

00:00:00 That's not, that's not it.
00:00:41 Listen, if you.
Speaker 1
00:01:58 When you're waiting.
00:02:08 Electric motors have No Fear.
Speaker 1
00:02:30 Right.
Speaker 3
00:05:22 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:05:29 All right. Whoops. **** this thing up.
00:05:31 There we go.
00:05:34 There we go. I'm your host, Devan Stack.
00:05:40 This is the insomnia stream non threatening edition.
00:05:45 Non threatening edition. What are you talking about?
Speaker 4
00:05:48 Well, we've been.
00:05:49 Talking about a.
Speaker 3
00:05:50 Lot of this stuff this last few weeks.
00:05:55 We've been talking about.
00:05:58 The smiling, happy black people looking at stuff.
00:06:02 We've talked about this in a lot of streams, but there is an origin to this. Believe it or not.
00:06:08 There is an origin to the the smiling happy black man.
00:06:13 Or black woman.
00:06:15 That puts the the it's not just a boomer thing. It turns out it's it's honestly, I think.
00:06:19 It's a uniquely American thing.
00:06:23 And it makes sense if you think about it.
00:06:26 It makes sense why it would be uniquely American, because America had the the Civil War.
00:06:33 And post civil war, of course, the slaves were were released into the general public.
00:06:40 As we've talked about other streams, many of them started to migrate into bigger cities like Detroit.
00:06:47 And we've talked about what happened with that.
00:06:50 But there are there were other things that happened.
00:06:57 A lot of the people in the northeast.
00:06:59 Took a lot of these black people in as as servants, so it was basically like slaves.
00:07:05 They just paid them a little.
00:07:06 Bit in fact, if you look at any movie.
00:07:10 From like the 1930s or 40s.
00:07:13 There's very often a mammy.
00:07:16 You know a a, A A.
00:07:18 Black, a sassy black lady with wisdom.
00:07:25 To the point where it's.
00:07:25 Almost. You get the impression that, wow, everyone must have had, just like, a sassy black woman in their home cooking them food. And, you know, cooking them breakfast.
00:07:33 Every day.
00:07:37 Well, of course that's that wasn't the case.
00:07:41 But that was the way that it was portrayed in movies.
00:07:44 Because those people were non threatening.
00:07:48 All these people in the north, all these Yankees.
00:07:50 In the north.
00:07:53 That we're now experiencing diversity for the first time.
00:07:58 They they had to be presented with a positive image of these newcomers into their communities.
00:08:04 As non threatening, submissive, full of of with, you know, old timey wisdom.
00:08:19 And when they were shown to to, to assimilate to these people in a different way, you know, instead of assimilating as as being their equals, they were assimilating into being some.
00:08:29 Of the part of the help.
00:08:31 They were the help.
00:08:40 Well, this made them feel better about diversity.
00:08:44 Now one of the first movies to do this was actually based.
00:08:48 On a book.
00:08:51 A book by ***** Hurst.
00:08:56 Now Fannie Hurst.
00:09:02 Early life, of course, was a Jew.
00:09:06 She was a daughter of Jewish immigrants from Bavaria.
00:09:12 She was a feminist.
00:09:14 She was for equal rights, of course, as many of these Jews.
00:09:19 We're pioneers in this.
00:09:21 Area upon shortly after arriving to America, they they sought to.
00:09:28 To rewrite the culture.
00:09:31 And the the demographic balance and just really remaking of.
00:09:36 Their image I guess.
00:09:39 She's also the feminist that decided to start promoting the idea that women.
00:09:46 Wouldn't have to take their their husband's last names.
00:09:51 By the way, gentlemen.
00:09:53 If you have a woman.
00:09:54 That doesn't want to take your last name when you get married, you've you don't have.
00:09:58 A woman, she's she's not yours.
00:10:03 She's not yours.
00:10:06 And it's kind of funny because that whole thing's nonsense anyway, because her last name is still a it's a man's last name. It's her dad's last name.
00:10:16 But it's just.
00:10:17 Her way of saying that she's not yours.
00:10:21 So don't trust women like that.
00:10:24 Hyphenated is is just, not, if not more, gay.
00:10:29 But anyway, she pushed this. Uh idea.
00:10:34 And I guess the the book was such a a great.
00:10:37 Tome of Jewish values that Jewish Hollywood decided to put it together.
00:10:43 In fact, it was produced by none other.
00:10:46 Then Carl.
00:10:49 Lamole junior. Now he was actually.
00:10:54 The the son.
00:10:57 Of the man who found of the Jew who founded Universal Studios.
00:11:06 And it was directed by another Jew. And by the way, Carla's family also immigrated to America from Eastern Europe.
00:11:17 And it was directed by another Jew.
00:11:20 Whose family emigrated.
00:11:23 From Eastern Europe he was a a Russian Jew.
00:11:27 Whose family came here around the turn.
00:11:29 Of the century.
00:11:31 Like so many of these Jews.
00:11:39 This movie was so popular they actually made it twice.
00:11:44 They made it in 1934 and then again in the 1960s.
00:11:49 We're going to look more at the the original version, the 1934 version.
00:11:54 And we'll we'll look at some funny scenes in the 1960s version, but we're not going to cover that as much.
00:12:04 The name of the movie. It was imitation of life.
00:12:08 Imitation of life.
00:12:10 So the movie starts off with a single mom. It is 1934.
00:12:16 They're already pushing the single mom thing.
00:12:21 Now of course I I believe in the 1934 version at least the the reason behind the why she was a single mom is her husband had died, so she it was. It was more socially acceptable.
00:12:33 Because she didn't have a choice in that her her husband. Just he died. So she was a widow.
00:12:38 But it doesn't matter. She's a struggling single mom.
00:12:42 Trying to raise her daughter.
00:12:47 They show her like trying to, you know, juggle answering the phone and and paying the bills and cooking dinner.
00:12:55 All the while, you know like trying to take care of her her kid.
00:13:04 And then there's a knock at the door.
00:13:08 A knock at the door an unexpected guest arrives.
Speaker 6
00:13:16 Yes, good morning. I'll come and answer to your advertisement for a girl. What the advertisement would say wanted Cook Wanderers house made colored. Not afraid of hard work. Not at wages there.
Speaker 8
00:13:32 Some mistake I haven't advertised for any girl.
Speaker 6
00:13:35 Link disaster Ave.
Speaker 7
00:13:37 No, this is Astor St. Astor Ave. is way the other side of town.
Speaker 6
00:13:43 Something I didn't notice that little Ave. run, that's just my luck. What? They got 2 streets in.
00:13:50 Like for anyhow, I don't know.
Speaker 5
00:13:54 I don't know what I.
Speaker 6
00:13:54 Better do there's a streetcar right there.
00:13:56 At the corner you take that you'll.
Speaker 7
00:13:58 Be there in.
Speaker 6
00:13:58 About 10 minutes. We have to walk.
Speaker 7
00:14:04 I'll get you.
Speaker 8
00:14:04 Some coffee. Thank you. Something's burning. Ohh yeah.
Speaker 9
00:14:12 Right.
Speaker 3
00:14:29 Ohh, life is a single mom. It's so complicated.
00:14:33 Kids falling in the bathtub with the weird jump.
00:14:36 Cut like I watched that it was.
Speaker 4
00:14:39 Like how did you?
Speaker 3
00:14:39 Follow. They ****** that up like.
00:14:40 Look at the.
00:14:41 Towel it's.
00:14:44 It's like, I mean, I get why they did it. They don't.
00:14:46 Want to?
00:14:46 Like, throw a kid in.
00:14:48 A bathtub for probably insurance reasons, but like.
00:14:51 Well, they couldn't. They couldn't. Not like, move the towel and the lighting.
00:14:58 What kind of bad special effect anyway? Who?
00:15:00 Cares, so yeah. Oh my God, that this black woman shows up and she's saying, you know.
Speaker 10
00:15:05 Oh, I I I.
Speaker 3
00:15:07 I'm here for the.
00:15:07 Job and the the single moms.
00:15:09 Like well have.
00:15:10 A job opening. Are you talking about? Ohh you at the street? Wrong. Ohh I'm so busy though. Ohh, you know what?
00:15:16 And then we have this shot.
00:15:19 While she's up there checking on the baby.
00:15:21 The the mild mannered, submissive black woman smiling on up there. She can relate. She's a mom too.
00:15:30 But this shot and many of the shots in this film and and other films, but specifically they were they, they, they paid a lot of attention to framing and stuff like that in the 1930s when they made movies because a lot went into making a shot. It wasn't as as simple.
00:15:45 As it is today.
00:15:47 And so they paid more attention. The even though, like the cinematography might not seem as as artful because they don't have the, you know, the dollies and all the the cranes and the drones and all these kinds of crazy dynamic shots, framing was very important. And I want you to pay attention to the framing here.
00:16:06 She's clearly behind bars.
Speaker 4
00:16:12 How? How non?
Speaker 3
00:16:13 Look, look, she's she's a chimpanzee at the zoo.
00:16:19 Look how happy she is and she and you're safe.
00:16:23 You've got these bars protecting you.
00:16:25 From her.
00:16:28 That was that was very intentional framing. There's no other reason you stick something right in front of the subject of a shot unless it's intentional.
00:16:39 And what that says to the viewer is you're safe, you're safe, you're protected.
00:16:46 Don't worry about this. This strange black woman in your house.
00:16:51 There's a barrier between.
00:16:52 You and her.
00:16:55 And there's lots of these little hints throughout.
00:16:59 So while while the mother is taking care of the daughter.
00:17:04 The mild mannered, submissive black woman decides to start getting breakfast ready, unprompted.
00:17:13 And when the mom comes downstairs, she's delighted to see.
00:17:18 That this woman has done this without being told and and they they work at a deal.
00:17:25 Because she explains that well, I don't. I don't have money to to.
00:17:28 Pay for for someone.
00:17:33 Oops, I muted it. Let's let's have it. Let's have audio on the clip. That'd be nice.
Speaker 6
00:17:38 Oh, don't worry about wages, if.
00:17:40 That's what's on your mind. If I could just get a.
00:17:42 Home for my little.
00:17:43 Girl, I'd be glad to work.
00:17:44 For this room and bowling.
Speaker 3
00:17:48 So she says she wants to work for room and board. She doesn't have to get paid at all. She'll just be your living servant for free.
00:17:56 And then she introduces her daughter.
Speaker 4
00:18:00 Who's played by a white girl?
Speaker 3
00:18:05 Her daughter is played by a white girl. That's her daughter, the tall one on the left that's supposed to be her black daughter.
00:18:13 This is the actress.
00:18:20 And she's played by a white girl.
00:18:25 So she explains. Oh, you know, me and my daughter, we won't cause any problems at all.
00:18:34 And the audience is is at ease, just as if they were at ease with the the bars separating them from the black woman that was not being carefully watched in their home.
00:18:46 Because she was behind bars. Now, look, her daughter. I'm. I feel totally safe with her daughter around my daughter because her daughter is literally white.
00:19:02 So they workout the details and they decide. All right, well, this could.
00:19:06 Be a good arrangement.
00:19:07 Your daughter seems like a nice young white girl.
00:19:13 And so I'm not worried about her stealing **** or being a problem.
00:19:18 So yeah, why don't why don't you move in and be my servant?
00:19:24 So right away.
00:19:26 She goes to like massaging her feet.
Speaker 4
00:19:30 And yeah, so it's like ohh look, look.
00:19:32 How great this is.
Speaker 3
00:19:35 You invite a black woman into live in your home and her her nice young white daughter is is well behaved and she's massaging her feet.
00:19:47 She's helping you put your kid to bed.
00:19:53 She's cooking breakfast for everybody.
00:19:59 She's making her coffee in the morning.
00:20:02 It's literally like having a slave.
Speaker 4
00:20:06 What could be?
Speaker 3
00:20:06 Better than that.
00:20:09 Look at that. She's just she's.
00:20:10 So full of old timey wisdom.
Speaker 4
00:20:16 And then you find out.
Speaker 3
00:20:17 One of her big secrets.
00:20:21 One of the big bonuses to having this woman.
Speaker 5
00:20:25 In your home, she makes pancakes.
Speaker 8
00:20:38 With the death of me, with these pancakes.
Speaker 6
00:20:41 I'm glad you find them. To your peace, ma'am.
Speaker 3
00:20:44 So she makes these amazing pancakes.
Speaker 4
00:20:53 And this is this is by the way this.
Speaker 3
00:20:55 Is the origin of Aunt Jemima.
00:20:59 This is where the antimima pancakes came from.
00:21:03 You know this is look and the sale. Look, uncle bens. Minute rice. All this stuff, all these things where they had black people advertising products to white people. It was working off the same principle. In fact it was killing two birds with one stone.
00:21:19 The Jewish advertisers were accomplishing one. They were solidifying this, oh, look, look, black people approve. You can like it white people because black people approve.
00:21:31 If if black people like it, it must be OK in the same way that we've talked about, you know, boomers being obsessed with black reaction videos. It's the exact same psychological.
00:21:40 Thing at work here.
00:21:41 But also normalizing like Oh yeah, no, it's totally normal to buy food with the black person on the on the label. And you know, just it's it's.
00:21:50 All part of.
00:21:51 White America, all part of the the normal suburban living is having a black person you're cupboard.
Speaker 11
00:21:57 How fast do your pancakes disappear around our houses?
00:22:02 And not just because I've got three man sized pancake eaters. It's because I have two new ideas, Deluxe buttermilk mix combination that will turn out the best pancakes.
00:22:15 You've ever served.
00:22:17 Buttermilk Mix has the buttermilk right in it and the directions for Shaker pancakes.
00:22:21 Right on the box, you'll pour the smoothest batter ever, and make the roundest fluffiest pancakes you've ever made.
00:22:28 Buttermilk pancakes are great there.
00:22:31 You got some more there, I see.
00:22:33 Yes, well, thank you.
00:22:38 Do you have some for David and Rick too?
Speaker 11
00:22:41 For David and Rick.
Speaker 3
00:22:44 Womp, womp, you just can't get enough of those Aunt Jemima pancakes.
00:22:45 Would you join?
Speaker 11
00:22:46 Us. Well, yes, thank you. Who do you?
00:22:48 Think these were?
00:22:49 For Terry, come back here with my pancake.
Speaker 5
00:22:52 Once you join it.
Speaker 3
00:22:56 See all it takes is that look that face that happy, smiling black woman. Look how non threatening she is and she makes pancakes.
00:23:08 They make syrup too.
00:23:12 Look, white girls love it.
Speaker 5
00:23:14 Into my Mama so long.
Speaker 12
00:23:16 At last, the First Lady of Pancakes makes a syrup of her own. She put it in a modern beaker with a handy handle and a drip proof spout. If you love and your mama's pancakes, wait until you taste them with their new.
Speaker 5
00:23:29 Syrup. Samana. What took you so long?
Speaker 3
00:23:35 That's right, black people are always late. What took you so long?
00:23:39 So this is this is the.
00:23:42 Where Antimima came from was this movie.
00:23:44 And I guess the book.
00:23:46 Because in this movie.
00:23:49 Everyone's very impressed with their pancakes. They're just so ******* delicious. No one can get enough.
00:23:53 Of these ******* things.
Speaker 8
00:23:55 I've never tasted.
00:23:55 Anything so good in all my life.
Speaker 6
00:23:57 How do you make them? It's a seeker.
00:23:59 Yeah, some them pancakes. Is my granny secret? She passed it down to my man and my mommy told me. But I ain't telling nobody. No, Sir.
Speaker 8
00:24:07 I don't blame you, I wouldn't new.
Speaker 3
00:24:12 She ain't gonna tell nobody. So of course she continues to be the servant. She's helping her, you know, basically getting dressed. And she she leaves.
00:24:22 And and she gets this, this idea, this strong, independent single mom gets this idea. She's like, wow, these pancakes are so ******* good.
Speaker 4
00:24:31 I I don't know. Like I I.
00:24:33 Don't know if we can.
Speaker 3
00:24:35 We can just let these pancakes be a secret. Other people have to enjoy these pancakes and I gotta you gotta remember the the author of.
00:24:43 This book was a Jew, so.
00:24:45 Oh, we gotta make money off these ******* pancakes.
00:24:49 We got to make money off these pancakes.
00:24:53 And So what does she do? She she basically lies. She you remember the the author was a Jew. So she starts behaving in ways that that Jews would when they came here as immigrants from Eastern Europe. And they took advantage of the high trust population by, I don't know.
00:25:13 Shall we say bending the truth to get their businesses started so she negotiates with this like she makes it sound as if she's got tons of money and it's just tied up another. Like, it's literally like all the the.
00:25:27 The Jewish scammers that we've covered over the last, you know, couple of years or so and during different various streams where they it's the same sort of thing. It's a confidence man thing. So she goes in and she's basically conning them into thinking that. Ohh yeah. Well, you have to give me the first three months free and I'll do the renovations and.
00:25:47 And Oh no, I've got tons of money. It's just it's tied up in all these other investments. So, but don't worry, I need this pancake shop.
00:25:54 And she's going through and and just scamming the the various people she hires an artist to do. Like, like to paint Aunt Jemima. I forget what her name is in this movie. It's it's might as well. It's it's Aunt Jemima, right. It doesn't really matter. And as she's sitting there scamming and lying to these people.
00:26:16 Who's the person that has a a conscience about it? The person who has a conscience about it is the the black woman. The black woman is the one that overhears this lady scamming the the the man and she's.
Speaker 10
00:26:30 Like oh oh loading loading.
Speaker 7
00:26:34 Smile, you know, smile.
00:26:38 No, no great big one. Ohh yeah, that's it. Now now turn to the right. Hold it.
00:26:48 That's it. That's what I want.
Speaker 3
00:26:51 That's what she wants. She wants that big smiling ***** face. And in fact, we know this because this is this face in the movie is almost identical to this face that they used for Aunt Jemima.
00:27:12 So it's yeah, Americans were like, yeah, again, not just boomers. This would. This would have been the Boomers, parents, the boomers, parents would have been like, oh, look at that. Look at that smiling negress.
Speaker 4
00:27:23 How how would you not?
Speaker 3
00:27:24 Like her pancakes.
00:27:26 Her. I bet her pancakes are delicious.
00:27:30 You know it's the same thing you know, with these, with these kinds of videos, like I've obviously I, I I played this one before where you can basically get white people to like anything as long as you show black people smiling at it.
00:27:45 So she keeps scamming and scamming. And like I said, the the black woman is shocked when she overhears the the bending of the truth.
Speaker 6
00:27:54 I'll push my trust in Jesus.
Speaker 3
00:28:05 So the black woman's way more religious. She's more Christian.
00:28:09 She's uncomfortable with the the lies of the the white woman who, let's face it, is basically a Jewish woman because it was written by.
00:28:17 I mean this is.
00:28:18 This is an American culture. People need to start to understand this. This isn't American culture. This is just as much American culture as K, pop or Bollywood as American culture.
00:28:29 It's it's foreign media being produced in in your country, but not by Americans.
00:28:36 This is Jewish storytelling. It's a Jewish book that was converted to a screenplay by a Jew produced by a Jew, directed by a Jew. This is Jewish storytelling. This is Jewish cinema in the same way Bollywood movies are Indian cinema.
00:28:56 So in this Jewish movie.
00:28:59 The Jewish woman is scamming and and whatever and it it makes her uncomfortable because it goes against her Christian values and everyone knows that you know the the old salt of the earth. Black ladies are very Christian.
00:29:13 So they end up making the, you know, they get the all the artwork done. It's Aunt Delilah's, which is, you know, it's Aunt, Aunt Jemima. Same thing, Aunt Delilah's pancake shop. They make a pancake shop.
Speaker 5
00:29:29 I like that.
Speaker 3
00:29:31 Who doesn't like ******* pancakes? So she's making pancakes?
00:29:37 The shops doing doing really well, they're making a lot of money.
00:29:42 The the two white kids.
Speaker 4
00:29:45 Or seem to be getting along.
Speaker 3
00:29:48 And then you get these little things right. You get these little comments stitched in here, these they start to now the, I mean the the propaganda is already there, but they start to get a little more obvious with it. They start to try to throw in their little social justice narrative into it. When you they show the two white kids or I'm sorry, the black kid and the white kid.
00:30:09 Playing together just fine and you see, they're their mothers looking.
00:30:13 Run and and and and they're just.
00:30:16 They're so tick. They're tickled pink. They're just tickled pink.
00:30:20 That their their daughters, even though they're from different races, are able to get along just fine.
Speaker 13
00:30:26 Oh yeah, first thing you know, you're gonna get ad again.
Speaker 5
00:30:29 Goodbye, mommy.
00:30:30 Goodbye, honey.
Speaker 6
00:30:33 They show likes each other them too.
Speaker 7
00:30:36 Feel it's not even Jesse.
Speaker 6
00:30:38 Yes, some we all starts out that way.
00:30:41 We don't get dumb to later on.
Speaker 10
00:30:46 Ohh no one.
Speaker 3
00:30:47 'S born race. This is what they're saying.
00:30:49 Well, you know what? No one.
00:30:50 'S born a physicist.
Speaker 10
00:30:54 No one's born a doctor.
Speaker 3
00:30:57 I've never understood this argument when they say that. Ohh yeah, well, you can tell racism is bad because nobody's born or racist.
Speaker 5
00:31:07 Well, yeah.
Speaker 4
00:31:09 No one's born, really.
Speaker 3
00:31:10 Much of anything you're you're. You're not even born, able to to walk.
00:31:17 You know there you have to learn most things.
00:31:21 Like like what do you not have to learn like instinct only only covers what crying breathing your heart.
Speaker 4
00:31:28 Beating and there's there's.
Speaker 3
00:31:30 There's very few things you don't have to learn.
00:31:33 So this idea that like, oh, you know, you know that's how you know, the racism is bad because cause kids, kids have to learn it.
00:31:42 Well, kids have to learn that fire is hot.
00:31:45 Not to touch fire.
00:31:47 Kids have to learn that that knives are sharp.
00:31:51 You know, kids have to learn everything.
00:31:54 So anyway, and I guess they're the little happy.
00:31:59 Utopian view of the two kids getting along just fine. It gets a there's a little trouble in paradise because.
00:32:08 The white girl.
00:32:11 Tells the other why. I'm sorry, ***** girl, she tells the ***** girl that she's black.
00:32:17 And that that makes her very upset. She she starts crying, she runs home.
00:32:22 Sobbing because her friend said that she was black and she's in denial of being black because she's white passing.
Speaker 6
00:32:51 What's happened to my?
Speaker 1
00:32:53 Baby, I'm not black. I'm not black. I won't be black.
Speaker 7
00:33:00 You gonna be black? Yes. You gonna be that?
Speaker 6
00:33:04 Jesse Jesse Pullman. For shame on you. Come on.
00:33:11 Good girl.
00:33:21 Calm yourself, baby. You gotta learn to take it.
00:33:26 You might just as well begin now.
Speaker 7
00:33:29 You apologize to Piola this minute. No, no.
Speaker 6
00:33:35 Don't make apologize.
00:33:36 Ain't no good at that.
Speaker 3
00:33:40 Ain't no good in that.
00:33:42 See and that's. That was the expectation.
00:33:46 Ohh, don't make. Don't make her apologize.
00:33:49 You know that we don't need to.
00:33:50 Worry about that.
00:33:53 See that we're we're used to it. We got. We got a thick skin. Isn't that exactly what you experienced out there?
00:34:00 In the wild.
00:34:02 Black people are totally fine with anything that you say about them. They're not.
00:34:06 Sensitive at all.
00:34:07 And of course, Fast forward a few decades and South Park was making cartoons about the exact opposite of that, because this this was the real reality.
Speaker 14
00:34:17 Mr. Marsh, you need to take time to understand African American culture. Visit Black museum, see black performers and artists. Ohh, I will. I'm really down with African Americans.
00:34:31 Do you really want to apologise? Are you sure? Yes, absolutely.
00:34:36 Very well. If you want to apologize, I will accept. Oh, thank you, Mr. Jackson. Thank you. Brian, get a picture of Mr. Marsh apologizing. Ready to go, Sir.
00:34:51 Huh. Apologize. Kiss it.
00:34:56 You want me to kiss your? That's right. Apologize.
00:35:01 OK, I'll.
Speaker 3
00:35:12 So that was the reality.
00:35:18 And still is in fact that now it's now. You can't apologize. Now you just get canceled. Your life is ruined. If you anger a black kid or you get killed.
00:35:31 Yeah. Yeah. Like every time there's one of these violence videos that gets passed around on.
00:35:37 The Internet, you.
00:35:38 Know what? What are the replies from every black?
Speaker 10
00:35:40 Person well, they must have, they must have said.
Speaker 3
00:35:44 Oh, OK. Your life is now forfeit because you said a word and they have 0 control over their emotions. And so they'll just flip the **** out. But that's not the way it was presented by the Jewish writers, directors and producers. It was presented as. No, no, these black people, they're very humble. They they don't mind.
00:36:04 You know, when you accidentally offend them cause I mean it was a little girl saying that she was black, which was according to this stupid screenplay. That's that's the reality. She wasn't saying you're a ******* bill, you know, Annie or whatever the **** her name is.
00:36:20 Now she was like you're black.
00:36:24 And the mom doesn't have a problem.
00:36:25 With that, she's.
00:36:26 Like, Oh no, we'll sold. We we shall overcome.
00:36:31 We shall overcome, but the white woman or I'm sorry, the Jewish woman is very upset by this. She can't believe that her mother or that her child was capable of such racism. Yeah, this is 1934.
00:36:43 OK, this is 1934. This is prior to America not I mean not much prior, but prior to America being involved in World War 2.
00:36:53 It's prior to the civil rights movements prior to blacks having the vote.
00:36:58 So it's this was this was kind.
00:37:01 Of a big deal.
Speaker 8
00:37:03 How could you say such a mean, cruel thing to Peola?
Speaker 1
00:37:07 I didn't mean anything.
Speaker 6
00:37:09 Who would take her fault with?
00:37:11 Me, they yawn and they mine.
00:37:14 I don't know rightly where the blame lies.
00:37:18 It can't be alone.
00:37:21 Skype me puzzle.
Speaker 3
00:37:23 You notice that breaking the 3rd wall, like almost like she's kind of staring off camera, but she's kind of looking at the camera at the same time.
00:37:33 When she says I don't know who's to blame.
00:37:37 ****** in the audience.
Speaker 4
00:37:39 It can't be all ours.
Speaker 3
00:37:43 I just can't figure.
00:37:45 It out, ****** in the audience.
00:37:48 Who could I be talking about?
00:37:51 I don't know who's to blame for all this racism. ****** in the audience.
00:38:00 So Aunt Jemima gets over it real quick and she's.
00:38:04 She's helping the little girl all the time and just being a slave.
00:38:09 And then one day she goes to visit the girl at school.
00:38:14 Now, because the girl was white, passing.
00:38:18 She was going to a a normal, you know, white school.
00:38:24 So she goes to the school to bring her like her daughter. I guess her white daughter forgot a scarf or something. Doesn't really matter.
00:38:31 And so she shows up at the school and says, oh, yeah, that's my daughter right there. And the teacher is shot because she's like, well, no, we don't have.
00:38:39 Any ***** children in my class?
00:38:42 And the daughter is really embarrassed because she doesn't want everyone to know that her mom is black.
00:38:47 Which for one reason it's genetically impossible.
00:38:50 But you know.
00:38:52 And so there's that whole saying where, oh, she's a, you know, that's a repeated theme throughout. She's ashamed of her blackness.
00:39:00 And this is this is there's. There's two things going on here. One, you you're trying to tell the audience like ohh, look, you know, don't you feel bad for this kid? She's just she's just ashamed of who she is. She looks just like your daughter.
00:39:14 She is just as white as your daughter, your niece, your sister.
00:39:19 But she just happens to have a black mom. Somehow she just happens to have a black mom somehow. And so that's just what it's going to be like, you know? Like, why would you be prejudice against these these black children who are white kids somehow in your, in your neighborhood, going to school with your kids?
Speaker 4
00:39:39 Why would you wanna judge these? These. They didn't do anything.
Speaker 3
00:39:43 And they look just like your kids. They're they're basically white kids.
00:39:47 They just happen to have Aunt Jemima as a mom.
00:39:52 And so they're, they're they're. They're kind of hammering that into the into this, you know, into the scenario. But they're also kind of saying, well, the obvious that. Yeah, black kids. They're basically white kids.
00:40:05 Then we go back to the pancake shop.
00:40:08 And some guy shows up to the pancake shop. You also start to see how diverse the again, this is 1930 ******* 4.
00:40:15 And in in 1934, you know, they've got another black lady working behind the counter. There's Asian dudes showing up.
Speaker 15
00:40:21 You know it's.
Speaker 3
00:40:22 For 1934, this is like the most diverse pancake place in the ******* universe.
00:40:28 The that's enough classified cat the so this businessman shows up.
00:40:35 And he says, you know, you have.
00:40:37 Really good pancakes.
00:40:39 And the only thing that would make your pancakes.
00:40:43 Make you a lot of money.
00:40:46 Is if you put them in boxes.
00:40:49 You know, again this is written by a Jew. So the person that's writing this story is thinking like a Jew. They're not like, oh, why? Why settle for a little pancake shop that makes you happy and makes you feel satisfied and makes you have to work when all you have to do is sell the recipe to some big corporations? Slap a black lady on the box and you get rich for doing nothing.
00:41:10 So that's precisely.
00:41:12 That's precisely what they decide to do.
00:41:16 And when they go to sign the papers.
00:41:19 To make everything official.
00:41:22 Once again, even though they're they're they're giving the Aunt Jemima a.
00:41:26 Cut of this money.
00:41:28 They're giving her a 20%.
00:41:29 Not she's. So she's so above it all. Like she's so old timey wisdom and and simple. And and just generally a good person better than you know. You and I would ever.
00:41:41 Be she doesn't want the 20% cut, and in fact, if anything, she's she's worried that does this mean I won't be able to live with you and take care of you anymore?
Speaker 4
00:41:51 Man, because I want to be able to take care. I don't want no 20%. I'll just give you the recipe. I don't want you to send me away.
00:41:58 I just want to live with you.
Speaker 3
00:42:02 A lot of obvious metaphors there.
Speaker 6
00:42:05 But if I sign them.
Speaker 8
00:42:06 Then what? Then you'll have a 20% interest in the Art Delaware Corporation. You'll have your own car, your own house.
Speaker 9
00:42:11 You will be rich.
Speaker 6
00:42:16 My own house.
00:42:18 You're going to send me away, Miss B.
00:42:20 I can't live with you.
00:42:23 Ohh honey child. Please don't send me away.
00:42:26 Don't do that to me.
Speaker 7
00:42:30 Don't you want your?
Speaker 6
00:42:31 Own house? No. How am I gonna take care of you and Miss Jesse if I ain't here?
Speaker 9
00:42:38 Oh, the lion.
Speaker 8
00:42:41 You later you'll have me in tears in a minute.
Speaker 3
00:42:46 Now the obvious metaphor here is.
00:42:49 Even if you try to give black people money.
00:42:54 They all they want is to take care.
00:42:56 Of you.
00:42:57 They don't want your money. Just let them.
00:43:00 Live with you.
00:43:00 They're not going to take anything from you.
00:43:04 Just give let them live in proximity to you. That's all they really want.
00:43:09 And they only want that, so they.
Speaker 4
00:43:10 Can take care of you.
00:43:14 They'll just give you the money.
Speaker 3
00:43:18 They're gonna make you rich. Their secret pancake recipe is gonna make you ******* rich. You'd be crazy to not want these people in your home.
00:43:28 These people, with their their beautiful white children.
00:43:38 So of course they they start cranking out the and Jemima.
00:43:44 Or aunt Delilah.
00:43:50 They got the big the big neon signs up in New York.
00:43:55 Aunt Delilahs pancake flower, 32,000,000 packages sold last year.
00:44:01 So they're rolling in the ******* dough. They're making tons of money because of that Jew idea that they had.
00:44:09 And now the the white woman is rich and she's living it up.
00:44:14 All these eligible bachelors from the upper crust are very interested in her. You know she's not. She's not just some, like measly pancake flipping single mom now, now she's a, you know, multi millionaire.
00:44:30 She's got this beautiful apartment in Manhattan.
00:44:36 Throwing dinner parties.
00:44:39 And while she's up throwing dinner parties upstairs.
00:44:43 Downstairs with a smile on her face.
00:44:48 Aunt Jemima is totally happy.
00:44:51 Totally happy to be living down below and not going to the the dinner party.
00:44:56 So again, what are they saying with this?
Speaker 4
00:44:59 Oh no. Just because they live with you and.
Speaker 3
00:45:01 They're not going to ruin your party.
00:45:03 Because look in 1934, if they had had her, like, walking around in the in the fancy party with jewelry and the fancy dress or whatever cause technically the, you know the answer. Mima here is supposed to be a millionaire now too. Unless she legit didn't sign that paper and just gave away all the money. They're never really clear.
00:45:20 About that, but you.
00:45:21 Know whatever the assumption is, she's got access to money.
00:45:24 And, but she's choosing not to ruin your, you know, white people, fancy pants party and just staying downstairs and and leaving you alone. And she's totally content to do that.
00:45:37 She's not. She doesn't want anymore. She doesn't want what you have. She's totally humble and content to live down below in the apartment below you and she doesn't cause any problems or get in the way. Her white looking daughter, you know, has a little bit of an issue with it. And she's kind of ****** *** because.
00:45:54 She still wants to be white.
00:45:57 But you know, it's not a big deal. She's not going up there and crashing the party or stealing peoples's coats out of the coat check or anything like that. It's all relatively, you know, it's all cool.
00:46:10 So she meets this fancy rich guy at the party.
00:46:16 And after the party, you see that the dynamic hasn't changed even though they're supposedly, you know, partners in this endeavor.
00:46:24 After she meets this rich guy or parties over Aunt Jemima comes upstairs. Now that the guests are gone, she's allowed to.
00:46:31 Show her face.
00:46:32 And she massages the woman's feet just like she did on her first.
00:46:36 Day of work.
00:46:37 And you know the the money hasn't changed her. The access to power hasn't changed her. This is just how she is. This is just her nature.
00:46:46 Don't be afraid of these people coming into your neighborhoods or into your cities because this is their nature. They're they're basically just these humble, submissive people that are always looking for ways that they can help you out and they pose no threat whatsoever. And again, you have this this shot right here in particular.
00:47:06 Is is very very easy to spot once you know what to look for.
00:47:12 At the end of the night, after she's massaged her feet and it's time for them to go to bed, you have this very.
00:47:19 The obvious visual representation that there's still a separation, you don't have to in the same way that you don't have to worry about this black woman and her daughter ruining your ******* white people party. You don't have to worry about her actually, like living, living with you like she has her own little space. So as they they walk to the.
00:47:42 They go in very separate directions.
00:47:46 Again, why have that long shot? Unless it means something? And it does mean something visually. And you know that's a visual metaphor. She's going up, she's going up to the the the fancy suite upstairs, and she's going down to the basement, you know, don't worry, these people are never going to try to compete for what you have.
00:48:07 They're always going to know their place and they're they're never going to be a problem. They're going to be massaging your feet after the party. And then when the party is over, they're gonna go back in.
00:48:15 The ******* basement.
Speaker 4
00:48:20 That's what the movie is saying, right?
Speaker 3
00:48:24 So and Jemima goes downstairs and she's she's shocked and upset to find.
00:48:29 That her daughter is very mad because you know, she she doesn't feel black.
00:48:35 And she wants to go to white people colleges. But she's having some trouble with that.
00:48:41 And and Jemima is telling.
00:48:42 Her to go to the Black College.
00:48:45 And she doesn't want to go to Black college because she hates black people and she passes for white. So she's like, why do I have to go and hang out with black?
Speaker 4
00:48:53 People. So she not even she she.
00:48:55 Doesn't even want to.
Speaker 3
00:48:55 Hang out with the black people.
00:49:00 And you know, she the, the, the rich white single mom. Now she's getting ready for her date with the the fancy rich guy.
00:49:10 And you know, Aunt Jemima still knows her place. She comes upstairs and, you know, doesn't try to burden her with her problems. It's just like, oh, yeah.
Speaker 4
00:49:17 You look beautiful.
Speaker 6
00:49:19 My misty. You sure do look beautiful.
Speaker 11
00:49:23 Thank you, delana. Do you like my?
Speaker 6
00:49:24 Dress it ain't your dress, it's.
Speaker 4
00:49:30 You show is beautiful.
Speaker 3
00:49:34 So she's always getting this positive reinforcement from this from this woman.
00:49:39 There's nothing negative about Aunt Jemima. Like there's not a bad side to her at all. She's just eternally pleasant.
00:49:49 So she has her date with the rich guy and they kind of hit it off and they they sort of become like an item.
00:49:55 And then, you know, years have gone by in the same way that and Jemima's daughter is is now grown up and looks like a instead of a white little kid is more like a white young adult.
00:50:09 The other little girl is all is likewise grown up, and she comes home from college and meets the the rich guy.
00:50:17 That is dating her. Her mom, I guess.
00:50:22 And they're having a good time.
00:50:25 They're like, everything's everything's happy. They got all their pancake money. They got their black slave in the basement.
00:50:31 They've got this, you know, this rich boyfriend has now arrived. Her daughter is doing good in school. Everything's happy, right? So you know that something has to go wrong. Because that's how movies are right? The the second everything's happy and everything's good. It's a formula you have to introduce the conflict. And so here comes the conflict.
00:50:52 And Aunt Jemima comes in and she's very upset because she got a letter. She got a letter from the school, the Black School that she sent her daughter to.
00:51:00 And the Black school is basically saying that your daughter is is.
00:51:03 Run away. We don't.
00:51:05 Know where she went. But we're assuming that you know about it. But just in case you don't.
00:51:10 Your daughter ran away from school, so there you go.
00:51:15 And so they get very worried and they drive around town trying to find her daughter, who has, who has run away from the Black College.
00:51:24 And they finally find her working at some counter.
00:51:27 And she's once again in the same way she was embarrassed as a little.
00:51:31 Girl, that her black mom came in and all of the students found out that her mom was black. She gets very upset when her black mom shows up.
Speaker 15
00:51:41 At her work.
Speaker 3
00:51:43 And now everyone knows that they employed a black lady and they're letting her handle money and they're starting to rethink the logic behind that. So.
00:51:53 So she gets really ****** *** and says I'm going to have to leave, leave and and go and just cut off all ties with you because it's more important that I get to go and and live on.
00:52:05 To be white.
00:52:07 Than it is to embrace my black culture.
00:52:12 And again, this as much as this is supposed to look like ohh, it's kind of heart wrenching. It's so terrible that she's done to her wonderful mom.
00:52:19 I mean I.
00:52:19 Mean it's breaking her mother's heart. She's just. I mean, she doesn't want anything but the best for her daughter. And. And here she is. Just cutting off all ties and and and going out to to live her life as a white woman. I mean, that's that's so awful. And it's it's obviously it's to introduce all these weird, uncomfortable feelings into the the the minds of the white audience.
00:52:39 But it's also kind of saying something else. It's kind of saying that don't worry, these black people are going to let go of their past. These black people are going to let go of their past and they're going to embrace white culture, even if it means throwing the their their mom under the bus.
00:52:55 They they would rather go on and.
00:52:57 Live life as.
00:52:58 As a white person than identify with their black ancestry, and this is this is where a lot of this assimilation talk came in and the assimilation talk really got overcharged after World War 2, when we started to get a lot of these immigrants coming in.
00:53:14 A lot of Jewish immigrants, specifically coming into the country after World War 2 and that you had lots of propaganda movies talking about, you know, the immigrants assimilating perfectly. And they're just like you and me.
00:53:31 So she storms off to go live life as a as a white woman.
00:53:37 Meanwhile, the and just, I guess because it's again, it's Jewish Jewish authors. You know, the daughter of the mom falls in love with with her boyfriend.
00:53:50 And you know, even though he rejects her, I don't know if that happens in the.
00:53:55 Book but.
Speaker 4
00:53:57 In the movie.
Speaker 3
00:53:58 He rejects her. It's like I don't I.
00:54:00 Don't you know you're just a child?
00:54:03 And she gets really embarrassed.
00:54:06 And the mom? The mom doesn't know about this yet.
00:54:09 Because they come home.
00:54:12 And the the black the the black slave and Jemima has a black slave too. It's.
00:54:17 Like it's like a it's like a inception. It's the slave slave.
00:54:24 And she, the slave slave, comes running up the stairs and.
00:54:26 She's like, oh, and Jemima sick come quick.
00:54:29 And they come and and Aunt Jemima, you know she's dying of a broken heart. She can't believe that her daughter has abandoned her. And she's dying of a broken heart now. And after she goes and sees Aunt Jemima who's died of a broken heart.
00:54:44 She overhears her boyfriend talking to her daughter and thinks that Ohh something's up with that. Oh my God, I gotta that. That's not good. My daughter's trying to bang my boyfriend.
00:54:56 And Jemima finally succumbs to her broken heart and and dies to the sounds of soul music. You know, like a lot of black, you know, like the the soulful humming in the background.
00:55:17 She has this this very lavish funeral and what I found interesting about this lavish funeral is this is a black woman and so all the all the attendees are black. It's, I guess, happening at a black church or something. And it look at the look how complicated this black.
00:55:38 Funeral is.
00:55:40 First of all, all the the pallbearers, these black guys, they're wearing these tuxedos with the tails and everything. But moreover, you can't really see too much in this shot. But the next shot you will look at these other guys. Oh, wait, that's her daughter. Let me show you the other guys here.
00:55:57 Like, look at these guys.
00:55:59 So again, they're trying to make it seem like this is something. This is part of black culture. Black people would would dress up like, you know, like they're bearing some kind of royal.
00:56:09 Yeah, they've got ******* swords and ****. Like what the ****? They they got a carriage like I get it. She was rich and so they could afford anything.
00:56:17 But them trying to present this as like a a black funeral is is beyond ridiculous. But the majority of the white audience wouldn't see it that way. They.
00:56:28 Wouldn't know the difference.
00:56:30 They would just like, oh, I guess when black people get money, they're exactly like.
00:56:33 White people with money.
00:56:35 You know, they they just, they're just like us. There's no difference whatsoever, especially with that daughter. That daughter that that was very upset because, you know, her mom died and she came for the funeral and and cried.
00:56:50 You know, whatever.
00:56:52 So that at the end, after the funeral.
00:56:55 She talks to her, her boyfriend and says, you know, I know it's not, you know, it's nothing you're doing but my daughter.
00:57:03 'S in love with you?
00:57:04 And because my daughter's in love with you, I'm going to have to break up with you because I don't need no man, and I don't want things to be awkward when my daughter comes over. So you're going to have to hit the.
00:57:17 Road Jack. And get the **** out. So he leaves and her daughter comes by and.
00:57:24 And there, that's the end. You know, you've got the strong, rich, powerful women they don't need. They don't need men. The black woman conveniently got out after making the.
Speaker 5
00:57:36 White woman rich.
Speaker 3
00:57:38 You know, just got out of the picture, conveniently just left.
00:57:43 Like she was just like I just walked into your life. One day. I massaged your feet. I raised your kids. I cooked you some pancakes, made you a millionaire, and then I had the decency to ******* die. And so you don't have to grow old with me. And now you're just this wealthy white woman for the rest of your days. The end.
00:58:02 And that's the end.
00:58:04 That's the movie.
00:58:07 And so this, this, this, this goes again 1934 this goes on for a long time. This idea that if you have a a smiling black person approving of something, Americans will want to buy it. Like, that's just.
00:58:21 That's just the way it is and I hate to say it, it's not just boomer specific. This was well before the civil rights movement.
00:58:29 You could even say in the in 1934, while of course the the silent generation or maybe I don't know the generation before that, they're being propagandized in. In films like this one, but they're also being propagandized by radio. And of course, you know, if you look at who was in charge of radio, it's the same.
00:58:49 You know, Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe that were in charge of Hollywood, so not a whole lot of a variety. It's either they're watching Jewish cinema or listening to Jewish radio. So they're getting some of the same messages. But the the propaganda really hadn't hit the same level.
00:59:06 That it had in like the late 50s and early 60s, the propaganda that the Boomers were subjected to.
00:59:13 Was just, you know.
00:59:15 Billion times more over the top than than this kind of stuff, but it goes to show you that these kinds of messages were being broadcast into the into the theaters around America and into the homes of Americans. And it made a big difference. I mean, 1934, you got to remember, this is before.
00:59:36 When there wasn't like a lot to do in 19.
00:59:38 34 but go to the movies.
00:59:41 Especially we didn't have a lot of money.
00:59:44 Now and and there was no such thing as TV. There was no TV in 1934. People forget how new of a technology television is. Even radio is relatively new. And so you had a anytime you watched a movie, you watched it in a theater and a lot of people would pay.
01:00:02 And watch the the same movie over and over and over again because they they didn't know you couldn't buy things on on Blu-ray or or whatever, right? You just had to watch it in the theater until it stopped running. And then just it went away. And that was that.
01:00:17 For like you know, a very long time. That's just how it was.
01:00:22 So that was the film in 1934.
01:00:27 In the 1960s, they revisited this film.
01:00:31 Or actually I it was 1959, so almost the 1960s.
01:00:38 And there were some notable differences. Again, we're not going to go through the whole thing, but there's some notable differences. The first thing I want you to.
01:00:45 Take a look at this is.
01:00:46 A beach in New York.
Speaker 4
01:00:54 That's all. That's all I'm going to say.
Speaker 3
01:00:57 Do I have to say anything else?
01:00:59 This is a beach.
01:01:02 In New York.
01:01:06 You notice anything about this beach?
01:01:11 In New York.
01:01:12 1959 mind you.
01:01:16 This diversity stuff really, really snuck up.
01:01:20 On a lot of.
01:01:20 People because you got to think of it this way, this is what going to the beach was like when they signed the Heart Seller Act. When you want to understand why they they were so quick to change the demographics of America is first of all they were. They were reassured that it wouldn't.
01:01:38 And this is what they were used to.
01:01:43 You ever hear that? You know, you don't know. Have what? You never know what you have until it's gone.
01:01:49 That's human nature. People took this for granted.
01:01:55 They didn't realize that just like five years.
01:01:58 From this moment.
01:02:01 Jews would get legislation passed.
01:02:06 That would.
01:02:07 Make this kind of a beach.
01:02:10 An impossibility.
01:02:13 In fact.
01:02:15 I would say I don't know that there's a beach in the world now.
01:02:20 That looks like this.
Speaker 4
01:02:26 I I don't think there is. Where would it be?
Speaker 5
01:02:26 OK.
01:02:33 Where would it be?
Speaker 3
01:02:38 And what a weird feeling this would be.
Speaker 5
01:02:43 What a weird feeling it would.
Speaker 3
01:02:45 Be to walk through that crowd.
01:02:49 Most of us have.
01:02:50 No idea what that would be like.
01:02:59 I bet you'd feel a lot safer with your kids.
01:03:04 You know when people say ohh. You know kids don't play outside anymore.
01:03:08 Well, usually the people saying that are people that were in this crowd playing outside.
01:03:14 When they were kids.
01:03:18 This was outside for them.
01:03:28 So anyway, in the 1959 version, she's also a single mom. I don't know if they say anything about divorce or or whatever I, to be honest, I kind of just cruised through it. I didn't. I didn't watch it as closely as the first one because it.
01:03:41 It seemed a little campy and there was just a couple of scenes I thought were kind of funny, so I clipped those, but it's the same kind of a it's a similar setup, she she can't find her daughter. She finds this black. This nice black lady who had found her.
01:03:57 And same thing. Her daughter is white somehow.
01:04:00 And after they meet and she's like, oh, well, you're so trustworthy because you you didn't kidnap my daughter because and that's the other funny thing in this in this beach right here, she's the only black lady. And she's got a white daughter.
01:04:17 So they decide to have an arrangement where she can like, I don't know why it's it seems very weird, like at least with the 1931 they made, they made a little more sense, you know, she was looking for a job. She was looking for this arrangement.
01:04:29 Whereas this one seemed a little like thrown together like they were just trying to get past that plot point, like it didn't really matter, they just wanted to get the show on the road and so they they she just invites her to live with her for some reason.
01:04:42 And so they they they go to move into our house and this seems kind of funny because the the white daughter.
01:04:50 Has a black doll.
01:04:54 In 1959, it's like the joke about, you know, people used to remember that when when there would be a a popular toy like a popular Barbie, that all the little kids wanted and all the parents would would maybe wait till the last second and they go to the Toys-R-Us or or Walmart or whatever to try to get that that.
01:05:14 Hot, you know, new Barbie. That all the little girls want for Christmas and they're sold out. And all that's left is like the black version that none of the white kids want. Well, for that matter, none of the black kids really want either.
01:05:27 And in this scene it kind of it shows that like this little white girl was given a black doll.
01:05:33 And she doesn't want it, so she tries to give it to the the white.
01:05:36 Looking black, kid.
Speaker 1
01:05:40 Kiss your Jane. You can have Nancy.
01:05:45 It's a present. Mommy just got it for you. I want that one.
01:05:50 Freddy's my friend, I've had it all my life, mommy.
01:05:57 Meyers. She took my dog.
Speaker 3
01:06:00 Of course she did. She she. She steals.
01:06:07 So yeah, anyway and then.
01:06:10 She brushed. It's the same the same kind.
01:06:12 Of attitude from the mom, right?
Speaker 1
01:06:13 Sarah Jane, where are your manners?
01:06:16 Now give it back.
Speaker 1
01:06:17 I don't want the black one. I'll take them.
Speaker 16
01:06:20 It's been a long day. They're so tired.
Speaker 3
01:06:21 No one wants the black one.
Speaker 16
01:06:21 Of cranking. Yes, miss long. Everything will be alright.
Speaker 3
01:06:25 So again, she's she's very similar. She's just a little bit smarter. But don't worry, I'm going to do all your laundry.
01:06:32 And I'm going.
01:06:33 To live that she that the room that they give her to live in is literally a closet like that. So she's living in a closet with her white looking daughter doing all the laundry, cooking all the food. She's a slave.
01:06:43 The other big difference is in the 1959 version the the woman, the white woman, she's not just like some hustler.
01:06:52 That's going to make pancakes famous.
01:06:55 She's a model.
01:06:57 And uh.
01:07:00 There's never any pancakes.
01:07:03 Now I don't know if that's because Aunt Jemima was an actual product at this point, and it would almost seem like a commercial.
01:07:09 For Aunt Jemima pancakes.
01:07:12 But there's never any pancakes, and so it's it's, in fact, it's it's kind of a weird departure from the original story.
01:07:21 Where she learns about the the the tough realities.
01:07:26 Of what it what it takes to make it as a star in in the 19 the late 1950s, early 60s, she learns all about the the casting couch, for example, and that she's already getting to be too old to be a star. So she goes to see an agent because she's tired of modeling and she's starting to get.
01:07:45 Too old to be a model, and she's only got a few years left to to be an actress before she starts to be too old to be a a leading role actress.
01:07:55 And she goes to this agent. And I just thought this scene was interesting, that they, they included this, but it shows you that this was just an accepted reality of how Hollywood was even in 1959. She goes to her agent and her agent basically gives her the the deal.
Speaker 17
01:08:15 Try this on for size.
Speaker 8
01:08:18 But who?
Speaker 17
01:08:18 Is this mine and I only learned a very special clients. I want you to wear.
01:08:22 It tonight.
Speaker 16
01:08:23 You want me to wear these?
Speaker 17
01:08:24 Please got to think of my reputation. I haven't been seen with a girl without a minx. It's.
01:08:28 The heat wave.
01:08:28 Of 39. Come on.
01:08:32 We should spend a little time talking about our future.
01:08:35 You can act well. That's of no importance at the moment. The main thing is you're about.
Speaker 16
01:08:42 Please don't.
Speaker 17
01:08:44 And you're decent too, no doubt possess some fine principles. Well, may I'm a man of very few principles, and they're all open to revision.
01:08:53 But I'm in a position to do.
01:08:54 Something for you?
Speaker 16
01:08:56 You'll get 10% of everything I make. Isn't that enough?
Speaker 17
01:09:00 Now sit down and listen.
01:09:04 Here it is short and clear. You're not a chicken. You're no high hearted kid out of some drama school wanting to do or die for dear old Thespis. And you're beginning under.
Speaker 16
01:09:13 Handicap. No, I'm starting late.
Speaker 17
01:09:16 So time isn't on your side, but you do have some qualifications.
01:09:20 Your face will pass you good, nice, long, silky legs I like.
01:09:23 Them you were just full of quality and quantity. I like it.
Speaker 16
01:09:27 Aren't you taking a few things for granted after all?
Speaker 17
01:09:29 Me, I don't count, but there are certain people who do, and you're going to meet all of them. That is, if you're really serious about your career.
Speaker 16
01:09:37 I am the good.
Speaker 17
01:09:39 Then you're going every place with me. Every party, every opening night, every saloon in town with a complete new wardrobe at my expense. Oh, it's it's taxed.
01:09:48 This is a tough competitive racket, and although it's a lot more than any agent is supposed to do.
01:09:54 I'd do it.
Speaker 16
01:09:57 What's this got to do with acting?
Speaker 17
01:09:59 Nothing, but I'll show you how to realize your ambitions if you do as I say, if the dramatist club wants to eat and sleep with you, you eat and sleep with them. If some producer with a hand as cold as a toad wants to do a painting of you in.
01:10:10 The nude you'll accommodate.
01:10:11 Him for a very small part, it pays off.
Speaker 16
01:10:12 It's disgusting. You're disgusting.
Speaker 17
01:10:16 Maybe I am, but let me assure you, once you get it made.
01:10:20 Can be idealistic all of 10 seconds before you die.
Speaker 16
01:10:24 You're trying to cheapen me, but you won't. Not me, or I'll make it, Mr. Lewis. But it'll be my way.
Speaker 3
01:10:39 See, at this point this is where I thought. Ohh well, she's gonna March off and and start a pancake company.
01:10:45 But no, just never. The pancake thing. Never like never kicked in. In fact, she eventually gives in to the whole the be a ***** to, to be famous, and she becomes a *****. She starts ******* the the writer of of that puts her in in a play on Broadway. And next thing you know.
01:11:05 She's like she's just banging guys and and getting rich and famous. And they doesn't. They never seem to make it seem like there's a negative side to it. Like there's never like.
01:11:15 There's never like this time when she's at her lowest, really. In fact, it's a little bit weird. There's this.
01:11:23 Love interest early on in the movie that tells.
Speaker 10
01:11:25 Her like. Yeah, don't. Don't, don't go down that road. I don't wanna. I'm not going to be here to pick up the pieces. When you when everything falls apart and she's like, **** you. I'm. I'm.
01:11:34 Going to be.
Speaker 3
01:11:34 Famous and she gets she's famous. She goes out and she's famous and nothing really bad happens. And then he comes crawling back. So it's like.
Speaker 10
01:11:43 I I you know.
Speaker 3
01:11:44 Whatever. I guess like it does, there's no like lesson to it. There's no like and the moral of the story is don't be a.
01:11:50 Cheap ***** again, it's 1959, so feminism was just really starting to get into high gear, so maybe that was the maybe the moral of the story was. Yeah, just be a ******* ***** and everything will be fine.
01:12:01 And they were.
01:12:01 Already saying that in 1959.
01:12:04 This scene is kind of funny. I just added it because again.
01:12:09 It's it's a. It's a slight difference. So because it's.
01:12:12 Hard to know.
01:12:13 Because she's a white chick. That's the black girl on the right. So the black woman that looks exactly white.
01:12:24 She has, of course, a very white Aryan, you know, blonde hair, blue eyed, Aryan looking boyfriend.
01:12:32 And she sneaks out to meet him and says, let's run away. Let's run away and just get away from all this and start a new life somewhere else. So it's it's similar to the scene in the original 1 where she ran off to go get a job as a clerk at some random store.
01:12:54 Only in this version you know she wants to run away with some guy.
Speaker 1
01:12:58 In trouble at home? Yes.
Speaker 17
01:13:00 Your mother.
Speaker 1
01:13:03 Frankie, you said you wanted to take a job in Jersey. Couldn't we run away?
01:13:10 I'd do anything to be with you anything.
Speaker 17
01:13:13 That's not a bad idea.
01:13:15 That's not a bad idea at all. Just tell me one thing.
01:13:21 Is it true?
Speaker 7
01:13:23 His watching.
Speaker 17
01:13:24 Is your mother a?
01:13:28 Tell me.
Speaker 5
01:13:29 Tell me what difference does?
Speaker 13
01:13:31 It make you love.
Speaker 5
01:13:32 All the kids talking behind my back. Are you black?
Speaker 15
01:14:13 Crazy jazz music.
Speaker 3
01:14:17 So yeah, the the when when the guy found.
Speaker 4
01:14:20 Out which I.
Speaker 3
01:14:21 I was worrying about this. This is actually kind of a funny way to look at it is it, isn't it? If if you, if you're lying about your race.
01:14:31 And you're with someone.
01:14:34 Is isn't that kind of like rapey?
01:14:39 I mean, even if you don't care, like you don't care about the racial differences, if they care about the racial differences and you purposely hide that from them, isn't.
Speaker 4
01:14:48 That isn't that a little rapey?
01:14:55 Isn't it like it's it's?
Speaker 3
01:14:56 A little rapey, I think.
01:15:01 This guy care which he clearly does, right? He's beating the **** out of her with to the sounds of crazy boomer, you know, like.
01:15:10 Jazz music like Look, bam, he ******* cares. That guy, that guy gives a ****, OK?
Speaker 4
01:15:19 So is, you know is is, is.
Speaker 3
01:15:22 This just a guy defending himself against rape.
Speaker 4
01:15:26 Like you know, maybe that's taking a little too far, but I mean, you know, maybe isn't it isn't.
Speaker 3
01:15:33 You know.
01:15:38 I don't know, just something to think about, something to think about.
01:15:47 Meanwhile, it's it you know the rest of it's pretty much the same except for.
01:15:53 The again like like she she embraces the the famous. I want to be famous be an actress and I'm going to **** my way to the top lifestyle and nothing. There's no bad repercussions for it, you know. She just gets rich, she gets rich and she ends up with the guy from the beginning. The movie that she wanted in the 1st place. Mammy here is is still.
01:16:13 Massaging her feet and being her little slave, even though she didn't contribute to anything. She's just she's just like a slave. Like she's just living at her mansion, being a slave.
01:16:26 And then her daughter, the one that just got beat up for being a secret race mixer instead of, you know, she runs away again this time she.
01:16:35 Becomes a stripper.
01:16:37 And then a showgirl and and whatever. And it's kind of funny. I forgot to clip that part out. But while she's a stripper, there's another scene where the same scene that you had in the 1934 version, where she's at the counter and the mom comes in and is like, oh, yeah, this is my daughter and the and the shopkeeper gets all nervous. He's like what? That's that's your daughter.
01:16:56 She's black.
01:16:57 A similar situation happens at the strip club when there's a a John that's trying to proposition or and the mom pops in and she's he's like, wait, that's your.
Speaker 10
01:17:07 Mom. Ohh. Gross.
Speaker 3
01:17:12 But then you know, Miami dies and it's the same look. They use the exact same kind of.
01:17:16 Visuals exact same kind of visuals you have the horse and buggy towing the.
01:17:22 Towing the casket, all the black people are dressed up in tuxedos and suits, and you know, it's very it's like they're bearing royalty. Very odd. Very odd. But that's so that was the remakes and not not a huge departure from.
01:17:39 The the original in terms of the things that matter, I guess they just thought it. Like I said, the Aunt Jemima storyline wouldn't be as wouldn't be as relatable since most of the people in the audience probably had Aunt Jemima in their ******* cupboard already.
01:17:53 So they just cut the whole pancake thing out entirely.
01:17:56 But anyway, yeah, that was.
01:17:58 This this shows you how long it's.
01:18:00 Been going on?
01:18:01 This shows you that it wasn't just the boomers that were. I mean, look, they got, they got like a quadruple dose of this **** everywhere they turned. But this is this is the kind of propaganda Hollywood was pumping out the second they had sound, you know, in fact, I covered that that movie, the first movie with sound, really.
01:18:19 He is the jazz singer, which is about a a Jewish jazz singer who wear who in black face.
01:18:26 Which is kind of funny.
01:18:28 But that and and if you think about it, even blackface in a manner of speaking, is the same kind of thing. Blackface is. Ohh. Look at the silly, non threatening black people. You know, a lot of people look at it for, you know, in terms of the ridicule aspect of it. Right. They look at it as, oh, this is just white people, you know.
01:18:48 Demeaning and belittling black people. You know, there's that Judy Garland sketch where she's dressed up as a little black girl and she's in black face.
01:19:00 I wonder if I can.
01:19:00 Download that real quick. Let me see.
01:19:03 I'm sure we've we've planned it, but.
01:19:05 You get like a.
01:19:08 You know, it's interesting about Judy Garland.
01:19:12 I wonder I.
01:19:12 Wonder if there's any relation to Merrick Garland.
01:19:16 Merrick Garland, who is the Jewish attorney general who is seeking to arrest people for wrong think right now.
01:19:24 I wonder if.
01:19:27 Judy Garland was also a fellow white.
01:19:30 I'm not positive. Let me. You know, I've never early life. Judy Garland let me take a look. I think there's a good.
01:19:35 There's a good chance that.
01:19:39 That she was Jewish. Let me see.
Speaker 10
01:19:44 Judy Garland.
Speaker 3
01:19:51 And early life.
01:19:59 Does it say?
01:20:02 Now she was Episcopal.
01:20:05 Or Episcopalian rather.
01:20:09 Yeah, I didn't think she was Jewish. The last name Garland. That's not her real last name. And I guess Garland is just a made-up last name because Judy Garland's real last name is Francie or Francis Ethel Gum.
01:20:23 Francis Ethel gum.
01:20:26 So there you go.
01:20:29 She looks pretty Jewish, said her sisters. Let me show you this.
01:20:34 Like if you didn't know better.
01:20:38 Let me just pop this up.
01:20:39 If you didn't know better.
01:20:40 You would be like oh.
01:20:44 I mean, not that Episcopalians aren't just basically Jews, but Episcopalians are like the ruling class Wasps.
01:20:54 So there's a there's her family. Look at the noses on those, those girls.
01:21:00 Yeah, well according.
01:21:01 To this, they're not Jewish, and they look very.
01:21:05 They look very Jewish, but you know that's what it says anyway, the.
01:21:11 Popped this up here. I think it downloaded.
01:21:22 That's right, classified cat.
01:21:25 You have life is so hard for you.
01:21:28 So this was.
01:21:31 Very similar people will watch this kind of stuff and they'll think, oh, all this is it's it's mean spirited. It's demeaning.
01:21:39 To black people, it's just making black people into a joke and amplifying these stereotypes. But if you notice in none of these cases in none of these cases are black people shown as as criminals or violent.
Speaker 4
01:21:57 Isn't that interesting?
Speaker 3
01:21:59 That in none of these cases where apparently white people are exaggerating the worst stereotypes about black people, oftentimes, by the way, the people doing this are Jewish. It it it you're being accused of doing this as a race of ridiculing these other people. You know, my culture is not a costume, all this nonsense.
01:22:19 You ever notice how there's not a single example of the?
01:22:26 Criminality and violence of black people being amplified or being exaggerated. No, it's always this non threatening non serious joke of a person like in this case this is Judy Garland in blackface.
Speaker 13
01:22:49 Coming for to carry me home.
Speaker 15
01:22:55 Oh sweet.
01:23:00 Cherry. The funny thing is, she literally looks like every mumble rapper today.
Speaker 13
01:23:09 For the carry me, I come from the South.
01:23:19 Way down South, where the cone and potatoes used to grow, these great big elegant pictures show and old Kentucky home is.
01:23:29 Chateau way down South. winn-dixie. Sweet.
Speaker 2
01:23:37 I think we got something.
Speaker 13
01:23:38 There come from South, from the deep, Deep South, where the fields up and just die with light and the paper and square with delight, while the Alabama.
Speaker 9
01:23:39 After we have.
Speaker 13
01:23:55 Miami plays bridge all night, way down South and Dixie swinging low, sweet chariot. Come on, come on, come on. Carry me home.
01:24:10 Oh, I come from South. Got this South in my mouth.
01:24:17 Uncle Tom's camp's got a new routine. Lights crossed the ice in the limousine while Simon Legree shakes his tambourine way down South in Dixie Swing Low.
Speaker 4
01:24:28 Is he not threatening at all?
Speaker 3
01:24:33 Even when they do like the the post performance interview with her and they make they crack some jokes about black people, it's never about the black people being dangerous or the black people committing more crime or being violent.
Speaker 13
01:24:48 Listen here. You won't let me speak. Don't you know Swanny Rippy is dried up Creek?
01:24:53 Come on and carry.
Speaker 3
01:24:54 I guess this person doesn't have it. Anyway. They they make jokes about black people having funny names and a lot of kids.
01:25:03 But they never say anything about like, yeah, my my brother's in jail and my other brothers in jail. And I actually, all my brothers are in.
01:25:11 Like they don't say anything like that. They don't say anything about their family, you know, getting angry or violent or stealing stuff. Or none of that.
01:25:21 It's just that, oh, they're they're kind of, they're kind of goofy and they got funny names and they.
Speaker 4
01:25:25 Got goofy hair?
Speaker 3
01:25:27 And my mom has got a lot of kids and like, that's it.
01:25:33 That's it.
01:25:34 And that's very non threatening.
01:25:41 And it was used to sell products.
01:25:44 Well before boomers were ever existed.
01:25:50 I don't remember what year this was produced, but it would have been the 1930s because this is prior to.
01:25:57 Her performance in Wizard of Oz.
01:26:00 So this would have been probably like 9 early 1930s or so. What year did Wizard of Oz came out like? I think it came out like in the when it came out in the 30s, right? It was the first color film.
01:26:13 And this is just.
01:26:14 How black people were portrayed going?
01:26:16 All the way up to the cosbys.
01:26:20 So anyway, just I thought it was important to kind of show.
01:26:24 The that, that, that that's not something new in American culture.
01:26:29 Or Jewish culture in America rather is probably more accurate way to put.
01:26:34 That's just the the way that it was.
01:26:37 If you saw black people in a movie, they were never dangerous and and it, and it wasn't like I think, like the closest you could get to something like that. There was one movie and that's the one movie that they say ohh. It's so evil cause the KKK is or or depicted as as as heroes that are saving.
01:26:57 White people from like rapey black people. I think they also have some jokes about black people being in the Senate, and it's and often in that movie, it's not. Not every black person is a white guy on black face, but a lot of most.
01:27:14 And and but even like like. That's like the only example. That's the only example of a film that was ever made that you have black people depicted as rapey and violent and unpredictable and stupid.
01:27:32 You know, if they're stupid, if they're, if they're depicted as stupid in other films, it's like a gentle, like, like, the way that a ******** like a a a non violent ******** kid is stupid. Oh, he's harmless.
01:27:45 It's adorable how stupid he is.
01:27:49 So anyway, that is uh.
01:27:52 That is a brief look into the propaganda that was produced in the starting, you know, I would say as far back as the 1920s, but definitely or even before that because this is just, you know, they didn't have movies much before this. So there's just not a lot of examples before.
01:28:08 That because there's.
01:28:08 Just not there. Just wasn't very many movies before that.
01:28:12 So pretty much since movies have existed, black people have been portrayed as as non threatening and nice.
01:28:20 Anyway, let's take a look at at Hyper Chats.
01:28:28 While we've got Black face Judy Garland up here.
01:28:34 John Skywalker was watching your American's birthday stream today.
01:28:38 Where you review Quantum Leap, which was a great stream by the way, you mentioned the movie driving Miss Daisy with Morgan Freeman and a Jewish widow. Did you ever do a stream on that film or are you still planning to? What's the what's the verse about? I don't remember if I did the whole thing or if I just.
01:28:56 And it I'm pretty sure I did do there must have been a stream where I talked about it. But yeah, like that movie was basically, you know, she's a Jewish woman and and ohh the KKK just bombed a Jewish temple and you know, like she's she starts off like a little bit racist, but she's not really racist. She's more just like this cranky old lady. And once she sees that.
01:29:17 The black people get treated the same way Jews get treated, then they find their common ground and then you know it's it. It's, you know, I'm pretty sure I did cover it cause I'm I.
01:29:26 I'm if I didn't cover it, I I intended to. One of the reasons why it's it's hard for me to remember all these is there's a lot of movies that I I watched with the intention of doing and then like I had a bunch of computer problems. So there was like this little patch where there's some movies that may not.
01:29:42 Have been revisited after the computer issues, but I'm pretty sure that one.
01:29:47 It made it into a stream. I don't. I don't remember which stream it.
01:29:49 Was but yeah, that it was. That's what it was. Is it was, you know. Ohh this Jewish woman. And and she learns to like the black guy and and you know America treats Jews just like and and you know the KKK is bad because it happens in the South and it's you know it's exactly what the kind of thing you would expect.
01:30:11 John skywalk. I really enjoyed watching your 21/20/21 stream series on old TV shows. Very informative, really. Would love to see a Netflix series as I brought up last time. I think there's a lot of future programming with shows like Umbrella Academy, self-made, Black Mirror, Love, Death and robots.
01:30:32 Manifest, etcetera. I mean I don't know, maybe I'm honestly, I don't know. I've I've heard of Black Mirror, but I've never watched any one of the shows that you mentioned. I don't watch. I don't watch TV unless I'm doing it as part of my job here.
01:30:44 I don't. I don't watch TV.
01:30:48 But I appreciate that it's, you know, maybe it's worth looking at.
01:30:51 And then you.
01:30:52 Got rying.
01:30:55 What happened to the audio on that one?
01:30:59 He was just gone.
01:31:00 Did it break? Did I accidentally mute it?
01:31:03 I guess I did. Whoops.
Speaker 14
01:31:06 Ohh Hitler *****.
Speaker 3
01:31:07 There we go.
01:31:11 Zazi Mattas bat does a Dollar General count as a grocery store asking for a friend. I don't know what the context is unless you're talking about that guy that that went. I I I didn't really make the headlines as hard as.
01:31:27 I thought it would but.
01:31:28 There was a shooting, some random guy.
01:31:31 Same, yeah, same kind of ********. Look.
01:31:35 I I covered how my feelings.
01:31:38 About that in the.
Speaker 15
01:31:41 Grocery store.
Speaker 3
01:31:47 It's. I don't know. I think it's just it's it's crazy people that there's crazy white people and sometimes they get set off. I don't think it was some kind of false flag or whatever. I think it was just some crazy white guy, you know, blue as top I. But I haven't looked into the details of it because I was waiting to see if it would if it would become like a thing. And it shockingly never really became a thing.
01:32:09 Like it just seemed like it was. It disappeared the same day that it popped into the news.
01:32:15 Jon Skywalker, are you doing another 9/11 stream this year? Been listening to Ryan Dawson, some with Adam Green. Have you done a stream with Dawson or would you this year? I think it would definitely be a good one. Also. What do people have against Adam Green? I don't really know him. That's why I asked. I mean, I don't know. I would do a stream with Ryan.
01:32:35 Us and I just don't know if he would want to go on and I don't really have guests anyway. So it's it's, you know, it's.
01:32:43 His stuff's out there. I think it's good. It's good to check out. I don't know that it would add anything. Just having him on here when he's been on a million people shows doing this, you know, doing the same routine.
01:32:55 A lot of people don't like Adam Green because I think they feel as if he's trying to he's he's actively and with evil intent trying to destroy or or the very least undermine Christianity. When I think that that's that's they're misreading his intentions there.
01:33:14 I think that he he believes what he says and he's just autistically.
01:33:22 Going into an area that a lot of Christians find upsetting, let's see here.
01:33:30 Cringe panda. Yes, the happy ***** face movie at last to go with Aunt Jemima's pancake Earth. Yes, that's a cringe panda. You are the one that that sent this my way. And I told you I'd get to it eventually. And so.
01:33:45 Here you go. Here you go.
01:33:48 So I appreciate that.
01:33:50 Wandering full wandering fool.
01:33:58 Hello, Devin. You mentioned last string that you would be open to reviewing a black propaganda movie. I implore you to watch. They cloned Tyrone on Netflix. It is the most accurate depiction of the black ghetto I've ever seen. It is about a drug dealer, a pimp and a prostitute.
01:34:14 It is the black version of the Truman Show or the Matrix, only instead of an of AI being the enemy controlling everything, it's white people at one point in the movie it's explained to lead. It's explained to the lead character that blacks are genetically different.
01:34:32 And must be bred.
01:34:34 Out to save them, there is a genetic difference that makes them kill each other. So what does?
01:34:43 What does the hero do? He raises an army to kill all the white.
01:34:46 People in his propaganda promoting black revolution, white genocide? Well, I'm not surprised by that. But that sounds interesting. They cloned Tyrone.
01:34:58 That's kind of a hilarious title.
01:35:01 That might be worth taking a.
01:35:02 Look at let me.
01:35:06 Let's pop this over here.
01:35:11 OK. Well, I appreciate that wandering fool.
01:35:15 Very generous of you, very generous.
01:35:24 Warp speed Judas, by the way, sorry.
01:35:27 If I'm a little low energy tonight, I I.
01:35:30 I had to.
01:35:31 Do more bee stuff and it.
01:35:33 Was like 100 and.
01:35:36 15 outside while I was doing it.
01:35:38 And being in a bee suit when it's 115 for about two or.
01:35:42 Three hours is uh.
01:35:44 Just it it just it took a lot of my, took a lot of the the the steam out of me.
01:35:50 Literally, I guess you could say warp speed. Judas. Hey, Devin. This is my first time catching the stream live and I made an Odyssey account just so I could donate. Been listening for about 6 months, but since I'm a donation newfag, I thought I would honor the determination and recent return of ******** ****** with the first of many.
01:36:10 Colors to come. Well, I appreciate that warp speed. Jesus.
01:36:16 And we got HCG, HCG, lots of HCC's.
01:36:19 Hi Devin, the people here in chat can be real *****. Well, I, I I I would not be surprised.
01:36:27 I typically don't look at chat while I'm doing doing my thing cause not because I don't like you guys. It's just distracting if I'm trying to.
01:36:36 Do my presentation for the show.
01:36:39 I I have I I don't want to say I I have ADD my ADD journey.
01:36:46 But like, you know, like, I think everyone that was born after computers, I'm easily distracted. I don't. I don't want to pathologize it and say it's like a disease or something like that, but I get derailed really easily. And so that's why I don't look at it. But yeah, I've I've heard good things about it. I mean, I understand you've you've had a bad experience, but I've heard.
01:37:06 People saying the opposite too, so hopefully hopefully you know it's not too.
01:37:13 The chats there for you guys more than it is for me.
01:37:17 Rying referencing your intro video, we're going to need a bigger helicopter. Yes, yes, we are. We're going to need a bigger helicopter and we're going to need a bigger pit.
01:37:46 All right, Bitcoin, crypto and gaming news.
01:37:49 Says Sup. What's up ninjas?
01:37:53 What's up to you? Harmless GA use for A use for videos of black crime. Teach your kids not to relax around. Blacks also compare and contrast Hollywood propaganda where blacks steal to survive with videos of black looters where they steal TV's and luxury sneakers.
01:38:12 Absolutely. I think that if you're going to have your kids.
01:38:17 Know the know the deal when it comes to diversity, that this is a very important lesson that should be taught at an early age. I mean, obviously don't want to be sitting there traumatizing them with black crime videos, but maybe a little bit.
01:38:32 HGHGHGHGHGHGHG, says *******.
01:38:39 There we go. Cringe panda. Thank you so much for doing this one. Please don't lose the recording. It's 2:00 AM and I'm going to have to catch the replay. I miss being in the same time zone as the stream school tomorrow. Good night. Well, hopefully, hopefully you're well rested for school and.
01:38:59 Yeah, I got nothing, man. I'm. I'm. I'm just. It's still hot. It's still hot. I'm still just like, I'm just sweating profusely here. It's just it's it's. I've been told that this is the last week of heat like this, but they said that last week. So I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I'm. I'm getting done with it though. Like I can handle a few months of this.
01:39:20 It's now been more than a few months of this, and once it gets into September and it's, it's still going and there haven't been like a a lot of refreshing rains like we've had unusually little rain this year.
01:39:36 Yeah, it's, it's it's a struggle, man. It's a struggle. It'll be better next year when I have some of my more. Some I I I'm going to install the the better air conditioner this winter and also put some insulation into the the roof and and some other things that will help. But man, I'll tell you what. It's better this year than last year.
01:39:57 But it's still, it's a little bit of a struggle.
01:40:01 White people were not.
01:40:02 Designed for this for this environment.
01:40:06 Flopper oh, slash.
Speaker 10
01:40:10 There you go.
Speaker 3
01:40:11 Old sterling thoughts on the Atlantis myth. I'm a firm believer that civilization didn't begin in Samaria. It restarted following a cataclysm. I recommend Robert suffer, suffers YouTube channel the deep dive this he popularized the fact that.
01:40:30 15% of DNA is not seen in whites and Asians debunking out of Africa. Yeah, I think out of Africa as a a a myth. It's a politically motivated myth by the usual suspects.
01:40:47 Was there an Atlantis? I mean, I don't know, but civilization did not come out of Africa. I think that's pretty pretty clear. There was definitely some kind of worldwide flood. Or at least there's a good reason to believe that. It seems like every single ancient civilization that had the ability to write about it wrote about some kind of huge flood at some point.
01:41:08 I guess it's possible that something happened. It's really difficult to know because I don't have a time machine.
01:41:14 Is Atlantis just a metaphor for maybe civilization itself? Who knows? Right? Is it some fictional city that was in a famous book at the time? You know, like, like Wakanda. I mean, who knows? There there's no way to really know. But I don't really fixate on stuff like that. It's good to know our past.
01:41:33 But at a certain point it gets a little unrelatable and it's way more important to focus on the future. I think. I think that that's more pressing than whether or not Atlantis existed. I don't sit there and sweat the small stuff because ultimately, even if we did, I mean we didn't. But even if we did somehow come from black people, it doesn't change the.
01:41:54 The difference is the the vast genetic difference is even if we did share that DNA that that I know we don't, but even if.
01:42:00 We did. We're still very separate people, you know, in our civilizations reflect that and we'll just everything. The results of our people just generally speaking reflect that and.
01:42:13 The the differences are are not just profound, but they're obvious and easy to spot. And so I and I, I don't see why it matters why we're different. It just matters that we are and and I don't. I don't want us to be absorbed by people.
01:42:29 Who, quite frankly, didn't perform in in in the same ways that we did, civilization only and and scientifically and and artistically. And everything else. I I don't want to just. I don't want to be like a a genetic strain that just improves.
01:42:50 A A lesser stock. You know I want. I want to stay a good strain of of DNA that goes on to to continue to do great things.
01:43:02 And hopefully is able to navigate some of the things that have brought us down and put us in this at the at the situation that we're in now, maybe we can better navigate that in the future because I guess in a way of looking at it, it's it's a genetic pressure being applied.
01:43:21 Right now, and not everyone's gonna make it, but the people that do make it are the ones whose genes will be passed on. And so as much as it's painful to see what's happening to white people, I guess the silver lining is it's making us stronger.
01:43:37 Land of the fake.
01:43:39 Devon, it is the end of the semester and you are the principle of race university on an ABCDF scale. What would you grade each race use plus or minus or specific percentage if you feel so willing? Well, I mean look I that I here's The thing is I think.
01:44:00 Well, I think because I like whites, whites getting a plus and everyone else, I don't care.
01:44:04 About they're not my students. I guess that's a way to put it. White people are my only students at race university, if you will. It's it's more of a preference because as I think my opinion is that we've we've performed as I just finished saying that we've performed better than all these other races. They might not agree and.
01:44:24 For you know, for what black people may want, because it's not just our capabilities that are different, it's what motivates us, it's what our desires, it's what we want that that's also different. And so.
01:44:36 If if you had a perfect white society and you dropped some black guy in the middle of it.
01:44:42 He might ******* hate it.
01:44:44 And he's allowed to.
01:44:46 He's, I mean.
01:44:46 He's not allowed to keep living there if.
01:44:47 He hates it, but.
01:44:50 I guess that's been the problem, right?
01:44:54 Just in the same way that that if I went to Africa and I tried to live in a as civil as well, using the term loosely civilization in Africa that's run that's made for and by blacks and run by blacks, I would probably ******* hate it. I would hate it and I would seek to turn it more white.
01:45:15 And that's that's just the nature of of of, of things and. But why is it up to me to grade them? I don't care. I I I don't really care what they do. If they want to make their civilization the way they want it in Africa, and they want to not be a problem for me, that's fine. I think we should study them from in the same way.
01:45:35 That we study.
01:45:36 You know, butterflies or or, or maybe snakes or you know that that venomous snakes that we should know, you know what's what, what, how they could possibly be dangerous to us and maybe research, anti venom and stuff like that.
01:45:50 But I don't think that it should be. It should go beyond some academic look at them. I don't think there's a judgment about them. It's like, you know, like rattlesnakes. Are they bad because they they kill people? Or is that just what rattlesnake does, you know? And and you should just know that and not hang out with rattlesnakes and not invite rattlesnakes into your home and not just have rattlesnakes.
01:46:12 You know, scurrying down the the, the sidewalk, everywhere you go in San Francisco.
Speaker 2
01:46:17 You know you.
Speaker 3
01:46:18 Got to be like it's it.
01:46:20 You know, I I.
01:46:21 This is this. This is the kind of thing that.
01:46:23 I think a lot of people get stuck in thinking because precisely because they've never lived in a white society precisely because they've never lived on a beach like the beach that's depicted in this 1959 movie. They've never been to a beach like that. And so they think that that other races have to be part of the conversation.
01:46:42 And they really don't. They really don't like on a beach.
01:46:46 Like that, what's?
01:46:47 The point in talking about black people.
01:46:50 They're not there.
01:46:52 You know, like if you're on that beach and you're talking about black people, you might as well be talking about.
01:46:58 You know, like manatees, or you know or. Or a baboons or something, you know, like it's it's just some life form that lives somewhere else. You know, it's it's an interesting, interesting subspecies and and maybe something that should be studied out of curiosity and.
01:47:18 And look, maybe there are some things you can learn from them, I don't know.
01:47:21 I mean maybe but.
01:47:24 Nothing. Nothing's coming to mind.
01:47:26 It's possible, I guess, right?
01:47:28 But they really it really should be irrelevant.
01:47:32 And the the more relevant you think that it is, the more you're conceding that we're never going to have a beach like this ever again.
01:47:40 The more that your your the context is the the more the context includes these other races, the more. Again, the more you're you're conceding that that this isn't possible.
Speaker 4
01:47:51 Now this isn't.
Speaker 3
01:47:52 Possible tomorrow and probably not in your lifetime, but this is certainly possible and we should be talking more about how to improve ourselves.
01:48:01 And keep safe from these rattlesnakes.
01:48:05 Then we should worry about comparing ourselves like cause like just as an example, how how would you grade blacks versus whites on you know when it comes to basketball?
01:48:16 I mean, I'm.
01:48:17 You know, generally speaking, I think they're better basketball players doesn't mean that they're I I don't find that very important. But there's people that probably think that probably rate basketball very high. You know, a lot of basketball Americans that probably rate that very high.
01:48:32 But that's, yeah, and I'm not trying to weasel out of it. I just that's how I genuinely feel is whites get an A+ and.
01:48:39 **** everybody else.
01:48:41 Now look, if you want to be more specific about it and say like you know, how do Blacks perform in Western countries, obviously they get they'd get an F right or or or how to. But here's where it gets tricky too, because you could say, well, how do Jews perform in Western countries? Well, they get an A+, right? They're they they've managed in a relatively short order.
01:49:01 To to immigrate to the United States, take advantage of the high trust population that was here and the the structural freedom that was that was put together by the white people that that founded this country and turned against them as a weapon and take control over.
01:49:19 Many, if not all, you know, at least realistically, or at least as much as it matters all institutions.
01:49:31 Would that not deserve an A plus?
01:49:34 You know what about Asians? Asians that are that are scoring higher than white people on tests is that is that an A+? What are Indians you?
01:49:40 Know like it's so it's. I just don't want to. I don't look at it that way because it's. I don't really want to.
01:49:49 Have a world where that's relevant.
01:49:52 I mean, insomuch as it's it's relevant that you know, you can't be completely cut off from the world.
01:49:59 Let's see here Great Plains Calvary. You've ruined Jewish cinema for me. Well, I added the Jewish part. I have a hard time turning my brain off and just enjoying a movie anymore. Oh, oh, no. The horror, the horror that you can't turn your brain off now and just accept the propaganda.
01:50:17 Picking up on the subliminals and watching movies with a more critical eye sometimes makes this more interesting. Noticed one noticed one today. Thanks for teaching.
01:50:27 Yeah, I know.
01:50:28 That's look, I like I said, I kind of always a little bit. I just had that personality that where I was always analyzing that and partially because I always wanted to make movies. So I was always trying to analyze, trying to analyze that stuff too. But I also noticed that just from an early age that white people were always the **** of jokes. And I and I could never. And it wasn't just movies.
01:50:48 It was like, oh, look, you're welcome to def Comedy Jam, where it's just two hours of black people talking **** about white people to a crowd of laughing white people. You know, it was just all this stuff that was that existed when I was younger that didn't make any ******* sense to me. It seems suicidal at the time.
01:51:07 So I was a little sensitive to that, I think.
01:51:11 Let's see here. Damn, Bigfoot. Why do you think Jews abandoned Broadway for Hollywood today? Broadway seems fringe like it.
01:51:19 Was never big.
01:51:20 Is it because even the gays know that musicals and plays are gay? I think Jews still have a lot of influence on Broadway, but it's just that the technology, you know, got better.
01:51:30 It's like, you know, it's like the difference between playing Monopoly or Fortnite, you know, it's like, you know, there's still people that play monopoly, but not as many people that play video games, right? It's just, it's an older technology and it's it's harder to produce. Like, it's more expensive to produce. It's.
01:51:51 Harder to distribute. It's very limited in in distribution and that like it's a one you know, like you have to reperforming every ******* time in front of a live. Like it's just it doesn't. It doesn't make a lot of sense. So it's become kind of like this.
01:52:07 Niche for people that want to feel fancy and and go see a Broadway play, but it doesn't really fulfill it doesn't it doesn't perform as well as a propaganda tool as much as as television and movies. And I guess streaming services now.
01:52:27 Lionheart. Simba took the black pill transcripts from Dropbox and made a web page. So.
01:52:33 You can search.
01:52:34 Them at simba.com/black pilled. I'm pretty impressed he was able to build it so quickly and I just wanted to advertise it out for listeners. It's great to collaborate on stuff like this, let's you know.
01:52:48 Let's take a look at that.
01:52:51 Let's see if we can search for that guy wanted to know if I'd done driving Miss Daisy.
01:52:59 All right, so I'm going to open the.
01:53:05 I'm at the close of bajillion tabs.
01:53:14 I'm closing so many tabs I don't know.
01:53:16 What are you saving up?
Speaker 3
01:53:19 So many.
01:53:27 Oh my God. Just close, OK?
01:53:31 Let's take a look at that.
01:53:34 The Simba.
01:53:37 Dot com slash.
01:53:42 Black pill.
01:53:47 Let's search.
01:53:52 Driving miss Daisy.
01:54:00 I just realized I'm not showing it.
01:54:02 Alright, let's pop this up here.
Speaker 15
01:54:06 On the screen.
Speaker 17
01:54:13 Here we are.
Speaker 3
01:54:30 Maybe I didn't.
01:54:33 Maybe I didn't.
01:54:38 But that's pretty interesting that it popped up like that.
01:54:46 Yeah, I would have expected to say, Miss Daisy a lot during that stream.
01:54:50 I thought for sure.
01:54:55 Let's do bomb temple because I would have had to have talked about that.
01:55:02 Strange Temple structure, bomb bombers temple.
01:55:08 Temple temple bomb.
01:55:13 Bombing, man. I'll talk about bombs.
01:55:14 And temples a lot. Apparently truck bomb.
01:55:22 Probably do a drone bomb Hiroshima bomb.
01:55:31 Some of these are just. They're just funny sentences like this. It says it's like a weird backwards hate hoax. So instead of it being like some rabbi drawing a backward swastika on the side of a Jewish temple, it's a white racist guy dressing up like a scary bug monster. So people think it's.
01:55:46 It like I don't know what that.
Speaker 10
01:55:48 Was all about.
01:55:51 All right.
Speaker 3
01:55:53 Here's some more temple bombing temple.
01:56:03 Yeah, it's pretty cool. It works this easy.
01:56:08 But I don't see it. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe I never did. Driving miss Daisy.
01:56:15 That's interesting. So this might be a good tool. This might be a good tool to see.
01:56:21 Is I I do so many streams I forget sometimes what I've covered.
01:56:26 Yeah, some of these are kind of funny.
01:56:31 Like what? What, like, what is this one?
01:56:37 By Glenn Beck.
Speaker 4
01:56:39 Yeah. All right, well, good.
Speaker 3
01:56:40 Job. Good job, guys. That is pretty cool.
01:56:45 Uh, let's take a look here. Mark ESPY, I keep hearing people on the right talk about the incompetency crisis. Yes. Boomers retiring has an impact. But can we call it what it really is? The diversity, higher crisis. Millions of diversity hires were hired into a position that they didn't belong.
01:57:03 Or where they didn't belong and 30 years later they are in senior positions, right? And they're hiring more diversity. And there's people whose job it is to maintain certain levels of diversity.
01:57:14 And yeah, you're right, the boomers leaving the workforce, it is causing a competency crisis, but that's because the boomers are white.
01:57:23 It's not because the boomers were were especially good out outside of the the fact that they were white. And yeah, they'll never call it that. They'll never call it that because that is, they'll never even say white people.
01:57:39 But that is exactly what's happening. It's a diversity problem. It's, you know, import the third world, become the third world, a lowly scribe in God's army. Awesome work, as always, we appreciate them.
01:57:51 Land of the fake home of the.
01:57:53 I think you.
Speaker 10
01:57:55 What is that?
Speaker 3
01:57:56 Gay. There we go.
01:57:58 Can we get a review of under siege one and two with Steven Seagal?
01:58:04 Does that have like more? I thought it was just Steven Seagal like.
01:58:08 Like jumping around in in like hammer pants and doing karate chops.
01:58:14 Oh, what? What is this?
01:58:17 I tried to go to a YouTube link.
Speaker 15
01:58:19 There we go.
Speaker 3
01:58:26 Is there some Jewish aspect to this?
Speaker 2
01:58:30 It was the final voyage of America's mightiest battleship.
01:58:35 What's on this helicopter?
01:58:36 This little sweetheart Miss.
Speaker 5
01:58:38 July 89.
Speaker 14
01:58:40 God, I love this.
01:58:41 Business love you.
Speaker 2
01:58:42 The party was wild. They really knocked him dead.
Speaker 5
01:58:43 Love you, dad.
Speaker 2
01:58:48 Imagine this arsenal of tactical nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands.
01:58:55 The Pentagon never did.
01:58:57 4 minutes ahead of schedule. Damn, I'm good, no.
Speaker 2
01:58:59 Now a team of terrorists have taken over, but there's just one thing they didn't count on the cook.
01:59:02 Up the.
01:59:14 Like some special forces guy or something?
Speaker 5
01:59:20 I don't know what.
Speaker 3
01:59:22 This is what I thought it was. I don't.
01:59:24 See what the.
01:59:28 I mean, I I don't know. I I don't know. What what the.
01:59:31 You don't.
Speaker 3
01:59:33 I don't know what you're getting at with this.
01:59:37 Uh, damn Bigfoot. Do you think that with Judy Garland's performance blacks, the 1930s were more well behaved compared to today? So portrayal shows them as goofy and dumb instead of violent drive by shooters. Well, that was certainly certainly part of it because.
01:59:56 There was a fear instilled in the black people. They thought that if they crossed the line that they would get lynched, and because sometimes they.
02:00:05 Wood and there was there was a lot more white solidarity and to the extent that whites could, could, you know, do the Jim Crow laws effectively, at least in part of the country. So that shows you how different the thinking was back then. And so they weren't going to **** with you with the look.
02:00:23 If if all these videos that you.
02:00:25 See on the Internet.
02:00:26 Of white people being ****** with by black people, and if every white person in the in the vicinity ran to the aid of that white kid and started fighting the black, you know, regardless of whether he was in the right or not.
02:00:41 These things wouldn't happen. Now I understand why people don't do that. And it's not just a lack of racial solidarity, although that's a big part of it.
02:00:52 But I think back then that would have happened.
02:00:55 I think back then you would that would have happened because you wouldn't have some a Jew with a a a phone recording the whole thing and then trying to get you thrown in court and your job taken away and your life and your family taken away because you tried to defend a woman.
02:01:12 Being raped on the subway or whatever.
02:01:15 Things have just changed, and so their violence has increased the the more that you were or the more the more a an animal becomes feral, you know it's and it's every animal really. I mean, it's like if you get a cat, a domesticated cat like the sweetest cat in the world and you drop them off.
02:01:34 In the forest somewhere or whatever within one generation, the epigenetic changes that will take place in one generation are pretty significant. They will. They'll become genetically different, they'll become, you know, feral cats.
02:01:51 You know, classified cat over here is a a feral cat and is just mean and bites and.
02:01:55 Stuff just the way it.
02:01:56 Is the another animal that does this is like pigs. If pigs get loose from a farm, they get really big. They grow tusks and stuff like it, so it's it's the same sort of a thing.
02:02:10 You know you, you you had a a farm animal that got released out into the wild and now you're having these epigenetic changes taking place and they're becoming more feral and and cause there's no repercussions for any of it, or at least not for.
02:02:23 Most of it that certainly plays a.
02:02:25 Role in it.
02:02:28 Let's see here.
02:02:32 Reginald Colette, will you ever review RoboCop one or two? Yeah, that's another one. I don't know. Why? Why? Why? It would matter.
02:02:42 You'd have to explain why you would want me to do that.
02:02:45 HHH, HHH HHE lots of HG's lots of HG's.
Speaker 5
02:02:52 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 14
02:02:59 I'd like to return this duck.
Speaker 3
02:03:01 Sorry for the ear rape there and a little bit these long driving trips you take. Where are you going?
02:03:07 Well, I'm not going to tell you that.
02:03:09 Why would I tell you that I'm going places?
02:03:14 I'm going secret secret rendezvous.
02:03:17 Secret places.
02:03:20 You know something? I was thinking about Speaking of which, I was thinking would be fun to do some geocaching, you know, like maybe maybe put some have some secret.
02:03:33 GPS coordinates in the streams.
02:03:36 And and and not even call attention and maybe?
02:03:38 I've already done.
02:03:38 This have secret GPS.
02:03:40 Coordinates in the streams and you go out there and there's like a prize or I don't know what. I don't know what that would be, but something free to go dig up out of the desert.
02:03:51 Cruise cross. Glad to learn about Aunt Delilah. Everyone should check out your past Hollywood ISM edition stream. Yes, that's a good one. That's a good.
02:04:00 One to check out.
02:04:02 HG. Lots of HG's. Again, Devin, thank you for your hard work making these videos. You're very talented. I have listened to you for a couple of years and I've really enjoyed your content. I really like your movie analysis. Well, I appreciate.
02:04:14 That and.
02:04:17 Yeah, I appreciate that. Thanks for the support.
02:04:20 Great Plains Calvary. I often see dollar generals and less grocery stores in food deserts, places where there are few sources of quality food for.
02:04:32 Rail these are usually rural towns. I saw a lot of New Mexico and more into in the fly over country. Thanks Jews. Thanks Boomers who who runs Dollar General.
02:04:46 Because you're right, there's also the Family Dollar, which is.
02:04:52 Which is worse somehow than.
02:04:57 Dollar General. Who's the?
02:05:07 By JL Turner and Son. Who's that?
02:05:11 Scottsville KY.
02:05:14 Cal Turner.
02:05:28 Yeah, I don't think it's Jewish.
02:05:32 Doesn't really say one way or the other, but.
02:05:38 Yeah, I don't think they're Jewish.
02:05:40 Maybe they are now. Who owns it now?
Speaker 4
02:05:50 No, those don't. Don't.
Speaker 3
02:05:51 I mean, they don't look like Jewish names. You got Michael M calbert.
02:05:56 Jeff Owen and John Garrett.
02:06:00 So it doesn't look like it's Jewish.
02:06:04 This is just capitalism, guys, this is just what happens. Uh, all right, let's take a look here.
02:06:13 Hammer thorazine.
02:06:16 Hammer of thorazine.
Speaker 2
02:06:19 Why is money management? Thank you.
Speaker 3
02:06:30 I don't want to support Amazon or major online retailers, but if I stop at a local store, I'm subsidizing the rent and shoplifting that happens. What do you think? Should this be a consideration or do you have another way to view?
02:06:45 There's other. I mean, look for me, it's different. I mean, there's.
02:06:48 Not a lot of things that I need.
02:06:49 To buy.
02:06:51 I I mean, I buy a lot of things online. It's not. It's not that I don't buy things online, but there's not a lot of things that I can even think of where Amazon even has the best price. They often don't have the best price.
02:07:05 People just assume that they do because they have better prices than you know, like occasionally than other stores. But.
02:07:14 I'll look up stuff on Amazon to get the reviews and.
02:07:16 All that other.
02:07:17 Stuff, and then I'll just go look for them on and pop online store.
02:07:21 And often I can find it. Worst case scenario, I go to eBay the the only thing that sucks about eBay is occasionally it's just like a drop shipper. Like you'll order it from some guy on eBay and it's the same price as Amazon, which should be like the first clue that that's what's happening and what happens it shows up in an Amazon box. You're like *** ****.
02:07:41 Yeah. So I mean, look, it's it's somewhat hard to avoid them, but it's not. It's not by no means isn't impossible. And I'm I'm kind of in, in this mode where I'm trying not to buy stuff anymore, you know, like I don't need any more stuff, you know? And this is in line with what I was talking about with building a dynasty is.
02:08:01 You don't want to. You don't.
02:08:02 Want to turn into?
02:08:04 The people like the that that go out and get the big mortgages and live in the Mcmansion and the gated community and are just slaves to their stuff, their slaves to their their RV and their $80,000 SUV and their $400,000 mortgage and.
02:08:24 You know all the the expensive clothes they're buying for their kids or whatever and just be swimming in debt. You don't need all that stuff. And it's for me at least, it's time for me to just start. In fact, I'm I'm going to start reducing my stuff by throwing some of.
02:08:40 Away and you know, selling off the the more valuable stuff. But it's.
02:08:47 We don't need stuff. You don't need to be buying stuff online. There's a lot and and most of the stuff that you do need you can get either locally if you don't live too rurally, or you can get somewhere else for cheaper. And if you have to pay a couple bucks, like literally, that's usually all it is. Sometimes you can't get it cheaper than on Amazon, but it's by like.
02:09:07 $5.00. So it's. What's what's your dignity worth? You know what I mean? That's the way that I look.
02:09:14 Glock 23, when I became an officer, I seen how violent and unpredictable female ******* are. They are worse than the males I seen as some some when I was in the army. But when our but they are much worse in their natural habitat, not all of them are like that. But a lot of them are absolutely not.
02:09:34 Every pit bull's going to.
02:09:35 Tear your kid in half, but enough of them will to where you need to be careful around them and that's all I think. Anyone anyone saying.
02:09:43 Damn, Bigfoot. Have you ever had a black woman hit hit on you? I've had strange encounters where you deny them and they call you gay for not finding them attractive. I've never had one call me gay, but I've I've definitely had them hit on me before. It's usually awkward.
02:10:02 But yeah, it's.
02:10:04 It's uh. I've never had them freak out about it. I've never had them freak out about it. I've had them, like, drunkenly.
02:10:12 You know, get pushy about it, but like not to like, you know, not to a degree. Or I couldn't just walk away or something like that, you know.
02:10:21 They want the white D they definitely want the white D.
02:10:26 And last but not least, polar bear odyssey.
02:10:30 Did website search Guy say what software he used to convert speech to text and make searchable got to be open source? If not, is he willing to make open source? Perhaps link on his website and open question for chat less you Devin? Yeah, I don't, I don't. I think that he was just using something that already existed. I don't know what it was it was.
02:10:51 It was.
02:10:52 Some speech to text thing, this sort of thing is not in in in current year. This sort of thing is really easy to accomplish. It really doesn't take much. I mean, look, it's not something I could just do right away, but if you're someone that's a competent person and you know you're familiar with this stuff, a lot of this stuff, the the heavy lifting has been done.
02:11:13 You know, you still need to be competent enough to put it together, so I don't want to minimize what these what these people did by any means. And you have to be able to feed all the the the most heavy lifting is gonna be to sit there and feed all the ******* video like well the download all the video.
02:11:26 Files and then autistically feed them into it and then you know that's a pain in the *** like that. Would that would suck to have to do that because unless I mean, look, unless you're able, there's. I'm sure there's a way to automate that with some kind of script that would go through and just download them all and just do it. But that that would be that would be more complex than something I can just quickly accomplish.
02:11:50 But yeah, it's it's that sort of technology has gotten a lot better the this the speech to text stuff has gotten a lot ******* better.
02:11:59 All right.
02:12:02 OK, though I guess another last but not least, Glock 23. I hate when I see or hear JQ or Jewish question because Jews are the problem and there is no question about it. People need to say JP for Jewish problem to correct this stupid wording.
Speaker 4
02:12:21 Yeah. I mean it's I.
Speaker 3
02:12:23 I somewhat agree, I would say.
02:12:26 It the question isn't whether or not they have a bad effect on Western civilization. I think the question is more, well, what? What do we do about it?
02:12:38 I think that's honestly, I think that's what what that the original meaning is. I'm not. I'm not saying that's my my interpretation. I think that's the original meaning of it was.
02:12:48 You know, what do we do about?
02:12:49 These guys, you.
02:12:50 Know what do we do about these guys *******.
02:12:52 Everything up.
Speaker 4
02:12:54 All right. So anyway, it's gonna be a.
Speaker 3
02:12:55 Short one tonight, which I know.
02:12:57 It's still over 2 hours.
02:12:58 But just I'm. I'm exhausted guys. Like I was uh.
02:13:03 I was dealing with.
02:13:06 Gallons and gallons of water and sugar water and in a bee suit while bees were attacking me and.
02:13:15 And and it was 115° outside it was. It was brutal and I tried. I tried taking a nap before the.
02:13:22 Before the stream and.
02:13:24 It's it's tough to do that. It's tough to.
02:13:26 Do that. I don't.
02:13:27 I don't require much sleep. Usually when once I get the good sleep that resets me and it gets me.
Speaker 10
02:13:33 Good to go.
Speaker 3
02:13:35 But if you if I do something like, you know, physically taxing like like today was.
02:13:41 I'm I'm usually not. I'm not good to go.
02:13:43 Till the next.
02:13:44 Day anyway, but I appreciate all the support. Appreciate his being here and I'll be back here Saturday and I'll I'll have news very shortly about upcoming appearances on other streams. Hope you guys have a good rest of your week for Black Pilled.
Speaker 4
02:14:01 I am of course.
Speaker 3
02:14:04 Devon stag.
Speaker 9
02:14:07 It's great that we'll be doing the advertising for new.
02:14:09 Antima syrup. Yeah. Andy handle. And this drip proof spout really works, but we need a slogan that says at last there's a syrup as good as Aunt Jemima pancakes.
02:14:20 When you're out of Aunt Jemima, you're out of.
02:14:22 Syrup, Aunt Jemima syrup tastes good, like a syrup should.
02:14:27 I got it. And Jemima, what took you so long?
02:14:33 Clever boys.