11/22/2023Speaker 1
00:00:00 Don't turn away.00:02:02 Still like makes me.
Speaker 2
00:02:09 You know.Speaker 1
00:02:24 We didn't give it because we were to take it if we get.Speaker 4
00:03:10 And in her life.Speaker 1
00:03:41 You know you did not fire me. You did not.00:03:52 When I was younger.
00:03:55 We didn't give it to take it.
00:06:42 You know.
00:07:04 Come on.
Speaker 5
00:08:50 How about this? Is that going to work?00:08:52 There, there, now it's working alright.
00:08:55 How about that? Yeah, the audio wasn't working there for some reason. Anyway, welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:03 I'm your host, Devin stank.
00:09:07 This is the Black Friday edition Black Friday.
00:09:13 Which is of course not not today, today's Wednesday, although Thursday, depending on where you.
00:09:19 Are on the planet.
00:09:20 So for some of you, it's Thanksgiving already for some. For some of you.
00:09:25 Black Friday is just a just a mere hours away.
00:09:31 Everyone getting all excited.
00:09:33 Excited about all the Black Friday Deals?
00:09:39 Thanksgiving is a Christian holiday, and Black Friday is a Jewish holiday. That's the way that I look at it.
00:09:48 Another Cyber Monday now too, right. Cyber Monday.
00:09:53 Or Cyber Tuesday, I don't.
00:09:55 Even know what they?
00:09:55 Do anymore.Speaker 5
00:09:56 Now it's it's months. Black Friday is like a month long sale online.00:10:05 Because it's safer, quite frankly, to shop online, especially on Black Friday, we're going to talk a little bit about that. But before we do.
00:10:15 Because it is Thanksgiving.
00:10:18 Because it's that time of year.
00:10:22 I feel like it's it's only responsible of me.
00:10:27 To warn you.
00:10:31 Warn you of the dangers that lie just beyond your door.
Speaker 6
00:10:38 It was a scary situation right along the path, this gigantic Turkey just kind of like jumps up towards my face to kind of like almost clawed me in the face. So kind of knocked me off my bike.00:10:50 And then it it proceeded to chase me around for like 5 minutes.
Speaker 7
00:10:56 Say this wild Turkey has been terrorizing the neighborhood, even attacking people and.00:11:02 Down cars.
Speaker 8
00:11:03 Various situation tales of turkeys terrorizing neighbors.Speaker 6
00:11:09 Gigantic Turkey. Just kind of like jumps up towards my face.Speaker
00:11:12 To kind of.Speaker 6
00:11:13 Like almost clawed me in the face.00:11:23 For the scary situation.
Speaker 7
00:11:26 The wild turkeys that have settled in.Speaker 9
00:11:28 This lavatory neighborhood have been attacking delivery drivers.Speaker 10
00:11:32 The chief coming out of the truck and start packing up the truck.Speaker 5
00:11:59 So watch out for those white supremacist turkeys out there, those those evil racist, you know, it's.00:12:05 Funny, I was just. I was looking for just some kind of, you know, like a fun little clip to play at the.
00:12:10 End like I often do.
00:12:12 And I thought, you know, Turkey attack, that's something to look for. That's a search term, Turkey.
00:12:20 I was. I was. I had no idea what.
Speaker 11
00:12:22 I was going.Speaker 5
00:12:22 To find when I looked for Turkey attack.00:12:26 Apparently there's lots of Turkey attacks like a.
Speaker 11
00:12:28 Lot of them.00:12:29 But the weird.
Speaker 5
00:12:30 Thing that I kept finding, I'd find these news reports and they'd be like, oh, yeah, we got they. They didn't interview like, some old white lady. And she's like, oh, yeah, we've got turkeys. They don't. You know, they're not a big deal. They they're kind of cute. You know, they they kind of roam around to the neighborhood.00:12:46 And then they they'd interview like a a black guy and he'd be.
Speaker 11
00:12:49 Like those ************, turkeys are attacking me, mother. Turkeys are attacking me.Speaker 5
00:12:55 And and well, I wasn't looking for this. I wasn't looking for this, and it wouldn't matter if it was like a city in Pennsylvania or a city in California. You, you'd launched these news reports, and it just seemed like Turkey seemed to, I don't know. I mean, wasn't it Ben Franklin that thought that the.00:13:14 The national bird should instead be instead of the bald eagle. It should be the Turkey. I'm starting to think that.
00:13:21 You know, maybe he was on to something. Maybe he was on to something. Maybe he knew. Maybe he knew cause Turkey seemed to know Turkey seemed to get it.
00:13:30 So yeah, that was. I just thought that was kind of funny. That apparent. Yeah. And it's it's it's, you know, classified can't when he.
00:13:37 Was younger.
00:13:40 I think animals just have a sense for this. These sorts of things classified cat had not seen a lot of humans in his days when he was younger.
00:13:48 And when people would come over to the apartment, no problem. Classified cat was nice and cuddly and whatever. No big deal. Come pet me, that sort of thing, right. And then one.
00:13:59 Day the cable guy came over.
00:14:04 No, the the, the.
00:14:05 The black cable guy and classified cat was no nowhere to be found, nowhere to be found, had to drag him out from underneath like a the bad, I think an hour later, terrified of a of the black cable guy.
00:14:24 So anyway, uh yeah, Black Friday, Black Friday. It used to have the name because that's when uh, what companies would get into the black.
00:14:34 You know, they they go from being in the red to into the black is we'll we'll sell enough stuff because Christmas is coming and we've turned Christmas into just a time of of hyper capitalism before the end of the year.
00:14:48 You know, that's why non religious people celebrate it too.
00:14:52 That's why Jews to you know, to some extent, celebrate it right just for a different reason.
00:14:57 And so that's why they called it Black Friday and then it was just really a few decades ago.
00:15:03 That you started to get these news reports about the the people getting trampled and people, you know, fighting over TV's and all this sorts of stuff would would happen. And I remember when this started happening, it was first on the news. You know, my my mom commenting like, oh, it's just getting crazy out there. It's getting crazy.
00:15:24 Out there.
00:15:26 But yet not quite. Not quite a.
00:15:30 Putting her finger on what was causing this where, where white people just going crazy because that's the implication, right? That's the implication. You know, when, oh, the the world's got all this **** right.
00:15:43 It it the implication is that people just, you know, the people that were always here before that, that before that before were normal and well behaved and law abiding citizens. Something has happened to them. You know it it's not that they've.
Speaker 12
00:15:58 Been replaced by.Speaker 5
00:15:58 Another group, the group that existed before something's happened.00:16:03 Right. They've lost their minds, they've they've gone.
00:16:06 A little crazy.
00:16:09 But then you start to look at these stories. It's not just, you know, innocent brawls over TV's and stuff like that. That's happened overtime. In fact, I found.
00:16:19 These little infographics.
00:16:21 Deaths and injuries by store, so if you want to know the safest stores, apparently on Black Friday.
00:16:29 Walmart's not that Walmart is where, apparently, 70% of the deaths on Black Friday take place.
00:16:37 The 12%, the other is, you know, Kmart, Macy's, apparently an Adidas store, Tommy Hilfiger store, Kohl's 6% coming in on in 3rd place, JC Penny 3%, Toys-R-Us, 3%, target 2%.
00:16:58 Sears, Sears, which I don't even think exists anymore. These are old numbers.
00:17:03 2%.
00:17:05 Then they have this infographic and of course.
00:17:10 As we will see.
00:17:12 It's odd that they chose the graphic at the bottom right the the clearly white people fighting the the white people wearing suits nonetheless fighting over a TV.
00:17:23 Yeah, that, that's that's usually what it is, right? It's it's people dressed like 1950s Madison Ave. rich guys fighting over a TV in their tailored suits. That's that's usually what's going on on Black Friday.
00:17:37 So these are the causes of death. You know, they could have saved their time and just had one bar that said like non whites that that might have been the the easiest bar to have. But instead they got Stampede.
00:17:50 Is the. That's the number one killer.
00:17:53 Pepper spray is well, I guess these are this isn't just deaths. This is deaths and injuries. So the Stampede is the number one injury thing, but not the number one death that I guess only two people have died by stamps.
00:18:06 Pepper spray, 30 injuries. No deaths, of course. Shootings, 15 injuries, 6 deaths.
Speaker 11
00:18:14 Car accident 12.Speaker 5
00:18:18 Acts or, you know, injuries 3 deaths.00:18:21 Brawls, knighting injuries, stabbings 7, robbery 2 and merchandise one. I don't know what that does. I mean, like a TV fell on.
00:18:30 Their head. I don't know where they're getting that number.
00:18:33 So I went through and I tried to find like what? You know what? What exactly were the circumstances of a lot of these things? It's one thing to look at a little bar graph that has, you know, these little, these white guys fighting over a a vintage TV. And it's another thing to actually see what happened. Now the first death or I guess the.
00:18:53 The first reported death as a as a shop Black Friday shopping reported death.
00:19:00 It all began in 2008, 2000.
00:19:05 The the year that what it wasn't that Obama was president, right?
00:19:10 Change. Hope and change was sweeping the nation.
00:19:15 Unless you went to Walmart on Black Friday.
Speaker 14
00:19:19 A day after a worker was trampled to death by an early morning Black Friday Stampede inside this Long Island, Walmart people are wondering just how a post holiday hunt for bargains could cost someone their life.Speaker 13
00:19:32 It was just total mayhem.Speaker 14
00:19:33 This woman was inside the store, she says. The 34 year old worker could not survive the crush of humanity when the pre Dawn blitz line made its way through the doors.Speaker 13
00:19:42 He was trying to control the crowd.00:19:45 No use, they just pushed on him.
Speaker 15
00:19:47 That employee fell to the floor was stepped on by hundreds of people.00:19:53 Before help could get to him.
Speaker 14
00:19:55 Police say the crowd even jostled first responders as they attempted to revive the myth, died to Moore, who was pronounced dead at the hospital about an hour later. This is a picture of demore at 13 years old. His father says he was a good son.Speaker 16
00:20:09 Question is.Speaker
00:20:09 Good boy. You know, 34 a year never be in trouble.Speaker 14
00:20:12 Police are looking at surveillance tape in an attempt to identify people who stepped on the man. Charges are possible, but police say it may be hard to single out those responsible. Police say there wasn't enough security at the store. In a statement Walmart calls the incident an unfortunate.Speaker 17
00:20:26 Why? Why is?Speaker 5
00:20:27 It that black, it doesn't. Isn't it weird that black people seem to only have photos of their their sons when they're like 12 or 13? Like I I don't know. It just seems like. Or maybe that's just the only the photos that the news likes to use, which is weird because this guy is not even the the stomper. You know, he was the.00:20:47 Stompy I guess he's the one that got stomped.
00:20:50 Uh, yeah. But yeah, the demographics of this Walmart, would, you know, be similar when you guys saw the George Floyd riots. Just imagine that only slightly more orderly.
00:21:00 It was the exact same kind of a situation, so that was 2008, very black neighborhood, very black customers stomped to death, a very black employee.
00:21:10 And that was the beginning. But you know.
Speaker 11
00:21:12 It was you.Speaker 5
00:21:12 Know I don't know people in this country. They're just they've just lost their minds.00:21:18 You know, it's just the the moral fiber of this country. It's just unraveling. I can't. I can't put my finger on it. I can't figure it out. I wish. I wish there was some kind of pattern that I could recognize that I could diagnose this issue properly and maybe come up with a solution because we're just, you know, we're just.
00:21:38 It's everything's just going down the drain.
00:21:42 Well, 2008, wouldn't that wouldn't be the only death. It's just that was the beginning. That wasn't, you know, this isn't the he was the first to die in a string of of many.
00:21:52 Also in Southern California.
00:21:56 Where diversity is our strength.
00:21:58 2 Latinos.
00:22:01 Two Latinos got in a shootout.
00:22:04 And a Toys-R-Us.
00:22:06 Because their girlfriends were fighting over something.
00:22:10 And well, you know, I guess in at least in this case.
00:22:15 The problem kind of solved itself because they they both died, so they they shot each other and both died. So hey, you know, I guess it cancels it out.
Speaker 2
00:22:26 Out inside a crowded toy store, authorities said two men shot and killed each other inside a Palm Desert Toys-R-Us. The shooting happened near the front of the store in the checkout area. Investigators say there was a fight between the two men, but it wasn't over a toy.Speaker 18
00:22:41 Sergeant Gutierrez with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department said the guns fired were still in the store as the investigation continues.Speaker 12
00:22:49 The officers went inside and located 2 deceased Hispanic male adults, the deceased or towards the front portion of the store.Speaker 18
00:23:06 Officers were seen placing 3 people in patrol cars, 1 appeared to be a juvenile, one female and at one point a family member of one of two men reportedly killed in the store lashed out at a suspect being detained.Speaker 5
00:23:25 So there you go, the.00:23:26 Problem kind of solved itself.
00:23:29 That was 2000 and eight 2008.
00:23:33 But we've only just begun.
00:23:36 2011 because we had a couple years like, you know after that, you know we we got the two four in 2008.
00:23:43 So we got a little bit of a breather.
00:23:46 And then 2011.
00:23:50 This man here.
00:23:52 Walter Vance Walter Vance was going shopping in Target getting Christmas decorations. I guess they were on sale.
00:24:04 And he passed out.
00:24:06 From having like, I guess he had a heart attack.
00:24:10 And rather than help him, people just.
00:24:14 Trampled over him.
00:24:17 Until he was, uh.
00:24:19 Well, until it was too late, until until it was.
00:24:21 Too late for this man.
00:24:24 This is a. Let's see if I can find this.
00:24:25 Story I got lots of notes here.
00:24:34 Where to go?
00:24:35 Yeah, Black Friday target shoppers. Step over Walter Vance as he.
00:24:39 Collapses and dies.
00:24:41 A Black Friday shopper who collapsed while shopping at Target store in West Virginia went almost unnoticed as customers continue to hunt for bargain deals. Walter Vance, 61 year old pharmacist who reportedly suffered from a prior heart condition, later died in the hospital. Witnesses say the shoppers ignored and even walked over the man's body.
00:25:02 As they continued.
00:25:04 To shop.
00:25:06 So there you go.
00:25:09 There you go. At least he wasn't violently murdered. It was somewhat natural causes.
00:25:16 Our Next up.
00:25:19 Let's see here.
00:25:21 This is also a little bit you know.
00:25:24 It was on a list I didn't include, although there's people that I think a little bit reaching that like they want people to be dying on Black Friday so they can have like, this incredible Black Friday kill count or whatever. This one was. That was a little bit reaching, but I still get.
00:25:39 It This one was also though.
00:25:43 This was 2012.
00:25:45 Father charged in crash that killed daughters after Black Friday shopping.
00:25:51 So this was an Indian guy in Palo Alto who went shopping all day with his three daughters and then packed them like they couldn't. They bought so much **** they couldn't. They didn't have enough places for them to sit down with their seat belts on.
00:26:08 And because he was exhausted from all the Black Friday shopping, he fell asleep while driving home, rammed into a cop car that had someone pulled over, and I believe two of his daughters died.
00:26:21 Let me lower it.
00:26:22 Where to go?Speaker 5
00:26:23 Where did this one go?00:26:27 You know, let's see here.
00:26:30 Arvind Tandel, 48, was driving home from Black Friday all night shopping trip with his 34 year old wife and four daughters, ages 12 to 24, when.
00:26:40 An accident occurred.
00:26:42 Blah blah blah. Kendall was driving his Lexus SUV N from Gilroy after having only three hours of.
00:26:48 Sleep, blah blah blah.
00:26:49 Blah. The four daughters were crowded into the back seat, fitted only for three the two who died were not wearing seat belts. A seat in the third row was folded down to make room for all the families purchases, Henrickson said. So again, this one's a little bit reaching.
00:27:06 But it is what?
00:27:07 It is so that's that one.
00:27:12 Uh, this one's not reaching, however.
00:27:17 Now we go to 2016 and one thing that I noticed when I was looking for this stuff is it's increasing in frequency and it's also increasing in method. You know, the first one was, oh, you know the the, you know, black people trampled some guy to.
00:27:31 Death at a Walmart all right.
00:27:32 OK. And then you know the next one was, you know kind of well, you know the shooting there was a shooting between Mexicans and in California. All right, that could have that could have been.
00:27:44 Any day, right?
00:27:46 You know? And then we had another, the guy who didn't quite get trampled, but he was, you know, pressed in a big crowd, had a heart.
00:27:51 Attack fell down.
00:27:53 You know, you could kind of say it was a trampoline in a way.
00:27:56 And then you know the the car crash one whatever. You know, it was like I said, a little bit reaching.
00:28:02 It is what it is.
00:28:04 But then it's it, it all starts.
00:28:05 To be shootings.
00:28:08 It all starts to just be black people and Mexicans shooting.
00:28:11 Each other at the mall and at Walmart.
00:28:15 And again, it's that makes it complicated to find a lot of these old news stories because it happens so often.
00:28:23 If you look for like for example like this one was in New Jersey.
00:28:27 Right. Look for shooting mall, New Jersey.
00:28:35 And good luck finding the right one.
00:28:38 So this was it's tough to track these all down. So this was Atlantic County, New Jersey.
Speaker 19
00:28:46 They got a call for a shooting in the Macy's parking lot. They arrived to find a 20 year old man from Atlantic City was shot multiple times and he was soon pronounced dead at the scene. Police say his 26 year old brother from Clayton, NJ, was also shot. He was shot in the leg and he's in stable condition now. Neither of the victims names have been released. Police say they don't have any suspects to announce yet and won't comment on what.00:29:06 The potential motive could have been.
00:29:08 Eyewitness News spotted numerous shell casings and a bullet riddled SUV this morning, and we also spoke to some shoppers who were very upset by what?
Speaker 20
00:29:18 It's just a shame to come out here and see this. You know it makes you want to think like, you know, I don't. I don't know.00:29:23 If we want.
00:29:23 To do this next year because people, people are, you know, today it's just it's getting crazy.
Speaker 5
00:29:29 It's just getting crazy guys. I can't figure it out. I can't put my.00:29:34 Finger on it.
00:29:35 I don't know. People are just they're just.
00:29:36 Losing their minds.
00:29:38 People are just nuts these days.
00:29:42 I can't think of what changed. I have no idea what changed.
00:29:49 And so white people will be shopping from home more and more. And look, I I don't blame them. You know, I I remember going to I live in the DC area just going to the malls in Northern Virginia, which I did a couple times, regrettably. And yeah, talk about white flight, OK.
00:30:09 Holy ****. Same thing with Marilyn. Like.
00:30:11 That whole that whole.
00:30:12 Area the the with a couple exceptions with like the really there's like the really fancy malls where the you know.
00:30:19 But even then, you go to the really fancy malls and it's it's just a slightly less ghetto, but there's still the same kind of demographics floating around, right?
00:30:29 Uh, yeah. So then you got. Let's see here. That was 2016, but also in 2016.
00:30:42 In Reno Black Friday.
00:30:45 Over a parking space.
Speaker 21
00:30:48 Now, this morning, police in Reno, NV are looking for a man.Speaker 13
00:30:51 Who? They say.00:30:52 Shot and killed another person over a parking spot. It happened last night around six outside of a Walmart there. Besides the victim, no one else was hurt.
Speaker 5
00:31:03 Well, that's good. It's good that only the victim was hurt.00:31:09 Oh, and then also in 2016, 2016 was like, I think, I guess, maybe what the Trump Derangement syndrome had had had seeped into the minds. People were all. They're all everyone's going crazy.
00:31:21 That they're all on edge.
00:31:23 You had this. This was the the one that top it off in San Antonio.
00:31:28 A Mexican guy saw another Mexican guy fighting with his girlfriend in the parking lot, so he stepped in, tried to stop it and the I guess that's another situation where the Mexican guy is.
00:31:43 He's kind of taking care.
00:31:44 Of the problem himself and shot shot, the other Mexican guy.
00:31:48 They didn't cancel each other out, and unfortunately the one that got cancelled out sounds like it, at least he.
00:31:52 Was at least kind of the one of the good ones.
00:31:55 But this is what this is San Antonio on Black Friday.
Speaker 15
00:32:00 But first there.Speaker 5
00:32:01 Also, a Walmart parking lot by the.Speaker 22
00:32:03 Way loved one was shot and killed after stepping in to help a woman who was being assaulted.Speaker 23
00:32:09 Today, a San Antonio judge sentenced the gunman, 21 year old Telis Juarez, to life in prison. Eyewitness News reporter Sharon Coe spoke with the victim's family and shares what today's judgment means to them.Speaker 24
00:32:21 Lisa Benavidez is unable to hold back tears in court as she recounts details of the day her husband was murdered.00:32:29 In 2016, as Pedro Sadat Day was at a Walmart, when he saw fight in the parking lot, 21 year old Tellez Juarez was dragging his girlfriend by her hair and beating her. Said that they told him to take his hands off her. What has responded by pulling out his gun and shooting him to death?
Speaker 5
00:32:54 You know, and that's why, honestly, that's why people don't get involved with this ****.00:33:00 That's why when you see this sort of thing happen, it's like.
00:33:06 You know, it's not my problem, not my problem. And I look and I kind of get it, I get it.
00:33:12 I get it. We're not a community anymore.
00:33:15 You know, I talked a couple streams back about how we're basically just the, you know, the Israeli, you know, the Israelis wanting us to go and die for them is like another apartment complex on the other side of town, wanting you to quit your job and go across town and and protect their apartment complex.
00:33:33 For no reason.
00:33:35 You know it it it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense if.
00:33:41 If something's happening to someone that's not a part of your your family, your nation, your you know.
00:33:50 Your your religion, I mean, there's what? What are the connections between people in?
00:33:53 This country now.
00:33:59 So if you stick your neck out for some rando.
00:34:03 There's a really good chance you're gonna get shot in the face like this guy.
00:34:09 Or if you don't.
00:34:13 If you actually protect yourself and maybe you shoot someone else in the face, totally justified.
00:34:21 Then the government puts you in jail for the rest of your life, or at least long enough to where your life's ****** ** forever.
00:34:33 So this guy tried to.
00:34:35 Step in and help and uh.
00:34:38 Rat a tat tat.
00:34:42 So there you go.
00:34:47 That's just, you know.
00:34:50 One of many stories 2018.
00:34:58 This one's.
00:34:58 At a mall.
Speaker 17
00:35:00 Terrified shoppers running for their lives, multiple gunshots ringing out in Alabama's biggest mall, packed.Speaker 21
00:35:02 There has been fires.Speaker 17
00:35:09 After Thanksgiving dinner.Speaker 25
00:35:13 With people running through Sears.Speaker 17
00:35:15 A fight had broken out between two young men. One pulled a gun and wounded the other nearby. Police extra holiday security encountered the shooter and shot him dead.Speaker 15
00:35:24 We were fortunate that that Hoover officer was.Speaker 26
00:35:27 There where he needed to be.Speaker 17
00:35:29 But also wounded by the suspect, police say a 12 year old girl named Molly with a bullet lodged close to her spine. Medics raced Molly to surgery at a Children's Hospital. They found none of her organs were damaged and that.00:35:42 There was no.
00:35:42 Internal bleeding, Molly's mom wrote on Facebook. She may be able to head home soon.
00:35:47 I am so thankful for everyone who helped us.
Speaker 5
00:35:51 So a little white girl.00:35:53 Gets shot because she's with her mom.
00:35:57 Doing Black Friday shopping.
00:36:01 In a mall full of black people.
00:36:06 Now the funny the the interesting twist in this story is kind of about it's kind of.
00:36:10 Like what I just talked about?
00:36:13 Where you're you're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't.
Speaker 11
00:36:15 Right.Speaker 5
00:36:17 In this case.00:36:19 One of the the the the youths right notice how also they don't. They're not showing any pictures in a lot of these news stories. They're not showing pictures of perpetrators.
00:36:32 You know, it's the Ann Coulter rule.
00:36:37 It's just shootings. You're not supposed to notice that. You know who's doing the shootings.
00:36:46 But in this case, like I said, there's a little bit of A twist. One of the youths.
Speaker 11
00:36:52 Running away with a gun in his hand.Speaker 5
00:36:56 Was shot and killed.00:36:59 By a police officer.
00:37:02 And then when they went back and reviewed like the the the footage and everything they discovered, he wasn't the one who shot.
00:37:11 You know that he had his gun out, but he wasn't one of the he wasn't the actual.
00:37:16 Shooter I guess you could say.
00:37:19 And of course, what happened? The black, you know? And luckily, maybe because people were still burned out on George Floyd or whatever it it didn't really amount to anything. And he had his gun like he had his gun out. It's not that, you know, he was just running innocently. No, he had a gun out. He was on the side of the guy that was doing the shooting. But because he himself wasn't technically shooting yet.
00:37:40 The the cop was put on unpaid leave and it was like this big ******* mess and and and could have. George Floyd had pretty quick.
00:37:48 And miraculously didn't.
00:37:52 So that was uh.
00:37:55 That was 2018.
00:38:01 Now we have 2020.
Speaker 15
00:38:09 And that breaking news is in Sacramento police have made an arrest in the deadly shooting of two teenage brothers at Arden Fair Mall on Black Friday. Family members identified the two teens who were killed as 19 year old Dwayne James Junior and 17 year old Sequan Reed James. And we've learned both brothers had attended Rio Americano.Speaker 21
00:38:28 Police say.00:38:29 They have arrested 18 year old Demario Beck in connection with the shooting. The victims were both shot inside the mall near the entrance right by the Forever 21 store. We have live team coverage of the shooting near West and the programs in place that are meant to make Arden Fair Mall safer. We'll start with KCRA 3's Emily Maha and Emily. Now we're hearing today.
Speaker 5
00:38:35 Now, pictures of Demario huh.Speaker 15
00:38:50 From some of the family members of the victims, what are they saying?Speaker 5
00:38:52 Yeah, now pictures of Demario.00:38:55 But make sure we have pictures of the victims. You know, all these poor black kids and what can we do? What can we do to make these malls safer?
00:39:05 I don't know it it I'm completely.
Speaker 11
00:39:09 At a loss I.00:39:10 Don't. I don't know how to.
Speaker 5
00:39:11 Make these malls safer.00:39:15 I mean, ban black people.
Speaker 11
00:39:17 What are you going to do?00:39:20 What do you do to see?
Speaker 5
00:39:21 This is the problem. This is the problem.00:39:24 When you have conservatives who recognize all these problems but they.
00:39:29 Put their heads in the sand when it comes to the pattern that you know the the thing that the glue that holds all of these different incidents together, right. The thing that that ties all these things together.
00:39:40 You can't come up with solutions.
00:39:42 You can't come up with solutions if you're ignoring the what the the actual cause is and what. So what you end up doing, it's not just that you don't solve the problem, you you make the problem worse.
00:39:57 You make the problem worse, because now they're going to start creating all these programs, right? Oh, we got to make our malls so.
00:40:05 Right. We can't address what's actually making them unsafe. In fact, we're going to spend money S that you you'll never come to that conclusion.
00:40:13 And if anyone points out what it is that's making the malls unsafe and the Walmart parking lots unsafe, we'll try to destroy them. We'll try to get them fired from their job. And by the way, this is conservatives we're talking about. They would they would do the same thing.
00:40:28 They will try to get you fired from your job and certainly make sure that you don't have a platform to speak on.
00:40:36 And this is this is this is what's been going on now for for decades.
00:40:41 For decades.
00:40:44 And so in addition to, you know fleecing the the, the very people that are complaining about this, the white middle class, people that have.
00:40:52 They can't figure out. Oh.
00:40:53 People are just going crazy out there.
00:40:56 You know, not only are you paying higher prices at the store because now these stores have to increase their security. I mean, ****, I mean, we've seen a lot of these stores like in San Francisco where they don't even put the products on the shelf anymore. There's like a button next to a picture of the product that you push and then like in the back room.
00:41:14 Or something they they.
00:41:15 Pack it up for you or something.
00:41:17 And we're not even talking like gold chains. You know, we're talking like toilet paper and **** like that, right?
00:41:24 Afro Sheen Afro Sheen is not is definitely not put out on the shelves.
00:41:30 And so you have to push these buttons.
00:41:33 And they have to pay for all the, you know, the whole system for it. You know, they got to Jack the prices up to make up for all the the items that are stolen. They have to pay for all the insurance. And they got, I mean it's it's you're paying for that you're paying for that.
00:41:48 The only reason I'm bringing this up is because apparently a lot of these people can only think in economic terms. They can't, you know, you you mentioned the the the just the fact that like the the, the complete erosion of the society as a whole, that doesn't seem to bother them, right. That does. That's fine cause whatever you do when you're going home, you know, that's fine. Right. Who cares if there's no social cohesion.
00:42:09 Who cares if we, you know, we don't have any kind of racial solidarity or any kind of even, like, shared enough culture to where communities come together, you know, even at times of Thanksgiving.
00:42:25 Right, Thanksgiving is now. It's what it's about. The genocide of of the Indians, right, it's it's.
00:42:33 So you don't? You don't even have that kind of cohesion where you can celebrate a.
00:42:40 I mean it's it's a religious holiday, but in terms of religious holidays, it's rather mundane.
00:42:46 Right. It's it's it's rather interchangeable.
00:42:50 It's not something that, you know, a a Catholic would celebrate, but that a a Mormon.
00:42:55 Couldn't you know?
00:42:56 It's fairly universal.
00:43:02 They don't care about any of that, but if you talk to them in economic terms, then for some reason it matters. So you know, I'll tell you, since you guys are the ones maybe going to these Black Friday sales, those sales, those deals aren't so good these days.
00:43:15 And part of it's because you're paying more for all this the this sort of thing that's going on.
00:43:21 You're paying more taxes to pay to keep these people in jail when and if they're caught. You're paying for all the lawsuits when they inevitably get shot by a cop, and then they have to deal with.
00:43:32 That and you know.
00:43:34 Have settled out of court or have the DOJ come after them or you know, whatever, right? It's extremely expensive to have these people in your society, and there's really not a.
00:43:45 Whole lot of benefit.
00:43:49 In fact, I I I'm dying to hear what these.
00:43:51 Benefits could possibly be.
00:43:54 They're certainly they're certainly not economic, whatever they are.
00:43:59 And I don't think they're cultural or anything else.
00:44:04 It's just everything's more dangerous and more expensive.
00:44:09 That's something I'm thankful for.
00:44:18 Also in in 2020.
Speaker 9
00:44:21 Multiple people.Speaker 28
00:44:23 Fatally shot in Northwest Indiana and Wiggins, Mike Lowe is joining us now live with the latest there, Mike.Speaker 29
00:44:31 Ray and Jenna, good evening to both of you. We are following the story here in East Chicago IN where witnesses tell us that two people were shot and killed in an afternoon shooting. Here we are standing on Main Street here in East Chicago IN near the corner of 139th St. We're told that this happened at about four.00:44:50 In the afternoon, when restaurants were open and of course, Black Friday shoppers were out.
00:44:56 This happened when there were a lot of people out here and so very, very startling to this community and the initial information that we have from witnesses indicates that a number of men ambushed two people.
Speaker 5
00:45:09 It's so startling, right? It's I I'm so shocked.00:45:15 I'm so shocked.
00:45:18 It's like people don't have respect, respect for.
00:45:20 The law anymore, these ******* people.
00:45:27 These these people.
00:45:33 So that was 2020.
Speaker 25
00:45:39 We have new details on a deadly shooting that happened outside of a Walmart in Northeast Austin. Police have identified the victim as 28 year old Jose Juan Vasquez. The shooting happened last Wednesday night in the parking lot of that Walmart on Norwood Park Blvd. near I-35 and.Speaker 5
00:45:57 Wait, did I play this one already? I don't know. They all kind of blend together after a while.Speaker 25
00:45:57 Hwy. 183.Speaker 5
00:46:03 They all kind of blend together.00:46:07 It's like the same story over and over again, just in a different city.
00:46:13 So that's.
Speaker 11
00:46:16 That's the thing. That's what's that's what's going to be increasingly the case.Speaker 5
00:46:23 If you live in a city, you go.Speaker 11
00:46:24 To Walmart, you go to go to the.Speaker 5
00:46:26 Mall. You want to get that TV for 50% off or whatever?00:46:29 It is you want.
00:46:33 Next thing you know, little Janie gets shot in the head.
00:46:37 Because some black people were arguing over.
00:46:40 A parking space.
00:46:46 So those are all the.
00:46:50 Those are all the murders I could find.
00:46:53 They were. I mean, there's more, but a lot of them were were unrelated to Black Friday or like, yeah, they were. They were. They were very. I mean, they were still diversity related, right. But it would.
00:47:03 Be like oh.
00:47:04 Someone was murdered behind a mall and and you know it was just. It was like a gang thing that happened, you know, maybe the night of Thanksgiving, but it had nothing to do.
00:47:13 With Black Friday or anything like that.
00:47:17 This is a runner up.
00:47:20 This I just thought was an interesting, interesting kind of a.
00:47:24 I mean, I guess look, if you're going to **** ** my society, at least make it somewhat entertaining.
Speaker 30
00:47:31 Black Friday bedlam once again took over America's malls and department stores. Perhaps the most alarming is this footage from inside the Philadelphia Mall, where two women began brawling at 2:30 in the morning, one eventually pulling out a Taser. You can hear the crackle of the stun gun.00:47:51 And watch as the sparks fly and check out this bra from inside a Texas Walmart as two women battle for a TV set. Police eventually throwing one woman to the floor and cussing her. The situation also came to blows in this parking lot of a California.
00:48:11 No more.
00:48:12 Security expert Jr. Roberts says stores taking extra steps to lure in big crowds are not always taking extra steps for security.
Speaker 15
00:48:21 A lot of the retailers who've convinced people they will get one in a lifetime deals.Speaker 9
00:48:25 And so they have to get there. And as a consequence, we see.Speaker 15
00:48:28 A lot of chaos.Speaker 30
00:48:29 But with Black Friday shopping numbers on the rise, videos showing off chaos now seem as customary as the Turkey dinner.Speaker 5
00:48:39 Now, this is America now.00:48:41 This is America now.
00:48:45 This is what happens when no one gives a **** about anyone else.
00:48:50 And if you ignore the racial component to that, you're a ******* ******** part of the problem.
00:48:57 And you're making it worse.
00:49:02 People always marvel, right? They always have those. You see these tweets?
00:49:09 These little little bits of anecdotal evidence.
00:49:14 You know about Japan, you know? Oh, you know, this lady dropped a, you know, dropped her wallet full of money.
00:49:22 And five people came and and to pick it up and give it back to her or or I, you know, I left this really expensive thing out on accident. I forgot it. And I came back hours later and it was still there and.
00:49:37 People are like, oh, what's what's?
00:49:38 I don't you.
00:49:39 Know and you'll hear. Boomers see. They'll see these stories.
00:49:43 And they'll say, you know, I just, you know, I wonder what it is about the Japanese that that makes them so able to do this.
00:49:52 I can't figure it out.
00:50:00 They're not Christians, by the way.
00:50:04 All these people that think that somehow Christianity is what is the necessary ingredient for a civilization to function?
00:50:13 Well, they're not. They're not Christians.
00:50:16 So what is it?
00:50:26 Well, they're all Japanese. That's what it is.
Speaker 11
00:50:30 Spoiler alert.Speaker 5
00:50:32 They don't have diversity.00:50:39 And diversity is just it's a lie that's been shoved down the throats of Americans especially.
00:50:46 Since the the real really since the the first Thanksgiving, or at least the myths around the first Thanksgiving, right?
00:50:58 Do you guys I don't.
00:50:59 Know if you guys remember this. I I was always taught.
00:51:04 That basically Thanksgiving, the whole reason we had Thanksgiving.
00:51:10 Was because white people came to America, you know, stupid ******* white people.
00:51:15 They showed up. They didn't know how to do anything. They didn't. I don't even know why they came here.
00:51:22 They were. They were wildly unprepared.
00:51:27 They just showed up.
00:51:29 And start dying immediately.
00:51:33 And then the Indians came.
00:51:37 And showed the white people.
00:51:40 How to not die?
00:51:43 Showed them how to farm and.
00:51:46 How to catch fish and all this?
00:51:48 Nonsense, right?
00:51:52 And then the white people having having learned all these lessons from the wise Indians.
00:52:00 They had a big party.
00:52:03 Big a big celebration of unity.
00:52:09 And that was Thanksgiving.
00:52:12 So the first Thanksgiving, or at least the myth around it that I was told.
00:52:19 Was that it was about racial, you know, racial or not, racial solidarity, but but interracial solidarity, I guess.
00:52:30 You know people, I mean, watch stuff like the. This is the kind of cartoon that they.
00:52:35 Would show kids.
Speaker 8
00:52:37 Turkey and pumpkin pie.Speaker 4
00:52:39 And cranberries and sweet potatoes. Ohh yeah. Let's see.Speaker 32
00:52:45 Haven't we forgotten something, children?Speaker 33
00:52:47 Yes, dad.Speaker 32
00:52:50 We wish to give thanks for all the wonderful things we are fortunate to have on this day of Thanksgiving and to pray for all the others in the world who are less fortunate than we.Speaker 34
00:53:03 Well, son, they are celebrating the holiday of Thanksgiving and offering a prayer of thanks and afterwards.00:53:10 They'll all enjoy.
00:53:11 A fabulous feast.
Speaker 4
00:53:12 You mean like moms fitting for?Speaker 8
00:53:15 Us. That's right, son.Speaker 4
00:53:18 I sure like Thanksgiving. It's a great holiday. Really. Gosh, tell me about it. Dad. What did he do?Speaker 34
00:53:21 It sure is, but I'll bet you didn't know if it hadn't been for your great, great, great grandfather, Jeremy Squirrel, there never would have been a Thanksgiving.00:53:36 Well it all.
00:53:37 Started way back in the year 1620, that's when 102 pilgrims set sail from England on the good ship Mayflower to find religious freedom in the New World.
Speaker 35
00:53:39 Mommy. Mommy.Speaker 30
00:53:51 It was a.Speaker 34
00:53:52 Stormy and perilous journey. That was to.00:53:54 Last 65 days.
00:53:58 There were some who thought they might not make it.
00:54:01 But they did make it to the world. And on December 20.
Speaker 5
00:54:06 You know the crazy thing about it is.00:54:09 Is as much as like the subversion.
00:54:12 Of you know the whole.
00:54:14 Indians taught us civilization. Subversion is in there.
00:54:19 It's it's kind of amazing that they had the the prayer right, like, oh, don't worry guys. We have to pray.
00:54:26 Like that was that was pretty crazy. They had that element to it, but also that the white people at the very least aren't portrayed as evil. They're just kind of dumb and need the help of the Indians to survive.
Speaker 34
00:54:36 Flower to find religious freedom in the new world.00:54:43 It was a stormy and perilous journey that was.
00:54:46 To last 65 days.
00:54:50 There were some who thought they might.
Speaker 23
00:54:51 Not make it.Speaker 34
00:54:53 But they did make it.00:54:54 The new world and on December 21st, 1620, the Mayflower anchored in Plymouth Bay and the Pilgrims stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock.
Speaker 4
00:55:07 And that's when they celebrated Thanksgiving.Speaker 34
00:55:09 No, son, that wasn't to come until next autumn. You see, that first year was a difficult one for the pilgrims.00:55:18 Had to face a terrible winter as they tried to build a new home in the hostile wilderness without much more than hard work, perseverance and courage to do it.
00:55:31 But the weather worsened. They were plagued by lack of food and sickness before the winter was over. They had lost half their number.
00:55:41 And it looked like the colony would fail.
Speaker 4
00:55:43 Gosh, that must have been pretty awful.Speaker 34
00:55:46 It sure was.00:55:48 But with the coming of spring, unexpected help arrived at the Pilgrim settlement or out of the forest came friendly Indians, who up until then the pilgrims had been afraid of.
00:56:00 Well, with the Indians showing them how the Pilgrims learned to.
00:56:06 Hunt and fish.
00:56:08 And plant corn and pumpkins and beans and by summer's end they had raped a bountiful harvest. That autumn, they made plans for a huge feast the first Thanksgiving.
Speaker 5
00:56:21 So there you go. That was the story that every kid was taught.00:56:24 That stupid white people came to America and didn't know what they were doing. And then the Indians came and saved them.
00:56:31 And that's what Thanksgiving's about.
00:56:33 In fact, I mean, I doubt they do it now.
00:56:37 But that's why in elementary school, you know we'd make the little Pilgrim hats out of construction paper and make the little Indian headdresses and stuff like that. And they certainly don't do.
00:56:45 That and that that part now.
00:56:53 But then it it it slowly morphed it the, the the retelling of this story just keeps getting darker and darker, you know, with the white people being more evil and more to the point where they're genocidal.
00:57:07 In fact, you know.
00:57:09 The Craters of South Park.
00:57:14 One of their first cartoons they ever made. They they they. This is in fact probably why Jews decided to fund some of their future projects.
00:57:26 They basically.
00:57:29 Well, they did a a retelling of American history.
00:57:35 Using the.
00:57:38 I don't want to know. I don't know if you'd call it like revisionist, but the I guess in a way, which is weird because they're libertarians, right? Almost like the the Marxist version of American history.
Speaker 36
00:57:54 Let me tell you.00:57:55 About American history.
00:57:59 Go ahead.Speaker 36
00:58:02 Let me tell you about American history.00:58:06 Are fast Columbus found those continent and 1492 and he started killing many Indians and then pilgrims landed at famous locks and had a big party.
00:58:25 With India.
00:58:27 And then they made a.
Speaker 11
00:58:29 13 colonies.Speaker 36
00:58:31 On this continent.00:58:34 And band, which is passed in England.
00:58:39 King George didn't think well about new content, and he played taxis like Bush.
00:58:50 Americans face off, and Boston tea body happen.
00:58:55 They threw the tea.
00:58:58 Threw away the tea.
Speaker 1
00:58:59 And tea.Speaker 36
00:59:01 And sit down.00:59:04 Like tea.
00:59:08 They put the milk in.
00:59:13 Now at 1776.
00:59:16 Thomas Jefferson wrote degradation of independence.
00:59:24 Live here and not the people by using. But if by land, two if by sea.
Speaker 5
00:59:33 There's a part there where they kill more Indians.00:59:38 Here we go.
Speaker 36
00:59:41 The final frontier to boldly go.00:59:44 Where no man has gone before.
00:59:48 And give.
00:59:49 A lot more honey.
Speaker 5
00:59:54 See, this is where the the the white guilt Shame Fest was was starting to really ratchet up.01:00:02 This would have been.
01:00:04 Late 90s, very late 90s, I think 1999 ish.
01:00:10 When this was produced, because Bush was president.
01:00:14 But I don't think 911 had happened yet.
01:00:19 And this is when you had a lot of these white kids coming out of schools, ashamed of their past.
01:00:27 Ashamed of their the the civilization their ancestors had built.
01:00:34 You know, you had just a few years later you'd have, you know, it was that big deal that Obama wouldn't even say American exceptionalism or whatever.
01:00:46 But it started out like a lot friendlier. I mean, just just as devious, but a lot friendlier. Like, look at this ******* **** show. I found this when.
01:00:53 I was looking for a.
01:00:55 That other, I mean it's almost, it's almost like a parody. Like this is almost a parody of if you wanted to make diversity **** like this is almost a parody.
Speaker 26
01:01:06 And from then on, a friendship between the Indians and the pilgrims flourished.Speaker 37
01:01:18 We sit side by side together.Speaker 35
01:01:37 I'm not always, always you for me. Always because you.Speaker 27
01:01:53 All together now it's like a big happy memory to which we.Speaker 5
01:02:10 I mean, holy ****, right?Speaker 11
01:02:15 I can't even ******* take it anymore.Speaker 38
01:02:17 Ah, good Lord.Speaker 34
01:02:23 Get in.Speaker 5
01:02:36 I mean this. This is like ******** in your.01:02:39 Face ****. But it was very main.
01:02:42 It was very, very mainstream. This is the kind of **** that they would they would play in schools that they'd play on Saturday morning cartoons or, you know, whatever the the Thanksgiving special was going to play.
01:02:54 The after school special, that sort of thing.
01:02:59 That was the level of, hey, we're all we're all the same. We're all the same. Let's hold hands. Nothing can stop us. We're America. Doesn't matter what color you are. I don't see rays. BLOB. That's where all this ****.
01:03:11 Comes from.
01:03:12 Hard ******** propaganda.
01:03:15 Because it would take ********.
01:03:17 Propaganda to get you to not see what's you know, to to get you to stop believing you're lying. Eyes right.
01:03:28 So anyway, happy Thanksgiving.
01:03:34 Oh man.
01:03:39 I guess there's a movie about Thanksgiving coming out like a horror film about Thanksgiving that came out today or yesterday or whatever.
01:03:48 I couldn't find any. I couldn't find a version of it online. I was.
01:03:50 Going to.
01:03:50 Look at that. Maybe we'll do that next year.
01:03:55 I will do that next year. There was another thing I wanted.
01:03:57 To bring up here.
01:04:00 You know, we could do if you guys want.
01:04:03 We could do the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special.
01:04:09 I think I got it.
01:04:14 Let's see here.
01:04:28 Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special.
01:04:35 Where is that?
01:04:41 I thought I had it here. I might not have it here.
01:04:51 Or I might have it here.
01:04:53 There we go.
01:04:59 Yeah, I got it. OK, let me just load this up here real quick.
01:05:05 Oh wait, never.
Speaker 10
01:05:06 Mind that is not it. That's the.Speaker 5
01:05:10 That's the sponsorship.Speaker 36
01:05:21 This is it.Speaker 5
01:05:22 Sorry guys, I thought I had this already. Alright I finally.Speaker
01:05:25 Got it. OK, here we go.Speaker 5
01:05:38 OK, it's a cozy strain. What can I say? What can I say? It's a.01:05:46 It's the Thanksgiving.
01:05:48 And well, will this make you guys happy while I load this up?
01:05:52 The Turkey attack.
Speaker 6
01:05:57 This gigantic Turkey just kind of like jumps up towards my face to kind of like almost clawed me in the face. So kind of knocked me off my bike.01:06:06 And then it it proceeded to chase me around for like 5 minutes.
Speaker 7
01:06:12 Say this wild Turkey has been terrorizing the neighborhood, even attacking people and chasing down cars.Speaker 8
01:06:21 Tales of turkeys terrorizing neighbors.Speaker 6
01:06:25 Gigantic Turkey. Just kind of like jumped up towards my face. They kind of like almost clawed me.01:06:30 In the face.
01:06:40 Scary situation.
Speaker 34
01:06:42 The wild turkeys that have settled.Speaker 9
01:06:44 In this lavatories and neighborhood have been attacking delivery drivers.Speaker 10
01:06:48 The chief coming toward the truck and start packing.Speaker 23
01:06:50 Up the truck.Speaker 5
01:07:14 All right.01:07:17 Now we got to load it up here.
01:07:20 So I haven't watched this. I don't think since it was on television.
01:07:28 So. Oh, and of course it doesn't want to load up into my software.
01:07:33 Let me see.
01:07:33 If the file is ****** ** or.
01:07:35 If it's let me.
01:07:37 I can convert it or I can play it in a browser. Most likely it's on
01:07:44 So we can always do it that way.
01:07:54 Not ideal, but we can do it that way.
01:07:58 Oh, that's weird. The version on is broken, that's why.
01:08:06 OK, sorry guys.
01:08:11 Maybe we can find another version.
01:08:27 That is weird. OK, well.
01:08:33 I'm going to try 1.
01:08:34 More place. And then we'll move on.
01:08:45 All right.
01:08:47 I'm going to start it downloading here.
01:08:50 It might take some time here.
01:08:57 Unless YouTube has it, I doubt YouTube still has it.
01:09:12 I guess they do. That's probably where I should have looked first, huh?
01:09:18 Is it the full?Speaker 5
01:09:18 Thing it is not the full thing. Is this the full thing?Speaker 40
01:09:25 Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown.Speaker 41
01:09:27 I can't believe it. She must think I'm the.01:09:29 Most stupid person alive.
Speaker 5
01:09:31 All right, this might be the full thing in.01:09:33 The form of a playlist.
01:09:40 All right.
01:09:43 So after Much Ado.
01:09:45 I present to you.
01:09:48 The Charlie Brown.
01:09:50 Thanksgiving special.
Speaker 40
01:09:51 Charlie Brown. Oh, Charlie Brown.Speaker
01:09:54 As soon as I get the.Speaker 1
01:09:56 To work.Speaker 3
01:09:57 I can't believe it. She must think I'm the most stupid person alive.Speaker 40
01:10:07 Come on, Charlie Brown. I'll hold the ball and you kick it.Speaker 3
01:10:13 Hold it. You'll pull it away and I'll land flat on my back and kill myself.Speaker 40
01:10:20 But Charlie Brown, it's Thanksgiving.Speaker 3
01:10:23 What's that got to do with anything?Speaker 40
01:10:27 While one of the greatest traditions we have is the Thanksgiving Day football game and the biggest, most important tradition of all is the kicking off of the football.Speaker 3
01:10:37 Is that right?Speaker 40
01:10:39 Absolutely. Come on, Charlie Brown. It's a big honor for you.Speaker 3
01:10:47 Well, if it's that important, a person should never turn down a big honor.Speaker 5
01:10:53 You know, the thing that always irritated me about Charlie Brown, aside from it not being very funny.Speaker 3
01:10:54 Maybe I should do?Speaker 5
01:10:58 Is that he's constantly being dominated by this. This know it all chick.01:11:03 And this seems to be like a a common theme from this time period too. You know, back in the 80s, I mean, you know, the whole the whole Sam and Diane kind of dynamic where you have like this.
01:11:15 This man who's being constantly outsmarted by a witty.
01:11:20 I don't know that always that always irritated the **** out of me.
Speaker 3
01:11:26 Besides, she wouldn't try to trick me on a traditional holiday.Speaker 5
01:11:30 Yeah, of course not, because she always constantly does, but she won't this time, right?Speaker 3
01:11:33 This time I'm gonna kick.Speaker 4
01:11:34 That football player to the moon.Speaker 5
01:11:38 Ohh haha. Ohh Charlie Brown OK.Speaker 31
01:11:50 What's the matter, Big Brother?Speaker 3
01:11:52 Nothing. I was just checking the mailbox.Speaker 31
01:11:56 What did you expect? A Turkey card?Speaker 3
01:12:00 Holidays always depress me.Speaker 31
01:12:03 I know what you mean. I went down to buy a Turkey tree and all they have is things for Christmas.Speaker 3
01:12:11 For Christmas already.Speaker 31
01:12:15 Anyway, why should I give thanks and Thanksgiving? What have I got to be thankful for? All it does is make more work for us at school. Do you know what? What we have to do now?01:12:32 We have to write an essay on Stanley Myles.
Speaker 3
01:12:37 You mean Miles Standish?Speaker 31
01:12:39 I can't keep track of all those people.Speaker 41
01:12:42 What's all the commotion?Speaker 3
01:12:44 We've got another holiday to worry about.01:12:48 It seems Thanksgiving Day.
01:12:50 Is upon us.
Speaker 31
01:12:51 I haven't even finished eating all my Halloween.Speaker 35
01:12:54 Holy canopy.Speaker 3
01:12:54 Candy Sally Thanksgiving is a very important.Speaker 5
01:12:57 I don't know my my urge to kill is rising. This might have been a bad idea.Speaker 1
01:12:58 Holiday I was.Speaker 41
01:13:00 The first country in the.01:13:01 World to make a national holiday.
Speaker 31
01:13:04 Thanks. He. Isn't he the cutest thing?Speaker 11
01:13:05 I'm not entertained.Speaker 3
01:13:10 What are you gonna do on Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown? My mother and dad and Sally and I are all going over to my grandmother's for dinner.Speaker 31
01:13:20 Why don't you tell and we can hold hands under the table.Speaker 5
01:13:31 I never thought I'd say this, but.01:13:33 I think Charlie Brown.
01:13:33 Might have to go in the pit.
Speaker 33
01:13:35 Hello. Hi, Chuck, this is Peppermint Patty. How you been, Chuck?Speaker 3
01:13:41 OK, I guess.Speaker 33
01:13:43 Do you kind of miss me?01:13:45 Well, I that's OK, Chuck. I know you probably can't talk because someone's listening. Well, I.
01:13:52 We'll keep these intimate things to ourselves, OK? Check.
01:13:57 Listen, I really have a treat for you. I didn't come out of town, he said I could go over to your house.
Speaker 12
01:13:59 See, it's it's really.Speaker 5
01:14:00 All the female characters.01:14:01 This now that I'm watching this as an adult, all the female characters are dominant.
01:14:06 You know, you got this weird lesbian girl hitting on Charlie Brown. He doesn't know to handle it that his Charlie Brown's little sister. I think it is. Was hitting on the the other boy. So you have like all these.
01:14:20 All the every dominant character is a woman so far.
Speaker 33
01:14:23 Share Thanksgiving with you, Chuck.01:14:25 Well, I I don't mind inviting myself over because I know you kind.
01:14:30 Of like me, Chuck.
Speaker 3
01:14:31 Well, I.Speaker 33
01:14:32 OK, that's a date. See you soon, you Sly devil.Speaker 3
01:14:38 Ohh brother, now what?01:14:41 Peppermint patties coming to Thanksgiving dinner.
Speaker 31
01:14:44 We won't even be home.Speaker 33
01:14:49 Hello. Hi, Chuck. Listen, I have even greater news. Remember that great kid, Marcy? Sure. I just talked to her and she kind of would like.01:14:58 To see you again.
01:15:00 And her folks said it would be OK if she joined us.
01:15:03 You can count on 2 for dinner check.
Speaker 3
01:15:06 But I just don't.Speaker 33
01:15:07 Know this will be OK with your folks, won't it check? Well, the problem is.01:15:12 Don't worry, we won't make any problems. We'll help clean up the dishes and everything. Just save me a drumstick in the neck. OK? Check. See you. Check.
Speaker 5
01:15:23 It's funny because she keeps calling him Chuck and his name's not Chuck, that's.Speaker 3
01:15:23 How do I always get into this?Speaker 5
01:15:28 So it's funny because the OK, this better get a lot better.Speaker 1
01:15:51 Little booty. Why do you?Speaker 12
01:15:56 Sat down.Speaker 5
01:16:00 Now it's the part where there's like some really good 70s music playing.01:16:05 And a lot of unfunny slapstick comedy with a a dog and a bird.
01:16:13 Good Lord, how was this ever popular? Like, how was this ever popular?
Speaker 27
01:16:17 It's amazing that the way you get it.Speaker 4
01:16:31 Why? You worry like you do.Speaker 5
01:16:37 You know, it's funny because I remember this this would come on TV. It's this. And they had the Christmas special.01:16:42 Too, this would come on TV and this would be like a big thing, like a whole family would gather around. Oh, and you know the network they that got it that year was super excited because they knew that uh, we can sell a lot of money in AD revenue. We've it's not very long. It's like I think the whole thing is.
01:16:57 Like less than 20 minutes long.
01:17:00 And it it was, it was promoted for weeks.
01:17:04 And then when it finally played, you know, everyone was gathered, they usually would play it on Thanksgiving, right? Everyone was gathered around the Thanksgiving dinner watching this on TV.
Speaker 11
01:17:13 And you know, when I was, you know, when you're a kid.Speaker 5
01:17:16 You like stupid?01:17:17 ****, I never particularly liked this. I was never like, ohh, this is great, but I didn't hate it and I'm starting. I kind of hate it.
01:17:25 I kind of, I mean, look, there's an innocence about it. Maybe that's what it is. Maybe I'm jaded, maybe the the the ****** ** world has affected my ability to enjoy simple, you know, nice things. And you know, maybe it's not meant for people like me. Maybe it's meant for, for children. I know the Christmas special. I do kind of like that. It exists because.
01:17:44 I think NBC refuses to play it now. They own the rights to it because it's too Christian. Which is funny because it's, you know.
01:17:51 It's a Christmas special.
01:17:53 But they don't like it because it's too Christian.
01:17:56 And and they have the Nativity and they talk about Jesus in it, like, which is odd for a a Christmas cartoon.
01:18:04 Because the you know, most of the people making the Christian or the Christmas cartoons are are Jews.
01:18:11 In fact, if you ever notice.
01:18:14 In a lot of Christmas cartoons, I remember the first time I saw it, I.
01:18:17 Never, I couldn't.
01:18:18 Figure out why they'd had a the box of Christmas decorations and it said Xmas.
01:18:26 And I asked my mom. I was like, what? What what? What does Xmas mean?
01:18:30 And she's like, oh, it's just an abbreviation for Christmas. And I'm like, so they abbreviated Christ, they they they just changed it. What? Really.
01:18:39 And in retrospect, looking back, I I just think it was because it was Jews. They didn't want to write.
01:18:43 The word Christ on anything.
01:18:46 But anyway this yeah, this is very painful to watch.
Speaker 11
01:18:50 So we're gonna keep watching it. Let's see what else?01:18:52 Let's see if it gets.
Speaker 5
01:18:53 Any better? It won't.Speaker 11
01:18:55 Like now they're playing ping pong.Speaker 37
01:18:58 That's great. Alright, next next.Speaker 27
01:19:00 No. Ohh.Speaker 5
01:19:02 In the playlist, what do we got?Speaker 39
01:19:04 What are we going to wear to this big Thanksgiving party, Sir? What time do we go?Speaker 33
01:19:11 Well, kid, I'm gonna go like this. Ohh, check is pretty cool about dates. He always wears that striped shirt of his.Speaker 22
01:19:18 I just talked to Charlie Brown, he said.Speaker 6
01:19:19 Ohh, got the black kid.Speaker 5
01:19:21 Everyone, everyone hit the deck.01:19:26 I forgot there was a black kid.
Speaker 33
01:19:28 Dinner will be served a little earlier.01:19:30 Great. We're ready.
Speaker 40
01:19:32 You think I should wear a tie?Speaker 33
01:19:35 Not you can come as you are afraid. All Chuck won't mind. Besides, he didn't say it was formal.Speaker 5
01:19:42 Yeah, because everyone knows like that the first question a black kid would ask is if he has to wear a tie.01:19:49 Ohh I gotta I gotta wear my do I have to get?
01:19:51 My my three piece suit out and.
01:19:54 This is going to be a formal attire.
Speaker 3
01:20:06 OK, Snoopy, it's pretty good. Come on.Speaker 37
01:20:09 Inside, you smell the boom.Speaker 12
01:20:09 Well, I'm. I'm.Speaker 5
01:20:10 We're going to have to start watching this at like a much faster rate, I think.01:20:35 Let's take the Indian thing. You're going to do.
Speaker 38
01:20:40 Alright, nothing happened, alright.Speaker 41
01:20:46 What? Ohh, hi, snoopy. Come on in.Speaker 5
01:20:49 Yeah, double speed. It still seems slow.Speaker 41
01:20:50 Snoopy, how can you serve the food not ridiculous outfit?01:20:53 How about your chef's hat?
01:20:58 Come on, snoopy. We don't have any time for this. Playing around the guests will be here pretty.
01:21:01 Soon. So please get ready to help serve them.
01:21:06 Hi, Chuck. Hi, Pepper with Patty. Hi, Franklin. Hi, marcie.
Speaker 39
01:21:08 Hi, Chuck.Speaker 41
01:21:24 I'm going to have a prayer. It's Thanksgiving, you know, before we serve, should we say grace?01:21:29 You're 1621, the pilgrims. Their first Thanksgiving feast. They invited the Great Indian chief Massasoit, who brought his brave Indians and a great abundance of food. Governor Bradford and captain Miles Sanders were honored guests. Elderly Mr. who was a minister, said prayer than something like this. We thank God for our homes, our food and our safety and new land. We thank God for.
01:21:43 The opportunity to create a new world for Freedom and Justice. Amen.
Speaker 5
01:21:48 Again, at least they're praying now. I'll tell you one thing, a lot of people don't realize this Thanksgiving was a it wasn't like a a holiday that had a set date. Well, I guess.01:21:57 It still isn't right. They do, they do.
01:21:59 It on a Thursday, but it wasn't like a an established kind of a holiday. It was one of many days that.
01:22:07 The things that they would do.
01:22:09 They would do you know the the the Protestants would do days of fasting and days of feasting. They would do days of fasting when they thought that they needed, you know, to please God for whatever reason. And then when they thought they had pleased God, they would have days of feasting and they would have days of thanks. And this was like a normal thing.
01:22:31 OK. And then if there is any truth to, you know, Indians step in helping out the pilgrims survive, the context would have been.
01:22:42 OK, we're going to have a day of thanks, because things worked out. We survived the the terrible winter and we're having a day of it's essentially think of it this way. It's like they had a big potluck and they invited the Indians and the Indians came and brought some food and.
01:22:59 Now it's like a national holiday that celebrates.
01:23:03 Indians saving white people forever.
01:23:06 But you know, at least they're praying in this.
Speaker 11
01:23:21 This is so bad it's so bad.Speaker 39
01:23:24 You don't feel bad. Chuck didn't mean all those things she said. Actually, she really likes you.Speaker 41
01:23:29 I don't feel bad for myself. I just feel bad because I ruined everyone's Thanksgiving.Speaker 39
01:23:33 Thanksgiving is more than eating, Chuck. You don't mind us seeing out there? Those are pilgrims. We're thankful for what happened to them, and we should be thankful too. We should.01:23:39 Just be thankful for being together.
01:23:42 I think that's what they mean by Thanksgiving. Charlie Brown, come here. See you later. Charles. Charles. He's all yours. Priscilla. Priscilla.
Speaker 11
01:23:47 Remember, this is it. This is at double speed.Speaker 41
01:24:00 Good grief. It's 4:00. We're supposed to be at Grandmothers house for Thanksgiving. By 4:30. I better talk to her and explain my dilemma.01:24:08 Hello, grandma. This is Chuck. I mean, Charlie Brown, we're going to be a little late. You see, I invited a few.
01:24:13 Friends over and they're still here.
01:24:16 It's just Linus and a girl named Marcie and a girl named Peppermint Patty. She's a great baseball player.
01:24:20 And a boy named Franklin.
01:24:22 No, ma'am, they haven't eaten. As a matter of fact, they've let me know.
01:24:25 That, and no one certain.
01:24:26 Terms what mean it? Hey, peppermint Patty. Great news.
Speaker 33
01:24:32 We're all invited to Browns grandmother Thanksgiving dinner.Speaker 39
01:24:46 Isn't there no song that goes over the hills through the woods to grandmother?01:24:48 'S house we go.
Speaker 33
01:24:49 Sure, only this is the.Speaker 41
01:24:50 Way it goes over the.01:24:51 River and through the.
Speaker 5
01:24:53 OK, I can't know that.Speaker 9
01:24:56 This episode is the possible.Speaker 7
01:24:57 Part by ABC.Speaker 5
01:24:59 OK. Was that?01:25:00 It I guess that was it.
01:25:04 Ah yeah, never mind. That was a bad idea.
Speaker 11
01:25:12 That was a bad.Speaker 5
01:25:13 Idea. Whatever I was trying I was trying.01:25:17 Alright guys.
01:25:19 Well, this is like I said, this is a short little cozy one. Let me let me go to hyper chats. Why not?
01:25:35 All right, here we go.
01:25:38 Homeland says.
01:25:41 Could resistance, through disengagement, be effective? Could whites collectively stop fixing infrastructure of cities and stop serving the feds well, if if you had solidarity, you could. Yeah, you could do that. That's, but that's not.
01:25:58 You know that that's the problem is you don't have a solidarity.
01:26:02 That's why they don't want you to think collectively because, yeah, whites could do all those things, but they won't do it.
01:26:08 Because they don't have any racial solidarity. See, that's the difference when Jews get mad at someone you know or for example, like those students that were protesting the the genocide in Palestine and they, you know, the Harvard students or whatever, look at, look at how every Jew came out of the woodwork to attack them simultaneously.
01:26:30 That doesn't happen with white people.
01:26:34 Racial solidarity is a superpower.
01:26:37 That white people don't have.
01:26:40 It's a superpower that every other.
01:26:42 Group has, but white people don't have it.
01:26:44 And they don't have it precisely because if they did have it, it would unlock the power that you're you're talking about.
01:26:53 It would make them too powerful.
01:26:56 And the people that are are competitors or you might say enemies.
01:27:01 Have gone to great lengths.
01:27:06 To ensure that you never unlock that superpower. So it's it's it's not. It's not just a hypothetical, it's a fantasy to think that you could get whites collectively to really do anything you can't even get them to all protest or complain about the same thing.
01:27:27 Right.
01:27:29 And a lot of that is because the the propaganda machine is so powerful and it's been running for so long.
01:27:38 That all the institutions that used to.
01:27:42 I guess foster some kind of white unity. They've mostly evaporated and all the other institutions have mutated into something multicultural to serve more customers, if you will.
01:27:55 The you, you you don't have. There's no such thing as a white leader anymore, right?
01:28:03 Or or or even like a.
01:28:06 White organization that's allowed the same gravitas or or.
01:28:15 You know, I guess.
01:28:17 Social acceptability as a a organization for non whites, so it'd be impossible to pull something like that off, and that which is precisely why they've they've.
01:28:29 Prevented it from becoming an option for you.
01:28:34 Yig or Yig Burt.
01:28:37 The good gorilla bumper always reminds me of the 1995 Williams game Congo every ever play that bad movie, fun Pin, happy Thanksgiving? Is it a pinball machine?
01:28:50 I never played the Congo pinball machine or.
01:28:54 Or a video game if it's a video game. Yeah. And it's a terrible movie. It's a terrible ******* movie. It's like the worst movie ever.
01:29:01 Ah, Amy, good gorilla.
01:29:05 It's so bad. It's so bad. It's it's worse than that. Charlie Brown. ****, we.
Speaker 10
01:29:08 Were just watching.Speaker 5
01:29:10 Uh. Let's see here.01:29:13 Homeland. The American Buffalo is proof that were in America before the Indians or the white man, and they all **** cows.
01:29:25 OK, well, I I don't think that's.
01:29:28 Proof. Is that a womp joke?
01:29:31 Is that really a womp joke?
01:29:38 You can do a better.
01:29:38 Job than the WAMP joke.
01:29:41 I don't know if.
01:29:41 Rumble might not like the fact that I've had.
01:29:43 Like a swastika.
01:29:45 That whole time they're they're they're on. But look, we believe in, we believe in multiculturalism. Now, look, we're, I promise.
01:29:56 Great Plains Calvary Great Plains, Calvary.
01:30:12 Plains cavalry, happy friendsgiving the base Turkey.
01:30:16 Made my night. Well, there you go.
01:30:20 And then suicidal white male just has nothing.
01:30:25 Thanks for the support.
01:30:29 Riddle of steel.
01:30:32 As promised, your theme song I sent you a DM on gab with the direct link download to the MP3. Hope you like it to those in chat if you like it, type Turkey if you think it sucks, type Chinese take out. That's way too much.
01:30:46 Things to type if you like it, Type 1.
01:30:49 And if you don't like it, Type 2.
01:30:52 Like the diabetes, diabetes.
01:30:56 Alright, let's see if I can.
Speaker 20
01:30:57 Get this to download.Speaker 5
01:31:04 Is it big? It's not that big, alright?01:31:11 You never can tell.
01:31:13 I'm good. It's already downloaded. Usually the odyssey things take a long time and screw everything up.
01:31:24 Alright, so one in chat if you like this.
01:31:28 2IN chat, if you hate it or just don't like it.
Speaker 38
01:31:44 In the heart of the desert, where the sun meets the sand, there's a man named Devon Stack known as the Black Pilled in the land with a.01:31:54 Straw hat shadowing his unseen face, he tends to his bees and.
01:32:00 Was cactus with grace and when the insomnia stream comes alive.
01:32:08 Super chats flowing like honey from a hive, his fans in the chat with hearts so keen.
01:32:17 Donate their support through the Internet stream.
01:32:22 It's black pill. The legend from the pill box.
01:32:26 Living in the desert where the tumbleweed.
01:32:29 Talk with Charo and classified cat by his side. He rides the airwaves on a hand radio tonight.
01:32:41 Out in the wild under the starry night.
01:32:46 Spins tales of truth, the fire burning bright, the insomnia stream, the midnight ride.
01:32:56 Deconstructing propaganda for the rebels, pride from early life checks to forgotten law.
01:33:05 He dives deep into the tails, the ones ignored a cowboy of wisdom in the digital age, Black Hills, the balladeer on this outlawed stage, these black pills, the sage of the pill balls.
01:33:25 Living in the desert, where the desert winds.
01:33:29 2 cats and the heart.
01:33:31 That beat some truth he's freeing.
01:33:35 The minds of the maggot.
01:33:36 Cards PAN cups and cues.
01:33:41 Beneath the moon's glow is loyal. Listeners know the great replacement black build will expose conspiracy theories proven with fact based twists.
01:33:56 He's the troubadour of truth. In the midnight myths.
01:34:01 He's black pilled.
01:34:02 The guardian of the pill bottles on the deserts islands where the old libraries talk his life dream echoes in the quiet night creature of reason under the Starlight.
01:34:20 And if you seek black pills stream address, you'll find it wherever free speech isn't suppressed.
01:34:29 And with generous super chats, you may confide.
01:34:34 While supporting the sage on this digital tide, but in the shadows, the villain does conspire. The ADL's the mastermind.
01:34:46 And fueled by vengeful fire, they hate black pilled or exposing their deceit. He's black pilled to the ADL. Never will he submit in the pill box where man truth.
01:34:53 Attempts to silence truth, a villainous feat.
01:35:06 Comes to sit 2 cats by his side and his band with running high black filled rides while the ******** gets the pet.
Speaker 1
01:35:29 Get in.Speaker 5
01:35:42 That was surprisingly.Speaker 11
01:35:43 Good. That was. I'm not gonna lie. I was kind of expecting something. Not so good. That was good.Speaker 5
01:35:53 That was good. I liked it. Yeah. I think that most people did. There was mostly ones and Chad, that was.01:35:59 That was pretty good, and there's there's a couple tubes, but not really. I mean mostly it's, uh.
Speaker 11
01:36:06 Yes, that's pretty good. That's pretty good.01:36:09 A little long.
Speaker 5
01:36:13 Little long, but it was good. I I probably would never play it into the whole thing. Obviously if it's for like a a bumper or something, but that's.01:36:22 That's usually how it's done. You know, it's like even that the cheer song. Everyone. Yeah.
01:36:27 Sometimes you want.
01:36:28 To go that, there's a full length.
01:36:29 Version of that, so no one.
01:36:31 'S ever heard it? But yeah. All right, cool.
01:36:36 Well, good job. Yeah, that's that's. I'm. I'm impressed. I'm impressed. The Johnny Cash. Hey, I voice. I'm assuming that's what it was, right?
01:36:45 That's that's, you know, honestly, it's scary that it's that good.
01:36:50 You know that the IT sounds like Johnny Cash. I mean, there's a little bit of an AI edge to it, you know that you.
01:36:56 Can kind of tell, but it's.
01:36:59 I mean, it's a lot better than I would have. I would have imagined you could have done even just.
01:37:02 Like a.
01:37:03 Couple of years ago. So that's. Yeah, that's shockingly good. All right, well, cool.
01:37:09 That's again, I'm very, very surprised. Very surprised.
01:37:14 So that's a Riddle of steel, everyone.
01:37:18 Let's give him a hand of or a a round of applause rather hand of applause.
01:37:24 I don't know what I don't have like a.
01:37:28 I don't have a good little hit here. I can do.
Speaker 35
01:37:32 I'm your density.Speaker 5
01:37:34 That's the closest I can come, all right.01:37:36 Very good, very good Riddle of steel.
01:37:42 Tarantulas, as we see more Nid nogs coming into the country and all the riots in the cities. I am so blessed I raised tarantulas and snakes. Imagine. Wait. Imagine flinging one of my beauties at any intruder.
01:38:03 Well, I'll tell you what black people seem like. Extra afraid of animals.
01:38:08 Which is weird because you would.
Speaker 11
01:38:11 You would think that you know.Speaker 5
01:38:13 They'd they'd feel more at home in, in environments with wild animals. But yeah, they seem to really be out of their depth when it comes to having to handle animals or or really nature. I mean, there's not a lot of camping going on with black people, right?01:38:30 I you know, I I that's another thing I noticed with these with these Turkey, these Turkey stories.
01:38:40 Benny the jet, Benny the jet.
Speaker 6
01:38:51 Right.Speaker 5
01:38:53 Benny the jet. First time I've ever caught you live. 1:00 AM. My time just happened to be on call tonight. Thanks for all the hours of education and entertainment. Figured I'd try to be less of a parasitic Jew.01:39:06 And contribute to your work well, I appreciate that.
01:39:09 Appreciate that Benny the jet.
01:39:12 And happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
01:39:16 Mr. Cho Lee.
01:39:19 Happy Thanksgiving, Devin. Enjoy your meal tomorrow that none of us deserve. Hence the season. My thanks to you for always excellent content. Well, I appreciate that, Mister Trolley. Although I I think I might have broken that broken that record tonight with the Charlie Brown stuff. The there's, there's churro.
01:39:40 Oh my God. He's going to keep doing that unless I go get him. Hang on. Let me get him in.
01:39:43 In the meantime, enjoy this again.
Speaker 6
01:39:45 Face to kind of like almost clawed me in the face. So kind of knocked me off my bike and then it it proceeded to chase me around for like 5 minutes.Speaker 7
01:39:56 They say this wild Turkey has been terrorizing the neighborhood, even attacking people.01:40:01 And chasing down cars.
Speaker 36
01:40:03 Various situations.Speaker 8
01:40:05 Tales of turkeys terrorizing neighbors.Speaker 6
01:40:08 Gigantic Turkey. Just kind of like jumps up towards.01:40:11 My face to kind of.
01:40:12 Like almost claws, me in the face.
01:40:23 Scary situation.
Speaker 34
01:40:26 The wild turkeys.Speaker 9
01:40:27 That have settled.01:40:27 In this WAVY Tosa neighborhood have been attacking delivery drivers.
Speaker 38
01:40:32 The chief comments of the truck and start packing.01:40:34 Up the truck.
01:40:57 All right.
Speaker 5
01:41:00 Oh my God this.01:41:02 This little monster. Now he wants back out, of course.
01:41:06 Course you do.
01:41:10 Of course you do.
01:41:17 You're going outside.
01:41:33 OK.
01:41:37 Yeah, this shows like a **** show. This shows a nightmare show.
01:41:43 Oh man, the magic of live television, right?
01:41:48 OK, moving right along.
Speaker 11
01:41:53 It adds to it, right?01:41:54 A little maybe am I?
01:41:57 Adds to the experience.
Speaker 5
01:42:00 A little behind the scene I.01:42:01 Don't know. I'm trying to trying to.
01:42:04 Find a silver lining here. Let's see here.
01:42:10 Benny the OR did we just do that one?
01:42:13 No, we didn't, Benny the jet, Benny the jet.
01:42:17 My boomer father taught me growing up about the danger of blacks, especially in cities.
01:42:23 He still feels this way, but he refuses to talk about the JQ democracy and absurd and the absurd notion of the rule of law.
01:42:33 These issues are apparently not allowed to be questioned.
01:42:36 Impolite society.
01:42:39 Ideas to address this?
01:42:42 I I think you asked this last time didn't. If you didn't, someone asked a very similar question.
01:42:50 With some people, it's just.
01:42:51 Not worth it. You know, if they're older and they're there, you know what? What's what's the benefit, right.
01:43:00 You know, aside from your personal gratification.
01:43:05 To have them, you know, take the red pill or whatever is there, like a practical reason why you need to get them to figure this out if they're an older person A.
01:43:13 Lot of older people.
01:43:14 Are just never going to get it.
01:43:15 In fact.
01:43:17 In the macro, they're not going to get it at all, right? And so really we're just kind of weighing them out.
01:43:23 Now if if in the micro in your situation there's a benefit to it.
01:43:29 Then yeah, I mean, I would just.
01:43:32 Just keep giving them clues.
01:43:35 Just keep giving them, you know, every time there's a a situation to point out.
01:43:41 The relevancy of the JQ and how it relates to.
01:43:45 Everyday politics all the time and really a lot of other issues too. And just in the.
01:43:50 News just pointed out.
01:43:53 Just pointing out.
01:43:55 You know, next time he's complaining about like Diane or Dianne Feinstein or or, you know, Chuck Schumer or, you know, one of these Democrat bad guys. Just point out that they're Jewish.
01:44:09 And just pointed out.
01:44:11 And not like in a in a in a weird you.
01:44:13 Know like angry way. Just point out like, yeah, well, you know, you know that she probably thinks differently than you do because, you know, she's got different values. I mean, she's Jewish. So like just very casual. Like, just keep, you know, just over repetition is what we'll do it.
01:44:31 But I I find that with older people that.
01:44:35 That when you get them to change their mind.
01:44:39 It's it's more of a it's like with marketing a product, right? When when you watch a car commercial?
01:44:47 They're never really.
01:44:49 Proving that their car is better than the.
01:44:52 Competitors cars, right?
01:44:54 They're never. They're never saying that. Like, Ohh, I'm going to list out the gas mileage.
01:45:00 And the, you know, whatever the the results of our safety tests were or the towing you, you might hear like a statistic like, you know, one of those things thrown in there somewhere. But for the most part.
01:45:13 It's a.
01:45:15 Its feelings.
01:45:17 It's a driving experience they're trying to sell to you. They're trying to sell to you the emotional experience of owning that car and driving that car and how you're going to feel.
01:45:31 With that car, and if they think that you'll feel better about that car by telling you it's it's safe or they'll they they might do that, right? But they're they're not going to sit there and list out all the benefits like the, you know, the, the, the. They're not going to pull out the White Paper.
01:45:45 On the on the the fuel injection or you know, whatever, they're not going to make any kind of technical arguments. It's more just like, hey, look, how look how you'll feel when you're you're looking cool in in your, in your Cadillac or whatever, right. And it's so it's very feelings based thinking.
01:46:06 And that just works better, you know, like I before I I started even, even before I like really hated.
01:46:14 Ben Shapiro.
01:46:16 When I wasn't quite, I guess.
01:46:21 Myself, aware of the impact of the JQ or you know the reality that it is or the the the role that it plays rather.
01:46:33 I still thought it was stupid to say facts don't care about your feelings.
01:46:41 That's not how you market anything. Feelings don't care about your facts. You can get people to feel really good about a ****** product and and they'll buy the ****** product and think it's better than the the the NOT ****** product because they feel better about it.
01:46:57 And so I guess the key is to get your boomer parents or whoever it is, these older people.
01:47:04 You need to associate.
01:47:06 UM.
01:47:10 This where it's tough you get because there's not a lot of payoff for them right at this point in their life. What's the how can you make them feel emotionally good?
01:47:19 About realizing that they were wrong about a major thing like their whole lives and that being wrong about that thing has allowed them to allowed them to be fooled.
01:47:35 Often and in in in very permanent ways in terms of the consequences, right? How do you make them feel good about that? I mean, that's the that's the hurdle that's almost impossible to.
01:47:50 To overcome.
01:47:53 But hey, if you I guess that that's The thing is if maybe if on a personal level because it's your dad.
01:47:58 That or or a family member, maybe you could turn like the the the the good emotion that you can conjure up would be like I don't want to say like you're going to bond over it, but maybe something like that, right? Like that's the, you know, like quite hard to kind of do or like other people that that they think that they know some.
01:48:17 Secret that no one else knows.
01:48:19 You could kind of, you know, use that kind of tactic. I mean, believe it or not, I think you could do that. You could use the same kind of a tactic where you're like, oh, yeah, this the here's our little secret that we know about the Jews. And you know, we we know that you can't really talk about ever but and you kind of bond on that weird little secret knowledge.
01:48:34 Or whatever. I don't know. It's tough. It's tough because the people of my life that I don't have, just a sufficient enough sway with them, where I can just tell that they don't, you know, the the people that don't know me well enough or or just they don't respect me because I'm not, you know, like close to them or whatever.
01:48:55 I just don't worry about it. I just don't worry about it. Right. But if they're someone like real close to me and they know me well, and they know I'm not, like a crazy person or whatever, usually what I say holds a decent amount of weight, like a decent amount like you.
01:49:09 Know I'm not like.
01:49:12 Like the alpha of my my entire family group or anything like that. But they they know that I'm smart and and honest. And so if I say things, they know that even if even if they think I'm wrong, they don't think that.
01:49:26 I'm I'm you know, I I have any ill will or anything like that. So if it's someone that's close to you, you can just lean on that too, just the the fact that they know you that you know they're you're like you're not saying that to hurt them or hurt anyone else you're just.
01:49:41 If anything, you're trying to let them understand the world a little bit.
01:49:45 Better. It's tough. It's tough with these old people. It's tough to really get that across to them because it it's so.
01:49:54 The opposite of everything that they've of how they've viewed the world.
01:49:59 And there is some truth to the whole you know, old dog, new tricks, kind of a thing. I mean, on a biological level.
01:50:07 Sometimes you just can't get them to to see beyond.
01:50:11 How they they view the world and especially cause. Like I said, the Jewish, the Jewish thing, the Jewish influence in America.
01:50:19 It has its.
01:50:19 Tentacles in so many things, right? So many different things.
01:50:24 It's not a simple thing. You're not asking them to just change the way they view one thing like you're essentially. I mean, it's going to have a, A, you know, a levee breaking kind of a a moment in their head where it's going to, you know, everything's going to change, everything's going to.
01:50:43 So you know you're going to have to weigh whether or not you think it's worth it to invest the kind of time and and you know, like I.
01:50:50 Said even with my mom.
01:50:52 I feel like I have to read you pillar like every time.
01:50:55 I talk to her.
01:50:57 Because it's just, you know, like the she gets, she reboots, you know, in between the times.
01:51:02 Talk and and it gets erased from memory and I have to.
01:51:05 Go back and program it again, you know.
01:51:08 So you know it is what it is.
01:51:12 Hammer thorazine.
01:51:15 Hammer of thorazine. Hello.
Speaker 40
01:51:18 Hello. Hello, hello.Speaker 5
01:51:22 It's getting crazy. As said in the same way that all those people saying wow, it's like a third world country, they ignore the true nature of modern problems at their own peril.01:51:33 Exactly. No. And and people, they've been saying that a long time. It's I think I've brought up before. I've when I've gone back to listen to old Art Bell broadcast, he had a term for it. He would say, oh, it's the quickening. It's the quickening, you know. Oh, it's the it's it's something something wrong. Something wrong with reality where people are just getting more violent and.
01:51:54 Crazy. And he never once. Never even a little bit thought that perhaps the the problem was was demographically related.
01:52:05 That it was just, you know, people, people were going crazy and that was.
01:52:08 In the 90s, he was saying this.
01:52:13 OK.
01:52:15 Uh reaver reaver.
01:52:29 Reaver yo. Devin, did you ever go to the Springfield VA mall? So ******* bad. My buddy had a Confederate flag sticker on his truck and had Ms. 13 chase him and.
01:52:41 Shoot at him.
01:52:42 In their car around there, I believe it. I I actually do.
01:52:46 Right by what is formerly the Robert E Lee High.
01:52:49 School where damn near the whole school is groins or spikes.
01:52:56 Yeah, I I would say that, uh.
01:52:59 I don't know if I went to that one, Springfield.
01:53:03 I don't remember because I went to a.
01:53:07 Basically, one of the reasons I went to a lot of Northern Virginia malls is it was like it was, you know, if you're doing like tender, which I was at.
01:53:15 The time like or something like that, like in DC and you're flipping through the matches and they live in. You know, you're getting the surrounding area.
01:53:23 Right. And a quick easy way to meet someone in a non.
01:53:28 You know, committal way was like, oh, let's go to the mall. Meet you at the, you know this.
01:53:32 Little restaurant, the.
01:53:33 Mall or whatever. And so I went to a few of the malls around there as a result of that, I don't remember which ones were which, but they were all terrible. You know, they were all they were all terrible. Then they were all.
01:53:48 Yeah, they, they they just seemed.
01:53:51 They weren't even in America and and including the shops, I feel like that a lot of the the white flight wasn't just the clientele, because right, if there's no one there to buy your stuff, the store is going to go to. So you didn't have like, you know, the kind of white people stores, you know, like Eddie Bauer or Banana Republic or.
01:54:07 You know, whatever the **** it was, you had a lot.
01:54:09 Of weird little like.
01:54:11 Indian incense shops and like you know the knock off $5 watches, shops and just like garbage shops, that was it was a little weird to see in a mall because I, you know, I hadn't been in the mall in a long time and I was used to see.
01:54:24 I mean.
01:54:26 I don't know like mall stores and not not like a flea market, which is what a lot of those malls turned into.
01:54:34 Uh, suicidal white male. Talk to a essay bell ringer that was South Africa. I don't know what.
01:54:42 That is told me that a boring babies is God's work and allowing them to be born as a service to bell, delusional race trader said he wished he'd never been born.
01:54:55 Asked him where the money goes and the first thing he said is we don't hate.
01:55:02 Self love is not hate. My hatred is reactionary.
01:55:06 I don't want to say Bell ringer is, but yeah, loving loving your people is not hate. Hating the people that want to destroy your people is also not hate.
01:55:21 Canine friend canine friend.
Speaker 31
01:55:23 Good, real good, good, real.Speaker 5
01:55:30 Devin News coming out that Derek Chauvin may have been railroaded. You think future stream topic, happy Thanksgiving to you and yours? No, it's it's not new. That's just newly widely. I mean, will he get another trial as a result of of it being widely covered now as opposed to just barely covered on the Internet?01:55:51 We were saying that he died of an overdose.
01:55:55 Like within a couple or right after the autopsy, because that's what the autopsy said. We everyone knew that that, that that's what it was. He died of an overdose because he did a bunch of ******* fentanyl. That's why people were calling him Fentanyl Floyd.
01:56:08 And so everyone that read any of the documents.
01:56:16 Knew that that that was a a travesty.
01:56:20 It's odd that it's being reported now, maybe that they will give them a.
01:56:24 The second trial, I don't know how that works legally.
01:56:28 Because, you know, he's been convicted now. So I I thought that he had already exhausted the appeals process, but I don't know, maybe there is some way that you can retry it or or whatever.
01:56:40 But yeah, he didn't do.
01:56:41 Anything wrong? He didn't do anything wrong and he should. Even if he can't get a new criminal trial, he should sue the the ever living **** out of anyone and everyone involved. Now that I guess some more, more evidence, I mean, there was already enough evidence. But now that more evidence is out.
01:57:00 My fat little ******** toe. What?
01:57:09 Have a good one. Just stopping by to offer my tithe. Also, I'm back to pestering you about Christ. Oh, jennia all right.
01:57:20 Well, I appreciate that fat little ******** toe and happy Thanksgiving.
01:57:27 Andromeda, Devon. Wishing you and your family and the audience a very happy Thanksgiving. That's right. Happy Thanksgiving. It's Thanksgiving on the West Coast in exactly 2 minutes.
01:57:41 In exactly 2 minutes, you know what?
01:57:44 That means, right?
01:57:47 You know what that means exactly 2 minutes.
01:57:53 Amos Burton because I live or because I live the graveyard shift, I usually go to my go to my normal weekly grocery shopping at Walmart at 6:00 AM opening time. I've noticed that at that time of day there is 0 diversity in the store. It's kind of like knowing to stay out of the diverse part of town.
01:58:12 The more you know. Yeah, that's way too early in the morning for them to be awake. If you show up at Walmart at.
01:58:17 6:00 AM it's probably all old ladies and.
01:58:19 And ****, right? That's what I'm that's what I'm picturing usually.
Speaker 18
01:58:24 I am.Speaker 5
01:58:25 If I was at Walmart at an AM, it was. It was like a 3:00 AM or something like that. Totally different crowd. Totally different crowd at 3:00 AM.01:58:36 Uh OSA 567 stop eating my sesame cake. Funny line from that Congo movie from a scene when Tim Curry's character is outed as a Jew.
01:58:49 Was entertaining movie shot in theaters back then?
01:58:54 I'm not a fan of the Congo. Sorry. Sorry. Not a fan of the Congo.
Speaker 36
01:58:57 Will be.Speaker 5
01:58:59 I just thought they the the gorillas were ridiculous, so I I I I I.01:59:04 It's right up there for me. It's.
Speaker 12
01:59:05 Right up there with.Speaker 5
01:59:06 The Star Wars Christmas special, which is why I thought it was an appropriate upgrade from the from the wookies.01:59:13 Ground up. Hey, did you hear about that White Alabama inmate that was tortured and raped by the black inmates until he died? He had a one year sentence for theft. The articles are careful not to mention Ray.
01:59:29 No, I haven't heard about that. But I feel like that sort of thing probably happens all the time. Ohh, you know what? It's officially Thanksgiving, everybody. It's officially Thanksgiving.
Speaker 26
01:59:40 And from then on, a friendship between the Indians and the pilgrims flourished.Speaker 37
01:59:53 We sit side by side togetherness together now.Speaker 35
02:00:05 We stand for.02:00:08 Like all good friends should do, I'm not always, always you for me and always be for you.
Speaker 27
02:00:18 We go.02:00:31 Can't be broken. Our friendship is too strong.
02:00:36 It's like a big happy man, to which we we strong.
Speaker 5
02:01:00 OK, that's all the togetherness I can handle. Uh Boy boy, 1488. Bummed to hear that Odyssey won't last. We don't know that for sure. We don't know that for sure. We know that. There's I. I believe it's changed hands, but we don't know into whose hands it has changed and what they have planned for it. So.02:01:21 We don't know that if it's, if it's gone.
02:01:23 For good yet.
02:01:25 I hope that doesn't interfere with any future plans with other streamers. Any update regarding a stream with Morgoth, Happy Thanksgiving, and and let's see here where to go.
02:01:39 Where'd it go? I'm really on top of things tonight, aren't I?
02:01:42 This is this is really good.
Speaker 37
02:01:43 I'll Hitler, *****.Speaker 5
02:01:47 No, we both kind of got busy with different streams and stuff, but yeah, we'll get that. We'll definitely get that going, we'll.02:01:56 Definitely get it going.
02:01:57 UM also I even though I'm incredibly late to the party, I'll probably be doing something with Freddy's.
02:02:09 The Film Festival thing that he does.
02:02:12 Even though it's technically over, I I.
02:02:14 Told her I.
02:02:15 Would do something for it. Then I got real busy with ****, so I guess I'll be doing probably in the next day or so. Something with him? Probably not tomorrow because Thanksgiving. But I guess technically now it's the it's Thanksgiving, but maybe Friday we'll see. Depends on it. Depends on.
02:02:31 What he's got going on?
02:02:34 Let's see here. Yo Brava from another mother is voting red. Better than not voting despite the cookery. The country has gradually moved left the past sixty years isn't voting right in each election like gradually tipping the vote right, so that it may lead to politicians that truly.
02:02:53 Share our desires for the country.
02:02:57 Happy Thanksgiving from your brother.
02:03:00 Look, I think voting on the national level is is kind of pointless and I think that you want to vote and get involved politically, then you should be looking at the local level. I don't think that elections matter on the national level. I think that the last presidential election proved that.
02:03:21 Beyond a shadow of a doubt, and I think that.
02:03:26 The the rewarding people that have never delivered.
02:03:35 On any of their promises. And I mean never, my entire lifetime is.
02:03:41 Is is just. I mean, you're slowing it down.
02:03:45 But that might not that might.
02:03:47 Be the worst thing you can do.
02:03:50 Slowing it down is is turning the heat down on the the frog that's getting boiled, in my opinion.
02:03:58 I'm not going to tell people not to vote or whatever, right, but I'm going to.
02:04:01 Tell you that in my opinion, slowing things down.
02:04:06 Or or giving people the the false sense of security that they get when their team quote UN quote wins an election is not necessarily the best thing for us.
02:04:20 I think that if we're headed towards an inevitable.
02:04:27 I guess conflict of some sort.
02:04:32 Maybe it's not so bad that our enemies get overconfident.
02:04:38 You know, maybe it's not so bad because and look, it's never like a straight line. There's ebbs and flows, you know, it's like any chart that you look at, a stock or a crypto coin.
02:04:51 Right. Like it's never just straight down it. It moves up and down, up and down, up and down. Up. And that's kind of like what you're gonna see politically, right? Yeah. Like it's never gonna go straight to the left or straight to the right. It's going to move up and down, up and down, up and down. But if you just.
02:05:04 Look, demographically, America is in a situation where it can't be right wing.
02:05:13 For the, you know, at least for the next long time.
02:05:17 You are not going to be able to get a true right wing politician with any kind of actual power at the national level through existing political options.
02:05:30 Or avenues or, you know, processes.
02:05:34 I'm not saying you couldn't get a right wing leader with power in the oh, I don't know if it's still be.
02:05:41 Called the federal government.
02:05:43 But you know, at a national level, I'm just saying that you you can't do it using the the current system and certainly can't do it using the Republican National Convention.
02:05:56 They exist to lose, and so participating with their their little charade is something I've I've I've chosen not to do.
02:06:08 Helly rides for anti whites. Funny that people still fall for the Indians taught us to farm deal. Europeans have been farming thousands of years before venturing across the Atlantic. This must be the first brown savior story before Hollywood took over the deal. Anyways, love the stream and happy Thanksgiving.
02:06:29 Appreciate that. Yeah. It's Speaking of Wedge, isn't it? I forgot to mention that. Isn't that crazy that they're literally making a movie called the The Magic ***** movie or whatever it's called.
02:06:43 Where have I got this file in?
02:06:47 It's on my it's on my telegram.
02:06:52 Yeah, here it is.
Speaker 10
02:06:55 Let me save it the downloads.Speaker 5
02:07:02 Yeah. So this is an actual movie. They're.02:07:04 Going to be making.
02:07:07 Which is kind of hilarious.
02:07:14 If it ever downloads.
02:07:18 And my computer is not loving, not loving me tonight. It's not giving me that loving.
Speaker 36
02:07:24 Is this it?Speaker 5
02:07:26 There we go. Think this is it? That's it.02:07:31 So this is this is an actual movie now.
Speaker 2
02:07:39 Welcome.Speaker
02:07:39 For the American Society.02:07:43 Of magical *******.
Speaker 42
02:07:46 The name these little updating maybe like magical black people, or I guess that does have the same ring.Speaker 5
02:07:56 Oh, I'm so excited.02:07:57 For that movie to come out.
02:08:01 UM.
02:08:03 Yeah. On on one hand. Look, I doubt this is the angle they're going to take. They do have an opportunity to make fun of the fact that there's magic ******* in all these.
02:08:15 And that you know that you can make fun of the existence of the magically grows in movies, but that's not they're leaning into it. They're leaning into it. I would suspect it's going to be a bunch of bumbling white people that can't run the country or anything without the help of this secret organization that that sends their magic.
02:08:35 Well, it's almost going to be like quantum leap, right? But instead of sending Sam Beckett back in time to replace people, they're going to just be sending magical ******* to help you.
02:08:45 You know, different people do almost be like or like Forrest Gump, right? Where Forrest Gump is somehow just bumbling through life and and coincidentally involving himself. And in all of these world events and and whatnot, I feel like it's going to be a movie kind.
02:09:04 Of like that? Where?
02:09:05 If it weren't for like the secret hidden hand of the magic ***** behind the the the the curtain or whatever, then none of the world's great accomplishments would have ever happened. But we'll see. I mean, I can't see it going any other way, honestly, but.
02:09:24 Yeah, that that'll probably be a movie I I review when it comes out.
02:09:28 I'm not looking forward to watching it though.
02:09:32 Let's see here.
02:09:35 Ah, data tapes, data tapes with the *** **** money.
02:09:40 Data tapes with the.
02:09:46 Large ****, not money there.
Speaker 37
02:09:48 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have.Speaker 16
02:09:51 To defend himself with.Speaker 11
02:09:52 Look how Julie this *** is.Speaker 5
02:10:12 All right, data tapes.02:10:14 You know, data hasn't been held on tape in in a long.
02:10:17 Time or do they still do backup tapes?
02:10:21 Of so, I mean maybe, right?
02:10:23 Maybe they have like these massive backup tapes? I don't know. Maybe.
02:10:28 I know that they they were still using them.
02:10:30 Not that long ago.
02:10:32 Data tapes.
02:10:34 Your comments regarding founding stock Americans prompted me to review the genealogy of my grandmother's completed.
02:10:41 My 7th great grandfather was a member of a rifle battalion and a militia during the revolution. The sacrifice of our grandfather should not be forsaken. Don't give up the ship.
02:10:55 Right. That's, you know, that's why I have a I do feel kind of like.
02:11:02 If I'd left, I'd just be giving up.
02:11:04 But at a certain point, that might be what you do, because if you think about it, they left their countries right to come here.
02:11:11 Then they gave up essentially like my my ancestors, you could say they gave up on England and Scotland and everything else, right?
02:11:18 When they came here.
02:11:22 So look I I but I get what you're saying. You know, if we we we don't want to be that generation that that hands it over I mean not that I think.
02:11:31 That we that it's possible. I think it's it was it's our.
02:11:34 The the deal has already been done.
02:11:37 But maybe we're the.
02:11:39 The generation that takes it back, thank you for the support there. Data tapes.
02:11:46 A lowly scribe in God's army, the early French fur trappers got along with the natives and took Indian wives, then those damn English showed up. You know, it's funny. The when I was looking into the history of Thanksgiving, I was going to talk about the Roanoke calling. I guess you could call it.
02:12:06 The the Roanoke Island, the missing colony.
02:12:10 There was a colony of British people. It was the first colony.
02:12:14 In fact that you know you know vidare the the blog Vidar, they they they get their name from Virginia Dare which was the first English baby born in North America. She was a a baby in that colony.
02:12:34 And the short version is the the colonists set up on an island off the coast of Virginia.
02:12:44 And the captain of the ship that took him there.
02:12:49 Left for what was supposed to be a three three to six month trip to resupply the colony, and when he finally came back, which wasn't for three years.
02:13:02 The colony was missing. It was gone completely. They had written a note on a tree that indicated the name of a a neighboring island and also the tribe that inhabited that that island.
02:13:17 And but they.
02:13:20 You know, they were gone.
02:13:22 Quite possibly wiped out.
02:13:25 Or maybe they they they bred with this, you know, maybe they integrated with that other with that tribe or who knows, right.
02:13:34 But they were missing and one of the reasons why they they decided to go on that island is on the mainland.
02:13:40 There were lots of hostile tribes the first time they attempted to build a Fort and actually settle on the North American continent the the, the, the native tribes in the area were very hostile. We're stealing **** from them and they actually ended up.
02:14:01 I think burning down a couple of villages and then leaving because they, you know, they they couldn't.
02:14:07 They couldn't just live there peacefully.
02:14:10 The idea that there was this nice friendly relationship.
02:14:15 Between Native Americans amongst themselves.
02:14:20 Is also insane. All the different tribes were constantly warring with each other. There were certainly tribes that were friendly to white people and and tribes that weren't. But the the tribes that that.
02:14:35 That weren't far outnumbered the tribes that were in. At least that's my understanding.
02:14:43 The Beach Boys, The Beach Boys.
02:14:58 The Beach Boys. Happy Thanksgiving. Devon will appreciate that.
02:15:04 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:15:14 Never a Turkey. This was in New England. It was mostly sweet corn and shellfish. If anyone is interested, look up Mediacom. He's an Indian in that region. I give respect. They tried to push his people out, but he kept coming back. Well, eventually.
02:15:32 His head was on a stake.
02:15:34 Not familiar with him, so maybe I'll take a look at that afterwards.
02:15:41 Suicidal white male. There's nothing I am thankful for. Well, that that's the problem there. I'm sure you got to be thankful for something. I'm condemned to either die as a scapegoat or to fight an undeclared war against a vacuous enemy shrouded in secret societies. It is all I can do to redeem myself in the eyes of my ancestors.
02:16:01 Everyone wishes death upon me, but victory is my only master. I thank you. Well, I appreciate that, but I'm sure there's that's gratitude is an important part of of having a happy life.
02:16:14 And I'm sure if you really think about it, if you take the time to think about it, you'll find some things to be grateful for. They might not be the the things that that you most desire or that you aspire to to to achieve or to attain. But I'm sure that there are things worthy of gratitude.
02:16:34 In your life.
02:16:35 And I appreciate the support there. Glock 23, when I was a police officer, I worked security when I was off duty, I worked on Black Friday a couple of times and it was a horrible experience. I will never forget. And yes, it was mostly black area of the city. I had to fight for my life.
02:16:57 Again, I I just, I feel like it's it's really it's one baby step below the the George Floyd riots. When you have these things happening and honestly and and now that now that we just see people walk into stores and stealing.
02:17:12 If you were a, you know, if you were one of these people in, in, in.
02:17:15 These in these areas, if you're some black guy, that's why would you even pay for this stuff? You know that it's going to be chaotic. Why not just and and they probably will. Maybe we'll see. Why wouldn't you just go into Walmart and take a TV and run out the door with it? Who's going to stop you?
02:17:32 You know why? Why even try to pay for it? They don't do that now. The Black Friday just seems like a a golden opportunity to steal.
02:17:39 But we'll see. We'll see what happens, right?
02:17:42 Oculus Prime says thanks. Appreciate that.
02:17:46 Mr. Charley a donation on behalf of Riddle of Steel for the great theme song added to your collection. Yeah, absolutely. That was uh.
02:17:55 That was, like I said, I was, I I was expecting something kind of not good.
Speaker 11
02:18:00 But it was good.Speaker 5
02:18:02 Uh, tick. Baked. If your great grandmother on your mother's side is Jewish and your father's side is entirely white, non Jewish.02:18:12 Then you would be one part Jewish, seven parts white. You would be considered Jewish, yet not white, despite being seven times as white as Jewish. What do you think of this asymmetry?
02:18:25 If your if your great grandmother on your mother's side is Jewish.
02:18:33 Well, that's. That's how the Jews view it.
02:18:37 The Jews view it coming through the mother side.
02:18:42 For a very important reason, that reason is.
02:18:46 I mean it makes sense if you're a a Jew, a male that's going around banging sixes.
02:18:54 And they're having ******* children. You don't want them to be considered Jews. You don't want them to be part of the the Jewish birthright or any of that stuff. Right? And I think that's, honestly, I think that's a big part of why that rule exists so that Jewish men can go around.
02:19:16 You know, banging non Jews and not have to worry about these. You know, **** ***** ******* children being involved.
02:19:26 That's. That's at least that's.
02:19:28 What makes the most sense to me as to why they would have that?
02:19:33 But are you talking about realistically? Is someone that has that level of Jewish genes in their in their blood? If that, that makes them a Jew? I mean, I don't know. I guess it really depends on on, I don't know. It depends on who you who you ask.
02:19:56 You know, there's going to be some people where that's too much.
02:20:02 But I don't know. It depends on, I think a lot of things.
02:20:06 I would take that, but on a case by case basis, you know if it's just something that you would.
02:20:11 You you didn't.
02:20:12 You weren't even aware of until you did your genealogy. That's one that's totally different than if it's something that's culturally that side of the families remain Jewish or or hasn't.
02:20:21 You know what I mean?
02:20:23 Uh, Mr. Chorley.
02:20:26 Says one. I think talking about the song.
02:20:29 Brody says my man appreciate that.
02:20:34 Bobby Lee's wager is there any way we can spin World War One and World War 2 to show how powerful whites can be with racial solidarity? Of course, with the addition of no more Brother Wars.
02:20:49 Not really, cause unfortunately we were at war with ourselves.
02:20:55 So it's, you know.
02:20:57 It's kind of a.
02:21:01 I mean the the the fact that it's a brother war kind of negates the fact that.
02:21:06 That we were able to band together in certain ways to kill ourselves faster. Yeah. Like it's kind of not.
02:21:12 A great I don't know.
02:21:14 I don't think that's a good way of a.
02:21:17 Good narrative to try to craft.
02:21:19 Zazi Mattas bought. I'm preparing for the feast my family put me on.
02:21:23 A roll or unroll.
02:21:24 Duty. So I made two batches of cornbread, four dozen Hawaiian rolls and two baguettes with honey butter and roasted garlic butter. Cause **** you. Eat up. Uh, what do you get seconds of? What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?
02:21:41 Uh, you know, this might sound funny this year I'm going to attempt to cook Cornish hens.
02:21:51 I'm still doing the meat thing right, so I'm not having any bread. Unfortunately, I love bread, but I'm not doing the bread.
02:21:58 UM and I was looking at different meat options.
02:22:03 As you can imagine, it gets a little old eating, eating meat sometimes and.
02:22:07 I purchased some Cornish hens that I'm going to try.
02:22:10 To cook.
02:22:11 In fact, they're they're in the fridge waiting to be popped in the oven tomorrow, so.
02:22:18 We're going to see how that goes.
02:22:20 What would I normally get seconds of?
02:22:25 I don't know.
02:22:28 I'll tell you, I like like any.
02:22:30 Other red blooded.
02:22:31 American I I like my pumpkin pie.
02:22:34 It'll be sorely missed this year. His humble remnant, his humble remnant.
Speaker 31
02:22:46 Well, hi, Amy. Hi, Amy.Speaker 5
02:23:01 You got the sad one? His humble rum that says. Take it easy, brother. Well, I appreciate that. Thank you for the big support there.02:23:09 Veruca salt. Hi. I just wondered if you'd tried eggnog yet? If so, what are your thoughts? You said apple pie isn't your favorite. Do you have a favorite pie happy? Thanks. Or happy Turkey day. I've never tried. Eggnog. Still have not. I probably won't this year. And I, as I probably will not have my my favorite apple pie.
02:23:30 Or a favorite pie which is not apple pie. It's.
02:23:34 I don't know. I don't know if pumpkin pie is my favorite pie. I don't really have favorite things.
02:23:40 I usually don't and people ask like, what's your favorite color? What's your favorite? I you know?
02:23:45 I just don't. I don't have like, a I don't have favorite things, you know, usually. I mean, I'm sure I have favorite things, but like, you know, not the typical favorite things, because there's, there's lots. It depends on it's.
02:23:57 All you know.
02:23:58 It's everything's in context. Everything's in context, including pie. I've had. I've had ****** pumpkin pie.
02:24:06 You know.
02:24:07 And I've had. I've had amazing apple pie. So it really depends on the pie.
02:24:14 Carpe diem. Been a lot of female on female violence in Australia lately. Media tying itself in knots to minimize it whilst keeping it.
02:24:25 Whilst keeping its man is bad, domestic violence narrative going keep up the good work, Devin.
02:24:31 Well, I don't know if this is what you're talking about, but especially with lesbian couples like that, lesbian couples are famous for insanely high levels of domestic violence.
02:24:46 Jay Ray in 1981. What's funny is blacks can't deal with animals, but can definitely be some of the first slaveholders. Insert womp, what's funny is blacks can't deal with animals, but can definitely be some of the four. Oh, I I I think I sort.
02:25:03 Of get it there?
02:25:06 IP freely 55.
02:25:09 Devin, can you please post a link to those Turkey attacks or attacking black people with the Erica song played in the background? I literally died from laughter. Thank you for what you do, brother. Happy Thanksgiving. Maybe I'll post it on on telegram after.
02:25:25 After the show.
02:25:27 It's just a little something I put together that I thought was fun.
02:25:32 Cruise Cross, thank you for all you all you've given. Well, I appreciate that cruise cross.
02:25:39 And what you've given?
02:25:42 Glock 23I hunt Turkey, but I'm going to quit doing that because I've learned tonight that turkeys are racist, who commit hate crimes against *******. I wish turkeys were anti-Semitic also. Well, they might be.
02:25:55 They might be. We don't know if they're not.
02:26:01 They very well could be.
02:26:04 Rommel, thanks for your work. Any chance we can get a hard copy of DOTR? Maybe sign. Maybe get someone to sell them on eBay for you or something. Mystery box also.
Speaker 42
02:26:17 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.Speaker 5
02:26:19 Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I'm. I'm working on that. I'm working on this. This has been a.02:26:27 A month I haven't been home a lot, so I feel very discombobulated, as you can probably tell from the stream.
02:26:33 Right.
02:26:35 I'm not, I'm.
02:26:36 Like out of my zone, I'm out of my zone and I got different things that I'm I'm trying to. I'm spinning a lot of plates. But you're right. I need to get that.
02:26:46 And I know it's been a.
02:26:47 Long time I need to get that back available.
02:26:52 The foobar nation heads up day of the rope is available on Spotify. Really.
02:26:59 I did not put it on Spotify. I didn't buy it. Price too high. Uh, I thought I'd gladly pay 1488 if it's not you. It's on there. Some Jewish pocketing your shackles? Yeah, I'm not surprised by that. I'll have to look into it.
02:27:15 Not surprised by that at all, but that's not me.
02:27:20 Definitely not me, so I'll. I'll go look into that and see if I can.
02:27:25 Put the kibosh on that.
02:27:28 Alright guys, well I appreciate. Ohh, wait, hold on. I forgot to check the rants over on rumble.
Speaker 11
02:27:42 OK, it looks like either the the.Speaker 5
02:27:44 The plug in.02:27:45 Broke or there's no rants on rumble?
02:27:48 It might have stopped.
02:27:51 Let me refresh it. I don't. I ******* hate how the ranch just go away.
02:28:00 OK, I think the.
02:28:01 Rants. Whoops. I don't know what that happened.
02:28:05 I think the the rants are working, there's just no rants on rumble, OK, everyone's having Thanksgiving time.
02:28:12 All right, guys. Well, I appreciate you you you hanging.
02:28:14 Out tonight with me and cool that we got that song. Someone popped another one here or a couple more coming, right.
02:28:22 At the end here.
02:28:25 Glock 23 says just want to add that when I worked security in stores on Black Friday, it was 15 years ago. A lot has changed since then.
02:28:36 More than ******* have learned that they don't have to pay for items exactly, I think. I think that's what you're going to see on Friday. We're going to see. Well, I don't know if it'll be reported, but hopefully people.
02:28:48 Will get footage of that.
02:28:49 Foobar nation. When the time comes, check out the streaming platform. The right stuff, dot biz as an alternative to odyssey, you would fit right in with mostly white nationalist audience. It's been around for 10 years and they've got all the bugs worked out. There's not a lot of content or wait. There is a lot of content not behind the pay.
02:29:09 Well, alright. Well, like I said, I I I I I I try to be in places with the most foot traffic and that's what we're we're doing here with the rumble and odyssey. But I'll I'll always I always like to have different options. So certainly that's one I would I would consider.
02:29:27 All right, guys. Well, I'm gonna go ahead and shut her down here. I appreciate you guys spending this time with me. Sorry. That was a little bit of a **** show.
Speaker 11
02:29:37 But it is what it is. It's the holiday season.02:29:39 I'll let you guys.
Speaker 5
02:29:40 Know on on telegram or and or Twitter and Gab when I do the the stream of floating that will probably be. Like I said, it'll probably be like Friday or or maybe even this weekend, but the.02:29:55 Stream on Saturday should be normal and the normal time and everything.
02:30:00 And so I look forward to doing that and see you guys there in the mean time.
02:30:06 For black pilled.
02:30:08 I am of course.
02:30:12 Devon stack.
Speaker 34
02:30:17 Now Eyewitness News.Speaker 43
02:30:20 Frightening moments during today's Thanksgiving Day parade, Eyewitness News has the exclusive videotape, a giant balloon crashes into a streetlight. One woman is in critical condition.Speaker 16
02:30:31 A giant cat in.02:30:32 The hat balloon.
02:30:32 Had only traveled a couple of blocks when it was caught in this exclusive amateur videotape. High winds carrying it right into a lamp post at 72nd.
Speaker 4
02:30:44 Well, like my life.Speaker 6
02:30:45 Oh my God.Speaker 16
02:30:47 Suddenly it knocked off a large section of the light, which then fell into a crowd of people standing on the sidewalk.Speaker 6
02:30:53 Huge wind gusts came down, hit that light post right on top, sprung a big leak, a big chunk about four feet long.02:30:59 Fell right down to the crowd.
Speaker 21
02:31:01 First pair deal is coming my home try.Speaker 31
02:31:03 To move all the way.Speaker 4
02:31:05 They hit me.Speaker 41
02:31:05 On my foot.Speaker 16
02:31:06 As handlers struggled to bring the balloon under control.02:31:09 Police and EMS rushed.
02:31:10 To help four people.
02:31:11 Who were injured?
02:31:13 Two suffered head injuries. One woman is in serious condition. Mayor Giuliani met with the families of the two women, also doctors.
Speaker 10
02:31:20 And obviously they're very distraught. They're praying and they're hoping that it turns out all.Speaker 16
02:31:25 Right, a statement released by Macy said. We are especially concerned about the two people that are still being held in the hospital.02:31:33 High winds had posed problems for the handlers from the start and parade officials were watching it.
Speaker 13
02:31:38 Been a concern for hours but we are prepared. We have a special plan for flying.Speaker 16
02:31:43 After the accident, Macy's officials said the decision was made that we could safely display the balloons in the parade if they were held.02:31:50 Close to the ground.
Speaker 10
02:31:51 But we'll see what happened here. If this is something that can be corrected in the future, we'll correct it, we'll find.02:31:55 Out what? You know what happened.
Speaker 16
02:31:56 Four years ago, high winds sent another large balloon off course, crashing into a lamp post. Two people were injured then.02:32:03 Then this time again, high winds appear to be a factor in a more serious accident.
Speaker 44
02:32:08 Wind plays an important role in this parade. It adds that all important element of suspense you see as much as everyone loves seeing these big balloons, they take giddy delight in the prospect of seeing.Speaker 7
02:32:20 One of them pop.Speaker 22
02:32:23 Wind buffeted the quick Bunny and trees poked in its ears, eventually deflating one of.02:32:29 Peter Rabbit dodged St. lamps. So did the Pink Panther. Strong winds combined with cross winds at the intersections made for quite a show.
Speaker 31
02:32:37 It's scary when it goes this way and that way it moves backwards and.Speaker 44
02:32:42 I don't want to see him get popped, right. Yeah. You sound like you do.02:32:50 Are you worried about that Bunny? I saw. I'm.
02:32:52 Headed toward the trees? Yeah, little but.
Speaker 2
02:32:54 We're doing all.Speaker
02:32:54 Right now, we're gonna do OK. We're gonna make it.Speaker 22
02:32:59 Happy and memorable in the spirit of a New York tradition.02:33:05 Celeste 4, Channel 7 Eyewitness News.