12/24/2023Speaker 1
00:11:30 70.00:00:09 70.
00:00:13 62886.
00:00:18 62886.
00:00:23 13297.
00:00:27 132-976-0318.
00:00:37 60318.
00:00:42 2631926319.
00:00:51 37842.
00:00:57 78428.
Speaker 2
00:01:38 Germans hate. I was born.00:01:46 Got this.
Speaker 3
00:02:46 Let me let.Speaker 2
00:02:50 I will get.Devon Stack
00:08:05 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:08:09 I am AI Devon stack.
00:08:15 Insomnia stream Caribou edition.
00:08:20 It's Christmas Eve. It's almost Christmas. Christmas in just a couple of hours. Well, I guess.
00:08:25 It's Christmas somewhere, right?
00:08:28 For some of you.
00:08:29 Get on the East Coast, right East Coast. People. It's Christmas already. So Merry Christmas.
00:08:36 Merry Christmas to all and to all.
00:08:38 A good night.
00:08:40 So, as promised, we're going to we're.
00:08:42 Going to watch a movie.
00:08:44 A Christmas movie.
00:08:49 I I I said last night I struggled.
00:08:53 To find one that was.
00:08:56 Based, I don't think that exists. You know with with movies you know.
00:09:00 Just given the.
00:09:01 Given the people that are making movies, it's just even if they're not Jewish, they're they're working in that environment. There's, there's not really right wingers making movies.
00:09:12 And that was true in the 80s as it as much as it is today. This is from this is from the 80s, I'm not.
00:09:19 Going to tell you that.
00:09:21 The name of the movie or the.
00:09:23 Year or anything.
00:09:24 Like that. I'm sure it won't be.
00:09:25 It won't be hard to figure out once it.
00:09:27 Starts going.
00:09:29 But for those of you who haven't seen it, I don't want to.
00:09:31 I don't know.
00:09:31 How many spoilers just yet?
00:09:34 I'll have a few things to say throughout the film. Not not too crazy. This is mostly going to be a chill.
00:09:41 Out and watch a movie.
00:09:42 Kind of a thing.
00:09:44 And then as I mentioned the last night.
00:09:49 They remade the movie recently.
00:09:53 And I did. I did find time to watch the remake and.
00:09:58 Yeah. We'll go over some of the changes, some of the changes.
00:10:03 Some of the stuff they changed was was kind.
00:10:04 Of weird but.
00:10:06 Some of it was the kind of.
00:10:07 Stuff that you would expect.
00:10:10 And yeah, so I guess without further ado, let's get it. Let's get it started. I will warn you.
00:10:20 It's a little more of a well, no, I don't wanna. I don't wanna.
00:10:22 Give you any.
00:10:23 Spoilers or any hints or clues.
00:10:27 But just yeah, remember that that.
00:10:30 This is not like the.
00:10:33 It's not like the most adult movie ever. It's it's a it's a family movie.
00:10:38 Try to keep that in mind.
00:10:41 Trying to keep.
00:10:41 The the magic of Christmas.
00:10:44 Alive as we watch this.
00:10:48 So without further ado, here we go I.
00:10:50 Watched this as a kid.
00:10:51 By the way.
00:10:52 And that's I was.
00:10:54 Like Oh yeah, I Remember Remember.
00:10:55 That movie, I wonder.
00:10:56 If that's that's horrible. I we watched it and.
00:10:59 Was like, oh, it's not so bad.
00:11:01 So here we go.
00:11:03 If I can get this thing to work here.
Speaker 5
00:11:19 Just the right half, please.00:11:30 The other half.
Speaker 6
00:11:33 The hopes and fears of my ears need tonight.Speaker 5
00:11:51 You 3 sing.Speaker 7
00:11:56 Three Chinese the everlasting light, the hopes and fears of five years.Speaker 2
00:12:10 Me tonight.Speaker 5
00:12:15 Thank you. That will be all.00:12:17 Honey, why don't?
Speaker 2
00:12:19 You shut up.Speaker 5
00:12:20 I don't recall asking for a second opinion, saying a bit softer.Speaker 7
00:12:29 Yeah. So.Speaker 8
00:12:30 It's worse than when I kicked my dog.Devon Stack
00:13:02 We had our first token black kid.Speaker 3
00:13:04 And the moon shone with a special brightness. And as if by magic, animals who are natural enemies, when they saw it lay down together the leopard.Speaker 9
00:13:17 With the chicken.Speaker 3
00:13:18 The lion with the lamb.00:13:20 And they were no longer home.
00:13:27 No snow.
00:13:30 Which is why many believe today that when the moon is full on Christmas Eve, it offers a magical time of.
00:13:38 Peace a blessing on the world.
Devon Stack
00:13:43 Notice how this is at a public school and there's lots of religious theatrics going on here. Totally normal back.Speaker 3
00:13:47 The guiding star the Wise men.Devon Stack
00:13:52 When this movie was made.Speaker 3
00:14:04 Guided by a star, the Wise Men came bearing gifts, gold and spices from the Orient, oils and silk.Devon Stack
00:15:22 You'll notice a lack of Jewish names in the credits.Speaker 2
00:15:23 That's a little bit more.Devon Stack
00:15:27 That will have real world consequences.00:15:30 In this movie.
00:15:37 Although Cloris Leachman's in here but.
00:15:39 That's why that's OK.
Speaker 7
00:15:42 Now, Dasher, now dancer. Now Prince your heart.Devon Stack
00:15:46 Also notice on those reindeer there's no runoff.Speaker 7
00:15:49 Dash knock dancer. Now get out of the street.00:15:53 Now, Dasher, now dancer now.
Speaker 10
00:16:11 I've been telling the.Devon Stack
00:16:12 Council for years, these decorations are too old.Speaker
00:16:14 Almost went right through that man's windshield.00:16:17 Oh, look, look.
00:16:19 Looks like sad is only going to.
Speaker 10
00:16:20 Have seven reindeer this year.Speaker
00:16:26 Come on, people.Devon Stack
00:16:27 Let's clear the streets. Don't want the accidents. Let's.00:16:30 Clear the streets.
00:16:31 Kinda gotten hurt.Speaker 6
00:16:34 I'm gonna fix it.Speaker
00:16:37 Maybe they should just.Speaker 7
00:16:38 Are you gonna fix it?00:16:43 They gotta fix them. Santa means always reindeer. Maybe you can't fly without Prince, Sir.
00:16:49 It's not the real plan, Sir.
00:16:52 It's just wood, I know that.
00:16:56 It's just wood.
Speaker 11
00:17:04 I don't know. You have a lot of.Devon Stack
00:17:05 Hours on that tractor is only three years old.00:17:09 Yeah, but I can only.
00:17:10 Give you 19.Devon Stack
00:17:10 100 toward twice that.Speaker
00:17:12 Look, I know.00:17:13 You're having a rough time.
Speaker 2
00:17:14 Dad, guess what? A Ranger fell and almost.Speaker 11
00:17:16 3000.Speaker 7
00:17:20 Went right through.Speaker 9
00:17:20 1950.Speaker 7
00:17:21 Man's windshield.Speaker 10
00:17:21 Not now.Speaker 12
00:17:24 It's my best off. Take it or leave.Speaker 2
00:17:33 Leave it. What are you dressed up for today? Yeah.Devon Stack
00:17:43 How'd it go?Speaker 7
00:17:47 What shape was supposed to carry the baby Jesus, but he lost it. They had to wrap up a bunch of rags and use that instead.Speaker 2
00:18:06 Dad, are we poor?Speaker 11
00:18:10 No, we're not poor. We're just down.00:18:12 On our luck.
Speaker 7
00:18:16 And our luck.Speaker 11
00:18:19 Doing everything I can.Speaker 7
00:18:22 I could help if you let me.Speaker 2
00:18:25 Just a little girl. Are we going to starve?Speaker 11
00:18:30 Of course.00:18:33 Stop worrying about these things, will you? You're going to be all right.
00:18:38 We've got apples you can eat apple sauce and apple cider and apple pie. You're stewed apples and baked apples and dried apple apple butter.
00:18:53 Heck no. We're not going to star.
Speaker 7
00:19:01 I am Sarah.00:19:07 Steve, can you fix my sled? No.
00:19:11 No, no.
Speaker 13
00:19:32 For Christmas and Happy New Year, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Speaker 7
00:20:00 It's going to be a full moon this Christmas.Speaker 11
00:20:02 With your mouth full.Speaker 7
00:20:11 That means it's bound to be magic things happening.Speaker 14
00:20:14 Give me a break.Speaker 7
00:20:16 You don't know anything about it.Speaker 2
00:20:18 I'll teach you.Speaker 14
00:20:18 There is something about it.00:20:21 Nancy Hooper works over at the hospital and she says.
00:20:23 Whenever there's a.
00:20:23 Full moon. The patients on the 8th floor. You know the mental patients, they all start acting up like crazy.
Speaker 7
00:20:30 Really. How did you go there on Christmas Eve and find out?00:20:38 Why are you so nasty?
Speaker 11
00:20:41 You want to eat like an animal. Take your food out to the barn.Speaker 14
00:21:46 Thing that.Speaker 10
00:21:48 It's not easy on me either.Devon Stack
00:21:51 You know, a lot of movies in this time period, you know, in this movie, of course, the mother is dead, but the the amount of children's films where the the family was a broken home is it was off the charts at.Speaker 3
00:22:01 Have you told me a job?Devon Stack
00:22:05 This time.Speaker 10
00:22:06 I know.Speaker 15
00:22:08 I know.Devon Stack
00:22:11 What I talked over there is he said that the Ant there was like, have you?00:22:15 Told her yet he was like, no, I.
00:22:16 Will. But anyway it was very odd at how many movies were like that. Well, I guess.
Speaker 7
00:22:17 She's out. She asked that and told me, yet told me what? Maybe they're gonna get married. Don't be revolting. She's married to my uncle Arnold. Maybe they were talking about a surprise. A Christmas present. They got me. Who knows? Santa is the one who brings all the presents.Devon Stack
00:22:21 It makes up.00:22:22 For, I mean, there was so much divorce at that time.
Speaker 7
00:22:37 Ohh right.Devon Stack
00:22:38 I know I've seen that chick from.00:22:42 I know where I've seen that chick from.
00:22:47 That's this chick.
Speaker 2
00:22:57 It's a unique sister. I know this. It's how.Speaker
00:23:02 The piles of the whole park.Speaker 2
00:23:03 It tells you everything I gotta find.00:23:15 It's a unique system. Quick use the unit system.
Devon Stack
00:23:28 Computer now.Speaker 2
00:23:36 Hold your mouse like the weirdo.Devon Stack
00:24:10 I knew I recognized her from somewhere.00:24:13 So yeah, anyway.
00:24:18 You know what's funny? I think she was there. Might have been, like a couple more, but I think as far as big movies go, she was only in this movie in Jurassic Park.
00:24:28 Because I I started thinking. Yeah, I haven't. I haven't seen that trick since Jurassic.
00:24:31 Park. I guess when you're in a movie like Jurassic Park, you never have to work again because now she's a.
00:24:37 She's an art.
00:24:38 Dealer, whatever the hell that means.
00:24:40 So anyway.
Speaker 7
00:24:43 You know, it's true. My mother told me. And she'd never lie. Let's not talk.00:24:49 About it anymore right now though.
00:24:51 There's some serious sledding to be done.
00:24:56 We're the first ones.
00:24:57 The only ones crazy enough to do this?
Devon Stack
00:25:26 And This is why it's.00:25:27 OK, that Cloris leachman's in this movie.
00:25:29 Because she's.
00:25:29 The the crazy old cat lady.
Speaker 2
00:25:38 Don't you?00:25:43 Go away, you ohh you rush.
Speaker 8
00:26:02 I'll catch you. I'll catch you.Speaker 7
00:26:21 What she recognizes? I don't think so.Devon Stack
00:26:24 No, the that this kind of a character, you know, the the crazy lives by herself, lady has the spooky house. This was a pretty normal character in movies up until.00:26:36 Very recently I wonder why I wonder why they?
00:26:38 Got rid of that character the the crazy woman with no children who lives.
00:26:43 By herself in this House with like a well in this case, she's like, obsessive about Rose.
00:26:49 Bushes or something.
00:26:51 Umm, because I kind of feel like that's.
00:26:53 Served as a warning. It was a good warning for women. You don't want to be the crazy. Uh, the crazy old maid.
Speaker 8
00:27:00 Oh my goodness.00:27:06 I'll catch you. I'll catch you.
Devon Stack
00:27:08 It was good to have this character that to.00:27:12 Especially a movie like this, which is obviously geared towards little girls, you don't want to be.
00:27:18 That Lady, you.
00:27:19 Don't want to be that Lady.
Speaker 7
00:27:33 Would she recognize this? I don't think so.Speaker 2
00:27:42 See you tomorrow.Speaker 6
00:27:43 OK, bye.Speaker 7
00:29:44 I've never seen him like you.Speaker 2
00:29:57 You're not afraid of me.Speaker 7
00:30:40 Dad, I just saw a deer in the woods. It was interesting. It was so big. It looked like a giant. It was so weird. You would never imagine.Speaker 11
00:30:43 Come in here.00:30:52 Times I told you not to go near McFarland.
Devon Stack
00:30:55 She just gave me a call. Says you ruined her. Some of her flower. But you wanna.00:30:59 Guess who's gonna pay for those?
00:31:01 I want you to stay away from there.
Speaker 2
00:31:04 Look, just like you went in my room. Hey.Devon Stack
00:31:10 You hear me?Speaker 16
00:31:11 Yeah, I do that.Devon Stack
00:31:37 You know another thing about 80S movies, they all had huge moons.00:31:42 I don't know what the deal was.
00:31:44 But there was like a.
Speaker 7
00:31:45 I believe this idea.Devon Stack
00:31:46 There's that chick again.Speaker 7
00:31:47 Words. There's lots of them around, but I don't.Devon Stack
00:32:02 That chick, that computer chick.00:32:06 That hair too. Look at that.
00:32:10 You can tell Hairspray was recently invented and.
00:32:13 People were.
00:32:14 Still struggling to find creative.
00:32:16 Ways to use it.
Speaker 7
00:32:18 They don't believe it was Santas, and I don't.00:32:21 Believe in flies. Look just like this one. Prancer. See the white mark on his forehead?
00:32:28 Hey, wait a minute. Remember was printed that fell down on main.
00:32:31 Street. That's where it.
00:32:32 Was so is this one. I have a magazine that had all the ranges lined up. I cut them out and this is the order. This is Panther. This is. This is Prancer, dancer, Prancer. Dasher. Dancer. Prancer.
00:32:48 This is Vicki and this is.
00:32:49 Prancer, are you going to eat your pickle?
00:32:53 The moons are almost full. It'll be full on Christmas Eve. Don't you see? It all fits together, Miss Jesse.
00:33:03 I don't believe in Santa Claus anymore.
00:33:07 I mean, think about it.
00:33:16 It doesn't make sense.
00:33:18 Well, kill not.
00:33:19 Everything in the world can be explained. I've never seen Santa Claus, and I've done a lot of looking. We've never seen God either. Something there's no God. But how do we know about?
00:33:31 That for sure.
00:33:33 Because if there's no God, there's no heaven. Maybe there isn't all right for you. Kill, whether it be you're not my friend anymore. What did I say? That there is no heaven so.
Speaker 9
00:33:42 She's subversive.Speaker 7
00:33:53 What about my mother's, then?Speaker 2
00:34:01 Open now goodbye.Speaker 7
00:34:03 They said I'm sorry.00:34:07 I was just kidding. I believe in Santa Claus. OK, I believe in God. I believe in heaven, Sir. Yes. I don't believe you.
Speaker 3
00:34:17 Told us all.Speaker 2
00:34:20 Gotta take care of your grandmother, right?Speaker 7
00:34:20 There's my mom. She's taking me Christmas shopping.Speaker 14
00:34:25 Happy holidays.Speaker 7
00:34:26 Talk to you later.Speaker 2
00:34:33 Hurry up for you.Speaker 5
00:34:38 Locked the car.Speaker 2
00:36:08 Get in here.Devon Stack
00:36:11 Come on.Speaker
00:36:20 Talk and talk.Speaker 11
00:36:21 And you just don't listen to him.Devon Stack
00:36:24 What are you doing out there by yourself?Speaker 7
00:36:27 Looking for the router here.Speaker 12
00:36:29 I've told you.Devon Stack
00:36:29 Never to go into the woods by yourself this time.Speaker 10
00:36:31 Of Year Hunter will shoot you.Speaker 7
00:36:42 Where were you going? Ready.Speaker 11
00:36:46 You know, looking at.00:36:47 Some damn thing.
Speaker 7
00:36:51 I heard you and answer talking the other night. What does told me mean? What does told me yet mean?Speaker 11
00:37:04 OK. You know, it's just not right. When a little girl's got to grow up without a mom around, been talking about maybe going to live with her.Speaker 7
00:37:21 No, daddy, please. I don't wanna do.00:37:23 That you don't.
Speaker 11
00:37:26 This is a hard thing for me to do, but I got to think about what's.00:37:29 Best for you?
Speaker 7
00:37:30 You're what's best for me.Speaker 11
00:37:32 I'm not. Can't buy the things you want can't give.00:37:36 You an education?
00:37:39 So I'll be able to do those things.
Speaker 7
00:37:43 Please daddy.Speaker 2
00:37:46 Please I want to stay with you.Speaker 7
00:37:52 Daddy, I know we are cute, but please, daddy, please.Speaker 11
00:37:59 It's arguing haven't got anything to do with it. It's just not right that I'm away from the.00:38:04 House so much.
Speaker 7
00:38:07 Send Steve if someone has to go.Speaker 11
00:38:10 He's over new, I mean.Speaker 7
00:38:14 I hope too I can do everything he does. He'll get too long for work. I can take his place. Please, daddy, please.Speaker 11
00:38:16 Annoying you?00:38:22 You'll only be 30 miles away.
Speaker 8
00:38:24 30 miles. That's like a million to trillions.Devon Stack
00:38:28 Calm down, will you?Speaker 11
00:38:30 Do this for each other all the time and help each other out when things get tough and things are tough for me right now.Speaker 7
00:38:37 I'm gonna run away when he comes for me. I will. She comes to you never find me out.Speaker 11
00:38:39 I want to hear you talk like that.Devon Stack
00:38:44 Stop it, Jessica.Speaker 2
00:38:57 It's him. Get away from him.Devon Stack
00:38:58 Wait. Stay here.Speaker 7
00:39:04 He's her daddy.Speaker 2
00:39:16 Gonna help him.Devon Stack
00:39:20 The beautiful call of the Caribou.00:39:24 Oh, we're going to.
00:39:25 Help him. Alright sweetie.
Speaker 2
00:39:33 Daddy, no.Devon Stack
00:39:38 Wounded Jesse.00:39:45 Yes, he's just gonna suffer.
Speaker 6
00:39:50 No, no.Speaker 9
00:39:53 I like you, hate me. You hate me.Speaker 7
00:40:19 I'm going to look over this way.Speaker 11
00:40:23 Don't even think about it.Speaker 2
00:40:28 OK.Speaker 11
00:40:35 This is gonna stop.Speaker 16
00:42:55 You're here.Speaker 7
00:42:58 How did you know where I live?00:43:07 You want me to help you?
Speaker 2
00:43:10 I won't hurt you. Are you hungry?Speaker 7
00:43:38 I got to get you out of here. I'll show you what?00:43:41 He sees you.
00:44:13 Things will be alright.
00:44:19 It's OK.
Speaker 2
00:44:24 Come on, come on.Speaker 7
00:44:33 I know it'll get you out of.Speaker 5
00:44:40 Come on.Speaker 7
00:44:43 It's a Christmas cookie.Speaker 2
00:45:05 Come on.00:45:07 When you can do it.
00:45:44 Come on.
00:45:48 Come on.
Speaker 5
00:45:51 Come on.Speaker 7
00:45:56 You can't do it.Devon Stack
00:45:58 I wonder what they did to the reindeer.00:45:59 To make it wimp like.
00:46:00 That I wonder if they like, just kicked it in the lake or something.
00:46:05 Working with animals is a nightmare though.
00:46:12 Obviously, way before they could do the CG.
Speaker 8
00:46:27 Come on.Speaker 7
00:46:31 I'll get more cookies, but you gotta come in.Speaker 2
00:46:33 Here first come on, come on.Speaker 7
00:47:14 Let me.00:47:22 I'll get more help, but you got to stay.
00:47:24 Here till then.
00:47:46 Come and we're gonna miss our bus coming.
Speaker 11
00:47:58 You got the dishes last night, Jessica. Something's been eating our little trees. Little chestnuts.Speaker 7
00:48:00 Sorry, dad.Speaker 11
00:48:13 Oh, I don't know. From the lips of the droppings I'd.00:48:16 Say it might.
00:48:16 Have been a deer.
Speaker 7
00:48:19 Must have been hungry if Lucy would.Speaker 9
00:48:21 Good. That's what they eat. Let's see.Speaker 16
00:48:49 I forgot my homework right now. Go ahead.Devon Stack
00:48:59 School bus technology hasn't changed in like 100 years.Speaker 7
00:49:29 This isn't a.00:49:30 Very healthy breakfast. We'll have to move till I can get you some hay.
00:49:35 And you did eat our little trees.
00:49:40 Ohh Prancer, you're getting worse and worse. I'm going for some help.
00:49:54 You OK?Speaker 15
00:50:02 Whatever it is can wait till tomorrow. I've been up all night.Speaker 7
00:50:06 Can't wait. Emergency. Please, just come, please.00:50:20 For someone to help you plan, Sir.
Speaker 15
00:50:35 You tricked me into this.Speaker 7
00:50:39 You said there was some animal that needs your help.00:50:41 And that's the truth.
00:50:43 I think he's dying.
Speaker 16
00:50:52 Where are you going?Speaker 15
00:50:54 I'm sorry I can't.Speaker 7
00:50:57 You're a doctor. You're supposed to help animals.Speaker 12
00:50:59 It must be Cardinals. I thought it was a cow.Speaker 16
00:51:02 But I'll die.Speaker 9
00:51:03 Talk to Mother Nature.Speaker 8
00:51:06 This is very, very important.Speaker 11
00:51:24 Let go of my truck.Speaker 7
00:51:26 Santas prints are actually.Speaker 15
00:51:30 I'm so glad to hear.Speaker 8
00:51:32 It is. It's perfect. And if you don't help, you'll never make it back home like this. Maybe you don't even.Speaker 9
00:51:33 Would you please stop? Would you? Would you please would, would you please stop? Would you please stop doing that? Your your dad closed to hear about this.Speaker 16
00:51:41 He doesn't get back.Speaker 15
00:51:49 Young lady, I was up half the night with a pregnant cow and a Crazy Horse. I'm tired. My hand hurts. I've got a sick wife to turn to. I can't.Devon Stack
00:52:01 Help you?Speaker 8
00:52:01 When I tell you he's gonna Santa.Speaker 9
00:52:04 Then call Santa.00:52:07 Let go of my car.
Speaker 7
00:52:13 Probably couldn't help him. Anyways. Doctors are just liars.Speaker 6
00:52:19 They never make anyone better.Speaker 7
00:52:31 It's going to be OK.Speaker 15
00:52:33 Too soon to tell should take a while to heal. Hold his head away.00:52:37 From me.
Speaker 7
00:52:38 I really don't think this is necessary. He's probably used to being around people.Speaker 15
00:52:43 What am I? Enough hold his head down and keep that on after I leave you here, they bite.Speaker 7
00:52:56 He's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.Speaker 15
00:53:00 Like a cow.00:53:08 Don't know when it rained.
00:53:09 Here during this far South.
00:53:12 Must have escaped from that that Christmas show over at Riverdale.
00:53:16 Give me a call.
Speaker 7
00:53:19 Please don't let.00:53:20 Anybody know? Especially dad? I don't think you understand.
Speaker 15
00:53:24 I gotta give him a call just in case.00:53:26 But I'll make you a deal. I'll give you a couple of days to tell your father yourself.
Speaker 7
00:53:39 History is going to love you for this.Speaker 12
00:53:43 Go to school.Speaker 10
00:53:45 School swear. I don't know what you're thinking about half the time. You're always off in the cloud somewhere. You don't just show up for school.Devon Stack
00:53:53 When you feel like it.Speaker 7
00:53:55 Patient anyway and all I missed was finger painting and I didn't see why.Devon Stack
00:53:58 That's the very thing I'm talking about.00:54:00 The very thing.
00:54:01 I'm worried about. I gotta go.
00:54:02 Off to Benton Harbor tonight. And who?
00:54:04 Knows what you're gonna get up to. Going to tell me why you.
Speaker 2
00:54:08 Late are you listening to me? No.Speaker 1
00:54:13 You're not? No, I mean, I'm not.Speaker 7
00:54:15 Gonna tell you why I was late for school.Speaker 11
00:54:19 Fine. How about your way?Speaker 7
00:54:28 Hello, Mr. Benton.00:54:32 Jessica breaks.
00:54:37 Jessica Riggs.
00:54:42 I was wondering if you got the Christmas show.
Speaker 15
00:54:44 Yes, it's not theirs.Speaker 7
00:54:47 Thanks Sir. I knew it.Speaker 15
00:54:52 Darn, this thing. Where did that deer come from?Speaker 7
00:54:58 My crazy sister horse. I've got a lacked in her room, so I probably could just sneak out.Speaker
00:55:03 Of the house.Speaker 7
00:55:07 She's on a mission to find some reindeer. My dad almost made a road pizza out of him.Speaker 14
00:55:11 But she thinks.Speaker 3
00:55:12 He can fly.Speaker 7
00:55:15 No, not my dad. The reindeer.00:55:46 This is the part.
00:55:51 They're apart. The movies battle.
00:55:53 Still makes noise inside.
00:55:57 But there was a veil covering the MC in the world, which not the strongest man could tear apart. No Santa Claus.
00:56:08 Thank God he lives and lives forever 1000 years from now.
00:56:13 10 * 10,000 years from now.
00:56:18 He will continue to make glad.
00:56:22 The heart of childhood.
00:56:26 Can't be as good as my mom did, but you understand what it means, right?
00:56:35 IPad Sandra doesn't think you'll get back in time.
00:56:40 I better let him know.
00:56:46 I love the brand, Sir.
00:56:52 What about me? You loved me.
Speaker 6
00:57:08 Say cheese.Devon Stack
00:57:24 Ohh look back when malls weren't dangerous.Speaker 7
00:57:31 Did you get?Speaker 12
00:57:32 That ohh little buddy. Of course I did. Let's see, Skeletor, slime pit, skateboard and.Speaker 2
00:57:43 Handcuffs, right.Speaker 12
00:57:47 Merry Christmas.00:57:53 Kind of heavy for Santas. Lampard, your little girl.
Speaker 7
00:57:57 I'm sorry I don't have any time for chit chat. I know you're not the real Santa.Speaker 11
00:58:02 Of course I am.Speaker 7
00:58:03 But can you get this letter to him?Speaker 12
00:58:06 Why don't you just put a stamp on it and drop it in?00:58:09 The mailbox.
Speaker 7
00:58:10 It's too late for that. Please believe me, this is.00:58:12 A matter of utmost importance.
00:58:16 Trancers in the shed near my house. I plan to take him to Antler Ridge on December 23rd, midnight.
Speaker 12
00:58:26 All that's in the letter.Speaker 7
00:58:29 Here's a picture of him. That way, you're telling the truth.00:58:35 A minute. You're not the real Santa.
Speaker 12
00:58:38 You OK? Keep it to yourself.Speaker 7
00:58:41 Can you help me?Speaker 12
00:58:45 Do everything I possibly to you.Speaker 9
00:58:50 Wait a minute now.00:58:53 Is that all you want for Christmas?
Speaker 7
00:58:56 Well, for now anyways, I really don't want to live with my aunt, but I don't know if Santa can do anything about that.Speaker 16
00:59:14 Go on, honey. It's your turn. What up there?Devon Stack
00:59:17 Creepy animatronic elves.Speaker 12
00:59:23 And what do you want? Christmas, you little devil you.Speaker 10
00:59:27 With the Minot robbery on three, the farmers on welfare story on five.Speaker 12
00:59:35 I got something to cheer you up on. This would be perfect for tomorrow's edition.Speaker 7
00:59:50 You've gotta swear, Carol, I said.00:59:53 I would.
00:59:55 Cross your heart. Swear not to tell. If you do, I'll get there.
01:00:03 I'm ready. I'm ready.
01:00:10 Oh my God. Answer. Go ahead. No, it's OK. I don't like animals that much.
Speaker 8
01:00:20 Anyway, come on. That's not an animal.Speaker 7
01:00:23 What are you doing here?01:00:25 It's a bird. It's a plane. It's a hat rack. It's a reindeer. You nerd.
Speaker 16
01:00:33 Looks like enough meat to last the winter.Speaker 7
01:00:37 Hello. Hurt me. My knees are chicken again. Is that a promise?Speaker 6
01:00:45 Dad. Ohh. Dad. Hey dad. Get.Speaker 7
01:00:49 Shut up, Steve. Look, I'll make you a deal.01:00:53 You don't tell Dad. I'll clean out the barn for you till the end.
01:00:55 Of the year your laws are clean in.
01:00:57 The barn name your price then.
01:01:04 I don't want to wash any dishes till June.
01:01:11 Deal, by the way, I wouldn't take anymore feed from the barn if I.
01:01:17 Were you? I look Steve. He has to eat.
01:01:21 Well then you guys can buy some milk.
Speaker 2
01:01:23 That's what.Speaker 7
01:01:24 I don't know you want to give.01:01:25 Us some money.
01:01:26 But we don't have any, you know?
01:01:28 He has noticed the missing hand.
01:01:31 Thinks it's the deer getting in. Says he's going to be gone.
01:01:40 See your friends, Sir. Bye, Carol.
01:01:44 I only need two more days. Then I'll take them up to Aunt Rich and Sand will.
01:01:48 Come and get them.
01:01:49 You will? Yeah. I send my letters all.
01:01:51 Worked out. Kid isn't playing with us.
Speaker 14
01:01:52 He wasn't.01:01:53 A full deck.
Speaker 7
01:01:55 Listen, Steve, nobody. And I mean nobody but us. So you know about Prince.01:02:00 Sir, don't worry.
01:02:03 I wouldn't want anybody to find out. You're nuts.
01:02:10 I have no cookies and if you didn't eat so fast, you sell some hay left. Am I going to?
01:02:17 Get the money for.
01:02:17 Oats cause something like $15.
01:02:20 A bag. Don't look at me.
01:02:23 I spent all mine on Christmas presents. Maybe we can own it. We're on vacation. We can get jobs. Please start.
Speaker 11
01:02:39 Your Aunt Sarah is going to be staying over the next two nights.01:02:43 Do you want us to take you to church on Sunday?
01:02:47 And Christmas shopping tomorrow.
Speaker 7
01:02:49 I can't tomorrow I got something important to do.Speaker 11
01:02:52 You stay with your aunt Sarah.01:02:55 I got to go to town on business.
01:02:57 I want to come back and hear you been giving her a hard time.
Devon Stack
01:03:32 Ones in chat, if you legit used to sneak out of your window like.01:03:36 That I know I did.
01:04:16 What do you want?Speaker 7
01:04:20 Came to apologize for trespassing info.01:04:26 Messing up your flowers. Well, I should think so.
Devon Stack
01:04:30 This isn't the first time you hooligans have torn up my property.Speaker 7
01:04:35 I'm really sorry.Speaker 8
01:04:36 You should see my creeping bent in the.Speaker 7
01:04:38 Summer what they do. I know, I know.01:04:43 Anyway, ma'am, I'm sorry.
Speaker 1
01:04:45 Don't do it again or I will be forced to notify the juvenile authorities so you wouldn't enjoy a month or.01:04:50 2IN reform school.
Speaker 7
01:04:53 No, ma'am.Speaker
01:04:58 You know.Speaker 7
01:04:59 Why am I here, ma'am?01:05:01 I'm wasting money for good cause and for.
01:05:06 I'd be willing.
01:05:07 To do chores for you for half price.
Speaker 3
01:05:10 Raising money.Speaker 17
01:05:13 For what cause?Speaker 7
01:05:16 An animal shelter.Speaker
01:05:20 What kind of chores and how much?Speaker 7
01:05:24 I'll clean any room in your house, top to bottom for $5.Speaker 2
01:05:32 Any room.Devon Stack
01:05:43 Back when kids were way.01:05:44 Less worried about being kidnapped.
01:06:07 I've been meaning to fix this up.01:06:08 For quite a while now.
Speaker 7
01:06:12 This looks like a $10 job.01:06:15 You said any room for $5.
Speaker 14
01:06:22 Now this goes upstairs. This goes upstairs, you.Speaker
01:06:25 Can leave this.Speaker 14
01:06:26 Here these go.Speaker 3
01:06:28 Up back these.Speaker 5
01:06:30 Go in the closet, under the stairs. This goes.Speaker
01:06:32 Up in the.Speaker 5
01:06:34 And the top floor.Speaker 7
01:06:38 Is it so good?Speaker 5
01:06:41 Keep that over there. Scream. These are big dusting.Speaker
01:06:53 These these books.Speaker 2
01:06:54 Put them in the bookcase and this.Speaker 3
01:06:57 Might help you know what.Devon Stack
01:07:08 We definitely need to bring back the crazy old maid in our in our movies and our stories.Speaker 3
01:07:23 Come on.Speaker 8
01:08:19 Little girl.Speaker 2
01:08:27 Little girl, little girl.Speaker
01:08:39 Little girl.01:08:46 Are you playing a game on me?
Speaker 5
01:08:54 What's all this?Speaker 7
01:08:55 I think beautiful.Speaker 3
01:08:57 Pack these up right away.Speaker 5
01:08:59 Why, no, I don't want them. Pack them.Speaker 7
01:09:02 Up, but don't you like them?Speaker 5
01:09:06 No, I don't like.Speaker 7
01:09:07 Them you used to when?01:09:08 All of the lights award for decorating your.
01:09:11 House people came.
01:09:12 From miles around.
Speaker 8
01:09:13 Why were you able to come from miles?Speaker 3
01:09:14 Around to trample.Speaker 14
01:09:15 Everything, you're.Speaker 6
01:09:15 Because I'm not doing it anymore.Speaker 16
01:09:16 A beautiful house.Speaker 2
01:09:39 To the left, no.Speaker
01:09:55 $5.Speaker 3
01:09:59 $10 is $16.00.Speaker 7
01:10:02 We agreed on five.Speaker 3
01:10:04 I know but.Speaker 15
01:10:06 You did $15.00 worth of work.Speaker 7
01:10:09 Thanks. I gotta go.Devon Stack
01:10:09 I'm going to look up.01:10:10 And see what 15 dollars 1989 was.
Speaker 3
01:10:16 But you said you were going to stay a.01:10:17 While I got.
Speaker 7
01:10:19 Trying to do.Speaker 8
01:10:21 Fine, be that way.Speaker 14
01:10:36 I was so worried. I looked for her all day. She took off early this morning and she didn't say a word.Speaker 15
01:10:41 I'll talk to her.Devon Stack
01:10:45 It would be almost 40 bucks.01:11:24 You know, it's funny about that shot. If you go back, that's that's like all the bad news of the day, right? That he's like, oh, I don't.
01:11:30 Know what we're going to do about all this news?
01:11:32 And what is it they're worried about? Russia. Sound familiar?
01:11:39 Drug deaths, you know, I guess fentanyl, right? And was like, what's that one at the?
01:11:45 Top and inflation. It's all the same. It's all the same.
Speaker 7
01:12:10 Dear Santa Claus, don't worry about Prince Sir. He's in good hands. He was hurt, but I helped him to get well. I will bring him to you at the top of our Ridge at midnight on Sunday. The night before Christmas Eve. That way you will have plenty of time.01:12:29 If you don't want me to see you, I'll close my eyes. But I do want to see you love Jessica Riggs.
Speaker 14
01:13:22 How is it, honey? Does it fit you?Speaker 7
01:13:25 Very well, thank you.Speaker 14
01:13:29 At 10 minutes.Speaker 7
01:13:37 Oh my God.01:13:40 Here he is. He's big. Wow, he's red.
01:13:47 OK, but what are you doing here? Hey, twigs. Just wanted to see the famous Prancer Prancer.
01:13:54 Who told you? Nobody.
01:13:56 I just saw I'm a strangle that Carol.
Speaker 8
01:13:59 These weird feet and those eyes, he's so ugly.Speaker 7
01:14:04 Yeah. Hello. Take. She's crazy, man. Get away.Speaker 3
01:14:07 Jumping the shark.Speaker 1
01:14:17 BPD alert.Speaker 7
01:14:31 You're not ugly Prince, Sir. Don't let those creeps bother you.01:14:38 Right.
01:14:38 Strangle that Carol. All right for her.
01:15:16 All I'm saying is you better.
Devon Stack
01:15:17 Now here's the scene that wouldn't be in the movie of Jews made it.Speaker 6
01:15:17 Get that radio?Speaker 7
01:15:20 Pretty soon everyone's.01:15:21 Gonna know about them. I can't believe Carol told Jessica.
01:15:25 Hi Mrs. Fairburn. And Sarah, this is my teacher, Mrs. Fairburn.
01:15:32 Good morning.Speaker 5
01:15:32 You must be so proud of her.Speaker 14
01:15:34 Oh, well, yes, we always are.Speaker 5
01:15:35 I want to.01:15:36 Hear all about it. I'll talk to you after church.
Speaker 2
01:15:40 Hi, how are you?Speaker 17
01:15:40 Good morning.Speaker 18
01:15:41 Good morning.Speaker 12
01:15:41 Reverend Merry Christmas.Speaker 17
01:15:45 Well, well, well, well, well. You have added inspiration to my day, young lady.Speaker 7
01:15:55 What you do hand out?01:15:56 I don't have any idea what they're talking about.
Speaker 17
01:17:18 That brought again from the dead, our Lord Jesus through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will.01:18:42 And the Angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid. And the Angel said unto them, fear not.
Speaker 2
01:19:23 Right.Speaker 11
01:19:58 They're real.Devon Stack
01:21:37 Right.Speaker 17
01:21:47 And now a final community note.01:21:50 We have someone very special in our congregation this morning.
01:21:57 Now those of you who have read this morning's Sunday newspaper know who I'm talking about.
01:22:02 But for those of you who haven't.
01:22:04 I'd like to read part of an editorial.
01:22:06 That appears in the family section.
01:22:10 It may help to inspire you in the same way that it did me.
01:22:15 In an electronic age where children are growing up light years faster than their ancestors ever dreamed possible.
01:22:24 Where the harsh realities of everyday life have invaded even the most idyllic of communities.
01:22:31 It is inspiring to see that some children are able to hold on to their dreams and innocent spirit.
01:22:39 Yes, Santa, there are still Virginia's in this world.
01:22:44 We have one right here in three Oaks.
01:22:48 She's nursing the spirit of Christmas back to health the same way as she's nursed your missing reindeer back to health.
01:22:57 Please stop by soon to collect Prancer.
01:23:00 Until then, he's in good hands.
01:23:03 Three Oaks is in good hands.
01:23:07 As long as we have children like Jessica Riggs.
01:23:11 With all their sense of wonder and belief.
01:23:16 We need that belief.
01:23:18 The world needs it. May it live forever.
Speaker 7
01:23:45 No, that's probably reading it right now.Speaker 2
01:23:59 Wow. Janet's.Devon Stack
01:24:02 Like, how's animals are named? Ralph and Janet.01:24:07 Met my dog Steve.
Speaker 7
01:24:25 Yeah, have fun, OK.Speaker 8
01:24:30 Alright, nobody's here. Hi, John. Hope you don't mind just barging in like this.Speaker 9
01:24:34 Ohh no.Speaker 6
01:24:40 There he is. Here. You guys. Look, he's over here. He's in the house.Speaker 2
01:24:49 Right.Speaker 6
01:25:28 Gotta go.Speaker 2
01:25:31 Don't shoot. Don't shoot.Speaker
01:25:36 I want to make far position to you, John.Speaker 7
01:25:43 Holy cow.01:25:48 Oh, no, he's gone.
Speaker 8
01:25:51 Daddy, where is he? Didn't kill him.Speaker 11
01:25:54 All weekend.Devon Stack
01:25:56 That's why you.01:25:56 Skipped school.
01:25:58 Eating food from the voice telling lies, and I find a 40 LB sack roots out there with that.
01:26:03 Christmas Ball on it.
01:26:05 Want to tell me where that came from? Did you?
01:26:07 Steal that too.
Speaker 16
01:26:07 No, she bought it.Devon Stack
01:26:09 Ohh you were on this too all that.01:26:10 Gets you later.
01:26:13 Sit down to read the newspaper for a change in all heck breaks loose. Darn dear, let us talk out. Then come into the house.
01:26:20 They have too much my mind for all this. The kids are making me nuts.
Speaker 7
01:26:23 Tell me you didn't shoot.Speaker 13
01:26:25 It I didn't shoot it.Speaker 16
01:26:27 Did it.Speaker 2
01:26:27 No, I didn't. No, I didn't.Speaker 7
01:26:32 Thank you, daddy. Do you run away? Which way you gonna go, Taylor?Devon Stack
01:26:35 Ridge down at Three Oaks.Speaker 3
01:26:38 Solve them.Speaker 9
01:26:39 Herb dryer.Devon Stack
01:26:41 You know, for me $200 that take them.Speaker 11
01:26:43 Off my hands.Speaker 7
01:26:44 Mr. Dryer, to put your daddy hill in there. He's gonna put your daddy who come up and sell the pieces.Devon Stack
01:26:48 No, he won't. He wants.Speaker 12
01:26:52 Ohh stop it.Speaker 7
01:26:53 No, I want you to understand what you've done. Who's Santas?Devon Stack
01:26:58 Ohh, come on Jesse.Speaker 7
01:27:00 Mom would have never done this.Devon Stack
01:27:03 Look at reindeer. Don't fly. OK. I hate to be the one to tell.Speaker 7
01:27:07 You that, but they don't instead of you.Speaker 6
01:27:14 Die. I'm gonna die.Speaker 14
01:27:17 Ohh John.Speaker
01:27:19 They didn't do that, did you?Speaker 2
01:27:36 You think Mr. Dryer over there?01:27:53 You're welcome.
Devon Stack
01:28:01 I saved his life. Now he's my best salesman.Speaker 9
01:28:05 Aren't you fella?Speaker 11
01:28:20 Nobody answered that I'm tired. I haven't explained to everybody why I sold that reindeer.Speaker 7
01:28:28 May I be excused please?Speaker 11
01:28:31 Yes, you man.Speaker 7
01:28:39 Sorry about the mess you made in the house.01:28:43 I'll do the dishes after everyone's through.
01:29:42 Where do you think you're going? None of your beeswax.
01:29:45 Head for town at night and snowstorm.
01:29:47 It's none of my business.Speaker 6
01:29:49 You're going to.Speaker 7
01:29:50 Try and spring Princess. So one of my.01:29:52 Hair. I just wonder why you need.
01:29:54 A sack full of clothes to do it.
01:29:58 Come on, Jesse. What are the clothes for?
01:30:02 You're going to.Speaker 16
01:30:02 Tell me what you're doing or I'm going.Speaker 7
01:30:04 To go get Dad.Speaker 1
01:30:06 I'm not.Speaker 7
01:30:07 Coming back, boy, that's just great. Come on, Jesse. Come back to the house. Come on. Don't be crazy.01:30:14 Hey, are you going to make me prank you?
01:30:18 Play drag me. I'll just find another way to leave.
01:30:23 Am I the only sane 1?
01:30:24 Left in this family look. See, I'm not going to ever, ever live with dance. Sarah. Sarah. Dad wants just to be there and I really.
01:30:32 Don't want to go.
Speaker 16
01:30:33 He does. Why is everyone keeping me in?Speaker 7
01:30:36 The dark about everything.01:30:37 I don't think.
01:30:38 You care. Course I do. Of course not. Come on back, Jess. We'll work this out. Dan doesn't want me. Sure he does. Doesn't treat me right. It's just mixed up right now.
01:30:40 Might be.
01:30:52 Doesn't love me, doesn't understand me.
Speaker 8
01:30:55 Baby doesn't understand you all the time. I don't either. But that doesn't mean.Speaker 16
01:30:59 I don't love you.Speaker 7
01:31:04 Come on, come on home. I'm tired of talking.01:31:06 About this, there's nothing left for me in this town.
01:31:20 5C.
01:32:01 Figured you might need some help with jailbreak. Don't think I'm gonna try and talk you out of running away anymore. Whatever you want.
Speaker 16
01:32:08 To do is fine with me.Speaker 7
01:32:11 Thanks Steve.01:32:32 We gotta hurry. It mixes rounds every half an hour. You better look out.
01:33:23 Where were you? I.
Speaker 2
01:33:24 Didn't see it.Speaker 7
01:33:25 Get back to.01:33:26 Your post no. Let me have the snow's too thick for looking.
01:33:30 Out you don't get back to your post.
Speaker 6
01:33:31 We're going home.Speaker 2
01:33:57 Hey, Steve, I'm here.Speaker 6
01:34:03 What are you doing?Speaker 7
01:34:05 What the heck are you doing? Some planters and jump out too high for you and it's too high for him, Steve. Maybe we get to see him fly.01:34:47 You are better now. There's nothing holding you back. You don't have much time. It's going.
Speaker 2
01:34:57 Come on.Speaker 6
01:35:02 He's gonna fly. He's gonna fly.Devon Stack
01:35:07 Do they really sound?Speaker 12
01:35:08 Like that? Do they really know?Devon Stack
01:35:12 They just got some sound guy to go.01:35:16 The microphone. We're we're at well after this is over, we'll have to look up some the Caribou sounds.
Speaker 2
01:35:32 It's burnt. They put maybe won't see you with.Speaker 7
01:35:36 All the snow.Devon Stack
01:36:27 Hey, Prancer, how you doing tonight, huh? Nice weather we're having here, huh?Speaker 9
01:36:37 How about that? Yeah.Devon Stack
01:36:42 Well, we'll see you on our.01:36:43 Next, run and I'll bring you something real good to eat.
01:36:46 Too, OK.
01:36:47 OK, see you later.
Speaker 8
01:37:11 I'm coming up.Speaker 11
01:39:20 Are you sure? I think maybe she came home from the hospital too soon.01:39:25 No, the X-rays turned down all right.
01:39:27 She's still not feeling well.
01:39:30 Things are blurry when she looks at him. She didn't want to get out of bed. She want to play her Christmas records.
01:39:37 You don't understand. But my daughter plays Christmas records all year, OK.
Speaker 14
01:39:54 How are you feeling, honey?01:39:57 Things to look a little funny to you.
Speaker 3
01:40:00 Sort of.Speaker 14
01:40:12 Tomorrow, when your uncle and I come over for.01:40:13 Christmas dinner.
01:40:15 We'll all get bundled up and we'll go and sing France.
Speaker 7
01:40:19 Want to see that dear?Speaker 14
01:40:24 What on earth are you?Speaker 7
01:40:24 Talking about this right don't know why it took me so long to listen.Speaker 14
01:40:31 I don't understand, Jesse.Speaker 7
01:40:33 It's just dear Aunt Sarah.Speaker 14
01:40:36 What would make you say such a thing? After all that you've done for him?01:40:41 After what he did for you last night.
01:40:44 Why I bet Santa?
01:40:45 'S coming to get him tonight.
Speaker 7
01:40:50 Don't have to pretend that's right.Speaker 3
01:40:53 I'm almost nine years old.Speaker 2
01:40:58 Time I grew up a little.Devon Stack
01:41:25 Hey, John, how are you?Speaker 11
01:41:27 What you doing down here? Just checking on the reindeer.Devon Stack
01:41:31 Well, you ought to go up to.01:41:32 Your house because it's going to be a party there.
01:41:37 We're supposed to be a surprise party.
01:41:41 Just between you and I, it's it's.
01:41:42 A party for Jesse.
01:41:46 So. So we'll see out there.
01:41:47 OK.
Speaker 10
01:41:48 Well, yeah, sure. I'll be there. OK, yeah.Speaker
01:41:54 Don't hit me in front of people.01:41:56 I don't rank you, you know.
Speaker 13
01:43:03 Miss you a Merry Christmas.01:43:07 Happy New year.
01:43:12 You and drowned in.
Speaker 11
01:43:20 Unless the Christmas tree lot.Speaker 10
01:43:28 Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.Speaker 11
01:43:35 Haven't got much to give you. It's Christmas.Speaker 7
01:43:38 It's OK, daddy.Speaker 11
01:43:40 Well, it is.01:43:48 I've been thinking.
01:43:54 Maybe we could.
01:43:57 Do some of the things we used to do.
01:44:01 You know before.
01:44:05 On other Christmases.
01:44:14 You know that old sleigh?
01:44:17 Remember the rides we used to take in it every Christmas.
01:44:22 Maybe we could hook it up to old Ralph.
01:44:26 Do that tomorrow.
Speaker 7
01:44:29 I like that, daddy.Speaker 11
01:44:40 And this out in the shed.Speaker 7
01:44:59 Eat it. Just this part. That's my favorite.Speaker 11
01:45:14 You tear apart the babies rattle.01:45:17 And you see what makes the noise inside.
01:45:21 But there is a veil covering the unseen world.
01:45:25 It's not the strongest man could tear apart.
01:45:30 Holy faith.
01:45:34 Love and romance.
01:45:37 And push aside that curtain.
01:45:40 And view the beauty and the glory beyond.
01:45:49 Is it all real?
01:45:53 Virginia in all this world, there is nothing else real in the body.
01:46:00 From Santa Claus.
01:46:03 Thank God he lives.
01:46:05 And lives forever.
01:46:09 1000 years from now.
01:46:11 10 * 10,000 years from now.
01:46:15 You will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.
Speaker 7
01:46:20 I didn't really want to run away. I just.01:46:25 I just want.
Speaker 16
01:46:28 You know.Speaker 7
01:46:29 I mean.01:46:31 Bring me back here. Tell me things were gonna be OK. Like they.
Speaker 2
01:46:37 Used to be Jesse.Speaker 11
01:46:42 I can't tell you everything's going to be alright.01:46:46 Well, I wish I could, but I know things are always going to be hard around here.
01:46:52 Didn't he will lose his farm someday?
01:46:56 Black bear that.
01:47:00 I can't bear is the.
01:47:08 You were gone last night.
01:47:12 Now, so it would be like around here and not to have you around.
01:47:20 I love you, Jesse.
Speaker 7
01:47:23 Sorry, Debbie.Speaker 2
01:47:30 Love you too, Ted.Speaker 11
01:47:36 It's OK, don't cry.01:47:39 Your whole money, and that's what you're.
01:47:41 Going to spend.
01:47:46 I got something I want to show you.
Speaker 7
01:47:57 How'd you get him?Speaker 11
01:47:59 Transferred down and gave him his money back.01:48:02 I think we still got time to get him out down the Ridge. Santa hadn't been to three oaks yet.
Speaker 7
01:48:09 You don't have to.01:48:10 I know he's really not friends, Sir.
Speaker 11
01:48:12 Ohh, you're gonna have a lot of trouble convincing all those people downstairs of that.Speaker 9
01:48:18 Well, well, what?Devon Stack
01:48:20 Out of the way, everybody, we've got a reindeer to get them ready by midnight.Speaker 14
01:48:25 I don't have such a good idea, John. The doctor said that she could get out of bed, but I don't think this is what he had in mind. She still needs her rest.Speaker 11
01:48:32 I know what you need, Sir, and from now on, she's going.01:48:34 To be getting more of it.
Speaker 8
01:48:55 Ohh my goodness.Speaker
01:48:59 How are you?Speaker 7
01:50:00 I wish I could keep you for just my own time.01:50:05 Always remember your Prince.
Speaker 16
01:50:08 Love you.Speaker 7
01:50:19 Thanks Prince Sir, for everything.Speaker 2
01:51:15 Ohh Prancer jumped into the.Devon Stack
01:51:27 I know my dark, cynical heart. As soon as I saw that.01:51:30 I was like.
01:51:32 Well, I guess.
01:51:34 I guess you should have kept him as a pet.
Speaker 11
01:51:39 I don't know, it just disappeared.Speaker 7
01:51:46 He couldn't have jumped and live.Speaker 11
01:51:50 Maybe flew this would be a good place for Santa to.01:51:54 Come and get him.
Speaker 7
01:52:00 The moon is full.Speaker 11
01:52:03 And it is Christmas Eve.01:52:12 Maybe you'll hear his bells.
Speaker 7
01:52:30 I hear them.01:52:32 I hear you, Daddy. I do.
Speaker 2
01:52:58 My Prince Sir. Goodbye.01:53:01 Remember Me?
Devon Stack
01:54:09 Alright, so that was.01:54:10 Prancer, from 1989, one's in chat if you think that Prancer was really Prancer and joined up with Santa on Christmas Eve 2 and Chad, if you think that Prancer.
01:54:26 Jumped off a Cliff, died at the bottom of a gorge and the BPT?
01:54:35 The little the little girl with The Who was a little bit disturbed, hallucinated as Santa Claus thing to to deal with it.
01:54:49 We're not evenly split.
01:54:52 They should have done. They should have had the tracks and before the very edge of.
Speaker 19
01:54:56 The Cliff.Devon Stack
01:54:59 Like when I saw that I was like, you know, it looks like it. It died like it looks like it died.01:55:08 I mean, you don't have. You don't see it flying off, you know, immediately afterwards. It's really it's real awful. Quiet. It's not. Tell her dad comes in and starts suggesting all these things, but he doesn't seem too worried about it either.
01:55:20 He's not like, Oh my God.
01:55:25 So anyway, I mean look overall.
01:55:28 As far as movies go these days, right? I.
01:55:31 Mean this is.
01:55:33 This is pretty family friendly. There's a couple things that irritate me, like the dad, the all the male characters are are and. Look, it's it's. You can tell it's made for little girls.
01:55:44 Actually, but all the male characters are kind of *****. I mean, not they always come around the end. It's not like, you know, I don't think it's too heavy-handed like that. I I I. But I did notice that the dad seemed to be a little over the top with his performance about how mad he was all the time, even though he does come around at the end.
01:56:06 The other thing.
01:56:06 That look it. Like I said, it's it's mostly I think it has like the the Anna Green.
01:56:12 Gables kind of.
01:56:14 Little girl feminism to it. Right, a little bit. And but it's not, I don't think.
01:56:18 It's. I don't think it's too crazy.
01:56:23 But that said, they remade this in 2020.
01:56:30 And some notable differences. Some of them don't make any sense and.
01:56:33 Some of them are very obviously.
01:56:36 You know, so this.
01:56:37 Is this is the little girl in the 20?
01:56:41 Was it 2022 or?
01:56:42 2020 or.
01:56:44 Maybe in the last couple of years.
01:56:46 For some reason, they made her British.
01:56:50 So it starts off with this little girl is with her mom, who's not dead, but instead is this tatted up millennial, who I guess married some rock band Guy who's touring around Europe and has left the family. So that's kind of a weird change.
01:57:10 And instead of, you know because.
01:57:13 They're in England, which again, that that part doesn't make any. I don't know why they had to do that because they end up going to going to America. So there's the there's the deadbeat dad texting and saying, oh, I'm, I'm on tour. I'm in Germany.
01:57:29 But then the cranky old father in the original one is the cranky old grandfather in America.
01:57:37 And so they go to America because.
01:57:42 His wife died.
01:57:45 And he's shutting down his small town general store. Lots of black people in this.
01:57:51 Small town, by the way.
01:57:54 You gotta you gotta. Like, it's like the same, you know, kind of small white town. Except for there's some old black guy and some kind of weird mystery meat guy on the left.
01:58:05 That works at the store.
01:58:09 But he goes to his grave, the grave of his wife. And he's really sad and depressed about all that. And he sees Prancer in this one, and he swerves to Miss Prancer and gets in a rack and hits his head. And so everyone thinks that he's.
01:58:26 He's lost his mind.
01:58:29 You know, but that that's why his daughter decides, well, that and and the fact that her husband is banging hookers in a in.
01:58:37 Mommy, they decide to go to grandpas.
01:58:40 House in America and watch. Watch over him over the Christmas season because he's hit his head in this wreck.
01:58:50 So they go to America and you meet the the other child, the son, and you, you get. It's kind of like.
01:58:59 It's got a little bit of.
01:59:00 A vibe of Gran Torino. Right? Grand Torino, where you have the millennial children of the old man.
01:59:09 Who's you know, they're just they're just.
01:59:12 They're just waiting to.
01:59:13 To they're just these grubby.
01:59:15 Little, you know, ungrateful millennial kids. They're just waiting for their parents.
01:59:19 The die so they can take, you know, take the the house and and sell it and all this other.
01:59:24 Stuff. But you're also, as there's black people.
01:59:27 In the house.
01:59:28 No, they're not robbing it. And no, they're not.
01:59:32 They're not working there. It's uh.
01:59:35 He's got a black wife the cringe.
01:59:40 Beta son's got a black wife.
01:59:43 And you know.
01:59:48 So he's got black kids.
01:59:51 So uh.
01:59:53 Yeah, for no reason. Like no reason, but.
01:59:55 They don't even.
01:59:56 Need to be in the story? They it's it's like they added black kids to the movie just to have black kids in it. They don't play any kind of important role at all in the story, like at all.
02:00:08 So they decide that. Yeah. Oh yeah.
02:00:10 Dad's kind of crazy we might.
02:00:12 Have to but.
02:00:13 To sell the the place and put him.
02:00:15 In a home.
02:00:17 And then the little.
02:00:19 Girl sees her grandpa talking to Prancer in the forest, so she goes out there. Now she's in.
02:00:25 On it. But he's like.
02:00:26 Oh, it's don't tell people. I would go out here and talk to.
02:00:29 A reindeer.
02:00:30 Which is really weird.
02:00:31 I don't understand why it has to be a secret. It doesn't really make any sense.
02:00:36 And Prancer keeps magically appearing in places that a reindeer wouldn't be able to do, so there's no there's no like.
02:00:45 Mystery as to whether or not it's really Prancer because it's.
02:00:51 This reindeer keeps showing.
02:00:52 Up in places that would be impossible.
02:00:59 The parents or I guess the mother of the little.
02:01:03 Girl and the.
02:01:03 Other you know the other kid or the old man?
02:01:06 For some reason, they really hate that they go.
02:01:08 In the forest and.
02:01:09 Talk to a Randy because they find out and they're really mad about it. But like it, it doesn't make any sense. Like there's not a whole lot of. They don't never really explain, like why it's so.
02:01:18 Bad that she's out in the forest with her grandpa, looking at deer. In fact, they're so mad the son hires.
02:01:27 A guy to.
02:01:27 Go shoot the reindeer. He doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 10
02:01:28 OK.Devon Stack
02:01:33 So yeah, I I think it's just they wanted an anti hunting theme attached to it.02:01:40 And so they've got this guy who's really mad and hates animals. And so he has to kill them all. You know, every everyone's seen this kind of character in a movie.
02:01:51 Meanwhile, the black kids and a little girl make a video saying that the store isn't going to close the the store that the the grandpa owns, and I somehow magically.
02:02:06 That changes his mind because there's a YouTube video or something that doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 19
02:02:13 And then you kind.Devon Stack
02:02:14 Of have this opposite.02:02:16 View of Prancer at the end.
02:02:20 In the 1989 movie, it was like this really bad thing that Prancer was kind of a a spectacle, right, that he was put on display for customers to go see where is.
02:02:35 And this one it was. It's kind of like.
02:02:37 It's a good.
02:02:38 Thing you know, like Prancer, shows up in the middle of town and and.
02:02:44 It's everyone's taking selfies with prank like I'm not getting, they're taking selfies with the prankster and stuff like that.
02:02:52 And that somehow makes the old man happy again. And he puts on a Santa suit. The hunter gets arrested for trying to shoot Prancer.
02:03:03 And the mom finally tells the little girl that.
02:03:10 Her dad is a is a ***** ****** and is, and they're not getting back together, but it's fine because.
02:03:18 We're going to live here in America with Grandpa.
02:03:21 Grandpa is happy in the end.
02:03:24 Like it, doesn't it it it's it's.
02:03:26 Kind of weird. Why?
02:03:28 I mean, I don't understand why they restructured it as.
02:03:30 Much as they did.
02:03:32 And because it made it less.
02:03:38 Adding the black kids, obviously I know.
02:03:40 Why they did?
02:03:40 That, but that was completely unnecessary just to have ohh.
02:03:45 Ohh, by the way there.
02:03:47 There's there's a it's a race mixing family for no reason.
02:03:54 So anyway, that's the new one.
Speaker 18
02:03:58 Other than the.Devon Stack
02:03:58 You know that stuff? I mean other than the?02:04:01 Fact that it doesn't make a.
02:04:02 Whole lot of sense and they added the diversity, the gratuitous diversity.
02:04:08 It's not bad in that.
02:04:11 You know, like it's not.
02:04:14 I didn't see it pushing anything other than the anti hunting theme, which was was pretty obvious.
02:04:21 And I kind of feel like.
02:04:23 That if you're going to criticize the first one.
02:04:27 There is a I mean it's not the same. It's not anti hunting. And the dad's got a rifle and you know, she stops him from.
02:04:33 Shooting the the reindeer a bunch of times.
02:04:37 But I think that movies like this, and in fact, when Bambi first.
02:04:41 Come out right. There was a bunch of people that were really upset because it had a very obviously, you know, the hunters were the bad guy. You know, they killed Bambi's mom, and it was very traumatic.
02:04:55 For people or for little kids watching that movie back then, it might be shocking to you. But there was a time where kids were so innocent, they watched Bambi and Bambi's mom getting shot was like the most traumatic thing that they'd ever seen in their lives.
02:05:08 And there's a lot of people that think that a lot of animal rights activists were were were basically born the the the moment they saw Bambi's mom get get shot. And I would say that.
02:05:23 There's a similar thing going on in the first one, not to a crazy degree, although I looked up to see.
02:05:31 The actress that plays the little girl. You know this chick?
02:05:36 If she because she looked familiar at all.
02:05:39 And she's now, believe it or not, and.
02:05:41 An animal rights activist.
02:05:43 So it's kind of makes you wonder, right? Like she obviously is, this is.
02:05:48 This was a a big thing in her life as a little girl acting in this movie, and it makes you wonder if that perhaps a.
02:05:58 Shaded her her worldview in such a way that it in in a way determined what she did with the rest.
02:06:04 Of her life so.
02:06:08 Other than that, you.
02:06:09 Know I don't want to be too nitpicky.
02:06:12 As far as Christmas movies go, I think it was a good mix.
02:06:16 Of like the.
02:06:18 The Pagani kind of stuff, you know? And the Christian kind of stuff. It was like this solid mix where you don't even get that Christianity type stuff at all and almost any other Christmas movie I went through, like I said, a few Christmas movies looking for this.
02:06:36 And uh, I was. I was struck by.
02:06:39 How? How normal that was. You know, having all those the church scenes.
02:06:44 You know where is? Where is that at?
02:06:48 And the fact that they even kind of have, you know, the the crazy old bag that.
02:06:54 Like it's it's seen as like this good thing that.
02:06:58 That she returns back to church, you know that's that's that's the end of her redemption arc. You could say, you know, she's this crazy old maid that lives by herself and. And you know, it's.
02:07:12 Like a hoarder and.
02:07:13 And is into her weird rose bushes or whatever.
02:07:18 And uh.
02:07:20 The the end of the redemption arc after she's, you know, decided to re embrace Christmas and put up the Christmas lights and all this other stuff is that she's back at church. And in fact, even had that symbolism where, you know, the little boy's hands are the the candle and makes her part of the religious community again.
02:07:39 You know.
02:07:41 So it's.
Speaker 19
02:07:43 You wouldn't see.Devon Stack
02:07:44 That in a movie these days, you gotta remember when this came out. The Simpsons, I think had just started.02:07:51 The Simpsons had just started, and even then.
02:07:55 The Simpsons went to church.
02:07:58 Every Sunday, of course, they made fun of it, but that's you got to understand when they made The Simpsons that they were making it so that the people watching the show would relate to the cartoon.
02:08:08 And it was such a normal thing for Americans to go to church that it would be odd if they didn't have the the church, even if they did make that, just to to make fun of it and to.
02:08:21 Ridicule it, which is, you know, precisely what they did. It didn't start out as bad as it was either. The first few seasons, you know, obviously they they make fun of the preacher being long winded and the men wanting to watch sports on TV instead of going to church. And you know, that sort of thing. But it wasn't like full on.
02:08:43 You know, anti religion like like it is now.
02:08:46 You know, so.
02:08:49 It was a different time. It's a different time and it's crazy, you know, just like the inflation thing, right, that that's crazy. That 15 bucks back then that was almost like, that's it. Works out to be like, it's like 3780 or something. Like it's almost 40 bucks.
02:09:05 You know that that's that's how much the the money has changed in just a.
02:09:11 What like 30-30 something years so.
02:09:16 Very, very odd to see all the white faces too. I mean, in this church, I don't think there's a single non white in the entire church. They had that. In fact, I don't think there's a single non white in the entire movie except for the the very, very beginning. They have that black.
02:09:32 Kid walk.
02:09:33 By just to be like see.
02:09:35 We put a black kid in there.
02:09:37 Uh, but that's it.
02:09:39 Like that's basically it. The whole rest of the movie, there's everyone's white.
02:09:44 And because that would, that's it, would. It wouldn't make sense.
02:09:48 Otherwise it wouldn't make.
02:09:49 Sense that you would have some, I I'm.
02:09:54 Guessing this is North Dakota because.
02:09:58 When they're in The Newsroom and they're talking about, you know, the the newspaper guy, you can overhear someone say something about a, a shoot or a bank robbery. I think it was in Minot. So it's in North Dakota. And the idea that you would have a small town in North Dakota.
02:10:15 And there there'd be anyone but white people would be insane.
02:10:20 And that's how much things have changed nowadays. I mean, they've probably busted.
02:10:25 Several, you know, 100 if not more illegal.
02:10:28 Aliens into this small town from the border.
02:10:32 And that, you know, that's.
02:10:34 They can't have, you know, small towns like this anymore.
02:10:39 So I don't know.
02:10:41 I I would say.
02:10:44 On a scale of one to 10.
02:10:48 How how degenerate is it? You know, one being not degenerate at all and and 10 being like gay *****.
02:10:59 I'd say it's like a 2.
02:11:02 I'd say it's, you know, if if my kids.
02:11:04 Watch this. I wouldn't.
02:11:06 You know, it wouldn't bother me. Like I said, I could nitpick and find things wrong with, like, the the crazy dad and like the.
02:11:15 The girl being kind of annoying and and always breaking the rules and stuff like that but.
02:11:21 You know I.
02:11:22 Just don't. I don't think. I mean, you know, I don't.
02:11:24 Think it's that crazy?
02:11:28 So anyway, uh, that is.
02:11:34 That is a Prancer 1989 and it is officially is officially Christmas everywhere in America at least. The the 48 states. It's not Christmas yet I don't think in Alaska.
02:11:50 And it's not Christmas yet in Hawaii, but in all the places that matter, it's it's officially Christmas. So Merry Christmas to you guys.
02:12:01 All right.
02:12:03 And yeah, it was fun. It was definitely fun. It was fun not making this.
Speaker 13
02:12:18 This scene always.Devon Stack
02:12:19 Bothered me.Speaker 6
02:12:23 All the files of.Speaker 7
02:12:24 The whole park, it tells you everything.Speaker 6
02:12:27 I gotta find right?Speaker 2
02:12:28 OK.02:12:45 It is.
Devon Stack
02:13:07 No one holds their mouse like that.02:13:33 So you.
02:13:37 I can't see that actress and.
02:13:39 Not just think about her.
02:13:40 Either running around screaming like a.
02:13:43 Like the most annoying screams ever, or being the the secret computer Wiz girl.
02:13:52 Ohh, that actress. Just those kids. Even when I was.
02:13:54 A kid, I.
02:13:55 Hated those kids. Those kids basically ruined that movie. Jurassic Park could have been way better without the kids.
02:14:03 Ohh boy. All right anyway.
02:14:06 Well, it looks like the the hyper chats are off the chain, so we we should probably get get to those because it's.
02:14:16 We're to be here all night if I don't.
02:14:19 Let's take a look here.
02:14:23 Well, you guys are being.
02:14:26 Being very I really do appreciate that. I really do appreciate that. So very, very thankful for the generosity of you guys. And you know what? Because I'm like I said, I'm, I'm I'm taking the week off after this stream, so you won't probably won't see me until next year. This has been a great year.
02:14:46 I really appreciate you guys coming here and and checking out the insomnia stream. I never in a million years would have thought that this is what I would end up doing and and it's.
02:14:57 It's it's been a pleasure and a privilege and and you guys make it all possible and.
02:15:04 I and I'm.
02:15:04 I'm I really do appreciate your support and and and not just financially but like you know you guys coming here and sharing the videos and and all that it's just a.
02:15:16 Yeah, it's an amazing thing. It's an amazing thing. So. But anyway, let me take it. Let me take a look at these hyper chats here.
02:15:24 Brody Brody says Merry Christmas, my friend. Thank you for doing this live stream. Well, I appreciate that. And yeah, I figured, you know.
02:15:32 That we had a.
02:15:33 Lot of people live. I mean we.
02:15:35 Had like, I mean if.
02:15:36 You Count rumble too. At certain points we had almost 1000 people.
02:15:42 Live. So yeah, I I I didn't think it would be like that. I.
02:15:46 Thought we'd be pretty.
02:15:48 You know, well, it'd be pretty low turn out, but.
02:15:52 You know, it turns out there's a lot of people out.
02:15:54 There that that.
02:15:57 That don't have family to be with, and so this is, you know it.
02:16:01 Was a good idea, I guess to do it.
02:16:03 Uh, and thank thanks for the.
02:16:07 Thanks for the Merry Christmas there, Brody. Tipsy makes stagger. Merry Christmas, Deb. And a massive thanks for everything you do. Also give classified cat and Shiro.
02:16:16 A PAT for.
02:16:17 Me. Yeah. Chiro wanted off before the string hasn't come back in yet, so I think he's out murder.
02:16:24 Ring and classified cat. I don't know where he. I haven't seen.
02:16:28 Him in a while.
02:16:30 He usually leaves me alone during the live streams.
02:16:32 It's like he knows if I'm talking at the.
02:16:34 Computer that that.
02:16:36 It's not a good time. So, but I'll I'll definitely do that.
02:16:40 Boy boy 1488. Goy boy, 1488.
Speaker 2
02:16:46 Today, we'll be reading the best Christmas ever. I started to use.Devon Stack
02:16:51 The magic *****.Speaker 2
02:17:02 And did the best.Devon Stack
02:17:19 All right. Great boy. 1488 with the big *** ****. Dunno there. Merry Christmas, Mr. Steck. And hail Christ the King.02:17:31 My roommate and I would love to sponsor a hive if possible. Also, the Mega pet is hilarious.
02:17:40 I wish it was 10 minutes long.
02:17:42 I hope you.
02:17:43 Classified cat and Churro have an awesome Christmas and a Happy New Year. Well, I appreciate that and I, you know, you know who else likes the mega pet Prancer? Prancer, apparently.
02:17:57 Is in the mega pit, sadly.
02:18:01 Well, thank you very much. Gory boy. Fortune 88, that's uh, that's very much appreciated. And yeah, we can get you.
02:18:07 We can get.
02:18:08 We can.Devon Stack
02:18:09 Get you to be a high sponsor? Absolutely.02:18:12 I'm gonna be building boxes, probably a lot during my week off. I'm gonna just be hammering.
02:18:18 ******* bee boxes together. The boxes aren't so bad. It's assembling frames that suck, you know, because you can't. I mean, it's it's not very thick. The woods not very thick. So you have to be. You can't. Well, you can't really use nails I have found because I always split the wood every time. You know, even though you use like, little tiny nails.
02:18:36 Or it doesn't?
02:18:37 Hold them together. You have to.
02:18:38 Use wood glue and then staple them and it's just, I don't know, there's so many of them too, because there's ten per box, right? So if you have 100 hives, you know, and every every hive is more.
02:18:51 Than one box.
02:18:53 So, you know, even if it was just that's 1000 frames, you have to build and if there are three boxes high that's, you know 3000 frames, you got to build so it's.
02:19:02 It's a lot of work. It's a lot of justice, tedious work. You can buy them pre-made, but the price difference is.
02:19:09 Astronomical when especially, you're buying a lot of stuff. It's I'd rather just sit in Carla's house hammering.
02:19:17 Hammering frames together all day.
02:19:21 Or I guess stapling, I guess you could say.
02:19:25 Blue chord, blue chord.
02:19:34 Blue chord.
02:19:37 Merry Christmas, Mr. stack. Enjoy your week off. Thanks for all your work. Well, I appreciate that blue chord. Thank you for the support there.
02:19:45 A hammer of Thorazine, hammer of Thorazine.
02:19:57 Amira theorizing.
02:19:59 Idea. What if you bring back the overdose stream as its own thing, doing it sporadically every one to three months or whenever but at an earlier time? It would give the replay gang a chance to see a a show live without compromising the late night vibe of the regular show. I can think of other perks as well.
02:20:20 Yeah, I maybe something like.
02:20:22 That would be cool. Maybe we could do.
02:20:25 Like the first Saturday of the month or, you know, something like that, right? That's.
02:20:31 Some to think about.
02:20:32 I'll be thinking about stuff like that during the week when I actually have a time, you know, time to think. It's it'll be nice to just not be putting together a stream for a few days and and not have to worry about that. And then I can think of.
02:20:46 Think about stuff like that, but yeah, that that's not a bad idea.
02:20:51 Little Cat Lou cat.
02:20:54 Luke, I feel like we have a lot of *** **** Donos tonight, so.
02:21:01 It's a good problem to have, but you know this. This could get long in terms of things animations here getting replayed over and over again.
02:21:10 Let's see here. Do I have a do?
02:21:12 I have a fancy different one.
02:21:16 What does go?
02:21:17 The oldie but Goodie.
Speaker 19
02:21:18 Money is power. Money is the.02:21:20 Only weapon that.
02:21:21 That you have to defend yourself with.
Devon Stack
02:21:23 Look how Julie this *** is.02:21:42 All right, all right.
02:21:43 Merry Christmas, Devin, and well wishes to you and.
02:21:47 Your loved ones.
02:21:48 Enjoy your break. Well, I appreciate that.
02:21:51 Tipsy Mcstay Agger says all I want for.
02:21:53 Christmas is a duck.
02:21:55 I well I I need to get that reappearing.
02:21:58 Duck animation. I don't know what happened to that.
02:22:00 One that.
02:22:00 Would have been that have been a good chance.
02:22:02 For that one www.justsaysw.
Speaker 16
02:22:09 Hello. Hello, hello.Devon Stack
02:22:13 What if that's George W Bush?Speaker
02:22:17 It'd be.Devon Stack
02:22:17 Weird if it.02:22:18 Was Merry Christmas, Devin. Thanks for all the content this year. Well, I appreciate that. And Antoine, is it? No, it's not Antoine. Antoine. Antoine.
02:22:31 Near her now or something? I don't know. I can't say her name.
02:22:37 Merry Christmas your Feliz Navidad's dream was hysterical. Your original pit clip will always be the goat. However, I still had fun making minor edits to the Mega pit clip I am soliciting for your public consideration.
02:22:54 Uh. Let's see here.
02:23:04 This is hang on. That's not it. Hang on, hang on.
02:23:10 Hang on.
02:23:16 Let me uh get this up here.
Speaker 2
02:23:25 OK.Devon Stack
02:23:33 Ohh sweet we got mega pan.02:23:38 Fagots owned.
Speaker 8
02:23:42 Well, OK.Devon Stack
02:23:45 Ah, stop. I hate the autoplay.02:23:47 Ohh sweet we got.
02:23:49 There we go.
02:23:51 I don't know.
02:23:53 I don't know if I like Peter Griffin being in it. I'd try to avoid Peter Griffin as much as possible, but I appreciate the I appreciate the effort there.
02:24:04 Swiss Pooh. Swiss Pooh.
02:24:08 Ah man, all you guys are being generous tonight.
02:24:15 Swiss Pooh says Merry Christmas, everybody. Our children are the only chance this world has at being civilized. Rational.
02:24:23 And peaceful. That's right.
02:24:26 That is, that is correct Sir.
02:24:29 Thank you, Swiss Pooh.
02:24:31 The Rogues Tavern, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Devin May the bees be prosperous in the coming year. Look forward to the release of your new branded honey and the very busy website is still here to claim. Ohh yeah. Well, I appreciate that. Absolutely. And yeah, you said if you want to.
02:24:51 If you want to.
02:24:52 Have it if you want to do that website that's that's fine. I don't.
02:24:55 I don't have time to.
02:24:57 To update.
02:24:58 And well, maybe that's something I can think about during this week off too, is if we should have a website and all that good stuff, but I appreciate it all the same and Merry Christmas to you.
02:25:09 Wooden doors and electric floors.
02:25:13 You're a poet, and you didn't even know it.
Speaker 13
02:25:17 Easy money.Devon Stack
02:25:23 Appreciate that wooden doors and electric floors.02:25:27 With the *** ****? Don't know. Merry Christmas. Deb and I was wondering if you could look into the Hampstead cover up. This would fall in line with the Satanic panic and Boys Town. Be warned, it is concentrated. Nightmare, if you will. So you save it for after the holidays.
02:25:44 Thanks for your work, brother. Well, I appreciate that.
02:25:46 Which is that the.
02:25:48 Let me look this up. Is that the?
02:25:51 Those two kids in Europe.
02:25:58 And then look at the images here.
02:26:03 Yeah. OK.
02:26:10 You know when this was going on.
02:26:13 I looked at it a little bit.
02:26:14 And I don't remember why I I.
02:26:18 I wasn't 100% sold.
02:26:22 But I'll have to now that you know the dust is settled. Maybe it's time to take another look. Only just cause I watched. I watched. I don't.
02:26:29 I didn't watch.
02:26:29 A bunch of it, but I watched like some of the kids.
02:26:32 Talking about it and it just seemed too like.
02:26:36 Like they didn't seem like they were relating something disturbing that had happened to them. They were just relating a story and it just they were so matter of fact about it. And it was weird because I.
02:26:46 Was thinking to myself like, well, I.
Speaker 16
02:26:49 If you had seen.Devon Stack
02:26:51 This stuff that you're.02:26:52 Talking about, wouldn't you be bothered by it?
02:26:55 Like if you.Devon Stack
02:26:56 Saw them cutting people open, and yeah, I again, I don't know. I'll, I'll revisit it. I'll take a look at it again. But there was at the time, like I said, when I first looked at it, I was kind of.02:27:06 Like, I'm not sure.
02:27:08 But maybe maybe there's more to it now that it's been a while especially.
Speaker 11
02:27:15 Right.Devon Stack
02:27:16 Rabbit hole. Merry Christmas, Devin. You've answered a couple of my past questions. Civil war precursors. Things to consider when relocating and went into great detail at times for up to 13 minutes. I think I'm going to marry the new girlfriend and we're going to have white babies.02:27:36 And a homestead, uh. She also builds hives. I won. Well, that's cool. Yeah, you can't.
02:27:42 Go wrong with a with a beekeeper.
02:27:46 That's that's really cool. That's really cool. Congratulations and Merry Christmas. Let us.
02:27:51 Know how that goes?
02:27:53 Wooden doors and electric floors again.
02:27:57 You just have an odyssey link, I don't.
02:27:58 Know what? There's no.
02:28:01 OK, this is a link to the.
02:28:04 The the Hampstead case thing. OK, well, I'll, I'll copy that. I'll. I'll take a look at that.
02:28:11 Because like I said.
02:28:12 There it was. It was a while ago. I don't remember.
02:28:14 If it was when?
02:28:19 I don't know if it was when the.
02:28:21 Pizza Gate stuff was going on and so there was a lot of these cases being thrown my way and I.
02:28:25 Was just kind of like ah.
02:28:28 Or you know.
02:28:28 And again, I've never done a deep.
02:28:30 Dive into it I just saw.
02:28:31 Some of those videos, and I was kind of like uh.
02:28:33 You know, maybe so, but I'll take a.
02:28:36 Look at that.
02:28:38 My fat little ******** toe, my fat little ******** toe with the.
02:28:43 No, no.
Speaker 19
02:28:44 Money is power. Money is the.02:28:46 Only weapon that that.
02:28:47 You have to defend yourself with.
Devon Stack
02:28:49 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:29:06 Alright, Merry Christmas. Here is my donation to the get Devin A backbone for the pit fund. A back. Ohh, back home. As I say you you trying to insult me with?
Speaker 19
02:29:17 Money here, get me a.Devon Stack
02:29:20 Backbone. A backhoe. Well, you know what? I would love an.02:29:23 Excavator, I have a I don't know.
02:29:25 I wouldn't use it.
02:29:27 Super often. But uh yeah. Make pit digging way easier.
02:29:32 Those things are.
02:29:33 So expensive. Like if you want to get like even like one of little cheesy ones, but attached to like a bobcat or something like that there. Well, just a bobcat is expensive. One of these days though one.
02:29:43 Of these days, because I'm going to.
02:29:44 Need a forklift?
02:29:46 I'm going to need a forklift.
02:29:48 Ah, let's see here.
02:29:49 We'll appreciate that my fat little ******** toe.
02:29:54 I dunno, says finally Santa defends himself against the *****. ********. Merry Christmas, Sir. Absolutely. I.
02:30:00 I felt like.
02:30:02 And I've played.
02:30:02 I've played that before, but I've I or with a different song, but I thought it would be a good one to.
02:30:07 To have we can get Santa on the screen here or something Christmassy.
02:30:14 Maybe the little kids play or something, I don't know. Ohh, that was a good frame.
02:30:19 How about that? That's a good frame.
Speaker 11
02:30:23 All right.Devon Stack
02:30:27 Jay Ray, 1981.02:30:40 Jay Ray, night 21. Merry Christmas, Devin and chant love you all. I appreciate that. Merry Christmas to you.
02:30:47 Ministry of truth. Merry Christmas. I just wanted to say that I've been watching your channel since you released teaching. Boomers hate one of your very first movie analysis. I've always made sure to watch your streams on the replay, so I don't donate as much as I should since I am now the sole provider. Why you got? That's your. That's your responsibility. You take care of that.
02:31:08 You know, I appreciate it. You know, don't don't think that I'm like, I'm like.
02:31:13 You know, upset or smaller, smaller donos.
02:31:18 Yeah. No, that that's that's awesome and appreciate.
02:31:22 It and Merry Christmas to you.
02:31:24 Flatulent fill flatulent fill.
02:31:28 With the *** ****, don't know.
Speaker 8
02:31:29 Cash flow checkout.Speaker
02:31:36 I'd like to return this duck.Devon Stack
02:31:38 I know I mixed it up with the with the the because we just got so many get through. I don't want. We'd have to see those dancing Jews like a million times. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Devin. Thanks for a great year of terrific strings. We'll appreciate that. Flatulent Phil and Merry Christmas to you.02:31:58 Rabbit hole. There's something you don't see a lot. Single dad raising a kid. I've heard it said children from single parent households when the parent was a father. Those kids actually fared better than the ones in a home with single mothers.
02:32:14 I could see that.
02:32:16 I could absolutely see that I because I.
02:32:18 Think it would be more about discipline.
02:32:20 And you wouldn't have.
02:32:22 The the touchy feely stuff. You also wouldn't have the mom bringing home creepy guys from time to time because a lot of that's how a lot of kids get molested. A lot of single moms bringing home just random guys and stuff and you know, that's so you got that kind of **** going on. I.
02:32:40 Mean there's there's.
02:32:40 You know, there's a lot of stuff that.
02:32:43 That a single mother household, a lot of risk associated with that, that isn't as much a danger in a single father household.
02:32:52 But yeah, that was the other thing.
02:32:53 Even though he's.
02:32:53 Kind of * **** ** the first half of.
02:32:56 Movie. They don't make him look like he's, you know, do anything wrong. If anything, he's trying to do the right thing. He thinks it's important for her to have two parents and that's why he wants her to go move with the aunt because it's a two parent household and stuff and.
02:33:10 You know it's it's.
02:33:13 It's the kind of movie that they made.
02:33:14 In in 1989.
02:33:17 Friendly neighborhood fascists.
02:33:19 Merry Christmas, Deb. I don't think we should permit Jews to be baptized, but otherwise your religion seems wholesome enough. If you remove the chance for Jewish tricks.
02:33:30 UM.Devon Stack
02:33:33 Which religion?02:33:36 The oh, you mean the secret cult that I'm? I'm maybe that's what I'm doing next week, I'll be developing the the secret cult.
02:33:43 Yeah, I mean, look, I think that.
02:33:46 For our purposes at least, there needs to be an ethnic component to it. And sorry, sorry if you know that that's just the way it is. You know, like like I said, that Mormons didn't allow blacks to have the priesthood up until 1978.
02:34:06 I don't think you have to worry, though too much about. Usually Jews don't convert to Christianity or or any other religion unless it's it's outward like unless it's like Satanism or something like look legit like Satanism. So I don't think you have to worry too much about.
02:34:23 That the Ministry of Truth. I also wanted to say, you inspire me to start my own.
02:34:27 Channel a couple years back just starting to get some views. We did a stream on mind control and film and music.
02:34:34 And then you got a.
02:34:36 Link to it if you're ever interested. I'd love to talk to you on my channel well.
02:34:40 Like I said, I don't mind.
02:34:41 Going on small chat.
02:34:43 Channels and that's probably something we can work out after the new year. I got a bunch of people that that would like to. I'm just copying your link over here.
02:34:57 But like me to to pop on and I don't mind doing that at all. I like doing it in blitzes I like just, you know, doing a week where I'm just trying to do as many as possible. It's just been so busy lately and I've I've got a it's a lot. It's built up to be a long list, but you know, we can probably work something out.
02:35:15 But thank you very much. Ministry of Truth Patriotfront dot US says you the man will appreciate that.
02:35:24 Paleo Trad paleo Tran.
02:35:38 Merry Christmas, Devin. Most secular Christmas songs written by Jews. He was a great Christmas song to that effect. Yeah, you're talking to the guy you're talking.
02:35:47 To the guy that.
02:35:48 Made the Rudolph, the Jewish reindeer video, which I highly recommend. If you have friends and family.
02:35:56 I want to know how Jewish Christmas has become.
02:36:00 And then you gave me a link to something.
02:36:02 I don't know what this is.
02:36:06 You guys are getting, you're going to get too comfortable with your lengths lately.
02:36:11 What is this?Devon Stack
02:36:16 Not playing.02:36:23 Alright, it's just sitting here.
02:36:25 Not playing.
02:36:27 But I'd say if foundering.
02:36:31 Song so yeah.
02:36:35 Fan fan of his music? It's usually pretty good. I I follow him on Twitter, I think, but everyone if you want to hear some, I like his.
02:36:48 I like his song about Jews, but if you look up the foundry and he's still on YouTube and he has a a good song about Jews. But thank you very much. Paleo Trad Zazzy mataz bot. Thanks for the show. Merry Christmas. Appreciate that. Merry Christmas, Jay ray. 1981 Santa is just all right with me. Yeah. Look, look.
02:37:07 I think there's.
02:37:09 The the Christians.
02:37:10 Get all super anti Santa to that degree, I get why they're doing it. I just. I don't think it's.
02:37:17 I don't think it's it's.
02:37:19 Any fun for their kids? You need to have some of your, you know, some of that European paganism.
02:37:25 In there somehow.
02:37:27 I'm I'm I'm pro Santa. I'm in the pro Santa camp, absolutely.
02:37:33 Lord of the Kangs 2 in the chat, I've encountered hundreds of reindeer in the wild. They are ******** animals. Merry Christmas. Yeah, I forgot to look up. What?
02:37:43 They what they sound like.
02:37:45 Let's see what they sound like.
02:37:52 I wonder if they really do.
02:37:53 Sound like?
02:37:59 Reindeer sounds. Let's see here. Alright. This is. This is a reindeer grunt.
02:38:11 I kind of do.
02:38:12 Sound like that?
02:38:17 It did just sound.
02:38:17 Like some guy going.
Speaker 2
02:38:22 Ah, ah.Devon Stack
02:38:25 It's got kind of a.02:38:26 Human quality to it. It's kind of weird.
02:38:30 Sean. Grunt more.
02:38:35 That's not so human.Devon Stack
02:38:37 That just sounds like.02:38:43 Yeah, it it has. Oddly, it has kind of.
02:38:46 Like a weird.
02:38:47 Human quality to it.
02:38:51 Uh, let's take a look here. Red Truck says there are a bunch of plot character or plot character arcs lifted from a house without a Christmas tree from the 1970s. The Moody widowed father, the semi ready, kind of annoying daughter, my sisters.
02:39:10 And my mom liked that movie when I was a kid. It's also very family oriented. Green Gables, like, might be worth a peak next year. House without a Christmas from the 1970s. I'll copy them that to my notes and take a look at it.
02:39:29 I'm not a big fan of.
02:39:29 The 70s in general, so.
02:39:34 Including the movies in the 70s, it seems it's like that weird, awkward stage between color.
02:39:39 And black and.
02:39:40 White and you had a lot of these drug addled ******* young boomers just, you know, being handed movie deals and running around trying to make their psychedelic crap.
02:39:50 Fest movies and.
02:39:52 There's just a lot of bad production in the 70s.
02:39:55 Like the like, they hadn't figured out, I guess how to just get the color just right and the sound always seems like it's really bad for like, worse than it is in.
02:40:06 In 1950s, but I don't have the sound got worse, but the sound and like the audio quality in the 70s movies is usually really bad. But yeah, I'll take a look at that.
02:40:17 Odinic word.
02:40:20 Odinic word.
02:40:29 The magic *****.
02:40:57 Ohh **** word with the *** ****.
02:40:59 Dono there merry.
02:41:00 Christmas and Happy old tide. Glad we could see a nice movie for the night. Here's 2 great things in the next year. Well, I appreciate that odinic word.
02:41:09 Very, very, very much appreciated and Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.
02:41:14 And thanks for hanging out.
02:41:16 Land of the fake home of the gay. I think that's.
02:41:19 What it is cut off?
02:41:22 Yep. Devin, can you review Jingle all the way next is, is that the one with?
02:41:28 Arnold in it.
02:41:30 If if that's the one with Arnold in.
Speaker 2
02:41:32 It if I want to see that.Devon Stack
02:41:36 Oh it. I mean, it was cheesy then.02:41:39 Is it the Arnold one?
02:41:41 It is the Arnold one.
02:41:43 Well, maybe. I don't know. Maybe.
02:41:45 I I I I refuse.
02:41:46 To believe that one's not full of all kinds of Jewish tricks, but maybe it maybe it is, or maybe it's fine, I don't know.
02:41:54 Wooden doors and electric.
02:41:56 Floors with more big big donor ring.
Speaker 7
02:41:59 Good, good, good, good for real.Devon Stack
02:42:06 To all the people who are feeling dread or despair during the Christmas or any other time have children.02:42:13 At all costs.
02:42:14 Having kids is as close as you can get to a cure for despair, and ultimately it wins the war.
02:42:22 Of wait when's the war?
Speaker 11
02:42:27 *** **** it with the.Devon Stack
02:42:30 It wins the war. Period. *** **** the FBI. Yeah. You know, I'll tell you what I think that there's a lot of people out there that certainly would motivate you.02:42:43 If you're feeling like that, you're just spinning your wheels and you're not doing anything, you're not accomplishing anything. Well, now all of.
02:42:48 A sudden there's this.
02:42:49 You know these things you love.
02:42:52 Dearly that depend on you and that will help.
02:42:55 You get up in the morning.
02:42:57 Absolutely good advice there. Wooden doors and electric floors. Arch Stanton. Arch Stanton.
02:43:10 Don't know why I did that one, but whatever I used to do a lot of acting but stop because all the woke ******** involved. But I'm still in the habit of criticizing acting and that child actress was among the best I've ever seen.
02:43:24 Good to see a wholesome movie to distract from all the darkness and the evil in the world. So thanks a lot. Well, I appreciate that. And yeah, for a kid actor, you know, she wasn't bad and they're, you know, they have some big names in that movie. Believe it or not you.
02:43:39 Know the the father. He's, you know, he's in a bunch of movies. A lot of people.
02:43:44 I remember him from the Big Lebowski. He's like the cowboy at the end. But yeah, well, he's he's in a bunch of movies playing a cowboy type because he's got that real distinct voice.
02:43:55 But yeah, it was. It was, you know, quality. It was a decent movie. It was a wide release film. But see, that's The thing is you watch that movie now. If someone had made that movie today, you would think that it was a movie made by like a Christian, like group, you know, like, it would be one of these. Well, except for that it was.
02:44:14 That it wasn't ******, right?
02:44:16 They think those those Christian.
02:44:18 Groups make a movie. It's horrible.
02:44:20 But because of the.
02:44:22 That that's not something you would.
02:44:23 Ever see come out of Hollywood? But that this was MGM, I think MGM.
02:44:28 Released it.
02:44:31 Jay Ray in 19.
02:44:32 81 just tucked the kiddos into bed. They are super excited for tomorrow. They watched most of this movie. Thanks. Well, that's.
02:44:41 That that's a movie you can you can find online. And if they want to see how it ends.
02:44:47 Maybe. Yeah. Just.
02:44:48 Edit out the part where the reindeer jumps off a Cliff.
02:44:55 They should have had the tracks stop before the edge of the Cliff. It looks I'm telling you that my first thought was like ohh so it it it killed itself.
02:45:09 Anyway, uh yeah.
02:45:14 Jive Turkey jive Turkey.
Speaker 2
02:45:20 Hello half.Devon Stack
02:45:22 Jive Turkey. Merry Christmas, dad. Keep up the. Keep the change, you filthy animal. Well, I appreciate that, Jive Turkey. Ah, let's see here. Wolf supremacist 66.02:45:38 Wolf supremacist 66.
02:45:51 Wolf supremacist 66. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Devin. Thank you for being a great influence to our people and opening our eyes to all kinds of things and pretty much showing us what it means to be a true American. Well, I appreciate that very kind.
02:46:07 Words and Merry Christmas to you and and yours as well.
02:46:12 The the Rogues Tavern.
02:46:15 Devin, enjoy your time off and recharge. The best thing you can do and and come back in the new year with more great things to help black pill everyone build those hives, we need more resilient bees. Yeah, I'm. I'm expecting there to be losses this winter. May maybe quite a few. I'm not sure.
02:46:36 I didn't have any losses last winter though, but there, you know, that's like I could have got lucky or something, I guess. But this this year I'm expecting at least have some and that'll be the beginning. That'll be the beginning of the the wedding out the week.
02:46:53 As I.
02:46:56 As I try to expand next spring.
02:46:59 But thank you.Devon Stack
02:47:00 Very much appreciate that Zazi, Mataz, but it's amazing how much one of or how much one or two blacks can just ZAP you out of the magic and escapism that is cinema. I wonder if the purpose is not to include them for any other reason, but to remind.02:47:16 ******, that he can never have something for himself ever again. You could do a whole stream of unnecessary negroe.
02:47:26 Is there such a thing as a necessary *****?
02:47:33 Yeah, I mean, it was talking about the remake, right, where they just threw them in there for and they they play no important role to the story.
02:47:43 Like they're just there to be black. They're they're literally just there to be black.
02:47:49 But that's what they want, you know speaking.
02:47:51 Of breeding programs.
02:47:53 A tower or Tower of Bones, Tower of Bones. Merry Christmas, Devin. Appreciate all you do. I appreciate that Tower of Bones.
02:48:02 And and Merry Christmas to you as well. Night fire, Devon. You really cleaned up the other night. You you really cleaned up the other night? I'm not sure. What you.
02:48:13 Mean by that?
02:48:14 Perhaps keep your two streams with content only and have a third hyper chat. Only episode might be.
02:48:23 I got you.
02:48:23 Man might be more manageable for you and digestible for us. Thank you for the content. Regardless, praise the newborn king.
02:48:32 What are you? I don't understand what you're.
02:48:33 Suggesting with.
Speaker 9
02:48:40 Well, I mean, look.Devon Stack
02:48:41 People can you can always dip out and I think there's there probably are some people that do. You can always dip out of the hyper chat stuff. We we I front load all the content stuff for the you know before we This is why I do that there's a lot of people that they as they do their streams they they do the hyper chats or whatever as as they come in.02:49:00 I feel like that would just derail.
02:49:01 The hell out of of me and.
02:49:02 Everyone else. So I mean, yeah, I mean.
02:49:05 They can be long and and sometimes people don't enjoy them and you can you can dip out I.
02:49:10 Don't no one's making.
02:49:11 You watch the whole thing.
02:49:12 So I don't think doing a a separate.
02:49:15 Stream just for that would would make any sense so.
02:49:18 I mean, it's fine.
02:49:21 Like I said, people can always just stop listening.
02:49:27 No one strapped to a chair being.
02:49:28 Forced to watch this.
02:49:30 But appreciate that Merry Christmas to you as well.
02:49:35 Tyrone watermelon merry.
02:49:38 Christmas. We love you. Thanks for the cosy stream. Well, I appreciate that.
02:49:43 Lion heart. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you.
02:49:47 Skip film Skip film.
Speaker 1
02:49:50 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.Speaker
02:50:01 Take it from the Jim neighbors. It'll pay dividends.Devon Stack
02:50:05 Skip Ville. Merry Christmas at work right now catching this on my lunch break. I'm a single father and have full custody. That means your ex is is pretty nutty, huh? Her mom, her mom gets visitation. She's 12, and I'm doing my best to keep her out.02:50:23 Of the mega pit.
02:50:25 Get yourself a decent queen. Yeah, if you got full custody, something tells me that that uh.
02:50:31 Your ex is.
02:50:32 A bit of a nightmare, but hey, maybe a perfect, uh wholesome film for you.
02:50:35 And your daughter to watch.
02:50:39 I always said read that as Jenny. I'm not sure if that's really Jenny, but Jenny, what?
02:50:51 Jenny. Merry Christmas. Thank you for your thought provoking streams. And this is my favorite channel. Well, thank you.
02:50:59 Jenny and and thank you.
02:51:01 And Merry Christmas to you as well.
02:51:04 Andromeda Andromeda with the *** ****. No, no.
Speaker 19
02:51:10 Money. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend the joke with.Devon Stack
02:51:15 Go, Julie this fagot.02:51:35 Andromeda Dev and wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas. Could you please tell me again where I can find the land of my ancestors? There's only a 5 minute version on on YouTube. Thank you for all your great work. That's well, that's all it is. It's only it's 5 minutes.
02:51:53 It's not. It's not like a super long video, it's it's just.
02:51:58 Yeah, you might be thinking about something else, but that's and I might have streamed.
02:52:04 On it but.
02:52:06 Yeah, that's all it, that's all.
02:52:07 It is. It's just a quick.
02:52:08 5 minute video.
Speaker 9
02:52:12 I don't think.Speaker 1
02:52:12 I ever did.Devon Stack
02:52:13 Do a stream.02:52:14 On like my pioneer ancestors, Laura went into any kind of detail about him.
02:52:21 It's not a bad idea. For one, actually that's that would actually be kind of interesting, right?
02:52:25 To to see what Americans used to have.
02:52:27 To do to what?
02:52:28 They used to have to go.
02:52:29 Through to be considered Americans.
02:52:33 Yeah. So I'm not sure.
02:52:35 Which video you're looking for? Maybe someone in chat.
02:52:37 Can help out.
02:52:40 But I can't think of a.
02:52:42 I can't think of a stream that that.
02:52:45 Thank you all the same and Merry Christmas Andromeda.
02:52:49 Vladimir, 2020.
02:52:51 Thank you for your work, Devin. Haven't missed a single stream in two years. Well, neither have I. So that's one thing we.
02:52:56 Got in common.
02:52:58 So thank you very much. Vladimir Wooden doors and electric floors. Again, very generous tonight.
02:53:10 As far as I can see.Speaker 7
02:53:11 Where? Where?Devon Stack
02:53:16 Wooden doors and electric floors just wanted to mention that I love all the flagship streams. Pat Con burns, libel, defiant boomer, deception, etcetera. But your random subject streams are among my favorites. Crazy Eddie and the chestnut streams were simply brilliant. Well, I appreciate that. I think people just get tired of hearing about like.02:53:36 The same **** constantly, you know? And it's, I mean, I know I do. That's why I do those.
02:53:41 Streams because I'm just like ah.
02:53:45 Hey everybody, Jews are scary and black people.
02:53:48 Are violent and.
Speaker 1
02:53:50 You know after.Devon Stack
02:53:51 A while, like unless there's something.02:53:52 New to add.
02:53:53 To to that it's it's. I mean, look, I I think repetition matters to a certain extent, but it also gets exhausting. It's it's always a, it's always fun to take a detour from time to time. So I appreciate that. I'm.
02:54:06 Glad, glad that you guys like.
02:54:08 It too.
02:54:10 Lord of the Kings Merry Christmas to all the dissidents who can't share a Christian holiday with their families because of NGO pressure.
02:54:18 On free speech.
02:54:20 Keep fighting the good fight. Well, I appreciate.
02:54:23 That and Merry Christmas to you.
02:54:26 Arch Stanton, one of the foundering's lesser known songs about Jews, is called swindlers grift.
02:54:33 I recommend it if you haven't heard it.
02:54:37 I I don't. I don't think I have heard that it's possible, though. I'll take a look at that after the show here we got and then we got one on. We have one rumble rant.
02:54:53 And just it's from soothe or soothe.
02:54:57 And it just says I'm dry.
02:54:59 OK.
02:55:01 Well, I if you said you were wet.
02:55:03 I'd I'd be a.
02:55:03 Little uncomfortable, so I appreciate that. Merry Christmas to you and to all the people over on rumble.
02:55:15 Alright guys, well it's it's been officially Christmas for about an hour. We got about 5 more minutes and that'll be the first hour of Christmas. So I spent the end of Christmas Eve and the very first part part of Christmas with you guys with you fine folks.
02:55:31 And uh, yes, I'll. I'll be taking a much needed break. Not super long, but just a little bit to you know, get away from the grind for a little bit.
02:55:45 That would be I'll be.
02:55:47 Back in the in the.
02:55:48 New year. I'm I might.
02:55:50 I don't think I'm going to, but I might do a.
02:55:52 New Year's stream. I'm thinking about it, but probably not. Don't get your hopes up on that, because it's just. I kind of feel like I need like, a like a solid. At least a solid week off.
02:56:06 Because I'm just getting not burned out. I'm just.
02:56:10 Just getting behind on stuff. I feel like, you know, and I need to get ahead with all this stuff around the house and and all the stuff that's been piling up because I had a bunch of family crap that was going.
02:56:22 On for the last well.
02:56:24 A couple weeks ago now, but like for like a.
02:56:26 Month or so.
02:56:28 So it'll be nice to.
02:56:30 To not have to worry about in any kind of obligations that are always looming in the background.
02:56:35 So anyway, Merry Christmas guys.
02:56:38 And I will see you.
02:56:41 At the very latest in 2024 so.
02:56:45 Thanks for stopping by.
02:56:48 And enjoy your Christmas with your family.
02:56:51 And your new year as well?
02:56:53 For black pills, I am of course.
02:56:58 Devon stag.
02:57:01 This is the hat and the and the mat and the.Speaker 13
02:57:05 The beard fake beard that Christopher is wearing to.Speaker 18
02:57:07 School the spirit of Christmas was all but shattered for New Mexico high school student who wore this Santa mask to class but was then challenged by his teacher, who told Christopher.02:57:18 He couldn't be.
02:57:19 Data because.
Speaker 13
02:57:20 Santa Claus is white. What are you doing wearing that? Christopher was embarrassed.Speaker 18
02:57:24 Chris's father, Michael Rouget, called the school's principal furious, saying he heard about it from another parent. His son didn't tell him because he was too embarrassed and initially this parent says his outrage was dismissed.Speaker 9
02:57:38 The principal just hung up the phone on me.