

00:02:37 I still remember.
00:01:04 Going to the lake as a child.
00:01:07 Playing with sparklers and watching an absolute wonder.
00:01:13 The Rockets red flare.
00:01:15 The bombs bursting in the air and feeling so much pride in this land of my family and gratitude. Gratitude for the freedom that had been handed down to me.
00:01:28 Because I loved my country.
00:01:30 And I was a good boy.
00:01:33 I remember pledging.
00:01:34 My allegiance to the Stars and Stripes.
00:01:37 The red, white and Blue Flag of my ancestors home.
00:01:41 The Republic for which it stood 1 nation.
00:01:45 Under God.
00:01:49 For Liberty and justice for all.
00:01:53 Because I loved my country.
00:01:56 And I was a good boy.
00:01:59 When I turned 18.
00:02:01 I didn't fear fulfilling my obligation to my people by signing up for the draft, as my mother cried quietly, memories of wars that had destroyed people close to her still fresh in her mind.
00:02:15 But I felt pride.
00:02:18 Because I loved.
00:02:19 My country and I was a good boy.
00:02:24 When I watched the towers in New York, fall live on television in my living room, I was transfixed by the images. I was frozen, unable to even call into my place of employment to explain my absence.
Speaker 2
00:02:27 Two here in New York that there has been a plan. You're looking at the center, we understand that.
00:02:41 Commercial aircraft tagged aircraft we have how many were on board and the injuries are right now we are we have, I understand an eyewitness.
00:02:42 I watched in horror.
00:02:45 And I cried.
00:02:47 Because I loved my country and I was a good boy when I saw the troops in Baghdad tearing down the statue of Saddam.
00:02:58 I cursed his name and I smiled A bitter smile.
00:03:03 Because I loved my country and I was a good boy.
00:03:08 Later, when friends of mine began coming back from the Middle East in caskets.
00:03:15 I went to their funerals.
00:03:17 I cried with their mothers, and I marveled at their bravery.
00:03:23 Because I love my country, I was a good boy.
00:03:28 When Obama was elected president and I knew.
Speaker 3
00:03:31 Because of what we did on this thing in this.
00:03:32 He was a.
00:03:32 Communist with the desire to transform my country, to remake it in his image.
00:03:41 I didn't write in the streets because.
00:03:44 I had faith in democracy, I told myself.
00:03:48 There was nothing.
00:03:49 He could do that, couldn't be undone.
00:03:52 Through peaceful means.
00:03:54 Because I loved my country.
00:03:58 And I was a good boy.
00:04:00 I wanted to preserve the freedoms that were my responsibility to safeguard for my children.
00:04:07 I moved to our nation's capital and I worked tirelessly to inform people of the importance.
00:04:13 Of free speech and liberty.
00:04:16 Because I loved my country.
00:04:18 And I was a good boy.
00:04:21 When I first began to notice that the newcomers to the country I loved so much seemed resistant.
00:04:28 The ideals of my forefathers, I told myself that.
00:04:31 It was my responsibility to explain it in a way that they could understand. America wasn't the people, after all. It was a set of ideas.
00:04:43 When nobody seemed to listen and our freedoms continued.
00:04:47 To evaporate, I kept faith.
00:04:51 That we just.
00:04:52 Needed to be patient and do better.
00:04:55 I shoved down that voice within that suggested that maybe these people weren't people that wanted the same thing and just had misguided ways of achieving these shared goals that I had.
00:05:11 But maybe.
00:05:12 They wanted something else entirely.
00:05:16 But I quieted that voice.
00:05:18 Because I loved my country and I was a.
00:05:21 Good boy.
00:05:24 And when I began to realize that conservatives had failed to conserve anything from the lives of millions of unborn children to the sanctity of marriage and the security of our borders.
00:05:39 I soldiered on.
00:05:42 Because they were the lesser of two evils.
00:05:45 And I loved my country.
00:05:48 I was a good boy.
Speaker 4
00:05:50 Our leaders have to reach across the aisle.
00:05:52 When it looked as though my country was in danger of being ruled over by a woman who I knew shouldn't even be walking the streets.
00:05:59 That mobs of these.
00:06:01 New Americans that had no intention of preserving what my blood had built but instead wished to suck that blood like parasites until they grew fat and unruly and then angry and jealous of my pedigree and birthright.
00:06:16 Feverishly seeking to erase MyHeritage I.
00:06:21 Continue to have faith.
00:06:23 People would see that things had gone awry.
00:06:26 They'd gone too far if the ship capsized.
00:06:30 We would all drown.
00:06:32 And I loved my country.
00:06:35 And I was a good boy.
00:06:38 When a strong man appeared out of the chaos and told me that he understood and shared my terror, when he made big promises that if we made the impossible happen, if we focused all of our time and energy into giving him the power to roll things back.
00:06:41 A what it.
00:06:57 That he would make America great again.
Speaker 5
00:07:00 Voting to believe in yourself?
00:07:01 That if I could only.
00:07:02 Endure this ridicule the social and economic consequences of supporting our shared vision to save this nation for the first time in my lifetime.
Speaker 5
00:07:11 We are going to make America want sea again.
00:07:13 Would finally be putting America first.
00:07:18 The rest of the world would no longer be our burden to carry on our packs into prosperity. This suicidal parasitism would end, I put everything I had into ensuring that these promises could be fulfilled.
00:07:35 To the point of recklessness and personal ruin.
00:07:40 Because I loved my country.
00:07:41 We are going to make America great again.
00:07:42 And I was a good boy.
00:07:46 And now, as I begin to see for the first time in my life, how the world really works in awakening, that's not limited just to me. No, no.
00:07:54 United States.
00:07:56 Bill has never been stronger.
00:07:57 Patriots everywhere who made this same bargain, who were now also beginning to understand with the sinking feeling, standing alone on the frozen tundra of lies and deception, having thrown everything that was theirs into the furnace that needed perpetual feeding to make this impossible.
00:08:00 Your love is.
00:08:09 I want.
Speaker 6
00:08:15 Come into our country.
00:08:17 Dream the American dream.
00:08:21 A reality.
Speaker 4
00:08:21 The largest numbers ever.
00:08:23 Believing that this time it.
00:08:24 Would be different because they had to believe.
Speaker 5
00:08:28 The Jews have endured terrible.
00:08:30 Standing there naked and shivering as the sun slowly set on a nation that no longer existed.
00:08:38 But they hoped they could resuscitate it or raise it from the dead, like the God this country has forgotten whose name is printed on every coin in the land. And what once seemed like a tribute. But now.
Speaker 5
00:08:39 You're not coming in.
00:08:52 A symbol of mockery for this currency has no value.
00:08:57 And it's this God.
00:08:59 Who is blasphemed on the instruments of our slavery that we whisper our sins to and ask for strength in this desperate time?
Speaker 3
00:09:08 Gentleman is amazing.
00:09:09 As we wonder.
00:09:11 Will it take another flood to purge the virus that saturates the world and make a sacred promise that we are willing to ride those waves because we love our country?
00:09:26 And we are dangerous men.
Speaker 4
00:09:29 This country was founded by dangerous men.
00:09:36 And the moment the people in this country cease to be dangerous men, it's going to be the day we cease to have a country.
00:09:52 Hello I got to close this window. Apparently there we go.
Speaker 7
00:09:59 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:10:03 The little little smaller crowd, I guess in chat chat today because of the trovo thing I'm assuming.
00:10:10 Or maybe you.
00:10:11 Guys are just getting tired of me.
00:10:14 Drinking my coffee.
00:10:17 It's nothing special. I don't even think it has a.
00:10:19 Brand certainly not fair trade.
00:10:25 How you guys doing?
Speaker 7
00:10:28 On the countdown today.
00:10:31 Let's take a look here the.
00:10:34 Oh, that. I finally closed the window. No, I didn't.
00:10:37 On the Trump countdown.
00:10:42 The time of Trump's Maga Country officially ends in two days.
00:10:48 9 hours, 8 minutes and 11 seconds.
00:10:55 And that is why we have the military occupying the great city of.
00:11:03 The District of Columbia.
00:11:07 To protect the ruling class.
00:11:11 From the vile insurrectionists, the vile insurrectionists.
00:11:16 Like this man here.
Speaker 8
00:11:23 Back in.
00:11:23 Good. Hey, man.
00:11:25 Glad to see you guys, you.
00:11:26 Guys are ******* patriots. Look at this guy. He's got covered in blood.
Speaker 3
00:11:29 God bless you good Sir.
00:11:31 Yes, medical attention.
00:11:34 I'm good. Thank you.
00:11:38 I got shot in the.
Speaker 3
00:11:38 Face, we're out of.
00:11:41 I got shot in the face with some kind of.
Speaker 7
00:11:44 Any chance I could get you guys to leave the same?
Speaker 3
00:11:45 Yeah, we will. I've been making sure they ain't disrespecting the place. I know.
00:11:49 OK. Just wanna let you guys.
00:11:50 Know this is like the synchronous.
Speaker 4
00:11:52 Place I. Hey, hey.
00:11:56 Hey man.
00:11:58 Though to see you guys you guys.
00:11:58 OK.
00:11:59 Are look at this guy.
Speaker 7
00:12:04 So as you can see that was that was that was.
00:12:06 The violent insurrection.
00:12:09 That was the violent insurrection that that took place.
00:12:13 In DC.
Speaker 4
00:12:14 Hey, dude. Whoa.
Speaker 6
00:12:20 I got shot in the face. Don't worry dude. I'm making sure no one.
00:12:23 'S disrespecting the place.
00:12:27 That that sounds.
00:12:28 Terrible. They barely escaped with their lives.
00:12:34 Barely escape of their lives.
Speaker 5
00:12:39 And now of course.
00:12:40 We're hearing that Trump is going to.
00:12:45 Nearly 100 of his buddies.
00:12:48 None of whom will be the ones that were featured in that video we just saw who were all facing federal charges.
00:12:54 And will most certainly.
00:12:56 Do prison time.
00:12:59 Because they were doing exactly what they thought Trump wanted them to do. And you know, they would know that that Trump didn't want them to do that if Trump had just simply done exactly what he.
00:13:08 Said he was.
00:13:09 Going to do and and.
00:13:10 Gone along to the capital with him.
00:13:14 I mean, he said that in.
00:13:14 His speech, he said. Don't worry, you know, let's go down to the capital.
00:13:17 We're going to March down the capital.
00:13:20 And I'm going to be with you.
00:13:23 And then he went and hid in a bunker or something. I don't know.
00:13:28 But he wasn't out of the capital.
00:13:33 And then when the.
00:13:36 Violent insurrection has got.
00:13:37 Inside the capital, they.
00:13:40 They kind of just look like tourists.
00:13:44 In fact, I think there was a time.
00:13:47 Not that long ago. Where?
00:13:48 Tourists could just walk in there.
00:13:51 Because after all, this is.
00:13:52 A building that belongs to them, is it not?
00:13:59 Yesterday I said something.
00:14:00 About if, if.
00:14:03 Trump had just listened to the advice.
00:14:06 That all bosses should give that you should that you should never over promise and under deliver.
00:14:11 But always the other way around, always under promise and over deliver.
00:14:19 It's not just that that's good advice from your boss, it's.
00:14:22 Just that we're, we're his, we're his boss.
00:14:25 People keep keep forgetting that these.
00:14:26 People work for us.
00:14:31 And I can understand why you would forget that.
00:14:35 If you saw the.
00:14:36 The militarized zone that DC has become.
00:14:40 I was actually talking to someone today who had no idea, had no idea.
00:14:44 That there were 25,000 troops.
00:14:48 Inside of.
00:14:50 The capital right now 25 to give you some idea as to.
00:14:54 How many that is?
00:14:56 That's over 10 times the amount of people that are in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has approximately 2000 troops.
00:15:05 So Washington DC.
00:15:07 Has over.
00:15:08 10 times.
Speaker 7
00:15:10 The number of troops.
00:15:12 As a country that we're technically still at war with in Afghanistan.
00:15:22 What makes you think?
00:15:25 Kind of makes you think.
00:15:28 So I hope everyone here is following me on Telegram.
00:15:32 On bit shoot, which is going a little slow, it took pretty much all day today for last night's insomnia stream to to process. On the bright side turns out and I didn't know this because these don't pop up right away on trovo you do have replays and I'm not sure how long those stay up.
00:15:54 But they it was there, not immediately after the show, but a little bit afterwards.
00:16:01 So they will pop up there. I also played around a little bit with the interface today and I changed some of the, I guess on chat and you can make it to where you can't chat and tell you.
00:16:14 Follow the channel for over 10 minutes.
00:16:17 And I figured that would be good. So you.
00:16:19 Couldn't just get someone to.
00:16:20 Hop on real quick and be obnoxious.
00:16:22 Hopefully that's not affecting any of you guys. If it is you just you have to wait 10 minutes. Not a big deal.
00:16:29 And I'll probably streamline some more stuff.
00:16:32 As we go on.
00:16:39 Apparently word has gotten out. I talked about how yesterday.
00:16:42 How on Reddit?
00:16:44 There are ham radio people freaking.
00:16:45 Out like, Oh my God.
00:16:47 They're going to get us the platform from Ham radio. They're going to take away ham radio.
00:16:53 And then today?
00:16:58 Today this happened.
Speaker 7
00:17:01 This is.
00:17:03 The FCC apparently is very concerned as well.
00:17:12 Amateur and personal radio services licensees and operators may not use radio equipment to commit or facilitate criminal acts.
00:17:22 No one was no.
00:17:23 One was suggesting that no one was suggesting that.
00:17:28 The Enforcement Bureau of the FCC issues this enforcement advisory to remind licensees in the amateur radio service as well as licensees and operators in the Personal radio services that the Commission prohibits the use of radios in those services to commit or facilitate criminal acts.
00:17:48 Kind of goes without saying, right?
00:17:51 I think that's.
00:17:52 True of phones.
Speaker 7
00:17:54 Right. Like if you use the phone to.
00:17:57 Commit a crime. I mean, you're getting a crime. It doesn't matter if you're.
00:18:01 Doing it with.
00:18:01 A phone or with a radio or with smoke signals. If you're if you're committing a crime.
Speaker 5
00:18:07 It's a crime.
00:18:10 The Bureau has become aware.
00:18:12 Of discussion on social media platform suggesting that a certain or that certain radio services regulated by the Commission may be an alternative to social media platforms for groups to communicate and coordinate future activities.
00:18:27 OK.
00:18:28 That's not crimes.
00:18:30 The Bureau recognizes that these services can be used for wide ranges or for wide range of wide range of permitted purposes.
00:18:43 Including speech, that is.
00:18:45 Protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Oh oh.
00:18:51 And then in all bold amateur and personal radio services, however, may not be used to commit or facilitate crimes. Yes. No ****, dude.
00:19:01 No ******* ****.
00:19:04 But apparently we have we have we have frightened.
00:19:07 We have frightened the radio gods.
00:19:11 With our talk of ham radio. So that's kind of funny.
00:19:14 I was very amused by that.
00:19:18 Speaking of the onslaught.
00:19:21 On communications.
00:19:27 There is some I talked about this well as soon as people start going over to telegram, I said look, they're going to go after Telegram. That's just going to happen now. You know that this doesn't just stop.
00:19:40 At one platform, they're going to chase us from platform to platform. As one person said, they're going to ban us from 109 platforms before it's over.
00:19:53 And sure enough.
00:19:55 They are going after telegram now telegram.
00:19:58 Had the advantage of saying, well, you know, we're not really a social media platform.
00:20:04 We are in fact.
00:20:06 A messaging app and.
00:20:10 So if you go after us.
00:20:14 You're going to have to go after.
00:20:17 You know, text messaging services and all that other stuff because it's gonna be essentially the same. And I and I said that.
00:20:22 It's gonna be like a gateway drug.
00:20:25 Because if they're.
00:20:26 Able to go after Telegram successfully, that's precisely what they'll do.
Speaker 7
00:20:31 Well, wouldn't you know it?
00:20:35 Wouldn't you know it? There's a gentleman.
00:20:39 And get a little.
00:20:41 Screen shot of this guy here.
00:20:46 The gentleman by the name of Mark Ginsberg.
00:20:56 HM something about that name.
00:20:59 Mark Ginsburg.
00:21:02 Bring up this picture.
00:21:03 Here it's taking more clicks and.
00:21:06 What not then I had hoped.
00:21:09 Come on. Here we go.
00:21:10 Few more clips. We're almost there.
00:21:13 Almost there.
00:21:15 There we go. There's Mark Ginsburg.
00:21:19 Mark Ginsberg.
00:21:22 Has decided to sue.
00:21:25 Apple because.
Speaker 7
00:21:26 Apparently the the crushing.
00:21:29 Censorious forces of Apple and Google left to their own devices, is not fast enough for Mr. Ginsburg.
00:21:37 He is not pleased with how slow they are at banning people from platforms, so he has taken matters into his own hands.
00:21:47 And he's going to sue Apple. Well, he's already started. He's suing Apple for not removing telegram.
00:21:54 Over the what he calls violent content and hate groups.
00:21:59 So this is from the Apple insider.
00:22:03 Apple is being sued by the Coalition for a safer web.
00:22:07 For failing to remove access to telegram while still blocking parlor and also alleging it is being used by hate groups and extremists to attack the capital.
00:22:18 Filed on Sunday at the US District District Court for the Northern District of California, the lawsuit from Ambassador.
00:22:26 Ambassador Mark Ginsberg. He's an ambassador.
00:22:30 I'm gonna have to look this up. Ambassador Mark Ginsburg. Is that just something he calls himself? That would be.
00:22:36 Not surprising. Mark Ginsburg. Oh, no. He actually was an ambassador.
00:22:43 He was he worked for Clinton surprise, surprise, and he was an ambassador to Morocco.
00:22:50 So he he was an ambassador. I guess now we have to call.
00:22:53 Him ambassador.
00:22:55 Forever Ambassador Mark Ginsberg.
00:22:58 And the coalition for a safer web charges Apple with allowing telegram to be available in the.
00:23:03 App Store this quote despite Apple's.
00:23:06 Knowledge that telegram is being used to intimidate, threaten and coerce members of the public.
00:23:13 Is it now?
00:23:15 How exactly is that taking place?
Speaker 7
00:23:19 How is that, first of all?
00:23:22 Telegrams. Not not exactly. The public square. Not certainly not in the same way that Facebook and these other places are. It's an app that you have to get. I don't even think you can realize. You can sort of access the posts online, but not in every case.
00:23:36 And yet it's being used to intimidate, threaten and coerce members.
00:23:41 Of the public.
00:23:43 Billed as a nonpartisan, not-for-profit advocacy organization to force the removal of extremists.
00:23:51 And terrorist content from social media platforms.
00:23:54 The coalition claims Apple is failing to follow its own policies and guidelines regarding app content in relation to telegram in doing so.
00:24:04 Apple allows telegrams, more malicious users to continue their activities. The lawsuit arrives at the end of a week where Apple, Google, Amazon and others cut ties to parlor for failing to manage the content in the app generated by its users. The app was alleged to be used to plan and coordinate.
00:24:26 Legal activities in Washington DC, including storming the capital, by the way, proven to be 100% false.
00:24:33 100% false.
00:24:38 It was not used at all. And look I I am no fan of parlor.
00:24:43 Not a fan of parlor.
00:24:46 Parlor was, I think, in many ways honeypot.
00:24:50 And I think.
Speaker 7
00:24:51 That because of the parlour.
00:24:52 Leak. There's a lot of bad actors that have a lot of information on a lot of well meaning.
00:24:58 If misguided patriots.
00:25:02 But that said, it wasn't used to coordinate.
00:25:07 Illegal activities in Washington, DC.
00:25:11 Including storming the US capital, OK.
00:25:15 In effect, the lawsuit is pressuring Apple into closely examining telegram with.
00:25:20 A view to.
00:25:20 The platforming, the encrypted messaging app for allegedly performing similar activities.
00:25:27 According to a CSW press release from June, so they've been trying to do this for a while. I guess from June 2020 cited by the lawsuit, Telegram is being used as a communications channel.
00:25:39 For the Russian government.
00:25:41 Those damn ******* Russians. They just never quit. And affiliated NEO Nazi and white, supreme or white nationalist groups sowing misinformation and racial division in the United States and in Europe.
00:25:54 You ever think, Mr. Ginsburg, you?
00:25:57 Ever think to yourself?
00:26:00 Maybe there's another group.
00:26:05 For sowing misinformation and racial division.
00:26:10 In the United States and in Europe, you ever think maybe?
Speaker 6
00:26:13 Maybe what you're doing right now?
00:26:16 Like what? What? You're in the the process of doing right now that you're spending millions of dollars that people like me don't have access to.
00:26:27 That that maybe that is showing misinformation and racial division in the United States and Europe. You think maybe?
00:26:35 That that might be a bigger problem than what telegram is doing.
00:26:43 Masters of Projection Ginsburg also wrote to Apple CEO Tim Cook on behalf of the CSW in July.
00:26:51 Asking for telegram to be temporary deflate formed.
00:26:55 Due to its role in inciting extremist violence.
00:26:59 I'm telling you guys, it's going to phones.
00:27:02 It's going to go to phones and you know what? It might very well go to ham radio. They might.
00:27:06 Very well. Get rid of the hand bands through all this.
00:27:09 They cannot allow communication that they don't control.
00:27:16 They can't allow it.
00:27:22 There is also the.
00:27:23 Accusation that anti black and anti-Semitic groups have openly utilized telegram with little or no content moderation by telegrams management.
00:27:33 Well, I'll tell.
00:27:33 You what? Mr. Ginsburg?
00:27:37 It's a messaging app.
00:27:39 I wouldn't want Telegram's management to be moderating the content of messages.
00:27:45 Are you suggesting?
00:27:47 That companies like Verizon and T-Mobile and AT&T should be moderating the content of text messages. You might not be seen saying that.
00:27:56 Right now, but I'm sure once this.
00:28:00 Domino falls. That's that's precisely the next one.
00:28:02 That you'll be working on.
00:28:05 Despite the CSR's warnings and the media reports about the app.
00:28:10 Apple has not taken any action against Telegram comparable to the action it has taken against parlor to compel Telegram to improve its content moderation policies.
00:28:22 And time will tell. We'll see if they do. I've suspected that they will.
00:28:27 And I think that that's 100% likely.
00:28:30 The suit also alleges telegram is being used to coordinate and incite extreme violence.
00:28:37 Before the inauguration of president-elect Joe Biden, some users have called on followers to abandon plans for a second protest in Washington in favor of surprise attacks nationwide, the filing claims.
00:28:51 Here's the thing.
00:28:53 All right.
Speaker 6
00:28:54 If that was.
00:28:58 Let's just say it was real.
00:29:02 I'm assuming that means that Mister Ginsberg here has has evidence of such claims, right?
00:29:08 If, if he's alleging.
00:29:12 That telegram is being used to plan these surprise attacks. Either he's just pulling that out of his his.
00:29:18 Imagination will say.
00:29:21 Or is he seen proof of this?
00:29:24 If I was law enforcement.
00:29:27 I would prefer to keep telegram up if I knew about channels like this and I had access to them I.
00:29:32 Mean he someone.
00:29:33 Does or how are you making this claim? How are you making the claim?
00:29:38 That this is taking place on the app. If you're not able to see it so clearly you have access, you've.
00:29:42 Seen these messages.
00:29:44 And if that's the case in your law enforcement, you would want it.
00:29:47 To continue.
00:29:49 Because you'd have a a clearview.
00:29:53 Of what these insurrectionists were up to, right?
00:29:58 The last thing you'd want to do is get rid of it because you have.
00:30:01 Access to all their plans right there.
00:30:06 You know, I I suspect where we're headed.
00:30:12 Is a lot of a lot of more authoritarian countries.
00:30:16 Ban encryption just in general.
00:30:20 So on Telegram, one of the features that I suggest you use, you know, long as we have it I guess.
00:30:28 Is the end to end encryption that you have just between 2:00 private parties right now that does not guarantee at all. And I've said this 1000 times that someone else isn't reading your messages because there are lots of exploits that are that will be in the operating systems of phones and of just desktops and everything else.
00:30:48 So even if the traffic.
00:30:51 Is encrypted between the two different apps. It doesn't really matter if one of the apps on either side of that connection has been owned.
00:31:02 And or one of those devices has been owned and the whoever it is that has owned it can look. Just look at the screen and read.
00:31:13 What you what you've had or or even?
00:31:16 Have a key logger so they see what you're typing, whether it's in telegram or it doesn't matter where you're typing, they'll always see what you're typing.
00:31:26 So it's the idea that that it's.
00:31:30 Bulletproof is just wrong now if you know what you're doing with security, there's a lot of things you can do to kind of.
00:31:37 Mitigate this, but as I've said before too, there's things we don't even know about, and there's hardware backdoors, and especially in phones, I would suspect a lot of that stuff has backdoors.
00:31:48 So when you're talking online, generally speaking.
00:31:53 You should just always assume.
00:31:57 That the the likelihood that someone else can see it.
00:32:02 So it's not just in open forums that you shouldn't be fed posting and stuff like that. You shouldn't. You should just always assume no matter what app, whether it's telegram or or what have you.
00:32:14 That, that's that's something that someone else can see. And and moreover, if you're talking to someone that you don't know in real life or even if you do know in real life, I mean, what's who's to say that that you're talking to someone who is going to respect that privacy or or.
00:32:33 Just be someone that you can trust.
00:32:37 So they are going to go after telegram, they're going. Mr. Ginsburg here. I find it hilarious and predictable.
00:32:44 You know, if you don't.
00:32:45 Laugh. You're going to cry.
00:32:47 That Mister Ginsburg is who he.
00:32:49 Is and that he's the one.
00:32:52 That's behind all the censorship because it it.
00:32:56 It just goes to further reinforce what people say about people like Mr. Ginsburg.
00:33:02 I mean I.
00:33:04 I can't imagine why. Do why? Oh it's it's.
Speaker 6
00:33:07 Happening again. Oh, God. Oh, God, it's happening again.
00:33:12 They they all hate.
00:33:13 Us again, where we going? What are?
Speaker 4
00:33:15 You going to do?
Speaker 6
00:33:18 What are we gonna?
00:33:19 Do I can't. It's it's for no reason. This always happens. Just they start just hating us for no reason.
00:33:31 Every ******* time, every ******* time.
00:33:36 It's getting.
Speaker 9
00:33:37 It's getting boring.
00:33:41 It's getting boring.
00:33:44 So that's going on.
00:33:47 Another thing that I I caught so last night in the stream, I mentioned that I thought that.
00:33:53 Steve patchett. Nick.
00:33:55 Had been using Alex Jones and suggested that perhaps.
00:34:00 This coup that he was saying Alex had helped him facilitate might not be the coup that the coup people.
00:34:10 Praying for, but rather the one that we just see unfolding on live television. Or, I guess, not on television so much as on telegram.
00:34:20 And after the stream.
00:34:23 Someone sent me. I guess Alex did a emergency broadcast.
00:34:29 Saturday night and it was it was actually prior to my stream. So it's. I don't think it's because he saw my stream.
00:34:35 But it sounds as if he he his head might be going to.
00:34:38 The same place.
00:34:41 And actually the first part of that string was actually pretty OK and then he invited some.
00:34:46 Cue nonsense guy on there. And I was just like, come on, dude.
00:34:49 Like just when I was starting to think that maybe you you were starting to.
00:34:53 Ah, anyway.
00:34:58 Yeah, there's a lot of people that I'll tell you what that a lot of people.
00:35:01 Are starting to figure out how damaging Q is.
00:35:06 And a lot of people are starting to hammer this into the heads of the custards, and I'm I'm really I I'm starting to be a little more optimistic. It's no longer just me screaming into the void that that is the inside of the skull of a custard. It is it. It's.
00:35:20 For like years now going this is fake and gay. Stop following this. Oh my God.
00:35:27 I don't think you guys understand. Like for years I've been doing this and not even just like on the public space, but privately to people I've been.
00:35:36 Like dude, dude, come on.
00:35:44 I saw a stream or I didn't watch the whole stream, but I saw part of a stream that.
00:35:50 Who? I don't know him. I I really don't know him, but I know that his his audience is a little, you know, a little more. I don't want to say a little more normal, but they're kind.
00:35:59 Of a little more Normie and.
00:36:02 He was pushing really hard against Q and actually talking big about Bill, Bill Cooper and I was like, oh, that's perhaps perhaps anomaly is watching the show.
00:36:10 I don't know.
00:36:14 But he was talking about Bill Cooper's.
00:36:15 Book be what is it? Behold A pale horse. Good book.
00:36:19 By the way.
00:36:21 I highly recommend grabbing a copy of that.
00:36:24 The audiobook he reads himself so.
00:36:28 It's in his own words.
00:36:30 Highly recommend checking that out.
00:36:32 I got both.
00:36:34 You can find it free online. Uh, but.
00:36:39 You know, like I said, he did not survive that attack on his.
00:36:44 All those years ago and I I I would prefer that you pay so that his family gets at least a little bit of coinage from that.
00:36:54 I'm not positive that that's where it's going, but I would assume.
00:36:58 He does have.
00:37:00 Well, they're probably not small children anymore, but they were at the time he does have children.
00:37:06 And a wife.
00:37:11 If you want to check that out that is available in all kinds of different places.
00:37:16 It's definitely again with with Bill Cooper.
00:37:19 He kind of.
00:37:21 Misses the mark in a few places.
00:37:23 But a lot of it's pretty good.
00:37:26 In fact, there's.
00:37:26 A lot of that stuff when you go back and look at these guys.
00:37:31 In I don't know what.
00:37:32 To call it, I guess the they call it the Patriot movement. So we'll just call it the Patriot movement.
00:37:37 But a lot of them in the past.
00:37:39 They got a lot of stuff, right? But they also got a lot of stuff wrong. And so it gives gives me pause and and and that's why I try to be as careful as possible about.
00:37:50 You know, making crazy assumptions about stuff because I know that in 30 years I might sound like a ******.
00:37:59 And I don't want, you know, not that I don't want to. Oh, no. I've only. Not that I don't want to sound like a ******. Well, I guess I don't want to sound like a.
00:38:05 ******, but I don't want to be giving you guys bad information.
00:38:11 One book in particular.
00:38:16 I think it's.
00:38:16 Called pawns in the game. Pawns in the game.
00:38:20 Pawns in the game let me look that one up. I think that's the name of it.
00:38:26 It was a little bit of a white pill and a little bit of a black pill.
00:38:30 Pawns in the game. Why did that?
00:38:32 Not search for the whole term there.
00:38:34 Pawns in the game.
00:38:37 There we go.
00:38:40 This is a.
00:38:40 Book that you can find pretty much everywhere. It was written by William Guy Carr. In fact. Look, I just did a search and a PDF of the whole book just popped right up.
00:38:52 But you can get that.
00:38:52 On audiobook too.
Speaker 7
00:38:54 This guy I wrote.
00:38:56 Pawns in the game in 1958.
00:39:00 1958.
00:39:03 And it's eerie to hear some of the same things that.
00:39:07 That we're worried about first starting to creep up.
00:39:11 In 1958.
00:39:15 And one of the reasons one of.
00:39:16 The black pills, I guess.
00:39:19 That I associate with this book. I mean not that.
00:39:22 Look, it's the same thing with with Bill.
00:39:24 Cooper the informations about.
Speaker 7
00:39:27 You know, I'd say it's about.
00:39:29 60% there he misses the mark in a lot of places. Still worth the read.
00:39:34 But at the end of the book.
00:39:36 And again, this was in 1958.
00:39:39 He says to the readers of the book.
00:39:42 You know, we can beat this and the way we can beat this is we can start up Patriot clubs all around the country. Remember, 1958 things weren't that bad yet, I mean considering.
00:39:52 You know, compared to today.
00:39:55 1958 must have felt like you still.
00:39:57 Had some time, right?
00:39:59 And he was like, you know, we can create these groups, these patriot groups and, you know, make these clubs around. Again, this is before the Internet. This is before the Internet. And but really this is before, like we talked about Bill Cooper leveraged radio this before.
00:40:14 Now there was ham radio, but this is before.
00:40:16 You could even do radio in the way that Bill Cooper was doing it.
00:40:20 But he said we'll make these groups and we'll have, like, book clubs kind of in these books or in these groups, and we'll have newsletters and, you know, we'll, we'll we'll be able to fight this by bypassing the media.
00:40:34 Through these clubs that we'll have all around the country and we'll eventually hopefully get enough people together to where we'll have some political power.
00:40:46 I forget the name of the group.
00:40:49 Well, I'll just look it up, I guess I've got the PDF of the entire book right here, right.
00:40:54 So this might kill my Internet. Hopefully it doesn't destroy the stream.
00:41:05 I guess this isn't.
00:41:06 The entire book.
00:41:11 He he talks about this group and.
00:41:15 I'm listening to the audiobook and I'm.
00:41:17 Thinking to myself.
00:41:19 Well, not only did that fail.
00:41:26 I've never even heard of this group.
00:41:29 So in a way, it failed spectacularly. Like you know, it just did.
00:41:35 And I think that that's something that people need to come to grips with is.
00:41:40 When you're up against, it's not that like we don't have.
00:41:44 The ability to organize, and we can't do things on a small scale, but your opponent has literally trillions of dollars to work with.
00:41:54 Trillions of dollars.
Speaker 6
00:42:00 That that it's.
00:42:01 Reflected not just in, obviously, when you see them busing BLM and Antifa people to protest well into the polls.
00:42:10 But it's it's. It's not even just that it's it's just all the nonprofits.
00:42:17 Like Mr. Ginsburg here.
00:42:19 You know Ambassador Ginsburg?
00:42:24 I mean, how much do you think he?
00:42:25 Gets paid to sue telegram.
00:42:28 How much do you think an ex ambassador?
00:42:31 Gets paid.
00:42:36 We don't have anything even remotely like that, and this is just one of of thousands.
00:42:41 Of organizations, a spider web.
00:42:44 Of organizations.
00:42:46 They all act in unison.
00:42:49 To destroy us.
00:42:51 And they can pay these people to work around.
00:42:53 The clock.
00:42:56 They don't have to rely.
00:42:58 On some guy in the desert who's living off of ******* nothing.
00:43:02 In, in just doing this.
00:43:04 Because he's he's a true believer. They can just pay people to be believers.
00:43:13 They've got the money to do it. They print the money, they'll never run out of it.
00:43:19 And so it's foolish, and it's naive.
00:43:25 To think that you can somehow.
00:43:28 Organize your way out of this.
00:43:35 You'll never be able to organize your way out of this. You know, people making a big deal out of.
00:43:41 Nick getting.
00:43:43 Well, was like half $1,000,000 or something I don't depends on what the price of Bitcoin is right now, right?
00:43:48 And it was a big.
00:43:48 Lump of money.
00:43:50 Honestly, in the big scheme of things, that's ******* nothing.
00:43:54 That's nothing. It's probably less than what Mr. Ginsburg here makes in a year, probably less.
00:44:00 And he's so you've never.
00:44:01 Even heard of he's just like some tiny piece of this enormous machine.
00:44:12 And we get all excited because.
00:44:14 One guy got like, half 1,000,000 bucks.
00:44:20 It's literally nothing.
00:44:24 No, only wrong. I wish. I wish.
00:44:26 Someone had sent me that half million bucks, right?
Speaker 7
00:44:30 And I hope he puts it to work right.
00:44:35 And the big scheme of things, that's that's nothing.
00:44:38 It's nothing.
00:44:41 The richest, not richest man.
00:44:43 All of the richest men.
00:44:46 In the world.
00:44:48 Are against people like you and me.
00:44:53 And as we've seen.
00:44:55 These corporations.
00:45:00 Multi I think doesn't Apple have over. I think they've got like $2 trillion just sitting in the bank somewhere. I think that's that. That's that's it might be more than that. They're sitting on a giant ball of cash.
00:45:18 These companies.
00:45:20 Have the resources and the abilities these.
00:45:22 Bankers who print the money.
00:45:26 And even if they run out of it.
00:45:28 They can bail themselves out with more printed money or your money. They can confiscate your money from.
00:45:33 Your paycheck and just.
00:45:35 Put it in their wallets.
00:45:39 They will never run out of resources.
00:45:43 And they will never grow tired. This system is not something.
00:45:49 That you can subvert.
00:45:51 That you can change.
00:45:54 That you can teach.
00:45:57 That video I played.
00:45:59 Before going live here, I I recorded that in and I think in 2019.
00:46:05 So roughly about two years ago, maybe a little less.
00:46:10 And I was trying to communicate in that video.
00:46:15 That we all kind of have.
00:46:18 I think that same evolution, right?
Speaker 5
00:46:22 We're all we're.
00:46:22 All good guys.
00:46:25 We're all very, you know, I would I and I am. I'm thinking a lot of you guys probably are we're.
00:46:30 Just nice, likable guys.
00:46:33 We're not hateful people.
00:46:36 We don't want to dominate other people. By and large, we want to just kind.
00:46:40 Of be left alone.
00:46:42 But more than that.
00:46:44 We want a a government that that.
00:46:47 Represents us and works for us.
00:46:51 And right now we have a government that doesn't represent represent us and works against us.
00:46:59 And that's a really that's a a realization that takes a long time.
00:47:04 To get over because when you're when you're young.
00:47:07 And you're lapping up that propaganda. You're watching the fireworks explode. You're pledging allegiance to the flag.
Speaker 7
00:47:13 You know you're you're.
00:47:15 All about it. You're a team player. You're like, yeah, America. ****, yeah. I like this place.
00:47:21 But then, little by little, as you get older and you.
00:47:23 Start to see that.
00:47:25 Oh, ****. Half of this is a smokescreen.
00:47:29 Half of this is a mirage.
00:47:33 It's a hologram.
00:47:39 And it exists so that I don't see.
00:47:44 How this country is really structured?
00:47:49 And that I don't. So I don't understand.
00:47:53 That they just revamped how slavery worked.
00:48:00 And made it so that.
00:48:01 Well, if we treat the slaves.
00:48:02 A little bit nicer.
00:48:04 Dangle some carrots in front of them. Say, look, you could be the alpha slave. You too could make you maybe one day if you work hard enough. Instead of flipping the burgers, you could be the manager. You know, if you if you're the manager, we'll give you healthcare.
00:48:20 Maybe some stock options?
00:48:22 You could afford those.
00:48:24 Those sea doos you've always wanted, right?
00:48:27 You can get like a toy hauler and stick some ATV's in there and and you can have a Mcmansion with a huge more mortgage that you'll never pay off.
00:48:38 And and if you.
00:48:39 Do it'll be just in time for you to.
00:48:43 To die.
00:48:44 You know, you know what mortgage means.
00:48:48 Think about Latin and think of the word mortgage.
00:48:53 Think of the word morgue Mortuary.
00:48:57 The word mortgage literally means death agreement.
00:49:07 It means you're not paying this off.
00:49:09 Until you're dead.
00:49:13 It means slavery.
00:49:17 It means.
00:49:18 You are in debt.
00:49:21 To a banker.
00:49:24 That only had the money because he was born with the money.
00:49:30 And you have to borrow it from him.
00:49:34 To afford a place to just live.
00:49:37 And raise your kids? Of course, that's not 100% true. You can.
00:49:40 Get around it, but most.
00:49:41 People that's you're told this is normal. This is normal. It's just as normal.
00:49:46 As student debt.
Speaker 7
00:49:48 Which might as well also be a.
00:49:50 Mortgage, right?
Speaker 7
00:49:51 This is totally normal guys.
00:49:53 First, you're supposed to the first thing you do after you go.
00:49:56 To government schools.
00:49:57 Where you don't learn anything other than how evil white people are and and that sort of a thing once you're at government schools, you're trained to respond to bells.
Speaker 6
00:50:08 Once you're out of government.
00:50:09 Schools. The first thing you do.
00:50:12 Is you go to the banking class.
00:50:14 And you say please, Sir, please, Sir, can I?
Speaker 6
00:50:18 Have can I have some shillings?
Speaker 7
00:50:20 For my education, can I please?
00:50:25 And they give you the money.
00:50:28 That again, they only have because they were born with.
00:50:31 It they didn't earn that money.
00:50:34 They were born with it. That's it.
00:50:38 And so because they're part of this class that just has money. Like, that's their job in the society. What's your job? I have money.
00:50:46 Oh, how do you get into that? Well, you.
Speaker 7
00:50:48 You kind of.
00:50:48 Have to be born into it. Oh, OK.
00:50:54 So you borrow the money.
00:50:56 And then you go.
00:50:56 To more classes that tell you how evil white people are.
00:50:59 For a while.
Speaker 7
00:51:04 Then when you get out of it.
00:51:07 You go work for one of these.
00:51:09 These companies that is either run by one of these same billionaires or owned.
00:51:15 By one of these billionaires.
00:51:18 And as they collect interest on that loan.
00:51:23 They they pay you some of it back, they pay you.
00:51:26 Some of it back every month. So you.
00:51:28 Can pay it back to them.
00:51:31 And then you.
00:51:31 Borrow more money.
Speaker 7
00:51:34 For a car.
00:51:37 And then you borrow more money.
00:51:39 For a house.
00:51:42 And so forth. And then it it's it's slavery.
00:51:47 You're just constantly paying them the money that then they.
00:51:50 Give you some of it back.
00:51:52 And maybe if you're lucky.
00:51:55 By the time that you're too old to be useful to the system anyway.
00:51:59 Or to enjoy life for that matter.
00:52:03 Maybe you can downsize, you know, maybe you've built up some equity.
00:52:08 You can sell off all your stuff. Hopefully Social Security is still going, which you know, probably not.
00:52:14 And you live in some small apartment, maybe get an RV.
00:52:20 And then just die. That's it.
00:52:26 That's it.
00:52:31 You know, this first occurred to me.
00:52:35 The the generational wealth thing really hit home for the first time.
00:52:40 When I first moved.
00:52:42 Well, it started. I started to figure it out when I lived in DC and I was working for people.
00:52:46 Who were just weren't they just weren't talented?
00:52:49 And they were younger and they, like, they were really young.
00:52:53 And too young for the positions they had.
00:52:56 And they had tons of.
00:52:57 Money. And they ran these organizations.
00:53:00 And I was thinking to myself like, how did these guys?
00:53:03 Get these jobs like I it wasn't just me. There was a few of their employees that you that could run circles around these guys and then you start to realize. Ohh it's just very incestuous. These people all come from money.
00:53:15 And because Daddy has tons of money, your job is to manage some of daddy's money in a nonprofit.
00:53:22 And you just literally show up and smoke pot in the office like some of these guys for real, they they just would.
00:53:26 Drink and smoke pot in the office while.
00:53:30 You know, ********* like me would do all the work.
00:53:33 And that's their life. That's their job.
00:53:37 And then when I moved to.
00:53:39 San Francisco.
00:53:43 It was the same sort of a thing, the.
00:53:45 The guy that I.
00:53:45 Went there to go work for who ended up screwing me out of a lot of money, and I think you can guess his ethnicity.
00:53:51 Same thing.
00:53:53 He had money. He had a company.
00:53:56 And I was like, wow, you know, that's awesome that you built up this company from nothing.
00:54:02 Yeah, it turns out he didn't. Turns out his dad.
00:54:05 Was very wealthy.
00:54:08 In fact, his dad was governor of a state.
00:54:12 And that.
00:54:15 He had been he had very much enjoyed the nepotism that's related to that in his lifetime, and that had been how he was able to create a company.
00:54:25 In a place like San Francisco.
00:54:28 And I was like, oh, that's.
00:54:28 Kind of a kind of a bummer.
00:54:32 And then it really hit me as I had this. I lived in this really ****** apt. I don't know if you guys know about rent in San Francisco. It's insane.
00:54:44 And again it's it's you get paid a lot because you remember this whole wage slave system, it really is slavery. So if you're getting paid a lot, they just charge you a lot. So you're never ever able to, you know, get ahead.
00:54:59 So even though I was making an OK money, it wasn't even really as much as I should have been making, but I had some freedoms that I thought were worth it.
00:55:07 My rent was.
00:55:14 I mean, it was something like.
00:55:16 I mean, it was over 4 grand a month.
00:55:19 For a one bedroom.
00:55:21 A one bedroom.
00:55:23 Not a, not a roomy one bedroom.
00:55:26 A small one bedroom apartment and it was.
00:55:28 Over 4 grand a month.
00:55:30 And there was utilities and all that stuff. That's just that was just the rent.
00:55:35 So wrap your head around that one.
00:55:40 And the.
00:55:42 Landlord was this old Jewish guy.
00:55:47 And he drove a Maserati.
Speaker 7
00:55:52 The way that he had.
00:55:54 I mean the what the way he made money.
00:55:57 It was very similar to the banks, except for for him it was property.
00:56:02 He owned a bunch of property all up and down the West Coast.
00:56:08 And these were not nice properties. OK, my walls were so thin I could literally hear the not just my the my neighbors talking on the phone. I hear what?
00:56:16 They were saying on the phone.
00:56:22 Like there was the IT.
00:56:22 Was the walls were that thin?
00:56:26 And the building itself was probably like like 150 years old and just a total ***** ** ****.
00:56:35 And this guy he was, he was basically he was a slumlord, but it was like a high end slumlord, right. So he owned slums in, like, really expensive parts of California.
00:56:44 And so his job was.
00:56:47 He owned property.
00:56:50 And every month.
00:56:53 People paid him enough money.
00:56:54 To where he could afford a Maserati.
00:56:56 For owning property.
00:56:59 And one day.
00:57:01 He died.
00:57:06 And his daughter.
00:57:08 Came and said, well, now I'm going to be the one collecting the rent.
00:57:14 And I realized.
00:57:18 She is now.
00:57:20 Independently wealthy.
00:57:24 Simply because she was born.
00:57:29 She was born with all these properties.
00:57:33 She didn't do anything to get those properties. I don't know her. Her dad probably didn't either, but I don't know that. Maybe he somehow. I don't know. I don't know his story, but I know her story.
00:57:44 And her story was.
Speaker 4
00:57:46 You're born.
00:57:49 Your dad's rich enough to have a Maserati, so you're probably doing OK.
00:57:52 And then when he kicks off.
00:57:55 All that property is yours. You didn't do anything.
00:57:57 To get it.
00:57:59 And all these wage slaves.
00:58:01 That live in your properties.
00:58:04 Pay you, you know, in my case over $4000 a month every month.
00:58:11 For you to to do minimal maintenance to these slums.
00:58:25 Excuse me.
00:58:28 And that's what I realized.
00:58:30 The systems fought.
00:58:33 Because this is just one tiny example.
00:58:37 One tiny example where it's affecting me directly.
00:58:42 Where I'm faced with this.
00:58:44 This county.
00:58:46 Rich woman.
00:58:48 Who did nothing to earn.
00:58:51 The majority of my salary every month.
00:58:56 But because she was born.
00:58:59 I have to give her the majority of my salary every month.
00:59:07 I know there's a lot of people that are making fun of the leftists that are saying, oh, cancel, rent, cancel rent, cancel rent.
00:59:16 But I have a little bit of sympathy for them, especially if they, I mean, look, I mean, if you're out of a job.
00:59:20 Because the government shut down your job.
00:59:26 I can relate to that.
00:59:31 I can definitely relate to that, Speaking of COVID.
00:59:37 There's a funny, funny new development, you see COVID.
00:59:42 Has gotten a lot more powerful lately.
00:59:45 It's a lot scarier.
00:59:49 You know, you thought it was enough to just wear?
00:59:50 A mask.
00:59:53 You thought you'd be safe.
00:59:57 By wearing a mask while.
00:59:58 You were wrong my friend.
01:00:02 You were wrong.
01:00:06 I'm going to show you this.
01:00:09 This breaking news story.
01:00:13 That will tell you exactly how safe you're not with that mask of yours.
Speaker 5
01:00:23 With COVID cases soaring, experts warn it's time to double down, as in time to start wearing a double mask. president-elect Joe Biden does it. Mitt Romney double mask during the capital insurrection, Tom Cruise also double masks.
Speaker 10
01:00:37 That essentially blocks between 90 and 95% of all viral particles.
Speaker 5
01:00:42 Infectious disease specialist Doctor Monica Gandhi shows us the simple steps you can take.
Speaker 10
01:00:47 Actually, putting the cloth mask first.
01:00:51 And then putting the surgical mask on top of it, all the electrostatically potion from here and then, like different fibers going different ways, you've just blocked, you've just made this an N90.
01:01:04 Five right here.
Speaker 5
01:01:05 With COVID cases soaring, experts near that.
Speaker 7
01:01:07 You hear?
Speaker 5
01:01:08 Time to double down.
01:01:09 You guys need 2 masks now.
01:01:17 One mask is not enough.
01:01:20 You must wear 2.
01:01:23 One mask is so 2020.
01:01:27 Come on, man. Come on, man.
01:01:30 You got to have two masks now.
01:01:35 I think I think that you guys should just.
01:01:38 Get ahead of the game and start wearing 3 masks. You know? That's that's that's what's.
01:01:41 Going to be next.
01:01:47 What could be safer than three masks? Because she said it wasn't 100%, it was still, it was only like 96% that it blocks if you wear.
01:01:54 The two masks, so if you.
01:01:57 Add that extra mask you're going.
01:01:58 To maybe get up to 100.
01:02:01 You'll maybe get up to 100.
01:02:08 Yeah, the COVID nightmare. The COVID nightmare that never wants to end.
01:02:14 Someone in chat says full body hazmat suits for the win. You know, it's funny. I actually have some of those not because of COVID.
Speaker 7
01:02:23 But because of Carla's house.
01:02:25 Is full of hantavirus.
01:02:28 So in fact, when all this hit I had all these N 95 masks and those suits because of the and rubber gloves and stuff because of the Carl's house.
01:02:37 And I was like ohh. And then before I knew if if it was fake or not. Says like, oh, ****. Well, if it actually turns into like zombie apocalypse.
01:02:43 I'm good to go.
01:02:44 And then you know, especially cause the mask suddenly, like skyrocketed in price and you couldn't find him anywhere anyway. And I had a couple boxes of them. I should have scooped them. I might have been able to make some money.
01:02:58 Alright, take a look at chat here.
01:03:01 Cancel Mom will just follow us everywhere.
01:03:04 I think that's raging humanist there.
01:03:07 Or it's a fan of his. He's got the icon.
01:03:10 This is true. They will follow us everywhere. They'll follow us on the telegram. They'll follow us on the ham radio, if that's what it comes down to. Devin. Can't believe this leaf wanted to move to the states as much as I hate Trudeau, I'll stay here.
01:03:26 I I don't know anything about Canada so much I've I've only been there once and it was super gay. I.
Speaker 7
01:03:36 It was a very.
01:03:37 I think it was very clean.
01:03:39 And it was shockingly modern.
01:03:42 What? What city did I go to?
01:03:45 It was uh, it was the one. It was, man, it was. It was the one that they had the Olympics at at one point.
01:03:53 And just north of Washington state.
01:03:57 On the other side of the water.
01:04:00 Anyway, not Halifax.
01:04:03 It was, uh.
01:04:05 It was it. Yeah. Vancouver. That's what it was. Very clean. At least the part that I was in. It was very.
01:04:11 Like, shockingly clean.
01:04:13 Compared well, I mean I I, I I went there from San Francisco. So yeah, I guess that's probably a big part of it. In San Francisco, there's literal **** just on the sidewalk everywhere. And then I go to Vancouver and I was like, wow, this place looks very nice and clean. And this is kind of weird, massive gay part of town.
01:04:32 Or maybe it was just like some kind of gay pride thing. There was, like, ******* gay flags everywhere.
01:04:37 But we had a pretty nice hotel we stayed at. In fact, I saw Heather. Heather Graham was that was it was staying at our hotel for some reason. She was shooting a movie.
01:04:46 Or something like that.
01:04:50 Yeah, that I wasn't there for long. It just my my impression was, wow, it's super gay here. If there's gay flags everywhere, all of our waiters seem to be very gay.
01:05:03 Vancouver was the 1st place I've ever.
01:05:05 Been where they locked. Oops.
01:05:08 Where they locked the gas stations at night.
01:05:13 I don't know what you mean by that. Did you see that they just released a remake of Stephen King's the Stand on TV. First episode came out in December. Interesting timing for them to do that.
01:05:25 I I'd like to.
01:05:26 See how woke.
01:05:27 They made the stand. It was already pretty woke because it was Stephen King and and it includes the character Stephen King has been the king of adding the the virtuous God like black character, where there's like some wise black man or black woman that.
01:05:45 Some somehow has all the answers to all the, you know, the universe's problems, and if I remember correctly, they had a mini series of the stand, either the 80s or the 90s. You know, I my parents rented it at one point back when there was video stores, so it's been a long time.
01:06:02 And we watched it and it had this, you know, old black woman.
01:06:06 On a farm.
01:06:09 Front porch in a rocking chair and she was somehow telepathically communicating with people. It's been a long time. I.
01:06:16 I think I read the book.
01:06:18 A few years after that, but it's been a really super long time.
01:06:22 But yeah, I'm sure they've made it even worse.
01:06:27 Stephen King blocked me on blocked you on.
01:06:29 Facebook. That's pretty good.
01:06:32 He's a massive pedo.
01:06:35 I don't know if you've ever read Speaking of New Stephen King properties that are being worked on right now it the clown.
01:06:45 I'm sure you guys are familiar with.
01:06:46 It The book, it has a little kid ****.
01:06:52 That saves the day by the.
01:06:53 Way it's not even just.
01:06:54 That there's a little kid ****. It's that by performing the ****, these children destroy it.
01:07:03 That's a big part of that, that story that gets left out.
01:07:09 I don't know.
01:07:09 If you guys know that or not.
01:07:12 In fact, I made a meme about this years ago.
01:07:15 Let me see if I can pull that up. Oh, no, I can't because I don't have that.
01:07:18 Folder on it's on my computer.
01:07:20 But yeah.
01:07:21 It's Stephen King's it.
01:07:25 In order to defeat the evil clown.
01:07:28 They have like this magical little kid ****.
01:07:32 Where they.
01:07:34 All the the little boys ****. I mean, have you guys seen the? The? I don't know if you've seen the movie. You know, it's like the characters. There's, like a bunch of little boys and then like a little girl in the book, all the little boys. **** the little girl in this weird magical space **** thing and that destroys.
01:07:52 The clown.
01:07:55 Not making that up, that's really in the book.
01:08:01 And now that's and now it's a big movie. No one seems to be concerned at all that there's this huge pedo scene in the book.
01:08:09 Well, I used to read a lot of Stephen.
Speaker 7
01:08:11 King. But I stopped reading when I got to it.
01:08:15 I stopped because I got tired of his writing, but I didn't.
01:08:18 Get that? Well, his.
01:08:19 Here's the thing. His writing's not even that good.
01:08:23 His writing is literally the same every time. It's like it's build up, build up, build up, mysterious bad, evil thing, build up, build up, build up mysterious bad every, you know, evil thing at the end.
Speaker 7
01:08:34 Oh, no. What is it? It's just.
01:08:36 It's a big evil monster or an alien.
01:08:38 Like there's never any payoff. There's literally never any payoff.
01:08:42 There's no like twist at the.
01:08:43 End there's no M Night shala.
01:08:45 Balaba like it's always just.
01:08:48 You know, build up, build up, build up.
01:08:49 Scary. Scary. Scary. Evil. Evil. Evil. Evil. Evil. Creepy.
01:08:53 And at the end, it's just a monster.
01:08:57 Like it's almost it's more of a let down than the.
01:08:59 End of a scooby-doo episode.
01:09:02 Oh, it's it's old man Jenkins.
Speaker 6
01:09:05 And I would have gotten away with it too.
01:09:08 Antifa uses a screenshot of me holding the other rope as proof of a Nazi dogs in my house threatened my kids and wife.
01:09:17 Well, I apologize if my book did any of that, but.
01:09:20 Uh, yeah, I I.
01:09:24 I never imagined.
01:09:27 I well, I don't know. I actually I did. I knew that they would ban the book at some point. I didn't think that they would ban it.
01:09:34 Before they, there's so many other books that are are way more violent than than my book.
01:09:40 And you know, I guess I'm a little proud of it. I'm a little proud that my book.
01:09:45 Was banned for that reason.
01:09:47 And yes, before you ask book two, we'll be coming out once I can focus on stuff other.
01:09:52 Than what's going on? I.
01:09:56 I'm really looking forward to the 21st because I'm going to sleep.
01:10:01 For an entire day.
01:10:03 I'm going to sleep for an entire day.
01:10:05 And not think about politics, not even log in. Of course, that'll be the day, right that.
01:10:10 The 21st, that'll be.
01:10:12 The day that Biden releases the.
01:10:16 Stormtroopers. The commie stormtroopers.
01:10:19 Onto the the insurrectionists.
01:10:26 Was a good book. No spoilers.
01:10:29 Yes, no spoilers please.
01:10:32 UM, keep your streams at night. I need them at work. Yeah, I'll probably. I don't think there's a way around it. Honestly, I think that in order for me to have fast Internet, I have to wait until that part of it is everyone that lives in my area is.
01:10:47 Is on the same.
01:10:51 You know, no matter who you get it from, it's going through the same pipe.
01:10:55 And so part of it is I have to wait for everyone to go to bed, but.
01:10:59 It's also, I think they're just throttling me because I'm using substantially more. In fact, I probably account for half of the bandwidth in this whole area, if not more.
01:11:09 And so because in my contract there's nothing really they can do about it, I think they're just ******* me over and putting me at the at the off peak hours. So that technically I'm still getting unlimited, but it's just throttled down to like 2G during the day. It's unusable. It's unusable.
Speaker 6
01:11:28 The day.
01:11:30 Like even for just browsing, I can't.
01:11:32 I have a separate Internet I have just for watching.
01:11:35 YouTube videos and I have to watch those at like the lowest.
01:11:39 Lowest possible thing because the bandwidth on my alternative Internet so slow I can't even watch bit shoot sometimes.
01:11:46 Because bit shoot doesn't have those options to dial back the bandwidth at all.
01:11:53 Your point on how foundations can converted is spot on. Disney and Ford were based men who'd be rolling over in their graves if they knew what happened to their companies. Yeah, the Ford Foundation is a perfect example. Henry Ford.
01:12:09 Would be appalled.
01:12:11 Appalled if he knew what his big.
01:12:13 Ball of money was up.
01:12:14 To these.
01:12:14 Days. But it's also a testament. That's like I said, it's impossible. Not only is it impossible that to go broke, your family will have.
01:12:23 Money for eternity.
01:12:25 If you get that big ball of money going.
01:12:28 But you can have immortal children in the form of foundations.
01:12:34 And so, like Soros, we talked about Soros the other day. Yeah. Not when he dies, it doesn't go away because there's Alex Soros. But there's also the Soros foundation. There's all these other little foundations look, the same thing goes with the Clinton Foundation.
01:12:47 These will go on and on well beyond.
01:12:51 Their lifespan.
01:12:53 And the Ford Foundation, I I highly doubt that there's anyone even related to Henry Ford that even works there.
01:13:00 And and if there is, it just goes to show that look is if if you are a rich person, because I think a lot of people every time I get pushed back about generational wealth. When I talk about generational wealth as a problem, you get these, these want to be millionaire fagots that think that like.
01:13:15 Oh, if I play the game then I can be.
01:13:17 A millionaire and you know they vote against their own interest and in the interest of millionaires.
01:13:21 They believe this ******* American dream lie that somehow one day if they work hard enough, then they'll be Mark Zuckerberg.
01:13:28 And they'll always say the same things. Well, that's that's the motivation for me to work. I want to make sure my children are taken care of forever. And so if you take away this ability for me to pass on my wealth to my children, I'm not going to be motivated to do this anymore. And and you'll be taking away an important component of the free market and all this other stuff. Well.
01:13:48 You're not going to control.
01:13:50 How your children spend that money?
01:13:53 And so in the case of the Ford Foundation, I'm not positive. I'm pretty sure that it's no longer even, you know, tied to anyone genetically that you know that's related to Ford. But let's say it was, let's say, the Ford Foundation is run by his great great grandson or something like that.
01:14:12 He would be horrified. He would be mortified.
01:14:15 That exactly the thing that he fought against his entire life.
01:14:20 His money was being used to promote.
01:14:26 That's what happens when you give unearned money to people.
01:14:29 And so these people that are like, oh, I don't want to make sure that my children are taken care of.
01:14:34 No, because.
Speaker 7
01:14:37 That there's a reason.
01:14:39 Why we we're living in a dysgenic period right now.
01:14:42 Because that's not only is it bad for the reasons we've already discussed, it's positively dysgenic.
01:14:50 Because now you're giving a enormous head start to your children.
01:14:59 In in in, in some cases a head start that is insurmountable.
01:15:04 And it it's regardless of how.
01:15:08 How good they are or how smart they are, or how capable they are?
01:15:12 And so you're not. You're no longer in Ameritox, Tracy. You're no longer rewarding.
01:15:22 And especially this is true.
01:15:25 If you have the debt system that we have so that anyone that is achieving.
01:15:32 Still has to get the approval.
01:15:36 Of the people, people that were.
Speaker 6
01:15:37 Just born with money.
01:15:39 So even if you have like the good idea like even.
Speaker 7
01:15:41 If you you're in.
01:15:42 Your garage and you create this you.
01:15:44 Know, maybe you.
01:15:45 You you discover free energy, you know somehow or something crazy that's going to, you know, help society forever.
01:15:52 It doesn't matter because you still have to get.
01:15:55 One of these ******* billionaires that was that was.
01:15:57 Born with the money.
01:15:59 To get on board.
01:16:03 And if you try to go against them.
01:16:06 They'll destroy you.
01:16:10 They have the ability to destroy you.
01:16:12 Look what's happening right now in the.
01:16:13 Marketplace of ideas.
01:16:17 We are able to compete with these billionaires and their giant platforms that they use to spread their propaganda.
01:16:24 We are able to neuter them using just a a handful of computer parts.
01:16:30 You know, microphone.
01:16:32 An Internet connection.
01:16:34 We're able to.
01:16:36 Neuter them.
01:16:40 So and and part of it's cause this dysgenic thing.
01:16:42 I was talking.
01:16:43 About they haven't been responding to evolutionary pressures because they don't have any.
Speaker 3
01:16:54 They, they. They.
01:16:54 They're like the it's kind of like the if you've.
01:16:58 Ever grown plants?
01:17:02 In a greenhouse.
01:17:04 And then you take them and put.
01:17:06 Them in the full sunlight.
01:17:09 They'll die.
01:17:11 Because they're used to like these cushy conditions, you know this filtered light.
01:17:17 No wind.
01:17:19 No bitter cold.
01:17:21 And then you put them outside.
01:17:24 And now they're getting blasted by the sun and then freezing at night, and they ******* die.
01:17:32 They can't handle it. That's exactly the same thing with these people. They haven't been subjected to the the pressures of the outside.
01:17:42 And so when they have to compete with someone that that's where they grew, they grew out of a a crack in.
01:17:46 The ******* driveway.
01:17:51 You know they can survive with very little nourishment, very little.
01:17:56 Interaction very, very little nurturing.
01:18:02 We're the weeds.
01:18:08 And they got to use weed killer to get rid of us.
Speaker 7
01:18:16 Millionaires are fine, but.
01:18:20 It's covering the rest of your message. Acquiring billions is too much.
01:18:24 Power. Well, that's the other.
01:18:25 Thing that people will say, well, then Marty, draw the line. How much is too much?
01:18:30 Look, you wouldn't have that problem if without generational wealth.
01:18:35 You would have some anomalies, maybe every once in a while. Some guy would go from the the starting line to like having billions of dollars at the end of it. In that case, you know what? **** it. I I'm. I'll settle for that.
01:18:48 I'll let there be a billionaire anomaly every once in a while because he.
01:18:51 Did earn it somehow.
01:18:54 I would. I would and and if because there'd be so few of them.
01:18:58 It'd be an easy.
01:18:58 You could then examine like, well, how did this guy do it? Did he do it by exploiting the system? Is there?
01:19:03 A weakness in the system that we need to fix.
01:19:07 I'm OK with people getting rich off their own work.
01:19:13 That's. I'm totally OK with that.
01:19:16 If you earned it, go for it. But none of these guys, none of these stories you hear about. Ohh. It's rags to riches. No, it's not.
Speaker 7
01:19:24 Bill Gates.
01:19:26 Wasn't just some nerdy kid that started Microsoft in his garage, no matter how many.
01:19:31 Millions of dollars they spend.
01:19:32 On movies to tell you that.
01:19:34 That's not true.
01:19:38 And the same thing can be said about all these guys like Mark Zuckerberg.
01:19:44 You know Amazon. Oh, look, Amazon. It was started as this little tiny book company and then it grew into this massive empire.
01:19:56 And look, we already have monopoly laws. I'm not saying that we need to even have more monopoly laws. We already have them.
01:20:05 Because in addition to generational wealth, we have these corporations.
01:20:10 That become these immortal beings.
01:20:15 Microsoft will keep going well beyond Bill Gates after he's dead.
01:20:20 You know IBM GE.
01:20:24 All these corporations.
01:20:28 The reason they've been allowed and have been able.
01:20:32 To get an AT&T all these companies.
01:20:35 Some of them have been.
01:20:35 Around for over 100 years.
01:20:44 But we already have. We already have laws. I mean, they broke up AT&T.
01:20:49 Back in like what the 70s?
01:20:52 And that's exactly what the Trump administration should have focused they said they were going to look into it.
01:20:59 They should have broke up Alphabet. They should have broke up Apple quite frankly.
01:21:04 They should have broke up, you know, Facebook.
01:21:10 We have.
01:21:10 Monopolies now.
01:21:14 And right now, everything that's happening right now is because if there weren't any monopolies, it wouldn't matter.
01:21:20 Oh no, we're out of the.
01:21:22 Apple App Store, so we'll just go this other App Store.
01:21:28 That doesn't exist because there's monopolies.
01:21:32 Oh no. Google is banning our app. So what? We'll go to frugal or whatever.
01:21:40 Well, that doesn't exist because we have monopolies.
01:21:48 Take a look at chat here.
01:21:53 F Droid.
01:21:56 With the Motorola Droid, I barely remember that.
01:22:02 I remember when they made the the phone, the Motorola made a phone called Droid.
01:22:07 And Lucas sued them.
01:22:10 Because Droid I came up with that word.
01:22:14 And he got he got millions for it. I forget how much. But it was a lot of money.
01:22:25 What's next? What do we do?
01:22:29 Well, like I said, I don't know what's next. No one's got a crystal ball, but I you can at least determine what they want to have happen next. And you can kind of look at. Well, is there anything that's.
01:22:37 In the.
01:22:38 Way of that happening and right now there's not.
01:22:41 So you prepare for that and again, there's no way.
01:22:44 To predict when.
01:22:45 I've said this over.
01:22:47 And over again, I think last night Communist takeovers happen exactly the same every time, every time. There's no exception. Every single time they they purge the people who are not.
01:23:01 Compatible with their with their little utopian system, and you can already see them laying down the groundwork to be able to do this now. Is it going to happen overnight? I don't know. Probably not. It's probably going to take some time, a lot of the stuff that they have to do prior to that, it's going to take.
01:23:18 Some time it might not look.
01:23:20 It could slow down. They might feel like they're going too fast and they might slow it down to where it does. It might not even happen your lifetime. I don't know. No one has a crystal ball.
01:23:29 But you do know where this is headed. You don't know how fast, but you know, at some point society is going to get to a a place where they're trying to do the, you know, the great reset or global come, whatever you want to call it, right.
01:23:43 We already know, and in fact I would say that the in recent events have suggested to me.
01:23:52 That this is they're they've if anything, they've they've speed up their plans. It looks to me as though they're speeding things up and they're not even trying to hide it anymore because.
01:24:04 They have. They have all the cards.
01:24:07 They have all the cards.
01:24:09 We had one card we had.
01:24:11 The Trump card, and we thought that was good enough. Well, we got the Trump card.
01:24:15 We're going to win this. No. Well, then you.
01:24:17 Just found out that that.
01:24:19 That doesn't beat their hand.
01:24:25 Now they've got more troops in Washington, DC.
01:24:28 Than they have in Afghanistan 10 / 10 times the number of troops that they have in Afghanistan are now in Washington DC it's a show of force.
01:24:37 They're showing you.
01:24:39 That if you have.
01:24:41 You know the if.
01:24:43 You have this guy, you know this.
01:24:44 This great threat.
Speaker 7
01:24:46 To their their.
01:24:48 Their power.
Speaker 6
01:24:54 ******* hey bro.
01:24:55 See you guys, you guys.
01:24:56 As have.
01:24:57 Are, so they're showing you. If you got this guy.
01:25:01 Like if that they're they're they're, if that's how you're going to.
01:25:04 If that, if that's your insurrection.
01:25:07 They're going to respond with such crushing force.
01:25:10 And while doing this.
Speaker 7
01:25:12 They're going to convince. They're showing you what?
01:25:14 They can do.
01:25:15 Right now.
01:25:17 They're convincing the public that this right here.
01:25:20 Was an attempted coup by white nationalists.
01:25:25 That this right here.
01:25:27 Was an attempted coup.
01:25:30 By white nationalists.
01:25:32 And that this right here.
01:25:34 Justifies having 20-5 ******* 1000 troops in DC.
01:25:39 They're rubbing it in your face. They're saying you.
01:25:42 Know what?
01:25:43 Not only was your pathetic little.
01:25:47 You know, LARP fest super lame.
01:25:51 But on top of that?
01:25:55 We're going to convince the public.
01:25:57 That it was the worst thing that has happened since 9/11.
01:26:02 Which they said that they said that they said this is the worst thing that happened since 911, even though the capital had been ******* bombed by these same people. The same people saying that this was worse.
01:26:15 The 9/11.
01:26:17 Are the same people that literally bombed the capital?
01:26:22 In 1971 bombed the capital in 1983, the same ******* people, not the same kinds of people, the same people.
01:26:33 And because they know that Americans have the memory.
01:26:35 Of a goldfish.
01:26:38 They can say, Oh my God.
01:26:40 The white nationalist uprising.
01:26:43 It's the worst thing that has happened in this country since the ******* civil war. It's the worst thing that's ever happened, ever.
01:26:53 And they desecrated this holy house, these hallowed halls.
01:26:59 Of the ruling class.
01:27:01 They they brought their filth and their stench.
01:27:06 Into the halls where we make the magic happen. How dare they? And now we will respond.
01:27:15 With such force.
01:27:18 That you'll never even think about it again.
01:27:21 Even though in 1971.
01:27:26 They were setting off bombs.
01:27:28 In 1983, and by the way, both.
01:27:32 The people. So the guy in 1971.
01:27:35 Is the Weather Underground?
01:27:37 Bill Ayers mentored Barack Obama.
01:27:42 Who also is is still politically active today, and brainwashes college students at the college he works at.
01:27:53 And then you have the woman, something Rosenberg. I think it was. I forget her name. It was legit. It was. I haven't actually have.
01:28:00 It here.
Speaker 6
01:28:02 Let's see here.
01:28:07 Yep, Susan Rosenberg.
01:28:12 I'll bring it up here for you.
01:28:22 So we had Susan Rosenberg.
01:28:34 And Bill Ayers?
01:28:39 Attempting to blow up the capital.
01:28:42 And in fact, they would have if they had the the the ability to do it. It's not that they they didn't want to, you know that their their bombs were weak on purpose. They just, you know, they just sucked at making bombs.
01:28:53 It was their intention to blow up the capital.
01:28:57 And she works for Black Lives Matter now.
01:29:05 And those same people are telling you.
Speaker 6
01:29:08 That dude ******* a bro. I'm going to.
01:29:11 Take a selfie guy.
01:29:15 Is the worst thing that's happened to this country.
01:29:19 Since the the Civil War or since 9/11.
01:29:25 Here's what the here's what the capital looked like after Susan Rosenberg's bomb.
01:29:32 Kind of looks a little bit worse.
01:29:36 Kind of looks a little bit worse than what?
01:29:40 The MAGA crowd did, huh? A little bit worse.
01:29:48 So yeah, they're just they're just.
01:29:51 Rubbing it in your faces.
01:29:53 They did a **** test to Trump during the summer of love this last summer when they were burning down cities.
01:30:02 Tempting Trump?
01:30:04 Tempting Trump?
01:30:06 Go ahead, try to use force to stop this.
01:30:10 What are you going to do, *****? What are you going to do?
01:30:13 ******* hit me. What are you gonna do, *****? Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself.
01:30:18 And what did Trump do?
Speaker 7
01:30:21 Law and order, law and order.
01:30:25 And that's when they knew.
01:30:28 Oh **** this guy.
01:30:30 This guys all talk.
01:30:33 This guy's literally all talk. In fact, he's not even talk some, he's just all tweet.
01:30:40 He's all tweeted from a secure location.
01:30:43 From an undisclosed secure location.
01:30:53 If our opponent.
01:30:55 Is either too scared to use force or maybe look?
01:30:59 They might have done the calculation like.
01:31:00 They they're they're.
01:31:01 We're not the only ones that saw the videos.
01:31:04 Of the guardsmen of the FBI kneeling before the BLM protesters.
01:31:13 Maybe they did the calculation and realized if we deploy any kind of force against these BLM or Antifa guys.
01:31:22 They're not going to be.
01:31:24 Effective because they agree with the BLM people, they agree with the Antifa people.
01:31:33 Trump did it. Such a non job of purging the agency, something he should have done on day one.
01:31:41 I mean, he still had eight years of Obama hires.
01:31:46 Working at all these agencies.
01:31:50 And he didn't. He didn't clean up a single one of them. The funniest thing that the the most thing, the thing that illustrates.
01:31:58 This is the best.
01:32:00 Was I don't know if you guys remember.
01:32:03 But just a couple of days after the election.
01:32:07 And Trump was saying, you know, that, you know, Bill Barr needs to look into election fraud.
01:32:13 The DOJ needs to look into election fraud.
01:32:17 The guy at the DOJ.
01:32:21 Responsible for election fraud resigned.
01:32:26 And the media made this big deal like Ohh.
Speaker 7
01:32:28 Holy ****, look at.
01:32:29 That, you know, Trump's own DOJ, this guy resigned because he's just so disgusted with these false claims of election fraud, right?
01:32:40 Well, you look into this guys's history. Turns out that.
01:32:45 He was hired by Eric Holder.
01:32:49 Obamas AG.
01:32:58 Not only was he hired by Eric Holder.
01:33:01 He was involved with the scandal that didn't put anyone in jail over at the IRS.
01:33:08 When Lois Lerner was using the IRS.
01:33:12 To go after tea party groups.
01:33:15 In fact, there were emails.
01:33:18 Between and, I forget the guy's name, but it should be easy to find if you look for it online. Just look for it. You know, DOJ voter fraud resigns from, like, November.
01:33:30 There are emails between him and Lois Lerner.
01:33:34 Where they discuss.
01:33:36 Not just using the IRS.
01:33:39 To to swap with these nonprofits and deny them nonprofit status and and and maybe even audit them or whatever.
01:33:50 But he wanted to use the powers of the DOJ to.
01:33:52 Put some of.
Speaker 6
01:33:53 Them in jail.
Speaker 7
01:33:57 And that's the guy Trump had trusted.
Speaker 5
01:34:01 With voter fraud.
01:34:07 That's how good of a president when people get mad at me for saying that Trump was a **** president. **** you, you don't know what the **** you're talking about because you've been listening to some imaginary comic book character named Q for the last Four *** **** years and you don't live in reality. The reality is he was a shift president and he couldn't even do the most basic ****.
01:34:27 The most basic ******* ****.
01:34:33 And that's either gross incompetence.
01:34:37 Or he's in on.
01:34:37 It so take your ******* pick.
01:34:44 And now, what's he doing?
01:34:47 What's he doing now? He's rolling over.
Speaker 6
01:34:51 And he's handing.
01:34:52 Over the keys to the White House.
01:34:54 To someone that either he's lying about.
01:34:58 Being an usurper or that he believes.
01:35:02 Is a new serper.
01:35:06 **** him.
01:35:07 **** Trump.
01:35:10 Worst ******* president in modern history.
01:35:17 Worse, because he had.
01:35:20 The best chance to actually do something.
01:35:24 **** if the 6th. If the 6th demonstrated anything, it was the kind of political.
Speaker 5
01:35:32 Power he had.
01:35:34 Because, look, let's face it, this guy has lost support since 2016.
01:35:44 He had a mandate.
01:35:46 And he failed.
01:35:49 Every part of it.
01:35:51 Every part of it.
01:35:57 And again.
01:35:59 Whether it was gross incompetence.
Speaker 6
01:36:02 Gross negligence.
01:36:06 Or that he's a traitor. Take your pick.
01:36:09 Pick which one you want. I don't care. It could be any of those.
01:36:23 Someone said let's see here. I don't want the USA. I just want to cleanse California. Well, good luck with that.
01:36:38 California is a lost cause.
01:36:42 Which is a real shame. It's a beautiful state.
01:36:45 Beautiful state. You drive up Hwy. 1. It's a beautiful ******* state.
01:36:57 I agree with your point about monopolies, but Delive did not work out because they are a monopoly. Any thoughts on that? I don't know what you mean by that.
01:37:07 It's not that D live.
01:37:10 Deal the lives, not the monopoly. It's the it's Google and Apple.
01:37:15 And that's delive booted people off their platform because they were afraid that Google and Apple would take their app out of the App Store.
01:37:24 Which is probably what will happen to trovo.
01:37:27 You know, like if trovo kicks us off.
01:37:30 It'll be because.
01:37:33 Or either they're ******** over there. I don't know if they are. Maybe they are or it'll be because.
01:37:38 They don't want their app taken out of the App Store.
01:37:45 Thoughts on distributed social networks?
01:37:48 Are you talking about like decentralized like?
01:37:59 Social networks.
01:38:02 I mean, I think stuff decentralized is the future because it it directly addresses this problem, right?
01:38:10 You can't have censorship on decentralized platforms now there. Well, you can, but it's a lot harder, right? It's it wouldn't be done like a company wouldn't be able to do it so much, but governments could just block it still anyway.
01:38:27 I just heard of Trovo today. Well, I just heard of Trovo a few days ago. So you're not that far behind.
01:38:36 Boomers want to be sedated. Nobody is making them sedated.
01:38:40 Yeah, they grew up.
01:38:43 You know, I was watching. This is something I'm probably gonna do a video on. There was this video called same or a movie called same time this time next year or same time next year. Something like that the the short version is basically this guy and this woman meet at a bed and breakfast somewhere and you know.
01:39:03 Instantly fall in love and and have a one night stand and then the next morning they they. They're both married and they're both just there. Like he's there for business. She's there for a.
01:39:15 And they don't want to. You know, they feel like they're in love with each other, but they don't want to leave their spouses. So they decide. Oh well, we're just going to. How about this? We'll just every year we'll come and meet here at the same, you know, same day every year. And we'll have a little weekend of sex, and we'll keep. We'll carry on with our the rest of our.
01:39:35 Lives like it's no big deal.
01:39:36 This movie was made in the 70s, so it's very, you know, very woke and the the, the, the language in it is just horrifying. Like, this isn't our fault. We didn't do anything wrong. It's not our fault. This is just love. Love is love it, you know, very 70s ******* boomer ******** like logic.
01:39:53 Right.
01:39:54 And it's supposed to be based in the past, like so the first year that they they meet up, it's supposed to be.
01:40:01 I think in like the 40s.
01:40:03 And then the last year like because the way the movie goes is you watched like that first weekend and then like time passes like five years go by and then, you know, they meet up again and then five years go by and then they meet up again in five years. And so you're you're getting, like, this snapshot.
01:40:20 Of of in fact, the way that they, the montage they play that to show that time is passing. It's like all these historical photos in this like, you know, the the Ken Burns kind of, you know fade, you know, zoom and and fade sort of thing and.
01:40:38 By the last one, it's like to modern day and I think modern day the movie came out like in 1978. So it's like that's modern day for that movie.
01:40:47 And it's horrifying.
01:40:49 It's horrifying because it was written by boomers for boomers and it's how they viewed in some ways how they viewed their parents. And because these characters are supposed to be the age of their parents.
01:41:02 And they're showing like this evolution from the way that their parents culture was to the woke boomer culture.
01:41:10 So for example, when they meet up in the late 60s, the woman has become a hippie. She's going to Berkeley and she's, you know, she's all about free love and and, you know, protesting the war and the guy, he's he's very stuffy and he's a he's a fascist. In fact, it's that scene is particularly eye opening.
01:41:29 Because all the language that she uses against him is exactly the same language that the Antifa people use against us, like it hasn't changed like it, it hasn't changed at all. In fact, I almost want to maybe I'll play that scene and she's like, you're a fascist because he voted for Goldwater.
01:41:47 And eventually.
01:41:50 He evolves, you know? So then in a couple of years, he's seen a psychiatrist. You know, psychiatrists are the all the rage. Everyone has a psychiatrist.
01:42:02 And they they they're using like this weird psychoanalyst language, all this lingo to describe their feelings. And they're all very in touch with their it's it's so gross. Like, it's just ******* gross.
01:42:14 And then a couple years later, like they, they just keep getting more and more degenerate and more. They're more like they're already super degenerate, right? For what they're doing. But at least in the first meeting, they're they're they feel guilty, right. And by the last one, they don't feel guilty at all. They've totally justified.
01:42:34 What they're doing because it's love is love and it's just it's so gross. It's so gross.
01:42:42 But let me you know, I just want.
01:42:44 To play, just maybe.
01:42:45 That one part.
01:42:47 Maybe I can find it here.
01:42:52 Just because it was so funny to see, like, how they haven't changed at all.
01:42:58 They really haven't changed. Yeah, OK, here we go.
01:43:02 The soundtrack is also it's like the worst ******* soundtrack.
01:43:06 I've ever heard in my life.
01:43:10 Alright, so that's the.
01:43:12 Oh, and then to make it worse, one year she's pregnant.
01:43:16 Like this is the year that she's pregnant.
01:43:19 Like 8 months pregnant. It's *******. It's just. It's such an awful *******.
01:43:28 Alright, this is where she's a hippie.
01:43:33 Is this it?
01:43:43 Alright, let me see if this is it.
01:43:46 I don't want to waste a bunch of time because.
01:43:50 I don't know if this is going to be.
Speaker 8
01:43:52 I always said Harry had a.
01:43:53 Good head on his shoulder.
01:43:54 Easy to track down.
Speaker 9
01:43:56 That was supposed to be.
01:43:58 Alright, there she is with her.
Speaker 8
01:44:05 Right this time is client.
01:44:06 And go.
Speaker 9
01:44:18 Oh my God should never act.
01:44:20 All right, so after this, she says something about Goldwater, and that's when she'll start coming with fascist.
01:44:28 Here we go.
Speaker 8
01:44:30 Doris, you know, wearing a bra.
Speaker 9
01:44:34 George, you're so 40s.
Speaker 8
01:44:39 I'm a very old-fashioned man.
Speaker 9
01:44:42 Next, you'll be telling me you voted for cold water.
01:44:49 You're putting me on?
Speaker 8
01:44:52 Of course not.
01:44:56 What are you doing good.
Speaker 9
01:44:57 If you think I'm going to bed with any son.
01:44:59 Of a ***** you brought.
01:44:59 Up for Goldwater? You're crazy.
Speaker 8
01:45:04 Doris, don't do this to me. Not now.
Speaker 9
01:45:06 How could you?
01:45:07 Vote for a man like that.
Speaker 8
01:45:11 Can we discuss this later?
Speaker 9
01:45:12 No, we'll discuss it right now. Why did you vote for?
Speaker 8
01:45:16 Because I have a son who wants to be a rock.
01:45:19 Musician. What kind of a?
01:45:20 Reason is that the best one I can come up with.
Speaker 9
01:45:22 In my condition. Well, I'm sorry, George. You're gonna.
01:45:25 Have to do a.
01:45:25 Whole lot better than that. Alright, you want to?
01:45:27 End the war. OK? Ohh sure by destroying the.
Speaker 8
01:45:30 Whole country. He never said that. That's the trouble with.
01:45:32 You people, you never.
Speaker 9
01:45:33 Listen, it's a civil war. We have no right.
01:45:36 Thing there in.
01:45:36 The first place.
Speaker 8
01:45:37 I'm so sick of hearing that liberal crap we have the bomb. Why?
01:45:40 Don't we use?
Speaker 9
01:45:41 It are you serious?
Speaker 8
01:45:43 Am right, iron Mike, the **** ** ******* off.
01:45:46 The face of the earth.
Speaker 9
01:45:48 Oh my God, I don't know anything about you. What kind?
Speaker 8
01:45:52 Of a man. Are you right now? Very frustrated.
Speaker 9
01:45:56 All this time I thought I was going to bed with the Liberal Democrat. Wait a minute. You told me you worked for Stephenson. So what happened? What changed?
Speaker 8
01:46:03 And was years ago.
01:46:06 You I grew up.
Speaker 9
01:46:08 Oh yeah? Well, as far as.
01:46:09 I'm concerned you didn't turn out too hot.
Speaker 8
01:46:18 Let's just forget it.
Speaker 9
01:46:20 I'm not going to forget it. I mean, being stuffy and old fashioned is one thing, but being a fascist is.
Speaker 8
01:46:26 Another I am not a fascist.
Speaker 9
01:46:28 Well, you're advocating mass murder.
01:46:33 I did drop it. You stand for everything that I'm.
Speaker 8
01:46:35 Against, well, maybe you're against the wrong things.
Speaker 9
01:46:38 But you used to believe exactly as I do now.
01:46:40 What happened? I shave.
01:46:44 Anyway, I'm not.
01:46:45 Going to subject you guys to much more of that, but.
01:46:50 That's it's basically showing like the the wokeness.
01:46:56 Of the boomer crowd like they're so it's supposed to be kind of like a comedy. Because like, oh, because she's an older woman, right in this scene. And so, oh, look, it's like one of our moms who's become a hippie and she's now going to Berkeley and she's doing protests. And and she's doing the free love thing. She drives a Volkswagen and and all.
01:47:13 This sort of stuff.
01:47:15 And he's a fascist because he's voted for Goldwater, which, by the way, Goldwater.
01:47:22 Goldwater was was.
01:47:24 I was not going to.
01:47:26 Just sit there and and nuke.
01:47:28 Vietnam. OK. That was another talking point. On the left was, you know, just they did that they did that with Reagan too. Like, if you elect Reagan.
01:47:36 He's going to start World War three with Russia. He's going to nuke World War three or nuke Russia, and you better be.
01:47:43 Afraid of the bomb?
01:47:47 So the left has never changed. The left has never changed. Politics destroys relationships. Well, it's because women are allowed to be political.
01:47:58 I'm glad Hollywood is dying. They have infected people with propaganda for so long. Yep.
01:48:03 VW converted to off road dune buggies are awesome. Yes they are.
01:48:07 The dialogue is terrible. Yes, it was terrible. The the acting is terrible. The movie is painful.
01:48:12 In one of the videos you said something like the greatest **** you to the boomers, ever or ever, what the the greatest **** you that boomers will ever do is when they die. I took it as saying once they're gone, whatever small stability we have will end. At that point, there is nothing to hold back what's coming well, that it's that.
Speaker 7
01:48:33 Like they they're.
01:48:33 They're not. The wealth won't transfer to their children.
01:48:38 They're all. They're all spending it.
01:48:40 All. They're living it up.
01:48:42 And in fact, they I I gotta find it because it's just a statistic that's I'd have to look. I'll find it some other time, but basically they they the the share of wealth that millennials have. For example, at this at this same time in history or at the when the Boomers were this age.
01:49:02 In this portion of the workforce, they had a majority of the wealth, and now they still have the majority of the wealth and they make up a very small portion of the workforce.
01:49:15 Leftist media still bashing Trump daily. They are never going.
01:49:18 To stop, they'll.
01:49:19 They'll stop eventually once he's out of office, just like they stopped with with Bush.
01:49:24 Bush was the boogeyman until they had a new boogeyman, and then it was. Uh.
01:49:29 Oh, look at Bush.
01:49:29 He's so sensitive.
01:49:31 He's so sensitive and he's doing all these charity things with Obama. And look, he's giving a piece of candy to Michelle Obama. That's how cute. How cute.
01:49:44 And that's when you should. That's when you'll know if Trump, what if it was gross negligence slash incompetence, or if he was in on it. If there's ever a.
01:49:54 Commercial for a nonprofit and or an event where Trump shows up and he's hanging out with Obama and they're they're both promoting the same thing.
01:50:05 And you know, have their arms around each other. And look, you know, we all need to come together if Trump ever participates in anything like that, you'll have your answer. You'll know exactly what Trump was all about from the beginning.
01:50:19 Have you read or listened to Ted Kaczynski's take on the left spot on? I I haven't. I I feel bad for I've started reading his manifesto a couple times, but I've never actually finished it. I I definitely need to read that.
01:50:36 Obama, being a Muslim wasn't a bad thing. I don't think he was a Muslim. I think he was a Satanist.
01:50:43 Like all these people are.
01:50:47 Vox Day, saying Trump's going to do a coup. Well, look.
01:50:54 Rocks Day is a fool.
01:50:56 I'm just going to say it. He's a fool.
01:50:59 He's a fool and he's afraid he's so invested.
01:51:06 Here's the thing.
01:51:09 He's so invested in the cute.
01:51:10 Thing, for a variety of reasons.
01:51:13 And one of those is like, look, he spent like a year celebrating. Ohh, I totally owned II go, go and and force them to let me have my my cue queuing on comic book and then he, you know, he pushed the queue and on comic book and he pushed Q and on.
01:51:28 And you know, all the while telling people on a regular basis how smart he was and how they just don't see the world he the he the way he does and how they sound like ******* when he when they talk because the IQ difference is so vast that when they talk it just sounds like like jumbles of of of grunts because he's just so big brained there's no possible way they could see the.
01:51:49 The world as clearly as he does.
01:51:52 And so this whole time, he's pushing a literal Bolshevik psyop.
01:51:57 To the extent that he's, he's augmenting it with comic books.
01:52:02 And making money.
01:52:03 Off of the Bolshevik psyop.
01:52:09 Think about that.
01:52:11 Think about the.
01:52:12 The kind of personality type that fills the need to to constantly talk about how smart he is.
Speaker 7
01:52:21 To to go and join to go.
01:52:23 And join Mensa, and then of course, say Ohh I just joined Mensa to show people how how Mensa stupid. I mean, he reminds me honestly, he reminds me of the kid that's always like I was just pretending to be ********.
01:52:39 He can't. He can't. He can't let.
01:52:42 Go of the cue thing.
01:52:44 Because it will reveal.
01:52:46 That he was a fool, an utter fool.
01:52:50 That not that didn't just promote A Bolshevik psyop.
01:52:54 But made money on it.
01:52:58 He will never be able to let it go.
01:53:02 And if he ever does, he'll never apologize. Now he'll say why I always said I always said it might not be.
Speaker 7
01:53:08 True, but it was still good because it.
01:53:10 It gave people or some ******* ******** ********.
01:53:17 And I've I've I've held that.
01:53:18 Look, I've obviously indirectly jabbed at him over the.
01:53:23 Well over the years over this ****.
01:53:25 Because it's been so *******.
01:53:31 Watching these people, these misguided.
01:53:34 Morons. I mean, think of the think of the crowd that that would enjoy that kind of abuse.
01:53:39 Being told that they're ohh. No, you just don't understand. You're just so ******* stupid you can't understand.
01:53:44 The world I am think.
01:53:45 Of the the type of person that would enjoy being spoken to that way.
01:53:51 No, that's his fans.
01:53:57 And watching him just mentally abuse these ******* people.
01:54:04 And make money off of them. It's disgusting.
01:54:10 And like I said, I've I've.
01:54:12 Held my tongue for a long time.
01:54:16 And try to not just be like look, *****, you're a fool. But like look *****, you're a fool. You're a fool.
01:54:25 And everyone will know it.
01:54:29 On January 21st and that scares you?
01:54:33 And I know that scares you.
01:54:35 Because you spend so much time telling people how.
01:54:37 You're not a fool.
01:54:39 So that must be the scariest.
01:54:40 Thing in the world.
01:54:45 You broadcast your.
01:54:46 Own personal hell when you do that.
01:54:53 But yeah, it's.
01:54:59 Look, I've known people like this.
01:55:03 And it's.
01:55:05 It's it. It's it's frustrating. And look it it's a waste too, because.
01:55:11 He's a fool.
01:55:13 But he's not dumb.
01:55:17 He's not dumb.
01:55:20 Right.
01:55:22 But in a way like it's almost like.
01:55:26 See, here's the thing, the smarter you.
01:55:28 Are the the.
01:55:28 More you you know you're an idiot.
01:55:32 So the last thing you're going to do is go around telling people how smart you are all the time, because, like the smarter you are.
01:55:36 Like the smarter you get, the more you learn, the more you realize you don't know ****.
01:55:42 And I guess that scares some people, I don't know.
01:55:45 I don't know it it, it just seems like a waste.
01:55:49 His talent, he has talent, he has talents that could be used for good. It's just he's got like this.
01:55:55 ******* I don't know this, this, this fear, this fear of looking stupid.
01:56:00 Or whatever it is this this fear of?
01:56:03 Being the fool.
01:56:05 And ironically, that's what's directly led him.
01:56:09 To being.
01:56:11 A fool.
Speaker 7
01:56:16 UM, let's take.
01:56:18 A look here.
01:56:20 So it says hubris claims many a man.
01:56:23 That's that's exactly.
01:56:26 That's exactly what it is.
01:56:28 It is hubris.
01:56:30 And you can tell you can.
01:56:31 Tell that that's that's what eats at him.
01:56:34 He, like I said, it's anyone can tell that except for, I guess his psychologically damaged fans that.
01:56:41 That have. I don't, I don't know which I don't. I I honestly don't. I understand him to some extent as much as you can.
01:56:48 You know someone that you don't know, maybe on a personal level.
01:56:53 But I I don't understand the fan base. I don't understand why that you know like it.
01:57:01 I don't. I don't get it.
01:57:10 Yeah, someone said not down, but a fool, yeah.
01:57:16 I mean just, I mean, for ***** sake.
01:57:19 I was watching one of his streams.
01:57:21 I was hate watching one of its streams.
01:57:26 And it was. It was after, like, his dad got out of prison and he was it was when he was, he believed that the the the tent set up in Central Park were to attend to the the children. They were going to be saving from the underground pedo.
01:57:41 And he said something about like, yeah, my dad was really because I guess his dad just got out of prison and talked him a long time. And so he was like, yeah, my dad was really surprised and shocked when I told him about the underground pedo dungeons. And I was just, like, **** me, dude.
01:57:55 **** me like, yeah.
01:58:02 Oh God.
01:58:05 Alright, here we go.
01:58:08 I'm looking at chat here.
01:58:10 I don't want.
01:58:10 To turn this into a look, I don't want to turn this into a I hate box, you know, rant.
01:58:15 Thing, it's already I've already.
01:58:17 I've said what I think.
01:58:19 And it is what it is.
01:58:24 Thoughts on coach redpill? Yeah, I don't know him personally, I don't. I may have been on a string with.
01:58:30 Him once he seems pretty OK, but the problem is he comes at it from kind of like.
01:58:37 Like, look, he kind of does a lot of the 48 laws of power, kind of a thing where it's it's kind of sociopathic in a way.
01:58:46 It's the he gives the kind of advice that I probably would have given.
01:58:53 Like a decade ago, you know, looking at the world through, like an atheist.
01:58:59 Sociopath way like. And I'm not saying it's a sociopath, but like a lot of his logic is kind of that, you know where it's like just being so pragmatic to the point where it kind of takes the soul. A lot of things. And it certainly takes the religion that I, I don't, I think he's probably an atheist. I don't know if he is.
01:59:18 But at the same time, look.
01:59:22 I don't think he's ever lying. I think he's. He's calling it. How how he sees it. And that's my biggest thing is people that lie to others or lie to themselves. That's what I I can't tolerate. And he seems to be honest. And he does give good advice on certain topics. It's just like I said sometimes.
01:59:40 The advice that it gives it's.
01:59:43 It's so pragmatic and it's not wrong in a pragmatic way, but it's like it's so pragmatic. I don't think it's going to lead to happiness for a lot of people sometimes sometimes.
01:59:59 Let's see here.
02:00:04 Yeah, so far, like Trovo better, less cluster. That's good. Seems faster.
02:00:09 The CRP is not a Jew. He's Chilean. Yeah, he's Chilean.
02:00:13 He seems to be able to admit when he's wrong.
02:00:15 Which is better?
02:00:15 Than most. Yeah. No, he does that too.
02:00:18 Like I said, I don't think he lies, and that's to me that that means he's a good guy.
02:00:24 I would probably really enjoy hanging out with him. He he seems like a really good guy and he doesn't lie.
02:00:30 That's all I care about. That's not all I care about. That's a big.
02:00:33 Because usually if you're bad in other ways, you also lie.
02:00:36 You know, so.
02:00:37 If you're not lying to yourself, you're not lying to me. Hey, we could probably. You're probably a good guy.
02:00:43 And if you can admit when you're wrong.
02:00:47 That's again, that goes everyone who doesn't lie admits when they're wrong, like me. If Q turns out to be real.
02:00:55 And everything pans out the way. All these cute people have been saying.
02:01:00 You know, like if if box day ends up being correct.
02:01:03 I will change like my branding to like a flaming queue.
02:01:07 And I will. I will turn into the biggest ******* Q tart and I will. I will do entire strings for all I do is apologizing for ever having doubted Q.
02:01:17 I'll do that.
02:01:21 Uh. Let's see here.
02:01:27 Queue rainbow. Well, I won't do it. I'll do a flaming queue. Maybe not like a flaming, flaming queue. Speaking of bringing man. Look out. Leftist blame Reagan for aids, the AIDS epidemic.
02:01:40 Yeah, well, yeah. The left has never been honest.
02:01:46 Do you even think Trump will pardon anybody? I.
02:01:48 Have my doubts.
02:01:49 Yeah, he's got part of about 100 people. They're all going to be his friends, and they're gonna be Jewish gangsters. Probably a lot of them are going to be those types in.
02:01:56 Fact there's an article about it.
02:01:59 I hope I can find this quickly. I don't want to sit here just staring, you know, looking for a.
02:02:05 A article forever because things move so fast on telegram and everywhere else, you have to really kind of scroll up sometimes to find.
02:02:14 What you're looking for?
02:02:16 Uh. Let's see here.
02:02:20 Maybe I'll just look.
02:02:21 It up here. I don't see it.
02:02:22 Right off the top of my head.
02:02:26 Trump pardon.
Speaker 6
02:02:31 100.
02:02:37 That's not what I wanted.
02:02:42 Here we go. So this is from the Washington Post, so.
02:02:46 You know, it is what it is.
02:02:51 President Trump is preparing to pardon or commute the sentences of more than up, and now it's time I have to pay for it.
02:02:57 Nope, not going to pay.
02:02:58 For it, let me find another one.
02:03:10 Trump plans to partner commute the census of over 100 people Tuesday, according to reports Sunday night.
02:03:17 The actions are expected to include white collar criminals and political allies, along with some reform minded pardons, according to the reports. But CNN said Trump is not expected to pardon him.
02:03:31 Let's see here separately, the New York Times reported Sunday that some of the some in Trump Circle have been monetizing pardons.
02:03:37 With a former CIA officer convicted of illegally disclosing classified information reportedly being told a pardon could be had for $2,000,000 look.
02:03:48 This is coming from the New York Times, but I kind of believe it.
02:03:52 I kind of believe it.
02:03:54 CNN reported that Tuesdays batch of pardons are expected to be all that are coming, barring a last minute change of heart in which Trump could break with the plan. And.
02:04:05 Of the plan.
02:04:07 And pardon himself or family members.
02:04:10 Advisers have warned Trump against pardoning himself because it would imply guilt, CNN reported, and have also recommended against clemency for any capital rioters. So yeah, he's probably not going to I'd be very shocked it'd be the decent thing to.
02:04:23 Do, which is why I'd be very shocked.
02:04:25 I'd be very shocked if Trump.
02:04:27 Pardoned all the the the people from the 6th, which would be the the decent thing to do. That's 100% what they should do.
02:04:34 You know, let let the Antifa, I guess there's a handful of Antifa guys like that one guy, John Sullivan or whatever his name was, you know, leave them out to dry. They're probably not gonna get the book thrown him anyway at anyway, so.
02:04:46 You know, if you're going to be pardoning people like Paul Manafort, who's like a literal like, he's like a war criminal, like he really is Paul Manafort's a terrible ******* person. And if you're going to pardon him, Paul Manafort did things that like these cute people that went into the capital could only dream of.
02:05:02 I mean, he, Paul Manafort is responsible for for innocent lives being lost and not just not just a couple look into his background. He's a terrible ******* person. Meanwhile, the Trump administration on Saturday carried out its 13th execution. See, now here's something. It makes me a little bit uneasy too. One of the last things, Bill.
02:05:23 Barr did at the DOJ.
02:05:26 Was make it real easy and I remember people were saying, oh, that's based that's based.
02:05:31 He made it real.
02:05:33 Easy to execute people. There was a lot of kind of hurdles that have been put in place by liberals to stop executions at the federal level and they kind of created like a A an express lane and started.
02:05:45 Excuse me, I need to drink of water here.
02:05:52 He started executing a people in in like a.
02:05:58 Want a very quick fashion fashion? And also he he reenacted the firing squad.
02:06:08 I had to clear my throat there.
02:06:13 And that makes me a little bit nervous because.
02:06:15 Why would you do that right at the end?
02:06:18 You know, like it kind of makes me wonder, why are they? Why are they making this so streamlined right here at the end, they're they're making death penalties at the federal.
02:06:26 Level really easy to do.
02:06:30 And to give you an idea of the difference, they carried out the Saturday. They did the 13th execution.
02:06:38 And prior to that, there have been no federal executions for 17 years now. I think that's stupid. So hopefully it was just fixing something that was stupid. The fact that you had people that were already supposed to be getting the death penalty for the last, you know, two decades that weren't getting it because of, you know, liberal.
02:06:56 Because a lot of these people.
02:06:57 Probably deserve it.
02:07:01 But at the same time, it does make me nervous that, oh, he made it all super easy to execute people right before handing the keys to the White House over to a communist usurper.
02:07:10 So that kind of and that's not exactly the best of news.
02:07:17 If the right wins, what economic reforms can we use to bridge the middle class super wealthy gap without coming off as communists? With wealth redistribution? I don't know. Like I said before, I'm more of the fire alarm and not the fire department that comes to put it out. I can tell you when there's a problem.
02:07:35 I don't necessarily have the the tools or the background to know how to fix it always. I can always I can point.
02:07:41 Out that there where there's.
02:07:43 Weaknesses, how I would I'm better at exploiting systems than I am at building.
02:07:48 Systems. So if I see a system I can see.
02:07:50 Exactly the weak.
02:07:51 Spot. That's where my brain goes. My brain goes straight to reverse engineering it. Not I'm. I'm not. I guess that's the way to put it is I'm better at reverse engineering than I am at engineering.
02:08:02 And so I don't know exactly I can tell you the problem. Like whatever it is, it should be something that addresses that. It will be impossible to do this without.
02:08:11 Something significant happening. Let me put that way you there's no political way you're going to get rid of generational wealth.
02:08:19 That's something you would have to enact by force.
02:08:23 But that would be.
02:08:24 That's the biggest problem I see.
02:08:27 In the world.
02:08:28 Not just in the West, just in the world.
02:08:31 Is that you have? Because wealth equals power and because of.
02:08:36 Usury, I guess.
02:08:37 That'd be one way if you could get rid of usury somehow. Maybe the generational wealth **** wouldn't be as damaging.
02:08:42 Because yeah, they could lend money, but they couldn't make.
02:08:45 Any interest on it?
02:08:47 And so there wouldn't be as much. I mean still be a problem, but it wouldn't be as much of a problem because these foundations, for example, the way the, the reason why that if once your big ball of money is big enough, it will never go away is because of interest. You can make interest. Now there's other ways you can make money.
02:09:04 Too, but you can. It's easy to just make interest. You don't do anything.
02:09:08 You just make interest.
02:09:10 You know, if your big bowl of money is big enough to make enough interest to where it exceeds your expenses.
02:09:16 You don't do anything for a living, you.
02:09:17 Just make interest.
02:09:20 And so if you got rid of usury.
02:09:23 And you couldn't do that anymore.
02:09:26 You still have the problems, but I think that would that would be the simplest way.
02:09:31 The simplest way to really do some damage to the ruling class and really raise up these lower classes because now.
02:09:42 You couldn't charge him interest. You couldn't put him in debt with the Student Loans where you know they're only borrowing, say.
02:09:49 $50,000, but they end up having to pay 250.
02:09:52 $1000 because of the.
02:09:54 The interest on it or a house?
02:09:56 You buy a house for.
02:09:58 1/4 of $1,000,000 and you end up spending like you know, half $1,000,000 on it by the time everything's said and done because of all the interest.
02:10:07 That would be the quickest way to solve a lot of problems and you know what? We had a world without usury for a very long time.
02:10:17 So it's not like it's unheard of.
02:10:20 So like you can't do that.
02:10:23 Why does POTUS have the ability to pardon anyone at all? It goes against the idea of separation of powers. I don't know, it just seems it. I mean they they always have had that.
02:10:35 UM.
02:10:38 Poses in control of the Justice Department. You know? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know the technical reason why he has it, but that's nothing new.
02:10:46 Do you agree the Watergate scandal was largely overblown? It has become one giant boomer ****** ****. Yeah, well, I mean, compared to what Obama did with the FISA Gate, Watergate was nothing.
02:10:57 Watergate was nothing.
02:11:00 FISA gate. I mean, **** me.
02:11:03 That she's insane.
02:11:05 That's like Watergate times a million.
02:11:08 And all the people that like to bring up Nixon and bring up Watergate had no problem with FISA Gate.
02:11:15 They got that ruling class, got rid of Nixon. I don't.
02:11:18 I'm not sure why.
02:11:19 But the ruling class had had enough of Nixon.
02:11:24 And he did things that helped him out a lot. So I'm not sure.
02:11:28 Why? But you can tell that that was.
02:11:30 A controlled demolition of his presidency.
02:11:33 They wanted him out of there.
02:11:37 So maybe he was good.
02:11:40 You know, even though he took us off the gold standard and opened up China to trade and all that stuff, that which is pretty bad.
02:11:47 Maybe there was something significant he was holding back the damn. Or it could have been just like a Trump thing, where culturally.
02:11:55 He wasn't on the same page with them and and they resented him and the same way that you have people that, if they're Alcoholics and you, you go to their party and you don't drink, they get really upset with you and start yelling at you.
02:12:06 I think there's a lot of that in the ruling class. If you're like this guy who?
02:12:09 Likes to go frolic around at.
02:12:10 Bohemian Grove and the president's calling it the foggiest thing he's ever seen in his.
02:12:16 They're just gonna hate him. They're gonna just hate him on a personal level. It could be something as simple as that.
02:12:22 Because it it it, it holds a mirror up to their own degeneracy, and that's they can't stand the sight of that.
02:12:34 80S had interest rates at double digits.
Speaker 7
02:12:38 Yeah, no.
02:12:40 Interest rates used to be insane.
02:12:42 But there should just be no interest rates. There should be no usury.
02:12:48 Making normally friendly montage of Trump failures on telegram, we can use to pill our normal friends on Facebook. There is one already.
02:12:55 It's not a telegram. There's one on YouTube. It's also on bit shoot. It's called art of the Schlemmer.
02:13:01 Art of the schlemiel. And it's just a montage of Trump saying one thing and then saying contradicting himself and then contradicting himself again and over. And it doesn't even include the last year I made it in 2000 and.
02:13:15 19 I think and it, but it's got enough stuff to wear. Like it's long. It's almost too long because it's just like Jesus Christ, this ******* guy.
02:13:23 And so yeah, if you show them that it's like by the end of it, you're just, like, **** me.
02:13:30 Islam method of user replacement stock and business that receives the I don't I don't. I know that Islam doesn't allow user but they've got some work around and I don't. I don't know enough about it to know if it's just like a loophole that is still basically Usery or if it's actually good.
02:13:51 Like when he said that he didn't know anything about Assange after he got elected exactly like that. That clip's not in there that montage, but you can find that people have made that montage.
02:14:02 Just because it was so easy to do, he had.
02:14:07 You know, rally after rally where you kept talking to how much you loved WikiLeaks and then immediately after getting elected, said he didn't know anything about WikiLeaks.
02:14:15 And there's someone that put that together. There's a lot if you just put Trump, WikiLeaks into YouTube.
02:14:22 You know or any.
02:14:24 Anything you'll probably find.
02:14:27 Find that.
02:14:30 Islam can do usury against us if it's in the name of converting us. Yeah, that's a loophole. I don't like loopholes. I don't like loopholes, and I don't like morality that is dependent on who you're dealing with.
02:14:45 Because it's it's not European and that's in fact, that's what ends up ******* us is because it's not European. We treat other people as if they are.
02:14:52 Going to follow the same rules and the same.
02:14:54 Moral compass that we have.
02:14:56 And often we are shocked and surprised, often too late.
02:15:01 When we realize that they have not been playing.
02:15:04 By the same rules.
02:15:09 Ban usury and establish white Sharia law. I don't know, maybe something like that.
02:15:17 Well, here's the thing. You wouldn't be able to get rid of user ID unless you got rid of the users.
02:15:22 Because they'll never let you do it.
02:15:24 They'll never let. Why would they?
02:15:29 They'll never let you do it. They will never let you do it. And they control everything.
02:15:34 And so there's no, there's no political way to get rid of usury 0.
02:15:42 Catholicism bans usury under the Catholic Church. Usury was banned in Europe for nearly half a Millennium.
Speaker 7
02:15:47 Yeah, but then they.
02:15:47 Allowed it as soon as they needed to borrow some money from the Jews.
02:15:53 Let's all go Amish. I might be taking it too far, but maybe not. Who knows?
02:16:02 Take the Amish pill.
02:16:06 Based Amish, do you use any digital modes with your radio? No. My radios are not capable of digital modes. My radios have tubes and dials.
02:16:19 Do nothing digital. Well, actually, I let me take that back. I do have. I'll. I'll do a stream where I show this thing off because it's kind of hilarious.
02:16:28 It's this big metal keyboard and if you look on the inside, it's actually got an old. It's essentially like an old Intel 8088.
02:16:38 That's before. It's like a zero 86 and I'm sure if you know any about older computers they had three 86486 and then 586 was the base like the Pentium. Well, there's.
02:16:47 Like a zero 86.
02:16:49 And so it's got this really old ***, you know, IBM, it might be IBM or it might be Intel. I don't. I'm not sure which, but it's like an old AT motherboard in it and it's from like really early 80s or maybe no, it can't be 70s. It's got to be like really early 80s, but it's called the robot.
02:17:09 We find a picture of it.
02:17:12 It's really ******* hilarious this thing.
02:17:15 And it works. That's the best part about it.
02:17:20 And I love that it says robot on.
02:17:22 It real big.
02:17:28 Let me see if I can show this thing to you guys. I'll do a stream. I'll hook it up because it has video out. I can even do like the video out onto into OBS because I've got a analog video capture card that I can do that with.
02:17:40 This thing is hilarious, though. Let's see here.
02:17:44 Is that it? Oh, that's someone that's one.
02:17:46 That someone's modified.
02:17:48 Not a lot of pictures on the Internet of this thing.
02:17:52 Why can't I find it? I think it's called the robot.
02:17:56 300 maybe?
02:17:59 This thing is.
02:18:01 It's cool cause it's got like the big, you know, it's the. Ohh here's one this is.
02:18:04 Really kind of a ******.
02:18:08 Now that's the knockoff. That's not the actual one.
02:18:13 Maybe eBay has got one for sale.
02:18:15 Sometimes you can find these weird things on eBay.
02:18:20 Robot Morse code keyboard.
02:18:23 That's not the name of it. I just can't remember.
02:18:25 The name of it because it's.
02:18:27 I haven't used it in months anyway. It's this big ******* metal keyboard.
02:18:32 And it's got a a ROM on it. So and all that ROM does is it loads up a very, very, very simple like DOS looking app where it can do Morse code.
02:18:44 Encoding and.
02:18:46 And it can even do very limited SSTV.
02:18:52 So it can do like ASCII art SSTV, which is kind of hilarious. So you can if you guys don't know what that means. Everyone knows what Morse code is, right? So if you type in a sentence on this keyboard, it looks like a DOS prompt and then you hit enter, it'll beep out to your radio and do Morse code. And then.
02:19:12 You can hook up the speaker of your radio to the keyboard and it will decode somewhat accurately the Morse code coming in and.
02:19:24 The SSTV stuff. SSTV is how you send pictures over ham radio. It's very low resolution. It's very, very slow. And it sounds like a fax machine. What? It's doing it. It's kind of doing the same thing that a fax machine does, and it'll send ASCII art.
02:19:40 SSTV, but it can't receive.
02:19:43 SSTV. It can only send stuff, but that's about as digital as my my radio setup gets.
02:19:52 Early 80s digital.
02:19:56 How would you handle loans for starting businesses without user aid? Just require initial capital.
Speaker 7
02:20:01 Yeah, I don't.
02:20:02 Know, however, we did it before you could do.
02:20:03 That or you could do.
02:20:06 You know ownership, right? Like, OK, I'll.
02:20:08 Loan you the money.
02:20:10 But I own part of your company.
02:20:12 And then and then the person loaning you the money has an interest in your company succeeding.
02:20:18 You know.
02:20:20 So there's nothing wrong with that. You can. You could still sell shares in your.
02:20:24 Company, I guess.
02:20:26 I don't think that goes against usury really.
02:20:31 Back in the 90s, I hooked a police scanner up to my computer and was able to decode pager messages.
02:20:38 Yeah, I remember when I.
02:20:39 Was uh. I was a kid.
02:20:41 Back in the old cell phone days.
02:20:44 We found out that if you got your TV antenna and you put it like the Bunny ears and you put it sideways.
02:20:53 And you turned the TV up to like the really high up channels like the UHF, like channel like 68 or something, like something that there's never any actual TV channels. You would hear one side of a cell phone conversation.
02:21:07 Because they would be on the same frequency.
02:21:10 Of the.
02:21:11 The UHF TV for some reason, so we would do that. Sometimes we would put the Bunny ears sideways and my friend had an upstairs bedroom so that we had like good reception and we would just tune around up on these upper channels. Then finally here like just one side of the conversation. It was really weird.
02:21:34 Someone asked about propertarianism the problem with propertarianism.
02:21:39 Is that?
02:21:41 It would basically make religion illegal. That's a big problem right off the bat, right out of the gate.
02:21:48 The other problem with Propertarianism is it relies very heavily on courts.
02:21:54 And it assumes that the court would never be.
Speaker 4
02:22:00 OK.
02:22:01 And it's very litigious.
02:22:03 And it just doesn't seem practical.
02:22:07 Even if you had a very in a lot of ways, it's like it's like any other.
02:22:13 Form of government that that makes.
02:22:16 That makes some assumptions about behavior that I I just think are wrong about human behavior. But the biggest thing is the big like it would make religion illegal.
02:22:27 Because they're the whole the big selling point, right? Is it pretty much makes lying illegal like in a lot of ways. But the way that it was, at least the way it was described to me, if you had a religion like let's, let's say it's the Catholic Church and you've got a preacher talking about.
02:22:47 The Bible and then passing around the plate asking for donations or whatever he would.
02:22:52 You'd be able to sue.
02:22:54 And he'd have to prove that what he said was true in a court of law. And so I just like that already.
02:23:00 I'm just like.
02:23:00 Yeah, that's dumb. You can't. You can't do that.
02:23:05 And then the other problem with it is just the optics, right? Like everyone's talked about what's his face, the propertarianism guy. He's just not. He's just very autistic and and sucks at messaging and and marketing. And unfortunately that's.
02:23:20 That's like a that's that's half the battle. That's more than half the battle, really.
02:23:26 So even if it was like this, awesome, you know, perfect form of government.
02:23:32 He'd have to find someone else to sell it.
02:23:36 Because he's not going to be able to sell it and in in some ways you could say John Mark was kind of that guy, at least briefly.
02:23:45 But even with John Mark, it was kind of like.
02:23:49 It it reminds me of like an infomercial a lot of times.
02:23:51 Like a lot of.
02:23:53 Positive rhetoric and a lot of platitudes, but in every time you watch them about it like a a detail, they would usually say like, well, I don't know, you know, like we're still working on it. It's so it's. That's the thing too, is, is they haven't, they've never even released. Like here's the final. Like, here's the the the White Paper, you know. Here's here's how.
02:24:13 Everything would work.
02:24:15 And so it's not even like a fully developed.
02:24:19 Form of government. So I mean look.
02:24:21 Maybe when it is someday.
02:24:24 I'll look through it and I'll find the.
02:24:25 Exploit because that's what I do.
02:24:28 Doolittle. So yeah, that that's it. His name is Doolittle.
02:24:33 It never made sense in the 1st place. Well, I mean look, their heart was in the right place. They were attacking some of the the right.
02:24:39 Problems and Doolittle is a smart guy.
02:24:42 It's just that again, I think that he's wrong about.
02:24:46 And and and. Look, it's not hard like if you just look at his tweets and stuff, you can tell the.
02:24:50 Guy isn't very he's not.
02:24:54 I don't know how to put this other than he's just not. He doesn't seem to understand human nature in the same way that that maybe a non autistic guy would. And so I think that propertarianism makes some assumptions about human nature that are just fundamentally.
02:25:10 Wrong because of that.
02:25:13 Uh, no, Kirk, do a little.
02:25:14 Still around? He still.
02:25:16 Tweets stuff every once in a while. John Mark got. According to him, I don't know if this is true. Got a visit from the FBI and decided to call it quits.
02:25:25 So he just closed up shop.
Speaker 7
02:25:28 After that.
02:25:36 Doolittle, as a Fed, I don't use a fed.
02:25:39 I just think that he's, I think he, you know, he believes in what he's trying to push.
02:25:44 It's just not like I said.
02:25:45 It's not a a mature complete.
02:25:48 Ideology. Even yet.
02:25:51 Did cue shenanigans push the Overton window right and forest boomers and normies to recognize the JQ as a legitimate issue? No. Did the exact opposite. It said that we're leaving Israel for last.
02:26:02 Which probably explains a lot about who might be behind Q in the first place.
02:26:09 Q would never touch the the Israel issue and in fact Q was telling us that we wanted to go to war with Iran.
02:26:19 Q. Is pushing war with Iran.
02:26:26 How did they figure out who John Mark was with the motorcycle helmet? Well, he was at that event. He was at public events. He was photographed.
Speaker 7
02:26:39 John Mark, civil.
02:26:40 War video was way too optimistic. He made it sound like it would be an easy win. Exactly, and I talked to him about that and said that he was under or overestimating the.
02:26:50 The amount of based people in the military as something that we've now seen is 100% accurate. That is not a very based military these days.
02:27:02 Red Barn never mentioned Israel, even in the spending bill crap, but lots of custard stuff. Well, Breitbart was founded in inside of Israel.
02:27:14 With the help of Israelis.
02:27:17 Andrew Breitbart was the adopted son of of Jews.
02:27:22 Ohh, I mean look, it's.
02:27:28 You know, I don't know what else to say, that's.
Speaker 7
02:27:30 Just that's the way it is.
02:27:32 All of these, all of these so-called, you know, right wing outlets when you dig even a little bit, you often find the same thing.
02:27:48 Let's see here. I used to have a war dialer back in the 80s. It would call MCI and try to random numbers and overnight would have like 10 working calling cards. That's pretty cool.
02:28:01 It's like that movie war games, right? Where it would just war dial looking for BS until he got into the the DoD.
02:28:14 What do I think of ye old hammer?
02:28:17 I don't know what ye old hammer is.
02:28:22 600 viewers tonight. That's 100 more than last stream. That's good.
02:28:29 War dealers were.
02:28:29 Cool. Yep. All right, guys. Well, I'm gonna wrap things up.
02:28:35 Looks like we're slowly building up some steam here on trobo.
02:28:42 Two more days.
02:28:44 Look at the official countdown. The official countdown is 2 days. Six hours.
02:28:49 And 50 minutes.
02:28:52 Two days and six hours and 50 minutes left of Trump.
02:28:58 And then we'll see how **** goes down.
02:29:03 So hope you guys all have a good afternoon. Good morning or good, whatever.
02:29:09 Black pilled. I am of course.
02:29:13 Devon stack.