11/29/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:00:38 I'm your host, of course. Devon stack. This is the denial show addition, the denial, the denial. What are we denying? I don't know.
00:00:45 What are we denying?Speaker 1
00:00:48 What are we denying?00:00:50 Ohh, I can't imagine what I can't imagine what.
00:00:56 But first.
00:00:58 I guess and I haven't had time to like really look at the circumstances. I mean, I don't think you have to look that hard, ************.
00:01:05 Was 100 years old.
00:01:07 Apparently baby blood can only get you so far.
00:01:11 Henry Kissinger has died.
00:01:15 Henry Kissinger has died.
00:01:19 And look.
00:01:22 One less war Jew in charge of influencing the Galway in the ruling class. What? What few remain.
00:01:31 Man has been a.
00:01:33 Been a a.
00:01:35 A voice in the ear of world leaders.
00:01:40 For oh, for **** like forever.
00:01:44 It was 100 years old. Hundred.
00:01:46 Years old, this man.
00:01:49 And of course, right, right. Right before he dies, right? Right before he dies. Who does this remind you of? What group does this remind you of? Right before he dies? He's like, ah, you know what? Guess what? Nah, you know what?
00:02:02 You know what?
Speaker 3
00:02:04 Was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different.00:02:11 Cultural and religious and concepts.
00:02:19 Because it creates a pressure group.
00:02:23 Inside each country that that said.
Speaker 1
00:02:28 Oh, good, good. So now that you're done bombing all.00:02:31 The all of the all of it.
Speaker 4
00:02:34 Yeah, now that.Speaker 1
00:02:34 You're done bombing all of Earth and meddling in every every country in existence.00:02:39 For decades, for at least half a century.
00:02:44 A little bit longer for you.
00:02:46 Now, now it's. Yeah, it was kind of a mistake to take in all these people. It's kind of a mistake to taking all these refugees from the crisises around the world that we've created. It's kind of a mistake. You know, it's funny the ADL because the left is celebrating the day, right.
00:03:02 This right here is proof. This is all the proof you need that when people say that, Oh no the ideal. The ideal. Yeah, they're they're they're just a left wing organization, right? They're a left wing organization has nothing to do with Jews anymore. It's just it's all they're just promoting the ideas of the left and some, you know, sometimes Jews get caught in the cross.
00:03:23 By a right, the right wing Jews like Kissinger, for example.
00:03:27 Well, that doesn't make any sense.
00:03:30 Because here the ADL is again look at Twitter if you don't believe me, the the left is losing their mind cause he's, you know, he's the, he's the Super they're. I mean, they're not mentioning the fact that he's Jewish. They might mention it in in terms of how he was yeah, how it relates to the the Gaza stuff. Right, because that's in vogue right now.
00:03:49 But the ADL right here. Henry Kissinger was a was a towering intellect.
00:03:55 Diplomat and practitioner who not without controversy. Oh, you know, not without controversy, help shape American foreign policy with a lasting impact worldwide.
00:04:07 A refugee from Nazi Germany. Great. Ohh, isn't it great? All these ******* refugees we got from Nazi Germany.
00:04:16 Isn't it fantastic? We had these two waves. We had two waves of.
00:04:20 Jews, we had the wave of Jews around the turn.
00:04:22 Of the century.
00:04:24 And then we had all their friends that came across.
00:04:28 Around the middle middle of the 20th century.
00:04:35 A refugee from Nazi Germany and 1st Jewish Secretary of State.
00:04:40 He was unapologetic about his heritage.
00:04:43 And his embrace of the importance of the American global power and democratic values.
00:04:50 Ah yes, Henry Kissinger. I could have said it better myself idea, but I I like I said, I understand. I understand because the ADL here I.
00:05:03 Yeah, the ADL is supposed to hate him, right?
00:05:10 Right. They they they hate. It's it's not about Jews.
00:05:21 So Hillary Clinton will be mourning the death of Henry Kissinger.
00:05:28 Fox News is already doing it. That's how you know how bad he was when, like literally everyone in charge is sad.
Speaker 6
00:05:37 Making a lot of history doing so you're your reaction to his death.Speaker 7
00:05:42 It's a sad day for us because he was a leader that led through challenging.00:05:47 Times and I hope that everyone's reaction to his passing is to go learn a little bit more about him that you didn't know before around your dinner table or when you're driving in the car with your kids. Tell them a few kissing your quotes that that were used at strategic times. Give them a little bit of history, because if we forget.
00:06:07 How what happened in the past were doomed to repeat it, and many times throughout history.
Speaker 1
00:06:11 Yes, yes, we are. That's that's we're going to talk a little bit about that tonight.00:06:17 About learning your past, unless you're you know you want to be repeating it.
00:06:23 And look, you know, for the MAGA crowd, they're they're gonna be a little confused. They're not sure what to think.
00:06:29 They're they're not. They're not sure what to think.
00:06:32 Because you know.
Speaker 8
00:06:34 Thank you very much. Henry Kissinger has been a friend of mine. I've liked him. I've respected him. But we've been friends for a long time, long before.00:06:43 My emergence in the world of politics, which has not been too.
00:06:48 But we have been.
00:06:50 Really, in the, I guess you'd say the New York seed a little bit, but we got to know each other very well. He's a man. I have great, great respect for.
00:06:58 He's also somebody, usually I say, have you ever been in the Oval Office?
00:07:02 And with Henry Kissinger, I didn't bother asking that question because he has been in this office many, many times.
Speaker 2
00:07:10 Ohh yes he has. Yes he has.Speaker 1
00:07:17 So anyway, we might go more into Henry. I mean, look, he.Speaker 2
00:07:21 Like just died.Speaker 1
00:07:23 And I had something completely different plan, so he might go into detail later. But, you know, if I didn't, I had to at least mention it.00:07:32 Had to at least mention that he had died.
Speaker 9
00:07:35 Count on me.Speaker
00:07:37 When you were counting on your.Speaker 10
00:07:38 Rosary. There's a heaven for.Speaker 11
00:07:43 Those who some say it's better, but I'd rather laugh.Speaker 5
00:07:48 With the sinners than cry with the Saints the sins.Speaker
00:07:51 Are much more fun.Speaker 10
00:07:53 You know that only the good die.Speaker
00:08:01 I tell you.Speaker 1
00:08:04 That's right. So anyway, now for our regular regularly scheduled program.00:08:12 So I was, you know, Speaking of of of.
00:08:16 Learning about history so that we that we don't repeat it.
00:08:19 And Speaking of Nazi Germany.
00:08:22 And Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. So I got I should I could have come up with a better segue I guess. But that works that works.
00:08:31 Many of you might might be familiar.
00:08:34 With David Cole.
00:08:37 David Cole was a Holocaust revisionist in the 1980s. Also Jewish, extremely Jewish.
00:08:45 He he sounds like the very he he embodies the stereotypical Jew, as you will.
00:08:52 See here in a moment.
00:08:55 He went on, you know, he he produced videos in the 1980s where he went to supposed death camps in Germany and collected physical evidence and and essentially showed how it wasn't possible.
00:09:12 That the so-called death camps had gas chambers.
00:09:17 And did some digging and realized.
00:09:20 There really wasn't any proof.
00:09:23 That there were any gas chambers ever.
00:09:27 There was no proof whatsoever that that Germans at any point during World War Two had begun systematically gassing the Jews.
00:09:38 And he thought this was curious. Being a Jew himself, and he's an atheist Jew, but a Jew all.
00:09:42 The same.
00:09:45 And so he started producing these videos.
00:09:48 The videos became popular in certain circles.
00:09:53 Again, it was a little bit different back then, but to give you an idea of how popular these videos got, mainstream media had to actually.
00:10:00 Respond to it.
00:10:04 Mainstream media had to actually respond to these people that were like God. They were making the case. They were like, you know.
00:10:10 We went, went down to Auschwitz and the the the room they're saying was a.
00:10:16 A room that was being pumped full of Zyklon B on a regular basis doesn't seem to have any residue on the walls.
00:10:24 Whereas the room where they did the delousing where you would assume there was far less cyclon be required, right?
00:10:31 There's all kinds of stains, blue stains, visible stains on the walls.
00:10:36 You can test it. You can scrape off part of the wall and you get residue.
00:10:42 Also, that the doors don't lock the doors.
00:10:46 To the to the gas chamber, don't lock.
00:10:50 They also open the wrong way because if you have people inside of a room, you're going to be gassing, assuming that they're going to be.
00:10:56 At some point, right, we've all seen Schindler's List.
00:11:01 They all run to the door. They're banging on the doors and they start dying at the doors, right. If that's if that's going to be what happens?
00:11:08 Well, how you gonna open the door with 100?
00:11:09 Dead people, you know, piled up.
00:11:12 On the other.
00:11:13 Side of the door.
00:11:16 The door that doesn't lock.
00:11:18 The door in some cases that was made.
00:11:20 Of wood.
00:11:23 So anyway, he was making these videos and they were again, this is before the Internet.
00:11:29 These videos were being shared, you know, just by people making VHS copies and and giving them to friends, mailing them to friends. You could, you know, send away for them.
00:11:40 Now, many years later.
00:11:44 After he was attacked by the the JDL, the Jewish Defense League, which we've mentioned before, was a terrorist organization, a Jewish terrorist organization that attacked.
00:11:56 People, politicians, organizations, you know and and by attacked, I mean bombed places, killed people that they thought were anti-Semitic. They were active all the way up until I think the 2000s.
00:12:11 But they attacked him and others during the 80s and 90s.
00:12:17 Eventually he did. He did recant.
00:12:21 He did recant.
00:12:26 But then there's many that would say, well, he recanted to get out of, you know, out of safety.
00:12:32 For safety reasons, right?
00:12:34 But really, it doesn't matter the points that he makes in his videos are they're still valid points.
00:12:42 And there are questions that he raises are still are questions that have not been answered.
00:12:49 And I want you to see how he was.
00:12:53 How he was what's a good word?
00:12:57 The the the pub the the media was well aware that his videos were were going viral like it, which is weird. Like I said, VHS tapes. They were going viral.
00:13:08 And in fact, you could even say maybe the the first time ever that was possible. A man, I mean, VCR's were not widely available until the 80s.
00:13:20 Before the 80s, if it wasn't live on television or in a movie theater.
00:13:27 You didn't see it?
00:13:31 I mean, you could some people could record, you know, they had reel to reels. You could record like the radio and **** like that. But in terms of video, if it wasn't on a movie screen or on a TV screen live.
00:13:44 You didn't see it?
00:13:48 And so the invention of the VCR.
00:13:51 Was the 1st.
00:13:53 Little chip.
00:13:55 Little chip away at the monopoly.
00:14:00 That the ruling class.
00:14:02 And the many Jews that occupied.
00:14:04 The ruling class.
00:14:07 The stranglehold they had on on video especially.
00:14:13 Because now you can record stuff you and in fact cameras, right?
00:14:18 You didn't have to shoot things on film anymore.
00:14:22 Get it transferred to video. You had affordable well to some extent, right? They were pretty expensive, but you had you could make your own little ****** documentaries on the HS.
00:14:32 And pass them around.
00:14:34 So this was like one of the first.
00:14:38 First uncontrolled.
00:14:40 Situations and they had to figure out a way of responding to it because the kinds of people were that were that were viewing these tapes were just your everyday guys, right?
00:14:50 So they decided to confront this issue.
00:14:53 By inviting them on to shows that specialized.
00:14:58 In and we've gone over some of these shows in in previous streams.
00:15:03 But shows that specialized.
00:15:06 In demeaning and ridiculing.
Speaker 12
00:15:12 You know.Speaker 1
00:15:12 Quote UN quote, racist.00:15:18 They they specialized in normalizing.
00:15:23 You know, global ****, left wing Jewish nonsense.
00:15:29 Now we've got. I'm not going to go over the whole thing again, but everyone's well aware of, you know, the the, the daytime talk show, of course. Obviously that's going to be mostly watched by by women, the mothers.
00:15:43 They're getting constant social feedback. There's an audience there clapping anytime, you know, like the, the, the mainstream view, the view they want you to have is expressed. You have an applause sign lighting up.
00:15:56 And a bunch of of.
00:15:57 NPCS clapping like ******* seals in the audience. Ohh yeah.
00:16:01 You tell them you tell them.
00:16:06 In the middle class, white women at home are like OK, now I know what's acceptable.
00:16:19 So these shows where of course they go after they go after the wife and mother of the.
00:16:24 People who would be, or maybe some women would be watching these tapes too.
00:16:32 And they and you let them know? No, it's low class. It's ohh, it's bad. If you like these tapes.
00:16:39 You're not one of the cool people, you're.
00:16:41 Going to lose social status.
00:16:44 If you believe in these tapes.
00:16:48 So we're going to go over some of these clips here. The first one is Donahue.
00:16:54 Donahue, AA.
00:16:58 An Irish Catholic.
00:17:00 Who sucks up to the the.
00:17:04 Well, to the establishment, like better than probably anyone. I mean, he all. And this is the guy that had David Duke on a bunch of other people on and his entire job was to make white people feel uncomfortable with ideas that, that, that were outside the mainstream.
00:17:21 So here he is. He's introducing David Cole as well as an associate of his.
Speaker 6
00:17:29 Have that even one Jew was killed in a gas chamber. Those questions, however, are being asked and causing furors on campuses all across America, provoked by an ad which is offered by a person that you're about to meet, who suggests that the Holocaust.00:17:48 Needs revisiting. Here is how we put it in.
00:17:51 This report prepared for our program. Watch this.
00:17:55 In just the last six months, 15 college newspapers across the country have run advertisements that call for a quote open debate.
00:18:03 Of the Holocaust, UN quote.
00:18:05 The ad claims that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, has no proof whatever of homicidal gassing changes, and no proof that even one individual was gassed.
00:18:17 In a German program of genocide, the heads have caused an uproar everywhere.
00:18:23 Sparking protests from students and boycotts of the papers. The man who placed all the ads, Bradley Smith, has been called anti-Semitic and a neo-Nazi because of the challenges of the Holocaust. Smith claims he simply wants the truth to be told.
00:18:39 That Jews were never placed in gas chambers and that the figure of 6,000,000.
00:18:43 Jewish deaths is an irresponsible exaggeration.
00:18:47 And he's not alone in his beliefs.
00:18:49 A recent poll by the Roper organization found that 22% of all Americans believe it's possible the Holocaust never happened. Another 12% say they don't know. So in a time when over 5000 visitors are crowding the new Holocaust Museum every day and the film Schindler's List is reducing jaded moviegoers.
00:19:10 The question should be asked.
00:19:12 How can anyone claim the Holocaust was a hoax?
Speaker 1
00:19:17 I want you to listen to that. His reasoning is because this is the reasoning for the whole rest of the episode.00:19:23 Notice how he didn't say, well, how can you possibly think the Holocaust was a hoax when when evidence won and evidence two and evidence three? No. His evidence as to why you shouldn't believe in in this man you're about to meet, is that Schindler's list? A movie?
00:19:41 Is in theaters and making people cry.
00:19:45 And that, Bill Clinton, it was at the opening of a Holocaust Museum that people are going to that is also making people cry.
00:19:58 That's his evidence that the Holocaust happened is that there's a movie about it.
00:20:03 And a museum.
00:20:05 That's it.
00:20:08 And that remains it.
00:20:10 As you will see.
00:20:14 You know what the weird thing is, though? To some extent. That's why. I mean, that's enough for a lot of people, especially housewives and the in the 1980s and 90s.
00:20:25 That's enough.
00:20:28 Well, they wouldn't have made a movie. I mean, it said in the beginning of the movie that this was all based on a true story they couldn't have.
00:20:34 Said that, if it wasn't true.
Speaker 2
00:20:40 Why they got a?Speaker 1
00:20:41 Museum Clinton's there at the the torch lighting. How? How could it possibly be fake?00:20:56 How could it possibly be fake?
00:21:00 If there's a museum.
00:21:09 That's that high trust **** biting us in the ***.
00:21:20 At any rate.
Speaker 6
00:21:25 You do not deny that anti-Semitism.00:21:29 In Europe in the 30s, most especially Germany, Poland and environs, was visceral, and that Hitler won't.
Speaker 13
00:21:37 We're not talking about any of that. Listen, I'm doing something very simple. I'm not upset that the question is a question is outside the parameter of the issue. I'm running an advertisement that says the museum has no proof of glowing.Speaker 6
00:21:39 Don't. Please, don't be upset with my question, OK?00:21:44 New things.
00:21:50 We're 3 minutes into this program and.
00:21:51 You don't like my question?
Speaker 13
00:21:53 The the call has nothing to do with what I'm doing. No, I'm not. Listen, this isn't this.Speaker 6
00:21:53 All I'm asking.00:21:58 Let's let's let's let's accept your point here. May I ask you the currency of responding to?
00:22:03 This question sure.
00:22:04 Yeah. Do you believe that there was?
00:22:09 Engineered by Hitler and the Third Reich, a strategy of eliminating Jews called the final solution, do you believe?
Speaker 13
00:22:19 That I don't believe it anymore. I used to. I don't believe it. But here's that's not what I'm talking about. See, if you don't understand what I'm talking about, you won't ask the right question.00:22:29 The question is this. We have a $200 million museum in Washington, DC It's in America. It's not in Europe.
Speaker 1
00:22:37 Lots of tax money went to that $200 million museum, by the way.00:22:41 And look, so this guy. All he did is he put ads in new, in, in college newspapers across the country saying, look, we need to talk about this.
00:22:52 We need to talk about that. There's no evidence for these these gas chambers. We need to talk about the fact that there's a museum in Washington, DC where the president is at the opening.
00:23:03 And pretty much the whole premise.
00:23:06 Of this museum.
00:23:08 Is that Jews were were, were singled out, they were special and being singled out and they were special and that the first time in the history of the world they were systematically gassed and burned in in ovens.
00:23:27 And so we need a museum just for that. **** all the millions of people that of other races and religions that died.
00:23:37 Who cares that America had nothing to do?
00:23:40 With with.
00:23:42 With concentration camps.
00:23:47 We need a $200.
00:23:48 Or $200 million museum.
00:23:51 With the president.
00:23:53 At the opening.
00:23:55 In Washington, DC, our nation's capital.
00:24:00 Even though the the premise of the museum.
00:24:06 Has no evidence.
00:24:11 Not a drop of evidence.
00:24:15 That any of that took place.
00:24:19 And that's all he did is he posted articles and he paid to have these or, you know, I guess, advertisements.
00:24:26 Put in these student newspapers and just said.
00:24:28 Let's talk about it.
Speaker 13
00:24:31 And in the museum, the whole museum is dedicated to the proposition that Jews were killed in gas chambers. They don't have any proof in the museum that Jews were killed in gas chambers as a matter of fact, they're so sure of guys like you.00:24:44 Will never asked them the questions. They've even in the in the press. Nothing personal in in the press guys are with you. Who? Who don't. They've even invented a new gas chamber for the museum that we've never.
Speaker 6
00:24:49 Look, guys like me. Yeah, go ahead.Speaker 13
00:24:57 Heard about before?00:24:59 They they don't even.
00:25:00 Know where it is? The historian says it may have been quote.
00:25:04 End Quote near Geeson this is the best historical writing that $200 million can buy.
Speaker 6
00:25:10 I didn't interrupt you now.00:25:12 I do ask you.
00:25:13 However imperfect my questions may be.
00:25:17 To at least grant me the courtesy of.
00:25:18 Trying to speak to.
00:25:19 These questions because just this is.
00:25:21 Just to figure.
00:25:21 Out where you are and and and and it is in point. In my imperfect opinion. Do you believe people in Nazi Germany were taken away and killed because they were Jewish?
Speaker 13
00:25:22 I'd like to do.00:25:37 Or are certainly taken away and and Jews were killed. Everybody was killed. This is one of the vulgarities of this story is that some 40 millions of people were killed during World War 2 and were asked to be unusually sensitive to a fragment of those who were killed. We're all sensitive.
Speaker 6
00:25:55 So the Jews did not suffer any.00:25:58 The the the.
00:25:58 Jews did not suffer because of their Jewishness. Sure.
Speaker 13
00:26:02 Paul suffered because of their polishness Ukrainians because of the Ukrainian Ness, the Latvians. Because of the Latvian Ness. Yes, what's what? What is The thing is, is that if there's a moral issue here, are Jews more important?00:26:16 In the murder and chaos that went on during World War 2 than all other human beings in Europe.
Speaker 1
00:26:23 Ah, you see.00:26:27 And the simple fact the matter is the answer.
00:26:31 Is yes.
00:26:34 The answer is yes.
00:26:38 They're God's chosen people, after all.
00:26:41 They're God's chosen people. They're also the people that run the networks that that Phil Donahue show airs on.
00:26:49 Do the people that write the history books or the people that run the the the universities where this man was paying to have a advertisement in the paper zone?
00:27:05 And as as Henry Kissinger demonstrates they they were very much in power in government.
00:27:15 It's amazing. It's amazing that Americans were still able to even have these conversations on national television, but that kind of shows you how worried they were.
00:27:27 By the spread.
00:27:30 Of these people talking in a in a even tone, they weren't. They weren't running around waving Nazi flags and screaming. They were just making reasonable arguments and saying, like, look logically, this doesn't make sense.
00:27:44 It doesn't make sense.
00:27:46 Certainly Jews died in World War 2. No one's debating that. Every lots of people died in World War 2. The debate is why is there a $200 million museum?
00:27:59 In Washington, DC for Jews.
00:28:03 When there's not one for the Chinese and there's way more Chinese Americans than there are Jewish Americans, believe it or not.
00:28:10 And way more Chinese died in World War 2.
00:28:13 Than Jews way more.
00:28:17 So there's no, there's no Chinese World War 2 memorial.
00:28:26 In fact, I don't know exactly when they finished the World War 2 memorial, but it it might not have even been. They might not even had, like one for Americans yet, cause I know that Bob Dole was.
00:28:35 Instrumental in having that built.
00:28:39 So this would have been around that time. They might not even had a World War 2 memorial yet I had to look.
00:28:43 Up and see exactly when they finished that.
00:28:48 So why are we prioritizing this? These people, it seems.
00:28:51 A little bit weird.
00:28:53 And that's reasonable. Reasonable Americans were asking, like, yeah, I guess that does seem weird.
00:28:57 That is a little bit odd.
Speaker 13
00:29:00 If we're interested in suffering, let's discuss.Speaker 6
00:29:03 It it's not, it's not a Jewish claim of being more important.Speaker 13
00:29:06 No, no, it's your. It was your. It was your implication.Speaker 6
00:29:08 Well, it's certainly all right.Speaker 14
00:29:12 But but but but.Speaker 1
00:29:15 It's not that Jews.00:29:16 Are more important, uh, than what is it?
00:29:18 What is it? What is it, Phil?
00:29:21 What exactly is it? What explains it then, Phil?
00:29:26 What cat, Cat cat has your tongue? What's going on there, Phil?
Speaker 13
00:29:30 The museum here. You know this whole I'm not talking about what happened 50 years ago to a foreign people on a foreign continent at the hands of a foreign people. I've taught here we are now and we have. This is the only issue in the history of the West that is taboo to discuss in our universities.Speaker 1
00:29:52 Seeing yet again it's the same and this is when the taboo was first getting ratcheted up. This is before they had passed a lot of these laws, even in Europe. I guess this is around the same time period they.00:30:02 Were passing those laws.
00:30:04 Where you couldn't, you couldn't discuss the Holocaust. It was illegal. America was unique in that it still had at.
00:30:10 Least a a.
00:30:11 A large enough white majority and large enough founding stock population that still respected the 1st amendment, and in fact even even Phil here.
Speaker 5
00:30:23 We'll, we'll, we'll.Speaker 1
00:30:25 Remark on that then. Oh well, I guess you know, I I don't believe this, but I mean those guys, those guys that that charge the beaches on in Normandy, that's what they died for. So that you could, you could say this stuff. I mean that attitude right out the ******* window.00:30:42 Right out the ******* window.
00:30:51 But it's amazing that just a few decades ago, you could even just talk about, even if it was there, even if.
00:30:56 You were there to be ridiculed.
00:31:01 That you can even talk about on a national television.
00:31:05 But I think that they learned that when people are allowed to talk about these issues.
00:31:12 The truth wins.
Speaker 2
00:31:14 Not always.Speaker 1
00:31:16 As I say often.00:31:18 Your feelings don't, or their feelings don't care about your facts.
00:31:24 But if you're able to talk about this in an emotional way, which he has.
00:31:31 I mean, he he comes across very.
00:31:33 Sympathetic. Oh, no, it's I don't care. You know, like I you know, it's.
00:31:36 Tragedy when anyone dies.
00:31:47 That's why Schindler Schindler's list had to get into theaters as quickly as possible because people were starting to think.
00:31:53 Yet remember, no one knew the word Holocaust.
00:32:00 Until like the 70s.
00:32:03 So the the.
00:32:03 Word Holocaust was was still pretty new.
00:32:08 The word genocide didn't exist until until the quote, UN quote, Holocaust a Jew made.
00:32:13 Up that word.
00:32:15 For the Nuremberg trials, the word.
00:32:18 Genocide was was made-up like.
00:32:21 Look it up.Speaker 1
00:32:22 It didn't exist.00:32:24 And then the word Holocaust, that it existed.
00:32:28 But no one. No one said anything. No one said the word Holocaust in conjunction with World War 2 until, like the 1970s. Go, go look at an encyclopedia.
00:32:39 From the 1960s or 50s or you would think right World War Two had just happened. I'd have.
00:32:44 Holocaust in there.
00:32:46 It's not there.
00:32:52 It's not there.
Speaker 13
00:32:57 Why is there a taboo? The only historical event in the history of the West that's taboo to have an open?Speaker 6
00:33:03 Debate about, well, it is true. There is a good deal of restraint on the part of media and civilized people everywhere to inflict more pain on those who have already suffered.00:33:15 From this particular chapter of 20th century history, I ask you to not paint me with this.
Speaker 13
00:33:18 This challenge.Speaker 1
00:33:22 It's it's and that was the excuse. Well, we just don't want to inflict more pain on these Holocaust survivors, which we'll hear from a few of them.00:33:31 In a moment, we don't want to inflict even more pain.
00:33:39 Now look to.
00:33:40 A certain extent you could say that that that that was a genuine, A genuine feeling.
00:33:48 God fearing nice. You know, people in the in the West they they thought that that well, you know it's too soon too soon, right.
00:34:01 It's not too soon any more.
00:34:05 This is why they're nervous. They're not. This is why they're making required Holocaust classes in over half the states, the United States. It's by law now. There has to.
00:34:13 Be a Holocaust class.
00:34:19 Because it's not too soon anymore. They're a little bit worried that like.
00:34:24 Yeah, the boomers are like, ohh, right. My dad fought the Nazis, right?
00:34:34 Well, that, that, that's not how zoomers look at it. That's not how even most millennials.
00:34:40 Look at it.
00:34:48 They got to keep this scam going.
Speaker 6
00:34:52 In the company of David Cole.00:34:54 Who is a Jew by birth? So, David, you enjoying my program so far?
Speaker 16
00:34:58 David, I like to get.Speaker 6
00:34:59 In here looking a little bit.Speaker 1
00:35:01 You wanna get in too? Are you nervous?Speaker 6
00:35:02 About the.00:35:04 Time running. You say there's no proof of gas chambers or the genocide of 6,000,000 Jews.
00:35:08 I should ask Mr. Smith.
00:35:09 How many Jews died in your estimation?
Speaker 16
00:35:11 No, I was going to.00:35:12 Get him, huh?
00:35:14 I was mistaken.
Speaker 6
00:35:16 The you.Speaker 16
00:35:16 Sit back for a while.Speaker 6
00:35:18 You take people to.00:35:20 A concentration camp and show us a door that opens from the.
Speaker 16
00:35:23 Inside. Now, wait a minute. I want to first say that my studies are based on my own examination into the physical evidence. The gas chambers of buildings claim to be the gas chambers.Speaker 1
00:35:34 I know, I know, I know. Try to get over the fact that he sounds that jewy.00:35:41 I know, I know, it's tough.
00:35:45 I know it's tough.
00:35:47 But it kind of it, it almost works in our favor that he that he was this Jewish.
00:35:55 As tough as it is.
00:35:58 Oh, good Lord.
Speaker 16
00:36:01 Still exist at two of the camps in Poland. You can go there. You can conduct forensic tests or you can go there and just look for yourself. Now one of the gas chambers at the Mighty Neck camp.Speaker 6
00:36:14 We'll show you, show them the film. This is.00:36:16 A film that.
Speaker 17
00:36:16 I'll see what I see here.Speaker 6
00:36:16 Mr. Cole would be happy to show you and has shown.Speaker 16
00:36:19 Right now, but most importantly, the Zyklon B gas that is said to have been used leaves blue stains and traces on the walls. These are the delousing chambers at Birkenau with the Auschwitz Birkenau camp. They are loaded with blue staining that indicate Zyklon B gas.Speaker 6
00:36:20 A number.Speaker 18
00:36:20 Of people.Speaker 16
00:36:33 Usage here I am on the inside of the de Lansing Chamber. The blue staining is clear, the traces are measurable. Even 50 years after the fact.Speaker 1
00:36:44 So there's the blue stains that he's talking about.00:36:49 Those are the kinds of stains that you would expect to see on the inside of a gas chamber that was having thy clon be pumped into it on a regular basis.
00:36:58 And yet those stains do not exist.
Speaker 16
00:37:03 But now we come to the inside of a gas chamber, supposedly murderous gas chamber at the Mount housing camp in Austria. There is no blue staining on the walls, no Zyklon B traces in the walls. They have been measured. There is no Zyklon B residue. 50 years after the fact, it exists at the delousing chambers. It does not exist in the, supposedly.00:37:23 How Miss Signal gas chambers. Here we see the door to the mount Housing gas chamber. It does not.
00:37:29 Lock it doesn't lock. The latches can be opened from the inside or the outside as I am showing right here, you cannot lock somebody into this room. You cannot lock somebody out of this room. This is physical evidence, so there's nothing to do with what I'm assuming or what I'm guessing about. Then I show a door to one of the gas chambers at the mighty Mac camp.
00:37:49 Poland, same thing. The door should be coming up. Here we go. The door latches only from the inside. Here I am. I'm standing inside the gas chamber and I'm showing the latches from the inside. Now this door opens into the Chamber. If you're going to pack 1000 people in a room and kill them, you can't have the door that then opens into the room because they will be piled up against the door.
00:38:11 Where they died and I am now showing that the latches of this door they latch inside you, you cannot lock somebody into this.
Speaker 6
00:38:18 Room. OK well.Speaker 19
00:38:19 You're a real palombo, David.Speaker 1
00:38:24 See and there's no answer. So what does he do? He makes a joke. Calls him, Columbo.00:38:30 Oh, look at you. Aren't you just a little little detective?
00:38:39 I mean, here's.
00:38:42 He has nothing to respond to the fact that the the inside of the gas chambers where the latches are, you couldn't possibly lock people in that room. It doesn't make any ******* sense.
00:38:56 And Phil is is his response is ohh you look at you, you little detective you.
00:39:03 Not huh?
00:39:04 That's that's. That's odd. I would expect there to be an answer for this. Maybe we should talk to a.
00:39:13 Museum curators or some kind of expert that has some, I mean, cause that that is weird. That's really weird.
Speaker 20
00:39:23 Wait a minute. Wait. Now. Excuse me.Speaker 16
00:39:25 Phil, why don't you ask? No, wait a minute. Why don't you ask why anyone else hasn't brought this up in 50 years since the since the war was over.Speaker 1
00:39:35 Oh, Phil will never ask that. Phil will never ask that question.Speaker 6
00:39:42 How many Jews died, David in?Speaker 16
00:39:44 Your opinion? It's impossible to say right now. Why?Speaker 6
00:39:46 Don't you ask? Well, would you have an idea? You. You certainly seem to know which way the doors opened 50 years.Speaker 16
00:39:47 Why don't?Speaker 17
00:39:51 Ago I mean.Speaker 1
00:39:54 And look at the giggling NPC.00:39:59 Big, stupid smile on her face. It doesn't even make any sense.
00:40:03 What he said. Does he make any sense?
00:40:08 He says, well, how many Jews died? He's like, well, I don't know. It's impossible to know right now. Well, you know that the door is open now.
00:40:14 Right.
00:40:14 Yeah, because you can.
00:40:15 It's on video. You can look at it.
00:40:18 You can go to that. There's no like Jew death counter in in Germany that I can just go to and be like, oh, there's the Jew death counter.
00:40:28 What? What? What, Phil?
00:40:29 'S saying isn't making any sense and.
00:40:31 The audience is like oh.
00:40:43 And this this speaks to.
00:40:44 A little bit what we talk about on a fairly regular basis about, it's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them.
00:40:50 They've been fooled.
00:40:51 That plays into this that psychology plays into it. Obviously there's a lot of other emotional issues going on, but just generally speaking, the people that believe in the mainstream.
00:41:03 They don't. They they don't want to believe they've been tricked.
00:41:07 And for some people.
00:41:10 They can't believe that because they would look, we've all seen it, right. We've all seen the people that they take too many red pills and they kind of just go off the reservation, right?
00:41:22 A lot of people are like that. A lot of people are like that. You disconnect them from a couple of core truths and you you ruined their their trust with institutions and that's what will happen.
00:41:35 They'll go adrift with no anchor.
00:41:40 And that's a scary, scary situation.
00:41:43 For a lot of people to be in.
00:41:46 Because that waterfalls right over there.
00:41:51 And so this dumb ******* **** here is just.
Speaker 21
00:41:53 Like haha. Oh yeah, the Holocaust happened.Speaker 1
00:41:58 I don't know why I'm laughing. I don't even know why I'm laughing.00:42:01 If you were to ask her why she was laughing, she wouldn't be able to tell you because there's no reason to laugh.
Speaker 6
00:42:16 Are we? Let me let me.00:42:18 Just talk personally about how.
Speaker 16
00:42:19 No, I I want.Speaker 6
00:42:19 Old are you? How old are you, David?Speaker 16
00:42:20 To wait a minute, I want to put the issue in some perspective, especially for the audience. When the war was over in 1945, it was claimed that there were 22 camps that had gas chambers in them, 22.00:42:33 By the 1950s, sixteen of those camps had been officially revised by the Americans, the Israelis, the British, the Soviets, and now it was only claimed that 6 camps in Poland had gas chambers. In other words, what happened was the camps that were in Germany and Austria were they were able to be investigated.
00:42:53 By Americans freely investigated by historians, but the camps in Poland were not made available to Western researchers and to read only well.
Speaker 6
00:43:00 It's an hour. It's an hour show. Alright, I.Speaker 16
00:43:02 Yeah, but this is.Speaker 1
00:43:06 So basically every camp they were able to take a look at.00:43:11 They discover. Wait, there's there's.
00:43:13 Literally no gas chamber in any of these camps.
00:43:17 The official number of camps with gas chambers went from 25 to 6.
00:43:22 And the only reason why that 6 remained 6 as they were in Poland, where they weren't allowed to be inspected.
00:43:31 Yeah, I think this this is back when, uh, you know.
00:43:35 The USSR was still a thing.
00:43:38 There was still, you know, the the Cold War was still going on.
00:43:48 So you.
00:43:49 That doesn't seem to bother Phil either. You would think. Oh, OK, so you're not just. This isn't just crazy talk. The story has changed. Like the official story has changed, right? Not only are you showing me now that that these doors on the the camps that are supposed to have gas chambers.
00:44:08 Don't look a whole lot like they'd be very.
00:44:10 Good at at gassing Jews.
00:44:14 The the previous claims that there were gas chambers and all these other camps, that's already officially not that that that's not the official store anymore.
00:44:26 It's been a lie before.
00:44:29 It could be a lie.
00:44:30 Now, no, there's there's none of that. Not he doesn't even address. It doesn't even at no point does does Phil address anything.
00:44:38 Did these guys say?
00:44:41 He just says he calls him Colombo or something like that and and and the audience laughs like a bunch of ******* *******. And that's the.
Speaker 6
00:44:49 You are familiar and know and have travelled with Ernst Zundel. Is that so?Speaker 16
00:44:53 No, I have not.00:44:53 Traveled with her and sent it did.
Speaker 6
00:44:55 You meet him in Holland I met.Speaker 16
00:44:56 I've seen him in Poland. I've met him twice.00:44:57 In my entire life.
Speaker 1
00:44:58 So Ernst Zundel I we've, we've covered him a couple of times on the stream, we'll probably do it.00:45:03 Again in the future he was a a German living in Canada. That was also, you know, the the facts weren't adding up to him.
00:45:14 And he took it personally as you would if you were German.
00:45:18 Right cause in the same way that the ADL, the way they talk about anti-Semitism, right, it's a disease that only you have. Only the goyim suffer from this disease. It's this weird, irrational hatred you have of Jews and you, you it's no you can't get rid of it. It doesn't matter. Centuries go by and it's still in the blood of these ******* going that for no reason at all, the goyim.
00:45:39 Just start getting mad at Jews and killing them for no reason, and they're just they're just full of this hatred, this irrational hatred that has has really no basis in reality. It's just this weird rage that that the goyim have.
00:45:52 This jealousy of the Jews right in the same way, obviously that that should be offensive to you. It should be offensive to you that Jews, generally speaking right and left, believe in this magical thing called anti-Semitism, that everyone but Jews suffer from.
00:46:09 That lead them to be bloodthirsty animals and to kill God's chosen people. The best people ever. The people that God prefer all over all other people.
00:46:20 And you're such an evil ****. It's in your blood that you rise up and try to kill them.
00:46:26 Or discriminate against them or whatever.
Speaker 16
00:46:28 Right.Speaker 1
00:46:30 That should ****.00:46:30 You off that should **** you off. If that is the official view.
00:46:33 Of most Jews.
00:46:37 It's a blood libel, they.
00:46:38 Talk about blood libel. That's a ******* blood libel.
00:46:43 So imagine if you're German.
00:46:46 Not only does.
00:46:47 All that apply to you if you're German in.
00:46:49 In addition to that.
00:46:51 You were so evil. You took it.
00:46:54 To the next level.
00:46:58 You took it to this industrial murder scale.
00:47:04 You were gassing them.
00:47:07 And burning them up in ovens.
00:47:09 By the millions.
00:47:15 Even though there's no evidence of that.
Speaker 2
00:47:18 But you were.Speaker 1
00:47:22 So obviously it matters.00:47:29 Those are. That's a big accusation and you don't think that that's not gonna gonna **** with the people that you're. I mean, imagine. And Germans are like this. A lot of Germans are like this.
00:47:41 They've got that on their conscience from the day that they're talk about sins of the fathers. The Germans have that on their in their on their conscience right now. If you want to know why Merkel and all these folks were like were like, come on in refugees, they were so ******* afraid.
00:47:56 Of looking like Nazis, they wanted to prove to the world they had changed. No, we're not these genocidal maniacs anymore come into our country. We don't care how many people you rape.
00:48:08 That's what this **** will do to you.
00:48:13 That's what will turn you into.
Speaker 6
00:48:22 All right. Well, what?Speaker 16
00:48:22 I have met him twice in my.Speaker 6
00:48:23 What did you do? Have a beer. I mean, what's travel mean? Yeah. You met him in Poland? Yeah. He introduced you to me. And he is a NEO Nazi. You don't deny that. And he had an access program in.Speaker 16
00:48:23 Entire life.Speaker 1
00:48:36 See in in Earth Zundel who took on this?00:48:43 Mission to debunk a lot of this stuff was of course he was a bit he was a big, bad man. He was a bad man. You couldn't be associated with.
00:48:54 The the the Jewish terrorist groups that I mentioned before burned down his house at one point were, you know, physical with him and and death threats. He got all the time. They, I mean they they tried to kill him. They tried to kill him.
00:49:09 And they try. They tried to kill David Cole here, too.
00:49:15 So this is, of course, Phil Donahue not responding to literally anything that they've said so far.
00:49:22 Go straight to well, you're an associate with this bad man. You know the bad man. You're friends with the bad man.
Speaker 6
00:49:31 Colorado, which has subsequently been pulled off the air after complaints by the Simon Visa Foster.Speaker 16
00:49:35 This is no I'm sorry, Phil, this is not about who I've met in my life. I just met you. Does that mean I'm Marlo?00:49:40 Thomas, this is about.
Speaker 15
00:49:43 This is what is it about this is.Speaker 16
00:49:48 Physical evidence. This is about the gas chambers and not having Micron be residue. This about windows in a gas chamber. One clip they didn't show was me standing in front of the mighty neck gas chamber with a big plate glass window in it that was not barred.00:50:02 Or covered in any way.
Speaker 1
00:50:05 And again, no response, no challenge.00:50:12 It's just all, but you know the bad man.
Speaker 6
00:50:16 How many would you say, Dave, do you?Speaker 16
00:50:17 History books history books are not about making crass generalizations. If you are going to claim there was a gas chamber program, you have to be able to offer evidence.Speaker 6
00:50:17 Have any idea?00:50:27 Well, but you.
Speaker 23
00:50:27 For it.Speaker 6
00:50:27 Played much more than that. You claim that 6,000,000.Speaker 16
00:50:29 Did not die. The 6,000,000 figure is already dead in 1989. The Auschwitz State Museum, which had claimed from the Nuremberg Trials in 1945 and 46 onwards that 4.1 million people died at Auschwitz in 1989, that number was officially revised to somewhere around 700,000.Speaker 6
00:50:47 Yes, we do have people who.00:50:50 Care very much.
Speaker 1
00:50:53 Notice how he just starts talking like it's not even a response that he just goes yes.00:50:57 We do. We do what?
00:50:59 He was just trying to to interject. He didn't know what to say, cause what? Can you ******* possibly say to that?
00:51:05 What can you say? Like look this is, this is.
00:51:09 A good example.
00:51:11 Of why they don't have people on mainstream.
00:51:14 Shows to talk about the Holocaust anymore.
Speaker 6
00:51:16 How many would you say Daddy do?Speaker 16
00:51:17 But his history books history books are not about making crass generalizations. If you are going to claim there was a gas chamber program, you have to be able to offer evidence for it.Speaker 6
00:51:18 You have any idea?00:51:27 Well, but you played much more than.
00:51:29 That you claim that 6,000,000.
Speaker 16
00:51:30 Did not die. The 6,000,000 figure is already dead in 1989. The Auschwitz State Museum, which had claimed from the Nuremberg Trials in 1945 and 46 onwards that 4.1 million people died at Auschwitz in 1989, that number was officially revised to somewhere around 700,000.Speaker 6
00:51:47 Yes, we do.00:51:49 Have people who care very much about the existence of what some argue are deniers of these.
Speaker 1
00:51:58 See that? It's like. It's like he didn't say anything.00:52:05 How do you account for that in the same way they he has no answer for how you went from 2525 death camps with with gas chambers.
00:52:18 To five or six or whatever the number was.
00:52:22 He has no answer for how you go from 4 million to 1,000,000. That's not a small discrepancy and it makes you wonder, well, how did they come up with the 4 million figure?
00:52:34 In the first place.
00:52:40 Because it kind of sounds like.
00:52:41 The only way you're that off.
00:52:44 Is if you just made.
00:52:45 It up.
00:52:48 The only way?
00:52:51 You can count it that wrong.
00:52:54 Is if you just made it up.
00:53:02 I mean, just think about it, if you had, if you have one apple and you put it in front of someone and they say well, there's four apples there.
00:53:13 Either they're just lying, they don't have their eyes open, they're on a lot of drugs.
00:53:21 How do you get?
00:53:22 It that wrong? They just made it up as.
00:53:24 How they got?
00:53:24 It that wrong and Donahue knows that? Donahue knows that. That's that's not something he wanted his audience to hear. So he goes straight into world, you know.
00:53:36 He doesn't even say something like be that as it may or he doesn't even dismiss it. He acts like he that nothing was said. He acts like nothing was said and just launches into. There's people that care about Gus. You know, these gas chambers and we're going to talk to.
00:53:50 Them here in.
00:53:51 A moment, you know.
Speaker 6
00:53:53 And would say a revisionist Michael Shermer will join us in a moment. He's a professor of history.Speaker 1
00:53:59 Oh yeah.00:54:02 Let's see what this professor of history has to say, and it's a little little interesting that that even this guy is going to start debunking the Holocaust on accident.
Speaker 6
00:54:14 This is a very, very with all of the all of this coming together in including Schindler's list.00:54:21 I'm I'm going to tell you something you don't. You already know the Holocaust Museum declined to send someone here.
Speaker 1
00:54:28 See again, imagine he's using a movie.00:54:31 As proof that would be like if I was talking to someone about the Revolutionary War and I was like, well, you know, like in the Patriot.
00:54:40 You know when Mel Gibson did this?
00:54:43 That's my that's my proof.
00:54:47 Well, they couldn't have had it in a movie if.
00:54:49 It didn't happen.
00:54:57 But look the.
00:54:57 People are so **** ****** by movies.
00:55:00 Half the audience probably thinks Darth Vader is real.
00:55:06 That is the problem. When you have a high trust society, what they did, they've done the studies I've talked about this in previous.
00:55:11 Videos children.
00:55:14 And black people.
00:55:15 Tend to believe movies, as in fact their brain interprets them as if it's something that's actually happening to them.
00:55:26 Remember when there was black people that actually thought Wakanda was a documentary?
00:55:32 Or I guess Black Panther.
00:55:39 A lot of the.
00:55:39 Public they see it in a movie.
00:55:43 And it might as well have happened.
00:55:45 This is why the the right wing, neglecting film for as long as they have, is such a a.
00:55:56 Horrible, horrible thing that's happened to us.
00:55:59 That's why the mains, that's.
00:56:01 Why we're we're considered fringe.
00:56:04 Because we're the.
00:56:04 People that are are not as susceptible to this ****, apparently.
Speaker 6
00:56:10 And the Wiesenthal Center also declined.Speaker 1
00:56:14 So now this is interesting.00:56:17 After trying to, you know mention that Schindler's List is is as if somehow that's some kind of evidence. He starts talking about how he invited all of these so-called Holocaust experts to talk about this subject on the show. And he's actually surprised. He's like, I don't get it. They all declined. They all said that they didn't want to come on here.
00:56:41 I wonder why, I wonder why?
00:56:45 But Mr. Shermer here.
00:56:48 Of course is.
00:56:50 Is going to to enjoy his 15 minutes while, like I said, he's going to. Unfortunately he's he's going to do more damage than he is.
00:57:01 Going to do damage control.
Speaker 6
00:57:03 And I have to say I I understand they're they don't want to.00:57:07 Honor this kind of presentation with their presence. You obviously don't.
Speaker 24
00:57:12 Think so? What am?00:57:13 I doing here.
00:57:15 Yes, I talked to many of my fellow Holocaust scholars and basically I published a magazine called Skeptic. In addition to my doing my history stuff, and we we investigate extraordinary claims, fringe groups, social movements, things like that.
Speaker 6
00:57:28 Right.Speaker 1
00:57:30 By the way, this this guy when when he talks about, you know, debunking fringe groups, a lot of what they went after was Christian groups.00:57:40 You know, like the the Christian schools, they were teaching creationism and stuff like that, but that their their target was mostly Christian groups. I mean, he he when he's on this show he he mentioned Scientology and you.
00:57:53 Know whatever but.
00:57:55 This is a guy that would specifically try to attack Christian.
Speaker 24
00:58:02 And when we started doing the creation of Scientologists and so on, I noticed when we began to look into the Holocaust deniers that there was a pattern that I recognized. For example, David's footage, which is very interesting and and I've been on the phone all morning calling to ask answers to some of your questions and believe it or not, Holocaust callers have already been asking.00:58:22 Some of those questions and they are trying.
00:58:23 To answer.
Speaker 1
00:58:26 So here's the thing. He's a Holocaust expert.00:58:29 He's never had an answer to any of those, like somehow he's the guy that's supposed to have studied the Holocaust and all these obvious things, like the first thing you would notice by walking in that gas chamber, like how?
00:58:41 Would this work?
00:58:42 Why is there no stains?
00:58:44 On the wall.
00:58:46 The most obvious things about the key core claim about the Holocaust you have no, like, not only you've never heard these questions. Apparently you had to call your Holocaust buddies.
00:58:58 But they had no answers for it.
00:59:03 He's admitting they have no answers to these questions, but he's going to try to deflect.
Speaker 24
00:59:23 Revising any historical event is, of course, what historians do, but but one of the tactics that that, that, that all of these fringe groups do to try to move into the mainstream is to focus on what we don't know about some particular subject and ignore all the evidence that we do have.Speaker 1
00:59:40 OK. We'll we'll give us the evidence of.00:59:42 The gas chambers.
00:59:43 That's all these guys are talking about and they always try to conflate it and, you know, go all these kinds of crazy ways because they're cult members. I mean, in the same way, like flat Earthers. Well, right. Like, you say that like, oh, you know, the Earth's obviously not flat. And they're like, oh, you must work for NASA. It's like, that has nothing.
00:59:58 To do with ******* with, you know, the shape of the earth.
01:00:00 Well, yeah, what about, you know, the?
01:00:02 Apollo 11 or whatever, like the gain that's that's, you know, and that's what this guy is doing.
01:00:07 All they're saying is that there was no gas chambers.
01:00:10 That's all they're saying. No gas chambers.
01:00:14 And this guy is saying, oh, yeah, there's all kinds of evidence that the Holocaust happened and he's not going to mention any kind of proof of gas chambers. He's going to say, like, Oh well, there's pictures of of a gas chamber.
Speaker 24
01:00:27 For example, why do we have so many huge orders of Zyklon B? Why do we have?Speaker 1
01:00:32 Yeah. Why? Why would you have so many huge orders of Zyclone B? Because they had typhus spreading. Here's another. Here's a question that you.01:00:42 Why is it the so-called gas Chamber sites had the same amount of Zyklon bee as the non gas chamber sites? That doesn't make any sense now, does it?
01:00:54 That doesn't make any sense, right? Like if we have, like, if this guy is an official historian of the Holocaust, who would agree now the, you know, it's.
01:01:01 Been revised, it's.
01:01:03 You know, the historians have done the work and they've decided that, you know, not every every concentration camp had a gas chamber. Yet somehow, for whatever reason, all the gas.
01:01:13 All the the concentration camps that didn't have gas chambers, according to this guy.
01:01:20 Had the same amounts of Zyklon B as the the so-called death camps with gas chambers. That doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 24
01:01:29 For example, yes, why do we?Speaker 6
01:01:29 Like the the poison gas that was.Speaker 24
01:01:32 Have why do we have huge blowers? To reiterate the chambers, if all you're doing is delousing.Speaker 1
01:01:38 Why are there ventilation ducts?01:01:42 Why are there ventilation docks?
01:01:45 In fact, if anything, it's almost like, well, why would you? Why would you have ventilation ducts in a room that you're trying to guess like? That sounds like the opposite of what have people seen modern gas chambers?
01:02:00 I mean, I know they don't use them often. I don't know if they even used them at all, but there was gas chambers that they would use as a they a, you know, the death penalty, the states of the death penalty in America, there were gas.
01:02:10 Chambers that they.
01:02:10 Used here and I'll.
01:02:13 Tell you that none of them had.
01:02:14 Wooden doors and none of them.
01:02:15 Had doors you can open as as.
01:02:17 Easily as he was opening.
01:02:19 They were airtight chambers.
Speaker 24
01:02:22 Clothing and mattresses.Speaker 13
01:02:23 Talk about, talk about them in one chamber. Talk about them in one.Speaker 6
01:02:23 Right.Speaker 18
01:02:26 Kramer and and so.Speaker 24
01:02:31 To shift the burden of proof from the established wisdom to to.Speaker 1
01:02:37 The established his proof is the established wisdom.01:02:43 I I'm telling you he has nothing. He has nothing. At no point is he like. Oh, what about this? This. This is the proof that this was a gas chamber. This is the proof that people were getting gassed. No, it's the the, whatever that means. It's the the established wisdom.
Speaker 24
01:03:03 Listen, one of the things you do is you shift the burden of proof from the established wisdom.Speaker 1
01:03:09 Yeah, you, you switch the burden of proof.01:03:13 To someone that should have proof.
01:03:18 Right. If you're the established wisdom, you're the one that you're the mainstream. You're the guy with the official story. Shouldn't you have some kind of evidence to back up your story?
01:03:27 How is that insane?
01:03:30 Well, I guess after COVID right, a lot of people can understand why that would sound insane.
01:03:36 Well, you're the experts. Give us the proof that these.
01:03:38 Masks work. Oh.
Speaker 24
01:03:42 To to to the established wisdom away from yourself. See the burden of proof is not on us to prove the Holocaust happened. That's been happening for 50 years.Speaker 1
01:03:53 I I like how they don't have to prove that it happened. You have.01:03:56 To prove it didn't.
01:04:02 OK, that that seems a little ****** **.
01:04:07 And and, but I guess that's what you have to.
01:04:10 Say when you don't have any evidence.
Speaker 24
01:04:14 We've we've established that the burden of proof is on them to prove that it didn't happen, and finding bits and pieces of inconsistencies in our eyewitness testimony or the door didn't know. Look, you can you don't have to have a lock to keep a door closed. You can slam boxes up again. So you can.Speaker 1
01:04:30 You hear that, guys, the gas chamber door was held closed. They they just put boxes in front of the door to keep the the Jews that were getting gassed inside.01:04:43 That's this guy's theory.
01:04:46 He's not even disputing the evidence.
01:04:48 That the door doesn't work.
01:04:53 He's not even disputing that the door doesn't make any sense. He's saying, well, you know those Germans.
01:05:01 They probably just after they marched all the Jews into.
01:05:04 This room, who were probably.
01:05:05 Very curious as to why they were in there.
01:05:08 They proceeded to just stalk like big boxes of, I don't know, maybe ashes of dead Jews in front of the doors to keep them in there.
01:05:24 His Germans apparently hadn't invented.
01:05:27 The the door lock yet?
01:05:31 I mean, it's absurd. It's absurd. That's what he's reduced to saying. People don't realize that this is how flimsy this **** is. People don't know that this is how ******* flimsy it is. It's this ******* flimsy.
01:05:48 The story you've been told about the Holocaust is just as real as the story you were told about George Floyd.
Speaker 6
01:05:56 Simple as.01:05:57 The Holocaust is not one event, it is 10,000 events and 10,000 different places. And I I I would.
Speaker 24
01:06:01 That's right, that's.Speaker 2
01:06:02 Right.Speaker 6
01:06:07 I would hope that there would be some room for a full and and enthusiastic response to this kind of these kinds of statements made by folks in the spirit of of free speech. It seems to me that those who died at the hands.01:06:28 Of anti semites and dictators and fascists, the memory of those people would be honored by a vigorous.
Speaker 24
01:06:37 I think so.Speaker 1
01:06:39 See at least Phil saying that that is not a sentiment you will ever hear again until we can get our countries back in a very thorough way. You will not hear that sentiment ever again.01:06:54 See, Phil thinks this is all ridiculous, and he's doing a good job for his masters parading these people around and ridiculing him. But he's also knows that the audience that that he's talking to.
01:07:04 Believes in the free exchange of ideas.
01:07:08 And so he's saying, look, you know, I don't agree with these kooks, but, you know, you would think that we would be honoring those who have died at the hands of fascist dictators to have these kinds of conversations and have them have an open exchange of ideas on these topics. Right.
01:07:26 And he's pointing out that none of.
01:07:27 The experts will show up.
01:07:30 How come none of the experts will show up to discuss this?
01:07:35 Well, I think I think we all know the answer to that.
Speaker 6
01:07:40 So that's what confuses me about why there wouldn't. Why would why? We don't have more informed people stand.Speaker 24
01:07:44 See. Yeah. Well, that's true. That's skeptic we decide to answer a claim when when a group has gotten big enough and powerful enough to have caught the public's attention. And David and Bradley have caught in the public's attention. And David has asked some important questions that it would be good to have answers.Speaker 6
01:07:46 Tell the truth about.Speaker 24
01:08:01 But it's also important to remember that an ad.Speaker 1
01:08:05 It would be good to have answers to, but you don't have answers to.Speaker 24
01:08:09 Absence of of of evidence is not evidence of absence that something happened. They they. It's just things that need to.01:08:16 Be explained yes.
Speaker 6
01:08:17 So you've got pictures here of what you've got diagrams of.Speaker 23
01:08:17 And so.Speaker 24
01:08:19 Grams of of gas chambers and.Speaker 6
01:08:22 Let me show you this film.Speaker 1
01:08:25 Oh, he's got a film. Donnies got a film for you to watch. That'll totally prove the existence of gas chambers.Speaker 6
01:08:36 Very grim film and not really for review by children. Be curious to know what Mr. Smith Mr. Cofield about this?01:08:46 Here is film familiar to those who've watched documentaries.
01:08:52 You know how did? Who are these people and how?
01:08:55 Did they die? This is film, which is.
Speaker 13
01:09:02 Comes to us from.Speaker 6
01:09:05 Holocaust Memorial archives here is the gas chamber with a door incidentally, of the kind.01:09:14 Now, are you saying that?
01:09:16 These people.
01:09:16 Are just people who oppose the Third Reich or just?
01:09:22 How accidentally dead. How do you look at this grim?
Speaker 13
01:09:29 Feature. Let me try.Speaker 6
01:09:31 Late 30s and 40s in Germany.Speaker 25
01:09:31 And make it, yeah.Speaker 1
01:09:33 See, that's what they do.01:09:34 Hey, look at all this footage. That doesn't prove anything other than those dead people.
01:09:37 On the ground.
01:09:39 Tell me. Tell me how any of this footage proves gas chambers. Ohh, look, there was dead people. So therefore gas chambers.
01:09:55 But it doesn't matter the the audience. The audience sees this. It's an emotional appeal. Ohh wow. It's so terrible.
01:10:04 Look at all those ******* dead people. I I mean, the only way they there could be that many dead people is if they had gas chambers, right? There's no other way people could die.
01:10:17 Look at all that. Look at the footage of dead people. Therefore, gas chambers. Look at the oh goodness.
01:10:24 Ohh my.
01:10:29 Your theory just got debunked.
01:10:30 Bro cause look dead people.
01:10:35 Dead people.
01:10:37 More dead people. Look, look, there's. There's rooms within with.
01:10:44 Dead people and shower heads.
01:10:48 Couldn't possibly be a delousing room. Nope. Nope, it's.
01:10:53 It's definitely ohh look, see. Look at that guy. Totally gassed. You can tell just by the look on his dead face.
01:11:00 Gassed by Nazis.
Speaker 13
01:11:05 Feature of late 30s and 40s in Germany and Poland and say that there was no Holocaust. Listen what I I tried to explain that to you few minutes ago. We don't say there was no Holocaust. We don't say that Jews didn't die. 40 million people died. Let me try and explain the vulgarity of what you just did.01:11:25 For instance, if someone is committing brutalities in a war and you're going to look at the brutalities caused during this war, you're going to show the brutalities that have been exercised on both sides. For instance this.
01:11:39 Is always show.
01:11:40 On this stuff is, but you don't show.
Speaker 16
01:11:43 I'd like to ask Doctor Sherman question. They just show the dog health gas chamber in.01:11:46 That footage is that.
01:11:48 Gas chamber ever claimed to have killed people or.
Speaker 24
01:11:51 Not no. And in fact, and in fact the important point here is that.Speaker 16
01:11:52 No it isn't.Speaker 6
01:11:54 There's a sign. There's a sign.Speaker 1
01:11:56 So there you go.01:11:58 And he points out that room that I showed you just a second ago that's in that footage.
01:12:03 He's like, that's that's in a in a concentration camp that even the official people aren't saying had a gas chamber. You're showing footage from a camp that it's that's not. It's not. Well, not now.
01:12:19 It's not claimed that that they had a a gas chamber, so you're showing footage of something that has nothing to do with your argument, so they're debunking themselves. They're showing propaganda. They're showing war propaganda that was used to tell the American people that there were gas chambers.
01:12:36 After the fact that they've, they've realized that there's no way to prove that.
01:12:39 There were gas chambers there.
01:12:45 And even Mr. Shermer's, like uh, well, no.
Speaker 16
01:12:49 Is that that gas chamber ever claimed to have killed people?01:12:52 Or not. No, no it is.
Speaker 24
01:12:52 No. And in fact, and in fact the important point here is that.Speaker 6
01:12:55 There's a sign, there's a sign at the at the at that house notifying tourists of that fact that it was not used.Speaker 16
01:13:00 That it was not used to kill people. So why did you just show it in in the clip?Speaker 6
01:13:05 I I I'm I'm not at all sure.01:13:06 That was that house.
Speaker 16
01:13:07 That was done. No, wait a minute. You're not sure? That was doc. How you show a clip on your?01:13:08 That wasn't wait a.
01:13:12 Show and you're.
01:13:13 Not sure it was doc how OK.
Speaker 1
01:13:16 So there you go.Speaker 24
01:13:23 It doesn't matter because because it doesn't.Speaker 6
01:13:26 Make his point.Speaker 1
01:13:26 Oh, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, because the Holocaust happened because that's the general wisdom, right?01:13:33 It doesn't matter.
01:13:35 Doesn't matter if we just showed you a lie.
01:13:38 It doesn't matter that we just showed you war propaganda.
01:13:42 That's already been debunked, it doesn't matter.
01:13:47 You hear that? You hear that voice? It it doesn't matter.
Speaker 24
01:13:52 History is is knowledge and like all knowledge and progresses and changes, we continually refine our certainty about claims and so we once thought there was human soap, the human soap story was true. Now we know it's not and and that's what historical revision.Speaker 1
01:14:07 Ah, so this part's great. If he missed that, he just said, well, we now know the human soap isn't true. Well, ask yourself this. Why was it ever told that?01:14:16 It to anyone.
01:14:17 That it was true.
01:14:19 Right. If if history is so good, if historians are so good at it at coming up with the truth.
01:14:26 Why did you promote that lie in the 1st place? Why is it that all these ***** like, why is it that every time you find out that?
01:14:33 There's a lie.
01:14:35 About the Holocaust, it always downgrades the horror of the Holocaust every time. There's never a lie the other way around. Historians are ever are never like, oh, holy ****, actually 20 million died. I mean, there's probably Jews that say that, but, you know, it's never. They're never like discovering more mass graves or more.
01:14:55 Gas chambers or more of these crematoriums, it's always the other way around.
01:15:01 And these stories that they that so-called Holocaust survivors were telling people.
01:15:07 As a form of war, propaganda always end up as ******* lies.
01:15:13 Whether you're talking about the the roller coaster, the actual roller coaster that they would strap Jews to that would take them to the.
01:15:19 Death chamber or the?
01:15:21 The OR the death chamber with the electric floor that would electrocute.
01:15:24 News or the actual like this, these, these, these are all real war propaganda stories that a lot of people used to believe and some people probably still do the cages that they would put Jews in with a bear and an eagle. Like for ***** sake the ************ machines that would Jack juice off till they died. These are all official claims by Holocaust survivors.
01:15:46 About what they suffered in the death camps.
01:15:51 And now he's telling you now. Like, look, when when I was younger, the the whole soap and lampshades thing was still considered real.
01:16:03 And now this historian is telling you well, you know, we know now that the soap thing was a.
01:16:07 Lie. Well, why was it ever spread?
01:16:09 Who was telling that lie and why should?
01:16:11 We believe them about other things.
01:16:15 But it'll get funnier. It'll get funnier here in a second. So he just mentioned that the the soap and the lamp shades are that we know that that was fake. But you know, just because that was fake doesn't mean that the gas chambers were fake.
Speaker 24
01:16:27 ISM is all about.Speaker 6
01:16:28 But it seems to me you've got a number of people seizing at this moment in our national life. On these reports that I'm not sure we're ever encoded in grant.01:16:39 And suggesting that because there was some hyperbole with regard to lampshades, that therefore the whole story.
Speaker 5
01:16:46 That's that's right, that's.Speaker 1
01:16:47 Just because there is some hyperbole when it comes to lampshades, you mean like things completely made-up? That's not hyperbole.01:16:56 That's not hyperbole.
01:17:00 That's just making **** up out of nothing. To say that they were skinning Jews and making lamp shades out of their skin. That's that's way beyond hyperbole.
Speaker 24
01:17:14 That's called. That's called the slippery slope argument. If this is wrong, then maybe this is wrong. Maybe this is.Speaker 6
01:17:14 Correction problem.Speaker 24
01:17:18 Wrong. Hey, maybe the whole thing didn't.Speaker 1
01:17:20 Yeah, maybe the whole thing didn't happen. Exactly, buddy.Speaker 18
01:17:29 Yes, I've been recently to the Holocaust Museum, Sir. You seem to be objecting to the museum itself. And the first thing I learned when I was there was that it wasn't just against the Jews. There were all races that were being persecuted by Hitler. And it seems to me that the that's one purpose of the museum. You seem to be so against the museum because.01:17:46 It's it singles out Jews.
Speaker 13
01:17:48 No, I'm really against the museum because it it can. It has a theory here, it promotes a theory that millions of Jews were killed in gas chambers and that there's simply is. This can't be demonstrated to be true. And what really interests me is, is that when you ask someone I asked, this advertisement is published in in three dozen newspapers.01:18:08 Now listen, where is the evidence for the gas chambers? And they all say, Gee, I really don't want to talk to you about it.
Speaker 1
01:18:17 Now you thought you were smart.01:18:19 Buddy, in the back, balding buddy in the.
01:18:22 Back and of course, so you get these audience interactions. It's all just like ******* ******* as you would expect. Like the ones that were laughing at the non jokes that Donahue was was saying.
Speaker 4
01:18:33 I want to know why would you do this to these people after all this time? And are you making money on this? Is this political?Speaker 6
01:18:42 How do you want to respond to that?01:18:46 Why do I do?
Speaker 13
01:18:47 It to whom?Speaker 6
01:18:48 Why? Why are you doing it?Speaker 13
01:18:50 Well, one of the problems here, we have a feeling that if we talk about this issue, nobody is involved, but Jews, Germans are involved. For instance, if we tell there's something vulgar about lying for German lying about Germans.01:19:05 And thinking that it's proper, for instance, it was a lie that Germans cooked choose to make soap from them. It was a lie and it was institutionalized in my no.
Speaker 24
01:19:13 No, not a lie, not.01:19:15 A lie. It's a mistake.
Speaker 1
01:19:18 Ah, see, this is where it gets.01:19:19 Funny. So this woman here in the black and white, the bottom of the screen, that's going to be one of our Holocaust survivors.
01:19:26 And even though the guy on her side that's on the stage is saying, well, no, it wasn't a lie, it was a mistake. Come on. How can you mistakenly think that Nazis made lamp shades out of human skin?
01:19:40 Are you telling me that some investigator went to a Nazi facility, saw the lamp shades there and said by golly, that looks like juice skin?
01:19:49 And it wasn't until they they lab tested. Oh, I.
01:19:52 Guess it wasn't Jew skin.
01:19:55 You tell me. That's that's the scenario, that's what happened.
01:20:01 No, of course not. It was a lie. That's the only way. Something like that would get started. Or the soap. You think the Allied troops walked into the the bath, the Nazi bathrooms, and they, they grabbed a bar of soap and sniffed them out of this. Smells like ******* juice. Soap.
01:20:19 I knew it. I knew it.
01:20:21 I knew it. Those ******* those ******* Nazis. They were making juice.
01:20:26 Of this whole.
01:20:27 ******* knew it.
01:20:30 Because that would be a mistake, right? That would be a mistake. Would be a stupid mistake, but that would be a mistake.
01:20:36 But that's not what happened. They lied.
01:20:41 They lied. They made it up.
01:20:45 And guess what? The Holocaust survivor that they brought onto the show as as human proof as to what happened, right?
01:20:55 Even though the professor right here on the right just said that, oh, no, it's not a last mistake. It didn't. But it, you know.
01:21:01 He's saying it didn't happen.
01:21:04 Well, she's going to take issue with that. She's saying no, it did happen. I was there. There I, of course there was soap and lamp shades.
Speaker 15
01:21:14 They need lampshades and they cook. Saw.Speaker 13
01:21:17 Ask the professors.Speaker 24
01:21:18 Excuse me, professor. Historians make mistakes. Everybody makes mistakes. We're always refining our knowledge. And some of these things come down and they don't turn out to be true, but let.01:21:27 Me. Tell you what?
01:21:28 I think is not true. Tell her. Let me.
Speaker 13
01:21:28 This is let's watch.01:21:30 Let me tell you what I think is going and ask why they're doing that to this.
01:21:35 Why are? Why have they taught this woman to believe is the Germans?
Speaker 3
01:21:35 Thank you.Speaker 13
01:21:40 Did you see them yourself?Speaker 15
01:21:41 I was seven months in Austria. I lived here. The crematorium.Speaker 13
01:21:43 And you saw the Mexico from people?Speaker 15
01:21:46 As far as I am.01:21:47 From you I smell you would never eat roast chicken if.
01:21:50 Would have.
01:21:51 There because I smell 24 hours roast chicken there.
Speaker 13
01:21:52 You said you mentioned salt and lampshades. Let's get to the bottom of one thing, she says. Soap and lamp shades? Yeah, the professor says you're mistaken. Is there room for open debate? Is there is?Speaker 15
01:22:00 Yes, you know that even the Germans admitted they admitted that they had lampshades.Speaker 13
01:22:05 There room.Speaker 6
01:22:06 Do you have?01:22:07 Right.
Speaker 1
01:22:10 And then Donnie, who has to hug her and give her the whole nudge. Like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up, *****.01:22:16 Shut up, *****. You didn't get the memo.
01:22:19 We're not doing the soap and lamp shades lie anymore.
01:22:25 The Golem found out the golem.
01:22:27 Got wise to the.
01:22:28 The lamp shades and soap thing.
01:22:32 Can't talk about that anymore.
01:22:38 But then of course, you know, she whips out the tattoo, which again, this is something that will that people should be asking.
01:22:46 Why would you go through the trouble of tattooing people and then marching them into an oven?
01:22:56 That doesn't make any sense.
01:23:02 It doesn't make any sense.
01:23:06 You tattoo a person for the same reason that you brand a cow.
01:23:11 So you can keep track of them.
01:23:14 If you're marching them straight to the slaughterhouse, it's a little late for that. What would be the point?
01:23:26 Also, how does one survive a death camp, especially a death camp that is apparently on an industrial scale?
Speaker 9
01:23:35 Killing millions of people.Speaker 1
01:23:42 Sounds like a pretty ****** death camp, but I guess that's entirely possible now that I've seen those gas chambers, right? Maybe she was one of the ones that hey.01:23:50 Guys this door.
01:23:51 Doesn't close like we can just walk out.
01:23:54 Oh no. The Germans put boxes outside. Let.
01:23:57 We've got the shove a little bit, OK.
01:24:00 Stupid Germans.
Speaker 15
01:24:04 For several months that if you are blind, somebody else is.Speaker 6
01:24:06 Here, I said.Speaker 10
01:24:09 Not on the applause, the.Speaker 1
01:24:11 Applause Whip out the tattoo you get. Get the applause.01:24:16 The applause lights blinking, blinking frantically as the Jewish producer in the soundproof control room is pounding his ******* fist.
01:24:25 On that applause button.
Speaker 13
01:24:29 What does it have?01:24:30 So no salt, no salt, no salt, no lampshades. Let her finish one story, yes.
01:24:36 Listen, the professor says you're wrong, that's all.
Speaker 15
01:24:38 No, he wasn't. He wasn't dead.01:24:41 They, they and Germans themselves said that, and the people who were there four year before me said that that you should know that don't use that because that could be your mother.
Speaker 24
01:24:42 They certainly.Speaker 13
01:24:47 So again.01:24:52 Doctor, Occidental University Occidental College, he says. You're mistaken.
Speaker 24
01:24:56 They they they burnt bodies and they burnt bodies in masses great mass.Speaker 6
01:25:02 Be back in just a moment.Speaker 1
01:25:05 But no soap and no lamp shades. And yet this Holocaust survivor who's supposed to be proof that it happened.01:25:13 Is repeating a lie.
01:25:16 She's repeating.
Speaker 5
01:25:16 The lie.Speaker 1
01:25:27 Here's I believe this is her sister.01:25:30 But it doesn't matter either or it's it's. It's another Holocaust survivor.
01:25:36 Again, somehow somehow lived through the death camp.
Speaker 20
01:25:42 Yes, I am. I'm not shocked because I have heard it before, but when we arrived in Auschwitz.01:25:51 We were four sisters and one brother and my mother, who was 39 years old.
01:25:59 And my brother was taken on the the separated me from the premier right away.
01:26:05 And then I can still see Mangala.
01:26:09 Was standing there. Joseph mangala. Yeah.
01:26:12 Yes, he was standing there. He had a restaurant and he was.
Speaker 1
01:26:17 Yeah, it's it's amazing how many Holocaust survivors claim to have met, like, the, the the Nazi boogeyman. Personally, you know, she walked off and Joseph, Megan and Mandela was there right there saying like, oh, yeah, welcome. Welcome to the death camp.Speaker 20
01:26:32 Thing with his fingers. Which way to go?01:26:37 They separated the young from the world.
01:26:41 And my sister and myself, he.
01:26:48 He directed on one side and my mother and the two younger sisters on the other side with the old people.
01:26:56 My mother was still 39 years old and my three youngest sister started crying terribly.
01:27:02 That mangle separated them.
01:27:06 So Mangara didn't want to have a big commotion, so he directed my mother back to them. So we sat with my sister.
01:27:18 That is good that my mother went on that side with them because they meet him little more than we did because we were all.
01:27:25 There and then we arrived. The middle of the night in Auschwitz, we saw that Big Flame.
01:27:32 Far away and a big chimney that smoke was coming out.
Speaker 1
01:27:35 See look at. Look at all.01:27:36 Look at all the white women in the audience.
01:27:40 On the verge of tears.
01:27:43 That could have been me.
Speaker 5
01:27:46 That could have been me.Speaker 20
01:27:53 And that group that my mother and younger sisters and that bunch of older and younger people marched towards that big flame, and we never saw them again.Speaker 1
01:28:04 How they marched towards a big flame, so her claim is, I guess they dispensed with the whole gas chamber nonsense and just threw them right in a.01:28:13 Giant fire pit or something?
Speaker 20
01:28:16 And afterwards, people who were there two or three.01:28:20 Years before us.
01:28:22 Was telling, telling us do you think that you're gonna see your family again? They are in that smoke already. They are burning.
01:28:31 So we thought that they are there such a long time that they.
01:28:33 Lost their mind already?
01:28:35 And he didn't believe them.
01:28:40 But they kept telling us and people was working in the crematorium and the gas chambers for about 6 weeks. They came back at night and they told us what they saw. The people were guessed.
01:28:58 So this is.Speaker 1
01:28:58 The other thing they they they have a couple of these Holocaust survivors that claim that ohh no. Well, we were there. So we know. You know what this is?01:29:06 Eyewitness testimony. But then, in every case, in every.
01:29:09 Case including hers.
01:29:12 Her claim isn't even that she saw it.
01:29:15 Her claim is that other people told her that there were gas chambers.
01:29:22 So out of all the people that they dug up to to go.
01:29:25 On these shows.
01:29:27 To say no, I was in this. I was in this concentration camp and look, I she might have been.
01:29:33 She might have been in that concentration camp.
01:29:37 They still can't find someone who will say yeah, no, I actually saw.
01:29:42 You know the gas chamber. Unless you believe, of course. What? Blinking's crazy story that his dad's. Or was it his mom or his dad?
01:29:52 Anthony Blinken, like he's like, oh, yeah, my my, I think was his dad or his. No, his grandpa. Ohh yeah. He pretended to to to to need the mopper I remember. Anyway, I got a I made a meme about it years earlier this year.
01:30:08 But she's not even claiming to have seen it first hand. She's saying other people told her that there was a gas chamber.
Speaker 20
01:30:14 And then they were transporting people from the gas chambers to the crematorium. And after six weeks, they disappeared because they were gassed themselves. The German.Speaker 5
01:30:18 Right, right.Speaker 1
01:30:25 Ohh then of course. Conveniently, the people that told her that they were gas chambers also got gassed.01:30:31 So they don't exist. That's why. That's why, yeah. And that's why there's no eyewitnesses. The Germans were very thorough about this. Not only were they able to destroy any and all documents talking about a final solution, including killing all Jews or whatever, you know, they were so worried right about, you know, leaving any kind of paper trail about the atrocities that they were committing. So they got, they got rid of any and all evidence.
01:30:54 And of course, of course, the part of that would be, you know, gassing the people that were helping them gas people.
Speaker 9
01:31:05 Mrs. Blake, it was emotional in, in describing her experience, and I'm just wondering. My heart went out to you and I'm just wondering, how have you overcome some of the mental emotional torture that you must have gone through during that time as a child?Speaker 20
01:31:30 I guess.Speaker 1
01:31:30 But that's The thing is the the women in the audience, they've already bought it, they've already they. They've ignored literally everything that they heard prior to this woman talking. All it took was one woman to say, trust me, bro.01:31:44 That's all it took one woman to say. Trust me, bro, and all the evidence is just it goes right out the ******* window.
01:31:51 Doesn't matter the Holocaust survivors they brought on the show or are telling confirmed lies.
01:31:58 About the lamp shades and soap trust me bro.
01:32:01 In addition, she she said she saw the soap. She saw the lamp shades. You weren't there, she says.
01:32:09 So even though we, we're accepting that those are lies.
01:32:16 Some some people telling her that there were gas chambers then then.
Speaker 20
01:32:20 I guess we had no choice. What choice did we have? We just spent.01:32:26 That they told us to go.
01:32:29 Probably they they I I believe that they gave us some kind of sedative. They they did give us some kind of medicine to make us come.
Speaker 1
01:32:38 Ohh and also they.01:32:39 They they were drugging them or something.
Speaker 26
01:32:42 Yes, my mother was in the.Speaker 1
01:32:44 Ohh yeah, so here's the totally real German lady.01:32:48 This is the the totally real German lady that calls into the show. In case you weren't convinced by the Holocaust survivor that just gave you her testimony, here's the totally real German that that saw the lamp. She also saw the lamp shades and soap herself.
Speaker 26
01:33:07 Yes, my mother was in the Hitler you.01:33:10 And she was a fanatic follower, and she produced babies for Adolf Hitler. And I was born in Lebensborn, the special clinic next to Dachau. And I had a defect on my left ear and used this mangler when he saw it. He took me through experiments. I saw the Jewish tortures. I I saw everything I saw.
01:33:29 Top made from the paper.
Speaker 1
01:33:32 So she meant Joseph, Mangala, too, and.01:33:35 She saw the soap. She saw the soap. Her mother was in the Hitler Youth and she was there to make babies. And she was created.
Speaker 26
01:33:43 I I saw everything I saw saw made from the people I saw lampshades. I saw it all and there. I guess I saw it. And I'm a full blooded German and I have no contact with my family.01:33:57 Because they are Nazis.
Speaker 1
01:34:00 Ohh, they're all Nazis. They're all Nazis. The Nazis are still everywhere.01:34:06 So you have the total. This is what people were watching. This is the the complete nonsense they were watching.
01:34:13 So this totally real German girl just happens to call up and says Oh yeah. Ohh I met. I met Doctor evil myself.
01:34:21 And he did experiments on me, too. I saw him doing the experiments on the Jews, and I saw him making the the soap and the lamp shades.
01:34:29 Even though the guy on the stage that you brought in as an expert is telling us that that's actually not real.
01:34:39 And so in closing, because that's the end of the show, towards the end after that. Like what?
01:34:43 Else, did they have?
01:34:44 To say that was the big that was the big, you know, heartstrings. The women at home that are watching this on TV.
01:34:52 When they should, they should be doing the ******* dishes.
01:34:57 They're like my God, that sounds terrific.
01:35:01 Oh, that sounds so terrifying.
Speaker 6
01:35:03 You don't seem to have any enthusiasm at all for accepting the incontrovertible fact that Jews were massacred because of their Jewishness under the ages of the Third Reich in Germany and Poland.Speaker 13
01:35:18 He was an anti jury state. Everyone understands this well lighted Stalin off the Ukrainians. They're, you know, there's something like 40 million people died, a lot of them were Jews.Speaker 1
01:35:19 Wait, what you're saying?Speaker 6
01:35:21 So what else is new ID?Speaker 24
01:35:22 Don't say it's not moral equivalency. It's not a moral equivalency.Speaker 13
01:35:30 You know, listen, we have.Speaker 24
01:35:31 OK, so some news guy, some others died.Speaker 13
01:35:32 No, we have no.01:35:33 Feelings about anything else about nobody else is this the amount of influence in our media and on television that the lives of the other 36 million people who died is of no consequence to you people?
Speaker 1
01:35:48 The answer?01:35:50 Is yes.
01:35:52 He just nailed it.
01:35:55 The Jewish influence. He left that word out the Jewish influence.
01:36:01 In media and culture.
01:36:04 Is so strong.
01:36:06 The lives of anyone who's not a Jew.
01:36:13 In World War 2, didn't matter.
01:36:18 Everyone knows the 6,000,000 number.
01:36:21 Ask an American how many Americans died in.
01:36:24 World War 2.
01:36:27 Ask an English person how many English people died in World War 2.
01:36:34 Ask him how many Germans died in World War 2. Ask him how many Chinese died in World War 2. How many Japanese died in?
01:36:40 World War 2. No one knows.
01:36:43 But they all know the 6,000,000.
01:36:53 So that wasn't the only show that uh David Cole was on.
01:37:00 He was also on with Mark Webber on the Montel Williams show.
01:37:05 Which is actually surprisingly.
01:37:10 A lot more based.
01:37:13 A lot more bass. Believe it or not, there's some bass black guys in the.
01:37:16 Audience, I think it's because of the time Farrakhan was pretty popular and there was a lot of black people just now learning for the first time who exactly owned those slave ships and they were not not too happy about it. And black people. I can understand having a chip on their shoulder because they they think that they're the big oppressed.
01:37:33 Why the why? How? How come some Jews die half a world away and they get all these museums and the blacks who suffered slavery here in America don't get anything. That's the way they're looking at it, right?
01:37:49 So there was a there.
01:37:50 Was a little bit of a.
01:37:53 A different experience.
01:37:55 In fact, you might be surprised when the audience.
01:38:00 Even applauds some.
01:38:02 Of the points that these these anti Semites were making.
01:38:08 Be that as it may, this is still how Montel Williams opened the show.
Speaker 10
01:38:15 No matter how many times we see the footage and shocks us during the Holocaust and estimated 6,000,000 Jews died under the regime of Adolf Hitler, they died from starvation, disease and gassing. But there are some who say.01:38:28 That these pictures are not real, that much of what is known about the Holocaust is fiction and not fact.
01:38:35 One person who questions the existence of the Holocaust as Mr. Mark Webber mark is a Holocaust revisionist. He is the editor and spokesman for the Institute for Historical Review and also joining us is Mr. David Cole, another revisionist. He's a member of the Committee for Open debate on the Holocaust. David was recently under the attack or under attack.
01:38:56 The members of the Jewish Defense League while he was speaking on the subject because David is Jewish, thank you very much gentlemen, for.
01:39:02 Being here, we appreciate you coming.
Speaker 5
01:39:05 We have.Speaker 10
01:39:06 All seen the specials, the news clips, the footage, everyone around the world believes that the Holocaust took place.01:39:14 Why do you?
01:39:14 Think it didn't.
Speaker 25
01:39:16 Well, until it's very important to understand that no one says that those pictures are not real as you indicated at the beginning of the program. The pictures are very real. They're very horrible. They're very tragic. And we've all seen them. We've all heard that 6,000,000 Jews.01:39:27 Died in the Second World War during the Holocaust, but it's very important to understand what these pictures show and what they.
01:39:31 Don't show the.
01:39:33 People these pictures were taken at the bells and bearing bells and concentration camp at the end of the war by the British when they liberated the.
01:39:38 You know the people showing these pictures and it's a very, very terrible pictures. Nobody denies that. Nobody says it didn't happen. Nobody says it's not true. These people were victims of starvation and disease. They died in the last weeks of the war and they died in the last weeks of the war as in fact, indirect victims of the war. British doctors who were at the camp themselves at the time they.
01:39:58 The camp.
01:39:59 Celebrated and many inmates who were at the camp there and elsewhere have also confirmed that conditions at bells and although certainly not a not a Country Club, were relatively good until the final weeks and months of the war. And that was because in the final weeks of the months of the war, all of Germany, all of Europe, was in complete chaos. All the railroads were in.
01:40:19 We're we're ruined. It was impossible to supply food. It was impossible to supply water, and particularly at Bergen Belsen.
01:40:25 Thousands and thousands and thousands of Jews were evacuated from camps further to the east as the Soviets were coming in and sent in to this and other camps which were enormously overcrowded and these people died in large numbers by disease and starvation. But if the policy of the German Government had been to exterminate these people, they would not have. They would have long since been dead, and these pictures would not have been taken.
Speaker 1
01:40:47 So of course, Montell has to push back.01:40:52 And let's see, I think there's this clip.
01:40:58 Let's see here.
01:40:59 I cut out a lot of like the audience applause and all that kind of crap too. To speed this up a little bit, let me see where we're at here.
Speaker 25
01:41:06 The thousands, millions, tons of German documents seized at the end of the war that deal with Jewish.01:41:12 Policy there is not a single document, not a single piece of paper, which talks about, or confirms or even discusses an extermination policy.
Speaker 10
01:41:19 Yeah, but mark away. Wait one second. Hemmer also knew that if, let's say he didn't win this war and someone ever found a document that stated that life would be real tough for him and everyone else.Speaker 25
01:41:20 Now what? What what, what what?Speaker 1
01:41:32 Which of course that doesn't make any sense because according to the official story right, Hitler shot himself.01:41:41 Right, so why would it matter? Why? Why would it matter what they found?
01:41:46 But yet somehow, these meticulous note note takers were also meticulous note destroyers.
01:41:54 And the whole reason why there's zero evidence.
01:41:58 Of the thing that they're saying happened, and the burden of proof is on you. You're going to make a claim that the Germans did this well, then you need to show us proof that they did it.
01:42:06 You can't just say, well, there is no proof because prompt trust us, bro. The Germans destroyed all the proof because they didn't want you to find it. Cause it was that bad. That's like me saying. Oh, yeah. No, you're totally a pedophile. I have no evidence of it. But I mean, of course, I don't have evidence of it. You're a pedophile. You don't want people to know you're a pedophile.
01:42:25 So you destroy all the evidence.
01:42:27 But you're totally a ******* pedophile.
01:42:32 See how that works.
01:42:34 See how that works.
01:42:37 In fact, The funny thing is we have way more evidence that the ruling classes are pedophiles than they do of the existence of gas chambers.
Speaker 25
01:42:45 Knowledge during the war of any extermination program, although.Speaker 10
01:42:48 Wait a minute. I have been a German. Wait, if I have been a German guard at 1:00.01:42:52 Of these camps.
01:42:54 And somebody said, did you participate in the in the the murder of a million people always?
01:42:58 Said no, it was you. How?
01:43:00 We did it. That wasn't me, and I was said no, I never saw this before. I would have lied and said anything that I could.
01:43:05 Have said to.
01:43:05 Prove that I wasn't involved, that.
Speaker 1
01:43:08 See what I mean? Oh.01:43:11 You know, we don't need evidence because obviously they would lie about it. I mean, that's.
01:43:16 It's so antithetical to like the the.
01:43:19 Their tradition that that that Americans have in terms of, you know, making accusations and having to prove them or even how science works. It's like saying I have this hypothesis alright. Well then you need to find a proof to the back. Separate your hypothesis. Well, I don't need to. Why? Well, because clearly it's just true. You need to have proof that.
01:43:39 That it's not that my hypothesis is wrong.
01:43:43 What? That doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 25
01:43:46 That's that's very reasonable, but what these bents have to say was also is also consistent from the from the documents that we have and and what we know about and it's also consistent from everything we know about the policy from from many other sources.Speaker 10
01:43:59 Well, now, David, I mean I I would think.01:44:01 That there are enough older.
01:44:03 Jewish people in this country, people.
01:44:05 Who are survivors? People whose?
01:44:06 Families live through the Holocaust. Who would right now be willing to do exactly what happened a couple weeks ago and that's attacked you because you are Jewish and step forward and say this would be like myself stepping forward and saying that the United States government never brought slaves to.
Speaker 16
01:44:21 This country and now, if you were to say that, couldn't people then make a case to show that there was in fact slavery?Speaker 1
01:44:28 See, that's The thing is montel's like, what about people should denied slavery? Well, there's evidence of.01:44:32 Slavery. Lots of it.
01:44:35 There is no evidence of gas chambers. None, 0. Zilch.
Speaker 16
01:44:41 What happens when you have eyewitnesses and yet you have other evidence, physical evidence, forensic evidence, the evidence of documents and intercepted transmissions so you make a point, Montel. You make a grave assumption. Leap of faith when you say, well, the reason we don't have these documents showing, you know, with where the Germans discussed what they did is because Hitler didn't want them around, I guess.01:45:03 Had him burned or something because he knew this, it would get him in trouble. But that's making an assumption now. Other people might say we don't have the documents because there aren't any because they never existed.
Speaker 1
01:45:13 Because they never.01:45:18 We all know if they did, that would be front and center in the Holocaust Museum, right? You would all. In fact, you would know what they look like. They the image of these documents would be burned in your head because they would have been shown to you so many times your lifetime. You would recognize them almost as if they were a the Coca-Cola logo.
01:45:37 And you know that that's true.
Speaker 10
01:45:41 And what about all of the things that you hear about the gas chambers and all those things that the the mass graves graves with?Speaker 16
01:45:47 Well, now no doubts. No one doubts mass graves. No one doubts that there were bodies in this camp. And let me just, for the record, state, I don't doubt that it was an incredibly horrible thing that happened to the Jews of Europe, something that should not be thought of in.01:46:00 Any lighter sense specifically because we.
01:46:04 There were gas chambers. These people were taken out of their villages that split up from their family and put into camps and made to work at forced labor. And this is a horrible situation and people died from disease and starvation and just plain being worth to death. It is not that we are trying to sugarcoat what happened, but it's been many years after the fact that it's time that.
01:46:23 We brought the fact.
01:46:25 In in parallel to the actual history of.
01:46:30 What happened?
Speaker 1
01:46:32 Facts matter.01:46:34 Facts matter because you've been the Russian or the German people have been told forever that you did this evil. That's.
01:46:40 Beyond it was so.
01:46:41 Evil. We had to invent new A.
01:46:42 New word for it.
01:46:44 We need to invent the word genocide.
01:46:47 Because it was so bad, it was so especially bad.
01:46:52 That we have to enforce education in in over half the states in America, we have to force people to learn about it. We have to have museums all over the ******* world.
01:47:03 You have to. I mean, Germany has to pay reparations to Holocaust survivors for ******* ever.
01:47:11 Billions upon billions of dollars have to be paid.
01:47:16 Because this was so uniquely bad.
Speaker 28
01:47:19 Fact still remains. Yes, that 6,000,000 Jews were killed and whether or not the documentation shows that it was the intent to completely get rid of Jews it it doesn't matter whether or not the intent was there because it happened 6.01:47:37 Million Jews were murdered.
Speaker 29
01:47:40 If I could.Speaker 1
01:47:40 The funny thing is, ask her how many Americans died and first of all, obviously we all know that 6,000,000 numbers ******.01:47:46 But ask her how she knows that number. She'll never we all know that the six million died. We all know that 6,000,000 that everyone in the audience knows that number for some reason. But they can't tell you the number of.
01:47:58 Any other group? Why is that?
01:48:03 See, This is why it matters. This is why you see if there aren't gas chambers. If there isn't this systematic death machine that was going on.
01:48:13 Well, then, they're just another statistic.
01:48:15 As a statistic, by the way, that's much lower than 6,000,000.
01:48:21 And now all of a sudden, Jews aren't special anymore.
Speaker 5
01:48:32 Excellent, even applauding.Speaker 1
01:48:38 Even if she was right that 6,000,000 died, she's implying that it doesn't matter if they were systematically killed or not, when clearly it matters.01:48:47 It's a big difference between a group of people deciding to systematically kill a bunch of people.
01:48:56 And then putting them in a camp, a work camp, and having them die.
01:49:01 Of exposure or typhus or whatever, or starvation or whatever.
01:49:08 There's a huge ******* difference.
01:49:10 Between murder factories and work camps.
01:49:15 But she not to her.
01:49:16 Not to her, and not to the women at home watching this on TV.
Speaker 10
01:49:21 For both David and Mark, that's a very important issue because both of you dispute the fact that 6,000,000 Jews died.Speaker 16
01:49:25 Wait, if I could make a point now? She said. The fact that 6,000,000 Jews died. However, in 1988, the Ouch should be cited Auschwitz, where people can go and tour the gas chambers. They lowered their figure from 4 million dead to 1,000,000 dead. So that was 3 million taken out of the equation overnight. Where did these 3,000,000 go? Were they never there in the first place?01:49:46 Were they in the camps and did they survive? And if you can lose 3 million?
01:49:49 People overnight. Who's?
01:49:50 To say that 1,000,000 remaining figure is not also wrong.
Speaker 10
01:49:54 That's what George Summers.01:49:58 Figures ascertain.
Speaker 1
01:49:59 Isn't it crazy that people have plotted that? Montell looked very confused. That's not the first or last time that'll happen. See the fact that he can go on national television, national television and make a statement like he did it just it made perfect sense in front of a.01:50:15 A room full of normies and get applause for stating that hey.
01:50:21 They lowered the number from 4:00 to.
01:50:23 One who's to say that?
01:50:25 That one makes any sense.
Speaker 5
01:50:27 And listen to the applause.Speaker 16
01:50:27 Meaning figure it's not all so.Speaker 10
01:50:28 We're not. Let me ask you.Speaker 5
01:50:29 This question what George Summers?Speaker 1
01:50:33 I was like, uh, this isn't turning out the way that I.01:50:36 Thought it would.
Speaker 25
01:50:38 What if somebody figures ascertained after the fact because they went back and did censuses after the source of the famous 6,000,000 figure is an affidavit by one of the by somebody who was brought in at the Nuremberg trial in 194546 even Raul Hillberg?01:50:52 Is considered one of the major figures in the Holocaust, the Holocaust historians, Professor University of Vermont.
01:50:59 He concedes himself that the 6,000,000 figure is a is based upon crude calculations.
01:51:04 It is only.
01:51:05 Highly dubious and he says we must reexamine this whole question of the six million. Look, it's very interesting. Long tail people who are here, heard over and over about 6,000,000 Jews dying in Europe during the Second World War. How many people in this audience know how many Germans died during?
01:51:18 The Second World War.
01:51:19 How many Americans died during the Second World War? How many Chinese died that start in the Second World War in America? As time goes by, the more time passes, the more there's emphasis on the fate of one particular people. During the Second World War. Almost to this exclusion of everyone else. How many?
Speaker 1
01:51:38 More applause, more applause. Again, it's not quite working out for Montel. He's like uh.01:51:44 OK, but uh, you know 6,000,000, right?
Speaker 25
01:51:51 Point I mean, right now in Washington, DC, the federal government agency, a taxpayer funded agency of the federal government, the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, is organizing and building an enormous museum in Washington, DC There's no comparable museum in Washington, DC.01:52:04 For the victims of slavery, there's no complete museum in Washington, DC, to the fate of the Indians or any other people. But there is enormous museum being built under you federal government auspices. The fate of only one particular people and.
01:52:16 One other place. How many Chinese died during the Second World War, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. The number of Chinese civilians alone who died during the Second World War is more than 20 million, more than 20 million. Who knows it?
Speaker 10
01:52:27 Who? Where? What are we saying that therefore we should not believe what happened to the Jewish people because these other things are admitted?01:52:36 Or should we? Should we stop and say that we believe?
Speaker 25
01:52:38 What happened? We wanna tell. It's right and proper to memorialize the dead. The dead of all wars and the dead of all genocide or all of this treatment, whatever it happens to be. But what is not right is to take the state of one particular people and in effect.01:52:50 Make a kind.
01:52:51 Of political football.
Speaker 1
01:52:54 Well, what if they're God's chosen people, though?01:52:58 Huh. What if they're God's chosen people? Then it's then it's totally appropriate.
Speaker 16
01:53:03 Speaking as a Jew, the Holocaust is an extremely important thing to especially American and Israeli Jews because most American Jews tend to be secularized and the Holocaust and the shared history of persecution has tended to take the place.01:53:17 Of the religion of Jews. Now I'm Jewish. I'm also also an atheist. I don't buy many things. I don't buy concepts of mysticism, spirituality and especially myths. And I have read both sides of the issue extensively and I'm not looking to hurt anybody. But I do have to say from my own point of view that the evidence saying that there were no gas.
01:53:37 Members is a lot stronger than any of the evidence that can be presented saying.
01:53:41 There are.
Speaker 1
01:53:45 Let's go to break now, cause you just dropped the bomb on me.01:53:50 And I gotta. I gotta find a way of recovering here. But it's true that it has become a religious thing for these atheist Jews. It has become a religious thing. It's a persecution narrative. It keeps groups together. Every other group seems to have it. In fact, one of the reasons why white people I think have low in Group preference is because we don't have a persecution narrative.
01:54:11 Blacks have slavery. Jews have the Holocaust.
01:54:17 I mean, even the Chinese, right, they've got the.
01:54:19 The women and the.
01:54:20 Railroads or, you know, some ****, right?
01:54:23 Whites are the only group that you don't hear some kind of shared persecution narrative that the glue that holds them all together.
01:54:33 In a way, you could say we're a victim of our own success.
01:54:39 Or perhaps our success in some ways.
01:54:43 Is a product of this.
01:54:45 This idea that we don't have a victim mentality.
01:54:53 And that's perfectly healthy as long as you don't have a crazy guilt complex over other people.
01:55:00 'S victim mentality, but that doesn't seem to.
01:55:02 Be the case.
Speaker 25
01:55:04 Three essential things we say. First and foremost, there was no policy or program to exterminate the Jews of Europe during the Second World.Speaker 10
01:55:10 War. OK, so let's stop right there for a second. Don't go too quick. Which refutes exactly with the gentleman just asked you because he said that the policy was they were picked.01:55:17 Out and isolated.
Speaker 25
01:55:18 To be annihilated. That's certainly true. They were.Speaker 10
01:55:20 You're saying that's not true. They weren't.Speaker 25
01:55:22 Worth it was they were selectively persecuted. They were picked out, they were put in ghettos. They're put in camps.01:55:27 They were a a victim group, but there was not a policy or program to exterminate.
Speaker 10
01:55:31 Them then at least you're gonna run real quick. And I want to slow you down so we can get every point out of what you're saying. So.01:55:37 If they were selected.
01:55:38 Individually, as a group to be put into ghettos and to be starved to death. What was the key, whether or not it was?
01:55:44 A gas chamber or not, they were starved to. No, no, no, no Montel look.
Speaker 25
01:55:47 And during the Second World War.01:55:48 As you well know, is everyone in California?
01:55:50 Think knows the West Coast Japanese were also selected. They were rounded up. They were put into camp. Sure. Well yes, Europe was not Europe during the Second World War was not the United States during the Second World War there was a lot of food in the United States. There were peace, essentially peacetime conditions. War didn't come here. Certainly the Japanese were not treated anywhere near as bad as the Jews. But the point is simply that they were selective.
Speaker 27
01:55:54 There was that.Speaker 25
01:56:12 Really persecuted and that's true. That was certainly true with the Jews.Speaker 16
01:56:15 And I I just want to also pipe in and say that I'd like to call you on what you said. So what if there were no gas chambers, if they were starved to death? Hey, if if you, if, if we even make that much of A point. We've refuted a lot of what is in the history books that say there are gas chambers. Now if all of a sudden the story is going to change and that the genocide was through starving them to death.01:56:32 So that makes a great big difference, because then all that you've read in your history has been wrong. We're we're not prepared to deviate at all from the facts that are presented to us. And if the facts were for the show that they were starved to death, we would reflect that.
Speaker 1
01:56:47 And as he'll soon make the point. Well, I'll let it play here. Yeah, it makes a big difference. And these people are acting as if it doesn't make any difference. Well, if it doesn't make any difference, why is?01:56:56 Everyone so mad at.
01:56:57 These people, right? Why is it illegal to talk about it in many countries?
01:57:04 And soon 50 states.
01:57:09 Why is it such a hot button issue? Why does it matter if it doesn't matter why?
01:57:12 Does it matter?
Speaker 25
01:57:14 4th point, right? Second, the second point, Montel, is that we dispute the claims made over and over about gas chambers and gas sinks. That's the weapon of extermination. Supposedly it's very important to realize in this context that the Holocaust story of the gassing story has changed dramatically over the over the years.01:57:30 At the Big Nuremberg trial of 194546, it was claimed that people were gassed at Dachau, at Buchenwald and at various camps in Germany proper as well. Right after the war, it was claimed not that people were gassed at Auschwitz, but that they were electrocuted to death. But.
Speaker 10
01:57:42 And then later we found out that all the gas chambers in Poland.Speaker 25
01:57:43 The point is.01:57:45 Give me the Third Point is that the evidence for supposedly gassings in some camps has just been done away with, right? It's maybe OK. The Third Point is we say that no, no, nothing like 6,000,000 Jews in Europe died during the Second World War. And it's very important in this world also to realize.
01:57:59 That every Jew, every Jewish person who in the Second World War who died of whatever cause is considered quote a victim of the Holocaust, that is Jews.
01:58:07 Who died even?
01:58:07 In Allied bombing attacks, Jews who died for whatever reason, they're considered victims of the Holocaust, so that is also illegitimate.
Speaker 10
01:58:14 All, all 6,000,000 is a.Speaker 1
01:58:15 Well, by the way.01:58:19 The reason why there's so many, quote UN quote, Holocaust survivors is that includes literally any Jew that was alive during World War 2. If you were a Jew that was alive during World War 2, you're a Holocaust survivor. If you're a Jew that died during World War 2, then you're a Holocaust victim. Period.
01:58:39 Regardless of circumstance.
Speaker 10
01:58:41 A compilation figure of every Jewish person who.01:58:44 Died during the.
Speaker 25
01:58:44 War look, even a number of prominent Holocaust historians have conceded the 6,000,000 figure is essentially symbolic in nature. It's repeated over and over, and it's not necessary. All all sorts of other things can change, and the 6,000,000 figure will stay the same.Speaker 1
01:58:58 Because it has a religious significance.01:59:02 And the six million?
01:59:04 Is is what makes it work out with their their prophecies. Essentially, in order for their moshiach to come back. This all ties back into their their crazy ******* moshiach, yet in order for the Moshiach to come back there, there has to be a persecution of 6,000,000 Jews.
Speaker 29
01:59:22 So I have two things to say. First of all, a death is a death.01:59:25 These people have died.
01:59:26 I don't understand why you want to reach.
Speaker 1
01:59:28 Let's hear it. Let's hear.01:59:30 It a middle-aged white woman.
01:59:32 Let's let's see your your wonderful contribution to this conversation.
Speaker 29
01:59:38 What do you have to gain by questioning the facts and history? What is it? What's your purpose in all?Speaker 17
01:59:39 Right.Speaker 10
01:59:43 Of this is, it is what, let me ask was is is knowing the truth about what happened in your past important to to?Speaker 29
01:59:49 You. Well, to me, death is death. They have all.Speaker 1
01:59:52 No, no, no. In history is not important to me. I'm a dumb *****.Speaker 29
01:59:52 Died, they have.01:59:57 It was hurtful to many people. Why is it we have to question whether.
Speaker 1
02:00:01 Oh, it's hurtful to talk about. We shouldn't talk about it. It's hurtful. You see what's going on now with our societies, with the censorship and everything. It's cause dumb ******* like.02:00:08 This are in charge now.
Speaker 16
02:00:10 Somebody stepped forth to gas chamber people or whatever. What do you have to get that you? That is a a philosophically based question on a factual question question. We know that there were camps we had for the Japanese. What if somebody came along and said we then cut up the Japanese and fed them to crocodiles it.Speaker 1
02:00:27 See and that's a good point. That's a good way of phrasing in a way that I had never really thought about phrasing it. Not that I, you know, I think there's many people who think that that that you need to have a reason why that that I mean.02:00:37 This is I.
02:00:37 Think most people get why it's important to to point out the fact that the gas chambers are fake or whatever, but I think that's an important way of of putting into perspective for Americans, right?
02:00:47 If you tell an American, well, you know, you know, because they've all heard the line, right? Well, we had concentration camps too, so that we feel bad about putting the **** in ******* concentration camps. Something I don't care.
02:00:58 One ******* lick about because it was wartime and quite frankly, you don't want foreign people that are from a country that you're at war with to be running about like, that's just common sense. In fact, we probably shouldn't have have them here in the 1st place, right? But whatever, too late.
02:01:14 For that I guess.
02:01:16 So, but everyone's aware of this, right? Everyone's aware of the ohh we put put Japanese people who cause yeah, so.
02:01:24 That's what you need to tell them. You say, look, there's a big difference between what the Americans did put Japanese people in concentration camps and whatever, and saying that the then after we put them in concentration camps, we put them in a in a ******* cage with a bear in the eagle or we jacked them off to death or we turn their.
02:01:44 ******* skins into lamp shades and turn them into soap. Like, imagine if that was the narrative. Imagine if the Japanese were saying that that's exactly what happened to them in those concentration camps and what the **** that would mean politically in America. What the **** that would mean, even psychologically for Americans, if that.
02:02:04 Indeed was the case, and that's what the **** Germany.
02:02:06 Has to deal with.
02:02:09 And everybody else.
02:02:11 I mean the the Holocaust narrative isn't just affecting the Germans, unfortunately, it's affecting all of us. Why? Because we all suffer from the same disease of anti-Semitism because it's in our blood.
Speaker 16
02:02:22 It is important for us to know what did happen and didn't happen, and if you're not interested in truth and history signs to some of us who aren't interested in what really happened in the use of truth, the governmental use of truth, how truth can be changed, how truth can be altered, that does matter. A death is a death, of course. But if we say the German people set up gas chambers, you ought to be willing to prove and ready to prove.Speaker 1
02:02:45 But I'm just some dumb hoe. Look at that. I'm just some ****** *** white woman.Speaker 10
02:02:55 The point the point is death is death.02:02:57 And they saw that kill.
Speaker 16
02:02:58 People. Maybe it's a fine line. I'm not arguing with you that maybe it's a fine line, but then why do we get all the flat?02:03:04 When we then tried to deny that there were gas chambers based on the facts available, if it is such a fine line, if it just don't matter at all, then we ought to be able to say, well, here's some evidence showing that there are no gas chambers and everybody said, well, fine, but it was death and we'd say sure it was death all the same and all the same thing about the idea of there being a final solution. Show us the evidence that there was the.
02:03:24 Idea of a genocide of molecules and if you show it to us and if it passes at least my own personal skepticism. When looking at things, then I will be the first person to say I'm things that don't just to kick me out of the studio, but I want to see the open and serve.
Speaker 1
02:03:42 But the evidence does not exist.Speaker 25
02:03:49 How many Jews did the Germans have their hands on during the war that they could have exterminated theoretically?02:03:55 But that's a very good question. You know the I I believe that the total number of Jews in Europe who died under German control or access control during the second war is probably.
02:04:05 In the neighborhood of a million, a million and a half, I don't think that that the Germans even had under the control 6,000,000 Jews during the Second World War. This is confirmed, I think, by a report that was issued by the International Labour Office in and by various there's a number of reasons.
Speaker 5
02:04:17 How are they gonna break better?Speaker 1
02:04:19 Like, but it's kind of funny. The Montel like, aside from the stupid middle-aged white women, the comments from the audience are are you'll, as you will see, are actually oddly oddly edgy. Even there's there's even, I know there, there's even a, you know, what I think I finally reload it. There's even a.02:04:40 That's right. Coming up. Coming up soon.
02:04:45 All right, so now we're.
02:04:46 Back from break.
Speaker 10
02:04:49 Doctor Michael Faller Michael is a president of the Holocaust Center of Northern California.Speaker 1
02:04:53 Ohh good. We got the President of. Well, clearly, if he's the President of the Holocaust center, he's gonna have all the information that that is required to debunk these anti Semites, right. You would think that he's come here on the show to set everyone straight. Ohh, these ******* wackos here. Don't listen to them. I've got.02:05:13 I I brought the receipts.
02:05:15 I brought the receipts. I'm going to show you exactly how the the Holocaust totally happened, that we have all this proof of it. Surely we would have to have some kind of proof. Everyone's heard of the six million. So there's got to be some kind of evidence of it. Right. So I'm the expert, the foremost expert in the area. And so I'm here to debunk all these claims of these anti Semite.
Speaker 10
02:05:38 Michael is also a survivor who lost more than sixty members of his family.Speaker 1
02:05:41 Alright. And he's a Holocaust survivor. And like most of his family died in the Holocaust. So he's got a personal vendetta. So surely, surely he he, I mean, he's got a lot invested in that. This is his career, his family. He's. If anyone's researched this topic, it's got to be this guy. Right.Speaker 10
02:05:59 Family in the Holocaust. Also joining us from earnest and Anna Hollander, they are both survivors and his entire family was wiped out.Speaker 1
02:06:06 All I got, he's got 2. Two other survivor.02:06:09 Friends, they brought with them and.
02:06:11 I'm sure they're going to have convincing information. I mean, they're they're eyewitnesses to these gas chambers. I'm assuming. I mean, why else would you bring them? And they're gonna set us all straight. I mean, it's about time, right? We've been asking the whole first part of the hour of whether or not there was any evidence. We've heard one side. Now let's hear the other clearly. The other side is prepared for this. I mean, they've had decades.
02:06:34 To have all this evidence collated and put together.
02:06:37 Other and and it's not as if. I mean obviously there has to be evidence because.
02:06:41 They use that evidence in the Nuremberg.
02:06:43 Trials to put people to death so you'd expect there have to be like a a lot of evidence lying around for this. You know, this whole narrative.
Speaker 10
02:06:51 Out and afterwards, and before we even go any further discussion on honest, could you take us back to that day in 1944 when your family?02:06:59 Arrived at Auschwitz.
Speaker 11
02:07:02 First, I'd like to make an open statement that I watched before and the television. The vision is what they said.02:07:13 And I feel it's completely wrong. It's completely natural because I've been there.
Speaker 1
02:07:20 And and you have evidence, right? Like it's completely wrong. It's not true.02:07:24 It's weird how you're saying I think, though, that's making me feel like maybe you don't have evidence cause you're you're you're you're. You're already speaking in terms of opinion.
02:07:34 Which is a little bit weird but.
02:07:36 But look, go on. You were there. I wasn't.
Speaker 11
02:07:40 And I saw what?02:07:41 And I came tonight.
02:07:43 With pain and they are going to tell you all these stories. But I also feel very bad and I feel sorry for these people who after 50 years still claiming there was not a Holocaust and tried, they tried to hide behind the truth.
Speaker 10
02:07:58 Who wants to tell us some of the truth or?02:08:00 Just let us know what this is. The truth.
Speaker 1
02:08:01 Yeah, for ***** sake. Ernest, tell us the truth. Even montel's like. Alright, that's great. You're wasting time. Tell us what? What? What? What? What? Give us the evidence here, buddy.Speaker 11
02:08:10 1939 when Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia.02:08:12 Here the part of the island, the Capetian mountains they gave to the Hungarian government.
02:08:18 And as they took over the the government right away, they fired every Jew from state, City and county jobs. You couldn't hold anymore jobs, government jobs. They all didn't go too long where they start to take all their properties.
Speaker 5
02:08:24 OK. No, no one, no one.Speaker 1
02:08:26 Disputes. What about gas chambers? Gas chambers? Focus. Focus. Tell us about.Speaker 8
02:08:32 The gas chambers.Speaker 11
02:08:35 And before the year was over, we had to.02:08:39 The yellow stars.
02:08:41 Just couldn't get out on the street anymore. Regular. Just saving time shopping.
Speaker 1
02:08:45 Furnace the gas chambers tell us about the gas chambers. Let's go focus.Speaker 20
02:08:46 Stuff like that.Speaker 11
02:08:47 In 1942, they said that every Jew after the Hungarian citizenship papers.02:08:54 Now we had close to three quarter of a million Jews living in Caffein mountains, more than half.
Speaker 1
02:09:03 So Ernest can't focus and even montell's like dude. Come on. I didn't have you on here to give us a.02:09:09 A history lesson about all the based things the Nazis did to to to take power away from Jews in their countries. Just, you know, tell us about the get the, the the thing here is the gas chambers. We're we're arguing about the gas chambers and the systematic killing of people.
Speaker 10
02:09:27 What happened in 1944? What did you see with your?Speaker 1
02:09:30 Now we lost connection again.02:09:43 Well, we might be back.
02:09:46 All right. We are back. I don't know what's going on. Maybe Elon's launching more satellites, or maybe they them.
02:09:54 Maybe it's.
02:09:57 I don't know. Who knows? Who knows, right?
02:10:01 Who knows who it is?
Speaker 19
02:10:02 God dammit, FBI.Speaker 1
02:10:04 Who knows who it could be?02:10:07 Who could it be?
02:10:10 There we go. It could be any of these groups, right?
02:10:16 All right, moving right along.
Speaker 10
02:10:20 Place what happened in 1944. What did you see with your own eyes when you arrived at?Speaker 11
02:10:23 1944 I had eight brothers and sisters, four brothers, four sisters, my father and mother. We arrived finally to Auschwitz, where the right away took away my mother and three little sisters, and they killed them.02:10:38 Kill them in the combinatorials and and the gas chambers.
02:10:43 The rest of the family went to work to labor camps where my father was working in a railroad station and working in a sawmill that he cut off his left arm.
02:10:55 The blade somehow cut his hand. They put him against the wall. They shot him right away. They never kept somebody in the camp. If he could mend this piece of.
02:11:04 Bread and a little hot soup.
Speaker 10
02:11:06 And then when you said they took your mother and your three younger sisters away right there on the spot and they took them away to the gas chamber. Right. And.02:11:14 This was the last one.
02:11:15 How do you know that? That's exactly where they.
Speaker 25
02:11:17 Took them to because these stayed.Speaker 11
02:11:18 Two days in Auschwitz.02:11:20 And some people who worked in the crematoriums, some people who worked in the gas chambers, they tell us.
Speaker 1
02:11:27 Ohh, once again his evidence is trust me bro.02:11:30 Some people told us.
02:11:36 So even these people they're bringing on is supposed I witnesses.
02:11:41 None of them have even claimed to have seen a gas chamber. None of them.
02:11:47 Look, I'm. I'm not denying this guy might have been the camp probably was.
02:11:53 But so far, none of the people that, that, that.
02:11:56 They've been able.
02:11:56 To drag up and be like Oh yeah.
02:11:59 Well, I was there. OK, well, so you saw. So you you saw the no.
02:12:04 What do we know?
02:12:05 Well, no. This is some guy.
02:12:06 Who worked at the he told me. Really.
02:12:11 But you you. So you did. You didn't actually see.
02:12:14 Any gas chambers? Well, no, but.
02:12:17 Well, OK, so why are you here exactly?
Speaker 16
02:12:20 Let me say one thing and let me present something to you. How, for example, do you come back at the two forensic studies that have been done to get the supposed gas chamber buildings at Auschwitz Magellanic, which which proves forensically the first one was conducted by men from Boston named Fred Launcher, Fred?02:12:40 Had built execution equipment for American prisons and he was very good at it and he was recommended for that job. But the second forensic report was done by the people who run Auschwitz, the people who run the Auschwitz Museum. And it proved that there could not have been cyanide gas things in those chambers. How do you come back to?
Speaker 10
02:12:58 That or we'll sort out, we come back to that.02:13:01 Take a break.
Speaker 1
02:13:02 Time. Time to take another break. It's gonna commercial.02:13:08 We're back from commercial now. We've you've watched like a bunch of tampon commercials. We're back. We're back.
Speaker 10
02:13:15 If we were to presuppose that the Holocaust did not take place and we were to presuppose that there were no gas chambers, there were no mass burials and no mass mass gassings, then what we're saying is that someone had a conspiracy to mislead the entire.02:13:32 World why, for 50 years, would Jewish people want to conspire to mislead the entire?
Speaker 16
02:13:38 World and you see, now you're reading something into that. You're saying they want to conspire? If if in fact this was a conspiracy, propaganda set up written by people presented by people, it was the Soviet government, the British Government and the American Government. And Nuremberg after the war.02:13:53 The reason that this thing is most war propaganda ends up dying X number of years after the actual war. One of the reasons, however, that this particular issue has grown in importance since the war is because the Jewish.
02:14:06 Folks have taken it as a very personal issue. It is very important in Israel. It is. It was very important for the founding of Israel. This does not make them conspirators. It doesn't make them bad people at all. It's an issue that.
02:14:17 They take very personally.
Speaker 1
02:14:18 Well, no it does. It does. The people that are in charge though, spreading that lie, it does. The people that made the Holocaust term popularized in the 1970s.02:14:28 Decades after the so-called events.
02:14:33 Now, does it make the average Jew who just believes it because he was told that and he trusts his people?
02:14:39 Part of a a conspiracy? Obviously not.
02:14:43 And that's that's basically what he's saying. But no, you you can't. You can't gloss over the evil.
02:14:51 The evil.
02:14:55 People at the top who have spread this lie.
02:15:03 Jew and gentile.
Speaker 16
02:15:07 And in the Western World, Jews are usually very successful. They and I'm speaking as a Jew, and I'm not trying to say that they in any way do anything wrong to become successful. But what matters to you is can oftentimes be reflected in Western society.Speaker 1
02:15:20 Look how uncomfortable all those Jews sitting next to him got the sense he started bringing up that they're that Jews are influential and successful in the West and the point he's that he's making is and he's he's about. He's about to say is look.02:15:34 People only give a ****.
02:15:36 About the Holocaust in the West.
02:15:41 That that random woman that stood up and she knew the 6,000,000 number you go to China, no one's going to ******* know that number. Why? Because Jews have have no influence.
02:15:53 In China, they haven't infiltrated their societies and they're not running them like ******* marionettes.
02:16:00 It's just the West that has Jewish **** up its *** 24/7, and so we have to hear about.
02:16:06 This all the time.
Speaker 10
02:16:08 If you were going to go to Asia.Speaker 16
02:16:09 Go list this service you wish. Holocaust wouldn't matter one.02:16:11 Way or another, because there are.
02:16:12 Not all that many queues in any positions of influence in a country like Cambodia.
Speaker 10
02:16:18 Like a fairly you.Speaker 16
02:16:18 But but here in America.Speaker 10
02:16:18 Wait, Doctor Taylor is like.02:16:20 Like churning in his seat.
02:16:21 What? What did you want to say?
Speaker 30
02:16:23 Well, first of all, I think it's already false to call these people revisionists as the Department of.Speaker 1
02:16:30 So here we are. So here's where. Here's where he's going to tell you the reason he doesn't have any evidence is he's just too offended to have evidence. He's just too mad about these these these frauds, these phonies that were now he.02:16:44 He he doesn't need evidence now because he's and look, people will agree. People will think that.
02:16:49 Ohh well that's reasonable.
Speaker 30
02:16:50 Their history in Duke, the all the professors of history and Duke wrote in response to one of their ads in the campus newspaper. These people are not revisionists, they don't revise. They are deniers. They're basically denying the truth. Rather, rather than revising.Speaker 1
02:17:08 Yeah, lots of evidence. Look at all those ******* middle-aged women like, oh, yeah.Speaker 5
02:17:12 You tell them they telling you.Speaker 10
02:17:15 Once you finish your point, but then there is also.02:17:17 The point that they are questioning.
Speaker 5
02:17:17 Uh oh, uh.02:17:18 Who's this guy? Who's this guy? Uh. Magic ***** incoming.
Speaker 10
02:17:19 History and we know for.Speaker 25
02:17:20 A fact when we finish.Speaker 11
02:17:22 We know for a fact.Speaker 10
02:17:23 That history in this country and the books that we see in this country is written incorrectly in a number of ways.Speaker 1
02:17:33 Seeing and again it's weird that things that are getting applause, he's basically said well, wait a second. History books aren't always right, and this could be wrong too.02:17:42 Something that no, I mean that.
02:17:43 Would cost him his job today, right?
02:17:46 As as with having this guy on and you can and and in fact I think having this guy on probably almost cost him his job back then when you see the look on his face because definite.
Speaker 26
02:17:57 The magic *****.Speaker 1
02:17:59 In coming, I'm telling you, I'm telling you.02:18:03 Here we go.
Speaker 30
02:18:04 But every single point where he gets close to the actual data, the actual information, the actual facts, it's falsehood, for instance.02:18:12 This issue about this man, luster, Fred or Frank Luchter junior who I just heard quoted as a foremost engineer, you know, with gas chambers proving that there was there, OK.
Speaker 16
02:18:22 I didn't say the word engineer.02:18:25 You know, I I know why you didn't, but Fred Lucha might not have been a licensed engineer, but did he?
Speaker 30
02:18:25 Notice this.Speaker 1
02:18:30 You see, I like that. I like how this.Speaker 16
02:18:30 Not have it.Speaker 1
02:18:32 Guy the Jew on the right.02:18:34 His big issue isn't that or is that the guy doesn't have a degree? That's really what it is. So one of the things that David Cole mentioned was the the guy who designed the gas chambers for the Department of Corrections in multiple states. He's obviously he's an expert. You would think, right?
02:18:54 In gas chambers, I mean, and the Jew as the Jew often does, is looking for little little details. He can whittle away at that somehow makes it wrong and his his big beef is he's not a licensed engineer.
02:19:10 OK, well, he still builds gas chambers, right? Like is it? Wouldn't that qualify him as an expert on he makes. And who else makes gas chambers like, probably only him.
02:19:24 But he's not an engineer.
02:19:25 Ohh OK so it's you know this, this, this gay ******* appeal to authority ********.
Speaker 5
02:19:29 Thank you.Speaker 1
02:19:31 And then, of course, this woman is as brilliant as she looks.Speaker 31
02:19:36 Each of 13, when they took me to Auschwitz with my family. I'm the only one who survived and I was invited not too far from the gas chambers and we knew exactly. They then they brought in juice and they burned them.02:19:51 We smelt we breathe that air, we smelt that air, we knew we used to say to each other and see where we are burning the Jews.
02:20:01 I was not too far from the crematoriums when it happened, and when it happens and I was 13 years of age at that time, my whole family is wiped out.
Speaker 1
02:20:11 All right, so.02:20:15 Now the the very much the the anticipated and promised.
Speaker 9
02:20:20 The magic *****.Speaker 1
02:20:22 This is where it really gets shut down.Speaker 19
02:20:25 The Holocaust is big business because Germany is so far.02:20:30 Has given the Jews, I think at least $200 billion. So it's big business and some of you are still getting $1000 a month and a lot of people don't know this. And then people don't realize who brought the slaves to America. They were Jewish ships.
Speaker 17
02:20:47 Wait, wait, wait, wait.Speaker 5
02:20:48 Wait, wait, wait a minute. That's that's a.Speaker 10
02:20:51 Whole nother thing. Let's take a.Speaker 1
02:20:54 Let's go to break. Let's go to break. Ohh no. Can't talk about that. Ohh ****.Speaker 20
02:20:59 Very, very.Speaker 1
02:21:01 Can't talk about who owned the slave ships. That's a that's a whole nother. Oh, no. Oh, oh, God. What? What can of worms that I just opened?02:21:13 So that was our, that was our magic ***** moment.
02:21:18 We all.Speaker 14
02:21:18 We have all.Speaker 23
02:21:19 Seen the the pictures that were shown just.02:21:22 Before the show.
02:21:23 Of the gas chambers of the metal, metal gates and everything like that. If you say there were no gas chambers, what were those specific?
Speaker 16
02:21:30 Straight that what now? We saw pictures of a mass grave. We saw pictures of dead bodies and we saw pictures of a crematorium. Did you see pictures of the gas chamber? Because I think they been smoking something before the show. We we did not.Speaker 5
02:21:38 Well, what the?Speaker 16
02:21:42 Getting pictures of a gas chamber.Speaker 10
02:21:43 All right. Well, David, when he was accused, the guy being on drugs.02:21:46 What he saw was.
02:21:46 What what I've seen in several specials across the country and they show me the.
Speaker 16
02:21:51 I specifically made the point really no one doubts that there is a building. For example, you can go to and Auschwitz and take the towel off. And they say, well, here's the gas chamber they also.Speaker 10
02:21:51 Same vault door.Speaker 16
02:22:00 Tell you something like when the Jews died, they all died. Pressed up against the door. However, the door to the so-called chamber opens in now the Germans are not stupid people. And if they were gonna build A room where hundreds of people would die pressed up against the door, don't you think they?02:22:13 Would make the door to open it out.
Speaker 1
02:22:17 Ohh, time to go back to break everybody, let's.02:22:24 Oh boy.
Speaker 16
02:22:25 And they did cremate bodies. And we say we feel, for example, that the building at Auschwitz that you go to, that is said to be the gas chamber, was in fact at the morgue. And you can actually see where walls have been knocked down, where they used to be separating the place into different rooms. One other real quick thing, if I may point about this icon D gas, that I'd like to.02:22:43 Make now the nature of the Zyklon B is very important.
02:22:46 The German says the cyclone D was there to disinfect prisoners in their clothes to try and cut down on the typhoid epidemic, which we all admit was going on in the car.
02:22:53 If the gas was there not to do that, but to kill Jews, how come there was just as much gas in the camps that were never set to function as execution camps as there are in camps like Auschwitz and camps that were supposedly meant to function as execution?
02:23:05 OK, Neil, doctor.Speaker 1
02:23:09 Yeah. What? What? What's your? What's your answer to that?02:23:13 Holocaust expert.
Speaker 30
02:23:17 This whole discussion is crazy. We can't come in with the mountains of documentation and eyewitness reports and and and and and the case records that clearly established the truth of what went on with the gas chambers and with the killing squad. I just want to state that my name is Michael Taylor.02:23:36 And I am willing to mortgage my home and put up $50,000 to anyone who comes in with acceptable evidence acceptable by scholarly historian standards that there was no gas chambers. OK, end of discussion. I'm not going to.
Speaker 1
02:23:57 End of discussion. He's not going to talk to those guys.02:24:02 Not going to talk to those guys.
02:24:05 I'll offer this deal, but look.
02:24:07 Oh, dude. OK, let's take you up on that deal. Well, no, not you guys.
Speaker 30
02:24:10 I'm going to continue this with these people.Speaker 1
02:24:13 Not going to continue it.02:24:15 Well, I thought you had all this evidence. You just said you have, like, mountains of evidence. Where's all this?
02:24:19 ******* evidence.
02:24:21 Now here's the this clip is actually pretty awesome, and it shows you a little bit while this and the following clip will show you it will kind of explain to you.
02:24:30 The situation in Ukraine.
02:24:32 Which is horrific at best. I mean the fact that like, I mean Ukraine is never going to be a it look at when this is all over this mess in Ukraine, it's never going to be a white country.
02:24:42 Again, so many of the Ukrainians have died.
02:24:45 Putin's going to get what he wanted them in the 1st place, right? Putin's going to get exactly what he asked for, what they could have peacefully given him in the first place.
02:24:53 But now all the the Ukrainian men are dead, and all the women are, you know, all over the ******* world. And what are they going to do when they go to when when things start to return back to normal once Putin already has what he wanted in the 1st place that all those people died to for no reason? For right. What are they going to do? They're going to say, oh, you know what?
02:25:14 To rebuild Ukraine, to rebuild Kiev, to get, you know, industry going again, we're gonna have to take in more immigrant immigrants now, that's exactly what we.
02:25:23 We need, we need, you know, we have all these empty towns now we're going to have to have people working here and I guess we're going to need some, maybe some of those Palestinians can.
02:25:32 Come to Ukraine.
02:25:34 But anyway, this kind of gives you perhaps a little bit of a window into why that might be.
Speaker 10
02:25:40 Very quick because you go.Speaker 12
02:25:41 First of all, I have the greatest sympathy for all innocent people who die in war. But the Jewish experience is not unique. I happen to be of Ukrainian.02:25:49 Descent and seven million of my people were murdered and the disproportionate number of the perpetrators of these crimes in the Ukraine, the Ukrainian famine, happened to be Jews, Trotsky, Baria, Berzansky and I'd like to know when I'm going to get my.
Speaker 1
02:26:05 Notice how the Holocaust guy.02:26:08 Is laughing. He thinks it's funny.
02:26:11 He didn't think genocide was funny when they were talking about Jews in Germany, but now when you're talking about Ukrainians being genocide by Jews, it's hilarious.
02:26:23 It's hilarious.
Speaker 12
02:26:24 Reparations for my brothers, relatives.Speaker 1
02:26:29 And he wants reparations.02:26:32 Oh, that's even crazier. Now look at this Jew, this Jew.
02:26:35 Seems to have a.
02:26:36 Uh, he's really ****** *** that that filthy ******* Ukrainian would even say anything.
Speaker 27
02:26:42 Yes, I am a Holocaust survivor and I'm the only one left from a.02:26:45 Earlier, Sir, I would like to reply to the gentleman that says that Ukrainian 7 million Ukrainians were killed. The Ukrainians were the biggest collaborators with the Germans. They were even higher. They worked in the concentration camps to help exterminate the Jews.
Speaker 1
02:27:02 So they deserved it.02:27:04 That Jew literally said OK 7 million Ukrainians killed by Jews. Well, you.
02:27:10 ******* deserved it.
02:27:12 You worked with the Nazis. You ******* deserved it.
02:27:17 That wasn't so long ago that wasn't so long ago, and those same kind of sentiments exist today in American Jews.
02:27:26 And Jews are worldwide. There's a chip on the shoulder.
02:27:29 Of Jews when it comes to Ukraine.
02:27:32 A giant ******* chip.
02:27:40 So that explains a little bit.
02:27:43 If you have any questions.
02:27:46 As to why why there's so much interest?
02:27:51 In killing all the Ukrainians.
Speaker 31
02:27:53 We used to get up every morning, 3:00 in the morning. They used to call, put us in.02:27:58 In a line.
02:27:59 And they used to call a seller pill and they used to pick from each day from us to go to those gas chambers. Day by day. We lived that. We dreamt that, and we slept the that.
Speaker 20
02:28:05 Please very.Speaker 1
02:28:12 OK, well, now we know it's ******** because this annoying *****, if she was lined up and and and Germans are trying to pick who to send to the gas chamber, trust me, you she would have been picked.02:28:22 All right, this there's no way she wouldn't have been picked. Just just by the the little exposure I've had to this woman in the short period of time. I can tell you. I mean, look, if I was, if I was in the place of these guys who were doing the picking.
02:28:38 There's no way. There's no way she's in.
02:28:40 That line more than once?
02:28:44 All right, so we got middle-aged white woman again.
Speaker 32
02:28:47 This I've heard that you don't believe that there were gas chambers.02:28:50 Do you believe that genocide did indeed take place, and what exactly is your definition of genocide?
Speaker 25
02:28:58 If you mean by genocide, the kind of treatment that was meted out to the American, Indians or the blacks cot, then there was genocide and there was a a policy, a kind of genocide against the Jews in Europe during the Second World War. I would say yes, but the Holocaust is defined rather differently.02:29:12 It's defined as the systematic extermination of 6.
02:29:14 Plain Jews. I do not think that there is evidence for that. The word Holocaust itself is a more or less modern creation. It wasn't used during the war. It wasn't talked about at Nuremberg. It didn't come into popular usage until the 1960s or 70s.
Speaker 14
02:29:27 Antisemitism intensified.Speaker 19
02:29:41 Validation anyway.Speaker 1
02:29:47 So there you go.02:29:50 Little trip down memory lane. It's a little interesting to see.
02:29:55 How uh mainstream media to some extent was covering this topic at the very least, they were having to pay attention to.
02:30:03 It because the the.
02:30:04 The viral spread of VHS tapes that were produced that were pointing out some major inconsistencies, major problems with the Holocaust narrative that no one was apparently that no expert was willing to face.
02:30:16 Get on.
02:30:19 And those same inconsistencies exist today. Obviously, the those same questions have never been answered.
02:30:26 That evidence has never been uncovered.
02:30:34 And that number has never been updated.
02:30:36 He you know the.
02:30:37 The guy with the mustache and this last one.
02:30:42 What was it, Mark Webber, I believe.
02:30:45 Mentioned that you know it doesn't matter how many things change, right? It doesn't matter. All kinds of things can change, but the one thing that will never change, no matter how much they revise this and revisit it, the six million will always stay the same.
02:31:01 It will always stay the same. It doesn't matter when you know how they revise the individual numbers, it will always somehow magically add up to 6,000,000.
02:31:22 So anyway.
02:31:25 Kind of explains in another way, right? It kind of explains the the AI image that.
02:31:31 Ben Shapiro was using of the burned up babies.
02:31:36 They're just used to you buying it, boy.
02:31:45 They're just used to those middle-aged women going well. It doesn't matter. Babies were burned up.
02:31:52 It doesn't matter if the if the proof of its AI generated, it still happened. Well, honey, what do you?
02:31:59 Mean, how do you know?
02:32:01 Because babies were burned up.
02:32:04 What does that even mean? How?
02:32:05 Do you know that?
02:32:07 Because it happened.
02:32:18 All right. Well, it's going to be a *********** for me to edit after the.
02:32:24 After the broadcast.
02:32:26 So let's take a look at Hyper chats.
02:32:29 I'm not even sure how long I've been lying for. I guess I look at the clock. That's gonna be the only indication.
02:32:35 So yeah, we're we're, we're.
02:32:37 I knew it was going to be kind of a long one. I didn't realize it would be.
02:32:40 As long as it was due to the.
02:32:43 The technical hiccups.
02:32:46 I'm going to go and get. We're going to go to rumble. Rumble has one, actually.
02:32:53 Let's see here rumble.
02:32:58 Arch Stanton, 14.
02:33:11 Our Stanton, 14, says Odyssey's being ******** and I can't log in. Just wanted to ask you if you know the 2016 film The Nile.
02:33:21 Never saw it, but it's about a Jewish professor who debated A Holocaust denier. Might be.
02:33:27 Worth reviewing. I'll to check into that.
02:33:31 No, it was actually I. I downloaded a bunch of stuff over the last few days that I've been sifting.
02:33:36 Through, but that sounds.
02:33:40 One of the movies that I I I did find it was about a Jewish cardinal, and in fact I think it's called the Jewish Cardinal. And it's funny cause. And I I've watched it yet, but I just from what I can tell from watching the preview.
02:33:53 It's the, you know, the idea that, you know, being Jewish is just a religion goes right out the ******* window because the whole concept of this film it's and it's based on true story. I mean, I don't know how much right.
02:34:05 But the whole concept of the film.
02:34:08 Is that it's a a Jew who converts to Catholicism and works his way up the ranks and becomes a cardinal. And and he has to struggle with his Jewish identity and. And when it comes to a situation where there is a conflict between Jews and Catholics, he doesn't know what side to pick. Well, why not?
02:34:28 Why not? Yeah, I thought it was just a religion, right? I mean, he's not Jewish. He's Catholic, right? He praised the rosary. What's going on? He's a ******* cardinal. Why is this an issue? Because.
02:34:39 It's not a religion, it's an ethnicity.
02:34:42 And an identity. In fact, it's something that transcends, you know, race and and and religion. It's it's.
02:34:49 It's something that I think, quite frankly, white people.
02:34:52 Can't even relate to.
02:34:54 Uh, let's take a look at Odyssey Hyper chats.
02:34:59 Rewind it here, wandering full, wandering full.
Speaker 10
02:35:04 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 26
02:35:11 I'd like to return this duck.Speaker 1
02:35:14 Wandering fool. Hello, Devin. What if I told you there was a town in upstate New York that was run and owned by a church?02:35:22 In direct violation of the Establishment Clause, separation of church and state, what if I told you that this?
02:35:28 Town. Scroll back down.
02:35:31 This town is listed as the poorest town in New York, with over 40%.
02:35:35 Of its residents.
02:35:37 And then you continue receiving welfare while simultaneously paying next to nothing in taxes. Churches are tax exempt. What have I told you that 97% of this town is of one single ethnicity and has one of the fastest growing populations in America? Population in 1980 was 2, the 2000?
02:35:58 Wait, hold on. Population 1980 was 2000 and population in 2021 is 33,000. I could go on and on, but you all know that only one group could pull this off. The town is called Karius Jewel. Check out the trailer for a documentary on it called City of Joel.
02:36:18 It's the only. It's only an hour and 26 minutes long, or I guess the maybe the.
02:36:25 The trailer or the yeah. The trailer is only a minute, 26 seconds.
02:36:28 Long. I love to hear your take on it. It is a perfect example of what you've spoken on on the previous streams of what you would like to see for our people. The legal witchcraft that they pulled off is worth a stream. All in and of itself. I'm impressed more than that.
02:36:45 I'm jealous. Catch you on the replay.
02:36:50 City of Joel.
02:36:52 Yes, I can. I can only imagine who could that be.
02:36:56 Who could that be?
02:37:01 I love this up here.
02:37:06 This episode is made possible in part by ABC Mouse.Speaker 1
02:37:08 Ah, what's going on? I have way too many tabs open already on this thing.02:37:16 Alright, let's see here.
02:37:24 It's better not **** ** the connection.
02:37:31 OK, I found it I think.
Speaker 8
02:37:46 It's an ongoing bitter turf war.Speaker 10
02:37:48 Just 50 miles north of New York City.Speaker 22
02:37:51 It's a village little more than a square mile that has rapidly grown in size to more than 20,000 people.Speaker 14
02:38:00 Iris Joel is a village within the town of Monroe.02:38:04 Satmar community from Brooklyn originally.
02:38:07 Moved in over.
Speaker 22
02:38:08 The scenic life revolves around family and children.Speaker 20
02:38:13 Growing up, we always knew that the local people don't like us.Speaker 13
02:38:16 There is a high.Speaker 14
02:38:17 Demand for housing? Crucial.02:38:19 A petition was submitted seeking annexation of 507 additional acres.
Speaker 5
02:38:23 We need my.Speaker 20
02:38:24 Room, but they're just not going to give us.Speaker 15
02:38:26 What we need?Speaker 14
02:38:27 This annexation must be stopped.Speaker 21
02:38:29 We need to protect the schools, not only for the kids but.Speaker 20
02:38:31 For our home values, don't tell people they don't understand anything about our life. We live the world of today. We live it in.Speaker 22
02:38:38 A secluded way.Speaker
02:38:40 People that were afraid of.Speaker 21
02:38:42 There has been violence encouraged to well against those who step out of line.Speaker 14
02:38:45 I can't have empathy for your way of life.Speaker 21
02:38:48 What about mine? I had no idea what?02:38:50 A political powerhouse that this community is.
Speaker 5
02:38:53 The tensions that are caused by all these events translate into explicit anti-Semitism.Speaker 14
02:38:59 I know it's a beautiful place to live. It's also where the.Speaker
02:39:03 Class of science fiction.Speaker 1
02:39:03 Very taking place more here than anywhere else in America.02:39:11 Yeah, that might be worth taking a look at.
02:39:18 All right. Let's see here.
02:39:23 Wandering fool says the legal witch. Oh wait, that's the tailing of your thing there, Nigel. Cringeworthy says academic agent. Turn me on to you. And I've been binging all your stuff lately. Really appreciate the research and deep dives would be read if you shared your links and sources for those of us who want to write.
02:39:42 Books and articles.
02:39:45 Well, I mean, like I I'd tell you what, what all this stuff is? I mean, that was Montel Williams and.
02:39:48 That was David.
02:39:49 Cole, I mean, you can find.
02:39:51 It The same way I found it.
02:39:54 Not gonna. They gotta remember, like, when I do these streams, I'm usually researching all the way up to the.
02:39:58 Moment of.
02:39:59 I'm not going to.
02:40:00 Be a show prep is what I'm going to say.
02:40:03 But I appreciate you coming on over here. No, but it's just like a lot, like tonight. I'm. I'm researching up until the moment I go live. Half the time. I don't. I barely have time to set up my streams usually.
02:40:15 So I mean I I tell you where I get this stuff and the names of stuff, it's not hard to find if I found it. It's not that hard to find.
02:40:24 It's usually not like it's. It's not some kind of like secret stuff that I'm finding, you know.
02:40:30 Let's take a look here. Alright, there's Part 2 of your thing. Great overview of Israeli involvement in 9/11. Here. It's long. Don't bother opening now. The speaker mentions the 93 World Trade Center bombing and would be cool if you broke that down like you did. Waco 8, OKC. Like a missing piece to the Pacon series.
02:40:51 And then continue. Are you familiar with one of the with the?
02:40:54 New order of.
02:40:54 Barbarian tapes or Barbarians tapes? They are downright prophetic, supposedly, and insiders spilled the beans in the late 1960s about the social engineering to come paints A fascinating picture of how elites view their cattle. Also a useful road map. Here's an excerpt.
02:41:13 Privately owned housing would become a thing of the past. The cost of housing and financing or financing housing would gradually be made so high that most people couldn't afford it. More and more that the population be forced into small apartments which could not accommodate many children anyway.
02:41:33 You rock a huge fan of your work. What are some resources or books that opened your eyes? If you would recommend for Red pilled truth seekers? Finally, as a former New Mexico resident, Red, Green or Christmas?
02:41:47 UM.
02:41:49 Well, as far as the the resources and books that.
02:41:53 Opened my eyes.
02:41:54 I mean, I don't know. I think that a lot of it was just, you know, honestly what I can trace back a lot of this too. I always paid attention to politics. My whole life, I've been watching the news. I worked in the news for a while, and I worked in.
02:42:08 For a while and so I've just always had an interest and I've just had a slow evolution is, you know, in terms of some of it came from just being up close and personal to this stuff and and seeing it happen in real time. And some of it was, you know, like a real eye opener for me, honestly, was just living in Washington, DC and and and rubbing elbows with some of these people and realizing that.
02:42:28 That we were ******.
02:42:31 They're like, oh, really? Wow, this is OK.
02:42:36 Gross. I feel I need to take a shower.
02:42:39 Uh, that was part of it, but uh, I guess honestly.
02:42:43 When I first started to realize.
02:42:47 How bad these people were, right? Like there's a lot of people that, oh, Pizza Gate is is fake. It's like no, there's like, you know, queuing on spin offs of of, quote, UN quote, pizza gate. But a lot of these guys are, well, obviously to to I mean at bare minimum they're sexual deviants. And I think that a lot.
02:43:05 Of them are actually.
02:43:06 Like real, like actual ******* pedos and.
02:43:09 The longer we wait, the more of them get busted for being pedos like it. It's not something that.
02:43:15 I mean, I think like last stream like one of them got like literally arrested for being a Peter like one of the guys that was a pizza gate debunker. Ironically enough, the guy who runs open AI was ******* his sister at age 4. At least according to her.
02:43:30 Right.
02:43:31 So I mean, look, these guys are all ******* degenerate *******.
02:43:36 And when I when I realized that that like those were the hands we were in, like I always for some reason thought that, I guess as people often do, that the people that are running things are are at least on par with you, you know, in terms of having a soul. But no, they're not.
02:43:56 They're not.
02:43:57 They're not. So a lot of my, I guess my, my, my journey, my, my journey that I've been on it's it's a lot of that's just personal experience. A lot of it's personal experience. I've read a lot.
02:44:11 Of books and, you know, watched a lot of lectures and stuff like that. And you know, there's always.
02:44:18 You know, there's always.
02:44:20 Little Nuggets here and there, but nothing really as much as as just, you know, personally observing the behavior of a lot of these people and and another reason a lot of things that woke me up to it was because I do pay attention and because I do. I mean, I've always kind of kept track of a lot of this stuff and and pay attention to politics.
02:44:41 All it took was for one of my friends to say.
02:44:45 The guy that was trying to sell me on the JQ when I was kind of still having the sand about it, he said. Next time, next time something bad happens.
02:44:54 In the news or you?
02:44:55 Know whatever. Just look and see if they're Jewish. Just look and.
02:44:58 See if the.
02:44:59 People involved are Jewish.
02:45:02 And I was like, alright, and I started doing that and I was I was.
02:45:07 I was. I was appalled.
02:45:08 At what? At what I discovered.
02:45:11 And that's all it took. That's all it took.
02:45:14 But yeah, there's not. Like Ohh, I read this book and everything changed, you know, kind of a thing or or whatever. As far as red green at Christmas, I'm gonna go green, but it's gotta be Barker or or above. It's gotta be like the hot. Like, burn your ******* mouth. ****. It's gotta be weapons, grey, green Jelly or or. I'm not having it.
02:45:34 Redx good too. And and whatever, you know, it's not like I hate red. But you know nothing can beat like the kind of green chili that.
02:45:41 That puts blisters on your tongue.
02:45:45 Thank you very much, Nigel, cringeworthy.
02:45:49 Simba Simba.
Speaker 2
02:45:54 Let's see here.Speaker 5
02:45:58 Pain management.Speaker 4
02:46:04 Thank you.Speaker 1
02:46:05 Simba, my boy Xavier from is working his way out of massive debt caused by medical issues a few years ago. He is one of us. Please help him out by buying anything from his site. He'd really appreciate it. He ships to the US too.02:46:25 I am receiving a massive NS flag from him soon. Alright, well, there you go. Simba would like you to go to his friend's website. Which is authentic
02:46:39 And help a brother out.
02:46:43 I'm not sure what kind of stuff they've got there, but I'm assuming they've got authentic antique arms, a little weird that he'd be out of the UK though, because I kind of thought that most antique arms or I guess method, they're antiques, right? You can have them. You just can't have anything that goes bang.
02:47:01 Uh grenade?
02:47:04 Leaves a hyper chat in binary.
02:47:08 0111001001110010.
02:47:19 For those of you who understand binary.
02:47:22 Prairie dog Prairie dog.
02:47:35 I got a PDF copy of your book, so I consider this payment. Well, I appreciate that. Looking forward to buying the print version of it and the sequel also last edition reminded me of the husband of or me of the husband of my real estate agent who lost his mind.
02:47:51 Was shot a grandmother and a baby at a local.
02:47:54 At a local and a local.
Speaker 5
02:48:05 Ohh God.Speaker 1
02:48:15 Before self deleting all right.02:48:18 Prairie dog. I appreciate that.
02:48:22 Your brother from another mother.
02:48:24 $5 if you end up too old to have children, say late 40s or 50s, what kind of path would you take if you had no family? What would you do to acquire close friends or peers to help you in times of need? A tough task since many in the society.
02:48:42 Have difficulty in relating to our views on so many matters. Uh, well, if you're a dude and I'm assuming you're a dude late 40s or and or even late 50s, technically. I mean, I don't know. It's probably a lot harder.
02:48:58 That's not too old to have.
02:48:59 Kids. Yeah, I mean, you're getting in that zone.
02:49:04 But I mean, it's like you're 60. I don't know how old you are, but like, you know, you're you're getting, you know, you're getting close to that zone. So I wouldn't necessarily rule that out depending on where you are in that. I don't know how.
02:49:16 Old you are, and as far as meeting people.
02:49:22 That's just something, honestly, it's just.
02:49:24 Something that gets hard.
02:49:24 Not like it gets hard after after college.
02:49:28 I mean, it's hard after high school, but like, I mean, it's really hard after college.
02:49:33 So I mean, you can be 30 and it's tough to find friends, let alone friends that are going to agree with you on some kind of political level. I guess if there's any benefit to the IRL political activism that goes on on the dissident right to some extent, maybe that's an aspect of it, right? It's the networking aspect of it and whatever the camaraderie that comes with it, and maybe there needs to be more of that.
02:49:53 But that's that's a tough one. That's a real tough one.
02:49:58 So yeah, I I look, I'll let you know if I find out.
02:50:03 I'll tell actually, you know what, there is an answer to that.
02:50:06 The people that I have met.
02:50:09 And churros here, the people that I have met and that I've networked with and that I've made connections with in my local area have all been a direct result of me doing. I don't want to say volunteer work, but basically helping them out with something and and volunteering my my expertise at at something that's helpful to like a neighbor.
02:50:30 And that always leads to meeting people alright. Hang on one second. I gotta go take care of. I gotta go bring the little demon in real quick.
02:50:39 Let's play a little game called.
02:50:42 Treating everyone like individuals.
02:50:45 Mario Brothers edition. Alright, let's play this game. This is pretty cool. So alright, so I'm. I'm this guy. Push that button jumps. I wanna. He'll be my friend. Uh no. So so that guy's bad. So don't touch that guy. OK? Something go here and get around.
02:51:05 Well, there just jumped right over him. OK, let's just keep going here. I wonder if this guy with my friend. I mean, he looks like the.
02:51:11 Other guy, but maybe he's ohh.
02:51:14 No, I guess that guy. That guy's bad too. OK, well, I don't want to judge anyone, so I'm gonna keep going, alright, so that guy's bad.
02:51:24 And that guy's bad. So I'm gonna try to avoid him. Alright? Ohh.
02:51:28 Well, there's two guys here.
02:51:29 These guys might be my.
02:51:30 Friends. Hey, how's it going?
02:51:34 Ohh I didn't even get to meet.
02:51:35 The other guy.
02:51:38 Because he could have been good.
02:51:44 OK, I'm back.
02:51:47 Let's see here.
02:51:54 Lamp shade denier. Say what you want about George Soros. May he burn in hell. At least he molded his son to be his successor. Musk's son, on the other hand, is picking out his prom dress.
02:52:09 That is correct. That is correct. Does that deserve a?
Speaker 5
02:52:17 Why is it? Why? Why? Why won't it stop?Speaker 1
02:52:19 It's broken the lump.02:52:23 All right.
02:52:25 Grenade. You judge someone by their actions rather than their words looking at Jewish history, it is clear to anyone with a brain that Jews are a race of genocidal maniacs. It is written in their holy book, commanded by their God, and Jewish history is written by blood rather than by ink.
02:52:45 Well, I'll tell you why a.
02:52:46 Lot of the Jewish holidays do seem to be.
02:52:48 Related to some kind of genocidal act door, Tron 510. Reminder, Kissinger wanted the new Vietnam. Yeah. Kissinger wanted to went and succeeded in killing lots of people Graham playing games see the thing about the Irish politician.
02:53:09 Named Abdul Kalam. Oh yeah. He's so Irish. Abdul Kalam. Whatever. I can't even say it. Uh, but he must have gotten a very dark tan. Very Brown looking, saying he wanted the Irish protesters to be shot in the head. Well, I guess maybe, maybe, just maybe.
02:53:28 This is he's the first case of an actual like, maybe he's like legit, eh?
02:53:34 Stop, stop, stop, stop.02:53:34 Stop. I'm a potato.
Speaker 5
02:53:36 Always have to be Lucky Charms.Speaker 30
02:53:36 Big shot.Speaker 1
02:53:41 There he is right there.02:53:43 We had video of him right there.
02:53:47 Graham playing games or what about the English BBC Radio presenter Nahala Taha that thinks England is too white?
02:53:57 Oh yeah, no, I've seen that.
02:53:59 Yeah. Well, I mean it kind of is right.
Speaker 2
02:54:03 Kill ******.Speaker 1
02:54:08 Higgs 49 Higgs 49 with the big Dono.Speaker 27
02:54:14 Money is power. Money is the.02:54:16 Only weapon that that.
Speaker 1
02:54:17 You have to defend himself with.02:54:19 Oh, Julie, this *** is.
02:54:37 Hags, 49 David Cole's documentary on Auschwitz, our Auschwitz was my first red pill on the holohoax. It's relatively short and should be watched by everyone interested in truth. As always, appreciate your work, brother. Well, I appreciate the support there, Higgs.
02:54:58 49 and yeah, it's it's. You can find that too. It's easy to find. I think it's on if no.
02:55:05 You can find a lot of this stuff on, shockingly a lot of stuffs on archive that or that you wouldn't expect them to host, but you know no censorship there yet is at least not that I'm aware of.
02:55:18 Zazzy Mac taskbot.
02:55:21 Thanks for the show. Last time I started.
02:55:23 A cult, you.
02:55:24 Got all standoffish because of animal welfare?
02:55:28 What last time I started a cult, I got you saying you, as in me got all standoffish because of animal welfare concerns. I assure you, most of the chickens and goats have been returned to the petting zoo and I have taken a new approach to both the cult and livestock procurement. A cult of the future.
02:55:48 The way the heads are shaved, the.
02:55:52 What? What are you talking about? I have no idea what you talking about. The mind control collars are on and the balls are off. Me and the boys.
02:55:59 Are in the Woodland fortress awaiting Halley's comment, but OK, so this is a.
02:56:04 Are you channeling do or not? Was it due or to or? What was the names again?
02:56:11 I forget the little made-up names. They had. Uh. If you can't legal answer, so just end the stream on an even number.
02:56:21 Chicken odd for a goat? No, this is this is all nonsense. Zazzy Mattas bought.
02:56:29 Blue chord blue chord hello.
02:56:34 Hello. Hello, hello.Speaker 1
02:56:38 A blue cord. First one didn't come through. Maybe this one will next box for the Coyotes is on me. Thanks for thanks for your work. You are underpaid. Well, I appreciate that.02:56:52 And thanks for the support.
02:56:55 Zazie Mattas bought hopefully with more ramblings of schizophrenic madman let's.
02:57:01 Thanks for what you do. Your hard work does not go unnoticed. With Christmas coming, I'm thinking about gifts and stocking stuffers. Well, see, now you sound like a normal person. What was your favorite gift?
02:57:15 As a kid.
02:57:16 And is there anything that Mormons do special for Christmas? Keep up the good work. Hope you are enjoying the cool weather.
02:57:26 Favorite gift as a kid?
02:57:29 You know, I liked, and they probably don't have these anymore, but I don't know if this is my favorite gift. I'm just trying to think of like a gift that's still.
02:57:37 Hands out. Funny enough, it was walking. You know, I really I I got some walkie talkies. My brother and I had. I had an older brother. That was also kind of in it, you know, techie type stuff. But we got a pair of walk, you know, kind of like in stranger things or they or really any 80s movie.
02:57:58 Where the kids have walkie talkies, it was probably like a normal thing, I guess. But we had walkie talkies and I thought that was really ******* cool. It had Morse code. Print it on the front of it and you could actually do Morse code. And I started to learn Morse code. I wish I'd I'd completed that that journey.
Speaker 6
02:58:15 I go.Speaker 1
02:58:17 Cause I to this day I suck at at CW but.02:58:22 As far as Mormons do anything special for Christmas, I mean, not really. It's it's just normal. Mormons are seen by a lot of non Mormons as as being very alien. And I understand why I get it, but in practice it's not much different than. I mean, I'm sure like some.
02:58:42 You know, theology, Fagot would go *** ****, you know, hearing this. But like, generally speaking, in practice, it's no different than most.
02:58:51 You know Protestants, I've known like it's never, you know, nothing's weird. It's just normal Christmas. And yeah, all those, all the same kinds of traditions.
02:59:04 But thank you for the support Zazzy Cruise cross support. No gas cars with wood doors. Agenda 2030.
02:59:12 Exactly. Well, there's always the electric floors, right? Juraj, I think Jeraj Shermer had a holohoax debate with Mark Webber and got smoked. After that, he refused any more meetings with him. Well, that's how all these people behaved. These people are. They don't have the facts.
02:59:34 The facts are not on their side. The whole point of this is that they.
02:59:37 Lack the evidence.
02:59:40 And they so they what they do is they say, oh, you're just not worth you don't deserve a platform. Why? Why do you think they they.
02:59:47 They need to prevent us from being heard.
02:59:50 Because it's not hard to defeat, they have non arguments, they they lean heavily on the fact that no one has heard another version of the of the facts.
03:00:01 N word look how obscure this in joke is. Dance music plays. I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no idea what you're talking about.
03:00:13 You know, I I I could think really hard about that. Hmm.
Speaker 2
03:00:17 Also wish to.Speaker 1
03:00:20 I don't know. That's not really dance music. Or maybe that's not what you're talking about. Land of the fake home of the.03:00:26 Game. The sooner we dismantle the Holocaust, the sooner we can build our people back. Great topic. One of the best presentations on it I've ever seen. Outstanding.
03:00:39 Well, I mean, yeah, like I said, I I wasn't my presentation so much as just plain and hopefully the replay is not all ****** **. And people watching the replay can watch a little more coherently, but.
03:00:51 Props out, even though, like I said, he eventually ended up recanting because I think a gun to the head violence being perpetrated and threatened on him. I know David David Cole has. He's hinted at that in later articles and interviews that there was a.
03:01:11 There was a safety concern there, but I don't know 100%. I can't. I can't see inside his head his his his little Jew hat.
03:01:19 Uh, let's see here. Hammer of Thorazine, hammer of Thorazine.
03:01:33 Hammer of thorazine. The evidence for the Jewish genocide. A pile of shoes and museum evidence for the Cambodian genocide. 10s of thousands of human skulls and a museum. Also, I once again to suggest you look into the Indonesian masculines.
03:01:48 Of 1965 to 66, when Indonesians buried Communists alive.
03:01:57 Yeah. No, that there's gonna have.
03:01:58 There one of these days.
03:02:01 One of these days.
03:02:03 We are going to have to.
03:02:06 Have to take care of the the problems we.
03:02:09 Face get in.
03:02:23 OSA 567.
03:02:26 Auschwitz the meaning of pain, the way that I want this is a quote.
03:02:31 I guess of.
03:02:32 Some sort Auschwitz. The meaning of pain, the way that I want you to die. Slow death, immense decay. Showers that cleanse your life. Destroying without mercy to benefit the Aryan race. Angel of death. Monarch to the Kingdom of the dead.
03:02:49 Infamous Butcher, an American metal band I guess.
03:02:55 Slayer song from 19.
03:02:59 86 ink stone ink stone the soap thing always sounded off to me, even as a kid. If the Germans hated and were disgusted by Jews, I can't imagine them wanting to wash their naked bodies using soap made out of them. Well, exactly. That's why the the Jewish hair mattresses don't make any sense either.
03:03:19 That was another.
03:03:19 10 they they made Jewish made, they made mattresses out of Jews. It's like gross.
03:03:26 Yeah, it none of this stuff made any sense. It just sounded like insane. It sounded cartoonishly psycho, and that's unfortunately a lot of Americans, I think, and probably other people in the West grew up.
03:03:39 Just viewing Germans as complete ******* psychos as a result. That's why so many of our video games are are just.
03:03:46 Killing Germans, like so many of our video games, are just going around killing germs.
Speaker 5
03:03:51 UM.Speaker 2
03:03:54 Let's see here.Speaker 1
03:03:56 Claude Fermi, were there any Jews that were at the camps when they were liberated by Allied troops and survived the Holocaust? That said that the official accounts and stories of Jewish deaths that we see in modern times are fabricated or exaggerated? That's a good question. I'm I'm almost certain that.Speaker
03:04:17 UM.Speaker 1
03:04:19 Someone like that has to exist. I don't imagine that person would get a lot of press attention, but someone like that would have to exist. I don't know. I'd have to, you know. I'll tell you what. If someone knows of a a person like this, send it my way.03:04:34 I know of many cases of people claiming to be survivors who weren't even, you know, in the camps, and many people who we were in the camps, who made-up complete ******** stories about like, you know, the ************ machines and all this other stuff.
03:04:52 So yeah, I mean, I don't know there's are, are, were there people saying it wasn't that bad? I can't imagine there being like what would be your motivation. Right with David Cole, there's a motivation because there's enough time between the the events and his being born to where he didn't feel like personally because.
03:05:11 Look, if I could see Jews being ****** *** at Germans and thinking to themselves like, OK, well, that story is wild. I know that's not true, but not giving a **** because **** Germans. You know what I mean? Like, I can see that being the the prevail.
03:05:24 Saying the sentiment among quote UN quote Holocaust survivors that that they know it's all ********, but they don't give a **** because it benefits them. You know what I mean? And it's and and and they're still going to hate Germans. I don't. I can't imagine going to a work camp, which is what these were. And you know whether.
03:05:44 Whether it was you were innocent or not.
03:05:48 You know, you were just some guy. And that gets marched to a work camp and and and under horrible conditions and and and having nice things to say about the people running the work camp. You know, even if you know, like I said, even if you're looking around and you're seeing all these, you're benefiting from that stuff, you know, you're you're you're getting reparations.
Speaker 2
03:05:57 Think that.Speaker 1
03:06:07 You're getting sympathy. Everyone's telling you like how awesome you are because you know you're a Holocaust survivor.03:06:13 You're you're basically.
03:06:15 A deity to in, in the eyes of many people. And so it's, I mean that'd be a tough thing, right? I mean, what would be the advantage to to saying that nothing which isn't to say there isn't some Jews somewhere that, you know, refuted a lot of this stuff, but I'm not aware of one and maybe the one that.
03:06:34 This damn Bigfoot Germans retreated, giving the Soviets the camps. But the Soviets sat back a few miles away and waited two months, which starved them. Only footages from Soviets and it all show. All it shows is the Jews on the communist diet. Well, a lot of it too. You got to remember the Allied troops.
03:06:54 Also, we're bombing all the supply chains because it was war that you were trying to starve them out. And if you're fighting a war, if you're Germany, are you really gonna prioritize your prison camps over your soldiers? If you're fighting for your existence, of course.
03:07:09 Not if you're in a situation where food is scarce.
03:07:12 This the last people who are going to get it are going to be prisoners. I mean, that's the way I would do it. And so it should come as no surprise that that's exactly what happened. And lots of people starved to death. And as you know, what you said was true also there was there was look Germany towards the end of the war was not doing so great.
03:07:31 Let's see here. Claude Fermi, while we're on the topic of World War 2, revisionism are the stories of atrocities against the Chinese by the Japanese soldiers partially made-up like Unit 731, for instance. Because the mainland Chinese are communist ideologues who like the Jews.
03:07:49 Have something to gain politically, such to gain politically such stories.
03:07:54 I I you know, I'd have to dive in a little bit deeper, but my understanding with Unit 731, a lot of the documentation exists because it was, you know, medical experiments or whatever and they were they documented it. It wasn't like, it's not like you know there's Chinese, Chinese Holocaust survivors coming up with like crazy.
03:08:15 Stories about ************ machines. I think it's it comes from Japanese accounts. You know, the people that either participated to some extent or, you know, they recorded it themselves.
03:08:27 But yeah, I don't know. I don't know if where those exaggerate. I'm sure. Look, every war has war propaganda, and there are always exaggerations when it comes to war stories. I mean that that should come as no surprise. So is it possible that some of these stories are a little exaggerated? I mean, possibly.
03:08:45 But I would think that probably more so in in Japanese and Chinese media than American media, because there's no, there's no axe to grind. You know what I mean? There's not. You know, the Japanese don't have a whole lot of influence on.
03:09:03 Certainly not like Jews do on American Society, Lord of the Kings, regarding persecution narratives. Whites have the 30 years war. Yeah, but I mean, come on there. There's, there's there needs to be something more recent and like.
03:09:23 And and something that's the other problem, too, is white people are spread.
03:09:29 It's not like.
03:09:33 I don't know. I kind of feel like there needs to be A and maybe there will be. Unfortunately, a mass casualty event where everyone either knows someone or or their family was part of it or you know, something like that. That is direct directed explicitly at white people.
03:09:53 In a way that crosses national borders and and maybe even continents, right, it has to be there has to be widespread light death, you know, for.
03:10:07 Like a similar kind of victim narrative to exist.
03:10:15 Uh. The thin red line says another black pilled banger of a string. Appreciate that knee, knee, knee book, dead. I can't even knee Buka Nagger.
03:10:31 All right, says held. Hail, Black Pilled or some kind of salute there. Dork. Tron Devin. If you had unlimited money right now in the state, in the current state of things today, how would you go about removing Jews from control over the media?
03:10:50 If I had unlimited money or limited power, I guess unlimited money to some extent is unlimited power. I guess the the only real answer to that if it's just money is you would have to outcompete them. Yeah? Which with unlimited money would be easy to do, you would just have to set up alternate alternate.
03:11:09 Media networks and film studios and music you know, record labels and.
03:11:16 That would be it.
03:11:18 Because that's why that's why they've got it is they've they've they've had the the market cornered in in media.
03:11:24 Forever and look I.
03:11:25 Would I guess to some extent?
03:11:28 You'd have to. I mean, if we're talking unlimited money, I would start universities too. I would start.
03:11:35 You know.
03:11:37 Expensive high class universities, right? That that were very based in the in the social sciences departments, you know. But yeah, this is all stuff that will, if it ever happens, will take a long time to to come to fruition.
03:11:57 Maratta Dev and I was going to send you a hyper chat but I couldn't think of anything to say. I've been thinking a lot about time travel in World War 2 IG I guess I did send it anyway. Well, there you go. Time, time travel.
03:12:12 And World War 2.
Speaker 6
03:12:19 Ohh Hitler ***** there.Speaker 1
03:12:22 Was time travel in World War 2?03:12:24 Uh, Rob or Rob H it's ***** hour. There you go, Teja. I wonder what was worse being put into a concentration camp as a Jew or being drafted to fight at the front.
03:12:40 As a German in World War 2.
Speaker 6
03:12:44 I don't know.Speaker 1
03:12:46 I don't know, probably. I don't know. I would say being in a concentration camp would probably still be.03:12:52 And I don't know unless you were. Uh.
03:12:55 Unless you're one of the Germans that were.
03:12:58 Caught in the winter against the Soviets, that probably be pretty ****** too.
03:13:03 Thin Red Line Dev and could you provide a link to the TV show?
03:13:08 What TV show? The ones we covered? Look, I told you, just look for David Cole and Donahue and you'll find it. I mean, it's not hard to find or. And you can look for David Cole and Montel. And it's not hard to find.
03:13:22 And you know it's that's that's pretty much I I know the Montell one is on YouTube because that's where I got it. The Donahue one might also be on YouTube but that's not where.
03:13:33 I got it.
03:13:35 I think I got that from
03:13:37 Marada I think this will be really cool episode to share and you pill people pretty good arguments and with your commentary makes it pretty clear we all got lied to. Apparently Q predicted Henry Kissinger's death. Of course he did. Down to a few minutes now all the cute tardes are embolden. I'm sure he did. I'm sure. I'm sure there's some kind of.
03:13:57 Numerology nonsense. Where he. Yeah, I know.
03:14:01 I'm sure I'm, you know, I'm sure Trump drew. Henry Kissinger is dead with his finger minutes before he died.
03:14:10 Liam Tracy, thanks. Well, I appreciate that. Miranda. Again, can you play this two-minute clip of a of Russian nightlife?
03:14:26 Yeah, even even churros. Like what? Why? Why? Why would I do that? Let me see. Let me see. What is this? What is this?
03:14:37 Hang on, Cheryl. I'll let you back in. Your little Heidi hole in a minute here.
03:14:44 What is this?Speaker 1
03:14:56 Why are we watching this though?03:15:10 I don't get it what?
03:15:11 Are we watching?
03:15:14 Something happened at some point.
03:15:21 Is this just cause?
03:15:21 There's white people.
03:15:34 I don't get it, unless you're just remarking on the.
03:15:38 Percentage of white people being high.
03:15:41 Yeah, yeah. I don't know what part of Russia that is would be nice to know, does he say?
03:15:54 Well, there you go.
03:15:56 Moscow looking fancier than most cities in the West.
03:16:02 Knight Nation review dev. I just wanted to give you a heads up. You might want to pull down your replay from rumble and only put it here on and on bit shoot because rumble on rumble people don't generally get banned for Jew criticism, but in-depth explanations of holohoax has been known to get people banned. Just wanted to warn.
03:16:21 All right. Well, that's.
03:16:23 It might just happen anyway, because I think the file got screwed up on. I don't even know if I'm still live on rumble right now. I think I might have gotten screwed up, but yeah, maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll.
03:16:33 Do that.
03:16:34 Teja, I think Hitler over or took over the Jewish ideology of supremacy.
03:16:41 Like he did with many other things.
03:16:43 Things and turned it on them. Wait, I think Hitler took over the Jewish ideology of supremacy like he did with many other things and turned it on. I mean, I don't know. I think that Hitler was just mad that his people are proud. People were playing second fiddle to a group of nepotistic.
03:17:04 Psychos that.
03:17:05 Or degrading his society in every way imaginable and exploiting them and ruining his nation. And he thought of a, you know, a solution to that would be to take away their influence and power. And, you know, towards the end force, you know, deportations.
03:17:26 Which is weird, right? That's the other. That doesn't make any sense.
03:17:30 Is if the the Nazis were going around. Just think of it this way. If the Nazis were going around and actively wiping out all the Jews and this was somewhat common knowledge, right? If Jews knew, oh, there's ******* death camps and they're gonna come round this. Why was it so difficult for the Nazis to deport so many of them? Why was it so hard for them to get them to?
03:17:49 Because that was what's easier, right?
03:17:53 Is it easier to like go around round them all up, put them on a ******* train, take them down to this ******* camp, tattoo them and then for no reason, right after you tattoo them, March them over to some other building where you gas them and then get their bodies and show them in ovens and then you know, dump the ashes and some masks, you know, some massive bit. Or is it easier for them to just deport them?
03:18:12 To leave self deport.
03:18:14 Right. Because I would think if I was living in a country where that was going on, right, some kind of systematic murder of my people, I wouldn't just, like, wait around for an invitation to the death camp. I'd get the **** out of there. Why were some of these people still hanging around?
03:18:33 But anyway, all right, and I think we got one more over. Oh, we got two more over at Rumble and then we'll shut it down.
03:18:41 Here Ebden T says. Remember when I was in your hyper chats begging to enable Fiat every stream that was a wild change. I had a dream that they named me in recent in a in name me in recent hit.
03:19:00 I woke up rock hard I.
03:19:03 Don't. I'm confused by your entire thing, Arch Stanton. Arch Stanton.
03:19:13 Arch Stanton.
03:19:25 I mean, I think I read yours already. Yeah, I did. Read yours already. Sorry about that.
03:19:30 Well, not that you care, right?
03:19:32 I guess it's Horatius.
03:19:36 Yeah, OK, it does it.
03:19:37 Backwards on on rumble here.
03:19:40 Horatius says at 24 minute Mark, I asked Vox about potentially having you join unauthorized TV. He says he would like to have a discussion with you, said I'd said I'd let you know, and then you got a.
03:19:57 I YouTube link there. Yeah, like I haven't. I I like I said I I I'm I'm. I'm happy with being on rumble and and odyssey for right now. But I'm open to talking to people about other platforms should that need arise.
03:20:14 So, but you know I'm.
03:20:18 I'm thankful for being welcomed on on other people's platforms and and that might be a situation I find myself in. We have no idea what's going to happen with Odyssey or Rumble for that.
03:20:29 Matter and so I might be looking for a place to call call home once again, but I appreciate you doing that. And you know, who knows? Maybe I'll have to.
03:20:38 Out there. All right, guys, we're going to go and shut her down like I.
03:20:41 Said I.
03:20:41 Think it's? I think we're approaching like the four hour mark. Honestly, I don't know though. It's hard for me to know because the my live time, the counter resets every time it ***** up and it's funked up a bunch of times. So I'm going to have to probably fix the replays. It's there's a very remote.
03:20:59 Possibility that it'll be all in one piece, but we'll have to see. All right, guys, hope you all have a wonderful evening. Appreciate you stopping by here and.
03:21:09 Of course, for black pilled.
03:21:12 All right. Did we drop connection again?
03:21:15 Or is Odyssey ******* up? Maybe Odyssey is just ******* up.
03:21:22 Honestly, is just ******* up, all right.
03:21:24 For black pills, I am of course.
03:21:29 Devon stag.
Speaker 17
03:21:32 Obviously, you know that there's a public perception that and and and you're clarifying this now, but there's a public perception that that was part of a apology tour, if you will, that this had been said online. There was all of the criticism. There was advertisers leaving we.03:21:49 Talked to Bob Iger.
Speaker 12
03:21:50 OK.Speaker 17
03:21:51 You hope. Don't advertise. You don't want them to advertise.03:21:56 What do you need?
Speaker 25
03:21:59 If someone's.Speaker 32
03:22:00 Gonna try to blackmail me with advertising? Blackmail with money? Go **** yourself.Speaker 13
03:22:08 But go **** yourself.03:22:13 Is that clear? I hope it is.
Speaker 23
03:22:16 Hey, Bob. You're in the audience.Speaker 17
03:22:19 Well, let me ask you then.Speaker 6
03:22:22 That's how I feel.Speaker 32
03:22:24 Don't advertise.Speaker 17
03:22:26 How do you think then about the?03:22:27 Economics of of X If, if, if.
03:22:31 If part of the underlying.
03:22:32 Model at least.
03:22:33 Today, and maybe it needs to shift, maybe the answer is it needs to shift away from advertising. If if you believe that this is the one part of your business where you will be beholden to those who.
03:22:44 Have this view. What do you do? What?
03:22:52 I understand, but there's a reality, too.