
You Died of Dysentery.mp3

00:01:48 Transmit frequency.
00:00:29 Which went down a frequency.
00:00:35 A swine flu epidemic may be.
Speaker 2
00:00:36 Coming the flu season is upon us. It could.
00:00:39 Make you very sick.
Speaker 2
00:00:41 Which type will we worry about this year?
00:00:44 You'll want to be protected.
Speaker 2
00:00:45 And what kind of shots will we be told to take? The swine flu virus still spreading around the world this morning?
00:00:51 Kill it by washing your hands.
00:00:52 As soon as you can.
Speaker 2
00:00:54 The World Health Organization has raised its alert level to five.
Speaker 1
00:00:57 I have decided.
00:00:59 To raise the current level of influenza pandemic alert.
00:01:04 From phase four to phase five.
Speaker 2
00:01:08 That means that all of humanity could be threatened, and they're worried about the potential for many deaths around.
Speaker 1
00:01:11 The virus is spreading.
Speaker 3
00:01:16 The world. Stop it. Stop it. Come. Yeah. What?
Speaker 4
00:01:20 Thank you.
Speaker 1
00:01:20 The swine flu. It could knock you flat.
Speaker 4
00:01:22 So local hospitals are bracing for a swine flu flood.
Speaker 5
00:01:26 You gotta hit it before it hits you.
Speaker 3
00:01:28 Here at Emanuel Hospital legacy Emanuel Hospital in North Portland, they are erecting these overflow swine flu tents out in the parking lot, just adjacent to the.
00:01:36 Emergency room here.
Speaker 4
00:01:37 Experts say you might not even hear this sneeze.
Speaker 6
00:01:40 It could make you.
00:01:40 Sick. We are a significant step closer to a pandemic.
Speaker 2
00:01:46 The Centers for Disease.
Speaker 4
00:01:47 Control says H1N1 has spread to 46 states. More than 1000 Americans have died.
Speaker 2
00:01:54 Experts say they are concerned that as the virus passes through population.
00:01:59 It could become more severe.
Speaker 1
00:02:01 The scientific criteria for an influenza pandemic have been met.
Speaker 4
00:02:06 30% of the deaths are in healthy people with no underlying problems.
Speaker 1
00:02:11 I have therefore decided to raise the level of influenza pandemic alert from phase five.
00:02:18 To phase six.
Speaker 4
00:02:20 WHO reported that more than 10,000 people had died from H1N1?
Speaker 5
00:02:26 The Centers for Disease Control this past week quadrupled its estimated H1N1 flu virus death toll.
00:02:32 Numbers are about four times higher than what the CDC reported.
Speaker 4
00:02:36 Swine flu seems to be spreading at.
00:02:38 A great.
00:02:39 The President today declared the swine flu a national emergency.
00:02:43 Wine. Flu. Pandemic.
Speaker 5
00:02:44 It was expected to kill.
00:02:45 Millions and the CDC even predicted 40% of the population will be infected, but we don't hear about it anymore. Tonight, you asked what happened to the swine flu and KX life was Melissa Lutz says.
00:02:57 Good question, Asian.
Speaker 2
00:02:58 Flu is expected this winter, according to the US Public Health Service. See your physician about a flu vaccine.
00:03:06 She was training to be a Pro Football cheerleader and she got a flu shot.
Speaker 2
00:03:10 The swine flu shot.
00:03:14 So the earlier we get the vaccines, the better absolutely.
Speaker 4
00:03:19 Many more people want to get the vaccine and we want more people to get the vaccine.
Speaker 7
00:03:35 What's up, ladies and gentlemen?
00:03:39 Welcome to the Oregon Trail.
00:03:43 Where the perils lurked behind every corner where dysentery is just waiting to infect you and your family.
00:03:51 On your way.
00:03:52 To Oregon. Not sure why you want to go to Oregon so bad that you're willing to risk life and limb.
00:04:01 Have to hunt deer.
00:04:03 On a regular basis, just to survive in between bouts of dysentery. But.
00:04:11 That doesn't matter right now. What matters right now.
00:04:16 Is that we're all under quarantine, or at least the vast majority of you. Some of you, I think probably still live.
00:04:21 In free states.
00:04:21 That you can go about. I can. I can.
00:04:25 Walk about freely in the small town. I'm going to talk about a bunch of things today.
00:04:32 And one of those is why I don't.
00:04:34 Walk about freely in the small town that is near me right now. I I do.
00:04:43 Play a little bit of the the rather safe.
00:04:45 Than sorry game right now.
00:04:48 And no, I'm not worried about. Oh, I'm falling victim to the fear.
00:04:54 And we'll talk about all that here in a second. First thing I want to talk about and we are going to play some organ trail, by the way.
00:05:01 That's not just a screenshot, that is the.
00:05:03 Game we're going to play some organ trail.
00:05:07 I know we didn't play any King's.
00:05:08 Quest last time.
00:05:10 But we're going to play some organ trail this time because it's one of those games where there's really not a lot of input and it's something we can the chat can interact with because every time you do anything, it's just do you want to do.
00:05:23 To you know.
00:05:24 Press 123 or 4 and so I can just ask chat like do we want to do one 2-3 or four and we can play it together. So unlike King's Quest where it would just be me hitting like the arrow keys and wondering about the screen and just kind of being like a.
00:05:39 Kind of a nonsense thing to do, and in a distracting thing for me to do when I should be.
00:05:44 Talking to you.
00:05:45 Guys, this is something that could be.
00:05:47 A team effort.
00:05:49 We can work together and actually play organ trail.
00:05:53 But before we do that, I want to talk about the title.
00:05:58 Of this video.
00:06:00 And the last video I posted on my channel, which is also the video I kind of streamed, I know my connection is so terrible that there's no way it played smoothly, but I know the audio played smoothly and the audio is really what's important anyway, more than the video on that.
00:06:16 What I played and what I posted to my channel yesterday with no commentary whatsoever.
00:06:23 Was just a montage.
00:06:25 Of clips.
00:06:27 Of different.
00:06:31 Ways the media covered past, quote UN quote pandemics.
00:06:36 OK. It's just kind of a, you know and it goes all the way back from like the 1950s.
00:06:44 Tell today like a lot of people I think were shocked to see clips from the 1970s talking about swine flu. They didn't know. Oh, swine flu in the 1970s. Yes. In fact, Asian flu or swine flu is something that comes up every couple of years or so, give or take. Maybe every decade there is a new.
00:07:04 Asian flu that's coming in from China, that's going to cause a global pandemic and and and kill everybody.
00:07:12 And you know, of course, obviously it has not. You know, that hasn't happened.
00:07:18 And so I just wanted to show a montage.
00:07:21 Of all these different clips of media people either announcing the end of the world or that no one was safe, and you know I'm a little distracted right now because I have this radio in the other room, that was that's hooked up to a a a net. That was that no one was listen or no one was talking on. Now like all I can hear is that stupid.
00:07:41 The radio, so I'm going to be right back. I know this is really unprofessional on me, but I'm going to go over and turn the radio off because all I can hear is this stupid radio in the back. Rub it right back, talk amongst yourselves while I'm gone. I know dead air. I don't even what I'm going to do. I wish I had some music I could play, but I don't. I'll just be a second, though. I'll be right back.
00:08:25 And we're back. Sorry about that. Ohh, that was very distracting. I could just hear these people.
00:08:31 Talking back and forth on this radio.
00:08:32 Like right behind, I don't know if you guys, I'm assuming you guys could hear at least some of it. I don't think it picks up very well on this microphone now.
00:08:39 But that was really, really distracting. Anyway, the point of the video that I posted yesterday and the reason I didn't have commentary on.
00:08:48 It was. I wanted to show you.
00:08:51 This is how scary.
00:08:54 The media makes every pandemic sound every single one.
00:08:58 Of them.
00:09:00 And at the end of the day, we survive. It's not a big deal.
00:09:04 And as we all know, because of like the Russian collusion and you know all the other crap that the media has been lying about, which you know for, for really our entire existence, but it has really ramped up in the last decade or so to like extreme levels or like I guess you could say it's just more noticeable now. Maybe it's always been this bad.
00:09:26 We're all we've all essentially died of dysentery because you get dysentery from eating ****.
00:09:33 And so our our trust in Media has has been infected with dysentery, from eating too much of their ****.
00:09:41 And we now have zero trust in media.
00:09:44 And so we now live in a situation where no one knows what's going on with the coronavirus. I mean, the reason why you have this huge spectrum of some people saying that it's not real at all, it's all a hoax. It's, you know, it's it's entirely fake, like nothing about it is real at all.
00:10:02 To the other side of the spectrum, where, oh, it's this bio weapon that's been specifically engineered to kill us all. And, you know, we need to watch out because this is this is the end game. This is when the elites like coal, a huge part of the population and and get us down to the Georgia Guidestones 500,000,000 and.
00:10:22 This is it this.
00:10:22 Is it guys that you know it's?
00:10:24 Happening. The reason you have this huge.
00:10:29 Of thought.
00:10:31 Is because trust the media has been completely obliterated.
00:10:36 And and not only has trust and media been completely obliterated.
00:10:41 Because they've lied so much in the past.
00:10:46 But this is also a direct result of multiculturalism, not just in our, you know, in the general public.
00:10:54 But in in people in the media itself.
00:10:58 And let me explain that and and this also has to.
00:11:00 Do with the politicians as well.
00:11:04 We've talked about before, where OK in the past, if you were going to go, if you got drafted by the military to go fight for your country to save it against some perceived enemy or or whatever, you'd have this sense of patriotism and and some of that sense of patriotism.
00:11:23 Will be tied to the fact that the people that you share your country with are are largely your family, your extended family, and also.
00:11:35 It's it's, you know, it's where you were born. Blood is thicker than water, right? This this is your homeland. It's not just a a vacation home. You're not just a citizen of the world. That just happens to own a house. And in in America. And so you don't really feel connected to it because you also have, you know, a house.
00:11:56 The Alps or or whatever, right? Like it used to be. You were defending your homeland. You were defending the place your children were gonna grow up. The place that your grandparents grew up, the place that your aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters, everyone. It was your family. That's why you were defending it. And the lack of that kind of.
00:12:16 Cohesion with the public now is going is now causing this problem where the people that are joining the military, in fact, I mean they're they're now allowing illegal immigrants to join the military to earn their citizenship or whatever. And so you have.
00:12:32 These people that aren't in the military to defend their, their friends and their family and their extended family and and people that have, they're relatively genetically close to them at all. It's it's just, it's just random people.
00:12:48 It's just random other people.
00:12:52 And at the end of the day.
00:12:54 You might you know, if you you might be willing to sacrifice your life, lay down your life to save your mom, your aunt, your uncle, stuff like.
00:13:01 That, but why would you want to lay down your life for just some random person?
00:13:07 And is the the culture and that's just in terms of the blood. But as the culture is atomized, the same thing, right? Why would you want to lay down your life for someone you don't even have anything in common with? It's not even that you're that you're not related to this person in any way shape or.
00:13:22 Form they don't even.
00:13:24 In fact, they might be counter. They might be in in many ways enemies to your way of life. They might, you know, vote things into existence that that make life harder. Like why would you ever want to sacrifice your life for random people that may be in 100% opposition to how you view the world?
00:13:42 Right. So we've talked about that to some extent and and but that's really kind of where the conversation ended, I think at least in terms of how I've talked about it, maybe people have expanded on this. I'm sure it's not this is really.
00:13:54 Isn't like a complicated idea, right?
00:13:57 So that that translates to every other.
00:14:01 Like the the military is just one aspect of the nation, right that translates every other part of working every gear in the machine, right?
00:14:10 And one of those gears is the media. You know, same thing. You know why? Why would they lie? Why and and. And you can say that about like, OK, well, if if you were, let's just say you're a journalist. And I've worked. I've worked in in journalism a long time. I've known journalists and and I've known honest journalists that they do exist. OK.
00:14:31 A lot of them are are not motivated by the truth, like really, a lot. A lot of them are not.
00:14:38 In fact, very rephrased that very few are are motivated in my experience, are motivated by the truth.
00:14:45 Just to begin with, and so you're you're dealing with a personality type issue, right?
00:14:48 There but on top.
00:14:50 You would still have it's kind of the same thing. You'd have limits, right?
00:14:54 Would you want to lie to your mom? Like, would you wanna lie to your aunts and uncles? Would you want to lie to them about stuff that they're going to base their their life on that they could have consequences that affect your children, that affect your children's children, that could affect your, your, your brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles?
00:15:13 When you're just lying to random people, random people that you probably don't even like, and we know how journalists feel about the average person, right?
00:15:21 We know journalists feel about people like.
00:15:23 You and me.
00:15:24 Why would they care about lying to?
00:15:26 People like you.
00:15:26 And me? They they wouldn't. They'd have. I mean, absolutely no problem with lying.
00:15:32 To see you see this this problem.
00:15:36 Now imagine this problem how it scales out like it's bad enough. There's these two examples we've talked about where you have a military that doesn't really care about laying down their life for their fellow countrymen because that term is kind of useless, right?
00:15:50 You know, for the most part, fellow, what does that even mean, fellow countrymen?
00:15:57 Other people in my apartment complex are those you know, I mean like that, that there's there's really the, the other people who decided to live in this, this city, to work for a multinational, you know, I mean like that's there's nothing tying you together. So it's bad enough you've got that problem you got the problem with the press where I mean it it's.
00:16:16 Why would they?
00:16:17 Care about lying to you. It doesn't matter to them. They have no they they feel no loyalty to you.
00:16:25 And it's because, as Charlie Kirk said, it's not a people.
00:16:29 It's not even a.
00:16:29 Geography. It's not even a geographical location.
00:16:33 The set of ideas, it's a mission statement.
00:16:37 Right. And you what that mission statement is?
00:16:40 It's every man for himself.
00:16:44 It's every man for himself.
00:16:48 That is the mission statement.
00:16:52 Of the United States.
00:16:56 And now we talk. Let's talk about the most dangerous part.
00:17:00 Of of this disease that I've been describing, how it spreads.
00:17:05 You know, not just from, you know, the people in the military, the people in the press, same thing. That's politicians as well.
00:17:14 And there's obvious examples. You know, there's people that weren't even born in America that are politicians, prominent politicians.
00:17:23 Who obviously don't have any connection to what's, and we've talked about this kind of to some extent where they don't have any connection to the founding fathers. And so why would they feel any obligation to preserve it? You know, the the Why would they want to preserve the the Constitution or or certainly the demographics? I mean they're they're part of the changing demographics.
00:17:43 Why would they? If anything, they'd want to change the demographics to to to fit.
00:17:49 Their lifestyle to fit their world view.
00:17:54 And so.
00:17:55 What we have is we have a country where every single cog in the machine.
00:18:00 Is now working in its own self-interest.
00:18:04 And it's coming apart at the.
00:18:05 Seams because that's not how machines work, you know.
00:18:10 Machines have to work.
00:18:12 In harmony in tandem.
00:18:17 In order in in order.
00:18:18 To operate smoothly or it?
00:18:21 It comes it comes to pieces.
00:18:24 Because every piece wants to be its own machine, every piece has its own motivation. They're not working towards a shared goal.
00:18:33 And that is why no one knows what the **** is going on with coronavirus.
00:18:38 You don't know what's going on. I don't know what's going on, and I've been telling people this from the very beginning.
00:18:43 That I'm gonna just wait and see and people like. Ohh yeah, you pick a side pick.
00:18:47 A side and it's like no.
00:18:49 I'll tell you. I'll tell you. Stuff like, hey, look, look at the past coverage of these these pandemics.
00:18:55 And point out the.
00:18:57 They're they have not been covered fairly or normally in the past. The fact that every time this happens and it in my memory, I like I remember I told you I had.
00:19:08 I had swine flu.
00:19:09 I was in a hot spot. I got it. It sucked. I thought I was gonna die.
00:19:14 And then I didn't die, and and almost the vast majority. I don't want to say almost no, because there there were thousands of people that died.
00:19:22 But the vast majority of people that got it.
00:19:24 Did not die.
00:19:27 And then there ended up being.
00:19:29 Side of oh, by the way, I'm going to get some ****. So just to clarify, well, I'll get to that here in a second.
00:19:37 So I didn't put any commentary on this video.
00:19:41 Because I just wanted to put it out there and I kind.
00:19:43 Of wanted to get some reactions.
00:19:45 And I got those reactions. And so I guess mission accomplished. One thing that people didn't seem to get.
00:19:51 And this is.
00:19:53 I don't want to try to sound like I'm, I'm smart and I meant to do this. I didn't I I was.
00:19:58 Sometimes when you really study.
00:20:00 And you've been watching clips all day long, you start to assume, like, I never one mistake. A lot of people make is they assume their audience is stupid and you can't assume your audience is stupid. Yet to a certain extent, you have to assume you know they're they don't know as much as you do about the subject or why would they be watching your video? You know, that sort of a thing. Right. And you have to make it as.
00:20:21 Accessible as possible. If you want to reach as wide an audience as possible. But sometimes when you're up to your eyeballs in this research, you start to assume people know things. I and I.
00:20:32 I don't know why I did, but at the end at the end of the video that there's a.
00:20:40 Talk of vaccines about this cheerleader that that took the vaccine and and now look at her. And then I play some dance music and kind of make fun of the way she's it. I don't think it came.
00:20:52 Across but what I.
00:20:53 Was doing was making fun of the way that she's twitching around and stuff like that and.
00:20:59 I was laughing my *** off when I made it because I had just watched the video that I have now like.
00:21:06 On that video of this, I think it's Inside Edition or something. One of these crappy shows from the 90s. Or maybe it was early 2000s of this cheerleader that was like I took the vaccine and now I can't control myself unless I'm running and or walking backwards. That was the other thing. And it's so obvious that she's.
00:21:26 Full of **** like, it's so like it's so obvious that she's full of.
00:21:29 ****. That, and just the way she twitches around, looked hilarious. And so I put that at the.
00:21:37 Because there's that's the other.
00:21:38 Thing you got to worry about.
00:21:40 Yeah, obviously don't trust the media telling you, you know with.
00:21:46 You can't just be like, oh, they're telling me it's the end of the world, so therefore it's the end of the world. But you can't do a complete 180 also.
00:21:54 And say that they're trying to.
00:21:56 Kill us with the vaccine.
00:21:59 And I I get a lot of ****, especially on Instagram, for talking **** about vaccines because there's.
00:22:08 There are things that are unsafe about vaccines and there's things that are just immoral about vaccines. A lot of vaccines contain aborted the baby feed or boarded fetus material or board of baby material or whatever cells.
00:22:21 And that's true, by the way. That's not this isn't this is like it. This is not conspiracy. It's, you know, go to Wikipedia. I forget the the terms, but there's like strings of of human cells that were harvested from aborted babies.
00:22:35 That they still use in vaccines a lot of vaccines and they're just. And I've had people try to justify it. Well, it's.
00:22:44 Not like they're.
00:22:45 Just putting a a dead baby in a juicer and squeezing and they're not. But that who cares? Like it doesn't have to be that.
00:22:53 That horrific it still has, it has.
00:22:57 It comes from.
00:22:59 It's like think of it this way. It's the same argument when people try to justify child ****, right? Well, it's like, well, it already exists. You know, the the, the awfulness that happened to make child **** exist already happened. So it's not hurting anybody to have it out in in the.
00:23:18 On the Internet or whatever.
00:23:20 And it is.
00:23:22 It is OK you can't, no.
00:23:27 And I'll explain why. If you can't figure out why it it it is is. If you have. Yeah.
00:23:33 It's already existing.
00:23:34 And and yeah, those those children aren't being victim if you have video of of kids getting murdered and and tortured and.
00:23:41 All this other stuff.
00:23:43 They're already dead.
00:23:44 It's not going to murder and torture them again.
00:23:47 Just every time you play it right?
00:23:50 But you're putting that out into the into the world. You're putting that out into those images out into the world. And as everyone that watches this channel hopefully knows.
00:24:00 Those images influence minds. They do.
00:24:04 And it normalizes that behavior in the minds of some of the people. Obviously, a lot of us.
00:24:11 Hopefully I I I mean, I've never had to watch anything that horrific, but I I I would. I would think that.
00:24:16 I would have.
00:24:17 A disgust reaction that would never go away, but I'm obviously there's people that I mean, someone made the first video.
00:24:24 Right.
00:24:25 So it there's people that's going to be desensitized.
00:24:28 And those people are going to then. So it's bad it it, it has a negative effect. And in the same way.
00:24:36 If you have these vaccines that have aborted fetus tissue or cultures taken, see that this is how they justify it. They say well, no, because you know this baby was actually aborted in the 70s, right? And they've just been in, in, in Petri dishes keeping the cells alive of this.
00:24:56 Of this 1970s aborted baby, they've.
00:24:59 Just been, you know.
00:25:01 Replicating the cells of this dead baby since the 70s and and so it's OK.
00:25:08 No, to me that just sounds.
00:25:11 More horrific. But that aside, even if it wasn't more horrific and and, you know, Frankenstein awful, you're still putting that out into the world. You're still saying, yeah, look at the benefits.
00:25:25 Look at look at this great technology. You know, it's like with the stem cell debate before they, which I think was just it was just a an excuse to try to normalize abortion as much as possible because now it turns out, ohh actually there's stem cells in in the cord and that worked just fine.
00:25:45 In fact, I think South Park even did an episode on on stem cells where because the argument was so oversimplified where they were saying Oh no, if you.
00:25:55 You know, we can do magic miracles with it. We can if your heart is is dying, we can just get stem cells and put them in a bottle and shake them up and sit them next to your heart and then it'll create a new heart and.
00:26:07 Then we then you're good and you know like.
00:26:10 The South Park episode, I think.
00:26:13 Cartman gets a bunch of of stem cells so he can make a new Shakey's pizza.
00:26:18 Or something like that.
00:26:19 But the whole argument was just it was just to normalize.
00:26:24 Normalized abortion.
00:26:27 As much as possible so that we ohh no it's great so we can harvest these stem cells from these dead babies and then we can.
00:26:33 And I'm sorry, I don't want to be the beneficiary of dead baby parts.
00:26:40 I don't care if it is helpful.
00:26:43 It's like saying, oh, we just discovered we just discovered that if you know you rape a kid, the death, you'll live at extra 300 years.
00:26:56 OK.
00:26:58 I'm not going to do it.
00:27:00 You know, like it.
00:27:02 At what cost?
00:27:03 See, you gotta. You have to have lines. You're not going to cross as a society. It doesn't matter.
00:27:09 What the reward is?
00:27:12 Otherwise, you're just saying that there is no such thing as morality whatsoever, and that anything that benefits again, it goes back to that every man for himself. Anything that benefits you personally is is good. That's morality.
00:27:25 And unfortunately, that's the morality of the United States right now. Anything that benefits you personally, that's the right decision.
00:27:31 And there's another there's another term for.
00:27:33 This way of thinking.
00:27:36 And that term is.
00:27:38 Satanism, that's literally Satanism.
00:27:44 Like I'm I'm not not exaggerating that it's that's 100%.
00:27:49 What they teach at the Church of Satan.
00:27:52 Whatever is going to benefit you personally, that's what you do.
00:27:58 So in many ways you can say that we've reached a level of degeneracy and and atomization and self-interest. And by the way, capitalism was was.
00:28:14 Don't want to say it was it was the cause, but I think it was certainly the environment that that, this that fostered.
00:28:22 This way of thinking.
00:28:24 That the the libertarian capitalism where every you know every again every man for himself.
00:28:30 Every man from South.
00:28:33 Why not have open borders? It's a free market. Why not have?
00:28:36 People come in.
00:28:37 Because they're willing to work for do the same job for a lower price. And those are the market forces.
00:28:44 So why not have Pedro come in here and and pick the the the oranges for $5 a day?
00:28:52 He's just participating in the free market.
00:28:56 Doesn't matter what kind of effect it's having on the society or the way of life of everyone that lives in that neighborhood or or the ripple effects or long term effects, it's going to have in the society, or even the that society's ability to.
00:29:08 Keep that free market.
00:29:10 Doesn't matter at that moment in time.
00:29:12 Pedro's willing to do it for $5 a day, and so he's he's just participating in the free market. It's every man for himself.
00:29:21 It's every that's that's how morality is being determined.
00:29:26 That's how it's being determined by the people in the press. That's how it's being determined by the politicians. That's how it's being determined by even some of you.
00:29:35 And because that's what's determining what's right and wrong.
00:29:40 That there is and there is no.
00:29:44 Shared value system.
00:29:46 And that's why we have this insanely wide spectrum.
00:29:52 Of something that could be a real serious problem coronavirus could be. Look, I'll tell you.
00:29:57 You know, people think that I'm just sitting here making fun of it with the last video, which is, by the way, This is why I left. No, I didn't put any commentary on it.
00:30:05 I wanted to see I obviously.
00:30:07 Had there were some.
00:30:08 Messages that you couldn't miss and that is that. Yeah, it it got overhyped, right?
00:30:14 But look, it could be dangerous.
00:30:17 It could be dangerous.
00:30:19 We don't know. We don't know.
00:30:22 That's the problem.
00:30:27 That's the problem. We have no idea.
00:30:31 We have no idea.
00:30:33 Because it's every man for himself and there's no trust anymore. Or, by the way.
00:30:39 I guess another way of putting all this is.
00:30:43 Although it's more complicated than that, but I guess another aspect of this is welcome to a low trust society.
00:30:51 And it'll be interesting because we have a large portion of our shrinking, but still a large portion of our population.
00:30:59 Is a very high trust people.
00:31:03 We have evolved in in high trust environments and I think that's why so many of us feel lost and we don't, you know that. I think that might even to some extent explain that the, the, the rising suicide rates among white males.
00:31:18 Because you have these people who are designed.
00:31:23 Designed to exist and excel in a high trust society, there's certain certain conditions that you are meant to thrive in.
00:31:32 And and.
00:31:34 You now don't live in. It's you know, something that I've learned by living out here in the desert.
00:31:40 And trying to grow different plants.
00:31:43 Which has been a really fun thing, by the way. I highly recommend even if all you if you just live in an apartment and all you can do is put like a little planter on a balcony or something like that, you just it. It's really important that you do the process. Just I think it's.
00:32:00 Just just to do it just to do it, I mean when I lived, I lived in San Francisco and I grew Chili Peppers on my balcony.
00:32:07 It's just just, just so that you can see the process because it's more complicated than you think in a lot of ways and it's way easier than you think in a in a lot of ways. And once you've done it, it's, it's you, just you have more relief about it doesn't seem as like impossible. I think a lot of people think like, oh, I could never grow my own.
00:32:25 Food. Well, it's actually.
00:32:27 It's harder, and it's also easier in a lot of ways than you think it is, but anyway, the point.
00:32:32 One of the big things that I've learned about coming out here and just trying different plants because I I live in a really weird environment. I live in an environment that's unbelievably hot in the summer.
00:32:46 And really, really dry in the summer.
00:32:49 Which makes a difference with plants. There are some plants that that can take heat. You know as much heat as you can give them. As long as there's humidity. Well in the desert you don't have humidity.
00:32:58 But then in the winter.
00:33:01 It's really, really cold. I mean, not.
00:33:03 Like Super, super cold. I mean, there's way colder places. Absolutely. But it's it's colder than.
00:33:10 The tropics, right? So.
00:33:14 It's when you've seen the desert, right? You've seen the desert. Not a lot of things grow naturally in the desert. There are some plants that have evolved to grow perfectly in that environment, but most of them don't produce anything that that's very useful for humans, which is why, you know, humans don't really.
00:33:34 They they don't prefer the desert most of the time. Of course, there's a desert, Middle East. The people have been fighting for or over for thousands of years and not to understand that, but whatever.
00:33:44 If if there was no oil in the Middle East, would just basically be a wasteland, it would be because no one really.
00:33:50 Want to go out there?
00:33:52 But there is a.
00:33:52 OK.
Speaker 7
00:33:54 So that's why they're out.
00:33:55 There, the desert is in many ways a wasteland, but you can find ways, or you can find plants.
00:34:02 That will grow out. That will grow there.
00:34:05 And sometimes, like I planted some plants in the summer where I was like, OK, this is great, this plant seems to really be thriving and and handling the heat just fine. And I was really super excited that ohh this is going to be this is going to be a good crop or even just you know a good shade plant or whatever winter comes along and bam like overnight.
00:34:25 It's like the whole plant is dead. It's just dead.
00:34:28 And that's because that plant evolved for millions or however many years in a tropical environment that never got down below 40 degrees.
00:34:41 And so you put it in somewhere where it dips below freezing or whatever for, you know, even if it's just the night.
00:34:47 And it it just dies instantly.
00:34:50 Because the plant has not been conditioned.
00:34:55 To live in those environments, it would take a long time. You could maybe eventually get it to live in that environment.
00:35:01 You know, you could maybe every time see the good thing about or the thing about plants is when they give out, you know.
00:35:08 A lot of anyone that grows plants will know that a lot of people clone plants, especially if it's a fruit tree or something that's going to take like a decade to actually produce any kind of fruit. You'll just clone it because it's easier and it's faster. The problem is you're you're essentially just growing.
00:35:22 It's a clone. It's literally the same genetics of whatever plant that you were just growing. So you'll get genetic diseases that pop up and they'll wipe.
00:35:28 About the entire crops, because that's what they're doing. They're not using the seeds for the most part. If you're using seeds, you're every one of those seeds is genetically different from the parent to some extent, and different. You know how different that is? Who knows? But you're going to have some plants that maybe out of like, 1000 seeds, maybe one seed is that seed that will survive the winter a little bit better and you can eventually.
00:35:53 Breed a crop and it could take.
00:35:55 You know, 10 years it could take 10,000 years, but you could eventually get a a palm tree that could live in the snow just fine. I mean, there's some that can. But you know what?
00:36:08 But right now, we're kind of living.
00:36:11 Through that first winter.
00:36:13 Our society has been high trust consistently.
00:36:17 Up until, essentially the boomer generation.
00:36:22 And so everyone.
00:36:25 That is now around experiencing this change in environment for the first time.
00:36:30 That that's there, that they're the tropical plant.
00:36:34 That is now being faced.
00:36:37 Or that is now facing that that below freezing temperature for the first time.
00:36:43 And not all of us are going to.
00:36:45 Make it through it, I mean.
00:36:47 That that we're just not.
00:36:56 At any rate.
00:36:57 That's what we're experiencing right now we're experiencing.
00:37:02 A low trust environment.
00:37:04 Wherever it's every man for themselves.
00:37:07 And the only community that we're going to have are the communities that we build ourselves because all the institutions have failed us. And that includes many.
00:37:17 Of the religious institutions and institutions that you would think that would normally have your back.
00:37:24 And not everyone's equipped to do that either. There's a lot of people that in another environment would have thrived.
00:37:34 If the institutions hadn't failed, that are now really struggling to make it through this this rough spot.
00:37:42 That we're in in our timeline.
00:37:45 This is a this make no mistake, this is a selection event.
00:37:49 I don't mean coronavirus particularly.
00:37:53 But I mean just the.
00:37:56 The massive change.
00:37:59 That the West is undergoing right now.
00:38:06 It is colon.
00:38:08 A portion of our population.
00:38:11 That is not going to be able to adapt.
00:38:14 Quickly enough.
00:38:17 And there is a chance.
00:38:20 That we reach a critical point.
00:38:24 Where the.
00:38:28 New organisms that have been introduced into our environment.
00:38:31 Take over.
00:38:33 That's just that. That's a possibility.
00:38:38 And the only way that we're going to be able to prevent that is if we adapt if we survive.
00:38:47 And we adapt to the changing conditions.
00:38:52 So let's let's get away from the.
00:38:54 Philosophy. I'm going to talk about. Let's talk specifically about coronavirus. Stuff. Like I said, there's no way to really know. There's there's just no way to really know how bad this is.
00:39:10 I'm going to talk about why when I went to town.
00:39:14 To get I I mean I have enough supplies and stuff like that more than anything else. It was kind of out of curiosity.
00:39:21 I wanted to go to town just to kind of check it out. I have enough supplies here to where I could just stay here for at least a year. I don't know how. I mean the water situation. I don't have a completely under control and that would get a little squirrely unless I I was able to.
00:39:38 Get like rain collection and all that stuff set up fine and and I I.
00:39:43 I will eventually. It's just not something I've got. I got leaky. I have to fix normal things right now. I gotta make this place livable before I make it ironclad like I got. I still have leaks in my roof. So before I collect water in barrels outside of the house, I have to stop collecting water in in pots and pans.
00:40:02 Inside the house. OK, once I've got that under control.
00:40:07 I can worry about some of this other nice to have stuff, but I do have lots.
00:40:11 Of water storage, I would last out.
00:40:12 Here a long time. The reason I went into town was to kind of check.
00:40:16 It out and just to.
00:40:18 See our other people taking this seriously. And look, I wore an N95 mask.
00:40:24 That's right. I wore an N95 mask and I'm gonna let me explain why. First of all, I already had a bunch of N95 masks laying around. I didn't go out and panic by.
00:40:35 And I was and I was also wasn't smart, I.
00:40:37 Wasn't like all.
00:40:37 Aha. And then I better get stock up on 95 masks because the the Coronas, you know, corona chance coming. I just already had them and everyone should just already have those. I mean, they just already had them already had rubber gloves and everything else. That's just one of the things that you should just have and but also.
00:40:56 To be perfectly honest, I.
00:40:58 The the biggest reason I had specifically N 95 masks was cleaning out Carla's house is a pretty dirty situation and there's.
00:41:09 You know, there's, like, rat **** everywhere and there it's just it's really disgusting in there. And so I wanted a mask that was going to block out anything that would, you know, so already had him. It is my.
00:41:19 Point. And so I was like.
00:41:21 Alright. Do I wear it or not?
00:41:24 I don't know if this is real.
00:41:26 I think it's probably about as real as swine flu.
00:41:30 Swine flu sucked. I don't want.
00:41:32 To get. I don't want to get.
00:41:33 Anything like swine?
00:41:36 But I don't know. I don't know. It could be completely fake. It could be as real as swine flu. It could be way worse than swine flu, but I don't know.
00:41:45 But I already have the masks.
00:41:47 And how would I feel?
00:41:49 If the worst case scenario happened.
00:41:53 I die because I get it somehow, and then I'm I'm in heaven, hopefully.
00:42:00 And God's like dude.
00:42:02 You had the masks.