

Numbers Lady
00:00:00 874-253-7425.
00:00:08 97702.
00:00:14 97702.
00:00:28 Good.
00:00:30 70.
00:00:33 Group.
00:00:35 70.
00:00:39 628-866-2886.
00:00:48 13297.
00:00:53 13297.
00:00:58 60318.
00:01:03 603182.
Speaker 2
00:01:10 Joe, I'm in. I got a.
00:01:12 Red.
00:01:14 Hot tip for you?
00:01:14 Joe.
00:01:16 See that guy with the red suspenders driving that car with the bright red blenders? I know you one of those heavy spenders yet.
Speaker 3
00:01:23 Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble.
Speaker 2
00:01:26 That's communist joke.
00:01:30 When I girl with propaganda and I'm steady will don't want to take the chance that Communist.
00:01:49 But with the girls, this character is a comrade Romeo.
00:01:57 Hello.
00:01:58 Sabotaging.
00:02:37 He's.
00:02:41 Fellows hate himself, but the girls, his character, his. The comrade Romeo. Since my love, peace sabotaging.
00:02:54 And the lobby has been dodging to give him what he deserves. Jailhouse lodging. Get that communist job.
Numbers Lady
00:02:55 No.
Speaker 2
00:03:04 With that.
Speaker 4
00:03:19 We're living in a country that's the finest place on Earth, but some folks don't appreciate this land that gave them birth. I hear that up in Washington. They're having an awful fuss, plus communists and spies. We're making monkeys out of us. The bureaus and departments have been busy. Night.
00:03:39 And they they're figuring out just how we gave our secrets all away. And Congress has appointed a committee. So they said the find out. Who's American and who's a low down red. They call them up to Washington to speak for Uncle Sam.
00:03:56 But when they ask them what they are, they shut up like a clam. I wish they'd taken put me on the witness stand and they and yells aloud. Or Stalin could hear me all the way.
00:04:11 I'll tell you that right now, I believe I like this private ownership. I want to be left alone.
Speaker 5
00:04:13 I believe a man should own his own house and.
00:04:23 And let me remind.
Speaker 4
00:04:29 Our government is bigger than it ever was today.
00:04:33 The more they hire to work for it, the more they have to pay. Our public servants should be proud and honest. You would think instead of taking bribes and dressing up their wives in make the taxes keep on going up of that. There is no doubt, but still they just can't take it in as fast as they dish it out.
00:04:53 Our national debt is a monster size and growing every day. Our children's children, still unborn, are gonna have to pay our dollar used to be the soundest money on this earth.
00:05:05 But now 2 bucks won't even buy a good old dollars worth unless we stop inflation and take care of what we've got. The communists may win the fight and never fire it.
Speaker 5
00:05:19 And your communist? I'll tell you that right now. I believe a man should only go.
Speaker 4
00:05:28 I want to be left alone.
Speaker 5
00:05:32 And let me run my own.
Devon Stack
00:05:49 Welcome to the insomnia stream, McCarthy edition.
00:05:56 I'm your host, of course. Devin stack.
00:05:59 We're going to talk tonight about Joseph.
00:06:01 McCarthy or McCarthyism? Oh, the red scare.
00:06:07 The evil red scare.
00:06:10 The witch hunt that we were all raised to to know about, we all read. At least I had to. I had to.
00:06:16 Not only just read.
00:06:17 I had to perform the Crucible.
00:06:21 A. A story that's written by a Jew.
00:06:27 That was supposed to be a metaphor for McCarthyism.
00:06:32 Talking about the Salem witch trials.
00:06:35 Which I actually happen to think there might have been some legitimacy there too. But that's another day.
Speaker 7
00:06:43 But we all had.
Devon Stack
00:06:44 To watch movies.
00:06:46 Whether it was in school required, which oftentimes it was or not.
00:06:52 We've all heard the term McCarthyism, in fact, when?
00:06:58 In 2016, right they, they resurrected it often to talk about Trump. He was.
00:07:04 Going to you know.
00:07:05 Somehow start fighting communists or something. I don't know exactly what the why they made that connection.
00:07:14 But for those who don't know, for some reason what exactly?
00:07:19 McCarthyism is, don't worry, they're still making videos and doing Ted talks about it constantly.
00:07:27 If you just search on YouTube for McCarthyism, you'll find all kinds of results. I think this is the 1st result that Pops up. At least it was.
00:07:33 For me.
00:07:35 It gives you a little quick rundown on what McCarthyism is.
Speaker 8
00:07:46 Imagine that one day you're summoned before a government panel, even though you haven't committed any crime or been formally charged with one. You are repeatedly questioned about your political views, accused of disloyalty.
00:08:00 And asked to incriminate your friends and associates. If you don't cooperate, you risk jail or losing your job.
00:08:10 This is exactly what happened in the United States in the 1950s as part of a campaign to expose suspected communists named after its most notorious practitioner. The phenomenon known as McCarthyism, destroyed thousands of lives and careers.
00:08:29 For over a decade, American political leaders trampled democratic freedoms in the name of protecting them.
00:08:36 During the 1930s and 1940s, there had been an active but small Communist Party in the United States. Its record was mixed.
00:08:45 While it played crucial roles in wider progressive struggles from.
Numbers Lady
00:08:48 Very, very.
Speaker 3
00:08:49 Neighbors and civil rights.
Speaker 8
00:08:50 It also supported the Soviet Union.
00:08:54 From the start, the American Communist Party faced attacks from conservatives and business.
00:08:59 Letters.
00:09:00 As well as from liberals who criticized its ties to the oppressive Soviet regime during World War Two when the USA and USSR were allied against Hitler, some American communists actually spied for the Russians. When the Cold War escalated and this espionage became known, domestic communism came to be seen as a threat to national security.
Speaker 9
00:09:22 It sounds promotive.
Speaker 8
00:09:23 But the attempt to eliminate that threat soon turned into the longest lasting and most widespread episode of political repression in American history.
00:09:32 Spurred on by a network of bureaucrats, politicians, journalists and businessmen, the campaign wildly exaggerated the danger of communist subversion. The people behind it harassed anyone suspected of holding left of center political views or associating with those who did.
00:09:51 If you hung modern art on your walls, had a multiracial social circle, or signed petitions against nuclear weapons, you might just have been a communist.
00:10:01 Starting in the late 1940s, FBI Director J Edgar Hoover used the resources of his agency to hunt down such supposed communists and eliminate them from any position of influence with an American Society.
00:10:15 And the narrow criteria that Hoover and his allies used to screen federal employees spread to the rest of the country.
00:10:23 Soon, Hollywood studios, universities, car manufacturers and thousands of other public and private employers were imposing the same political tests on the men and women who worked for them.
00:10:37 Meanwhile, Congress conducted its own witch hunt, subpoenaing hundreds of people to testify before investigative bodies like the House, UN American Activities Committee.
00:10:48 If they refused to cooperate, they could be jailed for contempt or, more commonly, fired and blacklisted.
00:10:55 Ambitious politicians like Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy used such hearings as a partisan weapon, accusing Democrats of being soft on communism and deliberately losing China to the Communist bloc.
00:11:10 McCarthy, a Republican senator from Wisconsin, became notorious by flaunting ever changing lists of alleged communists within the State Department. Egged on by other politicians, he continued to make outrageous accusations while distorting or fabricating evidence.
00:11:28 Many citizens reviled McCarthy, while others praised him.
00:11:33 And when the Korean War broke out, McCarthy seemed vindicated.
00:11:38 Once he became chair of the Senate's Permanent Subcommittee on investigations in 1953, McCarthy's recklessness increased.
00:11:46 It was his investigation of the army that finally turned public opinion against him and diminished his power.
00:11:54 McCarthy's colleagues in the Senate censured him, and he died less than three years later, probably from alcoholism.
00:12:02 McCarthyism ended as well. It had ruined hundreds if not thousands of lives and drastically narrowed the American political spectrum.
00:12:11 Its damage to democratic institutions would be long lasting. In all likelihood, there were both Democrats and Republicans who knew that the anti Communist purges were deeply unjust but feared that directly opposing them would hurt their careers.
00:12:27 Even the Supreme Court failed to stop the witch hunt, condoning serious violations of constitutional rights in the name of national security.
00:12:36 Was domestic communism an actual threat to the American government? Perhaps, though, a small one. But the reaction to it was so extreme that it caused far more damage than the threat itself.
00:12:49 And if new demagogues appeared in uncertain times to attack unpopular minorities in the name of patriotism, could it all happen again?
Devon Stack
00:13:04 Ohh goodness, it can happen again. Lesson by elec schrecker.
00:13:11 Alan Schrecker of Yeshiva University and in fact most of the stuff you'll find on McCarthyism, is written by Jews.
Speaker 10
00:13:25 Well, I mean almost the.
Devon Stack
00:13:27 The vast majority of it is written by Jews, defined by Jews especially. Obviously, the movie tellings of McCarthyism.
00:13:35 It's it's all Jews telling you about this evil thing. McCarthyism. I wonder why Jews would be upset about the Communist infiltration that was taking place in the United States in the early 1900s. Now, what this fails to do, this little video fails to explain.
00:13:52 Thing.
00:13:54 Is there was a lot of lot of kindness, infiltration happening well before the 1950s?
00:14:02 That was well known by the FBI, well known by just the the American public, because a lot of it was because you had the freedom of speech, right?
00:14:13 A lot of.
00:14:13 It.
00:14:13 Was out in the open. You had a lot of Communist publications, a lot of Jewish last names published publishing those article.
00:14:22 And a lot of that stuff got the crackdown on these activities kind of got.
00:14:28 Tamped down while World War Two and on because Americans were were were told all of a sudden. Actually the US is all. That's our friend. You know, Stalin's our friend because he's going to help us, you know, kill the Nazi.
00:14:44 And then after World War Two is over, then they're like, ah, he's bad again. And so some context of of when this era, you know, what was going on in this era? This is right after World War Two. So you had a, you know, this is a stolen propaganda film post World War 2.
00:15:05 I feel it's called. I think it's called like the fall of Berlin or something like that.
00:15:09 And yes, you have this kind of **** going on after after World War Two is over. You had the the communists, as Patton said we we fought the wrong enemy. We had the Communists beefing up their their military still and and expanding into Eastern Europe.
Speaker 5
00:15:32 Watch them give up.
00:15:36 That's you.
Speaker 10
00:15:47 Give lots.
Speaker 2
00:15:53 Mira is charged chamber to Jamaica.
Devon Stack
00:15:54 Hurray for Stalin.
00:15:59 So you know this kind of stuff going on. You also had communists taking over China.
00:16:08 And as we'll discuss a little bit later, the American involvement with that actually said the communists taking over China and into Indochina.
Speaker 11
00:16:18 In Moscow, read Chinas foreign minister Chao Enlai signs a 30 year treaty with Soviet Russia as dictator. Joseph Stalin looks impassively on.
00:16:27 The Treaty, the result of two months secret negotiation, finds each to aid the other. If a tank Russia's Molotov, sees foreign Minister Basinski sign Red, China's boss Mao Zeitung, isn't saying what China gave Russia in return for such treaty aid as a $300 million Russian loan.
Devon Stack
00:16:46 We also had a Korea and this is.
00:16:52 You know, around early 1950s, so right in the middle of McCarthyism.
00:16:57 Because McCarthyism is considered from 1950 to 1954 roughly, you had the Korean War going on, so you had communists invading Korea.
00:17:17 Lots of American soldiers being sent into Korea to fight the comings.
Speaker 12
00:17:22 Spending lots and lots of gold and blood and steel.
Devon Stack
00:17:36 The Korean War, which is technically still going on, it's just a ceasefire.
Speaker 13
00:17:41 A lot of.
Devon Stack
00:17:41 People forget this happened at all in Greece.
00:17:45 You had a an attempted communist revolution.
00:17:49 In the late 1940s, like 1949, so this was going on. This is so it's spreading into Western Europe.
Speaker 4
00:17:57 Chris.
Speaker 14
00:17:57 And the closing stages of a long and bitter campaign against the rebels are watched by King Paul during his turn of the mountain metal.
00:18:05 In the former communist stronghold of Mount Grimmus, the King seized some of the weapons captured during his armies. Victorious offensive.
00:18:17 The national flag now flies over villages once in rebel hands, while the people greet the king, who symbolises for them the return of order to a troubled land.
Devon Stack
00:18:37 So that's, that's the environment at the time you had kindness expansion going on all throughout the world and not just in, in the very overt military ways. You also had communist spies injected into Western governments.
00:18:57 And specifically the United States. And there was lots of evidence of this and and and well and I guess not in the United States, but right next door you had a high-ranking Communist spies. This is Fred Rose.
00:19:12 He was a Polish Jew who became a Canadian MP.
00:19:17 In in 1946, he was arrested for being a Communist spy. So so in in Canada you had MP's who were communist spies.
00:19:29 Just a couple years prior. This is before, you know, quote UN quote McCarthyism, had had had started up.
00:19:38 You had.
00:19:41 You know, lots of spy networks being uncovered throughout the West, in fact.
00:19:49 It was getting so bad.
00:19:51 That Truman.
Speaker 2
00:19:53 Who?
Devon Stack
00:19:56 I don't know to some extent was accounting the sympathizer. He certainly employed communists, knowingly employed communists in his administration under political pressure, issued a loyalty order in 1947, saying that you couldn't be hired.
00:20:16 By the federal government. If you were a known member of the Communist Party.
00:20:21 And in fact, you could be fired.
00:20:24 If you were a known member of the Communist Party and.
00:20:28 2700 employees were let go.
00:20:34 Under Truman's loyalty order, because there were that many ******* communists working the federal.
00:20:41 Government that that they knew of.
00:20:43 That they knew of.
00:20:46 So this isn't like just in a vacuum. One day, McCarthy said. Ah, there's commies everywhere. There's they're. They're really there were commies everywhere.
00:20:57 And what I'm talking about Hollywood because a lot of people think that that's that was a big focus of McCarthy and it really wasn't. That was kind of what was going on in the 1930s or so. You had a lot of those trials asking actors and directors in Hollywood about their involvement with the Communist Party. And a lot of that stuff was put.
00:21:17 On ice during World War.
00:21:18 There, too, and McCarthy's focus wasn't on that, even though that's.
00:21:22 Kind of like.
00:21:22 They give you this impression that McCarthy was basically going after well as that little video said, people that had modern art on their wall. Oh, you had modern art on your wall. Then you must be a communist. Like they just make it sound.
00:21:35 Like it's some kind of insane thing.
00:21:38 The other thing that was going on is you had the Samuel Klaus report.
00:21:44 The Samuel Klaus report named 33 members of the Communist Party who are currently member or working at the State Department and 90 others working in the State Department that were listed as communist sympathizers or collaborators.
00:22:01 Now The funny thing is.
00:22:05 To this day.
00:22:06 You can find evidence of this report existing. You can find in the National Archives like this. This is a, you know, like a title page.
00:22:19 Of of the report. There you go. You know S Klaus 1946.
00:22:26 And you can find little tiny bits of it, but you can't find the whole thing. It's oddly enough all versions.
00:22:33 Of this report have magically vanish.
00:22:37 It just disappeared.
00:22:40 And which is odd, you know, considering that there was an official government document. And why? Why would it have to go away? Why would it have to vanish?
00:22:50 You they also don't ever mention the fact that.
00:22:55 As as part of this you know pre McCarthy fight against the the Communists that was going on. You had Martin dies now Martin dies ran the dies committee from 1938 to 1944 and it was the Committee on Unamerican activity.
00:23:13 Please and again they they tried to shut him down. They tried to shut him down the same way they tried to shut down McCarthy. He was finding communists working in the federal government. And in fact, when he finally knew he was going to get shut.
00:23:29 Down.
00:23:30 He went and had a an official.
00:23:34 Printing done of of the of the committee called the Appendix 9, which included a a list of 22,000.
Speaker 3
00:23:43 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:23:44 22,000 known communists and subversives and subversive organizations, and it made it through the Government Printing Office. But then the and you might find out here in a second why the Government Printing Office shut it down, but not before a couple of copies made it out there.
00:24:05 So that actually still is floating around there. One of the witnesses during that committee was JJB Matthews now, JB Matthews was a former communist.
00:24:20 And he also.
00:24:23 Testified that there were a lot of communists working in government working in the State Department, working in. Specifically, he talked about the actually the the Secretary of State. And so it went all the way up.
00:24:42 And then you had.
00:24:45 The the FBI.
00:24:47 The FBI was was investigating this. They were well aware of this, but the FBI can't prosecute. Only the DOJ can prosecute. So the FBI can do investigations and under certain circumstances, they can arrest people. But they can't actually prosecute.
00:25:08 Anyone, and in fact, all they can really do is is well investigate, right. So they investigated.
00:25:21 This guy right here. Who was Harry Dexter white?
00:25:28 Harry Dexter White, a Lithuanian Jew.
00:25:31 A Lithuanian Jew who was working as the Assistant Secretary of Treasury under Harry Truman.
00:25:40 And the FBI sent Truman several.
00:25:44 Several warnings 2 Truman's office saying he's literally a Soviet spy. You have a a Soviet spy as the Assistant Secretary of Treasury.
00:25:57 You need to get rid of him because he's literally like we we have him dead to rights. He's he's a Soviet ******* spy.
00:26:06 So what do they do now? They promote him, and Truman orders that none of these these documents can be shown to members of Congress or or the Senate. So no one no one even knows that the FBI is even sending these warnings to the the White House letting them know.
00:26:25 All these, all these Jewish communist spies that seem to be everywhere, not only was he the assistant secretary of Treasury, he actually people who are familiar with the Morgenthau plan, the plan that essentially neutered Germany after World War 2.
00:26:44 Guess who wrote it?
Speaker 10
00:26:47 TA with the wannian Jew.
Devon Stack
00:26:51 Harry Dexter white.
00:26:53 Now in fact, according to Henry Morgan, Thou's son White was the principal architect behind the Morgenthau Plan designed to permanently weaken Germany's military capabilities. This is from Wikipedia, the Morgenthau Post War plan was authored by White was to take all industry out of Germany.
00:27:14 Eliminate its armed forces and.
00:27:16 Convert the country into an agricultural.
00:27:18 Community, in the process eliminating most of Germany's economic power and its ability to start another war. He was also the Jew, the Communist Jew responsible for blocking money to there was supposed to be sent to.
00:27:38 The opponent of of Chairman Mao.
00:27:41 During the the the communist revolution in China, we were supposed to send something. I think it was something in the neighborhood of and this is back, you know, when money meant something in the neighbor of $200 million and he stopped it.
00:27:56 He stopped it from going there because they were hell bent on supporting Mao, taking over China, and there's a lot more of that. That's like a whole thing in and of itself.
00:28:08 So the in 1949.
00:28:12 The FBI was sending the State Department warnings.
00:28:19 That they were infiltrated by by Soviet spies, like this Jew right here. This is Judith Copeland.
00:28:28 Judith Copeland, who was a a literal spy for I think the KGB Jewish, a communist spy. In fact. She was later arrested.
00:28:42 And they convicted her. But then Jewish communist lawyers came in and they got it overturned, saying that the FBI didn't go through the proper procedures when they weren't denying that she was a spy.
00:28:56 She was she.
00:28:57 Was a spy.
00:28:58 But they didn't go through the proper procedures.
00:29:01 When getting her wiretapped so it was like an illegal wiretap. And that was the that's how they obtained the evidence. And so therefore they got her off. So she she got off Scott free.
00:29:14 They also sent warnings over 40 warnings.
00:29:20 To the Government Printing Office, the office that I just mentioned earlier that tried to shut down or actually successfully shut down to some extent the publication of all the list of Jewish communists and subversive organization in the United States, they warned them about.
00:29:41 Edward Rothschild.
00:29:43 Edward Rothschild, another communist Jew who had weaseled his way into the the Government printing office. They imagine he's not just sitting like you might.
00:29:57 Say well, the.
00:29:58 Government printing office. That's not that big of a deal. It kind of is because that means, like literally anything that gets printed.
00:30:04 He's got his hands on it, he gets to see it. So what better place to stick a Jewish?
00:30:10 Communist spy?
00:30:12 So yes, the FBI is like sending out warnings to anyone that will listen, which happens to be zero in 1942.
00:30:24 They also sent a a warning about.
00:30:28 Ohh, this this awesome Communist Jew.
Speaker 3
00:30:33 The world would not be the same hopeful.
00:30:38 Two people laughed. Two people cried. Most people were silent.
00:30:49 I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bible, that Gupta.
00:30:57 Additional.
00:31:01 Is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and to impress him, takes on his multi armed form and says now I am become death, the destroyer worlds.
Devon Stack
00:31:23 So there you go, Oppenheimer, and they ignored the warnings because Oppenheimer was working on the bond that they were going to use against Nazi Germany, but they ended up using against the Japanese.
00:31:40 But obviously the communists, the Communists wanted the Communist Jews had a lot of motivation to to develop that bomb, to be used against.
00:31:51 The Nazis. So you had you had Communist Jews?
00:31:57 All the way up and.
00:31:58 Down.
00:31:59 The power structure with the United States, it's look it's it's the same as it ever was in in every single case, it's Eastern European Jew whose family came to America around the turn of the century. It's it's. It's in the same way that every time we look at these.
00:32:18 Degenerate.
00:32:19 Hollywood, Fox and they all have that that exact same background. Well, guess what, all the Communist Jews, spies that are discovered in America, some prosecuted, some not. It's every single ******* time. It's a a Jew from Eastern Europe.
00:32:39 So then you get.
00:32:41 Joseph McCarthy. So how does how does he play a role in all?
00:32:44 This, you know, you have the FBI.
00:32:49 You know, screaming at anyone who listened. Who's nobody. You've got these committees back in the 40s, they were shut down after the war. You've got a White House that apparently doesn't mind, that they have Communist Jews working for them.
00:33:07 She's a bit odd and you have not a.
00:33:12 Whole lot of.
00:33:12 Traction going on?
00:33:14 Let's talk about who.
00:33:18 McCarthy Wise because that that's the other thing a lot of people have this in the same way that you'll see footage of Hitler yelling in German and you're just like, oh, it's just some crazy, unhinged guy. But, like, you don't really know much beyond what they're showing you on history channel or in some movie or or whatever.
00:33:38 The same can be said of of Joseph McCarthy. First of all, he's he's not the the best speaker in the world. He's just.
00:33:45 He's just this farm boy. Uh, that that from Wisconsin and that kind of speaks very slow and deliberately and it and just doesn't have any pizzazz. You get over this is before television, really. This is, you know, when he when he first became a senator.
00:34:06 TV really wasn't a thing.
00:34:08 And so it didn't matter if you weren't that great at speaking, as long as you could, you know, do a a public speaking in front of a crowd and and which is a totally different animal than trying to sound really cool on TV.
00:34:24 But he there's a lot more to this guy. He was actually a really smart guy and there was a farm boy. But let's go ahead and take a look at Mike Wallace.
00:34:34 From 1962.
00:34:37 Doing a retrospective real quick on just like his early life.
Speaker 15
00:34:41 Born in 1980 in Grand Chute, WI, Joseph McCarthy grows up among hard working farm people.
00:34:51 Patient and ambitious, he quit school and by the time he's 19, McCarthy is the hard driving manager of a grocery store and he makes business boom.
00:35:03 But at the age of 20, realizing that he is virtually uneducated.
00:35:07 He enrolls as a freshman in high.
00:35:09 School.
00:35:10 He graduates in a single year.
00:35:15 Then McCarthy attends Marquette University.
00:35:18 He is a good student and he also becomes coach and star of the boxing team.
00:35:26 He studies law, is elected president of his class.
Devon Stack
00:35:33 Now at this point the tape gets all weird and ****** ** and it glitches.
00:35:37 I don't know how much of that's I don't want to sound too conspiratorial, but I don't know how much of that's intentional cause a lot of stuff about this case about this time period seems to be missing, you know, missing from archives missing out. It's it's real hard. For example, one of his famous speeches, which we'll go over in a moment. It was recorded in the recordings.
00:35:59 Just gone now and there's there's just a lot of weird missing stuff.
00:36:06 And where it glitches out, where it is, where it covers the fact, and this is I think, the reason why they would glitch it out here is he wasn't just a lawyer, he became a judge. And while he was a judge.
00:36:19 World War Two breaks out, and he's exempt from the draft, and so he he could have just said, well, I'm a judge. I am. You know, I'm an essential worker or whatever, right? I I.
00:36:28 Don't have to go.
00:36:29 To the draft, he actually voluntarily joined the Marines.
00:36:34 So he joined the Marines when he didn't have.
00:36:36 To.
00:36:38 And that was one of the criticisms that they would always say when they're going after him, which we'll get into a little.
00:36:43 Bit.
00:36:44 Here in a minute, they said, oh, he's he's exaggerating his war record or whatever. No, it doesn't sound like it.
Speaker 15
00:36:51 He.
00:36:51 In the Marine Corps and serves as an intelligence officer with a bombing squadron in the South Pacific.
00:36:58 He also volunteers to go on combat missions as a tail gunner.
00:37:04 After the war, McCarthy becomes a dark horse candidate in Wisconsin for the United States Senate.
Devon Stack
00:37:12 So he gets into the Senate.
00:37:14 And he's pretty much like a lot of new senators. He's not, really.
00:37:20 You know, a big shot in Washington. He's kind of a a.
00:37:25 You know, he's a he's a freshman senator from Wisconsin, not a lot of people know who this guy is.
00:37:32 And he pretty much is, is pretty low key. He does hate communists though, and we'll get into part of part partially.
00:37:43 Why that is?
Speaker 12
00:37:45 Well.
Devon Stack
00:37:47 The FBI, which is having trouble getting anyone to listen.
00:37:51 To their warnings.
00:37:54 Leaks out a report to McCarthy.
00:37:59 And in this report.
00:38:01 It details how there are several communists.
00:38:05 Working in the State Department.
00:38:08 And that they the reason why the United States seems to be so inept when it comes to the spread of Communism and Asia and Indochina, you know, into East Asia.
00:38:24 Is because a lot of these.
00:38:27 Jewish communists and one guy who I don't think is Jewish. He seems like he's just he's of German origin. His last name is his.
00:38:40 Which I think might have been an Americanized hasp, but it seems like a weird way to Americanize it.
00:38:46 But we'll get into him in a second. That was the actual, I think Secretary of State at the time, but because of these, these communists in the State Department, they were actually funding now like they weren't. Not only were they not fighting the spread of communism, they were actually helping the spread of communism.
00:39:06 And the.
Speaker 16
00:39:07 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:39:08 And they were actually helping the spirit of communism in Eastern Europe.
00:39:13 And and the FBI having trying to just get anyone to to pay attention to this. In fact it's it's likely they even tried to leak this to other senators.
00:39:26 Who?
Devon Stack
00:39:27 Probably didn't want to suffer the same fate, but Joseph McCarthy would had ignored it, Joseph McCarthy decided.
00:39:37 I'm gonna. I'm gonna reveal this.
00:39:40 And so.
00:39:42 While on the the campaign trail in this small town in West Virginia, he decides to.
00:39:53 Revealed that he has received this list of communists in the State Department and that one of the reasons why we're we're in Korea is because of these communists in the State Department and that we're literally funding our enemies and that that something that needs to be done.
00:40:14 Got the.
00:40:15 Now this is the way that.
00:40:17 If you watch anything about it today, this is, I think from PBS. This is the way they'll describe that speech.
Speaker 17
00:40:25 No offense to Wheeling, WV. The person who gets sent there to talk is the person at the bottom of the totem pole.
00:40:36 Joe McCarthy's Senate career from 1946 until 1950 is one of repeated failure. No one is expecting him to win.
Speaker 3
00:40:47 And.
Speaker 17
00:40:48 So what is most extraordinary here is that.
00:40:53 The most important speech in some ways of that generation is given in a place where there is a sense by the people who sent them there that nobody really cares what he has to say.
00:41:09 I was going to listen very hard.
Speaker 18
00:41:12 The expectation was that McCarthy was going to give a standard boilerplate.
00:41:18 Speech that you give to, you know, Republican constituency in Wheeling, WV they really.
Devon Stack
00:41:27 Just want to point.
00:41:28 Out.
00:41:28 A lot of Communists, Jews and blacks so far telling you this story.
Speaker 18
00:41:35 You weren't sending him there to make headlines. He comes out and says that there are 205 communists in the State Department. Well, that's electrifying. It's so electrifying that people are almost distracted from the question of who these communists are, whether they actually exist.
00:41:55 Why does McCarthy know this and other people don't?
Speaker 17
00:41:59 It's in a way, a kind of brilliant speech. We are the most powerful country in the world. We're the most influential country in the world, and yet we're losing everywhere. We're losing in Asia. We're losing in Europe. We're losing technologically now to the Soviets. How do we explain this?
Speaker 19
00:42:21 And.
Speaker 17
00:42:21 And what McCarthy does in Wheeling is to explain it by waiving the list, saying we are being sold out by traders.
Speaker 20
00:42:31 Kathy went off to Wheeling and gave the speech.
00:42:36 And a local Associated Press reporter covered it.
Speaker 21
00:42:49 Imagine yourself as a newspaper reading American in early 1950.
00:42:57 It's just been happening around the world.
00:42:59 And at home.
00:43:04 Soviets have detonated their first atomic bomb. the United States has lost its nuclear monopoly.
Devon Stack
00:43:12 By the way, I wonder how they got the technology for that, huh? We'll get into.
00:43:15 That.
00:43:15 In a minute. But weird, huh? We weird. Now the.
00:43:20 The Soviets just magically had the technology. Everyone was shocked.
00:43:26 They thought it would be decades before they they'd be able to come up with this.
00:43:31 But they just suddenly just already got it.
00:43:35 It's like they just leapfrogged over decades of research and justice.
Speaker 10
00:43:39 They already had it mats.
Devon Stack
00:43:42 Again, we'll talk about that in a SEC.
00:43:44 Him.
00:43:45 So he's just, uh, he's just this. He was just this boring loser. This boring loser went to some small town and thought he would stir things up with some crazy story.
Speaker 21
00:44:01 The Chinese revolution ended.
00:44:05 And the most populous country in the world is now under.
00:44:10 A Communist dictator mounted.
00:44:16 At home, Alger Hiss, the epitome of the American establishment, has just been convicted for perjury.
Devon Stack
00:44:26 So this is Alger Hess, the guy I was talking about earlier, that the FBI was warning about when they finally convict him. It's it they couldn't, apparently. I don't know how this works, but apparently there's, like a statute of limitations for treason. Like, literally because that's what they they had them on. They had them on treason.
00:44:46 But because the statute of limitations had run out on treason, the all they could do was get him on perjury and the perjury was literally him saying he wasn't a Communist spy. And because they had proof that he was, they're like, well, we can't try you for being a Communist spy.
00:45:08 But we can, uh, I guess.
00:45:10 Try you for lying about it anyway.
Speaker 21
00:45:16 That looks like people that look.
00:45:20 Sound like the famous sort of northeastern establishment our Soviet agents.
Devon Stack
00:45:26 Yeah, yeah, let's use the one example of the guy who's a wasp, right, like as the. Yeah, he. This is the this is the face right here. This guy right here. This is the face of the Communist infiltrator. Let's let's play that.
Speaker 9
00:45:26 Where?
Devon Stack
00:45:40 Up that angle up.
Speaker 21
00:45:42 Where's the world going? I mean, if if Alger Hiss is a Soviet agent, well, Harry Truman could be a Soviet agent.
Devon Stack
00:45:50 Yeah, he could.
Speaker 22
00:45:55 Joe McCarthy is traveling through the United States on his Lincoln Day tour, and reporters keep coming up to him to Jodie. Really have the numbers. Are there really that many Communists and Joe would say, well, you know, let me go through my papers. I think we've got some names for you. He realized he had a thing going.
00:46:14 He found his stick at last.
Speaker 20
00:46:17 Joe called back to his office and he asked his secretary. Are we getting any publicity? And she said, we're getting a lot of publicity. His secretary described him as being almost intoxicated with the joy and excitement of getting this much attention.
Speaker 3
00:46:18 Nick.
Speaker 20
00:46:32 For a story.
Speaker 17
00:46:39 What is really interesting about Wheeling is that it takes a while for it to sink in.
00:46:47 Once the attention starts to mount, the public really began to sort of link on to the fact that, Oh my God, this guy's done his research. This guy has names. This guy has numbers, he has really gone in and scrupulously looked for information. He's doing research.
00:47:05 McCarthy had no list in his hand. He had nothing in his hand.
Devon Stack
00:47:10 No, actually, he did. He actually.
00:47:12 He did. He had leaked documents from the FBI. One of the reasons why they like to claim that he didn't is when they eventually get rid of him, he doesn't. He doesn't hand over his sources because he knew.
00:47:26 What would happen?
00:47:27 To him, and we'll go around a second. So after this, this story gets starts to get big that like.
00:47:33 Holy ****, there's all these communists out there, the Democrats who were, well the most. I guess the most infiltrated by commies decide to put together.
00:47:46 A committee.
00:47:48 And essentially say it's all bullsh.
00:47:53 Right. They they essentially say it's all ********.
00:47:56 And ohh, he's just he's just still making it up. Nothing.
00:48:00 To see here.
00:48:02 But McCarthy decides he's he's not going to give up there. He's going to keep pushing, especially because the Alger hiss thing.
00:48:10 Right. The Alger hiss. This thing is blowing up. And it's funny because up until the 90s.
00:48:18 Up until the 1990s.
00:48:22 He he he died in 1999, I think. Or thereabouts. He maintained his innocence. All of this framed or whatever, when the evidence against him was was insane. Like it was insane. They were finding handwritten copies because remember, there's no Xerox machines.
00:48:41 Back then.
00:48:43 Hand in his handwriting, handwritten copies of classified State Department communications hidden inside of pumpkins holed up pumpkins in this pumpkin patch that a ex communist like basically a guy who ratted him, ratted him out. Whistleblower.
00:49:03 I guess you could say brought the FBI to and they also found typed up documents that used his typewriter that he tried to get rid of.
00:49:14 Like when the FBI tried to figure out, like, well, you know what, we can, you know, just like
00:49:20 Yeah, every typewriter is slightly different, right? Like they're they have manufacturing defects. You know, a lot of stuff, especially back then was made by hand. And so just like you can kind of figure out what gun a bullet came from, you can forensically figure out what typewriter.
00:49:39 A A typed up document came from and it took him a while because like I said, he'd given his typewriter away to someone else. They, but they tracked down the typewriter and matched it to his typewriter. So it was his in his handwriting.
00:49:55 And and and it was with his typewriter. But he still. Oh, I'm innocent. And the Jews in the media backed him up. The Jews and the media were saying it's all all. It's all this, the red scare. It's it's all A-frame up. They said the guy accusing him was obsessed with him.
00:50:15 They just tried to destroy his character in the media and it wasn't a town like the 1990.
00:50:23 These when after the the the Soviet Union fell and some of these KGB documents started to become available. Then they started decoding some of these documents that became available, that they they actually found proof that the KGB was talking about them. And even then I found this.
00:50:43 This Jewish talk show called think tank, You Know where it's literally. I think it's a Jewish host.
00:50:53 Two Jewish guests, 2 goy guests. Well, one goy guest and one Shabbos goy guest and they had to address the fact that all of a sudden McCarthy was looking like not as crazy because they were decoding these KGB documents. And it's it's ludicrous.
Speaker 23
00:51:15 Joseph Stalins Communist regime claimed millions of lives, repressed freedoms and swallowed other countries whole. Many feared that Communist doctrine might find a home in the United States.
Speaker 19
00:51:27 Instead, we allowed Communism to spread its dark shadow over half of Europe and almost all of Asia.
Speaker 23
00:51:33 Senator Joseph McCarthy bellowed about communist subversion and conducted investigations about spies in the government and in American Society at large. He had plenty of support.
00:51:44 And plenty of adversaries who claimed McCarthy saw commies under every bed, that he went way too far, irresponsibly wrecking their reputations and invading the privacy of innocent Americans. The arguments went on and on as the Cold War went on and on. But with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, new evidence has surfaced on communist.
00:52:05 Activity in the United States. This includes the recently released National Security Agency intercepts, known as the Venona Files, Soviet memoirs, and other.
00:52:16 Documents many observers believe that this evidence shows that not only was Alger his guilty and spying for the Soviet Union, but that he was far from alone.
Devon Stack
00:52:27 Yes, far from alone. Lots of, you know, Communist Jews were involved with that. But anyway, so he goes around. He asks all these different people. I I cut out a couple. This is the the only reasonable guy on the panel.
Speaker 23
00:52:41 Stanton, Evans, M Stanton, Evans. Just looking back in history, let's go around the room quickly. Were there comedies under every bed in America?
Speaker 16
00:52:49 Or love under every bed. There were a lot of them in development, more than they should have been. And let me just say in the capsule version of three elements here, one is Soviet Union made a very systematic effort to penetrate our government.
00:53:02 Second, the defenses against that penetration were very weak and 3rd, the fact that they were weak was covered up. That's what McCarthy was going after.
Devon Stack
00:53:13 And it is what McCarthy was going after. McCarthy wasn't just pointing out the fact that these communists existed in the government, but that once they were revealed that they were, that they had existed, that there was an act of cover up to hide. The fact that they were in there. So which would suggest that the people still in control after they ejected some of these people were still.
00:53:34 At the very least, Communist sympathizers.
00:53:36 Because why else would they try to cover up the?
00:53:38 Fact that they were communists.
00:53:42 Then of course, they asked these these Jews who are like, oh, they, I don't know.
Speaker 9
00:53:47 Communists were everywhere in the western world. The debate was not whether they were communists, but what to do about them and if anything, and what was so dangerous about them. Only in the United States was there the sort of panic.
Devon Stack
00:54:03 See, only the USA was packed about these communists. Hey, I'm sure there was communists, but man, don't worry about that. Who cares? Communism.
Speaker 9
00:54:13 That confused opposition to communism as a political system, which was legitimate and a wild and manic belief that the government should reach into every fiber of American life and purge America.
Devon Stack
00:54:32 No, actually that sounds awesome.
00:54:34 See, that's why. Sorry, Jews, This is why you can't live in our societies.
00:54:40 That's a completely healthy response.
00:54:43 That's exactly what people I don't know, like founding stock Americans, the kinds of people that found this ******* country before you people came here around the turn of the century and ****** it all up. That's what.
00:54:53 We want to have happen.
00:54:55 That's the exact response we expect from our government that if all of a sudden there's a bunch of communists infiltrators in our government, they should start looking around for commies and injecting them and exposing them, imprisoning them, whatever the **** torture them water board.
00:55:10 That's exactly what the **** we want.
00:55:12 Alright, just because it happens to be you ***** every time we find them, or at least the vast majority of the time we find them.
Speaker 9
00:55:22 It's it's this.
Devon Stack
00:55:23 Is why it matters. This is why it matters. OK, when people start to wonder like, well, there's there's good juice to it and.
00:55:31 Others that you.
00:55:32 Can say that, but they're all tribalists they're they're all looking out for each other, and that's what these even after the the, the, the the cables are are revealed that yes, there were communist.
00:55:42 Who's everywhere? What do you get? You get the ******* excuses of.
00:55:45 Like, well, there's.
00:55:46 No reason to panic just because there's communists.
00:55:48 Everywhere record.
Speaker 24
00:55:49 Allen Trekker but McCarthyism was was a massive attack on American communism. They got out of control. That began to spill over into a wide area of other sectors of society, like labor unions like the media that.
Speaker 20
00:55:56 Way.
Speaker 24
00:56:09 American communists had gotten into.
Speaker 10
00:56:12 Yeah, they, they, they had like, wait, wait, they weren't even denying that the communists were in the in the media and in.
Devon Stack
00:56:19 The labor unions.
00:56:21 Why is that? See, that's The thing is they.
00:56:23 Don't see a problem with it.
00:56:25 They don't see a problem with it. They're just like, whatever. So are they're communists everywhere.
Speaker 24
00:56:30 And the question is to what extent this repression of dissent was called for and to what extent communists were really.
00:56:41 In these areas, which?
Speaker 23
00:56:43 They were, yeah, but but that wasn't really my question. My question somewhat superciliously was, were there comedies under every bed? Have we learned recently with this release of the Venona files and other things that there was greater penetration?
00:56:59 By.
00:57:01 Like paid Communist agents than we thought at the time. Then you thought at the time then? Yeah. I don't know how old anybody is, but I I.
Speaker 24
00:57:07 Was around. Yeah, there were. Uh, you know, 75,000 communists in this country. But the Communist Party wasn't monolithic. And many of these people were really concerned about trade union.
00:57:21 Affairs were concerned about.
00:57:23 That making movies that would treat black Americans in a respect, respectful way so that what you have is yes, there were a lot of communists. Yes, most of the people were attacked as communists were communists. But what they were doing may not have been working for the Soviet Union.
Speaker 20
00:57:32 Hey.
Devon Stack
00:57:45 Yeah. So. So you're saying that McCarthy was right, that there's all these communists. You just thought that what the Communists were doing was good.
Speaker 10
00:57:55 That that's that's that's.
Devon Stack
00:57:56 The argument that's the argument now, now that we wouldn't make that argument even today, but like at least, there was still enough, I think intelligence in the American public enough white, red blooded Americans in the in the public that when these got released they would be, yeah, they couldn't just completely cover it up yet.
Speaker 16
00:58:13 Just a couple of points picking up on some of the first on paid Communist agents. I don't think that's the issue. I literally people have update. The other question is not so much what the numbers of these people were, but what some of.
Speaker 23
00:58:20 Right, OK. I retract thing, right.
Speaker 16
00:58:27 A small number, arguably what we're doing and this goes to the question what McCarthy was trying to say and whether he was right or wrong. We take a very specific case, the MRSA case. This was a pro Communist magazine was called Amerasia. Was it connected to a good public institute for Pacific Relations?
Speaker 25
00:58:41 It.
Speaker 3
00:58:43 Right.
Speaker 16
00:58:47 Itself is an issue that is discussing.
00:58:51 Miss magazine.
Devon Stack
00:58:51 By the way, run by Jews from Eastern Europe, European origin.
Speaker 16
00:58:57 Was wrong by people like Frederick Vanderbilt Field, who was a very well known communist. Philip. Jackie who, who basically was like he would do that and obviously was pro Communist if nothing else was receiving documents from people in our government, including John Stewart.
00:59:16 Service, a major foreign service officer who'd been in China and who helped shape our policy in favor of the Chinese Communist, would probably like that if.
00:59:24 You want to.
00:59:26 The people who are leaking these documents to this magazine were arrested in 1945. There's an espionage case McCarthy later tried to bring this up, said it was covered up. This was all denied by the Tidings Committee. It turns out we now know from FBI.
00:59:46 Our taps and everything he said was true.
Devon Stack
00:59:49 Yeah. So McCarthy was telling the truth. He was getting real information from the FBI.
00:59:56 And that that the tidings committee that you mentioned, that's the the committee that after he did his speech, it was a show trial basically put on by Communist Democrats to say, oh, this is all made-up.
01:00:12 And when when McCarthy said no, no, not really. There was, you know, there, there's espionage going on here. And they said, oh, it's all ********. Well, later came out that it wasn't ********. It was all 100%.
01:00:24 True.
01:00:25 OK.
01:00:29 So McCarthy starts making more noise and and and and and.
01:00:36 He's getting a little more.
01:00:39 I guess popular you would say, because he's making all this noise. There's other cases that are.
01:00:44 Starting to pop up.
01:00:46 Of, you know, communists getting busted because of the noise that he's making. It's becoming there's political pressure.
01:00:52 Building now all of a sudden you have something that wasn't being talked about, being talked about a lot, and you had, you know, the the Truman, the administration having to.
01:01:07 Having to respond to some of these allegations and and and you had a lot of the federal government now suddenly being questioned about if there were communists in there in, in, in different organizations.
Speaker 15
01:01:20 1953 through the Senate seniority system, Senator Joseph McCarthy draws a key job chairmanship of a Senate investigating committee. The Committee on Government Operations. Before this time, he had been fighting virtually A1 Man battle against what he called 20 years of treason.
01:01:42 Now he has a large staff and broad powers to investigate the impact of McCarthyism is felt across the United States.
01:01:50 The federal government launches new waves of security investigations. The requirement of a loyalty oath becomes increasingly widespread in the government and throughout the nation.
Devon Stack
01:02:03 Which is also kind of based, so they're making you swear an oath that you're not going to be a communist and things like that.
Speaker 12
01:02:10 But.
Devon Stack
01:02:11 Better than that, he now has an actual.
01:02:16 Committee that can subpoena people can subpoena evidence. Can, you know, bring people in for questioning and actually start investigating. So this is 1953 that remember that make it sound like this was this thing that went on forever and ever and ever, it really wasn't.
01:02:34 He didn't get the ability to even start investigating this stuff officially until 1953, and it only went on till 1954. We'll talk about why.
01:02:44 So in in 1953 finally gets access to the the the, the authority, and the powers that he needs to start investigating. Officially, all these communists that he's been saying are in the State Department and other federal agencies.
01:03:04 And so he starts investigating.
Speaker 19
01:03:06 Clear that I am getting very, very weary of sitting here and acting as though we're playing some little game when this committee is comma.
01:03:15 These activities may well determine where this nation.
01:03:18 Will live or die.
01:03:20 We've got to clean out the those who are responsible, Mr. Chairman. In conclusion, those were responsible, either knowingly or because they were simple Dukes covering up communists and traitors, not dead one.
01:03:36 But lied one.
Devon Stack
01:03:38 He also mentions that there's communists in the CIA, communists in the intelligence community, you know, Communists have infiltrated a large part of of American life. There's communists in the education system. Communists have taken over the.
01:03:59 The the colleges, I mean everyone you don't. You don't need to be like a ******* genius to realize that that that he was right about that. Well, you could say that today because nothing ever changed.
01:04:13 And he starts to, you know, widen the net, especially as he's getting these these people to testify. And some of them are naming other members of the Communist Party, and they are naming people that are are are communist sympathizers.
Speaker 26
01:04:31 Comma.
Speaker 19
01:04:32 Office of 1 University is 1 Communist too many.
01:04:45 One communist among the American American advisors at Yalta was one communist humanity.
01:04:57 And even even if there were only one communist in the State Department, even if there are only one communist in the State Department, that would still be one Communist too many.
01:05:11 The thing that the American people can do is to.
01:05:15 The vigilant day and night.
01:05:18 To make sure they don't have Communist.
01:05:22 Teaching the sons and daughters of America.
01:05:25 Now I realize at the minute anyone tries to get a communist out of a college out of university.
Speaker 4
01:05:25 North Carolina.
Speaker 19
01:05:34 There will be raised the phony cry that you're interfering with academic freedom. I would like to emphasize that there is no academic freedom.
01:05:45 Where a communist is concerned.
Devon Stack
01:05:50 So he's trying to root communists out of out of colleges.
01:05:55 1953 is also the year they executed the Rosenbergs.
01:06:00 I mentioned like ohh crazy how did how did Russia get the you know, the atomic bombs are fast. Well, it was because Communist Jewish spies.
01:06:10 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who, by the way Jewish groups to this day, are still trying to get pardoned. You know, like trying to get them exonerated when there's a mountain of evidence. In fact, if anything, there's even more evidence now like they they they used to say, well, he was just this rogue guy.
01:06:32 Working on his own and and sure he stole the the the the plans for the atomic bomb and gave it to the Russians.
01:06:40 But you know, it was just he wasn't working. There wasn't some network. No. The more we learned about it, the more we realized. No, he was actually the head of, like, a network of Jewish kind of his spies.
01:06:51 But that that happened in 1953.
Speaker 26
01:06:58 Someone had passed America's atomic bomb secrets to Russia. This was an undisputed fact of the whole world. You, the federal government, had laid the crime at the doorstep of two native New Yorkers, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Their trial had.
01:07:10 Added interest all over the world. The two admitted Communist Party members knew that they faced possible death sentences in the event of their conviction, but to the end they both protested their innocence of the theft. In April of 1951, the Federal court of Judge Irving R Kauffman found the pair guilty as charged and sends them to death in the electric chair to pay for their crime of treason.
01:07:32 Throughout the day of Friday, June 19th, reporters gathered at Sing Sing Prison. Nothing but a reprieve from the president himself could stop the death penalty now, and Mr. Eisenhower had already gone on record as to his feelings on the matter. The demonstrations continued, halted only by police roadblocks that kept the parade away from the prison grounds, were feeling running high government officials.
01:07:52 Taking no chances on any untoward incidents.
01:07:56 The electric chair awaited the two convicted spies as the hour of the.
01:08:00 Final reckoning approached, and then it was over. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg had paid their debt to society with their lives for the first time in its 177 year history. A United States Civil Court had decreed and followed through on the execution of two native born Americans on the charge of espionage.
Devon Stack
01:08:21 I like that Star of David. Zoom through.
01:08:30 So there you go. So that they were executed in 1953. So all this.
01:08:35 Is going on now.
01:08:38 And now you've got the the press, which obviously is overrun with communists, kind of losing their ****. And Edward R Murrow. He's like the the the most trusted name in news at the time for Lefty News, which was, you know, that's all news especially.
01:08:57 You know, it's just as true now as it was then. And Sir Edward R Murrow, as you might have seen the the movie, they made a big deal out of this in the movie. Good night and good luck, I believe, was the name of the film where he goes after McCarthy.
01:09:13 And when he goes after McCarthy, it's like he's being so brave. But no, it's just that they were worried. They were worried about what he was going to get into. They were worried about what, how this was going to spread, that it was actually going to extend into the media that you were going to start finding out that Communist Jews didn't just work at the State Department. The Communist Jews didn't just leak.
01:09:33 You know, secrets to the Russians. The Communist Jews were basically the media.
01:09:39 Like almost entirely, that's who ran the media.
01:09:44 And so, McCarthy, when they did their, because it was such an aggressive attack on McCarthy, CBS.
01:09:54 Said that, hey, if you do this report the way you want to do it, you have to offer McCarthy a the like equal time, basically a chance to respond.
01:10:05 Month and boy did he ever.
Speaker 23
01:10:07 Boy.
Devon Stack
01:10:08 Did he ever respond to the attacks? Now, I'm not gonna play the whole thing the whole.
01:10:12 Thing was like 1/2 hour of of just like.
01:10:14 Oh, oh, really fool. Oh, really. Edward R Murrow. How don't we take a look at you? How do we take a look and see how you're tied to the Communist Party and and look.
01:10:25 This is the kind of **** that you would not be surprised and all this, this these same kinds of connections would apply probably to anyone working in the in mainstream media today.
Speaker 19
01:10:38 Good evening, Mr. Edward R Murrow's, educational director of the Columbia Broadcasting System, devoted his program to an attack on the work of the United States Senate Investigating Committee and on me personally as its chairman.
01:10:54 And over the past four years, he has made repeated attacks upon me and those fighting communists.
01:11:01 Of course, neither Joe McCarthy nor Edward Armor is of any great importance. As individuals, we are only important in our relation to the great struggle to preserve our American liberties. The Senate Investigating Committee has forced out of government.
01:11:21 And out of.
01:11:21 Important defense plants, communists engaged in the Soviet conspiracy.
01:11:28 And you know, it's interesting to note that the viciousness of Merrill's attacks is in direct ratio to our success in digging out communists.
01:11:39 Now, ordinarily, ordinarily I would not take time out for the important work at hand.
01:11:44 To answer Meryl, however, in this case I feel justified in doing so because Mario is a symbol.
01:11:52 The leader and the cleverest of the Jackal pack, which is always found at the throat of anyone who dares to expose individual communists and traitors.
01:12:05 I am compelled by the fact to say to you that.
01:12:08 Mr. Edward R Merle.
01:12:10 As far back as 20 years ago.
01:12:13 Was engaged in propaganda for communist causes. For example, the Institute of International Education, of which he was the acting director, was chosen to act as a representative by Soviet agency.
01:12:30 To do a job which would normally be done by.
01:12:34 The Russian secret police.
01:12:37 Mr. Murrell sponsored a Communist School of Moscow.
01:12:41 In the selection of American students and teachers were to attend, Mr. Murrow's organization acted for the Russian espionage and and propaganda organization known as Vox.
01:12:55 VOKS.
01:12:57 And many of those selected were later exposed as communists.
01:13:01 Murals organizations selected such notorious communist as Isidore begun.
01:13:08 David Zavadoski Instanta Zavadoski was forced out of the United Nations from my Chief Counsel, presented his case to the grand jury and gave a picture of his communist activities. Now Mr. Muro, by his own admission, was a member of the IWW. That's the industrial workers of the world, a terrorist.
01:13:28 Organization cited as subversive.
01:13:31 By an Attorney general of the United States, who stated that it was an organization.
01:13:36 Which seeks and I quote to alter the government of the United States by unconstitutional means.
01:13:45 Now, other government committees have had before them actors, screenwriters, motion picture producers, and others who admitted Communist affiliations but pleaded youth or ignorance. Now, Mr. Murrell can hardly make the same plate on March 9th of this year, Mr. Murrell, a train reporter.
01:14:05 Would travel all over the world.
01:14:07 Who is the educational director of CBS, followed implicitly, the Communist lion has laid down in the last six months.
01:14:17 Laid down not only by the Communist daily.
01:14:19 Worker.
01:14:20 But by the Communist magazine Political Affairs and by the National Conference. So the communist parties, United States of America. Now the question why is it important to you, the people of America, to know what are the educational director and the Vice President of CBS?
01:14:37 So closely follows the Communist Party line to answer that question, we must turn back the pages of history.
01:14:46 A little over 100 years.
01:14:47 Ago.
01:14:48 A little group of men in Europe conspired to deliver the world to a new.
01:14:52 System of communism.
Speaker 25
01:14:54 Hey.
Speaker 19
01:14:55 Under their system, the individual was nothing. The family was nothing. God did not even exist. Their theory was that an all powerful state should have the power of life or death of its citizens without even a trial, that everything and everybody belong to the rulers of the state.
01:15:16 They openly wrote.
01:15:18 Nothing secret about it.
01:15:19 But in their efforts to gain power, they would be justified in doing anything they would be justified and following the trail of deceit, lies, terror, murder, treason, blackmail, all these things were elevated to virtues in the Communist rule book.
01:15:40 If they convert to communism.
01:15:42 Could be persuaded that he was a citizen of the world. It, of course, would be much easier to make him.
01:15:46 A traitor to his own country.
Devon Stack
01:15:50 Now unfortunately.
01:15:53 McCarthy's giant blind spot.
01:15:57 Intentional or or not.
01:15:59 Was that small group of people that decided to give communism to the world. Of course it was Trotsky. It was all the Jews but overthrew the.
01:16:10 The Russian government.
01:16:12 And all these people that he was discovering with a couple of exceptions, notable some of them were were Jews, the vast majority of the the, the Communist spies being prosecuted were were Jewish.
01:16:29 And McCarthy.
01:16:31 For whatever reason, besides the never mention this at all. He always says Soviet or he says Russia, but he never says Jews.
01:16:43 Never ever says Jews, even though in this particular rebuttal, he begins to bring up all these communist public.
01:16:52 Options.
01:16:53 That over and over and over are are talking about how Edward R Murrow is a hero and how McCarthy is evil, and the authors of all these these articles that he's quoting are Jews, and in fact, the newspapers themselves are Jewish publications.
01:17:11 But he never brings that up, never talks about that and that, unfortunately, that Signet quality.
01:17:19 Is what allowed for the poison pill.
01:17:27 Why did all of these investigations?
01:17:31 As successful as they were and to a limited degree.
01:17:35 Why did they go nowhere?
01:17:37 Why now? When you hear Joseph McCarthy, does it conjure up some lunatic, some madman who saw communists everywhere?
01:17:48 Why now is McCarthyism a buzzword that also means witch hunt?
01:17:55 What happened?
01:18:01 What put a stop?
01:18:03 To these investigations.
01:18:06 If there were in fact, as we know now.
01:18:09 All of these communists, and not just the government.
01:18:14 But in education and entertainment.
01:18:18 And then any really anywhere you would find power or influence.
01:18:24 What put a stop to that?
01:18:28 Well, like I said.
01:18:30 Just like today.
01:18:35 There's always the poison pill.
Speaker 27
01:18:39 Early in 1954, Senator McCarthy said there were communists in the United States Army and that they were being protected.
01:18:47 The Army replied that his charges were a form of pressure to get special favors, including a direct Commission for G David Shine, a former McCarthy assistant senator, and his chief aide Roy Cohn countercharged that the army was holding private shine as a hostage and hiding names and facts.
Speaker 7
01:18:56 Very.
Speaker 2
01:18:57 Very.
01:19:00 Yay.
Speaker 27
01:19:06 In the committee.
Devon Stack
01:19:09 Roy Cohn. That's right, Roy Cohn.
01:19:17 So the.
01:19:20 Head lawyer there was.
01:19:22 McCarthy's.
01:19:24 Lawyer during these hearings.
01:19:28 Was gay Jew?
01:19:30 Roy Cohn.
01:19:34 Gay Jew Roy Cohn, who was also a mentor to Donald Trump.
01:19:43 Here's Gaju Roy Cohn holding up a picture of Trump.
01:19:48 Surrounded by frog figurines for some reason a little weird boys thought that was a little weird. You guys think that's a little weird?
Speaker 10
01:19:57 I think it's a little weird, I think it's.
Devon Stack
01:19:59 A little weird. There's all these.
01:20:01 Green frog figurines that he collected.
01:20:07 I don't know. I always thought that was weird.
01:20:10 Here's.
01:20:12 Roy Cohn with his mentee.
01:20:16 Donald Trump.
01:20:17 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:20:20 So you might want to or you might ask yourself, well, what happened like? Well, well, we we may if if he was.
01:20:27 Fear is helping out McCarthy like.
Speaker 10
01:20:30 What?
Devon Stack
01:20:32 What? What do you mean that like, wasn't he one of?
01:20:35 The good ones.
01:20:41 The reason why the entire investigation exploded.
01:20:49 Was because Roy Cohn.
01:20:53 Gay Jew. Roy come.
01:20:57 And as gauge your buddy.
01:21:00 David shine.
Speaker 4
01:21:04 They blew it up.
Devon Stack
01:21:07 See Gay Jew David shine.
01:21:11 Was Gay Jew Roy Cohn's little buddy?
01:21:17 This is David David Shi area life.
01:21:20 New York born to Jewish parents, he was a a rich kid.
01:21:26 Parents owned.
01:21:29 Hotel chain I think it.
01:21:30 Was.
01:21:33 And he was.
01:21:36 Roy Cohens Little Jewish gay boy.
01:21:40 And he got drafted.
01:21:44 Into the military.
01:21:46 I think as a result of Korea, I.
01:21:49 Could be wrong about that but.
01:21:51 It was well, it was right time frames. I guess it had to be Korea.
01:21:59 So he gets drafted in the military.
01:22:03 And Roy Cohn.
01:22:06 Starts going to the military and and demanding that they they don't put them in combat situations.
01:22:16 And they give him special treatment.
01:22:20 And if they don't?
01:22:22 That he's going to use McCarthy's investigation.
01:22:28 Committee to investigate the military.
01:22:32 And that he's going to start saying that there's communists in the military.
01:22:39 And.
01:22:41 The military said fine, do that. Well, good luck.
01:22:50 And this new thing called TV.
01:22:54 Just came out.
01:22:57 And so the first time ever, for the first time ever. Really.
01:23:03 Anything was first time anything like this, you know, let alone just the McCarthy hearings themselves. Any kind of hearings.
01:23:11 Were broadcasts.
01:23:14 They were broadcast when Roy Cohn whispering into, you know, the the, the, the, the voice and McCarthy's ear told him, oh, yeah, there's communists in the military.
01:23:29 You should go after the military in a very public way and on TV.
01:23:34 Even though you're **** on TV, my Jewish buddies want to put you on TV.
01:23:41 In this obvious abuse of power.
01:23:49 And it didn't go so well because as you just saw, even when uh McCarthy is.
01:23:56 You know, prepared.
01:23:57 And in a studio.
01:24:00 You know, he's still there. There's, like, jump cuts and he's, you know, he he does. He's not a very good presenter.
01:24:05 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:24:06 So when he's.
01:24:07 In a A a room full of.
01:24:10 Hundreds of people, lots of cameras.
01:24:14 People who are way more charismatic than he is than crack jokes at his expense and get laughter out of the crowd.
01:24:21 He looks like A and he's like sweating and stuff he looks.
01:24:25 Like a maniac.
01:24:27 And so Roy Cohn.
01:24:31 Essentially sabotages.
01:24:33 The whole thing.
Speaker 27
01:24:36 A new variable had entered our political life. Television.
Speaker 19
01:24:42 The thing that the American people can do is to be vigilant day and night to make sure they don't have Communist teaching. The sons and Daughters of America.
01:24:56 Now I realize at the minute anyone tries to get a communist out of a college out of university.
Speaker 3
01:24:57 Right.
Speaker 19
01:25:05 There will be raised the phony cry that you're interfering with academic freedom. I would like to emphasize that there is no academic freedom.
01:25:16 Or a communist is concerned.
01:25:18 He is not a free edge. He has no freedom of thought, no freedom of expression. He must take his orders from Moscow or he will no longer.
Devon Stack
01:25:29 Hey.
Speaker 3
01:25:30 Here.
Speaker 19
01:25:31 Be a member of the Communist Party.
01:25:34 I might say Mr. Jenkins, I don't care how much of A screwball or a crackpot.
01:25:41 Any professor or teacher may be as long as he or she is a free agent, but once once you have this United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
01:25:56 Covered with a network.
01:25:58 A network of professors and teachers.
01:26:03 Who are getting their orders from Moscow?
01:26:07 From an organization that wants to destroy this nation.
01:26:11 The most to corrupt the minds of youth.
01:26:15 Then Mr. Jenkins, we are rapidly losing the battle. If we, unless we make sure that there is no infiltration of our government, then just as certain as you sit there.
01:26:36 In the period of our lives, you will see a red world.
01:26:43 Mr. Jenkins, anyone?
01:26:47 Who has followed the?
01:26:50 Communist conspiracy, even remote partner and we can add two and two.
01:26:57 We'll tell you that there is no remote possibility.
01:27:03 Of this war, which we're in today and.
01:27:05 It's a war.
01:27:07 War, which we've been losing more and more possibility of this ending, except by victory or by death for this civilization.
Speaker 24
01:27:19 That's.
Speaker 28
01:27:25 Kathy Army battle reaches a showed up Army Secretary Stevens renews his attack on McCarthy, claiming improper pressure on Pentagon. The Wisconsin senator had charged the army with trying to halt his communist coddling investigation.
01:27:40 Briefcases bulging with documents relating to the explosive accusations are submitted by Stevens to support his position. Senator McCarthy and Roy Cohen, accused of threatening to wreck the army, map their strategy.
01:27:53 Ray Jenkins acts as council Senator Mundt as committee chairman during the dramatic hearings which attract all the flow.
Speaker 20
01:27:56 This.
Speaker 28
01:27:59 Crowds.
01:28:02 The fireworks mount as McCarthy comes face to face with Stephens in stormy sessions, senators seek the truth in Washington's war of words.
Devon Stack
01:28:13 So bottom line is.
01:28:16 McCarthy looked like.
01:28:19 A bumbling idiot compared to the lawyers and the people the military came up with.
01:28:27 Roy Cohen steered him off a ******* Cliff.
01:28:31 And made it into indefensible. In fact, McCarthy was surprised to find out that he had signed off on certain things that that Roy Cohn had probably misrepresented to him so they could use it for this exact purpose and making them look foolish.
01:28:52 During the hearing, so the opposition could be like, oh, you know what this is? I never seen that where your signatures right here, like lots of little gotcha moments and things like that.
01:29:00 And again, it was. It was one of the first things really televised like this, something like 20 million Americans watched it. In some instances, they aired this **** like 8 hours a day, which is insane to think especially, you know back then. But that's that's how it went. And so the whole public American public.
01:29:21 Got the sense.
01:29:22 The McCarthy was just this, a power abusing weirdo.
01:29:29 And you know Roy Cohn's name never really gets mentioned so much. You know, it's it's it's McCarthyism, not conist M.
01:29:38 And eventually, because the public turns against him again, this is all happens really quick. This is 1954. He barely got the committee put together in 1953. If you hear people talking on McCarthyism, you think this is something that spanned decades. It was barely a year. This was able to go on before they were able to shut it down.
01:29:58 And so 1954, the public turns against him because these televised hearings involving the military and involving cone and and his little shine boy and.
Speaker 9
01:30:14 They're the the.
Devon Stack
01:30:15 Communists and Democrats and.
01:30:18 And.
01:30:19 Congress decide to make their move and censure him officially, which and and basically get him out of any any possibility of reelection and obviously and and any possibility of having any power the day before. I think this is.
01:30:37 The day before.
01:30:39 Or one or maybe a couple days before.
01:30:43 They decide to.
01:30:46 And do the hearing for his censure. They have him on a new show called Face the Nation. In fact, they're not positive, but I think it might even be like the first episode ever of Face the Nation. And so it's set up kind of goofy because the technology at the time. But again he looks.
01:31:05 He he already knows how it's going to go.
01:31:08 He knows he's ******. He's not that great of a speaker on TV. He tries to defend himself. All of these fast talking TV personalities make him look stupid and you know he's he's done.
Speaker 29
01:31:24 Mr. Kadu, in Indianapolis, wants to know if you still feel the cards are stacked against you and why.
Speaker 19
01:31:31 I think that the opposition has enough votes to censure the Democrats. I believe will go pretty much down the line.
01:31:38 On this, then the.
01:31:40 So-called liberal up with liberal and quote Republicans will go along with them. I think they've got plenty of votes to do. In fact, I was talking to one of my Democrat friends the other day.
01:31:51 He told me very frankly he was going to vote for.
01:31:53 Nature, he said. Not because of the silly reasons given by the what Watkins Committee, he said, but because you labeled the Democrat Party as the party of Communism. I wouldn't be up for censure. This is the 5th investigation of McCarthy.
01:32:09 They wouldn't be conducting this 5th investigation if I had not been fighting Communism.
Speaker 13
01:32:14 I'm wondering if you recall that during the Army McCarthy hearings, you said that there were.
Speaker 19
01:32:14 1.
Speaker 13
01:32:19 Documents in the committee files that you wouldn't show the Democrats. Are you taking those out of the files now or what happens to the committee file?
Speaker 21
01:32:20 Document.
Speaker 19
01:32:27 Really wasn't took a friend. You.
Speaker 13
01:32:28 Know asked. Well, now I just want to raise the question, Joe, because you had said that you would not turn these documents.
Speaker 19
01:32:33 That nothing will be turned over to.
01:32:38 The Democrats, which would give the names of my informants, I would a duty not to.
01:32:43 Turn over that. By what right do you by?
Speaker 30
01:32:44 Was this a personal committee?
Speaker 13
01:32:45 What right do you remove things from from the committee file?
Speaker 19
01:32:47 By by this by this right.
01:32:50 When a man comes to me and says can I talk to you and confidence? Can I give you evidence of wrongdoing, corruption, graft and confidence? I say yes, you can give it to me in confidence. That is in confidence center McClellan said that he indicated he would not respect that confidence.
01:33:07 Therefore I I must not give the any information which will give the names of informants and you are taking things out of the files. I don't think we've taken any of the files I've carried most of that information in my.
01:33:17 And my file is pretty much.
Speaker 13
01:33:19 Up here now carrying it a step further, you issued an open invitation during the Army McCarthy hearings for people to continue to supply you with information. That's right, regardless of its stamping.
01:33:30 Are you getting the new information from the people in this administration on that basis?
Speaker 19
01:33:34 Philip, let me let me change your question a bit. I invited them to give information of wrongdoing, graft, corruption, communism. I am continuing to get that information.
Speaker 13
01:33:42 Getting documents to yes.
Speaker 30
01:33:44 Are you getting any more as a result of your appeals than you got beforehand?
01:33:50 Hello.
Speaker 30
01:33:50 Has there been a flow built up as a result of that?
Speaker 19
01:33:54 It's pretty hard to say whether it has increased or decreased. I've been so busy being investigated and preparing for this lynch be starting tomorrow that I haven't had an opportunity to check.
Speaker 13
01:34:04 You call a meeting of the United States Senate a lynch being what it has.
Speaker 19
01:34:08 Well, let's call it, let's call it the sensor.
Speaker 13
01:34:12 No, but I'm interested in this because the Senate is an institution of government. It's part of the Congress.
Speaker 17
01:34:18 You're going leaning on the side of.
Speaker 19
01:34:18 Let's let's answer Bill, let's let's answer Bill the the there are a great number of the Democrats who have indicated.
Speaker 13
01:34:19 The lynch. Let's do.
Speaker 19
01:34:27 In private conversations that little central McCarthy, not because of what is in the Watkins report because of I've labeled them as the party of Communism, even though I have always pointed out that there are millions of Democrats for good, loyal Americans and many office holders here in Washington who are anti.
01:34:46 Communist. But there are those who feel that they should censure me. Not for, not because I cross examines liquor, trying to find out if, but a communist who be promoted honorably, discharged there. There are some Republicans who feel likewise. Now I consider that yes, that's that's a lynching bee.
Speaker 30
01:35:05 What this is an orderly.
Speaker 19
01:35:06 When, when, when, when, and when they're not, when they're not, when they're not basing their.
Speaker 30
01:35:06 Sandwich.
Speaker 19
01:35:11 Vote Upon the count set forth when they based their vote upon political reasons. When they say ahead of time in effect, regardless of what the evidence says, this man has been fighting communism. He's been showing that over 20 years the Democrat Party.
01:35:31 Have been infiltrated. Therefore we're going to get him.
Devon Stack
01:35:37 Therefore, we're going to get.
01:35:38 Him.
01:35:42 And get him they did.
01:35:45 As as he predicted, they they voted to censure him, effectively ending putting an end to all of his investigations his committee.
01:35:56 And obviously his ability to be reelected.
Speaker 29
01:36:00 In Washington, a special committee winds up a series of stormy discussions by passing a vote condemning the actions of their colleague, Senator McCarthy.
01:36:08 Wearing his arm in a sling following an accident to his elbow, the senator takes the rebuke with a grim smile.
01:36:15 Soon, he says, he'll begin further probes for communists in America.
Devon Stack
01:36:23 And.
01:36:24 He said he wouldn't stop.
01:36:26 He said he wouldn't give the names.
01:36:29 To the Communist Democrats that we're going to quote UN quote, take over his investigation or.
01:36:35 Would shut it.
01:36:36 Then he wasn't going to give up his sources. He was going to continue to look for communists. Remember, this is 1954.
01:36:47 And you know what? Maybe he would have found some communists. If in three short years later this hadn't happened.
Speaker 31
01:37:01 Senator Joseph McCarthy dies at 47 with a series of sensational anti communist charges in investigations beginning early in 1950. His political career began a meteoric rise. Philip Jessop, State Department diplomat, was one of the first of his targets.
01:37:18 Wedding bells rang for the Wisconsin lawmaker midway in his controversial career. He married the former Jean Kerr, his executive assistant.
01:37:30 The next year began the famous Army McCarthy hearings, which fascinated the nation as Senate committee, waived the charges of McCarthy and counsel Roy Cohen versus the accusations of Army Secretary Robert Stephens.
01:37:44 The hearings lasted 36 days, making many households familiar with the gestures of the senator and the wit of army counsel Joseph Welch. But they ended rather inconclusively. However, shortly afterwards, a special Senate committee considered censuring McCarthy.
Speaker 3
01:37:58 OK.
Speaker 31
01:37:58 And his supporters, led by his wife, rallied to his defense in Madison Square Garden. Nonetheless, as a result of the Watkins Committee, the Senate voted to condemn McCarthy afterwards, returning from an attack of Bursitis. He told how he felt about the condemnation. Ah, I feel no different tonight than I did last night. I am very happy.
Speaker 19
01:38:18 And have this circus ended so that we can get back to the work of digging out communism, corruption, treason and government.
01:38:29 That job will start officially Monday morning after 10 months of forced inaction.
Speaker 31
01:38:35 Nickel battles are over.
Devon Stack
01:38:41 So what happened to McCarthy was eerily similar to something that happened to one of McCarthy's friends I mentioned earlier in the stream that McCarthy was aware of the communist problem because he had spoken to a friend of his early on.
01:38:57 In his career.
01:39:00 Now the name of that friend was James Forrestall.
01:39:07 James Forrestal at warning about communists infiltrating the government and he warned them what they would do.
01:39:16 And he knew.
01:39:17 What they would do, because they had forced him out of office.
01:39:22 They then harassed him so viciously in the press.
01:39:30 They, in fact, they had him committed.
01:39:34 They had him committed.
01:39:36 And then just a couple short days, if they're being committed to the Bethesda Naval Hospital.
01:39:44 Wouldn't you know it? Whoopsie. He fell out of a 16 story building window.
01:39:52 James Forrestall, McCarthy's friend.
01:40:00 And then he was gone.
01:40:03 Well, McCarthy.
01:40:09 McCarthy was admitted into a the Bethesda Naval Hospital as well.
01:40:15 At age 47.
01:40:20 It was, I think, let's see here, April, I have it written down here somewhere.
01:40:34 I think uh, here it was April 28th, 1957.
01:40:40 Because he felt he felt sick.
01:40:45 He had some pain, like in his liver.
01:40:50 And by May 2nd, just a couple days later.
01:40:54 He was dead.
01:41:00 Now the official story. They will tell you is ohh. He was a raging alcoholic.
01:41:08 He drank himself to death.
01:41:12 By age 47, he drank himself to death.
01:41:16 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:41:20 But there's also many who say he was poisoned.
01:41:26 He continued on his crusade against Communists, and he was poised to make some trouble.
01:41:34 And they decided to get rid of them.
01:41:39 In the same way, some might say they got rid of his friend.
01:41:43 That fell out of the 16 story.
01:41:46 Window of the same hospital.
01:41:54 Now one quote McCarthy mentioned from his friend James Forrestall.
01:42:04 That McCarthy.
01:42:07 Really resonated with.
01:42:10 That motivated him to to get into the investigations.
01:42:15 This is a quote from McCarthy quote before meeting forestall.
01:42:19 I thought we were losing to international communism because of incompetence and stupidity on the part of our planners.
01:42:28 I mentioned that to forestall.
01:42:31 I shall never. I all. My I ****** that up. I shall forever remember his answer.
01:42:38 He said McCarthy's consistency.
01:42:41 Has never been a mark of stupidity.
01:42:45 If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.
01:42:53 This phrase stuck with me so forcibly that I have often used it since.
01:43:03 And I think that applies today. In fact, this is kind of in line with what we've said before, that the purpose of a system is whatever it is that system does.
01:43:14 It's real easy for people to say, well, the system's broken. I don't know. It seems like it's performing the job that it's designed to do, because that's what every system does.
01:43:26 Or people will say, how can they be so stupid?
01:43:29 Well, I don't know if they were stupid then they would occasionally at least sometimes go in our favor, right?
01:43:38 But it doesn't.
01:43:41 So it's a little weird that people would be that consistently stupid, right?
01:43:52 Now it's funny because.
01:43:56 As I was researching all this.
01:44:00 There's not really a whole lot of people out there for obvious reasons.
01:44:05 Pointing out.
01:44:07 The Roy Cohn.
01:44:11 Shine connection.
01:44:13 That. Ohh it's weird how there's these investigations into Jewish communists. And next thing you know, there's like some Jew on the committee who sabotages and blows up the whole thing with some other Jew.
01:44:26 Because as I'm researching this, I'm like you got to be kidding that that guy's Jewish too. What? Really. Who? I was surprised when I saw Roy Cohen. I was like Roy Cohn was it was on the what?
01:44:38 And then when I saw that the David Shine was also a Jew, I was like ohh you gotta be ******* kidding me. And then I read well, all.
01:44:46 The accounts of.
01:44:47 Roy Cohn actually going to the bases and starting fights with all the the military guys, by the way, the military was was totally cooperating with the investigations prior to this.
01:44:59 Military actually held press conferences with McCarthy a couple of times prior to this stupid David Shine ********.
01:45:08 It wasn't until the Roy Cohn, David Shine, you know, gay Jew, but buddy fiasco that this all went went to ****.
01:45:19 And I'm sorry I read this and I'm like I'm making I'm I'm going to make some connections here. I'm going to draw some lines. We're going. Historians aren't for whatever reason, right? They're not drawing the lines.
01:45:34 I'm going to come to some obvious conclusions.
01:45:40 And so I was rather amused.
01:45:44 When someone I was talking to earlier today, not even about that particular aspect of it was I was just mentioned McCarthy.
01:45:52 And I said, oh, yeah, George Lake and Rockwell.
01:45:56 Talked about McCarthy and and maybe where he'd gone wrong.
01:46:01 And I didn't actually get the clip.
01:46:04 Until about 10 minutes before I went live.
01:46:09 And I listened to it and I was like.
01:46:11 Holy ****, it's like a summary of of my.
01:46:16 Of my hypothesis here it's it's like you know, it's like he came to the exact same conclusion.
01:46:24 With maybe a couple of details. Uh, different but.
01:46:29 Without further ado.
01:46:31 Here's a couple of clips of George Lincoln Rockwell.
01:46:35 Talking about McCarthy.
01:46:39 And the.
01:46:41 The Jewish communist issue.
Speaker 32
01:46:45 85% of the people who have been convicted by American juries of being spies for communist Soviet Russia and the leaders of the communist race mixing movement. More than 85% of these of people have been atheists. Racial Jews like the Rosenbergs, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, whom we fried in the electric chair, and the.
01:47:04 Same with the ones that we put in jail, Harry Gold, David Greenglass, Weinbaum Moskowitz sold one that recently fled to Israel, one after the other. These people, the the entire major leadership of the communist movement, when you begin to examine it, you find is LED mostly by racial.
01:47:23 Atheist Jews.
Speaker 33
01:47:24 Since then, there's been 18 people convicted of treason to this great country. 17 of them have been Jews like the Rosenbergs, Harry Gold, Brothman Moskowitz, and the whole parade of.
Speaker 16
01:47:34 Jews.
Speaker 7
01:47:35 Joe McCarthy was set up by Bernard Baruch. For those of you don't know, I remember. I believe in Joe McCarthy. I love the man. I think he was one of the greatest Americans he's ever lived. He really tried. But as long as you do not understand the Jewish problem and face up to it and deal realistic little English it you might just as well not fight.
01:47:53 Bernard grew Carl Joe McCarthy up to his new apartment and this is the time, if you remember, was at the time of the Rosenberg. Remember they were bringing out one Jewish pie after another green black line bomb Brothman Moskowitz. All these Jewish spies were being dragged out and the Jews were horrified. And instead of declaring it like the Italians would, Italians.
01:48:13 Toward the mafia, the Jews have another answer.
01:48:16 They asked Joe McCarthy, denied move says if you will do our job and bring up some Gentile communists will back you and Joe McCarthy. Like many going before and thinking I'll, I'll park these people. I'll take their support to get going and I'll fight him. And when the time comes, I'll get all the Communist, not just the Gentiles running along with Jewish, Mr. Gallup.
01:48:37 And you remember the first thing you do.
01:48:39 Owen Lattimore. Remember how he said he was the biggest spy in the United States? Own Lattimore, this was at a time when all the spies were Jews. He was advised by George Zukowski. He's supposedly right wing Jewish Congress. Remember that he installed as his chief of Staff Roy Cohen, a Jew from New York, and Roy Cohn told him that we need another fine Jew here to help us.
01:48:59 David Chen.
01:49:01 So here we are set up by birds and drive by sakowski, sacked by Conan Shine and Bugatti.
01:49:07 Do you remember who got Joe McCarthy? It was Roy Cohen calling from his office and the name of Joe McCarthy to get favors from the army. For David Chin, it was Joe McCarthy that did a single they couldn't get. Joe McCarthy. Never did the wrong thing. But these two Jews are the guys that got Joe McCarthy.
Speaker 33
01:49:22 Treason is going on right in our country, right in front of us, and nobody even gets indignant. Nobody cares anymore. The corresponding the London Times shows that at that time, there were 384 commissars in the top government of Russia, including two *******, 13 Russians, 15 ********, 22 Armenians and more than 300.
01:49:40 The Jews, he says. It is probably unwise to say this loudly in the United States, but the Bolshevik movement is and has been made-up since its beginning, and guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the GREASIEST type.
01:49:55 After this speech tonight, ladies and gentlemen, you know what's going to happen to you, as has happened to me once. From now on, whenever they haul out one of these little communist spies, you low notice.
01:50:04 The length of the nose.
01:50:06 You'll never forget.
01:50:08 When they tell you that the names of the New English guys are the krogers, you'll notice that it says in the.
01:50:12 Paper in parentheses Cohen.
01:50:15 You'll notice that when it says up in Canada, they catch Harry Rose and Sam Carr as the leaders of communism in Canada. It turns out Rose's name is Rosenberg, and Carl's real name is Cohen, just like Litvinoff.
01:50:27 And trashed me. They changed their names. But you'll notice it from now on. You can't help it. And, ladies and gentlemen, once you notice the truth, you never can forget it.
01:50:35 From now on, you'll start noticing every time you see a communist group, you will begin to notice what the leaders look like and who they are, and you will discover their members of the tribe. Who do you think is the head of a communist organization in this country that is so red, so leftist, and so traitorous, that they call the Communist Party of Gus Hall a bunch of squares?
01:50:56 And the leader of it is a named man named Jake Rosen. Does that sound Swedish to you?
01:51:01 Every time I look around, wherever you go, wherever these communist operations are going here are these Jewish people leading them.
01:51:08 It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement in the 19th century. Now, listen to this, ladies and gentlemen, this is Winston Churchill telling you about the Russian Revolution. And now, at last, this band of extraordinary personalities.
01:51:21 From the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America.
01:51:24 OK, have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of this enormous empire. Are you Jewish war veterans? You just proved that Churchill didn't say that, or you just proved that I misread it, or you just disproved that the Russian Revolution wasn't the Russian and all, rather than it wasn't Jewish. And it was Russian.
01:51:45 And I'll quit. What I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, is that you have not been told in your history classes that the Russian Revolution wasn't Russian. It was the capture of Russia by the Jews. That's the.
01:51:56 If anybody, Jewish war veteran or anybody else here can prove that I am lying about any of these documents so they don't exist, they're phony documents. I will go to work for Harry Golden and Martin Luther King for nothing, and the NAACP, in fact, I'll work for the Jewish War.
01:52:15 Veterans. I'll put on a star, David, if this is phony.
Devon Stack
01:52:22 So he came to the same conclusion. Unfortunately, the part about Roy Cohen, the audio quality was pretty bad. But he mentioned the same thing. Oh, it's weird. How?
01:52:35 All of a sudden, you got Roy Cohen and David Shine.
01:52:39 Working for McCarthy and then they cook up this ******* scheme and next thing you know that it's all gone and it blows up.
01:52:48 And he was right. They couldn't get McCarthy on anything.
01:52:52 That's what McCarthy was saying, and that meet the OR the face, the nation episode.
01:52:58 They're just going to vote against me. I've had colleagues tell me because I said the Democrats were uh were commies.
01:53:08 And that's exactly what happened.
01:53:12 So despite what you've heard.
01:53:15 About McCarthyism being this.
01:53:19 Dark Era of American history and the way they talk about it like it went on.
01:53:24 For decades.
01:53:26 Right. The way they talk about it, you would think that McCarthyism was was like this 20 year long period where Americans were just witch hunting and finding everyone's a communist.
01:53:39 Oh, you've got modern art on your wall. You're a communist. You listen to jazz music. You're a communist.
01:53:45 Everyone's a communist.
01:53:50 But of course.
01:53:52 That's not what it was at all.
01:53:54 It was McCarthy being leaked, an FBI document that ended up being 100% true.
01:54:01 Gave a simple speech, gave a simple speech about it.
01:54:09 It was reported on by The Associated Press.
01:54:14 People started making noise and asking questions or what's going.
01:54:17 On why the?
01:54:18 Why are there communists in our our state department? You had high profile arrests of these Jewish communists and government like the the Rosenbergs.
01:54:30 Who had the communist threats spreading all throughout Asia?
01:54:34 With America somehow.
01:54:37 Seemingly unable to stop it.
01:54:45 And then eventually, for a brief time for about a year.
01:54:50 McCoy.
01:54:50 He was given the power to investigate.
01:54:55 And he was fighting communists.
01:55:05 And so they blew it up.
01:55:08 And then they probably killed him.
01:55:20 And then they rewrote history.
01:55:23 They made movie after movie after movie.
01:55:27 So that subsequent generations.
01:55:31 Would never ever try the same thing ever again.
01:55:36 They would never look into.
01:55:39 What McCarthy had said, or what he had done.
01:55:43 They would just assume that it was all the workings of a madman.
01:55:46 Some paranoid guy that thought there were communists underneath every bed.
01:55:51 And apparently it didn't matter if KGB documents got released that proved them right.
01:55:58 Apparently it didn't matter the just the the the reality that we live in today.
01:56:04 Proves them right.
01:56:09 You still have. Look, you have Republicans.
01:56:13 You have Republicans.
01:56:16 Then and now.
01:56:19 Using the term McCarthyism as if it's some kind of legitimate term.
01:56:27 In fact, every Maga boomer everyone on the right.
01:56:32 Unwilling.
01:56:36 Unwilling or or.
01:56:39 Contractually unable to.
01:56:43 Point out the Jewish involvement.
01:56:48 With the infiltration.
01:56:50 Of the United States, they will all use that term.
01:56:55 Charlie Kirk, sure as **** will use that term.
01:57:00 Tucker Carlson, I'm sure. Will you use that term?
01:57:06 Donald Trump will absolutely use that term.
01:57:11 They'll all use that term.
01:57:16 You know, use it as something that's synonymous with.
01:57:20 With some the.
01:57:21 The crazed fantasies of a madman who drank himself to death.
01:57:35 And they're my friends.
01:57:39 Is McCarthyism.
01:57:47 All right.
01:57:50 Let's take a look at some hyper chats, shall we?
01:58:03 Nazi die says Hail Churro.
01:58:07 Well, he did. He literally did what he does every time. I don't see him all day.
01:58:13 5 minutes before I'm live, he he he comes meowing on in.
01:58:18 And so I I actually shoved them in this little side room that I that I.
01:58:23 I have them in to separate them from classified cat. When **** gets crazy and I just gave, I gave my way too much food.
01:58:32 To try to put him to sleep.
01:58:34 And he meowed a little bit while while the music was still playing in the beginning of the stream, but then he.
01:58:41 Either I haven't looked in there to see if he just went back out here. A little cat flaps. I don't know if he went outside or if he just fell asleep, passed out like in a food coma, but yeah.
01:58:51 And then he say I'll be asleep, so I'll catch the replay. Hail McCarthy sniff sniffing out the commies. Nice that you posted early so I could send you some shekels. Hope all is well, brother. If all the Jews in my area start moving around the same time, I'll let you all know when that happens.
01:59:11 The nukes are about to drop. Yeah. If they if they get the the 9/11 text right.
01:59:17 The 9/11 text message.
01:59:20 That some Jews have accidentally slipped up and and and and admitted to on camera.
01:59:27 Well, thank you for the support there. Nazi dice Gorilla Hands says. Can I get a half $1,000,000?
01:59:35 Well, why not?
Speaker 13
01:59:38 Half $1,000,000.
Devon Stack
01:59:43 There's some Jewish spies for you. Good evening, Devin. It's funny how growing up in the 90s, McCarthy was portrayed as the paranoid bad guy, but now it looks like he was right. All.
Speaker 8
01:59:54 Long.
Devon Stack
01:59:55 Can I get an oil very well where you already got a half $1,000,000.
02:00:01 But you're right, you're right. It's I I grew up hearing that term over and over and over again and that look, you got to realize that's what they do.
02:00:10 That's what they do is they rewrite history. Your kids, if they go to public school, are going to hear a completely different version of George Floyd than reality, obviously.
02:00:21 They're going to hear they're not going to.
02:00:22 Hear about Jonathan Pollard at all.
02:00:25 They're going to hear well, actually now it's legally obligated that they learn about the Holocaust and in the majority of of American states.
02:00:36 So that's what they do.
02:00:38 They they just reprogrammed the new generations to believe in their official narrative. That makes that frames.
02:00:49 All of the all of their objectives, they're they're they've already completed.
02:00:53 And all of the objectives they have.
02:00:55 Yet to complete.
02:00:56 Into a nice, sensible package that they cannot easily.
02:01:03 Lap up like a little thirsty puppy.
02:01:06 And get go along their merry little way. And most people aren't going to research things. And even if they do, a lot of this stuff, like in the case of the McCarthy, the recording of the McCarthy speech that's missing that report, the Klaus report that's missing.
02:01:20 I mean, it's going to be infinitely easier to delete all that stuff off the Internet. I mean, how many? How much footage of the BLM rights you think will still exist on the Internet in 10 years?
02:01:31 There might be people that still have local copies of this stuff, but.
02:01:38 It's, I mean it it was already hard to even host it anywhere. Like if you tried uploading that stuff to to YouTube, a lot of that stuff got struck down immediately. And a lot of these alternative platforms, they're not going to be around necessarily for in 10 years. So a lot of stuff's just going to disappear and they'll just hear whatever you know.
02:01:58 The official version is.
02:02:01 Uh. Let's see here.
02:02:07 11011 says thank you for all the effort you put into these streams. I will catch the replay. We'll appreciate that.
02:02:15 Chosen Jawas says after the last stream I would like to know what is required to join the cult of Churro. I have a churro shirt on order. What else is required? All you have to ask him, you'd have to ask Churro.
02:02:29 The Churro colt is.
02:02:31 Vast and very subversive, though.
02:02:35 Size matters.
02:02:38 Says. Have you seen the new 9/11 footage? Fox put out a video of the families talking about it without showing the footage or even explaining what it was. 60 minutes did a segment about it, but unsurprisingly, it's not easy to find the whole thing.
02:02:55 I don't buy them, the investigators 100% new.
02:03:00 I I don't know. No, I don't. I don't know. You're talking about there's new 9/11 footage.
02:03:16 What is this?
02:03:25 News.
Devon Stack
02:03:33 OK. And this is from Fox News.
02:03:40 Well, this is from New York Post.
02:03:43 From a week ago.
02:03:47 Says families of 9/11 victims rip Biden and Trump over silence after a new video showed Saudi spy filming the US capital.
02:03:59 Families of nine. I'll tell you one thing, if this means they're nervous as **** about people connecting Jews with 9/11 families of 9/11 victims Tuesday ripped President Joe Biden and ex President Trump for failing to end this quote, national nightmare and take on the Saudis for their alleged involvement in the terror attacks.
02:04:19 The grieving relatives blah little ball. Where's the where's?
02:04:22 The new footage.
02:04:26 Chilling near footage. Where is it? Here we are.
02:04:30 Chilling new video captures suspected Saudi spy filming US Capital's National Monument before 911. Well, that isn't *******. First of all, that doesn't really prove anything. If there's a Saudi.
02:04:46 Spy shooting video of the capital, which didn't get hit anyway.
02:04:51 Well, let me see if the let me see if I can find the actual footage. Is this going to be in here?
Speaker 7
02:04:55 Not for nothing.
Devon Stack
02:05:02 OK, so all right.
02:05:07 I might be able to actually bring this up.
02:05:19 I'll tell you my without without having seen it.
02:05:24 I'm going to say.
02:05:26 I find it interesting.
02:05:29 That suddenly, you know, it's weird how, like, the Pentagon footage isn't suddenly available, isn't it? But it's some it's some. Oh, it's the Saudi guy. Let's see what it is.
02:05:44 All right, so here's the.
02:05:52 The footage here I'm going to mute the audio, so I think it's just him talking.
02:05:56 All right, so.
02:05:58 He's in DC. All right. That's all right. So apparently he's saying I am transmitting these scenes to you from the heart of the American capital, Washington.
02:06:11 Washington The American capital city.
02:06:17 Hi, no, this isn't as a tourist.
02:06:19 Oh, be loved esteemed brothers. Greeting to you from Omar or whatever.
02:06:30 Yeah. What does this prove, though exactly? Not only they didn't know.
02:06:32 What Washington looked like?
02:06:36 Like how? How is this going to help them? Oh, look. Oh, that's why. Because there's a.
02:06:40 Plane.
02:06:41 Also, the airport is not far away. Yeah, if you go to.
02:06:45 If you've been to Washington, DC, you know there's an airport right there.
02:06:50 Anyone who shoots any footage of all at all of the mall gets a shot of of an airplane because there's like an airport right at the end of it.
02:06:59 UM.
02:07:01 Yeah, I don't. I'll look into this, but this doesn't look like.
02:07:04 Oh, look, some guy shot video.
02:07:08 You know.
02:07:10 Who knows? I don't know this guy is, I guess the right person to ask would be Ryan Dawson on this topic.
02:07:17 Because he probably has. He probably has. Yeah. This is a guy. He's probably got this guy in one of those, like spider web connections with the the yarn and stuff like that, everywhere.
02:07:27 But yeah, it's whatever.
02:07:30 It's not. It's it's more. Look, it's more. It's more of the dancing.
02:07:36 Who? Hey, look at Saudi.
02:07:39 I'm not saying the Saudis didn't.
02:07:41 Play a role.
02:07:42 My guess is they they probably did, right?
02:07:45 It wasn't just Mossad, it was. It was a bunch of people.
02:07:50 Working together on this and maybe this guy was one of them. I don't know. I'd have to. I'd have to look and see. I'd have to research it.
02:08:00 But I I do find the timing interesting, right when when all of a sudden it's it's not that crazy.
02:08:07 You know, a lot of people are are for the first time, really since 9:11.
02:08:13 There's a sizable amount of people now that suspect that Israel had at least some involvement.
02:08:20 Whereas that was not the case even like, say, five years ago.
02:08:27 Now all of a sudden. Oh, look, look a Saudi. So, I mean, I don't know.
02:08:33 Or maybe like, who knows? Maybe or maybe he. Maybe he was into it.
02:08:39 Then size matter says that Lambert lead that Lamb that Lambert lead.
02:08:45 Or that Lambert LED.
02:08:48 That investigation, San Diego, where the heavens gate suicides also happened to take place. As you've covered. What do you think was the role of the Saudi Saudi involvement off topic? Do you know the Chinese make a 9/11 themed bootleg Metal Slug called terrifying 9/11?
02:09:11 No, I didn't know that the heavens gate mansion.
02:09:17 Was rented from some Saudi guy. I don't know if this is the guy. I'd have to look it up again, but I think it was like a Saudi.
02:09:27 A Saudi guy owned that and he was somehow he was tied to 911. I might I forget. You know you're asking.
02:09:34 Way off topic. **** that I'd have to go research later, but you know, very interesting for those who want to look into it.
02:09:41 Flatulent fill flatulent fill with the big don't.
02:09:45 Know.
Speaker 26
02:09:46 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend himself.
Devon Stack
02:09:51 Go, Julie, this *** is.
02:10:10 All right. Flatulent, fill past my bedtime, but so looking forward to the replay well.
02:10:17 Hello to you in the future replay gang and flatulent feel among you.
02:10:23 Thank you for the support there. Size matter says only saying this because it triggers my autism, judan pronounced Uddin is Jews plural, Jude pronounced you day.
02:10:36 Is Jew singular while we're here, the German V is an F and the German W is a V so Volkswagen is pronounced Volkswagen. What is this? A German ******* lesson, which which that long a fake German?
02:10:56 Makes you look like a larper. Well, I'm not ******* German, dude. Surprise. I'm not a German. I'm American. So it's it's. However I ******* pronounce it.
02:11:08 Chicken, by the way, not targeting that at you. I just get annoyed when Daily Stormer types say **** like Jude and Rhett. Fake German is cringe. It's fun when you do it right, though. Deutschland or something. I can't say that. Well, you know, whatever.
02:11:28 It's uh, we're not. We're not German.
02:11:32 You know, guess. Guess what else is wrong? Like Germany is not Germany and German. We still call it Germany though.
02:11:42 So yeah, I think you're just being way too autistic with that.
02:11:48 Unless someone's unless someone's claiming to be authentically pronouncing it and.
02:11:52 They're doing it wrong.
02:11:54 Blue chord, blue chord.
02:12:03 Blue chord says good evening Mr. Stack. Well, good evening to you, Mr. Blue chord. Thank you for the support.
Speaker 8
02:12:06 Right.
Devon Stack
02:12:10 Zach Reinhardt says good day Mr. Stack, can I get a mega pit? You want a mega pit?
02:12:23 All right, pronouns based ****** says Hail Stack, or I appreciate that.
02:12:29 Mark ESPY says in 40 years, the descendants of those saying we never landed on the moon will be saying America was never white or never a white majority country and always had black people in positions of power terrorizing white people. Well, and they'll also have embraced ******** by that.
02:12:48 Time and yeah, everything else will be fake. It's stupid. That's The thing is, is. Unfortunately, we have a Neo Dark Age is rolling in.
Speaker 12
02:13:01 And.
Speaker 34
02:13:02 Look.
Devon Stack
02:13:04 I know that I know there's there's moon deniers out there who are going to be upset with me when I when I do the stream, but I'm going to do the stream and I'm going to eviscerate the moon deniers and possibly with one of your one of your.
Speaker 9
02:13:20 Over it.
Devon Stack
02:13:21 Guys so we'll.
02:13:24 I'm trying to get that coordinated and work work that out. It's going to take some time though because and look it is it. Is it going to cover every little stupid thing that moon deniers can think of? It's impossible, right? Because everything you know, it's like Flat Earth. It's like you, you you you disprove like 20 things they come up with 40 more things and it's just like it's.
02:13:46 Endless, so, but no, but I'll cover like the major ones. I'll cover the major ones that people have problems with and.
02:13:56 Look, it's.
02:13:58 It just is what it is. People are are are losing touch with the reality and I get it. I understand why. I understand why, but we need to. We need to reel it back. We need to reel it back. We need to understand that there are real conspiracies out there. And then there's crazy ********. And unfortunately you mix the two.
02:14:19 And everything looks like crazy ********. You start saying that. You know, first of all, even just imagine, like, if if the moon landings fake and all of the stuff, like everything since the moon land, like all the nasas, everything's all fake. Right though. Why are we even trying?
Speaker 3
02:14:37 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:14:38 Why are we even trying?
02:14:41 Because a that would be a lot of our people doing that, a lot of white people would be involved. That's not just not a Jews ran NASA, OK, quite the opposite. Nazis ran NASA.
02:14:52 So it's like what what is there to be proud of? First of all, why? Why, why? Who cares why people suck? Apparently, right? I mean that that if that's true, white people kind of suck.
02:15:02 And and and secondly.
02:15:06 How? How you going to win against that?
02:15:11 How are you going to?
02:15:11 Win against magicians like that.
02:15:15 You won't. You're not going to.
02:15:18 So it's it's like a double whammy. It's like, why even ******* bother at that point?
02:15:24 Unless you you want to indulge in some other crazy fantasies about how to how to win.
02:15:30 Uh. Let's see here.
02:15:34 9/11 says thank you Mr. Stack. Well, I appreciate that.
02:15:39 Have them at Kalashnikova says. Thanks so much Devin, for doing this video. Such ******** that they make kids read the Crucible by that Kiki the Puritans were based. So naturally, Jews gaslight them. Modern Christians can, can't or cannot even see this stuff.
02:16:00 UM.
02:16:02 Yeah. I mean, I like I said it was, it was required reading in my high school and they made us even perform the play. I forget what? What guy I had to be, but I had to ******* be in.
02:16:12 It was *******.
02:16:12 Terrible. But at the time I'm I'm, you know, just some dumb teenager, I don't know. I was. I was.
02:16:17 Like Oh yeah, witch Hunt's bad.
02:16:20 And that's what happens is if I was just some NPC, that's where it would have stopped it. It would have just like it would have been written on my hard drive. They're like, yeah, yeah.
02:16:30 McCarthyism bad witch hunts bad and like and then I would just hear McCarthyism and I'd be like, oh, yeah, bad. And that'd be the end of it.
02:16:42 Let's see here. Zach Reinhardt says. Hey, Devin and watch your string for several months. Overdose.
02:16:51 Overdose addition. Good work as always, keep it up while you'll watch a stream from months ago. I got it. OK. Yeah, we'll push that. I think that was the one where I.
02:17:03 That was like a mega stream. For some reason I forget why I did that one.
02:17:07 But that was like a big like it was like a 5 hour long.
02:17:10 1.
02:17:11 What was the reason behind that?
02:17:12 1.
02:17:13 I don't know I when you do, you guys fully understand the amount of research I I do for every stream and it kind of.
02:17:21 Just makes.
02:17:22 It's like when you have to study for tests like a lot of stuff I can't retain forever because it's like as soon as I do this.
02:17:28 Frame, right? Like I'll retain some of the basic ideas, but I gotta dump that RAM and start filling up with the next string. You know what I mean? And especially once you've done like hundreds of them, it's like.
02:17:39 You know.
02:17:40 You can't retain all that stuff unless you have some kind of photographic memory, which I don't.
02:17:46 But yeah, cool.
02:17:48 Let's see here.
02:17:52 I have them at kalashnikova. Hey, him. I strongly suspect Oppenheimer himself was a Soviet agent and helped give them the A bomb. I suspect most high profile Jews are initiated into the very highest levels of Kabbalistic occultism. I don't know about that last part probably, but.
02:18:11 For sure the first part.
02:18:13 The FBI.
02:18:15 Suspected him as being a communist infiltrator in the early or actually the late 30s, I think.
02:18:24 Size matter says several months ago my dad told me that he'd been listening to NPR in the car, and the topic was the blacklist. After pulling up the list on my phone, I went through them one by one and pointed out that almost all of them were Jews. I pointed out that their racial characteristics, as well as their.
02:18:44 Early lives.
02:18:45 I played dumb while I was doing it too. Acting all surprised. Like, huh? Isn't that interesting? All my dad did was get physically uncomfortable and all jumpy. The only cohesive words I remember him saying was we were allied with them ten years before this.
02:19:04 We were allied with them ten years before this. I'm not sure what you mean by.
02:19:08 Who? Who they are allied with Jews.
02:19:13 Or allied is he talking about like the Stalin stuff? I don't, I don't. Yeah, I don't know the, the, your. There's all. There are also two.
02:19:22 Quote UN quote red scares.
Speaker 10
02:19:23 Or they never.
Devon Stack
02:19:24 Really stopped. What happened was all the the Communist Jews from Eastern Europe moved to America around the turn of the.
02:19:31 Century as we've.
02:19:32 Often, you know, reflect upon and discovered.
02:19:37 And then it took a while, right? Not long, but it took a while and then around the 1920s and the 1930s, the FBI and local law enforcement, even in some areas, started to realize, oh, there's all these ******* Communist Jews everywhere. And they started doing the investigations and having the hearings and.
02:19:59 Than having the committees and the only reason why that **** wound down was because of World War Two, when all of a sudden we had to be oh, no, the Soviets are great. We like Uncle Joe, you know, talking about Joseph Stalin.
02:20:16 And then after the war was over, we went right back to investigating them until McCarthy, which was I think that was the really the last time.
02:20:25 That communism was seriously investigated by the federal government, where there may be.
02:20:34 You know half hearted attempts after that, like maybe during the Reagan or whatever. I mean it kind of I guess but yeah that was that was pretty much the last time it was ever really.
02:20:45 The Ministry of Truth. I've been looking forward to this dream. I remember Molineux series. Yeah, I took. I took some of the info from his series but he, you know.
02:20:56 In focus so heavily on.
02:21:00 You know the libertarian aspect of it and like, oh, look at all you know, Communism killed so many China.
02:21:06 People and and then also like he, he literally did the name, he did the well and and let's not forget that Nazism and Communism they're not opposites. They're the same national socialist like he you know he did. He literally did that in his little present I watched part of it today.
02:21:24 And.
Speaker 5
02:21:24 Hey.
Devon Stack
02:21:26 He got a lot of this stuff right, but like he just did, he got into the woods with his.
02:21:31 It's it's a good video to watch. It's long, it's a good video to watch that might fill in some of the blanks, but obviously he's not going to mention the Jew part. He doesn't mention. In fact, I don't think he mentions Roy Cohen at all, nor does he mention how I don't. I don't think, at least I don't think.
02:21:48 He mentions how the.
02:21:50 Or why the hearing stopped?
02:21:52 You know, he mentions he really focuses on the goy communists that were uncovered in the government and doesn't really.
02:22:03 In fact, he makes a joke. I remember when he mentions that Rothschild guy, he's like, Oh yeah, Edward Rothschild and Ohh. I already know you guys are going to comment to link me to videos in the comments or something like that.
02:22:16 And so this is when he was aware of people talking about Jews and still sort of humoring them, but definitely never going to engage with that stuff.
02:22:26 But at the same time, there's good info on it, but I don't think there's unless you really care about all the details about what was going on in China, there's nothing in it that I didn't cover tonight. He just he really gets into the the details about China and.
02:22:45 Korea and all that stuff.
02:22:49 Uh, let's see your size matter says. I think me and him agree on that, but have a very different interpretation of what that means. My mom, on the other hand, goes crazy on board when I bring up the Jews and starts jumping on the gun.
02:23:06 With theories like most people in government are Jews got to love moms. Not sure what you mean by that, but yeah, what I didn't quite understand the last bit of your other one.
02:23:17 But.
02:23:18 Hopefully that means your mom is.
02:23:22 His hip to the Jews. But I'm not. That wasn't very clear to me.
02:23:27 Possibly that's what it means. Hopefully that's what it means.
02:23:30 Love and division says. I've heard the phrase we can't go back to McCarthyism.
02:23:35 By the likes of right wing talk radio host Michael Savage, who's a Jew. Dennis Prager, who's a Jew, and Mark Levin, who's also a Jew.
02:23:46 Yeah, shocking the amount of.
02:23:49 Of right wing.
02:23:50 Radio talk show hosts or.
02:23:53 Are Jews?
02:23:55 And and the ones that aren't Jews are 1000% Zionist 1000%.
02:24:00 Hammer thorazine.
Speaker 24
02:24:08 Which?
Devon Stack
02:24:11 I've heard that a Communist agent was able to help convince Truman not to use nukes against China or North Korea during the Korean War, with the false intelligence showing China had nukes too long before they had them. I haven't found anything, so approving this, have you? I didn't run. I didn't. I mean, I didn't run across thing like that when I was researching this.
02:24:32 The big thing I found was there were there, there were definite communists that were supposed to work in the interest of America, who worked in the interest of Mao because they wanted to see comma.
02:24:49 Spread throughout Asia and so in no, I mean there's no other way. They were traders, they were they should have been executed all of them and none of them were. And Truman was warned again and again and again about Communist Jews and his administration and in agencies.
02:25:08 That he oversaw and did absolutely ******* nothing, in fact, did more than nothing. He prevented Congress from ever.
02:25:21 Having eyes on those those reports that were being sent to him.
02:25:27 Born all born all day says oh, all right.
02:25:33 Oh.
02:25:34 The Ministry of Truth says, by the way, I'm doing a series on how homosexuality was pushed through the music. Your gay 90s series inspired me to call the first episode the gay 60s. So far we found out that the pop brownies were popularized by lesbian Jews. Lou Reed is Louis.
02:25:54 Rabinowitz and free Love was the vehicle to push ********.
02:26:00 Yeah, absolutely. The whole flower power movement was.
02:26:04 There's a.
02:26:05 Just uh.
02:26:07 I would say laying, not laying down the groundwork for that ****.
02:26:12 Microsoft wins says the ****.
02:26:17 Hammer authorizing again.
Speaker 7
02:26:48 That will keep him busy for a while.
Devon Stack
02:26:54 Hembra Thorazine says I have mentioned it before, but it's worth repeating that the Indonesians successfully purged their country of communists in 1965 to 1966 by rounding them up, literally putting them in pits and bearing them alive. An estimated death total of over 1,000,000. They did what needed to be done.
Speaker 26
02:27:12 However.
Devon Stack
02:27:15 Wow.
02:27:18 Based Indonesians with actually doing the pit, huh? Was not aware of that. The pit is real.
02:27:26 See there? We there, we we have a blueprint. We have a working blueprint of how this could be done.
02:27:34 My cute little friend says Jews shot themselves.
Speaker 12
02:27:37 In the foot.
Devon Stack
02:27:39 They are getting harassed in Europe by those pro Palestinian Muslim immigrants, and now they are trying to push these so-called right wing politicians, Le Pen Farage, to undo the damage. But it's too late.
02:27:54 Yeah, it'll be interesting.
02:27:55 To see how that all unfolds.
02:27:59 But that's that's look.
02:28:00 The story of the the Jewish Gollum, right. I mean that.
02:28:04 That's a metaphor for Jewish behavior. They create a golem, they lose control over.
02:28:09 It.
02:28:10 And it ends up.
02:28:13 Being turned against them.
02:28:16 Size matter says interesting. The Lucille Ball was a communist. Her and Ricky were probably the first mixed race couple on TV. Seems like there was a strong push for beaters in the 1950s and 60s. TV well, specifically, he's Cuban and member of Cuba.
02:28:35 Was uh.
02:28:36 What's communist?
02:28:39 Sergeant Carter and the Joker aren't.
02:28:41 Getting off the hook.
02:28:43 Not sure what that's a reference to.
02:28:47 Creative Bot 72.
02:28:52 As far as I can see.
Speaker 22
02:28:54 Where?
Numbers Lady
02:28:56 Hey.
Devon Stack
02:28:59 Creative Bot 72.
02:29:02 Let's see a replay crew dropping.
02:29:05 A dono well hello again replay gang.
02:29:10 Filled soda the first time listening live. It's early here and potato land. I'd like to check out the insomnia stream search engine that you mentioned before, but I can't work out how to spell it. The thick mix stereotype confirmed it's.
02:29:29 Was it like simba.com? Well, if you're still alive, someone will tell you.
02:29:35 But I think it's IMDb.
02:29:38 EYI don't know. I don't know if it's like a.com or I forget which one it is. Someone in chat would probably know though.
02:29:47 Sorry that it's not really helpful, I just don't know. I have to make Kalashnikova says Hitler described an interesting phenomenon he described in detail how Germans had developed a natural resistance to Jewish subversion.
02:30:01 But the English had not. So London became the Zahn capital. Americans had unfortunately no resistance to Jewish tricks. So Yikes conquered us in 50 years.
02:30:12 Well, yeah, I think the.
02:30:16 Well, I think part of that is.
02:30:19 If you remember the history of the Rothschilds, the Rothschilds kind of bought most of England.
02:30:29 So I think that was.
02:30:31 I think that was an issue.
02:30:33 I think that even if even if the English had.
02:30:37 A suspicion or some kind of way of, you know, some kind of natural defense. They only matter because the Rothschild's owned.
02:30:46 Like England and probably still due to a large.
02:30:50 Large degree.
02:30:54 Pronouns based ****** last stream I sent 3 hyper chats and my largest chat I I was double charged for. I don't need a refund. I just want to verify that you got that donation. I love your work.
02:31:10 I don't remember specifically.
02:31:13 If it was like, I don't think I. I don't think I got a double of anything really big.
02:31:19 I know last stream people were saying that was doing weird stuff.
02:31:23 I'm. I'm. Look. I'm. I'm guessing if you were charged for it, I got it because I don't think it.
02:31:28 Would.
02:31:28 Just go to nowhere. But yeah, last stream people were, I don't know if Odyssey was ******* up or what was going on with that, but a couple of people said that he was doing weird stuff or not posting it or something like that, so I apologize, I.
02:31:43 Obviously nothing. I I I I don't have any control over that. But if it charged it, it probably went my way.
Speaker 3
02:31:49 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:31:51 I don't really have a way of verifying that though, but yeah, thank you for your generosity all the same.
02:31:59 Pronouns based ******.
02:32:04 Pronounce based ******. Again, I said the Super chat to Elijah Schaefer to ask when you are going to be on his show. He didn't respond, so now I.
02:32:12 Ask you when.
02:32:13 Are you going to be on slightly offensive? That is the collab I've been waiting for.
02:32:21 Yeah, I don't think I'm going to be on his because he invited me on.
02:32:26 And then.
02:32:29 Like stood me up basically like he was like, hey, yeah, this day at this time I was like, OK and then I messaged it was like on that day at that time I was like, so you going to send me a link or something or, you know and then nothing.
02:32:46 And then I was like, alright, well, I guess you got the call to.
02:32:49 Which he, he responded.
02:32:51 And I was like, he's like, ohh it's a big mistake, you know? It's it's it's not a big deal. We'll do it again. I was like, alright, whatever. And so he gave me another time.
02:33:01 Another day.
02:33:03 And the exact same thing happened.
02:33:07 And so I messaged him again. He was like, dude, really? I mean, come on.
02:33:13 And he said it was cause his assistant was. I don't know, it didn't. It just sounded kind of sloppy to me. If not, I don't know, it was intentional it.
02:33:21 Just seemed a little.
02:33:22 Kind of like. Come on, man. Like you. You did this to me twice. Twice. Like once. OK, but twice.
02:33:29 And so it's just kind of like, you know?
02:33:32 Whatever.
02:33:34 I look, I'm not against going on this thing. It's just, you know.
02:33:38 Twice.
02:33:44 So yeah, slightly offensive. I'm not not aware which ones. I'm not sure which one that one is.
02:33:52 Is that the one on cozy? That check on cozy? I know I got a long list. I got a long list.
02:33:58 Of people and.
02:33:59 That's.
02:33:59 Probably it's probably on there, it's just.
02:34:04 I'm slowly, as you've noticed, I haven't been to a lot of people shows lately because I've got.
02:34:09 I've been doing a lot of work.
02:34:11 With the strings and everything else, so I just don't always have the time for.
02:34:15 It man. But I do have I.
02:34:17 Do have a long list of.
02:34:20 Ohh people I gotta. I gotta go stream with.
02:34:25 Hard way, hard way.
02:34:38 Hard way, long time replaying game. Thanks man. Keep it up. Alright. Well, thank you for being part.
02:34:43 Of the replay gang hard way.
02:34:47 Ryan is cool, says replay gang here, and that's a replay gang tonight. Have you ever seen the movie Hidden figures about the black women that allegedly wrote code for NASA? I'm guessing it's basically fake, another attempt to take away white accomplishment for the moon landing.
02:35:08 My understanding is I you know, I I never looked into it.
02:35:13 Like a lot, but when that first popped up because first of all, it's weird that that happened, and yet we're only hearing about it now. You know, it's one of those things where surely, surely.
02:35:27 During the civil rights movement, this would be a story that would be often repeated. This would have been something they would have been hammering into our heads in the 90s and we were going to school.
02:35:38 Right. And yet it wasn't. Isn't that weird? Why? Why are we just hearing about it now? So there's the first. Like, hmm, the 2nd is.
02:35:50 While she's black and and and and it's a she. It's like it's like got two things working against you now. Look, was there possibly a black woman that worked in some capacity?
02:36:05 Sure.
02:36:06 You know, is it possible even that it's more complicated than bringing people their coffee? Sure.
02:36:12 Is it her writing the code to land the the lunar module?
02:36:19 Probably not. Almost assuredly not so Charles back.
02:36:27 What's up, churro?
02:36:29 Yeah, we'll get to you here.
02:36:30 In a.
02:36:31 2nd So yeah, I'll have to. I'll have to look into that further, but I'm far as I know she had no real. I mean, no realistic role.
02:36:42 Let me go let him in. Hang on a second.
02:36:45 I don't know how this thing. Oh, here we go.
02:36:48 This will be good. This is topical.
Speaker 12
02:36:52 Oh, it doesn't work.
Devon Stack
02:36:54 Does it work? Does this work?
Speaker 17
02:37:23 Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:38:15 Alright, chances are he's going to just start making noise again in a minute anyway.
02:38:21 Let's see here.
02:38:26 Abdomen at kalashnikova.
02:38:28 13 Communist Jewish Fagots already voted this stream down. It happens every time.
02:38:36 Happens every time.
02:38:40 Yeah, there. Here's The thing is, if you think about it, they're my biggest fans. They never miss a show. They never miss a show.
02:38:49 Filled soda says by the way, I forgot to say how much I appreciate your work. I've learned a lot. Well, I appreciate.
02:38:55 That filled soda.
02:38:59 Tennis nuts says criticism of Owen was a long time coming. Part of the gay 90s was when we allowed ourselves to be insulted by comedians instead of running them out of town, taking the truth, our values and flipping it upside down is not truth. It's mental illness. Thanks for calling it out.
02:39:19 What did I tell you about him making noise?
Speaker 19
02:39:22 Hey.
Devon Stack
02:39:24 Don't make noise in the other room, it's.
02:39:25 Going to make.
02:39:25 Noise. Yeah. You know, the one thing we really should have tolerated was like the.
02:39:33 The avalanche.
02:39:35 Of like Def Comedy Jam Style Black Comics, just like what? People dumb because black people silly cause why people this what people that's just like alright and and.
02:39:47 This.
02:39:48 Unless we were allowed, you know, by the the the Turbo Jews running the media to have, you know, black people funny because they, they don't have dads, you know, like, unless you could do that ****, which you, you know, weren't allowed to do on HBO, then we shouldn't have. We shouldn't allowed that.
02:40:06 To happen.
02:40:08 He's even louder now that I've let him in.
02:40:13 Yeah, I know I should never let you in.
02:40:16 Simba, Leo Simba can tell you where the.
02:40:20 Well, The thing is, you know what? I'm going to, ************.
02:40:26 Hopefully quiet down.
02:40:29 Swear to God one of these days I'm just going to get one of those T-shirt cannons I'm going to.
02:40:33 Stuff them in the tube and blast them out into the desert.
02:40:37 Tennis, Nutt says.
02:40:39 Oh wait, that is that one, Simba says.
02:40:43 Here's 1111 to push you to five hundo. Well, I appreciate that, Cindy.
02:40:49 1111 is also lucky. I'm sure it seems like a lucky number, right?
02:40:56 J Ray 1981 reminds me of something say Russia is evil.
02:41:02 And all the reasons the Democratic Western world is under attack.
02:41:09 I don't understand what you're saying. Reminds me of something. Say Russia is evil and all the reasons the Democratic western world is under attack. I'm.
02:41:20 I'm not sure what you're getting at with that.
02:41:24 Tennis Knott says the 80s was insane. We were taught that the the McCarthy was crazy. But fighting Communism, Rambo style was cool. Well, yeah, because fighting communism, random Rambo style was getting to the meat grinder.
02:41:42 Right. That was going in and finding some proxy war. You were never going to actually be fighting the Jew if you were fighting a proxy war.
02:41:51 You know you're going to be fighting like.
02:41:54 I don't know, like some Vietnamese or.
02:41:57 You know some other kind of jungle Asian or some South American or something like that, right?
02:42:02 That's always what it was.
02:42:05 And yeah, you were never going.
02:42:07 To.
02:42:07 Be targeting the the the puppet masters just the the people at the end of the strings.
02:42:14 A lowly scribe in God's army says excellent show death to godless commies.
02:42:21 Love and division says. Can we say that there's no way to use the system to get the Jews out? I don't know. I guess I guess.
02:42:28 You could say.
02:42:29 That.
02:42:31 But it all depends on how you say it, right. And yeah, you got to be careful how you say that, I guess.
02:42:40 Hammer thorazine.
02:42:56 Hammer Thorazine says. For those who don't know Trotsky's great granddaughter, Nora Valco has been the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which is a division of the NIH since 2003. Doesn't it all make sense now?
02:43:13 Part talking about the opioid crisis might give about to give Trello some opioids.
02:43:20 Bessemer 72.
Speaker 26
02:43:24 I got a double.
Devon Stack
02:43:36 Brody. Brody. Are you the Brody that I banned?
02:43:39 For.
02:43:39 Like a week because you were being a **** head hurt bear. I'm not.
02:43:43 Sure, we'll see.
02:43:45 Hey, Danny suggested you would have honey for.
02:43:47 Sale by now.
02:43:47 No.
02:43:47 I didn't. Where is it? Where is the honey? How much honey can each hive yield?
02:43:58 I think you're different, Brody.
02:44:02 It depends. I guess the answer it depends. If you've got an established hive and there's a good season because it look, it all depends on the plants. If you have a dry season, you're not going to get a lot. Hold on a second. My God. All right, T-shirt Canada is.
Speaker 25
02:44:23 How much? How much money? How much money?
02:44:47 How much? How much money?
02:44:55 Nobody would have counted.
Devon Stack
02:44:56 That is not the video I thought.
02:44:57 It would be.
02:45:00 That's not the video I thought it would be. Whoops.
02:45:03 Well, there you go.
02:45:07 Alright, honey.
02:45:09 It it's it.
02:45:09 It all depends on how much rain there was, how much.
02:45:18 How many bees there are? I mean, there's so many factors if you want to try to average it out and give it a number, you could maybe say 40 lbs a hive.
02:45:28 But it depends on again, it's it. It could be 100 lbs for a hive, it could be 20 lbs for a hive. It's really kind of all over the place, and because I've been focusing mostly on making bees more than making honey, and this season's been kind of crap.
02:45:45 That I might have a couple hives that maybe did 40 lbs, but not not really. Not like a ton.
02:45:53 And then do you harvest it daily, weekly?
02:45:57 No, neither one, you pretty much harvested.
02:46:00 Seasonal.
02:46:02 So maybe once a year, depending on again on what what the flow was and when it was maybe twice a year.
02:46:11 If you get another flow in the fall.
02:46:14 Which I hope we do.
02:46:17 Because it's been dry, it's been really dry. I've got cactuses falling over dead already. So yeah, it's.
02:46:28 Yeah, it's, it's not looking great.
02:46:32 But it is what it is.
02:46:35 As far as when it will be available like I.
02:46:36 Said it'll it'll be.
02:46:41 Right now it's more logistics than anything else like I can harvest it and I can get it packaged sort of I've got that's the current issue right now. But then after that, I got to figure out how to distribute it, like how to get it out to people without it being this big cluster.
02:46:59 And then good streams lately. OK, well, you're definitely not the Brody that we.
02:47:03 They were banned for like.
02:47:05 9,000,000 minutes or whatever it was.
02:47:09 Someone. Someone's impersonating you, Brody?
02:47:14 Unless you have like.
02:47:15 A.
02:47:16 Split personality. My Croft wins. Are we getting another spooky stream this Halloween? Well, I don't know. I guess you'll have to wait till Halloween. Maybe.
02:47:26 Maybe I was going to be kind of fun to maybe just have a **** around stream where we maybe even just.
02:47:32 Maybe it's not like spooky like.
02:47:35 Like walk in the desert at night, but maybe like around a campfire. Kind of spooky story stream where it's not really like news related.
02:47:43 But maybe it's it's spooky stories of varying levels of of fiction, you know, like maybe maybe it's. Well, maybe we could do remember the.
02:47:55 There's like that Commander Riker meme of like.
02:47:59 It never happened. It's fiction. It's false. That's from the show. They they had on Fox.
02:48:05 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:48:06 In the 90s, where they would show you, I figured they're the show, but they would show you like three different stories and you had to guess which one is the line, which one is like the what really happened.
02:48:17 And then they would tell you at the end or what after they had, you guessed. Maybe that'd be kind of cool. I could do like a stream on something.
02:48:25 Or maybe a couple somethings and then you'd have to vote on. I mean, it's not as it's not really super fair because everyone has the Internet, right? So a lot of people can just look it up and make it not fun. But for those of you who actually want to have fun, I can make it. Or maybe I'll just leave names out of it. So you can't just look it up on the Internet. I could just like a little girl.
02:48:45 Was kidnapped and not give it, you know, not say who she is or what you know, just do something like that. I don't know. That's just an idea I'm having right now. Merica Knight says great stream. I have a I have a white daughter on the way, but I'm worried about raising her in a world where every trend is pure degeneracy. Obviously public schools are.
02:49:03 Out.
02:49:04 Or out of the question. Wish me luck raising a family in this gay Jewish society.
02:49:11 Well, there's always home schooling and there's downsized to home schooling, but I think they outweigh the downsides to public schooling.
02:49:21 Or or is the right way to say it outweigh they they? I guess the good sides.
02:49:27 Of home schooling. That way, the good sides of of public schooling, pronouns based ******. When I was in high school during the early 2000s, the Crucible was required reading.
02:49:42 Google says Miller saw similarities between the hysteria of the witch trials and the Red scare of the 1950s and created the Crucible as an allegory for McCarthyism and unfounded accusations of communist loyalties. Yep, and that's look, they told us that in school, like my teacher.
02:50:01 It's not like I had to figure it out. They.
02:50:03 Had.
02:50:03 Us read the Crucible, she explained. That's what it was about. That's all. Everyone has always done what that's about. And so it was, you know, I had to be like, Ohh McCarthy isn't. But I don't know.
02:50:16 Our comma Don. Hey, Devin McCarthy got killed just like Patton to getting too close to the truth. Jews are a truly vile people. You know what's interesting is I found it, even though the recordings been scrubbed off the well, the world of McCarthy speech in West Virginia.
02:50:35 In his first speech in 1950, where he talked about the the Communists and government, he mentions at the end of the speech that he received a letter from Patton.
02:50:48 He said he received a letter from Patton before Patton died and he.
02:50:56 According to the transcript of the speech that I found, he mentions there, there'll be a copy available for you if you're in the audience. You want a copy of this letter patent sent me. I'll have a copy for you.
02:51:11 And I was like, holy ****.
02:51:13 I wanna I want a copy of this letter patent sent him.
02:51:17 And I can't find that. And that's only it's just vanished off the off the you.
02:51:21 Know the universe.
02:51:23 I could love to see what that ******* letter said.
02:51:28 Best of everything?
02:51:32 The sad gorillas.
Speaker 10
02:51:35 I.
Devon Stack
02:51:48 Long time listener. This is the first time catch you live. I see you have a lot of references to Congo. Well, he's got one on your show. What do you think of that movie I watched it recently? Thought it was a fun film. I.
02:51:59 Thought it was terrible.
02:52:02 I I I I I used clips from it because it's just it reminds it was replacing the wookies.
02:52:08 Which were from a really bad Star Wars special and I always thought Congo was like a really bad movie and the gorilla suit was really fake and everything. So I just thought it mixed it mixed well with the the really fake looking wookies. I mean, I don't know. I guess for like kids, it's probably all right, you know.
02:52:28 But yeah, I mean it's the acting is really bad.
02:52:33 The it's based on like isn't it based on like a Michael Creighton book or something like?
02:52:42 I think it I think it is. I think the books, probably the books probably OK, but the movie is just kind of like, Oh my God.
02:52:49 And they had. They had, like, big name actors in it and actresses but like.
02:52:53 I think the director just did a horrible job and the special effects were like, well, it's the 90s, right? But even for the 90s, I think the special effects were kind of bad even.
02:53:01 For the 90s.
02:53:03 Dyslexic gene ginger have some shekels. Thanks for the stream. We'll appreciate that.
02:53:13 Amos Burton.
02:53:15 A bunch of subversive Jews took over Russia in 1917, ran the country like a hellscape for 75 years, infiltrated the US, then got booted out of Russia in 1990. But now we're attacking the native Russia because the Bolsheviks are now running the United States, the Communist Jew.
02:53:35 Is like a virus. I would say there's at least some truth to what you are saying in this scenario you have described.
02:53:46 Certainly. I'll tell you what, it certainly plays a role in the politics surrounding the Ukraine conflict. Absolutely. My Croft wins my Croft wins.
Speaker 3
02:54:01 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 27
02:54:08 I'd like to return this duck.
Devon Stack
02:54:11 Minecraft win says. What are you going on politically provoked? Jared Taylor has been on, so has David Duke and even Mark Mark, who? Mark. Colette. Get on it, bro.
02:54:25 Like I said, it's probably on my.
02:54:27 It's probably on my list of.
02:54:29 Of strings to be on.
02:54:33 But appreciate the support there. Mycroft wins.
02:54:37 Tipsy make staggers well we he returned tips him. Stagger return the duck it looks like.
02:54:45 Arch Stanton.
02:54:48 Arch Stanton.
Speaker 3
02:54:50 Hello.
Speaker 25
02:54:51 Hello. Hello, hello.
Devon Stack
02:54:55 Our stand that I was watching some of your old YouTube stuff and saw that one where you took multiple videos of the Vegas shooting and synced them up, which I thought was great work. I'm still not convinced that it was an OP or that it was an op or wasn't. I don't know. What do you think I can't see.
02:55:13 What the purpose would be?
02:55:16 I don't know what happened with that. I can tell you this at no time can I know this because I I had to sync all those videos up and I used the gunfire to sync the videos up.
02:55:28 At no point in time where there are multiple.
02:55:32 People shooting at the same time, it's always one gun at a time.
02:55:37 I also don't think it's a an M.
02:55:42 M60 or or, you know, some kind of crazy.
02:55:46 Machine gun that a lot of people say it is. Like I said, I I listen to those gunshots over and over and over and over again.
02:55:56 And I don't even think there were any of the.
02:56:00 The.
02:56:02 I don't think any of the blasts really lasted even longer than like 40 rounds or whatever, which would make sense for like I think I think you had some forty round.
02:56:12 Magazines he might have had like a drum.
02:56:16 But I don't know, I don't remember, but.
02:56:21 I still feel like there's more to it.
02:56:24 Even if it was just, uh, one guy.
02:56:29 Shooting bump stock.
02:56:32 You know AR fifteens which I don't know. For me I can't say by listening to it whether it was a bump stock or just fully auto.
02:56:44 AR fifteens you know what I mean?
02:56:48 But I I I still think there's more to that story. There's just too much weird stuff about that story that doesn't make sense.
02:56:56 And I don't think we'll ever know. We'll never know.
02:56:59 We'll never know that that the full.
02:57:02 Story behind that.
02:57:07 Truth Forge, truth forge.
Speaker 10
02:57:14 Oh.
Devon Stack
02:57:18 Hey dude, I live in Santa Fe which which episode was the one where you talk about crawling?
02:57:25 Bush bombs. Is that related to no Bueno shirt?
02:57:32 I have not even talking about you might be talking about I mentioned once.
02:57:38 If you stop in Gallup for gas, then you're going to see.
02:57:43 Some something weird's going to happen with a drunken Indian, no matter what time of day.
02:57:50 You know, if you if you do, if you stop in Gallup and get gas, something weird is going to happen with a drugged up or drunk in Indian, but that that, that, that was the extent of I think that's all I mentioned the no bueno. Sure it was something different. That was some weird.
02:58:07 Gas company guy.
02:58:10 Was out here doing something with the gas lines and freaked out Truro.
02:58:17 Men of low moral fiber when covering McCarthyism in middle school, my teacher was a stereotypical Beatles loving hippie. But he had lost a lot of money to Enron and the dot.
02:58:29 Tom Bubble and he was becoming accidentally based over time. One day in an exhausted sigh, he said. And he might have been right about some of this stuff.
02:58:40 When talking about McCarthy, huh? Well, that sounds like he might have been someone slowly.
02:58:46 Slowly beginning a journey there, that same teacher had previously only taught kids in the accelerated courses.
02:58:53 But as our town grew more racially diverse, he had to teach more remedial classes as well, and that there were a few instances of him, excuse me. Basically admitting to his white classes. He hated teaching the brown kids. Well, I can only imagine, right, how soul crushing that would be.
02:59:13 I would never be a I would never be a teacher in public schools because of that.
Speaker 10
02:59:19 And you know a lot.
Devon Stack
02:59:20 Most people wouldn't. That's why you end up with, like, weirdo lesbians and **** that.
02:59:25 That are that they just they're they're not really qualified to do anything except for like molest students.
02:59:31 Try to turn them trans so you just get psychopaths teaching the kids now ripped homeless Guy says. What is the problem with Communism? Joe opposed.
02:59:43 What is the problem with Communism? Joe opposed. I don't know. That means it was economic in nature today. so-called world Communism ignores class struggle and focuses on sexual crap. They cannot be compared. Ohh, so you're a communist.
03:00:00 Now they can be compared.
03:00:03 Why? Why would you want Jewish communism?
03:00:06 Man of low moral fiber. A little cliche, but it's a shame that some people don't realize what they've got until it's gone. That same guy was an ardent **** Lib when I was in 6th grade and had become black pilled after only two years of having to interact with brown students the McCarthy strain.
03:00:26 Got those memories back. Thanks. I'll let you go. Like I said, I I can totally see that happening. I would never be able to teach in public school.
03:00:35 Andromeda.
Speaker 25
03:00:37 Good. Really good. Good, real.
Devon Stack
03:00:43 Devin, that was an excellent tribute to the Great American or a Great American. I did not know that forestall had told McCarthy that the government could not be so stupid against communists spread worldwide that even stupid people get things right once in a.
03:00:58 While.
03:00:59 Can I get a little baby platypus?
03:01:04 Yeah, I don't have a button for that right now.
03:01:07 So you cannot, but I'll I'll try to get it. I don't. In fact, I don't think I have that in here anymore.
03:01:18 Yeah, maybe. Maybe next time I don't have. I definitely have a button for it and I don't think I have it.
03:01:25 In the in the shoot anymore? Maybe I can bring it back if people like it.
03:01:32 But thank you for the support there. All the same. Andromeda man of low moral fiber. I know you didn't play football. I'd imagine many in your audience did, though. Have you ever seen remember the Titans? It was required watching for teams I played on for middle school on very, very subversive media aimed at kids.
03:01:52 Might be worth stream someday thanks to the streams, no. I remember the movie, but it was a sports ball movie, so I didn't watch it.
03:02:01 But yeah, people.
03:02:03 I know, I know that some some.
03:02:04 Of the jocks.
03:02:05 You know so-called jocks, whatever liked it.
03:02:10 I don't know. I've. I've still never seen it. Maybe I'll take a look.
03:02:13 At it some.
03:02:13 Point Tejas says the opium trade in China was controlled by the Jewish Sassoon family, the Jewish Sassoon family.
03:02:25 There you go. Clock Glock 23 says part one. This is one of the most important streams you have ever done. Communism killed almost 200 million people in the 20th century, and the Communist murder spree was completely caused by Jews in America. Part 2, starting with Jacob Schiff.
03:02:45 Who funded the Bolshevik revolution? Germany did everything it could to defeat the communism and stopped the murder spree in. But the Jews in America kept the Soviet Union supplied with weapons and raw materials to save communism.
03:03:00 There. Yeah. No lies detected there. Glock 23.
03:03:05 Man of low moral fiber also cracks me up, but up the the stories we've shared about the Bush bombs in Gallup, NM are garnering attention from others. It really is like a horror movie. Those drunk Navajos are hiding everywhere. They often have passed out.
03:03:24 *** *** rape with each other in the bushes too. Super gross. Yet Gallup, Gallup, NM.
03:03:33 That could be the.
03:03:34 Name of a horror movie just Gallup NM.
03:03:38 There that. That's one place you wouldn't want to, like, break down. You know, like if your car broke down in Gallup.
03:03:45 Good Lord.
Speaker 9
03:03:47 I.
Devon Stack
03:03:47 I I would just hope that you'd be packing.
03:03:49 Heat.
03:03:50 If you.
03:03:52 If you broke down in in Gallup, NM, I've never had a a pleasant experience there. All right, then we got Charlie. Mr. Charley says. Thanks. Well, thank you, Mr. Charley. Let's take a look at Rumble real quick.
03:04:10 Rumble we got.
03:04:11 From no, I can't see this part. No long pork.
03:04:17 Communism is kosher and always has been, just like Mao's Jewish advisers for his purges.
03:04:24 Yes, you are correct Sir. You are correct. Alright guys, well I think.
03:04:31 That just about covers everybody.
03:04:36 All right. Well, I hope you guys had a very educational experience and I have another good show planned for Saturday.
03:04:46 So make sure you tune in here the same.
03:04:49 That time.
03:04:51 The same bat channel, and I appreciate all your support and.
03:04:58 Hopefully you guys have a good rest.
03:05:00 Of your week.
03:05:02 For black pilled.
03:05:06 I am of course.
03:05:10 Devin stag.
Speaker 19
03:05:13 I've heard some rather disturbing reports about you.
Speaker 34
03:05:16 OK.
Speaker 16
03:05:17 Not just the fact that you're spending so much time with people who are nothing but communists.
Speaker 34
03:05:23 Or nothing but communists.
03:05:25 Well, maybe there's nothing but communism for people who aren't afraid to think. Look, dad.
03:05:31 If you want to find out how I stand on anything, just ask me. Don't waste your time by listening to a.
03:05:36 Lot of people don't know.
Speaker 16
03:05:37 What you're saying, Paul, you.
Speaker 26
03:05:38 Don't know what communism really means.
Speaker 34
03:05:41 No, but I'm learning and what I'm learning makes more sense to me now than anything I've.
03:05:45 Ever learned before?
03:05:47 Your world is dying, dad, and it's bearing itself in the dry rot of imperialism and colonialism.
03:05:54 Communism is building a new world right in front.
03:05:56 Of your eyes and you.
03:05:57 Can't see it.
Speaker 3
03:05:58 I saw communism at work before you were born or well.
Speaker 31
03:06:02 Evil succeeds when good men do nothing.
03:06:06 We will destroy you.