
Entire Vegas Shooting Continuous Synced from Different Angles rendered at 4k.mp3

00:01:04 You know.
00:00:27 Channel 7 ticket back up just a little bit.
Speaker 1
00:01:02 Well, I guess I was really lucky.
00:03:37 Right.
Speaker 1
00:03:56 We need.
00:04:01 Right.
00:04:07 Holy ****, I think she's mean.
00:04:52 I've had.
Speaker 1
00:05:03 All right, now.
00:05:09 She'll start taking down.
00:05:13 Can go.
Speaker 1
00:05:27 Yeah, well, one.
00:05:30 Drops back over.
00:05:38 Right now.
00:05:42 Let's go.
00:05:43 Let's go.
00:05:43 Let's go.
Speaker 1
00:05:59 Go, go, go.
00:06:05 Keep your hair.
00:06:19 And this, you know, not, there's not tension.
00:06:29 It's not.
00:06:31 Thank you you guys.
00:06:33 Totally different.
00:06:51 Right.
Speaker 1
00:06:54 I don't.
00:06:55 Down, get down that.
00:07:00 Live by that view.
00:07:01 So you're behind that bar.
00:07:08 Stay down.
00:07:23 No, no, no, no.
00:07:23 No, no, no.
00:07:24 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
00:07:38 Well, we have seen the door.
00:07:55 Come on, you want total play?
00:08:03 Stay down from this way.
00:08:17 I don't know why.
00:08:20 This is the.
Speaker 1
00:08:21 Shame. yo-yo, yo. Come on.
00:08:27 Keep your head down.
00:08:28 Run this way.
00:08:30 Keep your head down.
00:08:31 Run this way.
00:08:35 Keep your head down.
00:08:36 Run that.
00:08:37 Keep your head down.
00:08:38 Run this way.
00:08:40 It seems like.
Speaker 1
00:08:45 Keep your head down.
00:08:46 Right.
00:08:46 No way.
00:08:46 It's just we.
00:08:47 We don't really know where to go.
00:08:49 It's like if you go there.
Speaker 1
00:08:49 Keep your head down.
00:08:50 Run that way.
00:08:51 Because they're all the.
00:09:00 Cause I think I think they're just.
00:09:01 Like shooting randomly, just that you know.
Speaker 1
00:09:05 Keep your head.
00:09:06 Down run that way.
00:09:08 Keep your head down.
00:09:09 Run this.
00:09:10 Way, right? This is crazy.
00:09:13 Keep your head down.
00:09:14 Run that way.
00:09:17 Keep your head down and run that way.
00:09:22 It seems like it's coming from.
Speaker 1
00:09:28 Keep your head down.
00:09:29 Run that way.
00:09:39 Do you see anything?
00:09:40 Las Vegas right now.
00:09:41 I feel so dirty.
00:09:43 Well, we're, we're laying on the floor.
00:09:45 Vegas. I'm a street dweller.
00:09:48 You're just saying it's sparked.
00:10:06 So it's like it's coming.
Speaker 1
00:10:06 All right, now.
00:10:07 Coming from out of the memory person.
00:10:12 You need just literally just sit in the.
Speaker 1
00:10:14 What's wrong?
00:10:19 Ambulance OK.
00:10:20 Shocks and we just started this fire.
00:10:21 One so.
Speaker 1
00:10:22 They try to keep your head down.
00:10:27 Put one on me.
00:10:33 They'll help us with the ambulance.
00:10:38 It's coming from Michael George.
00:10:42 No, I need an ambulance.
00:10:44 I've been shot.
00:10:44 It's probably.
Speaker 1
00:10:55 I'm just shocked.
00:10:56 Do we have medical set?
00:10:56 Up somewhere yet? No.
Speaker 1
00:10:59 Not gonna come this way.
00:11:00 Take it easy.
00:11:03 Here, come out the inside the wall.
00:11:08 No one, no, everything's going to.
Speaker 1
00:11:08 Come on here.
00:11:09 Stop if we.
Speaker 1
00:11:09 Stay right here.
00:11:10 Don't know.
Speaker 1
00:11:10 He's been shot.
00:11:11 There's no traffic going in any direction.
Speaker 1
00:11:12 He's just scared.
00:11:13 Ohh, relax.
00:11:15 Relax. OK. OK.
Speaker 1
00:11:18 Yeah. Hold it up. Hold.
00:11:19 It up in your heart.