04/02/2021Speaker 1
00:00:00 The policeman on the corner is a good symbol for law.00:00:17 Like the policeman, law directs us in doing the right things to live together in harmony.
00:00:23 And law forbids us from doing the wrong things that tend to destroy that social harmony.
00:00:32 But law is more than the policeman.
00:00:34 On the corner.
00:00:36 More than the courthouse where our laws are enforced, more than the jail where lawbreakers are punished, law is one of three forms of social control which regulate our daily lives. Custom. What we usually do moral code, what we should do and law.
00:00:56 What we must do?
00:00:59 Now just how do these social controls affect us?
00:01:04 Well, in the teen canteen in our town, we'll find part of the answer to that question.
00:01:09 You see, the canteen is always busy early in the evening, but on week nights the crowd thins out gradually, so when the clock approaches closing time, things quiet.
00:01:21 Down in a hurry.
00:01:22 The club has its own laws about closing and the members obey them after closing time. You won't find anyone there.
00:01:30 Except for the three members whose turn it is.
00:01:33 To clean up.
00:01:35 But did I say 3?
Speaker 2
00:01:41 Just us, Betty.00:01:43 Overall was 3 on the cleanup committee. Yes, I wonder who's missing. If it's that Jack McGregor again, it is, I've heard.
Speaker 3
00:02:07 Yeah, we'll suck my people, but they better this country.Speaker 4
00:02:11 Will poor white people, not white people and no matter how much we push it up, they never gonna change.Speaker 3
00:03:08 Y'all up. We got a bigger picture for you.Speaker 6
00:04:48 Right.Speaker 5
00:04:59 It's been like this.00:05:14 Never see it.
00:06:00 They can never.
00:06:07 Just like the heavens.
00:06:13 Morphy citizens down to sea.
00:07:14 Justine never knew.
00:07:22 Down with the Princess.
00:07:38 Better than you.
00:08:16 I can see you now.
00:08:30 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon. All right, good. The audio is working.00:08:38 I'm on my laptop today.
00:08:43 The computer stopped staying on is what that means.
00:08:47 So I'm using a.
00:08:49 Laptop and I might have to filter the audio because the the, the, the fans and the laptop are.
00:08:59 But that will only take a second.
00:09:03 Alright, let's do this filters.
00:09:09 And noise suppression.
00:09:16 And that seems to.Devon
00:09:17 Be what I usually use.00:09:19 OK so.
00:09:23 Yeah, my computer.
00:09:24 Died and I.
00:09:25 Got the laptop.
00:09:26 Out that I haven't used in a.
00:09:27 While and there's, that's why a lot of the stuff looks weird.
00:09:31 But actually I forgot that I had done streams on this thing before, so OBS was already pretty much set up and it wasn't too terribly hard to get up and running.
00:09:43 Also on this laptop.
00:09:46 I found a video that we might have to take a.
00:09:48 Look at.
00:09:49 There's an old video.
00:09:53 About well, it it's kind of under. It's in the same vein of the video I was playing. If you caught the very, very, very, very, very beginning of the stream. And for those of you watching the replay, hopefully you watched that clip of an old well. I mean, it's propaganda film, it's an educational film.
00:10:13 You know, whatever, but it's propaganda trying to explain to the Youth of America in the 1950s, the social controls of of of a society, the kinds of things that keep people in line and.
00:10:29 And it's just it, you know. And then of course the contrast, the.
00:10:34 Meanwhile, 50 years later.
00:10:37 Meanwhile, once your diversity dream has been realized.
00:10:44 I would so much rather.
00:10:45 Have lived in the.
00:10:46 Hell, the hellscape that the the leave it to Beaver hellscape that repulsed so many in the 1960s.
00:10:56 Then really anything that we're getting now it's.
00:11:01 Things are a little grim. Things are a little grim this, this vaccine passport ****.
00:11:10 You know, I was kind of.
00:11:11 Hoping I don't know why I.
00:11:12 I I like you. See, this is.
00:11:13 The thing people always make the the mistake that I'm.
00:11:16 I'm some kind of.
00:11:18 Pessimist. I'm really not. I'm really not.
00:11:21 And I was.
00:11:22 Kind of hoping like, yeah, maybe, maybe maybe.
00:11:25 People are kind of overreacting about the the COVID.
00:11:29 Stuff, I mean.
00:11:30 Like maybe it's really just a bunch of ******* *******. You know, like that. Watch. Contagion.
00:11:38 I made the mistake.
00:11:39 Basically of unresting my underestimating my enemy.
00:11:42 Because I was thinking.
00:11:43 Like maybe I mean.
Speaker 4
00:11:45 Cause I've I don't know like I feel.Speaker
00:11:46 Like I've I've.Devon
00:11:47 Been in close proximity.00:11:48 To power now these guys are all that bright. Maybe these guys are just reacting.
00:11:53 Out of out of like.
00:11:55 ******** fear because of the incompetence. You know that? That's kind of. That's. That's the classic mistake.
00:12:04 That's the mistake that a lot.
00:12:06 Of people make and and you know, including myself.
00:12:10 Where you start to think that there's no possible way.
00:12:14 Like there's no way that that.
00:12:17 That they're like this evil, you know, like there's why would they go along with it? This is this seems like it's just bad for everyone.
00:12:28 But then you find out.
00:12:29 They're they're that evil. But yeah, I I thought maybe, you know, like hopefully by this time next year, this will just be it'll just be like, you know, H1N1 was, you know, it'll just it'll be this big money grab for the vaccines, you know, they'll have done this whole thing just to make a bunch of money on vaccines.
00:12:52 And you know, they'll maybe, maybe they'll move the football a little bit down the the the field just a little bit, maybe get a first down.
00:13:03 And but then you.
00:13:04 Know that that's it. But no, they're they're running. They're.
00:13:07 Running with it.
00:13:07 They're they're going for a ******* touchdown like this. Is this is, you know, this vaccine passport ****.
00:13:17 I mean, I guess the public's ready.
00:13:18 For it, right?
00:13:22 And that that's.
00:13:22 What it boils down to, I guess.
00:13:24 The public's ready for it.
00:13:29 It's kind of like what I've said.
00:13:30 Before I mean the.
Speaker 9
00:13:31 The frog.Devon
00:13:33 The the frog sufficiently boiled now.00:13:37 I don't think you have to I.
00:13:38 Mean. Can you really say that that?
00:13:40 It's a slow boiling of the frog.
Speaker 2
00:13:42 We I mean.Devon
00:13:43 We even with with trans kids, really, I.00:13:45 Mean is that?
00:13:45 Really at that point.
00:13:48 Is, is that still a slow and I feel?
Speaker 3
00:13:50 Like you're at.Devon
00:13:51 Boiling at that point.00:13:54 I feel like you're part of the soup now. Like, you know, like there's you don't get.
Speaker 10
00:13:58 Out of it.Devon
00:14:02 So it's I guess that's just.00:14:06 What we're watching unfold.
00:14:09 And it it's I I've been telling people to.
00:14:11 Get out of the cities.
00:14:13 And to start preparing for a a situation where it is nearly impossible.
00:14:24 To the function.
00:14:26 Without the beast.
00:14:33 Now I don't.
00:14:34 Know if I can play this here's the problem is playing videos is kind of a ***** with how I've got on this laptop. I don't have any of.
00:14:41 That set up.
00:14:43 But I'm going to try anyway and look, I'd be shocked if you haven't seen this video. This is like crazy like for telegram.
00:14:51 You usually don't get this kind.
00:14:52 Of of, of play I this has over 60.
00:14:57 1000 views on my telegram. That's pretty insane.
00:15:01 So chances are you've seen this, but we're gonna watch it any.
00:15:04 OK.Devon
00:15:05 There, let's see how can I possibly get it to where I can.Speaker
00:15:12 Well, we'll just do this.Devon
00:15:12 So I'm just going to add it.00:15:13 As a media source and hopefully.
00:15:19 Hopefully it just works.
00:15:23 I may not be able to hear it, but that's OK.
00:15:31 Alright, so this is this is this is.
00:15:33 Preparing you, I mean again, like they don't have to.
00:15:37 The the slow boil.
00:15:39 Is over. They're just telling you they're like, hey.
Speaker 9
00:15:41 Here it is.Speaker 13
00:15:45 If you want to get back to your favorite places and feel confident they have put your health and safety first.Speaker 11
00:15:50 Look for the well health safety seal.Speaker 6
00:15:52 Look for the well health safety seal.Speaker 12
00:15:54 Look for the well health safety.Speaker 11
00:15:56 Seal. I'm doctor Richard Carmona, the 17th Surgeon General of the United States of America. This is the well held safety seal from the international Well Building Institute, the Global Authority on healthy buildings.Speaker 7
00:16:09 The well House safety rating was informed by years of research and input from hundreds of leading virologists, public health experts.00:16:16 Epidemiologists and building professionals around the.
Speaker 10
00:16:19 World. You'll see it at schools, offices, banks, childcare centers, all the places we go. The well health.Speaker 6
00:16:27 Safety seal means that we'll feel better.00:16:29 Going into restaurants.
Speaker 13
00:16:31 Theaters, stores, hotels, and.Speaker 11
00:16:33 Stadiums. All the places that we.Speaker 12
00:16:36 Everything may look the same, but the well health safety seal means that your health and safety are top of mind when it comes to.Speaker
00:16:44 Cleaning and sanitizing procedures.Speaker 10
00:16:46 Air and water quality management emergency prepare.Speaker 12
00:16:49 Preparedness programs and health services.Speaker 13
00:16:52 So look for the well health safety seal outside.Speaker 6
00:16:55 And feel more confident going inside. Learn more about the well health safety rating at well
00:17:04 Now, in case you're wondering, yes, yes, the well health safety rating will require.00:17:13 The vaccine passports of how could you not?
00:17:16 You have to.
00:17:20 How is? How is it you? You can't say this building is safe if you're just letting any old anti vaxxer into the building, contaminating everything.
00:17:34 See, there was nothing when I was.
00:17:35 Thinking about optimistically, I.
Speaker 3
00:17:37 Was wondering how much of this?Devon
00:17:39 Is because there is. There is.00:17:41 A correlation between people.
00:17:43 Who strive for upper levels of power.
00:17:49 And germophobia like real OCD like. I mean, just. Well, I mean Trump even, right. Just really kind of a nutbag, you know, real high levels of what is it? It's like the the the, the feeling, the feelings of repulsion. Right.
00:18:07 And so I I.
00:18:08 Just thought like maybe, maybe that's, you know, maybe maybe that's somehow playing into it, right? Like maybe, I don't know, maybe they're just, they're really freaked out about this stupid thing. And I don't look.
00:18:20 I don't. I don't mean all of them, right?
Speaker 3
00:18:23 But I mean like the you.Devon
00:18:23 Know the the people Trump on down. Right. I don't mean the people pulling the strings in the background that are really ******* with us. I mean, like, just the the people.00:18:32 On TV, you know.
00:18:37 I mean, that's again.
00:18:38 That's probably part of it. There's.
00:18:39 Probably a few of them that go along with it because they believe.
00:18:42 It, and they think something like that but.
00:18:44 I mean, no one, no.
00:18:45 One that no one that's going to Bilderberg, for example.
00:18:49 That's not the motivation. That's not the motivation driving those people.
00:19:00 So anyway, now that I'm thinking about it, I don't know how I'm going to play that video.
00:19:06 If this is set up this way.
00:19:10 Although I think I can.
00:19:11 Find a way.
00:19:13 I will find a way.
00:19:20 Let's see. Where is that at?
00:19:27 Say no to strangers. Hey, I have like this whole folder of like, old propaganda films I totally forgot about that I that I think I downloaded when I still had fast Internet. I was like, oh, this will be good I.
00:19:37 Better get all this **** now.
00:19:40 And so there's some really good stuff.
00:19:43 Like, let's be a good citizen at.
00:19:45 School from 1953.
00:19:53 Yeah. So I got to find a video.
00:19:54 Player and.
00:19:54 Then get that.
00:19:56 To work, which one was the?
00:19:57 One I wanted to watch though.
00:20:00 The power to serve, which is this.
00:20:03 No, that's not it.
00:20:05 Oh, this is it. OK, I'm going.
00:20:07 To you guys are going to like this.
00:20:11 I wonder if this will open on that.
00:20:15 Yes, it will. All right. Good. OK.
00:20:21 So just bear with me.
00:20:22 A moment.
00:20:26 I think we have a.
00:20:31 The ability to do this here.
00:20:37 Or not.
00:20:39 Oh, here we go.
00:20:40 Yeah. All right, cool.
00:20:44 OK.
00:20:47 Now audio is another question. I don't know if we'll be able.
00:20:50 To get audio working.Devon
00:20:53 Common fallacies about group differences. You're going to love this. I haven't actually watched all of it. I I skipped through it real quick and there was enough funny things I was like, alright, it's 14 minutes. We.00:21:04 Can watch.
00:21:04 That especially since.
00:21:07 My computer has exploded and and you know, I'm kind of just winging it.
00:21:11 There we can do that. We can definitely do that. So I'm going have to figure out a way to get audio working, but I don't think that will be.
00:21:18 In impossible worst case scenario, I'll just turn up my it's super ghetto as this is. It's not like it's just it's just.
00:21:27 I don't know. Maybe. Maybe that's about it. I.
00:21:29 Was going to say I'll just turn up my.
00:21:31 Speakers, but maybe that's going to be too bad if I.
00:21:33 Do it that way.Devon
00:21:35 Uh, let's see. Maybe UM.00:21:40 I wonder if.
00:21:43 Because with this computer.
00:21:45 I just don't know that it's.
00:21:46 Going to work.
Speaker 12
00:21:48 Let me see.Devon
00:21:55 How you guys doing?Speaker 12
00:22:00 How you guys doing tonight?Devon
00:22:05 You guys enjoying the April fools day? I was going to do.00:22:08 Something April fools.
00:22:10 But it just you know, it just seemed like.
00:22:15 I don't know, it just seemed like it'd be I I don't know.
00:22:20 I feel like some people try too.
00:22:22 Hard when they're doing that ****.
00:22:25 Yeah, we're not going. Maybe we can't do audio.
00:22:28 That would suck.Devon
00:22:31 UM, let me try one more thing. It's like I said that I'm on this computer where I don't have it set up to do this ****.00:22:39 Maybe this will work.
00:22:43 Where to go?
Speaker 14
00:23:00 Oh, what the ****?Speaker
00:23:07 There we go.Devon
00:23:15 Yeah. No, no audio.00:23:18 No audio.
00:23:19 So maybe we'll save this for next time.
00:23:22 Maybe we'll save this for next time and I'll get this. I'll get this laptop set up to where it can actually work because.
Speaker 9
00:23:29 The problem is.Devon
00:23:31 What's wrong with my computer at this point? I've.00:23:33 Narrowed it down.
00:23:34 To where it's either the processor or the the power supply, and because of the.
00:23:40 The server motherboard that it is I have neither in terms of spares to swap out to to troubleshoot and see what it is.
00:23:48 So I'm gonna have to like buy something expensive because the the power supply for these guys are not cheap. By not cheap, I mean like I don't know if they they are used been new. They're like $500.00 for a ******* power supply and you know processor. I have no idea.
00:24:05 What they're priced at these days?
00:24:07 It's a little older, but I don't know.
00:24:12 So anyway.
00:24:15 Let's take a look at chat.
00:24:16 And we'll go into some news here in a second.
00:24:23 Or people are saying you can hear it.
00:24:27 Well, if you can hear it, you know, if we can try it, we'll try it and I'll tell you what. We'll try it and then.
00:24:36 If you guys, if it doesn't sound good enough.
00:24:40 We'll stop.
Speaker 14
00:24:42 But before we do that, let's go over some.Devon
00:24:45 Some news and there's not like a ton of news.00:24:47 That I wanted to.
00:24:48 Go over, but there is some news.
00:24:51 I wanted to go over. Let me take a look at my notes here.
00:24:59 Yeah, sorry, sorry, I'm unprepared today. I just. I just barely got this thing working.
00:25:08 Of course, because this.
00:25:09 Laptop hasn't been turned on and *******.
00:25:13 Months my notes are taking forever to sync.
00:25:18 At least I'm not dropping frames, right? How about that?
00:25:21 How about then?
00:25:25 I'm going to be doing.
00:25:27 Some I there's I guess I can't announce it yet.
00:25:30 But I can just say I'm going to be doing some streams with some.
00:25:34 European folk in the not too distant future.
00:25:41 And so I'll have more announcements about that.
00:25:46 Pretty soon.
00:25:51 Alright, you know what? **** it. Let's just watch this video.
00:25:56 I'm tired of dead air.
Speaker 9
00:25:59 Let's just go for it.Devon
00:26:04 All right, now you guys say you can hear the video. I don't, I don't.00:26:07 Know how you.
00:26:08 Can because I'm not seeing any kind of thing unless like I said, it's picking up on the microphone, which is probably what's happening. So you know, if that if that works for you guys.
00:26:19 Works for me.
00:26:27 So you guys.
00:26:27 Can hear that you can hear the music.
Speaker 14
00:26:31 In the drowsy days.Speaker 15
00:26:34 Even those who.Speaker 14
00:26:35 Are not away are usually thinking more of play than of study.Devon
00:26:40 All right, you guys heard that. Was that like legible?00:26:46 All right, everyone's saying yes.
00:26:50 Right, people are saying barely. Yeah, all right.
00:26:54 One thing I can do, this is super ghetto.
00:26:58 I could plug some headphones in and then stick them on the mic.
00:27:06 I mean, I guess I.
00:27:07 Can do that? Jesus Christ.
00:27:13 Alright, here's no this is going to work.
00:27:18 Well, well, no, I can't hear it.
00:27:20 **** yeah, I.
00:27:21 Don't know guys.
00:27:23 I don't know.
00:27:26 Well, actually know what I.
00:27:26 Got a speaker. I can plug it in then.
00:27:28 Just crank it. Let's do that.
00:27:32 Let's plug this in.Speaker 14
00:27:43 The painters and plaster.00:27:45 Wherever two or three are gathered together, there you will find the play of man's restless intellect among the great ideas.
00:27:55 OK.
00:27:55 All right. Is that better?00:28:01 I cranked it up.
00:28:03 Let's try that again. You guys hear this?
Speaker 14
00:28:06 Even of study.00:28:09 The love of learning that animates the classroom is.
00:28:11 Never really absent even.
00:28:13 When the rule is temporarily taken over by.
00:28:15 All right, so that'll work.00:28:19 And yes, this is like this is straight up Boomer Tech.
00:28:23 I'd go into.
00:28:24 Detail as to why I can't make.
00:28:25 It better but.
00:28:26 It's just, trust me, I can't. I can't make it better until I install some ****.
Speaker 14
00:28:31 The painters and play.00:28:34 Wherever two or three are gathered together, there you will find the play of man's restless intellect among the great ideas.
00:28:43 Listen, any American can beat any 10 Frenchmen.
00:28:47 Trouble with the French?
00:28:47 Races are all too excitable till their blood.
00:28:51 All right, so in case you didn't hear that, he said any American can beat any 10 Frenchmen. The problem with Frenchmen is they're too excitable. It's in their blood.Speaker
00:29:05 You know the Latin temple?Speaker 14
00:29:07 And I don't know. My sister's married to 1.Devon
00:29:09 And he says the Latin temperament, which is kind of, I've never actually thought of French people as Latin. But, you know, I guess, I guess in a way, it makes sense.00:29:18 Uh. He's like, yeah, my sister's married to 1.
Speaker 14
00:29:22 Ohh no, that's absolutely wrong. Ohh yeah, what's the?00:29:33 What's wrong? Everything.
00:29:36 A. There is no French race B. There is no Latin temperament.
00:29:43 See the people who speak the Latin languages are neither all excitable nor all anything.
00:29:50 The behavior is not simply a matter of heredity.
00:29:54 He heredity is not in the blood.
00:29:59 If the fact that.
00:30:00 You happen to know one specimen of anything is no evidence that other specimens are the same.
00:30:06 So there you go, 1957.00:30:10 There's no such thing as race.
Speaker 9
00:30:14 And all of this, everything about what?Devon
00:30:16 That guy said is is wrong.00:30:20 If you say.
00:30:23 If you say, yeah, that you know this group has these attributes, and I know this from experience and pattern recognition.
00:30:30 You're just, you're just one of these dumb idiots you're one of.
00:30:33 These dumb blue.
00:30:34 Collar idiots that they're using as the example.
Speaker 9
00:30:38 You don't want to be one of those guys.Devon
00:30:42 Known in a meritocracy wants to be.00:30:43 Like one of those guys.
Speaker 3
00:30:47 That's why they never.Devon
00:30:47 Use, you know high class people as the example.Speaker 14
00:31:03 Please remain where you are. I'll explain.Devon
00:31:06 See and. They knew they knew exactly the response.00:31:11 They would get from a statement like that. The people in the audience, whoever is being forced to watch this ********. Look, this this is this is like this is the sensitivity training. I guess you could say for 1957.
Speaker 9
00:31:26 And so when?Devon
00:31:27 They saw this. They were just like God you.00:31:29 Know **** this ****.
00:31:31 And they knew this, they knew.
00:31:32 How people would respond to it because.
00:31:34 There was still some some.
00:31:36 Level of of.
00:31:37 Sanity going on in 1957.
Speaker 14
00:31:42 May I have your attention here at the board again to begin with, there is no French race.00:31:50 As a matter of fact, it's not easy to state just what.
00:31:53 A race is.
00:31:55 The most widely accepted.
Speaker 9
00:31:56 There's no French race.Devon
00:31:58 There's what is see that this argument that the that you hear a lot of the the the vouchers of the world.00:32:06 Use that well, what is white? What is? What is this?
00:32:10 I mean, they're they're not even saying white, they're saying French.
00:32:13 Isn't a race.
00:32:17 When you can absolutely like if, if French isn't a race, how come you can go to one of these Jewish DNA places, which I don't recommend you do, but how come you can do that?
00:32:29 And they can tell you how French you are.
Speaker 9
00:32:33 I mean, if it doesn't exist.Speaker 3
00:32:37 How would they know?Speaker 14
00:32:39 Other definition.00:32:41 Says it is a group of people with certain.
00:32:43 Physical traits in common based on a common heredity.
00:32:49 And the example is white people, the Caucasian race.00:32:56 A group of people with certain physical traits in common based on a common heredity as the Caucasian race.
Speaker 9
00:33:09 It's kind that that's The thing is when?Devon
00:33:11 People say, well, what is white?Speaker 9
00:33:13 You know why when you see it?Devon
00:33:16 Otherwise, you couldn't police wouldn't be able to say.00:33:21 Now he's a white male. We're on the lookout for a white male. This if if they didn't mean anything to everybody, which it does, it means something to everybody. Everyone here is white male. You know exactly what that means. And you can identify it upon seeing it.
00:33:37 Easily. It's not even like it's not hard. Everyone everyone knows.
00:33:41 Do you say black male? Everyone knows, say Hispanic male. Everyone knows if you say Asian male, everyone knows.
00:33:49 Except for the weirdos in.
00:33:51 Europe, that Asian means something totally different.
00:33:56 So it's it's. If it's such a perplexing hard to figure out thing, how come everyone knows everyone knows what it means. Everybody does.
00:34:07 But they're already trying to deconstruct it in 1957. This is all part of that Springfield plan. This is all part of the the Marxists that came here post World War 2 and started and basically Dewey defying our society.
00:34:23 Preparing these were the.
00:34:24 First, first little steps in getting us.
00:34:29 To the reality that we're living in today.
00:34:37 Oh, by the way, if if if there's.
00:34:39 No such thing as race.
00:34:41 Then there's no such thing as anti-Semitism.
00:34:45 Because there's no such thing as Jews.
Speaker 14
00:34:50 The question is which tricks?00:35:01 Once Upon a time, the answer seemed obvious skin color.
00:35:06 OK, first of all, not just skin color, but this is a pretty based poster they've got.00:35:16 It's not just skin color.
00:35:19 If you paint the black guy white.
00:35:22 He's still going to look.
00:35:23 Like a black guy.
00:35:26 He's going to look like a black guy, that's.
00:35:27 Been painted white.
00:35:34 See this. This is that this is the apparently the birth of that lie.
00:35:42 It's just racist skin deep.
Speaker 14
00:35:45 They we know this classification doesn't work at all because skin coloring may shade off continuously from light to dark within a single biological group, so that there was no point at which we could say.00:35:57 One race ended and another began.
00:36:01 Well, that's correct. OK. All right. So where are you going with this, buddy?Speaker 14
00:36:08 As a result, many individuals didn't have the right coloring to go with their alleged race.00:36:15 For example, you could find plenty of members of the so-called brown race who were actually lighter than some members of the so-called white race. And so on.
00:36:25 All right. With you so far, I agree.00:36:28 In fact, right now I'm looking kind of like the the brown rice with.
Speaker 9
00:36:32 My ******* tan.Speaker 14
00:36:36 So you see classification of man into five races based on skin color wasn't at all satisfactory.Devon
00:36:45 Wait, are you just going to leave it at that? Because.00:36:51 No, he they're not. I hope not.
Speaker 14
00:36:54 Attempting to find a better classification.00:37:00 Modern anthropologists have turned to more reliable traits such as body build.
00:37:07 Cephalic index.
00:37:09 Nice physiognomy.Speaker 14
00:37:12 Nasal index.00:37:16 Facial structure.
Speaker 9
00:37:18 See this is this.Devon
00:37:19 Is before they had DNA, so this is what?00:37:21 They had to work with.
Speaker 14
00:37:24 Eye color.00:37:27 Color and texture of the hair.
00:37:31 One racial classification based on such traits and widely used today, lists three major races, Caucasian Mandalorian and Negroid, plus a doubtful category for those that don't seem to fit anywhere else.
00:37:46 These are further divided into 15 sub races.
00:37:51 But even with this classification, we run into difficulty which we can see by considering the characteristics of three of the sub races within the Caucasian group. We know, of course, which traits are supposed to belong to each of these subreddits.
00:38:06 So basically what they're saying is because they didn't have DNA technology, they're just trying to pick apart.Speaker 9
00:38:12 See this is.Devon
00:38:12 This is The funny thing like that.00:38:14 This is prior.
00:38:15 To the DNA they're they're trying to pick apart the physiognomy, arguments and basically the the, the, the science available to the people that were really just trying to put specificity.
00:38:32 To what was already something inherently easy for.
00:38:35 Everyone to determine.
00:38:36 Like again if I say white male and I see a light skinned Mexican guy, I I just I I can tell by looking at him.
00:38:45 He's not white.
00:38:48 If I say black male and I see a really tan.
00:38:54 White guy. I know he's.
00:38:56 Not black or Mexican for that matter.
00:39:00 Everyone has the ability to discern. In fact, I can discern between different kinds of Asians, different kinds of whites.
00:39:09 Different kinds of blacks.
Speaker 9
00:39:13 So I mean it and.Devon
00:39:14 And a lot of people can.00:39:17 So the differences are something that everyone can, or at least most people.
00:39:24 Can look at someone and assess and be able to put in a category and it doesn't mean you necessarily that you treat them differently, but it's not. That's not a difficult thing. It's a common sense thing. It's it's an ability. It's not a superpower. It's an ability that everyone has.
00:39:44 And so, because they can't, they have to attack this prior to to DNA. They're they're trying to say that the the science being used to try to, I don't know, scientific eyes. The the what? Well, it's just an inherent ability that everyone.
00:40:05 As you know, they're just trying to categorize and make it into something that's concrete instead of something that's just your intuition.
00:40:15 And so people like the people behind this video, we're just trying to attack that science.
Speaker 14
00:40:24 The Alpine, the Mediterranean, a narrow head medium to short stature and dark brown or black hair.00:40:32 Good morning.
00:40:33 Look at that tiny little mad.Speaker 14
00:40:37 Has a narrow head, tall stature and blonde hair.00:40:42 However, the more we study these things, the less simple they become. These various traits refuse to stay put.
00:40:50 For example, we find individuals with a short, stocky body of the Mediterranean.
00:40:58 The round skull of the Alpine.
00:41:02 And the blonde hair coloring of the Nordic.
00:41:07 Nature, apparently unimpressed by our earnest efforts of classification, creates such wrong combinations by the millions in every part.
00:41:16 Yeah, they're still white. Look, I'm like a couple.00:41:19 Different kinds of white people. I get it.
Speaker 9
00:41:24 Like almost all.Devon
00:41:25 From, you know, almost. It's just different kinds.00:41:28 Of Anglo basically with a with like a a splash of German.
00:41:33 But I mean.
00:41:34 It doesn't mean I'm not white.
00:41:39 And DNA will show you that.
Speaker 9
00:41:43 Like if you get this.Devon
00:41:44 This little, this mutt.00:41:45 Or whatever this guy is trying to like. Oh, look, you know we can't determine what race he is because he doesn't fit into this very specific physiognomy that.
00:41:53 You guys have come up.
00:41:54 With they say that same **** about DNA today. So no matter how much evidence how much scientific evidence you get to basically just you're just confirming.
00:42:05 What everyone already knows?
00:42:07 No one has trouble. There's not a person.
00:42:10 Alive that can't. That looks at a black.
00:42:12 Person and doesn't know they're black.
Speaker 9
00:42:15 That just doesn't. There's that doesn't exist.Devon
00:42:21 And all of the genetic or like when you see them plot out.Speaker 9
00:42:28 People from from.Devon
00:42:31 The same parts of the world.00:42:34 And and there are separations and you can in fact you can look at the and that's again that's how these Jewish DNA companies work.
Speaker 9
00:42:43 If they couldn't determine.Devon
00:42:46 Where you originated from? By looking at your DNA.00:42:51 Those tests would be meaningless.
00:42:55 I mean, I'm not saying again, do not use them. Please, please. And if you do, for some reason you, like, can't help yourself. Try to be anonymous for ***** sake.
00:43:09 But it doesn't matter really. They don't care like cause this this video wasn't made to be scientific. This isn't like a scientific rebuttal. It it's propaganda. It's just telling you it's telling here.
00:43:23 That's the other thing.
00:43:24 Too is the viewer.
00:43:25 The intended view or the intended audience is the blue collar guy that the, you know, three people that were.
00:43:33 It's those guys.
00:43:35 So let me come on.
00:43:37 Blue collar guys and 1957 with no access to the Internet and publicly educated if that.
00:43:43 They don't know what they don't know anything about.
00:43:46 This kind of science.
00:43:48 So this just sounds like, oh, apparently science says there's no such thing as race.
Speaker 9
00:43:54 Because that's, I mean, that's who it's.Devon
00:43:55 For that's what the point is.Speaker 14
00:43:57 Of the world.00:44:03 The biological concept of race gentlemen, cannot be applied to individuals as simply as is popularly believed.
Speaker 9
00:44:11 See you hear that?Devon
00:44:14 See. Look at him. Oh, you. That's right. You you've stupid *******.00:44:19 You can't just say that there's a race because all that scientific gobbledygook I just said.
00:44:26 You see because because not every race, not every phenotype, has this exact specificity with no variation. Therefore race doesn't exist.
00:44:41 Because not every Frenchman looks identical.
Speaker 9
00:44:46 Because they all because.Devon
00:44:47 They aren't all the the, the, the.00:44:49 Product of some kind of mitosis from 1-1 ******* genome like they're they're. They're not all just these carbon copies of each other.
00:45:01 So therefore race doesn't exist.
Speaker 14
00:45:13 Popularly believe.00:45:21 But no matter what classification you apply, if the word race means an inherited physical type, then almost every existing nation would include not just one race, but many races.
Speaker 9
00:45:34 Yeah. So what?Devon
00:45:37 First of all, So what? Second of all, look.00:45:43 Because you're now the argument, I guess is because there are. There is specificity if you want to boil it down and there are different like you can like just like with the DNA test, right they.
00:45:54 Can tell you what.
00:45:55 Part of France, just as an example, your family originated from, right? Like there. There is some specificity.
00:46:02 Because they're, you know, prior to mass transit.
00:46:08 People did seem to to stay in the.
00:46:10 Name region of the country. So yeah, there were different kinds of people technically within each of these countries.
00:46:20 So what?
00:46:23 That changes nothing.
00:46:25 But again, this is for people that aren't necessarily going to be thinking.
00:46:28 Like that. This is just to tell you, you stupid ******* blue collar. Fagot science says no such thing as race.
Speaker 14
00:46:38 The French nation, for example, includes Nordics, Alpines and Mediterraneans. The percentage is varied as you move from one part of the country to another.Speaker 9
00:46:48 Well, then I guess White doesn't exist and neither does French.Speaker 14
00:46:55 In short, a nation is not a race. There is no such thing as the French race anymore than there is an English race, German race or American race.Speaker 9
00:47:05 See this is this is very.Devon
00:47:08 This is very similar to the same exact ******** that they were doing with that Frank Sinatra video that I played. I think last stream where Frank Sinatra was just it's the same **** like they're they're this focus on blood and being irrelevant, right?00:47:27 Where he was saying ohh yeah, no, you know Jewish is just a religion. It's just a religion. There's no ethnicity tied to to it.
00:47:36 Ethnicity is not a thing, and that's what he's saying right? Here is no, there's no, there's no French ethnicity. There's no American ethnicity. There's, and they need to make sure, you know, there's no American ethnicity.
00:47:49 Because that's the target of of of their program, right?
Speaker 14
00:47:54 The whole point of this video is.Devon
00:47:55 So that there is no American ethnicity.00:47:58 To make sure of that.
Speaker 14
00:48:09 Neither is there any such thing as a specific Latin temperament.Devon
00:48:13 Ohh come on.00:48:18 Again, because it's the whole thing that leftists have always done where generalizations are invalid because of exceptions.
00:48:30 You know, if I say that, you know the sky is blue.
00:48:39 And they'll point out. Ohh it's it's it's not always blue under these circumstances the sky is actually red or orange.
00:48:46 You know, and it's it's the.
00:48:48 The exception that proves the rule.
00:48:52 And you get these these leftists, that, that and these communists that will argue that you can't. You can't rely on on generalizations because there are exceptions exist as if you didn't know that.
00:49:11 As if you really think.
00:49:13 When you say whites on average have a higher IQ than than blacks, just as an example, on average as if you think by saying that that every white person is super ******* smart and every black person is not as smart.
00:49:33 That's ******** and no one.
00:49:34 Thinks that.
Speaker 14
00:49:44 The word Latin refers only to a group of languages spoken by various countries whose populations may or may not resemble each other in other ways. Actually, a sampling of the peoples who speak the Latin tongues would turn up a very.00:49:58 Wide range of.
00:49:59 Behavior patterns differing sharply from nation to nation. Such a sampling would have to include not only the people of France, but also of Romania.
00:50:23 South and Central America.
00:50:29 And Cuba?
00:50:31 I'm OK with lumping all those people together as Latin.Speaker 14
00:50:40 People in all these countries speak the Latin languages, yet their behavior differs widely from country to country.00:50:48 Therefore, all people who speak the Latin tongues are not all excitable, nor all anything.
00:50:58 Again, it's it's like Jesus Christ.00:51:03 Generalizations stereotypes exist for a reason.
00:51:10 There's like if I tried to start, let's just say today I tried to start the stereotype that all Chinese people like peanut butter.
00:51:22 We what would it take?
Speaker 9
00:51:24 Like if I really tried to meme.Devon
00:51:26 That that all Chinese people, they're just they're just ******* feigning for Jiffy all the time. Like they they just want they just want ******* chunky *** ******* peanut butter smeared all over their face. They just they they can't get enough.00:51:39 Of this stuff.
Speaker 9
00:51:46 That would it would go nowhere.Devon
00:51:48 It would go nowhere because it's not. It doesn't have enough truth to it.00:51:54 For it to go anywhere.
00:51:58 The only way something like that works is.
00:52:00 If there's some.
00:52:01 Kind of. Just like a joke, right? Like, if if you tell a a racial joke.
00:52:07 Something comedians don't do anymore because they'll lose their careers.
00:52:12 But if you tell a racial joke and it doesn't have any truth to it, no, it's not ******* funny.
00:52:18 Like it doesn't make any sense. Like if, if your punchline just as an example implies that Chinese people love ******* peanut butter, it wouldn't make any ******* sense.
00:52:31 They wouldn't make any.
00:52:31 ******* sense to anyone.
00:52:32 Like no one would be like.
Speaker 9
00:52:34 Oh yeah, those ******* Chinese and their peanut butter.Devon
00:52:40 It wouldn't make any ******* sense.00:52:46 But stereotypes exist because generalizations.
00:52:51 Are based.
00:52:52 On statistical evidence.
00:53:01 I mean, look, look, if you make a joke about blacks being more violent than whites, just as an example, black people are going to get the joke.
00:53:12 Just as much as white people.
00:53:15 Why? Because you have statistical evidence that backs up that stereotype.
00:53:21 Clear cut, easy to access and disputable.
00:53:25 Statistical evidence.
00:53:32 And justice like today.
00:53:34 How the left wants to deconstruct that?
00:53:39 Or somehow shift it like. Oh well, no, it's not that they're more violent. These statistics don't point to that. You know, these aren't. This is incarceration rate. It's because the system is racist. Oh, no. You know, it's not that this group is underperforming because of just that they they underperform.
00:53:59 In your society, it's that your society hates them and it's put and keeping them down on purpose.
00:54:14 And and part of it's because I used to think you know it's. It's because for communism to work, right, like everyone kind of has to be.
00:54:22 The same.
Speaker 9
00:54:25 Right. Like if you.Devon
00:54:26 Have groups that are going to outperform other groups. It's going to create problems for communism.Speaker 9
00:54:34 And while I think.Devon
00:54:35 That's that's part of it, and that's probably part of why again like the lower level, the lower tier people, that's why they.00:54:45 You know sense.
00:54:46 That that has to they have to get.
00:54:47 Rid of it. Come on.
00:54:49 The people, the.
00:54:50 Top are not ******* *******.
00:54:54 How about this for pattern recognition?
00:54:57 How many people going to?
00:54:58 Bilderberg are black.
00:55:10 They know.
00:55:13 They ******* know they get it.
00:55:17 They just don't want you to get it.
00:55:26 Because if you get it.
00:55:28 You won't go along with their plans.
00:55:32 They want you to watch movies or and TV shows like Star Trek.
00:55:38 Where everyone's getting along in some futuristic space station with a black captain.
00:55:55 Where we going to have a black president?
Speaker 5
00:55:58 OK.Devon
00:55:58 It was well spoken.00:56:08 But they don't believe it.
00:56:12 Of course they.
00:56:13 Don't believe it?
00:56:18 Here's the thing. Like if if if the ruling class really believed that there was no such thing as race, and there was no such thing as genetic differences.
00:56:29 And we could all perform at the same level, given the right environmental factors and that sort of thing.
00:56:36 Why do you think like think it this way? This is just this is just easy to figure out. The ruling class. Absolutely, absolutely.
00:56:48 Would have just taken over an African country because it'd be so easy to do, right?
00:56:53 And then within just one generation, you'd have the the people in the African country.
00:56:59 Performing at the same level.
00:57:02 As the the whites in your home country, they presume you know there's a white country doing this.
00:57:12 But they're not doing that, of course not.
00:57:15 And Bill Gates is over there like genocide.
00:57:17 Them you know.
00:57:25 So they get it, they know.
00:57:27 All this stuff, all of this stuff.
00:57:33 They don't believe in.
00:57:36 Like this isn't like them trying to get you on the same page as.
00:57:40 Them now.
00:57:43 They don't believe it.
00:57:45 This is them just lying to you.
00:57:48 Outright lying to you so you don't ***** about having all these immigrants come into the country in 1957.
00:57:59 And that's 1957. That's before the Immigration Act.
Speaker 3
00:58:04 This is this is.Devon
00:58:05 To address people having a problem with European.00:58:09 And notice notice notice who?
00:58:10 They're focusing on the types of Europeans, right?
00:58:17 The swarthy kind of Europeans, I believe that's the word, Ben Franklin.
00:58:21 Used, he said.
00:58:22 He didn't want those people coming into America.
00:58:25 He didn't want Italians. He didn't want Romanians.
Speaker 9
00:58:28 He didn't.Devon
00:58:34 And for the longest, longest time that that really wasn't who was who was coming here, right? It was mostly Anglo. You know, some Nords and Germans.00:58:45 And so that that's that's who they're they're trying to get you to not not have a problem with the.
00:58:53 Well, I guess the meds will.
00:58:54 Just say right?
00:58:57 But not just the meds. Also, you know, they mentioned the people from South.
00:59:01 Of the border.
00:59:06 So this is this is this is before this is.
00:59:11 This is way before 1965.
00:59:14 This is.Devon
00:59:15 Almost 10 years before 1965.Speaker 14
00:59:19 For the major fallacy, the belief that group differences in behavior are the result of heredity.Devon
00:59:28 Of course he had to go there.00:59:32 We know again.
00:59:35 We know for a fact.
00:59:37 A lot of your because of twin studies, a lot of your personality.
00:59:43 Is genetic. You might.
00:59:45 Not want to believe that?
00:59:46 But everyone else believed that for like hundreds of years until **** like this started coming out.
00:59:53 And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
00:59:57 Oh no, I'm turning into my parents.
01:00:03 People. Everyone knew this. Everyone knew that.
01:00:05 Behavior was was genetic. Everyone did.
01:00:12 And now we have we have the evidence that backs that up. Voting patterns are genetic.
01:00:23 Is genetic.
01:00:29 Is genetic.
01:00:32 Honesty is genetic.
Speaker 9
01:00:39 Why do you think the?Devon
01:00:40 Upper class people used to say, well, she's the product of bad breeding and they would use terms like that.01:00:50 If behaviors weren't genetic.
01:00:53 Why would dog breeders need to worry about like? I mean, why wouldn't you just use wolf Cubs, right? Why wouldn't you just go?
01:01:02 Get a wolf cub.
01:01:04 At an early age and then try to raise him like a dog and he'd be fine, right? No, of course not. He wouldn't be.
01:01:11 You have to breed it out of them. You have to breed the wild out of them.
01:01:21 I mean, even feral cats, right? So feral cats like and. Same thing happens. Well, a similar thing happens to pigs if you. If you get a pig.
01:01:31 And it gets loose like a domesticated pig.
01:01:34 And it gets loose.
01:01:36 There are pigs that will start growing tusks.
01:01:44 They I mean.
01:01:44 They they literally genetically change, or they physically alter so they can stay alive.
01:01:52 Feral cats.
01:01:55 If they, I mean they, they will change.
01:01:57 In one generation.
01:02:01 They'll be less domesticated in one generation.
01:02:10 Behavior is absolutely, absolutely.
01:02:16 And they knew it.
01:02:16 Then they just because they didn't know.
01:02:18 About DNA, really. When they made this?
01:02:21 Doesn't mean they didn't know this. The ruling class. The people behind this, they knew it. They knew it. They're lying.
01:02:29 Because in fact, not only do they know it, the audience knew it. That's why they had to make this video in the.
01:02:34 1st place because everyone knew it.
01:02:44 They're they're making arguments against popular belief. This is something everyone knew.
01:02:51 It wouldn't be.
Speaker 9
01:02:52 Included in this film if it wasn't.Devon
01:02:54 Something that everyone knew.01:03:12 But everyone knew it, so they had to try to program program you with. Diversity is our strength garbage?
Speaker 14
01:03:22 Found through the ages, people have more or less taken it for granted that a Japanese child, for example, inherits his distinctive behavior, his gestures, his manners, his attitudes toward life, just as he inhibits.Devon
01:03:34 See, everyone knew it.01:03:42 Throughout the ages, people knew this as what he just said.
Speaker 9
01:03:47 But it's wrong. It's all.01:03:48 Wrong. We're and look there.
01:03:50 There'll be no scientific.01:03:53 Proof of what he's saying. Just telling you that no, this is.
01:03:55 All wrong. That's old.
01:03:57 That's the old way of thinking.
Speaker 14
01:04:08 It's the color of his eyes and the shape of his nose.01:04:12 This belief, which has had an important and sometimes an unfortunate influence on human relations, was not confined to the uneducated.
01:04:25 It wasn't confined to you ******* stupid plebs.Speaker 3
01:04:34 Everyone knew it.Devon
01:04:37 And look, look, obviously obviously it's not just nature. It's nurture too. Obviously, if you get a just a Japanese guy who is raised in in America by white parents.01:04:53 He's going to.
01:04:53 Be different than a Japanese guy raised by.
01:04:58 Japanese parents in Japan.
01:05:03 But not 100% different.
01:05:06 You know, like twin studies showed.
01:05:11 There's going to be certain things that stick.
01:05:16 Otherwise, I mean, if that wasn't true.
Speaker 9
01:05:18 You wouldn't see these.Devon
01:05:19 Voting patterns among groups that come here.01:05:22 I mean, well, Asians as an example, Asians vote left in.
01:05:28 Much higher numbers than whites.
01:05:35 That's just the way it is.
01:05:38 Same thing with Hispanics.
01:05:42 And part of that is you got to understand our society is a product of.
01:05:45 The people who made it.
01:05:49 It wasn't some accident. It wasn't some accident that America was created.
01:05:56 It's not like, well, the Japanese.
01:05:58 Were going to do.
01:05:58 It they were working on it.
01:06:02 But America beat him to it. No.
01:06:07 And look.
01:06:07 You don't have to like.
01:06:08 Capitalism or or a meritocracy like that? I'm not. I'm not defending, I'm just explaining.
01:06:14 Every country in the world.
01:06:18 That has like a Western style capitalism struct, you know, system.
01:06:24 Got it from the people who.
01:06:26 Made it in America.
01:06:30 It's a product of the people who founded this country.
01:06:36 It's not a product.
01:06:38 Of any other people, it's not a product of the Japanese.
01:06:43 It's not a product of the the well, I mean, it's not even a product of of like the of of Germans.
01:06:54 It's not a product of Eastern Europeans, it's not a product of Africans, it's it's a product of.
01:07:02 A group of.
01:07:04 Mostly anglos.
01:07:10 Who had an evolution of systems throughout their past and that's.
01:07:16 Just the result.
01:07:20 Of that evolution.
01:07:23 And that it seemed to make.
01:07:25 A lot of money.
01:07:26 So it was then adopted by.
01:07:29 Most of the West and some of the east.
01:07:39 And it was duplicated and replicated all over the world.
01:07:42 But it originated.
01:07:46 From the people who founded this country, it was a product of that of those genetics.
01:07:57 And as those genetics wane as those people disappear.
01:08:03 What's happening?
01:08:07 What's happening to that system?
01:08:11 It's disappearing.
01:08:13 It's dissolving into thin air.
01:08:28 Because we're all not. We're just. We're just not. We're not carbon copies of each other. We're just not.
01:08:35 This idea that there's no such thing as race, or if there is, it's it's strictly a an aesthetic thing.
01:08:45 This was the look and like it's so frustrating to watch this knowing that they're they're attacking common. They're attacking.
01:08:52 The knowledge that everyone already had, they're just **** ******* the entire population.
Speaker 14
01:08:58 Literature, including the best of Shakespeare, is full of references to English blood and noble ancestry as supposedly decisive factors in determining noble behavior. Now let's look at the same.Devon
01:09:15 There it it, it's.01:09:17 Look, I I don't think that the, the Royals or whatever are are noble people, right?
01:09:23 But there does seem to be some, some, some.
01:09:27 Similarities between their behavior, right?
01:09:32 It's just not usually it's not good behavior.
01:09:36 But yeah, absolutely. The genetics of the ruling class.
01:09:41 Determines behavior, too, that's.
01:09:43 Why? That's why it's.
01:09:44 That's what's part of the problem right now.
01:09:48 Is that this system of government that, that, that is evaporating?
01:09:54 It was meant to address that it was meant it was because behavior is inherited.
01:10:03 It was meant to.
01:10:05 Get rid of.
01:10:08 ******, tyrannical ruling class.
01:10:12 And give give the job of administering the country instead to someone who got there based on merit regardless.
01:10:19 Of their bloodline.
Speaker 14
01:10:25 Fake evidence in modern times, many hundreds of careful studies have been made to test this theory. That group differences in behavior are hereditary. Yet in all the books and articles that have been published.01:10:41 Describing these studies.
01:10:42 I wonder who published these books and studies.01:10:46 I wonder if how many of them their last names ended.
01:10:48 With Stein and Berg.
Speaker 14
01:10:50 State not one shred of positive evidence in favor of the theory has ever been reported. On the contrary, a great deal of evidence is accumulated, which?Devon
01:11:00 See, we don't have to tell you what the evidence is, but look at these.01:11:03 Pictures of books.
01:11:08 You stupid ******* pleb. You probably can't even read books, but look at all these books.
Speaker 9
01:11:15 I'd explain it to you, but you.Devon
01:11:16 Would you're just too dumb to get it. You would never understand. You'd never.01:11:21 Get it anyway.
01:11:22 But look, books.
01:11:26 Race doesn't exist because look, a whole bookshelf full of books.
Speaker 14
01:11:35 That people acquire their behavior.01:11:37 As they acquire their speech from.
01:11:39 The culture they grow up in.
Speaker 9
01:11:42 See, it's it's it's not the nature.Devon
01:11:45 At all it's.01:11:45 All nurture it's magic dirt. He's he's literally saying the magic dirt theory. This is like the birth of the magic dirt theory.
01:11:53 You can come from any country in the world.
01:11:57 And then the second you step out of that culture and you place your foot onto the soil in this country, you magically become part of this country. And part of this culture.
Speaker 9
01:12:15 See again if you want to.Devon
01:12:15 Understand the boomers. This is 1957 was I mean that's.01:12:21 It's kind of.
Speaker 5
01:12:21 Almost before I mean.Devon
01:12:22 You've been, that's.01:12:23 Before a lot of boomers.
01:12:25 So this **** was already full swing, and by the time they were going to school like it was.
01:12:30 This was already like the accepted view of things.
01:12:37 Notice how in fact, if you think about it, notice how everything he's saying. It's kind of like.
01:12:42 It's kind of the boom.
01:12:43 Boom argument like when you talk.
01:12:45 To boomers about race, this is.
01:12:46 The **** they say.
01:12:49 Because this is what they were taught.
Speaker 14
01:12:52 To carry out scientific experiments.01:12:54 In the field of group differences.
01:13:00 As a rule, the most we can do is to study and observe, as this anthropologist is doing with a group of South Sea Island children.
01:13:11 However, an experiment of sorts was mixed.
01:13:14 This should be good.Speaker 14
01:13:16 Quite unintentionally, but on an enormous scale in the 18th and 19th centuries, a large number of West Africans.Devon
01:13:26 This is hilarious.01:13:29 Is he really going to say I hope this if if his example of how race doesn't exist is because they picked up all these W Africans and made them slaves in America and look how great they're doing now and they fit right in, I hope I hope.
01:13:48 I hope that's the example he uses.
Speaker 14
01:13:52 Forcibly uprooted from their own culture.01:13:54 And set down 3000 miles.
01:13:56 Away in a totally different culture.
01:14:00 Some of the folk ways these African tribesmen brought with.
01:14:03 Them have persisted.
Speaker 15
01:14:08 Influencing our culture in various ways.Devon
01:14:17 With the comparison.Speaker 14
01:14:21 Brought with them have persisted.Speaker 15
01:14:27 Influencing our culture in various ways.Speaker 9
01:14:30 Yeah. Yeah, because whites didn't dance.01:14:33 White people didn't know how to dance until.
01:14:36 This technology was brought to them.Speaker 15
01:14:40 That lives in our culture in various ways.Speaker 14
01:14:49 But despite many factors tending to perpetuate the African.01:14:52 Group as a.
01:14:53 Group A number of their descendants are today indistinguishable from Americans of other stocks except.
Speaker 3
01:15:01 I can't believe he went there.01:15:08 Ohh God.
Speaker 9
01:15:12 Oh man. All right. Well.Speaker 3
01:15:16 What guys?Devon
01:15:18 You could. There's no such thing as race. You can tell because look.01:15:23 Look, we got black people from Africa.
01:15:26 I mean, this was an unintended experiment.
Speaker 9
01:15:28 As we called.Devon
01:15:29 It look we got, we got black people from Africa and we dropped them in this country full of white people and now it's indistinguishable.01:15:38 They're all. They're all exactly the same. Now. See, that's proof. That's proof that genetics is ********.
Speaker 14
01:15:47 Their physical appearance.Speaker 3
01:15:50 See look, doctors and engineers. He's a he's a black doctor.01:15:55 See, we're all the same.
Speaker 14
01:15:58 Obviously, these people would be no more at home in an African village than their tribal ancestors would have been in an operating room.01:16:07 In short, so far as we can tell now, group differences in behavior are the result of learning, not heredity.
01:16:16 Complete ******* ********.01:16:22 Specifically, look, just honestly, even if it, even if it was just behaviors, let's just say.
01:16:30 Let's say nature was 100%.
01:16:33 Behind behavior and look, it's or. I'm sorry, nurture was 100% behind behavior, so it's all environmental, everything, everything about it. There's not a single part of your personality or anything like here's the obviously the ******** thing about that is.
Speaker 9
01:16:53 You're mine.Devon
01:16:55 Is a part of your body.01:16:58 Right. In fact, it's the majority.
01:17:01 Of your genetic code.
01:17:04 And so if somehow how tall you are and the color of your skin and your hair and your eye color and all this other stuff, all that stuff's genetic, right? But when it comes to the most crucial part of your body, your brain, the thing that makes you you, the most expensive organ in the entire body.
01:17:27 Then all of a.
01:17:27 Sudden genetics has nothing to do with it.
01:17:33 You inherit everything else from your parents.
01:17:37 But not your brain.
01:17:41 Your brain is this magical ******* nebulous thing.
01:17:48 It's just it's a blank hard drive that you can just install whatever operating system on it you want.
01:17:56 It will be compatible.
01:18:03 It's ******* stupid.
01:18:06 It's ******* stupid to think that, but even even if that was true, let's just say.
01:18:11 That was true.
01:18:16 IQ is genetic, and we know that for a fact.
01:18:20 So even if you.
01:18:21 Got everyone on the same page culturally.
01:18:27 Which we again that would be a ******* gig. That'd be a huge improvement over what we have right now. Huge. In fact, I would almost tolerate that. Almost.
01:18:40 You still have the the IQ disparity, which is significant.
01:18:45 And meaningful.
Speaker 14
01:18:56 And of course, biologists today know that the physical traits that distinguish one race from another are not transmitted by the blood.Devon
01:19:06 See, that's just ******* ********. Like they just don't understand how genetics works. You know, worked it in 1957.01:19:16 Here's here's one thing that he didn't mention. There are blood type differences.
01:19:22 And organ transplant differences, too. I mean, just if you need an organ transplant, you.
01:19:30 Want someone who's as?
01:19:31 Genetically close to you as possible.
Speaker 14
01:19:45 And the jeans.01:19:50 Many fallacies about group differences could be placed to the bad habit of generalizing from selected cases.
01:19:58 This young man notices how excitable his French brother-in-law is, but conveniently forgets the millions of French people he's never met.
01:20:07 Because there might be an exception to the generalization, that means the generalization is false.Speaker 14
01:20:14 Fear of isolated cases should not be overgeneralized to represent the behavior of a group.01:20:26 Just a moment, young man.
01:20:29 I have a pig.
01:20:30 Shut up, you stupid ******. We're not done with you.Speaker 14
01:20:34 There was one more fallacy in your statement.01:20:38 All I said.
01:20:38 Was one American can beat 10 Frenchmen?
01:20:41 And what?
01:20:46 Well, you better not say that because nationalism is also bad.Speaker 11
01:20:52 Big bowl.Speaker 14
01:20:54 Ah yes, that was it. Thank you. The fallacy of the ethno centered criterion which.Devon
01:21:04 Being ethnocentric is bad, it's bad boys.01:21:10 Don't have any ingroup preference. That's bad.
01:21:13 Nationalism, that's bad.
01:21:20 You're not allowed to have in Group preference.
Speaker 14
01:21:26 He put it this way.01:21:28 Would you care?
01:21:28 To bet a week's pay you.
01:21:30 Could beat 10 Frenchmen at let us say fencing.
01:21:38 You see, Bill, a skill typical of 1 culture is not a proper yardstick for general comparisons between cultures.
01:21:50 Now then, let's take another look at these policies we've been discussing.
01:21:56 A A nation is not a race, or any nation includes many inherited physical types.
01:22:01 So there's no such thing as ethnicity, got it.Speaker 14
01:22:08 B. There is no such.01:22:09 Thing as a.
01:22:10 Latin temperament but the.
01:22:12 And because there's no such thing as ethnicity, there's obviously no such thing as traits of said ethnicities, because there's no such thing as ethnicities. Everyone's individual. Everyone is completely an individual and a product of their environment.Speaker 14
01:22:27 Of the people in the various Latin speaking countries varies widely from country to country.01:22:34 See people who speak these Latin tongues are never all excitable or all anything.
01:22:40 Yeah. Again, no.01:22:41 One was really saying that.
01:22:46 No one is when people use generalizations.
01:22:51 They know that there's exceptions.
Speaker 14
01:22:59 Who are the members of any group?01:23:02 D group differences in behavior are the results.
01:23:05 Of learning, not heredity.
01:23:07 And that's the big lie. That's the huge ******* lie right there. That's the big.01:23:14 Because if that was true then, then we wouldn't have.
01:23:17 Any problems right now?
01:23:19 See the problems that your ancestors if you.
Speaker 9
01:23:22 Wonder. Remember, like there's.Devon
01:23:23 A lot of people that want like.01:23:25 Figure out like why they sell us out.
Speaker 9
01:23:27 And like I said.Devon
01:23:28 The ruling class level I really do think it was just greed. There might have been some ignorance. I think maybe some of them might have believed this ****, but the very, very top they they're not.01:23:37 ******* stupid, right?
01:23:40 But this stuff like This is why because.
01:23:43 They were being told.
01:23:45 Listen, you stupid ******* ignorant *******.
01:23:50 We have the science. Didn't you see the bookshelf?
01:23:55 Didn't you see the ******* bookshelf?
Speaker 9
01:23:57 There's so many books.Devon
01:24:01 Science says and.Speaker 9
01:24:02 We don't have to go where we're going.Devon
01:24:03 To explain any of it, but science says.01:24:08 Group differences in behavior are the result of.
01:24:12 Learning, not heredity.
01:24:15 So guess what?
01:24:18 That means we can take in.
01:24:20 People from all over the world.
Speaker 9
01:24:25 And they'll learn.Devon
01:24:26 To assimilate, remember that used to be the big thing. You didn't hear that anymore. That word's not even used anymore when it comes to immigration debates, there's no no one even talks about assimilation. In fact, that would be called white supremacy because it it's white primacy.01:24:41 White primacy is.
01:24:45 Your culture is.
01:24:47 Is #1 because.
01:24:49 You're, I mean, you mean you?
01:24:51 Made the country. It's your country.
01:24:53 Where it was.
01:24:55 And so you could talk about.
01:24:57 Assimilation, when it was still your country.
01:25:02 But it's not your country anymore.
01:25:06 That's what they don't even talk about it anymore. But back then, that was the big fear, right? If we have all these people coming in from all over the world, from all these different countries, they're going to bring with them.
01:25:18 The the attributes of of the people that the, the populations they come from.
01:25:25 And this video is telling.
Speaker 9
01:25:26 You ohh. No, no, no, that's.Devon
01:25:30 Didn't you see the books? All those books say that that's ********.01:25:38 No, no, they're going to come here.
Speaker 9
01:25:41 And they're going to be.Devon
01:25:44 Just like you.01:25:47 Because it's a result of learning.
01:25:50 It's a result of learning. They'll assimilate, they'll go to your schools, and they'll end up just like.
01:25:54 Your little boy.
01:26:00 Didn't you see the black doctor?
Speaker 14
01:26:16 B. Hereditary traits are transmitted not by the blood.Speaker 9
01:26:20 See again.Devon
01:26:22 This this is just I think, a result of just the bad technology. No one, I mean, maybe some people did, but I can't imagine at least knowing the day thinks that, like you can catch black. Like if you.Speaker 11
01:26:34 Like a.Devon
01:26:35 A black blood transfusion. You know blood.01:26:37 Transfusion from a black person that you're going.
01:26:39 To like catch.
01:26:41 The black I I just, they didn't. I don't think they understood it very well. But it's it's interesting that he mentions genes.
01:26:48 But I think that was a relatively new like when was the discovery of DNA, I'd have to look, I don't know what year that, that that but it was I mean it was it was a fairly new discovery. I think when this when this came out.
01:27:01 So no, maybe maybe there.
01:27:03 Were people that thought if you got a blood transfusion from a black that you would catch the black? I don't know.
Speaker 14
01:27:10 By the genes.Devon
01:27:13 But again like there's.01:27:20 There are different blood types and there's different races that have.
01:27:26 I mean more prevalence of certain blood types and stuff like that, but.
01:27:36 I don't understand why you're saying.
01:27:37 This because because.
01:27:39 No. Again, no one thinks it's specifically the blood. I think when people talk about blood, they're talking about genes.
Speaker 14
01:27:47 F The behavior of isolated cases should.01:27:50 Not be over generalized to represent the behavior of everyone in a group.
01:27:54 I don't know.01:27:55 Is 13, does 50. Is that over generalizing?
01:28:00 If 13% of the population is committing 50% of the murders in your country.
01:28:10 And they're all black. Like is that?
Speaker 9
01:28:14 Is that over generalizing?Devon
01:28:21 I I don't feel like that's over generalizing.01:28:29 It's generalizing no one. No one's saying that every.
01:28:32 Black person's.
01:28:33 A murderer or even has the capacity for murder.
01:28:43 But I mean.
01:28:44 It's suicidal to ignore that that pattern.
01:28:54 See this is this is the honestly, The funny thing is, if you're a sift net, I don't see how you could disagree with this video.
01:29:04 This is basically Signet racial racial science, according to Signets.
01:29:17 So I I guess conservatives are conserving something. The one thing that they're conserving the the the stupid belief that they were programmed in 1957 about race.
01:29:30 We finally found something that they they.
01:29:32 Had conserved.
Speaker 14
01:29:40 And finally, a skill typical of 1 culture is never a proper yardstick for general comparisons between culture.Devon
01:29:47 Yeah, you're right. The the, the, the.01:29:50 The NBA isn't mostly black for any other reason other than systemic racism against Asians.
01:30:03 That that it's not possible.
01:30:09 The NBA has so many black people in it because black people.
01:30:14 Can run fast and jump high.
01:30:22 See, it's the culture they learn to run fast and jump high.
01:30:27 From the magic dirt in America.
01:30:31 That's why all NBA players are American. They're not.
01:30:38 Oh God.
01:30:40 So tiresome.
Speaker 14
01:30:45 Now let me leave you with just one more thought.01:30:49 Many popular notions about races, heredity and group differences are completely wrong when they are not completely meaningless. But the trouble is when it comes to human relations, most of us tend to cherish beliefs and ignore facts.
01:31:06 You mean like the people?01:31:08 Behind this video, Jesus Christ.
Speaker 9
01:31:25 What, though, what they're saying is your wisdom.Devon
01:31:31 Your common knowledge, your wisdom that's been passed.01:31:33 On generated because.
01:31:34 The video itself admitted that hey, like.
01:31:36 Most people forever have thought this, but.
01:31:38 It's all wrong.
01:31:44 There's for people being so pro, like, so focused, so focused on culture, they don't seem to give a **** about the.
01:31:51 White culture.
01:31:56 So the the culture that taught you.
01:32:00 All these things about race.
01:32:02 You should ignore them all.
01:32:04 Because science.
01:32:07 Because the.
01:32:08 Didn't you see the bookshelf?
Speaker 9
01:32:13 So many books on that shelf.Devon
01:32:17 I I honestly.01:32:18 I do kind of want to.
01:32:21 I want to go through that clip again and see if you can find like on Google Books or something. Copies of these books and and see who wrote them.
01:32:32 I suspect you'd.
01:32:32 Find a a racial pattern there. Speaking of racial patterns.
01:32:49 But it would be very interesting to do.
Speaker 11
01:32:56 I don't care what the guy said.Speaker 14
01:32:57 I still see one American can.Speaker 3
01:32:59 Lick any ten pick.Speaker 14
01:33:02 See what I mean?Speaker 9
01:33:05 See that stupid ******* nationalist? That ****** ******* guy with his angry preference? **** him, you don't.Devon
01:33:12 Want to be that dumb?Speaker 9
01:33:20 Who's this?Devon
01:33:21 Ah, Stanley cipher. Interesting. Herbert Kerkow incorporated, huh?01:33:30 Oh, there's a there's a Milena Lowski.
01:33:34 Alright, Brennan's law. Let's look this guy up.
Speaker 9
01:33:41 Let's look up. Uh.Devon
01:33:44 Herbert Kerkow incorporated. What the **** is that?01:33:52 Herbert kerkow.
01:34:20 There's not a lot of information on it other than the he produced a lot of.
01:34:26 Propaganda films.
01:34:33 There's a there's a.
01:34:35 And they're all.
01:34:36 Kind of like that. Oh, my God, they're like.
01:34:37 All like that. So here's another one. Each child is different.
01:34:41 Individual differences.
01:34:45 Now, this one's kind of funny supervising women workers.
01:34:52 Uh, farewell the childhood that was a short film he did.
01:35:01 So there you go. But I don't see any.
01:35:06 There's no information on him. I mean, I.
01:35:13 There's no.
01:35:15 There's no Wikipedia on him, weirdly enough.
01:35:25 Let's see anywhere.
01:35:32 Well anyway.
01:35:38 That was that film.
01:35:40 But yeah, this is the kind of ******* **** they were.
01:35:42 Just playing to.
01:35:44 Not just, you know, boomers, but their parents.
01:35:57 And, you know, 10 years of that, that that **** and you had the Immigration Act of 1965.
01:36:09 No ability apparently to be you can't be a nationalist.
01:36:13 Can't have anger preference science says.
01:36:28 Yeah, someone says pre Internet time. So that's the thing too. Like there there was no.
01:36:33 Like, how are you going to research that? I mean, if you tried to.
01:36:36 You'd find those ******* books he was showing.
01:36:38 You on the bookshelf.
01:36:41 Because guess what? The people writing all the books.
01:36:44 We're writing the same ****.
01:36:47 You didn't have access to anyone that wasn't an approved voice.
01:36:58 Because they would never be given a book deal.
01:37:01 They would never get published.
01:37:06 In the same way.
01:37:07 That, you know, Amazon, for example, bans my book.
01:37:16 They just wouldn't publish you.
01:37:19 It was a big deal he had published.
01:37:24 And it wasn't as easy to self publish.
01:37:27 Back then.
01:37:30 And even if you could, I mean, how would you distribute it? How would people find out about it?
01:37:41 I mean they they.
01:37:41 Were up against an enormous machine.
01:37:49 A machine that had control over radio, television, film.
01:37:56 The recording industry.
01:38:00 The publishing industry.
01:38:08 They were all saying exactly the same thing that this.
01:38:10 This film was was was saying.
01:38:15 It wasn't just the oh, look at the bookshelf.
01:38:18 It was look at the bookshelf. Listen to the.
01:38:20 Guy on the radio.
01:38:22 Listen to the movie. Watch the TV show.
01:38:28 I mean, I've shown just over the last few weeks.
01:38:30 I've shown it.
01:38:31 In incredible amount of examples of this stuff.
Speaker 9
01:38:39 And it almost seems like.Devon
01:38:40 I'll never run out.01:38:43 It's it's not hard to find as so.
01:38:44 Much of it.
01:38:49 It's because they have when something's not true, when you need to get your public.
01:38:54 To believe something that's not true.
01:38:57 You have to to just saturate them with propaganda and it has.
01:39:01 To be unrelenting.
01:39:05 In the same way like earlier when I was talking about if I wanted to start some like weird stereotype that Chinese people like peanut.
01:39:12 Butter. They could do it.
01:39:15 They could do. I can't do that. But they could do it. They have the power to do it, if all.
01:39:19 Of a sudden every ******* late night show.
01:39:21 Talk show.
01:39:22 Host start making jokes about Chinese people and peanut butter and the applause sign came on and people would be, you know, would laugh. And the people at home would hear the laughter. And even if they didn't understand the.
01:39:35 Joke at all.
01:39:37 They would still laugh because they'd want to be.
01:39:39 Accepted part of the group.
01:39:42 And they would just assume, I guess, Chinese people like peanut butter.
01:39:49 And if they never witnessed that in their personal lives?
01:39:54 But they were bombarded everywhere they went. You know, if they turned on our song, there'd be some, you know, lying about Chinese people and peanut butter. And if they read a book, there was some Chinese guy in the book that loved ******* peanut butter. And there, you know, they're cartoons. There was, there was another Chinese character that that, that love ******* peanut butter.
Speaker 9
01:40:15 And couldn't shut up about peanut butter.Devon
01:40:18 Even if you didn't know any.01:40:20 Chinese people that like peanut butter you would just, especially if you're on PC and you have an inner voice, right, you're just basically getting your firmware flashed.
01:40:28 You're just like, oh, Chinese people and peanut butter.
01:40:38 But they'd have to keep doing it or it would go away, right? Because eventually, if they just stop talking about Chinese people and peanut butter.
01:40:47 Because it doesn't make any sense. In reality, it would just go.
01:40:50 Away it might.
01:40:52 Not go away right away because you know, if you do it enough.
01:40:56 It's going to be burned into people's heads.
01:41:00 Even if there's like no evidence of it, they're.
01:41:01 Going to think that there's.
01:41:04 There's something with Chinese people and peanut butter.
Speaker 9
01:41:07 But eventually it will go.Devon
01:41:08 It will go away.01:41:11 Because there's nothing in reality that's reinforcing it.
01:41:17 So they have to just keep.
01:41:18 Repeating it over and over and over and.
01:41:20 Over again to keep it in the minds.
01:41:23 Of not just the the people that they've already flashed the firmware of, but the new people.
01:41:35 And here's The funny thing. So that's how much.
01:41:40 Effort it takes.
01:41:43 To get people to believe the ******** that they've been spoon feeding them about race, right?
01:41:49 That's the **** that they have to spend.
01:41:51 Billions of dollars a year trying to get people to believe by by producing television shows, podcasts, newspaper articles, news reports, books, movies.
01:42:06 It never ends, it never ends.
01:42:10 And yet.
01:42:13 All of your evil Nazi beliefs, right?
01:42:16 All of your bigotry, right?
01:42:20 How come? How come that keeps going? How come that keeps perpetuating itself?
01:42:25 With with almost no propaganda.
01:42:30 How is that possible? Why is it?
Speaker 9
01:42:33 That in order for people to.Devon
01:42:35 Keep believing that you know that we're all exactly the same, or I guess now you can't. Even now it's it evolves, right because.01:42:43 Now it's like that Cartoon Network PSA where.
01:42:47 We're not all the same black.
01:42:48 People are better, you know.
01:42:51 Because they're faced with more adversity and you have everything you have in your life is because you.
01:42:55 Just you're living.
01:42:57 You're in the the easy lane, right? You.
01:42:59 Just have no.
01:43:00 Obstacles in your way because you're you got the.
01:43:03 Magic white privilege.
01:43:05 Or whatever.
Speaker 3
01:43:07 Well, why is?Devon
01:43:08 It that they have to spend so much.01:43:10 ******* money to get people to believe that ****.
01:43:17 Literally, it costs nothing.
01:43:20 It costs nothing.
01:43:22 For the opposing view.
01:43:29 Because the evidence is all around you.
01:43:33 I don't have to keep reinforcing over and over.
01:43:36 And over again.
01:43:39 Which you can see with your own eyes.
01:43:42 You don't have to see it in the movie. You don't have to hear it.
01:43:45 In a song, you don't have to.
01:43:46 Read it in an.
01:43:46 Article you're well, I mean, you read it in articles.
01:43:49 All the time, right in.
01:43:51 A in a manner of speaking.
01:43:58 But you.Devon
01:43:58 Don't eat all that ****.Speaker 5
01:44:01 Because you can see.Devon
01:44:02 It with your own eyes.01:44:06 You see, if this was all just ******** bigotry, if it was just like this weird bigotry that was based on nothing, it would go away within like a generation.
01:44:21 But also, why would you think that?
01:44:23 In the first place.
01:44:25 Why would you sit? Think so lowly of of whites, the white people that created this country? Why would you think so? That they'd be so ******* stupid as to have just like this weird defect where they come up with just bizarre based on nothing.
01:44:45 Assumptions about other groups that are.
01:44:49 That are different than themselves.
01:44:53 Why? Why are you so racist to think that whites just have this irrational hatred or fear or loathing of other cultures that is completely based on nothing?
01:45:09 And somehow this keeps perpetuating and.
01:45:12 See, by the way.
01:45:15 Here's the problem.
01:45:19 Here's the problem.
01:45:23 Because you have to believe that.
Speaker 15
01:45:26 If if you're.Devon
01:45:27 Avoiding the truth.01:45:31 If you are avoiding the truth and embracing the.
01:45:33 Lie 100%.
01:45:36 You have to believe that you have to believe.
01:45:39 Because that's the only thing makes sense, right?
01:45:42 You have to believe that white people, actually they do.
01:45:46 Have some kind of genetic thing.
01:45:48 That makes them racist and evil and bigots. You have to believe that.
01:45:56 And I do believe that.
01:46:00 Why do you think they talk about having to eradicate whiteness?
01:46:06 Because that's the only explanation that makes sense.
01:46:10 With their understanding of the world.
01:46:13 It really is.
01:46:13 I mean, there's nothing else that would make sense.
01:46:20 If you ignore.
01:46:25 Or rather, if you explain away.
01:46:29 Generalizations and stereotypes that whites have made about other groups.
01:46:37 And if you dismiss it just as as bizarre.
01:46:43 Based on nothing bigotry.
01:46:47 And it doesn't go away with education like it just keeps going.
01:46:52 You know like.
01:46:52 No matter what we do, these white people, they just still.
01:46:57 They still have this irrational hatred, or the bigotry, by the way, it's almost never hatred. It literally almost never is.
01:47:08 Well then.Devon
01:47:09 What's your?01:47:12 I mean if.
01:47:12 If your premise is that it's based on nothing.
01:47:19 You have to. I mean what's what's, what's the next step? I mean, you have to assume it has to be something. There must be something inherently bad about white people that makes them see all these patterns that don't exist.
01:47:41 So really you could say that videos like this it's.
01:47:46 It's led to the, I would say.
01:47:51 I mean, I don't, I don't.
01:47:52 Want to really black girl that hard? But I mean I.
01:47:55 Think it's just.
01:47:56 It's leading to the inevitable.
01:48:01 Of whites, it's.
01:48:02 Laying down the groundwork.
01:48:07 You're genetically evil.
Speaker 9
01:48:12 There is no cure for whiteness.Devon
01:48:19 We've tried decades of education to cure whiteness, and it just keeps going.01:48:28 What are your options then?
01:48:34 They're only talking about it. It's not even like some.
01:48:38 You know, it's not like some big secret or anything like that. There's people openly talking about not losing their jobs, like they're openly talking about genocide and white people.
01:48:48 And that's not hyperbole. They're openly talking about and not losing their jobs.
Speaker 9
01:48:53 Which means.Devon
01:48:56 It's again, they're not. They're not. It's not boiling the frog anymore.01:49:05 They can just say.
01:49:06 It and nothing happens to him.
01:49:19 And I can't even say.
01:49:20 The truth and stay on any kind of major platform.
01:49:24 By the way, Speaking of which?
01:49:27 If do not send me anything on trobo like money things.
01:49:33 Because you guys mentioned recently. Oh, you got a big donation. I was like.
01:49:38 Oh, cool and I.
01:49:38 Went to go see. I don't even know how that works and but I I I guess there's something called elixir and there's something called.
01:49:44 A like manna or something like that.
01:49:47 And so I.
01:49:48 Went into like the wallet screen or whatever and I have 0 elixir. So if you've given me elixir I have zero so which I don't know if if you've sent me some but if.
01:49:59 You have. I don't.
01:50:00 Get it? So I did send him an e-mail to trovo support and said, hey, look, I'm pretty sure people have sent me stuff and.
01:50:08 Plus, it also said that I get I.
01:50:10 Should be getting.
01:50:11 Rewarded for subscriptions, right? I don't know how that works either, but apparently I'm supposed to get like.
01:50:16 $2.50 per subscription and it's not and I and I have 0 monetization from that too.
01:50:23 So I suspect I've been demonetized on trovo without ever.
01:50:27 Figuring out the, you know not being on.
01:50:29 Here long enough to be to understand the monetization in the first place.
01:50:33 But it's possible that there's just something weird I'm not getting, but I I emailed them and said, look, I don't what's the.
01:50:39 Deal with that. But if you've been sending stuff, don't don't send me anything until I get that figured out. Ultimately where I think this is going to go is I'll probably do entropy. I just don't know if entropy.
01:50:54 Works with multiple platforms.
01:50:59 Or if they just work with YouTube, which I'm not.
01:51:02 Going to use.
01:51:05 But it I think there is going to have to be because the people at entropy and you know and look maybe they'll get shut down or deep platformed by.
01:51:15 Processors or whoever.
01:51:18 But they are based. I've talked to them, I've DM them and stuff in the past and they're.
01:51:25 They're legit. You know, they they will never deep platform me now. They might get deep platform, but they'll never.
01:51:30 Deep platform me.
01:51:31 UM.
01:51:33 So that might be something.
01:51:35 That I have to.
01:51:37 To do for the streams, but.
01:51:38 The only way that would.
01:51:39 Work is if it's compatible with the services I can stream on now. Another cool thing in terms of.
01:51:46 This is I know I.
01:51:47 Haven't uploaded to Odyssey just because I haven't had the the bandwidth to do it. So it's one of those things I got to pick.
01:51:54 And I have way more action on bit shoot, so that's where I've been uploading to. I'll try to get stuff to odyssey when I can, but it's just with my computer problems and bandwidth problems that be able to make it happen.
01:52:06 But Odyssey is talking about doing streaming. They've apparently already they got the.
01:52:12 Beta and so I'm going to be trying to sign up for that beta to streamed on Odyssey.
01:52:22 But ultimately, that's the thing that's we're going to do. We're going.
01:52:24 To have to not, I mean.
01:52:27 The trovo thing and the D live stuff. It's just I feel like that was.
01:52:32 You know, we were just being nimble and moving to platforms where at least we could get our message out and and be live, right. But it was never a long term solution, a long term solution is going to be something like Odyssey. Hopefully, although they're getting sued now, they're going after Odyssey hard, the library blockchain.
01:52:52 I think it's the in the FEC, but some I forget some federal agencies.
01:52:59 Trying to go after them, saying that they were selling securities. Kind of like when you had the the crypto stuff that was going on. What was like 2017 or whatever where you had all these tokens being released and and the FEC was no actually the SEC, not FEC, isn't it S yeah.
01:53:19 SEC, I think.
01:53:21 So they were freaking. Yes. Security exchange.
01:53:23 So they were freaking.
01:53:25 Out and about, a lot of this stuff going on outside of their regulatory, I don't know per view. And so because especially now that you're having Jewish journalists write.
01:53:41 Articles about how Odyssey is the new Nazi platform.
01:53:46 Of course, the the federal government has stepped in and is suing or I don't know what the I'd have to look and.
01:53:53 See what the the current status is of that, but they they they're legally going after it's it's law fair, they're legally going after library now. I also suspect the people that run the library.
01:54:06 Blockchain have a significant amount of money as a result of of having a lot of their own tokens, right? And so I would imagine that they would have the money.
01:54:20 To have some fancy lawyers and you know.
01:54:26 Because the the.
01:54:27 Legal system today is is not so much about who's right and who's wrong, it's about who's got money. I suspect there's a good chance they could survive it, but maybe just after paying some blood money to the federal government, or maybe maybe donating.
01:54:41 Some money to ADL or I don't know what the ****'* going to happen. But but that said.
01:54:50 I think a more long term solution is going to be Odyssey once they get the streaming going.
01:55:00 And that has some monetization too that I think it's based on their little coin thing, the library tokens or whatever.
01:55:10 And that is something that.
01:55:13 They wouldn't be able to. They they they'll.
01:55:15 Never be able to demonetize you from that.
01:55:18 So, well, I mean the way that they I guess.
01:55:20 They could is.
01:55:23 Just make it so you can never turn crypto into cash money.
01:55:27 But more and more.
01:55:29 That's becoming irrelevant.
01:55:31 There, there's more and more it I I'm starting to see. You know, it's kind of a there's a lot.
01:55:37 Of people think it's a good thing.
01:55:39 I think it's.
01:55:40 Kind of a.
01:55:40 Bad thing that all of a sudden companies like PayPal are letting you buy things in with crypto. That means the ruling class wants.
01:55:49 You to use Bitcoin.
01:55:53 Which I suspect they always did right. I really.
01:55:57 I mean the fact that no one knows who Satoshi is and the fact that just, you know, like there's.
01:56:03 Just too many.
01:56:04 Question marks.
01:56:05 Around the birth of Bitcoin, and there's just too many.
01:56:12 Yeah. I just I look, I mean I use that out of necessity, but I kind of feel like this is probably wrapped up in all.
01:56:18 Of this whole new normal.
01:56:22 You own nothing, kind of a, you know. Well, I mean, just the fact that the the vaccine passport, so that that's utilizing blockchain technology.
01:56:30 And I think a lot of this blockchain stuff, well, look, it's there's a lot of good that it could do. There's a lot of really good that.
01:56:38 It could do.
01:56:38 In fact, the libertarians that geek out about blockchain technology, they're not wrong about the possibilities, but they're wrong about the probabilities.
01:56:51 Because, I mean, come on the, the, the people, the ruling class is never going to allow something that somehow unravels their their stranglehold on power. Are you kidding me?
01:57:06 I mean, yeah, it's been 100 years you have been.
01:57:08 Able to get rid of the Fed.
01:57:10 No one's going to get rid of the Fed in 100 years.
01:57:14 They're not going to let some digital *******.
01:57:18 Chuck E cheese coins.
01:57:20 Unravel them.
01:57:25 That's just the way that it is.
01:57:30 Alright, let's take a look at chat. Tonight's stream is gonna be kind of short just because of.
01:57:34 My my technical difficulties.
01:57:38 Let's take a look. The core technology is fine. The air controlling the exit points.
01:57:42 Well, that's the.
01:57:43 Thing too.
01:57:44 It wouldn't be too bad.
01:57:45 Though if I mean look you can you could live cashless. Sly. I mean, you could potentially live and there's people that were doing this years ago just as kind of like an experiment. It wasn't easy, but you could do it.
01:57:58 You could live exclusively by trading with Bitcoin.
01:58:03 I mean, it was very limited years ago. It's probably not so limited now. I don't know that I could do that. Maybe I could. I mean if here's it's another argument for why I mean, growing your own food, growing your own food and making sure that all the essentials that you have in your life are taken care of by you.
01:58:23 And that you're not relying on a bank for a mortgage.
01:58:27 You know that get out of.
01:58:28 That system.
01:58:29 Disconnect as much as possible. Now you're always going to have some **** like.
01:58:34 Taxes. Right. Property taxes.
01:58:38 You're going to have to pay the blood money to the guys with guns.
01:58:44 That's just. I mean that's that's something you won't be able to get rid of, or at least not, you know, so.
01:58:52 The I mean there's, I mean I guess.
01:58:54 There's ways you.
01:58:54 Could live completely under the radar.
01:59:01 You could certainly do that, but.
01:59:05 Most people aren't going to be willing to make the kind of sacrifices that.
01:59:09 It would be involved with them.
01:59:11 But try to do it as much as you possibly.
01:59:13 Can and then look, you just have to break your addiction to buying stupid **** on Amazon and eBay and stuff.
01:59:21 And you can have. You can have a happy life without online shopping.
01:59:29 And you can just use your crypto to buy.
01:59:32 Buy stuff that uh.
01:59:34 That you do need, which is increasingly becoming something that you can do.
01:59:41 So even if they control the exit points, if you can, if you can buy stuff directly with crypto and it's it's, it is a short list of things you can buy.
01:59:51 Directly with crypto.
01:59:52 But it's it's. I mean, I've bought.
01:59:54 I've bought lots of stuff with crypto.
01:59:59 You know, so it's not impossible. You can definitely do it.
02:00:08 So anyway, let.
02:00:08 Me. Take a look at chat here.
02:00:17 You know, people talk about.
02:00:21 Gold and silver and stuff like.
02:00:22 That you know well, I mean.
02:00:25 Yeah, gold and silver is good too.
02:00:29 But it's just as it's just as controlled as Bitcoin or anything else, you know, I'd say it's a good way to diversify the problem with Bitcoin is that if the grid goes down, you know your Bitcoin are gone.
02:00:43 And another problem with Bitcoin is you know, it's not easy to quickly just give it to some. Even the grids up, right? Like you can't just like, here's your Bitcoin, you know.
02:00:56 It's getting a little more convenient, but it's not as convenient as just handing someone something right? But the problem with stuff like gold and silver is if you're in a situation where you're having to buy stuff with gold and silver, things are probably pretty dire, right? And no one's going to want to block a metal.
02:01:16 In in trade of for the food? Because if that if that's.
02:01:19 Where we're at.
02:01:20 The food's probably going to be a lot.
02:01:22 More valuable than the block of.
02:01:24 Metal. Now you could use maybe.
02:01:26 The block of metal to bribe your way, you know from out of the country and stuff like that. I don't know. I don't know.
02:01:33 But so I would say diversify, I mean it's not, it's not a bad idea to have precious metals, but I don't know, I I also don't know enough about the the market, uh, when it comes to precious metals the no if you know where where where the prices are even at right now like if it's a good idea to.
02:01:53 To buy or sell right now.
02:01:56 I'm not the guy for that.
02:02:01 In a grid down situation, bullets will be currency, not.
02:02:04 Gold and silver? Exactly.
02:02:07 That's what I would invest in honest, not just bullets. But I mean like I would, I would invest.
02:02:11 In things that you can.
02:02:13 That will keep you alive. You know, food that has a really long shelf life is probably a better investment than Bitcoin or gold right now.
02:02:23 You know, the ability to have water that's going to be clean, that you can live.
02:02:28 Off of.Devon
02:02:29 And and and and you know regardless.02:02:32 Of what happens?
02:02:34 There are some possibilities.
02:02:35 That we, we.
Speaker 9
02:02:38 I mean, look.Devon
02:02:41 It doesn't have, like, people keep thinking, we're going to have like some big.02:02:44 Race war or.
02:02:44 Whatever that's possible, but it's just honestly, it's just as possible that the ruling class decides to take us into World War three on.
02:02:52 Some level.
02:02:56 You know, like let's.
02:02:58 Let's uh. Let's try to unite the nation by.
02:03:02 Which, by the way, that that's that's not going to work anymore.
02:03:07 You know the the kind of the kind of united front.
02:03:12 That you saw in America Post 9/11, right, where I mean I went to a bowling alley after 911.
02:03:22 I was in like the.
02:03:24 Like the I don't know the the restaurant.
02:03:26 Part of it.
02:03:26 Or whatever, and they were doing karaoke and some guy in a ******* cowboy hat.
02:03:33 Stood on the table.
02:03:36 And was singing proud to be an American.
02:03:40 Because at least I know I'm free or whatever. And it was. I think it was.
02:03:44 That song but.
02:03:45 It was a song like that and like everyone, everyone in the restaurant stood up, put their hand over their heart and was cheering. And it was like it was weird. It was crazy.
02:04:00 I'd never seen anything like that or since that's never going to happen again.
02:04:05 That's gone. That ship's gone. Diversity killed that.
02:04:10 100%.
02:04:14 In fact, there's there's really.
02:04:18 There's not a whole lot of people.
02:04:19 Proud to be an American these days.
02:04:27 Like cause again, what does it? What does it even mean? What does?
02:04:29 It even mean anymore?
02:04:40 And there's not exactly, you know, people aren't.
02:04:44 They're going to be lining.
02:04:45 Up to die for whatever that is.
02:04:50 So I I I.
02:04:52 I mean, it would be a huge mistake, but I, you know.
02:04:56 The ruling class has been known to make mistakes.
02:05:03 But I would prepare because if if you know it doesn't have to be some big civil war. But I mean, I think.
Speaker 9
02:05:11 I think you'd.Devon
02:05:12 Have to just be an idiot to not see that civil war at the very least is possible, and in increasingly so every year.02:05:26 And but that aside, that aside, it's not like it's not like the the the fact that.
02:05:35 And we've been the superpower for how long? Since what World War 2, you could say.
02:05:41 That's fading away.
02:05:46 A lot of it has to do with diversity.
02:05:48 But it's fading away.
02:05:51 Now it's a big ******* machine. The lot of inertia behind it, so it's not going to happen overnight.
02:05:58 But the power vacuum is starting to.
02:06:01 To happen.
02:06:04 And other countries, other superpowers, or wannabes? Superpowers.
02:06:12 They smell blood in the water.
02:06:20 They're tired of.
02:06:23 Of America being at the top of this hierarchy.
02:06:31 And who wouldn't be Jesus Christ?
02:06:37 With what America has turned into.
02:06:41 Our culture being inflicted on like the rest of the West.
02:06:47 I'd be ******* tired of it too.
02:06:51 I mean, ****, I live here.
02:06:52 And I'm tired of it.
02:06:59 So the possibility of a conflict between America, I mean, look, it could be anyone, China.
02:07:06 China, I guess is the obvious one.
02:07:13 There's weird ship brewing now between Ukraine and Russia.
02:07:19 There's just a lot of question marks out there.
02:07:23 And so it's just crazy to think that the.
02:07:26 The system.
02:07:29 That a lot of people rely on just to stay alive is going to just keep going without any problems.
02:07:40 So if you're going to be investing in the future and look a lot of the stuff if you don't use it for an emergency, you can still use it. You know the food, you can still eat it.
02:07:52 I mean just.
02:07:54 It doesn't hurt to have it right, it's.
02:07:56 Still, a lot of it.
02:07:57 Honestly, a lot of this newer.
02:07:58 Stuff. It's kind of.
02:07:59 It's not even like that. Bad to eat it.
02:08:06 And in in terms of.
02:08:10 You know all.
02:08:10 The the survival gear stuff. I mean that's you can use that all the time camping.
Speaker 9
02:08:19 So it's not.Devon
02:08:20 Like you're just going to spend a bunch of money on something and then, like, you know.02:08:23 It's like spend a bunch of money on fire insurance. Then your house never burns down. It's not like that. This.
02:08:28 Is all stuff.
02:08:29 That you can use and you should use. I mean just just so you're familiar with it. It's like if you get a bunch of.
02:08:34 Guns and then never shoot them. That's.
02:08:37 You're going to suck when like it when it when? When it's time to shoot them, you're not going.
02:08:41 What you're doing, you know?
02:08:42 The same thing with the.
02:08:43 Ham radio stuff.
02:08:44 I've talked about like Ham Radio is a perfect example of something you can invest in, you know.
02:08:48 You can get something that that would be very useful.
02:08:51 In emergency, but you can use it now too.
02:08:57 There's a there was this ******* Brooklyn Jew on ham radio. I wanted to. I wish I'd recorded it. It was so funny.
02:09:05 He was. He was.
02:09:07 I don't know. I guess it was kind of a had to be their thing, it's.
02:09:10 Not going to be as funny if I explained it, I guess.
02:09:13 I'll, I'll just say he.
02:09:14 He was he was bragging about draft dodging to some military guy, and it was just I wish I'd recorded it. I wish.
02:09:22 I'd recorded it.
02:09:23 His accent, the reason that the biggest reason I wish I'd record it is he sounded just like.
02:09:28 I mean, he was like oh.
02:09:29 God. Ohh yeah. Like it was like it was like a cartoon Jewish, you know, New York Jew accent. Like it was just.
02:09:36 Ohh God, it was funny. It was funny.
02:09:39 Anyway, all right guys, I'm going to close down shop here just because, I mean, if you could see my desk, there's just like wires and **** everywhere. I just barely got this up and running before the, you know, because of the.
02:09:54 I was hoping the.
02:09:54 Computer would would stay on I and I. I've. I've done everything I can with the parts that I have in terms of swapping things out and trying to figure out what, where, where the weak link is, but it's just I've got to buy stuff I guess, which is unfortunate but.
02:10:12 You know, I kind of want that computer.
02:10:14 To be working.
02:10:15 Because I forgot how nice it was to.
02:10:19 Have all that processing power and my fingertips again where I could actually make cool animations quickly and I could actually have, you know, my computer not taking a ******* dump every time I'm streaming and want to do other things while you know, or or have like multiple animations playing all this so it just gets going to make my streams.
02:10:40 Better to have that working, it just everything it makes can be better cause I'll have that processing power like the the laptop I'm on now is like almost ******* 10 years old. If if not ten year.
02:10:49 Is old and it's, you know, struggling just to do this like the the little voice reacting thing. It's like, you know, freaking out and glitching out and it's behind and.
02:11:00 It's just it's a big *******.
02:11:01 Mess. So I'm going to try to get that working, but anyway.
02:11:06 I'll have. I'll probably be on the laptop next stream and I'll have news, hopefully next stream about these other streams. I'm.
02:11:15 Going to be.Devon
02:11:16 Going on, I do think it's going to cancel one night of the insomnia stream, but I will not cancel it, but I'm going to get. It's going to be really short.02:11:26 Because there's going to be like this 24 hours where I'm going to be streaming for like ******* like 8 of them. And I don't I, you know, I just don't.
02:11:34 I'm I'm. I'm human so.
02:11:37 Anyway and then also yes.
02:11:40 I haven't forgot about the matrix server and all that stuff either.
02:11:42 It's just.
02:11:44 I'm sorry guys like.
02:11:47 Things haven't been.
02:11:48 Going smoothly over here and I've been doing a.
02:11:50 Lot of yard work.
02:11:52 So we'll get that all squared away too, and I'll try to get to your emails. I'm sure people have already emailed me asking to do the.
02:12:01 Do the server and I'll just, I'm just going to pick some people and we'll see how it goes, but we'll.
02:12:06 Get that going by the not.
02:12:10 We'll say, well, let's try to get.
02:12:11 Let's try to get something up.
02:12:12 And running.
02:12:13 Within the week. So with that.
02:12:16 I will leave you guys.
02:12:18 4 black pilled. I am of course.
02:12:23 Devon stack.
Speaker 3
02:12:37 Yeah, well, we'll have white people.Speaker 4
02:12:42 White people, white people and no.02:12:44 Matter how much we push.
02:12:45 It up, they never gonna change.
Speaker 3
02:13:37 Suck y'all up. You gotta do all yours.