

Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Good.
00:00:05 70.
00:00:08 Good.
00:00:10 70.
00:00:14 628-866-2886.
00:00:23 13297.
00:00:28 13297.
00:00:33 60318.
00:00:38 603182631926319.
00:00:52 37842.
Speaker 2
00:01:13 I'm 18.
Speaker 3
00:01:15 With the footage.
Speaker 2
00:01:18 Got my finger on the trigger head.
00:01:21 I'm going to put it.
00:01:25 Picture clip. Now I'm the son of a gun.
00:01:31 So put it right there. We gonna have this.
Speaker 4
00:01:38 Maybe I'm a goodie.
00:01:44 Our love.
00:01:45 Forever.
Speaker 2
00:01:58 With the bullet.
00:02:02 Got my finger on the trigger.
00:02:04 I'm gonna put it.
00:02:08 I'm a super social shot. Yeah, I'm a national breakout.
00:02:15 Let me check your playlist.
00:02:19 Let's make out.
Speaker 4
00:02:21 High on the chunk. Never, never be.
Speaker 5
00:02:25 All the time.
Speaker 4
00:02:28 I'm in your heart.
Speaker 5
00:02:52 Double header.
Speaker 4
00:02:54 If we are talking about.
Speaker 2
00:03:07 I'm 18.
00:03:13 Bingo on the trigger.
00:03:16 Yes.
00:03:20 Be my side, baby, be beside me right now. Right now. I'm single. Pretty soon you'll see.
00:03:55 Pull it.
Speaker 4
00:03:56 You better stop making too small now.
00:04:14 Yeah.
Speaker 6
00:04:35 I was 5 and he was six. We rode on horses made of sticks. He were black and I were white. He would always win the fight. Bang Bang. He shot me down. Bang, bang.
00:04:50 I hit the ground.
Speaker 4
00:04:53 But.
Speaker 6
00:04:53 Bang Bang that awful song.
00:04:57 Bang Bang. My baby shut me down.
00:05:12 See.
00:05:13 Change the time when I grew up, I called in. He would always laugh and say remember when you used to play Bang Bang.
00:05:28 I shut you down. Bang, bang. You hit the ground. Bang, bang that awful song.
00:05:39 I used to shoot you down.
Speaker 7
00:05:51 Music play just for me. The church bells ring.
Speaker 6
00:06:10 Now he's gone. I don't know why.
00:06:14 And to this day, sometimes I cry.
00:06:20 He didn't even say goodbye. He didn't take the time to lie. Bang, bang. He shot me down. Bang, bang. I hit the ****. **** Bang.
00:06:35 That awful song Bang Bang.
00:06:40 My baby shut me down.
Devon Stack
00:07:07 Welcome to the insomnia.
00:07:09 Stream.
00:07:11 Trump shot addition, you know, a couple months ago, people would think that was about the vaccine.
00:07:21 Why are you still talking about COVID?
00:07:26 Yeah. Well, I guess, you know, things are always changing, right?
00:07:31 I'm your host, of course Dev and Stack Rod.
00:07:35 Unless you're living under a rock.
00:07:38 And even if you're.
00:07:39 Living under a rock, most likely.
00:07:43 Everyone by now, I'm sure is aware that.
00:07:46 That Donald Trump and a campaign stopped today and.
00:07:53 Philadelphia.
00:07:55 Was.
00:07:58 Was shot.
00:08:00 By a well, we don't know. We don't know.
00:08:05 All we know is what's been released there. Just just watching a press conference with the FBI, ATF, the Secret Service was.
00:08:18 Was oddly missing from the from the press conference.
00:08:22 All kinds of ******* going out. I was looking at the replies to my tweets and about half and were like, oh, it's all fake. Crisis actor, fake blood. Everything's fake. Nothing actually really happens. It's all. It's all play. Enjoy the play, man. That's right. I'm the one that figured it all out. You guys are all getting tripped by the shop.
Speaker 9
00:08:44 Hello.
Devon Stack
00:08:46 And then, of course, the other side.
00:08:47 Of that was like.
00:08:48 Jesus personally came down and put his hand in front of Trump's head and caught the ******* bullet, and now Trump has been. He's been anointed by God to become the next president. That's right. God saves the world.
00:09:05 And it's like, come the **** on.
00:09:07 People. What the **** is wrong with everyone? Why is everyone losing their ******* minds?
00:09:13 Why can't people just be ******* normal?
00:09:16 For ***** sake, Jesus Christ.
00:09:19 Ah, it's like they think that people don't get shot.
00:09:24 People get I've been shot at like it's not and I and I wasn't running for president. I've been shot at like 3 different Times Now. I think two of those were in Albuquerque. So even if you're even in Albuquerque, that's just going to happen.
00:09:39 But it's not that crazy. In fact, if anything.
00:09:44 Everyone was saying I'm surprised he hasn't.
00:09:47 Been shot yet?
00:09:49 All throughout his first term, people were like guys, I'm surprised no one's.
00:09:52 Tried to shoot.
00:09:53 Him yet how come no one's trying?
00:09:55 To.
00:09:55 Shoot him and then they get shot and they're like, it's a trick. It's like ohh God.
00:10:02 Oh, it. It reminds me. It reminds me of the alien people.
00:10:07 The people that believed in aliens.
00:10:10 Like, Oh yeah, the government's covering it all up. It's covering up the fact that aliens have been coming to Earth and performing cattle mutilations and putting probs up my asss or whatever. And then the governments, like, I think there's aliens like ohh, there's no aliens, no aliens. The guitar government trick. It's like, ****.
00:10:30 ****. We get it. You have some kind of mental disorder where you just can't accept anything, ever. You always have to think that you're you. You're going against the grain, man. You've got the big brained idea. You can see through all the lies, man. It's like, stop ******* smoking pot, OK? Just stop.
00:10:50 Sucking smoking pot. I think that's the honestly, I think that's probably like the number one problem with some of this ****. Stop ******* getting high, OK? It doesn't give you superpowers. It doesn't help you see through the lies, man. It just makes you into a paranoid schizophrenic. OK. It just. That's that's what.
00:11:08 Plus, it turns you into a paranoid schizophrenic. Now look, do we know what the **** happened? No, we don't know what the **** happened. Obviously it just ******* happened. All right? All we can do is take a look at the evidence.
00:11:23 That we have.
00:11:23 Available and look, it doesn't look.
00:11:26 That crazy to me.
00:11:27 It doesn't look like.
00:11:28 Oh wow, that's totally like a crisis actor. Fake blood squirting out of.
00:11:34 Every now it just looks like.
00:11:36 Look, here's The funny thing. People will say ohh, how convenient. How convenient that they just barely missed him. But it's like, yeah, like I like again. I've been shot at. I heard bullets whizzing past my head.
Speaker 9
00:11:51 And I and.
Devon Stack
00:11:51 Again, I wasn't running for President. I was just a teenager in Albuquerque, and that's what happens.
00:11:57 You know.
00:11:58 And so it's like, yeah, if my head had been like a foot over here, you probably wouldn't know who the **** I was cause.
00:12:04 I'd be dead in the ground it.
00:12:06 It it, haven't you ever been up and done things like life isn't just movies and fiction, things happen to people, weird things happen, crazy things happen. It's like.
00:12:18 It's almost as if these people don't have anything that that in their own lives where they think, wow, you know, it's crazy to think about that one point in my life when everything changed and never would have thought it would have gone in that direction if if it wasn't for this one little random thing that happened.
00:12:32 My life that totally changed the direction of everything. Yeah, everyone's got, like, a moment like that. So why is it so hard to believe it happens elsewhere? Like it happens outside of you? There's that these sorts of things are happening all the time. Like when the CUE cards are all. There's no such thing as coincidences for the the **** there isn't. There's always coincidences.
00:12:53 All the ******* time. It's always ******* happening. I have coincidence happen to me like at least ten of them a day. It always ******* happens.
00:13:01 They're always good, but they're always coincidences.
Speaker 10
00:13:06 Anyway.
Devon Stack
00:13:07 Let's take a.
00:13:08 Look again. Who knows, right? Who ******* is? We don't know. We don't know who this ******* guy is, or it might not even be a guy. Maybe it's a trick. Who knows? We don't even ******* know.
00:13:19 So all the evidence that we really have right now, look, I'm all playing. I'm sure everyone's seen this a million ******* times by now, but let's play it for those of you for somehow haven't seen this. I don't know how you haven't.
00:13:30 In it. But this is basically.
00:13:32 How it went down?
00:13:33 A lot of people watched it.
Speaker 9
00:13:35 Live if you want to really see something that said, take a.
Speaker 11
00:13:39 Look at what happened.
Speaker 7
00:13:52 Orange.
Devon Stack
00:14:05 So mid sentence.
00:14:08 Obvious gunfire. It's hard to tell. There's of course all these like Internet sleuth ******* going well. That's clear. Well, I can tell by the sound of a rifle from an undetermined location from where the microphone and and who knows which microphones are actually.
00:14:27 Picking up the audio. Is it the microphone that's just at the podium? Is it a? Is there a microphone back in the in the press box?
00:14:34 Like, who knows? But I I can just tell based on the acoustic, you know, gun Slippity, Sloper, googly, googly guy, it's, you know, it's clearly this kind of a guy. It's like you ******* *******. You don't know ******* **** about what? What the Hell's going on? No, none of us do. We don't know. All right, so we know all we know is it sounds like gunfire.
00:14:56 If you've ever heard gunfire in your life, and again if you're in America, you've you've probably heard gunfire before.
00:15:02 Sounds like gunfire. And yeah, at first you might say, oh, that sounds kind of like a low caliber gun fire cause you you expect it to be louder. But again, you'd expect it to be louder. But why? Why? Because that's because it's louder when you play video games. Is that why you expect it to be louder?
00:15:22 Because when you, when you're at the range and the guns in your hand, it's ******* louder, you know? Like, why would you expect it to be louder? Because it's being picked up on a ******* microphone on a podium. Well, who knows what microphone? Right, and who knows how far away we cut it? How far away now?
00:15:40 It could be a 22 because the way that they're describing it right now, they said it's an AR style weapon. Well, it could be anything, right? That means that it could be one of these gay 20 twos that looks like a ******* AR15. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.
00:15:54 So you know, Trump's delivering his speech. We hear these gunshots.
00:16:00 He touches his ear for a second, drops down. Everyone kind of seems confused. We hear more gunshots or what sound like gunshots. A couple people get wounded. In fact, as of the press conference, I was just watching. You had.
00:16:20 At least one dead and two in critical condition, and I think that's it, might have been another one, but I think that's that's pretty much it, not counting Trump. So again, here's this goes a little bit I think more into the aftermath.
Speaker 5
00:16:44 How you doing? Where we going?
Speaker 12
00:17:01 We're about to the spare.
Speaker 5
00:17:03 Hold. Hold. Are you ready? On you. Ready. Move, move.
00:17:14 You ready?
00:17:21 We're good shooters down. Are we good to move? Let's go.
00:17:25 Remove.
00:17:26 Rick Rick flair.
Speaker 13
00:17:34 OK.
Speaker 5
00:17:35 Come on, let me get my let me.
00:17:37 Get my shoes. Got you. Sorry.
Speaker 14
00:17:38 And so.
Speaker 5
00:17:39 I got you there. Let me get my.
Speaker 15
00:17:40 Shoes. Hold on.
Speaker 5
00:17:41 Your head. So we got to move.
00:17:48 It's you.
00:17:49 And so.
Devon Stack
00:17:53 So you can tell by this where the audio gets cut off because.
Speaker 16
00:17:56 They.
Devon Stack
00:17:58 Looks like they they the Secret Service chick when she hits the podium, she knocks the mic unplugged or whatever. So all that audio that you were hearing was quite literally just come picking up from the microphone on the podium. So the you know, it's not exactly in fact if anything it's designed to not pick up noises that aren't the person talking.
00:18:19 So you're getting like really, you know, clear dialogue between the Secret Service service agents you in fact you hear them say the shooter is down, we'll get into that in a second sound like Trump saying, let let me get my shoes. I couldn't tell if that was that was him or not. And then they they March him off the stage.
00:18:40 Of course, you see, he's got funked up ear. Bloody ear.
00:18:48 And you, you get these iconic.
00:18:51 Sure. To be sure to go down to history photos and this. See, that's The thing is people think that it's it's it's too cinematic, right. It's too much like a movie.
00:19:02 And I would just.
00:19:02 Say to you I.
00:19:05 Do do you do you just have, like a boring life like the only thing that ever is?
00:19:08 Exciting and cinematic.
00:19:10 Is on a screen like you never have like, exciting cinematic things happen to you know. I mean, look, I mean, I kind of get it cause yeah, this is like, super super optical **** right here, right.
00:19:21 Like you couldn't you couldn't ask for.
00:19:23 Better photos.
00:19:25 This is like the best **** that you would ever you if you're the Trump campaign right now, you're like, holy **** we we should, we should. We should have someone else shoot him next. The next thing I mean, look at.
00:19:36 This.
00:19:37 Stuff.
00:19:38 And yeah, so I get it. It's like super like the best kind of propaganda possible. It's now going to play into the hole.
00:19:45 He's a hero. All the cute.
Speaker 12
00:19:46 People have gotta be.
Devon Stack
00:19:48 Having to change their parents several times today because they've been nutting in them so hard.
00:19:53 It it's it's look it the elections over the elections over, if they're if it's real or not, doesn't matter at this point. The narrative, the narrative is such where he has, he has to become president. OK. Right. That's that's as far as as far as I can tell. What Trump's president now. Game over. That's just.
00:20:12 The way that it is.
00:20:14 Because of just the the you know, unless they do get them like in the next one or something like that right now here you can actually see. And this is weird to me. This is the sniper that that took out the shooter. Now what's weird to me is that if he had.
00:20:31 And we'll, we'll.
Devon Stack
00:20:32 Get a map so you can see the guy wasn't that far? So if we had that sniper there on the roof, just just to the when? Well, if you're facing the stage, it's just the left of of Trump, right. And he's got a perfect clear shot of the of the shooter and takes it and.
00:20:51 And you know, takes them out pretty quick. In fact, you'll notice how quick just because like well, I think that in this little clip here, Trump is still talking like, the whole incident is captured. So keep, you know, keep your eyes on the the guy with the gun at the top there.
Speaker 5
00:21:08 You know that's a little bit.
00:21:09 That chart that charts a couple of months.
Speaker 9
00:21:11 Old and if.
Speaker 5
00:21:12 You want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened.
Speaker 12
00:21:17 Here.
00:21:19 What's the plot?
Devon Stack
00:21:22 So yeah, that that sniper guy gets on it real quick.
00:21:27 And they take him out, but it's like.
00:21:29 Why? Why didn't he see him?
00:21:31 You know, like he looks like he's aimed right at the dude, right. And it gets a little crazier than that. So you've got this this shot of the sniper who at least supposedly is the one that takes out the shooter.
00:21:47 And that's how the the Secret Service is.
00:21:51 Not worried that.
00:21:52 That's still a threat there. Here's a.
00:21:54 Shot of the.
00:21:55 The the shooter dead on a rooftop.
00:22:00 Let me scale this up a little bit.
Speaker 17
00:22:05 Human.
Devon Stack
00:22:08 Let me move it so you can see it. So there he is.
Speaker 17
00:22:13 You can see the guy.
00:22:14 There.
00:22:17 He might be a.
Speaker 5
00:22:18 Little.
Speaker 18
00:22:18 I think they hit him because the guy.
Speaker 3
00:22:20 Is. So what's that?
Speaker 5
00:22:23 I'm gonna walk away.
Devon Stack
00:22:25 So the weird thing is.
00:22:28 And we'll again, we'll, we'll get to in a second, I guess. Here's more footage. We'll show you. I'll show you how to map, like, where this is this.
00:22:34 Isn't.
00:22:34 That far, in fact, in terms of of of.
00:22:40 If you if you actually go shooting with your gun, if you're like an accomplished, you're going to be that accomplished with your, with your rifle. It's not that that crazy of a shot.
00:22:51 Right. Like it's I I think it's something like 100 yards like it's not. It's not like oh wow, it was like this crazy shot it it's it's relatively close to where Trump was and it's odd to me that the Secret Service wasn't aware that this guy was just crawling around on the roof.
00:23:11 Especially given the information that we'll have here in a second, the fact that people at the event saw him climbing up on the roof with guns or a gun and and went and told the cops and said there's a guy.
00:23:13 If these pictures.
Devon Stack
00:23:28 Who climb up on the roof?
00:23:31 With a gun.
00:23:33 And in fact, they said that after they told the the Secret Service and the cops, they were kind of surprised that.
00:23:41 That Trump was even doing his speech because they told they told the authorities before Trump had begun his speech. So, at least according to one report, which I think I've.
Speaker 19
00:23:52 Got here.
Devon Stack
00:23:54 This guy was reported to authorities prior to Trump, even going to the stage.
00:24:02 So there we go.
00:24:03 That's the the helicopter footage of the building.
00:24:09 What's this clip?
00:24:13 Now this is the.
00:24:15 This is the the Trump doing the.
00:24:18 You know the the this is, this is the the Trump campaign ad right here basically.
00:24:23 The the **** ***** *****. Those guys fight, it looks like he's saying fight.
00:24:29 I don't know. There's no. There's no audio that picks or there's nothing that's picking up his audio at that point.
00:24:38 So let's see here. This is after they start to clear out the place. Now my understanding is people are still stuck at the location. They're still interviewing people, not letting everyone out like this is all very breaking news, even though it it it happened a few hours ago.
00:24:54 But you know something like this happens, and especially when there's a major **** ** by the the Secret Service, it's, you know, it's gonna be a big.
00:25:03 Mess.
00:25:04 So these are the people, this is this is footage of them.
Speaker 5
00:25:07 This is wrong. This is wrong.
Devon Stack
00:25:09 I guess evacuating.
00:25:12 Out of the venue.
00:25:17 Alright so here is I believe this is a report from BBC where someone was telling a BBC reporter that they had reported this guy with a gun crawling around in the.
00:25:31 Prove.
Speaker 20
00:25:32 Our car, we we've been talking to a number of people that they've been coming out of this horrific event. A lot of people, very emotional, a lot of people very upset, as you can imagine, all being very, very frightened. Greg was someone who was. You went inside the event but but you were just outside. Tell us what yes or.
Speaker 9
00:25:50 So. So we had a party here all day at the at the you see behind us at the bring those farming greenhouse here we have a party and we all decided, hey, you know when when you're Trump up there, we're going to walk up through the field.
00:26:04 Stand by the trees up there, under the shade and watch the rains in the valley. Right. You couldn't see them, but we could hear them.
00:26:12 So we walked up and probably 5 to 7 minutes of Trump Speaking of estimating here. I have no idea, you know, but we noticed the guy crawling.
00:26:25 Are you know bear crawling off the roof of the building beside us, 5050 feet away from us? So we're standing there, you know, we're pointing. We're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof.
00:26:37 And he had.
00:26:37 He had a rifle we could clearly see him with the rifle, absolutely.
00:26:44 The police are down there running around on the ground. We're like, hey, man, this guy on.
00:26:48 The roof with the rifle and.
00:26:50 The police were like, oh, like you know.
00:26:52 Like they didn't know what was going.
00:26:53 On, you know, we're like, hey right here on the roof. We can see from right here we see.
Devon Stack
00:26:57 Him. You know, he's he's crawling.
Speaker 9
00:27:00 And next thing you know, I'm like I'm thinking myself. I'm like, why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him up the stage? I'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, two or three minutes. Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I'm pointing at that roof. Just stand there like this.
00:27:18 And next thing you know is five shots from.
00:27:20 Now you're you're certain?
Speaker 20
00:27:22 That the shots came from not coming.
Speaker 9
00:27:24 1000% and he he.
Speaker 20
00:27:27 Was up there.
00:27:27 For a couple of minutes he was up there. We're.
Speaker 11
00:27:28 You.
Speaker 20
00:27:29 Not there for a.
00:27:29 Couple of minutes.
Speaker 9
00:27:30 Absolutely. At least three more minutes and.
00:27:32 You're telling. Yeah, please. In the Secret Service were telling the police we were pointing at him for the Secret Service who were looking at us from the top of the barn. They.
00:27:39 Were looking at us.
00:27:40 The whole time we were.
00:27:41 Saying about that tree and thanks for monoculars. They see. Probably not.
00:27:45 Because the wheels the way that this word went here is behind where they could see but. But why is there not Secret Service on all of?
00:27:51 These words here.
00:27:53 I mean, this is not a big place.
Speaker 20
00:27:55 Did you see? I mean obviously everyone when the shooting started, everyone was very panicked. Oh, did you see what happened?
00:28:01 To him at.
00:28:01 All I got.
Speaker 9
00:28:02 The Blues head.
Speaker 20
00:28:03 Off. OK, sorry. Secret Service Blues. OK, just be careful because, well, we don't. Quite. Who's watching? But you're pretty sure they they they shot.
Speaker 9
00:28:10 The guy absolutely, 100% OK. Yep.
Speaker 20
00:28:12 You. You saw that happen? Yep. Yep. OK. Yeah. And did you see them go up to?
00:28:17 Him afterwards or.
Speaker 9
00:28:19 They yeah, they crawled up on the roof. They had their guns pointed out and make sure he was dead, he.
00:28:23 Was dead and that was it. It was over.
00:28:26 It's incredibly shot. The guy was on the roof right there. You could see the white roof right there. I, I you know, other than he was in muted colors, tan type clothing. We saw the rifle flinging around as he was trying to crawl. I mean, we saw the rifle 100%.
Speaker 20
00:28:45 I mean, do you know that?
00:28:46 You.
Devon Stack
00:28:48 So it's a little weird. The response seems to have been, you know, very slow or incompetent, and people might say, well, you know, that's proved Devin there. There's some some shenanigans going on. They knew it was going to happen or or they wanted it to happen or or, you know, whatever, right. Or you know what? Guess what? It could just be.
00:29:05 Incompetence.
00:29:08 It could just be incompetence.
00:29:11 It's the same people that think that the whole world is a movie and everything happens like in a movie aren't convinced that Jason ******* born or some **** is out there patrolling around a a campaign stop where Trump's could do his speech and it's just simply not true.
00:29:30 It's simply not true.
Speaker 15
00:29:32 Oh.
Devon Stack
00:29:33 A lot of these people are ******* *********. A lot of these guys never see ******* action. It's like the capital police that didn't know what the **** they were doing. When when January 6 happened, they were just like, oh, they like, obviously some people knew what the **** was going on. But a lot of these guys are just they're just clock. They're punching a clock.
00:29:53 Do you think the Secret Service is always like, like foiling assassination plots? No.
00:30:00 It's usually not happening.
00:30:02 It's it's a cushy job.
00:30:05 It's like working security for someone really rich and famous.
00:30:11 It's a high paying job. You look intimidating. You're part of this entourage. But I mean, how often are you actually having to do anything, right? Like, how often are you? Are you really? If anything, you're driving hookers home late at night. You know what I mean? Like, you're not stopping, stopping crazy assassination plots.
00:30:32 So it could just be incompetence.
00:30:35 It could be incompetence, it or or.
Numbers Lady
00:30:39 Hey.
Devon Stack
00:30:39 It could be, you know, let let's be incompetent on purpose. It could be it could be a number of things. But for people to launch to these ******* conclusions, I mean, get over yourself, get over yourself. You you. You don't have a ******* crystal ball.
00:30:56 Well.
00:30:56 You.
Devon Stack
00:30:57 Don't care how many times you've watched CSI like, that's not how law enforcement works. These people are ******* idiot government workers like everybody else, OK? They just are. They just are. You can. You can just tell by the response. The response after, you know, Trump realizes.
00:31:16 He's been hitting the ear or whatever the ****, right, and he gets down like it was slow. It was slow and sloppy. There was like that one guy with the air 15 or whatever. He's like walking like they all look like they don't know what the **** they're supposed to do because they've never done.
00:31:30 Anything like this before?
00:31:33 It's not like they're stopping bullets every ******* day of the week. It's not like these ******* are diving in front of like like like a hail of bullets headed for biting every ******* weekend like this. ****. Almost never ******* happens, right?
00:31:48 So what it does, they're just like, ohh, what to do?
00:31:54 This idea that they're just like these highly trained, you know, super. Ohh yeah. Don't **** with the Secret Service. They're like these highly trained super soldiers. No, they're not. They're.
00:32:03 Not they're not. They're really not.
00:32:08 Yeah, it's it's the exact opposite of that.
00:32:11 I mean, they're highly trained, I'm sure.
00:32:14 But nothing ever happens.
00:32:17 So they're they're just hanging out.
00:32:21 They're just hanging out. It's like the Secret Service guys. That. What was it with Senator Menendez that went to South America and they were ******* the underage hookers. That's like, that's how you're dealing with.
00:32:33 That's what you're dealing with, and if they're not even, like right wing people, you.
00:32:36 Know.
00:32:37 You're talking about the same types. I mean, they live in.
00:32:39 DC.
00:32:41 You're talking about the same kind of ********* that took the knee when Black Lives Matter was going on. The FBI agents that went out and took the knee and kneeled before the Black Lives Matter protesters. You think the people the Secret Service?
00:32:53 Aren't, aren't they? Are they're, they're different. They're.
00:32:56 Not any different.
00:33:00 They're not any different at all. They're they're literally the exact same kind of *********.
00:33:06 In the same way that the FBI today is not McCarthy's FBI, right, it's not the McCarthy area era FBI where they're looking for counties.
00:33:16 It's it's, it's not the. It's not that it's not the same Secret Service either.
00:33:22 It's not.
00:33:24 And let's take it a step further.
00:33:27 Great job. The Secret Service has done stopping other assassinations, right, like Kennedy.
00:33:35 You know.
00:33:37 Yeah, well, why not? Yeah.
00:33:38 Let's let's just drive around in this totally open downtown area with the top down in a in a big *** convertible driving 15 miles an hour. That should be fine.
00:33:48 Yeah, should be totally fine.
00:33:52 These guys don't have a very good track record, even when they kind of like stop a president from being all the way shot the the shot. There's usually a shot that will go.
00:34:01 Into this in a.
00:34:01 Minute. They usually get shot at least.
00:34:03 Once before they they they jump into gear.
00:34:09 So here's a map that kind of shows you how close this was.
00:34:12 Now from what I could glean from press conferences, they're like, well, it was outside the secure area.
Speaker 7
00:34:21 Like.
Devon Stack
00:34:21 How was outside the secure area like this isn't very far man.
00:34:25 Like look at this, this is, you know, Trump is, it would be.
00:34:31 Where that little?
00:34:32 Thumbtack is right. So he's in fact, if we were watching that footage of the sniper that ended up shooting the guy, that sniper.
00:34:41 He's on that, that.
Speaker 9
00:34:44 That we.
Speaker 5
00:34:44 Roof.
Devon Stack
00:34:46 That big white building at the the top of those, those three buildings in a row, that sniper was at the the the peak of that, that third building.
00:34:54 At the top there.
00:34:56 So he he's he's got a clear ******* shot. It's just like it's a crossed.
00:35:02 Like what is that? That's like again, it's like 100 yards.
00:35:05 And look at to give you some idea of scale. Those are the cars, right? These are the cars and they're.
00:35:12 A lot. And so it's it's like in fact, it's a parking lot away. You've got a Secret Service sniper at the top of this building and a parking lot away is a an assassin crawling around on the roof. And and he doesn't see them.
00:35:31 Maybe, maybe they're just not bad at their job.
00:35:35 You know.
00:35:38 But that's look, we don't know. We don't know, I'm sure. Look, I'm sure we'll we'll be fed some ********. And because, look even let's say it's incompetence, right? If it's incompetence, you'll you'll ever ******* hear that these agencies look for, you know, look out for themselves. They're not going to ******* tell you that. They'll make up some ****.
00:35:57 If there's some kind of conspiracy, obviously they're not going to ******* tell you that. So they're not. You know, you're not going to get. There's none of the official information is going to tell us anything. So all we can really do is look at this and like.
00:36:07 Holy ****, that like that was like super close.
00:36:11 Like super close.
00:36:13 Like that, anyone who is a relatively accomplished, I don't know, shooter. Anyone who was like relatively comfortable with their gun, knew how to 0 in their sights and stuff.
00:36:28 You should have been able to make that shot and look to the guys credit he almost did right. Like he nicked his ******* ear. That that's just barely off of a target. You know? Like, if you had, like, a ******* bullseye that you were shooting at, you'd be. You'd be in one of the circles. You wouldn't. You wouldn't be in the center circle, but you'd be in the *******.
00:36:48 You know, one of the circles.
00:36:51 So anyway, that's so that's the distance you're looking at here. You see the blood from one of the the people who I think that's from the one of the guys that are the guy that actually got killed that's in the stands, I think after the guy the shooter missed and realized and you know Trump.
00:37:12 Ducked down, he just kind of just.
00:37:14 Open fire and try to get as many shots out as he could before.
00:37:17 He got sniped.
00:37:21 And then here's another reason why it drives me crazy. All these, all these ******* ******* jumping to conclusions as I'm trying to figure out what the Hell's going on, because I I barely missed this. I I got a message from someone like, literally like seconds after it happened and said.
00:37:39 You got now.
00:37:39 Trump just got shot at, and I was like what? I had a totally different stream plan and I was right in the middle of doing completely different. We'll do it later.
00:37:48 And I was like, oh ****. *** **** it. Now I got. Now I gotta cover this. Now. I gotta, like, throw this whole ******* stream in the ******* garbage and see what else going with this. So I'm sitting there on Twitter and yeah, everywhere else trying to find out what the hell.
00:38:03 'S.
00:38:03 Going on and you start seeing this clip everywhere, like, oh, look, the shooters.
00:38:07 Yeah. Look, look, they're carrying the shooter on. He's brown is a brown guy. So first of all, you can't tell if it's a brown guy or guy. It's tan. But his arms the same color as that ******* cop who's obviously white. And second of all, that, that wasn't the shooter. There was a guy who got ******* shot by the shooter.
Speaker 5
00:38:09 Just.
Speaker 21
00:38:18 Thanks.
Devon Stack
00:38:24 And so all these ******* ******* posting all these stupid things and sharing all this ******** before they know what the Hell's going on like.
00:38:32 There's the shooter.
00:38:33 Like so many people were treating that or retweeting this stuff, you had this this guy that that's I guess he's like an Italian sports.
00:38:44 Fan.
00:38:45 The like the the just some random Internet personality in Italy and they start sharing that out like a big accounts sharing out his picture saying, oh, he's this antifa guy and he made a video on YouTube threatening to to get justice. And as soon as I saw.
00:39:02 It I was like.
00:39:03 Well, this is weird. Where's the video then?
00:39:06 Like obviously you you could see the video to get the screenshot of.
00:39:11 Why is there no video and the reason why there was no videos there would be a video of him talking about ******* the the World Cup or something like that in Italian and it wouldn't make any ******* sense. So people are sharing that ******** constantly, like oh, look, here he is and it it's just it's just ******* ridiculous. It's like everyone's gone insane.
00:39:30 Everyone's ******* gone insane and and gone, like at least halfway ****** mode.
00:39:38 It makes it hard just to.
00:39:39 Feel what the Hell's going on?
00:39:41 So here's the venue, I guess.
00:39:44 After they they kind of cleared it out.
00:39:47 Apparently there's still like a lot of people just left all their **** there, so Secret Service is going through like everyone, all the bags and and stuff that were left left behind and bomb squad and all. That shit's going on.
00:40:01 So after this that after all this goes down, biting takes for ******* ever to respond. And I think it's probably because he had to stop crying. I mean, between him, like, looking like he's going to die and calling.
00:40:20 Excuse me? Zelinsky? ******* Putin. He could have done anything worse. That was like the.
00:40:28 Absolute worst thing he could have.
00:40:32 Yeah, for that crowd. Yeah. But between doing that **** and like, every, you know, all of his big donors turning on him and and everything else to to find out that Trump not only survived it, but I'm sure he got to see all those ******* photos everyone else was looking at, like, where Trump's got his fist ******* in the air. And there's a big American flag waving.
00:40:55 Behind him and ****. And it's like, that's it, buddy. Like, that's it. You're done.
00:41:00 That's it. This there is no Biden Harris, you know, but again, it doesn't matter if elections are real or not at this point. It's like that.
Speaker 16
00:41:08 That's it.
Devon Stack
00:41:09 Like that's that's the that's the Golden Boy now, you know. And you know the one thing that I can't wait to hear. I can't wait for some of these ******.
00:41:21 Maga these these ******* anti white traitors, right. These ******* these white traders in the MAGA movement who are just who are just itching, itching to replace their white voters with black and Mexican voters. They're they're gonna be so ******* excited. I I'm just I'm.
00:41:41 No one's nothing.
00:41:42 Yet that I've seen that I've seen.
00:41:44 Thing, but I promise you by tomorrow. Now that like the the emotions are are are aren't so running running so high they'll start saying things like well you know black people really like that when they when he had the mug shot now that he's been shot he's like Super black president and they're going to ******* do that **** it's.
00:42:04 But it look, maybe they're right. Who ******* cares? So Biden puts out this thing here.
00:42:11 I well, someone did for him while they woke him up and changed his diaper or whatever the **** was going on. I have been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania. I'm grateful to hear that he's safe and doing well. I'm praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally.
00:42:31 As we await further information, Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There's no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it. Yes. And then as it's getting reported.
00:42:50 It's like they all knew. They all knew. The media knew how bad this is for, you know, if you don't like Trump, they they knew how bad this was.
00:42:59 And so the the reporting was was ******* asinine. Like it was, it was ridiculous. Anyone watching that. Even if you thought, well, maybe it was like a BB gun, right? Because you couldn't hear the gunshots very well or 22 or airsoft or or something, right. Cause like, well, get him in the ear. Maybe he just got shot in the *******.
00:43:20 The side of the head with like a baby got. Yeah, well, whatever it was, though, it was obvious there was some kind of gun.
00:43:26 Right. Even if it was a, it was an airsoft rifle, the bare minimum. It was a gun. There was some kind of gun and he got shot with, with with the gun.
00:43:37 And the way they're reporting it, you know, it's like, oh, Trump injured incident. Ohh really. OK, MSNBC, Secret Service Trump safe after being rushed off Pennsylvania stage after gunshot. Like sounds. It's like, no, no, not gunshot.
00:43:54 NBC News Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after popping noises. Ohh popping noises heard his Pennsylvania rally popping. Sounds like Jiffy Pop, so it's popping some popcorn. The Secret Service got nervous.
00:44:13 Here's one of my favorites. CNN Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls.
00:44:19 Oh, he fell. I guess he fell. Fell down.
00:44:24 You know that, you know, whoever published that was just itching.
00:44:27 To be like.
00:44:27 Oh, they always make fun of Biden for falling down, but then it's like, are they so blinded?
00:44:33 Some of these.
00:44:34 People probably are.
00:44:36 And of course, you get all these psychos, you know the the the people that hate. Oh, look, I'm. I'm a Trump fan.
00:44:44 But like, yeah, these ******* psychos make America aim again. There was all kinds of memes of, you know, like I'm sure I'm sure you saw. Like the storm trooper names, you know, Storm Trooper troopers who, you know, Star Wars, who for some reason, no matter how.
00:44:59 Many.
00:45:00 Times they shoot. The good guys can ever land a ******* hit.
00:45:04 Here's a senator saying, well, I'm praying for former President Trump and hope she makes a full recovery. The extremism from the MAGA regime has brought us to this moment. Yeah. Actually, we'll go into this in.
00:45:18 A second almost.
00:45:19 All assassinations and assassination attempts in American history.
00:45:25 In fact, I would say out of all of them, none of them have been a right winger ever. There's never been a right wing or an assassination performed by a right winger ever in American history, ever, ever like, ever. And we'll go over some of these here in a second.
00:45:43 Now that Trump has stated that he's fine, I wonder, will he consider sensible gun laws? Of course, we all saw this happen. You know? Of course this was going to happen. Of course. This was going to pop up and look it. Maybe, maybe that'll happen. Maybe Trump. Trump seemed like pretty unfazed by banning.
00:46:02 Bump stocks, right? So maybe he'll he'll be like, oh, wow, you know, like, just really in the same way. Remember, remember, Trump wasn't taking COVID serious enough. Then all of a sudden, he gets.
00:46:12 Good. And then the next thing you know, we're all locked down. So it's it's going to be like that probably. I mean I could, I could see Trump getting like that and saying well, you know we can't have these these AR style rifles everywhere like, look what happened to me, it's just not.
00:46:30 Safe out there.
00:46:33 Who ******* knows, right? It is entirely possible.
00:46:38 And then of course, you got stuff like this. This is, I think from Instagram. I don't condone violence, but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time.
00:46:48 Yeah, so this this is the kind of stock that of course we're we've expected to see and this is the the kind of stuff that would basically get, you know being a Secret Service they'd be knocking on our ******* door if we're saying.
00:47:01 Like this or not even knock on our door. They would just shoot us like they shot that guy in Idaho like last year because he was talking **** about Biden on Facebook in a in a similar way, right. And they said surrounded his house and ******* and murked him.
00:47:19 So finally, finally, Biden, once they got, you know, his Huggies on and got them all cleaned up and shot him for of, I don't know what the **** they put this guy. Now they, you know, the the Pulp Fiction adrenaline shot whatever the hell keeps this corpse walking around. And he does this performance.
Speaker 22
00:47:41 Agencies in federal.
00:47:42 Thoroughly briefed by all the agencies in the federal government as this situation based on what we know now.
Speaker 4
00:47:42 For.
Speaker 22
00:47:49 I have tried to get a hold of Donald. He's with his doctors. They apparently he's been doing well. I plan on talking them shortly. I hope when I get back to the telephone. Look, there's no place in America for this kind of violence. It's sick.
00:48:07 It's sick. It's one of the reasons why we have to unite this country. We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this. And so. And I want to thank the Secret Service and all the agency, including the state agencies that have been engaged in making sure that the people who and now we have more detail to come.
00:48:27 Relative to the other injured, other people may be injured in the audience. I don't have all that detail. We'll make that available to.
00:48:33 You I may be able to come back a little later tonight, but we'll put out a statement if we don't. If I'm not able to give for it. If it's not convenient for you all but the bottom line is.
00:48:44 That the Trump rally, the rally that he should have been able to can be conducted peacefully without any problem. But the idea, the idea that there's political violence or violence in America like this is just unheard of. It's just not appropriate. And everybody, everybody must come.
00:49:00 Damn it, everybody. I'll keep you informed. And if I am able to speak to, to Donald, I'll, I'll let you know that as well. But so far it appears he's doing well. Number one. Number two, that there's thoroughly investigating what happened to anyone else in the audience. I have. We have. We're some reports but not final report.
00:49:22 And every agency in the federal government will be, and I'm going back to to my phone to speak with the federal agencies that are being put together again to give me an updated briefing. As anything happened. They learning more in the last couple hours. So thank you very much and I hope I get to speak to them tonight and.
Devon Stack
00:49:40 Who cares? Alright, so you know boilerplate. Whatever the you know, let's all get along Kumbaya all that kind of ******* ********. I mean, look, I'll just tell you this this scenario, it's an acceleration is ******* nightmare.
00:49:54 I mean just, I mean it's there. All I can say is there's other outcomes that would have been.
00:49:59 There's just other outcomes, there's other outcomes.
00:50:04 They want to produce different things, you know? And no, I don't. Look, I don't wish harm anyone or like that. I'm just saying, like, yeah, this from an accelerationist point of view, this is a nightmare scenario and it just it just is. It's just, you know.
00:50:23 Zionism wins again. So again, for the people who think that there's, you know, crisis actors and it's all fake and it's CGI and the earth is flat and whatever the **** else is ********.
00:50:37 They actually got a shot of the bullet. They actually got a ohh, that's impossible. No, it's not. It's not. It's actually not. Especially if you're.
00:50:47 In the age of digital.
00:50:49 Cameras and you're doing rapid fire. Rapid fire photography like they do with. I don't know if you ever been to like a an event like this. I've covered events like this. I've been one of these guys with the ******* cameras and you're just blasting ******* pictures because you don't know. It's it's it's like it's like when girls want to.
00:51:09 Look for the perfect angle and they just they selfie themselves to death like they do, like 80 selfies in like, less than a minute and then sift through like all 80 pictures. Like the the exact perfect angle or whatever, and then delete all the other ones.
00:51:23 Like, that's essentially what you're doing when you're when, yeah, depending on how you're trying to make, if you're trying to make Trump look like maniacal and crazy or really cool or whatever, you know you'll have different shots you're looking for. But that's what people are doing up.
00:51:38 There.
00:51:39 And.
00:51:41 Now there's the.
00:51:41 Ear.
00:51:43 But this is this is that's.
00:51:45 The bullet.
00:51:46 That's the bullet.
00:51:48 And it's it's it's kind of it's saying that they got it, but it's.
00:51:53 Again.
00:51:54 It's not like insane like, like schizotypal an insane, like it's just.
00:51:59 Sometimes you get lucky with a shot like this and someone got lucky with the shot like that. That is most likely the bullet. Here's the like. Here's the sequence.
00:52:11 And you can't see it so much, but that's that this shot here is the shot that's on the left here. So in that rapid fire, pop, pop, pop they got.
00:52:21 That that shot of him basically.
00:52:24 Like nanoseconds, nanoseconds after the bullet goes through the ear, they get another shot of him touching his ear because he's like, what the **** was?
00:52:33 That.
00:52:33 Because it's, you know, something like that. That's.
00:52:36 One of the.
00:52:36 Reasons why I thought maybe it was a low caliber rifle too, because either it was just.
00:52:43 They just barely, barely ******* grazed him. And I mean, just barely ******* grazed him or it had to be like, really, really low caliber and still just graze him, you know? Like, either way, it just there's no way like it didn't. There's no way that like this bull.
00:53:03 Did anything other than just graze him, regardless of caliber, but because it just grazed him, it was so quick. He was like what? And then he's got. You can see the blood on his hand in the in the third shot there.
00:53:19 So that's that's likely the bullet right there.
00:53:23 And then, of course, Trump goes to true social.
00:53:29 Inexplicably, because I don't know.
00:53:32 Because he's contractually obligated to like not being to, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know why they're still trying to make this a thing. He's he's the only thing that's untrue. Social.
00:53:44 And he says, I want to thank the United States Secret Service and all of law enforcement for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, PA.
00:53:57 Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the rally who was killed and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. I'm pretty sure it's up to two.
00:54:10 People.
00:54:11 Now it is incredible that such an act can take place in our country not.
00:54:15 Really.
00:54:16 Not really.
00:54:17 Like like in 2016.
00:54:20 People were expecting this to happen every week. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter. Well, that'll look and that'll fill in a lot of these. These *******, you know, blanks, right, that that'll that'll fill a lot of these blanks.
00:54:38 Depending on what we find out about this person, it'll look it'll start.
00:54:41 A bunch of other we all.
00:54:43 Invariably, no matter what they find.
00:54:46 Out about this guy.
00:54:48 It'll it'll start ******. You know rabbit holes, no matter what, no matter what, it really doesn't matter.
00:54:55 They'll spin, they'll spin their.
00:54:56 Little crazy wheels and make it crazy.
00:55:00 Who is now dead? I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong and that I heard a whizzing sound. Shots immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then.
00:55:19 What was happening? God Bless America.
00:55:21 OK, so you know whatever, that, that and that's that's base we're having like I've been shot at before, I know that I know what the whizzing sounds sounds like it's it's a little unnerving if you know what it is. If you're not expecting it though, I could see it being completely like oh what?
00:55:39 The **** is that?
00:55:43 You know, especially if you're a crowd, you're surrounded by a crowd of people, it's not exactly the quietest environment ever. You're up on stage. You got a ******* PA system amplifying your voice.
00:55:55 You know, I, to me, his response seemed totally normal. Like he just like, what the **** was that? Oh, I'm bleeding. And then you keep hearing the gunshots, like, oh, I'm getting ******* shot at. Look, I've been pistol whipped and I didn't realize it. The first whipping of the pistol.
00:56:13 I I I didn't realize there was a gun in the.
00:56:15 Guys hand.
00:56:16 Like I was, I was getting in a fight. Some guy with the gun smacked me in the face of the gun.
00:56:22 I didn't realize it.
00:56:24 That he even had a gun. Like at first it took me like a minute to oh, he's.
00:56:28 Got a ******* gun?
00:56:33 So it's uh, you know, you don't know what the hell is going to happen. You know how you're going to react this ****?
00:56:41 Now what I've I've said this isn't the first time in in, in modern times you've had situations like this.
00:56:49 We've we've in fact, I've covered this a little bit back in 1981, Ronald Reagan.
00:56:58 Well, look, there could be conspiratorial things, right? I think with the Ronald Reagan incident.
00:57:04 There's, there's a lot of this hinges on what we find out about the shooter. OK? In the case of Ronald Reagan, we found out that the shooter was was good friends with the bushes. You know, the bushes that would have become president if Ronald Reagan died and had actually had dinner with the bushes like a couple nights prior to shooting Reagan. You know, things like that.
00:57:25 If we find out **** like that about the shirt. Yeah. Let your ****** wheels go. Keep on turning, OK?
00:57:34 But in the current environment where like half the country, if not more, is is ******* insane, insane, and violent, and they've been burning down the ******* country and rioting for ******* years now, and they all think Trump is Hitler, it's not surprising. It's the surprising thing is that it hasn't happened yet.
00:57:52 That's that's the surprising thing. Not that it happened.
00:57:57 So you know, this was back in 1981 to give an idea of how not new of a thing this is like, what are these crisis actors, too, was this? Was this all fake and staged right here.
Speaker 23
00:58:13 Ronald Reagan was two months into his presidency when John Hinckley junior drew a $29.00 handgun outside the Washington Hilton Hotel on March 30th, 1981, he wounded the President Brady, a Secret Service agent and a Washington police officer.
00:58:33 Reagan and his guards fully recovered with the 22 caliber bullet exploded into Brady's forehead and left him partially paralyzed.
Devon Stack
00:58:44 So look, and that was a 22.
00:58:47 So this could have. This could have been a 2222's, can **** you up. Excuse me? I don't know if if there's if there's that fatality. And then there's the two critical condition people. That seems like a little much for 22, but it's at that distance, right? But it's like you said, it's possible they're saying.
00:59:07 They are style rifle. It's possible. It's one of these gay 20 twos that looks like an AR15 or something like that and and you know, you hit some of the right place with a ******* torrent. Look, if you hit some the right place with a pellet gun, you can.
00:59:22 It just I I my guess is probably some a little higher kind of than that. But yeah, Reagan, Reagan got shot up by a guy, a friend of the bushes.
00:59:35 Imagine that a friend of the bushes, after being basically forced to take on Bush senior as a running mate, that he didn't want after the convention.
00:59:46 And they're all like, surprise, surprise. One of their friends tried.
00:59:48 To.
00:59:48 Kill him. And of course, you had this. This is the the famous.
00:59:54 This was Reagan two months after being shot, and he recovered relatively quick and was that, I think it was at the convention, it said some event.
01:00:04 And a balloon popped.
01:00:06 And he made it and made this joke famously about it.
Speaker 18
01:00:10 Congratulations on a job well done. Well, this is a celebration for all the Berlin. For those of you in the East who are watching on television but unable to attend in person. You you're here with us in.
01:00:24 Spirit, the traditional banners of berlins 20 districts, east and West around this fall remind me of the kinship that exists among all people of this city.
01:00:35 By its very existence and character, Berlin remains the most compelling argument for an open world. We're reminded of the many traditions of openness and democracy that have marked the history of this city. Missed me.
Devon Stack
01:00:56 You know, was that scripted or I mean, look, things just happen. So this was Hinckley, the guy that in fact didn't he get out recently?
01:01:07 We'll look and see if he's out. I thought I remember something about him getting out recently.
Speaker 24
01:01:14 Uh.
Devon Stack
01:01:24 John Hinckley junior.
01:01:27 Or am I thinking of the guy who?
01:01:30 There we are.
01:01:38 Trial aftermath.
01:01:41 Released. Yeah, he was. He was he. He's been out since 2016.
01:01:47 So yeah, anyway.
01:01:51 But but even Gerald Ford, Gerald ******* boring ***, Ford.
01:01:56 That everyone forgets was even a president.
01:02:00 Gerald Ford was almost shot by well, actually, I think he was shot a little bit like shot like once before they got the check by one of Charlie Manson's family members or, you know, like the not like, a family member. But like, you know, the member of the family, the the Manson family.
01:02:21 Named squeaky like like some chick named Squeaky.
01:02:26 Here's some footage of that, but same sort of a thing. He's just walking, doing the meet and greet kind of a thing, but they don't do this anymore. This is partially why shaking hands with people and this psycho chick goes and shoots them and and gets tax.
01:02:44 Old.
Speaker 21
01:02:45 However, politically inspired violence in America in that autumn was far from over. Six years after the murderous rampage of the Manson family, one of its members was still out to get the system, personified by President Gerald Ford, September 5th, Sacramento, CA.
Speaker 25
01:03:01 All of a sudden the young woman dressed in a red flowing gown, jumped at the president, lunged at him and was told she had a gun in her hand Secret Service.
Speaker 16
01:03:09 The White House Press Office has now identified the woman as Lynn Ellis, from 26 years old at Sacramento, and they say that she is linked with the Charles Manson family.
Speaker 21
01:03:19 Secret Service agent.
01:03:20 Larry Bondorf was the man who stopped her.
Speaker 19
01:03:23 The hand coming up behind several others in the front row and obviously there was a gun in that.
Speaker 13
01:03:40 That's the one regret I have that it was not.
01:03:42 Successful.
01:03:47 And after I fired the shot, he stop.
01:03:52 Cold and I did have time for a second shot, had never planned for a second shot, had practiced, and was psyched for one shot.
Speaker 21
01:03:59 One shot might have done it if it hadn't been for a man who almost wasn't there.
Devon Stack
01:04:04 So like there's there's been close calls before unless unless that was all crisis actors and the setup. And like, of course, because Charles Charles Manson is involved, the Guarant guarantee their skits is going it was.
01:04:17 A set up.
01:04:19 It was totally a setup. It definitely wasn't just some psycho chick that was part of some murderous cult that.
01:04:25 I was trying to get him.
01:04:27 So yeah, that happened. Look, people don't even know about this ******* Super Jew, which is surprising. We're going to do it. We're we're definitely. We're doing a whole stream on this ******* psycho. So this guy, Sam Bick, Sam Bick. And you never hear about this guy I didn't know existed till the day.
01:04:47 What I was doing research is, you know on on, OK well, how many other times have things like this happened before? And I come across this ******* golden Jew. Jesus Christ. So this guy, this guy was trying to kill Nixon.
01:05:02 And and and and.
01:05:04 Not just, but not just like shooting Nixon.
01:05:07 This ************ wanted to to hijack a a commercial airliner and then crashed into the White House, so he he actually hijacked the DC-9 at the the Baltimore Washington International Airport.
01:05:23 After he killed.
01:05:25 And it wasn't called the TSA. Excuse me, TSA back then.
01:05:29 It was called. I don't know. It's called, but he basically a cop. He killed a cop, got on board an airplane, ended up shooting the pilot because the pilots weren't cooperating. And then a cop shot him through the the window of the of the door of the airplane like.
01:05:46 They got him, but this ******* psycho. And again once again not a right wing person. So so far, right, we got, we got some weird rich kid who was friends with the bushes. We have some weird helter skelter, you know, cult, psycho *****. We've got this turbo Jew.
Speaker 24
01:06:07 If my plan goes well shortly, you will be reading quite a bit about me. If my plan doesn't go well, it won't make much of A damn difference.
Devon Stack
01:06:21 Yeah, and it didn't make it didn't go.
01:06:23 Well, so that's why I.
01:06:24 Don't turn this guy. We're not.
01:06:26 In the whole ******* stream with this ******* psycho, though. So this guy wanted to crash an airplane in the Nixon that didn't work out. The guy that ended up shooting George Wallace.
01:06:39 Now George Wallace, Governor Wallace, you might remember we've talked about him in our streams about segregation. George Wallace was the governor of Alabama who was trying to prevent segregation or desegregation rather.
01:06:54 From taking place in his state, and that's when the the federal troops were called in and they forced the desegregation in the schools he was he ran for president a bunch of times. And one of those times he was running for president was 1972, and he was in Maryland.
01:07:15 And on a campaign stop.
01:07:18 And some other guy who initially was was trying to kill Nixon, but he kept he kept missing. It just barely like so and just before like this happened in in, in May.
01:07:32 But in April, so a month prior, this guy's name is Arthur Bremer.
01:07:38 And he he brought a gun to the to a motorcade in Ottawa, Canada, where Nixon was going to be cruising through town, tried to shoot the motorcade, but it went too fast.
01:07:52 And try to shoot it again. But also you know it was he. He basically just sucked at apparently.
01:07:59 Was it a dumb idea? Anyway, I'm going to shoot a car and.
01:08:02 Hope.
01:08:02 For the best. So he decided, well, **** it, I'm just going to go.
01:08:06 Shoot this guy.
Speaker 11
01:08:10 Leaving approval from behind dark glasses grammar applauds enthusiastically as Wallace aggregated the valley in Silver Spring, MD, then as the Governor of Alabama moves out to press flesh with his followers, the hand pokes a gun through the crowds.
01:08:30 Wallace survived the assassination attempt, but his wounds leave him paralyzed, forcing the end of his active campaign.
Devon Stack
01:08:37 The logos crisis actors look at all those crisis actors. They're all running around oh, man. And and George Wallace had to pretend to be paralyzed for the rest of his life. That must have sucked.
01:08:53 This **** just happens.
01:08:56 This **** just happens. It happens very frequently. They just don't like talking about it. They like to make it seem like it doesn't happen because they don't want it to happen for obvious reasons.
01:09:08 And they look, it's funny because it's all these people, they think. Ohh yeah, you're you're falling for the sign up. Like like the Secret Service could possibly miss something like that. You're falling for the sign up. It's like, dude, you're. You fell for the sign up when you watched that Jason Bourne movie. You're falling for the sign.
01:09:28 To the feds are like these ******* God like, you know, like 007 *************. They're not. They're just not.
01:09:35 Not these guys are just they're they're just cops.
01:09:40 They're literally just cops. They're cops. They get paid a lot more and have a better dental plan, but they're ******* cops.
01:09:49 So you had that obviously, I mean look, you know Speaking of failures, you had the assassination of Robert F Kennedy.
01:10:00 Robert F Kennedy was who?
01:10:04 Again, you want to you want to get into this is. This is when the conspiracy theories can unfold when you know who the shooter is. If, for example, we find out that the shooter when once identified the one that they got blasted today we find out that the shooter is a Ukrainian or.
01:10:24 Or Palestinian. Or like, you know, something weird like that. OK, then it's tiny. Like, what the ****? What's going on?
01:10:32 With this ****.
01:10:33 You know that there's probably more to this story than just some weird, you know, Antifa guy. But right now we don't.
01:10:38 Know.
01:10:39 Now, in the case of.
01:10:42 Robert Kennedy. It's really weird because it's this. It's it's a a Palestinian who doesn't remember doing it.
01:10:50 So it's like some MK ultra ******* Palestinian, who obviously I don't know, I don't have any proof and we'll have to deep dive it someday. But on the surface, to me, looks like Mossad looks like Mossad finishing the job they started with his brother.
01:11:06 Oh.
Speaker 14
01:11:08 The Ambassador Hotel Los Angeles on June 5th, 1968, headquarters for the Robert Kennedy for president campaign. The victorious and the crucial California primary, Kennedy addresses an enthusiastic crowd in one of the hotels ballrooms.
01:11:21 My thanks to all of you and now it's.
Speaker 11
01:11:23 On to Chicago and let's win there as he.
01:11:26 Yes.
Speaker 26
01:11:27 Turned and went by me. He turned to the right, toward the kitchen. When he did come through lots of television cameras and stuff, and we were going into a press conference and.
01:11:39 Was shaking hands with the uh the two best boys talking with?
01:11:43 Him.
Speaker 26
01:11:43 And it was at that time.
01:11:45 That the the shots started.
Speaker 11
01:11:49 They should be reported that he had been shot.
Devon Stack
01:11:53 All right, all those crisis actors.
Speaker 27
01:11:54 He's been shot.
Numbers Lady
01:11:55 That's right.
Speaker 26
01:11:56 I just heard this ********* noise and and was shaking violently and and I thought I was being electrocuted. That was my impression.
Devon Stack
01:12:00 Strike one.
Speaker 17
01:12:05 Has been shot. Is that possible? Is that possible?
Speaker 24
01:12:09 By something in the ground, I knew he was.
01:12:11 Going to live.
Speaker 5
01:12:11 Back everybody else. Just please stay back. Just the doctor come right.
Speaker 14
01:12:14 Here 25 1/2 hours after he is shot at 1:44 AM on June 6, Robert.
01:12:20 Dies.
01:12:22 Immediately following the shooting, there was little doubt in anyone's mind that 24 year old Sirhan B Sir Han using an 8 shot 22 caliber revolver was the one who killed Kennedy and wounded.
Devon Stack
01:12:31 Another 22, another 22. So yeah, I mean, 20 twos can ****. Yeah. I mean, usually it's close range. That's. That's why I'd be surprised.
01:12:41 If from 100 yard 100 plus yards.
01:12:44 You're you're getting fatalities off of with a 22, but who knows? I don't know. I've never. I've never tried. I've never tried. So maybe you could.
01:12:53 So yeah, this. But again, it's weird Palestinian named Sirhan Sirhan, who doesn't remember doing it. You know that that there's some question marks there, right?
01:13:05 And obviously JFK.
01:13:07 Yeah, that's. That's like there's more question marks there than you know on anything.
Speaker 10
01:13:13 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. You'll excuse the fact that.
01:13:15 I'm out of breath, but.
01:13:17 About 10 or 15 minutes ago, a tragic thing from all indications at this point has happened in the city of Dallas. Let me quote to you this.
01:13:25 And I'll you'll excuse me if I am out of Breath of bulletin. This is from the United Press from Dallas.
01:13:30 President Kennedy and Governor John Connolly have been cut down by Assassin's Bullets in downtown Dallas.
01:13:35 They were riding on open automobile when the.
01:13:37 Shots were fired.
01:13:38 The president, his limp body carried in the arms of his wife Jacqueline, has rushed to Parkland Hospital. Bob Walker, WF ATV, Dallas, TX, interrupting his been a shooting at Dallas police station as Oswald was being transferred for details. Bill Lord ABC at City Hall Bill.
Speaker 17
01:13:52 Just one minute ago they were bringing Oswald out, he had apparent.
01:13:56 Here that changed clothes and he was just going out the door, heading towards the armored car. And there was a bang. We believe it was.
01:14:03 A shot.
01:14:05 And apparently what has happened to him, we do not know at the present time.
Devon Stack
01:14:11 See again.
01:14:13 Not. Not another big reason to have.
01:14:15 A question mark.
01:14:17 The whole Oswald thing, everything else but.
01:14:20 So we have to we.
01:14:21 Bottom line is we have to wait till we at least know the **** this person is.
01:14:26 We have to at least know who they say this person is, but again, people just get shot too. People just get shot, Truman.
01:14:34 People that we were.
01:14:35 Just talking about Truman last stream, right?
01:14:38 They tried to kill Truman. People don't realize how many of these people have.
01:14:42 Been shot at.
Speaker 28
01:14:47 Blair House, President Truman's temporary Washington residents naturally drew crowds of people as soon as word of the attempt on his life was announced. The whole civilized world was shocked by the news. He has a first hand account of the affair from Secret Service Chief Victor Bauman.
Speaker 29
01:15:03 A definite plot.
01:15:06 To assassinate the President of the United States was foiled to date.
01:15:13 Floyd, you were on the spot.
01:15:16 You shot one of these assassins.
01:15:19 Tell me just what happened.
Speaker 27
01:15:22 One of the men went by our post on the east side of the Blair House chief.
01:15:27 And when he was about 10 feet away from Officer Burgel.
01:15:30 He pulled his gun and started shooting at the officer, officer Davidson and I immediately pulled our guns and started shooting.
Speaker 28
01:15:39 Press photos show Oscar Colazzo, one of the killers now in hospital charged with murder.
01:15:44 Parasola another assailant, was shot dead by the police.
01:15:48 And Lesley Coffelt, a police guard who lost his life in defence of the present.
01:15:54 The attack had occurred only just before Mr. Truman left for the settlement at Arlington Cemetery.
01:15:58 Field Marshall Slim, General Bradley and Lord Fraser were there also, Mr. Eden and Mr. Schindler, a tribute to field Marshall Dill, was paid by Mr. Marshall.
Speaker 4
01:16:08 Here.
Speaker 3
01:16:09 Before us in Arlington.
01:16:12 Among our hallowed dead.
01:16:15 Lies buried a great Englishman, field Marshall, Sir John deal.
01:16:23 He was my friend.
Speaker 28
01:16:25 Then the statue of Field Marshall Dill, who died in Washington during the war, was unveiled.
01:16:30 No one could possibly have guessed that an attempt to assassinate the president had just taken place, least of all from R Truman's demeanor, as he in turn paid tribute.
Devon Stack
01:16:41 So this this was Puerto Ricans. Puerto Ricans tried to kill him. And you know, it's something that no one ever talks about.
01:16:52 There's that that hyper chatter always wants me to talk about the Puerto Ricans, Puerto Ricans, bombing and attacking America.
01:17:01 Around this time period.
01:17:04 But look, you had another situation with with FDR.
01:17:10 You know, like this, this you'll hear about this very much. Either look at that. Look at that little ******* man led Italian. Little tiny ******* like.
01:17:18 Like man, that guy, that guy, that guy should drink more milk when he was a kid. Holy ****. Look at that little ******* tiny little ******.
01:17:26 But anyway, this guy this was.
01:17:30 The yes the SP and I was Angara. I don't know. But he tried to shoot and kill Roosevelt.
01:17:40 And he ended up, I think he killed the Mayor of Chicago.
01:17:45 In his.
01:17:46 In his uncared full shooting, and they they don't, they they I think they gave the electric chair that everybody found out why he he was trying to do it except for they thought that it might have been tied to Al Capone.
01:17:58 So it might be it might have been some kind of mafia hit thing that they were doing, but I thought it was a little weird. They never found out like a a clear answer.
01:18:07 For that one.
01:18:09 Before that, you had. Who? Herbert Hoover.
01:18:13 Herbert Hoover they they tried to kill him in South America. You had anarchists like this guy right here, another Italian.
01:18:21 This was Severino di Giovanni.
01:18:27 Who was a?
01:18:29 Was he was an Italian anarchist and they attempted to kill him all while he was visiting Argentina.
01:18:40 You had Teddy Roosevelt. This is one of the more famous ones, 1912. He was shot before going to give a speech.
01:18:49 And he went and gave the speech with the bullet still in him. It was a 90 minute speech.
Speaker 19
01:18:55 While.
Devon Stack
01:18:57 You know, with a bullet in him.
01:19:04 And.
01:19:06 They never took the boat out like they he that that bullet still in his in his corpse right now. So they never removed the bullet. He was shot by this guy right here.
01:19:19 Joseph Matteo.
01:19:22 No sense. It's never like anglos.
01:19:25 It's almost never angles, I guess the.
01:19:28 Hinkle was was an Anglo, the guy who shot Reagan a lot. It's a lot of. It's not not so much Anglo. Not a lot of Anglo assassination **** going on.
01:19:38 And this guy supposedly killed himself in prison. I think it's entirely possible they just ******* killed him.
01:19:46 Impression.
01:19:50 But yeah, go back even further. Garfield James Garfield was was killed by.
01:20:02 Disgruntled office seeker.
01:20:06 And this was a. Let's see here.
01:20:09 Gutierrez is a Frenchman.
01:20:13 So a Frenchman killed that guy. That was in 1881.
01:20:18 Of course, Lincoln everyone knows about Lincoln, and there was an attempt at Andrew Jackson. There was an attempt to assassinate Andrew Jackson back in 1835.
01:20:32 A. A man by the name of Richard Lawrence. So I guess not Anglo we are. But that's back when, like literally everyone in America was Anglo and in 1835. So this isn't like a new thing. This isn't like a new thing.
01:20:47 This this is this happens all the ******* time. It's surprising that it hasn't. Didn't happen sooner and and it's it's not surprising that that Trump survived because again half these look at all these times that people have survived. You know we had Andrew Jackson survive we had.
Speaker 2
01:20:58 True.
Devon Stack
01:21:08 Teddy Roosevelt do his speech with the *******.
01:21:11 Bullet at him.
01:21:12 It's it's uh.
01:21:15 People survive, believe it or not, assassination attempts and you got some that were less lucky ones, right? Like Wallace is stuck in a wheelchair and and **** like that. But it happens. It ******* happens, you know, you had a.
01:21:30 Boring forward. Yeah. Survived just fine. Reagan survived. It's it's.
01:21:39 Now these people that are doing this, in fact, that's almost I think more of an argument for JFK being a professional hit is the fact that not only did he not survive, he was the ******* moving car and he didn't survive now like usually when it's just these, these.
01:21:58 Crackpots, these nuts. They don't. They don't know too much about how to how to kill someone they've never done it before. They just think they can go clack, clack, bang, bang and it's all done and not so much, you know. And so I don't know.
01:22:14 I I think that if anything it kind of points that the candidate assassinations.
01:22:18 Being a little.
01:22:19 Little little professional if you know what.
01:22:21 I mean.
01:22:22 So yeah, we'll find out more. We'll find out more when we find out who the shooter is or who they say he was. And and all this other stuff. It's just that men people are getting too ******* crazy. People are getting too *******.
01:22:35 ******** out there and I get it. I kind of get it, but it's it's getting a little embarrassing. It's getting a little embarrassing that, I mean, obviously the the far end of it is is Flat Earth retardedness, but but even stuff like this, it's like, yeah, **** like this happens.
01:22:53 **** like this happens and not everything's like some big ******* master plan.
01:22:59 Now this. Who knows, maybe it'll turn out this was.
01:23:02 Maybe. But on the likely meter it's it's kind of low. It's kind of low on the likely meter. It's it's entirely possible it's it's about as.
01:23:13 It's about as.
01:23:15 You know, much of A conspiracy is just some ******* Antifa psycho decided to go take out the next Hitler.
01:23:23 Again, maybe that'll be wrong. Maybe it'll maybe it'll turn out that this guy is is, you know, part of a foreign military or has some weird connection to hunter Biden or, you know, like, look, there's a million things it could be. There's a million things it could be, but until we know that kind of information.
01:23:43 It is just. It's as stupid as sharing like that picture of the the the Italian football commentator or a picture of Sam Hyde and saying there's the killer. This is the killer. It's that dumb. It's that ******* dumb.
01:24:00 And and screaming crisis actor is is the same thing as screaming ******* Flat Earth. At this point. I mean, am I saying there's no such thing? No. Am I saying that? It's like, very rare? Yes. It would have to be. OK there. There's not like, like if every time something happened.
01:24:20 They had to go rent out these crisis actors like you'd run out of ******* crisis actors like, how many people do you think? Where do they keep them? You know? Like, is there like some?
01:24:30 Hurry up. Wake up. The crisis actors that are always on call. They live in some underground ******* facility so that no one recognizes them or sees them and they can just on a moments notice, you know, pop off and act like blow all over themselves or something like that. It's it's, it's gets so ****. It's ******* ******. ****. Now I understand why.
01:24:51 I don't understand like this need for it to be more complicated than it really.
01:24:55 This.
Devon Stack
01:24:56 It doesn't need to be that complicated.
01:24:59 It doesn't need to be that complicated, all right.
01:25:03 So I used to take a look at hyper chats like I.
01:25:06 Said I had a whole thing.
01:25:08 I I had a stream plan and it's.
01:25:12 Guys ******* blown out of the blowing of the ******* water with this.
01:25:18 Like I said, I can't. It's, you know it's. You have to be careful when you talk about things like this.
01:25:24 My take away today wasn't Even so much like the ****** stuff. It was more of like.
01:25:30 Well, they.
01:25:32 Again, yeah, Zionists win again.
01:25:36 Zionists win again. You're going to have a without a doubt, a Zionist administration, full full war Zionist administration.
01:25:49 For a minimum of the next four years.
01:25:52 Minimum.
01:25:55 Not much could get in the way of that is it? Is it still possible something else would happen? Sure.
01:26:01 But it's not looking. It's not looking like that. It's starting to look like it's guaranteed Zionism wins for the next four years.
01:26:11 And maybe gun control too.
01:26:13 So, you know certainly certainly required Holocaust education in the remaining States and yeah, not good. Not great.
01:26:25 Not great. Like I said, the worst possible scenario for an acceleration is this is this is full on like.
01:26:33 Like pressure release valves like we've never seen before. But yeah, who knows, though, right? Who knows? Things have a way of of unexpectedly changing.
01:26:46 Like they did today, right?
01:26:50 Yeah, as much as, like I said, everyone's kind of expecting it for years and I didn't expect it today. So it is what?
01:26:57 It is.
01:26:58 All right, cod fish killer codfish killer.
01:27:03 Lovely garden, Steve.
Devon Stack
01:27:14 Codfish Killer says I can't believe people aren't clipping the the his hand wave after the fist.
01:27:23 It's almost a romance. I don't know. I I mean, I I don't think they did, like, a romance. Littering even sort of resembling that. There's there's look. There's no way optically. There's no way. There's no possible way.
01:27:43 Optically to make him look bad right now, they just can't. Like maybe give us some time. But right now it's like it's like, you know, post 9/11 right where you had Bush standing on the rubble with the megaphone. And and all of a sudden.
01:28:03 Everyone who hated Bush, like all year, that whole year leading up to 911.
01:28:07 It was all we support our President and everyone you know now is not the time for all these disagreements. We need to come together. It's going to be a very similar thing. It's going a very similar thing that it's, it's done, it's done. They're not going to make them. Look, give us some time. Just like with Bush, right. That bought him a little bit of time. Like he was able to ride that wave.
01:28:28 Well, quite a while, and Trump will be able to ride this way for like a little bit. Things happen faster now too, because the Internet and just the news cycles, there's so much faster and everything else. So Trump won't be able to ride the wave quite as long.
01:28:44 But.
01:28:46 He'll he'll, he'll. He'll enjoy a little buffer.
01:28:49 Little buffer zone.
01:28:51 For the next little bit.
01:28:54 Size matter, says Guy, who shot Trump was probably a druggie, ****** like the guy who beheaded his dad. If he wasn't, Trump would be.
01:29:02 Dead right now.
01:29:04 Yeah, that's that. That's kind of what I'm getting at is, if it was like a.
01:29:09 I mean, they're right. It was a close. That's a close shot. I don't know that I'd be able to make that shot again. I don't know what kind of gun he had.
01:29:16 Or whatever, but it's it's.
01:29:18 They would have hit the paper, right if he was target shooting, he would have made it like and you only get one shot at that, right? Like you only it's your first shot.
01:29:28 You're just you're really dependent on getting that very first shot. Exactly right. And he got it. Yeah, it's close.
01:29:36 Pretty close, or in fact you couldn't any closer. Like literally any closer. And he would have got it.
01:29:44 You know, so you know that said, if he was a professional.
01:29:51 Then, yeah, Trump, Trump would be gone.
01:29:55 I can't imagine a scenario where an actual professional assassin would miss a shot that that that's that close.
01:30:03 Because it's it was for. In terms of professional assassin work, that's pretty close, you know.
01:30:12 Size matters again.
Speaker 30
01:30:15 Good, good, good, good for real.
Devon Stack
01:30:21 This money is my bet that Trump will use this to justify gun control legislation entirely possible, Larry said. He was quick to to ban bump stocks, even though those are apparently available. Again, get them where you can.
01:30:36 They they're just more of a toy than anything else, but still, they're a fun toy expensive toy that with the the the cost of the ammunition these days.
01:30:50 Yeah. I I I will not be surprised in the lease if Trump's always been pro gun control. Always been pro gun control, so I would not be surprised if that's rolled out fairly quickly.
01:31:05 And look who's going to say who's going to say no to Jesus. Like that's that's basically Trump now. Like the the the white evangelicals, the ones who would usually get the most upset about gun control. They're the ones who literally think God came down and and and **** blocked the the shooter like Jesus.
01:31:24 Person like, have you seen these? I'm sure you've seen them.
01:31:27 Claims that Jesus personally materialized and karate chopped the born out of the way like that's that's the level of insanity that's going on with the evangelicals and just not just evangelicals. Just generally. I think a lot of Christians in the magnetosphere, at least they they think that.
01:31:48 This is like a sign from God, and so if Trump wants gun control, I mean, you're going to argue with with Jesus's favorite president. Probably not.
01:32:00 Zazi Mataz bought, says last stream you said you had something big cooking for tonight's stream. Can't wait to see what it is. Well, you have to wait a little bit longer. You have to wait a little bit longer. Yeah, it's there's a little lot of videos going through and editing all day long.
01:32:20 I'll have to go in the *******.
01:32:22 Wait, wait, wait. I was gonna say in the trash, but it's more like.
01:32:25 In.
01:32:25 The the weight basket.
01:32:29 So yeah, I can't. I have no way of controlling world events and I couldn't. I couldn't just. Usually, I I will ignore news and I think now everyone's talking about this, but look, this is kind of historic, it's it's historic.
01:32:47 It doesn't happen very often. This is, and it could have gone in a totally different way.
01:32:52 It could have gone in a completely different way and we'd have. We'd have a totally different stream tonight if it went in a different way. You you almost had a Black Swan event. You you were. You were teetering on the edge. You were teetering on the edge of, like, Psycho boomer rage.
01:33:13 Like you almost had it, you almost had. You almost harnessed the the ****** energy and rage of the of the cube over. But you know, it was not to be. It was not to be.
01:33:29 Size matter says it doesn't feel this way, but 2016 was eight years ago, and a lot of your viewers might have been too young to understand or remember everything that was going on. I was 13 and really didn't care in the next few years, it might be worth covering everything that Trump said in 15 to 16.
01:33:50 And how much of what Trump said is different? You've talked about lock her up quite a bit, and I recently rewatched 2016 debate and completely forgot about the Muslim ban, among other things. Yeah, it might be worth just real quickly doing one.
01:34:09 There's.
01:34:11 I mean, there's so many things. There's so many things that.
01:34:18 That he lied about, you know, like so many things.
01:34:22 He lied about.
01:34:23 And he I can't think of a single thing.
01:34:28 That the average person was excited about when it came to voting for Trump. I can't think of a single thing that he actually.
01:34:39 Accomplished.
01:34:43 But it doesn't matter because he said it's such a cult of personality.
01:34:48 It's like they they can't.
01:34:52 It's like they they can't face that reality. So they they'll make excuses for him or say no. Like the economy was good and taxes are they they'll they'll try to come up with something, but it's like, no, that's not why anyone voted for him.
01:35:06 That I mean that's like that's like why people would vote for ******* Jeb, you know? That's not like they were voting for Trump because he was going to put a stop to the immigration.
01:35:17 And didn't.
01:35:20 Gorilla hands.
Speaker 30
01:35:22 Good, good, good, good, good.
Devon Stack
01:35:28 Gorilla hands before all the excitement, I was going to comment on how Hendrick from Red ice is of the opinion that they're going to let Trump win. I was starting to see his point, and now it seems like Trump wedding is a sure thing. Still, how did the Secret Service?
01:35:45 Leave rooftops 150 yards away. Uncovered. Yeah, that's that's that's a big question mark.
01:35:52 That's absolutely a giant question mark.
01:35:54 It's like I said, it's the who's the show?
01:35:56 Here.
01:35:58 And why did they not see him?
01:36:03 Those are the two big legitimate question marks, OK.
01:36:06 The two legitimate question marks are who is this ******* guy?
01:36:12 And how did that sniper guy that took him out pretty quick not notice him up there the whole time?
01:36:19 When there's people on the ground pointing, you know, yelling at the cops, saying there's a guy on the roof with the ******* gun and and that.
01:36:25 And that that.
01:36:27 That ginger with the unrealistically red hair, like the ******* Ronald McDonald, asks ************.
01:36:35 And yeah, it's it's.
Speaker 4
01:36:39 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:36:39 There's the question marks. Those are the two big question marks.
01:36:44 Gorilla Hands again says the Secret Service agent in charge is a woman. Well, there that might be an answer to.
01:36:53 That might answer the question mark. It literally could be as simple as that. Do you think this is just a DI **** ** or intentional? Yeah. Well, like you said, we'll know more later, but it's they're both equally possible.
01:37:08 They're both equally possible because it's that's that's that's my point is.
01:37:14 These guys are not. They're not the pros that you think of when you when you think of like how the Secret Service is portrayed in movies, that's propaganda. That's the psyop, you know? It's like it's like, have you been to an airport?
01:37:30 Do you think the TSA is actually stopping terrorists?
01:37:35 Of course not. Now, like the Secret Service isn't as bad as the TSA, but I mean.
01:37:41 You know.
01:37:43 They got the same boss. I mean, you know, I mean, it's like it's like like.
01:37:48 It's the same kind of in a way. It's the same kind of theater.
01:37:52 It's the same kind of theater.
01:37:56 Alright, freedom frequency.
01:37:59 I'm going to read your thing.
01:38:01 But this is this is you're you're this is all fake. You realize that? I guess I should probably up the the fake money ones. It's monopoly. It's not even worth a penny at this point. Trump got shot. It was heard around the world. If he leaned it towards the left, it would have. It would have harvested his souls.
01:38:21 Are his sole followers listening to his every word?
01:38:26 Fist in the air and uncombed hair fight, fight, fight is all they heard. Only a flesh wound. He brushes it off, looks into the camera and says ******* four more years that I didn't get the audio. It looked like he was saying fight, fight, fight, fight or whatever.
01:38:46 Which of course the Q cards are going to love that ****. They're going to love that ****.
01:38:54 Yeah, I mean it. Look, it worked out perfectly. Trump could not have look. So he's missing a bit of his ear. I I'm sure he's totally happy with the trade off.
01:39:06 Chosen jawah this election cycle has been very monotonous until now. What else do you think the puppet masters have in store? Well, I don't even necessarily this is a puppet master. This might just been some ******* kook. Might just been some ******* wacko and we'll see.
01:39:22 We'll see. We'll see.
01:39:23 When they start saying who this person is, if if somehow.
01:39:26 Like they they they the IT doesn't add up. You know who they are.
01:39:31 Or it adds up just in a weird way. You know, you know, we gotta wait. We gotta wait till they release names and and explain how the see would service missed something that major?
01:39:44 And then we'll, you know, then we can then we can get a little ******, then we get a little ******, if that that starts to happen, what else will be in store and look, I don't know, this has always been on. I've. I've always thought this was on the menu. I think it going the other.
01:40:02 Direction is also on the menu still I I think that.
01:40:08 I mean, look, there's I think there's a lot of limits for this way. There's a lot of similar things.
01:40:15 Still on the menu because you know, where do you go from this? Right. How do you how do you escalate from here?
01:40:22 So we we could see we could see it will happen, but no one's got a crystal ball and then shows and John one says Churro 2024, yeah, he's out. I just let him out. Luckily it was the opposite of normal. He wanted to go out right before the stream because he slept under my bed all day long because it was boiling hot outside.
01:40:44 So he hopefully he's out killing things.
01:40:47 Blue chord, blue chord, blue chord. Good evening, Mr. stack. I see this. I like. I didn't see this coming.
01:41:08 Looking forward to this stream. Yeah, I don't think.
01:41:10 Club.
01:41:11 When he once saw this exact thing happened just tonight.
01:41:15 But I mean, look, lots of people, even even ******* Tucker Carlson and others have. Well, of course, Alex Jones is acting like he's some kind of ******* Oracle now. Like I predicted. This Alex Jones is right again. I told everyone that they're going to kill or trying to kill Trump. And it's like, yeah. All right, well, you know.
01:41:35 Broken clock, that sort of a thing, right? But I look, everyone kind of knew this was a possibility.
Speaker 18
01:41:44 Like.
Devon Stack
01:41:45 That's why everyone freaked out.
01:41:47 So much about when Kathy Griffin did like the the the fake severed Trump head tweet that the reason why there was such a hysterical reaction to that which it was, it was a hysterical reaction. And and that's because.
01:42:07 So many people, including myself, were so convinced having just like.
01:42:14 Got him in there.
01:42:16 And against all odds, feeling like holy ****, I can't believe we pulled that off, that it seemed like.
01:42:22 This can't be real. Something's going to go wrong.
01:42:26 And it's probably going to.
01:42:27 Be they're going.
01:42:27 To get you know they're going to get him now. Of course, we later discovered they didn't have to get him.
01:42:35 Turns out he was going to play ball all along, right? And all these, all these fantasies we had in our head about how Trump was going to work out. It was all stupid. But in in that moment.
01:42:44 And.
Devon Stack
01:42:45 In that moment, like everyone's like, holy ****, they're going to kill them. Everyone was like, everyone was like, I'm talking from the most normie of normies to the most ****** of *******, like everyone was convinced they're going to ******* they're going to kill this guy, or they're going to try. And because it just seemed like that it was so.
01:43:05 Like I've never in all of my life seen a reaction to a candidate like this.
01:43:12 And.
01:43:14 I I think that.
01:43:17 You know, I think that that that kind of.
01:43:20 Mind poison that's being pumped. You know, this idea that Trump is.
01:43:27 I mean, if only right. If only Trump.
01:43:28 Was the next Hitler right?
01:43:31 But there's a good portion of the population that thinks that he is.
01:43:36 Even though he's funded by Jews, they think that he's, you know, Hitler 2.0. And so it's that's always been it's always been a possibility of one of these ******* fruit cakes kicked off. I mean, they're they're they're barely, they're barely holding.
01:43:54 There's so many people.
01:43:56 On the left, they're just. I mean, they're chopping their own ******* ***** off.
01:44:00 They're identifying as ******* kittens and like, literally ******** in litter boxes. I mean, these people are just barely hanging on.
01:44:07 There's a lot of people out there. They're just barely ******* hanging on.
01:44:12 And now they think Hitler is going to get elected and and put them in camps.
01:44:17 So you're going to get some unpredictable.
01:44:19 People.
01:44:21 Uh. Let's see here.
01:44:24 11011 for the Bees a tangent to your last stream with the Lend Lease program between Roosevelt and Stalin.
01:44:37 Wait, tenants. Your last stream would be land lease from between Ross. And so people have no idea of the scale of it. We outfitted the entire Red Army. We shipped entire factories to the USSR. It was infuriating to read. Yeah, there was a lot of, like, during.
01:44:56 The Cold War.
01:44:56 Or even there was a lot of, you know, not unpublicized.
01:45:02 The commerce, shall we say, going back and forth between the United States and the USSR.
01:45:09 It it's.
01:45:12 The usual suspects behind a lot of that stuff.
01:45:17 Uh. Let's see here.
01:45:21 Skin flute.
Speaker 4
01:45:30 Hello.
Devon Stack
01:45:32 Still, food says, and then the Jew lover was made fewer and everything returned to normal. It's all gay, Devin. Let me know when Trump lines the White House lawn with guillotines and the Communist Jews.
01:45:46 Forming lines until then I'm black pilled and seeking my own son.
01:45:51 Guarantee. Yeah, that's The thing is, it's just going to be four more years of gay Zionist ********. It's going to be 2016 to 2020, minus the code. Well, who knows? Maybe, maybe. Maybe the next COVID will happen. Who knows?
01:46:07 But yeah, it's this pretty much guarantees that we're just going to have Zion Don for four years.
01:46:15 And all all the.
01:46:17 The OR the.
01:46:18 Vast majority of people who consider themselves on the right will go right to ******* sleep or they'll fight. They'll they'll bicker and fight over like the gayest ******* stupid **** with Antifa. Like every time, every time the media goes and calls Trump Hitler.
01:46:35 Because of some other thing that he will never accomplish, they'll be quick to defend him and and nothing will ever happen. Just like the, you know, the first time around, we've we've seen this movie, we've seen this movie and we're just going to end up. We're stuck watching it again.
01:46:53 Great Plains Calvary 4 Chan is going nuts tonight. Like him or not, the means are flowing almost as hard as 2016. Yeah, look, it was a super memorable situation. You couldn't ask for better photos. You couldn't ask for a better like like you couldn't pay money.
01:47:14 To anyone and and have something this positive for the Trump campaign happen, which is why this gets us think it's all set up because it's like it's too perfect. No, sometimes things like this just happen. I've had things happen in my life where I'm just like, holy ****. Like, this is too perfect.
01:47:32 So it's crazy how this worked out, you know.
01:47:35 And it just that happens that just happens sometime now. Again, we'll find out more when we find out if the if the shooter, as an example, isn't Israeli Jew giant question Mark. You know if the shooter is.
01:47:52 I don't know. There's there's a number of. There's not a number of weird things that that could be associated with the shooter that would create new question marks.
01:48:03 But we just got to wait and see.
01:48:06 For right now, it's it's too early to be putting to be going to full ****** mode on this, American knight says. And now all the big anti Zionist influencers will obediently line up to support Trump and nothing will change. Well, I've seen a little bit of that already happening. You're going to have all the, you know, the anti Zionist.
01:48:25 Right, who have been criticizing Trump, suddenly feel really weird about criticizing Trump, and they'll instead say how ****** he is. And.
01:48:36 You know.
01:48:38 And it is what it is.
01:48:40 I kind of felt like that was going to happen anyway, right? When the rubber meets the road that was that was just going to. And that was kind of inevitable anyway. This just makes it.
01:48:51 More inevitable?
01:48:53 This makes it easier for them to make that transition, because no, no one wants to criticize them like, you know, Biden doesn't want to criticize them right now. You know what I mean? So of course, course right wing commentators are.
01:49:04 Going to be.
01:49:05 Loath to criticize the guy that just got shot in the ******* ear?
01:49:11 Ripped homeless Guy says the quote. A YouTuber I just listened to USA has an unfortunate tradition of not only gun violence, but presidential candidates and sitting presidents being shot at and killed. In many ways, the Wild West is alive and well. Stay safe. Yeah, well, I mean.
01:49:31 Unfortunate is a it's all subjective, I guess, right, you know, depends on.
01:49:38 That's all I can really say, lucky Larry Silverstein says. Get ready for returned theories about how this is all fake from flat naggers and people that think nukes are fake nude. I guess, dude, the shooter was was 33. You know what that means? Also, Trump's wound was a fake.
01:49:58 Hologram. Yeah, there's that's already happening. That's 100% happening. It's people that I, I I don't know what? What leads to that level of.
01:50:11 Of Psycho, but it's.
01:50:14 It's a disease. It's the Wrights version of ********. Like the the leftist people that are delusional. And so they they chop their balls off and they think that racist skin, deep and all these other stupid things the right has their little ******* too.
01:50:33 And instead of chopping their balls off, they they just they chop when they cut their brains out, they lobotomize themselves.
01:50:44 Fashion BBQ says Jews can't grill.
Numbers Lady
01:50:47 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:50:50 OK, if you say so, Jay Ray, 91, says it's so ******* gay. Some people saying everything is fake. No matter what. Stop it. It's like Flat Earth. It is. It's, it's this. And it's the same people, obviously.
01:51:08 And like I said, who knows? Maybe we'll find out tomorrow. Maybe we'll find out tomorrow. Something weird about the shooter and all that stuff should be investigated. But no one's going to take you seriously.
01:51:19 If if you're always before any information is out at all, you're already just jumping to psycho conclusions.
01:51:31 Grenade says my school's been shot at by a Paget many years ago. I was having lunch in the mall and just across the street we heard what we thought were shots inside the mall. But these were shot.
Numbers Lady
01:51:47 Up.
Devon Stack
01:51:48 Shutters coming down fast from scared shop owners. Because of that, we believe there were more than one shooter in the confusion. People started screaming and I ran for my life thinking this was a gang shooting and trying to cross the street to go back to my classes. A police officer obviously pushed me away.
01:52:09 And order me to go away. I didn't understand that.
Speaker 7
01:52:12 There.
Devon Stack
01:52:13 Or understand what was going on until I saw a teacher coming from the school with a terrified look. I'll never forget. So I I can speak from personal experience in these situations. Everything goes fast. There's so much confusion with your limited brain trying to make sense of it.
01:52:34 It is very easy to get fooled. Believe crazy **** and get skeptical. Skeptical of actual facts, but in reality, truth is much more down to Earth. I was lucky my cousin got lucky too. There was only one fatality.
01:52:55 Because cops were already at the scene for some drug related incident, crazy coincidences happen. Uh.
01:53:05 Yes, they do.
01:53:07 Yes, they do. And like I said, they've happened in my life. They've happened in your life, and I've been shot at.
01:53:15 On.
01:53:16 I'm trying three separate occasions, you know, and so that I can think of right there might be more, but at least three separate occasions and.
01:53:29 I wasn't running for President, so people get shot at.
01:53:33 Umm.
01:53:35 Let's see here.
01:53:40 Terrorist. Tarantulas. I was at a bar back in 2002 when a man came in and shot up the bar. I was in the bathroom and he shot 20 people and killed my two friends. Nobody knows what their reaction is going to be when it happens. Thinking Trump is a Jesus hero.
01:53:59 Or it was a sign up or both insane takes. We live in clown world. Well, I'm sorry that happened to you, but yeah, I mean, that's that's the kind of thing it's like. It's no one knows how they're going to react until it happens. And most people I've been, I've been.
01:54:16 When I worked, I worked in news, and so you'd go to the sites of accidents and things like that and.
01:54:25 Most people don't.
01:54:27 Most people are are just kind of like.
01:54:30 Shocked when things happen, you know they don't just jump into it. It's not a movie. People in real life do not react to crazy things the the way that people react in movie.
01:54:43 And I think people have a hard time wrapping their head around that if they've never had anything crazy happen.
Speaker 15
01:54:48 To them.
Devon Stack
01:54:50 UM.
01:54:52 Let's see here, Jay Ray, 931.
01:54:56 Doomsayer said he shot like a. Exactly what?
01:55:03 I'm not sure you're referring to.
01:55:04 There.
01:55:06 Chosen Jawa says Secret Service always scans a crowd. There's usually three or four layers of agents that surround the present and respective distances 3 yards, 10 yards, etcetera. Assuming the shooter had an optic at 150 yards. Had the no one noticed the glare off the optic?
01:55:26 Was rooftop security asleep? Yeah, that's.
01:55:29 The thing is it it.
01:55:30 It could have been incompetence. It could have been. These guys were out to.
01:55:34 Lunch. You know that nothing like this has happened since. Well, like Reagan, you know, I mean, so some of these guys, it's nothing like this has ever happened in their lifetime.
01:55:46 It it it it?
01:55:48 You know, and they're not. They're just kind of asleep at the wheel or or who knows, maybe there could be there that look, I'm not saying that that nothing spooky happened, OK.
01:56:03 I'm not saying that.
01:56:08 Then we're not going to find.
01:56:09 Out.
01:56:14 That's something.
01:56:15 Super crazy happened.
Speaker 5
01:56:19 We don't know.
Speaker 4
01:56:22 You don't know.
Devon Stack
01:56:24 But you know what?
01:56:25 It's just as likely that.
01:56:27 You guys are calling yourself brothers.
Devon Stack
01:56:30 It's just as likely that that happened. It's just as likely.
01:56:40 Let's see here 11011. It looked like the s s sniper said holy **** and then got on target.
01:56:51 The guy on the roof? Yeah. He looked a little surprised. And he, he. He shifted. And then?
01:56:56 And because it took him a minute, it's not like like that guy was able to squeeze off like.
01:57:02 At least five shots. I don't how many shots it was, but it was at least five shots before he got. He got head shotted.
01:57:11 Water weight says. Do you think it was a breakdown in the rules of engagement, like maybe the Secret Service was afraid to pull the trigger until they knew the threat was absolute? And no, I think that that if they.
01:57:23 Yeah, if they if they thought that that was gunfire and they were on top of it, they they will engage they'll.
Speaker 22
01:57:29 Just shoot you.
Devon Stack
01:57:30 You know, if they think that you're shooting a gun near a a former or current president, you're going to get.
01:57:37 I just think that either we'll find out, we'll find out. Maybe we won't find out the whole story, but we'll get clues as to whether this was incompetence or if this was planned incompetence. You know what I mean? Like the the kind of incompetence that happened at the jail where where Epstein was staying.
01:57:58 Let's see here.
01:57:59 Grenade says you're right about incompetence. Most people climb up the ranks until they hit a ceiling. They're incapable of breaking because they are not competent enough. People really underestimate how incompetent people are. The diversifying of our society will only aggravate this. IQ is going down really fast. Look, I.
01:58:18 Remember.
01:58:20 One of my first jobs I worked in fast food when I was a kid and a friend of mine and I were talking like like wow, I can't believe how stupid people are at fast food jobs. And we decided that the ratio was like 8020 where?
01:58:38 20% of the people working there made the everything happened and the other 80% were just kind of ******* off all the time and and and.
01:58:50 They were useless, essentially.
01:58:53 And I remember thinking like, surely.
01:58:56 Surely this is because I'm working in fast food. Surely as I get older and I get real jobs.
01:59:03 That'll change.
01:59:05 Now, there were a couple of exceptions where I did work with some competent people a couple of times, but by and large it didn't really change.
01:59:13 By and large, it was always an 8020 kind of rule where 20% of the people actually knew what the hell they were doing and the other 80% were just kind of in the way *************. And I could look. It's a government job. It's a government ******* job.
01:59:31 And sure, it might sound cool and and elite or whatever, but it's not. It's just a security guard for the government.
01:59:38 So these guys are not and they're not even, they're not even that bright. A lot of these guys.
01:59:43 You know, like if that's your job.
01:59:46 If you're like a.
01:59:48 If you work in in physical security.
01:59:52 You're you're not. You're not. You know you're not.
01:59:55 The brightest bulb.
01:59:57 Not saying you have to be dumb, but you're probably you're like a bouncer. I I know. I I was a bouncer.
02:00:03 I.
02:00:04 Bouncers aren't smart.
02:00:07 You know, like they're just they're just there to, like, get beat up so that you know, so you don't get beat up.
02:00:13 And these guys are just there to get shot so you don't get shot, you know, like these guys aren't like.
02:00:19 Like, you know, solving solving any kind of.
02:00:23 Complex problems other than trying to stand in the way of of bullets so.
02:00:30 It is what it is, chosen jawah.
Speaker 30
02:00:35 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.
Devon Stack
02:00:40 Chosen Jawas says as details emerge, let's pay attention as to which direction the shots were strong were strung.
02:00:47 No, that means to elaborate if the shooter was right-handed and lacked proper trigger control, the shots would hit low left. If he jerked the trigger or flinched, this might explain why Trump's right ear was.
02:01:04 Good. Yeah. Well, look. Well, I don't know. We'll probably not never get details like that, but.
02:01:11 Just the background of this person. Like, who is this person?
02:01:14 Who if it cause?
02:01:16 You got to think it this way.
02:01:18 As much as it that, that's like an unmissable shot for, like, a a professional assassin. Let's just say, right?
02:01:25 It's not like the easiest shot either. It's not like.
02:01:29 I I have a hard time believing that just some rando the day before went and bought a gun and then from that distance.
02:01:42 Nicked him in the ear.
02:01:45 You know that that that to me is.
02:01:49 That would be very lucky.
02:01:52 You know, for him to get that close.
02:01:55 To the target, cause you would have to use there. It's impossible.
02:02:00 That he was just using like iron sights, right? Like he he was using some kind of scope.
02:02:06 And to know the he had to have in advance known roughly the distance.
02:02:12 And you know, zero the scope for that distance and all that stuff and.
02:02:18 And that's that's more than just casual gun owner stuff.
02:02:23 You know what, I.
02:02:24 Mean. So it's not just some random guy.
02:02:27 Went to Walmart and bought a gun.
02:02:31 The day before like this is someone who at least is somewhat.
02:02:35 OK, with a gun, you know, maybe ex military. I wouldn't be surprised if it was like some.
02:02:42 You know ex marine or or something like that and we'll we'll see. Well, I guess this is all stuff we'll find out.
02:02:49 Colonel Edward says I was sold on the incompetence theory the moment you said Secret Service woman. As for the shooter, my money is on ex military training. Who thinks Trump is Hitler? I'm looking forward to when we find out who the shooter is. Yeah.
02:03:04 That's.
02:03:05 That would be a perfectly reasonable explanation, ex military.
02:03:09 ****** that had to qualify on the range and so it was just good enough with the gun to like know how to sort of do it, but not good enough to actually make it happen. You know, full of training rage.
02:03:27 Colonel Edward. Holy ****. The shooter isn't even ex military. It's just some ******** ****** like Aubrey Hill. The left isn't saying their best is this new.
02:03:39 You said that an hour ago.
02:03:45 Let me see.
02:03:55 I don't think that they've released the name.
02:04:25 I mean, look, there's tons of people claiming different people or the shooter.
02:04:33 But none of these are from.
02:04:34 Like.
02:04:37 These are all just like randos on the Internet saying, oh, it's this guy. Oh, it's this guy. Oh, it's this guy.
02:04:46 Let's see here.
02:05:04 Yeah, I I wouldn't. I wouldn't.
02:05:08 I'd wait till you get some kind of an, you know, a more official release.
02:05:14 Because there's people claiming it's this person or another person, and it's just.
02:05:19 That's what they were doing earlier today, too, and it ended up being some Italian football guy, so.
02:05:27 If it's this guy that now people are saying I, you know, maybe it is.
02:05:31 But I I think it's better to wait.
02:05:35 I don't see anything that's.
02:05:39 Remotely official.
02:05:45 Let me see here.
02:06:02 I don't. I don't see anything official.
02:06:06 Popping up when we get a normal chat.
02:06:11 Hey normal chat is there.
02:06:15 Is there something I'm not looking at that I'm not seeing?
02:06:19 And I'm seeing other people say, oh, it's this guy.
02:06:23 It's it's this person.
02:06:26 Like this guy here?
Speaker 15
02:06:27 My name is Thomas Matthew Crooks. I hate Republicans. I hate Trump. And guess what?
02:06:34 You got the wrong guy.
Devon Stack
02:06:41 Yeah, I don't think it's that guy. I think they're getting hoaxed again.
02:06:51 Yeah, I think it's just nonsense.
Speaker 5
02:06:55 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:07:12 Someone sent me a Washington Post article. Let me see what that is.
02:07:21 All right, Washington Post.
02:07:25 Is saying it's Thomas Matthew crooks.
02:07:30 Of Bethel Park.
02:07:35 As of how long ago.
02:07:42 Let's take a look.
02:07:48 See, that's the name. That's the problem. Now, there's all these skit cells on the Internet looking up.
02:07:53 The 50 people that have that name and going oh, it's this guy.
02:07:58 It's this guy.
02:08:03 Thomas Matthew crooks.
Speaker 15
02:08:21 Uh.
Devon Stack
02:08:27 Thomas. Matthew. Yeah, it's just. Well, let me see. I'll just read this article.
02:08:35 The FBI named 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, PA, as the suspect in what they described as the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.
02:08:45 The attack at Butler, PA, rally left one spectator dead and critically injured two others.
02:08:56 And that's it. That's the whole article.
02:09:04 Uh suspected she was a 20 year old.
02:09:10 That's. Yeah, there's there's still nothing about him, but that's just the name. The suspected shooter who was killed using AR15 style.
02:09:19 Rifle so we don't even know what kind of.
02:09:20 Rifle it is to carry.
02:09:22 Out the attack, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
02:09:26 Yeah. So we still know nothing.
02:09:30 We still own nothing. We have a name.
02:09:33 And we have a bunch of people on Twitter posting the wrong photos of this guy.
02:09:40 But we don't know yet.
02:09:43 With the era 15 style rifle.
02:09:47 Yeah.
02:09:49 All right. Where we go? Where are we at here?
02:09:56 Scroll all the way back up here.
02:10:01 There's a bunch of stuff here.
02:10:07 Still scrolling up.
02:10:13 Alright.
02:10:14 Now I'm scrolling back down.
02:10:18 Ground up, ground up.
02:10:29 Ground up says Medicare should have given you the torch instead of random bot. Sorry if the reference is confusing. I don't know who Rand bot is. I know who Medicare is.
02:10:43 Uh.
02:10:44 But that's about it.
02:10:49 Lips, Lord Godfrey says. I guess we're going to war with Iran for Israel since Trump's now, for sure going to win. RIP this gay Jewish empire as it goes on to one last Great War abroad. Now want to see, right? It could.
02:11:08 It could very well happen.
02:11:10 Michael Hanson.
Speaker 21
02:11:15 As far as I can see.
Speaker 30
02:11:16 Where? Where?
Devon Stack
02:11:21 Michael hadson. Hey, Devin, just wanted to show some appreciation. Long time listener from Sydney, Australia. Wow.
02:11:28 You're you're on the bottom side of the globe, huh? Walking around upside down. Good to have you here, Michael. Thank you for the support there.
02:11:39 And then you also say.
02:11:44 Able to catch you live often.
02:11:45 We play gang. Well, that's cool.
02:11:49 Very cool. Glad to have you. I think part I got cut off because it just says it. It able to catch you. So I don't know what you're saying, but.
02:11:57 Maybe you're saying you're not able to catch it, so you're the part of the replay game. Either way, I appreciate you being here. Whether you're a replay gang or live gang.
02:12:08 Dread Neck says, hey Devin, long time listener. I was.
02:12:11 So disappointed to see all my Pearl white friends instantly call this a fake and gay WWE stunt. Sad to see the real Jewish demoralization sign up working so well. It's also tiresome. Yeah, a lot of people are just ****** in the head now. It's just that they won't believe anything. This is this has been going on a long time. I had to deal with this ****.
02:12:32 All throughout the first Trump and Trump seems to like exacerbate this problem.
02:12:37 And all the first four years it was like this, it was, everything happened. It was like some kind of *******.
02:12:44 You know trick or or convoluted something or another, Brody says. I discovered Owen Benjamin was full of **** over eight years ago, hoping for a good stream tonight. Although I will have to wait for the replay tomorrow. Well, Hello, replay gang. And yeah, that was must have been.
02:13:04 Like I said, that was a different Brody.
02:13:06 They came in here talking, talking about **** hair. **** **** hurt bear style.
02:13:13 And so we will accept no impostors chosen, John says. Why were you shot at and pistol whipped? That's a long story. Different, different, different.
02:13:27 It's Albuquerque that's, you know, the best answer is just Albuquerque. That's why.
02:13:34 Anyone who's lived there before or lives there now, most likely that's the answer. It's the 505, man. It's the 505. That's why it's. Uh, yeah. Never a dull moment. Never, never a dull moment.
02:13:50 It just it just happens.
02:13:53 There's a lot of.
02:13:55 You find yourself in situations you never would have thought you'd find yourself in. You know, it's just one of those places in the world.
02:14:07 In a way, you get really acquainted to what you know. What diversity. What what we have in store.
02:14:12 In the future, it's a very diverse part of the country.
02:14:18 Jack Travis Smith says thanks for the stream black filled well. I appreciate that wannabe cult leader says we want to hear the story of you being shot at.
02:14:28 That's it's not that. I mean it's.
02:14:31 First, all depends on which time.
02:14:34 They're not. They're not that crazy. It's not that crazy of a story. Briefly, I'll just say one was.
02:14:41 I ran away from home. Actually, this one wasn't Albuquerque I went. I ran away from home when I was like 14.
02:14:48 And was homeless basically hitchhiking and taking buses?
02:14:55 Trying to go to.
02:14:55 Canada.
02:14:57 I was 14, OK, I thought if I went to Canada, I could start a new life because I was 14 and stupid.
02:15:05 And while I was in a tiny town called.
02:15:14 I think Billings, Mt.
02:15:17 I think it was Billings Mt. I got shot at because I flipped off.
02:15:24 A a *****.
02:15:31 That shot at me because I flipped him off and then.
02:15:36 And the the time in one of the times in Albuquerque was we were leaving a the short version as we were leaving a party at a friend's house or apartment rather and some low rider pulled out in front of us, so we honked at him.
02:15:54 And they moved out of the ways and.
02:15:57 Then we.
02:15:58 Drove our, you know, thinking that that was it, right? You hoped that someone that didn't realize that, that that meant you get shot at. But that night it meant we got shot at.
02:16:09 Because they honked at like a low rider, basically.
02:16:13 Yeah, shift shift shift like that in Albuquerque.
02:16:18 I know one time. I'm just like looking out the window. Just kind of like you do sometimes. Like I wasn't driving. I was just like in the car and I was just kind of like, spaced out, like, just staring. Like, just thinking about something else. And then my lizard brain just hold it to, like, pay attention to what I was looking at.
02:16:36 And uh.
02:16:38 It was a guy. It was a.
02:16:40 A vato like staring at me with like a gun in his hand because I all I could think of was like I must have just been like, you know.
02:16:52 Just.
02:16:53 Staring out the window and he thought I was staring at him and that's all it takes in Albuquerque. You know, you look at the wrong person and.
02:17:01 Now guns are involved, so it's, you know, Albuquerque, just like that. You'll just you end up in fights, you end up in, you know, in some parts of town are worse than others, but it's.
02:17:16 It's not the nice look. Breaking Bad is almost a documentary like to some extent.
02:17:26 Based in space.
Speaker 30
02:17:28 Really, really good grill.
Speaker 4
02:17:32 So.
Speaker 5
02:17:34 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:17:35 Based in space, that guy you said the FBI killed in Idaho was actually in Provo, UT, but you're completely right about these games they play. I'm familiar with being shot at myself, still leave it to Trump to make use of it. How? Or have you thought of?
02:17:54 Doing propaganda with white nationalist organizations always return your ducks.
02:18:02 That's a whole lot of stuff there.
02:18:07 I guess it was probably, I don't know. I thought was Idaho for some reason.
02:18:11 Umm.
02:18:15 Have I? Well, I don't know. Like, I don't know. Have I thought about doing propaganda? I don't know. I kind of I kind of.
02:18:24 I don't know. I think I'm doing my part. I think I'm doing my part if people.
02:18:30 And and some people have asked for my opinion on certain things. I'll give it to them. But.
02:18:35 I think I'm doing my.
02:18:36 Part.
02:18:37 As and you're doing your part based in space, supporting the show, so I appreciate that.
02:18:43 Chosen Jawa, the ATF has been losing a lot of ground lately in the battle to take gun rights away. Watch them use this as leverage, like Brady and Congress. Use the Reagan Hinckley incident. Exactly.
02:18:59 No, they will. They will. They, they they try to use everything they literally any anyone gets shot and it's like oh we.
02:19:05 You know, gun control.
02:19:08 Splitter Tray says hearing Reagan speak is weird. It's unusual to hear a politician sound so articulate and eloquent. It's sad that it sounds poetic by comparison. Yeah, wasn't that long ago. And he was a smart guy and he was A and he was an actor, so he knew.
02:19:27 How do you?
02:19:29 Be articulate, but it wasn't that long ago. Most politicians were articulate and not so much these days.
02:19:40 Nuclear goyum that's an interesting name.
Speaker 7
02:19:44 Hello. Hi. Hi.
Devon Stack
02:19:59 Nuclear going with the sad gorillas. It's been a nice white pill, seeing a lot of people on the right begin to realize Trump is a Shabbos goy puppet lately, but a lot of these same people have already started to relapse due to Trump's new martyr narrative. Four more years of whites being lower than a complacency.
02:20:17 It's sad to see exactly. That's right, that that's exactly what I that's it's literally it's the worst possible scenario for an accelerationist because you're right now everyone that was.
02:20:30 Not that you know, just the other day was like, oh, Trump sucks and you know, he's he's going to be a ****. And you know, he now, now they're all sucking *** ****, ******* *** **** and saying how awesome he is and.
02:20:43 You know, like, like ******* like a like, like a kitten, like a kitten chasing a a laser pointer. These ******* people.
02:20:52 Love and division.
Speaker 19
02:21:23 That will keep him busy for a while.
Devon Stack
02:21:28 Love and division in memory of George Wallace forced integration is evil. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. And and we're all living. We're all living in that evil age of anxiety. Devon, you've been shot at three times. Pistol whipped and mugged twice.
02:21:48 You really are black. Alex Jones was right when he called you Devon Stack. Great stream tonight, maniga. I just lived in.
02:21:58 In cities I I don't.
02:22:00 Well, and look, you gotta remember what? I was a bouncer for.
02:22:05 When I was younger, there was just an easy way to get money, right? And so I worked in like, the worst parts of.
02:22:12 Yeah, late at night in the worst parts of the towns that I.
02:22:16 That I lived in because that's where the bars.
02:22:18 Are.
02:22:21 Or at least the bars that need bouncers. You know what I mean? So, yeah, I I don't think it's it's just that's how it is out.
02:22:28 There.
02:22:29 That's just how it is out there, but again, Albuquerque, that's really.
02:22:34 How it is?
02:22:37 That's really how it is out there.
02:22:40 Yeah.
02:22:42 Red Truck says after this incident, if Trump gets elected, does it change the odds of Trump releasing the docs on the JFK assassination now that the **** that she's gone that because it most look my guess is is it indicates.
02:23:01 That.
02:23:02 Mossad played a role in this.
02:23:05 My guess is there's an Israeli connection that is being hidden.
02:23:11 And Trump is definitely not the guy to reveal that.
02:23:17 Let's see here, Dread Neck says. I had a friend who was shot by a .177 B in the spine. He thought it just bounced off his skin. He didn't know for two months until he almost died from metal poisoning. It does go without saying that the small caliber.
02:23:37 Crowns have their place. Yeah, I've got. I've got a pellet gun that I think.
02:23:45 I think that's the caliber of the pellet that I've got that.
02:23:48 I shoot.
02:23:50 Rabbits and squirrels with.
02:23:54 But that's about as that's. That's all they're really good for.
02:23:59 Red Truck says news changes quickly, but at the at this time I'm already seeing reports the shooter was a registered Republican and the motive was Trump wasn't right wing enough. If this is to become the official media narrative, then watch it get spun against any pro white groups.
02:24:16 Yeah, yeah, I'm. I'm going to wait. At least till the morning. Like we have a name.
02:24:23 And I'm sure, like I said, everyone's going to be springing out on 4 Chan Reddit and posting all kinds of, like, stupid fake **** that they find associated with someone with that name.
02:24:36 It happens every ******* time I've been doing this a long time. It always happens. There's there's all kinds of fake **** that gets shared around and spread, and we at least wait till tomorrow and we'll see. Now if that is the if, that's the narrative.
02:24:56 Well, it'll be interesting to see what you know.
02:24:59 Who they try to tie this guy to.
02:25:02 It'll be interesting to see who they try to tie this guy to.
02:25:08 Nine Nature Review says the mass Q turning of America is the direct result of the American people being relentlessly subjected to psychological operations for the last 80 years at least.
02:25:20 When people can't trust anything, they start to desperately seek authentic explanations to events that are perplexing. This is not normal. Well, I also think it's just generally a lack of.
02:25:33 People don't understand how the government works. They don't know how power works. All this is by design, because the people in control, they don't want you to know how that stuff works. Because if you did know how that worked, you would maybe compete with them by running for office. Or maybe you would know the means in which you could.
02:25:52 Get rid of them. You know, in in a political way. And so they they would like to keep that their world as mysterious as possible and as separate as possible from the rest of.
02:26:06 Yes. And as a result, if you have people that aren't very good as an example, people aren't very good at researching things themselves and so they rely heavily on, you know, mainstream media to inform them about this stuff. Yeah, it's all going to seem.
02:26:26 Very.
02:26:28 All very all very mystical and and look, I think increasingly Flat Earth being a great example of this. The right is just becoming more and more superstitious and becoming more and more gullible really and just believing in stupid **** as the IQ.
02:26:48 Cops and his education goes to ****, and as the amount of fiction and remember not that long ago, I mean how much fiction was a human being subjected to? You might have a book that you would read.
02:27:04 Every once in a while you'd read a book you know, and then that turned into well, you'd watch a TV show that you know, what was maybe relatively grounded in in reality to some degree. Now in the age of not just all these stupid Cape ****.
02:27:24 Movies all the you know these superhero movies. But video games, which I think are are way more.
02:27:32 They separate you from reality more than any movie ever could, or any TV show could, but you also have people that are, you know, they, they, they'll binge watch entire seasons or entire shows. And it's like it's almost like dropping a bunch of acid and and tripping out. And, you know, your brain is going to take that, like, you're really.
02:27:52 Traveling to any universe and and experiencing all this stuff as if it were real, you know? And so it's just I think people are just really disconnected from reality and and aren't aren't really educated enough to to understand.
02:28:08 The way power works anyway, so they they fill in the blanks with with fiction.
02:28:15 Ripped homeless guy. The thing about the JFK security lapse is strange because several heads of state and heirs have been executed while riding on a ruthless vehicle through a Town Center. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Fernand Ferdinand and.
02:28:36 Gavrilo Princip come to mind.
02:28:41 Well, look, the the JFK thing was a setup. They knew that was going to.
02:28:47 I mean, that's like a whole another topic, but JFK out of everything that that's not gets her to believe in in terms of assassinations. I mean even your your most normative normies knows that in Fact Check this **** out.
02:29:02 When I asked, I was asking chant GPT to give me examples of of past presidents that had or or candidates that have been attempted, you know, an assassination attempt have been made or whatever to get get me launched into names and stuff to research.
02:29:20 It listed all these. You know, a lot of the people we talked about tonight and it would say, you know, the assassin was this person, and it happened on this day. Even the Chet GBT, when it got the JFK instead of saying the assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald, it said.
02:29:40 The official story is that the assassin was Lee Harvey Oswald.
02:29:46 And it was the only instance where it it it phrased it like that and.
02:29:50 I was like, wow.
02:29:52 Even the AI is like, yeah, you know the official story.
Speaker 5
02:29:56 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:29:58 But yeah, figure or figure. Figure it out. I had to figure out your ******* name there, buddy.
02:30:06 Figure out says good morning from the grocery store from the grocery store.
02:30:14 I don't have a button for the grocery store. I should.
02:30:16 Get one at.
02:30:17 Some point it's been a long time.
02:30:20 It's been a long time since Rosley Stewart.
02:30:26 Thanks to a friend who introduced me to your content a year ago, I have been hooked and I've been listening to your streams since then. I've learned that the black pill is just a diagnosis, but in the long term we will have much brighter future. Well, then you have figured it out. Figured it out.
02:30:46 It is just a diagnosis and there will be a a cure. It's just it's going to be a rough road to recovery.
02:30:56 Right. It's a very serious disease and it's going to be a a hard one to recover from, but not impossible.
02:31:04 But thank you very much for your support there, Mr. Figure it out. American Knight, American knight.
Speaker 11
02:31:11 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 29
02:31:18 I'd like to return this duck.
Devon Stack
02:31:20 American that have you ever seen many little beekeeper outfits?
02:31:24 They look ****** to me and are a cool part of European history and culture. They could be a good design to use on graphics for yourself as the based white bean of our time. You know, old school bee art is just really cool anyway, like even like the.
02:31:44 Uh.
02:31:45 The scientific drawings they would do.
02:31:50 In like the 1700s of like the bees and the the all, that art works really cool.
02:31:59 Those suits would be a nightmare, though. They they're they're smokers would be a nightmare too. Their smokers were basically like giant pipes like they would hang them out of their mouths and blow smoke out of them.
02:32:10 ******* nightmare. How much smoke? You're probably inhaling constantly doing that.
02:32:17 Uh, figure it out.
Speaker 10
02:32:21 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 29
02:32:26 I'd buy that for a dollar.
Devon Stack
02:32:32 Figured out says in honor of ******** ******.
Speaker 6
02:32:36 Who?
Devon Stack
02:32:38 It was gone too soon.
02:32:40 Red Truck says plot twist Cue was the shooter. Pancake pancake's heads explode.
02:32:47 Well, maybe, maybe, maybe this guy is cute, right?
02:32:52 Claude Fermi, this makes Trump a martyr. People who were previously apolitical who really don't vote are now more inclined to vote for him. I still think they're going to rig the vote like they did in 2020, and Biden will, quote UN quote win either way, I'm not voting for Trump after what he did with the lockdowns and the vaccine.
Speaker 5
02:33:12 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:33:14 Yeah, I'm not.
02:33:14 Voting for him because he's a Zionist.
02:33:17 He's a Zionist shill and there's literally nothing.
02:33:21 That that he would bring to the table, that would be positive or better than what? What Biden's doing. I mean, honestly, like Biden is just going to Biden is is basically dead, you know, he's he's basically just being run by.
02:33:41 Like weekend at Bernies style by people who are trying to maintain the status quo.
02:33:46 Well, and as much as that sucks too. It's uh. It's not really much different than what Trump's going to do.
02:33:54 Trump's not going to radically.
02:33:58 Rollback immigration. You know, like he might do some some symbolic things, but he's not going to change birthright citizenship or all the the, the the number of, like the mass deportations or all the other things you'd have to even sort of stop the bleeding a little bit.
02:34:18 So it is what it is.
02:34:24 Let's see here.
02:34:27 Pronouns based ******.
02:34:30 Says Nick Fuentes on his live stream just three hours ago, said he believes that the bullet missing Trump is a direct intervention by God. You know, there you go. He's Catholic, but same opinion as the evangelicals and custards well.
02:34:50 If he really believes that.
02:34:57 If he really believes that, he.
02:35:01 You know there might.
02:35:03 There, there, there might be reasons why someone who doesn't actually believe that would say that.
02:35:09 You know.
02:35:12 Well, he might believe that. I don't know.
02:35:16 Snake oil politics says. I think it's all theater. Keep in mind the US Air Force did have a drone in the sky that people can't see. The drone, however, can see everything, and everyone with striking detail. The world is a stage.
02:35:35 Get ready green cards for everyone, and new platinum Plan roots edition.
02:35:44 Well, yeah, just because the Air Force has a drone, that doesn't mean they fly that drone over every Trump rally. You know what I mean?
02:35:53 Like.
02:35:54 You you can't. You can't mix in your head the absolute.
02:36:01 You know, highest level of of capability that the federal government has with what they're actually using.
02:36:10 You know, for any given Trump rally, especially, right, why would they have their their highest tech surveillance drone?
02:36:21 Operating with like a a team of people in the situation room for a Trump rally.
02:36:27 That was in friendly. Yeah, it was in Maga country. You know what I mean? Like it wasn't it wasn't.
02:36:37 There, there's no reason to to put resources like that into into something like that.
Speaker 5
02:36:42 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:36:44 Tyler.
02:36:48 Tyler JW bunch of numbers or something like that.
Speaker 11
02:36:53 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.
02:37:04 Take it from there, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.
Speaker 5
02:37:09 Tyler Joe, 05/08.
Devon Stack
02:37:12 Thank you. For what?
02:37:13 You do well, I appreciate that.
02:37:17 And thank you for your support.
02:37:20 Mr. Tyler Red Truck says, politics aside, Zapruder film 2.020244 KHD edition almost happened today. That notion alone is crazy to think about. Yeah. Like I said it.
02:37:37 It's.
02:37:39 It almost it was. It was almost a totally different day today. It almost was a totally different day today and.
02:37:51 Yeah, I mean, it was historic today. It was a historic no matter how you look at it today, it was a historic day and it'll be a history books forever now.
02:38:03 Veritas Hunter 7. Whoever runs the s s team, I think and yeah, Secret Service team needs to be fired along with the director of.
02:38:13 The Secret Service.
02:38:15 Well, as someone pointed out earlier and I don't know if this is true, someone said it was a woman running the.
02:38:21 The event, which would explain a lot.
02:38:26 A lowly scribe in God's Army, AR15 prices were at an all time low. Until today. You are not a man if you don't own a quality rifle and at least a few 100 rounds of quality ammo. I would agree with that sentiment. There is no reason to not have.
02:38:45 A at the very least, a ghost gun. Uh.
02:38:50 You know, some kind of AR anything like or you could go the other way. You get AK or SKS or something like that.
02:38:59 And then wrist tides, Torchy assets have some crypto berries. They're. I don't think they're they're crypto berries. They're just nothing.
02:39:07 Doctor Zee says most people are just ********. If you're a manager in any business, there are a handful of competent people, and the rest you just have to deal with. There's a reason why we are all.
02:39:21 Peasant farmers for most of history. Yeah, most people are ******* ********. Red truck. All I'm saying is no one knows who or why Trump was shot at and nobody's seen or heard from ******** ******.
02:39:37 Oh, we got an interesting theory there.
02:39:40 Night. Make sure of you, says Thomas Matthew Crooks, plus a video of him saying how much he hates Trump.
02:39:49 Are you sure this is the same guy though? Because there was, I know there was fake videos just in the time that I was looking a minute ago. There was fake videos popping around.
02:39:59 Yeah, this is fake.
02:40:02 Almost positive this is fake.
02:40:11 But might not be fake, but he doesn't even look like the.
02:40:16 Yeah, this is what This is why I'm waiting till tomorrow.
02:40:21 There's because there's I've seen this video posted and I've seen other videos that look like a different guy and it's just, you know, we're not going to till tomorrow. It's OK we can, we can, we can, we can deal with not knowing for a few hours.
02:40:40 But yeah.
02:40:43 And then, Morris, Deez Nuts.
02:40:47 You got a 4 Chan link.
02:40:50 Oh, look, because I I did kind of say.
02:40:54 Yeah. So this guy that you just sent me looks nothing like the guy in that video.
02:41:03 This looks more realistic.
02:41:07 And he's got gauged ears and looks kind of like a weirdo. So that could be.
02:41:12 That seems more realistic than this guy in the video.
02:41:18 But I don't know. Again, we'll have to wait till tomorrow. We're not going to know.
02:41:23 For sure, although this does look like you know it's a little graphic.
02:41:32 Yeah. Should I show it?
02:41:39 I'll show it quickly. It looks a little well, no, I'm not going to show because I don't know if it's even this guy, but people can.
02:41:45 Look at that link.
02:41:47 The Morris Deez Nuts posted if you want to look at what I think is probably.
02:41:54 Probably the shooter at this point I'm leaning towards that being the guy.
02:42:01 Russell Mcclintock says US Flag code provides that we should fly or should fly the flag upside down to indicate distress. I'm not a flag waiver, but I've brought this up countless times since 2020 and boomers go berserk at the idea of inverting old glory. Today, I'd like to ask every boomer.
02:42:21 Can we fly the flag upside down now, ********?
02:42:24 I'm surprised they don't know that that's you learned that in Boy Scouts. And I thought boomers went to Boy Scouts.
02:42:32 But yeah, that's that's normal. You know, there's isn't there wasn't, like Judge Alito or who is so was in the news recently for flying their flag upside down. And I don't remember who it was.
02:42:50 Not ********, ****** says if if it was a marine, the ******** fagot would have been more effective and frankly a disgrace. If it was usually most marines that are white shoot expert first or sharp sharp shooter second mongrels and Spooks.
02:43:08 Typically shoe lowest and.
02:43:10 My unit with the designation known as Marksman Third.
02:43:15 Umm.
02:43:18 Well, there you go.
02:43:20 I don't know if this guy's a marine. He's got really long hair, so if he was.
02:43:25 In the Marines, it had to have been a long enough time, and he's kind of young, at least according to information, right?
02:43:31 They're saying he's 20.
02:43:34 I I don't think he could be a marine or even ex military because if he's 20.
02:43:42 He's got more than two years of long hair.
02:43:46 So I don't know.
02:43:47 When he would have had his.
02:43:49 Chance to grow his hair out like this and also be in the military because he's got like girl length hair.
02:44:00 If it's this guy which I think it's probably this guy.
02:44:04 So tough, tough to know. Maybe it might have just been some guy.
02:44:10 Fat loss media.
Speaker 22
02:44:15 Let's see here.
Devon Stack
02:44:17 Yeah, that's the guy that I'm looking at. I think it's probably that guy.
02:44:26 Or maybe it's not this guy.
02:44:29 OK, now I'm confused.
02:44:30 Because this is using a different name. Yeah. See, all right, the world. Where do I tell tomorrow? This is my point. There's just all this ******** flies around.
Numbers Lady
02:44:42 Yes.
Devon Stack
02:44:42 And we don't. There's no way of knowing until.
02:44:46 Until the the dust settles a little bit, opera commandant says, hey, Devin, 400 to 500 feet distance that Trump got shot at isn't that difficult to hit. It's even doable with iron sights with something like a red dot on an AR platform.
02:45:05 I think every person could have hit that shot, even on the range with an AR, I could hit targets at that range of 800 feet no problem. Yeah, but if you're not, if you if you're not someone who goes to the range you're not familiar with your gun, you're you're not. My point is, you're not just whoever it was you.
02:45:22 Didn't just buy a gun.
02:45:24 Yesterday and then climb up on the roof and then get that close. Unless you're really ******* lucky.
02:45:30 You know what?
02:45:30 I mean like it's it's not as simple as just like, oh, yeah, just let me get this gun and and.
02:45:38 Just trying to wing it. You know what I mean and and and get that close.
02:45:44 I feel like that that that person has at least gone shooting before, like, you know, like has gone to the range like you're saying.
02:45:51 Morris Dees Knott says that last hyper chat was a mistake. I meant to send the photo through normal chat. I'm looking forward to the Nazis playing golf on the moon. Deep Dive your series on Pat Con and the ADL files are great. Thank you for all your content. Absolutely. Yeah. I'm. I'm. I'm going to be.
02:46:11 It's going to take some time because I'm going to go, I'm going to refute.
02:46:15 I know there's not. There's no way I'll be able to refute every little thing because I'm not going to think of every little thing, but I'm trying to find a list of all, like the moon tart things, and I'll go through every single one that I can find that you know, within reason. I'm not going to make it sound like an 8 hour ******* stream. You know what I mean? But I'll tackle the the more popular ones that I hear.
02:46:35 And.
02:46:37 Yeah, it's.
02:46:39 People need to stop living in a ******* fantasy world.
02:46:45 And then Morris Dees, now it says I have my doubts about the moon landings. Please hit me with a white pill about the white space race. Yeah. Look, I had my dads too. I had my dads too, until I spent a.
02:46:59 A few weeks on that, like, that's not all I did, but like, off and on.
02:47:03 Really looking into it, making sure all the technology would have worked, because that's what I'd be more familiar with because lot of technology was quite literally ham radio, you know? And so at first there were some things that didn't really make a lot of sense to me. And then I started looking at the technology and I was like, oh, no, all this is exactly right. In fact, here's the one that really sold me.
02:47:26 There's an original. I'm not going.
02:47:28 To get too crazy with this.
02:47:30 There's one of the original broadcasts someone actually found that before there were VCR's. There were these really old Sony reel to Reel Video recording machines. In fact, I actually have two of them.
02:47:44 Don't ask why and it looks like a reel to Reel audio player, but it it records and plays back video.
02:47:52 And that's just what they had back then. There was a guy who bought one of these reels that were on eBay cause like, obviously they don't make those tapes anymore. And so if you're like into vintage electronics or whatever, you will maybe buy crap like that on eBay. And this guy bought one and played it and it was.
02:48:12 A recording of the original broadcast of the moon landing.
Speaker 13
02:48:16 And.
Devon Stack
02:48:18 It's recently been posted to YouTube.
02:48:22 And it's it's got like a bunch of views on it. It's easy to find, you can just find. You just look at original broadcast.
02:48:28 Or whatever, right?
02:48:30 And in this original broadcast, there is a there's, you know, they're they're playing back. The communications between Houston and the astronauts.
02:48:44 And.
02:48:46 There's a delay, obviously. I mean, even though radio waves travel at the speed of light, when you're talking about a distance like between Earth and the surface of the moon, there's enough of a distance to where even at the the speed of light, there's a delay.
02:49:06 It's kind of like in ham radio. If you do what's called long path. In other words, if you aim.
02:49:12 Your antenna away from the person you're trying to talk to. It will go all the way around the world and still hit them, but it'll be a little bit delayed. And if you have a powerful enough signal, you'll actually you'll hit yourself with it. So it'll go all the way around the world and then you'll hear yourself like when you unkei your radio.
02:49:32 You'll hear like the tail end. Like, it's like a couple of seconds. It's not long because it's, you know, the speed of light. But like, there's just enough of a delay. You'll hear, like the tail end of what you just said because.
02:49:42 Your voice was.
02:49:44 Still going all the way around the earth and and you know, and hitting your antenna.
02:49:49 Anyway, point being, I watched this broadcast and I thought to myself, you know what, there's there'd be a there's a good way to test something here.
02:49:59 Because.
02:50:01 You are hearing not only when Houston is talking to the astronauts, but just like if you've ever played a video game with someone like a in, in, on discord or something like.
02:50:16 That or if you've ever watched a podcast with someone, doesn't have headphones on, and so you'll hear like the feedback, right? Like you hear a little bit of a a feedback coming from.
02:50:29 You're hearing what they're hearing on there, Mike. And so you're getting feedback a little bit of that was happening with these astronauts because they're wearing these helmets and in the helmets, they've got speakers and microphones and they've got speakers so they can hear what Houston is saying.
02:50:48 But it's loud enough, or either that or it's just quiet enough on the moon to where their microphone was actually feedbacking a little bit and I got this idea is like, well, holy **** because of that feedback, you can actually time.
02:51:06 Because the recording is being.
02:51:09 Is taking place on Earth.
02:51:12 So when the guy in Houston talks.
02:51:16 That's going that's pretty much real time straight to the recording. So you know when he says a word.
02:51:24 And it's on the recording. That's pretty much when he says it.
02:51:29 And then if you hear it again.
02:51:31 Through the astronauts helmet, you know what you're hearing is his transmission going all the way to the?
02:51:39 Moon.
02:51:40 Playing through the speaker in the in the helmet being picked up by the microphone and then being transmitted back.
02:51:49 To earth.
02:51:51 And because you know how fast.
02:51:55 Radio communications can travel the speed of light and you know the distance between the moon and the earth.
02:52:01 You can now calculate well how long should that delay be.
02:52:06 And I did.
02:52:08 And then I timed it.
02:52:10 And it was exactly right.
02:52:14 So the delay in the feedback.
02:52:18 Of Houston hearing themselves.
02:52:21 Being feedback through the astronauts and helmet.
02:52:26 Took the exact amount of time it would have taken if they were on the moon.
02:52:31 And that's not the only reason why I like. I was like, oh, that, that, that.
02:52:37 Sells me on it. There's it's just that everything, literally everything that you can find that's in that.
02:52:44 Talks about the moon landing being ********. It it's all it's it's all like flatter stuff. It's all like when you really look into it, you scratch beyond just like the the the surface level stuff you're like.
Speaker 16
02:52:57 No.
Devon Stack
02:52:58 They just misunderstand this or they're, you know, they're missing the forest for the trees on this or they don't get this. There's a bunch of other things, too, over the years that, like, kind of convinced me. But that's a big one, cause that's something that like.
02:53:13 I mean.
02:53:15 It would be hard to fake that, and it'd be weird to.
02:53:17 Fake then.
02:53:19 Because I'm not very many people would would have autistically thought to do what I was, you know what I thought to do?
02:53:27 And then there's anyway, we'll do all stream on.
02:53:30 That.
Devon Stack
02:53:31 Let's see here. 9 Nation Review says This is why the country so ****** in the head now will will know our disinformation. Propaganda is complete when everything the US public believes is false.
02:53:46 William J Casey.
02:53:47 CIA director I think that was during the church committee, right?
02:53:52 Nordic track says hey, Devin, been supporting you on subscribe starts this 2020. What do you think of Thomas 777 his book Steel Storm?
02:54:06 And day of the rope are the best right wing sci-fi. Would you ever do a collaboration with him? I don't know much about him.
02:54:17 I if it's the guy I.
02:54:19 I'll have to look.
02:54:20 Them up.
02:54:22 I think I know like what he looks like. I think I've seen.
02:54:25 Him like in.
02:54:27 Conversations with people.
02:54:33 Yeah, I don't know him. I know. I know. You're talking about vaguely.
02:54:41 Only because, like I said, I think I've seen them. Like I'm millennial or or something like that. I think I've seen them like a couple of times.
02:54:48 I don't know. Seems like a quirky, but you know, intelligent guy. But I don't. You know, I don't follow this stuff, so I don't know. Like, I don't. I don't know. He wrote a book. Even so.
02:55:02 But yeah, I've never talked to him. He might be. He's cool.
02:55:05 Russell Mcclintock many reports that the shooter was a registered Republican. Yeah, I saw a bunch of those. But again, we'll wait till tomorrow. Maybe he was. Maybe he was.
Speaker 5
02:55:14 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:55:16 Splitter tray says. Why do you think certain drivers get triggered so easily? Going zero to 100 when they get honked at?
02:55:27 Well, I'll tell you like that was a cultural change when I moved to the East Coast.
02:55:34 And.
02:55:37 Everyone was very hunky. In fact, it was weird, like Arrow was always honking.
02:55:44 I remember talking to my mom about it was like because I was. I was getting honked at all the time because I didn't know where I was going and I didn't have GPS, and in fact, I had a.
02:55:55 The I think it was an iPhone one. It might have been an iPhone, one that had like that janky *** cell phone tower strength GPS like it was all hacked.
02:56:05 To work and so like it would sort of work, but just enough to where I'd like drive like a ******* trying to like, make the turn that it didn't tell me about in time.
02:56:13 So getting honked at like constantly, I and I was talking the phone. My mom at one point I was like, yeah, I don't get it. Like everyone here. Honks. And she said, well, because they're not afraid of.
02:56:22 Getting shot in the face.
02:56:24 And I was like, that's right actually.
02:56:29 Like if you honked at people like this in, like, Albuquerque, you get shot in the face. There wouldn't be any honkers left.
02:56:37 Yeah, I don't know. I don't know what what exactly you were referring to, but that just made me think of that man before time says, oh, no, you probably meant like the the, the the thing in Albuquerque there. Yeah. The the. Yeah, that. I guess that's what it is. In Albuquerque, there's a lot of this weird.
02:57:01 Anger has to put it a lot of this Mexican anger. That's all pent up.
02:57:08 And people are just life. Life is cheap out there, man before time, not asking you to open these was talking to was talking to about. I'm not sure who who your older movie reviews also talking about abortion your breakdown on Cider House rules.
02:57:29 I am the.
02:57:29 Mine. They're my favorite of your movie reviews is on American beauty. Anyone who hasn't seen them. And then you got the the links there that that's also on.
02:57:41 That's also on the Odyssey Channel as well and probably still bit shoot Veritas. By the way, I've I've finally caught up on uploads to the bit shoot Veritas Hunter. Do you think the puppets masters could burn it all down after Trump was elected?
02:58:02 Leaving him as the Messiah here to make the next level of slavery enjoyable.
02:58:07 I mean, I don't know. I I don't want to get too crazy with it. I just think he's going to be President, President Zionist, you know, like that's all it's going to. He's going to be King, Jew of the Americas and he'll he'll usher in a air. He'll roll back all the all the gains we've made.
02:58:27 And trying to.
02:58:28 To **** all over the sieve Nets and make them look ridiculous and get people to start to think about the JQ and actually think about race realism. Like all that progress we've been making since Trump has been out of office.
02:58:47 It kind of goes proof.
02:58:50 It kind of goes proof.
02:58:52 I mean, not all the way, but it kind of like all the the stuff that the that's that's actually penetrating into the normal sphere, it's all gone.
02:59:03 At the very least, it's on pause.
02:59:06 And that's what's frustrating is.
02:59:09 We were we.
02:59:10 Were really starting to get some, make some progress and getting a lot of people who would have been lulled to sleep had Trump been in office and to actually start to think about this stuff and listen to this stuff. And now you're going to have, you know.
02:59:25 King Trump.
02:59:27 King, I love Jews, Trump.
02:59:30 And they're going to love him and so.
02:59:33 They're not going to want to criticize Jews.
02:59:38 And he's going to be super SIV. Natty. And he'll talk about how much he loves black people and and Mexicans. And, you know, he wants people to come into the country and largest numbers ever, as long as them legally and. And the platinum plan. And it's just going to be gay and Simonetti.
02:59:53 Like all that, all that progress we made.
02:59:56 Against the the Signet, the suicidal signet worldview is at the like I said, at best will be put on hold and at worst will be rolled back.
03:00:08 Ground up says Kenya 22 KO someone from 1:30 yards. That doesn't seem probable. Maybe a larger cat, but that would be have a visceral of his ear, or at least taking a large chunk. But his ear is 100% intact.
03:00:28 The photos just confused. Well, like I said, I don't think it's a 20.
03:00:32 2.
03:00:34 Because it did kill someone, right? And there's two other people in critical condition.
03:00:39 It's possible you look you get hit in the eyeball from doesn't matter. Like you hitting the eyeball to 22, you're dead.
03:00:48 The guy could have got like, Super Lucky and got someone in the eye or, you know, someone that got in the eye. That was super unlucky.
03:00:56 My thought too was if it was a higher caliber rifle.
03:01:02 And it grazed his ear. If it made contact, it would have done more damage, right? But maybe not. You know, I've never. I've never been grazed by a bullet like that. You know, I don't know. And so maybe it. Maybe it got just. I mean, it might have just been like, the luckiest or the closest call of all time.
03:01:24 And **** like that happens, you know, **** like that happens.
03:01:28 So we'll find out, I'm sure by tomorrow we'll know more about the gun. More about the guy and and all that fun stuff.
03:01:38 The pill dispenser.
Speaker 7
03:02:05 Well, that's.
Speaker 13
03:02:10 That will keep him busy for a while.
Devon Stack
03:02:15 Pill the Spencer hi, Devin. Long times. This is my last message. I guess. Bastille Day or your U.S. President revealed. Wait, my guess? Bastille Day or your or your U.S. President revealed, is.
03:02:32 Good as any. Will you make a stream on how to build a white fortress like Alenia? They made A10 episode series called Orania in.
03:02:45 What is that word?
03:02:48 I don't know that word.
03:02:51 Beijing I still don't know that word. If you're interested, replay gang forever. Thanks for your work. Well, long time no see. I mean, I don't know. Maybe eventually we can. We can do something like that. I'd have to. I I don't know enough about it to do a stream on. I have to research it myself. And I don't know how much the the laws are different.
03:03:12 Doing what they have to contend with in South Africa versus what we have to contend with here. And in fact it might vary from state to state, maybe even county to county. I know there are projects.
03:03:25 Happening in the United States that are similar. How?
03:03:31 How well, how successful are they? I don't know. But I know at least a few months ago there was a couple communities that were popping up that were trying.
03:03:40 To mimic that to some degree, I was told I haven't watched them, but I was told that Asha logos did a video talking about some of the legal.
03:03:53 Possibilities, but I haven't seen this video I've just. I've been told that he.
03:03:56 Did.
03:03:57 So that might be something to take a look at, but yeah, that's that's that's something I that I think I'd have to research a lot before I.
03:04:05 I did a video on that, but yeah, good to see you. It's no long time, Mr. Mr. dispenser.
03:04:14 Pronouns based bad asss on Elijah Schaefer's last episode, he said he has a lineup of guests he will have on his show with his new studio and name dropped. You does this mean there will be a third attempt to have you on his show? I haven't heard. I haven't heard from him so.
03:04:34 UM.
03:04:36 Yeah, like I said, I I'm not, like, ****** *** about it. I'll be honest. I was a little annoyed. I was a little annoyed. It's. Yeah. It's kind of annoying, right? Like, if I explained, like, if you get kind of.
03:04:48 Kind of stood up twice in a row. It's a little it's like, come on, man, you know? But I'm not like, well, but heard about it or anything like that. So, yeah, I mean, I I haven't heard from him, I expect.
03:05:03 That I could hear from them if they if they mentioned me.
03:05:08 But I have not heard from that and I haven't checked my DM's a little bit either. So who knows? Maybe maybe I just need to look at my DMS.
03:05:18 Sorry to cough.
03:05:19 There.
03:05:21 Uh snowman snowman.
Speaker 4
03:05:31 Hawaii.
Devon Stack
03:05:33 Snowman says some shekels for you, Devin. Looking forward to the conspiracy, debunk about the time some of our guys came back down to Earth. We all know we're being lied to, but that doesn't mean everything is a lie. Exactly like it's a lot of it's technical. And I think that's part of.
03:05:54 Why people have a heart?
03:05:56 It's the same thing with Flat Earth. Unfortunately, it's just a lot of people. I mean, it's frustrating because, you know, you'll hear people say this is like, third, third grade *******, you know.
03:06:05 Clients.
03:06:06 A lot of people aren't aren't at that level like a lot of people aren't at that level like that thing I described. The only reason why that popped up not because I'm like a super genius, but I'm a radio guy. And so as soon as I'm hearing radio transmissions and I'm hearing the the delay, my brain instantly went to like oh.
03:06:26 Well, I could time this to layout and I could tell you the distance just by calculating the the delay time and the speed of light. Roughly how far away they were, you know.
03:06:39 And the average person wouldn't even think to do.
03:06:42 That.
03:06:42 Right. And it's just because a lot of these guys, I think they get into these modes where they, they start to believe Youtubers.
03:06:54 That are telling them it's all ******** is they don't have any experience in technology or science or or really anything practical that would allow them to test test what these Youtubers are telling them and discover that.
03:07:14 At best, they're mistaken and at worst they're lying and in some cases I know for a fact some of these guys are lying.
03:07:22 And it's just a matter of they don't have. Look, I'm not saying and some of it's not even like app to I think some people are smart enough to figure it out if they have the education, but they're just.
03:07:34 They just don't have the education and there are, I think there are some people that wouldn't matter if they have the education, they wouldn't be able to figure it out. You know, they just don't have the aptitude and there's no fixing those people.
03:07:47 Let's see here, ground up says you're right, but no one was shot in the eye, bro. Got headshot from 130 yards. Yet Trump ear is normal. You know, it's weird. He's going to win. Well, like, like I said it it's it's, it's not weird.
03:08:05 You got grazed in the ear.
03:08:08 You can get grazed in the ear by.
03:08:10 You know a.
03:08:12 A shotgun slug. You know something that if if you just because if it hit you in the head it would blow your head.
03:08:20 Up doesn't.
03:08:21 Mean that if it if it barely touches your ear, it's going to make your ear explode. You know, I mean it's it's not. It's going to slice it like it, like like we saw.
03:08:34 And as far as the other people, we don't know anything about the gun yet. We don't know. Maybe it was an AR15. Maybe it was. I don't think it was a 22 just because I don't think.
03:08:44 You.
03:08:44 Could kill a guy and put two more people in critical condition with the 22 and I think people were saying 22 at first because.
03:08:54 Well first of.
03:08:55 All you know, Trump didn't. His head didn't explode.
03:08:58 Load and so immediately people are like, oh, if it was like a real gun, he'd be dead. Well, that's not true. It just means that if it's a real gun, he didn't get, you know, he got grazed, is all that happened. But also because of the sound, right? It didn't sound very loud. And again, it's because it was being picked up the microphone that was there was.
03:09:19 Was designed to just pick up whoever's talking next to it. Nothing else. In fact, it's supposed to not pick up.
03:09:24 Anything else so.
03:09:26 You're. You're barely getting whatever audio is making it to that microphone in person. It might have sounded totally different. In fact, it most definitely did.
03:09:37 But we don't know about the gun. For all we know, there's he was using the suppressor. I mean, I doubt it, but like.
03:09:42 We that's how little we know right now, but we'll see. We'll see.
03:09:49 My cute little friend says everything is gay now. We could have had our own Kennedy, but even assassins are incompetent these days. Well, I guess that's one way to look at it.
03:10:03 You could add your your, your, your, Kennedy moment. Yeah. You know, all the crazy conspiracy movies that come with that, like they're still making them about Kennedy, right. You could have all these and they would look Hollywood would if Trump had not made it today.
03:10:19 They would have, they would have grit their teeth and and made them kind of a it it would.
03:10:25 Take a while.
03:10:27 But in a couple of years, because he's dead now, right in a couple of years, they would make movies that were sympathetic to him, like, oh, he was. He was misunderstood, you know, and and then they without without ******** on themselves, with right, without making the media look like they were full of ****, they would still try to humanize them a little bit and and look.
03:10:47 And and Maga people would would line up to go watch these stupid ******* movie.
03:10:52 These and they, they they could probably make movies about how it was Putin, you know, Putin was doing it or you know, who knows right, like, what? Stupid the scapegoat they.
03:11:01 Come up with.
03:11:04 But yeah, you're right.
03:11:05 And.
03:11:05 That's that's we were very close to that. We were very close to that situation today.
03:11:13 All right, let's take a look at rumble.
03:11:18 Devious Dave says the same height as the shooter joke is getting really old and unfunny.
03:11:24 Yeah, yeah. I mean, I I don't even think Sam Hyde likes it.
03:11:32 Yeah.
03:11:34 It's just it's become, it's just inevitable.
03:11:38 Search keys.
03:11:40 Two says, hey, dude, your guest last week that I designed coat hangers really gave me a good chuckle. I say the rule could really use more of them. You know, actually, as opposed to your dad, I design gym machines.
03:12:01 I'm not sure what I don't remember what what I said last week about coat hangers. You designed gym machines.
03:12:11 Well, that's cool I guess.
03:12:14 Sorry, I'd I'd have to relisten to last stream to remember what the coat hanger thing was.
03:12:22 But.
Devon Stack
03:12:24 Cool.
03:12:25 Look at that, 33 says.
03:12:29 It is this guy. Compare the ears.
03:12:34 Is what? Well, look, we're we'll wait till tomorrow. We'll wait till tomorrow. I'm not going to do like the the the ****** 4 Chan ear compare video stuff.
03:12:46 All right. Well, we'll wait till tomorrow. We'll see what happens tomorrow. What? What? They're releasing tomorrow.
03:12:53 Holy mowgli. Mowgli.
03:12:56 Says Rosemary Clooney was weird, but her son should have been named Bugsy Clooney.
03:13:06 Rosemary Clooney was weird, but her son should have been named Bugsy Clooney.
03:13:13 I don't. I have no idea what you're getting out there.
03:13:16 Holy mowgli.
03:13:18 All right, guys. Well, that's about it.
03:13:23 I think that, yeah, yeah, but that about wraps everything up.
03:13:27 Alright, well I will, I guess Wednesday we'll have this stream. I was going to do tonight.
03:13:34 And it's nothing too crazy. But it's it was a lot of video, a lot of editing, and it'll be, I think, a lot more fun than.
03:13:43 Than assassination stuff, I guess to some extent.
03:13:48 And then possibly no stream Saturday, like a week from today. Possibly. I might have to.
03:13:55 I might have to go somewhere out of town.
03:13:59 So I'll let you guys know, maybe I can do like maybe I can do like a guest appearance on another stream sometime during the week or something like that. But anyway everyone try to keep your head on straight, let's just not jump the gun and try to think that everything's a SIOP and fake and whatever.
03:14:19 And let's see what kind of information we get in the morning and.
03:14:24 We'll we'll go from there.
03:14:27 All right.
03:14:29 Well, hope you guys have a good rest of your weekend. Sure, all the boomers in your life? Well, this is all I'll talk about for at least the next few weeks.
03:14:38 In the mean time for Black Pilled.
03:14:42 I am of course.
Speaker 18
03:14:45 Dennis zag.
Speaker 12
03:15:06 Some fun when snobby gun plays Private Eye and you can have the same kind of fun with Matteo's Tommy Burst Detective set. But Tommy burst has automatic bolt action.
03:15:16 Fire off a burst of ten shots.
03:15:19 Pull the bolt again. You're reloaded.
03:15:22 Or fire single shots like a rifle. But Tommy Vercellone is $3 in the detective set. You also get the snub nose 38 and snap draw shoulder holster. The pistol fires, grey, stick them caps and shoot safe shooting shell. The exciting new Tommy burst. Detective set includes wallet, badge and ID card.
03:15:41 $7.00, where every toys are.
03:15:43 Sold.
03:15:44 You can tell it's Mattel. It's 12.