INSOMNIA STREAM: THE GAY 90's part 2.mp3
03/09/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 0120.00:00:05 80120.
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Speaker 2
00:00:57 Read it.Speaker 4
00:01:18 How are you today?Speaker 3
00:01:24 Don't be upset with that.Speaker 4
00:01:54 Features with the.Speaker 3
00:01:58 If I wash the water.Speaker 4
00:02:13 Tell me why. Come on, Mr. Twinkle. Tell me what? Come on. Mr. Twinkle, won't you please tell me? Why tell me.00:03:10 Tell me what? Come on, Mr. tell me why? Come on, Mr. Twinkle, tell me why.
00:03:20 Comma Mr.
00:04:12 Mr. Mr. Mr. Twinkle.
00:04:18 Just sprinkle. Mr. Sprinkle, Mr. sprinkle. Sprinkle. Sprinkle.
00:06:47 Day is the great day.
00:07:10 I.Speaker 3
00:07:20 Things.Speaker 4
00:07:33 Two days.Speaker 5
00:07:45 Hello.Speaker 3
00:07:56 Hey.Speaker
00:07:57 Sky.Speaker 6
00:08:02 Attraction.Speaker 7
00:08:05 Crazy.Devon Stack
00:09:56 Welcome to the insomnia stream that wasn't supposed.00:09:59 To play it.
00:10:02 I have to tell you what it is first. Anyway. This is the insomnia stream. The Gay 90s, Part 2.
00:10:10 Oh, the gay 90s, Part 2.
00:10:15 I'm of course your host, Devin Stack this.
00:10:16 Is going to be a really long 1A really long.
00:10:20 I I don't know. Like sometimes it looks like it's going to really run the timeline. It's not, but I think.
00:10:25 This is going.
00:10:26 To be kind of a long one, partially because I'm I'm always shocked. I'm always shocked at the pushback I get from certain things.
00:10:35 And I just cause it. It just makes so much sense to me. It's self-evident, especially if I spend a couple hours laying out the.
00:10:43 Evidence and and usually the people have the biggest problem. Like my favorite comment from someone was like, well, I only watched the 1st 12 minutes but it's like alright. Well then what? Why am I going to read your your your ******* page long critique of of the 1st 12 minutes which is basically music so.
00:11:02 Like, I'm sorry that in the 90s you were watching Muppet Babies and you have no idea what the **** was going on in the world because you didn't start paying attention to ******* politics until 20 ******* 16.
00:11:15 But some of us were aware of what the.
00:11:17 Hell was going around around us in the 90s.
00:11:20 And we're going to see for those of you.
00:11:22 Who? Don't? Because you weren't alive yet or.
00:11:24 You were too young. Or you're watching Muppet babies or whatever you're about to find out. You're about to get a little taste. Little tasty taste.
00:11:32 Because like I said.
00:11:35 You can't go back to the 90s and even even if you could, you wouldn't want to. But one of the biggest reasons why you couldn't go back to the 90s is time. Times later. First of all, we don't have a time machine, but hypothetically the 90s leads to the yachts, the yachts lead to the 10s and then the 10s.
00:11:55 Lead to where we are today. It's like a book I said at last stream. I'll say it again if you reading a book or you're watching a movie. For those who don't read books and there's a part of the book or the movie that you like.
00:12:09 I mean, I guess you could pause it and just rewind that, that, that 10 minutes of the movie over and over and over again, but that part.
00:12:15 Of the movie it.
00:12:16 Always leads to the next part of the movie.
00:12:20 It always does.
00:12:22 That's just the way things work. Same thing with the book you like. Chapter 15. Well, chapter 15 ends, and then there's chapter 16.
00:12:31 So even if you like chapter 15, you can't just read chapter 15 over and over and over again, can you? But I get it right. There's people that are obsessed with the 90s. They have some kind of romantic connection to the 90s, I guess.
00:12:46 Perhaps they were. They were obsessed with this show out of this world. It was.
00:12:49 A 90s show.
00:12:51 Not, you know, like a typical 90s showerhead aliens and weird ******** feminism.
00:12:56 I you know.
00:12:57 Out of this world to show about this, this girl. That's why we want to go back.
00:13:01 To the 90s cause the girls white.
00:13:04 Right. We want to go back to the time when it was a show about a white person.
00:13:07 At least. OK, alright.
00:13:10 Show about a white girl, whose.
00:13:11 Dad was an alien.
00:13:12 And and she talked to her alien dad through this weird crystal thing. And she had the ability to freeze time. So for example, in this episode, when she was 2, timing these guys and she walked in with one guy and saw the other guy in her house, she was able to freeze time and and get out of the.
00:13:33 The sticky situation that she was in.
Speaker 10
00:13:37 The home of every girl. No pictures please.Speaker 9
00:13:37 Oh.Speaker 11
00:13:46 That's the end of our tour.Speaker 12
00:13:48 Be sure and visit our gift shop on.Speaker 10
00:13:49 The way out.00:13:58 Hi dear.
Devon Stack
00:13:59 So I guess maybe, yeah, you know people they they think that that's like a real thing. There's like, these alien, alien white chicks that can freeze time.00:14:07 And get us out of.
00:14:08 These sticky situations, so when the 90s are over right that that maybe that's the plan when the 90s are over, you know, before 911 happens, yeah, before I. You know there's there's.
00:14:20 Any any of this of this nonsense? All this crazy gay stuff, all this trans kids stuff, they'll they'll just freeze time and go back in time, like in this episode when she freezes time she turns herself into Mr. T and I don't know, I guess that's what they think, right? They think that that's what you can do.
00:14:40 Just by touching her fingers together. That's what this thing was. Right here. See, this is this is the. This is why I needed to explain it first. You.
00:14:47 Know what the **** you're watching?
00:14:49 Because they think that in 1999, they're like, oh, don't worry, guys, I I sense there's a problem ahead.
Speaker 10
00:14:55 Ohh problem.Speaker 13
00:14:56 Come on. The field is the 90s.Speaker 6
00:14:58 Man, it's the 90s mine. It's the 90s.Speaker 14
00:15:01 I can be anything I want to be.00:15:02 The 90s. This is the 90s, the 90s, it's.
Speaker 12
00:15:05 The 90s.00:15:06 Here, she's supposed to discuss sex with their children.
Speaker 9
00:15:08 It's the 90s.Devon Stack
00:15:11 Ohh, we're back in the 90s again. Thank God it was almost the 2000s it.00:15:16 Was a close call.
00:15:18 Well, let me explain to you something we started out in the early 90s last stream. We're going to be, we're going to continue into the early 90s because this isn't something that like oh, it was just it was, it was just brewing at the end of the 90s. They're early now. So maybe they want to be that specific. Actually it's, you know, 1991 is is well we need to that's where or as Tucker said 93.
00:15:39 Well, if you watched last stream, you realized the no in 19.
00:15:42 90 had already begun.
00:15:44 And by 93, well, what was going on?
00:15:46 In 93.
00:15:48 Well, this was going on in 93.
00:15:51 Seinfeld, you know, 90s are very Jewish, too. People forget that. That's maybe that's why they want to go back to the 9.
Speaker 15
00:15:56 Please.Devon Stack
00:15:58 Seinfeld, the number one show on television. There's an episode in 1993.00:16:04 Where a woman comes to interview.
00:16:07 Jerry Seinfeld and she's under the impression that he's gay because she overheard them at talking at a restaurant where they were pretending to be gay because they noticed her eavesdropping. So they wanted to **** with her. But they don't realize that it's the same girl from the restaurant.
00:16:22 And so she comes in. She sees George. What's George drinking? Well, he's drinking white liquid out of a penis shaped object. You know, of course, there's lots.
00:16:30 Of stuff he's holding.
00:16:31 A fruit. You know, lots of visual things, you know, trying to. It's a joke, right? It's a gay God. It's funny because they're doing all this stuff that looks like they're gay.
00:16:41 But they're not gay, right?
00:16:44 And so then finally, Jerry figures out, wait a second. This chick thinks we're gay.
Speaker 4
00:16:48 Me.Devon Stack
00:16:50 She thinks that we're gay and we have. We can't have that. We explained that we're not gay.Speaker 11
00:16:55 That was on purpose. We're not gay.00:16:57 Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Speaker 10
00:16:59 Well.Devon Stack
00:16:59 Of course not.Speaker 11
00:17:00 I mean, it's fine if that's who you are. Perhaps. I mean, I have.Speaker 16
00:17:02 Absolutely. My father's.Speaker 11
00:17:03 Many gay friends gay.Devon Stack
00:17:05 Not that there's anything wrong with it.00:17:10 See it's drip.
00:17:11 Drip, drip 1993 not that there's anything wrong. I don't want to. I don't want you to think.
00:17:17 That I'm gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
00:17:22 And that became the mantra of the episode all throughout the episode in 1993.
00:17:27 Oh yeah, we can make it funny. We can laugh about ****, but you know, we have to make sure we let the audience know that there's nothing wrong and in fact, we'll say it.
00:17:36 Over and over and over again.
Speaker 11
00:17:37 Now everyone at NYU thinks I'm gay. Not that there's anything wrong.00:17:41 With that not.
00:17:42 At all. No. Everyone's gonna think we're gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
00:17:47 No, not at all.
Devon Stack
00:17:49 See that and I guess that's the that's where they want to go back to, right? Well, they were still gays, but we can make fun of them, right? Like we can just like last stream we talked about how oh there was there was, you know sure there was racial tension but you could say on national television and no one freaked out you could say Fagot not a big deal.00:18:08 Right. You can be embarrassed about being called gay, but you know, as long as you're the libertarian thing and let everyone know.
Speaker 17
00:18:14 But not that there's anything wrong with that, Jerry.Devon Stack
00:18:17 That there's nothing wrong with it over and over and over again. Just keep telling everyone you know, like you can make the gay joke as long as it's.Speaker 2
00:18:25 Followed by he's so weak and it's thin.Speaker 18
00:18:30 Not that there's anything.Speaker 11
00:18:31 Wrong with it, that there's anything wrong with that.Speaker 19
00:18:35 Not that there's anything wrong with it.Speaker 2
00:18:40 Bow.Devon Stack
00:18:43 See, there's nothing wrong with being gay, and at least you know the gays. The 90s, at least on television.00:18:49 You know, they they were played by straight people, right? So it was. There was no flamboyant gay. There was no gay accent. There was no creepy gay vibes. It was just a straight guy saying that he was gay because it was in the script that the Jews wrote for him.
00:19:05 So it was hilarious, right? Let's go back to that. Let's go back to those days when when Jews are writing funny little scripts like this, it definitely didn't have an impact on in the way people behave. You know, like, this was what 2000, you know, just oh, oh, I'm cheating. Right. This is 2007 and and it's such a that.
00:19:25 That way of of qualifying it.
00:19:28 Is so ingrained in society, you see it echoed in in other media.
00:19:33 Kept thinking about you 2 together.
Speaker 19
00:19:37 I thought you guys were really good friends or?Speaker 2
00:19:40 Maybe he was gay or something. That's wrong.Devon Stack
00:19:46 Not that that's wrong, no. But you're she ain't even.00:19:50 This must be there's the 90s were gay. That's like 10 years after.
00:19:55 The 90s. You're right. You're right. You know what? We need to go back to the 90s.
Speaker 10
00:19:59 Oh.Speaker 6
00:20:03 My it's the 90s.Speaker 14
00:20:05 Can be anything I want to be.00:20:06 It's the 90s, it's the 90s. It's the.
Speaker 2
00:20:08 Hey.Speaker 12
00:20:08 90s it's the 90s. Parents just supposed to discuss sex with their children.Speaker 9
00:20:12 It's the 90s.Devon Stack
00:20:15 All right, so now we're back in the 90s. Nineteen 96.00:20:20 One of the most popular shows on television.
00:20:24 Friends.
00:20:28 Now there's lots of gay episodes for friends, but I don't watch friends. I was. I was angry that I had to watch this one.
00:20:34 But it was very popular.
00:20:37 Definitely I made an impact on the culture.
00:20:41 Now, in this particular episode, it's about the Jewish guy.
00:20:45 Who apparently again, I don't know, friends lore. So if I get some little mundane detail wrong, you can suck it.
00:20:54 His ex-wife, or maybe the woman that left him at the altar? It was hard to know exactly what the whole back story was without having to watch a bunch of friends. I wasn't going to do that.
00:21:04 But she comes back in his life and she's got a kid.
00:21:08 And a lesbian wife or soon to be a lesbian wife.
00:21:13 And he's a **** because I guess the kid.
00:21:15 Is I don't.
00:21:16 Again, I had to watch. I would have to watch my episodes to know, but I got the impression it was like, biologically his or something like he was the sperm donor.
00:21:25 And he has to be a **** and listened to the woman who left him at the altar, or divorced him or whatever does it.
00:21:32 Really make a difference.
00:21:34 Talk about how she's going to get married to the the the lesbian lover.
Speaker 22
00:21:41 Alright, I've got some news. It's about us.Speaker 20
00:21:47 No, Susan. Amy.Speaker 21
00:21:49 The other US.Speaker 23
00:21:51 OK.Speaker 22
00:21:53 We're we're getting married.Speaker 24
00:22:02 As in, I now pronounce your wife and wife.Speaker 20
00:22:06 Anyway, we'd like you to come, but we totally understand. If you don't want to.Speaker 24
00:22:11 Well, why would I want to come? I.00:22:13 Had fun at.
Speaker 10
00:22:13 The first wedding look, I just thought.Devon Stack
00:22:16 That. No, no, no. I mean I. Hey, why?Speaker 10
00:22:17 At night.Speaker 3
00:22:18 Shouldn't I be happy for you?Devon Stack
00:22:22 Yeah, why shouldn't I be? I'm a 90s man, right? We wanna go back.00:22:25 To the 90s.
00:22:27 Right when men were men and were in touch with their feminine side.
00:22:33 You know, he's a 90s man. He's sensitive to her needs.
00:22:38 Why wouldn't he want to go to her wedding?
00:22:41 So he starts to have a problem with it. He doesn't know if he can. He can mentally wrap his head around the situation. I mean, gay marriage isn't even legal at this point.
Speaker 24
00:22:49 I mean, I don't get it. They already live together. Why do they need to get married?Speaker 25
00:22:53 Because they love each other and that they want to celebrate that love with the people that are close with them.Devon Stack
00:22:59 Ohh, that's all you see in the 90s this they were.00:23:01 Setting the stage.
Speaker 11
00:23:04 It was still.Devon Stack
00:23:05 Weird for people watching friends to to. I mean, they they were OK now. Cause, look, it was the 90s.00:23:12 They were OK with with the lesbians because, yeah, it might make you feel weird. Not.
00:23:16 That there's anything wrong with it, right?
00:23:19 Not that there's anything wrong with it.
00:23:24 But it's still funny. We can you know that it's it's a little bit funny and we'll throw in some other, you know, B story about Jennifer Aniston's mom getting divorced because, hey, divorce is funny, too.
00:23:36 But in the end, Ross comes around and decides to support his lesbian ex-girlfriend or wife or whatever it is.
00:23:44 Because love is love.
Speaker 20
00:23:48 My parents called this afternoon to say they weren't coming.Speaker 24
00:23:50 Oh my God.Speaker 20
00:23:51 I mean, I knew they were having trouble with this whole thing, but then my parents were supposed to give me away and everything, and then Susan and I got in this big fight because I said maybe we should call off the wedding. And then she said we're not doing this for them. We're doing it.Speaker 24
00:23:58 OK, I'm sorry.Speaker 20
00:24:06 For us, and if I couldn't see that, then maybe we should call.00:24:09 It the wedding, you know what to do.
Speaker 24
00:24:15 I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I think Susan's right.Speaker 20
00:24:19 You too.Speaker 24
00:24:21 Look, do you love her? And you don't have to be too emphatic about.Speaker 4
00:24:25 This course you do.Devon Stack
00:24:29 Well then that's it.Speaker 24
00:24:30 And if George and Adelaide can accept that, then the hell with them.Speaker 2
00:24:34 But I mean.Speaker 24
00:24:36 If my parents didn't want me to marry you.00:24:40 No way that would have stopped me, but this is your wedding. Do it.
Speaker 20
00:24:49 You're right, of course you're right.Speaker 10
00:24:52 So we're back on, we're back on.00:24:55 Chuck it.
Devon Stack
00:24:58 Oh yeah, love is love. Let's go back to those times when it was, you know, it was just lesbian weddings and lesbians raising kids and. And, you know, because there's nothing wrong with it. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It's a little awkward at times, but we can learn, you know, to to get along with each other.00:25:16 You don't wanna, you don't wanna indulge any prejudice, right?
Speaker 26
00:25:19 It's the 90s.Devon Stack
00:25:23 So of course they feature the kid because everyone knows and this is what they did.00:25:28 Before they started pushing the the gay couples because they knew they knew it, creeped people out.
00:25:35 They knew it creeped people out.
00:25:38 They knew that there was this idea that gay people recruited the gay people, molested kids.
00:25:44 I wonder why right where do? Where do stereotypes come from, right?
00:25:49 Where do they come from? I guess they just, you know, they just spring out of the ground and people walking around, they stumble on. What's the stereotype? It's in my brain now. I now think gays molest kids.
00:25:59 And they try to recruit kids.
00:26:03 Well, I must be. I'm just being prejudice again. So they start out with lesbian couples doing this.
00:26:09 I also want you to keep in mind that obviously she wasn't always a lesbian if she was going to.
00:26:16 Marry the Jewish guy.
00:26:20 Because that's something they were way more open about in the 90s because they hadn't yet decided that legal.
00:26:26 Reasoning for gay rights being.
Speaker 2
00:26:30 Ohh no.Devon Stack
00:26:32 It's like a race.00:26:33 I can't help that I'm gay.
00:26:35 I'm just Born This Way.
00:26:39 Don't believe me? We'll make a we'll make a.
00:26:41 Hit song called that.
00:26:44 But uh, you're right that that wasn't the 90s. Let's go back to the 90s again.
00:26:48 I I keep getting ahead of myself.
00:26:50 Because everyone knows we can just stay perpetually in the 90s, back when it was just lesbians getting married and raising a kid.
00:26:58 So of course the the lesbian that's played by the actress from Breaking Bad, that's, you know, the rich ***** Jewish chick that rips off Walter White. Her parents are there and proud of their lesbian daughter.
00:27:14 Because Ross's ex-girlfriend or whatever her parents were embarrassed and prejudice and and evil and hate, you know, full of hate.
00:27:23 He decides to go full cuck mode and give away his own girl to another girl.
00:27:29 And of course, they get married by yet another lesbian because you know, why not? Why not make an entire like as much of a mockery of marriage as possible?
00:27:40 The wedding cake, of course, with the back of the 90s. This is the 90s gay wedding cake.
00:27:46 Looks somewhat traditional, right?
00:27:49 Two women on the top. That's the only difference.
00:27:52 Devin, are you saying that that you don't like gay people because you like your wedding cakes to have at least one plastic person with wearing a tuxedo on the top? Are you being ridiculous?
00:28:03 Don't you feel stupid right now thinking that?
00:28:07 How close minded are you? This is the 90s.
00:28:12 And of course they they dance and and everyone's happy. And in fact there's even there's even a joke sort of about maybe Jennifer Aniston's now soon to be divorced. Mom thinking, man, maybe. Maybe I'll be a lesbian.
Speaker 10
00:28:31 I just danced with a wonderfully large woman.Speaker 27
00:28:35 And three other girls.Speaker 10
00:28:37 Made eyes at me over at the buffet. Oh, I'm not saying it's something I want to pursue, but it's nice to know I have options.Devon Stack
00:28:45 Because it is an option because in 1996 it was still just, it was a lifestyle choice.00:28:52 You weren't born gay. It was a lifestyle choice.
00:28:58 Of course, against the credits a bunch.
00:29:00 Of Jewish names.
00:29:04 As per usual.
00:29:06 Let's go back to the 90s.
00:29:09 We got to go back to the ******* 90s.
00:29:15 A couple of years later.
00:29:19 They start talking about the there's going to be a big television event.
00:29:24 A big gay television event because it's the 90s, the wonderful 90s.
00:29:31 See Ellen DeGeneres?
00:29:35 Was this unfunny comedian with the sitcom? But it was during prime time.
00:29:42 And had just recently come out that the actress Ellen herself was a lesbian.
00:29:48 See, lesbians were less threatening to people than gay people.
00:29:53 So just like they did the lesbian couple raising the kid first, they're going to try a lesbian main character first.
00:30:00 Because lesbians, for whatever reason, seem less threatening to to people than than gay dudes.
00:30:10 So the whole television world was was waiting with bated breath. And again, this is this is 9697 when this this piece aired.
Speaker 16
00:30:19 Ten nights from now on, an ABC Television entertainment program, the sitcom character Ellen will emerge from the closet and discover that she's lesbian.00:30:29 Later this week, on an ABC News program, partly to prepare us for her coming out and partly to capitalize on the huge hype, comedian Ellen DeGeneres will discuss her own sexuality with Diane Sawyer.
00:30:43 To be sure, there's so much pollen floating around in our publicity culture that Ellen seems already to have happened. Months ago. We've been busy since overreacting to some other zeitgeist's knees, like death cults on the Internet.
00:30:55 I'm about to suggest that we're missing the point about Ellen and about the hype, but please look first at scenes from another program to be seen tomorrow night in most of the country.
Speaker 11
00:31:08 What?Devon Stack
00:31:10 Another program that they're they're they're using the L and gay reveal to promote yet another gay program.00:31:18 So this would have been 97 cause, he said. And it's it's going to happen in in 10 nights.
00:31:23 And I believe the Ellen episode aired in in April of 97.
Speaker 2
00:31:28 So all all.Devon Stack
00:31:29 The different networks they were scrambling, they wanted their own gay ****.00:31:36 They thought it was the 90s, when it when it was better, no game.
00:31:38 Was cool in the 90s.
Speaker 16
00:31:41 In the life shows up every other month on public television looking a lot like any other prime time TV News magazine, except that it's devoted entirely to gay and lesbian issues and personalities, for instance.00:31:55 Per night job discrimination against gays on the assembly line in Detroit.
Speaker 28
00:32:01 I told myself you go in there every day. You cold, you have a flu. Doesn't matter what you're going to be the best employee they ever had and they.00:32:09 Just gave with.
00:32:09 Me. Just say I have to move with.
Speaker 4
00:32:11 These patches. What are you trying to say?Speaker 16
00:32:12 Or consciousness raising in domestic partner benefits in Disney's Magic Kingdom, or gays and lesbians under the circus.Devon Stack
00:32:21 Well, they should all be under a circus to notice how they were talking about boycotts against Disney because Disney was going to start giving benefits to gay couples.Speaker 2
00:32:21 Alright.Devon Stack
00:32:32 Seems like those boycotts didn't really go anywhere, doesn't it?00:32:36 Because right wing boycotts never do.
00:32:39 Because they can't ******* boycott ****.
00:32:42 They got to have their frozen.
00:32:44 Ohh my boycotted Disney. My little girl couldn't watch frozen.
00:32:51 What would I do? I'd have to actually entertain my children instead of dropping off a a bunch of kids in front of a screen.
00:33:00 And playing gay propaganda at them.
00:33:08 That's why they're already drinking bud light. They couldn't even stop drinking bud light, which is like a.
00:33:12 A **** beer.
00:33:15 You have the Trump's promoting bud light.
00:33:24 And I guarantee a lot of those ******* are shaving with Gillette razors too.
00:33:30 So back in the 90s.
00:33:32 The one of the see it's it's look, the more things change, the more they stay the same, right?
00:33:38 It's exactly like now. Weird, huh? I thought the 90s were so much better and different. Now is exactly the same ****.
00:33:46 They just managed to move.
00:33:47 The football a lot further.
00:33:50 So it's almost like it's a game.
00:33:54 You know, you guys understand sports, but you understand football, right? It's like, so imagine like the other team scores a touchdown right away.
00:34:03 And by halftime, you're.
00:34:04 Down by like 47 points.
00:34:08 Then you're like, well, I liked it better in the first quarter.
00:34:11 In the first two minutes of the game, we were just down by 1 by 7 points.
00:34:18 Why don't we go back to that time? We were still losing and inevitably we will lose.
00:34:25 But it wasn't as humiliating back then.
Speaker 16
00:34:29 Partner benefits in Disney's Magic Kingdom, or gays and lesbians under the circus tent or a visit to the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, which brings us back to Ellen's scores of gays and lesbians have been represented on series television in recent years, but they've all been either peripheral characters or second banana stereotypes.Speaker 20
00:34:31 And beauty.Speaker 29
00:34:38 So.Speaker 16
00:34:50 Or usually dying just to make us feel bad about our own prejudice.Devon Stack
00:34:57 Also interesting how he he he admits that the reason why they had all these gay characters dying of AIDS all throughout the 80s and 90s was to make you feel bad for for gay people.00:35:09 He openly admits it. It doesn't matter now. You've you've already you already. You already feel bad, so now they can admit that. Yeah, that's what we were doing.
00:35:17 40 and now you can't uninstall it.
00:35:21 It's there that virus is is floating around.
00:35:25 That process now it's always running in the background.
Speaker 2
00:35:29 But now?Devon Stack
00:35:31 Now we're gonna up the ante. See, before we just had these, these gay characters in the background.00:35:37 So you got used to it.
00:35:39 Right. Going all.
00:35:40 The way back to the Honeymooners, the 1950s.
00:35:45 Always added these little side characters, so you got you got comfortable being around gay people because in your personal life.
00:35:52 You probably didn't know any.
00:35:55 Or if you did, they were deeply closeted.
00:36:00 But now, now that you're used to that, we're gonna. We're gonna. We're gonna make a main.
00:36:04 Character in a.
00:36:05 Primetime television show.
Speaker 16
00:36:07 Game when Ellen comes out next week with Oprah Winfrey, Laura Dern, KD Lang and Melissa Etheridge on board to say it's all right. In an hour, called the puppy episode she.00:36:17 Will be the first.
00:36:18 Lead in the weekly primetime series.
00:36:20 Program.
Speaker 2
00:36:23 Oh, OK.Devon Stack
00:36:26 That's fine because.00:36:28 Because it's it's it's the 90s, right?
00:36:31 Right.
Speaker 2
00:36:33 Right.Speaker 13
00:36:34 No problem is the 90s.Speaker 2
00:36:37 Hey.Speaker 6
00:36:38 It's the 90s mine. It's the 90s.Speaker 14
00:36:40 I can be anything I wanna be. It's the 90s, the 90s.Speaker 2
00:36:43 Hey.Speaker 12
00:36:44 It's the 90s, parents.00:36:45 Are supposed to discuss sex with their children.
Speaker 9
00:36:47 The 90s.Devon Stack
00:36:50 Ah yes.00:36:55 It was a big deal.
00:36:57 They got all the Free Press they could ever imagine.
00:37:00 Every network you know the competing networks, running stories wall to wall, about Allen's Big coming out party.
00:37:11 College lesbians were organizing groups to have big watch parties it.
00:37:15 Was a big event.
Speaker 31
00:37:18 And gay groups hope that having a lesbian lead character on a TV series will make Americans more sympathetic to their challenges. That Alison Stewart visited the campus in Roanoke, VA, and found out that just because Ellen DeGeneres has come out, that won't necessarily make it any.00:37:34 Easier for them.
Speaker 30
00:37:37 Shannon Coughlin is a normal college freshman.00:37:39 Who likes to party and has a girlfriend? She's happily and openly lesbian.
00:37:45 However, coming out of the closet hasn't been easy.
Speaker 26
00:37:48 You're still dealing with coming out, aren't you?Speaker 30
00:37:54 Yep, it's still an emotional issue, considering Shannon spent her high school years did not.Speaker 32
00:38:00 Hey girl, you're hungry.Speaker 30
00:38:03 You Niger homosexual feelings?Speaker 33
00:38:07 I would put them away and say I can't feel like this. It's not right for me to feel like this.Speaker 30
00:38:12 Most teens, gay and straight, struggle with their emotions. However, for homosexual teens, the consequences are at times shocking. Gay teens are two to three times as likely to attempt suicide as straight teens.00:38:26 26% of gay teens are homeless because of family conflict.
Devon Stack
00:38:31 Ah, now you see the exact same reasoning that they are using for the trans kids.Speaker 2
00:38:37 Wow.Devon Stack
00:38:39 You don't want.00:38:39 Your trans kid to commit suicide, do you?
00:38:44 I mean, what's worse? Mom and dad?
00:38:47 Little Billy being gay.
00:38:51 Or little Billy killing himself and being homeless.
00:38:58 That's the emotional black male that they used over and over and over again. We saw that in part one of this series.
00:39:08 That's what they do with the trans kids. They tell parents that if you don't trans your kid, well, we have the statistics right here. They're your kids, Willy, and he's he's going to hang himself.
00:39:21 So so what's worse?
00:39:25 What's worse, having having the kid that you know you maybe you wanted a little boy?
Speaker 32
00:39:32 But now you can have a little.Devon Stack
00:39:33 Girl. Or you can have a little casket. Which one? Which one is it, mom?00:39:41 But you see at this point.
00:39:43 The propaganda is so strong that they they rarely have to.
00:39:47 Pull that one out.
00:39:50 Now you've got women on TikTok bragging about their ohh, you know, wouldn't you know it out of out of all four of my kids, they're all.
00:39:57 Trans. All of them.
00:39:59 Who would have thought?
00:40:02 I guess just like with being gay, it's genetic.
00:40:06 I guess I guess they're born that way. Can't help how they're born, right?
00:40:12 It's just like black people.
00:40:15 You know, I have a dream.
00:40:19 And OK.
Speaker 15
00:40:21 The 60s.Devon Stack
00:40:24 So all the lesbians gathered around to watch this, this cutting edge.00:40:30 Show this Ellen episode.
00:40:35 1997.
00:40:37 This is in the 90s.
00:40:42 The episode starts.
00:40:44 Off because the whole point, the whole.
00:40:47 Show was about this single woman and she just couldn't find a man.
00:40:52 And most of it was, it was like her, her unfunny stand up like most women's unfunny stand up.
00:40:58 Well, it's not about my vagina.
00:41:01 It's about all the the terrible dates. There they go on because they're neurotic messes.
00:41:07 And so she's an ****** mess, and she's going on all these dates with guys and ohh something always goes wrong. And why can't she find a man?
00:41:17 And this guy from high school comes back into her life and he's he's successful and he's got money and prestige and status.
00:41:28 But she just can't find herself attracted to him.
00:41:32 Even though they get along just fine.
00:41:36 But then she meets the producer.
00:41:39 Because he's a he's a television personality and his producer has come along on this trip.
00:41:47 The woman from Jurassic Park there on the left.
00:41:51 And Ellen, all of a sudden finds herself really clicking with the Jurassic Park chick.
00:41:58 They have so much in common.
00:42:02 When she goes back to the hotel room with the guy.
00:42:06 He puts the moves on her. She just can't stop thinking about that Jurassic, Jurassic Park girl and for some reason can't find it in her heart to.
00:42:17 To make out or have sex with this guy because it's the 90s that's only about the 90s, right?
Speaker 16
00:42:23 Like.Devon Stack
00:42:25 Jerry Seinfeld, that whole show, every every he goes out with a different he's banging a different girl every.00:42:31 Episode of Seinfeld.
00:42:34 Frasier, same thing. He's banging a different woman every episode of Frasier. Any show?
00:42:41 Friends is the same thing. Any show in the 90s about being single. Everyone was banging someone completely different every episode.
00:42:50 And the idea was that's just what you do.
00:42:54 But it was the 90s, right? The 90s was so much better.
00:43:00 So she leaves the hotel room and she's not. She's a little confused and she bumps into the Jurassic Park.
00:43:06 Chick in the hallway.
00:43:09 She then goes into the hotel room of the Jurassic Park trick, and they're hitting it off.
00:43:15 And then all of a sudden.
Speaker 17
00:43:19 Yeah. Office romance. Yeah, that's a bad idea. I.Speaker 34
00:43:21 Guess I don't date men.Speaker 2
00:43:24 Oh.Speaker 10
00:43:34 Why?00:43:38 I'm gay.
00:43:41 You're gay? Yeah. Oh, how about that? OK, good. Good. Yeah.
Speaker 17
00:43:50 I didn't. I didn't I.Speaker 10
00:43:52 That's good treat, of course. Why would?Speaker 11
00:43:53 You be gay.Speaker 35
00:43:56 Wow, I thought you knew.Speaker 17
00:43:58 You know.Speaker 10
00:44:00 In fact, I thought you were gay too.Devon Stack
00:44:06 Ohh, but you know I thought that you were.00:44:08 Born gay, anyway.
00:44:10 So now she's she's feeling uncomfortable. She doesn't know what to do.
00:44:14 She's attracted to this woman, but.
Speaker 24
00:44:17 She.Devon Stack
00:44:17 Her whole life, she thought she was heterosexual.00:44:22 So she she's very uncomfortable with the advances.
Speaker 3
00:44:27 Wow. Wow, I'm really sorry. I.Speaker 17
00:44:30 Don't you know it's funny? Because and I I think I know what's going on. Is you? Yeah. Is it's not enough for you to be gay? You know, you've got to recruit others, you know.Speaker 5
00:44:44 I'll have to call national headquarters and tell them I lost you. Damn. Just one more. I would have gotten that toaster oven.Devon Stack
00:44:53 And that was the big joke, you'll.00:44:55 See that joke over?
00:44:56 And over and over again, because that's the rumor they wanted to dispel. That was part of the stereotype. You see, if you have gay people, openly gay people walking amongst you in your society. One of the problems is going to be even like, even if it's an inevitable thing, we'll say, right, even if in a society.
00:45:14 It's inevitable you're going to have.
00:45:15 Some gay people.
00:45:16 Well, if we normalize it, we're going to have infinitely more gay people.
00:45:22 And they're like, no, no, that's crazy talk.
00:45:26 Gay people don't recruit people. That's insane.
00:45:30 By keeping it shameful and hidden, you're not. You're not lowering the numbers of gay people.
00:45:36 Because they're just born gay. You're just making the pre-existing gay people that will always exist in our society. You're just giving them a ****** life for no reason other than you're like a spiteful hater.
00:45:48 You're afraid of things.
00:45:49 That are different. You're not open minded.
00:45:53 And so, in almost all of these shows, you'll see this exact kind of a joke where, oh, yeah, I know. Yeah. You thought I was trying to recruit you, huh? Because, you know, I was gays. We're always out trying to recruit people.
00:46:07 We'll get to that in a second.
00:46:09 Because I actually some of this propaganda worked on me, I didn't know any gay people.
00:46:17 And I was like ohh, I guess maybe they are born.
00:46:19 This way I don't know.
00:46:23 Until I saw a documentary that solidified my suspicion. But I'll play a clip of that here in a moment.
00:46:30 In a moment.
00:46:33 So she backs out of the hotel room and goes back to the guy to prove her heterosexuality.
00:46:42 And the next day at work.
00:46:44 Surrounded by her friends.
00:46:46 Including there's a lot of gay characters in those, you know, cause again, it wasn't a big deal to have gay characters. There's already like 3 gay characters in the show already.
00:46:57 So it's not a big deal, it's a big deal that the star of the show is gay, right?
00:47:04 People were used to gay people being these sidelined characters. You, you you didn't feel as queasy about them.
00:47:14 As long as they were just bit parts.
00:47:17 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:47:19 Kind of like the token black guy.00:47:22 You know, it was fine when there was, like, a a black guy in the background.
00:47:27 But when you made a, you know The Little Mermaid black, that's going too far. Well, that's.
00:47:33 That's the step to getting to the Black Little Mermaid is having the black side character.
00:47:40 And it's the same thing with this stuff.
00:47:43 You got to have those background gay characters in order to get to the main character being gay.
00:47:48 So she tells him this big story. It's a big lie about, you know, hooking up with the guy.
00:47:55 And the next day, she goes to a therapist who's Oprah Winfrey. And why would? Why would they cast Oprah? Oprah is not much of an actress. In fact, it's kind of a joke.
00:48:04 That she's not much of an actress.
00:48:07 Well, the reason why they have oprahs who women trust American women trust Oprah.
00:48:12 More than any.
00:48:13 Other woman at this time, she's she's the.
00:48:16 She's got a huge brand.
00:48:18 She's like the black Martha Stewart, only richer and more popular.
00:48:24 And so she talks to Oprah about how, you know, I I'm not sure what? What's wrong with me? I've had these weird feelings. I met someone.
00:48:32 And Oprah's like I don't understand. Tell me more let's we're going to make this a a very abbreviated version of The Oprah Show. The Oprah show, which by the way during the afternoons I talked about this the last stream where you had Sally, Jesse Raphael.
00:48:48 Talk to your wife while you were at work about how being.
00:48:51 A lesbian was totally cool.
00:48:54 And then after they had the lesbians on the show talking about how they like, oh, we're just like everybody else.
00:49:00 That night, they did the traumatized version of it.
00:49:04 Well, this is the same thing. Or they that now they're just mashing the two together.
00:49:12 So she tells her therapist that she did lie about hooking up with the guy, that she didn't actually have sex with him because.
00:49:20 She was thinking about the woman.
Speaker 25
00:49:23 I just want somebody special. Somebody you.Speaker 10
00:49:26 Know that I I click with.Speaker 5
00:49:28 And obviously you didn't click with Richard.Speaker 36
00:49:32 Has there ever been anyone you felt?Speaker 37
00:49:34 You clicked with.00:49:37 And what was his name?
Speaker 34
00:49:40 Susan.Devon Stack
00:49:43 Ohh, she clicked with a woman.00:49:47 See all she wants? It's the pursuit of happiness. What could be more American?
00:49:53 Than the pursuit of happiness.
00:49:56 She's she's being forced to deny her pursuit of happiness.
00:50:01 Her. Her.
00:50:02 She just wants what you want.
Speaker 2
00:50:03 Yes.Devon Stack
00:50:05 You know, it's just a little bit different. It's a different flavor. It's like you both like ice cream. She likes chocolate. You like vanilla. Why is that such?00:50:13 A big deal.
00:50:15 Why should you be the one that's allowed to say that she can only have vanilla?
00:50:22 So she goes to the airport.
00:50:25 She follows her heart.
00:50:27 To talk to the woman from Jurassic Park.
Speaker 17
00:50:31 No, you're not wrong. You're right.Speaker 30
00:50:35 This is a this is this is.Speaker 17
00:50:38 So hard, but I I I I I think I've realized.Speaker 38
00:50:42 That I am.Devon Stack
00:50:44 I can't even.Speaker 34
00:50:45 Say the word.Speaker 17
00:50:47 Why can't I say the word? I mean, why can't I just say? I mean, what is wrong? That why? Why do I have to be so ashamed? I mean, why can't I just see the truth? I mean, be who I am. I'm 35 years old. I'm so afraid to tell people. I mean. And just.00:51:04 Susan.
Speaker 38
00:51:06 I'm gay.Devon Stack
00:51:13 Ohh it's funny, but the crowd is cheering and the secrets finally out.00:51:19 And everyone knows.
00:51:23 And so they hug. They embrace.
00:51:26 She's finally out of the closet.
Speaker 2
00:51:28 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:51:30 And they go off to go do lesbian stuff.00:51:36 And then they go straight to.
00:51:40 There was a two-part episode because they couldn't. They wanted to milk this for ratings. Look, this is a popular thing and I just showed you how like every News magazine on TV was talking about this. Every magazine magazine was talking in newspaper. It was all about the Big Ellen reveal.
00:51:58 So let's milk it for ratings, let's and let's let's spend 2 episodes really hammering at home.
00:52:06 And this is how the second part of the episode opens up another famous gay musician.
Speaker 25
00:52:13 Hi, I'm Melissa Edwards. And I like seeing my friend Ellen. Her song.Speaker 26
00:52:23 I think you're smart. Shouldn't want it too. I'm so proud that I know you.Speaker 17
00:52:33 Go on.Devon Stack
00:52:40 That's that's really how they open the show.00:52:44 Ohh, she's so brave, stunning and brave.
00:52:48 So smart and intelligent.
00:52:52 They go right to Oprah.
00:52:56 The Hopper's going to back it up.
00:52:58 They've had a week to to digest this. Last week they found out she was gay. The airwaves were wall. The wall. Oh, it was so brave of her to do it.
00:53:10 Famous pop star just sang and just.
00:53:12 Serenaded her. And now?
00:53:15 You're going to have Oprah tell you that it's OK too.
Speaker 5
00:53:17 And what is a normal life, Ellen?Speaker 25
00:53:20 You know normal, I mean just.00:53:23 Same thing everybody wants. I want to.
00:53:26 The house.
00:53:26 With a picket fence, you know a dog? A cat.
00:53:30 Sunday barbecues. Someone to love. Someone who loves me. Someone I can build a life with and.
00:53:36 Just.
00:53:37 I just want to be happy.
Speaker 36
00:53:38 And you think you can't have these things with?Speaker 25
00:53:42 Well, society has a.00:53:43 Pretty big problem with it, you know.
Speaker 17
00:53:46 And there there are a lot of.Speaker 25
00:53:47 People out there who think people like me.00:53:49 Are sick.
Devon Stack
00:53:52 And I wonder why they would think that.00:53:58 Seeing you're the bad person, if you think that.
00:54:02 Once again, you're you're you're denying her her happiness.
Speaker 39
00:54:08 Doesn't really matter. Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.Devon Stack
00:54:20 Why? Why are you being such an ******* about this?00:54:26 And look, the reasoning worked. This was the same era. Now they don't even do this. This was the same era where you had lots of Catholic politicians, for example, supporting abortion.
00:54:39 And their reasoning, and I that always puzzled me. I was always like. But I thought you guys don't like abortion.
00:54:46 And they would say, oh, no, no, we don't, we don't.
00:54:50 But that's not my job. To impose my morality on other people.
00:54:59 That's what works for me.
00:55:02 And as an elected leader of this country, are you implying that I should have leadership, that I should be leading people? No, no, I should. That's not the American way.
00:55:15 We're all individuals.
00:55:19 We all, we all make our own choices.
Speaker 39
00:55:23 Doesn't it really matter? Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.Devon Stack
00:55:33 What are you talking about, abortion?00:55:36 Or gay marriage.
00:55:39 Now that's just not what we're about.
00:55:40 As a people.
00:55:42 That's that's for me and my family.
00:55:45 But like I you know, I cannot be I.
00:55:47 Can't legislate morality.
00:55:50 How can I legislate morality?
00:55:54 I mean, certainly.
00:55:57 All these other laws that are clearly legislating morality forget that.
Speaker 37
00:56:04 It isn't going to be easy.00:56:06 No one has it easy.
Speaker 17
00:56:09 You don't understand.00:56:11 Do you think I want to be discriminated against? Do you think that I want people calling me names to my face?
Speaker 31
00:56:18 Have people commit hate crimes against you just because you're.Speaker 37
00:56:20 Not like them. Thank you.00:56:23 To have to use separate bathrooms and separate water fountains and sit in the back of the bus.
Devon Stack
00:56:29 Ohh, it's just like play, it's all over again. It's just like the blacks.00:56:38 You see, there's this constant propaganda that you're subjected to in the 90s, the wonderful 90s, about the civil rights movement, the the every single mainstream television show. In addition to having a gay episode, having several anti racism shows, many of whom feature Martin Luther King.
00:56:58 And you know, the Rosa Parks and all this other, all these gay OPS that they pulled in the the civil rights movement.
00:57:09 Just like Hollywood doesn't have new ideas, they just reboot old movies with black people in them now.
00:57:16 They were just rebooting an old idea with gay people instead of black people.
00:57:22 Really little Timmy.
00:57:26 You want to be like those angry white folk.
00:57:30 In those black and white photos and newsreels that we played you from kindergarten on.
00:57:38 They were spraying the the the peaceful protesting blacks with fire hoses.
00:57:46 All because they just wanted to go to school like you.
00:57:53 Don't you know that if you don't accept gay people?
00:57:59 You're just like them.
00:58:02 You might as well put on a white hood and join the KKK.
00:58:09 If you don't accept gay people.
Speaker 17
00:58:17 Now, I don't admit it's not exactly an accepted thing. I mean, you never see a cake that says good for you. You're gay.Devon Stack
00:58:25 Ohh Speaking of cakes, funny you should mention cakes.00:58:34 Because these two *******, just a couple of years later, what do they do? They went from. You need to accept me. It's not like there's cake saying. Good job. Thanks for being gay too. You must bake us a gay cake.
00:58:50 You have to bake us a gay cake.
00:58:54 And the Colorado Supreme Court will rule that we are shut down your business, if you will not bake us the gay cake.
00:59:04 And this man here will have to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars trying to defend himself, while gay groups and gay activists rage endless law fair against him. Again, same strategies.
00:59:23 He'll finally take it all the way to the Supreme Court and and somehow manage to win.
00:59:31 But guess what?
00:59:32 He's already back in court.
00:59:35 Because just like Rosa Parks.
00:59:39 These aren't just.
00:59:42 Organic things that happen.
00:59:47 There wasn't. Just like some, oh, random gay couple they want. They just wandered into it a cake store and and wouldn't you know it, this evil Christian guy who was very explicitly Christian, everyone knew he was very Christian.
01:00:01 But yeah, that's just that's just the store. They happen to go to.
01:00:07 And they just happened to have. They were so mad that a guy wouldn't bake him a cake.
01:00:14 They took him all the way to the Supreme Court, trying to force him to bake him a cake.
01:00:20 And that was just that was just natural, right, that that definitely wasn't a gay up, quite literally, a gay op.
01:00:27 And neither is what he's.
01:00:28 Going through right now.
Speaker 40
01:00:31 He's now back in.01:00:32 Court fighting a.
01:00:33 Different battle, but it's related. After refusing to make a transgender birthday cake.
01:00:39 Yes, apparently those exist. Lawyer Autumn Scardina wanted a pink cake with blue frosting to celebrate the transition from male to female. The Colorado Court of Appeals last week ruled that Philip's refusal to make scardino's cake did not constitute free speech, and that it was illegal to refuse services.
01:01:01 To someone based on sexual orientation.
Devon Stack
01:01:05 Ohh, but that you're cheating again. That that's happening right now. That and that has nothing to do with Ellen. You're you're cheating. You're you're. You know, that's that's the slippery slope fallacy. You know, I said I wanted to go back to the 90s. This is a.01:01:18 Problem here, but you know what?
Speaker 17
01:01:20 Oh.Speaker 6
01:01:25 It's the 90s.Speaker 14
01:01:26 I can be anything I wanna be. It's the 90s, it's the 90s.Speaker 9
01:01:28 Page 90, it's the 90s.Speaker 12
01:01:29 It's the 90s. Parents are supposed to discuss sex with their children.Devon Stack
01:01:36 OK. We'll go back to the 90s, I guess.01:01:40 So back in 1997, when everything was better.
01:01:45 Oprah, who can totally relate to the gay struggle.
01:01:49 Because her people had to fight a similar struggle against those same straight white men.
01:01:55 Those evil straight white men that just apparently get off on oppressing anyone and everyone around them.
01:02:03 So she she understands.
Speaker 37
01:02:05 Ellen, I'll say it. Good for you. You're gay.Devon Stack
01:02:12 Good for you.01:02:17 Good for you.
01:02:21 So Ellen goes home and tells her again. Like I said, there's gay characters all over. The show tells her gay friend that it's they make this big funny. But OHS knew you were.
01:02:29 A lesbian and.
01:02:31 And now she has to tell the rest of her friends.
01:02:33 That she's gay.
01:02:35 And again, this is to model. This is to supply people with a model in case one of their friends comes comes.
01:02:42 Out as gay.
01:02:44 This is how you should react.
Speaker 17
01:02:48 Well, I've I've realized recently that I have.01:02:56 Strong feelings for someone's romantic feelings.
Speaker 36
01:03:05 I think I know where this is going.Speaker 17
01:03:07 No, I don't think you do.01:03:14 I I feel like I need your support right now, but.
Speaker 34
01:03:18 Of course we support.Speaker 2
01:03:18 We're here, yeah.Speaker 38
01:03:19 You. I mean, Richard sounds like a great guy.Speaker 17
01:03:24 Yeah, he is. He's a he's. He's great, so.01:03:29 So thanks for stopping by.
Speaker 10
01:03:30 This was a lot OK.Speaker 11
01:03:32 To go say, killing, killing, you're gay.01:03:42 Helen.
Speaker 5
01:03:47 It is. Is that true?Speaker 10
01:03:52 Well, it depends on how what.Speaker 17
01:03:55 You know what your definition of gay?01:03:57 Is, you know because.
01:04:00 Yes, I'm.
Speaker 25
01:04:01 I'm gay.Devon Stack
01:04:04 Oh, and all of her friends are excited. They support her.01:04:08 They're not weirded out by it at all.
Speaker 18
01:04:12 Well, I for one think it's super.Devon Stack
01:04:26 And that's how you're supposed to react ladies at home to watch Ellen.01:04:32 Guys at home that you know, I guess if you're a 90s man, maybe you watch Ellen.
01:04:40 Weird gay guys at home. Obviously you're gonna be into it.
01:04:46 So then she goes to the Jurassic Park chick and says I've come out to everybody. Everyone knows I'm gay now.
01:04:55 And the Jurassic Park chick says, oh.
01:04:58 Whoopsie. Uh.
01:05:00 I'm I'm in a a long term relationship so.
01:05:05 So I I actually I'm going to leave.
Speaker 3
01:05:07 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:05:09 Because.01:05:11 Gay people have normal long term relationships. I was just helping you find find out you were gay. Definitely not recruiting people.
01:05:19 But I was just helping you discover yourself that you were gay.
01:05:24 So again, then I go to.
01:05:26 A lesbian bar and they have more famous lesbians. Kenny Lang sings this ridiculous song.
Speaker 26
01:05:35 Woman in the White House, the moon sister cannot come too soon.01:05:54 When I come too soon, everybody sing it loud and loud.
Devon Stack
01:06:01 Ah yes, we need a woman in the White House.01:06:05 And a mother on the moon.
01:06:07 And Black ladies hosting Nightline.
01:06:14 I also want you to pay attention to the the Nice demographics of the 90s.
01:06:19 More the 90s, just like demographically better just because there were more white people on TV does not mean that there wasn't already a mess, which you'll soon see.
01:06:31 So she sings her little ***** songs and they.
01:06:35 They hang out and she goes back to Oprah to.
01:06:39 To explain the the experience that she had.
01:06:43 And then at the end they make.
01:06:45 Yet another joke.
01:06:48 About recruiting, because we all know.
01:06:52 That's not what that's not what happened, even though that's exactly what happened. Even in the show, they couldn't.
01:06:56 Write it a different way.
01:07:00 They had to make sure you didn't get that idea.
Speaker 25
01:07:05 OK, Miss Morgan, I have just one question for you. Are you gay?01:07:12 Yes, yes I am.
Speaker 34
01:07:15 And so I'm right there and you're still there.Speaker 25
01:07:22 And sign here.Speaker 17
01:07:23 Wow, I didn't know it was so complicated.Speaker 35
01:07:24 OK.Speaker 34
01:07:32 Susan.Speaker 26
01:07:35 Thank you.Devon Stack
01:07:41 Ah yes, it's a big joke.01:07:44 It's a big joke because we all know that they don't recruit each other.
01:07:49 Right.
01:07:50 Well, like I said, meanwhile.
01:07:57 I was into stand up comedy for a little bit. I went through a phase. I wasn't that good at it so.
01:08:02 I decided not to do it.
01:08:04 But I did try it for a little bit and I've always liked stand up.
01:08:08 And so when this Netflix documentary came up in my feed, it was about a stand up comedian I've never really heard of before.
01:08:16 It's called tig. I was like, oh, watch this.
01:08:19 So several years ago, I think probably 2014 ish or so.
01:08:26 And I watch it. It's about this woman, this unfunny woman comedian.
01:08:32 Who became famous for like a little while? Not very long because she's not very funny.
01:08:38 Because she got breast cancer.
01:08:43 And she got breast cancer. And right after finding out she had breast cancer, she went to some famous comedy club. I don't know. I don't think it was the comedy store, but one of the big ones.
01:08:54 And did this big, long, epic historic set where she talked about her mom dying and it was really depressing. But it was also really funny and and. And so it went viral and. And so she started selling like books and and. And that was like, her whole career.
01:09:12 Was based on the idea that that she had breast cancer and she she made light of breast cancer.
01:09:18 OK.
01:09:19 She was all over the news, you know. Here she is on CNN, turning tragedy into comedy.
01:09:25 Comedian loses mother diagnosed with cancer.
01:09:32 Well, it's kind of interesting because she is also a lesbian, not hard to tell just by looking at her.
01:09:40 And she starts talking about.
01:09:43 How she?
01:09:45 Wanted to have a kid.
01:09:49 And she was getting older, so she wanted to have find a sperm donor and and harvest her eggs.
01:09:58 And the man she decides to choose.
01:10:01 As her sperm donor.
01:10:03 I I I found a little bit odd the way she described him, she knew just the guy.
Speaker 10
01:10:11 Hey. Hey, how are you?Speaker 5
01:10:12 I decided to choose my friend Paris to be the donor.Speaker 29
01:10:16 I had a crush on him when I.Speaker 5
01:10:17 Was a kid.01:10:18 And my mother always wished I would be with or end up with him.
Speaker 2
01:10:23 Wait, what?Devon Stack
01:10:27 But if you were born a lesbian?01:10:32 Why did you?
01:10:32 Have a crush on this guy.
01:10:36 When you were a kid.
01:10:40 And then you found out you couldn't have him for whatever reason they never explained, but you still managed to find a way to to have his kid. Hmm. That's a little weird.
01:10:49 It's a little weird, but that's the weirdness. Didn't stop there, I thought. Oh, that's.
01:10:53 That kind of confirms some of my suspicions.
01:10:57 Clearly wasn't wasn't born a.
01:11:00 A lesbian.
01:11:03 Then they start talking about her girlfriend and how they met.
01:11:08 Turns out.
01:11:10 Her girlfriend was a a woman who worked for her.
01:11:15 When they met her girlfriend wasn't gay either.
01:11:20 And they they don't. They don't recruit people.
01:11:25 But she really wanted this girl to to be her lesbian lover.
01:11:31 And so using her tragedy and her newfound fame, she slowly wore her down.
Speaker 33
01:11:38 I felt like Tim was interested in me, but I had told her that I was only interested in men.01:11:46 It was very clear and we talked about him and it was done and then we just talked about something else.
Devon Stack
01:11:54 But see, she was she was on the the ride to fame. She had all this money. Now she was her boss. She kept acting all sad. Like ohh, you don't love me.Speaker 5
01:12:07 Just sat down next to me on the couch and just said I've missed you.01:12:14 And just been miserable.
Speaker 33
01:12:16 They said I I have feelings for you. I would really love to try this.Devon Stack
01:12:22 Ohh she's gonna try it.01:12:25 I thought they were all born gay, so she wasn't born gay and her girlfriend wasn't born gay.
01:12:32 That's kind of interesting.
01:12:34 And then you know, just cause it's as degenerate as possible, they find, like some weird lefty couple I think, like in Portland or something like that, that will be surrogates like, because God forbid either one of them puts a baby in them, right?
01:12:50 So they rent a womb from this couple.
01:12:54 And and then when they're done renting a room, they go to an adoption agency to to try to adopt even more kids.
01:13:02 So but definitely, you know, don't worry about gays and lesbians having kids either.
01:13:09 Gays and lesbians, they they don't try to recruit people, they're born gay and they don't want children.
01:13:18 But, Devin, you're being unfair. You just said that this is like 2013 or something. Wait, you you you keep telling the 90s are.
01:13:24 You're right, you're right.
Speaker 13
01:13:27 Well fulfilled is the 90s man.Speaker 6
01:13:29 It's the 90s, it's the 90s.Speaker 3
01:13:30 Hey.Speaker 14
01:13:32 Anything I wanna be, it's the 90s. This is.01:13:34 The 90s, the 90s.
Speaker 12
01:13:35 It's the 90s. Parents are supposed to discuss.01:13:38 Sex with their children.
Speaker 9
01:13:39 The 90s.Devon Stack
01:13:42 Alright, so we're back in the 90s.Speaker 2
01:13:46 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:13:48 Yeah, I wonder how many of tigs kids will be gay or trans or something like that. Who knows, right? Maybe they'll be born trans or gay.01:13:57 So this is I think this is actually.
01:13:59 Newt Gingrich's gay daughter.
01:14:02 I think it is.
01:14:04 And they they have her. This is 1997.
01:14:09 They have her on the news and on CBS News.
01:14:14 To ask her about what she thinks about the whole Ellen thing.
01:14:19 I guess she was born gay too.
Speaker 41
01:14:22 Very important for Ellen DeGeneres to be able to acknowledge and be open about who she is. But the fact that as her main character, Allen Morgan, she is going to reach millions of people and let them into her her life, I think is going to have a great impact on on a lot of people.01:14:39 In the country.
Devon Stack
01:14:42 And look, she's honest. Yeah, this is good. This is.01:14:44 Good for gays.
01:14:47 It's going to have a big impact on the country. Millions of people are going to see this.
01:14:54 But then you have this guy.
01:14:57 He's so I guess he's supposed to be the opposing.
01:15:01 Voice in this argument, and he's really unconcerned.
01:15:06 You know he's he's a good old 90s man. He doesn't, you know, he's totally OK with with gay people at this point, right?
01:15:16 He's comfortable with it.
01:15:18 And he's like, you know.
01:15:21 Not a big deal.
01:15:24 They'll have a, you know, so they'll have a main character. Like. I don't think it's going to change anything.
01:15:31 It's certainly not gonna make the there's not gonna be more main characters and TV shows and movies that are gay, that there's, you know, just a. It's a novelty.
01:15:43 It's certainly not paving the way to anything.
Speaker 42
01:15:47 What we see in the near future or even in the lots of near future, more openly gay characters in movies with this open the doors a little bit what?Speaker 21
01:15:55 Do you think I I think the I think that this may open the door more for is people who are gay and working both behind the cameras and on on stage.01:16:03 To announce their lifestyle choice, I think it's going to be more of a personal thing. But now, as I said, Hollywood has already gotten behind this. Oscars have been given out and they have been given out. There's no problem scripting this kind of a character. I think it's more. It's going to open the door for people who are working in the in the field to feel easier about making the same statement about how DeGeneres.
01:16:22 Not Ellen. The character has made.
Devon Stack
01:16:26 See, it's not gonna make. There's not gonna be more gay characters. It's just you.01:16:29 Know it's just.
01:16:30 For all those closeted **** in Hollywood, cause you know Hollywood is very homophobic, and so we keep hearing it. Yeah, it's just going to make them feel more comfortable coming out of the closet. So it's not going to be so much the people that, you know, the characters, it's going to be the actors and actresses.
01:16:46 They're going to feel a little more comfortable coming out and it will be a less less of a hostile work environment. But you know, I certainly don't have to worry about this leading anything like, oh, I don't know, you know, television shows just about gay care. This is, you know, that's going to, it's going to stay like, a a very odd thing.
Speaker 19
01:17:07 There is one prominent area of American life that nearly wholeheartedly embraces the gay lifestyle. That's the entertainment business, especially television. CBS's Sandra hears reports there are some who strongly believe the media have gone too far.Speaker 17
01:17:22 We're so afraid. Just help people, I mean.Speaker 34
01:17:23 It was only three years ago that this admission.Speaker 10
01:17:26 I'm gay.Speaker 34
01:17:27 On a network comedy series caused a huge ruckus this year in a mission like this on the CBS reality Show, Survivor didn't stir the same criticism. NBC's will and Grace as the hit show with two openly gay characters, honored this week by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.Speaker 28
01:17:32 If he knew I were gay.Devon Stack
01:17:46 Wait, so you mean just three years later?01:17:51 There were tons of gay characters on television.
01:17:57 And no one cared anymore.
01:18:04 Just like the Conservatives who can continue to conserve nothing.
01:18:11 They get loud, they make a lot of noise, they talk about ********. Ohh we don't want any these ********, but hey, if they vote Republican.
01:18:26 Donald Trump's son, like what did he put out on Instagram? Our ******** are better looking than their ********.
01:18:36 Alex Jones getting cozy with Blair White. Yeah, you're you're basically a woman, he says.
01:18:49 Weird because.
01:18:52 You know, in 1997 it was a big deal to have a lesbian character. In fact, the show ended up getting cancelled the next year.
01:19:01 Because it wasn't, and it wasn't funny anymore. That's why they they tried to melt the ratings. It wasn't. It wasn't really funny in to begin with.
01:19:11 But it served its purpose. It normalized having game main characters and justice. A few years later again.
01:19:19 A straight actor playing the lead gay guy will.
01:19:24 Will and Grace is a hit show.
01:19:27 They've got gay people on survivor.
01:19:38 But I thought.
01:19:38 It was just going to be a novelty, right?
Speaker 2
01:19:42 Hmm.Speaker 42
01:19:42 The entertainment media is here to entertain, but there's an ancillary function, and that's to.Speaker 34
01:19:46 Enlighten, but there are still vocal critics.Devon Stack
01:19:48 Wow, is that. Is that like a fancy way of saying to propagandize?01:19:57 Turns out that won't be the only industry that that's the the the other function of.
Speaker 34
01:20:02 The media doesn't reflect mainstream America.Speaker 7
01:20:05 The media is.01:20:06 Very, very pro homosexual. It says to a male or a female. Hey, this is no big deal. Don't get upset.
Devon Stack
01:20:13 I'd like to know, there's alright this guy's.01:20:19 He seems Jewish to me. It says Reverend Lou Sheldon.
01:20:24 Really, Reverend Lou Sheldon.
01:20:30 So anyway, so they get this. I don't know. This Jewish representative of Christianity up there to have some limp, limp, wristed response to this.
Speaker 7
01:20:42 This is no big deal. Don't get upset, it desensitizes.Speaker 34
01:20:46 He's not alone. Southern Baptist boycotted Disney when they offered same sex domestic partner benefits, and CBS News has learned that the Southern Baptist Convention next week leaders will call for some retaliation against the Big three automakers for the same move yesterday.Devon Stack
01:21:00 Ohh look, it's just like bud light. How many of these people aren't driving American cars anymore?01:21:10 That boycott went you probably didn't know that boycott happened.
01:21:16 That's right. That was like that was one.
01:21:17 Of the big pushbacks.
01:21:20 You know that the Christian right was going to get together and stop buying these American cars because the American car companies were going to start giving benefits to gay people and they were going to stop.
01:21:28 Watching Disney cartoons.
01:21:37 Now they're driving around in these American cars with their kids in the back watching Disney cartoons.
01:21:49 Failure to conserve.
Speaker 34
01:21:54 Reverend Sheldon insists this trend won't spread far.Speaker 7
01:21:58 The majority of the businesses in America are very small. They're very, very cost conscious, not political correctness.01:22:06 Conscious.
Speaker 34
01:22:07 A recent survey finds that only 19% of.Speaker 17
01:22:10 For settlement.Devon Stack
01:22:10 It so you don't have to worry about it. There's a couple of, you know, companies or whatever. They're just doing it to avoid lawsuits. You know, you don't have this. Cancer is not going to.Speaker 34
01:22:18 Spread the nations workforce are employed at large companies that offer same-sex benefits in state and local governments. Just 7% offer.01:22:27 Only about 1% of.
Devon Stack
01:22:30 And once again, you see the same thing. I thought, you know, go woke, go broke.01:22:37 These guys were going to work 25 years ago and no one even.
01:22:39 ******* knows it.
01:22:51 Some version of me in like 30 years is going to be playing clips of.
01:22:57 The bud light thing and saying the exact same ****.
01:23:02 Go ahead. You know, conservatives actually pretended to to boycott Bud light for, like, a few months. Yeah, it was crazy.
01:23:11 Now we have. Now we have pedophiles, we have a pedophile, senator.
01:23:17 And he's Republican.
01:23:23 Yeah, let's go back to the 90s. Right. Let's go back to when when go go broke still was was not true.
Speaker 34
01:23:30 Those employees wind up applying for same-sex benefits because experts say most gays are still in the.01:23:37 Closet at work. Still, the cloak is.
01:23:40 Lifting the CIA offers a booklet for gay intelligence agents, and just this week hosted a.
Devon Stack
01:23:45 Well, look, remember everyone get. Oh, look, the.01:23:47 The CIA's getting woke.
01:23:50 The CIA's getting work. Did you see that? Comment? That video they put out with that woman talking about all of her mental illnesses. And no, this was always happening.
01:24:04 That's not new either.
01:24:07 I'm sorry you weren't paying attention until 2016, but yeah, this all this **** was happening while you were sitting at home watching the the real Ghostbusters and the X-Men and, you know, whatever this this, this was all unfolding.
01:24:22 With no one putting a stop.
Speaker 44
01:24:23 To it.Speaker 34
01:24:27 In a gay pride rally for its homosexual employees on TV.Devon Stack
01:24:32 The CIA literally had a gay pride rally.Speaker 34
01:24:35 This fall, even more gay characters than the 20 or so. Now, whether or not they survived to the end is still up in the air. Sandra Hughes, CBS News, Los Angeles.Speaker 45
01:24:37 Thank you.Devon Stack
01:24:46 Oh, they survived till the end.01:24:50 They survived to the end.
01:24:55 In fact, it became cool to be gay.
01:25:01 Just a couple of years later.
01:25:04 You know, yeah.
01:25:04 No, no such thing as the slippery slope, though, right?
01:25:10 Chapter 15 always leads to chapter 16.
Speaker 38
01:25:14 For months, rumors have.01:25:15 Swirled around Lindsay Lohan's relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson.
01:25:21 On Monday, Lowen called the syndicated radio Program Love Line and told DJ Ted Stryker that she and.
01:25:27 Ronson have been dating.
Speaker 11
01:25:28 You and Samantha have been going out for.Speaker 28
01:25:30 How long now?Speaker 46
01:25:32 Like 22 years, one year, five months, two months.Speaker 18
01:25:35 A long, very long time.Speaker 38
01:25:36 On the cover of the latest People magazine, former American Idol runner up Clay Aiken is seen holding his son with the headline. Yes, I'm gay.Speaker 24
01:25:45 The last.Speaker 44
01:25:45 This changing, there's no question that even Hollywood is going a little more gay and a little more liberal when it comes to your sexuality.Speaker 38
01:25:51 With celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres and Grey's Anatomy TR Knight openly out and TV shows with gay or lesbian characters proving popular in recent years, coming out won't necessarily kill her career.Speaker 44
01:26:03 Well, a lot of it has to do with the fact that society is changing. You know where, you know, the new generation doesn't really care that.01:26:09 Much.
Speaker 38
01:26:11 Some celebrities whose stars were fading have gotten a career boost after going public about.01:26:16 And gay Clay Aiken rejoined the cast of Spamalot on Broadway. Lance Bass is on this season's dancing with the stars Neil Patrick Harris, who plays a womanizing man about town on How I Met your mother, remains a high profile star.
Speaker 10
01:26:21 What's the boundaries with this rocket? You can't.Speaker 46
01:26:28 This place in Passfield.Devon Stack
01:26:33 So it just sounds like it's it's really good for your career.01:26:40 Thanks to all the the paving of the way that took place in the in the wonderful 90s. Well, you're cheating again though.
01:26:48 You're this is. This is just beyond the 90s. This is like I told you, I.
01:26:53 Told you, Devin.
01:26:54 We're gonna go back to the 90s and the 2nd. It's 1999 and it's almost the year right before Y2K. See that? That's really what it was.
01:27:05 That's what it was that there was nothing wrong with America.
01:27:09 It was the Y2K bug.
01:27:11 People thought it did nothing. Everyone was worried about it, but they knew it was the Mayan calendar, right. The Mayan calendar was going to end.
01:27:22 Y2K bug. See everything was great in the West.
01:27:27 Then the Y2K bug happened, and I'll tell you what. If we could have gone back in time.
01:27:33 Right before the Y2K bug freaked out and destroyed the whole simulation that we're in and made 911 and trans people all over the place. Like, you know, if we if we just had the sense.
01:27:49 To listen to the the wisdom of our alien father and freeze time.
Speaker 10
01:27:53 No problem.Speaker 13
01:27:56 Is the 90s man.Speaker 6
01:27:57 Man, it's the 90s mine. It's the 90s.Speaker 14
01:28:01 90s This is the 90s nineties.Speaker 12
01:28:03 It's the 90s.01:28:05 Sex with their children.
Speaker 9
01:28:06 It's the 90s.Devon Stack
01:28:10 Then it would be. It would be fine all right.01:28:15 Is that what you think?
01:28:18 Well, let's go. Let's go back to the 90s again.
01:28:24 Of course. Of course. It's, you know, TV was kind of gay. It's TV. OK.
01:28:30 Well, I'm concerned about is what's going on with the kids, right?
01:28:35 It's kids, you.
01:28:36 Know what? What, what, what?
Speaker 39
01:28:37 What does it really matter to grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is?01:28:44 Is their business.
Devon Stack
01:28:48 I don't have a problem with the consenting adults. It's the kids.01:28:54 You can be trans all day long. You can be gay all day long.
01:28:59 It's the kids we got to worry about.
01:29:01 Did you know Devin? They had to ban and they're trying to ban. Sometimes they can't even ban. They have gay books in schools now.
01:29:12 Well, I didn't have that in the 90s. Little Mr. pee on my 90s fantasy.
01:29:20 Oh, really? So here's a training video put out for teachers.
01:29:25 They they shot this in 9495 and I think it came out in 97 the same year that the Ellen.
01:29:32 Episode 97.
Speaker 37
01:29:38 Mom.01:29:38 Adults don't see why schools should teach young children about gay people, and they can't imagine how teachers could possibly present this subject matter in an age appropriate.
01:29:49 This video explores some of the reasons why it is important for schools starting with elementary age children to address lesbian and gay issues.
Numbers Lady
01:29:58 Well.Speaker 27
01:29:59 And it shows some.Speaker 37
01:30:00 Creative ways teachers are drawing from their students own life experiences to include this subject in their classrooms and make school a safe place.01:30:09 The learning for every child from activities about stereotypes and current events to those about different kinds of families, growing numbers of educators are taking steps in their school communities to teach children respect for all.
Speaker 21
01:30:16 The things that people are arguing about, you know, out in the real world.Devon Stack
01:30:27 Wait, wait, wait, wait.01:30:30 That banner says Pride Day.
01:30:34 And it's an elementary school.
01:30:38 In your beloved 90s.
01:30:43 That's right, this cancer was already spreading.
01:30:45 In the 90s.
01:30:48 That that episode of Alan that wasn't for the kids.
01:30:53 That was for their parents.
01:30:56 So that when their kids came home from school.
01:31:00 And talked about what their teachers were teaching them.
01:31:03 They didn't want to be.
01:31:06 Those evil bigots.
Speaker 2
01:31:11 While they were putting.Devon Stack
01:31:14 Gay people on television shows, in sitcoms, and in movies.01:31:19 To normalize it.
01:31:21 For the parents, the boomer parents who just worked all day and then came home and watched TV until it was time to go to bed and rinse and repeat day after day.
01:31:33 Completely uninvolved with their children's lives.
01:31:36 Well, the school system was taking care of the kids.
01:31:46 So next we meet this Jewish teacher. Surprise, surprise.
01:31:52 Doing an exercise with his kids to teach them about.
01:31:56 Why it's wrong to to dislike gay people?
Speaker 46
01:31:59 Keep in your mind this issue of stereotypes and then try to think about it as you're thinking about lesbians and gay men. What I'd like you to do right now is take about 10 minutes.01:32:14 And I want you to write first what your attitude is, what you think your attitude right at this moment is about the whole issue of homosexuality. And the second thing is what you would most like to learn.
Devon Stack
01:32:29 What you would most like to learn?01:32:38 Now, once you pay attention to the the demographics in this classroom.
01:32:42 This is pretty typical.
01:32:45 For our schools in California in the 90s.
01:32:50 I went to a school in California in the 90s.
01:32:55 And this was the demographics of of schools in California. In Northern California in the 90s.
01:33:03 So this Jewish teacher tells them to, you know, let's let's all do this exercise and and write about what we think about gay people and. And he makes a lot of because of the diversity in his classroom.
01:33:18 He used a lot of metaphors in the same way that they did in most.
01:33:21 Television shows about.
01:33:22 How this is just like when someone when someone is prejudice against you for being Mexican or black.
01:33:30 The I bet that doesn't make you feel.
01:33:32 So good does it.
01:33:35 Well, when when white, straight men, they when their their bigotry, assaults you.
01:33:41 That's what it's like.
01:33:43 When you disapprove of ********.
01:33:50 He tells the Mexican students what what are some things that people think about you and a little girl says, well, they think we just eat beans and stuff like that.
01:34:00 Things like. Well, I bet you didn't have beans.
01:34:02 For dinner last night.
01:34:04 No, I didn't. Well, then I guess they were wrong. They had. They had this preconceived idea of you that's called prejudice.
01:34:13 I bet you think a lot of things about gay people.
01:34:15 That are totally wrong.
Speaker 46
01:34:18 The teaching students would say, well, why are you so interested in this?Devon Stack
01:34:22 I know why cause your name is Robert Roth.01:34:28 Every single ******* time.
01:34:38 You're not gay. Why?
01:34:39 Why are you so interested in this teacher?
01:34:42 Oh, it's because I'm a Jew and I'm undermining Western civilization. That's that's.
01:34:46 That's what we do.
01:34:49 That's what we do. It's what we've been doing for about 100 years in this country and it's starting to bear fruit. So you know why stop now.
Speaker 46
01:34:56 You know.Speaker 2
01:34:57 Are you gay?Speaker 46
01:34:59 And the you know, and the implication was that this is that really the only people that could possibly be interested in this issue?01:35:12 Would be gay people like, I mean, why else would somebody even bother?
01:35:16 Explain to them why, as a straight man, I would be interested in this issue and I'd like to answer the question because I think that.
01:35:24 It.
01:35:25 It pushes them to think about this as more than just a lesbian and gay matter.
Devon Stack
01:35:36 Yes, it's also a Jewish matter.01:35:42 It's not just a lesbian or gay matter, it's a Jew. It's a.
01:35:45 Very Jewish matter.
01:35:49 Jews have been charged with the unrelenting task of healing the world of bigotry.
01:36:02 Here they are in your elementary schools.
01:36:05 While moms at home watching Sally Jesse Raphael.
01:36:10 Dad's focused on his career.
01:36:14 Little Eduardo here.
01:36:17 Who has replaced all instances of little Timmy?
01:36:22 Has learned about ****.
01:36:25 From the. So there's a Jew in someone's living room teaching their wife about **** and a Jew in the classroom teaching their kids about ****.
01:36:34 Meanwhile, where the white straight men are?
01:36:36 Out to lunch.
Speaker 43
01:36:44 Most of the time I put gays and lesbians down. I know it's not right, but I do it anyway. I say things like gay men molest children, but that's not true. Most of the time.Speaker
01:36:50 Thanks.Devon Stack
01:36:55 No, it's true. Also file this under something.01:36:59 That he didn't.
01:36:59 Write once you listen, he was supposedly.
01:37:02 He wrote this.
01:37:05 This is something he wrote.
Speaker 43
01:37:09 Most of the time I put gaze and.01:37:10 This.
01:37:10 Gaze down. I know it's not right, but I do it anyway. I say things like gay men molest children, but that's not true. Most of the time I don't even know what I'm saying. I say it all out of ignorance.
Devon Stack
01:37:26 Yes, I'm sure. I'm sure little Pablo.01:37:29 Well that.
01:37:34 I say things like gays molest children, but that's not true. I don't know what I'm saying. What I say I'm saying.
01:37:41 Out of ignorance.
Speaker 46
01:37:52 OK, so this is a chance to educate yourselves in the sense of really getting an opportunity to engage on this issue and you're going to have speakers tomorrow who are gay and who are willing to come and talk about their lives. And that's an opportunity again for you to ask questions that you really have.Devon Stack
01:38:27 That's right. They're going to have good. It's not enough that they're doing the education. They're going to have gay guest speakers.01:38:34 But don't worry, they are approved by the school board.
01:38:38 And they're banned from explicitly talking about *** ***.
01:38:43 So it's fine, don't worry. Hysterical karens.
01:38:51 Oh, and and those middle school kids.
01:38:54 They're not quite young enough.
01:39:00 We need to get them when they're in the.
01:39:01 4th ******* grade.
01:39:07 In 4th grade, in a public school this this isn't some weird private school that, like celebrities, send their kids to to to learn to be ******* psychos. This is public school systems in California in the 90s.
01:39:23 In 4th grade.
01:39:26 So she does the same exact kind of exercise, has them right, things that they that they think about gay people and tells them.
01:39:34 That. Oh, they're you're wrong.
01:39:37 I thought this was hilarious. This has nothing to do with what we're talking about tonight. It was it was. It was simultaneously funny that this happened and that they had this in the training video. I don't know why they had this in here, other than that, it's like some they're they're still trying to make it about race.
01:39:56 But I just thought this was hilarious, so she asked the little kids. Like, what do you think about gay people and this this ******* little here.
01:40:06 Kids say the darndest things.
Speaker 18
01:40:08 I I started this movie called Jungle Fever and I don't know if this is gay. I think it's a level. I'm not sure it's when.01:40:20 A black it can be a black girl. Black boy. UMI have a baby or girlfriend boyfriend with a white boy or white girl.
01:40:31 So people have two different races get involved. Is that the same thing as being gay?
Speaker 3
01:40:37 No, I don't.Speaker 25
01:40:41 Yes.Devon Stack
01:40:44 I saw this thing called jungle fever. It was.01:40:47 Spell race, race mixing or something.
01:40:55 Is that the same thing as being gay?
01:40:58 You know what's funny, though, is his instincts. To him, yes.
01:41:03 It is the same thing as being gay.
01:41:06 Because his instincts are telling him there's something not.
01:41:09 Right about this.
01:41:12 There's something about this that weirds me out.
01:41:16 And there is propaganda that I've been presented with, namely a movie called Jungle Fever.
01:41:24 Made by Jews telling me that it is.
01:41:26 OK.
01:41:29 So I guess in a sense it is exactly like the gay issue in the 90s.
01:41:36 That's just an issue. By the 90s, there was so in the rearview mirror.
01:41:42 No one was concerned about it anymore. No, no, we already broke that taboo a long time ago. Tyrone, you go. You go make as many babies with white women as you want. Tonight we're talking about *******.
01:41:55 You're you're you're. You're a little slow here, Tyrone. Try. Try to keep up with the other kids.
01:42:04 So then they they make an art exhibit.
01:42:08 And by art exhibit I mean they get a bunch of pictures of gay people with children.
01:42:17 And they hang them up around the school.
01:42:23 And they tore the kids around.
01:42:28 And have them look at.
01:42:29 Pictures of gay people with children.
01:42:35 And read little paragraphs under the photos.
01:42:41 Talking about how normal and nice it is and don't be afraid of gay people. Kids, look how happy that boy is with his lesbian moms.
01:42:53 Look at that gay guy. He's like a cop or something. You can trust him. We tell. We talk. You have to trust police.
01:43:06 Right. If if some weirdo guy walks up to Sally.
01:43:13 Don't worry about it. Look, this little girl's.
01:43:15 Giving him a hug.
01:43:19 Oh look, this is. This is for you. Tyrone. This is jungle fever. ****.
01:43:29 They got 2 little black boys.
01:43:35 Don't you want to hang out with the the the jungle fever couple?
Speaker 18
01:43:44 Rob and I have been together for 14 years. We really wanted kids, so we adopted Daniel, then Jessica and finally Christopher.01:43:55 Get.
Devon Stack
01:44:09 And look at these kids. They don't know what to make of this.01:44:17 The guy in the Sonics jersey looks skeptical.
01:44:21 He's like ohh, this looks dangerous to me.
01:44:26 Why are these **** adopting all these kids?
01:44:32 I feel a little unsafe.
01:44:37 But if you watch this, I'm according to this training video, he's.
01:44:40 In the minority.
01:44:43 The kids are acclimating to this.
01:44:46 This new gay 90s reality.
Speaker 18
01:44:49 That just the exhibit that we saw should be shown to younger kids too, so they know. So they grow up.Devon Stack
01:44:56 But this one who I'm thinking might be Jewish just cause that's if that's where her head goes. If the if her reaction to going to this exhibit.01:45:08 Showing her pictures of gay couples and telling her not to be afraid because, like they they all.
01:45:13 Bought kids and.
01:45:15 And as far as we know, they haven't molested them.
01:45:19 Her her head goes directly to you know what? We need to show this.
01:45:22 To younger people.
01:45:26 I know I'm pretty young. I'm. I'm like in the 4th grade.
01:45:28 But.
Speaker 7
01:45:29 We need to.Devon Stack
01:45:30 Go even younger.01:45:34 Because I I hear little boys, they they throw around the the ****** word every once in a while. That makes me feel uncomfortable.
01:45:41 But I bet if you were to get them at a younger age than even I am.
01:45:45 That fix them right up.
Speaker 18
01:45:47 Knowing that lesbians and gays aren't bad.Speaker 47
01:45:50 I've taught here for for 22 years and I haven't really specifically done a lesson around gay and lesbians before. It did make me feel that they are ready for for a lot more than.01:46:00 I had given them credit for.
Speaker 48
01:46:07 OK, I'm just going to say a few.Devon Stack
01:46:09 Yeah, that guy's like that guy's definitely a ******.01:46:14 But let's go back to the 90s, right? The 90s. There was so much better in the 90s.
01:46:22 So these are the the **** they had come into the school.
01:46:27 To talk to the children.
01:46:30 They literally just that that was, that was part of the curriculum.
01:46:36 That was part of the curriculum in public school in 1997 and.
01:46:40 Been before that.
01:46:45 This is just when I release the training video.
01:46:51 They have a gay guy and a lesbian come in and and.
01:46:54 Say look.
01:46:56 We're normal people. We're just like you.
Speaker 48
01:47:01 OK. I'm just going to say a few things about that. We have to say before we start speaking. One of them is that we are not here to recruit you at all. I'm not here to try to get you to become gay or lesbian. We're just here to tell you about ourselves.Devon Stack
01:47:15 Ohh weird weird that you're addressing that already. That's the first thing out of your mouth. Ohh, don't worry.01:47:23 We're definitely not here.
01:47:24 To groom you.
01:47:26 That's definitely not what this whole program is for.
01:47:33 But then it's weird because the next thing she talks about.
Speaker 48
01:47:38 I when I was your age, when I was in middle school and high school, I went out with boys and I have some pictures. I'll show you later with my prom date pictures. And it wasn't until I was in college that I started to realize that I was attracted to women.Devon Stack
01:47:50 Ohh weird.01:47:52 Yet again, another not born gay, but she's also planting the idea that, hey, hey, little kids.
01:48:00 I mean, I know you might like boys now.
01:48:04 I liked boys when I was your age. I also like boys.
01:48:11 It wasn't until I was older that I realized I liked women.
01:48:19 You might think you like boys right now, Cassandra.
01:48:27 And I'm definitely not trying to recruit you. I I'm. I said that at the beginning. So you can't possibly think that that's what's going on.
01:48:37 But as I got older, I just, you know, I realized. And you remember, obviously the psychology here.
01:48:43 Every kid wants to be over when you're this age, a college kid is like the coolest.
01:48:49 Thing in the.
01:48:49 World.
01:48:52 Something's going to make you more grown up. Something's going to make you cool.
01:48:55 Like a college kid. Wow.
01:48:59 Maybe I'm like her.
01:49:01 Maybe I just think I like boys.
01:49:06 Then of course they go straight to the emotional black male that they do over and over and over again. Well, you know.
01:49:11 We we have.
01:49:12 To if we don't do this, this is the same thing they do with the trans kids stuff.
01:49:17 If we don't do this education.
Speaker 2
01:49:20 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:49:22 You're going to have gay kids committing suicide.01:49:27 Little Timmy's going to kill himself. You better let us do it.
01:49:32 I also want you to pay attention to the diversity involved, not just in in in the children, but in the the staff.
01:49:40 You know all these, uh.
01:49:44 These ideas of of non white somehow being natural conservatives, right? None of them come from like a conservative country, but they're all they're all natural, right wing people, right? Right. Republican Party.
Speaker 29
01:49:59 30% of all teen suicides are committed by kids trying to deal with their own homosexuality.Speaker 10
01:50:00 Or.Speaker 15
01:50:05 It's alarming the amounts of attempted suicide and suicides and teenagers who are gay and lesbian is astronomical because they haven't been exposed to this education, but they are gay and lesbian.01:50:18 And this this society is saying that's not OK and that that they aren't. OK, So what they do, they try to kill them.
01:50:25 We're not taking care of our children in this country. We're telling you happiest during life. You're not. You're not OK.
Speaker 23
01:50:31 Mandatory and I think that it's it's a healthy way of teaching students to respect each other, understand each other.Devon Stack
01:50:42 It should be mandatory, he says. And it is.Speaker 2
01:50:46 Now.Devon Stack
01:50:59 Let's hear from the Jew again.Speaker 46
01:51:00 They should have it in elementary school. They should have the beginning discussions much, much earlier.Devon Stack
01:51:08 Why? Why is that? Why is that? Why? Why the focus?01:51:14 I'm going much, much earlier.
01:51:18 Let's get them when they're much, much younger.
01:51:26 Again, to give an idea, look, this is a poster. It says 1994.
01:51:32 And this is an elementary school. Gay and Lesbian pride day.
01:51:37 Thursday, October 20th, 1994.
01:51:45 No, we go back to the 90s, right, the 90s, it was so much better in the 90s, the 90s, something something, the 90s.
01:51:54 This is one year right after.
01:51:57 Tucker's favorite year 1993.
01:52:02 Now, once you pay attention to this.
01:52:04 They have a faculty meeting.
01:52:07 And they oddly.
01:52:09 Have.
01:52:10 A little bit of honesty and this one.
01:52:13 It it actually it.
01:52:14 Does come from a black woman? A black woman says, hey, look.
01:52:17 I kind of get the sense that we're not teaching.
01:52:23 You know, tolerance as you keep saying, you keep saying that we're teaching tolerance. I'm getting the idea, or at least I'm. I'm getting the impression that what you want from me as a teacher is to tell them that being gay is good.
01:52:37 Not that there's the this tolerance of, you know, don't don't be mean to gay people, because that was the way that it was phrased, right? It was all under the guise of the magic word of tolerance. Right. Which is funny because it implies just by using that word, you're implying it's bad or who tolerates something good. The only thing you tolerate is something that's bad.
01:52:59 You tolerate a pain.
01:53:02 Right. You tolerate annoying people.
01:53:05 You you tolerate things that that are that are not, that are unpleasant.
01:53:13 And you're telling me, as a teacher, that that's what we're teaching?
01:53:18 Yet at the same time, I'm really getting the impression that what you really want from me.
01:53:24 Is to push this as a positive. That being gay isn't just something to tolerate, it's something that is good.
01:53:32 And the other teachers in the faculty lounge, wherever they are here.
01:53:38 They they are up to it and.
01:53:39 Say yeah. Well, I think that's our job.
01:53:43 All these teachers in TikTok on TikTok that are.
01:53:46 Making these little videos.
01:53:48 That everyone, so they're all so shocked about it. Right? Ohh did you see the lips on TikTok tweet the other day and it's got this **** teacher talking about how she's teaching her kids to be gay. Oh, how did we get?
01:53:59 To this place.
01:54:00 *****, this **** was happening in 1994.
01:54:09 This **** was already happening. The only difference was.
01:54:13 There wasn't TikTok.
01:54:15 The only difference was they didn't have social media. They didn't have the Internet. Parents were out to lunch most of.
01:54:24 Them even if you know.
01:54:26 But even if they did give a ****, which was was the minority of them, how would they know?
01:54:33 How would they know what?
01:54:34 Was going on in the classroom.
01:54:37 So this same exact ship was taking place in.
01:54:39 The beautiful 90s.
01:54:42 They just weren't posting videos of themselves talking about it and getting, you know, getting going viral on.
01:54:48 Twitter over it.
Speaker 39
01:54:51 You talking a little bit?Speaker 49
01:54:52 About what you're going to do tomorrow at gay and Lesbian Pride day and and to raise any issues that might have come up in the classroom.Speaker 34
01:55:03 I don't know. I just.Speaker 27
01:55:07 And I don't know.01:55:09 What to do about this but.
01:55:12 As as a school, are we saying that the kids have to support this? I mean, I guess that's what it sounds like to me that we're saying if a child comes from a background that says that homosexuality is not correct, are we telling the child that they're supposed to? This is. This is what you're supposed to do? I guess I keep getting that feeling.
01:55:32 That if the person is coming from that background that we're supposed to tell them this is right and I just feel like that child is going to.
Speaker 28
01:55:39 I don't think we've seen that at all.Speaker 3
01:55:41 But I think what we're saying is to respect other peoples differences, it's.Speaker 27
01:55:47 Want to make sure that it's there that.01:55:50 If they don't agree that they too.
Speaker 30
01:55:53 Can be respected.Speaker 27
01:55:54 For that also, sometimes I will make sure that it's understood that if you choose not to, that's fine. I still want you respect as well.01:56:02 Choice.
Speaker 36
01:56:03 Not to what?Speaker 27
01:56:06 Not to agree with you that that, that homosexuality is right.Speaker 45
01:56:08 Agree about what?01:56:13 Child in our class the other day said that when her grandmother came to visit that the parents were explaining to their grandmother about what we were doing here at the school and the grandmother was very upset and said this was wrong. This is wrong, kids. Shouldn't the school should not do this. Kids should not know about these things. This is this is just wrong. I I don't remember.
01:56:32 Exactly what I said, but I remember being caught in that mind of wanting her to maintain her thing for her grandmother. I'm not going to come between.
01:56:40 Her and her grandmother.
01:56:42 So I don't. I don't know. I think that's I think that's true and real and hard.
Speaker 50
01:56:46 And I don't know if this works for you, but I think that we are asking kids to to believe that this is right.01:56:52 Not as a matter of world principle.
Devon Stack
01:56:54 There it is.01:56:58 You got a couple of fence sitters.
01:57:01 You have one that's like. Well, actually I the only problem I have it with it is that I'm coming between this girl and her grandmother, but I am. I'm she's basically saying look, I'm not going to. I don't want to come between them, but I'm I'm going to come between them.
01:57:15 And then you have that other teacher who who basically just said no, no, we are we are going to, we are telling them.
01:57:20 That that's right.
Speaker 45
01:57:21 That's true and real and hard and I.Speaker 50
01:57:24 Don't know if this works for you, but I think that we are asking kids to to believe that this is right, not as a matter of moral principle, but as a matter of we're educating them.01:57:34 And this is part of what we consider to be a healthy education.
Speaker 35
01:57:40 And I want to go back to.Speaker 30
01:57:41 The thing that art said.Speaker 50
01:57:42 Which is.Speaker 35
01:57:46 That what we're trying to have people do is to understand that people are and that we have to respect the right of all of us to just be and be who we are. And we do that in the classroom when we teach so that everyone can.Devon Stack
01:57:55 Right.Speaker 37
01:58:00 I am not meant to be fit.01:58:05 And.
01:58:05 I don't see why. How can the doctor say that I am?
Speaker 6
01:58:09 Save.Speaker 35
01:58:10 You learn, you you don't. There isn't a right way. There isn't a wrong way. There isn't a good way. There isn't a bad way. The way that it is is what it is.01:58:21 And it never is clean and neat and tidy, and without some kind of conflict because we don't all live all by ourselves.
Devon Stack
01:58:32 Just a bunch of weird negroid word salad trying to sound smart and impress the the Jews.01:58:40 So they basically tell her yes.
01:58:43 Yes, we are brainwashing the children.
01:58:44 To like gay people.
01:58:48 So deal with it. It's part of the education and if there's any doubt in your mind, then that's exactly what we're doing. Let's let's, let's show you exactly what they're again.
01:58:57 This is the 90s. This is the wonderful 90s that everyone keeps.
01:59:00 Telling me about.
01:59:03 So here's where they're they're gay gym teachers.
01:59:07 The gym teachers. Weird, right? They don't. They don't wanna. They don't want to do with your kids. But they all. You always find a way to, like, be around naked kids or be around kids undressing.
01:59:20 So they're they're gay gym teacher. Does this bizarre performance art thing that.
01:59:26 Is just as sensical as what that black woman.
01:59:28 Just said.
Speaker 3
01:59:31 Imagine.01:59:32 If every time I went to play soccer, I had to hide my right shin.
Devon Stack
01:59:47 By the way, just if you're confused about the pink triangle ship, that was the rainbow flag back then.01:59:54 So every time you see the pink triangled pins or the pink triangle banner in the background, that's a rainbow flag for the 90s. That was the old gay symbol.
Speaker 3
02:00:05 My right shin.02:00:14 I might hide it like this and then I try to play soccer. It wouldn't be easy, but I can do it, you know? Take a lot of energy.
02:00:30 To play soccer and also hide my leg well at CFS, I don't have to hide.
02:00:42 So I could play soccer.
02:00:45 Tulip.
Speaker 9
02:00:47 Yeah.Speaker 3
02:00:51 CF I can tell.02:00:53 The truth that I'm a gay man.
02:00:56 And that gives me so much more energy to be a better teacher.
02:01:00 To be a better coworker to be.
02:01:02 A better friend.
02:01:05 I see on the soccer pitch.
Devon Stack
02:01:27 For those kids, look at the age of those kids.02:01:36 This was the 90s you wanted to go back to. This was the 90s, right?
02:01:45 Devil was just overreacting that that, that last stream didn't convince me.
02:01:53 So he found a couple episodes of some TV shows that talked about gay people. Possibly what?
02:02:04 1st, 1st and 2nd grade.
02:02:07 1st and 2nd grade I you you guys thought this was something new.
02:02:14 Ashas moms.
02:02:21 1st and 2nd grade they are reading a book.
02:02:25 To the children.
02:02:28 Called ashap's moms.
02:02:37 This isn't new.
02:02:40 You guys were just asleep at the wheel while it.
02:02:42 Was happening.
02:02:47 They read the story to the kids.
02:02:50 But Ashe moms, they make the they they make the same kind of arguments that they will later make to these same children when they're vote and vote, when they have the right to vote.
02:03:04 About how gay marriage.
02:03:08 Whether you like gay people or not, it's it's not about, you know, redefining marriage or whatever. It's just a legal technicality. See, Osha's moms.
02:03:18 They struggle to have a normal household and and do the same things that your parents can do because there's always they run into these weird inconveniences.
02:03:31 By being treated differently.
02:03:35 And you, little kids, you first and 2nd graders. You don't want to treat people differently.
02:03:41 Because that's bad.
02:03:44 You don't want to be one of the bad people.
Speaker 36
02:03:50 My class has been talking all week about the trip. We're going to take to the Science Center.Speaker 4
02:03:50 So.Speaker 29
02:03:56 Some of the children, like Terrence and Elsie, have already been there. My teacher, Miss Samuels, gave us a form to take home. Our parents had to fill it out and sign it so that we would have permission to go on the trip. I gave it back to her the next day.02:04:12 OK, just before break, she asked to see me. She wanted to know which of the names on the form was my momma's.
Speaker 36
02:04:22 I said both. It can't be both. Can't have two moms, she, she said briskly. But I do. My brother and I have two moms. I protested. Corinne and Judy were listening to me.Speaker 29
02:04:36 Take the form back home and have it properly filled out, said Miss Samuels.02:04:42 You can't go on the trip if it isn't.
02:04:45 Matthew or Asha?
02:04:47 How do you think you would feel?
02:04:50 Why is that?
02:04:51 In my life.
02:04:54 Because the teacher said you couldn't have two moms.
Speaker 18
02:04:58 Teacher was like very open minded or something like knew about.02:05:09 Having two moms and new lesbian like she like like people like that.
Speaker 30
02:05:14 Can you describe a?Speaker 17
02:05:15 Little bit more what you meant by open minded.Speaker 18
02:05:17 Like like if you're not very open minded like like you don't like let's say it's like a new kind of vegetable or something and if you're not very open minded when you try it because you're not like you know like like to try new things and stuff.Devon Stack
02:05:37 If you're not open minded, you won't want to try it.02:05:50 Again, this was the 90s, the beautiful 90s, right? When everything was great in the 90s.
02:06:00 And this second grader is trying to wrap his head around this propaganda.
02:06:11 Trying to regurgitate the answer, he thinks that they want to hear because what school? If it's not that?
02:06:41 And at the end we see the the funding.
02:06:45 From this comes from the Ford Foundation.
02:06:49 Because why not use that evil Nazi Ford?
02:06:53 Why not use his money to destroy white people? The ultimate revenge?
02:07:02 And the Columbia Foundation.
02:07:10 Both foundations, run by Jews, of course.
02:07:26 And that's the problem.
02:07:31 The people on the right that set.
02:07:33 Like.
02:07:34 You think they're going to fund stuff like this? They can't even go through with their boycotts.
02:07:41 They can't even boycott Disney for longer than a week or two.
02:07:51 They can't boycott, remember? Ohh Netflix is really bad. They have cuties.
02:07:57 That's already out the window.
02:08:01 Everyone acting like they were mad about that.
02:08:03 They've got Netflix again. I guaran ******* tee it.
02:08:18 You know, I saw a story.
02:08:21 The other day I tweeted out about this.
02:08:25 Because this really highlights the the problem.
02:08:32 The few times that you actually have someone with money.
02:08:37 That should be on your side.
02:08:41 A wasp that comes from a long line of Wasps.
02:08:47 Mackenzie Scott Tuttle.
02:08:52 The ex-wife of Jeff Bezos.
02:08:58 Who walked away from that?
02:08:59 Marriage with billions of dollars.
02:09:02 Billions.
02:09:09 And has already given away 16.5 billion.
02:09:15 Of those, those dollars.
02:09:20 And she's quoted saying I'm not stopping. I'm not stopping until the safe is empty.
02:09:31 I'm going to fund all these charities until the I have no more money left.
02:09:37 So I was curious.
02:09:41 What are these charities that you're funding?
02:09:50 And the first page it's an alphabetical order.
02:09:56 The first page.
02:09:59 This is about half of them were were for black or it was for non whites. It was African Women's Development Fund.
02:10:08 Which goes to African women.
02:10:11 And their education in Africa.
02:10:13 Because **** white people, right?
02:10:18 Asian and Pacific Islander American Health forum.
02:10:25 Millions of dollars.
02:10:29 For the health of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans, because again, **** white people.
02:10:40 The Black Teacher collaborative.
02:10:45 That's going to fund, well, the kinds of black teachers you saw in this training video.
02:10:54 Black Women's Health imperative.
02:11:01 And it goes on from there.
02:11:03 That's just what would fit in the screenshot when I was on my phone looking the **** up. But it's it's and it's $16.5 billion. It's pages of this ****.
02:11:16 Pages and pages and pages.
02:11:19 Of some dumb ***** wasp.
02:11:24 You don't get any wasp beer than Mackenzie Scott Tuttle.
02:11:31 Came into billions of ******* dollars and all she had to do was be married to Jeff Bezos for.
02:11:35 A few years while he, while being ultra rich.
02:11:43 And what does she do with the money?
02:11:46 She funds white genocide.
02:12:04 Look, you're just being outsmarted. You're being outmaneuvered, and you're being selected out.
02:12:09 As a result.
02:12:13 We're willing class is is doing just as much damage to us as.
02:12:19 As as the Jews are.
02:12:24 And in fact, it's probably so she can go to the the Jewish parties and and brag about all the wonderful philanthropy work she that she does.
02:12:33 She's not a Karen.
02:12:36 She gives billions of dollars to black ladies.
02:12:57 But there I go again, right?
02:13:00 We should go back to the 90s.
Speaker 17
02:13:03 Problem.Speaker 13
02:13:05 Is the 90s man.Speaker 6
02:13:07 90s mine. It's the 90s.Speaker 14
02:13:09 Anything I wanna be, it's the 90s. This is.02:13:11 The 90s, the 90s.
Speaker 12
02:13:13 The 90s parents are supposed to discuss.02:13:15 Sex with their children.
Speaker 9
02:13:16 It's the 90s.Devon Stack
02:13:20 It's the dog days.02:13:25 So anyway.
02:13:32 That's uh.
02:13:33 That's Part 2 of the the gay 90s.
02:13:43 There's lots of other stuff.
02:13:46 We actually got through it a lot quicker than I was. I was thinking I would my timeline just of the video.
02:13:51 Stuff's really.
02:13:51 Long, but I've become efficient. I've got to delivering these messages.
02:14:01 So I hope I've made it clear. I've made it clear that this is a problem. That's it. Look, there's not. There's not like, well, first of all, it's not possible to go back to the 90s. The only way you can go back to the 90s is if you could go back to the demographics of the 90s. But even if you went to the back to the.
02:14:17 Demographic and the demographics of the 90s.
02:14:20 Look, this was already it.
02:14:23 You know, I mean like, this is already, this is the demographics of the 90s.
02:14:28 You know, so it's like.
02:14:32 It it it already happened.
02:14:35 I love that sign. Everyone is equal.
02:14:42 Can't read that error part, so something something gays and lesbians.
Speaker 2
02:14:48 Look, Mommy, I.Devon Stack
02:14:49 Made a I made a sign at school.02:14:54 By room 27.
02:15:05 All right, let's take a look at at Hyper chats here. Oh.
02:15:09 By the way, yeah.
02:15:11 I I didn't stream Wednesday. I forgot to send out a reminder and I told you guys Saturday, I probably wasn't going to do it.
02:15:18 And I thought I had.
Speaker 2
02:15:19 I I.Devon Stack
02:15:22 And I I I basically slept through when when the stream would have been and I was just so ******* exhausted.02:15:29 But I I I forgot that I forgot to remind you guys, that's my bad. But whatever, not a big deal, right? We're, I'm here now, right? So that's why I was. That's why Wednesday didn't happen. I didn't have any reminders. I was just. I was so ******* tired. I was so tired.
02:15:50 Let's take a look here at the Hyper Jets.
02:15:57 All right.
Speaker 2
02:16:03 Wandering fool wandering fool wandering fool.Devon Stack
02:16:17 Says Devin. I'm trying to make a video using copyrighted scenes. I'm curious if you would know whether adding an AI generated cartoon video overlay and changing the voices would be sufficient to make it my own.02:16:31 I don't know. Depends on the context. It's more about the context and by the way, my little ******* scroll thing isn't working. I.
02:16:41 I the font keeps getting corrupted.
02:16:44 Where's the disclaimer at?
02:16:50 I'm gonna fix that. That wasn't rolling the whole time.
02:16:55 Let's see here.
02:16:57 Go to the one that I know works.
02:17:03 There we go, I think.
02:17:05 No, that doesn't work. Yeah. Obs is text stuff.
02:17:11 It's ******* broken.
02:17:16 That one, maybe this one.
02:17:21 That's broken.
02:17:25 There it goes. Now it's working.
02:17:28 Yeah, the it's it's more about the context of of what you're doing. I I mean, I don't know what you're like and it depends on like if you're adding commentary to it and it depends on, I mean, if you're just using someone else's video.
02:17:48 And then saying it's yours with a filter on it. I don't know and that's.
02:17:54 That's hard to say, and a lot of it might depend on on where you put it. If you're making money off of it, you know that sort of thing. I don't. I'm not a copyright lawyer.
02:18:06 But.
02:18:08 Yeah, it's if you're using it for like like for here we're, you know, it's for educational purposes and that's well covered.
02:18:16 Under the the copyright laws, but the if you're just making art with someone else's stuff, I mean, it's hard to say because the AI laws are kind of up in the air too, because a lot of people are now saying that well.
Speaker 2
02:18:33 If.Devon Stack
02:18:34 I I guess there was a ruling recently cause that was one of the things that an artist, I think sued someone because the AI was generating art and the art that it generated.02:18:45 Was.
02:18:47 It was trained on their art, I guess, and so that he was making the argument while he trained it using my art.
02:18:54 And so therefore.
02:18:57 You know I.
02:19:00 Yeah, you're you're infringing on my rights. But I don't know how that ruling went, but that's. Yeah, I'd I'd ask, I'd ask someone else that that's more familiar with the copyright law. There a lot of it's going to be the context of, like, what you're doing exactly.
02:19:16 Wandering fool again.
02:19:19 Hopefully not about uh.
02:19:21 About copyright law.
02:19:27 Would you consider sharing your thoughts on Pee Wee's Playhouse?
02:19:32 During your 90s series I've I never have seen Peewees Playhouse. I know that.
02:19:40 What's his name? Paul Rubin. Is that his name? He's a he's a *** and a pedophile. So, pee Wee Herman's a, you know, pedophile Jew. But yeah, it's not really. I mean, like you said, ended in 1990, but that goes to show that this kind of stuff was already very heavy. It just wasn't in your face.
02:20:01 In terms of they didn't they, you know, the the character peewee was not a gay pedophile, but they were having gay pedophile Jews host children shows. But I've never. I've seen the movies like a million years ago, but I I haven't seen. I've never seen that show. So I don't know how, how over the top it is.
02:20:20 No, I really don't. It seems like the kind of thing I don't know if I could sit through People's Playhouse for any extended.
02:20:27 Period of time.
02:20:29 Wandering full again.
02:20:31 Let's see here.
02:20:44 In the Pooja stream, you suggested that we imagine where we would be without Jewish influence in music, but then went on to point out that it is and was is wait point out that it it that.
02:20:58 It was is.
02:20:59 Real white kids that were buying it do.
Speaker 13
02:21:02 You think removing?Devon Stack
02:21:03 The merchants of vice from the equation would really change anything given this information. Well, yeah, it's like saying it's like you don't want to be the libertarian. That's like, well, people, they want the drugs. So you might as well just keep them.02:21:16 Legal.
02:21:17 People clearly.
02:21:18 Want heroin? Because they're buying heroin. So why don't we just make it so you can buy heroin at 7:11? It's the same stuff. Just because there are people that are selling and that are enriching them.
02:21:30 Shelves off of something that other people have voluntarily bind doesn't mean that you as a group as a community.
02:21:40 Shouldn't band together and and set standards? In fact, that's exactly the kind of thinking that led us to where we are now. Because of this whole, everyone's individual what can something adults do in the privacy of their own home?
02:21:51 That's, you know, you know.
02:21:52 If they're going to do it voluntarily, why do we get involved? It's because we're a society at the end of the.
02:21:58 Day at least you know.
02:22:00 Well, we're not now, but I'd let I think all of us ultimately would like to be part of a white society.
02:22:05 And we're not part of the white society. It's like, you know, it's it's like kids would eat Oreos for every meal of the day if you let them. But you don't let them.
02:22:17 Even though that that's what they want to do. Sometimes you have to.
02:22:20 Tell people no.
02:22:23 That's just the way that it is.
02:22:26 And and so no, I I I don't think that it's that it would be a a bad idea to remove these people. And I think that if you had a white society that kind of music wouldn't get produced in the first place.
02:22:40 So it's just because it's it's the musical version of of.
02:22:47 Methadone, or junk food or whatever it doesn't mean and people like it doesn't mean that you should allow it to be available. And we look and we used to as a people think that way and it was minimal and effective, as is always the case from people on the right.
02:23:05 Pushback from it. You know, you even had. Like what? Daddy Bush, you know, Bush senior tried to ban gangster rap at a certain point. And of course, what did all the Jews on television do? They made, you know, they made jokes about him and oh, look, he's trying to ban gangster rap. He's such a square. Look at this, you know, bigoted white man and.
02:23:27 And all this kind of nonsense. But no, we should not be afraid to just say no. Get the **** out of here, Jew. We.
02:23:33 Don't want your.
02:23:34 Rap music John Skywalker.
02:23:39 You should clip this 18 second video of Beavis and Butthead as a humorous sound bite for your gay 90s stream series. What do you think I?
02:23:48 Think that I'm.
02:23:49 I'll I'll maybe look at that later.
02:23:53 Like clipped some 18 second Beavis and Butthead.
02:23:55 Thing right now.
02:23:56 Billy Bob says thoughts on Murdoch Murdoch do you know if they will come back a while back? Someone asked if you would do some work, illustration for them.
02:24:07 I I don't. I I don't know. I don't know them and they haven't come back yet. I don't think they're coming back.
02:24:15 And yeah.
02:24:17 There was someone that wanted to like, write a forward to a.
02:24:19 Book, but I forget I.
02:24:21 Don't think they.
02:24:22 They were reached out to me on that or.
02:24:27 Umm, I'll have to check my DMS again, but I don't think I ever ever heard from those guys. But yeah, I don't know them personally and I would imagine that if they if they've been gone this long, they look it, it takes a lot of time to make that kind of stuff. Any kind of animation takes an absurd amount of time.
02:24:47 And they're getting 0 payback for it. You know, the payback is they have to release their their videos with a torrent.
02:24:55 And they don't have people like the Ford Foundation funding them. You know that ******* *****. Mackenzie Scott Tuttle should have given them a billion dollars to make an animation studio. You know, that's The thing is, we don't have anyone. We have literally no one.
02:25:13 Because billionaires want to play nice with.
02:25:16 Jews, you know, the closest thing you could say maybe is Elon and he's not on our side. Leather Apron Club is doing a video on him. I'm. I'm glad because as many of us have noticed, all the accounts that he interacts with on Twitter, with a couple of exceptions, if they are right wing or, you know quote UN quote.
02:25:36 You know, they're basically kosher conservative Jew accounts.
02:25:40 Those the only people he interacts with.
Speaker 2
02:25:43 And even a lot of.Devon Stack
02:25:44 The left wing people he.02:25:45 Interacts with are are Jews.
02:25:48 And and so he has no interest and and the ****** ** thing is there's ways people like that could do it without it being tight, if that's what they're so afraid of. Is not being invited to like the the the right dinner parties anymore. And **** you, if that's how you're thinking. They there. There would still be ways that they could set up foundations and.
02:26:08 With, you know, a separation between, you know, hide the money trail, so to speak, and and look, that's what our opposition does, you know. And there's ways there's ways that guys like that could do it and they don't.
02:26:21 Do.
02:26:21 It we just don't have any.
02:26:23 Support we don't have people like like.
02:26:26 The the Jews on the on the left and the right really that are willing to put there. And it's because they're the ones printing the money. So I get it. You know what's what's it's monopoly money to them.
02:26:37 But all the same, you just have.
02:26:38 A lot of people.
02:26:40 Like we have boomers that don't even want to leave their kids any money and they think it's funny. So like, that's that's the problem is we're just we're kind of stuck in this.
02:26:54 I think I think it's a temporary thing, but temporary doesn't mean brief.
02:26:59 And I think it's, I think it's a temporary situation that we're in.
02:27:03 That when whites really start to feel the pain, and I mean like the whites, now that are able to move to the suburbs and kind of and keep moving to the suburbs and keep moving further and further away from the problem and keep finding, you know, taller and taller walls around their gated communities and and, you know, keep, you know, changing.
02:27:22 Jobs and, you know, eventually they're not going to be able to do that because eventually they're not going to be hired for the middle class jobs anymore. They're going to be excluded from the that whole economy. They're not going to be able to afford the to to run away from it. They're going to be their, their kids are going to be discriminated against, even just when it comes to, to going and being enrolled in the colleges.
02:27:43 They're going to be discriminated against in the workplace and they're going to be just demographically replaced as well. So even if you know that it wasn't even playing field.
02:27:53 So to speak, you're you're just going to be more and more. You're going to be facing the reality of your minority status. It's just that right now, people still have this fantasy of going back to the 90s, right? No, we can just go. It's fine, guys. We'll just go back to the 90s, as Tucker says, and it'll be for you. Remember the 90s, right it.
02:28:12 Was it was great.
02:28:14 And so that's the fantasy that a lot of white people are clinging to. And so I think that once that change.
02:28:20 Images you will have kind of a once whites start to feel like real strangers in their own homelands and I think this might probably just because of the the history of of this country. It'll probably take place in America most dramatically and and sooner rather than later and sooner than it does in Europe. I think you're going to have a situation where we're just.
02:28:41 You know we it will be a diaspora will be a European diaspora that exists in the North American continent. And once you have that, the whites that are the only whites that will be reproducing will be whites that already have in Group preference. Because if you don't have in Group preference and.
Speaker 24
02:28:41 Now.Devon Stack
02:28:59 You know you.02:28:59 You you teach your daughter to go bang black guys because you hoot and holler at them running around on your TV screen and spandex, and she sees that and models her behavior after that, you know that you guys will be bred out, you'll be gone. And the only people that the only whites that will reproduce will be whites that have high in Group preference. And so that I mean there's.
02:29:18 You know, not as many of them will be much fewer.
02:29:22 People that are doing that, but you'll have a similar, you'll have similar selection pressures that.
02:29:31 I think that that impacted the Jewish behavior in in their host countries that you will have more nepotism, you'll have more of the the kinds of survival strategies that are necessary for a group that's in that situation. It's just I think that's a little ways off.
02:29:48 And so we're just kind of like in that awkward phase between being the guys in charge and being the guys that are having to.
02:29:56 Work together as a as a minority.
02:30:00 Ohh, let's see here. John Jacob.
Speaker 15
02:30:04 All right.Devon Stack
02:30:04 Oh wait.02:30:06 Then I skip one.
02:30:09 I don't know John Jacob, Jingle, Heimer Schmidt.
02:30:16 But the big dig money.
Speaker 32
02:30:18 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend and.Devon Stack
02:30:22 Look how Julie this Fagg is.02:30:41 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt says for the well fund, well, I appreciate that. And that is precisely where we'll go. I appreciate that. Well, it might go to the ceiling fund I still.
02:30:53 Have big hole in my ceiling.
02:30:57 One thing at a time, everything's breaking.
02:30:59 Over here it's just.
Speaker 2
02:31:01 Ah.Devon Stack
02:31:03 You know it. I'm not gonna ***** about it, but very much appreciate that John Jacob, Jingleheimer Schmidt. Nigel. Cringeworthy says I want to write a Normie Kahn friendly book called. How did we get here? That exhaustive, exhaustively documents the Jewish transformation of America over the 20th century.02:31:24 You and UNS and 4 Chan and the Occidental observer have dug up tons of useful info. Thank you for your service. Well, that would be awesome if you you're able to pull it off. I'll tell you what.
02:31:35 I mean, the publishing has never been easier. You don't have to get some Manhattan Jew to approve your book anymore. You might have to, you know, it might be difficult to keep it in.
02:31:46 Print but you can very.
02:31:48 Easily get it out there. And yeah, I think the problem the only problem is if you make it too normally friendly you got.
02:31:54 To realize normies don't read books.
02:31:56 They just don't read books.
02:31:59 And so if you make it too bland, it's not going to appeal to normies or anyone else really. So, but I I don't know that that's not the kind of writing I'm good at it at all. So hopefully that's something you pull off and good luck to you and and thank you for your service.
02:32:18 Doing that, if that's if that's what you do.
02:32:21 Cringe Panda says hi Devin. Looks like I'm home for good. Well, congratulations. Welcome back. I'll catch the replay. But what is it with Cuckservatives embracing?
02:32:32 The white. I swear there's a pic of Alex Jones out with him. There was. That just makes me think they screwed Ben Shapiro even calls Blair A. She really ticks me off. Can I get a ******?
02:32:50 So where is that button?
02:32:51 There it is.
02:32:53 Yeah. Well, it's I think we described the detail exactly tonight. What to it. You know what you'll expect to see from conservatives today because of what you didn't. You know, the same things that happened in the 90s are taking place now just a little more amplified.
02:33:12 It's normalized now. You had conservatives celebrating the fact that you had a gay couple that, that that leans somewhat right, adopting, you know, gaybies. So it's over in terms of the Conservative Conservatives never intended to conserve.
02:33:31 Anything. They were just the people that they have. They have instincts, but they have no court.
02:33:38 And.
02:33:40 Or rather, the instincts that override the instincts that are making them feel queasy about things like Blair White.
02:33:47 Are overridden by their instincts that want them to, that that want them to seek status and money. And if you want to be accepted by the Jewish donors and by the Jewish platforms where it's easier to make money, you are going to be more accepting of ******** because.
02:34:06 That's just the way that you know, that's the way it is now.
02:34:10 Cringe Panda also says I'm also taking or talking to a group of girls my age this week. They all say that they're Christian, but aren't bothered by what faggs and trainees do in the privacy of their own home. I swear boomers are reincarnating as zoomers if. If it were you addressing.
02:34:29 High school teens about this. How would you?
02:34:33 Explain it well, I would just explain that the the slippery slope aspect of it. If you don't want to, it's going to be really hard, especially given the amount of propaganda that you, your generation has been subjected to, to deprogram people without, you know, extensive exposure to opposing arguments because.
02:34:53 As we've seen the night, you know from age 0, they are listening to the exact opposite of what you'll be telling them, and you're just some random person. And that while it might resonate with a few people, you know, don't get discouraged if it doesn't resonate with a lot of them because it's a lot of propaganda you got to.
02:35:12 Never come.
02:35:13 I would focus on just the because they're kids. You're going to have to talk about things in terms of.
02:35:21 I think especially they're girls, you know, terms of feelings. So if you can frame things in ways that appeal to their feelings about things, you know, like, talk about, even though I think this is a stupid way to do it in terms of like.
02:35:39 For men grown man and as a society at large, we shouldn't be looking at that way. We were talking to teenage girls. You have to say things like well, look at all the ******** that regret the surgery they're getting pushed into it. They won't have reproductive future. You know, it's bad for mental health, you know, and just, you know, that kind of stuff.
02:35:59 But honestly, we just need to honestly, we legit needs that. We just.
02:36:03 Need to start putting these *******.
02:36:04 In the pit.
02:36:05 That bottom line, I'm done with the feeling bad for them and and I just don't care. Like, if if you have a few of the good ones end up in the pit, it's worth the sacrifice.
02:36:15 So yeah, good luck with that, Nigel. Cringeworthy, Nigel. Cringeworthy.
Speaker 18
02:36:22 Hello. Hello, hello.02:36:23 Hello.
Devon Stack
02:36:27 Some friends of mine recorded a right wing protest song during the COVID lockdowns. Too bad they didn't make a video to go with it.02:36:34 I think it's ******. Have a listen. Well, I'll take a look after the.
02:36:39 The show let me copy that link.
02:36:44 Umm.
02:36:48 And who knows? I mean, if it's, if it's as ****** as you say.
02:36:52 Maybe we can. We'll open a show with it or something like that.
02:36:57 All right, let's open the link there. We're going to tab, Brody says. Why did you skip last Monday, Wednesday stream? I already went over that. Also, how did classified cat come into your life? Can you link pics of classified cat and churro? Well classified cat was.
02:37:16 A feral cat that was found by.
02:37:20 A A a friend of a friend and needed a place to be. And so I.
02:37:28 I volunteered. I'd had a cat before that had died and was like, yeah, I can. I I don't mind cats, you know.
02:37:37 And.
02:37:39 But classified can't, there's?
02:37:40 No photos of classified can't because they're classified.
02:37:45 Although if you look hard enough, you classified cat does appear briefly in the the Cactus Pill intro, which we haven't played in like.
02:37:53 I think over a year.
02:37:56 Gory feeder says Hello Devin. I'll catch the replay later. I'm curious about your thoughts on art. Cultivating real world skills is vital, but so is nourishing our souls. Should we aim to challenge the current culture with art, or focus on creating art that uplifts us?
02:38:14 I think that.
Speaker 2
02:38:16 That.Devon Stack
02:38:19 Again, a lot of that it comes down to money, right? Because it's hard enough to be to make money and raise a family as an artist when you're not making right wing art.02:38:30 And so I would say be very supportive of people that are creating art and financially and so much that you can. And yeah, we should be making art.
02:38:42 But you should.
Speaker 42
02:38:42 You here's the.Devon Stack
02:38:44 Problem I think a lot of people that make right wing art, they make it so explicitly. Right wing that it doesn't have the the effect or the appeal that the left wing art does because lots of right wing people line up and go watch left wing movies every single day.02:39:04 And and and in fact, they liked them so much they refused to boycott them. They they it's like they need it. And that's because with some obvious exceptions.
02:39:15 Left wing art, while it is propaganda and it is pushing their narrative often it has an appeal to the lowest common denominator. And if you want to make art that's going to appeal to the most people, that's the way you got to you got to do it. And I just think the temptation for right wingers is because of there's such a lack of anything.
02:39:36 Right wing, they kind of. They push too hard, you know? They push it too hard and you see this when they make movies. You see it when they make music, and it's just kind of like, you know, that has an audience too. And that has a place too. But if you're trying to actually change the culture.
02:39:51 You don't have a hard time. You have a hard time. Anyway, this is one of those things that like that, that goes to the whole we're in this awkward phase right. In order to, you know, realize what goes. It's not just the millions of dollars that go into the movies that the the Jews produce in Hollywood. It's the distribution networks. It's the marketing, you know, like.
02:40:11 They they might spend $100 million to make a movie and then spend another 60 million just on the marketing and you know, we don't have access to that kind of stuff. We can, we can try to do stuff and and have like maybe cult classic type, you know, movies and music and that sort of thing. But we're.
02:40:31 They're not in a position to to challenge them on the same level that they've that they, they, they've, they took them.
02:40:41 You were a century behind. You know what I mean when it comes to challenging Hollywood as an example, you're just now starting to see right wing sort of right wing and by right wing, I mean, like, kosher, conservative, right wing make movies that are at least coherent. Like, they couldn't even make movies that were coherent before. Now they're making movies. They're they're just as bad as.
02:41:01 His left wing movies in many respects. It's just.
02:41:03 It's like a left wing movie.
02:41:04 From the 90s now you know so, but anyway.
02:41:10 Let's see here.
02:41:14 Brody says you played yakoob video in one of your recent streams.
02:41:19 Do you have or anyone here in chat have a link to that video I have to.
02:41:24 See it again.
02:41:25 There's if you go to that stream and go to the last.
02:41:30 Part of it.
02:41:32 I I that there's a watermark I pop up that has the name of the YouTube channel that I got it from.
02:41:39 Chosen Jawa chosen Jawa.
02:41:50 Chosen jawa. Hi, Devin. I'm tired and it has been a long day. I'll catch the replay. I'll only ask a couple of lightweight questions tonight. First. How do you feel about furries? They are.
02:42:01 They they go in the pit, that's that's that's an easy one. I do not like them and find them to be degenerate. That's that's why they go in the pit. Secondly, you've mentioned growing up on N64. Any notable gaming memories to share? I don't really gaming memories, but I used to like double O 7 and playing four player.
02:42:21 With my friends.
02:42:24 Playing double O 7 and all the cheat that you could do like that. I know that we could do codes like you could turn the paintball mode on or the the the giant head code and I I remember doing that that was a long time.
02:42:37 They go. Yeah, it was fun. And then of course, that that, you know, that morphed into playing first person shooters on computers with headsets on, you know, with Teamspeak and, you know, back in the pre discord days.
02:42:53 Beach Boys Beach Boys.
Speaker 18
02:42:56 Swing swing good forever.Devon Stack
02:43:02 I was flipping through the channels the other day and came across a 1984 film. Once Upon a time in America. Robert De Niro plays a 1920s Jewish gangster. I was surprised to see this movie portraying a Jew as a gangster. It's almost 4 hours long. The budget was 30 million and made 5 million.02:43:22 Worldwide.
02:43:23 Yeah, I I don't think I've covered it explicitly.
02:43:29 Well, maybe I have. I, you know, I've. I've done so many of these movie things that sometimes I'm and there's a lot of movies I watch with the intention of doing it and then I either I started it and didn't do it or something happened, I did something else or.
02:43:42 But I watched that movie with the intention of of covering it, and then I don't remember if I actually did or not like I because that was around. That was around the time that my computer was having problems. So I don't remember if that was one of the projects that kind of got dumb.
02:43:59 Yeah, it's it's it's very jewy. It's super jewelry. It's got like everything. It's got the pet of stuff. It's got all kinds of ****** ** stuff in it.
02:44:10 Blue chord, blue chord.
Speaker 23
02:44:15 Yes.Devon Stack
02:44:23 Blue chord says evening Mr. Stack, leaning to you and Mr. blue chord.02:44:28 Jerry Ray 1981 says nothing.
02:44:32 Fashion BBQ Fashion BBQ says.
Speaker 11
02:44:37 Chuck it.Devon Stack
02:44:40 Jay Ray, 931 Jay Ray.02:44:44 1981.
02:44:48 I remember in the 90s in Southern California, I was in the beginning of it was the beginning of our replacement. Oh, no, no, not Southern California.
02:44:59 That was not the beginning, and the 90s was not the beginning in in, in Southern California, you had a a lot of replacement already going on to by the by the 90s in Southern California.
02:45:14 But OK, uh. As a child, I remember recognizing this, having grown up against all or amongst all white peers.
02:45:23 I don't know where you went to school. If you were in Southern California with all white peers, it all changed drastically in California soon after lesson, it will reach you Middle America and that will reach every parts of part of America and it has most of America there. That's why they're they're importing these illegals into very obscure parts of America.
02:45:43 They're just, they're just Browning out every part that they can.
02:45:48 Social media and its consequences.
Speaker 18
02:45:52 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 16
02:45:59 I'd like to return this duck.Devon Stack
02:46:02 Social media and its consequences chipping in for the well repair. You owe me a gallon of water after everything collapses. Well, there you go. If you if you manage to make it out here in the desert, I.02:46:13 Will give you a gallon of water.
02:46:15 Chosen Jawa says. I hope to see you someday. Make another appearance with Rebecca from Blonde in the belly.
02:46:21 Of the beast.
02:46:22 Women like her are what we need on the right. I learned so much from her back when she posted on YouTube regularly. Jokes like Tommy Lauren and Brett Cooper wish they could hold a candle to Rebecca. Yeah, she's cool.
02:46:35 And yeah, I I I I'll probably go on her show again sooner rather than later.
02:46:43 Potato Mutt, Potato, Mutt says.
02:46:45 When you're when you're when you're don't covering.
02:46:49 When you're don't covering homosexuality in the 90s media, I think you aren't. You should look at race mix in 90s maybe. Well, we kind of did that.
02:46:58 A little bit tonight.
02:47:01 There were seeds of that being planted too. A good place to start would be the 1993 film A Bronx Tale. There you go, potato.
02:47:09 Or potato mutt rather.
02:47:13 Yeah, I'll tell you what there. There is. It is funny because I do remember early 90s.
02:47:20 They made sure that like the token black guy in like say, the high school movie had a black girlfriend, right? There was very little race mixing in movies until the 2000s.
02:47:32 Prairie dog Prairie dog. Can we see this spaghetti bumper? I don't have it yet, but I.
02:47:38 Did find a.
02:47:40 A couple of clips for it. It's uh. It's not ready yet.
02:47:44 January 1981 says remember being a kid hearing about Ellen being a Fagg. Why would that be something in my purview at the time, while this Jew in influence, well, it was on everything that it was impossible to avoid. It was on every new show, every newspaper, every everything. It was for, like at least a month.
02:48:05 That's what all of media was about.
02:48:09 My cute little friend says. Can I get 1/2?
02:48:12 $1,000,000.
02:48:15 I don't know. Can I get 1/2?
02:48:16 $1,000,000.
Speaker 44
02:48:16 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
02:48:21 Suzuki Samurai says thanks for the show. Can't wait to catch the replay. We'll appreciate that.02:48:27 4 Chan 81.
02:48:30 4 Chan.
Speaker 2
02:48:32 81.Speaker
02:48:33 Wise money management.Speaker 28
02:48:37 Here's the rest.Speaker 2
02:48:39 Thank you.Devon Stack
02:48:41 4/21 says watched bad boys from 96 for the first time in 20 years, with eyes wide open, and it has all black power, anti white jokes, girl power, gay jokes and black computer. Wiz Bruckheimer is the son of Jewish immigrants. How did it go about how it's harder to convince?02:49:02 Somebody they've been fooled.
02:49:05 Well, it's easier to fool someone than it is to.
02:49:09 Convinced some of the I don't know the exact wording, but he's it's easier to fool someone and convince them they've been fooled.
02:49:16 Yeah, if if if that's the same one.
02:49:18 I'm.
Speaker 11
02:49:19 Actually I don't know if I.Devon Stack
02:49:22 Bad boys might be one I haven't seen.02:49:26 I you know, I know I know the movie you're talking about, but I don't know that I ever saw it.
02:49:32 So maybe I'll take a look at that.
02:49:34 I'm I'm almost positive.
02:49:37 I haven't seen that one.
02:49:40 Green tip, Gardner, Green tip Gardner.
02:49:51 Green Tip Gardner says. God bless. We'll catch the replay. We'll appreciate that. And hello to you in the future, Zazzy Mataz bought. I'll have to catch the replay because someone stole out of my sleep. Thanks for your hard work. Who stole an hour of your style? That's right.
02:50:09 That's uh, I'm going to fix some.
02:50:13 My wall clocks are all off then. OK, my computer I think is that tonight that that hasn't happened yet though, right?
02:50:21 That hasn't happened yet is.
02:50:22 That tonight.
02:50:25 Got it. I thought it when is that?
02:50:29 Because my computer hasn't changed, I don't think unless.
02:50:31 I've.
02:50:33 I'll look it up later anyway. I saw a story about that. I was like. Oh, ****. I ******* hate that.
02:50:41 My cute little friend says I tried to subvert my friends and relatives. They looked at me like I am an insane person. The only time when they actually started to listen is when I showed your videos of movie analysis of Forrest Gump and American Beauty.
02:50:58 You guess we should fight fire with fire?
02:51:03 Wait, hold on.
02:51:04 You guess we should fight fire with fire? I'm.
02:51:06 Not. I'm not sure you mean by that part.
02:51:09 But yeah, look the the the best thing that we can do is try to get to the people that trust us and know that we're not.
02:51:21 Bad people, that what we do is not out of hate. It's out of love from people and that we not that we don't hate and and you should hate.
02:51:30 Evil and and just make it clear that you know what you hate is evil and there's been a great deal of evil that's been done to us.
02:51:39 And it's it's.
02:51:40 A lot of people, I think.
02:51:42 Once they realize that it can make a big difference.
02:51:47 Age of anxiety. They have stripped away at the family unit so much to the point where being a white man with a wife and white children and having traditional values is now as taboo as being gay was in the ******* 90s, where the only difference is in the 90s you didn't have an army of Jews trying to de taboo it.
02:52:09 Quite the opposite.
02:52:11 My cute little friend says. Have you seen the killers of the Flying Moon? Movie? Doesn't sound familiar. White people ordering Indians.
02:52:20 But what surprised me is that in the movie they've actually mentioned that the main characters who were doing the.
02:52:26 Killings were Jewish.
02:52:28 I highly recommend that movie. It's a good movie produced by Martin Martin Scorsese. It's called the killers of the Flying Moon.
02:52:39 That does not sound familiar.
02:52:46 Killer is the Flying moon or or the OR killers of the flower moon.
02:52:53 I think is what you're getting at, right?
02:52:57 I've directed it. I yeah. That's why I haven't seen it. It's new. It's new. It's 2023 movie. OK.
02:53:04 Uh. Maybe I'll take a look at.
02:53:06 Old Sterling says please share and sign a petition for Chris Donald. If you're not aware it was declared the first racially motivated murder in Scotland. It also happens to be the most sickening thing you have ever heard. The government is preventing a vigil for him as it might stir up racial tensions.
02:53:28 I don't know who that is, Chris Donald.
02:53:32 Let's see what that is.
02:53:35 I don't know what sharing a petition would do for me or for Chris, for that matter, or if I don't know, is Chris the good guy in this situation? What is this?
02:53:46 3 jailed for life for race murder of schoolboy.
02:53:53 Asian gang members, huh? Set fire to an innocent 15 year old. You don't know it doing a.
02:53:59 A petition for him would do, but.
02:54:04 Ohh this is old.
02:54:06 This says this is 17 years old.
02:54:11 So well.
02:54:14 Sadly, the first but.
02:54:16 But I'll tell you certainly will not be.
02:54:18 The last this is this is basically this type of **** happens every day in America and and coming to a Western country near you, but maybe that's worth taking a look at sometime.
02:54:31 Yeah, Epson chat for Chris Donald there.
02:54:35 Old sterling. Uh. You got a petition, I guess.
02:54:40 What is this petition?
02:54:43 Because he's been dead 17 years, so I don't know. The petition would be for. What is it for?
02:54:52 What is the petition for innocent 15 year old blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Watch the.
02:55:01 Sign the petition.
02:55:05 What? What's the petition for though? Like, what does it do?
02:55:10 It just says find your heart to sign this petition. When we hit our target, we'll hand deliver it to the justice that.
02:55:16 I don't know what that does, though. They're already unless.
02:55:21 And I'll look at this some other time. I don't. I don't know anything about this right now.
02:55:27 His humble remnant.
02:55:30 His humble remnant with the *** **** money.
Speaker 32
02:55:34 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.Devon Stack
02:55:39 Look, look, look, look, look. How Julie this *** is.02:55:58 His humble remnant says few shekels for you, Devin. Thanks for the work, brother. Stay safe and God bless. Well, I appreciate that.
02:56:08 His humble remnant, a Lily scribe in God's army. Did you mention Bill Clinton's? Don't ask, don't tell policy started in the 90s. I joined up shortly before that, under Bush senior, and it was a very bad for it's very bad for morale even when a Fagot came out of the closet. It took months to get him kicked out. So you still had to put up with their shenanigans.
02:56:29 Yeah, that might be part three. There might be in part three people need to realize how absolutely *******, flaming gay the ******* 90s was. It was absurd.
02:56:39 It's absurd that people think that it that it was anything but that, but again, I think it's cause they were all watching Muppet Babies.
02:56:46 My fat little ******** toe.
02:56:55 My fat little ******** tone says. Here's my tithe. Well, I appreciate that.
02:56:59 Gray Boy, 1488, says I had someone ask me if I would push a button to essentially put all the gaze in the pit. They asked it like it was a hard question.
02:57:12 Tell me where the button is. Tell me what the button is and they're going in the pit.
02:57:17 Not a hard question at all, like that's that's that's one of the easier questions that's that's one of the easier questions in life.
02:57:28 You gave me the fake. I'll do it anyway. Fake money, man. Lucky numbers. Have you looked into music producer Jack Antonoff? He's like Norman Lear, but with the music industry. Notice his extended reach into discography of major players in the modern feminine psych. Taylor Swift.
02:57:47 Or clario Olivia Rodrigo, Lana Del Rey, et cetera. Probably worth a look. Well, yeah, that might be. There's a lot of Jews that, I mean, Jews run the music industry just as surely as they run Hollywood. So I'm sure that spider web is is thick and sticky.
02:58:05 For Trinity one, they thought they'd continue to be some sort of outrage, but instead people treated them like they weren't special. So what? You're gay? Who gives a ****? So they had to keep up in the ante. Pedophilia and human sacrifice of the end game, the ultimates of the true freedom American values.
02:58:25 I would say that like that might apply to certain **** that they expected some kind of, you know, let's throw a party for me because I'm gay and some of them still do expect that. But the people that are that are engineering this social change that was that was just that was phase one.
02:58:42 That was always phase one. They wanted you to get to the point where you were just saying. Ohh yeah, who cares? You're gay. So what? Big deal. That's what they wanted.
02:58:51 So they could go to phase two, and now you're saying now. So what they're training is now whatever big deal.
02:58:56 Blair White, you know, I mean that's.
02:58:58 And soon enough, there will be conservatives. They will say. Yeah. So what is a pedo? You know, whatever. It's a life choice. He was born that way.
02:59:06 No, to actually start out with I I found.
02:59:09 We know last stream with that golden girls thing. One of the things I forgot to.
02:59:14 Mention is there's that scene where the the gay brother is complaining to his sister that, oh, you're you're not. You're not accepting me. What did you think I was just going to sit here and be like you? You you know, you knew I was gay. You thought I was just going to be celibate, that you would accept me if I was just gay.
02:59:32 Celibate and it was such an interesting thing where I thought about it more because I was like, that's kind of what they're doing with the profiles, right?
02:59:38 It's a, it's.
02:59:39 It's acceptable as a orientation as long as they don't act on it right. And I kind of feel like that was that was the way that they sold homosexuality at first. That like, oh, they can't help it.
02:59:52 They're just Born This Way. They have these desires.
Speaker 2
02:59:55 But they don't.Devon Stack
02:59:55 Worry they're not really acting on it, and as long as they don't do it in front of you, it's fine. And I kind of feel like that's the that's the similar logic they're trying to use with the.03:00:03 Or whether or not logic, emotional argument, they're trying to use when it comes to normalizing the pedos and saying, you know, that's the phase one was. Oh, no, it's fine that he, you know, he's attracted the children. He's not. He's an ethical pedophile. He's not ******* kids. He's just maybe watching AI generated child **** or you know, whatever.
03:00:20 Right.
03:00:21 And then that all of course.
03:00:23 Yeah, eventually get to. No, no, what you're saying you can't find love.
03:00:28 Well it it's fine that he likes kids, but he can't. He can't be in love with one.
03:00:33 You know that's that's coming.
03:00:36 That's coming. Uh, let's see here. Wag. Wag a mail with.
03:00:42 Whatever that is.
03:00:44 Newt Gingrich's sister was the minister in the friend's wedding. Oh, it's his sister, not his.
03:00:49 Daughter, I thought.
03:00:50 His daughter. It was a hit on him because he led a passage of defense.
03:00:56 Of Marriage Act, they replayed that episode the week of Thanksgiving week during a graduation week at Lackland Air Force Base and a huge auditorium where families waited. Not a single complaint, of course not. No one wants to be a bigot.
03:01:13 Simbi I've heard other IRL stories from guys whose wives unexpectedly came out as lesbians and left.
03:01:21 But no one ever says their ex wives were abused as kids. The worst I knew about my own ex-wife was that her parents divorced when she was 2 1/2, but no one abused her. What's?
03:01:33 Going on, I think lesbians have are are are different in that respect. I think women are just more flexible and more easily. They're easier to emotionally manipulate, whereas for guys, I think that to be so broken that putting **** **** ** an ******* sounds like a fun thing to do.
03:01:54 You have to have some mental ******* trauma that I don't understand and that whereas I think women can be lesbians, a lot easier.
03:02:04 But I also think there's a lot of, there's probably a lot of lesbians who also abused by their fathers or they're unattractive and they can't get men or, you know, there's there's a look, there's a whole bunch of reasons. But that one thing that that seems to be A at least 100% and a lot of the stuff we.
03:02:23 For the night.
03:02:24 Is it's a choice. You know, it's definitely not. It's definitely not a.
03:02:29 And yeah, I was Born This Way. Oh, and but by the way, here's this guy I had a crush on when I was a kid. Oh, I was Born This Way. But, oh, by the way, like, I used to like boys. And I went to prom. You know, it's it's, you know, I think it's different for girls, which is why it seems less threat.
03:02:46 Meaning that's why they rolled out lesbians first. Because I think that men, at least, and that's going to be the real pushback, right? That's the obstacle, or at least that should be the obstacle that they have to get past. And lesbians are less threatening than men because it's it's it's a, you know that if a guy is ******* a hairy *******.
03:03:06 That, that, that, that something's really wrong with that guy and was with with lesbians. It's like it's harder to really understand because like, you like vagina too. So it's kind.
03:03:17 Of like oh, you know.
03:03:18 It's just, you know.
03:03:20 I don't know. I think it's different, but I also think there's probably a lot of sexual abuse when it comes to.
03:03:26 To women as well.
03:03:29 White Pill says you'll be happy to hear Matthew Lillard will be returning to the screen in scooby-doo.
03:03:37 Oh, that's the guy I ******* hate. I recall you saying you wanted him to be in more movies. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:03:43 Hate that that guy with a passion.
03:03:47 I didn't know was his name tells us now, but I know exactly. Since you said scooby-doo, I knew ripped homeless guy said. Are you aware of Lee Camp and Garland Nixon? And if so, could you find reasonable partners in them on the left? Real workers left, not Trotsky, corporate left and Neo libs that constantly. I don't know who those people are, but if they're on the left.
03:04:07 I I honestly at at this point they go in the pit. I'm just done. I'm done. I'm done.
03:04:13 That we have no reason there be reaching across. There's no.
03:04:15 Aisle to reach across.
03:04:18 Yeah. There, there, they, they they are. If they're what you say they are, they're probably just as disenfranchised as we are. So I know who they are though, so maybe I shouldn't say that.
03:04:28 Billy Bob says N.
03:04:31 Chosen Jawa says it really irritates me whenever I hear whites try to speak using Bonnie's broken English or black slang, emulating black behavior and mannerisms is downright ridiculous and immature, absolutely.
03:04:46 Andromeda says Ellen Degenerate was deemed heroic, brave and amazing because she's gay. This propaganda was never ending. Every magazine talk show, news, etcetera, wouldn't stop promoting her. At that time, I still did not understand how malleable society was.
03:05:07 Absolutely. And yeah, it's it's, it's that was that was the Golden Age. That was the reason why that was like the Golden Age of Jews is there was no Internet. There was absolutely no, no rebuttal anywhere. Unless you watched like the Jerry Falwell's of the world and who were ridiculous.
03:05:26 You know, Andromeda says it seems plausible the same forces behind the collapse of our civilization use the same tactics to destroy ancient Greece and Rome from within entirely possible.
03:05:41 Best summer or 72 says too bad Ellen didn't talk about being molested by her step sister on her show.
03:05:48 Our stepfather on her show. There you go. There's no there wasn't. I wasn't aware of this. But I would not be surprised at all if that is the case. I think that I think that the the lesbian. I guess that's the other difference between, like lesbians too, is there's there's lesbians like Ellen and then there's lesbians.
03:06:09 That turn lesbian.
03:06:10 Like like like, OK that TIG example I played like tiggs, like the lesbian who probably something happened to her and then the the girl that she converted to being a lesbian. That's the other type of lesbian. Right, the one that's easily manipulated into being a lesbian. Like the girls that, that that go to college and find themselves and become lesbian.
03:06:31 Right, that's that's different. Although I would say that the common denominator there is they probably none of them have a strong relationship with their father. I would say that that's.
Speaker 2
03:06:40 Probably.Devon Stack
03:06:42 Either they've got like a super cut dad, like super **** dad or a a dad that they don't get along with.03:06:55 Let's see here. Brody, would you bang in culture under prime? I don't know. I don't know what she looked like in her prime age of anxiety. Watch these kids getting fed fagot ********.
03:07:08 And and programming them being into being OK, sorry, I've updated there and to be OK with degeneracy is ******* dark. Reminds me of the anti white ***** and the stupid **** addition stream. That's what we're up against. That's why we need home. School your kids. Because it's it's look, I'll I'll give you guys this. The people that want to go back to the 90s.
03:07:29 Yeah, it was bad in the 90s, but it's it's it. I will. I will grant you. It is worse now. It's it's worse than what we just watched. My point isn't that there weren't some things that were more tolerable in the 90s. It's just that stage two cancer is more tolerable than Stage 4, but it's still ******* cancer.
03:07:50 4 Chan 81 four Chan 81.
Speaker 43
03:07:56 As far as I can see.Numbers Lady
03:07:59 Hey.Devon Stack
03:08:02 Have you watched OJ made in America? Don't know if it's necessarily based, but it actually entertains ideas like race mixing is bad. Homosexuality causes trauma. Blacks are violent. Whites want to appease them, etcetera, obviously Jewish, but it might be overlooked and worth a deep dive.03:08:23 OJ made in America, I'd be surprised if it if it pushes that kind of stuff, because that would have had to have.
03:08:30 Then from you know the earliest that would have been is the 90s, but who knows, maybe I'll when it says 2016. Now I really doubt that it says those things, but but maybe I'll tell you a look Bessemer 72. They used to teach gay education and abnormal site class.
03:08:51 Well, yeah, it used to be classified as a mental illness until quite recently.
03:08:56 Man of low moral fiber. Hey, Deb, thanks for the stream. I grew up in the 90s and knew the 90s were gay even then. But this stream is needed. Others don't remember the most infuriating part of the stream was the woman on the school planning committee. Literal riches. That's what happens when you get rid of witch burnings. Absolutely.
03:09:17 Absolutely. The the we need the pit and we need.
03:09:21 Burning stakes? Absolutely. Andromeda says the training cloud could be the most terrifying serial killer in a horror flick. It's nightmarish. Well, that training clown like I found it.
03:09:35 I I I don't know what I looked for. It was on YouTube. But that training clown won like an award for the performance.
03:09:43 So for them it's good for you. It's horrifying to them. It's beautiful. Fortunately, one, unfortunately, if Bezos's wife had funded anything exclusively white, not that anything like that exists, she would be investigated, sued for discrimination, and would have all that money seized by the state and put towards.
03:10:04 Funding those organizations. No, no, no.
03:10:07 That's that's giving. That's making excuses for her. She could.
03:10:10 Easily do it you.
03:10:11 Could easily make a organization and and you wouldn't. You just have to be smart about it. You can't be. Obviously, if she made something called like the White Boy Fund and and or something like that. Yeah, that would be a problem for her.
Speaker 7
03:10:29 But.Devon Stack
03:10:30 There's ways of doing things. There's ways you can do things. You can set up foundations. You can launder this money. They all do it. They all ******* do it. They they donate to this organization that then donates to this organization and then, you know, it's it's. There's easy ways of moving money into the hands of the people that.03:10:51 We need to get it and not have a paper truck going.
03:10:53 Back to you and look, you could say maybe she's doing that. I just really. I sincerely doubt that she's doing that given the amount of money that she's giving to other groups or **** it, she could just not give money to all the black people. You know, she could just give money to to things that weren't explicitly for black people.
03:11:12 And every other race.
03:11:14 Right. Even if she just did that, that would be an improvement.
03:11:20 But she's actively funding white genocide.
03:11:23 So it's yeah, I don't, I don't. I'm not going to make any excuses for that ******* ****. His humble remnant says when I was in my early teens, my dad would sit in the kitchen and listen to podcast to Kenny yours. I would often stop and listen to my comings and goings. Come to think of it, they really made an impression on me.
03:11:43 God willing, when I have kids of my own, I'll be doing the same with yours.
03:11:47 Look, I'll tell you.
03:11:49 That made a lot of impression on me when I was younger too. My mom would listen to.
03:11:53 Conservative talk radio and look conservative talk radio specially now is ******* cringe of ****. But given what was available at the time, that was about as based as you could get right now. You look back at it, it's all Zionist, you know, nonsense and a lot of it was there too. I mean it was, you know, Ben Shapiro.
03:12:13 Dear ********, but.
03:12:16 Look, I'm. I'm. I'm glad she listened to that instead of, like The Beatles when we were in the car. You know what I mean? Shoggy, shaggy. Absolute banger of a stream. Devin, every part of it was like sandpaper to my brain. I'm starting to wonder if any pit is big enough. They had a Grand Canyon.
03:12:34 Is a sight to behold.
03:12:37 And you know that it's big enough to wear. You wouldn't even have to ruin any of the scenic parts. I mean, it's all scenic. It's a wonderful one of the world, but I'd be willing to sacrifice a portion of the Grand Canyon.
03:12:53 Does as a designated pit area. I think that would work out and look if not, you know, there's there's plenty of volcanoes out there.
03:13:04 Upper commandant. Hey, Devin. Good. Stream is always. It doesn't matter. 90s, sixties, Fifties, 40s. Jews ruined most of it already. Jews thought to establish Israel. If Israel is so important, the the Jews may be or to the Jews. Maybe we should deport all Western Jews to their and confiscate.
03:13:24 Their Western Holdings Jews are parasites 4 Chan, 81.
03:13:34 Ohh I finally got sad gorilla.
Speaker 2
03:13:46 Sad, rejected gorilla.Devon Stack
03:13:49 That's my favorite one. You should consider doing a stream on Jewish authors of sex Ed books. Robbie Harris, Leslie Newman, Linda Mattress, Junie bloom. Probably many others. Please put this article up.03:14:04 For a second.
03:14:07 Uh. Let's see here.
03:14:10 I'll put in a tab I.
03:14:10 Don't.
03:14:11 Have I don't sit there and read it though.
03:14:16 Where are the Jews on the banned book list?
03:14:21 What is this? It's from tablet a, a Jewish magazine.
03:14:26 What's the gist of it? What are they talking about? American. Where is this from?
03:14:32 2015.
03:14:35 American Library Association released its annual list of the most frequently banned and challenged books and libraries, and I have to say I'm disappointed. Only one of the books. It's perfectly normal by Robbie Harris was written by a Jew.
Speaker 2
03:14:46 Are there that? See they, they, they.Devon Stack
03:14:49 Revel in it.03:14:51 They are upset.
03:14:53 That they're not the ones running the subversive material.
03:14:58 That that isn't that like a nice little window into the mind of the Jew.
03:15:03 They're mad that that Jews only occupy a couple slots in the banned book list that year. I guess look, the way she's overlooking the fact that it look it's it's probably it's more of a victory than she realizes their books are still there, they're just not banned anymore.
Speaker 4
03:15:21 Yeah.Devon Stack
03:15:22 OSA 567 says the woman I talked to are offended by trans stuff, saying that it's offensive to pretend to be.03:15:30 Someone you're not to a real woman.
03:15:33 Yeah, it's weird. It's a.
03:15:34 Weird way to get to women they in?
Speaker 2
03:15:37 In a weird way, it's.Devon Stack
03:15:38 Because they don't like men.03:15:40 And so they it's oddly like, you know, in the case of, uh, the Harry Potter woman, the author, what's her name? That's her whole thing, right? She's a fan.
03:15:52 Unist and so she takes offense to the trans stuff, not because of it, just being degenerate psychos so much as she takes offense of the idea that that men are trying to be better women than women. I think that's really what motivates that.
03:16:10 Chosen Jawas says last week I sent a link to a short Oprah clip featuring some of David Koresh. As you know, I didn't watch that. We're going to put that.
03:16:31 Myself, I put that in one of these.
03:16:38 Tams maybe.
03:16:45 That he's been sent to private while.
Speaker 51
03:16:46 Are you sure describing?Devon Stack
03:16:48 Not it. I'll, I'll, I'll find the the appearance on Oprah and take a look. I I I open. I must have closed that tab. But it shouldn't be hard to find if it's on YouTube. But no, like I said before, they you got to understand.03:17:04 That they went through deprogramming.
03:17:10 Like literal like. I don't know if I covered this impact gun or not.
03:17:14 But there was literal Jewish organizations working with the ATF to deprogram the people that went out of it, and some of them took to it better than others like they.
03:17:24 Was in fact one of the.
03:17:26 Women.
03:17:27 That is interviewed for that documentary that I covered in pakhan about it, the Jewish documentary that that, you know, the very no. The ATF was based and totally had to do it documentary, which is sucked up because I'm pretty sure they.
03:17:38 Killed their parents.
03:17:40 She was totally, you know, brainwashed back to.
03:17:45 Back to being a a progressive or whatever it is, they turned her into, but I don't know. I'll have to look at it. Honestly though, it doesn't really matter. One way the other I'm not. I'm not a a branch Davidian. You know, the point wasn't.
Speaker 45
03:17:57 That.Devon Stack
03:17:59 That that the Branch Davidians were based or anything like that had nothing to do.03:18:03 With.
03:18:03 That it's it's about the fact that they weren't doing anything illegal and the sheriff and, you know, Child Protective Services went in there and checked everything and and you get lots of testimony for that. In fact, if they had done something illegal, as I don't know if that's what the Oprah.
03:18:20 Saying, you know, and molesting kids is illegal, then they would not have been acquitted. They were all acquitted. They had the the Senate trial with all the members that survived. And sorry, the Senate hearing with all the Members that survived and all the the the charges against the.
03:18:40 Survivor members were dropped. Or was it recording, or would it? I'll it's been a while since I've researched that I have to look at it again.
03:18:50 So the bottom line is though.
03:18:53 With that group, it wasn't so much that David Koresh was based, because he wasn't. You know, it was just that this. That's what the ATF will do. The ATF will will come and and and shoot you, you know, with no warning and burn your children alive and.
03:19:09 And get away with it.
03:19:11 And they'll cover.
03:19:13 And and that's that's mostly what that was about. But I don't know, maybe maybe I'll have to tell you. Look at this video and see what it is.
03:19:23 Thin Red Line says in the old days lesbians was not seen as sexuality because it there's no penetration.
03:19:31 Well, well, that's just I think that's semantics there. Glock 23, this stream was full of ******* and lesbians. It's somewhere indoctrinating kids. They all belong in the mega pit.
03:19:43 It is true.
03:19:49 Mr. Charlie says. Good evening, Devin just got home from my birthday, wanted to say good night. Well, happy birthday, Mr. Trolley.
03:19:57 And you have a good evening, Sir.
03:20:00 Pandemonium says, what do you think about the guys that now seem to share our world views like millennial woes having a gay phase?
03:20:08 And they have a link there.
03:20:10 I.
03:20:12 I mean, I don't know. I'd, I'd.
03:20:13 Have to.
03:20:14 Look at that. But I don't. I don't like getting involved with drama or anything like that, so I don't. I don't know what that that link is, but.
03:20:24 **** go in the pit.
03:20:26 If if you have repentant **** and look, I know there.
03:20:30 Are some people.
03:20:32 That.
03:20:34 Are on our side that have Shady Pass. I don't know if it's if he's one of them, but you know, there's room for forgiveness. It's the people that are still practicing.
03:20:46 Fagot tree and pretending like they're based, you know or like.
03:20:51 Ohh no it's.
03:20:52 It's I'm one of the good ones. I'm one of the good ones.
03:20:56 You know, because like I did a lot of not I'm I was.
03:20:59 Never a fad, but like.
03:21:02 That is different. That was different, but like I was a degenerate. I was a big ******* pothead, useless ***** ** **** for a long time. I mean, I fell for a lot of the Jewish propaganda and and, you know, obviously I'm not. That's not how I am.
03:21:17 Now, and I'd I'd hate it if people took me less seriously or what I was saying less seriously because I.
03:21:24 I was a degenerate back in the day, you.
03:21:26 Know.
03:21:27 Again, I didn't. I was. I was never a ***.
Speaker 4
03:21:33 But still.Devon Stack
03:21:36 Spy Hunter says I always found it ironic how most gay women that hate men always end up resembling the very gender that they hate. I wonder why that is. I always say, like most gay women.03:21:52 Hate the hate man always. Yeah, well, look, they hate us because they ain't us or honestly ought to be. You know, that's not to be glib. I think the real reason is.
03:22:07 Yeah, I don't know, actually. I don't know. I don't know, cause I I can't. I can't wrap my head around lesbians. You know, I I just.
03:22:15 I don't know. I don't get it. It's mental illness, right? I mean, I can't really wrap my head around **** either, because it's like I I can't. I can't imagine a world in which that would be.
03:22:26 Something I would even think about without getting nauseous. You know what I mean? It's so it's it's a difficult thing for me to understand. And and I think it it it really I think the easiest thing is just it's mental illness. It's that's the way it is.
03:22:44 Let's take a.
Speaker 2
03:22:45 Look at rumble.Speaker 43
03:22:47 It's.Devon Stack
03:22:49 We got red pilled.03:22:52 That says thank you for your work, Devin. Well, I appreciate.
03:22:55 That.
03:22:57 And we've got.
03:23:01 Crew Jones, 43.
03:23:04 Crew Jones, 43.
Speaker 28
03:23:35 That will keep him busy.Speaker 51
03:23:37 For a while.Devon Stack
03:23:40 And you guys like I'm. I'm going to make some. I'm going to make some new.03:23:45 Little little hyper chat animations. I found this. It's like a marriage. It's like a marriage.
03:23:52 Of the old wookies.
03:23:54 And the.
03:23:57 I'd like to return this duck if you can imagine that. I found like a. Well, you'll see. You'll see. Crew Jones, 43. Says. Hey, dad, thanks. With stream, having lived in DC and some of your music proclivities, did you ever frequent 930 club?
03:24:16 And ESL, that was a great time in the 2000s, amazing music seemed pretty gay. Now I lived in.
03:24:25 The 2010 well, when did I?
03:24:28 Get out there.
Speaker 26
03:24:31 I no I.Devon Stack
03:24:32 Got up there.03:24:32 No, wait. Because Obama was just getting.
03:24:35 To be president.
03:24:38 No, I didn't. I I worked a lot. And so I didn't really go out much. And when I did it, you know, I.
03:24:42 I basically just.
03:24:43 Went out like Adams Morgan area. I just.
03:24:47 You know and and went with whoever. Like, I just went with with a group of friends or coworkers or whatever. And I never. I I never had, like, a spot. You know what I mean? Like I never had like. Oh, that's my jam. That's my. That's the club. I didn't even know the names of most of these places. I just, you know, I would just walk up and down.
03:25:06 And just go to whatever looked happening at the time so those don't sound familiar. I might have gone to one, but I I that doesn't sound familiar.
03:25:18 And then we got one last one popping in here.
03:25:22 Ham radio expert.
03:25:24 Oh, wait, hold on. We got two more sons of the serpent says lesbians are the first sign of a decaying to sighting.
03:25:32 I don't know if it's the first sign, but it's definitely a sign, ham radio expert says. Every police officer is either a Mexican or.
Speaker 2
03:25:41 A bull ****, or both.Devon Stack
03:25:44 Or both and judges these days. Increasingly. Yeah. You know, just look in, including the Supreme Court. Speaking of which.03:25:54 We have some bodyke Mexicans on the well. No. Isn't she? Like, what's Sotomayor? Are she because she's Jewish, but also a Mexican? Right? And a bull ****? I don't know. I don't want to make of of of that one. But, you know, she she checks a lot of boxes.
03:26:11 Off.
03:26:12 All right guys.
03:26:13 Well.
03:26:15 Like I said, it was kind of a long one.
03:26:18 We're at about 3 1/2 hours.
03:26:21 Appreciate the support there. We'll get. We'll get uh Part 3.
03:26:26 And then I think that's in terms of like the gayness with the 90s.
03:26:31 That's about as much as we need to do. I mean it's I think I've made my case already, but we'll we'll really hammer it home.
03:26:39 In part three, and then we'll move on to something else. And you know, I might even do something else on Wednesday just to kind of mix it up a little bit, because I just, there's only so much 90s gayness you can handle at a time.
03:26:56 Like you know, I was doing like Pat Con and stuff like that. I think I was taking break breaks in between streams every once a month goes just too much. It's too much where you focus like a laser beam on one thing, especially when it's like ******** in the 90s, it's like, uh.
03:27:10 There was so much of it, there was so.
03:27:12 Much of it.
03:27:13 But anyway, I hope you guys all have a great rest of your weekend and I appreciate the support and appreciate you guys coming out here for us and make sure you like and share it.
03:27:24 That's why we're going to get this out and share on all your social media, retweet the tweets or re gab, the gabbs and your share it on Telegram other than that.
03:27:38 For black pilled.
03:27:41 I am of course.
03:27:52 Dennis tag.
Speaker 22
03:27:55 Do you like this top? So gay. Really. Yeah. It's totally gay.03:28:01 You know, you really shouldn't say.
03:28:03 Yeah. Say what? We'll say that something's gay when you mean it's bad. It's insulting. What if every time something was bad, everybody said. Ah, that's so girl wearing a skirt as a top because they're cute jeans, though. When you say that's so gay, do you realize what you say?
03:28:24 Knock it off.
Speaker 51
03:28:26 All right. We continue now with our great Great American panel, right. So we were debating the issue of taxpayers or healthcare companies now being forced to provide birth control for people.