

Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Group.
00:00:06 70.
00:00:09 370.
00:00:15 62886.
00:00:20 6288.
00:00:23 313297.
00:00:29 13297.
00:00:34 60318.
00:00:39 603-182-6319.
00:00:49 26319.
00:00:53 37842.
00:00:58 37842.
00:01:03 8017.
Speaker 2
00:01:20 Look at this. Take a look at these.
Speaker 3
00:01:42 That would.
Speaker 2
00:01:48 Life for me.
00:01:51 Fantasy, if you really got me happy.
00:02:15 Alone in the dark.
00:02:20 I've got two lips, two legs, two arms.
00:02:34 Oh.
00:02:38 Yeah.
00:02:42 Me, I don't want you to.
00:02:59 Baby, take off your clothes when we kiss.
00:03:03 Make Love to me.
Speaker 4
00:04:05 Wait, you're crazy.
00:04:11 Those streets are filled with you should have never gone to Hollywood.
00:04:24 They find you.
00:04:28 Time you see, the best thing I've ever seen you.
00:04:38 You should have never trusted Hollywood.
00:05:02 You were.
00:05:06 Finish.
00:05:15 Take you and make you you should have never trusted only one.
00:05:47 Standing.
Speaker 5
00:05:50 Feeling 10 feet tall.
Speaker 4
00:05:59 This is all you *******. Put your hands in the air.
Speaker 5
00:06:02 This is not.
Speaker 4
00:06:09 Hello. Hello.
Speaker 5
00:06:18 Maggot smoking flags out there.
00:06:31 Put your hands on me.
Speaker 4
00:06:43 People.
00:06:51 We'll get all that.
Speaker 2
00:07:00 Live.
Speaker 4
00:07:09 Come.
Speaker 5
00:07:20 Volume market smoking fines on Santa Monica.
00:07:45 Will you get smoking tags out there?
Speaker 6
00:07:58 You should.
Speaker 4
00:07:59 Never trusted Hollywood.
Speaker 5
00:08:22 You *******. Put your hand.
Speaker 4
00:08:41 You should have never trusted Hollywood.
Devon Stack
00:09:02 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:07 **** killer edition.
00:09:10 Tonight's episode is based on a true story.
00:09:16 A story of.
00:09:19 Of what? What the? The what? I guess only fans girls did before. Only fans.
00:09:27 It started. There's a research that I where I find these stories. Sometimes the rabbit hole is is very convoluted.
00:09:35 And this is one of those times.
00:09:39 Where I was looking for something completely different.
00:09:42 And while scrolling through the results.
00:09:45 That I was looking for.
00:09:47 A playlist of lifetime.
00:09:50 Movies from the 80s and 90s came up.
00:09:54 And I was like, that's kinda that's kind of funny. Now for those who don't know, lifetime was a I I I'm assuming they're still around, I don't know, maybe they'll be branded. It's been a long time since I've watched cable.
00:10:08 But in the 80s and 90s, there was a a network geared towards well for women like stay at home moms.
00:10:19 It wasn't quite as trashy.
00:10:22 As say, soap operas.
00:10:25 Maybe it is now, I don't know.
00:10:28 But it was like a.
00:10:31 Anytime there is a lifetime original.
00:10:33 It was like woman gets cancer and her husband leaves her for the secretary and it was just, you know, female suffering **** usually, right?
00:10:45 And so when I saw this, I was like, oh, this, this might be kind of funny.
00:10:49 And I started clicking through it.
00:10:51 And one of the first things that came up.
00:10:54 And they all had titles like this. In fact, it was.
Speaker 6
00:10:59 It was almost.
Devon Stack
00:11:00 Impossible to if you were to just hear the titles.
00:11:04 You would think, OK, this is either a lifetime original or a soft core ***** on Cinemax because they all have the same kind of names and this is now different. The name of this one was called Shattered Innocence.
00:11:18 I was like, oh, shattered innocence, huh?
00:11:23 And I'm clicking through it and it's kind of a a cautionary tale. And I was like, yeah, alright.
00:11:29 And because I clicked through, I missed the the first bit where it said based.
00:11:33 On true story.
00:11:35 And so after I kind of click through I.
00:11:36 Say ohh based on wonder.
00:11:38 What story? This is based on?
00:11:42 And we'll go over that in a moment.
00:11:46 And then I did did what I I often do. It was like, well, who?
00:11:49 Made this right.
00:11:52 And the guy who wrote and directed his last name was Stern.
00:11:57 His early life didn't mention him about being Jewish, but Stern is a very Jewish name. In fact, I think it means star in Germany or in German.
00:12:06 And so a lot of Jews that would, you know, Germanized their names.
00:12:12 Had you know, like I think the Stern Pinball Company, for example, that's Jewish. Lot of in fact a lot of pinball companies.
00:12:20 Yeah. Who would have thought, right. The coin op business would be run by by the Jewish mafia. Gottlieb, for example.
00:12:29 So anyway, I look into him and then that went down.
00:12:34 Like some weird rabbit hole.
00:12:36 Because his sons.
00:12:39 Went to Hollywood.
00:12:42 To try to become famous, they started an oily band and then I was like.
00:12:46 Well, then maybe he's not Jewish.
00:12:49 They started an oil band.
00:12:52 But then I keep reading about their oil band.
00:12:55 And honestly, if I got it, do I still have it up here somewhere?
Speaker 8
00:13:01 Hmm, here it is.
Devon Stack
00:13:07 Oh, what's it called? Here we go. Yeah.
00:13:10 So they make this band called Youth Brigade, where they sang with a fake English accent.
00:13:19 And they sang with another old band called Sham 69.
00:13:24 And I'm like, well, maybe maybe they're just German. I don't know.
00:13:30 But then you find out Sham 60 Nines drummer. His last name is Goldstein. So you're like. OK, well, but. But in reading about sham 69, cause they lived in a house with Sham 69 in Hollywood. And it was like this Skinhead place.
00:13:45 And they they they went to England and and performed. And I guess at at some point there was the, the, the, the racist skinheads versus the Communist anti racist skinheads got in a big fight and burned down the club anyway.
00:14:01 So I I there's lots of twists and turns in these when I research stuff and I was like, alright, OK, don't get distracted. Get let's get back to the movie.
00:14:11 So I I don't know. I still the jury's still out, but I'm pretty sure he's Jewish. It's really doesn't matter a whole lot because, believe it or not.
00:14:19 The the.
00:14:22 Made for TV movie was relatively realistic, like who it followed along.
00:14:29 Relatively close to the.
00:14:31 Actual events and the things that were changed weren't that crazy.
00:14:36 And it it.
00:14:37 Was kind of a cautionary tale, which was.
00:14:40 In 1988, I think is.
00:14:42 When it came out.
00:14:43 Was the way that anything involving **** on a on a network like uh.
00:14:49 Lifetime would be treated like ohh don't go into ****, it's bad.
00:14:56 So it starts out.
00:14:58 And this is actually why I decided to flip this. This is why I clicked through it.
00:15:02 Because I clicked. Oh, yeah. What is this about? How's it?
00:15:05 Going to.
00:15:05 Start. It's all Palm Springs 1984. Am I alright? Alright, shattered innocence. OK, OK.
00:15:12 And then this. This is the very beginning of the movie. And I was like, OK, now it it worked. Your little hook, your little strategy worked.
00:15:21 I'm hooked in now I gotta.
00:15:22 Know. Wait, what? What the hell is this about?
Speaker 6
00:15:35 Pauline, you OK, Pauline. Pauline. OK.
Speaker 9
00:15:53 My God.
Speaker 10
00:15:59 Pauline. Ohh. Pauline.
Speaker 6
00:16:06 Wait.
Devon Stack
00:16:08 So Pauline obviously killed shot herself.
00:16:13 And then it it goes me or you know?
00:16:18 You go back in time to 1981.
00:16:22 1981, before Pauline shoots herself.
00:16:28 Now in the OR, we'll go over the differences like the the names and places and things like that. My guess is because they just didn't have the movie.
00:16:37 So they changed a few of the things.
00:16:39 Around.
00:16:40 So they go to ban them. Kansas banning Kansas 1981. She's a she's a cheerleader.
00:16:47 There's Pauline on the right there.
00:16:50 Walking home with her friends, she's Little Miss popular.
00:16:55 And then the the bad boy in town pulls up and he's like, yeah, let me give you a ride home.
00:17:01 And she's like, alright, I'll. I'll go. I'll go for a ride home and her friend's like ah, I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. And so now I'm thinking like, oh, is something bad going to happen?
00:17:11 And now it's actually he's supposed to be this bad boy. That her the, the the parents don't approve of but.
00:17:20 This is relatively wholesome from compared to what we're.
00:17:23 Used to.
Speaker 6
00:17:24 Church.
Devon Stack
00:17:25 Tonight.
Speaker 2
00:17:30 Thanks. I think it was.
Speaker 11
00:17:31 Probably we're getting in all the copper, was it?
Speaker 12
00:17:35 Hey, Pauline.
Speaker 13
00:17:38 Nice to see you again.
Speaker 14
00:17:40 I suppose you know my phone number. Bye.
Devon Stack
00:17:54 So I guess he's bad because he wears fingerless gloves.
00:17:58 And I don't know.
00:18:00 So she goes home and uh, she's talking to her mom, her mom's very.
00:18:06 Kind of suspicious of her of her attitude lately.
00:18:11 And doesn't want her to see that boy, that troublemaker boy who seems just honestly kind of delightful.
Speaker 15
00:18:24 Any.
Speaker 16
00:18:25 Other questions have a price like this. They call it Siberia.
00:18:31 As soon as I.
Speaker 14
00:18:31 Hit 18. I'm gone. Gone from me.
Speaker 17
00:18:36 You come with me.
Speaker 16
00:18:37 And you have my career.
Speaker 10
00:18:39 The sunset.
Speaker 18
00:18:40 My first paycheck in the real world.
Speaker 14
00:18:45 But you can make one this in California.
Speaker 9
00:18:47 Plus you got.
Speaker 14
00:18:48 The sun and the ocean and the desert mountains.
Speaker 4
00:18:52 Weird.
Speaker 2
00:18:52 Those mass murderers? Earthquakes.
Speaker 14
00:18:55 This is not boring.
Devon Stack
00:18:58 So she doesn't want the boring guy.
00:19:01 He's got an honest job and.
00:19:03 And doesn't want to to go to California and he's perfectly happy in in Kansas.
00:19:09 Working a normal blue collar job and and says he wants to to see her more and and she's like no.
00:19:18 No, I don't wanna. I don't wanna do this boring life. I want to go to California.
00:19:22 I've got family and I got aunt in California and and my my my parents were from there. They moved out here. This Podunk Kansas and I the biggest mistake ever and I want.
00:19:33 To have an exciting life.
00:19:35 So she let she makes out with him.
00:19:37 Anyway.
00:19:38 And then comes home, and her mom's really upset because she's past curfew and.
00:19:42 She's been hanging out with that.
00:19:44 That.
00:19:46 Perfectly normal guy.
Speaker 14
00:19:48 11:00 is a ridiculous curve. You. I am 17 years old, Polly.
00:19:53 Your school work has been slipping. I haven't seen any of your old friends.
00:19:57 In so long, they're boring.
00:19:59 When is the last time you went to a game or a school dance? It's people you're hanging out with. You're going to make.
00:20:06 Something of their lives.
00:20:08 Maybe they won't, but I will. How?
Speaker 10
00:20:11 By marrying some person who makes $200.00 pounding steel plates.
Speaker 14
00:20:16 I am not interested in marrying Corey or anybody else.
Devon Stack
00:20:25 So the wife's or the mom is kind of a ***** and is really trying to hammer that hypergamy into her.
00:20:31 And saying yeah.
00:20:33 Why are you dating this blue collar guy?
00:20:36 And the the dead seems kind of just out to lunch a little bit.
00:20:41 She graduates from high school.
00:20:44 Gets a job.
00:20:46 In her little podunk town at the telephone company.
00:20:50 But decides she's destined for bigger things. She looks at this place, and she's like, this isn't for me.
00:20:57 I should be in California.
00:21:00 I should be in California sipping on gin and juice laid back with my mind on my money and my money.
00:21:09 And she sees that boring guy and she's like, you know.
00:21:12 What? You're kind of boring.
00:21:14 And he's like.
00:21:14 Well, you know, I've been thinking. I've been thinking. Maybe California ain't so bad.
00:21:20 You know, I I might. I might just go there. I might go to California because I.
00:21:24 Think you're right.
00:21:26 I think you're right. It's an exciting place to go.
00:21:30 And so, once she's had it with her, with her boring job at the telephone company that she sucks at.
00:21:37 She decides. You know what? Maybe maybe I can use him.
00:21:43 Maybe I even though I.
00:21:44 Don't really like this guy. Maybe I can use him to get transportation, at least to California.
00:21:52 So she calls him up.
Speaker 19
00:22:00 Hello.
Speaker 14
00:22:01 Corey, it's Pauline.
Speaker 15
00:22:04 When what time is?
Speaker 14
00:22:06 It listen. Did you mean what you said the other day about going to California?
Speaker 16
00:22:10 It's after midnight.
Speaker 14
00:22:12 Answer the question, did you mean it?
Speaker 8
00:22:16 I guess so, yeah.
Speaker 14
00:22:18 I'm going. I need wheels.
Devon Stack
00:22:23 So he has become useful to her.
00:22:26 And one thing I want to impress upon you, they're they're like pretty much. There's almost no good good people.
00:22:33 In this story.
00:22:36 You know we'll we'll we'll get into it a.
00:22:38 Little.
00:22:38 Bit more so she decides to use him for his car and his financial support and the safety he brings and going all the way across the country to live in California strange land.
00:22:53 They go to Hollywood together.
Numbers Lady
00:22:54 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:22:56 And they start looking for jobs.
00:22:59 And because she's just this 18 year old that's only worked like a couple weeks at a telephone company before getting fired.
00:23:09 And he was some factory worker. They're they're not really finding any good jobs.
00:23:14 And so she starts going through the the newspaper.
00:23:18 And she finds an ad advertising models.
Speaker 6
00:23:24 Hey, we would really use.
Devon Stack
00:23:25 Some models, and she's like.
00:23:26 I could be a model.
00:23:29 And so she convinces him to take her to the modeling agency. She's going to. She's going.
00:23:35 To be a star now.
00:23:37 She talked to the the head of the modeling agency and he was very excited to meet her.
00:23:45 So she goes into the modeling agency and immediately.
00:23:48 She realizes.
00:23:51 Because she sees the pictures on.
00:23:52 The wall.
00:23:54 There's a lot of nakedness in this modeling agency.
00:23:59 This looks kind of like a uh, you know, maybe like a a ***** thing more than a a modeling agency.
00:24:07 So she's she's kind of having second thoughts.
00:24:12 She gets ushered in to talk to the the modeling agent, I guess.
Speaker 19
00:24:32 I'm there lies Olsen. I think we can do something.
Speaker 8
00:24:41 Ohh yeah, blonde hair.
00:24:44 Wholesome. Umm, that's something I'd like to corrupt so.
Devon Stack
00:24:51 She's like, oh, I'm so flattered.
00:24:55 So she comes out and is very excited that she she got the gig. She was told that she doesn't have.
00:25:02 To do nudity.
Speaker 14
00:25:06 He liked me.
00:25:07 He's gonna take.
00:25:07 Some pictures, but he really liked me. Can you believe it?
Speaker 10
00:25:10 I told you, I told.
Speaker 14
00:25:12 You the walls in there are covered with pictures of beautiful girls and you know how much money I can make $200.00 a.
Speaker 10
00:25:19 Day a day like what kind of modeling?
Speaker 14
00:25:23 Is it fashion magazine and stuff like that?
00:25:25 $200.00 a day. Can you believe it was working at the phone company? They were paying me $150.00 a week.
Devon Stack
00:25:34 So yeah, it doesn't sound like a lot of money, but you gotta remember this is it's.
00:25:37 Set in like.
00:25:38 1980.
00:25:38 One so $200.00 a day is a lot of money. As she said, her pay for the phone company was 150 bucks a week.
00:25:49 So, I mean, it wasn't like a lot, a lot of money, but for if you're making 150, if that's what you're used to is 150 bucks a week. That's a lot. A lot of money.
00:25:57 So she kind of bends the truth a.
00:25:58 Little bit because.
00:25:59 She knows that there's gonna. It's it's gonna be sexy photos. But she thinks that she can get away with not being like.
00:26:05 Full on **** mode.
00:26:08 So she shows up to the first shoot.
00:26:11 And the photographer is pretty upfront about the fact that, you know, no one's going to like your these photos I'm taking unless you show a little skin. Like, that's kind of the whole point of this.
00:26:25 So I mean, I'm not going to keep taking your photo if you're not going to take your vest.
00:26:31 Off.
00:26:32 So she's like, OK, and she slowly decides to bear it all. And he's like, yeah, don't worry, no one's going to see.
00:26:40 These photos back home and.
00:26:42 It's not a big deal. You know, we're not making do any ******** thing like that.
00:26:47 And she gets the money and suddenly.
00:26:51 After getting the money.
00:26:53 All of her apprehension.
00:26:55 Is is gone. It nearly evaporates.
00:26:59 She's like, ohh, actually this is this is pretty amazing. I just gotta.
00:27:03 I'm just going to show my ***** and uh, I get more money than I would make in a week. This is pretty crazy.
00:27:12 So she's decides to start.
00:27:13 Upping the ante a little bit and they get more and more pornographic.
00:27:18 And more and more photographers start taking more and more photos, and she starts appearing in more and more publications, you might say.
00:27:29 And then one day, the the boy who?
00:27:31 This whole time.
00:27:33 Thinks that she's just doing fashion modeling.
00:27:38 He comes into the agency with her.
00:27:43 And she's looking over the the photos that they've taken and he's like.
00:27:51 You're you're doing ****.
00:27:53 You know this, this this isn't.
00:27:56 This isn't like fashion magazine stuff like you were telling.
00:27:59 Me.
00:28:00 This is.
Speaker 8
00:28:00 ****.
Devon Stack
00:28:02 And because, like I said, he seems like just a normal nice guy.
00:28:08 He's like, yeah, no, thanks. I don't want to.
00:28:12 I don't want to live with you and and think that we have some kind of future. If you're going to be.
00:28:17 Doing **** so he gets ****** *** and he he marches out of there and she's she can't understand it.
Speaker 14
00:28:30 Are you mad at me?
00:28:35 Why are you being like this?
Speaker 10
00:28:37 What in the hell do you think you're doing? *****. You're doing *****? I'm doing modeling. Modeling. Modeling what? You are bare naked? Geez, I thought you're modeling close to see or.
00:28:48 Something like that.
Speaker 14
00:28:49 I told you what I was doing.
Speaker 10
00:28:50 You never told me nude.
Speaker 14
00:28:52 I did so. I told you the first day.
Speaker 2
00:28:54 Fall.
Speaker 14
00:28:56 Just stop the car. Can't wait to go.
Speaker 20
00:28:58 Home. Yeah, you should go.
Speaker 14
00:28:59 Home right back in Kansas.
Speaker 10
00:29:01 Where now do you think you're going?
00:29:02 What are you doing?
00:29:06 You're just gonna.
00:29:06 Get sweet ducked out of your pants. Every guy that comes along.
Speaker 2
00:29:10 Get out of.
Speaker 10
00:29:11 Here, don't be stupid. Get in the.
Speaker 5
00:29:13 Car, get out.
Devon Stack
00:29:20 So because he's based and red pilled, he's like you're you, you, you're you're going to just get run through if you go down this road, you're this this is bad.
00:29:33 So get in the car, we're going back to Kansas.
00:29:36 And she's like, Nope, I I I got dollar signs in my eyes.
00:29:42 So the mom finds out.
00:29:46 And because he goes back home because he's like, I'm not gonna wait. I only came out here for this *****.
00:29:52 And now she's doing ****.
00:29:55 And yeah, sorry, the dream is dead.
00:30:00 You know the the.
00:30:01 The the idea of of of pursuing a a **** actress or model or whatever. Not my thing.
00:30:08 So he goes back and word word gets.
00:30:10 Back to the mom.
00:30:11 That that her daughter's doing ****.
00:30:14 And so the the mom and the dad decided to go down to the agency to find out.
00:30:19 What the Hell's going on?
00:30:21 And they talked to her after finding out that she's literally doing ****.
00:30:26 And she's just saying no. I'm gonna keep doing ****. It's it's lots of money.
Speaker 14
00:30:32 These people that you are associating with are scum.
00:30:38 But decent people are going to have nothing.
00:30:40 To do with you, there are decent people who don't think the way you do. Not everyone still lives in the dark ages.
Speaker 10
00:30:47 Don't you speak to your mother like that?
00:30:49 Now you're giving up this modeling thing right now, and you're coming back.
Speaker 3
00:30:52 To Bannon with us? No.
Speaker 14
00:30:56 There are real photographers, professionals who think that I'm beautiful. They're paying me $200.00 a day.
Devon Stack
00:31:07 Oh, the $200.00 a day.
00:31:10 And they tell her that she's pretty.
00:31:13 So she's gonna keep doing the ****.
00:31:18 So she moves in with one of the chicks that works at the **** agency.
00:31:23 And I'll tell you.
00:31:25 Especially as we get into the.
00:31:29 The real story, like I said, this movie doesn't OK job of following the real story.
00:31:35 This is shockingly like how Andrew Tate describes.
00:31:41 Turning girls out into Cam girls.
00:31:45 Where he would take them out to dinner, but he would always bring another.
00:31:48 Girl with him.
00:31:50 And he would let her do all the selling.
00:31:53 And this because you know the business is, it's the oldest business.
00:31:57 In the world, right. And it hasn't changed much.
00:32:00 So the same strategy is used here.
00:32:03 For this girl who used to do tons of ****, and now she's the makeup artist that hangs around and convinces the new girls to do the ****.
00:32:13 She decides to take her in as a roommate because they have.
00:32:16 A feeling about this one.
00:32:19 They like the innocents, innocent cells.
00:32:25 And she immediately starts doing cocaine around her and trying to normalize the the coked out stripper life.
00:32:35 Takes her out to **** parties with lots of, you know, the **** producers, lots of money and drugs.
00:32:46 She's very wooed by the environment. You know, this girl from from Kansas who's never.
00:32:55 Never even seen, you know, this kind of an environment before, except for maybe in movies.
00:33:01 So she feels like she's.
00:33:03 She's now, you know, a part of the the scene.
00:33:09 Then she meets the this photographer at the party.
00:33:13 Who does classy nudes? He he. He's he's convinced himself that he doesn't do ****. He does. He does classy. You know, softcore nude photos.
00:33:27 And he doesn't want to do.
00:33:30 A photo shoot with her.
00:33:33 Because he thinks that she's too fat.
Speaker 14
00:33:36 Which is kinda funny.
Devon Stack
00:33:40 Like this is her he thinks she's too fat.
00:33:44 Back in 1981 or whatever, so she starts doing cocaine and loses about 10 lbs.
00:33:54 And goes to see him again and says.
00:33:59 Well, I've lost 10 lbs doing cocaine and I still too fat.
00:34:04 And he's like, well, no, but uh, I don't know if I want to. I don't want you to go down this road. It seems like you're a little in over your head. And she's like, oh, yeah, how about now? And she seduces him.
00:34:19 And he decides to make her his.
00:34:24 Kind of concubine. Not really a girlfriend.
00:34:27 And she wants to get more money. She's not satisfied because she moves there with him. She's not satisfied with the allowance that he's giving her.
00:34:36 And she wants to start doing ******** ****.
00:34:40 Stuff to make more money.
00:34:42 And he says, don't go down that road. You already did the nude stuff, but if you start going down the ***** route, things get really ugly really fast.
00:34:52 And we might see why here when we see the the the true story part of this.
00:34:59 But she wants that money partially to support her now. Uh, her cocaine habit.
00:35:06 And she does what are called loops.
00:35:10 Again, this is before the Internet.
00:35:12 This is when if you wanted to watch ****, you had to be like a super creepy guy that either went to a really disgusting theater.
00:35:24 Where you hung out in like a dark room watching **** with other disgusting guys.
00:35:32 Quietly or not ************? I don't know. Like it was, you know, it was a point theater either had that.
Speaker 8
00:35:34 Maybe.
00:35:35 What?
Devon Stack
00:35:40 Or you had these machines. It was a little booth. It was a ************ booth, basically where you'd walk in there and you would drop coins into a machine that would start playing these.
00:35:55 ***** loops.
00:35:57 And so if you were recorded for one of these ***** loops, it wouldn't get wide distribution.
00:36:05 Right. So her her logic was well, I can be recorded on this and no one back home is going to know because no one back home is going to be in some CD **** shop or whatever these things were called **** theater or whatever in in Hollywood dropping.
00:36:21 Coins into the.
Speaker 8
00:36:22 The machine thing.
Devon Stack
00:36:24 So she does the uh the loop is what they called it.
00:36:30 And he finds out. And he says. All right, well, now you're just trash.
00:36:36 You were. You were a classy mood model before, but now you're just trash.
00:36:42 And if you're gonna be doing this ******** ***** stuff, I can't. I can't be with you, cause that's even too much for me.
Speaker 6
00:36:49 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:36:51 So she gets mad and says she's a strong, powerful woman and she'll do all the nasty.
00:36:56 ***** that she wants.
00:36:58 To support her cocaine habit.
00:37:03 She then meets a.
00:37:05 A **** Jew.
00:37:08 Who takes her out to a fancy restaurant the likes of which she's never even experienced before?
00:37:15 And tells her that.
00:37:17 I'm going to make you a star.
00:37:20 I'm going to make you a star. I'm going.
00:37:22 To put you in pictures.
00:37:24 You're going to be famous, you're going to be the hot new thing.
00:37:30 And she laps it all up.
Speaker 14
00:37:33 I've got family back in Kansas.
Speaker 18
00:37:36 Does your family go to adult films? We can even lose.
00:37:40 The.
00:37:41 Name Pauline is in box office. Anyway, I've been thinking about it. How about Lara, dawn?
00:37:53 I am talking 1500 a day locations in your hand.
00:38:01 You like this restaurant?
00:38:04 This is the way I'll go. First class travel first class shop on Rodeo Drive in a limo, rub shoulders with the stars, cause I'll tell you something. In this town, it doesn't matter what kind of films you make as long.
00:38:16 As they make.
00:38:16 Money you can do.
00:38:18 That, and it won't even do you doing the work.
Devon Stack
00:38:33 So she's got a dollar signs in her eyes again, the **** Jew has convinced her that, hey, we'll give you a different name. No one back home watches **** anyway, so you'll be fine.
00:38:45 And I'll put you in movies.
00:38:48 So the **** Jew puts her in in ***** movies.
00:38:54 And she decides to go back home.
00:38:57 And when she goes back home for, you know, for for Christmas.
00:39:01 And she goes back home and she's all coked up and kind of a mess and showing her brother and sisters.
00:39:10 Lewds for some reason and her mom is like, what the hell?
00:39:15 Are you doing?
00:39:19 And uh, she gets really upset.
00:39:22 And gives her the line about how I'm not ashamed of my body. And, you know, sex work is real work, that kind of a thing.
00:39:31 But then she goes to her first **** convention.
00:39:35 And for the first time, she's confronted by her fans.
Speaker 3
00:39:41 Hey, Laura, don't I get your autograph? Everything about you?
Speaker 2
00:39:44 Look, look at her.
Speaker 3
00:39:56 Google.
Devon Stack
00:39:58 So when she finds out that all of her fans are a bunch of weirdo boomers.
00:40:04 She's like, Oh my God.
00:40:06 What am I supposed to do? This isn't what I wanted. Everyone knows, knows this fake name and everyone knows what I do now.
00:40:16 So she has this mental breakdown.
00:40:20 And decides to start dating her boss's cocaine dealer, the **** Jews cocaine dealer.
00:40:30 And he has this nice house in Palm Springs drives. A Porsche, has tons of money, but he's also, like 40. And she's like like 20.
00:40:42 So uh.
00:40:44 She's using him for his his money.
00:40:47 And his nice house.
00:40:50 But because she's still a coke addict.
00:40:53 She's getting coked up all the time.
00:40:57 And finally, he's like flipping out, going like, look, it's fine that I'm a Coke dealer.
00:41:03 It's not fine that you're constantly doing coke all the time.
00:41:07 Yeah, you don't get high on your own supply. That's rule #1.
00:41:11 And you're trashing the place, and this just isn't. This doesn't. Some doesn't feel right about this. I feel like I'm getting used.
00:41:20 And she's like, no, no, it's cool. I love you.
00:41:24 And he's like, alright, fine, I guess you can.
00:41:27 Stay here and keep doing coke and stuff.
00:41:31 And then she goes home again.
00:41:34 For another Christmas.
00:41:37 She hasn't made any ***** movies in.
00:41:38 A while it's been several months.
00:41:41 But the word has gotten out at this point.
00:41:45 People in the town know that she does ****.
00:41:48 Her sisters, who are still in high school, are getting ridiculed by the other kids because she's, I mean, she's not just, like she's liking big ***** magazines like the the big popular Ones that are, that really are everywhere, you know, like the Playboys and hustler and all this other stuff.
00:42:07 So they're getting, you know, they're embarrassed to be seen with her out.
00:42:11 Of the mall.
00:42:13 And so she has this big breakdown.
00:42:16 And runs back to to Palm Springs.
00:42:20 To be with the the.
00:42:24 Cocaine. Jew.
00:42:26 So the cocaine Jew says, well, you can only stay here if you stop doing coke all the time. *** **** it.
00:42:33 All right. You gotta stop doing coke and she's like, alright, I promise I'll stop doing coke all the time.
00:42:40 And they make up.
00:42:42 But then the cops show up.
00:42:46 The cops show up and arrest her cocaine dealing Jew boyfriend.
00:42:51 And now all life has gotten difficult again for her.
00:42:55 Because he's not, she still gets the weird thing is, she still gets to stay at the fancy house. She still gets everything paid for her.
00:43:04 But she doesn't get to just do.
00:43:06 Cocaine all day.
00:43:08 And she's mad because she has to write checks and pay bills occasionally with this guy's checkbook.
Speaker 14
00:43:14 What am I supposed to do? I don't know anything about books and ledgers and cash, but you can.
00:43:22 If you run into problems, you're just going to go.
Speaker 21
00:43:23 See him or.
Speaker 14
00:43:23 You going? You're going to call him? I can't go see him. They're going to ask for.
00:43:28 ID and I'm.
00:43:28 Still carrying Toby. God sakes, Pauline, you should.
00:43:31 Be getting your driver's.
00:43:32 License meant to I just haven't gotten around and everything was just starting to straighten.
00:43:37 Up in my life.
Speaker 22
00:43:39 Did you leave you any?
Speaker 14
00:43:40 Money. He left the check broken. Each signed a bunch of blank checks, and then I was just to pay.
00:43:46 The bills as they come in well.
Speaker 3
00:43:47 What's so tough about that?
Devon Stack
00:43:51 It's it's just hard though. It's just hard.
00:43:55 So.
00:43:57 He's in prison.
00:43:59 And and says that he's gonna have some financial problems because they're seizing his his accounts. And so there's going to be problems with her paying the bills.
00:44:12 Meanwhile, she finds out that even though she hasn't made any ****** in about 10 months, she was in, she's been nominated for, like, the The ***** Oscars, right for something.
00:44:23 And so she goes to the ***** Oscars.
00:44:27 And she feels important again.
00:44:31 Everyone knows who she is. There's all kinds of money. Everyone's fancy, all of her weird. You know, fans aren't there. It's just, you know, it's invite only it's.
00:44:41 Just other **** people.
00:44:44 And uh, they start offering her more jobs, even though she doesn't win the the the award she was nominated for.
00:44:54 And she starts thinking.
00:44:55 Well, that would be a lot of cocaine money.
00:44:59 So maybe I will.
00:45:01 Maybe I will do it.
00:45:07 And then she gets really depressed.
00:45:11 Because she thought that that part of her life was over.
00:45:15 And for some reason has a a change of heart, even though she was.
00:45:18 Very.
00:45:19 Excited about it when she was all coked up at the **** awards.
00:45:24 Now reality is starting to set in.
00:45:27 And so while she she's leaving the House of the cocaine dealer because she has to. Because I guess the accounts are getting all all locked up and she's worried about being able to pay rent. She's going to go move in with that.
00:45:41 That a friend of hers that got her started on cocaine.
00:45:46 She suddenly just has a a mental break.
Speaker 19
00:47:03 Too much?
Speaker 8
00:47:05 Can anybody ever tell you a beautiful girl before?
00:47:08 Hi.
Speaker 14
00:47:08 Don't like this boy?
00:47:11 Why don't you have to be around to it? Mind you, of your responsibilities.
Speaker 19
00:47:15 You're going to do out there and the qualifications. I'm here, the wives.
00:47:23 Wholesome. I think we can do something.
00:47:27 Trust me, I will strike you dead. You're beautiful. Just just.
Speaker 10
00:47:32 You don't, right? You're just gonna get.
Speaker 19
00:47:39 1500.
00:47:42 I deserved every penny of that money.
Speaker 14
00:47:46 You be mad, but you guys need things pitched to me.
00:47:52 Family this entire.
Speaker 18
00:47:55 Right.
Speaker 2
00:47:57 Two days.
00:48:03 I wish.
00:48:11 I wish.
Speaker 23
00:48:41 We've been keeping polling alive so you can get there. The damage to her brain was too expensive.
00:48:48 I'm afraid there's no hope.
Devon Stack
00:48:52 We're going to have to clip that.
00:48:55 I can. I can think of a lot of a lot of ways to use this this clip.
Speaker 23
00:48:58 Let's clap the damage to the brain is too expensive.
00:49:03 I'm afraid gives you hope.
Devon Stack
00:49:07 Ohh I love it.
Speaker 23
00:49:08 The damage to the brain was too expensive.
00:49:13 I'm afraid there's.
Devon Stack
00:49:13 No. So the despite the you know, to the untrained eye that play.
00:49:20 Like an M16.
00:49:22 It's actually one of those 20 twos that they tried to gussy up and look like an M16.
00:49:29 So she technically survived shooting herself in the head because it.
00:49:33 Was with a 22.
00:49:34 But the the brain damage was so severe that they they had they were just basically keeping alive on life support till our parents could show up and see her and then.
00:49:46 Then she died. When they they, you know, pulled the plug.
00:49:51 And that was a lifetime movie. So I was like, alright, well, let's see now that I've seen this.
00:49:57 Let's see how true to reality it was.
00:50:01 And I'll tell you, it's not what you're thinking.
00:50:04 It's not going to be one of these cut and dry.
00:50:07 Ohh, it was **** Jews that corrupted a white woman and and made her do it. That as I said earlier.
00:50:13 There are no good guys in this store. Well, there's like the first boyfriend. Like, that's it.
00:50:18 Like in real life too, he's kind of like the only guy that's kind of normal.
00:50:24 Everyone else is pretty much terrible, including her.
00:50:28 And you can feel bad.
00:50:29 For her and and and.
00:50:32 There will be reasons to feel bad for her, absolutely.
00:50:36 But.
00:50:38 Well, as you'll see, it's not as it's not as.
00:50:40 Simple as you might think.
00:50:44 So this is the real girl.
00:50:46 Before she became a **** actress, her name was really Colleen.
00:50:51 Applegate.
00:50:53 Colleen Applegate.
00:50:56 And she.
00:50:56 Went.
00:50:57 Well, the the name that she was using in **** that a **** Jew came up with was Shauna Grant.
00:51:05 Shauna Grant apparently was was more marketable than Colleen Applegate.
00:51:12 So Colleen Applegate was not from Kansas, but she was from Farmington, MN.
00:51:20 She was the oldest of five from a Catholic family.
00:51:27 So there she is right there when she was. Uh.
00:51:31 Probably like 17 or so.
00:51:34 So maybe 16.
00:51:38 She was a just a normal normal girl. This is the guy from the, you know, this is the real guy that she ended up.
00:51:46 Taking advantage of basically.
00:51:49 To get him to go to California and help her start the **** career.
00:51:55 She thought she was destined for bigger and better things.
00:52:01 She really did start working at a phone company.
00:52:07 And hated it.
00:52:10 And.
00:52:12 Actually swallowed a bottle of pills.
00:52:17 They took her to the hospital and pumped her stomach.
00:52:20 And I think there's going to be mixed reactions here for this clip I'm about to play.
00:52:26 Some of you are going to agree with the Boomer father.
00:52:31 And some of you aren't. And hindsight is 2020, so you got to keep that in mind.
00:52:37 Again, I don't think there's any good guys in this story.
00:52:40 Including the parents.
00:52:43 So when they interviewed the parents who, after her suicide, divorced, probably related.
00:52:49 To the suicide.
00:52:53 They asked him about well, wait, hold on. She attempted suicide.
00:52:58 When she was here.
00:53:02 And this was the response.
Speaker 24
00:53:04 It wasn't so much that she wanted to kill herself, as it was that she wanted some attention.
00:53:09 And she thought that was.
00:53:10 A way of.
Speaker 25
00:53:10 Getting it. Did you and Colin never?
Speaker 24
00:53:12 Talk about it.
Speaker 8
00:53:19 But.
Speaker 24
00:53:20 To be honest, no, I don't think we did. I don't think we really sat down and talked about it. We went to the Council with, there was a family.
Devon Stack
00:53:28 So your daughter swallowed a bottle of pills, had to be taken to the hospital.
00:53:37 And not only is your take, she did it for attention, which maybe she did. You never talked to her about it.
00:53:47 You never talked to her about it.
00:53:54 You just you just uh.
00:53:57 You know, again, like no one's no one's a winner in this situation.
00:54:02 Because maybe she did do it for attention, but even if she did it for attention, that's like a big
00:54:08 Big there's a problem here, you know situation.
00:54:16 And their their solution.
00:54:18 Was. Ohh we'll we'll go to group therapy and be embarrassed that we're there.
Speaker 26
00:54:24 And they had one group session.
Devon Stack
00:54:26 This is the mom.
00:54:28 Talking about the same incident.
00:54:32 And she's more upset about her reputation.
00:54:35 And having to be there with the kid that.
00:54:37 Ate the pills.
Speaker 26
00:54:40 And they had one group session, and with the whole family.
00:54:46 And.
00:54:48 I was in all of us, were in there and they tried to get us to talk and of course we're all sitting there looking at each other and nobody singing that.
00:54:55 And I was very angry because I don't. I still don't feel she took that because of, although maybe it was. Maybe that was the beginning time and I.
00:55:08 Don't know.
00:55:10 Of a problem I thought you did it for attention.
Devon Stack
00:55:15 OK. Again, look, I.
00:55:18 I know women do things like that and do extreme things for attention.
00:55:22 Women do lots of things for attention. I get that.
00:55:25 But you better ******* believe if my.
00:55:27 Daughter Swell attempted suicide for attention.
00:55:32 I wouldn't just be like ohh she.
00:55:34 Just wants attention.
00:55:37 I even if that's true, I'd be like, OK, what the Hell's going on here? What? Why, what? What's going on?
00:55:47 So after this.
00:55:49 She gets upset.
00:55:51 And does go to Hollywood with that guy.
00:55:55 And while she's there.
00:55:58 She does see an article or an ad.
00:56:03 This is the actual ad I believe, or at least a an ad for the same agency.
00:56:10 And in fact.
00:56:12 This was a common thing.
00:56:15 Now, what you're going to see because I bet a lot of you, including myself, when you watch that lifetime.
00:56:22 Fictional retelling of this story.
00:56:26 That first guy that was like a.
Speaker 8
00:56:27 Oh yes, blonde, blue eyed wholesome. We could use you.
Devon Stack
00:56:34 I bet you were thinking oh, definitely.
00:56:36 A **** Jew.
00:56:38 We might be surprised.
00:56:42 There's a whole system, or at least there was it's, you know, it's different now.
00:56:47 Where there was.
00:56:48 A whole boutique business. I guess you could say.
00:56:52 Set up in Hollywood.
00:56:54 That was designed to gobble up these young girls fresh off the bus going to Hollywood trying to be famous.
00:57:04 And and put them in the **** machine.
00:57:08 Here's a a news story that aired just after her death talking about this.
Speaker 28
00:57:17 Every day of the week, there are young people arriving in Los Angeles with little more than a suitcase.
00:57:22 Full of clothes.
00:57:23 And dreams full of hope of what? This.
00:57:25 City can be.
Speaker 29
00:57:27 Do you all the night, Chris?
Speaker 15
00:57:28 I would mind there are.
Speaker 28
00:57:29 Thousands of people in this.
00:57:30 City, who want to be stars.
Speaker 14
00:57:33 Well, I'm just starting really, so I'm just right now I'm just studying.
Speaker 28
00:57:36 They work odd jobs during the evenings so they can make casting calls during the days.
Speaker 11
00:57:41 And you had chats together and I'll be ready to.
Speaker 28
00:57:43 Roll in a couple of weeks. In many cases, the dreams are little more than a vision that never materializes, and another side of the business.
00:57:50 Itself. Do you do any new modeling?
Speaker 5
00:57:52 No, not fully nude nudity.
Speaker 28
00:57:55 If they have the right look, the right figure and the right attitude, they may seek out or be sought after by the other side of the business.
Speaker 30
00:58:04 All the skin is connected on your body. I think all the skin on your body is the same. I mean, there's no seam line saying this is not the right skin. And this is different skin, you know, it's all the same.
00:58:14 Again.
Devon Stack
00:58:17 So she's got the right attitude, you might say. The ******* the same as the forehead.
00:58:25 That's that's the. That's the girl logic. I'm going to go with. That's how I'm going to sleep at night.
00:58:30 It doesn't matter if I show you my *******. It's literally the same thing as showing you my ear.
00:58:36 Skin is skin, right?
00:58:39 That's why there's all these magazines with ears on them.
Speaker 28
00:58:44 That sometimes those acting careers don't work out young women in need of money become desperate. All it takes is a couple of quarters into a machine outcomes of paper, something like the Hollywood press and their *********** career is only as far away as the classified ad.
Devon Stack
00:59:03 And that is the classified ad.
00:59:06 So who was the guy who was the guy in real life? That was the guy in the movie.
00:59:10 That was like, Oh yes.
Speaker 8
00:59:11 Ah.
00:59:12 Awesome.
00:59:14 Well, it's this guy.
Speaker 20
00:59:16 It's 2 girls, 1 guy simulation. Yeah, there's no color, guys. Hello. OK, you need you at 10:00 AM Friday. Now, John got a pencil.
Speaker 29
00:59:29 This is the man Colleen went to see in the spring of 1982. His name is Jim South.
Speaker 20
00:59:34 And can you write this early in the morning?
Speaker 29
00:59:38 He runs an agency called World Modeling.
Speaker 20
00:59:41 What we do is that we're licensed to get you work with professional photographers. The majority of the work that we get is nude for graphic modeling, but pay does run from 100 a day up to 1500 a day, depending on who shooting you.
00:59:58 Now the two different type shootings we have, we have single girl you modeling alone like you see in Penthouse. We also have simulation. You lucky devil.
Speaker 29
01:00:10 A documentary crew led by Wendy Apple shot these scenes of South as he interviewed a new model named Kim.
Speaker 20
01:00:16 You are touching.
01:00:18 You do look like you're doing something, but you're not.
Speaker 22
01:00:21 Jim S is indeed an agent, but he's an agent for the corner and he is absolutely the medium. The way in which girls who know nothing about Hollywood and movies or ***********.
Speaker 29
01:00:25 Apple was making a film entitled Fallen Angels.
Speaker 22
01:00:39 Come.
01:00:41 Into the corner industry, they have to pass through him. They don't have to, but that's the way his business is set up.
Devon Stack
01:00:51 So here you go. You got this guy Jim South.
01:00:56 Now of course.
01:00:58 I was like where that can't can't possibly be is he doesn't look very Julie, but that can't be his real.
01:01:02 Name and it's not.
01:01:05 His real name is James Marvin Souder.
Speaker 6
01:01:07 But.
Devon Stack
01:01:09 But I can't find anything about him being Jewish. In fact, Souder, I think, is actually a Scottish last name. And I think he comes from Texas.
Speaker 19
01:01:20 Yes.
Devon Stack
01:01:21 And this is where I kind of where I think people need.
01:01:25 To think about this.
01:01:26 Because we see the same thing in politics.
01:01:29 Right.
01:01:31 We always have the the Shabbos goys at the bottom rungs of the ladder.
01:01:39 We always have the Goyum frontman that are there to guide. The other goes into the fire.
01:01:46 And I kind of get the sense that Jim S here is exactly that kind of a guy.
01:01:52 He's there to usher the girls in. Ohh, no, it's fine. Just take a few pictures. It's gonna be OK.
01:02:01 And then once he gets them into the system and he creates his catalogs, he then goes to the **** Jews who who absolutely own the the video market.
01:02:12 And the **** Jews picked from his catalog that he has created. And yeah, he sells. He sells the the **** Jews, the the Gentile women.
01:02:24 And then this you have this guy here.
01:02:27 This guy was the also a A as far as I can tell a Gentile.
01:02:34 The blonde guy sitting there on the right.
01:02:37 He was the the classy nude photographer in the movie, the one that.
01:02:43 That has somehow convinced himself.
01:02:46 That.
01:02:48 He is drawing an appropriate moral line.
01:02:52 And maybe this is also why you have gentiles at the lowest rungs of at least this ladder.
01:02:59 Because they are drawing a moral line.
01:03:02 You know, he is saying, well, I'm I, you know, I'll I might take pictures of women.
01:03:08 Nude, but they're classy. You know, I'm not doing. I'm not doing the ******** stuff. I'm not showing penetration and all this **** **** stuff or any any kind of sex. I'm just it's just sexy girl stuff, right?
01:03:21 And so it's it's, it's totally fine. And in fact, he's repulsed by the **** business. Or so he says.
01:03:28 And when they interviewed him, he talked about how he warned her. You know, you're
01:03:32 Not cut out for this.
01:03:33 And you shouldn't get you know this. This should be as far as you go. Is this sexy lady stuff?
01:03:39 And I don't want you to go into the **** business because that's where stuff gets really dark because you think the **** boys are bad. Wait till you meet.
01:03:48 The **** Jews.
Speaker 6
01:03:49 Yep.
Speaker 13
01:03:51 Colleen was was a beautiful girl and I think very unaware of it.
01:03:57 You know, she was the type of girl when she walked in. She looked in many ways. Like she just came right off the farm. But in makeup, she was a very beautiful girl. And she really took two modeling quickly.
01:04:11 You know, it's unfortunate that Mother Nature put.
01:04:16 Right.
Speaker 13
01:04:16 18 year old girls on this planet with beautiful bodies. Because you know the mind of a typical 18 year old girl is is not prepared to make the right decisions in this town with these opportunities.
01:04:32 Hey, Stephanie, I need you to grab grab those jeans. I need you to stretch. That's great. That's great.
Speaker 29
01:04:39 Hicks advised Colleen to get out of nude modeling quickly because it leads downhill. After all, the magazines have used her. The only thing left is X-rated movies.
Speaker 13
01:04:47 My eyes see.
Devon Stack
01:04:51 So again, he's trying to draw some more line. It's almost like those people that, that.
01:04:58 You know I don't do drugs. I.
01:04:59 Just smoke pot.
01:05:02 You know, I mean.
01:05:04 I'm drawing a line. I'm not really. I'm smoking crack or like that. I'm just smoking pot.
Speaker 13
01:05:13 You know you take, you take a typical girl that's used to working at McDonald's or in a shoe store, making a minimum wage, and suddenly she's given the opportunity to get made-up and.
01:05:25 Be in front of people that tell her she's beautiful.
01:05:28 And make as much money in a day as she was making in three weeks and.
01:05:34 They change.
01:05:36 They change.
01:05:38 And that's that's sad.
Devon Stack
01:05:42 So that guy seems to at least.
01:05:46 At least match up to the character in the movie where he told her. Yeah, I don't want to see you go into **** and told her, yeah, ****. And she refused his advice. They tracked down the the guy who? Her boyfriend in high school that drove her out to California.
01:06:06 And he was just kind of like, yeah, you know what? I I don't want to.
01:06:10 Deal with her anymore.
Speaker 29
01:06:13 Mike Marcel, Colleen's boyfriend, soon left her and returned to Minnesota, where he spread the news that Colleen was involved in ***********.
01:06:21 Marcel won't discuss it now, he says. He just.
01:06:24 Doesn't care about her.
Devon Stack
01:06:27 That's right. We don't love them hoes, right, so.
01:06:34 So he didn't want to be interviewed for that. He was just done with it and he was like, well, now I found out she was doing **** and I was just like, yeah.
Speaker 8
01:06:42 Screw that.
Devon Stack
01:06:44 This is actual footage of her.
01:06:47 That's her talking to the guy who ran the agency.
01:06:51 On the, that's her on the right.
Speaker 20
01:06:54 OK, I'm at 4523.
01:06:59 Van Nuys Blvd. Now it is a small office building. It's suite 203.
Devon Stack
01:07:10 So while she's there, doing all the the magazine stuff like this, so that's her name there, Shauna Grant. You'll see on the right hand side there.
01:07:20 After a while.
01:07:22 Just as the the nude photographer predicted, you can only go into so many magazines before no one wants to see a picture of you anymore.
01:07:34 You have to up the ante. The demand to see you in in film rises.
01:07:40 But the demand for you to be photographed goes down because everyone's seen you know, how many photos of of a girl can you see before you're just like, OK, I want a different girl or whatever.
01:07:53 So she gets convinced.
01:07:56 That she needs to go to the next level if she wants to keep making money because she literally in less than a year.
01:08:04 In less than a year.
01:08:06 Was featured in over 100 **** magazines.
Speaker 9
01:08:10 We want to be using these girls who would just making the turnover. I didn't want to use the first time and Colleen.
Devon Stack
01:08:18 So here's the **** Jew. Enter the **** Jew.
01:08:24 See now that now that the the Shabbat goy has cataloged her, discovered her and put him in his book.
01:08:31 The **** Jew has gone to the the the Goy girl store.
01:08:35 That agency.
01:08:36 And he sees her and he's like, alright, that's the fresh, wholesome face that I want to. I want to defile.
01:08:43 In my movie.
Speaker 9
01:08:45 Making the turnover I didn't want to use the first time and Colleen had done the piece prior to the paper dolls just one.
01:08:54 We sat and talked and she was wearing jeans, no shoes and a sweatshirt.
01:09:00 And sitting on a table top and I just got good vibes from her and she received good vibes from me and said it's going to be easy. It's all a matter of dollars and cents now.
01:09:12 She said to me, and I know a little about that. I said, well, what you don't know about, don't be ashamed to ask me.
01:09:19 Because I like you.
Speaker 8
01:09:22 Yeah, don't be ashamed to ask me.
01:09:26 I like you. I like you. See. Very, very. Why don't you come work for me?
01:09:34 Alright, cause I likes you.
Devon Stack
01:09:36 My real name is Ira Allen Sacks.
01:09:44 Which is a far cry from Bobby Hollander.
01:09:49 I'm going to move it over so.
01:09:49 You guys can see it.
Speaker 8
01:09:53 Yeah, I'm ira. I'm Ira, Allen sax.
01:09:57 We just got. It's all about the money. Now let's just talk about the money.
01:10:02 Don't worry about.
01:10:03 It I'll put you in my picture.
Devon Stack
01:10:07 And so he does.
01:10:12 This is him interviewing her and one of his weird **** videos that he made.
01:10:17 Where he told her to act as if she was a year older and I don't know if that's because this same guy.
01:10:24 Let's see here.
01:10:27 This guy here. This is the same guy. My understanding is this is the same guy that was that discovered, quote, UN quote Tracy Lords. When she was 15.
01:10:41 Now, Tracy Lords was a **** star that was in several **** movies when she was underage. And the excuse they used was ohh, but she had a fake ID that they gave her. She had a fake ID. How are we supposed to know it's the fake ID since she was 20.
01:11:00 We thought she was 20.
01:11:03 And the feds charged him. And I think maybe even even this guy here. But then they had to drop the, I think the judge dismissed the case.
01:11:16 Because she'd use that same fake ID.
01:11:20 To acquire a passport.
01:11:22 And so the reasoning the judge used was well, and I love them. I I couldn't find the judge. But you know, I I can only imagine. But the judge said, well, if if your fake ID fooled the federal government, how are these **** Jews supposed to know?
01:11:38 How the hell are the **** Jews supposed to be able to discern that this is a fake ID if even the federal government can't?
01:11:44 Figure it out.
01:11:46 So they got totally off Scott free for making underage ***** with Tracy Lords for for years.
01:11:55 But it's the same guys. It's the same guys that we're doing that.
01:12:00 And maybe because that was going on.
01:12:03 And she was only 18, about to turn 19, they told her to say that she was 19, about to turn 20. And then this is all acting. This is him acting shocked like, ohh, really. Even though he's the one that told her to say this.
Speaker 17
01:12:17 I'll be 20 in a week.
Speaker 9
01:12:20 Should be 20 in a week.
01:12:23 Afterwards you wanted 19.
Speaker 17
01:12:25 No. Item 19. I'll be 20.
Speaker 9
01:12:27 And how long have you been a paper doll? Paper doll cover girl set to full about two months. Two months.
01:12:37 Does anybody twist your arm to get into this?
Speaker 12
01:12:40 No, not at all. It was all my idea.
Speaker 6
01:12:43 Really, what color are you?
Speaker 29
01:12:44 This is a scene from that first film Colleen did with Bobby Hollander. He renamed her Shauna Graham. She was not 19, but 18 at the time.
Speaker 9
01:12:47 I can't see.
Speaker 15
01:12:51 Well, take a.
Speaker 9
01:12:52 Look at this.
01:12:55 Are you still a virgin? Are you kidding?
Devon Stack
01:13:05 The disgusting Jew Lear.
Speaker 8
01:13:10 Yes, yes.
Devon Stack
01:13:14 So he starts putting her in movies.
01:13:21 Now this is the.
01:13:23 The the bottom *****. I guess you could say right? As Andrew Tate would say when he's turning out Cam girls, this is the bottom *****. This was the girl that was giving her cocaine and telling her that being in.
01:13:35 **** was fun.
01:13:36 And here, just stay with me and do a lot of coke with me all day long and it'll be great.
01:13:42 She's like a horrible person. Like she's a horrible person.
01:13:47 She's laughing and giggling about like her.
01:13:50 Her friend's dead.
01:13:53 And she doesn't, even for a moment, have, like a moment of sadness about it. She's laughing and smiling. Then she you can tell she's just eating up the fact that she's on camera again.
Speaker 16
01:14:05 That he could talk and then.
01:14:07 Into doing a ***** movie.
Speaker 29
01:14:09 Laurie Smith is a veteran adult film actress and makeup artist.
Speaker 15
01:14:11 Hey.
Devon Stack
01:14:15 This is guys, everyone knows this is the this is your girlfriend's friend that you hate.
01:14:23 This is your girlfriend's friend, where like, you're not going out with that chick tonight. I know what happens when you go out with with that ******* chick. That chick's trouble.
01:14:33 Like this is the 0 morality.
01:14:36 Pill popping Cokes, snorting psycho chick? That is just a for some reason has a influence over other women.
01:14:50 Here she is in a ****.
01:14:53 Talking about how you know that she was talking to **** just the same way by the same the same ***** Jew.
Speaker 9
01:15:00 She like.
Speaker 29
01:15:01 Laurie transformed Colleen.
Speaker 16
01:15:04 When I first met her, she was frumpy school, girlish, were funny, funny clothes. I thought they were funny clothes. I called them funny clothes.
01:15:13 And playing and didn't know about makeup, never really wore makeup and just never just kind of, you know, like this kind of person.
Speaker 15
01:15:26 Production still, here we go.
Numbers Lady
01:15:27 Large.
Speaker 12
01:15:28 We kissed in a shower.
Speaker 15
01:15:29 Are you ready? Go, go.
Speaker 16
01:15:33 Then that's when I was finished with her. Her shoulders were back and her back was arched and her chin was up and she flipped her hair around and and she would just she became sexy.
Speaker 3
01:15:43 Stuck it.
Speaker 16
01:15:47 She became Shauna Grant.
Speaker 3
01:15:48 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:15:52 She became Shauna Grant, now hang on one second, because guess what happened? Trolls been gone a couple days. And of course, as always, he decides to show up while I'm streaming.
01:16:03 So one moment.
01:16:07 Get in here, ******.
01:16:13 True.
01:16:15 Inside.
01:16:22 Welcome back to civilization, my friend.
Speaker 8
01:16:26 All right.
Devon Stack
01:16:29 But yeah, she's that's the terrible friend.
01:16:33 That is the terrible friend that you.
01:16:35 Don't want around your girlfriend?
Speaker 9
01:16:43 She looked like Peaches and cream, rooted naked Peaches and cream, and that was at Minnesota upbringing.
Speaker 17
01:16:52 This is the furthest guys.
Speaker 15
01:16:53 Get away from here on my own.
Speaker 19
01:16:56 That's crazy. I haven't been anywhere.
Speaker 8
01:17:00 She looked like Peaches and cream.
01:17:04 Yeah, she looked like Peaches and cream nude.
Speaker 9
01:17:07 It sounds turmeric.
Speaker 8
01:17:09 Ohh yeah.
01:17:13 She was so innocent.
01:17:16 I feasted on her innocence.
Devon Stack
01:17:19 I mean, disgusting ******* **** Jews.
01:17:23 But then, of course, her, her, her boomer parents totally out to lunch, totally in denial about the whole situation.
Speaker 24
01:17:33 The subject of drugs and I guess I brought the subject up, I said I hope you're not involved and.
01:17:40 And stay away from all this cocaine and things like that, I said.
01:17:42 You really don't need that.
01:17:45 And.
01:17:46 She said, well, you don't have to worry, dad, she says. I go to parties where that's at, but I don't. I don't do that. And because I'm a parent and I guess, and because it's my child, I.
01:17:56 Guess I wanted to believe her.
Speaker 8
01:18:00 Yeah, you see, I didn't want.
Devon Stack
01:18:01 To face reality.
01:18:04 Didn't want to face reality.
01:18:06 That my my ***** daughter was was doing cocaine.
01:18:11 Like massive amounts of cocaine.
Speaker 29
01:18:18 Jeanette Littledove is another newcomer to adult movies. She's 19 from Oklahoma.
Speaker 21
01:18:24 It just messes with your mind. It's just you can't quit once you get the money and you know it's good and it's easy to get to. You don't want to quit.
Speaker 12
01:18:32 Well, I've been involved.
Devon Stack
01:18:36 Once you get the money.
Speaker 25
01:18:39 Look at look.
Devon Stack
01:18:39 At that ******* look in her eyes.
01:18:44 So that was an award show like the award show that was in the movie.
01:18:48 Like the **** awards, I don't know what they call.
01:18:52 And she look at her.
01:18:55 She got $100,000 that year.
01:18:58 Once you get the money, you just can't quit. You're just like.
Speaker 3
01:19:02 This is your money and mess with your mind.
Speaker 6
01:19:03 Thank you.
Speaker 21
01:19:05 You can't cook once you get the money and you know it's there and it's easy to get to.
01:19:10 And you don't want to quit.
Speaker 12
01:19:11 Well, I've been involved.
Speaker 3
01:19:15 Once you get the money.
Devon Stack
01:19:21 And I asked the the weakness of many women.
01:19:27 So it wasn't just the cocaine, it was the money. Unfortunately, though, for Colleen Applegate, a lot of her money went to cocaine.
01:19:36 This is a one of her. I guess you could say Co stars.
01:19:41 Who realized at the time and even had this guy?
01:19:44 A **** guy?
01:19:46 He felt bad for being in the **** with her cause he could tell she didn't want.
01:19:49 To be there and and that it was.
Speaker 8
01:19:52 That she shouldn't be there.
Speaker 11
01:19:54 That everybody said it was OK. Hey, put this skirt on. You look like a million Colleen. Oh, you look great. Yeah. I mean, the shorter you look. Fabulous. Ohh, great. Take the picture. Ohh, terrific. Ohh, this is.
01:20:05 Great goal, great sex.
01:20:07 Terrific. These are the people that are still alive. These are the people that made money still making money off this poor little girl. Getting to think that that's all.
Speaker 9
01:20:15 She needed in life she enjoyed the recognition. She enjoyed the money. There's no question about that, OK? But she was an aimless girl. She was.
Speaker 5
01:20:20 Great.
Speaker 29
01:20:26 Vulnerable. Don't you think that, that, that life is harmful to a person like that?
Speaker 9
01:20:36 That's a loaded question. That is, it's a loaded question. I think anyone who is in Colleen's age group, they're in the same situation, OK she chose.
01:20:53 She chose to do it. She could stopped and made less money and just to being a, you know, a photographer's mom. But I personally think she enjoyed doing. Colin was an exhibitionist.
Devon Stack
01:21:10 She chose to do it.
01:21:13 Right.
01:21:15 There's like some weird.
01:21:17 Bird outside trailer park going to kill on a that's an owl.
01:21:25 Frank, I'm ******* Doctor Doolittle over here right now.
01:21:29 Yes, hear that.
01:21:34 Sounds like a monkey.
01:21:39 Anyway.
01:21:44 Yeah, yeah, anyway.
01:21:49 That's what is that.
01:21:51 I've never heard that the owl I think is an owl. There's an anoise out there.
01:21:56 Anyway, that's what you start hearing over and over again. Is the libertarian argument, right? Well, she's a consenting adult.
01:22:04 She's an adult. It's totally fine.
Speaker 31
01:22:08 Doesn't really matter. Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is.
01:22:13 Is their business.
Devon Stack
01:22:18 Right.
Speaker 6
01:22:21 Doesn't matter.
Devon Stack
01:22:24 Doesn't matter at all.
01:22:28 She liked the money.
01:22:30 But then of course, right after her saying or the the **** juice saying.
Speaker 9
01:22:34 But I personally think she enjoyed doing it. Colin was an exhibitionist.
Devon Stack
01:22:39 She enjoyed it.
Speaker 16
01:22:41 Jehovah Life played it. She just laid there and just let it happen.
01:22:48 Colleen Applegate did not like doing sex on film. Period.
Speaker 8
01:22:58 What the hell is that?
Devon Stack
01:23:02 You guys tell me you guys hear that.
01:23:12 Cheryl, did you like?
01:23:13 Kill an owl halfway and leave it.
01:23:16 On the front porch.
01:23:25 I think Charlie might have, like, mangled an.
01:23:27 Owl left it on the front porch.
01:23:33 Because it's really close. Hang on, guys. I'm sorry to have to do this. I have to see if I have to shoot an owl in the head. If there's, like, a mangled owl on the porch.
01:23:44 Ah, I cause alright, hang on a second.
01:23:50 I just got to peek out there real quick.
01:23:53 I'm going to try to find something.
01:23:55 I think you guys, I think guys know what I'm have to play.
01:23:59 If I can find it, where is it? I can never find this one when I want it.
01:24:05 There should be a search button.
01:24:10 I don't see it anywhere. I just got.
01:24:13 Obviously I'm gonna play radio at you guys because that's the long one.
01:24:18 And I cannot find it. I don't see it anywhere.
Speaker 8
01:24:23 Ah.
Devon Stack
01:24:27 All right, well, you have to just listen to me. Maybe murder an owl. Hang on a second.
01:24:34 What is?
01:24:38 Have you?
01:24:39 You killed something halfway.
01:25:06 I don't see it.
01:25:14 All right. Well, I don't know what the hell I mean. It sounds like an owl, but it sounded like it was right outside the door. Now, there's nothing out there. So anyway.
Speaker 8
01:25:24 Let's see here.
Devon Stack
01:25:31 Where was I lost my place here. What are we talking about? See.
01:25:35 Churro you're you're going.
01:25:36 To be the death of the insomnia stream.
Speaker 10
01:25:38 Right.
Devon Stack
01:25:39 OK. So they're they're saying ohh it's it's fine. It's fine. She loves the money. She loves the cocaine.
Speaker 29
01:25:47 Collins movies and modeling paid her almost $100,000 in one year. She spent most of the money on cocaine.
Speaker 16
01:25:54 And she knew of it like you feel.
01:25:55 Like you knew.
01:25:56 It you know, it's a security blanket.
01:25:59 And we just like to do it. We did a lot, though. She and I mean, and they're that one year and a year and a half actually, but I really hung around with her a lot we because we'd always go in on it together and we always would buy a lot.
Devon Stack
01:26:14 Yep, that's that friend. That's that friend. You don't want hanging out with your with your girlfriend. We did a lot, though. Yeah. Yeah.
01:26:25 So they she did so many movies.
01:26:28 And less than a year.
01:26:31 In less.
01:26:32 Than a year.
01:26:33 She had sex with 37 different guys in movies.
01:26:39 And like 30 different movies.
01:26:42 In that same year, she contracted herpes, got an abortion.
01:26:47 That was paid for by the **** Jew.
01:26:50 She banged Ron, Ron Jeremy.
Speaker 17
01:26:56 That's supposed to be here to get up. So I'm getting.
Speaker 3
01:26:57 Bigger.
Speaker 17
01:26:59 Up. OK, that thing of here is in here.
01:27:02 If there is, I certainly can't find.
01:27:04 It. Yeah, I'm going to check this out.
01:27:05 With the boys. Wait a minute. I don't think it'd be a good idea to disturb them. Do you?
01:27:13 Besides, there's nothing here. You can't handle this. Wow. Well, I guess there isn't.
Speaker 15
01:27:24 Very.
Devon Stack
01:27:26 Ah yes, disgusting ***** you, Ron Jeremy. That Hollywood tried to make famous in the 90s, who, in addition to just being a disgusting **** Jew, also was going around ****** chicks, apparently. But he got out of it because they they decided that he wasn't mentally fit.
Speaker 27
01:27:44 **** star Ron Gerard has been declared mentally incompetent to stand trial for rape and other sex charges. The announcement was made by a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office on Tuesday. The 69 year old had been facing charges in Los Angeles involving 21 women.
Devon Stack
01:28:05 Say he he raped at least 21 women and was, you know, just a disgusting ******* person.
01:28:14 Of course, this is the guy I asked on on Twitter. I had him confused a little bit with another **** Jew.
01:28:20 This isn't the **** Jew that said that he wanted to defile. The reason that there's so many Jews and the **** was because Jews wanted to defile Christian women. That was another **** Jew said that he's the one that said that if his daughter got into **** that he would want to do a scene with her.
Speaker 25
01:28:41 And my name is Bill Margold. I've acted. If you want to call it acting, I've directed, which is not really directing because, like, choreographing naked traffic accidents I've written, which is not really riding. But what the hell they have to put scripts on these things, two or three pages. I then review them. I publicize them, and I promote the entire actual industry. I'm sort of the unofficial.
01:29:01 Spokesman of the industry and I do something calling. I preach the gospel of acts.
Speaker 28
01:29:05 What Bill Margold does to earn his paycheck, by most standards, is disgust.
Speaker 8
01:29:12 Yes it is.
Devon Stack
01:29:14 But it's easy to say that some people. Here's what the whole point of this I think.
01:29:19 This stream is.
01:29:21 Yes, there were creepy **** Jews doing this, but there were also creepy **** boys doing this. They were introducing these women, roping them in and then giving them over to the.
01:29:31 **** Jews.
01:29:33 And then they were creepy.
01:29:35 Coomers Gentile coomers buying the ****** they were making.
01:29:40 It so lucrative.
Speaker 6
01:29:41 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:29:42 Now, look, I'm not going to sit here and try to make a moral equivalence to the guy buying the tape with the guy selling, you know, producing it and selling.
01:29:51 It.
01:29:52 I know there's a lot of people that.
01:29:54 Want to make that more equivalents?
01:29:56 I just don't agree.
01:29:58 It's like if there's a guy selling.
01:30:00 Crack on the corner.
01:30:02 Well, certainly, if, uh, you know, people are buying crack from them. We got to do something about those guys too. But the solution is to get the guy.
01:30:10 Selling the crack.
01:30:12 OK, if you want to actually fix the problem.
01:30:16 You can blame the people buying the crack.
01:30:19 But if you want to fix the problem, you get rid of the guy selling the crack.
01:30:26 Now obviously you also tell your children not to do crack, not to be the people doing crack.
01:30:34 Same thing with the *****.
01:30:37 Yes.
01:30:38 You know, there wouldn't be a market for this point and there's a huge ******* market for the ****, especially around this time period, because while there wasn't the Internet, all of the sudden the invention of the VCR.
01:30:52 Right around this time when when Colleen Applegate was getting $100,000 to bank 37 guys in 30 different movies in one year.
01:31:02 All of a sudden you didn't have to go sit in the creepy point theater with Pee Wee Herman to **** ***.
01:31:09 You had a VCR?
01:31:12 Now you just had to feel creepy for like, a few minutes when you went behind the black curtain at the back of the video store and rented a video that you then put in a black bag so no one could see what it was and take it home, and then you could watch it by yourself. Or as we've seen other.
01:31:27 Videos, maybe with other people, I don't know.
01:31:30 But that market still existed.
01:31:34 And that market made people like this guy rich.
Speaker 25
01:31:38 These people want to do this for a living. I have never forced anybody to do anything they didn't want to do in the actual industry because you cannot indent your servitude sensuality.
Speaker 31
01:31:48 Doesn't really matter.
01:31:49 Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
01:31:58 See, The funny thing is, is just like sickness.
01:32:02 **** Jews are very libertarian.
01:32:06 Very libertarian, all this ****** stuff.
01:32:10 That used to be super fringe.
01:32:13 I mean, you couldn't.
01:32:14 Pack a theater with with ****** videos.
01:32:18 So.
01:32:19 That really didn't really exist that much. You want to know why the ****** stuff started becoming popular?
01:32:25 Well, just like with the fresh girls, right, they always need fresh girls.
01:32:30 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:32:31 They always need to have a fresh face. That's why after a while, if you're a girl, like calling Applegate, who shows her **** in some magazines.
01:32:39 For a while.
01:32:40 If you want to stay in business, then you have to start.
01:32:43 Getting railed by guys.
01:32:46 And then after you've been getting railed by guys for a while, well, maybe you got to be.
01:32:49 Railed by a couple guys.
01:32:52 And after you've been doing that for a while, well, maybe now you have to do **** or or whatever, right?
01:32:58 And you have to keep doing that and upping the anthem to stay relevant in that business.
01:33:03 And in in the business itself has to keep upping the ante.
01:33:08 The business itself, as it as it you know, used to be titillating. You have a population you used to be titillating to just.
01:33:16 Look at the.
01:33:17 The bra section in the Sears catalog that used to be like, ooh, ohh, look at that. Ah, the girls with bras on. That's pretty. Oh, look at this. This one's wearing.
01:33:28 You know you can see.
01:33:29 That her ***** line or whatever, right?
01:33:33 Well, now there's consumers of ****. And just like any other addict, well, the first time they watched the *****, it's amazing. Wow. They've never seen anything like this. This is crazy. They they get very excited.
01:33:48 Well, after seeing the same kind of **** after a while it it doesn't have the same effect and they have to keep increasing the degeneracy. The ******** nature of it. And next thing you know, you get, you get *******.
01:34:02 ****.
Speaker 28
01:34:03 Ex. And organized crime have always been associated, perhaps rightfully so. In the early days, but the videotape machine has changed that a bit. There were more than 100 million X-rated tapes rented last year. With that much money to be made.
01:34:17 The industry has.
01:34:17 Exploded if organized crime once dominated the business, it's now been taken over by smaller, unconnected.
01:34:24 Companies new titles are now produced at a.
01:34:26 Rate of 200 per.
01:34:28 Month one of those new businesses is owned by this man, Perry Ross. Last year he grossed $3,000,000.
Speaker 32
01:34:32 Happening is don't need that serves people like sex.
01:34:37 People enjoy sex. Sex is proven to be healthy for you. The Medical Association has done many, many studies on sex and people are going to the stores and renting.
Speaker 28
01:34:48 Videos the sex industry of Perry Ross.
Devon Stack
01:34:53 And just like during prohibition, a bunch of Jews got rich by peddling bootlegged alcohol and have a lot of Jews in the the the Vegas days got rich by peddling gambling.
01:35:10 It was Jews once again who got rich **** Jews like you know, these, these two **** Jews here, Marigold and Ross.
01:35:21 Who got rich selling ***** tapes?
Speaker 28
01:35:28 Mary's company is.
01:35:29 Responsible for two new home videos every month.
01:35:32 With titles like.
01:35:33 Tales of the uncensored and Dirty Harriet.
Speaker 33
01:35:36 Which was the first product I.
01:35:40 For this industry, this is Barbara Dare. Barbara Dare is one of the hottest stars in the business. She signed with a company called Essex. She makes approximately $100,000 a year.
Devon Stack
01:35:52 So they're rolling in the dough.
01:35:54 The rolling adult and there's a demand for it. Again, this is.
01:36:00 Just like the story of Colin Applegate, it's not as simple as oh white Girl goes to the city and Jews corrupt.
Speaker 8
01:36:06 Sure.
Devon Stack
01:36:07 No, it's, you know, it's borderline personality disorder. Girl goes to the the city and is tempted by the money, is tempted by the drugs.
01:36:22 And starts doing. You know, photo shoots and then the **** juice step in and the **** juice. Start making churn out ****.
01:36:31 And you know, non Jews are buying those *****.
01:36:37 Depositing money. They're hard. They're hard earned money directly into the **** Jews accounts so they can continue to make more *****.
Speaker 28
01:36:46 Perry operates out in the open and advocates the 1st amendment that keeps him in business. At the same time, he's aware that there are people trying to shut him down and he says.
01:36:55 They could walk.
01:36:55 Through the front door at any time. Until then, Perry Ross will continue to get rich from America's lust.
Devon Stack
01:37:04 He'll continue to get rich.
01:37:06 For America's lust.
01:37:11 So this is the the actual house.
01:37:15 I think they might have used this in the movie. It looks very similar where she did shoot herself.
01:37:28 The story is is very similar to the movie.
01:37:31 The cocaine dealer for her **** Jew agent.
01:37:36 Had a nicer house and had lots of money.
01:37:40 And so she decided to cling on to him. He was a fan of her ******.
01:37:46 And and so he said. OK, yeah. You can live here for free.
01:37:51 And even though I'm like this weird, disgusting Jewish cocaine dealer.
Speaker 29
01:37:56 Jake Erlich is a former cocaine dealer. He returned to his home in Palm Springs, CA this winter after almost three years in prison.
Speaker 34
01:38:05 It was just an empty feeling, you know, as if I left, you know, last week.
01:38:10 And coming back to absolutely 0.
01:38:18 Basically, how our bedroom was set up.
01:38:20 Just keep the stereo over there.
01:38:23 And.
01:38:26 There's a patch there that bothers me. That's the patch the police pulled out.
01:38:31 They made a pass and someone tried to patch it up and blows me to sleep next to it.
01:38:35 What do you?
01:38:35 Mean.
Speaker 34
01:38:36 As the bullet went through, the bullet went through her head. She I don't know how she was lying, which how she was even shot. See, I never knew.
01:38:43 But the boat went through ahead and.
01:38:45 It's the wall.
Devon Stack
01:38:49 So he literally sleeps inches, his head inches away from the.
01:38:54 The the hole in the wall where they they remove the bullet.
01:38:58 They went through her head.
01:39:02 Here he is hanging out with her. When times were good.
01:39:07 But the the.
01:39:08 Again, there's no good people in the store.
01:39:11 While she's living with him, living with the the Jewish cocaine dealer and having parties and getting all coked up because obviously she's not really attracted to him, she's secretly having a long distance relationship with a different guy from back home and they don't identify him but.
01:39:31 You know, you can kind of see.
01:39:32 What?
01:39:32 It looks like like a normal looking guy.
01:39:35 And so this this guy back home is, you know, she she he's telling her that she has to stop doing **** and come back to the Farmington, MN. And we'll just have a normal life.
Speaker 34
01:39:52 But.
Devon Stack
01:39:53 See that she's hitting the wall pretty hard just because of all the cocaine. She's only 20.
Speaker 8
01:39:56 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:39:59 She's only 20 years old.
01:40:01 And she's starting to look like she's uh.
01:40:05 Yeah, a lot older than 20.
01:40:10 So she's uh. She's she's. She's getting real heavy into the cocaine. And just like in the movie, the cops come and arrest, you know, cocaine Jew.
01:40:22 And take him away.
01:40:24 And just like in the movie.
01:40:27 There's an award show and she feels famous again.
01:40:33 Not only does she feel famous because she's invited to be on stage and she's nominated for an award, but even at her table, Francis Ford Coppola is sitting at her table. Wow, maybe this is her chance to she's meeting her real Hollywood director.
01:40:52 Because apparently he's a creep, so.
01:40:59 So she gets enamored by the scene again. She sees it as a new way of getting money.
01:41:06 And that guy that she was communicating with back home, she'd been planning a trip for him to come out and see her for two months. He finally scrapes the money together and gets the time off work to go see her.
01:41:22 And he flies in the town.
01:41:24 And she's not at the airport because she got so coked up, she forgot he was coming after planning the trip for two months. Because of this chick coming back into her life and getting her coked up 24/7.
Speaker 16
01:41:37 Ohh, there's a mix up. The fact they're calling just totally disregard the fact he was.
01:41:41 Flying in forgot.
01:41:42 She forgot he was coming in. She.
01:41:44 The plans were like two months to have him come out to from Minnesota and he finally got the time to come out and she knew about it for two weeks. She knew. But then when it came down to that day, we'd gone to the wards and that way, said and and then we were hanging out at my house. We slept for two days.
Devon Stack
01:42:03 Ohh yeah, like you said, it's that friend.
01:42:09 So he he he's like, alright, well **** you then. Like I I we planned this this for two months. I fly all the way out here.
01:42:17 And you're all coked up and you don't even remember. I'm gonna be here.
01:42:21 So he goes back home.
01:42:25 And so she goes back to cocaine, you guys house.
01:42:31 And she starts to have a little bit of a A of a, a mental breakdown, just like in the movie.
01:42:36 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:42:38 And.
01:42:40 Unlike in the movie, where it showed that you know some guy found her or whatever, she called up, one of her friends to help her pack.
01:42:49 And while packing up decided that she was going to blow her brains out with that 22, which again, it's they used the right rifle in the movie. At first when I first watched this documentary, I was like.
01:43:05 Until until I found out about her friend being there, when while it happened.
01:43:09 I was like this seems a little maybe. Maybe there could be. My tinfoil hat was activated, just cause you'll see how awkward it was for her to.
01:43:17 Shoot herself but.
01:43:18 It's not impossible, especially since it didn't actually finish the job, and if you're going to kill someone you wouldn't, you know, like, if you were to assassinate her first. I don't know who would do it, but.
01:43:27 I also don't know who would use it 22.
Speaker 35
01:43:36 OK.
01:43:38 This is the weapon that was found at her.
Speaker 29
01:43:41 Side how do you think she showed herself?
Speaker 35
01:43:43 She would have been laying down on the bed with the gun on the bed or propped on her.
01:43:48 Arm.
01:43:49 Possibly with her thumb or other finger to the.
01:43:51 Gun and the.
01:43:52 Bullet would have passed through her head and into the.
01:43:55 Wall, where we found it.
Devon Stack
01:44:01 So there she is, you know, bring dead. But on life support.
01:44:06 And just like in the end of the movie, same thing. They brought her into the hospital.
01:44:11 They had on life support, but you know it was just a machine breathing for her.
01:44:18 And that was it.
01:44:21 That was the story of Colleen Applegate. She lasted in Hollywood for almost less than two years.
01:44:28 That's all it took to to.
01:44:30 Chew her up and spit her out.
01:44:34 And in fact, when they did this documentary, they found that she had left some of her things at one of her old apartments.
01:44:44 And just to give you an idea of the maturity level.
01:44:48 You know that I I think people might forget.
01:44:52 You know, she was she was 1818 when she showed up.
01:44:58 And as they go through their things.
01:45:00 It's it's. I mean, she has the things that like someone right out of high school would have.
01:45:06 You know, like little awards and stuff that she got in high school. Like, that's what she's carrying around with her, her, her letters for cheerleading are with her.
Speaker 23
01:45:15 Competitive activities.
Speaker 14
01:45:17 Pictures.
01:45:20 And terrible books.
Speaker 23
01:45:26 Start pictures.
Speaker 17
01:45:31 She was very pretty, very pretty.
Speaker 34
01:45:34 That's some beautiful picture.
Speaker 12
01:45:35 Yeah.
Speaker 24
01:45:37 Is that what you look like?
Speaker 19
01:45:38 Yeah.
Speaker 17
01:45:39 These are just, you know, I guess her.
01:45:40 High school teams, yeah.
Speaker 22
01:45:47 Letters, school letters. I guess they're for cheerleading.
Devon Stack
01:45:55 You know that's.
01:45:56 That's the kind of stuff that was like in my first apartment when I was 18, you know?
01:46:02 A little box with like I I I I let her in Russian because I was a nerd.
01:46:08 And so my, my little, you know, high school letter like that.
01:46:13 And, you know, stupid little achievement awards and things. Because what?
01:46:16 Do you have you know when you're 18?
01:46:19 And that was it.
01:46:22 That was it.
01:46:24 And like I said that when I first went into this, I was expecting it to be kind of cut and dry.
01:46:29 To be the kind of story that you would expect it to be. Innocent white girl doesn't know what she's doing, goes to Hollywood, gets in over her head, is corrupted by **** Jews. And while there's certainly an aspect of that.
01:46:42 There's a lot more.
01:46:43 Going on here.
01:46:46 You have the the, the I mean like the only good person in this story that I.
01:46:51 Could see really.
01:46:52 Was the the boyfriend that was kind of simping for her in the beginning. And then the second she started doing **** and he was like, **** this ***** and left.
01:47:01 After trying to convince her to go back home, but she was seeing dollar signs. But you had this girl who was kind of an attention seeking.
01:47:09 You know a little bit unstable. Obviously, she's swallowing a bottle of pills few months before going out to Hollywood randomly.
01:47:18 And she goes out to Hollywood.
01:47:21 She gets, you know, she meets that, that that not Jewish **** guy who convinces her to start doing nude photo shoots.
01:47:33 The the non Jewish photographer who takes the photos.
01:47:37 The the non Jewish cocaine friend who gets her hooked on coke.
01:47:44 Gets her convinces her that this is all a fun game. It's all very glamorous. She's been doing it for years, takes her to all the different parties.
01:47:53 And basically wears her down enough.
01:47:57 So that when the **** Jews show up.
01:48:00 She's ripe for the picking.
01:48:03 She's already conditioned.
01:48:06 She's already ready to go.
01:48:10 And then the **** Jews, they use her. In fact, they kept. They kept selling her movies. And in fact, they're the sales for her movies.
01:48:18 Went up after her death.
01:48:24 And that that's a that's a whole different level of twist that if you think about it, people.
01:48:29 Watching ****** of a dead girl.
01:48:34 And they kept selling their videos, I think.
01:48:39 They released she'd.
01:48:40 Recorded a A.
01:48:42 Like a a tape.
01:48:44 When she was living at the cocaine guys House of her just kind of like she was clearly high on cocaine and just kind of rambling about.
01:48:51 ****.
01:48:52 And they sold the tape like her death tape because she recorded a couple of days before killing herself.
01:48:57 So they made money off that.
01:49:00 They made money off the lifetime movie about her life.
01:49:05 The the cocaine friend made a bunch of money because she wrote a book.
01:49:11 I mean, they monetize the hell out of this this girl's death.
01:49:17 And.
01:49:19 At the end.
01:49:19 Of it.
01:49:20 She was a pile of papers.
01:49:23 A ribbon.
01:49:25 A couple cheerleading letters and some dirty photographs.
01:49:30 That was all that was left of her.
01:49:39 So.
01:49:41 Hope you're black pilled now.
01:49:43 That was that was the world before. Only fans. But is there really that much of a difference?
01:49:50 Is there really that much of A?
01:49:51 Difference. You've got these these.
01:49:53 Young women.
01:49:56 Who are being failed by their support systems and their immediate life.
01:50:00 They have probably a lack of a father or a disinterested father.
Speaker 6
01:50:06 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:50:07 And they have bad and, you know, friends who are bad influences, I don't know.
01:50:14 If they have.
01:50:14 You know that is psycho as that cocaine chick.
01:50:18 Telling them, Oh yeah, sex work is real work.
01:50:22 They have a society conditioning them that to think that this is the way for to get money.
01:50:28 It sure beats working a nine to five at the phone company, doesn't it?
01:50:32 You can make more in a day than you would.
01:50:34 In a week just by showing your ****.
01:50:38 Enter the **** Jews.
01:50:40 The **** Jews who still run all of the the video stuff.
01:50:45 Swoop in and give them a platform and.
01:50:47 Take a cut.
01:50:50 And that stuff is is on the Internet forever.
01:50:52 I mean, look.
01:50:54 Colleen Applegate.
01:50:57 I mean it just because I mean VHS.
01:50:59 'S aren't what.
01:51:00 People watch anymore. Her ***** are still available.
01:51:02 On the Internet.
01:51:07 They're still making money off of her ****.
01:51:18 Now, and that's forever. All that stuff's forever.
01:51:25 So all these young, stupid girls who think that they're going to get rich and be famous by showing their ****.
01:51:32 And just like I would imagine with only fans, right? It's gotta be similar, right?
01:51:39 In fact, I, you know, Belle. Delphine. Perfect example, right?
01:51:45 She show she she she does like sexy photos.
01:51:48 First on Instagram or whatever, right?
01:51:51 But then people get bored of that. Well then she shows a little ****** or something.
01:51:56 And then she does. You know, the only fan stuff and then, you know, and it escalates and escalates.
01:52:02 Until she's doing like ******** *****.
01:52:05 And now she's gone and no.
01:52:06 One even knows who.
Speaker 24
01:52:06 She is anymore.
Devon Stack
01:52:10 And you could say, well, she got her bag, right? She got the money.
01:52:15 But that's the exception, not the rule.
01:52:23 Very few people are making that kind of money.
01:52:30 And a lot of those girls are.
01:52:31 Are.
01:52:32 They're just like Colin Applegate.
01:52:35 Or spending that money on on cocaine and other **** that they're just immediately.
Speaker 15
01:52:43 Wow.
Devon Stack
01:52:43 Testing.
01:52:51 And that.
01:52:53 Is this story?
01:52:56 Of Colin Applegate AKA Shauna Grant. Alright, let's take a look at Hyper chats, shall we?
01:53:16 Nord neg no tap, which again sounds like something backwards.
01:53:21 Time to bust this streams hyper Chat Cherry I produced spanking **** as a side gig for over a decade. I believe my work.
01:53:31 To not be as degenerate for the lack of actual sex and frontal nudity kind of feel like a hypocrite now for discouraging it, a truly detestable industry indeed. Yeah, you're not. You're not getting enough by. Oh, it's just it's just spanking point. No, it's still degenerate. My former SJW Zoomer girlfriend is hooked on your content.
01:53:53 After overhearing me watch your streams, now I gotta buy her a no bueno shirt. When I told her of the different skeletal types, she became fascinated and obsessively tried to find out which type Jews have.
01:54:08 Do you happen to know? Uh, we can't find the info what you're talking about?
01:54:14 I mean like I I think they're Caucasoid if you're, if you're. If you're just talking about Caucasoid ********* and Negroid cause those those are the three.
01:54:22 Major ones because you got to remember a lot of these Jews come from Eastern Europe and so.
01:54:29 I don't know if there's like, you know, because their nose. I mean obviously they have very different features.
01:54:36 I I I would bet that you could probably, if you were an anthropologist and you were given like an Ashkenazi Jew skull, because I think it's more than just the nose. Like, I think the ears are in a different place, but.
01:54:48 I think there's enough features that are.
01:54:51 That are I'm, but I don't know. I don't know. I'm just guessing here. There's probably enough features that are unique to them that you could you could probably figure out they were a Jew, right? And maybe there's a an interest in not creating a Jews zoid or.
01:55:07 Whatever it is.
01:55:10 And God, I hope you were. I hope you were joking about the the spanking ****. It is degenerate. I'm sorry. I'm not going to sign.
01:55:15 Off on that.
01:55:19 Any **** is degenerate friendly neighborhood fascist.
01:55:23 This might end up being embarrassing, but a couple of streams ago I shared a link for all River's Jewish.
01:55:31 But realized it wasn't the best version, so I sent it to who I think is you and Telegram chat and gifted you a premium to get your attention, but no luck. Hope it's at least you. I'm not sure I haven't been.
01:55:46 I don't. I don't ever look at DM's on telegram. I have so many like things I'm subscribed to on Telegram that I often don't even see it because the way Telegram works, a lot of that stuff gets knocked to the bottom and I don't. I just don't see it.
01:56:00 But I'll take a look.
01:56:04 Yeah. And I don't even know what premium telegram would be. What, what? Like, what would it add? But you know, I'll, I'll check it out. Appreciate it if it's good.
01:56:13 The premium. I don't know what it would add.
01:56:16 Zaza Mac Taskbot I can't give much but I can help you segue to a shameless plug. Could you remind me again what other strains you might be on in the next week or two? And did I hear correctly that you had a new shirt out featuring everyone's favorite feral friend and a certain suspicious handyman?
01:56:36 Yeah, probably. On Vincent James's Stream next week. We haven't figured out a time, but that's been penciled in. I'll, I'll let you guys know. And yes, we do have a a no bueno shirt available for our favorite little churro. Who may, I mean, I I don't.
01:56:54 Know if like what the?
01:56:56 Maybe the owl was following Charo home.
01:56:59 Because it was that was right outside wherever it was, it was like right outside.
01:57:04 And when I opened the door and you know, I would expect and if, if nothing else, I'd hear like wings flapping, cause. Yeah, the owls are big. You can you hear them flying away?
01:57:12 And I heard nothing.
01:57:15 Zaza Mataz but again thanks for posting this so many hours before you went live. It helps the people. They can't cast the live stream to give Hyper chats and get their head on a pillow. Thank you for the quality work well, I appreciate that. Yeah, this was one I was.
01:57:31 I actually posted it before I.
01:57:33 Knew where I was going to go with it.
01:57:35 Which is why I in fact I was still because I only watched little bits because when I when I decide to do a topic, I've usually just like really quickly scrub through the video and just to see it is there enough to work with here, like not knowing exactly how it's going to unfold. But is there enough in here to where it's interesting?
01:57:55 And when I saw that clip that I played of the guy holding the the gun I was like, that's a little weird.
01:58:00 And so I wasn't sure if I was going to research it and find, like, actually she was murdered, you know, like, so I didn't want to call it like, like ****, suicide addition or suicide **** or or **** murder. So I just, I just did kill her because I wasn't sure, like.
01:58:15 How that was going to?
01:58:16 Unfold and then.
01:58:17 After looked into, I was like, oh it's.
01:58:18 Probably it was just an awkward.
01:58:21 An awkward suicide.
01:58:24 You know, but I appreciate that chosen Jawa says. I have a relative who is not a dev and listener, but after telling him about the insomnia's dreams, he asked me to submit a question on his behalf.
01:58:37 Has Israel overstepped its boundaries, becoming essentially a hazardous liability for NATO? At what point has Israel retaliation become enough? How many Palestinians need to die before the October 6th invasion has been resolved? Don't think that's really even NATO related NATO was set up to.
01:58:58 Quote UN quote protect Europe from the Soviet Union like that was the original intent. I don't think NATO.
01:59:07 Is really.
01:59:10 I mean, it doesn't really give a **** about Gaza, really, you know?
01:59:16 If you mean NATO countries, Western countries.
01:59:20 Who are often supplying Israel with weapons.
01:59:24 I no, I don't think they're liability yet. I think that there are certainly the tide is turning a little bit.
01:59:33 Partially because of the actions of Jews and their effect on our immigration policies and the kinds of people that have been led into the West and their opinions about.
01:59:41 Colonization and everything else.
01:59:44 But I don't think that that's a enough of a.
01:59:48 Because it's always kind of been under the surface.
01:59:51 Right, like, even even like in the early 2000s, in the 90s, there was an element of the left that was pro Palestinian, right. There was always. It was always there. It just wasn't a very like, there was. There was a few loud, like, OK, like the the activist that Ben.
02:00:11 Like the white chick that went out and got ran over by the.
02:00:14 The bulldozer that Ben Shapiro likes to make fun of, I I can't think of her name, but there were always people like that, right? There were always these leftist activists that were Pro Palestine. They just weren't the they just didn't have a loud voice and they didn't really have any political power. The difference now is you have enough.
02:00:34 Muslims in Western countries that have political power to where it's it's it's no longer.
Speaker 6
02:00:41 Just.
Devon Stack
02:00:42 Dismissed out of hand as the, you know, the voices of kooks or whatever, right?
02:00:48 And so they're probably getting nervous if it's, you know, Israelis and Jews and the Jewish diaspora, they're they're getting nervous, I'm sure.
02:00:57 But in terms of, oh, look, I think Israel could literally.
02:01:04 I think they could honestly.
02:01:06 This might sound radical I.
02:01:07 Think they could loot Gaza?
02:01:09 And people would condemn Israel and they would use a lot of strong language. And ohh, that's bad Israel. That's that's bad. And it would maybe tarnish their name on, you know, on the international.
02:01:24 Stage and and whatever but.
Speaker 10
02:01:28 Who?
Devon Stack
02:01:28 Would do anything about.
Speaker 35
02:01:29 It.
Devon Stack
02:01:30 Right. No, no one would invade Israel as a result.
02:01:34 I don't even think.
02:01:34 The Muslim countries would invade Israel.
02:01:37 And the stuff that they're doing with Iran, I mean.
Speaker 14
02:01:41 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:01:43 Again it it seems like nothing ever happens. The CIA. What? The couple days ago said, oh, yeah, Iran's going to get revenge in the next 48 hours. Iran is going to launch an attack on Israel. That nothing happened. Nothing happened.
02:01:59 In fact, if something happened.
02:02:02 We would rush to the aid of Israel's going to be on the side of Syria and Iran.
02:02:08 That would be, if nothing else there. I mean, it would be an invitation for Western countries to suddenly, you know, forget about the Gaza Strip entirely and and well, we have to defeat, you know, the the evil axis, Iran and and Syria.
02:02:26 And I think that's why nothing's happened. Because Iran and Syria kind of know that.
02:02:31 Will will that? Is that slowly changing? Yeah. It's probably slowly changing.
02:02:37 But not not so slow or not. It's definitely not changing fast enough for.
02:02:43 Israel, to be seriously worried about the West? Not.
Speaker 5
02:02:48 At at the at the.
Devon Stack
02:02:49 Least looking the other way.
02:02:51 You know what I mean?
02:02:54 Chosen Jawa again.
02:03:05 A question for you from yours truly. My relative tunes into Mike Adams Show Health Ranger report on Brighton. Devon, have you ever heard of Mike or his show? What's your opinion of him? I have never heard of that. I haven't heard a lot of people, though it's not, you know, maybe he.
02:03:21 Could.
02:03:22 Be a big thing, I.
02:03:24 I tend to not listen to other streamers or other shows.
02:03:29 Partially because.
02:03:32 I think a lot of people that stream are like this. You don't want to.
02:03:38 I don't want to say.
02:03:38 You don't want to be influenced by them, but.
02:03:41 In a way, it's kind of like that, right? It's like if you're writing a book, you don't want.
02:03:44 To be reading other books.
02:03:48 Or if you're making a movie.
02:03:51 Unless you want to be influenced by that other movies, I mean that's I guess that's what you would what maybe watch other movies if you want to steal a shot from a movie or you want to be, you know, inspired by.
02:04:02 A technique from another movie, but that's the only reason why you watch other movies while making a movie.
02:04:07 And if you're making streams, it's kind of the same thing. It's like, I don't really watch other streams not because they're not good or whatever, but because.
02:04:15 A I don't have a lot of time like today.
02:04:19 I was because apparently I'm removing hives or oh, by the way, I got the.
02:04:27 I'll play it next. I'll play it next Saturday, but I got some hive moving video.
02:04:32 But after moving some hives and it being a nightmare, I got a little baby trailer and I had to hook up a trailer hitch and I was doing that all day today, but just cause it's like.
02:04:48 It was a nightmare. It was a little bit of a nightmare. I got stung a few times, but.
02:04:54 Maybe I'm exact. It wasn't really a nightmare, but it was. It was no fun.
02:04:59 Rogues Tavern has an extremely long.
02:05:04 5 parter. Let's alright, let's go. Rugs Tavern.
02:05:11 Thanks for everything, Devon. Someone who might be deserving of a strain is Edgar J Steele, a lawyer for the damned. He was talking about the Jew question as early as 2000. I discovered him in 2004. He wrote a great book called Defensive Racism. Turns out my $17.00 copy is now worth 116.
02:05:32 Dollars.
02:05:35 He was a great source of information until 2014, when the FBI tried to assassinate him and failed.
02:05:44 And then set him up to supposedly hire assassins to kill his wife.
02:05:49 He died in prison on false charges. Well sounds.
02:05:54 Slightly juicy, at least. Lots of drama with this guy.
02:06:00 It's kind of funny that the.
Speaker 8
02:06:02 Old.
Devon Stack
02:06:02 School drama is so much more interesting than than online drama. You got people.
02:06:10 I'll I'm adding his name in my notes here.
02:06:14 More of him.
02:06:15 Way back. All right, I'll copy your link here.
02:06:19 I'll check them out.
02:06:21 Blah blah blah blah. He had a great quote, paraphrased here. The Jews have been kicked out of almost every country in the world, and when the world wakes up, this time the Jews will need to find a new planet to live on.
02:06:36 And it's wishful thinking.
02:06:38 After all, pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered. Elona's quest for space.
02:06:44 He also talked a lot about.
02:06:47 How the media was and still is, to this day duping the average reader. He also talked about the coming destruction of America through crazy immigration laws and allowing all the illegals across the border. Like I said, I'll take a look. It sounds like if nothing else, it sounds like an interesting story.
Speaker 8
02:07:03 What?
Devon Stack
02:07:09 Lots of you know, anytime you got FBI assassins involved.
02:07:15 Yeah, that could be fun.
02:07:18 John Selmer Dix says drone the Heffers now let let the Jews sacrifice him and then watch as the Jew magic does nothing.
02:07:28 And everyone's just kind of like, ohh, I guess that was overblown.
02:07:33 Friendly neighborhood fascist says concerning tunnel Jews and their planned red heifer sacrifice. This entire video is good, but if you want to see the ugly sacrifice altered, just skip to this. I'm not going to be linked tonight. Also they think they are in for a surprise.
02:07:52 When they try to incarcerate a full cow to ashes.
02:07:58 Like I said, I I don't think the.
02:08:01 I don't think they're geomagic, I don't believe.
02:08:03 In Geomagic, so I.
02:08:04 Don't. I don't think them them sacrificing the red cow is going to magically do anything.
02:08:11 Blue chord, blue chord.
02:08:20 Blue chord. Evening, Mr. stack. Evening, Mr. blue chord. Appreciate that wister. Thanks for the stream, Mr. Stack. From Twitter in the last year, 651,000 native born Americans have lost jobs while 1.3 million foreign born workers have gained jobs.
02:08:40 Via this post.
02:08:43 All right. Well, there's a link for people who want I I believe it. I I've. I heard something similar the other day that, you know, they were. They were characterizing it as, you know, Biden's. Biden's numbers are all based on foreign workers, you know, getting getting hired and not so much.
02:09:03 As you say, as they disenfranchise actual Americans.
02:09:08 Lying, says Ohaver Britch you Ryan Rying a Ryan G.
02:09:16 Cringe Panda says hi there and I'll need to catch the replay, but I wanted to know if you are familiar with Isaac Cappy. He'd be a great subject for a stream. Also. What did you think about the stuff I sent about Bob Fletcher, the toy maker that was taken over by the CIA? I need to go to bed. Have a great night. Haven't had a chance to look at that.
02:09:38 Isaac, cappy.
02:09:41 Yeah, I I talked to him in DM's when he first came out with his accusations. I was one of the first videos about it, actually. That was back when I was still on.
02:09:50 YouTube.
02:09:52 I my the YouTube version might have been taken down, but I'm almost positive it's probably still on bit shoot I was.
Speaker 15
02:09:59 Well, you know.
Devon Stack
02:09:59 Cautiously skeptical about some of his claims.
02:10:05 But.
02:10:07 You know, I, like I said, I talked to him DMS and he he didn't seem, at least within the conversations we had, he didn't seem like super crazy or anything like that. And we didn't talk about anything, you know, super secret like that. It was all pretty normal stuff where I was just like, are you for real with this, you know, like.
02:10:26 Like you know is this.
02:10:29 You know what? What? What exactly you hope to accomplish? You know that.
02:10:32 Kind of stuff.
02:10:33 And yeah, he seemed pretty lucid at least. But then towards the end, if you watched his because he started streaming all the time, like I think it was like on Periscope or Instagram or whatever, he did seem like he was starting to lose his **** towards the end.
02:10:49 Like it was maybe a little bit of a psychotic break, but I don't know that that could also be a product of things that he saw and he died kind of in a weird way, didn't he? So.
Speaker 26
02:11:00 Well.
Devon Stack
02:11:01 You know there there's a big question mark. I'm not super Captain Qatar with when it comes to Isaac Cappy, but there's definitely a question mark.
02:11:10 On that whole thing.
02:11:13 Rying or Ryan G Dev and these poor women and what happens to them, what they choose to do, but what they miss out on because of it is bad enough. But with eyes looking at the future like.
02:11:26 A real white man.
02:11:27 I'm worried about the future of voting bloc of bitter spinsters.
02:11:31 Absolutely. Absolutely. What women that are married.
02:11:38 Vote completely different than women that are single.
02:11:42 And you're you're absolutely correct. They also have more time on their hands. And they I I don't know if there's an actual number on this, a statistic on this, but common sense tells me that better. Spencer spinsters probably vote more often as well, like they probably they're, and they're probably more aggressive.
02:12:02 When it comes to political activism, because what else do they have going on in their lives? Right. They gotta fill that time up with something.
02:12:09 And so you're going to have a.
02:12:10 Lot of bitter man hating.
02:12:14 Spinster left Lefty Connies voting.
02:12:19 And it is what it is.
Speaker 8
02:12:23 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:12:26 Miranda says I saw Gavin McGinnis Post asking if.
02:12:30 The Dutch woman seeking assisted suicide is the Jews fault. Taking inspiration from your deep dives, I looked into it. Turns out Netherlands was the first European nation to legalize it after facing pressure from a quote citizens rights group called of One's Free Will, which was founded by former health minister.
02:12:52 A Socialist Jew, uh people need to beware. Weapons of Jew or weapons of the Jew pouring drugs, assisted suicide, race mixing, going slop vaccines these by themselves may not always seem like a big deal, but together.
02:13:09 Result in collapsing in society and the people well and by themselves they're a big deal. And I I kind of I almost did what you did. I'm glad you did that because I suspected that. But it was one of those things where it was kind of irrelevant the way his his point was so ridiculous. And that's why he got ratioed so ******* hard. Harder than I've ever.
02:13:30 I I I didn't expect that, but I ratioed him not just once. Twice harder than I've seen any ratio maybe.
02:13:40 And it's because his point was is so absurd. It was the absurdity of his.
02:13:45 Shows you don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know if I bring it up.
Speaker 8
02:13:52 Let's see here.
Devon Stack
02:13:55 Don't worry, Sir, I'll let you.
02:13:56 Out in a minute.
02:13:58 You're the one that wanted it in.
02:14:04 All right, you gotta learn that when I'm streaming you don't just.
02:14:06 Get what you want all the time.
Speaker 8
02:14:09 Alright, let me see here.
Speaker 18
02:14:14 There's no easy, quick way to do this.
Devon Stack
02:14:26 Yeah. So here we go.
02:14:30 Where is that tool?
02:14:37 Yeah, I I just don't know it's.
02:14:39 I don't know how.
02:14:43 I don't know how he he can. He can be taken seriously anymore, honestly.
Speaker 8
02:14:48 It's at at that.
Devon Stack
02:14:49 At this point, it's starting to just look like.
02:14:54 You know like like.
02:14:56 It's it's no longer just casually or maybe being.
02:15:00 Maybe being like cautious about the Jewish topic now, it seems like it's.
02:15:06 It's aggressively running cover for Jews, right?
02:15:13 So here we go.
02:15:18 Dude, I told you. I'll get to you in a second.
02:15:21 You're going to be fine. Classified cats miraculously.
02:15:25 Leaving you alone.
02:15:27 For which I'm very thankful. Classified again.
02:15:31 I'm going to jinx it so here is.
02:15:36 Here is his tweet.
02:15:40 There was this video that was going around of this woman that that has chosen to kill herself, right? So this says, you know, Zora Terbeek, 20 year old woman from the Midlands will be undergoing euthanasia on in May due to severe mental health challenges.
02:15:56 Blah blah blah.
02:15:57 Gavin McGinnis says is this the?
02:15:59 Who's fault is it? Is it guys? Is it possible it's not just one religion, which again, he's trying to conflate religion with an ethnicity, creating all the ethno masochism? Can we just recognize there's something about whites where we want to end ourselves?
02:16:14 Really like. Speak for yourself, buddy. You wanted to end yourself or you're at least your genetic line. We see it as we see it in secular Jews too. Who are white? No, they're not. And see again this. It's so aggressive that it. It just seems like at this point it's not just like, oh, I'm scared to talk about.
02:16:35 It's.
02:16:35 Like, no, you're aggressively defending them with an agenda and a narrative in framing.
Speaker 8
02:16:41 That, that, that.
Devon Stack
02:16:42 Exists in every phrase. Here we have the same trait because we are the same. OK. I mean, so I just said, hey, look. Hey, look, guys, a mentally ill white woman wants to kill herself. I told you the Jews were ******* based.
02:16:57 So this was the first ratio.
02:17:00 Where again he got.
02:17:03 You know, I've got, like, basically quadruple the the likes.
02:17:09 On his own tweet and more retweets, of course. And then he's got 610 comments to his of people saying similar things. Right that to me.
02:17:19 So he decided to retweet my response.
02:17:22 I know that I feel weird doing this cause it does feel like petty drama E drama ****, but I do think it's worth a little bit of, you know. So what? So so I never do petty drama ****. I'm gonna do a little petty drama ****.
02:17:38 So he he.
02:17:39 Retreats this the hey guys, look, a mentally ill white woman wants to kill herself. I told the Jews her ******* based.
02:17:44 And.
02:17:44 He says this absolution of culpability is what we often blame the blacks for, not a doctor. It's racism phone.
02:17:53 And he has one retweet now. He had zero, and it was one of you guys, by the way, it says so I responded. I don't think I'm the one using Nigro. You.
02:18:01 Know I was.
02:18:01 Gonna say logic, but it's Twitter.
02:18:04 Right.
02:18:06 It's it's so convoluted, it's so convoluted.
02:18:11 It's the amount, that's why I can't believe that it's he's just misguided at this.
Speaker 9
02:18:16 Point.
Devon Stack
02:18:17 Because he's smarter than this. He's smarter than this, I think. And I don't know, I think that he is financially tied to Jews and some Jews in some way.
02:18:28 I don't have any evidence of that. I don't. I'm not claiming to have any evidence of that.
02:18:33 It just it's just my.
02:18:36 My feeling it's my feeling, not my facts. My feeling is there. There's some reason why you would want that.
02:18:45 And of course, for those just listening, he had, he had zero retweets.
02:18:50 With yeah, 24 hours later, he had zero retweets on that and to my 51, and my 874 likes to a 77. Again, I feel petty just even mentioning this, but I still I I'm I I don't know. I don't want to say I'm proud of it, but I was. I was.
02:19:06 I was surprised that that was the response.
02:19:08 And I feel like it's a good sign. It's a good sign, right? It's a good sign that the I feel like that this is not what would have happened had this exact same tweet scenario taken place even five years or maybe even two years ago, I don't know.
02:19:22 So that's a good sign. So it's worth mentioning for that, at least for that purpose.
Speaker 8
02:19:27 So anyway.
Devon Stack
02:19:29 Uh, let's take a look here.
02:19:34 And as you said, Marada I suspected and I didn't look, I didn't take the time because.
02:19:39 I was just being a.
02:19:41 A Snooty little little *******.
02:19:45 But I suspected.
02:19:47 That if I researched that, I would find that yeah, that that some either it would be you know it the the, the the the driving force behind that legislation what what having there is behind it. And I'm not surprised that that that appears to be the case.
02:20:05 No. See, no says. Hey, Devin. It's been a while since I was able to tune in. Hope Churro has recovered from his encounter with the Mexican. Happy Easter. How's the book coming?
02:20:16 Maybe the **** star wouldn't have killed herself if she was just staying in her home hometown and worked at a job with a local grocery store and keep going and going, going hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on, slow down, everybody.
02:20:31 Well, I'll tell you, Cheryl obviously is here and he's fine. And and taunting owls or something, bringing owls home. I don't know. I still don't know what the hell that was about.
02:20:41 And the book it's it's not like I said, I haven't had time to even. Unfortunately I was. I was on A roll for a little bit there like in, you know in December or I think it was December. I was like on A roll I.
02:20:54 Was getting pretty.
02:20:54 Close and then like.
02:20:56 Spring hits real early in the desert, and that opens up all kinds of.
02:21:01 Things you got to do outdoors, and so that's what I've been stuck.
02:21:04 Doing.
02:21:05 Uhm.
02:21:08 And the ****.
02:21:08 Well, I'll tell you what. She well, she didn't necessarily.
Speaker 27
02:21:13 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:21:14 Hello, Cheryl. Speaking of the devil.
02:21:17 Well, she didn't necessarily work.
02:21:20 At a all my buttons are missing.
02:21:24 I can't find any of my buttons here.
02:21:28 She didn't work today.
02:21:32 She worked at a telephone company and yes.
02:21:36 She could have easily have just kept doing that and everything would have been.
02:21:41 Here's a direct quote from Al Goldstein, the direct of the ****. And by the way, Al Goldstein, for everyone who's curious is is literally this **** Jew. That guy right there. Al Goldstein. The directed ****. I believe the quote comes from Hustler magazine quote.
02:22:00 The only reason that Jews are in ***********.
Speaker 8
02:22:03 Is that we?
Devon Stack
02:22:04 Think that Christ sucks, Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism. *********** thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture, and as it penetrates to the very heart of the American.
02:22:19 And is in no doubt consumed by those very same Wasps. Its subversive character becomes more charged. Yeah, that sounds. That sounds about right. Because I I thought I thought that quote was the other **** Jew that we mentioned tonight. But, you know, as I said earlier, he he didn't say that. He just said that he would make.
02:22:38 A poem with his daughter.
02:22:39 But I I.
02:22:40 That that sounds very close to what I.
02:22:42 Was.
02:22:43 What I was researching when I did the the the part and you audition was over a year ago. That was February of last year. So I couldn't remember which which which I mean so many **** Jews. I yeah. Which **** Jew said it.
02:22:56 Reverse says Howdy Devin, would you ever consider doing a stream on Starship Troopers? I know it's a bit of a corny movie, but.
02:23:04 I think it'd be.
02:23:04 A good one. After all, it's a favorite for guys on the right, plus an inspiration for games like Hell divers too. So it's still fairly relevant. What do you?
02:23:12 Say I don't know, maybe I don't know. Maybe.
02:23:15 A lot of times like.
02:23:17 There's a lot of movies.
02:23:19 That lots of people have have.
02:23:23 You know, done. Their done their dissection of and and had the added their commentary to and.
02:23:30 And I I prefer to to look after, you know, weird movies. Like a lifetime movie about a **** actress. I like to. I like to, you know, whatever. Whatever organically presents itself to me from the universe like.
02:23:46 This did today.
02:23:47 I almost did a different. It was almost the 90s.
02:23:51 About the like an EMP kind of a you.
02:23:55 Know.
02:23:56 Survival situation that was.
02:23:59 But it ended up being lame. Like I I I thought it was going to be better than it was. I watched it. It was just like this is. I mean, it was like a lot of the same stuff like ohh black people are the heroes and white people are bad and all the stuff that, you know, Hollywood always does.
02:24:12 So that's why I I kept looking after watching it.
02:24:17 Chosen Jawas, says Devin. I know it might be redundant.
02:24:21 This point, but I think we could all benefit from a stream or series covering 9/11 a lot of telegram and gave accounts references to Israelis involvement of 911, but they rarely provide comprehensive research. Most of us don't know as much as we should. Yeah, I would say, as I often do when people bring this.
02:24:40 Up.
02:24:41 Ryan Dawson, despite a a lot of his faults.
02:24:45 In other areas, does a fairly good job of breaking down a good portion of 9/11.
02:24:54 Like he's factually correct in a lot of.
Speaker 25
02:24:56 Stuff.
Devon Stack
02:24:57 And you can find the video the if you can manage to the problem with his videos is he's just he's just so bad at making.
02:25:05 He's really he's like the Mexican food of videos, right? Like the presentation. It just looks like garbage, but it tastes good. You know, you get past the fact that it looks kind of like vomit on a plate. You know? It's all right. It's just he, you know, he does such a bad job.
02:25:26 Of of putting those videos in look some of them, I get it because he was younger, but even the newer stuff doesn't seem like it's that great.
02:25:34 He just needs someone else that he'd be a good producer. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like he'd be a good guy to, like, collate all the information and maybe write some scripts and stuff and then get someone else to present it. But if you can, you know, and and I look, it's not. It's not that bad. I mean, you can make it through it, but it's.
02:25:53 Not going to be.
02:25:55 It's not going to be as pleasant as it could be.
02:25:58 But I would start there. I would start there at least and that would give.
02:26:02 You at least a good.
02:26:05 Overview of a lot of the stuff that is is is not just well researched but he, you know gives all the sources and all.
02:26:13 That stuff.
02:26:16 Steak and spanking says last month I was in Austria visiting my girlfriend and her family. We had a wonderful time seeing different places like Vienna and Salzburg, where I proposed to her. Well, congratulations. I loved how much I would say the N word around her family. They don't have the same aversion to that word.
02:26:36 Like in the US, it was awesome, really. In Austria, huh?
02:26:41 I I would have thought that would put you in. Isn't that where?
02:26:45 Mr. Bond, like, went to jail cause he was making racist rap songs.
02:26:52 So that that's a little surprising to me. I've never been to Austria though, but congratulations.
02:26:58 Cracker Bolts, 88, says these repulsive pieces of Jewish ship are going to burn in hell. For all the gory blood they've spilled, giving them award shows and dope to keep the broken shells of girls together and going and going. I ******* hate them so bad. Yeah.
02:27:18 I I I read you loud and clear. I'm keeping it rumble friendly, but I get you.
02:27:24 I gotcha.
02:27:26 Yeah, it's, you know, but like I said, it's it's more complicated than just the Jews in this scenario at least there are a lot of a lot of Shabbos, goys and Gentiles.
02:27:38 Oil greasing those wheels for them.
02:27:41 Steak and spank and says one of the things I love about her is that I talk about all of my political beliefs with her, including the holohoax, and she just listens to my rants and says it's cute to all men out there. You don't need a 1488 goth girlfriend, you just need a girl. They won't sell you out to the.
Speaker 15
02:27:58 Yes.
Devon Stack
02:27:59 Feds like my mum.
02:28:02 Well, there you go. Don't have a I I wish I had a. I've got all these buttons. I don't have one. That's.
02:28:08 Like an 0.
02:28:12 We need an. What do I have do?
02:28:14 I have anything else?
02:28:17 Everything that's even resembling that.
02:28:21 I guess this is the closest thing.
Speaker 19
02:28:23 I'm your density.
Devon Stack
02:28:28 Well, well, good for you. Stinking spanking, cringe, Panda says I forgot to ask, is it pulling or hungry? That is based. I want to go live in an exclusively 100% white country while sadly.
02:28:42 That does not exist anymore and I don't think Poland or Hungary are really based. I mean, it's all relative I guess.
02:28:51 Are they more based?
02:28:53 That America, sure. But for how long?
02:28:57 You know what I mean? Like, they're, they're they're. I think they're just a little behind.
02:29:04 In some ways, which might be fine, right? That might, that might be fine. That might be preferable.
02:29:10 To being ahead of the curve on on the diversity thing, right, that might.
02:29:14 Be a good thing.
02:29:16 But I suspect you Fast forward, you know, certainly like in 10 or 20 years.
02:29:23 And you're going to have very similar problems going on, maybe not to the same degree. I don't know. I've never been to.
02:29:30 To pull on door or hungry so.
02:29:33 You're asking the wrong guy.
02:29:35 Steak and spank and says also, I hate to admit that the **** has been a disease in my life since.
02:29:40 I was about.
02:29:41 12 I had no idea how much damage I was doing to myself. Mentally, I'm glad that it is mainstream knowledge now that **** is extremely addictive and evil. I hate myself sometimes that I've watched so much of that ****.
02:29:54 Well, I don't think that you're, you know, I don't think that you're a.
02:30:00 An an unusual case I think a lot of men, especially under the age of 40, have inevitably consumed, well, probably more, poor than almost every generation before them just because of the Internet. I mean, if, if the VCR's.
02:30:20 Made access to.
02:30:21 The **** so much easier that the port industry exploded in the 80s. Then. I mean, **** you don't even have to go to the video store and be embarrassed while you rent the video anymore. In fact, you have to be looking for ****. You just find, like **** just shows up on your like in Twitter.
02:30:42 Like you can just be, you can be looking for politics and stuff, and you're gonna just end up seeing ****, you know?
02:30:47 Just you can't get away from **** now.
Speaker 31
02:30:49 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:30:50 So I and yeah, you know, you should you feel maybe some shame. I think that maybe there's a healthy amount of shame, but you know, don't don't, don't don't dwell on it on the past too much. Just move on and move ahead and just make sure that the next generation is not tempted in the same way.
Speaker 24
02:31:10 That you were.
Devon Stack
02:31:12 Before Forever says Hi Dev and the first time I saw ****, I would have been about 14. I sensed a kind of evil going on. When I told a friend about this years later, he said. That's just your ******** Catholic upbringing. Trying to guilt you. He's a libertarian and said that there would be many more rapes if not.
02:31:31 ****. Yeah, that's the. That's the big argument. But.
02:31:35 No one has.
02:31:35 Yet provided a statistic that that shows a correlation between **** consumption and a a dramatic drop in rate.
02:31:46 So I I don't buy that for a second. In fact, I think especially with the amount of degeneracy that we're seeing that's normalized like with.
02:31:57 I mean, let's just face it.
02:32:01 Imagine even just.
02:32:03 20 years ago.
02:32:05 People openly talking about how their ohh I'm a ethical pedophile.
02:32:10 Oh, I'm pedophile. I just don't act on it. I mean, there was always these fringe weirdos like nabla existed back in the I think the 80s. But at least in the 90s, also, by the way, started by **** Jews.
02:32:21 But.
02:32:23 It was Super Fringy and everyone hated them, you know, and I guess, quote UN quote, ethical pedophiles are still fringy, but not to the degree that they were then. And I think that's the result of ****. I think that the normalization of of degenerate ***** has created a, you know, a view of.
02:32:43 You know of ****, of ********, of all this stuff?
02:32:47 So yeah, I mean it's way more damaging than just the obvious ways.
02:32:53 Let's take a look here, Tejas says. So what's your opinion on the soft stuff?
02:33:00 Playboy and penthouse? I I said it's it's all degenerate. What is? What is the? What is the the reason for it? It's the titillate, right?
02:33:11 That's what it's for. I'm not saying that you can't have beautiful women. You can't appreciate beautiful women in artistic ways. You know, the, the, the female form, you know, like the the, the, for example, like a Greek statue. Right.
02:33:29 A Greek nude statue. I don't think that that is meant.
02:33:34 To titillate, I don't think that it it does titillate. I think that there I think that it's one of those things.
02:33:42 That.
02:33:43 You know the answer to that question. I think you know the answer to that question.
02:33:49 I think that you know, when you look at an image, whether or not it's pornographic or not.
02:33:55 And I think that you might make justifications in the same way that a, a, a drug addict might like. I might have, right when I used to smoke pot 24/7 and it was, there was a period in my life when I did, and I would be like, oh, it's fine. I'm not sorry. I'm doing cocaine.
02:34:14 It's not like I'm smoking meth.
02:34:17 It's natural leads natural, like that's the excuse a lot of potheads like, right? No, it's natural. If God didn't want me smoking it, why did he make it growing out of the ground? It's like, well, does he want you smoking Poison Ivy that grows out of the ground?
02:34:34 And yeah, so like you'll make these weird justifications, but deep down, even when I was saying that, I knew, I knew I shouldn't been smoking pot.
02:34:44 And so I think there's people that.
02:34:47 You know, you have everyone knows. Everyone knows.
02:34:51 Whether something is designed to titillate, which I know is a funny word.
02:34:55 But you know.
02:34:57 Whether it's it's designed to do that or whether it's it's.
02:35:03 Does it radiate sexuality or does it radiate beauty?
02:35:08 And I don't think it's a fine line. I don't think so because like again, you look at a a Greek nude statue and in no way am I feeling anything sexual.
02:35:20 I'm feeling an appreciation for the the talent and the craft that went into making that and the.
02:35:25 Beauty of the.
02:35:26 The female form in a A I don't know what platonic way. I don't know what the OR it would have been.
02:35:32 A you know?
02:35:33 Word for that, but in a non sexual way.
02:35:37 Uh.
02:35:39 Split or Trace says. What do you think of this anti work mindset that people have recently lots of people have have this hate for a nine to five job which is I think being replaced by get rich quick schemes. That's always been around. I think it's being more.
02:35:59 As more people.
02:36:00 Feel entitled and just I think this is just as part of a, you know, a a crumbling empire that that has so much wealth that is evaporating. But it's still here for the time being.
02:36:12 People have always wanted that kind of a thing.
02:36:14 I mean even.
02:36:15 Back in, you know, like the 90s, right? If you watch TV late at night?
02:36:21 What was it? It it was, you know, for those of you too, too young to know the answer to that is it was infomercial after infomercial about just call this. Yeah it was like you know when you're on YouTube and they have all these stupid drop shipping ads and like oh look I drive a Lamborghini and if you want to know how I I figured out how.
02:36:40 To drive a Lamborghini.
02:36:42 Every day and only work 4 hours a week and then get millions of dollars, then sign up for my course. That's not new. That's not a new thing. They did that exact same ****.
02:36:52 In the 90s, late at night, maybe that be worth a stream where it was like, Oh yeah, call in now call it 1800, blah blah blah and and and give me 5999 and I'll send you a VHS copy of my seminar that tells you how to flip houses or, you know, something stupid like that. Like that. She's always been around. There's always been people.
02:37:12 That that want the easy way and what they don't realize.
02:37:16 Is really the only thing that separates most of the time the the only thing that separates successful people from unsuccessful people. It's not intelligence usually. I mean that, that that certainly helps you, but that's not that's not the the deciding factor it's it's it's just doing it right.
02:37:35 They're just doing the thing that everyone else is too lazy to do. I know some dumb *******.
02:37:41 People that are are wealthy and and not not because like they inherited it I I.
02:37:49 I know people.
02:37:49 That are, I mean, like they're good people and I'm not. I don't mean this is an offense, the.
02:37:54 Offensive thing to say.
02:37:55 But they're they're not. They're not the brightest bulb. OK, like these aren't people that are going to be.
02:38:01 Well, just look. They're probably like hovering around 90 IQ.
02:38:05 And they own their own business and they work like a dog. Like they work around the clock and they've got money and they've got their house paid off and they're good to go. And and and that's because they they ******* work, you know, 12 hour days, seven days a week. And I'm not saying that everyone has to do that, but.
02:38:25 It just goes to show that you can. You can definitely still do stuff and and and make it just by being there. That's half half the battle just showing up. And yeah, is there a lot of people who are that's too much to ask? Yeah. Is there a growing problem with the?
02:38:41 But probably I think that with, you know, young white kids, part of the reason is they're not getting like I I had my first job. I mean, you could say my first job I was like 10 delivering newspapers, you know, with my older brother at at four or five in the morning. But I mean, you know.
02:39:01 First real job I got the second it was legally allowed. In fact, I got a work permit so I could work before it was legally allowed so I could. I could work at 15, get to go down. And because we were allowed to get high, they were 16. But if you had a work permit, then you could do it at 15. And I went and did the I wanted a job I wanted.
Speaker 13
02:39:20 Right.
Devon Stack
02:39:21 You know, I worked a a ****** job and and.
02:39:25 You know, I've. I've never stopped since.
02:39:27 So it's that's half the battle. A lot of these young kids because and look and part of that's because all those jobs that teenagers would usually do, those are jobs that the illegal immigrants are doing now.
02:39:40 So that's why I'm partially why that's I think that's why that's happening.
02:39:46 Lowly scribing God's army says blood Meridian. I don't know what that means.
02:39:54 I'll quickly look it up.
Speaker 34
02:39:58 What is that?
Devon Stack
02:40:07 The book.
02:40:11 Alright. Well, I'll maybe. Uh, you've mentioned this before. I'll check it out. Maybe sometime uh, my fat little ******** toe. My fat little ******** toe.
Speaker 14
02:40:23 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 17
02:40:31 I'd like to return this duck.
Devon Stack
02:40:33 My fellow turtle, I don't give money to girls on the Internet. I don't give money to guys on the Internet, but I do give money to based disembodied voices in hopes that you can dig a mega pit with the cash thanks to the stream. Also, how do you feel about applying for the Nuremberg laws?
02:40:53 And picking a future wife. Wait, I don't understand that part of it. How how do you feel about applying the ohh. Applying the Nuremberg laws?
02:41:02 And picking a future life.
02:41:06 What do you mean by that? Like, not like the one drop rule or what do you mean by that? I'm not sure what you mean by that I look.
02:41:16 I for me.
02:41:21 Yeah. If I mean if you're white then?
02:41:22 You should want a.
02:41:25 Someone who's going to produce children that are of your people and are going to resemble you and and have the most in common with you and.
02:41:37 I mean is does that mean get?
02:41:39 Them genetically tested. I mean, I don't know.
02:41:42 But I don't know if.
02:41:43 That's really what you're asking either so.
02:41:46 Appreciate that ****, knuckle says. Definitely make that brain damage clip with a perfect for the flat Earthers and.
02:41:53 Custards. Well, there you go.
Speaker 8
02:41:59 I love pancakes.
Devon Stack
02:42:02 I haven't played that in a while.
Speaker 8
02:42:04 Yeah, I like pancakes. Do you hear me? I like pancakes.
Devon Stack
02:42:10 That song gets stuck in my head every time.
02:42:13 Do I even have it here?
02:42:18 Well, here's here's the short version of it, right?
Speaker 2
02:42:24 OK.
Devon Stack
02:42:32 I do like pancakes, by the way.
02:42:36 Let's see here Michael, 57 D.
02:42:41 Me. Hell demon. Hell, the gods. Hell, our folk. Some long overdue shekels to support your work. Usually I only catch the replays. I had to get up to send this a while back. I sent you a gab chat from gab. And then your thing about a matter I thought you should know about, but want to keep it private. All right.
02:43:01 I'll. I'll take a look. I. Yeah, I'm pretty pretty backed up on DM's on pretty much every platform right now.
02:43:09 And then you say I figured if the matter turns out to be Much Ado about nothing, I didn't want to cause problems for you or your protege. If it is something I figured you can deal with it privately as well. My protege, I don't know, have a protege, so yeah, but.
02:43:28 Sounds very cryptic. Sounds very cryptic, but I'll check it out. It's probably.
02:43:32 You know it's.
02:43:34 It's it's probably nothing because I don't have a protege, but we'll see.
02:43:40 White cake says.
02:43:43 Notice ISM is up a lunch break convoy at work about Israel bombing aid workers led to one of the older welders piping up saying Hitler was right. I was pleasantly surprised and we got into a got into Zogg and the whole bit. I don't meet many people in their late 50s who were that.
02:44:03 You piled. It was heartening. I don't think I've ever met anyone in there.
Speaker 19
02:44:07 You know above.
Devon Stack
02:44:08 50 at all that has been like.
02:44:10 That.
02:44:12 Teja says, damn it, do a collaboration with Ryan Doss on 9/11. I don't know.
02:44:18 He's a.
02:44:21 I don't know. Like I don't dislike the guy, but I dislike his his constant.
02:44:34 Kind of. Almost. Almost.
02:44:36 Anti white rhetoric, you know, like I want to say anti.
02:44:39 White but like.
02:44:40 Yeah, he's so anti. So anti racist. And you know what? He's Native American, right? I've never met a Native American that didn't have just like a.
02:44:50 A little bit of bitterness.
02:44:53 About white people and I get.
02:44:55 It I get it.
Speaker 8
02:44:57 But it's there. It's definitely there.
Devon Stack
02:45:01 And and look, he's been on so many things.
02:45:05 You know well, he I don't think he'd have anything to gain from it either, white cake says. Imagine how cool Gavin would be if he were anti-Semitic. Sadly, he's a cook. At least his buddy Anthony Cumia is racist as ****. His Twitter is a non-stop showcase of ******* being *******. I get the feeling that Cumia is a.
02:45:25 A jewel or is jewel aware even if if not explicitly? Yeah, I suspect he is too.
02:45:31 And her commandant says, hey, Devin, some shekels. This stream feels similar to the porinju addition. Good work as usual. It's always Jews and hedonistic. Luciferian libertarians. Yeah, usually, usually.
Speaker 8
02:45:46 Bessemer, Bessemer, 72.
Speaker 29
02:45:53 Why is money management?
Speaker 12
02:45:59 Thank you.
Devon Stack
02:46:00 By the way, Bessemer bees still never showed up. Still never showed up.
02:46:06 Yeah, the post office doesn't know where the bees went. They're just gone.
02:46:12 And I was thinking they'd show up dead.
02:46:15 I don't think they're gonna show up at all.
02:46:17 Hi, Devon. Jewish ears. Lean back. Whites are vertical. There you go. So there might be something skeletal behind that.
02:46:27 White Tiger Kingdom.
Speaker 17
02:46:30 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 13
02:46:41 Take it from me, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.
Devon Stack
02:46:44 White Tiger Kingdom. Check out the etymology of the word ***********. Instead of naming or labeling it appropriately, the subversive element in our society was purposely setting themselves up to win a speech freedom case in the Supreme Court to legalize the filth.
Speaker 6
02:47:04 Yeah, I'll, I'll.
Devon Stack
02:47:05 Take a look at that. I suspect the.
Speaker 8
02:47:09 Well, it's like.
Devon Stack
02:47:10 The word genocide didn't exist until World War 2.
02:47:15 A lot of people don't know that. Art Stanton.
02:47:18 Says just wanted to take a second to shill on your behalf. Hey, rumble viewers. Quit being cheap and throw Devin a few shekels. Well, there you go. Rumble, guys. That's a message from over here at Odyssey from Arch Stanton.
02:47:34 Crazy.
02:47:36 Hmm.
Devon Stack
02:47:39 I'm going to have the computer say that.
Speaker 10
02:47:43 Christoff.
Devon Stack
02:47:44 Oh, OK, that's a lot more.
02:47:47 More normal than I thought I would sound.
02:47:52 Christoph spelled maybe kind of weird, right?
02:48:01 Hey, Devin. Thank you for amazing work. Have you ever covered the 1994 documentary banging in Little Rock and has some relevant themes? A boomer with a with a savior complex wiggers and blacks waging a gang war plus a very 90s vibe? An interesting follow up to its.
02:48:22 Is kool-aid interview from HBO Extra?
02:48:26 I have never heard of that.
02:48:29 I'll add that to my list of things I've never heard of.
Speaker 15
02:48:34 There we go.
Devon Stack
02:48:38 White cake says. Imagine you conquer a country and you want to demoralize the people. You start an industry where you virtually enslave their young women and the OR and desecrate them, and then sell the footage of the act back to the men you've conquered so they can literally be caught.
02:48:56 Talk about evil, exactly. But also talk about being a **** if you're the one paying for those VHS tapes, like Carl, I mean.
02:49:05 They're still there, are still VHS.
02:49:07 ***** in that ******* place that I haven't gotten rid of yet because I just haven't. You know, there's just.
02:49:11 So.
02:49:11 Much **** in that place, and now I'm thinking I'm probably going to find, you know, with, with, with his selection. I'm probably going to find this chick this ******* dead chick on one of the one of the covers.
02:49:23 Andromeda says very sad. She fell into such a hellish life. If only this country was like it was in the 1950s, like the beginning of Pleasantville. Yeah, the 50s weren't perfect, but they were a damn sight more perfect than today. Cruise cross.
02:49:40 Cruise cross.
02:49:45 You know, I want. I want the sad one.
Speaker 19
02:49:48 There we are.
Speaker 10
02:49:49 Hello. I'm Amy. Hi, Amy.
Speaker 15
02:49:53 Hey, hey, hey.
Devon Stack
02:50:04 I'm so glad the second one I clicked was the sad one, cause I only it was like I have 100 this one, but it could have gone through a lot.
02:50:12 I think it was Al that did it. However, do you have more clips of Hitler's speeches translated to English? Thank you, Devin, for your hard work. No, I haven't. I I suspect that more of those will come out.
02:50:24 And maybe someone in chat has a link. I guess I I would guess there's probably some telegram that has.
02:50:32 A lot of that stuff, and hopefully that some of our guys are working on y'all tell you what, one thing it's hard to find in their entirety the the Hitler speeches in German. I think that's part of the hold up. It's hard to find the just the the original speeches to even run through an AI and then a lot of these API's that were available.
02:50:53 That were being used so much that they're now either behind paint walls or they've taken them.
Speaker 25
02:50:57 Down.
Devon Stack
02:50:58 I don't know which one they're using that.
02:51:00 That that's doing a good job, but I also suspect it's not doing like a perfect job and it takes a little bit of, you know, doing to make it all work. And if you know a lot of those things too, at least in my the ones I've seen you, you you probably have to pay money to get it to do a like let's say a speech is like 45 minutes long, which I'm assuming these are in their entirety.
02:51:20 Or, you know, at least, like at least 20 minutes or something. Uh, you have to pay money to use them, and I don't know how cheap they are, but that'd be worth I would. I would. I would assume someone's doing that.
02:51:32 But maybe they're not. Maybe they're not.
02:51:34 All right, we're going to check over here on Rumble. So they weren't totally cheap skates about it. We got rumble people over here.
02:51:44 Over here. Oh.
02:51:45 And the pause it cause every time I go to that tab.
02:51:49 Cringe Crafter says good stuff. Well, not really pretty sad stuff, but I'm curious. You seem to be friendly to Christianity, but religiously unattached. What do you think people should use as a standard for morality?
02:52:03 Well, I said I I'm it's a little unique situation that I'm in being raised Mormon, which I know a lot of Christians.
02:52:12 You know, recoil and horror at, but fundamentally it's not much different than any other established, organized Christian religion in terms of values and everything else, right. Maybe. Maybe the dogma and other stuff is the same I.
02:52:29 You know. Yeah, you're right. It's it's. It's weird being raised Mormon. And I'm thankful that I was because I think it taught me a lot of good things in a way that was easy to understand and in a way that it was effective. And I think that the, the retention that Mormons have says a lot.
02:52:49 About that.
02:52:52 And I think that I've I've I've mentioned before that ethnically to some degree I almost because my family, they they didn't just convert to Mormonism. They were literally part of the founding.
02:53:06 I think that there is.
02:53:10 You know, like a ethnic maybe it's not the right word, but I have, like, at least that kind of cultural connection to it, right. And I'm thankful for that. And I think that has has influenced my values in a positive way. But yeah, there's there doesn't appear to be any.
02:53:29 Including Mormons, there doesn't appear to be any kind of organized religion that is.
02:53:38 On our side, you know what?
02:53:40 I mean.
02:53:41 It just doesn't seem to. They seem to be in fact some of them are are openly hostile to us.
02:53:47 And so yeah, it's just one of those things that I don't have a good answer for, and I'll let you know if I ever if I ever find one. It's something I think about a lot.
02:53:58 But yeah, certainly I feel like I have. I have a lot in common with even the most yeah, with people who are who are very Christian and believe every word of it. And. And, you know, even if it's at their specific.
02:54:11 Sect. Whether it's Catholicism or whatever it is. Right. I I respect that and get it and and appreciate it. And I'm just coming. I just have a different.
02:54:23 I have a different path that I'm on.
02:54:26 Thief in law says grew up in the South. The 1st 2 songs I learned were Jesus loves me and Jingle Bells.
02:54:36 Shotgun.
Speaker 8
02:54:38 What?
Devon Stack
02:54:39 Jingle Bells. Shotgun shells. Oh, Granny had a.
02:54:42 None pulled from the trigger shot that nicker look at the ***** run from the gun.
02:54:51 OK, well I didn't learn any songs like that. That sounds sounds like you grew.
02:54:56 Up in the shower.
02:55:02 No one, pork says, hey we how hey we how have do you mean now have amateur gay **** filmed in literal Congress. How is that for progress? Yeah, exactly. Right. That's how men.
02:55:19 **** is.
02:55:21 There is actual gay **** being filmed in Congress.
02:55:25 No one's going to jail.
02:55:29 No one's going to jail and you know it's crazy. I came across the documentary when doing the research for this stream. Then I might look into further. But like when I was skimming through that one, they were talking about a case in 2002 where there there were **** Jews in LA, in LA and L ******* A.
02:55:49 In 2002.
02:55:52 Who are getting prosecuted?
02:55:54 For doing for using obscenity laws in LA, LA.
02:56:01 The LA District Attorney was prosecuting pornographers.
02:56:06 In 2002, for obscenity they had, like this naughty list like they would go after every, you know, like softcore **** or every kind of ****. But they had this list of things, you know, like the the more extreme stuff. And they were prosecuting ****.
02:56:21 Jews and the **** Jews are moving up to.
02:56:25 San Francisco to avoid.
02:56:27 You know those kinds of situations?
02:56:30 But I mean that was.
Speaker 8
02:56:33 2020 some odd years ago.
Devon Stack
02:56:36 They were still prosecuting pornographers and now you can but **** someone on camera in in Congress.
02:56:46 And.
02:56:47 In a in a Senate.
02:56:48 Senate Committee or hearing room or whatever that was.
02:56:51 And yeah, no big deal. And look, most people have already forgot that happened. It's it's so yeah, lots of progress there.
02:57:02 Uh. And then you say this is like Forrest Gump, where he has no value to Jenny until he is a millionaire. She has 100 ***** in her, is a single mom and has aids. Many such cases, exactly. And talking about the how she started started going after the well not well. Yeah. The the guy that she forgot.
02:57:21 To pick up from the.
02:57:22 From the airport.
02:57:26 Geez, yeah. Imagine being that guy. Just like holy ****. And I I knew I was rolling the dice with this chick. But yeah, I mean, I.
02:57:32 Expected you to pick me up from the airport?
02:57:35 You know, uh, we got over here.
02:57:40 Couple answers here I think.
02:57:44 9:00-ish review says 11 labs dot IO, AI voice cloner server services is a pay service costs about $900 to do the whole book of my conf.
02:57:58 There are probably some ones that aren't as good. You can probably use for free or cheap, so yeah, that's that's. I think that's the the bump in the road. I I guarantee people will do it and this stuff will get freer and cheaper and and just better. So it'll happen. Just wait I mean it.
02:58:17 Just this technology in general sounded insane. Not that long ago, and now it's it's, you know, it's it. It'll be more available.
02:58:25 OSA 567 says what was the MP movie you were thinking of covering?
02:58:33 It was called like Trigger Point or something like that. It's funny because again, this is how these things happen. I was listening to Art Bell. Like I said that I, you know, listen to sometimes and it was an episode from 1996 and I click it on and he's like and he started the show.
02:58:50 With oh you.
Speaker 8
02:58:51 Guys, you got to see this movie.
Speaker 9
02:58:54 It's crazy, it's.
Devon Stack
02:58:55 Eerie. You know, you gotta check it out. I was like, yeah, why not? Art bell from the past, from beyond the grave telling me to check out a movie. I'll check it out. And it was like he was like I get why he.
02:59:06 Liked it but.
02:59:08 It's got a. It's got the chick from adventures and babysitting in it.
02:59:14 Something shoe or something like that. You know, you guys know I'm talking about and everyone else is kind of an A no name.
02:59:24 There's the.
02:59:26 There's another guy that I've seen him. I think I've seen him in some Tarantino films where he always plays like the the Psycho and he plays the psycho in this one. He just always he was in the 90s. He was just like the the go to Psycho Guy, I guess at the casting room.
02:59:40 UM.
02:59:42 But yeah, it was. It was. It was all right. But it was again. It was very ohh black people. Good white people crazy. It's going to be the black people that save you from from you know the the the power outage for the the black people prepared and you know.
02:59:59 It it's really.
03:00:01 It's. It's what you.
03:00:02 Would think it would be. It's it's a 90s.
03:00:03 Moving, you know, but it's not so.
03:00:07 He wasn't so egregious, but it wasn't so outside of, like the 90s norm that it was worth doing, you know. And it wasn't interesting enough or, I mean, there was a lot. Look, I I mean, I could have made something out of it, right? Because there there was enough stuff. Like there was enough like the gay 90s, metrosexual men who are afraid to get a gun.
03:00:27 And just like all this other you know, ****, that is it. Look, it it just wasn't worth it though. Like I just felt like.
03:00:34 I would have been phoning it.
Speaker 24
03:00:35 In if I'd used it.
Devon Stack
03:00:38 And then, Calamity says first time done and thanks for all you've done. Devin, I appreciate that.
03:00:44 And I think that is it, guys.
03:00:48 All right.
03:00:50 Well, thank you very much. I will post on social media when we're going to be live, if we're going to be live on another stream next week. Like I said, I suspect it'll be Vincent James, but we haven't actually. It's all. It's just penciled in right now, but we'll figure something out otherwise, probably no stream Wednesday.
03:01:10 And we'll do the stream Saturday as per usual, same bat time, same bat channel.
Speaker 6
03:01:16 In the meantime.
Devon Stack
03:01:19 Uh, calamity came in one more time, and there here's some more shekels from this spergy, Fagot. Well, there you go, calamity. I appreciate that.
Speaker 6
03:01:29 For black pilled.
Devon Stack
03:01:31 I am of course.
Speaker 8
03:01:35 Devon stack.
Speaker 15
03:01:37 Part of I grew up in Berkeley, where feminism was born. I heard the loud arguments growing up and the main argument that I got when I was young was that feminism is the power to decide.
03:01:48 Own life. Not for me. After saying you must be right, you must only be a nurse. You must only be a.
03:01:53 Teacher it's to.
03:01:54 Open up all opportunities to go into business, to go into banking, to go into the sex industry. I.
Speaker 16
03:01:59 To not allow your husband to say I won't let you do.
Speaker 15
03:02:02 That right, I I have some of that having power over your own life and do.
03:02:06 What you want?
03:02:07 To do with it, which I do.
Speaker 12
03:02:08 Are you?
03:02:09 Yes. So my comment is, so Rob, most latest work I have a lot more respect for them, whatever their chosen career than I do for ladies who are on welfare. And I mean who are able to work and are on welfare and keep spitting out 13 kids. They're leaving off my.
Speaker 9
03:02:25 Thank you.
Speaker 12
03:02:26 Money. Thank you very much.