

Speaker 1
00:00:00 70.
00:00:08 70.
00:00:12 62886.
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00:00:26 13297.
00:00:31 60318.
00:00:36 603-182-6319.
00:00:45 26319.
00:00:50 37842.
00:00:56 7842.
00:00:59 80120.
00:01:05 80120.
00:01:10 78362.
00:01:15 78362.
00:01:20 37425.
00:01:24 374259770297702.
Speaker 2
00:09:11 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
Speaker 1
00:09:16 Little little little.
Speaker 3
00:09:18 Alternate ending there on the intro animation there.
00:09:24 Not sure what that's about. I don't.
Speaker 2
00:09:26 I don't even know what you're talking about.
Speaker 3
00:09:29 This is the insomnia Stream Fortress edition. I am of course your host, Devin Stack.
00:09:37 We have a lot to talk about tonight. A lot of people are talking about what's been going on in Ireland.
00:09:45 Lots of lots of poo pooing.
Speaker 1
00:09:46 What's up?
Speaker 3
00:09:49 Which is often the case, right? Anytime. Anytime. The right.
00:09:55 Does anything remotely.
00:09:58 Ballsy. I guess you could say.
Speaker 2
00:10:01 Remotely IRL.
Speaker 3
00:10:05 You you get, you get 2 things. You either get the IT was feds, it was feds. It was antifa.
00:10:16 It was so.
Speaker 2
00:10:16 It wasn't us, it it certainly wasn't us.
00:10:20 It was anyone but us.
Speaker 3
00:10:25 And then you get the. Oh, well, now you're just if it literally wasn't the left setting you up. Well, now you're just now. You're just. You're no different than you're than that. Than them. You're.
Speaker 2
00:10:35 No better than they are.
00:10:38 You're no better than they are. Well, good. *** ****. I hope so. Because they're winning.
00:10:46 They're winning.
Speaker 3
00:10:56 Is it better than they are to be losing? I don't think that's how that works.
00:11:02 I think that's the opposite of how things work.
Speaker 2
00:11:07 Right.
Speaker 3
00:11:10 Isn't winning, regardless of of what it is you're talking about. That isn't that usually the goal of something it's not. It's not often that you want to lose.
00:11:25 It's not often that you want to lose.
00:11:31 And I've got a theory about this. I've got a theory about this. I've talked about this kind of. In fact, I kind of did a.
00:11:38 A video about this when I did a video about office space, right?
00:11:46 Good old office space.
00:11:51 I talked about the way that that white people deal with conflict.
00:11:58 And how an office space they even they even kind of show you they compare the different groups.
00:12:03 I think inadvertently.
00:12:07 They show you the.
00:12:10 The Muslim immigrant.
00:12:13 When he's trying to work with the printer and he just starts freaking the **** out.
00:12:19 Whereas the white people, the rage builds slowly, slowly, slowly.
00:12:25 Keeps building.
00:12:28 Centuries of civilization.
00:12:32 Having trained them to just bottle it up.
00:12:36 Just bottle it up.
00:12:38 Just bottle it up.
00:12:42 And you know that there there's also. I think there's there's a, there's a touch of optimism.
00:12:47 Involved with this whole thing.
00:12:50 Right.
00:12:51 There's that. It'll get better.
Speaker 2
00:12:56 Surely it'll get better.
Speaker 3
00:12:59 This can't be how how I go out this? This can't be how it happens.
Speaker 2
00:13:04 Right. Eventually it'll get better.
Speaker 3
00:13:09 If I just.
00:13:09 Vote a little different or, you know, do a little bit of this or do a little bit of that right could because historically as civilized people in a in a monoculture.
00:13:23 That's how a lot of our problems are resolved.
00:13:31 And historically, at least, you know.
00:13:34 To some degree, even if our governments didn't record, you know, didn't represent us.
Speaker 4
00:13:41 At least they were us.
Speaker 3
00:13:44 At least they usually weren't representing someone else, and if they were, it was. It was a a rich.
Speaker 2
00:13:49 One of us.
00:13:51 You know, it was still sort of us.
00:13:54 It wasn't some completely different outside group, right?
Speaker 3
00:13:59 But that's all changed.
00:14:02 That's all changed, but the training hasn't changed, right? The white people are still in this mindset of just bottle it up. They'll get better. Bottle it up.
00:14:13 Just keep.
00:14:14 Bottling and bottling and bottling.
00:14:21 And it reminded me of something it reminded me of something there was a, you know, because I.
00:14:28 Watch a lot of these.
00:14:30 You know recently, but you know for for streams and whatever.
00:14:34 You watch a lot of interrogation videos. You end up getting these true crime, you know, videos shot at you like a.
00:14:41 Like a ******* Super Soaker from the recommendations.
00:14:45 And every once in a.
00:14:46 While like I'll look at this.
00:14:50 And there was some true True crime podcast that reviewed a.
00:14:56 A case from 2012.
Speaker 2
00:15:00 Though I'd never.
Speaker 3
00:15:01 I'd never heard of them. I've never.
00:15:03 Heard of it? I think it's because I think most people never heard of it, mostly because.
00:15:09 If I remember correctly, it probably happened right around Trayvon Martin.
00:15:15 So all the news was.
00:15:17 Was Trayvon this and?
00:15:20 And Trayvon then.
00:15:23 And we missed a lot of this stuff, so I'm going to, I'm going to tell.
00:15:27 You the story.
00:15:29 A story that.
00:15:32 In many ways, is an allegory for what we're talking about.
00:15:38 This behavior of white people.
Speaker 2
00:15:42 Or they bottle it up.
Speaker 3
00:15:45 And I keep hoping for it to get better.
00:15:48 They want to use their use your words. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words, words.
00:15:56 Words will never hurt them.
00:15:58 Don't never hurt anybody.
00:16:05 The story begins.
00:16:10 With this woman here.
00:16:20 Her name is Kaylee, or Kylene Kylene. I think it is. It's got a really weird spelling, so it's hard to to know exactly how she would pronounce it. I'm going to say kayleen kayleen Keller.
00:16:35 And she's going to tell you how she.
00:16:38 She met her husband and decided to eventually.
00:16:44 Eventually tie the knot, even though that was that was not really what she wanted.
Speaker 5
00:16:51 I met him.
00:16:52 When I was in high school and.
Speaker 1
00:16:56 I really was.
Speaker 5
00:16:57 Like, no, he was telling me he wanted to, and it wasn't. I didn't know he was talking about me. But he said one of these days he wanted.
00:17:04 To get married and have kids. And he asked me what I wanted and I said, oh, I want to get married because my parents.
00:17:11 Just follow the.
00:17:12 Time it's just didn't set a good example, you know.
00:17:16 And so I just wasn't interested in the husband, and I did want to have a daughter cause I dream of mom my daughter. Ever since I was little, just I always had a dream that.
00:17:26 I was gonna have a little girl.
00:17:29 So I knew I was. I knew I wanted the the child because I wanted, you know, I wanted that little girl in my.
00:17:35 But I just never wanted to.
00:17:37 Get married. Got.
00:17:38 Together, after six months and I actually wasn't even going to get together with him because I thought we were going to be moving, I was still living at home. I was 19. Yeah, so living at home. But, you know, I just having a rough time, you know, trying to get.
00:17:54 Stuff done and going to college.
00:17:56 Which I end up having to drop out but.
00:17:59 But so then my sister, we were getting along at the time. She really liked him. And she said, well, you you gotta just, you know you're gonna regret it if you don't. So I was like, OK, so you kept bugging me and telling me he wanted to, you know, be more than friends. And I kept saying no I can't. He should talk to him about marriage. And I was like dude, I told you I don't wanna get married.
00:18:21 Stop pressuring me. We've only been to with we've only officially been together for.
00:18:24 Three months.
00:18:26 He actually started within a month and I was.
00:18:29 Just like, no, you gotta stop.
00:18:32 So finally, little or three.
00:18:35 He asked me Mira.
00:18:37 And I was like, I don't know. I don't see my ring.
00:18:39 He got the ring out of the bag and out-of-the-box and he grabbed my hand and said will you marry me?
Speaker 6
00:18:47 I started.
Speaker 7
00:18:47 Laughing and I.
Speaker 5
00:18:48 Was like are.
00:18:48 You kidding me? You're asking me in?
00:18:50 The car.
00:18:53 But yeah, I was like, of course I'll marry you. And I grabbed the ring and.
00:18:57 Put it on my finger. I was.
00:18:58 Just so excited and my husband's great, he really is. He's very respectful to me how he spoils me. He takes care of me even though I can't work and I can't even clean the house or make dinner. Most of the time.
00:19:12 He does it for me. He knows that, you know, he's just he's one of those guys who does stay.
Speaker 3
00:19:23 What a prize this woman is, right?
00:19:27 She didn't want to marry this guy. She never wanted to really be married at all.
00:19:33 But he kept bugging her, and her sister said.
00:19:36 Well, you better do it.
00:19:39 And he's stable. He's there. He's just the kind of guy that, you know, he doesn't leave. He doesn't leave.
00:19:48 And even though she can't.
00:19:49 Work or even clean the house or make.
00:19:53 Dinner and we'll get into that in a minute.
00:19:56 So what what? What exactly it is she does do? I'm not sure yet.
00:20:02 He doesn't leave.
00:20:04 He just stays and takes care of her cause. He's that kind of guy.
00:20:12 Well, let's check in on her husband.
00:20:15 This is her husband. Around the same time period.
Speaker 8
00:20:21 A while ago.
00:20:22 I used to.
00:20:23 Sit here and think you know this whole thing is just crazy at times. And then I think about it and.
00:20:30 And it would make sense. And it's like, OK.
00:20:32 This is what I gotta do.
00:20:35 But you know, now I guess with time, I just think that way all the time that this is what I got to do to, I don't even question it anymore. It just seems like everything makes so much sense now.
00:20:57 Just the more I've thought about it.
00:21:01 The more I understand it, I don't really feel bad about it. It's just the way it is.
Speaker 3
00:21:11 It's just the way it is.
00:21:14 What wonder what he's talking about?
00:21:17 Wonder what he's what he's talking about. Exactly. Well, we'll we'll check back in with Peter here. This is.
00:21:23 The husband, Peter.
00:21:25 But first, let's let's go back to his wife and and see what she's up to. You know, if she doesn't work and she doesn't cook or clean or or whatever, what is it exactly that she does do?
Speaker 9
00:21:41 Hi everyone this is my YouTube video of my scrapbooking round.
Speaker 3
00:21:48 Well, I I don't understand if.
00:21:50 She's not able to cook her claim.
00:21:53 How can she?
00:21:54 Have a whole crafts room or a.
00:21:56 Scrapbooking room and.
00:21:58 I don't know what. Whatever. Let's. Let's, let's see.
Speaker 9
00:22:05 And my jewelry stand. My husband made me. My husband got me this table.
00:22:11 This table that table will be there and then this big shelf.
Speaker 3
00:22:16 Yeah, your husband's getting you all this stuff. What it what it what is?
00:22:19 It you're doing for him, I'm not sure yet. We'll see.
Speaker 9
00:22:24 Here's some of the jewelry that I make. I'm still finishing my room.
Speaker 10
00:22:29 My girl took me to a street fair recently. Right. You know, they close off the block. There's, like, shawarma. There's like stuff made out of buttons.
00:22:37 People with no teeth are making key chains, right? It's a typical girlfriend idea. It's socks and it's going.
00:22:43 To take all Saturday, right?
Speaker 9
00:22:45 And then my pegboard. So my husband got me. This is my wire jewelry form. I love this. I wish I would have bought more.
Speaker 10
00:22:52 Though we show up right, the first thing she sees is this big table. Nothing but homemade jewelry, right. Homemade jewelry. It's got twigs. Macaroni.
00:23:00 In it it's.
00:23:00 Just it's a table of crap. It's crap.
00:23:03 The whole thing is.
00:23:04 Yeah, but she loves it.
Speaker 10
00:23:06 She's like, Oh my God, look at these things.
Speaker 11
00:23:09 Do you like?
Speaker 12
00:23:10 These do you think these are nice?
Speaker 10
00:23:13 I just want to be like, no.
00:23:15 They were nice. They they'd be in a store.
Speaker 9
00:23:18 All right, so I got these.
00:23:21 Garmin * garlands?
Speaker 5
00:23:23 Sorry from Michaels, I got another crystal tournament got home from going to joann's. I told my husband that cinch is on.
00:23:35 Sale so I.
Speaker 9
00:23:37 Got it. I got a whole bunch of the rings because.
Speaker 5
00:23:42 It was all.
Speaker 9
00:23:42 30%.
Speaker 7
00:23:45 So I guess.
00:23:49 Let's see.
Speaker 8
00:23:50 I just feel like I'm getting knocked back.
00:23:55 Every time financially.
00:23:59 My wife is just.
00:24:02 It's going to suck all the money out that I have.
Speaker 3
00:24:06 So she doesn't work, she doesn't cook, she doesn't clean. She just sits around and buys.
00:24:13 Buttons and ********. And I know I I guess we're supposed to be mad at Bill Burr because his negress wife flipped off Donald Trump or something. Like I don't give a.
00:24:22 ****, I'm way more mad about the Negra's wife situation than I ever would be. A better flipping off Donald Trump.
00:24:29 But yeah, it's just garbage.
00:24:32 So she just buys garbage.
00:24:35 And sits around gluing garbage to other garbage.
00:24:39 And but I know clearly she's got there. Must be some kind of condition that she has.
00:24:48 Right. Maybe it's not her fault. Maybe she has some. Some kind of crippling condition. I'm being insensitive. I'm being this insensitive.
00:24:56 Look, because she seems sweet and nice and and here I am just just lambasting her for for having a hobby. The kind of hobby that that lots of, you know, trad women would have, right? Isn't this the kind of hobby that you would want your wife to have, you know, keeps her busy? It's it's innocent. It's, you know, it's maybe fun for the kids or whatever.
00:25:18 So why get?
00:25:19 Mad at her for for liking garbage.
00:25:21 You know, like it it's. I'm sure it can't be that expensive. Maybe he's exaggerating that, you know, he's she's just draining the bank with all this garbage buying, right?
Speaker 2
00:25:34 What? What, what? What? Let's see.
Speaker 3
00:25:35 What's wrong with her?
00:25:37 Because I watched a lot of her YouTube videos to find out. Because it it's, it's clearly it's a debilitating condition.
Speaker 2
00:25:46 Right.
Speaker 1
00:25:51 So getting back crying.
Speaker 9
00:25:54 Just not wanting to get up and.
Speaker 2
00:25:59 So you're one of those girls.
Speaker 3
00:26:03 You've just been laying in bed crying all day.
00:26:06 Not wanting to get up.
00:26:10 Well, maybe it's cause is it because of your cancer?
00:26:14 Maybe you you probably have like leukemia or something, right?
00:26:19 Maybe that's what it is. Again, I'm just being * ****. I I guess if I had leukemia, I I could understand laying in bed all day crying about it. You know, maybe I that's that's that's a good possibility.
Speaker 5
00:26:31 I'm not doing too good today. Today it's just a horrible, horrible day. So I'm just relaxed and try to do all this tomorrow. I just couldn't do any anymore.
00:26:44 I'm trying not to cry cause my pain hurts.
Speaker 3
00:26:47 Your pain hurts.
00:26:50 Your pain hurts.
00:26:52 So that was the first clue, the first clue.
00:26:55 You see, if you.
00:26:56 Actually have something wrong with you.
00:26:58 You would say, Oh my back hurts or my shoulder hurts or, you know my whatever is flaring up or or. Ohh yeah, it's, you know, my the chemo is really getting to me or. No, no, no, no. Her pain hurts.
00:27:13 Well, that's a little redundant and also kind of senseless.
00:27:17 Turns out you try to find out what's wrong.
00:27:19 With this ***** and.
00:27:22 Well, yeah, I'll tell you what's wrong with her.
00:27:26 And it's totally real too.
Speaker 11
00:27:31 Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread pain with no known cause. It can be difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to live with because many patients feel their pain is unmanageable.
Speaker 3
00:27:45 Ohh, it's the magical pain called fibromyalgia. It's just it's the magical pain that that could be on any part of your body at any kind of intensity and kind of feel like anything at any time and it's completely undetectable by any kind of blood test or scan or anything.
00:28:06 I mean, just look, look, this look, look at this one. Look at Maggie. Maggie's been suffering for from it for a decade.
Speaker 7
00:28:13 My name is Maggie and I have had fibromyalgia for over.
00:28:15 10 years it started off as chronic leg pain and nothing seemed to help.
00:28:20 And then just as suddenly as it appeared, the pain went away. A few years passed. I started getting headaches. Chronic pain, pain in my hips, my arms, my legs, my joints, and even in my big toe, X-rays showed no problems with my hips, and tests proved negative for gout, arthritis, and even Ms.
00:28:40 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after seeing a rheumatologist and a neurologist.
Speaker 3
00:28:47 Ohh so they just diagnosed you with something with literally zero evidence of anything.
00:28:54 Because you just kept ******** and complaining that your your pain hurt.
Speaker 2
00:28:59 My pain hurts.
Speaker 3
00:29:00 I really can't do anything. I'm going to have to sleep all day because my pain hurts. Oh, today's really bad. My pain's hurting really bad today.
00:29:11 Not going to be able to to clean the house. Sorry, honey. Sorry, honey. Can't clean the house today because my pain. It's my pain. I, you know, I I we've been to the doctor. I know you're paying for all those visits.
00:29:24 I know you're paying for all those visits, honey, and you're paying for all these medications they're throwing at me.
00:29:30 To get me.
00:29:31 To stop complaining. But uh, I can't help it. It's it's a condition.
00:29:35 It's a condition.
00:29:40 Now here's the here's the here's, uh, a cartoon. I found that actually kind of breaks it down. If you don't mind. Robot voice kind of breaks it down.
00:29:50 Well, exactly as exists in reality.
Speaker 12
00:29:54 Man, this weather really makes my fiber wheel just act up. I needed to take some painkillers.
Speaker 13
00:30:01 How does it make it more painful?
Speaker 12
00:30:03 Well, really any weather causes you pain when you with fibromyalgia.
00:30:08 When did you first get fibromyalgia?
00:30:11 I think it was the first job I had and also the last working caused me pain and that.
00:30:17 Is how I acquired it.
Speaker 3
00:30:19 How did you find out you had?
Speaker 12
00:30:20 It well, I would just go and see the doctor every week complaining of pain in a different part of my body to get off work. And lo and behold, he said.
00:30:29 Right headed.
00:30:30 Well, how could he tell?
00:30:33 He said I was a classic case of the winner who would not shut up and did not want to work. So he told me I had fibromyalgia and he was referring me to a pain clinic. Then he told me to get the ****.
00:30:45 Out of his.
00:30:46 Office, were you insulted?
00:30:49 No, not at all.
00:30:50 Now I had a condition to whine to people about family, friends, and coworkers. I never shut up about it. Having fibromyalgia is great. It's like suffering with the chronic disease without any of the problems that come with that.
Speaker 3
00:31:05 Is there any blood?
Speaker 15
00:31:06 Work Oregon X-ray signs that will indicate.
00:31:09 If you had.
Speaker 12
00:31:10 No, and that is what makes it so glorious. One doctor told me his test as if a patient will ***** for 5 minutes about their pain. He says that is a sign you have it.
00:31:21 Do you ever feel like you?
Speaker 15
00:31:23 Are exploiting the system.
Speaker 12
00:31:25 Silly boy. That is why fibromyalgia was invented to give us chronic winners and reason to not work and go to the doctor. Also, the fringe benefit of chiropractors.
00:31:36 When pain clinics get money off the fibromyalgia.
00:31:39 So what do you have to do tomorrow?
00:31:42 I have to pretend to try at physical therapy. Then I will take a nap and wait for my disability.
00:31:48 Check in the.
00:31:49 Mail, in other words, a little busier than normal.
00:31:53 I pity you. Well, I have to go. I am parked in a handicapped spot.
Speaker 3
00:32:00 So the only.
00:32:01 Thing they got.
Speaker 2
00:32:01 Wrong is. It's almost, almost.
Speaker 3
00:32:03 Always a woman that has this mystery disease.
00:32:07 This mystery disease that that they never shut up about, they were.
00:32:13 Right about that.
00:32:14 I have worked with several.
00:32:16 Women over the years that.
00:32:18 Suck at their jobs and call in sick all the time, and, well, that's their that's their reason. Oh, yeah. And my my fibromyalgia. Like it flared up again.
00:32:30 They just can't pinpoint it. They just don't know what the doctors don't know what to do. They've tried everything, literally everything.
00:32:37 They've done every scan and they just can't figure out why I feel this. The feel, the pain, my why my pain hurts.
00:32:45 They just can't figure out why my pain hurts.
00:32:53 So that's that's basically uh.
00:32:56 Kayleen, I think her name is Kayleen Keller.
00:33:03 That's uh, that's.
00:33:04 What's going on?
00:33:06 With Kayleen Keller, Peter Keller's wife.
Speaker 5
00:33:10 And my husband's great. He really is. He's very respectful to me. I mean, he spoils me. He takes care of me even though I can't work. And I can't even clean the house or make dinner. Most of the time.
00:33:23 He does it for me. He knows that, you know, he's just he's one of those guys who does stay.
Speaker 3
00:33:30 And that.
00:33:33 My friends is the beginning of the allegory.
00:33:37 The metaphor.
00:33:42 You have white people throughout the West.
00:33:46 That are faced with a a problem.
00:33:53 The problem might make them feel trapped.
00:33:58 The problem is something that.
00:34:01 That needs to be addressed, but.
00:34:05 They're not sure how.
00:34:08 Because in the macro as well as in the micro and my experience, a lot of these white people are terrified of confrontation.
00:34:20 So what do they do?
00:34:23 What do they do?
00:34:25 I mean, they're white people. They're going to do something right? They're not going to just.
00:34:29 Do nothing.
00:34:36 Well, let's see. What what did Peter Keller decide to do?
Speaker 8
00:34:40 Today we're hauling up a 55 LB pack.
00:34:46 Basically a big.
00:34:48 Bottle full of beans that's about 45 lbs and some wine making stuff and then it's the weight of the gun.
00:34:54 In the pack so.
00:34:58 A little lighter than what I have been doing. I'm doing pretty good. Really. Got a lot of stuff up. I mean basically I can last months up here without ever leaving. We got propane, gasoline, food.
00:35:18 So all supplies.
00:35:22 So really set right now.
Speaker 5
00:35:25 I don't understand. Maybe it's the dyslexia in me that I have to have, like so many ideas in my head, and I that's my only way to kind of.
00:35:34 Work with it if that makes any sense.
Speaker 8
00:35:38 This winter has been.
00:35:41 You know, just to show just how brutal it.
00:35:43 Was where we had a big ice storm.
00:35:47 This is one of the trees that's falling down over the trail.
00:35:52 Kind of another one over there.
00:35:55 Just lot of damage. Branches down everywhere makes it a little more difficult to get through, but I don't want to move it. I'd like.
00:36:05 To keep it as.
00:36:08 Hard to get through.
00:36:09 Here so nobody will come out here.
Speaker 9
00:36:14 More dye. Cut more of those ribbons. And I love these sayings. Those are.
00:36:24 It's tough.
Speaker 8
00:36:27 Isn't interested in anything anymore.
00:36:33 Motivate myself. All I did was work on this. This is the only thing that can make me feel better.
00:36:41 But I think I've come to terms with it.
Speaker 14
00:36:52 It's going to feel better now.
Speaker 3
00:36:55 So what did?
00:36:56 Peter do while his wife was crafting.
00:36:58 At home.
00:37:01 He was working on some.
00:37:02 Kind of project in the woods.
00:37:05 In fact, he was working on it for a long time.
00:37:10 For eight years 8.
00:37:15 Whenever Pete would get frustrated.
00:37:19 Or feel dead inside.
00:37:22 Or feel trapped.
00:37:25 Or feel like he had no control over his own life.
00:37:30 Well, Peter would go to the woods.
00:37:34 And work on.
00:37:36 His little Fort.
00:37:39 He was building in the woods.
00:37:42 And by Fort I mean.
00:37:45 Like a three story underground Fort.
00:37:48 In the middle of the woods.
00:37:53 He chopped down and and milled the lumber at the sight, and he hauled up generators, propane tanks.
00:38:06 He built a legit.
00:38:10 In the forest.
Speaker 8
00:38:14 One of our projects today is to take all this wood that.
00:38:17 I've cut up recently and.
00:38:21 Stack it up, put it down.
00:38:26 More out of the way.
00:38:29 So if somebody stumbles out here it.
00:38:34 Not as noticeable.
00:38:36 I just haven't been able to do it because it's just been so wet. Nasty.
00:38:41 But today is a good day.
00:38:43 Nice and sunny.
00:38:47 This is.
Speaker 5
00:38:47 Folklore. I have never seen this before.
Speaker 9
00:38:53 This is awesome.
Speaker 8
00:38:56 So I've been up here about 7 hours.
00:38:58 That includes hike time.
00:39:02 And work time. Pretty exhausting.
00:39:08 Lot of work, a lot of hard work.
Speaker 3
00:39:13 So little by little.
00:39:16 Again for eight years.
00:39:19 Once a week.
00:39:22 For like 9 hours, 9 hours for an entire day. So you've also gotta wonder.
00:39:28 For eight years.
00:39:31 His crafting wife.
00:39:34 Never says hey, honey.
00:39:36 Where are you going exactly?
00:39:39 You know, like you're every every week you go for like 9 hours and come back like all muddy and sweaty.
00:39:46 What are you? What are you doing? 0 interest.
00:39:52 Zero interest in in where her husband has gone because she's.
00:39:54 So wrapped up in the.
00:39:55 World of.
00:39:57 Buttons and stickers and paints and.
00:40:01 And and and stencils and whatever the ****, right?
00:40:05 Just pasting garbage together. Little bits of wallpaper string ribbon.
00:40:15 Meanwhile, Pete's out there slaving away.
Speaker 8
00:40:19 Basically, come up here on the weekends.
00:40:23 Or on a Friday weekday, whenever the weather permits.
00:40:29 Now what I'm doing.
00:40:31 At least once a week.
00:40:32 And I tend to stay up here for about well, with travel time probably around 9 hours a day.
00:40:40 Or each time which is a long time.
Speaker 3
00:40:47 Yeah, that's kind of a long.
00:40:48 Time. It's a long time to be gone.
00:40:51 And for your wife.
00:40:52 To not care where you've been.
00:40:55 So eventually.
00:40:57 After again the eight years of building.
00:41:02 This is his his completed fortress.
Speaker 8
00:41:11 That's my fireplace wood.
00:41:13 Stove, whatever.
00:41:25 Now we're going upstairs.
00:41:40 This is where most of my supplies are.
00:41:55 Pretty well stocked up.
00:41:58 My window.
Speaker 8
00:42:08 Looking down on the.
00:42:10 Wood stove.
Speaker 8
00:42:16 And that pretty much wraps.
00:42:17 It up for the day.
Speaker 3
00:42:20 So it was almost impossible to see from outside.
00:42:25 He had enough supplies in there to last over a year.
00:42:33 And eventually he.
00:42:35 Completed his fortress.
00:42:42 So why did he want this fortress in the woods?
00:42:47 You know, at first he didn't even know himself. He just wanted.
00:42:50 To get away.
00:42:52 He wanted to get away from the household. That was.
00:42:56 Sucking the soul out of him.
00:43:00 He felt out of control. He didn't think he had any options to.
00:43:04 To do anything about it, and maybe you know it's cause the problem at first didn't seem like.
00:43:08 Such a big deal.
00:43:09 It was. It was just little annoyances, right?
00:43:15 Right. At first it was.
00:43:16 Like, oh you, you, you.
00:43:18 You you think about it. And you're like, oh, well, you know, that's not a big deal.
00:43:24 It's not a big deal. I can deal with this change in my society.
00:43:31 All right, so I have to press one for English now. Alright, that's a little annoying, but I mean, if in the in the grand scheme of things, having to press one for English. Is that really that big of?
00:43:43 A deal.
00:43:47 I mean.
00:43:47 It's not right.
00:43:50 OK so.
00:43:52 The guy behind the counter.
00:43:57 At the.
00:43:59 At the grocery.
00:44:00 Store and I'm not going to do it. I'm not gonna. I'm.
00:44:03 I'm not gonna.
Speaker 2
00:44:11 Oh gosh.
Speaker 3
00:44:15 OK, I lied so.
00:44:20 Yeah, it's been a while.
Speaker 3
00:44:23 So he doesn't speak English, the guy.
00:44:24 At the grocery.
00:44:25 Store doesn't speak English.
Speaker 17
00:44:27 It's a little.
Speaker 3
00:44:27 Frustrating. You have to do hand signals you're playing. You know you're playing like a game of charades just to get a ******* side.
Speaker 2
00:44:33 Of beef, whatever, right?
00:44:34 Not a big deal. Not a big deal.
Speaker 3
00:44:39 So what if, like now? OK, now your kids classes are getting dumbed down.
00:44:44 Right. The the kids at school, the curriculum is is getting dumbed down, the teachers having to spend all the time, like at like half the class on just like a handful of students who.
00:44:56 You're not sure whether even from, I mean at this point I mean it used to just be a couple of brown kids that spoke Spanish. Now it's like Kwong and Chang and and Taboo Boo. It's like, who ******* knows where these people are from? But but in either and the teacher probably doesn't know either and and they all, if they read at all, it's certainly not English. So now we all got to wait while she.
00:45:16 Spends a lot of extra time, and meanwhile little Billy's not learning ****.
00:45:22 OK, that's kind of annoying, but I mean.
00:45:24 Yeah, you know.
00:45:25 We we we're so successful in this country, we, we we don't want to be these greedy, greedy, miserly ***** right.
00:45:33 We wanna spread the love. We wanna. You know, we're so fortunate to have what we have. Why not give to those less fortunate than us, right.
00:45:47 Then the crime rate starts going up.
00:45:52 And at first you don't put it.
00:45:53 Together, because you're like, you know.
00:45:55 The way it's being reported.
00:45:58 It just sounds like the crime rates going.
00:46:00 Up. That's you know.
00:46:01 Completely independent of anything else.
00:46:06 Maybe you notice, maybe you don't that when there's a stabbing or a murder, or even a suspect they're looking for.
00:46:14 They don't show a picture of the the the people doing this anymore.
00:46:19 They don't even give a description.
00:46:22 And you're a little puzzled because you're like, what I what?
00:46:25 Are we trying to find?
00:46:26 These guys, I mean the guy just.
Speaker 2
00:46:27 Stabbed someone on 5th?
Speaker 3
00:46:29 Street should I know he's, you know, at least.
00:46:30 Roughly who I'm looking for.
00:46:34 Ah, the police. I'm sure they've got it under control or or else they they would. They would show us a picture of who did it and give us a description and it would be fine.
Speaker 2
00:46:46 But then eventually you start.
Speaker 3
00:46:47 To put it together and.
00:46:48 You're like, wait a second.
00:46:50 They're not showing me a picture, cause it's all those ******* kids that.
Speaker 2
00:46:53 Were in my kids class.
Speaker 3
00:46:57 Making the class take forever and and not actually.
00:47:01 Getting, you know, accomplish anything. And those kids are just grown up now and they're breaking into ******* houses and shooting people and stabbing them.
00:47:07 And ****** them.
00:47:11 And those kids are having kids now.
00:47:16 I'm sure it's fine, it's just an adjustment.
00:47:19 Period. Right. Like they come from a war-torn country and eventually eventually they'll assimilate. Assimilate. That's that's.
00:47:27 The word that we.
00:47:28 Need to keep repeating to ourselves like a like a a safe word.
00:47:37 And then you start losing elections.
00:47:43 And you're like what?
00:47:44 Is, well, Juan. I thought that uh.
00:47:47 The community that I was raised in, it was.
00:47:50 Always kind of conservative and right leaning and.
00:47:53 And in fact, the whole state was.
00:47:58 And now all of a sudden we're.
00:47:59 Not just getting.
00:48:02 Democrats quote UN quote, elected, we're getting these people who were essentially communists.
Speaker 2
00:48:11 Who's voting for all these communists?
Speaker 3
00:48:16 And again, at first you just think to yourself, well, I guess, I guess that's just what happens, right?
00:48:24 I guess just as as countries become more successful and decadent, you know, inevitably they just start becoming more left.
00:48:37 But then.
00:48:39 You start to realize, wait a second.
00:48:42 There's a demographic component to this.
00:48:47 Those kids in my kids school that were ******* up his education and then after that they were graduating or, you know, maybe not graduating but let loose on the streets committing crimes.
00:48:59 Apparently they can vote and commit voter fraud too.
00:49:11 And little by.
00:49:11 Little the the **** just stacks up, it stacks up.
00:49:17 And by the time you really start to get the full picture of what the ****'* going on in your country.
00:49:25 You realize well, it's.
00:49:29 It kind of feels like it's a.
00:49:30 Little too late.
00:49:30 To do much about this.
00:49:33 It's a little overwhelming.
00:49:37 Not a lot of solutions here.
00:49:47 So what is it that white people do? Because again, white people don't just do nothing.
Speaker 2
00:49:56 What do they do?
Speaker 8
00:49:58 Well, it's about.
00:49:59 Two weeks before we finally drop out of society, fully commit to this.
00:50:06 This is probably going to be my last video till after that I just wanted to get one.
00:50:11 Last video in before.
00:50:14 That time.
00:50:16 So far I'm.
00:50:19 Come to terms with it doing OK. It's starting to accept it and doesn't really freak me out anymore like it did sometimes.
00:50:33 Probably the nicest day it's been in a long.
00:50:35 Time aren't those cool?
Speaker 2
00:50:38 Those are going.
Speaker 9
00:50:39 To be pretty flower centers. My gosh, I like those.
Speaker 8
00:50:44 I'm getting to the point where.
00:50:46 Just trying to.
00:50:50 And pay bills and live as a civilian and go to work or just it just freaks me out. It's actually more comfortable for me to think about living out here, robbing banks, pharmacies, just taking what I want for as long as I can.
00:51:08 At least it will be exciting.
00:51:10 Won't be boring.
00:51:12 And I don't have to worry about.
00:51:13 Lynette or kayleen?
Speaker 9
00:51:18 Ohh my gosh, those are so nice.
Speaker 3
00:51:23 Ah yes.
00:51:28 At least it won't be boring.
00:51:33 At least it won't be boring.
00:51:40 You see a lot of people don't understand.
00:51:44 That why people are innovative, inventive.
00:51:49 Curious and creative.
00:51:52 Simply because.
00:51:55 At least it won't be boring.
00:52:01 The more boring you make.
00:52:03 Life for white people.
00:52:07 The more they.
Speaker 2
00:52:08 Bottle up and bottle up and bottle up.
Speaker 3
00:52:13 They have to find an outlet for it.
00:52:17 Sometimes that outlet.
00:52:20 Is going out and building a fortress in the forest.
00:52:27 And no one knows about it, right? It's just your fortress. It's in the forest, right?
00:52:33 No one goes out there. You at first you don't know why you're doing it.
00:52:39 You're just building it up.
00:52:41 Because it's something to do.
00:52:43 Gets you out of.
00:52:44 The house.
00:52:47 Let's you decompress. Makes you feel like you actually have control over something.
00:53:01 But eventually.
00:53:04 You finished the fortress.
00:53:11 And you're like, huh?
00:53:14 Well, ****. I got a fortress now.
00:53:23 Now, Peter.
00:53:28 He is not a shining.
00:53:29 Example of of what to do with your life by any way. Just I'm getting that out of.
00:53:33 The way now he's.
00:53:35 He's simply a a good metaphor, A metaphor for how how I think a lot of white people behave.
00:53:46 Where they they avoid conflict.
00:53:49 When faced with problems.
00:53:52 They're retreating to themselves. Not. Maybe not even necessarily like, like physically, they don't always retreat from their problems physically.
00:54:01 But they retreat into video games or they retreat into something.
00:54:07 They avoid the conflict.
00:54:16 But eventually.
00:54:19 That doesn't. That doesn't work.
00:54:22 Eventually, whatever it is you're doing to avoid the conflict.
00:54:29 Gives you enough time away from the.
00:54:31 Problem to think things out.
00:54:33 Now look in Peters case.
00:54:39 Uh, yeah, he, he, he went kind of, uh, you know, little extreme with things. But this is my, this is just how white people think again he's.
00:54:46 Not the model white guy at all.
00:54:50 But you'd be fooling yourselves if if you didn't get where this guy was coming from on some level on some level.
Speaker 8
00:54:58 Wanna do?
00:55:00 What I have to do and.
00:55:01 Get it out of the way.
00:55:03 At this point, I don't know what's going to happen. If I may get caught right away.
00:55:10 Basically, if I.
00:55:11 Get caught. I'm just going to shoot myself.
00:55:14 I mean, I could basically be dead in.
00:55:16 Two weeks or three weeks? I don't know.
00:55:20 It's all up to chance at this point, so.
00:55:24 I don't think anyone knows where I'm at.
00:55:27 But if they put it together.
00:55:30 You know, at this point I have to take that chance.
00:55:33 So it's just going to be a.
00:55:36 Point of.
00:55:38 You know, go as far as I can.
00:55:41 My I do have my escape and that's death.
00:55:45 You can always shoot myself.
00:55:47 I'm OK with that so.
Speaker 3
00:55:51 Because at least.
00:55:52 It won't be boring.
00:55:57 So Peter.
00:55:59 Who worked as a computer tech fixing.
00:56:03 Desktop computers. Again, this is 2012. You don't see many of these computer shops anymore.
00:56:09 Ah, wasn't the brightest bulb in the world.
00:56:13 Probably part of his problems stem from this.
00:56:18 Wasn't the most motivated person in the world, as he would admit.
00:56:23 Had definite confidence problems.
00:56:28 And problem solving skills were very much lacking.
00:56:37 So Peter thought it would be a good idea to escape his problems and to go live in his Fort and start robbing banks and.
00:56:46 And whatever I guess live life the way that he thought that he always should have lived his life.
00:56:52 Before he got trapped in a.
00:56:54 A loveless marriage.
00:57:02 He decided.
00:57:04 To burn his house down.
00:57:08 After shooting and killing.
00:57:11 His wife and daughter in their sleep.
00:57:15 Again, obviously not the model model white guy.
00:57:21 We're just, we're just going an allegory here. We're just going on metaphors here.
00:57:28 The point being, he bottled it up. He bottled it up, he bottled it up.
00:57:36 Bottles have a a finite amount of.
00:57:42 And matter they can contain before the bottle breaks.
00:57:50 And that's exactly what happened to Peter Keller.
00:57:55 The bottle broke.
00:57:59 And so did he.
00:58:02 So he shot his wife, shot his daughter.
00:58:07 Lit a fire.
00:58:10 Burn his house down.
00:58:12 And then he made a.
00:58:16 Again, not the brightest bulb in the in the world. Mistake.
00:58:22 Well, for starters, he he created an explosive device that he thought would blow up.
00:58:28 Before the, the fire department showed up and they were able to put the fire out before.
00:58:35 The explosive device went off, went off, and maybe that's what he was banking on, but.
00:58:40 Whether it was because the explosive device didn't go off or because, uh, you just shouldn't leave evidence like this behind in the first place.
00:58:52 When the fire.
00:58:53 Department discovered the bodies of his wife and daughter.
00:58:58 But not him.
00:59:00 And found that he was nowhere.
00:59:05 They took a look at the hard drive of his computer, which had survived and again.
00:59:09 The ************ walked at a computer store.
Speaker 2
00:59:12 Should have known this.
Speaker 3
00:59:15 That recording yourself all those videos that we just watched of Peter Keller?
00:59:20 We're risk. We're we're you.
00:59:22 Know taken from his hard drive.
00:59:25 The whole reason we had that.
00:59:26 Footage to look at.
00:59:28 Was because the the forensic.
00:59:33 Digital forensic team at the the well either the fire department or.
00:59:37 The Police Department.
00:59:39 Looked at his hard drive and found these files. I I don't even think he deleted them. I think they were just in some folder.
00:59:48 So they watched these videos and said, wow, OK.
00:59:52 This guy's clearly building a bunker somewhere.
Speaker 2
00:59:56 In the forest.
Speaker 3
00:59:57 And we need to find this guy, cause it looks like he killed his family and burned the house down.
01:00:08 And that is kind of what he did. Is he killed his family, burned his house down and and hid in his bunker.
01:00:14 This is bonker here.
01:00:17 They also found photos.
01:00:21 On his hard drive, including this one right here.
01:00:26 He had taken.
01:00:27 Of the build site.
01:00:30 And that's all it took.
01:00:33 For the people familiar with the area.
01:00:36 To look at these photos and identify some power poles and make some some estimates about.
01:00:45 Sort of. The area that he would be in based on the landscape and the kinds of trees and the photo, you know it's, you know, it was photographic evidence. He basically left like the the easiest bread crumbs in the world for them.
01:00:59 To find him.
Speaker 2
01:01:01 So his goal was to last 10 years.
Speaker 3
01:01:07 10 years out in the in the wild, robbing banks and doing whatever.
01:01:14 But he lasted really only about.
01:01:16 A week.
01:01:18 Because once they kind of figured out the area that.
01:01:20 He was in.
01:01:22 They took helicopters up.
01:01:24 And another mistake made by Peter.
01:01:27 He was using that wood stove.
01:01:30 Which of course.
01:01:32 Left a a smoke signal.
01:01:36 For the authorities to see coming.
01:01:37 Out of the trees.
01:01:42 So once they saw that smoke signal.
01:01:46 They tried to see if they could access that area.
01:01:50 Oddly enough, they couldn't figure out a way of doing it on foot.
01:01:55 He had picked a place that was so hard to get to. Again it miraculous that he was able to.
01:02:01 Get all the gear up there on his own.
01:02:06 But all all his hard work because he didn't think about it. He didn't plan it very well.
01:02:12 He had all this that he had this massive bunker. He could have lived there for years.
01:02:21 But literally like five or six days in.
01:02:26 King County Sheriff is is dropping in a SWAT team.
01:02:30 Right on top of the.
01:02:38 He worked on this plan for eight years.
01:02:43 And he made the stupidest mistakes, the stupidest little mistakes of.
01:02:47 Leaving a digital trail on a hard drive.
01:02:54 Of exactly where he was.
Speaker 2
01:02:55 Going to be.
Speaker 3
01:03:01 This isn't something the reason why I don't.
01:03:02 Think he even deleted it?
01:03:04 This isn't something that took like a month.
01:03:06 For that, you know, we we had to really go through this, this hard drive and try to recover all this data. No. Like they they just I think watch the videos on the on the hard drive.
01:03:24 So they the SWAT team got out there, they surrounded his bunker.
01:03:32 And they weren't sure how to engage because they didn't know how deep is the bunker? What does he have in the bunker?
01:03:42 So the first thing they tried was was throwing tear gas inside the bunker.
Speaker 14
01:03:49 To that window, break it out. Or Brian, there's it looks like a slot for a.
01:03:58 Window that's.
01:03:59 Open in the back.
01:04:02 Directly towards the dirt wall, but I couldn't.
01:04:06 See it you.
Speaker 16
01:04:07 Got something over it. Maybe you guys can.
Speaker 14
01:04:08 Throw a log.
Speaker 16
01:04:10 What if we throw #2 in that?
Speaker 3
01:04:20 So they they throw tear gas into the window.
01:04:24 And they don't get any kind of response.
Speaker 16
01:04:31 Yes, this separating finally the the first one you sent there is anticipating the window the open window.
Speaker 3
01:04:42 So eventually they decide they're going to throw a.
01:04:46 A I think a flash bang on the roof, hoping it'll it'll collapse. Part of it. That because they they see a tarp and they think maybe it's not that thick.
01:05:02 Still nothing.
01:05:07 So eventually after.
01:05:10 Waiting for hours for some kind of response, they decide to breach the bunker.
01:05:18 And discovered that Peter had taken his own life like he said he would in his video.
01:05:24 After really only a couple days on the run.
Speaker 19
01:05:30 Tonight we go inside the mountainside bunker of an accused killer. Police say Peter Keller worked on this elaborate hideout for years. They believe he went there to hide after murdering his wife and daughter in their North Bend home. Kelly's body was found Saturday inside that bunker.
01:05:48 It is off.
01:05:49 Exit 31 on I-90, close to Rattlesnake Ridge and James Lynch spent the day near the hideaway in North Bend.
Speaker 6
01:05:57 Yeah, it is very hard to get to the bunker. It's about two miles behind me and then straight up the mountain. Investigators say Keller constructed the bunker in a hard to reach place, so no one would find it, but he left clues as to its whereabouts on its computer. And that helped police find the bunker.
01:06:15 One investigator called it something out of a survivalist handbook, an underground fortified bunker totally camouflaged in a heavily wooded area on a mountainside in the middle of nowhere.
Speaker 13
01:06:27 You can see the the.
01:06:30 Rough hewn logs, the Timbers that were.
01:06:34 That were milled here on the site and pulled across this ravine that you know, that's in the background. It's incredibly well reinforced. The hole goes down, what, 20 feet maybe?
Speaker 6
01:06:46 Doug Williams with the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks guides us underground into what was Peter Keller's home away from home for the past eight years. It is really hard to believe what he built here with his own hands.
Speaker 13
01:07:00 There are three levels altogether.
01:07:02 A couple 100 square feet underground. There's just an amazing array of of stuff that's still there. We estimate that there are at least fifty large garbage bags worth of this gentleman's belongings and and items that are still.
01:07:18 In the hole I'm looking at, you know, sports drinks. I'm looking at cola. I'm see a lot of bottled water, there's, you know, Baggies.
01:07:27 Zip lock Baggies. There appear to be batteries. A lot of electrical material. There's a drill right there. You see the electrical drill hanging out. I mean, he's got a generator in there.
Speaker 6
01:07:38 There are also light switches plumbing for running water, a smokestack for ventilation, and a two year old newspaper. It is believed Keller did most of his work under the cover of Darkness, where no one could see him. Investigators say he used many different paths in and out to make himself harder to track.
Speaker 17
01:07:57 I believe that he was probably using the roads.
01:07:59 To drive his pick up there that a lot of folks have reported seeing this pickup in.
01:08:02 Area to ferry up heavy equipment. Set it on the ground, drive away and he can come back and and ferry by foot little pieces.
Speaker 6
01:08:09 Now that all of the guns and ammo and other dangerous items have been removed, county officials consider the bunker an imminent danger to the public and will take steps soon to destroy it.
Speaker 13
01:08:21 Granted, we're in the middle of nowhere, but.
01:08:23 Hunters go into areas kids just go running around in the woods and and we certainly don't want anything to happen to anyone as a result of of this location, so.
01:08:33 By week's end, we hope to have this gone.
Speaker 3
01:08:41 Well, as the result, the result was after eight years of bottling it up and planning and plotting to some degree and eventually finally finishing his fortress in the woods.
01:08:54 Carrying out his plan.
01:08:57 Not only was his plan.
01:09:00 Ill thought through.
01:09:03 There was. There was literally no, no.
01:09:05 Reason to kill his wife as.
01:09:08 Obnoxious and and and vapid of a person as she might have been.
01:09:15 No reason to kill his daughter.
01:09:18 Who? From what? I I've been able to to dig up. Seems like just a normal person didn't seem like she was annoying or or, you know, it doesn't even if even if she was, it's.
01:09:30 It's it's, it's.
01:09:31 His daughter, right.
01:09:35 But not only did he carry out a plan that was wasn't thought through.
01:09:42 Didn't really solve the problem. It created a completely new.
01:09:46 Problem for him.
01:09:52 That more competent people than he solved in.
01:09:54 A matter of days.
01:10:02 Eight years of work demolished in a.
01:10:04 Couple of days.
01:10:09 His family was gone, his home was gone.
01:10:14 He was gone.
01:10:18 And his bunker was gone.
01:10:23 You see, the problem is when.
01:10:25 You deal with conflict this way.
01:10:28 When you bottle.
01:10:29 It up and bottle it up and bottle it.
01:10:31 Up and wait for it.
01:10:31 To crack and burst.
Speaker 4
01:10:36 You don't have.
Speaker 3
01:10:37 A whole lot of control of where.
01:10:38 That kinetic energy.
01:10:39 Is going to go.
Speaker 16
01:10:45 If you pump.
Speaker 3
01:10:46 Pressure into a glass bottle. Good luck trying to predict.
01:10:51 Where the cracks are going to form.
01:10:55 Where the shrapnel's going to fly?
01:10:58 When it does finally burst.
01:11:03 You have no control over that at all.
01:11:11 And look, this is just one of many examples.
01:11:14 I mean, if **** if you know, if you, if you're if you've been around the channel for a long time and you know why I have this clip.
01:11:25 You know what I'm talking about.
01:11:32 People get fed up, they get fed up in the micro, they get fed up, they get.
01:11:35 Fed up, they lash out in a way.
01:11:39 That is unproductive.
01:11:45 It might solve the emotional needs at the time.
01:11:52 But it doesn't exactly solve the bigger problem.
01:11:56 Often because you you make stupid mistakes when you react in emotionally.
01:12:06 Like leaving the the video files on the hard drive.
01:12:10 And you create a lot of collateral damage.
01:12:15 Like killing your wife and and daughter for.
01:12:18 No reason.
01:12:22 Like I'd be rooting for Peter Keller if really, if all he did was just left his family because the.
01:12:28 Daughter was 18.
01:12:30 If all he had done is just.
01:12:32 Now the daughter's 18.
01:12:34 My wife can fend for herself.
Speaker 2
01:12:38 I don't want to go through.
Speaker 3
01:12:39 Like the whole.
01:12:41 Divorce process and have to keep paying for her. Her crafting, you know, hobby or whatever. And tell my you know she's never going to find another guy. So I'll pay. I don't know what the laws.
01:12:51 Are in Washington, but it's probably not great.
01:12:55 So I'm going to just go to the woods and live in my little *******.
01:12:59 Fortress and and rob Banks and whatever, right? I mean, it probably would have lasted very long either, but it would little, little more honorable than killing your ******* family and bringing the house down.
Speaker 2
01:13:13 And he probably would have lived longer.
Speaker 3
01:13:16 And it would have solved the problem.
01:13:19 Would have solved.
01:13:20 The problem just as well you think his wife is going to competently find him in the force. She doesn't even ******* know that for eight years he's been going out there. She's not going to find him.
01:13:34 I mean, he's literally living off the grid at that point, like a homeless person.
01:13:38 So he doesn't have to worry about.
01:13:40 Alimony or anything else?
01:13:49 But the bottle burst.
01:13:52 There was no control over where that shrapnel.
01:13:54 Was going to go.
01:14:02 Look, and we see this a lot. We see this a lot. It's not just this is not an isolated incident. I mean, people might remember this guy.
01:14:10 Chris Watts.
01:14:13 Similar situation.
01:14:18 You know, just real briefly, we're not going to go dig too deep into this one, but just because it's another case, I think a lot of people are familiar with.
01:14:26 Chris Watts. He had had two daughters.
01:14:30 He he married. He also married a woman who who was not keen on marrying him.
01:14:37 He was overweight.
01:14:39 Had no confidence.
01:14:43 Wound up essentially harassing this girl and being and simping for her so hard that she eventually gave in.
01:14:54 But then he started doing well financially. He started working out.
01:15:00 He had his entire life. He had never been hit on before.
01:15:07 But now all of a sudden he was a mildly successful guy. That was was kind of good looking.
01:15:14 But now he was already.
01:15:16 Attached to this woman.
01:15:18 Now this is.
01:15:19 One of the videos, famously that kind of shows their interactions that there's there's hours of this kind of stuff.
01:15:26 She was she.
01:15:27 Was obsessed with posting videos to Facebook in which she was like, well, like in the screenshot. She was front and center and he was just kind of in the background being belittled and hen pecked little by little. Very subtle sometimes, but always.
01:15:44 In this instance, he.
01:15:45 He dressed like Santa Claus for his.
01:15:48 His two kids.
01:15:51 And just listen.
01:15:52 To the way that that she interacts with him and this was his life, which he fully accepted as a as a fat guy, that wasn't that felt just lucky.
01:16:01 To have a girl.
Speaker 18
01:16:09 Santa is here, but the kids are freaking out.
01:16:17 Hey, Santa, where's your phone?
01:16:20 In the garage I wanted it.
01:16:26 Santa, you gained some weight this year. Come on, Santa.
01:16:26 OK.
Speaker 18
01:16:30 Hold on, Santa. I got to find the kids because they're kind of scared.
01:16:36 Sit down, Santa. Have a seat.
01:16:39 I'll try to get the kids.
Speaker 3
01:16:42 Constantly ordering him around.
01:16:45 Ho ho, ho.
Speaker 18
01:16:48 You're Santa, yes.
01:16:51 Where's the phone?
Speaker 15
01:16:53 On top of your car in the garage.
Speaker 18
01:16:54 I needed it. The pictures hold on.
01:16:59 I got to.
Speaker 18
01:16:59 Get the phone. This is hard as one parent.
01:17:04 The phone so I can.
01:17:04 Get pictures. Hold please.
01:17:08 My husband's a genius, doesn't listen.
01:17:12 I have not.
Speaker 14
01:17:13 Seen him anywhere.
Speaker 18
01:17:13 Can you sit down please, Santa?
01:17:16 Thank you, Bella. Say hi, Santa.
Speaker 15
01:17:19 Hello brother.
01:17:21 How are you?
Speaker 18
01:17:22 Say I'm good, say Merry Christmas, Santa.
Speaker 17
01:17:27 Merry Christmas, Bella.
Speaker 18
01:17:28 Say Merry Christmas.
01:17:32 The bidding took now this year.
Speaker 18
01:17:34 Say I have.
01:17:38 Have you been expecting me tonight?
Speaker 3
01:17:44 So just like Peter Keller, Chris Watts.
01:17:47 Bottled it up.
01:17:49 Bottled it up.
01:17:52 Took the.
01:17:54 The low grade abuse that was 24/7.
01:18:00 She kept spending all of his money. Same thing with, you know, Peter Keller. Only with her. It was ridiculous. He had a good job.
01:18:08 But they they were. They had already been bankrupt.
01:18:13 And she was buying dinette sets and just, you know, thousands and thousands of dollars that they didn't have. He was dipping into the 401K.
01:18:24 To try to pay for some of this stuff, which is a huge, huge tax penalty if you do that.
01:18:29 Like you're losing.
01:18:31 A lot of money to do that.
01:18:35 But she wanted to be the fancy girl on Facebook.
01:18:41 And then one day, Chris met a girl that that didn't treat him like, that he had no idea what it was like. He grew up the a fat kid that was ignored by women.
01:18:51 But now the son he was getting attention from women and one woman in particular.
01:18:56 Who didn't order him around?
01:18:59 Didn't want to, uh, suck all of his resources from him.
01:19:05 And belittle him constantly.
01:19:08 And it was such a contrast.
01:19:13 Such a contrast to what he was used to.
01:19:16 The bottle exploded.
01:19:19 The bottle exploded and in a similar way that Peter Keller's bottle exploded.
Speaker 20
01:19:26 First time we are hearing Chris Watts confessed to murdering his wife.
Speaker 12
01:19:30 I'm still angry that I don't feel anything.
Speaker 20
01:19:35 The father of two, seen here with his father in a police interrogation room blaming the death of the couples, two daughters on his wife Shannon Watts.
Speaker 4
01:19:48 Not just this.
Speaker 3
01:19:57 Once again, there was.
01:19:59 An uncontrolled explosion.
01:20:03 Shrapnel went everywhere.
01:20:06 Took out his wife.
01:20:11 Wrapped in a blanket.
01:20:14 Dumped in the desert.
01:20:18 Along with his two kids.
01:20:28 Way smarter ways of handling this situation where no one has to die.
01:20:36 Yeah. And look you, it's not that drastic measures are are are never called for you. You can make you can take drastic measures.
01:20:48 The drastic measures require drastic planning.
01:20:55 And when you act out, when you lash out emotionally.
01:20:59 You don't have that, that drastic planning.
01:21:04 Instead, you get a lot of collateral damage.
01:21:07 And you don't exactly.
01:21:09 Target the problem.
01:21:12 You create new problems.
01:21:15 Chris Watts is now in jail for the rest of his life.
01:21:25 Peter Keller is dead.
01:21:29 I mean sure, in a way they.
01:21:31 They solve their problems but.
01:21:37 But obviously it could have been done a lot better, right? A lot better.
01:21:44 So when people have asked me about the what's going on in Ireland?
01:21:49 I wouldn't say this is 100%.
01:21:52 The way I feel about it because uh and and look, I don't.
01:21:57 Know exactly I'm not. I'm not there.
01:21:59 I don't know exactly what what's been going on, and I don't think that the people that have have.
01:22:06 Acted violently or acted out in in in a kinetic way. I guess you could say.
01:22:13 Have necessarily created a whole lot of collateral damage.
01:22:18 In fact, the videos that I that I saw coming across my timeline a lot of times when property was burned.
01:22:28 Down it was either a hotel that was housing migrants or, you know, some either either hotel or some kind of housing development. It seemed to be at least somewhat targeted, right?
01:22:42 Not that I condone any of this, but just, you know, pragmatically speaking it it, it wasn't just like a like the riots in the George Floyd riots where they were just going around burning down stuff. Now that said, a lot of looting did happen. A lot of the migrants that they were protesting against did start looting. They took the opportunity to start looting.
01:23:03 And maybe some Irish did too. I don't know. I wasn't there.
01:23:11 It's not that acting.
01:23:15 It's not that. See, I got to be careful. I phrase this, unfortunately, because we don't really have free speech as much as people think in America. We're so blessed to have kind of.
01:23:26 Kind of. We still there's, there's still some things we gotta we gotta be careful about.
01:23:34 I would say.
01:23:37 If a group decides to make their concerns known known.
01:23:42 In a way that is unconventional.
01:23:48 That I'm not necessarily against.
01:23:51 That strategy of using unconventional methods to make your concerns.
01:23:57 Known to the ruling class.
01:24:00 It does seem to work very.
01:24:01 Well for other groups.
01:24:06 But I would caution against.
01:24:09 Acting in a way that's going to create collateral damage.
01:24:13 Acting in a way that's not going to target the actual problem in a sensible way that isn't going to just compound your problems or create more problems for you.
01:24:27 And that's not, it's just my general advice to everyone. That's not just for the Irish. I think there's a lot of white.
01:24:34 People that you know again.
01:24:35 These people are.
01:24:36 Not model citizens by any means, and don't represent us, but in.
01:24:39 A way, in a way, in a way.
01:24:42 I mean, they are white males that.
01:24:45 That had similar thought processes, right?
01:24:50 And like I've and you guys all know you guys all know this is not like isolated.
01:24:56 White people thinking, OK.
01:25:04 And so I would just say.
01:25:10 That acting out in an emotional way.
01:25:14 And reacting to something without thinking it through.
01:25:20 Without planning it out to a level of precision that that.
01:25:30 Methods require to be.
01:25:34 Effective and precise.
01:25:38 Doing just acting out emotionally and lashing out is.
01:25:44 Is a bad idea.
01:25:46 Is a bad idea.
01:25:48 Now that said, I'm I'm going to be the last person to try to lecture the Irish. We're getting mad.
01:25:54 And and from what I've seen at least maybe I'm not hip to all the the details of everything that's gone on out there, but from what I've seen.
01:26:03 Yeah, I I think it's totally understandable. It's totally understandable and and quite frankly, there's a part of me that's like it's about *** **** time.
01:26:11 It's about *** **** time that that at least someone grew a pair.
01:26:19 And made a little noise.
01:26:28 People often forget that the ruling class can only be trusted if they're.
01:26:32 Afraid of you?
01:26:38 It's true.
01:26:41 You know it, I know it.
01:26:46 Why do you think that that they?
01:26:48 You hear the term God? Ohh, they're they're good God fearing folk.
01:26:56 When I was a kid, I would hear that and it would actually kind of puzzle me like.
01:26:59 Why are they afraid of God? I don't know. Why?
01:27:02 But they are.
01:27:03 To some extent, well behaved people, well behaved Christians that they're afraid essentially of going to hell, right?
01:27:11 That's what God fearing means. Like you don't want to **** *** God, you don't want to do something wrong.
01:27:18 God will punish you for it.
01:27:24 So it keeps you.
01:27:25 In line a little bit, right?
01:27:27 And that's it. Look, that's a perfectly good thing.
01:27:31 I know there's people that will say, oh, that's it's it's Santa Claus for adults.
01:27:36 Yeah, but is.
01:27:36 That such a bad thing.
01:27:42 I mean, as long as everyone in the society believes in the same God and the same rules and everything, right, like, is that such a bad thing?
01:27:52 For everyone to want to adhere to a certain standard of behavior because they're afraid of eternal damnation, is that such?
Speaker 2
01:27:59 A bad thing?
Speaker 3
01:28:06 In fact, in in some ways you could say that's what kept the ruling class in line as previously.
01:28:13 Even the ruling class.
01:28:16 Was kept in.
01:28:17 Check by the idea that well if I mean.
01:28:19 You know, I'd do something really bad.
01:28:22 Sure. I'll get rich or whatever for ******* over my my constituents and whatever. But like, I don't wanna burn in hell for eternity. So.
01:28:32 I'm not going to do that.
01:28:36 Well, the fact the simple fact of the matter is.
01:28:40 I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in the ruling class with any amount of influence or power that legitimately believes in God or any kind of eternal punishment for any of their behavior.
01:28:52 They're they're atheists or like.
01:28:55 Jews don't even believe in hell.
01:29:01 See, that's another big reason why, like, that's a huge difference.
01:29:06 Between Jews and Christians that the Christians don't understand, they don't realize that that's.
01:29:11 A big deal.
01:29:14 Because even if you're a religious Jew and you think that like, oh, I'm I'm gonna, I've got at least some ethics. I mean, they're not really compatible with Western civilization. You could argue, and I think argue easily. However, at least there's at least some kind of rules governing their behavior. And maybe they're sucked up rules and they allow them to **** me over, whatever. But at least there's.
01:29:32 Something going on there?
01:29:35 At least there's some God. That's that's, you know, tangentially, like mine and and, you know, keep him in line. No, not really cause they.
01:29:44 Don't believe in hell.
01:29:46 There is no hell. They're not going to hell.
01:29:50 You think God's chosen people with, I mean you think God would put.
01:29:53 His chosen people in in hell, of course not.
01:30:00 So when the ruling class is not governed by a fear of God or fear of going to hell, a fear of an eternal damnation, a fear of consequences in the afterlife. Really, the only way to govern their behavior is give them consequences in real life.
01:30:17 OK, no problem, right. That's what the political process is for a lot of people would tell you, right?
01:30:26 That's why we can vote.
01:30:27 Him out of office, right? They'll fear us because they'll fear us at the ballot box.
01:30:33 They know if they don't, if they go to Washington and they don't do what they said they were.
01:30:37 Going to do, we'll vote them out next November.
01:30:44 Who really believes that now?
01:30:52 And I'm not just talking about who actually believes that people would go and vote them out.
01:30:58 If that who even believes it? That if they did vote them?
01:31:02 Out that they'd get voted out.
Speaker 6
01:31:08 So what are they afraid of?
Speaker 3
01:31:13 Who are they afraid of that? It's not you.
01:31:24 If they're not afraid of you.
01:31:30 Why are they going to do?
01:31:31 It What what you want?
01:31:36 What's governing their behavior?
01:31:45 Maybe it's it's. I mean, it's always fear, right?
01:31:50 But if it's not fear of you, what is it? Fear of not being invited to the right cocktail parties. Fear of not getting.
01:31:56 Donations from the the rich Zionists that that are very generous.
01:32:09 Fear of the ADL.
01:32:11 Fear of the SPLC.
01:32:16 Fear of the media.
01:32:23 Fear of the New York Times editorial board.
01:32:31 Fear of the.
01:32:34 Intelligence agency that has photos of them.
01:32:38 In compromising positions with underage.
01:32:54 In fact, if anything, I think one of the reasons why and I'm dead serious, I think one of the reasons why you have.
01:33:00 This push from the.
01:33:02 From on up high.
01:33:04 Because it doesn't come from anywhere else these days to normalize pedophilia, is there neutralizing 1?
01:33:09 Of their fears.
01:33:12 Think about it. If you've got black male material of you doing something despicable.
01:33:20 And you normalize that despicable act. Well, it's no longer blackmail material, is it?
01:33:35 And this isn't like a new thing. I mean, just what it was the last stream of the stream before that we we showed that that guy that was debunking Pizza Gate was caught with child ****. Thousands of images, including images with infants.
01:33:51 His mom was a grade.
01:33:53 School teacher he was going to the classrooms and.
01:33:56 Interacting with the kids.
01:34:04 By the way, Speaking of which, I saw that Sam Altman, Pedro Jew extraordinaire, is back at.
01:34:11 Open AI, right?
01:34:15 So I don't know what happened there, but.
01:34:18 He's not afraid of.
01:34:20 Of of that kind of consequence, is he?
Speaker 2
01:34:27 Weird huh?
Speaker 3
01:34:29 Ohh what your sister accused you of molesting her? When? When she was 4.
01:34:39 Not a big deal anymore that used.
01:34:40 To that would end careers not so.
01:34:42 Long ago, but not anymore.
01:34:48 That didn't even get mentioned in the mainstream.
01:34:51 Not even once.
01:34:59 And look if even if it did, we're we're rapidly approaching a point where it wouldn't matter.
01:35:11 These people that write, like the queer theory Bibles.
01:35:16 Taught in the universities you looking at what they're actually writing and that.
01:35:20 The behavior that Sam Altman had with his little sister would be considered perfectly healthy.
01:35:35 Every one of these big brained queer theory.
01:35:39 Researchers and professors and authors.
01:35:51 Every gay rights movement at the at the heart.
01:35:53 Of it, the.
01:35:53 Leaders have always wanted to normalize that.
01:36:05 So it's a.
01:36:06 Problem that they're not afraid of you.
01:36:15 Engineering conditions.
01:36:18 That cause them to be afraid of you.
01:36:25 Not a bad thing.
01:36:32 The keyword here, of course, is engineering.
01:36:36 Not lashing out emotionally engineering.
01:36:54 So anyway, that's my that's my.
01:36:58 My view, I guess of not just the.
01:37:02 What happened in Ireland?
01:37:05 But uh, what? I suspect we'll see more of in other parts of the West.
01:37:10 Right now, I think the Irish are are particularly sensitive to this issue because there's just not very many people don't realize how small.
01:37:17 Like how the.
01:37:18 Population of of Ireland is something like 7 million.
01:37:24 Most major cities in America have a population of 7 million.
01:37:30 So when your entire country has a population of 7 million and you bring in a million immigrants.
01:37:38 That's a lot more noticeable.
01:37:44 You can't ship them off and hide them in, you know, all over the country like they can in America.
01:37:53 They also don't have this lie.
01:37:57 Of a history.
01:38:01 You know this, this whole melting pot.
01:38:05 Fairy tale about oh, yeah, we're we're a country we.
01:38:09 Never would have made it without all these.
01:38:11 Black people building our country for us, right?
01:38:15 They don't have like, the the century of propaganda that the Americans have.
01:38:25 It also isn't that far from the.
Speaker 6
01:38:26 Time that the.
Speaker 3
01:38:27 IRA existed.
01:38:34 You know, Ireland fought for its independence.
01:38:38 Fairly recently.
01:38:49 So it's not a big surprise to me that this is.
01:38:51 Where it's happening right now.
01:38:55 And this this is the backlash you're.
01:38:57 Seeing right now.
01:39:00 Will it spread to other places? I don't know.
01:39:03 There's a lot of people excited about different, you know, populist and you know, somewhat right wing politicians being elected recently. And, you know, Argentina.
01:39:15 And elsewhere.
01:39:18 But hey, I mean, Trump was elected in 2016, and a lot of people had a lot of high hopes for that.
01:39:24 And look where we are now.
01:39:35 So anyway, that's.
01:39:41 That's all I have to say about.
01:39:42 That, as Forrest Gump would say.
01:39:46 Let me take a look at Hyper Chats.
01:39:51 And we'll take a look at the rumble rants. If there are any. I still don't know if that plugin is working well. It looks like it's working I.
01:39:57 Got one.
01:39:57 Over here, we'll do the one we'll.
01:40:00 Do the Rumble one first because it's it's there.
Speaker 2
01:40:03 Hammer thorazine.
Speaker 3
01:40:05 Blood of tyrants need to be added added, as a mod here, take note of is spelled with a 0, not the letter O. OK, I will make sure that happens. Yeah, it's they made it. They made it a little more annoying to add mods on rumble, but I kind of figured it out right before I went live. So we'll get that all straightened out.
01:40:28 Now over 2.
01:40:32 To odyssey here.
01:40:36 Graham playing games the riots and island are the wrong Ave. destroying their own infrastructure, but I can't be that angry really. The Irish need to do something to stop and reverse their ethnic national dissolution and I hope.
01:40:52 They do, and that this is the light to catch on to other European nations that do the same. Look, I don't care if they destroy their own infrastructure. It's not the same. You know, a lot of a lot of people are looking at what's going on in Ireland and they're oh, it's just like when the blacks burn down.
01:41:08 Their own cities.
01:41:08 And ruin them, yeah.
01:41:10 That's a problem for blacks because blacks.
01:41:12 You wouldn't rebuild the city.
01:41:15 The Irish built that infrastructure, they can rebuild it.
01:41:19 They could. They could destroy all their infrastructure and and still rebuild it.
01:41:25 Blacks destroy a a city. They can't rebuild it because they didn't. You have to build something before you can rebuild something.
01:41:35 So we're talking about apples and oranges here.
01:41:39 Which is something else to take into account.
01:41:42 I mean, yeah, you don't want unnecessary collateral damage. You know, you don't want to.
01:41:45 Kill your wife.
01:41:46 And kids, to get out of a marriage, right?
01:41:50 But at the same time.
01:41:53 I don't think the Irish are are going to be up a Creek.
01:41:57 Without a paddle.
01:41:59 In the same way you know Blacks would be because the Irish.
01:42:03 Have a paddle.
01:42:04 It's called higher IQ and it's called we've made civilizations before.
01:42:12 So we can remake them.
01:42:15 So I'm I'm just I I'm not as critical. I think a lot of people are are taking that.
01:42:21 They're just looking at it wrong.
01:42:23 And I think a lot of this criticism comes from a place of fear.
01:42:28 I think there's a lot of. In fact, I think that's it's the same thing with the January 6th stuff, the same thing, anytime, any kind of right wing kinetic energy starts to to.
01:42:41 To boil up.
01:42:42 Or be released.
01:42:46 You always hear. Ohh, it's feds. It's antifa. It's whatever. It's.
01:42:49 Anything but us.
01:42:51 Because they're afraid.
01:42:54 They're afraid they're more afraid of that than the ruling class is. Is the the ****** **?
01:42:59 Thing about it.
01:43:08 Doesn't make any sense to me. It's uh.
01:43:14 It's cowardly to think that way.
01:43:19 Because I do think that just naturally speaking, you know, naturally, if you're not going to have but George Floyd riots and the riots that took place in in Ireland are are completely different.
01:43:36 You have Irish.
01:43:37 People burning down a foot locker so they could steal tennis shoes.
01:43:46 You know that's not.
01:43:47 That's not what was going on there.
01:43:52 I like how a footlocker in a black neighborhood qualifies as infrastructure, too.
01:43:58 Kind of does.
01:44:00 Grand playing games the woman in Ireland says her daughter is the only Irish child in her class, but then goes on to say the great replacement is a conspiracy theory.
01:44:09 How can someone be like this?
01:44:12 What's going on in her head?
01:44:16 I'll see if it will download here. It might.
01:44:23 And it does not want to download.
01:44:26 I don't know why.
01:44:29 Let me try another way. Why not? Why not?
01:44:48 May or may not work. Does.
01:44:49 Not work.
01:44:51 Doesn't like your link.
01:44:53 All right.
01:44:56 Grenade William. Here. You talk about creating generational wealth and I totally agree with you. However, there's a video about how.
01:45:03 To do this.
01:45:05 But it is made by a Jew. His ilk are masters at this, but I don't know if we should trust him. Link for those interested. So there's a link for those who want.
01:45:14 To check it out, look, I mean it's not like.
01:45:18 All information from Jews is bad.
01:45:22 Jews aren't constantly always trying to I don't know about this link. Maybe this guy is, I don't know. But it's not like you can't learn from Jews or anything like that. You just got to consider the source. You just got to know that that's where he's coming.
01:45:33 From he's he's coming from.
01:45:36 From a Jewish point of view.
01:45:39 And that that applies to anything anytime you have a a Jewish intellectual or or anything like that as long as you consider the source and consider the the perspective appropriately, then there's nothing wrong with getting information from people who aren't us. That applies not just to Jews. Anybody, right?
01:46:00 Night Nation review. Let's go. Always excited for this show. I appreciate that.
01:46:06 Grenade again. Do you know why Santa uses a sleigh and reindeer for delivering presents?
01:46:13 I feel like I need to get the womp ready already. Am I going to get the womp ready? Here we go.
01:46:19 And I can't, you know, I.
01:46:20 Can't hard on anymore on rumble?
01:46:23 But I I have a I have a.
01:46:24 Hack because *******.
01:46:27 I think we need to bring that back, just generally speaking.
01:46:30 I think we should cause it's a way we can class it up. We can class it up.
01:46:35 And still.
01:46:37 Speak freely in a way, right? If we can normalize calling black people ******* again, I would be so happy. They're kind of doing it for us. But but having that movie, the the Magic ***** Association or whatever the ****.
01:46:47 That movie is.
01:46:48 Right.
01:46:49 Because ******* stole his bike.
01:46:52 Well, hold on. What do you? OK. I have to reread it again. You ready?
01:46:57 Do you know why Santa uses a sleigh and reindeer for delivering presents?
Speaker 2
01:47:03 Because ***** stole his bike.
Speaker 3
01:47:10 So there you go.
01:47:15 Maybe next time I was there when Santa got mad.
01:47:20 Yeah. Well, like, like I said, I'd thought I'd be kind of interesting to.
01:47:25 Have an alternate ending for that.
01:47:28 So I I I cranked that out today for.
01:47:30 Those of you who are here for.
01:47:31 The beginning of the.
01:47:32 Show you got to see it too.
01:47:35 Grenade. The voter will boot his civilization.
01:47:38 Into oblivion. Exactly.
01:47:42 We're not again, man. Did World War One and two wipe out all the strong men and their genes left the white race with fagots cucks and soft betas. We are 4 generations after World War 2. Boomers, ex millennials and zoomers. And I don't see any sign of improvement. I highly doubt the white race will ever recover from such a culling.
01:48:03 I think it will, but it'll take you know it's going to take some time and the fact that what's happening now is also a calling.
01:48:11 That's just the way that this works.
01:48:13 It works in cycles.
01:48:15 The people who are unable to withstand what is currently facing white people and there's look, there's going to be people that don't win this battle that we're in.
01:48:24 There's going to be people that are going to be left behind, their jeans are gonna be left behind. They're not going to be able to find a way to reproduce or to influence anyone or anything like that. And they they'll have no legacy. They'll just be forgotten. And that's actually OK.
01:48:38 That's actually OK. That's what strengthens our people. But you're right, I mean that that was that was a gut punch because it wasn't just World War One. It wasn't just World War 2. If you're in America, it was Korea, it was Vietnam. It was a Gulf War one, and it was Afghanistan.
01:49:00 America has been at war for almost almost.
01:49:03 The last century, almost nonstop.
01:49:07 And as you can tell by watching the ad, the recruitment ads, now they're looking for a very specific kind of person, right? It's always these.
01:49:16 Young, capable white men that they want fighting those wars.
01:49:22 You know, during times the the, the little brief interludes of peace.
01:49:27 Sure, they'll pander to the crazy people, the ******** and the the ******* and whatnot, but.
01:49:32 Generally speaking, that's not who's on the front line. If you don't believe me, go look at any footage and there's lots of it on YouTube. Look at footage of Afghanistan on the front lines.
01:49:44 Knowing the demographic makeup of the military right now and who are the people actually shooting the guns and and busting into bunkers and **** like that, there might be 8, you know, token black guy here or there, but it's mostly white people. All the special forces and stuff and all that. You know, the, the, the seals and all that.
01:50:04 Almost all white people.
01:50:08 Grenade. Do you know what ******* hurts? Taking an oxy fuel? Cutting torch by the wrong end. Bare handed women have no clue how many painful injuries hard working men suffer on a daily basis.
01:50:22 Well, you just need to be more careful, man.
01:50:25 Don't don't grab a a torch by the hot end. How about that?
01:50:33 Hammer, thorazine. Hammer. Thorazine.
01:50:42 What's the weather?
Speaker 3
01:50:47 As some know, I practice psychiatry. Fibro is ********. It's always women, and that's the one thing that cartoon got wrong. It is all. It's always women. I've never met a guy that has claimed to have this mystery disease that only seems to.
01:51:01 Women almost all are fat. This is also true. Non exercise. All are unhealthy. Exactly they're they're just. They're just feeling the symptoms of being a fat ***** like.
01:51:13 That's what it is.
01:51:15 They're just, they're just experiencing the discomfort of being a morbidly obese *****.
01:51:22 And they identify with the diagnosis exactly, which is why they'll always have it, cause they'll they'll just.
01:51:27 They just use it as an excuse.
01:51:29 To continue to be a useless fat *****.
01:51:33 Often they have the personality disorders like borderline too. I think it's the subconscious revolting against a failure of a person.
01:51:42 Part 2.
Speaker 5
01:51:44 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.
Speaker 3
01:51:49 I also see that when a woman has one of the made-up diseases.
01:51:53 She often has.
01:51:54 Others, like pots Euler's Dan. Well, I don't even know what.
01:51:59 Some of these are but.
01:52:00 Which is why they're probably made-up right Euler's danlos CPTSD because PTSD isn't special enough. What is the C for, ****?
01:52:11 They add another letter, split personality, ****** nonsense and or autism. They get these ideas off TikTok and Reddit. Patients even admit this.
01:52:22 Well, anything to feel special, right?
01:52:26 When you're when you're someone who doesn't actually earn.
01:52:29 Recognition from other people. You need to find a.
01:52:32 Way of of of getting that recognition.
01:52:36 Zazi Mattas bot thanks for the show. I hope your Cornish hands turned out well. They actually turned out amazingly well.
01:52:43 I one of the reasons why I went with it, I was gonna I was.
01:52:47 Going to try a deep fried Turkey.
01:52:49 But I didn't get all the stuff in time and uh, because the pill box is box is lacking in normal normal ovens. I guess you could say the the oven space in mine cannot accommodate a a Turkey. So that was one of the reasons.
01:53:04 Why I went small but.
01:53:06 The Cornish Hens were actually surprisingly like.
01:53:09 Using very it was a good choice. Good choice. I didn't. I didn't like. I just put some. I I wrapped. I put some butter in there and wrapped them up in foil and just cooked them and.
01:53:22 Turned out perfect.
01:53:24 So yeah, highly recommend I'd. I'd never had a Cornish hen before, but it tastes like.
01:53:33 Oh, you know, like they always say tastes like chicken, but because it is chicken, but it tastes like chicken with a little more flavor to it. Like even the white meat had a little more of the the dark meat flavor to it.
01:53:45 Uh. Let's see here.
01:53:48 Oh, the rest of it was are there.
01:53:50 Any bees that are that?
01:53:52 Breed for looks are there collectible or designer bees?
01:53:57 Not really. I mean, there's definitely beekeepers that that like Queens because they have a certain look about them, but it doesn't in my at least, I mean not that we know of. It doesn't really indicate anything. There's some Queens that are really small that, that create really good hives. And there's some Queens that are big and look really healthy that are ****.
01:54:18 But you know, there's not a whole lot of variation between the the different races of bees in terms of looks. I mean, there's little variations, but not really.
01:54:29 Your brother from another mother. What will it take for you to realize that the world is flat? Totally kidding. Yeah, you better be. You're inside and streams are the best out there. And I hope.
01:54:41 That you keep them going.
01:54:43 Can I please get a?
01:54:46 Where is it at?
01:54:49 There you go.
01:54:51 Potato mutt.
01:54:53 Oh, potato mutt.
01:54:57 You know better than everyone then, huh? What's going on in in Ireland? And I I feel like I should have the. Oh, here we are.
01:55:04 This always has to warm up. I hate that I need to move. I I said every time I try to play it.
01:55:12 Ohh it's it's still funked up here we.
Speaker 17
01:55:15 Go hold on. What's up? Sup. Sup.
Speaker 1
01:55:16 Sup. Sup. I'm a.
Speaker 14
01:55:17 Potato. Bigger big shot.
Speaker 4
01:55:18 Always have to be Lucky Charms.
Speaker 3
01:55:25 All right, potato mock. You've been vocal about your disdain.
01:55:28 Of Flat Earth.
01:55:29 But what about geocentrism? How about the idea that the the Flat Earth is a SIOP to distract this from geocentrism, E Michael Jones is a proponent of this. Is there any possibility that the heliocentrism is shilled nefariously?
01:55:45 Like how I shield the Bronx tale.
01:55:50 Look, I I don't see what the the advantage would be. I would say that that geocentrism is at least way more rational than Flat Earth like you can because you can you can disprove Flat Earth really fast whereas thinking about.
01:56:09 Geocentrism. You can make it make sense, and in fact it's at that point it's almost perspective.
01:56:15 Like you could almost make the argument that well.
01:56:18 From the perspective of Earth, we are the center of the universe, right? I mean, cause motion is just how things move in relation to other things.
01:56:28 So if you just make the anchor point Earth, I mean.
01:56:34 You know, I mean you could.
01:56:35 You could argue that.
01:56:37 Because it is just perspective at that point that.
01:56:41 That it's almost there's no difference between the earth being the center of things and everything kind of revolving around it versus the other way around because it's, you know, it's just.
01:56:51 It's all based on on on, it's all. It's all relative, you know.
01:56:58 That said, I don't. I don't believe in it, no.
01:57:01 I think that we are just one of many planets.
01:57:06 In one of many solar systems, in one of many galaxies in a vast universe, and that while we are certainly special.
01:57:19 Because of our because, well, because we're here.
01:57:24 And I think that's unusual thing for a planet. Just in general. I think that there's not. If there's life on other planets, it's it's probably not a very common thing.
01:57:35 And and that satisfies me. I don't. I don't feel like.
01:57:40 Somehow the Earth not being the center of the universe makes it less special that we exist here. I think it's just as fascinating to me that we would be on a planet with life. Then you know then that that's not the center of the universe. That as it would be, that that is the.
01:57:59 Center of the universe.
01:58:04 Mine coffee chair, my friend of 20 years, is engaged to a woman like this. She has no she has nondescript chronic pain and anxiety. Can't do anything, is an extremely needy pot head stupid ***** while the pothead stuff that also seems to be.
01:58:21 In my experience, a lot of the women that suffer from this chronic pain, they use it as an excuse to be potheads.
01:58:28 I've seen that time and time again.
01:58:31 Women that are like, Oh no, I have to wake and bake literally every single day I I went out with this.
01:58:36 Chick. She was my neighbor and she was a I mean, I I thought I.
01:58:43 Was a pothead.
01:58:44 And in fact, in a way, it made me like, rethink ever smoking pot again, cause I just saw what I was doing to her brain and I was just like, **** is that happening? Is that is that happening to me, am I? Am I getting like this because she would smoke more by 10:00 AM than I would like in a week and I'm not exaggerating.
01:59:02 Like she would, she would not just wake and bake. She would go through like an eighth of pot, like daily.
01:59:08 And then, you know, she was, you know, smoking the dabs and, you know, shatter and just like, any, any form that it would come in, she would consume it to an insane degree.
01:59:20 And I don't know how she functioned. In fact, I tried. I couldn't keep up with her like we would. We went to this. The only time I've actually passed out from from THC was with her. I never thought that that was possible.
01:59:35 And we went to some like music festival. And I literally like like, like my vision turned white and I fell down and, like, woke up, like on the on the grass. And she's like, are you OK? I was like, no, I'm not. Actually, this is crazy. I feel so ******* high right now. It's crazy. But yeah, she her excuse was.
01:59:56 Oh, I have to because I I have.
01:59:58 I have my.
01:59:59 My pain is hurting. My pain is hurting.
02:00:02 OK.
02:00:03 OK. Well, alright. She's 34 and actually I think this chick was about that issue. Never had a job as super liberal as was this chick. And as a side job.
02:00:16 Where she buys limited release, plushy toys and flips them. Yeah, yeah, that's. That's usually the kind of job these women have. It's not a real job. It's a. It's a hobby that that is often not even self-sustaining. It usually doesn't even generate enough income to to keep buying the new plushies.
02:00:36 Right. I something. I suspect money for these plushies is coming from somewhere else.
Speaker 2
02:00:41 They call me Mr.
Speaker 3
02:00:43 Nagg with the *** **** money.
Speaker 4
02:00:47 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to.
02:00:50 Defend yourself with.
Speaker 3
02:00:52 Go, Julie, this *** is.
02:01:10 They call him Mr. Nights. Are there any stories like this from the 19th, early 20th centuries? My great, great.
02:01:18 Great grandfather ****** off to the Midwest after he had his 11th kid literally left everyone behind and no one heard from again potato rule, by the way. Ah, yeah. No, I mean, don't get me wrong. Men have abandoned their families before. Lots of times, but they usually don't murder.
02:01:38 And and then.
02:01:39 You know, like like I think what's happening now.
02:01:44 This might explain it, and again I'm not trying to make excuses for these guys. That's the last thing I want to do.
02:01:51 Back when you're great, great, great, great, great. You know, whatever Grandpa ditched his family.
02:01:57 You could do that. You know there was number digital trail like he he could. He could just move a couple towns over, start a new life. And as long as no one knew he was there.
02:02:07 That was it.
02:02:08 Right. And especially if you moved like a couple of states over like he could just disappear and it would.
02:02:13 You know, there's no. There's no, I mean.
02:02:16 Everyone was off grid back then.
02:02:18 And so men, again, you shouldn't do this, obviously, but men could abandon their families without.
02:02:24 Murdering them all.
02:02:25 You know or.
02:02:26 Or even having that as a solution in their head.
02:02:30 I think the reason why you're seeing cases like this today.
02:02:34 Is there's. There's literally no escape.
02:02:38 You know that there's no escape. Like, if you even if you tried to do to the the divorce or whatever, depending on what state you live and there's a good chance that you're still going to be funding this woman and and obviously the kids too, you know, is just as long as it if not.
02:02:55 Longer, as if you'd stayed with them.
02:02:58 And so if it's a a financial problem, which it often is with in both these cases we talked about tonight, they brought up money.
02:03:08 As much as it's a stupid solution and it's not even really a solution, you know it. I think the reason why they go completely nuts and and kill everybody is they feel like if they left it, you know, just like.
02:03:24 You know it, it would just, it would follow them. It wouldn't matter where they went.
02:03:27 You know, in the case of the Chris Watts guy, right, where they had already declared bankruptcy, the wife was buying all this ******* ****. He had that house. They probably couldn't afford. I mean, just by looking at it, it it, it's a pretty massive Mcmansion. That was probably at the time even worth 400,000 plus.
02:03:45 So if he were to try to divorce her, he'd he'd. She'd probably get the house because she's got the kids, you know. And so now you're paying a mortgage still, like you're now, you're paying almost double what you were paying before, because now you're paying for all of her expenses and the kids and all the stuff that you were paying for before. But now you're having to pay for an apartment or whatever, you know?
02:04:04 And lots of guys get trapped in that right where they get stuck with all the expenses that they had before and then now the new expenses of trying to be, you know, independent in, in a in some ****** studio apartment somewhere, buying crap, IKEA, furniture or whatever.
02:04:19 And you know their their own expenses, the legal expenses of, you know, the divorce lawyers and just everything, I mean. And then plus the lost work from having to deal with all this ****, the the madness of of, you know, the emotional madness of.
02:04:35 Dealing with the ex-wife and the kids, and if there's if you have cuz.
02:04:40 Really, you know well, in addition, all the legal fees surrounding that, like let's say you get you, you get the kids for a week and then she gets them for the, you know, whatever it is. Now you got the cost of all that, all the transportation. If you only had maybe a car or two that the family shared, but now you're paying for her car to have just by yourself and your it's it's.
02:05:00 The the situation, the way it is now in most states.
02:05:05 It makes it so.
02:05:07 I could I could understand men feeling as if they didn't have.
02:05:11 A whole lot of options.
02:05:14 Obviously, again, not justifying the option on the screen here, but you know, I think that's why I think that's why in previous centuries men just left, which is also like a * **** **** obviously too, but at least no one's dying, I guess.
02:05:33 Sis white male. In my experience this is the average white woman in 2023. I just turned 36 today. Well, happy birthday. And if one more 35 year old White Woman says she doesn't want to settle down because she's finding herself, I'm going to go snap.
02:05:50 Yeah, there's a lot of that going on, right. A lot of that going on. Well, she'll find herself with a lot of cats alone somewhere in, in a couple of years.
02:06:00 4 Chan 81 four Chan 81.
02:06:13 This is David Crowley type behavior happened in my neck of the woods. Definitely worth the deep dive for those who don't know, would love to know he was silenced instead of just another ****** ** casualty of the system.
02:06:29 All right. I'll add that to my list. I'll check that out.
02:06:32 Not familiar with the name.
02:06:35 Total Kermit domination.
Speaker 2
02:06:38 Hi ho Kermit the frog here. I.
Speaker 3
02:06:40 Can never do the current voice. If I want to, it just comes out. Sometimes rebuilding can happen in two years under our watch. Exactly. Exactly. Burning infrastructure down is should be like the least of your worries in in situations like this. My thing is just make sure you're.
02:06:59 I see. I can't. I can't. Yeah.
02:07:02 Grocery store. That's all I'm going to say. Grocery store, OK?
02:07:07 Riddle of Steel, the Irish burning down their own cities is like long ago is like long ago when people battling an invasion would burn their own fields to keep the enemy from using them. That's a that's a way of looking at it. I mean, I don't know that that it it's as effective, but it's it's I mean it's not a completely.
02:07:27 Crazy metaphor there.
02:07:29 Max Demian Max Demion, also with the Big Dig money.
Speaker 4
02:07:35 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself.
Speaker 3
02:07:40 Look how Julie this *** is.
02:07:59 Honey bees survived for weeks under volcano Ash after a Canary Islands eruption for roughly 50 days. Thousands of honey bees sealed themselves in their hives away from the deadly gas and feasted on their honey. They sealed the hive off with bee glue. Propolis, as it's called.
02:08:18 And yeah, bees will survive forest fires doing the same kind of a thing. That's why they collect the honey so they can survive emergencies, including the emergency for bees. At least that happens every year called.
02:08:33 Yeah, these are survivors, although I I.
02:08:37 That one of the swarms I think I told you guys about, I picked up a swarm. It is already dead. It's already dead. They got robbed out and they absconded. So they're just going to die somewhere out in the wild. But I tried. I tried to get, you know, I gave him. I gave him a good shot. They actually drew out a A-frame of comb.
02:08:57 And I thought they were going to make it, but the robbing just never stopped the other, the other hives in the area.
02:09:02 Could sense that they they.
02:09:03 Weren't gonna make it.
Speaker 2
02:09:06 Abra comida.
Speaker 3
02:09:08 Hope more ethnic whites will start to riot and protest against their own replacements, like the Irish next step dragging.
02:09:21 Yeah. Yeah. OK. There we go.
02:09:27 OSA 567 black pills for everyone.
02:09:31 Right.
Speaker 3
02:09:32 Absolutely. Dork. Tron 510. We have plenty of good leaders out there who need to step up, but it's more important that we have enough followers ready to go. People seem to be waiting for the perfect niche movement that meets all their autistic criteria. I I I agree to a certain extent.
02:09:51 The reason why I would say you don't need the perfect leader is if you remember 2016 Trump.
02:09:58 We I mean, even I at the time I was like, well, he's kind of a ****** ***, but maybe this guy will do it. He's got the charisma, he's got the energy. And so if he if he just does like 10% of what he says he's gonna do, then this is at least a step in the right.
02:10:11 He didn't. He didn't do 10% of what he was going to do.
02:10:15 That's the problem.
02:10:17 It's not that these people can't exist. Trump has proven that these people can exist. Another example would be like if another, you know, billionaire like like, honestly.
02:10:29 Even if Elon.
02:10:29 Musk, which I'm starting to like.
02:10:31 Like I don't know. I'm not gonna say I'm. I'm I'm. Look, I'm suspicious of anyone that comes from money and he comes from money and he's he definitely has.
02:10:41 At least suspicious roots, shall we say. And there's.
02:10:46 There's a lot.
02:10:47 To not like about him, but at the same time, even if he were to or someone.
02:10:54 Like him, where it's like, ah, you know, not exactly. Not exactly our guy. But yeah, there's, like hints there's hints of our guy kind of like Trump in 2016, right. Ah, you know, he's he's he's definitely not our guy, you know. He's he's failing every pure purity test test I can think of. But you know, there's like hints of it that.
02:11:14 It's a step in the right direction, you know, that's The thing is, I don't think you need to have like some guy. I think that.
02:11:22 That the the lack of a charismatic leader is such that.
02:11:28 The people you see going through a a purity ringer, they're only going through the purity ringer because they're they're it's like.
02:11:37 Our own immune system.
02:11:39 And I don't know. I don't know what to call.
02:11:44 Like I hate the the the term dissident right or whatever people. But you know people know what you're talking about when you say that the the non the non conservative MAGA, right, right. The people to the right of those guys.
02:11:57 They I think they tend to put people through the.
02:12:00 There as an immune system response, they know that there's something up with those people, right? They know that they're not that there's something wrong with them that's that's not necessary. Like, OK, like vivic. Right. Like, it's real easy to dismiss vivid because oh, you know, he's Indian or whatever, right. But I don't that's not the only reason to dislike him.
02:12:20 It's just an easy way that the immune system can target him and get rid of him, because that's not the kind of person you'd want running the show and and, oh, by the way, I think not being white is a disqualifier. You know that that right there is is enough.
02:12:34 So maybe that's a bad example, but when I see people run purity tests against people you didn't see that going against Trump, I mean maybe, but from some people, but not enough to where he wasn't super popular. And if he had delivered on at least some of these things.
02:12:48 I would still support him today.
02:12:50 I would.
02:12:53 And I think.
02:12:53 A lot of people who don't today would.
02:12:56 But he just didn't deliver on anything.
02:13:00 Let's see here. Robert Wilson. Thanks for the stream. Black pill. Enjoyed hearing your insights on Watson and Keller.
02:13:07 Well, I appreciate that, Catherine says God bless the Irish. I I I yes, I I too hope God blesses the Irish.
02:13:16 Mr. Trolley thanks Devin for your most excellent and admirable content. Well, I appreciate that.
02:13:23 Maybe next time, says Giordano. Bruno was burned to the stake because of *******.
02:13:31 Well, I'm not sure who that is, but I'll take your word for it there.
02:13:36 Sis white male. I've recently struck up a relationship with an 18 year old Puerto Rican German girl. I'm German and English with blue eyes, and she's the only one in her family with brown eyes. She says she wants to birth me a Little League team, so I figure the recessive gene could come out eventually.
02:13:55 Uh, yeah. OK, well, good luck with that.
02:14:00 You know, it sounds like she's whitish.
02:14:03 I don't know. I've never heard of Puerto Rican German. Does she mean, you know? Tell me like a German person in Puerto Rico. Or are you talking like?
02:14:10 One of her parents is.
02:14:11 Full on Puerto Rican and one's full on German, I don't know.
02:14:16 But you know.
02:14:18 I would just, you know, be be aware, be aware of those Puerto Rican jeans, maybe study up on on what the effects that.
02:14:25 That those could have.
Speaker 3
02:14:28 Riddle of steel. I saw the Starlink satellites fly over my house and the other night it was pretty awesome and I looked into when they will pass by again. I learned about its travel around the earth and if it was flat they would just keep going off.
02:14:43 The end of the ice wall and never to be seen again. Yeah, there's so many things that you can observe with the naked eye that verify the shape of the earth, that it's insane. It's a Starlink satellites being one of those things.
02:14:56 Which they just.
02:14:57 Put up a a bunch more of those the other day.
02:15:00 Max Demian, can you address the MJ question?
02:15:05 Oh, what's the MJ question?
02:15:09 Let me look, let me see what this is. It's.
02:15:10 A link to a tweet.
02:15:17 All right, he says before they were white, the Irish were Protestants and Catholics.
02:15:22 Was corn was Cromwell white? If he was, why was he attacking the Catholics at Drogheda? Weren't they white too? Race explains absolutely nothing in Irish.
02:15:35 Well, really, what you're talking about is the the boomer question.
02:15:39 You, Michael Jones. Still, I'll tell you what. I'll take him seriously on on his take with Catholicism somehow being more important than being white when he can explain why all these Christian countries in Africa suck as much balls as every other country in Africa. And if he can, if he can explain why.
02:15:59 Japan is successful while only having a a Christian population in the single digits, and I don't know what percentage of that is is Catholic, but it's probably very small.
02:16:13 Catholicism is not a a necessary ingredient for a successful civilization and is not nearly as much of AA factor in the success of your society as racist. And I just don't think that he's willing to grapple with that because he's a boomer. He's got.
02:16:33 Despite his ability to see through a lot of propaganda, he's got blinders when it comes to race. For the same reason that a lot of people of his generation.
02:16:41 And there might also be, I think, religious reasons behind. Well, the way that he feels this way, obviously there's, you know, religious reasons. But I mean like in terms of the race stuff too.
02:16:51 I think a lot of these.
02:16:53 Lot of lot of Christians, not just Catholics. A lot of Christians.
02:16:58 They they they think that because you know the the the the line you know, we're all God's children right. That somehow that means that we're all equal.
02:17:08 And maybe we're all equal in terms of under the eyes of God and his judgment and whatever, but.
02:17:15 God made dogs too.
02:17:18 And God made gorillas.
02:17:20 And God made you know every animal. And does that mean that we want a civilization run by dogs and gorillas?
02:17:28 Of course not.
02:17:29 So just because God created ******* and negresses.
02:17:35 Does not mean that God intended me to live in a society alongside them while they are having an equal say in what happen.
02:17:46 And that's just what I would say to that. There is no fixing it either. There's this is the the boomer question that we've talked about before with some of these people, especially people like him. He's got his heels dug in. He's never gonna he's never going to.
02:17:58 Waver on this.
02:18:00 And just it's like the people that adopt black kids, you know, they're never going to waver on it or or many of them aren't actually know someone who has.
02:18:11 He does a.
02:18:11 Lot of of aid work in Africa and I think it's just part of this is an emotional.
02:18:16 Thing for him too.
02:18:19 Mr. Charlie PS you only have so much life force in you. I can gesture or I can gesture.
02:18:26 I conjecture that the that possible wait. Hold on.
02:18:31 You were to this weird. I think you mean I conject that possibly all these $1.00 chats are ADL Mossad agents trying to steal your life force for one shekel Jewish plot. I don't know. You tell me.
02:18:45 Yeah, I mean.
02:18:46 Look at least it's not the fake library money that was literally worth nothing and is absolutely worth nothing now.
02:18:56 So you know it is what it is. People give what they can and if they're being cheap.
02:19:00 They know it. Deep down, they know it.
02:19:03 If they're being Jews, deep down, they know it, and that's punishment enough. Marada. I don't have anything to say. Well, alright, marada. Well, I appreciate you supporting the show all the same. See, there's and there's people like Maratta. Who? They, they, they they don't. They're not trying to tax my brain. They're just they're just.
02:19:23 Buy me a beer, which is which?
02:19:25 Is awesome. So.
02:19:26 Alright guys. Well with that, it looks like we've got everything wrapped up here. I know it's another one of the.
02:19:33 Short ones, it's the.
02:19:34 Holidays. It's the.
02:19:35 Holidays. What are you going to do? It's the holidays and I I don't. I don't have as much time to.
02:19:43 Go balls the wall with a bunch of stuff and and look, I don't like talking about the same **** that everyone else is talking about all the time, and sometimes it's nice to.
02:19:50 Take a little detour into.
02:19:53 Weird guys that build forts in the in the forest. Anyway, 01 last one that we're going to close.
02:20:00 Out of here? Reginald. Colette.
02:20:03 Could you create a create playlists on your channel?
02:20:10 I I guess I mean I I don't know that there's a whole lot of themes. I guess it would make sense for like Pat, Con and stuff like that. I could probably do that. I'll look into doing that one more thing before I take off here.
02:20:26 Tomorrow I will be the the last black. It's already cut of over Freddy's guide to culture. What's it called? The I forget the, but the Film Festival thing that he was doing, I was supposed to be in there and I I'd never got back to him because I just got busy with a bunch of stuff.
02:20:44 And I was out of town and stuff like that.
02:20:46 But he's being gracious enough to have me on the stream tomorrow at noon Pacific Time. So noon Pacific Time. I'll put the links out on Twitter, Gab and Telegram. When that takes place. If you guys forget.
02:21:00 But noon Pacific Time. I'll be on the guide to culture channel on Odyssey and probably some other places, I don't know, but you could check out his telegram or probably his Twitter and he would. And I, well, I I put it on telegram. The link that he put out and I think there might be some other platforms, but definitely on Odyssey.
02:21:17 I'll be there at noon Pacific Time and we're going to be going over the the movie that was actually mentioned in the pet con series talk radio.
02:21:26 That was it's loosely based on a Jewish talk radio show host should be very interesting, so I'll see you guys there tomorrow at noon in the meantime.
02:21:38 For Black pilled, I am of course.
Speaker 2
02:21:42 Devil sag.
Speaker 15
02:21:46 In Australia, a bullying victim has become an Internet hero after he turned the tables on his tormentor. Take a look, he was all caught on tape on Monday. Casey Haynes, the bigger boy on the.
02:21:55 Right.
02:21:56 Is seen being punched several times.
02:21:57 By a smaller boy I suddenly though.
02:21:59 Casey then just.
02:22:00 Body slams the other boy and sending the other boys wow. Sending the other boy scampering off. The video's gone.
02:22:06 Carol and a Facebook page supporting Casey has more than 45,000 fans.
Speaker 5
02:22:14 I think you need it back off.