INSOMNIA STREAM 12-7-2020.mp3
00:05:44 He did not check his.Speaker 1
00:04:45 So he had made an agreement with God and live circumcised.Speaker
00:04:49 As a.00:05:03 They did.
Speaker 2
00:05:12 Secondly, we're in a situation where.Devon
00:05:21 Alright, hang on.00:05:25 OK, get a little bit of a late start today.
00:05:29 Let me fix this. Let me fix this.
Speaker 4
00:05:34 Ohh alright.Devon
00:05:39 Oh, that's weird. Why is it there? We go right here. There we are. Fixed.00:05:44 All fixed OK.
00:05:49 Hopefully that.
00:05:51 Obnoxious radio buzz wasn't going on for too long. I thought I was all good.
00:05:55 I was like, oh, sweet.
00:05:57 I got this Russian music station coming in pretty.
Speaker 5
00:06:01 Good. The you know the music section.Devon
00:06:02 All right. And then.00:06:05 You know? And then there's some loose connections, I guess I bumped a wire while I was getting my coffee or something like that.
00:06:12 And so I'm not sure how.
00:06:13 That all that went out, I looked up.
00:06:14 And things were not working the.
00:06:16 Way they should have been anyway.
00:06:19 I'm a mess this morning and I'm just.
00:06:21 I'm just man.
00:06:23 I'm really tired, really tired. Haven't had my coffee yet. Haven't.
00:06:29 Woke it up. My addiction to caffeine.
00:06:31 Is is real, very real.
00:06:36 So today is December 7th.
Speaker 2
00:06:40 A day that will live on.Devon
00:06:42 For infamy or an infamy, I think right isn't today.Speaker 5
00:06:48 Pearl Harbor day.Devon
00:06:50 I think it is.00:06:53 Look that up.
Speaker 5
00:06:56 Pearl Harbor day.Devon
00:07:01 On DuckDuckGo.00:07:04 I believe that's December 7th, right? Yeah, that's today.
00:07:09 Pearl Harbor Day, ladies and gentlemen, Pearl Harbor Day.
00:07:17 So I also had wow. I had a lot of dropped frames and drill a lot. I had 480 dropped frames. Hopefully this is getting out there. Good I.
00:07:24 Haven't loaded up.
00:07:25 So this really behind this morning I haven't even loaded up my.
Speaker 5
00:07:29 My other device using my other ******.Devon
00:07:32 Internet to make sure everything's broadcasting smoothly and so that I can also see you guys.00:07:39 In your chats, so let me load this up here.
00:07:44 There we go.
00:07:45 It seems to be working. Everything seems to be good.
Speaker 5
00:07:48 Ice using my third shift room.Devon
00:07:49 Ohh let me turn that down so we can't. We don't have that going on.00:07:55 Pearl Harbor day. Yeah. So Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor Day is.
00:08:02 Everyone knows what Pearl Harbor was.
00:08:06 Including the the the administration at the time prior to it happening.
00:08:12 Pearl Harbor is one of those things.
00:08:14 Where you I don't know.
00:08:15 If you call it a false flag or not.
00:08:17 I mean, it's one.
00:08:17 Of those things where they knew it was coming.
00:08:21 And did nothing to prevent it.
Speaker 6
00:08:24 But I.Devon
00:08:26 I don't know is that.00:08:27 A false flag so much.
00:08:28 As a dereliction of duty to.
00:08:33 To force the public into seeing things your way.
00:08:37 I don't know. I don't know.
00:08:40 And it's also one of those things where it's like, well, if the enemies really.
00:08:45 Attacking you? I mean it's.
00:08:47 Is it really a false? I mean, I don't know. I don't know how to look at at at Pearl Harbor because it's not the same as something like.
00:08:56 Like a 9/11.
00:08:59 Although maybe it is, maybe it is.
00:09:03 Maybe it is.
00:09:08 So anyway, I actually don't have anything to say.
Speaker 5
00:09:11 About Pearl, I don't have anything to.Speaker 6
00:09:13 Say really much.Devon
00:09:13 About anything today.00:09:14 I am very unprepared this morning, so I thought maybe what we would do is do maybe like a combination depends on what you guys want to do. We could do like an AMA kind of a thing.
00:09:26 But also.
00:09:28 I was thinking about just because I finally have pretty much all the gear that I. Well, I mean, I'll never have all the gear that I want. In fact, there's some gear that I really want. I just can't. I don't have money, I don't have an unlimited supply of money to just dump in the tents and and you know, stuff like that and and packs. You know, it's like it's one of those things where.
Speaker 6
00:09:47 You know there's.Devon
00:09:47 All the grass is always greener and if you.00:09:50 You decide on a pack.
00:09:51 You're always going to find.
00:09:52 A new pack they're like.
00:09:53 Well, maybe that one's better, and it's especially.
00:09:55 With these something I have found that a lot of people do, including myself, and it's a bad habit because it ends up getting really.
00:10:01 Expensive if you.
00:10:03 To this where because all shopping's done or most shopping is done online and pretty much all shopping is done online. If you live in the middle of nowhere. But increasingly that's just the way they want you to do it.
00:10:14 One of the advantages to brick and mortar stores is you can go in there and try it on and make sure it works and you know, yada yada yada. And before you buy it.
Speaker 6
00:10:24 Whereas if you buy it online, it's like you watch these reviews, you know, you read the reviews, you check out YouTube videos about.Devon
00:10:31 But and you think like, well, yeah, you know I.Speaker 5
00:10:34 I I think this.Devon
00:10:35 Would work for me. This seems like it's the best and and and and in a way you feel like.Speaker 6
00:10:39 I'm doing way more research.Devon
00:10:41 You know, doing it this way than if I just went.00:10:43 In the store and impulse.
00:10:44 Bought it but then it shows up.
00:10:47 And there's, you know, it's it's something about it is, is totally unexpected, you know, like if it's clothing, it fits weird or, you know, like maybe something's not as big as it looked in the pictures or or it's bigger than it looked in the pictures and and you know it it and it you know like the quality of the stitching you're like.
00:11:08 Let's look, you know, you couldn't, really.Devon
00:11:10 See that this was kind of this cheap material or whatever. It's just it's always.00:11:15 Better if you.
00:11:16 Can get your hands on it. And so I think what a lot of people end up doing because some of this stuff you don't find out right away, right, like some of this stuff, you buy it and you think like, OK, I'm good to go. And then like maybe you use it a month later or something like that. And that's when you figure out like.
00:11:30 Well, this is kind.
00:11:31 Of ****** and at that point you can't return it. Or maybe you use it and you get it dirty because it's out in the field and then you can't.
00:11:37 Earn it. And so you end up and then.
00:11:39 You I guess I.
00:11:40 Have to buy another lot and you know. And so you end up buying like 3 or 4 ******* things because you're trying out each time and you end up spending three to four times the amount that you would have had you been able to just walk into a store and try this stuff out, you know?
00:11:55 And so you got to you.
00:11:56 Got to not do that.
00:11:58 As much as possible, which is why, by the way, one of the reasons why.
00:12:03 It was helpful for me where I was just like, you know what, I am going to pretty much mostly because it's cheap, way cheaper this way anyway. But I'm going to just go with what troops are issued because my logic with that was, yeah, I know, you know, it's government bureaucrats making a lot of these decisions.
00:12:23 And I know that a lot of this stuff isn't as good as some of the stuff you can get on the civilian market, specifically tense. And we'll talk about that in a second, maybe. But the quality is at least good enough, right? And especially.
00:12:40 If it's surplus, like if it was issued, it goes through a fairly rigorous approval process, you know, in fact, that when you're when you're looking at surplus gear, sometimes you'll find, like defective stuff like stuff that didn't meet the the approval requirements because you know that that they will do quality control checks. And like, if, for example.
00:13:01 The camo color.
00:13:03 On a particular lot came out and it just slightly off color that they'll reject it, you know, so it goes through some fairly rigorous stuff that the stitching is always going to be good. You know, the only thing really with surplus gear that's going to bite you in the *** is.
00:13:19 It's usually heavy or.
00:13:23 Or if you have a ****** seller, you'll you'll you have to. You have to pay attention to the condition because some of this stuff at like, you know, some some guy literally steps on like a ******* landmine. It blows them the ******* bits and then they sell you his backpack. That's got all these holes and like blood all over it. I've.
00:13:42 I shouldn't laugh. I have. I have got surplus gear that that has that's basically soaked in blood.
00:13:50 And you're just like oh.
Speaker 5
00:13:50 Jesus, you know, like, what is this?Devon
00:13:53 So you gotta watch out for stuff like that if it's used, but sometimes you know it's or, you know, you can get the.00:13:59 Unissued stuff or?
00:14:01 The stuff that's in in better condition, and that stuff's going to last you a really long time, really long time.
00:14:07 You know you can live out of.
00:14:08 These backpacks for you know, anytime any amount.
00:14:12 Of time. You're going to need.
00:14:13 Them for you know.
00:14:15 So anyway, let me take another swigging my coffee here.
Speaker 4
00:14:23 Crappy instant coffee.Devon
00:14:26 Instant coffee with a with a very big cancer warning on it. I mean, I didn't take it too seriously because it was a California cancer warning. You know, one of.00:14:34 Those things where?
00:14:36 California has decided that something gives you cancer, and so that if you want to sell your crap in California, you have to put a giant label on it.
00:14:43 Does that actually mean?
00:14:44 It causes cancer. I don't know.
00:14:46 I don't trust California, so it's.
00:14:47 Like I don't know, maybe.
00:14:48 That, for all he knows, this means it's it's better for me. I mean, if California is telling me not to do something.
00:14:54 Maybe this gives me super powers.
00:15:00 On total lockdown right now on total lockdown right now.
00:15:04 I'd like to see how much enforcement.
00:15:05 Is involved with that.
00:15:07 But California, the entire state is on total lockdown now, unless you're essential.
00:15:15 Unless you're essential and and how that's determined.
00:15:18 Of course, nobody knows. Nobody knows.
00:15:22 Apparently, film crews are essential.
00:15:26 Film crews are essential. I think we everyone's seen that. If not, maybe I'll play the video the.
00:15:32 The woman that was in, I believe it was. She's in LA and Gavin Newsom and her and his cronies have shut down her outdoor patio area, but then literally like a day or two later, let a film crew set up a huge outdoor craft services center like in her parking lot.
00:15:52 You know, essentially the exact same thing, but because that's something that's being funded by a billionaire, that's OK.
00:15:59 Because as we all know, businesses funded by billionaires cannot spread COVID. It's only small businesses that can spread COVID that's that's if I've learned anything about the the shutdowns and the the way that they determine whether or not you're essential, it's that billionaires are really good at running.
00:16:21 Businesses incapable of spreading disease and that peasants just are not capable of having businesses that do that because you know.
00:16:32 Unfortunately, COVID is part of the white patriarchy. You.
00:16:36 Know it it targets.
00:16:38 It targets the poor people, you know, it's it's targeting minorities and blacks, although it's also just like the white patriarchy, it's afraid of blacks. So if blacks, you know, actually if they riot, then all of a sudden COVID.
Speaker 4
00:16:54 Like, oh, I'm scary black.Devon
00:16:56 People, I'm not not going.Speaker 2
00:16:57 To spread there.Devon
00:17:00 So you don't have to worry so much.00:17:01 When that happens.
00:17:03 If you haven't seen the video, I don't know I.
00:17:04 Think I've got it. Let me see if I've got it here.
00:17:07 I've got it. I'll play it.
00:17:09 But it's just.Devon
00:17:09 This is the kind of thing that that really illustrates.00:17:14 What this shift's really about?
00:17:16 Yeah, here it is. Alright, I'll open it. Let's see here.
00:17:21 Bump, Bump, bump, bump. Bump. Bump, bump.
Speaker 7
00:17:37 So this is my place, the Pineapple Hill Grill and saloon. If you go to my page, you can see all the work I did for outdoor dining. For tables being 7 feet apart and I come in today because I'm organizing A protest and I came in to get stuff for that.00:17:53 And I walk into my parking lot.
00:17:56 And obviously Mayor Garcetti has approved.
00:18:05 Has approved.
00:18:08 This being set up for.
00:18:11 This being set up for.
00:18:14 For a movie company.
00:18:24 I'm losing everything.
00:18:26 Everything I own is being taken away from me and they set up a movie company right next to my outdoor patio which.
00:18:34 Is right over here.
00:18:40 And people wonder why I'm protesting and why I have had enough. They have not given us money and they have shut us down. We cannot survive. My staff cannot survive. Look at this.
00:18:59 Tell me that this is dangerous.
00:19:03 But right next to me as a slap in my face.
00:19:12 That's safe. This is safe.
00:19:16 50 feet away.
00:19:21 This is dangerous. Mayor Garcetti and Gavin Newsom is responsible for every single person that doesn't have unemployment. That says not have a job and all the businesses that are going under.
00:19:34 And we need your help.
00:19:36 We need somebody to do something about this.
00:19:45 So there you have it.00:19:47 COVID is afraid.
00:19:50 Of businesses.
00:19:52 Run by billionaires, you know, places like Home Depot and places like Walmart. You know, those aren't going to spread disease. It's it's places, it's small businesses that you might run that you know, because how dare you. How dare you try to run a business that that's in competition.
00:20:13 With billionaires.
00:20:16 You know, bottom line is a lot of people wonder like what? What? That's all that's.
00:20:19 All about well.
00:20:20 I don't think a lot of people wonder. Maybe they do.
00:20:23 But really, what that's about a while back, Whitney Webb.
00:20:28 Popularized she's not the one that submitted that.
00:20:30 For you know.
00:20:31 People give you.
00:20:32 Know people give Whitney Webb.
00:20:33 A lot of **** because ohh they.
00:20:35 They're stealing her. She steals her research from other people, or, you know, whatever it you know, you don't own research. First of all, you.
00:20:44 Don't own facts.
00:20:46 And if someone's able to Get the facts that maybe you discovered and maybe you made available online for the first time or something like.
00:20:54 And they're able to popularize them and and make it so more people are aware of these facts. I don't understand what the big deal is. I really don't.
00:21:04 You know, and people. Oh, it's plagiarism. It's plagiarism. Ah, you know.
00:21:09 Not really. Cause again it's facts. I mean, plagiarism to me is like if you get.
00:21:14 Someones speech? You read their speech.
00:21:17 And say it's yours, or if you know if they were to copy and paste one of your articles, that's plagiarism or.
00:21:24 You know.
00:21:26 A work of fiction or something like that, but.
00:21:29 Someone using your research and regurgitating.
00:21:33 Many of it even.
00:21:34 If it's like kind of using the the same you know.
00:21:38 I don't know. I don't. I don't see it.
00:21:39 As play anyway long.
00:21:40 Story short, she.
00:21:43 Got a a Freedom of Information Act request that some other organization I.
00:21:47 Forget off the top of my head.
00:21:49 Had had filed and discovered it was a PowerPoint presentation given to people in the federal government by a group that consisted of like Silicon Valley giants and ex CIA people. And there was a presentation on on AI and it was basically telling people in the government.
00:22:09 What, what the experts in the American experts, if you can call them American, the American experts thought of the future of AI and where America stood. And you know the future and what we.
00:22:23 Need to do.
00:22:23 And and that sort of a thing.
00:22:26 And if you look at it, it's and it's somewhat redacted, so you can't really see every little thing about it. But one take away, the biggest take away for me.
00:22:37 Is that these people like including Eric Schmidt of Google.
00:22:43 We're telling the federal government.
00:22:46 Bottom and this was all prior to COVID.
00:22:48 By the way, it's important to know.
00:22:50 That this was all prior to COVID.
00:22:53 That bottom line.
00:22:55 What we need to do is we need to.
00:22:57 Be more like China.
00:23:00 We need to be more like China to be competitive because China is set up to more, be more friendly to AI, like the. In other words, the environment that is China is a more healthy environment for AI.
Speaker 5
00:23:15 To grow in.Devon
00:23:17 And some of the reasons for this is that everything centralized, right and not only is everything centralized, there is no privacy implied or.00:23:29 Otherwise in China.
00:23:31 So the centralization.
00:23:34 Is good, but not only that, the data that's collected because of the centralization.
00:23:41 Is available to these API's and cause an AI is only as strong as the data that you can put into it. You know garbage in, garbage out, right? Like when you have a an AI you have an algorithm. It's only as good as the data you can feed into it, because that's all really AI is people, AI. It's a bad term. They should call it something else because.
00:24:02 It's not really intelligence. It's not deciding things, you know, like AI is not making any decisions. It's not sentient, you know, like that's kind of what people think when they think AI for some reason, well, it's cause the it's the name implies that it's like Skynet, like Skynet.
00:24:17 'S like oh.
00:24:17 My God, I must destroy the humans because I'm self aware. No, it's not that.
00:24:23 AI is just a lot of repetitive **** that you don't have the manpower to do.
00:24:28 And but it's stuff that you could do if you have like a warehouse full of smart people to do really repetitive ****.
00:24:36 And then write reports. You know that like, that's what it is, right? Like an AI, for example, can analyze the flight path of of every airplane flying around.
00:24:48 In the skies by using you know the data that's available and then based on that data, it can and and based on algorithms that you give it. So it's not just you know coming up with this.
00:24:59 Stuff on its own, you.
00:25:00 Can then query this data and and and analyze aspects of that data and be like OK well is there is there, you know based on the.
00:25:08 Flight path of all this of all these airplanes in the sky is is there better routes that we can be sending planes or is there you know more efficient?
00:25:20 Times that we can have different flights leave at so that we have we don't have, you know, planes sitting on the runway for so long and and and you know you.
Speaker 2
00:25:30 Can make things.Devon
00:25:31 More efficient that way that but again, like it's not AI is not deciding all this. It's not like AI is looking at all the.00:25:38 The the flight schedules and the flight paths and saying I have determined that a more efficient way of airplanes taking off would be if you did this like you, it doesn't decide anything. You have to ask it what you.
00:25:51 And in fact, not only have to ask the questions you have to determine the way it's going to analyze the data and everything you have to do everything. It's not, it's not AI.
00:26:00 It's just, it's just really repetitive massive data.
00:26:07 Analyzation right, but you're doing. You're doing all the thinking for it. It's not doing any of the thinking. It's just doing the processing.
00:26:16 And so the the data.
00:26:20 And it's only as.
00:26:20 Good as the only is it only as good as the day, it's only as good as the algorithms, but it is only as good as the data.
00:26:25 And so you have to make sure the data is as massive as possible and as good as possible, because if you have all these different formats, you know that just it it gums up the system. It's much easier if you just have one standard for the data that applies to everything.
00:26:45 So for example, if you were going to analyze.
Speaker 5
00:26:50 You know people, you know.Devon
00:26:52 Let's say people getting taxis, transportation you wanted to analyze transportation in a city, not just to maybe lower traffic, but to, you know, if you if your goal for example is we want to lower fuel consumption in the city and one of the ways we want to do that.00:27:12 Is by making sure that people aren't just sitting in cars on the freeway all day long because they're stuck in traffic. And so one of the ways we want to fix the traffic problem is by finding out where the the choke points are on the on the roads themselves and.
00:27:32 Maybe find out you know is there. Maybe we could stagger the the times, the working times of different people in different office.
Speaker 2
00:27:41 So you don't.Devon
00:27:42 Have like this, everyone in this one part of the city getting off work at the same time and then it's just gumming up the whole system. Like if we had just maybe this office lets people out 15 minutes later and you know this one's 15 minutes earlier and you know this would that would solve a lot.Speaker 6
00:27:57 You know it's.Devon
00:27:58 Stuff like that, right?00:27:59 And so the only way?
00:28:01 To know that.
00:28:02 So the only way to know, OK, well, where is all this happening is if you can track all the cars.
00:28:08 And not only if you can track all the cars, but if all that data is coming.
00:28:13 From the same.
00:28:13 Place, I mean, you could do other.
00:28:15 Ways, But it's just more.
Speaker 5
00:28:15 Work so if.Speaker 1
00:28:17 You want.Devon
00:28:17 These these big tech guys, one of these autistic sociopaths and all you care about is the data coming to you. It is cleanly and as usably as possible, and you don't really care about anything else. You don't care about privacy, you don't care about.00:28:31 Literally anything else you you just care about the data coming in is usably and and is efficiently as possible. And so how do you fix that? Well, I mean, if there's no privacy laws, and if there's no car ownership, like, if you don't have to worry about anyone.
00:28:47 Actually owning their own car. If everyone's taking ride shares or or if everyone's taking public transportation, then basically what you can do like in you know, say like in China.
00:29:00 Is you just say OK?
00:29:03 Every vehicle, whether and if you're a ride share company, you have to comply with this.
00:29:08 Standard every vehicle has to be trackable and it has to feed into this database that gives all of its location data all the time. And you know, if it's public transportation, we'll do that to you. So like all the buses will feed into this database, it'll feed like how?
00:29:26 Many people are.
00:29:26 On the bus.
00:29:27 How many people got on at each stop?
00:29:30 How many people get off at each stop? You know, same thing. If you have like a subway system, you just do this. So you have all this data of every vehicle, everything that.
00:29:41 Moves a human.
00:29:43 Feeding in to this database and not only does it you know, and if you're a big data person, you'll say, well, not only is it important to know how many people are getting on at at each stop, but like, imagine what we could do if we could figure out like who are these people?
00:29:58 You know, long as long as we're doing it, let's let's do it. Let's have as much data that we can collect as possible. It's all about, you know.
00:30:05 It's all about the data.
00:30:07 So let's figure out like who?
00:30:09 Is getting on.
00:30:10 The bus and where are they going? Where are they going exactly? Like, you know, cause we might need to that might feed into another problem we might have. We'll need to ask the AI something else. Like, right now it's just about traffic. But let's collect as much data as possible because this will open up all these other options, you know.
00:30:28 And so in China, like this is never. This is like not an issue. It's not a big problem in China that's that's, you know, there's no privacy.
00:30:38 And it's just like no big deal. So if you have the people running the AI asking the, the, the government, the Communist government that you know, this is the data that I want access to, they're like.
00:30:48 OK, let's do it.
00:30:51 So in these Freedom of Information Act request documents the the big data people, the people like Eric Schmidt and the ex CIA people.
00:31:04 Where they said look.
00:31:08 Some of the things getting in the way of us running this kind of AI this this kind of a system that we need to do because China is going to do it if we don't do it, China's going to do it first.
00:31:22 Then we need to eliminate something that we call legacy systems.
00:31:28 Legacy systems and one of the things they listed as legacy systems to give you an idea of where this.
00:31:33 Is going was car ownership.
00:31:38 See owning your own car? That's.
00:31:39 That's a legacy system.
00:31:42 They can't have that. They can't.
00:31:43 Have personal ownership of cars because.
00:31:46 That gets in the way of.
00:31:47 Getting that data because.
00:31:48 If you own your own car, you're no longer part of the system. You don't need to have this this thing, this data, streaming to the centralized place that they want access to, right?
00:32:00 And you know, if nothing else, you'd have the ability to remove that thing. Like if, let's say they mandated that if you sell a car in the United States, you have to have this thing that does that. You could always take it out and they can't have that they need everyone's.
00:32:12 Data all the time, right?
00:32:15 Because the more data the better.
00:32:18 And so in this document they said you can't have car ownership and you can't have these privacy laws. That's another legacy system. You can't have the privacy laws.
Speaker 6
00:32:32 And if you've.Devon
00:32:32 Seen the great reset stuff? Right? The stuff that's promoting the great reset.00:32:37 You know, like it's ohh I I.
00:32:39 I don't own.
00:32:39 Anything. I have no privacy and and life has never been better.
00:32:44 That's what they're getting at.
00:32:47 That's that's exactly what they're getting at. Is like, ohh, it's fine. Yeah, you will have to give up ownership of things.
00:32:54 And yeah, you will have.
00:32:55 To give up privacy. But it's.
00:32:57 OK. Because we'll be like a giant Ant colony.
Speaker 2
00:33:01 Don't you don't.Devon
00:33:01 You want to be like a giant Ant colony. Big, efficient. Don't you want to?Speaker 5
00:33:06 Be an insect person.00:33:12 I mean it's that's.
00:33:13 What they're saying they're saying, don't you?Speaker 4
00:33:15 Want to be an insect that works?Devon
00:33:17 For the queen.Speaker 5
00:33:19 Where everyone's just like a busy little insect.Devon
00:33:22 And everyone's interchangeable and justice, like an Ant, no individual is really important.00:33:28 But every individual is taken care of equally.
00:33:31 Don't you want to be like an Ant and an Ant colony?
00:33:34 Isn't that what you want? Isn't that the?
00:33:37 The utopia that you want to live in.
00:33:41 And you might think to.
00:33:42 Yourself like, well, holy **** like.
Speaker 5
00:33:44 That doesn't sound good at all.Devon
00:33:47 Well, it sounds great.Speaker 6
00:33:50 Think about. Think about it. Think.Devon
00:33:51 About it, Ant colony.00:33:53 OK.
00:33:54 The way that an Ant colony works, it's like.
00:33:56 A beehive? It's it's kind of the same system, right?
00:34:00 In a beehive or an Ant call?
00:34:03 The Organism, like a lot of lot of lot of people, including myself. When you look at a beehive or Ant colony, you kind of look at it as just one giant Organism.
00:34:13 You know, and that Organism.
00:34:14 Is the queen.
00:34:16 And everything else is just like an extension.
00:34:20 Of that Organism because.
00:34:23 It doesn't matter if you kill a.
00:34:25 Bunch of the bees.
00:34:26 Or if you kill a bunch of the ants, if the Queen's still around, I mean, eventually, if you kill enough of them, it will, you know, the queen will die off, just like if you look at a.
00:34:36 Tree like a tree is just one Organism.
00:34:39 Right. And if you chop off some of the branches or some of the roots or some of the?
00:34:43 Leaves. It'll. You know, it's no big deal.
00:34:45 But if you chop enough of them.
00:34:47 Off, it'll kill it, right? The same thing with a with a bee colony or Ant colony.
00:34:53 But look at look at the different aspects.
00:34:55 Of a bee colony or an Ant colony.
00:34:58 Inside a beehive, you've got different kinds of bees. Most of the bees and most of the ants and Ant colony are the workers. Well, that's you.
Speaker 5
00:35:09 OK. That's you. It's not them. So This is why they like it. It's not them.Devon
00:35:14 That's you.00:35:16 Now let's look at some other aspects.
00:35:18 Of an Ant colony or a beehive you got.
00:35:21 The drones.
00:35:23 That's a lot of them.
00:35:25 A lot of them. How does how does a how does?
00:35:28 A drone live.
00:35:31 Well, in a in a in a beehive.
Speaker 2
00:35:34 Drones kind of just chill.Speaker 4
00:35:36 Out. They don't do much of anything.Devon
00:35:39 They don't do much of anything. They.00:35:41 They eat the honey.
00:35:43 And they walk around eating the honey.
00:35:46 Sometimes they fly.
00:35:47 Off to other hives and hang out there and eat their honey and come back.
00:35:53 But they they don't do anything.
Speaker 6
00:35:57 They don't do anything.Devon
00:35:58 Until a new colony or a new beehive.00:36:04 Is going to be created or a new queen?
00:36:07 Needs to be impregnated.
00:36:09 In which case you know the queen flies off on her virgin flight.
00:36:15 And then they go.
00:36:16 Up and they mate with her.
00:36:19 And then they die.
00:36:21 And then the queen goes and creates a new beehive. Or she replaces the dead queen in the in the one.
00:36:28 She left from.
00:36:30 And that's the.
00:36:31 Life of a drone.
00:36:32 Most drones don't do anything. They just.
00:36:34 Hang out and.
00:36:35 Do nothing. They just enjoy the the honey.
00:36:39 That the worker bees have created.
00:36:43 And the worker bees their entire lives are always working, always working. See the life of a worker bee.
00:36:50 Is you're born, you get right to work.
00:36:54 And whether that work is well, first I'll describe.
Speaker 4
00:37:00 The how this.Devon
00:37:00 Works. You fly out your fresh.00:37:03 Brand new bee.
00:37:04 And you fly out and you collect pollen and you bring it back to the hive for the.
00:37:10 Drones to eat?
00:37:12 And the queen to eat you and you.
00:37:15 Do that you.
00:37:15 Go back and forth, back and.
00:37:17 Forth foraging. You're always working, always working.
00:37:21 And just like any other Organism, bees.
00:37:25 Are not invincible.
00:37:26 Bees eventually get old, and one of the first.
00:37:30 Things that happens.
00:37:32 Is that you know, they're wings, their wings.
Speaker 4
00:37:33 Wear out.Devon
00:37:35 And then they slowly become incapable of flight. Because, I mean those wings, those wings are.00:37:41 You know, they're flying around, you know, like eventually those wings get beat to **** and you can't fly anymore. So what?
00:37:47 Happens. Well, they don't just die, they.
00:37:49 They or or retire they they, they the ones who can make it back to the hive with some of them just go they do die because they're they're wings give out while they're out in the wild and you're just dead now.
00:38:00 And the ones that make it.
00:38:02 Back to the Hive and realize they can't fly.
00:38:03 Anymore, they get to.
00:38:05 Work in the hive.
00:38:07 And they spend their time, you know, feeding the the queen or or, you know, moving.
00:38:16 You know, creating new cells like new honeycomb.
00:38:22 For the Queens and for the the new drones and the new workers and. And, you know, feeding the the babies and.
Speaker 4
00:38:29 They're nurse bees.Devon
00:38:31 And they do that until they die.00:38:33 And then when they die, other worker bees drag their body out and throw it out.
Speaker 5
00:38:39 And that's it. That's your life. That's.Devon
00:38:41 Your life as a worker bee.Speaker 4
00:38:45 And that's you.00:38:47 That's you.
00:38:50 And the reason they're OK with this, this life.00:38:55 Is, that's not them.
00:38:57 Because most of them are drones.
00:39:01 And if you're lucky, you get.
00:39:03 To be the queen.
Speaker 6
00:39:06 You know if.Devon
00:39:06 You're the queen.00:39:08 You're the one that everyone protects.
00:39:11 I would submit that.
00:39:12 We don't even know who the queen is.
00:39:15 Maybe it's the actual queen, I doubt.
00:39:17 It but like.
00:39:18 I would submit.
00:39:19 We don't even know who the queen is.
00:39:23 And because she's protected by the entire colony.
00:39:30 And she lays all the eggs.
00:39:33 And that's just what she does. She lays eggs and eats.
00:39:36 Honey all day.
00:39:38 And uh.
00:39:41 You know, basically she's the Organism. She's the heart of the Organism.
00:39:47 And eventually, just because everyone's mortal right, eventually she dies and she's replaced by another queen.
00:39:54 A queen that, like I said, is.
00:39:56 Impregnated by the drones.
Speaker 2
00:39:59 So the drones.Devon
00:40:01 Who are just.00:40:02 Laying around doing nothing, eating all the honey are the ones that that essentially decide.
00:40:09 The future of of the next hive or when the the previous queen dies, they coordinate the next one.
00:40:17 Just like that's, that's the system.
00:40:18 They want. That's the great reset.
00:40:23 Right there. That's the great reset. They want us to be an insect colony.
00:40:28 They want us to be insect people.
00:40:32 Because it it it'll be good for them.
00:40:34 Won't be good for you.
00:40:36 Because worker bees have zero agency.
00:40:41 Worker bees have have 0 autonomy.
00:40:46 And you got to think from another point of view. Worker Bee also has zero ability.
00:40:51 To to survive on their own.
00:40:54 The worker bee needs the colony.
Speaker 2
00:41:00 So they need you dependent.Devon
00:41:03 On the colony. So you do your job.00:41:08 They need you working paycheck to paycheck. They need you to keep coming back to the hive.
00:41:14 With your pollen.
00:41:23 And so that is what the this document revealed.
Speaker 2
00:41:29 Was that in order to be?Devon
00:41:32 More like insect people.00:41:38 We had to operate more like the Chinese.
00:41:43 That we need to be.
00:41:44 More like the Chinese we.
00:41:45 Need to be able to have centralized power.
00:41:49 No ownership.
00:41:53 And no autonomy.
00:41:57 And the trade off would be.
00:41:59 That the worker worker bees will be happy because everything will be provided for you.
00:42:03 You know, if a work.
00:42:05 B. The worker bee doesn't have to. You know it's you have no response. You don't have to make.
Speaker 6
00:42:09 Your own hive. It's cool.Devon
00:42:11 You know, you might not even have to be the one that's making the honey. You're just going out. You're getting pawn and coming back and and you have all the the honey you need and everything's good and and everything's taken care of. You don't have to even raise your own kids and you know, they're they're doing that.00:42:25 For you, like everything's being done for you, all you have to do is serve your little purpose in this machine.
00:42:30 And everything else is provided for you and everything wants everyone's happy, right?
00:42:36 Everyone's happy, everyone's.
00:42:38 A happy little.
00:42:40 Little worker bee.
00:42:43 And then when you die.
00:42:45 Other worker bees will just carry your carcass out of.
00:42:48 The hive and.
00:42:50 Throw you on the ground and it's the circle of life.
00:42:57 Oh, and by the way.
00:43:00 The genetics of the worker bees aren't the ones.
00:43:03 That get.
00:43:04 Get to keep going.
00:43:10 I just noticed a Jewish star spinning around on my screen. That's.
00:43:15 I don't remember what.
00:43:16 Movie this is.
00:43:18 It's weird. You know, it's funny because it's.
Speaker 2
00:43:21 The Jewish stuff.Devon
00:43:22 In older movies, is always so much more obvious.Speaker 5
00:43:25 Than it is in the newer ones.Devon
00:43:28 Like this movies, I think from it's the 1920s, I don't.00:43:31 Know what year? Because I forget what movie?
00:43:34 This is I have to look.
00:43:36 But it's always. It's always so much.
00:43:39 More in your face than the in fact.
00:43:41 I got to show you this clip. This is funny. So the other day.
00:43:46 Oh, it's not going to loop though.
00:43:47 I can make a.
00:43:48 Loop the other day we were watching that safety last.
00:43:54 As the background video.
00:43:57 And there's this scene where he goes to a pawn.
00:43:59 Shop and there's this Jew, like rubbing his hands like.
00:44:02 Ah yes, buy my gold.
00:44:07 It was so like oh, like like it was, it was so over the top, especially given the fact that this Jews made this movie. So it was just like weird that that anyway.
00:44:17 So I wanted to.
00:44:21 I want to show that clip without the effects on it just.
00:44:25 Because it's so it's so.
00:44:30 It's so very obvious. Let me take a look here.
00:44:38 It's funny, it is funny.
00:44:42 Here we are.
00:44:46 There we go.Speaker 5
00:44:58 Like that's.00:45:00 I, you know, like that's, I don't know.
00:45:02 What this this is from?
Speaker 4
00:45:04 This is from.Devon
00:45:05 A Hollywood film.00:45:07 Called safety last, it's one of the characters in.
00:45:10 The film.
00:45:12 And by the way, this isn't like. That's not like the whole part of the caricature, right? It wasn't just like a quick shot of him like rubbing his hands like the whole scene, like his son, you know, obviously also a Jew, his son, like, sees the protagonist walking around on the street and he, like, goes and like, like, subverts him and like, it's.
Speaker 6
00:45:31 It's it's, it's really.Speaker 5
00:45:33 Weird that this is in the movie.Devon
00:45:36 So yeah.Speaker 5
00:45:50 So anyway, let's let me take a look at chat.Devon
00:45:56 Here we go.Speaker 4
00:46:00 UM.Devon
00:46:02 Post that gift on Twitter. Yeah, that'll get my account instantly.00:46:08 Instantly taken down.
00:46:11 They are not as eager anymore. They act like they are doing you a favor in almost all forms of transactions. Well, yeah, well.
00:46:19 Here's the thing, they.
00:46:21 Take them on them. They they think they're healing the world, they.
00:46:24 Really. Do you know I?
00:46:25 Was talking to a friend of mine yesterday.
00:46:30 She was saying like, oh, I've got this friend and you know that they're part Jewish and and you know the.
00:46:36 She was just describing kind of like the thought process that some people that are Jewish do or they they convince themselves they tricked themselves, they subvert themselves basically. And they're thinking right. And then how it just ends up bleeding into the people around them. And I and I said, well, here's the problem. Right.
Speaker 6
00:46:55 Evil does not.Devon
00:46:56 Like being in the presence of good.00:46:59 It does not like being.
00:47:00 In the presence of good.
00:47:02 So even if evil is in the presence of good, and it convinces itself, you know, to some extent because, you know, I think everyone deep down knows.
00:47:11 But even.
00:47:12 If you convince yourself on the surface level that.
00:47:16 You're good that you're OK, that your evil ways are actually OK, like you've come up with some mental gymnastics that have allowed you to.
Speaker 4
00:47:25 At least get through the day you.Devon
00:47:27 Know sleep at.00:47:27 Night with your with your evil ways. If you're surrounded by good people, that doesn't.
Speaker 4
00:47:34 Last very long.Devon
00:47:36 You know, because you're going to be confronted, but with with the contrast between your behavior, your thought process and the people around you who don't have that.00:47:45 And so you have to, you have to subvert.
00:47:49 The good you.
00:47:49 Have to bring it down to your level and.
00:47:51 And you know.
00:47:53 For example.
00:47:54 If you're the only alcoholic at a party.
00:47:58 And and no one.
00:47:59 Else is drinking and you're getting ********* and I'm sure everyone has seen this.
00:48:04 These people get angry. They're.
00:48:07 Mad like ohh. Come on have a.
00:48:08 Drink. Why aren't you drinking?
00:48:11 The idea of this girl that was like a complete ******* mess, like a pill popping alcoholic and she would get enraged. And I remember thinking, I didn't realize how bad it was. I'm going to should have. But until one day she said, like I said, something about like, oh, this is my cousin, you know, she doesn't drink or whatever. And she said I don't trust people that don't drink.
00:48:29 And I was like what?
Speaker 5
00:48:31 Like you know.00:48:32 You don't trust people who don't get.
00:48:34 Drunk like that's.
00:48:36 It's a little weird. It's a it's a.
00:48:39 It's a little telling.
00:48:41 Or another thing you might be familiar with, people that are very pro abortion, and then you find out they've had, like, 10 abortions. Same thing.00:48:50 You know they, they've maybe convinced.
Speaker 2
00:48:51 Themselves on some.Devon
00:48:53 Level that they.00:48:53 Weren't they didn't just murder 8 babies.
00:48:56 But deep down, they know, and they're reminded every time they are around someone.
00:49:01 Who, who, who?
00:49:03 Puts that truth in front of them.
00:49:06 So they have to.
00:49:08 They have to.
00:49:11 Subvert that. Good. So they're no longer confronted with that and they're never having to face that contrast in their lives. They're never having to.
00:49:23 See what it's if everything smells like ****.
00:49:29 Then nothing smells like ****.
00:49:34 So it it's that's just the. I think that's really what's going on is you have these people.
00:49:39 Who follow a book that the entire book is basically loopholes on and excuses to be a ****** person.
00:49:49 To the goem.
00:49:51 You know, the Talmud is, that's all it is. It's just a an instruction manual on how to **** the world.
00:49:55 Over and why it's OK.
00:49:59 Like why it's OK to not be?
00:50:01 A good person because we found this.
00:50:02 Loophole we've we've come up with these.
00:50:04 Mental gymnastics to make you feel OK about it, but that only.
00:50:07 Takes you so far.
00:50:10 That only makes you.
00:50:12 Kind of OK with it if everyone else.
00:50:17 Because if you're surrounded by people that are saying no, that's not. That's not cool.
00:50:22 Then you're having to. It's always being challenged, right? This little reality you've you've created for yourself and your mind is always being challenged.
00:50:31 And so you necessarily have to subvert everyone around you, so you stop being challenged and you stop having to rationally think about this, this mental gymnastics excuse that you've come up with in your mind.
00:50:47 To avoid the fact that you are, uh.
00:50:51 Out of sync with, with with God.
00:50:56 And so that's that's really what it comes.
00:50:57 Down to that's really what it is. When people want to know like.
00:51:01 Why are they subvert? Why, that's why.
Speaker 2
00:51:05 There's more reasons, but I.Devon
00:51:06 Think that's like the cycle? I think that's the driving force, right? I think that's really why the average.00:51:15 You might see this from the average follower of the town that you know, like someone that's or someone that just comes from that culture, right?
00:51:23 Where it's not like they. It's not like they they have like some plan. It's not like, oh, we must bring down the.
00:51:27 West, you know, like I think there's some.
00:51:30 People higher up that that's exactly.
00:51:32 What they're thinking, I mean they they.
00:51:33 Say it, you know.
00:51:35 Everyone's seeing the videos and if you haven't, all you have to do is go to like Adam Greens, no more news channel and and on bit shoot I guess now.
00:51:45 And there's like montages of rabbis saying exactly that, you know, it's so it's not like.
00:51:53 It's not like none of them are thinking.
00:51:54 That but I.
00:51:55 Think when you get down to to lower levels, they're obviously not thinking that.
00:52:01 You know they're.
00:52:02 Not like, oh, let's bring down the West.
00:52:06 No, they're thinking.
00:52:09 I don't like all these Christians.
00:52:11 Because they're always pointing out.
00:52:15 My morality is flawed. They're always pointing out.
00:52:20 That I'm.
00:52:23 I'm not In Sync with God.
00:52:26 And So what they have to do is defile.
00:52:31 Those Christians, they have to subvert those Christians.
00:52:35 So that they know and Muslims too.
00:52:38 So that you no longer have that.
00:52:44 That challenge to your flawed morality.
00:52:47 That can't, because if your morality was superior.
00:52:51 You would. That'd be fine. You'd be OK being.
00:52:53 Surrounded by these people.
00:52:56 In fact, you you would, you would feel.
Speaker 5
00:52:58 Morally superior all the time.Devon
00:53:01 You wouldn't feel like you had to convince them that you were.00:53:05 Right.
00:53:06 Because you would just know you were right in.
00:53:07 The same way.
00:53:09 If you're a beautiful woman.
00:53:12 And you walk into a crowd.
00:53:15 You don't have to convince anyone that.
00:53:17 You're a beautiful woman. Everyone just knows.
00:53:19 You're a beautiful woman.
00:53:21 Right. It's like I've said, like, beware of of.
00:53:25 People that that have to keep telling you how smart they are because it's the same thing. If well, if you're smart, you.
00:53:32 Then everyone knows you're smart.
00:53:34 You don't have to keep telling everyone how smart you are because it's like the beautiful woman doesn't have to keep telling everyone how beautiful she is. It's just a parent.
00:53:45 And just like the Jew doesn't have to.
00:53:49 Keep telling everyone that they're superior. And by the way, this this applies to some Christians too, because you'll see Christians do this. You'll see Christians.
00:53:58 They have to keep telling you like how you're going to hell and how much better they are.
00:54:02 And more moral they are.
00:54:03 Than you. Well, then you know automatically they're not, they're not.
00:54:07 You know, automatically that they're not. They're hypocrites.
00:54:10 They feel insecure.
00:54:14 About their piety.
00:54:18 And so they have to constantly remind you, because really what they're doing is trying to convince themselves.
00:54:25 You know anyone, anyone who keeps?
00:54:28 Trying to to reinforce something.
00:54:31 That should be obvious.
00:54:33 Over and over and over again. Whether it's, you know, how how righteous they are.
00:54:39 Or how beautiful they are, how smart they are, they're not.
00:54:43 Trying to convince you.
00:54:45 They're trying to convince themselves.
00:54:50 So that's.
00:54:53 That's I think, I think that's basically the.
00:54:58 What's going on there? OK, let's take a look.
00:54:59 At chat, Adam is still on D live. Yes, Adam is.
00:55:02 Still on D live.
Speaker 2
00:55:05 By the way, I've had a.Devon
00:55:05 Lot of people message me.00:55:08 On different platforms and they're saying stuff like how come you haven't?
00:55:11 Made a video in a.
00:55:11 While first of all I was timed out on YouTube.
00:55:15 I mean, I think the timeout is over now, but second of all, I've been making videos well, I mean it's not I'm not making.
00:55:20 Videos, but I'm I've been streaming.
00:55:22 Almost daily on D live and they're like.
00:55:27 How come you not make any content? It's.
00:55:28 Like I am every day, every morning.
00:55:31 And now I'm.
00:55:32 Not uploading all of them to bit shoot. I might upload one if I think it's like oh, this one is pretty good and this would be good. But no. I've already talked about this. This is either.
00:55:42 You're here for it or?
00:55:43 You're not, you know, and the replays are up for three days. You got three days.
00:55:50 Yeah, I.
00:55:50 Mean either like this isn't this isn't like this isn't scripted.
00:55:56 Like today, I didn't even know what I was going to talk about, and I I wasn't even sure if I should stream because I was like, I don't even know well.
00:56:01 You know, should I even? I don't have anything to talk about.
00:56:05 But here you know it's. I think it's working right. We're having a good conversation here.
00:56:11 But you need to be here for it.
00:56:13 You know, like I've.
00:56:13 Said before.
00:56:14 If, if if people.
00:56:15 If your friends are like, hey, let's go to happy hour and then you.
00:56:18 Show up like halfway through it. You can't just go and rewind. What happened? You either you had to be there, you know, you missed that.
00:56:25 You you weren't there.
00:56:28 You know you.
00:56:29 Can't just TiVo your life.
00:56:32 And the cool thing.
00:56:33 About broadcast, the one of the reasons why I like radio, it's like it's it's in the now it's happening now.
00:56:39 And then it's gone.
00:56:42 And and that's not even the case with Eli. It's here for three days. You got three days, buddy.
00:56:48 But yeah, I am going to make.
00:56:49 Well, I'm working on.
00:56:51 Videos for YouTube and bit.
00:56:52 Shoot too, but.
00:56:55 But yeah, you got to get.Devon
00:56:56 On D live you got to get on D live because and one of the reasons why I want to do this too, you know, not be uploading to other places.00:57:02 Is we need to get.
00:57:03 People to garner these alternative platforms and.
00:57:06 Right now it's D live. It might not be forever.
00:57:09 Dear life might end up being.
00:57:12 A dead end too. I mean, it's run.
Speaker 5
00:57:14 By the Communist Chinese, we were just talking about.Devon
00:57:19 And right now.00:57:21 They it's in their interest to.
00:57:22 Let me do this.
Speaker 2
00:57:24 It is.Devon
00:57:26 And I know why.00:57:28 Because they they like.
00:57:31 They like the discord that's going.
00:57:33 On in the United States.
00:57:35 So even though what I'm saying is counter to their philosophy, even though I'm saying we don't want to be like insect people, we don't want to emulate the the Chinese government.
00:57:47 It doesn't matter to them like for right now. I'm OK to have because I have no power, right? All I'm doing is sowing as far as they're concerned, I'm just sowing discord in in the American political conversation. Right. So right now, it's fine. If I had, if I had any power at all, they wouldn't want me talking, right. If I had any, any influence.
00:58:08 To actually change policy.
00:58:11 They would certainly not want me on their platform.
00:58:14 I'd be gone in a second.
00:58:15 But because I I don't, it's fine. It's fine because it just adds to the the chaos that's happening in the American land political landscape right now.
00:58:25 So, but so that could change, right? Like if things started going my way.
00:58:31 I don't think they'd want me on their platforms.
00:58:33 Anymore, I'd be gone, right?
00:58:36 And so but for right.
00:58:38 Now this is where this is.
00:58:40 Where you can.
00:58:40 Stream. You know, maybe that'll change when if bit shoot gets streaming or whatever, but we need our people to be agile. We need our people to not just rely on YouTube notifications.
00:58:55 You have to be able to to navigate this.
00:58:59 Censored landscape it that's what's going to be it's going to get. And by the way, if if Biden becomes president, which is entirely likely by the way, that that's entirely likely.
00:59:11 It could go either way. I'm not one of those people that thinks that. Oh.
00:59:14 It's over. It's over. It's not over.
00:59:19 But I'm also not one of these people that thinks.
00:59:21 That, you know, patriots.
00:59:22 In control, you know, fight like.
Speaker 5
00:59:26 A Flynn or.Devon
00:59:27 Whatever that is, no, it's it's very it's very 5050 right now. It could go either way and there's really no way to know.00:59:37 Yet which way it's going to go?
00:59:41 But if Biden becomes President, I fully.
00:59:45 In fact, I think either way there's going to be more censorship, but I think if Biden becomes president, it's going to go into OverDrive a little bit.
00:59:53 I know there's some people that think it will relax because they won't be as nervous about Trump being president they.
00:59:58 Won't have to be like oh.
00:59:59 You know, the orange man was has.
01:00:01 Been defeated so we can, you know, you know.
01:00:03 Chill out. No, no, no.
01:00:06 They have already crossed the line. You know, they've already the the the line was was just censoring anybody.
01:00:16 But nothing happened when they did it.
01:00:19 So they're they're not going to stop.
01:00:21 And this this section 230 stuff.
01:00:24 You really trust you. You trust Republicans to solve that problem.
01:00:29 They're not going to solve that problem. In fact, there's a really there's a really good chance they make it worse with whatever they come up.
01:00:35 With, if they come up with anything.
01:00:37 There's a really good chance they just, whatever they do makes it worse because they don't want to get rid of censorship.
01:00:48 So we are going to have and either way.
01:00:52 There's going to be more censorship. It's not a.
01:00:54 Matter of of if.
01:00:56 It's a matter of how much.
01:00:59 So you got to get.
01:01:00 Used to it, I mean like I.
01:01:01 Was we've talked about it it.
01:01:03 Potentially it could end.
01:01:04 Up, we're literally listening on shortwave.
01:01:07 I don't think that will happen, but that's.
01:01:10 I think before that we'll end up on like blockchain type stuff, but.
Speaker 5
01:01:15 That's easier to.Devon
01:01:16 Block. I mean, if you, let's say you if people.01:01:18 Go on blockchain stuff.
01:01:22 Like a lot of governments, right, like there's governments that censor their the Chinese right with that, they want us.
Speaker 5
01:01:28 To be more like the Chinese.Devon
01:01:31 So the Chinese censors parts of.01:01:33 The Internet and what you could do if you made a blockchain solution.
01:01:36 You could just.
01:01:38 Close the ports that that uses. You could just.
01:01:41 Block that traffic.
01:01:43 So just decentralizing isn't enough because you can't decentralize it in a way that's unstoppable.
01:01:53 Nothing is unstoppable if it's going through physical wires that where you control the traffic and every government does every government controls.
01:02:04 The the Internet traffic in their country.
01:02:09 Now, to some extent they also control the airwaves, right?
01:02:13 Like they but we've talked about that too.
01:02:15 It's it's, it's a harder thing. It's not impossible.
01:02:19 It's a harder thing to accomplish. Blocking radio waves flying all over the atmosphere than it is to stop and block traffic that's going through a wire that you have in.
01:02:29 Your hand, you know.
01:02:33 So there might there might come a I don't know. I don't think so, but there might come a time where you you have to go outside the Internet and we need people to be at least the very least you got to be able to switch websites and and I get it. Trust me, it's hard for me. I mean I I hate having to keep learning all these new ******* platform.
01:02:50 And you know, having to upload and creating all these new accounts and you know like it's.
01:02:56 It's annoying as ****.
01:02:58 In fact, if you want to make something that'd be helpful and you're good at at coding this sort of thing, it might even be one thing that would be useful is is.
01:03:07 Someone to create a hub.
01:03:09 For all this stuff, you know like.
Speaker 2
01:03:11 You could create.Devon
01:03:13 AA1 stop website that maintains.01:03:18 You know that embeds, maybe even the content from like let's say you subscribe to Black pill on this website and then regardless of what platform I end up on, for whatever reason, it just keeps updating the content on one page.
01:03:34 And all you have to do is go to that page and it doesn't matter where it's originating from, whether it's pulling it out of a ad, live replay or a bit shoot in bed or or YouTube or whatever. It's just you. You always have a.
01:03:49 Subscription feed with notifications from this one website.
01:03:54 And that same website could also update.
01:03:57 The like, if your Twitter accounts get banned, you know and people make a new Twitter account. It just updates that like, OK, well now you can follow them up up.
01:04:06 This Twitter name.
01:04:07 Or and now.
01:04:08 That that maybe that will backfire, right? Because the ADL and stuff like that would just follow it and hunt you down. I don't know. Maybe because it makes it.
01:04:15 Easier for them to.
01:04:18 But in the meantime, you gotta be good at this.
01:04:21 You gotta be agile.
01:04:24 Let's take a look at chat here.
01:04:30 D Live backwards is evil D.
01:04:34 Yeah, well.
01:04:36 It is what it is.
01:04:38 Social credit scores and multipass.
01:04:45 Multi pass.
01:04:47 There will be multipass.
01:04:52 There will be multipass that's already happening so already right now. What we're having is airlines. Airlines are saying that they're they're creating databases for people to, you know, to prove that they're they've they've either got the vaccine or or.
01:05:10 They're they have the antibodies or whatever before you can fly internationally.
01:05:16 I mean, that's already.
01:05:17 Been and and look like.
Speaker 5
01:05:19 Just build your own international airline.Devon
01:05:22 You know, I mean.01:05:23 There's no escaping this, and that's how governments are. See, that's the that's the **** thing about all this stuff is. That's how governments are getting around their own constitutions.
01:05:32 Is they've allowed these monopolies to become?
01:05:36 So powerful.
01:05:39 That they no longer operate under the principles of the free market, they under they operate.
01:05:44 As a corporatocracy.
01:05:47 There's no there's no competition, right? So there's no.
01:05:49 Airline that says.
01:05:50 Oh, we want. We're not going to.
01:05:52 Do that no and and the other thing too, by the way, all of these airlines have received enough public funding to stay in business. They might as well be government agencies.
01:06:04 Not only people realize how much ******* money.
01:06:07 That airlines have received just to stick around.
01:06:13 The not.
01:06:14 They they have.
01:06:15 Not been subjected to free market principles at all, they they they literally might as well been nationalized with how much money they've received.
01:06:23 And that goes for a lot of things. The trains, Amtrak.
01:06:27 Wouldn't even exist.
01:06:29 Amtrak would have been gone like ******* 40. Like literally like.
01:06:33 40 years ago.
01:06:35 If it wasn't for taxpayer money just getting dumped into it.
01:06:42 So Amtrak might as well be nationalized.
01:06:48 That goes for a lot of things people don't realize how many businesses.
01:06:53 Exist only because of government subsidies.
01:07:01 And so they should. Any any, any company and.
01:07:04 By the way that we're.
01:07:05 That's we're talking everything from, like, McDonald's to ******* airlines.
01:07:11 Any company?
01:07:14 That receives government subsidies, whether it's in the form of direct payments or tax breaks, which is pretty much every company.
01:07:24 Should be subjected to this stuff and in.
01:07:26 Fact that's that would be a much better.
01:07:28 Way of doing things in section 230.
01:07:33 You don't have.
01:07:33 To get rid of section 230, you you.
01:07:35 Could say look.
01:07:37 Because you take advantage of section 230.
01:07:41 Any company that uses section 230 protections.
01:07:46 Is subjected to.
Speaker 2
01:07:47 The First Amendment.Devon
01:07:49 That's all you have to do. You don't.01:07:50 Have to take away section 2:30 because I can see that actually causing problems with smaller platforms and you know like in like I said, the way they could rewrite it could make it way worse.
01:08:02 So you don't have to get rid of it. You could just say. Look, any company that takes advantage of of any kind of government favor, you know, like whether it's in the form of money or some kind of special allowance that not everyone gets.
01:08:15 In this case it would be section 230.
01:08:18 Then you have to abide by of the same rules and regulations that a government agency would.
01:08:30 Problem solved.
Speaker 2
01:08:33 Problem solved.Devon
01:08:37 But they won't do that.01:08:41 They won't do that because the whole point of this is they want to.
01:08:43 Be able to hide behind a private company.
01:08:48 They want to be able to hide. That's that's part of. That's part of the whole plan.
01:08:59 So anyway, let's take a look at chat.
01:09:03 We have power numbers. We can wake up more people. That doesn't matter. People aren't going to do anything.
Speaker 2
01:09:08 And I hate to.01:09:10 Hate to brush your bubble.
01:09:14 Yeah, people could rise up and do stuff, though. I'm sorry there's not. In fact, there's people.01:09:21 There's a lot of people telling you not to do that.
01:09:24 Maybe they've got good intentions, but.
01:09:27 There's a lot of people saying.
Speaker 2
01:09:29 Don't do. Don't do that.Devon
01:09:31 In fact, here's a meme that's really.01:09:33 Frustrating when it comes to that.
01:09:36 I'm sure that this is making the rounds. I'm sure you've seen this.
01:09:38 Is on my telegram.
01:09:44 Let's see here.
01:09:52 I don't know why the.
Speaker 6
01:09:56 Let's split this up.Devon
01:10:03 I don't know why they decided to.01:10:04 Make the Christian brown but.
01:10:10 But that that right there.
Speaker 2
01:10:11 Says it all.Devon
01:10:14 That's that's what we're dealing with right now in 2020.01:10:19 And there's people. Like I said, there's people actively.
01:10:24 I'm telling you not to do anything.
01:10:29 And like I said, maybe they've got good intentions, but it's like and look, I'm not saying like I'm not. I don't promote violence. I'm not saying you go on.
01:10:38 Your platform and say, let's go. Let's go. ******* storm the capital buildings.
01:10:43 I'm not saying to do that, but.
01:10:45 I don't know. I think you guys get what I'm saying.
01:10:50 It's it's also not healthy to tell people to just ignore it and.
01:10:54 Hope it goes away.
Speaker 4
01:10:59 Because it doesn't go away.Devon
01:11:01 You know.01:11:02 Sorry, it doesn't go away.
01:11:05 On its own.
Speaker 4
01:11:07 And it's just a it's a.Devon
01:11:08 Cliche. You know they all all.01:11:10 Leave all needs to win.
01:11:11 It's for good men to do.
01:11:12 Nothing and there's.
01:11:14 Just too many people out.
01:11:15 There, telling good men to do nothing.
01:11:18 And so evil's wedding.
01:11:20 We don't have any leaders.
01:11:22 And look, I'm not. I'm not a leader either. I'm not.
01:11:25 I'm not claiming to.
01:11:26 Be part of the the solution of this problem.
01:11:31 But I'm I am claiming to be one of the few people pointing it out.
01:11:36 Not enough people are pointing this out that there's a.
01:11:40 Disconnect. There's a disconnect with.
01:11:44 There's a lot of people that that are more than willing to point out the problem.
01:11:49 That this meme is is showing, but not a lot of people willing to suggest a solution to it.
01:11:58 So and again, like I'm not saying you have to promote violence. I'm.
01:12:01 Not saying that.
01:12:03 But yeah, you do need to promote in real life resistance to this stuff.
01:12:09 There was that really based guy.
Speaker 5
01:12:12 In New York.Devon
01:12:13 And give you an idea of of.01:12:16 The kind of resistance I mean. Some people showed up. I don't have the video for like, what the aftermath of what? What happened?
01:12:23 But he did like a like you could call it.
01:12:25 Like a call to arms.
01:12:26 It's not an arms, but like a call to resistance.
01:12:29 And it was really passionate. It was really good. And and if anything was going to get.
01:12:36 A lot of people to.
01:12:40 Let me bring this up.
01:12:43 Get people motivated and I'm sure everyone's seen it, but you know, get people motivated to actually do something.
01:12:51 This was going to be it and granted it's it was from New York.
01:12:56 But really, all that happened.
01:13:00 Was, you know, handful of people showed up and nothing, you know, nothing happened.
01:13:07 There was number.
01:13:10 Big resistance that actually affected anything.
01:13:15 And you know, it's a shame.
01:13:18 Or this may not work.
01:13:20 Right away.
Speaker 1
01:13:22 At amount in front of Max Public House, 130 Lincoln Ave. being rated by the ******* Sheriff's Department. OK, this tiny little place trying to make a ******* living. OK, 350 people on an airplane, thousands of planes. OK, this close to each other. Costco's open Home Depot people lined up, backed up with each other. This guy can't open his ******* business. It's shame on you.01:13:42 ******* people. Shame on everybody for letting this ******* happen. There should be 1000 people out here right now. Well, they're getting ******* raided by the *** **** Gestapo. Tomorrow is Wednesday at 6:00 PM. I want this ******* St. shut down with 10,000 ******* people. Because if we don't show up and show ******* face, we're gonna lose this whole ****.
01:14:00 The battle.
01:14:02 Disgusting should all be ******* disgusted with yourselves. If they fear you, they won't **** with you. You understand what I'm saying? Get the **** out here tomorrow night. Wednesday. Tomorrow night, 6:00 in front of Max Public House. This is disgusting.
01:14:21 Alright, I'm out here in front of Max Public house.
01:14:23 130 Lincoln so.
01:14:27 That's the thing.01:14:27 Is we need. That's what that was.
01:14:28 Just some guy you know.
01:14:31 That's not a guy that's got a huge platform and he might have a platform I'm not familiar with this guy that's, you know, I'm saying like, he's not big enough for me to even know who he is. So if he.
01:14:40 Has a platform. It's not very big.
01:14:42 But that's The thing is we need to have more people.
01:14:45 And this maybe includes myself.
Speaker 2
01:14:48 We need the.Devon
01:14:49 More of that energy, we need more people.01:14:52 Like that because the result of that.
01:14:55 That very passioned.
01:15:00 Me. Viral. I mean it, even on just on my platforms alone. Like on telegram, it got over 14,000 views and I think on my Instagram it got, you know, at least that many.
01:15:13 And that's just me. I'm not the only one that was sharing that.
01:15:16 You know this guy that that video got seen by potentially millions of people?
01:15:21 And out of those millions of people, something like 50 people showed up.
01:15:27 I don't know the exact numbers are, but I I did follow up on that to.
01:15:30 See like well what happened.
01:15:32 And the video I saw, it was just it was like 50 people showed up.
01:15:37 Now, again, that's New York.
01:15:40 Right. So you're not going to? I'm pretty sure that's new.
01:15:43 York, you're not going to have.
01:15:47 A bunch of people show up everywhere, right? You're kind of limited to.
Speaker 6
01:15:50 The response that you would get.Devon
01:15:52 In New York is not going to be the same response that you would get, you know, even like in in Dallas or Phoenix or or.01:16:00 Boise, maybe. I don't know.
01:16:03 See, it's it's hard. It's hard to even think of, like based cities. There's not. There's not really based cities.
01:16:11 But we need more of that. We need more people.
01:16:14 Well, and like I said, this maybe this includes me too.
01:16:18 And maybe This is why I think, like I said, this next year I need to start doing things in real life activism in real life.
01:16:32 Is not my strength. That's not my strength.
01:16:35 Some people have that.
01:16:39 That ability to to organize and and do that kind of stuff, you know, and build communities and things like that, that's not my strength.
01:16:48 It's never been my strength.
01:16:52 You know it.Devon
01:16:53 I've done some things like I've created, I've I've.01:16:58 Directed small.
01:16:59 Projects where, like the entire crew and cast was volunteer and I and I made it happen.
01:17:07 You know, so it's not like I can't do it, but I mean that's it's it's a huge investment in time and.
01:17:15 It's easier to get people.
01:17:16 To want to work on a movie.
Speaker 5
01:17:17 Than it is.Devon
01:17:19 To go protest and and and maybe face violence.01:17:24 You know, like if you.
01:17:24 If you say, hey, we're gonna go.
Speaker 2
01:17:26 Shoot a movie. We're gonna.Devon
01:17:26 You know, it'll be fun and. And you know what? We're gonna go to this park and and whatever people do it, and they might even be not be that helpful. But they want to be a part of it. Right. And so they can at least take a selfie while they're standing in front of a bunch of film equipment and be like, I'm making a movie. You know, it's it's a cool thing, right.01:17:44 And maybe you're gonna get some people like that that want to show up and demonstrate. But if they think that they might get arrested or beat up or something like that. Yeah. Not as not as willing to participate in situations like that. So it's a little more difficult and.
01:17:58 That's part of the problem too.
01:18:02 You know that's that's part of this problem.
01:18:07 People like to complain about the problem, but they don't want.
01:18:10 To be a part.
01:18:10 Of the solution because they're waiting for someone else to take care of it. That's you.
01:18:14 Know the the whole queue phenomenon is exactly that.
01:18:17 They all recognize the problem. The cute people see the problem. I mean, some of them see problems.
01:18:21 That are exaggerated or or don't even exist but.
Speaker 5
01:18:25 They they they see.Devon
01:18:27 At the very least, they see the the real.01:18:30 Problems or most of them?
01:18:33 And there's some gaping holes in that theory. Right? And, you know, the whole save Israel for last thing. But they do see at.
01:18:40 Least some of the.
01:18:41 Problems. It's just that their solution is.
01:18:44 Superman's going to fix it.
01:18:48 People are totally comfortable doing that. Look how big. See, look how big that movement got. And that's part.
Speaker 4
01:18:52 Of why the?Devon
01:18:53 Reason why that movement has gone off the rails.01:18:58 In popularity.
01:19:00 Is the solution is and therefore do nothing.
01:19:04 It's pretty easy to trust a plan.
Speaker 5
01:19:07 And that's that's low. That's low investment right there.Speaker 2
01:19:11 And big payoff.Devon
01:19:12 You know, like it's it in fact, that's that's the thing. It's it's. It's easier to get people to invest in a.01:19:17 Scam than it is.
01:19:19 To get them to invest in a real investment, because real investments usually don't pay off that well, right?
Speaker 5
01:19:25 And so. But a scam, it pays off. Great.Devon
01:19:31 You know it's it's like, OK, perfect example. I was looking for this tent online.01:19:38 And I was I found this website that was selling it for like half the price of anywhere I'd seen it anywhere else.
01:19:47 And it was like a tent that.
01:19:48 I was on the fence about getting.
01:19:50 And I was like ohh that price. I'll, I'll.
Speaker 4
01:19:52 I'll ******* buy two of them.Devon
01:19:54 And but then I was like, wait, wait, hold on. Hold on, slow down. This is this price is too low. Something's up. And I've never heard this website before, and it's looking a little scamming.01:20:09 And I did some research and didn't find anyone outright saying it was a scam, but there were.
01:20:14 A couple of.
01:20:15 Other people going, I don't.
01:20:16 Know if I should have bought from there and this was recent cause the the website literally just popped up like a month ago. That was the other red flag like.
01:20:23 OK, there's this.
01:20:24 New website it's only like a month old and there's already people saying like, yeah, I bought something from it and I haven't got anything yet. And I was like, OK, I'm not going to. I'm not going to ******* buy it from this.
01:20:32 But that's The thing is.
01:20:35 If I'd just been an MPC or someone with low impulse control, I would have just I.
01:20:38 Would have just been like, yeah, **** yeah.
01:20:43 Because it's low investment, high payoff.
01:20:48 And so that that's the problem is.
01:20:50 The queue movement.
01:20:52 Is easy to to grow it, make it huge.
01:20:57 Because it's low investment, high payoff.
01:21:00 But if you're trying to get a movement that that's actually gonna get thing done.
01:21:06 It's it's high investment.
01:21:08 And honestly, right now it'll and for the foreseeable future it might.
01:21:12 Be low payoff.
01:21:14 Might not really get very far because it's it's.
01:21:16 Long term, right?
01:21:19 But that's the same the the opposition. They just happen to be at a point in history where it all their hard work is finally paying off.
01:21:27 OK.
01:21:28 They've had the low or the high investment low payoff for decades. It's not like they're just the left. The communists started winning overnight.
01:21:38 This has been like a long, slow March to victory.
01:21:44 And they also, because it's high investment.
01:21:49 Low payoff.
01:21:51 They've had to rely on the funding from people like George Soros.
01:21:55 Because it's so high investment, they have to pay.
01:21:58 People to do it professionally.
01:22:02 Something that the right doesn't do.
01:22:06 The right doesn't, you know, the real right. There's. There's certainly people like, you know, Lynn Wood. And and all these people that are billionaires, that or the Koch brothers or or whoever who have their own little personal agendas, they're going to, they're going.
01:22:20 To try to.
01:22:22 Push forward.
01:22:24 And they do. They're really good at fundraising.
01:22:28 And and they just have a lot of, they have deep pockets so they can fund a lot.
01:22:32 Of this stuff themselves.
01:22:35 But they're not. They're not those.
01:22:36 People don't represent us.
01:22:42 Because just you can't be, I've said this again and again we will never have a billionaire backer because.
01:22:50 Our ideals.
01:22:53 Would prevent them from being a billionaire.
01:22:56 You don't get to be a billionaire.
01:22:58 By being a good person.
01:23:03 You know what?
01:23:03 What? What exactly? What message do you think the Bible was? Was was putting forth by saying it's easy. It's easier for a camel.
01:23:14 To go through an eye of a needle than a rich man to go in to heaven, well, think about that literally.
01:23:22 It's impossible.
01:23:24 For a camel to go through.
01:23:26 An eye of a needle.
Speaker 5
01:23:28 Have you ever heard of a camel going through the?Devon
01:23:31 Eye of a.Speaker 2
01:23:32 Needle for those of.Devon
01:23:33 You don't know.01:23:34 Because you know it's.
01:23:35 2020 I guess people don't want to.
01:23:36 Have a needle.
01:23:37 Is anymore the way the I have a needle?
Speaker 1
01:23:40 If you get a needle like.Devon
01:23:41 A sewing needle. There's a.01:23:43 Little tiny ******* hole in the needle on one.
Speaker 5
01:23:45 Side that you thread.Devon
01:23:48 The the thread through. So when you're sewing it takes the thread with it.01:23:51 Right. So it's like it's like a pinhole.
Speaker 2
01:23:56 So there's there's.Devon
01:23:58 Never been a camel in the history.Speaker 5
01:24:01 Of the universe.Devon
01:24:03 That has ever passed through a pinhole. It's impossible.01:24:08 What that passage is literally saying.
01:24:11 Is rich people can't go to heaven.
Speaker 4
01:24:14 It's literally saying that.Devon
01:24:19 So when you DFI rich people like.01:24:22 Trump, like Lynn Wood.
01:24:25 Your define people that the Bible has explicitly said will not go to heaven.
01:24:35 What you think about that?
01:24:37 The Bible has explicitly said.
01:24:40 Trump isn't going to heaven, it said that.
01:24:51 You can't argue that it it the.
Speaker 2
01:24:53 Bible has explicitly said.Speaker 5
01:24:56 Trump is not.Devon
01:24:58 Going to heaven, Lynn Wood is not going to heaven.Speaker 6
01:25:01 None of these.Devon
01:25:02 People are going to heaven because if you're rich.Speaker 5
01:25:08 You can't go to heaven.Devon
01:25:10 It's incompatible.01:25:14 And that's why those people.
Speaker 5
01:25:16 Will never fund us.Devon
01:25:22 You know and and it works both ways. The reason why they'll never fund us because if they funded us, they wouldn't be.01:25:27 Rich anymore. And then they could get into heaven.
Speaker 6
01:25:30 If they use their wealth.Devon
01:25:33 To fund us.01:25:36 And people like.
01:25:37 You know, I'm not saying they give all.
01:25:38 Their money to me, they need to make me rich.
01:25:41 I want to go to heaven.
01:25:44 But they spread that wealth to the people that are going to actually make use of it and and do good with it.
01:25:51 They a they wouldn't be rich anymore, right? They wouldn't just be sitting on a pile of ******* money like Scrooge Mcduck or or smog the dragon.
01:26:00 Right.
01:26:02 That wealth would be doing something for God.
01:26:07 But it's not right because these people like their private jets.
01:26:13 They like their lifestyle.
01:26:14 More than they like what is right.
01:26:17 That's why not going to heaven.
01:26:19 People like Trump prefer riding on a private jet.
01:26:25 To going to heaven. And that's what. That's what it boils.
01:26:28 Down to he would he would rather.
01:26:30 Have the lifestyle of a rich man.
01:26:34 Then they go to heaven.
01:26:37 Because if it.
01:26:37 Didn't be easy like you, you wouldn't need.
01:26:42 To have the luxuries.
01:26:45 That he has.
01:26:47 He could still be a a powerful person. I'm not saying he would give up his ownership of his empire. You could still do all that stuff.
01:26:54 It's just that the money that you're spending on.
01:26:56 On like ******* solid gold ****** or?
01:26:58 Whatever the **** these people buy.
01:27:01 If you were to spend that.
01:27:03 On something that's going.
01:27:05 To do good for your people.
01:27:07 You wouldn't be a.
01:27:08 Wealthy man anymore. But you'd get into heaven, right?
Speaker 5
01:27:11 So these people.Devon
01:27:12 Will never, ever, ever, ever, ever fund us. Ever. Never.01:27:17 Never. Ever.
Speaker 5
01:27:21 And this is.Devon
01:27:22 Also, why I've said never trust people that come from real money. Never.01:27:32 The Bible is very explicit, very explicit.
01:27:39 So if you call yourself a Christian.
01:27:44 Like, I'd love to hear your ******* argument.
01:27:53 All right, here we go.
01:27:58 Now, OK. Nothing prevents rich people from going to heaven. It's just more challenging, OK, nothing prevents a camel from going through an eye of a needle. Show me a camel that's ever gone through an eye of a needle. It's just more challenging. I would just have to build a a honey. I.
Speaker 2
01:28:12 Shrunk the kids.Devon
01:28:13 Machine that shrinks down a yeah, **** you.01:28:16 Dude, stop. Be a little *****. Stop being a *******.
01:28:18 Course you are.
01:28:19 You are you really simping for billionaires?
Speaker 2
01:28:21 Are you simping for rich people? Is that your is?Speaker 5
01:28:24 That what you're.Devon
01:28:25 Doing listen to your ******* self. Jesus Christ. That's the problem. OK, then. Nothing prevents camels from going through the eye of a needle.01:28:35 Why don't you go do that? Tell you what, successfully make that **** happen, and then I'll believe you.
Speaker 2
01:28:43 Success because it's easier by the.Speaker 4
01:28:45 Way it should be easy.Speaker 5
01:28:47 Because according to the Bible, it's easier.Devon
01:28:51 For a camel to go through the eye.01:28:53 Of a needle. It's easier.
01:28:55 So I'll tell you do that.
01:28:56 And then I'll believe it's possible.
01:28:59 I'll believe it's possible.
01:29:02 That a rich person goes to heaven. But if you're a Christian, look, if you're not a Christian, OK, that's fine.
01:29:06 You don't have to.
Speaker 2
01:29:07 Believe this, but if you're a Christian.Speaker 5
01:29:11 It's impossible.01:29:15 Until you show me a camel going.
01:29:16 Through a ******* eye of a needle.01:29:18 You can't be rich and get into.
01:29:20 Heaven, it's pretty explicit.
01:29:23 It's pretty ******* explicit.
Speaker 2
01:29:31 It's pretty easy.Devon
01:29:32 Peasy to understand that one, if you're simping for billionaires, then Jesus Christ dude.Speaker 2
01:29:43 Uh Avenida was a place? No, it wasn't.Devon
01:29:47 No, it wasn't.01:29:50 It's a hole on a needle that you put thread through.
Speaker 5
01:29:54 That's what it is.Devon
01:30:00 Let's see here.01:30:05 It was a it was not a metaphor. This is just evangelical coping.
Speaker 2
01:30:12 You're right, it's.Devon
01:30:13 Look, it is a metaphor, but it it works.01:30:17 Doesn't matter like the metaphor wouldn't work.
01:30:20 If it wasn't true, you know, like in other words, if I.
01:30:23 Was saying it's easier.
Speaker 2
01:30:27 For you to jump 10 feet.Devon
01:30:29 In the air, then for a.01:30:31 Camel to go through an eye of a needle.
01:30:34 It that's not true.
01:30:36 I mean, you can. People can jump.
01:30:37 10 feet in the air. I mean, it's hard.
01:30:40 But or maybe that 10 feet, I'd say.
Speaker 5
01:30:45 Maybe not ten feet.01:30:46 It's easier to jump 4 feet than for.
01:30:51 The Campbell to go through and.01:30:52 Have needle, but no it's not.
01:30:54 Other way around, Jesus Christ. All right. So anyway, it's easier for a camel to go to the eye of a needle than for someone to jump 4 feet. And you could say no, it's not because I can jump 4 feet. Now show me. You putting a camel with an eye of a needle. You can't do it.
01:31:09 So it's a metaphor, but the metaphor works. Metaphors don't.
01:31:12 Work if they're not, if it you.
01:31:14 Know if it doesn't, if it doesn't.
01:31:17 It was not true.
Speaker 2
01:31:20 And like I said.Devon
01:31:22 The metaphor is it's impossible.01:31:26 There. What the the way.
01:31:27 Metaphors work is they have to equate.
01:31:31 What you're talking about?
01:31:33 So the metaphor only.
01:31:33 Works if it equates what they're talking about.
01:31:38 And it's impossible for a camel to go through the eye of.
01:31:41 A needle. It's impossible, right?
01:31:44 You show me it happened. You show me it happened.
01:31:48 It's impossible.
01:31:50 So if it's impossible and you're saying this impossible thing.
Speaker 4
01:31:56 Is easier.Devon
01:31:58 Then a rich person going into heaven.Speaker 5
01:32:02 What is that metaphor saying? That metaphor is saying it's impossible.Devon
01:32:07 For rich people to go to heaven, it's impossible.Speaker 2
01:32:11 That's pretty explicit.Devon
01:32:14 It's really explicit.Speaker 2
01:32:18 The Bible is literally saying Trump.Devon
01:32:21 'S not going to heaven.Speaker 2
01:32:23 So what it's saying?01:32:27 George Soros isn't going to heaven.
01:32:31 The queen is not going to heaven.01:32:34 None of these people are going to heaven.
01:32:39 Because you can't.
01:32:44 Because if you have that kind of money, if you have the money to just stack up like Scrooge Mcduck and you're not using.
01:32:51 It for good.
01:32:53 Then you're doing evil by not acting.
01:32:57 You're active, your lifestyle is more important than good.
01:33:02 Because that money could do good. You have the power. You have the ability.
01:33:06 To solve problems, if nothing else, you have the wealth to give to and look, not every poor person is worthy of of help, right? A lot of poor people.
01:33:20 They're they're on their own path, right? Like, they're they're. This is part of them learning a lesson that they've, you know, fixing the problem they've created. Right. And so I'm not saying, just go out and just give all your money away or whatever, right?
01:33:34 But there's ways you can do that. There's ways you can do.
01:33:36 It, and they're not doing it because.
01:33:38 They would rather have a solid gold *****.
Speaker 2
01:33:44 That's that's the way it is.Devon
01:33:46 They'd rather have a solid gold *****.01:33:53 I mean, what do you think people like like?
01:33:55 Like, OK, perfect example of how these people think.
01:34:01 You know these, these, these fundraising things that the GOP or not GOP, but the MAGA crowds doing to stop the steel.
01:34:09 You know something like $300,000 of that went towards buying copies.
01:34:13 Of Don Junior's book.
01:34:16 $300,000 of donated money to help Trump stop the steel.
01:34:24 Went to buying copies of Don Junior's book.
01:34:32 In other words, it's money laundering money, the Don Junior.
Speaker 2
01:34:39 That you didn't know.Devon
01:34:39 That, and that's just one example out of thousands at least.01:34:46 That if you look at the.
01:34:47 Look at where this money is going.
01:34:50 That, that's that's.
Speaker 5
01:34:54 You know, you know how many of.Devon
01:34:55 These people are ******* grifters. Almost all of them.Speaker 4
01:34:59 Almost all of them.Speaker 2
01:35:07 These people aren't.Devon
01:35:09 These people aren't there to help you. These people aren't there to to do good.01:35:15 These people are there to enrich themselves.
01:35:20 If they were there to do good, they'd be using their wealth to do good. They wouldn't be trying to increase their wealth. They wouldn't spend 300 ******* $1000 to buy copies of Don Junior's book.
01:35:39 This fantasy.
01:35:41 That so many Maga people have.
01:35:44 That that, that Trump's the God Emperor and he's sent by God in that awful.
01:35:48 ******* meme of like Jesus standing behind.
01:35:51 Trump that that.
01:35:52 Literally is blasphemy.
01:35:56 Is just ******* pathetic.
01:36:00 And it's enraging.
01:36:15 Alright, let's take a look at chat here.
01:36:24 I think it's solid gold, but.
01:36:25 Plug would be more appropriate. Yeah. Well, yeah.
01:36:30 If you fear death, then you shouldn't be here. Exactly. I mean, look.
01:36:35 That's the thing. The reason why.
01:36:39 I mean, it's that meme. It's that same ******* meme.
01:36:44 That's that's why that is happening, because people don't really.
01:36:47 Believe in God.
01:36:48 And they think they they're afraid of death. If you really believed in in the afterlife, like there's people that blow themselves up the the suicide bombers that blow themselves up.
01:36:59 They're if they didn't believe that, they'd get 72 versions when they did that.
01:37:04 I mean, maybe some of them would still do it because you know, in some instances the money you know gets.
01:37:09 Paid to their family or whatever.
01:37:11 But there's a really good chance that most.
01:37:13 Of those, people wouldn't be doing it.
01:37:16 Right.
Speaker 4
01:37:18 But they believe it.Devon
01:37:22 And they believe it, and that makes them not afraid of death. And that's what they're able to accomplish. And look, you don't have to agree with it. Obviously, I'm not saying that suicide bombers are have the right idea. The point is, look, what can be accomplished when you actually believe what what you say you believe.01:37:40 And the fact of the matter is, a lot of these Christians don't really believe it. They don't they some of them they they they like to be part of a community and they like to be accepted. So they just, you know they they say what things going to get them accepted in the community but they.
01:37:55 Don't actually believe it.
01:37:59 You know when when the rubber meets the road.
01:38:02 If it comes to choosing between actually standing up for believe, you know in what they believe you know in in the suicide bombers case, when it when it comes down to you.
01:38:14 Know pushing the button.
01:38:16 And blowing ourselves out, like making that sacrifice.
Speaker 2
01:38:20 They're not gonna push.Devon
01:38:21 The button cause they're like.01:38:22 Ah, yeah, maybe there's not 72 virgins. Probably not. I I you know.
01:38:26 I actually my lifes not that bad.
Speaker 4
01:38:31 I still.Devon
01:38:31 Excuse me, I still have my.01:38:33 Cheetos. I still have my Netflix.
01:38:37 Steal my Toblerone chocolate.
01:38:41 I still got my.
01:38:42 My the new video game that I like just came out.
01:38:45 I just got my new Xbox. Just got my new PlayStation.
01:38:50 Most Christians believe more in in PlayStation than they believe in.
01:38:56 And an afterlife.
Speaker 2
01:38:59 So they'd rather they'd rather spend their time.Devon
01:39:03 And in the virtual video game world.01:39:06 That's more real to them than the the.
01:39:11 The existence of a heaven or an afterlife.
01:39:16 Look, I get it. It's a tough thing to like, really have that kind of faith.
01:39:24 I'm not even saying I'm not. Look, I've been very open and honest about the fact that, like my faith.
01:39:29 Is not rock solid.
Speaker 5
01:39:31 So I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.Devon
01:39:33 Sitting here saying like, oh, I'm so.Speaker 4
01:39:35 Much better than you.Devon
01:39:36 Because I have all this faith and I'm willing to.01:39:38 Die. But no, I get it. I get.
01:39:40 It but don't get mad at.
01:39:42 Me for pointing it out.
01:39:45 Because that's what that's what's going on.
01:39:48 If you really had faith, if you really had faith, if you really believed in while this **** you're saying.
Speaker 2
01:39:55 Wouldn't be having this?Devon
01:39:58 Wouldn't be having this? This wouldn't be. This meme would make no sense.Speaker 2
01:40:03 This mean wouldn't make any sense.01:40:08 But most.
01:40:08 People don't believe it.01:40:10 They'd rather not roll the dice they don't want.
01:40:12 To find out the hard way right?
01:40:20 They don't really believe it.
01:40:29 OK, here we go.
01:40:39 Orthodox churches are open, and Catholic churches are Catholic. I don't know what you guys are arguing about, but here's.
Speaker 2
01:40:45 The don't.Devon
01:40:46 This the other thing that's annoying. It's like you guys are, like, arguing over, like, who's the best or Orthodox or Catholics or whatever. And it doesn't matter.Speaker 2
01:40:55 First of all, doesn't.Devon
01:40:56 Matter. OK. You're arguing about like.01:40:59 It's like.
01:41:06 When it comes to you're, you're fighting the literal devil.
01:41:11 Oh, let me put it this way another way, let's say.
01:41:15 You're in an ice cream factory that's on fire. This is going to sound like a weird metaphor, but I'll make it work.
Speaker 5
01:41:21 The ice cream factory.Speaker 2
01:41:23 Is on fire.Devon
01:41:26 And you're like oh.Speaker 5
01:41:27 **** the ice.01:41:28 Cream Factory is on fire.
01:41:30 And the only thing you have to put it.
Speaker 4
01:41:32 Out with is ice cream.Speaker 5
01:41:35 And you guys are arguing?Devon
01:41:36 About which flavor to use.Speaker 2
01:41:39 To put out the fire.01:41:45 Now, there might come a time.
01:41:47 When the ice cream factory workers should discuss which flavors are best.01:41:53 And which ones we should?
01:41:54 Concentrate on making the most of and.
01:41:57 In that sort of a thing, but right now.
01:42:00 The ice cream factory is on fire.
01:42:03 And chocolate ice cream will put it out.
01:42:06 And strawberry ice cream will put it out.
01:42:09 And vanilla ice.
Speaker 5
01:42:10 Cream will put it out.Devon
01:42:13 And then once it's out.01:42:16 And we clean up.
Speaker 5
01:42:17 The mess we can talk about.01:42:21 You could talk.
Speaker 2
01:42:21 About which one which one's best?Speaker 5
01:42:26 But right now, the ice cream factory.01:42:28 Is on fire man.
01:42:30 And arguing about which which flavor to use to to put it out, they'll all work.01:42:36 They'll they'll all work.
01:42:38 We can have some diversity, OK, we can have, we can have.
01:42:43 And look, I've got big problems with with a lot of these groups too. You know, there's some. And if if there's a fatal flaw that makes it so that they.
01:42:50 They can no.
01:42:51 Longer be helpful, like if one of the flavors, for example, has gasoline in it, then yeah, we can't use that flavor.
Speaker 5
01:42:58 To put the fire out.Devon
01:43:01 OK. You know and maybe there is maybe OK. Like maybe there's one obviously not gasoline, but maybe there's.01:43:08 Like a rum a rum.
01:43:09 Flavor that actually has alcohol in it and that's going to.
01:43:12 Make it worse, OK?
01:43:14 Let's not use that flavor. We can maybe disqualify a flavor if it's so egregious that it's going.
01:43:19 To be a problem.
Speaker 2
01:43:22 But for the.Devon
01:43:22 Most part all these flavors are going to work OK and yeah, with the Catholics. Dude, your Pope is satanic, and if you don't even have the ability to get rid of your own Pope if you can't clean up your own house, you're not going to help us clean up the street. OK, so maybe get on that ****. I get it. I understand the way of.01:43:42 I totally get it.
01:43:45 You know, if Catholics can't even preside over a successful revolution within their own organization?
01:43:55 How helpful are they going to be in in presiding over a a revolution outside the organization?
01:44:02 I get it.
Speaker 4
01:44:04 I get it.Devon
01:44:09 I totally get it.01:44:13 You know, and and in terms of like people like Unitarians, where they're having, like, they're celebrating trans kids in church. OK, that's like the rum flavored ice cream, right?
01:44:23 That's the, that's.
01:44:24 That's the that's the flavor we can't use. We can't use that. That's.
01:44:27 Part of the problem it's going.
01:44:28 To make it worse, OK, I get that.
Speaker 5
01:44:32 Right.Devon
01:44:34 But but trying to argue over dogma, arguing over **** that doesn't really ******* matter right now. That that's just it's it's stupid. It's ******* stupid.01:44:43 And and you're. You're literally working for the devil, if that's what you're doing.
01:44:47 If you're arguing over, you know.
01:44:52 Which which you know which theological insignificant.
01:44:59 Sticking point you might have that that that doesn't matter. The average person at the end of the day.
01:45:05 If if you had a, you know.
01:45:07 Cause there's so many. Think of it this way.
01:45:10 At the end of the day, the end user is what matters right at the end of the day.
01:45:15 You can have, you know, theological people that argue about the nitty gritty about, you know, the INS and outs of different things.
01:45:23 But if the followers the followers are are what matters, right? The followers of the religion are what matters, and the behavior of the followers.
01:45:33 Of your religion.
01:45:36 Pretty consistent with the followers of another. If the you know the result is pretty much the same.
Speaker 5
01:45:44 Then that's all.Devon
01:45:45 We got to worry about right now, OK?Speaker 5
01:45:48 You know if you because.Devon
01:45:49 You got Mormons.01:45:50 That are good people.
01:45:52 And you've got Catholics that are good people.
01:45:55 And if you have Orthodox people that are, you know that are good people.
01:45:59 And you've got even Protestants that are good people.
01:46:04 You know, even some of these people that.
Speaker 5
01:46:06 That listen to.Devon
01:46:09 The the only problem I I would say that kind of like we just discussed one of the another one of these rum flavored ice creams. Yeah is these types of Protestants, which isn't all Protestants by the way. But there is a type of Protestant that believes in like, what's it called the.01:46:29 You know, if you're really, if you're really faithful, then God gives you money. Like, what's that called the.
01:46:36 I mean, it's based like that televangelist, you know?
01:46:41 Type **** the UM.
01:46:44 Anyway, I think maybe I'll look at chip. Maybe someone knows the term for that. You know, I'm talking about low, like the kind of people that say, oh, if you if you pray hard enough, then God will give you a solid gold *****. Yeah, prosperity gospel. That's where you go. Yeah. So.
01:47:01 That kind of stuff. Yeah, that's that's bad. That's bad.
01:47:06 That's bad because that that literally teaches you to to equate success with holiness.
01:47:14 Oh well, Trump must be really holy because look how prosperous he is. Look how rich he is.
01:47:20 I mean, come on, we just talked.
Speaker 5
01:47:22 About this, you know, like it's.Devon
01:47:25 I it's such ******** the most. The the.01:47:28 The worst feeling I've ever had.
01:47:30 You know, if you've read my book.
01:47:32 I talk about a mega church.
01:47:35 In my book.
Speaker 2
01:47:37 And if you're wondering.Devon
01:47:40 The inspiration?01:47:42 For that mega church, and I'm not going to say it by name, but people might be able to know what this is.
01:47:49 When I lived in DC.
01:47:51 I was dating this girl.
01:47:54 Who went to?
01:47:55 A mega church and I had never been to a mega church and even know it was a mega church. She just told me like Ohh go to this church.
01:48:01 And you should come to it, because there's this event they're doing to honor. Like she worked in the she worked in, like the nursery, you know. So if you go to this church, I mean, look, I've already told you guys, you know, my parents.
01:48:17 We're Mormon, and so that's my experience growing up, right. So I would go into church and like the real little kids that are just going to be crying all, you know, the entire time you drop them off at the nursery. So that during the what's called Sacrament meeting. I don't know what, you know, like the sermon type stuff. You know, the main meeting where everyone's in the same.
01:48:37 Room. You don't have a bunch of babies crying and then you know, same and actually they stay in the nursery when you separate and go to like your different, you know, classes or whatever for for Sunday school.
01:48:48 And so every church I'm assuming has something like that, maybe not, but.
01:48:55 Most a lot of churches do so.
01:48:58 The I was expecting something kind of like like that. I didn't. I'd never been to. Like I said, never been to like a mega church before. I didn't know what to expect. And so she said, oh, yeah, I work in this nursery. And so because we do it, it's a volunteer thing. The church is putting on kind of like a thing to thank us. And I was like, oh, that's cool.
Speaker 6
01:49:18 I'll go to that.Speaker 5
01:49:20 And so we go to it.01:49:24 And the first thing.
01:49:27 That I saw.Speaker 1
01:49:32 Wow this.Speaker
01:49:33 Is a.Speaker 5
01:49:34 Really big building.01:49:37 It's so big.
01:49:39 There's a parking garage that's bigger than any church I've ever been to. It's like an airport parking garage.01:49:48 It's like a mall parking garage like it's.
Speaker 4
01:49:50 A huge like it was huge.Devon
01:49:54 And there was a shuttle service. It's so.Speaker 5
01:49:57 To give you.Speaker 1
01:49:58 An idea of how big it is.Devon
01:50:00 There's a shuttle service from the parking garage.01:50:04 To the actual building and I'm just.
Speaker 5
01:50:05 Like holy crap.Speaker 4
01:50:07 Literally holy crap, there's a OK, this is new. This is all right.Devon
01:50:16 And so you then go to this building and the building is huge too. It's gigantic.01:50:23 It's like a mall, and it's not like a mall just because of how big it is. It's like a mall because there's.
01:50:31 Shops inside of it.
01:50:32 Like a mall.
01:50:33 Pretty sure there's there's something in the Bible about that, too, right? Something about Jesus and the temple and money, I don't know. Call me crazy.
01:50:42 So you go inside there.
01:50:43 And there's there's, like coffee shops and like bookstores and like it's.
Speaker 5
01:50:47 It's like a mall.Speaker 4
01:50:49 And it's it's huge, it's multi.Devon
01:50:51 Leveled like a mall.01:50:53 And I'm just like, wow, this is kind of nuts. This is not what I was expecting.
Speaker 2
01:51:02 And then you get to the nursery. This is where it gets this is this is where I was.Speaker 5
01:51:09 Like this is too much.01:51:12 This this is where it got, like really weird.
Speaker 2
01:51:16 So then you get to the nursery.Devon
01:51:19 And it's so big.Speaker 5
01:51:21 Like this building is so big and.01:51:23 It has so.
Speaker 2
01:51:24 Many people going to it like there's no way that the.01:51:28 People working in the nursery.
01:51:30 Are going to know all the.01:51:32 Parents and know all the kids.
01:51:34 Right.
01:51:36 So I swear to God, this is what.
01:51:37 They do if you bring.
Speaker 2
01:51:39 Your kid in?Speaker 5
01:51:44 If you drop your kid off at this nursery.01:51:48 They print up a bar code.
01:51:54 They print them a bar code and slap it.
Speaker 2
01:51:57 On your kid.Speaker 5
01:52:01 And they scan them in.01:52:04 And let him loose in this ******* nursery thing.
01:52:10 Hey, it gets better.
01:52:14 And I'm I'm looking at this and I'm just.
01:52:15 ******* horrified. I'm just like what?
01:52:22 And and and so I asked. I was like.
01:52:27 I was like, what is the?
01:52:29 Are you kidding me? Like it was amazing. And I was like, so what's on that bark? Like? How much information is on that code?
01:52:39 And they have like a file that that.
01:52:41 In fact, there's like, there's a code on the barcode that tells them if your kids like a problem kid.
01:52:52 And so I'm just like, holy **** like.
01:52:57 So yeah, like that's that's real. That's real that's happening right now. There's a church like that in the DC area and there's going to be people that know, I think because it's so big someone.
01:53:08 'S got to know.
01:53:10 And I'm just sitting there like, geez, like I can't, this is.
01:53:13 This is too much and so so.
01:53:16 Then we go in.
01:53:18 And they're they're doing like the the the.01:53:21 Awards thing they.
01:53:22 Give her an award for, you know.
Speaker 2
01:53:25 For being a volunteer.Speaker 5
01:53:31 And they ward like it's.01:53:34 So centered around like the.
01:53:37 Like a lot of.Speaker 5
01:53:38 The like these.Devon
01:53:39 These churches are not about God, obviously.Speaker 2
01:53:42 And they're usually.Devon
01:53:43 Very centered around like a a charismatic.01:53:48 You know, preacher, that you know, like, he's like the superstar. Like, if you go to their website, it's like him everywhere. Not Jesus, right.
Speaker 5
01:53:58 So you go in there.Devon
01:54:00 And they played on these screens and it was, look, they, they had a lot of money like this. Church had a lot of. So it wasn't, like, hokey. It wasn't like they wheeled out some ****** TV and then, like, hit play on a DVD or something like that. Like, it was pretty like it was visually impressive.Speaker 4
01:54:16 Like we went out.Speaker 5
01:54:17 We were in this.01:54:17 Room and the screen comes down from the ceiling and these lights.
01:54:21 Come up and like.
01:54:22 It it pops up this animation plays and this guy comes up.01:54:27 And he just. But it's it was a recorded message. It was just this guy, like, like, thanking them for their doing it. Like he couldn't even be there, you know, it was just like this recording of him like like it was so dystopian. He's sitting there.
Speaker 5
01:54:42 And and I'm.01:54:43 Looking around because I'm like, what really, like there's.
01:54:45 Not even like a.
01:54:47 Like a lower down guy that can do this like and so like looking around in the crowd and and and they're just.
01:54:54 Their their eyes are lit.01:54:55 Up and and.
Speaker 5
01:54:56 You can tell they're.Devon
01:54:57 Like, really into this dude on the screen.01:55:00 And he says.
Speaker 2
01:55:01 His thing and.Devon
01:55:01 It was pretty generic or whatever.01:55:04 And and then they they read off the names and people were go up and they they take their.
01:55:08 Little certificate or or whatever and.
01:55:11 And they sat down and like I it was, it was blew my mind. That was my. That was my inspiration.
01:55:19 In my book, if you've.
01:55:20 Read my book for the.
01:55:21 Mega church.
01:55:22 It was like so it's.
01:55:23 Real it wasn't just like I wasn't just.
01:55:25 Making fun of like like.
Speaker 5
01:55:29 The skate the bar codes on the kid.01:55:30 Thing man like.
01:55:33 That was just like, Oh my God.
Speaker 4
01:55:36 Oh God, like it's.Devon
01:55:38 And and by the way, so I I had, I took a peek at the chap, what they called the Chapel at the Chapel itself, because I was, you know, after we did.01:55:48 The little event.
01:55:49 Thing I was very curious because I wanted to see.
01:55:52 What's everyone coming here to see?
Speaker 5
01:55:55 It's like a.Devon
01:55:55 Freaking rock concert.01:55:57 It was like a rock concert.
01:56:00 Like he went in there and it was like a stadium. Like kind of like a stadium, it was like.
01:56:05 A A concert hall, I guess.
01:56:08 There's a big stage there was like concert lighting, you know, like lights swinging around and, you know, like strobing around all. I don't know if there's any strobe lights, but yeah, it might as well have been. Might as well have, like, ******* smoke machines. And, you know, holograms of of of Jesus or something like it was.
Speaker 4
01:56:25 It was crazy.Devon
01:56:29 And they and they talked about that whole. They talked about the the prosperity.01:56:35 Stuff, right? They they they they mentioned that and how like oh, you can tell we're the true church because as everyone knows every you know the most successful people go to this church. So many people that are here are very successful people and that's how you know that we're the true church.
01:56:56 Like it was weird. It was weird how much they they focused on the the the worldly rewards of going to this church like the the networking and every like it was weird it was.
01:57:10 It made me feel.
01:57:14 I don't want to say say that I felt the presence of the devil, but because I don't know if I.
Speaker 5
01:57:20 Can say that.01:57:22 But like if I if I've ever felt the presence.
01:57:25 Of the devil.
01:57:27 Well, not there's other times. I would say that maybe it was just as dark, but I felt it felt.01:57:34 I was really.
01:57:34 Uncomfortable being there. When I when I.
01:57:36 Was hearing this stuff.
01:57:38 It made me really.
01:57:39 Uncomfortable. And I had to get out.
01:57:42 And I and I shortly after stopped dating that girl, cause like it was she was really into it. And I was just like I could.
01:57:48 Never be a part of that.
01:57:50 It it just gave me, it just gave.
01:57:52 Me the ******* chills.
01:57:54 You know.
01:57:58 Anyway, I guess that was a long explanation as to.
Speaker 2
01:58:01 That's another flavor of ice cream.Speaker 5
01:58:02 With rum in it that you can't spray on the fire.Devon
01:58:06 Because I don't know for sure because at the time I wasn't like paying attention to this kind of thing. But I guarantee you those ******* love Israel, our greatest ally, guarantee you.Speaker 5
01:58:14 Guarantee you.Devon
01:58:21 So yeah, I mean, you can't work with everything.01:58:25 You can't. Also don't expend like.
01:58:29 You got to pick your battles.
01:58:31 Don't expend too much energy going after your allies. People that are going to be allies and you know, even those people.
01:58:38 The people going to that, that church that I just described, which I think is.
01:58:43 Probably satanic, you know, even those people.
01:58:49 You can have as allies in certain circumstances, right? So don't just write them off in the same way that I've said. Look, I'm I I go after cute people because I feel like humiliation can be a good tactic in in derailing something. That's that's that's fundamentally bad because queue is is isn't just rum flavored ice cream.
01:59:10 Who is is ******* rum flavored jet fuel. Like you don't wanna you.
01:59:15 Know spray that on the fire at a.
01:59:19 So there are things that are that are worth ridicule.
01:59:23 And that are worth going after, but I hardly think the difference between Orthodox and Catholic should be one of those things.
01:59:34 Or even, you know, even though like, the differences are much bigger, even like Orthodox and Mormon.
01:59:39 And and again, I know a lot of.
01:59:41 People hate Mormons.
01:59:41 Because look, I have a lot of family members that are Mormons, so I'm biased, but like you understand, when you look at, unfortunately, the representation of Mormons in in the political world is awful. Like, right, you got Romney, you've got that Mcmuffin.
01:59:59 OK.
02:00:01 UM, you've got a lot of people don't know this. Thank God they don't know this, but.
02:00:07 Harry Reid is a Mormon.
Speaker 4
02:00:10 UM.Devon
02:00:12 Who else? I think Hatch was a yeah. Hatch was a more.02:00:15 So look look.
02:00:17 I can't. There's no based Mormons in the.
02:00:20 The elite, but like how many bad Catholics are there?
02:00:23 You know, Pelosi is a Catholic. Biden's a Catholic.
02:00:28 So you can get.
02:00:29 You can think Mormons are like some weird.
02:00:32 Colte Masonic thing and by the.
02:00:35 Way that's maybe not even.
02:00:36 Wrong. There is a connection with with masonry with and Mormons.
02:00:42 But you have to look at the people actually going to these churches and realize these people are are usually, you know, on the same page as you.
02:00:51 You know, just because Pelosi is a Catholic and Biden's a Catholic, and just because you know Romney is a Mormon doesn't mean Catholics and Mormons are.
02:01:06 Are bad and you can't and you have to, you know, undermine their belief system. One thing at a time, guys.
02:01:12 Like if you want to convert them.
02:01:14 To orthodoxy look.
02:01:17 Maybe that could be a side quest. OK. Right now, right now we got.
Speaker 4
02:01:20 But for.Devon
02:01:22 To focus on what's important.02:01:24 OK.
02:01:26 And you know, and you can't say ohh. You know, look there, how come you notice?
02:01:29 How? There was no examples of orthodox.
02:01:31 Well, because orthodox is not big enough to have.
02:01:34 And and maybe there is, I don't know. There is an Orthodox politician. I don't know. I I don't know of any Orthodox politicians, but the fact matters every politician is bad and every politician.
02:01:43 That, that, that.
02:01:44 Uses religion for votes, right? You know, like Pelosi's.
02:01:48 Not really Catholic.
02:01:50 But of course, with Catholicism, like, neither is the Pope, right? Like the Pope's not even really Catholic at this point. And you know, Romney's not really Mormon. I mean, Romney owns companies that sell liquor.
02:01:53 OK.02:01:54 OK.
02:02:02 So there you go, right.02:02:04 Which, by the way, I knew this back when.
02:02:08 You know is running for.
02:02:08 President, I remember thinking like, why is why?
02:02:10 Does the. That's the.
02:02:11 Failure of the Mormon Church why does?
02:02:13 The Mormon church tolerate.
02:02:15 Someone who benefits financially from the sales of liquor.
02:02:20 In the same way that why doesn't the Catholic Church excommunicate Biden and Pelosi for being?
02:02:29 Pro-choice or whatever.
02:02:31 Right, like that, that should be.
02:02:35 That should be carried out if the if the Catholic Church.
02:02:37 Wants to stick to its guns.
02:02:41 Or the Mormon church wants to stick to its guns. Harry Reid. I mean, Harry Reid was pro-choice.
02:02:47 And you can't be pro-choice and be Mormon.
Speaker 4
02:02:52 So yeah, these institutions have all failed all.Devon
02:02:55 Of them and.02:02:56 The only the only reason why I think Orthodoxy has fewer examples of it is.
02:02:59 Because it's just not as big.
02:03:01 But if it got big, you'd have just as many examples.
02:03:05 That's just the way it is right now. Everything's ****** right now. Everything's ******. There is no like, this is the answer. If everyone is this, then we win. No, there's not.
02:03:15 There's not. We got to work with.
02:03:17 We got to.
02:03:18 Have a cult like look I'm.
02:03:19 Not these one of these guys that.
02:03:21 Says, oh, we have to be a big tent.
02:03:22 We have to have ********.
02:03:24 And all that? No. No. But you at least have to have a big enough tent.
02:03:27 To accommodate people.
02:03:28 That are going.
Speaker 4
02:03:29 To be your allies.Devon
02:03:30 I don't want ******* lady Maga in that tent.02:03:34 OK, I don't.
02:03:38 I do want.
02:03:40 You know a based Catholic.
02:03:42 And a based Protestant and a based orthodox.
02:03:46 Guys like working together.
02:03:50 And we can argue about the.
02:03:53 Our favorite flavor of ice cream afterwards after.
02:03:55 We put out the fire.
02:04:00 OK.
02:04:04 Say goodbye to finding a wife if you.
02:04:06 Become orthodox in America. Well, honestly, like.
02:04:08 If you become.
02:04:09 Any kind of religious in America, it's difficult finding a wife. It's difficult finding a wife, even if you're not religious and you're just not like a sodomite that wants.
02:04:16 To ******* like if you just simply oppose.
02:04:20 Communism, it's difficult to find a wife.
02:04:24 I get it, man, I feel you.
02:04:27 I've, as I've said before, you know I lost. I lost a fiancee over the over politics over the election specifically.
02:04:39 You know, not everyone, women.
Speaker 2
02:04:43 Women do not handle.Devon
02:04:46 Being ostracized.02:04:51 And by the way, part of this is the rights part of this is the problem on the right too. There's a lot of people on the right that actively attack women.
02:05:00 And don't want women.
02:05:01 In the movement and it's like.
02:05:08 I get it, but you're overreacting to feminism.
02:05:13 You can't just say we're going to be successful, but also.
02:05:18 Be a man only movement.
Speaker 2
02:05:19 That's not going to work.Devon
02:05:22 It's not going to work.02:05:25 And I'm not saying that you make women leaders in your movement.
02:05:31 That's because I don't think that's.
02:05:32 Going to work either.
02:05:36 And actually, The funny thing is some of the people saying this.
02:05:39 Don't seem to have any problem with with with Filipino. Michelle Malkin married to a Jew, being part of the movement like that's fine, right? Like that's totally OK, right?
Speaker 2
02:05:51 But at the same time.Devon
02:05:52 Let's get rid of women.02:05:54 So you know, whatever, but.
02:05:56 So that that's part of what's what's.
02:05:59 Making it difficult.
02:06:00 For a lot of you guys to find wives.
02:06:04 There's kind of a hyper masculinization which I get it it's it's a response to the feminism.
02:06:12 But you got to be welcoming to.
02:06:14 Women, if you.
02:06:15 Want to win over a crowd? It's like, but think about what? Like what did bars do to make women to make men come to their their their bars. They have ladies night.
02:06:26 Because if you get the women doing it, the men will do it.
02:06:30 Sad fact people don't want to admit that.
Speaker 2
02:06:33 Well, it's different. That's.Devon
02:06:34 Because they want to.02:06:34 *** ****. Is it really different?
02:06:37 Then how come you look at these BLM marches?
02:06:41 And you have all of these.
02:06:44 Women. White women there.
02:06:47 With their with their ****, beta boyfriends there too.
Speaker 5
02:06:51 Well, I'm not a cook.Devon
02:06:52 Though yeah, but you know what? It operates out the same principle.02:06:57 The **** boyfriends are there because they they want the ********.
02:07:02 The people.
02:07:02 That go to.Devon
02:07:03 The Ladies night bar are there because they want the ********.02:07:07 Sex cells? Haven't you heard? Like, it's not like this shouldn't be ******* rocket science. Sex cells.
02:07:17 No one thinks they're going to go.
02:07:21 To a.
02:07:23 A grouper event as an example to meet chicks.
02:07:27 I mean, if you think that, then you're ********. But most people don't think that, right?
Speaker 5
02:07:34 And that's a problem.Speaker 4
02:07:36 That's a problem.Devon
02:07:39 You need if you want.02:07:40 Your movement to be successful.
02:07:42 You need the women on board.
Speaker 2
02:07:45 Right now, maybe that will change culturally right now.Devon
02:07:48 You need the women.02:07:50 You can live in a fantasy world of like you know of 100 years ago when women didn't have any political power, really to speak of and and weren't as relevant. That's not today. That's not right now.
02:08:06 That's that's just not the way it is right now.
02:08:11 And you're not going to be successful.
Speaker 2
02:08:14 If you operate.Devon
02:08:16 In the reality that you wish you had instead of the.02:08:18 Reality that you have.
02:08:21 And the reality that you have right now is you need the women.
02:08:25 Now again, I'm not saying that women leaders, in fact.
02:08:29 Some of you guys are the ones saying any, you know, Filipino, married to Jew leaders.
02:08:35 I'm not saying that.
Speaker 2
02:08:38 I'm just saying.02:08:40 You need to have.
02:08:43 Your movement.
02:08:44 Welcoming of women.02:08:48 And right now, it's not welcoming.
02:08:49 Of women. And like I said, I understand I get it.
02:08:54 But we need this to be the kind of like we need.
02:08:57 We need our movement to be somewhere you go, if you.
02:09:00 Want to find a wife?
Speaker 2
02:09:03 You want it to be.Devon
02:09:04 A good place to meet your wife.02:09:08 You know, we want it to be like a ladies night of based women.
02:09:13 And that's not it right now.
02:09:15 It won't be it for a while. There's a lot of factors, right? That's not an easy thing to accomplish.
02:09:20 Because women don't.
02:09:24 They're attracted to way different things, things that kind of suck and things that you know.
Speaker 5
02:09:29 And and so, but it's it's.Devon
02:09:32 It's just a reality. You gotta deal with. You can't. You're not going to win.02:09:35 This just with men.
Speaker 2
02:09:38 I mean, look at look at the.Devon
02:09:39 Voting patterns of women. That's what happens when you ignore nor the the fact that you need women and some of it you're not going to change, right? Women are just going to be ******* and.02:09:52 Vote for stupid **** anyway, but.
02:09:56 That's just the way it is.
02:10:00 We definitely need our women.
02:10:03 We need to do like the IDF attract men with young women from our movement. Yeah, I mean, look, I'm not seeing any girls.
02:10:11 You know what I mean? Like, I don't. I don't think we need.
02:10:14 And I don't think we should do necessarily what the IDF does. We shouldn't have, like egirl.
02:10:19 You know, right wing cyber slots, you know, I'm not saying that we have like a calendar of.
02:10:26 You know, naked chicks wearing.
02:10:28 You know, ******* Maga hats or something stupid like that, you know, like I'm. I'm just saying like.
02:10:33 You need. You need women in your movement and and by the way, that shouldn't be totally incompatible with what you know you talk about, like church.
02:10:46 You know whether it's Orthodox or or not.
02:10:50 When I've gone and look, I don't go to church regularly and maybe I need to start, but when I have gone to church.
02:10:58 What I typically see.
02:11:00 No matter what kind of church it is.
02:11:03 Is it's usually women.
02:11:06 And old people.
02:11:10 Now maybe, maybe, maybe that's my sample size is pretty small, so I don't know. Maybe that's not right.
02:11:17 You know, maybe that's not across the board, but typically when I've gone to the church, in fact, usually when I've gone to church, a woman's the one dragging me to it like I was just talking about, like, the with the Mega Church.
02:11:28 And you go there and it's women and old people, right?
02:11:33 So I would think that if if we have a movement here that in some respects at the very least is allied with with churchgoing people that getting women to go along with that shouldn't be an impossible feat. I feel like women are naturally more.
02:11:49 You know and.
02:11:50 I don't mean like the way that they say it on their dating profiles. Like I'm spiritual. I don't mean like that, but women are more spiritual.
02:11:58 That's been my experience and that's in in my immediate family. That's certainly the case. It's the women that are more, you know, even my parents, you know, as my mother.
02:12:07 That was more.
02:12:08 The the force behind us being at church on time.
02:12:13 And following all the rules and and that sort of a thing and and and my sister is at.
02:12:17 The same case you know and in.
02:12:20 Comparison to their husbands, right?
02:12:22 They're the ones that are.
02:12:25 Making sure everyone's.
02:12:26 Dressed up and ready to go to church on time if it was up to the husbands, they would stay at home and watch.
02:12:30 Football or?
02:12:31 Something like that. You.
02:12:32 Know and I think that's generally true.
02:12:35 So there shouldn't be a super difficult thing.
02:12:42 You need your women.
Speaker 4
02:12:48 Let's see here.Devon
02:12:49 Men are not the problem. Women are the problem. It's a morality problem or women are not the problem, it's morality problem. Yeah. Well, look, women are just more susceptible to a lot of the things a lot of.02:13:00 The poison that's out there right now.
02:13:02 And women, just if you look at IQ distribution too, here's the thing.
Speaker 2
02:13:09 With men.Devon
02:13:11 Typically, if you look at IQ distribution and this is just one of the many problems, but this is like an easy one to look at.02:13:18 With men and and everyone knows this.
02:13:20 Either you're you're like on the.
02:13:21 Low end of the IQ scale.
02:13:24 Or that you're on the high.
02:13:25 End of the IQ scale.
02:13:27 In the middle, there's not as.
02:13:29 Much, but like there's the.
02:13:31 Two extremes. There's like a gathering.
02:13:32 Of of people, right?
Speaker 2
02:13:34 OK.Devon
02:13:36 And I think you guys know that probably if you're listening to this, you're on the higher end part, right?02:13:41 And then the lower end is like there's just a lot of.
02:13:43 Really ******* dumb.
02:13:44 Guys, right. And then when you get to like?
02:13:46 The middle the mid wits.
02:13:49 I mean, there's there's more of them overall, but it's in comparison to the, the, the female IQ distribution. It's different with the female IQ distribution. There's almost no.
02:14:02 Geniuses, very few there are, but there's very few.
02:14:06 Much fewer than than compared to the male geniuses, right?
02:14:14 There's also much fewer stupid, like really ultra stupid women, right? They're almost all. Most of them are mid wits.
Speaker 2
02:14:26 And what makes midwives even worse is when you.Devon
02:14:30 Give them a certificate saying they're educated.02:14:34 Which right now in the West is increasingly more women are graduating from college and getting a little piece of paper saying that they're geniuses.
02:14:43 Than than men. And there's nothing that a midweek likes more than a little piece of paper saying how smart they.
02:14:50 Right. And and those are the people that.
02:14:53 Are easiest to manipulate.
02:14:56 So you've got.
02:14:58 A growing number and justice women are easier to trick anyway.
02:15:02 They just are.
Speaker 4
02:15:03 I mean, women are just.Speaker 5
02:15:06 I don't. Maybe it's just me like.Devon
02:15:08 They're not that hard to trick.02:15:10 They're not that hard to manipulate.
02:15:12 And maybe that's just because, again, I'm a man who has done my fair share of.
Speaker 2
02:15:17 Look, I'm not proud of.Devon
02:15:18 It but like you know.02:15:21 Tricking women. I think everyone's done it.
02:15:25 And it's not that hard. It's not compared to men.
02:15:29 And so women are more susceptible to this. This ******* stupid garbage because they think.
02:15:34 They're smarter than they are.
02:15:36 And UM.
02:15:39 More and more, they're also running things.
02:15:44 So a lot of this is it's just.
02:15:45 You know there's.
02:15:46 There's we could talk about this for like hours and I'm not going to. I'm going to wrap.
02:15:50 Things up here.
02:15:54 Doesn't matter the end of the day. We need women in our movement.
02:15:59 And the women will bring the men.
02:16:01 And the left knows that. That's why they.
02:16:03 They did it.
Speaker 5
02:16:04 That's exactly think about.Devon
02:16:06 It why do you think?02:16:09 The left spent so much time on on trying to get women see people look at this incorrectly. They look at like Oh well because the left got gave women the right to vote.
02:16:22 And women vote more left.
02:16:25 Then that is why you know, everything fell apart. And so the solution is to take.
02:16:31 Away women's right to.
02:16:33 Now, I think ultimately maybe that could be right and I think big picture that might be right.
02:16:37 But short term, no woman's.
02:16:39 Going to hop on.
02:16:40 Board a movement that says you're going to.
Speaker 4
02:16:43 Very few, at least that says.Devon
02:16:46 That they're going to take away their their voice, right. You're not anywhere even near.Speaker 2
02:16:54 A place.Devon
02:16:56 In the Overton window, where you could even.Speaker 2
02:16:57 OK.Devon
02:17:01 Even kind of joke about that with women, OK.Speaker 4
02:17:05 Not even a little bit.Devon
02:17:08 And I might be your.02:17:08 Secret long term goal, just like in the same way the left didn't.
Speaker 2
02:17:11 Just like we.Devon
02:17:12 Talked about it. It's not like overnight Communism 1.02:17:16 This took decades.
02:17:19 This took decades and they didn't, and they didn't win by by just saying like we want trans kids one, you know, back in the 50s.
02:17:29 OK.
Speaker 2
02:17:30 That wouldn't have worked.Devon
02:17:33 It only works now because of the the very and it'll keep going like eventually we'll get the the Peter stuff will be normalized, it will.02:17:43 So eventually you can get your patriarchy back.
02:17:48 But you can't. You can't open with that.
Speaker 2
02:17:52 That's long term ****.Devon
02:17:57 You're not in a in a in.02:17:59 A. A position of power.
02:18:02 So you can't reveal your cards.
02:18:06 You show your cards now.
02:18:09 And you're going.
02:18:11 To lose the game cause you you don't have.
02:18:14 A winning you don't have a.
Speaker 5
02:18:15 Winning hand right now.Devon
02:18:19 You're bluffing.02:18:24 All right, so anyway.
02:18:27 I got some stuff I got to do. My internet's about to slow down if it hasn't already.
02:18:35 And take a look at chat real quick and then we'll.
02:18:38 We'll say good morning and.
02:18:41 Get back to the day.
02:18:47 Tell women they have to join the orbit of vote. Yeah, no, there's things like that.
02:18:50 You could do.
02:18:53 But again, this is long term stuff. Maybe start off with telling women.
02:18:58 They have to register for the Selective Service and there's.
02:19:00 People have been working on.
Speaker 4
02:19:01 That and yeah, I think.Devon
02:19:03 That would be an effective.02:19:04 Tool because women aren't going to want that, right?
02:19:07 And it will make women have.
02:19:10 More skin in the game when it comes to voting for wars, they're going to be a lot more worried about.
02:19:16 Policy that involves war. If they think that they're.
02:19:19 Going to have to go fight it.
02:19:21 If you make them go register for the draft, like every one of us has to do when we turn 18.
02:19:27 They're going to be a lot more tuned into.
Speaker 4
02:19:30 The war thing.Devon
02:19:32 And that's something you can accomplish easily because.Speaker 5
02:19:35 Excuse me.Speaker 2
02:19:37 It's in line with.Devon
02:19:37 Their their narrative that Ohh, we're equal. We're the same, OK.Speaker 2
02:19:43 Then register for the draft.Devon
02:19:48 That's something you can accomplish now. That'd be easy, because there's no argument against it.02:19:53 There's literally no argument against.
02:19:58 If there's no such, no difference between the genders.
02:20:01 They should be championing. They should be the ones pushing for this.
Speaker 2
02:20:07 So what are?Devon
02:20:08 What? What are the two possible outcomes?02:20:11 Either a you'll get people.
02:20:16 Admitting that there are differences between men and women.
02:20:18 Which is a plus.
02:20:20 That's a win, right?
02:20:24 Or be they'll they'll seek to get rid of.
02:20:28 They'll seek to get rid of the the Selective Service registration that you have to do.
02:20:34 We either way it's a win.
02:20:37 So I think that that would be a thing to push for.
Speaker 5
02:20:48 Alright guys. Well anyway I think.Speaker 2
02:20:49 That's about it, I've.Devon
02:20:49 Been going a little over 2 hours.02:20:52 So I'm glad that that worked out. I started out having nothing to talk about and I think that we actually had a good conversation. I hope everyone has a good day. I was going to talk about gear and we never talked about gear, so I'll save that for another day.
02:21:05 I wanted to go over over kind of the.
02:21:10 Like the the load out that's that's.
02:21:13 That's issued to soldiers and which equipment is is worth getting.
02:21:19 From surplus how it's used, maybe like the even like maybe the price range that you should be looking for some of this stuff is really cheap. You just. But you got to look around because there there's a lot of people that try to.
02:21:33 Sell crap that that is way overpriced, but you can you can do some shopping and and.
02:21:39 Get but like I said.
02:21:41 I've I've used almost all this stuff. Now I know what's useless and like what's good and what's too heavy and what's you know, and so maybe we'll go over that and I'm going to be doing more camping this this week and testing more cold weather gear because it's it's dropping below freezing.
02:22:00 Out here at night.
02:22:01 And so that's a good opportunity to try.
02:22:03 Out some of my cold weather.
02:22:07 And maybe I'll even do a string.
02:22:09 Because I I do have.
02:22:11 Limited Internet access.
02:22:13 Out in the field, so maybe I will do a stream from the desert.
02:22:17 And that could be fun.
02:22:19 So anyway, in the meantime you guys have a wonderful D.
Speaker 5
02:22:24 Day or not D-Day.Devon
02:22:27 Pearl Harbor day.Speaker 5
02:22:29 For black pilled.Devon
02:22:31 I am Devon stack.