02/05/2021Speaker 2
02:21:55 Physiatric law.Devon
00:03:25 I suspect there is going to be. I'm dropping frames here and there it is what it is. I know there's going to be some Internet issues tonight. I'm not sure what exactly.00:03:38 It's related to, but nothing I can fix guys. I think there's a.
00:03:44 Well, I mean, there's a there's a storm going on outside, so it could have something to do with that. So you.
00:03:50 Know it is.
00:03:50 What it is I am recording locally so worst case scenario you have to watch the replay to get all of the frames that are dropping, but it's at least you know.
00:04:04 Seems to be holding up. Seems to be holding up.
00:04:07 And As for always?
00:04:10 Just lower the resolution on Trumbo and stuff like that. Please direct all of your complaints to trovo management as I have no control whatsoever.
00:04:23 Over that.
00:04:24 All right. So today is going.
Speaker 4
00:04:26 To be kind of.00:04:28 We got a lot of black pills today. We got a lot of black pills that it's been a busy day in, in clown world. It's been, there's been a lot of **** going on today.
00:04:40 You know it, it just it just.00:04:41 Hasn't stopped the the reign of the Black Hills just has not let up. Today it's been a a dark and stormy, stormy day.
Speaker 5
00:04:51 So let's let's just let's.Speaker 4
00:04:53 Just dive right into this stuff, huh?Speaker 5
00:04:56 So the first thing.Devon
00:05:01 The first thing we're going to take a look at and it will be a shame that that the frame drop edge will be a shame when it comes to this because we are going to play, we are going to play a video, but it is in fact we'll play a few videos so it is unfortunate that the frame drop edge is what?00:05:19 It is, but again it is what it is.
Speaker 4
00:05:21 So what we're.Devon
00:05:21 Going to do the first video, we're going to play tonight is apparently, apparently.00:05:31 A Israeli Film Festival.
00:05:37 An Israeli Film Festival.
00:05:40 Has given an award out to a a music video featuring some Israeli kids.
00:05:50 Talking about.
00:05:54 And I gotta do. I have to download. This is going to really.
00:05:57 **** things up.
00:05:58 How do I why away at the down of this thing? I already uploaded it at one point. Ah, all right. Well, I have the other one. Apparently I have the download this, so this might really **** us.
00:06:09 Ah, all right, let's see what happens.
00:06:13 Let's see what happens.
Speaker 4
00:06:17 Is that going to even work?Devon
00:06:22 Now, is that going to be killing us? Well, we'll see what happens. Let's see what happens.00:06:27 That might have already downloaded miraculously. Let me see. Nope, it's coming.
00:06:34 I think.Devon
00:06:36 Anyway, back to the story.00:06:39 There was an Israeli.
00:06:42 Film Festival and the I don't know if they got best in show. I don't know specifically what they got, but they did.
00:06:49 Win an award and you know again not.
00:06:52 To play the stupid little.
00:06:53 Can you imagine? Can you imagine if white people?
Speaker 5
00:06:57 Had done this, but no.Devon
00:06:58 No, no, we're we're, we're beyond that, we're beyond that.00:07:02 The only reason why we're even looking at this is because there's still some people who don't quite grasp where the other side is coming from.
00:07:13 They still don't grasp it.
00:07:15 You know, because you hear a lot every time you point out the you.
00:07:19 Know Jewish supremacism.
00:07:21 To people like well, especially like a lot of American Jews will say, well, that's those aren't real Jews.
00:07:27 Real communism hasn't.
00:07:29 Been tried before. You know those aren't real Jews.
00:07:33 And then you keep coming up all.
00:07:34 These examples and and.
00:07:35 And then eventually it's like, well, who, who are the real Jews, exactly? Because it seems like.
00:07:41 This is a widespread thing.
Speaker 4
00:07:43 This isn't. This isn't.Devon
00:07:44 Just like some crazy rabbi living in the desert spouting off nonsense to nobody, this seems to be fairly mainstream ****.00:07:55 And this is an example of that. This is an example of that. So now hopefully this will play. I have no way of knowing.
00:08:02 If this has downloaded all the way, but I'm pretty sure that it has, so we're going to go ahead.
00:08:07 And activate that. So I'm going to play this little music video for you guys.
00:08:20 Or it won't play because it's still downloading.
00:08:23 And I have no indication of when it will finish, which is fantastic.
00:08:29 Isn't that great?
00:08:31 **** me. Alright. Well, it doesn't matter.
00:08:35 While that's possibly downloading, there's no way to know.
00:08:38 We're going to move on to the.
Speaker 5
00:08:39 Next video.Speaker 4
00:08:39 We'll get back to that because it's.Devon
00:08:41 Worth watching? It's worth the wait. I promise you. And I really hope that it does.00:08:45 Download at some point. All right, moving right on.
00:08:48 Hung so again in the same keeping. Within this the same topic, I guess in a way.
00:08:56 You've heard a lot of times people say if you criticize George Soros, that's you're being anti-Semitic. You can't criticize George Soros.
00:09:07 That's that's in fact, by the way, even Trump has said similar things. Trump who?
00:09:13 Has borrowed money.
00:09:15 From George Soros, OK.
00:09:17 So just say all your, all your magnetars out there listening, just so you know he's he's he's actually told people. Hey. Hey. Leave leave. Leave him alone. He's he's just a nice old man. He hasn't. He doesn't do anything. Just just, you know. Leave him alone. He's just George Soros. I just borrowed a few billion dollars.
00:09:37 I don't know how much exactly it was, but it was a lot of.
00:09:39 Money it was.
00:09:39 More money than you?
00:09:41 Or I will ever see in our lifetimes.
00:09:45 And turns out.
00:09:48 You can criticize George Soros. You can't without being anti-Semitic. But there are some very specific rules you have to follow or you're a dirty anti Semite. But thankfully for us the goyem, the lowly goem.
00:10:04 A nice Jewish gentleman has put together a tutorial on how you're allowed to criticize George Soros.
00:10:15 Without being anti-Semitic. So let's have a look here. What he has to say.
00:10:22 Follow up.Speaker 1
00:10:22 George Democrat Hillary Clinton.Speaker 6
00:10:33 Can you criticize George Soros without being labeled an anti Semite? The answer is yes you can, but there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. Here are some of the dos and don'ts.00:10:50 Don't use Nazi or Holocaust imagery or propaganda. That's a no no.
00:10:57 Don't mention the Jewish religion. It's irrelevant. Don't use Jewish symbols. Don't tie individuals to global conspiracies unless you prove the conspiracy. We want to hear about it. Otherwise, don't indulge in that these.
00:11:17 Are the doubts what?
00:11:19 You can do is talk about pop.
00:11:22 Policy talk about your disagreements. You can do that. That is legitimate. Explain why you disagree with the person who's advocating a particular policy or supporting particular candidates or whatever it may be. Stick to policy. I have serious problems.
00:11:43 With George Soros, and let me give you some examples. He had the audacity, the Huzzah, to compare Israel when it defends itself against those who want to destroy her.
00:11:59 He compares Israel.
00:12:00 To the Nazi.
00:12:02 He supports the BDS movement to boycott that vest and sanction the Jewish state.
00:12:08 The only BDS movement in the entire world only directed against the Jewish people.
00:12:14 He legitimizes anti-Semitic problem with he legitimized. Here are some of the dos and don'ts no.
00:12:23 Don't don't mention the Jewish religion. It's irrelevant to Jewish religion. It's irrelevant. No, no.
00:12:33 Don't mention the Jewish religion. It's irrelevant.
00:12:39 You got that?Speaker 4
00:12:43 So now that.Speaker 7
00:12:44 Now that you understand the rules of the game.Speaker 5
00:12:49 It's OK you see cause because he has a problem with George Soros, too.Speaker 7
00:12:54 See, so just just talk, Joe, don't. Don't mention anything about.Devon
00:12:58 Global conspiracies, or or the Jewish religion? Or or the Jewish?Speaker 5
00:13:04 People, it's, it's irrelevant, it's.00:13:08 You know it's it's it's.
00:13:12 So so yeah now.Speaker 5
00:13:15 Now that we know that the rules.Devon
00:13:16 We can all safely criticize George Soros.00:13:22 Without having.
00:13:23 To be promptly punished.
00:13:28 As anti semites. Now I'm going to take a look and see if that video finished download. I don't I.
00:13:32 ******* hate. I'm so ****** *** because like, I, I'm the one that posted this ******* video on the Internet and I had it in this folder and now it's not there and now it's not ******* playing and it's on my *** **** telegram.
00:13:47 Ah yeah. See, it's not working, mother. ****.
00:13:50 Oh, they're ****. I'm just so frustrated with my Internet being so ****** the last. Like, it's been extra bad the last few days. It's like, really.
Speaker 4
00:13:57 ******* ******* me off.Devon
00:13:58 See, I don't get it cause like it plays.00:14:01 It's playing and ******* telegram right now. I guess. I guess sort of. I get a a progress bar here, so it's at 71 ******* percent. So how long is that going to take for it to keep going?
00:14:12 It's not even moving.
00:14:13 I don't know.
00:14:15 It's such a good I'm I was so excited to play.
00:14:17 This ******* video too. I'm so I'm. I'm actually really, really annoyed.
00:14:22 Actually very annoyed that this is not playing.
00:14:25 Uh, there's no way to even cheat it. That sucks. That sucks. I mean, I'm sure a lot of you guys have seen it anyway, so it's all right, because that did get blasted out to the world.
00:14:36 But we'll see anyway, it's.
00:14:38 God, that's that.
00:14:39 Really bothers me. I I'm uh.
00:14:41 I'm a little miffed. I'm a little miffed.
00:14:44 I'm a little bit miffed. Alright, moving right along.
00:14:47 We will hopefully have that video eventually.
00:14:53 So the next video we're going to take a look at, Speaking of noise, see, it was going to, it was going to be such a good segue. It was going to be such a good ******* segue. I don't know. I guess it works the other way too, just not.
00:15:03 As good it's not as good, I promise it's not as good. That's all right. That's all right.
00:15:08 Speaking of Boise.
00:15:11 And at first you'll wonder why I said that. But it will eventually make sense.
00:15:16 I don't know if you guys are aware.
00:15:17 Of this the shooting.
00:15:19 That took place in Pennsylvania. Now, I'm not sure I can actually play this video without it getting the stream killed.
00:15:30 I'm not sure. I'm not sure exactly if it's going to, you know.
00:15:38 If it's going to actually work.
00:15:41 Let's see here.
00:15:50 Well, here, here. Hold on. Now what I mean.
00:15:52 By if it's going to work, it's.
Speaker 4
00:15:54 Going to work.Devon
00:15:55 It's going to play.00:15:59 I don't know that it'll keep the stream going because it depicts a lot of violence.
00:16:07 So here, let's just talk about this for a second. This was going to be the.
00:16:10 Main story I was going to see. Now it's going to be weird if we segue into that ******* music video. *** **** that *******. I'm so mad right now. I'm actually really upset. I don't. If you can tell.
00:16:22 So mad at my Internet today it's it's just, it's so frustrating. It's frustrating because it's like something you can't do.
00:16:27 Anything about?
00:16:28 And everyone ******* ******* about it. Like, so you're just surrounded by all these. It's.
00:16:31 Like it like you're not already.
00:16:33 Mad about it and everyone just like, oh, it's ******* buffering. Ohh, I'll come much.
00:16:36 Chicken. It's like you. You thinking I.
00:16:37 Don't ******* deal with this all *** **** day. Like all day long.
00:16:40 Just like, oh, good. Oh, good. Oh, good. This ******* five MB file is still downloading after ******* 1/2 hour. Ohh good. What is this ******* 1996?
Speaker 5
00:16:50 I'm like, not even a 56 K modem. I'm a 28 eight. What? What? What the?Speaker 7
00:16:53 ******.Devon
00:16:54 Going on here, it's like I want 5G. I ******* want 5G melting. My *** **** brain if.00:16:59 It means I'm going to actually have Internet again.
00:17:01 Drives me ******* insane. Like I have to have three different Internet companies and they all suck.
Speaker 1
00:17:07 All of them.Devon
00:17:08 It's infuriating. ******* infuriating.00:17:14 But at the same time, first world problems, right? Right. It could be worse. I could.
Speaker 4
00:17:20 Have dysentery. It could be worse.Devon
00:17:23 But it is also very infuriating anyway.00:17:27 Back to the the story at hand, I keep seeing what it is I keep obsessively looking like. Is it done yet? Is it ******* that that *** **** video that I thought I had downloaded is it? Is it ******* done yet? Can I look ohh, it's 95%. It's 95. There's.
00:17:43 So I guess in like maybe 20 minutes, we'll have it. And maybe in ******* 20 minutes.
00:17:49 Oh God.Devon
00:17:51 There's no way to make this better either. There's literally no way to make this better. I was looking at uh, I mean the whole reason I have to use like 4G Internet in the 1st place, the only choice like if you go with an actual Internet provider out here like an ISP, well you got two choices I guess, but one's totally irrelevant.00:18:10 Actually, they're both irrelevant. You can get DSL. Yeah, DSL. I didn't even know that was still a thing. But you can get DSL and it's 256.
00:18:21 And it's over $100 a month.
00:18:23 So for over $100 a month.
Speaker 5
00:18:26 You can get 256K.Devon
00:18:32 And and that's that's top like that's like the fastest it gets. Like if everything's perfect, you'll get 250.00:18:40 6K and.
00:18:40 They don't guarantee that speed.
00:18:42 So you know, that's obviously a no go.
00:18:46 And then you can get satellite. Right now, satellite isn't so bad on download.
00:18:53 You have pretty fast downloads.
00:18:55 But it's ****** and upload.
00:18:58 Because the upload is it's. It's not like a big ******* satellite in space that's handling it. It's you trying to communicate back up. So it's it's, it's ******. And and you can't stream. You can't stream using satellite Internet. And on top of that they give you and it's it's they give you all these stupid caps.
00:19:19 Where it's like, oh, you've used 5 gigs.
00:19:22 Like it's worse than the.
00:19:23 4G5G you know, whatever the the phone, Internet crap that I'm using.
00:19:27 And so.
00:19:29 You're basically just. You're ****** with getting like I did three different ******* hotspots with the hope that one of them, one of them, will work. Maybe, maybe one at a time.
00:19:42 But not always the case. Anyway. I'm going to stop complaining about the Internet, although I'm really. Yeah, I'm really bothered by that. I'm really.
00:19:54 Really kind of bothered. All right, I'm obsessively check it one last time before we launch into this horrific violence that we're going to be looking.
00:20:02 At here in a second.
Speaker 4
00:20:04 It says 100% it says 100%.00:20:08 All right, we got it just in time.
00:20:11 Oh boy. Yeah, cause it was going to be it would be too much of.Speaker 4
00:20:14 A mood swing we couldn't do. We can't we.00:20:16 Can't see what's on the.
00:20:18 Screen. Now we can't watch this video about these guys and then watch this next video, which is also about boys, because it would just be it would be, it just wouldn't work. You'll see why.00:20:32 Eventually. But As for right now.
Speaker 4
00:20:35 Without further ado, the award-winning.Speaker 5
00:20:39 Music video.Devon
00:20:42 Taking audiences by storm in Israel.00:20:46 I don't know the actual name of the song is, but it's about Shabbos goys Shabbos Goys which we've talked about before, and Nancy Pelosi's father was a Shabbos goy, a Shabbos goy. For those of you who don't know, is a goy for those who don't know what that is is a non Jew, a non Jew which is actually seen.
00:21:07 As closer to an animal.
00:21:09 So you and I, we are closer to an animal than a Jew is to us, and we don't actually have souls like Jews do. So we're basically trash. We're basically not even really people. That's 100% what the religion teaches.
00:21:28 That is, that's how they view us is we are just barely above animals, but not too close to them. And this song kind of goes over, goes over that situation, making fun of the the silly goyem. So enjoy.
00:21:59 Come on.Speaker 1
00:22:48 And support.Speaker
00:22:49 OK.Speaker 5
00:23:48 So there you.Devon
00:23:49 Go. So there you go. And if you had trouble reading the the subtitles or if because the the Internet connection you couldn't read the subtitles, I'm going to mute it and we're going to play it back and we're going to see. Or if you're just listening to this like podcast style.00:24:08 At home, I apologize that you had to listen to that much Yiddish in a very obnoxious song, but.
00:24:17 Believe me, it is worth it to know. So the let's hear the first thing. The first line is is he's talking to his his rabbi. And he says, Rabbi, how much will he cost me?
00:24:32 How much will he cost me?
00:24:35 Of course. Isn't that funny? Isn't it? That's his first concern. How much will this slave cost me back in the old days, it was needed.
00:24:42 To invite a Shabbat goy for the weekend? Well, it's not just the old days, by the way. That's uh, that's still a practice that goes on today.
00:24:52 And it's like I said, Nancy Pelosi's father, which wasn't that long ago. It's not like that. We're talking about the ******* 17th century or some ****. And there's there's still exists today. Now, it's not all Jews, but it's every Jew that does the the Sabbath, the on Saturdays, the way it works out is on Saturdays.
00:25:11 Jews are not.
00:25:13 Certain Jews, some Jews don't do this.
00:25:15 Certain Jews it used to be all J.
00:25:17 Where are not allowed to do any work and that work could mean flipping on a light switch, as they say in.
00:25:25 The song turning.
00:25:26 On the heater doing any work now, their loophole to get around that because the Talmud is basically just a book of loopholes to get around.
00:25:37 Things that that God is commanding Jews to do, they just hire a goy, cause a guy can break the Sabbath all day long. He doesn't, he doesn't.
00:25:45 Have a soul.
00:25:47 So they hire a a, a goy to do all of their work, everything for them for a day.
00:25:55 And that's a Shabbat scoy.
00:25:58 So this is what he's talking about to invite the Shabbos goy for the weekend.
00:26:04 It doesn't matter if he's from Ukraine now. I found this interesting because there's a lot of sex trafficking that goes on between Israel and Ukraine, a lot of sex trafficking that goes on between Israel and Ukraine. Like there's like a story. It seems like once a month about sex trafficking going on between Israel and Ukraine.
00:26:25 So interesting choice.
00:26:27 Or a Palestinian or an African.
00:26:31 Oh, look, a Jewish kid in blackface, Jewish kid in blackface. And look, I have no problem with blackface.
00:26:38 What I have a problem with is if we do black face, these are the ******* people that we never hear the end of it from like it it's these are the people who having popularized black face. I have an entire video on that having having they themselves popularized black face.
00:26:58 In the West.
00:26:59 With the first movie ever to.
00:27:01 Have sound in it.
00:27:03 About a Jewish kid who becomes a singer, it's the movie is called a jazz singer.
00:27:11 And he paints himself black to be a jazz like, don't you? Gotta watch. You gotta watch the video on it. It's it's, it's on on my YouTube channel and probably on bit shoot.
00:27:20 Also, but after doing that.
00:27:24 They then blame it on us.
00:27:27 Right. Totally, totally. Direct all kinds of manufactured black rage and hatred and anger towards us. Meanwhile, back at home in Israel, they're doing this **** and giving it awards.
00:27:45 He doesn't. I can't read that. He doesn't put on some Jewish thing. Teflon. He only comes when I want it.
00:27:54 I don't know what tefillin is.
00:27:57 Ah, on Shabbat goy or something. I don't know what the other Yiddish word is when Shabbos comes in.
00:28:06 You call on Boris or Ibrahim.
00:28:10 And he turns on the heat for me.
00:28:14 Without him, where will I be?
00:28:17 It's a non tradition every holiday or weekend, it's the Shabbat goy.
00:28:24 He doesn't wear a.
00:28:25 Kippa, or a stramel, whatever that is.
00:28:29 But he helps me take out the trash.
00:28:34 He doesn't go to the mikveh, whatever that is, and he doesn't eat kosher.
Speaker 5
00:28:44 So let's say a prayer.Devon
00:28:47 For the uncircumcised who's always there.00:28:51 And he sleeps in my backyard.
00:28:55 And he does my taxes too.
00:29:02 And now we get to the the revealing part of the song.
00:29:08 With this little gem and he.
00:29:10 Won't go to the next life.
Speaker 7
00:29:14 He won't go to the next life.Devon
00:29:17 Because the goyem have no soul.00:29:21 Because the goyem have no soul. Isn't that hilarious?
00:29:27 Isn't that hilarious? Because the Golem have no salt. Now again, look, honestly.
00:29:33 I don't even have that.
00:29:34 Big of a problem.
00:29:36 With this kind of ****.
00:29:39 In a world where everyone's afforded this kind of freedom to say what they want.
00:29:46 But it seems like there's only one group.
00:29:49 That's afforded this kind of freedom to say what they want.
00:29:54 And they don't think.
00:29:55 We have souls.
00:30:00 It's a known tradition every holiday or weekend.
00:30:04 It's the shabbat's going.
00:30:06 Shabas goy.
00:30:10 Oh yeah.
00:30:13 So there you go.
Speaker 4
00:30:17 That won an award.Devon
00:30:19 It wasn't some weird, fringe, edgy YouTube video.00:30:27 Like they try to pass all this stuff off as.
00:30:32 I'm sure. Or maybe you have, or maybe you haven't seen. There's a Israeli children's TV show.
00:30:42 That's a lot like Sesame Street, and it's been almost entirely scrub from the Internet. It's hard to find, but you can find it sometimes. I actually looked for it. I couldn't find it, but there is there. There's it's a puppet monkey.
00:30:57 Being crucified and they're making fun of Jesus. There's this weird chick in a bikini that's like torturing him and laughing, and it's it's the ******* craziest **** you ever seeing. And what what? They immediately ohh that. That was just that was just like some fringe, you know? Whatever. No, it was on television.
Speaker 7
00:31:17 It was on television.Speaker 5
00:31:20 This is mainstream.00:31:23 This is mainstream Israel.
00:31:27 Is is look and like I said whatever.00:31:31 Whatever they want to do in their country, that would be totally fine.
00:31:35 I mean, obviously.
00:31:38 Would I be? Would I be suspicious?
00:31:43 Of this group, knowing what they think of my group, absolutely. But what I what I be as as.
00:31:50 Indignant about them.
00:31:53 Making this song while at the same time trying to be platform anyone and everyone. That would even. That doesn't even go.
Speaker 7
00:32:02 To this extent.Devon
00:32:04 With with their speech.00:32:09 Meanwhile, back at home, they're giving this kind.
00:32:11 Of speech awards.
00:32:15 Again, they don't think you have a soul.
00:32:20 They think that you're closer to an animal.
00:32:24 Than they are to you.
00:32:28 That that's doctrine. That's not the opinion.
00:32:33 Of some random weird rabbi that's just rambling in a in a shed that nobody's listening to, that's mainstream.
00:32:46 Judaism. That's if you go to Israel, you talk to religious authorities, mainstream religious authorities, they will tell you. And there's look. Don't take my word for it. There's videos on YouTube of an Israeli guy interviewing random rabbis that'll tell you exactly that.
00:33:08 I can't remember the name of the guys channel off the top of my head, but I I think that uh, Adam Green has probably harvested a lot of that stuff and put it on on on his channel. You can check check bit shoot.
00:33:20 On no more news on on bit shoot, I'm sure you can find.
00:33:22 A lot of that stuff.
00:33:25 But there's look. There's piles and piles.
00:33:26 Like this is not. This is not fringe.
00:33:33 You don't have a soul.
00:33:40 Now, maybe, maybe now, maybe now you can understand. Look, it doesn't have to be.
00:33:46 A big conspiracy, right? It doesn't. It really doesn't. It doesn't have to be a conspiracy where they're all just meeting behind closed doors and some secret smoke filled room. Saying how are we gonna get them, huh? How are we?
00:34:01 Gonna get the.
00:34:02 The the How we gonna destroy the the European nations in America?
00:34:07 Like haha. Like doesn't have to be that.
00:34:10 Doesn't. If you have an entire people with the kind of influence that Jews have and look, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Again, it it doesn't matter if there's a conspiracy or anything like.
00:34:21 That just look at look.
00:34:23 At the well, the hedge funds we were talking about the hedge funds, just the other day with the this, this.
00:34:30 The stuff I told you, by the way, not to get caught up in because I knew it.
00:34:33 Wasn't going to last.
00:34:35 But the GameStop stuff, right? The 18 out of the top 20?
00:34:41 Hedge fund managers are Jewish.
00:34:44 You know the heads of all the media companies are Jewish. The bankers largely are Jewish. You know Biden's entire cabinet.
00:34:54 Basically is Jewish.
00:34:57 So even if again, even if there's no conspiracy or anything like that, clearly.
00:35:04 These people have a lot of power and a lot of influence.
00:35:09 On the West right, I think that would be impossible to argue.
00:35:15 Against they have they have a disproportionate.
00:35:20 Amount of power and influence.
Speaker 7
00:35:23 So how do?Devon
00:35:23 You feel about knowing that the almost the entirety.00:35:30 Of Biden's cabinet potentially thinks you.
00:35:32 Don't have a soul.
00:35:39 What? How do you think about what do you like? What does?
00:35:41 That make you think in terms of.
00:35:43 How that might affect management style?
00:35:48 Now I want you to. I'm going to.
00:35:49 Say it again. Really think.
00:35:50 About what I just said.
00:35:54 Almost the entirety.
00:35:56 Of Biden's cabinet? Potentially. We don't know individually, but potentially.
00:36:03 Thinks you don't have a soul.
00:36:08 In fact, they think because Jews only make up roughly. Oh, let's be generous. We'll say 3%. It's not. It's less than that, but we'll just say 3% in the United States population, OK. So people in powerful positions like, you know.
Speaker 4
00:36:26 Joe Biden's cabinet.Devon
00:36:28 Think that 97%.00:36:31 Or potentially think that 90 at least some of these guys have to believe.
00:36:35 This right?
Speaker 5
00:36:36 97%.Devon
00:36:39 Of the population.00:36:42 Of the country they're administrating, administrating.
00:36:47 Don't have souls.
00:36:49 And are closer to animals.
00:36:52 Than to them.
00:36:55 You don't think that's going to maybe?
00:36:58 Affect things?
00:37:01 You don't think that maybe that that might be a problem?
00:37:07 That might be a little bit of an issue.
00:37:17 See when people start freaking out.
00:37:22 When people like myself and others.
00:37:29 Jewish power in the West.
00:37:32 It's because most people don't know.
00:37:35 What I just said.
00:37:37 Most people, most of that 97 per cent.
00:37:42 Of the population has no idea, and if you told them.
Speaker 5
00:37:47 Most of.Speaker 4
00:37:47 Them wouldn't believe you.Devon
00:37:50 Even if you show them, even if you show them.00:37:55 A lot of these people still won't believe you.
00:37:59 Because it's so foreign to the way that they.
00:38:01 Look at the world.
00:38:05 That it just it just sounds crazy to them.
Speaker 4
00:38:09 That's not possible. How? What?Devon
00:38:11 Are you? There's no way. No way.00:38:16 And so it continues.
00:38:23 So Speaking of of Boise, see now this is this is.
00:38:27 This is a better transition. Trust me, this is.
00:38:31 This is a A.
00:38:32 Much easier. See now that we've now that we've.
00:38:34 Done the the little.
00:38:37 Little comedy video we can get a little darker, OK? Because it would have been. I would have taken you to the dark place and then we.
00:38:44 Wouldn't be able to go back up, not.
Speaker 4
00:38:46 That not that what we just talked about is.Devon
00:38:48 Very light hearted, it's not right but believe me.00:38:50 What we're about where we're about.
00:38:51 To go, it's even darker in a way. I guess in the macro it's not darker.
00:38:57 I don't know.
00:38:57 We'll we'll see, huh.
00:39:00 In the micro, it's definitely darker.
Speaker 7
00:39:05 So there's a video that's.Devon
00:39:06 Been floating around and many of you may have seen it.00:39:11 That is, the security camera footage. And look, there's going to be people. We're going. We'll address this too. There's going to be people that everything's fake, right? Everything's fake. Everything that looks again. Coincidences can't happen. The Reddit guy and the and the the the CEO of Robin Hood. They're the same guy because they look the same.
00:39:31 And you know.
00:39:32 Ohh if if someone's last name is a little weird then like it's totally it's just.
00:39:36 This bit no, no.
00:39:39 No, that in fact.
00:39:40 That's that's that's that's a cope.
00:39:44 That's a way when people start saying used, I couldn't figure it out. I was like, why? What's what's up with these people who think everything's ******* fake?
00:39:53 And you.
Speaker 5
00:39:53 Know to some.Devon
00:39:54 Extent. I think it's the people that they find out. A few things are fake and they're you.00:39:58 Know once that they're what they thought was a a tight hold on on a reality. Once it slips out of their fingers, they're just kind of grasping around and they're floundering. And like, you know, so just everything seems fake and it's real hard for them to find.
00:40:14 Footing again.
00:40:15 And I can relate to that. I get it. I understand that. But there's there's some people that just keep they they never find footing, right. They just keep falling down the rabbit hole indefinitely and entertain any and every crazy.
00:40:36 You know, possibility.
00:40:38 And and no matter what, the only rule really is no matter what, we'll never believe.
00:40:45 Whatever the the mainstream is, no matter what the mainstream's always a lie. Always.
00:40:52 And so there's a lot of people that are going to see this video and they're going to.
00:40:56 Say oh, it's fake because I just. I mean, we're just in that weird place now. Like I could play any video. Like **** that ******* music video. I'm sure there's people all that's fake. That's a sign up. They're just doing that to. No, not everything. Just ******* sign up. There's very few ******* psyops. OK. Like.
00:41:13 The the amount of coordination.
Speaker 5
00:41:15 To to do.Devon
00:41:16 To produce all the PSYOPS that people think are PSYOPS is just would be astronomical. Like, that's all the government would be doing all day. Like, that's literally all they would be. They would have time for anything else, and even then it's kind of like iffy.00:41:31 But one of the.
Speaker 4
00:41:34 One of the things that isn't a syop.Devon
00:41:37 But has some funny coincidences.00:41:40 Funny isn't strange. I don't know, not so.
00:41:42 Much funny haha. Cause you'll see.
00:41:46 Is this video of what happened in Pennsylvania?
00:41:50 And what you're about to see is I think a reflection.
00:41:57 Of where people are at mentally.
00:42:02 In this country.
00:42:05 And that's a truth that's hard to face. People don't want to.
00:42:07 Face that.
00:42:08 They would rather say, Oh no, this is a sign up.
00:42:11 To take away our guns.
00:42:14 Oh, it's a siop to to you know, because the last name of the victims are.
00:42:19 Is literally goy.
00:42:22 You know.
00:42:23 It's it's a sight because of this or that or the other.
00:42:27 Well, let's just watch the video 1st and.
00:42:28 Then we'll talk about it.
00:42:31 And I hope they don't take the stream down because I'm.
00:42:33 Playing this but it's very possible because it's.
00:42:37 It's a little intense.
00:42:46 Now to give you some back story.
00:42:51 I mean.Devon
00:42:54 Now let me let me.00:42:55 Let me back this.
00:42:56 Up just a minute I had had.
00:42:58 It muted there to give you some back story. What's happening here? I don't know if you guys have been watching the. I mean, the news in terms of weather in Pennsylvania, they got record snow like crazy amounts of ******* snow, right?
00:43:12 So what's happened here is you have these people have been.
00:43:17 Locked in their homes.
00:43:18 For months and months and months, because PA is is super mask cuttery going, you know, has been the the the East Coast has been pretty bad about the whole mask thing, right. So you got people that been locked in their homes wearing masks and under this pressure for like the last year the the *******.
00:43:39 Crazy election because I'm pretty sure the people that get shot are are.
00:43:48 Are Trump people? So you got that kind of stress going on and just it's just like everyone's on ******* edge.
00:43:56 And if you think that this is fake cause I watch this, it's totally believable. And in fact it's.
00:44:03 It's like an embodiment of some of the tense.
00:44:08 Energy. That's it's in certain that parts of the country that I've been in and you're just like, wow, man, people are on are *******.
00:44:15 They're on the ******* edge, man. And that's what we're about to see. So what happened here is this woman you see at the bottom of the screen. Her and her husband, apparently, were shoveling snow off of their cars and off of their property.
00:44:29 And dumping it on the guy across.
00:44:31 The street, his property, and they start talking. He tells them not to do it. They start talking **** and they find out what happens when you live in a low trust society and you start talking ****.
00:44:47 And again, we'll we'll go more into that in a second. Let.
00:44:50 Me. Just let me just ******* play it.
Speaker 1
00:44:53 Do you?00:44:54 I'll make your life a living hell living here, ********. **** you, you *******.
00:45:00 You would.
00:45:05 He's got you. Pushy, pushy, pushy. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead.
00:45:49 Oh my God.
00:45:54 Are you all right?
00:45:59 You want help up? Are you OK?
00:46:06 What happened?Speaker 6
00:46:08 What happened? What happened?Speaker 1
00:46:09 Call 911.Speaker
00:46:11 Go get my phone.00:46:16 Are you OK?
Speaker 1
00:46:27 You should have kept your *******.Devon
00:46:56 So that's that's basically it.Speaker 5
00:46:59 So uh.Devon
00:47:02 Couple things here. Now. Again, there's a lot of people freaking out, and they're saying.00:47:07 Ohh that's fake. That's fake. That's fake. It's not fake.
00:47:12 It's not fake.
00:47:14 This is called living in a low trust society that's under.
00:47:17 A lot of pressure.
00:47:22 In fact, one of the things that I noticed when I.
00:47:26 Moved to the East Coast.
00:47:28 See, I lived in. I lived in a a I remember this clearly because I moved from a part of the country.
00:47:37 I lived in well. I lived in New Mexico for a while, right in New Mexico. If you're in a red light.
00:47:44 And you look over at the wrong person, sitting at the red light, you know, right next to you.
00:47:49 In another car.
00:47:51 You can and will end up getting into fights if you just look, you're looking. If you're just, like staring off looking. I there have been times.
00:48:01 Where I've been looking I I was like spaced out. Just like staring, you know, blankly out the out the passenger side window. Cause my friend was driving.
00:48:11 And then I came to, if you will, because I realized there was someone staring right back at me. And then I looked and realized he was pointing a gun at me through the *******.
00:48:21 No, and I was like, oh, ****. And I looked straight ahead and it was just.
00:48:25 Like. Oh, Nope. Done. Nope to do.
00:48:29 Dude, hit the gas. We gotta get out of there's a guy with a gun.
00:48:34 That's that's what it's like in certain parts of the country.
00:48:39 That we're already low trust.
00:48:42 There were times when we would just be driving to a party and this happened multiple times.
00:48:48 And uh oh, on the way to the party. Someone's throwing beer cans at your ******* car. Now we have to pull off into some parking lot, and now they're we're in this big ******* brawl.
00:49:00 That just would.
00:49:00 Happen I got shot at multiple times. There is this one time we were pulling out of a parking lot.
00:49:10 And this like low rider.
00:49:14 Reversed out of a parking space and we almost ******* hit him. So my friend honked the horn. They.
00:49:20 Pulled back into.
00:49:21 The space we thought no big deal. We start driving off, then we realized they're following us.
00:49:29 They fired like four or five shots.
00:49:33 At our truck that we were in.
00:49:37 And that was that was just another.
00:49:39 Night. Just another night in Albuquerque, you know, just.
Speaker 5
00:49:43 Just another night.Devon
00:49:46 There was another time. Look, I could go all night with this show. I.00:49:49 I **** you nut. There was another time I went to a party with some friends and I don't even know what I still to this day have no idea.
00:49:58 What started it?
00:50:00 And a bunch. Someone apparently ****** *** somebody.
00:50:04 And because like I I was with one of these guys, I had a guy literally with with a pistol in his ******* hand, smacking me in the forehead with the gun and talking ****.
00:50:20 That like that's and I wasn't sure. Like, is this guy gonna I? I figured he wouldn't because I figured if he was going to shoot me with a that I wouldn't be sitting there yelling at the guy he would have just ******* shot me, right? It wouldn't be like an argument. You're gonna use the gun. You're gonna probably use the gun. No, he he wanted to ******* try to scare.
00:50:35 Me or something?
00:50:36 Like that so whatever.
00:50:37 But still a little unnerving to have a guy.
00:50:40 Well, he was real little, by the way. He was like this little ******* man.
00:50:43 Lit Mexican guy.
00:50:44 ******* smacking you in the head of the gun.
00:50:48 That's just. That's what it's like in a low trust society.
00:50:52 That's what it's like.
Speaker 4
00:50:55 That's normal life.Devon
00:50:58 In a low trust society.00:51:01 Now, the reason I'm telling you all this.
00:51:04 Is why moved from this part of the country?
00:51:08 To very close to where this took place.
00:51:11 I lived in Maryland.
00:51:14 And I didn't.
00:51:14 Know where the **** I was going, right?
00:51:17 Because I had a, it was one of the first iPhones that didn't have GPS, but that Geo hot guy that had first cracked the the iPhone so that you could put it on services other than AT&T or whatever, if you had to actually hardware unlock it. Something I did and.
00:51:37 So he also developed this.
00:51:40 It was like a GPS, but it worked off of cell phone tower strength, so it was really kind of janky, right? It was, it was very.
00:51:48 Laggy and it would get things wrong and I and I didn't have GPS for my car and I'm sitting there. I've never. I don't know where the **** I am. So I'm driving a little bit like an *******, like, not too much like an *******. Like, I'm not like a complete *******, but like a little slow. Maybe making not sudden. I'm not cutting people off, but like, you know, I'm, I'm not driving.
00:52:08 Perfect. OK. And I'm getting honked at.
00:52:12 More than I've ever been, honked at in my entire life. Like it was crazy.
00:52:19 And and and I couldn't figure out like like why? Why do?
00:52:23 People honk so much more out here.
00:52:28 And I and I was talking. It was funny because I I I ended up. I was talking to my mom on the phone that night and I was like, yeah, it's weird people out here. They just, they just really.
00:52:38 Honk their horn.
00:52:39 Like all the time, like, they must just be really rude and.
Speaker 5
00:52:44 She said no.Devon
00:52:46 They're just not afraid of getting shot in the face.Speaker 5
00:52:51 And I was like.Devon
00:52:53 That makes so much sense.00:52:56 Because you would get shot in the ******* face.
00:52:59 If you honked at people like that in Albuquerque, if you if you just every time someone cuts you off every time someone didn't use a blinker or whatever you laid on the ******* horn, you'd be a dead man within a week, you'd be shot in.
00:53:12 The ******* face.
00:53:15 That would just happen.
00:53:17 Garen ******* to you.
00:53:21 I had guns, I I got.
00:53:22 I got shot at for much less.
00:53:29 And so now the East Coast.
Speaker 7
00:53:34 The East Coast is starting.Devon
00:53:35 To learn what happens.00:53:38 When you live in a low trust society.
Speaker 7
00:53:43 You talk **** to.Devon
00:53:44 The wrong person. And I'm not saying what this guy did was based. I'm just saying.00:53:50 What did you expect to ******* happen? You.
Speaker 7
00:53:53 Don't know who this guy is.Devon
00:53:56 You don't know what he's going to ******* do.Speaker 5
00:53:59 You don't know how.Devon
00:53:59 ******* people are ******* crazy now.00:54:04 And the amount of **** that these guys talk, we're going to make your life a living hell.
00:54:09 You're a ******* *****. What are you going to do about it if you say that's a deck that if you say that to someone.
00:54:17 You you're inviting war.
00:54:25 You're inviting war.
00:54:29 And you don't know what's going.
00:54:30 To happen in a war.
00:54:44 I'm telling you, it it ******* shocked me. When.
00:54:46 I moved to the.
00:54:47 East Coast and people were like.
00:54:51 Very rude. And again, like I said.
Speaker 5
00:54:53 They were very rude.Devon
00:54:56 Because there was, there was no no consequences for it.00:55:02 Well, what was going to?
00:55:03 Happen people just expected you to.
00:55:05 Be an *******. It wasn't.
Speaker 4
00:55:06 A big deal.Devon
00:55:11 They didn't know what it was like to live in a dangerous place.00:55:17 Well, now they're finding out what it's.
00:55:18 Like to live in a dangerous place.
00:55:27 Four people I knew from high school.
00:55:31 Were shot to death.
00:55:36 Not just four people from my school. Four people I knew.
00:55:41 Were shot to death.
00:55:47 Not from some like mass shooting from incidents like this.
00:55:52 In some cases, people they didn't even know.
00:55:57 In one instance, because he he he was drunk and went to the wrong house, he thought it was his friend's house.
00:56:06 He tried to open the door.
00:56:09 The guy inside shot him, killed him.
00:56:12 Low trust society.
00:56:20 Low trust society.
00:56:30 You can't go around.
00:56:32 In a low trust society.
00:56:35 Threatening people and calling them a ***** and saying what are you going to do because they'll show you exactly what.
00:56:41 They're going to do.
00:56:47 More and more.
00:56:49 You're going to see people that don't have a whole.
00:56:51 Lot to lose.
00:56:58 And we talked about this rule of.
Speaker 4
00:57:00 Law is dead.Devon
00:57:09 Rule of law is dead in simultaneously.00:57:13 They're destroying the economy.
00:57:18 Simultaneously, they're attacking the founding stock of this country on in every possible.
00:57:25 Way that they can.
00:57:37 They're driving people insane.
00:57:46 Now look like I said.
00:57:49 I think these are just coincidences.
00:57:52 But I'm I'm not going to. I'm not going to gloss over it. It's at least interesting.
00:57:57 That the couple that was shot to death and first of all, here's another reason why I.
00:58:01 Believe it. You notice how the neighbor kid.
00:58:05 Runs up.
00:58:07 Like this is how normies react when when the ******* real world catches up to them, they don't. They don't know what the ****'* going on. Notice how the guy shooting at them and.
00:58:15 They don't even they don't even react.
00:58:19 Because they don't get it, they're glitching out.
00:58:23 It doesn't even cross their mind that they would be talking **** to their. I mean, look, they obviously, they obviously don't think much of this guy. This is a ******* neighbor across the street and they're calling him a ***** and saying they're gonna make his.
00:58:35 Life a living hell.
00:58:37 They obviously think he he's some pushover there. They they got nothing.
Speaker 4
00:58:41 To worry about, right?Devon
00:58:44 So even though he's he's shooting at them.00:58:48 They're glitching out and don't ******* get it. What does she do? She.
00:58:50 Pulls out her ******* phone.
Speaker 7
00:58:54 Let me get this on video.Devon
00:58:59 Yeah, good job.00:59:06 And then what happens? What happens when the the husband sees when he finally figures it out? Ohh. He just he just ******* ditches his wife.
00:59:15 Just ******* did like he's the one. Look, there's.
00:59:17 Him flipping him off.
Speaker 7
00:59:19 Flipping them off saying **** you, you ******* *****. *****, *****, *****, *****, *****, *****.Devon
00:59:29 See, he's a big man.Speaker 7
00:59:31 *****. *****. *****.Devon
00:59:35 Go. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. What you going to do, *******? What you going to do?00:59:43 Low trust society, bad idea.
00:59:49 He fires. Look, he flinches a little bit, see, there were people on Telegram thinking that the sound was.
00:59:53 Out of sync, I don't think it is.
00:59:56 He flinches. The guy flinches and then like, they still stand there. She's taking.
01:00:00 Her phone out.
01:00:04 She's taking her phone out.
01:00:08 They should be running. You see a ******* gun.
01:00:12 And look, my guess is this guy. He snapped, right? Obviously he snapped.
01:00:17 But just like soldiers.
01:00:20 That are fresh at a boot camp that they would send to Vietnam or I think this even happened in World War 2. They find that the the fresh soldiers when put in situations where they're supposed to be shooting people.
01:00:32 Have to warm up to it at first. They they shoot purposely over the heads of the people they're supposed to be shooting. They they purposely miss subconsciously or whatever. And this guy look.
01:00:45 He snapped.
01:00:47 He's he's he's ******* himself over because he's he's pulling a.
01:00:50 Gun on his.
01:00:50 Neighbor already. That's jail time, right? He's already crossed some lines.
01:00:56 But has he? Has he really decided to murder yet? Probably not.
01:01:01 So he opens fire. He doesn't really.
01:01:05 He doesn't really commit to the whole murder thing right away, but these ******* normies.
01:01:11 These ******* normies that have no idea what.
Speaker 4
01:01:13 They have no idea.Devon
01:01:16 What's about to happen?01:01:18 They're just glitching the **** out.
01:01:21 She's taking her phone out.
01:01:24 And and she like, she's gonna ohh here. This is going to be.
01:01:28 A great video on the Internet.
01:01:30 That'd be a great ******* video there. He finally lands one.
01:01:40 Final lands one.
01:01:42 And what does this guy do?
Speaker 5
01:01:45 Look, his wife hasn't been shot.Devon
01:01:46 Yet what does he do?01:01:51 He just ******* runs for it.
01:01:57 You just ******* runs for it.
01:02:05 You live in a low trust society.
Speaker 7
01:02:10 This is your.Speaker 4
01:02:11 New reality.Devon
01:02:21 This is your new reality.Speaker 7
01:02:29 You shouldn't be.Devon
01:02:30 Trying to start wars with your neighbors.01:02:35 You should be doing.
01:02:36 The exact opposite you should be trying to.
01:02:39 Be friends with your neighbors and creating communities.
01:02:45 But you need to realize people are *******.
01:02:48 There's a lot of people out there that.
01:02:50 Are on edge.
01:02:59 You **** around with the right or wrong person.
01:03:05 You don't know what they're going to do.
01:03:10 This was completely unnecessary.
01:03:13 And now all three of them are dead. The guy after he shot them went into his home and shot himself.
01:03:27 Because he had nothing to lose.
01:03:35 And now I'll tell you that the weird you know, the things that are going to make.
01:03:37 All the the custards go. Wow. Yeah. Obviously, it was crazy. Oh, you know, it's it's all it's all syop. It's a PSYOP I learned. I learned this word syop, and now everything's a syop.
01:03:50 Yes, their names were their last name was goy.
01:03:54 So they were the goys. His name was was Spade and there there were people trying to like, say Oh well, that he's that's a Jewish name. It's not not that I could find it's an Irish name which fits you know the the PA thing in fact I couldn't even find like any obscure like Sephardic.
01:04:15 You know spade thing it's it's very much an Irish name, so.
01:04:20 That's but but.
01:04:23 This will be kind of interesting to some people. It did happen.
01:04:26 On Berg St. on Berg St.
01:04:29 So it was the, the the.
01:04:31 Goys were executed on Berg St.
01:04:36 And so that's that.
01:04:40 That is that.
01:04:42 But no, it's totally real. I mean, look.
01:04:45 I don't know 100%.
01:04:47 Obviously I wasn't there.
01:04:51 I'm going to giving.
01:04:52 It a a very high probability of reality because.
01:04:57 I've seen people snap before.
01:05:00 I know what it looks like.
01:05:06 It looks like that.
01:05:13 And that's just, that's you live in a.
01:05:14 Low trust society.
01:05:18 We lost the culture war and every other war really like the whole. We're not going back. There's no we're not going back to the 1950s. We're not even going back to the 1990s.
01:05:28 The only way around?
01:05:29 This shed is through at this point.
01:05:32 So you just got to realize that.
01:05:38 This is this is the new America.
01:05:44 And this is in many ways this is just kind of the beginning.
01:05:54 It's remarkable how much a society has held together.
01:05:59 By having, I don't know things in common.
01:06:08 And look with this with this particular instance, these are all white people.
01:06:21 So it's.
01:06:24 A lot of the white people in America don't even have anything in common anymore.
01:06:29 I don't know. I don't know this guy's politics. I'm it's not confirmed that the couple were were Trump people, but that's.
01:06:36 That's what I'd.
01:06:37 Read somewhere I think on their social media they had said something that was pro Trump or something like that, not confirmed. I haven't confirmed that myself.
01:06:47 But that's that's what I heard.
01:06:57 But you can't behave that way in a low trust society.
01:07:04 Alright, let's take a look at chat.
01:07:08 Assuming that, uh, because I am dropping frames like a crazy amount still, so I don't know hopefully.
01:07:17 Hopefully you guys can still hear me.
01:07:20 I don't know if you can.
01:07:25 Someone says we need cohesion. We're.
01:07:27 Not going to get it.
01:07:29 We're not going to get it.
01:07:33 There is no rolling back.
01:07:37 Where we are.Devon
01:07:37 Where we're at.01:07:38 Right now.
01:07:39 The only way to get through this is to go.
01:07:42 Through it, we're not coming back the.
01:07:45 The pendulum there was a time that I thought, you know, early on in the Trump administration, I was like, finally, this is the pendulum.
01:07:56 That has that was swinging to left for so ******* long, like pretty much my whole life. This is it. It finally hit the high watermark with with Obama, you know, legalizing gay marriage and and all this crazy ******* drag queen stuff coming out and the trans gets, like, finally, finally like.
01:08:15 Trump is like, like, he's gonna send.
01:08:19 The pendulum back the other way, and in fact look I I was a little concerned, to be honest. I was a little concerned that like, OK, well, the pendulum's going to finally go back, which is good, but we got to be careful. We got to manage this thing. So it doesn't go too ******* crazy in the other direction.
01:08:38 And uh, you know.
01:08:41 We got to be.
01:08:42 We got to manage this, OK?
01:08:44 No, we're not even close to the high watermark yet.
01:08:49 We're just not.
01:08:51 We're just not in in the the resistance to it doesn't even exist anymore.
01:08:56 So when it does go swinging.
01:08:58 Back if it ever does.
01:09:01 It's not even going to be in our direction anymore. There's.
01:09:03 Not enough of us.
01:09:06 I keep telling you where a subset of a.
Speaker 7
01:09:08 Subset of a subset.Devon
01:09:11 If it goes back the other way, it'll be some libertarian ******* signet garbage.01:09:16 And because that by the very nature of that, because it's centrist in nature means it's never really never really going back.
01:09:27 That means that the the furthest back to the.
01:09:29 Right, the pendulum will ever go is the middle.
01:09:34 Which won't stop the flow.
01:09:36 Of the immigrants, legal and illegal.
01:09:40 Which won't make any cultural changes, because the libertarian right, you know, they, they're all about the but sex and Botswana.
01:09:51 They don't care about that stuff. They don't care about the trans kid stuff, they they really don't care.
01:09:58 So none of that stuff's going to change.
01:10:02 Until we hit some kind of crisis.
01:10:05 There has to be a crisis, most likely economic crisis.
01:10:09 Maybe brought on.
01:10:10 By like China or something like that, I don't know. I don't know.
01:10:15 But it's we're going to keep.
01:10:18 Hurling down.
01:10:22 The track in the in the direction of.
01:10:26 Globalism global **** 100%.
01:10:30 Because there are no brakes on that train.
01:10:37 Uh, let's take a.
01:10:38 Look here.
01:10:41 It doesn't seem like the pendulum swung very farther right? No, it didn't swing to the far it didn't.
01:10:45 Swing to the right at all.
01:10:46 Trump didn't send it back. Trump didn't even really he just slowed it down. He did what every every Republican, literally every Republican has ever done. He just slowed it down, maybe a little bit.
01:11:01 It can be real.
01:11:02 And fake they have weapons that can make people do this ****. I don't know. I don't think it's in like that. I think it's really.
01:11:08 It was just a guy snapped. I think we'll find out more details about.
01:11:12 Who this guy is, or whatever.
01:11:14 You know, maybe there was something in his life. Like I said, you talked that kind of ****.
01:11:20 In other parts of the country, like where I was from and this.
01:11:23 Was look.
01:11:25 This wasn't even very recently. I'm talking like when I was.
01:11:27 In high school.
01:11:29 It was that violent already.
01:11:32 In in.
01:11:34 In in Albuquerque.
01:11:36 OK. And if you talk **** like that, like that guy did.
01:11:42 I mean that's you're basically you've selected an option that includes possibly being murdered and you know being gunned down.
01:11:52 The only way you talk that kind of ****.
01:11:56 To an unknown to an unknown.
01:11:58 Quantity, like if it's not a guy that you know very well, and even then it's like you better like be really good friends with him.
01:12:05 You have you have opened up the possibility that you're gonna get shot.
01:12:08 In the face.
01:12:11 And there's just a lot of people that don't get that they haven't lived in, that I've.
01:12:14 Lived in that.
01:12:17 That's what it's like. Like I I'm not ************ you. When I went to Maryland and people were honking their horns like it.
01:12:22 Was their job.
01:12:24 I I couldn't figure out why it was so foreign to me because I was like this place isn't like ******** and like, why does this seem so?
01:12:31 Like weird.
01:12:34 And it really is, because if you did that where I was from, you'd get shot in the ******* face. It would just work itself out. No one would be honking their horns anymore because all the people doing that would have been shot in the face eventually.
01:12:48 And these ******* people, these ******* people don't know they don't.
01:12:51 Know what that's like?
01:12:53 And they're they're going to find out.
01:12:58 They're going to find out.
01:13:04 Uh, let's take a look here.
01:13:08 You know it's bad when your heart starts racing when you're walking home at night.
Speaker 7
01:13:13 Yeah, look it, it's just there's.Devon
01:13:15 More and more get.01:13:17 Out of the cities, you know?
Speaker 7
01:13:20 Get out of the cities.Devon
01:13:22 And even that's not 100% safe. Look, there's no cohesion whether you live in the city or the country.01:13:28 I don't even always feel safe out here.
01:13:31 Because there's weird old meth heads.
01:13:33 In the desert sometimes.
01:13:35 You know, there's there's no more. There is no Americans anymore.
01:13:41 Alright, that doesn't exist.
01:13:43 This is just an economic zone with a bunch of *******.
01:13:46 Random people in it.
01:13:48 Random people of nothing in common other than that they all want to be the alpha.
01:13:52 Slave and some of them are willing to do.
01:13:54 Some pretty ****** ** **** to do it.
01:13:59 And some of them have realized they can't win that contest. And so they got nothing to lose. And they're willing to do some ****** ** **** to to go on.
01:14:08 You know to.
01:14:09 To check out to check out early like this.
01:14:12 He's like, you know what? **** it. My lifes going nowhere. This guy's calling me a *****. At least I can. I can teach this guy.
01:14:20 A lesson on my way out I can I can alleviate the stress that this guy like, who knows who knows what the back story is? Right? Their neighbors. Who knows if they've been?
01:14:30 ******* feeding or?
01:14:30 Whatever, right? We don't know. We don't know.
01:14:34 But I mean, I think we can agree that that's he clearly ******* snapped.
01:14:40 And there's going to be more people ******* snapping.
01:14:42 Like that.
01:14:45 They got nothing in common.
01:14:50 It's Mad Max out there. Well, you know, in parts of the country. And it will get worse. Look, I mean, Speaking of New Mexico, another story today. Literally today, a guy on the freeway shot and killed 2 cops.
01:15:06 And then like injured.
01:15:07 Like 3 more that was today.
01:15:12 I I don't know all the details. I just saw the.
01:15:15 The update on telegram, like a couple hours ago and I didn't. I didn't, I didn't.
01:15:21 Read the story.
01:15:25 That every day.
01:15:27 You're going to have stuff like that happening. People are just going to be.
01:15:29 Popping off people just they're going to, you know, they're going to.
01:15:34 They're going to lose their ****.
01:15:36 They got nothing to lose.
01:15:43 All right, let's take a look.
01:15:44 Here first they see if they can get away with disappearing us from the Internet, and then they disappear us in real life. Do you think cancel culture is the dress rehearsal for killing us or saying us off to reeducation camp?
01:15:58 Uh, look, I don't think.
01:16:01 Like I said, I don't even think they know that that when history repeats, it's not so much. I think that it's people that are planning on the repeating of it, right? It's just that it becomes predictable because humans are somewhat predictable, like in some ways.
01:16:22 We are, we are.
01:16:23 Very complicated machines responding to stimuli in some ways.
01:16:29 OK. That you know whether you have a soul and free will, that doesn't matter because there's a lot of things that.
01:16:36 All you know, soul and and free will aside, doesn't matter. There are just a lot of things.
01:16:41 That you are.
01:16:41 Just responding to.
01:16:44 Everyone responds to stimuli in a very in a somewhat predictable way, like one of the reasons why big data, for example, is so dangerous is because they can, with a relative amount of accuracy, predict behavior based on stimuli.
01:16:59 And again, not everybody's going to react in a predictable way, but a lot of people MPCS are most people are MPCC's.
01:17:07 And so one of the reasons why you have this echo effect or this rhyming of history is because people are predictable and people predictably react in the same way. So I don't think even that a lot of the people on the left, I I'm look, I'm 100% that's where we're headed, right.
Speaker 7
01:17:29 We are dead.Devon
01:17:29 Finally headed to a situation where they want to disappear us. I mean, look, they already do.01:17:35 Punch and not see all that stuff that was years ago. It's already escalated. Right now we're insurrectionists and whatever.
01:17:41 So it's already we're definitely headed that way, but I don't even think that a lot.
01:17:45 Of the participants.
01:17:49 Are even conceptualizing that just yet, right? Like I think that they a lot of them have this secret fetish that would you.
01:17:56 Know to to.
01:17:58 To kill us.
01:17:59 Really, to get rid of ******, right?
01:18:01 But right now it's just like this, you know, lingering kind of thing.
01:18:06 But as we go down that path, as we fulfill those different phases like that stream I did on genocide, as we go through all of those different stages, all those different phases, the reason why it's the same every time is because that's just that's the stimuli and the reaction. That's the predictability that you're going to get.
01:18:27 Out of the people. So yeah, I I don't think so much that it's.
Speaker 5
01:18:31 Like, oh, let's.Devon
01:18:33 Let's plan first. We'll get them, you know? Sure. It's banning them off Twitter today, but sure, we'll send them to the camps.01:18:41 Are there maybe like a a small amount that are as smart as like we are right? Where we see this coming on? I'm sure. Look, there's people. We're not the only ones that see.
01:18:50 This coming right, there's definitely people on the left that are smart, that know under that understand history, understand patterns, they see it happening too and they're probably happy it's.
Speaker 4
01:19:00 Going to happen.Devon
01:19:01 And they're going to even, in fact, they're going to.01:19:03 Help it along right?
01:19:05 But I think that's the.
01:19:06 Extent of it.
01:19:07 Really. And the vast majority on both sides.
01:19:10 The vast majority is out to lunch.
01:19:13 The vast majority on both sides is that ******* couple in the street yelling at the guy to do something. **** you, *****. And then when they get shot at, they're glitching out, they.
01:19:24 Have no idea what's happening.
01:19:27 That's most people.
01:19:32 Alright, take a look at Chad here. You should pull up the Alaskan Avenger chat, will enjoy it.
01:19:40 I don't know if my Internet was working better. I would do it, but I've already dropped. I'm already dropped.
01:19:45 I got 26% of my frames have dropped, which is insane.
01:19:50 Like usually it's 1% if that.
01:19:53 So I don't want to. I don't want to **** with anything Internet related right now.
01:19:59 Uh, so many people flee to the beach to end their lives. There's a whole culture around it, and that's becoming quite obvious in our neighborhood. Do you live in the beach? People from all over prefer to commit suicide or crime at the beach.
01:20:13 Why I don't?
01:20:14 Know I've never heard that.
01:20:17 Anti White spam pro white girls on Twitter with sadistic interracial ****.
01:20:29 Every other day I have to deal with crazy Mexican drivers. They have dead dead.
Speaker 5
01:20:35 Astec lies you.Devon
01:20:37 Can't argue with these people because they will go violent quickly, like blacks more sadistic and.01:20:46 Well, I don't know about that, but uh.
01:20:49 Yeah, I mean, look, there are. Look, I've.
01:20:52 Not I. I know what you're talking about. With the dead eye thing like I've. I've encountered Mexican gangsters in the southwest.
01:21:02 That I'm. You're almost convinced that they're possessed like they do have the the dead eye, the evil eye, the demon eye. Really. And they're just they're just ******* bad.
01:21:16 They're just bad. I've been to some parties. Where?
01:21:20 I've I I'm not gonna go into details. I've seen some ****.
01:21:24 Where I'm just like that guy is ******* evil.
01:21:30 It's terrifying, but that exists. I think that it's not just unique to, to Mexican gangsters, there's just there's a lot of evil out there. There's a lot of evil out there. But.
01:21:39 I do know you're talking about.
01:21:43 Patnick came back on Infowars and doubled down, said Trump was still the president. Yeah, well, OK.
01:21:50 What was he supposed to say, right.
01:21:53 What was he supposed to say?
01:21:57 I'm I'm disappointed that well, I mean, I'm not surprised. Really. I'm not that disappointed. I know. Look, I I knew Alex would have him back.
01:22:04 On no matter what.
01:22:06 But uh yeah.
01:22:09 Yeah, well, you know the Q cards are never going to let go. The Q cards are literally never going to let go. They're going to believe that Trump is still doing some kind of plan.
01:22:22 Win, win, and if Biden.
01:22:23 Won if Biden won, wins reelection, they'll still think it's part of.
01:22:27 The plan we said that before.
01:22:30 You know, I don't know what he has to gain. I don't know how. What, what he's selling. I don't know what products he thinks he's going to be able to melt out of these people. I mean, he has.
01:22:40 A book or whatever.
01:22:42 Maybe he just likes ******* with people.
01:22:45 I mean, yeah, I think of it this way.
01:22:46 Too, it could just be UM.
01:22:50 It could be like a scholarly thing for him, right? Because he he he specialized in, in ******* with populations, mines and getting them to do crazy or, you know, he wanted to control people, right. So he might just see this as like, oh, this is an interesting.
01:23:11 Study right, we we have this group of unhinged people that believe something that's clearly not true, but they're clinging on to it. And it just might be something fascinating to him. And he's, you know, because he thinks that we don't have souls because Steve Chetnik, I don't know if you guys know this is is a Jew. So he might just look at the golem as.
01:23:31 Just you know.
01:23:32 Look at. It's kind of like he might just be like that kid with the magnifying glass who's burning ants in the in the sandbox.
01:23:40 You know, he just, I mean, we're not people.
01:23:44 So who cares, right? He thinks it's hilarious. He might just think that like, you know, I'm. I'm ******* with him. Like, like a sadistic prick would **** with a ******** kid, right?
01:23:56 You know that's that's probably how I don't know. But that's I think that's a very probable scenario.
Speaker 5
01:24:07 Biden and Trump did a face swap like.Devon
01:24:10 The movie Nicholas. Don't tell me that. That's he didn't say that. I'm sure he didn't say that.01:24:15 Well, I'm sure there's.
01:24:16 Cute people that believe something stupid like that, but.
01:24:20 I don't think Steve Chadwick would say that. That'd be insane.
01:24:26 All the Pro White show had or should join us.
01:24:31 That right stuff dot biz.
01:24:33 Yeah, but don't don't but.
01:24:36 Don't show your stuff.
01:24:39 In my chat.
01:24:41 I have no problem with.
01:24:41 Those guys?Devon
01:24:45 UM.01:24:47 I watched a video of Mexican cartel carving out.
01:24:52 A child's heart? Well, that's.
01:24:55 That's another thing. OK. So I guess before I said, it's not uniquely Mexican.
01:25:01 Uh, I get, you know, the cartel violence.
Speaker 7
01:25:05 That is kind.Devon
01:25:06 Of uniquely Mexican, so maybe, maybe I'll roll that back a little bit.01:25:11 Because some of this **** that you see that the cartels do it and it's directly related to like the dead eyed Mexican gangster look that I've seen here in the states. Now look, none of it was that bad. Like when I said I saw funked up **** at parties. I don't mean that they were.
01:25:26 Like carving people's hearts out and stuff like that, but.
01:25:29 That is something that's.
01:25:33 Yeah, I mean, you think about it, I mean, look, those were the people that were doing the human sacrifice. ****, I don't know if you guys have.
01:25:39 Seen the other great movie by.
01:25:47 By once is not Apocalypto.
01:25:52 I mean, that's.
01:25:54 Obviously it's it's fiction, but.
01:25:57 They didn't have those, those big sacrificial.
01:26:00 Pyramids for nothing.
01:26:02 Right. There was some ****** ** **** going on in the Aztec and Mayan cultures.
01:26:07 And so, yeah, I'll.
01:26:09 I'll roll it back a.
01:26:10 Little bit, maybe maybe that kind of that maybe that at least that brand.
01:26:16 Of just ****** ** cruelty that that specific flavor.
01:26:22 It might be a little more that might.
01:26:23 Be a little specific to the.
01:26:26 To that uh.
01:26:29 Genetic strain of human.
01:26:37 All right, let's take a look here.
01:26:42 The cartel violence is actually A1 up culture to get cartel clout.
Speaker 4
01:26:50 Well, that's the whole.Devon
01:26:51 Machismo thing, right? Like that's the whole.01:26:55 That's something I dealt with.
01:26:56 When I lived in Albuquerque.
01:26:58 Where it's like uh.
01:27:02 You know, just it was like.
01:27:05 That's why you would get in the fights like if you were looking at someone. What you're looking at essay, nothing.
01:27:14 What you looking at? You're looking at me. You're just like, no, dude, I was just, like, looking, looking. And next thing, now you're having to fight some Mexican guy.
01:27:23 Yeah, that, that, that whole, that whole culture was like because I I didn't. I was, I wasn't from New Mexico when I first moved there. I know what the **** I was getting into. I had no idea it was like that. I was like that in a way. I was like that couple that got shot in the street. I was. I was coming from a more.
01:27:39 Normal view of the world. A more white view of the world.
01:27:43 And then when I got into that environment, I was just like, what the ****? These people are just violent as ****.
01:27:51 It's very, you know, if you guys have seen Breaking Bad Tuco, that character, I swear to God I've met literally that guy. I mean, not the actor, but like that guy like that guy, there's like, a billion of that guy.
01:28:07 In in New Mexico, like Breaking Bad, it's it's fiction, but it might as well be a documentary in in some ways, like the the they did a really good job on on some of the some of the the personality types.
01:28:22 That reside in that area.
01:28:29 There was a 4 Chan image that explained how the Aztec civilization was developed, specifically sustained the cannibalistic hunger of their elite. And that's interesting. I don't think I've seen that.
01:28:43 Cortez wrote some letters to the king. Real enough. If translation was not off, I don't know you guys talking about.
01:28:53 Impulse control check.
01:28:56 Right, Yep.
01:29:01 Italians have cartels. Gamora is the best show on TV.
01:29:11 I don't know what that is. Normies deserve sympathy because they have the most rude awakening. I don't know if they deserve sympathy, really.
01:29:21 You should record your next.
01:29:22 Trip to the post office with your favorite mask.
01:29:26 I would, but that would that would docks the the post office I go to.
01:29:32 I did wear the mask, by the way.
01:29:34 For those of you wondering.
01:29:36 I weirdest thing though, I wore it expecting at least to get funny looks. I guess that's what it was depressing. For those of you don't know.
01:29:44 I'll just bring it.
01:29:45 Up for those of you don't know.
01:29:48 What he's talking about is I said, well, I've gone this whole time without having to wear a mask.
01:29:56 But now, thanks to Biden's.
01:29:59 You know federal property rule. If I go to the post office which I have to do, they do not deliver mail to the the bunker. Then I have to ******* wear a mask now.
01:30:12 And knowing these people, I knew they were going to enforce it because they would get. They were upset that I.
01:30:17 Didn't wear it before, so I was like, **** it, I'm going.
01:30:20 To wear a mask that I got off of eBay when I was getting some of my my army surplus gear, it was a I think Vietnam era, cold weather.
01:30:32 Extreme cold weather mask and it looks like this.
Speaker 5
01:30:36 And I was.Devon
01:30:36 Like **** you guys.01:30:39 I'm going to wear that when I go pick up my mail. If you're going to make me wear a ******* mask.
01:30:46 So I I put that on.
01:30:49 And I was kind of like, snickering to myself, thinking like.
01:30:53 People are going to think I'm a psycho, you know, or something like.
Speaker 4
01:30:56 That because not not like by.Devon
01:30:59 The way when you put this on the thing that makes you look even more psychotic is on this dummy. There's like no hair.01:31:07 Well, when you've got hair, I've got hair. Right. So when you've got hair, that strap that goes down the middle of your head and like on the sides, like your hair just kind of like goes like, it's just like in every like, it just looks like you're a psycho. Like, your hair is just like, all disheveled and cause it.
01:31:22 ***** up your hair trying to put it on.
01:31:24 So I looked like a ******* psycho with this thing on, and I tucked the bib in to to to my my sweater. And so I I walk in there.
Speaker 7
01:31:38 It was like it.Devon
01:31:39 Was like no one, no one.01:31:42 No one even looked twice.
01:31:45 No one ******* looked twice.
01:31:48 It was like 0 reaction. No one said anything, no one.
01:31:54 Seemed even like kind of nervous, like this guy's a ******* psycho. The lady behind the counter.
01:32:02 Barely made eye contact, but not like in a like you're making me weird it out way. But just like in a just not even interested in in, in the world around.
01:32:10 Me kind of a way.
01:32:12 I'm telling you, people are *******.
01:32:15 They're brain damaged by this ****.
01:32:21 They're brain damaged by it. Now, look, maybe next time, I'll.
01:32:24 Wear the world.
01:32:24 War Two version of this, and for those of you who don't know what that looks like.
01:32:29 It looks like this.
01:32:32 So maybe next time this will get maybe a little more, a little more of a reaction, because it does look.
01:32:39 Much creepier, I don't know. Maybe. Maybe I'll wear this one next time. I thought the other one was going to get some reaction. Absolutely none.
Speaker 7
01:32:49 Absolutely none.Devon
01:32:53 I do have that one.01:32:56 That one's.
01:32:58 Yeah, that one's definitely got more psychopath points.
01:33:02 And again same thing. So like if you notice in this picture, this guy's wearing like a beanie underneath it or something. So you don't see his hair just like coming out looking all crazy. The one that I've got, you know, there's no beanie thing. So like, it would just be like the straps around my head and my hair would just be like.
01:33:19 I'll look like a psycho, but again, I I suspect there's a good chance that everyone's.
01:33:23 Just sort of like, huh?
Speaker 4
01:33:26 Like no big deal.Devon
01:33:29 No big deal like I think everyone's just so desensitized and disinterested with the world around them. Like, even these boomer people, a lot of them are just.01:33:36 Staring at their phones, they don't ******* care.
01:33:39 Like that boomer lady that.
01:33:40 Got shot dead in front.
01:33:41 Of her house.
01:33:43 You know, just pulling out her phone while someone shooting at her.
01:33:51 Oh, I forgot. There's one more detail that's.
01:33:52 Going to make.
01:33:53 The the queue people think it's fake.
01:33:57 So they were the Goi family. They lived on Berg St.
01:34:03 And they had a 15.
01:34:04 Year old autistic son I forgot about that.
01:34:08 So there was a 15 year old autistic son in the house. I think when that was going on.
01:34:16 So just to add to the more you know.
01:34:20 Could there be anything, all they?
01:34:22 Would need is for like the shooter to.
01:34:23 Be actually Jewish instead of just some people thinking that spade is a Jewish name, which is it's not.
01:34:33 I don't know. Maybe we'll find out. Maybe. Maybe he will be Jewish. I doubt it, though. I look because I was like, alright, that that'd be super weird, right? If it was a Jew killing the Goi family.
01:34:41 With an autistic.
01:34:42 Son on.
01:34:42 Berg street. Then I would maybe start being a little cute. Tarded. Right? I'd.
01:34:46 Be a little bit.
01:34:46 Like alright, this is, but now it's just. It's just it's like Irish name and that's very typical of that.
01:34:58 Anyway, yeah, I might wear this mask next time.
01:35:03 Next time.
Speaker 7
01:35:04 The only reason why?Devon
01:35:07 Here's why I I hesitate a little bit.01:35:10 Is it's a small I live in a small area like everyone kind of knows.
01:35:13 Everyone and.
01:35:17 They might think some weird **** about me.
Speaker 4
01:35:22 If I wear that.Devon
01:35:24 Like I don't want them to think this is like a weird sex thing. You know, I I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. Maybe I'll do it.01:35:33 Maybe we'll do it. What do you think about the fact that in the Jewish culture, women seem to be more dominant member of the family? It's common theme that Jewish boys are raised predominantly by their mothers and the lineages traced through the maternal line. Yeah, I think that definitely that's a huge difference.
01:35:51 Between, well, traditionally, the the Christian Europeans and or Americans where there was a patriarchy, I think that's one of the reasons why Jews were so instrumental in the feminist movement in the women's suffrage movement and in all of these movements that are very feminine.
01:36:12 Nature because they have a very feminine society. They have a very feminine way of of confrontation, right? Like Israel's not going around the world conquer.
01:36:24 Countries by force.
01:36:27 You know that.
01:36:27 That that almost never happens. You know, you did have.
01:36:31 You know Israel with the.
01:36:32 Help of I mean with a lot.
Speaker 4
01:36:34 Of help.Devon
01:36:35 Of Western countries, they have the six day war and all that stuff, but I.01:36:40 Mean. If you look at historically the way Jews have.
01:36:44 Conquered nations it's it's never been through like masculine means. It's never been through force. It's never been through straightforward warfare. It's always been in a very feminine, subversive way.
01:37:03 So it's in fact it's that fundamental difference between our tribe, if you will, and their tribe.
01:37:11 That creates a lot of the problems for us and makes us so susceptible in many ways, because you don't expect people other men to to act in that way.
01:37:24 Right.
01:37:26 And like women, just act in ****** ways. Sometimes they just act in ****** ways and you give them. You afford them a little bit of of you know, they're women. So you're like, yeah, what are you do? They're women, right.
01:37:37 And so when you encounter men.
01:37:41 That you don't usually.
01:37:44 You don't. You usually think they're going to behave in that way. So, you know, I don't think you're as guarded against the same kinds of attacks.
01:37:53 As you would be.
01:37:56 In in a more matriarchal society. So yeah, there's there's a whole bunch of. I mean this we could. I mean, you could do an entire show just on that, just time for hours and hours and hours talking about how that affects.
01:38:08 Not just their society, but how how it affects the way they interact with our societies and and why that gives them in the.
01:38:13 In some ways, an advantage.
01:38:16 But also look, it's also why if it ever came down to a A a masculine conflict, if you will, they would be over.
01:38:27 They'd be over in a hot second. They would not survive.
01:38:31 You know like.
01:38:32 For example, I mean you can have.
01:38:35 A woman can sit there and subvert and **** over her man, but at the end of the day, the man can always.
01:38:40 Beat the shadower always.
01:38:44 And that's kind of the that's kind of the relationship that we've had over the centuries.
01:38:50 Right.
01:38:53 Here we go.
01:39:01 Can we have a SSTV picture of the classified cat?
Speaker 4
01:39:06 Yeah, maybe I'll maybe I'll do that.01:39:09 Maybe I'll do that.
01:39:11 But I do have a different message. I have a different.01:39:13 Secret message for tonight.
01:39:15 And I don't.
01:39:15 Know that it will work on the stream because of the Internet issues, but it will work on bit shoot.
01:39:22 There's some people. It's funny. There was a guy I saw on telegram. Poor guy. Maybe you're listening where he's like. I've. I've been trying to decode that message. And. And. And he was starting to think that it was just a **** with him. And it was. It's actually nothing. No, it's something. And in fact, I tell you exactly how to decode it in the beginning of the stream.
01:39:41 So just got to listen better.
01:39:44 In fact, I told you.
01:39:45 In the stream before that. What it?
01:39:46 Was going to.
01:39:47 Be you're barking up the wrong tree with this RTY stuff, it's not ready.
01:39:54 Let's see here.
01:40:03 Thoughts on cultured Thug and Keith Woods? I don't know much about cultured thug. I think I've seen part of him on a stream once, but I don't know him and I don't remember much about him. Keith Woods seems like he's a pretty smart kid.
01:40:16 UM.
01:40:19 I like his uh.
01:40:21 He's usually pretty good on Twitter and and I I watch a lot. I watched some of his YouTube stuff and it always seems pretty good. His focus is heavy into the philosophy of stuff or philosophy side of things, right, which I get and I understand like that's some people, that's what they that's almost.
01:40:42 Exclusively they wanna how they want to look at it in a very I don't want to say like an academic way, but maybe like, you know, they want to.
01:40:50 Look at everything.
01:40:53 Through the eyes of of.
01:40:57 Through of all the all the.
01:40:58 Great philosophers. Right. And that's just.
01:41:00 Not me, you know.
01:41:02 That's, that's where he decided to focus his study and and me I come from.
01:41:08 More of a life experience. Kind of a, you know, a background and just, you know, when he was studying philosophy, I was studying 3D animation. You know what, I.
01:41:15 Mean. So that's where.
01:41:18 I just.
01:41:19 But I find it interesting his take on.
01:41:21 Because of that.
01:41:22 Because of that difference, I find his take interesting.
01:41:29 I learned Morse code last week, and after hearing you talk about training apps, you learned it already in a weekend.
01:41:37 I don't know if you learned that all the way.
01:41:39 If you learned it all the way.
01:41:41 We might have to reactivate this Morse code thing that I've got for the stream.
01:41:48 With all the other technical problems I was having, I just didn't want to screw with.
01:41:51 It tonight, but uh, I did. I did.
01:41:54 Change up my my.
01:41:55 Radio configuration here at the desk. So I've got a different radio with different CW filters still hook up to that same decoder and I just didn't want to **** with the video in.
01:42:06 But maybe I'll get that set up for.
01:42:08 The next stream.
01:42:13 Yeah, defenders of the Shabbat goy video claim it's just a prank, bro. They always use. It's satire. Yeah. Look like I was saying, though, I wouldn't care that they made that video.
01:42:23 I wouldn't care. They made that video if we.
Speaker 5
01:42:28 If if it you know if.Devon
01:42:29 It was an even playing field. It's clearly not an even playing field. I can't make a video making fun of slavery and saying it's OK because black people don't have souls.01:42:41 And win an award.
01:42:45 And and honestly, I should be able to.
01:42:49 I and and and in America you.
01:42:51 You could have.
Speaker 7
01:42:53 Black Face used to win awards. It did.Devon
01:42:59 But we are no longer see I. I've talked about this before, the casual racism that you would see and look at. I'm, I'll. I'll call what it is. I don't care. It is racism, the casual racism that you see in old cartoons where they're making fun of what you're talking about.01:43:12 Stuff like is is tame. Is something like Speedy Gonzalez cartoons.
01:43:18 Or maybe stuff that's maybe a little more ********, but that kind of stuff that existed for a reason.
01:43:26 It was a good thing.
01:43:29 That was a way. It was a defense mechanism against these cultures being accepted into the wider culture.
01:43:36 I've talked about this before. It was the the cultures, it was the society's.
01:43:41 Immune system reacting.
01:43:44 To a foreign.
01:43:46 Culture being introduced.
01:43:51 The immune system, a healthy immune system.
01:43:55 Fights off these foreign objects.
01:43:59 You see this foreign?
01:44:01 Thing introduced into the culture and the defense mechanism, we're going to ridicule it.
Speaker 4
01:44:07 We're going to demean.Devon
01:44:08 It we're going to put it.01:44:09 Down, we're going to make it look inferior. Why?
01:44:14 Because you have your culture to preserve.
01:44:20 So the casual racism that you would see in these old cartoons, these old TV shows, you know, you name it.
01:44:27 Yeah, I'll call it.
01:44:28 Casual racism. I'll agree that it was racism, but it was good.
01:44:32 Because it was an immune response.
01:44:38 To other cultures.
01:44:41 And it was perfectly healthy. That's a healthy immune system, a healthy immune system is reacting to these foreign cultures.
01:44:50 And what, like I said before, by removing that response.
01:44:56 By making it not OK.
01:44:59 To negatively react to anyone's culture.
01:45:05 It's societal aids.
01:45:08 It's cultural aids.
01:45:10 Because you're getting rid of the immune system of that culture, and in fact, it's worse than that.
01:45:17 Because it's not. It's not just enough, right? It's not enough.
01:45:22 For the American culture to just stop criticizing.
01:45:28 Other cultures and by American culture, I mean white American culture, as in founding stock culture.
01:45:34 It's not enough that we just stop openly and often.
01:45:40 Which would be the healthy thing to do?
01:45:43 Criticize and demean other cultures.
01:45:47 To constantly contrast.
01:45:50 The accomplishments.
01:45:52 Like if you watch like an old 1950s movie, right or it. Look, ****. Look at Indiana Jones.
01:45:59 Indiana Jones.
01:46:01 He goes to the in the movies. Well, actually pretty much all the earlier ones. Right? When he goes to these other countries.
Speaker 8
01:46:12 Come on.Devon
01:46:14 It's clear that the movie is portraying him as being superior.01:46:19 And these other cultures that he's visiting, he's basically just going around dominating all these third world people.
01:46:27 And they're either helping him like a little brother would help you. You know, like it's not very often that anyone in these third world countries is is portrayed as.
01:46:38 As an equal.
01:46:40 Right. And like I said, that's that's as recent.
01:46:43 As like the 80s.
01:46:48 And if you go back even further, you watch like a movie from the 1950s and you see, like, a white guy go to South America or go to, you know, just it doesn't matter what even the genre of the movie is. You know, Casablanca is a good example, right.
01:47:04 Where you got the black piano player.
01:47:07 Look, he the white guy is nice to him. They don't hate the black guy.
01:47:14 But he's not. He's not. He's not an equal.
01:47:22 Right.
01:47:24 The the the movie.
01:47:27 Is celebrating.
01:47:30 The western culture.
01:47:33 And it's it, you know it. It includes some of these other cultures.
01:47:38 But it's looked up or it's looked at as like, oh, how cute. How quaint.
01:47:44 It's not. Let's let's dominate and destroy these different people because we hate them. It's just that, no, our way of life is better, clearly superior.
Speaker 7
01:47:56 That used to be normal.Devon
01:48:02 But that's not enough to just get rid of that, right? It's not enough to just get rid of this condescending view that that the West had.01:48:11 Of the rest of the world and.
Speaker 4
01:48:12 Look that.Devon
01:48:12 Was ******* deserved. Are you kidding me?01:48:17 ******* deserved.
01:48:22 We're flying around in airplanes and there's parts of the world that still.
01:48:25 Haven't figured out the *******.
01:48:26 Wheel yet or two-story buildings.
01:48:33 And we're not.
01:48:33 Supposed to have, maybe, maybe just a sense.
01:48:37 That that we're doing some things right.
01:48:44 We're just supposed to think that that's random, uh, just random.
Speaker 7
01:48:49 Ah, nothing.Devon
01:48:50 Nothing about us is special. We just got lucky.01:49:00 No, and it's it's not enough to just erase that that dominance.
01:49:06 That unashamed dominance, that's really what it was. It was just. It was unashamed.
01:49:15 Not hateful dominance.
01:49:17 Not tyrannical dominance. Maybe in some instances you could find, I'm sure, right?
01:49:23 But by and large.
01:49:26 The general population.
01:49:31 They felt dominant.
01:49:33 And it was, in my opinion, well, well deserved.
01:49:38 And it's not enough just to erase that. No, you have to embrace.
01:49:44 These other cultures embrace these other cultures.
01:49:51 These other cultures that, like I said while we are flying around in the skies, had not yet developed the wheel or two-story buildings or written languages.
01:50:00 We had computer languages before they had.
01:50:08 And then usually a lot of these when they end up having languages cause we we said dude you need a language, let's not we're not be make a ******* language cause this is stupid.
01:50:18 Same thing with the wheel, by the way. They didn't. They didn't. Ohh, we didn't finally invent. No, we were like you don't have.
01:50:23 The ******* wheel yet?
01:50:25 Jesus Christ. Alright, here's the ******* wheel.
01:50:33 You know, we should have done it like Star Trek where?
01:50:35 The the prime directive we.
01:50:37 Should have encountered these these people and said well, we're not allowed to interfere with their evolution. Just let them let them, you know, let's just leave them alone. Imagine if we'd done that.
01:50:48 Imagine if the West, instead of going around conquering.
01:50:55 And and and colonizing.
01:50:58 If we had just been like, you know what? **** it, you guys.
01:51:01 You guys are like you got a long way to go. So we're just going to let you let you, you know.
01:51:08 Let you do your.Devon
01:51:08 Thing and we're going to turn into, like, super ******* time traveling space men.01:51:16 On our continent.
01:51:18 I mean, just imagine where we'd be.
01:51:23 But no, even that's not enough.
01:51:26 Even that's not enough.
01:51:27 It's not enough that we have to embrace these cultures that were.
01:51:32 You know.Devon
01:51:35 Weren't you? Couldn't hold a candle to ours.01:51:40 Do not augment our culture at all. Do nothing but degrade our culture, quite frankly.
01:51:47 We have to embrace these cultures.
01:51:48 But not only that.
01:51:51 We have to.
Speaker 5
01:51:54 Be supportive.Devon
01:51:59 Of these people's hatred.01:52:03 Of art.
01:52:04 Culture and of our people.
01:52:07 And we have to assist them.
01:52:11 In the destruction and dismantling.
01:52:14 Of our culture.
01:52:20 And even then, it's not enough.
01:52:23 Because at the end.
01:52:24 Of the day, you'll still be a white boy.
01:52:33 Not going to be able to change that.
01:52:40 At the end of the day, they're still going to need to have something that explains the disparity in your ability.
01:52:51 And because the.
01:52:55 I mean, ****. I mean, there's.
01:52:57 Can you blame them? They're not gonna. They're not gonna obviously want to.
01:53:02 To face what the reality is right?
01:53:13 So the only other explanation is going to be.
01:53:17 There must be something you're doing that's exploiting them.
01:53:21 That's the only possible way.
01:53:22 That your achievement.
01:53:26 Could be surpassing theirs. It couldn't be the vast.
01:53:30 Vast difference in average IQ's.
01:53:35 No, it's. It's clearly something else.
01:53:40 And now you must be destroyed.
01:53:48 So that's.
01:53:50 That's where we're headed. That's where this goes.
01:53:56 That's where this goes.
01:53:59 And and while it's going, and while it it's going on, part of the one of the reasons why it'll it will slip into this situation is rapidly and by rapidly I mean by historical standards, I don't mean this.
01:54:11 Is, you know it's going to happen tomorrow.
01:54:14 But in terms of historical standards, we're we're pretty close.
01:54:19 And one of the reasons why.
01:54:21 It will happen so quickly.
01:54:24 Is there is no, there's not a lot of.
01:54:26 Whole lot of cohesion.
01:54:30 In our remnants as it is, I.
01:54:33 Mean ****, we're shooting each other over snow.
01:54:43 There's, there's not a lot of cohesion.
01:54:47 Among the the white remnants in America as it is.
01:54:56 And I don't know what the answer.
Speaker 4
01:54:58 To that is.Devon
01:55:04 It's very difficult.01:55:07 To get white people to even just.
01:55:12 Be be accepted to to think that.
01:55:16 Anything ethnocentric is even acceptable.
01:55:20 Most white people are very allergic to the idea of viewing anything.
01:55:25 Through the lens.
01:55:27 Of ethnicity as it pertains to white people, European.
01:55:37 They're very loathe to even accept the idea that this is a.
01:55:44 A metric that that can even be defined. I mean there's a.
01:55:48 Lot of people that that.
01:55:50 A lot of white people will.
01:55:51 Say, what is even white?
01:55:55 You know, they won't say that about black. What's black.
01:56:02 What's Asian?
01:56:07 You know, but for some reason.
01:56:12 Why it's impossible to define look, obviously there's diversity. See, here's The funny thing. Diversity is a strength.
01:56:22 Just like anything.
01:56:24 Too much?
01:56:25 Is catastrophic.
01:56:28 And when we were a 95% white country there, it's not like there was no diversity.
01:56:35 There was plenty of diversity.
01:56:42 The diversity was just within a normal range, a manageable range.
01:56:50 But you had Polish people, you had Irish people, Scottish people, English people, Germans, French.
01:57:01 You know these are. That's diversity.
01:57:11 But it's also all white.
01:57:16 And the people that say you can't define white have ulterior motives.
01:57:21 Let's take a look here.
01:57:25 We need to build our own communities.
01:57:26 Yes, we do.
01:57:31 Would you say it's over in terms of fixing the black race?
01:57:37 Well, I mean, what do you, what do you mean fixing? I mean like?
01:57:42 They never invented the wheel, dude.
01:57:47 OK. I mean that's not.
01:57:52 You can't. Look, there's nothing. There's no. If there was a magic potion.
01:57:57 That drink this and your IQ goes up 20 points.
01:58:03 We would, I.
01:58:03 Mean absolutely. The military would be using it. First of all, I.
01:58:07 Mean it would.
01:58:08 That would that would be a game changer. That would change everything.
01:58:12 That's not real.
01:58:15 There's no fix for that except for like.
01:58:21 Another 50,000 thousand years of evolution, maybe I don't.
01:58:25 Know but like.
01:58:27 Nothing that's going to change in your lifetime or your children's lifetime. It's been 400 ******* years, right?
01:58:36 And even with some ad mixture, I mean you have a a few anomalies here and there because of the ad mixture probably or whatever.
01:58:46 But you know.
01:58:49 We're different.
Speaker 7
01:58:53 It's like saying.Devon
01:58:55 It's like if you got a bunch of.01:59:00 German shepherds.
01:59:04 And then you've got a bunch of.
01:59:06 Of tigers.
01:59:09 And the Tigers were.
01:59:10 Just killing the German shepherd.
01:59:13 And you'd.
01:59:14 Say well.
01:59:15 But we can make that we can make them get along eventually. Yeah, you could. I guess eventually you had, like, some intense breeding program where you only bred the Tigers to have the most domesticated kind of tigers. And then while you were doing that, you were, like, making the German shepherds, like, super big.
01:59:34 And and ragey and.
01:59:36 Stuff, yeah. But, like, look, you don't you?
01:59:40 If you just leave.
01:59:40 Them leave them together.
01:59:43 In nature, the Tigers are going to kill off all the German Shepherds eventually.
01:59:50 You know that's that's just the way it is.
01:59:55 Maybe that's a bad analogy, but I think you get what I'm saying like.
01:59:59 The differences are not something that you can change.
02:00:04 It's like saying.
02:00:08 Well, I mean.
02:00:08 Literally. In fact, this would probably be easier.
02:00:12 If if all of our problems.
02:00:15 Let's just say race was skin deep. Alright, let's make that easy. Let's say race literally is just skin deep and that all the problems between the races are only related to skin color and that's it. And so if you could somehow.
02:00:30 Either get white people to be black or black people to be white and just skin color.
02:00:36 Then everything would be fine, right? Everything would be perfectly OK. All right, well.
02:00:44 How long would that take?
02:00:48 How long would it take for like everyone to be the same color?
02:00:56 And and look, and most people don't even want that, right?
02:01:03 But so like that's, that's what you're saying is like.
Speaker 7
02:01:06 You know is.Devon
02:01:07 That something we can do? No, I mean you can. I guess. Like I said, if you had, like 50,000 years, if you had a breeding program, if you and look, I think honestly the people, the ruling class there, there's some version of that that lately everyone's seen any advertisement for literally anything.02:01:25 It's all pushing race mixing for reason. It's because they're trying to do exactly that.
02:01:33 They don't want distinct groups. It makes it harder to manage. They just want one group.
02:01:38 That's easier to manage.
02:01:41 They just want us to mix together into.
02:01:43 Like one muddy brown. Whatever.
02:01:49 So yeah, that's that's what they're.
02:01:51 Attempting to do but.
02:01:52 Even even if they're with their little.
02:01:54 Breeding program that that with the the propaganda and and all the other things that they're doing to actively try to promote that you're still talking about generations.
02:02:09 Several generations.
02:02:13 Longer than this. In fact, it would take longer than this.
02:02:16 Country is going to exist.
02:02:24 So it's it's just.
02:02:28 The the ruling class. Their nature is they want to control everything and they want to micromanage everything and they they assume that they control more than.
02:02:36 They actually do.
02:02:37 And this is absolutely one of those those instances where they think that they can somehow breed this away this problem away.
02:02:48 Cop killed in Las Cruces. Several wounded shoot out on the freeway. That's that's. That's the story I think I.
02:02:53 Saw in New Mexico.
02:02:58 Uh. Yeah. So like, yeah, that that's the kind of violent crime.
02:03:05 That is, in some of the more diverse parts of the country, or were, I guess, in decades past that's just going to become universal.
02:03:16 That's it's going to become universal and not not only because of diversity. Like I said, all the people in that shooting, they were all white.
02:03:24 So not necessarily, just because of racial diversity, but because no in the current environment, no one has anything in common. No one can even tell you what is what is American mean.
02:03:35 What does it mean? What does it?
02:03:37 Mean to be American? No one even knows.
02:03:40 What was it the the House Budget Committee or one of the committees today voted? They don't the to remove the Pledge of Allegiance from their proceedings.
02:03:50 Because they didn't want to say one nation under God, it's all meaningless now.
02:03:55 What does it mean to be American citizenship doesn't seem to matter. You have non citizens holding public office.
02:04:03 Elections don't even matter.
02:04:05 You have an illegitimate president.
02:04:08 What does it mean to be American? Does it means nothing? It literally means nothing.
02:04:15 So what do you expect to happen?
02:04:25 UM.Devon
02:04:31 This will be called the.02:04:32 Low trust stream. I don't know about that. I think I might have.
02:04:35 Already done called that.
02:04:41 So and yeah, I can't do any videos right now. Someone sent me the.
02:04:43 Video my.
02:04:44 Internet's just barely hanging on. I'm not going to tempt fate playing a video.
02:04:53 Plus, Higher IQ, Blacks and Hispanics to don't want this either.
02:05:03 If he wanted his strings, you would know.
02:05:07 If you wanted his streams, you would know the answer on if he's watched it, I don't know.
02:05:13 You're talking about.
02:05:15 Maybe you just need?
02:05:19 The occasional bot, like no infighting, no gamer words.
02:05:25 Yeah, I don't know.
02:05:29 I don't know if.
02:05:30 If they have bots available for this, I don't know. I need to maybe get some different mods.
02:05:35 Or more mods or something?
Speaker 7
02:05:38 It doesn't. That doesn't.Devon
02:05:39 Seem to be too bad, though I don't see any problems with it so far. Maybe I'm missing stuff that's going on.02:05:45 The final nail will be brought when humanity is taken away from the creator in terms of DNA. When humans go full GMO, race won't matter anymore. We will all be done or as JF likes to call the revolutionary phenotype.
02:06:01 Yeah, that, that's the. That's what the transhumanists want. That's that is that is.
02:06:06 I think 1 eventual outcome and if we don't do it, the Chinese will do it they've already.
02:06:12 Proven that over 100,000 Americans died in World War One. Why didn't the parents of that generation spoil and pamper their kids like the parents of boomers did in World War 2?
02:06:22 I think the depression.
02:06:25 After World War One, we did not have the kind of economic prosperity that we had after World War 2.
02:06:33 World War after World War Two, we were the economic center of the world.
02:06:42 Some African languages have no concept of time beyond the present. They don't understand the abstract of past or future. That's why they have horrible punctuality and organization well, and they'll they'll even tell you.
02:06:54 That obsession with deadlines and time is white supremacy.
02:07:03 I'm not. I'm not joking. That's literally what they're telling you.
02:07:08 And and look, that's that's what's going to.
02:07:10 That's what's going to guide America's future.
02:07:13 White America's done.
02:07:16 We've already had the tipping point. I would be. I would be shocked, shocked if we're even right now if we're about 50%.
02:07:25 And even if we aren't, that's for.
02:07:27 Like what? Another year or two?
Speaker 7
02:07:30 So it's over.Devon
02:07:33 You're not turning that back.02:07:36 And you're not going to be in a.
02:07:37 Position to even like forcibly try to turn it back.
02:07:42 Unless there's some kind of catastrophic economic collapse.
02:07:46 Because people are too sedated.
02:07:50 People are too satisfied.
02:07:54 So really, all we can do.
Speaker 5
02:07:56 See, it's good to know.Devon
02:07:57 This right. Like look, it's a black pill.02:08:00 Right, it kind of sucks knowing that like, oh, we're not going to go back to the 1950s. Oh, we're not going to be able to just round up all the illegal immigrants on buses like we did with operation went.
02:08:10 Back and set.
02:08:11 Them across the border. Oh, you know like.
02:08:13 Yeah, that sucks. And but.
02:08:15 It sucks even worse to sit there and fantasize about that **** and pretend like that's.
02:08:19 Going to ever happen.
02:08:20 Alright, what sucks even worse is having this ******* Qatar view of the world where like.
02:08:26 You know, Trump is literally ordained by God to save the white race and the West like it. It's it. It's ******* ********. Just you. You have to plan.
02:08:40 Make plans that are that are.
02:08:42 In line with reality.
02:08:44 And the reality is.
02:08:47 The reality is.
02:08:49 We're in for a bumpy ride.
02:08:52 And that's OK, that's fine. There have been bumpier rides in the history of the European people, and we've survived.
02:09:01 And this is just it's going to be a bumpy ride. It's going to be.
02:09:04 A bumpy ride that.
02:09:07 Will be a lot bumpier if you're.
02:09:08 Not if you're.
02:09:09 Living in a fantasy world.
02:09:11 Where you think that ohh. You know, all we have to do is take.
Speaker 4
02:09:14 Over the GOP and.Devon
02:09:15 Blah blah blah. No, no, all that shit's over. I don't even like I don't even like looking at politics so much anymore because.02:09:23 I really did see Trump as kind of like the last chance, right, like.
02:09:26 It was that that was a little delusional, even to think that. But at least at least it seemed possible, right? It seemed possible in 2016 that maybe, maybe we could pull out of this ******* nosedive. Now, it's not even possible.
02:09:42 OK, the wings have come off the plane.
02:09:45 We're going down.
02:09:46 That's OK. That's fine. You still have time to stick your head between your legs.
Speaker 5
02:09:51 Pull your legs, you know, and and kiss your *** goodbye now, like you now you still have a chance to like.Devon
02:09:57 Brace for impact, right?02:10:01 But you got to know, you got to know that it's time.
02:10:04 To brace for impact.
02:10:09 There's no pulling out of this. There really isn't. Now there's a lot of different ways that that the impact could could go and there's lots of ways different ways that that could be good, even like there could be a lot of good outcomes. There's there's even, like, peaceful ways this could work out there.
02:10:25 Can be a peaceful secession. There could be any number of things. No one knows the future.
02:10:33 But you have to look at it realistically and you have to look at it through that context of knowing, OK, it's over the American dream.
02:10:41 If it ever was real, it's not anymore and it's over.
02:10:50 That's OK.
02:10:52 You can still live a happy, productive life.
02:10:58 And you can still.
02:11:00 In some ways.
02:11:03 Try to guide.
02:11:05 The future of the society.
02:11:08 In a direction that you want it to go but within reason.
Speaker 8
02:11:13 We're outnumbered.Devon
02:11:16 We have no.02:11:17 Institutional power. We're outnumbered. We're outgunned. We're certainly out, moneyed.
02:11:28 And so just.
02:11:29 That's all you have to do is you have to understand this isn't your country anymore. You don't have a homeland. You are now a stranger in someone else's country.
02:11:39 It used to be your country and that kind of sucks. And that's kind of, you know, you might have to go through some grieving process, I don't know, but do it and get it done because it's over.
02:11:52 This is no longer your country.
02:11:57 You're just here. It's just an economic zone.
02:12:03 And you are in the jurisdiction.
02:12:06 Of a ruling class who has nothing in common with you and doesn't like that you're here.
02:12:14 You're you're in the jurisdiction of a ruling class.
02:12:18 That is hostile to you.
02:12:26 So just just realize that.
02:12:29 I can think.
02:12:30 Of a another tribe of people who survived a similar situation for centuries and did quite well.
02:12:38 Fact that having those evolutionary pressures applied to them seemed to have had some benefit.
02:12:48 And I suspect we'll undergo something similar.
02:12:53 I mean, if you have all these, I think I think what we can agree are programs actively designed. You know they're designed to.
02:13:02 Lower birth rates and to attack.
02:13:05 Our people.
02:13:07 Really what it's doing at first, it's going to weed out.
02:13:10 The weak right?
02:13:14 So I guess it sucks if.
02:13:15 You're one of the weak.
02:13:18 The long term this will this will.
02:13:22 Benefit us because quite frankly, we've been in a dysgenic tailspin.
02:13:29 For a long time.
02:13:32 So maybe it's not so bad that we're getting our ***** kicked a little bit.
02:13:40 All right, I'm going to take one.
02:13:41 Last look at chat.
02:13:44 And then we'll.
02:13:45 Close up. Oh, then I'll do the secret message.
02:13:49 What do I think about Romania? I don't know. I don't really. I've never been to Romania. I have one Romanian.
02:13:54 Friend and he's pretty cool.
02:13:58 His wife is hot.
02:14:03 And they had many babies.
02:14:06 They had like a.
02:14:08 You had like 6 kids.
02:14:10 I haven't talked to him in a while. We used to be really good friends, but I haven't talked to him in a.
02:14:13 While back maybe.
02:14:15 I'll look him up and give him a call, but yeah, he real nice guy, real religious guy.
02:14:26 I don't know. I guess I guess you Romanian Orthodox. I would assume, right?
02:14:32 But his, I mean, he was. He was from Romania, his dad, in fact his dad.
02:14:38 I think died like escaping the commies or.
02:14:41 Something like that.
02:14:51 Someone's asking a mod.
02:14:56 I don't know how to mod you any more. Let's see here.
02:15:04 How do I mod you?
02:15:09 There you go. Mod. You've been modded.
02:15:14 UM, OK, let's take a look here.
02:15:19 Dracula's Castle is actually kind of small. I have not seen it.
02:15:27 Can I switch to 20 meters?
02:15:29 The only thing is 28 meters.
02:15:33 It it's already ship propagation. In fact here check this out.
02:15:37 Fancy. Look what I got.
02:15:39 Of course, you might not show up because.
02:15:42 We're dropping so many frames, but uh, 20 meters.
02:15:47 Is pretty **** during the day as it is, and it's real **** at night, so that's why I was picking 40 meters.
02:15:56 Because 40 meters is seems to be still kind of OK and it's kind of like it's not as local as 80 meters.
02:16:05 But we can try. We can try 20 meters. I I just don't think it'll work.
02:16:10 I mean I I struggle on.
02:16:11 20 meters as it.
02:16:13 Just normally.
02:16:15 But I there have been there been times there been times the windows open up and I get.
02:16:21 I get across the oceans.
02:16:30 Alright so.
Speaker 7
02:16:33 What is the darkest thing that you have experienced that you were talking about?Devon
02:16:39 I don't know what you mean.02:16:43 I don't know what you mean.
02:16:46 Alright guys, well get ready for the secret message.
02:16:51 And again, if you are wearing headphones, while there's a warning before this, but just to tell you anyway, if you though it's it's loud, it's very loud and very obnoxious.
02:17:00 Unless you are prepared for it, and I've already told you, nothing has changed. This is the same format that the last secret message was in.
02:17:09 So nothing has changed in terms of that. If you are able to receive the last message, you will be able to receive this message just as easily. I am going to mix things up. I have already started experimenting with other things, but as of right now I'm not going to make anything too complicated.
02:17:28 This is a very important message. This is a very important secret message, very, very crucial that you get this secret message if you're. If you're ever to survive in the world that we're headed.
02:17:42 Headed towards.
02:17:44 So stand by for the secret message.
Speaker 8
02:17:52 If you are.02:17:52 Not authorized to receive this message or if you are wearing headphones, you are advised to temporarily reduce the volume of this transmission if this is a recording of the previous transmission, you may advance the timeline by approximately one minute.
Speaker 2
02:18:09 You have been chosen to receive the secret black pill transmission.02:18:14 Stand by for secret pillbox message transmission. Transmission will commence in 5432.
02:18:24 One transmission begin.
02:18:54 Transmission complete.
02:19:04 Alright so.02:19:06 Let's see. I'm going to check chat and see if anyone.
02:19:11 Got the secret message. Has anyone got the secret message? I know you guys can be.
02:19:16 A little bit lagged.
02:19:18 Last time someone got it, so I know someone.
Speaker 4
02:19:20 Might get it here.Devon
02:19:24 You guys are still pretty lagged, hopefully.02:19:28 Hopefully the you know the stream might be so laggy that it just you're not going.
02:19:32 To get it till the recording.
02:19:38 Someone saying loud and clear queue has spoken music to my ears. Yeah, it is a terrible sound. I think guys are just now hearing it. Rap headphones. Yep. Let's get so activation. My brain is melting.
02:19:50 Yeah, it's pretty bad.Devon
02:19:53 How to do this?02:19:55 The warning is funny.
02:19:58 What are you doing to us? Yeah.
02:20:01 I've already told.
02:20:02 You how to decode this. I'm not telling you again.
02:20:04 It's actually not as hard as you think. It's actually pretty easy. Oh, someone got it. Someone got it. All right. That's all I want to know.
02:20:12 Yeah. Couple of people got it. Couple people got it. Yep. There we go.
02:20:17 Lots of people got it.
02:20:24 Someone says I'm gay.
02:20:25 Now just programmed you to be gay.
Speaker 4
02:20:28 All right.Devon
02:20:30 Someone's telling the mod white pilled.02:20:32 Who's white pilled?
02:20:35 I don't know. Maybe. Remind me next screen because I'm going to, I'm going to bail here. I don't I.
02:20:39 Don't see him anywhere on this.
02:20:45 I'll I'm going to have the last two have just been kind of, you know, more like testing out. See, I I got a little funnier with this one, but just mostly testing out to see if it's working. You guys are actually getting the messages and more people than I thought. So that's good. So I might actually step it up a notch. I've thought about doing a secret message within the secret.
02:21:05 And then just kind of, you know, almost like a zacata kind of a thing, I mean not going too crazy with it.
02:21:11 Where there's like a dream within a dream.
02:21:12 Within a dream man. But you know, maybe have different levels of it, make you know, send and and it could even be in a weird way. Who knows, maybe may be part of this fraternal order thing that I've been talking about. It's part of this decentralized.
02:21:25 Secret society. Maybe you know, maybe there's going to be like.
02:21:29 Barrier of entry. Maybe there could be like a filtering of people using this as an IQ test perhaps. Maybe there will be a secret message within a secret message and that would be different, like a hierarchy of oh, you've made it to. You've made it to the level 8 of the secret messages you've been able to decode all the way to the top.
02:21:49 And now you have the.
02:21:50 Secret invite to the secret room or I don't know. I don't know.
02:21:54 I don't know what I'm gonna do. I just.
02:21:55 Know just different.
02:21:56 Ideas bouncing around in my.
02:21:58 Head. So anyway, hope you guys enjoyed that. Hope you enjoyed the stream.
02:22:06 For Black pilled I am.
02:22:07 Of course.
02:22:10 Devin stack.