12/07/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 62886.00:00:06 13297.
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00:03:33 The nation.00:03:48 The nation.
Speaker 2
00:04:03 Rule the nation's vision.Speaker
00:04:06 The world.Speaker 5
00:04:11 The nation.Speaker 6
00:08:26 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:08:30 Connection problems already, but that's OK. I'm recording locally and you know. Looks like it's it's working now. Alright. Rather have those problems in the beginning, right?
00:08:45 This is the insomnia stream, deadlier addition or deadlier.
00:08:53 I'm your host, of course, Devon stick and you're looking at.
00:08:57 Norman Lear, who is dead at the ripe old age of 101.
00:09:02 As of yesterday.
00:09:06 Good old Norman Lear.
00:09:07 We've covered a lot of his stuff over the years.
00:09:11 Covered a lot of his uh his his entertainment products.
00:09:17 His entertainment products.
00:09:21 On both film and on television.
00:09:23 On the big screen and little screen.
00:09:27 It's amusing to me.
00:09:29 It never gets old.
00:09:31 Watching people.
00:09:33 Who are emotionally connected to one of these products? These propaganda pieces.
00:09:40 Especially when it comes to television.
00:09:44 They get emotionally connected, so much so that if you point out that it has propaganda within it.
00:09:52 They get upset.
00:09:54 They get upset. They say no. No, it's not. It's not propaganda because I like it. And I've said this time and time again.
00:10:04 And yet, people don't seem to get it.
00:10:08 The fact that you like it.
00:10:11 Is proving that it was good propaganda. It wouldn't be good propaganda if you didn't like it.
00:10:21 I've used the analogy of rat poison in the past where if rat poison tastes like ****, rats wouldn't eat it.
00:10:31 I don't give a **** if you liked it.
00:10:34 That doesn't change. What?
00:10:36 It is. It's still rat poison.
00:10:40 In fact, we wouldn't be talking about it if.
00:10:42 You didn't like it?
00:10:50 We have a lot to talk about because ************ was 101 years old and and basically worked. Almost. Uh.
00:10:57 Oh, 80 years of that.
00:11:01 80 years of producing Jewish propaganda in Hollywood.
00:11:08 We won't go over everything. We've gone over a lot of this stuff, but I do want to hit on a couple of things and talk about his activism. Because guess.
00:11:14 What in addition to you gobbling up, gobbling up?
00:11:20 The propaganda.
00:11:24 Many people were also funding his activism.
00:11:32 Funding the ACT act as activism that was actively going against them and their interests.
00:11:41 So your love of his propaganda?
00:11:44 Of the.
00:11:44 More subtle type.
00:11:46 Funded his propaganda.
Speaker 7
00:11:50 The the not so.Speaker 6
00:11:51 Subtle type and not to mention the candidates that he funded.00:11:55 And the other.
00:11:57 Well, you know, this is The funny thing. People always say, well, where did Jews get all this money?
00:12:01 They get it from you.
00:12:04 That's where they get it.
00:12:07 Oh boy.
00:12:10 But yes, I was reminded of this when on on, on Twitter or ex or whatever.
00:12:17 I tweeted out that he was dead and that he can. He can, but ******* burn in hell.
00:12:23 And lots of people in the replies, many of them boomers, because that's who was alive when this guy was.
00:12:29 At his peak.
00:12:31 Or very upset.
00:12:34 Very upset with me claiming. No, no, no. Archie Bunker was based. We've, we've done a stream about this. We'll we'll talk about a little bit of that today.
00:12:46 They could ever make that show today. Really.
00:12:49 Really, they they do make that show today.
00:12:52 That's in fact most of the shows they make are that show thanks to Norman Lear.
00:13:03 So looks like Rumble is seized up here. I'm going to refresh it. Maybe it'll start working again if I refresh it. OK yeah, it works when you refresh it.
00:13:12 So just refresh if it if it stalls out for some reason.
00:13:17 And it should get cracking again. I think there was just some weird.
00:13:22 Weird connection problem in the very beginning, but hopefully that rough spots over. Anyway, let's let's launch right into the life of.
00:13:29 Of Norman Lear.
00:13:32 For those of you unfamiliar with his century.
00:13:36 Of subversiveness.
00:13:42 Well, first of all, you should know that.
00:13:45 Norman Lear was the son of immigrants.
00:13:50 So from where from where you might ask and from what time period? I mean, *************, 101 years old, right?
Speaker 8
00:13:57 His mother also isn't.Speaker 6
00:13:58 It well, I forgot to turn the audio on for that.00:14:02 Let's activate the audio. How about that?
00:14:04 There, Devon. All right.
Speaker 8
00:14:06 His mother also is an immigrant. She arrived from Russia in 1903. His father's parents are also from Russia. They came here in the 1890s.Speaker 6
00:14:17 So they came from Eastern Europe.00:14:20 From around the the turn of the century, they didn't say anything about him being Jewish, though. I mean, I know it's.
00:14:24 Hard to look.
00:14:25 At that and and have any questions about whether or not he's Jewish.
00:14:28 But you know, I just, I'm. I don't know if he's actually Jewish or not. I mean, there's they haven't really said whether.
Speaker 9
00:14:35 He was born 90.Speaker 6
00:14:36 Eight years ago in Hartford, CT.Speaker 9
00:14:38 When he was nine, his father went to prison for selling fake bonds.Speaker 6
00:14:43 Ohh, definitely Jewish.00:14:51 Ohh it's it's. It is every single time, isn't it? Every single time how many times on this stream have we done some version of of this story?
00:15:04 Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe show up in America and immediately start trying to rip people off and subvert the culture. Well, here you go. It's it's just, you know.
00:15:14 Tail is all this time.
00:15:17 So, uh yeah, Norman Lear's dad.
00:15:22 Went to jail for for selling fake bonds.
00:15:29 Surprise, surprise. Oh yeah. Who would have thought, right. Who would have thought?
00:15:36 So Norman Lear.
00:15:38 He then went on to join the Air Force where he flew.
00:15:44 Something like 52 during World War 2 flew 52 bombing.
00:15:49 Missions over Germany.
00:15:52 No, but we'll get into.
00:15:53 That a little bit further.
00:15:56 He got in the television and and I wonder what? What was it? What was it that sparked his desire?
00:16:04 To tell stories.
00:16:07 Because it's clearly not propaganda, right? Don't know, Devin. It's it's just. Why do you read so much of everything? Well, really, it's just not, huh? It's not propaganda. It's just some, you know, it's just like all the other Jews in Hollywood. He's just telling fanciful stories, right.
00:16:24 Well, let. Let's see what he says about why he decided to.
00:16:27 Do this.
Speaker 11
00:16:30 But the foolishness of the human condition is a serious matter also, or we wouldn't be in the trouble we're in right now. We see, and I've seen before our country in trouble. I told you that I won this American Legion our oratorical contest.00:16:50 I won it and I entered the contest because I could. You had to talk about the Constitution and I wanted to talk about the Constitution because when I was a little guy younger than you guys.
00:17:05 There was a.Speaker 11
00:17:06 A Catholic priest on television was a representative of Catholics. Believe me, he was.00:17:13 He was a terrible guy. He had a big radio show. His name was Father Coughlin, father Charles Coughlin, and he was a vicious anti Semite and he talked about Jews like they were and I'm Jewish. So I heard that when I was nine years old or so.
00:17:31 And I knew my constitution. I knew, you know, we were protected from that kind of thing by a not protected from his ability to say it.
00:17:43 I understood that his right to speak his mind was clear. That's what.
00:17:51 Made me so in love with this country.
Speaker 6
00:17:54 Do you like how that's changed?00:17:56 Do you like how Jews were all about the the 1st amendment when they were using it as a weapon to bludgeon you over the head with it? You know. But now, now that they have every all the changes they wanted to make have been made. They want to shut down your free speech, but anyway.
Speaker 2
00:18:11 Right.Speaker 11
00:18:11 And he could say it, and I could fight.00:18:13 It as hard as I could so.
00:18:19 When I entered the American Legion oratorical contest, it was to write about and speak about the how the Constitution felt to me as a member of minority. And that guy on television on radio was no television. So.
00:18:37 It's it all stemmed from those feelings growing up that the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence.
Speaker 6
00:18:49 Ah, yes, that's another reason why the the boomers love this guy. Because he's all about the Constitution. We'll get a little more into that.00:18:54 In a second, but I want you.
00:18:56 This is in his office.
00:18:59 So before we go and take a look at Father Coughlin, who he hated so much.
00:19:03 This is in his office and and you can't see it in this shot, but when you zoom out, what's that over his head on his wall, in his office?
00:19:12 Ohh it's it's. It's a mockery of the Sistine Chapel where God is in a television.
00:19:19 God is touching man from inside of a television.
00:19:26 Kind of gives you a little insight that's. That's how he decided to decorate the wall of his office.
00:19:33 Was an image portraying basically himself as God communicating with with the golem through the television.
00:19:44 So who's this father Coughlin that he's so upset about that. Uh, that inspired him.
00:19:49 To use his free speech.
00:19:52 To battle.
00:19:53 The evil that he was spewing.
Speaker 12
00:19:57 There is written in the Constitution of the United States that Congress.00:20:02 Has the right to coin issue and regulate the value of money. That's good American is. I mean it's good enough.
00:20:09 For me.
Speaker 6
00:20:11 Doesn't seem to like that part of the Constitution.Speaker 12
00:20:15 Every politician today.00:20:18 In the Democratic or Republican rank?
00:20:22 Who sits upon one of the Thrones of the mighty?
00:20:25 Doesn't believe in that part of the Constitution.
Speaker 6
00:20:30 Neither does Norman Lear.Speaker 12
00:20:33 They don't want to believe in that part.00:20:35 Of the constitution.
00:20:37 They believe.
00:20:39 That the Federal Reserve Bank has a right to coin and regulate the value of money. They're not even Americans, the so-called Democrats and Republicans.
00:20:58 And so, Mr. Roosevelt, who was very loquacious in 1933 about driving the money changers out of the temple, is now bent upon another policy. I think driving the Workman out of decent annual wages as I come before you today.
00:21:21 I wish to leave this thought with you.
00:21:25 That at each Congressional District here in Illinois.
00:21:29 We will endorse a candidate who can rise above his party and puts patriotism first.
00:21:42 He may be a Democrat.
00:21:45 Or a Republican or whatnot.
00:21:48 But we're through with our sham battle of politicians, and now we're on our own.
00:22:02 Therefore, under your Congressional District, presidents form, your battalions take up the shield of your defense, and she is a sword of your truth and carry on in Illinois.
00:22:17 Shows that the communists on the one hand cannot score.
00:22:22 Just and the the modern capitalists on the other, cannot plague us.
Speaker 6
00:22:30 I wonder why he thought that was anti-Semitic.00:22:37 He didn't like he, I mean, he says he likes the Constitution, but.
00:22:42 Father Coughlin just seems like he's mad at the money changers. The Federal Reserve.
Speaker 12
00:22:49 The depression still lacks strong as the powers of inflation reached out to confiscate holes to capture files and to keep that whole matching army of shoppers upon our streets wondering when God in his.00:23:08 Mass. He would lift his hand.
00:23:11 I dare you. I'm challenged you to organize so that the people is not the President who would drive the money changers from the temple and.
00:23:24 You did it.
00:23:30 They believe.
00:23:32 That the Federal Reserve Bank has no right to coin and regulate the value of money. They're not even Americans, the so-called Democrats and Republicans.
00:23:47 You appreciate the fact to my dear friends.
00:23:51 Among other things, in the National Union.
00:23:53 For social justice.
00:23:56 We are Christian in so far as we believe in Christ principle of love, your neighbor as yourself and with that principle I challenge every Jew in this nation to tell me that he does not believe it.
00:24:23 There is no need of communism. All the factories and the fields and the forests and the mines under a new kind of God made of flesh.
00:24:35 And blood and clay and hatred.
00:24:45 When men become so frightful that they believe their destiny is so real right, the eternal law of God, it's time for their fellow citizens to raise up in their wrath.
00:25:01 And who the agency of ballots and not bullets to relegate them to the pages of the past.
Speaker 6
00:25:16 So that was the that was the Father Coughlin. That was the guy that that inspired Norman Lear because he was so anti. He was so anti-Semitic.00:25:28 He was very upset by this. You'll see this as a pattern throughout Norman Lear's life, he's very upset anytime Christians get.
00:25:38 Which is weird because he uses his platform and his people and their religion.
00:25:45 As a a political powerhouse in Hollywood, whether you're talking about the the radio stations that they controlled, whether the television networks they control, whether you're talking about the the movie studios they control, it's not a coincidence that every time we go over these people, they're backgrounds, that they all came here to America.
00:26:07 From the turn of the century from Eastern Europe.
00:26:10 And to act as if it's some kind of affront to the Constitution, that the founding stock Americans want to have a religious aspect of their politics, like somehow that's a big deal. That's a problem.
00:26:24 But that Eastern European Jews?
00:26:28 Atheist or not?
00:26:30 Somehow, like their their nepotism and their their wildly, wildly out of step with American values, that they're, well, they're redefined redefining of American values.
00:26:48 Using television, newspapers, magazines, radio, movies, that's somehow fine.
00:26:56 It's only when the the the uppity goyum get out of.
00:26:59 Line that there's a problem.
00:27:01 But again, we'll go back to that.
00:27:02 Here in a.
00:27:02 Second, uh. He's he was so obsessed with this constitution stuff and this is again, there's another reason why the the boomers like him to some extent.
00:27:13 One a couple of years back you got were actually more than a couple of years. Now you guys might remember that a copy of the constitution was discovered. One of the the few copies that existed in the back of a A, a painting that was bought, someone bought a painting. And in the frame there behind it, there was a original copy of the content.
00:27:33 Institution it went up for auction and Norman.
00:27:36 Lear bought it.
Speaker 13
00:27:40 The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in our nation's.00:27:43 History only 25 in existence. Only one in private hands.
Speaker 7
00:27:48 A couple goes to an estate sale. They buy a picture basically because they like the.Speaker 14
00:27:52 Frame they take.00:27:52 The picture out and what's back there, this original copy of the declaration that eventually sold.
Speaker 15
00:27:56 For $8 million.Speaker
00:27:58 Guess who bought it television.00:28:00 Producer Norman Lear.
Speaker 6
00:28:02 Oh, I'm sorry. It was the Declaration of Independence. But anyway, he bought it for $8 million. Again, This is Money that he got he fleeced from.00:28:11 From the the big fans of Archie Bunker, et cetera.
00:28:15 Toured around the country and and again he was really this guy's really clever. This guy's really clever.
00:28:22 He's really good at trying to leverage the the patriotism of conservatives and try to make them feel at home with with progressive ideas. That's pretty much his entire MO.
00:28:37 He even wrote this song.
00:28:40 It's called born again American. So this is the guy that has a big problem with religion and politics.
00:28:48 But then he's funding a song called Born again American.
00:28:55 But I thought he had a big problem. Like he he's very explicit. One of the things I found because there's, you know, again the guys like well was 101 years old.
00:29:04 He did a lot of interviews over the years and it was weird because I would find the interview from 40 years ago and he would almost say word for word in some instances the exact same things whether he was being interviewed by 60 minutes, you know, 40 years ago or if he was up on a stage as recently as five years ago.
00:29:24 Talking to aspiring Hollywood writers that came to listen to the, you know, the Oracle of Hollywood, and he would tell the exact same stories, a lot of the same phrasing.
00:29:36 And it made sense, you know, to some extent, cause, you know, he just he's a writer. So he probably wrote what, you know, almost like a like a stand up comedian would have a routine that no matter what club he went to around the country, he would just do the same jokes. He would know, you know, work, refine it, whatever.
00:29:50 Knew what would work what.
00:29:51 Wouldn't wouldn't work, but he always said the same story. He always told the story about listening to father.
00:29:56 Offline and that inspiring him to do, you know, to to go into television and to and to to preach his message.
00:30:03 You know, one way of putting it.
00:30:05 And he would always talk about how he was very disturbed by the the right, the religious.
00:30:13 Right.
00:30:14 In the 1970s, that was trying to push back from the literal gates of hell that were opening in the 1970s, the decade where we had all of the television shows that he was producing. They were, you know, the the number one.
00:30:28 Hits and and and not by a small measure. We're talking about 10s of millions of people watching these like.
00:30:35 You got to remember there was only four networks back then and he had like 4 #1 shows basically almost simultaneously. So he's he's getting into the minds of Americans in a way that really no.
00:30:46 One and I guess you could say he was getting in the minds of humans in the way that was previously technologically impossible, but also just it never happened before. Never before was someone able to impress upon that many people that many millions of people.
00:31:03 Simultaneously too, it wasn't like, oh, here's a story that was passed on, you know, for generations. And it gets, you know, little altered as it's, you know.
00:31:10 Cause it's being, you know, it's traveling by word of mouth or what? No, he's everyone's watching the exact same story. Exactly as you wrote it all at the same time. And discussing it at the water cooler the next.
00:31:22 Day at work.
00:31:24 And he's very upset when he sees that other people are using this exact same technology to try to.
00:31:30 Do the same thing.
00:31:32 You know, instead of telling his little stories, his comedic stories that makes everyone get their little funny hahas and secretly plant the ideas in their head, they're being more explicit because that's just. I'm sorry. That's the way the right wing operates, unfortunately.
00:31:47 The right wing just tells you what they what they what they're thinking.
00:31:51 It's not as effective.
00:31:53 And that's what they do. And when he saw that their religious right was starting to use television to get their message out, he got really upset and started talking about how there should be, again, the Constitution right there should be a separation of church and state. He was really upset.
00:32:10 But then he goes in fun stuff like this.
Speaker 16
00:32:22 Just a working man without a job.00:32:26 It got shipped off to China via Washington, DC.
Speaker 6
00:32:32 Notice how similar it is by the.00:32:34 Way to the the rich man north of Richmond.
Speaker 16
00:32:37 Nothing special. There are plenty more like me just the same.00:32:44 I thought I knew the rules of the game.
00:32:49 Stood up for this country that I love.
00:32:54 I came back from the desert to wife and kids feet.
00:32:59 I'm not saying Uncle Sam should give me what I need. My offer first thing.
00:33:07 Pull my way to you. Give me.Speaker 3
00:33:09 Half a chance.Speaker 16
00:33:14 Went up to a.00:33:15 Congressman and said to him, you know, our government is.
Speaker 3
00:33:21 Letting people down.Speaker 4
00:33:24 He said he'd need.Speaker 16
00:33:26 A lot of help to buck the status quo, I said. There was a bunch of us around.Speaker 18
00:33:46 My Bible I am.Speaker 16
00:33:47 The Bill of Rights.Speaker 17
00:33:51 Creates a quality.Speaker 6
00:33:55 My Bible.00:33:57 And my Bill of Rights.
00:33:59 My creed is a quality.
00:34:04 Imagine that a Jew trying to redefine Christianity in America. That isn't that. That's they don't do that.
00:34:13 So it's funny, cause especially here in this same interview with those middle school kids.
00:34:19 He even admits that that line my Bible and the Bill of Rights.
00:34:24 Right. That doesn't sound like him.
Speaker 11
00:34:27 On born again America, Keith Carradine wrote my Bible is the Bill of Rights. Before we recorded it.00:34:40 I talked to a couple of evangelical ministers and one of them said to me, you know, when he says my Bible is the Bill of Rights.
00:34:50 I think you're going to get more people in the tent, more people who will understand it and not take.
00:34:55 Issue with it if.
00:34:56 It was my Bible and the Bill of Rights instead of my Bible is the Bill of Rights.
Speaker 1
00:35:00 Right.Speaker 11
00:35:02 So I made that adjustment.Speaker 6
00:35:06 So he just made that adjustment to appeal to the exact the people he was targeting.00:35:14 You stupid fox, don't you understand? You're.
00:35:16 The punch line.
00:35:18 You're the punchline.
00:35:22 Oh, but Archie Bunker was funny.
00:35:24 Laugh it up, boy.
00:35:26 Laugh it up.Speaker 6
00:35:29 We'll get to him in a second.Speaker 11
00:35:32 With with Keith Caroline's permission, I made that adjustment.00:35:38 It wasn't till I sat down to dinner one night and one of my girls said, hey, Dad.
00:35:45 I got to ask you about the song. My Bible and the Bill of Rights. Didn't you mean my Bible? Is the Bill of Rights?
00:35:55 And I said, how could you possibly? And then she said, did you change it? Was that the way it was? I said that's the way it was. And I did change it to.
00:36:06 Hopefully to get more people who felt evangelical in the tent and and the other twins said Ohh that.
00:36:16 You compromised.
Speaker 6
00:36:19 You compromised. Well, you know you know, honey, sometimes you have to.00:36:25 Sometimes you have to when your whole goal goal is to hoodwink.
00:36:32 The stupid Christians in America. Sometimes you got to just move a.
00:36:35 Word around here or there.
00:36:41 But anyway.
00:36:44 A lot of people know him from his TV work.
00:36:49 But another uh.
00:36:51 Product that he created, I did a stream or maybe it was a video, maybe was before I was doing streams.
00:36:57 In fact, I think it was a video it it was.
00:37:00 From the YouTube days.
00:37:02 In fact, I think the name of the video is divorce, American style, the name of the movie that he that he did was divorced, American style 1967.
00:37:12 Promoting divorce?
00:37:14 Portraying divorce as just like this fun thing that couples can try out.
00:37:20 It's this new fad called divorce.
00:37:24 Yeah. Give it a shot.
00:37:27 Give it a shot. You know, I. In fact, we'll even cast Dick Van Dyke, Americas's husband and father. Right. *** **** Van Dyke show opposite Mary Tyler Moore.
00:37:40 Will put him in the movie so that everyone can relate to him. He's already relatable.
00:37:49 And we'll make we'll make divorce look like this silly fun thing. You can try out with your wife.
Speaker 4
00:38:01 Oh, oh, look at that.Speaker 6
00:38:06 Marriage is so lame, isn't it?00:38:14 All the magic is gone.
Speaker 19
00:38:19 Of the great Silence starring Richard and Barbara Harmon, married 16 years now undressing together for the 5420 second time.Speaker 20
00:38:35 If you are married or are planning to get married or have ever been married, see Dick Van Dyke, Debbie Reynolds, Jason Robards, Gene Simmons, Van Johnson, Joe Flynn. Shelly Berman.Speaker 14
00:38:39 Right.Speaker 20
00:38:50 And you.00:38:53 In divorce, American style.
Speaker 21
00:38:55 Where are you?Speaker 22
00:38:56 Going anywhere but here I don't know what you think you've been living with all these years and I don't care, but I.00:39:01 Haven't done so.
00:39:02 Bad by you, sweetheart. Most women give their I teeth to live.
00:39:05 The way you do, don't you forget it.
Speaker 21
00:39:07 Things again, you're talking about things. Again. When are you going to get it through your head? I don't need things. I need you.Speaker 22
00:39:15 So you got me. Where do I go? What do I do? You open up the door in the morning and let me out in the evening like clockwork. I'm back now.00:39:22 How much more can you have me?
Speaker 6
00:39:24 Ah yes.00:39:26 And as I talk about in the I I I I recommend you.
00:39:29 Check out that video.
00:39:31 But at the end of this movie.
00:39:34 They get remarried again so that you know you don't think it's anything permanent? Ohh, no divorce isn't. You know it is this fun thing. And and if you have second thoughts later on, it's just you can. It's like hitting the rewind button or just undo button before there was an.
00:39:47 Undo button.
00:39:49 And you're back married again? It's fun. Try it out. You'll get to.
00:39:52 Like, hang out with other chicks.
00:39:56 Bang other chicks for a while. Be on your own. Feel like you're young again. Get out of that routine that's gotten so boring with your wife.
00:40:07 And at the end you can go right back to it. Just it's like a little vacation.
00:40:12 So anyway, so he produced.
00:40:16 Divorce, American style.
00:40:20 Here he is talking about uh.
00:40:23 The the the.
00:40:25 The thing that really launched him into popularity and gave him tons of money.
00:40:31 And that is of course.
00:40:34 The the television products that he was producing.
00:40:39 Most famously all in the family.
Speaker 11
00:40:42 I had a thought for something that Danny Thomas would do. I loved Thomas. I loved the way he is.Speaker 6
00:40:48 Ohh so this clip. By the way I I only included this.00:40:54 So many people wonder like, oh, you know, why is it such? Why? Why are they? Why are why did Jews see the world differently than than we do, or how do they?
00:41:03 See it differently than we do.
00:41:05 And I thought this little tiny story that he tells where he talks about how he got into the business, his first little, his first job in the business, how he he got his foot in the door really kind of described it really illustrated how or a big difference in how founding stock Americans.
00:41:23 Would view like their their work ethic, shall we say, versus the Jewish work ethic.
00:41:30 So this is a little story that he tells where he explains how he got his foot in the door.
00:41:35 And I want you to because for him it's just like, oh, of course I did this.
00:41:41 But most Americans would never dream of.
Speaker 22
00:41:44 Of behaving this way.Speaker 11
00:41:46 I had a thought for something that Danny Thomas would do. I loved Thomas. I loved the way he, the raconteur, and Thomas told these endless stories and held an audience by the nape and then in the last moment let him go.00:42:02 So I had a thought for Danny Thomas and.
00:42:07 We knew he was represented from the trades we always represented by the William Morris office. I recall calling somebody at the Morris Office and got a secretary who for who worked for working for the agent that handled Thomas, Phil Kellogg, I think and talking a mile a minute. And I said.
00:42:28 My name was Merle Robinson. The name I used in these contexts.
00:42:32 My name was Mel Robinson. I was with the New York Times. I had been out here for two days doing a story on Danny Thomas. I have two questions I had forgotten to ask him. I must ask him before I get on the poop.
00:42:43 They're calling my plan.
00:42:46 I have two questions I'm going to write it on the plane and file it when I.
00:42:49 Get and she gave me his number.
Speaker 6
00:42:52 So he starts off calling up a celebrities secretary line, making up a name saying he works for the New York Times and said Ohh my play, I really gotta go. So he's he's lying.00:43:07 Right. If you're, if you were a a Christian writer and you had an idea for a show.
00:43:13 It wouldn't occur to you to just call up and and lie to try to get the number.
00:43:19 But that's only part one of the the this little Limerick.
Speaker 11
00:43:23 So I called Thomas and said my partner and I had a thought, had a routine for.00:43:31 And he said he was. He picked up the phone he was working with Wally Pop, his accompanist, and they the next night we're doing it. We're doing something at zeros for the industry, some industry, the Lambs Club or something. And. And they knew every routine.
00:43:50 He had and he was looking for something fresh and new short and he said, how long was your piece? I said ohh. About 5 minutes.
00:43:59 He said, well, get over here right away.
00:44:01 And and I said, well, we'll take about 3 hours, he said. But you said you were in Hollywood. I'm in Beverly Hills.
00:44:08 But we haven't written this thing yet.
Speaker 6
00:44:12 So he didn't even have anything to sell.00:44:18 So he misrepresented himself, made-up some big story, lied to get the the person he was trying to take advantage of, to finally gets them to agree to buy a thing he doesn't even have.
00:44:34 And then hurries up in three hours and and cooks up some some crappy comedy sketch for this guy. Anyway, I it might seem like a minor detail to some people, but I heard this.
00:44:43 It was just like that, it's.
00:44:45 They're we're we're just not the same.
00:44:48 We're not the same, and like this story illustrates exactly how we're not the same.
00:44:54 Another thing that wouldn't occur to most people, so Bud Yorkin another, by the way, another Jew whose family came here around the from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century, who worked with Norman Lear on a regular basis and and went on to.
00:45:09 Do his own stuff.
00:45:11 Talked about how all in the family.
00:45:14 Wasn't even his idea to begin with.
00:45:17 It was all based on a show that was in the UK called till.
00:45:20 Death do us.
Speaker 23
00:45:21 Part love it, right? He was working on Minsky's back in New York and I said you gotta, this will blow your mind. And I said what's he's?00:45:29 Never did dawn on me. That was that was Norman's idea. Totally of trying to do it here. I just said I said you want to have some fun. Watch this show. You can't believe what they say about the queen. You don't say what they say about gays. You can't believe what the. I've never seen anything like this on it too. Sent it to him. He said he thought it was great. He. So what? I think we ought to do tell.
00:45:49 Did you do it?
Speaker 6
00:45:52 So Bud Yorkin sent him a tape of a show that was on in the UK.00:45:57 And he decide well, I'm going to make an.
00:45:59 American version of this.
00:46:01 So he didn't even have. He didn't even have the idea himself to make this show that made him famous.
Speaker 11
00:46:12 You know, I remember people. I remember the press and so forth picking on us because we were sending messages, you know.Speaker 6
00:46:23 Now, here, Norman Lear is discussing when they first started airing all in the family.00:46:30 The problems that he was having with the press, even the press at the time, was saying that there were progressive messages.
00:46:39 In the show.
00:46:42 And he say no, no, no, no, there weren't any secret messages. I wasn't. No, I'm not implanting any messages.
Speaker 11
00:46:52 You have no right to send messages and I used to think and say.00:46:57 I couldn't see a message that we had ever sent.
00:47:01 That was as all inclusive as wall to wall and floor to ceiling.
00:47:07 And definite as the messages of all of those shows out of the 60s, which never dealt with anything but a white society.
00:47:18 The biggest problem was mother dental defender and how are we going to, you know, prepare Dad for this? Or the boss is coming to dinner? The meatloaf is ruined.
00:47:29 Which suggested that there would always problems in America. There were no drug problems in America, fathers and sons and mothers and daughters got along brilliantly. In America, there was no family angst. There was no problem. There were no problem and no illness.
Speaker 6
00:47:44 Ohh you see the real the real message is.00:47:48 Being sent there was all the television before Norman Lear. You see, people don't understand this. When you look back at leave it to Beaver and well, *** **** Van Dyke Show and others all the shows that you look in the from the the.
00:47:58 60s and 50s.
00:47:59 Before Norman Lear.
00:48:05 They what? They focused on white people.
00:48:08 They focused on things being happy. 2 two parent homes.
00:48:16 The problems being you know. Ohh leave it to Beaver. Right. Leave it to Beaver. And he's the he. He's worried if he should tell his dad the truth about something. There's like a life lesson. See, that's the real subversive messaging to this guy.
00:48:35 His television shows, which were featuring transsexuals, ****.
00:48:42 Women's liberation.
00:48:46 Blacks integrating, that's that's not that's not propaganda. The real propaganda was this the the television prior to that.
00:48:58 That was made for white people.
00:49:08 White Christian specifically that had a there was a moral to the story at the end you see that was it was the.
00:49:13 Morality. He had a problem with.
Speaker 11
00:49:23 That's, you know, that is a message for an entire decade. So when we would do shows that had to do with cancer or or menopause or or whatever hardly seemed so strong a message as what preceded.Speaker 6
00:49:41 Yeah, let's talk about the cancer and menopause ones not not because that's that's what all the family is famous for.00:49:48 Right.
Speaker 17
00:49:49 Do you think television is reflecting society or is society reflecting television? God help us.Speaker 11
00:49:57 I think television, I think television both leads and follows.00:50:06 It doesn't invent much. That's new. It picks up on something. What it does by way in in terms of its excess, is then it stimulates what it picks up that's already there in society and carries at great distances. So it seems to be leading.
Speaker 6
00:50:25 Oh, I see. So what he's saying is no, not no, no, my shows, they're not propaganda. We were finding things that already exist in, in, in society and then just amplified it.00:50:40 Well, really, so why was it bad to be amplifying the good? Because that's what you're saying. Your whole premise is well, before I came around.
00:50:50 These shows that were showing that ohh like the worst problem they had was that mother had to have the roast beef done in time because the boss was coming over for dinner.
00:51:01 Or the little Billy didn't want to have to. You didn't want to cheat on the test.
00:51:09 Because those are real life problems in a white society.
00:51:15 And if what you're saying is true, that what television does is it finds things in a society and then amplifies them and then leads them, why wouldn't you want television to be amplifying and leading people towards a greater good?
00:51:31 A moral place.
00:51:33 Why would you want to find the worst things in society and then amplify those?
00:51:43 That's your logic.
00:51:46 So he knew exactly what he was doing. He's he. Look, he's.
00:51:49 A great writer, right?
00:51:51 He's really good at dancing around the issue and trying to make it sound as if Oh no, I'm just uh.
00:51:56 You know I.
00:51:58 Notice how he still couldn't he couldn't help himself. He couldn't just say, oh, no, I was just, uh, you know, imitating what was in a well wasn't the sight. No, he still.
00:52:06 Had to take credit for it.
00:52:08 He still had to say that. Well, yeah, I'm. I'm getting it from society. But then.
00:52:12 I'm amplifying it.
00:52:21 But he was being censored back then there was there was because it wasn't like this was a new thing. Like I said, like, well, and his, as he said for the whole decade before his television shows were airing.
00:52:32 And it took him three years to get all in the family on the air.
00:52:36 Because the the network execs, even though they were Jewish, were like AH.
00:52:41 This is too much.
00:52:43 This is too much.
00:52:46 When they did finally get it on the air, they had to make it late at night.
00:52:51 Because they had standards, they they had what was called family hour.
00:52:59 They didn't want little kids watching garbage.
00:53:04 So the prime time that the time of night that they figured that most people had finished dinner and were watching television before they go to bed or whatever.
00:53:11 Little Timmy was done with his homework and now he was going to watch whatever was on TV.
00:53:18 They thought it was irresponsible.
00:53:21 To have the kinds of shows that Norman Lear was producing.
00:53:26 Now, because of that, Norman Lear's pocket book was was hit just a little bit. I mean guys got the number one show. He's not hurting for cash in any way shape or form, but he's not getting the millions and millions.
00:53:35 And millions of dollars that he wants with the reruns and syndication.
00:53:42 Because his shows are classified as as adult shows, this is before you had ratings of, you know, TV shows like the rated, you know, you know, I don't know what the the TV ratings are, but you know the PGG PG13 stuff like that, right? It was it was based on time slot and because his was played at a later time.
00:54:03 Slot he couldn't get the same kind of money in syndication that a a show.
00:54:07 Like, leave it to Beaver or the the.
00:54:09 ****, *** **** Van Dyke show could get in reruns.
00:54:12 Because they could play that during quote UN quote family hour and that was the big money hour because that's when everyone was watching television and you could charge more for the ads, etcetera.
00:54:22 So he got mad.
00:54:25 You know, cause he he believes in.
00:54:27 His First Amendment right.
00:54:30 Right. That's censorship. Don't you know how much Jews hate censorship?
00:54:35 They hate censorship, they hate it. They just they just hate it so much.
00:54:45 And so he sued.
00:54:47 For $10 million.
Speaker 25
00:54:50 That's funny, but there is less affection these days between Norman Lear and the networks. The reason? Something called the family Hour family viewing time. Actually, the two hours from 7:00 to 9:00 PM over most of the country, a period during which parents and children are supposed to be able to sit together and watch television without.00:55:10 Being made to feel.
00:55:10 Uncomfortable. Or so the networks define the family hour.
Speaker 5
00:55:11 OK.Speaker 12
00:55:14 It's topless seated.Speaker 25
00:55:16 You seem to believe that the value of all in the family will be diminished because you seem to believe that it will not be able to be played in syndication. That is in individual stations and reruns.00:55:28 In family hour time.
Speaker 11
00:55:30 Know what I have been told by individual syndicators and by independent stations across the country. They tell me that because all in the family is on at 9:00 at night was taken from 8:00.00:55:42 O'clock after 5.
00:55:43 He is at night and put on at 9:00 at night that it has been stigmatized as a non family hour show. These people who operate the independent stations that will later syndicate the show tell me that as long as family hour exists, the show will carry a stigma which will not enable them to run it.
00:56:03 At 7:00 at night, at 7:30 at 8 at 8:30, and thereby decrease its value.
00:56:09 Coming out.Speaker 25
00:56:09 Lear and some producers like him complain they may not even make expenses on the first run of their shows.00:56:15 Networks, they insist they depend upon reruns, syndication for their big money. That is one reason, says Lear, why his company, joined by some other producers, plus the Screen Actors, writers and directors guilds, are suing the three networks and the National Association of Broadcasters.
00:56:31 For 10 million.
00:56:32 Dollars in damages. But there's another reason.
00:56:35 You normally believe that your First Amendment rights freedom of.
00:56:39 Speech have been infringed upon by the family are explain it.
Speaker 11
00:56:43 To me, there is a there is a situation in which writers and and and most of the people that work with me now feel a sense of prior censorship because of the restrictions of family.00:56:59 Power and the fact that it's out there somewhere, nameless, unarticulated nobody has.
00:57:04 Ever told us?
00:57:04 What it is?
Speaker 6
00:57:06 Ohh, you mean like the the YouTube?Speaker 26
00:57:06 Is there any?Speaker 6
00:57:08 Terms of service, I don't know.00:57:10 Why don't you build your own network?
00:57:14 Why don't you start your own network buddy?
00:57:17 Isn't that what you're telling us now?
00:57:21 You don't like it? Make your own Twitter. You don't like it? Make your own YouTube.
00:57:29 Funny, funny how things change when the shoe is on the other foot, isn't it?
00:57:40 So what kind of topics are we talking like?
00:57:42 What? What's the big deal? Why don't they want things in? Uh?
00:57:46 And family hour.
Speaker 27
00:57:49 Groundbreaking comedies like all in the family, The Jeffersons and much more. His shows included the 1st to Star a black family, the 1st to talk about, then taboo topics such as abortion, opposition to the Vietnam War, and the transgender issues, among others.Speaker 11
00:58:05 I don't think there's so much ahead of my time as understood my time. I mean that people could live with a bigot when that those bigots were 10 to a block.00:58:16 I mean, how much did you know? Bravery. Did it take or understanding? Did it take? I was. I dealt with the reality of my world that.
Speaker 6
00:58:27 You see.00:58:31 You are the joke.
00:58:33 You were the joke.
00:58:36 You were the punchline.
00:58:39 He wasn't being brave by putting Archie Bunker on the air there. Those guys were. Those guys were so common. They were 10 to a block. Everyone knew a guy like that. And in fact, if you're laughing at the.
00:58:51 Jokes. You're probably one of them.
00:58:55 But notice how the other things they this is the 1970s and he's covering the trans issue. Yeah, that's ahead of your time, isn't it? That's one way of putting it.
00:59:09 Tackling gay marriage.
00:59:14 Interracial marriage?
00:59:18 At a time when it was illegal.
00:59:21 Abortion at a time when it was illegal.
00:59:25 We covered this in another.
00:59:28 A stream.
00:59:31 There was one of his shows was.
00:59:32 Called mod. I believe this is the clip from it. Right. Oh, wait. Nope, we're not there yet. Hang on.
Speaker 28
00:59:40 So let's turn in 1972 to an episode of your show Maude, which tackled.Speaker 6
00:59:44 Right, that was.00:59:45 Wrong. It is the. This is the wrong.
00:59:49 So Maude was a spin.
00:59:50 Off from all in the family. And again I did a whole video on this or it might I? I don't.
00:59:56 I I know it's terrible. I don't know.
Speaker 18
00:59:58 Which one?Speaker 2
00:59:58 It is but.Speaker 6
00:59:59 I know we've covered it on this stream before.01:00:04 While abortion was still illegal.
01:00:09 He produced a show and this was actually what is left out of this whole conversation. What's left out of this interview is that the writers were awarded a cash prize for producing this television episode because it was pro population control.
01:00:30 It's funny because I know this.
01:00:34 Because I did that stream right and I researched that episode when I did this stream in all these interviews where they always bring that up, right, because he was the first one on television to normalize abortion. The very first one to really even talk about abortion. And so the first time abortions talked about on television. It's talked about in a positive way.
01:00:54 And he always talks about it in the same way that he just talked about the the other stuff where he said, like, the bigot stuff where he's like, oh, I I didn't. I wasn't being brave and pushing the abortion stuff. I just knew that people were already doing that. And, you know, it's I was just talking about what was already happening. Right? Totally leaving out the fact that it was $25,000.
01:01:14 I think is what it was. Cash prize for promoting population control and in television product.
01:01:23 He even in fact, in one interview he even implied that they weren't even sure that's what the way they were going to go with it when they were in the writers room. They were just kind of spit balling ideas. They said, you know, what would be funny because she's older. Let's have this character mod. I mean, cause she's played by B Arthur this, you know, middle-aged woman. It'd be really funny if one day.
01:01:43 She got pregnant. Ohh wow. Let's let's all. Let's in the writers room. Let's all come up with ideas. How can we make that funny and then just in that conversation spontaneously we decided actually one of the ways we could have this end.
01:01:56 And it would still be kind of funny somehow, even though we're talking about ending a life, is that she?
01:02:00 Gets an abortion.
01:02:02 And it's totally normal because we're not the ones that are normalizing anything. We're just looking at what's already happening in society and putting it on television. We're just the art that's imitating life. Even though I said the exact opposite of that in the interview, probably about 30 years before this interview.
Speaker 28
01:02:22 So let's turn in 1972 to an episode of your show, Maude, which tackled the issue of abortion a few months before Roe V Wade became the law of the land.Speaker 8
01:02:36 There's only one sensible way out of this. You don't have to have the baby. It's legal.01:02:40 Now she's right. It's legal in New York State.
Speaker 13
01:02:42 Better give that a thought.Speaker 29
01:02:43 I have given it a thought.Speaker 21
01:02:46 No, I don't know.Speaker 30
01:02:46 I don't know. I just.Speaker
01:02:47 Don't know.Speaker 11
01:02:49 The euphemism for censor was program practices so that.01:02:55 And the program practice Department simply didn't want to deal with abortion.
Speaker 28
01:03:01 Simply didn't want to deal with abortion. What happened? What happened with this episode of?Speaker 11
01:03:06 Maude, well, there was a wonderful man, William Tankersley, who was the head of program practices.01:03:17 I don't know. I I said. We just had to do the the episode.
01:03:25 We, as a result of his talking with me, we added, we made it A2 parter, we added a character, a woman, a friend, that she didn't appear in any of the shows. She was there for the purpose of being a mother of four children. She couldn't afford pregnant with a few.
01:03:43 She would no more think of having an abortion, so she represented in real life the other side of that discussion.
Speaker 6
01:03:51 Yeah. No, no, she didn't. She didn't represent the other side of the discussion. She was there to demonize life as an older woman. Having a a kid she couldn't afford.Speaker 5
01:03:51 On more.Speaker 6
01:04:01 That's what it was.01:04:04 It was to make it look terrible. Like, oh, my God, you don't want to have another kid look at your friend. That's your same age that's having another kid. Her life is now ****** **.
Speaker 11
01:04:16 Side she said to her husband at the closing of the first of that episode, the second episode of Walter. Do you think I'm doing the right thing? And he said Maude in the privacy of our own home and our own life you're doing?01:04:30 Right thing.
Speaker 6
01:04:33 Ohh, in the privacy of your own home, right? Where have we heard that before?01:04:39 And the dark thing is is at the end of that episode when they decide yes, let's have an abortion.
01:04:46 You're doing the right thing.
01:04:49 And she and her husband hug.
01:04:52 The applause sign must.
01:04:54 Have lit up because the whole crowd cheered.
01:05:03 So that was.
01:05:03 One of the shows that he produced was Mod Maud was the the answer to Archie Bunker. In fact, it's kind of interesting if you want to contrast the two for all those people who still think Archie Bunker is based somehow we're going to look at Archie Bunker a little bit here in a moment. But it's funny how every time Archie Bunker is featured.
01:05:22 In any kind of show, he's the idiot.
01:05:27 He's the fool.
01:05:32 But the character they wrote specifically to be the inverse of Archie Bunker, something that he has mentioned many times in interviews, that the whole purpose, the whole character Maud was the polar opposite.
01:05:46 Of Archie Bunker when Archie Bunker is a bigot when he leans into his right wingless or whatever.
01:05:56 He's the fool. He's the idiot.
01:05:59 But when the inverse leans into.
01:06:02 Her progressiveness having an abortion, the crowd cheers and she's done something brave and beautiful.
01:06:09 Now it's funny, this is actually starting to come up again, especially now, thanks to some of the social changes he helped pioneer.
01:06:19 People are starting to drag up some ancient history.
01:06:24 Eric Monte.
01:06:27 See this is this is The thing is Norman Lear is credited by making all these, like, the first black television shows, right. Like, for example, The Jeffersons moving.
01:06:38 On up.
01:06:40 The Jeffersons start off as a a a bit part on on all in the family, The Jeffersons.
01:06:48 In fact, existed initially to normalize black people moving into white neighborhoods.
01:06:55 That was the whole game.
01:06:57 Is that they thought that they weren't sure who the new neighbors were going to be after their white neighbors moved away, and we'll see a clip from that episode here in a moment.
01:07:07 And then it turns out they've got black neighbors.
01:07:11 And Archie Bunker, the bigot is very upset by this.
01:07:17 And eventually accepts it.
01:07:19 Because that was the whole point of the show was to get you to.
01:07:22 Accept progressive ideas.
01:07:27 Well, they later turned that into an entire show called The Jeffersons.
01:07:32 But it wasn't just The Jeffersons.
01:07:35 There was a.
01:07:38 Well, he produced. He was an executive producer for silver spoons, but also he worked on good times and.
01:07:47 Let's see here.
01:07:50 I got this whole thing here.
01:07:53 It was good times, and Sanford and sons.
01:07:59 Basically the the the first crop. I guess you could say of black sitcoms were produced by Jewish, Norman Lear and a lot of people have said, well, that's weird because a lot of black people seem to really connect with that. How is it that this Jewish guy was able to produce these shows in a way that would, you know, connect with black people?
01:08:20 Well, it turns out he had a guy working with him named Eric Monte, who he stole the ideas from.
01:08:29 And they never paid.
01:08:32 And then Eric, Monte ended up at a homeless shelter and having to sue and got some money eventually, but.
Speaker 13
01:08:38 Was a man named Eric Monte. He was one of the creators and writers of the Norman Lear show Good Times back in the 70s, he says Norman Lear never properly paid him for his work in creating the show, and that Lear has wrongfully claimed credit for creating a number of shows that were based on characters or ideas that Eric came up with.Speaker 24
01:08:55 I said if you want somebody funny to own the junkyard, you need to hire Red Fox and on the list to.Speaker 20
01:09:01 Get Red Hook and.Speaker 24
01:09:02 Knowing the list said no, no, no, no, no, no. This is a white show. Two months later he was doing Sanford and son Red Fox.Speaker 6
01:09:13 So there you go. So he's stealing ideas again. Go figure.01:09:18 And then he's producing these shows that end up setting the stage for a lot of the, you know, again they will say ohh well we're we're just we're just finding things that are already in society and and just amplifying them.
01:09:34 Well, this is one of the things he amplified.
01:09:39 This is one of the things that he that he.
01:09:45 Into the the the consciousness of black people.
Speaker 3
01:09:50 This why don't you arrest some white drivers? I do. You do.Speaker 30
01:09:55 Well, where are?Speaker 3
01:09:56 They look at all.01:09:57 These in here.
Speaker 6
01:10:01 You see in the white boomers watching this.01:10:03 Show we're just.
01:10:04 He said.Speaker 6
01:10:19 Sadly, that's the reality.Speaker 3
01:10:23 Why don't you arrest some white drivers? I do. You do?Speaker 1
01:10:27 Well, where are?Speaker 3
01:10:28 They look at all these in here.01:10:37 Look around here. There's enough. You need to make.
01:10:39 A Tarzan movie.
Speaker 6
01:10:47 You see, they hear those jokes and they're.01:10:48 Just like ohh.
01:10:49 It's that's funny. They have a racist joke.
01:10:52 Well, what's the racist joke saying?
01:10:57 Like like stop being so excited for a second that he said on TV. OK and what's he actually saying?
01:11:05 He's saying that white cops only pull over and arrest black people.
01:11:15 Gee, I wonder what whatever came of that idea, I wonder if that that idea ever, ever sprouted, grew roots and and blossomed into something wild and tangling all throughout our society.
01:11:33 So that was Sanford and sons and you had the same kind of stuff in The Jeffersons and in good times.
01:11:49 But it all came from all in the family.
Speaker 11
01:11:52 As an intellect, he was speaking like somebody, the antithesis of a smart man, let alone an intellect.Speaker 6
01:12:02 See this, by the way, just so you know, this is the creators.01:12:05 Point of view.
01:12:07 You know Archie Bunker. All those people that were telling me on Twitter today. Ohh no. Archie Bunkers actually based. No, he's actually really funny. OK, well, let's, let's hear. Let's hear what the actual creator.
01:12:19 Had to say.
Speaker 11
01:12:20 As an intellect, he was speaking like somebody, the antithesis of a smart man, let alone an intellect. And he didn't like most of the scripts and the best example of it was we have it in the American masters.01:12:37 Commentary a. A story that took place entirely in an elevator 1/2 hour in an elevator. Stuck between floors with a Hispanic woman who was about to give birth, and who in the fearful woman of a stuck elevator did give birth.
01:12:56 And I wanted to see that baby born on Archie's face.
Speaker 6
01:13:02 He wanted to see.01:13:04 That Brown baby born on that white man's face.
01:13:10 That's why he existed.
Speaker 16
01:13:16 He said.Speaker 6
01:13:25 You were the punchline.01:13:27 You were the.
01:13:27 Punchline. And I know, I know. It's so hard for people to understand this.
01:13:33 So I I I found a way.
01:13:35 For all those boomers that that are in the in my in my mentions complaining about how I just don't get it right, I'm just some, you know, I guess I'm just like some tide pod eating millennial or something. I don't understand. So I found a way to to make make boomers actually pay attention.
01:13:55 To this.Speaker 6
01:13:58 I figured if I can find black people watching it.01:14:04 Then it'll sink in. It'll sink.
01:14:06 In a little better.
01:14:08 Apparently this is weird. While I was trying to find the the way, the way I found this clip here.
01:14:15 He's in the same way that there's all these channels. We've talked about this before. There's all these channels where literally all it is is it's black people listening to boomer music and going ohh yeah. Ohh yeah. Ohh hell yeah. Oh yeah. And and nodding their heads and bobbing their heads. They're apparently they're out of boomer music.
01:14:34 And they're now watching.
01:14:35 Boomer TV and doing the exact same thing.
01:14:43 So I found I found a seam so that you can where you can see how based.
01:14:49 How based Archie Bunker was?
01:14:55 That black people really enjoy.
01:14:58 Or at least they claim to enjoy.
01:15:00 So they get those boomer bucks.
Speaker 15
01:15:02 God she *******.Speaker 31
01:15:04 Ohh holy Cow Gordy, am I.Speaker 15
01:15:06 Fine. And who's the little lady?Speaker 31
01:15:10 Shane, Little lady there. She's my housekeeper.Speaker 15
01:15:12 Ohh yeah, a housekeeper.Speaker 31
01:15:14 Here this is a gaudy Bruns. He's the grand, potent trade of my.Speaker 32
01:15:17 Lord, how do you do? I'm Ellen Canby.Speaker 15
01:15:20 So you call her a housekeeper.Speaker 31
01:15:22 Yeah, they had a cook.Speaker 15
01:15:24 How did she cook?Speaker 31
01:15:26 Ohh, she cooks great.Speaker 32
01:15:28 He isn't talking about the kitchen.Speaker 31
01:15:32 Where else do you cook with the kitchen?01:15:37 No, no, no, no, no. God, he.
01:15:39 He he's he don't mean nothing like that.
Speaker 15
01:15:41 Sure I do.Speaker 31
01:15:45 No, you don't. Come on there, Cody. Corey. Good. He's a hell of a kidder.Speaker 32
01:15:49 You. Ohh yeah, he's a riot.Speaker 15
01:15:53 Right away, and we gotta manage a special on pancake mix and Jemima.Speaker 32
01:16:01 I love that Jemima and this would be good for you.01:16:06 You ought to gargle with it in the morning.
Speaker 31
01:16:11 Hey, Gordy, come here. I got to talk.Speaker 19
01:16:14 To you over here.Speaker 2
01:16:16 Let's see how simple acting role vessel is.Speaker 31
01:16:18 Please lay off of this stuff up.Speaker 15
01:16:20 There looking Ouch. Little tan for my taste.Speaker 31
01:16:24 Come on, will you? This ain't what.01:16:26 You think? Tell me the.
Speaker 14
01:16:28 How are?Speaker 31
01:16:29 You, Corey. You ain't talking very nice.Speaker 15
01:16:33 Really disappointed in your large brother.Speaker 7
01:16:36 What the hell did?Speaker 15
01:16:37 I do you know how this looks in my market? But I shouldn't be surprised. You and your wife were always cozying up to them colored neighbors, but I didn't think you'd turn into one lover.Speaker 12
01:16:52 I'm going to hit you. What happened?Speaker 6
01:17:01 Oh, look how base that is.01:17:05 But they were just.
Speaker 1
01:17:06 Said lover.Speaker 10
01:17:15 It sounds talmudic.Speaker 6
01:17:20 Yes it does. Yes it does.01:17:26 But wait, Devin, that's not fair.
01:17:29 He said all kinds of of of based things.
Speaker 4
01:17:35 Kids want make funny.Speaker 31
01:17:36 Huh. Yeah, there. You want make fun? Well, all except one little black kid by the name of Winston.Speaker 4
01:17:43 A black kid liked you.Speaker 27
01:17:45 You're a black kid. Beat the hell.Speaker 31
01:17:47 Out of him.01:17:54 I don't know why he must have had a reason.
01:17:59 Why he said that? I said he was in the.
Speaker 4
01:18:04 Did you?Speaker 33
01:18:08 Well, then, that's the reason.Speaker 6
01:18:13 Ohh that's the reason.01:18:15 It's almost like we're we're looking at a Twitter feed with a video of a white guy getting the shipping out of him from some random black guy. Well, he must have called him a right. That, that's all. That's fine, right?
Speaker 31
01:18:27 What the hell was that? That's when all MP was calling MJZ. I mean, everybody we know calling people and they, he's he's all my own man. Ever. Call him there? What the hell was I supposed to call him? I didn't know that I didn't go.01:18:44 On my web.
01:18:49 I wouldn't call them Wasps because walking is what we call the.
01:18:51 Beagles. You said. Wapping waggle.
Speaker 4
01:18:55 Did you ever think?01:18:57 Did you ever think that that possibly your your your father just might be wrong?
Speaker 31
01:19:05 All my own hands. I'll be still with my own man. I may tell you about him. He was never wrong about nothing.Speaker 4
01:19:10 Yes, he was arch I, my old man used to call people the same things as your old man, but I always knew he was wrong.01:19:19 So is your room no? Yes, he was your.
01:19:23 Was wrong.
Speaker 12
01:19:23 Son, your father was wrong.Speaker 6
01:19:28 There you go. That's the message.01:19:32 Your old man might have.
01:19:33 Been a little.
01:19:34 Racist, but it's wrong. We're in a.
01:19:35 New age now.
01:19:42 You see what people don't understand is nobody wants to be Archie Bunker.
01:19:51 He's the idiot. He's the fool. And if he's the one that you most connect with, well, you're just proving.
01:19:56 That you are too.
01:20:06 Times have changed. He's just there to be the the dot. He's just there to, to be burned in effigy.
01:20:15 He's the page being turned.
01:20:18 Norman Lear wants to see that Mexican baby born right on his face.
Speaker 33
01:20:26 Answers are all right here in this sculpture. Take, for instance, what this represents. This here is the struggle of the races means inhumanity to man. It's brutal. The shining hope of the new brotherhood. See.Speaker 12
01:20:47 The girl has gone base. I'm all alone. I'm all alone in this house. Isn't anybody else interested in our polling standards? Our world is coming crumbling down the Coombs.Speaker 31
01:21:05 We're coming. We will, he said cocoon.Speaker 34
01:21:09 Marchy 12% of the population is black. There should be a lot of black families living.Speaker 35
01:21:14 Out here? Yeah, this is only a beginning, but I think it's.Speaker 33
01:21:17 Wonderful. Wonderful, huh? Well.Speaker 12
01:21:20 Let's see how wonderful it is with a watermelon. Wines come.01:21:23 Flying out the window.
Speaker 6
01:21:26 Hey, said watermelon.01:21:28 You're the joke.
01:21:33 You're the joke. You're the punchline.
Speaker 31
01:21:37 Well, wait, wait, wait a minute there, shouldn't we?Speaker 30
01:21:39 Wait for the doctor, huh?Speaker 36
01:21:41 I am a doctor. I am the staff here.Speaker 12
01:21:44 You you want your, your, your.Speaker 1
01:21:48 You were a regular doctor.Speaker 13
01:21:50 Only at night by day, I strangled.Speaker 36
01:21:53 Chickens for the kernel.Speaker 6
01:21:58 He's the idiot.Speaker 1
01:22:01 They couldn't make a show.Speaker 6
01:22:03 Like that, now they they do all the.01:22:04 Time he's. He's Michael Scott.
01:22:10 He's Peter Griffin.
01:22:12 He's Homer Simpson.
01:22:16 He's every idiot white man. You see? What? What was comedy like?
01:22:23 When there was see this, this is. This is The funny thing. People act as if. Ohh, there was never. They simultaneously will say that there was never racism on TV.
01:22:34 And tell all the family of the Super racist show was on.
01:22:38 While at the same time complaining about all their racism.
01:22:42 The naked racism.
01:22:45 In television and movies prior.
01:22:52 You see, there was racism.
01:22:55 In all the family.
01:22:57 And there was racism prior.
01:23:02 The difference just was the target.
01:23:12 The jokes you saw in movies and television, making fun of minorities.
01:23:18 Was the system of bullying people towards the norm?
01:23:23 You want all these people?
01:23:25 That are like, well, I don't.
01:23:26 Know why they don't assimilate anymore? Well, cause you stop.
01:23:28 Making fun of them for not assimilating.
01:23:35 And instead.
01:23:39 You started making fun of yourself.
01:23:44 The **** of the joke was no longer the Chinese guy with the big teeth and the glasses with the name like ***** ***** Ching.
01:23:54 Or the lethargic black man.
Speaker 34
01:23:58 Going yes, Sir.Speaker 6
01:24:01 No. Now it was Archie Bunker.01:24:05 Why would they assimilate to that?
01:24:10 He's a big ******* ******.
01:24:16 In fact, all the other races are are are geniuses.
01:24:21 Compared to Archie Bunker.
Speaker 31
01:24:23 Whoever it is bought, Bowman's house must be doing pretty good. If he can lay out $810 a.01:24:28 Day for a clean woman.
Speaker 30
01:24:29 $10. Ohh. They're getting more than that for.01:24:32 Good cleaning people today.
Speaker 6
01:24:36 It also acts as a as a smokescreen, right? You make the the racist allegations sound totally unfounded and coming from a place of crazy, stupid people like this guy.01:24:50 So in this scene they're talking. This was the episode where the Black People move to the new neighborhood and he sees the black people outside the house. And his first assumption isn't that. Ohh black people moved in next door. He thinks that whoever moved in next door or down the street.
01:25:04 Never was, are, are so wealthy. They can afford to have maids, because why else would black people be in front of the house unless it was someone that worked for the white people who moved in?
Speaker 31
01:25:16 House must be doing pretty good if we can lay out $810 a.01:25:19 Day for cleaning woman.
Speaker 30
01:25:20 $10. Ohh. They're getting more than that for good cleaning people today. Maybe she's a live in maid.Speaker 31
01:25:29 What are you talking about? Is the only people nowadays can afford live in helping rich people and Jews.Speaker 30
01:25:37 Not all Jewish people are rich.Speaker 31
01:25:40 We never knew one. It wasn't.Speaker 30
01:25:43 The Steiners from our old neighborhood once they didn't have as much as we did.Speaker 31
01:25:48 Even to hear them tell it, hey.01:25:53 You don't suppose Bowman sold his house to 1?
01:25:55 Of that tribe, do you?
01:25:59 I mean, he was always a jerk, but he wouldn't do a thing like that to this neighborhood.
Speaker 30
01:26:03 Would he? Well, what I'm wondering is if a rich Jewish person could afford to hire a maid. Why would he buy Jim Bowman's old house?Speaker 12
01:26:15 To make trouble.01:26:19 These people are always looking to make a test case.
01:26:23 What do you think they got?
Speaker 31
01:26:24 That their organization there, what do you call it, the nebris?Speaker 10
01:26:33 It sounds talmudic.Speaker 6
01:26:37 See, it's all crazy.01:26:41 We've done. It's funny because we've done streams on the white neighborhoods that were purposely targeted by Jewish groups.
01:26:48 Where they bought a there was an all white neighborhood.
01:26:53 And Jews bought a A house in this all white neighborhood for a black family to live in specifically to cause a problem and to make a test case.
01:27:05 People were starting to be wise to this, that a lot of the social changes happening in America, in fact, you know Rosa Parks, right?
Speaker 15
01:27:15 Just some, just some poor black lady.Speaker 6
01:27:19 She didn't want to go to the back of the bus because her feet hurt, and so she.01:27:23 Sat in the front.
01:27:29 That's how most people think it happened, right?
01:27:32 They don't know that she was literally working with Jewish communists.
01:27:36 And that it was a staged event.
01:27:38 That they planned to do that and create a scene so they could generate a story and make it a A do a test case as.
01:27:46 As Archie Bunker here says.
01:27:51 But by having that line of thinking come out of the mouth of this buffoon.
01:28:03 That idea now sounds ignorant and stupid that anyone, anyone would do that, or the idea even that Jews have money.
01:28:21 But no, apparently that's that's all sailing over the heads.
01:28:27 Of all the.
01:28:27 Archie Bunkers everywhere in America, the team umm.
01:28:35 Yeah, he's he's definitely based, right? He's definitely a character that's there to be related to and admired.
Speaker 36
01:28:41 Gather on everybody. I'm gonna.01:28:43 Make a toast starchy.
Speaker 30
01:28:46 This comes from my daddy.Speaker 36
01:28:48 It's been a great experience living on this street and watching this wonderful family of Edith, Gloria, and Mike. I want to thank you bunker for letting me know and letting me see that some white.01:28:58 Folks are better.
Speaker 31
01:28:59 Than other white folks.Speaker 6
01:29:07 Yeah, he's totally based, right?01:29:14 Definitely not. Doesn't just exist to be should on constantly as a as a.
01:29:20 An icon.
01:29:21 Of whiteness.
Speaker 34
01:29:23 Prejudice. Look, if you were prejudice, Archie.01:29:25 When I came.
01:29:26 Into your house, you would have called me a cooner. A. But you didn't say that. I heard you clear as a bell. Right straight out. You said. Call it.
Speaker 31
01:29:38 Yeah, that's what I've done, alright.Speaker 34
01:29:40 If you were prejudice, you would like some people close their eyes to what's going on in this.01:29:45 Great country that we.
01:29:46 Live and not you, Archie. Your eyes are wide open. You can tell the difference between black and white.
01:29:53 And I have a deep rooted feeling that.
01:29:55 You will always be able to tell the.
01:29:56 Difference between black and white?
01:29:59 And if you were prejudice, you'd walk around thinking that you're better than anybody else in the world. But I can honestly say, having spent these marvelous moments with.
01:30:07 You you ain't better than anybody.
Speaker 12
01:30:18 Can I have your?Speaker 31
01:30:19 Hand on that, Sam, my hope is all had that over there that go straight with Sammy Davis junior Mr. Wonderful himself.Speaker 6
01:30:31 And just like so many of the people in the audience.01:30:36 The character Archie Bunker has no idea that he's the ****.
01:30:39 Of the joke.
Speaker 11
01:30:46 That nobody misunderstood.01:30:49 That Archie was.
01:30:50 You know the fool of the peace.
Speaker 6
01:30:56 Well, at least nobody's working on the show. Misunderstood.01:31:02 In fact, even even Nixon.
01:31:05 President Nixon was ****** *** about the show because he got it. He understood.
Speaker 28
01:31:09 World legend, who because of his work, landed Richard on Richard Nixon's enemies list, I asked Norman Lear how.01:31:16 He ended up there.
Speaker 11
01:31:18 I got lucky. I think I just got lucky. Well, he's on tape. You know, I think we used the tape in the the American Mass 5th documentary.01:31:31 Where he is talking about it with the Halderman in his office. He's talking about that show that makes fun of a good man. Those were his words. And he was talking about that Archie Bunker, though he didn't remember the name character. And he was talking about.
01:31:50 We were, we were lauding homosexuality.
01:31:54 And homosexuality brought down the Greek empire. It was, it was Nixon at his at his Trump Ish.
Speaker 6
01:32:14 And I feel like if you don't believe Nixon or or Norman Lear or or anyone with.01:32:21 More than a double digit IQ.
01:32:22 That that Archie Bunker was the joke.
01:32:26 Ah, listen to Archie Bunker himself telling you.
Speaker 31
01:32:30 And friends, it's one thing to play a bigot on TV, and it's quite another thing to be a bigot in real life. You know, there are still people around who are willing to hurt other people by judging them primarily on their race or their religious beliefs.01:32:44 How bigotry has not helped out your bunk, his life. You know that it is spoiled it in many ways, small and large. Prejudice is something America can do without.
Speaker 6
01:32:59 Presented by the ADL and benign breath.01:33:09 Just take it from the ADL. You see, even.
01:33:12 The ADL gets it.
01:33:16 Archie Bunker existed to be **** on.
01:33:20 You were supposed to watch him create.
01:33:24 Problems and be a fool and be an idiot.
01:33:28 The moral of the story isn't wow, he's awesome.
Speaker 1
01:33:32 He said.Speaker 6
01:33:36 But because.01:33:37 He was a bigot. His life was a mess.
01:33:41 And he was the **** of.
Speaker 7
01:33:42 Every joke.Speaker 6
01:33:44 Just like the people he represented in the audience.Speaker 11
01:33:57 I got letters from some people I admired a great deal telling me that more people were saying right on Archie than he's wrong, Richard Nixon said. Why do they make a fool of out of such a good man?01:34:14 Once the show was successful, you got less of that.
Speaker 6
01:34:18 Once the show was successful, you got less of that.01:34:22 At first, that his colleagues, his fellow Jews in.
01:34:25 Hollywood were nervous.
01:34:28 That white people would watch the show and relate to Archie Bunker.
01:34:32 But once the show is successful.
01:34:35 Once the.
01:34:36 Once the message the true message.
01:34:40 Started to hit home.
Speaker 11
01:34:42 You got a lot less of that.Speaker 6
01:34:58 So when asked about again.01:35:00 A lot of these, it's kind of funny because a lot of these interviews he has the same like I said, he used the same exact wording even when confronted with the well. I mean, did you did you smash taboos? I mean, look, this is a, this is his office.
01:35:15 In his office, he's got the cover of Time magazine blown up to a poster size. The new TV season, toppling old taboos.
01:35:25 I mean, he's been claiming this whole time that that's not what he was doing at all. He was just seeing what was already there and amplifying it, right? He wasn't. He definitely wasn't toppling old taboos.
01:35:37 Did you plan to topple old taboos when you put these shows?Speaker 11
01:35:41 On the air, they weren't taboos to me. You could hear anything we were saying on a, you know, in a schoolyard. What was the big surprise?Speaker 24
01:35:50 I think the big surprise was that you put it on TV.Speaker 11
01:35:55 OK, OK, I fess up.Speaker 24
01:35:57 First one to do it.Speaker 17
01:36:00 For him to say that he didn't have an impact on not only television, but society is, you know, it is a little too humble nation of 200 million people and we were drawing 45 million people to watch our show every week. Now we're.01:36:14 Nation of over 300 million and if you get 152025 million, you're a massive hit. He was the King of television at the time when television was more important, or at least more viewed than it is now.
Speaker 6
01:36:33 So when the population of America was around 200 million.01:36:38 45,000,000 on average we're watching that show.
01:36:49 That's insane.
01:36:53 That's insane. In fact, I can't think of anything that even would be relatable.
01:37:01 There's so much quote UN quote content out there. There's so many cable networks, satellite networks, YouTube channels.
01:37:13 Streams, radio stations, podcasts.
01:37:17 Books. Audio books.
01:37:21 Trying to get.
01:37:23 1/4 of the population.
01:37:27 To religiously TuneIn and consume your content week after week.
01:37:35 I don't even think that's possible anymore.
01:37:43 But he knew what he was doing.
Speaker 11
01:37:47 How many is like an intravenous in that way?01:37:51 You know you're laughing and you're laughing, but it's leaving something behind.
Speaker 6
01:37:57 It's leaving something behind. You're laughing and laughing. But that idea has got into your head.01:38:04 It's like an intravenous drug.
01:38:13 Like a methadone drip.
Speaker 10
01:38:25 Mary Hartman.Speaker 11
01:38:27 When Mary Hartman it it, it died its own death. I mean, after two years.01:38:34 But we did the show all the glitters and we reversed Genesis, where man was was made from the rib of woman.
01:38:47 Just turned it all around and it was a corporation and the women were running everything and looking at the cute little behinds of the boys that worked there. It was all of that.
01:39:00 And it was fabulous. And then and we followed each each of four women in their homes and with their home lives were like.
Speaker 1
01:39:12 We did it.Speaker 5
01:39:15 Again, moving too fast.Speaker 11
01:39:18 One of the storylines was.01:39:23 The Marlborough woman.
01:39:26 And a marble woman was really a guy who was pretending to be a beautiful woman.
01:39:33 And cast Linda Gray in that.
01:39:35 Room, if you remember Linda Gray. She was so gorgeous.
01:39:41 And again, just too fast.
Speaker 6
01:39:46 Too fast? Well, that's weird.01:39:51 That sounds as if the way he's wording that it sounds as if he was trying.
01:39:54 To push an.
01:39:55 Agenda he was trying to push not just feminism, but apparently transgenderism in this episode.
01:40:10 Well, how can you be moving too fast if you're all you're doing like you said, is you're seeing something that's already in society and you're.
01:40:16 Just amplifying it right?
01:40:18 You're not leading, you're not sending messages. The real people sending messages were the people making leave it to Beaver.
01:40:28 You you're just. You're just showing society what it looks like.
01:40:33 By having an entire episode where gender is reversed.
01:40:39 And the Marlboro man is a ******.
01:40:45 While admitting that you went too fast.
01:40:49 What does that mean? Too fast?
01:40:51 Too fast for what?
01:41:02 Too fast for the dumb goyim.
01:41:04 In the audience going.
Speaker 7
01:41:06 He said.Speaker 6
01:41:20 So what did he do after he got all this money? All this success.01:41:29 Money he got from you.
01:41:34 For invading your living room every week.
01:41:38 Like an intravenous drug.
01:41:40 Leaving that.
01:41:42 That residue in your mind behind.
01:41:50 Well, we already talked about why he decided to get into this in the 1st place because of Father Coughlin, right?
Speaker 14
01:41:56 About your prolific career and the creations, the television creations, what might be surprising to a lot of people, is with all of that excess extraordinary success in the early 1980s, you essentially walked away from, from that from television and creating, and you became involved with an organization known as as people for the American Way.Speaker 5
01:42:17 Right.Speaker 14
01:42:18 What was that organization and what was it that that drew you away from this incredibly successful television career?Speaker 11
01:42:26 There was a proliferation of TV evangelicals on television. There was a Jerry flow out growing a giant congregation.01:42:37 They're calling himself tomorrow. Majority and a Pat Robertson, who eventually even began to run for president. Short lived presidential campaign Jimmy Swaggart a bunch of TV evangelicals that were mixing politics and religion.
01:42:56 That was anathema to me and to my constitution, and I say my I underline my.
Speaker 14
01:43:00 Why? What? Why? What? What did you find so offensive about that?Speaker 11
01:43:05 Mixing politics and religion, my constitution, love the word, my and my constitution. I think we should all feel that way. And my Bill of Rights and my Declaration of Independence and those words.01:43:17 That guarantee you will not tell anybody they are a good or a bad Christian, depending on their political point of view, and that's what was happening.
Speaker 14
01:43:19 And it should be and it should be personal.Speaker 6
01:43:29 Like I said, the second you have the opposition using some of the same tools, no matter how clumsily they use them.01:43:38 To try to counter your offensive.
01:43:42 Now all of a sudden it's a problem.
01:43:44 Well, you've already made your millions and you've already left your mark, so why not now?
01:43:49 Funnel all your money.
01:43:51 Into organizations that you will create.
01:43:56 To combat these.
01:43:58 Uppity goys.
Speaker 26
01:44:01 A World War 2 veteran of more than 50 bombing missions over Germany, Lear grew concerned in the early 19.01:44:07 80s with what he saw as new.
01:44:10 Forms of intolerance. He founded people for the American Way and produced a TV special celebrating a more diverse and inclusive brand of of patriotism.
Speaker 6
01:44:22 Ah yes, diversity is our strength.Speaker 5
01:44:29 In 1979, my partners, collaborators and I had six shows on television and in that year we began to see a number of evangelical ministers proliferating across television, some mixing politics with religion, suggesting that you were a good Christian.01:44:48 Or a bad one, depending on your political point of view.
Speaker 6
01:44:54 Yes, because.01:44:56 As Christians, you couldn't possibly judge people for supporting abortion.
01:45:06 Funny how all these Eastern European Jews whose families came here around the turn of the century all agree on politics, and somehow that's not a religion.
01:45:16 They'll pool their resources to push their agenda, and somehow that's not a religion, but the people who lived here, the the descendants of the founding fathers.
01:45:26 Their religion.
01:45:29 Can't and will not be. It will not be tolerated their religion inform their politics.
01:45:40 Now all of a sudden there has to be a separation of.
01:45:42 Churches and state.
01:45:47 So we started running ads like this in the same way early in the stream where I played that born again American Music video that he produced, right.
01:46:00 A Jew was making these ads. Keep that in mind and imagine a Christian going to Israel making similar ads for Jews.
Speaker 29
01:46:07 It disappoints me when a TV minister, I like judges, people's Christianity by the position they take on political issues.01:46:16 In our town, the ministers would never have done that.
01:46:20 It's not the American way.
Speaker 37
01:46:23 If you or I ever have our day in court, we certainly wouldn't want a judge who was picked to rubber.01:46:27 Stamp someone else's.
01:46:28 Ideas. We wanna judge who's fair and they'll decide our case on the facts and the law, not on his or her personal views.
01:46:38 Isn't that the American way?
Speaker 6
01:46:41 Jews telling you what the.01:46:43 American way is.
01:46:44 Jews who haven't even been in the country one generation, Jews whose father, when they did come to America, the first thing they did was.
01:46:51 Try to sell fake bonds.
01:46:58 They're the ones defining what the American way is.
01:47:07 And if you disagree with them, well, though, they've created an 800 number that you can call so they can wage law fare against your Minister.
01:47:16 Attack their nonprofit status.
01:47:19 That's right. If if you know of a Christian who is bringing politics into the.
01:47:26 Call this 800 number and we'll we'll send our Jewish lawyers after him.
Speaker 38
01:47:32 Hi I have a problem. I'm religious we're religious family but that don't mean we see things the same way politically.01:47:39 Well, here comes certain creatures on radio and TV and in the mail telling us on a.
01:47:43 Bunch of political issues.
01:47:44 That there's just one Christian position and implying if we don't agree, we're not good Christians.
01:47:50 So my son is a bad Christian.
01:47:52 On two issues, my wife.
01:47:54 Is a good Christian on those issues, but she's a bad Christian on two others. Lucky me, I'm 100% Christian because I agree with the preacher on all of it.
01:48:02 My problem is I know my boy is as good a Christian as me. My wife, she's better. So maybe there's something wrong when people, even preachers, suggest that other people are good Christians or bad Christians, depending on their political views.
Speaker 37
01:48:18 If you oppose religious test for political office, call one 805 four 331.Speaker 6
01:48:26 Call this number we'll make.01:48:28 Life for that preacher, a living hell.
01:48:33 Meanwhile, we'll start pumping out more propaganda to reach kids.
01:48:38 Tell him how bad.
01:48:39 Rush Limbaugh is.
Speaker 35
01:48:40 My friends and welcome, ladies and gentlemen, Rush Limbaugh's excellence in broadcasting network. Nice.01:48:47 To have you here.
01:48:49 Look, instead of being asked and I refuse to go on defense about this anyway, why do you want Obama?
01:48:56 Yeah, I've explained it. Ohh say it again. Not only do I want Obama to fail, I want the whole package to fail.
01:49:07 I want this to.
01:49:08 Blow up in their face. I want it to be seen by the American people for what it is.
01:49:13 Nothing to do with *** **** jobs. Nothing to do with reviving the gross domestic product product of this country. I want once and for all the American people to see full frontal nudity. I want liberalism is I want a lie.
01:49:33 It is.
Speaker 6
01:49:41 Limitless cash.01:49:45 I mean, he bought that the declaration of Declaration of Independence for 8,000,000 bucks. He just had that laying around.
01:49:54 That's what you were dealing with.
Speaker 11
01:49:56 It is about to a place where there is a young people for the American way, which are really young people who are brought up to understand that equality under the law, equal justice under the law, is not been delivered and we need to.01:50:14 And young elected officials. Why ill? And I think we may have 1700 or so young officials around the country that are progressive liberal.
Speaker 6
01:50:29 Ah yes, limitless cash.01:50:32 Thanks for being a fan though.
01:50:38 Here's one of the ads they put together.
Speaker 2
01:50:44 20/20 was a year like no other.01:50:49 Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost while leaders shunned responsibility. The journey of great heroes came to an end.
Speaker 37
01:50:53 It is what it is.Speaker 4
01:50:58 For jobs and freedom.Speaker 13
01:50:59 I ask no favor for my sex.Speaker 2
01:51:02 Senate Republicans acquitted a corrupt president.01:51:06 The far right's voice grew stronger.
01:51:10 The Supreme Court swung in the Conservatives figure and our democracy was tested at its core.
Speaker 8
01:51:12 Roe is not a super precedent.Speaker 2
01:51:18 Though times were hard, our community never gave up. We kept fighting, we adapted and fought for justice.01:51:25 Because that's the American way, people for the American way and.
01:51:29 Our more than.
01:51:30 1,000,000 members and activists were on the front lines through it all, leading the fight to stop.
Speaker 29
01:51:33 In 20 years has fought for.Speaker 2
01:51:37 Hate and defend democracy.01:51:39 Exposing the lies and conspiracy theories that have divided our nation, standing up to endless attacks on healthcare, the right to vote in America's most vulnerable communities.
01:51:50 Electing a generation of young, diverse leaders across the country who will enact groundbreaking reforms and set forth a transformative vision for more progressive America as people 4 heads into our 40th year under new leadership, we know that the fight is just beginning.
Speaker 12
01:52:10 Like how?Speaker 2
01:52:12 Let me extremism, bigotry and corporate greed are not going away.01:52:19 But neither are we. Thanks to you, we are stronger than ever. Thanks to you, we are the country's most powerful multiracial multi generational.
Speaker 14
01:52:30 That's of course.Speaker 2
01:52:31 The change.01:52:33 We are people for equality, freedom, justice, opportunity and democracy for all.
01:52:41 We are people for the American way.
Speaker 6
01:52:46 That's right.01:52:49 Norman Lear doing what he did his entire career.
01:52:52 Defining what?
01:52:54 What it meant to be American?
01:52:57 In fact, they're they they did anti Trump ads in Spanish.
Speaker 27
01:53:04 You see them with their ways.Speaker 14
01:53:11 They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.Speaker
01:53:22 They're going to be out.Speaker 7
01:53:23 So fast your head will.Speaker 34
01:53:24 Spin alright.Speaker 6
01:53:31 Yeah, they just had deep pockets they had.01:53:33 All that Hollywood money.
01:53:43 It's got to fix the audio on.
01:53:44 This clip real quick.
Speaker 28
01:53:47 Another documentary that you're in, that you were the reporter for, and that's America divided series and I wanted to play for a moment, America divided where you are the correspondent investigating gentrification and displacement here in New York City, then going undercover to expose racial discrimination in housing.Speaker 11
01:53:53 American provider.Speaker 28
01:54:09 In this clip, you speak with the New York Times investigative journalist, Nicole Hannah Jones.Speaker 39
01:54:15 And then you have this myth that if a lot of black people move into a neighborhood, the property values go down.Speaker 6
01:54:23 Listen to how she said it, she said it. You have this.01:54:25 Myth that if black people moved to a neighborhood, the properties property values go down, but then with their next breath.
Speaker 39
01:54:34 That's actually.Speaker
01:54:34 True, although it's not a myth.Speaker 6
01:54:38 It's not a myth. You just said it was.01:54:39 A myth. Now you're saying it's true?
01:54:43 Let's hear the mental.
01:54:44 Gymnastics as to why it's true.
Speaker 39
01:54:46 It's true, though, because of the way the federal government raided integrated neighborhoods. But we've come to believe it's true because black people just don't keep up their properties. So you see the way that a reality can be fueled by a.Speaker 11
01:54:58 Men's reality can be fueled by.Speaker 6
01:55:02 Ohh if anyone knows that reality can be fueled by a myth. It's Norman Lear.01:55:11 So he he he was pushed like at this point.
01:55:14 He was like 100.
01:55:15 And he was still pushing the stuff he was still doing the Black Lives Matter stuff. He was literally like, I think in this he's.
01:55:21 Like 98.
Speaker 39
01:55:24 I don't think we realized how much effort went into creating segregation. We had cooperation from individual homeowners all the way up to the.01:55:33 Federal government to.
01:55:34 Reorder our society in a way that harm black Americans and help white Americans so.
Speaker 6
01:55:41 Ah yes.01:55:42 It it was just a big conspiracy against black people.
Speaker 39
01:55:46 So you have to break it up. You have to do what you did to.01:55:50 Create it.
Speaker 6
01:55:51 Here you're see. And what she's saying is because there was this big conspiracy to to bring down the blacks. The only answer to that. This is why it's so important that we are honest about race and IQ, because this is exactly what results when you don't talk about this.01:56:08 Because there's this big conspiracy to hold the black man down, the only answer to that, of course, is to have a big conspiracy to bring.
01:56:14 The white man down in revenge.
01:56:24 And they have all kinds of Norman Lear jawbox.
01:56:26 To do it.
Speaker 28
01:56:27 We're exposing what the Black Lives Matter movement talks about a lot. I mean, they're talking about, you know, African Americans killed by police officers, but structural racism in our society. And housing is a crucial part of that. How segregated we are New York. What, like the third most segregated major?01:56:47 City in this country.
Speaker 6
01:56:52 But Archie Bunker was based right.01:56:57 Well, one last one, last effort to make the.
01:57:02 The boomers understand. I don't know why I'm trying.
01:57:08 That they're the joke.
01:57:11 They don't believe everything else that I just laid out for you. Maybe. Maybe they'll they'll understand when, when Norman Lear gets mad at at Orange Jesus.
Speaker 7
01:57:20 Norman Lear is and forever will be known as one of the most prolific and influential television producers of the 20th century. His 1970s groundbreaking sitcoms like all in the family, The Jeffersons, Sanford and Son, and one day at a time all struck A chord with American viewers. And that's because those shows made us laugh not only at the characters.01:57:41 But also at ourselves. More importantly and embedded in the humor were social messages that dealt with racism and bigotry, civil rights and misogyny, the right to choose classism and just about every hot button issue of the day but unknown to many back in the 1980s, Lear left.
Speaker 6
01:58:00 See. It's funny because back then he was saying there's no messages, and now they're bragging about it. It's kind of like how this is something you see again and again and again in in history when.01:58:10 It comes to Jews.
01:58:13 They deny that they have any part in in the social change as it's happening, but once it's already happened.
01:58:18 They take credit for it.
Speaker 7
01:58:22 Vision and found the progressive advocacy group people for the American Way, and now he's making waves once again over an award he'll be receiving in December for over 40 years, the Kennedy Center Honors have been awarded to those who are, quote, recognized for their lifetime contributions to American culture through the performing arts. But despite his opposition to President Trump and his administration.01:58:44 The 95 year old.
01:58:45 Legendary producer took to Twitter to say that he would accept the award.
01:58:49 End Quote I could never turn my back on the Kennedy Center. It represents the arts and humanities, which mean everything to me. Of course I'm accepting the honors. What I'm not accepting is the White House reception with Donald Trump.
Speaker 6
01:59:03 So the award traditionally.01:59:08 Because it was supposed to be nonpartisan.
01:59:11 You'd have to go to the White House for a reception.
01:59:14 And he said, I'll take.
01:59:15 The award, but I'm not going to do that.
01:59:20 And after that, Trump said, well, I'm not.
01:59:21 Going to go to it either.
01:59:29 But anyway, Archie Bunker is is totally based. It's.
Speaker 10
01:59:33 It sounds talmudic.Speaker 6
01:59:40 So that's the life of Norman Lear. He died just a few years after that.01:59:49 In the words of of another Jew only only the good die young, right?
01:59:57 It's a it's shocking to me. The mental gymnastics that so many people will will perform in order to avoid facing the idea that maybe they were tricked.
02:00:10 Maybe their favorite show really was a vehicle for bad ideas.
02:00:15 Maybe the social change that's taken place all around them.
02:00:19 Was facilitated by something that they helped along.
02:00:28 And I don't understand why.
02:00:30 I mean.
02:00:32 You're proving that you're that it's part of your identity.
02:00:41 That's the crazy thing. If if. If you think that, alright, if you think that.
02:00:46 By me attacking.
02:00:48 Archie Bunker that I'm somehow attacking you. You're proving.
02:00:54 That Archie Bunker has become part of your identity.
02:00:59 Because if it didn't matter if it was just, it's just a TV show. Devin, relax.
02:01:05 You wouldn't care.
02:01:08 You wouldn't care. It'd be like if I said, you know, I I don't like.
02:01:14 I don't like soft shelled tacos.
02:01:20 You'd be like, OK, So what?
02:01:25 But if you're the guy who who makes soft shell tacos for a living, that that you're the only one that's gonna get mad by the by me making that statement.
02:01:33 If you're the one selling the soft shell tacos.
02:01:39 It's just a Taco. Who cares?
02:01:46 By taking it personally like like so many.
02:01:48 Did on Twitter.
02:01:51 You're proving me right.
02:01:56 You liked the taste of that, that rat poison.
02:02:02 So anyway, uh, that's that's the life of Norman Lear.
02:02:10 Son of Russian Jewish immigrants that came here around the turn of the century.
02:02:16 Committed fraud immediately.
02:02:19 And then he went to work, subverting the culture. As soon as he was.
02:02:25 Able to do so.
02:02:27 After using uh.
02:02:29 Jewish tricks to get his foot in the.
02:02:31 Door in the business.
02:02:33 And then stealing all the.
02:02:36 The ideas for his content from other people and then using that money.
02:02:43 To buy one of the few remaining copies, the only copy that was in private ownership.
02:02:52 Of the the Declaration of Independence.
02:02:55 Hiding behind the 1st amendment.
02:02:59 To perform his attacks on the culture and the country.
02:03:04 And the people whose ancestors wrote that First Amendment.
02:03:10 Empowering all the people that.
02:03:14 Are now replacing those people.
02:03:18 Who now have no use for that very same First Amendment.
02:03:22 And are seeking to do away with it.
02:03:31 But Archie bunker.
02:03:33 Said.
Speaker 7
02:03:38 You couldn't make that show today.Speaker 6
02:03:46 All right. So anyway, let's take a look at Hyper chats.02:03:52 The Rumble rants plugin thing isn't working.
02:03:55 I don't know why. I tried restarting the browser but the chat over on Rumble is not exactly on fire either. I think most people are still not to see, that's actually what I prefer anyway.
02:04:07 So we're going to, I don't see anything over there. We're just going to go over to Odyssey here.
02:04:17 Logical extremist says a few streams ago, I mentioned helping with a defamation case. You responded with concern for damages.
02:04:25 In most states, if not all damages are presumed in defamation, so a jury would decide, I think a stream on the well, maybe this is not a different thought, but it's the same guy.
02:04:38 I think a stream on the pig Ford one and two USDA settlement scams would be perfect for.
02:04:44 You did you attorney rounded up a bunch of blacks after the statute of limitations ran out and claimed racism. If the government moved to dismiss for SOLI, don't know.
02:04:59 I don't. I don't mean shed of luck, I.
02:05:01 Don't know they.
02:05:02 They then proceeded to extort billions from whites and bogus settlement.
02:05:07 I think you should do a stream on the Jewish linguistic bait and switch rolling people into accepting equality.
02:05:15 And then conflating equality or equity, nation versus country, etc. Love versus sex, patience versus tolerance. That's a whole lot of stuff right there. Logical extremist. I will tell you this. I. Yeah, just, I mean, I I just don't have. I'm just not very litigious. I don't have a whole lot of interest in.
02:05:34 Ensuing people right now, I mean that that could change at some point, but you know that's just I got. I got way too much other stuff I got to worry about and.
02:05:45 That's just not my my deal. I feel like I I would be doing more good.
02:05:50 Doing what I'm doing now, at least for right now, things could change. We'll see. As far as the linguistic bait and switch. It's just that's, you know, that's everything we've talked about tonight to some extent, right. The perversion of language.
02:06:04 Or, as Norman Lear would say.
Speaker 10
02:06:07 It sounds talmudic.Speaker 6
02:06:12 As far as the Pigford one and two thing, I'm not sure.02:06:14 What that is, I'd have to look into that.
02:06:17 Ohh and then you keep going here.
02:06:22 The logical extremist, what is your take on the nonsense of decrying infighting?
02:06:28 The way I see it, groups and organizations reach a level of degeneracy that they are not.
02:06:33 Uh, that they are not a part of my group. If degenerate movements are not criticized, what exactly are we trying to preserve when we act indistinguishable from Jews and blacks?
02:06:45 I mean, I guess it it on a case by case.
02:06:50 Matter it would I mean basis it would matter.
02:06:54 But we're not in a position to be.
02:06:58 Purity spiraling, quite frankly.
02:07:02 When you're in a position of power, that's when you. It's kind of like, you know, not to be go all boomer on you guys, but it's kind of like what they were, you know, you're a bessman off in that video, right where he's talking about the process of demoralization and when a revolution is about to take place, you have a.
02:07:19 The leadership of that revolution pop in and and take advantage of what they call useful idiots. You know, people that are going to be useful in in forwarding the aims of the revolution and the 2nd that the revolution takes place and they're and they take control.
02:07:39 People, those are the first ones to have their.
02:07:42 Back against the.
Speaker 38
02:07:42 Wall, right?Speaker 6
02:07:44 I kind of see it kind of like that, right?02:07:48 I see it. And when you're in a movement that's small and you don't really have a whole lot of power or any power really, it's a numbers game. You want more people on your side, even if you disagree on, even if there's somewhat important issues. If they're on your side, it's better to take advantage of their.
02:08:08 Energy and influence when you can.
02:08:11 And I I look, I I don't have anyone in mind when I say this. I'm not like some kind of Machiavellian thinker where I'm like, ohh, and strategizing or whatever. But just generally speaking, and it doesn't make sense to.
02:08:24 Purity spiral or attack people who are at least helping to.
02:08:29 Push the Overton window in the direction that you.
02:08:31 Want it to go?
02:08:32 Or, you know, at least reinforce your position with their numbers. It doesn't make sense to go after.
02:08:40 People that are.
02:08:43 Helping you out regardless of.
02:08:46 What? You know the the strange bedfellows that they might be.
02:08:51 Without a specific.
02:08:52 Example that's that's all I can really say.
02:08:55 And then you go on logical extremist again.
Speaker 35
02:09:02 Hello. Hello.02:09:04 Hello. Hello.
Speaker 6
02:09:07 I then I'll make the whole stream, but I just wanted to let you know diversity is not our greatest strength. Israel is not our greatest ally, and the earth isn't a pancake. Have a good evening. Ironically, Archie was always right, but that's why he was made to sound hyperbolic and buffoonish. Exactly. Hey, look, look, he gets it. He gets it.02:09:27 Logical extremists. You understand that unlike many of the people on Twitter over the.
02:09:33 Last couple days.
02:09:36 I don't know. I don't know.
02:09:49 I don't know.
02:09:51 In the tune of the theme songs seeing this well, I'm not going to sing.
02:09:57 I don't. I I'm not a singer, but what he's asking me to sing is the theme song for Maude, which is even that that especially won't sing that.
02:10:10 Good old mod, good old mod, but I get what you're saying the the the lyrics, I'm not going to say no more. Those were the days. And then there's Maud, right? Those were the days and then there was mod.
02:10:22 Or there was Norman Lear. I guess you could say.
02:10:25 Grenade says I distinctly remember the soap and lamp shades presented as facts when.
02:10:30 I was a.
02:10:30 Kid. But have you ever heard of the mattresses filled with Jew hair? Yes, I have. Only Jews can come up with such twisted contraptions. No other genocide have things like that. Jews have a sick mind. We are not the same species.
02:10:45 Well, you know.
02:10:47 A lot of that was hyperbolic nonsense and and look, I think that that.
02:10:54 Yeah, a lot of a lot of twisted.
02:10:56 Imagination was involved in in creating those stories.
02:11:01 Friendly neighborhood Fascist says I just wanted to commend you for tackling revisionism. Nothing gives these parasites more power than the blood libel which they hold against us or hold us hostage with. It's all downstream from the Holocaust. The idea of Hitler as this ultimate evil. Apologies for going off topic. Your work is important. Thank you. I appreciate that.
02:11:21 And you're right.
02:11:23 A lot of the criticism of even Norman Lear, I'm sure, was the well, I mean, he, he said he was inspired by the idea that that Father Coughlin was this anti Semite and and that's what fueled his.
02:11:36 There and look, he probably look and I do believe that a lot of Jews sincere.
02:11:42 Sincerely believe.
02:11:44 The stories of the hair and the lamp shades and all that stuff, and that is what fuels them to be as subversive as they are.
02:11:52 They see it as the they they are. They are. It's a self preservation thing. They really do think that if they don't attack the goys, they're gonna rise up and turn them into.
02:12:02 Soap or something like that.
02:12:03 And so that's why that's part of why it is important. Just just like with the blacks, right, it's important to tackle the issue of race and IQ because if you don't, then you're beholden to these crazy conspiracy theories that fuels their bad behavior.
02:12:18 And inspires them to do ****** things. Jews. It's the same thing. If you indulge them with their their Holocaust fantasy, their little conspiracy theory, you're now going to be stuck in a situation where you're allowing them to justify ****** behavior.
02:12:36 A lowly scribe in God's army.
02:12:51 You simply say Starship Troopers.
02:12:54 I don't know if that's a.
02:12:56 A request or I?
02:12:59 I've never read the book. I've started the book a couple of times, but I've never finished it and I saw the movie many years ago.
02:13:08 I found it annoying.
02:13:12 But maybe I should.
02:13:12 Rewatch it right now. That it's been quite some time.
02:13:17 Cruise Cross says based on the current trend, which 100 year old Jew is going to die before your next right? Isn't it weird?
02:13:25 It's like century old Jewish people of great influence and power. I have been dropping like flies lately.
02:13:32 Know how old is George Soros?
02:13:35 He's got to be up there.
02:13:36 Right. He's got to be pretty close.
02:13:40 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:13:52 January 1981 says Dude, I'm just happy I'm.
02:13:55 Alive. Another day. God bless you guys. Well, I appreciate that.
02:14:00 Maybe next time says we need another father Coughlin.
02:14:04 And you have a Wikipedia link forum.
02:14:09 For those who want to.
02:14:10 Check him out. Yeah, there he has some pretty based broadcast. He was shockingly popular.
02:14:17 Prior to World War 2, in fact, I think a lot of people underestimate.
02:14:22 The UM.
02:14:25 Radical change the United States.
02:14:32 Went like like the the radical left.
02:14:34 Turn. I guess you could even say.
02:14:36 That the United States took.
02:14:39 As a result of.
Speaker 23
02:14:40 World War 2.Speaker 6
02:14:42 Grenade says what's up with the Jews? That stupid ******* pseudo intellectual look with the round glasses. Stupid hat, cardigan and scarf. Have you noticed that too? That's so gay. Well suited for a race that never works with its hands.02:15:00 The weird you know, you should you guys, should I. I wish I'd I'd kept the I I found some old photos.
02:15:06 Of him when he was.
02:15:07 Producing those shows he had this really bizarre mustache.
02:15:13 The hat.
02:15:15 That he wears, he claims, was uh, he would pick at his scalp while riding. I know it sounds gross, but that's what he said. And after a giant scab started developing, his wife made him wear a hat all the time.
02:15:29 So yeah, it's gross, but there you go.
02:15:32 Devious Dave says there's a guy called DSP. He is a lull cow and someone from Comcast. His ISP would manually reset his router during his streams to mess with him. Maybe you should check your modem while your stream.
02:15:48 While you use stream and see if it's manually resetting, consider buying your own. If your ISP lets you use your own well, I'm using space Internet, so I'm kind of limited to whatever hardware they have, which is.
02:16:03 There's no other option.
02:16:06 But I guess I don't know. I mean it is what it is.
02:16:10 You know, we we unfortunately we're not in a position of power. And so we're stuck using the technology of others, but.
02:16:18 I would hope that's not what's going on.
02:16:22 Ah, my fat.
02:16:23 Little ******** toe my fat little ******** toe.
Speaker 1
02:16:32 Bye bye.Speaker 6
02:16:35 I may have to check if I can write these donations off my taxes as charity. It would be kind of funny to make the show indirectly state subsidized.02:16:44 UM.
02:16:46 You can't Intel.
02:16:50 And I will. I'm I'm considering looking into this.
02:16:54 I create like a non profit or something like that.
02:16:59 Or at least I don't know. Maybe you can. I would talk to a professional. I'm a tax professional. How about that guitar? Dude says, what do you think would happen if the Jews started to get kicked?
02:17:10 Out of positions.
02:17:11 Of power, I think there would be terrorism and false flags galore, including maybe even nukes and millions dead.
02:17:18 They know without the US, Israel is done. So in my opinion, they would go out all out to ensure that doesn't happen. I think it's worth it though to get rid of those parasites, thoughts and.
02:17:31 Who would who do you?
02:17:31 Think would fill the power vacuum. Lastly, I play or stream so much in my family that my wife says that guys the third member of our marriage.
02:17:41 Once you always put him on, what's his name again? She doesn't. Well, if she doesn't know my name.
02:17:48 They're not playing it often enough.
02:17:53 Who would fill a power vacuum? It would just go back to.
02:17:57 White people or Asians?
Speaker 12
02:18:00 I don't know.Speaker 6
02:18:01 Why people are such a a head ****** mess right now? It's it's really hard to hard to know.02:18:08 It's really hard to know.
02:18:10 But I mean it look it's it's it's all academic really anyway because.
02:18:16 There's, there's there. Look, I the the idea that that Jews are going to be.
02:18:24 I mean they're they are so embedded in the power structure. Now. The idea that at least anytime soon you would have Jews expelled from the United States or really any Western country anytime soon.
Speaker 7
02:18:40 Is. Yeah. I don't think that's realistic.Speaker 6
02:18:44 Blood stained boy, they add to notes, ash versus evil dead character study. Ash is a working class racist light white man but was endearing buffoon being the **** of many jokes.02:19:00 Interestingly, he is the core hero of the series that was well received.
02:19:06 UM.
02:19:08 Ash versus evil dead.
02:19:10 I'm not. I don't know what that is. Evil dead. The movie. Though I I had a friends that liked that. But it it it always looked cheesy. And I never. I've never seen it.
02:19:20 Helly rides for anti whites just wanted to say Devin, I really appreciate you taking this Talmudic TV man to task tonight. My folks are boomers and fully fell for the propaganda on his shows. Like the majority of that generation great show and keep up the good work. Yeah, a lot of people, a lot of people did.
02:19:40 But look, a lot of people, yeah, every generation has that character.
02:19:46 Or maybe sometimes multiple versions of it. Ever.
02:19:49 Since Norman Lear.
02:19:50 Norman Lear was the pioneer. He's the one that created that whole dynamic. But like I said, Michael Scott is essentially that character.
02:19:57 He's the cringe, casually racist buffoon.
02:20:01 And then by the end of it just like.
02:20:04 Archie Bunker at the end of it has has to some extent like he loses everything and his life is a mess. But he kind of, you know, hands up growing up and getting it a little bit.
02:20:15 And you know little different with Michael Scott from the office, right, Michael Scott from the office. He grows up and then gets his life, stops being a mess. Right. His life is a mess until he grows up and starts to see eye to.
02:20:31 Eye with progressives.
02:20:33 But there are many versions of this character.
02:20:36 And lots of millennials love the office.
02:20:41 Mr. Choley have to go to bed. Thanks for the consistent, consistently great content, Devin. Well, I appreciate that.
02:20:48 And you can always check out the replay. I'll put it on. I'll probably take it off rumble, but it'll definitely be on Odyssey and and bit shoot.
02:20:57 A new channel man says me no want peace. Me want problems always.
02:21:04 OK, I'm not sure what that means exactly.
02:21:07 But uh.
Speaker 10
02:21:08 It sounds Talmud.Speaker 19
02:21:09 OK.Speaker 6
02:21:10 Ham radio expert says I absolutely hate well see I, the ******* and the Mexicans, and I know, I know, but it's all context and all other nons, which is why I moved away out into the country. Only problem is, there's still tons of them in town at the grocery store.02:21:32 I can't do the grocery store. Maybe I will. Maybe I will. I'll think about it some more.
02:21:38 Mostly cause I can't find the button right now.
02:21:42 Hollywood is surrounded by eruv.
02:21:45 Not sure that is, uh, you have a note or a link to.
02:21:50 I think Banai Breath website though talking about eruv, I might check.
Speaker 38
02:21:54 That out later there.Speaker 6
02:21:56 Logical extremist.02:21:59 The OR God oh.
02:22:00 God, please don't go into Archie.
02:22:02 Place that show is insufferable. Every episode. They would literally teach a new Yiddish word from his partner. It was insane. The propaganda in Lear stuff is obvious, but watch the sky jacking clip and tell me there isn't always an underlying logic in what Archie says. Well, it's not that there's not a logic to what he says. In fact, there's a logic to almost everything.
02:22:25 He says it's just that he's still framed as the ******.
02:22:30 So that logic is is disarmed. It does the exact opposite of what a lot of people think it's.
02:22:37 In that clip that I played where he was talking about Jews having money and and doing a test case by moving in a, you know, into a neighborhood strictly, you know, just to cause a.
02:22:45 Problem. That's all logical. It all makes sense, but that because he's the one saying it, the audience at home is like, oh, that's clearly a stupid thing.
02:22:58 Also, logical extremists. Funny how a Jew contractor literally was the reason why blacks start coming way.
02:23:06 When to Minnesota, he conned the government to subsidize his housing projects and then just have them or have them to blacks. Jews absolutely have been the rot in the state. Jacob Fray and Susan Segal started the Floyd riots well.
Speaker 29
02:23:23 There you go.Speaker 6
02:23:25 Veruca salt. Hi, Devin. Thank you for another great stream. I was thinking how the gates of hell opening the 1970s makes sense, since that's when the Jews became the top tier ruling class, having overtaken the Wasps.02:23:39 Who had more power than the wealthy?
02:23:41 Jews in prior.
02:23:42 Decades I I don't know if there was something significant that happened with that in terms of Jewish wealth in America, but Jewish influence.
02:23:49 I mean it, I mean.
02:23:50 You know, remember Hollywood and.
02:23:53 And influential newspapers and radio stations controlled by Jewish people.
02:23:58 I mean that started way before the 70s.
02:24:02 Ah, grenade says as a kid and teen in school, I've always been told that politics should be disassociated.
02:24:10 From I think you mean religion.
02:24:14 Should be disassociated from politics.
02:24:17 I've never questioned it, never asked why and where did it come from and blindly accepted it as an intellectual fact. Now I definitely know why and those responsible for destroying our faith. Well, absolutely. Politics and religion should be inseparable.
02:24:38 All that all.
02:24:39 That meant in in the Constitution was that there shouldn't be an official you get like England, right? You had the Church of England. You gotta think of the context where these people were coming from.
02:24:52 You had the Church of England and as a British subject you were a member of the church.
02:24:56 Of England, right?
02:24:58 And so these Protestants, these people that came and founded the United States.
02:25:04 That's what they were fleeing. They didn't want there to be an official state religion. That's all that meant. It didn't mean that you couldn't have religion and politics mixed together. It was. There could not be official an official state religion.
02:25:19 That's all it meant.
02:25:22 Until Jews came around like Norman Lear, who perverted it like they did so many other things.
02:25:29 Zazi Mic Tazz bought. I have had honey from orange blossoms and coffee blossoms and you sure can taste the difference. Is there any special desert wildflower or cactus blossom honey? Also, what do bees do with pollen? Do they eat?
02:25:47 Or do they eat that too, or is that what they produce wax with? Thank you for the show, even on Thursday. Yeah, I'll tell you what. I'm actually going to be talking about something that's related to Jews and and honey, probably not extreme.
02:26:06 But yeah, they eat the pollen. The pollen is.
02:26:08 Their protein source.
02:26:10 And yeah, the nectar is what makes the honey. So that's why you you can taste the difference because the nectar from a flower on a coffee plant is going to contain some of the flavonoids that ends up in the coffee bean. Because, you know, once that flower is.
02:26:31 Pollinated it that flower turns into the bean.
02:26:35 So you're going to have those taste differences.
02:26:38 Out here.
02:26:43 I I guess Mesquite.
02:26:44 There's, there's a lot of people that.
02:26:47 That, like Mesquite honey. But I don't know. I don't know. I'm that's something I'm gonna be learning, right. I'm still learning. Like, when different things bloom. You know what? Times of year and stuff like that, there's a lot of different.
02:27:02 Weeds basically like I I haven't identified every plant that grows out here. There's, there's these desert daisies or I don't know what they, they they.
02:27:09 Almost look like.
02:27:12 And then these little yellow flowers that grow at the side of the road, I'm not sure what they are, but I think they're called desert daisies or something. But there's all kinds of weird desert plants that grow.
02:27:22 Funny enough, uh, my bees.
02:27:26 A lot, a lot of.
02:27:28 What they're eating is the stuff I'm growing.
02:27:31 So I probably have some unusual cause honey, cause I have such a.
02:27:36 A wide variety of cactuses on the property that I'm probably getting some really weird cactus honey.
02:27:44 I also have some Acacia which isn't natural out here, but it grows. You know, I grow it because it can grow.
02:27:50 Out here and that has a lot of.
02:27:55 Be attraction.
02:27:57 So probably Acacia honey.
02:28:00 Yeah, a lot of their food's probably.
02:28:02 Not coming from natural sources, honestly, especially this year it's been dry as ****.
02:28:08 Duke, Duke, 1911.
Speaker 35
02:28:12 Good, real good, good, real.Speaker 6
02:28:19 Do you want to make a stream on Jewish influence on the slave trade?02:28:23 Yeah, that's probably something that will that will happen sooner or later. There's a lot to that that's going to be a lot.
02:28:30 Of research that will have to go into that. Funny enough, Farrakhan has probably done.
02:28:38 A lot of my work.
02:28:39 For me, I could probably just get his.
02:28:43 But yeah, that's that would be a good one.
02:28:47 Cabbage bandit with the *** **** money.
Speaker 13
02:28:50 Children today will be reading the best Christmas ever. Our story begins with.Speaker 6
02:28:56 The magic *****.Speaker 35
02:29:07 Where did the soul men go?Speaker 33
02:29:20 The best Christmas ever.Speaker 6
02:29:26 It's Christmas time ish. Great stream. Devin, I've been looking forward to this stream all day. Thanks. Well, I appreciate that. Hopefully.02:29:34 Didn't disappoint, despite the connection problems we had the very, very beginning.
02:29:40 Thank you for the.
02:29:40 Support there cabbage bandit.
02:29:44 Knight Nation review.
02:29:52 Knight Nation review and tell our people our race is willing to face the fact that these commie Jews are just dangerous subversives. That should never be permitted to construct the narratives of our country. We must figure out how to cultivate white prided entity in whites who don't have.
02:30:08 It to have any chance at Unity? Well, that's that's the trick, isn't it?
02:30:14 Is we're we're we're up against a century. A century.
02:30:20 Of of Jews redefining what that even means.
02:30:25 And the only people really in any kind of significant way.
02:30:31 Coming up with propaganda on the opposite side, you can't even really say it's it's it's more Jews, it's it's the daily wire, right? They're the ones making their little, you know, kosher, conservative magnetar. Well, not even Maga, really, with those guys.
02:30:50 Yeah, they got that comedy out. That's, you know, the only two genders movie or whatever the **** it's called.
02:30:56 They made that uh school, that base school shooting movie where the the white woman who's dating a black guy is the hero. And you know what I mean? Like.
02:31:06 That's the problem is we don't have, we don't have any kind of.
02:31:10 Resources really to pull something like that off and tell someone.
Speaker 8
02:31:14 And you know.Speaker 6
02:31:15 Steps up.02:31:17 Really, we should be trying to look at.
02:31:19 How to?
02:31:20 Blackmail billionaires or something?
02:31:23 We need a honeypot of some.
02:31:25 Billionaires is what we need to do.
02:31:28 Ah man. Pooh, say Stomper says behind on the streams, but just dropping in to drop a dono.
02:31:36 Keep up the good work.
02:31:38 And also where's the button for that?
02:31:42 Man, my buttons man.
02:31:46 I went, I went through and I.
02:31:47 Color-coded them all.
02:31:50 And it made things harder to find.
Speaker 29
02:31:52 I'll Hitler, *****. There you go.Speaker 6
02:31:56 Uh, Pooh? Say stomper.02:32:00 Also says there's another button I gotta find.
Speaker 10
02:32:03 *** **** FBI.Speaker 38
02:32:04 There you go.Speaker 6
02:32:06 9:00-ish review I did a quasi deep dive on BLM and Floyd riots last night using the documentary The Fall of Minneapolis. It was a good one and really told me a lot about some of the lesser known decisions they made that caused it to go the way that it did.02:32:24 Worth checking out on YouTube? Well, I might check that out then.
02:32:28 And last but we got we got something on rumble after this too. The logical extremist again, you're correct with your take on the 1st amendment. Apparently you do have interest.
Speaker 20
02:32:40 In the law.Speaker 6
02:32:42 Yeah, I I have like a basic understanding of things.02:32:46 That is something that people don't get. It's a very important distinction. It's a very important distinction that the the 1st Amendment has nothing to do with separation of church and state the way that it is defined these days.
02:33:01 In popular culture, they think that that means that you know, for example, you can't have prayer in school and all the things that the Jews attacked in the 1960s and the 70s. And in an effort to secularize the country.
02:33:15 Ohh, you got some more coming in here. A lift, the nemesis.
02:33:20 Airlift the nemesis.
Speaker 33
02:33:23 Cash flow checkout.Speaker
02:33:30 I'd like to return this duck.Speaker 6
02:33:33 What's up with this manuka honey trend in personal care products like facial masks and other skin care items? Are they special bees that would be Hardy in the desert and come around you happy holidays except for the Jews, Hanukkah. So Merry Christmas to whites.02:33:54 You have any leads in wait. You have any leads on?
02:34:01 Saturnalia. I don't know what that is. Manuka honey, if I if it's what I'm thinking it is. I'm pretty sure it is. That's just a it's. I think it's an Australian honey.
02:34:11 And it's a special kind of a plant.
02:34:14 So the bees are the same. Pretty much all honey bees are the same. I mean, there's differences, right? Like in between Africanized bees, there's, you know, cardinal and bees, but they all produce honey. And they there's there's no difference in how they produce honey.
02:34:30 There are different honey bees, but the bees producing most of the honey out there, including the manuka honey. If it's what I think it is.
02:34:39 They are all regular honey bees and they produce it the same way. The difference is they have, I think Japanese have their own kind of bees, but they kind of suck.
02:34:49 In terms of producing honey?
02:34:52 But they're really good at killing murder Hornets, which is why they have them.
02:34:56 And then Australians.
02:34:59 Even though they use normal European honey bees for their honey industry, they have they're they're native, bees are stingless, and they're really small, like they're like the size of really big ants.
02:35:14 And they they they're also kind of ****** at producing honey. It's like this real pain in the *** if you have the hives that they, that they they have. And there's actually I think some Southeast Asian bees that are similar. They're the little tiny bees and.
02:35:33 They they don't have at least.
02:35:36 Nothing's been developed that can like in the same way you can have a langstroth hive with European bees that makes it easier to, you know, pull frames and all that stuff to manage them and and harvest the honey because these other bees are small in the way they they create their hives.
02:35:55 It's it's kind of a that's why no one uses them. It's you can get there, honey, but it's a pain in the ***.
02:36:02 Let's see here.
02:36:06 Oh, wait. Oh, I didn't read the second part of that.
02:36:09 UM.
Speaker 26
02:36:11 Oh yeah, then.Speaker 6
02:36:13 My cute little friend says GTA6 trailer accurately represents what America is today.02:36:19 Yeah, I haven't seen it, but I've heard people talk about it and.
02:36:25 I saw Keith Woods said that he's in it. I don't know if it was a joke, tweet or and I just didn't get.
02:36:31 It but and or if or W.
02:36:35 But the the I was on Twitter for like.
02:36:38 Barely anytime at all today. And the time that I was on, I I just scroll real quick and I saw Keith Wood say that he's in GTA6.
02:36:47 Again, I don't know.
02:36:48 If it was like some weird.
02:36:51 Joke that I don't understand, or if he's actually in it or what, but yeah.
02:36:57 Grenade says Devin. Have you ever considered fixing targets for hyper chats? Maybe you could do like some links if target is reached.
02:37:08 Fixing targets for you mean like?
02:37:12 Having like a, I don't know. I don't know if I wanted. I mean, like you'll unlock links after a certain amount. I mean, I don't know.
02:37:21 I don't know.
02:37:23 I I I don't know. Maybe I I don't.
02:37:25 Really think about it too much.
02:37:27 I don't want to get too complicated with that.
02:37:31 I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. We'll see. It's nothing. I really thought too much about.
02:37:39 9 nation review. Here's more from me on behalf of Lord of the Kangs. Well, I appreciate that both of you.
02:37:47 Lord of the Kangs and Knight Nation review.
02:37:51 Leo the Dangler ever thought about doing a deep dive on the old little rascals from the 30s? Definitely some crazy Jew **** going on with those. I've never actually seen one of those.
02:38:04 I mean, I've obviously like, I know what it is. Everyone does. For some reason it's.
02:38:09 Well, didn't they make a movie of it too? Like in the 90s or?
02:38:12 Something like that.
02:38:14 Yeah, I mean, I don't know, I'd have.
02:38:16 To look at it.
02:38:18 And and see I've I've literally never seen a single episode of it.
02:38:24 Dival says short time listener been waiting for the 2nd amendment to kick in since 1999. First Amendment is almost gone. Respect for you, keeping guys in the know, shout out to shout out your brothers. Well, I appreciate that.
02:38:43 Thank you for the support there.
02:38:46 All right. And we're.
02:38:46 Going to go to Rumble and Uncle Kenny.
02:38:50 Simply says thanks.
02:38:52 Well, thank you, Uncle Kenny. Kenny for.
02:38:55 For the support there, now we got one last one coming in here.
02:39:01 Grenade says Devin. Would you do a Christmas stream about Jewish deconstruction of Christian Christmas?
02:39:07 And turning it into a shopping holiday.
02:39:11 I mean, I I think I've talked about that to some extent. I don't know if I would do that for Christmas. I kind of wanna just do a.
02:39:16 Chill. We'll probably do a Christmas stream.
02:39:20 But I think it's just.
02:39:21 Going to be something chill.
02:39:23 Because it's going to be Christmas.
02:39:26 You know like.
Speaker 10
02:39:28 I just want to just have let's.Speaker 6
02:39:30 Make it like a Christmas party, you know, because who's going to be watching Christmas anyway, right?02:39:36 I mean, I'm sure some of.
02:39:36 You guys will be there, but let's just.
02:39:38 Make it chill like last year.
02:39:42 I don't know. Maybe it be worth doing it. It's that that's that's a big topic. I mean that's a really big topic. I don't know if you can really even tackle that in one stream. It's kind of like saying can we do a stream on Jews?
02:39:54 And their influence on on academia, you know, it's like.
02:39:58 Well, how much time you got, you know?
02:40:00 What I mean you.Speaker 6
02:40:01 Could do a whole.02:40:03 You know series on that.
02:40:06 I mean, look, I'll I'll probably mention some of the things, some important things during that it's going.
02:40:11 To be hard, not.
02:40:11 To but like just as an example, just the the fact that Jews wrote so many of the the Christmas carols that people know and love.
02:40:19 I mean, that's just one of of many, many ways that that Jews have redefined what Christmas in America is.
02:40:28 And and again it's I I hate to play the stupid. What if game but it's, you know, just like I was saying before. What if a a Christian went to Israel and started making commercials telling them how they need to separate Judaism from their government? And if you know you you hear any rabbi talking about politics then?
02:40:48 Call this 800 number and we'll make sure we attack him.
02:40:51 I mean that that would never happen first of all, but if it did, I mean, it would well that.
02:40:55 Would be.
02:40:55 Anti-Semitism in the same way you wouldn't have Christians going to Israel and writing Hanukkah song.
02:41:06 And producing Hanukkah movies.
02:41:08 And trying to redefine what Hanukkah means or any of their other holidays, you know? So it only goes one way. That's the thing really. That's that's the that's the obscene thing about all this. The the. That's the obscene aspect of Jewish influence in the West really. Because look, you could say just it's a product of immigration, right.
02:41:29 People immigrate to your country. You're going to be influenced them by them one way or another, right? The Italians come and boom. Now we've got spaghetti and organized crime, right?
02:41:40 You know what I mean? Like you could say that they're just by virtue of of accepting immigrants, you're going to have some influence. That's true, right? The the problem isn't that. Well, it is, but I.
02:41:50 Mean the the.
02:41:51 Problem is less that you have.
02:41:56 These Jews that immigrated here, specifically the ones from Eastern Europe around the turn.
02:42:01 Of the century.
02:42:02 Or at least they seem to have the most influence today. It's it's less that they came here and influenced the country and it's more that so few of them influenced it so much and only in One Direction.
02:42:17 And that that in fact they partially because of the lies of the Holocaust and the force field that creates that you can't even criticize.
02:42:27 The influence without having your life destroyed then that's the kind of power they've accumulated over the last century. That's what's so obscene about all this.
02:42:37 So anyway. All right guys. Well, thanks for hanging out. I hope everyone learns something. I'll be back here on Saturday at the normal time.
02:42:46 And as I said, we'll we'll talk about.
02:42:50 Israel, Israelis and how they're.
02:42:54 How they're going, how they're attacking the B?
02:42:56 Business actually in a weird way, that's not the whole strand. That's just going to be. That's gonna be like a really minor part of it.
02:43:03 Speaking of Jewish influence.
02:43:06 But yeah, the rest of it will be a surprise. How about that so.
02:43:11 Everyone, thanks for coming here.
02:43:13 Like always.
02:43:15 For black pilled.
02:43:18 I am of course.
Speaker 27
02:43:21 Demon stag.Speaker 9
02:43:30 Los Angeles.Speaker 28
02:43:33 People and does these kinds of episodes, don't they set an example for other?Speaker 9
02:43:40 This airport to Los Angeles crashed into the Pentagon, hitting just short of the Pentagon itself. And perhaps.02:43:51 20 AM Eastern Time United Flight 93, Newark to San Francisco.
Speaker 1
02:43:58 Right. And when we go back to Libya and what happened to Pan Am 103?Speaker 20
02:44:05 Bell with a rope.Speaker 6
02:44:06 Into the gap in left center, John Holder would stand high.Speaker 20
02:44:10 That he uses and as we mentioned.Speaker 38
02:44:14 To attack the leaders and the.Speaker 35
02:44:19 Aren't you?Speaker
02:44:47 So this.Speaker 21
02:44:58 Very polite.Speaker 18
02:45:00 Naughty tips?02:45:04 Able to to meet with people and to register people as they come in and are trying to to get away from the situation.
02:45:16 Central Station and in Washington, DC at Fort Bellevue.
Speaker 24
02:45:18 OK.Speaker 7
02:45:22 I don't anticipate that to happen.Speaker 33
02:45:25 Just starting to the top of the list.Speaker 6
02:45:35 This is this happening?Speaker 9
02:45:51 It can help if you're sitting in Omaha, NE today.02:45:55 Is it help?
Speaker 12
02:45:57 I'm deeply honored.Speaker 26
02:46:00 Smashed into the Pentagon around 9:45 this morning.