Qanon is Fake and Gay.mp3
00:00:02 I really hope this is the last time that I have to address Q Anon and how it's fake and gay, so let's go on with the show. I've decided to use pictures because not everyone has 150 IQ. It's easier to have pictures so that you can understand this very complicated.00:00:22 Idea and to make it completely easy for everyone to understand, I'm going to use a very easy to understand.
00:00:28 Metaphor. Imagine for a moment.
00:00:32 That you live on this street.
00:00:34 And you're chilling out in your house.
00:00:36 And you're sitting by the fireplace reading leather bound books, or whatever it is.
00:00:41 That you do in your home.
00:00:44 And you lookout the window and you see that your neighbor's house.
00:00:48 Is on fire.
00:00:51 And you're like, Oh my.
00:00:52 God, my neighbor's house is on fire.
00:00:55 And you say honey, honey.
00:00:56 We need to call the fire department that the neighbor's house is on fire. She's ohh. No, no, it's it's it's OK.
00:01:03 It's OK because you know, out on the street that this stranger told me that that that he called.
00:01:11 The fire department.
00:01:12 And so it's it's all taken care of.
00:01:16 Don't worry about it.
00:01:18 And you're like oh.
00:01:21 Thank God I you know, I was. I was starting to feel despair there for some reason. So, but now my morale is much higher. I feel better about the situation. I feel like, you know, I'm going to survive this now. And I can go back to reading my books and.
00:01:38 I was. I was.
00:01:39 A little stressed out there for.
00:01:40 2nd but now that I know that the fire department is.
00:01:44 Is on the way. Everything's fine and nothing.
00:01:47 To worry about.
00:01:49 And then you know.
00:01:50 20 minutes or so goes by and.
00:01:53 You haven't heard any?
Speaker 2
00:01:54 Sirens and now like this. The fire has kind of spread to another neighbor's house. It's not quite to your.Devon
00:02:03 House yet but.00:02:03 It's getting closer.
Speaker 2
00:02:05 And so you say honey.00:02:09 You're the guy that you said.
00:02:12 You know, he called the fire department.Speaker 2
00:02:16 Who? Who was it?Devon
00:02:17 Exactly. And she's like, oh.00:02:19 I don't know.
Speaker 2
00:02:20 It was just, you know, just a stranger.Devon
00:02:23 You know he wouldn't tell me who he was and said that sometimes he lies because it's necessary, but to definitely don't worry about anything.00:02:35 Because he's he's called the fire department. It's.
00:02:39 It's all taken.
00:02:40 Care of and and we don't have to do anything. So just you know.
00:02:43 Sit back and.
00:02:44 Relax and don't don't sweat it. Everything's fine.
00:02:49 Everything's fine.
Speaker 2
00:02:51 And so you're.00:02:51 Like, huh? OK, that sounds. I guess that sounds.
00:02:58 Normal. I'm going.00:03:00 To go back.
00:03:01 To, you know, read my books and.
00:03:06 Chowing out my study.
00:03:09 And then, you know another 15 minutes.
00:03:10 Goes by and.
Speaker 2
00:03:11 You started thinking it's been like a it's.Devon
00:03:12 Been over a.00:03:13 Half hour now the fire is.
00:03:16 Definitely out of control now it's.
00:03:18 It's kind of and go two homes.
00:03:22 It is definitely getting dangerously close, it feels.
00:03:25 Hot it's getting.
00:03:26 A little hot in.
00:03:26 Here. Hey, honey.
00:03:30 That that, the anonymous guy that told you.
00:03:35 That he called the fire department.
Speaker 2
00:03:37 Sure, this is someone we can trust and she's like.Devon
00:03:39 Ohh yeah, it's it's fine, it's fine, you know and.00:03:42 In fact.
00:03:43 Even if he didn't.
00:03:45 Call the fire department.
00:03:46 I mean, don't you feel better?
00:03:48 Right now, thinking that he did.
Speaker 2
00:03:50 And you know, like, don't you feel so much?Devon
00:03:53 So much better and more upbeat about the situation.00:03:57 I mean, imagine.
00:03:58 If you thought that.Devon
00:03:59 That he was just lying to.Speaker 2
00:04:00 Us this whole time and.Devon
00:04:02 Imagine how crappy that would feel, right I.Speaker 2
00:04:04 Mean, isn't it so much better thinking?Devon
00:04:07 That he called the I.00:04:07 Mean, because that's what's important, right? If we're going to survive this.
00:04:11 Fire. What's important is that we we believe.
00:04:14 Eve that it's being.
00:04:16 Taken care of, right, that our morale is.
00:04:18 High. That's that's the most important thing about.
00:04:20 Surviving a fire is, you know, making sure you've.
00:04:22 Got high morale.
00:04:25 You know you.Devon
00:04:26 You try try surviving a.00:04:28 An inferno. When you're and you're in a bad mood.
00:04:30 It's that is not good. So you.
00:04:33 Know even if he's.
00:04:34 Even if he.Devon
00:04:35 Didn't call the fire department, it's.00:04:38 It's totally fine. And of course, that's where we are in.
00:04:42 The Q Anon story.
00:04:43 And then, of course, the the couple begins praising.
00:04:46 The fire department.
00:04:47 Yeah, OK. It's been it's been all you.
00:04:49 Know 35 minutes. It feels like they.
00:04:51 Should have been there by now. I mean, even if.
00:04:53 That guy didn't call him at this point. Someone should.
00:04:56 Be putting that that fire and.
00:04:57 And no one's there so.
00:04:59 You know, but, but that's fine, I.
00:05:01 Mean far be it from them to.
00:05:04 You know despair about the fire department not showing them, and I've got something to say about.
00:05:09 That if you're going to fall.
00:05:11 Into a pit of despair.
00:05:12 Their paralyzing despair because you find.
00:05:17 Out that you might have.
Speaker 2
00:05:19 To call the fire department.Devon
00:05:21 Or or or. Oh my God.00:05:23 Maybe try to put the fire out yourself. You're a ******. If if that's going to put you into despair.
Speaker 2
00:05:33 Then, Oh my God, you.Speaker
00:05:35 I mean.Speaker 2
00:05:36 The fire department isn't gonna.Devon
00:05:38 Put out the cause. The only people that can.Speaker 2
00:05:40 Put fires out.Devon
00:05:42 Don't you know? Is the fire department? No one else can do it. It has to be.00:05:46 The fire department I.
00:05:48 Mean if you had to try to figure.
00:05:50 Out how to put?Devon
00:05:50 A fire out that would just. That's not for you. That is. That's not for you.00:05:56 Instead, what you have to do is.
Speaker 2
00:05:59 Just sit in your house, sit in.Devon
00:06:01 Your house waiting for.00:06:02 The fire patiently waiting as the fire gets closer and closer and just.
Speaker 2
00:06:09 Blather on and on about.Devon
00:06:11 How awesome the fire department is and and.Speaker 2
00:06:13 You're you're not sure.Devon
00:06:14 What's taking them so long and?Speaker 2
00:06:16 And, but you're sure that you they?Devon
00:06:18 Have their reasons for.Speaker 2
00:06:20 It maybe they'll put the fire out maybe.Devon
00:06:23 They've got some plan as to.00:06:25 Maybe there were.
00:06:26 Pedophiles in those houses that are on fire.
00:06:29 Maybe that's why the fire departments letting those houses burn down first because you know it's the entrance to the underground tunnel where Tom Hanks has his pedophile dungeon. This is.
Speaker 2
00:06:41 All part of.Devon
00:06:42 Their complicated.00:06:44 Fire management plan.
00:06:46 You know, if you were to.
00:06:47 Try to figure out how to put the.
00:06:49 Fire yourself. I mean, you would. You wouldn't.
00:06:51 Know what you.
00:06:51 Were doing and fire, you know, complicated fire.
Speaker 2
00:06:55 Is. Yeah. Who do you think you are?00:06:59 Not a fireman.
00:07:04 Sorry I I hope.
00:07:05 That clears things up.
00:07:07 That's all I got to say.
00:07:08 About this short and sweet, I wanted to go away longer. I.00:07:12 Am I'm telling you.
00:07:13 I'm look, I'm trying really hard.
00:07:16 To be on my best behavior, right?
00:07:18 Now because I.
00:07:19 Have a whole lot more to.
00:07:20 Say on this subject.Devon
00:07:22 And I will if if I'm.00:07:23 Put in that position, but stop pushing fiction. Stop, stop ******* pushing fiction. The West is dying because no one is facing reality. No one. I'm done being nice about it.
00:07:39 Stop being a ******** ******.