

02:40:55 Good evening. Good morning.
00:07:53 Good afternoon. Good day, Sir. I said good day.
00:08:01 I made a fancy Trump countdown. I should have done that days ago.
00:08:05 Now we've got 9 hours, 12 minutes and 36 seconds.
00:08:13 So some breaking news I guess.
00:08:15 To talk about right off the bat.
00:08:18 Is that the Trump pardons have come in?
00:08:22 The long-awaited Trump pardons will Trump pardon Julian Assange.
00:08:28 Will Trump pardon Julian Assange? People want to know.
00:08:34 Of course not.
00:08:36 But he did pardon little Wayne, so it kind of makes up for it like a little bit, don't you think? Like it kind of.
00:08:43 Makes up for it.
00:08:47 I mean, sure, we don't have Julian Assange.
00:08:49 But Lil Wayne?
00:08:52 Little Wayne. Come on guys.
00:08:55 It could be worse.
00:08:58 It could be a lot worse.
00:09:01 Now the one of the it's kind of like I was saying there a day when he does pardon the people, it's going to just be a list of Jewish gangsters. Well, it turns out it's just it's a list of Jewish spies, gangsters and black gangsters.
Speaker 4
00:09:19 Maybe they'll vote for him now.
00:09:22 Maybe they'll maybe they'll finally accept him.
00:09:25 Now that he's pardoned Lil Wayne.
00:09:28 And then some other wrapper types I've never heard of.
00:09:34 My favorite though.
00:09:38 Has to be aviam Sella.
00:09:42 Who was indicted in 1987?
00:09:46 For spying on the US for Israel, he was a literal Israeli spy who came to America to recruit more spies.
00:09:56 And his his big claim to fame was he recruited.
00:10:01 Jonathan Pollard.
00:10:04 The Israeli spy who gave our nuclear secrets to Israel.
00:10:11 So you know, Julian Assange doesn't get a pardon, but Israeli spies like and he pardon basically an Israeli spy network.
00:10:21 Trump's based draining of the swamp was pardoning the Israeli spy network that was subverting our country.
00:10:33 Worst ******* president ever.
00:10:37 And I know that I've played the clips the that art of the Shamil video for you guys a couple of nights ago and.
00:10:42 One of the things that it was missing.
00:10:45 Was this little montage I'm going to play.
00:10:48 For you now.
00:10:50 It was. This is when people have asked about.
00:10:55 WikiLeaks, you know, like this is how I this.
00:10:58 Is how I.
00:10:59 Knew I knew. ******* like three. I've been saying look.
Speaker 5
00:11:04 If it wasn't such.
00:11:05 A a dire situation that we're in.
00:11:08 I would be it would be really.
00:11:10 It is still actually, it's still kind of hard to not just be like going neener neener.
00:11:14 Knee like I was right you.
00:11:15 Like, that's not really in my nature, but it's at the same time I I kind of need some release for this frustration for for years to be just saying like this is how it's going to go. This is how it's gonna go and everyone's say no, no, trust the chill. You're a ******* shill. Trust the plan. You're not trusting hard enough in. In fact, it's not going to work now because you.
00:11:35 You're the one. It's like Santa Claus is magic, right? Like or or Tinkerbell. If if, if everyone's not clapping, clap. Hurry, quick. Tinkerbell's dying quick. Everyone, clap, clap. Oh, she's back to life, if that's how Q's plan works. If one of us stops trusting the plan, it just it ***** up the whole system. So it's my fault because I stopped trusting the plan. That's really what?
00:11:55 That's really what happened.
00:11:57 It has nothing to do with the fact that that Q is fake or any of that ********. It's basically because I stopped trusting the plan and I ruined the the Santa Claus magic that Q is is powered by.
00:12:09 And if only if only I had trusted harder.
Speaker 6
00:12:13 Then we would it.
00:12:13 Would be fine.
00:12:14 It would be fine, of course it might.
00:12:16 Still be fine.
00:12:20 Simon the alien has been telling people. You see, when you do watch because they the the the cue grifters now know what's going to happen tomorrow.
00:12:28 So what they what? Here's the.
00:12:29 Here's their their their grift now, well, you see.
00:12:34 If you see a inauguration tomorrow.
00:12:37 It's all CGI.
Speaker 6
00:12:39 It's all CGI.
00:12:41 The deep state is going to trick you into thinking that Biden is now president, but secretly it's going to be Trump.
00:12:48 It's going to be Trump.
00:12:51 So here, here is Trump on WikiLeaks.
Speaker 8
00:13:03 My thing.
00:13:05 You still love WikiLeaks.
Speaker 9
00:13:08 I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It's not my thing.
Speaker 8
00:13:11 WikiLeaks, I love WikiLeaks.
00:13:15 Looks like Bernie got a little bit of a bad deal based on WikiLeaks, right? They want to distract us from WikiLeaks. It's been amazing what's coming out on WikiLeaks.
Speaker 9
00:13:26 And all you have to do is take a look at WikiLeaks and just see what they said about Bernie Sanders.
Speaker 8
00:13:31 Even Chelsea Clinton, the WikiLeaks e-mail show, expressed serious concerns about conflicts of interest at the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.
Speaker 9
00:13:42 And I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange. I've I've been seeing what's happened with Assange and that will be a determination, I would imagine, mostly by the Attorney General. He's doing an excellent job. So he'll be making a determination. I know nothing really about.
00:13:59 Him it's not my, it's.
Speaker 4
00:14:00 Not my deal in life.
00:14:01 We still love WikiLeaks.
Speaker 9
00:14:04 I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It's not my thing.
00:14:10 He knows nothing about WikiLeaks. It's not his thing.
00:14:13 It's not his thing, guys. You know the the the attorney general, who, by the way, was Jeff Sessions at the time is doing a fantastic job. He's going to be taking care of it. Don't worry guys. I'm just going to delegate everything that I said that I was going to do to people who don't want to do it.
Speaker 6
00:14:29 And you know it that way, if when it doesn't.
00:14:32 Happen I can just be like.
00:14:33 I I tried, I told Jeff Sessions to to do things and he didn't do things.
00:14:39 What am I supposed to do?
00:14:43 What am I supposed to do?
00:14:46 And meanwhile, people are looking for secret codes.
00:14:51 And messages.
00:14:53 In the Trump.
00:14:56 Tweets and how he blinks.
00:14:59 And his hand motions? Ohh. He drew a cue with his hand.
00:15:02 That means Assange is gonna he's.
00:15:04 Assange is in a shipping container. They've they've.
Speaker 5
00:15:08 Squirreled him away.
00:15:08 OK, out of the UK, the the Assange you see on footage, that's all CGI or a body double or something like that.
00:15:16 He's in a Black Ops.
00:15:17 Site in Northern Virginia and they're debriefing him and Trump's going to bring him out and declare him the hero of journalism.
Speaker 5
00:15:27 And you just you watch.
00:15:30 Just you. You're you're trusting the plan, right? Cause we need. We need everyone trusting the plan.
00:15:33 For this to work.
Speaker 5
00:15:35 We, everyone trusting the plan.
00:15:38 Now and The funny thing is, it's actually not entirely false that there are secret messages in Trump's tweets. I came across this video today. It's actually quite stunning. I'm going to let it loop a couple times so that you have time to actually see this. It's not ********. They're actually. It's not the secret messages that the cute people.
00:15:58 Would like to see, but it was a secret message in some Trump tweets, and I I don't even know what to make of it other than like is he just?
00:16:06 Laughing at us? Is he just? Is he just?
00:16:09 Is he just laughing?
00:16:10 At us, so have have a look at this bizarre secret message.
00:16:15 That you will.
00:16:16 See in the Trump tweets.
Speaker 4
00:16:27 That's what I had the strangest to you.
00:16:31 All the way to China.
Speaker 1
00:16:46 Nobody goes down.
Speaker 7
00:16:58 Last night.
Speaker 11
00:16:58 I had the strangest.
00:17:02 All the way to China.
Speaker 7
00:17:06 And you said you had to get your laundry.
00:17:14 You said nothing. Gonna break my side.
Speaker 4
00:17:29 That's what I have the strangest to you.
00:17:33 All the way to China.
Speaker 1
00:17:37 Alright guys, I know.
00:17:38 The the resolution on this copy is.
00:17:41 Not that great.
Speaker 6
00:17:43 But take my word for it. He literally tweeted out the lyrics to this song.
00:17:53 Like like like the first couple words of every tweet. If you Scroll down on his Twitter feed with the lyrics to that ******* song.
00:18:04 So make of that what you will.
00:18:07 Make of that what you will.
00:18:11 Good Lord. But yeah, little by little people are are they're ceasing to trust the plan. People are starting to take the black pill. They they're. They're finally catching up to what I was saying back in 2017, 2018-2019, 2020. And now 2021.
00:18:30 Including people that you.
00:18:32 Might not expect.
00:18:34 Even Alex Jones.
00:18:36 Seems to have taken.
00:18:39 The black pill. I'm not sure how well he's taking it, but he has taken the black pill.
Speaker 10
00:18:47 I mean, you're it's over. You understand? Your only shot you've got is realizing that we're screwed. Your candy asks. Church isn't gonna do it. Your candy asks. Boss isn't gonna do it. We're a trained group of monkeys in this country. We're not what Americans used to be. We're not rugged individualists. We don't stand up for the bull riding Constitution.
00:19:04 We're a joke, OK?
00:19:07 And so they got people like Brian Stelter up there.
00:19:09 Saying shut down.
00:19:10 All of his competition on TV now.
00:19:13 He thinks he owns you. Jeff Zucker thinks he owns you. These are bad people, OK?
00:19:20 So I've done the best job I can. I'm not ********.
00:19:22 At the crew.
00:19:23 Or you or anybody. I'm just saying it's hard for me to get up here and do a normal show.
00:19:29 When we have a group of corporate criminals, literally.
00:19:32 Gang ****** us?
00:19:34 I mean, if we ever beat this thing, it'll be in the history of, like, these people were Hitler. I mean, this is unbelievable. It's not like, ohh, we're getting there. It's bad. Things are out of control. It's it's they've just begun. They're gonna take your pension funds. They're gonna bankrupt. They're gonna cut the power off the oil off. They're gonna open the borders.
00:19:54 It's over, man. It's over. It's all gone. It's all.
00:19:57 Over. They're gonna activate the boogaloos FBI, ADL terror forces. They're gonna start blowing everything up. Then they're gonna come arrest all the Patriots. The idiots will cheer it. Then they're gonna shut your power off. They want you starving in the street. They wanna rape your wife. They're Bolsheviks. They're jacobins. You're. It's all over, man. All over.
00:20:19 All your games, in fact, America is rotting and deserves it now.
00:20:23 The Satanists aren't good. They're not God. God just lets them have their way now.
00:20:28 So all your games are over all the TV watching, all the laziness, all the slack drawings over. It's over. You're gonna be just like a baby at six months being chopped up in its mother's womb. You're not a human. You're non essential. You're dead. They're gonna kill you. Cause you don't care.
00:20:50 So there you go.
Speaker 6
00:21:00 Oh yeah, I know not.
Speaker 4
00:21:01 Not everyone. The the black pill doesn't go down.
00:21:04 Smooth for everybody.
00:21:06 But I think that.
Speaker 6
00:21:08 Uh, you know, once the shock has worn off.
00:21:13 I look I.
00:21:14 Went to a really dark place myself and it was it was a little darker because I was.
00:21:18 By myself, but now.
00:21:21 Now that all you guys are joining me.
Speaker 6
00:21:22 Down here.
00:21:24 It's not so bad. It's not so bad.
Speaker 4
00:21:26 We we got.
00:21:27 Like a whole crew.
00:21:29 So you know.
Speaker 4
00:21:31 Not, not. Not. Like I said it it the.
00:21:33 Black Pill, isn't that? Oh my God.
00:21:36 You know, it's everything's everything is going to end. You know that we have no chance ever. It's just that no, we just.
00:21:42 Don't have.
00:21:44 All these fantasy, all these fantasy ways of looking at how to fight, what we're up against. It need. You just need to sweep those off the floor, sweep them out the door, under the carpet, or somewhere not under the carpet.
00:21:56 Get, get, get them.
00:21:57 The **** out of the house? Those are all bad ideas.
00:22:00 They're bad ideas.
00:22:01 And they won't work. And they're why we're here.
00:22:06 They're all very, very, very bad ideas.
00:22:10 You know, I tweeted out today. There was just it. Look, there's a new story like this every ******* day, every ******* day. This isn't like a an anomaly. This is something that happens every ******* day. And today there was a story on NBC News and like I.
00:22:27 Said I tweeted it.
00:22:28 Out it's on my Twitter page.
00:22:30 And the embassy news stories is an anonymous donor, gifts 40 million dollars, $40 million for 50 future civil rights lawyers.
00:22:43 Well, I think I think you.
00:22:44 Put together what that means.
00:22:47 You know 50 future we don't have.
00:22:50 We don't have just some anonymous donor giving $40 million.
00:22:56 For us to have lawyers.
00:22:59 And like I said.
Speaker 4
00:22:59 This is just one random day.
00:23:03 Out of out of 365 days a year that this happens all the time, maybe not 40 million every single day, but actually maybe.
00:23:11 You know, if you were to divide up all the money that just Bank of America gave to.
00:23:14 BLM, that might.
00:23:15 Add up to 40 million every day.
00:23:19 That's that's the situation, folks.
00:23:23 That's the situation and the best we can do. The best we could do is Trump.
00:23:30 Who can't even.
00:23:31 Look, there's he could just pardon he didn't.
00:23:33 Even he didn't pardon a.
00:23:34 Single ******* protester. Not a single one.
00:23:41 And nothing would happen to him if he did.
00:23:44 He that's up, it's 100%. It's one of the few things the president can just ******* do. And no, no one.
00:23:49 Can say anything about it?
00:23:51 And instead he pardoned an Israeli spy network that was subverting your country. That's the best we could do.
00:23:59 That's the best we could do.
00:24:02 Do you get it yet?
00:24:06 Do you are?
00:24:07 Is it starting to come together a little bit inside?
00:24:09 Your head that that maybe, maybe we're ******.
00:24:16 And look, we'll stop being ****** right now. One of the biggest reasons why we're ****** is because there's so many people in denial about it.
00:24:23 That's the problem.
00:24:27 If people would have just come to terms with.
00:24:29 This hey, look, we could we could start to.
00:24:32 Dig our way out of it.
00:24:33 But right now, it's like you're in a room full of ******* Alcoholics. That.
00:24:37 Can't admit that they have a.
00:24:38 Problem and you and you can't. You can't solve the.
00:24:41 Problem, unless you can admit that you have one.
00:24:49 And instead they just keep.
00:24:50 Drinking and drinking and drinking.
00:24:53 And they can't figure out why they keep waking up in.
00:24:55 A bucket of ****.
00:24:57 Covered in their own puke. Like what happened? Ah.
Speaker 10
00:25:01 Maybe if I?
00:25:01 Drink more. This problem will go away.
00:25:03 Well, in a matter of speaking, I.
00:25:05 Guess it does.
00:25:06 But does it?
00:25:07 Really. Go away.
Speaker 6
00:25:09 Does it really go away?
00:25:13 And it's funny because the Q and on I've I've talked about this a lot of the response that you're.
00:25:19 Seeing from the left.
00:25:20 Is because it's just the inverse of the Q Anon wackos.
00:25:26 There's a lot of people on the left.
00:25:27 Who? Who view Trump?
00:25:30 In an insane way, in a way, quite frankly, that I wish.
Speaker 8
00:25:34 That he was.
00:25:36 I wish that I could live in this leftist delusion where Trump is this fascist dictator.
00:25:41 Who's going to?
00:25:42 Overthrow the government and all this other stuff.
00:25:45 And there was a video going around on Twitter.
00:25:48 I told you I have a lot of stuff for us tonight. There was a video going around on Twitter.
00:25:54 Where they they frame it exactly like exactly like that.
00:25:59 It's like the leftist version of Q Anon.
00:26:02 It's delusional.
00:26:05 And here we go.
00:26:07 I think everyone The funny thing is, this is meant to be like a.
00:26:10 Scary like ohh my.
Speaker 10
00:26:11 God and look.
00:26:12 It also look part of it. I don't want to say it's scary, it's just it's predictable. Part of it is we talked about how you're gonna get the red flag laws and all that stuff.
00:26:20 Knowing this is a leftist preparing people to do the mass doxing and the mass turning in of, you know, the the tattletale brigade to get people on these red flag lists and stuff like that. And that's precisely what the.
00:26:35 What they're going to do?
00:26:37 So look at this delusional view of Trump.
00:26:44 If it ever loads.
00:26:45 There we go.
Speaker 12
00:26:51 Donald Trump will no longer be the commander in chief's honor before January 20th. Donald Trump will no longer be the commander in chief. He will lose control of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, special Forces and America's nuclear arsenal.
00:27:04 On January 20th, Donald Trump will become the commander in chief of a different army, this army.
00:27:13 The greatest threat facing America today comes from within radical extreme conservatives, also known as domestic terrorists. They are hidden among us, disguised behind regular jobs. They are your children's teachers. They work at supermarkets, malls, doctors offices and many are police officers and soldiers. For more than a decade.
00:27:31 Donald Trump has spoken directly to white supremacists in their language.
Speaker 8
00:27:35 Build that wall, build that wall. Build that wall.
00:27:39 Pocahontas, is it offensive? Oh. Oh, I'm sorry about that. Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shut.
00:27:47 Of Muslims entering the United States.
00:27:50 In the mid.
Speaker 12
00:27:50 To deliver a presidential debate, Donald Trump was asked to disavow white supremacy. He refused. Instead, he told the.
00:27:56 Proud boys to stand back and stand by.
Speaker 9
00:28:00 Stand back and stand by.
Speaker 12
00:28:02 They heard their leader. They.
00:28:03 Even responded to him on Twitter promising to stand by. And on January 6th, 2021.
00:28:08 Trump green lit.
00:28:09 Them they suited up.
00:28:10 They flew in, they took hotel rooms, they loaded their weapons, prepared their bombs and they attacked with the intention of.
00:28:15 Killing Nancy Pelosi and hanging Vice President Mike Pence.
00:28:22 Hold on.
Speaker 9
00:28:24 They were vocally saying, where's the speaker? We know she has staff. They're here someplace. We're going to find them.
Speaker 12
00:28:31 In the years ahead, Trump.
00:28:32 Will lead his army of domestic terrorists. He will encourage and incite violence. He will play the role of arsonist and firemen. He will start a civil war and then say things were more peaceful when he was president. We have to.
00:28:43 Fight back in this new war, the.
00:28:45 Battlefield has changes. Computers.
00:28:47 Can be more valuable.
Speaker 12
00:28:48 And guns and this is what we need now more than ever, an army of citizen detectives and proposing reform, a citizen army. Our weapons will be computers.
00:28:56 And cell phones.
00:28:57 We who are monitoring extremists on the Internet and reporting their findings to authorities, remember before the Navy seals killed Osama bin Laden.
00:29:05 He had to.
00:29:05 Be found he was found by a CIA analyst working.
00:29:08 On a computer.
00:29:09 Thousands of miles away.
00:29:11 It's up to you.
00:29:15 So there you go again, the left isn't.
00:29:17 It funny that.
00:29:18 The the new thing for leftists is you too, can be like a CIA analyst tracking people down.
00:29:26 The the the exact opposite of of what they.
00:29:28 Wanted 30 years ago or 20 years ago, even really or 15 years ago.
00:29:34 Why? Because they have no.
00:29:35 Principles. They don't have any principles.
00:29:38 There are many ethics.
00:29:40 It's real easy for them to just flip flop around because they there's nothing that they're they're bound to.
00:29:47 So the the CIA and and spine was really bad under Bush.
Speaker 6
00:29:53 Then it was like.
00:29:53 Yeah, not bad under Obama. And now it's awesome.
00:29:57 Under Biden, because it's going to get.
00:29:59 Rid of the Nazis.
00:30:02 And I don't think I have to tell you.
00:30:03 That the Nazis means you.
Speaker 5
00:30:07 The Nazis means you.
Speaker 6
00:30:12 So there is.
00:30:15 You know in.
00:30:16 In in less than 9 hours and 8 hours, 50 minutes and 25 seconds, Biden will be sworn in.
00:30:23 And they will start signing this legislation that helps them purge the military.
00:30:31 And purge local, state and federal law enforcement.
00:30:36 Of anyone that's even remotely like minded.
00:30:41 They reported the day that they had removed over a dozen.
00:30:45 Over a dozen.
00:30:48 Of the National Guard that are in DC because they have ties to extremist groups.
00:30:56 And militias.
00:31:00 An extremist group just means you might have a Trump bumper sticker.
Speaker 5
00:31:07 Everyone's an insurrectionist now.
00:31:10 Everyone's a Nazi.
00:31:16 Speaking of troops that they've increased the number, they've increased the number of troops apparently having.
00:31:25 Over 10 times the amount of troops in DC.
00:31:30 That they have in Afghanistan.
00:31:33 That wasn't enough. They have to have 15 times.
00:31:38 The amount of troops in DC.
00:31:41 That they have.
00:31:43 In Afghanistan, as as someone in chat said.
00:31:46 They won't be happy until.
00:31:47 They have 6,000,000 troops in DC.
00:31:54 But on the bright side, guys.
00:31:56 On the bright side?
00:31:58 Trump. Finally.
00:32:01 You know, because he really wanted this. This is something he always wanted his entire presidency. He was always saying he wanted.
00:32:06 To do this and.
00:32:07 He wasn't able, never able.
00:32:08 To get it off.
00:32:08 The ground but.
00:32:10 But Trump finally has his military parade.
Speaker 5
00:32:58 So at least at.
00:32:59 Least Trump wasn't a total failure.
Speaker 5
00:33:01 At least he said he.
Speaker 6
00:33:02 He finally got that military.
00:33:04 Parade to bring us all together.
00:33:07 To to to celebrate the the Patriot.
00:33:10 ISM, Speaking of of bringing us all together, that's one thing that you know that I I told you as soon as.
00:33:16 Melania tweeted out that that tweet.
00:33:18 About how now is it time.
00:33:21 For the nation to heal that.
Speaker 4
00:33:22 That that was the.
00:33:23 That was the ease. That was the ease into it. You know, the Melania had to do it because.
00:33:29 No one takes Melania.
00:33:30 Well, seriously.
00:33:32 At all. And so they had to have Melania, you know? She just tweeted something out, you know, like a little softball, like, hey, you know, like, you know, because it's hard to.
00:33:42 Go from, you know it's.
00:33:44 Fraud. It's fraud, you know.
Speaker 6
00:33:46 This is an illegitimate election to, you know.
00:33:49 Y'all was saying.
00:33:50 How this was an illegitimate election for.
00:33:53 And how it was fraud and how it was.
00:33:55 Stolen and how I'm I'm the real.
00:33:57 President. Yeah, you know what? That's OK.
Speaker 6
00:34:01 It's OK, it's OK.
00:34:02 That it was.
00:34:02 Stolen. And now let's come together and celebrate under the Biden administration that we're all Americans and we'll all come together to heal and.
00:34:14 And just forget about the fact that there was fraud and forget about the fact that that Biden didn't really win the election and that elections don't mean anything anymore. And.
Speaker 6
00:34:24 Just now is the time for the.
00:34:26 Nation to heal.
00:34:28 Now is the time for the nation to heal.
00:34:32 And I'm not going to play the farewell address. It's really ******* long. It's like it's like, well, I mean, you know, it's like 20 minutes long. It's not super long. You can watch that on my telegram. It's on my telegram and it's it's just it's full on cockery. It's full on, like, literally, he brings up black unemployment. It's just like Jesus Christ, this ******* guy.
00:34:53 He brings up black unemployment. He brings up you.
00:34:55 Know moving the.
00:34:56 The embassy to Jerusalem, like he brings up all the **** that like. No one gives a **** about. He brings up all the reasons he like.
00:35:04 As like the great accomplishments. And of course, he says, like, you know, when I ran in 2016, we had a a list of things that we wanted to accomplish, and I'm I'm proud to to say today that we accomplished all.
00:35:16 Of them.
00:35:19 That's that's your that.
00:35:21 That's your president, at least for another 8 hours, 45 minutes and 19 seconds.
00:35:28 That's your president.
00:35:30 He accomplished everything.
00:35:31 Did did you hear? Did you hear the good news?
00:35:35 Look, the the plan finally happened. Oh, thank God. I've been trusting the plan for.
Speaker 6
00:35:40 So long, I'm so.
00:35:41 Glad that all the.
00:35:42 All the goals have been met. Oh thanks Q.
00:35:46 Thanks Q.
00:35:48 We couldn't have done it without you.
00:35:51 We there's no way we could have done.
00:35:53 It without you.
00:35:58 Yeah, mission accomplished. As someone in chat said, I think we can. Well, you might remember.
00:36:04 Bushes, major faux pas. It was basically, that's what I'm saying.
00:36:09 Though he's he's no different than.
00:36:11 If we got a Jeb Bush, he really isn't.
00:36:14 In fact, that Jeb Bush might have been better might have been better.
00:36:20 But Bush?
00:36:22 Landed a a fighter jet on an.
00:36:24 Aircraft carrier with.
00:36:26 A big banner that said mission accomplished and how long ago was that? And we're still at war in Afghanistan, you know, he said. Mission accomplished. What was that like 20 years ago?
00:36:39 And we're still at war.
00:36:44 Well, there you go.
00:36:46 Trump was literally no different if, and maybe worse.
00:36:51 Than having just a normal establishment candidate.
00:36:54 That would have.
00:36:54 Done essentially the same things.
00:36:57 A normal establishment candidate would have chosen the exact same Supreme Court justices they.
00:37:03 Would have.
00:37:05 They would have chosen the exact he. He didn't just come up with that list of judges himself.
00:37:11 Well, just like he didn't really do anything, he delegated everything.
00:37:15 Everything to people that the bushes would have hired.
00:37:19 It was the same crowd.
00:37:21 And then he just, you know, he just tweeted all day and took credit for things they thought people liked and then blamed other people for things that he thought people didn't like.
00:37:35 And he wasn't even right about the things that he thought people would like. As you can see in his.
00:37:40 Farewell address.
00:37:42 Talking about black unemployment and moving the embassy to Jerusalem like a massive fagot. Like that's.
00:37:49 That's all he has.
00:37:51 That's all he has.
00:37:53 So all of the blood, sweat and tears.
00:37:57 That you have shared over the last four or five years.
00:38:01 Trying to get this this MAGA agenda to become a reality.
00:38:07 It was all for nothing.
00:38:09 It was literally all for nothing, and in fact it probably made things worse because now the left is extra ******* ****** ***.
00:38:17 Extra ******* ****** ***.
00:38:20 And is calling you domestic terrorists?
00:38:24 And not just like the crazy, like, not just like the guy that made that video.
00:38:29 Not just the leftist version of Q Anon people.
00:38:32 Although the obviously that's.
00:38:34 That's going to be an issue too, because.
00:38:36 That that. That's huge spread like a.
00:38:39 Virus and this kind of thinking on.
00:38:41 The left will also spread like a virus.
00:38:44 The difference is the people on the left.
00:38:48 They know how to use power. They're not afraid to use power. Trump was a weak, feckless ******.
00:38:55 And the left you can say all you want.
00:38:57 About how well.
00:38:58 A lot of them are *******, I guess, but they are not afraid of using power.
00:39:06 They are not afraid to use power.
00:39:11 Now I don't want to.
00:39:12 Get people.
00:39:13 Paranoid because I'm not sure a lot of people have heard.
00:39:17 About this and look, I know a lot of people don't like catboy, Cammy and whatever. It has nothing to do with that. If for those of you.
00:39:23 Who don't know who that is? Well, I think.
00:39:25 Most of most.
Speaker 5
00:39:26 Of you guys.
00:39:26 Know who that is. He was rated by some federal agency.
00:39:31 The details aren't all in.
00:39:33 But it might. I don't want to get everyone too freaked out because it might have something to do with him overstaying staying.
00:39:40 A visa because he's from Australia.
00:39:43 I don't know for a fact, but.
00:39:45 You know, if not.
00:39:47 It has begun. Here's Catboy Cammie talking about it.
Speaker 13
00:39:53 Proof of life? I guess so. I'm sure a lot of you have already heard. I was raided earlier and well, I don't really want to talk about it while there's an ongoing investigation, so I'd appreciate it if people didn't ask me questions and stuff that I'm obviously not able to answer.
00:40:13 Little bit dinged up there.
00:40:16 But yeah, so now you know.
00:40:22 So there you go.
00:40:24 I don't know if that's the beginning of something.
00:40:28 Or if that just has to do with.
00:40:30 A visa violation or or something like that. Obviously, he's painted a target on his own back and there's a lot of people who want to get rid of him and kick him out of the country, so we'll see.
00:40:42 What happens with that?
00:40:44 But uh, I.
00:40:45 Suspect either way, I suspect there will be some no knock warrants.
00:40:51 In the future for.
00:40:54 Lots of people on the right.
00:40:56 Anyone that opposes?
00:40:59 The global global **** tsunami.
00:41:04 That we're going to be facing in the next well, maybe, who knows, maybe indefinitely really.
00:41:12 Maybe indefinitely.
00:41:15 And and look, so many people are not prepared for what's coming. So many people have no idea what they're up against.
00:41:24 So many people are watching these insane videos on bit shoot.
00:41:31 About Trump having superpowers flying out of a helicopter?
00:41:38 Dressed up like Batman and arresting all the pedos right at the last second. In fact, this video came out today. This is one of the bigger queuing on people.
00:41:49 This is the what is it? EX22 report or something like that? I think it's called X 22. This is one of the bigger Q and on people and this is what he was saying today.
Speaker 7
00:42:07 But I do believe that Trump the Patriots.
00:42:10 They're in total control because as we can see, Radcliffe is out there. And remember, he put out his letter saying, yes, there is Chinese interference in the 2020 election. This is the lead in.
00:42:22 This is exactly.
00:42:24 How they're telling people that there's something else happening.
00:42:30 Drip, drip, drip.
Speaker 7
00:42:31 And then the flood.
00:42:33 Now we know that Trump.
00:42:36 He is planning an elaborate send off now. Remember optics are very important. Put aside what Melania is saying. Her farewell speech put aside what Trump is doing. This is all part of the plan.
00:42:51 This is a sting operation. You don't come out and say, you know what? I'm not giving a speech to say I'm. I'm leaving. I'm not making plans to leave the presidency. No. You make it look like everything is normal. That's exactly what he's doing. Now. What's very interesting.
00:43:11 Is that?
00:43:12 He's going to have this huge send off complete with red carpet. Now think about that for a SEC. Complete with red carpet. If we go back to post 1258, this tells you everything you need to know.
00:43:25 Should we tell all the good people watching the date and time red carpet roll out? Think logically the world is watching.
Speaker 11
00:43:37 Ohh God.
00:43:40 So yeah, that's the that's the cute people and like, that's even that's some of the more tame ****. Really. That's not even like the.
00:43:47 Worst ****.
00:43:48 That's just. That's like I guess you could say that's like that's like centrist queue. That's like middle of the road queue, it's not extremist queue. That's just that's just like the the average queue.
00:44:00 That's the cue that.
00:44:01 I know people that believe this guy.
Speaker 6
00:44:03 I know people.
Speaker 4
00:44:04 That in real life.
00:44:06 That watch this guy religiously and believe what he's saying still.
00:44:11 Today, with eight hours, 36 minutes and 30 seconds left of the Trump presidency, they still believe it.
00:44:21 That's what we're up against.
00:44:24 See this is the problem like.
00:44:26 We're not only are we up against the millions of dollars that the leftists have, not only are we up against the left, having every institution, whether that that and that includes the music industry.
00:44:38 The movie industry.
00:44:41 The media.
00:44:42 The industry or the the military industrial complex?
00:44:47 The the military, at least at the officer level.
00:44:52 The federal agencies.
00:44:54 You know whether you're talking about FBI, CIA, NSA, all these agencies.
00:44:58 Now the Presidency, the House, the Senate.
00:45:03 Every major corporation.
00:45:06 All of the big tech companies, Apple, Google.
00:45:12 All the billionaire class.
00:45:14 Are you starting to figure it out now? Like is this starting to sound like a?
00:45:17 A tall order.
00:45:22 All the pundits.
00:45:24 We don't even have one mainstream pundit. Not one.
00:45:29 There's not even 1 mainstream pundit.
00:45:34 That is on your side, not one.
00:45:40 But then on top of all of that?
00:45:43 And it's worse than that, but.
00:45:44 Like you know, that's.
00:45:46 That's a I think at least a a concise list. That kind of sums up a little.
Speaker 10
00:45:50 Bit of the problem. A little bit of the problem.
00:45:54 Oh, and I forgot the bankers too. The people who actually run the monetary system, those guys.
00:45:57 Too. So Add all those people up.
00:46:04 And then.
00:46:06 Look around yourself and say, OK, well, who do we have on our side? Who do we have to combat? Basically, I don't know. The rest of the world, you know, who do we have on our side?
Speaker 4
00:46:20 That that's going to be the David.
00:46:21 To this Goliath or this army of Goliath.
00:46:25 Who do we have?
00:46:28 Well, we got a.
00:46:29 Few of us, right, we got we got.
00:46:31 We have a.
00:46:32 Few of us, we got like a couple different.
00:46:33 Groups that are related. There's some infighting and stuff like that.
00:46:36 That really needs to ******* stop, guys, that really needs to *******.
00:46:39 Stop all. All of it, like the.
00:46:42 The purity spiraling stuff.
00:46:43 We don't have time for it. We don't have ******* time for it. All right, like we we.
00:46:48 In fact, it doesn't even matter at this point. If you think that they're doing.
00:46:52 Bad for the, quote UN quote movement.
00:46:54 It doesn't matter anymore.
00:46:56 If they're just not trying.
00:46:57 To kill you, that should.
00:46:59 Be good enough right now. OK, at this point.
Speaker 5
00:47:01 That needs to be.
00:47:02 Good enough. So unfortunately that also includes the cute people.
00:47:08 And there's a.
00:47:08 Lot of them. There's more cute people.
00:47:10 Than there are.
00:47:10 Of us. All right, that's another thing. You.
00:47:12 Got you. Got you.
00:47:13 Got to get.
00:47:14 That figured out it's not, it's not.
Speaker 6
00:47:16 My videos that are.
00:47:17 That are #1 trending on bit shoot. OK, it's not my videos that are getting 100,000 ******* views on bit. Shoot. It's the the psycho that thinks he has an alien hybrid son and is telling people that Biden's inauguration is going to be a hologram. OK, that's the guy.
00:47:36 That has much larger audience than people like me, or really anyone.
00:47:41 You know, it's not not about.
00:47:42 Me. Like there's no one.
00:47:44 On this side of the.
00:47:45 Fence that comes even close to that in.
00:47:47 Fact that the.
00:47:48 The whole first page of trending is basically queue garbage.
00:47:53 So there's more of them, unfortunately. Look, we got to deal with. This is why I've been fighting it. Because it's not an insignificant crowd and at least they don't want to kill us. And yeah, they they they say.
00:48:04 Stupid boomer things.
00:48:06 Like the Democrats or the real fascist, or the real racist and all this. Yeah, they're they're look. Obviously they're idiots if they still think that there's a chance.
Speaker 6
00:48:14 Obviously they're not too bright.
00:48:17 But you need. You need those people too.
00:48:20 Sorry, you need those people too.
00:48:27 And so that's, that's the other problem is you look around at your allies and some of a a large portion, a larger portion.
00:48:37 Than our not.
00:48:39 Are delusional and in denial of reality.
00:48:44 Because honestly, like like Alex Jones was saying.
00:48:49 That we're a nation of methadone, drip consuming.
00:48:57 You know slack jod low IQ.
00:49:01 Netflix plugged into.
00:49:06 That's that's the. That's what the left or not the left. That's what the.
00:49:10 The country has turned into, well, the whole West in general.
00:49:16 They've they've engineered the public, it's like that, that WikiLeaks e-mail between Hillary and that professor where he said, you know.
00:49:26 That we've, we've.
00:49:26 We've taken a lot. We spent a lot of our our time and effort in making the public.
00:49:36 Unaware and compliant.
00:49:38 And when during the Trump election, he.
00:49:40 Said the the.
00:49:41 Thankfully, the unawareness seems to be holding, but the compliance is starting to slip.
00:49:52 And that's that's that's the problem is we need to get these people who live in a ******* fantasy world to wake.
00:49:58 The **** **?
00:50:00 And a lot.
00:50:00 Of them will, I think after tomorrow, a lot of them will have to and there's going to be a whole grieving process. It's not going to just.
00:50:06 Be like after tomorrow, they're like oh.
00:50:08 Holy ****, I guess you guys are right. No, they're not going to do that. And a lot of them, especially the.
00:50:12 Grifters are going.
Speaker 6
00:50:14 To say, well, you know, actually we have to wait.
00:50:15 Till March 30th, they're going to try.
00:50:16 To string it along as long as possible, we have to fight those people.
00:50:20 Don't fight the guy who's on your side, who just believes in Zeus instead.
00:50:25 Jesus or or or thinks that we should be, you know, some kind of that, a form of fascism might be better than capitalism or whatever. Honestly, stuff like that doesn't even matter right now. OK. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. We got to get people to at least.
00:50:43 Be able to perceive.
Speaker 5
00:50:44 The world in an accurate way.
00:50:46 OK, we can work out all these. You know, these other problems later. Right now, we need to to get people to realize ohh ****. We are up against Godzilla and and Godzilla's about to stomp all over our ******* city.
00:51:05 That we need to get people to see the ******* danger. That's right outside their door.
00:51:12 And then we can talk about solutions right now, that doesn't really ******* matter. That doesn't matter.
00:51:18 It really doesn't matter guys.
00:51:21 So all that energy that you're putting into spiraling about, you know the the exact perfect solution to the problem, you're not even in a position to be.
00:51:31 Talking about that.
00:51:33 You're you're in no way in a position to.
00:51:35 Be talking about that.
00:51:40 And I've been fighting this for a long time. I don't want to play the whole thing. It's it's just too long. But look, this. I I made several videos.
00:51:49 Making fun of Q.
00:51:53 I guess I'm not going to.
00:51:54 Play the whole thing here.
00:51:58 But I do want to play one little clip here that that and look this. I think this came out like.
00:52:05 At least at least six months ago, maybe like.
00:52:07 A year ago.
00:52:13 You can watch it on.
00:52:15 On bit shoot if you want.
00:52:19 But I'm not going to play the whole thing. I'm going to play a little clip here.
Speaker 1
00:52:27 I never get this. Oh, it's that bad.
Speaker 14
00:52:33 Who's Q? Well, I don't know who's Q only? Only Trump's America first Patriots working from the inside to take down the cabal of satanic pedophiles that run the globe. You know that queue, the queue, they they speak to us through on the anonymous image board site using riddles and clues so we can find out how the.
00:52:52 Plans going, bro? Ah, ohh. What's the plan bro?
00:52:59 Who's this guy?
Speaker 4
00:53:00 What's the plan?
Speaker 14
00:53:01 What's the?
00:53:02 They can't tell us.
00:53:05 Bro, it's not it, doesn't it?
00:53:06 Doesn't matter what the plan is. What's important is that they're doing the plan.
00:53:12 Oh, OK.
Speaker 14
00:53:13 We have to trust the.
00:53:14 Plan, but what is?
00:53:15 It, bro, I said. It's not. It's not important. You got. You just gotta trust the plan. This info is necessary.
00:53:24 Ohh, it seems like.
00:53:25 It'd be important to know what it what it.
00:53:27 Is though, bro, I'm chill, chill, chill.
Speaker 14
00:53:30 It's a shill. We have a shill, everyone. It's a shill, a deep state shill.
Speaker 4
00:53:36 Chew, chew.
Speaker 14
00:53:38 That's a shame. If I ever seen one, bro. Bro, everybody shut up. He's about to speak new queue.
00:53:47 New queue queue give me some.
Speaker 1
00:53:50 Other QQ.
00:53:56 When does the bird hover fly? Tangerine Air Force?
00:54:01 Think logically removal arrest will happen. No deals. Think 2020 under score P election plus one period.
00:54:12 Protest is protected.
00:54:15 Patriots in charge?
00:54:18 Fight, fight. Fight. Queue. God, yes.
Speaker 14
00:54:21 I knew it. I spoke and knew.
00:54:23 It patriots in control.
Speaker 11
00:54:25 Where we go one we.
00:54:27 Oh, we go on, bro. Just do it. Just do it. You know you want do well. Just do it. We go, we go work, we go all we we go, we go, we go all. That's right.
Speaker 1
00:54:29 Just do it.
Speaker 11
00:54:38 Where then?
00:54:42 Go one.
Speaker 14
00:54:43 *** ****, I I cannot wait until they declare martial law.
Speaker 11
00:54:43 You know.
00:54:48 I cannot wait until you declare martial law.
00:54:53 So yeah, I've been pushing against this for a long time. A long ******* time.
00:54:58 It wasn't hard to see through.
00:55:01 In fact, I'm a little amazed, I thought by now, for ***** sake, I thought by now it would be over. I really did. I I I guess I underestimated the power.
00:55:10 Of this cult.
00:55:12 But it's.
00:55:15 It's what are you going to do?
00:55:18 What are you gonna do? We gotta fight it, though, because these people, whether.
00:55:21 You like it or not?
00:55:23 Whether you like it or not, these people are on our side. These people don't want us to die and these people want their way of life, which is compatible with your way of life to continue. These people care about the future of their children and these people care about Western values. At least you know closely related to yours.
00:55:43 OK, close enough.
00:55:45 To where they don't want drag queen story hour. They don't want their children chopping their their ***** off and stuff like that. OK, which? Sadly, that's where we're at. That's where we're at.
00:55:57 So these are the people we need to reach. And the good thing about that is if we manage to actually reach these people, they have a cult like a religious like.
00:56:12 To this objective.
00:56:14 Now of course.
00:56:16 The difference is we can't just be telling them, Oh no, the the plan is just you do nothing and some magical fairy is going to be taking care of all.
00:56:24 The problems for you, right?
00:56:26 And that's going to that's going to upset them. It's not as that's not as a a happy reality as the real reality, a lot of them are going to reject it. And a lot of them are going to check out mentally honestly after this anyway, because they're going to feel lied to you. I look, I talked about, I did a whole ******* I'm not going to play it.
00:56:42 I did like a whole ******* like, half hour long video on queue.
00:56:47 And I said in that that video, which was like again, I think that was like a 2017 or.
00:56:51 2018 video where?
00:56:53 I said look.
00:56:55 People are believing this because it makes.
00:56:58 Them feel smart.
00:57:00 That makes them feel like they're Privy to information that other people don't have, even though, like, obviously, everyone has access to the same Internet that.
00:57:08 They do. They're.
00:57:09 Not. Look, they're these people aren't super bright. They're they're just not. These people are not super high IQ. So anything that makes them feel smart is going to be attractive to.
00:57:19 It's going to be like, oh, wow, I'm. I'm part of the, you know, the the secret high IQ secret agent.
00:57:24 Club or whatever.
00:57:26 And I don't even have to do anything. I don't have to.
00:57:28 Do anything at all.
00:57:28 All I have to do is believe in queue.
00:57:32 And I'm part.
00:57:32 Of this club now the the like I said.
00:57:35 Though the problem.
00:57:36 Is going to.
00:57:36 Be is once it's painfully obvious to everyone except for the complete wackos which will never ******* reach anyway, that it was all a lie. What's going to happen?
00:57:46 They're going to feel stupid. They're going to feel stupid and people hate ******* feeling stupid, especially.
00:57:52 These kinds of people.
00:57:53 Because these are the kinds of people that bought into it because it made them feel smart and.
00:57:57 Now it's going to make.
00:57:57 Them feel stupid and and look not not just the ridicule that that they've.
00:58:00 Been getting from.
00:58:01 Us think about these people in their personal lives.
Speaker 6
00:58:03 Think of how many of these ******* people like just.
00:58:06 Try to put yourself in their shoes.
00:58:08 Like if you if you supported Trump, think about all the conversations you had with people in your personal life trying to get them to to vote for Trump in 2016 and convince them that he wasn't a fascist and all this other stuff just think like all the just the **** you took, doing all that right and kind of the blowback. Now that you're getting and and how that kind of sucks now. Now take.
00:58:27 That to the queue level.
00:58:28 A lot of these people in their personal lives, and I know this for a fact, have been telling spouses, children, I mean, **** the amazing Polly. That chick amazing Polly.
00:58:39 And maybe I'll play the clip of her, but amazing. Polly said that she doesn't even talk to her daughter anymore because she was telling her daughter about Q&Q was, you know, like that was the big divide or divisive subject, and it ruined her relationship with her daughter.
00:58:57 So these people have been going around telling family members telling, I don't know, maybe coworkers, maybe their boss, you know? Oh, just wait. You'll see. And some of them.
00:59:05 Are still doing.
00:59:06 It right now there there's people probably texting a friend right now and saying even now. Ohh, you'll see tomorrow. You'll see tomorrow when? When Trump comes parachuting in you'll see tomorrow.
00:59:17 Biden will never be President Trump's going to be president for four more years. You'll see. There's going to be military takeover. You'll see. Those troops are not in DC to protect the the the ruling class from us. Those troops are in DC because they're going to arrest all the ruling class you'll see tomorrow.
00:59:34 And then when that doesn't happen.
00:59:37 After how many years like some of these guys, how many years of looking like a complete psycho to everyone that they know?
00:59:45 You don't think going to catch?
Speaker 6
00:59:46 **** for that.
00:59:48 So a lot of these people, this is another reason why Q was was such a terrible, terrible thing.
00:59:53 A lot of these people are just going to shut.
00:59:55 The **** down.
00:59:55 They're just gonna be like, alright?
00:59:56 I don't want to have to go through that again.
01:00:00 I don't wanna have. I don't wanna get on board with any kind of movement now, because now all my friends.
01:00:04 Think I'm a ******* psycho?
01:00:07 Or an idiot, or both.
01:00:14 So that you got to remember that that's that's what we're going to be going through and so some.
01:00:17 Of those, people are going to be checking out completely.
01:00:21 And you know, I don't want to get swindled again. I got swindled once.
01:00:24 By that cue thing.
01:00:27 I don't want to get. I don't want to destroy my life again.
01:00:34 I don't want to be like like this woman here, grasping at straws.
Speaker 15
01:00:40 The good guys.
01:00:41 The white hats still have control of the military and the team that has been supporting Trump for real is getting ready to enact.
01:00:53 Some type of martial law, maybe through something through the Insurrection Act. In order to once and for all round up the bad guys.
01:01:03 Hoping I'm alert right, I know, I know. Believe me, I'm my cup, my carafe of Hopium had run dry.
01:01:13 But I have.
01:01:14 Reasons to believe that the evidence I'm seeing adds up.
01:01:20 Two possibly possibly good news, possibly the storm.
01:01:29 Is upon us, and we should.
01:01:33 See action within the next 10 days. I know. Who knows? I could be wrong, but uh.
01:01:41 Well, we'll see. I'll show you as we go along, so.
Speaker 4
01:01:45 So that that woman.
Speaker 12
01:01:48 For years.
01:01:50 Was telling her family all about Q. She was the one that started the Wayfair thing like, oh, it Wayfair selling children. You know, as cabinets on their website. And now her now, her daughter and her don't talk.
Speaker 5
01:02:05 Because she bought into.
01:02:06 It that that deep?
01:02:11 She bought into it that ******* deep.
01:02:16 And look, you know.
01:02:22 I don't think she was doing it. I honestly don't. I don't think she was, like, grifting. I don't think like there a lot of them are grifting. I don't think she was grifting.
01:02:30 I think she actually believed.
01:02:31 Her own ********.
01:02:33 I think she thought that she was fighting the pedos.
01:02:38 I think she thought that she was.
01:02:42 Was somehow helping things.
01:02:48 You know, it's like when you give a a kid some kind of useless job. Ohh, how cute. He thinks he's helping.
01:03:02 But unfortunately you know, instead it was just. It was like an amplification. It's like I said, think of how bad, how disappointed you feel.
01:03:10 Think how disappointed you feel about how how much of A failure Trump was, right?
01:03:17 And that's the queue, people, times the queue people that times like a million.
01:03:23 Because your expectations for Trump were were relatively, you know, not that crazy.
01:03:29 You know, you just wanted him to.
01:03:30 Do what he.
01:03:31 Said he was going to do these people wanted him.
01:03:33 To do stuff.
01:03:34 He never said he was going to do.
Speaker 12
01:03:35 Their study.
01:03:41 So tomorrow we're going to see a self destruct.
01:03:46 Before we go to chat, one more thing, someone brought to my attention, I guess they say that.
01:03:53 It's it. What is it the?
01:03:57 I can't think of the word but.
01:03:58 You know.
01:04:00 Copying when you copy someone, it's the greatest form of flattery. Apparently the the Babylon, Bee, the Babylon Bee, must have seen my meme. You guys might remember this one. I'm going to play it here.
01:04:16 Real quick.
Speaker 5
01:04:27 No, I want to set you comes.
Speaker 11
01:04:28 In your closet.
01:04:31 Taught you how to do this stuff.
01:04:43 So that was the meme.
01:04:44 I put out, I don't know, like a week.
01:04:47 Or so ago.
01:04:48 And then someone brought to my attention.
01:04:52 That Babylon be and someone in the chat came up with it was imitation. Imitation is the the greatest form of flattery, or whatever it is. So here's the Babylon bees version of basically exactly my meme.
Speaker 12
01:05:12 Is this yours?
Speaker 7
01:05:16 No, your mother said she found it.
01:05:18 In your.
Speaker 15
01:05:18 Closet. I don't know what are.
01:05:20 The guys, Mr.
01:05:20 What's the what?
Speaker 14
01:05:22 Look, Dad, it's not my dad.
Speaker 1
01:05:23 Where did you get it?
01:05:25 Answer me.
01:05:26 Who taught you how to do?
Speaker 14
01:05:27 This stuff.
01:05:29 You all right?
01:05:31 I learned it by watching you.
01:05:38 So there you go.
01:05:41 There is, someone says imitation is the sincerest.
01:05:45 Form of flattery.
01:05:48 So there you go. There you go now.
01:05:51 Of course they didn't credit me, of course.
01:05:53 Whatever I don't, I actually don't care. I don't care. I don't get too hung up. I just thought it.
01:05:57 Was funny is why I'm showing it to you guys.
01:06:00 Because I think there's, there's probably a lot, lot more people, lot more eyeballs.
01:06:05 On my content then people are willing to admit.
01:06:09 Because I I say things that you're not supposed to say. You know I'm they have a list of things. If you if you say any of these things on.
01:06:17 This list can't be associated with you. I have to disavow that. Otherwise my donor money stops rolling in.
01:06:26 Otherwise, my wide appeal.
01:06:30 Shrinks because you know, like. I can't. I can't be.
Speaker 5
01:06:34 I mean, he's he's he's a he's one of those white supremacist, insurrectionist Nazi terrorists.
01:06:42 Domestic terrorists.
01:06:47 Oh, boy, oh boy.
01:06:50 So yeah, just in a, you know, in a.
01:06:52 Few hours, I guess I'll stay up.
Speaker 12
01:06:54 For it.
01:06:56 Might as well.
01:06:57 I can't promise I'm going to stream tomorrow night.
01:07:00 It all depends on what goes down. I guess tomorrow if **** goes down tomorrow I will stream tomorrow night.
01:07:05 But then I'm taking a ******* day off.
01:07:07 I'm taking a ******* day off. I I just gotta fix my sleep. There's just things I got to.
01:07:11 Get done around here that I have to get done during the day and it's hard to get stuff done during the day and then also stream two to three hours every night after midnight. So that's just something I got to. I got to get like a normal day.
01:07:24 In pretty soon here it started. It's starting to get.
01:07:27 A little.
01:07:28 Little backed up around here.
01:07:32 So here we go. Here we go. Here we go.
01:07:37 Let me take a look at chat.
01:07:42 Debbie, you're right.
01:07:43 Infighting is useless. Two people need to be guided to see the truth on the Jays must use tact when redirecting their focus. Talk is cheap. What's whoops, what's the angle to guide them to the truth?
01:07:58 Look, you just can't go balls. The wall of this stuff, right? I mean, it's like you, you just gotta.
01:08:04 Realize it like so many people, they like again. Not only do they purity spiral, but they also think that, like well, you know, if if you're not naming them every five seconds or if you're not, you know, if you're not being overtly exactly true to the the.
01:08:24 You know the white interests explicitly, then then you're bad. No, you're not bad.
01:08:30 If you're able to, just if you're able to move things in the right direction, even if it's just a little bit, look, you might end up being the gateway drug. I mean, look, Stefan Molyneux, right? I don't think anyone really thinks of Stefan Molyneux as as like, super based or anything like that, but if it wasn't for Stefan Molyneux.
01:08:48 I probably would not understand the importance really.
01:08:54 Of the the correlation between race and IQ, I would not have because look, no one wants to believe that no one wants. I didn't want to believe it.
01:09:02 I didn't want to believe it because of the repercussions and because honestly, it goes against all the programming that was going into my head my entire life.
01:09:10 And so I based a lot of decisions on the lie that we're all fundamentally the same and that the only the only difference between the different races was was superficial. You know that. OK, well, he just has darker skin and maybe looks a little bit different. But, you know, at the end of the day, we're.
01:09:29 All the same. So if we try hard enough.
01:09:32 If we try hard enough, eventually we'll be able to get them to see our things our way.
01:09:36 Because that would be great.
01:09:37 Right.
Speaker 6
01:09:38 Like a lot.
01:09:38 Of these people that believe that they're they're not, believe it because they're *****.
01:09:41 They believe it because that would be great.
01:09:43 There wouldn't be a problem if that.
01:09:44 Was true.
01:09:47 That would be an easy to tackle problem.
01:09:51 And it's not so much like I said, it's not because they're ***** or whatever, that they don't want to believe that it's.
01:09:56 Just that once.
01:09:58 Not everyone's again. It's a black pill. It's a ******* black pill once you realize. Oh, she.
01:10:03 You mean?
01:10:05 These are real statistics, you know like.
Speaker 5
01:10:07 Oh ****. How come?
01:10:09 Ohh wow, you mean 13% of the population really commits over half the murders in this country, and that's been a a fairly consistent statistic for years and years and years. It's not like some anomalous thing that happened. That's this is just normal.
01:10:27 And and has been for ever almost.
01:10:31 Wow. That's uh.
01:10:33 Ooh, that's not. That's a black pill. That's a black pill.
01:10:37 Or oh, you mean like there are actual IQ statistics?
01:10:41 That are broken.
01:10:42 Up by race, and they're also consistently different, with some significant gaps.
01:10:48 And you can't raise IQ by, you know, with education. It's pretty much hardwired, you know, from birth it's it's a A hardware problem, not a software problem.
01:11:03 All of a sudden that, I mean, look, and Stefan Molyneux was really great on that, on that stuff.
01:11:08 Right.
01:11:08 And I think a lot of people.
01:11:09 Would agree. Stefan Molyneux was a good bridge.
01:11:15 That people crossed.
01:11:17 From going to just being like a libertarian, that was thinking like, oh, no, all we need is we just need more education, more outreach to the Hispanic community, more outreach to the black community. Eventually, we'll be able to get them to, you know, see things our way, you know, we'll, we'll get them to become Americans just like us and and.
01:11:38 And then once you see that data.
01:11:40 It kind of opens up your eyes to a lot of other things like.
01:11:42 A lot of other stuff just starts making sense.
01:11:48 That would not have existed. I don't think for a lot. That's part. That's probably why money has.
01:11:54 Been the platformed.
01:11:56 Because I think that he was a a fantastic tool for that sort of a thing.
01:12:02 And so if you try to.
01:12:08 Deny the value.
01:12:10 That people like that can have, it's only going to hurt you. Like I said, we're up against an army of Goliath. We can't be picking and choosing who, like the people that are going to help us throw rocks at it. You know, like we need. We need to have as many people on.
01:12:24 Our side as humanly possible, even if they're not 100% on board, all right at this point, we.
01:12:30 Can't just be.
01:12:31 Purists about every little ******* thing.
01:12:35 Now again, if they're damaging like these Q shills, like if they're actively hurting us.
01:12:42 That that's different. That's different. But people like Mao and you aren't actively hurting us.
01:12:47 And you can.
01:12:48 Say Oh no, because he stops people from going.
01:12:50 All the.
01:12:50 Way, I don't think. I don't think he does. I mean, he does. But like, I don't think that's I think he's he starts more people on that path than he stops them.
01:13:00 Or at least he did. Now he.
01:13:02 Seems to have pretty much.
01:13:03 Thrown in the towel and doesn't talk about any of this stuff because he's.
01:13:07 Become a pariah or whatever, right?
01:13:11 But you got to be all that we got to have some compromise. The left has a really big tent. They have nothing in.
01:13:16 Common over there, except for that they all hate us.
01:13:19 And so we need to have, we need to to realize that what that means for us is we need to have a big tent, not not like a huge tent. Now, there has to be some limits, right?
01:13:31 And that's fine. We need to have some limits.
01:13:35 But we can't be so picky about some.
01:13:37 Of this ****.
01:13:41 Jordan Peterson's daughter will save us with her with her. Yeah, well, no, I I would put Jordan Peterson outside, outside of what I'm talking about. I think all you have to do is look at you've been.
01:13:54 On YouTube, what does YouTube?
01:13:56 Want to make you watch all the time Jordan Peterson videos, right? I don't know.
01:14:00 How many Jordan Peterson?
01:14:01 Videos I have to thumbs down for it to not get recommended anymore. The worst is when it recommends the same one that you've thumbed down.
01:14:09 Over and over and over and over again, it's clear they want you listening to Jordan to Jordan Peterson because Jordan Peterson is.
01:14:18 A psyop.
01:14:21 So there's a difference between people like Jordan Peterson and.
01:14:23 People like Molyneux.
01:14:26 I don't think Molyneux is a siop.
01:14:28 I think Maloney has trouble with stuff like the JQ because quite frankly, he I I think he's part Jewish.
01:14:35 And I think that a lot of people that have a maybe a complex racial situation in their own lives, often getting nervous about talking about.
01:14:49 Race because they perceive it as maybe a danger to themselves. They'll they think that, oh, this is going.
01:14:54 To spiral into some thing where I'll end up, you know, because I I have one drop of whatever. I'm I'm going to be the one that's, you know like look, it just makes him nervous.
01:15:03 And I think that he has some weird paranoia that's tied to that and look, and it could even be maybe he's got funding.
01:15:09 I mean, that's coming in from people that would stop funding him if he.
01:15:12 Talked about that. I don't know who.
01:15:13 Knows, but I don't.
01:15:15 Think he's actively there, that he's funded by by actual like the UN like you?
01:15:20 Know Jordan Peterson worked for the UN. He's repped by CAA, like this guy, this guy's literally.
01:15:28 A part of the globalist structure.
01:15:31 He exists like I don't. I didn't see Stefan Molyneux doing these big media blitzes where he's on all these different shows and suddenly being shoved down our ******* throat everywhere we go. Quite the opposite.
01:15:44 So there are people, in fact, that's.
Speaker 4
01:15:47 A good rule.
01:15:47 Of thumb is this person accepted by the globalist machine? Is is this person allowed a platform?
01:15:54 If so, then yeah, he's probably not good.
01:15:57 And that's probably and that's an easy that's a quick, easy way of measuring.
01:16:02 Whether or not.
01:16:03 That's someone that should be considered an enemy or not, quite frankly.
01:16:10 I mean that's that's a really easy way to to do it. If it's someone that's on. If it's someone that's been allowed on TV, especially if it's like multiple times, like not like they were allowed once and then like they figured out what what they've been saying because people complain. I mean, someone who's been, you know, that's part of that, that club. Yeah. They're they're your enemy.
01:16:30 They're your enemy.
01:16:32 And by the way, like I said, that includes Tucker Carlson, and I've gone. I've talked about Tucker Carlson ad nauseam about the fact that his his father was CIA, that he said in the Washington Post that his favorite pizza place was Comet Ping pong. Like that he was having pizza with Donald, Donald Rumsfeld, that he applied for a job with the CIA and like, supposedly wasn't hired, but then magically got all these media.
01:16:53 Jobs. Then he comes from old money that he's the the heir to the Swanson family fortune. You know, like, look, obviously he's not on your side. He's not. He's a pressure valve, OK, because that's why he's.
01:17:08 Not on TV.
01:17:11 That, that's that's a quick easy way.
01:17:14 To determine whether or not someone's on your side or our literal billionaire enemies, the people that want us dead are they are they allowing them on their platforms? Yes. Well, that's probably not.
Speaker 5
01:17:25 That's probably not good.
01:17:28 Probably can't trust that guy.
01:17:34 That's probably pretty pretty easy to.
01:17:35 Figure out then at that point, huh?
01:17:40 OK, let me take a.
01:17:42 Look at chat here.
01:17:48 Jared Taylor was better at race. Nike. Yeah, well, Jared Taylor.
01:17:51 'S fine too.
01:17:52 But you can't just throw the baby out.
01:17:54 With the bathwater.
01:17:56 Hey, Devin, what about Jimmy Dore? Look, Jimmy Dore.
01:18:01 I think.
01:18:03 He believes what he says.
01:18:05 But I also look, he's not on our side. He still he still thinks that that we're evil. He does. He thinks we're evil.
01:18:14 So look is is he better than say a?
01:18:20 I don't know like is. Is he better than say a the CNN correspondent or, you know, like is he a better news man than than say someone that's that's on a major network? Yeah.
01:18:35 I would even maybe say that maybe his heart.
01:18:37 Is in the right place.
Speaker 5
01:18:39 But he's not on your side.
01:18:41 He's not on your side.
01:18:43 He's not helpful for us.
01:18:47 He he's not as harmful.
01:18:49 I don't. I wouldn't see him as someone that I would go after specifically because again, he's he's occasionally like Tucker had him on as a guest, so he is occasionally on stuff and he. But look, I don't think he does what he does for money. I think he really believes it, and I don't think he lies.
01:19:04 So that's that's at least a that's a good start. It's a good start, but he doesn't see the world like you and I do, and he's never going to be an ally in that way.
01:19:15 I'm on. You has touched on the JQ before, but he knows he would have lost his platform. He went and he further into it. He also retweeted a load of my tweets and race stuff. Yeah, he know, he retweeted some my stuff.
01:19:25 But he still got the platform, so playing it safe didn't seem to help him. He was a ***** at best. He was a ***** about it.
01:19:34 Anyone can't say he represents sane whites and nons that don't hate us and mean it is **** and we'll lose.
Speaker 6
01:19:44 Yeah, I mean, look.
01:19:46 You got to have your preferences, it's just like.
01:19:50 I want I want to I want.
01:19:51 To take care of my family.
01:19:53 And my family extends to my genetic my my tribe, right. And if there are other tribes that want to, you know, create alliances from time to time and that aren't, you know, other tribes that aren't trying to kill.
01:20:07 You know, sometimes you got to find, you know, war makes strange bedfellows. As they say, you know, like you sometimes you're going to have to team up with other people that that aren't of your tribe to achieve a goal. But primarily we, we don't. Our tribe isn't even solidified yet. So we right now my focus is, let's get our tribe.
01:20:27 Let's get all these confused queue people.
01:20:31 Into our tribe and get all these other people that are that are kind of thunderstruck and and don't know what to do about what's been going on in the last couple of months and what will happen and exactly 8 hours now.
01:20:47 Let's get them into the tribe. Let's get them into the fold, because right now they're just wandering the world with, you know, fantasies going on.
01:20:54 In their head.
01:20:56 Uh whites need hard times to improve our genetics. Well that honestly, that's part of it. That's part of it. Part of it is we've lived in a dysgenic decadent world for a long enough time to where we have, as Edward Dutton would call them, spiteful mutants. We have people that have.
01:21:15 Not had evolutionary pressures working against their survival and so they have all these mutation.
01:21:22 Because Western medicine keeps them alive because this decadent lifestyle keeps them alive because they're not outside, you know, work in the fields. They're inside, you know, eating food and and watching Netflix. And then those people that would have been claimed by nature, those people that wouldn't have survived, maybe even to a reproductive age. Those people are then.
01:21:42 Meeting other people that might have also have been weeded out by natural selection had that been happening in the same way that it was happening for eons prior to the modern in modern times. And then those two.
01:21:54 People with that are full of mutational loads, they breed and they make another kid and that kid is just full of, you know, a compounded amount of of mutations.
01:22:07 And so forth and so forth.
01:22:09 And next thing you.
01:22:10 Know we've got purple haired weirdos the the crazy people are running the institutions now.
01:22:20 And they're running the asylum the the you know the.
01:22:22 That, that, that. That's.
01:22:25 That's what happens when you have generations.
01:22:28 Of this absence.
01:22:31 Of evolutionary pressures and it doesn't matter if you're Christian or whatever. Don't recoil to the sound of, oh, I don't believe in evolution. It doesn't ******* matter. Doesn't matter. Like you, if you believe in having traits.
01:22:46 From your parents.
01:22:48 You believe in evolution, OK? Like.
01:22:51 If you believe in DNA.
01:22:53 You believe in evolution. You don't have to believe that we came from monkeys or that we came from a single celled Organism or or whatever.
01:23:00 You can believe whatever you want if you go back far enough, but everyone knows that that a A Pekingese.
01:23:07 Came from a.
01:23:08 Wolf and that happened through selective breeding somehow.
01:23:11 And the, you know the the they.
01:23:13 They look nothing.
01:23:15 And they're totally different animals now because of who knows how many generations it took.
01:23:22 We have these two different crazy animals that are that came from the same source and the same things happening with humans. We're not immune, you know, it's like when I was arguing with the ranchers and I was telling that like, look.
01:23:34 You're telling me that genetics does not play a part when you're telling me that you have all these illegal aliens working for your ranch and that somehow that's not affecting the community around around?
01:23:44 Around you. And because genetics don't don't play any part at all and that you know anyone that says that is a racist. That's what you're telling. That's your argument. But at the same time, you're willing to pay 10s of thousands of dollars for genetics for your cows and you wouldn't, you would never say that I can get any kind of cow because there's lots of different kinds of cows. They're all cows. You can breed them together. They're.
01:24:05 All compatible. They're all cows.
Speaker 5
01:24:08 But you wouldn't.
01:24:08 Just say I'm going to start a dairy farm and then randomly fill it with random cows.
01:24:14 Because genetics do man.
01:24:17 Genetics do matter and for some reason people have this mind block like they think that genetics matter with every other animal, but not when it comes to humans.
01:24:26 Or. Or maybe they'll. They'll think that. OK, well, it does apply to humans, but it affects only every organ except the the most expensive organ in.
01:24:34 The brain.
01:24:35 Somehow genetics will will affect your eye color, your hair color, your height, your facial features. It will affect every organ.
01:24:45 Except for the most expensive, most complicated, the one that takes up the largest portion of your genetic makeup, the.
01:24:55 Somehow that's the only part that isn't affected by genetics. Well, you're an idiot.
01:25:02 And that says something about your genetics. If you if you can't figure this.
01:25:05 One out.
01:25:08 All right. Let me take a look at chat.
01:25:14 The fields the field.
01:25:16 Of genetics was literally started by a priest.
01:25:19 It's the godless commies in the USSR that ban genetics and promoted pseudoscience of.
01:25:25 Lizin coins. I don't know what that is.
01:25:31 Now we have.
01:25:32 Ohh you guys are all talking like really fast.
01:25:37 Get ready for the Trump apologist for him not pardoning Assange. Oh, he wanted to, but he and he. But me and Mitch wouldn't let.
01:25:44 Him. Well, it's already started.
01:25:45 It's already started. They've already said. If I forget the name of this advisor, but there was some advisor that was that. That's already what they're saying the oh, someone so.
01:25:55 I didn't let him. He advised him against doing it.
Speaker 5
01:25:59 So why even have a president?
01:26:01 What's he even there for?
01:26:03 Like, really? What's he even there for? If if all these advisers are to blame for everything that happens?
01:26:10 What is he doing? Is he doing anything?
01:26:14 I mean, if all of his advisors are the ones calling.
01:26:17 All of the shots.
01:26:19 Why do we even have a president?
01:26:22 Really like, why is he there?
Speaker 11
01:26:26 Uh. Let's see here.
01:26:30 What you guys should be doing right now is burying guns and accumulating PM's. I don't know what PM's are.
01:26:37 Well, here's the thing.
01:26:41 If you.
01:26:44 If you are concerned.
01:26:46 If you are concerned about.
01:26:50 Gun control stepping up and you should be.
01:26:54 And if you're concerned about red flag laws and in my.
01:26:57 Opinion you should be.
01:27:02 I can't. Well, I can't really tell you what you.
01:27:04 Should do.
01:27:05 But I my understanding is that there are people.
01:27:09 That are concerned about these things.
01:27:14 What they have done.
01:27:16 As they have ensured that, should their home ever be, you know, searched or something like that.
01:27:22 No guns would be found. That's.
01:27:25 I've just heard. I've heard people do.
01:27:26 That I don't know.
01:27:29 So when people say buy a 3D printer, that's actually a really good idea too. I. That's something I think I would really enjoy, especially because I have a background in 3D modeling. I think I'd really enjoy that. It's just I don't have the time and the money to invest in that right now. But I think there's probably a lot of people listening that do and that would enjoy that and.
01:27:49 I think that's something that needs to be.
01:27:51 Looked into, but also that's probably something else that's going to get banned. You know, Chuck Schumer has been trying to ban that for like 10.
01:27:58 And they will. They will ban it. They will ban it.
01:28:02 That's that's on their list of things to get rid of. Will they ban it?
01:28:05 Right away.
01:28:06 I don't know. So if that is something that you wanna get into, I would be probably accumulating a lot of these files like the plans for these things and just storing them locally somewhere because there will probably come a time where that's that's totally unavailable.
01:28:21 Whether you have a 3D printer or not, it won't matter unless you're going to design it from the ground.
01:28:25 Up and maybe you're capable enough to do that, I don't know.
01:28:29 And then someone says press your own bullets. Yeah, I got a friend that does that. The problem is, you still need the brass, right? You still need to find the brass. And you still need to be able to buy the gunpowder and stuff like that. And I guess in in a way, it kind of helps out. So for this guy, when there's ammo shortages and which is all artificial, obviously.
01:28:48 Very artificial. I mean, bullets are not hard to manufacture, they manufacture. It's not like during the war we we run out of bullets. Maybe there's some shortages. I but like look, it's not a difficult manufacturing process.
01:29:03 And so the shortages are artificial. And if you're but you're during these shortages, you can usually this is how you know it's artificial. You can usually still get all the parts that it takes.
01:29:13 To make bullets.
01:29:15 And that's a good hobby. I got a friend that does that. He, you know he.
01:29:20 Recycles all of his own own brass and sometimes goes to, you know, shooting ranges and collects the brass and stuff like that.
01:29:27 But he's not the only one that does it. He says that you have to get up pretty early in the morning because a lot of people do that.
01:29:31 And and and there's like competition now to get the old spent brass.
01:29:36 But the equipment to do, that's not expensive and you can get all that stuff I.
01:29:39 Think you can get?
01:29:40 It just sent to your house too, so it's not even like that hard. You can buy it online.
01:29:46 Maybe the gunpowder that you have to sign? I don't know. Like.
01:29:51 I don't, I don't think so, because I've had I've I've purchased ammunition online and I don't think I had to do anything special. I don't.
01:29:57 Remember, it's been a long time.
01:30:00 Primers are nowhere to be found. That's good.
01:30:03 To know.
01:30:04 I knew this ammo price hike was artificial because I found a site that forgot to update their listing and I bought 1000 rounds of 762 for 320 shipped and they actually sent. It didn't cancel the.
01:30:17 Order. That's amazing.
01:30:22 $70.00 for 50.
01:30:23 Rounds of 9 millimeter.
01:30:25 In San Diego.
01:30:30 Now we know why they legalized propaganda against Americans under Obama. They play 60 chess. Yeah, they're they're not afraid.
01:30:38 They're not afraid to use the.
01:30:39 Power that they've got.
01:30:42 Why are all the guns in DC?
Speaker 1
01:30:44 Unloaded well.
01:30:46 They were loaded during the BLM stuff too. I think it's because they just don't. They don't trust the people. They would rather it's it's it's the appearance of force. It's not really force so much as it's it's an appearance of force.
01:30:59 Do they have magazines on them? I probably I don't know. That'd be kind of ridiculous if they didn't even have a magazine on them. And it doesn't take that long to just get the magazine and stick it in your rifle, you know? So it's not like I really doubt they're just walking around with no ammunition at all. Maybe they are. But I.
01:31:19 But it's more about the appearance of force. It's like I was saying with the TSA, the TSA, it doesn't really add any security. In fact, there was that guy that would go through the body scanners on purpose because he knew the the exploits and you know, so he would go through like metal objects and **** in his pockets and film himself and they they eventually ended up arresting him because he was.
01:31:38 Putting these videos on the Internet.
01:31:40 And look, there were times I went through the body scanners and I forgot stuff in my pocket.
01:31:44 And the way that it works is if the pocket is separated from your body for some reason like that it doesn't show up. It has to contrast against your body. And so like I would have if I had like a baggy pocket and then it was something metal in there, it wouldn't pick up on it.
01:31:58 And I had that happen.
01:32:00 I got on a plane. It was just like, oh, ****, this is in my.
01:32:03 Pocket still, how did they not see that?
01:32:06 So a lot of it's just theater, a lot of it's just theater. And by the way.
01:32:08 A lot.
01:32:09 Of those contracts to buy, those body scanners came from drumroll, Michael Chertoff, Michael Chertoff, who is a dual citizenship friend of bushes who was installed as the first head of the Homeland Security home.
01:32:25 Imagine that Homeland Security, that is the one that's buying all these body scanners.
01:32:34 He's the one that profited off.
01:32:35 A lot of those body scanners.
01:32:38 Biden will not partner Assange. Hillary hates Assange. Why do you think he has been going through all this **** for 10 years? He picked.
01:32:43 Up the Democrats? Yeah. No Biden will.
01:32:45 Not obviously Biden won't won't pardon Assange.
01:32:52 Because the TSA is staff, but it didn't.
Speaker 14
01:32:54 Do well. Look, that's.
01:32:56 The other funny thing, if you go to DC.
01:33:00 There are so like so many of these government jobs are just it's just a welfare program. The TSA is like a welfare program.
01:33:07 That's what it is.
01:33:09 The TSA is a is a *******.
01:33:11 Welfare program.
01:33:13 It's they don't. They don't expect them to actually do anything. They just expect them to stand around in their uniform and be a part of the theater. I mean, look.
01:33:28 And here's your TSA everyone knows this, like everyone knows.
01:33:34 That the TSA.
01:33:37 Like this is this is the.
01:33:42 This is the TSA.
01:33:44 Everyone's seeing the the South Park episode about the TSA.
01:33:49 Everyone knows.
01:33:51 Everyone knows it's a welfare program and it's the same thing with like the metro. If you go to DC and you ride on the metro, what do you see everywhere you go? It's just disinterested black people on their phone that aren't really that don't give a **** about their jobs and are probably making, in some cases more money than you. You'd be surprised how much money these.
01:34:09 ******* people make.
Speaker 6
01:34:10 And almost every one of those jobs.
01:34:13 Almost everyone of those jobs, if not all of those jobs, could be easily accomplished with automation. And I don't mean I don't even mean like some high tech super robot. I mean just automation that they should have had 20 years ago.
01:34:26 You know, like the the the fact that you need, for example, someone driving the metro cars. Why?
01:34:32 Would you why?
01:34:34 Why do you?
01:34:35 Need that?
01:34:36 You know, if you go to an airport and the little monorail thing or whatever or, you know, like in Las Vegas or like that, none of those things have drivers.
01:34:45 And I get that these things were installed like in the 60s or 70s or or whatever, but it's not that hard, especially if you you see the budget.
01:34:55 Of the metro, like how much does it cost to pay all those guys? In some cases, some of these guys who their job is to their job is to push forward, stop and then occasionally back.
01:35:07 That's it. That's it. There's just a lever you go.
01:35:09 Forward. Stop back. That's it and.
01:35:13 Then every once in a while.
01:35:16 Because you're not even as good as a robot. Like, even close before you get to a stop, you're supposed to say on this garbled thing that no one can ******* understand.
01:35:25 You on stop.
01:35:28 That and everyone just like what the **** was that? And so you have to just pay attention to the the the signs of the the stop anyway, because it's some ******* guy who can barely speak English anyway. Talking through a A a hamburger, hamburger phone to you about what? The next stop is.
01:35:44 And then and you can.
01:35:45 Tell them and give a ****. They don't even give a ****.
01:35:47 They don't want to be there, they just want to collect their $80,000 plus benefits.
01:35:52 And you can't tell me that that you couldn't just replace them with a 60,000. I mean, I'll make a ******* computer.
01:35:57 For $60,000, that does it.
01:36:02 And it's the same thing, though. Look at everything, look at every government job.
01:36:06 Look at the you know, it's not just TSA or Metro, it's look at the post office.
01:36:12 You know, look at the DMV. Every ******* government job is a welfare program. Or at least the the vast majority of them are a ******* welfare program.
01:36:22 80K **** me. Yeah 80K.
01:36:25 Some of the guys that drive the metro cars in DC make like 80K. In fact, there's like the ticket people like the the people that don't do anything, they just sit in that little ******* Hut and get mad if you have to walk up and ask him a question like, you can tell they're like just passed off.
01:36:40 Because you have.
01:36:41 To like oh damn it, I have to. I have to, like, not sit on my ask for like.
01:36:45 A couple of seconds.
01:36:48 Those guys, some of those guys.
01:36:49 Make like 80K.
01:36:53 Let's take a look here.
01:37:04 Civil service.
01:37:08 Do you think?
01:37:09 Roundup will intensify anytime soon. Well, like look, there's a lot of stuff that has to happen first.
01:37:15 There's a lot of stuff.
01:37:16 That has to happen first.
01:37:18 And so when when you see that starting to happen then then then you get nervous. But in the meantime, it's not quite as dire. It's not like or maybe I'm totally wrong. ****, I could be totally wrong. Maybe tomorrow morning.
01:37:33 You know they'll they'll kick or they'll kick down my door like the second Biden is sworn in. But I really doubt that.
01:37:40 I think what's most likely to happen is that you will have.
01:37:46 The purge of the the Federal law enforcement agencies, at least the the legislation, will get enacted. They'll have, you know, the red flag law type stuff. Get it? Get it signed off on, put into to law.
01:38:02 You're going to have maybe that like the the the Domestic Patriot Act.
01:38:12 The people are calling it.
01:38:14 You're going to have a lot of the stuff that they have to do. First. They have to lay down the groundwork, you know, it's it doesn't happen overnight now. It'll happen fast because Democrats don't just, you know, say they're gonna do **** and then don't do it. They ******* do it.
01:38:26 So, and they're saying they're.
01:38:27 Going to do it.
01:38:29 So you got to listen when they say they're going to do something because they're going to ******* do it.
01:38:33 You know, they're not like Trump, or they're saying they promised something like, oh, I'm going to get rid of birthright citizenship right after the the midterms.
01:38:41 And then nothing happens.
01:38:43 They ******* do it.
01:38:45 Now, sometimes during an election like both sides will lie a.
01:38:47 Little bit right?
01:38:49 But it's usually pretty easy to pick up on on what that's going to be like. No one thought Obama really was going to close down get Mo.
01:38:57 Or at least very few.
01:38:58 People did.
01:39:01 Sleep with one eye open, Devon.
Speaker 4
01:39:03 We need you.
01:39:04 Don't let the glowies get you. Well, like I said, I don't even think that I'd be on the.
01:39:08 The first, I don't know. Maybe I'd be on the the the, the, the top tier list, but I doubt.
01:39:14 It I think other people, I think there'd be warning signs. I hope the I.
Speaker 5
01:39:18 Hope there's warning signs.
01:39:20 And if it comes down?
01:39:21 To it. Yeah, I'll *******.
01:39:24 I'll just bail, become a fugitive.
01:39:28 A thought criminal.
01:39:32 But yeah, it it that's the problem is it? Look, it doesn't matter.
01:39:34 That I don't. I don't do anything wrong. I really don't like. I don't.
01:39:38 Do anything illegal?
01:39:41 But it doesn't matter because they'll either pass laws so that you are doing something illegal, you know they'll they'll pass a law that makes you a criminal.
01:39:50 Or they will.
01:39:52 Even if they don't pass a law.
01:39:53 That makes you a criminal. They will find other ways of ******* with you. They do it all the time. And a lot of our, like we've talked about.
01:40:01 This we don't have.
01:40:04 An army of lawyers to defend us.
01:40:07 You know, when my book got banned off Amazon. If I'd had a team of lawyers.
01:40:12 There there's at least a chance that they would have to put my book back up on on.
01:40:17 Amazon because they in my opinion.
01:40:20 They violated the terms of service. They are selectively banning.
01:40:23 My book in.
01:40:24 A way that they're not banning other books that are just as.
01:40:27 Bad, if not way worse.
01:40:29 And so they selectively picked mine.
01:40:32 For political reasons.
01:40:34 So I I probably would have a case to at least at the very least get them or at least pressure them enough to it's not worth them to go through court and they they reinstate it or fight it in court. Who knows what.
01:40:47 Could happen, and there's a lot of people like that. It's not just me. Lots of people have that very similar.
01:40:55 Or in the case of like the D live stuff, right? Or in the case of of YouTube, all these deep platforming, if we had a a non profit that was designed specifically to go after look Prager, you did it.
01:41:09 Prayer. You found out that they were getting punished by the algorithm, and in fact some of their a.
01:41:18 Lot of the reason.
01:41:18 Why you see so many ******* Prager you videos is they will pay YouTube to pay to play them like an ad, right? So it'll pre roll before the video that you want to.
01:41:30 And that way it increases their views and whatever, but they they were being refused.
01:41:37 Service because they did not like the the message of the Prager you video. And so Prager, you sued them.
01:41:47 I don't know 100% how that shook out, but they're they're not deep platformed.
01:41:53 They're not demonetized. They're able to run all their pre rolls that they were doing before. They certainly show up and recommended almost as much as Jordan Peterson.
01:42:04 So you have to have that legal network.
01:42:09 Does chat have an opinion on pocket watches?
01:42:13 I don't. I guess pocket watches are cool.
01:42:15 No, but business whoops.
01:42:18 You're talking to someone else.
01:42:20 Join a community be.
01:42:22 A pioneer like the Mormons, or like the Westboro Baptist.
01:42:27 Fab Church make everyone a lawyer.
01:42:31 I don't think Mormons make everyone a lawyer.
01:42:36 In fact, I don't know any Mormon lawyers.
01:42:40 I think you think of another tribe there. Yes, buddy. Skinners based on a lie. Fake underwear or something? Let.
01:42:48 Through by Feds now, people get fried by high frequency Miller wave radiation and ionizing radiation to fly, and the Jays get money when master.
01:42:58 Uses to fly.
01:43:01 Yeah. I I I don't. I haven't researched the health effects, but I.
01:43:05 Doubt it's good for you.
01:43:12 DOTR is #471 on Barnes and noble, up from 500.
01:43:16 Yesterday. Well, that's good.
01:43:18 Countries like Australia, which have been disarmed, how do you think people like me should approach this situation? I don't know man like that, that just honestly, that's kind of that's a really hard thing to overcome.
01:43:33 Which is why that's going to be a top priority in America, because once I don't know how you do it at that point, I really don't.
01:43:42 Yeah, that's like a big deal. There's a reason they do it because that kind of solidifies the power. What are you supposed?
01:43:48 To do at that.
01:43:48 Point because you're already outgunned. You're already outnumbered. You're already outgunned. And so.
01:43:55 What if you don't even have?
01:43:58 Any way to defend yourself?
01:44:01 You know, what do you do? I.
01:44:03 Don't know.
01:44:04 That's why it's so important that the Americans don't lose their Second Amendment rights.
01:44:09 Because of that, look, we're already kind of we're already kind of domesticated animals that are.
01:44:14 Just you know.
01:44:15 Master says to sit and we sit.
01:44:18 And and and all these people that in fact, even a lot of these Second Amendment advocates that say, oh, you know.
01:44:24 You'll never take your guns over my dead body. You'll print from my cold, dead hands.
01:44:30 They'll never do anything. They'll talk a lot of these.
01:44:33 Guys are all talk.
01:44:35 You know when it come when the rubber meets the road, a lot of these guys have asked.
01:44:38 To turn in their guns.
01:44:39 Would grumble and, you know, ***** and moan and but they would ultimately they would turn them in.
01:44:46 So I don't know what you do.
01:44:48 That's a really good question. In that case, I guess the information war is way more important, or at least no, it's way more.
01:44:54 Important because at that point the people you need to get through to or the people that do have gun.
01:45:00 You know, if you're worried about those guns being turned on you, then you need to convince the people that would be holding those guns to not shoot you. So the information war is going to be way more important. And I don't know.
01:45:17 I don't know.
01:45:18 The the weird thing is, if you think about it, it's not like the see the natural state of humanity.
01:45:27 Up until very recently was the 2nd amendment.
01:45:31 You know, like first of all, you know the the.
01:45:35 Guns as a weapon is a fairly relatively new thing, right?
01:45:40 And prior to that, maybe the the ruling class would have more powerful weapons in that they would have, you know, maybe like better swords and and better Archers. And you know, maybe better horses and armor and whatever. But it's not like.
01:45:57 Ultimately, it wasn't that hard for just a peasant to come up with a a sharp stick. You know what I mean? Like it wasn't like you were totally ****** because the King's horseman had a a broad sword and all you could do was make a.
01:46:13 Spear you could still.
01:46:14 ******* kill him with a spear, you know.
01:46:15 Like you could still be dangerous.
01:46:17 To the the ruling class is henchman.
01:46:20 Right, but once.
01:46:23 And and that that that's been true for.
01:46:25 Like all of time.
01:46:27 And as soon as the as soon as firearms came into the picture, it was.
01:46:33 Still true I.
01:46:34 Mean ****. In the 1930s you can have a a ******* Tommy gun.
01:46:39 You could have you could own a Tommy gun and it.
01:46:41 Was like no big deal.
01:46:43 You know you could own anything that the there was no limitations on any weapons.
01:46:49 And in fact, you could have fully automatic weapons up until the 90s.
01:46:54 And it wasn't until the Brady bill.
01:46:57 That, that, that changed.
01:47:00 And they have, it's they've just in my lifetime that they've done the drip, drip, drip of gun rights.
01:47:07 When, like I said it like, it doesn't make any sense. It it's unnatural. It's unnatural for there to be that imbalance of power. It's unnatural for the ruling class to have that level of an advantage when it comes to Viola.
01:47:23 Yeah, they're always going to have an advantage when it comes to violence because they're the ruling class, right? They're always. That's why they're the ruling class, because they have the advantage. That's that's what defines the ruling class. The ruling class is defined by the group that has the advantage when it comes to violence. That's why they're there. If you had the advantage when it came to violence, you'd be the ruling class. Simple as that.
01:47:43 So they're already going to have the advantage, but it's not until very, very recently that the ruling class has widened that gap that has made that advantage nearly insurmountable.
01:47:57 You know, in, in, in, in terms of places like Australia and the UK where you can't even have any firearms really to speak of.
01:48:07 And they're doing that slowly in Canada and they're doing that slowly here because it really does solidify power.
01:48:13 It really it. It makes it nearly impossible to.
01:48:20 To be a threat, to compete with their their threat of violence, I guess.
01:48:25 You know, and unfortunately that that, that.
01:48:30 That imbalance.
01:48:33 I don't know where that's going to lead, but it's not going to be pretty.
01:48:36 You know, part of what kept the ruling class in line.
01:48:39 Was a healthy fear.
01:48:40 Of the peasants.
01:48:42 Was a healthy fear of the the pitchforks coming out?
01:48:45 Well, no one's gonna give a **** about pitchforks. If you got an Apache helicopter.
01:48:50 You know that that's really what it comes down to is that I've talked about again and again and again. Fear is power. Fear is power.
01:49:01 Now, to remind you, here's this clip.
01:49:03 Here, fear is power.
Speaker 2
01:49:09 47 years old.
01:49:15 You know how I stayed alive this long all these years?
01:49:21 Fear the spectacle of fearsome acts.
01:49:29 Somebody steals from me. I cut off his hands. He offends me. I cut off his tongue. He rises against me. I cut off his head. Stick it.
01:49:39 On a Pike.
01:49:41 Raise it high up so all on the streets can see this. One preserves the order of things.
01:49:56 That's what preserves the order of things fear.
01:50:01 And that's the truth.
01:50:03 It is healthy. It is good for the ruling class to have at least a a level of fear.
01:50:11 Of the public.
01:50:13 Look, vice versa. You know like if if the public wasn't afraid of law enforcement.
01:50:18 That would be bad too.
01:50:21 Right, you need to have.
01:50:24 This equilibrium of fear.
01:50:28 And in places like Australia and New Zealand or I think new, I don't know what the gun laws are in New Zealand.
01:50:36 Maybe actually, maybe the gun.
01:50:37 Laws. Well, they're probably changing now, right?
01:50:40 But like in the UK.
01:50:43 If the the ruling class does not have.
01:50:47 Any fear of the public?
01:50:51 What? What's to stop them?
01:50:52 From becoming mega megalomaniacs and just doing horrible ****.
Speaker 5
01:51:05 Nothing. Just nothing's going to stop them.
01:51:09 There's literally nothing.
01:51:13 That can stop them.
01:51:17 So it's it's.
01:51:22 I don't know what to tell you, man. Like, if I, I mean, I guess like I said, you can focus on trying to keep the people that do have guns.
01:51:30 On your side, you can focus on that and try to focus on trying to get guns legalized or, you know, finding some way of of changing the fact that you guys don't have guns.
01:51:41 But I I don't know I.
01:51:42 Don't know else to tell you.
01:51:44 That's why it's so important that America doesn't go down that road because we're already pretty, pretty much. Look, we've described the situation at nauseam tonight. Everyone gets it. Even Alex Jones gets it. Alex Jones is taking the black pill. Everyone gets it now and think of how much worse.
01:52:02 It would be.
01:52:04 If we didn't have the 2nd amendment.
01:52:07 If we didn't have the ability to defend ourselves against these troops that are going to be soon, ideologically purged to to include only people that see you as as subhuman.
01:52:22 What do you think that's?
01:52:22 Going to be like.
01:52:24 What do you think it's going?
01:52:25 To be like living under a government.
01:52:28 Whose entire enforcement apparatus sees you as subhuman.
01:52:32 Because that's.
Speaker 5
01:52:34 That's going to happen.
01:52:36 That that, that is at least that is, that's where they want, that's the destination.
01:52:40 That they're they're headed towards.
01:52:42 That's where they want to.
01:52:43 Go with this.
01:52:48 Uh, yeah. Not interested in living without 2A door to door confiscation is where I go down. Bummer. But what's the point of life without?
01:52:56 It. No, I don't. They're not.
Speaker 4
01:52:57 I don't think they'll go door to door.
01:52:58 Because that would, that would.
01:53:01 I think cause more problems than it would solve.
01:53:03 For them.
01:53:04 Like I said, it's just going to be it's.
01:53:05 Going to be a slow.
01:53:06 Erosion like it's been already. They play the long game.
01:53:10 You know, they were. They were able to make incredible gains in the 90s with the Brady bill.
01:53:17 And what, Speaking of Trump being a complete failure.
01:53:22 Trump just increased gun control.
01:53:26 Because Ivanka cried.
Speaker 6
01:53:28 Cried daddy. Daddy. The bump stocks are scary, Daddy.
01:53:34 And because he's a he's.
01:53:35 A weak, feckless ***** ** **** and he just went for it.
01:53:41 After being supported by the NRA and talking about how much he loves the Second Amendment, of course it wasn't that long ago I played that clip. If you haven't seen it, you can go look at my video.
01:53:50 Called Art of the schlemiel.
01:53:52 Where it 1010 years ago, maybe it was 20 years ago. He's talking about he hates.
01:53:56 Guns. And he wants to get rid of guns.
Speaker 4
01:54:00 This guy hasn't this guy.
01:54:02 Has no he we've talked about how the pub.
01:54:05 And have the feminized W doesn't have a a moral code doesn't have ethics that they live by, and they're very because of that they'll they'll change and believe anything. And there's no logic to it. They're just easily controlled. You cannot watch that video. The art of the Shamil and not conclude that Trump is is exactly the same way.
01:54:27 Trump is exactly the same ******* way.
01:54:33 And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that the fantasy turned out to be exactly just that. Just a fantasy.
01:54:40 That's where we're at.
01:54:44 Let's take a look here.
01:54:48 NRA is trash. Yeah. The NRA's not exactly the best. But look, look, they have money. Or at least they did. I guess they're they're having financial trouble now. They they have, at least in the past.
01:54:59 Been a.
01:55:02 Significant fighter in keeping the Second Amendment around, and Biden has named them as one of the.
01:55:10 And they will go after the NRA. He said that his he has said this in in, in well, in his clear of language that Biden can actually mutter. He has said that they want to destroy the NRA.
01:55:25 What's the deal with NRA declaring bankruptcy? Is this financial protection? Yeah, I don't know. But they are going to go after them. They're going.
01:55:31 To try to.
01:55:32 Shut them down. A lot of it.
01:55:34 Is too. There's a lot of younger people don't join stuff like that. A lot of the their membership is probably just dying off.
01:55:41 You know.
01:55:44 Is Richard Spencer control up? I don't know.
01:55:47 I don't know him personally. It's just again, I don't feel like he's.
01:55:55 My boy, because we have such radically different backgrounds, like I said, he comes from money. I don't really have a lot of in common with people that come from real money. I just don't.
01:56:06 And I and I don't understand.
01:56:09 His recent.
01:56:14 Political moves to, you know, support Biden and all this stuff. I don't know. I don't know what to make of it, but I don't really care that much, you know.
01:56:22 He's chosen to go that way. That's fine. Whatever.
01:56:30 I'm having to move out of Austin.
01:56:34 Well, yeah, Austin's getting worse. What's the best state to move to long run? Really none.
01:56:40 Of them.
01:56:42 Really, none of them. I don't know it it look.
01:56:46 We we've talked about how succession is probably one of the best.
01:56:48 Options that we have.
01:56:50 And if there was a state that we could that we thought we could all move to that or we could change the the politics of it and maybe even make that like the rallying call like, you know, just get out everybody like the cue cards.
01:57:02 Adding to all move to one state and push for succession. It's just not. It's nothing that's really worked in the past like the Libertarians tried doing something not with the succession stuff, but, like, tried to make it was a small state, even it was New Hampshire. They tried to make New Hampshire and do like libertarian state. I don't know they. I mean they.
01:57:22 Probably got it a little more libertarian and they chose it because it was, I think the most libertarian, on paper, at least out of all the states. You know, the the motto is live free or die.
01:57:32 And it was so the population so low that it would be an easy thing to, you know, to demographically shift or whatever. But it never really went anywhere. Could. Is that something that we could look at? I don't know. It would certainly make things easier if we were we were geographically segregated, even if it wasn't a segregation.
01:57:52 Or not as a a secession movement, even if it was just that.
01:57:57 Everyone that was in your state was based that would it would improve things because at least then you'd have the local government looking out for you. You'd have local sheriffs and the governor and mayors and stuff like that trying to fight off the overreach from the federal government. So that would be good.
01:58:13 But ultimately, is that something that's probably realistic in your lifetime? I don't know. I don't know. Maybe people talk a big game about Idaho. I know a lot of people that have moved there.
01:58:26 I don't know, though I don't know where that where I don't know where these chips are going to fall. I I.
01:58:30 Suspect in the next few years, a lot of.
01:58:34 These questions will be answered for us.
01:58:38 Massachusetts people rule in New Hampshire running away from the high taxes. Well, that's the other problem you would run into. And as and people are already running into, there's the the property values in the Idaho, Idaho weren't that high not that long ago, but because so many people fled to Idaho, they've jacked the prices up like you used to be able to get lots of acreage.
01:58:57 Or not that much money. And now they're subdividing these. You know, these farmers are because they know how. Because the property value is going up so high, they're subdividing their properties into, like, a million different ******* properties and selling them to people and making a ton.
01:59:11 Of money.
01:59:11 So it's.
01:59:14 You know? And then as soon as that community gets nice, what happens? All the **** libs that live everywhere else start going there because they've ruined their own *******. They're like locusts.
01:59:24 UM.
01:59:28 Too many people moving. Mass exodus from California, New York, New Jersey with **** people coming right. And these people never they have no.
01:59:38 They have no self-awareness. They have no ability to figure out.
01:59:43 Why they're leaving the state?
01:59:46 That that's always been the.
01:59:48 Case that's always been the case.
01:59:50 All of these states that because there's people that left that people have been bleeding out of California for a long time. It's just the population wasn't dropping because they were taking in so many H1B1 visa holders and so many Mexicans coming across the border. I mean, that place, I don't know if guys have been to California lately, but it it doesn't even seem like it's.
02:00:08 America anymore, like it really doesn't.
02:00:10 And like everywhere you go, there's people that that are clearly not American, and even English doesn't even seem like it's it's the main.
02:00:19 Language. Really anymore.
02:00:21 It really doesn't, and that, at least in the parts of California that I've been in recently, it it doesn't even. But it was kind of like that when I was a kid. I was when I was a kid, I lived in California for a little bit in Northern California. And like I said, I was faced with directly with the the problem of diversity on a regular basis.
02:00:42 Now there were gang fights in my elementary school.
02:00:45 I got beat up because I was a white kid wearing a a a red sweatshirt that my I borrowed from my brother and apparently that was like a bad thing that I had a red sweatshirt, so I got jumped by like like 20 Mexican kids on a ******* school bus while the bus driver acted like nothing was happening.
02:01:02 I was like a little kid. I was like in.
02:01:04 3rd grade or some ****?
02:01:06 And that's.
02:01:08 And that was that was back in the day that.
02:01:09 Was a while back, OK?
02:01:11 And so it's it's.
02:01:12 Only got it.
02:01:13 I guarantee you it's only gotten worse. Now. Look, my parents weren't.
02:01:17 We were kind of poor so we.
02:01:18 Kind of.
02:01:19 Lived in one of the more diverse parts of town, right, but that's just spread.
02:01:24 Yeah. When I went to, I went to politican.
02:01:26 A few years ago.
02:01:28 And uh.
02:01:30 Everywhere from the airport.
02:01:32 To the the event itself to like.
02:01:34 All the restaurants I went to.
02:01:36 It's just, you know, it's.
02:01:39 It's certainly different from the photos, I'm sure.
02:01:43 You would see.
02:01:44 Photos from that same area from the 1950s.
02:01:48 It looked like it was at one point in time, a very leave it to Beaver Town like it looked like all the the architecture was very, you know, quaint and kitchy and. And I'm sure like, not that long ago it was not quite as diverse and not quite as dangerous.
02:02:05 Yeah. It's just it's a shithole now. California is just a big.
02:02:08 Shithole now.
02:02:09 It's a real shame.
02:02:11 I was living in San Francisco until a few years ago. There was eight years.
02:02:16 And it went visibly downhill just in that time, like 8 Walgreens locations have shuttered due to the LAX shoplifting loss. Exactly.
02:02:27 California, is it just a ******* third world country in just like a third world country, you just have two classes. You've got the really poor and you've got the really rich.
02:02:36 Which works out.
02:02:37 Great for the people that live there. If you're the rich people that run the place, you don't care if there's a.
02:02:41 There's homeless camps.
02:02:43 All over the.
02:02:44 Place because you're not ever in those areas.
02:02:50 Texas isn't as bad as California, and it's Mexican, but it's not looking good either. Could be worse. We could be Europe. Yeah, like, like I said, the entire South.
02:03:02 In the 90s was very white, very white, and you can look at the census data. There are states that you wouldn't think would be like 90% white, they were 90% white. And that all changed.
02:03:16 You gotta remember.
02:03:17 And look, this isn't hate speech. This is literally what it was called. Look up operation *******. Sometime all the people that say that. Oh, you couldn't. You can't just load them all onto buses and deport them. We've done it before. It was called Operation *******. That's a real thing.
02:03:32 Thing that's a real thing. That's really what it was called. It's a real thing. Look up. Look it up on Wikipedia. They literally rounded up Mexicans on buses and deported them by the by the by, I think over 1,000,000 people.
02:03:48 It's been done before. It could happen again if they wanted it to happen. They don't want it to happen.
02:03:55 Look at they they just showed.
02:03:56 You what they can do in DC.
02:03:57 When they want something to happen.
02:03:59 Yeah, they complained. All the riots were going on. Oh, don't send in the National Guard. Don't do that. Oh, that's that'd be terrible. That'd be like fascism. Now, there's 30,000 ******* troops in DC.
02:04:12 They they can get they'll.
02:04:13 Get **** done if they want it done.
02:04:16 And if they wanted to deport all the.
02:04:17 Illegals, they could get it done and it wouldn't even be that hard. It really wouldn't.
02:04:21 Be that hard.
02:04:23 I could if.
02:04:24 You put me in charge of it.
02:04:26 I could get it done in like a A.
02:04:28 Couple of years.
02:04:29 It would take a couple of years. It's a lot of people. You got to move. But I could get it done.
02:04:34 Anyone can get it done.
02:04:38 I'm going to take a look here. All you have to do is make those public buses.
02:04:42 To Mexico one way.
02:04:45 Now all you have to do is is. Is. Yeah, just. You just have to ask people.
02:04:50 For their papers.
02:04:51 And you don't have.
02:04:51 Them. OK. Get on the ******* bus.
02:04:54 And then you, you, you jail, every single restaurant that employs them.
02:05:01 You get the owner, not the manager. You get the owner and put him in.
02:05:04 ******* jail for 30 years.
02:05:06 You let them.
02:05:07 Know you going to do that first?
02:05:09 Or maybe you.
02:05:09 Don't. Maybe first you raid all of these restaurants so that they don't have a.
02:05:14 Heads up.
02:05:16 And you throw them on the buses and then you jail. All the owners that hire them illegally. It's all you have to do and not just like the the, I mean, look the there's a whole infrastructure built in here. Everything from the restaurants.
02:05:29 To the check cashing places, the people making the fake ID's, all this stuff, it'd be really easy to do.
02:05:36 Really easy to do.
02:05:41 And in fact, it'd be funny. Like, if they did. Oh, well. And we're going to have riots in the streets. OK, well, now we.
02:05:46 Know where you're going to be. So we're gonna rest you.
02:05:48 The fact that California has an elected official who's an illegal alien.
02:05:54 Tells you exactly how hard they want it.
02:05:56 To solve this problem.
02:05:59 California has an illegal alien.
02:06:02 That's in elected government somehow.
02:06:05 I don't know how.
Speaker 6
02:06:06 That works.
02:06:07 But it's true.
02:06:11 Let's take a look here.
02:06:15 Someone saying what? Yeah, no, look.
02:06:16 It up well, I'll look.
02:06:18 It up some woman.
02:06:20 That happened a couple of years ago. It's not even that new.
02:06:30 Wins election.
Speaker 5
02:06:49 Let's see here.
02:06:57 I'm having trouble finding this. It's a it's a woman. It was like a state government position.
02:07:04 Illegal immigrant.
02:07:17 Oh, you know, I should do. I need to look for undocumented, I'm sure.
02:07:22 Because illegal immigrant is to hate speech now undocumented.
02:07:35 There we go.
02:07:37 Imagine that that worked.
02:07:39 And by the way, I wasn't even using Google. That was DuckDuckGo. Was was preventing me from finding that.
02:07:45 Yeah, her names are. I guess there's more room now. It's not just one.
02:07:51 This is this is someone else? Yeah. Adriano, this is someone different.
02:07:57 And this is from 2016. Adriano S bill. Whatever becomes first, formerly undocumented immigrant in Congress.
02:08:07 So he's a he's a congressman in New York.
02:08:11 And he's an illegal immigrant.
02:08:14 So that's. I didn't even know about that guy.
02:08:17 So there's more of them.
02:08:21 California. Here we go. Here's one in the one in California. Maybe there's more in Cali, I don't know.
02:08:30 Yeah. In California, State Senate President Pro Tem, Kevin, whatever.
02:08:38 33 year old Attorney Elizabeth Matteo will serve as member of California Student Opportunity and Access Program Project.
02:08:48 Grant advisory committee.
02:08:52 And she's an illegal immigrant.
02:08:55 I think there's more.
02:08:55 Of them. And that's from what is that from?
02:09:01 That's from 2018.
02:09:04 So yeah, this this isn't like.
02:09:06 Our country's a joke.
02:09:08 Citizenship doesn't even matter now.
Speaker 5
02:09:11 It doesn't matter.
02:09:14 There's no political will to get rid of these people.
02:09:20 Move to Alaska. Europeans have a 50% resistance to frost Hispanics and.
02:09:24 Blacks can't stand the.
02:09:25 Cold. Well, I don't know. I'm not a.
02:09:27 Big fan of the cold either.
Speaker 4
02:09:32 Uh, I don't know.
02:09:34 Have I seen the latest caravan? Oh, absolutely. I've seen the latest caravan and it's it's it's just going to grow because Biden made it clear that he is going to give citizenship to the illegal immigrants.
02:09:50 The quote UN quote 11,000,000 illegal.
02:09:53 Threats that are in the country, and we all know it's not just 11,000,000 illegal immigrants, they've been saying it's illegal, 11,000,000 illegal immigrants since the 90s. I don't even know how many it is. I don't. I almost don't want to know because that's like a black pill. I don't know that I'm ready for it, but it's probably at least double that. It's probably at least 20 million illegal immigrants.
02:10:14 And especially like if you count.
02:10:15 All their children who are technically citizens now, not that that even ******* matters, I guess.
02:10:23 I mean, just imagine how many ******* people shouldn't.
02:10:25 Be here.
02:10:27 And if there was any political will whatsoever that it would be an easy.
02:10:30 Problem to solve easy.
02:10:32 Problem to solve.
02:10:35 But yeah, there there is no political will.
02:10:39 As as Joe Biden said.
02:10:41 He wants just an unrelenting stream.
02:10:45 Of of immigrants coming, and he said, look, and here's here's another thing that makes me feel like that there, that the real numbers suggest there's way, way, way more illegal immigrants than just 11,000,000. The fact that Joe Biden said back in, I think it was maybe 2013 or something like that, that it by 2017. He.
02:11:04 Then by 2017, that whites would be in an absolute minority in their own country.
02:11:12 And now the official numbers. Don't don't say that.
02:11:20 Let me see if I can find.
02:11:29 The clip of him saying that.
02:11:32 Of course, it's hard to find these clips.
02:11:39 And here we go. Actually I found it.
02:11:44 Going to take me a second to download it.
02:11:46 Because my Internet.
02:11:46 Is such ****.
02:11:48 But he said this back in maybe.
02:11:51 This has the date.
02:11:56 Yeah, he said four years ago.
02:11:58 So he was thinking it was going to happen.
02:12:01 Pretty ******* soon.
02:12:05 There we go.
02:12:06 This is going to be low res just so I get it faster.
02:12:14 He was saying that Europeans would become an absolute minority.
02:12:19 In 20 by 2017 I.
02:12:21 Think it was. We'll just see what he says.
02:12:24 And there it is.
Speaker 16
02:12:29 Not only our Muslim communities, but African communities, Asian communities, Hispanic communities and and the wave still continues. It's not going.
02:12:39 Stop. Nor should we want it to stop. As a matter of fact, it's one of the things I.
02:12:47 Think we can?
02:12:47 Be most proud of so. So there's a second thing in that black box.
02:12:53 An unrelenting stream of immigration.
02:12:56 Nonstop. Nonstop.
02:13:00 Folks like me, who were Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017, will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority 1017 will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America.
02:13:18 For the first time in 2017, we'll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority.
02:13:27 Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing. That's a that's a source of our strength.
02:13:40 And so.
02:13:43 So there you go.
02:13:45 You were saying that in 2017?
02:13:48 We would be in an absolute minority and I'm pretty sure that Joe Biden has access to more accurate numbers than you and I do.
02:13:57 Just an unrelenting string from 2017 on for eternity.
02:14:03 America will be minority European.
02:14:07 I think that we already are.
02:14:09 Probably since 2017.
02:14:12 Nothing changed. Trump didn't change that. Trump didn't do mass deportations.
02:14:18 Trump didn't make an actual wall. Trump couldn't even stop the caravans. Trump's ice was flying. The people coming across the border into the interior of the country.
02:14:32 They were literally loading these people onto planes, Speaking of Idaho and flying them into communities.
02:14:38 In Idaho small towns.
02:14:41 They were dropping off illegal immigrants.
02:14:44 In small towns and white states, specifically Idaho and Maine.
02:14:50 Why would you do that? Why would you pick?
02:14:51 Someone up in in, in El Paso, TX.
02:14:55 Put them on a plane and fly them to ******* Maine.
02:15:00 If you wanted to get rid of him.
02:15:02 Why on Earth would you ******* do that?
02:15:06 Because they don't want to get rid of them.
02:15:10 It would be and again.
02:15:11 This was under Trump. Under Trump, this was going on.
02:15:15 This wasn't. This wasn't like an Obama thing, I.
02:15:18 Mean Obama was doing.
02:15:18 It too, but so was Bush.
02:15:22 So was Clinton.
02:15:27 This has been going on a long time. This isn't like.
02:15:29 Some brand new thing that we have to deal with, this is a problem that that working class whites have been complaining about my entire lifetime that's never been addressed because they don't want to address it.
02:15:45 And it doesn't matter who's in charge.
02:15:48 It doesn't matter who's in charge.
02:15:51 I'm going to find this.
02:15:54 Thing about Idaho taking in.
02:15:59 Immigrants. If I can find it here.
02:16:10 I don't see it right off the top of my head here or right off the the first search. I thought it would. It would come up because they made it look like it was a very it was a good thing and that's a good thing.
02:16:22 But now I.
02:16:22 Don't really see it.
02:16:25 And you were in the search results, but there was a video where they were getting all the, you know, of course, the cocked Zionist Christian churches.
02:16:34 In this Idaho community, we're putting together care packages for these people that they were flying in and putting them up in hotels and all this other stuff.
02:16:44 And it's kind of like like Glenn.
02:16:47 Glenn Beck was doing these teddy bear drives for the illegal immigrant children that were coming across on the trains and stuff like that during the Obama years.
02:16:57 Glenn Beck was doing was was creating care packages.
02:17:01 For these illegal immigrants that were coming across the border illegally during the Obama administration.
02:17:07 So no one wants to stop it. No one wants to do anything that would actually stop it. It would be really easy.
02:17:14 To stop.
02:17:15 Really easy to stop.
02:17:18 I could stop. I could stop illegal immigration if you gave me a week.
02:17:22 And the and the authorization to use deadly force it would.
02:17:26 Be it would.
02:17:26 Be done.
02:17:27 Would be a done deal.
02:17:29 You put a *******.
02:17:30 A couple of predator drones on the border.
02:17:33 And you put a couple.
02:17:35 Guys with them, 60s in some towers, it's done.
02:17:40 It's done.
02:17:45 Because word would get out quick.
02:17:48 Oh, what happened to Jose? Jose got drowned essay.
02:17:56 That would be it. No, no one.
02:17:58 'S going to want to cross that desert if they if they they think they're going to be treated like Al Qaeda.
02:18:07 People crying about the optics. I don't give a **** about the optics.
02:18:13 Doesn't matter. It's an invasion.
02:18:16 I would say the optics for people complaining is what's bad and I would go after them.
02:18:22 I would. I would. I would go the the people complaining about me protecting my nation's border are a danger to the people.
Speaker 5
02:18:30 So they'd be next.
02:18:36 I would try them for treason.
02:18:38 You're trying to facilitate.
02:18:40 A foreign invader.
02:18:43 You're sympathizing with the enemy.
Speaker 5
02:18:47 Easy peasy.
02:18:50 Now, look, obviously this isn't so. This is all pie in the sky. Fantasy world. ****, it's not. It's nothing's going to happen.
02:18:56 I'm just saying it's physically possible, and if we had a saying ruling class that gave a **** about you and your children or about the nation or anything like that, other than just their own personal wealth.
02:19:09 These problems would be solved and they've been solved in the past using similar.
02:19:17 We have busted out.
02:19:18 Millions of people in the past we could bust.
02:19:20 Them out again.
02:19:21 And you wouldn't have to kill. I'm not saying you'd have to like napalm ******* caravans. You wouldn't have to.
02:19:27 Do that word gets out that that you might get shot by because you're violating our sovereignty, which is perfectly a legitimate reason to be shot.
02:19:39 You're invading a a country.
02:19:42 And you get shot. That's on you.
02:19:46 And if word gets out that that's actually happening, that the America just suddenly decided to actually defend their border, people wouldn't be trying to sneak across. It wouldn't be worth it.
02:19:57 It wouldn't be worth it.
02:19:59 Fact is, nothing happens to.
02:20:00 You now.
02:20:01 Fact is, even if you get caught.
02:20:04 You know what happens? It's catch and release. They catch you.
02:20:08 In the desert, it's almost nicer, because then you don't have to keep.
02:20:11 Walking, they load you onto a ******* van. They go down, take you to some immigration center. They book you, they give you a court date and let you go.
02:20:20 And then you just don't show up to court. Like, why would you?
02:20:23 And you're just in.
02:20:26 And if you're lucky, they might before that even happens, they might fly you to Maine.
02:20:31 So you're not competing with all the other illegal immigrants that that already crossed the border in El Paso or, you know, Phoenix or San Diego or whatever.
02:20:41 You're you're just you. You get flown into a a part of the country that that isn't saturated with illegal immigrant labor.
02:20:50 So you had a better chance.
02:20:51 Of getting a job.
02:20:55 This is not a hard this is not a.
02:20:57 Difficult problem to solve.
02:21:01 They just they don't want to solve it.
Speaker 5
02:21:03 Neither side wants to solve it.
02:21:07 For totally different reasons. And The funny thing is, the reasons that the people on the right have it's suicidal.
02:21:14 And suicidal because they believe.
02:21:18 Well, because remember.
02:21:19 Like I was saying, they believe all they they believe the kind of in the same way I believe, prior to Molyneux, This is why I was saying Molyneux.
02:21:25 Was an important.
02:21:29 And and served an important role is prior to looking at the data that he was that that I got from him essentially.
02:21:38 I I instinctively already knew what he was saying, but everything else, everything I was being told was no. It's OK. We can get them to assimilate, we can get them to assimilate. We just have to put more outreach. We got to spend more money on outreach. We set to educate them. Yeah, these people came from a different country. They have a different culture.
02:21:58 You know, they, they they don't speak English natively, so they don't. They're not going to be able to read the Constitution and really understand it in the same way you when I do. But maybe they're children.
02:22:06 You can, you know, like I believed all this stuff. Like it seemed a little I was. I was skeptical of it because I lived in environments where that didn't seem to be the case, and I instinctively knew that that probably wasn't the case. But everyone was telling me that that that was the case. So I was just like, alright, I guess that doesn't seem.
02:22:22 Right, but OK.
02:22:26 And all these, all these libertarians, all these free market people that want the cheap labor that believe that The funny thing is, it's suicidal.
02:22:33 Because there won't. They're not going to exist.
02:22:38 If the communists.
02:22:40 Get what they want and the Communists are slowly getting.
Speaker 1
02:22:43 What they want?
02:22:44 By allowing all your cheap labor to come in.
02:22:47 But because you've managed to do some ******* mental gymnastics because it makes you more money.
02:22:53 You're able to deny the reality of biology because it makes you richer.
02:23:02 You're able to **** over your fellow Americans because it makes you a little bit richer.
02:23:12 This is this is all.
02:23:14 Look, I think everyone gets it. I think everyone gets it.
02:23:18 So we now have six hours, 57 minutes and 24 seconds before Trump is completely gone.
02:23:27 And before I leave you guys all for the evening.
02:23:33 Well, I mean that maybe as answer question, did you see the picture of the Pope literally kissing the feet of a migrant talking about?
02:23:39 **** ******, yeah.
02:23:40 No, that's the thing. Every institution is pro immigration. Every institution.
02:23:45 When I was telling you that we don't have a single institution.
02:23:47 On our side, I mean that fully.
02:23:50 There are. There are no institutions that look at the world that you like the way in the way that you do on almost any level.
02:24:00 Whether you're talking about big churches, look, look, Mormon church is the same way. Mormon church. I don't know. They're open borders, but they're certainly.
02:24:09 They're they're certainly not race realists. You know what I mean?
02:24:12 Like they're.
Speaker 5
02:24:12 They're in fact.
02:24:14 You'd be hard pressed to find a Christian denomination.
02:24:19 That is that even that even includes race.
02:24:24 In their thinking.
02:24:28 Now that that's different, the Mormons used to to.
02:24:32 Discriminate against non whites up until the 1970s on an official level.
02:24:37 But just like so many other things that changed in the 70s, you know?
02:24:42 It is what it is.
02:24:44 Hey, David, what do you think about sticks, hex and hammer? I think he's a weak little fagot. I think that he's uh.
02:24:50 Limp, wristed wannabe satanist that always rides the ******* fence and tries to maximize his audience by not actually ever taking a position. That's not the most watered down gay position that anyone's ever had. And then he tries to LARP as some kind of Satanist.
02:25:15 You know, **** that guy.
02:25:18 **** that guy.
02:25:26 Vaccine, end game sterilization or something? I don't know. I actually don't know. Chad's moving like, way too fast for me to respond to anything.
02:25:36 Uh, the up is 99% whites, lots of lands, trees. I don't know you guys.
02:25:42 Talking about there.
02:25:45 Devin, is there anyone more despicable than Bausch? I cannot imagine it.
02:25:48 I don't know much about him, but everything I've.
02:25:50 Seen about him makes it look like he should be.
02:25:53 In a prison camp somewhere.
02:25:57 Serious question, what are your what your schedule will be now and will you create a place for your community, the Black Pill Army?
02:26:09 In in terms.
02:26:10 Of IRL stuff IRL.
02:26:11 Stuff I think will need to happen.
02:26:14 You know, like we can only be so effective.
02:26:17 Talking online and stuff like that and and I don't know. Like I said, it's not something that I that's not my strength.
02:26:25 The community building stuff, but I can't just use that as an excuse to not.
02:26:29 Do it. You just got to be patient with me and realize that's not something that I there's a lot of things that come natural to me. A lot. I'm. I'm like, I'm a very capable guy and I'm really good at a lot.
02:26:37 Of stuff. But most things I don't.
02:26:39 Have to try it I.
02:26:39 Just I'm just being honest with you a lot of.
02:26:42 Things if I try even just a little bit, I'll I'll do a really good job at it.
02:26:45 That's not one of those things.
02:26:48 And part of it is because whether you believe it or not, I am highly introverted, highly introverted. In in real life and and again, it's not that I don't have social skills. I can talk to big crowds. In fact, I can go to parties and be very social, but it takes a lot out of me. Like, if I do that like, I don't want to see, I don't want to talk to anyone for like, the next two days.
02:27:09 Like it, it just sucks the lifeout of me doing that I.
02:27:11 Don't know why.
02:27:13 And again, I can't just say that as an excuse look, but you got to understand that's my natural state. That's my personality type. And so just that's my personal thing. I got to overcome and I think that.
02:27:26 IRL stuff. I don't know what kind of activism or whatever, but and then in terms of digital communities, I think that we need to start doing that too. Talking even in terms of just like ham radio stuff and and things that, you know, maybe pointers on how to build the Earth ships, you know, some of that stuff that we've talked, it doesn't have to necessarily be about.
02:27:47 Politics just some of the stuff that's going to help our people survive through the this rough time. And so that is something I'm highly interested in doing. It's just.
02:27:58 Right now, honestly, I'm so burned out from doing these streams every single night. Like how many days has it been now? It's been.
02:28:03 Like a marathon.
02:28:05 And I'm so burned out by it. Like like I said, and if nothing crazy happens tomorrow, I probably won't strain tomorrow. I.
02:28:13 Just need like a.
02:28:14 I need to clear my head.
02:28:17 Because it's my sleep schedule has been ****** since I started doing this, and I've got a lot of stuff like, look, it's.
02:28:24 In the desert, the winter is not very long and it's starting to already.
02:28:29 Warm up and there's things I gotta do around the the property to to prepare for that because it's it's only gonna be a matter of time before there's, like snakes.
02:28:36 And *******.
02:28:38 Scorpions and **** like all over the
02:28:39 Place and like *******.
02:28:41 Like the winter is great because there's no, there's no bugs, or there's nothing like there's no creepy crawlies. There's a reason why boomers come from.
02:28:49 All over the world.
02:28:50 To the desert for the winter because the winters are actually kind of nice, you know.
02:28:55 Like the it's it's.
02:28:56 Little chilly it drops down to freezing or whatever.
02:28:58 At night, but compared to.
02:28:59 Where you could be it's it's.
02:29:00 Very good. But it's short lived. It's definitely short lived.
02:29:07 And and you.
02:29:08 Not only you go from having like 0 creepy crawlies to like lots of you have every creepy crawly like creepy crawlies like every year, it seems like I see like a new one. I don't even know what it is. I'm just like, what the **** is that?
02:29:20 So there's a lot of stuff I have to prepare, like I have to spray for bugs and and I got to do a bunch of other **** around the house.
02:29:26 And set more rat traps and all that stupid stuff.
02:29:29 And fix my roof a.
02:29:30 Little bit, how do you prepare for the?
02:29:32 Changes in seasons. Well, it depends.
02:29:34 On you know what it is like. So all my cactuses.
02:29:38 Then I'm trying to get going so my I have a little mini cactus farm. You know, cactuses don't grow in the winter. In fact, some of them.
02:29:47 Aren't even going to didn't even really survive. There were a couple. I was. I was a little unsure of whether or not whether or not they'd be able to handle it. Not every cactus can handle winters. In fact, not only not every cactus can handle the summers out here. Some of them just get fried.
02:30:01 Because you know the.
02:30:02 Cactus is come from all over the world and and many of them are tropical and you know, like a good example.
02:30:08 I have a a.
02:30:10 Pretty sizable. I actually have a couple of different varieties of this Peruvian apple cactus.
02:30:15 And they come from Peru, obviously, and the conditions in Peru are way different than the desert that I'm in.
02:30:22 So when I'm preparing for it, the summer to kick up, I have to. I'm preparing for the rabbits to start breeding and start. You know they're going to try to, like, break into my property and eat everything. So I have to check my fence finding any holes they might have dug under the fence and fix those up the.
02:30:42 The rat population will also start to pop up like I haven't seen any rodents in a while, but that'll change. So I got to, you know, resettle the rat traps, all that stuff. We also get monsoons, you know? So I have to get make sure the roof.
02:30:55 Is ready to go, I've.
02:30:57 I've mostly fixed it, but there's still a couple of things I got.
02:31:00 Do you know when the I have a swamp cooler for my air conditioning? So I have to like change the filters on that and pressure hose the the the pump and all that all the sediment because our water is very sedimentary.
02:31:18 There's just like a lot of a lot of boring stuff that I gotta do.
02:31:23 Uh, let's see here. Where the hell am I at? In an undisclosed location in the desert.
02:31:34 I'm over work. Two outsourced whoops outsourced the online community creation. Everyone in the chat send your resume. No, I.
02:31:43 That's something I probably have.
02:31:44 To do it's the problem with.
02:31:45 That is, like I said, I'm I'm used to.
02:31:48 I can lead teams no problem. It's just I'm used to the dynamic is I'm paying these people so it's a lot easier to to. It's a different dynamic when if you're working for free, if you're, if you're a volunteer, then you you can't ask as much from people. You also can't. It's not just like there's No Fear of getting fired. Really, you know, I mean, it's the. The motivations are totally different. The dynamics totally different.
02:32:10 And I've never worked in like a in that dynamic, so I don't know that.
02:32:18 My how easily my my leadership skills will transfer over and that's look like I said.
02:32:26 It's got to happen, so it's just going to be just be patient, it's going to be a process that I got to learn as I go.
Speaker 4
02:32:33 Alright guy so.
02:32:38 I'm going to take off before I go, though. I'm going to leave you guys.
02:32:43 With one of my one of my.
02:32:46 Personal favorites?
02:32:48 That really sums up.
02:32:51 The the queue problem and how much of it has come to fruition. Sadly, it's not something I'm happy about.
02:33:03 Remember, be kind as much as this is going to make fun of them. Be kind to the queue people tomorrow when they're all about to slit their wrists because Biden has become president and not only that, it's Tom Hanks that's literally telling them that Biden is president in a made for TV special, that half of them will say CGI be kind to them, try to guide them to the light.
02:33:25 And here we go. Oh, someone is trying.
02:33:27 To call me here.
02:33:33 Here we go.
02:33:40 I really hope.
02:33:41 This is the last time that I have.
02:33:43 To address Q Anon.
02:33:44 And how it's fake and gay. So let's go on with the.
02:33:48 Show I've decided to.
02:33:50 Use pictures because not everyone has 150.
02:33:53 It's easier to have pictures so that you can understand this very complicated.
02:34:00 Idea and to make.
02:34:02 It completely easy for everyone to understand I'm going.
Speaker 11
02:34:05 To use a very easy.
02:34:07 To understand metaphor, imagine for a moment.
Speaker 5
02:34:11 That you live on this street.
02:34:13 And you're chilling out in your house and you're sitting.
02:34:16 By the the.
02:34:17 Fireplace reading, leather bound books or whatever it is that you do.
02:34:21 In your home.
Speaker 6
02:34:23 And you look out the window.
02:34:24 And you see that your neighbor's house is on fire.
02:34:30 And you're like oh.
02:34:30 My God, my neighbor's house is on fire.
Speaker 4
02:34:34 And you say honey, honey.
Speaker 6
02:34:35 We need to call the.
02:34:36 Fire department that.
Speaker 6
02:34:37 The neighbor's house is on fire. She's ohh.
02:34:39 No, no, it's.
02:34:40 It's it's OK.
02:34:42 It's OK because uh, you know, out on the street that this stranger told me that that that he called the fire department. And so it's it's all taken care of.
02:34:55 Don't worry about it.
02:34:57 And be like oh.
02:35:00 Thank God I you.
02:35:01 Know I was. I was starting to feel.
02:35:02 Despair there for some reason so but now.
Speaker 12
02:35:05 My morale is.
02:35:06 Much higher. I feel better about the situation. I feel like, you know, I'm gonna survive this now. And I I can go back to reading my books. And I was. I was a little stressed out there for a second.
02:35:20 But now that I know that the fire.
02:35:22 Department is.
02:35:23 On the way, everything's fine and.
02:35:26 You know nothing to worry about.
02:35:28 And then, you know, 20 minutes.
02:35:30 Or so goes by and.
Speaker 6
02:35:32 You haven't heard any sirens and now like this, the fire has kind.
02:35:38 Of spread to to to another neighbor.
Speaker 7
02:35:39 'S house. That's it's.
Speaker 6
02:35:41 Not quite to your house.
Speaker 12
02:35:42 Yet but it's getting.
Speaker 4
02:35:43 Closer. And so you say, honey.
Speaker 6
02:35:48 You're the guy that you said.
02:35:51 You know, he called the fire department.
02:35:55 Who? Who was it?
02:35:56 Exactly. And she's like, oh, I don't know.
Speaker 6
02:35:59 It was just, you know, just a stranger.
02:36:02 Uh, you know, he wouldn't tell.
02:36:03 Me who he was.
02:36:06 And and said that sometimes he lies because it's necessary, but to definitely don't worry about anything because he's he's called the fire department. It's it's all taken care.
02:36:19 Of and and we.
02:36:20 Don't have to do anything, so just.
02:36:21 You know, sit back and relax.
Speaker 6
02:36:23 And don't don't sweat it.
02:36:26 Everything's fine. Everything's fine.
Speaker 4
02:36:30 And so you're like, OK, this sounds, I guess that sounds normal. I'm going.
02:36:39 To go back.
Speaker 6
02:36:39 To you know.
02:36:42 Read my books and chilling out my study.
Speaker 6
02:36:48 And then, you know another 15 minutes.
02:36:49 Goes by and you start anything it's been.
02:36:51 Like a it's been over 1/2 hour.
02:36:52 Now the fire is definitely out of.
02:36:56 Control now it's.
Speaker 6
02:36:57 It's kind of a.
02:36:58 Go 2 homes.
02:37:01 It is definitely getting dangerously close, it feels.
02:37:04 Hot it's getting a.
Speaker 10
02:37:05 Little hot in here.
Speaker 6
02:37:07 Hey, honey.
02:37:09 That that, the anonymous guy that told you.
Speaker 1
02:37:14 Then he called the fire department.
Speaker 6
02:37:16 Sure, this is someone we.
02:37:17 Can trust. And she's like ohh yeah.
02:37:19 It's it's fine, it's fine, you know and.
Speaker 4
02:37:21 In fact, even if he.
Speaker 6
02:37:23 Didn't call the fire department.
02:37:25 I mean, don't you feel?
02:37:26 Better right now, thinking that he did.
Speaker 6
02:37:30 You know, like don't.
02:37:31 You feel so much, so much.
02:37:33 Better and more upbeat.
Speaker 6
02:37:34 What about the situation?
Speaker 4
02:37:36 I mean, imagine.
Speaker 6
02:37:37 If you thought that.
02:37:38 That he was just lying to us.
02:37:39 This whole time.
02:37:40 And Maddie, how crappy that would feel, right? I.
02:37:43 Mean, isn't it so much better thinking?
Speaker 6
02:37:46 That he called the I.
02:37:46 Mean, because that's what's important, right?
02:37:48 If we're going to survive this fire, what's important is that we we believe that it's being taken care of, right, that.
Speaker 6
02:37:56 Our morale is high.
02:37:57 That's that's the most important.
02:37:59 Thing about surviving a fire is, you know.
02:38:01 Making sure you've got.
02:38:02 High moral.
02:38:04 You know you you try, try surviving.
02:38:07 An inferno. When you're and you're in a bad mood. It's.
Speaker 6
02:38:10 That's not good. So you.
02:38:12 Know even if he's even if.
Speaker 9
02:38:13 He didn't call.
Speaker 6
02:38:15 The fire department it's.
02:38:17 It's totally fine.
02:38:18 And of course, that's where we are in the.
02:38:21 Q Anon. Story and then of.
02:38:23 Course the the couple begins praising.
Speaker 13
02:38:25 The fire department.
Speaker 4
02:38:26 Yeah, OK. It's been, it's.
Speaker 6
02:38:28 Been, you know, 35 minutes. It feels like they should.
02:38:30 Have been there.
02:38:31 By now I mean, even if that.
Speaker 8
02:38:32 Guy didn't call him.
Speaker 5
02:38:33 At this point, someone should be.
Speaker 6
02:38:35 Putting that that.
02:38:35 Fire and and no one.
Speaker 12
02:38:37 'S There so.
Speaker 6
02:38:38 You know, but, but that's fine, I mean.
02:38:41 Far be it.
02:38:41 From them to, you know, despair about the fire department not showing them.
02:38:46 And I've got something to say about that.
Speaker 12
02:38:48 If you're going to fall.
Speaker 6
02:38:50 Into a pit of despair, paralyzing despair.
02:38:55 Because you find out that you might have.
Speaker 6
02:38:58 To call the fire department.
02:39:00 Or or or. Oh my God.
Speaker 6
02:39:02 Maybe try to put the fire out yourself.
Speaker 8
02:39:06 You're a ******. If. If that's gonna put you into despair then.
02:39:12 Oh my God, you mean.
Speaker 6
02:39:15 The fire department isn't going to.
02:39:17 Put out the cause. The only people that can.
02:39:19 Put fires out.
02:39:21 Don't you know, as the fire department, no one else can do it? It has.
02:39:25 To be the fire.
02:39:26 Department. I mean, if you had to try to figure out how to put a fire out that would just, that's not for you, that is, that's not for you. Instead, what you have to do is just sit in your house, sit in your house waiting for the fire, patiently waiting as the fire gets closer and closer.
Speaker 6
02:39:48 Blather on and on about how awesome the fire.
02:39:51 Department is and.
Speaker 4
02:39:52 And you're not.
Speaker 6
02:39:53 Sure. What's taking them so long and.
02:39:55 And, but you're sure that you?
02:39:57 They have their reasons for it. Maybe they'll put.
Speaker 4
02:40:00 The fire out.
Speaker 6
02:40:01 Maybe they've got some plan.
02:40:03 As to maybe there were.
02:40:05 Pedophiles in those houses that are.
02:40:07 On fire? Maybe that's why the fire department's letting those houses burn down first because, you know it's the entrance to the underground tunnel where Tom Hanks has his pedophile dungeon. This is all part of their top.
02:40:22 Located fire management plan.
Speaker 1
02:40:25 So if you were to.
Speaker 6
02:40:26 Try to figure out how to put.
02:40:27 The fire yourself.
02:40:28 I mean, you would, you wouldn't know what you were doing.
Speaker 6
02:40:31 Trying fire, you know, complicated fire.
02:40:34 Is. Yeah. Who do you think you are?
02:40:38 Not a fireman.
02:40:43 Sorry I.
02:40:43 I hope.
02:40:44 That clears things up.
Speaker 6
02:40:46 That's all I got to say about this.
02:40:50 So yeah, that's.
02:40:54 That's like I I like I said. I've been attacking Q and on for.
02:40:56 A really long time and that it's just it's.
02:41:01 It's really hard to not.
02:41:02 Just rub it in their faces, but we shouldn't. We shouldn't. We should.
02:41:07 We should be a little, be you.
02:41:09 Know have have a little compassion.
02:41:11 For people who are whose whole?
02:41:13 World is going to be turned.
02:41:14 Upside down tomorrow.
02:41:16 And maybe not as much compassion for those that like push the the goal post to somewhere in March, but.
02:41:23 Tomorrow, if you like.
02:41:25 The only people I really care about reaching at this point, the people that at least figure it out tomorrow if you have. If you don't figure it out tomorrow, that's, I don't know that's that's next level delusion that maybe maybe that's not something we we play around.
02:41:36 With, you know that could backfire.
02:41:39 So you guys hope you have a good evening.
02:41:43 And we'll see what happens tomorrow.
02:41:46 And like I said, if if crazy **** goes down, if it just goes along and nothing really that big, I'll let people know on Twitter and stuff like that if I'm going to go live. But in the meantime, you know, I'm going to, I guess I'm going to stay up for the next six hours and 38 minutes so.
02:42:01 I can see it all go down 4 black pilled.
02:42:06 I am of course.
02:42:08 Devon stack.