05/08/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 70.00:00:11 Who? Who 88, 8288?
00:00:20 1329713297.
00:00:30 60318.
00:00:35 603-182-6319.
00:00:44 263-193-7842.
Speaker 2
00:01:06 I work all night. I work all day to pay the bills. I have to pay pay.Speaker 3
00:01:11 Hey.Speaker 2
00:01:13 And steal them never seems to be a single penny left for me.Speaker 4
00:01:19 It's too bad in my dreams I have a plan. If I got me a wealthy man, I wouldn't have to work at all. I flew around and have a ball.Speaker 3
00:01:46 World Monday, Monday, Monday, Sunday.00:02:01 All the things I could do.
00:02:13 It's a rich man's world.
Speaker 2
00:02:18 A man like that is hard to find, but I can get.00:02:21 Him off my mind.
Speaker 4
00:02:23 They need sand.Speaker 2
00:02:26 And if it happens to be free, I bet you wouldn't fancy me.Speaker 4
00:02:31 That's too bad. I must leave. I'll have to go to Las Vegas or Monaco and win a fortune.00:02:43 Game my life better be the same.
Speaker 3
00:02:58 Monday, Monday, Monday, Sunday.00:03:25 Must be.
00:03:30 Monday, Monday, Monday, Sunday, all the things.
00:03:50 World.
Speaker 4
00:03:54 It's a rich man's world.Speaker 5
00:04:41 Things to be things that are without me. I realize that I can see.00:04:54 Sign is so many changes.
00:05:15 Game of life is hard to play. Lose it anyway.
00:05:27 Just so all I have to say.
00:05:33 Suicide is famous.
00:05:38 So many changes.
00:06:19 Sort of time will Pierce us here. Doesn't hurt when it's.
Speaker 6
00:06:28 Because.Speaker 5
00:06:28 It works its way on.00:06:31 The thing was wrong for watching.
00:06:38 Suicide is pain changes.
00:06:55 Brave man, once we requested.
00:06:59 Answered questions that are.
00:07:03 He said to be or not to be. The eyes replied no. Why ask me?
00:07:14 Suicide is famous.
00:07:18 So many changes.
00:07:31 The same thing with you free.
Speaker 7
00:08:02 Welcome.Speaker 3
00:08:02 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:08:04 To the insomnia stream.00:08:09 Suicide Jew addition.
00:08:12 I'm your host, of course. Devon stack.
00:08:16 Tonight we're going to talk about.
00:08:20 Two different kinds.
00:08:23 Of.
00:08:24 Ah, that's by I guess you could say a a suicidal type of hotspot.
00:08:32 That emerges, it's it's two different kinds or two flavors of the same kind. Let's just put.
Speaker 9
00:08:38 It that way.Devon Stack
00:08:41 It's a kind of hoot spread that seems to emerge in Jews.00:08:46 That ends up biting them in the ***.
00:08:51 And I think that on some level, we're witnessing some of that going on today.
00:08:58 This all started out with. I was looking kind of into the the burning Madoff stuff.
00:09:04 And you know Bernie Madoff, of course, the the famous Jewish Ponzi scheme.
00:09:13 I guess conductor.
00:09:16 From.
00:09:18 About a decade or so ago.
00:09:21 And when I was poking around and into the Bernie Madoff thing, I I I wondered to myself, well, you know.
00:09:29 How many of these scams happen and like with what frequency and what percentage of them, are Jewish?
00:09:39 And as it turns out.
00:09:44 A lot of are Jewish, obviously.
00:09:48 And a lot of them happened right around the same time. In fact, one of the ones we're going to talk about the night was overshadowed by the the Bernie Madoff scandal because Bernie Madoff was was was so big that it it knocked it off the headlines.
00:10:08 But first.
00:10:10 We're going, we're going to talk about.
00:10:13 The the well, his name is Samuel Israel.
00:10:18 So I only have to guess.
00:10:20 The early life on this guy.
00:10:24 Because it's funny, because in the case of of Bernie Madoff, Samuel Israel and the other case, we're going to discuss.
00:10:30 They all come from money. It's not like it's not like some poor Jew. One day was like, oh, it sure would be nice to be rich.
00:10:40 You know, to have some money, I'm going to scam the golem, and then I'll finally have some. I'll be able to afford a nice car and and get a girlfriend and whatever I it it's. It's never like some clever, you know, St. Hood Jew. That's just hustling and scamming.
00:11:00 His way to a uh a like a level of wealth that's reasonable.
00:11:08 It's always in every case that I researched and when I covered two of these tonight.
00:11:16 It's always Jews who are already wealthy. They already have money. Imagine that they already have money and in in, in the case of this first example, a lot of money.
00:11:31 And for some reason it's just not enough. It's not enough. In fact, it almost seems like it's not even about the money, or if it's about the money. It's about the money in some weird way that that you and I probably don't understand.
00:11:51 It's, it seems to.
00:11:52 Be more about the the trickery.
00:11:56 And the status and and and the same could be said about Bernie Madoff.
00:12:02 He had he had lots of money, he.
00:12:04 Had legit businesses.
00:12:07 There was no reason for him to be doing the the Ponzi scheme.
00:12:15 In the case of this first example, Samuel Israel.
00:12:21 Now he came from from big money.
00:12:24 This is his.
00:12:27 I think his grandfather Leon Israel.
00:12:32 See Leon Israel made his money.
00:12:37 Well, a lot of the way, a lot of Jews made their money at the time that he was around.
00:12:43 By utilizing slave labor.
00:12:49 Uh to uh run sugar and coffee into America from South America.
00:12:59 So I mean, this was a literal plantation owner.
00:13:05 Jew. He was a slave Jew. He lived in the South, lived in New Orleans, supported the Confederacy. I mean, he's he was, he was. He was the kind of he was the, quote UN quote, white man, that all the black people are mad at.
00:13:24 So we got this, this guy Leon Israel.
00:13:29 There's the Leon Israel and Brothers, incorporated importers and exporters.
00:13:39 They controlled a lot of the pretty much all of the coffee imports into America and a lot of the sugar imports into America.
00:13:50 There's a old photo of their office.
00:13:56 They the family moved to New York, though.
00:14:01 The family moved to New York and the early 1900s.
00:14:06 Early to mid 1900s.
00:14:08 To be because they they moved so much product.
00:14:13 They were getting into commodity trading because they controlled the commodities.
00:14:21 They had they, I mean.
00:14:23 When you control the flow of coffee.
00:14:27 Into the United States.
00:14:30 Then you know exactly, you know, the score you you know exactly what's going to happen to the price of coffee. Cause you know every little detail of that. Now for those of you don't understand what commodity trading is and it's gambling like like everything on Wall Street. It's ******* gambling. It's legalized gambling. It's in fact it's it's gambling and speculation that.
00:14:50 Drives up unnecessarily the price of products so that essentially Jews can get their cut.
00:14:58 On just random things you can you can trade pork bellies, you can trade orange juice. You can trade oil, or you can trade coffee.
00:15:09 Not actually technically physically, like everything that like every way that the Jew makes money, you don't actually technically physically produce any of this stuff or like touch it.
00:15:20 With your hands.
00:15:22 You just have a lot of money.
00:15:24 And you go to the exchange and you say I want to buy I I think for whatever reason.
00:15:31 The price of orange juice is going to skyrocket because it's it's going to be a a, a bad crop. There's going to be a short of a shortage of oranges, right?
00:15:42 When they go over, what is this trading places? I think the movie with Dan Aykroyd.
00:15:48 That that's actually probably a movie to look into, but they that's the example they use, right?
00:15:55 Where you've got orange juice.
00:15:57 That's that's that's traded on the the Commodity Exchange and if you buy it well, it's.
00:16:04 Cheap and then the price goes up. You can sell it while it's expensive and you just made money by doing nothing.
00:16:13 By literally doing nothing.
00:16:16 And and who pay? Who picks up the bill? Well, it's the the.
00:16:19 Consumer at the end of the day, right?
00:16:23 So if you know.
00:16:24 If you have insider knowledge of the coffee business, what the status is of the the crops in South America.
00:16:33 The the shipping lanes.
00:16:35 The what the sales are like in previous years, I mean, you've got all the documentation, you know exactly how the sales of coffee is tracking. You know how much money is going to be spent on marketing because?
00:16:47 You're going to be doing the spending.
00:16:51 And so that's exactly how they were making their money.
00:16:56 This is Leon Israel junior.
00:17:00 In fact, I found an article of him.
00:17:03 Being investigated by the FTC in the 1950s because the FTC was trying to figure out what was going on with the price of.
00:17:13 Of coffee, it seemed like it was being manipulated, and in fact the price was so cheap. At one point, even though the coffee was coming from Brazil.
00:17:23 Brazil was buying their coffee in New York, Brazilian coffee and then shipping it back to Brazil because it was cheaper to buy it in New York than just locally in Brazil. And and that didn't make any sense to the FTC.
00:17:38 I don't know what came with because I couldn't find anything beyond that.
00:17:43 But we're talking lots of lots and lots and lots of money in this family.
00:17:49 And here's a clip where an investigative journalist describes.
00:17:55 The kinds of people.
00:17:58 That Sam Samuel Israel the third.
00:18:03 Samuel Israel is one of the brothers in the Leon Israel and Brothers Coffee.
00:18:09 So that was.
00:18:12 I guess not his grandpa so much as like his great uncle or I don't know. Whatever you would call that. But it's the same.
00:18:19 It's all in the family.
00:18:21 And these are the kinds of people that uh hung out with that family.
Speaker 6
00:18:28 The people with the Israelis moved with had more money than anyone and and he means anyone in the world. The social circle with Sandy Wyle, Larry Tish, Alan Greenspan.Devon Stack
00:18:39 He's hanging out with Alan Greenspan.Numbers Lady
00:18:41 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:18:42 For those who don't know, he was the former head of the the Federal Reserve. So like basically the alpha Jew of the world when it comes to money.00:18:54 The money the the most powerful money Jew in the world.
00:19:00 So that's the kind of money this guy comes from. He doesn't need to scam people.
00:19:06 To get money.
00:19:08 He's got plenty of money.
00:19:11 These people sneeze.
00:19:14 And and and more more money comes out of their nose than you make in a year.
00:19:20 It's it's ridiculous, but all the same.
00:19:25 Samuel Israel the third?
00:19:29 Wanted to make even more money.
00:19:32 He wanted to to to be a shining star in the Israel dynasty.
00:19:39 So he went to Wall Street. He learned how to do trades, learned all the different scams that they did because there was a lot of scams going on and in Wall Street that this is this was in the 80s and 90s.
00:19:56 And as they describe here, you know, is it really a scam? This is how these people think. I want you to think because you'll see a lot of this same kind of thought process in the next example. Is it really a scam if everyone's doing?
Speaker 3
00:20:10 Hey man.Speaker 6
00:20:11 So Sam was taught how to get a stock in and out how to fill in tickets, how to be on the floor, fight your way into a trade. But he's also told how to steal inside information how to front run all the scams that were basically an open joke on Wall Street. They weren't considered illegal because everyone was doing. They can't come up cheating.00:20:31 If everybody's cheating.
Devon Stack
00:20:34 Yes you can, but I guess you know, if you're town ludic.00:20:38 You can't call it turning on a light switch. If instead of flipping this the electricity onto the bulb, you're just covering the bulb with a little piece of plastic, right? Like and you know forever looking for the loophole of how you're tricking God and God can't figure out that you're doing something wrong.
00:20:57 So if you have that kind of morality, that kind of morality that's fundamentally incompatible with with our people and our societies, which is why these people always end up in in the position that Samuel Israel will.
00:21:09 Find himself in.
00:21:12 You can come up. You can. You can figure out all kinds of of reasons why it's OK to cheat people.
00:21:20 And so he did. And for those of you wondering, some of that stuff is like, what was it? Front loading just called.
Speaker 6
00:21:28 Patient had a front run all.Devon Stack
00:21:30 Front running. So that's like if you work.00:21:33 For a broker.
00:21:35 And you get called to buy, let's say a big investor is going to buy.
00:21:43 Like, imagine like if you worked for a crypt crypt Nugget I'll get make a crypto example cause that'll make more sense to more people I think. Let's say you work for Binance and one of the whales is going to buy 500,000 Bitcoin like some ridiculous amount. So much Bitcoin that it's going to actually affect the price of Bitcoin.
00:22:04 Like Bitcoins going to go.
00:22:06 Up.
00:22:07 And so imagine and look, I guarantee you some exchanges do this. You have an algorithm that detects this gigantic purchase.
00:22:18 And before it completes that purchase, knowing that the price is going to go up, it automatically purchases a bunch of Bitcoin before it. It makes the transaction for the real buyer.
00:22:32 Because you get free money that way. If you know that, like the price is going to jump up because of this massive purchase and you purchase, you know, not not enough to let you know, raising your eyebrows, but just enough.
00:22:48 To where you're basically it's insider trading.
00:22:51 And then you make you complete their purchase after you've made yours, and then the price jumps up. You can sell it immediately and you just made free money for doing nothing, for bringing nothing to the table and adding no value to anybody at all, basically just stealing.
00:23:06 From all the people who don't have that insider information.
00:23:11 And that's that's the kind of stuff that was was normal. That's the kind of normal activity that was going on, especially in the 80s and 90s.
00:23:19 And that's the kind of stuff that Samuel Israel was doing to make some money.
00:23:27 So he wanted to graduate from just doing stock trades and doing skeevy little deals like that on Wall Street.
00:23:37 To actually he he discovered.
00:23:39 That all the really rich people.
00:23:43 All the really rich people they invested with hedge funds.
00:23:49 And a hedge fund was like an and it it wasn't like a a mutual fund, but it sort of was. It was like an invite only mutual fund.
00:23:59 The hedge fund was like a bunch of money that was managed by a a whiz kid that that knew that they could outperform the market, right?
00:24:12 And so if you would, you could if.
00:24:14 You have the money.
00:24:16 You could pay a million like a lot of the hedge funds. The minimum was $1,000,000. You give them $1,000,000 to some whiz kid who knows the market and is going to have like a good return like say 10% or so. That was considered decent from a hedge fund.
00:24:34 And you know that's, that's where the which was, you know, that's better than most investments, right. If you get 10 to 15% off of your $1,000,000 annually, that's.
00:24:46 That's great.
00:24:48 So he thought, well, I'm going to start my own hedge fund.
00:24:54 And I'm going to start it in the the basement of my my mansion here because again, he was already.
00:25:02 I already had tons of money.
00:25:05 So in 1996.
00:25:09 He starts by you, LLC.
00:25:15 By you LLC. There he is. There's San Israel there on the right.
00:25:21 And he decides in order to attract more investors, he'll lower the buy in to $250,000.
00:25:31 That way you don't need $1,000,000 to play. You know it's almost like having the cheap tables at at in Vegas.
00:25:37 Yeah, let's. I'll. I'll reintroduce $2.00 tables in Vegas.
00:25:44 And he also said that he wouldn't take a Commission because a lot of these big hedge fund managers will take a 2% Commission.
00:25:55 Off of, you know, on top of, you know, as a management fee on top of you know, you having to have the minimum and everything else.
00:26:04 So he does this and his strategy is to do essentially day trading, short term trades, high yield trades.
00:26:14 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:26:15 And he's got this big name now. His uncle, after all, was the head of the coffee and sugar exchange.00:26:24 Even if he was investigated by the FTC.
00:26:28 He's and he's hanging out with with ****** ******* Alan Greenspan.
00:26:33 And in the 80s and 90s, the stock market was doing gangbusters.
00:26:39 You know, it was almost impossible to lose money.
00:26:44 So he had all this going for him, and then he also made like, this sweet deal, you know, make made the cheaper buy in.
00:26:50 Make it so there's not as there's no there's no management percent, you know, Commission on these guys.
00:26:57 To take.
00:26:59 And.
00:27:01 He's just really bad at it.
00:27:04 He's really, really.
00:27:06 Bad at it.
00:27:09 Dysgenics.
00:27:11 Has apparently been going on.
00:27:14 In the Israel dynasty.
00:27:18 He doesn't have the same.
00:27:21 Magical twinkle in his eye that Leon Israel had.
00:27:26 As he managed slaves producing coffee and sugar for him.
00:27:33 Or even his uh.
00:27:35 His uncle Leon.
00:27:38 The second I guess.
00:27:41 Who was the?
00:27:44 Head of the the coffee and Sugar exchange.
00:27:48 He was just some ******* third generation rich kid.
00:27:52 I suspect it goes back further than that, but you know, third generation that at least I know of.
Speaker 9
00:27:57 That I could trace it back.Devon Stack
00:28:00 He was just some **** **** rich kid.00:28:04 And so, even though the market in 1996, the S&P went up 20%.
00:28:11 And then it went up 31% in 97.
00:28:15 His hedge fund had a 12% loss.
00:28:21 So he wasn't even outperforming.
00:28:24 You know, just normal mutual funds.
00:28:29 And this was unacceptable. If you wanted more people to keep investing money, if you went back to these people that invested their money and said, you know, you know this market that's going on, where everyone's just making because, you know, bubble type stuff was going on. Everyone was buying everything or anything with the word tech in it.
00:28:49 Or cyber in it.
00:28:52 Or online or you know anything. You know E anything.
00:28:57 So everyone was getting rich, but somehow if you invested your money with with Sam Israel here, you were losing, losing 12%.
00:29:06 And if word got out, then.
00:29:08 That if you invest with Sam Israel, you can't even make money during like a a boom. You know, he was going to be out of business. That wouldn't have mattered, right? It wouldn't have mattered.
00:29:19 Because he's he comes from a rich family. He lived. He already lived in a mansion.
00:29:25 He already lived in a mansion.
00:29:28 He could have just said, uh, you know.
00:29:30 I guess I suck at this. I'm going to do something else.
00:29:34 Hey, mommy, give.
00:29:35 Me. Millions of dollars and it would have happened.
00:29:39 But no.
00:29:41 He decided he was going to fake the financials.
00:29:45 And tell his investors that they were making money.
00:29:52 And so he starts telling the investors that he's making money with these fake financials.
00:29:59 And after a couple years of of, on paper, at least a reasonable return.
00:30:08 People start.
00:30:09 Investing more money.
00:30:13 And and and instead of just having accounts with maybe $250,000, he's starting to have accounts with with millions of dollars.
00:30:23 So then he decides to, because now he's getting all this money coming in, even though it's.
00:30:27 All on paper.
00:30:29 Right.
00:30:31 It's all on paper.
00:30:33 But he wants to be the big boy Jew.
00:30:36 He wants to show up his family that he. I'm just as I'm just as clever as you guys, apparently.
00:30:43 He uses that money to get a mansion in Stamford, CT, even though he's.
00:30:47 Still losing money.
00:30:50 And so instead of doing his uh his business out of the basement.
00:30:55 Of the mansion he just got for free for being an Israel in New York. He's now living in in Stamford, CT.
00:31:03 And still losing money. But now they're starting now they're down over.
00:31:08 A couple $1,000,000.
00:31:12 And they have a third party auditing firm that's going to notice that they're down a couple $1,000,000 and that he's using this money to buy mansions and and cars and stuff.
00:31:26 So he gets his one of his partners, Dan Marino, not the football player.
00:31:34 To make a fake auditing firm.
00:31:39 Called Richmond Fairfield Associates.
00:31:43 And so they can tell people, oh, yeah, we're being honored by Richmond Fairfield Associates.
00:31:50 Even though they're, you know, it's a totally made-up company.
00:31:55 And because of this, he's able to lure in.
00:31:59 More and more investors, because this auditing firm is saying that, Oh yeah, everything looks great. Everything's on the up and up.
Speaker 10
00:32:09 This fund was making a, quote UN quote, making around 10 to 15%, which was just right. That sounded just just right. It was a very steady walk. Don't run kind of fun and all that sounded perfect to me. That's just exactly what I wanted.Devon Stack
00:32:27 So you're getting these, you know, there's.00:32:30 Still, rich people.
00:32:32 Putting their putting their boomer bucks in. But they're not like the mega rich. It's just like, I don't know, like.
00:32:41 Up like lower, lower, upper class.
00:32:44 Clients, I guess you can say.
00:32:48 So these lower upper class people are putting their money in, they're they're seeing the the returns on the paper going, that's this is good. It's not too suspicious. They're not saying anything too crazy in terms of the returns. And so I'm just going to like, keep it in there.
00:33:03 I'm like, why would you take your money out if it's just getting, you know that number is just growing. We're gonna let it ride. We're gonna let it ride it. Let's gambling. We're gonna let it ride.
00:33:15 Eventually.
Speaker 11
00:33:16 Right.Devon Stack
00:33:17 Pension funds.00:33:19 Start to invest in his his hedge fund.
00:33:24 And it's not. It's no longer just private parties.
00:33:29 But bigger and bigger clients are coming in because they're hearing the good news about this steady, you know, 10 to 15% increase from this, this, you know, Jewish genius who is friends with Alan Greenspan.
00:33:47 Eventually he gets so much money.
00:33:50 From these larger pension funds and in fact other other investment firms, are now as part of our port portfolio, investing in his hedge fund.
00:34:03 He decides the to.
00:34:05 Go from being a couple $1,000,000 in the hole secretly.
00:34:09 To being uh.
00:34:11 10s of millions of dollars in the hole.
00:34:15 While having a portfolio of hundreds.
00:34:17 Of billions of dollars.
00:34:21 And in 2002.
00:34:26 After you had the bubble.
00:34:29 Pop finally, pop.
00:34:31 And 911 happened, you know, so the stock market was kind of in the in the *******, a lot of other clients were rushing to these hedge funds.
Speaker 12
00:34:41 To put money.Devon Stack
00:34:42 Because they didn't trust the stock market and they didn't trust other investment vehicles because of all the the losses that were incurred because.Speaker 9
00:34:51 Of the dot.Devon Stack
00:34:51 Com bubble in in 9/11 everything. But here's this hedge fund that's reliably making 10%.Speaker 9
00:34:59 Return.Devon Stack
00:35:01 So he's making so much money now, he actually gets this house. He rents this house from Donald Trump.00:35:09 He rents this house from Donald Trump. It's in Bedford, NY, and the rent, and this is in two.
00:35:14 1002 money.
00:35:16 The rent is $22,000 a month.
00:35:20 For this House right here.
00:35:22 It's got 13 bedrooms.
00:35:26 So he's in this 13 bedroom mansion.
00:35:30 He hired some chick to paint up the place and make, you know, customize it for him and.
00:35:37 And gets her to. You know, she sees that he's got the fat wallet. And so he starts banging her on top of that.
00:35:45 And yeah, all the time. He's he's actually even though he's living in this $22,000 a month mansion.
00:35:55 He's he's terrible at it. He's terrible at investing and he's still losing money.
00:36:02 He's like he's actually, believe it or not, he's trying.
00:36:08 Sort of trying to fill the hole or imagining that someday.
00:36:14 It's going to happen automatically, or or enough people will give them money to where it'll just all.
Speaker 9
00:36:19 Work out.Devon Stack
00:36:21 But at the same time, he's living lavish.00:36:25 And.
00:36:27 Yeah, it doesn't seem to mind stealing. All you know, literally, it's 10s of millions of dollars. He's he's stolen from people at this point.
00:36:37 He's buying Bentleys.
00:36:41 And it just doesn't seem to matter how much he he trades, every single, every single quarter. He's he's down more millions of dollars.
00:36:51 Now here's where it gets kind of funny.
00:36:57 He's he starts to really lose his **** because he's the the debt is so high now, like it's in the 10s of millions of dollars.
00:37:09 And he is doing all kinds of like, he's like on Xanax and Oxycontin, like, just doing all kinds of drugs, partying all the time and just being a ******* psycho.
00:37:23 And he gets scammed, the scammer gets scammed.
00:37:28 Some guy, some mysterious man, shows up.
00:37:33 And says that he's a former CIA agent.
00:37:38 He's a former CIA agent and that he can can get him 100% return.
00:37:48 If he invests in this super secret and CIA investment, that is, that's meant to pay for black operations.
00:37:58 And all he has to do is wire $150 million to this super secret CIA guy. And as collateral, he'll provide him with this. This totally real suitcase.
00:38:16 From the Federal Reserve with $100 million in in bonds, the only problem is the Federal Reserve does not issue bonds.
00:38:25 But yeah, so either. Here's the thing. Either you believe that this, this guy, I mean, this is real photos of the evidence, right? Either you believe this guy really got scammed. And is this much of a ******* ******? Which is, which is possible or he's.
00:38:41 Trying to come up with excuses why there's.
00:38:44 Lots of money missing.
Speaker 13
00:38:47 Which we'll get into in a second.Devon Stack
00:38:50 So he tries to wire the money. There's the.00:38:55 Look, the totally real $100 million suitcase.
00:39:00 He tries to wire the money to this bank account in London.
00:39:05 And the bank account London is like, OK.
00:39:09 It's not often that someone just tries to wire $100 million somewhere. This is.
00:39:14 This doesn't seem right.
00:39:16 And so they actually return the transfer.
00:39:20 And because they suspect that there's fraud in.
Speaker 7
00:39:23 Called.Devon Stack
00:39:25 He then gets apparently wrapped up in some scheme.00:39:30 Regarding an Arizona gold mine that doesn't exist.
00:39:35 And wires something like $100 million somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million to another account. But the the Arizona, and I think it was the attorney general see becomes aware of the transfer.
00:39:51 And actually seizes the money.
00:39:54 Well, now that he has seized the bulk of of this money, I think it was that he he might have been Janet Napolitano. Back then, I don't remember.
00:40:03 They they they don't have any money to pay their clients.
00:40:09 And like if any client wants to withdraw any money whatsoever, it's it's all tied up now and like his mansion, his Bentleys and a fake gold mine.
00:40:21 In Arizona.
00:40:24 And so the FBI, like, starts getting involved and they start looking into this because they they first they think he's just some idiot that's getting scammed.
00:40:33 And he's like, how is? They're like, how is this, you know, savvy Jew investor, getting scammed by these obvious frauds, which again, I I suspect that maybe he wasn't. This was just a way of him moving money around. And then so he could later claim got scammed. And it's not my fault, but.
Speaker 3
00:40:49 Ohio.Devon Stack
00:40:52 And so they let's start.00:40:54 Looking and it was books.
00:40:57 As a result of this money getting seized.
00:41:00 And realize that nothing adds up.
00:41:05 So he he eventually decides to send out a letter to all of his investors.
00:41:11 And say hey.
00:41:14 I'm getting out of the the hedge fund business.
00:41:18 I'm going to spend time with my family, so I'm going to cash everyone out and the checks are on the way.
00:41:25 And of course, the checks never show up.
00:41:28 One investment firm in Seattle does get a check for $50 million.
00:41:34 They gotta deposit it and of course it bounces.
00:41:39 So they send, you know this $50 million, you don't just, oh, about stylish. Come call someone up now they send private investigators down to figure out what the ****'* going on with their $50 million.
00:41:54 And they go into the office and they find out that the office is abandoned. And inside the office there is a on one of the computers, a confession letter and a suicide note.
00:42:08 So the the private investigators contact the FBI.
00:42:13 And the FBI apprehends Dan Marino, the the writer of the the Confession, on the Suicide Note. And that's the guy that worked for Samuel Israel, who created the fake auditing company.
00:42:31 So Dan Marino squeals like a pig.
00:42:34 Tells everyone, OK, this is what we were doing. It was all a scam and the jig is up.
00:42:42 So they go and arrest Samuel Israel.
00:42:48 And he gets he actually gets sentenced to 20 years.
00:42:54 And he's ordered because at this point.
00:42:57 The bill, the the amount of missing money is in the neighborhood of $400 million.
00:43:06 I want you to think about that.
00:43:09 $400 million.
Speaker 11
00:43:14 And it was all.Devon Stack
00:43:15 Fake the entire time. It was all just made-up.00:43:21 So he's ordered to pay back, I think $300 million in restitution.
00:43:28 And so he's supposed to be 20 years.
00:43:31 But the thing that's that's madding.
00:43:34 Is they don't just take them into custody.
00:43:37 They give him eight days.
00:43:39 To figure out his affairs and then to turn himself into federal prison.
00:43:46 Now, of course, Samuel Israel doesn't turn himself into federal prison.
00:43:52 And on this bridge that goes across the Hudson River.
00:43:57 They find his car.
00:44:01 And on the car scribbled on the.
00:44:04 The wind or on the I think on the hood it says suicide is painless.
00:44:11 And the of course impression that people were supposed to get is that Samuel Israel unable to cope with the sentence of 20 years, decided to throw himself off that bridge.
00:44:27 And commit suicide.
Speaker 9
00:44:30 Like a like a *****.Devon Stack
00:44:33 The only problem with that theory was they couldn't find a body.00:44:39 They come the the, the whole they had divers go through and they combed it with.
00:44:44 With boats and they couldn't find any any sign whatsoever of a.
00:44:48 Body.
Speaker 14
00:44:49 Common sense would tell you if you jumped off 150 foot bridge, there would be some type of body that was found somewhere, up or down.Speaker 6
00:44:56 The Hudson River.Devon Stack
00:44:58 But no, no body and no no one witnessed him jumping.00:45:03 So they then suspected that he was trying. He was clumsily trying to as he was just as good at at making day trades.
00:45:14 As he was at faking his own death.
Speaker 15
00:45:17 Now to the strange case of hedge fund swindler Samuel Israel. Last week, it appeared he might have killed himself rather than serve a long stretch in prison. But tonight federal authorities think he staged the whole thing, and they've launched a global manhunt. Here's Chief investigative correspondent Armin.Speaker 12
00:45:34 And tan, CBS News has learned federal authorities no longer consider Israel a suicide victim, but a fugitive. This a week after his car was found abandoned on this bridge high atop New York's Hudson River, with the message, suicide is painless, written in dust on the hood, federal authorities tell CBS News they ruled out suicide in part because no witnesses in the immediate area saw.00:45:57 Anyone jump into the water? US Marshals have issued this wanted poster stating Israel should be considered armed and dangerous, one federal official telling CBS News there is reason to believe he may be potentially prone to erratic or violent.
00:46:11 Behavior the 48 year old trader fueled a high life by bilking investors out of $450 million through the Bayou Fund. He founded the biggest hedge fund fraud in history. Israel was eventually sentenced to 20 years in order to pay $300 million in restitution.
Speaker 6
00:46:28 This seems to be the.Speaker 12
00:46:29 The last chapter in the fraud.Speaker
00:46:31 Went on for six years and now he seems to be.00:46:34 Defrauding the federal government.
Speaker 12
00:46:35 Efforts to locate Israel through credit cards or other means have come up empty. He remains on the run, living yet another lie.00:46:43 Armin Katay and CBS News New York.
Devon Stack
00:46:49 So they find out by interrogating the girlfriend that yes, he did fake his own death. She gives him up. She explains that that she helped him get an RV.00:47:06 And a scooter. And that she picked him up from the bridge and dropped them off at the RV.
00:47:15 And she didn't know where he was. But he was, you know, on the run now because he didn't want to do the 20 years in prison.
00:47:26 So then America's Most Wanted.
00:47:29 Ran a a episode.
00:47:33 Talking about how they were looking for this RV.
00:47:36 And this motorcycle and a guy that looked.
00:47:39 Like that *******.
00:47:40 Gay. Jew.
00:47:43 And he freaked out because he was living in a camper.
Speaker 9
00:47:46 Around.Devon Stack
00:47:47 He he saw the episode on TV and he freaked out and turned himself in.Speaker 16
00:47:53 After nearly a month on the run, an American businessman who was convicted of stealing millions from investors has turned himself in Samuel Israel. The third walked into this police station and told authorities he was the man they'd been looking for.00:48:09 The former hedge fund manager had been sentenced to 20 years in prison but never showed up last month to begin serving his time, police say, with the help of his Israeli's family members, they were closing in on Israel before he reported to the Massachusetts station House Wednesday morning.
Speaker 12
00:48:27 The information we received that there was some, there was communication between the mother and and Mr. Israel.Speaker 16
00:48:32 According to investigators, the fugitive Finn and Seer had been living quietly in his RV.Speaker 17
00:48:39 He dropped the camper off, plugged in and.00:48:44 Got his motorcycle out and he was gone.
Speaker 16
00:48:46 Israel originally led investigators to believe that he had killed himself. His truck was found at the top of this bridge with the words. Suicide is painless, scrawled across the windshield, but they became suspicious when a search for his body.00:49:02 Turned up.
00:49:02 Nothing. Israel's girlfriend was arrested last week on charges of aiding and abetting his escape. If she's convicted, she could face as many as 10 years behind bars. Israel is also facing additional federal charges for fleeing an attorney for those hurt by the former executive scheme.
00:49:22 Say his surrender has given them some sense of closure, but they'll find even more peace in the coming weeks.
Devon Stack
00:49:32 And that was the end.00:49:34 Of buy you investments or buy you whatever the.
Speaker 13
00:49:38 ****, it was called.Devon Stack
00:49:41 And this is this is the first type.00:49:45 Oh, this is this is a kind of a funny thing.
00:49:48 They found in his RV he had a fake he was trying to make fake ID's and this was one of his fake ID's. He was trying to make like special forces.
00:50:03 In the special forces David, Sam, Clap, David, Sam, clap like like I like how a middle name would be. First of all, be like everything about this. This is like mclovin. Tear fake. ID like even the photo.
00:50:23 Or that it says special forces.
00:50:28 Ah, like you imagine trying to show that to someone like a a cop. Like. No, don't worry, bro. It's cool. I'm part of the special forces. So.
00:50:42 So yeah, he was he was that, that was the level of genius that we're dealing with.
00:50:47 And that's what I'm talking about. This is this is the the first type.
00:50:53 Of husband ju.
00:50:54 Be incompetent.
00:50:57 Doesn't have the the the skills.
00:51:01 To to pull off the kind of criminal money making schemes that his ancestors did.
00:51:07 Because they've they've just, they've gotten soft.
00:51:11 They've gotten some, they've gotten away with it for so long.
00:51:14 They've had zero pushback for so long.
00:51:18 That this is the kind of.
00:51:21 This is what they're producing. People like this guy.
00:51:25 You know, it's not just. So that's the thing people need to realize. It's not just the regular normies.
00:51:32 That have been subjected to the dysgenic pressures that have affected many people in the West. Lots of members of the ruling class believe it or not, even though a lot of this stuff is that.
00:51:44 That they're doing.
00:51:46 Just as an example, you think Alex Soros is going to be anywhere as as effective as George Soros?
00:51:55 You know.
00:51:57 They're losing IQ points and talent just as rapidly, if not more rapidly, because they haven't had any pressures applied to them at all.
00:52:08 And they've been.
00:52:09 On Easy Street for like a century.
00:52:13 You know this, this is this is just.
00:52:15 The way that it is.
00:52:17 And this is.
00:52:17 In a way, it's kind of a white pill.
00:52:20 And it's a black pill that we have these people living amongst us, but it's a white pill that they're getting worse at it.
00:52:27 Now there's another example of this. This is the other kind.
00:52:34 The Type 2 diabetes, I guess.
00:52:43 See, this is a man that you would have.
00:52:45 Known the name of.
00:52:47 His name is Mark Dryer. You would have heard of him.
00:52:51 If it weren't from Bernie Madoff literally getting arrested, I think like four or five days after this guy got arrested.
00:53:00 Because it happens so frequently, and they're all Jews, like they're literally all Jews.
00:53:07 Now, just like in the case of Sam Israel.
00:53:12 He came from money too.
00:53:15 He came from money. It's it's pretty hilarious because you you you start to read the bio on this guy and uh, they make it. They try to make it sound like ohh yeah. He's like, yeah, like they always do, right.
00:53:28 Well, he came from a poor, poor immigrant family.
00:53:32 You know, it was, it was the American dream.
00:53:36 The American dream.
00:53:38 These poor immigrants, you know, in the case of like, I'll let you guess.
00:53:43 Where? Where do you?
00:53:43 Think he came from?
00:53:45 Yeah, well, his parents were were Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, specifically Poland and Lithuania.
00:53:55 And.
00:53:58 So yeah, same same as it ever was. All these *************.
00:54:06 So his dad was it was this poor immigrant who just somehow by scraping pennies together, managed to amass a a.
00:54:17 A fortune and own theater chains in New York City and in Florida.
00:54:24 By just, you know, by just Jew magic rubbing pennies together and the pennies multiplying until he suddenly owned theater chains.
00:54:34 And here's his.
00:54:35 Brother, because you know it's a family business.
00:54:38 And uh, you know, Broward County, of course, in Florida, this is an article I found talking about that. Ohh yeah. My, my, my poor, my poor immigrant father came here with nothing and somehow ended up with.
00:54:54 With like 40 theaters.
00:54:57 By.
00:54:59 Magic. And then if you you, you scratch the surface at all, you find out that the no he he might have. I mean technically not owned anything when he came to America but that's only because his uncle already was in America and already owned like a bunch of theaters and then gave him a theater.
00:55:19 So. So it wasn't like, ohh yeah, just you know, I was a janitor and after years and years of hard work as a Jew because everyone knows that that's what you know, everyone has witnessed that before, right. The hard working Jewish janitor.
00:55:36 I'm sure everyone knows that stereotype, right? The hard working Jewish garbage man.
00:55:43 The hard working Jewish construction worker, the hard I mean the hard working Jewish anything you fill in the blank.
Speaker 13
00:55:52 I.Devon Stack
00:55:53 Everyone knows about that, that that stereotype.00:55:56 Right, no, of.
00:55:57 Of course not. So it was a big lie. His family came here, maybe technically on paper, had no money, but then immediately was given money and a theater. And. And, you know, through his connections with Jewish nepotism, was able to grow the that theater into a theater chain and look, his uncle already owned a theater chain.
00:56:17 Sure, that didn't hurt and they expanded it out all throughout New York City. They sold out their entire chain, I think in the in the 80s.
00:56:28 And made a ton of.
Speaker 11
00:56:30 Money.Devon Stack
00:56:31 Must have been a ton of money as you'll hear because of the the the bill that his mom had to pay at the time of this airing. This was in 2009, while the the case was still ongoing, but this is someone that should be in federal prison. You and I would be in federal prison.00:56:51 And but because he had the kind of money that he did, his family and listen to the, the, the bill, I think it's for him to live at home in this $10 million penthouse.
00:57:04 That was bought with stolen money, by the way.
00:57:08 His family was paying and I didn't know you could do this, but apparently you can do this. Apparently if you have enough money, you can pay for a private jailer.
00:57:20 You can pay for a private jailer.
00:57:23 To just live with you and so that you can live at home. But like, technically you're in jail because there's a private jailer at your house.
00:57:32 And it only costs $70,000 a month.
00:57:36 So this humble Jewish immigrant family somehow has enough money to pay for his his private jailer at the tune of 70 grand a month. But anyway, we'll get into his his story, his.
00:57:52 His story is.
00:57:52 More ridiculous if you can.
00:57:54 Believe it.
00:57:55 Here's a guy that comes from a family that can afford to.
00:57:58 To pay $70,000 a month for his private jailer.
00:58:03 He went to Harvard.
00:58:05 He went to Yale.
00:58:08 He had he was he had all of the the the the doors wide open for his success. He could have been a lawyer.
00:58:17 He was given a a free partnership, you know, straight out of college at a law firm. If he wanted it. But he wanted to be bigger.
00:58:26 He wanted to be better, he thought. He deserved more.
00:58:31 And So what did they do?
Speaker 17
00:58:35 When we first interviewed him last spring, he was a prisoner in his own penthouse with the GPS monitoring device on his ankle, detained by private jailers whose $70,000 a month fee was being paid for by dryers. 88 year old mother.Speaker 14
00:58:50 Yes.Speaker 17
00:58:50 With his assets frozen or confiscated by the court, all that remained of dryers, $40 million art collection were the hooks on the wall.00:58:58 How did you end up becoming a crook?
Speaker 14
00:59:03 I can't remember the moment in which I decided to do something that I knew was wrong. I had an ambition that I needed to feed. I wanted to and I wanted to be as important as I thought I was deserve to be.Devon Stack
00:59:17 I wanted to be as important as I thought I deserved to be.00:59:28 Well, it kind of sounds like, you know, the credo of a lot of other immigrant families from Eastern Europe, right?
00:59:38 They want to be as important as they think that they should be.
00:59:45 So he wanted to start this law firm. His his big plan was to start a mega law firm. He didn't want to just be a partner at some mega law firm. He wanted to start his own mega law firm and have famous celebrities as clients.
01:00:02 And be be, you know, rich beyond imagination.
01:00:07 It wasn't enough again to have you know the the kinds of parents that put you through Harvard and Yale and can afford $70,000 a month for your, for your, your private jailer.
01:00:21 He wanted to have this massive, you know, massive law firm.
01:00:30 But he couldn't afford it, apparently.
01:00:33 Apparently he couldn't afford to hire all these lawyers. These high-powered lawyers whose lawyers are expensive. He couldn't afford the salaries or the people that he wanted to hire.
01:00:44 But he had he had hotspot.
01:00:47 He had hotspot.
01:00:50 So he decided to do what any Jew in this situation with chutzpah would do.
01:00:56 And uh, he would just he would just steal the money.
Speaker 17
01:01:01 Pryor told the hedge funds that he was representing a billionaire real estate developer who was looking to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars to embark on some new projects. The developer, Dryer said, would issue short term promissory notes guaranteeing interest rates of between 7 and 12%, well above market rates, and it seemed like a very good.Speaker 11
01:01:02 Never.01:01:02 Headline.
Speaker 17
01:01:21 The only problem was that the real estate mogul, who was supposed to be borrowing all this money, Sheldon Solo, didn't know anything about it, nor did he know the dryer. His former lawyer was fabricating financial information about his company and keeping the loan proceeds for himself.01:01:38 So you convinced hedge funds to lend money, ostensibly to Mr. Solo, your former client, and in fact, the money was going.
Speaker 7
01:01:44 To you.Speaker 17
01:01:45 Yes. So you came up with for any financial statements for the audits, forged documents for Mr. Solo's company.Speaker 14
01:01:53 Yes.Devon Stack
01:01:56 And something you'll notice is he's got basically the the the psychopathic traits you would expect from someone like this.01:02:06 And it it gets crazier. What he does. You know, some of the stuff.
01:02:08 He does gets.
01:02:09 I mean, it's crazier than just tell, like, like lying about how much money their investment is. He literally got and he he forged a bunch of documents, pretended to be representing.
01:02:20 Ain't just a random rich guy.
01:02:23 And then went out to people with money and said Ohh yeah this rich real estate developer. He's going to build all these big skyscrapers, but he needs to raise a bunch of money really quick and I can get you a 10% return if you just give me, you know, ten $20 million.
01:02:42 30 million dollars, $40 million and we're talking it was 10s of millions of dollars from every time they got one these people.
01:02:49 And you know, he did the Secret Jew handshake and that's all they wanted.
01:02:54 That's all they wanted to see. They didn't. They didn't request to to see any.
01:02:58 Proof.
01:02:59 They said oh.
01:02:59 Yeah. Well, you're you're you're a yearly you're you know, you're.
01:03:05 You're a Jew. Of course we can trust you.
01:03:12 And so he just photoshopped a bunch of stuff and and sent over fake documents to people and then just pocketed the money.
01:03:21 So he could start his his law firm with other people's money and with I. The funny thing is with this guy.
01:03:31 Like the other guy, you could say it's possible, although I don't know that it's. I don't know that that that's the case for the one of these guys, but the first guy at least make the case that maybe when he started.
01:03:42 You know, maybe when he started, his intention was to do like a normal hedge fund and then it just turned out.
01:03:49 He was really.
Speaker 9
01:03:50 Bad at it.Devon Stack
01:03:51 And then he just found out he could get free money, and then he didn't care so much that he was bad at it. Like he. Yeah, he tried to get good at it, I guess sort of in between the hookers and the drugs and the mansions and the Bentleys and whatever. But, you know, like didn't really matter so much. There was enough money coming into. We just really care anymore.01:04:09 This guy right off the bat like, didn't even try to, like, do anything legit, right. He's starting off with. I'm going to steal money.
01:04:19 I'm going to steal money.
01:04:22 And I'm going to. I'm going to steal.
01:04:23 A lot of money.
01:04:26 And he just doesn't. And he doesn't seem to have like.
01:04:31 Any regrets whatsoever 0.
01:04:35 This is the kind of person, but remember we did that stream on crazy Eddie. Same exact ****, same exact situation.
01:04:45 Another Eastern European Jew.
01:04:48 Comes to America and immediately starts.
01:04:51 Defrauding Americans.
01:04:55 It's the same same, you know, tale as old as time.
01:04:59 So he goes around collecting all this money.
01:05:04 And builds a a big law firm.
Speaker 17
01:05:07 Dryer says he used most of the $400 million he stole to expand his law firm and to finance a lifestyle designed to create the illusion that he already was a billionaire.01:05:18 There was the $11 million oceanfront compound in the Hamptons, an art collection that included a Picasso 3 matices and 12 war halls. And then there was the 120 foot yacht Seascape with a full time crew of 10.
Devon Stack
01:05:34 So this guy wasn't ******* around.01:05:38 This guy wasn't like the previous guy who aimed a little bit low thinking like, oh, get a mansion I'll rent, I'll rent A mansion from Donald Trump, and then I'll start banging the lady that I paid to paint the place. Now this guy has a yacht with with a a full time crew of 10 people and various mansions.
01:05:58 Several floors of these commercial properties that have cost you know the leases on them are outrageous.
01:06:06 400 ******* million dollars.
Speaker 13
01:06:08 By the way.Devon Stack
01:06:10 Which is that's the same amount that the previous.Speaker 9
01:06:12 Guy took thereabouts.Speaker 17
01:06:14 To raise his profile, dryer Co hosted annual charity events with former New York Giants star Michael Strahan that attracted top name performers like Diana Ross, Jon Bon Jovi and Alicia Keys.01:06:29 And then there were the extravagant office parties where dryer himself sometimes performed.
Devon Stack
01:06:36 There he is, singing and dancing.01:06:42 Singing and dancing.
01:06:46 He's a billionaire. People wanted to be him.
01:06:56 And then eventually.
Speaker 17
01:06:59 By 2007, Dreyer LLP occupied 10 floors of the Park Ave. building, employed more than 250 lawyers around the country with high profile clients like Bill Cosby, Andy Pettit, Maria Sharapova and Justin Timberlake.Speaker 11
01:06:59 In.Devon Stack
01:07:15 He got so big.01:07:18 That eventually people are going to start wondering.
01:07:21 Where their money was like. Oh, you were representing that, that developer guy, he can't. This guy can't just disappear.
01:07:29 Hand just disappear in some RV.
01:07:34 So they asked for the money.
01:07:37 But he keeps running scams. He can't help himself. This is a guy. Like I said, this guy didn't didn't need the money. He got off on tricking people and stealing.
01:07:50 For him, it wasn't about survival.
01:07:54 It was about he thought he deserved to be a billionaire.
01:08:00 And if he thought it took a lot of hotspot for him to fake represent some real estate developer and and and get money that way, listen, listen to this ****.
Speaker 17
01:08:10 When Dryer was a month late on a $100 million loan payment, the hedge fund that was owed the money demanded a face to face meeting with executives at Sheldon Solow's real estate operations. Here at his office building in New York.01:08:24 With reality closing in, dryer enlisted the services of a former client, Costa COVID chef, to impersonate the President of Solar's operation.
01:08:33 Then he commandeered a conference room and solos office for a meeting with the hedge fund in hopes of getting a loan extension.
01:08:40 And you conduct this whole charade right there in the middle of of solos business.
Speaker 7
01:08:47 Do you think you really get?01:08:48 Away with that, yeah.
01:08:50 You did, actually, didn't you? Yeah. Were you nervous?
Speaker 14
01:08:54 I should have been nervous, but I don't know I.01:09:02 I wasn't very.
Speaker 17
01:09:02 Nervous. I don't get the sense that you're a very emotional person.Speaker 14
01:09:06 I think I am.Devon Stack
01:09:08 I think you're not. I think you're. You literally have psychopathic traits.01:09:16 I think you're the exact kind of person that we have running the the the country right now.
01:09:23 You are just bad at it.
01:09:29 We just took it too far.
01:09:33 Because if this is, this is so easy to to have happen, right? And it was apparently.
01:09:39 There's a lot.
01:09:40 Longer list than just the two examples I have tonight.
01:09:47 But if it's this easy to just solicit 10s and hundreds of millions of dollars from people and get it because you're Jewish.
01:09:57 Without having to prove anything to anyone.
01:10:02 How how many Jews are are doing this?
01:10:06 But their little scheme works.
01:10:15 Yeah, I was talking to this guy.
01:10:19 That was uh, he was. He got rich basically growing pot in California.
01:10:28 And he said the secret was.
01:10:31 You don't.
01:10:34 So what you have?
01:10:38 If you had like, let's say, $100,000 of money, this is how this is the difference between how a goy and how a Jew thinks.
01:10:47 A boy will say, well, I've got.
01:10:50 I ain't got enough money for, like, 10 acres of.
Speaker 3
01:10:55 Pot, if that's.Speaker 9
01:10:55 What you're going to do?Speaker 13
01:10:56 Weird.Devon Stack
01:10:57 And so I'll I'll calculate how much money I can or how much that's going to cost me and make sure I have enough money to cover that, and then I'll grow the.01:11:07 Pot.
01:11:08 And then I'll I'll go to sell that and I'll calculate how much that's going to be or what I can expect that to.
Speaker 9
01:11:14 Me.Devon Stack
01:11:15 And then I'll know, maybe I can grow a little bit slowly, you know, next year if that covers the initial investment.01:11:25 Or maybe I can do like a long term. I can figure out a few years, right?
01:11:30 And so that's not what you do.
01:11:34 What you do is you pretend you already.
01:11:36 Have the pot.
01:11:38 Or that you're going to have the pot.
01:11:41 Because 10 acres.
01:11:43 Takes just as long to grow as as.
01:11:46 200 acres.
01:11:49 And they don't have to know that you don't have the 200 acres.
01:11:53 And so you go to customers and you sell something.
01:11:56 You don't actually have.
01:12:00 And then once you've sold it and once you have the money, you use that money.
01:12:06 To then make get to get the thing whether it's you grow it or not or you buy it from someone else.
01:12:13 And then mark it up and sell.
01:12:15 To these people.
01:12:19 It's like, OK, we're selling honey.
01:12:23 When I think to myself, oh, you know, I'd like to maybe sell some honey in my head, I'm like, OK, I need to have X amount of hives and each hive will produce X amount of honey. And I got to figure how to package it and and how to, you know, ship it and all this.
01:12:37 Other stuff and.
01:12:39 You would never do any of that.
01:12:42 And you would say.
01:12:44 Buy my honey.
01:12:48 And then they would buy somewhat like with the money that they got from the sales of that honey.
01:12:54 That they didn't have then they didn't make.
01:12:57 They would just buy a couple 50 gallon drums of honey from someone else, slap their label on it and mark up the price.
01:13:05 And say congratulations, you've got honey.
01:13:10 They're not actually adding value at all.
01:13:14 In fact, they're they're not only that.
01:13:17 They're avoiding the risk.
01:13:19 If you're the person who's actually producing the thing, whether it's honey pot doesn't matter.
01:13:25 If you're producing the thing.
01:13:27 And let's say there's a bad year, right? They go. It didn't rain that much this year, and there's not very many flowers out there, so there's not as much honey.
01:13:38 So now I don't have as much honey to sell as I would. Well, the Jew doesn't care. The Jew never isn't making honey.
01:13:46 So if if there's not as much honey, maybe the price goes up a little bit, but he'll just pass that on to the consumer.
01:13:54 And if if you're the farmer who didn't have as much of honey, I'll go to who. So who cares? I'll.
01:13:58 Go to someone else.
01:14:01 Or maybe he won't even sell you, honey. Maybe he'll find one of these producers in China.
01:14:07 They get corn syrup.
01:14:09 And then die it to look like it's the color of honey.
01:14:13 And they sprinkle in some honey flavoring and call that honey.
01:14:19 Because you can get that for half the price of of wholesale honey or maybe even less than that.
01:14:26 And he slaps the label on and he sells.
01:14:28 It and he didn't do anything.
01:14:34 That's the problem with with high trust societies and capitalism. When you introduce people like this ******* to your society.
01:14:43 You get the leeches.
01:14:45 You get the parasites.
01:14:48 You get the people that come in.
01:14:50 And and do the the.
01:14:54 Parasitic.
01:14:55 Behavior.
01:14:58 That ends up costing you in the long run.
01:15:05 You know, like if in the case of the financial meltdown.
01:15:10 The financial financial crash.
01:15:15 I mean, how many bankers got got executed 0?
01:15:19 How many went to jail? I think like maybe, maybe one. I don't think I don't even know if one did.
Numbers Lady
01:15:25 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:15:30 And all the banks were too big to fail.01:15:33 So who ended up?
01:15:34 Picking up the bill you did.
01:15:37 The taxpayer debt.
01:15:40 When the Federal Reserve decides to print more money.
01:15:44 Uh, your money just magically is is worth less than it was yesterday.
01:15:52 Now you don't.
01:15:52 You never get a bill for it.
01:15:54 So you don't think about it, especially if you're a normal. You just think, why is gas more expensive now? Well, that's why.
01:16:01 Well, bread seems like it's gone up in price. Well, that's why.
01:16:06 You're paying the bill for someone else.
01:16:10 Someone like this? ****.
01:16:13 Someone like that other ****.
01:16:21 And they're psychos. They don't even care. They don't even care.
Speaker 7
01:16:27 Do you think you really get away?01:16:28 With that, yeah, you did, actually, didn't you? Yeah.
Speaker 17
01:16:32 Were you nervous?Speaker 14
01:16:34 I should have been nervous, but I don't know I.01:16:41 I wasn't very nervous.
Speaker 17
01:16:42 Don't get the sense that you're a very emotional person.Speaker 14
01:16:45 I think I am.Devon Stack
01:16:48 He thinks he is.01:16:52 I am an emotional person.
Speaker 17
01:16:55 When I ask you about the the emotion here, you are walking into a former and clients office perpetuating this scheme right in his office.Speaker 11
01:17:04 That's called clicks, but.Speaker 14
01:17:05 That's not emotion, you know. I mean, do I?01:17:07 Have chutzpah, yes.
01:17:09 Can I am I? Can I be very tough?
01:17:10 Under pressure, yes.
Numbers Lady
01:17:11 Say.Speaker 14
01:17:11 So was I able to go into Mr. Sara's office and pull off that charade with that falling apart? Yes. Did I think I could do that? Yes, because I had done.01:17:21 Things that required nerves of steel before, but it doesn't mean that I'm not emotional about what I did. I clearly remember when I left that office.
01:17:29 Thinking I had done something really crazy and fool.
Devon Stack
01:17:34 See, you know the emotion isn't I did something wrong? I did something immoral.01:17:39 It's. I did something crazy that might lead to me getting caught.
01:17:46 I did something reckless that my my I got so addicted to this rush that I got.
01:17:54 This this rush that I get from my hotspot.
01:18:01 And look at me now. I'm having to stay in this $10 million penthouse with a $70,000 a month. You know, private guard or whatever.
01:18:12 Crime doesn't pay, kids.
Speaker 17
01:18:20 By December of last year, both investors and investigators had grown suspicious of dryer and his luck would eventually run out in Toronto, where he pretended to be a lawyer for a teachers pension fund in order to swindle a hedge fund out of $33 million.Speaker 14
01:18:36 That was the first act I'd done where I knew I was gonna get caught.01:18:38 And just couldn't help myself.
Devon Stack
01:18:42 He knew he.01:18:42 Was going to get caught and he couldn't help himself. He literally impersonated a lawyer.
01:18:50 To to rip off a hedge fund.
01:18:55 Like this is what's crazy like he literally made, like fake business cards.
Speaker 3
01:18:57 Thanks.Speaker 17
01:19:02 To dryer and his luck would eventually run out in Toronto, where he pretended to be a lawyer for a teachers pension fund in order to swindle a hedge fund out of $33 million.Speaker 14
01:19:13 That was the first act I've done.01:19:14 Where I knew I was gonna get caught and just.
Devon Stack
01:19:16 Like he he he got so he was so full of hotspot.01:19:22 He just pretended to be some lawyer for a teachers pension fund.
01:19:27 And and try to get a hedge fund or to kind of check for.
01:19:30 $30 million.
01:19:35 So of course he got arrested for impersonating that lawyer.
01:19:41 And then the FBI got involved and started looking at his other dealings and realized that he had stolen $400 million.
01:19:54 This was in, I believe, 2009.
01:20:03 But he gets out of jail and in two years.
01:20:09 He was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison in in 2009.
01:20:14 So we should be there till 2029, but he's scheduled for release in 2026.
01:20:23 Again, these are guys. These are just like the over the top *******. They get caught.
01:20:29 And there's so much of it you have to ask yourself how much of this is going on.
01:20:37 This just seems to me and not if you've noticed, he's very matter of fact about it. And that's the case with all these people.
01:20:47 I don't know if you guys remember the crate. I I don't know if.
01:20:49 I I don't.
01:20:50 Think I have the.
01:20:50 Clip anymore. I have, you know, I probably have on telegram somewhere. Maybe I can.
Speaker 9
01:20:55 Find it.Devon Stack
01:20:56 Look on telegram.01:20:59 But this is very reminiscent of of crazy Larrys's was his nephew.
01:21:06 Are they trained?
01:21:07 In order to be.
01:21:10 Let me search here.
01:21:20 Oh, crazy Eddie, I meant.
Speaker 9
01:21:22 Not Larry.01:21:25 There we go.
01:21:30 This is the clip I was looking for.
Devon Stack
01:21:40 Yeah, so this is crazy Eddie, his nephew.01:21:44 Then they trained to cook the books.
01:21:48 And explaining exactly how these people think.
01:21:51 Exactly how they see you.
01:21:54 And it does like it. It seems to be a systemic problem if you.
01:21:58 No.
01:21:59 He literally just said he took advantage of a high trust society to commit his crimes. His family came to America and immediately took advantage of the High Trust Society and took pride in it so that he could commit more crimes. All right, this is about as cut and dry as.
Speaker 11
01:22:15 You can make it. People are very, very gullible. People are too trusting.01:22:21 As a criminal, I learned to consider your humanity as a weakness to be exploited in the execution of your humanity was a weakness to be exploited in the Commission of his crimes.
Devon Stack
01:22:32 He's spelling it out for.Speaker 11
01:22:33 You, in other words, your good nature you're wanting to.01:22:36 Trust people. You wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt that gave me the opportunity to execute my crimes. You steal more with a smile than you can with a gun. If you if people like you, it's easier to steal from them because they feel like.
01:22:51 They're comfortable with you.
Devon Stack
01:22:52 So that's the kind of people that's the kind of Jewish immigrants we got around the the turn of the century.01:23:05 Pretty awesome, huh?
01:23:06 Aren't you glad that?
01:23:09 The Eastern Europe drove all their Jews out of their part of the world right into our part of the world.
01:23:20 I'm glad I know. I'm glad. Right. Aren't you glad?
01:23:29 So anyway.
01:23:32 Pretty much this is a short one tonight I.
01:23:34 You know I.
01:23:35 I don't want to dig too much into all the nitty gritty's of the the details of the the fraud just because it's, you know, you go through and it's a lot of that financial stuff is it's.
01:23:48 It's it's. It's not complicated. It's just they.
01:23:52 They just they hide the fact that it's gambling with a with a lot of jargon.
01:23:59 And they they, they they try to mask the fact that really it's just parasitic gamble.
01:24:06 It's gambling where if you lose, you don't really.
01:24:10 Nothing happens to you.
01:24:13 You know, unless unless you like really **** ** like these guys.
01:24:20 And probably in the case of these guys, the only reason why.
01:24:24 They were.
01:24:26 Prosecute instead of allowed to flee to Israel like, well, like, like crazy Eddie did was they ripped off other Jews?
01:24:38 And so something had to be done.
01:24:41 I'm going to get rid of.
01:24:43 Kept the meow over. He's been a he's been a ******* monster today.
01:24:48 You've been a monster tonight.
01:24:53 You're right, meowing at the door. You're just meowing. I don't know what's wrong with him today. That's true, of course.
01:25:01 Yeah, we got it.
01:25:03 Yeah. Go lay down or something. Go be quiet.
01:25:07 Nobody wants to hear it.
01:25:09 Least of all me.
01:25:13 Yeah. Anyway, I kicked him out earlier tonight, and then he wanted in.
01:25:19 So if I kick him out again, he's just going out the door. I don't know what his deal is. So let's go ahead and go to, like I said, it's kind of a short 1:00 tonight.
01:25:29 It's going to hyper.
01:25:30 Chats.
01:25:34 I know it's a little early, but.
01:25:38 It is what it is.
Numbers Lady
01:25:41 Yeah.Speaker 9
01:25:45 Let's take a look here.Devon Stack
01:25:55 All right, the first hyper chat actually is about Churro oddly.01:26:00 It's a very weird meme.
Speaker 9
01:26:05 Alright, let me I'll pop it.Speaker 13
01:26:06 Up I guess.Speaker 9
01:26:12 Oh, that when that break. OK, I didn't break anything.01:26:17 Yeah, I'm all tired than I did in case.
01:26:18 You guys can't tell?
Devon Stack
01:26:23 It's just been a long couple of weeks.01:26:27 It's been long. I've waited, not say what I told it to say, Ben.
Speaker 9
01:26:31 Like, come on.Devon Stack
01:26:44 Why is it not saving? Well, whatever, I can't bring it up for some reason.01:26:48 Oh, there it is. I don't know why it's showing up there.
Speaker 13
01:26:53 So.Devon Stack
01:26:57 Apparently, all this talk of Jews has made.01:27:02 Metro antsy, antsy, and the Pansy.
01:27:07 Mirada says anti-Semitism intensifies. I don't know. I don't think I have that clip anymore. I don't know what happened to it. I had it.
01:27:18 I don't think I have anymore.
01:27:25 I don't know what happened to that thing. Let me.
Speaker 9
01:27:27 See if I can.Devon Stack
01:27:29 It's possible I.01:27:30 Downloaded it and then I just didn't put it in my.
01:27:36 In my thing, let me sit.
Speaker 9
01:27:38 Here.Devon Stack
01:27:43 And I don't see it in here.Speaker 9
01:27:48 Anti-Semitism intensifies.01:27:55 No.
01:27:59 I do not see it here.
Speaker 13
01:28:09 Oh this thing?Speaker 9
01:28:15 That's something else.Devon Stack
01:28:23 Yeah, I don't. I don't see it.Speaker
01:28:26 Laurie.Devon Stack
01:28:27 I found it, I think.Speaker 9
01:28:30 Anti-Semitism intensified.Speaker 5
01:28:32 That's.Devon Stack
01:28:35 Dominated before questions posed way too big.01:28:48 Way too big.
01:28:52 All right, I'll have to rerender that or something.
01:28:56 Wooster says gradually I begin to hate them. Thanks for the stream, Mr. Stack. Well, I appreciate that.
Speaker 9
01:29:04 Blue chord, blue chord.Speaker 10
01:29:07 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 7
01:29:14 I'd like to return this duck.Devon Stack
01:29:16 Blue chord says evening all.01:29:19 Good evening to you, Mr. Blue chord.
01:29:21 Chosen John Law says. I've been doing a little reflection today for years. I studied Marxism and how it first manifested as Bolshevism. I could easily explain the link between the October Revolution Frankfurt School and the Fed. Yet it was only just a few years ago that I realized the racial link of the perpetrators. Many such.
01:29:42 Places there's.
01:29:45 In fact, there's like a YouTube channel that is being really pushed into my algorithm constantly. What's it called? Something discourses like maybe modern discourses are. It's basically some guy who talks about all the Jewish things and leaves out the Jewish, you know, component so that if conservatives.
01:30:05 I think hear about the Frankfurt School or something like that. He's there to tell him all.
01:30:11 About it, but.
01:30:12 You know, leave out the the puzzle piece that makes it makes the whole thing makes sense.
01:30:18 And I've seen him him coach for Jews on. I forget the guys name, but I've seen him on Twitter acting like a total ******* Jew shill and and uh, yeah, unfortunately that's the problem.
01:30:31 That's the problem is you have too many of these people who leave out that component. It's like with Ponzi schemes, right? You look at literally all the modern Ponzi schemes and it's it's all Jews.
01:30:46 You know, in fact, most of these scams, if they're not like, well, if they're not like Indians or Nigerians, you know, they do it like the petty crime type stuff. It's all all the white collar crime.
01:30:56 No, I mean not all of it, but like.
01:30:58 Ridiculously overrepresented by Jews, ridiculously overrepresented by Jews.
01:31:05 And in like the the $400 million that was like the biggest Ponzi scheme in history until he was beat a couple of days later by by Bernie Madoff, another Jew.
01:31:21 It's like they're always they're always competing for the record for biggest ponzi's game.
01:31:28 Bob Davis says damn if you consider the impact of Fiddler on the roof on the boomer perception of Jews, it was the longest running Broadway play. Until cats there's and and the Oscar winning musical and the late boomer early Gen. X experience.
01:31:45 Yeah, I mean, I guess it's it's probably one of many things like that. I've never looked. There's just not a lot of people that go to Broadway plays, but there was a movie version of musical, obviously that was, but I think my cousins.
01:31:59 Because they were.
01:32:00 The same cousins they that were obsessed with.
01:32:05 West Side Story.
Speaker 6
01:32:06 Sorry.Devon Stack
01:32:07 We're obsessed with Fiddler on the roof and and lay miserable and.01:32:13 I don't know. It was it was. It was one of those big ones that drama **** were.
Speaker 9
01:32:17 Into.Devon Stack
01:32:19 I mean, I don't know, it might be worth taking a look at. I just ******* hate musicals, so I try to avoid them when I can.01:32:29 Tanti Gallos says, hey, Deb and I found your channel a couple of weeks ago and I love your deep dives and the subversive movies. I had no idea that it went so deep. Did you know that they're even pushing race mixing and **** now? They have their own term for it. BBC ****, which means big ***** ****.
01:32:49 Scary stuff. God bless. Yeah. Anyone who's ever been on Fortran is well aware of that.
01:32:56 We're all aware of that.
01:32:59 And yeah, of course the the people who run those websites are.
01:33:04 Well, I'll let. I'll let you guess.
01:33:07 Let let let me give you letting.
01:33:08 You a little bit of a hint though.
Speaker 13
01:33:12 If it plays there, we go.Speaker 3
01:33:13 Very, very.Devon Stack
01:33:17 But welcome. Welcome to the fold. The Tante Gallos or Tante or. I don't know if.01:33:22 I said it right.
01:33:24 Richard, Richard.
01:33:28 Let's keep this. Let's keep it on theme here.
Speaker 9
01:33:31 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
01:33:35 Richard, you're right, Deb, in the 90s were really gay, Jewish and put blacks on a pedestal. The 90s were bad. Yeah. I'll tell you, it was cool to be black in the 90s. It was. It wasn't just cool to be black.01:33:51 He was simultaneously cool to be black and not cool to be white and whites almost universally agreed with that.
01:34:03 That, that's just the way it was.
01:34:05 You would have I mean def comedy Jam in the 90s, right? Was basically stadiums full of white people listening to some black comic tell tell them how stupid white people were for like an hour and laughing it up and loving it.
01:34:20 Rying.
01:34:23 Ryan, I think we all know what.
01:34:25 What Ryan says.
Speaker 5
01:34:27 I'll ever *****.Devon Stack
01:34:30 Darius Jerome says. I know you hate lynx. Well then OK, just if you know, then you know what's gonna happen.01:34:42 And said that it's like someone telling you that they know that they they hate spaghetti, but open your mouth, you're going to get it. So you're still going, you're still going to do it, though, you know all about this, but you're still going to do it. I came across this video on YouTube from the metal podcast. The title is boomer rage quits when Millennial insists their generations are.
01:35:01 Different.
01:35:04 Craig Goldie of D Dio or Dio? I think? Dio argues with the metal podcast that nothing is impossible and adversity can always be overcome. While the metal podcast contains Craig's point of view is based on growing up on different.
01:35:22 On a different world. OK, well, people can check that out if they want.
01:35:25 To.
01:35:27 You you clearly know my position on links so. So there you go. I appreciate the.
01:35:33 Appreciate the support though, all the same Darius, Jerome, Jerome. And then we got Bessemer, 72. Hi there. I've never heard about this good show. Scotts are the best because I have in Group preference.
01:35:50 Do you though? Do you have any group preference?
01:35:54 Was it like that? Well, I guess he was forced out now, but wasn't like the guy that the the top Scott.
01:36:01 Like Brown, just the other day. And then I don't think I replaced him with another brown guy.
01:36:10 Yeah, you know, I'm just saying, right, if that's what you mean by Scott's, I don't. I think that's what you mean by Scott. Unless you mean like people named Scott?
01:36:19 In which case maybe I don't know, is there been a study done on that?
01:36:25 But yeah, I've got I've, I've definitely. I've got some Scottish.
01:36:29 Guests of Scottish ancestors, for sure, as do many Americans.
01:36:35 Mostly Canadians, though I think that's.
01:36:38 A big chunk of the Scots went to Canada.
01:36:42 Rying says the most effort and work that these Eastern European Jews put into anything their whole life is what is.
01:36:50 Is what back story lie to tell about how they got wealthy when immigrating?
01:36:57 Yeah. Well, in every case, it's like ohh yeah, it was immigrant that that started from nothing and ended up with a.
01:37:04 A bank. And you're just like, ah, I think you're missing some steps there. I don't think you just show up somewhere and then have a bank.
01:37:12 A lowly scribe in God's Army, I believe Judah is the world's oldest pyramid scheme. Thanks for executing another excellent episode. I appreciate that. Yeah. Sorry. It's it's. It's a little short, but.
01:37:28 I am kind of tired tonight.
01:37:31 I am a little bit tired tonight and I and I look, I think it's I didn't know about either one of those cases. I didn't know about either one of those cases and in fact that there's a lot. There's a whole lot, a whole lot more where those two cases came.
01:37:45 And only scribing God's army. I believe. Judah, wait. I just did that one age of anxiety. Devin, did you hear about that **** with Tim Poole? Cancelling his debate with Jake Shields because Jake requested to have Nick Fuentes on the debate with him and blamed it on Jake instead of admitting.
Speaker 7
01:38:03 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:38:04 I'm aware of the drama, the.01:38:06 Look, Tim pool. Tim Pearl's just what did you expect, Tim?
01:38:10 Poole is is like a.
01:38:13 You know. Oh, my God. I'm gonna murder Churro.
01:38:17 True.
Speaker 13
01:38:22 Way down.01:38:25 Sorry.
Devon Stack
01:38:28 I'm getting cranky. I think I'm getting cranky tonight.Speaker 18
01:38:32 Oh.Devon Stack
01:38:34 Losing my patience.01:38:38 Ah, yeah. I mean, look, Tim Poole is a turbo fagot. Tim Poole is is a. He's in it for the money. It's a business.
01:38:50 And if if if that's what you want to do is make money from boomers and Jews on YouTube, then you don't have those people on your show.
01:39:01 And you aggressively shut down any talk of Jew talk.
01:39:05 Because that will put into jeopardy your jawbox.
01:39:12 And that's just the way that it is.
01:39:15 All right, hang on. I'm going to.
01:39:18 I'm going to just I'm going to punch her like a football straight into the ******* desert.
Speaker 9
01:39:25 So hang on one second.Speaker 7
01:39:27 Welcome to intermission.Speaker 11
01:39:44 English.Speaker 9
01:40:09 Alright, Mac.Devon Stack
01:40:13 So yeah, Long story short, Tim pulls a ***** and everyone knows that he's a *****. So why is anyone surprised?01:40:20 That's just the way it is. I've been. I've been. I've been calling Tim Poole, a Gracie little hapa *****. For as long as he's been around, I met him.
01:40:31 Let's see here. Would have been around 55 ish years ago or something like that. So before like he was.
01:40:38 Really anything. And he was a ***** then. Like I immediately ******* hated him. I met him briefly and uh, like I saw him at. I'm not gonna, you know, not going to narrow it down for anybody. I met him at a we'll just say like in a in a in a protest like environment and I was just like trying to be nice. I didn't want to meet him. I didn't want to like.
01:40:58 Be his buddy on. But he was standing where I was, so I was like, hey, what's up? And he and I immediately hated him.
01:41:05 Because he he was aloof. And I'm just like, who's this beanie wearing ****** acting aloof like? What the **** is this? Like, you're somebody.
01:41:15 And so he's just, you know, I I've always ******* hated him. And. And then I hated him more when I figured out who he was. Like, what did he, what he did. And yeah, it's ************.
Speaker 11
01:41:31 He's.Devon Stack
01:41:32 What is he like 40? Is he like, 40 and he wears like that Beanie and tries to, you know, dress like a skater kid still?01:41:42 He thinks he's like Asian Tony hawk.
01:41:45 His music. Oh my God.
01:41:48 Oh, my God, that's another clip I got, actually.
01:41:54 I forgot I even made that.
01:41:59 Oh yeah, I forgot about this.
01:42:03 We have to play this.
01:42:05 See this. This should give an idea. This is this is from 20/22.
01:42:12 I've been making 510 pool way before. It was cool when there were people that were still like, hoping to like.
01:42:19 I don't know. Take advantage of his platform and be I I knew from the beginning I would never.
01:42:25 Be on his platform.
01:42:29 He was gay. ******* music that he makes.
01:42:36 Let me get let me get the real version so you know what I'm.
01:42:39 Talking because I hope well.
01:42:42 You should hope you've never heard this.
01:42:46 Uh, what was it called?
01:42:48 Because he does like to get he does like his. He does like this new metal ******** about getting the sense the the guy who never gets censored, right.
01:43:00 Tim Poole song let's see where is it?
01:43:06 Oh, he makes so many bad songs I didn't realize there were so many of these.
01:43:14 Oh, here it is.
Speaker 9
01:43:19 All right.Devon Stack
01:43:32 Just so you know that my parody.01:43:36 My parity is not being unnecessarily mean.
01:43:43 I'm going to show you we're not going to.
01:43:46 Trust me, I will not make.
01:43:47 You sit through the whole thing.
01:43:53 I don't think.
01:43:53 I can handle it. Oh, God. All right.
01:44:02 So 2020.
01:44:03 2.
01:44:05 This is the right. This is the level of cringe that I knew I could never coexist on any show.
01:44:12 With someone with this level of cringe, I knew it wasn't possible. OK.
01:44:16 I knew, like I I wouldn't be able to just keep my mouth shut.
01:44:21 So this is the real video. OK, this is the real you might not be able to tell mine. My parody might even be better.
01:44:27 So this is.
01:44:28 Tim Poole, his awesome song that he made.
Speaker 11
01:44:33 Always. Who's so talented?Speaker 19
01:44:46 Sad. Instead of living, tell me what to do for you.01:44:58 Nice.
01:45:03 Great.Speaker 19
01:45:11 We're killing the nation.Speaker 3
01:45:24 Get in.Devon Stack
01:45:37 He almost makes me wanna put all happens in the pit like he's happens. You guys, you guys gotta get your **** together if this is.01:45:45 If this is one of your most famous happas, so of course I.
01:45:50 I did this and I can't really honestly I.
01:45:53 Don't hear the difference.
Speaker 18
01:45:54 Yo-yo, yo-yo, yo-yo, yo. I'll never be. I'll never be royalty. Ya, ya, ya. But that'd be nice, cause that'd be nice. Fantasy women's bathroom smells so nice. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.Devon Stack
01:46:13 So I've always ******* hated this guy. Always ******* hated him.01:46:19 I just hate him for everything he does. Just it makes me.
01:46:24 Just makes me, I or I can't say I can't see. I guess even I have to self censor because there are laws involved.
01:46:35 I have violent thoughts. All I can say is I have thoughts of. Yeah, I start to see red. I pass out, I wake up covered in blood and I'm just like what happened?
01:46:46 You know, it just it is what it is.
01:46:48 Alright guys, let me take a look.
01:46:50 At the next one here, where did it go?
01:46:52 Or.Speaker 9
01:46:55 Where did it go? Here we are.Devon Stack
01:46:59 Billy Bob says I'm broke.01:47:02 OK, let's.
01:47:04 That's uh, you know, this too shall pass.
01:47:08 I see. I see great wealth.
01:47:11 And prosperity in your future.
01:47:15 8088 Y Digital says me too. Well I.
01:47:20 Not so much you my digital. I see a hard bumpy Rd. in your future, but then eventually happiness. But until you overcome adversity, zazzy Mataz bot says to answer a question you asked last string. Yes, I often do think it's obvious what God found objectionable and Sodom.
01:47:39 But what were they doing over there in Gomorrah? Pouring milk in the bowl before the cereal. Thanks for the show.
01:47:47 Yes indeed, I suspect it was worse than that, white cake says in the matrix scene, where Agent Smith says human beings are a virus that spreads and multiplies and consumes without forming an equilibrium. Like other mammals, it occurred to me he's wrong. Whites don't overpopulate like other races.
01:48:08 We are exceptional and it is demonstrably true. What I would say, look, blacks don't, don't do it. If I mean starvation, I mean, it's not by choice. Starvation kind of kicks in, but then white started funding blacks with with.
01:48:24 Grenade and all those soppy commercials in the in the 80s and 90s.
01:48:30 You know about.
01:48:32 You know in in the.
01:48:33 Eyes of an Angel or you know whatever, like those Sally, whatever the **** you know. Look at these starving black kids with, with, with flies walking around their eyeballs. Send 15 for just $15.00 a month. Little Billy will get.
01:48:50 Get a bowl of soup or something or I'm sorry, little. We'll get a bowl of soup or something and it's.
01:48:56 Like.
01:48:58 Why? Why are we giving them bowls of soup?
01:49:03 This is why.
01:49:04 It's very unpersuasive to me when people try to get me to hate Bill Gates with some of the their conspiracy theories about him.
01:49:10 Age of anxiety when the Notre Dame Church caught on fire a few years ago, some Jewish rabbis said it was divine payback for the the disputation of France in the 1200s. Jews hold grudges for ******* ever nothing but hate, greed and selfishness.
01:49:31 In their hearts.
01:49:33 That is true. Well, I don't think not. I would say nothing, but that seems to to overpower a lot of these other emotions. Or in the case of the guy that we covered tonight, he doesn't.
01:49:44 Really seem to have any emotions.
01:49:47 Just to bring desire to have fame that he feels he deserves.
01:49:53 Carnival Barker says the Fairchild A10 Thunderbolt two has a single 30mm Gatling cannon and two General Electric turbines. When it fires its gun and puts its engine to full and will actually accelerate backwards. That is how powerful it is. All right, well.
01:50:12 There you go. I'll tell you that that.
01:50:18 That gun on the A10, if that's what your time on the front sounds. Really cool when they when they fire it off, I've heard.
01:50:28 One of my one of my one of the most based military sounds I guess you could say.
01:50:33 Brody says hi. Damn. I know you hate links, but here's a link. Here's a ******* link. Here's some links link and the link link link. This is a link of video of Ann Coulter where she seems to be trying to explain to Vivek. Essentially, your beliefs are nice but.
01:50:51 Ann Coulter said something along the lines today of she agreed with his beliefs but wouldn't vote for him because he was.
01:50:59 Brown.
01:51:00 Which I respect. Mad respect.
01:51:05 That's that's called in Group preference, although oftentimes Ann Coulter, you know, seems to shy away from the the Jew thing. A lot of there's look, there's a lot of.
01:51:20 Older pro whites that.
01:51:23 I think agree with.
Speaker 13
01:51:25 The.Devon Stack
01:51:26 Incorrect assessment that Jews are white.01:51:30 And I don't know why, but they're just there. Does seem to be a glut of those.
01:51:35 Those people from that age group, people that are around 50 and up.
01:51:40 Or even maybe even like. Well, yeah, I maybe 40 not I'd say, but it really seems to to go off the chart at about 50.
01:51:51 White cake says since genetics are a major determining factor and behaviors of races, how is it that a race evolves to become holy parasitic in nature? The idea that Jewish behavior is literally hard wired into their DNA is very disturbing considering their track record. Well, it's like any any parasite. That's what it is, you know.
01:52:11 The role of mites for bees, how did how did that happen? Right? How did they evolve to become a Organism that wouldn't be able to live without a host or any parasite?
01:52:23 That matter? Every single parasite in existence can only live with their host. You know the the the host dies and that's it. Now I think that might be kind of what we're experiencing right now is the realization from the parasites that they are.
01:52:43 They are either.
01:52:45 In danger of being removed from the host.
01:52:49 Maybe closer to that danger than they have been in a really long time.
01:52:55 Or that they might be killing the host.
Numbers Lady
01:52:58 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:52:59 And that's fine. If you have another.01:53:00 Host to crawl on to right, like there's that parasite that takes over.
01:53:05 What is it like? Beetles or ants or something? And it eats away at their brain and eventually starts driving them around like a like a *******, you know, like a remote control car like the the the bug is actually technically dead, and this parasite makes them go to water. And that's because it drives like, basically this.
01:53:25 Zombie bug to a body of water where it'll it'll just drown itself and then the parasite leaves the body.
01:53:33 And then reproduces and enters into another host because things other things are going there to drink water, right? So it gives it the opportunity to reproduce. So you might be experiencing that might be what's going on here with a lot of this noticing that's going on in the not meant by the way, that's the thing.
01:53:53 Don't. Don't overestimate the amount of noticing that's going on. A lot of people think that.
01:54:01 Because noticing is not being as censored as it was specifically on Twitter, say two years ago, and that slightly bigger, more mainstream accounts are noticing more often more publicly as a result of that.
01:54:22 That means that there's like this big jewel awakening among the guys that.
01:54:28 Not that's not.
01:54:30 That's not the case. That's not the case. Is it happening? Well, you can maybe say that's happening among younger people. You know, maybe Gen. Z, but that's not, it's not like some mainstream, widespread thing. So many people are not on Twitter.
01:54:47 It's it's easy to forget that, like the world's on Twitter and even if they are there, a lot of them are on their own. Little Echo chamber is on Twitter, thanks to the algorithm, and they're not going to be exposed. In fact, the other day, when I asked people to retweet that video that John Rankin put together, there was like a clip of one of my.
01:55:08 Streams. I asked the people go retweet it so that we could see if we could penetrate.
01:55:15 To maybe some of the normal accounts with with the message that was in there.
01:55:21 And I couldn't help but notice something like popped out.
01:55:24 Which by the.
01:55:25 Way a lot of you guys did.
01:55:27 We we actually did better numbers than I was expecting.
01:55:33 We fell short. I wanted 1000 reach weights, but I knew that I knew if I asked for 1000, I might get half that and I got about half almost half that.
01:55:42 But I want you to look.
Speaker 9
01:55:42 At something here.Speaker 13
01:55:46 OK, so this this is.01:55:57 That tweet.
Devon Stack
01:56:04 And I want you to look specifically at.01:56:13 The numbers there.
01:56:15 There is 465 retweets.
01:56:20 And 31,000 views. That's the number on the right.
01:56:26 Now I'm going to show you how that compares.
01:56:31 To the link that I just sent out the night of.
01:56:36 To that string.
01:56:38 Now remember links according to people who have studied the algorithm are deep boosted just in general.
01:56:46 If it if it's just a link.
01:56:49 And I mean obviously a link and then some text. But like if it.
01:56:52 If.
01:56:53 It's basically, hey, look at this link.
01:56:56 They debost it because it's making you leave their platform, right? So they don't want people leaving the platform.
Speaker 9
01:57:04 Why they not safe?01:57:17 There it is.
Devon Stack
01:57:21 So again, 465 retweets, 31,000 views.01:57:29 Well, that's weird.
01:57:33 Because this only has 69 retweets, when the double digits.
01:57:40 42,000 views.
Numbers Lady
01:57:42 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:57:45 How does that math make any sense?01:57:50 69 or 8 trades 208 likes, 42,000 views.
01:57:56 Versus almost 1000 likes and and almost 500 reach rates.
01:58:02 Fewer views.
01:58:06 So yeah, it's, you know, Elon's Twitter is still playing little ******* games with the algorithm.
01:58:15 Because that does not make any ******* sense. Any kind of sense whatsoever.
01:58:27 But it is what it is. This is what I look and I've I've just come to.
01:58:30 Terms with this.
01:58:33 You know, there's people that sit there.
01:58:34 And ohh the censorship the.
01:58:35 Look, look, we've, we've known about the censorship since 2016. It's.
01:58:42 I'm just over it, but I just like that's.
01:58:45 And for those of you thinking that, you know, Twitter is somehow better now, it's like, no, no, not so much.
01:58:54 Things still get deposited dramatically.
01:58:59 Let's see here.
01:59:01 Where are we at?
01:59:05 Cornered Space Alien says cornered space alien is upset. Alright.
01:59:12 Andromeda, says bird. Evan. Cheers. Well, thank you very much, Andromeda.
01:59:19 Age of anxiety says that Tim Poole song was ******* painful. Dude, that was like Queens of the Stone Age, but 1000 times gayer. Yeah, like he has. He has a bunch of songs.
01:59:33 He has the money to do this self indulgent fad, cringe song stuff. And apparently if you go to his office, it's like George Lucas's office while he was doing episode one, he can just make like all the Jar Jar Binks type **** he wants and no one's going to tell him it's stupid.
01:59:50 Art Stanton says. I lost a **** load of money after starting an E*Trade account three years ago, and little advice for all the chat. If you buy stocks, just buy index funds. If you treat it like a casino, the house will always win. Yes, the House will always win.
02:00:08 Unless you have an insider trader.
02:00:10 Knowledge you know, and and you're up against at this point. A lot of that training is automated by algorithms that are, you know, using AI that are, you know, they're they're going to outperform you.
02:00:26 And not only.
02:00:26 Are the the big, the big brokerage?
02:00:28 Houses using that stuff, but even like a lot of these small time people are now at this point.
02:00:35 Hook nosed phonics says space is fake. I've looked all around my house and I can say with 100% certainty that there is no space.
02:00:47 You get half a wamp for that. How about that?
Speaker 9
02:00:52 That's all you.Speaker 13
02:00:52 Get.Devon Stack
02:00:56 SpaceX says space. Oh, wait.02:00:59 No more space since fake space is fake. I've looked all around my. Why are you guys all saying the same thing?
02:01:09 All right. Same thing from SpaceX, you know. Sorry, you can't even get.
02:01:15 Half a womb because.
02:01:17 There are no more lumps to give. Spy Hunter Spy Hunter simply says.
Speaker 19
02:01:23 Target.Devon Stack
02:01:25 Marada a recent poll on Twitter, do you believe the Holocaust is a true event? 57,000 votes, 58% say no.02:01:35 This is why they are slapping community notes on polls now. Well, yeah, like I said, that's a Twitter poll. It's not like a scientific poll. It's not like it's not like Gallup poll went and pulled, you know, average Americans to ask him that kind of stuff. But.
02:01:51 Yeah, it's encouraging. I don't think you even on Twitter before the censorship you would have got anything like that even a couple years ago.
02:02:01 Let's see here.
02:02:04 Variety Channel says I disagree with the hyper chat last episode that said your quality has dropped as of late. I don't know. Tonight's been a little long. No, it's not low quality. It's just a little. This was short and sweet. The research and how prolific you are deserves kudos maybe once a month you could do a show where you accept those.
02:02:24 Not charted lengths $5 per minute, you know, 1900, you know, give a link and critique the content in classic black pill to fashion. I don't know. I'll think about it.
02:02:38 Can I also like get ******* hammered before I?
02:02:44 And just be belligerent about all the links.
02:02:50 I don't know. I don't know. I'll think about it.
02:02:53 See what I saw? See what I saw? See money.
Speaker 18
02:03:00 Money is power.Speaker 16
02:03:01 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Devon Stack
02:03:05 I remixed acting slow tonight like the response on this on OBS is slow for some reason.02:03:13 Ah, see what I saw? It has a lake and says this is something you can check out later. Skip from comedians McLean and. Well, I don't know. Is it is it McLean or cause in Virginia that would be pronounced McLean. So is it McLean and McLean or McLean and McLean, Ralphs home home. No hitting halftone.
02:03:33 Motors.
02:03:34 Should have some clips.
02:03:36 You can use. I don't even know what that means.
02:03:38 But I appreciate that and I will check it out after the.
Speaker 9
02:03:42 Show.Devon Stack
02:03:47 I'll love it. I'll even I'll paste it.02:03:50 In a in another.
Speaker 9
02:03:53 Another.Devon Stack
02:03:56 Another thing there.02:03:58 All right, let's take a look at rumble.
02:04:01 And Rumble, we got bored on this or we got paladine.
02:04:05 YYZ Power 9 YYZ.
Speaker 9
02:04:09 You know what?Devon Stack
02:04:13 That's not the.02:04:13 One, I wanted the sad, the sad gorillas.
Speaker 9
02:04:20 There we go.Speaker 3
02:04:22 Hello.02:04:26 Great, great, great.
Devon Stack
02:04:36 I am going to be updating these, but the sad gorilla will stay power line YYZ born on the streets of Brooklyn. I saved up some money to buy surplus pencils for a penny, sharpened them and sold them for two cents graduated from Princeton. Then Grandpa died and left me $50 million.02:04:54 Exactly. It's always stories like that, and even, you know, it's it's. But it's even more egregious than that. And they all they all have the same exact ******* story. Oh, yeah. Grandpa showed up here from Poland with with nothing but a but. But the the pocket change in his pocket. And now he owns, you know, Goldman Sachs.
02:05:13 It's like, OK, well, everyone knows that's ******* ********. Alright? Last but not least, we got white cake. Says thanks for the stream tonight. Devin. Are you back to your regular Wednesday, Saturday schedule? Can we expect you in any guest spots in their future?
02:05:28 Yeah, back to the regular schedule, I think because the bee stuff is not as intense right now I and there's still stuff I got to do, but it's not like.
02:05:38 This is labor intensive, as the last few weeks.
02:05:41 And I should be.
02:05:44 I should be on blondes.
02:05:47 Channel.
02:05:49 Sometime soon we haven't picked out a day, but.
02:05:54 She said that the people were asking for it and we need to give the people what they want.
02:05:58 And so that's what we're going to be doing.
02:06:02 I'm not sure what I'm talking about.
02:06:03 But it will.
02:06:04 Probably be.
02:06:06 Either I don't think this week it's already well, it's already technically in 5 minutes or so. It's going to be well right now. It's Thursday.
02:06:16 But probably by next week sometime I'll be on blonde Rebecca's string on, I think on YouTube, think she's still on YouTube.
02:06:28 And so I'll give you guys the link for that on Telegram and.
02:06:31 Everything.
Speaker 13
02:06:32 Else.Devon Stack
02:06:33 Alright guys. Well, I appreciate you being here even for this. Like I said a little Shorty.02:06:38 Little short and sweet one.
02:06:40 And look forward to Saturday. Saturday will be a bigger one. It's I'm kind of stuck. There's a.
02:06:49 There's a a particular historical event that I'm reading. I'm trying to research and it's real tough because I'm going through old newspapers. They're trying to find the original cause, you know, that's more, you know, obviously no video of it from the 1800s.
02:07:06 And it's just difficult to to research stuff that's that old when you've had 100 years of Jewish historians trying to cover it up or muddy the waters or rewrite it, which is exactly what's happened. And so it's it's really difficult to, but it's a story that's pretty fascinating.
02:07:26 At least.
02:07:28 What I've been able to find so far. So we'll either do that or I might postpone it again. If I don't have the it's, it's what it's worth doing, right? Actually, it was something that someone here.
02:07:38 Suggested at one point.
02:07:40 So anyway, I will. I'll see you guys Saturday either way. And so hope you guys have a good rest of your week in the meantime.
02:07:51 For black pilled.
02:07:53 I am of course.
02:07:56 Devon stack.
Speaker 20
02:07:59 You know, in today's regulatory environment, it's virtually impossible to to violate rules and this is something that the public really doesn't understand. And you, if you read things in the newspaper and you.02:08:11 If somebody you know violate the rule, you say, well, you know, they're always doing this, but you it's impossible for you to go under for a violation to go undetected. Certainly not for a considerable period of time. And when you consider the volumes of trading, the trillions of of dollars of trading that go on.
02:08:32 Our firm, for example loan we trade in excess of $1 trillion a year, so and that's one firm you know so you can you when you look at the scope of the trade.
02:08:42 That goes on today in Wall Street and you look at the what we would consider to be the infractions. They're relatively small, you know, primarily because you know of all the regulation and most funds do try to comply with that.