12/02/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 Want to making all my dog hate on my black little white feet are all? Yeah, I jumped in my biggest football jacket and spaghetti.00:01:51 You'll get me. I'm.
00:01:52 Just careful across and like I'll give this back way too often. Feel cut back. Stick your back.
00:01:59 You just got it, got it.
00:02:12 With Jackson, I'm gonna boy paint on a black project voice boy.
Speaker 2
00:06:20 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:06:25 I'm your host, of course. Step and stack. This is the insomnia stream Eyewitness Edition.
00:06:31 You and I witnessed.
00:06:36 I witnessed something terrible.
00:06:40 Something bloody.
00:06:44 Something horrific.
00:06:46 Me. Of course. Your host Devon stack.
00:06:50 And walked into the pill box.
00:06:56 I looked into the little room, the little side of the pill box, where Churro has a little cat flap in one of the windows he can climb in through.
00:07:07 So he can get out of the cold or whatever if.
00:07:09 He decides to.
00:07:12 And on the ground of this room.
00:07:15 Was a whole *** dead rabbit. He had killed a whole *** dead rat. It wasn't like a Bunny. It wasn't like I don't even know how he got it through the cat.
00:07:23 Flap with him because the the cat flap.
00:07:25 Is the size.
00:07:26 Of a cat.
00:07:28 I don't know how he got in there with this rabbit this.
00:07:30 Rabbit was almost the size of him.
00:07:35 It was a fresh kill.
00:07:37 Because it was still bleeding.
00:07:39 I mean it was.
00:07:39 Dead. Thankfully, he had. He had eaten the.
00:07:43 Eyes out of.
00:07:44 It I mean churro's a monster.
00:07:46 He's a ******* I love it, but he's a monster.
00:07:51 He had eaten the eyes out of it.
00:07:54 So there there was just a a dead rabbit and he had broken the neck. I it was so big. I was trying to picture like all I could like as I thought about it, as I as I was like trying to.
00:08:03 Imagine in my head, how does a ******* cat?
00:08:06 Do this to an animal almost its size like I'm I'm picturing like a, you know, like a PBS. You know, the the wonderful wild or whatever those shows were called where they have like the the lion tackling A wildebeest or whatever. And I'm just trying to picture like a domesticated cat.
00:08:23 Doing that to an animal like you know to scale.
00:08:30 So he yeah, he it was not a baby, you know, it wasn't a baby Bunny. It wasn't even like a small Bunny. It wasn't like the big Jack rabbits, but.
00:08:36 It was, I mean, it was big.
00:08:39 So he managed to kill a kill a rabbit.
00:08:42 I don't think it would have been on my side of the fence cause my fence is pretty rabbit proof, not 100% I I have found, but pretty much I mean after the first couple of years of me massacring rabbits and patching up the fence. I'm pretty sure I worked out.
00:08:56 Most of the.
00:08:56 Kinks. So I got a I got. I have this idea that he.
00:09:00 Murdered this rabbit.
00:09:02 And then drag it not just through the cat flap. He must have jumped over the fence with, you know, crawled up the a fence post or something with this thing hanging out of his mouth.
00:09:12 And then squished it through the calf lap with him and and left it on the ground for me to find.
00:09:18 So of course I rewarded him.
00:09:20 I gave him some fancy feast. He deserved that.
00:09:24 I am not a friend of rabbits. I don't hate rabbits, but I hate rabbits that destroy.
00:09:29 Destroy my.
00:09:31 My plants and stuff out here.
00:09:34 So yeah, that was that was that's something I witnessed that yesterday.
00:09:39 I was a little surprised.
00:09:41 To say the least.
00:09:43 You know, he he usually, you know, he'll he'll decapitate mice and rats and whatever.
00:09:49 But this was the the biggest thing I've seen him.
00:09:52 Dragged back so that was pretty impressed. Pretty impressed with Ghost Cat there.
00:09:57 With a a fresh kill for.
00:10:02 For his uh.Speaker 2
00:10:03 His buddy Devin over here anyway. Uh, the eyewitness edition. Why is it called? You know, we're in. Why not? Why not just jump right into it last stream?00:10:14 Which I think was called what the denial show addition.
00:10:18 Last stream we talked about a couple appearances.
00:10:25 Of Holocaust revisionists.
00:10:29 On talk shows in the probably early 90s, I was thinking at first it was late 80s, but after you know, of course during one of them, there's Bill Clinton lighting the flame at the Holocaust museums, at the very least that one was 90 past 92. Or when I think that's when he.
00:10:45 First got elected right 92.
00:10:47 So I'm thinking early 90s.
00:10:49 Also montel.
00:10:51 Montel Williams.
00:10:54 And we talked about how there really wasn't any evidence at all.
00:11:00 Of gas chambers.
00:11:02 It just doesn't exist.
00:11:04 There's no physical evidence of gas chambers.
00:11:10 Let alone the the 6,000,000 number, but just gas chambers. In general, there is no physical evidence.
00:11:17 Of gas chambers.
00:11:20 And one you know, one reply that I received to this which I mean that that's kind of a big deal. You would think that if.
00:11:28 You know the the one.
00:11:28 Of the the central points.
00:11:30 Of the Holocaust is that the Germans?
00:11:33 Manufactured and built gas chambers and systematically gas Jews with Cyclone Zyklon B.
00:11:45 You would think there'd be some kind of, you know, physical evidence backing this up, but there isn't. And a lot of people are surprised to find out that there really isn't, in fact, the physical evidence that exists kind of.
00:11:56 Points, so they're not being gas chambers. And we talked about a few of those things, you.
00:12:00 Know like the the doors opening the wrong way. In some cases they're made of wood, they don't have locks on them. You know the the rooms that they claim or gas chambers, there's no residue.
00:12:12 Of Zyklon beyond the wall.
00:12:14 It just none of it makes any sense, let alone the whole mathematics of it, right? Like how many people you have to be gassing all the time and burning the bodies, you know, look, you might be able to gas a a whole room full of people fairly quickly, but to dispose of the bodies, that's a lengthy process, especially if you're using a crematorium.
00:12:33 I mean, you can say, well, mass graves, OK, well, then there should be mass graves. Then that would still exist. That in fact, if if these mass graves were discovered, you would think that there would still maybe even be a residue of the Zyklon be maybe, I don't know, at at this point, is it maybe?
00:12:49 Too long, I don't.
00:12:51 I don't know. I'm not a not a a forensic expert when it comes to how long Zyklon B enough to kill someone would would stay. The residue would stay in the soil in which they were buried. Maybe it wouldn't, I don't know.
00:13:06 But anyway, one of the one of the some of the pushback that I would would hear from people, what about how do you account for all the eyewitness testimony, right?
00:13:16 Eyewitness testimony there. There are so many people. I mean, all you have to do is go on.
00:13:20 YouTube and do a.
00:13:21 Search for you.
00:13:23 Know the show of foundation, the show of foundation, of course, is Steven Spielberg's Foundation.
00:13:30 Steven Spielberg went around and interviewed a bunch of Holocaust survivors.
00:13:36 And made an.
00:13:38 Academy Award? Well, Gee, I wonder how how they won the Oscar, right? The Academy award-winning documentary.
00:13:45 Using their testimony as the basis, in fact on the movie poster, it says everything. You it's not just based on, it's a documentary. This is not like a Schindler's list, where it's based on a true story. It's supposed to be a.
00:13:59 A true story, it's.
00:14:01 There's no artistic license involved, right? And it says on the movie poster, everything you hear will be is, is real. It's true.
00:14:13 And we've all seen the clips over the years. You know, like Holocaust survivors, a lot of people don't realize this, but how you know, all you need to be a Holocaust survivor and to demand money from the German government and other.
00:14:25 Organization is to have been alive.
00:14:29 In Europe, during World War 2, essentially.
00:14:34 I mean, if you were alive in Europe during World War 2, you're pretty much a a Holocaust survivor. It doesn't matter if you were in a camp or not.
00:14:44 Doesn't matter if you were in any danger at any point in time. You're a Holocaust survivor.
00:14:51 But some of these Holocaust survivors have very colorful stories.
00:14:58 Very colorful stories. We talked about a few of them last stream as well.
00:15:03 We'll we revisit a couple of those real quick, but you know stuff like this is not uncommon like even now today you see this kind of propaganda being played. This is from BBC, right?
00:15:16 You know very, very.
00:15:18 Sad music, you know, like the almost like the Schindler's List soundtrack, playing. Surviving, Auschwitz.
00:15:25 One man's story.
00:15:34 At the age of 16, Frank Bright and his mother were taken to Auschwitz.
00:15:40 Concentration camp.
00:15:48 6,000,000 Jews were killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.
00:15:52 Very important number.
00:15:54 You know you can't. You can't, no matter, no matter what numbers they revise individually, the the total can never mean add up to anything other than 6,000,000.
Speaker 4
00:16:06 You could see that the squat chimneys, boating, fire and smoke.00:16:13 It was sort of a sweet smelling smoke of human bodies. Yes. Ask ask. Very politely, Lord dogs and whips or anything I said. If you feel you aren't quite fit, uh, we can take you to the camp on a truck. And of course some people did. They were.
00:16:33 Older but disabled. Have a blind have a lame and of course they put them straight into a gas chamber.
Speaker 2
00:16:41 See, I mean again, just like the the examples of last stream, he's not even saying that he saw.00:16:48 The gas chamber.
00:16:49 He saying that Nazis came up politely?
00:16:53 And said hey, look, if if you don't think that you're ready and able to work, we can take you to.
00:16:58 The the camp.
00:17:00 That there was no dogs, no guns. That's that's what he's saying.
00:17:06 And he says that well, there was old people that weren't fit for work because, you know, that was.
00:17:12 That was why a lot of these Jews were not just Jews, just people in general were incarcerated. It's a it's a.
00:17:21 War and and.
00:17:22 So there's there's manual labor that needs doing.
00:17:25 And the people that were unfit for this kind of work, he, they they were taken to the camp and then.
00:17:31 He just says.
00:17:34 They were taken to gas chambers.
00:17:38 Well, that's weird. I mean, did did he see them? Did he see these gas chambers or is?
00:17:42 He just saying this.
00:17:44 But doesn't matter. He's an eyewitness. He's a Holocaust survivor. You know. You hear these kinds of things over and over and over again.
00:17:52 Ohh well, looks like you know we're having connection issues as per usual.
00:17:58 Ah, we're back. We're back. We're back.
00:18:03 I don't know why this is happening. It's not. It's not great though, right? Not great. I'm recording. So I'm recording locally. If there's a problem.
00:18:12 One thing I might do.
00:18:14 HM where there's a way to change this?
00:18:22 You know, the unfortunate thing is I have, for some reason, Odyssey always doesn't matter. Let's just go with the show, right? We're going to have. We might have some problems with connections and whatever. Who cares?
00:18:32 We don't need to to have even more delays by me talking.
00:18:35 About the problems, OK.
00:18:37 So you hear these kind, you know, these kinds of stories from lots of people that, that and the other odd thing and maybe this is just a product of it being so long now, right, it's been so long since World War 2 that this is just an this, you know, that just has to be that this is the way.
00:18:53 That the I mean the the the age of the the people right that when they talk about ohh yeah I was at the at Auschwitz or whatever I was 11 like the last guy he said I think he said he was 11 years old. This woman is saying that she was like a child a lot of these people are saying they were like 10 or 13 most of them were not adults a lot.
00:19:12 Of them were, you know.
00:19:13 Preteen or or, you know, children or or whatever.
Speaker 6
00:19:17 Remarkable that you.Speaker
00:19:18 Were actually inside this gas chamber is this?Speaker 7
00:19:21 I wasn't in the gas chamber. I was in the empty room. I was in the waiting room.Speaker 2
00:19:26 No. Look, she she wasn't actually in the gas chamber. She was. Uh, she was in the waiting room to the gas chamber and somehow escaped, you know? But she she's. She's sure there was a gas chamber.00:19:39 You know, she's an eyewitness. She's counted as an eyewitness to the gas chambers because she was in the waiting room of the gas chambers.
00:19:47 You know this guy?
Speaker 9
00:19:49 I had turned 11 years old in January 1940 and when we were out in the yard, they chose three young people and put them against the wall and the Nazi officer gave a little speech, he said. Now we will deport you by force to the labour camp at Madison in the deprived area.Speaker 1
00:20:07 We've got.Speaker 9
00:20:09 And if you try to oppose this transfer, if you try to run away or do anything, this is what will happen to you. He gave an order to an s s squad there to fire.Speaker 1
00:20:11 OK.Speaker 4
00:20:19 We know that.Speaker 9
00:20:21 Of them, they were three young people. They was my brother who was 22 years old at the time. I was 11. He was 22 and he was massacred in front of us.Speaker 10
00:20:22 Very busy.Speaker
00:20:24 You have.Speaker 4
00:20:34 Massacre the menu.Speaker 9
00:20:39 I asked what was happening, why my parents had been put on the other side.Speaker 2
00:20:51 I have a little bit of a connection blip again. I'm gonna try something here that might help the the connection go a little smoother.00:20:57 I'm going to try to have.
00:20:58 The Odyssey chat open.
00:21:01 While not having actually Odyssey playing.
00:21:05 Which tends to be a little bit of a.
00:21:08 Bandwidth suck.
00:21:11 Let me use Rumble, which I can actually dial down.
00:21:15 The bandwidth on and have that plane, so I have a little bit of a view here, OK.
00:21:22 And of course just doing that made the connection die.
00:21:25 Holy ****.
00:21:28 This is nonsense. This is nonsense.
00:21:32 This is the third rail. Apparently you talk about this and your Internet stops working.
00:21:38 Let's see if I can.
00:21:40 Close anything else that might be open causing a problem here.
00:21:45 So we have a lot to get through. We have a lot to get through.
00:21:52 I don't want to have the connection dropping every 5 seconds.
00:21:57 OK, everything should be good. Everything should be good. I'm keeping an eye on the.
00:22:03 On the connection there.
00:22:06 OK.
00:22:09 Back to the show.
00:22:10 To the show. OK, so he's. He's 11. His story is a little bit different. You know, the Nazis didn't ask Nice and the Nazis said we're going to deport you. And if you don't come with us, we're going to kill you. Like we just killed these three guys. They.
00:22:25 Kill him right in front of him. And these are eyewitness reports, right? These are eyewitness reports.
00:22:32 You know, we don't necessarily have any evidence of this. And look, it's war, right? We're not saying that no brutality happened in in World War 2. I'm, I'm certain brutality against Jews and in many other groups.
00:22:46 Happened with regularity. No one's arguing that no one's arguing that.
00:22:50 We're just saying that that the the official Holocaust story is, well, it's fiction. Let's just, let's just say it like it is. It's fiction.
00:23:01 OK.
00:23:02 And and.
00:23:04 We saw these eyewitness testimonies last stream.
00:23:08 You have people like this.
Speaker 12
00:23:09 Was seven months in Auschwitz. I lived near the crematorium. As far as I am from you, I smelled. You would never eat rose chicken. If you have been there.Speaker 11
00:23:11 And you saw them make soap from people.Speaker 12
00:23:20 Smell 24 hours. Roast chicken.Speaker 11
00:23:21 You sell, you smelt and salt and lunches. Let's get to the bottom of one thing, she says. Soap and lampshades. Yeah, the professor says you're mistaken.Speaker 12
00:23:27 Yes, yes.Speaker 2
00:23:31 So there you go.00:23:32 Lamp shades you've got, uh, you know the soap stories, by the way, which we discussed last stream, both debunked. That wasn't real. That was war propaganda. There weren't Jews being skinned and and turned into lamp shades. There weren't Jews being boiled down into soap.
00:23:53 Rendered into soap that was complete. Uh war propaganda.
00:23:58 And of course, you had a caller that called in and the same thing, and she claims that she's German. And I mean, she she might just be some crazy person, but these are the kinds of stories that you hear.
Speaker 10
00:24:08 To say.Speaker 3
00:24:09 Yes, my mother was in the Hitler Youth and she was a fanatic follower, and she produced babies for other Hitler. And I was born in Livingston.00:24:18 The special clinic next to the House and I had a defect on my left ear and uses mangler when he saw it, he took me for experiments as I saw the Jewish tortured I I saw everything I saw saw from the people. I saw lampshades I saw.
00:24:35 It all and then.
Speaker 2
00:24:38 See, she saw the soap.00:24:40 She saw the the lamp shades. She saw it all people.
00:24:45 She saw everything.
00:24:48 You know, she's she's living proof.
00:24:53 Here's another woman. This was the woman from Montell.
Speaker 5
00:24:57 I was age of 13 when they took me to Auschwitz with my family. I'm the only one who survived and I was invited not too far from the gas chambers and we knew exactly. They then they brought them juice.00:25:11 And they burned and we smelled.
00:25:14 We breathe that air, we smell that air, and we knew we used to say to each other. We see we are. We are building the juice. I was not too far from the crematorium when it happened. When it happens and I was 13 years of age.
Speaker 2
00:25:31 Another woman, who is 13 years of age, you know, again, not not these people are adults. Maybe again, you could say, well, the adults, you know, a lot of them didn't make it and.00:25:40 Whatever. And maybe that's true. Who knows?
00:25:42 But that's not that's not an insignificant factor, OK?
00:25:47 So, Devin, what do you say you all you have all of this? You have all this eyewitness testimony?
00:25:54 You have all this eyewitness testimony. How do you explain all this eyewitness testimony?
00:26:04 Well, what if I told you?
00:26:08 While eyewitness testimony might be the most believed by juries, and it is sadly.
00:26:15 It is the least reliable.
00:26:19 And everyone that works in criminology.
00:26:23 And uh or in the court system or or in the criminal justice system, really in any capacity is well.
00:26:30 Aware of this?
00:26:32 That I witnessed testimony as, paradoxically, the least reliable.
00:26:37 Form of evidence.
00:26:40 But simultaneously.
00:26:42 The most, most important when trying to convince.
00:26:46 A jury of something.
00:26:50 Now Nat Geo.
00:26:52 Did a a series called Brain Games.
00:26:58 I think this was about 10 years back.
00:27:02 And they wanted to demonstrate this.
00:27:06 Now, of course it's funny cause a lot of the people that are are promoting this idea. They're they're, you know, it's it's the people that are trying to get people on death row off. And look, there's probably some innocent people on death row or whatever, especially if they're only there because of eyewitness testimony.
00:27:22 Which is very unreliable.
00:27:24 But all the.
00:27:25 Same that what they're saying is not incorrect.
00:27:29 Eyewitness testimony is insanely unreliable.
00:27:33 And so they do this show where they fake a crime.
00:27:38 With witnesses.
00:27:41 Who aren't who aren't aware that that's what they're going to be doing? They then get these witnesses and question. They act as if it's like a real crime. You.
00:27:48 Know they have a a retired cop. Question them and try to, you know, do a lineup with suspects and and they even, you know, drag them into a courtroom and put.
00:28:00 Them in a jury box.
00:28:02 And see if you can.
00:28:05 See if you can.
00:28:08 If what they're saying is lining up with the video they have, of course the fake crime, because they they staged the whole thing.
00:28:16 And I want you.
00:28:17 To take a look at this.
Speaker 8
00:28:19 Find the lady. Follow that pretty lady with all the money you see.Speaker 11
00:28:22 There it is.Speaker 14
00:28:23 Before we test your memory, we're going to let you see the crime one more time.Speaker 8
00:28:23 There it is. Which one?Speaker 15
00:28:28 This is all.00:28:28 You getting what? What I don't understand you. What are you saying? I get. I don't understand what you're saying. Hey, hey, hey.
Speaker 14
00:28:40 Take a moment to think about what you just saw.Speaker 8
00:28:47 What just happened? Memory starts to fade right away.Speaker 2
00:28:53 So that's the crime.00:28:56 That's the crime you had. Well, I'll tell you what. Let's. I'll we'll do the the, the same little game. I'm not going to play it again.
00:29:04 You can rewind it if I guess the stream. If you want to take a look at it again.
00:29:09 But you just saw the crime.
00:29:11 And so if you want to play along with remembering different details about this, then you're you're free to do this. But this guy is the retired detective.
00:29:20 And the first thing he says is is memory begins to fade immediately.
00:29:26 Well, we're we're talking to quote UN quote, Holocaust survivors who were 13 at the time of the events that they're they're recalling.
00:29:35 And each and every one of these, their elderly people.
00:29:38 So let's say they're in their 60s, they're they're recalling something to happen to them 50 years ago.
00:29:45 50 years ago.
00:29:47 I can't remember stuff that happened, you know, 10 years ago, even like traumatic things that happened to me. And you could say, well, Devin, you were never in a concentration camp. True.
00:29:56 But it's not like I never had anything traumatic happen to me.
00:30:00 Those those details start to fade away fairly quickly.
00:30:06 So he's right about that.
Speaker 8
00:30:08 Memory starts to fade right away. That's why you have to get to and interview your witnesses immediately. It's up to the detective to find out who is the best.00:30:18 Can you describe to me what you saw?
Speaker 16
00:30:20 A woman just came out of nowhere and yelling at this guy in Russia.Speaker
00:30:24 Spanish, definitely. Eastern or central European.Speaker 8
00:30:27 You have 20 witnesses.Speaker 2
00:30:30 So already.00:30:32 And this just happened, this just happened.
00:30:36 And we're already seeing inconsistencies between people who, by the way, they have no motivation with the Holocaust, there's a whole lot of other things going on, right. There's all kinds of motivations to maybe bend the truth a little bit, maybe exaggerate here a little bit, maybe have, you know, indulge in some hyperbole.
00:30:56 People forget that a lot of these people are still receiving reparations from the German Government and and and or. And, you know, these nonprofit organizations.
00:31:07 So you have? Yeah. You got more than just this. This is all completely innocent. These people have nothing, you know, no dog in the fight whatsoever. They know they're part of a, you know, like a a game, so to speak.
00:31:21 And right off the bat, even though it just happened, you're already.
00:31:24 Seeing some inconsistencies.
Speaker 8
00:31:28 You're going to get 20 different stories.Speaker 17
00:31:30 They knew each other.Speaker
00:31:31 I don't think he.Speaker 8
00:31:31 Knew her. She was Asian terranean.Speaker 16
00:31:33 OK.Speaker 8
00:31:34 When you're interviewing a witness is a take like a potato, a potato? That's a person's memory. But when you take that potato and you put it in the Stew and you're making Stew and you're putting vegetables and.00:31:44 All sorts of things well.
00:31:47 Now the reliability is not as good.
Speaker 18
00:31:49 Then this little kid zipped by a little boy.Speaker 14
00:31:53 As you listen to these actual witnesses, see how your memory of the crime matches theirs.Speaker 19
00:32:00 He was mugging her.Speaker 8
00:32:02 There's going to be a thread of truth running through all the 20 witnesses. Are you going to concentrate on that thread?Speaker 16
00:32:08 Long black hair.Speaker 20
00:32:09 Long hair.Speaker
00:32:10 That hair.Speaker 8
00:32:10 A good witness if someone is measured in their thoughts, doesn't give an answer too quickly, is not too excited.Speaker 21
00:32:16 Seems to start out with oh.Speaker 2
00:32:19 I think it's funny because you're about to see the contrast here, but they have all these witnesses that are just wildly off with a lot of what they're talking about, and then they use this guy as the example on the. No, here's this normal white guy who's.00:32:33 Who's actually measured in his recollection and and isn't getting like, isn't being too, isn't embellishing anything, right? There's a reason why, and you'll soon see why women's testimony was discarded in court. In fact, it was never even asked for. The women were not considered fit to testify in court.
Speaker 21
00:32:53 Woman and gentleman arguing, few seconds later another gentleman came up and ran up behind him now.Speaker 8
00:33:01 In Andrew's case, he started to give the description a panoramic view. Now you know you've got a good witness because that that witness doesn't have tunnel vision. Can you know what he?Speaker 21
00:33:03 I'd be guessing.00:33:10 Looked like if I remember correctly.
00:33:13 A red winter jacket.
Speaker 8
00:33:20 A bad witness to someone who's too excitable is Tony convinces very quickly me even embellished a little bit.Speaker 2
00:33:27 Ah, and now she's the shining example.00:33:31 She's the shining example of why why women maybe shouldn't be allowed to testify in court like our forefathers had had the wisdom to.
00:33:40 To believe in.
Speaker 19
00:33:42 I just remember her outfit wasn't very New York.00:33:47 My memory is pretty good.
00:33:48 I mean, I'm very healthy, so I.
00:33:49 Take a lot of vitamins and all that.
Speaker 2
00:33:52 My memory is like fantastic cause I take echinacea and vitamins and like I just remember her her her clothing wasn't very New York and.00:33:59 It's like all these, all these ******* ******** details that don't.
00:34:02 That are meaningless and and wrong.
00:34:04 And she's overly confident about her ability to recall this thing because she takes vitamins.
Speaker 19
00:34:11 My memory is pretty good. I mean, I'm very healthy. So I take a lot of vitamins and all those sorts of like.00:34:16 Aki, I can't pronounce it properly, Barry. Brazilian not.
Speaker 8
00:34:20 When you say that you think you can remember better than anyone else, and you're close to thing.Speaker 19
00:34:23 Well, cause I was like right there.Speaker 2
00:34:26 I was like right there and I take a a Chai Berry nut and.00:34:35 Ladies and gentlemen, here we have. This is the this is the Holocaust survivor. I was there. I was there. I was right there.
00:34:47 I was right there next to the crematorium. I saw it. I was taking the Chai Berry not.
00:34:53 And all my vitamins.
Speaker 19
00:34:55 Really. Because I was in the back of the Monty game whereas.00:34:58 A lot of people are, you know.
00:34:59 I don't think they they look through me and get to see it.
Speaker 8
00:35:01 Nancy, she came up and says, I know what happened. I know what happened. She was excitable. I know. I've got it. Right. That's that's a flag.Speaker 2
00:35:11 Yeah, that's a big red flag.00:35:13 You know, kind of does this sound familiar?
Speaker 12
00:35:18 Seven months in Auschwitz, I live near the crematorium. As far as I am from you, I smelled. You would never eat rose chicken if you would have been there. Because I smell 24 hours.Speaker 11
00:35:19 And you saw them make salt from people.00:35:27 I had.
00:35:29 You said you mentioned something that.
Speaker 12
00:35:30 Rose, I'm sorry.Speaker 2
00:35:31 I thought I was right there, took my acai Berry nut.Speaker 14
00:35:37 Do you remember how many people, including the victim, were involved in our crime?Speaker 22
00:35:43 It's just three people.Speaker
00:35:45 One girl, one.Speaker 8
00:35:46 Guy one girl, one guy.Speaker 23
00:35:48 Not only were the two men involved, but she was probably also involved as well.Speaker 14
00:35:55 The correct answer is 4/4. Memory doesn't file away every little thing. It's a highly selective process of receiving, retaining, and recalling information.Speaker 8
00:36:01 And the.Speaker 14
00:36:07 It starts here. Your hippocampus receives information sent by your senses.00:36:13 Its job is to decide what info to retain and what to toss.
00:36:19 Info to keep gets sent to storage for later recall anything else will be lost from your short term memory within about 20 seconds.
00:36:31 That's barely enough time to remember a license plate.
00:36:35 Or a phone number.
00:36:37 Just five to seven items Max. Let's return to the scene of the crime.
Speaker 2
00:36:44 But you know what you'll remember meeting Joseph Mangala.00:36:47 And you'll remember the lamp shades you know, 50 years on. You'll remember the lamp shades that again, we know that historians don't even just, you know, Holocaust historians don't even dispute.
00:36:59 Didn't exist.
00:37:02 Official Holocaust historians will tell you that the the the lamp shades and the soap.
00:37:09 Those were that was war propaganda.
00:37:14 And yet, these eyewitnesses.
00:37:17 We'll we'll swear up and down and we're, as you'll see later on here there's it gets crazier than that.
00:37:23 They'll swear up and down then.
00:37:25 Oh no, I saw. I saw. I saw.
00:37:27 The uh the lamp shades and the soap.
00:37:31 I was right next to I was there. I was taking my Acacia bearing nut.
Speaker 14
00:37:35 We witnessed earlier to test your memory on something more serious.00:37:41 Retired NYPD Detective Greg Walsh has picked up five suspects.
00:37:47 One of them was involved in the park robber.
00:37:50 Can you identify which one?
00:37:54 Take your time. Your testimony is very important.
Speaker 8
00:38:01 Eyewitness testimony is considered by jury still and most people to be the most reliable information. When you go into a lineup, you say, do you recognize anybody? You don't say, do you see the person committed the crime? You say no. Do you recognize somebody very important that you use this verbiage?00:38:20 All the time.
00:38:21 Where do you recognize that person from?
Speaker 14
00:38:25 Which suspects do our witnesses recognize?Speaker 3
00:38:30 Maybe five would.Speaker 16
00:38:31 Be the closest that he could have been.Speaker 21
00:38:34 The one.Speaker
00:38:34 If I had to say anybody, I'd say it would be number.Speaker 8
00:38:40 Take your time. All right, now 5.00:38:43 You say that it's #5. Where did you see 5 from?
Speaker 16
00:38:47 I signed in the crime when he.00:38:51 Reach into old guys.
00:38:53 Bag and took something out of.
00:38:55 His bag and ran off.
Speaker 8
00:38:56 And how sure you will of this identification.Speaker 16
00:38:59 65% he looked like the criminal that ran away and he just looked familiar like he was there.Speaker 21
00:39:10 He has similar hair.Speaker 8
00:39:11 Uh-huh. Right. Is there anybody there that you recognise?Speaker 9
00:39:15 Number 43, number 5.Speaker 8
00:39:19 #5.Speaker 14
00:39:23 Of these 8 witnesses, 6 believe suspect #5 is the thief. Do you agree?Speaker 2
00:39:31 All right, let's stop here. What do you guys think? Look out. We're being all interactive tonight.00:39:37 This is like this is like one of those choose your own adventure books bro.
00:39:40 So check it out. What do you what? Which one was it you guys watched the clip in real time? Of course. You.
00:39:45 Know unless there was connection problems, in which case whatever. **** it just randomly picked someone. It could be 12345. A lot of people picking 5 and the people that were there, the eyewitnesses, right, the eyewitness testimony.
00:40:00 The people that.
00:40:01 Were there next to the crematorium? They're telling you it's five. I saw him in an s s uniform.
00:40:09 #5 is.
00:40:10 Definitely Mangala, he told me that my parents were getting gassed.
00:40:15 Who is it? Who is it?
Speaker 14
00:40:16 Six believe suspect #5 is the thief. Do you agree? Is this the man you would send to jail?00:40:29 The actual perp is suspect #3.
Speaker 2
00:40:35 It's #3, and honestly, I I was looking at chat, at least on Odyssey, and I didn't see anyone saying #3. There's looks like there's one person in at rumble that says #3, but yeah.00:40:50 That just happened. That just happened. Now there's a there's an interesting twist.
00:40:55 As to why?
00:40:56 So many of them thought it was #5. I don't think any of them.
00:40:59 Thought it was.
00:40:59 #3. But there's an interesting twist as to why, and we'll get a little more into this. A lot of them thought it was #5.
Speaker 14
00:41:10 If you chose suspect #5 like the other witnesses, you do have great recall for faces. This man was indeed in the crowd at the crime scene.00:41:20 But you almost sent the wrong guy to jail due to a trick of the mind called unconscious transference.
Speaker 8
00:41:27 #5 was standing around the scene.00:41:30 Around the three card Monte.
00:41:32 Miller, so his presence is there. So they though they might not recognize where they saw him from. They recognize him. Therefore that must be the person who committed the crime. They, in fact might even create a new memory when they see the person and move that person as the person who committed the crime. And now they will firmly believe that that is the person.
Speaker 2
00:41:53 Now this is.00:41:54 An important thing to to to realize about how memory works.
00:41:59 Look, though, that woman screaming with the tat. Look, she has the the the concentration camp tattoo. I'm not prepared to say she wasn't at a concentration camp when she was young. I'm not even prepared to say her. Her family weren't killed in some way. Whether it was because of exposure typists or or maybe even being worked to.
00:42:17 Death. Who knows, right?
00:42:19 We're talking about gas chambers.
00:42:24 And it's very possible that yes, she was near a crematorium. What do you? I mean, it's not like crematoriums didn't exist. There were crematoriums. They did burn, some bodies. That what? What are you going to do with bodies? Right. They also burn trash. What do you do with trash?
00:42:42 They had incinerators that's like, no one disputes that there weren't that they were incinerators there, right? Just not incinerators capable of burning millions upon millions of bodies.
00:42:57 So it's entirely possible that some of these Holocaust survivors, who again were like what, you know, 10 years old, eleven years old, thirteen years old.
00:43:09 They remember smoke.
00:43:11 They remember a bad smell in the air from the smoke.
00:43:18 And those memories are missing a lot of pieces.
00:43:24 They're they start being told.
00:43:29 The war propaganda war propaganda that might even exist at the time while they're staying at the camp, there's probably rumors of, Oh yeah, did you know they're gassing people? They're war propaganda. Got out.
00:43:40 News gone out. Believe it or not, people weren't completely in the dark in these camps.
00:43:46 Rumors start spreading. Oh, yeah, they're burning up Jews. That's Jews. In fact, you could even say that might have been a way to keep them in line. Oh, you better be good or you're going to be in the smoke.
00:44:02 And so this starts to to fill in these holes, and they might actually really believe it. It creates new memories.
00:44:10 As we will soon see.
Speaker 14
00:44:13 Ever mistake a sales clerk for an old classmate or disliked a person because they reminded you of someone else.Speaker 24
00:44:20 Unconscious transference is very common. It doesn't just.00:44:23 Happen in police.
00:44:24 Lineups and that happens because we store our experiences as fragments and when you recollect those experiences, what you try to do is reconstruct a story around the fragments.
Speaker 14
00:44:36 Want to see what we mean?00:44:39 We'll take a moment to recall your childhood home.
00:44:43 What color was the door?
Speaker 2
00:44:43 Or Auschwitz.Speaker 14
00:44:45 How many windows were on the?00:44:47 Front. Got it.
Speaker 2
00:44:49 How many gas chambers were?Speaker 14
00:44:51 There, even if it seems complete, most likely your brain is remembering only a few details of your home and piercing them together with details of other houses in order to form an entire picture. With so few fragments to work with.Speaker 2
00:45:03 Or war propaganda.Speaker 14
00:45:06 Your memory of the house might look different every time you think of.00:45:10 And every time you think twice, you risk altering the memory even further.
Speaker 24
00:45:15 When you remember something, you changed the biochemistry of the memory that you originally had, and when you change the biochemistry of the memory that you originally have, it becomes vulnerable to alteration.Speaker 2
00:45:31 So basically you could think of your memory because your you know your brain's a biological computer.00:45:39 You can think of your memory as in in many ways it's a.
00:45:45 It's like a failing hard drive.
00:45:48 And every time you access the sectors that have the information on it that you want.
00:45:55 You risk the possibility that that data is going to be corrupted.
00:46:02 Because you're not a, you're not a machine. In fact, just look, it's not even if.
00:46:06 Even if you were right, a functioning hard drive at a certain point will begin to age.
00:46:13 Will begin to to fail and will begin.
00:46:17 To destroy itself.
00:46:21 As it mechanically fails.
00:46:24 As the OR you know, look, it's even solid-state stuff is the same way, right, solid-state, SD cards.
00:46:33 Have a limit it have a finite amount of times you can read and write to them.
00:46:39 Because little by little.
00:46:42 They degrade.
00:46:45 And you risk.
00:46:47 The chance that just by reading a file you'll corrupt it.
00:46:54 And that's exactly how the memory works, only it's it's almost worse because.
00:47:00 You can selectively corrupt the human mind.
00:47:06 You know an SSD or a hard drive. It's going to be corrupted just by, you know, the hard drives case the.
00:47:11 The the magnetic head that's reading the the spinning disk.
00:47:19 It's not going to add, you know, data to the the, the, the the file.
00:47:28 But with the human mind, you can plant. I mean, you can completely plant memories out of, you know, with not. And you know, you have to be like, hypnotized or something like that. People are always to some.
00:47:38 Extent open to suggestion.
00:47:40 As you'll soon see.
00:47:41 They do this with this group of people here.
00:47:48 But they can get you to just by remembering something and suggesting something to you as you're remembering.
00:47:55 It you might save those suggestions in your brain as the memory.
Speaker 14
00:48:04 Brain has over 100 billion neurons, so many that it would take you over 3000 years to count them. Each time you revisit a memory, the pathways between them are rewired, altering the brain physically and the memory chemically until ultimately we believe that which we remember.00:48:24 To be true, a close attention to what you're about to hear.
Speaker 2
00:48:29 So here's where they they they get all these people who witnessed the fake crime and they put them.00:48:34 Inside a courtroom.
00:48:35 This is some professor of memory or I don't. I don't know what her exact title is, doesn't really matter. She is going to ask them questions about the events and see if they would be willing to testify.
00:48:49 If they feel certain enough.
00:48:51 About what they saw again, no skin in the game.
00:48:55 These are people that have no skin in the game, no reason to to deceive. They don't get anything out of being wrong. In fact, if they see this as a game, they might think that they get.
00:49:05 Something for being right?
00:49:09 If nothing else, they don't want to be embarrassed on national television.
00:49:14 Remembering something wrong.
00:49:17 So they have every motivation to be right.
00:49:21 And no motivation.
00:49:25 To use hyperbole or to exaggerate anything.
00:49:30 Whereas Holocaust survivors.
00:49:33 Have every reason.
00:49:36 At the very least.
00:49:38 To use hyperbole and exaggerate.
00:49:40 If you are getting compensated based on.
00:49:44 Pain and suffering.
00:49:48 You're going to want to exaggerate as much as possible.
00:49:54 That pain and suffering.
00:50:00 And it might not even be a financial thing, although.
00:50:03 I think in in this case it is.
00:50:06 It's also, I mean it's like the stolen valor people, right? Like the people that dress up as soldiers and they go to, you know, just random places in public just because they want people to thank them for their service and treat them nice or whatever.
00:50:23 They want the recognition.
00:50:29 It's a very human thing, and so you have these people that everywhere they go. Oh, she's a Holocaust survivor. Ohh. They're gonna treat you like royalty.
00:50:38 Oh, life must have been so hard for you. Oh, yeah. We're going to do everything we can for you. You're a.
00:50:43 Holocaust survivor.
00:50:46 Oh, tell us. Tell us again, grandma. The the horrific stories of your youth.
00:50:53 Here's your $1000 check from the German government.
00:51:01 It's big business, it's it's in the 10s of billions of dollars that.
00:51:06 In fact it.
00:51:08 I'd have to look it up again, but I think it was. It was either. I think it was rapidly approaching the hundreds of billions of dollars that the German government has paid out as reparations for the so-called Holocaust.
00:51:22 So in contrast to all these, you know these.
00:51:25 These other you know factors.
00:51:28 These people that are part of this experiment, they have no reason to lie. They have no reason to embellish.
00:51:38 And let's see.
00:51:40 It hasn't been 50 years. It hasn't been 50 years or 70 years or 80 years or whatever this just happened.
00:51:48 This just happened. Let's see how well their memory is.
Speaker 14
00:51:51 Because everything you thought you knew might change.Speaker 20
00:51:58 Hi everyone. I'm, I'm Elizabeth. And I'm just going to be asking you a few questions. What do you remember?Speaker 26
00:52:05 I remember a woman screaming and some language. I don't know what it was, maybe Italian somebody.Speaker 27
00:52:12 He ran up and grabbed something out of his bag, ran off.00:52:17 And I remember the woman she was still standing there for a second. She remember. She had, like, really long dark hair.
00:52:24 She had on.
00:52:25 A red coat.Speaker 27
00:52:26 That's that's pretty much it.Speaker 25
00:52:30 Can you say I saw a white?00:52:33 Blazer on this woman.
Speaker 23
00:52:34 Yeah, so did.Speaker 27
00:52:35 I definitely saw her and Rick. She was the first thing.Speaker 20
00:52:37 That I saw. So you agree with that, but you disagree.Speaker 19
00:52:43 Yeah, well, when he said red that.00:52:44 Kind of triggered my memory of red.
Speaker 20
00:52:48 Good, Steve.Speaker 2
00:52:50 And that's the one with the Acacia Berry. So you know, she's probably right. You know, she took the Acacia Berry nut or whatever the **** she was saying she took.00:52:57 And her memory is really good cause she was there. She was right next to the crematorium.
Speaker 20
00:53:03 Details the more the merrier.Speaker 26
00:53:05 I saw somebody come over and just take his camera out of his.00:53:10 Bag hit the go shoulder bag.
Speaker 20
00:53:12 Did anybody see the camera raise your hand?00:53:17 OK. We have three of you.
Speaker 27
00:53:20 And definitely grabbed the camera out of the guys bag, silver camera and and ran off like in the same direction. So he sort of he came from like my right and they kept going off to the left.Speaker 22
00:53:34 Something dropped that I realized it was something.00:53:36 That the older the older guy had.
Speaker 20
00:53:41 By the way, we've heard sort of conflicting information about the hat she was wearing. Some said it was grayish and some said it was greenish. And do you remember that hat?Speaker 26
00:53:50 Yeah, I mean.Speaker 20
00:53:50 I think it's definitely grayish, grayish. Yeah, OK.Speaker 18
00:53:54 I remember had.Speaker 20
00:53:55 It all me.Speaker 22
00:53:56 Either I think she did have that and maybe it fell off when she started screaming at the other.Speaker 1
00:53:56 Me either, yeah.Speaker 14
00:54:04 So how does your memory compare with the witnesses?00:54:08 Here's a list of statements. Stop us when you hear one that isn't true. The women's coat is red. The man dropped his camera. The camera is silver.
00:54:22 The woman's coat is white.
00:54:25 Did you say stop?
00:54:28 What if we told you every single one of those statements is false?
Speaker 25
00:54:33 I will go understand and testify that I saw the young lady with the white blazer on.Speaker 23
00:54:38 I'm actually adamant about the fact that her coat was either a cream or a a white wool coat.Speaker 22
00:54:44 And before you know it, another guy came and he ran off and it was an object dropped.Speaker 19
00:54:49 His camera case was empty after.Speaker
00:54:52 The truth is, I.Speaker 20
00:54:53 Don't know why we want to find.00:54:55 Out what happened?
Speaker 14
00:54:57 And what if we told you to really throw you off track? We've planted 2 extra witnesses.00:55:03 In the room.
00:55:04 Who have deliberately messed with your memory and the memories of everyone else.
Speaker 4
00:55:09 Well, we did.Speaker 2
00:55:14 Enter the shells.00:55:18 You see, they're going to talk about what they did is they planted two people in the in the jury booth to say things like, oh, her, her jacket was red or she was wearing a hat or or all these things and. And of course, because of groupthink and because of the the fact that the memories are not.
00:55:38 Written perfectly in their heads, there's missing pieces. They're fragments now all of a sudden you're giving them data to fill those those.
00:55:44 Holes up.
00:55:45 With and, the brain starts rewriting it because it's. That's what we're we're we're designed to do.
00:55:51 So if you had a Holocaust survivor, quote UN quote, someone that was maybe we'll just say legitimately at a camp legitimately at a camp, they were tattooed, they were worked, you know, in in some kind of work camp or maybe not. Maybe they were just sitting there imprisoned. They saw, you know, smoke coming from the the crematorium or whatever.
00:56:13 And but by and large things were were not. They didn't see any gas. You know, Chambers, obviously they didn't see anyone being any of the bodies being dragged out of the of the gas chambers. They didn't see the electric floor. They didn't see the the eagle and the bear, they didn't see the ************ machines. They didn't see the roller coaster.
00:56:34 They didn't see the floor that opened up into a pit of spikes, like they didn't see any of this stuff, right, because it didn't exist.
00:56:43 But then.
00:56:47 As they get older.
00:56:48 And remember, right?
00:56:49 After World War 2, the word Holocaust go find an old encyclopedia. Find an encyclopedia from the 1950s or 60s. An encyclopedia that you would think would have at least an entry for the Holocaust. Since World War Two was right then you.
00:57:02 Know it just.
00:57:02 It it was fresh in the memories of the people putting together the encyclopedia, right. There's no mention of the Holocaust.
00:57:10 It's not until the 1970s, after a A made for TV miniseries, was put together called, I think, called the Holocaust. In in, in, put on American television, starring, I think it was Meryl Streep and others.
00:57:27 That really the word Holocaust.
00:57:29 Was even in the minds of most people.
00:57:31 In the West.
00:57:34 And so now now all of a sudden you're a Holocaust survivor. You're you're all these missing pieces in your memory are being filled with these stories.
00:57:44 Not just the war propaganda that existed right before, during and after the war.
00:57:50 But a lot of opportunists, the people that are outright frauds, that even again Holocaust historians will tell you, were outright frauds. The people that said they, you know, they lived in the forest with wolves and and, you know, just like the crazy stories, there's lots of crazy stories that were taken seriously at the time that were published.
00:58:12 So you're reading all these accounts, you're talking to the other Jews that have heard these rumors and and you start to fill in these gaps in your memory to include gas chambers.
00:58:23 Again, I'm not even. I'm not saying that's necessarily the case with all these people. I think some of these people were just outright lying. In fact, we're gonna. We're gonna. We're gonna meet at least one of them here in a moment.
00:58:35 But I think it's entirely possible for people who were there and they were there as children. They were there, as you know, 9/10/11 12:13.
00:58:46 And they firmly believe they really believe.
00:58:50 That there were gas chambers.
00:58:54 Because the shills.
00:58:56 Planted those memories in their head in the same way that this woman her shills.
00:59:01 Planted details about this incident they witnessed.
Speaker 20
00:59:09 I am a psychological scientist. I study human memory, particularly the malleability of memory. I do experiments in which we deliberately try to distort people's memory for things that have happened in the past, or even try to plant entirely false memories into the minds of people.Speaker 26
00:59:30 Hi. Hi, I'm Amanda.Speaker 23
00:59:32 Hi Amanda. I'm.Speaker 26
00:59:32 Elizabeth, hi. Nice to.Speaker 27
00:59:33 Hi, Jordan. Nice to meet you.Speaker 15
00:59:34 Meet you. Hi.Speaker 14
00:59:37 Before joining the other witnesses, Amanda and Jordan were given a mission.00:59:41 By doctor Loftus.
Speaker 20
00:59:43 What we're going to try to do is distort the memories of some of the real witnesses to this theft.00:59:53 What you remember should contain a lot of true details, things that if the real witnesses remember, they'll resonate to, and then the false information.
01:00:04 If you would say.
01:00:05 Ohh, by the way, the woman had long dark hair and.
01:00:09 A red.
01:00:10 OK, good to go. OK, thank you.
Speaker 14
01:00:12 Alright, thanks. Could two fake witnesses plant fake details about the woman's coat and man's camera into the minds of the real witnesses?Speaker 20
01:00:22 Witnesses can pick up information from each other that they incorporate into their memory, and it can cause an alteration, A contamination, A distortion, or even just.01:00:32 Add to somebody's memory who would be willing if called to testify about something that you're sure about. So.
Speaker 2
01:00:44 See all these people are are positive.01:00:48 Positive. Did they know these details, including people that have already demonstrated that they're going to pick up on the the information planted by the shills?
Speaker 20
01:01:00 So virtually all of you or many of you would go to court and testify. Alright. Well, let's take a look at what actually happened.Speaker 11
01:01:15 Ohh look look. Look which one did you say? Listen. Ohh.Speaker 8
01:01:17 For you show where the one you're the.01:01:19 Winner. You see, that's the one you gotta.
01:01:20 Pay attention or.Speaker 15
01:01:21 You gotta what? What? I get what I don't understand you. What are you saying? I guess I don't understand what you're saying. Hey, hey, hey, hey.Speaker 7
01:01:34 Not wait.Speaker 25
01:01:38 I'm the oldest one up here. I'm.01:01:39 The oldest leave me alone.
Speaker 23
01:01:42 Cheryl, I'm stunned. Are you guys? You guys must have.01:01:46 Changed the video.
Speaker 8
01:01:50 It's all done.Speaker 23
01:01:50 I'm I've been.01:01:51 Shocked, I don't know what to say.
Speaker 2
01:01:54 They don't know what to say.01:01:58 See one of the reasons why they I I truly believe that they need to keep this myth going. Aside from the obvious reasons, right?
01:02:08 It it's gonna be as well with as what's going on right now when Gaza has is demonstrating, it's gonna be a lot harder to cover **** up because people have cameras now.
01:02:20 It's going to be a lot harder to spread propaganda when everyone's got a little TV.
01:02:25 Studio in their pocket.
01:02:28 Which is exactly why they shut the Internet down in in Gaza and and the power down in Gaza.
01:02:37 But all these people are shocked again. They have no they had no motive whatsoever to embellish or lying, aside from the 2 shells that were plants.
01:02:47 They were there specifically to **** with them.
01:02:50 By the way, we'll we'll meet the uh.
01:02:54 A someone who's analogous to these people when it comes to the Holocaust here.
01:02:58 In a moment.
Speaker 23
01:03:00 I was sure her coat was white, absolutely positive.Speaker 25
01:03:03 I would have bet anything that I was correct.01:03:07 I don't think I would testify. I'm serious because after that now I would trust myself. I would go understand and testify that I saw the young lady with the white blazer on.
Speaker 20
01:03:20 How about multicolor?Speaker 19
01:03:25 Technically I mean.01:03:26 Nobody said Gray and that.
Speaker 2
01:03:28 Ohh yeah, here's the here's the Super smart my memory is the best because I take a Keisha Berry not and I'm super smart and I lived right next to the crematorium. So I was there. Look at my tattoo.01:03:43 She's still she's still trying to make it sound like.
01:03:45 She's not wrong.
01:03:47 Even when faced with video like *****.
01:03:50 You were wrong.
Speaker 11
01:03:51 She's like, well, technically.Speaker 2
01:03:53 You know what I mean? This is this is what you're witnessing when you see these women or just these people talk about their experience in these camps.Speaker 20
01:04:04 So Elizabeth Loftus, I study memory and and memory distortion. And actually we were trying to deliberately distort your memories first.01:04:16 Of all we tried to distort your memory by putting shills in there who deliberately said something wrong. So which of you are the shills?
Speaker 8
01:04:33 Now I know why you placed them at the outside where they could escape.Speaker 1
01:04:37 With you.Speaker 14
01:04:39 The shills mission succeeded.Speaker 22
01:04:43 And before you know it, another guy came and he ran off and it was an object dropped. It seemed like it was a camera.Speaker 8
01:04:49 Bag what dropped to the.Speaker 22
01:04:50 Ground didn't see. I don't know what it.Speaker 19
01:04:53 Was it seemed like he dropped his camera case as well because his camera case was empty after almost looked like she.01:04:59 Grabbed something of his and went running.
Speaker 2
01:05:04 So in just one week.01:05:06 So imagine what 50 years?
01:05:10 50 years.
01:05:12 Of Holocaust propaganda war propaganda.
01:05:18 Published stories about living with wolves and electrified floors.
01:05:26 Being treated like royalty because you are one of these mystical beings called a Holocaust survivor.
01:05:34 Monetary gain in the form of reparations.
01:05:47 So you can see how these eyewitness accounts.
01:05:52 All of a sudden not so reliable.
01:05:54 Now are they?
Speaker 18
01:05:56 It's really disturbing when any witness is fault. See, I mean, what are the odds of them actually seeing what actually happened? If this many people saw it and didn't see?Speaker 20
01:06:04 It it's the kind of thing that goes on in, in actual cases, even with people like you who are trying to be as accurate and and honest and straightforward.01:06:15 It's possible.
Speaker 2
01:06:17 So just imagine the people who aren't.01:06:21 Like this woman?
01:06:28 Now, this woman, Irene Weisberg.
01:06:33 Irene Weisberg is a Holocaust survivor.
01:06:37 Who was interviewed for?
01:06:41 Steven Spielberg's documentary.
01:06:46 Academy award-winning documentary.
01:06:51 Describing the horrors that she witnessed in the concentration camps.
01:06:58 Lot of her stories don't make sense a lot, in fact, she contradicts herself depending on when she's interviewed.
Speaker 13
01:07:13 And they we were laying on a on a rusty table alongside one another and the doctor.Speaker 2
01:07:22 This is by the way. This is her explaining.01:07:26 Uh. Why? Why? She doesn't have a a tattoo.
01:07:29 On her arm.
01:07:31 That would that would indicate that she was even at a concentration camp. So listen carefully. Got eyewitness testimony.
Speaker 13
01:07:41 And they we were laying on a.01:07:46 On a rusty table alongside one another, and the doctor and the nurse were between the two of us, and they were first they were injecting things into our arm, like underneath the the. And that wasn't too bad because it was just like an injection. And then they were pulling things.
01:08:06 Out of there, and by then our arm was swelling and and then they were and then they were cutting without that except that except and that and and within a week, I think of 10 days, they found a way to get rid of the number.
Speaker 2
01:08:24 After a week of injecting things in her arm, they found a way to remove her tattoo now, which is odd, right? Because tattoo removal. That's big money now.01:08:35 That's big ******* money. You if you happen to find an easy way to remove entirely a tattoo. Doesn't matter how painful it was or how many shots you had to put in people's arms. If you could do away or do away with someone's tattoo in a week.
01:08:50 You'd be a billionaire.
01:08:53 Well, apparently, according to her, the the Germans, thanks to thanks to the experiments they were they were conducting on her and her her friend.
01:09:01 They found a way to do it, but apparently it's it's it's the the lost Nazi science.
01:09:08 We'll never get that the lost Nazi science of of tattoo removal.
Speaker 13
01:09:13 And we didn't know why. Why would they want to take it out after they put it in? And why us? Why do they want our number out?01:09:25 And then the nurse that was working with them.
01:09:29 She told us that the S have S printed under their arm and now they want their identity. They want to hide their identity. They don't want that in their body, so they are experimenting on our numbers.
01:09:48 Because they have the same ink and the S sign under their arm as they used for our numbers. So they used our our bodies for to see how fast they can get that out so they can get it out.
01:10:04 Of the s s.
Speaker 2
01:10:06 Ah, yes, reliable eyewitness testimony. The s s. Apparently the Nazis. They already knew.01:10:13 They were going to.
01:10:14 Lose, right? You know, which is why, of course. They got rid of any and all documents. Talking about gas chambers. They knew they were going to lose. And so they they refocused their efforts. Not on trying to win, but on the they've already. They don't accept that they were going to lose. And now the.
01:10:28 Says officers. They were really concerned about their s s tattoos. They were like, oh ****, they find RSS tattoos and.
01:10:34 We're done for.
01:10:36 So grab some of them Jews that we tattooed, and let's experiment with them until we can come up with some secret Nazi science that'll remove tattoos with a couple injections.
01:10:49 And it worked.
01:10:51 Look, this is a woman that is featured in in Spielberg's documentary that won an Academy Award.
01:10:59 And it gets stupider from here.
01:11:06 Let me scale this down all that.
Speaker 13
01:11:10 A lot of people did go to the barbed wire. There was electricity and the.01:11:14 Barbed wire. Every time there was.
01:11:16 A transport coming through the electricity went up and the the Bob wires were electrified, so it was they. They were controlling it when it was on and when it was off, when it was on, people would walk up to it just to die. When they saw that too many people were taking their own lives.
01:11:36 That didn't satisfy them too well, because they wanted them to die when they wanted them to die.
Speaker 11
01:11:43 Hey, listen to listen to.Speaker 2
01:11:44 This blood label alright?01:11:46 They're these are death camps.
01:11:51 These are death camps that are designed to exterminate Jews.
01:11:58 They've got some kind of electric electrified fence.
01:12:04 And the Jews are doing the work for him. Apparently the Jews are so upset by being in these extermination camps. I guess I could hardly blame them, right. Their extermination camps. And they're throwing themselves into the electric fences.
01:12:21 But the Nazis are so mad. They were, so they wanted to be the ones to kill the Jews. They didn't want the Jews to to do the work that what is it that finally we found some work that the Jews are.
01:12:32 Willing to do.
01:12:34 And it's the work that the the.
01:12:36 We, the Nazis, want to do. How dare they?
01:12:40 So the Nazis were mad.
01:12:43 That the Jews were.
01:12:44 Killing themselves.
01:12:47 At the extermination camp.
01:12:51 So what did they say? What did they say?
Speaker 13
01:12:54 And that's when the people wanted it to die. So they said for every person that's going to take their lives, they're going to torture to death five of us.Speaker 2
01:13:10 So at the extermination camp.01:13:14 For everyone that that kills themselves.
01:13:18 On the electric fence at the extermination camp, where we're where we're killing everybody.
01:13:25 You better not kill yourself, because if you kill yourself on the electric fence, we'll kill 5.
Speaker 25
01:13:31 Of you guys.Speaker 2
01:13:38 Well, I thought the whole point, they're.01:13:39 Gonna kill all of them.
01:13:41 Why only 5?
Speaker 13
01:13:42 So of course, everybody ignored the the Bob Wire. From then on in nobody died at the wire from that.01:13:50 From that day on.
Speaker 2
01:13:54 So then she was interviewed in 1998.01:13:58 See, this is the Steven Spielberg and the show of foundation. The last days, the last days is the name of the documentary. And as I mentioned before on the movie poster and on the DVD, it says everything you're about to see is true. Everything.
01:14:13 And what does she say in this? Same in this documentary a couple years later.
Speaker 13
01:14:18 And so when the electricity went on, they ran to the barbed wire to commit suicide. Then they punished us. For every man that ran to the wire, they they took 100 inmates.Speaker 2
01:14:31 Wow 100 it was. It was only 5.01:14:34 And it's funny she's even doing 5 with her hand as.
01:14:37 She says 100.
01:14:45 So you have these shills.
01:14:48 That are muddying the water. So even if you're someone who's legitimately trying to remember what happened while you were there when you were 11 years old, your memory is being affected by people like this woman who is just obviously lying and making stuff up and embellishing things to be featured in an award-winning documentary.
01:15:04 And and paraded around. In fact, there were still other as of 2013 there this woman is still being shopped. I don't know if she's still around now, but I mean, she'd have to be close to death. She looked pretty.
01:15:17 Haggard. I guess the on the last video that.
01:15:20 I saw of her.
01:15:23 So it went from 5 to 100.
01:15:26 Now the Nazis are saying if you kill yourself at the death camp.
01:15:31 We'll kill 100 of you.
01:15:35 After saying that it was, it was 5. Not that I mean, not that it matters because.
01:15:40 It's all ******* nonsense.
Speaker 13
01:15:42 And finally.01:15:44 We got to the.
01:15:46 4th experiment, the third experiment.
01:15:52 Which was they selected the five of us and they they.
01:15:57 Again, with the smooth skin.
01:16:00 And there's.
Speaker 2
01:16:00 Ohh, here we go. She's gonna tell you all about the lamp shades again. This is something that official mainstream accepted Holocaust.01:16:12 Historians will tell you is made-up. There were no lamp shades, there were no bars of soap. It never made any sense to begin with. Anyone that's rational at all will tell you. Hey, look, I mean, if Nazis hate Jews so much, why would they want to wear their skin or have their skin in their house?
01:16:33 On a lamp, I mean just just.
01:16:35 I mean, just having human skin lamp shades is a little gross. But I mean, why would you want the people you hated the most to decorate your house with it? It just sounds horrible and and freakish, which is exactly what they want you to think when you think about Nazis. Right? So of course.
01:16:53 Of course they would do that cause they're.
01:16:54 Just they're that crazy.
01:16:57 That's of course it defies reason.
01:17:04 Well, here's your eyewitness testimony, right. Even though historians have proven this never happened here, you have eye witness testimony proving.
01:17:11 That it did.
01:17:14 Here we have the least reliable type of evidence that is the most believed by juries.
01:17:21 Or by millions of normies all across the West.
Speaker 13
01:17:26 They said that we're going to another camp, but we will be back and they said that we.01:17:33 Will go so.
01:17:34 She found that from the girl in charge that they're taking us to Madonna.
01:17:43 And she says, well what?
01:17:44 Is my banach.
01:17:46 And she said, well, I hate to tell you this, but I think that.
01:17:52 It's a cook.
01:17:54 That was taking the human skin and making gloves and lamp shades and.
01:18:02 I think her, her and the camp she was doing that was innsbrook. I don't remember the camp she was in that she was coming to my direct to select her, her her material for the lamp shades and we have the skin for it.
01:18:22 And she said to me, let's go back to the barrack and not go, not go here. And I said, well, are they going to let us do that? She says no, they're going to tell us, but it's better to die here than.
01:18:34 Going to my down, I can let them skin our skin. This is they going to skin our skin.
01:18:41 Why? And she said, because there is a there is an assessed woman and she is a maniac. She has to be a maniac to do this. She likes human gloves made out of human skin and loves birds and God knows what else she she does.
Speaker 11
01:18:55 It's great.Speaker 2
01:19:00 See, they're just crazy.01:19:05 It doesn't have to make sense. The Nazis were just crazy, homicidal maniacs.
01:19:13 Again, this is one of the people they decide to feature in a Steven Spielberg.
01:19:19 Documentary that won an Oscar.
01:19:28 And she's making **** up.
01:19:35 Like I said, I don't think these are these are. I mean, they're they can't possibly be memories that are planted in her head because there's they come with such detail, at least with the other people that we played in the beginning of the stream, they they admit, yeah, we never saw the gas chambers, but you know, someone so told me that they were. And I know they.
01:19:54 Were there because I was really close?
01:19:56 And, you know, people would talk about them and we know that they were there. OK, I can understand that being something that was planted in your head and you might actually believe that, but this ***** is just straight out lying.
01:20:10 She's just making **** up.
Speaker 25
01:20:18 So in other words, you.Speaker 12
01:20:19 Feel that that if you are blind, somebody else.Speaker 2
01:20:26 And people believe it. See.01:20:29 All the people clapping.
01:20:35 Because I witnessed testimony despite being the least reliable is the most influential in a court case.
01:20:44 That audience is eating it up, even though this woman is being told. Hey, look, the lampshade thing is fake. It doesn't that, that, that everyone admits that it's fake.
01:20:54 Look at my tattoo. I was there. I saw it. You can't tell me it's fake. Well, it is fake *****.
01:21:10 But Irene Weissberg, she gets a little more colorful with her accounts of what she witnessed.
Speaker 13
01:21:19 My mother said to me I.01:21:20 Rolled up diamonds in your skirt and.
01:21:23 The hem of your skirt.
01:21:26 And if you don't have enough to eat, those are to buy bread.
01:21:31 They ordered us to to take our shoes on one hand and our clothes on the other hand. Then I remembered the diamond.
01:21:39 And I grabbed my blue skirt and in the crowd, you know, I just fast, took out the diamonds and held them in my hands. And I had no clue.
Speaker 2
01:21:47 Again, this story is in Steven Spielberg's Academy award-winning documentary that was seen by millions of people.01:21:56 And taken as absolute truth as to what happened during World War 2.
01:22:04 Her mom gave her diamonds. I don't know where those came from, but her mom gave her diamonds and said, you know, if you ever get in a situation where you.
01:22:10 Need to buy?
01:22:11 Bread. Buy it with these diamonds, I guess. But whatever. That's not the weird part.
Speaker 13
01:22:16 Clothes on my body. They kept on saying if anybody has any valuables left to leave them, they had a section for that.01:22:24 And I held on to the diamonds for dear life because that was to buy bread. So I put them in my mouth and then when I walked up again, I saw they were opening up people's mouth and they were looking in the mouth. And but I was in the I was like, at the at the road of no return. I couldn't give them up anymore because I would be shocked. Why didn't I leave them back there?
01:22:47 And I had him in my math and I didn't know what to do, so I swallowed them.
01:22:51 The whole time I was in the camp, through the experiment, every time I was selected, I swallowed the diamonds. So every time I swallowed them I had to find them again. We were allowed to go to the latrine once a day and I never sat in the hole because I had to go and find my diamonds.
Speaker 2
01:23:12 So she had **** diamonds.01:23:16 She's saying this same woman that just told you that she was being sized up for lamp shade skin.
01:23:24 That they use some kind of crazy Nazi science to remove her tattoo.
01:23:31 That she would **** diamonds.
01:23:35 And then eat them again.
01:23:38 Every time she had to go in for another one of these totally real experiments they were doing on her that somehow she survived all of.
01:23:49 So for the entire time.
01:23:52 That she was in this extermination camp not getting exterminated.
01:23:58 She was eating and then ******** and then eating and then ******** diamonds.
01:24:03 This is this is.
01:24:05 People believe this. People believe it. Why? Because it's it's eyewitness testimony. She was there.
Speaker 13
01:24:13 And one day the assessed woman walked by the door and she saw me in the corner and I already had the diamonds in the hand, and usually I was.01:24:20 Waiting until on.
01:24:21 The way back and I would rinse them off like.
01:24:24 In the mud.
01:24:25 Or if there was no mud in the soup that we were going to get next, but I had no time and.
01:24:30 I had to swallow them.
01:24:31 I saved the diamonds all the way, all the way through the whole everything.
01:24:36 And when I was free, I.
01:24:40 Didn't talk about the Holocaust, but I took the diamonds and I mounted them into a teardrop shape pendant because every time I had to save them I had to cry so much. So I felt that the tears are appropriate for that. And I told my children that these diamonds should go down from generation to generation to the first born girl.
01:25:02 Taste what it tastes like.
01:25:06 And you can see there are different shapes and they're different cuts.
01:25:10 And the only thing that I.
01:25:13 That I'm holding that my mother ever held.
Speaker 2
01:25:17 Oh, it's my **** diamonds.01:25:20 Alright, I can't wait to inherit grandma's **** diamonds.
01:25:25 See, that's. But that's the, you know, all jokes aside, that's the ****** ** thing. As her grandkids are going to believe this ****.
01:25:32 Her children and grandchildren, and that is why, honestly, that's that's.
01:25:36 A big part of why the Jews that have come to America.
01:25:40 Not the only part, and not even like the significant part or the most significant part, but a big part as to why they're as neurotic as they are.
01:25:49 Is they believe this ****.
01:25:51 Literal ****. They believe this.
01:25:54 They believe in the **** diamonds.
01:25:57 They believe in the lamp shades.
01:26:00 They believe in the soap. They believe in the hair mattresses. They believe all of it.
01:26:07 And one of the reasons why they believe it is because of ******* like this.
01:26:15 And if you try to say anything about it not being real.
01:26:20 Will they point that cannon at?
01:26:21 You don't, they?
01:26:26 And look, it won't matter. You can say, well, you know, eventually it'll wear off, right? It'll be fine because people like this are going to age out and it'll start to just sound like.
01:26:38 You know ancient history and to some extent I agree, right. It's not as influential as it was on the boomers as, as you know, every generation, you're losing a little bit of the emotional power, but they're going to great lengths to make sure that that, that that doesn't happen.
01:26:54 That these Holocaust survivors.
01:26:57 Live forever.
Speaker 6
01:27:04 You know, in Superman how at the Fortress of Solitude, Superman can speak to his father, even though his father has long since passed away. Well, essentially what's happening there? Superman is having a nice, fluid conversation with a recording of his father. Well, that very technology.01:27:21 Has arrived.
01:27:22 What do you hope?
01:27:23 People learn most from your experiences.
Speaker 10
01:27:26 What I would.01:27:27 Like my legacy, my story, the legacy of my story to be.
Speaker 6
01:27:31 It's called new dimensions in testimony, and it was developed by the University of Southern California's Show of foundation that the institute started by Steven Spielberg to help combat hate and violence, primarily by capturing stories of Holocaust survivors and helping to tell their stories in unique and compelling ways. Well, this certainly qualifies. It may just look like a big TV spun sideways.01:27:51 On it, a Holocaust survivor telling his story. But what's happening here? You can sit down in front of him and just ask questions into this microphone and he'll answers. If he was sitting there in.
01:28:00 Fresh questions can be as basic as when were you born to deeper ones like what was the most horrific thing you experienced or?
01:28:08 Do you ever feel like you want to get revenge?
Speaker 10
01:28:12 I'm not a revengeful person.01:28:15 So I wanted justice and justice is not revenge.
Speaker 29
01:28:19 Poker survivors have been speaking in classrooms for a couple of generations now and telling their story and engaging with young people, and we realise that that opportunities is soon to be lost.01:28:29 And we wanted to try and capture that that intimate moment by which when young people have heard the story of a Holocaust survivor, they can ask their own question.
01:28:38 About their lives and the causes and consequences of their experiences.
Speaker 6
01:28:41 Now, if you're among those who likes the gritty techie details on what's happening behind the scenes, how it's actually working, strapping.Speaker 29
01:28:48 So what happens is you speak into a microphone, an automatic speech recognition software picks up your your words turns that into text.Speaker 2
01:28:56 And we know whatever we don't we we know how this kind of stuff works.01:29:02 So they are. They're making these people live forever.
01:29:07 So they're all there.
01:29:08 Will always be this eyewitness testimony.
01:29:12 Much of which is ********.
01:29:17 It's the most believed kind of testimony.
01:29:21 And the least reliable kind of testimony.
01:29:25 And it will exist forever.
01:29:33 And look.
01:29:36 This is the this is right here is the the culture.
01:29:41 That keeps it going that the high end group preference, the nepotism, the circle, the wagons mentality of Jews. This is not talking about the Holocaust. This is talking about what's going on in Gaza and the public perception that the world is.
01:29:57 The the the, the, the that they're losing there for the first time really in my lifetime and and maybe in in quite some time, maybe since World War 2, Jews are losing.
01:30:07 Losing well, I don't know if that's the right.
01:30:09 Word they're struggling.
01:30:12 They're struggling with the propaganda war.
Speaker 7
01:30:16 And you will say what you want us to make you look good. That's not my job. Your job is to.01:30:23 Make us look good.
01:30:25 Our job is not to make you look good. American Jews. What do you have to worry about? Your job is to make us look good.
01:30:33 And here's how you do it. Every one of us has to serve three years in the army, two years in the army, some of us five years. And then for the rest of our lives, you have got to serve two or three.
01:30:44 Years in the.
01:30:45 Army of words.
01:30:46 You've got to learn to fight the political battle.
01:30:49 Which is even more important at this point than the military battle that we are. We'll fight the military battle. We're not asking you necessarily to come and be lone soldiers, although some of you can. You've got to learn how to fight back on the campuses, how to make the arguments now they keep shifting, you know.
01:31:09 It it it it?
01:31:09 The the ground keeps shifting under us. They keep changing the language. Intersectionality wasn't even a word 10 years ago. Now, suddenly, it's intersectionality. You've got to stay on top.
Speaker 1
01:31:20 Of it and.Speaker 7
01:31:21 You know how we train for.01:31:22 The army we don't train for defensive warfare if the if the war against Israel ever had to be fought on Israeli soil, do I have?
01:31:33 To tell you.
01:31:34 It's it's. It's an impossibility. So it's the same thing. Don't let the war of words ever be thought about Israel's nature. Let it be thought about why you can't accept Israel, why you have to single out this tiny people try to find Israel on the map. It's hardly there. You know, we used.
01:31:54 To play this game.
01:31:55 Where is Waldo, you know?
01:31:57 You know there's where is.
01:31:58 Waldo on the map.
01:32:00 Are you gonna really tell me that this is the country you want to blame? Push them. Teach them how to defend by attacking. Teach them. Really what one says, as in fencing. You've got to do it. You've got to make demands on them. They've got to serve for three years.
01:32:16 In the army.
01:32:17 Of words.
Speaker 2
01:32:20 So there you go.01:32:22 I think I saw a night Nation review say something that it this isn't even post October 7th.
01:32:29 So this is just the default position.
01:32:38 This is just the default position. Don't don't even let it get to a discussion about whether or not Israel is a legitimate state.
01:32:47 You know what will happen if that happens.
01:32:55 We need every Jewish American.
01:32:59 Fighting for us the same way the Israeli Jews fight for the IDF and look a lot of Jewish Americans fight for the IDF too. In fact, one of them serving in Congress and wore his uniform.
01:33:10 To the Senate floor.
01:33:29 And it's funny, because you often wonder, people always wonder like, why are we putting so many resources?
01:33:37 And Israel's borders, right, when stuff like this, right?
01:33:41 Stuff like this video showing that the Border Patrol doesn't give a flying.
01:33:45 ****. They don't give a ****.
01:33:53 Now there's Trump's wall, right the fence that.
01:33:57 You can, with a battery powered angle grinder you can just slice a big piece out of it, right?
01:34:02 There's the wall.
01:34:04 There's the wall.
01:34:07 And look, here's Border Patrol. You would think they would look. They found the coyotes trying to smuggle people across, right. You'd. You'd think they'd be like, hey, wait.
01:34:16 You can't. You can't come in. This is the border we are.
01:34:21 We are paid to protect the border.
01:34:24 Right.
01:34:26 Well, what? What do you think happens here?
01:34:32 Fast for a little bit.
01:34:35 This is what happens.
01:34:43 So why is it that our?
01:34:44 Border looks like this.
01:34:48 But we're spending billions of dollars on.
01:34:51 The border of.
01:34:57 See, there's a lot of reason to keep that Holocaust narrative going. There's a lot of lot of benefits.
01:35:03 To keeping that going.
01:35:07 And in fact.
01:35:09 You could even make the argument.
01:35:13 That allowing what's happening here on our border to keep happening.
01:35:18 Makes it easier and easier.
01:35:21 To keep that narrative going.
01:35:38 All that eyewitness testimony.
01:35:40 You know we can't secure our border, but *** **** it, we can try to find a a guarded Auschwitz who's in his 90s and and and make him pay because of some eyewitness testimony.
Speaker 17
01:35:52 Former Auschwitz Guard was convicted on 300,000 counts of accessory to murder on Wednesday, the state court in the northern German city of Lunenburg gave 94 year old Oscar groaning a four year sentence during his trial. Groaning testified that he guarded prisoners baggage after they arrived at Auschwitz and collected money stolen from them. Prosecutors said that amounted to helping the death camp function.01:36:15 The charges against groaning related to a period between May and July 1944, when hundreds of thousands of Jews from Hungary were brought to the Auschwitz Birkenau complex in Nazi occupied Poland. Most were immediately gassed to death some 6.
Speaker 2
01:36:29 Of course they.01:36:30 Were says says the eyewitness testimony right? Zero evidence. But the eyewitness testimony. So we can find this guy. But we can't find these people, right?
01:36:44 You got a.
01:36:45 Cop right there where he's waving them in.
01:36:49 Waving them in. Welcome to America.
01:37:02 They can find some Nazi guard who's 94 years old and put him in jail for the rest.
01:37:07 Of his natural life.
01:37:16 That's why it's important that this lie continues.
01:37:20 And while they'll why, they'll never.
01:37:22 Let it go. They'll never let it go.
01:37:36 So anyway, I just thought I'd let you know.
01:37:39 Talk about the the power of eyewitness testimony.
01:37:48 And why it's important that.
01:37:52 We're able to at least.
01:37:54 Discuss the fact that there's literally no physical evidence of any of the things any of the things that these.
01:38:03 Are talking about.
01:38:06 And even if you know you take them at their word that that they're they're trying to tell the.
01:38:10 Truth that it's.
01:38:12 There's a very good possibility.
01:38:14 That that memory has been.
01:38:16 Poisoned by time.
01:38:19 And by.
01:38:20 My shills like the the woman that was ******** out a diamond.
01:38:28 And whose tattoo was removed by secret Nazi science.
01:38:32 And again, you gotta remember, this is the.
01:38:37 This isn't just some random crazy woman that that I found on, you know, on YouTube or something. This is who Steven Spielberg decided to put in his documentary. This is the best they.
01:38:46 Could do.
01:38:48 This is the best they could do.
01:38:51 It's just like those shows. He was like Montel and Donahue. You don't think that those shows?
01:38:58 With all their showbiz Jew connections.
01:39:01 You don't think they didn't try to find the best Holocaust survivors they could possibly find to put in front of the cameras?
01:39:09 And that's the best they could do.
01:39:14 And there's way worse stuff. This is just the stuff we've talked about tonight. There's way more egregious. Uh, fake accounts. Like I said, there's, you know, everything from.
01:39:24 Roller coasters to electric floors.
01:39:27 Being put in a cage.
01:39:29 With an eagle in a bear.
01:39:34 Being *********** to death. I mean, the stories are are ridiculous and endless.
01:39:43 But this is the best they could do. She represents the best they could do.
01:39:49 And like I said, when I was looking for videos of her like I saw there were current videos. I don't know what the most recent was, but it was.
01:39:56 You know with within within like 10 years ago at least. So wait, wait. After all this came out that this is all ********.
01:40:05 So they can't plead ignorance. They were still parading her around years later.
01:40:13 She was still doing talks to universities years later.
01:40:17 And she'll probably be turned into one of these ******* holograms that they're going to have at the.
01:40:22 The Holocaust Museum that your taxpayers or taxpayer dollars pay for.
01:40:30 So anyway, let's take a look at Hyper chats. Hope everyone's having a good weekend.
01:40:39 Alright, hopefully it odyssey is still working. I don't know that it is.
01:40:45 I'm watching the the rumble as the preview because I can dial down the the bandwidth on that one.
01:40:52 We got First off we got ring.
01:40:56 Rying, who simply says.
Speaker 1
01:40:58 I'll have a *****.Speaker 2
01:41:01 Appreciate that, Ryan.01:41:04 We got Brody.
01:41:07 Dev and I listed the groups for you. Have I've listed the groups you have discussed as being harmful to Western civilization? Did I forget any Jews, blacks, Fagots, pedos, *****? I think that's a little repetitive. Are implied communists, leftists?
01:41:27 We are not totally aligned, politically speaking, but I love your streams. Keep it up.
01:41:34 UM.
01:41:36 Look, I would say that you left out.
01:41:41 Probably the the the most damaging of all.
01:41:46 And that is the the white traders.
01:41:51 I think there needs to be a better. I think there needs to.
01:41:53 Be a a.
01:41:53 Fancier word for that. I think when people hear the term race traitor, it kind of conjures up like a, you know, 1990 Skinhead or something like that, right. I think we need to come up with a term that accurately describes someone who is is.
01:42:10 Actively against their own people and would rather see the out group succeed.
01:42:20 There's got to be a term that would that would sound a little more.
01:42:26 I don't know. Uh. Palatable to people. They would roll off the time, but I would say that's really the worst people, the worst people. The people that could help. And they're not the the people that are are.
01:42:40 They're sending checks to televangelists. You know the Zionist televangelists every month, and they'll leave their children penniless.
01:42:49 The people that are sending you know Israel aid money, the people that are, you know, a lot of people that, you know, look.
01:42:58 Even though I would say that fundamentally these are good people that think they're doing the right thing, it doesn't matter their intention at this point. You ask me who's the doing the most damage. It's those ******* people.
01:43:10 The Zionist Christian white people that are stabbing you in the back at every opportunity.
01:43:16 With a smile on their face.
01:43:21 It doesn't matter that they that they, they think they're doing the right thing.
01:43:27 Everyone thinks they're doing the right thing, even evil people to some extent.
01:43:32 You just have a different set of ideals and morals.
01:43:37 So your idea of.
01:43:37 The right thing is different than theirs.
01:43:41 So them them doing what they think is the right thing to.
01:43:44 Me is not a valid excuse.
01:43:47 And they are more damaging than these other people because, quite frankly, they're the people that if that if we had them on our side, we could turn things around.
01:43:58 But because we there's it's impossible. At this point. We a lot of these people just have to wait for them to ******* die.
01:44:04 I would say that I mean, I don't know that there's, like I said, I wish there was a more specific term for it because it's not just exclusive to, you know, these Zionist boomers or like there's a lot of people that have a I think an in Group disgust and an out group fetish.
01:44:22 A lot of white people that have this repulsion when it comes to in Group preference and I don't know I I don't know what a good term to describe that would be but.
01:44:33 Those are the most damaging people, in my opinion.
01:44:40 And you know and and to some degree.
01:44:42 Well, no, I'd just.
01:44:43 Say that term would, there would be.
01:44:44 A lot of lot of.
01:44:45 Subgroups would be in that category. I think that's a good one.
01:44:50 Ah, let's see here, rabbit Hole, says Devin. I'm no longer single, meta white Scotts Irish girl who believes in homeschooling, homesteading, etcetera. This week, I laid out my views, asked if she noticed all the race swapping, etcetera. She resonated 100% from her own experiences around non whites.
01:45:11 Was open about the JQ.
01:45:14 Lot of gratitude. Well, that's awesome.
01:45:16 That's awesome and hopefully that you know, like I said, you can get. I think women are fairly flexible when it comes to politics. Most women at least, and they will if they like you, if they respect you, if they feel safe with you, they will conform to your politics.
01:45:33 Almost no matter what they are.
01:45:36 And you can flip them 180°. I've I've done it.
01:45:40 I've seen it happen in other people.
01:45:43 You can get people to complete, you can. You can mold their soft little mind. That's that's why they shouldn't be allowed to.
01:45:51 To give testimony in a trial or vote, because it is so easy to do that.
01:45:57 But yeah, I mean obviously you don't.
01:45:59 Want to you know.
01:46:01 Have evil intention when doing that but.
01:46:05 Yeah, that's. That's congratulations. I wish you lots of.
01:46:09 Luck with that.
01:46:11 Jay Ray night. Teddy won. I laughed so hard at the recent remaining holohoax survivors charity. They play on commercial breaks on Fox News. It's amazing. Well, you know, I haven't watched Fox News in a long time.
01:46:24 But I can only imagine that Fox News is going Turbo Zionist mode. Given the rhetoric, I've heard from a lot of the people who do watch Fox News.
01:46:36 Uh, your brother from another mother. I would love a stream about what you believe happened in Germany that led to Hitler's speeches, burning of books and resentment towards Jews. There are few documentaries about it, but generally very little about the German side of the story. Even what led to anti-Semitism in Russia.
01:46:57 Brian uh, we've talked. I mean, we've talked about it to something I don't. I haven't, like just that hasn't been like the main focus, but we've covered that in a lot of streams.
01:47:06 UM.
01:47:07 Where you just.
01:47:08 Had a a lot of well in talking specifically about Germany, you had the, you know, the post World War One conditions in Germany, the Weimar Republic and the fact that the, the, the Jews had such a.
01:47:29 What? What's? What's a good word for it?
01:47:32 They they had, they had such an influence over the the government and the economics of the country, and so it wasn't that hard for them to connect the dots. You know, it wasn't that hard to see that, you know, a lot of the people that a lot of the causes of or the people behind the problems in there that they were experiencing were Jewish that.
01:47:52 And look in America and the West now, a lot of people are noticing the same kinds of things.
01:47:58 Which is why they're so nervous.
01:48:02 But yeah, we could. We could go for hours and hours and hours about that. I've talked a little bit about it in, you know, when we've done different streams about.
01:48:08 Different topics because you know it's it's.
01:48:13 You know, you mentioned the books, right? And we've talked about how, like the the book burnings, it wasn't, it weren't burning copies of Huckleberry Finn, they were burning trans trans kid books. Basically, they were burning gay *********** and the textbooks or or the, I don't know what they call it, I guess.
01:48:33 The medical.
01:48:35 Journals of the the Jews that were performing trans trans surgeries in Berlin.
01:48:44 It wasn't, you know, it wasn't just like, oh.
01:48:45 Let's get right.
01:48:46 We hate books, we're Nazis and we.
01:48:48 Hate literature.
01:48:51 I guess we could do like.
01:48:54 I don't know is there is there like.
01:48:55 A documentary about the I mean.
01:48:56 I'm I'm.
01:48:57 Or I know there are a.
01:48:58 Couple but I don't know.
01:48:59 Maybe we could walk through Germany. Well, World War One to World War 2. I guess at some point.
01:49:08 I the reason I don't is I think or I haven't done something that specific is to me it's more important the parallels that can be drawn to today and look a lot of parallels will be able to you know you'll be able to draw a lot of those right. But that's the context I'd like or that's the the framing I'd like to.
01:49:27 To go with. If we do that is how it relates to today, because otherwise it's just kind of academic, right? It's just like here's a history lesson and you know.
01:49:36 Doesn't really matter much to to me as someone who's living through something that's similar but different, lamp shade denier, member of protocol or protocol? I don't know. This is a member of Procol.
01:49:50 Harum not sure what that is. Talks about the Holocaust, red paragraphs 3:00 and 4:00.
01:49:57 Notice how his father and uncle were let go by the Nazis. Why would they be kept as prison?
01:50:07 Yeah, I'm. I'm I I haven't.
01:50:10 I don't have time to go through all, you know that whole article, but I I will say that. Yeah, there's there's countless stories of these, these death camps, who apparently that, like their whole purpose was to kill people. But they seem the Germans seem to really inept.
01:50:23 Really inept and really bad at it.
01:50:26 Blue chord, blue chord.
01:50:40 Blue chord, a small investment into our future. Thanks for what you do. Keep at it. I will absolutely keep at.
01:50:47 And appreciate that blue chord. John Connor. Interesting witnesses will tell you.
01:50:55 Are interesting, I think in a comma there witnesses will tell you the minutiae about the village, their sister or brother, and then they immediately skipped to the gas chamber, never providing details about the lead up to.
01:51:09 Or the people sent with their kin to be gassed. Also young child survivors and death work camps, but fit people killed as examples.
01:51:20 Yeah, I I'm telling you, I think some of these people believe it.
01:51:23 I think some of these people who were children at the time their memories were poisoned by a lot of the shills like the one on the screen right now and they believe it.
01:51:35 I don't. I think a lot of them are lying. I think a lot of them are are just outright lying, like the woman on the screen. But I think a lot of them actually believe.
01:51:43 No chance, no chance.
01:51:54 No chance the Holocaust narrative or holohoax narrative gives Jews the excuse to exterminate goyem thoughts on survivors, guilt being a hoax, guilt.
01:52:08 What is this?
01:52:10 Then you gave me a link to an odyssey video.
01:52:15 Let me see if I can get this to.
01:52:16 Play without it destroying the whole feed.
01:52:20 I'm a little a little nervous about doing this just because of the Internet connections we.
01:52:24 Had early on.
01:52:26 But who knows, right? Maybe this.
Speaker 24
01:52:27 Will work.Speaker 2
01:52:35 Alright, let's see what this does.01:52:41 Oh, didn't it? Doesn't do your link.
01:52:46 Why is this not working?
01:52:58 Well, I can't get it. It's not working right but.
01:53:02 I don't know. I think the the the Holocaust narrative, look, there's a number of things that it does. One, it gets them money.
01:53:11 It gets them money.
01:53:12 To the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.
01:53:16 So that's kind of a big deal.
01:53:19 They're getting billions of billions of dollars.
01:53:22 For for it being real for them, pushing the idea that it was real.
01:53:28 So that's that's a big motivator right there. Two, it is now a force field. You say anything at all about Jewish behavior? What do you hear first thing out of their mouths? The Holocaust. You're a Nazi. You're a Nazi. The Holocaust, the Holocaust. Nazi. So that's so now you're you're getting free money for literally doing nothing.
01:53:50 You're getting a social force field.
01:53:54 Now you also get sympathy.
01:53:57 Right. You're the eternal victim. The the eternal victim doesn't just prevent you from being criticized. It gets you goodies.
01:54:05 Gets you preferential treatment.
01:54:08 As a as a voting bloc, right?
01:54:11 Because the same thing that applies to you in terms of not being able to criticize Jews, and in fact almost you're you're unable to do anything but praise Jews that applies to your representatives.
01:54:26 So now your representatives have to Cowtown and bend the knee and kiss the ring.
01:54:31 When it comes.
01:54:31 To Jews. So if Jews want a piece of legislation passed.
01:54:37 It gets passed.
01:54:41 So you have that going on. You have the UM.
01:54:49 The the the formation of Israel.
01:54:51 Right. That was some of the ammunition they used for that. Well, well, we need a place like Israel.
01:54:57 Because if we don't have a country, then the Holocaust is going to happen again.
01:55:04 Right. They're going to just start gassing us and killing us. So we need, you know, we need to go and and do the knockout and kill a bunch of Palestinians and take their land. Because if we don't, we'll get killed again.
01:55:16 And then you are on a social level, right? Those are all.
01:55:19 Just the practical things.
01:55:22 The Holocaust, whether you're a religious Jew or an atheist Jew or whatever, that's the glue that holds you together with the other Jews.
01:55:31 I think the majority, the vast majority of Jews, believe 100% in the Holocaust.
01:55:40 I don't think.
01:55:41 That the majority of Jews are lying about it. I think that, you know, some very powerful Jews Once Upon a time lied a lot about.
01:55:48 It and it's kind of it's now it's you know you you you repeat a lie often enough it becomes fact and that's kind of what's happened in the.
01:55:55 Hearts and minds of these Jews.
01:55:57 They really believe it.
01:56:00 It has become their religion and has replaced their religion, especially for these atheist Jews.
01:56:07 Their religion now is the Holocaust.
01:56:10 And so it it's wonderful in terms of propaganda getting to create an even more intense in Group preference, but it also will will gather more Jews to Israel, which is what they want long term, right? They want more Jews to move to Israel.
01:56:32 It'll get Jews to practice nepotism or religiously because you know everyone, they're all victims of the Holocaust, right? Just like All Blacks are are, you know, even though it's 400 years ago, right, All Blacks are still victims of slavery.
01:56:49 All Jews are.
01:56:49 Always going to be victims of the Holocaust, so it's the same thing, right? Like it's.
01:56:54 There's no downside. There's literally no downside.
01:56:57 To promoting the Holocaust story, there's none.
01:57:02 You know it's.
01:57:04 I can't, I mean.
01:57:06 Without it, they wouldn't even be an opponent. I mean, they'd be an opponent. They'd be a competitor, but they wouldn't be.
01:57:12 A worthy opponent.
01:57:17 Leo the Dangler V2 rocket test used a used Jew fat for fuel. Exactly.
01:57:26 Chain reaction, says Devin, is the kind of guy you could go to the pub with six million times, and he'd have something interesting to talk about. Well, I appreciate that.
01:57:40 We wouldn't get kicked out 100 and.
01:57:43 107 or 100 and 809 however many.
01:57:45 Times it.
01:57:46 Was Leo the Dangler says trillions? I think you're talking about the reparation. I I don't know what the exact number is, but I mean it's it's at at the very least it's in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Just just the fact that it's in the billions of dollars tells you everything need.
01:57:58 To know all.
01:57:59 That money, think of it this way.
01:58:01 All that money in the hands of people.
01:58:04 Who have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to white people and German specifically? Why the **** do you think there are all these?
01:58:11 NGO's, why do you think Jews have all this money? Like, look, obviously there's look, there's the obvious answers, right? There's Jews who are in positions of power and banking and and you. So you have a lot of wealthy Jew families to begin with. But when you're talking about any and every Jew who lived in the any kind of occupied part of the.
01:58:32 Of of Europe, Nazi, occupied part of Europe during World War 2 are getting just free money shipped to them every month.
01:58:40 And and is that going to continue with the the children and grandchildren probably in some form or another, right? I don't know what all the agreements are, but when you're talking about billions of dollars being funneled out of the hands of white people, because where where's that money coming from? Right. That money is not just, you know, coming out of thin air that is, you know, German taxpayer money.
01:59:00 Maybe every country has their own little deal, but Germany certainly has a deal. So German taxpayer dollars are just going into the hands of the Jews that hate them.
01:59:10 So where do you think that money ends up?
01:59:13 Why do you think Jews have the the the money to to pay for so many of these NGO's that are they're they're sole purpose is to undermine and destroy Western civilization? Well, that's.
01:59:24 That's part of it. They're getting it from Western civilization.
01:59:34 Someone mentioned sword of Gideon A while ago. USA SoC and other agencies use Gideon Soft to track personnel. Strange hero. Since the Israelites worship ball Beareth as soon as Gideon died. Thanks for the great content, Devin. Well, I appreciate that.
01:59:55 Yeah, I'm not familiar with that software, but yeah, that's that's interesting night Phi.
02:00:03 Nigel cringeworthy Holocaust means burnt offering. Maybe they need the gas chambers plus cremation in order to satisfy some kind of symbolic or prophetic requirement. No, that's 100% what it is. That's 100. That's literally.
02:00:18 100% what it is?
02:00:20 UM, and you know it's this is probably going to be a stream in the future. Uh, burnt offerings are very much a part of the Jewish religion or just sacrifice is very much a part of the Jewish religion. People are are.
02:00:39 Are familiar with a few biblical stories, but they don't. I don't think they quite realize, especially when you include, you know, the Talmud and everything else, how bloody the Jewish religion is when it comes to stories of of sacrifice.
02:00:58 And burnt offerings and look to some extent it's still practiced today with the chickens and all that stuff. And the other, of course, they're trying to get the the red Heffer and all this other stuff, but you know and animal and human sacrifice is is not a new thing when it comes to Jews.
02:01:17 Ah, let's see here. My fat little ******** toe.
02:01:22 Just here to say hi to my mom when she catches the replay, she sometimes listens while at the.
Speaker 4
02:01:30 Osley stupid.Speaker 15
02:01:36 Ohh gosh.Speaker 8
02:01:41 Ohh fat little ********.Speaker 2
02:01:48 All right. Thank you for the support there. Freckle Heckler. If we recall the etymology of Holocaust means burnt sacrifice. We can especially refer this to the Dresden bombing massacre as exactly this. It's all so evil. How unjust and warped this all is the Dresden.02:02:07 Bombing is the most horrific atrocity in history, fabricating atrocity while concealing one. Yeah, there's a lot of people who have. In fact, I would say.
02:02:19 Very few, at least in America, would even know what the **** you were talking about if you said Dresden, they wouldn't. They wouldn't even know what it was they would. They would think that sounds like a comic book to them. Ohh yeah. Did you get the new?
02:02:32 Did you see the new Dresden movie?
02:02:36 So I I don't, I don't know. Like I don't think they would. Even they would even know it was a, you know, it was a city.
02:02:40 They wouldn't even know that it was a.
02:02:43 City that was, that was bombed by the Allies or allies in.
02:02:49 In World War 2, but they only about the 6,000,000.
02:02:53 Arch Stanton.
02:02:55 Arch Stanton.
Speaker 12
02:02:58 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 24
02:03:05 I'd like to return this duck.Speaker 2
02:03:07 Great show tonight. It reminded me how books like the secret and the cue book caught on. They always start out telling the reader things that confirm what they know is true. Then they add a layer of mystical ******** on top. So many people get fooled by this trick. Yep.02:03:24 That is a.
02:03:26 That's that's 100% right. You know, there's a lot of money to be made for just telling people what they want to hear. If you don't believe me.
02:03:34 Just take a look at Tim Poole.
02:03:37 ******** ******. ******** ****** for $1.00.
Speaker 20
02:03:41 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 1
02:03:46 I'd buy that for a dollar.Speaker 2
02:03:53 ******** ****** back from the dead. Been catching mostly replays.02:03:58 Because work has me everywhere, but I'm glad I managed to catch this one live. Thank you for another awesome stream devil. I appreciate that ******** ******.
02:04:07 Maybe next time all the Gaussians are Gazans, rather not cremated by bombs and white phosphorus are survivors of genocide.
02:04:18 Absolutely. They're they're all survivors. They're all knockback Part 2 survivors, right?
02:04:25 Then you have a link to a an article on So if people want to check that out.
02:04:33 Night Nation review says top top quality lies here. Devin. Yes, the the, the, the the poo diamonds.
02:04:44 The poor diamonds.
02:04:47 That's that's a top tier.
02:04:50 Fabrication there.
02:04:52 Zazie Mac taskbot, it won't be long before the Holocaust survivors would have to be over 100 years old to remember the camps at all. And you know, it's funny, you say that cause one of the stories I didn't use when I was playing those clips of Holocaust survivors in the beginning of the stream, one of them I didn't use because you just couldn't understand what the **** he was even saying. Like, even with the subtitles, it was like if he.
02:05:15 He they had him on a new show.
02:05:18 Because they're like, oh, this Holocaust.
02:05:20 Survivor just turned 100.
02:05:25 Gas chamber.Speaker 2
02:05:29 But it was impossible to understand him and.02:05:31 Like his his.
02:05:32 Son was like trying to translate for him, but I was like, I don't buy it, like no one can understand. What the **** then, like, guys?
02:05:38 100 years old. Remember the camps? Do you think there will be eyewitnesses in the future that will have to be world record-breaking age, still writing books and giving testimony? And do you think anyone?
02:05:49 Will notice I.
02:05:50 Don't know. I don't think they'll have to do it. I think they're going to do the AI Holocaust survivors. That's really what they'll do is they'll have.
02:05:58 The show of foundation and that's kind of what they were trying to do before AI was out with that video I played. It's just.
02:06:03 That's not really a I it will be AI, but that was like, yeah, the first version of what will become like the the AI Holocaust survivor, where it'll just in real time borrow from all the stories of Holocaust survivors and tell you about it. You know, its experiences and render the 3D.
02:06:24 In real time and everything. And you know, there'll be a virtual Holocaust survivor in every classroom unless you homeschool.
02:06:34 OSA 567 Queen of the kites is ******** diamonds. There you go.
02:06:42 Jeraj jeraj. It's almost 2024 and Lex Friedman on his latest podcast with Mearsheimer made reference to the lamp shades likes Friedman. But there's also levels of things Germans using human skin for lamps.
02:07:02 There's just levels of evil in this world.
02:07:05 Yep, there's people still claiming that it's real, even though literally nobody.
02:07:13 Nobody said none of the the mainstream guys will even.
02:07:18 Say that it's true.
02:07:20 Seamus Goyen Berg says TKD you.
02:07:25 Know I'm on.
02:07:26 Rumble, Leo the Dangler says. Super stack.
02:07:32 JDWG.
02:07:36 Says some time ago you were talking about doing a huge collaboration stream with someone. Is that still going to happen anyways, keep up the good work. Yeah, it's just this this time of year is busy for.
02:07:50 Me and that other person, but that will happen just probably after the holidays, probably early next year just because there's a lot of other streams and stuff going on and family stuff and you know it's a busy.
02:08:04 Time of year.
02:08:07 Let's see here, John Connor.
02:08:10 Another important aspect to this or to this historic psychosis is that people want to be victims. We saw this first hand with COVID the premise. It it existed without question because it was shared victimhood. I had it. I know someone that died. The innate drive for attention.
02:08:30 At the expense of facts and analysis, you're absolutely right. And in fact, you know this, this was floating around.
02:08:40 Well, well, I actually don't have that clip.
02:08:43 Anymore, that's OK.
02:08:45 But yeah, I would say that in this, just like with COVID in the Holocaust official story, you have not only do you have interested parties that have a lot to gain from the lie.
02:08:58 But you have the people that have something to gain from the lie are the exact people and positions.
02:09:07 That make make that lie easy to tell.
02:09:11 Right, like the same people that were telling Americans all about the Holocaust, the 1970s.
02:09:21 Were the same people that have the ability to tell the story of the Holocaust, the 1970s right, Jewish control of Hollywood in the 1970s? I don't know if it was peak at that point, but I mean, it was pretty solid.
02:09:32 And that's why you should never relinquish control over, you know, media or.
02:09:39 I guess nowadays, right? It will be social media, but.
02:09:44 You're at the mercy now of the of another group that has a different agenda, and we're now living. What happens when you let that other group take total control over your culture and communication is to to a big extent.
02:10:01 Let's see here, Leo the dangler show. The other accounts of truth tellers.
02:10:07 I don't know what you mean by that. Show the other accounts of truth.
02:10:10 Tellers of I don't know who you mean.
02:10:13 Cruise cross. Thank you, Devin. We'll appreciate that.
02:10:17 Higgs 49 Higgs 49 with the Big Dig money.
02:10:24 Money is power. Money is the.02:10:26 Only weapon that that.
Speaker 4
02:10:27 You have to defend yourself with.Speaker 2
02:10:29 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:10:47 All right. He's 49. Thank you for the support there. There's a documentary called the Last Days of the Big Lie, which refuted all the nonsense of Spielberg's film, especially the shift Diamond Jewess. Unfortunately, the director has been completely flipped today into recanting. Yeah. Funny how that happens. Right.
02:11:07 Funny how that happens. I haven't seen that one. Maybe I'll add this to my.
02:11:14 My list of things that check out here.
02:11:21 Many such cases, many such cases, unfortunately.
02:11:25 UM.
02:11:27 But it is what it is.
02:11:28 Appreciate the uh, the big support there, Higgs 49.
02:11:33 Atlas rain axis.
02:11:36 On a lighter note, my husband has a new pet, or I'm sorry, new pet name for me. Thanks to your show and one of your listeners, he calls me zazzy Mac Taz but.
02:11:49 That's right. There's now a woman out there being called Zazzy Mac Taz. But because of this show.
02:12:04 John Connor. John Connor. We should embrace and use their own terms against them. Quisling is apt to describe them regardless of the word's origins. Can I get an ah, poor baby from the in cell?
02:12:17 Mission. You know that file is missing. I I I don't know what happened to it.
02:12:22 It's in my list and nothing happens when I click it.
02:12:27 Yeah, I don't have that one anymore for some reason.
02:12:32 I'll tell you what. I'll. I'll, I'll, I'll let you.
02:12:33 Try out one of the new ones.
02:12:36 Let me see what the rest.
02:12:37 Of your thing says also, can you please do a do a Lyndon Johnson Trader Edition especially in light of the recent JFK anniversary.
02:12:47 Yeah, that might be worth digging into. That's not on my immediate list, but absolutely just because.
02:12:57 I think there's a lot of there's a lot of dirt when it comes to to Johnson. I mean, prior to him even being in the White House, he was just always kind of.
02:13:04 A scumbag. But anyway, in the absence of the oh so sorry one, I'll.
02:13:08 Give you this.
Speaker 11
02:13:11 Hey girl, you're hungry.Speaker
02:13:14 You.Speaker 2
02:13:16 All right.02:13:20 Ah, let's see here, Teja says. Vex me, mangla.
02:13:29 Cruise cross.
02:13:31 Cruise cross.
Speaker 18
02:13:41 Hi, Amy.Speaker 2
02:13:56 Cruise Cross with nothing to say but thank you.02:13:58 For the support there.
02:14:01 Atlas Rain axis, is it still common for baby boys to be circumcised? Do not have your boy children circumcised, otherwise the Jews went, I would say in America. I don't know about other countries, but in America I yeah pretty much. I mean it's hard to avoid that that.
02:14:21 I mean it. It's almost like they they don't. I don't even know. I mean, I'm sure they ask on a form somewhere, but I don't think it's.
02:14:28 That's the usual procedure. Let me put that way, the default in America is to circumcise.
02:14:34 So yeah, don't, don't. Don't clip your your kids ****. That would be a that would be a nice gesture to your son is to not chop off part of *** ****. How?
02:14:43 About that archaic ways six weeks ago on ex David Cole interjected in a thread where I brought up his work. It seems the carrot.
02:14:54 And stick has had him trying to put the goy genie back in the bottle. He claims millions were killed just in different camps. He is a Beverly Hills millionaire who runs A blog asking for donations.
02:15:07 Yeah. Yeah, like I said, he I I mentioned when we did the stream that he recanted. But even if you look up his Wikipedia, no one took it seriously at the time. They thought that there was something else going on there.
02:15:20 He worded it very bizarrely and yeah, there's there's carrot and stick action going on for sure. When it comes to David Cole and it doesn't change what he discovered, you know what he reported on the facts haven't changed.
02:15:35 In fact, that's why he had to say, well, yeah, of course. Millions died. They just happened somewhere else. Well.
02:15:41 OK. Well, show us. Show us the proof of that.
02:15:46 Dival without 6,000,000 plus interest, I will take no less. We have been raped, pillage and genocide to such an extent that there is no other. OK, well, you know, there you go.
02:16:01 Leah the dangler. Everyone here. Please check out Dave.
02:16:07 OK. Check out Dave. I don't know what.
02:16:11 Who Dave is but.
02:16:13 All right.
02:16:14 Leo the dangler.
02:16:15 Again, it's a sickness I call it.
02:16:18 Judith's Judith.
02:16:19 Judith tell. I don't know how you would.
02:16:21 Say that you know what? I'm gonna try something out here.
02:16:25 Well, my robo Robo voice say it.
Speaker 11
02:16:30 Shouldn't Asia?Speaker 2
02:16:32 There you go.Speaker 11
02:16:37 Jun tisha.Speaker 2
02:16:39 There you go.02:16:41 All right, drywall.
02:16:46 Drywall simply says.
02:17:01 Drywall with the *** **** money. You know what? You know what? Drywall.
02:17:06 It is the Christmas season.
Speaker 12
02:17:09 Children today will be reading the best Christmas ever.Speaker 2
02:17:15 The magic *****.Speaker
02:17:39 Best Christmas ever.Speaker 2
02:17:44 There you go.02:17:47 Thank you drywall for the support.
02:17:50 All right, so let's see here.
02:17:56 I'm going to go to rumble. I don't think there's any rants on rumble because I unless that plugin just doesn't work, I feel like it does, though I'm not sure how to let me just make sure I don't want to.
02:18:07 Miss someone's thing.
02:18:10 It doesn't work very. It's kind of janky. You would think that their their interface would just have this, you wouldn't need some stupid add on to your browser to just see who who sent in a a rant.
02:18:23 But anyway, all right guys.
02:18:26 Well, hope everyone's having a good weekend.
02:18:28 And I will be back here.
02:18:33 You know, I'm probably gonna be here Wednesday. There's a there's a.
02:18:37 Possibility that I might be tied up and we might have to change the day, but I'll let you guys know on on. You know the Usuals gab, Twitter or X or whatever and telegram. But anyway, thanks for everyone coming out here.
02:18:56 And and and supporting the show.
02:19:01 And let me just make sure I don't not missing someone in the Odyssey Part 2.
02:19:06 Because it's weird having the chat different from.
02:19:10 I just want to refresh it.
02:19:14 Because I don't have, I don't have it set up the way I normally do because we were having all those problems.
02:19:19 Reload the chat window. There we go.
02:19:23 All right, we good. All right, guys. Well, I hope you have a good rest of your weekend and I'll see you early or late or sometime next week probably Wednesday, but if not some other day for Black Pilled.
02:19:37 I am of course.
02:19:40 Devon snack.
Speaker 15
02:19:59 What you gonna do?Speaker 28
02:20:03 In the corners of my mind, I just can't seem to find a reason to believe that I can break.Speaker 23
02:20:10 Free because you feel.Speaker 28
02:20:12 Down for so long, like the hope is gone.02:20:16 But never lift my hands, I understand.
02:20:19 That I should.
Speaker 11
02:20:41 Thing that's good.Speaker 28
02:20:44 At one time, so much pressure found me.02:20:55 But I need you to look.
Speaker 15
02:20:58 I can't take it.Speaker 28
02:21:20 The fire and the rain.