

Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Group.
00:00:03 70.
00:00:06 Group.
00:00:08 70.
00:00:12 628-866-2886.
00:00:21 13297.
00:00:26 13297.
00:00:31 60318.
00:00:36 603-182-6319.
Speaker 2
00:02:43 That's right.
Speaker 3
00:03:23 Finished.
Speaker 4
00:06:31 Make sure you got that first.
Speaker 5
00:06:54 Yes.
00:07:02 You can.
Numbers Lady
00:07:34 My beautiful.
Speaker 5
00:07:46 You think you've won this fight?
Speaker 4
00:07:55 Maybe.
Speaker 5
00:08:04 You just.
Speaker 6
00:08:06 With.
Speaker 7
00:10:00 Today I'm going to read the bear and the bees, written by Aesop with pictures by mild winter. This table is part of our series on self management. Self management is all about knowing how to stay calm when you feel angry or.
00:10:17 And using your emotions and thoughts positively to reach your goals.
00:10:24 The bear and the bees, the bear roaming the woods in search of berries, happened on a fallen tree in which a swarm of bees had stored their honey. The bear began to nose around the log very carefully to find out if the bees were at home just then.
00:10:42 One of the storms came back home from the Clovis field with a load of sweet.
00:10:47 Guessing what the bear was after a bee flew at him stung him sharply and then disappeared into the hollow log.
00:10:56 The bear lost his temper in an instant and sprang upon the log tooth and claw. He destroyed the nest, but this only brought out the whole swarm. The poor bear had to take to his heels, and he was able to save himself only by diving into a pool of.
00:11:16 Water.
00:11:17 The moral of the story is it is wiser to bear a single injury in silence than to provoke 1000 by flying into a rage.
Speaker 8
00:11:30 It's just, it's just crazy to be right. Ohh man, I can't. It's fine. It's fine. The world. This is the world. This is the point.
00:11:36 This is it's good.
00:11:39 This is a new this is just a challenge in the.
00:11:41 World and it's great.
Speaker 4
00:11:50 I'm dying.
00:11:54 And all I see your name. I try to almighty this feelings.
00:12:06 I'm dying inside. I try to.
00:12:10 And all I see are demons.
00:12:19 Almighty deepest feelings.
Speaker 8
00:12:23 I am an alpha male.
Devon Stack
00:12:28 Good evening everyone.
00:12:36 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:12:40 Black baby edition.
00:12:43 On your host, of course, Devon Stack, local psychopath.
00:12:50 Some of this won't make any sense to the people that haven't haven't noticed all the.
00:12:57 The drama that has happened over the last few days, but you know it is what it is.
00:13:03 It is what it is, the people.
00:13:05 That will know will know.
00:13:07 And it'll be funny.
00:13:12 So I'll warn you in advance, really good chance. Really good chance. And I have to.
00:13:18 Do a little trial intervention somewhere early on in the string here, because.
00:13:23 He's.
00:13:24 He's.
00:13:27 He has, he has impeccable timing. I'll just put it that way. He's already pacing around the door. All right, so anyway.
00:13:34 Hope you guys are all having a good, good evening. Good, good weekend so far.
00:13:39 We're going to be talking about a film tonight, a French film, La La, a French film by the name of my baby is black.
00:13:49 From 1961, it was a movie essentially promoting white women to be with black men.
00:14:01 In well, it came out in France. First it was a a French film, but they dubbed it the English and and brought it to America.
00:14:11 I think the.
00:14:13 American version of the Samson speak of the Devil. I think the English versions they've taken out.
00:14:20 Some of the, you know, cause French movies, even in 1961.
00:14:24 Very degenerate, the French, so thankfully I didn't have to see too much of that, but there was still quite a lot.
00:14:32 But let me go ahead and let you.
00:14:35 Take a look at the intro. This is how the movie starts.
00:14:40 My baby is black.
Speaker 10
00:18:28 Dun Dun Dun Dun.
Speaker 11
00:18:30 My baby is black. My baby is black.
Devon Stack
00:18:34 So I thought it was interesting the way that they they cut it because obviously the way it opens you're thinking like.
00:18:40 Look, it's gonna be the opposite, you know? It's it's gonna be like a. It's a horror.
00:18:44 You know, you know, it seems like a a horror film about, like, oh, you don't want a black baby.
00:18:50 Look what can.
00:18:50 Happen.
00:18:52 And I think that's because they knew that's exactly how people already.
00:18:56 Would have felt.
00:18:57 That's how people already would have felt. So they had to basically set it up like, oh, look how scary it is. But now we'll address it make.
00:19:05 It so it's not scary.
00:19:07 And so let me kick churro.
00:19:08 Out.
00:19:09 And then.
00:19:11 And then we'll get going here. And you know, I I knew his timing.
00:19:16 He it's like he knows it's like he knows I didn't see him all day. I didn't see him all day long. And then like 5 minutes before I hit the go live.
00:19:24 Button he's like.
00:19:26 I'm gonna come inside and.
00:19:27 Be annoying. I was like, great.
00:19:29 Never should have fed you. Never.
00:19:34 Never should have let him in.
00:19:36 All right, let me see. Uh.
00:19:38 Oh my. See all my stupid things are all uh.
00:19:42 They're still not. There's I, I I started setting up the stream deck. I started, I got distracted.
00:19:50 I got distracted by doing **** talking. So anyway, here's this.
Speaker 5
00:20:03 It's a unique sister. I know this.
00:20:08 It's all the piles of the whole park. It tells you everything.
00:20:12 I gotta find.
Devon Stack
00:20:14 Never mind. Now he's alright. Whatever. It's gonna be at some point at some point.
00:20:21 All right, so.
00:20:23 So it opens up. I'm assuming this is Paris. It's hard to tell with all the white people.
00:20:29 And there's this guy doing, I don't know, sidewalk.
00:20:35 Drawings.
00:20:36 And the girl from the earlier gave birth to the black baby.
00:20:42 Meets up with her.
00:20:43 Friend.
00:20:44 And says, you know, let's let's go get lunch.
00:20:49 So the early at lunch.
00:20:51 And that's when it happens.
Speaker 12
00:20:53 That's when the horror begins.
Devon Stack
00:20:59 By the way, the music from like this is beyond Hitchcock, like the the music throughout the entire movie is like a horror film, so it's a little weird. It's a little weird because that's clearly not the message. So I just think it was some weird. I just think it was, you know, French, French people.
Speaker 3
00:21:37 The emergency destructive system.
00:21:40 Is now debating.
Devon Stack
00:21:58 So the the danger has begun.
00:22:02 She bumps into the black guy at the cafeteria.
00:22:07 And she's talking to her liberal friend and her liberal friend is like, oh, yeah.
00:22:12 That guy over there.
00:22:13 Yeah, he's a.
00:22:15 Yeah, he's he's he's a he's a doctor, or he's gonna be a doctor soon. Cause you know, of course. Nothing. Nothing changes.
00:22:22 Right.
00:22:23 Doctors and engineers.
Speaker 13
00:22:25 Your medical student at the university.
Speaker 6
00:22:33 I can't remember his last name. This is strange.
Speaker 3
00:22:48 Override automatic destination expires with T -, 5 minutes.
Devon Stack
00:22:59 So now they've locked eyes, they've locked eyes and the.
00:23:03 The terribleness is.
00:23:05 Has, you know straight has has chosen a path, so then you have this weird scene where this this professor is is studying all these immigrant. Yeah. I think the context this for this for French.
00:23:21 People is you had a lot of Algerians going into France around this time period and so this was propaganda that kind of help let, let's welcome Algerians and the French culture and and have sex with them please. And and all the all your preconceived notions of black people are all wrong and.
00:23:41 So this is a professor who is checking out a immigrant community that looks like ****, and he's being the, you know, the anti racist ally and the social worker, which is kind of interesting. The social workers actually kind of based, she shows up and she's like.
00:24:02 We give them nice places to live and they turn them all to ****. The best we can do is is try to train them like dogs. You know? Train them like, give them treats when they're being good and just hope for the best because there's there's really no fixing this.
Speaker 14
00:24:22 They're like puppies. You train with candy.
00:24:27 Here what can you do?
00:24:32 More polite to strangers than to us, and we do everything for them. Quite discouraging.
Speaker 6
00:24:38 How long have you been in social work?
Speaker 14
00:24:41 Not long enough to understand them, not even a smile from your smile.
00:24:49 Not a bit of gratitude. You try to help civilize them. You give them decent houses so they can live like people, not animals. Give them real houses and they make pigs dies out of them. They live with their life and their dirt.
00:25:06 No, believe me, Mr. I know them well. I've tried everything sweet and kind and nothing works against their stubbornness, their laziness besides their sneaky and liars.
00:25:21 Miserable. They should be isolated and disinfected too. Believe me, Sir, discipline is important. A strong hand would do them much good.
Speaker 6
00:25:42 For out of school.
Devon Stack
00:25:47 So he's showing this film to his his students and showing ohh look, look, look how foolish she is.
00:25:55 Doesn't she understand that we can solve racism?
Speaker 6
00:26:03 Unfortunate.
00:26:04 But that's the way most people think today.
00:26:08 For them, the North African *****.
00:26:13 And there will be anything but inferior.
Devon Stack
00:26:18 And that's obviously not the case.
00:26:21 And then you notice that in the class is the black man with the with the girl who's now infatuated with him.
Speaker 6
00:26:27 Equally well have used any racial minority as victims. The yellow race, for example, the yellow peril.
Speaker 3
00:26:36 Override automatic detonation.
00:26:42 3 minutes.
Devon Stack
00:26:45 So we're getting.
00:26:45 Closer to not being able to abort the.
00:26:49 The self destruct.
00:26:52 Then it cuts to this weird saying that like you have to have, right? Like you have to have the anti-Semitism saying.
00:26:59 And it doesn't make any sense. It makes zero sense. So this guy's I and I don't know French. So. But he's painting something.
00:27:07 On a wall.
00:27:09 And the the liberal kids that live, you know, the liberal college kids that live in the neighborhood, grab him and drag him in because they're like the roommates of the black guy.
00:27:21 And they decide to teach him a lesson by sodomizing him with a paintbrush. Because that's OK.
00:27:30 And then the the the black guy decides.
00:27:33 You know what?
00:27:35 Let's not do that. Let's be friends with him because you know the black guys, the the cool, cool headed one of the.
00:27:43 Group.
Speaker 13
00:27:44 OK, leave him be. Can't you see the guys backed out?
00:27:50 What made you do such a thing? Do you know what is a Jew?
Speaker 6
00:28:01 I don't care about Jews.
00:28:05 They promised me cash.
Speaker 13
00:28:08 And I'm broke.
00:28:12 That's what it was all about.
00:28:15 Some lunch.
Devon Stack
00:28:23 Whoa, that black guy just told us about not sodomizing people with paintbrushes and love and understanding, and also apparently people are getting painted or paid to to.
00:28:37 Paint anti-Semitic. I almost feel like there had to have been a Jew that was paying him. Who's paying someone else to put anti-Semitic graffiti up?
00:28:47 If it's not, if it's not like some rabbi so they can be like look anti-Semitism, it doesn't make any sense, but apparently there's like some budget out there somewhere for paying young, young starving kids to go paint anti-Semitism on walls. So the black guy feeds him because.
00:29:07 You know, he's he's he's very gentlemanly and starts chatting up the chick, you know a little further.
00:29:15 And they start frolicking in the park the next day, and she quickly falls in love.
Speaker 3
00:29:35 The absolute magic destination expires in -1.
Devon Stack
00:29:48 So now we're getting closer and closer to the self destruct sequence.
00:29:53 And there's there's a French movie, right? Oh my God. Churro. Alright, I'm kicking them out.
00:30:02 Where you at?
00:30:03 You're gonna sit there and cry.
Speaker 6
00:30:10 All right.
Devon Stack
00:30:29 Classified cats are very, very refined cat, and that's why you almost never hear them.
00:30:36 Churro on the other hand, never shuts up when he's in here. All right, so.
00:30:42 Where was I? So there's lots because it's a French movie. There's lots of montages, lots of holding hands frolicking.
Speaker 15
00:30:51 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:30:52 Like lots like like.
00:30:55 I'd say about, which makes sense right? Cause if this is propaganda to get women to want to fall in love and have babies with black guys.
00:31:05 I guess that's what you want, right? I guess what you want is for about, because it is, it's about 70. I would say it's about at least 60, but maybe even 70% percent of the movie is just a sappy.
00:31:20 Albeit weird, love.
00:31:23 Music.
00:31:24 And then fall looking through the park holding hands.
00:31:29 Walking across bridges, you know, hanging, hanging out on benches. I mean it's it's.
00:31:39 And then you'll you'll hear sometimes the inner monologue of the girl, how she's. And it's just this constant.
00:31:47 Girl Babble of like I don't know why I love him, but I do. Do you really need a reason to love someone? I don't know. But I feel it so strongly in my head.
00:31:57 But my heart is bursting with this feeling. Does he know?
00:32:04 It's basically that, but it's. It's so much of that.
00:32:08 In this particular scene, this is when they're first getting started. They they kind of hint about like, well, if we start dating or whatever, people are going to look at us weird and she's like, I don't care. Let her let them let them look at us. And as they leave.
00:32:27 This is.
00:32:29 You know, look, the French are going to Sematary. I'll give them that as they leave holding hands. They walk over a young white kid like a little girl. And who's playing next to a young brown kid.
00:32:43 And they walk over her with their arm, arms extended, and after they cross over her, the little white girl.
00:32:51 Because she saw the grown up white girl with a black guy looks over at the Brown kid and gives him a kiss.
00:33:00 And it's like.
00:33:02 Wow. So you're just you're just being 100%?
00:33:06 OK.
00:33:07 So that they're they're just explaining exactly what they want they want. They want this to spread to the next generation. That, hey, be with brown peoples. That's fun. That's good. That's the good.
00:33:21 They did. They then make their religious argument, you know, like almost immediately. This is one of those inner monologue kind of scenes where they're they're gazing out the window of some Parisian cafe. There's a lot of, you know, like I said, a lot of inner monologue.
00:33:39 And.
00:33:42 Basically, you know, making the what I would say the Christian argument for race mixing.
Speaker 13
00:33:52 Really, Francis, we believe in the same God.
00:33:57 Regardless of color.
00:34:00 We all serve God in the same ways.
00:34:04 The light of God shines upon all of us.
00:34:10 Give me your hand. It is so very small and delicate.
Devon Stack
00:34:22 So then they start having the sex scenes.
00:34:25 And there's a lot of them.
00:34:28 So she's it, but it's it's it's not. Well, yeah. I don't know if they edited the American version, but it's not. It's pornographic, so much as it's made for women. So it's like the really, you know, I don't know. Affectionate long kisses and.
00:34:47 And you know that kind of stuff, right?
00:34:50 And they're liberal, liberal friends, of course, are totally OK with it. They want to make sure that you know that like cool kids in college, they don't even think about it. They they don't even mention it. They don't even say like, well, why are you dating a black guy like, it doesn't even register with them because they are the cool cosmopolitan kids and, you know.
00:35:10 And more walks by the the the river.
00:35:14 And eating in the cafe and more eating in the cafe and going shopping. And it's just this whole time this is going on. It's just like sappy music playing like for, for like.
00:35:32 Each one of these shots represents.
00:35:35 A couple of minutes at least, of sometimes inner monologue of he. He loves me so deeply.
00:35:43 I don't know if I can withstand the power of his love.
00:35:47 While together we are, we are one.
00:35:51 And I I don't think I could exist without it like it it it just either. It's either **** like that or just weird.
00:35:59 Really weird romantic music. If romantic music was in a Hitchcock film.
00:36:08 Then you've got a scene on the radio. They say, oh, you know, there's there's trouble in North Africa. We're we're we're going to have to have the draft again.
00:36:21 And then I go to a jazz club.
00:36:24 And in the Jazz Club, it's kind of funny because she makes the observation that, you know, before I started dating you, I just saw black people as I would.
00:36:37 You know, like a a machine. Yeah, like a machine there. Like, she doesn't say it quite this way, but almost as you'll see.
00:36:44 But I just saw you guys as like a utility, right? Like I I'd be walking around, I'd see a black guy sweeping up a floor and.
00:36:52 You know, like, just like I didn't think of you as, like people. Just you're just like a machine doing a doing.
00:36:57 A task.
00:36:59 And.
00:37:01 It's. I think they're trying to be like, oh, look, she's overcoming her. Her in her, you know, her her, I guess unconscious bias and things.
00:37:10 Like that but.
00:37:11 Really.
00:37:13 I think what it says.
00:37:15 About the time period is that is how white people looked at black people.
00:37:20 That is why I think especially people in the North and the United States.
00:37:26 We're so willing to give integration a try, especially when it didn't affect them.
00:37:32 Because if they to the extent that they had exposure to black people, it wasn't, you know, huge populations of really poor black people. It was a handful of black people that either.
00:37:47 Or.
00:37:48 You know, did some kind of job like sweeping the floor.
00:37:52 Or perhaps they were entertainers, like they'd go to a a club and there was a a black band or a, you know, black saxophone player or or something like that.
00:38:03 There was the black guy that operated the elevator. You know, maybe there was a black doorman or somewhere. Or, yeah, it was. Stuff like that, right? They they didn't have to actually interact with these people to the extent that they did. They were interacting with them the same way they would interact with a Dropbox.
00:38:23 Or a, you know, an elevator button. You know, like that, that.
00:38:28 Was it?
00:38:30 So to them.
00:38:32 It wasn't like a threatening situation because you didn't have black neighborhoods in in these areas you didn't, and you didn't have any understanding of what it would be like to introduce large numbers of these people who weren't the ones that rose to the top and.
00:38:53 And came to the white man town and and ended up getting a respectable job.
00:38:58 So I think that it's, there's Casablanca has got a a scene that's a lot like that too, that I'll have to I I should have got before the show, but I'll have to look into that, maybe. Well, maybe if there's time, I'll pull it up. But there, there really is this sense that white peoples.
00:39:18 Perception of black people was was pretty much like Oh well, it's like a it's like a vacuum cleaner, you know?
Speaker 15
00:39:28 Isn't it strange? I've never noticed it.
Speaker 7
00:39:33 About the musicians.
Speaker 13
00:39:35 What's that?
Speaker 16
00:39:37 The black musicians.
Speaker 2
00:39:40 I've never thought of them as being people.
Speaker 7
00:39:44 With the past.
Speaker 15
00:39:46 Future problems is is.
Speaker 13
00:39:53 Human beings. That's right.
00:39:57 You see them as machines turn out pleasure.
00:40:01 To make you dance, laugh and sing.
00:40:05 To give you a merry time.
00:40:07 You know, when people go home.
00:40:10 They forget all about them, the *******.
00:40:14 Not one person thinks about how a ***** lives or dies.
00:40:20 Listen.
Devon Stack
00:40:31 So that that's, you know, they throw it, there's little little tiny messages like that all throughout the film. But that's like the big one.
00:40:39 Well, the, you know, the white people are just ignoring these, these black people, as if they're basically audio equipment.
00:40:47 Lots more walks by the shore. Lots of kissing and looking at the water and, you know, obviously lots of sex scenes. 1961 sex scenes. But still, obviously sex scenes, stuff that would definitely not be in American films.
00:41:06 In 1961.
Speaker 5
00:41:09 This this cracked me up.
Devon Stack
00:41:17 Because you can tell by the way that they're using this.
00:41:22 As as insane looking as that looks, they're using that as a.
00:41:32 Like almost like a A.
00:41:35 A symbol of of her having or getting pregnant.
00:41:41 That that's like their baby. As insane as that sounds, that's when this gets introduced and she starts carrying it around close. Because even though this the entire film.
00:41:56 In fact, the name of the film is my baby is black and it opens with her having a black baby. It's still such a tab.
00:42:05 2.
00:42:06 That when when they come to that scene.
00:42:09 They they don't even actually say like she can't just say ohh I'm pregnant with your baby. Like she never actually says it. It's all very implied. And the way that they visually show, which we'll get to in a moment if she's clutching this weird *** ******* dog like next to her stomach. But anyway.
Speaker 6
00:42:30 Racism is like a lot of ants.
00:42:34 Only a few.
00:42:36 You scatter.
00:42:38 You may eat your lump of sugar, but if you don't do it.
00:42:49 A whole parade of them arrive.
00:42:53 You are disgusted.
00:42:56 Frightened.
00:42:58 You give your sugar.
00:43:01 And leave this happens in most of the calamities of this world.
00:43:13 For a long time, I believed.
00:43:18 That salvation.
00:43:21 Wasn't running away.
00:43:24 This was cowardice.
00:43:27 And there's a serious mistake.
00:43:31 You must stand.
00:43:33 And defend.
00:43:36 Your belief.
00:43:38 As a man.
00:43:42 Therefore, we must.
00:43:50 Kill the ants.
00:43:54 Crush all of them.
00:43:56 Everyone.
Devon Stack
00:44:01 Yeah. So that's that's pretty explicit.
00:44:07 The racists are ants, and they must kill all the racist.
00:44:13 Now I don't know if this character is supposed to be Jewish or you know, or whatever. I just decided to look up in his name here and see if the actor is.
00:44:26 Ah, let's see here. My baby is black.
00:44:34 Cast.
00:44:39 Umm.
00:44:43 Professor is.
00:44:46 Erin Stephone he doesn't have like an entry anywhere. Aram Stephon.
00:44:56 Says he was born well. This says he was.
00:44:59 Born in Cairo.
00:45:04 UM, I'm not seeing any like early life kind of a thing anywhere. He's he's not in Wikipedia for some reason, is he? He's an IMDb.
00:45:20 Well.
00:45:21 Nope, he's not a Wikipedia.
00:45:25 But yeah, it's that's the that's whether it is or not. He's the professor, right? He's the one that's going in there saying that though the social worker is wrong, we need to we need to kill all the racists.
00:45:43 So the the modern equivalent is the the academic Jew, but again.
00:45:50 The black guys? More reasonable, the black guy says. Well, that's that sounds a little extreme. You know, the world just has ants. We don't have to kill them. It's it's just a part of the how.
00:46:03 The world is.
00:46:05 Don't worry about me. I'm not violent. See, look, I'm the peaceful, reasonable one.
00:46:11 And remember when I fed that anti Semite and I'm not going to kill the racists, I promise.
00:46:18 Then they cut two more.
00:46:20 More staring at the water together and holding hands and hugging and walking around the city holding hands. And then they go to their liberal friend's house.
00:46:34 And he's been drafted into the military to go handle that war stuff that was on the radio earlier, and he's going. He's either going to kill himself or he's drunk, they don't know. And the black man jumps out and and saves him before he, you know, before he can fall. And he's the hero because he's the only one brave enough to go out there and do that.
00:46:55 And then it's kind of weirdly edited, because at first I'm like, are we going to find out who these people are, but then they show a another interracial couple. And this is what doesn't make any sense to me. The whole conflict in the beginning that they talked about, like, oh, everywhere we go, people are going to look at us and stare at us.
00:47:16 Well, there's like a whole lot of movie with that not happening. You know, they're they're walking through crowds, they're they're going to the marketplace. They're eating in crowded restaurants and and.
00:47:27 No one's.
00:47:28 Saying **** to them. And so at first I was like, why would they have a scene?
00:47:34 Like this, which we're about to watch, where it's a completely different interracial couple by the way. And so not the, the, the, it's the same sexes. It's a black man with a white woman. I wonder why that is. Even with the little girl, right. I wonder why it's never the the the other way around it.
00:47:53 And it's not in this entire movie, but they show a completely different couple.
00:48:00 Facing the wrath, I guess of racist French people.
00:48:06 And I was like, at first I was like.
Speaker 11
00:48:08 Well.
Devon Stack
00:48:09 Like this is gonna develop into something more and it never really does. It's just this weird scene that they they pop in of these these random other people.
00:48:18 And they they, you know, it kind of slightly affects the the the main characters in so much they talk about it or whatever.
00:48:26 But not really. And then I realized well, no, because what they're doing here is they're trying to make it look like there's not going to be any problem, right. Like all those problems exist, right? Other people might have those problems.
00:48:42 But for the woman that's watching this movie who's projecting herself onto the protagonist, the the white woman, that's, you know, the, the the race mixing white woman that's in here, they want her situation to be as perfect as possible.
00:48:59 They don't want to show any scenes where she is directly confronted by some kind of issue, even if it's an issue that's supposed to be generating white guilt to making white people look bad, because even they want to make this seem as as.
00:49:17 Easier of a thing as possible.
00:49:21 And so this I guess, I mean that's why I'm at least that's why I'm assuming because it doesn't make any sense in the other way as far as I can tell. So they played this scene where again, it's just another interracial couple is met with they don't actually show the beat down like that, but that's it's implied.
00:50:53 So I'm I'm assuming they throw him in the pit. I mean, I don't know, because like, they don't. That's the end of the scene. Then this. Some old man looks at a newspaper and and then it cuts back to the the couple. The main character couples.
00:51:05 So they they kind of talk about like, oh, yeah, that that was that that's that's messed up and they do a lot of inner monologue stuff where he's like.
00:51:15 I don't blame her for what happened, but I think sometimes that maybe she doesn't understand the challenges of being a black man and that it cuts to her and she's like.
Speaker 11
00:51:25 I hope he doesn't blame me.
Devon Stack
00:51:28 I feel just terrible like it. It's it's so. Well, I mean, you heard the music. I mean, like, this is the this is the music from the inside. This is.
00:51:37 Like the mind of a madman.
00:51:46 It was like a horror film.
00:51:58 And of course, like look, he's all smiling like look.
00:52:02 I'm not violent at all.
00:52:03 Can I help you? Good, Sir. Hello, Sir.
00:52:07 Hi Sir.
00:52:09 You know, even with the woman, yeah.
00:52:13 Ohh you. You better leave honey. I'll take care of this.
00:52:20 But anyway.
00:52:25 But then again, like I said, they they don't. They never explicitly say it.
00:52:31 But they imply it and she is clutching that weird black baby toy thing against her chest and slowly the realization that she's pregnant sinks in.
Speaker 3
00:52:49 29282726252420.
00:52:58 22/21/20 seconds 908070605040.
00:53:10 12/11/10 second 876543221 option override.
00:53:27 Detonation procedure has now expired.
Speaker 2
00:53:38 My daughter, pregnant by a.
Speaker 14
00:53:41 What will people think?
Speaker 13
00:53:46 We must get rid of it.
Speaker 15
00:53:48 Father, how can you think about a thing like that?
00:53:51 You'll do what we tell you to do. You dirty low down ****. That's.
Speaker 6
00:53:56 A sin. It is not a sin to get rid of a dirty stain.
Speaker 2
00:54:02 The child that a.
Speaker 14
00:54:03 Put in you is a stain.
Speaker 11
00:54:07 There is no religion when one lives with.
Speaker 2
00:55:00 Yes, your is gone. The police got him a while ago.
00:55:06 Shame on you.
00:55:08 With your beauty, you could have a better man.
00:55:12 You fool, wasting your time with a black, huh?
Devon Stack
00:55:26 So all that happens.
00:55:34 Yeah, like the hyperbolic to some extent hyperbolic, I don't know.
00:55:40 Well, maybe that maybe this would be on a realistic reaction in 1961. I don't know. I don't know. It just seems odd that it would be given the fact that everywhere she goes, no one's no one seems to care that they're together and then magically everyone cares. I don't. Maybe. Maybe it was OK to bang them, just not to to breed with.
00:56:00 Them I don't know.
00:56:02 You know, socially in France in 1961.
00:56:05 So she finds out that her black boyfriend, her her baby daddy, he's in jail.
00:56:14 Because you know, black. And so she goes down to the jail.
00:56:20 And finds out that he's actually he's in jail. He didn't do nothing. Wouldn't you believe he's in jail for saving a black boy?
00:56:31 Because a black boy was being attacked by a white man. See that like that shop owner, the left, the butcher guy.
Speaker 14
00:56:40 He he.
Devon Stack
00:56:41 Wrongly, by the way.
00:56:43 Thought that the black kid was stealing, but he he wasn't stealing the black or the white guy was just being racist. And so when he was shoving the the white or the black kid out of his his store or whatever.
00:56:58 Black man here flew into a rage and punched him.
Speaker 13
00:57:04 Naturally, you're pressing charges.
Speaker 15
00:57:05 Of course.
Speaker 6
00:57:06 Through that did to my face.
Devon Stack
00:57:09 So he decides to press charges for assault and he gets in some trouble. But it's it's not a big deal, she understands.
00:57:20 He had to do something.
00:57:23 He had to do something.
00:57:26 And they, you know, more, more really long strolls through different locations. They they have some introspective monologues that are really kind of gay that.
00:57:42 You know where it's like. Oh, it's not going to be easy, you know. But but we'll make it work.
00:57:49 And at the end.
00:57:51 Because you know the time has already run out. You can't. You can't disarm the bomb.
Speaker 15
00:57:57 12/11/10 seconds and 987654321.
Speaker 11
00:58:06 Time.
Devon Stack
00:58:24 And that's the end. That's the that's little the end it's.
00:58:31 Yeah, it's there's nothing to this movie. There's, like, no storyline at all.
00:58:36 There really is no storyline.
00:58:38 It's, you know, not a whole lot happens. There's those scenes I didn't just click through them real quick. They just don't happen real quick or take.
00:58:45 Very long.
00:58:46 It's it's I'd say like I said it, now that I've I've gone through this timeline with you guys, I would say it's maybe even 70 to 80% just shots like this where they're walking together through, you know, beautiful Parisian environments and holding hands.
00:59:07 And kissing and hugging and and with the occasional weird monologue about how much you know she loves him and she can't explain her powerful love and all this other stuff.
00:59:19 You know, there's that that dramatic scene or whatever, where parents will about that's the entire scene. That's not just like a funny part of it that I clipped out. That's like pretty much the whole scene.
00:59:28 Like that's the.
00:59:30 Like maybe five or six seconds of of it out or something like that, but it's that's that's pretty much the whole scene as her parents call her a race mixing slot and slap her and then like she runs out and like, that's it.
00:59:46 Yeah, like there it the entire point of this movie.
00:59:51 Is that it's it's. Hey, look, breed with black guys, breed with black guys, breed with black guys.
00:59:59 So you you try to look into the weird thing is I went to Wikipedia here and it's very kind of.
01:00:07 Empty the the page for this movie.
01:00:11 It's also called the original French title because I thought that my baby is black is kind of like a crazy title.
01:00:19 But the original French title title, I'm not going to try to say it, but it translates to cowards live on hope.
01:00:27 Cowards live on.
01:00:30 And they retitled it.
01:00:33 To my baby is black for shock value. When I brought it up to the the United States and I guess it came to United States in 1965. That's when they dubbed it. It was written and directed by Claude Bernard Albert.
01:00:49 And he doesn't have an early life.
01:00:53 I am.
01:00:55 That I can find here.
01:00:57 In fact, I don't. Let's see here my initial search. You didn't even have a.
01:01:04 A page.
01:01:06 He's got a page, IMDb.
01:01:10 And I found an interview on YouTube with him before he died.
01:01:16 But he was making stuff all in the 1990, all French stuff.
01:01:20 Nothing really in American, so I don't know. I don't recognize any of these films.
01:01:26 Uh, the.
01:01:30 The starring, you know, the actors, they don't seem to have done much since.
01:01:38 Gordon Heath, I guess might have done something. Let's see here.
01:01:42 Yeah, a little bit, a little bit, but not much.
01:01:47 So yeah, it's it's hard to know.
01:01:51 There was a.
01:01:53 I don't know how well it did in the there's not a lot of information on this movie like for, for how weird it is. I thought I thought there'd be a lot more information on this.
01:02:02 But there's really not.
01:02:04 But I don't know. I just thought it was funny. I thought it'd be.
01:02:07 A funny one.
01:02:08 To go over, I don't think was it. Was it culturally significant probably. I mean, maybe it was in France, I don't know how well it did in France. In America, I think it was probably like an art house film. I really doubt that it was wide release. I bet it was.
01:02:25 A film that was either an oddity.
01:02:29 You know, 1965 French movie about, you know, I mean just, you know, the the title. My baby is black, you know, that's that's going to be grabby for some people.
01:02:39 Uh, it's it's uh.
01:02:44 You know its influence, though on Americans, probably pretty minimal, probably pretty minimal, but I just thought it was. I thought it was a funny movie.
01:02:53 So I thought it would be fun to.
01:02:54 Look.
01:02:54 Over so anyway.
01:02:57 I know it's a little short.
Speaker 12
01:03:00 Another thing I wanted to.
01:03:00 Talk about.
Devon Stack
01:03:03 And I'm not going to sit here.
01:03:05 And beat a dead bear forever. I don't think it's necessary.
01:03:10 But something happened in the the the Owen beef. Recently they got me thinking about something.
01:03:20 And that was when and for the I'll. I'll fill you guys in for those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about. And we're confused during the the video I play the begin the stream, the very short version is I made fun of a flat Earther on Twitter.
01:03:39 A Jewish flat Earther on Twitter, in fact.
01:03:42 If you'd like.
Speaker 12
01:03:44 I'll show you the.
01:03:44 Video.
Devon Stack
01:03:45 Because it's very ridiculous.
01:03:48 It wasn't just a, a a flat Earther that was saying I think the earth is flat. And here's all my ******** junk science. Well, he was saying, you know, again, this is a Jewish, Jewish flat, Earther that not only is the earth flat, the earth is flat, and that NASA controls the world.
01:04:06 And that's that's who you have to watch out for and it's obviously.
01:04:13 Like like I wonder.
01:04:14 Why a Jew, right. I wonder why a Jew would would have have that or want to promote that idea.
Speaker 17
01:04:23 NASA is in the space agency.
Devon Stack
01:04:25 So let me download this real quick.
Speaker 12
01:04:33 Download Twitter videos.
Speaker 17
01:04:43 NASA, NASA.
Devon Stack
01:04:46 It's like Trump talking about China, NASA.
01:04:51 It's all about NASA.
01:04:54 Everything's NASA, bro. NASA is lying to you.
01:05:02 So this is the actual video.
01:05:08 And if you just replace Jew.
01:05:12 Everywhere, he says NASA.
Speaker 17
01:05:17 So here's the thing. NASA is in the space agency. NASA is the World Intelligence Agency. Everyone reports to that FBI, CIA, KGB, CCP. Well, why would they lie about the shape of the earth? What difference does make NASA was created?
01:05:25 I.
Speaker 17
01:05:32 Right after project high Jump when Admiral birds flew out in Antarctica on the other side of the South Pole, they found land bigger than the United States filled with resources.
Speaker 5
01:05:41 Look at.
Speaker 17
01:05:42 From Middle America, he would be itself where South Africa is, or where where Australia is and another continent the side of the United States that no one has ever seen a set foot upon.
01:05:52 What is that?
01:05:52 When he went from middle.
01:05:54 America over what they call America.
01:05:57 And then found another continent out here.
01:05:59 That that would show our whole world view of reality now.
01:06:02 But if there's other civilizations here, what if these are where the controllers of the world live, right? What?
Speaker 10
01:06:07 I'm getting.
01:06:08 Pills right out this is.
Speaker 17
01:06:08 Now, because the reality in your soul is going, yes, listen. Listen right and rhythm and rhythm of your program. Mine.
Devon Stack
01:06:16 Yeah, it's not the Jews.
Speaker 17
01:06:17 Well, Russia would have wrapped us out and this and that, they're all in it together.
01:06:21 Everything that you know is a.
01:06:23 The United Nations map Flat Earth map International Maritime organization Flat Earth map world Meteorological organization Flat Earth map.
01:06:30 International Civil Aviation organization. These are the things that control the world. Why do they all?
01:06:35 Have Flat Earth maps? Well artistically, maybe they.
Devon Stack
01:06:36 I thought NASA controlled the world.
Speaker 17
01:06:38 Couldn't artistically, that's your explanation here. Let me ask you a question if this is where we live, would you call this?
01:06:44 The outer.
01:06:45 Space. What is?
01:06:47 More land, extra territory, extra Terra Terra.
01:06:47 Of course.
Speaker 17
01:06:51 Extraterrestrials from where? Out of space bingo.
Speaker 4
01:06:53 Lows.
Speaker 17
01:06:55 So why does it matter then, when you understand that we're actually at the center of creation? This place was built for us, and we have natural law which says that nobody can take our free will away. Once you understand that that nobody has control over you, you take your power back. You stop feeding this beast system that we're in. Think they know everything.
01:07:16 But they don't know anything and it's only for those that are willing to look and understand and and see why it matters that get it. You know, once you get it, you can't get it.
Devon Stack
01:07:25 Yeah. And then like, everything changes once you like what? What changes? OK, so this is the ******** video.
01:07:35 This is the insanity, OK?
01:07:39 This is the insanity that's that's going around, by the way. This guy makes a good amount of money. He sells an app in the App Store, which is weird, right? It's weird how NASA controls everything, and yet you can have all the flatter channels you want on YouTube and have them monetized. You can have.
01:07:59 Lots of debates there's, I mean, there's all kinds of Flat Earth debates all over YouTube.
01:08:04 And all over Twitter and and you can have on Twitter you can have massive followings on Twitter, you can sell apps in the App Store. I mean, no one seems to care, right? But it's. But that's the big secret. Once you understand that secret, then the beast system can't. I don't know. Something, something, something.
01:08:25 You get what I'm saying. He understand that, like, why I I.
01:08:30 Obviously you do cause we've banned all the ******* *******.
01:08:34 So this is this is the video.
01:08:36 No.
Devon Stack
01:08:37 This is the video that I tweeted out that if you don't or if you believe in this Jewish ******* nonsense, you're not white.
01:08:45 You're not white.
01:08:47 And which is, again, objectively true, because white people figured out the shape of the Earth about 2000 years ago. And so if you haven't figured it out, then you're not white. Well, this offended Owen.
01:09:03 He says it's because Dave Weiss is his friend and and I was bullying his friend and he had to stand up for his friend that I was bullying when that's.
01:09:19 That's not. That's not what it was going on.
01:09:22 It was because I said you're not white.
01:09:26 If you.
01:09:28 If you believe this nonsense.
01:09:32 And it turns out Owens very sensitive.
01:09:37 About the the white thing and you know he's sensitive about it because sometimes he'll say he's a corner Jewish, sometimes he'll say he's an eighth, Jewish, sometimes he'll he wants to say that his wife is very mestizo. And other times he says that she's.
01:09:57 Actually very Swedish.
01:09:58 Or something. I don't know what. What the what?
01:10:01 It is but.
01:10:01 He's very sensitive about him, so he got upset, he got his panties in a bunch.
01:10:06 And came at me screaming about how I basically called me a ****** for right off the bat. Here's the thing.
01:10:15 When a ****** comes at you.
01:10:19 A pathetic.
01:10:22 ****** that. You've just been tolerating, you know.
01:10:25 Like you've he's been.
01:10:27 He's been bugging you for a long time and you just tolerate him because you're just like, whatever. You know, it's, you know, that's it's, you know, he's don't punch down. It's fine. Everything's OK.
01:10:42 And then you know, at a certain point.
01:10:45 You got to just say like, look, it's not my fault that his mom didn't teach him humility. Then instead of teaching him humility, she breastfed him until she he was 12. True story, though. That's. Yeah, that's that's that's something else. But anyway, so he comes at me and and starts saying that, like.
01:11:05 I wouldn't know anything about not about being white, because white people make kids, so I replied to him. Well, you've never made a white kid in your life because then that which is objectively true.
01:11:15 It's just objectively true.
01:11:18 I didn't say his kids were.
01:11:20 According to him on his stream I I, according to his his version of events is in fact I'm. Let me. I'll show you his. Well, no, I don't want to do that. His version of events were I.
01:11:30 I called his.
01:11:31 Kids, mongrels and and called his wife like an A sheboon or whatever it was. It wasn't what I said.
01:11:42 And anyway.
01:11:46 So that this this goes on back and forth where basically I'm making him look ******** on Twitter. Turns out he's not very good at at taking criticism.
01:11:56 Narcissists where we are.
01:11:58 Especially when you're a narcissist that like Owen, where you have anytime you have anyone push.
01:12:05 Back and even just like the smallest way, and I don't even mean being critical. And this goes on today. This isn't like back in the YouTube days where it was he was mass banning people and making jokes about it, that that wasn't actually a bit, that wasn't actually a joke.
01:12:22 That clip I played this morning or earlier in the the stream was from this morning.
01:12:27 And in that the the long version of this clip here, where he's clearly a broken man. Now just in that, that, that 15 seconds that I had.
01:12:38 That I clipped.
01:12:39 Down for this part, he was banning someone, someone that wasn't even really someone that was a a paying member who said something that was.
01:12:48 I'm like it wasn't even super critical, he said something like, oh, you know, I I don't agree with everything you say, but you know, like I I I I kind of get you on this and and that was like that wasn't enough that wasn't enough for Owen so like banned him I don't I don't know the exact you know interaction but it was something very.
01:13:09 Inoffensive. OK, so he bands and bands and bands and bands until all that's left the All he has around him are a bunch of yes men and just a bunch of people that tell him that he's awesome all the time and never criticized even a little bit. Anything that he says. And if they do.
01:13:29 He they're out, they're gone. And so he never gets any kind of feedback. That's not positive, like never from anybody ever.
01:13:38 And especially if you're a comedian.
01:13:42 If you're a comedian.
Speaker 12
01:13:44 A lot of.
Devon Stack
01:13:44 People don't realize this. If you go and watch, stand up somewhere and get this loser off the ******* screen. If you if you go do stand up.
01:13:53 The way that that works.
01:13:55 Is you do the same act.
01:13:58 Over and over and over again.
01:14:00 And before you go and record the special that everyone else watches on Netflix or whatever you've been touring.
01:14:07 For like maybe even like two years comedy clubs, maybe 3-4 shows a night. Four maybe. Maybe a weekend, maybe a week. You know, at each location you go to, depending on whatever, right?
01:14:24 But you're doing a lot of shows, and everyone of those shows, it's the exact same thing.
01:14:30 And the reason why it's the I mean it's slightly I guess it's not the exact same thing. It's pretty much the same thing. And then when people don't laugh at a particular joke, that's the joke that gets tweaked or it gets removed and hopefully the next time you you tell that joke to the next, during the next show, people actually laugh at it. And if they don't.
01:14:51 And eventually, if you can't make it work, you drop it from your act. If you're a good comedian and you kill your baby as they say, and you get rid of it, and you hopefully have enough material to make, you know, make the show still work.
01:15:04 And this is just how comedians operate. You know, even like professional comedians, when they're really have some rough material, they'll even bring a a notebook up on stage with them and just kind of read the the jokes until they've committed them to memory and figure out the timing.
01:15:23 If they you know.
01:15:24 If they're just trying out some new material.
01:15:28 Now, of course they'll do that like at an open mic night or.
01:15:30 Something like that. But that's that's.
01:15:32 Basically, that's the drill.
01:15:36 And after doing that.
01:15:38 Over and over and over and over again.
01:15:42 After a year or two years of doing that, eventually you get it down or you you can just recite that entire set and make it seem natural. Make it seem smooth, even though you've you've said this exact same.
01:16:00 The string of jokes in the exact same order.
01:16:03 To audiences over and over and over again.
01:16:07 For you know.
01:16:09 The last two years and you know with as.
01:16:11 You've improved it.
01:16:12 You. That's the other key is when you go and especially when you record your special for Netflix, you have to be able to deliver it in a way that is, it seems fresh, like it's off the cuff.
01:16:24 Like you're just ad libbing, it can't seem rehearsed, or it's not funny.
01:16:29 And then, you know, once you've done your your big special or whatever, a lot of comedians will kind of coast on that for a little while and start working on new material. And then the cycle continues, right.
01:16:45 That's also why I think.
01:16:48 Creative.
01:16:50 Because he's used to doing that now, of course, he's never. He never made it big because he's not.
01:16:56 That funny and he's, you know, obviously, but he's even less funny now than he was when he was younger and actually working at comedy clubs, because in comedy clubs, he couldn't just ban the audience. He couldn't, like, say, well, they they didn't laugh at my jokes tonight. So I'm going to ban everyone that didn't laugh at my jokes.
01:17:17 Like, because here's what he's done. Instead of refining his material.
01:17:23 To have the best material by getting feedback from the crowd, he's refining the crowd to like his ****** material.
01:17:33 And so every time he has a new show, you know, or a stream or whatever.
01:17:38 He just removes the people that aren't laughing.
01:17:42 And he does this enough times. It's it's like it's it's just in reverse. It's the exact same process. It's just in reverse.
01:17:51 So eventually, after you know the the year 2 of him doing this.
01:17:57 He has the special.
01:17:59 You know, he has the bear event or or whatever it is that he has and it's just full of a bunch of bunch of sycophants and and cult members at this point because who else would would take this abuse?
01:18:11 Who else would sit there and watch this same ****** show over and?
01:18:16 Over and over again.
01:18:18 And and watch as he removes people that don't go along with it over and over and over again. Like who would be OK with that kind of a scenario. The only kinds of people that are left in the audience are going to be dupes and rubs and and people that are just infatuated with them for whatever reason and and and those kinds of people.
01:18:39 Aren't going to make you a better comedian.
01:18:43 And so when he decided to.
01:18:46 **** heads with someone who wasn't afraid of him, because that's the other thing. I think there's a lot of people. He'll talk **** about and because Owens defense mechanism.
01:18:57 Where he when?
01:18:58 He can't ban someone when he goes against someone that has an actual platform.
01:19:03 He decides to spiral and justice be a nuisance and justice repeatedly, even though the jokes aren't very funny. You know, for example, when he got mad at Joe Rogan, he started saying that, you know, calling him Joe, the Joe Rogan and and Joe is really short and he's he looks like a toe and like, that was the joke. That's like the whole joke.
01:19:24 And he said it like 1000 ******* times. But like for years, in fact, he still does it. He still does it.
01:19:31 It wasn't funny the first time, but it doesn't matter because the audience was well pruned and they it didn't matter what what he said to that audience, he could have said any.
01:19:42 Thing and they would have laughed. So you he gets. Anyway, the point is.
Speaker 12
01:19:49 I don't give a ****.
Devon Stack
01:19:50 I don't give a **** about that.
01:19:53 And I don't stay out of drama like a lot of people, if you've been watching the show a long time, you know that people have tried to drag me in the drama here and there and whatever. And I've always said the same thing where, like, I don't really care about that. I don't know who that is. So someone criticized me on some show or whatever and.
01:20:12 Whatever. Who cares? I don't. It's not worth, you know, fighting them. And in most cases that is correct. In most cases, that is correct.
01:20:21 But when someone gets in your face and calls you a ******, if you don't, if you don't respond to that, especially when it's when some ***** titted ******, that's a cult leader in in Idaho that calls himself a ******* bear and is like, you know, when it's someone like that and and you you just let him call you a *****.
01:20:41 I mean you.
01:20:42 No, you can't. You can't let that go. You can't let that slide. That's the kind of person you gonna ******* ***** slap in front of everybody and let them know that like, you're not a ***** or else you are. You are a pup.
01:20:54 You are a ***** at that point. If you don't fight back and all these times I have. I haven't. I haven't pushed back on people, including with one a couple of times where you got under my under my skin a couple times I was like he didn't quite cross that line though he didn't cross that line.
01:21:14 It wasn't because.
01:21:16 I'm not good at this.
01:21:20 I'm really good at this.
01:21:25 Really good at this.
01:21:29 I was ******* with.
01:21:30 People on the Internet before Owen knew what the Internet was.
01:21:35 And I like it.
01:21:37 I like doing it.
01:21:41 But that's that's kind of why I it's it's usually not productive, it's usually not productive.
01:21:49 And so, unless there's a good reason to do it.
01:21:53 It's self indulgent.
01:21:57 It's not going to get us anywhere.
01:22:00 It's not going to help us solve the problems that we're facing right now. Will it be entertaining for some people? Yeah.
01:22:08 We would be entertaining for me. Yeah. Because, like I said, I'm good at it.
01:22:14 I'm good at it.
01:22:16 Now, look, it didn't hurt that Owens really bad at it for the reasons we just talked about.
01:22:21 You know he.
01:22:22 He doesn't know how bad he is.
01:22:25 He has no self-awareness, that's.
01:22:27 That's the perfect person to get into a a a war of words with is someone who doesn't have any self-awareness.
01:22:37 And and and someone who's soft and hasn't had anyone criticize them and and literally.
01:22:44 Years probably, right?
01:22:47 So it was.
01:22:49 Fish in a barrel? It wasn't hard at all.
01:22:53 And because he realized.
01:22:57 That.
01:22:58 Lots of people were seeing this. It was the humiliation, really.
01:23:04 There was making him crazy.
01:23:07 He just lost it. He lost it and got crazier and crazier and crazier. And I'm not going to rehash the whole situation. You can go back on my Twitter timeline and look at it if you want.
01:23:20 But that's.
01:23:22 It was, and I was holding back.
Speaker 12
01:23:25 I was holding back.
Devon Stack
01:23:28 And I had a little fun with it today. A little fun with it today.
01:23:32 Just because, like I said, every time like this is the other thing. The reason I played that video in the beginning of the stream about the bear and the bees is which I found it that it's fascinating. That's actually an Aesop's fable.
01:23:44 A A fable that that Owen. I wish someone had read that to him when he was a kid.
01:23:51 Might it might have saved them a lot of humiliation.
01:23:54 In fact, if his mother had taught him humility.
01:23:59 How to be humble.
01:24:01 He wouldn't be having to learn this.
01:24:03 The hard way now as an adult, in fact.
01:24:07 He he'll he won't learn. He still won't learn.
01:24:11 In the same way, the people that are flat Earthers.
Speaker 11
01:24:14 Still don't. Well, I mean that it won't.
Devon Stack
01:24:17 You can argue till you're blue in the face.
01:24:19 They all they.
01:24:20 All have the same personality type. Now they might not have the same defect that Owen has where he had he, you know, he bans.
01:24:29 Anyone who disagrees with them on anything, right, they might not be like that because some of them I think like the conflict because they like the.
01:24:41 They feel like they.
01:24:43 It's a time for them to.
01:24:47 They they they also lack the self-awareness, right? So when they get in these conflicts, it's a time for them to indulge in their superiority complex.
01:24:59 Because they think that they're they're dropping mad science on your *** right when they say like the water always finds A level and gas needs to like, they just say these meaningless bumper sticker things. And the reason why, by the way, they all use the same freezing. It's also because they're part of the community and it's really kind of very culty.
01:25:19 But it makes them belong to something. It's. I mean, look, it's it's perfect for people that are like.
01:25:25 Owen.
Devon Stack
01:25:27 Or people that would watch Owen.
01:25:29 Flat Earth is is I mean exactly. It's like tailor made for that kind of a weird cult like community.
01:25:37 Because it it it basically appeals to a narcissist that isn't very smart.
01:25:43 And so, because they're not very smart, they have an insecurity about their intelligence.
01:25:49 And this gives them a way to feel like they're really.
01:25:53 Heart.
01:25:54 And they know some secret that no one else knows.
01:25:58 And they can.
01:26:00 Feel that they're in this position of superiority?
01:26:05 Every time they argue with someone and they and this person, in fact, they probably feel better when the person they argue with doesn't accept Flat Earth.
01:26:14 Because it that's more proof of how much smarter they are than everybody else. You just don't get it bro.
01:26:22 You just don't get it. If you had the Galaxy brain that I had, you understand that water always finds its level and that gas needs a container. And it I'd like to see a photo of people walking upside down in Australia. Like just all the same stupid **** that you hear from people. We're just like Jesus Christ like.
01:26:41 How did you?
01:26:42 I mean, have you ever said these things out loud so you can at least hear them? Like, because this is, this is really stupid stuff.
01:26:52 But these are really stupid people.
01:26:55 And this gives them that that feeling, that they they finally know something that no one else knows. Now, this is all prefacing what I'm what I'm what I'm getting at is.
01:27:08 These people also.
01:27:11 And this is something I noticed early on with with Owen because I did used to listen occasionally to, you know, years ago, I mean not for a really long time, because it's just degenerated into.
01:27:22 Complete ****** **** new aging nonsense, right, but years and years ago? And I mean like probably like 5.
01:27:31 Four more years ago, I did listen occasionally.
01:27:36 And one of the things there was a couple of red flags even back then, like I said, like the banning of people at random and stuff like that. But I didn't care. I don't participate in chats. And it was just like listening to replays where I did a, you know, homestead work and stuff like that, anyway. But it was still annoying to hear him do.
01:27:53 That but.
01:27:55 One thing that stuck out.
01:27:56 And I remember thinking that it was odd that a professional comedian.
01:28:01 Would hate sarcasm. He did like, I think an entire stream or probably multiple because usually the way Owen does things is he'll come up with an idea or or steal and more realistically, he'll watch a YouTube video that that.
01:28:21 He has an idea in it and he'll poorly. This is this was the other thing I noticed about Owen. He would watch someone else's YouTube video by the.
01:28:30 Way some of.
01:28:30 The those YouTube videos weren't sometimes my videos I saw him do this with my content a couple of times.
01:28:38 He'll watch someone else's YouTube video.
01:28:41 Not fully understand it and then try to retell.
01:28:46 The YouTube video, as if these were all thoughts. He were he was having, but in a bad way because he never really understood it. The first time that he watched it.
01:28:56 And I know, like I said, I know this because I saw.
01:28:59 Him do this with one of.
01:29:00 My videos and I was.
01:29:00 Like you're you're really OK and you don't.
01:29:04 Get it? Apparently.
01:29:05 But your audience is too dumb to figure that out.
01:29:08 But anyway, one of these so I don't know if this was an original idea of his or or not. But he said that he hated sarcasm.
01:29:16 And I thought this is really weird. You're a professional comedian who doesn't like a a form of comedy, but moreover, you're going so far as to say that sarcasm is immoral. And that's really weird to me because, look, I don't like slapstick.
01:29:36 Slapstick is rarely I'm not going to say never, but rarely funny.
01:29:42 Occasionally it can be funny if if executed properly.
01:29:46 But you know, I'm not. I don't think like the Three Stooges type stupid **** like that is funny.
01:29:53 And I don't think most intelligent people do, but I don't think it's immoral. You know, I I just because it doesn't resonate with me. I don't. I don't think to myself. Well, it's immoral to have slapstick humor, you know, doing it and doing it.
01:30:14 A slip and fall on the stage to get a laugh out of the audience. That's immoral. No, I don't think so. It's just not going.
01:30:20 To make me laugh, right?
01:30:22 And it was odd until I started.
01:30:24 Thinking about it.
01:30:26 Now I'm. I'm I'm about as Anglo as you get for an American, which means there's probably a couple other things in.
01:30:33 There too, but.
01:30:34 Pretty ******* much. It's it's all Anglo, right?
01:30:38 And.
01:30:40 If you've seen British comedy before, it's not for everybody, but it's very sarcastic. It's very sarcastic.
01:30:48 And that's just, that's just how we roll. That's how our brains work and sarcasm is essentially one of the reasons why I think intelligent people like it is it kind of is making fun of stupid people.
01:31:07 No matter how you're using it and the reason I say that is.
01:31:12 When you, when you're sarcastic about something, you are saying something that's either.
01:31:19 So stupid you couldn't possibly mean it.
01:31:23 Or so crazy you couldn't, you know, absurd that you couldn't possibly mean it.
01:31:31 And the problem with Owen?
01:31:33 And he's not just stupid, he's also crazy.
01:31:37 So his ability to detect those moments is actually pretty low.
01:31:43 Because if I walk up to a stupid person and I sarcastically say something that's really stupid.
01:31:51 They might not know that I'm being funny.
01:31:55 Because that might just be some stupid thing they would have said themselves.
01:32:01 And I've seen this happen.
01:32:03 You say something sarcastic at a dumb person. It sails right over their head. They just, they're.
01:32:08 Just like what?
01:32:10 They don't know that, like, no, I'm saying don't you get it? Like, I couldn't possibly actually think what I'm saying because that's just really dumb. Right. And if you don't realize that, that's really dumb.
01:32:22 That's that's telling me that you think that's a a plausible thought for someone to have.
01:32:30 So you're you're either kind of crazy or dumb, you know, or both.
01:32:35 And that's why he doesn't like sarcasm.
01:32:38 Is he's unable to detect it and so he gets confused when people use it.
01:32:45 If so, if people are being sarcastic around him.
01:32:49 It it puts them on edge and makes them uncomfortable because he can't tell when when someone's.
01:32:55 Being sarcastic and when they're being serious.
01:33:00 And the reason I say this.
01:33:04 Is.
01:33:05 In fact, I was going to leave him alone after this because one of the reasons why I got upset like I was just like man, I got to keep ******* pounding this, this ******* *****. I I have to just keep slapping and ******* silly in front of everybody and and just and teach him a ******* lesson because he's a bully.
01:33:23 He's a ******* bully and he only had to be taught a ******* lesson in front of everybody. He has to learn some humility. I don't want to be the one to do it, but no one else is ******* doing it. His mom should have done it years ago, but I guess Daddy Stack's gonna come and ******* do it.
01:33:37 And I I was going to be. I thought I had done what?
01:33:40 I needed to do.
01:33:41 And then he started doing, saying this ******** about how like I bragged about lying about about banning, like, so this is so pretty. This is why I hate *******. I hate this ****. So during this this stupid conflict.
01:33:59 He banned me or blocked me on Twitter. I should say. He blocked me on Twitter because he was done. The humiliation was too much.
01:34:09 I mean, just anyone that knows what I'm talking about. If you were there or if you go back and read it, you'll see it's it's not hard to figure out why he blocked me. It's because he was like a sputtering ****** getting slapped around like a ******* ***** the entire ******* time. And that's not me trying to sound tough. That's just descriptive of what was happening.
01:34:30 OK.
01:34:30 OK.
Devon Stack
01:34:31 And so he blocked me. And I was like, alright, it's done. It's done. Whatever. He's had enough. He's had enough.
01:34:39 And I'm just gonna let everyone know he blocked me, so I screenshotted it.
01:34:44 And I tweeted out, yeah, looks like he couldn't take the heat, you know, little maybe that was a little antagonistic. Whatever.
01:34:54 And then he splurged out and did this stream and started telling.
01:35:00 Right.
01:35:01 Basically a few lies and exaggeration go, oh surprise surprise, Owen and exaggerations and and some of us just straight up ******* made-up pulled out of his ***. Lies about what had gone down to his audience, who probably wasn't going to look.
01:35:15 Who have probably been ordered to to block me so they couldn't see it, or or who knows right. But the thing that really irritated me was he said that I had. I had blocked him first.
01:35:27 And then lied that about him blocking me. And I'm thinking myself like, first of all, what kind of plan would that have been?
01:35:36 Like what kind of plan would that have been like? My plan was to block him, hope that he would block me and then keep, I guess, refreshing and tell like I knew that he blocked me. And then when he blocked me back, screenshot that and then hurry up and tweet it out before he would notice. And then be like haha, he blocked me and it.
01:35:56 Like it? Just it, not it didn't. It didn't make any sense, right? It doesn't make.
Numbers Lady
01:36:01 But what made it?
Devon Stack
01:36:02 Even less sense was he was saying that I admitted to I had admitted to doing this and I was like, well, he's just ******* lying. People can go back and look at this and see that this is a lie. And then I noticed, oh, he actually posted a screenshot as proof.
01:36:20 That I was bragging about it and what it was.
01:36:24 As it was me sarcastically.
01:36:26 Talking about him blocking in response to him, alright, here's where it is.
01:36:32 Again, I told this is what I don't like doing this it's it's it's all super gay and caddy and whatever, but I I still think it's interesting for like the understanding why some people don't understand sarcasm, why probably most of our flat Earthers.
01:36:47 So.
01:36:52 Initially.
01:36:54 Owen tweet it out.
01:36:56 Quote for the record stack blocked me first.
01:37:01 And they were openly organizing mass flagging of my account. No, no. Obviously I wasn't doing that.
01:37:07 So I'm blocking all of them now. Of course, he pretended I blocked him first and I'm some kind of coward. Just FYI, these white pride people are more deceptive and creative to their own people and and and and it goes on from there, right where he's just splurging up.
01:37:26 And so that was.
01:37:28 The initial him saying that I did this weird plan where I block him and then and whatever, right?
01:37:34 And so I replied for the record, the record for the world's most paranoid, dishonest Jew. Yeah, the guy dunking on you yesterday repeatedly just had to tap out and make you look bad because you weren't doing a good enough job of that on your own.
01:37:49 What a.
01:37:50 Flag. So I was clearly saying if I was being sarcastic.
01:37:55 I was saying look, your theory is ridiculous. Your theory is that the guy who is repeatedly making you look like a ******* ******.
01:38:05 And getting tons of engagement out of it, by the way, and getting tons of followers out of this, by the way, that I'm just.
01:38:11 Going to block you.
01:38:13 At the peak of of making fun of you.
01:38:16 When you're losing horribly, I'm going to block you because because I've had enough, you know, like.
01:38:23 That doesn't make any sense, and so then I call him a fad.
01:38:27 And then I realized wait.
01:38:30 When you're that much of A narcissist.
01:38:33 And you're so much of AA.
01:38:36 Indulge in in cognitive dissonance on all kinds of things. Whether you're talking about just his his self-image or Flat Earth or whatever, his ability to completely ignore facts and just see what he wants to see, right?
01:38:55 He could possibly read that tweet.
01:38:59 And think that I I am admitting to it.
01:39:03 That like I really would be saying.
01:39:05 But yeah.
01:39:07 The guy dunking on you repeatedly. Like I'm like, not like I'm being sarcastic.
01:39:11 I it's hard.
01:39:11 For me to even read this not sarcastically. Yeah, I'll, I'll try it. Here I am. Yeah, the guy dunking on you repeatedly. Just had to tap out to make you look bad.
01:39:22 Because you weren't doing a good enough.
01:39:24 Job with that on your own.
01:39:27 I see I can't even like. I still feel like I'm being sarcastic because it's just it's so obviously.
01:39:34 A sentence that no one would say you know.
01:39:38 But I kind of feel like if you're that ******* stupid.
01:39:42 And.
01:39:44 With that ******* crazy.
01:39:47 You could read that and think I knew it. I ******* knew it. I knew he blocked me first.
Speaker 12
01:39:53 Or maybe he's.
Devon Stack
01:39:56 Maybe I don't know. Maybe he actually does. He is just like lying and thinks that his that little of his followers that they're going to read that like, the way that I.
01:40:07 I just described and and anyway, but what I what when? When it hit me that there exists the possibility that he's that dumb and that delusional, I kind of felt bad.
01:40:17 I kind of felt bad and I was.
01:40:19 Like damn.
01:40:21 You know, maybe maybe I. Maybe I got to let off, you know, maybe I got to let off because.
01:40:28 He's that he is that dumb and he is that crazy. And so at this point it.
01:40:36 It is kind of like picking on a ****** like it kind of is it kind.
Speaker 12
01:40:40 Of is.
Devon Stack
01:40:42 But then he couldn't. He couldn't let it go. He couldn't let it.
01:40:46 Go.
01:40:47 He couldn't let it go.
01:40:49 He does this to himself. He can't let it.
01:40:52 Go.
01:40:53 It's it's the.
01:40:55 It's the Aesop fable, the bear and the bees.
01:40:59 The bear, when he got stung on the nose.
01:41:02 Should just should have just been like, yeah.
01:41:05 I got stung.
01:41:05 On the nose, I'm going to walk away from the hive and that will be the end of it.
Speaker 6
01:41:11 No.
Devon Stack
01:41:12 It's not the end.
01:41:13 Of it.
01:41:14 The bear always wants that ******* honey. The bear is always going to want that ******* honey.
01:41:20 And so the bear is always going to have to keep.
01:41:22 ******* paying the price.
01:41:25 And yeah, I I don't know. I just, I I was. I was just thinking about that because like I was trying to decide if I was being too mean or not.
01:41:36 Because like I said, I I'm.
01:41:40 I might be a nice guy.
01:41:45 But I got some evil in me. All right, I I do. I do. All right and.
01:41:53 I.
01:41:54 It it it's it's.
01:41:55 An effort for me to be a nice guy. It is. It's an effort and I make that effort. But you know, give me a reason. Give me a ******* reason.
01:42:06 Give me a ******* reason, cause I I sure could use a break.
01:42:11 I sure can use a break.
01:42:15 So anyway, again, This is why This is why you know.
01:42:21 Gay drama stuff.
01:42:24 I don't like to get into it. It was necessary. It was necessary.
01:42:29 Because.
01:42:32 He stepped up and.
01:42:35 You know, he asked for it. He asked for it and he put me in a position where I I.
01:42:40 Had to let.
01:42:41 Him know I had to ******* let him know.
01:42:45 And now that now there's a T-shirt about it so.
01:42:49 Anyway.
01:42:56 Still lots of.
01:43:00 Lots of sweatiness over here at the.
01:43:03 At the pill box. But yeah, for the I don't know if you got those you haven't seen. I'm going to play it here.
01:43:15 The reason I made the video that I'm about to play most of you probably seen this if you haven't, then you'll either be confused or you'll think it's funny.
01:43:24 Depending on how.
01:43:25 Much you've been paying attention to anything.
01:43:30 The reason I made that video.
01:43:39 Is again, he can't. He just can't let it go.
01:43:42 You can't let it go.
01:43:44 He went to his audience.
01:43:46 Total a bunch of lies about what happened. Like made it like just made-up **** to try to make it sound like oh, just I I don't understand. I I I don't. I don't know. I was just. I was just joshing around. I was just joking around and all of a sudden, you know, Devon Stack became this complete psycho and and it was really scary.
01:44:07 I I don't know what to do and so I'm just. I'm just going to ban ban all these Nazi guys or whatever.
01:44:13 Here and this is again, it was one of those situations where.
01:44:17 I'm like.
01:44:18 Is he lying or is he just that ******* crazy where he actually believes this like he actually believes that he's the victim because the other thing I've noticed about these ***** and it's not just him, but people like this, people that obsess.
01:44:35 About the same.
01:44:39 OK, actually this is a good A.
01:44:41 Good.
01:44:42 Example there there's there's streamers like this that you probably know, right? Like I try to cover topics. I try to be like, hey, we're going to go over this historic event. We're going to go over this movie. We're going to go over this propaganda or this political thing or these new stories or, you know, what I try to have.
01:45:00 Something to talk about, right. And very rarely, I guess last stream on it was the the exception because I just had the heat stroke or whatever, but I try to have at least something prepared.
01:45:15 And not a lot of streamers. Don't do that. A lot of streamers. It's. It's almost like their own personal blog.
01:45:26 But more than that, it's almost like therapy for them. They act as if they're trying to help their audience with something, right? They'll they'll come to their audience and be like, hey, I'm the answer to this. I know you're feeling this and this is what you got to do to fix it. They're talking to themselves.
01:45:46 They're talking to themselves 9 times out of 10. They're talking to themselves. They're doing this as as therapy for themselves.
01:45:56 It's a coping mechanism to battle whatever demons they have.
01:46:03 And the reason why people like that might still end up getting an audience is.
01:46:10 Often you'll have other people that have similar demons, right? And so you can at least articulate it.
01:46:18 In some kind of interesting way or charismatic way or whatever, you'll attract other people.
01:46:24 That will relate to at least what you're kind of saying, right?
01:46:29 And.
01:46:29 If you've ever watched especially recent water no recently because I haven't watched one of the streams in literally.
01:46:35 Years, but towards.
01:46:36 The end of when I when I was.
01:46:39 He would really. He would really repeat over and over and over, you know, the same. Not just the same concepts, but the same words, you know, despair. It's all about despair. People always despairing, I I try to teach people not how to or how to not despair. You know, despair is a poison. Despair, despair, despair, despair and it's like.
01:46:59 Dude, who's ******* despairing.
01:47:02 Where, what, where? Where are you getting this from? You know, like I I'm ******* black pilled and and I I never feel any any sense of despair. Despair, despair. No, I know there's people out there that that do they get bummed out about this stuff, but I generally don't. And and I don't think most people do.
01:47:22 I mean, it can be black Pilling or whatever, but you're not sitting there slitting your wrists or crying about it.
01:47:28 And if you're constantly saying despair, despair, despair, oh, despair, I kind of feel like that's.
01:47:34 A you problem.
01:47:35 Well, another thing he'll always talk about is fear, fear, fear, fear, point, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. And I'm just like, what are you afraid of? What are you? I'm. I'm kind of like ready to go, you know, like in terms of.
01:47:48 Acceleration. You know, light that ******* fuse. Light that fire. You know. I'm. I'm down. Let's, let's ******* do this. Alright, let's rip off the ******* Band-Aid. I'm. I'm not afraid of of anything. Like I'm afraid of **** being boring. I'm afraid of stuff not happen.
01:48:04 OK. And So what I I'm not there. There's No Fear over here, buddy. But you seem to talk a lot about it. So I'm guessing you're you're kind of scared. So you're scared you're feeling to spare all the time.
01:48:20 And.
01:48:22 Yeah. So I I kind of feel like when he's talking to his audience.
01:48:27 Maybe. Maybe he believes the.
01:48:29 Crazy **** that he's saying.
01:48:32 Maybe he does.
01:48:34 So maybe when he's telling, you know, saying these crazy lies about what happened, maybe this is the story that he's reconstructed in his head about what happened.
01:48:44 And and this is the lie that he tells himself. So he doesn't feel as humiliated.
01:48:48 And so he he doesn't actually think that he's lying. I know that sounds super crazy and that I'm trying to, like, excuse his bad behavior. No, I'm not. It's still bad behavior, even if that's the reason. I mean, look, ******** are obviously crazy, but **** them, they go in the pit, right? Like I don't look it. It's. I'm not excusing.
01:49:05 OK.
01:49:07 But at the same time, it did have me wondering. Like **** dude does he? Is he actually that ******* nuts.
01:49:14 That ******* nuts where he thinks this stupid **** is real. The way that he's describing what happened is that, like the his internal.
01:49:23 Monologue version of of events you know is that you know so anyway, so he's he he's when I when I saw a clip of him relating the things that had happened and he was just lying at every point every ******* point like every point.
01:49:41 And trying to make it sound like out of out of ******* nowhere. I came at him. I started to wonder.
Speaker 11
01:49:48 If.
Devon Stack
01:49:48 If he actually believes this, then that's hilarious. That's actually funny.
01:49:55 Like I I went, I waffled back and forth between feeling bad for him and then thinking it was funny. I landed on funny.
01:50:02 Because like I said.
01:50:03 It's a it's a struggle for me to be to remain the nice guy it is. It's a struggle and the nice guy is like, you know, I'll let you have the wheel for a while to the other guy and the other guy said, this is ******* funny.
01:50:20 He might actually think that I'm a psycho.
01:50:23 He might actually think like, because I've seen him do this with other people because no surprise surprise, this is how a situation between Owen and and everyone that he knows ends up like this.
01:50:36 Yeah, This is why he's got zero friends, like, literally zero friends on the Internet. And, you know, maybe a handful of sycophants left, right, because it inevitably, at some point, it turned like he's just it's too much. Like the the cost of dealing with Owen is not worth the benefit of knowing Owen.
01:50:56 Right. And at a certain point, people just stop playing the ******* game that you have to play in order to interact with them because it's just not worth it. And it's just not worth it.
01:51:06 Right. He's not worth it.
01:51:08 And so.
01:51:11 I started thinking like if he actually thinks that I'm crazy.
01:51:15 Like he thought that.
01:51:17 That was like that black guys, that black barricade, garage or whatever. He had some beef with. He thought that that guy was going to literally go to his house and and shoot him or something, which he he clearly wasn't like. It's just that, like, the schizophrenia man, it it, it is strong in this one.
01:51:37 But I was like, OK.
01:51:40 I know I.
01:51:40 Know he'll watch because.
01:51:41 He won't be able to help himself anything I put.
01:51:44 Out.
01:51:45 So I'm going to put out something that that like that. Well, I'm going to keep in mind that when he starts to play this, there's a good chance that he actually thinks I'm some kind of maniacal psycho, and I'm out to get him, and he's going to have that paranoia, and I'm going to kind of lean into it. And so.
01:52:03 I made this.
Speaker 8
01:52:04 The CAC Nazi trolls are all gone now.
01:52:17 I mean, I've banned a.
01:52:18 Lot of them.
01:52:23 A lot of them, I think, just kind of slowly packed away once they realized Devon Stack is a psychopath.
Devon Stack
01:52:30 First of all, don't talk to me.
Speaker 10
01:52:32 Like you ******* know me.
Devon Stack
01:52:34 The second.
Speaker 5
01:52:36 You.
Devon Stack
01:52:36 Really think I'm a central path?
01:52:40 Why would you ever **** with a psychopath?
Speaker 12
01:52:49 I'm just kidding.
Devon Stack
01:52:51 No, but seriously. **** you. And what do you think's more likely? Dude, what do you think is more likely that 109 of the people that you know wind up being psychopaths, right? Like, oh, they're all psychopaths. Everyone's turning on me. Oh, you're trying to get.
01:53:09 You're becoming your own ******* mean, dude. You're becoming your own ******* meme. You think everyone's out to get you? Never once does it cross your mind that maybe it's something you're doing. Maybe. Maybe.
01:53:24 No, of course not. Of course not. But yeah. All right. Anyway, go **** yourself. I'm.
01:53:29 Out.
Numbers Lady
01:53:30 Why is the joke?
Speaker 4
01:53:30 Always on me because it's so easy.
Speaker 8
01:53:33 You know, I'm sick of it. I'm tired of.
01:53:34 Being everyone's target. Oh, you want me.
Speaker 4
01:53:36 To be honest with you, you kind.
Speaker 6
01:53:38 Of asked for it.
Devon Stack
01:53:41 By the way, isn't it hilarious that his last TV job?
01:53:46 Was playing.
01:53:48 A ****** named Owen.
01:53:51 That.
Devon Stack
01:53:52 They decided not even to change his name.
01:53:58 And that the only way they could get him to play any role is if he played a ******.
01:54:10 His acting is so ******* atrocious and like, look, I've always thought that that I just again, I'm a nice guy. There was no reason to bring it up. There was no reason to be like, hey, Owen, you stop talking about Flat Earth. You're a bad actor like that. I didn't need to go there.
01:54:28 There is.
01:54:30 There is no reason to bring that up. There is no reason to be * **** ***** it now. I don't care. Now you know he's going around lying about me and calling me a psycho. Whatever I don't. Everything's all. Yeah, it's it's all I don't give a **** anymore.
01:54:41 You know, but he's an atrocious actor. Like the, I mean, Jesus Christ.
01:54:46 You ever see?
01:54:48 Like the movie, he's he's in this mood like this. Medieval times movie that when he the only reason that they made it was his girlfriend was Christina Ricci and she promised to be in it just long enough to to make it sell, you know, tickets because she's in it. Right. But I it didn't sell. It didn't sell very well.
01:55:09 It's awful and I and I don't know, 100% sure because I haven't seen it because, well, maybe there's anyone else, but here's why. I haven't seen it. You ever see those those movies.
01:55:22 Where we watched the trailer.
01:55:27 And you're like it looks OK.
01:55:31 All right. I'll go see it and then.
01:55:32 You see it?
01:55:33 And you're like, ohh, so all of the funny parts were in the trailer, like every single funny part.
01:55:43 Was in the trailer like there were so few funny parts in this movie. You had to stick them all in the trailer to trick me into watching this.
01:55:55 It's not one of those.
01:55:58 Because there's no funny parts in the trailer.
01:56:02 The trailer.
01:56:04 It's just like you're waiting for the funny to happen.
01:56:07 You're just like.
01:56:09 Uh.
Speaker 12
01:56:11 Really, they they made this?
01:56:14 Because it's not cheap to make a movie, it's.
Devon Stack
01:56:19 And and every time Owen talks, it sounds like watching like a 14 year old school play actor, you know?
01:56:27 It's it's really bad.
01:56:30 And it's it's really bad.
01:56:32 And so the the comedy is, isn't there? The acting is not there. What am I watching this? This. I would never go see this ******* movie. I would not. It's almost like the opposite of a trailer. It's like a warning to not see the movie.
01:56:49 It's like danger. Do not waste your look at this. Here's a here's a sampling of the best bits.
Speaker 12
01:56:57 It's still bad.
Devon Stack
01:56:59 I mean it's.
01:57:00 It's he's just. This is what I'm talking about. He doesn't. And when he talks about these these movies he's done, it's not in like a self effacing way like I know it was. It was not exactly the best movie, but yeah, it was my first movie really. It's.
01:57:16 Like it's not.
01:57:17 Like that, he talks about it like it's some kind of.
01:57:19 ******* brilliant ****.
01:57:21 Because how how could he not? Of course he has.
01:57:24 To talk about it like that.
01:57:27 He has to talk about it like that.
01:57:31 Because his ego is so fragile and no one ever, ever everyone around him, he's he's created a I I would expect that this is what he's like.
01:57:41 In person to he's not just like this online, I would expect that everyone around him is always walking on egg shells. They'd have to be.
01:57:50 Like, they're always wondering, like when he's going to ******* fly off the handle.
01:57:54 Because they looked at them weird or said something. You know that he didn't understand. And that's the other funny thing is, most of the time that he freaks out on his cult members and bans them, they're not even actually saying what he thinks they're saying. It's usually him not understanding what they're saying.
01:58:14 And him taking offense at something that like interpreting something that wasn't meant as something offensive.
01:58:21 Has something offensive?
01:58:24 So anyway.
01:58:25 I I whipped this up that this video I just played. I whipped this up in like 20 minutes.
01:58:33 Maybe.
01:58:34 And that includes like render time and uploading it and everything else.
01:58:38 I could do this **** all day.
01:58:41 This so when I said don't get wrapped up in drama.
01:58:45 It's not because I can't. It's because.
01:58:49 That's all it would do, you know, and it's just not productive. It's not productive. In this case. It is in this case it is because, like I said, you can't have people just in, in, in your professional life. You know, if you have someone disrespect you.
01:59:07 In a professional setting.
01:59:10 In a way that like.
01:59:11 Look, some some things require responses.
01:59:15 And it doesn't matter if it's professional personal.
01:59:19 You know, or or even just a random person.
01:59:22 Walk it, get it in your face and and talking.
01:59:24 Get.
Devon Stack
01:59:25 You know, if you just keep walking like a *****, then you're a *****.
01:59:30 You know and.
01:59:33 I don't let ******* people.
01:59:38 I would. Let's just put.
01:59:39 It this way, if he was in person, he would have had a ******* black eye, you know, like that I don't let people just ******* talk **** to me and and have nothing happen to them, you know, I'm just not that kind of a person.
01:59:50 So anyway.
01:59:54 Yeah, it's.
01:59:56 It's probably.
02:00:00 A good demonstration as to why you don't.
02:00:03 Try to even.
02:00:05 Engage with flat Earthers or people like that. People that have that personality type, because even after all of this.
02:00:14 Even after, I mean, he just has to look at the.
02:00:18 Numbers.
02:00:20 He can look at the numbers.
02:00:22 And realize.
02:00:25 He looks like an idiot just based on on.
Speaker 12
02:00:29 The the the.
Devon Stack
02:00:30 Fact that he's bleeding followers on Twitter, he's bleeding viewers on his stream. He was complaining the other day that apparently no one has been because he I guess he does that whole PO Box thing. He wants people to send them.
02:00:44 Jew gold, like actual physical gold in the mail. And surprisingly, people were doing that, I guess for a while, but I guess no one's doing that anymore. And and I I think he's in a financial spot.
02:00:59 He's in a financial bind. And look, I don't know all the details of this, so I'm not going to sit here and and go on and on about it, but my understanding is there's also. And again, I don't know, allegedly, I'll say, allegedly there's a lawsuit involving.
02:01:17 Him raising close to half $1,000,000 for some kind of weird bare playground. You know, requesting that people send him.
02:01:29 Hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars so he can build some kind of bear Topia. In fact, I think it was literally what he called it.
02:01:38 And instead that never happened, and that money, who knows? And I don't know. I don't know all the INS and outs of that. I just know there's.
02:01:46 A lawsuit coming.
02:01:48 Or is in progress or I don't know allegedly right?
02:01:55 And look, his associates are. Remember, Vox Day had a similar situation. Vox Day, years and years ago put together a movie trailer.
02:02:12 And I knew immediately something something. Now there was lots of red flags.
02:02:17 Because he put together a movie trailer and said we need to raise money, we're going to make this superhero movie, which I'll let him like. Well, that's going to be really expensive, buddy, because that's it's a lot of special effects. And that's like the most expensive.
02:02:32 Never I should know, because I've done that stuff. It's it's expensive to ******* do that stuff.
02:02:38 And it's time consuming and it takes a lot of ******* people and and every one of those people are expensive. And he said he was going to make a a superhero movie.
02:02:52 Called rebels run or or. I don't know, some based on one of his like, stupid comic book characters or whatever.
02:03:00 And he cut together a tray.
02:03:02 Which is unusual. You don't usually do that if you're raising money for a project, unless you're trying to show off what your capabilities are like you have some cool footage of of, you know, your vision and your shoot, like kind of like some some test scenes and things like that.
02:03:23 Maybe you might do that to to kind of motivate investors, and I watched the trailer.
02:03:30 And I immediately.
02:03:31 Recognize that that this is all stock footage.
02:03:35 Like this is it? They didn't shoot any of this. This is all professionally purchased stock footage.
02:03:43 So nothing that's in this trailer.
02:03:47 Is going to be in the movie.
02:03:49 And none of the actors are going to be in the movie this or that are in this fridge are.
02:03:54 Going to be in in a movie.
02:03:55 And so.
02:03:57 This is very misleading.
02:04:00 It's really it's a weird way because like if I don't know anything about how the movie industry works, I'm just some guy watching his channel and I watch that trailer. I'm going to think, oh, look, they've got that redhead chick that's all hot and like all these really good costume design, because, like, the the trailer actually looks pretty OK.
02:04:20 The trailer looks pretty.
02:04:21 Good. In fact, I wonder if I can find it.
02:04:24 Or that's been completely removed from the Internet.
02:04:31 Let me see here.
02:04:55 Now.
02:05:00 I think he removed it from the Internet.
02:05:04 Well, I I just can't find it. It maybe it's for all I know. It's still there.
02:05:09 Well, let me look at this. Look at this.
02:05:13 Wonder if the.
02:05:19 Oh, I think I might have found it. Yeah. OK.
02:05:29 And again, I'm not. I'm not alleging any wrongdoing.
02:05:33 I'm just. I'm just pointing out.
02:05:36 That another close associate of of Owens has also raised a significant amount of money to produce.
02:05:45 Something that that.
02:05:46 Was never produced.
02:05:49 And.
02:05:52 You know, that's all. That's all that. That's all I'm saying.
02:05:57 That's all I'm saying.
02:05:59 So this was years ago. This was four years ago.
Speaker 15
02:06:02 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:06:04 He went to his his patreons or patrons rather, I guess, and said we're going to put this movie together.
02:06:16 Why is it not popping? Here we go.
02:06:20 And like I said at first, like the first couple of seconds before it hit me. Oh, this is stock footage.
02:06:27 I was like, damn, how did they get all the how did?
02:06:29 They get the the all this.
02:06:33 Here we go. I think this is like the whole thing.
Speaker 16
02:06:45 All across the rest of the world taking place.
Speaker 11
02:06:50 We got this.
Speaker 16
02:07:04 The sense of the global justice and the federal police, the homes of always known to have committed eight times.
Speaker 10
02:07:13 You will not be ignorant. There is no escape. The door will crack down on hate. That's the God.
02:07:31 Or something.
Speaker 10
02:07:35 A different kind of.
02:07:41 People care about their hearers.
Speaker 5
02:07:52 We have to create the heroes they want.
Devon Stack
02:07:58 Yeah. So I'm like, oh, well, that's that's crazy. I mean it's they got a a trick already cast for it, right?
02:08:06 And they've they've shot a few scenes here that look OK.
02:08:11 You know, they've got, like, some kind of set put together where they're going to have some, you know.
02:08:15 Whatever this scene is, and no, it's like even stuff like this. So damn are they smashed through like some glass. Or at least have the special effects to.
02:08:24 Make it look real.
02:08:26 And you know, whatever that scene is and all this, you know, that's that's obviously just stock footage, but and then.
02:08:35 I realize.
02:08:38 This is all stock footage.
02:08:42 None of this was ever going to be in the movie, even if they were to make the movie, which.
02:08:48 They.
02:08:48 Didn't make the movie now.
02:08:51 All I know, again, allegedly.
02:08:55 Is after raising.
02:08:58 1/4 of $1,000,000.
02:09:02 1/4 of $1,000,000, so only half as much roughly.
02:09:07 As Owen allegedly raised for baritone Pia, 1/4 of $1,000,000.
02:09:17 Using this trailer, that's all stock footage with people who.
02:09:22 You know.
02:09:23 Would not have been in the movie. You know, like that, that actress probably has no idea she was even in this trailer. You know, that kind of the thing, right?
02:09:38 Umm.
02:09:41 Basically selling the idea to people that no look, look, this is the style. This is the, you know, this is.
02:09:47 We'll be able to put together.
Speaker 12
02:09:50 Having never made a movie before.
Devon Stack
02:09:54 Having no idea how to make a movie.
02:09:58 Having no idea how much a movie costs, especially like I said, a a superhero movie, a low budget movie, a low budget movie where you don't have explosions.
02:10:10 And you don't, you're talking over $1,000,000.
02:10:14 With over over $1,000,000 for a low budget look, you can go really low. You can go micro budget, you can make it less. I've done it, I understand. But I mean you can't do. You certainly can't do a superhero movie for less than $1,000,000.
02:10:31 And so he's all I'm thinking already. So it's all stock footage.
02:10:36 We're only asking for $250,000, which isn't enough.
02:10:42 You know, like, that's sounds like a lot, but it's not, it's not enough.
02:10:47 And I thought to myself, this is this movie.
02:10:52 It will never be.
02:10:53 Made.
02:10:55 Or or it'll it'll five years from now.
02:11:00 Some ****** half baked ***** ** **** movie will come out because they realize they they bit off more than they can chew and they're just tired of and they want to give give the donor donor something or you know something, right.
02:11:15 But this this movie.
02:11:16 Is never going to get made, and of course it.
02:11:18 Never got made.
02:11:19 And I I was wondering about it not that long ago I.
02:11:23 Was like, well, what ******* happened to it?
02:11:26 Right, like like, what happened to this movie? How come it it never got made?
02:11:32 Wow.
Speaker 12
02:11:35 I I'll tell you what, I'll quote a different.
Devon Stack
02:11:40 Site so because I know these people are very litigious, it's my understanding at least they're very litigious.
02:11:49 And so I'm. I'm just going to.
02:11:52 Look up.
02:11:54 What? Maybe someone else has has reported about this.
02:11:59 Uh.
02:12:07 Let's see here.
02:12:11 This is from the wrap.
02:12:14 Investment scam snares Confederacy themed superhero movie rebels run.
02:12:24 And actually it turns out I was wrong. I thought he had only raised $250,000. According to this he raised $1,000,000.
02:12:37 OK, so this is this is Owens's business partner, or at least to some degree, right?
02:12:50 This is from the wrap, October 20th, 2022.
02:12:55 Production of a right wing bloggers Confederacy themed superhero.
02:12:59 Movie rebels run.
02:13:02 Is no more taking $1 million of investors money with it.
02:13:10 Theodore Beal. That's that's Vox Day's real name.
02:13:14 A far right Blogger known as Vox Day admitted in a video posted last week that funding had vaporized.
02:13:23 For rebels run.
02:13:27 The flick, based on an independent comic book character he created.
02:13:33 The Daily Beast reported.
02:13:35 A trailer promoting the planned film.
02:13:39 Features a female character rebel wearing a Confederate flag and inspired bustier while fighting a global crackdown on hate and a different kind of war, and includes clips of an interview with writer Chuck Dixon, who worked on Batman.
02:13:57 And created being.
02:14:00 With producer Daniel Mcnichol, who has a handful of writing and production credits to his name.
02:14:08 Right wing director Scooter Downey, who held a Tucker Carlson backed documentary on January 6th.
02:14:16 Was to direct the film.
02:14:20 The project supporters quickly surpassed oh, I see I again. I was wrong. I thought it was 2 for the grand $750,000 fundraising goal. Can you imagine that? He did a basically like a A go fund me.
Speaker 15
02:14:33 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:14:34 And raised over $750,000 for this movie that anyone should have immediately known was never going to get made.
02:14:43 Funding goal in 20/20/19 ultimately contributing $1,000,000 towards the movie, The Daily Beast reported. The money was supposed to be held in escrow as the producers sought additional backing. See, that's that's the thing. When you get other people's money, you have to not do funny things.
02:15:03 But their money, it's not your money, it's other people's money.
02:15:07 You put an escrow that's like a third party that hangs on to your money.
02:15:11 So that the people that gave you the money. No, you're not going to spend it, you know, and that's what you should have done, right? Well, that's not what happened with the money.
02:15:24 Quote I wouldn't count on us getting the money back, Bill said in a subscription only video.
02:15:32 Bill has previously written and created several videos and documentaries with titles like Social Justice Warriors always Lie, he always. He also created a video game, Rebel Moon Rising. I'm sure that's great and produced a series called Vox Day Dark Stream, according to IMDb.
02:15:53 He has a long history of extreme views, blah blah blah, but where? Where does the money go? Where the the report said he had transferred 1,000,000.
02:16:02 To ohana. Sorry. So I'll I'll just, I'll.
02:16:06 This is really.
02:16:06 Long and meandering. Long story short, crypto scheme.
02:16:13 Crypto scam?
02:16:19 Corey, Vox day.
02:16:21 Or at least according to the reporting on this.
02:16:24 Allegedly.
02:16:26 He gave the money to a crypto guy.
02:16:31 Who ran off with the money?
02:16:34 Now I find that suspicious.
02:16:39 For a variety of reasons.
02:16:42 What I'm just saying.
02:16:48 I'm just saying that's it's not the first time.
02:16:54 It's not the first time people uh in that.
02:16:59 Kind of sphere.
02:17:02 Have raised a lot of money.
02:17:06 From people a lot of money.
02:17:09 Promising something.
02:17:11 That uh.
02:17:14 That never materialized.
02:17:18 So anyway, I just started seeing a lot of this scamming ****, or what, allegedly, or I don't know what what appeared to me.
02:17:26 To be scammy ****.
02:17:28 And the ****** attitude and look Vox Day is like the reason those two get along, if usually or you would think that it would be like oil and water, right. Because they are kind of like the sand they'd be like.
02:17:42 I don't know. Like maybe, maybe.
02:17:44 Maybe that works. I'm not a narcissist, but I would think that narcissists wouldn't like other narcissists, right?
02:17:49 But he's got the same like character like almost exactly the same character flaws that Owen does. So maybe.
02:18:00 Maybe that works, I don't know. I just on paper. To me it seems like there would be a nightmare, but maybe maybe, I don't know. I don't know how that works out exactly. With the dynamic there is, but yeah, so it's, it's not like the first time.
02:18:17 Scamming **** like that has happened, or you know, things things. Money has disappeared.
02:18:23 And it's been really weird.
02:18:26 But but yeah.
02:18:28 So I mean, look my, my guess is my guess is and this is just a guess, I'm just randomly guessing these things.
02:18:39 And I could be totally wrong and I'm not accusing anyone of anything or making any claims.
02:18:45 But my guess is Owens in a in a weird financial spot.
02:18:52 He's in a weird financial spot and so he has chosen to because of his shrinking audience size due to his which is self-inflicted. You know the the constant abuse of his followers and any literally anyone and everyone he ever works with his big falling out.
02:19:12 With Jim Bob.
02:19:15 I don't know if you guys are familiar with that. The made by Jim Bob Guy that does the cartoons.
02:19:21 You guys have probably seen the cartoons even if you're not familiar with the name they they get shared a lot on social media.
02:19:30 I don't know exactly what their relationship was because again, I stopped ******* paying attention to Owen years ago because it just started to get like new agey and ******** and self indulgent and.
02:19:42 It just was, you know, and and and repetitive like very repetitive.
02:19:47 But apparently they had some kind of friendship or something. I don't even know what it was.
02:19:53 And they had some kind of falling out because.
02:19:57 Jim Bob became Orthodox.
02:20:01 And then I guess they had an online debate about the Trinity or something and, you know, Owens dumb as of, you know, he's dumb as a box of rocks. And so he goes into this debate, which is, which is insane, to try to debate theology anyway and and is made to look stupid.
02:20:22 And he flies into a rage.
02:20:26 Because that personality type hates it almost more than anything to be.
02:20:31 Have the appearance of of being of either looking stupid or looking weak, or anything at all that that makes them look the way they feel.
02:20:43 And so he flew into this psychopathic rage and started calling up, made, you know, or was calling Jim Bob not made for Jim or made by Jim Bob, I guess is the name, but called up Jim Bob and Jim Bob recorded.
02:20:58 The phone call.
02:21:00 And when I heard this phone call.
02:21:04 I had never heard this side of Owen before.
02:21:08 That's what I stopped thinking. Ohh.
02:21:12 He's he's just kind of dumb.
02:21:15 He's just kind of dumb and uh, but you know, it's it's not his fault, you know? He's gonna he's gonna believe stupid things and you know he means well. It's like no one. No one's mad at like the slow kid in class because he can't read as long as he's not like also an *******.
02:21:36 Right.
02:21:37 Well, this was assigned to Owen.
02:21:39 That clearly showed he wasn't just an *******. He was like a psycho ******* like he.
02:21:48 At him.
02:21:50 Like like demanding that that he in fact I kind of don't want to play it. Like I'm sure I could find it.
02:22:00 Again, I know this is all stupid drama stuff, but I'm just saying like you got to understand what? Why I decided to engage in this stuff.
02:22:12 Like why? Why decided one day enough was not ******* enough.
02:22:26 I don't know if it's been taken down from everywhere.
02:22:32 Ah.
02:22:40 There's like a lot of results, but you know a.
02:22:42 Lot of this is just.
02:22:43 Because to be fair to all there, there.
02:22:45 Also, is a lot of people that like professionally hate him?
02:22:51 It's easy to understand, but it's also a.
02:22:53 Little bit much.
02:22:57 And so I was also kind of sympathetic because of that, like all right, he's got like this.
02:23:03 This group of people that professionally hate him.
02:23:09 To some degree brings it on himself. I got it. But.
02:23:13 Still, it's a little much.
02:23:15 But now I kind of just don't care anymore. But uh, the let's see here is is this.
02:23:19 Phone call available.
02:23:23 Anyway, if you can find it like I look, I'm not going to play it. I'm sure I'd have to probably play a lot of ******* or final. A lot of videos and play a bunch of nonsense before we actually found it.
02:23:33 Bottom line is, though, he he he's basically telling.
02:23:37 Jim Bob that he can't stream at the same times that Owens streams, which that alone was really weird, like it was like this weird power thing. And the way that he said it was just like, wow, you're a *******.
02:23:48 Psycho.
02:23:49 Dude, you're a ******* full on psycho.
02:23:53 Like all all visions of him being like, just this kind of goofy comedian guy that didn't understand science.
02:24:01 All went out the window to like, oh wow, you look like a ******* psychotic mess. Like you're a ******* straight up psychotic mess.
02:24:08 After I heard that phone call and that's when I was just like, yeah, this, you know, I have. I have no desire to engage with this guy.
02:24:18 Professionally or or or otherwise after this cause it's just like I don't. I don't care what what the argument was over or what the disagreement was.
02:24:28 I heard a side of Owen. That was it was.
02:24:31 It was, uh, again it was.
02:24:35 A psychotic evil person talking, you know, like it was in a way that was.
02:24:42 I don't know. I I just hope. I hope that's not a sign that that his family sees. Let me just put it that way because it it's it had abuser written all over it, but that's anyway. So he burns all these bridges with everyone and and like I was, my point was actually the reason why.
02:25:02 I brought that phone call. A lot of people heard that.
02:25:04 Phone call. A lot of the people in his audience who have been taking the abuse and and kind of just telling themselves these lies about him, you know, these comforting lies that, oh, he was actually, you know, like I said, he was just, you know, some kind of ****** that didn't understand things sometimes and whatever.
02:25:25 Maybe it's not super funny, but.
02:25:27 Sometimes he is or or whatever, right. And then after they heard that call, they're just like Jesus Christ. But that's.
02:25:36 Enough. And he started bleeding audience members. I think that was a. That was a very sharp drop in his audience members right there.
02:25:49 And and that was, I mean, how long ago was that? That was the debate that this, this whole fight was over.
02:26:04 This would have been like.
02:26:04 Looks like probably about a year ago.
02:26:08 So this was probably.
02:26:09 About a year ago.
02:26:11 And so he's been bleeding viewers since.
02:26:13 That fall out about a year ago.
02:26:16 And he's been getting less and less.
02:26:22 I mean cause.
02:26:23 Who wants to work with that, right?
02:26:25 Because I'm sure I'm not the only one that is in this kind of work that also heard that call and it was just like Jesus, dude, how long that ******* guy?
02:26:36 So other people don't want to work with them unless they're like flat Earthers or whatever. And that's that's a limited hangout. You know, you can only push that scam so far.
02:26:44 And then he decided that I think because the the money wasn't coming in, people weren't sending him the the blocks of gold anymore.
02:26:54 He decided to.
02:26:56 Call up.
02:26:57 Different people that he knew and try to set up some deals with them to either get back into comedy, get back into Hollywood on some level, or get into some comedy podcasts.
02:27:12 I've heard some things is all I'm going to say.
02:27:15 And.
02:27:18 He was pretty much rejected by most people and he ended up getting a yes from Gavin McGinnis.
02:27:29 On his platform, uncensored.tv, or or whatever that is right basically where where MAGA influencers go to die. You know, it's it's once you're on that platform, no one ever hears about you again.
02:27:45 With with maybe maybe the exception. I think Elijah Schaffer is on there, right? But most people don't go and pay the money to watch the rest of his thing. I think maybe they watch his.
02:27:56 He does like, oh, the first hour is on rumble or whatever. And then I, you know, then I go over there. I don't know that a lot of people make that transition when it when, you know, hop over the paywall, so to speak, right. But maybe they do, I don't know what their numbers are. I have no idea what their numbers are, but.
02:28:16 Once you put yourself behind a payroll like that, unless it's like HBO's paywall.
02:28:24 We're talking about a very limited audience.
02:28:28 So his tactics of basically banning anyone that disagrees with him.
02:28:34 You know and and just relying on on, you know, it's like a Ponzi scheme, almost right where he can keep spending his, his.
02:28:42 Political capital like a madman, as long as he's getting more coming in all the time.
02:28:48 And so it doesn't matter. He burns people and and humiliates his audience as as long as new audience members keep coming in.
02:28:57 To replace the old ones that he's either ****** *** or or burned or whatever, right?
02:29:03 If you're behind a paywall like that, doing that kind of content, you can't.
02:29:08 You can't abuse your audience anymore. You're not going to be able to censor your audience.
02:29:12 Anymore.
02:29:14 You're not going to have that, that you're not going to be able to operate the way that he operates. In fact, even if he didn't go behind the paywall, I think he's kind of exhausted.
02:29:23 The the resource that is audience members.
02:29:27 By behaving like a psycho.
02:29:29 And just being a liar and look, even if you're crazy when you're lying, you're still lying. You're still a liar. That's why I say that.
02:29:41 He might. He might have convinced himself that these lies are true, but he still I don't. I don't really ******* care. There's no way to know. So he's still a liar.
Speaker 13
02:29:49 So.
Devon Stack
02:29:52 I think this is pretty much the end.
02:29:56 Of.
02:29:58 Of Big Bear.
02:30:01 Pretty much I think this is.
02:30:04 I think this is pretty much the.
02:30:06 The unraveling.
02:30:11 And.
02:30:13 Never thought, never thought I'd be the one you know, digging the hole.
02:30:22 Digging that hole in the desert, but uh, you know.
02:30:26 I think that's I think that's what happened, someone chat. Said Anthony Cumia emerged with sensor. I'd seen something about that. Yeah, I mean, look, there's big names on there, but there's there's not like, like, I think that, you know, like Katie Hopkins, that Bruce trick and, you know, other people like that like.
02:30:46 It's not like the fresh, hot, edgy people, it's it's the people you're like. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that guy, you know, like, I think sofa is on there. I don't know if she still does videos though, because again, how do I know? Because they're buying a paywall.
02:31:03 It's stuff like that where you're just like, oh, yeah, I don't know that self trick, you know, but, you know.
02:31:10 I've been told I I have literally never, never seen a video from this guy. I've had more than one person say that that I get confused because we're both named Devin Devin.
02:31:25 It's not Tracy, is it? No, the, the, his, it's. I don't know. What is devil's something but his his channel is called. Atheism is unstoppable.
Speaker 12
02:31:34 Which is really.
Devon Stack
02:31:35 Super Gay name, but whatever. I guess that's like the big one of the big, you know, people other than Gavin's own show.
02:31:44 That's like one of the big personalities over there.
Speaker 15
02:31:46 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:31:48 But yeah, it's it's, you know, it's especially when you're in in a niche like there's a reason why I keep everything as as free as possible.
02:32:00 You know, like done it wrong. I need. I need the income to keep the show alive, but I also realize that.
02:32:11 If you make the trade for on, you know, income is what I'm after then.
02:32:18 The show dies. You know the the show dies.
02:32:21 And I'd rather put the the emphasis on the show being available and watchable, and and free for people, and then figure out how to get money.
02:32:32 You know, with that in mind is the focus is, you know, the show being good then the other way around, which I think is what a lot of people do and I think oh, it's just gonna sit your way shorter, like he just doesn't. He doesn't.
02:32:44 Even have an audience anymore?
02:32:46 You know, like I I was surprised. I was. I had muted him for, like, about a year because I was just tired of seeing my timeline shattered up by just ******* crazy thoughts.
02:32:58 You know, just like every thought in his head. Every.
02:33:00 Stupid thought he ever and and.
02:33:02 He's he's not funny, but he's always telling jokes.
02:33:07 It I hate those people. I hate those people more than anything. They're people that aren't funny, but they're always telling, like every sentence out of their mouth is like.
02:33:18 It's like a womp womp. Like with him. It's like it didn't even deserve a womp womp. It was like, dude, just stop.
02:33:27 And so I knew.
02:33:29 But I thought he got pretty good engagement like before, you know, before that. Like, I seem to remember him tweeting stuff and and getting, you know, like a decent amount of of retweets and likes and and again, like I said, this is like a year ago. I don't know if if this is a recent change or whatever, but.
02:33:47 During our little.
02:33:48 Our little.
02:33:50 Rap battle or his beat down I I should say.
02:33:56 Before he blocked me.
02:33:59 I'd look at his wall and be like.
02:34:00 What the ****, dude?
02:34:02 He's getting, like, first of all, he would turn off all of his replies, which is, you know, Super Gay, but, you know, get fits into everything we've talked about, but.
02:34:15 You know, he'd get like.
02:34:17 Five likes and this guy he's got like, I think.
02:34:20 He's.
02:34:21 Got like, I don't know. He's got like 250,000 followers or something like that, right. But I was. I was thinking about that too. I think that's his account that he's had since, like, Twitter existed.
02:34:34 You know, cause he every like every comedian, right. Like they had, like, every social media, the second you could get it. And I think and I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I think that his his account that he's got now is like.
02:34:49 You know the account that.
02:34:51 That he got like in in like.
02:34:53 2005 or, you know, whatever. Whatever Twitter started right.
02:34:57 And so.
02:34:59 Probably a good chunk of those people. It's just dead accounts. I mean, **** some of those.
02:35:05 People are probably just dead people.
02:35:07 It's been so many years.
02:35:10 And some of those might have just been like it was. It was really common, right to get to buy followers and stuff like that back in the day. And so it it could even be a bunch of dead fake accounts that were made to purchase followers, right.
02:35:31 Because if not, **** if not.
02:35:36 It's it's bizarre to me that you would have that many followers and get like 5-5 retweets.
02:35:43 Five likes.
02:35:47 Especially if, like you're in this.
02:35:50 You know like this.
02:35:51 Heated battle with someone like wouldn't your supporters come out and be like, yeah, get him or something like that. But I get that he was embarrassing himself over and over and over again, looked really bad. But this is like, these aren't the bear people like, like, really cultish and.
02:36:07 One one thing that not matter to them.
02:36:11 I don't know anyway, so.
02:36:14 Probably not going to ever really, unless again, unless he comes at me and needs to be slapped down like a ***** again.
02:36:21 Probably not going.
02:36:22 To really talk about this anymore. But I did want to kind of just.
02:36:29 Expo.
02:36:29 Plane.
02:36:31 Why I decided to engage?
02:36:35 In some E drama, when I'm very opposed to E drama and I really don't like to.
02:36:43 Well, I mean, I don't know it's it is I get, I get why it's fun. It's it.
Speaker 12
02:36:49 Can be fun.
Devon Stack
02:36:51 It can be fun.
02:36:54 I get the, I get the the temptation.
02:36:59 But it's also, it's just it doesn't really do anything. I think that all flat Earthers should be shunned and ridiculed. That in every possibility for obvious reasons. I just think it's it's ******* poison and it's and just it just it makes our people stupider.
02:37:20 I I would say the same thing about ****** ideology. If you were trying to sand push the same.
02:37:28 ******** anti science nonsense that surrounds that topic. It's it's identical.
02:37:36 Talk to me.
02:37:38 I don't want you.
02:37:40 Pushing the idea that you can believe in some fantasy.
02:37:44 About something as fundamental as the shape of the earth, and then somehow that's not damaging. That's not causing a problem.
02:37:55 Anymore. Yeah, like I wouldn't. I wouldn't tolerate. Like I said, I wouldn't tolerate someone telling me that, you know, they were born in the wrong body. It's just as ******* stupid.
02:38:05 And I'm not going to indulge that fantasy either.
02:38:10 And we shouldn't allow our our friends to indulge in those fantasies. If you ever a friend that is indulging in Flat Earth, you basically have a friend. Think of it as there being a ******. It's literally the same.
02:38:24 It's literally. It's literally the same.
02:38:28 You allow them to to indulge in that fantasy, you might as well have ****** friends too.
02:38:35 Myself, a friend that identifies as a a zebra. You might as well. Why? Why? Why not? Oh, it's harmless. He just thinks he's a zebra. It's fine.
02:38:45 He's still, you know, he's still like, a normal guy. Most of the time. But, you know, occasionally.
02:38:52 Runs around, says he's frolicking with the wildebeest.
02:38:58 That's just Carl. He's like that.
02:39:03 You can't tolerate insanity.
02:39:07 You can't tolerate insanity.
02:39:11 It's OK, I get it. White people like things that are quirky and and whatever.
02:39:19 Eccentric.
02:39:21 But there's a line.
02:39:23 And breathing with the earthless flat is well beyond that line.
02:39:29 That's just ******* stupid.
02:39:32 It's stupid. It's, it's corrosive, it's subversive, it's cancerous, and it's pushed by people like David Weiss that want you to think that NASA is the real problem, the real super scary bad guy.
02:39:49 That runs everything.
02:39:54 Because if you believe that, well, then you you won't care about who's actually doing anything.
02:40:06 And you won't care that they're related to.
02:40:09 The David wise.
02:40:14 Or Owen Benjamin, for that matter.
02:40:19 Owen Benjamin, who can never can ever really.
02:40:22 Decide whether he.
02:40:24 This.
02:40:25 1/8 or 1/4 or 1/2 June it always changes, doesn't it? I mean I get it, I get it. It can be confusing because he's not good at math. You know, he has a flat Earther. He's not good at math and it it only complicates things.
02:40:42 That.
02:40:44 He kept getting DNA from his dad after he was born.
02:40:50 So I'm sure that that that makes it a little harder to calculate.
02:40:59 Does that mean I think?
02:41:01 I'll fly over most people's heads, actually, so.
02:41:05 That's fine.
02:41:10 All right, let's take a look at.
02:41:17 At Hyper chats here.
02:41:34 Alright. Antonio vain. Anton, obey.
Speaker 13
02:41:43 Yes.
Devon Stack
02:41:53 Stupid. I'm gonna have to. You know what?
02:41:57 No, I'll do it after the show. I was gonna. I was gonna fix this button right now, but I think it takes too long. You know, I'm gonna. I'm gonna look. I'm look and see how hard it is to do it right now.
02:42:05 Can I make this? Can I make an audio mom and I don't want to **** this show up. I'll do this after the show. Alright. Antonio Vega. So what are your thoughts about Anders bearing Brevik? Did he try to save Norway or was he just a random lunatic?
02:42:24 I myself did did air the IDD that he wanted to save Norway.
02:42:32 From diversity, but naturally I was met with the stigmata, from former friends and family.
02:42:41 I mean, look.
02:42:44 I I would have to talk to him.
02:42:46 I I don't, I mean I know what what everyone else knows, but I've never watched an interview with him. I don't know if an interview with him exists. I don't know if they've let him talk beyond whatever he's said in the courtroom or whatever. I've never read anything that he wrote. I get the basic idea I get. I get the basic logic behind what he was doing.
02:43:10 It's the kind of thing that.
02:43:12 You wouldn't give out your.
02:43:15 Real view publicly for for a variety of reasons, it's not really it's. I'm sorry, it's just not a. It's not a question I can answer for.
02:43:25 Reasons that I think most people would understand, but it's.
02:43:32 Yeah, I mean, I don't know, I don't know. But part of it too is just, I don't know, cause he could just be a crazy guy. I don't know. I've never talked to him or or seen an interview with him or or.
02:43:45 You know, he could just be some, like, complete lunatic and I know. And the fact that what he did does not automatically make him a complete lunatic. I don't think. I'll tell you that.
02:43:56 He could be a very sane person and still have done what he did.
02:44:01 UM.
02:44:04 But.
02:44:09 They're very extreme, very extreme, and you could also make the argument that it it might have backfired, but it did might have backfired.
02:44:17 Because.
02:44:19 Or maybe not. I mean, I don't know. I don't know enough about what? You know what he did like, how that has actually affected things in.
02:44:27 The long run.
02:44:28 But yeah, that's a touchy subject to talk on a public forum about when you're yeah. So I'll just leave it at that. Thanks for the support there, Mark. SB Well, it's fun to go after pancakes. Can we start going after those who say we live in a simulation? Pancakes.
02:44:48 *******. But you have actual smart people saying this and it's frustrating to no end. I don't know the answer. The answer is, but it's not that. Well, here's the thing.
02:45:00 It's actually infinitely more difficult to prove that we're not in a simulation. I don't think we're in a simulation, but.
02:45:10 It it you could be, how would you know? And that's what that's all they're saying.
02:45:16 Like when someone like Elon Musk or you know one of.
02:45:20 These tech Bros.
02:45:21 Floats the idea.
02:45:23 I think it's more of a thought experiment. I don't think that they're really saying, oh, we're definitely in a in a simulation, they're just they what they're saying. The thought experiment is if you observed the difference between, say, pong and like 1976 or whenever pong.
02:45:44 The amount versus, you know, 50 years later, the kinds of immersive experiences that they have available now.
02:45:54 It's.
02:45:55 Crazy how much progress has been made in in such a short period of time? And so it's not crazy to imagine that at a certain point, even if that certain point is in 1000 years, at a certain point you would achieve.
02:46:15 The ability to simulate reality is almost seamlessly to a human.
02:46:21 You know, whether it's, you know, like matrix style, they're in some pod and their brains plugged into something or or whatever, you know, whatever it is.
02:46:30 Some kind of technology will inevitably exist.
02:46:36 Where you can trick someone into thinking they are somewhere else and everything will seem totally real.
02:46:44 Like you'll have the sense of touch.
02:46:48 You know, like all the easy ones, you know, sight and sound. And those are the easy ones. But also you'd have smell. You'd be able to activate every kind of sense, replicate what the real sense is and. And let's say you couldn't replicate it perfectly. Well, the people in the simulation wouldn't know.
02:47:08 Is there in a?
02:47:09 Simulation.
02:47:11 They wouldn't, so they wouldn't know that you got something wrong. Like let's say apples are are actually purple.
Speaker 13
02:47:16 Well.
Devon Stack
02:47:17 OK, but who cares? Because like everyone that's in the same direction sees red apples and so.
02:47:24 They they've never seen a real.
02:47:25 One, you know what I mean?
02:47:26 So the argument that.
02:47:27 You could be in a simulation is just, it's just making that point is that you wouldn't know because there there would be no way to know.
02:47:39 And because of that, it's at least possible that that that's happening because you wouldn't know and it makes sense that it's at a certain point that technology will exist. So how would you know that you're not that that didn't already happen and the simulation that you're in is just simulating?
02:47:59 The time before that happened. Now again, I don't believe that. I'm just saying there's a logic to it that at least makes sense, way more sense than than Flat Earth, because there is no real way to prove that you're not in a simulation.
02:48:14 Because that's the whole point is that you can't. You wouldn't. There's no way you could prove it.
02:48:20 Are there people that actually believe that? I don't know. I'm. I'm sure there's people that do. How would that actually change your behavior?
02:48:29 I mean, I don't know. I mean, would you try to kill? Here's the I I don't think there are people that really, really.
02:48:35 Believe it or.
02:48:36 Maybe they think that if you die in the simulation, you die in real life.
02:48:39 I don't know because I was going to say if I if I really thought that I was in a simulation like I 100% believed it, I would try doing crazy ****, like really crazy **** because who cares, right? Like you're in a simulation, right? You can't actually die like you know, I I I would try all kinds of crazy **** just to see if.
02:49:00 I could short circuit the simulation machine or whatever you know, get it to glitch out.
02:49:07 I don't think there's people actually doing.
02:49:08 Though so there it's there's probably Tech Bros that.
02:49:13 That somewhat actually believe that, but.
02:49:17 I bet a lot of were just saying it because it's.
02:49:20 You know, they they think it makes them sound smart or something.
02:49:23 Chosen jawa. I had to catch last streams. Replay. Wow. I missed a good one. Really. I kind of found it on. I was ******* dying. Even though the stream had no plan, it was very interesting. I learned so much about flat Earthers and people who seemed confused or consumed by Asians for some.
02:49:43 Reason. Ironically, one of the smartest people I know IRL just came out as a flat Earther. Well, there you go. See it. That person's probably a narcissist. They're a person is probably a narcissist, and they're probably bad at math.
Speaker 12
02:49:57 You can look you.
Devon Stack
02:49:58 Can be smart and be bad at.
02:49:59 Math.
02:50:01 Here's here's the other thing that I would say.
Speaker 10
02:50:05 Alright.
Devon Stack
02:50:08 Well, first of all, just to let you know.
02:50:11 Another reason why this Fluttershy has frustrated me with Owen in particular. When he first started going down that road, I privately.
02:50:21 Messaged him and was like dude. Nah, it's not flat.
02:50:26 I even spent.
02:50:28 A couple hours of my time putting together a video for him.
02:50:32 Explaining I could maybe even find the video somewhere. Well, it's probably on my old hard drive that maybe I don't know. It may be gone, but I I put together a video.
02:50:46 Like I made it as thorough as possible.
02:50:50 It's probably it's like 20 minutes long. When I went through all the stupid **** and Flat Earth because I I didn't want him to. This is why me. I was. I was being nice guy. I didn't want him to embarrass himself.
02:51:03 I didn't want him to.
02:51:05 Start supporting any and every stupid conspiracy that went his way and he started to look like he was doing that.
02:51:11 And when I saw him supporting Flat Earth, that was like, OK, come on, dude, don't do that. All this Jewish stuff that you were doing. Let's get back to that. Alright, let's let's, let's focus focus here.
02:51:24 And he he never even responded to it. I mean, I I sent it to him. I know he got it. I know we got it. And I just like, I will **** you too. And and whatever. I just let him go down his little ******* Mary way down to stupid Ville. But.
02:51:44 The reason I bring.
02:51:45 That up when it comes to your question.
02:51:47 Is.
02:51:49 One of the things I I wanted to tell him, but I knew it wouldn't wouldn't be helpful because he is a narcissist and he does any any implication that he's not super awesome at everything. He would turn him off, right, but I wanted to make the point that when you think about stereotypes.
02:52:08 You think about different kinds of people, not. I mean different races, but like different kinds.
02:52:13 Different types of white people, and you think about the stereotypical engineer or computer programmer, or, you know, even scientist or whatever, right. Whether the way that they're depicted in movies or if you've actually known any of these people.
02:52:32 Almost without fail.
02:52:35 You're talking about someone who's an introvert.
02:52:39 Someone who is not very fun.
02:52:45 Is very socially awkward sometimes.
02:52:52 Is very much, you know, lacks charisma. I guess you could say you know all these things.
02:53:01 When you think about like the, the classic nerdy mathematician or engineer or or scientist, right?
02:53:12 That's what you think about and the reason why you think about that is that there's an aspect of that that is maybe not universal, but it's pretty much true.
Speaker 15
02:53:22 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:53:23 And what I would say to people.
02:53:26 That are like Owen.
02:53:28 That think that they aren't like that, that they're they're they're very extroverted, they're very they they they live on, on attention from people and socializing with people and they they have charisma.
Speaker 5
02:53:49 You know that.
Devon Stack
02:53:51 Wouldn't you think?
02:53:53 It would be weird.
Speaker 15
02:53:54 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:53:55 To have these scientific scientist types have that deficiency, that don't. They don't have those abilities, but instead they have these abilities in science and math and other, you know, in engineering and design.
02:54:11 Wouldn't you think that the opposite would also be true, that if you were really good at being a comedian and being, you know, charismatic and an extrovert and socializing?
Speaker 12
02:54:26 That maybe you wouldn't be really good.
Devon Stack
02:54:29 At the things that they're good at or you just think you're good at everything you know, like, because the opposite is.
02:54:34 True.
02:54:35 Right. If usually if you find someone who is well, think about actors. When actors ******* talk about anything that's not related to acting.
02:54:46 They're all ******* dumb as a box of rocks. They don't understand politics. They don't understand science. They don't, you know? They, they, they. They're really good at acting.
02:54:57 And and that's and it. Maybe they know about different things too. You know, they're they're. I'm not saying.
02:55:02 Actors are all stupid.
02:55:04 But actors are not mathematicians, typically.
02:55:09 And actors are not engineers. Typically, and actors are not scientists, typically.
02:55:18 And so.
02:55:21 You'd think that you would.
02:55:23 Have some self. OK that that's the that's the problem. self-awareness anyway so I guess my point is if your friend is believing this stuff.
02:55:31 My guess is he's probably has some narcissist traits I've yet to to meet or interact with. Whether a flat Earther that's not some kind of narcissist.
02:55:44 So I would just keep that in mind.
02:55:47 And he's probably bad at math because that's the.
02:55:49 Other thing too.
02:55:50 I've never.
02:55:52 I've never interacted with a flat Earther that was good at math.
Speaker 10
02:55:57 Ever.
Devon Stack
02:55:59 Chosen Jawa again.
02:56:08 I had a chance to speak briefly with a ******** Zionist today who believes mainstream narratives, the topic of the Holocaust, came up and I was able to slip in some questions about about it that reveal inconsistencies.
02:56:26 Long story short, he ended up admitting that he wonders how much of it of history is a lie.
Speaker 17
02:56:32 Yeah, I think.
Devon Stack
02:56:33 That most people just haven't critically thought about it. But to be fair, I don't think most people think about history, generally speaking.
02:56:41 I have always been interested by history and.
02:56:48 I I don't know why people wouldn't be.
02:56:52 I've thought about that too, because my whole family has always cared about history, cared about heritage, and maybe that's maybe that's part of it, right?
02:57:02 Is so much of American history was relevant to my family because our my, my family was.
02:57:09 Around for all of American history.
02:57:12 So why wouldn't I find that interesting?
02:57:17 But it seems like.
02:57:20 A lot of people just don't give a **** about history. They're just out to lunch. When when it comes to this stuff.
02:57:29 But if they really think about it, if you give them the facts.
02:57:33 And they're rational people. It's hard for them to be like.
02:57:40 Yeah, it makes sense that you could have a.
02:57:43 Hey.
02:57:46 That many Jews, even just.
02:57:49 The bodies just alone, taking like, even if, like all the gas chambers weren't ******* ******** like they all are, the ability just to dispose of that many bodies is.
02:58:00 Is insane.
02:58:04 Zaza Mataz Bot says thanks for the show. You do good work the 135.
02:58:12 Is because I use a prepaid card and this was all that was left. Not quite ******** enough to be a ******, but I try. Do you do what you can to keep credit cards off the series of tubes known as the World Wide Web? A lot of crazies.
02:58:31 Out there. Stay safe, kids.
02:58:35 Yeah, I've actually been working with some.
02:58:38 Very high voltage tubes lately and try not to die.
02:58:44 And there's a.
02:58:47 There's a transformer I've got that's.
02:58:50 Must weigh like 80 lbs driving.
02:58:55 Well, you guys aren't going to what I'm talking about, but.
02:59:01 It's a lot of, let me just put it this way, it's a lot of RF. There's a lot of RF flying around in my shop right now. Well, not right now, but like the last few days.
02:59:13 Daf Beta says Dev and your theory regarding the planning and funding of the Jews from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century has quite a lot of cooperating evidence. I clipped together a minute summation of.
02:59:29 Who, what and when for a much longer interview, I found.
02:59:36 OK, where'd you?
02:59:39 Where'd you put it?
02:59:42 Oh, I see. There's a Part 2.
02:59:45 You did. You did do a link but.
02:59:49 I.
02:59:52 I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll alright, I'll copy the.
02:59:57 I won't link fad you right now. Just because you you explain, first of all you explained.
03:00:03 What it was.
03:00:05 And you made it and it was specifically for me.
03:00:09 And all right. Now I'm not saying that those are the rules. I'm just saying in this instance.
03:00:17 That that, that's why I'm not going to link Faggio right now, all right.
03:00:23 I'll check that out. Chosen Jawas says anyone else find it interesting that Thomas Massey lost his wife just days after? I mean, oh, shining a light on AIPAC during his interview with Tucker Carlson.
03:00:41 I'd heard something about that and I honestly hadn't paid a whole lot of attention.
03:00:48 And I don't think anyone knows the cause of death of her wife, or at least last time I'd heard about it.
03:00:54 Is there news about that?
03:01:07 I don't think there's anything new about it, right?
03:01:12 And.
03:01:15 They don't say what she died of.
03:01:18 Or anything, or how you know, like how she died or.
03:01:23 So I don't know. She doesn't look super old. I mean, he's not that old, right? He's well, I mean, for a senator, right he's got.
03:01:30 To be like.
03:01:32 He looks.
03:01:34 Maybe in his 60s. How old is he?
03:01:42 71 Yeah, so he's 50.
03:01:49 Something math hard when it's this late at night. You've been streaming all night.
03:02:01 Even math is difficult to do, so he's right 718491 2001, so it's 53, right?
Speaker 11
03:02:23 Well, yeah, I.
Devon Stack
03:02:25 It could still be like something normal. Maybe she had cancer we didn't know about.
03:02:30 I guess we'll find out.
03:02:32 I guess we'll find, or maybe we won't find out, but there's no, I I'm looking around here and there's no.
03:02:40 There's no cause of death anywhere.
03:02:55 That I can find at least.
03:02:59 This was all yesterday looks like.
03:03:12 Yeah. So she was probably.
03:03:18 You know, late 40s, early 50s.
03:03:24 Yeah, there's nothing, nothing to say, anything about her.
03:03:27 How she died.
03:03:30 Would I be surprised if she was?
03:03:34 She was assassinated for him, talking about APAC, not at all. Not at all. Like, not even a.
03:03:40 Little.
03:03:40 Bit not only that's a crazy thought to have at all.
03:03:45 Sharp Wing says not to be on the link Fagg. Oh no, no. Especially if you say that though now you get.
03:03:51 The gay link.
Speaker 15
03:03:53 Yes.
03:03:54 You are gay.
Devon Stack
03:04:15 Yeah, you especially get the the link fade if if you tell me that you know the rules, but you're still going to break them, you're like, not not to be. Not to be this guy. But I'm going to be this guy.
03:04:31 Sharp wing.
03:04:33 You should know better. You should. You should. You should be ashamed of yourself.
03:04:42 He's talking about. What is it?
03:04:45 A A photo took of the name of an arcade machine. I saw a bit ago.
03:04:51 Literally called the gay 90s.
03:04:55 Alright, whatever. I'll look it up.
03:05:00 If it's not kind of funny.
03:05:05 Oh, this is, I know, I actually, I've. I've played this pinball machine before.
03:05:11 Were you at the Pinball Museum in in Vegas?
03:05:17 Yeah, well, yeah.
Devon Stack
03:05:18 I remember the gay 90s.
03:05:21 Actually meant something before the K 90s. It means the 1890s.
Speaker 12
03:05:24 Indeed.
Devon Stack
03:05:27 So you've you've heard about the Roaring 20s well prior to gay, meaning gay, they used to say the gay 90s to refer to the 1890s because it was considered like this happy fun time around the turn of the century before because it was before all the Jew shut up. It was, it was.
03:05:47 It was. That's literally what it was. It was the happy, fun times right before the Jew showed up.
03:05:54 The Gay 90s and then Fast forward 100 years. Then we get the Jewish version.
03:05:59 Of the gay night.
03:06:03 But yeah, that's an electromechanical pinball machine.
03:06:06 I used to own a few of them, and they're fascinating bits of machinery. Really hard to.
03:06:14 To work on if. If you don't have a schematic.
03:06:20 All right.
03:06:21 Art Stanton had to cast the replay last time and you mentioned something about Henry Winkler and Steven Spielberg ****** the girl from Poltergeist. Where did you hear that? I searched and couldn't find anything. The.
03:06:34 Accusation has been made.
03:06:38 All right, you got to. Here's the thing.
03:06:41 She was at.
03:06:42 The time working on a television show with Henry Winkler.
03:06:46 And also obviously had a relationship with Steven Spielberg, who had he's the reason she was in any movies at all.
03:06:57 He saw her in a a mall one day and decided that to tell her mom that she should be in movies and he was a director and he was going to put her in movies.
03:07:10 Essentially, my understanding is at least.
03:07:14 The situation became almost as if the studios were basically parenting her and they were just paying the parents off to keep her over in the.
03:07:24 Studios.
03:07:26 To use her in movies and TV, she was going to be the hot new blonde girl, you know, for like the the the 80s.
03:07:40 And it has been reported by some.
03:07:44 On different occasions.
03:07:48 From different sources, albeit anonymous.
03:07:52 That while she was doing the TV show.
03:07:56 With Henry Winkler, Steven Spielberg would often come in with other.
03:08:04 People at the studio.
03:08:06 And they would.
03:08:10 Do things with her in the in the dressing room.
03:08:15 And one day, there was a medical emergency.
03:08:19 And she died.
03:08:22 And it.
03:08:26 It appeared as if she died of ******.
03:08:29 And they blamed it on some weird super rare genetic defect in her ******. Or like I forget the official thing, but it's like.
Speaker 12
03:08:38 She died of ******.
Devon Stack
03:08:41 And they paid their parents off and in interviews. I've seen Henry Henry, Henry Winkler.
03:08:50 Describe her death in two totally different ways.
03:08:55 And he looks like ******* weird about it when he's talking. Look.
03:08:59 I'm just saying it's all circumstantial evidence. I don't have video of it happening, but I I if I had to bet like 1,000,000 bucks.
03:09:07 And on whether or not that happened it, I bet the ******* million bucks I put it all on that.
03:09:13 100%.
03:09:15 That that happens.
03:09:18 So that's that's.
03:09:20 That's the word on the street. Uh, in Hollywood, people, people have been talking about that for you. That's like, that's like a new rumor. That's like a rumor. That's.
03:09:32 That's been floating around from different people that have worked at these studios that that's how she really died, because it's, it's the the official story doesn't make any sense.
03:09:44 So.
03:09:46 We will look into the official story.
03:09:48 It was also weird there became her. Well, look, it's it's.
03:09:56 Like I said, it's pedo. Jews being pedo Jews is what it was.
Speaker 13
03:10:01 What?
Devon Stack
03:10:03 They call me Mr. ****.
Speaker 12
03:10:06 With the big big dono.
Speaker 11
03:10:08 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
Speaker 12
03:10:14 Go, Julie, this *** is.
Devon Stack
03:10:31 All right, Mr. Nick says. They call me Mr. Nags. It doesn't say that. I I said that says I just.
03:10:38 Saw a clip of.
03:10:40 A time to kill if you want an easy stream, it is the most abhorrent ******** I've ever watched also.
03:10:48 I know when we've just exited the 90s and moving to Bush too, but would you consider McCarthy McCarthy?
03:10:57 I'd always. I'd always hear Levin and company trash Joe McCarthy without knowing the truth.
Speaker 12
03:11:05 Yeah, we could.
Devon Stack
03:11:05 Do a Joe McCarthy, one that would actually be pretty good I to be honest though, a lot of it would just be rehashing what Molinier has already done. He did a whole video on it.
03:11:18 Which is a good resource, but I I could probably do not like necessarily a better job, but maybe you know my my spin on that with probably he didn't, you know, obviously his style is different, it's more like a PowerPoint kind of a thing.
03:11:35 And so I can actually probably find interviews with him and and do the thing that I do and.
03:11:43 It's worth looking into. He was right. He was right. We were infiltrated by a bunch of Jewish commies, and Hollywood was infiltrated by a bunch of Jewish commies. And so they they murdered him. As far as I can tell, they murdered him.
03:11:57 And decided to tarnish his.
03:12:01 His background as much as.
03:12:03 Possible. And by the way.
Speaker 12
03:12:04 Wait.
Devon Stack
03:12:05 If you're telling Mark Levin trashing Joe McCarthy, he's a Jew. Mark Levin's a Jew, of course he's gonna trash Joe McCarthy.
03:12:16 But yeah, thank you for the.
03:12:18 The big dono there they call me Mr. ****.
03:12:24 And then we got, they call him rig nags again with an overdue tip. Well.
03:12:30 I appreciate the the double dipping there DAF beta.
03:12:36 Devin, I can't get into Twitter to DM you. Like you said to do last week. Chances are you probably called me a gay link and moved to the next hyper chat. I'm just trying to make you aware of this group of money. Men bookmark it and have a look.
03:12:56 When you're not streaming, that's all I ask. The one that.
03:13:00 You sent before.
03:13:01 Yeah, it's, it's in my notes.
03:13:03 I I copied and put.
03:13:04 In my notes, so like you.
Speaker 12
03:13:08 You, you, you, you.
Devon Stack
03:13:09 At least you explained what it was and I'll check it out so.
Speaker 16
03:13:13 No.
Devon Stack
03:13:17 Yeah, don't worry about that, all right.
Speaker 12
03:13:19 Mike Lindell's crack pipe with the.
03:13:21 *** **** don't know.
Speaker 11
03:13:23 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
Speaker 12
03:13:29 Go, Julie, this *** is.
Devon Stack
03:13:46 Mike Lindell's crack pipe white pill just came back from a small town rodeo. Lots of white people doing white people, things you could actually relax. I actually felt like we were still in the game after seeing all the beautiful white people in one place. I will have to catch the replay, but here's some shekels.
03:14:06 The support will appreciate that Mike Lindell's crack pipe and yeah, I guess if you want to find white people already owes a place to go. I actually know a few people that are in that business.
03:14:19 And they do a lot of touring, so I'm not, I don't know, 100%, but one of them might have.
03:14:28 Might have been.
03:14:29 There, he's uh. He's kind of big up.
03:14:31 In that stuff.
03:14:33 But yeah, there there's. That's a that's always a.
03:14:36 All the cowboy stuff is still very white, not 100%, but it's.
03:14:40 Still very white.
03:14:42 So thank yeah. Thank you for the support there. Mike Lindell, crack pipe, the Rogues Tavern, the Rogues Tavern.
03:14:59 Rugs Tavern. Yes, more white nepotism is.
03:15:02 Did I help my teenage boys land full time jobs or summer jobs with great white businesses using white nepotism? Everyone should use their connections to advantage their families over others everywhere they can. We'll catch the replay shows and have a great or have been great lately.
03:15:22 Great show open. I will appreciate that and I appreciate the support rugs Tavern and you are correct, anytime you have the the possibility to help out a fellow white man, I, you know, absolutely do it. Absolutely do it.
03:15:38 That's what this is all about.
03:15:41 Bill Monaghan.
Speaker 18
03:15:44 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.
Devon Stack
03:15:50 Someone again says sorry, I dozed off before you ask, but the Rust Belt town getting turned into little Haiti is Springfield. OH, everything I've said so far. I can verify. I can't verify they plan for another 45,000 Haitians, nor can I confirm that they've eaten all the.
03:16:10 Peking ducks in the park but it.
03:16:13 Looks that way.
03:16:17 Hi to.
03:16:18 My.
03:16:18 When you were time about the Haitian immigrants?
03:16:22 Springfield OH, where is that at? I mean, it's in Ohio. But what part of the state is it in?
03:16:34 What are Springfields in America?
03:16:39 Oh, OK, so you're kind.
03:16:40 Of.
03:16:43 Closer to Dayton, really, than Columbus.
03:16:49 It looks pretty small, right? Is it?
03:16:57 Yeah. I mean, it's not like tiny, tiny, but it's not big.
03:17:04 Well.
03:17:06 Look, this is the kind of thing that.
03:17:09 You should probably.
03:17:10 Do local activism if you can, to try to stop it, but it's just.
03:17:15 At this point I just don't think.
03:17:18 I don't think that.
03:17:21 Unless you already have like A and I'm not trying to discourage anyone. If you want to get involved in local politics to try to stop something as specific as this, like having a bunch of Haitians, I mean, if there's nothing to get people mad about, that's one thing that they should be mad.
03:17:35 About.
03:17:36 If you plan on staying there and you got Haitians.
03:17:40 The way you should probably try to do what you can to stop that. What exactly you can do that that might be difficult because there's a good chance that even the Republicans that you have locally are in on this scam or even if you do, I don't know if you even have Republicans in power.
03:17:56 In Springfield. OH, I don't know.
03:17:58 What?
03:17:59 The the political landscape is like in that area, I think Cincinnati's pretty black, isn't it? And Columbus, I don't know. I don't think I've ever been to Columbus.
03:18:12 Yeah, I've been near Columbus.
03:18:16 I might have gone through Columbus at one point. Well, let me look where is what? What freeway is that 70? I might have been through Columbus.
03:18:27 Yeah. No, I've been through Columbus, OK.
03:18:31 Yeah, OK. But I don't think I stopped. I think I just drove through it.
03:18:37 So I've probably driven through Springfield too, but I don't. I don't remember it. It was.
03:18:42 Years ago I was driving all the way from basically from Albuquerque to Washington, DC.
03:18:53 And so I was on the 40 for a long time and then I was on the seven, I think it was.
03:18:58 On the 40.
03:18:58 For a long.
03:18:58 Time, wasn't it? Or does the 40?
03:19:02 Stop. I take the 40th going to Oklahoma.
03:19:07 Yeah, I would have gone through there.
03:19:09 Yeah, I would say.
03:19:13 I would say look, if you can contact your your City Council and try to find out if one of.
03:19:20 The city councilmen.
03:19:22 Doesn't like the idea. Ask them what you can do. Ask them if there's some kind of activism you can do. Ask them if there's some arms that need to be twisted, and maybe there's some City Council meetings you can show up to.
03:19:36 Who knows, maybe you can do because those things are all recorded, right? Maybe you could do what some people have done in the past and go to the City Council meeting when they have an open forum that where you're allowed to go and just talk to them with the intention of doing it for the purposes of a viral video about the topic, right?
03:19:57 Like know that even if, like let's say they're not sympathetic and they're not going to listen to you and they're just going to move the Haitians there anyway.
03:20:05 Maybe something you could do is raise awareness about this for other small towns by going to the City Council meeting and knowing that you're on camera and you're being recorded and and maybe have someone that's streaming on the Internet clip it for you and go up there and, you know, have a.
03:20:25 Have words have words with them with the intention of of it. Even if you can't get your way, getting other people to think about this.
03:20:36 Because that'll, I mean, look, if you guys bring in a bunch of ******* Haitians, 45,000 in a in a town that small that I'm looking at on the map, yeah, there's no ******* way you guys are surviving, that you might want to just say ******* get the **** out of there too. It depends. But first step would be talk to local City Council.
03:20:55 People and see if you know what the what the general consensus is, if there is one and if you can find someone that's sympathetic and then go from there.
03:21:07 Thank you for the support, the bill Monigan Jack Travis Smith, thanks for the stream black pill. Do I appreciate that.
03:21:16 Maybe next time, says my baby is Black was the inspiration for the alien movie. Well, I mean, like, I wouldn't be surprised. I think you're joking, but I wouldn't be surprised that first scene grenade.
03:21:32 Says man, that woman looks like she gave birth to a baby orc. She doesn't appear white, too. More like a HAPA Michelin or something else? Well, she's. She's French. She's white. She just has, like, one of those weird Frenchy faces. Maybe she's Jewish. I don't.
03:21:49 There, there's a lot, just like there's a lot of Jews in the UK. There's a lot of Jews in France.
03:21:55 Bill Monaghan says tell Cheryl hi for me and ask him to.
03:21:58 Knock it off. Yeah, he's he's still out.
03:22:03 You know, lurking around in the desert somewhere.
03:22:07 Lampshade denier says do a review of the movie Watermelon Man. It's a 1970 movie about a racist white man who wakes up one day as a black man. That sounds kind of funny. I'll put that in my notes.
03:22:24 Almost the name alone. Why did that not paste?
Speaker 12
03:22:28 There it is.
Devon Stack
03:22:31 The name of loan I'll at least check out the trailer.
03:22:37 Brody says Dev and your last stream kind of sucked. I didn't replay the stream to listen to a movie or endless cut scenes. Come on.
03:22:44 Man, well, you know what, Brody? **** ***.
03:22:47 You can **** ** ****.
03:22:48 You didn't even watch it. So how do you know if it's sucked?
03:22:51 So yeah, you know what?
03:22:54 I'm going to give you your ******* $5 back if I can.
03:22:58 I can't. So you just gave me 5 bucks for me to call you a *****. Because that's what I'm doing right now. You're a *****, Brody.
Speaker 12
03:23:04 You're a *****.
Devon Stack
03:23:07 I could. I could have just done.
03:23:08 No stream at all.
03:23:11 I could have done no stream at all.
03:23:15 Daf Beta France approached its colonies very different. They were insistent on there being only one, France with one people, the French.
03:23:27 So what?
03:23:30 The French show all.
03:23:33 The French. So all. OK. Hold on. There's some punctuation or something missing here.
03:23:39 Or or added.
03:23:39 Algerians were French as the as was everyone from Sengal Male and Niger should never have let them. In Europe. The UN gonna hide their document on replacement migration soon.
03:23:55 On France approached its colonies very different. They were insistent on they were they were being only one France with one people for yeah. Now the French tried to integrate their people and not have separate people. That's why the French are very.
03:24:09 Well, there's a lot of dark complected French people, shall we say?
03:24:13 Grenade says a tiger is the king of the jungle. A lion is the king of the Savannah. Churro is the king of.
03:24:20 The.
03:24:21 Desert and your house is his palace. Bow down to your king and stop kicking him out of his palace. Well, now.
Speaker 16
03:24:31 He's.
Devon Stack
03:24:32 He's not my king. He's my my.
03:24:35 My fuzzy little *****.
03:24:38 Beethoven's ghost. Hey, Devin. Thanks for all that you do. Had a service call to a popular local shopping mall.
03:24:48 Saw an alarming amount of black and white couples more than what I usually see had to break up with my base girlfriend because she's so flaky. Finding a good one. Even with decent money and looks is difficult.
03:25:06 Well, why does she have to have decent?
03:25:07 Money.
03:25:10 Right. Like why does she?
03:25:11 Have.
03:25:13 You can. Girlfriends don't have to have lots of money. They almost never do. As long as she's not trying to spend all your money.
03:25:22 She doesn't have to have a lot of money.
03:25:28 Decent looks that that, that.
03:25:30 You know that's always a difficult one.
03:25:34 These days, but.
03:25:37 Hey, you found one wants right? Kind of.
03:25:40 You'll you'll find another one.
03:25:44 So good luck. Good luck in the search there.
Speaker 12
03:25:48 Brody Brody again.
Devon Stack
03:25:49 After calling me after saying that my stream was awful, you gonna get more money? You want some more?
03:25:56 And some prior strain you kind of suggested that you were open to the idea of creating?
03:26:01 Some kind of?
03:26:01 Cult. Perhaps a David Koresh kind of thing? I ever said that on some compound. Have you lost your mind? Just make some good. You know what? You.
03:26:10 Know what? Guess.
03:26:11 What?
03:26:12 You're blocked.
03:26:14 If you're just here to talk ******* ****, dude.
03:26:17 Then yeah, get the **** outta here.
03:26:20 Like, if you're gonna, you're obviously an Owen bear because you're saying just make streams and have kids, bro. Like, dude, you're obviously, like, little ******* **** hurt Owen Bear, and so I'm just blocking you, dude. What do you?
03:26:32 Think of that.
03:26:34 I'll be nice. I'll be nice. I'm going to time you out for 100,000 minutes.
03:26:40 How about that?
03:26:43 I don't know how long that.
Speaker 12
03:26:44 Is.
Devon Stack
03:26:45 But now I'll tell you.
03:26:47 What, 10,000 minutes? I don't know how long that is either. That sounds like a long time. So there.
03:26:52 You go buddy.
03:26:54 There you go bro.
03:26:56 Was it worth it? Was it worth it?
03:27:01 I mean, look.
03:27:04 I'm sorry that that, that, Owen.
03:27:07 Got a got, you know? Got humiliated on the Internet.
03:27:12 As hard as he did.
03:27:15 It's not my fault.
03:27:16 I didn't want it.
03:27:18 But it had to happen.
03:27:21 It just had to happen someone.
03:27:22 Had to do it.
03:27:24 Someone had to do it.
03:27:27 So. So yeah, you're you're out timed out for 10,000 minutes. That's probably not like super long, is it?
03:27:42 Let's see 10,000 minutes.
03:27:46 That is.
03:27:50 166 hours? That's not too bad.
03:27:54 That's not too bad, in fact, I.
03:27:55 Should have made it more.
03:27:57 Should make it more because what is that in days? That's all. That's a week. That's a week.
03:28:02 You timed out for a week, which is pretty good because you actively are coming here like a **** hurt. Owen Bear talking ****. And Owen. Owen would have just ******* banned you the second he misunderstood anything you said.
03:28:19 I'm. I'm being nice. I'm saying, hey, you can come back.
03:28:23 But you want to come here acting like a ******* ***** because you're either an Owen bear or a flat Earther and you're just trying to, like, be a little ***** about it.
03:28:33 You know.
03:28:34 You get you get timed out.
03:28:37 Bill Monigan, the only **** that isn't totally gay, is lesbian ****, but that's still pretty darn gay. No, it's that's that's gay. That's definitionally gay.
03:28:49 Dog Face Pony Soldier says if you want to see the dysgenic dystopia dooming America, look no further than Puerto Rico. Mix the violent nature of the blacks with the Indians proclivity to drug abuse and the thievery and entitlement of the Jew or the Jew Plantation order.
03:29:09 And you have this mongrelized genetic disaster.
03:29:12 Called Puerto Ricans.
03:29:16 Duly noted, based Polish crusader Dev and your last stream conclusion that CO2 from soda being inconsequential was correct about 0.
03:29:29 .001% of all carbon dioxide emissions in the United States is contributed to the entire carbonated soft drink market. This is based on a 2 to 3 grams of CO2 and one can of soda. Yeah, I thought it would be more than that. I thought it would be more than that. Turns out it's not.
03:29:50 Based Polish crusader also, most of that percentage is sourced from factories and power plants that would have just spewed CO2 into the atmosphere. Anyway. The CO2 gets reset, gets resold to soda companies, then inject them into sodas which just delays its release into the atmosphere.
03:30:10 It does not add much in total.
03:30:12 As that you.
03:30:13 Know what that's I had never thought.
03:30:15 Then that's a sneaky ******* way for them to get past the EPA and make some bucks on the side.
03:30:22 I had not thought of that. So the CO2 that you have injected into your soda is basically industrial waste gas and that they they take it out with the CO2 scrubbers so they can pass some kind of EPA regulation and then shoot it into your ******* soda. And then you just, you know.
03:30:42 It all gets released when you pop the can or fart it all out the next day, so they don't, but they don't have to pay any kind of fines and their emissions are still the same, they're just adding more steps. They're just filtering it through your ******* kidneys for.
03:30:55 That's that's, that's sneaky. I have not thought about that. I never thought like, where the where they getting this from? I just, I don't know why I never thought about that, but that's.
03:31:05 That's that's some sneaky ****. The real scourge of the soft drink market is how bad they are for our health in general and the obscene amount of waste they produced via their packaging and plastics. As always, I will catch today's stream on the replay. As always, keep up the fantastic work you do, stay cool and healthy. Cheers.
03:31:26 Well, I appreciate that. And yeah, there's a certain amount of plastics and aluminum.
03:31:30 And everything else sort of is just generally bad for you. I drink diet soda occasionally, but it's less and less these days.
03:31:40 I try to drink tea and coffee that I'm making.
03:31:46 But yeah, so every once in a while I'll grab like a.
03:31:49 The code zero or something like that.
03:31:52 UM.
03:31:55 Dog faced Pony Soldier says Puerto Ricans shot up the capital in 1951 and you can see how ****** ** the Bronx with the movie 4 Apache and the and the Fort Apache, the Bronx.
03:32:09 Which acts as a sequel to. That's right, the movie of Bronx Tale from the gay father. Hence his gay son being Robert De Niro's directorial debut.
03:32:25 Yeah, I think I.
03:32:26 Think you mentioned that before. I don't know if you mentioned that movie before, but yeah, it's.
03:32:32 Well, there, there is one Puerto Rican in the Bay, a Flat Earth or Puerto Rican, where I was just like.
03:32:38 Gross. Why do you exist?
03:32:44 Grenade says if a Jew is a prominent flat Earther, it tells you everything you know about the SIOP and is very similar to that. Aliens are real psyop pushed by Harvard professor Avi Loeb. These talking points find more ears in the right than on.
03:33:03 On the left and This is why they.
03:33:05 Are pushed by Jews.
Speaker 15
03:33:06 Yeah.
Devon Stack
03:33:08 Yeah, he is that he's that professor that's always talking about aliens and he is a Jew.
03:33:14 Catherine says knowing everything you do today, do you believe white women at large have the mental capability to defend against the many films with propaganda such as this? Do you think it's purely a lower IQ?
03:33:28 That causes women to be more affected by this type of subversion well.
03:33:32 I mean, look the the.
03:33:33 Movie is old, so it I don't think be persuasive to anyone now, but.
03:33:39 If there was whatever the new version of this. If someone made a new version of this and look at this point, almost every movie that's on Netflix is some version of that right, I think it's very persuasive. And I think that women are very susceptible. Men are too. I think women are probably more susceptible to movies.
03:33:58 And the proof is in the pudding. It's the easiest thing you have to just ask yourself this who is buying the magazines with the the the movie stars and the covers.
03:34:13 It's not men, only women buy that garbage and only women are buying.
03:34:21 Or watching rather like the celebrity gossip stuff and all this, women are so much more wrapped up into what famous people think the social norms should be and and looking.
03:34:36 At the famous people to get cues as to what, how to behave and what to accept and and it's it's it's just part of their DNA and I and I don't think that that's ever going to change or at least not ever in my lifetime and not for several lifetimes.
03:34:56 That is, that's just we're just stuck with that, as women will always care what high class people think is is fancy and and and good. And that's what. That's what more than almost anything else. That's what's going to inform their their morals.
03:35:16 I don't know. I don't know what to tell you. I mean, even like the I think the.
03:35:24 Even like the right wing women, not, maybe not right wing women's conservative women.
03:35:29 They're influenced by people that they see as as celebrities, too. Their celebrities are just different celebrities, right? Their celebrities are like, you know, Donald Trump or or whatever.
03:35:44 Snowman.
03:35:46 Says planets are spherical. The Earth is a planet and Owen is a *****. Much respect, Evan. Well, I appreciate that.
03:35:55 Extra things to research.
03:36:04 Deb, you should do something on rules of engagement. Somewhere around April 19th next year.
03:36:11 Rules of engagement around April 9th. I don't know what you're I don't know.
03:36:15 What? That's.
03:36:16 What that's referencing exactly? Extra things to research.
03:36:21 Rules of engagement around April 19th.
03:36:26 Yeah, I I.
03:36:28 I don't know what that means. Lucky Larry Silverstein Flat are such pompous, self-righteous fagot.
03:36:35 Every little group of our guys I've been in has at least 2 flat naggers and they are unbearable. Also. Two streams ago I made a joke about not all Jews being bad and I think you thought I was serious. Anyway, I love the flat nagger crusade. Yeah, you should. You should make those two guys cry.
03:36:55 And and and get out of your friend group every time. If you if you for some reason meet up with a bunch of our guys and there's flat, you need to just expel them immediately because they're not serious people.
03:37:07 That should be a filter that should just be 100.
03:37:09 Percent a filter.
03:37:11 No association with people like that whatsoever because they're basically ********.
03:37:17 They're just ******** that aren't wearing dresses, but they have the same mind virus. Bill Mott. Again. I knew this one fad in an online gaming community whose screen name was cheto file.
03:37:31 It means dudes who are into hairy beard like dudes. We can't let them steal bear symbology like they did rainbows and swastikas. Wait, what? Breast fed till he was 12? You had me at pancake ****? Thanks again, apparently.
03:37:51 I've read this book.
03:37:53 But apparently, Owens Mom wrote a witchcraft book.
03:37:59 And talked about breast milk magic.
03:38:03 And in there, allegedly.
03:38:07 Says that he was.
03:38:09 Breast fed breast milk.
03:38:13 Well, well beyond.
03:38:16 Well, well, well beyond his what you would expect. Let's put that way 90 action review. Barataria was an impressive grift. He convinced his audience that he was building a utopian campground for them, then basically just pocketed all the money and brought it, bought himself a nice homestead in north Idaho.
03:38:36 It's a testament to what you're talking about that nobody in his cult calls him out.
03:38:42 Yeah, and no. And they defend him. That's the ****** ** thing is they're not all. I think that he's getting sued, but I and I don't know all that detail. I don't even know if he really is getting sued. That's just I've. I've heard that he is.
03:38:56 Allegedly.
03:38:59 The.
03:39:03 There's still like a lot of bears, though, that.
03:39:06 That we'll defend him and say like well.
03:39:10 He's trying. He's trying to do it or or he sit like I **** you. Not one of them literally said. We'll bear tareas in our hearts.
03:39:20 Diane, if you can get someone to just be that ******* **** for you, Jesus. Like what? I don't even know what.
03:39:28 To say.
03:39:32 Art Stanton says. I tried watching Owen Benjamin strain years ago. It was like listening to the ramblings of a psychotic homeless man. And he did those streams for like 5 hours. I just found it sad and wondered who could be watching this stuff. It's other crazy people.
03:39:48 It's other crazy people.
03:39:50 And so that's why the Flat Earth thing works as a great filter is people like you. Right? Well, TuneIn and be like, this is this is stupid, crazy **** rambling for five hours. It's why I stopped listening because it wasn't always that bad like it was.
03:40:10 You know, he was a little dumb sometimes or wacky or whatever, but it didn't really start getting full stupid until like about four or five years ago. And you know, it got progressively worse. And that was that. But people like you like normal people, would TuneIn and be like, OK.
03:40:30 And that's that worked for him though, because now you're not there to question him when he says something ******* stupid. Or when he asked you to send him hundreds of dollars to pay for bear taria.
03:40:45 Or you know.
03:40:48 If you're, if you're, if your intention is to have a online community for your own personal advancement, you want stupid.
03:41:00 People.
03:41:02 If it's for you, you want stupid people.
03:41:06 If it's for them you want, you want to be doing something that is.
03:41:13 Let's say some of them are stupid or you know it's it's a gradient, right? Like not everyone's super smart. Not everyone's super stupid. There's lots of people in between and all over the place. But whatever you do, you want to get who all those people are. As many as you can and lift them up in some way.
03:41:34 Right. Unless it's unless it's all just for you, then you want just the.
03:41:38 Bottom.
03:41:39 Bottom of the barrel people.
03:41:41 You just want the people with 0 discernment and hopefully some money still.
03:41:53 Tejas says, hey, Devin, can you get your Galaxy sized brain to stream in 480P on odyssey?
03:42:01 I I don't. I don't decide what odyssey strings in.
03:42:05 That's up to you guys. Or if it's not up to you guys, it's up to restream. I have no option. There's no like, oh, type in this little thing here. And Odyssey starts streaming in a different, you know, resolution. So there. There's my Galaxy brain telling you that I can't do it.
03:42:26 Do that.
03:42:28 How about your Galaxy? Brain gets faster Internet. How about that, Taha?
03:42:33 A lot of little *******.
03:42:36 Are are, are all these people are are these people getting a little spicy with me because I made fun of Owen? I don't think you are tea. I think that our guy might have been.
03:42:46 Great Plains Calvary.
03:42:50 Did you hear about the sudden death of Kentucky representative?
03:42:53 Yes, we already talked about that.
03:42:56 I have no idea, no idea.
03:42:58 I I suspect that.
03:43:00 I mean, it just happened, right? So.
03:43:02 If we still don't know the cause of death, and it's been like a week or two, then it gets extra weird. It's it's a little weird now, but it's not super weird yet.
03:43:11 It might just take a couple of days for them to tell you what's going on, but.
03:43:17 It you know, it's just a little weird right now, but not super weird yet.
03:43:22 Serbian bull. I know you hate lynx, but ah.
Speaker 11
03:43:29 It's not even the right button, it's all the right.
03:43:31 Button.
Speaker 12
03:43:32 Hit the wrong button.
Devon Stack
03:43:33 Alright, you don't get the gay one.
03:43:38 Extra things to research.
03:43:42 Here's the right button for that.
Speaker 6
03:44:12 That will keep him busy for a while.
Devon Stack
03:44:17 Extra things to research says let Massey mourn mourn. I know it's not you Dev and just wanted to prompt you to say it. The man needs his his time. Well, I don't think he watches. I don't think he watches the show, so I don't. I don't think he's going to be too fussed about it, but.
03:44:37 Yeah, I I.
03:44:38 I don't know. I don't know if it's for all we know it was something they.
03:44:41 All knew was.
03:44:42 Was happening, you know, for all we know, she.
03:44:45 Had some kind of.
03:44:46 Serious illness that they kept private for some reason.
03:44:51 And this was all gonna happen. And they just knew it was going to happen. It could have been. She was vexed. That's something you need to think about. That's a possibility. A lot of congressmen were vexed. A lot of their families were vexed.
03:45:08 So it could be it could be a VAX thing that, uh, that plague has struck my family.
03:45:17 Grenade, says Devin. I don't want to be mean or harsh, but for ***** sake, stop. Address. Oh, my God. Everyone's getting sassy and bossy. Getting bossy, huh? Stop addressing flat Earthers. No, I'm not. I'm not going to. I'm not going to. You're not going to tell me what to do.
03:45:33 All right.
03:45:35 You're about to learn the the Owen lesson. Pretty soon. You, you.
03:45:38 Tell me what to do.
03:45:40 I'm going to lose my ****. People are not smart enough to understand how gravity works and falling for stupid **** like Flat Earth and space is fake. Don't deserve in any or a place in any white community. We don't need law, low IQ whites. No, we don't. And that is why I blocked them immediately.
03:46:00 You know, but.
Speaker 14
03:46:02 We.
Devon Stack
03:46:02 Need to at least address it as a problem. It is a problem and I I aim to solve it by yeah, we're we're going to ban them here on the channel and we're going to ban, I'll ban them on on Twitter and I'll ban them anywhere I see.
03:46:18 Because if you've.
03:46:19 You've failed the test. You failed a very basic test.
03:46:23 You failed an IQ test and you've told me that you aren't even smart enough to engage in any kind of reasonable way about anything. And so you're right, you're you're pretty much a garbage person.
03:46:36 If you are a, if you're, if you can even call people.
Speaker 10
03:46:37 So.
Devon Stack
03:46:41 I don't even know if they can really be considered humans at this point. I don't think they should have rights. I don't think they should have civil rights.
03:46:50 I don't think that they should be considered people like autonomous people. I don't think that.
03:47:01 Like they're I think they're basically animals. Like if I were to encounter one, I would think of it as like a.
03:47:08 A weird looking dog.
03:47:11 You know, like a really kind of just a bizarre looking, you know, circus animal, but not a human. Definitely not a human and definitely shouldn't be allowed to vote or be around children or, you know.
03:47:31 We produce or any of those things.
03:47:34 Bill Monigan good job with Owen Boys exist so you can stand up to them. Boys are a cultures immune system. Like you've often said. Tell classified cat. Good boy for me. I'm black pilled as ****. But my only despair is for my kids and grandson.
03:47:52 I love the I love this fight. No better time to be alive. Seriously.
03:47:58 Yeah, it's, it's not, it's it's.
03:47:59 An interesting time to be alive and classified can't if you can.
03:48:03 Hear him? He's.
03:48:04 Definitely killing something in the other room.
03:48:08 He he's uh.
03:48:10 Whatever it is he's been smacking around and there it is.
03:48:16 In fact, he went, it just came in here.
03:48:23 What do you got?
Devon Stack
03:48:27 He's got something. It's probably a mouse. There was a mouse that was in the wall and I heard it like, you know, climbing around the wall the other day and he was.
03:48:39 He was trying to track where it was coming.
03:48:42 There's a really good chance in the next few minutes, though. He comes in with something dead. He's been.
03:48:46 Chasing around.
03:48:48 Umm.
03:48:50 Age of anxiety. My baby is Italian. Womp womp. Mamma Mia.
03:48:55 Yeah.
Devon Stack
03:48:58 Jack Travis Smith, you are right in your analysis of Owen. One way to look at it is that people often say things out loud both to themselves and others to reinforce what they want to believe. Many times they do this to their own or do this to turn their words into reality for themselves.
03:49:19 And those around them? Yeah. Well, it's like, UM.
03:49:25 I guess it's similar to not exactly like, but it's similar to how if you've had an abortion and you become like a really rabid pro abortion advocate, right? Part part partially. I think that the people that do that it's to try to.
03:49:44 Smother the overwhelming guilt they feel.
03:49:50 Amos Burton.
Speaker 12
03:49:55 Where to go?
Devon Stack
03:50:00 Great. Whatever I mistakes I was reading name is.
03:50:02 Burton.
03:50:03 Whatever he's trying to kill came running into here and go get it.
Speaker 4
03:50:09 Get it?
Devon Stack
03:50:11 I don't want something crawling up my leg. I'm doing the stream.
03:50:14 What did you just chase in here?
03:50:20 I don't know what that was, but.
03:50:21 There's something in here now, apparently.
03:50:25 We're. We're Amos Burton. Hi, Devin. I'm begging you. Once you put out this awesome own response clip, please make a stream for it. I'm not on Twitter, and I ain't going to join, but this is hilarious. Definitely stream worthy for those of us who can't follow the drama. Thanks for all you do. Well, I mean, I this is about as much as I'm going to do.
03:50:44 What I what I what I talked about tonight? I just want to explain. Like I don't want it to be like this whole.
03:50:49 Thing right. And I don't think it's going to be, I think that he's learned well. He hasn't learned his his lesson, but he's learned not to **** with me. And I guess that's a lesson.
03:51:05 But he had, you know, it'd be better if he learned, learned a little humility and and self-awareness. That would be the that would, that would be the lesson I'd like for him to have, because I think on some level he's not a bad guy. I think on some level he's not a bad guy.
03:51:24 But I think that he's really ****** ** and he is kind of he's just kind of dumb and is in denial about that and he's.
03:51:34 His egos really big and.
03:51:38 But like I said, when you're dumb and arrogant at the same time, it's just.
03:51:42 You know, that's a tough.
03:51:44 That I I have yet to I've I've met those people.
03:51:49 Who are? It's not I. I mean I maybe it's something people grow out of, but I've met. I mean, how, how old is he? Like 40 or something by now?
03:51:57 I mean, if he hasn't gone out of it yet, he's not going to. So I just don't think it's going to.
03:52:03 I don't think it's going to change, but that that said, it's not my job to to do it. That's that's up to his.
03:52:10 His wife, I guess to deal with.
03:52:14 Knight Nature Review says.
03:52:16 You want a refund for having stolen it from a torrent? That's.
03:52:20 How bad it is?
03:52:23 What? Wait. Which one are you talking about? You want a refund for? Ohh he's moving.
Speaker 12
03:52:29 Yeah. What's it called?
Devon Stack
03:52:31 I don't even want to look. I don't even want to look.
03:52:33 It's bad though. It's it's that bad. Like I I I wanted to watch it.
03:52:40 Almost. Almost because I thought I I figured his acting would be bad, but I thought that would make it kind of funny. But then I saw the trailer. I.
03:52:48 Was like Nope.
03:52:50 I'm not sitting through that, she.
03:52:52 There's no ******* way.
03:52:54 White Lion says for classified cat, we'll appreciate that.
03:52:58 Bessemer, 72, and there's more action happening in Bessemer today.
03:53:08 Yeah, white guy. Random lane. Driving to work. Killed by a ***** on the freeway in Bessemer today.
03:53:17 Or it might have been yesterday, but the news report came out today, so it might have been today too. Hi, Devin. I don't know who that guy is, but you are super funny. I'm laughing with you whenever you're laughing. Possible idea for a stream white dog movie. I thought about doing that movie.
03:53:37 I I have seen parts of it.
03:53:41 It's just it's.
03:53:43 It's pretty bad, I don't know.
03:53:46 It's, I don't know. Like it. It's not that it doesn't have a lot of propaganda in it. It has a lot of it. But it's. I just hate it. I just didn't like it enough to like.
03:53:58 I don't know. I don't know. It's it's always it's it's in the it's been in.
03:54:02 The maybe pile for years.
03:54:05 Bill Monigan keep it up. I understand how someone could become a flat earther, and they're not all hopeless. We can save some want. Hey, that's up to you. But I'm. I'm not. I'm not. I'm done. I'm done with those people. I have never seen one be even reasoned with out of it. Like it never works. And in fact, the one guy that was kind of reasoned.
03:54:25 Out of it a week later was reasoned right back or unreasoned right back into it by his little cult.
03:54:34 Guitar Duo 1356 says one of my family members is planning on marrying a practicing Jew and I'm concerned it may wreck our family dynamics. We're all conservative Christians. What can I do in this situation and what can I do to prevent my kids from marrying Jews or nags? I'm concerned.
03:54:52 History lessons aren't enough. I mean, look, you can't really.
03:54:58 What can you do, you know?
03:55:00 Like what? You can't.
03:55:01 You can't like forbid your family member from marrying this person. If you say something, you're going to have to be.
03:55:10 Careful about that, because if if what you're trying to do is.
03:55:15 Preserve a relationship that's not going to.
03:55:18 You know that's going to make things awkward, right?
03:55:22 In terms of your kids?
03:55:25 You know all you can really do is once they're out of the house, you know, that's that, right, like, but what you can do is is just make sure that they come into the world equipped with the knowledge about these people.
03:55:40 I don't know. I don't know. I don't what to tell you.
03:55:43 That's.
03:55:45 You can't. I mean, look, you just can't control.
03:55:47 What other people do?
03:55:49 You can't. I mean, there used to be laws.
03:55:52 Against this stuff.
03:55:56 So that's that's I guess that's the solution. The solution is that we need to have laws against this stuff.
Speaker 12
03:56:03 Jeraj jeraj.
03:56:17 Box push the.
Devon Stack
03:56:18 Q Anon stuff back in 2020, you can smell ******** a mile away. Yeah, the cartoon I did. Making fun of Q is clearly featuring Vox Day. If you've seen the. I mean, it's. I didn't. I didn't use his name.
03:56:35 But if you've seen the it's on bit shoot, I think which I need to start uploading all my. It's been a long time. Oh, they've they've updated the site a little bit. That's interesting.
03:56:47 Uh, let's see.
03:57:09 OK, let's see here.
03:57:20 I'm not going to play that video, but I am going to screenshot.
03:57:26 Or no, they they. Uh, they changed it.
03:57:31 That's going to be impossible for me to find it now, because it's from years and years ago they used to have it like your your top most popular videos would be like on a sidebar and it was still one of my most popular videos. So I was hoping that it would still be there. I could screenshot it because he's he's in the.
03:57:46 Screenshot anyway, if you got a.
03:57:50 Bit shoot and look up.
03:57:53 Black Pilled queuing on.
03:57:55 You might find it, but yeah, I I ******* he's been a skeevy ************ forever.
03:58:03 I've always had a he's all well, first of all, he's exactly what I've discussed. Stupid mixed with arrogant. Well, I wouldn't say he's stupid, but he's not as smart as he thinks he is. Which almost makes you stupid when you when you're overcome. Any kind of overconfidence about your intelligence makes you kind of stop.
Speaker 10
03:58:22 But.
Devon Stack
03:58:24 So even if you're like, really smart, if you think that you're smarter than you.
03:58:27 Are you make you make?
03:58:29 Lots of errors because you're overconfident about your intelligence, and I think he's, as anyone who's seen any of his streams will would tell you he's overconfident about his intelligence.
03:58:42 Or or rather, he's.
03:58:44 He's insecure about it and has to.
03:58:50 Pretend as if he's overconfident in his intelligence was, which makes it even worse.
03:58:56 Age of anxiety says there's a real funny documentary shooting on Owen Benjamin and how he went on from being a Hollywood comedian to denying the moon landing and being a cult leader who bans people from his own cult for telling him his ***** veteran friend is stolen valor. Well, that was the other thing too is is.
03:59:15 I think one of the things that made him crazy.
03:59:18 Is everyone?
Speaker 11
03:59:18 Yes.
Devon Stack
03:59:21 In his life, it seemed like was betraying him in one way or another for a while, and one of them that you're talking about there was that guy Nimmer, who was a comedian that that used to do stand up with him and his whole stick because I want to become the conservative.
03:59:43 Comedian and for all I know, Owen knew the whole time and and this is all he's just playing the victim like he he is right now. So this you know now that we know we know now maybe he's maybe he was in on it and he was just pretending that he got lied to.
03:59:59 But Nimmer pretended because he knew audience. You know, conservative audiences would like it. He was this black guy who also wasn't very funny, but he was still.
04:00:08 Funnier than Owen?
04:00:11 He pretended he was a marine or something, so like that was part of his. His whole routine is trying to tell jokes about, you know, being in the Marines and and stuff like that. The problem was he wasn't a marine. And because the audiences were conservative, occasionally they'd be Marines.
04:00:31 And enough marine started to notice.
04:00:34 That some of the things he was saying didn't really add up like it didn't sound like someone who actually had ever been in the Marines the the way he was describing things. It didn't sound like a marine talking about it.
04:00:46 Yeah. He he knew.
04:00:47 It he basically he knew what.
04:00:50 Enough to like trick someone who had never been in the military like so they might not know. But if you're talking to again a conservative audience, you're going to probably have at least a few soldiers in there, right?
04:01:03 And so when he got called.
04:01:04 Out. Owen did what he always does and says he was, you know, he's a victim. People are trying to attack him and shut him down. And and Nimmer isn't isn't lying or whatever. And then who knows what actually happened? Because we know he's a a ******* liar now, so who knows if if he knew the whole time and that was.
04:01:26 What the gag was, and then when he got caught, he had to tell Nimmer to get lost and go away. Or if what Owen said happened. I mean, I don't know which was that he was being tricked or whatever. Yeah. That's how he was intro into this scene.
04:01:41 Was with stolen valor. He was touring around with another comedian who was his buddy who was pretending to be a marine.
04:01:53 Umm.
04:01:55 I don't know about the. I've never seen the documentary, though. I just saw that happening in real time.
04:02:00 Ham radio Expert 7 says any luck on 6 meters lately. The other bands are pretty good right now. I'm going to throw up a few antennas and try 6 meters tomorrow and see if I can get.
04:02:12 21 You know I've got a six meter dipole up that I've had up for a long time that I never use.
04:02:23 I think I've only made one contact on 6 meters ever.
04:02:28 So yeah, I've never. I've never tried. I've never.
04:02:31 I've never really gone for it cause it seems like it's so it's so sporadic, but I've got a couple.
04:02:38 Even like I, I have a couple like vintage 6M radios. That would be fun to dust off and like tube ones. I mean, I don't know. I don't. I don't know how stable they are, but it would be fun to play around with those. Our poor comment, Don. Hey, Devin, where did we go wrong? Acceptance of ******** and acceptance of trans mutants.
04:02:57 Also, having pancak ******* letting all these mental deficiencies or deficients procreate and spreading their cancerous ideology, we should bring back sterilization and lobotomy for these kinds of people. Yeah, I'm I'm I'm pro eugenics.
04:03:15 I'm pro eugenics.
04:03:18 We have look, we got a lot of dysgenics. We got to fix and if we could somehow implement eugenics, even if it was.
04:03:27 Aggressive and short to take care of some major problems. I think I could be OK with that love and division says just pay my dues. Well, I appreciate.
04:03:39 Yeah.
04:03:40 Marada says never getting a colonoscopy. My friend who was healthy, went in for one, and they ruptured his colon. He died in horrible pain. Well, that sounds horrific.
04:03:52 My understanding is that whole push that they've been doing to get those and acting like anyone over 50 is going to be immediately getting ask cancer was all pretty much a scam anyway.
04:04:03 So I don't think that is necessary. People weren't getting ******* colonoscopies constantly when they were, you know, as long as you're just, you're not eating garbage food all the time. I don't think you have any to worry about, or at least not. I mean, I guess and.
04:04:19 Yeah. Who knows, right? Anyone can get cancer randomly, but I wouldn't be.
04:04:23 Worried about it?
04:04:25 Sons of the Serpent 5 bucks to end the show with guns and roses album cover artwork while playing the one in a million song from said album. Shout out to whoever whoever mentioned it. No, not jukebox.
04:04:45 I I do appreciate the support, though, Andromeda says. Devin, thank you. I appreciate that.
04:04:52 White Tiger Kingdom.
04:04:56 Wow, that didn't work.
Speaker 15
04:04:59 1.
Devon Stack
04:05:04 How funny would it be if Owen and his ******?
04:05:09 Paranoia thought that all those were about his wife.
04:05:14 We got to do something about all these filthy brown tigers. Yes, we do.
04:05:22 Age of anxiety bear shy away from the fire.
04:05:28 They shy away from the fire, huh?
04:05:30 Not sure what that means.
04:05:33 Beethoven's ghost. I was talking about myself having decent money and looks sorry for the confusion. Again, thanks for all that you do talking about.
04:05:43 Finding a woman.
04:05:44 Well, then it should be easy if you've got decent money and.
04:05:46 Looks well, no.
04:05:48 Well, nothing's easy, but it's not. It's not useless. Hang in there, you'll find.
04:05:55 Ham radio expert I've been to Puerto Rico car crashes everywhere, gunshots, yelling, loud music, screeching tires. Nobody obeys traffic lights or signs merging up the last second before the turnoff, etcetera. It's chaos and hell.
04:06:11 It's the future.
04:06:14 Extra things to research. Rules of engagement is a documentary.
Speaker 13
04:06:20 Alright.
Devon Stack
04:06:26 There we go on the list, Tejas says. Just trying to beat the narcissism, narcissism out of you, Devin. Well, you'll never be able.
04:06:35 To do it.
04:06:36 You'll never be able to do it. And look, I'll be honest. I think most people, if you stream it all.
04:06:43 There's probably at least some of that in you.
04:06:46 And including me, there's gotta be some of that in you, cause you have to believe.
04:06:50 That you have something.
04:06:53 That other people should hear, you know, like you have to, you have to have some kind of.
04:06:59 View of yourself like that. You're.
04:07:01 Interesting enough to listen to, you know, like you.
04:07:04 Could maybe you're right, but.
04:07:07 I don't know like if.
04:07:10 I I think I'd be lying if I did admit that there's got to be at least something like that in me. I think that most people that do television and radio, I mean a lot of people in, in TV.
04:07:25 That I've known over the years.
04:07:28 In local TV have been actually pretty normal.
04:07:33 But they all have, I think, a little touch of that like a little bit of that.
04:07:37 And then there's extreme cases that you come across and there's the people that no one ******* likes.
04:07:43 Yeah, it's possible.
04:07:47 Let's Lord Godfrey's hot tip. Devil's Rumble Stream has the full range of quality options, which is especially important for those stuck on mobile Internet. So use rumble if you're on a data cap or ****** Internet. Well, there you go. Solution.
04:08:05 Hennur Wism henein wisdom.
04:08:09 Keep on the straight and arrow of providing knowledge and avoiding drama. It's done a lot of good thus far along that line. The Great Sedition trial deserves wider knowledge, especially the defendant, Ralph Townsend, who's writing on who's writing.
04:08:29 On China is very poignant and awesome.
04:08:33 The Great sedition trial.
04:08:38 All right.
04:08:46 Sons of the serpent and a few shekels for all that you do one in a million with Devin Stack. Well, I appreciate that sons of the serpent serpent.
04:08:56 Age of anxiety. Please don't link ***.
04:08:58 Me.
Speaker 3
04:09:07 Yes.
Speaker 15
04:09:08 You're gay.
Speaker 11
04:09:10 No, no.
Devon Stack
04:09:30 And then you sent me a link to the Owen documentary. Yeah. Like I said, I'm not.
04:09:36 I'm not like I'm just not like that.
04:09:40 I don't want I I'm. That's not what I'm going to be all about now. It's not like, ohh. Welcome to the I Hate Owen show.
04:09:49 Yeah, if appropriate, I will respond to things that that he says. But I think I've made my point.
04:09:57 You know, I think that.
04:10:00 I think that that I've accomplished.
04:10:02 What I set out to do?
04:10:04 I think he regrets.
04:10:06 Starting beef that that he couldn't finish.
04:10:09 And I think I've made it abundantly clear.
04:10:12 That he made a grave error.
04:10:15 And if not, if not to him, at least to everyone else.
04:10:21 And probably to him, though, he'll.
04:10:25 Most certainly never admit that.
04:10:29 Alright and now we go to rumble.
04:10:33 Zen Christopher says good evening from the sweaty, Dirty South.
Speaker 18
04:10:39 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.
Devon Stack
04:10:45 Well, thank you, Sharon, Christopher.
Speaker 12
04:10:48 Unreconstructed Rebel with the *** **** dono.
Speaker 11
04:10:53 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend himself with.
Speaker 12
04:10:58 Go, Julie, this *** is.
Devon Stack
04:11:16 Unreconstructed Rebel says hope you ******* are networking and training, even if nothing happens. We need strong networks for our children to inherit, move to the Ozarks, Lincoln Southern pride worldwide.
04:11:31 Well, like you said, that could. I've got family out there and that could eventually be somewhere. I some. It's what on the it's on the short list. I'll put it that way.
04:11:41 If I ever leave here.
04:11:43 And then unreconstructed Rebel again with some.
04:11:46 *** **** dono again.
Speaker 14
04:11:48 Children's today we'll be reading the best Christmas ever. I start with.
Devon Stack
04:11:54 The magic *****.
Speaker 5
04:12:05 Where did the snowman go? The best Christmas ever?
Devon Stack
04:12:25 A series devoted to the USS Liberty Levana Fair, et cetera would be useful to circulate my network. A lot of folks are close to waking up.
04:12:35 Would love a.
04:12:36 Rockefeller Stream, someday great work, God's speed. Well, I'll tell you what. There's a USS Liberty video that's even on YouTube. That's got lots and lots of views. At least I think it's in the neighborhood of 500,000 that I produced many years ago. But I am still very.
04:12:56 Proud of and think that it has a lot of concentrated info in it and so I think that would be the first place to go. It's called the day that liberty died. It's on the black pill.
04:13:09 It should be on on everything, but I I know it's it's still on on YouTube and it breaks down the whole liberty thing every I'm look, maybe not everything, but like everything you need to know to be passed off. Like everything you need to know with. And I brought receipts.
04:13:28 It shows anything and everything you would need to be swayed if you're a rational person who's not thinking about it emotionally and you watched that video and you're not convinced, then I don't know what to tell you that nothing's going to convince you. And as far as the levona.
04:13:49 There.
04:13:50 That would be a good.
04:13:51 One and what else, Rockefeller?
04:13:57 Yeah, I you know, I've I've never really looked into Rockefeller much.
04:14:02 Umm.
04:14:04 Beyond just.
04:14:04 Like.
04:14:05 When he when he comes up and other things that I've looked into.
04:14:10 I would like to know Rockefeller, like if he's a crypto or not and all this other stuff. I've never really looked into it.
04:14:21 It just there's something about.
Speaker 12
04:14:26 Did did the.
Devon Stack
04:14:27 Old one. Finally. ******* kick off.
04:14:31 Like David Rockefeller or what was.
04:14:36 The one that was like a million years old and getting.
04:14:40 Did he finally ******* die? Yeah. He died in in 2017.
04:14:47 Yeah, I mean that.
04:14:51 He had so many that guy had so many organ transplants before, like on the way out.
04:14:58 Oh wait, this one saying that. Ohh, that's when he was in office. Yeah, I mean, I'd like to go back and just check out that, that bloodline at some point.
04:15:08 That would be a good.
04:15:09 One, but thank you for your support. Very generous support there. Unreconstructed Rebel, 47 and then, well, then again, unreconstructed Rebel again.
Speaker 4
04:15:23 Yes.
Devon Stack
04:15:32 And he says Owen hard times. Damn, poor guy. He can clean my companies. Porter John's with his toothbrush for some silver. I'll mail it to him when the job is done. Well, that, yeah, he's he hasn't had like a normal like he hasn't worked a day in his life.
04:15:51 He hasn't worked a day in his life.
04:15:55 The hilarious thing is he acts like he's he's.
04:15:59 Going to go live.
04:16:00 Of the zombie apocalypse and his compound out in in Idaho.
04:16:07 And.
Speaker 15
04:16:07 Yeah.
Devon Stack
04:16:09 He's the most inept person. Like he he doesn't know. As an example, like what the.
04:16:15 Radiator on a car does.
04:16:20 You know and and someone pointed out he was buying his fight like this guy who's got a a homestead.
04:16:28 Was buying firewood at the grocery store?
04:16:34 And yeah, anyway.
04:16:37 So yeah, all right.
04:16:42 Thank you very much for the very generous support there, unreconstructed Rebel, 47. All right, guys, I'm just going to double check. Make sure we.
04:16:51 Don't.
04:16:51 Get any fresh ones over on Odyssey and we'll get out of here.
04:16:58 Then we got one last one, Harold.
04:17:01 Rosenthal says go on night National Review to debate that kite. **** fagot Owen, I want this to happen. Well again, it's not going to happen.
04:17:11 I debating.
04:17:13 Debating any flat Earther is just it's just you get stupider, and I'm sure your lifespan goes down.
04:17:21 Because of the.
04:17:22 The the amount of.
04:17:25 Frustration that it causes you because they're flat Earthers because they fundamentally misunderstand simple.
04:17:32 Steps and so you can't debate them because they misunderstand simple concepts, so you can't be like hey, well, you know how this works, right? Well, that's because this. And so therefore, you know, no, they don't know how anything works. They they they they they never argue in good faith because that's not for them it's not it's no longer.
04:17:52 A pursuit of anything. It's not like a scientific pursuit. It's a religious pursuit at this point.
04:17:57 And so you're not going to be able. It's like trying to debate. It's like saying, oh, you should go debate, you know, this Catholic guy and and convince him not to be Catholic anymore. It's like that, you know, that that's maybe that's happened before, but I'm not. That's not something I want to ever do, you know, because.
Speaker 6
04:18:15 All.
Devon Stack
04:18:16 You'll just get into some weird theological.
04:18:19 Nonsense talk argument that isn't going to convince anybody that's already believing that stuff.
04:18:25 You.
04:18:25 Know.
04:18:26 So it's it doesn't they've they've they've already signed on and they don't understand the science enough or even some. Some of it's not even like science so much as just common sense concepts. I mean, I guess technically they're scientific, but like they're things that don't. It's not like it requires a.
04:18:45 A degree in physics. To understand we're talking like fifth grade basic science level.
04:18:51 And they still they they can't get them to just admit things like, you know, one time as an example, I saw this fagot wits. It guy. That's like apparently the new shining star in in the Flat Earth community. And he was arguing with.
04:19:09 I don't remember who it was now, but the guy the guy made the point that.
04:19:15 Hmm.
Devon Stack
04:19:16 You know, as things get further away, they should appear to get smaller and the sun does not appear to get smaller as it gets further away. And so if it was a local sun.
04:19:29 You, you know, you would see it get smaller as it go off goes off in the distance, but instead you see it go down.
04:19:37 And the reason why you would see it go down obviously is because it's a globe and so the it's not that it's.
04:19:49 It's going down so much as relative to your perspective, it's going down beyond the horizon.
04:19:58 And he said, oh, no, no, that's how that's how perspective works.
04:20:04 That's not how perspective works.
04:20:07 And and the globe is easier to understand. Well, only understandable really. I guess if you can understand these these normal concepts, if if you're going.
Speaker 6
04:20:19 To.
Devon Stack
04:20:19 Misunderstand something like.
04:20:22 Perspective. You'll argue with me and tell me that objects sink into the ground visually as they go away.
04:20:30 When they don't.
04:20:32 They don't. They just don't.
04:20:36 How are you going?
04:20:36 To have a debate with that person.
04:20:39 Because they're just, they're disagreeing with you on a fundamental thing like a normal thing or same thing with that. I think in that same debate.
04:20:53 There was a comment about Oh well, why is it then that if I want an antenna to transmit further than if I raise it?
04:21:03 The the station that that couldn't receive me before can now receive me because that doesn't make any sense because if you do the on a flat plane.
04:21:15 You do the the calculation by raising an antenna.
04:21:20 Right to 200 feet in the air.
04:21:23 The distance between the antenna.
04:21:27 And the radio has actually increased.
04:21:31 So raising the antenna on a flat plane would actually make the reception go down, because your antenna is getting further and further away the higher up it gets. I'm not, I'm not going to do the math on the screen, hopefully know what I'm talking about and this is like an easy.
04:21:51 Easy concept.
04:21:54 What would you kill it? You can't find it.
04:21:58 All right, leave me alone.
04:21:59 For a minute, we're almost done.
Speaker 14
04:22:02 But.
Devon Stack
04:22:03 This is like an easy concept. That is, something raises up higher and and higher in the sky. It's getting further and further away from the things on the ground, and if so, even if that thing on the ground is is 8 miles away.
04:22:17 We're increasing the distance between the thing on the ground and the thing in the air, yet the reception gets better.
04:22:26 Why does that make sense on a flat plane, it doesn't. It only makes sense if you've got the curvature of the earth that you're overcoming by raising it above into the air.
04:22:38 And and and and getting past the the horizon.
04:22:42 And and.
04:22:44 When faced with this fact, this whitset ****** says no. That makes sense because it's the angle, the angle of attack.
04:22:55 That doesn't mean anything.
04:22:58 It doesn't. It's just he's.
04:22:59 Just.
04:23:00 Making up like weird magic concepts.
04:23:05 The angle of attack makes radio waves work better like that. That's just nonsense talk. It's just weird with sit, talk and so you can't have a debate with someone who can't even agree on just the normal basic.
04:23:21 Concepts that that that makes everything that we're we observe in in the world understandable, like if he's not not be able to understand small observations, he can't use many of these small observations to then understand a big observation or like a big.
04:23:41 You know, to conclude that the earth is.
04:23:44 Is the shape that it is based on. All these small observations. If you can't even make the small observation.
04:23:51 So it's.
04:23:52 You know, it's like arguing with a it's like debating a blind person.
04:23:57 About which painting is is the blue painting?
04:24:04 Like would you get it? Why would you get?
04:24:05 In that debate.
04:24:07 If you had two paintings side by side.
04:24:10 And one was just blue and one was red.
04:24:13 And he was like, I think the red ones, actually the blue one. And he was blind.
Speaker 5
04:24:19 Yeah.
Devon Stack
04:24:21 Would you debate him? Would.
04:24:22 You be like, oh, I'm gonna go to. I'm gonna do a Internet debate with the blind guy. Who?
04:24:26 Thinks the red painting is the blue painting.
04:24:28 Why would no one would do that?
04:24:31 Because what would?
04:24:31 You say to.
04:24:32 Him.
04:24:33 Well, look, see, you can see that it's blue. See, here's the ocean. I'm going to hold a picture of we can all agree the sky is blue. Right? I'll hold it up to the sky.
04:24:43 And the blind guy is going to be like, Nope, it's it's, that's not the.
04:24:46 Right. One, this is the blue one.
04:24:49 And you're like, no, but look, see, we all agree that that water is blue. Here's.
04:24:53 A cup of.
04:24:53 Water next to the blue one versus yours.
04:24:59 Well, they can't see. They're blind. So it now that's going to work on it. Plus, like I said, it's all doesn't matter anyway. It's all just mostly mental illness. So.
04:25:10 All right.
04:25:13 So let's.
04:25:16 Let's take out of here 01 last one, Harold.
04:25:21 So I'm not talking about debating Flat Earth, although great bait and switch.
04:25:26 Turning into him being a him being a ****** Jew ****. Well, that's not going to. That's not going to, you know, that's not going to go anywhere either. That would just turn. Yeah. Have you seen Owen in any kind of debate? It just turns into him like yelling over the other person.
04:25:43 And that's that's just a.
04:25:46 And what would I be debating anyway?
Speaker 12
04:25:49 You're a Jewish crook.
Devon Stack
04:25:52 OK. You know, be like, well, what's the debate? You know, Night Nation review says you can't debate anyone when you don't both agree on the fundamental, fundamental nature of reality. Exactly. You can't. You can't debate them. And by the way, that would apply to even if it's not Flat Earth. You want me to debate Owen with.
04:26:11 It would also apply, you know, it would be the same about him being a Jewish cook because he still, when he thinks his his Mexican kids are white.
04:26:20 They're objectively not white.
04:26:22 That's just, I mean, biologically, they're not white.
04:26:26 You know, they're they're Mexican Jewish.
04:26:30 European mix.
04:26:32 But they're not white, you know, that's like saying, you know.
04:26:39 Cook cookies and cream ice cream isn't vanilla.
04:26:43 It's got vanilla in it, but it's not vanilla. It's something else.
04:26:49 And that's all I'm saying.
Speaker 12
04:26:52 And he and he.
Devon Stack
04:26:53 Can't even get over that. He can't even get over that. So, like, we just disagree on on reality there.
04:26:59 William Tracy says.
04:27:02 Goodbye.
04:27:13 And I will also say goodbye. I will say good evening and I'll find out what dead thing is, or almost a dead thing. If you mortally wounded something.
04:27:24 I think you have. So I got to find whatever almost dead thing is.
04:27:29 Around here somewhere.
04:27:32 Named and begging for its life.
04:27:35 Alright guys, we'll see you next time in the meantime.
Speaker 12
04:27:40 For black pilled.
Speaker 5
04:27:43 I know, I know.
Devon Stack
04:27:47 You want to tell him?
04:27:49 You want to tell him?
04:27:52 Column.
04:27:55 Malcolm.
04:27:57 Well, there it is, purring.
04:28:00 All right anyway.
Speaker 6
04:28:02 Devin stack.
04:28:07 This nine month old black.
04:28:09 Bear cows may have never encountered bees before.
04:28:17 And sometimes learn can be a painful process.