
The CTRL Left wants to Censor Free Speech on the Internet #spezgate #equalrightsonreddit 1.mp3

00:00:01 You may have heard of the Donald.
00:00:01 It's one of the most popular sections on the link sharing site Reddit.
00:00:05 If you haven't, it might be because of this guy, Steve Huffman.
00:00:08 He's the CEO of Reddit, and he hates free speech.
00:00:11 But we'll get back to that in a second.
00:00:13 Reddit is divided up into different categories, called subreddits that focus on the particular interests of its readers, ranging from.
00:00:20 Politics to photography, humor, and even cannibalism.
00:00:24 When people like a post, they can upvote it, which moves it up in the list of posts when they don't like a post they can down.
00:00:29 Voted so the most popular posts reached the top on the front page of Reddit, the most popular posts of all the subreddits are displayed in one place to every user.
00:00:38 That visits the site.
00:00:39 That is, until the most popular posts begin to be news and stories and memes in support of Donald Trump, The Donald focuses on Donald Trump.
00:00:49 The sub gain in popularity.
00:00:50 As the moderators of other Subs began to censor and ban any user that would post a link in support of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton even hired David Brock's group.
00:00:59 Correct the record.
00:01:00 To use bots and paid fake users to download anything critical of her campaign or anything that presented Trump in a positive light.
00:01:08 But as the Donald grew in popularity, this wasn't enough.
00:01:11 Their posts were still making it on the front page.
00:01:13 That's when Steve Hoffman altered the code of the site so that the upvotes on the Donald counted as a fraction.
00:01:20 Of the up votes and other Subs.
00:01:21 Subs such as the one for.
00:01:23 Cannibalism that Huffman created as more users joined the Donald Huffman had to keep altering the code.
00:01:29 Keeps censoring the sub from the front page. This became most obvious when he made a critical mistake in the site's ranking.
00:01:35 Code that backfired.
00:01:37 And placed every story posted on the Donald to the front page of Reddit, right.
00:01:42 Before the election.
00:01:43 The arrow is quickly fixed, of course, and Reddit went right back to censoring the dot.
00:01:47 All this.
00:01:48 From Reddit, understandably picked off the users of the Donald.
00:01:52 Sometimes they call Huffman out for a censorship or simply tell him to **** ***.
00:01:56 This, and the continued success of the Donald after the election clearly enraged Huffman, so much so that he broke the trust of the Reddit community and the law by altering the posts of users that insulted him to insult moderators.
00:02:10 Of the Donald.
00:02:11 This might seem like a harmless.
00:02:12 Frank, but this is a pretty big.
00:02:14 Still, user posts on Reddit have been used in court cases, including Hillary Clinton's e-mail investigation before Congress. The gravity of this cannot be overstated.
00:02:24 Think of what could happen if Huffman decided to edit a user's post to include something illegal like child **** or death threats. The method he used to edit the post is at the database level, making it look like it.
00:02:35 That was posted by the original user.
00:02:37 This not only puts the users of.
00:02:38 Reddit at liability?
00:02:40 But Reddit its.
00:02:40 So shortly after Huffman made the illegal edits, there was a firestorm of criticism that even made it to some of.
00:02:46 The legacy media outlets.
00:02:47 But seemingly, the incident has had no effect on Hoffman's position as CEO or his practice of censoring the Donald.
00:02:55 A leaked chat between Huffman and other Reddit admins was released, and it shows that Huffman.
00:02:59 Was still plotting.
00:03:00 Different ways to silence or even ban the Donald completely from the sight just moments after he was exposed, making the illegal edits Reddit used to be about free speech, but when the CEO is a fascist, free speech only includes the opinions of pedophiles, cannibals, communists, and even necrophiliacs.
00:03:20 But not people that happen to like Donald Trump.
00:03:23 He's already banned the community that was investigating Pizza Gate, whose free speech will he censor next?