

Speaker 1
00:00:00 84280120.
00:00:08 80120.
00:00:13 78362.
00:00:18 78362.
00:00:23 374-253-7425.
00:00:32 97702.
00:00:37 97702.
00:00:53 70.
00:00:57 With 70.
00:01:02 22886.
00:01:07 62886.
00:01:12 13297.
Speaker 2
00:03:30 I'll show you.
00:04:36 It's gonna take me come to make things.
Speaker 3
00:07:20 Excuse me, GAIL.
Speaker 4
00:07:23 Embarrassing, but it's always sending the timelines.
Speaker 5
00:07:27 On your server.
Speaker 6
00:07:27 See, I reckon you're us out an 8 or a nine, maybe even 9 1/2 in 4 beers time that flew top shot top you've got on. It's nice bit too much later, no, but yeah you.
00:07:38 You're high, but there's just one little thing that's really, really, really, really annoying me about you. You see? Yeah. Yeah. Like I said, you are really fit. But my gosh, don't you just know it? I'm not.
Speaker 7
00:07:53 Even though I would like to, I think you are really sick, but my gosh.
Speaker 6
00:08:01 So when I looked at you standing there.
00:08:03 With your horse.
00:08:04 I was waiting in the queue looking at the.
00:08:06 Or wondering whether to have a burger or chips for what the shrapnel in my back pocket could have formed when I noticed at the corner of my eye to look into all my directing, your eyes locked on my course. I couldn't concentrate on what I wanted to order, which lost me my place in the queue waiting for.
Speaker 7
00:08:23 Yeah, I'm not.
00:08:26 Even though I would like to.
00:08:29 I think you are really sad, but my gosh, don't you know.
Speaker 6
00:08:36 Are you smoking crack or something? We cannot have that behaviour in this establishment. Don't judge me. Don't judge me. Don't look. I'm alright. Don't judge me for a while. There. I was thinking. Yeah, but what? It hits you in myself calling with bare white hot wing. Marry you as you were standing there up.
00:08:38 It just.
Speaker 7
00:08:38 It it's my working Mike, just leave.
Speaker 4
00:08:42 It it's not worth.
00:08:43 It leave it.
Speaker 6
00:08:53 See whether or not you knew it.
00:08:55 I swear you.
00:08:56 Didn't sit, and when that bloke in the white behind our slot queen was blocking on to you too? Yeah.
00:09:01 I had to.
00:09:01 Admit that. Yeah, yeah, you are free. And, yeah, I do want it. But I stopped shark in a minute to get chips and drinks.
Speaker 7
00:09:08 I'm not trying to fool you, even though I would like to. I think you all. My gosh, my head hard earlier.
Speaker 6
00:09:22 But I am digressing.
00:09:23 Slightly so I'll continue. I didn't wanna bowl over or geezer and rude.
00:09:28 Not rude, like good, but just rude. Like on Cruise you go see you can just.
00:09:32 Flirt and it comes.
00:09:33 To you, or let me say you say yes. Yes, you are really rude. How rude. As in good. I knew this as you stood and cute. But I just did not want to.
00:09:40 Give the satisfaction to you.
Speaker 7
00:09:42 I'm not trying to fool this, even though I would like to. I think you are really fit. You're fit. But Michaels.
Speaker 2
00:09:50 Switching to you.
Speaker 7
00:09:51 Don't you know me?
Speaker 6
00:09:53 And just as you started to make your bigger bats with the milkshake and that little doughnut in hand, I was like, no, I can't even know you look random, but you look sharp there, smiling hard, suggesting that, leaning away with your hearty, hearty looking tense. But I admit the next bit was spanners. My plants. You walked towards my paper. You just brush right paths and into the.
00:10:13 Comes with that ******* white shirted, man.
Speaker 7
00:10:15 I'm not trying.
00:10:16 To fool you, even though I would like to.
00:10:21 I think you are really filled yourself, but my gosh.
Speaker 6
00:10:26 What do I give a ****? I got a girlfriend. Anyway. I wrong with that fair play. I got this Stella up on from that last cafe. This night's not even begun. Yes. Yes. Oh, yeah, I did. Thanks to you a bit though. Yeah, I must say, I would rather.
Speaker 3
00:10:29 Whoa, mate.
Speaker 6
00:10:41 They had not myself on display, but this is just another case of female stopping play in an otherwise total result of the holidays.
Speaker 7
00:10:49 I'm not driving.
00:10:50 To golden, even though I would like.
00:10:53 Soon I think you are really sick. You're sick from my.
00:10:58 Brush, don't you?
Speaker 3
00:11:03 You'll sit up, you're snowing, but you know it. You'll fit. But you know it. I think I'm going to fall over.
Speaker 7
00:11:20 I think I'm.
00:11:22 No ******* hell.
Speaker 8
00:11:29 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:11:32 Deceptive nectar addition.
Speaker 9
00:11:35 I'm your host, of course. Devon stack.
00:11:38 Happy weekend Saturday night.
00:11:42 Hope you're having a good weekend. Hope you're having a good week's holiday season Christmas.
Speaker 10
00:11:47 Is all around us.
Speaker 9
00:11:50 Oh boy. And apparently there's a.
00:11:54 A familiar threat brewing brewing.
00:11:58 You know, it's funny.
00:12:00 When I was looking for.
00:12:02 Videos. It's funny this the weird stuff you find when you're looking for something else.
00:12:08 That's how. That's how a lot of these streams happen, actually.
00:12:11 I find find the most random **** sometimes.
00:12:15 But I found something put on by The History Channel.
00:12:19 The the network known for brainwashing Americans about World War 2.
00:12:26 That's, I mean it was basically the Hitler channel. I remember growing up thinking.
00:12:29 Like it's it's.
00:12:30 The Hitler channel. Every time you turn on The History Channel, it's about how bad Hitler was and how Awesome World War Two was.
00:12:37 How America came and saved the day and blew up the devil.
00:12:42 And democracy ruled the world once again.
00:12:50 Well, it came across The History Channel special.
00:12:53 Or at least an episode.
00:12:55 Of a series, I guess they.
00:12:57 Did about going undercover, going undercover, going under?
00:13:02 They dropped the cover part for some reason.
Speaker 8
00:13:05 Going under deep.
Speaker 9
00:13:07 Cover and it was funny because it lined up with my pacon series.
00:13:14 And it gave you a window into not just how flimsy.
00:13:20 The evidence that the FBI uses to convict people is.
00:13:25 But also they admit to, well, you'll you'll see here in a moment.
00:13:31 Essentially creating the problems that they are tasked with stopping. Well, I guess in this.
00:13:36 Case it was the ATF.
00:13:39 With the FBI's help, of course.
00:13:43 But I thought it would be a fun thing to take a look at.
00:13:47 See, this is uh.
00:13:50 They're gonna. They're gonna. They profile three different.
00:13:52 Cases in this episode.
00:13:55 We have more. We're going to talk about too, but.
00:13:57 Let's get this part out of the way.
00:14:00 We'll look at two of them and then I'll, I'll I'll talk briefly about the third one.
00:14:06 But they're talking about the white supremacists.
00:14:13 That was brewing in the 80s and 90s that led up to the.
Speaker 10
00:14:17 The Oklahoma City bombing.
Speaker 9
00:14:19 Which again, if you still think that that was a.
00:14:23 A white supremacist blowing up a random government building. You need to check out the Pacon series that is on this channel.
00:14:30 Unless you're on rumble, then you have to go to odyssey or or bit shoot to get that.
00:14:35 But those of you in the know those of you who watched that series will know how ridiculous a lot of this is.
00:14:43 Now the series starts with interviewing the experts on white supremacy.
00:14:49 You want to guess who some of these experts are?
00:14:53 I'll give you a clue.
00:14:59 Let's have a listen.
00:15:03 Oh, there's probably turn the audio on here, just in case you missed it. Here's the.
00:15:07 Clue again.
00:15:10 There you go.
00:15:22 The other thing that just it's funny cause a lot of the footage that they cause they you know they they.
00:15:27 Read they had to reenact a lot of this stuff, right?
00:15:30 And I swear to God, I have seen some of these images.
00:15:35 That I've often.
00:15:36 Wondered where they came from, right where you'd see these stories in in news articles about ohh white supremacist rally and then they use a stock image and the stock image is always like a cross burning or a swastika burning or something like that and it just looks too cinematic it looks like.
00:15:55 There's no possible way.
00:15:57 That this is actually a real event, that this is, you know, it's it's a stock image. It'll even say it's a stock image. But I wonder where they came up with this stuff.
00:16:06 I don't know for a fact, but a lot of this looks pretty familiar. Some of this stock imagery of this reenactment footage, but anyway.
00:16:19 That white supremacist groups have entered the mainstream. Their numbers are growing.
00:16:25 Their numbers are growing.
Speaker 8
00:16:35 They're everywhere. Oh my God.
Speaker 9
00:16:38 I wonder where they come up with that eight. It's very specific that number 862.
00:16:45 862.
00:16:48 Well, surely it's more than that now, because I think this was made in 2016.
00:17:04 Secretive by nature, there is only one way to monitor these groups while there's 860.
00:17:10 Two of them.
Speaker 9
00:17:13 How did how are you?
00:17:14 Monitoring all these these groups.
Speaker 13
00:17:17 Going under.
Speaker 12
00:17:22 Pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump.
Speaker 9
00:17:24 So that's what you're in for the process of going.
Speaker 14
00:17:27 White supremacy in this country.
Speaker 11
00:17:28 Ohh Paul Goldberg.
Speaker 9
00:17:35 Oh, Paul Goldberg is the Department of Homeland Security consultant. I'm I'm glad that the US government is consulting Jews on white supremacy.
00:17:44 What does he say?
Speaker 14
00:17:46 White supremacy in this country has been around for several 100 years.
Speaker 15
00:17:50 Oh, several, several 100 years.
00:17:54 Several 100 years.
Speaker 9
00:17:57 So I guess the the Puritans were white supremacists.
00:18:02 I mean, according to Jews.
00:18:03 They were right.
00:18:05 This was a country founded on white supremacy.
00:18:09 For all you patriotic people out there, you look at the founding fathers. You worship, uh, white supremacists.
00:18:15 Just ask Joanna Mendelson of the ADL.
Speaker 12
00:18:24 White supremacist ideology is based in the notion that whites are genetically superior and are culturally superior.
Speaker 16
00:18:32 There are people who want to either destroy the state or create within the United States.
Speaker 9
00:18:38 Ah, good old Mark Potok of the SPLC.
00:18:44 Or at least at the time that they.
00:18:45 Made this he was still working there.
00:18:48 The man who was keeping track at his desk the the share of the population that white people had in America as if it was some.
00:18:56 Kind of countdown to something where.
00:18:57 He wanted them to be a minority.
00:19:00 Good old mark potok.
Speaker 16
00:19:02 It's a country of their own.
Speaker 9
00:19:05 How it it's it's saying that white people would want a country of their own. And why would they want a country of their own? It? It just doesn't make any sense. Everyone else is allowed.
00:19:14 A country of their own, but not white people, but anyway.
00:19:17 We all get it.
Speaker 16
00:19:19 What they were always thinking and meeting the radical right continues to think about today is there's a race war coming.
00:19:26 You've got to prepare for the race war.
Speaker 14
00:19:29 The numbers that we're seeing today are absolutely unprecedented.
Speaker 9
00:19:35 You know, The funny thing is, and you'll see this throughout this episode.
Speaker 15
00:19:40 They're even their.
Speaker 9
00:19:41 Allegations right? Their big thing about what's so dangerous about white supremacists isn't so much what they're doing.
00:19:48 It's that they're preparing to defend themselves in a race war.
00:19:52 It's not that they're actually aggressively attacking people, they're not beating up black people in the neighborhoods. They're not stringing people up, they're not blowing up mosques or something like that. No, it's that they're worried that because they're being outnumbered, something that people like Mark Potok are actively trying to engineer in Western countries all over the.
00:20:13 World that they're preparing to defend themselves, that's the big allegation here. It's not even that they're up to something. It's just that they're like, oh ****.
00:20:22 **** could get crazy.
00:20:24 We better we better get ready for something like some kind of conflict that is very likely.
Speaker 14
00:20:30 The level of violence is unprecedented.
Speaker 9
00:20:34 OK, well, well, what's this? Violence. Surely this violence will be highlighted in this this episode, right?
00:20:42 So that we meet our first.
00:20:45 First anti racist.
00:20:47 You're going to love this.
Speaker 18
00:20:52 That could have run away from.
00:20:53 It or they could have fought it. I was.
00:20:55 Into this fight.
Speaker 8
00:20:57 She's a fighter.
Speaker 9
00:20:59 She's going to fight this white supremacy.
00:21:02 Who is this woman?
Speaker 18
00:21:06 I was fighting for my family, I was fighting for my daughter, I was fighting.
Speaker 9
00:21:09 She's fighting for her daughter.
00:21:12 She's fighting for her family. Let's let's hear how how she fights for her daughter.
Speaker 18
00:21:17 The movement.
Speaker 9
00:21:21 And of course, her name is Karen. You know. You know, usually I'm I'm, you know, I don't like that you're using the the term Karen because it it is implicitly anti white but in this case I'm going to let it. I'm going to let it be I'm going to I'm just going to let it.
00:21:41 Let it be out there. Former FBI informant. OK. Karen. Karen. The FBI informant. Surely. She. She. I mean, she's on this show. She's the first one they feature. She must have done some really dangerous work and uncovered some horrible crimes that white supremacists were doing.
00:21:58 At great personal risk to herself, right? She's a hero.
Speaker 18
00:22:03 My name is Karen Westerns. I'm a psychotherapist.
00:22:07 I like seeing people change and feel better about themselves.
Speaker 9
00:22:14 First Star red flag. She's a psychotherapist.
00:22:16 OK. Well, OK.
Speaker 18
00:22:19 My husband and I moved to Hobbs Church in 1987. It's just a tiny little town in Brooks County, Pennsylvania.
Speaker 9
00:22:28 Well, why did you move there? Why would you move to a tiny little town, right?
00:22:33 Why did you move to a tiny little white town instead of living in the big city? You would think that you'd have more clients for, you know, psychotherapist. But you went to a small white town.
00:22:43 In the middle of nowhere, I wonder why that is.
00:22:45 I wonder why that is.
Speaker 18
00:22:53 It was.
00:22:55 Quaint. It was relatively quiet. It was very pretty.
Speaker 9
00:23:00 It was pretty much 100% white.
Speaker 18
00:23:03 There's a lot here. That's absolutely beautiful.
00:23:15 Malia's her daughter.
00:23:17 We adopted her from Korea in 1986.
Speaker 9
00:23:21 Ohh, so she's one of those. She bought a little third world kid.
00:23:26 In 1986, so she bought a Korean girl. OK.
Speaker 18
00:23:33 She was adorable.
00:23:36 Very friendly, very outgoing.
Speaker 9
00:23:37 She was adorable. You're talking about her in the past tense. What the? She. Obviously she was murdered.
00:23:43 By white supremacists.
Speaker 18
00:23:45 She made us laugh a lot.
00:23:48 She loved the farm.
00:23:50 It was her home. She got a Little Pony. She'd ride with her dad. That was sort of their special time.
Speaker 9
00:24:02 And then the white supremacist came and killed her, right? I mean, that's.
00:24:06 That's that must be what happened. You keep talking about her in the past tense.
Speaker 18
00:24:11 When we first moved here, I I never, ever conceived of anything. I'm following as it did I.
00:24:18 I really thought that.
00:24:20 I thought.
Speaker 18
00:24:21 Life would be good.
Speaker 9
00:24:22 And then the white supremacists.
00:24:23 Raped and murdered her daughter.
00:24:24 Right.
Speaker 18
00:24:28 I think the first thing that started was telephone calls.
Speaker 9
00:24:36 Ohh, that and they said they're gonna rape and murder your daughter, right?
Speaker 18
00:24:39 They they would say hateful.
00:24:40 Things to me.
Speaker 9
00:24:41 Like like we're gonna rape and murder your, your, your Korean daughter.
Speaker 18
00:24:46 And I didn't hang up.
00:24:51 Hello ***** click.
Speaker 9
00:24:55 Oh so.
00:24:58 You hold on, you just got prank calls. If someone calling you a ***** and then hanging up.
00:25:05 Well, that could be anybody. I mean, no offense. And you, you kind of seem.
00:25:09 Like you know.
00:25:11 You're kind of a *****. Like I just.
Speaker 15
00:25:12 Got you.
Speaker 9
00:25:13 So OK, but alright. So people were caught, but no racist slurs, nothing like that, right? They just you got prank calls, alright?
Speaker 18
00:25:22 It just didn't scare.
00:25:23 Me. I I didn't understand that.
Speaker 9
00:25:25 You're kind of a *****.
Speaker 18
00:25:27 I knew that there was something much worse going on than just.
00:25:30 Me being harassed.
Speaker 9
00:25:32 Like what? I mean, you you just.
00:25:33 Got some prank calls I don't understand.
Speaker 18
00:25:36 One night I was in the kitchen doing dishes and all of a sudden, but they never.
Speaker 9
00:25:41 Ohh they they blew up your car, right? That big explosion?
Speaker 18
00:25:46 Never heard a gunshot. That was that loud.
00:25:49 It was either an M80 or half stick.
Speaker 9
00:25:53 Wait, so you heard a firework or something?
00:25:57 You're you realize you're in the middle of of nowhere, right? You're in a rural neighborhood.
00:26:03 People shoot guns and and blow up their 80s and stuff, right? That's.
00:26:11 OK, so they didn't. They didn't blow.
Speaker 11
00:26:12 Up your car or set off.
Speaker 9
00:26:14 A bomb you just heard a loud bang.
00:26:17 And you were getting a prank call every once in a while. OK, well, alright.
Speaker 18
00:26:22 There was some reason that somebody wanted to do something to hurt us or scare us.
Speaker 9
00:26:28 Like, not really. This seems like normal normal stuff so far.
Speaker 18
00:26:35 One Friday night, we were just hanging out.
Speaker 9
00:26:38 This this is this. This has to be where they come and rape and.
00:26:41 Murder your daughter, right?
Speaker 18
00:26:44 And sort of out of nowhere.
00:26:49 And the street was parked here with these individuals who were dressed up like they were Nancy Saunders.
00:26:58 They didn't say anything, but their presence was very clear that they were in front of my house.
Speaker 9
00:27:03 Wait, hold on.
Speaker 15
00:27:09 So now you're saying that.
Speaker 4
00:27:11 That World War.
Speaker 15
00:27:12 Two reenactors showed up at your house.
Speaker 9
00:27:16 This is her story. Alright, so so far she's getting some prank calls. She heard an M80 or a gunshot.
00:27:22 At one point.
00:27:25 And then people dressed up as Nazi soldiers.
00:27:30 Pull up to the front of her house.
00:27:33 And didn't say anything and just drove away.
00:27:37 Hold on. Hold that. That's not that. Can't be what she's really saying, right? That's not because these guys are like, they're they're wearing actual.
00:27:46 World War 2 uniforms.
Speaker 18
00:27:48 And the street was parked here with these individuals who?
00:27:52 Were dressed up like they were Nazi soldiers.
Speaker 9
00:27:56 Yeah. Yeah, file that under. **** that never happened.
Speaker 18
00:28:00 They didn't say anything, but their presence was very clear that they were in front of my house. I I just.
Speaker 9
00:28:07 So OK, let's just try to think of this from.
Speaker 11
00:28:11 The from the point of view.
Speaker 9
00:28:15 Of these Nazis that don't, I guess don't like her Korean daughter or something.
Speaker 8
00:28:21 Hey guys. Suit up everyone. Dress up in your s s uniform. We're going to get in the Jeep, drive in front of that race traders house. Honk the horn and get out. And then just drive away.
Speaker 18
00:28:35 Have a shot.
00:28:39 That was really the first time.
00:28:41 I knew that there was.
Speaker 9
00:28:42 We sure showed that *****.
00:28:48 Alright, well anyway I'm sure I'm sure it escalates from here, right? Because it you know it is escalated a little bit. First you get phone calls and you hear.
00:28:55 A bang now.
00:28:55 The World War 2 reenactment guys.
Speaker 18
00:28:58 Was harm potential harm for my daughter? I didn't feel comfortable at all.
Speaker 8
00:29:08 He showed that.
Speaker 18
00:29:08 When I was in the shop.
00:29:10 Shop 1 day.
Speaker 13
00:29:14 Welcome, welcome White White Power white power.
Speaker 18
00:29:17 And there was clan March.
Speaker 9
00:29:22 OK, so probably what actually?
00:29:24 Happened. Let's just be honest here.
00:29:26 What actually happened was.
00:29:28 There was. There probably was a Klan March at some point, right? She moved to a small town, a small rural white town. There was a there was a clan March.
00:29:38 And then she decided to use her imagination.
00:29:41 For all these other things.
Speaker 18
00:29:43 Really, the first time that I was aware of anything that had to do with Klan white supremacy.
00:29:49 And you know.
Speaker 9
00:29:50 Ohh I thought that that that was the first time, not the the time when the Nazis, the the literal Nazi officers, pulled up in a Jeep and.
00:29:59 Looked at your house.
Speaker 18
00:30:00 Nazis. This was surreal.
Speaker 13
00:30:02 White power, white power, white power.
Speaker 16
00:30:08 Mark Thomas spent 30 years on the white supremacist right and Klan and other kinds of groups, and then eventually, Mark Thomas became the eastern arm of the Aryan Nations and on his farm in southeastern Pennsylvania, created essentially a kind of compound. And, you know, an incredibly violent guy and incredibly scary guy he was taking.
Speaker 3
00:30:17 It was very.
Speaker 16
00:30:28 Disaffected kids and turning them into incredibly violent soldiers of the movement.
Speaker 13
00:30:33 White power. White power.
Speaker 16
00:30:35 You know, you might say about Mark Thomas. He didn't build bombs, but he built bomb makers.
Speaker 11
00:30:41 He didn't make bombs.
Speaker 9
00:30:44 He didn't do anything violent, but he was the most.
00:30:46 Violent. OK well alright.
00:30:49 So there's a a white supremacist guy who lives in her town.
00:30:54 And there was a clan March at some point.
00:30:58 And alright, you're getting prank calls and.
Speaker 13
00:31:01 White power.
Speaker 18
00:31:02 Oh my God and couldn't believe that we had an Aryan nation compound in the community and he was my neighbor.
00:31:13 I was scared to death.
Speaker 9
00:31:15 Alright, so that's what she's mad about. She's mad that she moved into this town, and there's a a a white supremacist guy who also lives in the town. Alright, let's just be realistic. So that's that's really what happened. Is she found out there was a white supremacist guy in town and now she's mad.
Speaker 18
00:31:32 I don't like habit coming.
00:31:34 Down this road very often, I guess because I really don't want to.
00:31:37 Remind myself of those times.
Speaker 9
00:31:42 So you you don't even live he I.
00:31:44 Thought you said he's your neighbor.
00:31:46 So you don't even live close enough to where you had to go by his his you.
00:31:49 Could have just left him alone. All right, well.
Speaker 18
00:31:51 It was winter and my husband's horse that he rode and my daughter's pony. They were in separate pastors. I'm looking at the horse my husband rides and the horse had been poisoned.
Speaker 9
00:32:06 OK, so how do you know that, first of all?
00:32:09 Where's the?
00:32:10 One of your horses dies.
00:32:13 It's in a different pasture than.
00:32:15 The other ones.
00:32:16 So you're telling me that the white supremacists that dressed up so after they dressed up as Nazi?
00:32:25 And they pulled up to your house and looked at it and.
00:32:27 Then drove away. They were like, you know what?
Speaker 8
00:32:30 You know what?
00:32:31 Now that we done looked at her house dressed up as Nazis, let's go. Poison that bitchh's husband's horse.
Speaker 9
00:32:40 Like it wasn't even the Korean girl's horse.
00:32:46 So one of her horses dies and because she's a lunatic, it must have been them. Damn white supremacist. That's what happened. The horses don't just die.
00:32:56 That's not possible. We weren't just these city folk that were ****** at raising horses, and maybe we funked up and and killed one of our own horses. It was those ******* white supremacist. Everyone knows white supremacists go around poisoning horses.
Speaker 8
00:33:10 For no reason.
Speaker 18
00:33:13 I was enraged.
00:33:15 It's a horrible.
00:33:15 Thing to do to an animal.
00:33:18 So at that point I thought if they were going to try to harm animals, you know they're going to do more than that.
Speaker 9
00:33:26 And so that's when that's when of course they raped and murdered your your.
00:33:30 Daughter, right? I mean cause.
00:33:32 Again, you keep talking about her in the past.
00:33:34 Tense, so I'm I'm.
00:33:34 I'm. I'm and there she is alone, right? She's there alone, walking, walking. Probably very near by the white supremacist compound.
00:33:44 And that's when they the things really escalate, right? So they're like, alright, alright, we don't we don't dress up a lot of Nazis and scare that Lady and killed her horse. Now let's get that chunk.
Speaker 18
00:33:56 Julia was so upset and I was also concerned because we moved into a community and we were biracial family.
00:34:10 That scared me. That accident. I.
Speaker 9
00:34:19 That's it. That a guy on a motorcycle drove by. That was the.
00:34:24 That's the big thing.
Speaker 10
00:34:26 Hold on.
Speaker 9
00:34:27 Now I.
00:34:28 Surely I missed something here.
Speaker 18
00:34:30 Do more than that.
00:34:34 William was so upset, and I was also concerned because we moved into a community and we were biracial family.
Speaker 17
00:34:43 They've done something.
Speaker 18
00:34:48 That scared me. That accident. I I.
Speaker 9
00:34:51 That what?
00:34:54 So that was the tipping point. The tipping point was.
00:34:57 I guess he kind of revved his engine a little bit while driving by.
00:35:03 See none of.
00:35:04 This is making sense. It'll make sense in.
00:35:06 The end? None of.
Speaker 15
00:35:07 This is making sense right now.
Speaker 9
00:35:12 None of the none of this makes any sense.
00:35:15 The big thing that really scared her was a a guy on a motorcycle drove by her daughter.
Speaker 18
00:35:23 I just knew that.
00:35:25 It wasn't. It wasn't an accident. It was the first time this.
Speaker 9
00:35:30 No, it was an accident. He was driving on the road. Where did you want him to?
Speaker 18
00:35:30 Is real.
Speaker 15
00:35:34 Drive in the grass.
Speaker 18
00:35:36 We could really get hurt.
00:35:42 And this has to stop.
00:35:47 So we formed a group.
00:35:50 That went over to the compound.
00:35:52 And we gathered together 3540 people and we had a candlelight vigil.
Speaker 9
00:36:01 OK so.
00:36:03 Karen decides.
00:36:05 To get 30 some odd people from town.
00:36:11 Stand at the edge of this guys property.
00:36:15 With torches and and candles.
00:36:20 And and stare.
00:36:21 At his house now. Oh, look, I'll tell you.
00:36:23 If I was living in my compound.
00:36:26 And I looked out at the security monitors and I saw 35 people gathered in front of my compound.
00:36:33 With candles and stuff, I'd be.
00:36:35 Like what the ****'* going on?
00:36:37 What the ****? I'd go check it out. I.
00:36:39 Might even go armed.
Speaker 18
00:36:41 The whole idea was.
00:36:42 We really didn't want that type of hate in the neighborhood. I just felt that this was an evil presence that I wanted.
00:36:48 To follow by.
00:36:52 Eventually marked, Thomas came out and walked up the road.
00:36:56 With some armed men.
Speaker 9
00:37:02 Yeah. And then a artistic license there with the he walked right up to.
Speaker 8
00:37:06 The moment white power.
Speaker 9
00:37:11 Yeah, I would have. I would have.
00:37:12 Locked him like.
Speaker 15
00:37:13 What? What? What's going on here? What the ****?
Speaker 18
00:37:15 That was one of the scariest moments of.
00:37:16 My life.
Speaker 15
00:37:17 What did you expect to happen?
Speaker 18
00:37:20 Because they were carrying weapons and.
Speaker 15
00:37:23 Yeah, I would too.
Speaker 18
00:37:25 And they were angry. They were. They were agitated.
Speaker 9
00:37:28 Yeah, you. Because you went there to agitate them. What did you? You thought they were gonna come?
00:37:33 Out and be like hey.
Speaker 15
00:37:35 What's up buddy?
Speaker 9
00:37:35 I brought some tea. Would you like?
Speaker 15
00:37:37 A spot of tea.
Speaker 9
00:37:39 No. Even if they did, you would.
00:37:40 Have said they tried to poison you.
Speaker 18
00:37:42 They definitely knew that there were people of color.
00:37:44 In that group.
00:37:45 You know, we we gathered a lot of people here. Encourage people to come in and.
00:37:49 They could die.
00:37:51 Somebody could shoot them, they could beat them. I had no idea what.
Speaker 9
00:37:54 Yeah, and and literally none of that happened, did it?
Speaker 18
00:37:56 It could actually happen.
Speaker 9
00:38:01 I love. I love.
00:38:02 This shot though.
00:38:03 And then as he walked away.
Speaker 3
00:38:06 By magic, by the dark map.
Speaker 19
00:38:10 The cross ignited.
Speaker 13
00:38:15 Oh. Oh, good Lord.
Speaker 15
00:38:19 Like the Prince of Darkness himself.
00:38:22 And then spontaneously.
Speaker 8
00:38:25 They gathered around the cross and.
Speaker 18
00:38:27 At that point, I knew that.
Speaker 15
00:38:29 Like none of this happened, none of this happened.
Speaker 9
00:38:35 But all the idiots in the audience at home think that this is.
00:38:39 And if you notice, if you listen to the narration, they're not saying this happened. These are just random pictures.
00:38:46 This is the.
Speaker 20
00:38:47 Power of video.
Speaker 9
00:38:51 This is just an artistic expression of how she.
00:38:53 Felt at the time.
Speaker 18
00:38:55 That it was time to to get away out of the community.
00:38:59 So we set our way to boarding school.
Speaker 9
00:39:01 Oh, you know.
00:39:02 What? And so there it is.
00:39:04 As you will see.
00:39:08 What really happened? If you really want to understand this, well, I don't want to spoil it too much.
00:39:14 But they got their Korean kid who?
00:39:17 Nothing happened to.
00:39:21 The the phone calls coming to our house were not aimed at the Korean kid. They were aimed at her, according to her.
00:39:30 They heard a gunshot or something once they heard a loud bang, something that happens in rural areas all the time. I hear loud bangs all the time.
00:39:39 Her husband's horse died also nothing.
00:39:42 To do with her daughter.
00:39:44 And a guy on a motorcycle, maybe Rev the engine once as.
00:39:49 He drove by.
00:39:51 Maybe we don't even know.
00:39:56 So she gathers a bunch of people together.
00:39:59 Tries to intimidate them.
00:40:04 Tries to agitate them. Nothing again, nothing happens.
00:40:13 So what does she do? She sends.
00:40:14 Her little girl.
00:40:16 That she bought from Korea.
00:40:20 To a boarding school.
00:40:26 OK.
00:40:28 Well, I'm sure it's just temporary, right until all this blows over until they can figure out what to.
00:40:32 Do with the evil white supremacist.
Speaker 18
00:40:37 She went off to boarding school in 8th grade.
00:40:38 And that was hard.
00:40:41 I lost her.
Speaker 9
00:40:42 Say you're lost or you just centered.
00:40:44 A boarding school in 8th grade. It's not like forever, right?
00:40:49 And if it was so?
00:40:50 Bad. Why didn't you move?
00:40:54 If it was so hard, if you wanted to be around your daughter so bad and it was just an unsafe neighborhood, why didn't you just move? You have the money.
00:41:02 You have a big ranch. You got horses aren't cheap.
00:41:07 I mean, just to feed horses. That's not cheap. You're a psychoanalyst or whatever. I'm sure your husband has some kind of job. You're a dual income family with a rented Korean baby. I.
00:41:15 Mean, come on.
00:41:17 You can't just sell your ranch and move somewhere else. That's more safe.
00:41:23 Why'd you have to send it to boarding school? I don't know. I'm sure it'll all.
00:41:26 Make sense in the end here.
Speaker 18
00:41:30 I expected, you know, to do it for a year, but I never expected her to be in boarding school for.
00:41:35 8th to 12th grade.
Speaker 4
00:41:36 Wait, hold on. Hold on. Why?
Speaker 9
00:41:38 Why was she in boarding school for six years?
00:41:47 Are you telling me it took six years for you to?
00:41:50 Down the white supremacists.
00:41:54 Again, if are you telling me that it if it's so bad that you have to have her in boarding school for six years, why didn't you just move?
00:42:01 Even if this guy was.
00:42:02 The great big evil. Why would you want?
00:42:04 To live next door to that.
00:42:06 Why is this?
00:42:07 Why is your solution to this problem?
00:42:11 I send my kid away and don't see them so I can enjoy this ranch with my husband and the horses and everything else.
00:42:19 Next to the evil white supremacist, it doesn't make any sense, does it?
00:42:26 If your big.
00:42:27 Thing in life is, you know, being around your daughter, why wouldn't you just sell your ranch and move? It doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 18
00:42:38 You expect to see your daughter go to work.
00:42:43 Expect to be there when they go out their dates and she knew.
00:42:47 It wasn't safe here for.
Speaker 9
00:42:50 So why did you stay? Why did you stay?
Speaker 18
00:42:57 Dear Mommy and Daddy, thank you for giving me.
Speaker 9
00:43:00 Now we're starting to see the real story here.
00:43:05 The real story.
00:43:07 As she got a Korean kid.
00:43:11 Didn't found out she didn't want to.
Speaker 10
00:43:13 Be a mom.
Speaker 9
00:43:15 Found some stupid excuse to.
00:43:17 Send her kid away and even the kid understands it.
00:43:25 Listen to what she says.
Speaker 18
00:43:27 Me. The opportunity of a lifetime. I'm sorry for all the trouble. I've been nervous since I've come to this country.
Speaker 9
00:43:35 See the kid knows it that the kid's the issue. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused since you brought me to this country.
00:43:47 Stop making excuses, you dumb ******* cow, and admit that you sent your kid away because you didn't want to raise her.
00:43:56 You bought a kid from Korea and there was no refunds. You couldn't take it back. So you sent it away to boarding school and they made-up some crazy story about white supremacy being the reason why you couldn't raise the kid.
00:44:11 Ah, Devin, you're being way too harsh. How do you know? Well, the story will continue. And I think that'll be hard.
00:44:18 To come to any other conclusion.
Speaker 18
00:44:20 I will miss you so, so, so much.
00:44:28 So it's hard.
Speaker 9
00:44:30 Not so hard that you that.
00:44:32 You'd be willing to move.
00:44:33 Out or sell your ******* farm.
Speaker 18
00:44:36 But I so.
00:44:37 It just has to stop.
00:44:41 And I'm going to do whatever it takes to try to make things better for not only my daughter and my husband, but the community.
00:44:51 Yeah. Anything.
Speaker 18
00:44:51 As well.
Speaker 9
00:45:08 Karen adopted her Korean daughter. She was targeted by white supremacist. Yeah. Yet to actually be demonstrated, you didn't demonstrate that at all in the first part of this episode at.
00:45:19 All. Not at all. Not even a little bit.
00:45:23 That's why you have to put it on the screen in text.
00:45:27 Because if you had demonstrated it, you wouldn't have to tell me.
00:45:31 I would have just seen it.
Speaker 18
00:45:41 I knew at that time that I wanted to see more Thomas get arrested for any crimes that he had committed.
Speaker 13
00:45:48 White power, white power, white power.
Speaker 18
00:45:55 My family was in danger. If it's not me, it could be my.
00:45:58 Husband. It could be my daughter and if.
Speaker 9
00:45:59 Why bother your husband? Are you like you're white, right? I'm assuming you didn't buy a a husband from Korea.
Speaker 18
00:46:05 I could assist in any way to get him in jail, out of the community. I was willing to.
00:46:11 Do what I could.
00:46:12 To help.
Speaker 9
00:46:12 You're you're literally just.
00:46:14 You're more you're you're an HOA.
00:46:18 You really don't give a **** about your daughter that you sent away to boarding school. Let's just face it. You're worried about property values. Otherwise you would have moved away. You. You thought you were getting some idyllic little town, some white town in the middle of nowhere, and then you got ****** *** because there there happened to be some white supremacist living in the neighborhood. And so you'd sent off your Korean.
00:46:38 Daughter. Perfect excuse for that. And now you want the property values to go up and you're going to do whatever you can to get the the the bad men out of the neighborhood.
Speaker 18
00:46:49 So I called the FBI. The FBI asked to meet me and the first meeting was in the restaurant. They were doing some form of investigation on white supremacy and hate groups, and they thought that was a resource that they could use. The agent knew that I was a therapist and.
00:47:09 If you realize that, yeah, I can be of some help. So they asked me to go over to supervise works children. And before I knew it, I was an informant for the FBI.
Speaker 9
00:47:21 Ohh Karen feels really important now. So now the FBI is going to have her as the because she's a licensed psychotherapist. She's going to be the supervisor. I guess. I don't know what his kid situation was, but apparently there he had to. I'm. I'm guessing there's like a divorce or something like that.
00:47:40 So she was the official supervisor of the children.
00:47:43 During his visits to the children and she was going to go undercover and bring down the evil white supremacy.
Speaker 21
00:47:54 So a civilian who goes undercover first and foremost is not going to have the training and is not going to have any law enforcement experience to fall back on. And so there's pros and cons. They might be stumbling around and that looks more natural or they might completely blow it because they don't know what to say or not.
00:48:10 Say or win.
00:48:13 And if it's a white supremacist group, then again that by its very nature is carrying the possibility of violence.
Speaker 11
00:48:16 You're definitely a lesbian.
Speaker 9
00:48:31 All right. So that's the big.
00:48:32 That's the big scary part, right? So the FBI believed that Thomas was actively planning a nationwide conspiracy to commit acts of domestic terror.
00:48:44 You know, like, just like the FBI thought that the the January 6 people were were trying to overthrow the government. The FBI believe that he was going to plan a nationwide conspiracy of terrorist groups.
00:48:59 And Karen's real objective was to gather the evidence to help build a case against Mark. So in other words, the FBI didn't like this guy.
00:49:07 And they found a Karen that we could could somehow have a have a a cover story of of the the the Children's official supervisor or whatever, and they're going to get all this evidence against him.
Speaker 18
00:49:24 We'll make your right hand turn. That will take us up to the intersection where the where the compound was.
00:49:38 The first visit I do remember very clearly taking the two kids up. The closer I got to the compound, of course the the more anxiety I had.
00:49:51 I didn't know it's going to happen.
Speaker 9
00:49:55 I got something super bad.
Speaker 18
00:49:56 I tried to do my best to stay calm, but I was nervous.
00:50:10 We were late because I didn't know exactly where we're going and as we pulled it, he he walked up.
Speaker 9
00:50:16 OK, so she's late.
00:50:18 And he walks out and he's mad that she's late.
00:50:22 And that's the big thing that happens.
00:50:26 And he's not even that mad.
00:50:28 He yells for like a second.
Speaker 18
00:50:31 And I was as close to Mark Thomas as I am to you. He was. You could tell. Very agitated.
Speaker 11
00:50:36 So brave.
Speaker 18
00:50:43 Immediately, just start yelling and I said stop.
00:50:50 I'm the reason we're late. I got lost.
Speaker 9
00:50:56 And then and then he shot her.
00:50:58 Right.
Speaker 18
00:51:00 And he really backed.
00:51:01 Off he was like oh, oh, OK.
Speaker 9
00:51:05 Wait, that's it. That's the big all that scary music. The big build up.
00:51:10 So you were late.
00:51:12 And he was mad for a second. And then when you said Ohh it's my fault I was.
00:51:15 Late he was like ohh cool.
00:51:17 And like that, that's it.
00:51:19 All that build up for that.
Speaker 18
00:51:22 I parked the.
00:51:23 Car and we went into play.
00:51:27 There was a side of him that was like anybody else, a man that loved his kids and.
Speaker 9
00:51:34 Sorry, he say he's like a nice guy and a good dad.
00:51:41 OK, but but eventually, right. We're gonna get to the part where he's.
00:51:45 He's, uh, burning Jews in an oven or something, right?
Speaker 18
00:51:49 He could be.
00:51:50 Really charismatic and very kind and general. And the way he presented himself, but at the same time.
00:51:59 You knew that there was a lot of evil in there too.
Speaker 9
00:52:01 Wait, what do you mean how? How?
00:52:02 Did you know? How did you know?
00:52:05 So he's this nice guy. He was mad for a second because you were late.
Speaker 17
00:52:10 But you just knew.
Speaker 9
00:52:11 You just knew. I just knew he. There was a lot of evil in there. I just knew, by the way, you must have left some kind of impression when you went to the edge of his property. He doesn't even remember you as being that chick. That was there.
00:52:25 I thought it was this big ordeal, right? He came out with guns and.
00:52:28 Everything he doesn't remember, it's you.
00:52:35 He's a nice guy. He's nice with his kids.
00:52:40 OK. But I I'm sure this.
00:52:41 Gets to the part where he's really bad.
Speaker 18
00:52:44 He was hurting others, perhaps even killing others. I don't know. So.
Speaker 4
00:52:49 Hold on. What?
Speaker 9
00:52:53 He was hurting and killing others perhaps. I mean, I don't know.
00:52:57 You're just throwing that out there.
Speaker 15
00:53:03 How do you mean?
Speaker 9
00:53:07 I could say that about you.
00:53:10 Ohh this *****.
00:53:10 Karen, she's hurting others or killing people. I.
00:53:13 Mean, I don't know, probably.
00:53:16 Probably. I mean I just look at her. She's she seems like the type that would just, I mean, she sent her Korean kid away to boarding school. I mean, kind of heartless ***** is this.
00:53:25 She's probably killing people.
00:53:28 He seems like he's a.
00:53:29 Better parent than you are.
Speaker 18
00:53:31 In the back of my mind, I'm thinking I will take you down. You are not going to continue.
00:53:36 To do this.
Speaker 15
00:53:37 So do what?
Speaker 9
00:53:38 Did you want exactly be a parent?
00:53:42 You know how much you hate parenting.
Speaker 18
00:53:46 As time went on, every now and then I would receive a call from the FBI. Libby Hines, who's the FBI agent that.
00:53:54 I dealt with.
00:53:55 She was really good at making me feel very, very comfortable, even though I was very apprehensive about doing this.
Speaker 21
00:54:01 OK, so this is what I need.
00:54:03 You to do.
Speaker 18
00:54:06 Early on it was really minimal kinds.
00:54:08 Of requests a type.
00:54:09 Of vehicle a color of a vehicle.
00:54:14 What a license plate.
00:54:14 Might have been on a vehicle.
00:54:17 Occasionally they would ask me if I had seen a person, you know that was there. So obviously they had their agent.
Speaker 9
00:54:26 OK. Four months, four months later.
00:54:29 Now remember, she sent her kid away for six years.
00:54:36 Right.
00:54:37 I thought this was going to be some kind of long term operation or kids away for six years.
Speaker 18
00:54:42 Ended part of their puzzle they needed, and one of the piece might be what it was they were asking of me that particular time.
00:54:50 However, he is escalated.
Speaker 9
00:54:53 Escalate. That's what. That's when he started burning Jews up in his compound. Right. Is that is that?
00:54:59 Or doing something other than being a good dad and having friends with loud motorcycles.
Speaker 18
00:55:04 Went a little bit further on.
00:55:06 It was more risky. I used to tape sessions.
Speaker 9
00:55:10 Well, hold on. How was it more risky? Yeah, you didn't. You you're. You're just saying words. Then it got more dangerous.
Speaker 20
00:55:17 Well, how exactly?
Speaker 9
00:55:19 It it it just it was more.
00:55:21 Risky. Why exactly?
Speaker 18
00:55:23 So I had a tape recorder in my pocket and I reached in my pocket for something.
00:55:29 It it.
00:55:29 Just went flying.
Speaker 16
00:55:32 And then he saw.
Speaker 9
00:55:33 And shot you in the.
00:55:34 Leg right or something?
Speaker 18
00:55:37 Oh my God. I just discreetly walked over, stooped down, picked it up, put it in my pocket and just kept going.
Speaker 22
00:55:39 Ohh he's going to get you.
Speaker 9
00:55:51 So literally nothing happened. So one time you.
00:55:56 All this scary music for literally nothing, nothing keeps happening.
Speaker 15
00:56:01 This story better get cooking soon.
Speaker 18
00:56:03 That was close and it was stupid.
00:56:06 I was really afraid. They.
00:56:07 Were going to.
00:56:07 Shoot me, then. Maybe they do what?
00:56:09 I was doing.
00:56:14 But for some reason.
00:56:16 He was starting to trust me. I think he appreciated the supervisions and I think he appreciated he had quality time with his kids and that's.
Speaker 9
00:56:26 Unlike you, *****.
00:56:31 Maybe that's why he grew to hate him.
00:56:36 You're. I know. I know. You're the psychoanalyst here, but I let's let's just think about this for a second.
00:56:43 You're the type of ***** that sends her kid.
00:56:45 Away to uh.
00:56:47 To boarding school. And here's this guy who appreciates the time with his kids.
00:56:54 I don't know. I could. I could see why you might.
00:56:56 Resent him for that.
Speaker 18
00:56:57 That made him feel better as a father.
00:57:01 On one occasion.
Speaker 9
00:57:01 I'm famously making you feel worse as a mother.
Speaker 18
00:57:04 Where is the part that he told me that I have to go.
00:57:07 Out of town.
00:57:09 And of course, if he was going out of town.
00:57:12 I was supposed.
00:57:13 To try to find out where was he headed? Says Oh well, where are you going, you know?
00:57:19 So that he said, kill them city in Oklahoma. In fact, he went to Oklahoma City regularly, which was the area nation compound in Oklahoma.
Speaker 9
00:57:33 OK, so he's going.
00:57:34 To Elohim, city. All right, clearly, to do something bad though, right?
Speaker 23
00:57:40 Rahim City was a place where a lot of the most notorious radical far right criminals of the time passed through on a regular basis.
00:57:53 So the FBI.
00:57:55 Wanted to know what was going on around him. City wanted to know who had passed through what was happening there.
Speaker 16
00:58:00 Virtually everyone in Elohim City felt the race war was inevitable and they would have to defend themselves. One day, the federal government would come busting him with guns, placing and there would be some kind of apocalyptic battle.
Speaker 9
00:58:14 Yeah, I I can't imagine.
00:58:16 Why they would think that the federal government would go in guns blazing.
00:58:22 After Ruby Ridge and Waco I, I can't imagine why people would think that.
Speaker 18
00:58:30 I knew from the FBI that work had been in Oklahoma City that day. It was very interesting because he told me that he was having a reoccurring dream where a bomb went off in the house. How many times have you dreamt about being in a bombing? I mean, it just didn't seem.
Speaker 9
00:58:47 Ohh then he's he's definitely guilty. He he he was the mastermind behind the Oklahoma City bombing because he had a dream once where someone put a.
00:58:56 Bomb in his house.
00:59:06 The Oklahoma City bombing happens, which, if you've watched Pat Kahn, you know.
00:59:11 The official story is ********.
00:59:14 The official story, so you gotta realize the climate at the time there was some white pushback for the first time, maybe in a long time, maybe ever, really.
00:59:23 You have people, everyday good people, ****** *** about Waco, ****** *** about Ruby Ridge.
00:59:29 People looking around for the first time and thinking, well, you know what, this whole we are getting replaced a little bit.
00:59:36 It was normal to be a member of a militia. The militia movement was gaining traction. It was becoming mainstream.
00:59:48 There was legislation that looked a lot like the Patriot Act that wasn't passing because people from red states knew that they wouldn't get reelected if they passed anything like that. Joe Biden was pushing it at the time.
01:00:02 As a senator.
01:00:10 And just like 911, which ushered in the Patriot Act.
01:00:16 Once you have the Oklahoma City bombing, all those dead kids all think of the dead kids.
01:00:26 Suddenly, there was a mood shift in the entire country.
01:00:34 People were quitting the militias because they were afraid of being associated with something like this.
01:00:41 The feds came down hard on militias.
01:00:45 They passed all that legislation that Biden wanted to get passed. That was the precursor to the Patriot Act, allowing the the federal government to spy on Americans.
Speaker 11
01:00:59 Problem neutralized.
Speaker 18
01:01:17 I know it's.
01:01:17 Mark, he's there. I knew that he.
01:01:20 Had been in Oklahoma City that day.
Speaker 9
01:01:22 Yeah. How first of all, how did you know that? And second of all it?
01:01:25 Wasn't him so?
01:01:28 So you just, you just knew these things. Oh, it gets better though.
Speaker 18
01:01:32 I believe that he was heavily involved in it. It was a Sunday.
Speaker 9
01:01:34 Oh, then he must have been.
01:01:35 Cause if you believed it.
Speaker 18
01:01:51 I looked out the window.
Speaker 9
01:01:52 See, it's it's it's been a year now. Remember her kid was sent away for six years.
01:01:58 It's only been a year now.
01:02:02 Now here's the totally real story. Remember, she has this tape recorder with her. She's recording all the conversations that take place when she's with him, when he's doing the supervised visits with the children.
01:02:12 She's she's recording everything. She's very nervous about it. In fact, you know, she wants, like, an idiot. Dropped the recorder out of her pocket. She thought that the Nazis were going to open.
01:02:21 Fire and shoot her dead on the spot. They didn't.
01:02:25 But then one day, when she doesn't have her tape recorder and she's at home.
Speaker 18
01:02:30 And I say, Oh my God, it was totally out of the blue and I didn't want him in my house. I never wanted him with my help. So I went out. So I I had no idea what he wanted. I I really didn't know what to expect because he never came here. And that's when he started.
01:02:49 To talk about.
Speaker 9
01:02:53 Everything hold on so.
Speaker 11
01:02:58 Then one day, for no reason at all.
Speaker 9
01:03:02 When you didn't have your tape recorder.
01:03:06 The evil Nazi guy came to your house and confessed everything.
01:03:12 After a year of you getting nothing.
01:03:16 He drives to your house and confesses everything.
01:03:22 Checks out.
01:03:24 Now look, this guy might have been. I don't know. Might have been tied there. There were some of these white supremacist militia groups we covered some of.
01:03:32 This in pakhan.
01:03:34 That were involved with bank robberies trying to get money for their movement and stuff like that.
01:03:39 We mostly in the.
01:03:42 The ones we cover in the northwest.
01:03:44 This is on the East Coast, but.
01:03:45 This this was something that happened, right?
01:03:50 But now she's claiming that this guy who the FBI wants really bad to be connected to these bank robberies because they can't find a connection between him and the Oklahoma City bombing they want to.
01:04:00 Take him down.
01:04:02 He came to her house.
01:04:05 And just confessed that he was tied to all these bank robberies and bad things.
Speaker 18
01:04:17 He told me that the FBI had linked to these bank robberies that were across the Midwest.
01:04:23 To the funding for the Oklahoma City bombing. And that was when he dropped some information that the FBI where it was, where he were really interested in.
01:04:37 He started.
01:04:37 Talking about.
Speaker 9
01:04:38 To ask yourself why this would ever in a million years.
01:04:40 Ever happen? Why?
01:04:47 Let's say everything else is true, right? Let's say he is a bank robber or he's tied to these bank robberies. He he's it's in the news, right? The Oklahoma City bombing that's all over the news. It's all anyone can talk.
01:04:58 About right.
01:05:01 So he's now tied to the this big national disaster, this big mass killing of children.
01:05:08 So what does he do? He goes to the government official who's in charge of of his supervised visits with his children.
01:05:16 And says that he's tied to bank robberies and terrorism.
01:05:20 For for no reason, there's no reason for it.
01:05:24 I guess he just had.
01:05:25 To talk to someone, right?
Speaker 18
01:05:27 That's the robberies and tells me about the costumes that these people wore.
01:05:33 But you know, there's too many of these robberies.
01:05:36 And Bunny costume and one was Santa Claus.
01:05:42 And that the monies from these robberies essentially were coming to him and packages disguised as gifts.
01:05:53 So he was afraid that he was about to be arrested. He was afraid that they wanted to kill him. He was about to go down.
01:06:02 He was desperate. He was desperate.
01:06:07 I just knew I wanted to get him out of here and that was all I could think of. I've got to get this man out of here. I don't want him to think that.
01:06:15 I'm going to give him any help.
01:06:19 And then he left. He was so agitated.
01:06:23 Whatever he said, as far as I was concerned, if.
01:06:25 There was something there.
01:06:27 That in any way linked him to any kind of crime. I was definitely going to.
01:06:33 Tell the FBI.
01:06:35 And this is a real turning point in this whole story.
Speaker 9
01:06:40 Yeah, it's a real.
Speaker 17
01:06:41 Turning button all the.
Speaker 9
01:06:42 All this information you didn't get get recorded.
01:06:46 Gets dumped in the FBI's lap. How convenient. How convenient, right?
Speaker 18
01:06:52 95 right after the Oklahoma City bombing. Maybe Hines asked me if I would be willing to bring up the name Michael Bracio during the supervision because Michael Brusio was the suspected John Doe, too. In the Oklahoma City bombing.
Speaker 9
01:07:08 The John notes.
Speaker 23
01:07:09 Russia was.
Speaker 9
01:07:09 Here that no one's looking for anymore. I wonder why the FBI has no interest whatsoever in finding John Doe #2 they, in fact, they after the Oklahoma City bombing started saying he didn't exist, that this was just Timothy McVeigh.
01:07:23 As a lone guy by himself, they they they totally disavow the idea that there was another person with him and in fact they killed.
01:07:31 The FBI tortured someone to death again, check out the Pat Khan series if you haven't seen it yet.
01:07:38 An innocent man that was in custody. They caught him at the border. He was.
01:07:43 Visiting, I think his wife in in Mexico and he wasn't supposed to leave the country because of his parole conditions and they, and this was in California, though they arrested them, they brought him to Oklahoma City and.
01:07:57 Tortured him to death.
01:07:59 Because they thought he was the so-called.
01:08:02 John Doe #2.
01:08:08 Again, check out the PACON series For more information on that.
Speaker 23
01:08:11 Was connected to Mark Thomas because he was friends with two of Thomas's protegees, Kevin McCarthy and Scott Stedeford. He stedeford and McCarthy were all members of the same.
01:08:21 White power punk.
01:08:21 Band Brusher played bass.
01:08:23 And that caught.
01:08:24 The FBI's attention they asked Russia about a phone call that McVeigh had made.
01:08:28 Two weeks before the bombing, he confirmed that he had concurrently, there was a poster campaign in Philadelphia which showed brushes picture because Russia bore A superficial resemblance to.
01:08:38 One of the.
Speaker 9
01:08:39 Ohh, look at that. There's jondo #2 back when they cared about finding him.
Speaker 23
01:08:44 The FBI sketches of John Doe 2.
Speaker 18
01:08:50 So I just remember thinking I might not do it.
01:08:56 That could have run away from it, or he could have fought it. I was into the fighting it. I was fighting for my family. I was fighting for my daughter. I was fighting.
Speaker 11
01:09:05 You are.
Speaker 18
01:09:06 For any other.
Speaker 9
01:09:06 The daughter that you sent to boarding school for six years.
Speaker 18
01:09:10 The other minority that was in the community that these people were going to victimize.
Speaker 7
01:09:15 Ohh yeah.
Speaker 9
01:09:16 He was fighting for all the my God *******.
Speaker 24
01:09:26 God dammit, FBI.
Speaker 9
01:09:28 I just I I can't. I I just.
Speaker 18
01:09:38 I remember this was at the pool. It's a warm summer afternoon. I keep thinking about how am I going to do this? And there are other people with this that I don't know.
Speaker 17
01:09:53 Like big tubs.
01:09:54 There's big tubs.
Speaker 18
01:09:55 I never knew what those people were capable of.
01:10:00 There were young men that were involved with them. I I didn't.
01:10:03 Know what they were capable of.
01:10:05 How do I ask about someone that really could be so important that if I asked, they knew exactly what I was doing and I was dead at that time? There was this whole thing about.
Speaker 9
01:10:16 We were so dad big.
01:10:17 Tubs was going to kill you right in front of their kids at the swimming pool.
01:10:21 She's she's super worried. She's gonna bring up this name, and they're gonna kill her. I'm sure. Right. All this scary music.
Speaker 18
01:10:27 With this, Michael Precio in the news, so he said, you know, hey, like you have the idea who this Michael Brush is.
01:10:41 Never heard of him.
Speaker 9
01:10:43 Ohh so nothing happened.
01:10:46 Again, again, nothing happens.
Speaker 18
01:10:51 Evidently, the police were asking everybody about my compression was very clear. They wanted no one to think that any of them knew Michael Brush.
01:10:58 And and some of them.
01:10:59 May not have, but I think.
01:11:00 Everybody did. That was sitting there.
Speaker 22
01:11:02 But you think?
Speaker 15
01:11:05 Uh, this is the big story. This is the the big story.
Speaker 9
01:11:09 That they have.
01:11:10 This woman went under cover and she saw this ****. This is.
Speaker 11
01:11:13 It's a whole lot of nothing.
Speaker 9
01:11:16 She brings up this name and they're like, yeah, I don't know.
01:11:19 Who that is?
01:11:20 Well, but I think they did. I bet they did. They just. I bet they did.
Speaker 18
01:11:25 I remained totally calm. Left came home and had a meltdown.
Speaker 9
01:11:33 Why nothing happened? Why did you have a meltdown?
01:11:37 So basically you're an unstable white woman.
01:11:43 Let's just be honest, you're an unstable white woman who didn't want to.
01:11:45 Raise a.
01:11:46 Kid and you wanted to feel like some kind of government secret agent?
01:11:51 Like you were, you were gonna. You were going to save all the.
01:11:53 Brown people in your town.
01:11:56 Like the three brown people in your town.
01:11:59 From the evil white supremacists.
01:12:02 And now you're enjoying your little 15 minutes here on history channel.
Speaker 18
01:12:06 That was the point where that this is enough.
01:12:12 I don't want to get killed.
Speaker 9
01:12:19 So then the FBI raided the camp.
01:12:22 And again three years. So this went on for three years.
01:12:27 But we still.
01:12:27 Don't have the Widener you know after they left, the FBI came and raided the camp and arrested a bunch of people.
01:12:36 Problem solved, right? Why is your kid still in boarding school?
01:12:39 For another three years after that.
01:12:48 The FBI, with all their their probable cause thanks to the the testimony of this Karen that decided that, you know, she I'm sure she was the reliable source that that tied, you know, made all the connections for them, right.
Speaker 18
01:13:03 It was all.
01:13:04 Over the news, they come in.
01:13:05 With helicopters, I guess surrounded the compound and he was arrested.
01:13:17 You have no idea how excited it was.
Speaker 4
01:13:20 Thank God finally.
Speaker 9
01:13:20 Yeah, you were so excited. You sent for your daughter back, right then. Then you lived happily ever after, right?
Speaker 18
01:13:25 Finally, you know, finally this guy is behind bars. What Thomas was sentenced to 14 years in prison and.
01:13:38 Gave me a sigh of relief.
Speaker 9
01:13:40 So you got your daughter back, right?
01:13:44 Right. Because he was. Uh.
01:13:47 He was involved in the bank.
Speaker 18
01:13:49 Robbery, right. Right. I was finally home and they were gone. There was no one there. The compound was empty.
Speaker 9
01:13:52 Your daughter came back.
01:14:01 Oh, good. So get your daughter.
Speaker 18
01:14:05 There were no motorcycles with skinheads going up and down the road anymore and.
Speaker 9
01:14:10 This is she was the HOA.
01:14:13 That's what she was really mad about was motorcycles like skinheads riding motorcycles.
01:14:18 She's telling you.
01:14:20 Oh, it was great. All the all the motorcycles were gone. Finally, all the those loud motorcycles that sometimes they rubbed their engine.
Speaker 18
01:14:28 It was just like there was a.
01:14:32 Sort of. A peacefulness felt over the village.
Speaker 9
01:14:37 So it's safe.
01:14:37 For your daughter now, right?
Speaker 18
01:14:38 I'm so glad it's not here anymore. I don't perceive any evil here anymore. We're fortunate that it's gone from the community.
01:14:51 What would you say?
01:14:52 To a young person who's thinking about.
Speaker 16
01:14:55 Going undercover was watching this.
Speaker 18
01:14:58 It's not easy to do. You'll lose friends doing it. You'll you'll lose a lot of connections and sometimes you lose yourself a little bit.
01:15:08 Because you're trying to put it all.
01:15:09 Together in your head.
01:15:11 And you better be tough. You have to be tough.
Speaker 8
01:15:13 But she's.
Speaker 18
01:15:17 But overall, I can look back.
01:15:19 And say that I feel good.
01:15:20 About what I did you.
01:15:21 Know everybody went to jail. The greater community lost this compound. But in terms of of my family, I lost my daughter because it was not safe to keep her in the community.
01:15:36 So that was really, really difficult and unfortunately today we just don't have the relationship that I wish.
01:15:42 That we had.
01:15:48 My daughter is married, living somewhere in Chester County.
01:15:55 You don't know much else about her. You were really.
Speaker 9
01:16:00 There it is.
01:16:03 My daughter is married and living in some county, I think, and she's married or something and I don't know.
01:16:09 Well, why would your daughter be so ****** ***? I can't imagine, right?
01:16:15 I mean, doesn't she understand how tough you were and how you really stuck it?
01:16:18 To the Nazis.
01:16:22 Or does she realize that you just sent?
01:16:23 Her away because you didn't want to be a mom.
01:16:27 And now she doesn't want anything to do with you. In the same way.
01:16:30 You didn't want anything to do with her when she was a kid.
01:16:34 That's what this is really about.
01:16:47 Had nothing to do with white supremacy. You were just a bad mom and you wanted an idyllic little neighborhood and you didn't like skinheads on motorcycles.
01:16:56 And as it happens, you found out you didn't like being a mom either. So you sent your little Korean daughter away for.
01:17:01 To boarding school.
01:17:02 For years after this was all resolved, so it couldn't have been to keep her away from the scary horse poisoning prank call making Nazi s s.
01:17:12 Uniform wearing Jeep driving skinheads, right?
01:17:20 You're just a dumb *****.
01:17:22 You're a dumb ***** that wanted to patrol your neighborhood.
01:17:30 And now you're sad. Now it's the Nazis fault, right? The Nazis are the ones that ruined your the relationship with your daughter. That.
01:17:36 You sent away for six years.
Speaker 11
01:17:45 See the the ****** ** thing is is the.
Speaker 9
01:17:48 The History Channel when they aired this.
01:17:51 That's not going to be the take away for most of the people in the audience. Most of the people are going to hear that scary music. They're going to be influenced by it. They're going to see those scary burning crosses and burning swastikas and the angry guy with the suspenders and the skinheads and the people with the tattoos, and they're going to say, oh, that woman is so brave. It's a good thing she was there.
01:18:09 To protect us all from white supremacy.
01:18:15 Ohh, it's a shame she had to sacrifice her relationship with her daughter. I wish her daughter would understand how. What a hero.
01:18:21 Her mom wants.
01:18:24 That's the power of television right there.
01:18:30 When you actually analyze the meat of what they're saying, there's it tells a totally different story.
01:18:38 There was a guy who. Yeah, maybe he was involved somehow with these bank robberies. I don't know. But she has nothing to do with any of that.
01:18:54 She's literally just a Karen.
01:19:00 And a terrible mom.
01:19:03 Stunning and brave.
Speaker 18
01:19:06 I still worry about she's safe.
Speaker 9
01:19:10 I'm still worried that the white supremacists are going to get her and poison her horse.
Speaker 18
01:19:14 But I don't if I can only assume.
01:19:16 That she is she.
01:19:20 She's living her own life.
Speaker 9
01:19:24 And it says volumes that she doesn't want anything.
01:19:28 To do with you.
01:19:35 Anything to do with you?
01:19:37 Despite your heroic efforts to keep her safe.
01:19:44 Well, if that's the, that's the first story. What about the second story? I'm sure that this one's a lot more serious.
01:19:52 Now we're in Birmingham, AL.
Speaker 19
01:20:05 I grew up in Pennsylvania.
01:20:07 Playing football in college.
01:20:11 I spent about 30 years in law enforcement.
01:20:15 In ATF, they're usually 2 paths an agent will follow. I started out doing undercover the first year on the job.
Speaker 9
01:20:28 He's a real.
01:20:29 Tough guy.
Speaker 25
01:20:29 During night.
Speaker 9
01:20:31 Real tough guy like.
01:20:32 Those those men standing over the smoldering corpses.
01:20:36 In their ATF uniforms and Waco.
Speaker 19
01:20:38 Go 1992. I spent eight months undercover as an ATF special agent in a white power group.
Speaker 9
01:20:47 White power group. So you you found a white power group and you infiltrated it, huh?
01:20:52 Because there were so many of them, it was this rising scourge. There was the the the Nazis were were almost like a zombie Nazis climbing out of their graves, right.
01:21:04 It was this disease of white supremacy that was spreading like a pandemic all across America in the early 90s and and so it was easy for you to go in there and infiltrate one of these groups as an ATF agent and pretend to be one of them.
01:21:17 And take them.
01:21:17 Down yet another hero that went undercover to save us from white supremacy. I'm sure that that's what.
01:21:23 Is that what happened?
Speaker 19
01:21:26 I wanted to make sure the story gets told.
01:21:31 Sometimes we have a short memory and I don't want anybody to forget just how bad it was and how bad it could be tomorrow.
Speaker 9
01:21:42 Must have been really bad. I mean, you know that, like you said, in 1992, you went undercover.
01:21:49 All these white, I mean that that map in the beginning, right, there was something like 800 some odd white supremacy groups. So tell us about the the one you joined.
Speaker 19
01:22:06 ******. Well, when I first went to Alabama, it was sort of on a lark. My wife and I wanted to transfer there because we had friends in Alabama. We didn't have any children yet. We were newly married and we wanted to just see a different part of the country. And when I first got there, I met Bart MacIntyre and and Bart involved me in an undercover that targeted.
01:22:25 Several violent offenders of a white hate group, specifically the Arian National Front. He had been working the case for several months and then I became involved in January of that year.
Speaker 16
01:22:36 The target was Billy Racio. Bill ratio has been in the white supremacist movement for decades, some 30 years. You know, he's often described as the kind of neo-Nazi godfather of the Deep South.
Speaker 20
01:22:51 Bill Riccio was a dangerous individual due to his ability to manipulate people.
Speaker 19
01:22:59 The Aryan National Front and done armored car robberies had killed a couple of off duty policemen, shootouts. Several members killed Alan Berg, who was a Jewish talk show hosts actually some homeless men just beaten to death and stabbed.
Speaker 7
01:23:09 It's very killed.
Speaker 19
01:23:15 So if we didn't go now, it would turn to homicides, to mass murders, to blowing up federal buildings. That's where it was headed.
Speaker 8
01:23:26 That's what was.
Speaker 9
01:23:26 Said we knew.
01:23:27 We knew that they were.
01:23:28 Gonna blow up federal buildings.
01:23:31 Prior to the Oklahoma City thing.
01:23:34 We just knew we knew it was going to happen. I don't know how we knew, but we knew.
01:23:40 And the stuff he's talking about wasn't. This was stuff that, you know, the things he was talking about with Alan Berg and all that stuff. That's that. That was the north Northwest guys that had nothing with Alabama, but anyway.
01:23:52 I'm sure he infiltrated their group, right? The evil Nazi group.
Speaker 19
01:24:01 You had huge numbers of white power groups around the country. What Billy Russia was trying to do was align these groups together.
01:24:12 The problem was it would take you years to operate on the same level as the leaders in the white power move.
01:24:21 So we had an idea we're going to.
01:24:24 Start a new group called the White Reich.
Speaker 9
01:24:27 Wait, hold on. Hold on. Hold on, hold on.
Speaker 15
01:24:33 So there's like 800 some odd groups.
Speaker 9
01:24:38 And you started your own.
01:24:40 You couldn't infiltrate one that already existed. You just.
01:24:43 Made one up.
01:24:45 But I thought there was like all these groups all across the country and it with the big danger was this Russian.
01:24:49 Guy was going to connect them all and.
01:24:52 I don't know, something bad would happen as a result, right? So.
01:24:55 So the ATF just made-up a white power group.
Speaker 19
01:25:02 That was the cover story. We thought maybe they'd accept us in because we already had St. cred because we were the white, right?
Speaker 9
01:25:13 If these guys had, like all this Intel going on, wouldn't they know you?
01:25:16 Just made one up.
01:25:19 If they were these these powerful guys, the one they know that wait, we've never heard of you guys. You just made it.
01:25:23 Up or is it? It was so uncommon.
01:25:29 So OK, so you you invented a white supremacist?
01:25:32 Group called the White Reich. OK, got it.
Speaker 19
01:25:35 That's how we warmed our way into it and.
01:25:38 Worked the case.
01:25:41 No one has ever gone undercover before or after this, using the same techniques that we did.
Speaker 9
01:25:48 Ohh yeah, I'm sure. I'm sure the federal government has never, never done that ever again, right?
01:25:54 This is this.
01:25:55 Was a one time thing, then creating their own group that that they then used to try to take down the people. I'm sure this is the only time it's ever happened, right?
01:26:05 I know some federal cases that were recently resolved that would that would say otherwise, but.
Speaker 19
01:26:10 Because it was so crazy and so dangerous.
Speaker 20
01:26:15 For the agents to create a parallel white supremacist white hate group was unprecedented.
Speaker 3
01:26:23 It would give.
Speaker 20
01:26:23 You historic validity and credibility with the other groups, but they had to have the ability to sell it and they did.
Speaker 19
01:26:33 When you first go under, the first meaning is the most dangerous because nobody knows each other.
Speaker 9
01:26:46 So they pretend to be in.
01:26:47 This white power group they invented.
01:26:49 And they go to this Riccio guy.
01:26:55 Because they believe he's buying and stockpiling weapons and explosives for an upcoming attack.
01:27:02 So that's their big thing, right? They believe they have any evidence of it. They just think he's.
01:27:06 He must be planning something.
01:27:09 White people in the forest.
01:27:12 You can never trust him.
01:27:14 He must be planning something.
01:27:16 So we're we're inventing this white hate group to get our to get.
01:27:19 To go visit him.
01:27:21 And find out his big plan, cause he's certainly planning something.
Speaker 19
01:27:28 People had set up a compound called the warehouse. It was on top of the mountain about 20 miles South of the city of Birmingham.
01:27:40 Barton, I just walked up.
01:27:45 Well, it must have been pretty.
Speaker 9
01:27:46 Dangerous going to the secret warehouse.
01:27:49 If you just walked up and they didn't shoot you on site, right?
Speaker 19
01:27:52 We encountered a few Members who came out.
01:27:56 Bart identifying S He's leader of the White Reich.
01:28:00 This is his.
01:28:01 Right hand man. I couldn't believe it worked.
Speaker 7
01:28:11 Ciao, brother.
Speaker 19
01:28:11 I walk in and it's just covered with posters and Nazi flags, so we went around and we.
Speaker 8
01:28:18 Posters and flags.
Speaker 9
01:28:21 I thought you said.
01:28:21 They were stockpiling weapons. They got posters and flags.
Speaker 19
01:28:25 We met Billy Risio.
01:28:27 It was like a normal guy and then he opened his mouth.
Speaker 11
01:28:31 Alright, little normal guy.
Speaker 13
01:28:31 Everybody ready to take back Alabama?
Speaker 19
01:28:35 He would scream and rant and he was very fiery in his rhetoric.
Speaker 9
01:28:41 Freedom of speech, posters, flags, rhetoric.
Speaker 19
01:28:42 This time I met him my.
Speaker 9
01:28:47 Now this that sounds dangerous.
Speaker 19
01:28:47 I thought you're done.
01:28:49 Just a matter of time.
01:28:52 I was told from the.
01:28:53 First day you could die, you get killed. I was never in anything like this ever in my career.
Speaker 9
01:29:02 By the way, this really underscores the the, the, the, the real ******* that these people are, these are the ATF agents. The real ******* that they are, like they're real tough when they're shooting a girl, a a pregnant woman in the head.
01:29:15 When they're burning little kids in a compound.
01:29:18 But ultimately, they're a bunch of scared little *******.
01:29:23 They're really no different than that Karen *****.
Speaker 19
01:29:28 The operation and the unification was getting bigger and bigger in the white power movement, all stemming from Billy Reese yell in the group at the warehouse and the war compound.
Speaker 9
01:29:39 By the way, this kind of also explains why they they pulled the operations that they did at the Unite.
01:29:45 The right rally.
01:29:48 You got to understand that the reason why they they went after that was because the one thing they can't have.
01:29:54 Is people on the right actually having any?
01:29:57 Kind of unity.
01:29:59 They need the infighting, they need the purity spiralling. They the one thing they cannot have is any kind of because.
01:30:06 Look, there's, there's.
01:30:07 Power in numbers.
01:30:09 The one thing they can't allow is for white people to collectivize in any way, shape or form. That's really what this is all about.
01:30:19 When they say white supremacy, all they're really talking about is is collective white political power.
01:30:27 And they'll attach all these things to it like ohh yeah, they were there. And look, some of these groups have done stupid things like robbing armored cars and robbing banks and stuff like that because they are underfunded.
01:30:42 But acting as if there was going to be some big uprising right there, there was going to be this race war initiated by white people is insane.
01:30:53 The real problem they're solving is white people using their collective power.
01:31:02 To go against the great replacement, that's really what.
01:31:04 It comes down to.
01:31:06 They knew it then they know it now.
01:31:19 See, that's the other thing, too, the ATF believe.
01:31:23 That he's funneling weapons and explosives to other white separatist groups for an upcoming attack.
01:31:30 That's what they they believe.
01:31:35 An upcoming attack that that.
01:31:37 I'm sure obviously they found proof of right.
01:31:42 So they send him in with a wire with their fake white supremacist group that cause they couldn't find when to join themselves.
Speaker 19
01:31:49 I was wearing a transmitter and a recorder. The transmitter transmitted out on a frequency that other agents could monitor.
01:31:58 You're live. Everything you say is recorded.
01:32:02 So as we walked up that road, I'm putting what we call a header on the recording January 12th, 1992.
01:32:11 This is Dave Baron, special Agent, ATF badge #2718.
01:32:17 Here, with special Agent Mark McIntyre, undercover capacity meeting Bill Recio at all ongoing criminal investigation.
Speaker 20
01:32:28 Back in the 90s, one of the devices that we utilized was a Nagra. It was a thin silver box, probably the size of which you know is a mini iPad today.
01:32:39 It was a reel to reel tape so you had to set it yourself and then it had two external antennas that you would strap to your body. So concealment was a big problem.
Speaker 4
01:32:50 Got it.
Speaker 19
01:32:51 First time you walk into any undercover wearing a wire, you're tight. You're nervous. All the thoughts are running through your mind. Is somebody going to catch me with it? Am I going?
01:33:01 To be found out.
Speaker 2
01:33:03 Hey bro.
Speaker 19
01:33:05 The problem is everybody wanted to hug me, so it was very personal. They wanted to touch you and look in your eyes, and that was the hardest part because the transmitter was very large and when somebody hugged.
Speaker 11
01:33:07 Are they sounds dangerous? They're hunting.
Speaker 19
01:33:19 You they could feel it.
Speaker 5
01:33:21 But you have to assume that anybody that's coming in could potentially be an informant. One of the things that I always tell people is don't say anything around any of us that you wouldn't say inside a police station. All it takes is 1 informant recording wearing a wire. Just words cannot.
01:33:41 Get you locked up.
Speaker 19
01:33:44 Anytime you do an undercover, you're always gathering intelligence. You're always gathering information about your targets. I walk around and get tape on everybody, but the problem was you could only get about an hour and a half to two hours out.
01:33:56 Of a tape.
01:34:02 Going to the bathroom to change the tape out, you're talking probably 30 seconds.
01:34:10 That's the most dangerous time.
Speaker 9
01:34:13 Sure, something bad happened cause all this music but.
Speaker 19
01:34:15 Anyway, during the undercover and you're constantly trying to gather intelligence from other people. Talk to them, talk to everybody, talk to the violators.
01:34:25 I singled Kenny Collins out. He was more intelligent than the rest of them. He liked to philosophize and he liked to talk at that higher academic level. So, you know, I'm thinking my undercover persona can like this guy.
01:34:43 And I can manipulate him and I can turn him. And that's what I did with Ken I.
Speaker 9
01:34:48 I want you to hear about this right. They're they're going in there because they think that they're they're stockpiling explosives and guns for some big attack. Right. He goes in there wearing a wire. They're not doing that. They've got posters. They've got rhetoric. They've got, you know, maybe scary tattoos and stuff like that.
01:35:07 He finds a guy that he can try to.
01:35:09 Manipulate his words.
01:35:14 And starts working on them.
Speaker 19
01:35:17 I had been asking for some military explosives. I've been asking for.
01:35:21 It for a.
01:35:21 Couple of months so out of the blue.
Speaker 11
01:35:25 Kenny says to.
Speaker 19
01:35:26 Bart and I, I think I have what you're looking for, he said. I met some guys who were in the army at Fort Benning.
01:35:34 They can provide for the movement.
Speaker 9
01:35:38 So again, they're not doing anything until this ATF guy comes in and starts working on a guy trying to manipulate him. Hey, you wanna be? You know, I wanna be friends with the.
01:35:49 The big, tough, cool guy.
01:35:51 Want to impress this?
01:35:52 Guy's part of the White Reich.
01:35:55 I'm going to.
Speaker 11
01:35:56 Ask for months, months.
Speaker 9
01:35:59 For weapons and explosives, and then finally, this guy, in an effort to gain your your approval is like.
01:36:07 Ohh I I think I.
01:36:08 Can get. I think I can get you something.
Speaker 19
01:36:12 And I.
01:36:12 Thought wow holy.
01:36:15 We were going to get the explosives.
01:36:16 And prove a military connection.
01:36:21 We want to connect.
01:36:23 Everybody to the explosives, the firearms and the plans.
01:36:27 To kill people.
Speaker 9
01:36:29 Wait plans to kill people so there's plans to kill people. OK, let's see these plans to kill people and. And you want to you want to connect all the people there to this one guy. That said that I I can maybe get weapons.
01:36:41 That you're asking for, OK.
Speaker 19
01:36:47 The hardest part of undercover is thinking about killing people all the time. One time into a bar, they said.
Speaker 9
01:36:54 Why are you thinking about killing?
01:36:55 People all the time.
01:36:59 You're kind of coming. You're coming.
01:37:00 Across as the Psycho in this situation.
01:37:04 All right, you're coming across as the psycho in this situation.
01:37:09 Because right now, let's let's let's get it. Let's.
01:37:12 Put it all together.
01:37:13 Right now we've got a group of guys who have, like, a clubhouse in the forest.
01:37:19 And they've got Nazi posters and tattoos or whatever, and they go up and they hang out there and they talk about.
01:37:26 Hating Jews or I don't know that you even said that. I'm just. I'm my my imagination. I'm.
01:37:31 Just trying to figure.
01:37:31 Out they're talking about that. It's bad rhetoric, is what you said, so who knows?
01:37:35 What that actually means?
01:37:39 You invent a.
Speaker 11
01:37:40 White power group.
Speaker 9
01:37:42 Called the White Reich.
01:37:44 You then lie your way into their clubhouse.
01:37:48 Find the weakest link and start badgering him for months.
01:37:53 To get you weapons and inexpensively.
01:37:56 The whole while you're constantly thinking about killing people.
01:38:04 You're the psycho in this situation.
Speaker 19
01:38:09 I will shoot the four bad guys that are closest to me.
Speaker 9
01:38:12 You're. You're these guys that you're pretending to be friends of the whole time you're thinking you're gonna shoot and kill four of them.
Speaker 19
01:38:19 Me and before they get me.
01:38:21 I'm gonna shoot myself.
Speaker 9
01:38:23 So you're you're a homie. You're you're. You're fantasizing about murder, suicide.
01:38:30 The whole time.
01:38:32 With your made-up white supremacy group.
01:38:35 That you're using to lie to people.
01:38:38 To go hang out with them.
01:38:42 That you're then manipulating into, providing you with weapons.
01:38:47 The people that think you're you're friends with them.
01:38:50 The whole time you're fantasizing about a murder? Suicide.
01:38:55 About killing four of them and then putting a.
01:38:57 Gun in your mouth.
01:39:02 You are the psycho in this situation.
Speaker 19
01:39:07 1234 bad guys and one for.
01:39:09 Me and I thought, wow, how screwed up is that pretty?
Speaker 15
01:39:15 ******* screwed up.
Speaker 21
01:39:16 The thought that I have a gun and I can shoot myself and it can be clean and it can be immediate, is a coping strategy I have that option I.
Speaker 9
01:39:19 Oh, it's the lesbian again.
Speaker 21
01:39:26 Can do it to myself.
01:39:32 So if I'm infiltrating a violent group.
01:39:35 You have to be worried that they're going.
01:39:37 To suspect that there's a rat.
Speaker 9
01:39:40 Yeah, because there literally was.
Speaker 19
01:39:41 We were at the compound at the warehouse with Bill, resale and some other Members and we were seated.
01:39:46 Around a table.
01:39:47 And we were having a few drinks, few beers General. They were just generally conversing about.
01:39:54 The white power movement.
01:39:56 We just were kind of.
Speaker 9
01:39:57 Talking. So they were hanging out and and playing cards and talking about.
01:40:02 White replacement or something like that. Having some beers having a good time, you know, you you. Meanwhile you're you're thinking about murder, suicide.
01:40:10 And you know, judging by the scary music, something's maybe now we're we're about to see the dark side of these guys, right? They're they're.
01:40:17 ****** ups about to happen, I'm imagining.
Speaker 19
01:40:20 And off the cuff, I said something like when I was in college.
01:40:28 And I'm like ohh.
01:40:32 That was not the right thing to say.
01:40:35 Was probably one of the most dangerous, inconsequential statements I ever made.
Speaker 11
01:40:41 What you looking out there, college boy?
Speaker 19
01:40:45 That's when you start to lose a little.
01:40:47 Bit of touch with reality.
Speaker 1
01:40:51 OK.
Speaker 15
01:40:55 And shot some other guy.
Speaker 20
01:40:59 College, huh? Yeah.
Speaker 9
01:41:01 Ohh wait, that was just all in the crazy imagination of the guy who's constantly fantasizing about murder, suicide.
Speaker 19
01:41:09 Yeah, I was in college for a year.
01:41:11 I said I I ended up beating out of this Jew and ended up kicking the ***. You know, they're all controlled by Jews anyway. And he goes. Yeah, yeah, you're right. But he goes. Why were you in college? I said, well, my old man made me go.
01:41:23 I said he made me go to college and I.
01:41:24 Hated it, but we were studying criminal justice.
Speaker 9
01:41:31 Literally nothing happened. You're just a scared little *****.
01:41:36 And you're imagining all these crazy psycho scenario. You're this paranoid little fagot that is just constantly attributing the worst parts of your personality to other people around you. You keep, think you. You're projecting all this violence under these random people that are taking you in as a friend, that you're lying to while fantasizing about.
01:41:55 Answering them and you're and because they're not coming up there, they don't have any weapons stockpiled. They don't have any explosive stockpile. They're not actually doing themselves. You're you're trying to manipulate one of them into doing something illegal.
01:42:10 And then you say something mundane like you went to college and you think your first thought is they're going to murder you because they think you went to college.
01:42:19 You are the psycho in this situation.
Speaker 19
01:42:23 When you do this stuff long enough, thinking about killing people all the time is not natural starts to wear away at you.
Speaker 9
01:42:29 No, it's not natural.
01:42:30 Why were you thinking about killing?
01:42:32 People all the time. These are the people, the the the same personality type, by the way. These are the same people going after people like you and me.
01:42:43 Literal ******* psychos.
Speaker 19
01:42:46 And he has none. Matter how tough you think you are. It just it never leaves you.
01:42:51 But I had to stay focused.
Speaker 9
01:42:52 Right. This sounds like the ramblings of a madman.
Speaker 8
01:42:57 Ohh I was just.
01:42:58 Thinking about killing all the time, it never leaves.
Speaker 19
01:43:00 You. What do you mean it?
Speaker 9
01:43:01 Never leaves you. You're always thinking about killing people like even now.
Speaker 15
01:43:05 He he probably is.
Speaker 19
01:43:08 The violence was escalating. It was spreading all across the country.
Speaker 9
01:43:11 Well, OK, give us some examples. You can't just say that and, but they do.
01:43:17 The violence was escalating. I was hearing all these things happening, all really. You were just hearing about these things, this is.
01:43:24 What I'm talking about?
01:43:31 This is what I was talking about.
01:43:34 This is why Oklahoma City had to happen, because nothing actually was happening.
Speaker 19
01:43:40 There were reports all over America Ohh report shootings and church fires that they were attributing to these.
01:43:46 White power organizations.
Speaker 9
01:43:47 Oh, they were attributing.
01:43:52 That sounds that sounds like solid evidence.
Speaker 19
01:43:55 Positions. It was about ready to go like a powder cave.
Speaker 9
01:43:58 Oh yeah, it's about ready to go.
Speaker 19
01:43:59 Bill Recio and others were actively trying to bring together and unify various white power groups. Skinheads, Aryan National Front members, White Aryan resistance members.
01:44:12 They wanted to have this huge unification rally and he was going to bring it all together in June in Birmingham, AL.
Speaker 9
01:44:20 See, that was the sin.
01:44:22 A rally a unification rally.
01:44:26 A unite the right rally, if you will.
01:44:31 That was the sin. There were no stockpiled weapons. There were no stockpiled explosives. There were no plans to do terrorist attacks.
01:44:40 The sin.
01:44:42 Was a unification rally.
Speaker 19
01:44:48 So anybody who was anybody in the white power movement was there. That's dangerous. There was all kinds of people. They're making speeches and all these people are talking about is killing Jews.
01:45:03 Blacks, there's all kinds of alcohol flowing, and then Bill's preaching and everybody's whipped into a frenzy. And then being another guy walk outside and like the swamp.
Speaker 9
01:45:35 There's that stock footage.
01:45:38 See this. This doesn't that look like the image used in a lot of these articles.
01:45:45 Hate speech. Hate speech on the rye, anti-Semitism on the rise in America. Stock photo.
Speaker 19
01:45:57 That's when we got the first hand grenade simulator.
Speaker 9
01:46:01 She they they cut it real quick. Hand grenade simulator.
01:46:07 They they breeze over this real quick. They keep talking about explosives.
01:46:12 He got a hand grenade simulator, in other words, for those you don't know.
01:46:17 When they're training people.
01:46:21 At a military base.
01:46:23 And they don't want you using live grenades. They have hand grenade simulators.
01:46:29 So not an actual grenade.
01:46:31 Hand grenade simulator. So this guy that he's been harassing for months?
01:46:37 That he's trying to befriend that while in his head, apparently picturing himself murdering him.
01:46:44 Demanding. Explosive.
01:46:47 This guy, in an effort to to gain his approval.
01:46:51 Gives him a, a, a hand grenade simulator.
Speaker 19
01:46:55 That's when we got the first hand grenade simulator.
01:47:00 Kenny says, hey, you guys still looking for some military explosives? And I said, yeah, we got a job in Florida, and he goes, I got it. He produced one about 9:00 at night and actually handed it to me.
Speaker 9
01:47:21 One hand grenade simulator.
01:47:26 That's the that. That's the big explosives.
01:47:30 That this, this army in the in the in the forest was stockpiling.
01:47:36 One hand grenade simulator.
Speaker 19
01:47:40 Now we have tangible evidence proven that we have a military grade explosive device. Somebody in the movement was stealing them and providing them to other non military people to hurt and kill.
01:47:57 Our job from that point forward is to connect the dots and find out who in Columbus at Fort Benning was stealing and providing those explosives. The white power movement.
Speaker 9
01:48:11 Then of course, they talked about the Oklahoma City bombing.
01:48:15 Because nothing's really happened in any of these stories like nothing's happened.
01:48:21 So they have to like make it sound serious.
01:48:25 So then the Oklahoma City bombing happened, and now he knows. Oh, shit's for real now.
Speaker 14
01:48:30 This might turn into like a Revolutionary War two scenario.
Speaker 9
01:48:33 Oh, it's going to be a Revolutionary War Part 2.
01:48:38 See, the stakes are high. He got he got a hand grenade simulator. So it's about to be the Revolutionary War Part 2.
Speaker 19
01:48:51 They watched it for about, oh, about a minute and I thought.
01:48:56 And that's what everybody I ever dealt with in the movement talked about doing.
Speaker 16
01:49:06 Oklahoma City was the culmination of this movement becoming truly revolutionary, truly willing to murder men, women and children.
Speaker 3
01:49:11 So it was very.
Speaker 16
01:49:16 It really showed in a way that this country had never seen what this movement was capable of.
Speaker 17
01:49:21 Hey, it's Zoe.
Speaker 19
01:49:21 Almost there. We wanted bigger and more and we wanted to identify more, and I knew the window was closing because ATF headquarters said it's ending.
Speaker 9
01:49:34 So really, what's happening is he's not providing anything, and even the ATF at this point is like you guys, I mean.
01:49:43 We can only fund your fake white power movement for so long with you getting 0 results.
01:49:50 So you gotta you gotta. You gotta bring us some results. So we're going to cut off funding to.
01:49:54 Your fake white power.
01:49:55 Movement thing.
Speaker 19
01:49:57 They gave me a drop dead date of like August 10.
Speaker 9
01:50:02 So now he knows pressures on, he's got a he's got a force these guys to do something illegal because he's been he's been investigating them this whole time. He's got a wire the whole time. And even in the climate of the Oklahoma City bombing, he's not able to get anything on him.
Speaker 19
01:50:24 So Ken Collins was taking me to meet the military members who had previously provided the stolen hand grenade simulator.
Speaker 9
01:50:34 So basically, some young guys in basic training at a base somewhere trying to make some money on the side.
01:50:42 Or try to sound tough or to try. Try to impress people.
01:50:46 Stalled. Some hand grenade simulators.
01:50:49 Again, not actual hand grenades.
01:50:53 And he's like, yeah, I need more of this. I need more of this.
01:50:57 So they workout some deal with some low IQ army guys trying to be cool.
Speaker 19
01:51:03 I was going to try to build a relationship with them and get more explosives and more stolen military property under the roofs that I wanted to blow up a synagogue or a black church.
01:51:18 So we're going to Columbus, GA to the outskirts of Fort Benning.
01:51:25 One of them, Zimmerman, he was covered Nazi tattoos.
Speaker 15
01:51:29 Zimmerman, Zimmerman, Zimmerman, you, you say?
01:51:38 What was that, Zimmerman?
Speaker 9
01:51:45 Well, who knows, right?
Speaker 19
01:51:50 Zimmerman was running the show. He did all the talking. He was the one that we dealt with.
01:51:58 I'll never forget this as long as I.
01:51:59 Live, he said.
01:52:00 You better not me and I put my arm on his shoulders and I go. Brother, I'd never be you. This is for the movement. So I talked him into it. Here's where it starts to go sideways on.
Speaker 9
01:52:14 So he he talks Zimmerman.
01:52:19 Possibly, possibly German, but Zimmerman?
01:52:25 The Zimmerman, the, the, the, the.
01:52:28 Head Nazi Zimmerman.
01:52:31 They they still didn't want to do it.
01:52:34 So he he does what government agents do, and he convinces him to do something illegal. Dishonest.
Speaker 19
01:52:42 I said, hey, what's the deal? We're going to, we're going to do this. We're going to get the explosives or not? He said. Yeah, he goes, we got them for you. He said they're.
01:52:50 Out in the woods.
01:52:52 I need you guys to go pick him up and I.
01:52:54 Say what kind?
01:52:55 Of Bolt is this and he looks at me and.
01:52:58 He goes no.
01:53:00 You go get it.
01:53:02 I told you where it is and two of them come out of the house.
01:53:05 And both of them are carrying guns.
01:53:09 Now I'm a little nervous.
Speaker 16
01:53:11 Where's yours?
Speaker 19
01:53:11 Red flags were going off because.
Speaker 9
01:53:14 Because you're a scared little ***** and you think everyone's always about to murder you all the time.
01:53:19 Kind of like the people that.
01:53:21 Pull your strings.
Speaker 19
01:53:24 You change the location and the deal. I knew my heart. This is too dangerous.
01:53:32 Ken Collins was saying these guys don't trust us. They're crazy. They'll kill us.
01:53:41 You know what I had already committed? The deal was done. I was committed. It was going to happen. So we go down the road and we drive and we find the location.
Speaker 16
01:53:56 And that's when things like side.
Speaker 19
01:53:56 We parked the car, I went out.
Speaker 9
01:53:58 Gets right cause you said things went sideways, so clearly this is when they.
01:54:02 They attack you and they kill your partner because we haven't heard from your partner, so he's probably dead, right? So they this is when they they know that you know Zimmermann's, like, get them, get them boys.
Speaker 19
01:54:11 Kenny gets out.
01:54:15 One of the soldiers pointing a gun down the road and the other ones pointing a gun down in the woods. I go. Hey, what? What's going on? Where's this stuff at? He goes down there.
Speaker 18
01:54:27 Like it? Just take it easy.
01:54:31 And just spend the.
Speaker 19
01:54:34 Ken Coleman starts flipping out and saying, hey, I think they're gonna whack us. I said they're not going to whack us. I'm going to get this stuff. So I start walking down that road. That was the most dangerous walk I think I ever took in my life.
Speaker 9
01:54:49 Well, why was it so dangerous? Something dangerous happened.
Speaker 19
01:54:54 I was sweating. I mean, I was so scared. My heart was pounding.
Speaker 8
01:55:01 It's very music. This must be it.
Speaker 5
01:55:02 I thought for.
Speaker 19
01:55:02 Sure, they were gonna hose us down the machine gunfire. I really thought it was over. I remember thinking about the last football game I played in high school.
Speaker 1
01:55:08 Here it comes.
Speaker 11
01:55:19 And then nothing happened.
Speaker 19
01:55:20 That was a great game, I thought. I'm going to push through it naked, so I go down about 100 feet further in the woods. I looked down and there's a bag. I reached over to get that.
01:55:38 Tag and I was waiting for the rounds to hit me. I mean, I really was waiting for the.
01:55:43 Rounds to hit me.
Speaker 8
01:55:49 And the nothing.
Speaker 19
01:55:51 I look around, I rip it open, artillery simulator flares, tracer rounds.
Speaker 9
01:55:56 I take the goods simulator flares.
01:56:02 Tracer rounds.
01:56:09 Those that was, that was the big explosives.
Speaker 2
01:56:11 Right.
Speaker 9
01:56:11 That he got.
01:56:15 Simulators training devices.
01:56:23 And you can buy flares at A at a auto parts store and trace arounds.
01:56:29 So for those.
01:56:30 You don't know trace around like when.
Speaker 8
01:56:31 You watch war footage.
Speaker 9
01:56:33 And you see the gunfire and.
01:56:35 You see the really bright bullets.
01:56:38 Flying through the whipping through the air, right?
01:56:41 Those are tracer rounds. They're just rounds that light up so you can see where you're shooting basically.
01:56:49 So while this guy's peeing his pants because he thinks Zimmerman and company are going to blast him in the back because all this guy thinks about his murder suicide.
01:57:01 Turns out they weren't going to kill him.
01:57:06 They were just trying to impress him.
01:57:09 He asked for stuff.
01:57:11 The best they could do was the kinds of **** that would that wouldn't be missing at at A at a base because it's just training stuff.
01:57:23 This big conspiracy about the the military provide, you know, the the, the, the whole military infested with, you know, right wing extremists and white supremacists funneling all these weapons and bombs and missiles and **** to white supremacy groups that were going to perform a Revolutionary War.
01:57:43 Part 2, as they said.
01:57:49 It was all ********.
01:57:55 You got some low IQ, misguided ******.
01:58:00 They was trying to impress people with.
01:58:03 Training tools.
Speaker 19
01:58:12 I take it I wrap it up.
01:58:16 But for whatever reason, they didn't shoot me.
01:58:20 I never could figure out if they were there to cover us like they were our white brothers or they were there to smoke us and just didn't have the.
01:58:26 Fortitude to pull the.
01:58:27 Trigger on us, I don't know.
01:58:31 We got the evidence.
01:58:32 But I thought.
01:58:34 I mean, this is just time to end. This stuff is getting too crazy now.
Speaker 9
01:58:39 Getting too crazy now, like literally nothing happened.
01:58:45 You're just a giant *****.
Speaker 19
01:58:47 Resolution is what every good agent wants, and that's all I wanted.
01:58:56 Once we got the explosives from Fort Benning, now we have tangible evidence it was a done deal.
01:59:04 The case would never have been made to the level it was made without that final transaction of those explosives, but it all fit together.
Speaker 9
01:59:12 It was. It was entrapment. It was literally entrapment.
01:59:16 They didn't go and find a stockpile of of munitions and stuff like that. They everything was invented from start to finish.
Speaker 19
01:59:30 The search warrants were executed about a week later and everybody was arrested.
01:59:37 All kinds of devices, explosive materials, firearms, machine guns were all seized the ATF.
Speaker 9
01:59:43 Yeah, yeah, I'm sure. Like some more training tools and guns that were totally legal were found.
01:59:50 And what and?
01:59:51 Because if it was anything else, this guy would have been hit with a lot more. Look, watch what he gets hit with.
Speaker 19
01:59:56 Was able to connect everybody to the explosives of firearms and the plans to kill people.
Speaker 9
02:00:04 Yeah, these plans that you keep talking.
Speaker 19
02:00:05 No, Sir.
Speaker 9
02:00:06 About, but don't tell us about.
Speaker 19
02:00:07 Something pled guilty. We didn't go to trial. Billy was a convicted felon. He could not possess firearms. He could not possess ammunition, and he could not have others possess them for him and.
Speaker 9
02:00:20 That's what they got him on is. He's a convicted felon and he's not allowed to have a gun.
02:00:29 Not not some big conspiracy to blow up a building, not some big conspiracy to start the Revolutionary War Part 2.
02:00:38 He was a felon and he wasn't supposed to own guns.
02:00:42 Something they could have busted them on on.
02:00:44 On day one.
02:00:47 This whole gay OP that they pulled with this guy, with his white rich fake hate group.
02:00:53 They could have busted them on that on day one. They didn't have to rope in this other, you know, these other weak links.
02:00:59 That they were entrapping.
Speaker 19
02:01:07 And in the end, that's what caught Billy. He had used others to carry weapons to protect him.
Speaker 8
02:01:22 The white Reich.
Speaker 19
02:01:23 Was one of the biggest.
02:01:25 Undercover operations into white hate.
02:01:29 But for those months, it was one of the largest white power groups.
Speaker 20
02:01:34 In the world.
Speaker 9
02:01:37 The ATF. You hear what he hear? What he just said? His fake white power group.
02:01:43 Was one of the biggest white.
02:01:44 Power groups in the world.
02:01:47 His fake hate group.
02:01:51 Was bigger than all the real ones.
02:02:01 This is how they operate.
02:02:06 This is why people are paranoid about feds because.
02:02:10 This is what they do.
02:02:15 This is what they do.
Speaker 24
02:02:17 The *** **** FBI.
Speaker 9
02:02:26 If they had just.
02:02:26 Left it alone, nothing. Literally nothing would have happened.
02:02:31 They created the problem that they then swooped in to solve.
02:02:37 Just like with Oklahoma City.
02:02:40 Just like with 911.
02:02:48 They are the perpetrators.
02:02:51 They're the psychos that are constantly thinking about murder, suicide.
02:02:57 As they manipulate people.
02:03:01 And lie.
02:03:04 With an endless budget.
02:03:06 That you pay for.
02:03:09 And they keep getting funded because, quite frankly, the people that are in charge of the.
02:03:14 The budgets of these organizations.
02:03:18 They are 4 white replacement.
02:03:36 The speaker, the the Republican speaker that was recently replaced.
02:03:44 The Republican speaker.
02:03:48 The one that didn't want to release the January 6th tapes. Here he is talking about exactly that.
Speaker 10
02:03:54 Democrats and they stand up. They look like America. We stand up, we look like the most restrictive Country Club in America.
Speaker 25
02:04:03 And I decide that either I am.
02:04:05 Going to be the leader of the declining end of a party or I have to change the opportunity.
Speaker 10
02:04:12 In this party.
Speaker 25
02:04:13 So I embrace in something else.
02:04:16 OK, since that time we've elected the most women Republicans, the most minority Republicans.
Speaker 10
02:04:22 Ever to the house. But to do so.
02:04:25 I'm going to have to ruffle feathers.
Speaker 25
02:04:27 So for Republican women or Republican minority to win the the November?
Speaker 10
02:04:31 Election is not their tough election. It's the primary.
Speaker 25
02:04:34 So what I do is I.
02:04:36 Would engage in primaries.
Speaker 9
02:04:40 That's what it's always been about.
02:04:43 They've just they've just accepted.
02:04:45 That you are old news.
02:04:48 You are not the future. Whites are not the future of this country or the West in general, and he had to make a decision.
02:04:57 Does he decide to continue to be the leader of white people a dying breed?
02:05:05 A dying source of political donations.
02:05:10 The dying demographic.
02:05:16 Or does he change course?
02:05:29 To make room for the new Americans that are coming into America every day.
Speaker 17
02:05:37 And where?
Speaker 9
02:05:40 He's the Americans he wants.
Speaker 17
02:05:43 Where you guys from? Forgot what country? What country?
02:05:58 Well, yeah.
Speaker 9
02:06:00 Those, the Americans he represents.
02:06:09 And that's why it was so important.
02:06:11 For them to squash this kind of resistance back when it actually still had a chance.
02:06:20 Back in the 90s, when you still had a chance to.
02:06:23 Turn things around.
02:06:26 And if you had to blow up a few kids in?
02:06:27 A in a building. Hey, it was worth it.
02:06:33 If you if you had to blow up a few buildings in new.
02:06:35 York, hey, it's worth it.
02:06:41 You have to burn down a compound with a bunch of kids inside. Hey, it's worth it.
Speaker 10
02:06:59 Democrats and they stand up, they look like America.
02:07:03 We stand up.
02:07:04 We look like the.
02:07:05 Most restrictive Country Club in America.
Speaker 25
02:07:08 And I decide that either I am going.
02:07:10 To be the leader of the declining end of a party, or I have to change the.
Speaker 10
02:07:16 Opportunity in this party.
Speaker 9
02:07:21 That's how they think.
02:07:27 You have no representation.
02:07:39 This is the future.
02:07:54 Which is why this is the present.
Speaker 22
02:07:57 You know, over the weekend the Satanic Temple of Iowa came in, put up their display, a spokesperson for the Iowa Department of Administrative Services said. There's a procedure to apply for a lot, getting to have your display there, and they followed that and met the.
02:08:11 Guidelines for that, but this display is located near the east door by the stairs on the 1st floor. Now today, members of the Satanic Temple of Iowa were on hand with the display. They declined to do an interview and they said they told me to refer to the Satanic Temple website. And on that national site, the main issues they are promoting our abortion.
02:08:31 As a religious right and establishing after school Satan clubs.
Speaker 9
02:08:39 That's whose religious freedom they care about.
02:08:45 Like in the last stream when I was talking about Norman Lear, it was very upset about religion and politics. Mixing something tells me he would have no problem whatsoever.
02:08:52 With this.
02:09:08 So what does all this have to do with deceptive nectar and your your crazy thumbnail? Devin, what the ****? This is all trust me. This is OK. We get it. These are a lot of black pills here, but what's going on here with the the the weird Jewish Robo bee? OK.
02:09:23 Well, we'll get to that now.
02:09:25 I don't know if there's really a palate cleanser so much as I guess it is. After all these black pills, we can have a little bit of a funny, well, funny, funny.
02:09:35 Ish I guess.
02:09:38 It's it's more just one of those every single time. Kind of a things just you know me as a beekeeper. Obviously I keep up with with bee trends or whatever and and some of the things facing the bee industry for example or I guess the honey industry or however you want to look at it. You know the Chinese producing fake honey.
Speaker 8
02:09:57 What a segue, right?
Speaker 9
02:09:59 The Chinese producing fake honey, selling it as honey.
02:10:02 You go to.
02:10:03 The grocery store these days.
02:10:05 If you go to the.
Speaker 4
02:10:14 Oh gosh.
Speaker 9
02:10:17 I'll do that especially for you.
02:10:21 Rumble commenter that said that loud.
Speaker 8
02:10:23 Noise has scared you.
Speaker 9
02:10:32 If you go to the grocery store.
02:10:36 The labels on honey.
02:10:38 Because a shocking amount of it, and sometimes you're actually the majority of it, is not actually honey.
02:10:44 It's simulated honey. It's basically sugar water that's been flavored to be honey.
02:10:52 And a lot of it comes from.
02:10:53 China, a lot of it comes from overseas.
02:10:58 They'll sometimes mix in some real honey, but it's usually not even that well now.
02:11:05 Thanks to Jews. Just like the Jews that are trying to make you eat the bugs.
02:11:13 And make you eat 3D printed steaks.
02:11:16 Well, now they're they're they're taking the bees out of honey.
Speaker 4
02:11:23 Alright guys, this is the cleanest honey.
Speaker 11
02:11:26 In the world it.
Speaker 4
02:11:27 Looks like honey. It smells like honey and it taste like honey, but this one does not come from a bee. It comes.
02:11:37 From the lab.
02:11:42 This will fix the honey problem. This will save millions.
Speaker 15
02:11:46 The the what? What what honey problem?
Speaker 9
02:11:48 There's literally no honey problem.
02:11:52 It's going to fix the honey problem.
02:11:54 And save millions of bees by making. Here's The funny thing that that there is no good selling point for this. No one. No one wants honey.
02:12:02 Made in a lab.
02:12:03 So he knows that that, look, it's propaganda. The whole save the bees thing is pretty much propaganda.
02:12:09 So he knows that people want to save the bees because that propaganda has.
02:12:12 Been so effective.
02:12:14 And he's saying that by buying lab grown honey, you're gonna be saving bees. That doesn't make any sense, because if you annihilate the the honey industry with your lab, honey, that's millions of. That's actually, that's trillions of bees that won't exist because beekeepers will stop keeping bees. That's not going to save any but.
02:12:33 Any bees?
Speaker 4
02:12:33 Millions of fees and this was made.
02:12:36 By these guys.
02:12:38 Hi my.
Speaker 26
02:12:38 Name is Alex. My name is Ophir, my.
Speaker 27
02:12:40 Name is John, my name is Efrat.
Speaker 9
02:12:42 Ohh thanks. Thanks Jews.
02:12:45 Thanks for the fake honey.
Speaker 15
02:12:50 Oh good.
Speaker 4
02:12:53 See, everybody loves honey.
02:12:55 But we are running out of it. There are 20,000.
Speaker 9
02:12:59 We're we're literally not running out of it. I. How are you running out of money?
Speaker 4
02:13:04 Types of.
02:13:04 Bees, but.
02:13:05 Only seven of them.
Speaker 9
02:13:07 Not true, but whatever.
Speaker 4
02:13:09 Then make honey 7 and these bees are dying because we are abusing them.
Speaker 9
02:13:16 No, there there's actually again trillions.
02:13:18 More than would exist.
02:13:20 Uh, because of beekeepers. In fact, the honey bees wouldn't exist at all in North America because they're not from North America. If it wasn't for beekeepers. So this is.
02:13:33 Just all lies.
Speaker 26
02:13:34 By choosing only seven species over all the 20,000 different species, we are making those seven species very weak.
02:13:41 And very sensitive to viruses.
Speaker 4
02:13:43 Our entire.
Speaker 9
02:13:44 So let's get rid of all of them.
Speaker 4
02:13:46 Planet depends on bees. 75% of agriculture is pollinated by bees. If there are no bees, then there is no more food. In fact, some say that all.
Speaker 9
02:13:59 I like how he said some say cause uh Einstein actually never said this.
Speaker 4
02:14:05 Einstein himself said this.
Speaker 26
02:14:08 He has disappeared. You meant he cannot survive God.
Speaker 9
02:14:14 Can Jews look any more disgusting?
02:14:20 This is not an attractive crowd.
Speaker 26
02:14:23 Ah, more than four years.
Speaker 4
02:14:30 So how can we make honey without?
02:14:33 Well, four friends in Israel have the answer. They started a company called BIOS, which makes honey without a single B. How?
02:14:45 By building a stomach of.
Speaker 4
02:14:46 A being in our labs.
Speaker 9
02:14:49 Good. So what they do?
02:14:52 Is they simulate?
02:14:59 They synthesize.
02:15:01 What they think the contents of a bee stomach is because for those of you don't know, honey is bee barf. It basically is. Honey is produced by bees consuming nectar and then going into the hive and it mixes. They have a that it's not as gross as it sounds, they have a.
02:15:22 A stomach specifically for this. It's not like the same stomach that that digests their food.
02:15:27 They they swallow the the nectar they go.
02:15:30 Back to the hive.
02:15:32 And they throw it up into a cell that now has all these enzymes and things that were in their their their honey gut that were there. That's specifically there to mix with the nectar so that it turns into honey after it's stored in the in the the honeycomb, right. There's there's more to it than that, but that's, you know, the basic idea.
02:15:53 And So what this Israeli company is doing.
02:15:57 Is it's synthesizing the chemicals that it thinks are relevant?
02:16:04 In within the bee honey gut and then somehow this is the part. This is the mystery part for me. I don't know how.
02:16:11 You could have this.
02:16:12 Just sounds.
02:16:12 Like it's more work there, then somehow extracting nectar from plants again. One of the reasons why bees make honey so well is they're like little nanobots. They go and they collect the nectar.
02:16:24 From all the plants themselves, you don't have to like have some weird nectar extraction plant or machine, or I don't. I don't know that that to me, that's the big question. Mark is as to how this would ever be efficient.
02:16:37 But they get the nectar from plants.
02:16:40 And they blend it with this synthesized bee gut stuff and they make fake honey.
Speaker 4
02:16:47 Nectar from a plant and protein from the stomach of a bee and turns out you can make both of these things right here in the lab.
Speaker 9
02:16:58 So to me that makes it sound as if they're actually synthesizing the nectar, because again, that would be really did.
02:17:06 To harvest nectar from plants, I mean how, how are you going to do that? It's an individual flowers.
02:17:11 You're either going to have to design nanobots that come and collect the nectar in the same way that the bees do, or something. I don't know. I literally don't know. That's the part that doesn't make any sense unless.
02:17:24 It's 100% synthesized which?
02:17:26 It sounds like it is.
Speaker 4
02:17:27 So they got the nectars from plants and they made the proteins from the bee using this machine they mix protein and nectars for a few hours and come up with this real looking real tasting honey. This is a big deal.
Speaker 17
02:17:46 Ohh God.
Speaker 9
02:17:48 Oh God, it's like a.
02:17:50 It's like a demon.
Speaker 11
02:17:56 Ah ah, that's.
Speaker 13
02:18:00 Ah, I'll Hitler *****.
Speaker 4
02:18:04 Still, for the first time, we can make unlimited amounts of honey.
Speaker 27
02:18:09 This may look simple, but it's a very complex process and it took us 100 times to get this right.
Speaker 9
02:18:16 Not not 6,000,000.
Speaker 4
02:18:16 Being can only make one out of 12 of a teaspoon of honey in its entire life, but they they can make 3 tons of honey.
02:18:27 In a week.
Speaker 26
02:18:28 We are able to produce honey in a matter of hours instead of seasons.
02:18:34 We are able to shorten the production time and to do it very efficiently in a.
02:18:38 Way that is cost effective.
Speaker 4
02:18:40 Now you can make unlimited honey from any plant in nature.
Speaker 7
02:18:45 This honey was made from a citrus flour and this honey is very special. It was made.
Speaker 4
02:18:52 From a coffee plant.
Speaker 9
02:18:53 I like. I like how they say this. Like you can't do that with bees.
02:18:59 But you you can. You can make honey with coffee blossoms.
02:19:05 With bees.
02:19:07 You just go to where they.
02:19:08 Grow coffee and you.
02:19:09 Put beehives there.
02:19:11 And then you get.
02:19:13 Coffee bean honey.
02:19:16 Like that's.
02:19:17 All this already exists.
02:19:22 Speaking of music that influences the audience, this this thing's full of it.
Speaker 4
02:19:26 Yeah, with this process now it's possible to make honey from the coffee plant with its own high theme. It gets even better with this honey you can make.
Speaker 3
02:19:33 Hey. Hey.
Speaker 4
02:19:39 Better tasting food like this, this and this all made from plants be free.
Speaker 9
02:19:48 Oh yeah, because.
02:19:49 You couldn't make any of that without.
02:19:50 Normal honey, apparently.
Speaker 2
02:19:56 It says incredibly sweet, it's great.
02:20:03 Like this?
Speaker 4
02:20:05 Now that we have honey, we can let bees live and do what they are supposed to do, pollinate flowers.
02:20:14 Calling it wildlife and keep the circle of life going.
Speaker 9
02:20:19 They they're they're already doing that.
02:20:21 Where do you think the honey comes from?
Speaker 15
02:20:24 They're already doing that.
02:20:26 You're solving a problem that doesn't exist.
Speaker 4
02:20:29 The CTO's last name and the CEO's last name is Bush, which is honey in Hebrew.
Speaker 9
02:20:35 Ohh now I know.
02:20:36 It's now I know it's evil. Now I know it's evil.
02:20:42 I already know it's evil.
02:20:46 Why is this one not working?
02:20:48 This one should be working.
Speaker 13
02:20:50 Kill ******.
Speaker 9
02:21:00 Good Lord, this is anyway.
Speaker 4
02:21:04 Is this like planned? It's.
Speaker 27
02:21:07 Completely coincidence.
Speaker 15
02:21:08 It's a coincidence, she says. It's it's a coincidence.
Speaker 9
02:21:19 Ohh, it's always a coincidence, isn't it?
Speaker 4
02:21:24 This company is the first to make big free honey and we need to support them. They are working like bees to save the bees because the bees they save will.
02:21:38 Save the world.
Speaker 15
02:21:40 How are they again? They're not saving bees.
Speaker 9
02:21:44 Nothing about that is saving bees.
Speaker 15
02:21:50 It doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 9
02:21:55 Has the whole world.
Speaker 11
02:21:55 Gone mad. Oh, you ready for your your.
Speaker 9
02:22:04 You're Jew, honey.
02:22:07 Maybe they're saving the bee so that you can also eat the bees when they see eat the bugs they want you to eat bees now instead of.
02:22:14 The honey that they make.
02:22:19 Anyway, all right guys.
02:22:24 Ah, good Lord.
02:22:27 Let's take a look at Hyper chats.
02:22:34 So when chess, this is like a Black Mirror episode.
02:22:42 Oh, good Lord.
02:22:46 Yeah. When you guys see the branding for my honey.
02:22:52 I remember this video.
02:22:56 I can't say I.
Speaker 23
02:22:57 Can't spoil it.
Speaker 9
02:22:59 All right.
Speaker 15
02:23:03 I want it so bad.
Speaker 9
02:23:07 There's a reason. Never anyway.
02:23:12 I have them at kalashnikova. Hey, Devin. So I read pilled. A Zoomer woman by recommending she watch satanic panic. Most women love murder mystery documentaries. They they they love.
02:23:22 True crime done. I don't know why.
02:23:25 So it's a good video to tell women about I mentioned that the video was banned everywhere and it really piqued her interest. Yeah, women love true crime.
Speaker 15
02:23:34 I you know.
Speaker 9
02:23:37 Well, that, that might, that that's maybe for another day, but I have some theories as to why they like watching, watching those those channels and they're why they're fascinated.
02:23:48 By that, but you know.
02:23:51 Another time, perhaps.
02:23:54 All right, we got blue chord.
02:23:57 Blue chord.
Speaker 1
02:24:01 Good, good, good, good grill.
Speaker 9
02:24:17 Blue chord going to have to catch the replay tomorrow. Missed the last one too. Double tip tonight. Worth it. Still catching up. Just hit Pat con series. Well, you got a lot of pat catching up if you just hit the pacon series. Keep it up, Mr. Stack. Well, I appreciate that.
02:24:34 Ward 9 Nation review. Hey, black pilled. I am on an audio only network on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, myself called. Speak free radio and it features an audio version of mini nationalist, revisionist, etcetera type shows.
02:24:51 And the owner operator asked me to pass the invite on. If you would like. I'll check it out.
02:24:59 You mean to?
02:24:59 Like to play replays or to like actually go live.
02:25:03 Audio only. I don't know. I'd have to.
02:25:05 I'll I'll check it out when I'll check the website out. Let me copy.
02:25:08 Copy this link here.
Speaker 8
02:25:11 And I'll check it out after the show.
Speaker 2
02:25:17 Alright, here we go.
Speaker 17
02:25:20 OK.
Speaker 9
02:25:23 Sheamus, Goya, umberg.
02:25:26 *****, *****. White ******* power. We're on. We're on rumble. I'm well. Plus, I think we need to class it up a little bit anyway. Just, you know, rumble or not.
02:25:35 I think we need to class it up. There's there look.
02:25:37 There's appropriate times.
02:25:39 There's appropriate times.
02:25:42 And I don't shy away from those times for the hard R.
02:25:48 To to to discuss things and but to Willy nilly throw it around just makes us look uh.
02:25:55 Look angry.
02:25:57 Not that we shouldn't be angry.
02:26:00 Appreciate the support there. Shamus Gorenberg, Jews box. Hey, dad first. Dunno. Not enough time to sit through the whole stream tonight. I'm 26. Well, then you have all the.
02:26:11 Time in the.
02:26:11 World have two kids already, never mind and another due in February. Definitely no time. I understand. You mentioned in previous streams dropping.
02:26:20 Subtle JQ stuff in your kids education? Could we perhaps put together an educational directory for fathers like me? Cheers, I think and.
02:26:31 You know, time permitting, I know I've got a lot of other ideas. I mean, look, if I don't have time, other steal this idea, I mean, it's not.
02:26:38 That hard of an idea.
02:26:40 I think that especially with the ability to self publish these days, people should be writing children's books and you could even use a art AI art now. But you know to make it even easier, that just teach people to worry about the outsider, not not worry about them. But you know, be aware of the differences in outside of groups.
02:27:01 I think that's that and stuff like that. You know, things that are gonna teach kids the the fundamentals that are gonna be countering the.
02:27:11 The message is they're going to get in pop culture, you know, they're all the same. They just, oh, the race is skin deep, all that sort of stuff. They're going to get bombarded. Even if you're homeschooling, they're going to encounter that stuff. And so it's important that, especially at an early age, you reach them and tell, you know, without being like * **** ***** it, right. You don't need to, like, they need to have a.
02:27:29 Childhood that they can enjoy.
02:27:31 Or at least plant those seeds that actually appearance does matter. Actually, sometimes what's on the outside, you know, like the dumbest thing that I've ever heard. When you really think about it is don't judge a book by its cover.
02:27:45 What are you talking about? Of course you judge a book by its cover doesn't mean that the the cover of a book contains all the information that's inside the book. But the the cover of the book is specifically there to inform you what the book is about. That's like saying don't judge a movie by the movie trailer. It's like, OK, it's not the whole ******* movie, but I'm going to watch the movie trailer and get a good idea as to what movie.
02:28:08 I mean all these stupid things that we just got told as children and it made sense because you.
02:28:12 Were a dumb kid.
02:28:14 You need to have the the the counter argument to that stuff and kids are smart if it makes sense. If you make a good argument.
02:28:21 They're gonna. It's gonna stick with them.
02:28:27 But yeah, as far as there being like I think there there might be, I'm just not aware of it. There might even be, you know, Pro White home schooling groups or something like that, that have reading lists and things like that. I don't know what that would be, but I I I know.
02:28:42 That stuff like that has to exist.
02:28:45 Big man just simply says N.
02:28:48 Do it says. Thank you, Devin. Appreciate that big man again. Says I and then he says G and then he says G and then he says E.
02:29:03 And then he says R.
02:29:05 You guys are calling yourself.
Speaker 13
02:29:08 Right.
Speaker 9
02:29:10 Zazzy Mataz bought.
02:29:13 I would like to do something.
02:29:15 A bit out of the ordinary and take this time to shout out my fellow chatter.
02:29:20 Uh, thanks. Tip of the hat to you, Devin. If you had to move to a different country, which would you choose? Is there one you've always wanted to go to? And thanks to you or thanks you or and thanks to you too, Devin.
02:29:40 I mean, I look, I'm trying to ride.
02:29:41 This ship all the.
02:29:42 Way down, I think America has such, it has has a lot of advantages for someone who's already here.
02:29:50 That there's not a lot of alternatives. I don't think that.
02:29:54 That don't come with some significant downsides. I've thought about this a few times. Is it worth staying here? Is it better to maybe move somewhere else where you know you? You could have more opportunity and less of a.
02:30:10 You know, threat of people like the the ATF types for example, that were in this the stream.
02:30:16 I mean, there's always.
02:30:19 There's always the option of going to some third world country where the government simply doesn't have the resources to do anything about it.
02:30:26 Right. They don't have the resources to go after you, even if they wanted to. But then it it comes with so many other problems too. I mean, I don't know prior to obviously the Ukraine.
02:30:39 Situation. There was a lot of people going to Ukraine. I thought that was a good option, honestly.
02:30:45 I even looked into it a little bit. You know, I went out there. But you know now obviously it's that's a no go.
02:30:57 Yeah, I don't know. I I.
02:30:59 I I think you're asking the wrong guy. I've I've. I've been to other countries, but I haven't traveled the world quite as much as I would have.
02:31:06 Liked to?
02:31:09 I think if you're in America, you're probably there's there's enough open space in America. There's enough rural counties.
02:31:17 At least for the time being, and enough.
02:31:22 Evaporating as it might be.
02:31:24 Freedom to live the way that you want.
02:31:28 Right now to where you can still kind of pull it off, you can still kind of be relatively.
02:31:33 Uninterfered with provided you don't fall for some ATF agent that wants you to get them grenade simulators.
02:31:44 Claude Fermi plot twist the Korean girl becomes the leader of the white supremacist group.
02:31:50 Well, you know.
02:31:51 If it's the white Reich, you know.
02:31:53 She she might have.
02:31:55 Maybe next time says use the candies Karen or candles, Karen.
02:32:01 Or use. You can't. I don't know what you're saying there 9 Nation review. Imagine the damage this woman has done to the minds of her unfair, unfortunate patients.
02:32:11 Exactly. Imagine. Well, that's that's. That's really that's that's, I would say a large.
02:32:17 I mean, I don't think she's a an outlier when it comes to representatives of her, of her industry.
02:32:24 My fat little ******** toe.
02:32:33 Just got back from shooting pool at a local bar and had to give my weekly tithe. Had a chat with a guy, race came up and he said that he had black friends that were more American than the whites. He knew I didn't have the heart or the sobriety to pursue the topic further. Almost feels like I failed. Well, you know, there's a time and a place for everything and sometimes it's.
02:32:55 It's not always worth it if you're not, especially if you're not sober.
02:32:58 Enough to make it.
02:33:00 You're the judge, right? You might have called it correctly. You might have made a fool yourself and made it worse. Left a bad impression if you weren't.
02:33:09 Sober enough to make make the make the argument in a compelling way.
02:33:14 But I appreciate the support and you know it's good that you're at least thinking about it and everyone should always be thinking about.
02:33:21 Opportunities to where you can.
02:33:23 You can uh, spread the good word if you will.
02:33:26 Your brother from another mother. Your last stream was incredible. Please keep them coming.
02:33:32 One of your biggest fans, yo. Brava. Bravo from another mother. And then he says.
02:33:41 Moon Man Moon man says. Hey, Devin, thanks for all the quality content. It makes my work day bearable. Two things is the Ligurian Ligurian be an option at the pill box Ligurian.
02:33:56 Be I don't know what that.
Speaker 16
02:33:57 Is let me look it up.
Speaker 9
02:34:01 Is this one of those weird stingless ones that I was talking about?
02:34:10 No, it's just an Italian bee. Yeah, I got Italian beef.
02:34:13 An option at the pillbox. What acacias do you grow? Appreciate the cactus pills. Your efforts. Yeah, I would say that the majority well.
02:34:24 Actually, right now the majority of my bees are Africanized, but the majority of my good bees are Italian bees.
02:34:31 And or or half Italian half Africanized.
02:34:39 Because I don't mind a little bit of the Africanized, honestly, because I think they have good survivor traits out here.
02:34:48 It's kind of A roll the dice though.
02:34:51 Because you'll you'll you'll mix because you don't really have a choice. I'm not doing it on purpose. If it was up to me, I'd have just all Italian or European bees.
02:35:01 Just cause I don't like ******* dealing with the the downside of the Africanized bees, but you really don't have much of A choice unless you're artificially inseminating bees, something that they actually do and that's not something I'm ready for. I'm not ready to place a a virgin queen bee in this torture device thing and injecting sperm into it. Just.
02:35:20 It just, I don't know. It's. I don't think I might. I'll probably never get.
02:35:23 To that point.
02:35:25 But unless you do that, you pretty much have to have a virgin queen bee fly into the wild and mate with whoever. So you're kind of rolling the dice and sometimes you'll get a hybrid of africanization where it's not that bad. There maybe a little feistier, but they get some of the good traits and sometimes they are ****.
02:35:45 Bees like they're worse than the Africanized bees, so.
02:35:49 It's kind of a, it's kind of a crapshoot.
02:35:54 The acacias, I don't know what they're actually called. I actually I got off some guy on Craigslist. He had a bunch of these, these little baby trees.
02:36:04 Growing out of the ground from underneath one of.
02:36:06 His Acacia trees.
02:36:08 And they were free. So I went and.
02:36:11 And he dug them up and stuck them in pots. For me, the cup that was like when I.
02:36:14 First came.
02:36:14 Out here and now, they're they're pretty big.
02:36:21 His humble remnant, his humble.
02:36:25 Cash flow checkout.
02:36:33 I'd like to return this duck.
Speaker 4
02:36:46 I'm just the weekend photographer.
Speaker 9
02:36:48 Didn't realize you were on shift work. Has me living on Mars. Here's a few shekels. Always a pleasure. God bless and mind yourself, brother. Well, I appreciate that.
02:37:00 His humble remnant.
02:37:02 Hammer of thorazine. What?
02:37:11 Remember that woman who kept bragging about her education in the video about her getting romance scammed by that fake general? This woman is precisely the same personality type and also flaunts education buyers, remorse of import baby in a town with no clout.
02:37:28 Gang with such virtue signaling, that's exactly right.
02:37:32 She bought. She bought a Korean baby.
02:37:35 Decided she didn't want to be a mother.
02:37:37 Didn't like the loud motorcycles made-up a bunch of excuses to do something about it. Center Korean baby away. And that's why you're Korean ******* kid hates her.
02:37:47 Because if her story was any kind of true, the Korean baby wouldn't hate her.
02:37:52 The Korean kid would be like, well, yeah, my mom was saving me. Trust me.
02:37:56 That woman was it was a was a ******* nightmare. She was the just like the ATF agent. She was the problem.
02:38:06 Moocha Munchausen's proxy army.
Speaker 2
02:38:40 That will keep him busy for a while.
Speaker 9
02:38:45 Good morning. Devin, I was interested in the audio you have been playing at the beginning of the streams.
02:38:51 Sounds like Cold War Era number station broadcasts. What do you know about these? And can you receive them with your ham radio set up to?
02:38:59 OK. Yeah, there it there are old recordings there. There's not. They're not as frequent as they were, but they absolutely are real and they're still up there. A lot of them come from, or at least the ones I I hear most often come from Cuba.
02:39:15 Yeah, you can still hear them. I've heard them just by, you know, without there's websites you can go to where they'll give you the schedule for a lot of them because a lot of them are on a regular schedule and you can tune them in. And you don't have to have a a actual shortwave receiver if you don't have one, you can use a web SDR and listen to them.
02:39:38 But the ones I'm playing are just recordings from some of them as early as like the the 70s or 80s. No one really knows what all of them are. Sometimes they find out what they are eventually, but a lot of them are just mysteries.
02:39:53 Like the ones come out of.
02:39:54 Cuba, you know.
02:39:56 You can assume see the reason why it makes sense for a spy agency to keep using it, even though it's really old technology.
02:40:03 Is there's no electronic footprint.
02:40:08 There's no electronic footprint. You can have a shortwave receiver in your house and.
02:40:14 No one's going to know.
02:40:16 No one's going to know if you're listening to shortwave and the shortwave broadcast is going to penetrate firewalls and you know, like it it's not dependent.
02:40:29 On a network and so it makes sense to still use it for spies to send messages and things like that. But what all these things are and what they mean? No one. No one really knows.
02:40:43 Let's take a look here.
02:40:45 Jay Ray, 1981 how would people even know the psychotherapist number in a rural town?
02:40:53 I know I'm early, but how?
02:40:56 All right. Like I I I think she just got a couple of prank calls, like, literally everyone and everyone else has.
02:41:05 They got a couple prank calls.
02:41:08 They heard a loud boom once, which again, if you live in a rural area, you hear people blowing **** up and shooting things and or you know what with this.
02:41:17 *****. It could have been a car backfiring.
02:41:20 It could be anything.
02:41:22 And then like a Skinhead.
02:41:24 Drove by on a motorcycle.
02:41:28 That was the big scary things.
02:41:30 That happened to her.
02:41:32 So really what it comes down to.
02:41:36 Is she was just a ******* ******.
Speaker 3
02:41:38 I am not method effect.
02:41:43 And I don't see why. How can the doctor say that?
Speaker 1
02:41:45 I am.
Speaker 4
02:41:47 Right.
Speaker 9
02:41:49 Jerry 931 again, my man Devin. I remember watching **** like that as a kid, completely jewtube conditioned.
02:41:56 We must nip this in the bud for our children, yeah.
02:41:58 This is the kind of.
02:42:00 Propaganda that will stick with people.
02:42:03 Now that that music, that scary music makes me oh, wow, that that, that ATF guy, he was really tough. He was really sticking his neck out.
02:42:11 It's a good thing he stopped those white supremacists with their plans of hurting and killing.
02:42:15 People and blowing things.
02:42:17 He was the problem. He was the problem the whole.
02:42:21 Alith, the nemesis. Do you recall the scheduled 2009 release of the tapes of the OKC bombing? And when they finally released them, it just so happened that the videos were deleted while in the federal evidence lockers. Who would have known John Doe number 2 with McVeigh at the the truck rental? Oh well.
02:42:40 Well, it wasn't even that they even erased the like like they had. They went and confiscated all the security camera footage from all the neighboring buildings.
02:42:50 And that guy that was suing the ATF because they they murdered his his brother.
02:42:57 When he got the tapes that he finally, you know, he it took years for him to get. In fact it took so.
02:43:03 Long Eric Holder was.
02:43:05 Was, I think the AG by the time he got him.
02:43:09 The the the the tape wasn't all the way erased. It was just the moment that the truck drove by.
02:43:17 On in sequence like it would be like. Let's say there was like 3.
02:43:21 Different stores in a row and the part when that would have showed the truck driving by before it went to the.
02:43:32 The federal building it was, it's missing in every single security tape.
02:43:37 So yeah, yeah, look.
02:43:40 They did it. The feds did it. I'll just say that the feds did it.
02:43:45 The feds did it for the same reason they cooperated with Mossad, the new 911.
02:43:50 That's that's. They just did it.
02:43:54 January 1981. I love how the feds are watching this and laughing because they know it's all ********.
02:44:00 How evil can you be, you *******? 2 more weeks queue ****.
02:44:06 Yep, Yep.
Speaker 24
02:44:07 *** **** FBI.
Speaker 9
02:44:11 Logical extremist. I know you've heard it before, but could you? You could easily make twice as much in donos having an earlier stream. Maybe do an insomnia late during this week or during the.
02:44:24 Week but do one at an earlier time on the weekend anyhow. Mine unblocking my my Telegram account, unsure how that happened.
02:44:35 I I haven't blocked any telegram accounts so.
02:44:40 I don't. I don't know why it would be blocked if it says unable to display on this device, may I might be getting censored on telegram but I haven't blocked anyone that I'm aware of.
02:44:54 So yeah, I don't. I don't. I don't think you're blocked.
02:44:57 Spy Hunter since this is The History Channel, then can we hear a deep dive on aliens on an aliens episode?
02:45:07 I don't know.
02:45:12 We've talked about UFOs and aliens before.
02:45:16 I don't know if we.
02:45:17 Need to do a a deep.
02:45:18 Dive on it maybe if it keeps.
02:45:20 Getting in the news.
02:45:22 Bill Monigan, it's like these informants are paranoid people to begin with, put themselves in situations where they're betraying the people around them so they can feel sane for being paranoid.
02:45:34 There's probably no way to flip them because they want to integrate themselves to power for validations.
02:45:42 Yeah, I think you could be right to some extent.
02:45:44 I mean, that guy kept talking about how paranoid he was. He was like, yeah, I'd I'd travel everywhere like I cut out some of.
02:45:49 It just cause you know, he's like.
Speaker 8
02:45:51 I I travel everywhere with two guns and you know, I always think I'm.
Speaker 9
02:45:55 Always looking over my shoulder, it's just.
02:45:57 Like you're a psycho dude. You're a ******* psycho. You are the psycho.
02:46:04 The logical extremist I'm.
02:46:06 I'm a Republican state delegate for ***** and giggles.
02:46:10 To show a group how corrupt they are, the state convention last year a black got up on the stage and told the boomer cons they were too.
02:46:19 Old and white.
02:46:23 I lol.
02:46:25 I lol telling him or no telling them I told you that they want you dead.
02:46:32 Wait, hold on.
Speaker 11
02:46:36 Uh blah blah blah.
Speaker 9
02:46:37 Blah a black got up on the stage, told the boomer cons they were too old and white.
02:46:42 I lol telling them.
02:46:46 Told you that they want you dead same day they allowed the log cabin Republicans giving them delegate votes. They're a homeo group. Both times I ran for politics. Both times I had vast public support being a populist and nationalist. Then the party bureaucracy would come in and sabotage.
02:47:06 Republicans saying they don't have the help of the media they're like.
02:47:13 Yeah, a lot of people don't realize that the Republicans are 1000% just as bad as the Democrats. They go to the same parties, they hang out with the same people, and they **** each other quite literally.
02:47:23 In Washington, DC.
02:47:25 It's a big club and we ain't in it.
02:47:28 We're not the future.
02:47:30 We're not the future.
02:47:33 Rabbit hole Devon and friends was listening to the book. The terror factory knew you'd love this in Florida Post 9/11 1 of me glowy Howard Gilbert, a Canadian Jew, pretended to be a Muslim convert.
02:47:48 And entrapped troubled men into glowy operations. Can I get a high for my Florida glowies?
02:47:58 How about this?
Speaker 2
02:48:03 Get in.
Speaker 9
02:48:16 And that goes out to all the the glowies.
02:48:20 In the audience.
02:48:22 There's plenty of room in the pit for you.
02:48:29 JDWG, have you been rocking lately? No. I should have been. I I've had a lot of family stuff that, that. That's just finally wound down over the last several weeks. How heavy rock do you use? You know, I was doing. I think it's overkill though. I was doing like.
02:48:47 50 lbs.
02:48:48 That that digs into your shoulders though, and I think it's it's gotta be bad for your back to do it on a regular basis.
02:48:56 I'm. I'm I'm I'm probably not gonna do that much.
02:49:00 You know, just cause like I don't wanna. I don't wanna.
02:49:02 Give myself back problems.
02:49:05 I don't think you need a ton. I would just pack whatever you would need to spend the night out. You know, in fact, when people are doing the Appalachian Trail Trail, it's it's not like a competition. Who can do the heaviest bag, it's the other way around. When they do these through hikes, these long through hikes, everything's, I mean they they try to limit, they try to get that pack down as light as possible.
02:49:25 So I think that's.
02:49:26 What you should be doing is.
02:49:30 Pack the kinds of stuff that you would actually use if you were going to go camp out in and out there because there's no point in just getting accustomed to heavy weight, just for the fun of it because.
02:49:40 It's not fun.
02:49:45 But yeah.
02:49:46 I start doing rocking once a week based on your streams. Very good and low impact exercise. Thanks for the tip. Yeah, it's good. Good stuff. Like I said, now that it's now that I no longer have visitors and the family stuff's kind of wound down. I can and I'm not driving. Although I was, I put thousands of miles on my car.
02:50:06 The last several weeks and it's I'm filing it. I'm finally the dust is settling and I can get back into a routine.
02:50:15 The logical extremists going to make a banner for a banner drop in my rural community of white society, full of geriatric boomer cons. Any suggestions on what I I should say Israel black crime? Well, if it's a.
02:50:31 Rural community of geriatric boomer cons I would start something.
02:50:39 See you don't. Here's the thing. What?
02:50:40 Are you trying to accomplish?
02:50:44 If you're trying to accomplish ******* off your neighbors, I can think of.
02:50:48 Lots of things you.
02:50:49 Can do if you're trying to accomplish persuading your neighbors, you might want to.
02:50:54 Take a baby step.
02:50:56 You might want to think about wording something, making it into something that that is really difficult for them to do. Like you know, that was the genius of the it's OK to be white Flyers, right?
02:51:10 Is even a boomer would have a hard time looking at that and finding something wrong with it.
02:51:15 So maybe use that as kind of like your you know, as you're especially for the first one, right? If you're going to do this to try to raise awareness of some sort, you're not. You're not trying to **** them off. You're trying to get them on your side, right? I mean, if that's really are you trying to entertain yourself and and laugh at at how mad they're going to be or you're trying to actually?
02:51:37 Do something productive.
02:51:38 If you're trying to do something productive, I would try to make something that would be impossible for them to dislike, but it still says what you're trying to say. And yeah, there is a little bit of a.
02:51:48 A gift to that right. And but I I can't think outside my head. It depends on. Really what you're what you're trying to say. But you might want to just say something like.
02:52:01 You know, like uh.
02:52:04 Or maybe ask a question.
02:52:07 That they already know the answer to. You know, like, if you're in a rural community that has low crime, maybe ask. Look, this is dumb. So don't you do this, but like something like, you know, why do you think our crime is so low here, you know, or just, you know, something like that.
02:52:22 You know just.
02:52:23 Something that either gets them thinking or or asking a question. It's like in sales. They always say always ask questions that that the the person you're trying to sell has to say yes to, you know like.
02:52:35 Like, when don't you agree? It would be good to to save money on your phone bill.
02:52:40 I mean cause no one can say no. I don't agree with that.
02:52:42 I I don't like saving money. You always have to phrase it in a way that you get some kind of positive response. And so when you're trying to do things like this.
02:52:51 I would do the same thing. Is just try to either ask a question that they have to have an affirmative answer to, or say something that is impossible to disagree with without being like a complete *******. You know, like it's OK to be white, kind of a thing.
02:53:08 Let's see here, pasta.
Speaker 13
02:53:12 Let's see.
Speaker 9
02:53:14 Let's see, where did it go? Where did it go?
Speaker 7
02:53:18 Children today will be reading the best Christmas ever. Our story begins with.
Speaker 9
02:53:25 The magic *****.
02:53:35 Where did the soul men go?
02:53:49 Best Christmas ever.
Speaker 9
02:53:53 And you simply say.
02:53:59 Thank you for the support there, Knight Nation review. Speak. Speak Free radio just puts out a live audio version of your stream as well. Doesn't cost you anything or anything like that, just offers an audio only version of your show for your for your audience. Check it out. There's some good stuff on there.
02:54:19 Just let me know if you're interested. Alright, I'll.
02:54:21 I'll check it out.
02:54:23 I will check it out.
02:54:25 Jay rain. It's handy one dude. I'll buy your honey. Let's go. Yeah, it'll it'll. It'll be telling it. It won't be till next year because I just didn't produce enough. I mean, I made honey. I got.
02:54:37 Got like, you know, jugs of honey now, but not enough to sell. But next year I will have it. I've heard I got the branding all figured out.
02:54:46 You guys will like it.
02:54:51 I'm I'm having to have it printed overseas for a reason by people who don't, who don't necessarily know what it means or or care as much. But yeah, I'll let you guys will be the first to know once.
02:55:06 That's available.
02:55:08 Zoidberg says.
02:55:10 Do you even or did you? Did you even cover Las Vegas shooting? If so, what was the episode that happened when I was still on YouTube? I put together a single.
02:55:24 There, there's a really long it's still on YouTube. If you look up Vegas shooting 4K black pill, that'll come up. All I did is I found every single well without the 1, minus the ones with dead bodies that you couldn't put on YouTube. I I put together all the available footage of the shooting.
02:55:41 And strung it together, synchronize it together. In fact, that's how I know for a fact, because I had. I used the gunshots as the.
02:55:51 Frame of reference for lining up the different videos. That's how I know there's not any overlapping fire like people were saying. Oh, there's multiple shooters. You can hear multiple. There's not that I can tell you that definitively there's not.
02:56:04 And I also suspect that it it was not like an M60 or something like other people were saying it does. It doesn't sound like that. But anyway, it doesn't matter if you want to watch the whole thing, it's look up that I never did any commentary because really it just we never got any answers. It would just be wild.
02:56:24 Speculation on my part and uh, while I certainly covered some of the wild speculation being made at the time, it's just.
02:56:33 That we don't.
02:56:33 Have any answers for it? We don't have any answers for it. I don't even have like a really good theory as to what happened. I don't think anyone does cause it's just it's all based on wild speculation at this point. We know it wasn't whatever.
02:56:45 They said it was.
02:56:47 And that's about it, unfortunately.
02:56:50 Tipsy Macs stagger just return your duck. Thanks for the show. Well, I appreciate that.
02:56:56 Tipsy mcstay.
02:56:58 And then we got one on rumble. EPP didn't says so. Farms harvest plants, flowers and sell them to these guys to process for nectar, leaving the local bees around the farms with no food and all the bees die. No bees around the farms. What could go wrong? You know what?
02:57:18 That's, that's actually a good point is if they're. If assuming they're not synthesizing the nectar, which it kind of feel like. I don't know how.
02:57:26 You could cost effectively gather nectar with the way they're talking about it.
02:57:32 That would be cheaper than bees just doing it for you, but that's a good point if they are, if they're not synthesizing the nectar and they are harvesting and bringing it to some robo bee or something like that to get the the nectar out of.
02:57:44 It. Yeah, they're starving the bees. Nothing about, of course not. Right. Nothing about what they said in that video is is true.
02:57:52 It's all nonsense. It's all disgusting gooey slop, honey.
02:57:57 Is what it is.
02:57:59 All right. One last one. We got logical extremist boomers just die already. I was thinking maybe they won't protect your country's borders, protect our your country's borders. Who knows?
02:58:12 I wouldn't say boomers just die already.
Speaker 15
02:58:15 That's like I said, that's not.
Speaker 9
02:58:19 You know what you could you could address.
02:58:24 You could do something that maybe.
02:58:27 Is a little antagonistic, but isn't like that. Antagonistic. You could do. You could address.
02:58:35 Their happy retirement and contrast it with the generations after them.
02:58:42 But and again, I think you're thinking the wrong. You're thinking too antagonistic. You have to think of it in terms where.
02:58:50 When they look at it, they're not mad because now you lost them.
02:58:55 If you're trying to influence people, there are times when you want to make them mad, but this isn't one of them, and I would say.
02:59:04 You it would probably be better to.
02:59:06 Get them.
02:59:07 You could make them feel ashamed if you could find a way again without being * ****. And this is where it gets delicate. You know, this is where.
02:59:14 You have to cut like a surgeon.
02:59:16 You get you find a way to make them feel guilty for leaving the mess behind. They're going to leave.
02:59:23 But in a way that's.
02:59:24 Not simultaneously. That's not pointing the finger at them and making them shut down mentally. It's a it's a difficult it's a difficult thing to do. It's going to take some thinking. It's it's quick and I can't just come up with something. I can't pull something out.
02:59:37 Of my asks and be like here's the Magic banner. But I.
02:59:40 Would think about.
02:59:41 It I would, I would. I would go to.
02:59:43 You want some honest feedback? You can even do some focus group testing on on poll or something. Just post and you'll get some honest responses that way from people that will tell you whether or not it's it's looks ****** or not. I know polls not what it used to be, but you know that's one place to.
03:00:01 You can test messaging out and I think you'd get some honest feedback.
03:00:06 Alright guys. Well thanks for showing up tonight.
03:00:09 And consuming all the black pills with me.
03:00:15 We're we're coming up on Christmas here.
03:00:19 Also, millennial is coming up or I guess it's maybe it's already started my appearance on that is.
03:00:27 Some time I'd have to look it up.
03:00:31 I'll, I'll. I'll, I'll look it up later. I'll find out what it is, but it's not. It's not for a while. I think it's.
03:00:36 Like at least a week away. But I'll let you guys know when that is.
03:00:41 Other than that, I will be back here on Wednesday same time.
03:00:47 Same bat time, same bat channel and then also.
03:00:52 Saturday. Or actually, it's not this Saturday, but the week from this Saturday is Christmas Eve or no wait. It's the day before Christmas Eve.
03:01:00 And we're gonna do a Christmas dream. I have to figure out what I want to do with that. And maybe we'll do a regular one on the 23rd and then maybe we'll do a Christmas.
03:01:10 One on the 25th, or maybe we'll do, I don't know. I'll. I'll think about that and I'll find out exactly what the schedule is for that.
03:01:17 But in the mean time, hope you guys are enjoying the Christmas season.
03:01:22 For black pilled.
03:01:24 I am of course.
03:01:28 Dev and stag.
Speaker 28
03:01:30 How to practice abortion as a magical?
03:01:33 Ritual part one.
03:01:34 My qualifications for teaching this I am.
03:01:37 A witch who has had.
03:01:38 Abortions and has used them as rituals. I've been through this twice and it's both.
03:01:43 Magic and Death magic simultaneously.
03:01:47 If you are a woman.
03:01:48 Body, who has made the decision to have an abortion. Keep in mind that there is death and there is life. There has been a conception. There is life that has been conceived.
03:01:59 For me, I look at the abortions I've had as workings. So just like you would go through a spell and do things in a very specific order, you would, you would lay things out in a very specific order.
03:02:11 Because how we do our rituals and our workings and our spell castings, the order that we do them in is the order they play out in.
03:02:18 In in the physical.
03:02:20 When the magic like really kicks in and our spirits that we have called on say it's time for that working to work.
03:02:26 So if we look at an abortion and conception ritualistically, there's a life that has been conceived.
Speaker 13
03:02:37 Get in.