
If Firing Comey was a MISTAKE - Then why did so many Democrats want him to Resign?.mp3

Speaker 1
00:00:00 President Trump called me and informed me he was firing director comedy.
00:00:06 I told the President, Mr.
00:00:07 President, with all due respect, you are making a big.
00:00:12 Senator Harry from Nevada says comedy broke the law.
00:00:15 One Democratic lawmaker is calling on comedy to resign.
00:00:18 The FBI director.
00:00:19 OK.
00:00:20 You violated these two protocols.
00:00:22 That kind of an ambiguity bomb this close to election was a terrible absent judgment.
00:00:26 I agree with Eric Holder, I think here.
00:00:30 Director comedy made a great mistake.
Speaker 2
00:00:32 I call it an October betrayal of long standing FBI protocol.
00:00:38 Sitting FBI director has abused his power.
Speaker 1
00:00:42 In concert and coordination with the House Republicans in the story.
Speaker 3
00:00:46 I think that comedy acted in an outrageous way.
00:00:50 Should he step down?
Speaker 3
00:00:53 I think he should take a hard look at what he has done and I think it would not be a bad thing.
00:00:59 For the American people.
00:01:00 Do you believe that Jim comedy should resign Senator Reid?
00:01:04 Of course.
00:01:05 The answer is that he resigns by midnight tonight.
00:01:08 All I can tell you is the FBI director has no credibility.