
Is Obama Scandal Free?.mp3

00:00:25 I am very proud of the fact that we will not leave this administration without significant scandal.
00:00:09 The man is delusional.
00:00:11 Operation Fast and Furious appears to have been a deeply flawed effort.
00:00:15 It was clear the attack wasn't caused by the protest of an anti Islamic video.
Speaker 2
00:00:20 Did they ever tell you?
00:00:21 To go save the people at Benghazi if.
00:00:24 That's my knowledge, Sir.
00:00:26 I have decided to follow my counsel's advice.
00:00:28 And not testify.
00:00:30 To answer any of the questions today.
Speaker 2
00:00:33 I sitting on my desk, certainly have the authorities to to wiretap anyone.
00:00:40 Just trust us. There's nothing shady about a plane arriving in the middle.
00:00:44 Of night loaded with.
00:00:47 I guess.
00:00:55 What happened here is an investment.
00:01:00 Did not pan out.
Speaker 3
00:01:03 Erupted when 11 Secret Service agents staying at the Caribbean Hotel came under scrutiny for bringing prostitutes to their hotel rooms.
Speaker 4
00:01:12 I just heard about.
00:01:13 Lavish 2010 Las Vegas conference for 300 people that cost $823,000, the event featured a mind reader, a clown and a $31,000 reception.
Speaker 5
00:01:25 When did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an e-mail system outside the US government for official business? Watching the Secretary of State?
00:01:34 At the same time.
Speaker 5
00:01:36 Nobody else landed through those reports.
Speaker 3
00:01:39 Cocaine is a hell.
00:01:39 Of a drug.