
Hollywood Actor: "It's Worse Than You Think".mp3

Isaac Kappy
00:02:52 I said some crazy **** on Twitter. That's true. Not something I wanted to say, but I'm ******* tired of people lying. I've.
00:00:10 Watched these people just.
00:00:11 Lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie.
00:00:15 And lie and.
00:00:16 Lie and they.
00:00:16 Will never *******.
00:00:17 Tell the truth, that's green.
00:00:20 Sorry my man.
00:00:21 ******* so sorry. I never wanted to do.
00:00:23 This, but you're a pedophile.
00:00:24 This is Hollywood actor Isaac Kappy. Yesterday, amid all these revelations about the culture of pedophilia in Hollywood, Isaac Cappy took to Twitter and made some pretty strong accusations about some pretty famous people. He then live streamed on both.
00:00:41 Instagram and Periscope, claiming that Twitter was shadow banning him, that his friends weren't returning his phone calls, and that people were afraid. And, well, obviously it's up to you to decide whether or not you believe him. I think it's important, especially in this climate.
00:00:54 That that we at least listen to what he has to.
Isaac Kappy
00:00:57 Say I could not sit around one more day and just not say anything. It's Hollywood. It's like the whole thing. Casting directors they use, they they they'll convince parents of kids to let them be abused for work and money.
00:01:14 And a lot of these parents of showbiz kids have willingly signed off to have their kids abused.
00:01:22 It's ****** **. And in that case, a lot of times you don't really even need money to be changed hands. You just need the hey, we'll give you this and that, and it's a, you know, it's an incestuous system. It's an evil system. Sorry, that took in the town, had to be torn apart by this, like it was going to happen.
00:01:41 One way or another, tell Joey.
00:01:44 And everybody, like, I'm sorry. Like it just sucks. I know a lot of people didn't know a lot of people didn't know and like, I just held this **** inside of me and it sucks, man. Like, and I was concerned about my personal safety. I still am concerned about my personal safety. But you know what, at this point, I don't.
00:02:03 Give a ****.
00:02:04 I I reached out to a.
00:02:06 Bunch of people. I was like, yo, I really want to come out and *******.
00:02:10 I wanna come out.
00:02:11 In public I wanna like I wanna make this ship public.
00:02:15 People are afraid to do it.
00:02:17 I did verify his identity. He is who he says he is. It's impossible to verify what he says is true, but like I said, I think it's important that we at least listen.
00:02:29 And quite frankly, if what he says is true.
00:02:32 Law enforcement should get involved regardless. I think it's easy to tell that he's a troubled young man and that one way or another he needs help. Hopefully more people can come forward and we can get a clearer picture.
00:02:44 As the really what is going on in Hollywood?
Isaac Kappy
00:02:49 We've got the momentum we need to bring new awareness. People don't know, they know that she's locked up, but they don't know how ****** ** **** is. They don't.
00:02:57 Know how controlled everything is.
00:02:59 For Black pilled, I'm Devin stack like my videos. Make sure you like and subscribe. You can donate crypto to the addresses below, or go to patreon.com/blackpill.