
INSOMNIA STREAM: THE GAY 90's part 1.mp3

Numbers Lady
00:00:00 62886.
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00:00:34 378-423-7842.
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00:00:59 7.
Speaker 2
00:01:19 The time.
Speaker 3
00:01:29 These are life.
00:01:34 Would you even care?
Speaker 4
00:01:50 Where you go?
Speaker 5
00:01:59 Found.
00:02:05 Don't forget to smell her.
Speaker 6
00:02:10 Well.
Speaker 3
00:02:26 So.
Speaker 6
00:02:31 It's raining, raining.
00:02:58 Where you go?
Speaker 5
00:03:07 Found.
Speaker 6
00:03:18 Where's the stand alone?
Speaker 2
00:03:28 Time.
Speaker 4
00:04:16 Round.
Speaker 6
00:04:27 Where's the?
Speaker 4
00:04:34 The father.
00:04:46 Where?
Speaker 5
00:05:40 Then she leaves.
00:05:45 Motivation to make you smile like a tough for you. What you wanna do? Coming over, you keep on smiling. What we go through, we'll stop to the rhythm and speak to you like the close to the first.
00:06:05 Then the case.
00:06:19 I'm not listening when you say.
Speaker 6
00:06:34 To play with gold.
00:06:35 Is well.
Speaker 5
00:06:57 So.
00:06:57 Sleep inside you.
00:07:18 Say.
00:07:22 Believe in the feeling. I believe in the faith, the world and the world can make me fly.
00:07:23 And beneath my toes. All right.
Speaker 6
00:07:42 She said she was trapped.
Speaker 5
00:07:56 They passed the test. Let's hope around the belly.
00:07:58 Face down on the mattress.
00:08:26 Alright.
00:08:29 Something else?
00:08:33 This I want something else.
00:08:35 Life.
Speaker 5
00:08:41 Not listening when you say.
Devon Stack
00:09:51 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:56 The Gay 90s, part one.
00:10:01 I'm your host, of course. Devon stack.
00:10:04 Now I told you guys I was working.
00:10:06 On a series.
00:10:09 Or at least a big video that's going to be a series now. There's just too.
00:10:12 Much. There's just too much.
00:10:15 In response to the sentiment that many centrists.
00:10:20 Including Tucker Carlson have have expressed.
00:10:25 That the 90s was it was somehow that was peak America.
00:10:31 The 1990s was peak America.
00:10:35 And if we could just go back to the 1990s.
00:10:40 Then somehow everything would be fine.
00:10:45 And a lot of younger people.
00:10:48 Who are either infants or really young during the 90s.
00:10:52 There's a lot.
00:10:53 Of nostalgia.
00:10:56 They see the 90s through rows or maybe, uh. I guess I should say.
00:11:03 Vibrant pink and cyan colored glasses.
00:11:10 They think of a time when ohh we could we could make we.
00:11:13 Could make racial jokes still.
00:11:20 People weren't at each.
00:11:21 Other's throats.
00:11:25 You know the the.
00:11:26 The political climate seemed more normal.
00:11:30 America was undisputed #1.
00:11:36 Now a lot of that is because they were too young to pay attention to the news. I mean, a lot of it hasn't changed at all.
00:11:46 Now there there was.
00:11:47 The LA Race riots of 1992 that was the 90s.
00:11:54 Wasn't the only race rights and the Rodney King there was, there was. Uh.
00:11:59 Oh, Jay, all that stuff in the 1990s.
Numbers Lady
00:12:02 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:12:04 But moreover, there's this, I think misconception this.
00:12:10 This.
00:12:13 Naive idea that this trans kids this well, you know, usually I'm OK with what people do in the privacy of their home, but it's now it's now it's out of control. I want to let's dial it back to the 90s.
00:12:30 Without, they don't understand.
00:12:31 It well, what what's happening today?
00:12:35 Couldn't happen without what was happening in the 90s.
00:12:40 Happening in the 90s.
00:12:43 And as I expressed last string, even if you wanted to go back to the 90s.
00:12:49 You couldn't go back to the 90s without the demographics.
00:12:54 Of the 1990s.
00:12:58 Which coin? NBC News meant that the.
00:13:01 The United States was still over 80% white.
00:13:06 With a smaller Mexican population.
00:13:10 Than a black population.
00:13:13 And an almost undetectable Asian population.
00:13:18 That, of course, is has all changed now.
00:13:23 So there's really no pathway back, even if that's what you wanted to accomplish, to go back to the 90s but tonight.
00:13:28 We're going to show you.
00:13:31 Why you wouldn't want to.
00:13:32 Go back to the 90s.
00:13:34 All the stuff that maybe you were too young to understand. It's like when you're an adult and you go back and you watch a cartoon.
00:13:42 That you watched when you were a kid?
00:13:45 And then all of a sudden, all the adult jokes that are in that cartoon that sailed right over your head.
00:13:54 Suddenly you get them and you're like oh.
00:13:58 I didn't notice that before. Uh.
00:14:02 I wish I didn't realize that.
00:14:06 I suspect there will. There will be a little bit of that going on tonight.
00:14:13 So because the name of this series, of course, is the gay 90s.
00:14:19 Let's let's talk about why. Well.
00:14:22 I think for starters.
00:14:24 The 1990s is when homosexuality was normalized.
00:14:30 And again, a lot of the reason why I think these libertarian centrists want to go back to the 1990s is.
00:14:36 They're OK with that.
00:14:39 That's the kind of homosexuality that they could handle.
Speaker 8
00:14:42 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:14:44 Not really. They're the ones, in fact.
00:14:46 During the 90s.
00:14:48 They're the ones that believed.
00:14:50 In this slippery slope fallacy.
00:14:54 They were the ones that said well.
00:14:57 Come on. It's not like they're going to try to get your kids crazy.
Speaker 3
00:15:04 They just want.
Devon Stack
00:15:05 It they just want to get married.
Speaker 3
00:15:08 We're there to go.
Speaker 6
00:15:09 To the hospital.
Speaker 3
00:15:12 Well.
Devon Stack
00:15:12 Their gay lover has to be able.
00:15:13 To sign the paperwork.
00:15:17 Let's just you know we.
00:15:19 Gotta be humane.
00:15:26 So anyway.
00:15:29 Let's take a look and see how that was done, because it started out in 1990.
00:15:36 They've already made a lot of progress during the 1980s.
Speaker 8
00:15:41 Now.
Devon Stack
00:15:43 This is a talk show. It's a Jewish talk show daytime talk show.
00:15:50 That aired.
00:15:52 In 1991.
00:15:56 1991.
00:15:58 The name of the talk show was Sally Jesse Raphael.
00:16:05 Sally Jesse Raphael was a.
00:16:09 The short haired.
00:16:12 Well, according to her non lesbian.
00:16:17 Girl boss. Jewish girl boss.
00:16:22 And you see what happened? And we've talked about the the effect of these daytime talk shows in the past.
00:16:27 But what it was was, well, the men were.
Speaker 6
00:16:29 Away at work.
Devon Stack
00:16:33 Jews came to the living rooms of every American and talked to their wives in private.
00:16:39 What? That's crazy, Devin.
00:16:42 Why would you even say something that insane while?
Speaker 9
00:16:45 It's the truth.
Devon Stack
00:16:49 That's what happened.
00:16:51 Maybe that Jew was Sally Jesse Raphael.
00:16:56 Maybe that Jew is Ricky Lake.
00:16:59 Maybe that Jew was Jerry Springer.
00:17:04 But there was a Jew in the living room of every American household.
00:17:09 Talking about social issues.
00:17:11 To your wife while you are away at work.
00:17:18 Telling your wife how, how to raise her kids.
00:17:23 Updating her firmware about what was socially acceptable with the sounds of a a crowd that would either cheer.
00:17:31 Or blue.
00:17:33 Depending on.
00:17:35 What was was was talked about and that was the social feedback.
00:17:43 And that's the instrument they use during salad. Jesse Refil, when normalizing first, of course the the non threatening lesbians.
00:17:55 So this show is a show. It's it wasn't her first show about gay people.
00:18:01 There was a show to tell women at home.
00:18:06 You know this stereotype. You have this prejudice you have.
00:18:12 Of lesbians being these like weird.
00:18:16 Fat shaved head flannel wearing *****.
00:18:22 That's crazy.
00:18:25 That's old fashioned.
00:18:27 Lesbians, they they look just like you and me.
00:18:31 You would never know that they were lesbians, and that's OK because lesbians and gay people are everywhere.
00:18:41 So let's meet a few of them.
00:18:43 Get over those heebie jeebies that you feel.
00:18:47 And the safety of your living room, guided by your spiritual and philosophical leader Sally, Jesse, Jesse, Raphael.
00:18:59 Let's let's join together and get comfortable around ******.
Speaker 10
00:19:06 OK.
Speaker 11
00:19:15 No early enough in the year to make this a year in which we work for tolerance. When I say the word lesbian, what pops into your mind?
Devon Stack
00:19:25 What? When I say lesbian, uh.
00:19:28 What? What? What pops in your mind?
00:19:33 I mean, aside from that.
00:19:36 Oh, I'm sure you know this is a this is a year.
00:19:40 For tolerance, she's breaking down barriers.
Speaker 11
00:19:43 Need Alexis, she is a former model. She is a mother of two and Suzanne. She is a stand up comedian who performs lesbian humor.
00:19:54 In straight clubs.
Devon Stack
00:19:56 Oh, look at.
00:19:57 That. See, there's a mom just. There's a going mom just like you.
00:20:02 And a Jewish comedian.
00:20:05 See. They look just like normal people.
00:20:09 And one of them's a mom who used to be married and had kids.
00:20:16 And then discovered she was a lesbian. But maybe we'll get into that.
00:20:20 In a minute.
Numbers Lady
00:20:21 Yeah.
Speaker 11
00:20:23 When you start talking about being, if you do lesbian jokes and then you say I'm a lesbian, does that kind of still do that to them? Make them jolt back.
Speaker 12
00:20:34 The initial response is such silence. The person is sometimes too they laugh. They think it's part of my joke that I'm just saying that to be funny.
Devon Stack
00:20:43 And that's why sometimes people are tempted by this idea that, I mean, it's a pipe dream anyway. But this idea that we can go back to the 90s.
00:20:53 Because that's what they want. They want to go back to a time.
00:20:57 When if someone says they're a lesbian, it's it's taken as a joke.
00:21:02 They can't be serious. There's so few lesbians.
00:21:06 And when we talk about them, it's always in the context of.
00:21:09 Making fun of them.
00:21:11 Because that's what a a society's healthy immune system looks like.
00:21:16 A society with a healthy immune system is bullying the people that are bad for society, like lesbians.
00:21:24 And so you saying, hey, everybody, I'm a lesbian. Everyone's like, look at that. That's hilarious.
00:21:32 Because it's absurd.
00:21:35 That you would be a lesbian and that if you were, you would tell people.
00:21:40 So that's what's attractive to a lot of these people.
00:21:45 But again, this this is the stage two cancer of our society.
00:21:51 That led to the Stage 4 that we're currently experiencing.
Numbers Lady
00:21:56 The whole.
Speaker 13
00:21:56 Thing is, I don't know. You know, she's a lesbian. You know, we didn't know that yesterday, but since we know it today, you know, we better stay away from her. Because, I mean, after all, she may try to come on to us, you know, in the in the lunch room, or they sneak up behind us at the microwave or, you know, if we let her, you know, babysit for our children got.
00:22:14 The bit I.
00:22:14 Mean, yeah, what could?
Speaker 12
00:22:15 Those you know.
Speaker 13
00:22:16 What could happen? Pushing to promote that you know? And if I have a teenage daughter and they go over to her house and visit with her kids, then maybe she'll get to be like them too, you know. And it's not about that, I mean.
Devon Stack
00:22:33 It's definitely not about that right. See, that's the slippery slope.
00:22:37 You were crazy to think.
00:22:40 That they would ever want to influence your children.
Speaker 6
00:22:45 Ohh no it's.
Devon Stack
00:22:46 Safe to have gay people around your children.
00:22:51 Never would. They wouldn't even.
00:22:52 They that's preposterous, that they would ever, ever want to have any kind of influence over your children whatsoever.
Speaker 3
00:23:03 And look.
Devon Stack
00:23:05 Molly, Molly, housewife, sitting at home. She's never even met a lesbian.
00:23:12 Sally Jesse Raphael. She makes a lot of sense.
00:23:18 She she. That's a woman I can trust almost as much as as Jewish doctor Laura. Laura, that I listen to on the radio sometimes.
00:23:28 And if she's saying that these are lesbians, then I guess this is.
00:23:31 What lesbians are like?
00:23:34 They don't want to mess with my kids.
00:23:36 They seem like normal chicks. They just, you know.
Speaker 6
00:23:40 Yeah.
Speaker 3
00:23:41 They're just.
Devon Stack
00:23:42 A little different.
Speaker 11
00:23:43 You're the body of your life. 99% of it. Would it be like anybody who is watching us now who's working? There's nothing unusual about.
Speaker 8
00:23:43 Your.
Speaker 13
00:23:50 Anybody else? I do a laundry. I pick up those dirty clothes.
Speaker 12
00:23:55 Get your.
00:23:56 Sneakers off the.
Speaker 13
00:23:56 Floor. You know, clean up that mess. You didn't take the dishes and put them in.
00:24:00 The dishwasher. Things.
00:24:01 A lot, you guys. I mean that kind of thing.
Speaker 11
00:24:03 You're an undistinguishable and anything you.
Speaker 13
00:24:06 Do with your life exactly the only thing that makes me different is that I sleep with a woman.
Speaker 14
00:24:12 Doesn't really matter. Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their.
00:24:18 Business.
Numbers Lady
00:24:19 That's their business.
Speaker 3
00:24:22 What is it?
Devon Stack
00:24:23 What? Who cares what they're doing in the in the privacy?
00:24:26 Of their own home, right?
00:24:33 Tell us more salad, Jesse.
Speaker 11
00:24:37 99% of your day is is a day like anyone else's day and and those couple of hours in the bedroom at night are that's what's different than everything else is the.
Speaker 12
00:24:46 That's what's.
Speaker 11
00:24:47 Same.
Speaker 15
00:24:48 Doesn't really matter 2.
Speaker 14
00:24:50 Grown consenting adults doing whatever they.
00:24:52 Want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
00:24:58 Yeah, it's. It's all. Yeah, they're just like us.
00:25:02 Just whatever they do in the privacy of their it's just those moments in the night when you have no business.
00:25:09 Prying into their bedroom anyway, right?
00:25:14 You have no business and they have a right.
00:25:17 To privacy in this country. Free country, right?
00:25:22 Don't we? Don't we love celebrating the day? How free our countries are out here in?
00:25:26 The West we.
00:25:27 Have such free country, so much freedom, don't we? We have freedom everywhere. So free.
00:25:35 So who are you to criticize?
00:25:37 With these consenting adults do.
Speaker 11
00:25:41 No, coming on to other women in general during the day, there's no hidden thing of looking for little girls.
Numbers Lady
00:25:42 No, no.
Speaker 11
00:25:49 You know, I'm trying to help you out with what those stereotypes are, OK?
Speaker 3
00:25:51 Right.
Devon Stack
00:25:54 I'm. I'm just trying to alleviate the fears of the mothers at home watching this, that you're certainly not seeking out children.
00:26:03 No, that's that's absolutely not happening, is it?
Speaker 11
00:26:10 Feel free to say they come.
Speaker 13
00:26:11 From the media, I think the media does.
00:26:13 A great injustice to the.
00:26:15 To the homosexuality in general.
Devon Stack
00:26:17 Ohh so all these. Just like with racism.
00:26:21 All of these misconceptions that people have about gay people, it's because of the horrible way that gay people are portrayed, right.
00:26:31 Everyone knows you flip on a movie or a or a television and watch a sitcom, and it's about those evil gay people trying to kidnap your children.
00:26:43 Right, that's that's what they're they're showing in the media.
00:26:50 Just like with racism, it's everything. You can't watch a Hollywood movie without some evil black gangster ****** a white couple to death, right? It's it all these.
00:27:01 These weird instincts that you have are not really instincts.
00:27:07 It's just false.
00:27:09 Impressions that the media has given you.
Speaker 12
00:27:12 Especially with gays, because gays are like, everywhere and there's all kinds and ages and religions. And I was gonna say sex as a ghost, my guess.
00:27:20 Is just too pretty.
Numbers Lady
00:27:20 Yeah.
Speaker 12
00:27:21 Much like.
Devon Stack
00:27:22 Ohh, and there's only two genders. See, that's why I I want to go back to the 90s. Devin, back when there was only two genders and even the gay.
00:27:30 People agreed with that.
00:27:33 Life was so much simpler. All we had to worry about were lesbians who were just like us and gay people that were just like us, which we'll go into in a second.
00:27:43 And there was only two genders, bro.
00:27:47 No slippery slope. Slippery slopes don't exist.
00:27:52 They don't go after your children. They don't want to change the definition of marriage. They don't want to say there's more than two genders.
00:28:00 Yeah, it's, it's just they're just.
00:28:02 Normal women that look just like you and living their normal lives.
Speaker 11
00:28:08 Right, she says. You just use the word ****.
Speaker 5
00:28:09 Yeah.
Speaker 12
00:28:13 Lesbian ****. That's OK word.
Speaker 16
00:28:15 Oh yeah.
Speaker 3
00:28:16 For us to use.
Speaker 13
00:28:17 It's a fun word.
Speaker 8
00:28:17 It. Wait a minute. What do you mean for us to use it?
Speaker 17
00:28:25 Well, I think it's like, you know.
00:28:29 If.
Speaker 17
00:28:29 Black people want to call each other. They can call each other, but if a white person calls them a.
00:28:33 I don't think it's right.
Speaker 12
00:28:38 You guys are calling yourself.
Speaker 8
00:28:40 Right.
Devon Stack
00:28:41 See the 90s were great because people could say and right in front of a black person and as long as it was in context, black people wouldn't freak out. See.
00:28:55 See, it was fine. Actually, it's funny because it wasn't fine that this black chick got ****** *** about.
00:29:00 Apparently the you know the ***** didn't get the, didn't get the memo.
00:29:06 But that's what people think about when they think about the 90s. You could say on national television and you know, that was not a big deal. I mean, you might offend a few black people, but.
00:29:16 Then whatever. Who cares?
Speaker 11
00:29:19 I'm not so sure I don't like black people using the word anymore, but I like white people using the word.
Speaker 12
00:29:25 Where did you are?
Devon Stack
00:29:30 Ohh, and the lesbian gets corrected and and she's like oh whoops, but they quickly changed the subject and just talk about how lesbians are fine with being called *****.
Speaker 5
00:29:41 Yeah.
Numbers Lady
00:29:44 Oh.
Devon Stack
00:29:46 Ohh this is my favorite part.
00:29:48 After telling you that they have no interest.
00:29:51 And being around children, and that's a crazy fantasy.
00:29:57 They then go on to laugh.
00:29:59 About even though they're here to smash lesbian stereotypes, that's the whole purpose of this show.
00:30:06 Oh, you thought that you knew about lesbians?
00:30:10 We're here to smash all those stereotypes, that prejudice that you have.
00:30:16 And then they go on to explain that the stereotypical lesbian and gay gym teachers is 100% accurate.
Speaker 8
00:30:26 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:30:27 That they suspect every single one of these people on the panel.
00:30:31 They suspect their gym, their female gym teachers, were lesbians.
00:30:36 But lesbians have no interest in children, right?
00:30:40 They just want to go work in a place where there's naked children.
00:30:47 And without exception, these four different women, who are from 4 different parts of the country.
00:30:53 With the four different schools.
00:30:56 All seemed to laugh and giggle.
00:31:00 At the idea that their gym teachers, their female gym teachers, were all gay.
Speaker 5
00:31:07 Teachers.
Speaker 12
00:31:07 Yeah, definitely. Always, Miss bell. You didn't do that in school. I thought that was like nationwide. They were both. So gym teachers were all gay.
Speaker 17
00:31:17 Yeah, sure. I'm sure mine was.
00:31:18 Your.
Speaker 13
00:31:19 Gym teacher. A lesbian or not kind of thing. And then if you found out through the Grapevine that she was alright.
Speaker 5
00:31:21 Really.
Devon Stack
00:31:27 Ohh, we found yeah, we all thought she was good and we found that she was. Oh yeah, mine.
00:31:31 Was gay, too. So was mine.
00:31:34 The lesbians have no interest in children.
00:31:39 They just gravitate towards jobs where.
00:31:41 They.
00:31:42 Are around naked children.
00:31:46 And look, the kids in the audience, they they're laughing alongside their their the mother that brought them to Sally Jesse.
00:31:55 They think it's fantastic.
00:31:59 This black chick has a problem with the the the black lesbian who said that she didn't like men anymore.
Speaker 12
00:32:06 All of you have changed like in women. Now what can a woman do for you that a man can't?
Speaker 5
00:32:13 Here's my list. Ohh.
Speaker 12
00:32:19 Not get me pregnant.
Devon Stack
00:32:21 Ohh and there it is.
00:32:26 Not get me pregnant, and while that might seem like a throw away line, isn't that the whole point of homosexuality?
00:32:34 It's been look, it's been disclosed and and and documents from the UN that promoting homosexuality is a great way to control population.
00:32:44 So while it might seem like this cute little funny joke that the lesbian Jew said.
00:32:50 She's right.
00:32:52 That is one thing.
00:32:54 That a woman can't do for her that a man can. And that's precisely why they're promoting it.
00:33:02 Because a woman won't get you pregnant.
00:33:06 And then you won't have any kids.
00:33:09 And then the population will start to shrink.
00:33:12 And the boomers will freak out because their houses aren't worth as much.
00:33:17 And will open up the floodgates of immigration.
00:33:22 So they're house housing.
00:33:25 Prices jump back up their big investment, their retirement investment.
00:33:30 Skyrockets.
00:33:33 And bonus, they can pay someone $5.00 an hour to watch their kids because they're not going.
00:33:38 To do it.
00:33:41 All this wonderful ethnic food becomes available.
00:33:47 You increase the tax base to.
00:33:48 Pay for them in.
00:33:49 Their old age.
00:33:53 And the only downside?
00:33:55 It doesn't really start to to get hairy until you're already.
00:33:59 Dead. And your kids can deal with the problem.
00:34:05 So yeah, be a *****. **** it.
00:34:12 And in the end, what what? What does this audience conclude?
Speaker 17
00:34:15 I just want to applaud all of you women up there and especially Alexis and Suzanne because I think what you're doing is great because I think you should know out there that everybody's like everybody else and stop putting labels and.
00:34:28 Just.
00:34:29 Don't assume somebody some way and don't you know, patronize them because they.
Speaker 13
00:34:33 Are. Thank you.
Speaker 18
00:34:36 I think you guys should go what?
Devon Stack
00:34:39 That's right, everyone's the same.
00:34:43 Don't don't patronize people. Assuming that you know that they're different.
Speaker 18
00:34:47 But these women are very courageous because society is still not ready for lesbians. They're not ready for white lesbians and not ready for lesbians of color. And we're getting it ready. I have a job. I am paid to go and advocate for lesbian.
Speaker 8
00:35:02 That's ready.
Speaker 18
00:35:03 OK. Right. We'll take a breath.
Devon Stack
00:35:05 With taxpayer money, I might add. So in 1991 there were already official liaisons to the.
00:35:13 Gay community, we want to go back to the 90s, right in the 90s.
00:35:18 When taxpayer dollars were going to lesbians like this.
00:35:24 You are paying her salary.
00:35:28 To spread homosexuality and grade schools college campuses.
00:35:34 Talk shows like this.
00:35:40 Again, 1991.
00:35:46 But the 90s were so much better, right?
00:35:51 All these brave lesbians.
Speaker 6
00:35:58 Now.
Devon Stack
00:35:59 While the housewives were enjoying talk shows like this at home.
00:36:05 From Sally, Jesse, Jewish, Raphael.
00:36:10 In the evening.
00:36:13 Another instead of just one Jew in her in her living room telling her about the new social norms that she needed to conform to.
00:36:22 A whole army of Jews.
00:36:24 Put together passion plays.
00:36:27 For her enjoyment and entertainment to reinforce what the Jew in the afternoon had told her.
00:36:37 Now, one example of this was golden girls.
00:36:43 This aired I I forget the.
00:36:45 Year it was now it was season 6.
00:36:49 So, early 90s, around the time that this Sally, Jesse Raphael.
00:36:55 Show would have been on.
00:36:58 Golden girls, for those of you who don't know, was a show about a bunch of old women that lived in a house together. No men, of course.
00:37:07 The show was directed towards women.
00:37:11 A lot of lesbians like the show, but a lot of just housewives like the show and young girls like the show.
00:37:19 It was dripping with estrogen.
00:37:22 There was a little bit of the anti man sentiment, but it wasn't so heavy.
00:37:29 But it was basically a a woman show.
00:37:34 Of course it was produced by Jews.
00:37:41 And Sam Harris?
00:37:44 The the the.
00:37:46 Poster child for Trump, Trump Derangement syndrome, Sam Harris.
00:37:52 His mom created the.
00:37:54 Show.
00:37:56 The reason why we're we are gifted with a a mind like Sam Harris. The reason why you have to know what he thinks about things.
00:38:04 Is.
00:38:05 She had a rich mom.
00:38:08 So he's a rich Jew that doesn't have to get a real job.
00:38:13 Instead just gets just has money.
00:38:17 Telling you how bad white people are all day.
00:38:25 Directed by Matthew Diamond, the Nice Jewish name Matthew Diamond.
00:38:31 So when golden girls.
00:38:35 The the Southern Bell character.
00:38:37 Because of course, that's the one that.
00:38:39 You would use.
00:38:43 The Southern Christian Woman, Christian White woman that's in the audience. That's the one that's going to be the most opposed to homosexuality.
00:38:55 So what do what do they do? They make her brother gay.
00:39:00 They highlight this in in several episodes.
00:39:06 And again, this is like in fact let me find out the exact year because they really kind of upped the ante.
00:39:12 It's no longer just let's accept him.
00:39:16 For being gay, they pushed the.
00:39:17 Envelope on this one.
00:39:21 All right. What year was golden girls?
00:39:27 All right, starting 85 and it stopped in 92, so this would have been 1990. Most likely that this aired.
00:39:35 So before Sally Jesse Raphael.
00:39:41 So in 1990, remember, gay marriage was still an issue.
00:39:46 When Obama ran for president in 2008.
00:39:51 And Obama was, you know, publicly still opposed to the idea of gay marriage in 2000 ******* 8:00. Not that long ago.
00:40:03 Yet in 1990.
00:40:06 In a very mainstream television show.
00:40:10 That lots of normies watched.
00:40:13 When it would have been.
00:40:15 Absurd.
00:40:17 To push the idea of gay marriage.
00:40:20 In real life.
00:40:22 It was being pushed on several sitcoms I brought up cheers around the same time period. In fact, I think a little bit before.
00:40:30 Push the same idea.
00:40:33 That you'd have a gay wedding when it was completely illegal for like another 20 years.
00:40:41 So they get the southern.
00:40:42 You know Christian, naive girl.
00:40:46 And they make her brother gay and he wants.
00:40:48 To get gay married.
Speaker 20
00:40:53 I just got a letter from.
Speaker 19
00:40:54 My brother Clayton and he.
00:40:55 Says he's coming for a visit next.
00:40:56 Week and he has.
Speaker 3
00:40:57 A big surprise. Ohh, that's wonderful.
Speaker 19
00:40:59 I know what the surprise is.
00:41:01 Plato's met himself.
00:41:02 A girl who wants me to.
Speaker 21
00:41:02 Meet your brother is gay.
Speaker 19
00:41:08 I think that gay thing.
00:41:09 Was just a phase. He was going through.
Devon Stack
00:41:14 Oh, the laugh track, the laugh track, saving this, the serving the same purpose that the crowd and the Sally Jesse.
00:41:21 Talk show environment does it lets people know that?
00:41:25 Or having a gay brother if it's it's.
Speaker 6
00:41:27 A little funny.
Devon Stack
00:41:29 That's not something serious to be concerned about. That's not a moral failing, it's not something to be embarrassed about in your family. It's kind of a funny thing.
Speaker 19
00:41:39 Now baby brother.
00:41:40 I've waited all week. Where is it? Where's?
Speaker 6
00:41:42 My surprise. Hello everyone.
Speaker 10
00:41:50 Surprise.
Devon Stack
00:41:55 See and this is again, This is why people want to go back to the 90s. Well, it's still taboo, though.
00:42:02 It's still taboo cause you're look everyone looks shocked.
00:42:07 And they're joking about it.
00:42:11 All right.
00:42:12 But what would you say if in the same sitcom?
00:42:16 She said, well, my brother, my brother's a pedo and then they played a laugh track.
00:42:24 I'll come meet my pedo brother laugh track.
00:42:29 Oh, I sure hope he's not hanging around any days. You know, daycare places, laugh, track.
00:42:42 Because that's basically what they're doing.
00:42:47 So she's very upset by this. She feels betrayed by her brother.
00:42:52 But the rest of the household?
00:42:55 And this is.
00:42:56 How women operate this show is for women.
00:42:59 Women like to they like consensus. They like to see what's the social consensus.
00:43:05 For lack of a better.
Speaker 14
00:43:06 Term.
Devon Stack
00:43:07 What is the majority?
00:43:10 In my immediate sphere.
00:43:13 Believe in and I will I will adopt.
00:43:16 Those ideas which are most safe and acceptable.
Speaker 21
00:43:21 I'll say this for Clayton. He has great taste. Doug is absolutely charming.
Speaker 10
00:43:26 It's funny. It's not everything.
Devon Stack
00:43:28 Ohh yeah, and just like with the immigrants.
Speaker 6
00:43:30 They have wonderful food.
Speaker 19
00:43:32 Every couple could do a good Betty Davis impression.
00:43:39 I think I did a great job covering up how upset.
Speaker 21
00:43:41 I am. You mean like how you started sobbing when Clayton asked for more fruit cocktail?
Speaker 19
00:43:52 I don't really mind Clayton being homosexual. I just don't like him dating men.
Speaker 14
00:43:59 Doesn't really matter. Too grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
00:44:10 Yeah, it's fine.
00:44:13 It's fine, everybody.
00:44:17 So again, they make jokes about it, to kind of lighten the load.
00:44:21 You might say it's a sick kind of gallows humor.
00:44:25 Yeah, you know, your your civilization is is slipping down the drain.
00:44:31 But hey, we get to laugh about **** a little bit on the way.
00:44:34 Down so is.
00:44:35 It really that bad.
Speaker 19
00:44:37 But I don't understand you. You carefully will say you've accepted Clayton, unless you're willing to.
00:44:42 Accept the fact.
Speaker 21
00:44:43 That he days Rose is right. And besides Blanche, in this day and age you should be thrilled that he's in a monogamous relationship.
Speaker 8
00:44:44 And.
Devon Stack
00:44:51 You see, you should just be excited.
00:44:54 Then he's in a monogamous relationship.
00:44:59 He's not one of these AIDS riddled gangs that are that are banging like 50 guys a night.
00:45:06 He's in a committed relationship with a respectable cop.
00:45:14 You really should accept this because this is by the way, housewives at home who don't know any gay people in their personal lives.
00:45:21 And and for many who who, because you're homemakers, this is kind of your window to the outside world.
Speaker 8
00:45:31 So.
Devon Stack
00:45:32 So this is in a sense, the gay guys that you know.
00:45:38 They don't have the gay accent if you didn't.
00:45:41 If you weren't.
00:45:42 Told by the Jews who wrote the script that they were gay, you wouldn't even know that they were gay.
00:45:51 They seem completely heterosexual.
00:45:55 They're not making out and making giving you the heebie jeebies by by even making physical contact with each other.
Speaker 4
00:46:05 They're not even hugging.
Devon Stack
00:46:08 They're just two normal dudes.
00:46:12 And what they.
00:46:12 Do in the privacy of their own home, you.
Speaker 6
00:46:14 Know well that's their business.
Speaker 19
00:46:17 Of course, you're right.
00:46:19 I've just got to stop this overreacting. Doug and Clayton are two consenting adults. There's no reason for me to be embarrassed.
Speaker 15
00:46:26 Doesn't really matter.
Speaker 14
00:46:27 Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want.
00:46:31 To do is is their business.
Devon Stack
00:46:37 This is why I say libertarians are literally evil.
00:46:43 His parenting 1990s gay propaganda.
00:46:51 Like almost verbatim.
00:46:57 And by the way, he was talking about that clip is from him when he's he's talking about the the Puff Daddy stuff.
00:47:05 Like anyway.
Speaker 9
00:47:13 And if my own sister can't accept our relationship, what chance would I have with?
00:47:16 Anyone else right.
Speaker 19
00:47:17 Right. No, no. What what I mean?
Speaker 9
00:47:21 We get what you mean, branch, we don't have to worry about what the world thinks about our relationship. It just doesn't matter because we're there for each other. I do anything for Doug, and he'd bend over.
00:47:30 Backwards for me.
Devon Stack
00:47:35 See it? We'll throw it. Just like with the all in the family and Archie Bunker. We'll throw in enough gay jokes for you to to feel kind of comfortable with the idea.
00:47:46 All you bigots out there, your skins crawling at the idea that these guys are gay, we'll throw in just enough gay jokes.
00:47:55 So you don't think that we're pushing anything on you because if all, you know the clearly clearly clearly the the riders wouldn't have like some kind of ulterior motive for.
00:48:06 For doing this.
00:48:07 Just like Archie Bunker was based, cause he said.
00:48:11 You know the the storylines and and the story arc and the characters that that's all meaningless. The fact that he said means that he was like a based guy.
00:48:22 Because I'm ********.
00:48:25 It's the same thing.
00:48:27 Oh, they made a funny joke.
00:48:29 About him banging over backwards.
Speaker 8
00:48:32 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:48:35 See, they're making fun of the gaze.
00:48:39 They're not. They're not pushing it. I mean, that's there's literally people that's the same logic. The people that think.
00:48:45 You know, on the family or or falling down or any of those things were.
00:48:49 Were based.
00:48:52 You were the ones getting sucker punched by this.
00:48:52 Are.
Speaker 22
00:48:55 I think it's time you told her.
Speaker 6
00:48:57 Clayton told me that.
Speaker 9
00:48:59 I wanted you to meet Doug for a very important reason. Well, why, Blanche, we're getting married.
Devon Stack
00:49:09 And again, this is this is when gay marriage was like, not just a little taboo.
00:49:15 Insanely taboo.
00:49:17 But Sam Harris's mom wanted to make sure that that.
00:49:20 Was, you know?
00:49:22 That was the Jewish agenda.
00:49:27 That was the Jewish agenda, the Jewish.
00:49:29 Agenda was getting these *******.
00:49:32 Goyum.
00:49:33 In the West.
00:49:35 To accept homosexuality.
00:49:38 To accept accept diversity in any.
00:49:40 Form that it took.
00:49:48 And there's that was the 90s for you example. After example after example, trust me, we're we're not even scratching the surface tonight.
00:49:59 So when you hear people like Tucker and and Tim Poole and and you know this guy.
Speaker 15
00:50:05 Doesn't really matter.
Speaker 14
00:50:06 Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want.
00:50:10 To do is is their business.
Speaker 5
00:50:13 So.
Devon Stack
00:50:15 When they say they want to go back to the 90s, look, they're being honest.
00:50:21 Because they don't have a problem with this.
00:50:24 They were the stupid ******* that don't didn't believe in the slippery slope. They're the people that are scratching their heads. They can't figure it out.
00:50:36 They're the people that never mentioned Jewish influence.
00:50:39 Ever.
00:50:42 They're the people that that just if you listen to them, you think that one day.
00:50:48 White people just woke up one morning and decided to start castrating their male children.
00:50:57 They they they decided one day. You know what?
00:51:01 I want I I want there to be 57 genders out of nowhere, just one day for no.
Speaker 22
00:51:07 Reason at all?
Devon Stack
00:51:12 This story didn't have a beginning.
00:51:14 They're opening this book at page 250 and acting like the 1st 15 chapters never happened.
00:51:24 And telling you that going back to chapter 10 ain't so bad.
Speaker 19
00:51:31 Or you have pulled some stunts in your day, Clayton Hollingsworth. But this takes the cake. I cannot believe what I just heard. I refuse to have any part of this, blanch blanch.
Devon Stack
00:51:46 And that has to be a response because they know there's going to be a percentage of the audience that feels exactly the same way. These people in the audience, you might have worn them down over the years to accept the idea that gay people.
00:51:58 Existed. You might have even got them to accept the the fact that.
00:52:02 Well, the the illusion.
00:52:04 Rather, the gay people were just like you. They were like these two ******* guys, right? Just normal looking dudes wearing khakis, right? That's that's. That's what you think of when you think of gay guys, right? 2222 guys and khakis.
00:52:19 The polos.
00:52:22 Maybe one has a mustache, right? So that you know he's gay. He's got the mustache.
00:52:31 But other than that, you wouldn't know. There's no way you'd be able to tell that they were gay.
00:52:38 And so over the years, maybe you've come to accept this, right? That like, oh, there can be gay people that aren't weird and it doesn't. It doesn't weird me out as long as they keep it in the privacy of their own home, as long as they don't shove it in my face, as long as they keep it away from my kids, as long as they keep it out of the schools, as long as they're not adopting children, as long as they're not getting married.
00:53:01 Ah, well, now they want to get married.
00:53:07 So that's it. Remember, you can't have a a main character like her did react the way.
00:53:12 That she did.
00:53:14 And have that be so over the top that you would turn audience members off by her reaction.
00:53:22 If you had a popular television show today.
00:53:28 And a gay couple announced they were getting married.
00:53:32 And one of the the.
00:53:33 People in that show stormed off.
00:53:36 ****** ***.
00:53:40 No one watching that show would be able to relate to that character ever again without feeling like they were a Nazi.
00:53:50 But in 1990, when this air, this was a normal, totally understandable reaction.
00:53:56 In fact, the other characters in the in the sitcom themselves aren't even that.
00:54:01 Surprised by her reaction.
00:54:04 Because that's a reaction they expected to get.
00:54:06 Out of real people at home.
00:54:08 And they have to address it.
00:54:12 Remember, this is a passion play. This is a little dramatization. This is an after school special little Timmy. If someone tries to offer you drugs, you tell them. No way.
00:54:25 This is the same thing. Well, if you're, you know, here's a situation you've never been in.
00:54:32 If someone you know some get totally normal gay couple, you know.
00:54:37 Decides to get married and married and.
00:54:39 At first you're a little bit like.
00:54:41 I don't know about this.
00:54:44 We understand, but let's let's let's see how the the story arc unfolds, because they don't see what.
Speaker 19
00:54:51 The problem is.
00:54:51 I think they.
Speaker 16
00:54:52 Make a lovely couple.
Speaker 14
00:54:55 Doesn't really matter. Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
00:55:06 I don't look. They look. They look perfectly lovely.
00:55:12 And again, they never show them doing anything that's going to creep you out by, like holding hands or anything like that. Kissing certainly not.
Speaker 9
00:55:24 What did you mean when?
00:55:25 You told me that you could accept.
00:55:26 My being gay.
00:55:28 Did you mean it was OK, so long as I was celibate? Was OK, so long as I don't fall in love. Doug is a part of the family now. My family. And if you don't like it, then you don't have to be a part of my family.
Devon Stack
00:55:45 And this was the emotional black male that was in every episode that I've seen in the early 90s, late 80s, that talked about gay people.
00:55:54 You don't have to like it. You can be morally opposed to it on on religious grounds and and or any other grounds.
00:56:02 But you're the one that's going to be disowned.
00:56:06 You're the one that's going to be missing a son, missing a daughter, missing a brother.
00:56:14 You're the one.
00:56:16 That's doing it.
00:56:18 It's not the guy.
00:56:21 Who's a ****** that's causing the problem?
Speaker 6
00:56:24 It's you.
Devon Stack
00:56:27 It's your intolerance.
00:56:30 Just like when they make TV shows in the future and there's a pedo in the family.
00:56:36 And they do the exact same ******* thing, because they will.
00:56:41 It's you.
Devon Stack
00:56:43 You're the problem, not him. ******* kids. It's your bigotry that's ruining this family.
00:56:56 And the emotional thinking mother's at home, watching this television show, many of them with their children.
00:57:05 The firmware update has begun to install.
Speaker 19
00:57:11 Ohh look I can accept the fact that he's gay, but why does he have to slip a ring on this guys fingers?
00:57:17 Of the whole world will know.
Speaker 3
00:57:19 Why did you marry George?
Speaker 19
00:57:22 We loved each other, we.
00:57:24 Wanted to make a lifetime commitment. Wanted everybody to know.
00:57:27 That's what Doug and Clayton want too.
Speaker 23
00:57:30 Everyone wants someone to.
Speaker 11
00:57:31 Grow old with.
Speaker 20
00:57:32 And shouldn't everyone have that chance?
Speaker 19
00:57:37 I think that's see what you're getting.
Speaker 15
00:57:40 Doesn't really matter.
Speaker 14
00:57:41 Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
00:57:51 See that it's just an expression of love.
00:57:57 They just want what you want.
00:58:07 So of course.
00:58:10 She goes in to let them know. Oh, you know what I was thinking about it. And uh, you're right. Yeah, I was wrong. I was the bigot here.
00:58:20 I was the Sinner. I mean, you're the you're the one you know, ******* guys in the ***. But I'm the weirdo. Turns out I'm the bad one. Sorry.
Speaker 19
00:58:29 We have to talk.
Speaker 9
00:58:31 There is nothing for us to talk about.
Speaker 19
00:58:33 I wasn't speaking to you. I have just one question for you.
Speaker 3
00:58:38 OK.
Speaker 19
00:58:40 Do you love him?
Speaker 24
00:58:42 What do you mean?
Speaker 19
00:58:44 Well, you see, he's my baby brother and I've always felt it was my responsibility to look out for him, so I can't just let him get married to just anybody. So do you love him?
Devon Stack
00:58:56 I do very much.
Speaker 19
00:58:58 Well, good, because so do I.
Speaker 9
00:58:59 You mean that, Blanche? Because Doug loves me for what I am not for what? He wants me to be or wishes I were.
Speaker 19
00:59:06 I guess I deserve that.
Speaker 9
00:59:07 I guess you do.
Speaker 19
00:59:09 Well, Clay, this is very difficult for me. I still can't say I understand what you're doing, but I do intend to try to respect your decision to do.
00:59:21 I want you to be.
Speaker 9
00:59:21 Happy. I am happy, Blanche.
Speaker 19
00:59:25 I know.
Speaker 9
00:59:27 So are you telling me you are ready to have a brand new brother-in-law?
Devon Stack
00:59:44 You see, it's OK to have principles. It's just not OK to.
00:59:48 Stand up for them.
00:59:52 Because if you.
00:59:52 Do you're the bad person for not tolerating?
00:59:58 The infection in the system.
01:00:04 Societal aids, I call it.
01:00:09 Where the immune system?
01:00:12 Shuts down or in some cases starts attacking itself.
01:00:19 The immune system that was healthy just a few decades prior to this in LA, you could get arrested.
01:00:25 For homosexuality and people did.
01:00:29 In the 1960s.
01:00:35 Just a few short decades later.
01:00:38 You're the bad one if you oppose your brother marrying a dude.
01:00:48 Well, let's go back to the 90s, right when when all this nonsense hadn't started yet?
01:00:58 Yes.
01:01:00 Let's go back to the 90s.
01:01:05 So while this was programming, the women at home.
01:01:10 Another Jewish comedy. They knew that it was a little harder.
01:01:13 To to program the men.
01:01:17 The men were going to resist this gay ****.
01:01:21 A little bit harder than the women.
01:01:27 And so they had to use the same formula, right?
01:01:33 Where you don't have to like it, and in fact you can make fun of.
01:01:36 It and that's OK.
01:01:40 You can ridicule it and that's OK.
01:01:44 But it better be OK. You have to be OK with it. You.
01:01:48 Have to tolerate it.
01:01:51 And so another degenerate, in fact, probably one of the most degenerate sitcom Jewish sitcoms from the 1990s. And that's saying something.
01:02:01 That really might have to get its own stream all of itself.
01:02:06 Was married with children.
01:02:10 Now, for those of you who don't know, those of you who are too young.
01:02:13 To remember this show.
01:02:14 Or. Or maybe you're in a different country or something. Married with children was a Jewish sitcom from the 1990s.
01:02:23 That basically demonized the family unit.
01:02:30 It played into.
01:02:32 The the worst parts of boomers.
01:02:38 It basically told boomers.
01:02:42 That having a family and and and by extension their their children, watching this as well having a family.
01:02:50 Was probably the the the quickest way to ruin any kind of.
01:02:55 Joy in your life.
01:02:58 That if you had a family, your children would be money sucking losers.
01:03:06 Your wife would be irritating.
01:03:10 And you would be stuck in a dead end job paying for their existence.
01:03:17 Wishing you were dead and that's not an exaggeration.
01:03:22 And those of you who have seen the show know that I'm. I'm not exaggerating. And those of you haven't seen the show you're about to see that I'm.
01:03:29 I'm not exaggerating.
01:03:32 So this is Al Bundy, the father, the the patriarch, if you will, of this family.
01:03:41 This is his wife, who is the.
01:03:44 The boomer wife, who's bad at cooking, bad at parenting.
01:03:49 That at home making.
01:03:52 Just wants to spend her husband's money.
01:03:55 Drink wine all day. Ignore her children.
01:04:02 The daughter is a *****.
01:04:06 She's going around banging random dudes, staying up all night, getting drunk.
01:04:15 Completely irresponsible. Always asking for money. These deadbeat kids always asking for money.
01:04:24 Classic Gen. X millennial kid.
01:04:27 Good for nothing. Doesn't listen to her father.
01:04:34 The loser son. Same thing. He's never going to amount to anything.
01:04:40 He's just, he just wants you.
01:04:41 For your money, he's just sucking your money.
01:04:46 Not living up to your expectations.
01:04:51 You were this popular football star in high school, and now you're just the shoe salesman.
01:05:04 Executive producer Catherine Green.
01:05:09 Executive producer Arthur Silver.
01:05:13 Executive producers Ron Leavitt and Michael Moyer.
01:05:19 So it's it's basically the entire show is is.
01:05:22 Is Jewish and even the end credits same thing?
01:05:27 Funny how Jews never cast Jews in their shows, right? It's always how they see you.
01:05:34 It's always a mockery of this, the American dream that you had.
01:05:40 That you would have this House in the suburbs, you'd have a dog. You'd have the 2.5 kids.
01:05:47 And all they.
01:05:48 Do is they make a mockery of it?
01:05:52 They tell you that you could have been so much more, have you, if you hadn't had that children. In fact, they they even have a character or a couple characters.
01:06:01 In the show.
01:06:04 That have way more fun.
01:06:07 Because they don't have children. And look, it's in the name, married with children. It's such a burden, right?
01:06:18 Well, in this episode of Married with Children.
01:06:23 Al Bundy comes home from work and, of course, his ungrateful, useless kids. What are what's the first thing they do? I'm home.
Speaker 6
01:06:34 Like I say, sit down.
Speaker 22
01:06:39 I don't have any money.
Speaker 6
01:06:40 I swear. Can't wait to me and your dad starving, could you?
Speaker 3
01:06:50 Please just who cares?
Devon Stack
01:06:52 See, that's that's all those those ******* those damn kids. They don't pull themselves up by their bootstraps like us boomers.
01:07:00 They just see me as this, this money machine.
01:07:06 But he's he's dead inside. He's over.
01:07:08 At.
Devon Stack
01:07:11 So he decides to chill out.
01:07:14 And then, of course, we meet the wife.
01:07:17 The wife, who doesn't cook, he he comes home after working all day expecting the house to be cleaned, to be dinner, dinner to at least be waiting on.
01:07:26 The table for him.
01:07:28 But now she's been sleeping all day, taking pills and drinking, or who knows what.
Speaker 22
01:07:34 I get my woman to get me some food and where the monster is.
01:07:41 There's the coffin opening now.
Devon Stack
01:07:46 So the whole wife has been sleeping all day.
01:07:51 And popping pills.
01:07:53 And she hasn't made dinner for him.
01:07:57 And just like the kids, she just takes and takes and takes.
01:08:02 She wants wants to be taken out.
Speaker 6
01:08:05 Feed me. Feed me. You don't have any food. That's all right. Taking. I'm cooking up. That's the catcher. Just feed me.
Speaker 16
01:08:14 You know what would take your?
Speaker 5
01:08:15 Mind off of food eating.
Speaker 16
01:08:18 No.
01:08:20 Taking me out.
Devon Stack
01:08:23 So she wants to be taken. Dancing hasn't cooked dinner for him.
01:08:29 The well, the, the single woman who lives like a couple houses down or something comes over.
01:08:36 And decides. Well, I'll take you dancing. We'll just go dancing without him.
01:08:41 So they go to a club and there's lots of eligible bachelors.
01:08:47 She starts dancing with one of them.
01:08:52 And gets inappropriately flirting for a married woman? Absolutely.
01:08:59 Meanwhile, and this, this is kind of funny because it does kind of represent the attitude of boomers. A lot of you guys might remember not that long ago, a few years ago.
01:09:09 When you had bloomers on Twitter.
01:09:12 Before they realized that the the, the social shaming of virgins was no longer a thing.
01:09:20 We had boomers on Twitter making fun of Gen. Z ERS and Zoomers who wanted to be virgins and calling them sexless virgins, and I already ****** like 4. Four women by the time I was your age and blah blah blah.
01:09:34 Well, that's that's just how the boomers saw the world, right? That's.
01:09:38 How they they?
01:09:40 That's how they calculated their value as a man.
01:09:44 And so that's reflected in this scene where.
01:09:48 Al Bundy's son brings home a worthless ***** of a woman.
01:09:56 And maybe for one of the few times Al Bundy's character is ever proud of his son.
01:10:01 And and actually willing to give them money.
Speaker 6
01:10:04 Dad, I need 20 bucks fast.
Speaker 9
01:10:07 Look what I got waiting for me.
Speaker 22
01:10:11 She's a trip.
Devon Stack
01:10:19 Woo and the audience thinks it's hilarious.
01:10:23 Here's some money.
01:10:26 Meanwhile, his wife IS is going out dancing with strange men.
01:10:32 She comes down and and says, hey, you know I I want to go and and and and go dancing want to come with me.
01:10:38 He's like, no, I don't care what you do.
01:10:42 Then his daughter, his whole daughter comes downstairs.
01:10:46 And you kind of get yet another.
01:10:49 Thing that boomers think is hilarious. They think it's hilarious when they're troubled teen children.
01:10:56 Come to them with a problem.
01:10:58 And are completely ignored.
Speaker 20
01:11:01 Dad, how come you let Mom go dancing?
01:11:04 All the time.
Speaker 22
01:11:05 Well, pumpkin, that's just something that Mary people do every now and then.
01:11:08 So they don't have to see each.
Speaker 20
01:11:09 Other well, every time that mom goes out, she asks.
01:11:12 If it's OK with you.
01:11:14 It's because she wants you to say don't go. Stay here with me. I love you. See, sometimes people just test you to see whether or.
01:11:21 Not you care.
01:11:24 Anyhow, I'm going out. I've got a date with.
01:11:27 3 bikers, one of them just got.
01:11:30 Out of prison.
01:11:32 I probably won't be home till.
01:11:33 About 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning.
Speaker 3
01:11:38 Have a nice time.
Devon Stack
01:11:47 Oh, it's hilarious.
01:11:51 Cry of help ignored.
01:11:57 So then he gets a knock at the door and he answers it.
01:12:01 And some gay guy.
01:12:03 Is at the door.
01:12:05 And this is Al Bundy. You know, he's the the edgy boy of television, that edgy beer, drinking boomers, they love this guy.
01:12:14 And how does he react to a ****** being on his front porch?
Numbers Lady
01:12:18 You well.
Speaker 3
01:12:19 Buddy. Yes. Hold the applause. What do you want?
Speaker 24
01:12:23 I just think you ought to know that your wife has been seeing my husband.
Speaker 22
01:12:30 Let me get this straight, pardon the expression.
01:12:37 You say that your husband.
Speaker 3
01:12:40 Is running around with my wife.
01:12:41 Yes, your husband, yes.
Speaker 6
01:12:46 You know you're a guy, right?
01:12:49 Yes.
Speaker 22
01:12:51 Well, then we got three guys.
01:12:52 That won't touch my wife. What's the phone?
Speaker 2
01:12:56 It's a handy.
Speaker 24
01:12:57 I'm afraid that he's slipping away from me.
Speaker 6
01:13:00 You see, before me he had a woman.
Devon Stack
01:13:08 See, this is also a big difference that you see in the gay propaganda in the.
01:13:13 80s and 90s.
01:13:15 They're way more because they realized or it was before they realized how it would affect their argument.
01:13:22 They're way more open about.
01:13:24 How being gay is a choice.
01:13:27 That woman on Sally Jesse Raphael.
01:13:30 Was married to a guy and had children with him.
01:13:35 And then decided she liked women.
01:13:39 This fictional character, but it is the same with many other fictional characters.
01:13:45 Dated women and war with women, and then they decided.
01:13:47 They were gay one day.
01:13:51 When we cover another in another stream, I I have one right I've I've got.
01:13:56 Some more evidence that this is just.
01:14:00 The you know that there's no.
01:14:01 Such thing as being born gay.
01:14:04 And there's lots of evidence of that. We'll cover that in a future string.
01:14:11 So Al Bundy, of course, is making jokes about his wife and cracking some gay jokes a little bit. And so it it it makes the people at home the beer guzzling boomers who love Al Bundy.
01:14:27 They're like, oh, I guess, you know, I guess I could hang out with a gay dude. And again, this guy doesn't seem gay. He doesn't have the gay accent.
01:14:36 He's dressed like a normal guy.
01:14:40 They seem like you know if.
01:14:41 You didn't know if the.
01:14:42 If the the writers hadn't told you the Jewish writers hadn't told.
01:14:46 That he was gay. You wouldn't know.
01:14:51 In the same way, they don't cast Jews to play Jewish characters and historic pieces.
01:14:59 Back then, they certainly weren't casting, you know, gay guys as the the gay actor and like will and Grace will and will and Grace the actor's not gay.
01:15:10 Because they cast actual gay dudes.
01:15:14 That natural repulsion that you have when encountering gay dudes would come across the screen.
Speaker 22
01:15:23 Easy, big fella. Easy there. Sure we can.
01:15:27 Figure out what happened.
01:15:30 Maybe your guy isn't getting what?
Speaker 6
01:15:31 He needs at home.
Speaker 24
01:15:34 Ohh no, our sex is great.
Speaker 2
01:15:36 I don't want to hear about that.
Speaker 22
01:15:40 Do you cook for?
Speaker 14
01:15:41 Them every day.
Speaker 24
01:15:42 My mother always said a happy man is a well fed man and I do feed my man. I'll tell you that.
Speaker 8
01:15:57 Yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 22
01:15:59 We'd like to know what you make.
01:16:00 For them.
Speaker 24
01:16:02 Well, tonight, for example, I made him a.
01:16:04 Nice juicy steak.
Speaker 2
01:16:06 Where is it?
Speaker 3
01:16:09 I know what else? Nice baked potato.
01:16:10 Oh.
Speaker 22
01:16:12 You miss yourself. It's it's not the count where he has to go to the door.
01:16:15 And wait and the potato never comes.
Speaker 24
01:16:19 No, but that's terrible when that happens.
Speaker 3
01:16:22 No.
Speaker 22
01:16:23 Maybe he's just tired of you sitting at home while.
01:16:25 He's out working.
Speaker 24
01:16:27 Work. I'm an office manager. 40,000 a year that.
Speaker 2
01:16:30 *******.
Devon Stack
01:16:33 See, look at all this stuff that he has in common with this guy.
01:16:39 And again, this is way before gay marriage would have been legal. This is early 90s. This is around that same time period. I believe it's season 5.
01:16:51 So I think this would have been like 93. I think it started late.
01:16:53 80s let me.
01:16:54 Look, let me see what year it was.
01:16:57 Let's just see married with children.
01:17:07 Started in 87.
01:17:10 So if it's season 5 this, this is the exact same time periods 1992.
01:17:16 This is one.
01:17:17 Year after that, Sally Jesse Raphael show.
01:17:26 Well, let's go back to, you know, Tucker was very specific. Let's go back to 1993. Well, this had already happened in 1993.
01:17:36 But newsflash, he knows he doesn't care. That's what he likes.
01:17:44 He just he he he wants to go back to the top of the slide and go down again.
01:17:52 Maybe this time we won't. We won't slip down it, huh? Is that, is that it, Tucker?
01:18:01 So all of a sudden you find out that, you know, look, you know Al Bundy, he's he's got a lot in common with this guy and he's got the same complaints.
01:18:14 In fact.
01:18:16 He's starting to be a little attracted to.
01:18:18 This gay guy.
Speaker 6
01:18:19 Maybe it's my fault.
Speaker 24
01:18:20 And he's a man about town, whereas I just like to.
01:18:23 Stay home and watch a ball game.
Speaker 22
01:18:25 Wait a second. Wait a second. You you work, you cook and.
Speaker 3
01:18:31 You like sports?
Speaker 24
01:18:32 Yeah, except for soccer. I mean, that's not really a man's game.
Speaker 3
01:18:41 I love you.
Devon Stack
01:18:49 Woo. All right, our protagonist that we TuneIn to watch the the shenanigans of every week.
01:18:58 Just said he loved the gay dude. I mean, he was joking. It was just a joke. That was just a joke. Don't don't take it so seriously, Deb. This.
01:19:05 Is a joke.
01:19:08 So meanwhile, while he's telling a gay guy that he loves him.
01:19:12 His wife is horned up at this nightclub.
01:19:17 Dancing with a guy that we.
01:19:18 Now know is gay.
01:19:21 And shoving his face into her ****.
01:19:26 Because you know, it's it's. It's fine to have a a whole life that's.
01:19:32 That's behaving this way.
01:19:36 And the the gay husband is at home giving the Al Bundy a little taste of what it would be like to be in a a gay relationship. In fact, it seems like it's way more functional than a heterosexual relationship. All you people that are afraid of gays being married look at the model that we've.
01:19:52 We've displayed for you of a heterosexual marriage. It's totally dysfunctional. You got the wife going around hoeing around, you got the daughter going out with bikers and some kid that's gonna bang some tramp or something.
01:20:05 It's a mess. The wife isn't cooking dinner, and now we get to it's almost like Wife Swap that TV show. Right. We get to have the gay guy come in here and he's he's cooking dinner and he's he likes sports, just like you do.
01:20:20 He's a man's man.
Speaker 24
01:20:23 Ohh, I'd like to see a man enjoying.
01:20:25 His food. You want some cake?
Speaker 3
01:20:27 You learn.
01:20:34 It's warm.
Speaker 2
01:20:36 Yeah.
Speaker 24
01:20:36 Just baked it where?
Speaker 6
01:20:37 You sitting all the way over there for well.
Speaker 24
01:20:47 Hell, you gotta help me. I want my husband back. Is there any way you can talk to him?
Speaker 3
01:20:55 I don't know, Pete. What about us? Won't that interfere with our quality time? No, no. I'll make time.
Devon Stack
01:21:08 See how bunnies already warmed up to the gay guy like I?
01:21:11 Said this is.
01:21:12 This is 92. The married gay guy.
01:21:17 And so they agree to go and he'll he'll go get his wife and try to save his gay marriage.
01:21:25 Just so long as he keeps cooking some food for him because his wife won't do that because gay people make better.
01:21:33 Partners, I guess.
01:21:37 And then he goes and confronts the wife.
01:21:41 Who, of course, does the the whole wife thing and tries to get him into a fight, because that's just how you know these trashy goyam behave.
Speaker 16
01:21:51 How dare you? Ohh. I'm so glad you're here. The things he wanted me to do. Kick a hole in him, honey.
Speaker 6
01:22:03 Is your name Andy?
Speaker 22
01:22:05 Yes, Sir. Get over there.
Speaker 16
01:22:07 Ohh. Marcy's going to kick the.
01:22:09 Hell out of hand.
01:22:12 He does care.
Speaker 6
01:22:14 Look, I don't care what you're.
Speaker 22
01:22:15 Doing with my wife.
01:22:18 That you got a good man at home, that any man would be.
01:22:21 Proud to call his wife.
Speaker 6
01:22:24 He cooks, he cleans, he works.
Speaker 22
01:22:27 You've obviously got on that little. He's a man thing. So what else do?
Speaker 6
01:22:32 You want from.
Speaker 5
01:22:32 The poor guy. Ohh.
01:22:33 Marcy, that's so.
Speaker 16
01:22:35 Cute when he's.
01:22:36 Dallas.
Speaker 6
01:22:37 Now I'm the one that I'd be.
01:22:38 Going out at night, I'm married to that over there.
Speaker 22
01:22:41 A Jew? You ought to be home with a man who can bake a potato like nobody's business.
Speaker 19
01:22:48 You had Pete's potato.
Speaker 3
01:22:54 I did and I went ahead as Peach cobbler. Two of the damn.
Speaker 6
01:22:57 Dog didn't come get his ball back.
Speaker 22
01:23:00 Now you go home and tell your wife.
01:23:02 That you love him.
Devon Stack
01:23:05 See gig couples.
01:23:06 Are are more functional and normal than the?
01:23:09 The heterosexual couples.
01:23:12 And so he goes back to his wife.
01:23:15 Disgusted by her presence.
01:23:21 And once again, he has sunk back into the.
01:23:26 The shell of a man living hell, that existence that he that he has because he's in a.
01:23:32 A normal.
01:23:35 Heterosexual marriage with 2.5 kids.
Speaker 16
01:23:39 You should have seen the way he L.
01:23:42 He wanted me.
Speaker 22
01:23:43 Back everybody wants a bad pig, everyone.
Speaker 16
01:23:48 Well, admit you're lucky to have me as your wife. I could have had anyone. I could had Andy at the snap of a finger. He was sexy. He was hot. He was.
Speaker 22
01:24:01 He was.
Speaker 3
01:24:02 The **** pack.
Devon Stack
01:24:08 Zen because, he said Homola at the end. It's just like when Archie Bunker would say.
01:24:16 Ever. All the clapping seals, who were kind of like on the fence about this whole exchange, like, I don't know, this is starting to seem like you.
01:24:23 Know, too, pro gay?
01:24:25 Instantly erupted into laughter.
01:24:28 The big release was delivered.
01:24:38 You know, one of these days I want to be with stream about how there's this universal, I think misconception among humans, but especially in Western civilization.
01:24:50 This idea that anything that makes you laugh is true and funny and good.
01:24:56 That laughter, somehow is like this test right of something that's true and good.
01:25:03 I'll tell you if that's the case, that if you think that you definitely have not watched the same cartel.
01:25:09 Videos that I've watched.
01:25:13 It's horrific.
01:25:16 But once again, you see the credits roll. Oh, look, directed by Jerry Cohen.
01:25:22 Written by Arthur Silver.
01:25:25 Created by Michael Moy and Ron Leavitt.
01:25:31 Barbara Kramer. You know it's. It's.
01:25:33 Jewish it's Jewish television.
01:25:38 Television in the 90s was as much Jewish television as the 700 club was was Christian television.
01:25:48 It's just that they weren't explicit about it and and high trust societies were taken advantage of. And The funny thing is.
01:25:56 This might seem a little shocking that in 1991 or two, whenever this aired.
01:26:02 That it was so accepting of gays, and it was they did this clever little storyline that kind of pushed the idea.
01:26:09 Well, guess what?
01:26:13 It doesn't matter if you go back to the 90s.
01:26:17 You could go all the way back.
01:26:19 To 1958.
01:26:24 19 or 56.
01:26:27 1956 you asked what are you talking about 1956?
01:26:33 Well, I couldn't help but notice.
01:26:36 That the storyline for this episode.
01:26:39 Kind of matches exactly.
01:26:43 The storyline of an episode of The Honeymooners, another Jewish television show.
01:26:49 From 1956.
01:26:53 Now the the Honeymooners. For those who don't.
01:26:56 Know because you.
01:26:58 You know it's from 1956.
01:27:01 Was a Jewish sitcom. It was written by.
01:27:04 Marvin marks, Walter Stone, AJ Russell, Leonard stern. Sidney zelinka. Directed by Frank. I swear to God his last name is Satan Stein.
01:27:21 It's spelled SATENSTEIN. It was directed by Frank Satenstein.
01:27:35 So another television show.
01:27:39 Written by Jews produced by Jews from 1956.
01:27:47 Almost 40 years prior.
01:27:49 To that episode, and it's almost the exact same story.
01:27:57 Almost the exact same story.
01:28:01 Instead of Al Bundy, you've got Jackie Gleason.
01:28:07 It's the same storyline he comes home. He's hungry.
01:28:12 He's mad because his wife hasn't fixed dinner for him yet.
01:28:21 He finds out the reason why she hasn't fixed dinner for him.
01:28:25 Yet.
01:28:27 Is there? There's this new guy in the building?
01:28:30 He's a bachelor.
01:28:32 Now, of course it's 1956, so they can't explicitly say that he's gay, but they can do what Hollywood did before they could explicitly say someone was gay. They can put a handkerchief around his neck.
Speaker 8
01:28:46 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:28:47 They can have him have an unbuttoned shirt.
01:28:51 Give him a gay accent and put a handkerchief.
01:28:54 Tied around his neck.
01:28:56 And now everyone who knows knows he's gay.
01:29:02 The vast majority of the people in the audience who have never encountered.
01:29:05 A gay person.
01:29:07 Who watch this? Just like the children who don't notice the adult jokes and the cartoons that they're watching. It sails right over their head.
01:29:18 But everyone in the know all the Jews in the writers room are laughing their ***** off that they put a gay character in this sitcom.
01:29:29 So this gay character, he's new in the building.
01:29:34 And he works nights because he's a dancer.
01:29:40 And the joke is the gag is Jackie Gleason and some of the other men.
01:29:45 In the building.
01:29:47 Feel threatened.
01:29:50 By this gay guy because they don't realize, just like the audience, most of them don't realize he's gay.
01:29:58 And he's a dancer, and he's going to start teaching mambo lessons.
01:30:07 And Jackie Gleason's character is saying? Well, listen here, pal.
01:30:12 I don't like this idea that while I'm at work.
01:30:17 You're going to be here in the building, teaching the women mambo. What lessons?
01:30:23 I don't know if I can trust you.
01:30:26 Because you're this bachelor.
01:30:29 And the other funny thing that you realize by watching this show in from 1956 is that the idea that there's a bachelor, that's this age is even though they don't. Again, they don't. You don't get the sense that that these characters realize that he's gay. They think it's something's.
01:30:45 Wrong with it.
01:30:49 But he's very polite. He's very helpful.
01:30:54 When the wife comes in with the laundry, he he he takes the laundry away and compliments her delicate hands and says, oh, you shouldn't be.
01:31:02 Worrying with all this?
01:31:07 He then begins to teach it the the women in the building how to dance.
01:31:14 I'm telling it's.
01:31:14 Literally the exact same episode. It's just the 1956 version.
01:31:22 And because he's teaching the women how to dance, the women are out dancing with.
01:31:25 Him all day.
01:31:28 You know lots of jokes about the old women trying to get mambo.
01:31:33 Jackie Gleason comes home and finds all the women dancing in his home and finds no dinner ready.
01:31:40 And he's enraged and ****** *** that there's no that the wives haven't been doing their duties, that instead they've been getting culturally enriched by the gay guy.
01:31:56 And he talks to his wife and.
01:31:57 Says, well, what's what's the deal? You were supposed to have my dinner ready.
01:32:01 And I come home and you're just mom bowing around.
Speaker 2
01:32:09 Wait a minute. What's that?
Speaker 23
01:32:12 Fish. We're gonna have you wanna fish?
Speaker 2
01:32:13 Salad. Tuna fish? What am I, a cat of something? Why can't I have a hot beer? I'll tell you why I can't have a hot meal. But you're doing this.
Speaker 23
01:32:25 Paul, I guess the lesson lasted a little longer today and I lost track of the.
Speaker 2
01:32:29 Time that bike is the lesson lasted a little longer. I suppose every man in this building is going to have a cold mailing coating.
01:32:35 But let me tell you something I don't know whose fault it is. I know whose fault it is. It's Carlos's fault, and it's not only the Mama. It's not only the Mama Alice, not by a long shot. It, as in the Mamma. It's the other things he does the fancy manners he has. And he parades around with. That's what nutty ideas in.
Speaker 23
01:32:51 Your head? Sure, Ralph. You think he's a troublemaker? Well, I have got news.
01:32:56 You, Ralph, you and Norton and some of the men in this building can learn an awful lot of things from Carlos.
Devon Stack
01:33:03 And now you get the idea. And look, The funny thing is, there's also a South Park episode that's kind of like this.
01:33:12 In the same way that you know, Peggy Bundy wished OWL was more like the gay guy.
01:33:18 Jackie Gleason's wife here. I forget the character. Yeah, I never used to watch this, ever. And I think for these six.
01:33:25 But she wants him to emulate the gay guy.
01:33:31 So the gay guy comes in and he and he says, well, you know, maybe you should not like, be a little more sensitive. And, you know, if that's what your women want, you should be more sensitive.
01:33:45 And they decide. You know what? Maybe he's right. Maybe we should be more.
01:33:48 Like the gay guy?
Speaker 8
01:33:50 Yeah.
Speaker 2
01:33:52 You're right, you see.
01:33:56 Trouble with us guys is whoever we talk about married life, there was married, maybe now and then we gotta talk to a guy like you. That's single. So we know we're well off on that. I guess Alice is right. She says we treat the woman like they were kitchen utensils.
01:34:13 Well, I'm going to be.
Speaker 6
01:34:14 Different.
Speaker 2
01:34:15 What do you say, guys? It's not being gentlemanly and everything, and Carlos would, would you do me a favor?
Speaker 3
01:34:24 Well, what is it?
Speaker 2
01:34:32 Take me a mambo.
Devon Stack
01:34:36 Oh yes, teach him the ways of the mambo so he teaches the man how to mambo.
01:34:44 He get the next day, he gets out of bed and tells his wife. I'm gonna take care of you. You stay in bed and I'm going to cook breakfast and I'm going.
01:34:52 To be the woman.
01:34:57 Of course, he makes a mess of things, and this is back when gender roles were still pretty much intact, and so they could only go so far with this storyline like this.
01:35:08 And so eventually the women get upset.
01:35:10 They get angry.
01:35:13 That the men are trying to be sensitive, like the thing they were asking for. Turns out they don't want it at all. In fact, funny enough, there's another 90s.
01:35:23 A TV show that's very much like this. There's a South Park episode.
01:35:29 Where the women start wanting their men to be like the guys on queer eye for the.
01:35:33 The straight guy.
01:35:35 Right. They want their men to be metrosexual.
01:35:39 And so their men start acting like ****.
01:35:42 And all of a sudden, they realize, actually we don't like this.
01:35:47 You know, we said we wanted it, but we're we're women. And so we always we don't we don't even know what we want.
01:35:53 And that's exactly what happens here is after telling the men they want that they should be more sensitive and more in touch with their feminine side like.
01:36:00 The.
01:36:00 Gay guy, after living through that a couple days, they realize they want to go back to how their men were.
Speaker 8
01:36:08 You can read, go back to the way you were.
Speaker 2
01:36:15 Open the door. I wanna go home.
Speaker 23
01:36:18 I'll see you later, OK?
Speaker 3
01:36:20 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Come back here. Things are like they used to be. Follow me.
Speaker 5
01:36:30 Are you?
Speaker 2
01:36:32 Sure that you want me to go back?
Speaker 3
01:36:33 To the old Ralph.
Speaker 2
01:36:34 Bank. I'm sure. All right, then. Listen to this.
01:36:40 Get something in your head, Alice. I'm the king here. Remember that this house is my cat. Find that king. Remember that King, King king. You are nothing peasant. This is my house. My castle. I'm the king. Get my breakfast.
Devon Stack
01:37:01 Ohh, the thing that would have sent any modern woman into hysterics is is hilarious. In 1956 he reasserts his position as the the man of the household and it's all funny, but the the poison was planted.
01:37:19 The seed was planted.
01:37:23 Now the dancing game Mambo neighbor. He's not such a bad guy. He's not such a weird guy. It's not so so bad having him in the neighborhood.
01:37:33 You know, maybe wanting your husband to be like, and that's a little too far for right now, maybe that's a little too far.
01:37:42 But he's not so different.
01:37:46 And like I said, most people aren't even going to pick up.
01:37:48 On the idea that he's gay.
01:37:51 Because they don't explicitly say it.
01:37:54 I mean, it's obvious, especially now looking back, that he was gay.
01:38:01 But back then, especially in 1956, there were people who didn't even know what gay was. They've never heard of gay people. They didn't just not know any gay people. They didn't even know that was a thing.
01:38:14 They might think it was a thing in the Bible, you know, but they saw it as the same thing as, like, raining frogs it was.
01:38:20 Like some weird?
01:38:22 You know thing that was in ancient times once and God destroyed all those wicked people, and now they know they don't exist.
01:38:33 So they watched this episode and went, oh, he's just kind of weird, I guess.
01:38:36 He's just some weird guy that dances.
01:38:39 And wear his shiny shirts and ties a.
01:38:44 A handkerchief around his neck.
01:38:46 And talks with a lisp.
01:38:50 So anyway.
01:38:55 For those of you who want to go back to the 90s.
01:38:59 We can't even go back to 1956.
01:39:03 The termites were already in the foundation, eating away.
01:39:07 At it.
01:39:13 If you want to go back to a time.
01:39:19 Before the rot started.
01:39:22 You have to get rid of the termites creating the rot.
01:39:28 In the same way, you can't go back to the 90s without the demographics of the 90s. You really can't go back to Western civilization.
01:39:36 Certainly not in America.
01:39:40 Without going to the demographics before.
01:39:45 Most of Hollywood's descendants showed up here around the turn of the century.
01:40:00 We had a bunch of Communist Jews show up in the country around the.
01:40:04 Turn of the century.
01:40:07 Set.
01:40:07 Up Hollywood.
01:40:10 Slowly take over newspapers, radio stations.
01:40:19 They defined what American culture was.
01:40:23 Now they could only they could only boil the frog so fast. I mean, it's easy to see.
01:40:29 The level of degeneracy.
01:40:31 And.
01:40:33 The honeymooners.
01:40:37 Is substantially lower than the level of degeneracy, and married with children.
01:40:46 But it's the same group of people just a generation later.
01:40:51 The people that made married with children are literally the children.
01:40:56 Of the people that made the honeymooners.
01:41:06 And the people that are producing.
01:41:10 The shows for Disney.
01:41:14 And Netflix? They're literally the children of the people that produced, married, with children.
01:41:24 Or golden girls like I said, Sam Hyde.
01:41:30 We're not Sam Hyde. Sam Harris.
01:41:37 The man who who struggles the most.
01:41:42 With Trump, Derangement syndrome is literally the child.
01:41:47 Of the Jew that was propagandizing women with golden girls.
01:41:53 His mom was Susan Harris, the creator of the show.
01:42:01 And The thing is, these people already have generational wealth.
01:42:07 They made so much money.
01:42:10 Offered the propaganda that they were producing.
01:42:14 Not just in the in the 2000s, not just the 90s, it's look, it's almost like rollover minutes. This generational wealth, OK.
01:42:24 That ball of money gets bigger every year. Compound interest.
01:42:33 There was a Jew the other day.
01:42:39 Who donated?
01:42:42 To a Jewish University of New York, Einstein University.
01:42:47 Donated a billion dollars.
01:42:53 A billion dollars with the B.
01:42:56 To pay for the tuition of Jewish kids going to that school now, of course, the cover story showed, like the like an Asian kid and like, some brown kid.
01:43:06 But it's a.
01:43:07 Jewish School for Jewish Kids with a Jewish name. And it was a Jewish woman who donated a billion dollars. A billion ******* dollars.
01:43:20 You don't have any white people donating a billion dollars to pay for the tuition.
01:43:24 Of white kids.
01:43:27 In the case of Sally Jesse Raphael, that that this woman was employed by the state.
01:43:34 To push lesbian LGBT garbage as early as is 1990.
01:43:41 Got paid taxpayer money to promote this stuff to schools.
01:43:46 The children adults.
01:43:50 People know how. How do we get this DUI stuff? Well, that ball had already started rolling.
01:43:59 You don't have any representation like this.
01:44:04 You've lived in a country that's been hostile to your existence for all intents and purposes, for many decades. Most of your entire life, if not your entire life.
01:44:22 Because many of your parents were laughing.
01:44:26 At Al Bundy.
01:44:36 They were they. They're laughing up at at Archie Bunker a decade prior, and now they were laughing at Al Bundy.
Speaker 15
01:44:58 Doesn't really matter.
Speaker 14
01:44:59 Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
01:45:09 Let's go back to the 90s, right?
01:45:16 All right. So anyway, that's that's part one of the gay 90s.
01:45:22 It gets a lot darker pretty fast. I mean, we we barely covered like the first couple years of the 90s with this stuff.
01:45:33 It accelerates quickly during the 90s.
01:45:37 Right now this is just a cup. This is just a handful of TV shows.
01:45:43 But it gets way worse and it starts to target children that I've got some pretty dark stuff that we'll be covering, especially as it gets into like 97.
01:45:51 Is when some of the stuff gets really messed up.
01:45:56 So let me take a look at Hyper chats.
01:46:04 If it ever loads, why it's not loading?
01:46:07 There it goes. Maybe slowly.
01:46:10 Someone says we need a mega pit. Yeah, you're right. I haven't used this enough tonight.
01:46:20 Definitely lots of opportunities for Mega pit tonight. I I was slacking on the mega pit.
01:46:28 Antonio Vey says hey, Devin, as usual, I'm able to join it live. However, I'd like to add to your previous stream. Stan Lee. Was it touching?
01:46:38 Started moving as Clive Davis.
01:46:41 Clive Davis discovered Whitney Houston in the movie. He is, of course, as innocuous as can be. Just this sweet, harmless old man all about the music guy. Exactly. And that's how he's portrayed and interviews and in in movies, of course. And not and not played.
01:47:01 A A a Jew. It looks like I mean two tuki Tucci. Looks like a.
01:47:06 Italian, I don't know. Maybe. Maybe that's a Jew name. I don't know.
01:47:11 And you say I don't understand how you can act tough and puff after ******* ****.
01:47:16 It doesn't compute to me. Your streams disgust me at times, Devin. I know it is. Imagine. Imagine the stuff I don't put in the.
01:47:25 Stream, though I doubt about.
01:47:29 Now, like I said, there's some stuff. And look, there's more and more stuff coming out every day about the Puff Daddy thing with the the connections with the Jewish mafia and everything else. And I didn't have time to go down all those anti avenues. But all that stuff's legit. It's true. Like this, this gay, Jewish mafia **** is all real.
01:47:50 Cringe Panda says hi Devin. As usual. I'll need to catch the replay. I'm getting this charged next weekend. Well, congratulations.
01:47:59 I'm just home for tonight. I don't know if you're covering Mary with children, but I get compared to Kelly Bundy in my comments at least once a week. Well, that's not a good thing because she's a.
01:48:11 She's a hoola.
01:48:12 I might look like her, but I here. She's a raging rockster IRL.
01:48:20 I would imagine that is the case.
01:48:23 But I have. I don't.
01:48:24 Know what the actress is like in real life, but I would imagine she's an actress, right?
01:48:28 So I would imagine that is that safe to?
01:48:33 Say that is the case.
01:48:35 I'm working on a collab with Oden's men soon. Are you familiar with this channel? No. It sounds vaguely familiar.
01:48:43 Anyway, I would love to have you on my channel to go over Disney's Anti White movie wish with me.
01:48:50 If anything, I want my work to be the gateway drug for people my age to get into the stuff we talk.
01:48:56 About on here. Good night.
01:48:57 All right. Well, I appreciate that. We. Yeah, we talked about that.
01:49:02 I've got a bunch of stuff in the immediate future that.
01:49:06 I got a I gotta do, but we could probably figure something out, but welcome back. I'm glad you got discharged. That's great. That's good to have you back and trails. I don't know if you guys can hear that.
01:49:19 Trail was also back. He came in from the storm. We had a storm out, he was gone for like a whole day. And that's as soon as there's a storm. You know, there's a good chance he's going to turn up.
01:49:31 And turn up he hats and then he's he's mulling at the back door, chosen Jawah.
01:49:38 Chosen jaw with some Christmas money.
Speaker 8
01:49:42 Today, we'll be reading the best Christmas ever.
Devon Stack
01:49:47 The magic *****.
Speaker 6
01:49:58 Where did the soul men go?
01:50:11 The best Christmas ever.
Devon Stack
01:50:16 Alright, chosen jawa.
01:50:19 I've been in several conversations about Waco this week, and someone sent me this Oprah clip where some of crushes supposed former wives talk about how he claimed to be Christ had multiple wives, took other men's wives.
01:50:33 Et cetera. Can you help me refute this?
01:50:37 I mean, I could take.
01:50:38 A look at it.
01:50:39 But I know how to do.
01:50:40 It right now.
01:50:43 Because if it's a whole Oprah episode, I'll, you know, I'll take a look at that.
01:50:46 But it's it's Oprah. Oprah is basically CIA or, you know, Oprah is basically part of the the SIOP system. So I mean, you realize that she would. She was promoting that guy with a baby farm in South South America.
01:51:08 And she's a Satanist, so you know.
01:51:12 But yeah, I'd have to take a look at it. You got to remember these people went through the ones that survived. They went through quote UN quote deep programming and the the programming was literally, hey, go in this room with a bunch of Jewish psychologists who will tell you the how you were brainwashed.
01:51:30 And you know, if you want to graduate, you have to say the right things.
01:51:36 Now look, maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe they. Maybe they'll say something. I'm. I'm not. I haven't. I haven't heard before. Maybe they have some kind of evidence of this. And I I haven't watched. What your what you said.
Speaker 9
01:51:48 OK.
Devon Stack
01:51:50 So I'll take a.
01:51:50 Look at.
01:51:51 It. But ultimately when you look at the court documents, you look at the court case, he never said he was Jesus. The clip that they played on the media over and over and over again, I watched the full clip of that in context. He wasn't saying he was Jesus. He was laughing about it in fact.
01:52:07 He he so the clip they were playing on CNN? Absolutely. I can promise you he was not saying he was Jesus. He was edited to make it look like he was saying that. So if he was saying he was Jesus they didn't have it on video.
01:52:23 As far as the other stuff I I think he had multiple wives. No one said he didn't have multiple wives. I just said he didn't have underage wives.
01:52:32 He might have had multiple lives. I wouldn't be.
01:52:36 I wouldn't be shocked to find that out, but I don't know that for sure.
01:52:42 But that that wouldn't, that wouldn't shock me if he had more than one wife.
01:52:50 But thank you for the support chosen, John. Well, yeah, I'll take a.
01:52:52 Look at that.
01:52:54 After the show and I'll get back to you next stream. How about that?
01:52:59 UM.
01:53:03 And you know, maybe like I said, maybe there'll be some new information there. I just think that it's the. Hey, look, we didn't just murder white people. We promise.
01:53:13 You believe Oprah, right? Just like you believe Sally Jesse Raphael.
01:53:19 So listen to Oprah. Say that they he was he was a bad man that needed to be put down like a wild animal.
01:53:25 So you don't think that your government's a bunch?
01:53:27 Of murdering psychos?
01:53:29 That's probably that's.
01:53:30 Why having not seen it? So I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. That's that's what I'm guessing it is.
01:53:37 Blue chord, blue chord.
01:53:45 $5.
Devon Stack
01:53:49 Blue Chords says good evening, Mr. Stack. I'm looking forward to the stream. How is the well situation? The well situation has been resolved.
01:54:01 At great expense.
01:54:05 But it's, you know, it's it's done, it's done and hopefully we'll we'll work for another another 20 years, you know, so it's yeah, there was just like I said there there was no.
01:54:22 You had to. Yeah, I had to find someone with with equipment that could handle pulling out 400 feet of.
01:54:29 Metal pipe, that was.
01:54:32 There was not, UM.
01:54:35 Something I could do with rigging something up, you know what I mean? Like, I probably could have tried and and who knows? But like the the risks involved of of like making it worse and or even if it did work, it just taking like weeks just to get it up, you know, cranked up. And I don't know, I just.
01:54:54 I had to.
01:54:54 Bite the bullet on that one. But now?
01:54:55 I got water, so that's good. But thanks for asking that blue cord.
01:55:00 Boy, boy, 1488. Do you watch any Mark Colette's content?
01:55:06 Do you think there could be political solutions for demographic issues in Western countries other?
01:55:11 Than the USA.
01:55:14 No, I I.
01:55:14 Like I like Mark Collette. I've been on his stream a couple of times. It's been a while, but I, you know, I've talked to.
01:55:19 Him a.
01:55:20 Few times I try to stay out of the politics of other countries.
01:55:26 Because I don't live there and so and I wasn't.
01:55:29 Is there? And while I might have been to the UK, I don't have a good read on the people or the culture, it's not as similar as people assume, you know, like Americans.
01:55:43 I think understand that most of them at least or a lot of them do. I don't know most.
01:55:48 But it's easy for us to forget because of our shared language, how different the countries really are.
01:55:56 And it's so I try not to, you know, stick stick my my nose and and make predictions about things I know nothing about and I don't. I really don't understand. I don't even fully understand that political system. I mean, I get it obviously to to some degree.
01:56:14 But I also am kind of just like you have a king. Really. You know what I mean? Like, there's still that, like, American part of me that's, you know.
01:56:23 So it's hard for me to really get it and but maybe it is possible, I don't.
01:56:28 Know.
01:56:29 Because part of understanding, part of being able to make these kinds of predictions is also understanding the social climate, understanding the culture, understanding like what people have done in the past in regards to the diversity thing and just our paths and and when it comes to those things in America versus well.
01:56:49 Most of the other Western countries are just so different.
01:56:52 It's hard enough for us to really for us here in America to kind of accurately determine where we're headed, but maybe there is a political solution in the UK, absolutely. There's not here and I'll tell you once I will say this and this will probably sound very American of me, they better hope to God there's a political solution in the UK because they don't have guns. And I know that rubs well. They always get mad.
Speaker 3
01:57:12 Yeah, we always get what you have to keep showing we.
Devon Stack
01:57:14 Don't have guns cause you don't have ******* guns.
01:57:16 And you can you can laugh at us for not using our guns or whatever and or whatever point taken. But you don't even ******* have them. And I know, OK, maybe you've got, like, no, we've got like, some gay rifles that for hunting or whatever, you don't have guns, you don't have guns like we have guns and you know your country doesn't fear you.
01:57:37 And it's weird to me because it's.
01:57:41 Like I feel like in America, one of the reasons why it's turned so anti white is a lot of the people in charge are not white. You know it look, obviously you know there's some shining examples of that going on in Britain too, but the IT seems like the your country turned anti white while it was still white.
01:58:01 And that's a little puzzling to me. It's like you hate yourselves or something. I don't know where that comes from.
01:58:06 Maybe because of the the empire climate. See, This is why I don't. I don't talk about it cause I don't know. I don't I.
01:58:11 Don't.
01:58:11 Feel like, I mean I I can guess and and and whatever, but it's I don't feel like I would be able to accurately.
01:58:19 Describe the situation or the future or possibilities for fixing it. Because I'm not there.
01:58:29 Chosen Jawa again, Devin, and all your strings where you touch on world.
01:58:33 War Two and the Holocaust.
01:58:35 I don't recall you ever mentioning Corey.
01:58:37 10 boom. Author of the Hiding place.
01:58:41 Her story, propaganda aside, seems to be one of forgiveness and pressing on which is in stark contrast to the typical survivor thoughts on her.
01:58:52 I've never heard of that. I've never heard of Corey, Tim, Boom. But I'll tell you what. Look, if Jews actually believe the Holocaust narrative, the way that it was told to us in school and the way on The History Channel and everywhere.
01:59:04 They should have been kissing our *** for the last 80 years. They should have been building monuments to American soldiers, and there has not been a single instance of that. In fact, quite the opposite. They build museums to themselves and complain about the white people that killed them, and there's almost no mention whatsoever.
01:59:24 About the heroic white people that came to save them in that way, they acted very much like black people when they complain about slavery and it's it's they need a persecution narrative and it gives them solidarity. It gives them a force field and it gives them a a way to.
01:59:43 Get almost unlimited.
01:59:46 Payments in the form of of reparations from Germany and Poland and all these other countries they can blame and just it just increases their big balls of money.
01:59:58 And so that there's.
01:59:59 It's an industry, it's it's a multi.
02:00:01 Trillion dollar industry.
02:00:02 Sorry.
02:00:03 And so if.
02:00:04 One Jew wrote a book saying that, like, we should move on and and forgive them.
02:00:09 You know what it's it's like saying I've got this big black friend. It's like I'm sure it exists.
02:00:15 I'm sure there's base Jews out there.
02:00:18 Right. No one's saying that they can't exist.
02:00:21 And while some people are.
02:00:22 But I'm not saying they can't exist.
02:00:25 I'm saying that when you, when you talk about politics and you talk about solutions for countries.
02:00:32 Just it's as a necessity. You need to address people in in terms of groups, this hyper individualism that that white people are susceptible to is is suicidal. It it it, it drives us to make really stupid decisions that you that that end up.
02:00:53 Really hurting us and and and and that's.
02:00:57 That's why I don't care. Honestly if there's one. If there's one Jewish or even like if there's a hundred Jewish authors writing stories about moving on and and not blaming, you know, Europeans for ever. For the Holocaust, there's enough of the Jews.
02:01:14 That are that are.
02:01:16 As we've talked about tonight that are actively seeking to destroy us.
02:01:20 And.
02:01:21 And making a lot of progress in that pursuit, that that's what I'm worried about. You know, it's like if you have a cancer on your body and some of it's spreading right. And but some of it's not. I'm not going to sit there and try to figure out which cells.
02:01:41 Are replicating which ones aren't. I'm just going to go after the whole ******* tumor.
02:01:46 You know, like that's just.
02:01:47 The way that it is.
02:01:50 Zazi mataz blah. Thanks for the show. As always, I'll have to catch the replay, will appreciate that.
02:01:57 Zazi.
02:02:00 My fat little ******** toe.
02:02:14 Fellow returned to over the last eight years. You have made an incalculable impact.
02:02:19 And not only my worldview and life, but my families. That being said, I want to say hi to my mom for when she catches the replay. If you ever get back on the looking into pro white religion, can't remember Christ or Jennia is a great resource. So I appreciate that and hello, missus.
02:02:40 ******** toe. Welcome to the repo.
02:02:44 Right.
Devon Stack
02:02:46 Chosen John Ross, as does your mom. Watch her son streams. If so, what does she think? I don't think she does. She said that she's asked like she's very bad with technology. As part of it.
02:02:59 And just she, yeah.
02:03:02 In case she does, here is. I don't. I'm not saying that. Well, I'm not saying she doesn't take an interest in what I do, but she kind of you.
02:03:09 Know.
02:03:11 Boomer parents being what they are.
02:03:17 You know, I I look maybe she does. I I don't think she does. I know she's listened to some of some of them.
02:03:27 And I've had family members read my book and and whatever, but it's.
02:03:33 Yeah. I mean, generally speaking, there's not a lot of. I talked to her on a regular basis, but I don't think, you know, she's in her own little.
02:03:41 She's got she's got, like, a bunch of other kids. She's, you know, Mormon family stereotype. Holds up lots of siblings.
02:03:48 So yeah, I'm just one little piece.
02:03:50 Of of her life puzzle.
02:03:54 Excellence.
02:03:56 Excellence.
02:03:58 With the.
02:04:01 *** **** money that I can't find the button for there it.
02:04:04 Is.
Speaker 4
02:04:04 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
Devon Stack
02:04:09 Go, Julie, this *** is.
Speaker 6
02:04:29 But the.
Devon Stack
02:04:34 I couldn't find the unmute button for a second. That's the point I wish OS worked differently. That's all right.
02:04:40 Actually it says the 90s were my favorite or my formative years.
02:04:45 The world seemed happy, hopeful and perfect. Despite the Indian Reservation nearby being full of derelict criminals and all my negative interpersonal reactions coming from diversity, I was convinced of the one race human race ideal.
02:05:01 Boy, has that changed. Well, I'll tell you what I relate very.
02:05:04 Much to that.
02:05:07 Because I was in very, I was in a very similar situation. My interaction with with diversity, we're almost always negative.
02:05:15 And I always chalked it up to what the propaganda did. A real number on me and a lot of other people.
02:05:21 I thought that maybe I was missing something.
02:05:25 But at the same time, I also didn't like I I always I always kind of like saw the pattern, but there was a part of.
02:05:32 Me, that hoped.
02:05:33 That maybe I was just being an *******, you know, because I wasn't. I was kind of an *******. So I was like, maybe just an *******, you know? Maybe maybe you're going to grow out of this, you know?
02:05:45 It's maybe you're not really seeing patterns, you're just kind of * **** and you're gonna, you know, you're. You're mature, you're mature, and you can get. And it's like, Nah, no, I was right.
02:05:58 VK says I heard that Israel gets loans from US and never pays them back. That's how they get to pretend that Israel is not being 100% sponsored by America. However, I never saw any proof that the loans to Israel are always forgiven. Do you know where I can research something like that?
02:06:17 Well, I don't know about the individual loans, but the money we give them, the foreign aid, that's not considered a loan. In fact, it's even more effective than that. Not only are they the only country that has given.
02:06:26 Money in cash. Every other country, they basically get it in like Dave and Buster's tokens, you know, like they they're not allowed, they don't. We don't just hand them cash. They have to spend the money in the places that we say they have to spend it. So we basically just give them vouchers, right? It's in fact a lot of this money. It's not so much.
02:06:47 Like a gift to those countries, it's a gift to the military industrial complex or the big donors to different politicians. Campaigns that have big companies that then get the contracts that the foreign aid is spent with.
02:07:05 OK, so Israel is unique in that they get the cash and not only do they get the cash, they get at the beginning of the year, they then deposit that cash into the Federal Reserve. And then when America borrows from the Federal Reserve, which we do to the tune of something insane Now I think like the national debt.
02:07:25 Went up like a trillion every couple months or something like that.
02:07:30 We're borrowing from the Jews that that we just gave money to, so we're literally giving them money. They deposit it, and then we loan it. We we borrow it from them and then pay them interest on the money we're borrowing.
02:07:48 I know that arrangement is how that works as far as loans. Outside of that, we do loan forgiveness with all kinds of countries, and I can't imagine Israel being excluded from that deal. But in terms of the details, you know, like I, you'd have to look.
02:08:04 That up, I don't know where you'd find that.
02:08:07 **** knuckle says. Just wanted to say thank you for everything you're doing. It's a breath of fresh. I mean, you mean air to know there is articulated and well presented gentlemen such as yourself that exposes the Jewish monster with a calm and collective mindset. Hell, Christ, hell Hitler well.
02:08:28 Yeah, got it kicked off.
02:08:29 Rumble if I if I do that.
02:08:32 But how about?
Speaker 2
02:08:34 I'll ever *****.
Devon Stack
02:08:36 There you go.
02:08:37 The well, I'll tell you what I appreciate that and.
02:08:43 Yeah, it's it. It's good for us to keep A level head and to not fall into the trap of just screeching irrationally.
02:08:52 Like a SJW mean from 2016, the urban quail farmer says more condition B to look forward to a guy not being the father. How much of that was legit and how much was it scripted? I wonder. I'm feeling a little guilty right now about watching it for most of my.
02:09:12 Yes.
02:09:13 I am Maury Povich and other Jew in everyone's living room. Is celebrating the fact that men were not the father or were the father or you know, it was just not a. It was like a slightly it was like a nicely dressed Jerry Springer, but it was Jerry Springer. It was the big circus. There was the Goyum circus, the Goyem Freak show.
02:09:34 Look, it is what it is. You weren't alone and falling for it. A lot of people did, and it was. Look, I'll tell. I'll tell you what they're good at. Propaganda. They were able to make it entertaining or people if it wasn't good propaganda, you wouldn't have liked it. They're just. They're experts at this. They they had the. They had the the.
02:09:55 Exclusivity of distribution with the networks and the exclusivity in terms of even producing these kinds of things because of the cost and the equipment and the studios and the people.
02:10:05 Involved.
02:10:06 They made it so that you had to be either a Jew or in line with their beliefs to even produce this stuff for so many years. Then of course, they became the the experts in it. So you know, they had by the time Larry was on, they've been doing it for.
02:10:27 You know like.
02:10:28 80 years, so don't don't beat yourself up too bad.
02:10:35 And then also, I've been waiting for this stream subject for a while now. I already knew daytime TV in the 90s was trash, but you have uncanny ability to find the best source material for streams. And like the Waco stream, this is no exception. dot R2. Yeah.
02:10:52 I'm I'm I know I was trying to get that done before Christmas and should happen. And I I I'll be honest, I haven't. I haven't even, like worked on it in like all of January and it's March now and it's.
02:11:06 Time keeps on slipping. Slipping. I'll. I'll. I'll get it done one of these days.
02:11:14 I'd appreciate the support Urban Quail farm. It's also hard doing all the research that you're you're praising me.
02:11:19 For it and.
02:11:20 While writing stuff so you know it is.
02:11:22 What it is?
02:11:24 But thank you for the support, urban quail farmer Marco says.
02:11:28 Thanks for the stream, Devin. If you ever get the chance, I would be interested in seeing you do a stream on David Irving and everything you had to deal with over the years that might not be a bad thing. Hey, maybe when he does actually pass on, we'll we'll do that, which I mean, I don't want to jinx him obviously.
02:11:48 But from what I understand, the reason why everyone believed the rumors is you know it's that's not too far off.
02:11:55 But that said, obviously don't want Jinx 7. I don't know. Looking forward to.
02:11:58 That day, and I hope.
02:11:59 He lives a long time.
02:12:03 Let's see here 8088 why Digital 8088? I wonder if that's named after the old IBM's.
02:12:19 All right, black pilled love your strings. I agree on a lot of your perspectives. Appreciate you speaking your mind. Apologies if I upset anyone moderating your show. Well, I'm. I'm not aware of anyone you've upset, so maybe you did. I I didn't notice. But thank you for the support there. Why?
02:12:40 Digital with the 8088.
02:12:43 Lemon, Scrum, Lemon, scrum, something.
Numbers Lady
02:12:48 For real? For real.
Speaker 3
02:12:51 So.
Devon Stack
02:12:54 Finally caught you live and I'm damn near broke. Thanks for all you do, Devin. Well, I appreciate that and.
02:13:02 No problem. You know it's it's, uh, I understand it's rough out there. It's rough out there. So thank you all the same lying.
Speaker 2
02:13:12 The *****.
Devon Stack
02:13:14 Maybe next time says.
02:13:16 We're going to need a bigger pit.
02:13:19 Wait till you see that like I we just got started.
02:13:28 You don't even know how bad this one this is. This is easy into the 90s.
02:13:36 Wait till you get to the end of the 90s. It's it's, uh.
02:13:40 We're just, we've only just begun.
02:13:44 I've heard comment. Don. Hey, Devin, we should normalize homophobia and transphobia again. Make fagots fagots feel ashamed again of being a Fagg. Same for trans monsters. Trans monsters should be locked up in asylums again or be lobotomized.
02:14:03 Next step would be 6 feet of rope or several more feet of pit. How?
02:14:08 About that, I think that's.
02:14:10 I mean six feet, that's. I mean, that's only going to fit one of them in there anyway. So I mean, you might, if you're going to dig a pit, you want it to be bottomless because you never know, you never know how how, for how long you're going to need it.
02:14:25 You don't have to be digging another pit. You long as you're big, you know if.
02:14:28 You're going to dig a pit.
02:14:30 You might as well dig.
02:14:37 Bessemer 72, Bessemer, 72.
02:14:47 Bessemer 72 Hi Deb and I took early retirement versus returning to work post COVID and I've been binge watching your streams. Love your work. Nothing sexier than a man dealing with freaking African killer bees in the ceiling. Please check out a very special episode of Bewitched Sisters.
02:15:06 At heart, Sisters at heart.
02:15:11 I will open that in another tab.
02:15:15 Bewitched was.
02:15:17 Well, I mean, it was about witchcraft and feminism. So I I can imagine it's probably not fantastic, but I appreciate that Bessemer 72 running free.
02:15:30 Says Devon stack. I'm a Gen. xer and woman and never like golden girls. Always knew it was Jewish. But keep up your great analysis and work despite the trolls.
02:15:43 Yeah, there's there's look. Not everyone like golden girls. Obviously not everyone. Like, I mean, I didn't like married with children. I thought it was garbage when it was out and or. And golden girls. I I I I probably liked golden girls more than I like married with children because it just wasn't. It was. There were wholesome moments. Right.
02:16:03 But generally speaking, it was, you know, I was, I don't know if it's because I was raised so.
02:16:11 You know it's not sheltered, but like everything was forbidden. You know what I mean? Like so much. Everything was like 2O. No, we can't watch that. That's banned. And and certainly Mary would show that was one of the things that was banned. Now in later years that would have the opposite effect. It would make it sound tantalizing, right, to watch it.
02:16:30 But you know my parents, I think had done a good job instilling values in me to the point where when I did end up watching married with children illicitly, I was like, oh, this is ******* garbage.
02:16:43 Yeah, and golden girls. Like, it's it was for women. I mean, I'm not saying every woman like.
02:16:47 Though tennis nuts says the wages of sin is death, if you believe that Jesus paid that in full, then you are not under the law and.
02:16:58 Then you are not under the law and you are saved. I do love my people, but I want them to put salvation first. Shout out to my friend Brock. OK, well, there you go.
02:17:11 Age of anxiety says boomers and Gen. Xers. Why can't we go back to the 90s, when everyone was listening to degenerate gangster rap and sitcoms were pushing the very thing that would morph into the mentally ill over the top ******** that we're dealing with today? And again, yes, we're only scratching the surface in the 90s.
02:17:31 Is way worse than just pushing the ****** stuff. The 90s was just. I mean, it was all kinds.
02:17:36 Of.
02:17:36 Bad in fact.
02:17:40 If I can find enough of the of the the source material, as someone said.
02:17:47 It might not even be a bad idea. I was thinking about this.
02:17:49 That.
02:17:49 I was like, you know, my parents had like.
02:17:53 We got 8.
02:17:53 We had, we had HBO for like a little while.
02:17:57 And I heard late at night when they'd go to bed, I'd sneak out and and, like, put it on, because sometimes they'd actually have, like, current movies and stuff. And that was, like, insane to me that you could watch that at home.
02:18:07 And they would sometimes have, I don't know if it's like def comedy Jam. It was like black comedians, right. And I remember being annoyed, in fact, by one of them who is in the news when he was on Rogan there day, Katt Williams, right.
02:18:25 He was specifically, I remember that his one of his sets thinking like ohh, he's kind of funny but like. But then he you can tell he hates white.
02:18:33 People you can tell he hates white people.
02:18:36 Because a lot of his jokes are about like.
02:18:39 Hating white people in a in a very passive aggressive way. And I started to notice that when they have this black comedy.
02:18:45 Stuff.
02:18:46 That that was a pretty obvious theme in almost every one of their acts is that.
02:18:54 It was very passive aggressive and it was and.
02:18:56 It was very.
02:18:59 Sometimes subtle but not always, it was it was very obvious to me that these people hated white people, and I was always surprised to see white people in the audience laughing. And it was just a little unsettled by that.
02:19:14 But yeah, that, that, that might be maybe a strip if I can like set if I can find, you know, Paul Mooney, perfect example. You know, stuff a lot of stuff like that. I mean, he wasn't an anomaly by any means.
Numbers Lady
02:19:23 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:19:26 Age of anxiety. Christina Applegate was so hot. I gotta hand it to the Jew. She was good eye candy for their anti family unit propaganda.
02:19:36 Yeah, I thought she.
02:19:37 Was pretty back then. I think most people did.
02:19:42 And then you say, Mary, with children pushes the exact same anti family narrative that American beauty did, which he deconstructed so perfectly. **** the 90s.
02:19:52 Yeah. And in fact, I would say not just Mary with Mary, with Sheldon was pretty.
02:19:58 Over the top with it right? But.
02:20:02 By and large, most sitcoms were kind of pushing that idea.
02:20:06 Subtly at times like the ones that presented the the normal American family is maybe not a negative. It always had, like its dark side, right and.
02:20:20 But I think.
02:20:20 That.
02:20:21 You know, Mary, with children, that was the focus, you know, was it was, it was just all dark.
02:20:31 Roper, Commandant says. Everyone says.
02:20:34 I wish I could go back to the 90s. I rather wish to go back to the 19119 thirty three when the West was still racially homogeneous and had racial pride. I think you.
02:20:45 Have to go back before that.
02:20:48 I think that in America at least, I think the turn of the century when we had all those Eastern European Jews flood into the country, that was, that was the poison that the body had no defense against. That was, that was the the, the the.
02:21:05 That was the sickness when it began.
02:21:08 That we have no cure for or.
02:21:10 At least not one of anyones willing to talk about running free.
02:21:19 Running free says yes, Devin. The slippery slope was a real thing in the 90s. These zoomers can troll me all they want, but they're all *******, so I don't know what zoomers are talking about, but.
02:21:33 Yeah. If there's rumors that are that are romanticized in the 90s, then they just don't know how bad it was.
02:21:41 Let's see here. They call me Mr. Negs.
02:21:46 They call me Mr. Nags.
02:21:49 With that.
02:21:52 As far as I can.
Devon Stack
02:21:53 See, I keep cropping for the sad girl. I don't know why it's not ever coming up. I know it's in there.
Speaker 24
02:21:59 UM.
Devon Stack
02:22:02 Just says TFD.
02:22:05 I don't. It's not. I'm sure it's something I should know. And for somebody I'm. I'm probably look stupid for not knowing that mean.
02:22:12 Uh, flatulent, Phil?
02:22:16 Flatulent fill with the *** **** money.
02:22:20 If it ever plays.
Speaker 4
02:22:22 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that you have to defend and joke with.
Devon Stack
02:22:27 Go, Julie, this Fagg is.
02:22:45 Alright, flatulent Phil. Hi, Devin. Thanks for your strains and just wish to express my appreciation.
02:22:52 Of their excellence. Well, thank you very much, flatulent Phil.
02:22:58 Lowly scribe in God's army. Remember the 1990s sitcom Get a life.
02:23:03 High school taught me that our high school, when high school me thought that was hilarious. I never watched Mary with children on The Simpsons, but Fox had some good sci-fi shows.
02:23:17 At the time, well, unfortunately.
02:23:20 You might be surprised if you went back and watched some of those sci-fi shows. They contain many of them. Not all of them contain some of the same poison, just wrapped up in aliens, Bigfoot and sea monsters.
02:23:35 A lowly scribe in God's army says, remember.
02:23:38 Oh, I just did that.
02:23:39 1.
02:23:40 Max Demion Max.
02:23:45 Demian with the Christmas money.
Speaker 6
02:23:49 Today, we'll be reading the best Christmas ever.
Devon Stack
02:23:54 The magic *****.
Speaker 14
02:23:56 Please.
Speaker 8
02:24:05 Where did the?
Speaker 19
02:24:19 Christmas. Ever.
Devon Stack
02:24:23 All right. And then you've got a link. Oh, God. You toy with me. Well, I'll tell you what you did do the Christmas dono. So maybe.
02:24:35 Alright, let's. Let's see what this is. There's no contacts, but it's YouTube, so it can't be like gay **** or something.
02:24:41 I hope actually that's the fun. I guess. I guess on YouTube you can you can't have kid ***** that actually probably isn't something that's banned just like.
02:24:55 You know, just like on on X.
02:24:58 Yeah, you can have gay *****. Just not anything too edgy.
Speaker 3
02:25:08 Nice.
02:25:19 Bruce.
Speaker 5
02:25:24 Well, who's the man who kills somebody?
02:25:31 Sorry.
Speaker 3
02:25:41 This this is what is this?
Speaker 4
02:25:49 Wow.
Devon Stack
02:25:51 It's degenerate. It's degenerate. Married with children, lore.
02:26:01 All right. Well, we don't need to. We don't have to.
02:26:03 Listen.
02:26:03 To that, and I do appreciate the support there, sorry but I have to.
02:26:10 I have to say now on the Psycho dad theme song.
02:26:14 I know, I know, a lot of people are disappointed.
02:26:20 For all the same thanks you. Thank you Max. Damian.
02:26:25 Shaggy. Shaggy says it's crazy to me that I missed most of these 90s shows while growing up. Have I watched anything? I watched documentaries and educational shows.
02:26:38 Back when Animal Planet Discovery and the history channels were actually educational, while The History Channel wasn't really, it was all about Hitler. Bad. Most likely. Why I never swallowed the Jew.
02:26:48 Pill.
02:26:50 Well.
02:26:53 If you watch history channel, you know it was just about how horrible Hitler was.
02:26:58 Tennis nuts says hit the fire button ******* or wait, hit the button for fagots. I don't know what you're talking about.
02:27:08 I don't know what you're talking about. My ******* mouse is not working.
02:27:14 Why is not working? There we go.
Numbers Lady
02:27:16 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:27:18 The fact buttons not working now. Well, that's what you get that. Alright, Leo the dangler.
02:27:27 Could you do a deep dive on Tom Metzger? I had lunch with him about 20 years ago and then he and he had this figured out. I think mentioned him in Pat Con.
02:27:43 I've talked about him a little bit, but yeah, I I don't know.
02:27:48 I don't think I've done like a full stream, but I do. I do cover them in pack on. I'm pretty sure I'm almost positive.
02:27:55 A Roly scribe in God's army says the old handkerchief around the neck. That's how I knew Charleston Heston and the old man were a gay couple in Soylent grain. Right. And I'm telling you, anytime they put a handkerchief around someone's neck.
02:28:13 That was the gay couple.
02:28:16 Or the gay guy that was, like the secret gay code.
02:28:20 Shoggy, Shaggy says also finally had the time to watch your interview with academic agent. You received the question about whites as a group developing an in Group preference only when realizing we are an oppressed minority, since that is inevitable, doesn't that mean that the black pill is essentially a hidden?
02:28:41 Right.
02:28:42 We all know black.
02:28:43 Pill is not oh, we're all going to go extinct. I've never said that. I don't think we're going to go extinct. We're also not going to solve this politically. And you got to imagine how bad it has to get for that in Group preference to kick in.
02:29:00 That's the black pill. Is that? Yeah. It has to get that bad. But it will, as you say. And it will kick in and we will overcome.
02:29:09 Just not in the way most people fantasize that we will, and that's fine.
02:29:16 I mean, we want people to think.
02:29:17 Positively too. You know, we don't want everyone to be black pilled.
02:29:22 Uncle Floyd's look at the same time we don't want everyone to be delusional either. There's, you know, there's a reason I went so hard against Qatar because like, that's like, that's mental illness. Like it's OK to be positive, but it's not OK to be delusional about it. Uncle Floyd's reeducation.
02:29:42 Something that cuts off Jacob Rothschild screams in a boiling pot of **** and hell, Tony.
02:29:48 Right. That's right. Yes, he is dead. He is dead and.
02:29:55 Unfortunately, there's there's many more left Childs ready to to take his place, and I doubt like he was so old I thought he was, you know, running things at this point anyway, so that transition is probably taking place, but doesn't mean it can't be happy that he's.
02:30:11 Dead.
02:30:12 It's a good start, Leo the dangler.
02:30:15 Says split this with NR Negger split what the $10 what you want to send them 5 bucks.
02:30:25 And I can send him 5 bucks. Why? Why just send me 5 bucks and?
02:30:29 Him 5 bucks.
02:30:31 I have to make it complicated. ******** ******. Back from the dead ******** ******.
02:30:40 With $1.00 ******** ******.
Speaker 9
02:30:44 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 2
02:30:48 I'd buy that for a dollar.
Devon Stack
02:30:56 Returning ****** can't stay on for too long, but I got a short window at my second job to say keep up with the good work done. May not be able to pop on as often as I like because life has me busy, but I still catch replays when I get a chance.
02:31:13 I and then it cuts off.
02:31:15 Alright, well, hopefully, hopefully you're you're not telling me that you're gay or something horrific like that, but I appreciate that.
02:31:24 Angriff says Al Bundy also played the dad in Modern Family. We're right, it's it's just the it's the new version and it has the actors names, not Al Bundy. But yeah, it's the same guy in Modern Family. And it's the same. It's the same show. They just made it more.
02:31:42 They just updated it to to transfer the same kinds of firmware updates, but make it more compatible with the new hardware that's walking around out there.
02:31:54 Absolutely right, the.
02:31:55 Urban quail farmer says Puff Daddy is the Hillary Clinton of.
02:31:59 The rap game.
02:32:01 You know, except for.
02:32:03 Well, I guess Hillary Clinton's not really an anomaly either. I was going to say, except for he's not an anomaly. It seems like that's pretty normal.
02:32:10 But you know, I don't think Hillary Clinton is an anomaly either. So I guess that that doesn't work.
02:32:16 Saying you're probably.
02:32:17 Right Rabbit Hole says saw Dune Part 2 tonight.
02:32:23 The allegories.
02:32:26 To a resource hungry empire with a secret order pulling the strings behind the curtain produced by Hollywood and industry, which is just one arm of subversive secret group that pulls the strings behind the curtain. How's that for ironic?
02:32:45 And then you say they have Part 2. It was as anti white as you'd expect.
Numbers Lady
02:32:49 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:32:50 But only to the trained mind like yours. The part that gets me is.
02:32:57 The Benner gasser. I don't know. That is Jesuit parallels. Adam, Why shop founded the Illuminati shortly after the Jesuits became the Jewish or Jewish infiltrated around the 16th century would be a cozy stream.
02:33:16 Yeah. I I I haven't seen it. Honestly, I've. I've never liked Doom.
02:33:22 The IT just it was always boring and gay to me. I always thought it was boring and gay.
02:33:30 You know the 80s movie was horrible and the book was long and boring. And so I never finished it like I had friends that were into it, but they were the kind of friends that also like to play boring and gay games, you know, like, I'm going to play civilization. And I'm just like, alright, fagot. So so, like, I just never got into that.
02:33:50 Good.
02:33:52 I I I think I I might have saw.
02:33:56 Part one at one point, but yeah, I'm sure it's anti white and gay and it was already. I feel like it was already kind of born and gay.
02:34:02 And they're just going to make it boring and and gayer.
02:34:06 But I know it's heresy. There's a lot of people out there that are defined.
02:34:09 Right now. No, not doom dooms dooms like one of the greatest works of fiction ever.
02:34:15 And it's like, Nah, it's kind of boring and gay, but OK.
02:34:22 Proof. Say Stomper says, by the way, a lot of people, most people think that they're just afraid to say it. We need another Carrington event. So these faggs, mentally ill ******** and libtard big cities end up eating each other in the streets and purging themselves from society. Instead of voting to take away my rights and ruining society.
02:34:43 Yeah, another carrying event would be fun. That's that's basically a sun produced EMP that that would wipe out a lot of technology. It would never send us back to the Stone Age though, is as awesome as that would be in so many ways. It would buy us some time, right?
Speaker 4
02:35:01 It would it **** some.
Devon Stack
02:35:02 **** up. But like, yeah, it, you know, we'd be back online pretty quick.
02:35:10 Yeah, probably take out a lot of the little countries, way worse than and then unfortunately, a lot of our resources would go keep going to them. There'd be all these ******* saying.
02:35:19 Oh, they're dying in Haiti.
02:35:22 Yeah, because they're dying when they have electricity.
02:35:26 Max Demian says you have an open invite to go on war strike. You should hit them up, boss. Alright, I'll. I'll check that out. Thank you.
02:35:37 Max Demian.
02:35:41 Hervey Tsky Heig my favorite part when it comes to Waco is that Clinton had to order the attack.
02:35:48 On the compound, because children were being raped and then after that he went on a private jet to Epstein island.
02:35:58 Wait, hold on. What order? The attack and they kind of his children were being raped. And then after that, he went on a private jet then. Yeah. Well, yeah. Well, yeah, they they they. No, they didn't go.
02:36:09 There because.
02:36:10 At no point were they actually concerned about children.
02:36:15 The entire point of Waco was to flex on the militia movement that was growing in in power in the 80s and 90s, and there's a lot of right wing people that were using a lot of extreme right wing, if you will, rhetoric about overthrowing the commies.
02:36:36 And there was a lot of people who had joined militias and were regularly practicing with their guns, and it was not considered a fringe thing.
02:36:46 And this was a psychological operation to shut all that **** down. And if people, including kids, had to die then, Oh well.
02:36:56 Now it ended up having kind of an opposite effect, which is why they had to turn the heat up and do Oklahoma City. But that said, you know.
02:37:07 That was the intention. I think they had nothing to do with kids and everything to do with kids. The ATF has nothing to do with kids. Why would the ATF have been the, you know, the the agency that was involved, the ATF, just they were trying to ban guns and get, you know, get rid of militias?
02:37:27 Do you think that the wikification of the Western militaries and filling them with non?
02:37:34 Anti whites is so that they won't complain when they're asked to.
02:37:39 Turn on the true white citizens.
02:37:42 I think it's a bonus. I think that if you're a communist and you think that, well, I mean, look, that those Jews just released that book today, the rural white rage is the biggest threat to democracy. If they believe that. And I I you know, I mean, obviously the people buying the book believe that.
02:38:03 And so if the middle management believes that and they.
02:38:07 They want to.
02:38:08 Have the ability to fight back against this force that's dangerous to democracy then.
02:38:14 Yeah, you, you you want the kind of people that are going to be ready, willing and able to shoot white people in the face.
02:38:22 Andromeda says from the late 70s.
02:38:26 Mid 90s men were called homophobic and they denied ever having fantasized about having a gay experience.
02:38:36 Sign up another great show. Thank you.
02:38:39 I I don't know if I ever had encountered that. I mean, there were people that were that would say things like.
02:38:47 If you're instantly.
02:38:48 Repulsed by it that that you're suppressing.
02:38:53 Gay desire, right? Like if if you. If the idea.
02:38:57 Of seeing 2 gay Guys Kiss grossed you out. It must be because you're you. You're secretly gay. Like that was a.
02:39:05 Big sigh up.
02:39:06 Where? Yeah. You know, you just you hate the only reason why you hate gays is you hate yourself. It's because you hate the.
02:39:13 Game it's in you.
02:39:14 There was that that that was. It was the dumbest thing. But it worked on a lot of people because it was like the.
02:39:19 Best reverse psychology because.
02:39:21 You have these simple minded people who maybe couldn't articulate their instincts, and so it was to some extent. It wasn't like an articulated, reasoned position. It was kind of just an instinctual.
02:39:35 And so when someone was telling them that, well, you hate him because you have this, like, this dark, you know, deeply rooted, you know, homosexual fantasy or whatever.
02:39:49 Because they couldn't quite articulate their disgust.
02:39:54 Of gay people, I think they they maybe might have questioned themselves and been like, well, I don't want to be like, I don't want to. I don't want that to be true. And so I must, I guess I have to tolerate gay people because if I don't tolerate gay people, then then it does mean that I have, like, this, this disgust feeling that I have that I can't really.
02:40:14 You know articulate because I've never no one's ever really had to. And for centuries, you know, and and religion has has left me ill equipped to handle this in a reasoned way.
02:40:29 And I'm dealing with atheists. When I argue about this stuff, by and large, or of course, you know, you know people that are like this.
Speaker 15
02:40:39 Doesn't really matter.
Speaker 14
02:40:40 Two grown to something. Adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
02:40:50 So yeah, I think that it worked on a lot of people because it just you know it it kind of look Jews are really good at this, this rhetoric, stuff that they're they're masters at it.
02:41:02 Mr. Charley says. Good evening, Devin. Thanks for the excellent and admirable content. As usual, my dad was super based.
02:41:11 He has watched some of your content. He caught on to a lot of this stuff. However, you blew me away with the Honeymooners episode I used to watch them with my dad.
Speaker 4
02:41:21 Yeah, it it.
Devon Stack
02:41:22 It look, I actually I found that out because I was trying to find.
02:41:29 Early I I actually I found the connection entirely by accident. I I knew I was going to cover married with children in the early 90s stuff and then I was trying to find some of the 1st.
02:41:44 Appearances of gay characters.
02:41:46 And in researching that I found someone named that episode as as having one of the first gay characters on television.
02:41:54 And I think, well, it's worth watching it just to see. And then I saw like, wow, that literally just that's that's you know, I mean the similarities, the parallels between that and the married with children episode are impossible to deny. It's about like, you know, the husband comes home, he's hungry. And it's like the same. It's like the same story. I I refuse to believe that the Jews in the writing.
02:42:15 That wrote that episode of Married with Children didn't write or didn't write it with having having just watched the hunting, you know, hunting mothers episode or having that fresh in their mind.
02:42:25 And look, we know that.
02:42:26 Today, that's all they do anyway. They just recycle old ideas. They're.
02:42:31 They're they're as much as they're geniuses.
02:42:34 The rhetoric, they're not exactly great at coming up with new ideas. They're just good at recycling old ones.
02:42:41 So I mean that's which again, I think we've proven with all the I mean all the new movies and TV that's coming out, it's just we it's just the same old show with.
02:42:50 Black people on it and ****.
02:42:55 Let's see here who say, Stomper says, did you ever figure out what was going on with your computer going haywire and playing some random **** images back around November? I believe you were covering something related to the IDF in Gaza at the time.
02:43:14 I vaguely remember that, but now I did have some weird connection problem thing.
02:43:20 I don't remember what what was going on with that specifically.
02:43:28 Yeah, I'd have to. I'd have to look and see what string that is, but no, I I do remember. I remember.
02:43:31 That happening, but no, I never, I never. I wiped.
02:43:35 I write I I periodically wipe computers and you know, do fresh installs and stuff like that. So whatever it was, it's, you know, hopefully was. Look, the problem is they've got hardware back doors and the stuff and and and.
02:43:48 There's really if they want to get into your computer, you're not going to keep them out. You know, unless you're like Mossad, then you can probably keep other intelligence agencies out and look, I'm sure, with the proper encryption and operating systems that are not feasible and usable for what I do, I could do it, you know, but it's just.
02:44:08 You know, I'd have to have, like, my own IT guy. Almost. And it's just not worth that. I I know I have nothing to hide. You know. What are they going to find on my computer? You know, I mean, I mean, they don't have to go on my computer. Just watch. Odyssey. That's what's on my computer, you know? I mean, or at least, you know, prior to a show.
02:44:26 But yeah, I never found out what that was.
02:44:30 Let's see here. They call me Mr. ****.
02:44:34 I keep commenting on Steve Peter tweet on Steve Peters tweets to have you on. Have you any, have you any contact with him?
02:44:48 They won't. They will only.
02:44:52 They will only have you on if you're a face flag.
02:44:57 So they they will not have me on.
02:45:00 So that's.
02:45:02 So that's that on that one, that's, that's what I've been told.
Speaker 4
02:45:07 They will not.
Devon Stack
02:45:07 Have any oops I went to rumble to see if we.
02:45:10 Had any rumble ones in there.
02:45:12 So that's my my understanding is that they they only they only interview face fat.
02:45:18 So I unless something changes or unless I'm wrong about that unless I have bad information that was, that was what I was.
02:45:27 That was from what I understand, that's.
02:45:28 Why I'm I'm not. I haven't been on that.
02:45:30 Show.
02:45:31 And so I don't know, who knows, maybe in the future someday, but I'm not super, you know, I don't. I don't. I'm not too worried about it anyway.
02:45:42 Yeah. All right. Nothing on rumble, you cheap ******** over there. Run Rumble, you cheat *************. I'm just ******* with you guys. I really appreciate the support guys. Like I said, this is just part one. We're.
02:46:00 Going to have several parts.
02:46:02 I don't know that I will possibly no stream Wednesday because there was a bunch of stuff that I was supposed to. I mean, spring now it was a bunch of stuff I was supposed to be doing with the bees that I wasn't doing because of the the well.
02:46:16 And I'm kind of backed up over here and the weather like if I don't do the bee stuff, I'm going to have hives swarming on me. It's going to be a big pain in the ***.
02:46:25 But I'm gonna.
02:46:25 Try to get it done and still do something Wednesday, but if not I'll I'll let you guys know in advance, but either way we'll be doing a Part 2 and there's probably be part three and four of this 90s stuff just because I think that it's there's so much, there's so much that backs up. What I'm saying here, there's just so many people.
02:46:45 Delusional thinking of the 90s.
02:46:46 Was great. All right, guys, with that said.
02:46:51 Hope you'll have a a good rest of your weekend.
02:46:56 For black pilled.
02:47:01 I am of course.
02:47:04 Demon stag.
Speaker 10
02:47:13 Hi, Chris, it's mom. Look, honey, I've got a lot of work to do, so I won't be home until late again. Just do the usual, you know, fix yourself a little something, anything you want.
02:47:22 Ohh and I left some money for you on the counter.
02:47:24 Use it for.
02:47:25 Whatever you like now, Dad won't be home until Tuesday. He says. Hi. Ohh. When somebody told me you quit soccer. Is anything wrong? Well, just leave me a note. Love you. Bye.
02:47:35 Bye.