11/11/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 From filthy.Speaker 4
00:00:34 My eye.Speaker 2
00:00:36 Threatening their eyes, different styles blow up.Speaker 5
00:00:47 Four Wheeler.Speaker 3
00:00:55 OK.Devon Stack
00:08:18 Welcome to the overdose stream, not the insomnia stream. Tonight we're a little bit earlier, right? Not so late, or maybe even later. For some people, I guess it all depends on what time zone you're in. I am your host, of course.00:08:33 Devon stack.
00:08:36 This is a special edition stream. I guess you could say. Oh my God. My Mike. Have you heard? My career is over. Oh my God. Yes. I'm being attacked. I'm being attacked more than usual. I'm being attacked by the evil SPLC.
00:08:53 We'll get into that in a moment.
00:08:55 First, of course, we have to honor the fallen.
00:09:00 We have to honor the fallen because the day all across the Anglosphere.
00:09:06 It's some form of veteran's day. I guess everyone calls it something a little bit different.
00:09:12 America, It's veteran's day and Australia. It's something I don't know. Maybe kangaroo is in that in.
00:09:19 There somewhere and.
00:09:21 And eel pie land, the UK. I don't know what a what they call it, but it's it's basically in remembrance.
00:09:30 Of the fallen soldiers.
00:09:32 Of past wars, I don't know if it's more specific in other countries, but it's pretty generic in in America.
00:09:41 And there's a lesson to be learned there. There's a lesson to be learned there, because never before now has it ever been more obvious. The kinds of people, the kinds of things you're actually dying for.
00:09:53 The kinds of things you're actually dying for, in fact, to make it even more painfully obvious.
00:09:59 This, of course, was Biden.
00:10:03 In a confused stupor.
00:10:06 At the tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
00:10:19 There's gonna stand over there, commander in chief.
Speaker 2
00:10:21 Who's going to?Devon Stack
00:10:22 Hopefully start World War 3.00:10:29 Ohh yeah, it's great, isn't it? Isn't it fantastic?
00:10:34 So we yeah. Anyway, the way I look at it.
00:10:39 And I used to be really patriotic on days like this, you know, I had family. Of course, most people do that that fought in wars that up until I don't want to say recently. Now at this point, but up until, you know, somewhat recently relatively recently, right, that I thought were at least somewhat justified. I mean, wars are messy, right? There's never.
00:11:00 100% good side and 100% bad side and I was you know sophisticated enough to understand that.
00:11:09 But I always thought that generally speaking, there was a good side and.
Speaker 9
00:11:12 A and a bad.Speaker 2
00:11:13 Not the best.Devon Stack
00:11:13 Side right, like and as Norm MacDonald famously said. Isn't it weird that if you look back at history, the good guys always win?00:11:23 And unfortunately, we do have a large part of the population. In fact in many cases, and this might explain why they think this way.
00:11:34 You have a lot of these Christian Zionists who line up to die for these wards, who fundamentally.
Speaker 10
00:11:39 View the world that way.Devon Stack
00:11:41 Right. They always say, well well.00:11:43 Good wins in the end.
00:11:45 Does it just just by default? Then why? What's the point of life really right? Like, why? Why are we even here? If good just automatically wins, why do I need to try? You know, like what if if it just if God and and goodness just effortlessly wins at the end of the day and it's just a waiting game?
Speaker 9
00:12:07 Right then, that's all we have to.Devon Stack
00:12:08 Do we just have to wait out evil?00:12:11 That's all we have to do.
00:12:12 We have to wait it out.
00:12:15 And unfortunately, that's how a lot of these people think that's how they vote and we'll go over a little bit of some of that somewhat tonight. First and foremost, let's talk about.
00:12:27 The SPLC? Oh, yes. The SPLC must have gotten a little frosty after watching the Pacon series and some of the other things that covered them directly and in detail.
00:12:40 Weren't too happy, perhaps with the way that I show that they are basically just a anti white.
00:12:47 Group that is has done everything in their power to dismantle white primacy in the United States and look at it's at this point they just outright say it right.
00:12:58 But when they were first started.
00:13:00 They, they, they, they would. Oh, we're. We're just going after the extremist groups.
00:13:06 The extremist groups.
00:13:09 And then they started fundraising.
00:13:11 10s of millions of dollars, then hundreds of millions of dollars. And now they're getting really close to having a billion dollars in their endowment.
00:13:20 And what do they do with all this money?
00:13:24 What do they do with this? close to a billion dollars that they have to combat white supremacy?
00:13:33 Well, they go after little guys like me.
00:13:36 Little guys like me, they're very upset. You see, they're very upset that that platforms like Odyssey exist.
00:13:46 And in preparation for Odyssey being auctioned off due to the bankruptcy.
00:13:52 Which we still don't. I at least I don't know. Maybe some of you guys.
00:13:56 Know I don't.
00:13:56 Know who purchased it? If anyone? I I my understanding is it was auctioned off or that's in the process. I don't know even know if the ink is dried or if it's even been used.
00:14:09 I don't know if the deal.
00:14:09 Has been done. We don't know who the.
00:14:12 New owners are.
00:14:16 Are they?
00:14:17 Are they Jewish?
Speaker 9
00:14:21 Because that will make a big difference.Devon Stack
00:14:22 Although to be.00:14:23 Fair. The previous owner was Jewish.
00:14:27 And he was a he was a free speech absolutist. So hey, you know, there is a chance.
00:14:33 There is a chance, but in preparation for this sale, in an effort to try to muddy the waters, try to derail this Ave. that we have to talk to.
Speaker 10
00:14:46 Our, our, our.Devon Stack
00:14:48 Fellow Americans and and Europeans around the world.00:14:56 They've decided to do a hit piece. They decided to do a hit piece.
00:15:01 And the horror they they they they wanted to explain the the horror.
00:15:07 That people like me could make the same as a Taco Bell manager.
00:15:12 Doing this string.
00:15:14 Uh, we'll talk about how much they make here in a second, because guess what?
00:15:19 You know, two can play at that game.
00:15:21 So this article it's it's actually pretty slow. It's low on details.
00:15:27 It's almost as if they they never read my book and they never watch my streams and I would, I would submit to you that that's probably the case.
00:15:37 They just say there's this guy, Devon stack.
00:15:40 And he's got a book and did.
Speaker 9
00:15:42 You know that the title of the book.Devon Stack
00:15:44 It's plucked from.00:15:47 The Turner Diaries, which by the way I've mentioned several times, I don't care that that it's it's a reference to the Turner Diaries, but that's I didn't I wasn't aware of that when I named it that.
00:15:57 Of course, the book Day of the Rope.
00:16:00 I had never read the Turner Diaries where I named the.
00:16:02 Book. I thought stupid me. It was just something people it.
Speaker 9
00:16:06 Was I I knew it it.Devon Stack
00:16:07 The the meaning was implicit to me.00:16:10 But I just thought it was something people said.
00:16:14 But hey, if if it's.
00:16:15 A reference to the Turner Diaries don't care.
00:16:18 Either way, that's all they say about it. Oh, it's a ref. You know, it's it's an evil. It's an evil book about a a race war, which, by the way, it's not. There's not a race war in my book.
00:16:28 Those of you who read it, you know that there's not a race. There's not even a war.
00:16:33 In the book at all, I was very careful, but I've read lots of crazy things about my book that had that don't exist in the book from people who either haven't read it or did read it and decide to lie about it.
00:16:46 The you know SPLC is is famous for lying about people. That's how they make a.
00:16:50 Lot of their money.
00:16:52 So the liars in this case.
00:16:55 After they, after they say that my book is, is about a race war.
00:17:00 They start talking about other people who aren't me, and in fact I went to look up who some of these people were. Some of these other Odyssey channels.
00:17:08 Because I've never.
00:17:09 Heard of like half of them?
00:17:12 And one of them.
00:17:13 Was a Q ****.
00:17:14 I was like, are you ******** me? You're lumping me in with custards?
00:17:19 Like what? Why?
00:17:21 I mean, come on, man.
00:17:23 Like insult to injury a little bit.
00:17:26 So they just, you know they they mentioned me making money and that's the crime. That's the crime. The crime isn't anything that I've said because they don't quote me, ever. In fact, the only actually.
Speaker 9
00:17:37 They quote me. They give.Devon Stack
00:17:37 Me. They have one quote and it's a quote about me saying that YouTube demonetizes most of my videos. That's the quote.00:17:46 They say, oh, and and Devon stack.
00:17:49 You know he, he says he doesn't post to YouTube anymore because quote.
00:17:53 YouTube Demonetizes most my videos.
00:17:57 Ohh the I I'm such an evil man. I'm so evil I don't deserve a platform, do I? I don't deserve a platform.
00:18:07 So anyway, they they go through, they they they list, you know, a lot of people we have heard of like Mark Collett and and Adam Green and things like that. And then a bunch of people have never heard of and a bunch of people who don't even use Odyssey really is their main platform. You know, more mainstream type guys like I hypocrite and stuff, who are still on YouTube, who just happen to have an odyssey.
00:18:30 And yeah.
00:18:33 So I was like, OK, well, who are these ***** if they wanna?
00:18:36 Go out.
00:18:37 And claim that that I need to be shut down because I make the same amount as a Taco Bell manager.
00:18:44 For putting on this this show.
00:18:47 Then who is Elias? John Fernandez exactly.
00:18:52 Who is he? Who is Elias? John Fernandez. Also by.
00:18:56 The way weird.
Speaker 9
00:18:57 Name who? Hi, thanks. The I mean.Devon Stack
00:18:59 It's gay enough.00:19:00 If you hyphenate your last name, if you hyphenate your last name, you're you're basically I mean.
00:19:08 If it's not you then then your dad is is definitely.
00:19:14 Probably both of you.
00:19:16 Probably both of you. If you have a hyphenated last name, that means your dad at the very least is a cuckold and you're a massive fagg.
00:19:26 So OK, and and obviously he's a.
00:19:29 A mud melon.
00:19:30 Kid so, because for Fernandez. Albert. Right. So Elias, John who hyphenates their first name.
00:19:38 Elias John Fernandez. Albert.
00:19:41 Ignore this picture, this is just nothing. It's just a picture of nothing. It's literally a picture of nothing has nothing to do with anything at all, Elias. John Fernandez. Albert.
00:19:53 And then we have RJ Reinhardt.
00:19:57 RJ Reinhart. Oh, look at this guy.
00:20:01 Look at this guy. Yeah, you.
Speaker 9
00:20:02 Thought you scrubbed all your images off the Internet, didn't you, RJ Reinhardt?Devon Stack
00:20:07 No, no, you forgot the videos of when.00:20:09 You used to work for Gallup.
00:20:10 Polls. And you look like this. I mean, I can't blame you if I looked like this, I would make sure there weren't any images of me on the Internet as well. But so this this guy, RJ Reinhardt.
00:20:22 RJ Reinhardt.
00:20:26 And last but not least.
00:20:30 Megan Squire, who I have talked about in the past, I covered her in the Pacon series, you know, but I've decided I've got a new name for Megan Squire. It's a little hard to remember that name for some reason, Megan, Squire and uh, I'm just going to start calling her *****.
00:20:49 And you might think why? Why would I call her *****?
00:20:53 That's that's a weird thing to call her *****.
00:20:57 That's a little immature of you, Devin. Why would you?
00:21:00 Just call her *****.
00:21:03 Well, look at her closely.
00:21:05 Doesn't she look familiar?
00:21:08 Doesn't she look familiar? See, I I saw this picture, right. And I remember I I like I said, I've covered her in videos before. I didn't really pay much of attention to her because that's definitely the kind of face that doesn't exactly attract the eyes to it.
Speaker 12
00:21:22 There's there's a.Devon Stack
00:21:22 Little bit of a a repulsion reflex going on here but.00:21:26 Then I it it finally hit me.
00:21:29 That's where I've seen.
00:21:30 Her. This is where I've seen her. She she isn't just a SPLC shell or a professor at Elon University. Yeah, that's actually the name of the university. It's actually called Elon. Like Elon Musk. I mean, it's not. I mean, that's it's not named after Elon Musk, but it's the spelling is the same.
00:21:48 She's also, apparently a meth addict, famous for her role in Breaking Bad.
Speaker 13
00:21:55 Shake, shake, shake, shake.Devon Stack
00:22:02 I mean, come on. There's no way you can't see it. There's no possible. Like, once you see, I mean, come on. That's her.Speaker 2
00:22:10 That's her.Devon Stack
00:22:13 That's got to be her.00:22:16 There's no possible way that that is not heard.
00:22:26 I mean, holy ****.
Speaker 9
00:22:30 I'd be mad.Speaker 4
00:22:31 At the wall too.Devon Stack
00:22:34 If I look like this, I also would have.00:22:37 Married a man with children.
Speaker 9
00:22:40 And not had any children of my.Devon Stack
00:22:41 Own because why would I want to pass that?Speaker 2
00:22:43 Curse on to anyone else.Devon Stack
00:22:47 Because holy ****.00:22:58 So ***** here. She's, she's in the business of of trying to get rid of.
00:23:05 Of hate speech.
00:23:08 This isn't her first rodeo.
00:23:10 You know, she single handedly perhaps destroyed the platform and and look if there's anyone from odyssey watching this, you might want to pay attention to this, this little walk back into the.
00:23:22 In the memory lane.
00:23:25 You see, there was another platform that was pressured into kicking people off.
00:23:30 Most of you haven't. You know, it's a it's a.
00:23:33 It's a fading memory.
00:23:36 That platform, of course, was.
00:23:38 D live ohh yeah. Remember D live vaguely.
Speaker 9
00:23:43 D live.Devon Stack
00:23:46 You see, she did the same.Speaker 9
00:23:47 Thing with D live.Devon Stack
00:23:49 When she went after people that were on YouTube got them kicked off YouTube and then followed them like a ******* crazy ***** over to D live.00:23:57 See, here's her her little presentation. Monetizing propaganda. How far right extremists earn money? Oh, good Lord by video streaming.
Speaker 15
00:24:06 Hi everyone. I'm Megan Squire and I'm going to be talking to you today about my paper on monetized propaganda. How far right extremists use video streaming to make money now, I used the data science process to study far right extremists online and back in 2019, I was looking at a video stream from this guy, Mark Collett.Speaker 9
00:24:08 Hi, *****.Speaker 15
00:24:26 He's from the UK.Speaker 14
00:24:27 Ohh, he's so evil this mark guy.Speaker 15
00:24:27 And does far right political video streams.00:24:30 He was live streaming the.
00:24:31 100th episode.
00:24:32 Of his show called this week and the Alt right on.
00:24:35 YouTube and I noticed.
Devon Stack
00:24:36 Ohh, you couldn't let that keep going. Couldn't let that keep going.Speaker 15
00:24:40 That he was getting a lot of money donated during the show via this new feature that YouTube had called.Speaker 2
00:24:46 Super chats a.Speaker 15
00:24:47 Super chat is.00:24:48 Where you can attach money to whatever you say in the chat window and you hope that it will catch the attention of the streamer and they might give you a little shout.
00:24:55 Out or interact with you in some way.
00:24:58 I was really interested in the interplay between the streamer and the audience and the fact that the Super chat represents an entirely new way to make money.
00:25:06 For these types of.
Speaker 16
00:25:06 Political groups.Speaker 15
00:25:08 The typical way for those types of extreme.Devon Stack
00:25:10 You know, it's funny. You'll see in a moment why it's so infuriating that the SPLC would be upset that Mark Colette got $300.00 in super chats. Oh, my God.Speaker 15
00:25:21 Those groups are hate groups.00:25:25 Merchandise or to church dues?
Devon Stack
00:25:26 Ohh, they sell them. They they sell T-shirts.Speaker 15
00:25:30 To a group. But this tipping economy was something new, and my back of the envelope calculations that day on YouTube were that college was making about $300.00 an hour, and that seemed pretty lucrative for something so new. Anyhow. Fast forward to 2020, many of these guys had, by this point been kicked off of YouTube and Twitch.00:25:49 And the other more.
00:25:50 Mainstream sites for breaking the terms of service while they were video streaming there, but they still wanted to take donations and they still wanted to video stream, so they were kind of casting about with more.
Devon Stack
00:25:59 By the way, I.00:25:59 Wonder if that had anything to do with the fact that.
00:26:02 The SPLC is a trusted flagger for YouTube. We'll talk about that in a second. So it's not up in the stream, but it should.
00:26:08 Be back. Hopefully that's the only one I'm going to put it on.
00:26:12 This thing, so I'll see.
00:26:14 If it updates. Yep, and it's.
00:26:16 Updating. Then we're almost back. I'm almost back.
00:26:19 Come back. Sorry guys, I'm doing a little something a little new. I'm multi streaming on on Rumble and Odyssey.
00:26:29 Sell that.
00:26:31 I can try this out. I'm using a service. I guess I shouldn't even name right? I shouldn't even name cause.
00:26:37 God forbid the SPLC goes after that.
00:26:41 But we should be back. Hopefully we'll be back and hopefully this is not a problem throughout tonight.
Speaker 15
00:26:46 And there's an API to access.00:26:48 It so since the.
Devon Stack
00:26:50 Ohh, how convenient. So basically, what she? She's she's stalking the people on D live by looking at the blockchain and maybe look, this is probably an issue. This is something that if you want to make a in the future if someone wants to make an actual free speech platform, maybe maybe.00:27:10 The Super chat equivalent shouldn't be so public.
00:27:15 Maybe. And I know that that kind of goes against the way that it's structured on YouTube.
00:27:22 The way that you know YouTube, it's almost like bragging rights. I think in a way they think that psychologically people will want to give bigger super chats, right? Because you know, they get their names up there with the big number and, you know, whatever, I get it.
00:27:37 But maybe, maybe because of stuff like this?
00:27:41 Maybe in order to combat that, you need to have some kind of system that doesn't make it so easy for these people to track it.
00:27:50 Because, I mean, look, it's at at this point if I had, if I had access to lawyers I.
00:27:59 I wouldn't. I would say that a a defamation lawsuit would not be out of the question for the SPLC. And and I don't say this because, like, I'm one of these people, like, I should sue them. No, they've been.
00:28:10 Sued and they've lost.
00:28:12 They've been sued for doing exactly what they did to me.
00:28:16 And they've lost, and they've had to settle, and they've had to pay out millions of dollars.
00:28:23 And Lord knows they have it. We'll get into that here in a moment.
Speaker 15
00:28:28 The D Live API allows me to view the transactions for each person. What I did to study this was make a list of folks to observe and started with the streamers. First. I had about 50 of those and then I got interested in the people giving the donations to these far right streamers. So I made a list of 20 of those folks as well.Speaker 9
00:28:46 See, she's not just. And look, we can.Devon Stack
00:28:48 Play this game too.00:28:51 We can play this game too.
00:28:55 You want us to start looking into your donors?
00:29:00 We're going to be looking at you. Some of your financials tonight.
00:29:03 Now I didn't have time to to fully track down all of your donors or anything like that.
00:29:09 But hey, if you if you start a war.
00:29:12 Never underestimate the power of autism.
00:29:16 Don't think that. I won't. I won't let I I won't let this go.
00:29:21 You **** with me. I'll ****.
00:29:23 With you right back.
00:29:25 So they're not just going after the people who are exercising their free speech, they're going after the people or donating to them again so that they can make the the equivalent of a Taco Bell manager.
Speaker 15
00:29:40 And then finally I ended up with a people of interest category. This was a bit like leftover folks seemed like they could be notable at first, but they never ended up doing much on the platform.00:29:51 So some of them had, like a lot of people following them, they were known personalities in the far right, but they never ended up streaming much on D live for whatever reason. So anyhow, I ended up with a data set of 119 people to study in all different kinds of.
00:30:04 Ways so for a.
00:30:05 Period of about eight months. I downloaded transaction ledgers for these folks and I set about seeing what.
Speaker 17
00:30:11 It was. I could.Speaker 15
00:30:13 So my research questions were first around the timing and the size of the financial transactions that were taking place. So I wanted to quantify for the first time how much money was actually changing hands and how often.Devon Stack
00:30:25 Now you might be ask yourself, how does this ***** have all?Speaker 15
00:30:26 Like when was that?Devon Stack
00:30:28 The time to do this ****.00:30:31 Is just. Is the ***** just hanging out in her basement all day long. Just autistically gathering all this data. Or is she getting paid thousands of dollars to do this?
00:30:38 While she's getting paid thousands of dollars, thousands of dollars to do this.
00:30:45 Probably 10s of thousands of dollars to do this.
00:30:49 And we don't.
00:30:49 Have anything like this going on the other side? Because the right?
00:30:52 Is the the the the part of the the.
Speaker 12
00:30:52 You know.Devon Stack
00:30:54 Quote UN quote right. That has money.00:30:58 Well, they're just the they're either the controlled opposition that want groups like the SPLC going after people like me because people like me are counter signaling their narrative.
00:31:10 Because at the end of the day, many of them, if not almost all of them, are gatekeepers and controlled opposition.
00:31:19 And so when someone like me comes around and lifts up the curtain.
00:31:26 And the SPLC comes and slaps my hand.
00:31:29 They're excited. It's like the ADL, right?
00:31:33 When the ban, the ADL hashtag was going around, what did you hear from all these kosher serves?
Speaker 18
00:31:39 Well, the ADO used to do good work, but now it's getting a little crazy because.Devon Stack
00:31:43 Now they're, you know, same thing.00:31:46 And by the way, you'll see the same stuff about the ADL or the SPLC here in a moment.
00:31:52 The Conservatives can't just say no. You've always been ******. You've always been bad. You were bad when you were going after the KKK. You were bad when you're going after the Neo Nazis in Idaho, you've always been bad.
00:32:04 Because your motivations were always anti white.
00:32:08 Anti White Anti American Anti Western civilization.
Speaker 15
00:32:18 And then second, I wanted to build a network of payments in order to learn what the structure of the donation system looks like, the donation ecosystem. So in terms of the first research.00:32:28 Question about the.
00:32:29 Size of the financial operation and the timing of donations. Here's what I found. So First things first, there are 4.
00:32:36 Transaction types in the system.
00:32:39 Cash in.
Devon Stack
00:32:40 Good Lord. Alright, well, we're not gonna sit through all this.00:32:42 She's she goes into lemons.
Speaker 11
00:32:43 Have resulted.Devon Stack
00:32:45 You know, talks about like, oh, look at.00:32:46 This it's so terrible. Oh.
Speaker 15
00:32:49 Pay them in the middle of the night when they're not even logged in from the site. That isn't what tended to happen, so instead the majority of donations did come in during the times when the streamer was doing the broadcast, presumably to.Devon Stack
00:32:49 Look, look, Nick was on. He was on D live.Speaker 15
00:33:01 Get their attention.Devon Stack
00:33:01 Wow, great data point. You mean people sent hyper chats more often?00:33:05 While people were.
00:33:06 I mean.
00:33:07 Good thing you're getting paid thousands of dollars to include this in your intelligence product here that you're providing for not just the SPLC, but all the groups that want to start their own organizations that do this sort of thing. And there are there's lots of other organizations doing this sort of thing. She's just she's.
00:33:22 Just the hub in many.
Speaker 2
00:33:24 In many ways.Speaker 15
00:33:25 Schedule that I could actually reverse engineer a broadcast schedule just from looking at when the donations occurred. So for example, this streamer here is a bar graph showing donation.Devon Stack
00:33:36 I like how she tries to sound.Speaker 18
00:33:37 Smart I could reverse engineer when he was gonna stream based on when the donations came in.Devon Stack
00:33:44 Wow, that that's some that's some top tier pattern recognition there.00:33:49 You mean like?
00:33:50 You put it.
00:33:51 Together, all your all your lonesome. See this?
00:33:53 Is This is why anyone who's worked in tech?
00:33:57 That's worked with girls.
00:34:01 This is what counts as innovation. When you work with women in.
00:34:04 The tech sector.
00:34:06 I was able to determine that, you know they got hyper chats more often while they were streaming, so I could just look at the chart that showed when the hyper chats came in and I could figure out using my big girl brain I could figure out exactly when they're streaming.
Speaker 15
00:34:19 Ends per day and you can see the days when he was streaming because there are the days he got donations and you can see.00:34:26 Gaps, which represented the weekend when he wasn't.
Speaker 19
00:34:28 Wow, you're brilliant.Speaker 15
00:34:29 Streaming. There's also some holidays where he.00:34:31 Took time.
00:34:32 Now, donors also exhibited some evidence of impulse purchasing, although I need to do a little bit more research on this to to study exactly how this worked, but the data seemed to show that donors were tending to purchase lemons in.
Devon Stack
00:34:45 See, this is something the rights.00:34:47 Not even doing at all.
00:34:49 The right isn't looking to see who's funding Antifa, the rights not looking into see who's funding the SPLC, or the ADL. They're not having, they're not paying some ****** college professor to pull over the data and and create intelligence products like this.
00:35:08 They're not. They don't want to touch it.
00:35:11 They don't want to touch it.
00:35:14 Now part of it, I think honestly, I hate to say it.
00:35:18 Part of it is is a lot of people on our side are just ******* stupid.
00:35:22 That's just the way it is.
00:35:24 A lot of the people on our side are just are are like the the you know the the the the MAGA people, the queue tart people, the people that as I mentioned before when I was talking about the the people that decide to sign up and and die for Israel they think well I don't need to do this sort of thing because good just wins.
00:35:43 If I just wait long enough and keep voting hard enough, eventually good just wins.
00:35:50 So I don't have to do all this stuff because I'm on the side of good and good.
00:35:53 Will just automatically win.
Speaker 9
00:36:00 You know, I I.Devon Stack
00:36:00 I you know, it's it's like the silent majority ******** excuse. You hear all the time? Well, you know, conservatives, they don't go and protest because they've got jobs.Speaker 20
00:36:11 So being a.Devon Stack
00:36:13 Cog in the machine.00:36:15 Being the alpha slave, that's what's important to you.
00:36:21 That's what you're saying?
00:36:25 That's what you're saying?
Speaker 18
00:36:28 Well, I have a job. I can't go protest or whatever.Devon Stack
00:36:32 Because if I did that, I wouldn't be able to afford my my vacation and my, my my house that's underwater.00:36:41 My $80,000 Jeep.
Speaker 15
00:36:51 Smaller bundles than they needed to, despite the lower unit cost. If they'd purchased in bulk so they could have saved money purchasing larger quantities of lemons at a time. So when they cashed in, but they didn't seem to.00:37:03 Do that, they.
Devon Stack
00:37:04 OK. That's she's she's just trying to sound.Speaker 15
00:37:04 Seemed to bounce.Devon Stack
00:37:06 Smarter by saying people impulse bought.00:37:09 Yeah, that's that's.
00:37:10 More about the platform, that's how that works. It's like when you go to a casino and they give you a ticket to cash your money into a ticket.
00:37:20 Of course, then I'm. I'm talking to the recording people now because it looks as if it's dropped out again. This this. Ohh no, it's coming back. It's coming back. It didn't drop. It didn't drop.
00:37:29 All right, good. So if you go to a casino or even if you go to like Dave and Buster's, it's the same thing.
00:37:36 You know, they don't want you putting machines or real money in the machines. They want you to buy tickets and then use the tickets to the machines because because they know, inevitably you will forget to cash out some of those tickets or you'll have money leftover. That's like, you know, maybe a $0.50. And you don't think it's worth it.
00:37:56 And so they're just skimming.
00:37:58 And that's how all these platforms work that make you prepay this stuff. There's nothing. There's nothing crazy, I mean.
00:38:05 Again, though, she's she's a computer girl. Look at this. Look at this graph she made. Look at all this connections. They love these ******* graphs.
Speaker 9
00:38:14 Look at that.Devon Stack
00:38:14 If there's a, if there's a plus side to this. If there's a plus side to this. I just said that.00:38:19 A lot of people on the right are ******* ********. A lot of people on the left are ******* ******** too. They just like graphs.
00:38:25 They just like sounding smart. The right doesn't even care about sounding smart. The left likes to sound smart.
00:38:32 And they like to show these complicated graphs like how in what scenario is this graph useful?
00:38:39 It's not.
00:38:40 It's it's really not.
00:38:42 The only time something like this would be useful and look maybe they have something like this is if you had some kind of interactive database where we could track down all the money going in flowing into the pockets of politicians and into groups like the SPLC. This is something and look, this is another thing, another intelligence product. I guess you could say that we.
00:39:01 Need to think about.
00:39:04 We need to have a paper trail.
00:39:07 Because a lot of times you have a paper trail available. If they have 501C3 status, some of their financials have to be public, some of which will go over tonight for the SPLC.
00:39:20 And a lot.
00:39:20 Is the same for political donations and everything else.
00:39:23 So yeah, if you had an interactive graph like this where I could just zoom in on, say, you know Nancy Pelosi and see where all of her money was coming in, then yeah, that would be that would be useful.
00:39:35 But again, we're talking about people who make the same as Taco Bell employees.
00:39:43 I don't know if you guys realize this. It's it's not a big money maker doing this job. OK, I know it seems really, really glamorous.
00:39:54 And there look and there's nights that, you know, people are really generous. And I appreciate it. I'm not not saying that I don't.
00:40:00 But ultimately I can make a lot a lot more money doing something else.
00:40:05 And that goes.
00:40:06 For pretty much everyone else that's doing this sort of work.
00:40:09 OK. And we're the threat.
00:40:13 We're the threat.
00:40:14 She's she's making.
00:40:15 More in a month than I make in a.
00:40:17 Year and we're the threat.
Speaker 15
00:40:18 The structure of the network a little bit better. It was quite crowded when I included all of the data, but what we see here is a pretty clear Community structure emerging. There's discrete sort of fan clubs that in many cases exhibit very little crossover.Speaker 12
00:40:33 Ohh yeah alright anyway.Devon Stack
00:40:36 So this is her little stupid graph that it.00:40:39 It's totally pointless.
Speaker 15
00:40:41 Order to get more money or maybe.Devon Stack
00:40:43 All look. See, that's already I go blah.00:40:44 Blah blah money comes at me. I wish that was my job. Blah, blah blah. Give me money.
Speaker 15
00:40:50 It goes in the other direction, where the donors can dial up the funding in order to get the streamer to do or to say certain things that needs a lot more investigation.Speaker 17
00:41:00 I did notice.Speaker 15
00:41:01 The beginnings of this, as I examined the platform, though some of the.Devon Stack
00:41:01 It needs a lot more investigation.Speaker 15
00:41:04 Mega donors actually.Speaker 9
00:41:04 See that? That is. See that the right?Devon Stack
00:41:07 Doesn't think enough and the left thinks too much for.Speaker 12
00:41:09 Their own good.Devon Stack
00:41:11 Again, it's it's. It's really simple. Yes is there. Is there some kind of motivation for people that send hyper chess that want to be heard cause they see that it's gonna pop up? Yeah, of course. Obviously it's just that's.00:41:21 Like, that's like psychology. You learn in in 4th grade.
00:41:24 But she's she's a.
00:41:27 She's a big time professor, so.
00:41:29 Let's see what her.
Speaker 9
00:41:29 Summary is far right. All all that.Devon Stack
00:41:33 And all she was able to determine.00:41:36 Was a far light, right. Streamers used live to make money.
00:41:41 OK, D live data can be accessed with the public API. Yeah, that's not good. That's something that that companies in the future need to work on. So that ****** like this ***** can't.
00:41:54 Take advantage of it. Most money comes from a few donors. Well, that would make sense.
00:41:59 Most of the SPLC's money probably comes.
00:42:01 From a few donors.
00:42:03 Most donations are during the broadcast. Again. Wow, good, good job. And the donation network has a discrete fan club. I mean, there's people that, like other, you know, certain creators. Amazing.
00:42:14 So this is this is the ***** here.
00:42:19 Another interesting thing about this *****.
00:42:23 She's known as Antifa's secret weapon against far right extremists.
00:42:30 And this is what, according to Wired magazine. Yeah, this is Wired magazine.
00:42:35 You know she's.
00:42:36 Talking and and you would think that if if the SPLC was genuinely worried about extremist groups.
00:42:43 Violent extremist groups, right? That's what they talk about all the time while we're here to stop violent extremist groups.
00:42:50 Why would they be so buddy, buddy with a violent extremist group like Antifa? Well, because they're not worried about violent extremist groups. They're just anti white.
00:43:00 So this article just talks about her, you know, basically a lot of what we just went over. But one of the things that I thought was interesting, look at this.
00:43:09 I mean she.
00:43:11 I mean, Jesus.
00:43:12 Christ. I mean, look at that. I mean just.
00:43:16 I mean, look at her eyes. They're not even like looking.
00:43:18 In the same direction.
Speaker 9
00:43:20 It's and this is the good picture of her. This is one of the good pictures of her.Devon Stack
00:43:26 But anyway.00:43:29 The AH God, sorry I I.
00:43:33 Have to look at it too.
00:43:37 The fact that she.
00:43:38 Says in this article in Wired magazine.
00:43:43 That she's unwilling to condemn Antifa's use of violence.
00:43:49 And she described it as a last resort.
Speaker 9
00:43:53 Of a diversity of tactics.Devon Stack
00:44:00 See, I want you to understand what she's saying here. This isn't some peaceful woman who's worried about violence. You know, all these people are gonna talk. They're gonna say bad thing, they're gonna say naughty things on the Internet.00:44:11 They're going to get paid, you know, minimum.
00:44:13 Wage to.
00:44:14 Say naughty things, the Internet, and it's gonna it's going to start, but no, she's she's OK with violence.
00:44:22 She's OK with violence. It's simply.
Speaker 12
00:44:24 Another tool in the toolbox.Devon Stack
00:44:31 Oh, there's the rules.00:44:36 I mean, I would think long and hard about that because what are you, what what's the, what's the exact line here? She's unwilling to condemn their use of violence, describing it as the last resort.
00:44:48 Of a diversity of tactics.
00:44:52 Really, it's a last resort.
00:44:56 So you think Antifa has?
Speaker 9
00:44:59 Fewer or more options.Devon Stack
00:45:02 To advocate their cause.00:45:13 Because I think it's, it's abundantly clear.
00:45:17 That we have fewer options to advocate.
Speaker 12
00:45:21 For our cause.Devon Stack
00:45:24 And so if you are saying.00:45:27 That after your you've exhausted your diversity of tactics, that violence is totally OK.
Speaker 9
00:45:35 What is it that you're you're saying exactly?Devon Stack
00:45:49 I would think real hard about that.00:46:02 But of course they're OK with violence. The SPLC has always been OK with violence, and the SPLC, like all these satanic groups, have always been guilty of what it is they accuse.
00:46:13 Their opponents of.
00:46:20 You see.
00:46:22 What the SPLC does?
00:46:25 Is in the result of of intelligence products like hers, right?
00:46:31 What the end result is is their hate map.
00:46:35 They make a little hate map.
00:46:38 It's not a useless infographic to to scare their donors into paying them more money, but they make a little hate map and they say, look at this hate map. Look at all the hate. It's everywhere. Look at all these red dots all over the map. It's it's just all kinds of hate.
00:46:53 And they publish it.
00:46:55 They try to get people fired from their jobs.
00:46:59 And as as she said here.
00:47:03 They hope that as a last resort.
00:47:07 Of a diversity of tactics someone resorts to.
00:47:11 Violence, which is exactly what happened.
00:47:16 In 2012.
Speaker 22
00:47:20 Police closed down two blocks while FBI investigators took over the shooting scene at the Family Research Council on the corner of 8th and.00:47:28 G streets just.
00:47:29 Before 11:00 AM.
Speaker 21
00:47:30 The building got locked down then.Speaker 9
00:47:32 It would help.Speaker 23
00:47:32 Our building.Speaker 22
00:47:33 Yes, a security guard at the conservative Christian lobbying group was shot in the shoulder, yet somehow.00:47:39 He managed to stop his attacker from firing again.
Speaker 24
00:47:42 The security guard, you know, was was a hero in this case and he did an excellent.00:47:46 The job in stopping the gunman from getting any further into the building and from anyone else getting injured or shot by him.
Speaker 22
00:47:55 At least one other person apparently helped the wounded guard subdue the gunman, who was led out of the building in handcuffs.Speaker 17
00:48:02 Somebody going out on the stretcher?00:48:04 Blood on them and.
00:48:07 The suspect handcuffed led on.
Speaker 22
00:48:10 The security guard was seen sitting upright and talking after the shooting as he was being transported to a hospital.Speaker 24
00:48:16 Interviews still are ongoing with both the victim, whose security guard who was shot, as well as witnesses, and the employees that work in that building.Speaker 22
00:48:24 Police won't say what the suspect may have said before opening fire, but his words and actions did alarm them.Devon Stack
00:48:28 I wonder why that is.Speaker 22
00:48:30 Enough to involve the FBI, Washington Field Office FBI spokesperson Jacqueline McGuire said. Domestic terrorism is one of their possible concerns, which would elevate the shooters charges to a federal level.Devon Stack
00:48:45 So what happened?00:48:48 Well, an enraged ******.
00:48:51 Went to the SPLC's website.
00:48:55 Looked at their hate map.
00:48:58 And decided that he was going to go after anti-gay groups.
00:49:04 He was going to go in and.
00:49:06 Shoot them and kill the mall.
00:49:10 And I I'm not making up this detail. He was then going to rub Chick-fil-A on their on their on the corpse's face.
00:49:18 He was gonna kill people.
00:49:19 And put Chick-fil-A sandwiches on their.
00:49:22 Again, you know these, these, these, these people aren't exactly. I mean they're.
00:49:27 So like they, they're not silly ******. ***** are for chicks. So Chick-fil-A is not for corpse faces. And look, he admitted it. He this was his FBI interview and he said exactly that.
Speaker 5
00:49:41 Now, how did you this?Speaker 25
00:49:42 Building this organization, did you?00:49:44 Did you? How did you find there? Did you like look up online or how did you know about it?
Speaker 26
00:49:49 Southern Poverty law lists anti-gay groups online and research on the website.Speaker 2
00:49:55 OK, OK.Speaker 26
00:49:57 And stuff like that.Devon Stack
00:50:01 So he went to the website. You know, the people that are worried about extremist speech, creating violent situations.00:50:11 While their extremist speech created a violent situation could have been a lot worse.
00:50:17 Could have been a lot worse.
00:50:19 All that happened was he shot a security guard who survived the attack and and put him down. Because, I mean, he was.
00:50:27 He's a ******.
00:50:28 So, I mean, if you're.
00:50:30 Going to if you're going to do a mass shooting, it's probably better not to be.
00:50:32 Again, uh and and look at it.
00:50:36 This isn't the the stop of it.
00:50:38 And it's and.
00:50:39 They're not just.
00:50:40 They're not just talking about conservative groups that are mainstream and enough to, like, have a I mean, I don't know if you guys recognize the DC neighborhood.
00:50:49 But these guys are like right next door to uh. You know, the Smithsonian, they're right in the heart of DC. They got some money. They're a pretty mainstream conservative group.
00:50:59 But yeah, it's not just conservative groups that aren't pro LGBT.
Speaker 27
00:51:05 Now to a new designation for a Florida based group, Moms for Liberty made News this week by being labeled as extremist and anti government, WPTV News Channel 5 Matt says he looks deeper into this group.Speaker 14
00:51:20 The Moms for Liberty have only been around for a few years, a social movement, a political force and a target for those who oppose what they're doing.Speaker 6
00:51:30 We were in 45 states. We were only supposed to be in Florida.Speaker 14
00:51:33 Jennifer Pippen of the Moms for Liberty in Indian River County hints that it's something of a surprise how the group has expanded.Speaker 17
00:51:40 I think that moms for Liberty's tactics are definitely hateful.Speaker 14
00:51:45 Others, like the Southern Poverty Law Center, also are not surprised, citing the organization's playbook of challenging and removing books from school libraries and trying to influence curriculum.Speaker 17
00:51:56 An overarching theme of these.Devon Stack
00:51:59 So in other words, these mom groups that don't want ***********.00:52:05 In public schools, look, you got to.
00:52:07 Homeschool your kids.
00:52:09 You know, doing this kind of advocacy is is not going to change public schools. Yeah, you you can't. You cannot protect your children in the public school system. You just can't.
00:52:23 You just can't, and this is look, and it's because of groups like the SPLC.
00:52:30 They want to destroy your family. They don't want. They don't want just to to damage you financially, they.
00:52:35 Want you dead?
00:52:40 They don't want to just hurt you.
00:52:42 So that you can't make a living.
Speaker 9
00:52:44 They don't want you to be alive.Devon Stack
00:52:53 Because Southern poverty law, like like you, would think that, though, that that has something to do with the civil rights, right, southern poverty, you know, or has something to do with poverty.00:53:06 But they're upset when a group of moms want to get ***********.
00:53:11 Actual ***********. We've all seen the videos, the kind of *********** that when they start to read them in the City Council meetings, they get ejected from the City Council meetings for obscenity.
00:53:23 When they're just reading the books that are in the libraries of their children's schools.
00:53:33 And now they're a hate group because they don't want ***********.
00:53:38 In their kids school.
Speaker 17
00:53:41 Is that public schools, public teachers are trying to radicalize and indoctrinate students with a radical Marxist agenda.Speaker 14
00:53:50 Moms for liberty.00:53:51 Assists they are all about unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights.
Devon Stack
00:53:57 A whole lot of white faces there.Speaker 6
00:53:57 What's still going through the libraries and challenging books that are pornographic, sexual, explicit, critical race theory against the laws in you know, the state of Florida.Speaker 14
00:54:07 And the movement has a big ally in Governor Ron De Santis, who was pushed an anti rogue education agenda and endorsed the group's school board candidates.Speaker 11
00:54:10 Thank you.Speaker 17
00:54:16 That groups like Moms for Liberty specifically has been very successful in leveraging their ties with media and and politicians.Speaker 14
00:54:27 Later this month, DeSantis will speak at the Moms for Liberty National Convention. Peter Dunbar is author of the modern Republican Party in Florida.Speaker 20
00:54:36 They found the Republicans because that was a benchmark of the individual participation where voices of.00:54:45 Policies were part of the educational policy making.
Speaker 14
00:54:50 And other Republican politicians have.Devon Stack
00:54:52 Followed. Wait. Hold on, Donald.Speaker 14
00:54:54 Trump see this is this.Devon Stack
00:54:55 Is a perfect example of people that get paid too much money to say.00:54:58 Nothing. What? What did that sound bite even mean? Like they interviewed it. You know, they interviewed this guy on Skype or zoom or whatever. Right, for like, an hour. And this is all they could come up with. They had to, like, almost as a courtesy.
00:55:11 For taking up his time and maybe to promote.
00:55:14 To his book.
00:55:15 This is the only sound bite they could get out of this guy.
Speaker 14
00:55:17 Dunbar is author of the modern Republican Party in Florida.Speaker 20
00:55:21 They found the Republicans because that was a benchmark of the individual participation, where voices of families were part of the educational policy making.Devon Stack
00:55:37 That doesn't mean anything.Speaker 9
00:55:43 So anyway, they're they're so.Devon Stack
00:55:44 They're listing things like that as.00:55:46 A as a hate group.
00:55:49 And of course.
00:55:50 Let me let me shrink this down. This is.
00:55:53 One of our one of our good good buddies.
00:55:57 He's, in fact, I forgot to get that clip. I ought to pull it up.
Speaker 29
00:56:03 Well, it's very clearly been associated really with the rise to power of.Devon Stack
00:56:08 This is Mark Potok. He's he's featured in the Defiant video. I might I might try to track that down here.Speaker 29
00:56:14 Barack Obama, the country's first black president, of course, and let that rise to power, really represents, which is an ongoing racial demographic change in this country. The Census Bureau has predicted that whites will lose their majority by about the year 2050, so.Devon Stack
00:56:34 Something he's very excited about, which we'll talk about here in a moment.00:56:39 So Mark potok.
00:56:41 This is obviously a few years back. I don't think that he's currently with the SPLC.
00:56:47 He's very upfront while in a manner of speaking about their true mission. The reason why they they want *********** in white schools specifically is they want to knock you down a few pegs.
00:56:59 They want to knock you down a few pegs. You see people like Mark Potok want to destroy white civilization.
00:57:06 White families white child.
00:57:08 Children, they want it. They don't. It's not just people like me. They want to put out of a job and and well put out of this world. It's it's just normal. Everyday moms, soccer moms.
00:57:20 Whose only crime is, is that they're white.
00:57:25 Now for mark.
00:57:26 Potok and and and Jews like him. There's something else going on.
00:57:31 But a lot of the SPLC.
00:57:33 Which we'll talk about why here in a second.
00:57:36 A lot of the leadership now is is well, it's non whites.
00:57:41 It's non whites with a chip on their shoulder.
00:57:44 It's non whites with a chip on their shoulder and they look at the statistics.
00:57:49 And rather than face the reality that that race has biological consequences that go far beyond melanin.
00:57:57 They have to cook up some insane reason why white kids.
00:58:00 Do better in school than black kids.
00:58:04 And if they are unable and they are unable to get black kids to perform at the same level of white kids, well then *** **** it, they're going to castrate your kids.
00:58:13 And bash them down.
00:58:16 Until they perform as low as the non white kids.
00:58:22 But here's Mark Potok saying that Oh yeah, because it's always like white supremacy is always.
00:58:27 At an all time high.
00:58:29 It's always an all time high and in this instance it's at an all time high because Barack Obama is president.
00:58:37 And and white people are enraged by the fact that he's president and and that they're going to be minorities, According to him in this clip and they've, they've.
00:58:45 Since updated these numbers and of course I mean just ****, I mean, just in the last couple of years the the traffic across the border is probably significantly changed. This he's saying that, Oh yeah, whites are going to be minority.
00:58:56 By 2050.
00:58:57 I wish we had that much time.
Speaker 29
00:59:01 This country, the Census Bureau, has predicted that whites will lose their majority by about the year 2050. So faced with the black president and that reality, some in this country are reacting with real fury. A combination of fear or resentment, hatred and sometimes just.00:59:20 White hot anger.
Speaker 23
00:59:21 They really blame people for maybe thinking that that is in the works or being paranoid about those things.Speaker 29
00:59:26 Well, yes, I can blame people because it's simply false and that if one pays any attention to the real world, one would know those things are false.Devon Stack
00:59:36 Ah yes, the white genocide that's simultaneously happening, but also a conspiracy theory.00:59:43 And so this is a a note from Mark Potok's desk.
00:59:48 People freeze framed a video that was on YouTube and noticed that on his desk he had a.
00:59:53 Piece of paper.
00:59:55 And on that piece of paper, that yellow piece of paper on the left there.
01:00:00 It said non Hispanic whites population.
01:00:03 Or a proportion of US population.
01:00:09 What a weird thing to be counting. What a weird thing. If demographics don't matter, right? If all you care about is is stopping racism, why? Why the hyper focus on racism?
01:00:20 If all you care about is extremist groups.
01:00:26 Why the hyper?
01:00:27 Focus on demographics and race.
01:00:32 And as you see, it says nineteen 2090%.
01:00:37 That was the share of white population in the United States, 90%.
01:00:43 1940.
01:00:45 90%.
01:00:48 90%.
01:00:51 And then it changes.
01:00:52 All of a sudden, almost as if.
01:00:55 Something happened in the 1940s.
01:00:58 I wonder what happened in the 1940s that would so dramatically change the direction the demographic direction of this country and countries all over the W 1960.
01:01:10 85%.
01:01:14 85%.
01:01:18 His little side note that says 1965 eighty 3%. Why would he? Why would? Why would 1965 be so important? Well, maybe because of the heart seller act that dramatically changed the.
01:01:29 The racial makeup of the people that we were importing into this country as immigrants.
01:01:39 Something that people like. Mark potok.
01:01:50 1980 we're down to 79%.
01:01:54 2069% 2012 64 2013 63 and see it's rapidly declining now 20/15/62.
01:02:08 Counting down.
01:02:18 Counting down to extinction.
01:02:24 And look here. Here he is talking not.
01:02:29 Probably not aware that he's being recorded talking about exactly what the Southern Poverty Law Center actually does.
Speaker 29
01:02:36 Sometimes the press would describe this as monitoring hate, loose and so on. I want to.Speaker 26
01:02:40 Say plainly that our.Speaker 29
01:02:41 Aim in life is to destroy these rooms completely. Destroy.Devon Stack
01:02:46 Completely destroy them, he says that the press would say that they are there to monitor hate groups and so on, but that's not the case. They're there to completely destroy them.01:03:04 Well, that he's talking about people like you and me.
01:03:10 He's talking about people like you and me.
01:03:22 Now it's been a little bit of a rocky road for the SPLC in the.
01:03:25 Last few years.
01:03:30 In 2019, they lost one of their founders. Why? Because he was a creepy sexual predator.
01:03:37 Like these guys often are.
Speaker 30
01:03:44 The Southern Poverty Law Center has fired its co-founder, Morris Dees. Dees gained notoriety way back in 1981 after winning a lawsuit that bankrupted a leading Ku Klux Klan group. The nonprofit Civil Rights Organization declined to elaborate, saying only that deeds failed to live up to the centers, standards and value.Devon Stack
01:04:04 Which is code for sexual harassment.01:04:08 With some credible allegations that he also was was basically diddling his kids.
01:04:19 So, oh, wow, surprise surprise.
01:04:24 The soldiers of Satan.
01:04:26 Are kid diddlers?
01:04:29 And predators, who would have thought?
01:04:31 But don't worry, guys. Good always wins in the end, right? We just have to wait these people out.
01:04:44 But it's weird because even though these sorts of things happen, it never seems to much matter.
01:04:51 And maybe it's because of how much money they have, which we'll we'll get into in a second. But it's odd that you would think that an organization which is which, which has had the kind of bad press.
01:05:03 And they had to do a.
01:05:04 Lot to get bad press.
01:05:08 That the same price would take them so seriously when they made allegations against people, including. Look, there's a cop that was just a a member of the proud boys and they tried to get him fired.
Speaker 31
01:05:19 The Southern Poverty Law Center wants a Chicago police officer fired right now. Officer Robert Baker, serving a 120 day suspension for his alleged ties to the proud.01:05:28 Boys in a letter to the mayor and police Superintendent, the civil rights organization demanded he be fired. CPD says it has zero tolerance for association.
Devon Stack
01:05:38 See why does it matter? Why does it matter what? What?01:05:41 Some kid diddlers in the South.
01:05:43 With hundreds of millions of dollars.
01:05:46 Want to have done?
01:05:48 Well, apparently it does and that's.
01:05:50 Not it's not just their.
01:05:51 Financial connections that make them powerful.
01:05:56 Although their financial connections are are quite deep.
01:06:00 It's kind of funny. You want to see the kinds of people that give money to these *****.
Speaker 10
01:06:03 This is these are.Devon Stack
01:06:04 The kinds of people right here.Speaker 20
01:06:04 Centuria and I have been a supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center for at least 20.Speaker 32
01:06:09 Years. It's a fantastic organization that I think that anyone and everyone that is concerned with justice in this country should do what they can to support it.01:06:22 So amazing to be used, able to use law to actually achieve.
Speaker 33
01:06:26 You've got this.Speaker 17
01:06:27 Justice for people.Speaker 34
01:06:29 I've often said that Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center stand between civilization and barbarism.01:06:36 And I think it's the most unique organization in America.
Speaker 9
01:06:42 It's a ******* cult.Devon Stack
01:06:45 These people sound exactly like the heavens gate people on their suicide video.01:06:53 Ohh Morris geez, he's the.
01:06:54 Only one. That that ******* kid ******. He's the only one.
01:06:59 Standing between barbarism and civilization.
01:07:10 All these rich, diluted boomers.
Speaker 9
01:07:14 ******* their money.Devon Stack
01:07:17 Into an organization that that makes more an interest than they.01:07:20 Would ever they.
01:07:22 Well, we'll get into that.
01:07:23 In a second.
Speaker 33
01:07:23 I talked to my friends who are still teachers about what they can do in their classrooms. Some of them do know about teaching tolerance, others don't. So I intend to spread the word.Speaker 24
01:07:32 Even more far as I'm concerned, this is the premier organization to deal.Speaker 35
01:07:36 With the rights of people who?Devon Stack
01:07:37 All these old dried up cat ladies.Speaker 24
01:07:38 Need help and and need someone to go to bat.Speaker 32
01:07:41 For them, in the legal system.Speaker 1
01:07:42 This is the outfit that.Speaker 29
01:07:44 Through the plan and put them out of.Speaker 36
01:07:46 Business I I just couldn't imagine.Devon Stack
01:07:49 What these guys do want?Speaker 9
01:07:50 They got the clan, the KKK.Devon Stack
01:07:58 God, I ******* hate these people so much.Speaker 23
01:08:01 I am not methodistic.01:08:05 And I don't see why. How can the doctor say that?
01:08:07 I am.
01:08:09 This face.
Speaker 9
01:08:12 On a day-to-day basis, it's quite quite touching.Speaker 37
01:08:14 My philosophy is, if you don't want to be in the trenches, find the best person you can who is and support them.Devon Stack
01:08:23 Yeah, look at that ******* *****.01:08:27 I hope she's got glaucoma, I hope.
01:08:29 It eats, eats all.
01:08:30 Through her eyes and into her skull.
01:08:35 So these are the *******, just just handing money over to these people.
Speaker 30
01:08:38 Takes 10 years and all kinds of talent to prosecute someone. Your your groups willing to do it.Speaker 32
01:08:43 Fight hate teaching tolerance. Make sure we seek justice.Speaker 34
01:08:47 I want to stand with Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center.Speaker 23
01:08:51 And when I heard about the Southern Poverty Law Center, I said, oh, my, that's another organization that I must support, I said.Devon Stack
01:08:58 I must support them.01:09:01 I must support them.
01:09:04 Every every one of these ******* old bags, man.
01:09:08 Can't ******* die fast enough.
Speaker 2
01:09:11 Get in. So let's take a look at how much these old bags have been giving these *******.Speaker 18
01:09:31 So here we go.Devon Stack
01:09:33 Like I said, 501 C three is there's some information that has to be public.01:09:39 I want you to look at these top categories here.
01:09:46 You got total expenses, program, service expenses, management and general expenses and fund raising expenses.
01:09:55 You know, because you you have to, you have to spend money to make money, as they say. So of course, there's fun to raising expenses.
01:10:05 What do you think?
Speaker 12
01:10:08 For one year.Devon Stack
01:10:12 The fundraising expenses.01:10:16 Now this is for this.
01:10:17 Is for 2021.
01:10:21 The fund raising expenses.
01:10:24 So in other words, what what did SPLC pay?
Speaker 9
01:10:29 Spend on like stupid ****.Devon Stack
01:10:31 Like that, whatever the Golla that was that we just watched clip a clip from.Speaker 38
01:10:39 What do you think?Speaker 9
01:10:43 What do you think?Devon Stack
01:10:44 They spent on stuff like that. Well, let's take a look.01:10:46 Let's Scroll down here.
Speaker 9
01:10:49 $16 million.Devon Stack
01:10:55 $16,000,000 on fundraising.01:11:03 That should give you an idea as to how much money is coming in. If they're spending $16,000,000 to get the money.
01:11:15 See, they're mad at people like me. They make the same as a Taco Bell employee, but they're spending 16 ******* $1,000,000 just to get their hyper chats.
01:11:30 What were their total expenses?
01:11:34 $111 million.
01:11:40 You might ask yourself, well, how they how 111, how I wouldn't even know how to spend $111,000,000 in a year.
01:11:48 I honestly would not have spent 16,000,000.
01:11:51 Dollars in a.
01:11:51 Year for fundraising. Like what kind of fundraising is that? That's like some Jeffrey Epstein. ******* Kitty ******* island type ****. Like 16 ******* $1,000,000 for fundraising.
01:12:05 And look, maybe it is **** like that. Who knows, right?
01:12:10 Well, when you're an organization like the SPLC.
01:12:17 It makes sense.
01:12:22 Because their net gain.
01:12:25 Even though you just saw.
01:12:28 That they had expenses.
01:12:31 Of over $100 million.
01:12:35 And they spent $16,000,000 on fundraising.
01:12:40 The net gain.
01:12:43 For that same time period.
01:12:46 Was almost $29 million.
01:12:51 $29 million.
Speaker 9
01:12:57 In excess.Devon Stack
01:13:01 And and and that's and that's not even. We're gonna look at the war.01:13:03 Chest here in a second.
01:13:06 They were able to spend $111 million.
01:13:15 And then some.
01:13:18 And still take in.
Speaker 18
01:13:20 28.Devon Stack
01:13:22 Point $7,000,000.01:13:32 Well, what what's their net assets, you ask? What is this war chest? What is this endowment?
01:13:40 600 basically, it's over half a billion dollars. It's 600 and 8600.
01:13:49 $1,000,000.
Speaker 18
01:14:02 And they're they're they're all.Devon Stack
01:14:04 Worried that some people are getting lemons on D live.01:14:11 They're all worried that some people.
01:14:14 Are getting super chats on YouTube or Hyper chats on Odyssey.
01:14:20 They've got over half a billion dollars.
01:14:29 But they're worried about people like me.
01:14:35 Well, let's take a look at this number here.
01:14:40 Public support.
01:14:43 What kind of what kind of hyper?
01:14:45 Chats, are they getting?
01:14:48 Well, in 2017 they brought in $111 million.
01:14:54 2018 $97 million.
01:14:58 2019 $108 million 2020 100 and it's it's easy to see where all this this money starts to pile up, right?
01:15:08 2021.
01:15:10 $108 million.
01:15:19 For a total of about 1/2 a billion dollars.
01:15:22 Just over.
01:15:28 For five years of fundraising, five years of fundraising, they're getting half a billion dollars.
01:15:37 So that, that, that ******* ***** ***** can make a infographic and and talk about how clever it is that she figured out that that people like to send hyper chats.
01:15:51 What about the people working there?
01:15:56 Ah, well, so we know that that the.
01:16:00 The old crew has been kicked out because The funny thing is, it wasn't just allegations of of sexual impropriety, although I definitely believe that it was allegations of racism.
01:16:16 And really, what that translates to is, I mean, I don't know for sure, right. But if I was to guess.
01:16:23 They fostered this culture of hyper racism within their organization.
01:16:29 So if you're a person of color and you're not getting the raise or the promotion that you feel like you, you deserve, because maybe you've been there longer than the white guy, that's better than you who got promoted over.
01:16:39 You. Well then it's racism.
01:16:43 Right. So in a way, they kind?
01:16:44 Of start eating themselves.
01:16:49 So a lot of the Jews and old white guys have been ejected from the organization and replaced with people of color.
01:16:58 People of color with the war chest of almost a billion dollars.
01:17:09 So Morgan hung in 2021 was paid.
Speaker 9
01:17:13 Basically, half $1,000,000.01:17:17 Half a million.
Devon Stack
01:17:18 Dollars she got.01:17:19 Paid 400 and 92900 and.
01:17:21 $35.
01:17:23 She's the CEO.
01:17:27 The new CEO.
01:17:30 Of the SPLC.
Speaker 16
01:17:33 Hi, I'm Margaret Huang, President and CEO of the Southern Poverty Law Center. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all you've done this year to support the Southern Poverty Law Center in a time of deep crisis. You showed up for a future free from hate.01:17:55 You showed up for equity. You showed up for justice.
Speaker 40
01:18:00 Thank you.Speaker 16
01:18:01 We learned the hard way in 2022 that progress can be reversed, that rights can be rescinded. We faced daunting proposition.Speaker
01:18:08 Get in.Devon Stack
01:18:22 So it's funny because you again.01:18:25 You think that? Ohh she's doing a good job fighting the racism, right? Fighting the extremist online with.
01:18:31 That billions, billions of dollars.
01:18:32 You know the first case she talks about.
Speaker 16
01:18:36 Came together as a multiracial and multicultural movement to fight for real change in the Deep South and across the nation. Here at the SPLC, we pushed against state laws that deny life saving healthcare for trans children.Devon Stack
01:18:55 The first case she highlights is going after laws that were being put in place to protect children from insane people.01:19:05 That want to sexually mutilate them.
01:19:16 That's what they're doing with their billion dollars.
01:19:22 Make sure you send some money to Trump, though.
01:19:26 So he can stop the steel.
01:19:33 Don't worry about trying to combat this stuff.
Speaker 41
01:19:40 So joining us now to discuss more is Margaret Huang. She is the president and chief executive officer of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Thanks so much for joining us. Margaret, I think you know the thing about yesterday's hearing is we really got an idea of how organized some of the people.01:19:56 In that mob war, certainly there were other people, and we heard from.
01:20:00 For their testimony of people who just got swept up, but definitely there were people who were organized. The Southern Poverty Law Center is working with the Select Committee to document extremist groups involved in the insurrection.
Devon Stack
01:20:13 And that's the other connection.01:20:20 They're not just a group with a billion dollars trying to get your kids sexually mutilated by the state or by their teacher, or by whoever.
01:20:31 They're not just a gaggle of non whites.
01:20:37 Trying to destroy your civilization.
01:20:41 Trying to attack you personally trying to.
01:20:45 Get you fired from your job and ultimately murdered if possible.
01:20:53 They're not just using their platform to try to destroy your life with law fair.
01:21:01 No, they're working directly with intelligence agencies.
01:21:07 The same way the ADL does.
01:21:12 Weird, right? You would think that the FBI and the CIA would have enough of a budget to handle this sort of thing internally, but.
01:21:20 Strangely enough, yet again, here's another instance where, for whatever reason, the federal government has to lean on the the SPLC or the ADL to tell them.
01:21:29 Who to go after?
01:21:31 Almost like they work for them.
01:21:42 For those of you remember the the news story, what was it a couple months ago?
01:21:47 Where the FBI came out with a report calling those moms that were going well, not just that, that group we talked about, but just anyone going to PTA meetings and Catholics and just, you know, they they listed a bunch of normal American people as as hate group members.
01:22:07 That's where they got the information.
01:22:10 That's where they got the designation that the FBI.
01:22:15 Was just told by the SPLC.
01:22:19 Who the enemy was.
01:22:27 So it's not just that they have a billion dollars and they can make all kinds of propaganda and and try to sue you out of existence with the endless.
01:22:35 Endless amounts of.
01:22:38 Law fair because they can afford lawyer. I mean, how many lawyers?
01:22:43 I mean, I almost feel like.
01:22:45 Regardless of how much lot fare they they undertook.
01:22:48 Even as expensive as lawyers are.
01:22:51 A billion dollars is a ******* billion dollars.
01:22:56 This is the same group that went after people after the Unite the right rally.
01:23:08 And just like the EDL, there joined at the hip.
01:23:12 With your federal government.
01:23:17 And why wouldn't they? You have the AG, Merrick Garland.
01:23:23 Jewish AG Merrick Garland.
01:23:27 Maybe that's where he's getting his information when he says to the press.
01:23:32 The the number one threat in America right now.
01:23:36 Is white supremacist.
01:23:41 Admits a a rash of.
01:23:45 Of black violent riots.
01:23:49 It's white supremacy. We gotta worry about.
01:24:02 Well, you got Daniel MacGregor here. He's getting paid close to $300,000.
01:24:11 291.
01:24:13 1821 dollars.
01:24:19 Lucia brooks.
01:24:23 We got paid $281,503.
01:24:32 I wonder what she's like.
01:24:36 See what she does? Not only are they, they joined the hip with the federal government, the SPLC.
01:24:44 Because they're a they're an authority on extremist groups and hate groups.
01:24:50 They also advise school districts.
01:24:55 They get involved with training teachers.
Speaker 28
01:25:02 My name is Lisha Brooks and wish she, her parents and I come to you today from Montgomery AL, the ancestral and unseeded territory of the Muskogee Creek nation.Speaker 2
01:25:14 Suck it.Speaker 28
01:25:15 I'm happy to to to be able to be on this land with these people, the Muskogee Creek people who proceeded African Americans who also lived in this space. SPLC is a.Devon Stack
01:25:32 I mean just right there like already.01:25:39 I mean the amount of talking she, she said. That was.
Speaker 9
01:25:42 It was religious.Devon Stack
01:25:43 It's a cult.01:25:45 These people are cult members just as much as the heavens gate people were, and just as much as custards are these people are members.
01:25:52 Of a death cult.
01:25:55 Only instead of wanting to commit suicide, they want to commit murder.
01:26:06 They make it abundantly clear.
01:26:10 She has this whole preamble about Native Americans or some nonsense.
01:26:19 When this *****, really, if she was being if she was being logical and rational, and let's say that she just wanted to thank everyone that made whatever it was she was doing possible, I would think that she would have about 1/2 hour of thanking white people for creating all the technology that's even facilitating this conversation she's having in the first place.
01:26:41 I'd like to thank the Indians who used.
01:26:43 To live here.
01:26:47 What do they do for you?
01:26:51 Nothing, but they're not a threat.
01:26:54 They're not the target.
01:26:55 Of your murder cult, are they?
01:27:03 How about thanking the the the guy who invented the glasses you're wearing?
01:27:07 In the headphones headphones you're wearing and the language you're speaking.
01:27:20 Ohh let me guess. That was all stolen by black people.
Speaker 28
01:27:26 SPLC is a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond. Working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy.Devon Stack
01:27:36 That means just white people. I think more, more and more people are starting.01:27:40 To realize that.
01:27:43 Thankfully, it's taken a lot of repeating things over and over and over again for this to to seep in for a lot of people, but I think people are some white people are starting to realize, oh wait, white supremacy just means me.
01:27:55 It just means me.
Speaker 28
01:28:01 So as we engage in this conversation around white supremacy and white supremacy culture, I want you to know that.01:28:06 I'm on that journey with you.
Devon Stack
01:28:08 Ohh she's on that journey. She's on the journey with me. Thank God.Speaker 28
01:28:13 My parents were part of the black migration from the South to the north and the West my mother.Devon Stack
01:28:19 So she was part of the ***** migration, that that ruined all the cities in the north that we've spent a lot of time in, in previous streams. Maybe that's why the SPLC got **** hurt, right? Is she's got a personal beef with me because I talked about how her family and their friends basically went up to the north and ruined every major metropolitan area in the.01:28:39 In the United States.
01:28:44 So her family was was a was.
01:28:46 A part of the enriching.
01:28:48 One of the first waves of enrichment that took place in America.
Speaker 23
01:28:54 I am not methodistic.01:28:59 And I don't see why. How can the doctor say that?
01:29:01 I am.
01:29:02 Went through this safe.
Speaker 40
01:29:04 OK.Devon Stack
01:29:06 Well, let's see. Let's see. Let's hear.01:29:08 Her story in a little more detail, shall we?
Speaker 28
01:29:12 Mother from Texas, my father from Mississippi.01:29:15 And though I don't have clear memories of how or when messages were transmitted, my my guess is it was through listening in on grown folks conversation. I knew that at an early age, my father did not like white people.
Devon Stack
01:29:32 Ohh, she should want to combat that right? Cause that's racism.01:29:37 Her father doesn't like white people.
01:29:41 It's a weird thing to admit, given your position, and you're trying, you're trying to sell me on the idea that I live in this white supremacist country that you need to help fix, right?
01:29:51 Because this is this is aimed at teachers, there's teachers watching this, and if I'm a one of these white women that goes to the Black Lives Matter marches and whatever, and I'm I'm ******* up society as hard as I can and I'm listening to this woman talk to me. I might be a little confused if I have even just an ounce of rationality left in my little pea brain. But you know, maybe I don't.
01:30:11 And but I might be a little concerned about thinking like, oh, I don't know. Like, this doesn't seem to.
01:30:16 Add up.
01:30:18 You were supposed to. You just told me that there's a white supremacist society that I live in, and then you talked about your your family coming up to white neighborhoods and hating them.
Speaker 28
01:30:31 And the older I got, the more visceral his messages became.Devon Stack
01:30:35 Wait and. And so he keeps getting more and more racist, you're saying.01:30:42 Well, that's good to know.
01:30:43 I wonder if that rubbed off on.
01:30:44 You a little bit.
Speaker 28
01:30:47 Of course first.01:30:49 You'll have to commit yourself to interrogating and rooting out the active and dormant vestiges of white supremacy culture within yourself.
Devon Stack
01:30:59 Ohh it's you though it's you with the problem.Speaker 28
01:31:02 And you'll have to recommit to that every single day.Devon Stack
01:31:07 Every day you'll never get rid of it. This white supremacy, that's.01:31:11 In your blood, it's in your blood.
01:31:13 Look just like the ADL, when they say that you know everyone's anti-Semitic, but the Jews, right? Everyone's an anti Semite. It's just this disease that non Jews suffer from.
01:31:23 Everyone has this disease that's in their blood. It's like a virus. Or maybe it's a genetic disorder. I don't know. But whatever it is, it just makes everyone that's not a Jew really disapprove of Jewish behavior. It has nothing to do with the Jewish behavior itself. It's just this genetic disease that that you're a carrier, even if you don't, you know, exhibit.
01:31:43 The signs you're a carrier. You're going to pass it down to your children. It's part of your, your biology. It's it has nothing to do with what we're doing. It's part of you. In the same way that the Jews of the ADL say that, she's saying the exact same thing she's saying, hey, white devil.
01:32:00 Guess what? Guess what. Has nothing to do with black behavior or anything like that. My parents that came from the South and went to the northern cities and and caused probably a lot of white flight in the in the process. My dad didn't hate the white people because he wasn't able to compete with them and so therefore stuck in an underclass that he could never get out of because he just was lower IQ individual.
01:32:20 Saying myself no, that couldn't possibly be what was what was going on. No, instead it has to be this, this disease.
01:32:28 This genetic disease that all white people suffer from, you see, you guys are just a big ball of genetic disorders. It's not just the anti-Semitism gene that's floating around in your gene pool. It's also this anti black racist gene that's in there too. You guys are just bad. You're born evil and there's really nothing you can do about it. So every single day, day in, day out.
01:32:49 You have to work on it. You can't. It's not good enough to just not be racist. You have to be an anti racist. You have to really fight this stuff.
01:32:57 Because if if you don't, it's like, you know, if you have cancer growing, you don't and you don't go after it, you know actively. It's just gonna grow out of control and take over. And that's kind of like the the white supremacy gene that's in your body. If you don't actively fight it every single day, you know, it's kind of like super AIDS. It's just going to spread and it's going to spread to your kids. And so you might as well either.
01:33:17 Not have kids. Or if you do have kids, chop off their genitalia so they're not reproductive. Because really what we're trying to do is make this a.
01:33:24 World safe for everybody.
Speaker 2
01:33:27 Except you.Devon Stack
01:33:32 Right. That's what you're saying, right?Speaker 28
01:33:37 What is white supremacy culture?Devon Stack
01:33:39 Ohh do tell.Speaker 28
01:33:40 You may be thinking, why does she keep using that term? It makes me uncomfortable.01:33:46 I want you to check in for.
01:33:47 Yourself on that.
01:33:51 Tell yourself the truth.
Devon Stack
01:33:54 See again. It can't make you uncomfortable if you're like this weird cat lady that that you thought you were. You voted for Obama.01:34:04 Right. You put a Black Lives Matter avatar up.
Speaker 9
01:34:09 Right.Devon Stack
01:34:10 You vote, you vote for.01:34:11 All the the right causes.
Speaker 9
01:34:15 You date black guys.Devon Stack
01:34:18 So why does she keep saying that I'm a white supremacist? I don't understand. Oh, that's my fault too.01:34:24 In fact, the the very.
01:34:26 The very fact that I feel uncomfortable about you calling me a white supremacist, that's white supremacy.
01:34:36 It's a murder cult.
01:34:38 It's a murder cult.
01:34:40 Nothing you will ever do will ever satisfy these people. That's why we can't we can't live together. How much of Americans blood and treasure has been spent on this failed experiment of multiculturalism? And will this *** **** madness stop?
01:35:02 Never. If you don't stop it.
01:35:08 If you don't stop it.
Speaker 28
01:35:22 But just know that your comfortability.01:35:25 Is a manifestation of white supremacist culture.
01:35:30 It's everywhere.
Devon Stack
01:35:32 It's everywhere. It's in the room, right with us right now.01:35:39 It's never going to stop. It's that genetic disease I told you about. Your your care. You're a day Walker.
Speaker 28
01:35:45 Norms, preferences, and fears of European descended people overwhelmingly shape.01:35:54 How we think, how we see the world, how we process things, how we walk in the world.
Devon Stack
01:36:00 Well, guess what, *****? You're you are totally.01:36:02 Welcome to go. Move to a continent full of you *****.
01:36:06 And think and process and reason the way. Apparently you are are more comfortable with.
01:36:20 She should be kissing our *****.
01:36:28 But instead she hates you.
01:36:31 She hates you.
01:36:35 Because just like her father, she will never perform at the same level. And anytime she has any, any kind of success whatsoever, including her job at the SPLC, it'll have to be because.
01:36:49 She's getting the free pass.
01:36:52 It's because of some form of affirmative action.
01:37:00 People like her could never build a civilization. They proved that over and over and over again.
01:37:04 There's an entire continent full of these people.
01:37:09 That think outside the confines.
01:37:13 Of the European mined prison that apparently she thinks.
Speaker 12
01:37:17 She lives in.Devon Stack
01:37:28 But she can't square then.01:37:32 She can't square that.
01:37:35 This is why it's so important that even if you like black people and you, I like black people, they're not all bad. No one's saying they're all bad.
01:37:45 They're different.
01:37:47 And they're different for biological hardwired reasons.
01:37:51 That you're not going to fix by putting a *******.
Speaker 10
01:37:53 Maga hat on them.Devon Stack
01:38:00 And when they realize they're different.01:38:03 And you're lying about why.
01:38:06 Why wouldn't they be racist?
01:38:11 You're lying to them. They're having. They're having to come up with their own reason.
01:38:14 To this situation to explain their their current existence.
01:38:20 Why are we failing in this society?
01:38:22 Why are we trailing behind in pretty much every metric?
01:38:37 Well, must because of you.
01:38:44 Well, what happens when people like that?
01:38:48 Have a billion ******* dollars.
01:38:55 When people that with that kind of a racial chip on their shoulder have a billion ******* dollars.
01:39:03 And everyone's afraid.
01:39:05 To even challenge them in the slightest bit.
01:39:12 Because they got **** ******.
01:39:15 Into believing.
01:39:17 The race is skin deep.
Speaker 28
01:39:21 Norms may manifest themselves as either or thinking.Devon Stack
01:39:27 Oh, you mean like if then statements you mean like white people are bad because we think in in terms of.01:39:36 You know, rational terms we don't like to have like this massive amount of Gray area.
01:39:45 We like to say if this is.
01:39:47 True then this.
01:39:51 Well, that's too much like a computer. Black people don't think that way. What else is white supremacy?
Speaker 28
01:39:55 Or maybe paternalism.Devon Stack
01:39:57 Ohh, paternalism. Having the strong father. I wonder why she'd have a problem with that. Oh.Speaker 12
01:40:10 Yeah. Jesus Christ.Devon Stack
01:40:13 So having a strong father, that's that's white supremacy.01:40:17 Competition. Ohh competition.
01:40:23 Now again, she's she's explaining exactly what I just said just.
01:40:28 In her own, you know.
01:40:30 Low IQ words.
01:40:32 Competition is white supremacy, of course it is.
01:40:35 Because they can't.
01:40:36 Compete against us.
01:40:41 I mean, unless we're talking about ******* basketball, they can't compete against us.
01:40:47 And then they never will be able to.
01:40:51 As in never.
01:40:59 Unless you want to sit around for 50,000 ******* years.
01:41:05 They're never going to be able to compete with you, and so it's always going to be a drain on the system and what.
01:41:10 Are you getting in return basketball games?
01:41:14 Be serious for a second here.
01:41:16 Your black friend aside, your based black friend aside.
01:41:22 The latest rap album that you like aside?
01:41:28 Let's use our white supremacy brain.
01:41:34 Right. The the one that has the ability to to perform pattern recognition.
01:41:46 And employ reason and logic. Let's let's use the white supremacy brain right, and ask ourselves, what are we getting out of this?
01:41:55 And furthermore, why don't we ever ask ourselves, then, why is that such a an insane question?
01:42:04 What are we getting out of this?
01:42:11 What is the benefit to us having people like this ***** in our ******* society?
01:42:29 Does anyone have an answer? No one ******* hasn't answered that question.
01:42:37 You like watching ******* basketball? You think they can't build basketball courts in Nigeria?
01:42:44 Well, maybe they can't.
01:42:49 I'll tell you what I would support.
01:42:52 Our tax dollars going to building basketball courts in Africa.
01:42:58 If it would work towards solving this problem of white supremacy that plagues these people.
01:43:04 Oh, perfectionism, another white supreme wanting to do things good.
01:43:13 See again though. What? Why do you think she says it like that? And look.
01:43:16 At that look on her face.
01:43:21 That's probably because in many times in her lifetime, she was what the the you know the thing. What? What did she just say before perfectionism, the competition part, right.
01:43:31 She was put in competition with a white person and failed.
01:43:37 Or she was tasked with something by an employer and she didn't live up to the expectations.
01:43:43 Because that expectation probably was informed by what expectations of white people are.
01:43:50 And so when she fell short.
01:43:54 The excuse that she came up with was oh, they're just perfectionist.
01:43:58 That's just it's just more white supremacy.
01:44:03 Somehow it's only affecting the.
Speaker 9
01:44:05 Non whites.Devon Stack
01:44:08 Somehow the whites are somehow they're they're able, they're compatible with this perfectionism stuff.01:44:18 And again, part of me, I have a little bit of sympathy, believe it or not, I have a little bit of sympathy.
01:44:23 I've mentioned this before in the past. What would happen to you?
01:44:26 If you got plucked out.
01:44:29 Of your country right now.
01:44:31 Maybe kidnapped on it. You were abducted by aliens.
01:44:37 And you were taken to some alien planet where the average IQ is 300.
01:44:44 And they used you for menial labor for a couple centuries.
01:44:48 And then one day, the space Jews showed up and made the mall feel bad.
01:44:54 And they let you go.
01:44:58 And now you were just in this society where the average IQ is 300.
01:45:06 There, there would be no possible way you could compete in a society like that.
01:45:17 Now imagine that the space Jews start telling everyone.
01:45:20 The only reason you're not able to compete?
01:45:25 On this alien planet, where the average IQ is 300 is because.
01:45:30 The Grays have it out for you.
01:45:34 That's right, the Grays have it out for you.
01:45:38 They're not smarter.
Speaker 18
01:45:39 We're all the same.Devon Stack
01:45:43 We're all the same.01:45:48 So when you don't perform as well at work and get fired.
01:45:52 Or when they hire a Gray instead of you, a 300 IQ Gray instead of you. That's because they just ******* hate you.
01:46:04 And what are people more likely to believe anyway?
01:46:09 Sorry, kid, you're just not that bright.
01:46:12 Or, sorry kid, everyone's against you.
01:46:23 And that's the situation that African Americans and really Africans all over the West are in.
01:46:29 Not to say that there's not the exception. There's always exceptions.
01:46:35 By and large.
01:46:37 Most, I mean, the vast majority of people are not exceptions. That's why they're called exceptions.
01:46:50 So then you give those people the space Jews come and give and give you half a billion dollars.
01:46:59 And that's what we have now. That's the SPLC.
Speaker 28
01:47:04 To a sense of to a sense of comfort with predominantly white leadership.Devon Stack
01:47:13 See look at how ****** she is. She's mad.01:47:17 You shouldn't feel comfortable.
01:47:20 When the organization that you're working for is, is led by predominantly white people.
01:47:26 Or in other words, competently.
01:47:29 That's white supremacy, too.
Speaker 28
01:47:32 Let me interject that this white supremacy culture frame.01:47:37 Dominates each of us.
01:47:40 Just white folks.
01:47:42 Each of us.
Devon Stack
01:47:44 Well, it certainly dominates you.01:47:48 You know, it's odd if it's so easily dominating everybody.
01:47:53 In a way, isn't that almost an argument for superiority?
Speaker 28
01:47:58 Those who answered the.01:47:59 Call to teach. Bring their indoctrination with them.
01:48:05 And are fed even more.
01:48:08 Through teacher preparation programs.
Devon Stack
01:48:15 She's so ******* ****** ***.01:48:18 So teachers, the same teachers that we're trying to arm with the legal backing that they need to trans your kids.
01:48:27 Let's make all the kid, the white kids hate themselves too.
Speaker 28
01:48:31 Anti racist educators recognize that our institutions were built on a foundation of white supremacy.01:48:41 And they're committed to uprooting it.
Devon Stack
01:48:46 Now I'm sorry.01:48:48 You listen to this ******* dribble and you know that she thinks she's an academic. You know that? She thinks she's. Oh, I'm really. I'm blowing some ******* minds out there. There are people that they, they've, they've never really thought about it this way before.
01:49:04 Well, they're thinking about it now.
01:49:09 That's why I'm earning my my money, right? Her *** **** money.
01:49:14 See her. Her 281. And this is just her job at SPLC. She gets a compensation from other places, too.
01:49:21 But just from the SPLC, that's why she's making the $281,503.00 a year.
01:49:29 Right, that's that's how she's making those monies.
01:49:34 But honestly.
01:49:36 For most of us.
01:49:38 What she's saying is literally indistinguishable from this.
Speaker 42
01:49:42 New Century Foundation, which uses.01:49:47 Suda science to advocate the superior superior superiority osity of white people, and specifically the inferior purity priority.
Speaker 43
01:50:00 Of black people.Devon Stack
01:50:03 That's all I hear when she's talking.Speaker 23
01:50:13 I am not methodistic.01:50:18 And I don't.
01:50:18 See why? How can the doctor say that I am?
01:50:21 Went through this faith.
Devon Stack
01:50:24 Next up, we got Teenie Hutchison.01:50:28 Teenie Hutchison.
01:50:32 She was paid $270,446 and 2021 and and apparently she's real interested in her lake house and how she's going to redesign her house.
01:50:43 With all the ******* money that she's got.
01:50:54 We also have Twyla Williams, Twyla Williams.
01:50:59 She was paid 266,000.
01:51:02 See again, these are the.
01:51:03 People, they're worried about me.
01:51:06 They're worried about little old me making the same that a fast food manager would make.
01:51:16 While they're making a quarter of a million ******* dollars for being about as bright as a *******.
01:51:20 Burned out light bulb over here.
01:51:23 Seth levy.
01:51:26 Seth, leave me.
01:51:31 He got paid $258,967 and 2021.
01:51:42 Oh, you might remember this woman.
Speaker 9
01:51:44 Nancy abudu.Devon Stack
01:51:47 Nancy Abudu, who Biden nominated for the Supreme Court.01:51:52 Nancy Abudu she was paid 243,236.
01:52:00 Dollars in 2021.
01:52:05 This is Nancy Abudu in the Senate hearings that she was subjected to.
Speaker 44
01:52:11 Walked in her wrath.Speaker 45
01:52:12 That's not what we're talking about. Let let me. Let me ask you. Let me ask you about the Southern Poverty Law Center more generally. What year did you join SPLC?Speaker 44
01:52:20 February 2021. I'm sorry, 2019.Speaker 45
01:52:24 20/19/2019 was the year that the SPLC paid $3.4 million in response to defamation lawsuits. 2019 was the year that Charity Watch gave your organization an F.01:52:36 Using the SPLC has been labeled by the left wing Policy journal current affairs as an outright.
01:52:42 Fraud that uses.
01:52:43 Willful deception designed to scare liberals into writing checks. The progressive journalist Alexander Cockburn said this about SPLC. I regard it the Southern Poverty Law Center collectively as one of the greatest frauds.
01:52:57 In American life, liberal death penalty abolitionist Stephen Bright refused to accept an award.
01:53:02 Named after the founder of the SPLC saying in his words, the SPLC has long been run by a con man and a fraud, that's from a Harper's magazine article. Also in 2019, SBLC employees told the Press we were part of a con and we knew it. That's in The New Yorker article. Not exactly a right wing journal.
01:53:23 Are you concerned by any of this record of the organization that you work for?
Speaker 44
01:53:28 Senator, what? I'm glad that I didn't hear in that litany is to complain about the voting rights work that we've done about the clients and the communities.Speaker 45
01:53:36 Are you concerned that Charity watch gave you an F that you had to pay $3.4 million in response to defamation lawsuits that you've been criticized your organization's?01:53:45 Been criticized as.
01:53:46 A fraud and a con job, and that you work for an organization says it's their goal in life to completely destroy their opponents. None of that gives you any pause.
Speaker 44
01:53:56 Senator again, my work with the Southern poverty.Speaker 23
01:54:01 I am not method with it and I don't see why. How can the doctor say?01:54:08 That I am.
Devon Stack
01:54:12 See the problem is in these hearings, you'll hear Congress Echo really many of the same things that I've said.01:54:20 But then nothing happens.
01:54:23 Nothing happens. They talk a big game.
01:54:28 These hearings, they're they're basically just, uh.
01:54:32 I mean it's it's all for show.
01:54:34 They put on these big shows in these hearings.
01:54:38 And yet there's still an SPLC.
01:54:42 It hasn't been shut down.
01:54:44 Their tax exempt status hasn't been taken away.
01:54:47 It's not as if they don't know they're demonstrating Congress's demonstrating that they.
Speaker 9
01:54:51 Know what they're.Devon Stack
01:54:52 What they're up to hell. Some of these people were put on the hate list themselves.Speaker 46
01:54:58 With your hate group list and I know that you've got, senator, let's see. This list is what incited violence against people and groups like the Family Research Council.01:55:14 And you've also released a list of members of Congress who traffic and hate and extremism. The list includes me as well as Senators Cruz and Holly.
01:55:25 Can you explain why?
01:55:27 The three of us ended up on your hate list.
Speaker 44
01:55:29 No, I cannot.Speaker 46
01:55:31 You can't, all right.Devon Stack
01:55:35 Now here's the problem.01:55:37 You would think all out. She's she's really giving it to her, right? She's she's so mad.
01:55:43 She's really giving it to her. Well, I clipped out what I'm about to show you.
01:55:49 This is how she uh.
Speaker 12
01:55:52 Well, there's, there's a lot. This is long.01:55:54 OK.
Devon Stack
01:55:55 This is how she.01:55:56 She introduced her her line of questioning.
01:56:00 This is the.
01:56:03 The I guess the conservative the eternal conservative.
01:56:07 Trying desperately not to look rude.
01:56:12 Certainly not racist.
01:56:14 And certainly not even confrontational.
01:56:17 When it comes to facing an enemy.
01:56:22 Who's black Blackburn?
Speaker 46
01:56:25 Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and welcome to each of you. We appreciate that you are here at Judge tiles and before I get into my questions, I just wanted to say, you know, it's one of the things in doing our due diligence is to.01:56:42 Look at records and talk with people that have served with individuals. And when I talked to South Carolinians.
01:56:52 It is very clear to me that you are so highly regarded and so well respected.
01:56:59 And have truly commanded respect from all corners, and you're to be commended for that. And we appreciate that stellar reputation as a person and a jurist that.
01:57:14 You have built and we thank you for.
01:57:17 That. Thank you.
Devon Stack
01:57:18 I mean, holy ****.01:57:20 Suck them off more. Why don't you?
Speaker 47
01:57:26 Senator Cruz.01:57:28 Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Devon Stack
01:57:29 Now, here's Ted Cruz, the the the King of Tough Talk 0 action.Speaker 47
01:57:37 For the past year and a half, we've seen a pattern from the Biden administration of nominating.01:57:47 Ideological zealots to our courts.
01:57:52 A moment ago, Miss Abudu, in answering questions from Senator Lee, you said you understood the difference between an advocate and a judge.
01:58:00 Well, I'm sure you do. You've never served as a judge.
01:58:04 You've spent your entire life as an advocate.
01:58:08 And as an advocate.
01:58:11 On the extreme left.
01:58:14 There has been a pattern of nominee after nominee.
01:58:17 That have been extreme zealots, but I have to say your nomination when I look at your record.
01:58:24 I find deeply concerning the last three years you've served at the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Southern Poverty Law Center.
01:58:31 Is a hateful and extreme place.
01:58:36 And their hate, among other things, has led to horrific violence. I'm speaking at.
Devon Stack
01:58:40 See and this is the other thing too. What these guys do, they're always.Speaker 18
01:58:43 Like oh, you know, you've become what you hate.01:58:46 You started out doing good, but then you became what you hated.
Devon Stack
01:58:51 And he won't.01:58:52 Say who they hate.
01:58:57 Now, don't you think that if this woman worked for some kind of Nazi organization like, like, that she'd even be in the room, right?
01:59:07 He'd be very specific about that, right? You would have heard about the Holocaust about 7 times already.
01:59:15 But no, they're just generally hateful against who? Who knows? That's not important.
Speaker 47
01:59:20 In particular about the 2012 shooting at the Family Research Council here in Washington.01:59:25 They're a gunman sought to make a political statement by shooting as many members of the Family Research Council as possible, and he sought to smear their faces with Chick-fil-A sandwiches after he murdered them.
01:59:39 He was only stopped due to the heroic efforts the Family Research Council employee Leo Johnson.
01:59:46 Whose courage saved many lives that day.
01:59:50 The evidence in the case indicated that the shooter had assembled his targets.
01:59:56 By visiting the Southern Poverty Law Center website of so-called hate groups.
02:00:02 Where the Southern Poverty Law Center equated the Family Research Council.
02:00:08 With true bigoted hate groups like the KKK and the Nazi Party.
Devon Stack
02:00:11 See there it is.02:00:13 He can't just say no. Actually the KKK has a.
02:00:16 Right to exist.
Speaker 18
02:00:18 He'll tell you all.Devon Stack
02:00:19 Day long about Israel's right to exist, but he'll never say that KKK.02:00:22 Is a right to exist?
02:00:27 He'll never say people like you and.
02:00:28 I have a right to exist.
02:00:35 It's the same framing. It's the same framing that conservatives did with the ADL. You know, you guys used to do good work when you're going after the KKK, but no.
Speaker 47
02:00:46 Do you agree with your employer that the Family Research Council is equivalent to the KKK or the Nazi Party?Speaker 44
02:00:53 Senator Cruz, I would first respectfully state that although, yes, I have spent a big chunk of my career as a civil rights lawyer early on in my career, I was actually a staff attorney with the 11th Circuit. So I.Devon Stack
02:01:08 Alright. Anyway, we had enough. Enough of this thing.02:01:12 Next we have ephrin olivarez.
02:01:17 Now this guy is one of those lawyers making sure legal immigrants get into the country.
02:01:25 What does that have to do?
02:01:26 With southern poverty.
02:01:29 I don't know.
02:01:30 In fact, you would think that if that was what they were actually worried about, the last thing that they would want is to.
02:01:37 Import more poverty.
02:01:41 Than would displace more Southerners.
Speaker 30
02:01:44 Black or white?Devon Stack
02:01:47 But they don't care about that.02:01:50 They care about destroying white societies.
02:01:53 That's his job, and he does it well.
02:01:56 So he's the free lawyer that you get if you're an illegal immigrant.
02:02:01 And they've got a billion dollars.
02:02:03 That's more than the legal budget of many states.
02:02:12 And again, he's compensated in other ways. But the SPLC gave him $213,151 and.
Speaker 12
02:02:18 2021.Devon Stack
02:02:21 But I'm I'm the big, scary man.02:02:26 This name just kind of cracked me up. I mean, you know, her parents were Alcoholics. I know, I know that black people name their kids after, like, you know, Mercedes and Porsche. And like, you know, fancy things. First of all, Bacardi. And they're not just Alcoholics, they're cheap Alcoholics. You know, they, they name their kid Bacardi.
02:02:50 Ah, here's my brother, Evan Williams.
02:02:57 So we got Bacardi Jackson.
02:03:00 She was paid 212,400 and 2500 dollars.
02:03:08 She's involved with the uh, the cases that have been brought against Harvard, you know, trying to stop the.
02:03:15 Well, the the lifeline really for people like her affirmative action.
02:03:21 People like her are only in the positions that they're in because of affirmative action lowering the bar.
02:03:29 And they know this. That's why they protected. If they cared about equality and equity even.
02:03:35 They wouldn't want things like that in place, but of course they don't.
02:03:40 They want to destroy white societies.
02:03:43 Just like, uh, Susan cork here.
02:03:48 Susan Cork.
02:03:50 Paid 207,000 dollars 619.
02:03:56 You know this chick? She's one of these simultaneously celebrate white genocide while saying it's not real type people. She does the rounds on on mainstream media like MSNBC here, telling everyone about how white genocide is is not happening and it's a.
02:04:16 It's a conspiracy theory, but it's also happening and it's really bad.
Speaker 4
02:04:23 Joining me now is Susan Cork, Intelligence project director at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Susan, thank you very much for coming to the Sunday show and for this incredible report. There's another data point that I that I want to read that's also in this report overall.02:04:43 And correct me if I'm wrong, 48% of Americans overall Americans.
02:04:50 Agreed that demographic changes were part of a quote purposeful plan to replace white voters. Talk about how why that is so concerning to the SPLC and why that should be concerning to the American people.
Devon Stack
02:05:07 Why would that be concerning to the SPLC? They were celebrating it, I already.02:05:11 Showed you the document.
Speaker 19
02:05:15 Sure. Thank you so much for having me on today. Jonathan and I just want to note in starting is the SPLC has been tracking these friends and hate and extremism for more than 50 years, so.02:05:29 There's, you know.
02:05:31 These recent findings are really alarming and shows that our democracy is at a very dangerous point, but this is not something that's new. This has been building for quite a while, you know, during the Obama administration.
02:05:46 Record numbers of involvement with hate and extremism groups, and more recently, we've seen less in person involvement, but at the same time we've seen.
02:05:55 This really large.
02:05:56 Rise and hate and extremist messages and rhetoric seeping into mainstream America. So I think that that's what that number represents is that.
02:06:07 This this is probation conspiracy theories, the great replacement theory that white people are being replaced by people of non non white people. It's this incredibly dangerous dangerous.
02:06:27 Belief and that's on the.
Devon Stack
02:06:30 Why is it a dangerous belief?02:06:35 The officers at your organization were tracking it and celebrating it.
02:06:42 Well, I'll tell you why. It's a dangerous belief.
02:06:45 If you have the same objectives that they do, and that is the destruction of white societies everywhere, it's a very dangerous belief.
02:06:55 If you are a parasite, the last thing you want is the.
02:06:58 Host to know about you.
02:07:03 It's dangerous for them.
02:07:09 They want you to go quietly to the grave.
02:07:16 No complaints.
02:07:18 No pushback.
02:07:22 Because they know.
02:07:25 If white Americans were sufficiently educated on this topic.
02:07:31 They would be able to stop it.
02:07:36 They would be able to push back.
02:07:42 They would be able to do something about it.
02:07:55 So it's dangerous for them.
Speaker 19
02:08:02 Republicans believe that this is a deliberate strategy by Democrats and the other disturbing part of that is they think that it is now legitimate to fight back against that with violence.Speaker 4
02:08:14 Right and right and it right and in in the report you we note that 31% of Republicans, 34% of Democrats, 29% of independents believe that quote, some violence might be necessary to protect the country from radical.02:08:34 Extremists 41% of Republicans.
Speaker 19
02:08:41 That is an incredibly.02:08:43 Dangerous number. I've studied trends in democracy around.
02:08:47 The world for.
02:08:48 Decades, and when you have that fundamentally at the heart of democracy is a belief in the peaceful transfer of power. And when you start to see this.
02:08:58 Othering where you see the other party is is not only you know, competitor but as a.
02:09:07 Danger and a danger that.
Devon Stack
02:09:09 Ah yeah, you wouldn't want that, right?02:09:13 You wouldn't want the American people to see you as a danger as a threat as an enemy.
Speaker 18
02:09:21 Wouldn't want that at all.Devon Stack
02:09:34 I wonder why that is.Speaker 18
02:09:39 Really, that's their power.Devon Stack
02:09:43 Look, you can't simultaneously believe that a lot of these people are incompetent, and in in some cases.02:09:51 Ill suited for for competition with us.
02:09:55 On a genetic level or biological level, however, you want to put it.
02:10:00 And also believe that somehow they're unstoppable.
02:10:06 No, they're very stoppable.
02:10:13 But just because the cure exists.
02:10:17 Doesn't mean the patient is going to take it.
02:10:22 Especially if the patient doesn't know to take it.
02:10:27 And that's the only thing that keeps them in power. Is that so?
02:10:29 Many people.
02:10:31 Many of them willfully ignorant.
02:10:33 Are ignorant.
02:10:36 Of this situation.
02:10:42 And that is why people like me are dangerous.
02:10:45 Has nothing to do with getting hyper chats.
02:10:49 Has nothing to do with. With streaming, it's just that no one else is telling people.
02:10:55 And I mean, obviously there's other people other than myself, but people like me, no one else.
02:11:01 Other than people like me and other people that are doing this.
02:11:04 That they see as a threat.
02:11:07 No one else is doing this.
02:11:09 Ted Cruz isn't doing this. Tom Cotton's not doing this.
02:11:16 Trump's not doing this.
02:11:29 We're like the smoke alarm and.
02:11:31 They're like the fire.
02:11:51 And we all know how blacks are with smoke alarms, right?
02:11:55 They want that battery to die and.
02:11:58 For you to ignore the chirping.
02:12:11 We also have people like this cherry gamble.
02:12:17 Pay 206,111 or $112 and and 2021.
02:12:26 Jalaya Allah, whatever that is.
02:12:30 Lyles pay $202,106.00.
Speaker 18
02:12:39 Sybil Hadley.Devon Stack
02:12:42 You know, these are the people with access to to hundreds of millions of dollars.02:12:49 Taking home $185,000.
02:12:57 Elizabeth Grossman.
02:13:01 Elizabeth Grossman, hey.
02:13:06 Taking home $169,453.
02:13:15 And down and down it goes from there. But these are uh.
02:13:21 These are not.
02:13:22 Small numbers and look with a budget of what? What, what were their expenses? $111,000,000. And I mean this is chump change.
02:13:32 This is chump change for these people.
02:13:44 And the unfortunate thing is, these people have known this for years. The people on our side, the people that are supposed to be doing something for you in Washington, the people that, if you keep voting harder, right, eventually we're going to have a.
02:13:54 Win if we wait long enough. Good, we'll win.
02:13:58 They're well aware of this. They're well aware of these groups.
02:14:03 But in the same way that the black people that don't aren't given the right answer.
02:14:08 To why they're underperforming in white societies, so therefore they can't come up with any kind of.
02:14:17 Reasoning for the situation.
02:14:20 The same sickness, the same, I think in, in this case, willful ignorance.
02:14:29 Muddies the waters and the minds of the people on the other side.
02:14:33 If you can't just simply say, hey, guess what? Black people just aren't going to they're not going to be able to compete with.
02:14:39 White people generally.
02:14:40 Speaking of course, like I said, there's obviously there's exceptions. There's, there's there's.
02:14:47 Bound to be.
02:14:50 But generally speaking.
02:14:52 That's going to be the reality.
02:14:55 And so groups like this exist.
02:14:58 To undermine and destroy white society.
02:15:03 Maybe partially as a revenge for this.
02:15:08 Maybe not.
02:15:09 But the result doesn't. It doesn't change the result, the result is white societies are being destroyed.
02:15:17 And if you can't explicitly say that that's that is the the the whole purpose.
02:15:25 Of groups like the SPLC.
02:15:28 To destroy white societies.
02:15:32 Then you're never going.
02:15:33 To be able to come up with a solution.
02:15:40 You're going to be stuck in this frame of like, whoa, no, they want to do good, and they do some good or whatever.
02:15:49 But they'll never fix the situation.
02:15:52 They'll never fix the situation until as the as.
02:15:57 The cat lady, what's her name?
02:16:01 This *****.
Speaker 2
02:16:01 OK.Devon Stack
02:16:03 Until, as she says.02:16:06 You're able to see them as an enemy.
02:16:09 You're able to see them as a danger.
Speaker 36
02:16:15 SPLC strongly resembles a racket. They've amassed more than half a billion dollars by calling any enemy of the Democratic Party a racist or an anti-gay bigot or whatever works in an effort to purge them from society.02:16:29 For doing all of that, they get an indirect government support because they're a tax exempt entity. Senator Tom Cotton is a Republican, represents the state of Arkansas. He recently sent a letter to the IRS urging them to investigate the SPLC's tax exempt status. Senator Cotton joins us tonight. Senator, thanks very much for coming on. So just the obvious question first, this is.
02:16:49 An organization of a small organization that has a half a billion dollar endowment. How? How are they tax exempting?
Speaker 48
02:16:55 That so the Southern Poverty Law Center has over half a billion dollars. About 1/4 of that. Tucker is parked in overseas accounts as best we can tell.02:17:01 I don't know many charitable advisors say it's best practice to send your endowment to overseas accounts in the Caribbean. That's one reason why Charity Watch gives them an F rating. A very well F very well deserved F rating because you said Tucker, they've really become kind of a hate group themselves.
Devon Stack
02:17:24 You know, it's. It's funny, right? Like what?02:17:27 The big solution?
02:17:29 I'm going to write a letter to the to the IRS telling them they should reevaluate this.
02:17:39 And that's going to solve the problem.
02:17:52 It reminds me of a team America.
02:17:57 Hans blix.
02:18:00 Goes to talk to uh.
02:18:03 Kim Jong-il.
02:18:07 He's looking for a weapons of mass destruction or whatever.
02:18:16 Kim Jong-il says well.
02:18:18 What are? What are you going to do?
02:18:19 What are you going to do?
02:18:22 Let me see if I.
02:18:23 Can pull this up.
Speaker 12
02:18:30 I might be able to pull this up.Devon Stack
02:18:37 I don't know if this is.02:18:37 The right thing.
02:18:41 We'll see.
Speaker 40
02:18:53 Hans breaks Ohh now. Ohh. Hello. Great to see you again Hans.Speaker 49
02:19:00 Mr. Ill, I was supposed to be allowed to inspect your palace today and your gods won't let me into certain areas.Speaker 39
02:19:07 Hans Hans. Hans. We've been through this a dozen times. I don't have any weapons of mass destruction, OK.Speaker 49
02:19:15 Then let me look around so I can ease the UN's collective mind.Speaker 39
02:19:18 High. You're breaking my balls here high. You're breaking my bars.Speaker 49
02:19:22 I'm sorry, but the UN must be fun with you. Let me see your whole palace. Or else.02:19:28 Or else what?
Speaker 50
02:19:31 Or else we will be very, very angry with you and we will write you a letter telling you how angry we are.Speaker 39
02:19:40 OK, I'll show you. Hans, you ready? Stand ready to your left.Speaker 21
02:19:51 Right.Speaker 13
02:19:57 You know, heart breaks how you like that, you ******* **********. You have any idea how ******* busy I am? Hot bricks? Well, **** you. You weren't expecting that you but ******* ***** ** ****.02:20:14 What you.
02:20:14 Think I'm just a petty arms dealer. I'm planning the attack. Congratulations, team America.
Speaker 39
02:20:20 You have stopped nothing.Devon Stack
02:20:24 So that's basically what it reminds me of.Speaker 37
02:20:29 Matt Damon.Speaker 8
02:20:30 I recently revisit.Speaker 12
02:20:32 You gotta stop this from playing.Devon Stack
02:20:35 That's that's what these people sound like.02:20:38 Well, you're you're right, Tucker, the SPLC, they're really bad and and anti white and trying to destroy us.
02:20:46 But you know what?
02:20:48 I'm going to write the IRS a letter. I'm going to write the IRS a letter, and I'm going to tell them that I'm very, very angry with the SPLC and then something will happen or something.
02:21:00 You know it's funny because when the right is in power.
02:21:04 They write a a mean letter to the IRS to shut down the SPLC. And of course, nothing happens. This was from years ago.
Speaker 51
02:21:13 But I happen.Devon Stack
02:21:14 To remember someone by the name of Lois Lerner.02:21:18 Lowest learner you see when the Democrats are in charge, they're not afraid of wielding power and they're not afraid of the consequences because, quite frankly, there just aren't any.
02:21:26 I don't know the right doesn't realize this, but there's just there aren't any consequences anymore.
02:21:35 Lois Lerner was essentially guilty of treason, A hangable offense.
02:21:40 Nothing happened to her.
02:21:44 Nothing happened to her at all.
02:21:49 She revoked or held back the tax exempt status of all kinds of, you know, tea party type groups.
02:21:58 100% for political reasons.
02:22:01 Nothing happened.
02:22:10 Ohh, the Tom Cotton. He's gonna he's gonna write a mean old letter.
02:22:22 And what's even more ****** **?
02:22:25 Well, Tom, Cotton's gonna he? Well, he's writing that mean letter.
02:22:31 In a sick kind of irony.
02:22:34 Guess what's actually happening when it comes to tax exempt status?
Speaker 52
02:22:40 Welcome back to CBS This Morning. Researchers say most terrorist attacks in the US this year were committed by white supremacists and like minded groups. The FBI's most recent statistics on hate crimes, released just last month, show 2019 was the deadliest year on record. But in a new twist, the CBS News.02:23:00 Investigation uncovered that organizations viewed by some as hate groups are actually receiving financial benefits from the federal government. Chief investigative correspondent Jim Axelrod has been looking into.
02:23:12 This Jim, good morning.
Speaker 53
02:23:15 Good morning, Anthony. When the IRS designates an organization to be a charity, some substantial benefits come with it. The group doesn't have to pay federal taxes or in many cases, property taxes. As for donors, contributions are tax deductible. Now, this all adds up to a certain credibility for the group, and our investigation found that credibility.02:23:36 Is being enjoyed by a number of groups. You may find troubling.
02:23:40 The CBS News investigation has found groups that took part in the Unite the right rally are just a few of the 90 white supremacist anti immigration anti Muslim and anti LGBTQ groups registered as tax exempt charities with the IRS.
Devon Stack
02:23:59 And the great irony is.Speaker 18
02:24:02 Where did the?Devon Stack
02:24:04 Where did CBS News get this list of hate groups?02:24:11 The SPLC.
Speaker 53
02:24:13 This also includes groups like the Council of Conservative Citizens, which inspired Dylan Roof to open fire on a Charleston church in 2015.Speaker 8
02:24:23 When we hear that term charitable, we think good.Speaker 53
02:24:26 Phil Hackney is a former IRS attorney who worked in the office of the Chief Counsel overseeing the nonprofit sector is being granted.02:24:34 Tax exempt status.
Speaker 8
02:24:36 Is that equivalent to some form of governmental endorsement? For all practical purposes, it is a governmental endorsement. They're endorsing hate groups.Devon Stack
02:24:47 Well, then, they're endorsing the SPLC.02:24:54 Literally all the hate groups that they got.
02:24:57 It's from the SPLC.
02:25:05 It's not just, uh.
02:25:07 The government that endorses the SPLC.
02:25:11 As I mentioned previously, Google had them as a trusted flagger, so if the SPLC didn't like your YouTube channel.
02:25:18 Well, say goodbye to your YouTube channel.
Speaker 36
02:25:21 This stuff closely. How did the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is wholly discredited and wholly political, wind up policing content on the most powerful company in the world? How that.Speaker 54
02:25:33 You know, it's hard to understand, I think what was going on, Tucker, is that these, you know, YouTube in essence was trying to be inclusive in their mind and really trying to have an optical perspective that they were being and doing everything they could because they were taking a lot of heat from people saying they weren't doing enough to stop ISIS and extremist groups.Speaker 52
02:25:54 Right.Speaker 54
02:25:54 So that's what led to this, but it's just too far. I mean, you know, I I can't imagine how they can have this group and really in my opinion more should be done and a lot more. So I mean for people watching.Devon Stack
02:26:09 More should be.Speaker 36
02:26:10 At home, we think.Devon Stack
02:26:10 Done a lot more.02:26:12 A lot more should be done.
Speaker 40
02:26:18 Hans breaks Ohh now.02:26:23 Ohh hello, great to see you again Hans.
Speaker 49
02:26:26 Miss supposed to be allowed.Devon Stack
02:26:26 More should be done.Speaker 49
02:26:28 Inspect your palace.Devon Stack
02:26:30 More needs to be done guys.02:26:40 Again, that was a few years ago, so.
02:26:42 What's going on now?
02:26:44 Surely by now the SPLC's reputation has been ruined.
Speaker 5
02:26:50 I think the work that we're most well known for is our work against hate groups in the United States. Our goal is to make the leaders and the organizations themselves.02:27:01 Power of the law. Some of you probably are familiar with Stormfront, the leading neo-Nazi site in the world, and this is what they say is the truth about the Southern Poverty Law Center, galling as it may be. No other single organization is more effectively damaged our cause.
Speaker 55
02:27:18 Between 2008 and 2015, the number of registered users on Stormfront has actually down.02:27:24 Fault and we are becoming increasingly concerned that this is where our bad guys live. It's no longer in sort of traditional hate groups. One of the ways that we're trying to take money away from hate groups now is by cutting them off from availability to tech services. Lately, we've also been working with PayPal in particular because they're about 80 hate groups, and I'm talking about like.
02:27:44 Nazis and Skinheads who use PayPal to make and move money, and for us this is basically the funding of domestic terrorism and we need that to end.
Devon Stack
02:27:57 Have conservatives been able to defund anyone?02:28:02 To to monetize any, like anyone, like anyone?
02:28:15 No, of course not. They're a bunch of ******* losers.
02:28:20 So anyway, on the bright side.
02:28:23 Look, **** these *******.
02:28:26 If they take out, it's not. This isn't my first rodeo. If they take out Odyssey, if someone gets the Odyssey platform, who listens to losers like the ***** and you know her? Her her merry band of Fagots.
02:28:49 You know, I'm like the ******* Hydra.
02:28:52 And chop off one hat another.
02:28:54 One will grow back.
02:28:58 So that's why I'm simulcasting on to rumble. We're going to give that a shot.
02:29:03 It might be a little tricky.
02:29:06 With my Internet, we already had two little hiccups, but it seems to be done, you know, knock on wood, it seems to be doing OK right now at least.
02:29:14 So the the the reason I I streamed earlier today is I just wanted to have more eyeballs on there. I still get messages from people saying that. Oh, I haven't seen you since YouTube. Where where?
Speaker 18
02:29:29 Have you been? Oh, I miss.Devon Stack
02:29:30 Your YouTube, but it's like dude, I'm not ******* YouTube.02:29:33 For like years.
02:29:36 So I just wanted to make this because honestly the the thing that sucks the most and it's again I whatever. I'm a tough cookie. I'm a tough cookie and I I Will Survive, right. I will make it work.
02:29:50 But the thing that does suck the most is just getting everyone to know where you are after after you have to change. It's not hard finding another platform. I mean, it's hard to get used to a new platform and work out the kinks and whatever, but whatever. Like I said, it keeps me nimble. It keeps me strong.
02:30:11 Fortunately, I am high IQ, unlike our enemies.
02:30:20 Unlike many of our enemies, at least there's a couple smart ones.
02:30:28 But they're not forced to use their minds.
02:30:32 Even if they start out smart, they've their minds have atrophied because when are they ever challenged?
02:30:37 Are they challenged by Tom Cotton writing that writing them a letter?
Speaker 18
02:30:41 Oh no, Hans Blakes.Devon Stack
02:30:48 So I'm not too worried about it. If we get kicked off rumble, if we get.02:30:51 Kicked off odyssey. We'll just you know.
02:30:54 We'll just keep moving around. We'll keep on moving around and it will be annoying, but I I've never had a job that didn't have some aspect to it that it wasn't annoying, right?
02:31:07 So it just uh.
02:31:08 It just comes with the territory.
02:31:12 Comes with the territory.
02:31:14 My hope is that thanks to this, you know band the ADL type stuff that's been going on, that people are just at least slightly more open.
02:31:24 To the reality that these these so-called, you know, hate monitoring groups are are basically just.
02:31:33 They're just racketeering. That's basically what it is.
02:31:39 And my hope is that as more and more people become aware of this, that they're, you know, regardless of the amount of money that they've got, that they're that they just don't have the power that they used to have.
02:31:53 Especially as they get staffed more and more by diversity.
02:32:01 And like I I talked about earlier, it's already it already started eating itself. They let in too many diversity candidates that started using their their own diverse.
02:32:10 Ideology against the organization that was fighting for him.
02:32:16 In the same way that you have Jews upset by all the Muslims in the West.
02:32:22 They have created a golem.
02:32:26 They'll be affected by this.
02:32:30 Not in the same way that.
02:32:31 You and I are but.
02:32:33 They will be affected by this diversity experiment that's blowing up in everyone's face.
02:32:42 So anyway, in other news, of course.
02:32:46 We have to talk about Israel because uh.
02:32:50 You think the SPLC runs things well? You you ain't seen nothing yet.
Speaker 57
02:32:55 Two hours for a serious debate on the issues that matter.Speaker 21
02:32:57 Most we have anti-Semitism all over our college campuses to support Israel with whatever they need, whenever they.Speaker 56
02:33:00 We can stand with Israel.Speaker 21
02:33:03 Need it it is.02:33:04 Not that Israel needs America. America needs Israel. They sell Israel.
Speaker 35
02:33:08 Tier no matter what it is you need at.Speaker 5
02:33:10 Anytime to.Speaker 57
02:33:11 Preserve the state of Israel and for Matthew Brooks, the CEO of the Republican Jewish coalition.02:33:12 With a.
Speaker 56
02:33:16 Jewish students across the country are threatened. anti-Semitism across this country, anti-Semitism.Speaker 43
02:33:20 Any campus that allows for anti-Semitism, you should lose your federal funding.02:33:24 To vain, I would deport you.
Speaker 56
02:33:26 No, it's the anti-Semitism that's spiraling out of control.Speaker 57
02:33:28 Students and synagogue speaker.Speaker 21
02:33:30 Anti-Semitism is just as awful as racism the.Speaker 35
02:33:32 Jewish people providing Israel, but the $14 billion that they need.02:33:36 We are one.
02:33:36 100% undeniably standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel.
Speaker 21
02:33:39 When we make sure that we have the backs of our friends, whether.Speaker 35
02:33:41 It's in Israel's Harlem stuff, making sure that Israel, that Israel situation, Israel must be defended.Speaker 57
02:33:47 On behalf of the Republican National Committee and all of us at NBC News.02:33:50 Tonight, everyone.
Devon Stack
02:33:54 So what's going?02:33:54 On in in Israel news. Well, first of all.
02:33:58 After watching all these candidates.
02:34:01 Desperately stroking the circumcised **** of Israel.
02:34:08 And look, they, they these people aren't stupid either. They know a lot of the voters would agree with what they're saying.
02:34:16 A lot of voters would believe it or not, a lot of the voters would agree.
02:34:18 With what they're saying, as sad as that might seem.
02:34:23 Because a lot of the voters are totally unaware of of what Jews actually think of Christians.
02:34:32 Well, if you're one of those, those people who who, who thinks that they're the chosen ones and and you're not.
02:34:39 You're just a second class citizen next to the.
02:34:43 Next, the Jewish people. Well, yeah, in in some ways the Jews, you know, they agree with you.
02:34:50 These are Israeli Jews asked about non Jews.
02:34:58 OK, the question is go ahead. Ask your question speaking Yiddish, they are animals. The non Jews are animals bees.
02:35:12 It is written.
02:35:20 Ah, you are right.
02:35:23 It isn't written that they are animals. There is an explanation why they are. Hold on. That is what I want to understand.
02:35:36 Like a chicken.02:35:38 As me me.
Devon Stack
02:35:38 What does it say? I don't understand. So this is for all of you Christians out there that think that the Jews are there just like you. They just don't have the New Testament. Don't you don't know anything about the Zohar. The ******* Talmud are like that.02:35:55 Strap in.
02:35:58 It says you are called human.
02:36:04 And the non Jews are not called human cause the guy who's talking to him is.
02:36:09 Is, I think he's an atheist Jew. That.
02:36:12 Is what is written.
02:36:17 Not called human.
02:36:21 We don't call them human. You're not human.
02:36:25 All those people on the stage on their presidential debate sucking off Israel.
02:36:30 Israelis don't even think they're human.
02:36:34 So what do we call them?
02:36:37 Human is in the image of God. Human is something that is different from animals.
02:36:42 So then.Devon Stack
02:36:44 If a person acts like an animal.02:36:48 So he is like an animal. Well, I don't know. Maybe prostrating yourself in in front of Israel like this in a national debate for President of America.
02:37:00 Maybe that is kind of acting like an animal.
02:37:04 Each person needs to control himself.
02:37:08 The Jews control themselves. Ohh really that that is that what they're famous for? I never would have thought that that was.
02:37:14 What they were famous for?
02:37:19 OK.Devon Stack
02:37:20 If the evil inclination tells them to do something.02:37:26 And they don't do it. So then he is a person because he has intellect.
02:37:33 So someone who is not Jewish.
02:37:37 Who does what is good is.
02:37:39 He a person or not a person.
02:37:43 Also, he needs to do normal things.
02:37:46 They usually do. They can kill people.
02:37:50 And not see them. A Jew will never kill a Jew.
02:37:55 Well, really.
02:37:57 We know that's not true.
02:38:01 Even if he doesn't see him, if a non Jew, but there are Jews who kill Jews.
02:38:10 There is one of everything but a Jew who? A Jew, who acts like a Jew. Of course there are Jews who don't act like.
02:38:20 What I don't understand is, so he's trying to get this guy just to explain like, why why people?
02:38:24 Like you and I are not humans. All the non Jews.
02:38:29 How did you call them? They're beasts. If they have no direction. The word human refers to the image of God.
02:38:41 He is in the image of God.
02:38:43 That is the meaning of human we changed it.
02:38:47 Meaning that Jewish people. Whoops.
02:38:51 The Jewish people changed it to acting more humane. You need to act like a human being, but in principle it is based on God and people are based on God because we are in his image.
02:39:11 So he called us human, so it's God calls the Jews human.
02:39:15 Because they're they're God's chosen people and the non Jews.
02:39:22 God made them so they will. They will serve the Jews.
02:39:33 Looking. Are they wrong? Look at all our presidential candidates. Don't they sound like they're serving the Jews? I mean, I guess they are basically animals, right?
02:39:43 All the non Jews that you see all the.
02:39:46 All around the world, the billions.
02:39:50 They exist just for the Jews benefit.
02:39:59 Well it it.
02:40:00 Kind of seems like the Republican presidential candidates.
02:40:04 I mean that's that's true. They seem to exist just for the Jews benefit.
02:40:10 Where's the where's the lies? Is offensive, as you might find this. Where's the lie?
02:40:17 We don't see it, so we don't exactly know.
02:40:25 Today we are still in exile, so automatically they don't yet serve us completely.
02:40:33 Only partially.
02:40:37 When the Messiah will come, each one of us will have.
02:40:44 Thousands, hundreds, 2800 slaves.
02:40:52 So this moshiach, this Antichrist, the the Christian Zionists, are trying to help the Jews bring to the world because they think that will, you know, they have, they help the Jews bring the Antichrist home.
02:41:09 Then that will speed.
02:41:10 Up, Jesus coming back to Earth.
02:41:14 And part of that deal is the Jews get 2800 slaves.
02:41:21 In the meantime, the Messiah is not here.
02:41:25 So how do they serve us now?
02:41:28 They build US cars exactly when, when? When did you see a Jew actually work for a living?
02:41:37 We don't know. Apartments, buildings, they do everything.
Speaker 18
02:41:43 Who do they build for?Devon Stack
02:41:48 They serve the Jews.02:41:53 There are also Jews who do that work. Yeah, right. Hardly any. See this guy knows.
02:42:03 Look at reality.
02:42:05 I want to tell you a.
02:42:06 Parable. There is a man who is afraid of God.
02:42:12 There's another neither person does the right.
02:42:14 Thing and one guy is afraid of the police.
02:42:19 When the police isn't around, he does whatever he wants, right? They're intelligent people who eat properly.
02:42:27 Once I was at a wedding, I was a kid. I ate with my hands.
02:42:31 So someone said you have to thank God you see the hair of them eating like that or eating like.
02:42:41 This parable doesn't make much sense.
Speaker 20
02:42:43 For who are?Devon Stack
02:42:44 We saying a blessing for God? Those around me are that his parables.02:42:52 Maybe that makes sense to Jews, but.
02:42:55 This is kind of all over the place.
02:43:00 I act like a human being for myself. You don't think that non Jews do the same thing?
02:43:09 For sure not how many Jews do you know?
02:43:14 Or non Jews.
02:43:16 I don't know any personally.
02:43:19 I also don't want to know any.
02:43:28 We see how they act. They don't act well like the Jews.
02:43:35 They kill their own parents.
Speaker 5
02:43:37 Asking you.Devon Stack
02:43:38 A Jew must act to show the other that he is also a Jew to show his heart that he is also a Jew. But the non Jews don't do that.02:43:50 There are things written in the Talmud.
02:43:53 That we don't really understand that is the truth.
02:44:01 There are things that are.
02:44:02 Written and we don't know exactly what it means until we are told we know a bit.
02:44:10 Along with your questions, what else do you have?
02:44:13 Last week, someone went to this his ritual bath, the one who was murdered.
02:44:22 He was atoning for his sins. He was murdered.
02:44:29 Just kind of getting all over the place again.
02:44:32 Get to the get to the good stuff. Who cares about that?
02:44:37 Anyway, it's pretty obvious that non Jews are not humans.
02:44:44 They're animals that exist only to serve Israel.
02:44:48 And I don't know how you can come to any other conclusion.
02:44:50 Quite frankly.
Speaker 57
02:44:52 Debate on the issues that matter.Speaker 21
02:44:53 Most we have anti-Semitism all over our college campuses to support Israel with whatever they need, whenever they.Speaker 57
02:44:53 No, Sir.Speaker 4
02:44:55 We will stand.Speaker 56
02:44:56 With Israel.Speaker 21
02:44:58 Need it it.02:44:59 Is not that Israel needs America. America needs Israel.
Speaker 25
02:45:03 America is here no matter what it is.Speaker 35
02:45:05 You need at.02:45:06 Any time to preserve the state.
Speaker 57
02:45:07 Of Israel question for Matthew Brooks, the CEO of the Republican Jewish coalition.Speaker 56
02:45:11 Jewish students across the country are threatened this country.02:45:15 Anti-Semitic.
Speaker 43
02:45:15 Any campus that allows for anti-Semitism, you should lose your federal funding today.Speaker 35
02:45:20 I would support.Speaker 56
02:45:21 You. No, it's the anti.Speaker 35
02:45:22 Semitism that's spiraling out of control.02:45:23 Students and synagogue speakers.
Speaker 21
02:45:25 Anti-Semitism. He's just as awful as racism the.Speaker 35
02:45:28 Jewish people providing Israel, but the $14 billion that they need, we are 100%, undeniably standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel.Speaker 21
02:45:35 Let me make sure that we have the backs of our friends, whether it's in.Speaker 11
02:45:37 Israel, on behalf of the Republican National Committee.Speaker 35
02:45:38 Anti-Semitic horrible stops making sure that Israel and that Israel situation Israel must be defended free.Devon Stack
02:45:49 So are they wrong?Speaker 10
02:45:52 Are they wrong?Devon Stack
02:45:57 So of course, the big news right now going around the day is, oh, look at all the protests.02:46:03 Ohh look, this is New York. You would think that it was Beirut look.
Speaker 2
02:46:06 At it, it's New York.Devon Stack
02:46:09 Ohh, how come the cops aren't stopping them? It's so crazy.02:46:14 Ohh it's so bad. We need to deport all these now. Magically we need to deport people.
02:46:20 We weren't able to deport anyone before, but now that the Jews are worried.
02:46:25 Now we can deport a couple of handful of people. Oh, look. Ohh, look at London. It's terrible. Look at that. All these ******* Muslims.
02:46:36 Well, finally, after the poor people.
02:46:38 This is worrisome. This is very worrisome.
02:46:48 You know, let's let's let's bring let's resurrect Tommy Robinson.
02:46:55 Bring them out.
02:46:55 To get people hating Muslims again, and let's get rid of the ones that are anti-Semitic.
02:47:05 In Israel, they're talking about in as many words.
02:47:10 Doing a second Nakba. Now, for those of you don't know the first knockdown, I've played clips from some of the the Israelis that perpetrated it a couple streams back.
02:47:19 It was, it was outright genocide. It was. It was a classic example of Jews blaming you for the things that they're doing.
02:47:28 Were they just when they first got to Palestine? It wasn't like, no.
02:47:32 One lived there.
02:47:34 So they just.
02:47:35 Killed all the people that lived there and it was called the Nakba. That's why.
02:47:38 There's people in Gaza now.
02:47:40 That's why there's people in the West Bank, that's where they retreated to.
02:47:47 It's not like there was just some empty desert that the Jews showed up at and just started, you know, living, they they literally genocide the people that were there. And it's known as the as the Nakba.
02:48:02 And here is.
02:48:06 Ohh I forget I forget his title, but then here's an Israeli talking about the the second Nakba.
Speaker 58
02:48:14 Thank you.Devon Stack
02:48:17 People of Gaza walking with white flags heading South.Speaker 32
02:48:23 The woman.Devon Stack
02:48:26 Is this a psychological goal of the operational as the first person when we see scenes of millions of Gaza people walking S is that the psychological goal of the operation?02:48:40 Is it strategic or is it temporary?
02:48:45 It's first and foremost an operational event.
02:48:50 We have there a huge number of.
02:48:52 Fighters of our own.
02:48:57 That have to operate in a very densely populated area. So he's talking about the idea.
02:49:07 We need to reduce the numbers of the residents.
02:49:14 Is this going to result in a knock ball or something temporary?
02:49:23 We are now rolling out the Nakba of Gaza.
Speaker 51
02:49:32 This is the knock of Gaza from operational perspective.02:49:41 He's from.
Devon Stack
02:49:42 It's impossible to conduct fighting like the the army wants in Gaza.02:49:50 When the crowd is present between the soldiers.
02:49:53 And the enemy?
02:49:58 So this is the Nakba of Gaza.
02:50:01 Nakba Gaza 2023.
02:50:06 How will it end for good?
02:50:10 They will not return to the city of Gaza.
02:50:17 Look, I don't know how it will eventually end up.
02:50:23 The city of Gaza spans 1/3 of the strip.
02:50:29 Half the population 1/3 of the area.
02:50:35 There are oops.
02:50:36 There there are the other 2/3 of Gaza.
02:50:40 The center camps Connis and Rafael.
02:50:46 There are six more refugee camps.
02:50:51 In the northern part, there are only two refugee camps.
02:50:56 Large ones, but only two. They're basically talking about you got. You got to wipe out if you. If you want to make an omelet, you got to crack a few eggs and and look, Netanyahu agrees.
Speaker 58
02:51:11 Terrorists must die.02:51:13 Our forces are acting above and beneath the ground, targeting them. We are going to continue full force. We are going to continue until victory. We are also very well prepared in the Northern front. We are using aggressive fire from the air and from the ground over there.
02:51:33 And I have warned Hezbollah.
02:51:36 Don't make that mistake and enter.
Speaker 14
02:51:38 OK.Speaker 58
02:51:39 The war because it will be the mistake of your lives if you decide to enter the war that will decide the fate of Lebanon. And we are also acting in other fronts. Every day we act against terrorism, against its proxies and activists, both in Lebanon.Speaker 3
02:51:52 Let me see.Speaker 58
02:51:59 Syria and the Red Sea in Jordan, Samaria, and wherever we must.Devon Stack
02:52:06 So just keep an.02:52:07 Eye on that. But you know honestly, uh, look.
02:52:12 There are people.
02:52:12 That want. Yeah, they, they they they're.
02:52:14 Like. Oh, yeah, well, it's it's, it's almost like judo, right?
02:52:20 It's like judo.
02:52:23 You know, one of the the primary.
02:52:27 I guess you'd say concepts of judo.
02:52:33 At least how it's popularly understood.
02:52:36 Is that you're using your enemies energy?
02:52:40 Against them.
02:52:43 Right. If someone comes to punch.
02:52:45 You or kick you.
02:52:48 You leverage their own inertia.
02:52:52 In a defensive tactic against them, right?
02:53:00 Or maybe even offensive.
02:53:02 And there are people that are suggesting that, oh, this is this is an opportunity for for exactly that.
02:53:10 Our enemy has created a weapon against us. The mass immigration of Muslims everywhere, all the Arabs in the West.
02:53:18 They have created a golem that they can no longer control, and now it's turning against them.
02:53:25 And now is the time to leverage the inertia.
02:53:32 Of all these.
02:53:33 People who don't belong in the West.
02:53:35 Use them as a weapon against.
02:53:40 The more dangerous enemy.
02:53:45 Which is the the extremely wealthy and higher IQ?
02:53:50 Jewish enemy.
02:53:55 And once that enemy is dealt with, then you can. You can then turn your energy back on to.
02:54:02 Getting rid of.
02:54:05 You know the Muslim threat. I mean, I'm being a little reductive, but I mean, that's.
02:54:09 That's kind of like what's a lot.
02:54:11 Of people are saying right to some some.
02:54:14 Version of that.
Speaker 2
02:54:19 And you know I.Devon Stack
02:54:22 I'm just kind of bored of it.02:54:26 I'm just kind of bored of it now.
02:54:29 I was promised a massive invasion of Gaza, Gaza and Hezbollah coming in and throwing missiles into Israel and Iran, getting involved and maybe they shoot like a supersonic, you know something or another and hitting the American vessel. And, you know, maybe Russia starts getting involved by, you know.
02:54:49 Funding proxies and, you know, just the World War three and and at this point it's just starting to look kind of gay and lame.
02:54:59 It just seems like you know none of the none of the people that have the ability to take it at.
02:55:05 The next level.
02:55:06 It just all seems like they're kind of *******.
02:55:10 And they're not really going to do anything.
02:55:13 And so at this point, I'm kind of I'm kind of just bored of the whole Gaza Israel thing until I, until I can see some ******* mushroom clouds, right?
02:55:25 And I'm sorry, it's just like I kind of don't like. I mean, I get it. The enemy of my enemy is my.
02:55:30 Friend sort of.
02:55:34 But is it really? I mean, not really. I mean why? Why? Cause some Chinese guy said this like 500 ******* years ago. Like now it's just it's just.
02:55:40 A fact.
02:55:42 I mean, how how how's that for white people obsessing and and fetishizing the exotic? Well, some some ancient Chinese guy said it. Ancient Chinese wisdom. Therefore it's true.
02:55:56 I'm not saying it doesn't have like a.
02:56:00 You know an element of truth to it.
02:56:03 I'm not even saying that, you know, if done properly, you couldn't perform some kind of judo move and.
02:56:10 And that wouldn't be at least maybe a little successful or whatever.
02:56:15 But I'm just kind of bored with it. I'm kind of bored with it.
02:56:19 I'm just kind of like, OK, so it looks like.
02:56:22 It's starting to look like you know.
02:56:26 Israel kind of gets away with.
02:56:28 It again you know.
02:56:31 And why wouldn't they?
02:56:33 Why wouldn't they?
02:56:35 After watching that presidential debate, why wouldn't they?
02:56:40 Who's going to do anything about it?
Speaker 9
02:56:44 You know, it's the Hans Blix thing.Devon Stack
02:56:46 All over again.02:56:49 Well, they better not do that. Why? Because we'll write a nasty letter telling them how. How we don't like what they did.
02:56:59 It's like the whole world's a bunch of *******. Now it's it's infuriating.
02:57:07 Absolutely infuriating.
02:57:12 I mean, this is what they're afraid of.
02:57:32 That's what they're afraid of.
02:57:43 OK.
02:57:44 Then, uh, you know.
02:57:48 Why? Why even bother?
02:57:52 Why even ******* bother?
02:58:03 I kind of want to.
02:58:03 See, I mean I.
02:58:05 I want to just check in and on rumble and see how many people we got over there.
02:58:09 We we've, we've got like a pretty steady 900 people over here on on Odyssey.
02:58:18 Rumble let me take a look. I'm, like, afraid of crashing the connection is the thing.
Speaker 12
02:58:25 Let me take a look here.Devon Stack
02:58:27 Cross your fingers, everybody.02:58:31 Hopefully this does not create a situation.
02:58:35 A situation I cannot recover from.
02:58:43 Humble. Let me.
02:58:45 Yeah, we got like 600 over on rumble, OK.
02:58:50 That's not bad. That's not bad.
02:58:53 So we got 900 and look, if you're an odyssey guy, I'd prefer honestly, at least at this point, you'd be on Odyssey.
02:59:00 Because we don't know for sure that it's going.
02:59:03 It's going to go.
02:59:04 Under. But if you're an odyssey guy, I would, at least in preparation for that possibility, in anticipation of something like the of Odyssey going down where it look we're going to.
02:59:15 Ride the ship all the.
02:59:16 Way down but.
02:59:18 I would at least.
02:59:19 You know, take a little trip over to to rumble.
02:59:22 At some point and subscribe and all that good stuff.
02:59:27 But it looks like, you know, we'll find out for sure later.
02:59:33 The SPLC is not what it used to.
02:59:35 Be it's not what it used to be.
02:59:39 So it's a good possibility that.
02:59:43 It's nothing.
Speaker 12
02:59:45 That's a nothing thing.Devon Stack
02:59:47 So another thing in the news.02:59:51 It's kind of funny people sharing this video.
02:59:56 And there's so much to say about it that's already been said.
02:59:59 So I'm not going to be, you know.
03:00:02 Be the dead horse here.
03:00:05 But earlier this week, a a retired white American boomer in Panama.
03:00:12 Got fed up with a protest? My understanding, by the way, I've heard that it actually might not be like a climate protest. I've heard from people that in Panama this type of protest is just normal.
03:00:27 That no matter what they're protesting, one of the things that they.
03:00:30 Do is they block off roads?
03:00:33 And the police don't do anything and whatever, but it's it's very similar to the protests that we've seen in the last well couple of years. I guess it seems like where people blockade the road.
03:00:47 And as a result, eventually people road rage. Essentially, they get road rage. They either run them over or something like this.
03:00:55 And this retired American boomer had had enough.
03:01:00 And he got out of his car.
03:01:06 He just started going, guns blazing.
03:01:12 I killed two people and just proceeded to.
Speaker 19
03:01:18 To remove the.Speaker 23
03:01:19 OK.Devon Stack
03:01:21 To remove the barricades.03:01:26 And I notice two things. The first thing I noticed was.
Speaker 9
03:01:31 Even I you know.Devon Stack
03:01:32 People that that wouldn't be considered all that radical.03:01:36 Even the people that are just kind of normal here.
03:01:42 The energy that's out there right now.
Speaker 59
03:01:45 Is such that.Speaker 9
03:01:47 Even though we're kind of like.03:01:54 You know.
Speaker 2
03:01:57 For that.Devon Stack
03:02:00 Yeah, just a couple of years ago, you would have outrage, right? You'd have a lot of the people that were more, quote UN quote mainstream than their take would be like, oh, well, look, I disagree with them too. But, you know, violence is never the answer. And no, we shouldn't be doing that. And now, just a couple years later.03:02:22 And that's like that. You know, that's like the the most condemnation I really saw.
03:02:27 If you can call it that.
03:02:29 That was the closest thing to condemnation that I saw was.
Speaker 9
03:02:35 You know.03:02:39 Is it really, you know?
Devon Stack
03:02:44 Like I I I didn't see anyone that was really shocked or appalled or or even tried to do that little stupid dance like I could understand why you'd be frustrated. But but God dammit, we can't.Speaker 9
03:02:53 No, it's just.Devon Stack
03:02:56 And really something I haven't heard anyone say really, I was thinking is like, you know, it's funny.Speaker 9
03:03:03 Because I I don't.Devon Stack
03:03:05 I don't live in Panama, so I don't know how they feel, but I would imagine.03:03:08 If this is a common practice.
03:03:10 But are the people?
03:03:11 In Panama, our car and going.
03:03:17 And all I could think of, you know.
03:03:21 It's funny when we immigrate to third World countries, when the tables are turned right.
03:03:27 And the freak freak moment the the very, very one out of a million times.
03:03:35 That violence occurs, it's actually helping out their country.
03:03:40 You know, like we go when, when white people go to third world countries and kill people, it makes the country better.
03:03:51 And even the locals, I think to some degree would.
Speaker 9
03:03:53 Be like, yeah.Devon Stack
03:04:03 But yeah, so that's.03:04:06 That's all I really have to say about that. I it's it's an old story, but I just thought it was.
03:04:11 It was uh, yeah.
03:04:13 Was interesting, like more than the story itself. It was interesting. The reaction, the reaction that.
03:04:18 Most people are.
03:04:19 And that tells you.
03:04:20 Something about the temperature out there.
03:04:26 Or how did? How did the uh, the?
03:04:27 *****. Put it.
03:04:31 How did the skunk put it? She said. Uh.
03:04:39 Oh, the ******* *****.
03:04:42 The ******* *****.
03:05:08 A skunk. How'd the skunk put it?
03:05:12 Violence is a last resort.
03:05:16 Of a diversity of tactics.
03:05:22 It's a last resort.
03:05:25 Of a diversity of tactics.
03:05:30 So that's all he was just using his uh.
03:05:34 That's all it was. It was a last resort.
03:05:38 Of a diversity of tactics.
03:05:45 Alright, so anyway.
03:05:49 I found this interesting.
03:05:54 Lot lot of comments when we talk about you know what would.
03:05:57 World War 3 even look like.
03:06:01 Would it look like the conventional wars that were used to the kinds of wars that are played 24 hours a day on The History Channel to convince you that World War 2 is that just in right war and to make you think of the heroic sacrifice of the generations behind, you know, before you made in order to, you know, blow up the devil that was named Hitler and make the world safe for ********?
03:06:21 And trans kids everywhere.
03:06:25 Is going to be one of those wars where you just have these death machines going around and destroying white people by the millions like a giant ******* meat grinder. Is that what it's going to be or is it going to be more complicated than that and not more complicated in this way that you see, like the war footage of Ukraine where?
03:06:42 There's drones dropping.
03:06:44 And AIDS on people and stuff like that, but maybe even something more, more sinister, maybe something that might even be already happening.
03:06:54 May be something that's so effective in the same way that the SPLC and the ADL, the last thing they want, is for you to notice them.
03:07:03 They don't want you to notice them and and perceive them as an enemy because the 2nd that you do that you'll you'll take the medication that cures you of their disease.
03:07:12 Or I guess them as the disease.
03:07:16 Maybe the most effective warfare is warfare, where the opponent doesn't even know they're at war.
03:07:28 Right. We'd certainly see that domestically.
03:07:31 So how would that translate? Maybe in a more real, you know, very real world scenario?
Speaker 25
03:07:39 So what are we seeing here? Well, take a look. We see in close neural pharmaceuticals and organic toxins.03:07:46 What's new about this is the in close nature of this.
03:07:49 Increasingly, we're not seeing these things as weapons of mass destruction against gross aspects of the population, although certainly many neural weapons such as sarin gas and VX and other forms of neurotoxic agents can be leveraged against large groups of people. But that's messy.
03:08:05 More specifically, perhaps might be targeting individuals.
03:08:08 On a level.
03:08:09 That allows either direct attribution or covert engagement with non attribution.
03:08:14 Let me give.
03:08:14 You an example of what I mean.
03:08:16 So this gentleman is the leader of some group, A political group, A social group, a combative group and under the available white flag, he and I are now to have some kind of a caucus, a meeting. And during that meeting, what I do is I lace the rim of his drink or his pen or his seat or something in his media environment with very, very low dose.
03:08:37 Drug or toxins that are going to affect his stability.
03:08:42 They may affect the way his brain works and as a consequence of that, they can affect the functions of his brain, his thought patterns, his relative emotionality, and the behaviors that.
03:08:52 Go along with that.
03:08:53 One of two things might happen. He might be completely incapacitated as a consequence of this, or he may change his level of capacity and engagement so that he went into the meeting thinking I hate this guy, this guy's my enemy. He walks out of me. I love this guy.
Speaker 52
03:09:06 This guy's great.Speaker 25
03:09:08 Now, what could happen if in fact this is a gentleman who has charismatic, financial, elected or dictatorial power? It may be that his followers will then follow him blindly. He came into the meeting as a leader of those followers who were bellicose, who are volatile, who are violent and aggressive.03:09:29 He comes out of the meeting. He tells them to change their behaviors, and they do.
03:09:33 Or I could sever the trust. By now he leaves this meeting. He's espousing a very different philosophical stance and orientation. And his followers no longer adhere to his precepts, his tenets or his lead. And I fractured the relative arrangement of trust.
03:09:51 Engagement capability that he fostered, leaving that population disrupted and vulnerable to intervention to a coup d'etat to a hunta to some type of insertive reassume option of leadership.
03:10:06 You see how this can work?
03:10:08 Furthermore, I can use this very tactically. Some of these agents allow me to assemble the agent on site and not have to stockpile it, which allows me to take the components of this agent into and out of a country relatively covertly target a specific individual change or eliminate that individual with very little attribution and trace, and be able to leave prior to any attribution.
03:10:29 Think novichok.
03:10:31 Or I could assemble very small quantities of this that would then allow a specific intervention characteristically in a place that would not allow such an intervention. Think of the use of a derivative of VX.
03:10:43 In an airport.
03:10:45 But I could do more than.
03:10:45 That I could also.
03:10:47 Incur much broader type of ripple effects and one of the ways I could also do that is with what's called high morbidity neuro microbiologic agents. It's a real fancy way of saying neural bugs.
03:10:58 But high morbidity neural bugs I may not want to kill a lot of people. In fact, arguably, I may assume what is sometimes referred to as the seller Mallon Mantra. For those of you who may be.
03:11:09 Fans or students of military history, you may remember that seller Mallon Wing Commander, Seller, Mallon was a South African who flew at the Royal Air Force during the Second World War and he became well known during the Battle of Britain for shooting up German airplanes but letting them limp home, particularly bomber aircraft. And they would ask seller melon owing commander. Why didn't you shoot that plane?
03:11:30 Down and his adage was simple, better to have that plane returned home with wounded crew or spinning up their lungs. One dead crewman that they had to attend to and therefore divert their missional capability while in flight, then shoot them down. Because the psychological effect will be rippling and devastating.
03:11:48 This is sometimes referred to as the Mallon effect. What can I do? I can use a particular bug that I may be able to now modify through the use of gene editing technique that is ubiquitously available and fairly easy to use to take a bug that was previously relatively benign and non pathogenic, and make that bug virulent.
03:12:08 Pathogenic, dangerous. And then what could I do? I could introduce that bug in key sites, Des Moines.
03:12:19 Newark, Houston, I get a few people sick. I do it on an airplane, do it at an airport, do it, a sporting event, do it on black.
03:12:28 And then what I would do is I would take credit for that, but I want to make sure that at least part of the symptomatic constellation was not only neurological was profoundly psychological agitation, debilitation, sweating, stomach problems, sleeplessness, cardiac problems, things that.
03:12:44 Are what we.
03:12:45 Call top down neurological and their effect brain to body and.
03:12:48 Body to brain in the bottom up cascade.
03:12:52 Then what I.
03:12:52 Would do is I would get on the Internet.
03:12:55 And I would put out over the Internet. I did it. Oh, yes, I'm that dangerous G group that you should all be afraid of. And in fact, this is far more ubiquitous than I let on. These are only the first cases I've let these buggies go all over the country. And your early warning signs or agitation and causality.
03:13:14 Worry, sleeplessness, stomach problems, heart problems. What have I done?
03:13:21 I've rippled the sheets of the worried well. At first blush, I get every hypochondriac running to their physician, but at 2nd and 3rd blush I get those individuals who begin to become worried that they may have been exposed to this, that the children may have been exposed to this, that their loved ones, their kin, their kids may have been exposed to this.
03:13:39 Of course, the physicians, the CDC, the Public Health service comes back and says No, no, that's not what's going on. But I get back on the Internet and I say, ohh, don't you listen to that, that's fake. That's false. Your government knows what's going on. They can't do anything about it, and they can't treat you. They're going to end up quarantining you.
03:13:59 How many people would I need to affect? We modeled it somewhere between 12 and 240.
03:14:06 What would be the effect? Hang on folks. Within 41 to 45 days, we would crash the United States public health system. Crash it.
03:14:15 In so doing, I render the United States infrastructure vulnerable either there or elsewhere. See the Ripple effect, see the disruptive effect? I can disrupt an individual from the level of their cell to their system and disrupt individuals on a variety.
03:14:29 Levels from individuals all the way up to the social fabric and that social fabric may go even further. It may be geopolitical and you do think just for a moment, if you could, why would it be of any value at all to affect, disrupt and disabled individuals who are U.S. embassy personnel.
03:14:49 In Havana.
03:14:52 When did it happen?
03:14:54 What was happening?
03:14:56 What would be the benefit in fracturing a growing economic, political and social trust in that part of the world?
Devon Stack
03:15:05 Anyway, I I find his theories about Havana syndrome a little ridiculous, but just the the that's where the heads at with the next generation of warfare.03:15:14 That's where. That's where I think a lot of these.
03:15:19 I guess war war academics are thinking.
03:15:28 And yes, there's people on chat talking about COVID. I don't I I don't think. I think COVID might have been a bioweapon.
03:15:36 They got out. I don't think we'll ever actually know the true story of it. Just like we won't know the true story of a lot of stuff.
03:15:42 Because our our leaders are liars.
03:15:50 Also in the news.
Speaker 18
03:15:53 Bill Maher.Devon Stack
03:15:56 Bill Maher celebrating.03:15:59 Just like the SPLC, I suppose.
03:16:02 White genocide.
Speaker 1
03:16:04 But in 1984, I remember walking around London.03:16:09 Like it was all white.
03:16:12 It was all white.
Speaker 60
03:16:15 But you go outside of London now, but now it's totally changed.Speaker 1
03:16:16 That's. That's it. When?03:16:20 I read this in Andrew Sullivan's column. It went from in 50 years. It went from.
03:16:26 86% white to 36% white.
Devon Stack
03:16:30 Now, and that's a good thing.03:16:34 London went from 86% white to 36.
03:16:37 Percent white. That's insane.
Speaker 1
03:16:42 This is not a complaint. See if we were conservatives, this would be like a lament.Speaker 60
03:16:47 Great. It's a fact. It's a fact.Speaker 1
03:16:48 It's a fact, and it's and it's a happy fact and just don't. Just don't tell me we're living in a year. We're not living in. We're living in the year in London, is mostly people of color. Yes. And I'm applauding it. Yeah. Happy for you. Happy for it. But let's live in the year we're living in.Speaker 60
03:16:51 If you can't discuss it.Speaker 17
03:17:00 It is.Speaker 60
03:17:04 Listen, OK ohh.03:17:11 You go to Windsor, Windsor Castle. OK. And the town, of course, is called Windsor, and it used to be when I was a kid, all English tea shops with China and everybody used to go there for afternoon tea and just go to Windsor Park and watch some polo. And now.
Speaker 1
03:17:23 Right.Speaker 60
03:17:30 You go around there, there's no more ******* tea shops, right? None of that. It's.Speaker 1
03:17:35 Right.Speaker 60
03:17:36 Arabic restaurants. It's Jamaican restaurants, it's Chinese. It is a complete and utter melting pot and it's great. It's great.Speaker 1
03:17:37 Right.Speaker 4
03:17:39 Right.Speaker 1
03:17:41 Right.Speaker 9
03:17:44 And that's.Speaker 1
03:17:46 And there's always going to be some people, and we can't hate them for it. Who remember the tea shop, and that's their memories of their youth.03:17:57 And where they first, like, fell in love or whatever, and so they're going to be nostalgic for it and that you can't hate them because they're like, I don't recognize my country anymore because in the Brexit vote, there was a lot of that. People said that people who lived in England their whole life. And then the the old village.
Speaker 2
03:18:14 Of course, of course.Speaker 60
03:18:17 The traditional things have gone.Speaker 1
03:18:20 Right and.Speaker 60
03:18:20 But we still have the whole family. That is way too traditional. It's way too I love them, but they're way too traditional. It needs to cut back in this year.Speaker 1
03:18:23 Right.03:18:26 You know.
03:18:28 Right now my my message to those people is always.
03:18:33 Sorry, but that's life on Earth.
Devon Stack
03:18:38 Well, I guess sorry, that's that's life in Israel too.Speaker 1
03:18:42 Things change. Nothing stays the same. You've gotta, right?Speaker 60
03:18:43 Nothing stays the same, and if you if you stay the same you left behind.Speaker
03:18:48 Now you don't have.Speaker 1
03:18:49 To like the change. But you can't just stand there in the middle of the street and go stop. I'm standing athwart change. It just doesn't work that way. Change is going to come, and it's going to roll over you. It's how you deal.03:19:04 With it, that's.
03:19:05 Right. You know you can move. You'll have to maybe.
03:19:08 You know, it's sad. Maybe it would be a better choice to try to adapt to what's.
Speaker 18
03:19:16 You can move.Devon Stack
03:19:20 If you don't like it, you.Speaker 18
03:19:21 Can move.Devon Stack
03:19:25 Change is just gonna happen. It's gonna just roll right over you.03:19:34 See, This is why groups like the SPLC don't want you to see them as the enemy.
03:19:39 Because you could change it, you could stop.
03:19:42 Change doesn't just go in One Direction.
03:19:50 You know, we often talk about the slow boil of the frog, right?
03:19:55 If you turn up the heat too high, too fast, the the frog jumps.
03:19:59 Out of the pot.
03:20:01 But if you just slowly turn up the heat, the frog is boiling before it even knows it.
03:20:07 And can't escape because it's already done.
03:20:16 That's why they want to shut people like me down.
03:20:21 Because they know that.
Speaker 9
03:20:24 That's exactly how they made things change.Devon Stack
03:20:31 That's the only way they get things to change.03:20:36 Nobody wanted these changes. It's not just these random make believe people that he's talking about that oh, they missed the tea shop or or, you know, they miss whatever. No, no one.
Speaker 25
03:20:46 Wanted it.Devon Stack
03:20:51 Nobody wanted it, except for people like Bill Maher.03:20:56 And by people like Bill Maher, I mean.
Speaker 20
03:20:58 Hey. Hey.Devon Stack
03:21:08 Those are the only people that wanted.03:21:10 These kinds of change.
Speaker 1
03:21:20 When I remember being in England first time in the 80s and it was very different. Yeah, very different.Speaker 38
03:21:28 How so?Speaker 1
03:21:29 Well, first of all, London was like all white.Speaker 11
03:21:31 Yeah, yeah, it.Speaker 1
03:21:32 Was, you know, so can we just celebrate that victory that we made a place more diverse and not, you know, you never get a pat on the back? No. The people who, like achieve. I feel like in that area there's only, like, there's more to do. Of course there's more.Speaker 2
03:21:50 But should we?Speaker 1
03:21:51 Just get a little. Hey, I think I I think I read in Andrew Sullivan's column like London went from like.03:22:01 36%.
03:22:04 So like 86% of people of color or something like that. Now maybe that's too high, but some something like like A50, like a 50 points. Yeah, swing 50 points. Yeah. In two generations. 3 generations. Hmm. OK. That's progress. I I'm not a bad person. It's the right clap for progress.
Speaker 34
03:22:08 It's majority right.Speaker 8
03:22:10 Yeah, yeah, yeah.Speaker 28
03:22:13 Completely different setting.Devon Stack
03:22:24 Not only do you need to accept and adapt.03:22:27 You should be thinking him.
03:22:33 You should be kissing his ***.
03:22:37 For these wonderful changes that have taken place in your country.
03:22:44 Unless, of course, those people are anti-Semitic, in which case we need to deport them all.
Speaker 9
03:22:58 This is why.Devon Stack
03:23:00 This is why they want to get people see if they get rid of people like me. This is all you have as far as information.Speaker 9
03:23:10 Shows like that.Devon Stack
03:23:18 Bunch of ******* sitting in pink on pink couches.03:23:23 Smoking cigars, talking about how you should.
03:23:25 Be thanking them.
03:23:28 For demographically displacing and destroying your country.
Speaker 2
03:23:49 Get in.Devon Stack
03:24:06 They just don't know.03:24:07 You see, more people need to.
03:24:08 Learn about the pit.
03:24:14 That's what they're afraid of. They're afraid of more people finding out about the pet.
03:24:21 It's just that easy. We just need a pet.
03:24:25 We don't need any complex solutions, we just.
Speaker 9
03:24:27 Need a pit?Devon Stack
03:24:30 You'd be. You'd be surprised at how many problems you can.03:24:33 Solve with a pet.
03:24:40 A shocking number of our problems can be just.
Speaker 59
03:24:42 Be wiped away.Devon Stack
03:24:45 With a pet.03:24:50 Literally wiped away.
03:24:58 We got lots of pits already. We got the Grand Grand Canyon would fit a lot of.
03:25:03 Lot of problems in it.
Speaker 2
03:25:05 That's a big pit.Devon Stack
03:25:07 I have you guys have been to the Grand Canyon. It's it's a really big pit.03:25:13 And it's already dug for us. We don't have to do anything. Almost as if God was like, hey, guys, here's a pet.
03:25:25 See, it's up to us. When God helps you, it's up to you.
03:25:32 Use the help that he's offering to you.
03:25:37 You know he.
03:25:38 You can lead a horse to water, right?
03:25:40 But you can't make him drink.
03:25:42 And God saying hey, here it is, Colorado River, drink away.
Speaker 12
03:25:55 Oh man.Devon Stack
03:26:00 Have you guys overdosed yet?03:26:04 Have you overdosed on the the black pills yet?
03:26:11 Pretty long, about about 3 1/2 hours.
03:26:17 Yeah, I have quite a few hyper chats.
03:26:21 I should probably take a look at cause this this could get.
Speaker 10
03:26:24 A little bit long.Devon Stack
03:26:30 Hope everyone and rumble over there. Welcome. Welcome to the show. If you're new to the show.03:26:36 I'm I'm guessing and I don't know, but I'm guessing that if the numbers are as high as they were when I checked in on.
03:26:42 Rumble that might.
03:26:43 Be because Rumble doesn't know who I am yet.
Speaker 9
03:26:47 So they haven't yet pushed the button that takes me out of like the trending that there might be a lot of people that are just showing up like, oh, what's this? Oh, this looks nice. This looks nice. This looks like something that. Ohh, it's like a podcast or something. I can watch the podcast. He's talking about the problems and stuff like. Oh, yeah, was it with the.03:27:06 Israel and the guys are stripping stuff and Oh my God, what's this? What's this with the?
03:27:11 Wait, what's this with the what's the? Oh, my God, he's talking about pits now. This little this little disconcerting.
Devon Stack
03:27:25 I don't know.03:27:27 Uh, we'll see, right? I guess we'll see.
03:27:30 We'll see if.
03:27:32 We'll see how long that's allowed to uh.
03:27:36 That's allowed to keep going on.
Speaker 12
03:27:40 Ohh man.Devon Stack
03:27:43 All right.03:27:46 Well, let's take a look. Let's take a look.
03:27:50 I'll tell you. I'll tell you much. The disappointment of many. Just because for right now, until we get this all figured out.
03:27:58 I'm sorry, Hyper chatters. We're gonna have to. We're have to get.
03:28:01 A little soft. We might have to go.
Speaker 51
03:28:03 A little soft.Devon Stack
03:28:05 On the reading of some of these hyper chats, I might have to I know I hate it. I hate it. I I I I truly hate it.03:28:13 But we're just, we're in. I'm in survival mode here right now. So we might have to, you know, we might have to soften it up a little bit. We we don't want to. You know, we don't want to.
Speaker 9
03:28:22 Scare off the rumbles.Devon Stack
03:28:25 The rumbles and the tumbles.03:28:28 You know, they, they, they they might.
Speaker 9
03:28:30 Get a little shocked.Devon Stack
03:28:33 And their virgin ears.Speaker
03:28:34 I got damn FBI.Devon Stack
03:28:37 So let's take a look here.03:28:46 Ohh boy.
03:28:49 Yeah, we got quite a few hyper chats which I'm very appreciative of.
03:28:54 All right, so we've got, uh.
03:29:00 Nazi dice, who just says.
03:29:04 Lots of.
03:29:06 Appropriate moments for that tonight, lots of ******* in the in the stream tonight. Nazi dice again. Not even joking. I just literally left the grocery store. You know what?
03:29:18 This might this, it might be necessary. I I know I just said that we got a break in the. The Rumble is a little bit, you know, break slow, ease them into the into the well it's not really in the song it's just the overdose stream.
03:29:32 For right now, we'll go.
03:29:33 Back to the insomnia stream.
03:29:36 We we might have to ease them into it. They don't quite understand all of our little things, you know, like for example.
Speaker 14
03:29:50 Oh God.Devon Stack
03:30:01 Not even joking. I literally just left the grocery store and while I was waiting in the slow line, the low IQ people of color at the self checkout, there was a beener Zog bot cop nearby asking them to view the parking lot.03:30:16 Cameras footage because some stole a car. See what I see? What I had to do there.
03:30:22 Diversity is our strength, boy. Oh, I appreciate that. Nazi dice.
03:30:29 Shambolic S or shambolic S shambles something something.
03:30:44 Chambliss. Hey, Dad, have you seen the Fable men's?
Speaker 18
03:30:47 No, I have not.Devon Stack
03:30:48 I know what you talking about though. Steven Spielberg semi autobiographical 2022 film about growing up with anti-Semitism in the film The Young Steven Spielberg character uses propaganda to foment a brother war between two of his bullies. I'm not surprised.03:31:06 Not surprised at all. Fabian literally turns into one bullet turns 1 bull into a golem to protect him from the other. Very interesting if you're curious. I did a stream with Freddie on the Decameron analyzing the film. It's on Odyssey and then it gives the link. Well, I I I would not be surprised if that's the case at all.
03:31:26 A lot of times.
03:31:29 You know it's it because it's.
03:31:33 It's not like they don't make a secret out of their tactics, really. I mean, I think that really what it is is just they they it's so.
03:31:43 They don't think they're being sneaky necessarily, just how they think. So they it's not that when the masks, so-called slips. I don't think it's slipping so much as you're just noticing. It was always there. It was always slipped.
03:31:59 But uh, there you go, jive Turkey.
03:32:02 Says test donation. Well, I appreciate that.
03:32:06 Cruise Cross, Cruise Cross.
03:32:19 Criss Cross says thanks king. I appreciate that.
03:32:23 Gabe Lackman just to test out well or too late, don't read this aloud. Well, I'll do what I.
03:32:29 Prairie Dog Academic agent ranked you the number 2 video essayist in his top ten list. Number one was Morgoth. Glad I saw it since it directed me to your excellently edited early work, and then there's a link to that video. Yeah, so I've heard and appreciate the.
03:32:48 Appreciate the the shout out there.
03:32:51 Uh, bad Dirk. Hey, David, have you ever seen the 1997 movie 187? Although it has plenty of subtle anti white propaganda, it's the most accurate representation of dealing with diversity in the Southern California public school system in the late 90s, which I suffered through. Consider adding it to your.
03:33:12 Yeah, I don't know that I have seen that that might be one of the few late 90s movies I didn't see I've seen.
03:33:18 That's back. That was like the peak of my movie consumption was was probably late 90s and at the time I was, I was going to school in more Northern California, but I was experiencing probably some similar diversity.
03:33:32 At the time. So yeah, I'll. I'll be interested in checking that out. And in fact, I.
Speaker 10
03:33:36 Think I have a copy of it.Devon Stack
03:33:38 Sharp Wing says haven't been able to donate in a while. Just had my kid and he's about four months old. Well, congratulations. Plan to have many more, at least. Oops. And then it updated and screwed up.Speaker 12
03:33:51 Where I was reading.03:33:53 Where to go?
Devon Stack
03:33:56 Increase the amount of based whites in this hell hole of a country with the help of my awesome wife. Keep up the great streams, man. Well, I appreciate that sharp wing.03:34:06 Graham playing games, two clips of Bill Maher where we just watched them. You said that three hours ago, though, going around of him celebrating that London is under 40% English one, he says it's just progress. Like it's a natural change with no agency behind it. The other he says they get no thanks for it and the English should be grateful. Infuriating.
03:34:28 Rying Rying simply says.
Speaker 13
03:34:32 **** ******, *****.Devon Stack
03:34:36 Grand playing games just for reference for anyone interested for you to keep on file.03:34:42 And then you have some Twitter links there. I think that's the the bill mark clips you were talking about.
03:34:48 Hammer, thorazine. Hammer. Thorazine.
Speaker 17
03:34:52 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.Devon Stack
03:34:58 I don't know if you know, but John B Wells Ex Coast host, but he has a national radio show and used to be a cube boomer early on. Now he's against the cue cards and has been openly naming the Jew on the air. Really. That's that's interesting. He recently had someone on for two hours to explain how the Holocaust was a lie.03:35:18 Just an example that there is hope. Yeah, I I'll tell you, it's certainly not the taboo that.
03:35:24 It once was.
03:35:25 It's certainly there are cracks in the veneer. I will. I will tell you that I'm not someone who often likes, you know, having a.
03:35:35 And indulgence in white pills, especially because I think a lot of those are sugar pills.
03:35:41 But I will I I have to admit there that there are cracks in the veneer and the Overton window on that topic has certainly shifted.
03:35:49 And yet another reason why the SPLC must put a stop to people like not just me, but like lots of people that are forced to use alternative platforms, Rying says. We're getting rich off hate in this ************. I wish we were getting rich. I mean, you guys are being generous tonight, though. Definitely appreciate.
03:36:10 Like that? So don't don't think that I don't appreciate it. I'm that's not my.
03:36:17 That's what I'm getting. I'm I'm. I'm glad that that we have found a way that.
03:36:21 We can we can support each other using platforms like this. The platforms like this exist. Obviously this is this is what makes it possible, but the idea that we're somehow anywhere it like that we can.
03:36:37 That's that. People that have half a billion dollars.
03:36:41 Are upset and and nervous about people like me. Should tell you everything that you need to know about what they they that they they that they actually feel what I'm saying because of.
03:36:52 The the Well what I was explaining.
03:36:55 That if people start to realize that.
03:36:57 They are an enemy.
03:36:59 That they're not just some misguided. Oh, we went too far. Our group the. Oh, yeah. We were doing a good job and we were going out for the KKK and the Nazis. But no, everyone's OK. No, no, no. They were bad from the very beginning. It was just they had to.
03:37:12 Go for the easy target 1st.
03:37:16 Uh, right. Angle or right angle dev? The SPLC running out of the article about you? He he.
03:37:23 Said this three hours ago. So.
03:37:25 All joking aside, only 60,000. Well, so that's that's actually that's for the entire, I don't know if that's even an accurate number, but what they were saying is that's for the entire time that I've been on Odyssey that's not a year. OK, just to clarify, they made it sound like that I was making. Even then though it's like it's still less than that.
03:37:46 That's less than half than what I could make doing something.
03:37:49 Uh, we need to get those numbers higher. Also my name is right angle like rectangle you boomer. I know it looks like right angle to me.
03:38:01 Marada marada. Hey, dude, you've often spoke of many videos which woke you up.
03:38:07 To the truth of racial like you.
03:38:09 For those of.
03:38:09 You who haven't seen it here is the link to the entire series and then he's got a link there to
03:38:19 Forward Slash interview category Slash 17 dash expert IG.
03:38:26 But yeah, if it's if it's what I'm thinking of it is. I mean, look for all his faults, he did a good job in making a very reasonable case, an irrational case for, I guess, someone who's who has who's maybe just barely dipping their toe into the science behind racial differences.
03:38:47 And what that means on a biological level, when it comes to IQ and in separating people from the boomer myth that race is skin deep.
03:38:59 Homeland part one about 10 years ago, I attended A Pentecostal eschatology conference where a rabbi was speaking. The crowd was mostly boomers, completely sucked in by the Jew or by this Jew. I wavered between hostile towards the tribe to slightly pro Israel.
03:39:19 Then he brought up the Liberty attack.
03:39:23 One thing wait.
03:39:27 OK, so Part 2. That rabbi said that the USS Liberty was transmitting Israeli comes back to the Egyptians, who at the time was the Soviet client state. That's the day I went back to being anti Zionist permanently. Well, yeah, we all know that that wasn't the case. The NSA most certainly, especially under.
03:39:46 Johnson wouldn't be transmitting **** to the Egyptians. We were selling the palm of the Israeli hands. By that time, I mean just the fact that Johnson covered it up tells you everything that you need to know. Ask that Ribot rabbi. If that was the case, why did Johnson cover it up?
03:40:03 Doesn't make any ******* sense, does it?
03:40:06 Graham playing games one thing Mars says, is that there was a bunch of tea.
03:40:10 Shops in London.
03:40:12 But they are gone and replaced by Islamic and Chinese, et cetera. And that this is such a good thing. How would he feel if Jewish things in Israel were replaced with English tea shops and German restaurants and Jews were 35% of Israel?
03:40:25 Oh, you're not allowed to ask stuff like that.
03:40:30 Not allowed to ask stuff like that.
03:40:33 Ryang they hate you anyway, so you might as well call for. I can't do that. I can't.
03:40:38 Do that on rumble.
03:40:40 I know, I know. We're just dipping it. We're just.
03:40:43 Dipping in there.
03:40:45 TKD Beach Boys Beach Boys.
Speaker 12
03:40:53 Where is that?Devon Stack
03:40:58 Beach Boys with thee *** **** money.Speaker 3
03:41:02 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that the Jew.Speaker 38
03:41:05 Has to defend himself with.Speaker 59
03:41:07 Go, Julie, this *** is.Devon Stack
03:41:25 Beach Boys for my favorite far right extremist. You deserve a raise. Why? Appreciate that Beach Boys.03:41:33 And you know, I guess strike while iron, it's hot, right? We don't know how much longer it will even be able to do this and you know, hopefully if if there is an interruption in in things that that will help me weather the storm. I definitely appreciate the generosity.
03:41:51 Gabel, Lachman, Gabel, lachman. Also. With some *** ****. Money there, *** **** money.
Speaker 3
03:41:59 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that you.Speaker 38
03:42:02 Have to defend.Speaker 59
03:42:04 Go, Julie this fagot.Devon Stack
03:42:21 All right, Gable lachman. Hey, Deb, just catching up on what I owe you for hundreds of hours of free content over the years. SPLC, *****. If you are reading this comment, stay mad. Yeah. **** that *****. **** that ******* childless.03:42:39 *****, who probably ruined her ovaries by having too many abortions.
03:42:48 But oddly, I'm also kind of thankful for the for her, for her. You know, this one a few times, maybe that I'm. I might, might, might might be OK with that kind of behavior. Jive Turkey jive Turkey.
03:43:10 Jive Turkey says mega donors.
03:43:14 That's right. We got mega donors. Don't worry, they're going to draw out a hate map.
03:43:19 Watch out for the ****** hate map.
03:43:21 Ryan is cool. Ryan is cool.
03:43:33 The most embarrassing thing about this is that these people will always be second fiddle to your real rival, the flat Earthers.
03:43:41 This is true.
03:43:43 The the flat Earthers actually annoying me more.
03:43:45 Than the SPLC.
03:43:47 And in many ways or more or more.
03:43:49 Damaging quite frank.
03:43:51 Because they're getting in the way of of exactly the thing that the SPLC is afraid of me doing. That's like waking up people to up to reality.
03:44:02 So yeah, it is what it is, right?
03:44:06 Jay Ray, 1981.
03:44:08 Ohh, he might get. Might get through all the all the gorillas.
Speaker 17
03:44:12 Really, really, really really, really.Devon Stack
03:44:19 These ******* get a hundred 100,000 plus salary for doing nothing. Meanwhile someone like me is building the office. They sit in so sickening they won't stop us. We are everywhere and that look. That's why it's important. You know, if they're going to start trying to like, shine a spotlight on us.03:44:40 I will make the entire insomnia stream about shining a spotlight on them to a grant a level of granularity that they'll that will make them very uncomfortable. I I can promise you that.
03:44:52 Uh. Let's see here.
03:44:56 Ryan is cool. Ryan is cool.
03:45:05 And if this ***** is listening, go ahead and put me on the list. I'd be more upset if I wasn't already on it. You're going to be on the hate map for sure now.
03:45:14 Thin Red Line says he's impulse donating.
03:45:18 Oh, she's going to research your.
03:45:20 Your psychology there thin red line.
03:45:24 Ricky Town, 5000 with the *** **** money.
Speaker 3
03:45:28 Money is power. Money is the.03:45:30 Only weapon that that.
Speaker 38
03:45:31 You have to defend himself with.Speaker 59
03:45:34 Go, Julie, this *** is.Devon Stack
03:45:52 Directly in the pit, he says. Ah, I I I should.03:45:55 Have done the the pit.
03:45:57 I'll do. I'll. I'll do a.
03:45:59 I'll do a pit later on for you there.
03:46:03 Primed, primed to be a maybe prime BA with the fake money that's worth nothing. Don't.
Speaker 9
03:46:12 You know, actually, I don't know. We who know I mean.Devon Stack
03:46:15 It pretty much is worth nothing but the library coins it. Who knows right? Anything can happen. Maybe someday, probably not, but maybe someday they'll be worth more than 0.03:46:25 We don't agree on everything, but I support your freedom of expression. Sad to see the West turning to fascism, not communism as as you like to say, Govs are propping up banks and large businesses, fiscal irresponsibility and mass immigration there is there to ensure the overall growth at the expense of per cap.
Speaker 10
03:46:47 OK.Devon Stack
03:46:49 Jay Ray 1981 is ******** ******. Dead guys. I guess it's possible.03:46:56 I guess it is possible the ******** ****** has has.
Speaker 12
03:47:00 Moved on.Speaker 1
03:47:01 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 13
03:47:06 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon Stack
03:47:14 But I hope not.03:47:15 Riddle of Steel, Riddle of steel. Hey, Devin. Here's a 10 second American History X deep fake I made for your enjoyment and use on the flat Earthers.
03:47:27 Well, it's only 10 seconds. It's only 10 seconds.
03:47:31 So alright, if it's only 10 seconds and you told me what it was. So it's not just like, oh, it's this mystery thing.
03:47:39 And if it doesn't crash the the stream, hopefully it doesn't.
Speaker 12
03:47:43 Why not? Why not this is.Devon Stack
03:47:45 The the longest stream of all time so.Speaker 12
03:47:47 Let's just do it.Speaker 61
03:47:54 Curtis, what is?03:47:54 That Flat Earth is for put that away right now, have some self respect. Don't be a ******.
Speaker 54
03:47:55 Oh, come on, Derek.Speaker
03:48:03 It's hard.Devon Stack
03:48:05 Nice, I approve.03:48:08 That might have to turn into a uh.
03:48:10 A button in OBS here.
03:48:14 Appreciate that Riddle of steel.
03:48:19 Uh Michael, 57 de hail Devin. Hail our gods. Hell, our our folk. A pleasant surprise being up when you're streaming. Here's some shekels for all the gods work, you do 14 words. Well, I appreciate that. Yeah, I figured.
03:48:37 I I just wanted to do it. This isn't like a a permanent time change by any means, but because I am trying to get people to be aware of what's going on and and at the very least prepare for a possible move, I just thought I would do it at a time where I know that this isn't going to work for everybody like.
03:48:54 But I just thought I.
03:48:54 Would maybe try to get maximum eyeballs on this. Plus I was just kind of itching. I was itching to to reply to the attack, if you will I and it sucked because like I was on the road and traveling around and and and away from the computer.
03:49:13 When all this went down, so I didn't I I couldn't even really. I didn't read the article, which again it it was funny because they just had they didn't. They had nothing on me. They had nothing on me, which is why they had to lie, which is why.
03:49:27 You know, that's what they exist to do, but it was still it was frustrating to not really being in a position to even reply to it, you know, I mean, it's not that big of a deal because I I'm not just.
03:49:40 Saying this to.
03:49:41 A. To minimize you know them as a threat. I mean, I realize they're a.
Speaker 9
03:49:45 Threat. But they're they're they're.Devon Stack
03:49:48 They're not what they used to be.03:49:49 Me. They're not what they used to be. They don't have the clout they used to have. Sure, they've got again. They've got almost a, you know, a billion dollars.
03:50:00 But I think that that's just, that's money for them. They're just enriching themselves.
03:50:05 You know the.
03:50:06 The disclosures that I went through, the financial disclosures I went through, don't act like there's not a whole lot of ******* embezzlement going on there. Why else do you have accounts in the Cayman Islands? All right, there's the I guarantee you there's there's a.
03:50:20 A lot of embezzlement and shady **** going on with their financials because why? Why else hide it? Why put it overseas?
03:50:28 Doesn't make any sense. I mean, they've already got tax exempt status, so why put it overseas?
03:50:36 Ah, let's see here. Logical extremists. I could probably help you out with the defamation suit. I've done pretty well with them. Ring me if you want fun talk. Anyhow. Long ago you sent me a telegram. Voice chat about law fair. It's funny. Just got a call from a police chief that a large law firm was.
03:50:57 Wait, chiefs that a large, large law firm has ohh has a training video with me in it. Second one now notoriety. Well, that's pretty cool. Yeah.
03:51:06 It's it's something across my mind. I don't know that it's.
03:51:12 Well, let's see cause for me to have standing right. I have to show damages and I won't have damages if Odyssey just leaves it, you know, has as it as is.
03:51:24 I mean, I could show damages with my book getting banned, but that happened prior to this, so I.
03:51:32 You know the.
03:51:33 Only way I can really have damage is if what they if what they printed and what they said actually directly affected me financially in a way that's measurable. And The funny thing is they did all the measuring for me.
03:51:48 So if if I am kicked off of Odyssey, that's The funny thing, they they they did all the measuring for me, right, so you know.
03:51:59 It it's not, it's not. It's not a it's. It's definitely a possibility.
03:52:05 It's dead and they've lost a lot of defamation suits in the past.
03:52:09 And they said to publicly apologize and pay millions of dollars and they got the money.
03:52:14 So yeah, it's not. It's not an impossible thing, and it's not totally off the table, but we have to wait and see if there's any kind of.
03:52:24 Any kind of repercussions here?
03:52:26 Bad Dirk, the ****** presentation and tone of voice sounds exactly like every condescending millennial dog mom, I've been lectured by in a corporate zoom meeting. Exactly. Well, that's.
03:52:38 That's because that's. That's what she is.
03:52:43 And and I I I actually think you have it backwards. I think her mom was probably a dog.
Speaker 12
03:52:49 Get it? Cause like she's.Devon Stack
03:52:51 She's ******* she's ******* ugly. Get it? Cause like.03:52:57 I'm just gonna try to play the wombo. There it is.
03:53:03 Wish you could. I wish you could color code these things instead of having to read this infinite list of videos I got queued up here.
03:53:14 Jay Ray 1981 just says 8088 Y digital.
03:53:19 Oh, look, ******** ******* not dead.
03:53:23 ******** ****** is not dead ******** ****** for $1.00 fagot.
03:53:29 We already played your thing earlier with Odyssey being sold at an auction. Whoever buys This site is not going to have good intentions. Nick Fontes is still inviting people onto cozy, and you can contact.
03:53:44 Autumn grouper on Twitter. Maybe you can think about getting that port in the storm you mentioned earlier. Yeah, I mean, it's that's one possibility. That's one possibility, you know, like I said, I'm not worried if it, it'll be disruptive. Obviously, it'll be disruptive.
03:54:02 But I'm nimble and smart and they're they're not. And so if they clumsily, you know.
03:54:11 Get a win here. It'll be a very temporary one.
03:54:15 That really will be kind of all. It won't interrupt the streaming schedule. I'll be somewhere, you know.
03:54:22 Whether it's whether, whether it's we have as many lives or not is another thing, but we'll build it back up. It's not a problem.
03:54:31 Knight Nation review she is concerned that white men might have an opinion. This is not allowed to this type of anti white scum. Their entire career is about silencing white men, muffling the screams as they destroy our race, civilization and future. And that's the truth.
03:54:47 That is the truth. I think a lot of these people, I mean, come on, face it, there's no possible way. There's just no possible way. You look like that.
03:54:58 And you don't have like some some. Well, you don't have a horrific experience with men growing up.
03:55:09 You know you let's just say you you you certainly weren't the first pick at at at prom, right. You probably spent homecoming by yourself at home.
03:55:21 Watching Daria or something right? Like there's no possible way she doesn't have some some pent up anger issues.
03:55:30 When it comes to men.
03:55:32 OK. Well, I think we all got that. There's no possible way this woman is.
03:55:37 Is a happy person.
03:55:40 Uh. Potato. Mutt. Hey, Devin. Just an FYI, the hyphenated last name thing is actually rooted in a really old school Catholic practice where you would hyphenate the last names of your children born out of wedlock to include both the mothers and the fathers last.
Speaker 12
03:55:56 OK.Speaker 9
03:55:58 OK well so.Devon Stack
03:55:59 There, I guess it's a ******* last name, but it's still. Yeah, it's still a **** last name.03:56:04 Hyphenated last names is.
03:56:06 That's just ******* gay. But yeah, I mean, I guess I don't know if that makes any better than or worse, really, that it's a a bastard's last name or a last name or naming convention rather.
03:56:17 Colonel Edward, I've been missing a lot of live streams lately because my wife gave birth to our son last week. Well, congratulations, Colonel Edward. I guess we have private N word now. In the out there and right now, huh?
03:56:31 Just felt like reminding you guys that we'll never win if we don't outbreed our enemies. Go impregnate your women, you fagots I absolutely agree. Absolutely agree.
03:56:43 And congratulations on private N word potato mutt. It was basically a Catholic way of shaming degenerate sex out of matrimony. That's why it's so common among Hispanics and almost every time you see a hyphenated last name, it's Spanish. Hispanics who are born to married parents only have one.
03:57:04 Last name.
03:57:06 Well, I don't know if it's. It's mostly Hispanics. Maybe it's less common now, but it was very popular in the 70s, especially when they were opening the gates of hell and unleashing all this horribleness that we are bathing in today. That was the feminist thing. The whole idea behind it.
03:57:27 Was at least in modern American culture, was women saying that by taking a man's last name that you were essentially saying that he was he. He owned you, he owns you and he doesn't own me. I have my last. I have my own last.
03:57:41 Name with no no no.
03:57:44 Rationale. Because you're, I mean, they're existing last name is also a man's last name they got.
03:57:50 That from their dad.
03:57:52 You know, so it it doesn't make any sense, it just, I mean it's it's not saying you're not owned by a man. It's just like it's saying you're owned by your dad and say your husband.
03:58:00 I mean, it's ******* ********. But of course you know, reason doesn't matter to these people. They just wanted to **** ** this society in every way, big or small, that they possibly could. And that was one of the ways they could symbolically.
03:58:14 To it, and any man that accepted that was basically signaling that they were a giant ***** and that you could walk all over them. So that was very attractive to a lot of these.
03:58:22 I don't know if that's as popular as it.
03:58:24 Is, you know now or or it was then I don't know how many people still do that, but it's.
03:58:30 I have an instant dislike for people with hyphenated.
Speaker 12
03:58:33 Last names I'm.03:58:33 Just going to tell you right now.
Devon Stack
03:58:37 And then you continue to say, this is obviously been obfuscated and Co opted by **** and liberals like you were talking about, but there's almost a sweet irony in it that they're rebelling against social or societal norms by adopting a medieval Catholic practice and advertently adding themselves as degenerates. There you go.Speaker 2
03:58:43 OK.Devon Stack
03:58:58 Paleo Trad says **** that **** pushing ugly Jew ****. Here's some money. Well, I appreciate that. Not 100% sure which one you're talking about, though.03:59:10 Uh, flatulent fill flatulent fill with the *** ****?
Speaker 3
03:59:16 Money. Money is power. Money is the.Speaker 38
03:59:19 Only weapon that that you have to defend himself.Speaker 59
03:59:22 Go, Julie, this faggo.Devon Stack
03:59:39 Thanks for early show, Devan. Well, I appreciate that. Thank you for the support flatulent Phil.03:59:46 Great Plains Calvary Great Plains, Calvary.
Speaker 23
03:59:50 Sorry, sorry, sorry.Devon Stack
03:59:57 Great Plains Calvary. Sorry. It's been a while, Professor. Thanks for what you do. I appreciate that. Appreciate the support.04:00:05 Nuff. Nuff says. Well, nuff.
Speaker 10
04:00:09 Hold on.Devon Stack
04:00:16 Nuff says thank you Dev well, I appreciate that nuff.04:00:20 Ryan is cool. Ryan is cool.
04:00:32 Imagine if we had even one organization that did what these groups said that what they did or what they did on the surface. If we just had a group that prosecuted people that victimized whites.
04:00:45 Or defended whites from unfair hate crime laws. Exactly. And. And look, I think that you could do it. I think you could do it. Maybe in the not so distant future.
04:00:56 Given the the temperature of the water that the.
04:01:00 Frog is in, right?
04:01:01 Now I just think that you'd have to have people that were really good at fundraising and people that had access to.
04:01:09 People with money.
Speaker 10
04:01:11 And because that's the that's the deal that's the problem.Devon Stack
04:01:13 It's the fundraising.04:01:14 There's a reason why the SPLC spent.
04:01:16 16,000,000 plus on fundraising.
04:01:19 It does take money to make money.
04:01:21 And if you have to have some ******* gala, you know where the you know it's it's you're you're selling tables and plates.
04:01:33 To rich people that want to feel fancy, it would, it would be a certainly be and have a different vibe to it, right? You'd have to appeal to.
04:01:44 I don't know, like right leaning billionaires. I don't know how you would that. That's why I'm not the the the fundraiser type. But I think it could happen. I think eventually it could happen. It's very slowly happening.
04:02:01 May be happening. I don't know what.
Speaker 12
04:02:02 The same.Speaker 2
04:02:04 UM.Speaker 12
04:02:08 Let's see here, where was I?Devon Stack
04:02:16 What happened? OK, there it goes.04:02:19 Lamp shade denier, lamp shade denier.
04:02:23 Lampshade denier is going to get the Christmas dono one because he's got the lampshade deniers got the the big, big, *** **** money.
Speaker 60
04:02:31 Children's today we'll be reading the best Christmas ever. I start with.Devon Stack
04:02:37 The magic *****.Speaker 60
04:02:48 Where did the soul men go?Speaker 21
04:03:01 The best Christmas ever.Devon Stack
04:03:05 Lampshade denier I was right about to donate to Israel's highest ADL and SPLC. You changed my mind just in time. Well, I appreciate that.04:03:16 And welcome to the hate map.
04:03:19 The hate map network.
04:03:22 Ryan is cool, Ryan is cool. We might have. We're we're going to see.
Speaker 12
04:03:26 All the gorillas tonight, I think.Speaker 21
04:03:31 As far as I can see.Devon Stack
04:03:38 I don't know why I like that.Speaker 23
04:03:44 Uh, Ryan, it's cool.Devon Stack
04:03:46 Getting a lot of rain out here and the Internet is not great, but God bless can't wait to see you in the reeducation camps. Devin Hulk Hogan, brother. Well, I appreciate that. Then you continue getting a lot of it. Send it twice. Hopefully the Internet didn't screw you out of.04:04:04 You double your hyper chat there. You might want to check into that. They'll refund you well, I don't know now with.
04:04:10 The ownership the way that it is, but we'll see.
Speaker 12
04:04:13 I would I would e-mail.Devon Stack
04:04:14 That e-mail them and see if.04:04:17 You can get that back because it looks like it doubled your donation there.
04:04:22 Uh, doomed millennial?
04:04:24 Knight Nation review how do I give him money?
04:04:29 I don't know. Are you talking about?
04:04:32 Me or to him, you go to his channel. You can go to or I. I don't know what you're asking. You get. You just gave me money.
04:04:42 So I don't know. I don't know if you want to give Knight Nation review some money, you can go to his channel though and and hit support the support.
04:04:48 Button and it'll let you. He doesn't have to be.
04:04:51 Streaming. You don't have to. They don't have any. No one has to be. At least right now on Odyssey. They don't have to be streaming for you to, I guess, in a way, send a super chat.
04:05:02 Jay Ray, 1981. My God, it's impossible trying to talk to evangelical Catholic family members.
04:05:10 I really was black pilled on that recently. They are light switch brained. It's depressing because they lean right, but you can't turn that switch. Yeah, once you know, once once the hardware is old enough, it's impossible to flash the firmware because the the interface is just incompatible with all the tools that are available now.
04:05:30 Unfortunately, that's just the reality of of.
04:05:34 A lot of these people now there's certain, you know, just like with old hardware, right. If you take the time to hack it and do a lot of research and figure out, like, how to interface with it, you know, and if you think it's worth it to do that and to take the time, you can make it happen. It's just a lot of times it's not worth it, you know.
04:05:54 It's just not worth.
04:05:55 It I think prevention is the best course of action at this point. Just preventing people from going down that path in the first place.
04:06:03 Zazie Mac Taskbot Happy veteran's day. Never forget those who died in World War One. As someone who served and fought. You're welcome. But if I'm being honest, sometimes things in the military aren't all blood and guts. Sometimes it's just fun. What weapon would you pick if you could shoot anything in the US? Arsenal. Anything.
04:06:24 I would want to fly one of those. Uh.
04:06:28 I'd want to shoot the the gun on on like when you see those thermal camera videos of the the Apache helicopters blowing **** away and you just see like.
04:06:40 People getting splattered by whatever that is, like A50. I don't know. What is it? If it's a 50 Cal or what it is. But that's what I I would. I want that.
04:06:48 I'd want to. I'd want to be the.
04:06:49 Gunner on a in a on a an Apache helicopter.
04:06:54 You said anything?
Speaker 31
04:07:00 The a close second.Devon Stack
04:07:02 Would be like that big cannon on the side of a C130.04:07:06 You know the like. I don't know what that is even at all, but that would be that would be a close second.
04:07:15 Uh, let's see here. De Wit, the good guys always win. There's a counter to that phrase born out of the Holodomor quote. The good ones died first. Absolutely, absolutely. And the.
04:07:33 A lot of these people, they just, that's the that's the problem with death cults. Whether the death cult is Zionist or whether the death cult is, you know, the custards or whatever.
04:07:47 That's the problem is they think that.
04:07:49 You know, the whole universe revolves around their life. And just like a movie, it's going to have a a happy ending, and that's just not reality. That's not the reality. You can ask most of history is is not happy endings.
04:08:05 8088 Y digital because the list.
04:08:13 OK. Because.
04:08:14 The list.
04:08:16 Jay Ray Knights Andy. 11 more thing. Our infighting is our downfall. They are lockstep, absolutely. And I think that that is that's something I've talked about a lot and that's something that I don't engage in if I can.
04:08:32 Help it. You won't often hear me even when I I might be. I think Q charge the the one exception because I I think that if if a group is actively hurting us, it's not just a disagreement on strategy or something like that. I don't care if it's a disagreement on reality, then I care.
04:08:53 But if it's a disagreement on, you know what? As long as we agree on the problem.
04:08:59 Then I think that that's that's all the agreement we really need and we can have a diversity of ideas when it comes to solutions. Not all diversity is is bad, right?
04:09:12 Let's see here tipsy. Make stagger. I missed the old version. Getting the pit.
04:09:18 Or get in in the pit. I think it was just in, in.
04:09:22 The pit.
04:09:25 Yeah, that was the one that had a typo. I actually, it wasn't even a typo. What it was was, I think it was after effects had corrupt preview memory and so it just rendered it wrong. Because I don't think I actually.
04:09:38 I don't think it was typed wrong in there. I think I just had to delete the the cache files and it and it just magically rendered correctly.
04:09:47 The thin red line, despite all the money organizations like SPLC have, they don't get very much for that money. That's because they're they're just spending it on these well, like the.
04:09:58 The ***** here to make infographics and to make a big report on what a hyper chat is.
04:10:07 Zazzy mataz bot. I got a good phone call from my brother today. He started quote. Dude, I have to talk to you for a while. Do you have time? And we all and we have all had bad conversations. But the start that that start in such a way I asked what was on his mind and he just said.
04:10:27 Quote UM Jews.
04:10:31 I had lost.
04:10:31 To say about it, but I didn't get him. Or, but I didn't let him drink from the fire hose yet.
04:10:39 Yeah, I suspect I suspect there are people who, quite frankly, I have a little contempt for right now, if I'm being honest, but there are people in my life that cut me off people.
Speaker 9
04:10:53 That were right.Devon Stack
04:10:54 Leaning conservative people who were supportive of what I was doing prior to understanding the Jewish question.04:11:02 That when I privately confided in them that I was starting to come to some conclusions and I wasn't sure about instantly recoiled in horror and basically wrote.
04:11:14 Me off as a pariah.
04:11:16 Who I now think that would would no longer, I mean.
04:11:21 For ***** sake, Charlie Kirk of all people is at least now directing criticism at Jews.
04:11:30 And these are the kind of people that that thought, you know, Charlie Kirk was super ******* based. And, you know, stuff like that.
04:11:36 Right. And you know, part of me wants to let bygones be bygones, but part of me is just like, oh, **** them. But yeah, I think.
Speaker 9
04:11:44 A lot of people.Devon Stack
04:11:45 Are are getting a little more primed and and understanding it's look it's it's it's impossible to deny the the meme of every single time. It's just I mean that's.04:11:57 That's that's the reality. Like the second you start looking.
04:12:02 At the early life.
04:12:04 Section on Wikipedia. It's it's all over.
04:12:08 Because you're a I think that's what it is, right? It's like Godzilla's only like a Jack would.
04:12:13 Say thank you Devin for everything you do.
04:12:17 There is no one else who I have found to be as much of A personable resource of information and humor as you **** these ******* for even thinking they can try to silence this awesome community and your page may they find themselves falling.
Speaker 2
04:12:39 The pit.Devon Stack
04:12:57 Appreciate that Night Nation review. They go around the Constitution via these NGO's. They are a means for the government to be able to persecute their enemies without the constitutional rights getting their way. Well, that's the thing too.04:13:10 Is, you know.
04:13:11 It's not just a one way connection that the government has with SPLC where they're.
04:13:17 Coming up with these hate group lists and giving them to the FBI and stuff like that, the SPLC and I'm, I'm I will go further into this investigation. I just didn't have a lot of time. Most of what I presented the night was work.
04:13:31 I did today.
04:13:33 And a little bit last night I just, I mean, I just, I've barely been back at a computer and so that's what I was able to come up with with just a few hours. Right, you can imagine. But there's a lot of grants that go from the federal government back into the pockets of groups like the SPS PLC.
04:13:52 And and what happens? See what will happen is the DOJ.
04:13:56 They'll find some company for maybe a civil rights violation or something like that, and it could be big money. It could be, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars depending on what organization it is or whatever.
04:14:09 And that money then gets transferred into grant money to NGOs like SPLC. I don't know specifically what the federal government has thrown their way, if anything at all. I mean, or at least not recently. I don't know if they have given the amount of resources they've got and the bad reputation.
04:14:29 I have, but I'm sure that at some point they've received federal money and if nothing else, the the tax tax exempt status is, in a sense, receiving federal money.
04:14:40 So yeah, it absolutely is a way for the federal government to do extra legal law. Fair and harassment of their enemies. That's why they specifically go after, and they say it, they. And in addition to hate groups that they specifically go after, anti government groups. Well, that's weird.
04:15:01 That doesn't make any sense. Why would a group that's concerned with hate and all this other ****? It doesn't make any sense because it it, I mean, it does make sense if you know what they're really about.
04:15:11 Mirada Melanin is the only reason for racism, apparently, unless it's anti-Semitism, then it's a mystery.
04:15:19 Bobby. Bobby Lee's wager. Hey there. I know you're a bit upset about the whole spec thing, but this wait.
04:15:30 Oh, SPL. That is **** SPLC thing. But this black chick really does make a few good points and seems pretty smart.
04:15:40 Maybe you are in the?
Speaker 23
04:15:41 Wrong. I'm going to put you in a house and.04:15:44 Stop you from having more kids.
Devon Stack
04:15:49 The beach guys, the beach guys.Speaker 17
04:15:57 I'm Amy.Speaker 2
04:15:59 Hi, Amy.Devon Stack
04:16:11 Beach Boys got the sad gorilla.04:16:16 I told the customer today that I am a perfectionist, white supremacist confirmed.
04:16:21 Well, there you go.
04:16:23 Well, what can you say? I guess perfection is is white, right?
04:16:27 Not retired, Fagot says Shalom, my fellow grey supremacist. Devon here is a link on how to obtain a 300 IQ. Just kidding, my man. Just wanted to pay some tithing, keep up with the amazing work, catch the replay later. Well, I appreciate that. Not ********.
04:16:48 Drag it.
04:16:50 Devon Stack for fewer Devon Stack for Fiore.
04:17:01 I think you might have unlocked the new gorilla.
04:17:04 Devin stacked for fewer ever since I began to think critically and racially about things. I've talked to many white people about race, and almost all of them believe in the.
04:17:15 Our hearts that we are all the same and that it's only skin color I used to think that most whites were just pretending to be polite, but apparently not. That's my black pill for tonight. Yeah, it's it's it's a genuine belief, but it's it's.
Speaker 2
04:17:31 It's just as.Devon Stack
04:17:33 When I did the the stream about the death cult, the heavens gate, when they were about to commit suicide, and they were making their little videos their farewell videos.04:17:43 That was also a genuine belief.
04:17:46 They genuinely believed that when they committed suicide, they would wake up on a UFO that was trailing the.
04:17:52 Comet held up.
04:17:56 So I mean, look, stupid ideas can.
04:17:59 Get programmed into people's minds.
04:18:04 And fairly easily.
04:18:07 Right. That the guy that ran that cult wasn't exactly the as far as I could tell. I mean, I I didn't see the charisma.
04:18:16 And yet he was able to to loop a lot of these people into this.
04:18:19 ******* crazy way of thinking.
04:18:22 So honestly, it's not that surprising that a lot of people will be programmed to the degree that they are into believing this kind of nonsense. Given the the amount of programming that they've received from way more.
04:18:42 Palatable sources than a wild eyed guy with a bull, you know? A bull haircut.
04:18:51 So I mean it's a black Pilling away, but I mean just generally speaking, I think most people just go with the flow anyway. That's that's how societies you know function. If everyone was like a free thinker and whatever, it would be chaos you, you'd need most people to be followers and any any functioning society.
04:19:11 And they're just going to follow whoever has the power. Those same exact people and I and I, I **** you not those same exact people that believe that. And I I believe that.
04:19:22 They believe it.
04:19:23 Would like that. Stop believing it if it became cool to not believe it.
04:19:32 Like that, as quickly as you saw people turn on a dime about the ADL.
04:19:39 People would change their mind the second they noticed the wind changing and going in a different direction.
04:19:45 They would. They would stop believing it in an instant because it's it's.
04:19:50 It's not based on any kind of research they've done.
04:19:54 It's a heuristic.
04:19:56 They're they're outsourcing their view on racial differences.
04:20:03 To other people.
04:20:06 That's just how that's again. That's how most humans work. They they outsource their beliefs to people they they view as leaders.
04:20:16 And if those leaders one day said Ohh, actually blacks have a lower average IQ and it's it's biological and it's hardwired, there's not really much we can do about it, you know.
04:20:28 Some would probably resist.
04:20:31 But many of them.
Speaker 18
04:20:33 Would be like, Oh yeah, I've always known that.Devon Stack
04:20:37 Wandering full wandering fool.04:20:47 Wandering fool Devin, I'm surprised that you haven't mentioned the 23andMe ancestry of 999,999 Ashkenazi Jews leaked online. It's probably a honeypot, but in this case the Jews.
04:21:05 Could actually or the juice could actually be worth the?
04:21:08 These imagine the dots that could be connected with that info. Yeah, I I would love for that.
04:21:14 Data I don't have access to it. I I've heard about it. I would love for that data to be somehow cross referenced with other data. I think that would be pretty cool and I guarantee you people have done it.
04:21:29 You know, they don't. We don't have access to that. But yeah, any any autistic kid out there with a?
04:21:38 The ability to access that data and the ability to cross reference it with other relevant data wants to take on that project. That would be amazing.
04:21:49 4 Chan 81.
04:21:52 Master tradesmen don't make this kind of money. One black pill that is hard to swallow is these so-called useless humanities degrees can translate into big money by becoming a mouthpiece or a consultant for the AIDS comi regime. Congrats on topping the list they snubbed.
04:22:13 They snubbed tuber.
04:22:15 Black and White Squad, they snub tuber.
04:22:18 I'm not sure who tuber is. Uh no, nothing against whoever tuber is, but like I didn't recognize almost anyone on that list.
04:22:27 Because I just don't have time to to see all the new guys always.
04:22:32 Black and White squad.
04:22:33 There you go.
04:22:36 Andromeda. Excellent show, Devin. Thank you. I think we're going to need.
04:22:40 A bigger pit? Absolutely.
04:22:46 For charity, one was at Goodwill, trying on clothes. Northern Poverty hasn't an NGO yet and overheard the most unintentionally humiliating thing a woman's ever said, quote. I tried it on, but the waist was too small and the chest was too big. All cow no milk.
Speaker 12
04:23:06 Womp womp.04:23:08 Where's my womp womp?
Devon Stack
04:23:16 Teha says fool.04:23:17 You, Devin. I don't know how you fool me.
04:23:21 Uh, lampshade denier?
04:23:24 Unless, maybe, maybe you're are you the secret agent? Tehan, are you the one making the hate, man?
04:23:31 Lampshade and I or Megan Megan Squires.
04:23:35 Partner, I hate that word too.
04:23:37 Anthony Crider is a protest photographer. He's basically a creep taking photos of whites who don't hate themselves.
04:23:47 So he just goes around to protests and doxing people at protests, checks.
04:23:53 Checks out.
Speaker 12
04:23:55 I mean, who?Devon Stack
04:23:56 Imagine the guy that has to settle for this.04:23:59 And I'm serious. Like, imagine the guy who has to wake up next to this every morning.
04:24:12 Can't help.
Speaker 54
04:24:12 Just to live for.Devon Stack
04:24:31 Yeah, his life must be a.04:24:32 Living hell.
04:24:36 I don't know how else to describe it.
04:24:39 UM.Devon Stack
04:24:40 Jive Turkey, you know what, jive Turkey I've got, I've got 2 cookies that I've left. I think I I don't think these are going to be gorillas.04:24:51 I think that there's two wookies left and you might get one.
Speaker 12
04:24:54 Of them.Speaker 29
04:25:23 That will keep him busy for a while.Devon Stack
04:25:28 There you go. That's actually one of my favorites.04:25:31 Uh dev. Here's some more shekels for making the most wanted list. Maybe you can use it to spruce up the pill box or build some fortifications or some ****. Thanks for all the hard work you put in, brother. Well, I appreciate that.
04:25:47 They call me Mr. Nigst, says TND.
Speaker 9
04:25:51 T&D.Devon Stack
04:25:52 Dynomite maybe next time says I cannot. I cannot get enough news about Israel.04:25:59 Hit me, Devin. Hit me harder. Yeah, I'm. I'm just. I'm so ******* bored of Israel. I just don't care until there's a mushroom cloud cloud. I kind of just don't care either, either **** or get off the pot, you know, it's like this **** tea **** about like.
04:26:13 Oh, are they gonna?
Speaker 9
04:26:13 It's not going to do it. It just.Devon Stack
04:26:15 It just seems like.04:26:16 A soap opera at this point, you know, like soap operas where nothing happens.
04:26:20 All week and then on Friday and one reason I know this, my mom used to watch soap operas. So as a kid, I remember telling her I was like, I was like a little kid. I'm like, Mom, how do you watch this?
Speaker 2
04:26:29 Is it?Devon Stack
04:26:30 Like nothing happens like because it's on every day for four days, nothing happens. And then on the 5th day on Friday, something about almost happens, right?04:26:40 But yeah, but but then it doesn't right at the end and so you have to tune in on on Monday to see the thing that was about to happen happen. It happens right away. It's never that big of a deal. And then nothing happens again. That's basically what this is.
04:26:53 That's basically what this is. It's it's. It's a ******* soap opera.
04:26:58 And and tell his mushroom clouds or Hezbollah involvement, or Iran supersonic missiles. I'm kind of bored. I'm kind of bored.
04:27:07 But we'll see. Maybe it'll get exciting.
04:27:09 But also nothing ever happens.
04:27:12 You know, nothing ever happens.
04:27:17 Ah, Robert Wilson. Thanks for the content. Black pill here is a much overdue tip. Apologies, it's not much. Once again, thank you. Well, I appreciate that every little bit helps. So thanks for thanks for being there.
04:27:30 4 Trinity One do these freedom loving Republican conservatives who love the American exceptionalism of the past, which was prior to the founding of the Israel, not recoil at the idea that in order to keep American Jews happy and productive, we need to maintain security of Israel.
04:27:50 That without them, we are nothing. Well, hold on. I gotta read this over again.
Speaker 12
04:27:55 Dear, alright, blah blah blah blah blah.Speaker 18
04:28:05 No they don't.Devon Stack
04:28:05 Recoil cause it's a religious thing. It's a religious thing. They they they don't actually believe in American exceptionalism in the same way they believe in in Jewish exceptionalism. That's just, that's just a fact. That's just a fact. John Skywalker. Why do you think or what do you think?04:28:22 Of Scott Ritter.
04:28:24 He is making a number of statements against Israel.
04:28:27 And the Jews?
04:28:28 Is he trustworthy? Source as a former UN inspector, or is he just another grifter pedophile? Scott Ritter is a. Is that who I think it is?
Speaker 12
04:28:42 You guys know I'm bad at names. Long one. I gotta let this guy up now.04:28:48 I think I know who it is.
04:28:50 That's the guy.
Devon Stack
04:28:53 Ohh, that guy. No, that's not who I thought it was.Speaker 10
04:28:59 Oh wait.Devon Stack
04:29:02 And I searched, turned up people that don't look like anybody.04:29:07 OK, yeah, this guy.
04:29:11 I don't know.
04:29:14 I've seen clips on on Twitter with this guy, but I'm not familiar with him.
04:29:19 Other than I've seen a couple of clips on Twitter of this guy, so I don't know enough about him to know.
Speaker 12
04:29:27 But yeah, I don't know.Devon Stack
04:29:29 I'll have to.04:29:29 Look at it. Cruise cross. Cheers, Devin. Hoping for another Christmas stream. It's on my list of next to a mushroom cloud. I'm. I'm bored too. Best wishes from the East Coast.
04:29:43 Yeah, I'll probably. I'll probably do a Christmas stream. I'll know for sure pretty soon, but it's that look that's looking very possible.
Speaker 12
04:29:53 That I'll do that, I.Devon Stack
04:29:54 Don't know if we'll watch. I don't.04:29:58 I don't know. I don't think we'll watch. It's a wonderful life. But maybe we'll think of another Christmassy movie we can watch and maybe do the same kind of a thing.
04:30:07 Finkelstein Finkelstein, 88, Finkelstein, 88.
Speaker 52
04:30:24 I'm just a weekend photographer.Speaker 9
04:30:28 Finkelstein, 88.Devon Stack
04:30:35 Or Finkelstein solutions to usury. Why did I say Finkelstein, 88? Oh, that was the OK Finkelstein solutions to user 8.04:30:43 And you've got a odyssey link. Uh, I wish you'd give me context.
04:30:51 Whatever we're we're, we're.
04:30:53 Or flying blind tonight, huh?
04:30:57 Why not? It's it's like we're we're breaking the records on on stream length tonight, so might as well, right? Why not?
Speaker 12
04:31:04 Let's see what we got here.04:31:11 What is this?
Devon Stack
04:31:18 That was that.Speaker 10
04:31:28 What is this?Devon Stack
04:32:38 Is this a ministry song?04:32:45 I have some ministry song.
04:32:50 Alright, keep that going there.
04:32:57 Thank you for the support there, Finkelstein solutions to user aim.
04:33:02 My fat little ******** toe, my fat little ******** toe.
04:33:09 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 34
04:33:16 I'd like to return this duck.Speaker 2
04:33:19 That little ******** toe.Devon Stack
04:33:22 I like the new stream name. Well, don't like it too much because I'm not changing the stream name, is just.Speaker 10
04:33:27 This was going to be.Devon Stack
04:33:29 A little different. I don't know. Maybe we'll.04:33:31 Have. Maybe we'll.
04:33:32 Vacillate between the two. I don't know. This is all kind of in the beta stage.
04:33:36 Right now, thanks for the good work. Also, thoughts and prayers for my family.
Speaker 38
04:33:41 Not to docs.Devon Stack
04:33:42 Myself, but they just had a a gay suicide bomb in their house.04:33:48 Gay suicide bomb in the.
04:33:51 Everyone is OK, but it's a good reminder that insane people are there and the.
Speaker 10
04:33:57 Police won't stop them.Devon Stack
04:33:59 What's a gay suicide bomb? Is that a bomb that makes everyone gay?Speaker 2
04:34:04 Like what?Devon Stack
04:34:06 Wait, they just had. Ohh wait, I rather stupidly. They just had a guy suicide bomb in their house, in their house.Speaker 10
04:34:15 Well, that's pretty ******* crazy.Devon Stack
04:34:18 Glad everyone's OK.04:34:20 And yeah, the shifts shifts. Crazy man shifts crazy, and that just goes to show you how you going to prepare for that I'm not know.
Speaker 10
04:34:28 What the circumstances are around that but.Speaker 20
04:34:31 How are you?Speaker 10
04:34:31 How are you possibly going to prepare for weirdo suicide bomb ground?Devon Stack
04:34:39 Alright, fuzzy T. Fuzzy T.Speaker 47
04:34:45 When you're trying to save money.Speaker 1
04:34:47 A good rule to follow is to.Speaker 47
04:34:56 Take it from me, Jim. Neighbors, it'll pay dividend.Devon Stack
04:34:59 Fuzzy teeth. Thank you Mr. Stack for all your work. You do. I truly believe that, as with what is going on in the in Israel, fear of World War Three, et cetera, those in power will not allow.04:35:15 Will not allow.
Speaker 12
04:35:18 Or on.04:35:20 I just scroll on accident, uh blah blah, blah.
Devon Stack
04:35:25 Those but will not allow the situation to get out of hand. It has been proven in the past century that the best way to subvert our people is the slow boil. Yeah, I think that if they're smart, right, that's what they'll do. And I think they're smart. So I think that might be what?Speaker 12
04:35:41 They do.Devon Stack
04:35:42 And the Black Swan event that.04:35:45 Many of us.
04:35:46 Would like to at least have access to at least have a shot at uh. Might just be out of reach.
Speaker 18
04:35:56 But who knows? Who knows?Devon Stack
04:35:58 Humans are not machines, even though some of them act like it.04:36:02 So there can be unpredictable behavior.
Speaker 12
04:36:05 Ah, and unknowns.Devon Stack
04:36:07 But we'll see.04:36:09 Thanks for the support there. Fuzzy teeth, my fat little ******** toe as a follow up to my previous chat, I know how insane it sounds, but I can't stress enough how important extra security measures like concrete barriers are. If there's any hint of a threat, uh yeah, like I said.
04:36:28 I I don't want to get.
04:36:30 Too specific, you know, like you said, you don't.
04:36:32 Want doctor yourself. That's why I'm kind of.
04:36:34 Being a little loosey Goosey about this, I don't want to ask too many questions here because that sounds pretty intense, but.
04:36:42 I'll tell you one thing, the pillbox is is bulletproof for a reason.
04:36:47 Maybe not everywhere. I'm sure there. I mean, there's weak spots, right? But generally speaking, it's bulletproof.
04:36:53 And I like that. And if, if you can, if you can make that happen and and you suspect that you might have a reason to, to need that.
Speaker 12
04:37:01 By all means.Devon Stack
04:37:03 And then you continue.04:37:05 Or no, it just it did it twice again or no, it did three times.
04:37:11 So maybe you mean it three times, or maybe this thing's.
04:37:13 Just growing up.
04:37:14 But if you meant it three times.
04:37:17 Then yes, yes, very important to prepare for the the unexpected there.
04:37:24 Marada people are losing their **** over missing persons, Flyers getting ripped down in New York and London, but never ask why the **** are their posters? These posters here, who posts a flyer for their missing puppy on the other side of the planet? More shameless propaganda by the eternal victims. Yeah, I I I get that. But I mean.
04:37:45 They would just say, well, obviously we don't think you're going to find them here. It's it's it's more for awareness, it's awareness about the people that are missing.
04:37:53 Uh, I don't care if the posters get turned, you know, torn up or whatever. That's just what happens. I mean, that's what's been happening to, I mean, at least, at least when they put up those posters. It's not like when they have, we had that news story, what, a couple weeks ago, or maybe just a couple days ago where they they just put up a sign that said.
04:38:13 And white hate.
04:38:16 And white hate. And there's a news.
04:38:18 Story about it.
04:38:20 Like cause it's a hate sign cause it said end. Why hate?
04:38:24 So I think that they're just.
04:38:27 They're they're more shocked than anything that they're just not allowed to spew their propaganda unchallenged for the first time. Maybe in a while.
04:38:38 Door Tron 510.
04:38:41 Dork Tron 510.
Speaker 2
04:38:43 Why is money management? Where's the rest?Devon Stack
04:38:51 Dork Tron 510. A friend got expelled from college yesterday for saying anti Israeli things wasn't hiding his power level. He was pursuing a study in media and wants to do base type content. I said college is a waste, he can learn it on his own. Any advice for what he could do to get experience?04:39:11 For employment now.
04:39:14 I I mean, I don't know. Depends what he wants to do, right.
04:39:20 I mean, weirdly, it might not be the best. I mean, I don't know what his.
04:39:25 Financial situation is.
04:39:28 But a lot of the the, the these freelance journalists and these independent journalists are just regular people. I mean, maybe they worked out like I work. I worked in media for a little bit. And so I think that's probably what helps me do my job. But a lot of people just they had a they just went to protest with a.
04:39:48 A camera. You know that everyone has in their pocket now.
04:39:53 This is this is a unique time in history where you don't have to work for someone to do journalism. In fact, it's almost like worse if you work for someone and try to do journalism right.
04:40:05 So I would just say if they if they have a way of financially getting by, even if it's kind of embarrassing, like live with your parents for a while, I would try if that's really your passion, that's really what you want to do.
04:40:16 I would try to just do something independent.
04:40:22 Ark Stanton. Somehow I thought you were only streaming on rumble tonight, so I sent a couple of super chats there. Just so you know. Good to see so many eyeballs on the show tonight.
04:40:35 Is there I didn't even.
04:40:36 Know I could get super cheap.
04:40:38 No, I'm going to have to go to rumble too. And Jake, I don't even. I didn't know I could get super chats over there. That.
Speaker 12
04:40:43 Was going to.Devon Stack
04:40:43 Be a long night. Yeah, I got a good problem to have though, I guess.04:40:47 Right. Well, I appreciate that.
04:40:51 4 Chan anyone do you think in countries like Russia, China, wherever they lecture the public on threats to their own country or they project what could be done to their enemies? More demoralization. Propaganda. These folks don't quit. I think you're talking about the Israeli thing.
04:41:10 A Lily scribe in God's army today I'm reminded of agony, misery and heartbreak. Happy Veteran's Day to all the vets in the audience. Well, there you go.
Speaker 12
04:41:20 Yeah, I don't know how I can.Devon Stack
04:41:22 Be happy, but I get it.04:41:26 American life 702. Devin, will you review hell or high water? I love the movie and unironically think it's pretty based. I've never heard of it, so I'll put a big maybe on that.
04:41:41 Canine friend.
04:41:43 Canine friend.
Speaker 3
04:41:45 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have.Speaker 38
04:41:49 To defend himself with.Speaker 59
04:41:51 Look how Julie this *** is.Devon Stack
04:42:10 Canine friend, great stream. Very important to call out the groups that are out to destroy Western white culture. Absolutely. If they're going to put a spotlight on me, I'm going to shine it right back on them. Thanks for the.04:42:22 Support friends of a friend of canines.
04:42:26 Mr. Choley, I hope this earlier time becomes a permanent thing. Keep up the good work.
04:42:34 C Hall, Mr. C holy. Well, there you go. Got it wrong. I don't know. It's going to be a permanent thing. Probably not. But it we'll see. We'll see.
04:42:48 We'll see how it works out. I don't know what the, what the prevailing.
04:42:55 I don't. I don't know what the audience would want. I know there are some people that would really be mad if it wasn't on as late as it is because that's when they're up.
04:43:03 But uh, I don't know. I don't know.
Speaker 12
04:43:06 We'll have to see. We'll have to see.Devon Stack
04:43:08 The only reason I started doing it late at night in the 1st place if you guys remember it was cause my Internet only worked after midnight.04:43:15 And now I dialed it back, and then I, you know, who knows, maybe we'll dive, dial it back even more. But I also kind of feel like the the insomnia stream has a late night vibe to it anyway, right? I kind of feel like we're like a late night show. I don't know if we're like, a prime time show. Feel like we're.
Speaker 12
04:43:29 More of a late night show.04:43:31 So I don't know.
04:43:33 I don't know.
Devon Stack
04:43:35 Canine friend again.Speaker 2
04:43:38 Straight out of I just don't.Devon Stack
04:43:42 I don't have. I'm running out of stuff to play here.Speaker 1
04:43:46 Easy money.Speaker 26
04:43:55 Right.Devon Stack
04:43:57 Can I friend with the the more *** **** dono. Hey Devin. Here are some more shekels. Appreciate the effort on the streams to educate more black pills faster. Maybe you can get yourself a gold.Speaker 12
04:44:10 Kruger and I don't know what that is.Devon Stack
04:44:13 We all need to watch out for the Weimar style hyperinflation. The risk is real of that happening without or without of control. Money printing? Yeah, just the the interest to service the debt now is in the trillions. So our money is worthless.04:44:33 But yeah, appreciate the support canine friend.
04:44:38 Paragliding enthusiast makes me sick that the Jews are trying to get us to fight their wars yet again, knowing that nothing will make them happy and a fast way to get rid of us. Meanwhile, the illegals that are flooding our countries will with so they can replace us.
04:44:59 In that sense as well.
04:45:03 Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.
04:45:07 Jay Ray, Jay Ray, 1981. Oops.
Speaker 12
04:45:12 What I I hit the wrong button?Devon Stack
04:45:24 Get in the ******* pit, Bill Maher and the Aussie ****.04:45:31 Yeah, I just can't I.
Speaker 9
04:45:32 Mean just?Devon Stack
04:45:33 Being a traitor to that degree. But I thought she was half Jewish. Isn't she half Jewish? It would make sense if she was.04:45:41 Locat locat.
04:45:54 Look at. Let's make it 2 Kay. Thanks for the show, Devin. Well, I appreciate that Luke can't.
04:46:00 And for all the support you guys have all shown, it's very much appreciated.
04:46:06 And kind of unexpected to be honest.
04:46:08 So I really appreciate that.
04:46:11 4 Chan 81 four Chan, 81, from Goddard's weekend.
04:46:15 Tell me your name, Madam me? Uh. Karine Durand. Durand's your husband's name? What's yours? My maiden name. Karine DuPont. DuPont is your father's name. What's yours? I don't know. You see, you don't even know who you are. Then he bashes Christ. Maximum subversion. Exactly.
04:46:39 Although I I know what you're talking about, I have not seen I.
04:46:42 Don't think I've seen that movie.
04:46:44 Uh white cake.
04:46:47 How can white people ever get out from under the thumb of the Jews? Nazis tried to save us and look what look what we did.
04:46:59 I don't know. I mean, that's the $1,000,000 question, right? Or I guess that's the $6 million question, right?
04:47:06 But I can think of some ways, but.
04:47:12 Uh paragliding enthusiast. We have lost countless numbers of of brothers fighting in Jew Wars. I believe it's all intentional.
04:47:21 Well, I well, obviously it's intentional. Yeah, obviously it's intentional.
04:47:27 It's I think it's a strategy to, you know, to it stimulates the economy, it it wipes out a, you know, the the, the kinds of the exact kinds of people in fact that.
04:47:39 Would pose a threat to you.
04:47:43 And gives you excuses to import more, more diversity.
04:47:50 Higgs Higgs 49 Higgs 49 all these *** **** Donuts tonight.
Speaker 3
04:47:55 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have.Speaker 38
04:47:58 To defend himself with.Speaker 59
04:48:00 Look how Julie this *** is.Devon Stack
04:48:18 Higgs 49, adding to the total to **** *** the ******* at the SPLC. Appreciate your work, brother. Well, I appreciate that, and welcome to the hate map. Welcome to the.04:48:31 The I'm sure she'll find some some weird way of psychologizing your support.
04:48:40 Professor. Shekel Stein. Professional or professor?
04:48:48 Shekel Stein.
Speaker 29
04:48:50 When you're trying to save money a good.Speaker 31
04:48:52 Rule to follow is to.Speaker 30
04:49:01 Take it from me, Jim. Neighbors, it'll pay dividend.Devon Stack
04:49:09 Here's some shekels to add to the hate map. **** the SPLC. **** anybody or anybody fagot that's willing to work at places like that. Yep, absolutely they are enemies. They are enemies. It's they're. They don't just disagree with us. They are enemies. They want us dead.04:49:29 They want us dead.
04:49:31 People need to realize that they want you dead.
04:49:35 She said it.
04:49:37 She admitted that.
04:49:38 That violence, political violence, was not off the table.
04:49:43 It was just one of the many tools they have in their toolbox.
04:49:50 So you know they want you dead.
04:49:52 Cipher. Hey, Devin. Just checking in. If you'd had a chance to check out uh ale yet using ion 2O. No, no, that's the the radio thing. No, I have not had a chance. I've been on the road, like pretty much since.
04:50:08 Or, you know, not around a computer for.
04:50:14 Since pretty much since the last stream so.
04:50:18 Haven't had a chance to really monkey around with anything cool like that.
Speaker 18
04:50:21 Yet you know who.Devon Stack
04:50:24 Do you know Asha logos? I don't know. Personally, I have talked to him. He seems cool.04:50:33 Paraguay enthusiast, don't you have to read this out loud or you don't have?
04:50:38 To read this out loud. Alright, well then I won't. Let's see here.
04:50:47 OK. Yeah, maybe.
04:50:52 Skin flute, Mr. Stack and fellow guys, now is a good time to research and invest in crypto. You don't have to believe in it or agree with it to know that you can make a big return on a small investment.
04:51:06 In the short.
04:51:07 Term the bull Run has begun. Look at utility coins.
04:51:11 Like XRP and XLM for big returns over the next year, well, I don't know. I mean, I haven't looked. That's obviously this is not financial advice, but.
04:51:22 But that's something it's always something to keep in mind that it's something that's there and it has its use. And by the way, if you want to send crypto to the.
04:51:31 To the show that's available too. Obviously, as always. And don't worry, the SPLC will track the the transaction. They'll look at the blockchain. Unless, of course, you take advantage of some of the privacy coins.
04:51:44 Which are always always available there.
Speaker 2
04:51:50 Cooler, cooler.Speaker 60
04:51:56 You don't baby birthday.Devon Stack
04:51:58 Cooter was the exposure of American audiences to fictional terror entertainment, preconditioning them for the eventual War on Terror. There's dozens of terror related films and TV prior to 911.04:52:14 I recall Israeli people lamenting the fact that we didn't care about terror. Can you play Jews, Jews, Jews by AJ?
04:52:24 Thank you, Devin. I'm not sure what you mean by Jews, Jews, Jews by AJ.
04:52:30 Yeah, I mean, there was always terrorism, but the IT it's weird. If you look at the 90S movies and 80s movies, the terrorists were, I mean, sometimes they were Middle Eastern like I guess you could sort of say like in even like in what like back to the future obviously there was the Libyan terrorists that that killed doctor or shoot Doc.
04:52:51 There's, but there was also like oddly, like German terrorists like in Die Hard. And, you know, other movies like that, it's hard to say.
04:53:02 If that was something setting people up, or if there was just terrorism, kind of, you know, terrorism has been around since the the Jews took over Palestine and they, they and I mean, quite literally, the Israelis invented modern terrorism. And so once I think other people saw that, they got what they want by doing that.
04:53:23 You had some copycats and and technology kind of has facilitated that too. It wasn't as easy to, you know, do terrorism, I guess, in the days of of muskets and black powder. I mean, you could, you could do it, but it wouldn't. It wasn't as.
04:53:41 As easy, right? So I just think it's it's just ease of access and everything else that's increased quote UN quote terrorism. But I would say I don't know. It's hard to say. I would say absolutely shows like 24 and things like that are all that's all propaganda that's there to get you to believe in the Patriot Act and getting the government to just.
04:54:02 Let them do whatever the **** they want.
04:54:05 All right, uh, now I gotta go to rumble, I guess.
04:54:14 Let's see here.
04:54:19 I can't because of my Internet connection, I can't have them both open simultaneously.
Speaker 12
04:54:24 So let me.04:54:25 Let me go to the rumble link here.
04:54:34 Let's see.
04:54:37 How I want to do this, there we go.
04:54:42 And way too many ******* windows open here.
Devon Stack
04:54:46 I can't because of my Internet connection, I can't have them.04:54:50 How do I? How do I see super chats on rumble? I don't even know.
04:54:57 Where do the Super chats go?
04:55:15 They see regular chat.
04:55:24 Yeah, I don't see super chats guys. How do you do this?
04:55:31 Where do they pop up on rumble? I don't see like uh.
04:55:36 Because I haven't set anything up on rumble to do that, so I just assumed they wouldn't be there.
04:55:53 OK, well, I don't want to be * **** if there's people sending them and I and I can't.
04:56:01 Someone said you can't see them without an add-on to catch them.
Speaker 10
04:56:05 Ohh, that's gay.Devon Stack
04:56:09 Well, look, I I hate that sucks. I'm sorry, guys. I didn't realize I had to do that.04:56:14 I think that I would have.
04:56:19 I don't think I have any.
04:56:20 Here cause I didn't I.
04:56:21 Didn't set anything up on on the on the account to accept them, so I just assumed that it.
04:56:25 Would just not.
04:56:27 I just wouldn't have any.
04:56:30 Well, I I.
04:56:31 Feel I I feel kind of like * **** then if I'm getting stuff and I can't see it.
04:56:36 Why would I need an add-on?
04:56:41 Rumble confuses me. Let me look and see.
04:56:47 Is there like a a window here?
Speaker 12
04:56:56 Well, it's.Devon Stack
04:56:58 I don't know if this is up to date to the minute it says I've earned $0.38 so.04:57:07 So maybe uh.
04:57:11 Yeah, maybe I can't really.
04:57:14 Maybe I didn't have a bunch of them I don't know. Or maybe it's just not updated someone saying they only stay alive for a certain amount of time if you don't catch them, they disappear. I have no idea. Here's one.
04:57:28 Ark Stanton supporter.
04:57:32 So many similarities to this cult and heaven's gate guys cutting their ***** off and their own code language to make them feel special. And you have to constantly worry.
04:57:50 Someone's got some of these here.
04:57:54 Constantly the the end of it got cut off. I think it means it means worship.
Speaker 12
04:58:00 And then.Devon Stack
04:58:02 I guess rubbing Chick-fil-A on someone's face is the Walt version of the IDF's bacon bullets.04:58:09 I guess so, I guess so.
04:58:12 Someone said I lost audio on odyssey.
04:58:17 I'll I'll have to check that this is this is this is complicated here. Uh, someone says hi, Devin hammer. Thorazine. If you need another mod, I will do it for free. Like a good Jenny. OK, we'll. I'll have to mod you. Yeah. I I just. I didn't set up.
04:58:37 Rumble at all. I honestly didn't think I would be able to accept stuff over here, so I wasn't even looking at it. I was just kind of.
04:58:44 I didn't expect people to really watch it that.
04:58:45 Much here.
04:58:50 Alright, well anyway, I'll tell you what. Sorry guys, I really appreciate if you sent me something on rumble. I didn't catch it. I'll. I'll install whatever it is I need to get it in the future. And sorry I didn't check it. This is my first time doing literally anything on rumble, so I apologize for that. And I really do appreciate you.
04:59:10 Guys popping in here.
04:59:13 I'll get all that worked out. This was kind of a last minute thing to do it over here on rumble. Let me just double check the odyssey thing. Make sure I've got audio, but we're we're pretty much at the end here anyway. I'm. I've. I've been recording locally so I can fix the replay. If there's something ****** **. But all right.
04:59:32 Well, I appreciate that guys.
04:59:35 Thanks for being here tonight.
04:59:37 Let me double check one last time on the odyssey thing here.
04:59:43 We do have a couple things here and then I'm going to.
04:59:47 I'll blow this potato potato stand.
04:59:51 Let me see if I can play this. You guys pop it in here. No, there's at least for me. There's audio on the Odyssey version.
04:59:59 Alright guys. OK. We got two more here on Odyssey.
05:00:05 Uh white cake says.
05:00:09 Do you think that if we had actual free speech in the mainstream channels like yours would have millions of followers and collective consciousness about the JQ would be raised? I don't know. Millions of followers, but absolutely, I mean, on on YouTube I had close to 1/4 of a million followers and I and I wasn't even.
05:00:28 Going hard yet?
05:00:29 So I think it's not an, it's not inconceivable to think that I would have.
05:00:33 A million plus followers.
05:00:35 On on YouTube and that it would be seen as mainstream, I like to think that I'm a fairly approachable normal.
05:00:41 Guy, right. And so I.
05:00:44 Think I, you know, there'd be people willing to listen if they didn't have to go look so hard to find it. You know, unfortunately, most people aren't going to make the.
05:00:53 Make the effort to go look for this stuff so.
05:00:57 All those people that aren't willing to make the.
05:01:00 Effort would would.
05:01:00 Be exposed to it and that's why they.
05:01:02 Don't want you on those platforms.
05:01:05 Skin flu, says emetogenic genex.
05:01:07 50 year old dude at.
05:01:08 Work, who was surprisingly receptive and had already aware of some of the Israeli conspiracies. I learned some things from him and I was able to tie in some of what I know to make what he was saying.
05:01:22 Or or wait, I know to what he was saying. Not sure what else it is to have anyone that old on our side, but it's refreshing. Yeah. I mean, I think Gen. Xers are not as programmed as boomers. They they certainly underwent a lot of the same programming, but they don't have that. You know their dads.
05:01:42 Didn't fight the Nazis, and I think that's like a big hurdle. You know, their grandpas did, but that's that's a little bit different. It's a little bit different.
05:01:52 All right guys, I'm going to go ahead and shut it down. And again, I apologize to the Rumble Rumble folks. I will get that added installed so I can check that out. And yeah, that's all I can really do. Thanks for stopping by for the possibly the longest and well.
05:02:11 Non insomnia stream, but the overdose stream.
05:02:15 Coming up on, yeah, we've now officially been live for five hours.
05:02:19 Five straight hours. So appreciate you guys all stopping by and we'll let you know what I think about the timing of this and if we're going to start doing it earlier in the day, we'll see how how you know, I'll maybe pull some people next time. In the meantime Wednesday.
05:02:41 Either I'm I'm going to be on the road again, like, that's just it's that time of year, right, guys? So it's, you know, it's the holiday season. I'm going to be on the road Wednesday. I might try to do something from the road next week, like on my laptop. It won't be as as.
05:03:00 Feature filled as as most of these streams, but I'll still try to get something up there because I I just think that especially with our platforms being threatened, the last thing I want to do is put my head in the sand. I want to keep going.
05:03:13 As long as we're able to do it, I really appreciate the support guys.
05:03:19 Very, very honestly, very surprised, pleasantly surprised. And it really does help and and and make it makes me feel a little less.
05:03:31 I I don't know. I was gonna say I was stressed.
05:03:33 Out I'm not stressed out.
05:03:34 About it, we're we're tough.
05:03:36 We've we've overcome worse and we'll we'll overcome even more in the future. So anyway, I'm just babbling now. Hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your holiday weekend.
05:03:53 Lots of grilling and such.
Speaker 30
05:03:56 For black pilled.Devon Stack
05:03:59 I am of course.Speaker 59
05:04:02 Devon stag.Speaker 33
05:04:22 One more question.