The Morality of Abortion.mp3
00:00:02 Let's talk about the morality of abortion. Some people believe in God, and some people don't. In the God scenario, this would be the situation sperm fertilizes the egg. Some would say that the moment the genetic material from the sperm combines with the genetic material from the egg to create a unique strand of DNA God or some higher power bestows that new unique life.00:00:20 With the soul, others think this happens sometime between this moment and the moment the child's born. Either way, at some point there's a soul attached to the new life, sometime between.
00:00:31 Here and here.
00:00:34 Let's face it, there's no medical device that can measure the presence of the soul. And for all you atheists out there that argue that is because there is no soul. I'll get to you in a second. But if you believe in.
00:00:43 A soul, generally speaking.
00:00:45 You believe the soul enters the body somewhere between.
00:00:48 Here and here.
00:00:49 So if you end life.
00:00:50 Here or here or here.
00:00:53 Here you really need to have an exact measurement on whether or not that life has a soul, or you're risking killing a being with a soul which is Simply put, committing murder. If you don't believe in a soul, it's actually kind of worse. Let me explain. Let's say for example.
00:01:09 There is a.
00:01:10 God and God sends that soul into the new life as it forms.
00:01:14 That conception, that soul or that entity is residing inside the vessel of its physical body. So if you kill that body, depending on what you believe.
00:01:23 That being goes back to.
00:01:24 Heaven or a?
00:01:25 New plane of existence or is reborn as a rabbit or something doesn't matter. That being still exists beyond the body.
00:01:33 And its unique.
00:01:33 Identity is preserved, but if there is no soul that unique entity, it's a collection of its atoms, its molecules, its cells, its DNA. It's a one-of-a-kind DNA strand.
00:01:44 That doesn't exist.
00:01:45 Anywhere else in the universe. So if you destroy that entity, whether it's at 2 weeks, two months, nine months, that unique.
00:01:52 Seen is forever snuffed out of existence.
00:01:55 It doesn't move on.
00:01:57 It just ceases to exist. You are cosmically erasing that life form.
00:02:02 From the universe.
00:02:03 Even if the same two people conceive again, the new life will have completely different DNA. It will be nothing like.
00:02:08 The life that was.
00:02:09 Destroyed. That being is just gone, so whether you.
00:02:12 Believe in God or not really isn't the issue.
00:02:15 It's hard to make a moral justification for ending the existence of a life that is unique and defenseless.
00:02:22 And that's what abortion.
00:02:24 God or no God.
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00:02:35 Description Don't forget.
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