
The Day Liberty Died.mp3

00:00:02 I often talk about government schools and the deep state media rewriting history so that the American public doesn't understand where the true power lies.
00:00:10 Because if you can identify that power, you will also be able to study and confront it.
00:00:15 It's also no secret that history is written by the winners.
00:00:19 Armed with that knowledge, I'd like you to examine a moment in history.
00:00:24 That, when written immediately after it happened in the Mockingbird media and for the decades that proceeded, was a complete fabrication.
00:00:33 Lies that would be regurgitated and retold in books and television programs over and over and over again, lies written by the winners in an unprovoked armed conflict involving the United States and a country in the.
00:00:48 Middle East.
00:00:49 Not Iraq, not Iran or even Saudi Arabia, but an attack perpetrated by Iran.
00:00:57 Unprovoked, on an unarmed naval ship in international waters, in an attack that claimed the lives of 34 American citizens and wounded 171, the attack on the USS Liberty on June 8th, 1967, the USS Liberty was a naval intelli.
00:01:17 Friendship monitoring the war brewing between Israel and Egypt. Surviving crew members who would be threatened into silence for decades now recall a clear, sunny day with anger and confusion at 10:30 AM that morning, an Israeli reconnaissance plane that had made visual contact and circled the vessel.
00:01:37 Earlier in the day, along with several others beginning around 8:00 AM, made visual contact.
00:01:44 Then the pilot circled so close that crew member Larry Weaver was able to wave and recalls the pilot waving back and smiling.
Speaker 2
00:01:53 They were slowly lumbering over our ship and we were waving at them.
00:01:56 They were waving at us and I felt that we were we were in great shape because they knew who we were.
00:02:00 We had an American flag flying the standard and then we put up the holiday colors, which is a huge American flag, and it was a bright sunny day with the wind blowing on a 5 or 10 knots.
00:02:11 The flag was unfurled.
00:02:12 You could see it for miles.
00:02:14 And despite the lies of both the Israelis and the Americans for the decades that followed.
00:02:19 We now know.
00:02:20 That the Israelis had positively identified the USS Liberty as an American vessel, something that has been confirmed now with recordings of the pilots communications.
Speaker 3
00:02:32 As outside 4 by 3.
00:02:36 You know.
00:02:42 The crew felt comfortable in the knowledge that the Israelis were aware of their location in the dangerous region and able to identify them, which is probably why they were so bewildered when on that sunny day they witnessed the inexplicable.
Speaker 2
00:02:57 The attack was obviously deliberate.
00:02:59 I consider it this cold blooded murder of American sailors that.
00:03:03 Day, three hours after Larry Weaver would wave at the smiling pilot as sailors sunbathed on the deck of the USS Liberty 2, unmarked Israeli fighters launched missiles.
00:03:14 Directly at them without warning.
Speaker 2
00:03:16 I saw them come at us.
00:03:17 In fact, I was looking through the port hole when The Jets came down at and leveled off on us at attack attitude July.
Speaker 4
00:03:26 Surprise, there were red flashes under the wings.
00:03:31 And missiles, rockets started.
00:03:36 But that would not be the end.
00:03:37 Of the attack, the Israeli jets began strafing the deck with machine guns as the crew of the Liberty ran for cover.
Speaker 3
00:03:45 We were under attack.
00:03:46 We could hear these shells hitting the ship.
00:03:48 The whole ship would ring.
00:03:50 It was like you're on the inside of a huge bell and.
00:03:53 Someone beating on it with a sledgehammer?
00:03:55 The Liberty immediately attempted to radio for.
00:03:58 Help that in addition to the damage caused by the assault to their antennas, their radio transmissions had also been jammed.
Speaker 5
00:04:06 You'd have to know what frequencies we were going.
00:04:08 To come up on.
Speaker 5
00:04:11 To know that you have to know that we were an American ship.
Speaker 3
00:04:15 They were jamming.
Speaker 5
00:04:15 Both our distress frequencies and our tactical frequencies.
00:04:19 The tactical frequencies is all right, but the international distress frequencies is a violation of international law to jam them, and the Israelis were jamming them.
00:04:27 This was no mistake.
00:04:29 The Israelis knew exactly.
00:04:31 Who they were attacking and declassified documents now show that order came straight from the.
Speaker 6
00:04:36 Top we now know the order came from Mayesh Diane.
00:04:41 We have declassified CIA cable exposing his order.
00:04:44 After the initial assault, the pilots asked permission to unleash a new weapon on the Liberty.
00:04:54 As our side.
00:04:59 In order to napalm, the defenseless ship was given.
00:05:03 Remember, at this time and ever since Israel was considered our ally while the liberty burned with napalm.
00:05:11 2 Israeli war boats approached and began discussing with the pilots.
00:05:15 Who would get to finish her off?
Speaker 8
00:05:25 No, no, not.
00:05:30 Several torpedoes were launched. One found its mark, killing 25 American crew members in an instant.
00:05:43 I thought.
Speaker 9
00:05:44 Has become.
00:05:55 The ship was severely disabled, but the crew was trapped when the Americans attempted to abandon ship, the Israeli Navy opened fire on the lifeboats with 50 caliber machine gun.
Speaker 6
00:06:07 3 inflatable life rafts that remain seaworthy were dropped over the side and were machine gunned by the motor torpedo boats.
00:06:14 Body parts strewn all over the deck and blood streaming down the bulkheads of the wounded.
00:06:19 Liberty, the Israeli torpedo boats circled its prey, firing armor piercing projectiles.
00:06:26 They were hull.
00:06:27 Resulting in the killing and wounding.
00:06:30 Of nearly 2/3 of the Americans on board.
Speaker 10
00:06:33 This is part of an armor piercing shell.
00:06:36 The outer portion or jacket makes the hole that this then goes through.
00:06:40 And a bullet like this that hit Seaman Francis Brown and and killed him.
Speaker 2
00:06:46 He died on the spot, just fell to the floor, dead.
00:06:50 He was just barely.
00:06:50 18 during the assault, one of the surviving Marines was able to wire a makeshift antenna and get a mayday message out to a nearby American fleet.
Speaker 11
00:07:00 My RMS not knowing any better during the strafing runs was stringing long wires so that we could get an SOS.
00:07:06 Themselves and fights for them.
00:07:08 The ones that survived, we did get an SOS out to the USS America.
00:07:14 The Israelis intercepted the message and, fearing the Americans were sending out fighters to respond, called off the attack and summoned the American naval attache and claimed they had made a terrible mistake and word must have traveled fast because President Johnson himself personally demanded that the fighters.
00:07:34 Responding to the cries for help coming from the liberty were to be.
Speaker 11
00:07:39 Called Robert McNamara, ordered the aircraft recalled.
00:07:43 He challenged the order and Lyndon Johnson came out.
00:07:47 So he didn't give a damn if the ship sunk, he would not embarrass his allies.
00:07:52 This was the worst attack on a US naval vessel since World War 2, and the response from the Americans was to cover it up.
00:08:02 The Mockingbird media barely mentioned the attack, calling it a friendly fire incident.
00:08:07 The Johnson administration discussed sinking the liberty so that it couldn't be photograph.
00:08:12 Survivors were threatened.
Speaker 6
00:08:14 The Navy told the Liberty Survivors never to talk about the attack to anyone, including our families.
Speaker 8
00:08:21 For violating these orders to silence.
00:08:24 Could result in your court martial imprisonment for violating national security or worse.
00:08:31 NSA agents even camped out at their homes to ensure the press blackout.
00:08:36 Israel hired journalists to plant Pro Israel stories in the media and threaten to accuse anyone who leaked the story of the liberty with cries of anti-Semitism and blood libel.
00:08:46 The inquiry was shut down, testimony erased, and for decades those involved in the Johnson administration and the Israelis lied about the incident.
00:08:57 Nobody ever asked why Israel would attack an American ship with unmarked jets and jam its communications.
00:09:05 They never asked why.
00:09:07 They went to extreme measures to try to make sure there were no survivors on a ship they knew with certainty belonged to the Americans, something that only seems to make sense if Israel intended to blame the attack on someone else.
00:09:25 Had the liberty not been able to get its transmission.
00:09:27 Successfully out to the American fleet.
00:09:30 Would the attack have been blamed on the Egyptians?
Speaker 11
00:09:34 Had it sunk?
00:09:35 I assume when debris washed ashore the next day, it would have blamed been blamed on Egypt.
00:09:41 Many, many miracles of day.
Speaker 9
00:09:43 I never myself accepted the Israeli purported explanation.
00:09:50 Accidents don't occur through repeated attacks by surface vessels and by aircraft.
00:09:55 It obviously was a decision taken pretty high up in on the Israeli side.
00:10:00 Would the Americans have been lied into another war to fight on the?
00:10:04 Side of those who attack them.
00:10:06 Once again, now that enough time has passed to ensure that nobody will pay for their crimes.
00:10:13 The truth finally trickles out and the guilty parties are pleased at the complete absence of a reaction from the American people, because, after all, history is written by the victors, and if there's anything that's as clear as that morning in 1967, it's that liberty.
00:10:33 Never had a chance.
Speaker 7
00:10:35 The ultimate lesson of the Liberty attack was that it had far more effect on policy in Israel.
00:10:42 Than in America.
00:10:44 Israel's leaders concluded that nothing they might do would offend the Americans to the point of reprisal if America's leaders did not have the courage to punish Israel for the blatant murder of American citizens, is seen clear that their American friends would let them get away with.
00:11:04 Almost anything.
00:11:07 For Black pilled, I'm Devin stack.
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