00:00:00 This is for you.Speaker 5
00:01:15 Morning, Mr. Farago. Your mission should you decide to accept it, is to discover why this device makes so many people happy. It's been spotted across the country in areas where people are having a good time. It's called the cube. The cube grew.Speaker 2
00:01:58 Jesus and principality the game.00:02:10 When you come back, him look up please.
Speaker 6
00:02:15 Stop tripping. My God is gaining white doors and steady slipping. Look around.00:02:21 The church is dying. Step off point. There ain't no point trying to make your case. I'm in your face with the news that you're cool's about to be this straight. We're bold, cold about to put you on hold like a $20 suit. We're gonna watch it full.
Speaker 2
00:02:52 Now listen through the heavens and through the he returns to claim his people rise up and raise your hand.00:03:12 With the word.
Speaker 6
00:03:16 Get a grip. I'm dropping science on the revelation tip. It's a fairy tale. A bedtime story. There won't be no Armageddon because we're going to fill the void from your so-called King. And the posse brain won't be no thing but a chicken wing. Yeah, we'll have the Lord and take that charge. Gonna **** you like a car and your momma.Speaker 3
00:03:35 Good luck.Speaker 7
00:04:53 Jesus Christ as.Speaker
00:08:09 The key of my heart.00:08:18 Let us.
00:08:50 Where we.
Speaker 8
00:09:31 In the world.Devon Stack
00:10:17 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:10:21 Holy War edition.
00:10:25 I'm your host, of course. Devin stack.
00:10:29 Y'all ready to.
00:10:30 Die for Israel?
00:10:32 Lots of people are getting ready.
00:10:36 Ohh it's starting to look like it. Yeah, it's funny. I was talking to my mom and she was she was just. Yeah, she knows. I I keep up with this stuff.
00:10:44 And she's like, oh.
00:10:46 You think it's going to happen? You think you think World War Three is going?
00:10:50 To kind of like, I don't know.
00:10:51 We got kind of an issue here. We got the intersection of three different religions, end times, prophecies all at the same time with some very radical people in charge. And all, you know, all across the.
00:11:04 Board. So it really depends on how neurotic and psycho the the different leaders are. And I I'm sorry, but we're kind of in a a place in history where there's a lot of neurotic psychos in.
00:11:17 Charge of things.
00:11:18 So I I really can't. You know, I'm, I'm not optimistic. I'm not super optimistic.
00:11:27 Yeah. And especially after today, it seems like it's getting ratcheted up.
00:11:32 Little by little, right, the religious talk is starting to enter the conversation a little more explicitly from world leaders. People that are are supposedly secular leaders.
00:11:45 People that don't seem to give a **** about religion when it comes to.
00:11:48 Not dying for Israel?
00:11:50 People who don't seem to care anything at all about religion when it comes to, you know, like abortion, things like that. You know, these people are always very secular, right? They're all. They always say things like, well, my personal belief is you shouldn't murder babies, but it would be.
00:12:03 Wrong for me.
00:12:04 Me to impose my religious beliefs on others. That's not my job. That's not my job as a senator or as a president or a that's what you've heard your whole life, right?
Speaker 8
00:12:16 Oh I I.Devon Stack
00:12:16 Myself, I might be a practicing Catholic and I might find this kind of behaviour to be bad. You know, I personally think marriage should be between a man.00:12:25 And a woman.
00:12:26 I cannot use my religious beliefs to impose this on the on the public. That would just be wrong.
00:12:32 Right. That's what you hear from people like Joe Biden. That's what you hear from people. Republicans too. My whole life, I've been hearing that, and I've wondered. I've wondered, like, how do you have all these, you know, Catholics like Joe Biden, like Nancy Pelosi, or Mormons for that, you know, for like Harry Reid, for example.
00:12:52 Or or just right in the milk Christians.
00:12:55 Generic Jesus, as I call them, running about in Washington, DC, supporting these policies that are, are against their professed religion and never made any sense.
00:13:06 For me, in fact, I often wondered like, why doesn't you know in the case of the Catholics? For example, why wouldn't the Pope step in and say, look, you're excommunicated if you support gay marriage or or abortion or these things that are essentially the acts of of Satan? Like, if you're, if you're more interested in representing.
00:13:27 Satan. Then you are God. Then maybe there's a problem, right? And. And. And they always the same excuse every time. Well, look, you know, listen, I and I, you know, I personally believe it, but I can't do it. Well, that's weird, right? It's weird because now all of a sudden.
00:13:42 Now all of a sudden their religious beliefs are coming into play in a big ******* way, right? Big ******* way. Now, of course you would expect this from someone like Netanyahu, who took it to a religious level just very recently. I guess this was earlier today.
Speaker 10
00:14:03 Our war against Hamas is a test for all of humanity. It is a struggle between the axis of evil of Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, and the axis of freedom and.Speaker 11
00:14:13 I must.Speaker 10
00:14:14 Progress. We are the people of the light. They are the people of darkness and light shall triumph over darkness.Speaker 11
00:14:17 And that's with the horse.Speaker 10
00:14:23 Citizens of Israel, October 7th was a very dark and black day in our history. We will fully investigate what had happened at our southern border, the border with Gaza.Speaker 11
00:14:33 But there's.00:14:36 Limits the.
Speaker 10
00:14:37 Everybody will have to provide answers, myself included, but all that will happen only after the war as a Prime Minister, I'm responsible for guaranteeing the future of this country, and now my role is to lead all Israelis, the State of Israel and the people of Israel to an overpowering.Speaker 11
00:14:41 Tell me some more.00:14:54 It is mine, are set to Mr. Kadima.
Speaker 10
00:14:57 Victory. It is now a time to come together for one purpose, to storm ahead, to achieve Vick.Speaker 11
00:15:02 The bottom center field.Speaker 10
00:15:04 3IN joined with joined forces and the profound belief in our justness, A profound belief in the eternity of the Jewish people, we shall.00:15:13 Realize the prophecy of Isaiah. There will no longer be stealing at your borders and your gates will be of glory. Together we will fight.
00:15:27 Together we will win.
Devon Stack
00:15:30 Ah, realize the prophecy of Isaiah. What is he talking about exactly?00:15:36 What is he talking about exactly? Well, maybe he's talking about this, right? Maybe.
00:15:42 Is one of God's promises right?
00:15:45 This is why you got a lot of Christians in America and throughout the West. They think that they need to support Israel, right?
00:15:53 Consider the rebirth of the Nation of Israel. Every major prophet in the Old Testament prophecies that God would bring the Jewish people out of their gentile graves, which were the nations into which the Jewish people had been dispersed following the conquests.
00:16:12 By May 14th, 1948, when the United Nations officially recognized the State of Israel, over 800,000 Jews had fulfilled the prophecies of the in gathering. Currently out of the 14.3 million Jewish people in the world, 43% of them reside in Israel.
00:16:32 As of this writing, that equates to more than 6.4 million Jews. They love that number, right?
00:16:38 Only God could have foreseen this miraculous in gathering and the rebirth over 200 or 2500 years ago, before it even began, and only God had the power to make it happen.
00:16:54 But you're like, OK, but that's just some crazy Christian guy, right? Like, that's, that's not our world leaders that that that's that's that's that's not they can't possible they I mean it's not that they can't right.
00:17:08 Well, I don't know. I don't know. Maybe, maybe, maybe they can. I mean, you're right. It is this crazy preacher guy, right?
Speaker 12
00:17:17 There is a God, and that God is a creator, and that God in Genesis one and one creed, the heavens and the earth. Since he created the heavens and the Earth, he is honor and as honor he has rights and he as owner has given to the Jewish people the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.00:17:39 There a covenant with them that they should own this land forever. That covenant is recorded in the Bible more than 20 times and it remains their property to this day. That covenant with God has never been broken.
00:17:59 And it still stands. The people who are saying the land does not belong to Israel do not believe in the God of heaven, and they do not believe the Bible as the.
00:18:11 Word of God.
00:18:12 God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
00:18:16 A written contract in Covenant in the Word of God many times for those who are slow to get the message that this land belongs to the seed of Abraham forever and forever. End of story.
Devon Stack
00:18:34 OK. But yeah, again, it's just like it's just like that crazy preacher guy right there. There's, you know, maybe some Christians in the South that listen to this guy, I mean.00:18:42 I mean, our world leaders couldn't possibly go along with this. Think that there's some kind of divine thing going on, right? I mean, right?
Speaker 12
00:18:50 One state solution, Israel today, Israel. Tomorrow Israel forever.00:19:04 We should sink any Iranian naval boats that threaten international shipping.
Devon Stack
00:19:11 Well, hold on. What?00:19:13 Why don't we get we? Here we go. Alright. Well again, this is. This is the crazy preacher guy. I don't. I don't have to worry about what he says. He's just some guy you know. It's just he doesn't really. I mean, it looks like there's a big crowd there. Maybe there's some community around this. I mean, I don't know. But like. Yeah, it's certainly not world leaders.
Speaker 12
00:19:30 If you don't really fully understand what I've just said, let me say it to you in plain Texas speech, America should roll up its sleeve and knock the living daylights out of Tehran for what they have done to Israel.Speaker 7
00:19:44 Again, it's just it's just some guy.Devon Stack
00:19:47 Right there, having your I mean. Ohh real easy. If you're gonna just cherry pick these clips of these crazy Boomer Zionists, you know, cheering on World War Three. I mean, that's that's just crazy. It's not not a big deal.00:20:04 It's not a big deal.
Speaker 12
00:20:09 And there is coming a day, according to Matthew 25, when God is going to clean the clock of every anti-Semitic nation.Devon Stack
00:20:21 And it's not like he's in charge.00:20:22 Of the military.
Speaker 12
00:20:24 Israel is America's only true friend in the Middle East. Israel is the apple of God's eye. Israel is unique to God. First chronicles 17, says for you God Almighty have made your people Israel. Your very own people forever listen to that word.00:20:46 You, Lord, have made your people Israel yours forever. Forever means right now. It means a million years from now. God does not break covenant, and he certainly has not broken covenant with Israel. Consider the distinct features of Israel.
00:21:06 In the Bible, in Exodus 19, God makes these promises to.
00:21:10 Israel God tells Moses to inform the Jewish people. You shall be a Kingdom, a priest and a holy nation. There is no other nation to whom God has ever made those words. The Jewish people are chosen. They are cherished. They're the apple of God's eye. They are people of covenant, and God has never broken that covenant.
00:21:30 Of the Jewish people. Never.
Devon Stack
00:21:36 Hooray for a group that's not US, hurray.00:21:39 For God's favorite people.
Speaker 12
00:21:39 What you do to Israel, America God will do to us the day we stop blessing Israel will be the day God stops blessing the United States of America.Devon Stack
00:21:53 OK. But again, he's just some guy.Speaker 12
00:21:56 The Bible records I God have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be.Devon Stack
00:22:01 Do you like? He's got his Israeli flags on his lower third?00:22:07 But again, there's nothing to worry about this.
00:22:09 Is just some kook.
Speaker 12
00:22:10 Be there forever, Team David says in Psalms 132, the Lord has chosen Zion. He has desired it for his habitation, simple ways. God lives in Jerusalem.00:22:24 Habitation. He lives there.
00:22:27 When Messiah comes, he's not coming to Washington.
00:22:32 He's not coming to Berlin. He's not coming to the United Nations, he's going straight to the city of Jerusalem, put his foot on the Mount of Olives and establish the Eternal Kingdom of peace.
Devon Stack
00:22:49 OK. But again, I mean, it's not like it's not like senators believe that, right, right, right.Speaker 13
00:22:57 We we talked to members of Congress about Israel and the US relationship, right?Speaker 11
00:23:02 OK.Speaker 14
00:23:05 The US has an intrinsic interest in making sure it is real. Not only receives our best prayers and offers of success, but our armaments, our money, and our ability to make sure that in a very dangerous reason, this democracy.Speaker 13
00:23:23 Survives. There are some biblical prophecies that say that control of Jerusalem by the Jews is important for the second coming.Speaker 14
00:23:31 Of Christ, this entire matter is based upon faith.00:23:39 Of our maker of our creator. But it's also faith of a chosen people.
Devon Stack
00:23:46 OK, so they found one senator right here. Here's Lauren bobert. She's based, right. She's based in red pilled. I mean, surely, surely she won't believe in this. Right?Speaker 15
00:23:58 Why the Democrats?00:24:00 Using our law courts and officers and political ponds, the Democrats who have been campaigning to defund our law enforcement as their people, BLM and Antifa, riot and loot in the streets. How?
00:24:13 Would you like to see?
00:24:14 The capital police, which in there?
Speaker 13
00:24:15 There's a new government in Israel.00:24:16 Can you talk a little?
00:24:17 Bit about the importance of the.
00:24:18 US relationship with Israel.
Speaker 16
00:24:19 There have been 2.00:24:21 Nations created to glorify God, Israel and the United States of America. I will bless both. I will honor both. I will do.
Speaker 15
00:24:29 All I can to stand and defend them.Devon Stack
00:24:36 Well, that's that's disappointing, I guess, uh, but I'm sure it was just like an anomaly, right? Like just a couple of senators. It can't. Can't really be the prevailing feeling.00:24:50 Senators in Washington, right?
Speaker 13
00:24:52 Thank you. Carefully take care.Speaker 17
00:25:03 Quick second, sure man.Speaker 13
00:25:05 Do you think there's a role of of religious extremism here in the US, funding and shaping the the conflict? I mean, there are a lot of folks who are part of the evangelical movement that.Speaker 17
00:25:16 Want to support Israel?Speaker 13
00:25:17 Support Israel and we don't really kind of see that that same kind of constituent group pushing the other.Speaker 17
00:25:22 Way, yeah, I wouldn't label the Baptist or the evangelical community is extreme because I believe feel like they're following the scripture and what the scripture says about Israel. Those who bless Israel will be blessed. I mean, and they take it.00:25:35 General and I'm one of those people.
Speaker 13
00:25:37 You know, there's some Christian Zionists that do believe in some of these biblical prophecies and they're very controversial within even within the Christian Zionist evangelical community. Yeah. And believing in Armageddon that.Speaker 17
00:25:45 On what the interpretation is.Speaker 13
00:25:48 There will be a final.00:25:49 Battle around Jerusalem and that after.
00:25:52 That battle, you know?
00:25:54 There's a judgment day Jews will be killed or converted.
00:25:58 Jesus will come.
00:25:58 Back there's going to be a rapture event. What do you think about those?
Speaker 17
00:26:02 Kind of prophecies. I'm like Jesus will come back and I'm and I'm gonna be.00:26:06 On his side.
Devon Stack
00:26:12 Well, ****.00:26:18 OK, well.
00:26:22 Well, that's not good.
00:26:24 Right. Well, you know, I don't know. They they just they just got a new speaker of the house, right. Finally they got a new speaker of the.
00:26:32 Else you know, maybe things are are changing. You know that. You know we we got the they got rid of the you know the old the old establishment guy and they they're they're bringing this some new guy in and you know and and he just.
00:26:47 Got he. Just got, you know, this is Mike Johnson, the new speaker of the house.
00:26:52 And this is his first order of business now that he's in charge now, I'm sure that that he's gonna put America first.
00:27:00 And you know, as soon as he gets uh gets into his his his, you know, he's just the elect now once they swear him in or whatever you know he'll he'll get right on into the business of of making America great again right.
Speaker 18
00:27:13 Extraordinary crisis right now and the world needs us to be strong. They need us to remember our creed and our admonition.00:27:20 Turmoil and violence have rocked the Middle East and Eastern Europe. We all know it and tensions continue to build in the Indo.
00:27:25 Pacific the country demands strong leadership of this body and we must not waver.
00:27:32 Our, our, our nation's greatest ally in the Middle East is under attack. The first bill that I'm going to bring to this floor in just a little while.
00:27:41 We'll be in support of our dear, dear friend Israel and we're overdue.
00:27:44 And getting that done.
00:27:56 We're going to show not only Israel, but the entire world that the barbarism of Hamas, that we have all seen play out on our television screens, screens is wretched and wrong, and we're going to stand for the good in that conflict.
Devon Stack
00:28:12 Oh, so the first thing he did was.00:28:18 Pledge his support for Israel.
00:28:22 And I don't know if you noticed, but not a lot of people.
00:28:24 Sitting down, right?
00:28:27 Both sides of the aisle, they seem to be standing up and cheering.
00:28:33 In a in a town where people can't seem to agree on much, this seems to be uh.
Speaker 12
00:28:38 Pretty universal.Devon Stack
00:28:42 Well, this doesn't make me uh.00:28:46 Feel too excited about.
00:28:49 What's going on right now?
00:28:54 Oh well, you know, I guess.
00:28:57 Well, what? What kind of guy is Michael Johnson? Maybe, you know, maybe he, maybe he's. He's still kind of cool. I don't know.
Speaker 18
00:29:05 And I've thought often through all these ordeals over the last couple of weeks about the difference in the experiences between my 214 year old sons, Michael being a black American and Jack being white Caucasian, they have different challenges. My son Jack has an easier path. He just does. They're the interesting thing about.Speaker 2
00:29:15 What the ****?Speaker 18
00:29:25 Both of these kids, Michael and Jack, as they're both handsome, articulate, really talented.00:29:30 Kids gifted by God to do lots of things, but the reality is, and no one.
00:29:35 Can tell me?
00:29:35 Otherwise, my son Michael had a harder time than my son. Jack is going to have simply because of the color of his skin. And that's a reality. It's an uncomfortable, painful one to acknowledge, but people have to.
00:29:44 Recognize that's the.
00:29:45 Fact, what do we do about that?
00:29:48 I think that we need, we really do need systematic change. I think we need transformative solutions. I think we we're at a moment where we.
00:29:55 Can begin to.
00:29:57 Do more to form that more perfect.
00:29:58 Union, as it says in the first line of the Constitution.
Devon Stack
00:30:02 Ah alright, so this this Israeli shill.00:30:06 Who has a black son?
00:30:10 Who believed in the the George Floyd?
00:30:17 Was real quick to tweet about that.
00:30:22 He's the new speaker of the House. That's.
00:30:24 That's that's great. I guess that's good.
00:30:29 And Ohh who who is his number one donor?
00:30:37 The American.
00:30:39 Israeli public I don't know some some, some nonprofit.
00:30:43 Some Israeli nonprofit was his number one donor.
00:30:48 *** ** * *****. *** ** * *****.
00:30:52 Not looking good guys, not looking good.
00:30:56 And look, it's not just him, you know, both sides of the.
00:30:59 Aisle were applauding.
00:31:01 They they, they're not all religiously motivated, but they're certainly all motivated.
Speaker 20
00:31:17 Please welcome Senate Democratic leader.Speaker 19
00:31:19 The Senate Republican leader.Speaker 3
00:31:21 Please welcome Speaker of the US House of Representatives.Speaker 15
00:31:25 Please welcome Secretary of State.Speaker 14
00:31:27 I'm honored to introduce the vice.Speaker 3
00:31:29 President of the United States.Speaker 21
00:31:31 Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.Speaker 15
00:31:34 Please welcome.Devon Stack
00:31:35 Back to the apex stage.Speaker 15
00:31:37 The Prime Minister of Israel.Speaker 11
00:31:39 For paying one, Israel found itself in a unique land.00:31:44 The alliance between Israel and the United States of America.
Speaker 14
00:31:48 In the United States, our support for Israel is bipartisan, and that is how.Speaker 3
00:31:53 It should stay our strategic.Speaker 21
00:31:55 Ally our unbreakable friendship. America is safer when we stand with Israel.00:32:00 Because if we care about American security, you must care about.
00:32:06 Israel secured.Speaker 10
00:32:13 The mayor.Speaker 21
00:32:14 Israel than ever before.Speaker 1
00:32:15 Meet you more today.Speaker 2
00:32:17 May God bless Israel. Thank you.Speaker 21
00:32:19 And May God bless the United States of America.Devon Stack
00:32:29 Alrighty then.00:32:32 So now that you have kind of a little bit of insight into where your ruling class, where their heads at and.
00:32:39 Where their hearts at?
00:32:41 Where their soul is.
00:32:45 One can imagine where things might be going.
00:32:50 You know, this is the sort of thing that it doesn't matter. You know, people get excited about polls, you know, polling data that shows that even some Republicans are a little skeptical of this support for Israel, this unceasing, unending support for Israel.
00:33:08 And Democrats, obviously they, they, they they supported even less maybe for different reasons.
00:33:16 But it doesn't matter which side.
00:33:17 Of the aisle you're on.
00:33:19 When has it ever mattered what you wanted?
00:33:23 When has it ever mattered?
00:33:25 What you wanted to get done in Washington?
00:33:31 I can't imagine a moment in in history, at least during my lifetime.
00:33:38 When politicians were sent to Washington with a mandate that they ever followed through on, unless that mandate was something that was for Israel.
00:33:51 You live in a vassal state.
00:33:59 Your politicians and look. And it's not just the politicians, it's the major corporations, it's.
00:34:05 I mean, who do you think Google goes to when they they need a loan?
00:34:15 The West is owned by.
00:34:19 A small group of people called the Jews. This is why it's important to talk about.
00:34:26 People, especially lately, right? I've had a lot of Christian Zionists, especially that maybe started following me when I was talking about Drag Queen story or whatever freaking out at me. Or maybe they're bots or or, you know, who knows right knows and how many of.
00:34:41 These people are actually real.
00:34:45 Saying ohh all you do is you.
00:34:46 Talk about the Jews, Jews.
00:34:48 Jews, Jews. How come you've been talking about the Jews so much? Well, it's kind of important, right? If you're gonna talk about politics, you can't leave.
00:34:53 Out the people who are in control of it.
00:35:00 And they are in control of it.
00:35:13 Some of it's because of money that they give some of it's because of the religious brainwashing that many of the members of Congress.
00:35:23 And others have undergone throughout their life.
00:35:28 Being told over and over and over again that, oh, you know, God blesses those who who bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel. It's weird. It's a weird imagine that that your, your the leaders of your country have a religious belief that involves supporting a foreign nation. Well, you don't have to imagine that's what's going on.
00:35:51 That is, that is the reality of the United States.
00:35:55 Maybe to a lesser degree, the countries in Europe, I think the United States is extra bad when it comes to this sort of thing. But I mean, we're the one, I mean we live here, I live here.
00:36:04 That's why and and.
00:36:06 The ones that have all the guns.
00:36:08 We have all the all the weapons of war.
00:36:13 For lack of a better term, we are the the, the Jews, Gollum.
00:36:24 We are the military wing.
00:36:28 Of world jewry.
00:36:34 And it it it's it's never been clearer.
00:36:38 There were times it should have been just as clear.
00:36:43 There were moments in history where it should.
00:36:45 Have been just as clear.
00:36:48 Thankfully, we have platforms now. We have the Internet, we have a way of actually communicating this to more people than we did back then.
00:37:01 So when to answer my mom's question, you know how you feeling, Devin? About the World War three happening.
00:37:09 It's not looking good, mom.
00:37:15 It's not looking good.
00:37:19 You know, they're starting to explicitly talk about going to war with Iran.
00:37:25 And that's that's the that's when that's when things will like. If you want to know.
00:37:31 When it's officially World War Three, I would say.
00:37:35 That's. I mean, that's about as close as we're going to get.
00:37:39 To a red line.
00:37:44 And this is the kind of rhetoric that's coming out of both.
00:37:46 Sides of the aisle right now.
Speaker 21
00:37:49 Although these attacks are mostly by proxies, by the booties by Hezbollah, by militias in Iran, excuse me in Iraq and Syria, Iran is who is behind all of this. Iran funded, supplied, trained the fighters of Hamas and is behind these other.00:38:06 Proxies that are in the north of Israel in the South of Lebanon, in Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula in Iraq. So we need to be striking back and we need to be prepared for the very real prospect that this will get harder before.
00:38:21 It's easier. Every leader we met with in Israel expressed gratitude for the visits of Secretary Austin, Secretary Blinken and President Biden, and in particular, that we have two carrier strike groups now immediately in the region, they have 80 jet fighters each. We've prepared for mobilizing thousands of troops if necessary.
Speaker 22
00:38:41 We obviously need to be as, as Israel needs to be strategic about this Brett, but not respond.00:38:47 Thing is, is not an option either. I mean you have the the, the animating force behind the evil in that region is Iran. They are all these entities. These terrorist organizations are Iranian proxies and Iran needs to understand that they cannot continue to, you know, engage with.
00:39:08 And support these terrorist activities in the region and particularly now with their attacks on American troops. That is a whole new level of escalation and and there the message is going to have to be sent. I mean, I I don't think you can. We can't afford not to act. Not acting is in my view is even worse long term for that region and for the world.
Devon Stack
00:39:30 So we got people.00:39:32 On Fox News, advocating outright for a war with Iran.
00:39:40 You've got members of Congress who believe this is some kind of holy war, that they're going to, you know, and and the ****** ** thing is, a lot of these guys that believe in this stuff that they believe in the Israel is the, you know, God's favor.
00:39:55 Desert in the world for some reason and and the Jews get to keep it for a million years and and whatever, right. And we we better die for it or or God will curse us, that sort of thing.
00:40:07 These are the same people. The reason why they don't have the same kind of anxiety.
00:40:13 That others might.
00:40:14 Have about going to war with Iran.
00:40:18 Is once you know it, they believe in this little convenient thing.
00:40:21 Called the rapture.
00:40:24 What? The rapture. What's that? Well.
00:40:26 Some of you guys.
00:40:26 Know. But for those of you who don't know, the rapture is is the the magical don't worry about Armageddon because you're not going to be around get out of.
00:40:35 Jail free card.
00:40:39 See what they think is they'll not. They won't have to sit through the horrors.
00:40:44 Of World War 3.
00:40:46 Because to them that will be Armageddon, Armageddon, the the the war to end all wars, the war that will bring in the Antichrist and Jesus and all this fun stuff all the end time stuff in their in their worldview.
00:41:03 And they won't have to sit through it.
00:41:06 Because what God's going to do?
00:41:08 Before things get really bad is he's going to beam them up like in Star Trek.
00:41:16 He's going.
00:41:16 To beam them up into heaven.
00:41:19 And they can just watch it on TV in heaven.
00:41:24 So if you think for a second that these people are going to have to have a little bit of caution.
00:41:31 Mixed in with their thinking. You're wrong.
00:41:36 Because in fact, if anything, the the worse they can make it, the better the chances are that God's going to be mom up back to heaven.
00:41:48 The closer they can make it things to Armageddon.
00:41:52 The easier it is for them.
00:41:55 They don't think they're going to have to see any kind of of of.
00:42:02 You know, certainly not any kind of of battles up front and personal or up close and personal.
00:42:10 They're not going to have to.
00:42:13 See any kind of you know famines or or economic problems as a result of overextending the United States military to a degree that causes a a worldwide conflict with superpowers that are not a bunch of goat herders who, by the way, beat us in Afghanistan.
00:42:33 Pinning us up against countries that have actual militaries and actual air forces and supersonic missiles and and you know.
00:42:41 They don't care.
00:42:43 They don't care because as soon as the bombs start flying.
00:42:47 They get beamed up back to heaven.
00:42:53 In fact, you won't because you're not supporting Israel.
00:43:02 They'll have this, this little sense of superiority about them as they March us straight to the gates of hell.
00:43:14 And unfortunately, that's just the reality of the situation right now.
Speaker 20
00:43:24 And the line should be. Everybody should understand make it very clear to Iran. We know they've got their hands on Hezbollah and Hamas as well, and they need to understand if Hezbollah enters this fight, you are culpable and we are going to come after you. But blinking and blinking comments were very good. But the wrong person issued the comments.00:43:44 Yeah, those need to come from the White House. Those need to come.
00:43:47 From the president.
00:43:47 Of the United States, the commander in chief.
00:43:48 Yeah, you're right that that.Speaker 15
00:43:49 Is spot on.Speaker 20
00:43:51 Do you think we?Speaker 4
00:43:52 Could go to war with Iran.Speaker 20
00:43:56 Well, I don't think it would be the answer is yes, we should be able to do it and they should believe that because they should fear us and they should respect us, not just say, well, we really don't believe they're going to do it. We have enough combat capability in the matter of trying to do something in Iran. And the Supreme Leader community needs to understand, if you come after us.00:44:15 We're going to come after you. Look, Maria, over 30 Americans have been killed and 12 were hostages.
Speaker 15
00:44:17 Well, they're coming, I mean.Speaker
00:44:19 There's a lot of attacks.Speaker 20
00:44:21 Have been a lot of.00:44:22 Attacks on U.S. troops.
Speaker 4
00:44:23 In the last seven days we've been attacked 9 times by Iran and their proxies and.00:44:27 Surrogates. Right now, the only response to this is not to block. A punch is to return one. And until we do, we're going to continue to be the victim in this. And you're absolutely right. It will not stop unless we.
00:44:37 Stop it.
Speaker 3
00:44:38 That this is a direct attack on the United States. You kill our boys, you kill our boys and women and so forth. You kill our Armed Services. This, this armed forces. That's a direct attack.Speaker 4
00:44:50 Unfortunately, this has got to be stopped. I don't know what it's gonna take to do it. I hope it's not the death of an American civilian or service member, but that's where we're headed.Devon Stack
00:45:00 What will it be?Speaker 14
00:45:02 I wonder.Devon Stack
00:45:05 What will it be?00:45:11 Another 911 another Pearl Harbor.
00:45:14 I mean, Israel, just according to Biden, had 15.
00:45:17 9 elevens but I don't think that's going.
00:45:18 To be enough.
00:45:22 As I said, I think that the the the public is not. They're not backing this up. And but here's the issue.
00:45:30 Here's the issue.
00:45:34 9/11 worked.
00:45:38 If you asked 100 different Americans what it meant to be American American back in 2000.
00:45:45 Not that long ago, but it seems like.
00:45:47 Forever, doesn't it?
00:45:50 You would get similar answers. You might get a little variation, but you'd get at least.
00:45:55 A theme going right.
00:45:58 There be a common theme.
00:46:04 If you asked 100 Americans, quote UN quote Americans.
00:46:08 What does that even mean now, right?
00:46:10 Well, they wouldn't be able to tell you.
00:46:15 I wouldn't even be able.
00:46:15 To tell you if if you went, if I was one of those hundred people that you went and polled and said, what does it mean to?
00:46:20 Be an American.
00:46:21 I would just be like, I don't know someone who lives in America, apparently. And like that, that's about it.
00:46:29 That's about it.
00:46:38 And I've said this before, it's it's like we're all just basically people who live in the same apartment complex.
00:46:45 No, no one has apartment complex pride.
00:46:49 Right, no. If the apartment complex is is under attack, people just move away.
00:46:56 They don't. They don't sit out and and and defend the apartment complex.
00:47:07 And that's what America has become. It's it's become this overpriced apartment complex brought.
00:47:11 To you by Black Rock.
00:47:18 Now, especially and that's that's that's defending the apartment complex. And now imagine some other apartment complex that's owned by the same same corporation has a prop.
00:47:28 Problem. And they're like, hey, you know what? We're going to need the residents who live in this apartment complex, we're going to.
00:47:36 Need some of.
00:47:36 You to die.
00:47:38 Because this other apartment complex on the other side of town, it's in this bad neighborhood. You know, we were kicking people out of their their their government housing to build this apartment complex. And they didn't like.
00:47:50 Being Regents refiled or whatever, so that what they've been doing is they've been breaking into the apartments at this other apartment complex and stealing ****. And, you know, ****** people and stuff. So what we're going to need you to do.
00:48:02 Two is take some days off work and go down to this other apartment complex on the other side of town.
00:48:09 Bring bring some guns. I mean, cause you might die. You'd probably die.
00:48:13 And stand guard and and in fact, maybe even invade this, this ghetto neighborhood.
00:48:21 And protect this other apartment complex that's just owned by the same company. But it really has nothing to do with you.
00:48:29 That sounds insane.
00:48:31 And I'm sorry, that's exactly how it sounds to people who aren't brainwashed to think that that other apartment complex is God's apartment complex.
00:48:40 Like that's how stupid you have to be. Unfortunately, in America right now, and there's enough of people that were that, some of those people will go to God's apartment complex. Well, of course.
00:48:50 That's God's chosen apartment complex. I can't believe they're desecrating God's apartment complex.
00:49:00 You're damn right I'm gonna. I'm gonna quit my job, and I'm gonna go across town to the God's apartment complex, where God's special people live.
00:49:11 **** my family and my apartment complex. I'm.
00:49:13 Gonna go over there.
00:49:15 Guns blazing.
00:49:20 Because it's finally OK to be racist against that ghetto neighborhood next to God's apartment complex.
00:49:29 But the tough sell now, isn't it?
00:49:33 Sure, there's the lunatics like that. But it's.
00:49:35 A tough sale now nowadays.
00:49:38 So what's it going to take?
00:49:40 What's it going to take?
00:49:43 How bad would you have to **** *** residents of an apartment complex?
00:49:47 For them to do that.
00:49:49 The ones that aren't delusional.
00:49:53 It had to be something pretty extreme.
00:49:58 And even then, I.
00:49:59 Don't think you'd have a great turnout.
00:50:05 But don't think those wheels aren't turning.
00:50:09 Just because you and I know that.
00:50:11 This is probably.
00:50:12 Not something that would work as easily as it did in in the case of 911 and other false flag situations.
00:50:24 Don't think they won't do it? I mean, what other tools do they have?
00:50:38 When every problem.
00:50:40 Or when when your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. That's exactly what they're going to do.
00:50:50 Now, maybe that'll be a oh, look, Iran shot one of its hypersonic missiles into one of these uh naval ships that have been making their way to the Middle East.
00:51:06 We've got to attack Iran and you know what? We also got to go after Russia because Iran wouldn't have that technology if it hadn't been.
00:51:13 For Russia helping them.
00:51:15 Iran, they they like to talk about Iran's proxies, right?
00:51:19 Well, Iran's just a everything's a proxy, right like.
00:51:24 Iran is just a proxy of Russia.
00:51:33 So even if miraculously.
00:51:37 We were to defeat Iran in some kind of conflict. Don't think that that it would end there.
00:51:43 Played that clip of the unhinged Likud party guy a couple strings back where he and he explicitly said exactly that.
00:51:52 As soon as we're done with Iran, we're coming after you, Russia.
00:52:03 Now, Colonel Douglas MacGregor, you've probably seen clips of him throughout the last couple of years he's commented on.
00:52:11 The Ukraine situation and and just all things military and and in terms of how it.
00:52:20 It relates to geopolitics interviewed by Tucker.
00:52:29 And he points out the obvious.
Speaker 23
00:52:33 Power, while substantial, may not have the desired impact on the ground that we would like, and then finally, we have no real army anymore. The army is down to perhaps what 450,000 how much of that is ready to fight is open to debate. Much of it is sitting in Eastern Europe right now. We we don't have the means to rapidly.00:52:55 Ship a large force of 80 to 100,000 troops on the ground into the region.
00:53:00 Which means that we're reliant on special forces and right now 2000 Marines and perhaps 2000 special Forces and Special operations forces. That's not going to make much of A dent. And as we've seen quite recently, within the last 24 hours or so, some of our special OPS forces and Israeli special OPS forces went into Gaza.
00:53:21 To reconnoiter, to plan for where they might want to go to free hostages and and make an impact. And they were shot to pieces and took heavy losses as I understand it.
00:53:32 I think that's where we're headed and I don't see that as a win for Israel in any way, shape or form. And I certainly think it's very dangerous for us.
Devon Stack
00:53:42 Well, it doesn't matter because we're just going to get raptured, right? We're going to get beamed up to heaven.00:53:48 And Jesus will come back.
00:53:50 And with his.
00:53:53 Superpowers defeat the.
00:53:57 The Iranians or something?
00:54:01 Now look, the the military has been.
00:54:04 As much as I agree with him that the military is is in no condition, I mean we've like, look, anyone that has access to the Internet knows the military is in no condition to be fighting any wars right now. Anyone who remembers just a couple of years ago with what happened in Afghanistan knows that the military is in no condition to fight.
00:54:24 A war.
00:54:25 Not against a real enemy, not against non third world worlders and look and and even these people that are fond of calling all the Russia's.
00:54:33 Second World or whatever.
00:54:34 Doesn't matter. They're not goat herders.
00:54:41 But this is something that they've been training for.
00:54:44 And so as much as as Douglas MacGregor might be skeptical of the the Dodd's ability to have.
00:54:54 Combat readiness in the Middle East and and actually deliver on any of these threats.
00:55:01 I kind of feel like the the DoD sees it differently.
00:55:06 They've been doing military drills with Israel for, well, this I think I believe this was last year.
Speaker 19
00:55:12 Over the past week, I've observed our sitcom troops participated in Juniper Oak 23 Tech 2 alongside our Israel Defense Forces combined Joint Multi domain operation to the fight operating together on land.00:55:26 In the air and on sea.
Speaker 5
00:55:37 This is the destroyer squadron, Commodore.Speaker 24
00:57:07 This interoperability strengthens our ability to cope with a range of security challenges. We work good. We are.Speaker 19
00:57:17 Getting better today, the US Israeli military partnership is stronger than it was 5 days ago.Devon Stack
00:57:30 I guess this was earlier this year.00:57:37 So I think the DoD might.
00:57:38 Be a little more confident.
00:57:47 And it seems as though our our politicians are are, are, are itching, itching to go.
00:57:53 To war.
00:57:58 And you throw in the religious aspect of things and it's, you know, it's.
00:58:01 Not like I.
00:58:01 Like, I'm just being honest with guys.
00:58:03 It's not.
00:58:03 Looking good. It's not looking good.
00:58:08 Basically what you have is you have a recipe for a well.
00:58:14 World War 3.
00:58:15 Right now it's they've already mixed the ingredients they've they've already mixed the ingredients in in the in.
00:58:21 The pan.
00:58:25 It's just a matter of whether or not they they.
00:58:28 They decide to turn on the oven.
00:58:36 And I suspect that there there's a very good chance that they will.
00:58:41 I think they're wearing oven mitts already.
00:58:45 I think that.
00:58:47 You know partially because of stuff like this.
00:58:50 They're ready to go.
Speaker 1
00:58:52 And I will make you a great nation.00:58:55 And I will bless you. And I will make your name.
00:58:57 Great. And those who bless you and the words are so beautiful. We have to remember this because these are the first words that pertain specifically to the Jewish nation.
00:59:11 Those who bless you, I will bless and those who curse you. I will curse and through you all of the nations of the world shall be blessed.
00:59:31 You will be a source of blessing not just for yourself. You will be a source of blessing for the whole world. God blesses those who bless the Jews.
00:59:46 Many have pointed out.
00:59:48 Had the great great success of the United States is precisely because.
00:59:54 They gave the Jewish people a home, flew from the anti-Semitism of Europe.
01:00:01 And God bless the United States because they were good to the Jews, and this is a fulfillment of the verse. I will bless those who bless you and without getting to allow Mr. too political when the United States, God forbid, turns away from the Jewish people.
01:00:23 Bad things happen even in America. You know, President Biden so far has given great, great support to the Israeli war effort.
01:00:32 And I hope that this will again translate into blessing for the United States, for which the Jewish people have to be very grateful, in spite of the ups and downs in the relationship that we occasionally see.
Devon Stack
01:00:49 The ups and downs, right, the ups and downs like 911.01:00:54 Guess that was a down, right?
01:00:59 JFK's assassination, that was probably a down right.
01:01:05 We're all these blessings he keeps talking about.
01:01:10 I feel like is you know what, what? When was the formation of Israel in 1948?
01:01:16 Would you say that America is is better today?
01:01:22 Than it was in 1948 is is that the argument?
01:01:27 Because I think that's the argument. The argument is because we've helped the Jews have their homeland in the Middle East.
01:01:35 We facilitated the genocide that's been taking place in the Middle East for over 70 years.
01:01:44 We've protected them, we've gone to war for them. We've spent trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands, if not millions of lives.
01:01:56 And so we should naturally be receiving some kind of blessings.
01:02:04 And yet somehow.
01:02:07 America is a hellscape.
01:02:10 Compared to what it was in 1948.
01:02:16 I can't imagine anyone really.
01:02:19 I can't imagine a single honest person in this country.
01:02:25 That would claim that America is better today than it was in the 1950s.
01:02:33 Yet somehow we're we're receiving all these blessings.
01:02:44 And the crazy thing is, I think especially these people that believe in the rapture, these people that believe most in this ********.
01:02:54 They'd be the.
01:02:55 1st to tell you that the United States is not better today than it was in the 1950s and.
01:02:59 For some reason they can't put put.
01:03:01 The two together.
01:03:07 If this is the blessings we get from the Jewish God, bring on the curse.
Speaker 20
01:03:17 Bring on.Devon Stack
01:03:18 The curse.01:03:21 With friends like these, who needs enemies?
01:03:38 So this is the situation folks.
01:03:44 Hope you guys are.
01:03:47 Hope you're prepped up. Ammunitions sales have skyrocketed, of course.
01:03:53 Try getting.
01:03:56 Ammunition for your AR15. See how much that?
01:03:59 Costs these days.
01:04:01 Thing went up like 80%.
01:04:05 Is that part of the blessing?
01:04:08 Is that one of the blessings?
01:04:13 Gas prices through the roof. One of the blessings.
01:04:18 Drag Queen Story hour is that one of the blessings.
01:04:23 Drag syndrome.
01:04:25 That uh.
01:04:27 Drag Queen troop, made-up of people with Down syndrome created by that Jew, is that one of the Jewish blessings.
01:04:35 The Black Lives Matter riots.
01:04:39 Were those some of the blessings?
01:04:49 Gay marriage.
01:04:51 Is that one of the blessings?
01:04:59 Trans kids was. Was that a blessing?
01:05:06 I mean, it would make sense, right? If that was one of the Jewish blessings, that's.
01:05:09 Why all the?
01:05:11 The hormone treatments come from Teva Pharmaceuticals.
01:05:16 In Israel, right?
01:05:19 Those shipments are that there's the blessings coming straight from Israel.
01:05:30 White genocide is that one of the blessings.
01:05:39 Voter fraud.
01:05:41 Sham elections.
01:05:43 Also blessings.
01:05:51 The censorship on the Internet.
01:05:54 Are those blessings the ADL?
01:06:00 Are they a blessing? Are they bestowing blessings APEC.
01:06:07 Funding all the politicians is that one of the blessings.
01:06:14 Where are all these blessings?
01:06:28 Like I said, bring on the ******* curses. Bring on the curses.
01:06:33 I can't imagine how much worse they could be.
01:06:39 Is it going to start raining frogs? Is is that? Is that like the blessing is you get trans kids, but at least it's not raining frogs.
01:06:51 You know the COVID-19 lockdowns. That was one of the blessings, but hey, you.
01:06:55 Know it could be worse. I'm not sure how, but it it trust me, it could be.
01:07:03 Imagine how bad it would be if.
01:07:04 We didn't support Israel, right?
01:07:14 Well, we get we get like super COVID.
01:07:19 We get super white genocide. Like what? What, what? What's the? What's the curse?
01:07:27 What's the curse?
01:07:29 What do you got?
01:07:31 What do you got, Jew? God, I'm calling you out, Jew. God.
Speaker 7
01:07:39 Oh, Devin, I wouldn't say that. Why?Devon Stack
01:07:52 Why and why do you care? You're just going.01:07:53 To get beamed up to heaven, aren't you?
01:07:56 Don't worry about me.
01:08:02 These sick *****, these sick ***** and and and and they. You'd have to be a sick ****.
01:08:09 To be one of these Christian Zionists, you'd have to be a sick ****. Because while they're saying while they're saying how much they love Jews and how much Jews are the chosen people and.
01:08:21 How much they love them and suck their circumcised *****.
01:08:31 You read the footnote.
01:08:34 And what they actually think.
01:08:37 Is that when Jesus comes back during this Armageddon that they're trying to engineer?
01:08:43 Because just like a Jew, right? That just like in the town of the the whole rule book full of ways you can trick God into getting what you want. You can outsmart God. Well, these Zionists are the same exact way. They're going to trick God into making Jesus come back.
01:08:58 And when Jesus comes back, guess.
01:09:00 What? He's gonna he's literally.
01:09:01 Gonna force the Jews to either convert to Christianity or die.
01:09:05 So what kind of sick **** is that?
01:09:10 You're simultaneously sucking Jews off while hoping that they're going to be forced to convert to your religion or or.
01:09:16 They'll be executed.
01:09:31 And not that the other side is any better, right? The Jews are doing the same thing. The Jews are saying. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Help us bring back your Jesus.
01:09:42 Who we think is boiling in a pot of excrement for eternity.
01:09:48 According to the Babylonian Talmud.
01:09:56 Oh, and by the way, when that doesn't happen because we don't believe it.
01:10:05 You'll become our slaves.
01:10:12 You'll become our slaves.
Speaker 24
01:10:23 That's that's the.Devon Stack
01:10:23 ****** ** relationship between the scientist Christians and.01:10:26 The Zionist Jews?
01:10:38 Psychos, psychos run the country.
01:10:43 And as I said before, these are people that they don't allow religion to enter the conversation when it has anything to do with something that would directly affect you, something that would maybe actually put blessings on America, right?
01:11:02 Actually protecting the people who live here.
01:11:08 From the evil that's been unleashed.
01:11:11 On this country, ever since we started supporting Israel.
01:11:17 These blessings.
Speaker 7
01:11:19 These Jewish blessings.Devon Stack
01:11:36 But when it's going to affect.01:11:37 Jews all of a sudden, you've got.
01:11:41 Solidarity. You've got anger, you've.
01:11:44 Got emotion. You've got passion.
01:11:51 Doesn't matter if they're secular, doesn't matter if they're non practicing. I would imagine Catholics like Nancy Pelosi saying that if it wouldn't matter if America was reduced to rubble.
01:12:07 The one thing that would remain would be America's support for Israel.
01:12:15 Or on the other side of the aisle, you've got all these people. I mean, bobert. You just heard her, right? She said.
01:12:24 Blesses 2 nations and that's it just two.
01:12:27 America, which she has to say right, she's on camera.
01:12:33 In Israel.
01:12:37 And she'll do whatever it takes.
01:12:40 To protect.
01:12:42 Both those countries? Well, what happens when there's a conflict?
01:12:48 Don't ask that right. What because.
Speaker 23
01:12:51 They're our greatest ally there can.Devon Stack
01:12:53 Never be a conflict.01:12:57 Whatever is good for Israel is de facto good for United States. Didn't you hear this guy on the screen here? He just.
01:13:02 Told you.
01:13:07 There could never ever be a conflict of interest, ever. That's why you know, you guys complaining about the dual citizenship thing. That's just you being an anti Semite cause. Don't you know anything that's in the interest of Israel is naturally in the interest of the United States? Because magical Jew God will keep blessing you with these blessings, he.
01:13:25 Keeps giving you.
01:13:27 Please, Sir, can I have some more blessings?
01:13:31 Please, Jew, God bless us harder.
01:13:47 So it's impossible for there to be a conflict.
01:13:51 You anti semite.
01:13:58 Because even if it did mean.
01:14:01 Every last American dying for Israel, you have.
01:14:06 To do it.
01:14:07 You have to do it. Didn't you hear God?
01:14:11 Jew God told you, Jew, God said.
01:14:16 These are my special little people.
01:14:21 I like them more than you.
01:14:27 And I decided that they get this little piece of land.
01:14:33 And if every last one of you dumb ******* golem have to die to make sure they can stay in that land, well, hey, I'm God.
01:14:40 I'm Jew God.
01:14:43 Enjoy the blessings. You're welcome.
01:15:01 And the disgusting little goyum crawling around.
01:15:06 Like cockroaches scurrying about.
Speaker 7
01:15:11 Yes, you God.01:15:17 Give us more blessings, Duke God.
Devon Stack
01:15:26 And look, a lot of these *******, it's because it's the older generation, right? It's not just the boomers. It's basically people over 40. It's, you know what it is? It's isn't it? Isn't it, like a coincidence? It must be. It must be a coincidence, right?01:15:41 That the people who who are most for going and dying for Israel are the people that are aged out of the draft.
01:15:48 People that won't have to be the ones doing it. I mean, look, not they're going to have to anyway, right? Because they're going to get teleported up to heaven thanks to the rapture.
01:15:59 But even if that doesn't workout or they get the timing wrong, whatever, who cares? They can watch it on TV even if they're not in heaven.
01:16:09 They'll just watch it on Fox News like they've watched.
01:16:12 Every other war for Israel for the last.
01:16:15 40 ******* years.
01:16:28 And they'll enjoy the blessings.
01:16:30 The blessings of Jew God.
01:16:42 And they say they say Russia is a Second World country.
01:16:47 The **** does that make us a bunch of superstitious ******* enslaved by people that look like this ******?
01:16:56 Mind controlled.
01:16:59 Like children.
01:17:05 No wonder they think you're like an animal.
01:17:07 You basically are.
01:17:20 And now I know why Jew God likes them.
01:17:22 More than you.
01:17:36 Now I know why Jew God treats you like the American Indians. When we gave them a hell, here's a box of beads for Manhattan Island.
01:17:44 There's your blessings.
Speaker 7
01:17:48 You ******* *******.Devon Stack
01:18:06 So yeah, if I if I were you, look.01:18:08 I mean, look, I.
01:18:11 It's not looking good.
01:18:14 Oddly, despite all of what I just said.
01:18:18 I don't this isn't. I don't think this is a certainty.
01:18:24 It takes two to tango.
01:18:35 Maybe not.
01:18:38 Right.
01:18:40 Maybe it only takes one?
01:18:48 That's why that they have the false flags, right?
01:18:54 You think Iraq wanted to get involved in a war with us? Of course not.
01:19:01 They they didn't have any weapons of mass destruction. They and and look, we knew that.
01:19:10 They said up and down, you know as much as they possibly could. Hey, look, we, we.
01:19:14 We have, we don't.
01:19:16 We don't have Osama bin Laden. I mean, not that he did it. Even Osama bin Laden was.
01:19:21 Like I didn't do it.
01:19:26 But it didn't.
01:19:26 Matter because the stupid ******* golem were just like.
Speaker 7
01:19:30 I want them blessings.01:19:32 Give me some more of them, Jew God blessings.
01:19:39 Like macaroni and cheese.
01:19:46 Video games.
01:19:50 Them delicious Jew God blessings.
01:19:57 Childhood obesity.
01:20:03 That's what I want.
01:20:09 It's one of the many true God blessings.
Devon Stack
01:20:23 And I'll tell you, look, it's a little disconcerting because it's easy for us to, you know, to make fun of this stuff and talk about it and and have an understanding of it and maybe to some extent get, like the impression that maybe we're moving the needle a little bit. And I think we are with younger people that get their news from the Internet and stuff like that. I.01:20:41 Mean look, right now we've got.
01:20:43 Close to like 900 people listening live.
01:20:46 And then you know, that'll that'll go into the the, the, the 10s of thousands by the time the people watch the replays and stuff. But I mean that's that's nothing. That's nothing compared to the reach that Fox News has and and and look it's it's also nothing when it comes to the people that have the money.
01:21:09 All those boomer bucks.
01:21:20 You got people out to launch still believing in Q.
01:21:25 I mentioned last stream that General Flynn finally told the CUE cards that hey, you know, there's not some like magical plan.
01:21:34 Trump's not secretly president.
01:21:38 Patriots are not in control.
01:21:42 Q is not real.
01:21:45 And the custards went crazy, and all it took for these delusional *****.
01:21:53 To keep on believing because they have to, right, they have to believe that there's these secret Jew God blessings.
01:22:05 Or else the world wouldn't make any sense. The reality would would just come apart.
01:22:09 At the seams.
01:22:13 You see, Devin, that's the secret Jew. God. Blessings. It's. It's like the secret. Deep, steady, cute crap.
01:22:19 Didn't you hear Trump in his last thing? He said Tippity top or whatever the ****.
01:22:24 That tippy top. That's like the secret code for.
01:22:29 Q is real and patriots are in control, and Biden's just a fake president. Some guy in a mask or like a robot or something. And.
01:22:38 And uh, Trump's got this all under control.
01:22:41 And we'll all get raptured before it gets too bad.
01:22:46 That's the secret. You see. You're missing the the whole Jew God blessing stuff.
01:22:55 Why are you?
Speaker 7
01:22:55 So Black pilled, Devon.Devon Stack
01:23:00 You need to go outside, really, I think.01:23:02 That's the problem.
01:23:03 Is all you guys are outside grilling.
01:23:17 People asleep at the wheel.
01:23:25 Get a substantial amount of Americans with their boomer bucks. They're just on cruise control.
01:23:31 Look, and I hear it every day.
01:23:39 Now you want a. You want a good poll. You want a good sampling of the of what boomers are up to and what they're thinking right leaning boomers, by the way.
01:23:47 Yeah, just tune around on ham radio. You'll hear it.
01:23:50 It's it's ******* insane. It it it's, it's insanity.
01:24:00 It's the worst talking point. It's the most it's. I mean, they would agree with ever when I played clips from the night except for McGregor maybe.
01:24:11 Or if they did agree with McGregor, they'd be like, oh, I know those ******* those ******* zoomers.
01:24:26 It's all their fault, you know. They're with their phones.
01:24:35 You know, they don't want to work, they.
01:24:36 Don't want to work.
01:24:42 You know, I went down to like the the deli where I used to go all the time to get my sandwiches, and they weren't even open.
Speaker 7
01:24:49 Because people.01:24:50 Don't want to work anymore.
Devon Stack
01:24:57 When I was your age, we.01:24:58 Were proud to die for Israel.
01:25:02 We didn't ask questions, we just strapped on that uniform or we just marched right up and lined up and died for Israel.
Speaker 7
01:25:10 Got those Jew God blessings.01:25:22 Kids these days.
Devon Stack
01:25:33 See, I don't know what to tell you. Like I said, I I I would prepare as if it was, you know, ****. We're going to really go down. One thing that you gotta think about, especially in terms of just preparing just normal stuff. Look, nothing's named America anymore. Nothing's made in America. You might not have to worry about, you know, like, right.01:25:49 Look, there's something like what? Scud missiles and **** flying into Nebraska or whatever, right?
01:25:58 But you think you think America's Got some economic problems now? Wait till China really turns the screws.
01:26:09 I get that cheap Chinese stuff like this cheap sewer panels and things like that now because it's not, it's not going to stay cheap forever.
01:26:31 You think that the Jew God has given us blessings? Now, wait, wait till this heats up. Those blessings are going to come in at you like a ******* fire hose.
01:26:55 This is end of the world prophecy ********. It's not. Look, it's not. It's kind of funny.
01:27:01 Uh, because I think that a lot of people.
01:27:05 Have given look Adam Adam Green is looking a lot less paranoid these days, isn't he?
01:27:14 Right.
01:27:17 Talking about the red half of that, they've been genetically like they've been trying to genetically engineer and breed some perfect red cow that they can slaughter on the temple mount and build the Third temple. All that stuff that sounded like, uh, that seems more like religious extremists.
01:27:34 Yeah, not so much these days, does it?
01:27:41 The religious extremists are the ones in charge of everything.
01:27:59 So we'll see what happens. We'll see what happens and look to be totally fair.
01:28:07 In the context, look, the Middle East has had.
01:28:12 This kind of aura about it.
01:28:15 My entire lifetime, it's not just the conflict. There has been this element of O armageddons here, right?
01:28:24 And every time there's a big war, I mean cause partially because that's how they get the the Christian Zionists to sign their sons up to go die for Israel.
01:28:32 Is they make it seem like this. It's the big.
01:28:34 You know, this is the big one.
01:28:44 And I understand the people that say that ohh, this is just another one.
01:28:47 Of those, and it could be.
01:28:51 It could be.
01:28:54 But America is in in a much different position now than it was then.
01:28:59 America was the undisputed champion of world police.
01:29:05 Up until recently.
01:29:08 Some of those Jew God blessings kicked in and demographically ****** America up and.
01:29:15 Our military is is not quite as intimidating as it once was.
01:29:30 Now, on the bright side of things.
01:29:35 The way I look at this stuff.
01:29:38 In addition to, like I said, having prepared for the worst case scenario that I don't, I don't really think it's going to happen.
01:29:46 Both globally or locally for me.
01:29:49 But having prepared for a situation where things do get super bad.
01:29:54 I don't worry so much about that.
01:30:05 I don't sit there and wring my hands and like, ohh, what if what if I can't get food? Or what if I, you know, I got, I got all this stuff.
01:30:12 You know, as as much as one can on a budget, you know, like I've got it mostly taken care of.
01:30:31 But in addition to that, if you want to look for like a silver lining.
01:30:37 Which having you know, having prepared, you're you're able to have this ability to.
01:30:43 To look at Silver Linings, I guess.
01:30:54 I think I think that when you have a situation like this, I got to. Unfortunately I have to.
01:31:00 Be careful how I word this.
01:31:04 But I think that when you have a situation like what could occur?
01:31:09 One of the Jew God blessings. Inadvertently.
01:31:13 Might be the exact kind of Black Swan event.
01:31:18 One might need to disrupt the order of things domestically.
01:31:26 I tried to explain this to.
Speaker 7
01:31:27 My to my mother.Devon Stack
01:31:30 Who was?01:31:32 Very worried, very worried about world events.
01:31:38 And she she did the boomer thing and.
01:31:40 Said, well, I don't know.
01:31:41 I mean, maybe you and your audience, you know what's going on. But like I was at the store the other day, I was at the.
01:31:46 Grocery store buying stuff. I didn't play the.
01:31:48 Girl, I could have. Yeah, I could have taken advantage of that, right?
01:31:51 I could have been like the grocery.
01:31:56 The grocery store.
01:32:02 The Zoomer girl at the checkout stand couldn't even make eye contact with me. Oh, yeah. You know, these these kids are so socially awkward. You know you.
01:32:09 Know I I.
01:32:10 Don't know you're. I think you're and. It's because you're stuck in this boomer mindset. This, you know, the Red Dawn type thing scenario, thinking that it's going to be like, you know, Cubans parachuting in your backyard and people yelling.
01:32:21 Wolverines or something?
01:32:22 Yeah, that's ********.
01:32:24 It's just. It's ********.
01:32:32 Unrelated, totally unrelated, totally unrelated fact.
01:32:35 Or is it something like only 15?
01:32:37 Percent of Americans.
01:32:39 Well, I guess at the time British subjects.
01:32:44 Really supported the the Revolutionary War.
01:32:49 Look, it's almost better if you have a bunch of detached people. The people that aren't paying attention, people that just go with the flow and aren't really engaged or involved.
01:32:58 Because those are the exact kind of people that just go with.
01:33:01 Whoever's strongest.
01:33:07 Those are the people.
01:33:08 You don't have to worry about.
01:33:18 So if things were to get dicey.
01:33:22 That's actually A+. You don't want a bunch of really engaged, passionate, politically motivated people.
01:33:32 Just ask the ruling class. They don't want it either, for the same reason.
01:33:45 So that's one silver lining. One of the, I guess, Jew God blessings might be that, huh?
01:34:03 Not really much more to say about it, but.
01:34:04 We've said we've.
01:34:05 We've really kind of covered what's been going on.
01:34:09 And I mean, look, it's it's not getting better.
01:34:15 Every day we're we're inching closer to a a scenario where.
01:34:23 You know where there's an eventual?
01:34:26 Kinetic situation in the Middle East that we're heavily involved in.
01:34:44 So really, what, what else can we say? I'll tell. Like I said before, I said a couple strings back if I if I was.
01:34:52 In that danger zone of of being drafted.
01:35:00 I would think I would think long and hard if that that draft number ever got called about about what my next move would be.
01:35:12 Because do you really want to go to that apartment complex across town? God's apartment complex? The Jew God's apartment complex.
01:35:25 And look, things will get you think things won't get funked up. Things will get funked up like World War One ****** ** right now you've got Israel talking about flooding the tunnels in Gaza with nerve gas.
01:35:41 Remember the stream? Or was it sionista or no, no, it was the.
01:35:45 Israeli nuke edition.
01:35:50 Back in the 90s, the Israelis had a airplane crash.
01:35:59 In Europe.
01:36:01 Carrying the main ingredients for making nerve gas.
01:36:07 And for six years, they said it was filled with perfume and flowers like no ****. They said it was perfume and flowers.
01:36:19 Well, of course they have nerve gas. They've used it before and they're using it now. You don't think that Arab countries one side cause like, what? Right? That's the way War works, right?
01:36:33 You bring a knife, I bring a gun. You bring a gun.
01:36:38 I bring a tank.
01:36:47 You don't want to be the one bringing a knife to a gunfight.
01:36:51 All these Geneva Conventions, all that stuff, it doesn't really matter to Israel anyway. They're not a part of it.
01:36:59 They're not just not part of like the the nuclear treaties when it comes to their secret nuclear program, they're not a part of any of that stuff war.
01:37:05 Crimes, more crimes. Who cares?
01:37:10 You think Arab countries, you think Iran is gonna be like ohh well, you know we we gotta be the bigger man here we we definitely can't when faced with a.
01:37:21 An opponent like the United States.
01:37:24 You know we we've got to.
01:37:25 Be sure not to use uh.
01:37:27 Chemical or biological warfare?
01:37:35 Do you think World War Two was mechanized killing?
01:37:40 Industrialized killing.
01:37:45 World War Three will make World War Two look like a.
01:37:48 Walk in the park.
01:37:54 You've got Arab countries with nuclear weapons.
01:38:00 You've got, I mean, Russia right now is doing drills.
01:38:07 Planning for in fact, let me see if I.
01:38:09 Got this here.
01:38:13 Oh, I thought I had downloaded it.
01:38:21 Let me see if.
01:38:21 I can find that.
Speaker 5
01:38:28 Let me see.Devon Stack
01:38:38 We've got too many windows open.01:38:58 Now they were they were drilling for nuclear attacks on themselves.
01:39:06 But now they are doing a different kind of exercise. This is from Al Jazeera 4 hours ago.
01:39:16 Let me see if I well, I think there was a video.
01:39:19 A second ago.
01:39:24 Where did it go?
01:39:28 But this just was breaking news, I guess. Uh, earlier today.
01:39:39 No, I haven't talked about the uh.
01:39:45 The mass shooting that I guess is possibly still in progress that's going.
01:39:49 On right now.
01:39:49 Is that it must be under one.
01:39:51 Of the Jew God blessings, am I right?
01:39:56 OK, let me see.Devon Stack
01:39:59 Here we are.01:40:23 Yeah, it's. It's funny because I said I've been saying for years, actually, the closer we get.
01:40:29 To the drain.
01:40:31 That the faster will spin around it, kind of like a leaf.
01:40:35 It gets close to a drain.
01:40:37 And I look if I've ever been right about anything.
01:40:43 You're right about that.
01:40:47 It's hard to keep up with.
Speaker 19
01:41:16 So this is.Devon Stack
01:41:17 Voice over here, training is being conducted to direct the armed forces of the Russian Federation.01:41:27 During which the task of delivering massive nuclear strike by strategic offensive forces.
01:41:34 In retaliation to enemy nuclear strike is being practiced.
01:41:42 This drill came hours after Russia's parliament moved to revoke a key nuclear test ban treaty, and look, can you blame them when you've got Israel, who's not a part of any of these treaties, have a member of their ruling party on their on their state television last week, saying that you're next.
01:42:09 Kind of hard to.
01:42:11 Kind of hard to blame them for being like. Well, ****. I mean, those guys have nukes.
01:42:16 The 1996 global agreement bans all physical testing of nuclear warheads.
01:42:24 Putin told Russian ministers that the US signed the Treaty, but.
01:42:26 Never ratified it.
01:42:31 Russia also said it would study US proposals to resume dialogue on nuclear arms control.
01:42:40 But Russian officials said Washington must first drop its hostile stance toward Moscow. Yeah, fat chance.
01:42:47 Good luck with that. Russia has repeatedly invoked its nuclear doctrine since invading Ukraine.
01:42:52 In February of 2022.
01:42:56 Russia has also stationed tactical nuclear arms in neighboring Belarus.
01:43:05 The US said there were no immediate signs Russia would use nuclear weapons on Ukraine.
01:43:11 And I don't think that they will.
01:43:15 That's from the South China Morning post.
01:43:22 But yeah, we are. We are we.
01:43:23 Are regressing to a time.
01:43:27 Again, I guess these are more of.
01:43:28 The Jew God blessings, right?
01:43:32 Thank God we support Israel.
01:43:38 Can you imagine what it would be like if we didn't support Israel?
01:43:51 If you want a quick update on the mass shooting.
01:43:53 I'm just checking in on it right now.
01:43:56 Apparently there's 22 dead.
01:43:59 This is in Maine. There's a shooting going on. I think it's still in progress.
01:44:04 At a bowling alley, let me see if it's if it's resolved. It was still going on when I when I went live.
01:44:15 Well, as of three seconds ago from our team, more than 20 killed the multiple active multiple.
01:44:21 Active shooter events in Maine.
01:44:26 But there's no uh word on.
01:44:29 On what's going on with it currently.
01:44:37 So we don't know what's going on there.
01:44:44 This is 15 minutes ago, 16 people, while we was a few minutes ago up to.
01:44:49 22 now.
01:44:57 All right. So we'll find out. Probably we'll find out.
01:45:00 What's going on with that?
01:45:01 By tomorrow, it looks like a happy guy. I mean, I don't know if that's what it is, but the photo that they were showing from the suspect.
01:45:08 It looked like a hopper to me.
01:45:12 Half white, half Asian guy.
01:45:16 He looked very NEO from the Matrix.
01:45:21 Yeah, I don't see any other news reports or updates, so must be still going on.
01:45:37 All right, we'll take a look at Hyper Chats. I'm just going to make sure there's nothing.
01:45:40 Else going on before we do that.
01:45:45 Oh yes, this is breaking.
01:45:50 Breaking news in Gaza.
01:45:53 Get this video up here for you.
01:45:58 That's one thing that I'll tell you. It makes it hard for me to sleep over here. Is that Israel's on the exact opposite side of the planet?
01:46:05 So we're on opposite schedules.
01:46:09 And I gotta know what's going on.
01:46:12 So this is breaking as of literally just a few minutes ago.
01:46:20 This is Israel, says IDF tanks and infantry struck numerous terrorist cells, infrastructure and anti tank missiles launching posts.
01:46:29 In northern Gaza and in preparation for the next stage of combat.
01:46:35 So at least as of right now.
01:46:40 We've got the ground invasion.
01:46:44 Sort of beginning, we got tanks crossing into Gaza.
01:46:48 Taking out position so it looks like it's very slowly but steadily progressing to the to the next level.
01:46:56 Where we might have some involvement from Hezbollah and Iran and the United States and.
01:47:03 And then who knows right then it's just a a free for all.
01:47:12 So that's what's going on right now.
01:47:19 All right, let's take a look at Hyper Jets now, see if I can get this window over here.
01:47:42 Graham playing games, haven't listened to it yet, but I think academic agent mentioned you on his recent deepest lore stream. He was listing his top ten video essayists. I guess you're on there along with Morgoth. All right, well, that's cool.
01:47:57 Very cool.
01:48:01 Hopefully that it's a good thing.
01:48:06 But you're making it sound like it is Goy Boy 1488. It's time for a ******* crusade. Not for Israel.
01:48:13 But on it.
01:48:16 Yeah, I mean, look, that's The thing is, I feel like there's a lot of these Christian Zionists.
01:48:21 Who? Who somehow in their mind are likening what's going on to a crusade?
01:48:29 That somehow this is a because they don't know anything about the Crusades.
01:48:36 They don't realize that the Crusades were a reaction to the Muslims invading Europe.
01:48:42 That it was Christians basically going back and getting payback. It wasn't in the service of Israel, had nothing to do with ******* Israel or Jews.
01:48:57 But yeah, there's uh.
01:48:59 I look, I I don't even necessarily want another crusade. I just want.
01:49:04 I just honestly, I just want the Zionists to be.
01:49:08 And maybe that that should be the.
01:49:09 Crusade against Zionists.
01:49:12 You had Jonathan Greenblatt said that if you're anti Zionist, you're you're genocidal.
01:49:19 Don't tease me, Mr. Greenblatt.
01:49:25 Don't tease me like that.
01:49:30 It's kind of funny because what's the history of the ADL overusing?
01:49:36 Words like racism and anti-Semitism.
01:49:40 Kind of takes the.
01:49:41 Power out of it, doesn't it?
01:49:43 I'd be careful about throwing the word genocide around. Then just based on your track record, doesn't always seem to have the effect you're going for when you blow things out of proportion, does it?
01:49:59 Glory Boy 1488. I thought Scott Adams was relatively race pilled about a year ago when he was saying to stay away from blacks. Did he become a **** again? Last dream confused me. Someone must be messing with the LHC again. The LHC. I don't know what the LHC is.
01:50:18 Yeah, I have no idea what the LHC is.
01:50:22 But no, he's not. He's he's race pilled to the degree that a boomer can be race pilled, he immediately went on an apology tour. He was his, his calendar was, was cancelled. I guess that's one of his big money. I met that he needs more money. The guys, this is what is so unbelievably.
01:50:40 Enraging when it comes to boomers and their boomer bucks. And he is a shining example of it, because the man could not live long enough to spend all the money that he's got and he has no children. He doesn't even.
01:50:50 Have a ***** girlfriend anymore.
01:50:57 And yet he cares more about his boomer bucks.
01:51:03 Than he does about doing the right thing. He's so afraid of being called a racist.
01:51:12 And that's just the way that.
01:51:13 It is with his generation.
01:51:19 They have no intention of leaving you anything, financially or otherwise. Not they don't. They're you ain't be left in the country when they're done.
01:51:29 Maybe quite literally.
01:51:36 Ohh I think.
01:51:37 I understand the Jew God blessings now.
01:51:43 Maybe it's not just the Jews that are God's chosen people. Maybe it's the boomers too.
01:51:49 Maybe that's why.
01:51:50 They feel like they have Jew God.
01:51:52 Blessings. They live in a ******* different world than we do.
01:51:58 Hell if I was Sky Adams, I maybe I would believe that I was getting Jew God blessings. I can write little ****** cartoons and make millions of dollars somehow.
01:52:18 Harmless Gee breaking news. Mass shooting at Maine 22 plus dead so far. Also new House Speaker Mike Johnson adopted a black teenager while back.
01:52:27 Yeah, we covered both of those.
01:52:30 Paleo Trad Dev and I know you have not been clicking links much lately, but for those who want this video goes into detail why Zionism is heresy of Protestant Christianity.
01:52:42 Part One and Part 2, you know, again, I'm not going to. Yeah, I'm not going to collect that. I look, it doesn't really matter at this point. I don't care if it is part of your ******* religion. You know, if you're some Protestant, that this is part of your religion, you're just a a ****. You're like, you're beyond a ****. You're a traitor and you're.
01:52:57 A ****** and I ******* hate you.
01:53:01 And I don't. And **** your God. How about that? If you're one of these Zionists that thinks that, like, you got to go do things for, for Jew God to get blessings, **** you and your God.
01:53:14 **** you and your Jew. God, I don't care.
01:53:18 I don't. I don't. I'm not going to waste time trying to make.
01:53:20 Some weird theological argument.
01:53:23 To convince you that you're a ******.
01:53:27 Arguing with these people, you're going to have the same success rate that you would arguing with with and, which is why I did it, by the way.
01:53:35 The same success rate that you'll have arguing with flat Earthers or arguing with Q Tarts.
01:53:43 Only it's a little bit worse.
01:53:45 Because with these Zionists.
01:53:48 Unlike you know, the Qatar Flat Earther stuff, it's so fringy it's it's maybe even something they're embarrassed to talk about in front of their friends and family with the Zionist ********. They're going to church every Sunday listening to this stuff with their friends and family. So good luck trying to change their minds. It's not going to happen, that's why.
01:54:06 Did it.
01:54:10 That's why they did it like that.
01:54:17 Churro just leaped into the house, being chased by a dog.
01:54:29 You hear him meowing and I mean that's that's why I just heard his little his little cat flap swinging back and forth and then a dog barking so.
01:54:40 He loves to.
01:54:41 He loves to run away from that ******* thing.
Speaker 1
01:54:45 UM.Devon Stack
01:54:49 Yeah, I mean, look, if you want, if you want to do that then then go ahead and do it. I argued with those flat Earthers so people could see that trying to reason with people that have these kinds of religious beliefs is is mean. It's stupid.01:55:03 You're not going to get anywhere with these people.
01:55:09 And if you do, it's not going to be from facts. It's not going to be from facts. You can show them all the facts in the world. That's not why they believe what they believe. It has nothing to do with facts.
01:55:21 The most effective way.
01:55:24 The most effective way of getting these people to stop believing this ****, quite frankly, is through ridicule and shame.
01:55:36 You present them with a fact. They'll. Well, you think they haven't thought of this? You think that their Zionist preacher doesn't have like 50 different ******** answers to whatever challenge you have? You think they're gonna be like, oh, I never thought of it that way.
01:55:48 I guess the world is a globe.
01:55:51 Now they got an answer for.
01:55:52 Everything right? Like, Oh no, it's it's that's.
01:55:55 NASA Wise or something, you know it's.
01:55:57 It doesn't matter.
01:55:59 It doesn't matter what they've.
01:56:00 Already made-up their mind.
01:56:05 Feelings don't care about your facts.
01:56:14 J Ray 1981.
01:56:23 So 22 dead in a mass shooting from a.
01:56:25 White man Robert card.
01:56:26 Ex. Military. How quick that info came out.
01:56:30 Is that his name? Robert card.
01:56:33 Like I said, the picture I saw.
01:56:34 It looked like a a hoppa.
01:56:37 But let me look, let me.
01:56:38 See if I can.
01:56:40 Find out what he looks like here.
01:56:44 Again, it was still like unfolding when I went live. So OK, this guy looks totally different than the the picture that I saw earlier.
01:56:53 Do we know that this is him?
01:57:00 Yeah, there's people claiming that this is him.
01:57:02 But I don't know.
01:57:05 Let me see if I got.
01:57:05 The latest what's going on here?
01:57:10 I mean that's that's the name that's being dropped. I don't know if that's if that's confirmed or not, but this guy doesn't not look.
01:57:18 I don't want to bring it up because I don't.
01:57:19 You know, I don't know if it's.
01:57:22 Real or not yet?
01:57:25 It's not something I can I can.
01:57:27 Do while doing the string.
01:57:29 I'll check it out later.
01:57:32 But yeah, I mean whatever. I honestly, I don't even care at this point. It's just another Jew. God blessing. We should be thankful.
01:57:41 Uncle Floyd's reeducation shed. What are your thoughts on groups like the American Nazi Party, National Justice Party or National Socialist movement? Do any of them do any good work for the cause? I'm not familiar with any of.
01:57:54 Them to a degree that would allow me to say whether or not they do good or not.
01:58:00 I cause I just. I'm not a I don't think there's a political solution, so I just don't pay a lot of attention to people that are going down that Ave. because I just don't. I think that it's.
01:58:11 It's not. That's not the way.
01:58:16 You know, I'm not saying that if you think that's the.
01:58:18 Way that it's.
01:58:20 That's futile or that you're foolish or whatever. It's just not. I don't think that's the way.
01:58:25 I don't think that I. I just.
01:58:29 Even just demographically, I mean and **** most white people are are not receptive to this sort of thing. So.
01:58:38 You know, it's a losing battle. I think politically there's a.
01:58:43 There's really not a a much. There's not much we locally yes locally. If you've got an area. If you live in an area where people already on some level, you know you don't have to swing them that hard to one side or the other to.
01:58:55 Get to get.
01:58:58 To get results.
01:59:00 But that's that's a a, a shrinking.
01:59:03 That, that's that's shrinking little bits of the United States as well. Those communities are being impregnated with.
01:59:11 Diversity at every chance that the the federal government has.
01:59:16 You know, Speaking of Maine, right. That's like one of the whitest states. They've been shipping illegal immigrants up there for a couple of years now.
01:59:25 My fat little ******** toe.
01:59:43 We will take Jerusalem. Deuce vault. Someone should make a crusade bumper to use until Israel becomes was real.
01:59:53 Ohh well, get it get it cause like the.
01:59:57 You know it's it's instead of is real.
02:00:02 Right. Instead of Israel, it's it's was.
02:00:10 Now again, like I I I I don't know. It's just I feel like that's Larping. It's honestly because of all these Christian Zionists, people would confuse it for like, support for Israel.
02:00:16 It is.
02:00:24 Let's see here, JD WG says keep the good. Keep the good work.
02:00:31 No, you keep it. I'm not going to keep it. I'm giving it to you.
02:00:37 Raining, raining *****.
02:00:42 Jay Ray, 1981. Dude, I've tried. Did you peel my boomer evangelicals? It's like talking to a ******* wall. I hope that I hope Chad can pull it off with their relatives. I believe in Christ, though, from what I understand, Christ is from a different tribe, not the khazarian Jews. Don't aunt me.
02:01:02 Yeah, you know.
02:01:03 Look, I'm I'm not.
02:01:07 You can be Christian. I'm not. I'm not.
02:01:10 And obviously look.
02:01:11 As far as the Kazarian thing, I don't know.
02:01:13 I've heard mixed.
02:01:15 Mixed theories on that and you know, I've heard there's conflicting genetic evidence, but I don't know. I don't know. It doesn't really matter to me. The history of the the ancient history, at least of these people, so much as what they're doing right now.
02:01:29 That's what matters to me right now is what they're doing right? The **** right now.
02:01:34 And that's why I said it doesn't matter like I like.
02:01:38 You you can argue till you're blue in.
02:01:39 The face with these people.
02:01:42 The only people that you're gonna sway again, you're gonna sway them emotionally.
02:01:47 Even when it comes to people like my mom, right, my mom, who was based as a as a young woman when I was a kid, I remember she had VHS copies of the Clinton body count and stuff like that. Like she she was into this stuff when she was younger.
02:02:00 And so she's a little more more open minded to this stuff. But honestly, the only reasons why I'm able to really sway here on stuff, especially when it comes to Jews and things like that, isn't really I don't think because I'm presenting the best argument rationally so much as she trust me.
02:02:18 It's not. I mean it's it's more that she trusts that I'm not going to lie to her and that I'm smart.
02:02:26 It's not really. I mean I could say anything, right? Because she, you know, because she, I mean I wouldn't. That's why she.
02:02:31 Would believe it, right?
02:02:33 She knows I'm not going to just tell her nonsense, but if anyone else told her she it would, it would just sound like nonsense. Talk to her. So you really, really going to be able to influence the people that you already have influence over?
02:02:49 Other than that, I mean it's it's like trying to talk them out of Jesus. You'll have the same. You'll have the exact same success rate.
02:02:58 Because it's that.
02:03:02 To their their religious beliefs, it's that.
02:03:05 It's a core belief it's it's like trying to.
02:03:12 Argue a Catholic about the Trinity. I mean, they're.
02:03:15 Just you can't. It's just it's part of their belief system that's so.
02:03:21 So embedded in the the overall religion that you, I mean you, you can't do it. They can't separate one piece out of the whole pie.
02:03:32 And that's just, unfortunately, with the evangelicals. That's just all part of the.
02:03:36 That's part of the belief system.
02:03:41 Jay Ray, 1981 Andrew Torba for president uh. I mean, I don't know, maybe.
02:03:48 And he wouldn't win, right?
02:03:53 Lucky Larry Silverstein just want to give some shekels to you. This is my or the only.
02:03:58 Stream I watch.
02:04:00 Or I always watch. Love you, bro. Keep up the pressure on the flat. I think it's great. Anyway, just my two cents. I don't think we are entering World War three. No direct war with Russia or China, two more weeks, etcetera. Take care.
02:04:15 Yeah, look, it's it's entirely possible.
02:04:19 That, that, this all kind of settles down, it's not looking that way, but it's entirely possible.
02:04:26 And if that happened like I'm, I'm definitely not saying for sure, World War Three is happening. Guys, get get ready. It's gonna it's going down. It's happening. No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm.
02:04:36 Just saying it's not looking good.
02:04:38 It's not looking good and it's my responsibility as someone that knows all these things and is concluding that it's not looking good to let other people know it's not looking good.
02:04:50 That said, it's yeah, not saying it's inevitable.
02:04:56 Ryang says a nation of ******* run by Jews, quote from Ezra Pound. Well, there you go.
02:05:06 In 1981, all it takes is 20 grand to buy off the goy politicians so gross. I think it was.
02:05:11 25 grand, wasn't it?
02:05:14 Where was it at?Devon Stack
02:05:18 Well, here's the thing. That's that's one.02:05:23 That's one contribution.
02:05:25 So it's not just 25 grand, it's 25 grand times, you know, 25 or or or what. However, many of these groups there were donating.
02:05:36 And it's it's also the it's do you want silver or lead? Who knows what the lead part of this equation is?
02:05:44 I mean, the guy's got a black son. Is that someone?
02:05:46 You can trust.
02:05:49 Is that a face you can trust?
02:05:55 Zazi Mataz bought the spooky season is here. What is your favorite Halloween character? Ghosts. Vampires. Frankenstein's monster or what scary movie Ghost Story has kept you awake? Thanks for putting.
02:06:09 The hard work.
02:06:15 I don't really have like.
02:06:18 Like a favorite Halloween character.
02:06:22 I like the. I like the.
02:06:23 Aesthetic of Day of the dead stuff.
02:06:26 Like the sugar skulls and stuff like that.
02:06:29 UM.
02:06:31 I know how unwise of me. I I know, I know.
02:06:35 I would say.
02:06:39 Scary movies? I don't know.
02:06:41 The last movie that actually scared me and it was because I was under the influence of psychedelics when I watched in the theater was because that's what I mean. Like, I'm. I'm not a kid, I.
02:06:51 Scary movies don't scare me, but but event horizon sure did. When I was showing my balls off and thought that I was in the movie.
02:06:59 But that's what it takes basically, which was many years ago.
02:07:07 Yeah, my friend and I did that.
02:07:09 And then we.
02:07:11 We sat behind the theater chain smoking, afraid to get in his car because we thought.
02:07:15 It might be possessed.
02:07:16 By the devil, so that don't do drugs, kids.
02:07:21 Jay Ray 1981, can I get a pit for compromised Republican Lindsay? Homosexual Graham. Yeah, I forgot to play. There is a clip of of Lindsey Graham floating around because he's been all about Iran, right.
02:07:37 Let me get that one up here. I forgot to play it.
02:07:41 I mean.
02:07:43 Right. It's not like.
02:07:50 I mean, like we we don't know what to expect from.
02:07:53 From Lindsay ****** Graham.
02:07:57 It's in the latest here.
02:08:00 Where's it at?
02:08:11 Well, I thought there was a maybe that was from last week.
02:08:26 I don't see the clip. A recent clip from him. I think we're, I think.
02:08:29 That was think about last week.
02:08:31 Yeah, he's all about he's all about uh.
02:08:35 Going to Iran to do Israel's dirty work and he is 100% a.
02:08:43 All right, Veruca salt.
02:08:46 Dead joke of the day. Oh, here we go.
02:08:49 You can't chant free Palestine.
02:08:53 For years and not expect Israel to take as much as they can get it cause it's.
02:09:00 It's like it's free.
02:09:07 All right.
02:09:11 My fat little ******** toe.
02:09:20 As long as the Churchianity keeps coming up.
02:09:24 I'm going to keep nagging you to keep or to take a look at CI. It's the only way to avoid Zionist trap without throwing out the entire Bible. Have a great night. This is not a link for playing on stream. I'll go. There you go.
02:09:38 That's the Christ Genia thing that you're always demanding I look at.
02:09:46 Well, you are tenacious, Wilson. I'll give you that rabbit hole, and thanks for the support there. Rabbit hole. Hey, Devin. I denounced the Talmud and deny the Holocaust. This is a video of the Pacific Northwest movement in a nutshell. Video is halfway down the page. Fast forward to two minutes. 50 seconds, I think.
02:10:04 Greater Idaho movement love you, man? Well, yeah.
02:10:09 I don't know want to do links tonight. I know I I'm familiar. Kind of. What with what that is. I'll take a look at the video app for this stream.
02:10:17 But I just don't feel like it. I'm just not feeling it tonight. Not feeling it tonight.
02:10:24 But I yeah, I mean it could be a good group. I don't know. I've just barely. I'm barely aware of it, but I'll take a look at your video.
02:10:32 A lowly scribe in God's army. It's weird that there are a lot of rich Jews living in.
02:10:37 Iran every once in a while, one of them gets sentenced to death for fraud or embezzlement.
02:10:43 Yeah. When isn't that interesting? I wonder why.
02:10:46 Wonder why and no pedo ****, I'm a little surprised.
02:10:51 Simbi, after all the blessings I've received, a gay trans ex-wife. What she it did to our children with the blessing from the state and everything else. I only hope whatever the US sends to the Middle East is obliterated by Iran and Russia. Well, there you go.
02:11:11 Blessings from the Jew God, we all experience them. Thanks to our undying support for Israel.
02:11:18 Arch Stanton.
02:11:23 Arch Stanton. Do you think if they institute a draft, it'll trigger a revolt? The government has been ******* us over so hard the last four years and the corruption is so in your face. Most people have to see it by now, right? How much blacker does the black pill have to get? I would say you're going to have a lot of the.
02:11:42 The the people on the left ignore the draft and and they might protest. And do you know little. In fact, BLM might even get involved and you know that they've unleashed that goal among us.
02:11:55 They might have lost control over that as well.
02:11:58 It I I.
02:11:59 Don't. I don't think it's gonna be like a revolution or anything like that. I I think it's just gonna be a lot of people don't show up. They'll maybe make a few examples out of white, right. Leaning people. Of course. And that'll be it. They won't have the ability to really prosecute it to any degree that would be meaningful. And.
02:12:18 I think that again, like I said, I can't. I can't tell you to break the law or anything like that, but I will tell you that if I got a notice like that in the mail, I would think long and hard about how I responded to it.
02:12:29 And I think a lot of people are going to do that.
02:12:33 Splitter trace Christian Zionism is a heresy. God is angry with the Jews. Look up thessalonian Thessalonians 14 through 16, King James version and the revelations 39. Well, that's for people. If you want to do.
02:12:49 That again I.
02:12:50 I don't think you're. I mean, that's.
02:12:52 I'm. I'm glad you you understand that and believe that. I'm just saying that I don't think you're going to change many minds when you get into these. These theological arguments with people. I don't think I've ever seen anyone change their religion as the the result of a debate.
02:13:10 I I just think that that's the kind of thing that you're either born into or you find on your own. I don't think it's something that can be forced onto you or that you can be debated out of it just it doesn't work like that. I've never seen that work ever.
02:13:27 Seamus Goya, Umberg, Niger, Niger white power keep up.
02:13:32 The great work.
02:13:33 Devin, you're a Canary in the coal mine and most don't.
02:13:36 Even realize it?
02:13:38 I hope I'm not a Canary in the coal mining.
02:13:40 Because if I was.
02:13:41 In a coal mine in in Gaza right now, I'd be getting gas with nerve gas. I'd be a dead asss ******* Canary.
02:13:50 In a in a Hamas tunnel right now.
02:13:54 Yeah, it's. Don't you like that? Have it one of.
02:13:57 The biggest groups.
02:13:58 For quote UN quote anti-Semitism right, it's the Canary.
02:14:02 Group or the Canary project or whatever it is. That's the big thing Dennis Prager used to push that all the time. Oh, the West guy has to watch out. The West has to watch out. And so many, so many conservatives believe this ******* line of thinking. So many of them believe this line of thinking. He would say you better watch out. You better protect the Jews.
02:14:21 Yeah, he would be a little bit.
02:14:22 He would try to be more pragmatic and less religious about it, right? Like he would not. That he wouldn't make those arguments as well, and he would he would all the time. But one of the things he would say all the time is if it was just some kind.
02:14:32 Of like little.
02:14:33 Factoid, some kind of thing that just, you know, anyone who understands geopolitics would understand this, that the Jews are the Canary in the coal mine, if you know you better watch out. You know that society is going to fall apart as soon as when people go after the Jews.
02:14:47 So you better make sure people that go after the Jews, because once they do that, the society falls apart. I would say this look, that's probably not true and for the reasons that he's trying to imply right, like somehow the Jews of the Canary in the coal mine, I think that when the society starts to fall apart so bad that that that Jewish control starts to like unravel a little bit.
02:15:07 Yeah, it's when she's getting weird and kinetic.
02:15:10 And and and and yeah, there does seem to be a correlation between Jews encountering conflict, and this is their host nations being embroiled in some kind of disaster. I wonder how they could be related not in the way Dennis Prager is implying. That's for *** **** sure. Damn Bigfoot. Imagine the false flag is Hamas.
02:15:30 Dudes paragliding over the Atlantic Ocean to attack something in the US.
02:15:35 Hey, you know, it wouldn't be that long ago that, that, that boomers would have believed that if you saw the fake footage from CNN when they were, like, running around acting like they were getting missiles lobbed at them in front of a blue screen, sometimes airing it with the blue or the blue screen behind them, you would understand that like, they're they're not used to having to to really try that.
02:15:55 Hard to trick people. Well, I mean, just look the the 40 beheaded babies thing that's that's all you need to know. They thought that people would believe that they thought that that was a good line to go with O40 beheaded babies.
02:16:08 Rying, Prince of Zimbabwe, going to pay out before the Jew God blessings ever come.
Speaker 2
02:16:15 I am.Devon Stack
02:16:17 Not sure what the reference is, unless you're no that was, that was not Zimbabwe.02:16:22 I don't know what the reference is there. Also Devin, if we ever go to war with the hebes, my catch line is going to be something like I'm here to repo the Jew. God's blessing. You're in.
02:16:35 You're in arrears.
02:16:38 You're in arrears.
02:16:41 ***** arrears.
02:16:43 That's some gay ****, right? Look it up her rears.
02:16:50 That sounds like some kind of either like.
02:16:52 Antiquated lingo or a typo? Let me see what that is.
02:17:01 Refers to a debt that is accumulating and has not yet been paid upon the due date. All right, well, there.
02:17:07 You go. It's some.
02:17:08 You you learn a new word every day.
02:17:12 Damn, Bigfoot. Do you think a military junta or coup is more likely during a World War three situation? If you think about it, even today much of the officer class is still patriotic. Whites wrong.
02:17:29 Where are you getting this information?
02:17:32 I mean, look, maybe maybe to some degree, but like I don't know, man have have you have you listened to the colonels talking about, you know, the the white rage and and the white, you know the the the what is it the.
02:17:45 The the the diversity training they're they're imposing on their on the military.
02:17:52 On their troops.
02:17:54 And I'll just tell you when I.
02:17:56 Work with with.
02:17:57 Officers at DoD they were not. They were not patriots. One or two was, but they were not. Largely white, patriotic men. They weren't even men.
02:18:09 A lot of the people calling the shots over there were women like blue haired HR types calling the shots. Now granted they weren't calling the shots when it came to at least as far as I know, you know, military tactics and things like that. These were people that were administrative to to some degree.
02:18:29 Right, like on stuff that wasn't super important or like research projects or things like that, not actual battlefield type stuff. But look, I mean, Mark Miley, I mean these people, when they when they're, when their gums are a flap and are you hearing bass ****? Are you hearing just ******* debased?
Speaker 2
02:18:46 Is it?Devon Stack
02:18:47 That's the problem is I don't. I don't think you're right about that. I think and plus look, it doesn't matter. I would it, would there be a a coup? No, that's some coutard ****.02:18:57 I think that they will just follow orders and they'll and we'll just think of it this way. Remember when when Trump got ****** out of the election, you had, I think it was Millie. It was either Millie or that other.
02:19:10 ****** *** who?
02:19:12 Contacted China and started coordinating with China with, you know, saying that, like, oh, Trump tries to stay in.
02:19:17 And there'd be a coup that way, if Trump.
02:19:19 Had tried to stay in office. The military.
02:19:21 Would have turned on him.
02:19:24 So no, they're not based at all.
02:19:27 They're not based at all. The only way you'd have any kind of defections and things like that. I mean, look, if they started turning weapons on their own people, you probably have the look you probably have people going AWOL if we started going to war with Iran and things got really bad and it wouldn't just be the people getting drafted, that wouldn't be showing up for duty. It would be people that were already like, you know, the reservists.
02:19:47 You'd have people that.
02:19:48 Were just like **** this, you.
02:19:49 You know you can **** ** ****. I'm not going to. I'm not going to go across the ocean just for some GI bill ********. So, yeah, I mean, you have stuff like that, but I don't think you'd have any kind of you.
02:20:01 Know you wouldn't have a military coup.
02:20:04 You, I mean, you just wouldn't, unfortunately.
02:20:11 Like I said, and less.
02:20:12 And less. I think that you had them ordered to turn guns directly on Americans. Then it would. Things would get a little more complicated. You have a lot more people that have bigger problem with that than they do with going to war with it, with Iran. A lot of these guys are.
02:20:25 Itching to go to war with Iran?
02:20:28 A lot of these military guys, they, they wanna they wanna play war.
02:20:34 They want to use. I mean they've they've got all these big ******* budgets buying all this stuff from Lockheed Martin at all, and now they want to go out and play around with it. They want to go use it.
02:20:45 What's what's the fun and having a rail gun if you can't fire it off at stuff and see what happens?
02:20:55 Uh. Let's see here.
02:20:58 Andromeda, thank you for another great show. Appreciate that Lord of the Kangs shootings are over. Manhunt is still going on. Suspect will be known by the FBI. I think. I think in the FBI. He said FIBA and coincidentally have every accessory to the ATF wants to ban.
02:21:18 Uh, yeah, I suspect this could be a gun control kind of a thing. Where? Because look.
02:21:23 Things are not looking great, right? Not just in, in terms of geopolitics domestically as well. And if we get in some weird situation where look, you know, they had COVID and so they could **** with the elections last time you want that, they very well could have a like, right, right.
02:21:40 Well, like Netanyahu, right?
02:21:43 One of the ways that he's.
02:21:44 Still going to be.
02:21:45 Remaining in power over in Israel is because of this conflict, right? So he's going to drag it out as long as possible. What makes you think that America won't use the same excuse while we can't have elections now? We're right in the middle of.
02:21:56 World War three. Are you crazy?
02:22:00 Are you crazy?
02:22:06 And that would **** people off. So yeah, absolutely. I I would not be surprised at all that. That said, I'm also not one of these people that thinks every mass shooting is fake. I think that there are just mentally ill people out there, and sometimes they're going to pop off, and that's just going to happen. And that's I I still don't care. Like if.
02:22:26 Even with that reality, if that is indeed what happened, there shouldn't be gun control. That's like saying because there was a 10 car pile up, we have to ban cars. Now it's ******* ********. It's stupid. Doesn't make any sense. Ohh no. Like some guy drove some guy, drove through a parade. We're gonna ban SUV.
02:22:46 I mean it's it's nonsense now that that, that said, it doesn't matter, right? Because they they only have to appeal to the emotion of people.
02:22:53 So yeah, they'll try to use it to emotionally blackmail people into passing legislation. And and it's not like these these Israel ***** that adopt black sons are going to have any problem signing that kind of legislation.
02:23:06 So yeah.
02:23:10 Smarter than you says. the US gave China a warning a few years or a few days ago that it would defend the Philippines as tensions escalate there, though, or through their naval forces, there was a purposeful collision over territory. No one is even talking about that. Yeah, I'm not sure you're talking about. I know that the.
02:23:29 That China is sending warships to the.
02:23:33 To the Persian Gulf, though, so I'm not sure exactly what this is with. With the Philippines, I'll look into that. Damn Bigfoot would be a shame if Iran had enough nuclear material to make a dirty bomb and make Jerusalem uninhabitable for 100 years. Crazy Wars over the Roman Fort wall and Sandbagger.
02:23:53 Sanctuary. Well, I'll tell you what the I think The Dirty bomb stuff is even overplay. They act like, oh, my God, it would be uninhabitable for like 100,000 years. No, it's.
Speaker 7
02:24:03 It wouldn't be.Devon Stack
02:24:05 It wouldn't be. They can clean that stuff up to the degree that.02:24:07 It's even a.
02:24:08 Problem I I don't know what Iran has in in the nuclear department, though they could have actual live warheads. For all we know that would be a bigger deal, not because of the fallout I. Like I said, I think the fallout and I did a whole stream talking about this. I think the fallout is is largely overstated.
02:24:26 The product of the imaginations of people that watched Terminator two, I don't think it's it's really all that insane. I think that it's bad, but I don't think it's.
02:24:35 It's it's. That's not the thing to worry about. The thing to worry about is if you're dropping those, you're what are you, not you. You're not using. I mean, there's nothing you're not using at that point. You know, that means that that things have escalated to a level to where the the most death possible is what the interested parties. That's their tactic at that point.
02:24:56 Is I'm trying to in in a very untargeted way in a very unprecise way or imprecise way. I am just trying to cause as much death as and and and and look.
02:25:14 Well, that's all I'm gonna say about that, you guys.
02:25:16 Know the drill.
02:25:21 Let's see here, Lord of the Kangs shout out to the to ******** ******.
02:25:27 I still laugh whenever you say his username, even when he's not here. Well, there you go. ******** ******.
02:25:33 Chaos Israel is protected by NATO and Iran as part of BRICS. I'm no fan of the global **** Empire and the blessings of the Jews, but I don't want China to be in charge. Their ruling class is just as ruthless as ours. Imagine them with the absolute power. I'm all up for combating subversion and Jewish tricks.
02:25:54 But they are just sacrificing. Nobody's the Rothschild aren't sitting in Israel fighting the.
02:26:00 For it would give them what they want anyway, another persecution narrative and fulfillment of their prophecies. Influential Jews with money would make it would make it out and subvert their new host.
02:26:16 Yeah, you know what, I I kind of don't. I don't think that it's good to have Israel. And if their new host ends up being China, then hey, let China have them. But I don't like them having their own little ******* Heidi hole that they can go to and and control my my country.
02:26:33 I quite frankly don't want him in my country either, but I especially don't want them to be 1 foot in my country and one foot into some little playground where then, you know, they can just run away too as soon as they suck my country dry, I want them to at least be a little bit worried about the condition of the host that they're sucking from, because the 2nd that thing dies, they're going down with it. I.
02:26:54 Want them to have at least a little bit of.
02:26:55 Of paranoia about that, about what's going to happen to them and not have some little, you know, cabin in the woods, they can, you know, bug out too when they **** everything up.
02:27:06 And as far as China, look, I don't think that China is awesome. I don't think China is going to be if they become a a superpower that we have to some degree have to become subservient too. I don't think that would be a great situation, but at this point, you know what? I don't ******* care either. Because it.
02:27:25 We live in an apartment.
02:27:26 Complex not a country and.
02:27:28 More, we live in an apartment complex. This isn't. Why do I give a **** if the the apartment complex that I live in is the best one in town?
02:27:38 Right. Like ohh you. You don't want the apartment complex on the other side of town that's owned by the Chinese. You don't want them to have a nicer pool than you. Who cares? Who ******* cares if I care that?
02:27:47 Much. I'll go move to that apartment complex.
02:27:51 You know.
02:27:55 Maybe next time. Sorry I'm late. Has the war started yet? Not yet.
02:28:00 Not yet, but uh you.
02:28:01 Know. Wait, wait. Like 10 more minutes? I don't know.
02:28:06 Knight Nation review. Apparently he is a sex offender who isn't allowed to own a firearm. Well, there you go. Not that that'll matter, right? The guy the shooter apparently is who you're talking about. That won't matter. That won't matter. Cause they'll just say.
02:28:20 No, it won't matter. None of these things ever matter when you point out this stuff to the people that want gun control because they don't care, they don't. They they don't want gun control because they of the arguments that they're even making, they just don't want you to have guns so they'll lie and they'll just they'll just keep pushing emotional propaganda towards the people too stupid to do any kind of research or believe you when you present them with facts.
02:28:43 And they'll just keep pushing an emotional narrative about, you know, dead kids and dead this and whatever, in the hopes that they'll support it when they go to take.
02:28:52 Your guns from you.
02:28:55 9 Nation review of these things are worth 0 now. We shouldn't read them as hyper chats equivalents anymore. Yeah, I agree. The the the fake.
02:29:05 The fake library money. Sorry, guys, but that's that's. I'll do. I'll do it tonight. I'll do it tonight. But that's no longer going to be hyper chable because you might as well just be sending me nothing.
02:29:21 I mean, it was already kind of nothing, but I was being nice and now it's like, really nothing.
02:29:27 Damn Bigfoot. We need to send in the true Israelites. The Kings and Queens and ****. It would be it would simultaneously solve two of our problems at once. That's right. Yeah, it'd be kind of funny to send in a bunch of black Hebrew Israelites.
02:29:44 Arch Stanton can't wait to see World War 3 fought by our fully Vaxxed ****** army.
02:29:49 Yeah, you know.
02:29:50 To some degree I I would kind of enjoy it. I would kind of enjoy it. I would kind of enjoy it the same way I enjoyed watching them run tail between their legs out of Afghanistan.
02:30:02 Just being honest, it was enjoyable to see.
02:30:05 It was. I enjoyed watching the Taliban dancing around, shooting AR or AK-40 sevens up in the air and and telling women to put that ******* burka back on, you know, the the the female robotics class was over.
02:30:23 Banana pilled, may I propose a movie review of the 1950s movie Harvey? That's actually a pretty good movie. I liked it. It was a Jimmy Stewart movie. Or not. Jimmy Stewart? Yeah, Jimmy Stewart movie.
02:30:39 My coworker with an insufferable subversive Christian identity loves this movie, but the plot repulsed me. His favorite quote that something to do with instead of being smart, be pleasant. Something about submitting to the world instead of.
02:30:53 Some. Is there a part?
02:30:55 Two to that instead of you think about, I don't know. I think you might be reading too much into it. I just thought it was a cute little.
02:31:02 Movie about a invisible.
02:31:03 Rabbit again, I I haven't seen it for many years, but.
02:31:11 I I don't think that it has and if all the subversive movies, I don't think that's like a A1 to worry about.
02:31:22 Maybe there's some like weird Christian undertone. I'm not aware of, but.
02:31:26 To me it just seemed like, hey, look, if you're, if you're it's, it was almost like a Forrest Gumpy kind of storyline, right? Like, yeah, if you're just nice.
02:31:33 To people or?
02:31:34 Whatever then is. Is that really such a bad thing? Is that a bad lesson? Being nice to people and?
02:31:41 And I don't know. Again, I haven't seen it in a long time. I just don't think there's probably anything that bad about it.
02:31:47 So tiresome. I read this article about the Jewish Soviet police atrocities. Not sure if this is something you could do a stream on.
02:31:57 Jewish Soviet police atrocities.
02:32:01 Yeah, I'll, I'll. I'll be. I'll maybe take a look at that.
02:32:05 Seamus Goyens Burg when I was in the military and wanted to go to war with anyone, they'd put me in front of. I think The only exception would have been if our own people. But I don't ask too many questions back or didn't ask too many questions back then. I just drank and did what I had to do. Now the times have changed and I think that's generally speaking.
02:32:24 A lot of military people, though, like I said, I don't think it would really cause a problem with them and because a lot of these guys aren't, you know, geopolitically savvy at all and they're just there to follow orders, that's what they, that's what basic.
02:32:36 Training is there to beat into your head.
02:32:40 I would. I would be surprised, however, if you didn't have some kind of issues if they were ordered to turn their guns on Americans.
02:32:49 Pro White malachite, former lifelong Christian here. Christianity is entirely Jewish. The Bible is pro Jewish. Gentiles are referred to as dogs. Matthew 1521 to 28. Adam just mentioned on his last string that he would love to get you on.
02:33:09 His show. Can you make it happen? Lots of people want that stream. Yeah, I've been on stream with him before. I would. I would. I would stream with him again.
02:33:17 Teha with 1000 fake dollars says I got money to burn. Well, I don't know. You can't even really.
02:33:25 Burn that money.
02:33:29 And Walker, 747 with $25. Here's my nonsense bucks. Love your work. Well, I appreciate that, guys.
02:33:37 And yeah, thanks for stopping by. I think we're going to do, hopefully, if World War 3 doesn't break out, I think the next stream we do, I don't know if we're going to do it Saturday, I might do instead of Saturday, I might do a Halloween spooky stream and again, unless World War three or something akin to World War 3.
02:33:57 Or maybe some of the war with Iran, or if something significant happens then then you can count on me being here and doing the stream as per usual. If not, I'm thinking maybe instead we we do a Halloween stream which is on Tuesday, so it'd be no stream until Tuesday.
02:34:15 And or maybe on Saturday. It's possible if I'm able to line things up with certain people then I might be. Maybe I'll do like a guest or something like that, but I just have a lot. I got to get done before the cold weather sets in in terms of beekeeping and everything else, and it's just not.
02:34:34 I can't do that and the stream because it ruins my sleep schedule and I have to be up at the crack of the ask to get throw my hives and everything.
02:34:41 Like that before the.
02:34:43 You know, before it winter hits and the bees don't have time to survive it without, you know.
02:34:50 Without issues. So anyway.
02:34:52 Appreciate you guys all coming here and and sharing this this time with me. I'll check you guys next time. Like I said, probably no stream until Halloween and we'll do a a legit spooky Halloween one, you know? You know how I like the Halloween stream, so I'll I catch you guys later in the meantime.
02:35:13 We're black pilled.
02:35:15 I am of course.
Speaker 5
02:35:18 Devin stag.Speaker 6
02:35:26 New York.Speaker 8
02:35:53 Sucking, sucking.Speaker 17
02:36:09 I got the old.Speaker 5
02:36:10 Time. Beauty. Hey, I got a brand.Speaker 8
02:36:14 New room comes. Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready?Speaker 13
02:36:52 It is.