02/17/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 7702.00:00:15 70.
00:00:19 Good.
00:00:20 70.
00:00:24 62886.
00:00:29 62886.
00:00:33 1329713297.
00:00:43 60318.
00:00:48 603-182-6319.
00:00:58 26319.
00:01:02 37842.
00:01:08 7842.
00:01:12 80120.
00:01:17 80120.
Speaker 2
00:01:28 I don't believe.00:02:59 Happy.
Devon Stack
00:09:52 Welcome to the insomnia.00:09:54 Stream I forgot to change the background. Let me fix that.
00:09:59 There we go. There we go.
00:10:03 I am your host, of course Dev and STACK. This is the insomnia stream Cardiacs edition carnyx.
00:10:12 Addition, I wonder what what does that mean exactly? Well, I guess there's a.
00:10:19 Video on Twitter that was going around showcasing a lot of these ancient European war horns. They were pretty cool actually. One of them was a carnifex. This isn't the video I saw, but this is a video that I I watched later looking into this instrument.
00:10:37 And I'll have to say.
00:10:41 Kind of ******. Kind of ******. It's like this.
00:10:46 6 to 8 foot tall horn.
00:10:49 And the reason why it's so tall? Pop that up. There you go. See the guy holding it there?
00:10:55 Is so the guy playing the horn in the back of the army.
00:11:00 Can have the horn up above the heads of the soldiers in front of him so that the sounds intimidate the enemy while simultaneously motivating the soldiers.
00:11:13 And uh, much like bagpipe. It's it's a very European thing, right. I think bagpipes are a little more civilized and aren't as scary sounding. They're just like I hear bagpipes and I'm.
00:11:23 Like, yeah, I like. I like me some bagpipes.
00:11:28 And I hear this horn and I'm.
00:11:29 Just like. Yeah, I wanna get.
00:11:31 Where's my? Where's my sword? Someone give me my sword.
00:11:36 And if you're familiar with what it sounds like.
00:11:39 Here, here's a little clip of.
00:11:42 What a carnifex sounds like.
Numbers Lady
00:12:18 Oh.Devon Stack
00:12:58 So yeah, that sound would freak me the **** out if I had a bunch of. Uh.00:13:02 Celtic Barbarians with swords drawn and faces painted blue, charging down a anything actually towards me I'd.
00:13:13 Be like ****. What the ****? What the **** is that? What? How are they making that sound?
00:13:20 I think we made a mistake coming here.
00:13:24 So I started thinking about it and I was like, well, hold on, this is this is like 2000 years old, this, this instrument. And, you know, like most war technology, you would expect that things had evolved, right?
00:13:39 And so I started thinking about it, and I was like, well, is there really, like, modern war music?
00:13:46 I mean, certainly there's there's, you know, historically American war music, right?
00:13:54 So I started looking for historically American war music, something that would strike the fear in the hearts of your enemy.
00:14:03 When you see the Americans.
00:14:04 Coming and I thought, you know, civil war, right? Right. They they had.
00:14:10 They had some.
00:14:12 They have, like drummers or something, right? This. So I was like, alright, let's let's.
00:14:15 See if I can.
00:14:17 See if this is as scary as what I just heard, because you with again, technology has to have evolved.
00:14:27 Alright, well, that's alright.
Speaker 4
00:14:30 OK.Devon Stack
00:14:34 OK, I'm kind of I am sort of feeling it.00:14:38 All right, that's right.
00:14:42 Is it going to drop now? Here it comes, right?
00:14:49 Here it is. What the **** is this ****? What the ****? This is so like, why are they inappropriate for battle? This is like, let's go get an ice cream cone. Billy.
00:15:01 This isn't war music. This is scaring nobody.
Speaker 5
00:15:05 This is ******* scary.Devon Stack
00:15:08 What the **** is this? Who thought this was a good idea? And to make it worse, let's have like, a a 12 year old boy.00:15:17 The guy on the battlefield doing it.
00:15:20 How how, how did we go from? I just want to know how do.
00:15:25 We go from this.
00:15:33 See, that's some scary ****. That's some. I don't think we should **** with those guys.
00:15:41 I hear this and I'm already I'm rethinking, I'm rethinking my plan. I'm like ah.
00:15:46 This was maybe not the best idea.
Speaker 4
00:15:50 I hear this ****.Speaker 5
00:15:52 And I'm like that was a spy.00:15:55 This is great. It's like, what the ****?
Devon Stack
00:16:05 We've gone backwards. We've gone backwards.00:16:10 Although to be fair.
00:16:12 I talked to people.
00:16:13 That were in desert Storm. That said inside their.
00:16:18 They're UPC's and the.
00:16:22 In the in the Abrams tanks, they're all listening to let the bodies hit the floor and chill like that. I guess that's a little better, but the enemy can't.
00:16:29 Hear that? Maybe it would.
00:16:31 Be better if.
00:16:31 It was if they had loud speakers projecting.
00:16:35 That kind of **** towards the enemy. It might be a little more terrifying, but we've gone backwards.
00:16:41 You see, people assume because we've become more civilized.
00:16:46 We've become more civilized. We're not these ragtag.
00:16:53 Barbarians that we used to be were more civilized. See, listen, this, this, this, this sounds so much more civilized, doesn't it?
Speaker 5
00:17:04 Ohh yes, democracy.Speaker 4
00:17:08 Civilization.Speaker 7
00:17:13 No.Speaker 6
00:17:14 Justice.Devon Stack
00:17:20 I just I'm thinking about ice cream cones again. Like, that's literally a song that ice cream trucks play.00:17:29 See you have an ice cream truck driving down the street playing this song, and little kids are going to.
00:17:34 Come running out.
00:17:35 Trying to get ice cream if if an ice cream truck went down your street playing this ****.
00:17:41 I'd be like kids. Kids get in the.
00:17:43 House get in the house. Lock the door.
Speaker 6
00:17:51 This isn't safe.Devon Stack
00:17:57 You made your ice cream truck is driving down your rolling.00:18:00 Down your your straight.
00:18:02 This ship's just like coming up the top.
00:18:12 We've gone backwards sometimes.
00:18:16 Sometimes.
Speaker 6
00:18:18 It's better to be brutal.Devon Stack
00:18:20 Sometimes it's better to be brutal.00:18:26 Which brings me to the topic of tonight's.
00:18:31 Stream.
00:18:33 So there's been a lot of talk lately.
Speaker 8
00:18:36 But what are?Devon Stack
00:18:36 We going to do about this immigration problem, what are we going to do? We've got all these people coming across the border, you know that there's there's probably a in, in, in, in the neighborhood of 11 to 12 million illegals. That's what they say. The impossibly low number. That's what they say.Speaker 9
00:18:54 What are we going to do?Devon Stack
00:18:57 Well, if you just vote for the Republicans again, they'll they'll take care of.00:19:00 The problem, you know what we'll do? We'll.
Speaker 6
00:19:02 We'll do E-Verify.Devon Stack
00:19:05 E-Verify. Well, you know, of course, it'll be on a voluntary basis and nothing will happen to you if you don't do it, we'll.00:19:10 We'll yeah, just trust us, elect us.
00:19:14 And we'll take care of this problem once and for all.
00:19:18 And the younger people might be thinking that.
00:19:21 Maybe they will.
00:19:23 Maybe they will.
00:19:26 You know these younger people, they go to these TP USA events. They listen to Ben Shapiro. They listen to Charlie Kirk.
00:19:34 And they're right.
00:19:36 We just have to, we have to vote Republican again and they will. They'll they'll finally take care of this problem once Trump is president, he'll build the wall.
00:19:50 So the problem with that and I and I understand, especially for the younger members of the audience.
00:19:57 As they were saying.
00:19:58 Literally. Exactly. Exactly the same thing.
00:20:02 And as we will see, even the Democrats were saying this.
00:20:05 So if anything, it would have been easier to do.
00:20:10 Way back in 1985, nineteen 85. So we got a.
00:20:18 Little documentary.
00:20:21 Little documentary from 1985 called Who's America? As if that needs to. That's a question, apparently, that needs to be answered. Who's America? Is it really, anyway?
00:20:33 Is it Ben Shapiro's America and his family's been here? What, 2 generations?
00:20:39 Or something like.
Speaker 6
00:20:39 Maybe 3?Devon Stack
00:20:43 Is it your America?00:20:46 Is it my America? My family goes all the way back to the revolution and and before it goes to the colonial days.
00:20:55 Who's America? Who's to say? Well, maybe.
00:20:58 They've got some answers here. This is how it.
00:21:02 It opens up.
Speaker 4
00:21:03 Where you from? Where you from?Speaker 12
00:21:05 2000 illegal aliens a day have been apprehended in this region of ours. Now something has to be done. We're doing all we can to target to disrupt smugglers. Something's gotta be done to stop the flow.Speaker 10
00:21:11 Where?Speaker 11
00:21:20 To.Devon Stack
00:21:22 Ohh yeah, something has to be it's 19.00:21:24 85 by the way, guys.
00:21:28 You would think and and in 40 years they they they would have been able to.
00:21:35 Solve the problem.
00:21:37 It's the exact same problem.
00:21:41 Same language, some of the same people in charge.
Speaker 5
00:21:45 40.Devon Stack
00:21:46 Years ago.00:21:48 And to tell you the same things, the same solutions.
00:21:52 But wouldn't you know the guy? They just can't figure it out this problem. It's just too hard to figure out. We can't do the number one job that the government has and that is protect the border.
00:22:05 Otherwise, you're not really a country, which we're not.
Speaker 9
00:22:08 2345.Speaker 8
00:22:10 Do you think as many people like you should be able to come here as we want to?Speaker 13
00:22:14 Why not? We are productive citizens.Speaker 8
00:22:17 What would happen to this business to this industry if there were no immigrant workers to do these jobs? They would close, they would sandwich.Speaker 12
00:22:23 If it was valid enough, they would shut down the valley.Devon Stack
00:22:29 That's Silicon Valley, by the way. Look, some of the same people.00:22:33 So ohh yeah, you can't. You can't. You. Well, no, you can't put.
00:22:39 Put regulations on immigration. Silicon Valley didn't just start hiring.
00:22:44 Immigrants.
00:22:46 Illegal immigrants.
00:22:49 We're sponsoring the visas of of quasi legal immigrants.
00:22:56 Giving us people like Vivek.
00:22:58 No, no. This is again 4040 years ago, 40 years ago.
00:23:03 This was happening.
Speaker 14
00:23:05 When the valley shuts down, the whole United States shuts down.Speaker 8
00:23:10 America's growth as a nation has long thrived on new blood transfusions from afar of energy, ambition and talent. Even when we were young, our cities just building our frontiers open and waiting, it was never easy to pay one's dues.00:23:26 To find a place in the promised land.
Devon Stack
00:23:28 Yeah, no, it wasn't easy.00:23:29 Like then, when the situation wasn't, hey cross the border illegally and get welfare and get thousands of dollars handed to you, get a free bus or plane ride to the interior of the country.
00:23:44 Get set up by this Jewish funded nonprofit that will make sure you're here forever.
00:23:51 No, that wasn't the deal.
00:23:53 When my family came here.
00:23:55 I don't know about yours, but when my family came here, it was like, well, hopefully.
00:24:00 You don't die.
00:24:02 On the boat ride that you paid for.
00:24:05 And when you get there, hopefully you don't die of exposure or or I, I mean you guys.
00:24:12 Have played Oregon trail.
00:24:15 Yeah, man. Like, it's just a constant series of, well, hopefully you don't die.
00:24:24 But look, it had it had an awesome effect that the effect was there was a lot of selection pressures applied to the Europeans that came to America, and it weeded out a lot of the weak ones.
00:24:38 Pioneer stock is something I'm proud of.
00:24:40 For a reason.
00:24:42 There's a lie, and there's a lot to be said from people that can survive these winters by eating their shoes or each other if you're the.
00:24:52 Donner Party, I guess.
00:24:55 Yeah. **** was brutal.
00:24:58 It's like when I've talked to Native Americans about this sort of thing and.
00:25:01 They get all upset.
00:25:02 Like, oh, right. Yeah. Like you have any claim to this land?
00:25:09 You know, you guys came here when we owned it and I was like, yeah, you're right. You're right. My family came here for the the wonderful health care of the Navajo Nation.
00:25:20 That that's why. That's why my family came here. They they they wanted to. They wanted to, to work at at the the Helpy Indians.
00:25:32 I don't know Buffalo company or something like like what? What you guys had nothing.
00:25:39 You had no civilization.
00:25:42 It wasn't the civilization that you had that or cause you didn't have one that drew my people here. It was the lack of civilization that drew my people here.
00:25:57 Yet another reason why maybe we need to become a little less civilized.
00:26:06 Something to think about.
Speaker 8
00:26:09 Now a new wave of immigrants is arriving legally and illegally, perhaps the largest group of newcomers ever to reach our cities in so short a time.00:26:18 There are angry voices in the promised land.
Speaker 15
00:26:21 My opinion, I feel like they have actually taken.Speaker 16
00:26:23 Over if you if you don't speak Spanish, you can leave and many people left.Speaker 10
00:26:24 I feel like I belong here and.00:26:25 I like it here.
Speaker 9
00:26:30 When I go into a business or somebody walks up to me and say you think he panicked. No, I don't think he panicked speaking English.Devon Stack
00:26:38 Ohh the base boomer.Speaker 8
00:26:40 Many Americans think there ought to.00:26:41 Be a law to.
00:26:42 Slow or stop the new Immigration, Congress tried to pass one last year and fail.
00:26:47 This month, Congress will try again. Whatever the lawmakers do, someone will be hurt. It's all.
00:26:53 Who's America is this anyway?
Speaker 9
00:26:55 Of ours, these country music. These people's gonna come over here and.00:26:59 Tell me it's their language.
Speaker 8
00:27:02 In this report you will see and hear the human conflicts that make it hard to find the political answer to the question.Devon Stack
00:27:11 Wait, is he saying it's hard to find a political solution?00:27:16 Is that what he's saying? I think.
00:27:17 That's what he's.
00:27:18 Saying pretty sure that's what he's saying.
00:27:21 He said it's hard to find a political answer to this problem and he's right because here we are 40 years later of trying to find a political solution to this problem.
00:27:31 I don't. I don't see a a political solution.
00:27:35 If it takes politicians longer than 40 years to solve a problem as easy to solve as this, well then.
00:27:44 I guess there's no political solution.
00:27:47 Right. And he was saying 1985, it was hard to find.
00:27:54 So we go through of course, because it's 1985, a lot of the focus and this is because conservatives are liars.
00:28:01 A lot of the focus was, well, I, you know, I just have a problem because they don't.
00:28:05 Speak of the English like that guy in.
00:28:07 The beginning in the intro like.
00:28:08 Ohh, you're not speaking English, huh? We America we speak. Anyone can.
00:28:14 Learn to speak.
Speaker 12
00:28:14 English.Devon Stack
00:28:15 I know they weren't learning to speak English, but there there's a reason for that part of.00:28:19 It it's IQ related.
00:28:21 That's not the real problem.
00:28:24 That's not the real problem, and it's hard to legislate.
00:28:27 That what are you going to do?
00:28:30 In a way that's kind of like First Amendment in the way right? Like you can't, you must.
00:28:34 Speak English, that's.
00:28:36 It's not practical and it's not the real reason.
00:28:42 It was just the most annoying thing to.
00:28:44 The upper class.
00:28:46 Because ultimately that's the only.
00:28:48 Time there are really impacted is when the help.
00:28:50 Didn't speak English.
00:28:55 And you could say it safely without looking racist.
00:29:01 You could basically talk about a group.
00:29:04 Tell people you didn't want that group to be here.
00:29:08 And have a throw away reason.
00:29:10 That no one could dispute.
00:29:12 Yes, they they don't speak English.
00:29:19 And come up with all these.
00:29:20 Reasons and look, not all of.
00:29:21 Them were invalid, for example.
00:29:24 They talk about not in this this video, but a lot of the arguments I heard was well, how do you expect them to understand the Constitution? It's written in English.
Speaker 4
00:29:34 If they can't even read English.00:29:38 And there's some things that will be.
00:29:39 Lost, even if they were.
Devon Stack
00:29:40 To get a a translation of the Constitution into Spanish, there's some things going to be.00:29:45 Lost in transit?
00:29:47 It doesn't ******* matter.
00:29:48 The reason they don't speak English is they don't come from England like my ancestors.
00:29:56 The reason they don't speak English and the reason they don't relate to the Constitution and and the founding documents, is because they come from different ancestors.
00:30:07 Those aren't their founding fathers.
00:30:10 It's like if I go to Japan and I learn Japanese and I start reading ancient Japanese writings, I might think, wow, I really like this. I really appreciate these documents.
00:30:22 But I'm not going.
00:30:23 To feel a connection to it.
00:30:26 I'm going to feel like a a foreigner because I will be studying a foreign culture.
Numbers Lady
00:30:33 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:30:35 I'm not going to feel like there there's some kind of heritage.00:30:39 Of mine that's tied to these documents.
00:30:43 I'm certainly not going to feel any kind of pressures of legacy, any kind of responsibility to my ancestors to continue on what they built.
00:30:54 I'm not going to think to myself. Well, you know my ancestors spilt blood, so the the samurais could write this document.
00:31:09 The Conservatives are liars, so they played it safe.
00:31:13 That guy in the beginning and the intro will play another clip from him a little bit later on here.
Speaker 4
00:31:18 That's like all you know, speak English.Devon Stack
00:31:20 You know that guy just ******* hates Mexicans, but he's afraid to just be like I.00:31:23 Don't want Mexicans here.
00:31:28 So he hides behind the cloak of somehow it's an assimilation problem, as if that's even possible.
00:31:40 So the first bit they focus on this, this this issue.
00:31:43 Of language again.
00:31:45 Surely that's an issue? Communication, if you can't communicate with the people.
00:31:50 That are in your country.
00:31:53 Yeah, it's going to be hard to feel any kind of.
00:31:55 Kinship to them.
00:31:56 But you're not going to feel a kinship to.
00:31:58 Them as we now, that's not.
00:32:00 The big issue right now.
00:32:02 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:32:03 A lot of them do speak English.00:32:04 A lot of them are in positions of power now.
00:32:09 Still don't have anything in common with them.
00:32:12 That that. Well, there's a clip later on that that that will that's a little more explicit unknowingly. But let's take a look. Here's the big problems of the not knowing English.
Speaker 8
00:32:25 For generations, immigrants arriving in America have obeyed 1 unspoken rule to make it here. They or their children have had to learn English. They might dream the American dream in their native tongue, but they must speak it in English.Speaker 2
00:32:40 Last year.Speaker 8
00:32:43 Today, that historic transformation is being sorely tested.Devon Stack
00:32:49 So they go and they show all these clips of Mexicans trying to learn English.00:32:54 And they talk about how it's so bad.
00:32:58 And I guess these are Cubans, because they focus on the the at least the openings on Dade County. So Miami, the Miami area.
00:33:07 And they're talking about these Cubans who can't learn English, and it's so bad that basically even in biology class. So this guy is, is the biology teacher. And in order to get that job, he had to know Spanish.
00:33:23 So now it is a problem in terms of. Not only are the people that are coming into your country.
00:33:34 Unable to speak your language. There's so many of them. The state starts hiring people who do. Who, by the way, are also not going.
00:33:43 To be white people.
00:33:47 So now they're being taught.
00:33:51 In a a situation like the the Who's who's assimilating them? Exactly? Another immigrant.
00:33:58 Another Spanish speaking immigrant.
00:34:03 So they talk about how like biology class has become just English again.
00:34:07 Where he's trying to talk about the anatomy of a frog, but he spends about 90% of the class just teaching them the Spanish words for things or the English words for things.
00:34:18 Instead of really anything about the biology part.
Speaker 17
00:34:26 It's.Speaker 8
00:34:27 Despite the effort, and despite the $18 million spinning Dade County on bilingual education, hundreds of students graduate each year who cannot speak English.Speaker 5
00:34:33 What?Devon Stack
00:34:38 See, that's hitting $18,000,000 and that's 1985 money. This is one school District 1 school district is paying, yeah, $18 million.Speaker 2
00:34:48 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:34:50 Now put that across again. 1985 money. Apply that to all the different school districts all across the country, not every in 1985. That hadn't quite reached everywhere, but there were a lot of states spent him in California spending even more money.00:35:06 For this bilingual education.
00:35:09 And again, those jobs weren't going to white people.
00:35:14 And yet they're still graduating people that that don't.
00:35:17 That don't speak English.
Speaker 18
00:35:19 During most of the children that that are that immigrate here that have Spanish speaking, parents speak Spanish and don't guaranteed not.Speaker 19
00:35:27 Most all all yes.Devon Stack
00:35:30 OK. Well, how many of these people?00:35:32 Are there exactly?
00:35:34 And they're all speaking Spanish. Apparently. You've got a lot of people graduating high school.
00:35:39 That, that, that.
00:35:41 Still don't know how to speak English.
00:35:43 What's so what's the what's?
00:35:45 The deal here.
Speaker 8
00:35:46 To my principal, Diego Garcia has spent over 20 years teaching in Miami school.Devon Stack
00:35:50 I I like that even the principal. His name's Diego Garcia.00:35:55 Nice American name Diego Garcia.
Speaker 8
00:35:58 My principal, Diego Garcia, has spent over 20 years teaching in Miami schools. He knows why his pupils won't give up Spanish.Speaker 18
00:36:05 They do not meaningless a person from congratulate from Miami high or can can leave right now going to this community and not just make a living and survive. They can be successful out there in this immediate community because.00:36:18 Because they don't need the.
00:36:19 Language the Spanish is spoken.
Speaker 9
00:36:21 Absolutely.Speaker 8
00:36:21 Generally and pervasively.Speaker 18
00:36:22 Absolutely. In this community, I I can go with you right now. We can walk around a 30 block areas around here. We can do anything you want to.00:36:29 Whatever it is that you want with tires.
00:36:31 Buy a car. Anything you want to do and not speak one word.
00:36:35 I think.
Devon Stack
00:36:41 Ah yes, the Cuban.00:36:42 Flag flying over American soil and why not?
00:36:46 So there are so many immigrants in America in this.
00:36:51 County and look, this is law anyway. If you live in California, if you live in really any of the the Western southwestern states, a lot of the East Coast states, there are parts of town where the signs are in Spanish, the billboards.
00:37:11 Are in Spanish.
00:37:13 I mean, there's there. This is, this is all over the country now. This isn't limited to Dade County. It's not limited to border towns and California or New Mexico or Arizona. This is this is all throughout the country and it's going to keep increasing as they as they.
00:37:32 Fly and bust. These people buy the.
00:37:34 Millions to the interior of the country.
00:37:37 So he's saying, look, there's, you know, I I I I kind of feel like you have you have a problem you have an actual problem.
00:37:45 If there's so many immigrants coming to the country, they're setting up mini versions of their country inside your country.
00:37:57 That that should be the first not not, not actually. That should be like the the 50th sign that something's wrong.
00:38:06 And it also goes to the idea that some people say, oh, that's, you know, that's that's kind of racist to say that when you say, well, if you import the third world, you become the third world.
00:38:18 In 1985, we had proof that this is exactly before that, but we have proof. This is exactly what happened.
00:38:27 We imported these people from around the world in this, in this case Cuba, and next thing you know, you've got a version of Cuba.
00:38:36 Inside of Florida.
00:38:41 I don't know how much more proof that you require that if you import people from other places in great numbers.
00:38:48 Where country becomes like the places they came from.
00:38:55 So he talks about how, yeah, you don't even.
00:38:57 Need to know.
00:38:59 No English, you can just survive in this mini version of Cuba.
00:39:04 And you can get rich, it's fine.
Speaker 18
00:39:07 The guy that ran for Congress, so I assume he had to be.00:39:09 An American citizen.
Devon Stack
00:39:11 Well, not not anymore, he said. I knew a guy that ran for Congress, so he's going to tell more of this story, but I just have to stop him right there.00:39:21 We ran for Congress, so I know. I guess you had to be an American citizen.
00:39:26 For those just listening to a story about how two formerly undocumented immigrants got elected to Congress and look there is, there was illegal immigrants running for office in in the.
00:39:37 State of California openly.
00:39:42 So it's not a matter of oh we.
00:39:44 Can't find these people.
00:39:50 It's not a matter of like, oh, it's it's it's just such a complicated issue. They're they're putting campaign ads out telling you where they are, who they are.
00:40:02 And much of that was going on in 1985 when they made this documentary.
00:40:09 Anyway, tell us more this guy that he must have been a citizen, right? Because he ran for Congress.
Speaker 18
00:40:15 He ran for Congress three or four times and he never made a speech in his.00:40:19 Life in English.
Devon Stack
00:40:21 Never had to make a speech in English.00:40:29 So you got little versions of the country.
00:40:32 You've got representatives and governments just it. It was just beginning in 1975, now you.
00:40:38 Look at the.
00:40:39 The Congress today, it's like the ******* you win and they all come from and represent little communities that are little versions of the countries those people came from.
Speaker 8
00:40:50 But so many people have come here from central and South America, from Cuba and the Caribbean, that they've county is now 40% Hispanic and growing.Devon Stack
00:41:00 Ah, yes, Dade County, there was 40% Hispanic in 1985 and is now drum roll, please.00:41:11 Look at that. Well, I got.
00:41:12 To shrink it, seeing actually see the number.
00:41:16 It is now 72% Hispanic. And by the way, that orange slice of the pie, that's not white.
00:41:28 That's that's just not Hispanic.
00:41:31 OK. So you can imagine with the blacks or if you ever been to Miami, the blacks and everybody else.
00:41:40 There you go.
00:41:42 So it went from 40% in 1985 to 72%.
00:41:49 In 2022.
00:41:53 Which is I think when this data is from.
00:41:58 Alrighty then.
Speaker 8
00:42:01 Already, America is the 7th largest Spanish speaking nation in the world. As whole communities cling to their native language. Some people are feeling.Speaker 16
00:42:09 Cornered, they they they make me feel as though I'm intruding because I don't speak their language and they resent it. I feel like I don't belong.Speaker 8
00:42:19 Harry Robbins has lived most of her life in this Miami neighborhood. Now she's in the world. She never may.Speaker 16
00:42:25 Where I live, I know feel comfortable. I feel I'm in a foreign land.Devon Stack
00:42:32 Ah, you feel like you're in a foreign land and now we get to the gatekeeping Jew. Why were people thinking that this was an awesome angle of attack to attack? The fact that they just it's not a problem, guys. It's just if we can get them speaking English, then they'll become.00:42:51 Like us.
00:42:53 That's really all it is.
00:42:56 That's all it is. You just need the just like the black people, right? We got them speaking English 400 years ago, and now they're just like us.
00:43:04 So if we can just get these people to speak English.
00:43:08 Then it'll be fine. It'll be awesome.
00:43:12 So this this little 4 foot tall Jewish woman.
00:43:17 Works for some organization.
00:43:19 And again, that it's not a problem. They're coming here. The problem is they're not speaking English. And so in other words, it's not a problem. They're here.
00:43:29 It's just that her help.
00:43:31 It's hard to understand sometimes.
00:43:35 So she channels the the visceral feelings of that Americans have.
00:43:41 They're they're they're they're like, like I, you know, they reflect a lot of what she just said. Right that ohh. It feels like I'm a stranger in my own town. I feel like I'm an outsider, even though I kind.
Speaker 4
00:43:53 Of grew up here.Devon Stack
00:43:55 I feel like they resent me when I go to their part of town and I'm I start to interact with them. They get mad because I don't speak Spanish.00:44:06 Certainly no racial animosity on the other side, by the way. It's just like you have a problem just because they don't speak English. Their only problem with you is that you don't speak Spanish. That's really that's the big if. We could just solve that issue. Oh, I guess we did. Google Translate, everybody. Hey, immigration solved. All we have to do is go to the border.
00:44:27 And hand out phones with Google Translate on it. I mean, it'd be infinitely cheaper than what we're doing now, and now there's not a problem with immigration anymore. Hey, guys, I just solved immigration.
00:44:38 It's fine that all these people are coming across the border, by the way. I mean they're they're natural conservatives anyway. A lot of them are Catholic. They're Christians. So, you know, you can trust them to to vote against abortion and things like that. I guess even though statistically that's not really what's been happening. But you can count on them.
00:44:59 Right.
00:45:00 Because the only issue is the language, I don't have a I'm not a racist.
00:45:07 So it's fine now we got Google Translate. In fact, the technology is so good now they don't have to type it in or anything. They just get their phone.
00:45:14 If you need.
00:45:14 To communicate with one of these people, even if if you would like to recite the Constitution to one of these people, all you have to do is get out your phone and you can just recite the Constitution into the phone and it will automatically translate it into Spanish. They'll hear it.
00:45:28 And everyone's good.
00:45:32 And with AI, it's just going to get better. I mean, eventually it's going to be like Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy. The Babel Fish will just put something in your ear and you'll just everything will be English.
00:45:44 I mean the AI technology, it's almost already there, right? I've seen all this AI technology where.
Speaker 5
00:45:49 You you can feed a video into.Devon Stack
00:45:52 The AI technology.00:45:56 And it recognizes the different voices in the video.
00:46:01 And so not only does it translate it into your native language, whatever language you want, you can put a video in Russian into this technology.
00:46:10 Of five different people talking five different languages.
00:46:14 And it will spit it out all in English using different voices and dubbing it with the mouths of the people that are talking. Hey, I guess you know what open borders.
Speaker 5
00:46:26 Why not? I mean.Devon Stack
00:46:27 If the if the problem is just that that they don't speak English.00:46:37 And look, this was the this was the. I'm sorry. That's what everyone was saying. They were too afraid to just be like, no, they're just not like us in way more ways than just the language.
00:46:49 Probably seen this going around on Twitter. This is the the an old Pat Buchanan presidential ad.
00:46:56 And that's exactly what he goes for, cause he can't.
00:46:58 Just be like, Oh no, I.
00:47:00 Just don't want to be Mexico.
Speaker 2
00:47:02 Has signed an executive order saying that English is no longer America's national language.00:47:07 It's executive 13126.
00:47:12 Thank you for calling 911. Please listen to your language.
00:47:15 Spanish press one for Korean Press 2 for the press, 3 for Russian press for Swedish press 5, press 6.
Speaker 14
00:47:18 Do you ever miss English?Speaker 6
00:47:20 Immigration is out of control.00:47:22 Version Gore writing off English.
00:47:24 For good. What can you do? Vote for the third party that puts Americans first vote. You can and for.
Devon Stack
00:47:32 Yeah, cause that's all it is. It's just are are you annoyed as a boomer? Are you annoyed when you call up your bank and you have to press 2 for English?00:47:47 It's literally because the only time they enter encountered any kind of inconvenience about this ****. They didn't have to live amongst these people.
00:47:56 With with **** like that, we went to the ATM to pull out some cash. Aren't you mad that there's one more button to push?
00:48:07 Like, that's the big problem at the border.
00:48:12 And like I said, we've solved it that the technology has fixed it.
00:48:19 No longer an issue, the language barrier has been broken.
00:48:25 Now we don't have to worry about ****.
00:48:28 Might take a few more years to implement. Like if you know you're really worried about calling up 911. And I mean that's does, that's not what happens that you know obviously. But if you're worried about calling someone up.
Speaker 2
00:48:41 Yeah.Speaker 12
00:48:41 And.Devon Stack
00:48:41 You don't like pushing that extra button.00:48:46 Because that's the real problem with the Mexicans coming across the borders. All these extra buttons we're having to push.
Speaker 4
00:48:53 Though and the cost is astronomical.Devon Stack
00:48:57 Having to print all these forms in Spanish. Oh, it's so annoying when I buy some cheap *** furniture from Walmart and I'm looking for the instructions and all I can find is the Spanish version inside the box, because the English version must have slipped out or something.00:49:13 When I was.
00:49:13 Pushing into the back of my.
00:49:16 $80,000 SUV.
00:49:22 That's your big argument. That's your big issue with this.
00:49:29 You just sound like a whiny little ******* ******.
00:49:34 No wonder that they're not trying to solve the problem. If that's your premise.
00:49:46 Maybe if you didn't allow people to get elected or that was the premise.
00:49:55 Maybe if as a community.
00:49:59 You weren't so.
00:50:00 ******* afraid of preserving your culture. You wouldn't.
00:50:03 Be in this situation.
00:50:05 Maybe you could just say Nah, just don't want to be Mexico.
00:50:08 Has nothing to do with Spanish.
00:50:13 I mean the Spanish things a little inconvenient, but I mean, really on the list, it's rather minor.
00:50:21 And look, they'll learn. They'll learn it. Their kids are their anchor. Babies will learn it. So all the dreamers, right? Why is it that all these these people that in 1985 where they were trying to say that the big problem was assimilation?
00:50:35 And learning English.
00:50:38 Well, they should want all the dreamers legalized.
00:50:41 Why not? They were. They were. They were born in America or came here as as small children.
00:50:50 They speak English perfectly or as perfectly as.
00:50:52 They're going to.
00:50:56 So what's the what's the big deal they've assimilated. They're they're dressed like your kid.
00:51:06 Look, and if you're one of these people that like I'm not a racist, I just, you know, the assimilation brought a blonde, like, luckily, a lot of those guys are ******* dying off. But if you're somehow one of these dinosaurs still thinking this way, ask yourself why that is. Why would you have a problem?
Speaker 5
00:51:22 With dreamers.Devon Stack
00:51:28 Well, they didn't do it legally. Ohh. So it's like a technicality.00:51:35 Is that is that so? That's what it is. It's just a technicality.
00:51:42 So it's it doesn't matter, I mean.
00:51:46 It doesn't matter if it's just a technicality, right?
00:51:52 In fact, it's because of your insistence that it was just a technicality.
00:51:58 That's why they were able to massage the language and call it. They're not illegal aliens. They're undocumented workers.
00:52:07 Because you focused on the documents, they focused on the documents and just yeah, it's just that's all it is.
00:52:14 Look, I mean, you might not like the way we phrase it, but we're just phrasing it in a nice way. The what? What? You know what you're saying.
00:52:21 We're just saying that they're not assimilating them. They don't speak English well.
00:52:24 Now they do.
00:52:25 Well, now you're saying to technicality. OK, well, so it's a technicality. Who cares?
00:52:34 You see, you get punished for lying.
00:52:38 Cowards that lie.
Speaker 5
00:52:41 Get punished.Devon Stack
00:52:47 So are their children, unfortunately.00:52:52 And so the the special continues.
Speaker 16
00:52:55 The restaurant opened up and the advertisement came to me in my mailbox and.Devon Stack
00:53:01 Oh my God, there was a you got. You got a flyer in the mail and it was in Spanish. Somebody called the cops.Speaker 5
00:53:09 You see.Devon Stack
00:53:15 See this. This is why, by the way, This is why we have Jewish gatekeepers and Con, Inc etcetera operating today.00:53:25 They make all of your real problems.
00:53:30 All of your real issues.
00:53:34 Sound ridiculous?
00:53:41 This sounds ridiculous. Her big argument is she's mad that she got a flyer in the mail.
00:53:47 In Spanish.
00:53:50 Who ******* cares?
00:53:55 That's your big beef.
Speaker 4
00:54:00 Throw it away.Devon Stack
00:54:04 This is why you lost. That's a stupid ******* argument.00:54:10 Oh, I'm so mad. I gotta this restaurant. So really sorry of the times there.
00:54:22 See, that's what gatekeepers will do. They'll get you complaining about something and some stupid ***** ***** way that makes you sound like a stupid ***** *****.
00:54:31 They're just some whiny little ***** whining about something that doesn't ******* matter, so no one's going to take you seriously.
Speaker 10
00:54:43 It was mainly a Spanish restaurant, probably, so they tried to go for their trade. I do my advertising. What I have to feed my family and if it's Spanish, the only way I can do it, it's Spanish. I mean, I would love to have you as a customer. I would love to do.Speaker 16
00:54:43 Tell me what you see, but it doesn't.Speaker 15
00:54:49 OK.Speaker 16
00:54:51 May I may.Speaker 10
00:54:56 My advertising in English of your.Speaker 16
00:54:58 And I'm going.Speaker 10
00:54:58 To come. But if people no, I understand, but if?Speaker 8
00:55:02 I hear about this.00:55:03 How do you feel about this issue?
Speaker 10
00:55:04 I think it's a racist issue to be.Devon Stack
00:55:07 There you go. He knows what it is.Speaker 4
00:55:13 He's not.Devon Stack
00:55:13 Lying.Speaker 10
00:55:14 I think it's a racist issue.00:55:16 To be honest with you.
Devon Stack
00:55:17 And it is just ******* stop being a ***** about it. Ohh, no. The Mexican restaurant sent me an ad for tacos in Spanish.00:55:31 See he he knows.
Speaker 5
00:55:34 He gets it.Devon Stack
00:55:36 He understands not. That's not really what's bothering you.00:55:42 So you're not sparing his feelings. He already he gets it.
00:55:48 You're just being self indulgent.
00:55:53 And again, I think in the case of this lady, this little Jewish lady, I think it's.
00:55:58 She's just gatekeeping.
00:56:00 She's trying. She's she's working with a nonprofit that raises a.
00:56:04 Lot of money.
00:56:05 And tells a lot of people who do genuinely have a racial problem with this.
00:56:11 And she calls him up and says, oh, no, no, no, no. We've cracked the code.
00:56:17 Give us money.
00:56:19 And we're going to do something about this.
00:56:22 This thing that has nothing to do with race, of course. Nothing to do with race.
00:56:29 And instead it has. It's it's the language.
00:56:33 And we're going to make sure the.
Speaker 4
00:56:36 The official language.Devon Stack
00:56:37 Of America is English and it stays that way.00:56:42 Because that's that's the problem.
00:56:46 And this guy's like, no, it's.
00:56:47 It's a racial thing.
00:56:50 There you go.
00:56:52 That's why they won. Because they weren't big fat ******* liars.
00:57:01 They were too embarrassed to just be like, yeah.
00:57:10 And you know what that projects.
00:57:15 That projects weakness.
00:57:20 Not just weakness.
00:57:22 But also guilt.
00:57:26 If you're lying about, you know, if you had nothing to hide, why do you feel the?
00:57:30 Need to lie about this?
00:57:34 And so the.
00:57:34 Other side one and continues to win.
00:57:39 Because you can't just be like. Yeah, no. Hey, you're right.
00:57:42 It's a racist thing.
Speaker 4
00:57:45 Guilty.Devon Stack
00:57:49 Go back to Cuba. I don't want to live in Cuba. If I wanted to live in Cuba, I would have moved to ******* Cuba.00:58:03 The unfortunate thing is he wanted to live in Cuba, so we we moved to Florida and turned Florida into Cuba.
00:58:23 And look, they're focusing on Cubans for a reason.
00:58:27 Because Cubans, historically, it's changing now. But around 1985, Cubans voted Republican.
00:58:35 And the people who produced this show?
00:58:38 CBS News.
00:58:41 They produced this for propaganda purposes for a Republican audience. The people that at the time there was a really hot issue going on. It was something that would have made a lot of work towards or or headway towards getting rid of illegal immigrants.
00:59:00 And that was.
00:59:02 Punishing employers that hired illegal immigrants.
00:59:09 See this, this whole E-Verify thing. It's not like some new idea 40 ******* years ago.
00:59:16 You know the the people trying to come up with your political solution, right? 40 ******* years ago.
00:59:23 Knew then what they know now.
00:59:28 If you turn off all the rides at Disneyland, people will stop coming.
00:59:39 But they didn't want to do that.
00:59:40 They wanted the people coming.
00:59:45 They've always wanted the people coming.
Speaker 16
01:00:00 Tell you what it is now on Miami Beach. There's a very large Russian immigrant that has come here now. Should they demand that?Devon Stack
01:00:10 Yeah.01:00:11 Jews.
Speaker 16
01:00:11 Russian be taught to intimidate them? We have Polish Americans here. We have German Americans here.Devon Stack
01:00:17 Yeah, Polish Jews, German Jews.01:00:22 That's why she's mad. Because the help the help has a.
01:00:25 Hard time understanding her.
Speaker 16
01:00:27 Large numbers of those people now. Excuse me. Let me finish. What would happen if they demanded we speak Russian. If the Polish people demand we speak Polish, we Oh yes.Speaker 10
01:00:29 I'd say.01:00:37 Nobody's the man anything. Nobody's the man. Anything. I don't. I haven't heard any person saying. I demand that Miami everybody speaks Spanish.
Speaker 4
01:00:49 And he's right.Devon Stack
01:00:53 To a certain extent, we'll get to a case where.01:00:57 Eventually, when? When it when when you have enough political power from these people that and again, it doesn't really matter that it's.
01:01:05 In this case it's language. This applies all across the board.
01:01:10 But once they have enough power, yeah, they can say that you need to speak Spanish. You they can say.
01:01:15 That you need to to be more like them in the same way that you should have been saying that people need to be.
01:01:20 More like us. In order to get here in the first place.
01:01:28 So this is like a a proto.
01:01:33 America first guy.
01:01:38 He's a he's a based potato.
Speaker 4
01:01:41 Well first of.Speaker 20
01:01:42 All Latin, Latin America, you come over here. We're giving you their freedom, and then you're going to take our languages, and we're gonna sooner or later, we're gonna have to be speaking 3-4 to five different languages in our own country. I just don't feel that's right. I'm American.01:01:56 I'm an Irish heritage, but I come America first.
Devon Stack
01:02:02 So there you go. But again the problem is.01:02:06 It's not about the language.
01:02:10 It's not about the language.
01:02:15 There you go. There's there's the people that are walking around at the fair wearing that shirt. I love English. His his jacket says.
01:02:28 I love English and he's he's getting old people this because again, everyone's in.
01:02:32 The same boat.
01:02:33 They don't like what's happening. They don't like the change, but they don't want to say that that, you know, they want to sound racist.
01:02:41 So they're all fixating on this stupid language thing.
Speaker 5
01:02:45 And all of course I.Devon Stack
01:02:46 I will sign. I will absolutely sign this petition.01:02:52 Because you're right. There's too much ******* of these ******* B non-english speakers.
01:03:04 All these ******* weapons, non-english speakers.
01:03:11 We just need to get them speaking English now.
01:03:15 I'll brighten them right up.
01:03:19 But this guy again, this guy here is working for this organization. Listen to how he phrases it. It's kind of terrifying, right? Cause he's already saying that like we we don't have anything in common. We have nothing that draws us together.
01:03:33 The problem is in California, it's in Texas and New Mexico. There's even problems in the Midwestern states now where we have Vietnamese immigrants and so forth. In San Francisco, CA, the ballots are printed in five different languages.
Speaker 8
01:03:49 Why is a common language important to to this country?Devon Stack
01:03:52 Well, there are very few things that hold the society together. The glue of society has to do with this.01:03:57 Language.
01:03:59 It certainly can't be religion because we're.
01:04:01 Is it? Is it really? It can't be religion.
01:04:04 Really.
01:04:05 The the glue has to be laying. Hold on. Let's let's see what he had.
01:04:08 Let's let him finish this thought.
01:04:10 See, I want you to listen very carefully.
01:04:12 To what he's saying.
01:04:15 Because he's going to tell you what? What you absolutely are not allowed. See, these guys are gatekeepers.
01:04:22 This is called misdirection.
01:04:27 This is called Tucker Carlson. This is called Charlie Kirk.
01:04:36 This is called Beanie Boy.
01:04:39 Tim Poole.
01:04:42 Ohh no I hear your problem and I'm I'm just as ****** *** about these problems as you are.
01:04:51 Here's the way you need to think about it.
01:04:56 So he's about to define, he's about to articulate.
01:05:02 These primal feelings that that the population is as they be as they're being replaced demographically, all they are 20 years ago, the the Heart Seller Act had been passed.
01:05:11 There were two.
01:05:12 Decades in and already, white people are.
01:05:14 Getting nervous and.
01:05:15 They're starting to feel like, oh, we're being replaced. It's starting to feel like a foreign country.
01:05:19 Something's going on here.
01:05:25 And so the.
01:05:25 Gatekeepers have to come in and explain why. Ohh no it it's the the real issue is the language.
01:05:35 That's what, that's.
01:05:36 What makes us American? It's none of these other things I'm about to list off, so don't you even dare think about it.
01:05:41 There are very few things that hold the society together. The glue of society has to do with this language. It certainly can't be religion because we're of diverse religions. We can't hold it together by color because we're many different colors.
01:05:55 The only thing Americans have in common, traditionally, is their language. We are a country which we want people to express their ethnicity. We want people to not bury or forget their ethnic background, but without having language as a common bond, we don't have a society any longer.
01:06:13 See, it can't be based on a religion or race or having anything in common with each other.
01:06:22 We just have to speak the same language and as I said, problem solved thanks to Google Translate.
01:06:31 So all this was, you know, it was all for nought.
01:06:35 Technology as it has so many times, has now solved the problem.
01:06:46 It can't be about ethnicity. It can't. What is a nation anyway? Right. It's just a bunch of random people speaking the same language.
Speaker 4
01:07:02 Right.Devon Stack
01:07:03 That's all it is.01:07:09 This is exactly what this is what gatekeepers do today. They identify the problem.
01:07:16 They tell you they're going to do.
01:07:17 Something to fix the problem.
01:07:20 And then they tell you how you need to think about the problem in order to for sure lose.
01:07:32 They give you a comfortable lie.
01:07:41 Ohh no, don't think about this problem too hard, just think about this lie I came up with.
Speaker 4
01:07:48 See because if.Devon Stack
01:07:48 You think about it in the terms in terms of this lie, I'm telling you it now all of a sudden seems very solvable.01:08:03 Like when I first started doing streams or just videos in general, people would always say.
Speaker 4
01:08:07 Oh, you just. He was talking about how your problems you ever come with solutions?Devon Stack
01:08:19 There is no political solution and that's maybe that's why.01:08:27 Not to be coy. Maybe that's why.
01:08:30 I don't talk about solutions.
01:08:35 It's like that saying I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. If I talked about solutions that put some hair on your chest.
01:08:51 Oh yes.
01:08:53 Solutions.
01:08:57 One might say we we are we finally need to come up with a a solution to this a a a final solution. So one might say.
01:09:11 See, here's here's a here's a prime example.
01:09:15 This is the guy from the intro who you know, you know.
01:09:21 He he just ******* doesn't like brown people.
01:09:24 He just doesn't like brown people.
Speaker 4
01:09:28 Nothing wrong with that.Devon Stack
01:09:30 But he thinks there is.01:09:33 People can sense that.
01:09:36 People can sense when you don't, when you don't believe what you're saying.
01:09:43 Like a salesman who, like what the word con man. Where do you think that comes from? It's a confidence, man.
01:09:53 When someone sounds really confident about what they're talking about, people are way more likely to believe what they're saying.
01:10:03 He sounds pretty sure about this.
01:10:10 Many years ago I worked at a call center.
01:10:14 I think I've talked about this once or twice.
01:10:17 And they they they send you? I was. I was selling. Uh long distance back when that was like a thing.
01:10:26 Telephone service, basically overpriced from from a company that no longer exists.
01:10:34 And they they would put you through this training. I don't know. I was. I was like 17 or something. I didn't know anything about long distance phone service. I didn't even have. I never had a phone.
01:10:46 So I go through this training and they're telling.
01:10:48 Me like oh.
01:10:48 Yeah, this like the company doesn't exist it it was MC I. They became Worldcom and they went bankrupt. There was some kind of like Enron type **** going on over there.
01:11:01 And I didn't. Well, I didn't know the difference between a T&TMCI Sprint and this and this ******** and what the what a ******* I was like a teenager.
01:11:10 And so in this training they they make it sound like, you know, MCI is like you'd be a ******* ******.
01:11:17 To not have MC I I'm like, wow, there's everyone's needs to have this because it's going to save them money and it doesn't cost them any money to switch.
01:11:28 Well, then I I feel I feel really good about myself calling people up and saving their money. I mean it. They literally have to just say yes and then I push a button over here and their next phone bill is just less money let.
01:11:40 That's a no brainer. I win because I get Commission. They win because of their phone bill, just it the phone bill just magically gets less and they use the same lines technically, so it's no call quality change. How? Why wouldn't anyone want to do this?
01:12:00 And when I first started out.
01:12:02 I was making tons of money.
01:12:04 Because I believed every word that I was saying to the people that I called up.
01:12:09 Yeah, it was one of those annoying telemarketers.
01:12:12 For live, for a brief time.
01:12:16 And then the more people I talk to.
01:12:19 That I was trying to sell on distance to.
01:12:22 The more I I was told things that that wildly in some cases contradicted everything. I was told that in the brainwashing training.
01:12:36 Like, I would confidently tell people. Oh, yeah, well, you know what? We're the cheapest rate to Zimbabwe or whatever the ****. And they'd be like, well, I don't know, high rates, pretty low. Like I get.
01:12:45 Your phone bill. Let's see what it is.
01:12:48 And they would tell me, oh, it's like, you know, $0.05 a minute or whatever, like, oh, yeah, get ready to have your your ******* head blown back. And I'd look it up on my computer and be like, $0.10 a minute. I'd be like, ah, well.
01:13:00 That's weird, I thought.
01:13:03 We were like the lowest price always.
01:13:06 Huh. Alright, well, I guess keep whatever you got there. That's pretty good. Have a nice day.
01:13:14 And enough things like that happened to where I I just didn't. I couldn't believe what I was telling I.
01:13:18 Felt like I was just lying to people and I was like.
01:13:22 I I I my sales went from like the number one I was number one for like a a few weeks out of like this big call center of like 600 people.
01:13:31 And I went from like #1 to like.
01:13:33 Zero sales a day.
01:13:37 Because I just, I felt like I was lying to people because I was like, and so I'd have to adjust what I was saying to not be lying. And then I felt I was tricking people.
01:13:47 And eventually I just quit cause I just like this is I'm just lying for.
01:13:51 A living this.
01:13:51 Is horrible. This is the worst thing I've ever done.
01:13:55 It was just they look not a big deal. It's over, you know, a few cents a minute on long distance calls, whatever. But like, you know.
01:14:03 People could hear it in my voice. I was not the the chipper young, bright eyed salesman that was calling people before. I was like, oh, no, that's great.
Speaker 5
01:14:14 You'll love this.Devon Stack
01:14:21 Now, why did I tell that story?01:14:26 Because when you're trying to convince someone to do something right, because why talk about this problem unless there's some kind of call to action? Unless, again, you want the solution, right?
01:14:41 Well, if you don't believe what you're saying, people.
01:14:44 Will pick up on that.
01:14:47 If you're not confident in your position, people will pick up on that, and that's just the people in the middle. That's just the people that they don't know any better.
01:14:57 That's why you're the expert, apparently right? That. Ohh, I wasn't even aware of this issue. Tell me more about this.
01:15:04 Phone call to Zimbabwe rate that I'm going to be, you know, whatever, right?
01:15:12 And if you can't confidently tell them no, this is the problem. This is.
01:15:15 Why it's a problem?
01:15:19 If you sound like you're hiding something, or you're feeling guilty about something.
01:15:26 They're just not going to they're.
01:15:27 Going to tell you to go to hell.
01:15:29 And the opposition?
Speaker 5
01:15:32 Because they know.Devon Stack
01:15:33 They know the.01:15:34 Truth. They know why? Like that guy in the in the strip mall. They was like, no, this is a racial thing.
01:15:41 They know they know that they.
01:15:44 Love that you're in this little ******* mental pretzel and you can't just say it.
01:15:52 And they see it as weakness.
Speaker 5
01:15:55 Oh, you're a weak little ******.Devon Stack
01:15:58 Oh yeah, you're too afraid.01:15:59 To ******* just say it, you can't just say it.
01:16:05 I control you.
01:16:09 Oh yeah, I guess. I guess you watched that very special episode of MacGyver last night that told you about the evil Nazis that were printing up those.
01:16:17 Racist pamphlets. And he, you know, with a stick of bubble gum and a coat hanger and some Silly Putty, you know he.
01:16:24 Was able to to.
01:16:26 To bring the Nazis down right. And how you feel better about things because America is a big melting pot, right? Right, pops.
01:16:40 Now you're too embarrassed. You don't want to be like those Nazis that MacGyver took down.
Numbers Lady
01:16:46 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:16:52 So we'll we'll come up with some clever, stupid, meaningless excuse like language.Speaker 9
01:16:58 They don't want to learn speaking.Speaker 8
01:17:03 Do you sometimes feel like a stranger here? Yes, I do. And that's why I'm leaving in about 5 months. What do you say when people say, well, you know you? You were just bigoted. You're just objecting to this because you told people of another race another color or another.01:17:17 Culture moving into your neighborhood.
Speaker 4
01:17:19 Balderdash.Devon Stack
01:17:25 I'm definitely not racist.01:17:31 So the little Jewish woman, she does the meme. She realizes that she's doing the meme, but she does the meme.
Speaker 8
01:17:36 What do you what do you?Speaker 21
01:17:37 Say to that I am not a vegan, I speak Spanish myself. I have. I hate to use that expression. Some of my best friends are two, but they really are and we have a great relationship and I'm very happy to have all these people here. I'm happy to see immigrants here. This is America. Language only.Speaker 8
01:17:50 You're so the issue to you is.Numbers Lady
01:17:56 Well.Devon Stack
01:17:57 Again, if if that's the issue, then it's solved.01:18:01 They love that they're here.
01:18:03 It's just the language.
01:18:09 My best friends are Cuban.
01:18:12 And like I said, the reason why they they use Cuban as the example instead of going to somewhere in Southern California or in Texas or in Arizona or something is because Cubans historically vote Republican, right? And Republicans know that.
01:18:29 They see Cubans as refugees from communism and because they're anti communism.
01:18:37 They feel like they need to support these people because they were fleeing communism.
01:18:42 And for like I said at.
01:18:43 Least a generation. They did vote Republican.
01:18:48 Cubans were also genetically different than people from Honduras. Now Salvador and Mexico. I mean, just quite frankly, in Cuba there's just a much higher Spanish ad mixture, shall we say.
Speaker 5
01:19:03 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:19:05 So it's uh, you know, there's a genetic difference.01:19:12 So they're going, they're going for the people that that Republicans are going to be the the most.
01:19:18 Warmed up to already.
01:19:25 Some of my best friends are Cubans, and then of course they do what they again, nothing has changed.
01:19:32 This is 40 ******* years ago and they know how to manipulate the the right wing conservatives cause these simple minded fox. Well, first of all, it's the same people cause the boomers refuse to die so they know what tricks work on on boomers because they've been playing these tricks on boomers since 1985 and it worked in 1985. So.
01:19:50 Why not keep doing it?
01:19:54 So what? What's this trick? What's this trick here that?
01:20:00 That they all that they still pull today.
Speaker 17
01:20:02 The magic.Devon Stack
01:20:05 That's not quite the magic *****, but it's the really who this affects most is black people.01:20:14 They make the exact same ******* argument.
01:20:19 That they use today.
01:20:22 You see conservatives today like, Oh yeah, they are even like the black people in their Chicago. They don't like the immigrants coming either, cause it's taking their jobs.
01:20:33 Really, immigration hurts the most is black people. So now all of a sudden it's a problem. We can we can confidently face and address and try to solve because.
01:20:46 God forbid we do anything for ourselves.
01:20:54 God forbid we do anything because it's good for white people.
01:21:01 Simply implying that I want something that's good for my own people.
01:21:05 Is just, it's off the table.
01:21:10 And so that's what they do.
01:21:12 They say, well, you know.
01:21:15 It really affects the the black community.
Speaker 19
01:21:19 26 months of Vietnam and when I came back to find out that, you know, they.Speaker 10
01:21:20 Hi.01:21:25 Weren't you could?
Speaker 19
01:21:25 Speak Spanish even to get a job, you know? And it happened to me and it happened to several of.01:21:31 My friends and I think that it was wrong.
Speaker 15
01:21:33 It's completely Spanish of it is Spanish.01:21:38 Am I going to lose my job because I don't speak Spanish? That's very frightening.
Speaker 8
01:21:44 For Beverly Barnes, the controversy over language came down to something more personal than political power or culture. If men are livelihood.01:21:52 To make new money, she looks for a second job cleaning office buildings at night. The same kind of job sought by new Hispanic immigrants.
Devon Stack
01:22:02 See, it's hurting. It's hurting people like this.01:22:06 Now look, it is a real problem, but once again, they're lying about it. Instead of saying that, like, oh, you know the we, we we should be mad because it's it's hurting the people, it's hurting our our, our black people.
01:22:19 No, the real the real problem is, yeah, you're gonna have a a problem with black people, cause right now.
01:22:26 The underclass jobs.
01:22:29 Like the things that keep black people busy and we need to keep these people busy. Have you seen what happens with black people when you don't keep them busy?
01:22:39 Idle hands are Tyrone's play things. You know? You gotta keep them busy.
01:22:51 You already have an underclass in America. You already have a race problem in America. You already have this exact situation that you are recreating with other groups.
01:23:02 You already have a pretty significant problem in this department.
01:23:06 With black people.
01:23:10 And if you bring Hispanic people who are going to be higher IQ and and actually integrate better than black people, even though they've had.
01:23:21 Significantly more time, way more time to to integrate, to assimilate if you will, and to learn English.
01:23:30 The Hispanics are going to outperform the blacks and take their jobs, and now what do you do with the blacks? Now you've got Hispanics and blacks.
01:23:38 But the blacks can't get work because the specs are doing all.
01:23:41 The **** jobs now.
01:23:45 So now you've got Hispanics, which is bad enough, and you've and you've got unemployed blacks. Now more unemployed blacks.
01:24:00 But no, they don't. They they obviously don't phrase it that way. They're like, oh, it's so bad cause, you know, we're just this.
01:24:06 Big melting pot.
01:24:07 And it's you.
01:24:08 Know you can't talk about how this might affect white people, but you sure she can talk about how it affects?
01:24:13 Black people.
01:24:17 And it's funny cause again.
01:24:21 She doesn't lie about it.
01:24:26 You know like like.
01:24:29 Kids say the darndest things, right? And there was a whole TV show where kids would just be brutally honest because they hadn't learned to to tell all the polite lies that white people like to tell.
01:24:44 So she just outright says it. She's not like if they would just learn English.
01:24:53 If they would, just, if they would just learn English, then I wouldn't care. No brown people. No, she doesn't say that.
01:25:02 She accurately.
01:25:05 Identifies one of the issues.
01:25:07 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:25:10 She accurately identifies one of the issues that again 40 years later with other demographics. What's something that we've said about Indians keep that in mind as we watch this clip when Indians come. I had a friend that worked for a bank, a very large bank.01:25:28 And he was doing, like, computer stuff for.
01:25:32 And he worked in this great big office building.
01:25:36 In Northern Virginia.
01:25:38 And when he first started working there, there was.
01:25:40 A couple of Indians, but not many.
01:25:45 And little the second, there was a an Indian manager.
01:25:48 All of a sudden.
01:25:50 Everyone that worked under that manager was Indian.
01:25:54 And the higher up they moved.
01:25:58 And the more ability they had to hire more Indians, the more Indians got hired.
01:26:05 He said at a certain point.
01:26:08 He was certain on the entire floor that he worked on. He was the only white guy and everyone else was an Indian.
01:26:17 In fact, when he went looking for homes in the area with his wife later.
01:26:22 He was looking at these model homes they had set up because he was going to buy a new house.
01:26:28 And he started noticing that they, when they dressed up the house, right, the model homes that they were decorated in some unusual ways.
01:26:38 For example, he noticed that there were there.
01:26:41 Were cricket bats on the walls?
01:26:43 And lots of cricket.
01:26:43 Stuff.
01:26:45 Americans don't play cricket.
01:26:49 I mean we we know it's kind of like an englisher thing, but.
01:26:52 Like we you know.
01:26:53 No one's in a cricket here.
01:26:57 And so he eventually asked the realtor. He's like what?
01:27:01 Well, we've been to like four different houses and there's all. There's all this cricket **** everywhere. What's what's up with the? Why are people decorating this with cricket?
01:27:10 And she said, Oh well.
01:27:12 And then, in hushed tones because.
01:27:13 She too, was embarrassed.
01:27:16 To talk about anything racial, no matter how benign.
01:27:19 It might be.
01:27:21 She, too, said Oh yeah, it's because the Indians.
01:27:27 The Indians. It's like how, you know, the Indians.
01:27:30 Are really into cricket.
01:27:32 And because there's so many Indians moving to the area and buying.
01:27:35 The new homes.
01:27:37 Not exactly economic refugees, right?
01:27:41 They're buying brand new homes in in Northern Virginia, not exactly cheap places.
01:27:48 We put cricket stuff up because Indians like cricket.
01:27:55 And he was like ah.
01:27:57 Well, I guess that explains the big statue of.
01:27:59 Vishnu over there.
01:28:02 Just like the the signs and did counting that were all in Spanish.
01:28:07 This was a sign of a different type, but it said.
01:28:10 The same thing.
01:28:12 It's not your country anymore.
01:28:17 In the same way that businesses.
01:28:19 No longer cater to you.
01:28:22 And everybody that was going to.
01:28:25 Mean the government stopped catering to you as if it ever did.
01:28:30 Certainly not in your lifetime.
01:28:37 So she recognizes this phenomenon, she doesn't fix it on this stupid.
01:28:42 Well, if they would just learn English, then I then we open borders.
Speaker 22
01:28:47 Where everybody can make it their own home, but I don't want to all take my job away from me either and and what they do is they they all get in the building and and one of them maybe get the big position and they hire their family, they hire their cousins. And what does that leave me out of?Speaker 5
01:29:03 A job Taylors all this time.Speaker 16
01:29:07 As old as rhyme.Speaker 15
01:29:18 Might have to start speaking Spanish.Devon Stack
01:29:21 That's right.01:29:27 Tale as old as time.
01:29:32 You might have to start speaking Spanish.
01:29:41 So now that you know it's, you can take it seriously because it's bad for black people.
01:29:48 Want you to pay attention to this number here because people again, they like the sound as if you know.
01:29:55 This border crisis thing, it's a new this is 40 *******.
01:29:58 Years of this.
01:29:58 ****.
01:29:59 It's not a new thing.
Speaker 8
01:30:03 A detention Center for captured aliens as they come, not just from Mexico, but from central and South America. They're in eagles, but don't think of themselves as criminals. They have come for economic freedom.Speaker 5
01:30:06 Nicaragua.Speaker 18
01:30:12 He went.Devon Stack
01:30:19 That's that's literally what they're saying about.01:30:21 These people today.
01:30:24 They're coming for economic freedom because didn't you know, Gore, you don't have a country.
01:30:31 You just have an economic.
01:30:32 Zone that you live in.
01:30:35 And I want you to look at this border footage 198540 ******* years of this.
Speaker 8
01:30:40 You can take.01:30:41 Their measure along these 16 miles of the border South of San Diego, CA.
01:30:51 On one side, an army of aliens waiting to move N when night falls.
01:31:06 On the other side, the Border Patrol charged with turning the aliens back.
01:31:13 It's a closely defense over $150 million this year. Only one of every two or three of the aliens crossing this border tonight will be caught. They'll take the risk and suffer the humiliations across the rewards of living and working in America seem to them to be so great.
Devon Stack
01:31:35 40 years of this.01:31:38 Washington just can't seem to wrap their head around this problem.
01:31:42 Oh.Devon Stack
01:31:43 They can build battleships and aircraft carriers and send them to the Middle East and send your boys to go die for Israel, but they can't.01:31:51 Secure.
01:31:52 The southern border. Weird, huh?
01:32:00 We can we can move mountains when when Israel has a problem.
01:32:09 But not when you have a problem gloy.
Speaker 2
01:32:19 Sounds like there's some more stuff coming down the trail down the bottom here on the left.Speaker 23
01:32:26 Hello.Speaker 7
01:32:29 I don't know.Speaker 9
01:32:35 Flag.Speaker 12
01:32:48 The 70 that next offer should be 40.Speaker 14
01:32:48 It is.Speaker
01:32:54 It wasn't.Speaker 2
01:32:59 Sure.Speaker 9
01:33:01 Listen.Devon Stack
01:33:10 So they patrol the borders, they catch a small percentage of the people coming across.01:33:15 They deport him back to Mexico and they.
01:33:17 Just come right back.
01:33:22 Once again, tell us all this time.
01:33:27 Except now we don't even do that.
01:33:31 Now we send them to a detention center.
01:33:36 And because the detention center is full, we we hand them off to a Jewish NGO.
01:33:44 Who then flies them or buses them to an American city somewhere that you're not allowed to know about?
01:33:54 They give them money.
01:33:57 They give him food stamps and.
01:33:58 They give him cash, they give him phones.
01:34:01 And they say, yeah, I'll make sure you show up to this court date that's in like 3 years. Oops.
01:34:08 As I knocked my ******* microphone off.
01:34:15 Oh, by the way, if you don't show.
Speaker 4
01:34:16 Up, who cares?Devon Stack
01:34:16 It doesn't. It doesn't really ******* matter.01:34:20 But even when they were sending people back, they.
01:34:21 Just came back this.
01:34:22 Is the story of this woman.
Speaker 17
01:34:24 Right or across the border?01:34:26 The first time we came three times, and the three times we were arrested at the San Diego in San Diego by US immigration officials and we were deported back to the Mexican border two times, and then the third time they arrested us, we were deported to a Salvador.
Speaker 8
01:34:28 Three times.01:34:33 My.
Devon Stack
01:34:47 Notice how she's uh.01:34:49 She's got the anchor baby.
01:34:52 So she's in. She's in for good. So she's been deported several times.
01:34:58 And then finally, again, Taylor is all this time 40 years ago, how does she finally get across? Well, it's easy peasy. Just like the day she just paid off the.
01:35:08 The coyotes.
01:35:11 No, these are people. These are destitute, poor people. They can't. Oh, my God. We need to open. Well, how much did it cost? Remember, 1985 money.
Speaker 17
01:35:19 So we left the game to Mexico and this time we hired a smuggler in Mexico.01:35:23 Mugler.
01:35:25 The term for that, we call it coyote coyote.
01:35:30 And this time through them, we got here to the United States.
Speaker 8
01:35:34 How much did you have to pay the howdy?Speaker 17
01:35:37 $3500.Speaker 13
01:35:38 For.Speaker 17
01:35:39 For 3500.Devon Stack
01:35:42 So somehow this like really poor person, came up with the well. There's Americans in, in today's money.01:35:49 They would have a hard time coming up with 30.
01:35:51 $500.
01:35:55 But somehow in 1985, in a third world country that where she's just, oh, I got to go, she was able to come up with $3500 to.
01:36:04 Pay the coyotes.
01:36:08 Because she's this poor economic migrant.
01:36:12 So the Coyotes get her into the country.
01:36:17 I actually shot at a coyote, but like literally right before we were live. That's why I was like a minute late getting it started.
01:36:24 The stream started.
01:36:27 There was, uh.
01:36:29 Carries like right outside.
01:36:31 And the Truro zone.
01:36:34 So I had to.
01:36:36 I I tried to get. I didn't get him, but I got I.
01:36:38 Got him scared off.
01:36:40 So far, it'll that'll keep him away for a little bit.
01:36:44 Not the kind of coyote that she hired, although.
01:36:48 You know, I probably would have done the same thing.
01:36:52 Yeah, look at this ******* footage.
01:36:57 And and just keep in mind this has been going on for 40 years.
01:37:05 40.
01:37:07 Years, at least, not not, not longer than that, but at least.
01:37:13 Because this didn't just fire up overnight, it this this has been going on for much longer than 40 years, but at least.
Speaker 5
01:37:14 5.Speaker 4
01:37:20 40 years.Speaker 17
01:37:25 We came from from Tecate, Baja California, to somewhere in Tijuana, and seeing all the people who were coming down the hill to get across, I thought that we were all going to come at the time and I didn't want to come because I said we're all going to be arrested. I was just terrified.01:37:44 It was at about 6:30 was starting to get dark.
01:37:49 Sometimes we run others, we throw ourselves in the ground. When they, this coyote told us to, and others, we stop for a while to hide in some bushes and like that, until it was about 5:30 in the morning, we walk all night and then then we went. We stop in the House.
01:38:08 Buy this house and they feed us.
01:38:10 And from there we came into Los Angeles in.
01:38:13 In a truck.
Speaker 4
01:38:17 40 years.Devon Stack
01:38:30 You're wondering how the the demographics have changed like last string. We went over a lot of those numbers.01:38:37 40 ******* years.
01:38:40 Of people just streaming across.
Speaker 4
01:38:51 Sorry, senor.Devon Stack
01:38:53 I just come here.01:38:55 I want to come here to make a better life for myself and for my children.
01:39:01 I am just a poor lady with a baby. I'm holding the baby on camera so you can. You can see that I am very, very pitiful. You need to pity me.
01:39:13 And give your country to me.
01:39:18 Because I am just poor, poor immigrant and.
01:39:26 They go on the pits. Problem solved. I told there's no political solution.
01:39:32 In the pit.
01:39:34 Maybe not the first time you try to come.
01:39:37 Maybe the first time you try to come, you just get shot at by like the Predator drones and.
01:39:41 **** flying over the border.
01:39:43 But if you actually make it and we catch you, we send you back.
01:39:49 Ah, what am I saying? I must be getting soft in my old age. No pit the first time. **** it.
01:40:00 So then we have this gem.
01:40:02 He starts talking about, well, you know, here's the here's the size.
01:40:06 Of the problem and you know and.
01:40:07 It it it it it made me laugh because this is, remember, 40 years of this has been going on and the number he cites is the exact number that we've all heard. Well for 40 ******* years.
Speaker 8
01:40:22 No one knows how many have come like Alicia and stayed. Estimates range from 2 to 12 million.Devon Stack
01:40:30 OK, so if it.01:40:31 Was 2 to 12 million, so 12 million.
01:40:36 In 1985.
Speaker 4
01:40:39 40 years of it you would.Devon Stack
01:40:41 Think it would be significantly higher, right?01:40:45 No, the official number I look. I even asked ChatGPT.
01:40:53 Literally 12 million.
01:40:59 40 years later, somehow it's it's it's still the same amount of illegal immigrants.
01:41:05 As of my last update in January 2022, the most commonly cited estimate ranged from 11:50 million of undocumented immigrants in the United States.
01:41:19 It hasn't changed.
01:41:22 It doesn't matter, right? Here's a clip from Biden back when he was.
01:41:27 Lucid.
01:41:30 Talking about how well it doesn't really matter, they're they're basic. I mean, they're not basically they are. They are Americans.
01:41:40 Why have immigration laws law?
Speaker 23
01:41:45 You know, 11 million people living in the shadows. I believe they're all ready.Devon Stack
01:41:51 Same same number or anyone on the low side, he went.01:41:54 To 11,000,000.
01:41:57 I'm telling you, I've heard my entire life.
01:41:59 It's 12, is always.
01:42:01 Like the high end.
01:42:03 Well, it might be something many.
01:42:04 As 12 but.
01:42:05 It's, you know, it's 11,000,000 somehow always.
01:42:09 It almost makes you wonder if there's some kind of Kabbalah.
01:42:13 You know numerology thing to it or something like like the six million, right? Maybe. Well, maybe because it's 12. It's, it's double the 6,000,000.
01:42:21 Right. We have to punish the goy with double the number they punished.
01:42:25 Us with right? Maybe that's what it.
01:42:26 Is.
01:42:27 I'm only kind of joking.
Speaker 23
01:42:29 You know, 11 million people living in the shadows. I believe they're already American citizens, Teddy Roosevelt said it better. He said Americanism is not a question of birthplace or creed or a line of descent. It's a question of principles, idealism and character. These people are just waiting.01:42:48 Waiting for a chance to be able to contribute fully.
01:42:53 And by that standard, 11,000,000 undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view.
Devon Stack
01:43:00 They're already Americans.01:43:08 So if you want to understand.
01:43:09 His his border policy, it's.
01:43:11 Like, well, there you go.
01:43:15 So this is the former head of the INS.
01:43:20 Who was actually bolder about some of his statements than really anyone else in this?
01:43:27 So the bureaucrat in charge miraculously at the time.
01:43:32 Because before Homeland Security existed.
01:43:36 He actually did see the problem. He did talk about it and still and unfortunately.
01:43:43 A roundabout way he went just outright say it, but you could tell he kind of got it and he wanted to do something about it, but his hands were tied.
Speaker 12
01:43:52 Being.Speaker 8
01:43:52 Carol Lizelle, Western commissioner of the Immigration service.Speaker 12
01:43:56 Doing from 200 to $500,000 a month.01:44:00 In months, month.
Speaker 7
01:44:00 Straight ones.Speaker 12
01:44:02 This is tax free business and that that is that has to be dealt with in our nation is the draw of jobs. These they come, they're coming here for jobs from El Salvador, Guatemala or Mexico. They're coming for jobs and the.Speaker 8
01:44:11 What do you mean?01:44:12 Coming.
Speaker 12
01:44:21 The only deterrent that's going to change the condition of the flood of the illegal aliens in this nation.01:44:29 As a deterrent, called sanctions against employers.
Speaker 8
01:44:32 Utilize the employers for hiring them.Speaker 12
01:44:34 Knowingly hiring an illegal alien. Our country has a national crisis on its hands.Speaker 8
01:44:40 You think it is a crisis? There's no.Speaker 12
01:44:42 The question about it out outside of the the the debt that we face as a nation outside of National Defense, the national crisis of illegal aliens is something that this nation must face or there will not be.01:44:56 The nation as we know it today in the.
01:44:57 Next 10 years.
Devon Stack
01:45:01 Well, that was 1985. So I guess in 1990.01:45:04 Five, because they didn't solve the problem.
01:45:07 He was already not the nation.
01:45:10 That they had in 1980.
01:45:12 Five. And it wasn't in many ways.
01:45:15 Certainly another 30 years didn't do. Do any help?
Speaker 7
01:45:20 It's a lot.Devon Stack
01:45:20 Worse off today, right?01:45:30 And this idea of using E-Verify, as it's called now and trying to punish employers that hire illegal immigrants.
01:45:43 That in many cases, white business owners that.
01:45:47 Sold their fellow white people down the river.
01:45:49 To make a few bucks.
01:45:51 The Boomers of 1985, I mean they.
01:45:53 Weren't these guys?
01:45:54 Were too old to be boomers, the ones that were gonna hear but, but it was.
01:45:57 Like their boomers, I guess.
01:46:01 But the people that boomers aspire to be.
01:46:04 Because when they said these things.
01:46:07 The boomers, in their in their 40s, I guess in 1985 were like, yeah, I.
Speaker 4
01:46:12 Know I get it.Devon Stack
01:46:15 Or else these people would have been just as embarrassed to to say what they say on camera.01:46:21 As the people being.
01:46:22 Interviewed and who have to say it's about language.
01:46:26 The employers don't have a problem talking about money.
01:46:30 Well, it's just it's cheaper to buy than to have these illegal immigrants.
01:46:34 Because now they're speaking the boomers language. Oh, well, in that case, it's capitalism.
01:46:40 They're just doing the jobs that Americans won't do, right? That's the the phrasing that they used.
01:46:50 There's this guy in Silicon Valley.
01:46:54 Has illegal immigrant slave labor building computer boards?
01:47:00 I mean it's they're not designing it, it's just it's like it's.
01:47:04 What robots do now?
01:47:07 They're they're all these.
01:47:08 People have already been replaced by automation.
01:47:13 But back then you had assembly lines of people with like soldering irons, and it was just a tedious solder. This, you know, it was like an assembly line.
01:47:25 Or you'd solder like the same board over and over and over again, getting 5 bucks an hour.
01:47:31 And now it's all done by robots. But these people are still here, and their families are still here.
01:47:38 So get get.
01:47:39 Get ready for more of that. That'll be nice.
Speaker 14
01:47:41 Gosh, we got Spanish, we got Vietnamese, we got salvadorians and just looking around, there's an all nationalities, there's Koreans, there's Chinese, there's Japanese up here. There's a Jamaican up here, there's blacks scattered out.01:47:59 I'm a minority in my own.
Speaker 8
01:48:01 Shop Rule Louder runs a small.Devon Stack
01:48:06 I'm a minority. My own shop, cause I'm not hiring white people.Speaker 5
01:48:17 Oh.Devon Stack
01:48:22 Look at that ****** thing, Grant. It's not the last time he'll he'll have that look on his face as he's.01:48:27 Literally selling you out.
01:48:30 He thinks it's hilarious.
01:48:34 He's getting rich paying these people next to nothing. He knows nothing is going to happen to him. He can hire illegal immigrants day in, day out. He'll never face any charges because there's no laws prohibiting him from doing so.
01:48:49 Once they're here, anyone can hire them to do whatever.
01:48:58 It was true. Then it's true today.
01:49:02 And he thinks it's funny.
01:49:06 And the reason why a lot of white people stopped doing these jobs is because they won't work for the same price that illegal immigrants going to work for. And no libertarians. It's not because, well, that's because, you know, prices. It's the market. But no.
01:49:22 That's not how you run societies.
01:49:28 You're just the other side of the of the communism coin, the communist. The communists think that greed doesn't exist. That's not a part of human nature and the and the libertarians think it's the only thing that exists.
01:49:40 Which tells you a lot about their personality type.
Speaker 8
01:49:43 All electronics shop in San Jose.Speaker 14
01:49:46 They are so close knit. The Vietnamese are close knit and you just won't catch anybody if if they're illegal, you will not catch them because they will tell.01:49:56 One another and.
01:49:57 They would all get up and leave.
01:49:59 It won't surprise me if some of them don't get up and.
Speaker 8
01:50:01 Leave now because of our presence.Speaker 14
01:50:03 Because of your presence in here. Now because there's eighteen people missing today.Speaker 8
01:50:08 18 didn't come to work. Just one.Speaker 14
01:50:10 Well, they I told them you were coming in. They didn't want to take the chance of getting.Speaker 8
01:50:13 And they didn't want to.01:50:14 Take the chance.
01:50:17 So I could I could reasonably conclude that they are illegal.
Speaker 14
01:50:24 And you said it, I didn't.Speaker 4
01:50:28 Look at that look.Devon Stack
01:50:29 At that grin on his face.Speaker 4
01:50:31 You said it, not me.Devon Stack
01:50:35 As I sell out my people.01:50:40 So these ******* obviously know that they're hiring illegal immigrants.
01:50:44 That's the whole gig.
01:50:46 You don't have to give them benefits. Ever. Give them ****.
01:50:52 In fact, look, if you get, you get mad at someone you can just say get the **** out of here, or I'll call immigration.
Speaker 11
01:51:02 What are you?Devon Stack
01:51:02 Going to do you going to file a?01:51:03 Claim you're not even supposed to be here.
01:51:09 I'm not going to pay you for last week. Get the **** out of here.
01:51:16 Because all this ************ cares about.
01:51:18 Is money.
Speaker 8
01:51:22 Immigration agents have asked her allowed her to turn over his personnel records to help them spot the illegals. He's under no obligation to do so, and employer breaks no law by hiring undocumented workers.Devon Stack
01:51:36 See, it's all voluntary.01:51:40 So why? Why would he? Why?
01:51:41 Would he do anything about it?
01:51:46 That's how you can tell that the people in Washington have never wanted to try.
01:51:49 To solve this problem.
01:51:57 Systems are not broken for this long if they're. If they're giving. If the system is producing a result that the people in Washington don't like for 40 years straight.
01:52:11 They're not that incompetent.
01:52:17 The problem would be fixed.
01:52:22 I know people like to imagine that, you know, like all those people in wash those those *******, don't they get it?
01:52:28 And they know they ******* totally get it.
01:52:31 You're the one that doesn't get it.
01:52:34 This is what it's supposed to do. The system is doing what it's supposed to do.
01:52:40 In fact, every system, regardless of what it.
01:52:43 Said to do.
01:52:47 It it, whatever it actually does.
01:52:50 That's what it's supposed to do.
01:52:53 That's how systems work.
01:52:56 So this system.
01:52:58 That we have and had have or have had for 40 years.
01:53:02 Is supposed to replace white.
01:53:03 People.
01:53:08 Making making ******* like like uh.
01:53:12 You know this little.
01:53:13 Smiling ****** over here, rich the whole time.
01:53:28 They think it's funny.
01:53:37 And talk to construction workers because the The funny thing is the unions.
01:53:44 Before they were diverse.
01:53:47 Got really upset because now their membership is plummeting.
01:53:52 Because the illegal immigrants aren't joining the Union, they're just working under the table for these people. So these construction contractors are bidding jobs, way underneath the prices of a legitimate business.
01:54:07 And so they're getting all the the contracts.
01:54:13 And so the unions are ****** ***, and they're going to these job sites.
01:54:19 Interviewing some of these illegal immigrants who aren't.
01:54:21 Afraid of it? And again.
01:54:22 40 years ago. They're not afraid of being apprehended.
Speaker 4
01:54:25 They're going on.Devon Stack
01:54:26 Camera and talking about how they're there illegally.01:54:36 They talked to the white construction workers because that was the thing, right? Well, it's jobs that Americans won't do. Well. Where'd you find these white guys? They're Americans.
01:54:46 They ask him, is this is this? Is this true? Is.
01:54:52 If these guys, if these Mexican guys were if they were deported tomorrow, would you not be able to finish this job and the guys are like, no, you'd be able to finish.
01:55:00 The job you just have to pay them.
01:55:02 Like actual money to do the job.
01:55:07 You will build undercut everybody with these these prices.
01:55:13 So once again, it comes down to money, a language that Boomer understands. Well, that's that's the problem. It's money.
Speaker 9
01:55:21 I know our wages has.Speaker 24
01:55:22 Already come down, I mean.01:55:24 In Houston, gentleman Iron worker was making 1546. Now it's down to $10.
Speaker 12
01:55:31 Why?Speaker 24
01:55:33 Why? Because the companies are bidding the jobs people because they're using illegal aliens.Speaker 2
01:55:34 Yeah.Speaker 8
01:55:37 In other words, they can bid a lower bid.01:55:39 Because they got you to later, sure.
01:55:42 So do you think it's lower? Do you think it is lowering?
01:55:44 The wages of American workers.
Devon Stack
01:55:49 So wages are getting deflated.01:55:53 Lower middle class and this guy he's talking about. I was actually pretty in 1985. You're getting close to, you know, getting 15 and 1/2 an hour. That's not too shabby.
Speaker 24
01:56:04 You could actually.Devon Stack
01:56:04 Afford a home back then for that price.01:56:07 That kind of pay.
01:56:11 He got over a 30% pay cut.
01:56:16 Dropped him down to $10.00 an hour because.
01:56:19 Too many illegal immigrants and.
01:56:21 Libertarians will find nothing wrong with.
01:56:24 This.
01:56:27 Well, it's just the market adjusting to what people are willing to do for a certain price.
01:56:32 ummDevon Stack
01:56:39 **** guys like this.01:56:48 There on the right. Look familiar? Chuck Schumer. I told you. It's the same *************. The same ************* that were up in Washington in 1985 are.
Speaker 4
01:56:56 Still ******* there.Devon Stack
01:56:59 They're still ******* there.01:57:04 But I want you to listen to the way Chuck Schumer talks about illegal immigration in 1985 versus how he.
01:57:10 Talks about it today.
01:57:16 He can get cancelled if he talked about it like this.
01:57:19 Today.
01:57:21 But he's talking to the labor unions, the labor unions, that he was jerking around because he knew he.
01:57:27 Just had to wait him out.
01:57:31 But at the time, the labor unions were still under the impression that Democrats cared about.
01:57:35 The working man.
01:57:42 So he had he he had to talk to him, at least.
01:57:45 Hear him out.
01:57:49 And make make them feel heard.
01:57:58 You don't have to actually solve any problem, you just have to make them feel as if you've listened to it.
01:58:10 This is one of the Union guys.
01:58:13 They show them the the video of the Mexicans talking about how they're there illegally, they're not afraid.
01:58:19 Of being apprehended the the the steel worker guys story about, you know, losing 30% of your wages.
01:58:33 They say it's an existential threat to the unions, the unions that have backed these Democrat politicians for decades.
01:58:42 And they need to start punishing employers who hire illegal immigrants because it's.
01:58:48 Impacting union membership and quite frankly.
01:58:52 They will cease to exist.
01:58:58 As we all know, companies like Amazon are well aware of that. You know they came.
01:59:02 Out in a.
01:59:03 Leaked memo what, a couple years back, talking about one of the reasons why they wanted a diverse workforce.
01:59:10 Is it was harder for diverse workforces to unionize because they couldn't get along. They had nothing in common with each other.
01:59:20 A little microcosm for what's happening in this country. Why do you think they want a diverse population?
01:59:30 Well, because it's going to make it hard for you to pull out the pitchforks if everyone else is. If no one has anything in common. I mean just on the right. Look at all the purity spiraling that goes on, right?
01:59:42 But if you live in a city.
01:59:45 That's 50% non white well.
01:59:49 Good luck finding any you know. Half of half of the population of the city you live in is already gone, like in terms of political power already already gone.
02:00:02 You're already you're already sought off with the knees.
02:00:12 So Chuck Schumer near this, you know, they just, you know, you said to buy a little time make it sound like.
02:00:16 Oh, no, we're thinking about it.
02:00:18 Just like they did. That's how the Republicans see this is the Democrats jerking around people about immigration like 25 and just like, look everything else right. Republicans always have to just be the Democrats 10 years ago.
02:00:36 Chuck Schumer sounds basically exactly like a Republican today.
Speaker 18
02:00:42 And I will continue to be opposed to employee sanctions.Devon Stack
02:00:46 We can look for the perfect bill. I just don't think it's out there.Speaker 25
02:00:49 You know, that's the that is a point. And I I just you gentlemen tell me.Speaker 2
02:00:51 This work.Speaker 25
02:00:54 If this is.02:00:54 What you're saying you're saying that if the present immigration laws, which are a joke, aren't changed and tightened up, we just have?
02:01:02 The bottom of the ladder fighting against the bottom of the ladder for the benefit of the people at the top of the ladder.
Speaker 4
02:01:09 Weird. Weird, he.Devon Stack
02:01:10 Gets it. He gets it in 19.02:01:12 85 ohh don't worry I I.
02:01:15 Hear you? I hear your your concerns.
02:01:18 The problem is we just we can't find, you know, we just can't find anything that some people here in Washington can agree on.
02:01:26 I mean, I get what you're saying, you know, it's just the the low people on the lowest rung of the ladder. They're getting ****** over by the people at the top. I get, I know.
02:01:36 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:01:39 Tough break, huh? Well, you know, we're working on it. Just. I'm sorry, buddy.02:01:44 It's just not. It's just not something that we can find a solution to. You know, I'll tell you what, though. Tell your friends to to vote Democrat next year and and we'll. Yeah, maybe that this time we'll have enough people to actually get some legislation passed.
02:02:02 So that's the game the Republicans are playing today.
02:02:10 Ohh, I know it sucks. I know you're out of a job and whatever.
02:02:13 But uh.
02:02:15 You know, just yeah, try to stick with it.
02:02:18 And vote Republican and you know it just. And when they get elected I, you know, we just can't find something. I I know what you're saying.
02:02:26 We just can't find something that everyone here in Washington will agree to. It's just it's kind of a, you know, it's just it's real tough. We gotta we gotta compromise, come across the aisle a little bit, then, you know, not really accomplish anything for 40 ******* plus years.
Speaker 19
02:02:43 We are being invaded, invaded as surely as if we were being invaded by an enemy dropping bombs on us.Devon Stack
02:02:52 This this is the the Democrat Union guy.02:03:02 It's the Democrat Union guy.
02:03:05 And he gets it.
02:03:11 So then, since the the illegal immigrants are so unafraid.
02:03:15 Of being deported again in 1985, just as sure as today.
02:03:22 They are banning. They're doing what? What whites, apparently.
02:03:26 Refuse to do.
02:03:28 And they're banding together and forming political groups.
02:03:36 Both early immigrants don't vote well. I guess that's right. They can come up with the documentation necessary to trick an HR department, but they they sure should. Couldn't possibly fool the the blue haired lady at the library that.
02:03:52 That is in charge of the.
02:03:56 The voting location right?
02:04:01 So they formed political groups with openly illegal immigrants speaking, which was very shocking to the audience in 1985.
Numbers Lady
02:04:10 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:04:12 Well, there's no illegal. She just said she's illegal and she's she's totally not afraid.02:04:18 Well, why wouldn't you be?
Speaker 22
02:04:21 Others.Speaker 8
02:04:21 Illegals have something to say too, with the support of legal immigrants, they're trying to defeat the bill that would penalize employers who hire them this fall. There will be a day of national demonstrations.Numbers Lady
02:04:34 From now until October 12th.Speaker 8
02:04:36 It's a new tactic for people who once hid in the shadows. They're laying claim to citizenship by the very fact of their presence in person. Carmen has been here 14 years.Speaker 10
02:04:48 And.Speaker 13
02:04:48 Nothing working. He's organizing.02:04:51 The undocumented working is learning its right. The undocumented worker knows now that it's not a crime to come to this country seeking a job.
Devon Stack
02:05:02 It's not a crime to break.02:05:05 The law.
02:05:13 This whole rule of law fantasy thing that conservatives have they can't maintain rule of law.
02:05:22 With third world people.
02:05:25 That's why when you go to countries like Mexico, there's no.
Speaker 12
02:05:29 Rule of law.Devon Stack
02:05:31 Hate to break it to you, but this whole rule of law thing is a uniquely white person thing.02:05:41 And she's right.
02:05:43 If you don't enforce the law well.
02:05:46 It's not illegal.
02:05:50 Right. It might be written down somewhere that it's illegal, but a law is only a law so much as it's enforced.
02:06:03 And she's not going to voluntarily respect that law. The first thing she did when she came to your country was break the law, and now she's going and telling everyone else that broke that same law.
02:06:13 It's not even illegal.
02:06:19 You can't make people illegal. It's like that video that was on Twitter. There they were. Those black guys were very mad at the white people and said something along the lines of, you know, basically blacks only break the law because there's laws.
Speaker 4
02:06:38 From get rid of laws and.Devon Stack
02:06:39 They won't be breaking the law.02:06:44 Trying to scroll through here I I saw like a bunch of times I should have downloaded it.
02:06:51 I'm probably not going to be able to find it here. There's so much stuff that's popped up.
02:06:55 Since then?
02:06:58 But that's The thing is you can't maintain.
02:07:00 These free societies.
02:07:03 With people who don't come from free societies.
02:07:06 Because the free society was created by the people who created it. Like I, I know hard concept, right? The people that made this society were the people that were in the society.
02:07:21 And so if you replace them with other people that are from other societies.
02:07:28 You have a different society.
Speaker 5
02:07:31 I I don't.Devon Stack
02:07:35 I don't know why this is so difficult for people to understand. I don't think that it is. Again, I think it's it's all these gatekeepers have flooded their brains with all these excuses and alternative hypothesis and or hypotheses, I guess. And all of these, you know, ******** solutions like oh, if we could just.02:07:56 Get them to learn English.
02:07:58 Then everything will be fine and you know you're not racist. You're just mad they're not assimilating or or whatever, without asking yourself why they're not assimilating, why they need to assimilate in the first place.
02:08:17 You're not allowed to question really if if it's.
02:08:22 Possible.
02:08:24 That anyone could be incompatible.
02:08:28 With American Society, unless of course, they start criticizing Israel.
02:08:35 Then all of a sudden, you know you're allowed for a brief moment to to **** on Muslims for a little bit because, oh, they're just not compatible with our American values of loving Israel.
02:08:47 But other than that, you're not allowed to suggest that there could be a single person on this planet.
02:08:55 They couldn't just.
02:08:57 Step on the magical dirt of America.
02:09:02 And through some transformation process that no one ever explains to me.
02:09:10 Just become American.
02:09:13 They're just, they're just Americans, somehow.
Speaker 4
02:09:18 By virtue of being here.Devon Stack
02:09:21 It's the only country in the world where that's the case. Well, no, actually, it's.02:09:24 Every white country on earth.
02:09:29 On every white country on earth, all you have to do to be a member of that society is is just show up.
02:09:41 I guess I guess what that means is.
02:09:44 White people are like the stem cells.
02:09:46 Of people, right?
02:09:53 Well, or rather, I guess the other way around. Immigrants into white countries are like the stem cells of of people.
02:10:02 Like miraculously.
02:10:04 You know, they they show up into into white countries and.
02:10:09 And just by virtue of proximity, they become.
02:10:14 Members of that society.
02:10:16 And any differences that remain, by the way?
02:10:20 It's it's improving the society.
Speaker 4
02:10:24 Which of course.Devon Stack
02:10:25 They don't say this, but that's an implication that that, that society was lacking to begin with.02:10:34 Because why did? Why does something need enrichment?
02:10:38 Well, because it was missing something, right?
02:10:43 That's the only reason why like if you're, if you're cooking some food.
02:10:49 If you season your food, my people don't season their food. I guess that's why they don't. They don't understand this.
02:10:58 The only reason why you add seasoning to a food is if it is missing something.
Speaker 4
02:11:12 Certain point.Devon Stack
02:11:14 If you season it too much, right. Unless you're black, maybe that's why they're people having a harder time understanding this ****.02:11:20 This these days.
02:11:26 It's people without taste.
02:11:31 But if you over season your food, it overpowers.
02:11:35 The food and just becomes that seasoning.
02:11:46 And the irony, of course, is a lot of the arguments for having these ******* in the country.
02:11:54 Is is food?
02:12:00 As long as, as long as when they send you the flyer to come to their restaurant, it's printed in ******* English.
02:12:11 Because if they send me another one of these Flyers from this restaurant, it's in Spanish, I'm gonna flip the **** out.
02:12:20 I'm going to start a Jewish NGO that tells white people donate to us so we can make sure we get. We get these ******* speaking English and that'll solve the problem.
02:12:30 They'll stop sending you those. You won't have to press 2 for English.
02:12:42 Problem solved.
02:12:46 Anyway, I don't see this clip I was looking for.
02:12:50 Weirdly, I'm seeing a lot of really old clips, so I thought I would have seen.
02:12:54 That clip, but you get the idea. I don't think I need to convince you that the reason why countries like Mexico look like Mexico is because the people inside Mexico.
02:13:05 Make it that way. Who else is making it that way?
02:13:11 See, the unfortunate thing is, is a lot of patriotic white Americans believe their own ******** they get.
02:13:17 They get high.
02:13:17 On their own supply, the positive propaganda of 100 years ago that this was the promised land that God had given them, and that, you know, like that, that they were, they were endowed by God to be the rulers of this continent.
02:13:36 Had nothing to do with anything they did. It was. It was Providence.
02:13:41 Right.
02:13:47 Well, if you're not, if it had nothing to do with you, then I guess it.
02:13:51 Doesn't matter who we swap you out with.
02:13:54 In fact, it's not really us swapping you out. It's God.
02:13:59 Now, Holly, sure, finally find that video. Let me.
Speaker 7
02:13:59 Just like that. And Peter.Devon Stack
02:14:03 Let me play this video here.02:14:08 Yeah, it's God swapping you.
02:14:09 Out.
02:14:11 In the same way, it was the promised land for you.
02:14:15 And your ancestors? God has deemed it necessary that you provide.
02:14:20 A place for these people, too? Why not?
02:14:25 All right, here's the.
02:14:27 Why is that not playing?
Speaker 19
02:14:30 Here we go.Speaker 5
02:14:41 So.Speaker 7
02:14:48 We can get.02:14:48 With all the crime in America overnight just like that, and people ask how turning Crump change the definition of crime? Of course, if you get to define what construct it's going to be made criminal, you can predict who the criminal is going to be.
Speaker 9
02:14:56 Hmm.Speaker 19
02:15:04 It sounds like we're criminal, though. Yeah, our existence is criminal.Speaker 7
02:15:06 No, the coach was there. They make the law black coach. I mean, think of stuff like that.Speaker 8
02:15:08 Laws there was.Devon Stack
02:15:19 So there you go.02:15:21 So she's right.
02:15:31 All you have to do see how are you going to maintain a society when those are the people that are going to be running it?
02:15:40 People like her people like all those guys here.
02:15:45 All you have to do to make things to keep black people out of jail is just make it so nothing's illegal, and then it's fine.
02:15:54 Coming coming into the country illegally is not illegal.
Speaker 4
02:16:00 These are people who don't.Devon Stack
02:16:02 Care about your filthy ******* constitution.02:16:06 Why would they give a **** about what your grandpa wrote on some ******* piece of paper? Oh, thanks, bro, for showing me that.
02:16:22 Why would they so bound by anything?
02:16:25 That your slave owning ancestors wrote 200 ******* years ago.
02:16:31 Or 250 years ago now.
02:16:37 Why do they give a **** about that?
Speaker 5
02:16:46 See, it's it's.Devon Stack
02:16:47 The hubris of these patriotic Americans that really think they're like us, it's all part of God's plan that we came here and it's for everybody and whatever.02:16:56 So God will keep it going.
02:17:02 That's why they'll they'll care about it because these are words inspired by God. How could you not look at this and and and feel some kind of like that, that this was. This is God's gift to the earth giving him this form of government.
Speaker 8
02:17:26 Just about everyone agrees the present system isn't working, Western immigration Commissioner Harold Ezell.Speaker 12
02:17:32 The problem we have in this nation is the silent invasion of thousands of people every day that are coming into this nation. In your judgment, what happens if we don't get control of this problem? We're going to lose America.02:17:47 America will not be the nation.
02:17:50 Of freedom and democracy and the pursuit of happiness and all of the goals and the great, wonderful things that we experience in America.
Speaker 8
02:17:59 But aren't these people?Devon Stack
02:18:01 See this guy gets it.02:18:08 He's like, look, if we don't get a handle on this.
02:18:13 All this **** that you care about, it's it's going away.
Speaker 4
02:18:18 It's going away.Devon Stack
02:18:21 All these conservatives complaining, why is it? Why is everything changing?Speaker 4
02:18:30 What do you expect?Devon Stack
02:18:35 Different people, different rules.Speaker 8
02:18:37 People here because they want to live in a democracy, they want to be free and they're pursuing happiness.Speaker 12
02:18:42 But you've got to.02:18:43 Be able to control how they fit in.
Devon Stack
02:18:46 Ohh is is that what the is? That why they're coming here? Just a minute ago, you said they were economic migrants. I thought they were coming here for money.Speaker 5
02:18:46 To.Devon Stack
02:18:55 Also kind of sounds, doesn't this sound familiar? Isn't that what they were saying about the Iraqis?Speaker
02:19:02 Oh.Devon Stack
02:19:03 Ohh no, they want us to go bomb the.Speaker 4
02:19:05 **** out of them.Devon Stack
02:19:09 They're just itching, itching to have democracy.02:19:14 Right. They look across the world that America and they're like, *** **** it, I want some of that.
02:19:20 I sure hope they come here with their aircraft carriers, their battleships, their B52 bombers, whatever the **** they're flying, I guess.
02:19:28 That's not. That's kind of old.
02:19:32 Their F sixteens their Abrams tanks.
02:19:37 There are Apache helicopters.
02:19:44 The predator drones. I hope they come here and justice lay waste to my country.
02:19:52 Destroying any and all.
02:19:56 Power hierarchies and and traditions and.
02:19:59 So we can be.
02:20:01 Just another ******* strip mall where they can open up a Starbucks.
02:20:10 That's what they told us. They said that no, no, the Iraqis are just itching to be liberated. Our beef is not with the Iraqi people, it's with Saddam.
02:20:22 Or Afghanistan. Right. Like, I mean, they they were pushing like remember the the stupid. Hey, look, these women in Afghanistan made a robot out of Legos.
02:20:35 They're just like us.
02:20:41 Yeah, we, we can't. We can't leave because if we leave, the Taliban will take over and the girls can't make robots out of Legos anymore. They'll have. They'll be stuck cooking dinner and making kids.
02:20:57 40 ******* years ago.
02:21:00 Head of the INS. He spells it out.
Speaker 8
02:21:04 Just about everyone agrees the present system isn't working, Western immigration Commissioner Harold.Speaker 12
02:21:10 The problem we have in this nation is the silent invasion of thousands of people every day that are coming into this nation.Speaker 8
02:21:19 In your judgment, what happens if we don't get control of this problem?Speaker 12
02:21:23 We're going to lose America.02:21:26 America will not be the nation.
02:21:28 Of freedom and democracy and the pursuit of happiness and all of the goals and the great, wonderful things that we experience in America.
Speaker 8
02:21:38 But aren't these people here because they want to live in a democracy? They want to be free and they're pursuing happiness.Speaker 12
02:21:44 But you've got to.02:21:44 Be able to control.
02:21:46 How they fit in to our society and how we can assimilate.
02:21:54 The people we're bringing over half a million a year legally and we're fitting those people in. It's those who are in.
Devon Stack
02:22:02 See, that's where he got little wobbly legged.Numbers Lady
02:22:10 The.Devon Stack
02:22:10 If you're pushed back, then kind of implied are you trying to say?Speaker 4
02:22:13 There's something different.Devon Stack
02:22:16 About these people and he's like, well, look. No, no, wait, we're, we're we're assimilating half a million a year.02:22:30 Somehow I don't. I don't buy that.
02:22:34 I mean, I buy the number, but I don't buy that they're assimilating.
02:22:40 So legally, America was taking in half a million people a year.
02:22:49 Which isn't enough for Trump. You know, as he said, he wants people to come into this country in the largest numbers ever. So way more than 1/2 a million a year.
02:22:58 As long as it's done legally.
02:23:04 Which again? So it's just a technicality. Why does it matter?
02:23:09 Really by by doing it legally, somehow we they're they're going to be just like us.
02:23:16 What kind of screening process?
02:23:17 Is that going to be?
02:23:20 Because it's not the one I'd use, I'll tell you that much right now.
Speaker 12
02:23:26 We can assimilate the people we're bringing over half a million a year legally, and we're fitting those people in. It's those who are invading this nation by feet that are going to overthrow what we understand and.02:23:44 And enjoy as a culture, we can't roll over and say this is it. We surrender to all of the other countries of the world. You know, we've got a sovereign right to control these border.
02:23:56 We should not be at the mercy of Mexico or any other nation.
02:24:00 Because of their economic needs or their political unrest, whatever happens to be in Latin America should not be the factor that pushes the people into America.
Speaker 8
02:24:10 But we have a sovereign right, but not the sovereign capacity. We just are unable.02:24:14 To stop it, they keep coming.
Speaker 4
02:24:17 Oh, I just can't fix it. I don't know what it is.Devon Stack
02:24:22 They're just, it's just it's just too.Speaker 4
02:24:24 Big of a problem.Speaker 12
02:24:27 We have the sovereign capacity.02:24:30 But Congress has got to get off dead center and bite the bullet and pass immigration law reform that makes it illegal to hire illegal aliens.
Devon Stack
02:24:46 Well, I hate to be the bearer of.02:24:47 Bad news.
02:24:50 This is Devin Stack from the.
Speaker 4
02:24:52 Future. You know you 2020.Devon Stack
02:24:57 Or no 24.Speaker 4
02:25:00 Meanwhile.02:25:03 40 years into the future.
Devon Stack
02:25:06 Yeah, they still can't do.Speaker 8
02:25:08 It.Devon Stack
02:25:09 And it's not a matter.02:25:10 Of if they'll just get.
02:25:11 Off their ***.
02:25:12 Which is what that dead center thing meant, right?
02:25:16 Congress just needs to get off.
02:25:18 Their ***** and do it.
02:25:25 No, it's.
02:25:28 It's not like they they.
02:25:30 Oh, they just keep forgetting. Is that what is that what you're implying? Oh, just keep God. Sorry. It's sessions over. We I knew we were forgetting something.
02:25:41 It was again, really.
02:25:44 We forgot immigration again. We'll get to a next time. Make sure you vote Republican.
02:25:53 That's basically what you're getting, right?
Speaker 18
02:25:58 So.Speaker 8
02:25:59 Employers who say they need illegal workers to stay in business don't like the.Speaker 19
02:26:02 Yeah.Speaker 8
02:26:03 Intrusion US immigration officers.Devon Stack
02:26:06 See another scumbag.02:26:12 Looks like uh.
02:26:14 I don't know for sure, but.
02:26:18 The nose is looking a little suspicious and if you notice, he's.
02:26:22 He's shorter. Significant. Well, yeah, significantly.
02:26:27 Shorter than everyone else.
02:26:29 And just by what he talks about.
02:26:32 And how he talks about it, I suspect this is a fellow white that is selling out Americans.
Speaker 8
02:26:38 The morning guys to search your property.Speaker 19
02:26:42 Excuse me, who are these guys? Now listen, say with you mayor with you.Speaker 17
02:26:44 Who are these guys?Speaker 5
02:26:49 Something.Speaker 19
02:26:49 They are with.Devon Stack
02:26:52 Hit them for entry.Speaker 14
02:26:52 For one friend.Speaker 22
02:26:54 OK guys, come on through the front.Speaker 8
02:26:55 Door this employer did mean more to.02:26:57 Talk about it.
Speaker 18
02:26:58 Please leave the premises.Speaker 5
02:27:01 Brown.Speaker 19
02:27:02 Please. Hello. I'm not going to tell you again.Speaker 8
02:27:05 But then he relented and invited us in.Speaker 5
02:27:06 But.Speaker 20
02:27:11 Now that we're clean shirt, it's probably part of my profit, but that's alright because this is the American way, right?Speaker 18
02:27:22 You don't want to open this door.Speaker 20
02:27:23 For us, Sir.02:27:25 We'll cut the padlocks and then we have to cut.
Speaker 9
02:27:28 Which cooperates the lock the ordinance.Speaker 25
02:27:31 You cooperate. Leave my building.Speaker 14
02:27:32 Yeah.Speaker 18
02:27:33 OK, let me do.Devon Stack
02:27:34 My business.Speaker 18
02:27:36 Many times. Are you gonna search how many times you gonna go through? What more do you want?Speaker 7
02:27:45 Put the bodies on.Devon Stack
02:27:51 Good morning.02:27:53 That it's kind of funny that there there's even footage of them trying to block the view of buses.
02:27:59 Now in this instance, they're blocking the view of the buses while they're arresting illegal immigrants that are working at a company they don't even do this kind of **** anymore.
02:28:10 But now they blocked the view of the buses of the asylum seekers being bused into the interior of the country.
02:28:21 But if you notice the employer, what was he saying? It's uh, you're you're cutting them.
02:28:25 Into my profits.
02:28:28 I'm going to lose some money on this. You guys are.
Speaker 4
02:28:30 You're busting my balls.Devon Stack
02:28:35 Why are you making me lose?02:28:36 Money.
02:28:37 It's the only language they understand.
Speaker 8
02:28:42 The employer didn't want his illegal workers identified.02:28:46 He said it was a matter of his livelihood and theirs, but he went on the record to say what a lot of businessmen think.
Speaker 19
02:28:54 I will lost about $150,000 a.Devon Stack
02:28:55 Day because of this.02:28:59 We lost $150,000 today because of this ****.
02:29:07 Well, I don't know. He seemed to have enough money to bail out all of his illegal immigrant employees.
Speaker 8
02:29:16 Most of the immigrants arrested this day were back at work a week.02:29:19 Later.
02:29:20 The company posted bail for many of them.
02:29:22 Keep that in mind.
Devon Stack
02:29:27 There you go, a fitting image for the.02:29:28 End here.
02:29:30 Now they just conclude by saying, you know, they just.
02:29:34 They conclude by saying that you know, Congress is still debating on whether or not they're going to sanction businesses for hiring. Obviously, that never happened, right? Never ******* happened.
02:29:47 Never a million years will happen.
02:29:50 They won't do anything that will actually.
02:29:54 Not even it won't, because it.
02:29:55 Won't solve the problem.
02:29:57 But it would at.
02:29:58 Least.
02:30:00 Slow it down a little bit, right?
02:30:03 At this point, there is no solving the problem with through political means.
02:30:12 So this is this is just the reality now.
02:30:22 Someone in chat said he is blatantly breaking the law. Now. That's the.
02:30:25 Thing he he he wasn't.
02:30:27 He can hire illegals all day long and he's not breaking the law.
02:30:31 If the illegals he's hiring are breaking the law.
02:30:35 And and that's the that's the problem.
02:30:39 Is if you were, if you if this guy and I would do this if I was. So if I became Emperor.
02:30:44 Of America tomorrow.
02:30:47 And you were knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, your your entire business would be seized.
02:30:54 In the same way that the DOJ right now.
02:30:57 Will seize all.
02:30:58 Of your property. If you're caught selling drugs.
02:31:02 I would seize all of your property if you were caught, which I think is way more damaging by the way, than selling drugs, hiring illegal immigrants.
02:31:12 Funny how they got that part right. Funny how the DOJ can somehow.
02:31:18 They can get legislation passed that allows them to just.
02:31:22 Take all of your property.
02:31:24 If they determine you're you're selling drugs. But yeah, this is it's so hard. It's so hard for us to wrap our heads around the.
02:31:31 Solution to this problem.
02:31:39 So anyway, that's the that's the 1985 special that asked that question that I think you know the answer.
02:31:45 To at this point.
02:31:47 Who's America is it?
02:31:50 The answer, of course is is not yours.
02:31:56 It's not yours. It's Pedro here.
02:31:59 Or, you know, I guess the the tribe has a pretty good claim on the country at this point, right?
02:32:08 Let's take a look at uh hyper chats.
02:32:14 Chosen Jawah says Hello Dev and I finally got around to making an Odyssey account so I could donate and comment on your live streams.
02:32:23 I've been watching you on and off for a couple of years. I've watched your pack con burns libel on about half of your ADL files streams as well.
02:32:31 Thank you for your hard work. Well, I appreciate that.
02:32:34 You continue as I start watching your streams on a more consistent basis. When you immediately begin covering the October 7th Israel Gaza conflict.
02:32:45 Flood, Zionist, Israeli nukes, etcetera. I have to refer to your research and find it to be a good source of insight despite the cussing and using of God's name in vain. Well, whatever.
02:32:57 **** you now for.
02:33:02 Now for my question. I don't mean to spam. Well, then why'd you do it? Do you think the Samson option is really an option for Israel as long as there are Jews who reside in all major cities?
02:33:14 Across the globe.
02:33:15 Israel doesn't mind civilian casualties in Gaza.
02:33:19 But they were careful when eliminating Hamas within their own borders.
02:33:25 I just think it's more it's it's more of a.
02:33:30 A threat than it is a promise.
02:33:34 Because I think that.
02:33:38 Especially countries like America. Oops.
02:33:41 Keeping my mic tonight. What's up with?
Speaker 7
02:33:42 That.Devon Stack
02:33:44 Countries like America would have the ability to defend. It's like to some extent. I mean, I don't I I think they would. They would have the ability to detect launches of ICBM's, which I don't even think Israel.02:33:57 May or may not have ICBM's, they.
02:33:59 Have nukes but.
02:34:00 Don't know if they have ICBM's.
02:34:03 But it's not something I'm worried about. Let me put it that way. It's the reason I don't think about it too much is I don't think there's ever going to be a point in time where Israel is launching all their nukes at everybody. It's a good talking point that kind of demonstrates where their heads at because it is, it is.
02:34:19 Something that they.
02:34:20 That might be.
02:34:22 Official or unofficial policy somewhere and it is a window inside the mind of a Jew.
02:34:28 That they would rather it all be go to, you know, if they're if they're going to be in jeopardy, then everything.
02:34:33 Must go, you know.
02:34:35 Because if they can't rule the the world, then no one can. I mean, that's basically what they're saying, right? And so it's good to talk about in the context of how their mind works. But is it a serious threat? I mean, I mean, sure, I'm it's a serious threat. But like, is it a serious threat? And I don't think it's like anything. I it's nothing I worry about.
02:34:57 But thank you chosen Jawab.
02:35:01 1488 from Ryan says.
Speaker 6
02:35:10 Rich.Speaker 4
02:35:12 There you go.Devon Stack
02:35:14 Chosen Jaguar again with the *** **** money. Now I feel bad for saying **** you, but you know.02:35:21 It is what it is.
Speaker 5
02:35:22 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.Devon Stack
02:35:28 Like Julie, this bag is.02:35:46 All right. Last question maybe in lieu of all the black plane events taking place today, do you see any merit in the phrase often said, I don't want to have kids because I don't want to bring a child into this world. Now, that's fagot talk.
02:36:06 Is that perspective more responsible or cowardly in?
02:36:09 Your opinion, it's cowardly.
02:36:11 I mean, people have been having obviously because humans exist, people have been having children under any and all conditions and most of which we may not, most of which, but many of those conditions.
02:36:25 We're infinitely worse than living in a modern western country, despite the.
02:36:30 Problems that we.
02:36:31 Have and you know you're. Is it a unique challenge that we face today raising children? Absolutely.
02:36:41 Is it impossibly hard? No. And it's like, how are you going to raise the people that are going to solve this problem if you don't make people?
02:36:51 So it's it's 100% cowardly and and a ***** move.
02:36:57 And then Charles and John are yet again it's like the chosen Jawa show.
02:37:05 OK, this is really the last question.
02:37:08 Would you be willing to address the ever growing propaganda concerning sub-saharan Africans?
02:37:14 Or wait the.
02:37:16 Address the evergrowing propaganda concerning sub-saharan Africans, supposedly mastering trigonometry and structural engineering, to build marvelous Giza pyramids. Social media pages seem to be ramping up that narrative lately. You may talk about that we was King's.
02:37:34 Theory.
02:37:36 I don't know. I kind of feel like most people think that's stupid, that the only people that actually believe that **** aren't people, that my voice is going to reach their ears. I don't think that there's anyone that would make it through even 10 minutes of my string that would, that would simultaneously believe that sub-saharan Africans built the pyramids.
02:37:55 You know, in other words, it's not. It's not even that right wing to think that they didn't. You know, I think it's that's that's fairly centrist, right. Like like.
02:38:08 This is this is, uh, something not even Sargon believes that blacks built the pyramid. He just thinks that they're his dad. So you know.
02:38:19 It's I I.
02:38:20 Don't think it really be worth it to to explain how blacks didn't.
02:38:24 Build the pyramids.
02:38:26 Just cause like you know, they clearly clearly.
02:38:29 Clearly didn't.
02:38:34 But thank you for the support chosen, John Wall.
02:38:37 And sorry, I swear it's just that I know that offends some people, but that's look, we live in the.
02:38:44 It's rough language for rough times.
02:38:49 And and and. It's an adult show anyway, so this is this is grown up, man. Language. Despite I know that there's people that disagree with that, that terminology I guess, but I don't.
02:39:04 John and I don't do it to shock people.
02:39:07 It's not like a, you know, I'm not trying to.
02:39:10 To irritate people.
02:39:12 John Skywalker says have you heard the story of David Reimer as a child? He had a botched circumcision, so his parents turned to turned to a man named Doctor Money.
02:39:25 Who would convince them to cut off his genitals and raise him as a girl? This obviously ended badly. Could it make for a good string? We've talked about him a little bit. I don't know if it would.
02:39:38 Be like a.
02:39:39 Full on string, but we have talked about it. It might be a good part of a stream that.
Speaker 12
02:39:45 Uh.Devon Stack
02:39:46 Is about trans stuff to a large degree, but I'm just.02:39:52 You know, I'm kind of like over the trans stuff right now. I'm I got I. I'm all trained out, you know, like it's I've got training overload right now.
02:40:02 Yeah, it's, I'll, I'll leave that to like the the gatekeeping *******, like Elon Musk, right before I went live, tweeted out some video about like, oh, look, they're they're trying to train their kids and and whatever and. But of course it's it's over two hours long. They never mentioned Jews a single time, obviously.
02:40:23 And it's like full on grift mode. Like don't get me wrong, I guess it's good for like.
02:40:29 It'd be like a I don't know. Like it. It'd be good for like a normal or.
02:40:33 Something like that, but you know.
02:40:36 It's, you know.
02:40:38 The fact that.
02:40:39 You you can't even mention Jewish influence being the driving force behind a lot of that stuff means you have no interest in.
02:40:45 Actually solving the problem.
02:40:48 Boy boy, 1488.
02:40:51 Simply.
02:40:53 Says I gotta find all my.
Speaker 5
02:40:56 Jackets.Devon Stack
02:40:58 All my clips here.02:40:59 BMC 14 eight says never relax in 72% black, Bessemer, AL. That's right Bessemer.
02:41:09 Chosen John well, once again. Uh. Chosen jawa.
02:41:21 Chosen John. I'm sharing this for any Christians interested in seeing what the Bible has to say on Zionism.
02:41:29 He also has a follow up video out there analyzing mainstream Holocaust claims.
02:41:36 I don't have the link handy, but I believe it was about 40 minutes long FYI, so there's a link for people that want to check out.
02:41:44 A Christian interpretation of Zionism that I'm assuming is.
02:41:50 Is not pro Zionism.
02:41:53 So thank you for that chosen Jawa and entertaining us.
02:41:58 Says here is a YouTube idea. You can record your bees and create an ASMR video. Some people have done similar videos.
02:42:06 Here's an example. After the stream search for healing sounds of the humming bees hive ASMR.
02:42:14 Yeah, I've thought.
02:42:15 About doing some Evergreen safe, monetizable YouTube content just to, you know, have it. I've just been so busy with everything else.
02:42:27 It's like it's hard for me to get.
02:42:28 The streams all.
02:42:30 You know, put together and saw and and everything else and just.
02:42:33 Adding to the workload.
02:42:35 Right now I'm not in a position to do that, but yeah, I'm. I'm always thinking about different ways of doing something or you might make it like it'd be fun to have, like AB channel. But then of course, people be like.
02:42:45 That's that racist, you know.
02:42:48 I recognize you. You're the. You're that ******* racist. You're the racist beacon. Maybe I could just skip all that.
02:42:54 Just call it the racist beekeeper or.
02:42:56 Something like that.
02:42:59 There's tons of beekeeper videos that make a lot of money with their their ad revenue.
Speaker 4
02:43:05 Friendly neighborhood fascist.Devon Stack
02:43:08 Says chosen Jawa Pastor Anderson was pretty good up until the point he celebrates marrying mixed race couples and saying that we are all mixed race due to some DNA test he did showing he is partly Jewish. Christ can be central to society if we win. But if race doesn't come first.02:43:28 We lose everything. Uh, now it looks like in response chosen job.
02:43:32 Says friendly neighborhood fascists. To be clear, I was not endorsing Anderson. I was merely trying to share the information he presented. I have my own doctrinal qualms with him. So there you go.
02:43:47 All right.
02:43:48 Alright, cringe panda.
02:43:50 Who's back after a long hiatus? I believe, right. Welcome back.
02:43:57 It's 1:00 AM in Atlanta and just wanted to say this. I miss you very much and I'll catch the replay if the Cactus Gang wants, I should do a cactus pill video again.
02:44:09 I will. Maybe it's spring right now. That was well, none of them are blooming yet, but it's coming. Cactus Gang wants to check out my latest video. It's set, and then you've got the link there.
02:44:20 Uh, much love and good night. Going back to the hospital tomorrow. We'll be home next weekend. Well, everyone wishes you well and speedy recovery.
Speaker 6
02:44:33 So.Devon Stack
02:44:35 Hopefully, whatever. Whatever your.02:44:36 Issue is it's not too serious.
02:44:39 And you've you've overcome it and our our our hopes, our our hopes, our prayers will.
Speaker 14
02:44:48 Be with you.Devon Stack
02:44:49 I guess our hopes.02:44:51 Why not? Right. We hope you get better.
02:44:53 So there's a link there if you people want to check out her latest video blue chord blue chord.
Numbers Lady
02:45:01 Good, good, good, good, good.Devon Stack
02:45:08 Blue cord. Evening, Mr. stack.02:45:10 Well, good evening to you.
02:45:12 Blue color.
02:45:13 Lord, thank you for the support there. Lying says the weak should fear the strong.
02:45:21 And yes, yes they should.
02:45:25 White cake says look at the drummer kid in the Civil War, ice cream music picture. He knows the flutes are ******** too. They're talking about the this. Yeah, he's just looking at the old man and the old man. So just keep staring straight ahead. Sonny. I know we're marching to our certain deaths.
02:45:44 But that's just, yeah. What we signed up for.
02:45:50 Because like literally just.
02:45:51 Underneath them, what you can't see in frame.
02:45:54 Here we go. There's people dying.
Speaker 4
02:46:00 And the kids? Just.Devon Stack
02:46:01 Like, Are you sure? We just keep because this sounds pretty ridiculous, you know, like.02:46:06 I don't think that, you know, we're really gonna scare you on it with with, you know, it doesn't sound like this.
Speaker 13
02:46:16 No.Devon Stack
02:46:40 Much better, much better at freaking out the enemy.Speaker 12
02:46:47 All right.Devon Stack
02:46:51 Mirada Mirada says the guy who wrote Jingle Bells.02:46:56 Also wrote Confederate battle hymns.
02:46:59 He was so based that when his father moved N to fight for the Union, he stayed behind to fight for the Confederacy. I don't have much money to support these days, but I never miss an episode. I thought the person who wrote Jingle Bells was a Jew.
Speaker 12
02:47:18 Let me see.Devon Stack
02:47:42 Ah.02:47:44 Try to reload that. Try this now.
02:47:52 I guess. See, this way this guy wasn't Jewish out of all the.
02:47:57 Jingle Bell Rock was he was Jewish, but no, this guy was.
02:48:02 Episcopalian.
02:48:05 Episcopalian. There we go.
02:48:09 Well, that's good. At least we we wrote some.
02:48:10 Of them, right?
02:48:15 Hammer authorizing hammer.
Speaker 12
02:48:20 Of.Devon Stack
02:48:22 For Zune.Speaker 17
02:48:23 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 12
02:48:30 I'd like to return this duck.Devon Stack
02:48:33 Hammer, Thorazine says. I think we got away from things like the carnitas because civilization has less or has us less exposed to nature's inspiration.02:48:44 The reason the CarMax is scary is because it triggers ancestral memory of dangerous animals. I think This is why air raid sirens are haunting more of a primal howl, right? But.
02:48:59 The the drums and Fife.
02:49:02 Are like the opposite of that, like the, only it's scary about it is like the inappropriateness of, like, the as people are just getting, like, gunned down, you know, row by row from musket fire. Like it's just that's I guess that's the scary thing is just like it's like when you watch a horror movie and they play like a little kid.
02:49:23 Song like you know, just like it's like all creepy. You know, little kid voice. And that's what they're going for, right?
02:49:38 Let's see here, Billy.
Speaker 4
02:49:42 Billy.Speaker 8
02:49:43 Why is money management?Speaker 2
02:49:47 The rest, thank you.Devon Stack
02:49:51 Billy says. Did you know that the Black Widow spider is being killed off by the?02:49:56 Brown widow spider.
02:49:58 It turns out the Black Widow is passive and only attacks and defend.
02:50:03 But the Brown widow aggressively hunts the black and the brown multiplies faster. The Brown widow is an invasive species from Africa, yet another invasive species from Africa. There seems to be no shortage of invasive species from Africa.
02:50:21 No, I did not know that.
02:50:23 We have plenty of black widows out here.
02:50:25 You know.
02:50:27 I'd I'd like I wonder how how are brown widows when it comes to interacting with humans? Black widows aren't too, I mean.
02:50:33 They're.
Speaker 20
02:50:34 And they'll ****.Devon Stack
02:50:35 You up like if you get bit by them but they don't. They don't look for trouble. You just have to watch where you put your your hands sometimes because there's lots of black, lots of black widows.02:50:47 Out here? I mean, it's insane. So maybe I gotta read up on this and see if they're going to come out here and, uh, I got to.
02:50:54 Worry about them now too.
02:50:56 Simba Simba says. I want to believe that German tanks played right of the Valkyries as they invaded Poland. Unfortunately, that would be impossible because I can't imagine a record player not skipping all over the place as it bumped around in the back of the what were those Panzer tanks or whatever?
02:51:17 Probably wasn't quite possible at the time, but it's a nice thought. Let's add that to the mythos of World War Two. All right? We'll put that up with Nazi UFOs, canine friend, canine friend.
02:51:44 Dying, friend says, agree Devin the Carnick sounds like death coming down like Hell on wheels, like worse than a hyper Baric missile incoming. Keep up the good work.
02:51:57 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:51:58 I appreciate that. Yeah. No. Like if they, even if they did it synthetically, which you know obviously would have to to some degree, I feel like they should do some some version of that when we go in and attack. I guess warfare has changed, right? It's not exactly. It's not like armies on a field charging at each other anymore.02:52:19 But I feel like.
02:52:19 Some form of psychological warfare. We're just playing like.
02:52:24 Really scary sounds like that at people would be awesome. Unless of course, you know, I mean they they kind of did do that with the Waco, right? They were playing on repeat sounds of animals being slaughtered and **** like that.
02:52:42 Gerald or Gerard Gerard or I don't know.
02:52:46 The Aztec death whistle is a pretty brutal psychological weapon as well. Check that **** out if you haven't yet. Great stream as always. Yeah, that's the the whistle that was found in the 1990s, one in each hand of a beheaded human sacrifice victim.
02:53:06 They they they look like little trinkets and they couldn't tell quite what they were, but.
02:53:11 Once they got the.
02:53:12 Archaeologists had them back in the lab. Or what? I don't know. Whatever they call their thing.
02:53:17 He blew on it.
02:53:19 And everyone was like ****, because it sounded like a a woman screaming like a like a death scream. But they've since found more of them. And yeah, they sound pretty freaky. They sounds like a woman screaming her dying scream. It sounds like a horror film woman scream.
02:53:36 So yeah, one more, one more point for Aztecs being psycho, right?
02:53:45 Lithuania forever the guy with the Fife and Piccolo in that painting, called the spirit of 76, is my 7th great grandfather, Hugh Mosher. On my mother's side was very interesting to find out in his family tree. He was the American Revolution.
02:54:04 Soldier from Connecticut.
02:54:06 Is that the name of the painting? I have spirit of seven? Or is it? Is this a different painting? Let me look that up.
02:54:13 That be kind of funny if.
02:54:18 Nothing's coming up with the spirit of 76.
02:54:26 It's because of the quotes.
02:54:29 All right. Oh, yeah, that's. Wait. So the painting that I'm showing hold on. Are you kidding me? So this painting.
02:54:42 What are you odds? Hey, look at that. You.
02:54:43 Know Heritage American.
02:54:45 So that painting.
02:54:48 That is your great grandpa. Which one, though? The guy they all there. There's a couple. The guy in the far right.
02:54:56 The the Wild eyed guy that looks like Chong from Cheech and Chong.
Speaker 4
02:55:03 The guys, just like I just put on a.Devon Stack
02:55:05 Happy face when the little boys like I'm scared.02:55:12 That's your great grandfather, Hugh Mosher.
02:55:16 That's pretty funny.
02:55:18 Is there a I? No, probably not.
02:55:20 I wonder if there's a photo of this guy.
02:55:22 Because just judging by the other faces, I don't think that's.
02:55:27 A accurate representation. OK, thank God it's not. There's a photo of this guy. Why not? Let's pop him up here. He looks way less insane in real life.
02:55:39 Alright, let's do this. Uh.
02:55:43 Because he looks pretty ******* insane in that painting.
Speaker 7
02:55:49 Where is that?Devon Stack
02:55:54 Here he is in.02:55:55 Real life.
02:55:58 Oops, I scaled it the wrong one.
02:56:02 Let's see here.
Speaker 12
02:56:05 Look at that we got.Devon Stack
02:56:05 It it's it's a family photo.02:56:11 Let's see if we can compare the two.
02:56:13 Yeah, I I.
02:56:15 You know, kind of, but like the painting makes them look really ******* crazy.
02:56:24 Well, that's cool. There you go.
02:56:27 And see. See and that's what's awesome.
02:56:29 About if, if.
02:56:31 Just imagine if everyone in America was a heritage American.
02:56:35 You. You.Devon Stack
02:56:36 You were all every time you talked about history. Be like, oh, yeah, it's my.02:56:39 It's my grandpa.
02:56:41 Ohh yeah. No that's that's my line.
Speaker 4
02:56:45 Ohh yeah, that's the people.Devon Stack
02:56:46 I descended from instead of just like to most people these days. Now just random random guy in a painting.02:56:55 There you go. Thank you for the the history lesson there. Appreciate that. Look at that. What are the odds? Right. Grandpa Hugh is in there.
02:57:05 Uh, let's see here. Terrace Tarantula says my hometown.
02:57:10 In Illinois, try to make Spanish the native language in 2007. Really.
02:57:18 What? What town is that? If it in Illinois? What? Chicago. It never passed the YouTube City Council. Videos are hysterical. The citizens flood out. Said they didn't want illegal Mexicans taking over the quaint town. Fist fights broke out at these taped meetings.
02:57:38 I'm so glad I moved away. Well, that's one of the few.
02:57:41 Times I'd want to link.
02:57:44 Depending on it. But well, I mean if if.
02:57:46 They were edited down these council meeting videos are like 8 hours long so.
02:57:52 Very interesting, Mr. Charlie says. Hello, Devin. I'm captain Peacock on X, and I'm glad you're going to finally do a collaboration with academic agent. He did the important video. I tried forever to get you to watch demoralization. What? You're.
02:58:12 Desmond off didn't tell you.
02:58:14 Only 13 minutes. You have a link? Alright, cool. Well, maybe I'll I'll check it out before.
02:58:19 I I do the string with him. I'm not sure what day that's going to be yet, but I'll let you guys know.
02:58:30 As soon as I find out.
02:58:32 There.
02:58:34 Might make your review says their third world brown invaders and we don't want them flat out. Done. No technicalities. That's the position we all need to take and force these **** to own it.
02:58:48 Absolutely anything less is it's it's lying. It's lying. I I proved that it was lying.
02:58:56 Because if it was simply a language barrier problem, that problem is now solved. And those same people, many of them the same people, not the same kind, but the same people who in 1985 would.
02:59:09 Tell you that.
02:59:10 Well, they just need to learn to speak English, are still ******* ****** ***. That the problem is not solved 40 years later.
02:59:17 And if it was simply a language issue, there's.
02:59:19 No reason for them to be mad about it.
02:59:25 Mr. chilling.
02:59:27 In 13 minutes, the 13 minutes the video demoralization. What? Yuri Bezmenov didn't tell you, shows how the Frankfurt School, working with the American Jewish Congress, headed up the denazification demoralization program against Germans and rolled the program out against the Western world.
02:59:48 You must watch well.
02:59:49 Like I said, I'll check it out.
02:59:52 Devon Stack for fewer.
02:59:56 That's where my vote goes.
02:59:58 We should patrol the border with carnick's ice cream trucks.
03:00:03 Only if they are they have a 50 Cal machine guns mounted to the top.
03:00:08 And thermal thermal.
03:00:12 Optics.
03:00:13 And they're controlling.
03:00:16 Drone swarms full of.
03:00:20 Flesh eating viruses and laser beams and little Lego bricks they can drop so they step on the Lego bricks.
03:00:30 Jay Ray, 1981 we.
Speaker 4
03:00:33 Will figure this out.Devon Stack
03:00:34 Lads, we will win.03:00:36 Yeah, I like I said, though, not politically.
03:00:40 Night. Make sure of you who? Or, well, defiantly.
03:00:46 Low defiling let me mess the first word there within the next 30 years, there will be a push to make Spanish the official language of America bet on it. These people come to set up enclaves and terraform our country to suit their own group's preferences.
03:01:06 Maybe in 30 years, I mean that, that's.
03:01:10 I I don't know that they would make of the official language, but it might make it a official language, right? Like they might make it official in that I, although I believe this is already.
03:01:22 The case where it's required by law, if you print something in English that has to also be in Spanish or something like that, I could see them maybe doing something.
03:01:32 Like that.
03:01:35 Devon Stack for fewer again here.
Speaker 8
03:01:40 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.Speaker 24
03:01:51 Take it from there, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.Devon Stack
03:01:55 I would gladly blow the carnick under the Black Pill banner and die for emperor stack hail victory. Well, I appreciate that, but I won't be. Won't be asking anyone to to die.Speaker 6
03:02:08 At least not.Devon Stack
03:02:09 Yet the plan is not in place yet.03:02:13 You're ruining it.
03:02:16 Hopper comment, Don. Hey, Devin to think Mexican flood into America like a locust swarm entourage by Jewish elites controlling Congress while Mexico has a constitution that says the racial makeup of Mexico can't be changed and has to stay a majority Mexican.
03:02:36 Well, and it also.
03:02:37 Says that as white westerners, you're not allowed to own property in Mexico. So yeah, Mexico is way more based when it comes to preserving their their people.
03:02:51 So and look, it's a win win for when Mexicans leave and go to America and send their money money back to Mexico. It's. I mean, I don't think.
03:02:58 They're mad about that.
03:03:01 All that money and think of how much money.
03:03:04 And I'm sure there's like a figure.
03:03:06 In fact, I'm gonna try to find that figure.
03:03:10 It must be insanely high. The amount of money that goes across the border let me.
03:03:14 See.
03:03:40 OK, let's see here.
Speaker 5
03:03:46 Yeah.Devon Stack
03:03:48 So uh.03:03:54 Let's see here. Uh.
03:03:57 40 This is one estimate. I don't know if it's how accurate in 2020, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, remittances to Mexico reached a record high of over $40 billion.
03:04:13 $40 billion.
03:04:18 In one year, so Mexico's not exactly ****** *** by the whole border situation.
03:04:26 Billy Bob.
03:04:29 Says sent this last train and asked you to take a look at it. When you got a second, I think you're the one that did the rumble rant.
03:04:37 I've listened to every vivid stream you ever made, and I'm telling you that you have never read any **** like this. A white teacher speaks out about teaching blacks.
03:04:49 Alright. Well, I will take a look at it.
03:04:53 I've got it open in a tab now. Thank you, Billy Bob.
03:04:58 Archaic ways says tired of hearing liberal nonsense from this girl. I know I went full fast, revealing my power level to her. She is as liberal as it gets. She was severely shocked, condemned me for a horrible, bigoted Nazi and said she never wanted to talk to me again.
03:05:17 She then came back to me a while later, attracted to me and even wanted to be my Valentine. Funny and ridiculous outcome. The crazy versus hot graph is real. No, that's just women respect.
03:05:31 Men that uh aren't uh.
03:05:35 Or *******.
03:05:37 And so when you, I've had a extremely similar situation.
03:05:45 Where I just got up.
03:05:45 And left a a date.
03:05:48 And she was basically begging to.
03:05:52 Well, let's just say she was very into me because I I, I I I walked out because I was just like all right, you know, like that I'm. I'm not a ******* ***** liberal. That I'm out of here and she's like oh, why never I must I must have you.
03:06:09 Yeah, just don't be a *****. And you'll be surprised. Women actually are into.
Speaker 12
03:06:13 That.Devon Stack
03:06:14 Lamp shade denier says look up the case of Kira Dixon or Kira Dixon Johnson, a black woman who died in the LA Hospital after giving birth. They blamed on racism. The doctors who screwed up are Middle Eastern.03:06:29 A white male doctor was the only one who did his job, yet he is added to a lawsuit. Ah, well, there you go. Kira Dixon Johnson.
03:06:42 Is that that ghetto?
03:06:44 Hospital. They ended up shutting down. I think I actually did cover that or something like that. Let me see.
03:06:55 No, this is from 2016. I might. I might look at it sometime bellicose critique.
03:07:03 Says half half to do it. I know I would want someone to say something, but brah, it's pronounced.
03:07:11 Confiscate, not confiscate or whatever, dude.
03:07:20 So you you talked for three hours or six hours a week?
03:07:25 Every day or every week for to thousands of people and not, say, a couple.
03:07:29 Words wrong here and there. It's whatever. I don't. I'm over it.
03:07:33 But I know you're trying to help. I know you're not trying to be * ****, so I appreciate that. Yes, I I'm sure I say I'm. I'm sure I say a handful of words. Weird. As does everybody proof. I'm not a I I.
03:07:47 Guess.
03:07:48 Zazzy mattas bot. Thank you for your hard work. You make a good point.
03:07:53 About white fly.
03:07:55 We abandoned the cities and told them prime real estate at a discount price and and look what happens to those neighborhoods. Also, the joke has been that we should learn Spanish, but I offer a new solution. We speak German. There you go.
03:08:17 It could be worse. We could be speaking German.
03:08:21 German is probably an easier language for an English speaker to learn than than Spanish. His Spanish is like backwards and.
03:08:28 Has all the weird gender crap on it.
03:08:31 Billy Bob says. I know you don't want to click on links, but I ask that you click on.
03:08:36 This one and.
03:08:37 Go to 3 minutes 15 seconds. Stephen Hawking. This will put to rest that he's.
03:08:42 Being no no, I'm.
03:08:43 Not going to just like Helen Kelly was talking.
03:08:51 Look, you know, I'll tell you what I'll do it. Just because I know it's. It's. I'm sure it's not.
03:08:57 The silver bullet? You think it is.
03:08:59 But let's see.
03:09:02 Let's see.
03:09:05 I could be wrong. I've never seen this.
03:09:10 But usually when people are like, Oh no, this totally this totally proves my my conspiracy theory. It's always like, yeah, no, this is called cognitive bias.
Speaker 8
03:09:12 In expression.Devon Stack
03:09:23 Let's see here. I don't know. Let me pop up on the screen.03:09:28 Or who knows, maybe it's the shocking evidence that I've I've been waiting for.
03:09:33 And I will forever. I'll never look at Stephen Hawking the same way again. When you say 3, what is it?
03:09:43 3 minutes 15 seconds.
Speaker 2
03:09:48 All right.Speaker 6
03:09:50 Absolutely staggering.Speaker 11
03:09:53 While most scientists don't like to think too much about philosophical questions, they feel that such questions are really badly defined.Speaker 25
03:10:01 Does that include you?Speaker 11
03:10:04 No, not including me.Speaker 8
03:10:07 So exactly what kind of implications fall out of your proposal?Speaker 11
03:10:15 Obviously, indications about the existence and the.03:10:19 Nature of God.
03:10:22 Is there a God who intervenes in the universe or one who wound up the clock to seconds here? But I think that most scientists still reserve this.
Devon Stack
03:10:31 Well, I'll tell you. I'll tell you one thing. Look, this clips makes it look weird, but you have to keep in mind a couple of.03:10:36 Things, first of all.
03:10:38 I don't know if that's like the whole thing, if that's because he had computers at that point.
Speaker 5
03:10:42 Yeah.Devon Stack
03:10:44 And so we don't know that that's well. Here's the first thing. The first thing is if you did an interview with a guy that grunted for 20 minutes or whatever, and then the guy translates for him, you're not going to. When you edit the interview, you're not going to include the, the, the 10 minutes of remember it. Like you're not. No one's going to sit through that.03:11:05 So you're going to include the tail end so.
03:11:07 People get the idea.
03:11:08 Of it, this is what it sounds like. And then you have the interpreter answer.
03:11:13 See, this is The thing is, people see this stuff and they misrepresent it because it's edited.
03:11:19 They see this and be like, oh, well, he's trying to say that with within that 5 seconds, he said all this stuff. No, it's edited. No one would. No one would ******* sit through an interview of him being asked a question and him just moaning for 10 minutes straight and then a.
03:11:33 Guy.
03:11:35 Interpreting it now, that said.
03:11:38 That said.
03:11:40 And that is clearly the case, right? It's edited that said.
03:11:45 It is weird that anyone would be able to interpret those noises at all. I'd like to see the full like the raw footage of that interview and see how long he grunts, you know, and and how different the each grunt is. And I'd also like to know if at this point if he was.
03:12:05 Equipped with a computer that he could type into, I don't know what year that happened or what year this interview is. Maybe we can find let. Let's find it. Let's go down this rabbit hole briefly.
03:12:15 Very briefly.
03:12:18 Let's see. How do I find that out? Well, well, again. If we can't find out whether it won't, I'll revisit it. But let's see here.
03:12:27 When did?
03:12:30 Stephen Hawking.
03:12:33 Get.
03:12:35 Computer aided communication.
03:12:48 Yeah. So he was using computer aided communication devices in.
03:12:51 The 1970s.
03:12:55 Let's see here. Just says use the device called the Equalizer which was operated by Hawking's hand or by a switch controlled by his cheek movements.
03:13:07 Later, he transitioned to a.
03:13:08 System developed by Intel, called the Acat.
03:13:12 In the 2008 well, that's not what it was, so.
03:13:16 I don't know that that's what's going on here. This. I don't know what year this interview was.
03:13:24 Let's find out what year this was. Yeah, 19. Oh, wait. Not not the year.
03:13:31 What year was this?
03:13:37 Yeah, the thing, OK, this is what drives me crazy, though, about conspiracy theory. People. They'll share this video and say, look, look, there's no way that he said all that in this, right. So where's the the timestamp again?
Speaker 6
03:13:52 Really staggering.Speaker 11
03:13:55 While most scientists don't like to think too much about philosophical questions, they feel that such questions are really badly defined. Does that include you?Speaker 24
03:14:00 Oh.Devon Stack
03:14:05 See, that's editing.03:14:07 Because if I shot an interview with a guy that for like let's say asked like so Stephen Hawking, what do you think about bubble gum? And then for like the next 10 minutes, he's like, like you really think they're going to make, they're going to publish the interview where it's like, every question is, like, 10 minutes of that.
03:14:27 And then some guy going OK, yeah, here's the answer. Obviously not.
03:14:32 So it's kind of like when you see Flat Earth people share a video and it's like this is clearly fake. It doesn't look like space. And then you you look it's like a it's a the source for that video when you they've cropped it. But when you when you have the uncropped version it says simulation on it and it's from like a new station.
03:14:53 That's, you know, showing people what?
03:14:55 What space would look like or something like that so it looks fake because it is fake and no one ever said it was real stuff like that. I think this is another instance where it's people think they're cleverer than they actually are. Now. That said, I'd like to see the raw footage, but you can kind of.
03:15:14 Imagine that he's using.
03:15:17 That computer stuff and that guys basically just reading it. So it's not weird because they didn't have the text to.
03:15:22 Speech at the time.
03:15:24 Yet.
03:15:25 So because he's looking down at something.
03:15:30 But I don't know.
03:15:32 I would like to see the full context of this because if this is a if this is specifically about Stephen Hawking.
03:15:40 They might even talk about, you know, maybe this computer here is one of his. I don't know. Let's see what this thing's called.
03:15:48 It's called the UM. Maybe we can find a picture of it hooked up to him.
03:15:55 Let's see here.
03:15:56 The ECU M.
03:15:58 I'm going to find that.
03:16:01 Equalizer.
03:16:09 Let me find this.
Speaker 5
03:16:13 What does it look like?Devon Stack
03:16:19 Now the unfortunate thing is people think too often, like, oh, this clip clears the this this little clip proves.03:16:26 My conspiracy theory, and it's like no, it usually doesn't.
03:16:30 You know, sorry usually not the.
03:16:35 You know, you you didn't find like you're people were just ******** when they watched this interview and they couldn't put it together. What? You just what you just figured you cracked the code when this first aired, everyone was just like ******** and think it was like Chewbacca and and and Han Solo.
03:16:50 And it's like, no, no, it's just, uh, you know, no one's gonna sit through that interview if it's, like, forever. Let's see here. Uh, what year was it?
03:17:06 Yeah, I can't find a picture of it.
03:17:09 But it was in. It was in the.
03:17:10 70s this footage looks.
03:17:14 Well, that computer actually looks 80s.
Speaker 11
03:17:20 The universe does not have.Devon Stack
03:17:21 But it could. It could be late 70s. That could be late. I don't know what kind.03:17:25 Of computer, that is but.
03:17:27 Just judging by the design of it, it looks late 70s, early 80s.
03:17:34 So let's around the same time period that he would have had this device hooked up.
03:17:39 But yeah, sorry I I just you know.
03:17:43 It drives me crazy when people are just like ohh look, this clip proves everything my crazy.
03:17:48 Theory. It's like, no, it doesn't.
03:17:51 It doesn't, but it look. Yeah. I mean, if you find now, if you found a raw footage.
03:17:57 If you found the raw footage and there's no possible way he could have communicated as much information, you know if the raw footage was equally as brief, which I.
03:18:05 Promise you it's not.
03:18:07 If you found the raw footage of the interview, which you won't be able to find unfortunately, but if you're able to find the raw footage of it.
03:18:13 And it was like that. Then I'd be like, wow, that's crazy. But this is an edited interview for air, and no one's going to ******* sit through a guy going for like, 20 minutes every time you ask him a question.
03:18:25 Have a nice try, Billy Bob.
03:18:28 Nice try. Arch Stanton. Arch Stanton.
Speaker 13
03:18:35 Hello. Hello.Speaker 2
03:18:36 Hello. Hello, hello.Devon Stack
03:18:40 Art Stanton just got around to hearing your interview with Pete went on his last year until you said it. I'd never thought of war as artificial selection event that weeds out most the most aggressive men. Interesting insight. Do you think that that's part of the Zio War machines?03:18:57 Plan or just a fringe benefit. I think rulers have been cause. They're never. If you think about it, especially in modern times, it's very rare that a that a leader, no matter how horrific a war with the exception of of Hitler, which you know I'm sure there's all kinds of question marks around that and what.
03:19:16 Sure, they they don't get killed usually, right? They're not. They're never really in danger. It's like a A a few among elites at the end of the day, no one actually goes for the.
03:19:28 Elites.
03:19:28 Though it's very rare that anyone even like on the yeah, look, it was considered bad form even at and during the time of the Revolutionary War.
03:19:37 That you would go after the the the.
03:19:39 Guy who was commanding the troops on the field.
03:19:42 Yeah, you would leave that guy alone now.
03:19:45 He might have to surrender.
03:19:46 To you after, if you won the battle with him. But.
03:19:49 You wouldn't try to like, just snap the gun or snipe the guy ordering the troops around. It was considered like.
03:19:54 Not like a war crime, but I guess kind of in a way, because the ruling class is never in jeopardy.
03:20:02 So it doesn't really affect them other than in ways like other decisions would, right? So if they make other decisions, they might affect the country economically or whatever it they really there's no downside to them, then their their children aren't joining the army. In fact, their friend, their friends, children aren't joining the army.
03:20:22 It's that that whole, you know, fortunate son song that CCR did right.
03:20:27 So it's it doesn't really, no matter how many bodies they throw into the meat grinder, it never affects them.
03:20:34 So yeah, I think it's kind of one of those things where.
03:20:38 It's probably both there, there's probably.
03:20:39 Wars that have been fought with that specifically in mind, and there's probably wars that have been fought for other reasons, but that's a nice little bonus.
03:20:50 Arbora Commandant says Germany lost two world wars. Each of those wars they lost has been a net negative for us whites. Both world wars. America intervened because of Jewish interests and Jewish lies. Jews used to fear, used to fear the proud white Martial German.
03:21:10 World War Two loss has been the most devastating for US whites.
03:21:15 First World War loss was the breaking up of the colonies.
03:21:20 Second war loss, the loss, the worst loss in history.
03:21:28 Made way for the ethnic destruction of the white race, the only one benefiting off Germany. Losing these wars have been Jews.
03:21:39 Jews have been behind these wars by involving America by using lies.
03:21:46 There you go. Yeah, I think I think.
03:21:48 Everyone would agree.
03:21:49 That Jewish influence played heavily into America's involvement, and it's certainly World War Two. I don't know.
03:21:58 Enough about World War ones, US the the decision for the US to enter that war, to know for sure who was but definitely World War 2 that was specifically Jews that got us involved in World War 2. There's no.
03:22:12 Question about it.
03:22:14 Ethical box says high yield and I'm usually part of the reply gang. Sorry about the fake shekels. It takes me a while to save these up. Since Odyssey still doesn't have a way for me to add money on here. Please check the trailer for Eldorado from Netflix. It was released in June of last year.
03:22:33 I I don't know. I'll. I'll check it out.
03:22:38 I'll check it out after the.
03:22:40 The string here we're we're getting close to.
03:22:45 3 1/2 hours.
03:22:50 But I appreciate the fake money. That's literally worthless. January 1981, my dad told me about the undercutting of his union in California in the late 70s and early 80s. It ruined him. Things were tough after. Yeah, well, the.
03:23:07 The THE workers unions were used to be very anti immigration and now they, you know, the ones that survived.
03:23:15 Are just, uh, I, you know. Uh.
03:23:21 I'd like to know what the arrangement is because I.
03:23:23 Don't know why they.
03:23:24 They I mean, unless they're somehow making money off it, there's no reason why they would support it. So they must be making money off it.
03:23:35 The ethical boxes. I also have some clips that are your kind of style for the end of your streams, but I know you don't like links. How would I send them then? Last one for the night. I myself am from Russia, yet live in.
03:23:53 Insert mariachi music. I think it would be a really deep dive into the Russian.
03:23:59 Under the Jewish history in Russia, as there are so many parallels of what was done then and what is being done today.
03:24:13 Operation trust.
03:24:15 Please consider it. OK, last one, I promise. Can I get my half $1,000,000?
03:24:23 So wait, hold on. Hold on.
03:24:26 So.Devon Stack
03:24:27 You're, you're hyper chatting.03:24:30 Less than three cents.
03:24:33 And yet you still want.
Speaker 12
03:24:35 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
03:24:39 There you go.03:24:44 Dork. Tron door Tron.
03:24:57 Door Tron. Are we condemned isolation?
03:25:00 And I'm about your age and looking back at all my relationships were doomed from the start because of who they were and who I was. Now we're stuck in this alienating world that doesn't want us. How do we make connections and stay sane without checking out? I mean, I I stay pretty sane.
03:25:20 I'm I I don't think about checking out. Definitely don't check out early, that's for sure. I'm. Look, you just have to realize it. It's there's some things that are out outside your control and that's OK. And there's some things that are inside your control.
03:25:36 And So what you do is you focus on the things that are inside your control while keeping an eye on the things that are outside your control. It's as simple as that. It really is as simple as that. There's lots of things you can find pleasure in that have nothing to do with the the current situation with. I mean, if you're American or whatever western country you're in, they're all.
03:25:57 Kind of in the same boat to, you know, to varying degrees.
03:26:02 It's easy to find pleasure in the simple.
03:26:04 Things it as far as if if you're you want to start a family, it's I. I mean, say you're my age, but I don't think people some people think they how old I am. But I don't think they know if if you are.
03:26:23 Well, I mean, look, you're a dude. So it's never technically too late, right? I mean, it it might be more difficult to find someone that you know, depends how big the age gap is, right? That is still fertile. That wants to be with you at a certain point, there is a cut off, right.
03:26:41 But and it that cutoff is is also financially dependent. So hey, I mean, there's 85 year olds that are cranking out babies. You just have to have the money, which, you know, an unusual amount of money. So.
03:26:54 You know, but even if you can't start a family, if for whatever reason that ship has sailed, then I, like I said, I wouldn't lose hope for and, you know, depending on how you are, I'd give it. I'd wait. I I wouldn't.
03:27:12 Yeah, I just wouldn't. I wouldn't give up easily. Let me put that way. So however you define that.
03:27:17 And then if you do decide that's not going to happen, just realize there's other ways you can help your people.
03:27:23 Right. There's other ways that you can help your people and your legacy can be helping your people it.
03:27:27 Doesn't have to be.
03:27:29 Creating someone else right? Like I understand it's rough out there. Believe me, I understand.
03:27:34 And there's other ways you can contribute, and in the mean time to keep your sanity. There's things you can do. You can get into, I would say, get into service, get into, like, helping people, you know, find ways that you can help others and socialize with other people who want to help others. That might be a.
03:27:52 Good idea. You can also just get into some.
03:27:54 You know, get into some productive hobby, something that gets your problem. So the problem solving part of your brain active.
03:28:02 There's lots of ways and or, you know, maybe try to find a way you can leave your mark on the universe regardless, right? You know, however, you you know that whatever you do for that, that's up to you. There's there's plenty of ways to that you can you can, you know, be more than just a footnote in history and.
03:28:20 And uh, so that's up to you to, you know, whatever you think your your what your strengths are. But I think The thing is just people sometimes focus on the negativity and you would think that I would but I don't I really don't.
03:28:34 I get riled up about it and I get mad about it and I want to tell people about it and I think it's it's something that people need to know about. Obviously I wouldn't do that.
03:28:43 But in my day-to-day life.
03:28:47 I I you know, I paid. I always pay attention to the news. I'm always. I've got my finger on the pulse, I guess.
03:28:53 You could say.
03:28:55 But other than that, I'm I'm participating in very.
03:29:01 Normal things day-to-day and things that it find simple pleasure in and and you know, like the beekeeping or or, you know, fixing old radios and that sort of the thing and.
03:29:13 I I just stay busy. There's lots of things you can do to stay busy that that aren't. That's not just.
03:29:19 You know, I I and by that I mean something that's that's tangible. I think that's important. I think you need to find something to occupy your time. That's tangible. I think that in these days it's very easy to do everything in in the virtual and no matter.
03:29:40 How good of a job you do at a video game? It's never going to be as and or even anything online. It's never going to be as good as.
03:29:49 Doing something IRL at least I'm telling it that AI footage stuff. Have you guys seen the new videos of the?
03:29:56 The footage the AI is cranking out now. Holy ****.
03:30:00 Yeah, it's uh anyway, but that's still that's a ways off.
03:30:07 But yeah, just just I like I said, just don't focus on the negative.
03:30:11 And and think of ways you can help people and that that will give you meaning.
03:30:17 And you know your legacy could.
03:30:19 Be something else. If it ends up not being kids.
03:30:23 So.
03:30:24 You know or or or or not adopt A kid, but like, you know, if you've got like a maybe you got a nephew or or a niece or someone that needs guidance. You know, I don't know what your families like, but if you've got like a young, young person that's a relative of yours.
03:30:38 And.
03:30:40 Maybe you can mentor them in some way. You know, maybe you can teach them something and and and build a relationship with them as a cool uncle or something. So there's lots of options, but checking out early should not be one of.
03:30:54 Them.
03:30:55 So yeah, take get that out of your mind.
03:30:59 First, first and foremost, dork. Tron.
03:31:03 Alright, Ranger says I'm a little behind because I went and watched defiant again. Thanks, Devin. Keep going. We don't need you to outline the solutions when the time comes, everyone will know what needs to be done.
03:31:18 That's that's kind of ominous, isn't that sounds a little ominous there that I feel like this needs to be playing the background.
03:31:28 When the time.
03:31:28 Comes we will know what needs to be done.
03:31:49 Uh.
03:31:50 Now let's see here. Terrace. Tarantula here is the YouTube channel for the little town I grew up in, and I spoke about many videos for you to look at for future immigration.
03:31:59 Issues awesome. I'll take a look at that.
03:32:03 Might be some funny stuff there.
03:32:06 Art Stanton said. You were. You mentioned Hitchhiker's guide earlier, were you as irritated as I was, they cast most deaf As for prefect. Yeah. No, that was an instant turn off. And I hated the.
03:32:20 The movie was just bad.
03:32:22 So I but that was.
03:32:24 Obscene.
Speaker 7
03:32:25 Thing.Devon Stack
03:32:26 Bad casting.03:32:28 And for all you know, for all the wrong reasons. Obviously it was a diversity high. It was a diversity hire and it ruined it immediately for me. Yes. So I I avoided watching it forever. I I was big into those books when I was a kid. I also read Dirk gently solicit detective agency and and, you know, all those books and.
03:32:49 I like Douglas Adams and and you know, and then I we're talking like when I was a real little kid. And then when the movie came out.
03:32:58 OK.Devon Stack
03:32:59 When I saw the casting and just some of the clips from it, I was.03:33:02 Just like what the **** is this?
03:33:05 And so I avoided watching it for years.
03:33:07 And then I ended up seeing it somewhere. I think it might have been like a party or something. It was on and I watched. Part of it was just like, I can't. I can't. And so I didn't finish. I just was like, what the **** this.
03:33:17 Is just it's it's just so bad.
03:33:20 It's just a terrible movie. It's the kind of movie, too, that the worst part is it's the kind of like.
03:33:27 The same people that like.
03:33:30 Uh, what's that really annoying uh.
03:33:34 Nerd said com.
03:33:37 What's it called? Uh, what's that? Nerd sitcom?
03:33:42 I have to look it up now.
03:33:46 Heard said come.
Speaker 15
03:33:51 What was it?Devon Stack
03:33:52 Called Big Bang Theory that so that that awful awful show, Big Bang Theory, the the same ******* that thought they were smart because they were watching Big Bang Theory like the worst.03:34:06 Thing ever produced by a television studio. They're also they're the same ******* that thought that like that was an awesome movie. And so, yeah, I just want. Yeah, my blood was boiling. When? When I saw that.
03:34:23 Mr. Charlie, would you please add the YouTube link to your now open tab so you don't forget it?
03:34:30 I thought I did.
03:34:34 Right, isn't this the?
Speaker 4
03:34:37 I'm sure most people.Speaker
03:34:38 Yeah.Devon Stack
03:34:39 I did open this another tab.03:34:43 Mithras. A hey, Devin. Thanks for the stream. It's interesting that in America, the propaganda is always about minority rights. But in the South, but in South Africa, the propaganda was always about majority rights.
03:34:59 Oh yeah, that's that's true. Uh, it's blatantly anti white and the replacement will truly be complete when the media makes the switch.
03:35:10 That's an interesting point. I've never really thought of that. Well, I guess because I never experienced what it was like in in South Africa, but that that totally makes sense.
03:35:21 And because that's like a perfect got you argument. Well, there's more of us. And if this is a democracy, then our vote should come well, you know.
03:35:31 I could totally see that now. I I never thought of that though.
03:35:35 But absolutely, I mean, I guess in in ways there already kind of saying that.
03:35:40 Right, they're already kind of hinting at. Then they're already saying that illegal immigrants should.
03:35:44 Vote Why you know?
03:35:45 Why are? What are we talking about? It's bad. They vote. They should vote. As Biden said, they're already Americans and blah blah blah.
03:35:54 Yeah, no, absolutely. We will be thrilled when they explicitly start saying well, the majority wants it all of a sudden it will matter what people want.
03:36:03 Uh. Let's see here, Glock 23.
03:36:08 The immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was signed into law by the Conservative ideal Ronald Reagan that legalized 3 million border jumping ********.
03:36:22 And it made Republicans proud. Well, of course it did. I was just checking rumble and it started playing well, of course it did because it.
03:36:35 You know, it was about language they were going to assemble late.
03:36:39 That's literally one year after that documentary was filmed.
03:36:43 That was the Republican solution.
03:36:46 Right. It was the same thing they just did.
03:36:50 0 enforcement of the border.
03:36:53 Legalizing a bunch of illegals?
03:36:57 And they never put into place the E-Verify type stuff or they punished businesses. This is what Republicans have always done. So by all means, vote harder for Republicans next election. And well, we know exactly what they'll do for.
03:37:12 The next 40 years.
03:37:15 And with that.
03:37:17 And it's time for me to go. Thank you, everyone, for being here.
03:37:22 For the.
03:37:25 What was it called? The carnyx edition?
03:37:29 I'll be back here on Wednesday and I said if I if I'm going to be doing the string with other people, there's a couple that are kind of up in the air right now.
03:37:41 I'll give you guys links to that on Telegram. Make sure you follow me on Telegram and on Twitter and Gab.
03:37:47 And I'll send out links when and if I find out about that stuff.
03:37:54 In the meantime.
Speaker 4
03:37:58 For black pilled.Devon Stack
03:38:01 I am of course.Speaker 6
03:38:07 Devastated.