp and herd pain as penis and an instance where the AI transcribe notes said my father was pregnant.
02:44:10 It's all fun and games until you realize.
02:44:13 These are the official notes used for surgeries and prescriptions.
02:44:17 Yeah, no.
02:44:19 And expect that to get worse because now.
02:44:23 You will have or in the future rather rather than like a doctor that can look at that and say, oh, this is clearly wrong, you'll.
02:44:30 Have an AI that.
02:44:31 Won't necessarily say ohh this is clearly wrong, it'll just run off that information.
02:44:36 Because don't think that that doctors aren't going to be.
02:44:42 Made redundant by AI, just like everybody else, especially nowadays doctors, I mean, so many doctors.
02:44:49 I've seen it happen in, in doctor's offices.
02:44:51 They just Google it.
02:44:53 It's like, why am I even?
02:44:54 Here, if you're just gonna, you're.
02:44:56 Just looking on ******* Web MD like.
02:44:58 Why do you even have a job?
02:45:01 And that, well, they won't.
02:45:04 They won't, and look, even the surgery is going to be done by robots.
02:45:07 I mean, DARPA has been working on that **** forever, and they've gotten quite, quite good at some of it.
02:45:15 But yeah, all that good to know, good to know.
02:45:20 And yeah, you you can make a lot of money.
02:45:22 I knew a girl.
02:45:23 That was, you know, very low.
02:45:24 IQ, that that, that made a lot of.
02:45:27 Good money just doing the transcription stuff.
02:45:30 Back in the day.
02:45:33 Alright, super brother. When? When you gonna do the 2020 election stream? I'm about to organize a lengthy campaign. Spreading the idea Biden won legitimately on purely his own merit.
02:45:46 Just to better encourage you, if I don't get it soon, come on man.
02:45:49 Also the only acceptable gooey slop to never say no to is funnel cake.
02:45:55 Uh, yeah, it's honestly, it's just partly I've just had so many more interesting things to do.
02:46:01 It's just more and more.
02:46:02 It's irrelevant.
02:46:03 It's become a thing where.
02:46:04 I mean, yeah, look, it's probably worth doing.
02:46:07 But at the same time, it's kind of not because it's not going to change anyone's mind and it's it's it doesn't make a difference at this point, right? That said, it was obviously look.
Speaker 6
02:46:18 There's articles that they've written.Devon
02:46:21 By they I mean people on the left.02:46:23 They've written talking about how they they they did manipulate voters using technology and stuff like that.
02:46:29 But the dominion.
02:46:30 Here's the other thing.
02:46:31 The Dominion lawsuit is going through, which is something to pay attention to.
02:46:36 I know a lot of people are freaking out because in that lawsuit.
02:46:41 Some of the discovery has shown that Tucker Carlson is just like I've been saying he was.
02:46:48 Yeah, he's in fact this.
02:46:50 Closer to the point of of tonight's stream.
02:46:53 This is why what?
02:46:54 I'm talking about he's a DC guy.
02:46:57 He's a DC guy.
02:47:00 Even if you think he's right wing, he's a DC guy.
02:47:04 So even if he was right wing for DC.
02:47:12 And those emails are kind of revealing that that he is.
02:47:15 Look, here's the bottom line.
02:47:17 Anything, especially the reason why January 6 freaked people out and including people like Tucker Carlson and the reason why talks of voter fraud freaked people out like Tucker Carlson, like Laura Ingraham is they are very comfortable with their space.
02:47:33 In the hierarchy.
02:47:36 And when you start chipping.
02:47:37 Away at people's faith in voting.
02:47:42 You're chipping away at the legitimacy.
02:47:45 Of the hierarchy that they enjoy their position in.
02:47:49 In fact, there was a comment from I I I read one of the articles where Rupert Murdoch himself.
02:47:55 Sent an e-mail.
02:47:56 I think it was an e-mail.
02:47:58 Where he, he said. Ohh, that yeah, this stuff's really dangerous.
02:48:02 Yeah, it is dangerous to your.
02:48:05 Position in the hierarchy.
02:48:08 If Americans.
02:48:11 Suddenly did not have faith in the electoral process.
02:48:16 Then yes.
02:48:18 That'd be very dangerous for you, for Tucker.
02:48:24 For everyone in Washington, DC that has never had a real job.
02:48:30 They'd be dangerous as ****.
02:48:32 It's not dangerous for me.
02:48:36 It's not dangerous for you.
02:48:41 It's only dangerous.
02:48:44 If you are benefiting.
02:48:47 From the fraudulent system.
02:48:49 And they are.
02:48:50 People like Tucker are, of course.
02:48:55 They exist to defend the system.
02:48:59 Prior to his his his job on Fox News.
02:49:01 What did I say?
02:49:02 Like when he was on MSNBC and.
02:49:05 Other outlets, you know his job was to tell people not to vote for because, you know at the time his appeal was like he was the he was the conservative.
02:49:13 I think it was MSNBC, right.
02:49:15 Good friends with Rachel Maddow.
02:49:23 And because it wasn't Fox.
02:49:24 Now I gotta sneeze. Hang.
02:49:25 On a SEC, I'm trying not to sneeze.
02:49:27 I'm gonna sneeze, but he because he was on MSNBC and not Fox News.
02:49:33 He appealed to the more quote UN quote, and this before MSNBC totally jumped the shark. I mean, they were already already pretty.
02:49:40 Bad, but this is.
02:49:41 Back when he was there, it was they at least tried to have the appearance.
02:49:45 Of of telling both sides and at the time though.
02:49:51 You know the the the, the tried and true Republicans.
02:49:55 That were under the spell that would that would only vote for whoever the RNC said to vote for anyway.
02:50:01 They were watching, you know Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and and listen to Rush Limbaugh and.
02:50:04 All that stuff, Tucker Carlson it would it would attract the more independent, you know, Republicans that might have voted for Ron Paul, right?
02:50:12 And his job was to tell him no, don't do it.
02:50:14 He's the 9/11 conspiracy cook and what he's always been bad news and it's because he doesn't want anyone in there that's going to upset the apple cart that he eats from.
02:50:27 See, maybe it's.
02:50:27 Worth it?
02:50:28 I I kind of want to keep an eye on the Dominion lawsuit.
02:50:31 Maybe that's what we'll do.
02:50:32 Maybe we'll see where the maybe that'll be part of it.
02:50:35 Maybe we'll take a look at the Dominion lawsuit.
02:50:37 How that goes, I suspect through discovery there's going to be some things that pop out that Dominion doesn't necessarily want to come out.
02:50:46 The problem is there's so many people involved with this in in reporting on it, and even just the lawyers involved that just are just so oblivious when it comes to the technology and and it just that's that's why it's so easy to to fake these election.
02:51:05 That you you have ******* in charge of, I mean, just the idea that, like, like I said, that these exact machines get hacked every year at at hacking conventions by children.
02:51:20 You know, just basic basic security protocols weren't followed.
02:51:25 You know they weren't supposed to have Internet connection, and they're they're.
02:51:30 But they've got Wi-Fi hotspots, you know, connecting to these building machines.
02:51:37 There's a lot of things that were wrong.
02:51:40 There's a lot of stuff that's documented, a lot of stuff that's just statistically impossible, no matter how you look at it, a lot of stuff that's.
02:51:50 Look, a lot of it's going to be circumstantial.
02:51:52 Obviously there's not.
02:51:53 Like there's no, like smoking, you know, or there's a lot of smoking guns rather, there's just no, there's no silver bullet.
02:52:02 Mostly because the evidence was was was destroyed.
02:52:06 And I'm not just saying that like ambiguous like ohh the other so I need to prove it it's gone.
02:52:10 No, it's like it's, it's gone like you're.
02:52:12 There's this.
02:52:13 I think it was Georgia.
02:52:15 And Arizona and and I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll look.
02:52:19 Maybe I'll do the stream I guess, but like there are states that are required by law to hang on to hard copies of, you know.
02:52:26 Because of things like this, right, they're required to hang on to hard copies of the votes.
02:52:31 And they didn't.
02:52:32 They destroyed them.
02:52:35 Against the law and look, no one's and no one's getting prosecuted for that. Obviously, you also had a lot of weird shenanigans going on. Like was it? Was it Georgia where the the governor's son was was.
02:52:46 Mysteriously killed in a car accident.
02:52:47 All that stuff.
02:52:48 And then of course, it doesn't help that you had, you know, released the crack and ****** going around muddying the waters.
02:52:55 Maybe that was her job you had.
02:52:58 And then that the other guy, that lawyer, the.
02:53:02 That stalled all of the money from.
02:53:09 Kyle Rittenhouse Wood was not Glenwood.
02:53:15 Yeah. Yeah, guys.
02:53:16 Anyway, you have all these other characters who are are swooping in, trying to capitalize on it, trying to grift on the, you know, stop the steel ship and raising all kinds.
02:53:26 Of look and.
02:53:27 And you had Trump's organization participating in the same thing. They raised $200 million or some crazy number like that to stop the steal and then didn't use any of that money to to pursue this legally.
02:53:41 I mean, they spent almost nothing on the on the legal side of this.
02:53:44 You they sent Rudy Giuliani, you know, who who's?
02:53:49 Like basically a mixture of dementia and alcoholism.
02:53:55 Around to to just **** ** the whole thing.
02:54:00 I mean it look.
02:54:02 It's a mess.
02:54:03 That's why I haven't.
02:54:04 That's why.
Speaker 9
02:54:05 That's why I haven't.Devon
02:54:05 Done it.02:54:06 It's it's it's ******* messy.
02:54:08 It's a mess and there's so much mud in the waters that it's it's going to.
02:54:13 Suck to do it.
02:54:15 But like I said, how can you pay it?
02:54:17 I mean, just just all you need to know is there's enough question marks just from, like, the basic stuff.
02:54:24 Going from like the stuff that we have video evidence of where the black lady walks into the the counting room and sends the Republicans away and then starts pulling out ballots from underneath a tab.
02:54:35 People and we have video of this ****, right?
02:54:39 We have video of this **** in in states that were so close that that could have made the just that could.
02:54:43 Have made the difference.
02:54:45 So I don't know why there's a question of this.
02:54:47 I don't know why?
02:54:48 Because there's enough like while there's no.
02:54:50 Oh, here's the silver bullet, you know.
02:54:53 Here's the The the proof.
02:54:56 There's enough.
02:54:57 Let me rephrase it.
02:54:58 Let me put this way.
02:54:58 There's no proof that it wasn't stolen.
02:55:02 And that and that of itself means that there's there was no clean, fair election you cannot guarantee.
02:55:09 That it was that it was not ****** with because you destroyed all the receipts.
02:55:15 And we have video of.
02:55:16 You doing ****** ** ****.
02:55:19 And not just that or there's tons of video of of, of of these poll workers doing this ****, poll workers kicking Republicans out of, you know, that are supposed legally supposed to be there.
02:55:30 Putting everyone remembers watching their footage and them putting up those those big old pieces of cardboard over the the windows so you couldn't see what they're doing.
02:55:40 Why would that be like?
02:55:42 Why would you?
02:55:42 You know what?
02:55:43 I mean, like, nothing suspicious about that.
02:55:46 The idea that anyone would think that that it wasn't, or that it was legit, the idea that and The funny thing is a lot of the the same people trying to tell you that the election was legit are the same people telling you that the government is so evil that it's genocide and us.
02:56:02 So it's like, well, which is it?
02:56:04 You know is is it like?
02:56:06 Ohh, they're totally benevolent and you can trust them to, to not **** with the vote.
02:56:12 But they're genocide.
02:56:13 Not, you know, I.
02:56:13 Mean. It's like, come on.
02:56:16 I don't understand that this thing and more.
02:56:18 Well, I think there's some people that have an interest in, in telling other people that somehow they're the ones that made Trump not win, which is ******* stupid.
02:56:27 It's ******* stupid and and but because that's part of their narrative.
Speaker 6
02:56:33 That, Oh no Trump.Devon
02:56:34 Trump lost because of something I did.02:56:36 You know, Trump made me mad and so, I mean, look, I didn't like ******* Trump.
02:56:40 I was ******** about Trump, like within, like, a couple weeks of.
02:56:43 Him being in office.
02:56:45 I felt betrayed right away.
02:56:47 I knew where this was headed.
Speaker 6
02:56:49 But I'm not.Devon
02:56:49 So ******* ******** as to think that my video is telling Q ***** that that Trump.02:56:55 Isn't doing what they think he's doing.
02:56:57 Had some kind of like election outcome changing influence, you know?
02:57:07 But there's a lot of people that get high on their own supply and they think.
02:57:10 That that, you know, that's.
02:57:11 That's the case.
02:57:13 But yeah, I don't know.
02:57:15 And as far as funnel cake, I don't.
02:57:16 I don't think I've ever had funnel.
02:57:17 Like the vexed.
02:57:21 Hey, Devin, have you ever seen the Magnum force?
02:57:24 It's one of the most cocked movies I've ever seen.
02:57:27 Basically dirty Harry versus.
02:57:31 Vigilant cops or vigilante cops?
02:57:34 I have never seen Magnum force no.
02:57:38 Uh, my fat little ******** toe four.
02:57:40 Oh, wait, wait, where?
02:57:41 Did all those.
02:57:44 Curl brake Buck last stream.
02:57:47 You said that whites today have to adapt to a new dating ecology that we were not evolved to succeed in that what previously successful or what previously successful traits are being bred out and what are new traits?
02:58:03 We learned to adopt well, I don't even know.
02:58:04 It's just necessarily limited to to dating.
02:58:07 I just think in terms of you're trying to, I mean, you're you weren't.
02:58:12 You weren't.
02:58:15 You didn't evolve to.
02:58:20 Live in clown world.
02:58:24 We have a the whole your entire environment is unnatural.
02:58:29 If you're succeeding in in clown world, you're probably there's something, probably you probably have a lot of personality disorders.
02:58:35 I mean, for real.
02:58:37 And all you have to do is look who's making millions of dollars on TikTok. Those are people who are succeeding.
02:58:42 In clown world.
02:58:44 Do you think those are good people?
02:58:45 Those are well adjusted people.
02:58:47 Those are the people that would have failed miserably at life had they had the conditions that you would succeed in.
02:58:54 So it's just, it's not just dating.
02:58:56 It's just like everything, you know, the fact that, you know, it's dating.
02:58:59 It's the job market and everything else.
02:59:03 If you wanted to limit it to dating, I just think that whereas for a long time whites were, it comes down to our selection and case selection, I think is is there's, there's a shift in the white population where it used to be for a long time whites were selecting.
02:59:24 Their intelligence, and now they're not, you know, now they're selecting for Chad, you know, so.
02:59:33 You know, I guess if anything, maybe work out, maybe forget trying to like if that's your goal, right?
02:59:40 Like if your whole goal is to be successful at dating.
02:59:43 I I think that the old the old the thing that 90s men were told, the big lie that oh, women don't care about looks.
02:59:51 I don't know.
02:59:51 Why that that?
02:59:52 That lie got told so frequently.
02:59:56 But it did and.
02:59:57 A lot of people took it to heart like, oh, OK, well, I don't have to worry about.
03:00:01 You know, like like the the the, it's like that movie revenge of the nerds, right.
03:00:07 I tried to tell you that, oh, things have changed.
03:00:09 Things have changed.
03:00:10 You don't have to be a a nice looking Arian.
03:00:14 You know Jock anymore.
03:00:16 You can be a creepy ****** Jew and and that's what women want now, because they they're they're more about.
03:00:22 They're they're they're they're all sapiosexual or what was that?
03:00:26 Isn't that the term that they came up with that, I mean?
03:00:28 I'm attracted to big brains.
03:00:31 That was the lie.
03:00:32 And so I think a lot of people, you know, thought that like, oh, you know, they they believe that the, like, the graduation speeches of people like Bill Gates telling people like, oh, you know, the nerds are going to rule everything and.
03:00:47 And it just.
03:00:47 It was just a lie.
03:00:48 It was a lie.
03:00:50 Women aren't attracted to nerds like very few women are.
03:00:55 Some of them.
03:00:55 Are and and the other problem is too, the types of women that that were attracted to intelligence end up being women that are over educated and in the process of being over educated.
03:01:07 They get, you know, they get brainwashed into thinking if you're to the right of, well, any of the people we just watched that presentation.
03:01:16 Drum in DC that you're the devil, so that makes you unmarketable too.
03:01:21 So you know that's that's.
03:01:23 I think that those are things that that kind of have.
03:01:28 In recent times, in terms of just dating, is that being being?
03:01:36 Being educated but not like a feminist.
03:01:40 Makes you unmarketable.
03:01:44 Or or harder to market, rather, because the women that are going to be attracted to that are going to be are going to want feminists.
03:01:51 I mean the the being right wing and smart at the same time, really kind of cuts down your option.
03:01:59 I mean, because let's be honest and part of us, not just the women part of it's you too, right?
03:02:03 If you're smart, you don't want to be with.
03:02:05 A dumb woman that you could probably.
03:02:08 Pair up with you could probably.
03:02:09 Pair up with a a dumb woman, but it would drive you nuts because you're smart.
03:02:14 And so it's, yeah, it's just the the whole deregulation of the sexual marketplace.
03:02:20 Has thrown a bunch of wrenches in a lot of different gears.
03:02:23 And specifically, if you're, if you're right wing and intelligent, you're in a.
03:02:28 You're in a tough spot.
03:02:29 You're in a tough spot, especially if you're, you know, look, I'll tell you when I when I lived, when I lived in DC.
03:02:35 If you are ambitious and you know even if you're making good money, I was making really good money and I went on a lot of really bad first dates because you go out with someone and realize, oh, you're basically.
03:02:48 The opposite of me.
03:02:50 Right, like I was in the wrong places.
03:02:55 Of the wrong parts of the country.
03:02:56 But that's just where you're going to end up, right?
03:02:59 Like if you're an ambitious, intelligent guy, you're going to end.
03:03:02 Up, but usually I mean I don't know, maybe it's changing now, but at the time you're going to end up in places like San Francisco and New York, Washington, DC, Chicago.
03:03:11 You're gonna end up in these metropolises.
03:03:13 Because that's just where your career is going to take you, and now you're and.
03:03:17 But what's what are all these places having?
03:03:21 Well, the the people there are no right wing people, let alone women.
03:03:24 Women are who are already women who are already.
03:03:28 You know, I think all right, lane to the left.
03:03:31 And so it's just and if they're educated, it's just ******* forget about it.
03:03:38 So I think those that those are the big problems and then it used to be the case that used to be the case because what's considered right wing now was considered like remember we were doing the streams about the the.
03:03:52 The Ken Burns documentary about the Holocaust.
03:03:58 Most Americans prior to World War 2 agreed with us on almost everything.
03:04:04 Educated or not, the state that's the crazy thing.
03:04:08 Proud prior.
03:04:09 To World War.
03:04:09 Two, the State Department agreed with us.
03:04:16 So that's, that's the big difference.
03:04:18 That's the big shift.
03:04:19 That makes you kind of like.
03:04:21 An alien in your own country.
03:04:25 Let's see here.
03:04:26 Normal if you want a film that talks about Freemasonry, I would recommend looking into forces occultus.
03:04:34 It's a French film created in 1942. A lot of people want to talk about Freemason, right? I'm just. I don't know that it's. It's as.
03:04:45 You know it's is is a fundamental of a thing.
03:04:50 It's as irrelevant as a it's, I don't know.
03:04:54 I I know that Freemasonry played a much bigger role.
03:04:58 In centuries past than it does now, but you know it doesn't mean it's.
03:05:03 It doesn't play a role now.
03:05:05 So maybe I'll check take a look at that I'll add.
03:05:07 It to my notes, Clark Smith.
03:05:09 Clark Smith with the *** **** money.
Speaker 16
03:05:12 Money is power.03:05:13 Money is the only weapon that that you have.
03:05:16 To defend himself with.
03:05:18 Go, Julie, this *** is.03:05:36 Clark Smith, thank you for your streams, Devin.
03:05:38 I look forward to them so much.
03:05:40 Well, I appreciate that Clark Smith and appreciate the the support there, buddy.
03:05:46 So hopefully you you enjoy this stream as as well.
03:05:50 Homeland, one ethnic group that deserves castration and worked to worked to death camps.
03:05:57 Are you?
03:05:58 Rookies, they didn't leave England seeking religious freedom but were thrown out because they were a pain in the ***.
03:06:06 They were and are intolerant and virtue signaling faggs, who exist through a mound of fake morality.
03:06:14 OK, I don't know.
03:06:17 Yankees could really be.
03:06:20 I don't know.
03:06:20 Maybe you could come up with a a way of defining them ethnically, but.
03:06:25 Yeah, I don't know.
03:06:27 So there you go.
03:06:31 Jay Ray, 91. My God. Looking at the mass rape in Sweden, the Africans in Ireland and the UK as a whole seeping into villages and harassing young white girls, which caused an uprising recently, which is awesome. But what's going to change nothing.
03:06:50 At least we have firearms in the States, and yes, that is a gigantic difference.
03:06:55 It's a difference that Europeans are probably just now starting to realize.
03:07:02 You know, I'm hoping they're outgrowing this whole, you know, Americans with their gun culture and their school shootings because, you know why you guys think that it's because the people who don't want you to have guns.
03:07:15 I've been telling you that they've been spoon feeding that your whole life, thinking that like America is like the Super dangerous place where everyone's getting murdered all the.
03:07:22 Time and and oh, we're so much more, you know, civilized.
03:07:26 We don't need guns out here.
03:07:28 Yeah, well, how's that working out for you?
03:07:29 And look, obviously you know you can make the well, I don't see you guys, you know, using your guns.
03:07:34 And you're right.
03:07:36 You know, if if this was the time of the founding fathers, those.
03:07:39 Guns would have.
03:07:39 Been years.
03:07:39 A long ******* time ago.
03:07:42 But that said, our government's a little, you know, little little, little less flagrant, I guess as a result of the the citizenry being armed.
03:07:58 I think I've been following you for six years or so since my freshman year.
03:08:02 Of high school.
03:08:03 I've been listening to your old streams at work and they helped me get through my day.
03:08:07 Really appreciate the work that you do.
03:08:09 Well, I appreciate.
03:08:11 The support there and glad you've been around for so long.
03:08:16 Old school, old school pill popper there.
03:08:22 This is the only time I will speak kindly of Jews. Sephardic Jews have lived in the US since the 1700s, largely lived in the South, and supported the CSA, and had full acceptance in the South. When the Ashkenazi arrived, the Sephardic viewed them as trouble making Zionists.
03:08:42 The Sephardic Jews made America their home.
03:08:45 They didn't want the Ashkenazi to ruin what they had built.
03:08:50 One has to remember that those Jews who supported the South during the war don't exist anymore.
03:08:58 Most US Protestant churches spring out of the the the spring out of the twisty Yankee theology of the 19th century.
03:09:07 Well, I'll tell you though the the.
03:09:08 The the one.
03:09:11 Area where I would strongly disagree here is it's my understand, maybe I'll find out for sure.
03:09:18 I'm in the middle of researching this, but my understanding is it's the Sephardic Jews that brought the slaves here in the first place.
03:09:25 They're the ones that ran the slave trade.
03:09:27 So in a lot of ways they are the reason why we have.
03:09:31 A lot of the problems that we've got right now, yeah, they might have been more. They might have been more patriotic and not the crafty kind of Ashkenazy ******* that we have to deal with since the turn of the century and around 1900 and creating all kinds of other problems.
03:09:48 But you know they, I would say that ohh a bigger problem really was that they brought the slaves here in.
03:09:55 The first place.
Speaker 6
03:09:58 Pebble in the pond.Devon
03:10:13 Click the fire button and support Devon.03:10:15 Keep up the great.
03:10:17 I'm also I'm going to I haven't clicked the fire.
03:10:19 Button either.
03:10:21 I am now clicking the fire button.
03:10:24 Hopefully you guys clicked the fire button.
03:10:26 Even if you're listening to the replay, you should click the fire button.
03:10:29 I don't know that it really does anything but.
03:10:32 It makes the number go up and that makes me.
03:10:33 Happy so.
03:10:37 Thank you, Pebble.
03:10:38 In the pond, harmless G Sephardic Jews are closely related to the Ashkenazi and are effectively the same, but with a lower average IQ.
03:10:47 Their dominance in the slave trade in the Spanish and Portuguese empires and later in America too, did not help the new world's demographics.
03:10:55 Where it goes, so there's harmless.
03:10:58 Echoing what I what I was mentioning, the Sephardic history, historic language Ladino is a combination of Hebrew and Spanish, similar to how the Ashkenazi's historic language, Yiddish, is a combination of Hebrew and German.
Speaker 6
03:11:14 There you go.Devon
03:11:16 There you go. Guitar dude, 1356.03:11:22 Do you think the Amish are allowed to flourish in the US because they're seen as harmless, IE no military, tech or weapons by the Jews?
03:11:31 I guess that's the choice.
03:11:33 Make a compound and and get destroyed, IE Branch Davidians or live in the Stone Age like the Amish, and be allowed to survive.
03:11:41 I you know.
03:11:41 I think it's just a matter of of capital too.
03:11:45 The Amish are a much bigger group than the the Branch Davidians, and they've been.
03:11:51 Around a lot.
03:11:53 So I think when they first it was a lot easier even in like the 60s and 70s prior to the industrial Revolution, it was a lot easier to create your own religious community like the Mormons did, like the Amana cult that we've covered.
03:12:12 In previous streams like the Amish, a lot of these religious cults, they sprung up around the same time in the 1800.
03:12:20 Woods and there was just no the federal government lacked the ability, even if they wanted to get rid of them like they wanted to get rid of the Mormons.
03:12:30 And they just, you know, then they tried they.
03:12:32 Just never really got it done.
03:12:36 And I think that's just the right place, right time.
03:12:40 Right.
03:12:41 And it's just it's more difficult now in in to to get something.
03:12:47 Like that going.
03:12:48 Unless if you were to start with.
03:12:50 A lot of money.
03:12:52 And a lot of people, then you would be and you were to keep it real under the radar.
03:12:58 You know, you were really, really sneaky at 1st and and didn't advertise that it was, you know, what you were doing.
03:13:07 It was more just like a, you know, there there's probably ways you could acquire land.
03:13:12 Yeah, if you had the resources, you had the the the capital to do it, you could probably acquire land and quietly squirrel people onto the land and start affecting local elections in the county that you, you know that you're compound or whatever, right?
03:13:29 Your community is in.
03:13:30 And slowly take it over.
03:13:32 And by the time that.
03:13:35 People noticed you would have enough political power locally to be a pain in the *** because that's the other thing too, is having political power is a big deal.
03:13:48 Even idea, I mean, **** Jonestown, that group of commies.
03:13:53 That and they were.
03:13:53 They were communists in San Francisco and Oakland.
03:13:57 That famously, the whole, you know, don't drink the kool-aid. You know that that term comes from Jonestown.
03:14:03 Which was a guy.
03:14:04 He was a Christian pastor, pastor Slash communist, who ran a compound in Oakland and that later moved to South.
03:14:14 I think it was South America, right, or Central America or or somewhere, but they left the United States because they wanted to create like a little communist.
03:14:25 The community and.
03:14:30 You know then then you know the mass suicide and all that.
03:14:32 Stuff that took.
03:14:33 Place after but before that happened before he left.
03:14:36 The United States and and all that nonsense.
03:14:39 Dianne Feinstein, or I think it was Dianne Feinstein, had them canvassing for her like he he worked politically with the local Democrats and and that's what it is, is like you have a.
03:14:54 If you have influence over it, you know people in the same way.
03:14:58 Look, the Mormon Church has has obvious political impact in Utah.
03:15:03 Lot less now than it did, say 50 years ago.
03:15:07 But I mean that it still it.
03:15:09 It makes a big difference, right?
03:15:11 And not just in in Utah.
03:15:13 So it's it's.
03:15:16 You know, once you have enough money and influence over people, and if politicians thinks they, they can leverage that to get elected or get what they want.
03:15:27 You know you'll you'll.
03:15:28 Find yourself in a position of of of power to some extent.
03:15:34 But yeah, the Amish is.
03:15:35 I think they just got Grandfather.
03:15:37 I guess another way of putting it is they got grandfathered in.
03:15:41 A harmless G birth data coming out of the states of New York and New Jersey shows non Hispanic whites are increasing as a percentage of babies born, but this is misleading as this is mainly due to the rapidly growing high fertility Hasidic Jew populations.
03:15:57 My 2 takeaways from this are one, Jews should have their own category separate from non Jewish European whites and two high fertility religions are are are high fertility religious communities.
03:16:14 Can make a difference and whites need to.
03:16:16 Do stuff like that.
03:16:18 Yeah, I think that that would be very helpful in in terms of demographic data, if the federal government viewed Jews ethnically, but there's.
Speaker 6
03:16:29 A lot of political reasons not.Devon
03:16:30 To do that, as you all well know.03:16:38 Hemothorax Zine.
03:16:52 Are you familiar?Devon
03:16:53 With the East African Federation, it's a union of mainly mostly Christian countries like South Sudan.03:17:01 Then Congo, Kenya, Rwanda and others, when fully implemented its population, will be similar to the US, but it will stay in Third world squalor forever.
03:17:13 I'm sure child soldiers will will persist.
03:17:16 Exactly, and they're look, if you want, if you're a Christian nationalist, you're welcome to to move to those countries.
03:17:22 If you want to live in a country.
03:17:24 That is a Christian theocracy.
03:17:28 Well, if that's the big difference, right?
03:17:30 If demographics don't matter and you would rather live in an all black.
03:17:35 And I've heard people say this on Twitter that they would rather live in an all black Christian country than an all white, you know, atheist country.
03:17:43 Well, then they exist.
03:17:45 Go to Africa.
03:17:46 They exist.
03:17:47 You're welcome to go there, buddy.
03:17:51 Ryan is cool. Have you ever looked into how U.S. intelligence agencies infiltrate the Vatican after World War 2? The church had approved Germany's policies, and after the war, the Western governments had to make sure they couldn't support anything like that again. It led to things like the sex scandals and Vatican 2.
03:18:11 No, I mean, I've never really looked into that.
03:18:14 I I'm I'm not Catholic.
03:18:15 And and honestly, I just haven't been as interested because.
03:18:21 And look, there were plenty of post World War 2 or even prior to World War 2IN in, including some that were mentioned in that documentary about the Holocaust that Ken Burns did.
03:18:32 Plenty of Catholic clergy that were very pro.
03:18:36 Let's let's go invade Germany to save the Jews, you know, working.
03:18:41 In, in partnership with Jews and Jewish groups and the Catholics were also they were on the front lines in terms of.
03:18:50 Of helping to integrate Jews that were entering America after World War 2.
03:18:58 So it's kind of a confusing thing, like Catholicism has always confused me because it seems like there's not a whole.
03:19:04 There's not like this is what Catholics believe, period.
03:19:07 It's it just seems like there it.
03:19:08 Well, there's this kind of.
03:19:09 That there's this kind of cap and there's this kind of and it doesn't make any sense to me like how could be so much diversity within within a a church.
03:19:17 You know, you think that God has one way, right? It's this way or it's not. It's not God's way.
03:19:23 And and that and that's never or or even or the fact that like, you know, popes can be basically satanic pedophiles and you'll have Catholics acknowledge this, but they'll be like, oh, but it's fine, you know, it's fine.
03:19:38 It's just it's a bad Pope event.
03:19:40 It's like, really.
03:19:40 So you're so God's institution on earth.
03:19:44 It is so flawed that it it puts a satanic pedophile in charge of it, you know, and and that's fine.
03:19:51 And you just have to wait it out.
03:19:52 Until maybe a.
03:19:53 You know, there's no mechanism to get.
03:19:55 Rid of him.
03:19:56 It's you know, anyway.
03:19:59 So yeah, with the Vatican 2 stuff, all that it's like, why wasn't, why wasn't the church equipped to deal with that?
03:20:07 You know, if it's God's God's house on on earth.
03:20:11 Why were?
03:20:12 Why were they?
03:20:13 Why was the institution powerless to?
03:20:17 Withstand the even if I don't, I don't know.
03:20:20 You're you're suggesting that intelligence agencies were involved?
03:20:23 I don't.
03:20:24 I'm not saying they weren't.
Speaker 6
03:20:25 I don't.03:20:25 I just don't know.
03:20:28 But yeah.03:20:31 Harmless gene and Nick Fontez's credit when asked if he had to choose between importing a bunch of white liberal atheists or black conservative Catholics, he chose the white liberal atheists because they or their descendants can be converted to converted. The blacks and their descendants cannot turn white.
03:20:49 There you go.
03:20:52 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:20:54 Do you believe women can be turbo Sims?
03:20:56 How do you think the Tinder swindler women relate to simping just seems like women can be simps, but they do it for the illusion of money.
03:21:07 Yeah, women can be simps too.
03:21:13 They're there, but they're it's not Even so much money's part of it. They they chase money and status.
03:21:20 And so yeah, you have, I mean, look, groupies, right.
03:21:25 What do you think a groupie is?
03:21:26 A groupie is a woman, a female simp. So just the, you know, there's groupies have been around forever. All you have to do is watch Beatles performances in the 1960s. And there's, like, stadiums full of female Sims.
03:21:43 A disposable male.
03:21:57 I'm just a weekend photographer.
03:22:00 Have you seen the documentary Crumb from 1995? It's a crash course in gender studies as well as boom mentality. Someone said it wasn't.
03:22:12 Someone said that it wasn't that he was skeptical of the American dream.
03:22:18 It's that he was jealous.
03:22:20 He didn't experience it in his own messed up childhood.
03:22:24 It'd be a good stream.
03:22:26 Uh crumb.
03:22:29 I've never heard of it.
03:22:30 I'll open it up in a tab.
03:22:34 All right, here we go.
03:22:38 Cause lobster rocks. You were right, Devin. This was painful. Especially that chick's voice.
03:22:45 Uh, yes, it yes it was.
03:22:50 And look and that was DC living DC.
03:22:52 Every chick sounded like that or some version of that.
03:22:56 Churros here.
Speaker 6
03:22:59 I'm gonna have to.03:23:00 I'm gonna run through.
03:23:01 These quickly run this quickly.03:23:02 He's at the door crying.
03:23:06 I I actually had to shoot at I.
03:23:09 I actually had to shoot at a coyote.
03:23:12 You know, give me.
03:23:12 Give me half a second.
03:23:13 I'm about to do something here.
03:23:15 Hang on.
03:23:17 Hang on, what do I have that I can play?
03:23:21 All right, Cheryl, hang on.
03:23:25 Yeah, I literally had to shoot at a coyote today.
03:23:28 That was sniffing out.
03:23:31 Churros domain.
Speaker 6
03:23:34 Hang on, Cheryl.Devon
03:23:37 We got to give chat something to to look at while I run out there and give you something to eat.03:23:43 Hang on buddy.
03:23:46 I know, hang on.
03:23:48 Did you guys hear that?
03:23:52 What do I have?
03:24:02 You know what I'm going to do?
03:24:02 I'm going to do a song.
03:24:03 How about that?
Speaker 6
03:24:09 Why not?03:24:11 Let's see here.
03:24:14 Let's I apologize in advance.Speaker
03:24:23 Alright, you bet.03:24:32 You know.
Speaker 4
03:24:54 But it's the Brooklyn homes.Speaker 10
03:24:56 It's The Dirty birds.Speaker 4
03:24:57 What? It's the.Speaker 8
03:24:58 Load the Brooklyn, the backbone of birds.Speaker 9
03:25:01 They sit out there.Speaker
03:25:11 Don't get it.Speaker 4
03:25:17 Duty. Duty dude.Speaker 9
03:25:23 That's a fight.Speaker 8
03:25:24 That's what the Brooklyn Fever ought to.Speaker 4
03:25:26 Say it's a Saturday night.03:25:27 Oh oh.
Speaker 15
03:25:57 Saturday night.Speaker
03:26:06 Right.03:26:42 I've got to say.
Speaker 4
03:26:53 I've got the money.03:27:20 Only two times there mother Saturday night.
Speaker 8
03:27:24 Then we ain't.Speaker 4
03:27:25 Got guns on?Speaker 15
03:27:34 Bring them back to fight because it's a bar fight.Speaker 10
03:27:43 And I'm back.Speaker
03:27:44 You're starting to think.Devon
03:27:49 OK.03:27:50 Actually, hang on one SEC.
03:27:52 Don't get rid of this thing.
03:27:56 OK.
03:27:58 And we're back.
03:28:05 Where are we?
Speaker 6
03:28:10 That was painful.Devon
03:28:14 ******** ****** for $1.00?03:28:17 $1.00.
03:28:20 Where is the ******** ****** there we.
Speaker 16
03:28:22 Are do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 10
03:28:27 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
03:28:41 OK sorry I did close another door alright.03:28:49 Where there is hope to FPS, Blanca fights these zombies.
03:28:53 I see you in the comments, do good work.
Speaker 10
03:28:59 Wait, hold on.Devon
03:29:06 You gotta work on your.03:29:08 Your sentence structure here. There is hope, death. PS Blanca fights these zombies. I see you in the comments. You do good work. You my.
03:29:19 With lots, what are you saying?
03:29:23 There is hope, Dev PS Blanca fights the zombies.
03:29:27 I I don't know what this means.
03:29:29 Just going to say it.
Speaker 9
03:29:31 Blanca fights the zombies.Devon
03:29:32 I see you in the comments, you do good work. You my with all lots of love, your friendly neighbor, ******. ******.03:29:40 There you go.
03:29:41 I don't know what that means.
03:29:43 And then you sent the link to a picture.
03:29:47 Hang on.
Speaker 1
03:29:50 Let me see if this.Speaker 4
03:29:52 Will pop up on opera.Devon
03:30:07 How's it going? Florida and Miami-Dade, a Catholic school and Jewish school, got into a large fight at the end of a of the semi final finals soccer match.03:30:18 In which anti-Semitic slurs and phrases like **** ****** and Hitler was right. Kites were hurled at Jewish teens.
03:30:27 I was not aware of this development.
Speaker 6
03:30:30 But there you go.Devon
03:30:33 John Connor.03:30:34 It would be interesting to juxtapose this stream on Christian nationalism with the Jewish nationalism in Israel outlined in the documentary.
03:30:42 I recommended last stream that broke down the US media taking over by Israel.
03:30:47 I still have that in my I stole that on the tab.
03:30:55 Our cake weighs. I remember I recommended people watch the parent test by ABC's Devin. You would have a field day with it, maybe even suffer a stroke. It is one of the most hate watchable shows in TV history. However, it also manages to be.
03:31:18 OK, it's called the.
03:31:20 The parent test.
Speaker 6
03:31:24 Let's see here.03:31:25 Hang on.
03:31:25 I'm like.
03:31:27 Got too many tabs open here.Speaker 4
03:31:32 Parent test.Devon
03:31:42 Parent test by ABC.03:31:55 This looks like garbage TV, but OK, maybe maybe sometime we'll take a look.
03:32:01 John Connor.
03:32:01 These two pictures pretty much sum up the ******** of any organized religion in the current or recent years.
03:32:11 OK.
03:32:14 Lots of you guys didn't stop sending all these links.
03:32:19 Link after link after link.
03:32:22 OK, there there's I agree with this one.
03:32:25 So this is this is that one, hold on.
Speaker 10
03:32:30 Where are we at?03:32:31 There we are.
03:32:34 And then we make this bigger.03:32:38 There we go.
03:32:39 And then we got.
03:32:45 This one.
03:32:48 That's basically the same thing, But yes.
03:32:53 And then please, please play this song entitled Hey, Jews from based Westboro Baptist as theatrical we've we've.
03:33:00 Played that song before.
03:33:01 We've played it before.
03:33:05 Gory boy 1488.
Speaker 4
03:33:37 That will keep him busy for a while.Devon
03:33:42 Is Avatar the Last Airbender 2 close to anime for you?03:33:45 The answer is yes, never seen it, but the the poster is that that's, which is why I've never seen it.
03:33:56 Because I I it looks like anime to me.
03:33:59 Archaic ways.
03:34:01 I went to the gym and saw some guy wearing a hoodie saying properly of property of the Green Bay Packers.
03:34:09 I later heard a guy say whatever.
03:34:11 Whatever girl I marry also marries the Yankees.
03:34:16 Wait, I went to the.
03:34:17 Gym and I saw some guy wearing a hoodie saying property of Green Bay Packers.
03:34:22 I later later heard a guy say whatever a girl I marry also marries the Yankees gay and cocked.
03:34:27 Yet it is also or gang cocked.
03:34:30 It is us who have our manhood question for not being sports ball.
03:34:36 Well, I don't have my manhood questioned by not being a sports ball fan.
03:34:39 If you're a sports ball fan, you're basically a ******.
03:34:44 And I mean it doesn't make any sense.
03:34:46 It's never made any sense.
03:34:47 It makes even less sense in the context of the day.
03:34:50 But especially now, if you still watch professional sports, you're a ******, you're a ******.
03:34:57 I mean, you're you're basically watching a ***** without any.
03:35:00 Of the ****.
Speaker 4
03:35:02 UM.Devon
03:35:04 Gray in regards to the Jewishness of last stream subject, I recall Tom Metzger mentioning Geraldo is a Jew, Murano, Spanish Jew with a star tat on his hand.03:35:19 Now Heraldo is a Jew.
03:35:23 I forget is is the entire ethnicity, but he he's for sure, Jill.
03:35:31 JQR code White Revolution is the only solution.
Speaker 6
03:35:36 Well, there you go.Devon
03:35:38 Land of the fake home of the.03:35:42 And they spent gay.
03:35:45 Texas vet covered the chemical attack on whites in his latest podcast.
03:35:50 He had an article saying that vinyl chloride is the most carcinogenic substance known to man.
03:35:58 Texas vet covered the chemical attack on whites in his latest podcast.
03:36:03 He had an article saying that the Vandal, well, I'll tell you what.
03:36:06 From what I've read, vinyl chloride in its liquid form is really nasty stuff.
03:36:15 Whether or not it was again intentional, who knows.
03:36:19 Archaic ways. I hope Europeans are not solidified as they close, but no cigar genome. The suspense sucks. What do you think about starting a based bank nonprofit and interest free by the GOYS for the Goys, Kanye should have done this before he popped off on the JQ.
03:36:39 Then siphon normies out of their financial.
03:36:41 Matrix I don't I I I you would need a lot of capital to.
03:36:45 Start a bank and I don't have a lot of capital.
03:36:49 He's talking about starting or he did.
03:36:51 I don't know if that's still a thing, but he was start.
03:36:53 He was talking about starting a bank.
03:36:54 You could probably start a.
03:36:56 It'd be easier to start a credit union.
03:36:58 I'm not sure what.
03:36:59 All the rules and regulations are but.
03:37:01 I'm sure it's.
03:37:02 Highly ******* regulated and you wouldn't be able to do racial discrimination at a I mean that.
03:37:10 That's The funny thing, right?
03:37:12 Banks can debanks you for your politics, and basically it's look, we know it's because you're a white male.
03:37:19 They wouldn't.
03:37:20 They wouldn't do bank, black supremacist.
03:37:23 You know that that's never happened.
03:37:26 But they'll they'll debant you in a in a heartbeat.
03:37:29 But if you were to try to start a bank and say that it was, you know, you had to be white to to join it, that would not that that there, there's no way.
03:37:38 There's no ******* way.
03:37:39 Even as a as a credit union, I don't know.
03:37:42 I mean, I have never tried, obviously, to start a credit union, but my guess.
03:37:45 Is you'd have to be approved by lots of, you know, regulatory.
03:37:56 Agencies that would not allow you to to be racially.
03:38:01 One way or the other, Vivek, here's the state of the railway before the accident.
03:38:07 According to this video.
Speaker 3
03:38:11 Alright, let's see.Speaker
03:38:18 What is this?Devon
03:38:38 Showing like I don't know if this is.03:38:49 And we're doing now that that's really where it's at.
Speaker 22
03:38:53 Water something I just discovered, is that if you scrape the Creek bed and.03:39:00 Just see that.
03:39:01 That the train.
03:39:02 Yeah, I don't.03:39:03 I don't know if that's if that's real footage from that area or not.
03:39:07 But I will tell you this, there was there was footage of the.
03:39:11 The train car in question on fire prior to them getting to that part of town where they had the derailment.
03:39:21 Mother, thanks for going over this video.
03:39:24 Devin needs to.
03:39:24 Get or need to get back to sleep, so we'll catch replay, have a great relationship with my father.
03:39:31 But there's a lot he doesn't get.
03:39:32 He's a Christian and acknowledges black crime stats and that there is an attack.
03:39:36 On white people.
03:39:38 But at the same time agrees with the view.
03:39:41 That there.
03:39:43 Really is no race and that there and that we are all the human race.
03:39:48 Unfortunately people like this can never truly care then about the preservation of their people.
03:39:53 Anyway, God's law will prevail.
03:39:55 Well, I would just ask him why God thinks there's race in the Bible if he's a Christian.
03:40:00 Just point out the fact that that God talks about race all the time.
03:40:04 The Bible.
03:40:06 And he makes different promises to different races.
03:40:09 And if all the races were the same, why would he?
03:40:11 Do that.
03:40:12 John Connor, I think maybe you need to do a Tucker Carlson stand alone video akin to your defiant video.
03:40:19 Boomers and most normies have memory hold that he worked for CNN and hired Rachel Maddow for ***** sake.
03:40:27 Then there is this family background.
03:40:29 I mean, they might be more susceptible to or or or, I guess maybe more willing to.
03:40:36 Some to that.
03:40:37 But there's, I mean, I don't know.
03:40:39 I've, I've.
03:40:39 I've talked about his background so many times, isn't it?
03:40:42 Wouldn't be that long of a video?
03:40:44 It would just be like, hey, look, you know, here's, you know, and it just, I don't know.
03:40:49 I I think that it's.
03:40:54 I mean only.
03:40:56 This would be the video his dad was CIA.
03:41:00 He tried.
03:41:01 The official story is is he tried to be CIA.
03:41:04 And the CIA wouldn't hire him.
03:41:06 And then he was all of a sudden a media person.
03:41:10 You know, he comes from like, tons of ******* money.
03:41:13 The Swanson money.
03:41:15 I mean, I don't know.
03:41:16 It's just one of those things where I don't know if it's worth the whole video.
03:41:26 Of her commandant. Hey, Devin on the right. Hey, Devin, on the right. You hear a lot about Palestine. Israel conflict. Why should we care? It's Jews killing a bunch of sand. Let them kill each other. I never understood the phrase.
03:41:44 The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
03:41:46 **** no.
03:41:47 The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.
03:41:56 I mean.
03:41:58 I don't know.
03:41:58 I think the enemy of my enemy is my friend sometimes.
03:42:01 I don't know that it makes.
03:42:04 I'm not.
03:42:04 Look, I'll tell you one thing.
03:42:08 You look at these old clips from Christian nationalists, ironically enough, from the 1980s where they had their compounds in Idaho. And I did lots of strings covering a lot of that stuff.
03:42:23 And there was that one guy that was a part of the one he was the guy that had, like, the always wore the hunter sunglasses, like the yellow sunglasses.
03:42:35 And he was on.
03:42:38 Well, is it Jerry Springer or I don't know.
03:42:40 One of these talk shows.
03:42:42 And he was he was trying to say, like, Arafat's our friend, and all this other stuff.
03:42:47 I think it's ridiculous.
03:42:49 I think they have a completely different fight.
03:42:51 I don't think that and look what can they do in return, right?
03:42:53 I don't think that Palestinians can do really anything to help us move the football here in America.
03:42:59 I think that it's funny that.
03:43:04 American Jews and American Zionists are so preoccupied with Palestine and and the.
03:43:13 The movement to was boycott, BDS, boycott, divest, sanction.
03:43:20 I think that it's funny to watch them get hysterical about that and I support Palestinians in, in, in so much that I think, look, the obviously their country.
03:43:33 It's been stolen from them.
03:43:36 By by Jews that are ever increasing their their territory, and who are who are openly murdering and abusing their people on a regular basis.
03:43:49 I mean talk about apartheid states, Jews, Jews who get upset about South Africa and.
03:43:55 Work feverishly all throughout the you know, with all of their circles of influence throughout the world to dissolve apartheid in South Africa, only to make the whites living there.
03:44:09 Basically, you know, sitting ducks and having to live a life of fear.
03:44:17 I I think it would be perfectly poetic to watch a similar fate happen in Israel.
03:44:27 The problem is I don't think it will because I don't think Jews are susceptible to their own.
03:44:32 You know what I mean?
03:44:34 And so, you know, I don't, I don't not support the Palestinians.
03:44:39 It's just that, yeah, I don't.
03:44:42 I don't know they.
03:44:42 Could really help us out here in the West.
03:44:48 Have her commandant.
03:44:49 When it comes to the survival of the white race, we should first turn inwards and kill the traders within our ranks to build a base population.
03:44:57 During the Roman times, decimation was ordered to restore orders within its ranks.
03:45:02 Well, you know.
03:45:07 I can't really.
Speaker 10
03:45:08 Comment on that at all.Devon
03:45:11 Loud track why don't you upgrade and buy a better compound than a more desirable location?03:45:17 Our natural habitat is wet, cold, surrounded by a bit more people.
03:45:20 Well, you're welcome to pay for it with your ******* 20 fake coins, you know?
03:45:24 Well, I don't know.
03:45:25 With with donations like that rolling man, I don't know why I haven't ******* bought us a whole private island to live on.
03:45:30 Right, right. Lou Trek with your with your ******* $0.20.
03:45:39 That's why I haven't alright.
03:45:41 No, it's it's, it's really easy to say that, yeah, why don't I just ******* buy?
Speaker 6
03:45:45 I should I should.Devon
03:45:45 Just tomorrow I'll buy a 1000 acres of of prime forest land. Why don't I just?03:45:51 Do that real quick.
Speaker 6
03:45:55 With what money?03:45:57 Like what do you think I'm made of?
03:46:00 Zen Master Zen Angela Davis was at Jonestown.03:46:04 Herbert Mark Hughes was her thesis advisor.
03:46:09 She left the American Communist Party because it was too conservative for her.
03:46:13 She tried to kill a federal judge.
03:46:17 Angela Davis, which one was her?
03:46:21 Angela Davis, is that someone I should know who that is?
03:46:27 Who's Angela Davis?
03:46:32 She looks hideous.
03:46:38 What does she do now?
03:46:39 What does she now?
03:46:42 She's a scholar.
03:46:45 Yeah, yeah.
03:46:46 You know, yeah, there's a lot of commies, a lot of commies involved with the, I mean, Jonestown was a Communist cult.
03:46:54 It was a Communist Christian cult.
03:46:57 If you are from Persona 2, hey, Devin.
03:47:00 Great stream on Christian nationalism.
03:47:02 I was raised Roman Catholic, but I left the church in the late zeroes to or due to the child abuse scandals and the Marxist rhetoric of the leadership of the Catholic Church.
03:47:13 I was an atheist for a long time.
03:47:14 However, I decided that I wanted to be Christian.
03:47:18 But I am currently under sight on which Christian denomination to become a member of Protestant Protestantism is just as cocktails Catholicism.
03:47:29 And the way I see it, so I guess that leaves Eastern Orthodoxy.
03:47:32 Is my only option as that wasn't included in the data for those charts from what I saw.
03:47:39 What are your thoughts on the conundrum?
03:47:42 As a former Mormon yourself and the issues you faced with your Christian denomination?
03:47:48 Which Christian?
03:47:49 Would you go with yourself if you had to pick one?
03:47:53 Thanks in advance for your response.
03:47:55 I'm in the same boat.
03:47:57 It's just like I don't know.
03:47:58 I don't know.
03:47:59 None of them really kind of stick out to me as having my interest at heart.
03:48:04 There's not a a single, or at least there's no, there's no.
03:48:11 I mean institutional or or rather there's no big institution of Christianity that that that seems attractive to me.
03:48:20 There might be some small scale Christian sects that are that are you know that I've never heard of or or whatever that might be in line with with how.
03:48:29 Believe the universe works and how I see the world and everything, but there just isn't.
03:48:36 There doesn't seem to.
03:48:37 They all seem like they're they're they're kind of suicide cults at this point, right?
03:48:43 They're they're all operating the same way.
03:48:45 The Republican Party is where, you know, even you know, whether you're talking about Mormons or.
03:48:50 Catholics or whoever they they it with them, just like the Republican Party was quick to throw white people under the bus because they saw the demographic shift to Latinos and decided, well, that's the future.
03:49:02 So that's who we're going to pander.
03:49:03 To churches are doing the exact same ****.
03:49:07 Especially the Catholic Church in in terms of that the the immigration coming from South of the border because they are Catholic already.
03:49:13 So it's just more membership, which means more revenue.
03:49:16 It's these big institutions, they they're, they're run more like businesses at this point.
03:49:22 They're they're they're not actually they don't serve our interest at all.
03:49:27 So I don't see the point of participating.
03:49:30 Or or putting my time and certainly my money into an organization that really doesn't give a.
03:49:37 **** about me.
03:49:38 And in fact, if anything might even teach that what I what I say here on this stream is bigotry, it's bad.
03:49:44 It's evil, you know.
03:49:45 It's I I shouldn't care about the, you know, the the.
03:49:50 Other you know God's children that aren't genetically close to me because you know there's just so much of that and and, you know.
03:49:58 And I just look, I I don't know.
03:50:02 So I I I can sympathize with your.
03:50:06 With your situation cause I'm in a similar one, I just I don't know I I'll.
03:50:09 Let you know.
03:50:10 I'll let you guys know if if something pops up.
03:50:15 Glock 23 Jews despise Christianity just as much as the European race. Adam Green knows nothing about the Bible or history or history of Christianity. Adam says that the Jews who employ him tells tells him to say.
03:50:33 He's obviously or an obvious servant of the Jews.
03:50:37 Only morons.
03:50:37 Listen to that liar.
03:50:38 Well, I don't know if I don't know if he's like working for.
03:50:41 Jews, but.
03:50:44 I I think that he he at some point decided that Christianity was a, A, A.
03:50:54 Trick of the Jews.
03:50:56 And I think he was influenced by a couple of people, one of whom was actually interviewed on or by the IT was on the Jolly Heretic.
03:51:05 Didn't watch all that.
03:51:06 Part of it.
03:51:07 And you know, making some of the same points that things that you just couldn't know, there's no evidence that that, you know, Christian here's here's what the reason why I think it's a mistake, especially if you see Jews as an opponent.
03:51:23 It's it's a mistake to.
03:51:26 To to attribute grand plans like this, like somehow 2000 years ago, the Jews cooked up some plan to to make all the Gentile.
03:51:40 Subservient to them or or, you know, sympathetic to them and and turn them into their, you know, turn all the goys and their slaves with this ideology, they would call Christianity and they would use it as this poison pill that they would they would put in the well of the Roman Empire.
03:51:56 And, you know, it's just like if if that's the.
03:52:00 Level of of sophistication and success that they've had in in manipulating us into, you know like why are we even trying to fight them?
03:52:11 You know, like if, like, you're you're making them sound like ******* super.
03:52:17 Like like unbelievably like have like the four, like, the kind of foresight that that God would.
03:52:24 I mean, you're making them sound like gods, like, like you say Christians worship a Jew.
03:52:29 I mean, it sounds like if if that's how you see the the world that you're kind of, I mean you should be worshipping Jews like if you think that they're capable.
03:52:37 Sort of.
03:52:37 The thing it it just doesn't make any sense and it kind of throws away the, the, the, the history of the Christian history of Europe which you know you can say what you want about whether or not Christianity is is real or not or or whether you prefer paganism or whatever.
03:52:57 But to pretend that.
03:52:58 Christianity doesn't play a huge role in European history, is just ignorant.
03:53:02 It does even even if it was like a a Jewish trick, it it, it still does and it it plays a huge role in in the formation of its culture and and it's their their societies in in Europe.
03:53:17 And you can't separate, you can't separate the two is as easily as.
03:53:21 I think a lot of people think.
03:53:24 But yeah, that's sad.
03:53:26 Yeah, there are some major problems with with Christians and their inability to.
03:53:35 Well, I mean, in the same way that I just said.
03:53:37 In the same way that these institutions are failing to.
03:53:43 Defend people like us from our enemies, just the Members themselves don't seem ill equipped to defend themselves from this kind of the kinds of degeneracy and and problems that we face.
03:54:00 And you know it.
03:54:01 Is what it is.
03:54:02 Christianity has just look, Christianity has not been really impressive in the last.
03:54:08 Now my whole life they they've, they've really not held the line even on anything.
03:54:17 It just seems like you know it's been a losing.
03:54:21 In terms of results, it's been a losing ideology or theology rather.
03:54:27 And that's just, you know, I'm just saying that as a fact, I'm not making a judgment on that, but just factually, Christianity has been a losing theology in terms of the results.
03:54:39 And its ability to preserve the, the, the, the culture and values of its members.
03:54:49 Let's see here.
03:54:57 Almost done here.
03:54:59 Loud track. Oy vey.
03:55:01 20 LBC is all I can afford.
03:55:05 The goyum.
03:55:06 Well, there you go.
03:55:08 Well, I can't buy 100 acres of woods.
03:55:11 With 20 LBC Nazi dice, wookies are the filthy, hairy drugged up hippies who gather up fish jam band concerts. That entire scene is over 90% foreskin vamp. I don't even know you're talking about but.
03:55:31 You seem like you want wookies.
03:55:34 Radu a month ago in Romania, there was news about a transgender dying live on Facebook.
03:55:40 His cat moved a burning candle.
03:55:43 That ****** had an icon of Virgin Mary.
03:55:46 He prayed to God for his degenerate community.
03:55:50 Wait, what?
03:55:51 A month ago in in Romania, there was news about a transgender dying on Facebook.
03:55:57 His cat moved a burning candle so that that just look at that's like a non sequitur, right, that I don't know where.
03:56:06 That ****** had an icon of Virgin Mary.
03:56:09 He prayed to God for his degenerate community.
03:56:13 Yeah, I I don't where you're going with that, but yeah, that's the thing too.
03:56:16 Is modern Christian.
03:56:18 You know, it used to just be the Unitarians, but more and more, look, the Anglicans are talking about making God gender neutral.
03:56:28 Why is Christianity failed even not just the defendants members to defend itself against this stuff?
03:56:34 It's not a good look.
03:56:35 It's not a.
03:56:35 Good look.
03:56:36 Alright, guys.
03:56:37 Well, I'm going to.
03:56:38 Shut her down.
03:56:40 I got some **** I got to do.
03:56:43 Yeah, the reason I and the.
Speaker 6
03:56:44 Reason I had to run.Devon
03:56:44 Off and make you guys listen that horrible song.03:56:46 By the way, apologize for.
03:56:47 That was the forgot to tell the story.
03:56:50 Tell us a quick story then I go tonight.
03:56:55 Truro was.
03:56:57 Crying at the back door.
03:56:59 And so I went out to to go feed him and I walked into his little shed and or tore almost into his little shed.
03:57:07 And like 5 feet from me, like, well, maybe a little more, maybe, like.
03:57:12 8 feet from me right on the.
03:57:14 Other side of the.
03:57:15 Fence was a coyote that howled so like it startled me, like, like, because it was.
03:57:21 I've never had a coyote howl.
03:57:22 That *******.
03:57:23 I mean, hear him all the time.
03:57:24 But not like that.
03:57:25 It was like ear piercing.
03:57:28 And like it it just how like I wasn't even there and.
03:57:31 I was like.
03:57:31 What the ****?
03:57:32 So I grabbed my gun.
03:57:34 And came back and it started trotting off and I shot at it a bunch of times, but I didn't get it.
03:57:41 But then, but yeah, Troy's been acting all ******* sketched out because of that, which I understand.
03:57:48 But I'm on gonna be on the lookout now.
03:57:51 Going to look at.
03:57:53 The gun is now in a in an easy access mode.
03:57:57 If I if I had to yank it out and blast a ******* coyote, I'll do it.
03:58:03 Anyway, hope you guys had a enjoyable Saturday stream.
03:58:08 I'm going to shut her down.
03:58:11 As always.
03:58:13 I'll see you on Wednesday.
03:58:15 Same bat time or same black pilled time, same black pilled channel.
03:58:21 In the meantime, I am of.
03:58:22 Course for black pilled.
Speaker 10
03:58:27 Dem stag.Speaker 5
03:58:52 It's a standoff.Speaker
03:58:56 Who's going to get the globe first?Speaker 5
03:59:04 So that was just.Speaker 11
03:59:12 Well water as well.Speaker 20
03:59:13 You do that.Speaker 4
03:59:14 The army is here to tend to crown jewels.03:59:16 They're not here for the public to make fun of, right?
Speaker 12
03:59:19 He's older.03:59:19 He served his country and he turned to the street with.
Speaker 20
03:59:22 A little bit.Speaker 4
03:59:22 Of respect, throw your gloves.Speaker
03:59:37 Let's leave their bills.Speaker 10
03:59:54 And there they go.Speaker
03:59:56 OK.Speaker 1
03:59:58 You think I'd follow them?