07/24/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Good.00:00:05 70.
00:00:08 Good.
00:00:10 70.
00:00:14 62886.
00:00:18 62886.
00:00:23 13297.
00:00:28 132-976-0318.
00:00:39 0318.
00:00:43 26319.
00:00:47 263.
00:00:49 19.
00:00:52 3.
00:00:53 7.
Speaker 2
00:04:33 Who says study book gets you work? Who says who gets you class? Who says that job will get you the cash? Who said the loan will save your *****? Who send money covers all the expenses. Who said love?00:04:51 Will save their kids, who says forever is not divorce? Who says your dream will get you a porch? Who says that life is not there?
00:05:03 Who said where? When brands is having star? Who said that which you know? Is that fake? Who said that those pills will get you high? Who said that drugs will make you smile? Who said that? Guess who. Give me the miles.
Speaker 3
00:05:22 La La la they keep talking.00:06:13 Blah blah, blah, blah blah blah.
00:06:54 Blah blah blah.
00:06:55 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
Devon Stack
00:07:23 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:07:28 Kidding me? Are you kidding me edition?
00:07:32 I'm of course your host, Devin Stack.
00:07:36 Missed you guys was gone. Last stream. Couldn't be helped, couldn't be helped.
00:07:44 And to take care of some things.
00:07:46 But now we're back.
00:07:49 Back in the saddle.
00:07:52 Back to having actually interesting streams again on the Internet is that is that to.
00:08:02 Self congratulatory it's it's a little bit of a content desert sometimes, sometimes it is. I'm not too my own horse. It's more of a comment about everything else, but anyway.
00:08:16 Right. Yeah, I'm back.
00:08:21 We have a lot we're talking about. It's going to be kind of a little bit of a popery kind of a thing. There's not really a a theme so much as just a lot of weird little stuff.
00:08:30 Little stuffs things I guess.
00:08:34 Might be wondering what that's a picture of.
00:08:39 And why there's a cat? I don't know why the cat's on that that guys head.
00:08:43 And thank I for that one, I.
00:08:45 Was trying to get a I.
00:08:48 To give me a picture of Bohemian Grove. And of course.
00:08:55 That's one of the naughty words or phrases you can't say Bohemian Grove and have it come up with anything.
00:09:04 So the work around was men in robes, or people in robes wearing Venetian masks.
00:09:15 In the forest at a pride parade.
00:09:19 They it worked out. It worked out OK. I don't know why. Again, I don't know where the cats on that on the hat there. But we you know it works. It works. The reason why.
00:09:30 I.
00:09:32 Mentioned Bohemian Grove, and it's not really like a big part of the stream. It's just the first little thing you know, remember, like a year ago, I think it was some guy snuck in to being the the property Bohemian Grove. He like canoed in.
00:09:49 Upstream so you get past all the roads and everything else and then kind of snuck around the property when no one was there. So he I think even went inside.
00:09:58 Some of the.
00:09:59 Buildings and shot video through the windows and I I think I played a portion of that video when that.
00:10:09 Came out, he.
00:10:11 Has a new one. He actually snuck, cause I don't know if you guys know this, but Hemion Grove was just like.
00:10:16 A couple weeks ago.
00:10:19 Happens in July. I don't know how much of it is still a thing, or if this is it's falling out of favor with the the ruling class or if this was mostly like a waspy ruling class thing and not a jury want. Who knows? Right. Whatever, right.
00:10:36 But they still have it. Someone's going there.
00:10:40 And this is the first time since Alex Jones, I guess, got on the property and got some footage that we've had any kind of footage of it. Now we're. I'm not going to play like a huge chunk of it. I'm going to play like a little sample. You.
00:10:52 Can you can go check it out if you want.
00:10:55 It's on on YouTube. It's not super awesome because the whole time he's afraid of getting busted, he keeps thinking someone's behind him and he's like, kind of rustling around in the bushes and ****. But.
00:11:10 Yeah, there's, there's.
00:11:11 This gives you an idea of the kind of camera angle you can.
00:11:14 Respect and if someone were to go through and really clean up the audio, you would at least be able to get maybe some of what they are.
00:11:24 You know what's being performed in front of the audience, like what the actual dialogue is. It's pretty hard to understand. Nothing super creepy that I, you know that that's not a more or at least it's it's slightly like I would say, it's almost less creepy than what Alex Jones came up with, but it's a lot more of it. You know, so.
00:11:44 I just thought play a quick little.
00:11:47 Little tidbit here.
Speaker 5
00:11:48 Yeah.Speaker 6
00:12:13 What does it mean that the medicine includes?Devon Stack
00:12:23 Again, real emphasis on the quick. That's as you heard the the voice was especially with all the frogs and crickets and whatever the hell else was making all that noise.00:12:34 Really hard to distinguish what was being said. If you watch it's about 20 minutes long and there's a couple cool shots like there's a shot of they've got that pool of water in front of the the Owl statue.
00:12:52 And they they ride on a boat across the water and you get, like a little a.
00:12:56 Quick shot of the boat.
00:12:59 It's, you know, if it had had, if it had more substance to what I would have tried to isolate.
00:13:05 That audio and.
00:13:06 And play it, it looked more. It almost looked more just like a.
00:13:12 Like a play like they have people March up there. You can kind of see people marching up and affecting on them. Maybe I'll just pull up just so I can do quick.
00:13:19 Shots of what I'm talking about here.
00:13:23 Where is it at? Here we are.
00:13:27 They clear the markers clear.
00:13:32 Alright, let me just pop this up.
00:13:35 I'll mute it because the audio is bad.
Speaker 7
00:13:40 We can scale that down.Devon Stack
00:13:44 So a lot of it's real low light. You know, you can't really see anything especially like the whole last part.00:13:49 He's just sitting there and the bushes going, oh, I.
00:13:51 Think.
00:13:51 They I think they see me or they're here. I keep hearing someone sneaking up behind.
00:13:55 Me. So it's real crap.
00:13:57 All right, but there is a part where all right, so you can see the stage a couple times where there's people dressed, it almost looks like a a Renaissance festival.
00:14:06 Because there's people dressed up as Wizards and people in armor, and they've got swords and ****, but there's nothing you don't really get to see. What the hell they're doing or what they're saying? Here's a.
00:14:22 Like a smoke machine going on constantly, which makes it even harder to see what.
00:14:25 The Hell's going on?
00:14:28 Here is, you know. Here. Here's the creepy people in robes. I mean, this is kind.
00:14:32 Of creepy, right?
00:14:35 So people with torches marching around with robes. So he's he's actually he's real ******* close to those guys. I mean, look.
00:14:42 At that, he's right.
00:14:43 Up on the hill, looking down at that ****.
00:14:47 So.
00:14:49 Yeah, that's.
00:14:51 That's pretty close. That's pretty close. I reckon I can understand why he'd be nervous in that position.
00:14:57 But that's that's, you know, not as creepy as that is, especially knowing who's there and knowing sort of what this is.
00:15:09 There's no like. Well, that's weird. I didn't. I didn't.
00:15:12 Catch that watch.
00:15:12 The first time.
00:15:15 Like, what's that like carrying a body?
00:15:17 OK, well, that's weird. I'm glad I played the played the clip. That's that's definitely weird.
00:15:24 Carrying some kind of body or something. I don't know what's up with that.
00:15:28 So yeah, yeah.
00:15:33 So that puts little eyes wide, shutty right and then they have. Let's see here they they they call some people up to the stage that are dressed they're dressed up like Knights and they've got swords and **** and alright here we.
00:15:48 Go see, that's.
00:15:50 That's a good shot.
Speaker 8
00:15:50 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:15:52 That's a good shot right there.00:15:55 And again, the audio is so bad. I mean, I'll play a little bit here. The audio is so bad, there's no way.
00:16:00 To really just you know, you can't.
00:16:03 It's mostly music.
00:16:06 Let me. I'll play. I'll play this little bit that has audio.
00:16:08 Here.
Speaker 9
00:16:17 That ******* light is literally like lighting up my shoes right now, like.Devon Stack
00:18:50 So yeah, I mean, it's weird. Definitely weird. It's hard to know what exactly is going on there. There. Like I said, if.00:18:55 You want to go watch the.
00:18:57 Video on YouTube. In my opinion, it's more interesting. When he went there when no one was there.
00:19:03 And so the whole place was empty and he actually got to walk. I mean, some of the buildings they left unlocked.
00:19:08 I guess, I mean it wasn't.
00:19:10 Super interesting. It was like kitchens and things like bathrooms and things like that. They left.
00:19:15 Block.
00:19:16 But you get to get you get a close up look of the owl. You get a close up look of this whole stage right here. In fact, that's how, you know, this isn't ********. It matches up exactly with that previous tour of the location. So he was there.
00:19:34 And you know, got decent footage for for what it is.
00:19:40 It's the probably the best footage we've had in decades, I think the.
00:19:46 Or like the Alex Jones stuff that was like in the 90s, right? That was a long time ago that, that, that footage was was taken so.
00:19:53 Yeah. Bohemian Grove happened. It's hard to know what exactly it is. Sometimes I wonder if it's like a.
00:20:02 You know it. It's a mixture of, like, *** *** can.
00:20:07 And maybe like self help for ruling class people or like motivational speaking ****, you know, like the secret for girls, you know, like oh, yeah, you gotta you gotta you gotta envision you gotta get a vision board and and and self actualize and and all this ****.
Speaker 10
00:20:27 I owe the banks a lot of money, but little do they know. I just learned about manifestation.00:20:34 Now I'm gonna get so much money. I don't need a job. Why? Because I can manifest. I don't need the old gods anymore. I answer to no one. Everything is mine, thanks to manifestation.
Speaker 9
00:20:48 And so.Devon Stack
00:20:54 So it's hard to know if I get.00:20:55 Something like that.
00:20:57 Or if it's just a.
00:20:59 Ruling class. But ******* camp, I don't.
00:21:02 Know.
00:21:04 But another little drip of information right now, little drip of information and and more evidence for anyone who still denies the existence. I mean now we got some really good footage of this. We have footage of the place itself and we've got footage of.
00:21:24 Some of the ceremonies, both from Alex.
00:21:26 Jones and this guy now so.
00:21:29 Who knows, maybe someday, right? Maybe someday someone get the balls to fly a drone over there or or or plant some high quality cameras in the right places, and we'll actually get some better stuff than just some guys in the bushes.
00:21:44 Speaking of being in the Bush.
00:21:47 Turns out Africans have invented everything.
00:21:51 Every last thing that we enjoy was invented by Africans, and we should just bow down to their technological prowess.
Speaker 11
00:22:01 So the brain drain Africa really needs the brains. We are the most intelligent race on the.00:22:06 Face of the.
00:22:07 Planet we invented almost everything that made.
00:22:10 At this society and every society on the face of the planet in human.
00:22:16 And when I mean human, I mean as in toilets, certainly tree everything comes from Africa.
00:22:22 The chair, the traffic light, the car, the computer. What is it we haven't created? But our brains are going across. There are more, I think, doctors.
Devon Stack
00:22:34 Yeah. So The funny thing is, she's complaining about brain drain in Africa, claiming that all the, I guess, the Super genius Africans have left Africa. You know what?00:22:44 I hope they go back. I hope I'll help them go back. Yeah, it's not a problem at all. But it's funny because I saw that clip.
00:22:54 Just it was floating around on Twitter.
00:22:57 And it reminded me of something happened. I was looking at trying to find ways of fixing this amplifier that I've got some issues with and I was on YouTube looking for, you know, amplifier repair videos.
00:23:13 And I came.
00:23:14 Across a channel that's more geared towards CB stuff, but CB amplifiers are pretty much the same as as ham radio amplifiers. They're just slightly more simple.
00:23:28 And I was struck by, like, just because it was something that was playing in the background while I was soldering stuff.
00:23:35 And it it auto played to an interview. This guy did this guy who makes CB amplifiers decided to go around and interview. I guess all these old school CB personalities, you know like the the the famous C beers, which there's a whole subculture.
00:23:56 And I started to realize a lot of them were black, like a lot of them were black. And I guess it makes sense because Ham Radio's got that IQ barrier. It's got the test that you have to take and it it it, it's a lot simpler now, but up until fairly recently, especially when these guys were in their heyday.
00:24:17 I mean, you had you had to learn Morse code. It was a lot more complicated of a test. So there was a huge barrier to getting to to get licensed as a ham back in, like, the 70s, eighties, even the 90s.
00:24:32 So it appears as though a lot of the black people that still like radio gravitated more towards C the CBD world because you didn't need to have a license. There was also kind of a a sense of breaking the law because if you're using the kinds of.
00:24:52 Hardware these guys are using.
00:24:55 You're you're. You're breaking the law.
00:24:58 They don't really enforce it much. I mean, I guess they did back in the 70s.
00:25:03 But it's still the law.
00:25:05 And so there's like a naughtiness to it. That probably attracts black people. And in this interview.
00:25:12 Like I said, it was a really long interview, probably like a two hour long interview. He goes and interviews this black guy that works on amplifiers and at first I was like, well, it's kind of nice, right? You know, cause contrary contrary to popular belief, I don't just indiscriminately hate black people.
00:25:32 And I meant like, oh, that's all that ******* you.
00:25:34 Know no, I don't hate all black people are like that and I would much rather discover.
00:25:41 A A black American who's really into CB radios and soldering ship on on his workbench and fixing stuff.
00:25:49 And you know that it's there's something.
00:25:50 Wholesome about it's like, oh look you.
00:25:52 Know he's trying.
00:25:53 And much prefer that over all the.
00:25:56 Other things that a black guy could be doing.
00:26:01 So I don't want to **** on this guy. Personally, I don't want it to seem like I'm ******** on this. This nice old old man. They're just minding his own business.
00:26:12 Trying to do radio stuff in his basement, but there was it just it was too easy or it was too.
00:26:20 Much of a demonstration of of how wrong this black lady is this interview he he because he inadvertently said a few things. In fact, the one clip I wish I I could find. I just couldn't find it before I went live because it was like a three hour thing. It was playing in the background and I that's what perked my.
00:26:38 Ears up.
00:26:39 Is we often talk about the the meme of, well, how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast today? And there is a cut off. There's an IQ cut off for people who have a hard time understanding hypotheticals.
00:26:54 Right. And a lot of people think that's just a meme they don't understand. No, that's real. There are people that don't have a good idea as to what a hypothetical is. And so when you ask a question, it just sounds like a nonsense question. They don't realize. Oh, I'm supposed to imagine as if I didn't eat breakfast and then determine how I would probably feel.
00:27:16 In this hypothetical.
00:27:18 They lack the ability to consider this.
00:27:21 And what clued me into this possibly being the case for this black guy working on?
00:27:28 On amplifier gear in his basement.
00:27:31 Was the white guy that was going around getting interviews from these people mentioned like he was working on some amplifier and he said what, what would happen if you stuck, you know, some different transistors?
00:27:45 In that amplifier you're working on and the black guy replied, why don't use those transistors? I use these ones.
00:27:53 And the white guy said, well, why no.
00:27:55 But.Devon Stack
00:27:56 What? What? What if you put in these these other ones? I don't use those ones. I use these ones.00:28:03 Yeah, but if you.
00:28:03 Use these other ones. I don't. And he was getting mad. It's like he thought he was getting ****** with or something.
00:28:09 It was really.
00:28:10 Weird. I was like, huh? So I started paying attention a little bit as I because I kind of.
00:28:14 Zoned out.
00:28:15 And then we got to this part which?
00:28:17 I did clip.
00:28:17 Out because I paused it and and and clipped it out right then and there.
00:28:22 Because it was just like, holy **** that he just ******* say that. Did he just ******* say that?
00:28:29 And it, like I said, it's a perfect and I'm not shipping on this guy. He seems like a perfectly nice guy, and that's not the point of this.
00:28:37 But it's the exact opposite of what this.
00:28:41 Chick is saying.
00:28:43 See, they're looking at a amplifier that he's working on.
00:28:48 On his bench.
00:28:50 And the white guy is going to point out that part of the design.
00:28:55 Is inefficient that there's in a in a nice way. He's going to say you know what? What about this part here? Is that really a necessary part to have in your amplifier?
00:29:04 I just want.
00:29:05 You to look at not just the response.
00:29:09 But the white guy, not knowing how to respond to to what's being said.
00:29:15 Because it's kind of.
00:29:19 I don't know. It's it's. It's fascinating.
Speaker 12
00:29:25 This happened to go right even nice and and it fits and it's done and I'll take it to him when he go to the break. So here's your box because I know I'll see him then.00:29:38 One thing I gotta put is the box number here to see that the date, but I gotta put.
00:29:41 The box number.
00:29:42 On the box number, yes, and that's it.
Devon Stack
00:29:44 OK. So do you feel this is necessary?Speaker 12
00:29:49 Yep. OK. Now why? Because that's the way the white boys did it 40 years ago.00:29:55 You you can't remake the wheel. Apparently. It must have been right, because they did it and it worked for them. So I do it and it worked for me 40 years later.
00:30:10 Because white boys do. Yeah. OK.
00:30:13 Ain't no black man designed this thing. White boys did his back in the day.
Devon Stack
00:30:21 Ain't no black man design this thing.00:30:26 The white boys did back in the day.
00:30:33 And it in a way.
00:30:34 Like I said, it's I think it's it's much more capable cargo cult, but I think it's cargo cult to some extent all the.
00:30:42 Same.
00:30:45 He's essentially saying, hey, look, I don't know how any of this stuff works, and if you watch the interview, you kind of pick up on that, that that he doesn't understand the theory behind anything. He doesn't understand. You know, it's like the difference between a backyard mechanic that has memorized a few steps that fix a few problems but doesn't actually understand what's.
00:31:07 What's happening inside the engine that explains why these steps fix the problem? He just knows well. If I do this, this and this.
00:31:16 You know, it fixes it and it does. And there's nothing wrong with that.
00:31:21 But.
00:31:23 It's not the same as understanding how the system itself works.
00:31:28 So that you can come up with your.
00:31:30 Own.
00:31:31 Solutions you don't have to just be mimicking this solutions that other people came up with.
00:31:39 And so I again, I'm not ******** on this guy. Seems like.
00:31:42 A.
00:31:43 Nice guy, you know, and I'd like, like you said, much prefer he'd do something like this than than other stuff he could be doing.
00:31:53 But it was just fascinating to me to see this guy who for the last 40 years.
00:32:00 Has been working on an amplifier. Is a relatively simple circuit, by the way. It's not like he's building a new radio, it's like a part of a car. You know, it's not like anyone's asking.
00:32:15 You would design an entire car when you're designing the amplifier. It's more like you're designing like the brake system on a car. I mean, that's not obviously not what it does, but yeah, in terms of complexity, yeah, brakes can be kind of complex in their own way, but it's just one element of a car. It's really.
00:32:35 Not super complicated.
00:32:37 Stuff.Devon Stack
00:32:38 Especially with the the solid-state gear, it's even more simple than it was with.00:32:45 With tubes, although the tubes aren't even really super complicated, they're just more dangerous, I think.
00:32:51 To work on.
00:32:53 So it it was just fascinating to see this guy who had worked on this stuff.
00:32:57 For 40 years.
00:32:59 And had no idea really why it worked.
00:33:03 He just saw that well.
00:33:05 That's what the white people did.
00:33:07 So that's what I'm going to do.
00:33:09 It works for them. It's going to work for.
00:33:11 Me.
00:33:12 The problem is.
00:33:15 The problem is is. That's basically going to be our country.
00:33:20 The problem is the people that they're replacing the whites with in our country, even if they're well meaning, you know, high IQ for their group, like this guy probably is.
00:33:32 That's that. That's going to be the ceiling they're going to hit.
00:33:37 And you don't need.
00:33:39 Any kind of evidence other than their countries, they are coming from.
00:33:46 Have a history that doesn't line up with ours.
00:33:52 The reason our countries, European countries and America and and and just the Anglosphere in the West generally.
00:34:00 The reason why we're way more advanced and the contrast was even starker before we started sharing our.
00:34:09 Or.
00:34:11 Our inventions with other countries.
00:34:15 We were, we were.
00:34:17 Several generations ahead, even of like the high IQ.
00:34:21 Parts of the world like you might say, like East Asia, a lot of East Asia was relatively third world until they encountered Europeans. Sure they had gunpowder and whatever, but like.
00:34:34 Let's be serious. A lot of that was was replicating what the West had created and imported into their countries as well. Now because they have a higher IQ, they are able to modify it and make, you know, advancements on the the technology.
00:34:54 But I think that there's a difference there too. I think there is a.
00:34:57 A lack of.
00:35:00 Creativity, a lack of originality, where they can probably improve upon a circuit in the same way that if you want to keep it in the radio World, Ham radio companies that begin to spring up in Japan, we're able to get existing ham radio designs.
00:35:19 From American companies and enhance the design.
00:35:23 And you could say that's a lot. What? What really all the electronics industry in Japan did is the manufacturing that used to take place in America was exported to Japan, and the people were smart enough to to do the manufacturing and eventually start enhancing some of the designs and.
00:35:44 You know, but not a whole lot of brand new earth shattering.
00:35:50 Disruptive inventions coming out of East Asia.
00:35:56 Though it's always an improvement on something that was coming out of the West, you know, even a lot of people, their heads might go to like video games or something like that and say, oh, what about Nintendo? Yeah. I mean, it was an improvement on Atari.
00:36:11 It was, but it was. It was not an original idea.
00:36:17 Same thing with with all the televisions and the radios. And you know all the technology. I'm not saying they've never invented anything, but by and large, that's kind of how it's happened. So I think that as as more white people get replaced in the West, that innovation is going to go away.
00:36:36 And it's going to just be a a maintenance of what already exists.
00:36:43 And you're going to have issues. You're going.
00:36:45 To have problems.
00:36:47 That they I think the ruling class is hoping that AI can pick up the slack and fix.
00:36:54 But that's that's just the world we're going to live in. We're going to live in a world where it's.
00:37:00 It's cargo cold.
00:37:03 Now someone was nice enough to track down.
00:37:06 We did a diversity training stream a while back and they found the rest of the videos. There was a whole series of them. I only had, I think episode 2 and there was something like six of them.
00:37:19 And so I pulled up.
00:37:22 Two more episodes, the one that that episode one, the one that went before, the one that we went over that stream and then episode 3, the one that would go after that, we just take a little bit quick look at part of that just because it kind of lines up with what I'm talking about how.
00:37:40 The diversity with, you know, people replacing us, whether you're talking about E Indians, both politically and you know, obviously JD Vance is probably going to be the vice president. His wife is Indian, his kids are Indians. It's only a matter of time before we get someone like Vivek or something like that.
00:38:01 And of course, what's their attitude going to be towards the H1B1 visas? They're going to open the floodgates. They're going to use this excuse of IQ.
00:38:10 Thinking that that's the only thing that matters, which is and that's. I think that's probably a shift that that we need to make in educating people. It's an important metric.
00:38:24 It is something that is measurable. It's easy to understand metric. It's an easy way. You can show people the bell curve and explain that like, oh, This is why.
00:38:35 You want to keep a white majority in your countries because of, you know, the IQ versus, you know, black populations, Hispanic populations. You're gonna have a massive drop that's going to create problems. But unfortunately that leads a lot of people to the conclusion, then, that we shouldn't mind.
00:38:55 Being replaced by, you know, E Asians or Indians who I don't know what I mean. I know there's a it's it's a caste system. But I think the the upper caste Indians are are at least close to whites. I don't know. I don't know the.
00:39:09 Numbers on that.
00:39:10 But that's the that's kind of the.
00:39:13 The sieve net.
00:39:18 Immigration based on merit.
00:39:22 Ideology that's spreading throughout the right wing because really the only thing that they've that people have talked about to get them to think about things racially has been IQ. And that's just one piece of the puzzle. And maybe we got to think of ways that we can actually.
00:39:44 Put numbers to some of these other things that are.
00:39:48 In some ways, almost spiritual, you know, like there's almost a spiritual difference between the different people, whether.
00:39:56 You mean that?
Speaker 7
00:39:59 You know.Devon Stack
00:40:00 In terms of like actual, you know, spiritual or just like a a metaphor.00:40:04 For the the way that a people behaves I I think both are true. I think that we're just spiritually different. We have different destinies. We have different priorities. We have different ways of interacting with each other. And when white people are not burdened when they're not burdened by.
00:40:25 These other groups of people in their societies, when it's only white people having to work with other white people in order to progress and to invent and to create and XLS a people, we're we're on.
Speaker 13
00:40:44 Apple.Devon Stack
00:40:45 We're unstoppable. In fact, I'm. I'm certain that's exactly why our competitors knowing that.00:40:54 Have done everything they possibly can to make sure that never happens in any white country ever again.
00:41:02 Because.
00:41:03 They know that we would outcompete everyone.
00:41:08 Because we were out competing everyone and we always have outcompeted everyone, but you can't outcompete everyone if you're having to use up a substantial portion of your resources.
00:41:21 To subsidize all these other people intellectually otherwise.
00:41:26 And get them to just exist or just not be a danger to you.
00:41:31 And your family?
00:41:32 In your society.
00:41:36 So.
00:41:37 It's interesting because this diversity training almost kind of talks about this. I mean, it's talking about it, obviously from a completely different angle.
00:41:47 The angle they're coming at is. Ohh yeah. No. Yeah, we are totally different. But you should love it. And you should feel bad for being white. And we need to embrace these changes and and and it's just, you know, it's.
00:41:58 It's really kind of sickening, especially knowing that at the time that they produced this.
00:42:05 This propaganda, it was, in a sense, still you could you could fix it still.
00:42:12 You could fix it, but the recipients of this propaganda were they had gone to the civil rights movement and they were ready to roll with this diversity experiment, they had no undo button, and if it went awry, they didn't have to really be around to to pay the price their kids would.
00:42:32 And they didn't really like their kids, so it kind of worked out right it.
00:42:35 Was again an easy gamble for them.
00:42:38 So this is this is part one.
00:42:42 Or at least part of what? Like it is it? It's going to not be as lengthy as what we did before, but this this is Part 1 managing differences.
Speaker 6
00:43:05 Americans, historically a diverse people.Devon Stack
00:43:12 So that's the first line like, yeah, they they open up with this lie saying that ohh, we've always been diverse.00:43:20 Finch, now they are like look Indians.
00:43:24 Indians.
00:43:28 Is, as we all know, Indians were the ones that were developing.
00:43:32 The new world.
00:43:35 You know.
00:43:37 Everyone knows about that famous Indian inventor that invented the weight. Nothing.
00:43:45 Or that great Indian explorer that Nope, not no.
00:43:52 Or that, you know, great Indian. Really pick something.
00:43:59 So they they lie about the oh, America was always diverse.
Speaker 6
00:44:04 Indian, European, African, Asian and Hispanic men and women of different religions and different cultures. We are all Americans.Devon Stack
00:44:14 Yeah. So to give you an idea of how much of A lie this is, this is a graph that shows the the racial composition of America going back to 1610, which is about the time when.00:44:30 Europeans first started to come to America now just to give you an idea, that little yellow line at the bottom.
00:44:37 That's black people.
00:44:39 That line way at the top, that Orange Line.
00:44:44 That's that's white people.
00:44:46 So.Devon Stack
00:44:47 So in 1610 it's.00:44:48 Basically 100% white.
00:44:53 By 1700, it's still like 98% white.
00:45:00 By the time we're in the 1800s.
00:45:04 1810 it's still 80% white, and the only reason why it's only 80% white is you see that big lump there? That bump on the bottom of the black people.
00:45:14 That's because there were just a lot of slaves.
00:45:17 Now remember, these slaves had no consequence when it comes at the time.
00:45:22 They have a huge one now.
00:45:23 At the time when it comes to how the society was run, there were no none of these blacks that are on this graph were making policy or really allowed to roam free. They couldn't leave their their house unless they have permission. So when you have that little dive down in the.
00:45:43 Orange line at the top there. That really shouldn't in in terms of practically what what that actually means prior to the Emancipation Proclamation, it functionally it it stayed about 95%.
00:45:59 Now after the the Civil War, you start to have a drop off in the slave population by 19101910, we're still at 90% white.
00:46:12 So they're they're giving the boomers this ********, though we've always been diverse. We've always been this diverse nation. No 1910.
00:46:20 You know from from six for 300 years.
00:46:25 For 300 years.
00:46:29 It stayed above 90% wide.
00:46:34 From 1610 to 1910 in.
00:46:36 Fact for longer?
00:46:38 In fact, you go all the way to 1960.
00:46:42 It's still 90% white.
00:46:46 And again, a big part of that, the non white.
00:46:48 Is the black.
00:46:50 So it's like 90% white and nineteen 6010% black. And then just some randos, you'll notice a bunch of those little lines start to shoot up there around 1960, and that's because 1965 with the Immigration Act.
00:47:05 That ****** ** the country demographically, which is exactly why the Orange Line.
00:47:10 Takes him a ******* nosedive.
00:47:13 After 1960.
00:47:15 But the boomers who were born and grew up around the 60s and 70s, basically enjoyed a country that was 90% white.
00:47:26 And even for another decade or two after that, because these immigrants, when they.
00:47:31 Showed up, I mean.
00:47:32 There was no such thing as an H1B1 visa. We weren't importing a bunch of Indians or or even Asians to come and do high IQ jobs, so no one that was middle class.
00:47:47 Or above.
00:47:48 Even after you had those, those numbers pop up after the mid 60s, there none of those newcomers were competing with.
00:47:57 With middle class boomers or or upper class, certainly boomer.
00:48:02 And so for all intents and purposes, it was still 90% white.
00:48:08 It wasn't until their children hit the workforce that they were going to have to, or even before that, when their children were looking to get accepted into schools that all of a sudden they're having to compete with people.
00:48:22 And the problem is like I said.
00:48:25 If you break it down by IQ and make it sound like, well, that's all that matters to me. The only part about race that I care about is IQ. Well, then you shouldn't care if there's high IQ immigrants that are competing with white kids because they're, you know, it's just you're just getting the best candidate for the job, right? I mean, they're basically white, right? Their IQ is on par with white people.
00:48:47 That's the only thing that makes us different.
00:48:50 Then why does it matter?
00:48:52 Because it's not the only thing that makes us different, and all you have to do is look at the countries that they're coming from and see the way that they're they're structured. And the way that they behave and understand that that's.
00:49:04 That's not the kind of society white people would ever have have have made.
00:49:09 Or and certainly.
00:49:12 If it was so awesome, why are so many of them fleeing these societies and coming to ours?
00:49:19 But boomers don't care because they literally never had to compete with these people. They they.
00:49:25 When they think of immigrants and jobs, they think of Pablo mowing the lawn for $4.00 an hour.
00:49:32 Or Rosarito watching the kids while they're at work.
00:49:37 That only there it isn't across their minds that there might be a problem with all these high earning Indians that are now, like I said, getting into government.
00:49:46 And having influence, and this has been going on a long time because we didn't put a stop to H1B1.
00:49:53 Visas and now Trump is talking about stapling green cards to the backs of their diplomas.
00:49:59 And.
00:50:01 Maga people are cheering congratulations. Maga is now officially the Democrats in the 1990s.
00:50:08 100% I can't. In fact, if anything there to to the left of Democrats, the 1990s because the 1990s, the Democrats still hated **** so and certainly ********.
Speaker 6
00:50:24 But in the past, the office and other work sites have not reflected the diversity of the.00:50:29 People.
Devon Stack
00:50:30 No, they literally did. You're showing white people in, like the 1940s.00:50:36 That's what it would have.
00:50:37 Been.
00:50:39 It would be all white people at that office because it was all white people in the country, so acting like the demographic reality of the early 80s, which is when this was produced is somehow reflective of like what all that's and that's the that's the problem is that's basically how they're rewriting history.
00:50:58 And why wouldn't you believe that if you're a?
00:51:00 Summer, it must seem like a a foreign.
00:51:03 Like fictional, like Lord of the Rings style land to live in an America that's 90% white. That probably sounds insane to you, but that's that's what it was until fairly recently. But even in the 80s they were trying to rewrite that history and say, oh, no, look, America has always been diverse. It's always been like this.
00:51:23 You know that's a lie.
Speaker 6
00:51:25 That has changed today for the first time in history, white males are the minority in the American workplace. Only 46 percent, 75% of those entering the workforce will be minorities and women.Devon Stack
00:51:40 See the problem?00:51:42 Happened quick.
00:51:45 The problem happened.
00:51:47 Really fast. You had the Immigration Act of 1965 and by the mid 80s white males and look part of that was because of feminism too, and allowing women into the workplace, which was a huge ******* mistake.
00:51:59 But and and it really just was like pouring gasoline on the fire.
00:52:04 But by the the 80s white men who used to dominate offices and workplaces.
00:52:11 You know, during the time period where we were kicking ***** and taking names during the time period when we were creating innovations that seemed like magic, even a generation before.
00:52:26 It was because it was offices full of white people who all got each other.
00:52:33 You weren't having to watch diversity training just to figure out how to talk to Quang or Pablo or Tyrone without offending them or with what you know. And look, this this is in every aspect of life. Think of how much of our lives are our wasted just because of this problem and just.
00:52:52 Trying to get along and and just the and think of how much money the the federal government has spent on on diversity.
00:53:02 I bet the number is.
00:53:05 Astronomical.
00:53:07 I bet in fact, if we could somehow I don't know how you would calculate it, but I mean it would maybe something like an AI could calculate it in in a you know if they had enough data, but it's like holy ****.
00:53:21 The butterfly effect, right, because it's not even just like, how much does it cost to incarcerate more people? How much does it cost to have to have more judges, more public defenders? How much does it cost to have? It's like, how would how do you calculate the productivity lost because you can't get anything done at work because you're having to go to HR?
00:53:42 Again, for more sensitivity training to watch videos like this, how many billions of dollars are being spent on training like this? Or or consulting or legal compliance with affirmative action?
00:53:57 And I mean the the OR all the government programs where you're talking about the busing or the extra money thrown at black people in terms of building their their government housing like.
00:54:11 It's. I can't even I.
00:54:12 Don't think you can calculate.
00:54:14 The the economic cost certainly or even the social cost.
00:54:19 Like, what would our what would our social like? What would our?
00:54:22 Culture look like.
00:54:25 So much of American culture is, is Negri fried so much of American culture, even people on the right are obsessed with, you know, rap music or or black fashion, or black lingo. And it's it's absurd, but it's true, and everyone knows it.
00:54:44 How much of our culture would just be different?
00:54:49 If it had remained 90% white.
Speaker 6
00:54:58 Diversity is a fact of life.Speaker 14
00:55:02 It is absolutely clear that we have to manage diversity right now and much more so in the future, because we will not be able to survive. American business will not be able to survive if we do not have a large, diverse workforce, because those are the demographics.00:55:18 No choice.
Devon Stack
00:55:19 No choice. So as we already talked about, the Xerox guy ******* captain. I'm the CEO of Xerox, the the company, because we could, we could have been, we could have been Google. We could have been Google. But because in the 80s, apparently we were focused on diversity training instead of focused on the innovations that.00:55:40 Well ohh look, they invented so much **** Xerox, the R&D department, the white guys working in the R&D department at Xerox invented the mouse.
00:55:50 They invented the laptop they invented computer networking, the the the personal computer mad. But Xerox was too busy diversifying their workforce and focusing on the inventions of the white men that had come before them.
Speaker 14
00:56:08 The company that gets out in front managing dive.00:56:10 City.
00:56:11 In my opinion, only have a competitive.
Devon Stack
00:56:13 Edge. Yeah, you were wrong. You were ******* wrong as ****. You.00:56:16 Couldn't have been more wrong.
00:56:18 You know you, you you couldn't do anything because you were so focused on diversity. You had to. All you could do is keep selling the technology that the two old white guys, Chester Carlson and John H Dessauer, the two old white guys that invented the copy machine.
00:56:36 Thing.Devon Stack
00:56:37 Back in like the 60s, that's all you could.00:56:41 Do you you?
00:56:42 You got stagnant. You were ignoring the the white guys in the R&D department.
00:56:46 In Palo Alto.
00:56:48 And you didn't see the value in it and.
00:56:50 So you gave it away to Apple.
00:56:52 Then he gave it away to Steve Jobs. But again we talked about that last time. I just every time this ************ talks, it's just like you're the you're the, like, the biggest ******* example of what? What? What we have coming.
00:57:06 Well, you could have been anything.
00:57:08 You were ******* Xerox.
00:57:11 You were you were a powerhouse and like it's so big it's it's actually it's hard to kill. It's like coming back a little.
00:57:18 Bit.
00:57:19 But they could have been. They could have been Google. They could have been anything.
00:57:24 And instead they were focused on diversity training and.
00:57:29 Not innovation.
00:57:31 You know, they decide not to. Oh, look, here's this cool computer that some white guy in our our our department. Maybe it looks stupid. Let's keep making copy machines and black people managers.
00:57:44 And so that's what happened. They went bell, you know, not belly up, but they.
00:57:50 They ******* declined. They declined, like the American Empire. So you might remember this, this booze, Allen consultant, the the guy who I'm sure made a killing in the 80s by I'm the black guy who who doesn't quite have the the at least not as strong of a black accent. And I can wear a suit and show up on time.
00:58:10 So I'm going to be the the consult.
00:58:13 That that gets paid a ******** to tell.
00:58:16 You what? You know how.
00:58:17 Do how do I really understand black people?
Speaker 15
00:58:19 The problem with maintaining a white male standard as the norm and measuring everyone against that as you set up a sizable portion of your workforce for failure because there's no way I will be perceived as a white male.00:58:36 It's an argument.
Devon Stack
00:58:37 Translation.00:58:39 There's no way you'll be able to perform at.
00:58:41 The level of a white male.
00:58:44 If you make the expectations the same expectations that you've always had since the dawn of time in our country that, hey, this is what we expect out of people. And look, you have to have the these standards, you have to have these expectations for your government to even be functional for your society to even be functional. This whole idea in America.
00:59:04 Specifically, where it says, hey, you know, we're going to have limited.
00:59:07 Government and we're going to have, you know, these freedoms given to people and and we can pretty much trust people to behave at least, you know, for the most part because these are people that have a shared history a, you know, to some extent a shared.
00:59:27 Genetic background and.
00:59:31 So we can, you know, they're they're all part of the same family.
00:59:36 And so we can expect them to treat each other as such.
00:59:40 And there's certain standards we can have and expect that of people. Well, that goes out the ******* window.
00:59:47 That gets goes out the ******* window the second you start inviting strangers into your.
00:59:52 Tell all your house rules that your kids that you've been training since they were in diapers to obey, and then you just start inviting any random person that's on the street to come live in your living room for some reason and now and they don't know your rules and they're not following your rules and you're surprised that one of them is, like, beating up your daughter and and yeah.
01:00:11 It's like, come on.
01:00:13 What did you expect to ******* happen?
Speaker 15
01:00:16 Agreement that says that because we're all equal blacks, white males, female, we're the same. The fact that we are equal does not mean that we are the same. It just means that while we may have differences and we may come at things in different ways, those are of equal value.Speaker 3
01:00:18 Turn the volume.Devon Stack
01:00:33 That's what I'm going to disagree here. Look.01:00:35 It's obviously not of equal value and equal does mean the same.
01:00:41 It does mean the same.
01:00:43 7 = 7.
01:00:47 They're both sevens.
01:00:49 They're the same.
01:00:51 5 + 5 = 10 they're the same, they're both 10.
01:00:59 They're the same. That's what it means.
01:01:02 Now they might have tried to redefine it and throw in this word equity. We're going to get into the the, the, the, the way they've perverted language here in a moment.
01:01:11 But.
01:01:12 It does mean the same.
01:01:17 Now you could say that there's certain aspects of like, let's just say a you go to a pet store.
01:01:27 And a snake cost the same as a puppy.
01:01:32 That doesn't mean the snake is equal.
01:01:35 To a puppy.
01:01:37 Or that a puppy equals a snake?
01:01:41 That's ******* ********, but that's that's.
01:01:44 That is the mindset these people had.
01:01:48 Well, it's equal in this one way this this financial cost.
01:01:53 Therefore, they're equal. No, they're totally different. And basically every way that you could think of except for.
01:02:00 That one way.
01:02:04 So they're not equal.
01:02:08 And the same thing with having diversity hires in your business or?
01:02:12 In your government.
01:02:17 Just because they might be equal in in a couple of ways.
01:02:21 Ohh you're you're both bipeds.
01:02:25 Oh, you you both.
01:02:28 Eat food when you're hungry. I.
01:02:29 Guess you're all the same.
01:02:32 I guess we're all the same.
01:02:35 And look, he's acknowledging that they're not the same, but that's not he doesn't mean what I mean.
01:02:41 He's trying to act as if these differences are still equal.
01:02:46 But a snake is a puppy.
01:02:50 Well, they cost the same.
01:02:52 They're equal. Sure, there's differences, you know. So what if a snake doesn't have legs? It's still equal to the puppy. You just have to understand the differences of a snake.
01:03:06 And treat it different than you. What a puppy, which is true. You would have to, right? You can't treat a puppy and a snake the exact same way. One of them's going to die.
01:03:14 That's how you're doing.
01:03:15 It try feeding the puppy alive mice to keep it alive. That's going to be an issue.
01:03:25 Try try pretending that the snakes warm blooded. That's going to be a problem.
01:03:32 So yeah, in order to keep them both alive, you're gonna have to treat them radically different. Well, what does that do?
01:03:37 To the system now.
01:03:40 If you've got a system that's designed to take care of puppies now all of a sudden you have to start bringing in snakes because they.
01:03:46 Cost the same.
01:03:50 What have you just done to that system? You've you've overly complicated that system and you now necessarily have to take resources away from the puppies.
01:03:58 In order to keep the snakes going.
01:04:02 And at no point is anyone saying, well, the snakes produce the same as the puppies. How would you even measure that?
01:04:10 Other pets.
01:04:12 Produce the same what?
01:04:14 The same cuddly feeling, I don't think.
01:04:15 So like what? What's the what's?
01:04:17 The deal here.
01:04:19 So no, they're not the same, and their differences? Well, yes, there are differences. You need to make allowances for those differences. It doesn't mean and therefore we must have snakes.
01:04:30 In fact, it's almost making the argument.
01:04:32 In the other direction.
01:04:34 No one's asking. Well, why do we want differences then? If it's going to complicate the system so much?
01:04:42 What is the value in complicating the system?
01:04:46 What is gained by complicating the system and taking away from our people and giving it to these other people who are slowing the system down?
01:04:59 No one's got an answer for that ****.
Speaker 16
01:05:02 Blacks are minorities in general, are constantly being challenged. They're giving projects on top of projects. So we're going to have to quick plan games.Speaker 8
01:05:14 Well, what what?Devon Stack
01:05:14 What projects is talking about the projects because?01:05:19 By the way, by the way look perfect example of diversity. Hire this guy. He's manager of safety at ******* Hallmark.
01:05:28 You know Hallmark greeting cards.
01:05:33 Must must have a lot of responsibility. This manager of safety at a greeting card company.
01:05:41 How much you wanna bet that position didn't even ******* exist before? They're like, uh, we gotta get this guy ran. We gotta meet our quota.
01:05:48 For black guys.
01:05:50 I don't know. Make manager of safety.
01:05:53 Really. I mean, the green cards haven't exactly been exploding or anything like that. It's not like they're, you know, the great greeting card fire of 1975. The No, this is it's hallmark.
01:06:07 Yeah, you couldn't have a safer, safer workplace. Uh, we got to come up with something. So they.
01:06:12 Made a manager.
01:06:13 Of.
01:06:13 Safety. Some made-up ******* job.
01:06:18 Like this obviously made-up ******* job.
Speaker 16
01:06:22 We're going to have to quit constantly testing and testing and over testing and retesting minorities where we.Devon Stack
01:06:29 Don't see he's he's basically saying his job as safety manager at a greeting card.01:06:36 Company is too hard that his bosses are always testing him and pushing him, and it's because he he's not. Look, he's just not capable of performing at the same level. That's just the case. That's just the case.
01:06:51 If it's the same thing with that Ant those those those CB amplifier guys talking their buddies, their friends, you know?
01:07:00 But the white guy who has done, who's been doing it for way less time is way more advanced and way more of a expert at the same thing that the black guy has been doing for 40 years because the black guy hit an aptitude ceiling.
01:07:19 He maxed out his ability.
01:07:24 And that's just a reality that no one's willing to to admit. And it's not just black people like people that have complained to me in the past. But are you focused on black? No. It's just again, just like with IQ, it's something that's easy to measure. It's something that everyone with common sense knows is true, and it it, it's just an easy way of of pointing out the.
01:07:45 But as I said earlier, you're right, we can't just focus just on that because it's not just an issue of incompetence. I think that's a big issue, especially as we take in people from the Third world and from South, the border and everywhere else. That is a big issue and that's probably the issue most of us have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.
01:08:04 But that that's not just, that's not the only problem. The only problem is your upper class.
01:08:10 Your upper class is being replaced now too.
01:08:14 And the impact that's going to have on on what the West even looks like?
01:08:19 You know these ideas of of gun ownership, these ideas of free speech. All of these rules and laws and and policies put together by old white men that these people have no connection to whatsoever.
01:08:39 They're going to change. And it's funny because boomers will recognize and this is something that really ******* ****** me off. And it really shows you the self hatred of the boomer boomers love pointing out when they live in a place like Texas.
01:08:55 They live in a place like Texas and they complain ohh all these these California liberals.
01:09:04 All these California liberals.
01:09:07 They ruined their ******* state.
01:09:10 And then they moved to Texas or, you know, whatever Idaho, you know, pick a place.
01:09:17 And they start turning it into California.
01:09:22 Well, what they're talking about mostly is.
01:09:24 Other white people.
01:09:26 Look, they're not wrong. It's just that why is that so easy for you to spot? Why is that so for easy for you to say out loud? Why is it so easy for you to have disdain for white liberals? People that, by the way, you have infinitely more in common with than than someone from.
Speaker 6
01:09:44 Media.Devon Stack
01:09:45 Why is it so that you're willing to point out this difference and be angry about it? And ***** and moan about it, but you can't make the connection that someone who?01:09:55 Has virtually nothing in common with you whatsoever.
01:10:02 They're not going to change the culture of the entire country.
01:10:08 Even if they're high IQ like these, you know, look, you're talking about upper middle class white people coming in from California.
01:10:17 Right. You're talking about people that work, tech jobs have high IQ, or at least mid with IQ's right above the average IQ.
01:10:29 But they still have a similar heritage to you. They speak your language. They were raised on this in the same culture that you were sure like look.
01:10:38 I think there needs to be a calling that gets, you know, some of these numbers down.
01:10:42 And I get it OK.
01:10:47 But why is it so easy for so many people to understand that there's a problem with that kind of immigration?
01:11:00 And yet not a problem with people coming in from India, who likewise are at Midwood IQ working tech jobs.
01:11:12 Coming to America.
01:11:14 From somewhere that's completely foreign.
01:11:20 As if that's not going to change.
01:11:22 The culture.
01:11:24 Of your country in in ways that are more dramatic than than some California liberal ****.
Speaker 16
01:11:32 Where we don't do that, but the white manager because the the assumption with the white manner is that anything that he is weak in or lacking in, he will come along in the future.Devon Stack
01:11:44 That they they assume that because that's what the evidence shows.01:11:49 He's upset that when a white person in the office.
01:11:55 Doesn't get something right away. Management makes the assumption that they're gonna get it.
01:12:02 That's because.
01:12:04 Chances are.
01:12:06 They're gonna get it.
01:12:09 That's because in past experience with white people, they realize in all likelihood they will come around and get it.
01:12:20 If they don't, they'll get fired, you know.
01:12:23 And yet this black that's that's having to perform in this environment, the same environment that is imposed on whites, he's upset by it.
01:12:33 He's like, they don't think I'm going to get it well, because you're you're probably not going to. They made you ******* manager of safety at A at a greeting card company, you **** ****.
01:12:42 You you ever look around and realize you're not, you're not exactly designing.
01:12:48 Computer processors.
01:12:51 Like you've got like a made-up job and you're still struggling.
01:13:01 So then they do they they talk about the woman problem.
01:13:05 They talk about when they're upset in the workplace because they get ignored.
01:13:10 And it's another one of these situations where, *** ****, I wish I lived in this kind of workplace.
01:13:17 Well, when women talked, no one took him seriously.
01:13:21 For the the the same reason with the black guy, right? Like there was just like, OK, thanks for your input, Sally. Anyway, Bob.
01:13:29 You know like.
01:13:31 Or or or, or even better, why are you even here?
01:13:37 So they go through all this nonsense about this, this girl, she's she's struggling to to acclimate in a in a workplace full of men.
Speaker 18
01:13:51 Well, you've all had time to think about bills proposal, so let's get right to it. Any reactions?01:13:57 I think it's innovative and workable.
Speaker 17
01:14:00 I agree it's definitely worth a try.01:14:02 One woman in the apartment budgeting. We seem to be overlooking, is the accurate forecasting of staffing needs.
Speaker 19
01:14:08 Well.Speaker
01:14:09 You're reclassifying of inventory won't cause mass.Speaker 18
01:14:12 Confusion.Speaker 8
01:14:12 Shut up, *****.Speaker 15
01:14:15 The process is simple.Speaker
01:14:18 So.Devon Stack
01:14:20 Shut up.Speaker 17
01:14:22 I think that my point is connected to Bills proposal to use my department as an example.Speaker 6
01:14:38 Started with a smaller department.Speaker 8
01:14:47 Shut up.Devon Stack
01:14:54 So yes, I I added the Charlie Brown teacher sounds also.01:15:02 But they make this seem like a bad thing.
01:15:05 Yeah, you seem like a bad thing, but I was just like, oh, God, Susan, shut up. Like, alright. Anyway, back to like the, you know, real people. So, Bill, you got those, you got those numbers on this for? It's like *** ****. So they complain about how.
01:15:25 Women, you also need to do the same thing with women.
01:15:29 The women **** ** the workplace, too. In fact, here's something I would like to ask people you there's probably you could probably still find some, although look, just like with everything else, right? Just like how every boomer was against gay marriage in like 2004 or whatever. 20 years later. They're like, yeah, they just want to get married. You know, I got. I got a flag friend, just like they used to say they had a black friend, right.
01:15:52 So they're, you know, they're they're willing to tilt to the left, almost to a limitless degree.
01:15:59 But there was a point in time. There was a point in time, boomers would say women should not be in the military as an example.
01:16:09 They shouldn't be in the military.
01:16:12 Right. That, that, that, that seemed like common sense to most people.
01:16:17 One of the reasons why they shouldn't be in the military is it it. Well, some of the obvious stuff, right? They can't lift heavy things. They everyone knows the the reality of female cops with guns. You don't think that translates into the military for ****, I mean, they got automatic weapons in the military and imagine imagine that ******* scenario.
01:16:38 So you got that issue just women, just not they they're just not warriors.
01:16:43 Men have been bred to.
01:16:44 Be warriors for eons since the dawn of time.
01:16:47 It's putting women in a position they.
01:16:50 Shouldn't be in.
01:16:53 But another practical reason why you don't want women in the military is it kind of ***** up the whole dynamic.
01:17:01 It ruins the the whole male.
01:17:05 Space. If you want to put it that way.
01:17:10 Mend.
01:17:11 Men, all men.
01:17:14 In one way or another, self police or act different when women are around.
01:17:19 It totally ***** up the whole.
01:17:22 Mojo.
01:17:24 When you've got a chick around, that's just the way that it. It doesn't matter how masculine that girl is.
01:17:30 It ***** up the whole thing.
01:17:32 And again in 2004, you'd probably get a lot of people that use MAGA types will agree with you. They're like, yeah, I mean, now they're probably just like, oh, wait a minute. Just.
01:17:42 To you know, shut the **** **.
01:17:45 But in 2004, they might have been like, yeah, you know, you're right, you're right. So I would ask you, like, why would you want?
01:17:54 Your office to be any different.
01:17:58 Why would you want your office to be less efficient than the military?
01:18:05 I mean, I get why you'd want to put extra emphasis on the military. And maybe if your business is a ******* flower shop or something like that, it's not a big deal, but.
01:18:13 By and large.
01:18:16 Why, you know, for the most for most situations.
01:18:19 Why would you want to **** ** the mojo anywhere?
01:18:23 You don't think that's going to have a ripple effect? You don't think that's going to have a, a, a lasting effect when it comes to innovation that our country is capable of of producing.
01:18:39 And the same could be said of colleges. We'd go on and on.
01:18:41 About colleges, but.
01:18:44 Anyway.
01:18:49 So then we get, we get told.
Speaker 8
01:18:52 Well.Devon Stack
01:18:54 You can ignore. You can try to act like.01:18:58 There's no differences. You can keep trying to act like it's all white guys in the office.
01:19:05 And ignore the needs of the the special. That's essentially like putting special needs kids in your classroom.
01:19:12 Unnecessarily.
01:19:15 If your kid is in a class of people who are a lot like him.
01:19:21 Do you think they're going to be able to cover the same curriculum in a year as if they packed half the class with Mexicans and threw in like 10 disabled kids?
01:19:33 And then like 5 black kids.
01:19:37 You think the same curriculum is going to be taught in the same time spent?
01:19:42 You think there's not going to be a bunch of time wasted and just be, you know, managing the behavioral problems.
01:19:49 Managing the the issues of literacy and other problems that these other kids are going to have.
01:19:58 Managing just like the weird special problems that that pop up because the disabled kids.
01:20:07 So if you care about the future of your children, that would.
01:20:11 Be a bad thing, right?
01:20:13 Well, bottom line, the boomers just didn't care about the future of their children. They were willing to risk.
01:20:17 That all because there was no cost to them. They were willing to let you pay the price for their **** ** if it ended up being a **** ** and good God that had ever become.
01:20:26 A **** **.
Speaker 13
01:20:28 The consequence of organizations not recognizing, not rewarding, not developing, not promoting women and minorities.01:20:39 Is simply that these women and minorities leave.
01:20:48 Are you ******* kidding?Speaker 21
01:20:49 Me. You ******* kidding me? You kidding me?Speaker 20
01:20:51 *****.Devon Stack
01:21:07 She says it like.01:21:08 It's a bad thing.
01:21:10 Oh, they'll, they'll leave. Wait. So like that? Should have been the entire training video. Yeah. If you don't treat these.
01:21:18 These minorities with kid gloves, if if you don't treat them special, if you keep holding up them up to the same standards that you're holding your white employees up to, they'll leave.
01:21:31 Oh well, that's.
01:21:35 That's all we need.
01:21:39 Oh, OK, well thanks. That's the solution. And the infuriating thing is, is they. You gotta remember, who's the audience for this?
01:21:48 Who's the audience for this?
01:21:50 This is early 80s, so boomers were beginning their careers. The management probably wasn't all boomer, maybe a little.
01:21:58 Bit.
01:22:00 And they saw this as a bad thing. Well, holy ****, we can't have them leave.
01:22:05 Ohh, in that case, alright, quick let's we got we better pay attention. What are the solutions? We.
01:22:09 Can't have them leaving.
Speaker 13
01:22:14 As a black.01:22:15 Woman, sometimes I do encounter difficulties in managing a white male. Often they try to go over your head or if you give them an assignment to do, they will do the assignment but report back to your supervisor.
Speaker 9
01:22:31 They've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be open by the window and I could see the squirrels that they were married.Speaker 22
01:22:35 I mean they.Devon Stack
01:22:37 Seriously, the guy they picked like like like where they find him?01:22:42 Where they find Melton, I like how Milton was was working at this ******* God awful company.
01:22:54 Oh boy.
01:22:57 Yeah, it's real. It's real difficult when I work with white people because they have so little respect for me because they know that I'm only there to be head of safety, head of safety at A at a greeting card company.
01:23:11 That after the the humiliation of having to be told what to do by the the head of.
01:23:16 Safety at the.
01:23:17 Greeting card company that when they complete their task, they don't go back to you. They go over your head to the white guy.
01:23:25 Who they take more seriously for obvious reasons and see, look, there's another problem you've just created. Now in the hierarchy in your company.
01:23:37 But it's worth it because if you don't fix it, they'll leave.
01:23:43 Uh.
Speaker 6
01:23:46 Allowing a manager to fail hurts the organization and promotes stereotypes.01:23:52 The original stereotype was a printing machine that produced an image from the mold over and over again. We do the same thing when we stereo.
Devon Stack
01:24:01 By the way, the context that was the white guilt.01:24:05 If you've got some ****** black manager who's the head of safety at your greeting card company.
01:24:10 And you allow him to fail? You're you're promoting stereotypes.
01:24:17 I don't know. Just a second ago, you're making it sound like you know this is all merit based, sort of, but also not and I'm.
01:24:24 I'm Hitler. If I fire the incompetent black guy like it's only the mind of the boomer could understand this. But it's look and again.
01:24:33 I'm not ******** on them it.
01:24:35 They were. They were.
01:24:37 Subjected to.
01:24:39 Propaganda.
01:24:42 At levels.
01:24:44 Of intensity.
01:24:46 And.
01:24:48 Innovative technology that the world had never seen before. I mean that you're talking television didn't exist before this.
01:24:57 Television was new.
01:25:01 And who was running it? It was Jews.
01:25:04 They were getting raised by by Hollywood Jews.
Speaker 6
01:25:11 The original stereotype was a printing machine that produced an image from the mold over and over again. We do the same thing when we stereotype people. We take a few notions about a group and see all individuals in that group as being the same. We make automatic assumptions and inevitably we make mistakes.01:25:31 And one of these men talking about business, you would not be alone if you assume the white men are talking about work, but the others are wasting time.
Devon Stack
01:25:42 Yeah, it's pattern recognition. Imagine that. So pattern. Yeah, obviously, pattern recognition bad.Speaker 3
01:25:49 And then we then.Devon Stack
01:25:50 Then then we have this very unlikely scenario. I don't know why they focus so much on this. I don't know if it's because it in the 1980s.01:25:57 Late 70s, early 80s if it was because there was this weird fascination with Native Americans, there was this weird fetish for Native Americans. Or if it was maybe deeper than that.
01:26:11 If, if because Native Americans were seen as a a minority group, that it was difficult to argue that they shouldn't be there.
01:26:22 So you could use them as an example of a minority in in in your workplace without the baggage of, well, why are they even here?
01:26:32 Right.
01:26:33 Because you can.
01:26:34 Just say, well, we want to be. Why are they even here? They've been here with thousands of years. Who are you, white man, where are you? Here you are the immigrant, you know, like.
01:26:44 Because it's just like a weird unlikely scenario like they use this chick more than once.
01:26:51 To describe really weird diversity problems with Indians.
01:26:58 Which is just the fact that there's an Indian in the office at all working out. Well, this isn't an office. This is a what, a manufacturing, some kind of.
01:27:08 Computer board some kind of doing some kind of wiring harness or something like that?
Speaker 6
01:27:13 Every individual is complex. Some perceived differences are only in the eye of the beholder, but there are real cultural differences. Different cultures have different attitudes about the roles of boss and subordinate. American Indians, for example.Speaker 23
01:27:29 How did you do that?Speaker
01:27:32 Come on. Really, it's neat. What did?Speaker 17
01:27:33 You do. Come on.01:27:35 You can show.
01:27:35 Me.Speaker 21
01:27:38 Has that seen you do this?Speaker 6
01:27:40 I don't think.Speaker 22
01:27:41 So well you.Speaker 17
01:27:42 Should show them it's.01:27:43 Really great I couldn't do.
01:27:45 That.
Speaker 23
01:27:46 Sure you could.Speaker 10
01:27:48 You'd be too embarrassed.Speaker 17
01:27:50 What you think he's got all?Speaker 23
01:27:51 The answers? Yeah, he's the boss, Ed.Speaker 17
01:27:57 No, it's no big deal. Let's get back to work.Speaker 15
01:28:00 And you've got to see this.Speaker 12
01:28:01 She has a great new.Speaker 25
01:28:02 Technique. This is great, Elaine. Everyone. Can I have your attention, please? I want to show you what Elaine has done here. She's found a new way to bind these wires. This is the kind of contribution I like to see around here.Speaker 24
01:28:16 Johnny, too, said. Is everybody. Johnny too funny. Give away, Johnny. Johnny, you know, on the wave. Alright well.Speaker 25
01:28:22 Johnny too. Let's give her little hand, huh?Speaker 26
01:28:28 That's a good job. Good job.Devon Stack
01:28:33 But in this weird scenario, it's bad like that. That was bad.01:28:40 Because I don't know why that's bad somehow that's bad. So for the the manager see this is the. This is the. Let's say this is real. OK, maybe it is. I don't know. Maybe it's real. That like, that's oh, oh, in her culture, you know, it's just like, well, then, **** her culture, OK. Her culture is not making wiring.
01:29:01 If she wants to go basket weaving on the reservation, she's more than welcome to do that ****. But so let's just say this is a real issue. That's ******* stupid.
01:29:10 It's ******* stupid. Ohh yeah, you can't be recognized for doing something good. That's bad. Make sure you're you can't even. You can't even give someone a a pat on the back without worrying about whether or not that's going to be a ******* problem.
Speaker 25
01:29:24 Where's your lane?Speaker 6
01:29:27 Workers may need to be encouraged to share their ideas, but some people are uncomfortable with public attention.Speaker 17
01:29:33 She was really embarrassed after her work was held up in.Speaker 19
01:29:36 Front of everyone.Devon Stack
01:29:39 Ohh no.01:29:41 Ohh no, I'm so embarrassed. It's like.
01:29:46 Anyway, so they go. They **** on white people a little bit longer.
Speaker 6
01:29:51 The cultural values in many organizations are white, male and based on European traditions, but adapting to modern realities. Many organizations are changing in order to embrace and value diversity.Devon Stack
01:30:05 Ah yes, modern realities.01:30:10 Modern realities.
Speaker 12
01:30:11 It sounds talmudic.Devon Stack
01:30:14 Modern realities, huh?01:30:18 And there's there's this sense of inevitability, like we talked about that the with the, the other part that we covered in this series, there's this sense of inevitability. Well, it's like, yeah, this is just how it is. Right, man.
01:30:29 You're you're.
01:30:30 Gone and this is what I was talking about where I mentioned the.
01:30:34 The Republican consultants I talked to back in 2012 and as we watched, part of the Republican National Convention from 2012, you saw the same kind of language, this idea that yeah, you know.
01:30:47 White people, you're you're the you're. You're the old. You're the past. Like, look at these all black and white photos. That's what represents you.
01:30:56 Is photos of dead people.
01:31:03 That's what represents your group is photos of dead people.
01:31:16 But then they talk about oh, yeah, and white people are making all kinds of innovations, but.
Speaker 6
01:31:28 On March 3rd, 1972, humankind sent a message to space.01:31:37 A gold plaque aboard the Pioneer 10 bore a message for any extraterrestrial bee.
Devon Stack
01:31:44 Can you imagine the *******? What the **** that would look like today?01:31:51 See, it's it's everything. Everything gets ****** **. Even the simplest ****.
01:31:56 Right. Oh, we're gonna make a plaque. We're gonna engrave some plaque so that if this probe goes outside the solar system and somehow by freak chance is encountered by something, they can look at this and get an idea as to who.
01:32:11 They're dealing with.
01:32:13 In this case it's, you know, 2 white people.
01:32:19 What?
01:32:20 What would that look like now?
01:32:24 Like you couldn't even you couldn't even agree on that as a country.
01:32:31 You couldn't even agree on on having.
01:32:35 Just a white guy and a white chick.
Speaker 6
01:32:42 Being that might come upon it, the man's gesture was meant to be a sign of universal friendliness. But even on Earth, people disagreed. Some thought it showed hostility. We can only guess what an extraterrestrial might think.01:32:59 It is a mistake to assume that our way of communicating is universal.
Speaker 8
01:33:07 What?Devon Stack
01:33:12 It's a mistake to think the aliens would think that this was a gesture of friendliness, perhaps an alien culture that's like flipping the birds that luck you aliens. What you gonna do about it? You right? The ******* tentacle. You ******* did pitch.01:33:35 I mean, for ***** sake, dude.
01:33:38 We can't even it was already been given. They were already ********.
01:33:43 I was just saying that it would be a.
01:33:44 Big *******.
01:33:46 Argument over just having.
01:33:48 A white couple.
01:33:51 But already they were. Oh, I don't know. What is that hand thing? Even like. First of all, what? What are the chances some ******* aliens going?
01:33:56 To find any way.
01:33:57 You ******* like this is such a shot in the dark thing that, like, no one's really expecting aliens to find this, OK?
01:34:05 But secondly.
01:34:07 If, if if they could, they can even they can even look at that and and see it as.
01:34:11 An image of a person.
01:34:15 I really doubt they're going to be like, whoa, hey. Hey. Bebo burp or beeble burp. Come look at this plaque we found. That is definitely a declaration of war from their claims. We shall destroy that. I mean, come what? What the ****? What the ****'* going on there anyway?
Speaker 6
01:34:32 Learning to communicate with people different from ourselves is becoming more and more important because of demographic trends. Today, 30% of New York's residents are foreign born.Devon Stack
01:34:46 Wonder what it's like today.01:34:49 Let's find out. What was it, 30? What percent foreign born 30% of new?
01:34:56 Just 30.
01:34:57 Sounds kinda low foreign.
01:35:00 Born though, that's pretty ****** **. That doesn't mean non white. That means four. That means not even born in America.
01:35:07 That is not even born in America.
01:35:10 So I don't even know if I could find those numbers. What? Let's see here, New York City.
01:35:25 Playing around the turn of the century, there's a lot of ******* foreign born New Yorkers.
01:35:32 From Eastern Europe.
01:35:34 With large noses.
01:35:36 So even this is how ****** ** this is.
01:35:39 This is how ****** ** this is.
01:35:42 According to the latest data that I can find, it's remember this is foreign born, not born in America.
01:35:51 OK.
01:35:52 So this isn't like you're black or you're not white. This means you weren't even born in America.
01:35:59 And in the early 80s, it was 30%.
01:36:03 And now it's 37 percent, 37% of the people living in New York weren't even born in America.
01:36:16 Sure. That's not going to be a problem.
01:36:18 I'm sure it's not a problem right now.
Speaker 6
01:36:21 New Yorkshire residents are foreign born.01:36:25 Washington, DC is 70% black.
Devon Stack
01:36:29 Yeah, that's.01:36:33 That's an issue.
01:36:35 I can tell you from living there.
01:36:38 Let's see what it is.
01:36:39 Now.
01:36:44 70% Jesus Christ, yeah.
01:36:51 Ohh it's gone down and because of all the other people we've imported.
01:36:57 It's now according to this, it's only 45% black. Jesus. I can't imagine living in in DC in the 80s. **** me.
Speaker 3
01:37:10 Wow.Devon Stack
01:37:12 That would have been.01:37:13 Rough.
01:37:15 That would have been rough. 70 ******* percent. Holy ****.
01:37:20 Holy ****.
01:37:24 Let's say a percent white. What's the? That probably hasn't gone up.
01:37:40 All right, so this number I'm almost positive includes Hispanic people, but it's according to this, it's 39% our nation's ******* capital is at 39%. It should be. It should be 100% or at least in the 90s.
01:37:56 It's OK, it's our capital. We, we, we you can expect to have.
01:38:00 Foreign people there because of the embassies and **** like that. Alright, maybe maybe to account for that. I'll even drop down to like 85%, right? But that's the lowest I should ever go.
Speaker 6
01:38:15 Miami is 2/3 Hispanic. San Francisco is 1/3 Asian.Speaker 8
01:38:20 Look, I'm not.Devon Stack
01:38:21 Whatever this will be all night, this is the the writing was on the wall. Is is the point of this.01:38:29 They were already, you might.
01:38:31 Replacement isn't a new thing.
01:38:33 Opposition to it.
01:38:35 Is a new thing.
Speaker 6
01:38:37 Floyd is 63% black.01:38:40 And new immigrants are settling all over the country. 8000, Laos and Mung in Saint Paul, for example.
Speaker 3
01:38:49 Now we can add a different level of complexity, but.Speaker 6
01:38:52 English will be the second language for the majority in California. Whites will be in the minority of the United States. Only 48% of the population.Devon Stack
01:39:06 See this is this is what I mean when I say I don't believe they're current numbers.Speaker 8
01:39:12 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:39:14 Because you had Joe Biden while back when he was still lucid.01:39:19 We had Joe Biden back in 2017 saying that whites were going to be in the absolute minority.
01:39:25 I think they probably already were by 2017 and in the 80s they were projecting this was already going to happen in the 90s.
01:39:35 In the 90s, they were projecting it was going to happen in the 2000s.
01:39:40 It's like it's always a decade away, right? It's always. It's always some time in the future. Why?
01:39:46 So that whites never get anxiety about it.
01:39:49 So whites never think to themselves, well, holy ****, this whole, this whole we're the, the, the power. We're the we're the oppressors and they're the oppressed. This doesn't make mathematical sense anymore.
Speaker 6
01:40:08 Diversity will be a reality in our daily lives, in schools and at work.01:40:16 In education, government and all kinds of businesses.
Devon Stack
01:40:21 Hooray, it's just an inevitable reality, guys.01:40:25 You just have to deal with it. That's just the.
01:40:27 Way that it.
Speaker 6
01:40:28 Is now. Service providers are often faced with long lines and short tempered customers, a stressful situation making special demands on communication.01:40:39 Every language has common conventions for polite interaction. We expect certain formalities, certain courtesies which others may dismiss as insincere.
Devon Stack
01:40:49 This is the part where it it it's like why people are too polite.Speaker 23
01:40:52 What?Devon Stack
01:40:54 They need to understand that most other people are ********.01:40:59 You can't just expect everyone else to be polite like white people.
01:41:04 When everyone else is pretty much an *******.
01:41:08 In a in a weird way I.
01:41:09 Agree.
01:41:10 Why people do expect other people to have the same levels of civilization and humanity that they have?
01:41:20 They have a hard time understanding that there would be really the majority of Earth on a different page.
01:41:29 They have a hard time understanding that.
01:41:32 People don't think the same way they do.
Speaker 6
01:41:41 Your chitchat.Speaker 19
01:41:42 OK. There you are. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot. Have a nice flight.Speaker 6
01:41:46 Watch what happens when this customer ignores the ticket agents greeting.Speaker 19
01:41:50 Good morning. How are?Speaker 24
01:41:51 You. I'm very upset. I have had this reservation for three months.Speaker 6
01:41:56 The agent naturally feels defensive.Speaker 19
01:41:58 And the flight is.Speaker 24
01:41:59 Full my wife must get on this flight. The whole family is.Devon Stack
01:42:03 I I like how the proxy for white people as a gay black.01:42:05 Guy, but you get it.
Speaker 24
01:42:07 He's expecting her.Speaker 6
01:42:08 In polite English, one disagrees by first agreeing we say OK or yes, but.Speaker 24
01:42:11 I have had.01:42:12 This earthquake before.
Speaker 19
01:42:15 Yes, I understand. But you didn't actually buy the ticket and the flight.01:42:18 Is full. No, no.
Speaker 24
01:42:20 I disagree. The plane is not full yet.Speaker 6
01:42:23 This customer would not seem especially rude to another East Indian.Speaker 8
01:42:26 Why are you?01:42:28 You ******* burnout, man. You ******* ******* you, blood. You bloody, you bloody *******, ***** you.
Speaker 6
01:42:36 When he comes across as very disagreeable to people who aren't used to this tone of voice.Speaker 5
01:42:36 People came from the airport to be heard.Speaker 8
01:42:41 You bloody ******* mother. Bloody ****, *****.Speaker 6
01:42:46 In some countries, much is left to the discretion of officials.01:42:51 So this customer expects flexibility, even favoritism. A difference of expectations adds to the tension.
Speaker 8
01:42:54 The whole family.01:42:58 ******* bloody *******. Bloody you blunder. Bloody no.
Speaker 24
01:43:06 I have been in situations like that so many times people don't try to understand. Maybe they just look at me and think I'm not important.Devon Stack
01:43:15 Ah yes, the self important Indian.01:43:18 The Indian that thinks that they're superior because they win spelling bees.
01:43:28 But what this doesn't go into?
01:43:32 Is if this was a real scenario instead of a proxy for a white guy, they you know they put in a black, you know, a gay black guy. If it was a real black guy.
01:43:43 If it was a real black guy, this might go down a little bit different.
01:43:47 Yet again, because of the diversity starts to have problems with with other diversity.
Speaker 24
01:43:54 Not everyone is here. My wife is.Speaker 19
01:43:56 Here, yes, I can see your wife is here. And I understand how disappointed you must be.Devon Stack
01:44:13 Take take, take, take, take.01:44:35 Like.
01:44:48 You know this?
01:44:54 Hey, Mr. perfect. You see the man shouting?
Speaker 19
01:45:02 And I'll do everything I can to help you.Devon Stack
01:45:06 Yeah, in reality, they'd be beating his *** so.01:45:13 I'll do everything I can to help you, Sir. Isn't that? Isn't that usually the interaction you have when you have?
01:45:21 Black service people, whether it's at a an airport.
01:45:28 Or post office or usually some kind of.
01:45:32 Like the MVP, DMV.
01:45:37 Anytime you have to interact with the government at the lowest level, it's always some ******* ****** *** chip on their shoulder, black guy or black lady.
01:45:48 So then, not only do they say that being polite is an issue, it's a problem you just have to. You just have to understand that because you're importing all these other people. You can't even rely on people being polite.
01:46:03 You can't even rely on sharing an idea of the definition of civility.
01:46:09 But on top of that, you can't even really rely on.
01:46:14 The definition of of anything really.
01:46:18 That your your need, your irrational needs surely.
01:46:24 To be precise with your language, to be specific, to use logic and your thinking and your dealings and business.
01:46:32 You understand if you're going to import all this diversity, which you need for some reason.
01:46:38 That's got to go to.
Speaker 6
01:46:41 To some people, logic and accuracy are essential.01:46:45 To them, if words are not precise.
Devon Stack
01:46:47 Yeah, tell white people logic is is is important.Speaker 6
01:46:54 Our drilling to clarify.01:46:56 This can totally derail others who perceive the relentlessly precise and reasoned communicator to be manipulative and domineering.
Speaker 7
01:47:05 There are some things I'd like to.01:47:06 Clarify too so.
01:47:08 What was on your?Speaker 7
01:47:09 Mind. Well, I think we have to figure out objectively and concretely the relative value of what you and I each bring to the table.Speaker 6
01:47:17 Well, you know, I've been in the business a long time.Speaker 7
01:47:20 I've built up a reputation. I created the market for this product. It means a lot to me. Oh, I do appreciate that. And you know, I've been in the business a long time too. I just. I just don't see how we can assign any concrete value to that. Now. I I think what we ought to do is just discount the past.01:47:36 And talk about what we will contribute from now onwards.
01:47:39 Nothing personal at all. I just think we have to look at the numbers one step at a time.
Devon Stack
01:47:44 Well, the black rain.Speaker 10
01:47:49 Builds.01:47:51 Well.
Speaker 12
01:47:53 In that case, we're going to have to have a a totally different kind of discussion there, Bob.Speaker 6
01:47:58 Many minorities have a history of feeling manipulated, exploited and victimized in their interactions with whites, and this contributes to their distrust of their.Speaker 7
01:48:01 Got it right here.Speaker 19
01:48:05 But.Devon Stack
01:48:07 Style. How ironic.01:48:11 How ironic, right? You see, it's it's minorities that have a natural fear of the white man based off experience.
01:48:27 How inverse?
01:48:31 It's the white man that that gives off the bad vibes gives the the non whites the heebie jeebies because in the past they've been so abused by the white man.
01:48:48 So violated by the white men so victimized.
01:48:54 By the white man.
01:48:57 So let me go back to the Indian check with some more unrealistic, weird ****.
Speaker 6
01:49:02 Some cultures are more verbally expressive than others. Some Americans are very inquisitive and chatty, while American Indians, for example, may tend to respect silence and privacy.Speaker 19
01:49:14 Hey, you're new here, aren't.Speaker 25
01:49:15 You.Speaker
01:49:16 Yeah.01:49:20 What's your name?
Speaker 6
01:49:24 What an *******.Speaker 18
01:49:26 My name's Evan. What's your name?Speaker 6
01:49:29 He is trying to be.01:49:30 But she perceives him to be nosey.
Speaker 18
01:49:34 Oh, God. Oh, oh, God. Oh, wow. What kind of name is that?Speaker
01:49:34 OK.Speaker 6
01:49:40 He thinks she is cold and rude.Speaker 18
01:49:42 Are you from South America or something?Speaker
01:49:46 No, I'm Cherokee.Speaker 18
01:49:49 An Indian. Hey, that's great.Speaker 6
01:49:52 Once again, differences in styles are the problem.Devon Stack
01:49:56 I like how it's like ohh. He thinks she's cold and rude. No, she is.01:50:01 She's cold and rude.
01:50:04 She's got a chip on her shoulder and and hates white people like most Indians.
01:50:08 Not all, but there's a lot of them to do. I kind of get it, but still, let's not beat around the ******* Bush.
01:50:18 And so that, you know, you got to watch out for apparently icy cold ******* because they might be Indians with a different culture. You can't tell jokes anymore because the, the ***** and the cubicle next door might take it the wrong way. Sounds like this is great. Doesn't that doesn't sound great. Does that sound like it's adding so much richness to the workplace?
Speaker 6
01:50:38 Did you hear the joke about the and you need to be thoughtful.01:50:40 In how you express yourself.
01:50:41 1st.Speaker 6
01:50:42 The things you say can have unintended results like jokes.Speaker
01:50:45 John.Speaker 6
01:50:47 Not everyone will find them funny.Speaker 26
01:50:51 There is absolutely no role that ethnic jokes can play in the workplace. They do not belong. There should not be there and are a reflection of the individual and the organizations racist posture.Speaker 27
01:51:07 My name is Ching Ching, just from China in the biggest ship bike. Come along here. The bin to blow the belly. Hard to kick you up a throw bowl. Make a poor chiny Mina feel better. Clear.01:51:19 Hi. Hi. Hi. Ching. Ching. Ching. Rummy. Bummy. Chicky. Muchi. Soupy. Fatty bum peas and know the kitchen to the pool. Rd. John. Eyes and old ******** from Hong Kong.
Devon Stack
01:51:33 You see, actually it does play a role.01:51:37 People always want to dismiss this because they want to act as if white people have some kind of weird, unique evil about them that makes them notice differences in other people and maybe not accept them as good.
01:51:55 And it's a weird observation to make, because obviously white people would look at these differences and not accept them as good because you don't have hordes of white people flowing into these other countries where all these other people live.
01:52:13 So maybe have some ****** ******* respect for the people that built these civilizations that you're just dying to ******* live in and understand that the role that this is playing these racial jokes, this racial bullying.
01:52:27 The role that it's playing.
01:52:30 Is an important one.
01:52:34 In the same way, we're going to get into this in a moment, in the same way, it's perfectly healthy, and in fact, it's it's unhealthy to not do this, to go around calling things you don't like as gay and calling people that do ****** things, calling them *******. The reason why that's healthy.
01:52:52 Is it's reinforcing to everyone around to hear it? Ah, being being a ****** is not a good thing.
01:53:00 Being a ****** is something that's bad and ******.
01:53:04 I don't want to be a ****** cause that's it's associated with everything bad.
01:53:09 Well, guess what?
01:53:11 When you bully people using racial stereotypes, whether it's through jokes or otherwise, you're doing the same thing. You're saying this behavior like if you're going to come here, if you're going to come here and participate in our society.
01:53:26 Which I don't think you should do in the 1st place, but look now that.
01:53:29 You're here, right?
01:53:31 We're going to make fun of you. We're going to bully you.
01:53:34 For doing the stupid ***** *****, you ****.
01:53:39 Because this this is not, this is not ***** ***** land. This is America.
01:53:45 So we're going to bully you and make fun.
01:53:46 Of.
01:53:46 You.
01:53:47 When you don't fit in.
01:53:50 Because guess what?
01:53:53 If you want to be a productive team.
01:53:56 Something that corporate entities, they love that word, right team. They want to be on a good team. Well, guess what.
01:54:03 The team has to have.
01:54:06 At least a A.
01:54:07 Culture in common at the bare minimum.
01:54:14 And this is our way.
01:54:17 Of hammering out.
01:54:20 All the dents.
01:54:24 Getting everyone on board with with the dominant culture here.
01:54:29 Which is exactly why they've attacked it. We're going to get to that here in a second.
Speaker 26
01:54:37 An ethnic joke told about any group of people can easily be told about your own.Devon Stack
01:54:44 Yeah, I'm sure. Like all the ***** ***** jokes would make sense if I was talking about white people. You dumb ******* *****.01:54:51 I'm sure making making jokes about, you know, not having fathers and and and shaniqua jokes like that, that's going to make sense if I, if I just swap out the race, right? That's why. That's why there's so many funny white jokes, right?
01:55:06 That's why there's, like, just like endless hilarious white people jokes, right?
01:55:14 Because you can just swap them out.
01:55:19 Dumb ******* hoe.
01:55:23 No, of course the video wouldn't be wouldn't be a diversity video if it didn't.
01:55:28 Have this part.
Speaker 22
01:55:29 I'm really offended by expressions like don't be such a Jew or can't you Jew the price down a little bit?Devon Stack
01:55:38 Price down.01:55:40 Can you do the price down? Jawing the price up but viewing the price down?
01:55:47 That doesn't ******* make any sense.
01:55:50 But anyway.
Speaker 21
01:55:53 I'm not prejudice.Speaker 26
01:55:55 That's the 1st.Devon Stack
01:55:56 Say the first sign says the other thing, the first sign that you're dealing with a real racist white guy is when they say they're not prejudice and it's kind of funny because in her own little weird way, she says the Democrats are the real racist. Like I I.01:56:12 ****, you're not.
Speaker 26
01:56:14 I'm not prejudice.01:56:15 That's the 1st signal to a minority person.
Speaker 21
01:56:19 That we have a problem. Uh oh, let's time out. Let's start.Speaker 26
01:56:23 This way because it's going to take.01:56:24 Some time.
01:56:25 The I'm open. I'm not prejudice. I know the issues I've been. I'm a product of the 60s. I've been in the wars and I'm Libra.
01:56:36 So someone like that is going to take a lot more education.
01:56:42 And then someone who says.
01:56:44 I know my upbringing, I understand I have prejudices and I learn how to manage that. There are times where I can't control it.
Speaker 28
01:56:53 Yes, for your feature fire feature changer.Devon Stack
01:56:58 So.01:57:00 You like how basically every both, both kinds of white person, they're they're automatically racist and they can't control it.
01:57:09 The ones that think they can.
01:57:10 Control it. They're worse.
01:57:14 So this this isn't any different really. People were acting like, oh, it's so crazy. All this anti white should they're pushing in, in schools saying that like even if I'm an ally, I have to, you know, I have to always bend the knee to the you know to colored people or what you know that kind of attitude that.
01:57:35 All white people are racist. **** **** you pay me that kind of ****. That's not new.
01:57:41 That's not new.
01:57:44 This. That's the exact. That's what they were teaching in the 19 ******* 80s.
01:57:51 White people just have been asleep at the ******* wheel and they need to wake the **** **.
01:57:56 And based on what I saw at the RNC last week.
01:58:00 It ain't happening.
01:58:02 It ain't happening.
01:58:05 And a lot of it's because they've perverted not just our culture, but they've perverted our language.
01:58:12 One of the things that I saw on Twitter.
01:58:15 I think it was yesterday. Joel Davis retweeted this Sam Parker tweet where he looked up.
01:58:23 The etymology of the word bad.
01:58:29 The word bad. What's what's the root of the word bad?
Speaker 24
01:58:32 The.Devon Stack
01:58:36 And the origin is old English.01:58:40 And zoom that in a little bit. It's hard for even me to read here.
01:58:50 I think that, says Bedell.
01:58:56 And I meant hermaphrodite.
01:59:00 Or womanish man.
01:59:03 So the word bad, the word that we I guess Michael Jackson the song makes a lot more sense now, but the word bad.
01:59:12 Really, the root of it is hermaphrodite or womanish man. It's ****** basically.
01:59:23 But they managed to redefine it.
01:59:27 In a bizarre way.
01:59:29 We've talked about this campaign, this there's there's a PSA. They did a whole series of these where they back in the in the late 90s, early 2000s, and it was extremely common for teenagers to say.
01:59:46 Hey, what's up, ***? Uh, you ******* ***? Oh, that. That's the gay **** ever saying. Oh, I get that gay **** out of here, you ******* Fagg.
01:59:53 That was normal high school talk.
01:59:58 Healthy high school talk because notice how once that stopped being the case all of a sudden there's like a billion ****.
02:00:05 That **** works.
02:00:10 So they did this whole campaign. Here's one with Hillary Duff. I played this commercial before.
Speaker 21
02:00:16 Do you like this top, so gay?02:00:20 Really. Yeah, that's totally gay. We shouldn't say that.
Speaker 26
02:00:23 You know.Speaker 10
02:00:26 Say what? We'll say that something's gay when you mean it's bad. It's insulting.Speaker 27
02:00:32 What if every time?Devon Stack
02:00:33 Yeah, it's supposed to be insulting. So they did all these stupid ads telling people not to say gay. Ohh. Don't say gay. Gay doesn't mean something bad. And in fact, in response to a lot of this stuff.02:00:47 Because bad literally does mean gay.
02:00:53 South Park.
02:00:56 South Park decided to get in on it.
02:00:59 And they played a sneaky little ******* Jew game.
02:01:04 It sounded really based at the time because they said Faggit a million times and they they directed the word fragging at boomers and if there was something that Gen. X and millennial kids hated, it was ******* boomers. So having a whole episode where South Park characters are calling boomers a bunch of *******.
02:01:22 Is really appealing, but what was this episode really doing?
02:01:28 The premise of the episode is the boy start saying ******.
02:01:34 Because everyone again, when this episode aired, I think it was 2007. This is before Obama. This is before gay marriage. This is back when Obama in the primary would say he did. He didn't support gay marriage because that's how much people still hated *******.
02:01:49 Not that long ago.
02:01:55 So this episode starts off with them calling a bunch of boomers riding Harleys a bunch of *******.
Speaker 28
02:02:02 *** **** it, why is it that every time you try have a relaxing day, a bunch of ******** on their Harley motorcycle show up?Devon Stack
02:02:11 So they're they're mad. The Harley-Davidson riding boomers are loud and causing.02:02:19 Noise pollution.
Speaker 28
02:02:23 You guys know that everyone thinks you're total ****, right?Speaker 29
02:02:29 What did you say?Speaker 28
02:02:30 You know when people like you drive down the streets with your unnecessarily loud motorcycles thinking you're all killed. Everyone is actually laughing at you and calling you pathetic *******. You do realize this, right?Speaker 5
02:02:41 Hey man, we roll how we roll and if people are annoyed or intimidated by it, that's too bad for them, yeah.Speaker 28
02:02:50 No, no, no. Nobody is intimidated. Actually, everyone realizes that people who are so needy for attention, they need to dress up and be as loud as possible. Are you guys? And 16 year old girls?02:03:00 Just wanted to let you know you're ******* ****.
Speaker 29
02:03:08 That that little boy just called us ****.02:03:13 Like he didn't think we were cool.
Speaker 5
02:03:15 But he's wrong.02:03:17 People don't think we're facts, do they?
Devon Stack
02:03:21 Seeing the clever thing about this is this is really funny when you're a a millennial or a Gen. X are watching this because you're like, yeah, boomers right around on Harleys or a bunch of ****.02:03:36 You know, in fact, Harley-Davidson is basically.
02:03:40 Bleeding money and has been since.
02:03:44 Other generations just aren't buying that. That's.
02:03:48 That's just not who rides a Harley Davidsons.
02:03:53 Now it's it's all boomers.
02:03:56 So as boomers die out, they they're just not selling boomer bikes anymore. So when you watched this when it came out, they're like, yeah, ha, ha, they're faggs, huh? But then then they they do a.
02:04:09 Little magic trick here.
02:04:12 After they call them the boomers ****, a couple more times.
Speaker 3
02:04:18 Yes.Speaker 5
02:04:23 Did that kid just call us? Did just ignore him?Devon Stack
02:04:28 So everywhere they go, people are calling them ****.02:04:34 And again, this was it, wasn't it wasn't like saying on TV yet, but it was. It was, you know, it was a little out of fashion to say faggs on TV. So that was part of the funny part of the funny was that the South Park guys were saying *** over and over and over again in this episode.
02:04:55 And they weren't getting in trouble for it. They were being allowed to say it.
02:05:00 And no one ever asked why.
Speaker 28
02:05:03 I have had it with those loud annoying fagots.Devon Stack
02:05:07 And they were just so impressed that just like with.02:05:11 Just like with.
02:05:14 All in the family, right? Oh, he said, not realizing what, what? What is this show actually accomplishing?
02:05:24 The the right **** get out.
02:05:28 **** get out.
02:05:31 And then.
02:05:33 A gay couple which is fully accepted in the episode or in the series.
02:05:39 In fact, while they sort of make fun of.
02:05:42 These degenerates, big gay owl and Mr. slave. They're funny characters. They're not disgusting monsters. They're funny characters.
02:05:54 And they see all these signs that say faggs get out and they get upset because, oh, my God, I thought we were past all this. I thought we were slowly getting to a point in history where everyone was accepting homosexuality and thinking things like big gay Al and Mr. Slave and Mr. Garrison were funny characters they have on TV shows. And it was edgy and whatever. And we can even show. But ******* and ****. And it was kind of funny.
02:06:16 Cause it was haha thugs. Faggs. Don't gross me out because we've made it so disgusting and over the top over and over and over again on on South Park. That really it's just desensitized me.
02:06:31 So what do they do? They couldn't change the fact that everyone still called each other **** and insane faggs and things that this, you know, calling **** gay.
02:06:39 So what they had, what they have to do, they couldn't control the language, especially as libertarians. They couldn't say that they were for censorship. So what do they?
02:06:47 Do instead.
02:06:48 Social engineering.
Speaker 23
02:06:51 Students, I am here because of a very serious matter this morning it was discovered that in several places all over town somebody had spray painted the words **** get out.02:07:03 Many witnesses reported seeing children with spray paint. Now if anybody knows anything about the kids who did this, you must come forward.
Speaker 28
02:07:10 That was that.Speaker 20
02:07:12 Excuse me. Yeah, we did that. Yeah.Speaker 23
02:07:16 Why would you write something like that and?02:07:18 Be proud of it.
Speaker 20
02:07:20 Well, cause we want all those flags to get.Speaker 28
02:07:22 Out of our town? Yeah, everyone hates those.02:07:24 Flags, right? Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 29
02:07:27 Not just what the heck is going on here. This is not what we have taught you in this school. Kyle and Stan, you've always been tolerant of gay people.Speaker 20
02:07:36 Gay people we are talking about gay people.Speaker 29
02:07:39 You just admitted to spray painting that they should get out.Speaker 28
02:07:41 Of town dude, why would white gay people, to get out of town? Oh, they think we met.Speaker 20
02:07:45 Gay ****. Oh, hey, that's not very nice, mayor. Just because a person is gay doesn't mean he's a fat.Devon Stack
02:07:52 And there it is.02:07:54 Oh no.
02:07:56 We can't stop people from saying fat, but fat doesn't mean gay people.
02:08:03 We like gay people.
02:08:06 We're saying faggs, we're just talking about these boomers on motorcycles. We don't mean game. I mean, that's crazy.
02:08:13 Well, you think we're bigots?
02:08:24 If you don't think this had an effect on.
02:08:27 On young Americans, you're you're crazy.
02:08:31 This is one of our most influential shows for millennials, for sure.
02:08:40 And now you're being told that. No, no, we're OK with ****.
02:08:46 We've spent, and this is season 13, so we've spent 13 years already.
02:08:52 Acclimating you the faggs by through the character, Mr. Garrison. Big Gay Al and Mr. Slave. And again going so over the top with it. That it's you're just fully desensitized. And even if you're still kind of grossed out by ****.
02:09:07 You're just, you know.
02:09:09 You're decent. You're tolerant. You've built up a tolerance to it.
02:09:18 So the kids are brought before the City Council and explain that. Yeah. No, that's not what fact means anymore. We.
02:09:24 Like gay people.
Speaker 29
02:09:25 We are really trying to understand this. How is it that you boys think referring to gay people as faggs in today's world is acceptable?Speaker 20
02:09:33 Because we're not referring to gay people, you can be gay and not be a Fagg. Yeah, a lot of faggs aren't gay.Speaker 5
02:09:38 I happen to be gay boys, do you?02:09:40 Think I'm a ***?
Speaker 28
02:09:42 Do you ride a big, loud Harley and go up and down the streets, ruining everyone's nice time?Speaker 10
02:09:46 No.Speaker 28
02:09:47 Then you're not a flag.Devon Stack
02:09:51 See.02:09:54 You're not a fad.
02:09:57 Has nothing to do with with sticking **** **** ** someone's *******.
02:10:04 We're beyond that. We don't think about that. It's really in some ways it's kind of like the boomer way of saying, you know, like, well, there's black people and there's, you know.
02:10:16 But it's and you can be white and be a, you know, it's like the Sargon take.
Speaker 28
02:10:23 All right, look, you're driving in your car, OK? And you're waiting to make a left at a traffic signal. The light turns yellow. Should be your turn to go. But the traffic coming at you just keeps coming. And even when the light turns red, a guy in a BMW runs the red light. So you can't make your left turn. What goes through your mind?Speaker 25
02:10:38 Fagg.Speaker 28
02:10:40 Right. But you're not thinking ohh. He's a homosexual. You're thinking. Ohh, he's an inconsiderate ****** *** like a Harley.02:10:45 Rider.
Devon Stack
02:10:46 Or like a homosexual?02:10:50 Or you're saying you aren't saying that he's like a neurotic, self-centered homosexual?
02:11:00 So the gay activists decide they want to.
02:11:03 Get behind this.
02:11:05 Because they're going to change the definition of Fagg.
Speaker 5
02:11:09 Fellow homosexuals, I believe we have an opportunity here to take a big step forward for our kind. We must acknowledge that the words the *** and ****** are never going to disappear. They are simply too much fun for everyone to forget. But we must realize that we are no longer the most hated people on the planet.02:11:29 And help the children change the meaning of the word to describe those annoying, loud ****** Harley riders.
Devon Stack
02:11:36 It's it's literally it's like the the gays against groomers.02:11:41 See.
02:11:43 See. Well, we all got over being grossed out by faggs, but we can still say ***. It's just going to mean something else now.
02:11:50 Right guys.
02:11:54 We're going to help the children, the *** says.
02:11:58 And they do this little creepy thing, which was supposed to be edgy. But in retrospect, it's pretty ****** **.
Speaker 29
02:12:03 A new movement in South Park is bringing to question the word bag gay groups are pointing out that the word no longer means to kids today what it meant just a few years ago. And what is your name, little boy?Numbers Lady
02:12:16 My kin.Speaker 29
02:12:17 All right, Martin, can you do me a favor? Could you point to the fad for me?02:12:23 Just point to which one is the fad.
Devon Stack
02:12:29 Oh, it's the old white guy. Not not the obvious ***.02:12:38 And so this is.
02:12:39 What they were trying to do.
02:12:41 They were trying to engineer you to accept **** and mutate that word into something.
02:12:46 That it's not.
02:12:56 And so at the end, what happens?
02:13:00 They changed the word officially.
02:13:03 And they get the bikers to leave and everyone celebrates and South Park is super gay. The end.
02:13:14 That's basically the end.
Speaker 29
02:13:15 Chuck it.Devon Stack
02:13:20 So I just thought that was interesting. I remember this episode bothering me when it was when it first came out.02:13:26 And after I saw that tweet, I was like, I'm going to dig it.
02:13:29 Up.
02:13:29 And see if if this this bad taste that it left in my mouth all these years later, if it if it was.
02:13:38 And it was.
02:13:39 Because this this bothered me. Then I saw what they were up to. I was like you, you ******* *******.
02:13:44 You ******* *******. You're trying to make everyone OK with faggs. And it irritated me. In fact, every episode where they featured a.
02:13:54 A gay character, even if they again they showed like all these disgusting.
02:13:59 Gay activities and way over the top. It was never to call it bad. It was never to call it bad. It was to desensitize you from being grossed out by it.
02:14:13 It was basically the cartoon version of showing you ******** ***** until it stopped making you want.
02:14:19 To ******* throw up.
02:14:26 Anyway.
02:14:29 Are you kidding me?
02:14:31 Are you kidding me?
02:14:35 So that's the are you kidding me edition?
02:14:38 Or at least that's the.
02:14:41 I'm at the end of the timeline for my stuff here.
02:14:45 So let's see what you guys have to say about all this.
02:14:50 Hope rumbles working. I had a problem like before the stream. It kept saying that the.
02:14:56 The stream was over.
02:14:59 I'm going to take a peek it.
02:15:00 Might start.
02:15:01 Blasting audio at us.
02:15:07 No, it's maybe it's working. People in chat are talking so.
02:15:14 Maybe it's working hard to know. All right. Anyway, let's take a look at.
02:15:21 The hyper chats.
02:15:24 Gorilla Hand says, welcome back, Devin. It was a long and tough week without any black pills. It seems that the Trump assassination attempt rabbit hole has been getting deeper. Doctor Chris Martin sent of peak prosperity of that is is investigating the evidence of multiple shooters. And that's ********. That's that's that's queuing on. ********.
02:15:43 I'll tell you that right now. What are your thoughts and can I get a sad gorilla well.
02:15:49 Not for 10 bucks. You can't. There, there is. There is a limit. I don't say what the limit is. You have to guess. I I gotta have a limit.
02:15:57 I read all the I read all the chats but the.
02:15:59 Gorillas aren't free.
02:16:03 I'll say this. No, that's ********. There's not multiple shooters. There's one guy. Is it possible that guy was influenced by some kind of weird Palantir? FBI, whatever.
02:16:17 Who knows, right? Who knows?
02:16:19 Who knows? I don't think.
02:16:21 Well, I think that so far, in fact, if anything, the more information that's come out that I've seen just makes it less suspicious, which is weird because I everyone else is saying the exact opposite. Everyone else is like, oh, that's crazy. Even crazier. Well, now it really looks for him like, no, it doesn't. This just makes even more sense.
02:16:41 So I I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when it when it comes to this topic because.
02:16:47 I've yet to see any again if they crack the phone and they decrypt his messages or whatever, and they find out he's talking to some weirdo on signal or who knows, I don't know. Maybe there's some weird ****.
02:17:01 But a lot of the timelines got more realistic and less crazy. For example, I think last time we talked about it, I was talking about how they boosted the cop up onto the roof to try to see him. And he had pointed the gun at the cop and then he had turned back or, you know, the cop had jumped down and got on the radio and tried to contact them and and that that at the time.
02:17:22 That that amount of time between that happening and him taking the shots. They didn't say what it was, and then almost made it sound like, you know, minutes have gone by. Well, then at least the last I heard the timeline, it was about 10 seconds.
02:17:39 So it's not that that.
02:17:43 The cop radioed on the shared frequency with Secret Service and then 10 minutes later he's still up there. It was 10 seconds later, he started opening fire already, which might also explain why he missed the shot because.
02:17:58 He now knew the cops were there and he and he, you know, 10 seconds. He was just like, oh, I gotta hurry up and do this.
02:18:04 We've also found out that he was going to the shooting range on a fairly regular basis, including the day right before.
02:18:13 That he flew a drone over the over the area to kind of survey the area.
02:18:19 He nothing about it is sounding.
02:18:25 Weird, honestly.
02:18:27 No one has presented me with anything that sounds out of character with a A.
02:18:36 Most likely incompetent government agency dropping the ball.
02:18:42 And some Reddit ***.
02:18:45 Having just high enough IQ to almost pull it off.
02:18:51 But there certainly weren't multiple shooters, and that's just ******* ********. You're trying to tell me multiple shooters missed.
02:18:59 I mean it just. It's so ******* stupid.
02:19:03 Beach Boys Beach Boys with a big nodo.
02:19:06 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
02:19:12 Go, Julie, this *** is.
02:19:31 All right, the beach boy says for my bees, may they drink the finest sugar water available during this hot summer. PS **** summer. Catch you on the replay. Yeah, this.
02:19:43 Summer has been brutal.
02:19:45 Has been brutal. We're not getting any rain and sugar water is all they have to eat because it's there's nothing.
02:19:52 Nothing alive and hasn't been for months and months and months, and I'm hoping to get some kind of rain this fall, so maybe something blooms it towards the end here, but it's been it's been rough. It has been rough. It's.
02:20:05 Been a rough bee.
02:20:06 Here like this was the year I was trying to expand and just a lot of things, not just.
02:20:11 Like.
02:20:12 You know weather wise, but just with my one of my bee yards getting ****** with it, it's just been a bad it's been bad. Like it didn't work out as smoothly as I was hoping this year it's it's fine. There's always next year but.
02:20:25 I was hoping to expand this year.
02:20:28 But thank you for the support there Beach Boys.
02:20:32 All right, now we got BDP something.
02:20:37 BDP R3 roll again. I don't know what that's supposed to say, Devin. Why people are so cooked. Just saw Chicago from India or Indiana. No way. This ***** is around. There's no way you saw Chicago from Indiana.
02:20:53 So.
02:20:56 And and the.
02:20:57 Earth is round, for ***** sake. Yes, white people are ****** if they think the earth is. See what I'm saying? There is a major problem with with delusional conspiracy theories on the right.
02:21:10 There just is there just is and I get it because a lot of conspiracies.
02:21:16 And in fact, targeting the right have happened.
02:21:20 You know, like the Pacon series is it lay it all out. A lot of that stuff and some of that stuff kind of.
02:21:25 Stuff still goes on.
02:21:27 And yeah, I get it, I get it.
02:21:31 But.
02:21:33 The Earth is not ******* flat. Jesus Christ.
02:21:39 The with the red jacket.
02:21:42 Hey, yo, Devin, it's me that with the red jacket. It's been a long time since I was the kid in the red jacket. Well, anyway, can I get $5? She.
02:21:53 I'm trying to read that I think his name was Taiwan. Like I know that sounds like it wouldn't be the name because he was black.
02:21:59 But it was something stupid like that. It was like the name.
02:22:01 Of a country or something like that.
02:22:05 Maybe I could bust out a yearbook and figure it out. I think I might have one from that year.
02:22:11 Uh, let's see here, B&RP Dev and finally listened to the day of the rope audio book last week. Very impressed not just with the writing, which was riveting, but also the voice work was solid. Definitely recommend everyone who hasn't already to give it a listen. The six hours flew by looking forward to the sequel.
02:22:32 Well, I'm looking forward to having that available. It's uh.
02:22:37 It's been a a roller coaster of a year.
02:22:41 But thank you for the kind words men have little moral fiber says, looking forward to the stream. We were in an inch away from 2 Indian women with Jewish connections, one of them converted, I think, who could have, who could never win a primary being the only option for President. The illusion of democracy makes their threat to democracy fear.
02:23:02 Mongering seem ironic I guess.
02:23:05 Well, yeah. Kamala Harris is married to a Jew.
02:23:10 I don't. I doubt she's religious at all, but I also doubt she.
02:23:16 Is.
02:23:18 Or would be the the person calling the shots if she became president?
02:23:23 But to some degree, I don't think Trump would be calling the shots either. If he became president. So it really kind of doesn't matter that much.
02:23:32 It really doesn't matter.
02:23:35 It doesn't matter. There's no, there's no. At a certain point, you have to realize there's no riding this ship.
02:23:43 We we're we're going down, we are going down.
02:23:48 And so I guess you could.
02:23:52 I mean, I I don't even think voting matters really. So I was going to say I guess you could vote for one person the other and and hope to like change the storyline a little bit, but I don't even think that matters at this point.
02:24:06 So.
02:24:07 Yeah, it can go either way. I mean, I think it's gonna be Trump, but it could. It could go either way.
02:24:15 Let's see here.
02:24:19 Grand playing games. A lot of people don't seem to know what Boomer actually means. Baby boomers were born between 1946 to 1964. The silent generation was 1928 to 1945. The oldest baby boomers turned 78 this year, the youngest turned 60.
02:24:38 Just so people. Yeah, well, I mean, that's look, that's the technical definition. But I think that the the way that it's used.
02:24:46 Today basically just means old people.
02:24:52 That's basically what it means. It's old people who were around when we we still had a chance. I guess that's that's probably the way young people look at it. It's old people that were around when you still had those numbers that we talked about like the 90% white ****.
02:25:09 At the workplace and at school, it's it's old people, old white people who got to enjoy the tail end of America.
02:25:18 And because of that, our.
02:25:21 Are eternally clueless about the the challenges and or even the realities of.
02:25:27 Of the present.
02:25:31 Blue chord, blue chord.
02:25:41 Blue chord says good evening Mr. Stack. How are things in the pill box? Thanks for doing what you do. They're hot things and things that pill box are hot.
02:25:53 How hot you might ask.
02:25:57 Where I am sitting it's 85°.
02:26:00 Well, 85.6.
02:26:03 Outside, it's a much hotter story.
02:26:07 Yes, it's uh.
02:26:09 It's hot. In fact, I didn't realize how.
02:26:13 Exhausting the heat was. I gotta do something about this. I can't be doing this year after year. I mean, it's only for three months a year. It's kind of like, you know, I people say, well, where did you live there and say, well, if you live in Alaska 3 months out of the year, you're like, or at least that you're snowed in and, you know, wherever, anywhere you live, there's going to be issues.
02:26:32 UM, three months.
02:26:34 Out of the year here, it just sucks and I didn't realize how much.
02:26:38 It just takes.
02:26:39 Your energy away until it got really we we got a we.
02:26:43 Got a dust storm?
02:26:45 We got a dust storm and rain, but it blocked out the sun and along with dust storms they might have something to do with what you know because of.
02:26:53 How the dust?
02:26:54 Storm forms or whatever the the temperature drops.
02:26:57 Dramatically in a relatively short period of time, like, it feels like weird, it's.
02:27:03 It's like opening the refrigerator door like that kind of a. Whoa, it's cold all of a sudden and it dropped.
02:27:12 To a temperature that my cooling devices could keep up with, and all of a sudden I felt like a normal human again. And then I felt like I had superpowers. It was like, what the ****? You mean? Like I've just been feeling like.
02:27:25 I've been feeling ****** all the time and I didn't realize I just got used to it.
02:27:30 Which the answer is yes. Yes, I've been feeling ****** for months and I just got so used to it I didn't realize what it was like to not feel ****** anymore and so I gotta put a stop to this.
02:27:41 I gotta I.
02:27:41 Gotta fix this because it's, you know, whatever. It's not a big deal. I will. I'm smart. I can fix it. But yeah, I feel ****** right now. I guess that's a long, convoluted way of answering that, but not too ****** to see. I I even feel like I would do better streams.
02:28:00 I would I would do better streams I'd be. I'd have a.
02:28:03 Clearer head. I'd have more energy.
02:28:07 So we'll we'll get that straightened out by next summer. Like I kind of, I mean I made it, but last summer was worse. I made it better than last summer.
02:28:14 But it's still not good. It needs to be better than this. It needs to be better than this.
02:28:19 Especially when you're doing anything that's hot.
02:28:22 Like if I cook something like if I cook some hamburger meat just being near like that's just you know, it's adding heat to the room that's already too hot.
02:28:32 Or soldering right, it's just like, oh, good, good, good thing. I think I'm sweating my balls off while I'm melting metal in my hand.
02:28:41 Uh anyway.
Speaker 7
02:28:42 What?Devon Stack
02:28:44 Sorry you asked now, aren't you blue chord? Bindal says. I've been doing the monthly subscribe star donation for years. Well, appreciate that the young song heroes of the Subscribe Star subscribers.02:28:57 Bindle bindle, you're a.
02:29:02 You are the wind beneath my wings, bindle.
Speaker 14
02:29:07 Bundle.Devon Stack
02:29:08 Or bundle.02:29:13 Uh, But I'm tossing the chat for some parasocial dopamine. Well, there you go. Reminder to everyone that you can set up autopay on subscribe star to send regular donations. Well, I appreciate that. I don't really talk about subscribes to that much or really anything that gets me money.
02:29:31 Because I find it slightly gauche, but you're right. That's one way you can support the show, and I appreciate that. And not just for me. There's lots of other people who are good.
02:29:41 That that have subscribed.
02:29:44 No, I I think we should support them as a platform.
02:29:47 Anyway, because Patreon is a a bunch of ****** Jews.
02:29:53 Alright. Well, thank you Bindal Tyler.
02:29:57 Tyler JWO, 508. Hey, Devin. Going to catch the replay some fed pretending to be. You replied to my hyper chat on the Trump shot stream trying to get me to message them on Telegram, check Twitter. I sent screenshots. My Twitter name is well over there.
02:30:16 I went. I sent the message.
02:30:20 Or I sent the message tonight at 11:40. Alright well.
02:30:25 Obviously, if you're getting messaged by.
02:30:29 I mean, there's ways of finding out if it's me.
02:30:31 Right. Like all you have to do is click there. The name that that's messaging you. And because this isn't the first time, it won't be the.
02:30:38 Last time.
02:30:39 Some ******* Mossad agent, or who who knows who the **** pretending to be me is, is trying to.
02:30:47 To cause trouble.
02:30:49 Just block those people, blocked them, sent. You know. I'm glad you sent me this screenshot. I'll. I'll tweet it out or whatever if I, you know, can find out where this account is and let people know and tell them to block them. But yeah, just chances are I'm not going to DM anyone. I mean, just ask anyone. That's DM me. I don't even respond.
02:31:11 DM's, I get. So I'm certainly not deeming other people. I just I look, I just don't have the time and I'm part of. It's just my personal. I'm just very introverted. I don't.
02:31:21 Believe it or not, as much as it might not seem like it, so just it it it's. If I'm look, I'll tell you what I'm especially not going to DM you and say, hey, hey, come to this, this secret Telegram chat or or you know, I'm not going to do that. I'll never do that. I can tell you that I'll never DM you and then say hey, DM me on this other platform.
02:31:43 Like if I ever DM someone which I guess could happen, it's going to be like, hey, what answer this question real quick that has nothing to do.
02:31:50 With anything illegal.
02:31:52 Because that that'll be the other sign is. If I say anything about doing illegal things, that's all also not.
02:31:57 So just block those people. I'll take a look at the screenshot after the show here.
02:32:04 Bill Monaghan, Bill Monaghan.
02:32:16 Bill Monigan says I dozed off last week before you got to my hyper chat and probably will this week too, but I wanted to let you know I too am black pilled about the situation in Springfield. OH, but I am going to have to fight my way out, not just.
02:32:34 Right.
02:32:35 The situation here would offer you a chance to do a stream.
02:32:41 On a town getting migrant invented in real time government complicity is deeper than I knew. Migrant parolees are already wandering into people's homes, looking around, not just crashing cars in the houses. An ex account covering it was delete was just deleted.
02:33:02 A migrant fleeing a crime scene is reported yelling.
02:33:08 Don't you know we own this ******* town? It would be just. It would be just reversed. This is Maga Country, Miss info, but it's plausible they know why they're here. I'm hoping to help people look to white flight. Maybe get to some.
02:33:27 Or get some to make the run together to a safer state. Join our Facebook group and take a look. Sir, is there more to that?
02:33:41 I don't have.
02:33:41 More that well, I'll tell.
02:33:42 You. I'm not on Facebook, but.
02:33:45 If people want to do that, they can do that.
02:33:49 Yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll take.
02:33:51 Another look at that, let me let me scroll up to your first one because this is broken up over a bunch of them.
02:33:58 Uh, where is this at?
02:34:03 What is your first one?
02:34:04 Go.
02:34:10 I'll copy that and paste it into my notes here.
02:34:21 But yeah, my advice would just be if that's happening and you and you don't have. If it's already happened to the degree that you've kind of described it, I don't think that's something you can turn around. It's the kind of thing that you need to find before it happens. It's kind of like, you know, cancer. Once it progresses to a certain level, it's kind of like well.
02:34:39 You know you can make it less painful as you die, but you're you know, that's about it.
02:34:45 And sadly, I think that's kind of the same thing.
02:34:50 Night. Make sure review says Bohemian Grove is the most Fagan *** **** thing you could ever imagine or ever imaginable. The quote from Richard Nixon? Yeah, we've.
02:35:03 I don't. I don't think I have it handy, but that is a quote from Richard Nixon after he found out.
02:35:09 What goes on at Bohemian Grove? It's a bunch of ask grabbing *******.
02:35:15 A nine inch review says if you ever need the audio for something like this cleaned up, I'd be happy to help. I can render things through clarity VX and usually can do a lot to help isolate dialogue and filter out background noise. Just let me know and I'll fix and send back to you. Devin if you want. Well, I appreciate that.
02:35:36 Yeah, I don't know if it would work though with I mean cause it the audio of the voice is.
02:35:41 Are not clear at all, and it's very echoey. And then it's got all that ******* frog noise on top of it. And I mean, I'd be look.
02:35:48 I'd be.
02:35:50 Shocked and maybe maybe there's some AI filter thing that can do this **** now, but like, I'd be shocked if they could pull that. They isolate that audio up, be interesting to hear. I I don't think there's anything that crazy going on.
02:36:01 But maybe some weird, esoteric **** is being said. Or maybe they're outright saying let's all worship the devil. I mean, I don't know. I'm sure it's bad, though. Born and grew up obviously is is just a.
02:36:18 Degenerate. Well, it's it's the most *** **** ***** thing ever, right?
02:36:24 Grim Rock, 69, says, Hey Devin, first time or first first time hyper chatter. Thanks for the years of black pills trying to decide how serious I should let things get with this girl I've been talking to and would love to hear your thoughts on becoming a step dad. And can I get?
02:36:43 OK.
02:36:44 Also.
02:36:46 Well, I'll tell you what I I I don't know your situation at all. I don't know.
02:36:52 Her or you or the relationship or any of the facts that would I would.
02:36:57 Need to even have an opinion. I mean don't like the stepdad part, but that's just me. I mean, look.
02:37:04 I get it and I dated single moms because of the.
02:37:09 Just the reality of, I mean part of that has to do with probably how, how old are you, you know, like if you're.
02:37:15 Once you get in your 30s, that just, you know options kind of change.
02:37:25 So I mean it's like, uh, you know?
02:37:28 I I get it, but also I I decided that wasn't for me. I but that's not it doesn't mean it's not for you or for other people. And a lot of it has I think also like what's?
02:37:42 The age of.
02:37:43 The kid. Where's the dad? Or you have to deal with this ******* guy now for like.
02:37:48 Every holiday for Infinity.
02:37:52 You know what? What's is the kid? Cool.
02:37:56 He's the kid all ****** **, you know? Like what's? What's the chick like? There's some. I don't know. I don't know. You gotta you gotta follow your.
02:38:07 Not just your heart, because usually when men follow their heart, they're really following their balls and you should be thinking with your other head. So tell you what, how about this? Pray it. Pray about it.
02:38:22 Whether you're a believer or not, what the regardless of what religion that might be.
02:38:28 If you're a Pagan, a Christian.
02:38:31 Or a sickness I would just just pray, pray and ask God.
02:38:37 To give you some.
02:38:40 Enlightenment on what you should do and.
02:38:45 When I do that.
02:38:47 And I do do that when I do that, I usually get. Not always, but I usually get an answer.
02:38:55 Where you know where that answer is coming from? Who knows but.
02:38:59 It's usually.
02:39:01 An answer like it's not like a oh, I got a weird feeling. It's like, no, you got like a.
02:39:06 Definitive answer of some sort, so I would I would. I would suggest doing that.
02:39:14 Let's see here. Wheat bread, royer.
Speaker 8
02:39:42 Well, that's nice.Speaker 19
02:39:47 That will keep him busy.Speaker 9
02:39:48 For a while.Devon Stack
02:39:52 Ah yes, the plaintive bleat.02:39:56 Of the unhappy baby Wookie.
02:39:59 Wheat Bread, Warrior says, flexing on my mom right now for catching you live after four years of being in the replay gang. Thank you for all you do. I remember hearing about a friend's family member, ******** Catholic, going to the Grove many years ago and coming back the same day and refused to talk about what he had seen.
02:40:21 This and then it gets cut off unless there's another part.
Speaker 6
02:40:26 I do not see.Devon Stack
02:40:31 I don't think there's another part, so there there may have been more of.02:40:35 That story, but I I.
02:40:39 I I can understand from what I just from what I've heard.
02:40:44 If you were not prepared for what you.
02:40:45 Were going to see and you went to that thing.
02:40:48 I could see that giving you nightmares, pronouns based ****** says Hail Stack. Well, I appreciate that Zazi Mattas bot says thanks for the show. Appreciate that.
02:41:00 Graham playing games says the tower of Jasper, AB is one of the most beautiful places in Canada and it is currently evacuated and might burned down over the night due to a massive forest fire around it. It's such a horrible disaster, I just had to mention it because it is devastating.
02:41:22 The whole town's going to burn down.
02:41:27 Jasper AB, huh?
02:41:33 Shall we? Shall we see, shall we?
02:41:35 See if it's burning down.
02:41:39 I don't know how you'd see that.
02:41:42 I guess on Twitter we could look.
02:41:49 You think it's going to happen the night, right?
02:41:53 Well, 4 hours ago it looked pretty burning.
02:41:59 Not the whole town, though, and a lot of it. Let me see here latest.
02:42:13 Well, I'll tell you what it it does look kind of bad.
02:42:18 Some of this stuff.
02:42:20 But.Devon Stack
02:42:21 That's what people take pictures of, right? They take pictures of the bad.02:42:25 Stuff.
02:42:26 So our thoughts and prayers will be with Jasper. Hopefully we're just saying like.
02:42:31 The part that got burned up.
02:42:41 I'll bring up a picture here.
02:42:49 Jasper.
02:43:00 Like that pop up.
02:43:08 So that's.
02:43:10 It looks like Jasper right now, they're not like a lot of good footage. I'd I'd play a video or something. I'm just seeing like.
02:43:17 Blurry, blurry photos and ****.
02:43:23 Here. Well, this is a better picture actually.
02:43:28 It's still kind of blurry, but.
02:43:31 Shows you the the scale of the fire I guess.
02:43:41 And bring this down.
02:43:46 That's uh.
02:43:49 That is a very big fire.
02:43:52 Well, good luck to anyone that's in or around the Jasper AB area.
02:44:00 Uh. Let's see here. Bill Mont. Again. Speaking of how much more advanced the West was over East Asia, I remember as a kid.
02:44:10 In the 60s, getting sheet metal toy cars that when you pry them open you could see that they were made out of recycled Japanese seafood cans. Their autos were weren't very good yet. They were just getting reindustrialization. Yeah, there there was a a very bad reputation for.
02:44:30 Japanese in the same way that there's like a lot of.
02:44:33 It was even worse, but there was always like the made in China mean, you know, it's cheap crap and it still is compared to other stuff that's that's engineered better and manufactured better.
02:44:46 Japan, Japan once had that exact reputation. They just cleaned it up because I think Japanese.
02:44:53 Culture has that pride element to it, where they didn't want to be looked at as the ****** manufacturing people.
02:45:01 And they clean up their act, their cars got better, their electronics got better. But now even Japan has all their stuff produced.
02:45:09 And.
02:45:10 In China, unfortunately, man of low moral fiber says. Indians truly do have incredible memories. That is why the Excel they excel at spelling bees and compete at the highest levels in chess at the same time they choose to have a bunch of memories of ******.
02:45:30 Streets because they are St. ********.
02:45:33 Well, here's the thing that that, that that's.
02:45:35 Another good metric right when you have a really good memory.
02:45:39 You can maybe maintain a machine that someone else designed indefinitely, because you can memorize all the steps required to keep this thing running, but you're a good memory is not going to help you invent a new machine.
02:45:56 So it's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
02:46:00 It's not going to allow you to.
02:46:03 To innovate. It's not gonna allow you to to invent and be creative.
02:46:09 You'll have a really good memory as you say, you can memorize code and that's why a lot of them are coders. Same thing. They can memorize code.
02:46:18 And it'll be helpful in some high paying jobs and that way you can move up in America. But like a lot of those jobs.
02:46:27 I think down the road, AI will probably.
02:46:32 Replace Indians, or at least some of these jobs.
02:46:36 And.
02:46:38 AI's got even better memory than Indians.
02:46:43 Fraud.
Speaker 3
02:46:52 Why?Devon Stack
02:46:53 I don't know. I got so loud, Allison Flaud says. I used your portal. The hell addition in recent streams to show people why Vietnam era boomers are completely deracinated and depersonalized.02:47:06 Thanks for your work. Most people have no idea all that stuff happened. Yeah, most people think because where would they hear from the same people that did it? I mean, I don't think so.
02:47:18 But yeah, appreciate that and glad those those.
02:47:21 Are helpful still.
02:47:23 Man of low moral fiber. Come on now, Devin. There are plenty of great red men I've known. A few great Navajo Bush ninjas, for example. They can take drugs and pass out anywhere. A true talent. We'll tell you what it it it. It really depends on the tribe. Like, it depends a lot on the tribe. There are vast differences between.
02:47:45 Not all tribes, but there's there are some.
02:47:47 Tribes that are.
02:47:49 Way more capable than other tribes.
02:47:53 The tribes in the American Southwest are not the.
02:47:57 The top shelf tribes, I'll talk.
02:47:59 I'll tell you that much.
02:48:02 John C911, all Japanese RPG's based their games on Ultima and Western RPG's. You can check. Yeah, Lord British I know Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. The only thing I think and I could be wrong. Japan created in gaming.
02:48:22 Is fighting games like Street Fighter.
02:48:27 Yeah, I don't know. I I don't know enough about the history of fighting games, but.
Speaker 6
02:48:31 Umm.Devon Stack
02:48:34 Yeah, I don't know. I don't I I. Well, I mean, look, there was the.02:48:38 Was that kanami, though, that karate game? Well, why not? So useless fact that only the Indians in the audience will remember when we're done here, but.
02:48:49 Let me take a look here and see if I can find out what's the 1st.
02:48:53 Fighting style arcade game.
02:48:58 First two player.
02:49:01 Fight.
02:49:02 Game.
02:49:03 Arcade game.
02:49:12 So according to this it's it's still **** because it's Sega, they're saying heavyweight Champs released in 1976. OK, well, let's see what the graphics are like. That's probably not realistic, but I.
02:49:27 Mean.
02:49:28 Obviously the graphics are definitely not realistic, but I I don't know if.
02:49:31 That's like.
02:49:34 Let's let's get. Let's. Let's see, let's have a little look. See at Fighting Champs from 1970 ******* 6.
02:49:42 Ohh, the graphics are weirdly better than I.
02:49:44 Thought they'd be.
02:49:50 OK. Well I stand a little.
02:49:52 Bit, I mean it's they're still bad, but I stand a little bit corrected I.
02:49:56 I expect them to be phenomenally worse than this. Let me show you this is kind of crazy.
02:50:05 Alright, hopefully it doesn't **** my connection up.
02:50:12 This is way better than I was expecting any game from 1976 to look like.
02:50:20 I mean, they're not.
02:50:21 Just blocks. I mean, you can tell their people, so this is.
Speaker 3
02:50:26 At.Speaker 18
02:50:26 Electronic games have come a long way since Pong exploded on the scene a few years ago.Devon Stack
02:50:31 There you go.02:50:33 Heavyweight chance.
Speaker 18
02:50:33 Perhaps owing its inspiration to the hit movie Rocky Waddle machines lets 98 LB weaklings play heavyweight champion.Devon Stack
02:50:36 From Sega 1976, I mean super ghetto, but I'd say that qualifies.Speaker 18
02:50:44 That's just one of the space age.Speaker 8
02:50:45 OK.Devon Stack
02:50:47 Shockingly, like I said, it's better than I would have expected.02:50:53 So yeah, it looks.
02:50:54 Like but look.
02:50:56 **** have made that. That's honestly they're making games, making games for the system.
02:51:03 Is really just expanding on what was already invented. You know what I mean? Like the the video, the concept of the video game and the video game systems were were pioneered by white people making content for it's not. I mean it's like saying, you know.
02:51:20 Black people can make videos on Instagram, right, but they could never make Instagram. You know, where the phones that Instagram runs on.
02:51:29 But yeah, I would say that.
02:51:33 Japanese might have immigrated with with some video game genres. I don't know enough about video game history to know, but they made so many of the games even in the early days, I'd be surprised if they didn't, at least.
02:51:44 Innovate a little bit in terms of game.
02:51:48 Play.
02:51:50 Upper commandant. Hey, Devin. I'm so sick and tired of this age of old old trope. The immigrants built the West. I'm from the Netherlands and they constantly say we should be grateful that immigrants arrived in the 1950s and helped build up the Netherlands again. They did the jobs that natives didn't want to do.
02:52:11 That's a lie. Yeah, well, they've been telling us that lie since my my whole life, and they've been telling us even that graph.
02:52:20 Clearly shows the opposite. I'll bring that up again.
02:52:26 The evidence is.
02:52:28 Clear that this was not the case where we at.
02:52:36 Where is it?
02:52:40 Here we are.
02:52:42 They've been like the way it's depicted in Jewish movies and the way it's depicted in Jewish television and in Jewish universities is that.
02:52:52 Pretty much the demographics maxed out at maybe 75% white the way that they they make it sound, it was always a, quote UN quote melting pot, but yeah, it's ********. It's complete ********. Hopefully you guys can.
02:53:06 Can fight that before it turns you into another.
02:53:10 Little shithole like us, Zazi Mataz bot says. I often think all of all the productivity lost by simply having diver.
02:53:19 City there are. They are an albatross and a millstone around societies neck. They will be the single most destructive force corroding the West from the inside. Please, when can we have white reservations?
02:53:34 Well.Devon Stack
02:53:36 I wouldn't hold your breath, but maybe someday corn. Pop the bed, dude says, watched your overdose episode concerning Potok, the anti white statistics.02:53:46 Uh.
02:53:49 If the trajectory keeps going that way, it does.
02:53:54 On Protox note, whites will be at 50% by 2035. I I think we're already less than 50% now.
02:54:04 There's a lot of illegal immigrants that are that haven't been counted in the census, and there's a lot of Hispanics that get counted as white. There's a lot of Arabs that get counted as white.
02:54:15 I think we've been below 50% for.
02:54:19 The better part of a decade.
02:54:21 At least.
02:54:24 Lampshade denier says hundreds of thousands of techs or tech layoffs. Now they are unemployed digits in the US, and we have to pay for them. Try being white and applying for a job in tech now. Well, especially if their cousin has a position in HR and they can hire them before.
02:54:42 They hire you.
02:54:44 And don't think that won't happen. It will in in a.
02:54:48 Maybe not super organized fashion, but it'll it'll definitely happen in A at a large scale.
02:54:55 Amos Burton. Never mind Trump. Now we're being gaslit to believe Camelot is as popular as Trump. The deep state is laying the groundwork for the 2024 fortification, and if we end up with the President Harris, I think we'll get the collapse pretty quick. Yeah, from an acceleration standpoint, I think President Kamala is probably a better idea.
02:55:19 I think it's a better idea. I think it will speed things up. I think that all the cue cards will finally.
02:55:24 ******* go away.
02:55:26 Ohh well, I mean the lover go away fully. But you know some of these people will stop thinking that Trump's going to fix everything because he's not going to, you know, he's not going to run again.
02:55:36 If he's not around, if he doesn't get in the White House this time, that's it. That's it for him.
02:55:42 So that that'll be good. That'll be good, because he's not really going to do anything we want anyway.
02:55:51 He's just not sorry, guys. It's been he's going to be Biden. It's gonna be worse because at least when Biden was president, all the Maga boomers were constantly you.
02:56:00 Know let's go.
02:56:01 Brandon, you know, like they were all ******* pisssed off and thinking that we were losing the whole time and they were on edge. And that's what you want. That's what you need.
02:56:09 And they they get comfortable when they they they think that someone like Trump is in office.
02:56:15 So I think.
02:56:17 From just strictly from an acceleration of standpoint, President Harris.
02:56:23 Would accelerate things.
02:56:26 A lot faster.
02:56:28 Or maybe not even a lot faster because I don't think she's going to just keep following the directions of whoever was pulling Biden's puppet strings.
02:56:37 So I don't think it would really be that much.
02:56:40 Different than the last four years, but at least you won't have to worry about the Q cards anymore. Thinking that, oh, they're going to trust the plan, everything's going to be good.
02:56:49 And then go right back to ******* sleep.
02:56:52 Uh, let's see here. We've got blute, Blute and Biden. I think Blute and Biden.
02:57:05 Blute, I don't know who blutt is after watching your week long takedown of Owen Benjamin, Facebook began feeding Flat Earth crap into my my news feed. Yeah, funny how.
02:57:17 Like, that's if it was such a big secret that that's the one thing that no one censors.
02:57:23 No one, no one gets kicked off of any platform for saying the Earth is flat. No one ******* cares. You can say the earth is flat all day long. And yeah, they they they want. They want it. They want that. They want you to sound like a ******* psycho and saying that ****. There's so much of it. Same thing with me. If I go to.
02:57:43 On on Twitter, if I before I blocked all those flat Earthers, anytime I went to the 4U tab, it was like almost 30% Flat Earth.
Speaker 16
02:57:52 It.Devon Stack
02:57:52 And it it cleaned it up pretty quick when I blocked all those flat Earthers, it got good. But yeah, it's so it's so this is, that's the state that's part of look, I guess it's inevitable. It's part of the fall part of the collapse.02:58:07 Part of the IQ drop because the IQ drop in America is not 100% accounted for by immigration. Some of us just whites are getting stupider. Or maybe it's just the stupider whites are having the most babies. That's that's really what.
02:58:23 Unfortunately, it's it's a reality. It's a reality.
02:58:28 Thank you for your support though Blyton Biden.
02:58:31 Love and division.
02:58:38 Love and Division Devon were the Jews who produced these diversity video. Or were there? Were they Jews?
02:58:45 Will there be time when there's a deportation of Jews from the Western nations? Hip hop is making our culture ********.
Speaker 24
02:58:54 I.Devon Stack
02:58:56 I tried to find out.02:58:59 One of them had a waspy last name. I'm I'm trying to remember because I.
02:59:04 I did try to find out if I get any information on one of them sounded waspy and one of them sounded like a question mark, but I couldn't find there was no and these guys weren't there was these two guys that ran a production company and there wasn't any information on them. I even like looked in the in like the newspaper.
02:59:25 Record and I found the waspy sounding one. He was being interviewed a couple of times about diversity training and **** like that, but the other guy couldn't find it all.
02:59:35 It's.
02:59:37 Look, that's The thing is, it's not always the Jews. Like, sometimes it's the shabbot boys, right? It's the the self hating whites.
02:59:45 And the people.
Speaker 8
02:59:46 But.Devon Stack
02:59:47 For whatever reason, maybe they're motivated by money. Maybe they're motivated by white guilt and shame.02:59:53 But for whatever reason, they turn on us and help our enemies.
02:59:58 Knowingly or not.
03:00:00 And I, you know, I think in this case, it's hard to know. I don't know that there weren't exactly in-depth credits.
03:00:08 On the video you can't see like like everyone that was involved in the making of it.
03:00:14 But.
03:00:15 My guess is.
03:00:16 Ultimately, those videos would never would have been made in the 1st place if it hadn't been for the federal government pushing affirmative action and and having diversity corps and all this other ****.
03:00:30 Because no one would ******* hire these people if there was no benefit there and there was no benefit. Obviously it was a detriment to the companies.
03:00:40 Fred.
03:00:42 I I don't know how would you say that.
Speaker 14
03:00:48 You're 1.Devon Stack
03:00:50 Yeah. OK. I guess you say.03:00:52 Free to filter here. I'm just wondering.
03:00:56 If you can do a stream on Michael Jackson someday or also forgot.
Speaker 24
03:01:11 I'm just a weekend photographer.Devon Stack
03:01:14 You had a.03:01:15 Delayed Wookie because your name was so weird.
03:01:17 Michael Jackson someday, knowing what I know now about pizza gain, et cetera, and how Spielberg supposedly tried to recruit him and he refused to, they destroyed him. What I'm getting at is he was possibly a good guy after all. I mean, I've heard people say that I don't know. I think he was probably a weirdo no matter how you look at it. I mean, even.
03:01:37 If he was, quote UN quote, a good guy.
03:01:39 Anyone that's raised in that environment's got to turn out ******* being a weirdo, but I've never I've never peeled.
03:01:46 Back that onion very far, very many layers to it. And then there's lots of layers to it, but I've only peeled back a few of them.
03:01:55 Macho I. I'll tell you one thing. I think people make too big of a deal with him. Ohh. He called out the Jews. It's like.
03:02:03 I mean, yeah, I mean, that's your interpretation of this song, but it sounds.
03:02:10 Not really like that, you know, not not in the way that you're interpreting it, but anyway, who knows? Who knows, though? Who knows.
03:02:20 Macho Carvacho says there's no political solution to this stuff at this point. The only solution that I that can.
03:02:28 Protect healthy functional communities going forward is a new religious movement that has not yet manifest itself. Our Constitution provides effective protections to religious thoughts and action.
03:02:42 Yeah. I think to some degree, you're right.
03:02:45 I think to some degree you're right.
03:02:48 I don't, but well.
03:02:50 With your first thing, the second thing.
03:02:54 It doesn't matter if there's constitutional protections if.
03:03:00 You're run by a bunch of non whites who don't have anything.
03:03:04 No, don't. Don't respect the Constitution, and they're and they're. And especially if they're they're nominating, who's on the Supreme Court.
03:03:13 All that will go out the window.
03:03:15 But I get what you're saying.
03:03:19 Mr. Cholley, I somehow never knew about Curb Your Enthusiasm. The Jewish team, the most Jewish TV show ever. Have you watched it? Looking back at the 90s? Were super Joey. Oh, of course I know about it, and I've I've watched a lot of the episodes. It was, it was very hip and cool.
03:03:37 Very cool. Oh, so smart. The writing is ohh so yeah, very philosemitic. The 90s were intensely philosemitic, and that's that was probably the high watermark for Jewish power was 9911 was the high watermark for Jewish power.
03:03:58 It's not going down very fast.
03:04:02 It's not like a wave that that rows up the side and then it's, you know, rapidly falling now it's.
03:04:11 It's it is, it is slowly draining, but that was part of the high watermark of Jewish power and uh.
03:04:20 Curbed enthusiasm demonstrates that I guess it is Super Dewey Bessemer, 72.
Speaker 21
03:04:31 Right.Devon Stack
03:04:37 Bessemer 72 hi, Devin. Missed you. Black people just need to stop being criminals. Diversity is not our strength. Well, like I said earlier, it's more complicated than that, but that is one of the easiest.03:04:50 Difference is to point out and it is a real difference.
03:04:54 It's not an insignificant differ.
03:04:56 It's it's a difference that we should all.
03:05:04 You know, be aware of, obviously.
03:05:07 But it's it's not the.
03:05:12 What is wrong with this? Sorry my computer doing weird stuff.
03:05:17 What are you doing?
03:05:24 There we go. My computer is acting all weird.
03:05:31 There I think it's back to normal now.
03:05:34 Where was I? There we go. Yeah, but black people are the easiest contrast to draw. And it's it's like look.
03:05:43 It's like that video post on my or picture I posted on my.
03:05:45 Telegram.
03:05:47 Anytime someone tells you.
03:05:50 That there's only one race.
03:05:52 The human race.
03:05:55 Just show them this picture.
03:06:00 And say, do you still think that?
03:06:04 There, there's only one race.
03:06:06 The human race.
03:06:08 Because if you do.
03:06:10 You're functionally ********.
03:06:14 Either by choice or by brainwashing, or out of just, you know, inability to think properly, you've got some issues.
03:06:25 With perceiving reality.
03:06:27 In a.
Speaker 6
03:06:30 Useful manner.Devon Stack
03:06:34 Bill Monaghan, I had day of the rope and soft cover but lost it in the fire. You lost in the fire.03:06:41 Any hope of seeing it in print again? Yeah, I I absolutely want to get that in print. Again. I wanted to hold off till I had Part 2 out and it's going to happen. I just.
03:06:50 I've been.
03:06:51 Partially, it's slacking it partially. It's been a.
03:06:54 Weird year for me.
03:06:56 But it won't part.
03:06:58 Three as well, it's going to be a trilogy.
03:07:02 But yeah, I'll make that available as soon as I can. I know I've been saying that for over a year. Hey, at least I'm not that. What? The RR?
03:07:09 Martin guy.
03:07:10 That's.
03:07:11 That everyone was freaking out because he was.
03:07:12 Taking.
03:07:13 Like 10 years between books or whatever.
03:07:18 Love and division.
03:07:22 This one again.
03:07:23 And I can't stop it. It's so long.
Speaker 19
03:07:48 And that will.Speaker 9
03:07:49 Keep him busy for a while.Devon Stack
03:07:54 Yes, it did keep us busy for a while.03:07:57 Love and Division Dev and brilliant work, by the way. I grew up in all white neighborhoods. White people are centers, too. The only times I was attacked and robbed was by gangs of white kids. This would have been the 70s and the 90s. Yeah. No one saying white people are perfect. But The thing is, it's like when I was a.
03:08:14 Bouncer.
03:08:15 And I would cart like.
03:08:17 Like when I'd sized.
03:08:18 People up when they were coming at the door.
03:08:22 It was infinitely easier.
03:08:25 For me to assess white people that came to the bar than it was for other races.
03:08:33 If a white guy walked up.
03:08:35 I could usually nail his age pretty close, you know, in the ballpark, something that's a lot harder to do with other races.
03:08:45 I could. I could usually get a read on what his, what class he was from.
03:08:52 What part of the country he was, maybe from his aggression level? I mean, it's just easier to assess risks coming from white people. That alone is is huge.
03:09:04 And that that's just one of like a million different things that even though there are ****** white people, clearly they're ****** white people.
03:09:16 Society works infinitely smoother without all these foreign people.
03:09:22 It's it's not just the crimes they're committing that makes them an issue.
03:09:27 Because I don't think Indians are really committing a lot of crimes. I mean, maybe, maybe white collar crime, who knows?
03:09:33 But I don't think that's.
03:09:36 The big issue, or certainly with Asians, right? I mean, there's parts of the country where there's like Asian gang violence, but.
03:09:42 Generally speaking, that's not the the issue with having.
03:09:47 Other people that aren't compatible with your society, replacing you in your society.
03:09:54 No, that's not the that's not the issue.
03:09:58 That there.
03:09:59 You know, there's white criminals too, or there's.
03:10:03 White liberals that are bad and and whatever, that's all true.
03:10:08 That's all true.
03:10:10 But it doesn't mean it's like if you have a kid. If you have a family, let's say you have a family, one of your kids is kind of a problem, kid.
03:10:16 Doesn't mean you just throw them away and go adopt an African kid.
03:10:23 You know, that's that's not what you do.
03:10:26 It's still your kid. You do you, you deal with it and you're gonna know. And look, you're.
03:10:30 Going.
03:10:30 To probably have a better understanding of that kids problems and how to solve them than you would like some random.
03:10:36 African kid anyway.
03:10:39 Thin Red line says get a basement for the summer. Devin. Well, easier said that you can't just dig a basement underneath the.
03:10:47 The house here like.
03:10:51 Not a lot of basements in the desert. I don't know why, but there's not a lot of basements in the deserts and they really it really.
03:10:56 Would be nice.
03:10:58 It really would be nice.
03:11:01 Figure it out.
Speaker 21
03:11:03 Good.Speaker
03:11:04 Really good, good.Devon Stack
03:11:10 Figured out says good morning for the grocery store. I just woke up and two hours late to the stream. Here's some mula. Well, I appreciate that. Figure it out.03:11:21 Try not to fall asleep on us, buddy.
03:11:25 And then figured out says. I hope ******** ******.
03:11:30 Returns.
Speaker 7
03:11:32 Do you have that much money in your bank at?Speaker 25
03:11:34 Home. I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon Stack
03:11:45 Prairie Dog says there's an IQ bell curve problem. I don't see people talk about male IQ peaks at 2 standard deviations above the mean 97th percentile, but female IQ hits the same peak at one standard deviation. This means only 3% of black women.03:12:05 Have average intelligence and Max out at about 115 IQ. Think of all the DEA I in high government. Yeah, there's a lot of stupid black ladies with a lot of bureaucratic power.
03:12:18 And that's also like, it's weird. If you look for as I have for the show, sometimes you look for footage like when I when I did that, that fake McDonald's diversity ad, right and I was getting footage of.
03:12:31 McDonald's Black McDonald's workers just go in thug mode. Did you notice how most of them are women? Almost. Almost all of them are.
03:12:41 Women, in fact.
03:12:42 And I would say.
03:12:45 A. The vast majority of ghetto fight videos that, at least that I see, are women.
03:12:53 You know, usually when it's when it's a black guy, it's like him. He's attacking like a white family or a white guy, whereas the the black chicks attack themselves so frequently, there's just, like, way more videos of that.
03:13:07 Some thoughts, says Anna Torba, says the shooter had it account, where he posted fagot stuff about how great illegals are. Yeah, I saw that. I saw that that tweet.
03:13:24 I don't know.
03:13:26 Why he's determined that that is the shooter. Maybe he knows something.
03:13:33 I mean, obviously, he, he he knows all the information that's on that that that he gave Gad when he signed up and everything else I don't know.
03:13:43 How he came to that conclusion but.
03:13:46 If he's right, then yeah, I mean, it just goes to show you what I'm saying. It's it's like some stupid cringy loser dysgenic looking.
03:13:58 ****** that thought he could be he could be famous, he could be in the books of history books because.
03:14:06 He'd already given up on life.
03:14:09 And he was going to be someone he was going to make the world. No, he was. He was a big boy and just didn't work out that way. Barred, barred.
Speaker 21
03:14:20 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 19
03:14:27 I'd like to return this duck.Devon Stack
03:14:31 Good old Bard says.03:14:34 Greetings from Norway. Great work. Love your streams. What do you think of the Nordic resistance movement and what do you think of Harold Covington's plan on the Northwest Plan? Have you read his books? Sorry for my bad English. Keep up the good work. I don't know anything about any of those things.
03:14:57 Your English is fine, I just don't know.
03:15:01 The Nordic resistance movement.
03:15:06 I mean, I'm not Nordic so.
03:15:08 I'm sure I've seen stuff about that on Twitter.
03:15:13 Like maybe little memes and things.
03:15:16 OK, I recognize the flag.
03:15:19 The green flag.
03:15:24 I don't know enough about it to have I mean anything I would say would just be me pulling out of my *** so.
03:15:29 I don't know.
03:15:30 Hopefully they're good. I'll put it that way. Hopefully they're ******. They look kind of, you know, they look kind of cool.
03:15:36 They look clean, cut and.
03:15:40 It almost looks like a patriot front, a Nordic patriot front without masks.
03:15:47 Right.
03:15:50 Let me see if I can save this.
03:16:01 All right, that's what it looks like. I don't know if that's what it.
03:16:04 Is, but that's what it.
03:16:05 Looks like, but I have to read up on them.
03:16:09 And in terms of Harold Covington, I think if I feel like I've people have brought him up before, let me see which who that is.
03:16:22 Is he dead?
03:16:25 OK. Yeah, he's dead.
03:16:27 UM.
03:16:31 What's the plan?
03:16:34 Plan.
03:16:36 On the Northwest Plan, where is the Northwest Plan?
Speaker 6
03:16:42 UM.Devon Stack
03:16:50 I don't say about a Northwest plan.03:17:01 Place it here Northwest plan.
03:17:05 I have no idea what what this is and I'm not. Nothing's coming up right away.
03:17:11 It looks like ohh here we are.
03:17:14 Maybe.
03:17:19 Let's see and blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
03:17:26 Blah blah.
03:17:33 Yeah, I don't see.
03:17:35 Any too long didn't read explanation of that.
03:17:39 I'll tell you what, the one more thing, because we're at the end here.
03:17:47 According to ChatGPT, the Northwest Plan is a controversial extremist political proposal. Covington, a white nationalist and writer, advocated to establish a white ethno state in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, encompassing regions such as Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, and parts of Montana and Wyoming. This idea was to encourage.
03:18:08 White supremacists to relocate to this area where they could, I'll tell you what all those plans are, just they're not feasible because we don't have the numbers. Libertarians who have more numbers than we do, I don't know. Well, I don't know now, but like certainly in the past.
03:18:24 I have tried this a couple of times and with very very little success. If you could get people look if things get bad, I think something like this will just.
03:18:36 Organically happen. I don't know if it will span several states like this guy thinks it's going to or thought that it was going to do, but I think there will be a concentration of white people in a certain area.
03:18:50 If if things get.
03:18:52 You know, start really getting worse, which you know they're on the way of, you know, to doing.
Speaker 8
03:18:57 Yeah.Devon Stack
03:18:58 Honda ricer 85 says he does not like *******.03:19:05 And I said in a nicer way because I'm trying to class it up. We're trying to class it up and you know, like I said, I don't hate all black people.
03:19:17 Tejas says show us some pictures of Aboriginals. Didn't I already? There you go. That's aboriginals.
03:19:26 Well, no, that's not original. That's uh. Pygmies. What's that? I don't know. You can find pictures of that. Virgils. I'm.
03:19:32 We're almost done here.
03:19:36 My nation review says the NRM Nordic resistant movement, a pro white nationalist, socialist activist group, law abiding and legitimate, was designated a terrorist group by the State Department. Harold Covington was an old national socialist guy who had OK, that's.
03:19:54 And I may.
03:19:55 Review with the answers to those questions, yeah.
03:20:00 They, I mean they look optical. These guys, they look they look fine.
03:20:05 But again, we got, I got my own.
03:20:07 As much as I care about the struggle of white peoples everywhere, and I will do whatever I can to help them, my struggle is unique and tied to my location. And so that's usually.
03:20:18 What I'm focused on.
03:20:20 All right, guys, let's take a look at. We got one over on rumble.
03:20:27 And it says here, why are all the replays on both Odyssey and Rumble in 480P when the live stream, when it's live is 1080P? Is there a way to fix this? Thanks. I learned so much from you. Ah, I don't think there should be 480P. That sounds lower than what I've seen them.
03:20:46 Because when I download the files, there's sometimes in in you know 720P.
03:20:52 But I think they're in 480P. I don't know. That's one of those things where I.
03:20:56 Don't.
03:20:57 You know that you have to ask God to see there's no setting. There's no like, oh, make it, make it shift quality. When it's done. Like I don't do that. It could be that it starts out in 480P. Like maybe when it when the streams over and it compresses it.
03:21:12 It.
03:21:13 Because I know YouTube used to do that YouTube when you would post a video, it would initially be available in like a ****** quality. And if you wait a little bit longer it got better.
03:21:23 UMI don't know if that's what's happening.
03:21:26 But there's no setting for me to click that says Ohh, you know, make it, make it ship quality or make it good. There's in fact there's no quality settings really at all on either platform except for Rumble has one, but then you can't rewind it. It's like.
03:21:42 I forget what it's called, but like if I activate that, it's supposed to look slightly nicer when I'm live, but then you can't pause it or rewind it. It's just like live and that's, you know, until it's over.
03:21:54 Which I would think would be annoying to most people.
03:21:57 Alright guys, well.
03:21:59 Thanks for coming back and and visiting here on this beautiful.
03:22:05 Well, now Thursday morning, Thursday morning we'll be back here on Saturday.
03:22:11 Back here on Saturday for a.
03:22:14 Almost end of the the month stream, right? We're getting close to.
03:22:21 Let me look at the.
03:22:22 Calendar here. Yeah, I guess actually Wednesday.
03:22:30 So a week from yesterday Ish.
03:22:33 Will be the last day of July will finally be in August where it will slowly ever so slowly start to cool off.
03:22:42 And I can feel like a human again by the end of, I don't know, like as much as, like August is sometimes even hotter. Believe it or.
03:22:49 Not.
03:22:50 But at the night start getting cooler. That's the big one. What sucks is it never cools off at night, so you're just perpetually sweating like it doesn't stop. You're just constantly drinking water and sweating.
03:23:01 Anyway.
03:23:04 I'll be back here Saturday, sweating through my shirt and.
03:23:09 Have a great stream for you guys, so in the meantime.
03:23:14 You guys have a good rest of your week for Black Pilled. I am of course.
Speaker 29
03:23:20 Devon snag.Speaker 21
03:23:23 I'm Wanda Jo and today was going to.03:23:25 Be my birthday.
03:23:27 But I was hit by an ice cream truck before I could have my party. I'm dead now and and I'm in heaven. You see. That's why my parents didn't pick up the cake at the bakery. Oh, I'm not mad at the ice cream truck driver.
03:23:40 Even know he was drunk.
03:23:42 And it hit me. It didn't hurt.
03:23:43 Much it wasn't me. I'm really happy here.
03:23:45 As bad as.
03:23:46 As the sting of the bomb will be.
03:23:50 You know, I'm glad the driver was drunk. If he hadn't have been, I might never have got to heaven for years and years and years.
03:24:00 We would have had to go to the high school first and then to beauty college, and I would have had to get.
03:24:06 Mary didn't and have babies and everything.
03:24:10 Now I can just play and play and play. Everybody appears happy. The animals, the dead soldiers, the people who went to the electric chair and everything.
03:24:21 Nobody's mad. We're all too busy playing shuffleboard.
03:24:27 So if you think of killing anybody, don't worry about it. Just go right ahead and do it.
03:24:33 What are you doing? You for doing it? All the soldiers just love the the shrapnel and the tanks and the bayonet and the Dum Dums that let them play. Shuffle it all the time and drink beer.