
INSOMNIA STREAM: THE GAY 90's part 3.mp3

Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Zero.
00:00:03 628-866-2886.
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00:00:32 26319.
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00:00:56 80120.
00:01:01 78362.
00:01:06 78362.
00:01:11 37425.
00:01:15 37.
Speaker 2
00:02:19 Hi.
Speaker 3
00:02:40 Fire.
Speaker 4
00:02:58 Got this thing.
Speaker 5
00:04:02 Flyer.
Speaker 6
00:04:17 I am too sexy for my love. Too sexy for my love, love going to leave.
00:04:42 For my shirt, too sexy for my shirt. So sexy it hurts and I am too sexy for men that we form a land your can't chapan.
Speaker 7
00:04:51 You're sexy.
Speaker 6
00:05:04 I am too sexy for your party. Too sexy for your party? No way. I'm just going dancing.
00:05:12 I'm a model. You know what I mean? And I do my little turn on the catwalk. Yeah, on the catwalk. On the catwalk. Yeah, my little turn on the catwalk.
Speaker 8
00:05:14 In.
Speaker 6
00:05:44 Too sexy for my car. Too sexy.
00:05:47 Cartoon sexy by far, and I'm too sexy for my hat. Too sexy for my hair.
00:06:00 Model. You know what I mean? And I do my little turn on the catwalk. Yeah, on the catwalk. On the catwalk. Yeah, I shake my little turn on the catwalk.
00:06:24 My.
00:06:26 Fred Meyer.
00:06:31 Marble. You know what I mean? And I do, my little turn on the catwalk. Yeah, on the catwalk.
00:06:40 On the catwalk. Yeah. Eyes shaking. My little on the catwalk.
Speaker 7
00:06:44 Captain.
00:06:48 I am.
00:06:50 All my cats too sexy for my cat or for SAT or Pussycat. I'm and my love, my love.
Speaker 6
00:07:05 For this song.
Devon Stack
00:07:15 Welcome to the insomnia stream, the Gay 90s Part 3 edition, because apparently people need a Part 3.
00:07:24 I wasn't going to do a part three as I thought I'd made my case for the 90s being super **********.
00:07:32 And then Andrew Tate apparently tweeted something. I don't I I I I looked for the tweet and I just got bored of looking at pictures of Andrew Tate because that's all he tweets out.
00:07:42 But it was like blah blah, blah, 90s, good blah, blah, blah, 90s. Awesome.
00:07:48 And it's like people don't understand. No, all the rot that you're seeing today.
00:07:55 The 90s was just the prologue.
00:07:58 You know it's it's like.
00:08:01 It's like the 90s was was like in fact, that's when it came out the 90s was like episode one of Star Wars.
00:08:10 It was way gayer than the normal Star Wars, in a way.
00:08:16 There we go. It was just it was. It was just. It was a super gay decade. In fact, this is when all this gay **** really came out in the open. This is when everyone came out of the closet. This is when gay became mainstream.
00:08:30 Oh, but at least they weren't going after the kids yet. Really. Really.
00:08:37 Really. Keep thinking that you.
00:08:38 Won't by the end of this stream.
00:08:42 So anyway, I'm your host. Of course Devin Stack. Now. If I said that already, I forget sometimes.
00:08:48 I turned off my AC just for you guys because I haven't figured out how to I have to fix the audio where I'm at now.
00:08:55 It's it's that time of year.
00:08:58 I had the dusted off. I've been suffering. It's been 85° inside the house for a couple weeks.
00:09:05 Which actually that sounds terrible, but.
00:09:07 It's not as bad in the desert.
00:09:10 Usually like a fan will take.
00:09:11 Care of that? It's not so bad.
00:09:13 But it was starting to get.
00:09:14 A little starting to get a little much.
00:09:17 But it's too loud. It's too close.
00:09:20 To where I'm at so.
00:09:22 I'll have to figure that out, I'll.
00:09:24 I'll get the audio situation figured out, or I'll just suffer through.
00:09:29 Boiling hot streams.
00:09:31 It will keep me fresh. Keep me ******.
00:09:35 Anyway I.
00:09:37 Demographically replaced. What was it all together? I think it.
00:09:41 Was like 15 or 16 high.
00:09:44 That was that was some nonsense.
00:09:48 If you have to wear, tell you what. It's 85 inside. It's like 95 outside.
00:09:54 You're wearing a bee suit, which is basically it's a ventilated space suit.
00:10:00 In the 95° heat.
00:10:03 While about 50,000 bees are trying to kill you.
00:10:07 While you're sifting through them trying to find their their mom so you can squish her.
00:10:14 It was a it.
00:10:15 Was a. It was a.
Speaker 10
00:10:16 Little much. It was a.
Devon Stack
00:10:17 Little much, but I'll tell you what those little *******.
00:10:19 I don't know where they were getting this hunt this this nectar from, but they made some really good honey.
00:10:26 I was able to harvest from one just from 1 hive. I got probably a good 40 lbs already and some of that was probably leftover from last year because I didn't take any honey from them last year but.
00:10:36 A little taste and it was it was really good. It was.
00:10:39 Kind of almondy.
00:10:41 But I don't think.
00:10:42 There's any almond trees around, so I don't know why it tasted like that, but it was really good.
00:10:48 Anyway, that's all done. All the major bee stuff.
00:10:53 Is hopefully done for the spring.
00:10:58 I'll have to start throwing honey supers on the different hives, and now that the the nectar flow has begun, spring is definitely here. Though it sucks. Yeah, it's like it was really windy today. People don't think about stuff like this. I mean, I didn't think about stuff like this until I had to deal with it.
00:11:18 Bees will get.
00:11:20 Pollen and nectar, you know from flowers and and trees and flowers on trees, I guess.
00:11:28 But if it there's a wind storm right in the middle of when there's lots of pollen. What you guys have seen it, right? You've got. You've gone out, like, during this this time of year, you've walked outside and there's just, like a.
00:11:40 A fine coat.
00:11:42 Of yellow powder on your car.
00:11:44 Well, that's, that's all Paul and the bees aren't going to get now cause it got blown.
00:11:48 Off the ******* tree by the wind.
00:11:50 And so we had a wind storm and it kind of did that. So I I never thought about that. I never was like, oh ****. So I guess that means they don't get it now. It's just on the ground.
00:12:00 So anyway.
00:12:04 Yeah, the game 90s. All right, let's get let's get. Let's dive into this. Let's get started.
00:12:11 Now some of you guys aren't going to be able.
00:12:14 To relate to this.
00:12:15 I'll have to admit, even though I was alive in the 90s.
00:12:20 I didn't watch a single episode of this. This is.
00:12:22 Gonna be more for the ladies.
00:12:24 This first one at least.
00:12:26 This is more for the ladies.
00:12:31 There was a show. It was actually a show you could say in a lot of ways. You know, despite the.
00:12:37 The female target audience.
00:12:39 It really kind of defined the the 90s.
00:12:43 I mean if any show, think of it this way, this was like the show programming white millennial women.
00:12:51 Right before sex in the city kept you know that that that's what they the torch was passed.
00:12:58 To sex in.
00:12:58 The city, once they got into their 20s.
00:13:02 That was the new show before.
00:13:05 Before there was sex in the city.
00:13:08 When they were just young, dumb teenage girls trying to figure out what was cool, what did society think was cool and acceptable?
00:13:17 What kind of facile those norms do I need to to conform to and then enforce on any men that I I want to date see women think they don't have power? They think that.
00:13:29 Ohh and the patriarchy. Ohh you have power.
00:13:32 Congress has the power of the purse, and women have the power of the OK, you guys get it. Anyway, I I I think everyone's familiar with this to some extent.
Speaker 11
00:13:44 Ohh what's that sound?
Speaker 12
00:13:47 Ohh, what is that sound? You know that sound?
Devon Stack
00:14:36 Ohh yes for those.
00:14:37 Of you just listening, wondering what's going.
Speaker 11
00:14:38 On it's 90210.
Devon Stack
00:14:43 91210 all right. See this ***** right here. I don't remember much about 902 went out because like I said, I had testicles. But I did wonder like.
Speaker 13
00:14:57 I was like that.
Devon Stack
00:14:58 90210 isn't.
00:14:59 That show with like the.
00:15:01 The good looking people and then that ugly girl.
00:15:05 Like this. This is the ugly girl.
00:15:08 I find I don't know why I never knew this, but I finally.
00:15:10 Got an answer to that question.
00:15:12 Because even as a as a young boy, I was like, she's way too ugly for this show. Why is she on this?
00:15:19 Because you just, you know, you see the ads or whatever, I mean, cause it was everywhere. The reason one reason why I say it defines the 90s. I think it aired from 1990 to 1999, like it was basically the 90s show.
00:15:33 And we'll find that you'll find out too. Why? Why this?
00:15:37 Unattractive woman was cast.
00:15:41 But first, if you don't understand the the popularity of this show.
00:15:48 The actors would go and do live events like the meet and greet, kind of a thing, right? They'd go to malls because it was the 90s, right? The Cool 90s man. It was the ******* 90s. Yeah, the the 90s, bro. Let me have like a little 90s thing. I think I might have died.
00:16:05 Did I delete it?
00:16:07 I don't think I deleted it.
00:16:09 I might have deleted it because I didn't think I'd have to make another one of these.
00:16:13 ******* things. No, I didn't.
Speaker 14
00:16:14 No problem.
Speaker 15
00:16:18 The 90s my it's the 90s.
Speaker 16
00:16:21 I can be anything I want to be. It's the 90s.
00:16:23 This is the.
Speaker 8
00:16:23 90s the 90s. It's the 90s. Here, you're supposed to.
Speaker 17
00:16:26 Have sex with their children.
Speaker 3
00:16:28 It's the 90s.
Devon Stack
00:16:31 That's right. It was the ******* 90s.
00:16:34 So there were malls anyway. These actors would go to these malls and they had to have like the police there, barricades set up private security because girls were literally and and and EMT's.
00:16:49 Because girls were fainting like it was the ******* Beatles.
00:16:53 Just because these these actors showed up, I mean, here's a I think this is a clip from an MTV interview they were giving. Oh wait, no, this is. We'll get to that here in.
00:17:03 A moment this.
00:17:04 Is a A I think E.
00:17:08 E interview where they were talking about, you know, these are the actors that were in the show. They were talking like, why do you want to be in this show? What makes 90210 not just some stupid high school show? Not just like some sitcom.
00:17:24 Or some, you know, like, you know, millennial high school kid like, oh, we we're we're getting bad grades and we're all slackers like a lot of the high school shows were back then.
00:17:37 You know, like a a live.
00:17:38 Action version of Beavis and.
00:17:40 Butthead kind of a thing.
00:17:42 And they're like.
00:17:42 Well, I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why.
Speaker 18
00:17:45 It's not a high school show at all. It may take place in the high school at certain times, but it's basically most of it's out of the high school and we're dealing with real situations. We're dealing with a lot of controversial issues, which is wonderful.
Speaker 19
00:17:57 I mean, it's been a lot of a lot of issues that I think are very relevant and I think they're doing in a way that it's not preaching, it doesn't knock you over the head, it's it's it's very subtle, you know, in this instance, we're very lucky that we have an intelligent group providers and producers and they're, they're they're trying to make some, some, some following statements.
Devon Stack
00:18:07 Right.
00:18:17 Oh yeah, you have some.
00:18:19 Writers and producers who are subtly trying to make statements they're not hitting you over the head with it like some ham fisted conservative media.
00:18:30 They're just slipping it in there.
00:18:34 They're telling you the story.
00:18:37 And who are these people? Well, the creator of the show.
00:18:41 Darren Starr.
00:18:43 Darren Star, of course, early life.
00:18:46 Darren Starr was a was born to a Jewish family.
00:18:52 He is openly gay, so a gay Jew.
00:18:56 Created 90210.
00:18:59 And who produced it?
00:19:03 Any guesses? Any guesses?
00:19:06 And spelling.
00:19:08 Who, in addition to being the child of Russian Jewish immigrants, well, which which, you know?
00:19:16 Ventuno descended from.
00:19:19 From Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, it's like it's like every ******* time, time we, every, every ***** ** **** media that's out there.
00:19:29 Maybe that's it's it's funny. Tucker did his little tour of Russia to talk about. Oh, it's so nice and clean. Yeah, because all their Jews came here.
00:19:37 Maybe, maybe, maybe we had it wrong, like we were first watched that video. You and you and I were like, oh, you know, because they're only black people. OK, that that has a lot to do with it, too. But but also all your Jews can't, not all of them. But a lot of them came here and they have Jewish Charlie Gard. I get it. Don't.
00:19:52 Get all ******* spergy with me.
00:19:56 You imagine Russia if all those Jews is had stayed there? Holy ****. I mean, just the ones that came here were able to **** this country up in less than a century. Imagine if they just stayed there.
00:20:11 Russia would be a ******* nightmare.
00:20:13 Anyway, here's the answer to my question.
00:20:17 I always wondered how that ugly girl get cast alongside all these good looking girls.
00:20:23 Because this was her dad.
00:20:26 She was the executive producer's daughter.
00:20:29 But my favorite thing about this guy is not only this Wikipedia. You know the early life say he's he's a a a child of Russian Jewish immigrants. I love this little bit. I don't know if you can read it at the age of 8 spelling Psychosomatically lost the use of his legs.
00:20:47 Due to trauma caused by constant anti-Semitic bullying from his schoolmates.
Speaker 20
00:20:58 He lost control of his legs.
Speaker 11
00:21:06 I was gonna find to a bed for a year, for a year.
Devon Stack
00:21:14 But then it says.
00:21:15 Thankfully, he made a full recovery.
00:21:24 Or is it? It's funny, but it's also ****** **. That's the level of Psycho you're dealing with. You're dealing with with the. I'm sure that didn't influence at all, right? I'm sure that it didn't influence at all.
00:21:42 The media he decided to produce, right?
00:21:46 When I was eight, I was bullied so hard my legs stopped working.
00:21:51 My Jew legs gave up the ghost.
00:21:56 When I was eight years old, they holocausto D my legs with anti-Semitism for a year.
00:22:04 I mean I I tried to find it. It's just so stupid. I tried to find like, an interview with him just because they had to get that from somewhere, somewhere. I'm figuring like like it must have been like a book or something. I couldn't find an interview. I just wanted to hear him.
00:22:23 Say it. I just wanted to hear him say, like, yeah, my legs.
00:22:27 Stopped working for a year.
00:22:32 Well, I can't get a bad mom. Why anti-Semitism that these are the psychos we're dealing with.
00:22:43 These are the ******* psychos we're dealing with.
00:22:47 So anyway, the This is why that ***** right here the the one that looks like a ****** now.
00:22:54 That's why she was in.
00:22:56 90210 because that.
00:22:57 Was her dad.
00:22:59 Oh, it all makes sense now. It all makes sense. So anyway.
00:23:06 The problem is back in the 90s, the wonderful 90s, right, the 90s that we all know and love the 90s they undertake wants to go back to.
00:23:17 There weren't a whole lot of television choices. There weren't a whole lot of entertainment choices. The Internet was was pretty. I mean, look, if you were a girl, you just didn't know how to use it.
00:23:27 And so pretty much if you were consuming any kind of entertainment and if.
00:23:32 You're an American.
00:23:34 That means you were.
00:23:36 You were watching television and you had basically 4 networks. Even if you had cable. The good stuff, quote UN quote, was on those four networks. Occasionally you have a breakout hit on the cable network, but the network, I mean, the cable is basically just filler for all the good stuff on the on the normal networks, right.
00:23:55 With a couple of exceptions and.
00:23:58 So this was this was the.
00:24:00 Big thing that everyone watched.
00:24:02 They pulled big *** ******* numbers. In fact, I had it pulled up here. Let me see.
00:24:06 If I can.
00:24:08 Bring it up again. See what I can give you the exact numbers.
00:24:12 I think it was something like 12 million.
00:24:19 They have a ratings section here.
00:24:22 Casting locations broadcast.
00:24:27 Ratings. Here we are. Yeah. They give you an idea.
00:24:31 In season four, that was like their peak, so this would have been 1993.
00:24:38 They they were pulling 21 million viewers.
00:24:44 21 million viewers.
00:24:48 So the percentage.
00:24:50 Of white girls.
Speaker 13
00:24:52 This.
Devon Stack
00:24:53 Watching, you know, teenage white girls, it was probably around 50% of the teenage white girls were watching this this television show. So for.
00:25:01 Those of you.
00:25:02 Who are like, well, it's.
00:25:03 Not relevant, no, that's relevant if.
00:25:04 If like half of.
00:25:05 The the white girls in your country.
00:25:08 Are watching the show it's relevant.
00:25:11 But even like when it was pulling low numbers towards the end 1998, I think they they dipped to about 9 million.
00:25:20 And their last season got down to like 8.3 million.
Speaker 10
00:25:26 But that's still a lot of.
Devon Stack
00:25:27 ******* people. That's a lot. And that's a decade.
00:25:30 They did 10 season 10. Like I said, it spanned the entire 90s.
00:25:35 Ran the season premiere was for the first season was October 4th, 1990.
00:25:42 And the last episode aired May 17th.
00:25:46 The year 2000.
00:25:49 So it spanned the entire 90s.
00:25:52 And pulled in the in the 10s of millions, usually with a low point of of.
Speaker 21
00:25:59 8.3.
Devon Stack
00:26:05 And So what was the what were these messages? What were these subtle, important messages?
00:26:11 Then in the interview, they said that they were planting.
00:26:15 Into these these shows.
00:26:19 Well, let's take a look here now. This episode I believe was season 4. You ought to forgive the ****** quality.
00:26:28 I went to, I tried to find like the entire season.
00:26:32 Of the that this episode aired, in which I'm pretty sure was season four, and that this episode wasn't included. Oddly, I had the only way I found it was it was on daily motion and they had it all zoomed in for maybe to to bypass copyright stuff or something, but it was all.
00:26:51 Craptastic. But you'll you'll get the idea. So in this story, they're in this episode. They've got two stories kind of going on. But the one that we're going to focus on.
00:27:02 Is at this point you know they're they've they've graduated high school because you know.
00:27:08 It's it's season four. They can't be in high school forever. So they they're they're now in college.
00:27:15 And they're joining frats even though, like the actors are like way too old looking, you know to be in to even be in college at this point. So I think they were like in their 20s.
00:27:24 When they were playing high school kids.
00:27:27 And they're going to a. These two characters are they're.
00:27:30 On their way to a baseball game.
00:27:34 And their car breaks down.
00:27:36 And because they're 90s, man, they don't know how to fix cars.
00:27:41 So they're calling up AAA.
Speaker 12
00:27:46 We're never going to make it there on time. Would you relax for 10 minutes from Dodger Stadium? This is the first home game of the season. Do you have any idea what I had to do to get tickets behind home plate? No, but I think you're gonna tell me we're gonna listen. We're not gonna miss it. The auto club will be here. We still got plenty of time.
Speaker 13
00:28:05 Now it's no dial tone. Look, there's a coffee house with a payphone. Let's go.
00:28:16 Listen, why don't you just sit down? All right, I'll go call the tow truck. You order us a cappuccino? I don't want a cappuccino. I wanna dodge.
00:28:23 Your dog alright.
Devon Stack
00:28:31 He starts to look around. He starts to notice.
Speaker 10
00:28:34 Something's weird about this place.
Speaker 22
00:28:38 Can she hate me just?
Speaker 10
00:28:52 Oh my God.
00:28:57 Holy ****, this place is full of.
00:28:58 Target.
00:29:14 Hi.
Devon Stack
00:29:15 Oh, he knows that guy. What's? What's that guy I know?
00:29:18 Doing this ****** place.
Speaker 13
00:29:22 Good news, buddy. Till truck will be here in less than 20. Would you order it? Nothing. Let's get out of here. Steve, we just got here just for, like a minute, OK? It's not going to get here any faster, Steve.
Speaker 23
00:29:35 What's wrong with you? What's wrong with me?
Speaker 13
00:29:38 Don't you see anything strange about this place?
00:29:43 One Brandon, we're sitting in a gay coffee house.
00:29:54 You know, it's funny. It doesn't really look any different, except if it's all guns in here, right?
00:29:59 So let's get out of here before any even get any.
00:30:01 Ideas. OK, Steve.
Speaker 24
00:30:04 Really. Take it easy.
Speaker 13
00:30:06 I'm not going to, compa, feel over a.
Speaker 25
00:30:07 Cup of coffee.
Speaker 23
00:30:15 500.
Speaker 25
00:30:17 Brian, what is it?
Speaker 24
00:30:19 It's just one of the brothers from the cake house. I thought I was the only one or two.
Speaker 3
00:30:25 And.
Speaker 6
00:30:31 No, not now.
Speaker 24
00:30:33 Looks like he's busy.
Devon Stack
00:30:41 So he's all weirded out by being in a in a gay place, but here the the dynamics.
00:30:46 In this in this show, it's very similar. There's always a social hierarchy, no matter what television show you're watching, especially if it's.
00:30:55 Made for women.
00:30:57 A good example that most people will know that's maybe a little more, a little more modern is like in the office, right? Jim is is the alpha of the office. He's the he's the coolest guy in the office and the lowest person would be.
00:31:15 I don't know, like Dwight or something like that, but you know.
00:31:19 There's there's, like a pecking order.
00:31:21 And so the opinions of the different characters in each show.
00:31:27 Informs the viewer what's acceptable behavior and what's not.
00:31:33 And in this particular show, the guy with the. Let's see here. This guy. He's. He's like the not as cool one. In fact, in real life, he's the one that that got like the fewest girls throwing themselves at him.
00:31:46 When they would.
00:31:47 Go to a mall or something like.
00:31:48 That he's not the the teen heartthrob.
00:31:52 Whereas this guy, this guy was very popular with the ladies, he graced the cover of lots of, you know, Teen magazine issues.
00:32:02 And he's not bothered by it at all.
00:32:05 So he's setting the tone. He's like, yeah, there's some dudes here. Yeah. What are they gonna? They're not gonna try to to fill you up, go over a cup of coffee.
00:32:14 The other funny thing is.
00:32:17 It's a gay cafe.
00:32:19 Now that might seem weird to you, but real men, even in the 90s, didn't drink like espresso and cappuccino, and that was considered kind of gay.
00:32:32 It was considered kind of gay.
00:32:34 Yeah, you'd you'd would drink your coffee.
00:32:36 Black and like that was it.
00:32:39 If you were a man.
00:32:41 And they even make a joke about it later on in the show.
00:32:45 So they're at this gay cafe. He's uncomfortable. He wants to leave.
00:32:49 Someone from his frat house is like, yeah, I know that.
00:32:52 Guy, I thought I was.
00:32:53 The only fagot, but it.
00:32:54 Turns out there's another Fagot cause.
00:32:55 He doesn't know what's going on.
00:32:58 So then they go and meet with their other friends. This is the other teen heartthrob Guy who also doesn't have a big problem with *******.
00:33:07 And they're talking about what, what? What was going on a little bit. But he doesn't want to. He doesn't want to. He wants to be loyal to his friend, brother and not read him out yet.
00:33:17 But this chick here is telling them, hey, we're doing this calendar because they want to make this episode as gay as humanly possible. She's like, hey, we're going to make this calendar to raise money for our sorority or something. And so we're getting men to to strip naked or almost naked, and we're going to take pictures we want.
00:33:37 The the pose for the the calendar and he's like, oh, OK. And of course it's just it's the gay episode. It's the episode that every fagot in the world is going to be tuning into because in addition to all the girls, teenage girls, loving the show, faggs love this show too.
00:33:54 So it's a little fan service, I guess you could say. They're like, oh, yeah, in addition to having the gay episode, we're going to make sure that all these teen heart throbs that you guys like are are shirtless at some point in this in this episode.
00:34:10 So then they get, you know.
00:34:11 Meanwhile, back at the frat house.
Speaker 13
00:34:14 Some guys will do for a little attention.
Speaker 26
00:34:18 Vedic, isn't it? All the babes from the Alpha House checking me out to make sure my box is hitting?
00:34:24 All the right places.
Speaker 13
00:34:26 Where you're at it. Why don't you just walk around campus in a trench?
Devon Stack
00:34:26 I wondered this is Jewish trap.
Speaker 13
00:34:28 Coat and flash, everyone. Hey, that's my specialty.
Speaker 11
00:34:31 Hey, Steve.
00:34:33 How you doing?
Speaker 27
00:34:36 Can I get some cappuccino? No, thanks. You sure you wouldn't like a cappuccino?
Speaker 13
00:34:46 Never touched stuff. Ohh really.
Speaker 24
00:34:49 I I thought I saw you yesterday having a cappuccino.
Speaker 13
00:34:59 Let's get one thing straight.
00:35:01 I have never.
00:35:03 Had a cappuccino.
Speaker 24
00:35:05 He's cheap, it's cool. Look at.
00:35:09 You don't know how great it is. Just to finally realize that I'm not the only one here.
Speaker 13
00:35:16 Are you crazy?
00:35:18 I was on my way to a Dodger game. OK, the car broke down. I was only in.
Speaker 24
00:35:21 Questions.
Speaker 7
00:35:22 There to use the phone.
Speaker 24
00:35:24 OK, so who was the guy?
Speaker 7
00:35:26 Look.
Speaker 25
00:35:27 There's Brenda Walsh.
Speaker 23
00:35:28 And he's not gay either.
Speaker 27
00:35:35 Hey, you're not going tell the other.
Speaker 24
00:35:37 Guys, are you? Hey, Ryan, get over here.
Devon Stack
00:35:43 Here's the other thing I have a problem with.
00:35:45 They always like to frame it like oh, don't out someone. That's the worst thing you can do. You have to let them out themselves in their own time. What? Just let's just say, for instance, especially knowing what we know now, let's say you are in some kind of, I don't know, like maybe not like a frat, but like, maybe, I don't know, maybe I guess because it's a pretty unique situation.
00:36:06 Quite a bunch of guys. You're like living together, living in close quarters.
00:36:11 What if you found?
00:36:12 Child **** on one of their computers.
00:36:18 Is that should you leave that up to him to tell the other guys? Ohh, don't tell anyone.
00:36:25 I'd appreciate if you wouldn't tell anyone that I'm a pedo.
00:36:31 No, it's not the same thing. Ohh isn't it?
00:36:36 Funny how it always leads to that, right?
00:36:41 Now, that argument might have worked in the 90s, right? The whole slippery slope, which by the way is, is kind of ******** because we were we were already kind of all the pedo stuff was already happening like in the 60s and 70s. People just didn't talk about it on in.
00:36:54 Television because they weren't ready for it yet.
00:37:00 Yeah, the Peter stuff was was full on going on in the 90s.
00:37:04 The drag stuff 4:00 on.
00:37:06 Going on in the 90s.
00:37:08 It just wasn't happening on Good Morning America because you weren't ready for it yet.
00:37:13 You had to watch a decade of these.
00:37:15 Shows to be ready.
00:37:15 For it, you know in the 90s.
00:37:19 Everything was good.
00:37:22 When they were just, you know.
00:37:24 Just introducing the ******** to the general population.
00:37:32 So they make it.
00:37:32 Like this big thing. Or don't tell anyone. Don't tell anyone.
00:37:36 I know you found the Kitty **** on my computer, but don't tell.
00:37:38 Anyone that's up, that's my business.
00:37:44 So he gets all embarrassing, like, oh, yeah, don't tell, don't.
00:37:47 Tell the other guys bro.
Speaker 20
00:37:49 Yeah.
Speaker 12
00:37:55 Yeah. What's up? I got a little theory going. Let's see if it pans.
Speaker 26
00:37:58 Out Keith can't face the fact that nobody wants to see him in his.
Speaker 12
00:38:02 Underwear. You ever date Leslie Sumner?
Speaker 24
00:38:06 Yeah, five of the best months of my life.
00:38:09 But you know how Leslie is? She's always moving on.
Speaker 12
00:38:12 See what did I tell you? The only guys they asked are Leslie's old.
Speaker 13
00:38:15 Boyfriends. I don't think so.
Speaker 28
00:38:21 Boo.
Speaker 11
00:38:22 I don't know what to.
00:38:23 Do.
Devon Stack
00:38:25 Should I tell people that he's a pedo?
00:38:29 So he's in, you know, this is like the the sad music kicks in that way. The the teenage girls know it's serious.
00:38:37 Ohh and and.
00:38:38 He's acting like he's he's not gay.
00:38:41 What's going to happen next, I wonder?
Speaker 13
00:38:45 What are you saying, Mike Ryan, the president of your fraternity, is gay.
00:38:51 Why didn't you tell me you saw?
00:38:53 Him in.
00:38:54 I didn't know how to deal with it.
00:38:58 Because I was hoping it wasn't true. Maybe I just didn't want to know about it at all.
00:39:04 The sick thing is he thought I was one too.
00:39:07 Well, you have been known to parade around the campus in women's clothing.
00:39:10 Steve, hey, that was for Hell week and you know it. Don't be so smug. You thought you were gay.
00:39:17 But I'm not. So what's the big?
00:39:18 Deal.
00:39:19 Big Deal is what do I do about the other brothers?
00:39:21 About him.
00:39:25 Ryan expects me to keep a secret.
Speaker 26
00:39:27 So keep it form.
Speaker 13
00:39:31 Don't you think they have a?
00:39:32 Right to know well, if it hasn't been a.
00:39:34 Problem so far? Well, it hasn't been a problem because no one knows.
00:39:38 You know, Steve, you have a real short memory.
00:39:42 Do you remember when you almost got kicked out of the fraternity? Wasn't Mike Ryan one of the first brothers to stand up for you?
00:39:49 Yes. So what are you going to?
00:39:51 Do you're going to call a general meeting? You're going to make a big announcement. You're going to out him in front of everybody. That's a real nice way to repay him.
00:39:59 Wouldn't do then? Well, I'm glad to hear it.
00:40:02 But I will tell you one thing.
00:40:04 He makes one move on me.
00:40:06 One gesture, one look.
00:40:08 You'll regret it.
Devon Stack
00:40:12 Turn, turn, turn.
Speaker 2
00:40:14 He better not try anything with me.
Devon Stack
00:40:17 I'll **** him up again. It's it's don't you owe it to the people who are sleeping in in the room next to them? You know, it's funny. Everyone makes a big deal. Now, a lot of people who, by the way, say gay is fine.
00:40:32 Why? Because they want to go back to the 90s right back when Bell just fagots fine. It was fine. Fagots fine.
00:40:40 Love is love.
00:40:44 These same people will get upset.
00:40:47 Because of a ****** in a girls bathroom.
00:40:51 Well, that's too far. I don't feel safe.
00:40:55 I walk into a girl's bathroom and there's a.
Speaker 10
00:40:57 Man in a dress.
Devon Stack
00:41:00 How is this different?
00:41:03 Really. Tell me how it's different.
00:41:06 In fact, it's almost worse. At least the man on the dress, you know he's a *******.
Speaker 10
00:41:10 Freak.
Devon Stack
00:41:11 You know, to stay away from him.
Speaker 29
00:41:17 Which leads me.
Devon Stack
00:41:17 To another thing, notice how every ******, every single last ****** in the 90s in television and movies.
00:41:25 Is is indistinguishable from a straight person.
00:41:31 Giving you the impression it could be anyone.
00:41:34 What do you think that does to camaraderie among men?
Speaker 8
00:41:38 Yes.
Devon Stack
00:41:41 Imagine now being like a Zoomer.
00:41:44 Well, like half your class is is is is contemplating whether or not they should chop their ******* **** off.
00:41:53 No hugs. All the sun get a little.
00:41:55 Creepy, don't they?
00:42:03 So he doesn't know if he should tell the rest of.
00:42:05 The fret he should.
00:42:07 Obviously.
00:42:11 And this is another reason I what was I just talking about? There were set, you know. Oh, I can't have a I can't have a man in the in the in the girls bathroom.
00:42:23 Well, then what? How is it different than a ****** in a male locker room?
Speaker 20
00:42:28 Watch me. NCAA's.
Speaker 22
00:42:30 For which guy on the floor is me?
Speaker 13
00:42:32 Dream on my brother.
Speaker 27
00:42:34 And go down. We had a shot at.
Speaker 11
00:42:35 The tournament very long.
Speaker 25
00:42:37 Shot saying is next March when I'm back on my legs, I'm going to be in the middle of the.
Speaker 10
00:42:44 Hey, Mike, let's go.
Speaker 11
00:42:45 Hey.
Speaker 27
00:42:47 Any chance we get the tall guy out in?
00:42:48 Court with us. Oh, that.
00:42:49 Wouldn't be fair. That's a.
Speaker 12
00:42:51 Good one. Good leg, very small. You good?
Speaker 25
00:42:54 Hey, don't worry. You can't go to his left.
Speaker 7
00:42:56 Ah.
Speaker 13
00:42:57 Thanks a lot man.
Speaker 24
00:43:02 So I'm going to make sure it working over at all.
00:43:06 The house at 4:00.
Speaker 13
00:43:07 You got talked into that stupid calendar thing too, huh?
Speaker 24
00:43:11 Guess they cut me the weak.
Speaker 12
00:43:12 Moment. Now we can go over there.
00:43:13 Together, man good.
Speaker 24
00:43:15 So Sanders, trying to get himself off the beat list?
Speaker 13
00:43:20 I do believe so, yeah.
Speaker 24
00:43:23 Figured that's why it's been so Moody lately.
Speaker 13
00:43:27 Well, Steve's had a lot on.
00:43:28 His mind.
Speaker 24
00:43:33 He told you, didn't he?
Speaker 13
00:43:36 Yeah, he did. But I'm his best friend.
00:43:43 Listen, Mike, I really don't think you have anything to worry about. Steve takes his fraternity very seriously, and the last thing he wants to do is violate another brother's trust.
Devon Stack
00:43:55 Yeah, because lying to everyone.
00:43:57 Fraternity about being a ****** is not betraying their trust.
00:44:02 Again, how is this different?
00:44:05 How is it different than having a ****** in?
00:44:07 The girls bathroom.
00:44:09 In fact, it's worse.
00:44:12 Because I don't think women are showering.
00:44:14 In the bathroom.
00:44:21 Wonder how we got to today? Well, I'm showing you the 90s.
00:44:31 All those women.
00:44:33 Sticking up for.
00:44:35 For gay rights and March in the Pride parade and stuff.
00:44:37 Like that, they grew up on this stuff.
00:44:42 They're like, yeah.
00:44:44 Yeah, Tad Tad's a bigger man. I don't know what their names are. Tadka bigger man feel like his name should be tad. He looks like a tad.
00:44:54 Ted's cool. He he's OK with ****.
00:44:59 That blonde, curly haired **** that's not as good.
00:45:01 Looking he doesn't. He just he's just.
00:45:05 He's insecure about his sexuality.
00:45:08 He's intimidated by.
00:45:10 By someone that wants to put *** **** ** his ***.
00:45:16 So they decided to go to the the the, the gay photo shoot together for this calendar thing.
00:45:26 Meanwhile, the the not as cool blonde guy.
00:45:30 The the the the girls didn't they didn't want him initially because you have to make sure that the women watching the show know that he's of a lower social status.
00:45:39 They wanted Tad to pose in the in the in the calendar, but he was he was.
Speaker 29
00:45:44 The B list.
Speaker 20
00:45:46 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:45:47 But because he was friends with the the Chads, they were able to twist some arms and and get him in. So he shows up.
00:45:55 And they start making the the other Chad start making fun of him because he he's dressing kind of gay.
Speaker 4
00:46:07 Those are you.
Speaker 26
00:46:08 I think there are. I like I think.
Speaker 27
00:46:09 Those silk.
00:46:10 Those man.
Speaker 26
00:46:11 Don't know the.
Speaker 27
00:46:12 Teddy bears will work too, yeah.
Devon Stack
00:46:12 By the way, this is all this is literally just softcore ***** for the gay people watching.
00:46:18 Only the teenage girls, but.
00:46:21 That, that's, that's all. All this stuff is. That's the the whole episode. Is, is has this **** peppered in there for no reason.
Speaker 26
00:46:28 So tell us the truth, Sanders. Would you have to promise Leslie to get off the?
Speaker 13
00:46:32 B list already give me a break. Does this look like AB?
00:46:35 List body to you.
Speaker 30
00:46:37 Yeah, you're right.
Speaker 26
00:46:38 You look like the poster boy for Queer Nation.
Speaker 13
00:46:45 What's that supposed to?
00:46:46 Mean.
Speaker 26
00:46:47 It means you chose a pretty stunning looking pair of shorts butchy.
00:46:51 Where'd you try them on in?
00:46:52 The closet.
Speaker 13
00:46:55 Information. I didn't choose these.
00:46:57 They were given to me.
Speaker 26
00:46:59 He's very sensitive.
Speaker 13
00:47:03 Give it a rest.
Devon Stack
00:47:11 And it's always of course.
00:47:12 It's always the blonde Aryan guy, right?
00:47:16 It's always the blonde Aryan guy that's got a problem. In fact, there was probably a guy that looked just like this.
00:47:24 That made Aaron's spellings legs not work when he was eight years old.
Speaker 26
00:47:28 Ohh, now those are fabulous. Doesn't she look fruity party?
Speaker 24
00:47:34 If you're so busy looking.
Speaker 13
00:47:35 For fruits, why don't you look in a market a little?
Speaker 26
00:47:37 Closer to home, you're calling me a pervert?
Speaker 7
00:47:40 Not talking about you.
Speaker 26
00:47:43 Woman. Who are you talking about?
Devon Stack
00:47:49 Dun Dun Dun.
00:47:51 And let's slip out that their fraternity president is a ******.
00:47:59 All the frat boys.
00:48:02 Because there's no Hamas.
00:48:05 Or Palestine.
00:48:08 Protest to go wave Israel flags at.
00:48:13 There you go. Let's, let's go. Let's go smear some queers.
Speaker 26
00:48:17 Find another pin out.
Speaker 22
00:48:19 Come on, you guys don't do this to me.
Speaker 27
00:48:21 What's the matter?
Speaker 26
00:48:22 You know damn well what's the matter. You.
Speaker 13
00:48:24 Make me sick. Mike already found out. How'd that happen?
00:48:34 Mean how hard he is.
00:48:37 Man, just kind.
Speaker 24
00:48:38 Of slipped. What do you mean it just?
Speaker 13
00:48:38 Look down.
Speaker 2
00:48:39 Slipped out. I thought you said they.
Speaker 13
00:48:41 Could trust him. Come on, man, it's your own damn fault. You've.
00:48:44 Been lying to everyone. Why the hell you still in?
Speaker 24
00:48:46 The closet anyway, because of bigots like you.
Speaker 10
00:48:52 Thanks. Thanks for ruining my life.
Devon Stack
00:49:03 Cue the sad music. The concerned look. Maybe I did something wrong.
00:49:09 Probably cut to a commercial for.
00:49:13 I don't know.
00:49:15 Acne medicine and tampons.
00:49:21 Later, they're at the.
00:49:23 The not gay cafe.
Speaker 25
00:49:27 You don't know what's going on.
Speaker 13
00:49:28 And I don't like being mistaken for.
00:49:29 Being gay, Steve, I really don't think that anybody is doubting your head or sexuality.
00:49:36 Ohh yeah. Well Ryan, did everyone else know? Coffeehouse did.
00:49:40 Steve, that's weak.
Speaker 22
00:49:43 So now your masculinity is secured for another 24 hours.
Speaker 3
00:49:46 And we don't have calendar.
Speaker 13
00:49:47 Well, I'm sorry about that, OK.
Devon Stack
00:49:51 Ohh God, it's the ugly girl. It's the girl that doesn't belong on the show.
00:49:57 She's so ugly when she talks. I don't even hear words. It's.
00:50:00 Just like woah, woah, woah woah woah woah.
00:50:02 Woah, actually she's Jewish. It's like.
00:50:06 It's like, how are you on the show?
00:50:10 Ohh Daddy, I want to be on TV. OK honey.
00:50:16 I'll get the glam back for making my legs not work.
00:50:22 But they always, yeah, it's. It's the same argument, right? Oh, yeah. Well, yes, they do. They do that now. Maybe not so much, huh? Cause now masculinity is bad.
00:50:31 So no, I guess they can't use that argument, they can't say.
00:50:35 Oh, you're insecure about your masculinity now. They don't even want you to be masculine or secure about it, certainly.
00:50:44 They want you to be insecure about your masculinity.
00:50:49 And you know what? They're not 100.
00:50:50 Percent wrong. It's just.
00:50:52 It's not. It's it's feeling secure about your masculinity.
00:50:57 It's like men need to feel secure about the masculinity of their group.
00:51:05 You know when women want men.
00:51:08 They'll go chop off heads for them.
00:51:12 Well, we can't go chop off heads for them.
00:51:15 If half of us are *******.
00:51:19 If you can't depend on a dude.
00:51:22 Because he's a ******.
00:51:25 And men know this instinctively. We know this.
00:51:28 That's why weak kids get bullied.
00:51:32 So why ******* used to get bullied?
00:51:36 Because they're a threat.
00:51:38 To the security of the tribe.
00:51:42 So you're you're.
00:51:43 In essence, you're like the the big thing is, oh, these kids are getting bullied into suicide. Well, it was kind of what that was the that was what we're trying to do.
00:51:55 Yeah, maybe not explicitly, but you know.
00:51:59 Problem solved, right?
00:52:02 You ever think that maybe that was a a natural defense?
00:52:10 I'm going to use AB metaphor.
00:52:15 I know it kind of works, but I don't care.
00:52:20 In in a beehive, when they sense that the the Queen.
00:52:24 Has become weak and old.
00:52:27 She she's shooting blanks.
00:52:30 A lot of her eggs are not fertilized. She's running out of out of the ability to to reproduce.
00:52:39 They bully her. They bully her.
00:52:41 They bite her, they sting her.
00:52:44 And eventually kill her.
00:52:46 And replace her.
00:52:52 I think I think.
00:52:53 Lots of animals have similar mechanisms.
00:52:55 You have a weak.
00:52:56 Link in the in the group.
00:53:00 That could be that could spell disaster for the survivability of the entire.
00:53:04 Group.
00:53:07 Anyway, let's see what this. Oh, God. Sorry. I can't. I can't keep on this.
Speaker 31
00:53:11 See if I just don't get it, why don't.
Speaker 17
00:53:13 You become so.
Speaker 4
00:53:13 Homophobic.
Speaker 11
00:53:14 I am. I don't.
Devon Stack
00:53:16 And then the homophobic.
00:53:20 Ohh, you're homophobic. That was the new word.
00:53:26 The masterful, masterful distortion of language.
00:53:32 The reason why that was great marketing.
00:53:36 Our enemies, a lot of things.
00:53:39 But bad at language is not.
00:53:40 One of those things.
00:53:44 If you imply.
00:53:46 That someone's homophobic.
00:53:50 You're implying they have an irrational fear.
00:53:55 Are *******.
Speaker 8
00:53:57 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:53:59 Now.
00:54:01 Obviously.
00:54:03 For a man, a masculine man.
00:54:07 Who doesn't want ******* in his tribe and his group?
00:54:11 The last thing he wants to express is weakness.
00:54:16 Express some kind of fear of someone that he views as lesser, as as.
00:54:23 As feminine.
00:54:25 So he's going to immediately respond negatively to that.
00:54:30 And say no, no, I'm not afraid of that ******.
00:54:34 Well, you should be.
00:54:38 Not in the sense that you think he's going to rape you necessarily.
00:54:43 But because he's going to bring down your civilization.
00:54:47 See, it's not an irrational fear.
00:54:57 That's instinct telling you that something's wrong with this person.
00:55:03 That's the same sense that the bees are getting now. Something's wrong with our queen.
00:55:11 When you get rid of her.
00:55:15 So use this term that immediately is going to.
00:55:18 Make people.
Speaker 10
00:55:21 Say no. No, that's that's, that's that's.
Devon Stack
00:55:24 Insane to to.
00:55:26 To say I'm afraid of this guy, I'm not afraid.
Speaker 13
00:55:35 I am not homophobic.
Speaker 3
00:55:37 Now you just don't want to know them or have anything to do with them.
00:55:42 Right.
Devon Stack
00:55:42 Right.
00:55:46 Thanks for clarifying that.
00:55:50 But you see, the pretty girls well, girl.
00:55:57 Is now shaming the man. And look this these kinds of conversations would happen in high school. I witnessed conversations like this.
00:56:06 You have friend groups.
00:56:09 Young men making fun of ****, making fat jokes, maybe picking on a fat kid.
00:56:15 And the girl in the group trying to shame them.
00:56:21 That's unacceptable. That's not cool, guys.
00:56:24 If you want to get in these pants, you better stop talking like that. And I didn't say that, but that was the implication.
Speaker 13
00:56:35 Look, I'll go back to the keg house to smooth things over for you, OK?
Speaker 4
00:56:40 Yeah.
Devon Stack
00:56:42 Yeah, you better.
00:56:44 You better.
00:56:48 I like how it's called the K house. I wonder.
00:56:50 What that stands for?
00:56:52 So then they throw in race mixing for no reason. The the B story is this guy. It starts to like like fall in love with his piano blind piano teacher or something. I don't know. And the ugly girl that that loves him is jealous because.
00:57:11 She's ugly and uglier than a blind piano teacher, apparently.
00:57:17 And so she she she has a a black guy come to make him jealous.
Speaker 25
00:57:29 Sean, hi, how you doing?
Speaker 31
00:57:32 It's done already.
Speaker 13
00:57:38 Yeah, that's right. You're doing the calendar thing. Yeah, sure. Come on.
Speaker 23
00:57:41 In.
Speaker 13
00:57:45 Hey, it's really cool of you to help Donna.
00:57:47 Set up tonight.
Speaker 25
00:57:48 No, I'm taking her out.
00:57:53 Hi.
Speaker 3
00:57:57 Ohh, the shotgun. They're beautiful.
Speaker 24
00:58:02 Glad you like.
Numbers Lady
00:58:04 Oh, deshaun. You know David, my roommate.
Speaker 25
00:58:13 Donna, what are you?
Speaker 7
00:58:13 Doing.
Speaker 16
00:58:15 You put these.
00:58:16 In water, but Sean and I really.
00:58:17 Have to get going.
Speaker 22
00:58:18 Enjoy the recital.
Devon Stack
00:58:26 Toll to be paid in T minus anyway, that's just randomly thrown in there of course.
00:58:32 Oh, look at the big black guy. Go out with the big black guy and love *******.
Speaker 13
00:58:41 So your line work things out.
Speaker 26
00:58:46 Why don't you go ask him yourself?
Devon Stack
00:58:59 Ohh. Hate crime. Hate crime. They painted his door pink.
Speaker 15
00:59:04 Ah.
Speaker 10
00:59:05 Suck at it.
00:59:05 I get.
Devon Stack
00:59:08 And now he's being shamed. Everyone knows he's a.
00:59:11 Fad. What are?
Speaker 13
00:59:12 You.
Devon Stack
00:59:12 Doing and they're.
00:59:13 Bowing him out of the frat? Ohh no.
Speaker 24
00:59:14 What's it look like I'm doing?
Speaker 13
00:59:17 Come on, Mike, it's a stupid prank. Sure, the guys didn't really mean anything by it.
00:59:21 Anyway. Yeah, right.
Devon Stack
00:59:26 Well, they should have.
00:59:28 This is called the healthy immune system.
00:59:31 This was the behavior. Why would they frame this? Why would they create a scenario like this if this wasn't the sort of thing white men were doing to exclude?
00:59:43 People that were dangerous to the society.
00:59:52 I mean, it's a little gag. It's it's, you know.
00:59:54 Weird Jewish fiction, but.
00:59:57 You know, written literally, written by gay Jews.
01:00:03 But yes, you wouldn't. It would be unacceptable, especially for your front President to be a ******.
01:00:09 And you'd be shamed and bullied.
01:00:11 Out of the fret.
01:00:12 Or at a friend group or.
01:00:13 Out of whatever, right?
01:00:20 At least you would before the 90s. The awesome ******* 90s that that we have to get back to.
01:00:26 Ohh problem.
Speaker 11
01:00:28 Come on. Fulfills the 90s man.
Speaker 15
01:00:30 The 90s mine, it's the 90s.
Speaker 16
01:00:33 I can be anything I wanna be. It's the 90s. This is.
01:00:35 The 90s.
Speaker 3
01:00:36 90 the 90s.
Speaker 8
01:00:36 It's the 90s, parents.
Speaker 17
01:00:38 Are supposed to discuss sex with their children.
Devon Stack
01:00:43 It's the 90s.
01:00:45 Everything was changing.
01:00:49 So he tells them you.
01:00:50 Know I'm. I'm out of here. You. You.
01:00:52 You outed me.
01:00:54 And he feels bad.
01:00:56 You know this guy's like. ****. What did I do? I must make amends.
01:01:01 And and and get forgiveness from the Fagot. So he goes to instead of the the gay cafe he goes to.
01:01:07 A gay bar.
01:01:08 To track him down and to apologize.
Speaker 20
01:01:31 I don't want to go back to the mountains.
Speaker 13
01:01:45 Do you guys mind if I join you?
Speaker 24
01:01:50 Do whatever you want.
Speaker 13
01:01:55 See you later.
Speaker 24
01:02:02 So.
01:02:05 What's the problem? More car trouble, Mike?
Speaker 13
01:02:10 I was hoping I'd.
Speaker 24
01:02:10 Find here. Has she done enough damage already?
Speaker 13
01:02:14 I didn't come to do any more damage. OK? I just wanted to.
Speaker 25
01:02:14 You.
Speaker 13
01:02:17 Talk to you.
Speaker 24
01:02:20 I think my friend Gary had the right idea. Just cut your losses and run. It's nothing worse than if somebody say I told you so.
Speaker 13
01:02:30 You mean about the fraternity?
Speaker 24
01:02:34 Gary always accused me of wanting to have it both ways because I always accused him of being afraid to venture outside of Boys Town. So.
Speaker 13
01:02:44 It's Gary.
01:02:46 It's good friend of yours.
01:02:49 Ohh did I say something wrong?
Speaker 24
01:02:53 For a few months.
01:02:55 Gary was my boyfriend. He was the first one I ever had.
01:03:01 That I still got fed up with me. I never wanted us to do anything. I was always afraid if we went somewhere, I might run into someone.
Speaker 13
01:03:04 What happened?
Speaker 24
01:03:19 And how the dance like?
01:03:22 How you doing?
Speaker 13
01:03:25 Not exactly, but I had this girlfriend, Celeste, and I really screwed that up.
Speaker 24
01:03:36 Did you keep her separate from the rest?
01:03:37 Of your life.
Speaker 13
01:03:41 That was a big part of it.
Speaker 24
01:03:46 There we go. There. More like when we realized.
Devon Stack
01:03:53 And that was the other message pushed in the wonderful 90s.
01:03:57 Thanks. Are just like you.
01:04:01 Not only do they look just like you, they sound just like you. They have the same. You wouldn't know they were, but ******* if they didn't tell you.
01:04:11 After all, who cares if they're but *******?
Speaker 28
01:04:14 Doesn't really matter. Too grown consenting adults doing whatever they want to do is is their business.
Devon Stack
01:04:24 So about ******* shouldn't be a problem either.
01:04:27 There's literally no difference between the two of you.
01:04:32 Except for you like to **** vaginas and and they like to **** ********.
01:04:37 Is that such a big difference?
01:04:40 Huh. I guess. I guess we're more alike than I realized.
01:04:44 I got to think about this.
01:04:47 Maybe I've made a terrible mistake.
Speaker 13
01:04:50 Don't you at least owe it to yourself to stand up to these guys?
Speaker 24
01:04:53 What one man against the mob?
Speaker 25
01:04:55 No, not one man. I'll stand there with you. I'll stop.
Devon Stack
01:05:02 Tan there with you?
01:05:07 Together, we will form the Triforce of Gayness.
01:05:11 And defeat the frat brothers.
01:05:14 And so again, the 35 year old Aryan guy that's in the front is calling a meeting.
01:05:24 Because they want to eject the gay president.
01:05:29 And this is the big, big, big scene. This is the big scene. This is the big.
01:05:34 Big climax to the show.
Speaker 26
01:05:39 So from now on, whenever they refer to us as a Jock House.
01:05:44 It's going to have a whole new meaning.
Speaker 7
01:05:47 No.
Speaker 26
01:05:50 I see you guys got to think about the.
01:05:51 Future.
01:05:53 What kind of pledges are we going to attract? Who's going to show up to join a gay fraternity?
Speaker 10
01:05:58 ******.
Speaker 11
01:06:00 And what about?
Speaker 26
01:06:01 Our alumni, we can't survive without their donations.
01:06:05 What's going to happen when they realize what this fraternity's turned into?
01:06:09 I think the choice before us is pretty clear.
01:06:13 The motion has been made and seconded.
01:06:16 I say it's time for a.
Speaker 13
01:06:17 Vote wait just a second, Artie.
01:06:20 This deserves more discussion.
01:06:23 This might get a chance to defend himself.
Speaker 26
01:06:26 Since one of you and Ryan gotten so.
Speaker 13
01:06:27 Chummy, speak, Artie. We have to hear both sides.
Speaker 20
01:06:28 But.
Speaker 26
01:06:33 Anybody have any objections?
Devon Stack
01:06:39 I'm a 90s man. What Shorty has to say.
Speaker 23
01:06:40 OK, Ryan.
Speaker 26
01:06:42 The floor is yours.
Speaker 24
01:07:02 When I first came here today, I.
01:07:06 I thought I was going to apologize.
01:07:09 For being so dishonest with you guys.
01:07:12 See, I didn't think that I could trust you to see that I am still the same person.
01:07:20 I've always been.
01:07:23 The man you elected president. And then I started thinking about some of the brothers and the history of this fraternity.
01:07:33 And I realized I was selling you guys short.
01:07:38 I thought about.
01:07:40 The first African American pledge that.
Devon Stack
01:07:42 Ohh boy, look at that. That didn't take long.
Speaker 24
01:07:42 Dared to challenge this.
Devon Stack
01:07:49 So that was the. That was the trick. Hey, we already tricked the Gorham into accepting black people in our society.
01:07:59 Accepting diversity, what's one more type of diversity?
01:08:07 What's one more type? I mean, diversity by definition means the.
01:08:11 More the merrier.
01:08:16 If diversity is good.
01:08:18 Than anything different is good.
01:08:28 Isn't that what you want in a population as many mutations as possible?
01:08:40 As little as little solidarity as possible.
01:08:47 Nothing in common with each other.
01:08:49 Isn't that what makes you strong?
01:08:53 Being completely unable to relate to everyone around you.
01:09:02 Embracing differences, even when those differences are civilization ending.
01:09:17 Hey it already worked. It worked on the Boomers, right?
01:09:22 It's it's the 90s.
01:09:25 By the 90s, we already convinced white people that having blacks in your society wasn't going to be bad at all.
01:09:32 I mean, for Christ sake.
Speaker 10
01:09:33 They they they invented peanut butter.
Devon Stack
01:09:44 Didn't you know a ****** cracked like the Enigma code or something? I mean, it's how. How can we not have these ****?
01:09:53 In our society.
01:09:56 So it's just like when we let the first black people in.
Speaker 24
01:09:59 The first African American pledge that dared to challenge this fraternity's color line.
Devon Stack
01:10:04 Hey, they dare. It was courage. They're brave, stunning and brave.
01:10:13 Which, by the way, makes you the coward.
01:10:20 Right. You know, that's the whole homophobia thing, right? You have an irrational fear. You're just afraid of change.
01:10:28 You should ignore those instincts that took 10s of thousands of years.
01:10:33 To accumulate inside your brain.
01:10:36 The survival instincts that have kept your bloodline alive.
01:10:40 Generation after for thousands of generations.
01:10:49 That that voice in your head saying this is wrong tell.
01:10:52 It to shut up.
01:11:03 Let black people in.
Speaker 24
01:11:05 And now we take it for granted.
01:11:07 I thought about the first Hispanic brother.
Devon Stack
01:11:09 And Mexicans, that's not a problem.
01:11:14 Just letting them know the Mexicans.
01:11:17 That's not going to be bad.
Speaker 10
01:11:22 Right.
Devon Stack
01:11:24 That's fine.
Speaker 24
01:11:29 And I thought.
01:11:29 About the first Jewish brother and the first Asian American brother.
Speaker 10
01:11:33 Ohh boy. Wow.
Devon Stack
01:11:40 I like Kelly, didn't pause too long on the Jewish one. He was just like in.
01:11:43 The.
01:11:43 Jewish and the Asians.
01:11:44 So before before you can even think about the Jewish one were like, wait a second. The the Jews it's it's talking about Asians and most white people like oh.
01:11:52 He's all right, guys.
01:12:05 So what's what's wrong with ********?
01:12:08 You let black people in your society. Why can't you let ******** in?
01:12:12 OK.
Speaker 24
01:12:14 And then I realized it.
01:12:17 The problem isn't really about me being gay.
Devon Stack
01:12:20 It's you guys being ********.
Speaker 24
01:12:22 The problem is about people.
01:12:25 Being afraid of what they don't know.
Speaker 26
01:12:27 Yeah. Well, what I want to.
01:12:28 Know is how can you.
Devon Stack
01:12:29 So it's fear.
01:12:31 You're you're you're just xenophobic. You're homophobic, you're xenophobic.
01:12:37 You're afraid of change.
Speaker 26
01:12:48 Compare yourself to them.
01:12:50 You're talking about race.
01:12:52 I'm talking about sex. Sex with another guy.
Speaker 13
01:12:58 Party. This isn't about race, and it isn't about sex.
01:13:04 It's about brotherhood.
01:13:07 About loyalty, something you guys pay a lot of lip service to.
01:13:13 Is that all it is? Lip service slogan on a plaque. A secret handshake.
Speaker 12
01:13:20 Is that what we're talking about here? Because if it is.
Speaker 13
01:13:24 And this fraternity and everything it stands for is a joke.
Speaker 7
01:13:29 It's a joke, man.
Devon Stack
01:13:31 Just like this country.
01:13:35 Talking big game about diversity, but when it cut, when the rubber meets the road, you're just a ******* scared little racist that hates ****.
Speaker 13
01:13:48 I move that we allow Mike Ryan to remain.
Devon Stack
01:13:48 To the inspirational music.
Speaker 13
01:13:50 A fraternity brother.
01:13:54 The move we also keep, Mr. President.
Devon Stack
01:14:01 Music slowly gets louder. The now, somehow diverse crowd of frat boys.
Speaker 20
01:14:12 They've learned their lessons. And then?
Speaker 24
01:14:13 I second it.
Speaker 11
01:14:18 Everybody cloud.
Numbers Lady
01:14:24 Erase the birds.
Speaker 10
01:14:30 How long we're back in the 90s?
Speaker 26
01:14:30 You guys want?
Speaker 7
01:14:32 You can have it.
Speaker 14
01:14:34 Alrighty mate.
Speaker 26
01:14:38 I'll be damned if I'm gonna watch this place.
Devon Stack
01:14:40 Fall apart. It's not.
Speaker 12
01:14:41 Gonna fall apart, Artie. It just isn't, man.
Devon Stack
01:14:43 Yeah, it's it's not good. Everything's going to be fine, right, guys?
01:14:47 Right guys, in 2024 everything turned out.
01:14:50 Fine, didn't it?
01:14:52 He was afraid of. He was afraid of nothing.
01:14:57 It was. It was a totally not it was. It was just homophobia.
01:15:02 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:15:03 Everything's going to be fine, right?
01:15:08 Right. In 30 years, everything's going to be fine.
01:15:19 Following go back to the 90s.
Speaker 20
01:15:22 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:15:23 So of course he.
01:15:26 He stays. He's now the gay president of their frat.
01:15:29 And then they do a montage of.
01:15:33 The the the.
01:15:34 Gay photo shoot.
01:15:36 For the gay audience at home to ***** *** to.
01:15:41 And that's the end. That's literally the end it. It's like, it's literally like gay club music playing while.
01:15:49 Young men are are dancing around in their underwear at A at a like it's long. It's like 5 minutes long of that's all it is.
01:15:59 So that all the all the faggs in the audience who are already cooling after.
01:16:03 That big speech.
01:16:05 Anyone who's left hanging this finishes the job.
01:16:13 Like I said that you you might not have liked this show and you might not. Or maybe you don't. You weren't around because you're too young to remember it.
01:16:22 This was a big show with women. This was a huge show.
Speaker 19
01:16:36 I don't go to malls a lot. I did before and that was a problem sometimes, but I don't.
Devon Stack
01:16:37 It's like the ******* Beatles.
Speaker 5
01:16:44 I don't drive anymore. I'm gonna stay the all time working.
Speaker 20
01:16:46 Anybody.
Speaker 31
01:16:50 I don't know that bothers us at all.
01:16:52 I mean, you know it's it's it's a different thing. The girls are sort of like more wrapped up into it and that's great. That's what they want to do. Just like don't hurt yourselves trying to, you know, get to the guys.
Speaker 3
01:16:52 Fine.
Speaker 31
01:17:03 Because that's pretty stupid. They hurt us, yeah.
Speaker 7
01:17:06 Get to the guys. Tramples over and.
01:17:08 They were like.
Devon Stack
01:17:12 Yeah. So they're literally getting people getting trampled and passing out. They were selling to this show.
01:17:22 So if you if you don't think this little.
01:17:25 Moral display.
01:17:28 Had any influence, you just don't understand.
01:17:31 You don't understand the 90s.
01:17:35 And you know, look, we had two other full on streams about all everything else that was going on, but it's really endless.
01:17:44 It's really endless. I mean, you had.
01:17:45 Roseanne.
01:17:48 Roseanne, who now? We have the Jewish Roseanne Barr.
01:17:52 Who now complains about how you know Rockism has taken over everything?
Speaker 11
01:17:57 Whoa. Walk, walk, walk.
Devon Stack
01:17:58 What? Well, she was instrumental in ushering it in.
01:18:06 This was 1994 or five. This is mid 90s though.
01:18:12 Look at that. Look at that big star David there.
01:18:18 Roseanne, who lowered the standards of what American families should look like on television.
01:18:27 You have a morbidly obese smile and morbidly obese dad.
01:18:32 Pregnant teenage daughter, some kid with like autism or something. She has a lesbian sister. It's like if it's a ******* mess.
01:18:44 It's a ******* mess.
01:18:54 And people could say.
01:18:55 Well, it's just art imitating life.
01:19:01 Isn't that is aren't meant to do that, or is it meant to elevate?
01:19:09 Like when you look at at medieval art, the these these paintings and the cathedrals.
01:19:18 The art that has lasted centuries.
01:19:23 It's not like bad **** wasn't happening back then. It's just that why would you paint that?
01:19:31 Why wouldn't you paint something beautiful?
01:19:35 Why wouldn't you paint something that elevated humans?
01:19:46 Because what is art? If it's not there to inspire?
01:19:51 Well, Roseanne was there to inspire. It was just there to inspire something completely different.
01:20:00 In the same way that the society used to shame *******, they used to shame morbidly obese people.
01:20:08 With poor daughters, they got pregnant as teenagers.
01:20:12 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:20:14 Well now, and this is a.
01:20:16 And mainstream television show on primetime. It's not so bad. Look, it's all just fun.
01:20:28 You shouldn't feel ashamed of that.
01:20:30 Just like you shouldn't be. You know, you shouldn't feel ashamed to being a ******.
01:20:38 You shouldn't feel ashamed of being some white trash.
01:20:43 Mess.
01:20:43 You're a family.
01:20:53 So in this episode of Roseanne.
01:20:58 With her lesbian sister.
01:21:03 Played by a lesbian Jew, you know, Speaking of ugly Jewish women. Jesus Christ. She was the worst. And she was everywhere in the 90s. Sandra bernhardt. Oh, my God.
01:21:15 And she what made what made it worse?
01:21:18 I almost wonder if, like if she was a ******, she might have been a ******.
01:21:24 Because she was so ugly and they would always dress her like a *****.
01:21:29 And it was just like ohh God, it was anyway.
01:21:37 So look at the look at the menorah in the background. There's lots of Jewish imagery all throughout the show. You know, it's supposed to be Christmas time.
01:21:44 In the Midwest, somewhere, apparently, there's so many Jews, they have to have menorahs and star Davids everywhere.
01:21:51 So she starts talking to some guy and.
01:21:54 And comes to realize that this is the fiance of her gay boss.
01:22:05 Now again, I think this was in 95, this is well before any kind of gay marriage was legal.
Speaker 32
01:22:10 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:22:12 There's the 90s right over in the 90s were were.
01:22:14 Awesome, the 90s.
01:22:16 So they make a bunch of jokes.
01:22:18 About it.
Speaker 14
01:22:19 Ohh what in the hell is wrong with you to leave a terrific guy like this at the altar?
Speaker 23
01:22:23 You know, Roseanne, I don't think this really concerns you. I don't know. Why don't you just waddle away, huh? Look crumbs.
Speaker 14
01:22:32 You know, you could do so much better, I mean.
01:22:37 Even in a small town like this one, he is at the very bottom of the homosexual heap.
Speaker 10
01:22:46 Well, that sounds like fun. So Scott.
Speaker 23
01:22:51 Everything worked out all right up.
01:22:53 In Minneapolis, it went fine. My family minister's perfectly willing to make but.
01:22:57 We.
Devon Stack
01:22:57 Do have to fly to Minnesota for a few days of premarital.
Speaker 23
01:23:01 Counseling. No. No. I I can't fly to Minneapolis. I have to meet with the wedding planner. There's still tons of stuff to do.
Speaker 10
01:23:04 What?
01:23:09 Wait a minute.
01:23:10 Maybe Roseanne can work with him. She seems to know everything there is to.
Speaker 21
01:23:13 Know about planning a wedding? No, no.
Speaker 23
01:23:15 No, no, no.
Speaker 10
01:23:16 Roseanne is not to be.
Speaker 23
01:23:17 Trusted with anything that involves cake.
Devon Stack
01:23:23 So we'll throw in some fat jokes or whatever. See, I guess that's and that's what people think of when they think. Ohh, and the Niners, you have to, you could make jokes about faggs and and gay people and black people and fat people and whatever. And it.
01:23:38 Was all in good fun.
01:23:41 No, it was all good fun because.
01:23:42 They were wearing you down.
01:23:45 They are wearing you down to accept this stuff.
01:23:51 And they weren't going after the kids yet, right?
01:23:54 They definitely weren't going after the kids.
Speaker 22
01:23:58 And I'm checking on the male strippers.
01:24:01 I can't stop looking at these guys. They're they're so clean and shiny.
01:24:11 So who's it gonna be? Rod Lancer, Shaft Dan, you got a second? I need you to check on a stripper for me.
Speaker 13
01:24:30 Those aren't strippers. Those are guys.
Speaker 20
01:24:34 What are you guys looking at? Ohh wow. Cool.
Speaker 23
01:24:35 Radial tires.
Speaker 11
01:24:43 Cool.
Devon Stack
01:24:47 Now they do this in the next example that I'm going to show you too.
01:24:52 Well, the father finds out that ohh their son might might be exhibiting gay tendencies.
01:24:58 And he's uncomfortable with it.
01:25:01 So what do they do? They make a joke out of it.
01:25:04 They make it a joke.
01:25:07 Not only do they not want you to be uncomfortable around *******, they don't want you to be uncomfortable with your son. Starts to turn into one.
Speaker 8
01:25:14 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:25:19 Now it's a way more explicit than the next example.
Speaker 13
01:25:23 Why would you look at those pictures and say?
Speaker 22
01:25:25 Cool, because this was my math teacher.
Devon Stack
01:25:32 Ohh it's fine. Ohh thank God it's just his gay math teacher.
01:25:37 But I thought, like all the TikTok Fagot teachers, well, that's that's a new phenomenon really.
Speaker 11
01:25:44 Let's go back to the 90s.
Devon Stack
01:25:46 So Roseanne plans the wedding for these **** and.
01:25:51 It's funny because.
01:25:56 They frame it as if.
01:25:58 What she has done is made this very garish.
01:26:04 Over the top gay wedding.
01:26:08 Right, that she's somehow exploited every gay stereotype imaginable.
01:26:15 In making this fabulous gay wedding.
Speaker 11
01:26:18 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:26:21 When I would say this is, this is ******* tame now and maybe that's what again, it's like, like I said in previous streams, it's not that the 90s were good. It's just that we have stage 4 cancer now and that was stage 1.
Speaker 12
01:26:34 So you, you.
Devon Stack
01:26:35 You could still get out of bed.
01:26:37 You know, you could still get out of bed. You weren't like Aaron Spelling where people had had ruined your legs with any semitism. Yet you can you can get out of bed and walk around in the 90s still.
01:26:48 And you were going to have stage 4.
01:26:50 Everything was coming.
01:26:51 But it was still like, you know, it was like, what's this lump? You didn't know what it was yet you was like, oh, this. I don't like this lump, but yeah, I like. No, it'll go away.
Speaker 14
01:27:02 Wait till you see they main hall.
Speaker 23
01:27:22 Not believe this.
Speaker 10
01:27:26 This this what is this? Is this is what is this?
Speaker 14
01:27:35 They didn't have anything with two brooms, see. So we broke up the bride and then we replaced it with.
01:27:40 Now one of the action here goes from Pocahontas.
Speaker 10
01:27:47 Roseanne, what is all this? It's a gay wedding.
01:27:51 This isn't a wedding, it's a circus. You have somehow managed to take every gay stereotype and just roll them up into one gigantic offensive rose and Michael.
Numbers Lady
01:28:06 Wrong.
Devon Stack
01:28:08 See. Didn't you know? Didn't you watch 90210? Gay people are just like you.
01:28:16 This horror show.
01:28:17 That everyone's laughing at because they don't know this is about to be their reality.
01:28:23 This this just comes from the nightmares of of.
01:28:26 Of crazy people.
01:28:28 This isn't really what it's like.
01:28:31 Right. You're not gonna have a bunch of cross dressers. You're not gonna have a bunch of ******** walking around.
01:28:38 It's not going to be this much of a mockery of of a wedding.
01:28:44 See, look how uncomfortable this gay guy is. It's too gay for him.
01:28:49 You've got it all wrong.
01:28:54 He's just like you. He just wants.
01:28:56 A normal wedding.
01:28:59 So he tries to back out of it and good old Roseanne.
01:29:04 Who's very anti woke these days?
01:29:08 Convinces him to go through with the gay wedding. That again was illegal in all 50 states at the time.
01:29:20 And so they have the.
01:29:23 The gay wedding. You can see the two.
01:29:25 ******** right there.
01:29:28 In the audience, the ****** stuff's not new.
01:29:33 It's not, it's just it's just more in your face.
01:29:36 They knew you couldn't handle it before they knew most people watching this were so unaware of ********, they might not even notice them in the background.
01:29:48 They might just think, though, that's two tall.
01:29:50 Ugly blonde women.
01:29:59 So this is one of the faggs mothers.
01:30:04 And she's very upset by all this. She's one of these people that has a problem with things.
01:30:11 But don't worry, Roseanne sets her straight.
Speaker 14
01:30:14 Are you OK?
Speaker 32
01:30:16 I guess so.
01:30:18 I mean, if if he's happy, then I'm happy. It's just that it's years ago when I pictured my son's wedding, I I certainly didn't have this in mind.
Speaker 14
01:30:32 Yeah, this probably is weird for you being a mom. But you know, I'm sure when you pictured his wedding, you also pictured him marrying somebody that really loved him. And that is what's happening here. You know, love is.
Speaker 32
01:30:44 Loved, I suppose.
Devon Stack
01:30:47 Love is love.
01:30:52 Just ask the pedophiles. Love is love.
01:30:59 So they get gay married.
Speaker 19
01:31:03 They even do a.
Devon Stack
01:31:03 Kiss.
01:31:05 Which would be incredibly shocking.
01:31:08 In fact, it was so shocking. The network aired it an hour later than normal.
01:31:14 To try to limit the amounts of complaints they were, they knew they were going to get going to the FCC.
Speaker 11
01:31:19 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:31:21 From children being exposed to a gay kiss on television, something that's now just in children's cartoons.
01:31:31 I guess that's what they want people want, right? Like it's like the 90s. If you're a ******. ****. Make it an hour later on TV.
01:31:39 That will fix the problem. Just make sure it's an hour later.
01:31:44 Why can't we go back to the 90s when all the ******** was an hour later on TV?
Speaker 23
01:32:01 Man.
Speaker 11
01:32:02 There's the kiss. I was wondering if they were going to do it and they're doing it.
Speaker 10
01:32:09 Yeah, we're going to go at it.
Speaker 14
01:32:11 They are not going at it, Dan. It just happens to be two people of the same sex kissing and there's nothing wrong with that.
Devon Stack
01:32:18 There's nothing wrong with.
Speaker 23
01:32:20 Good.
Devon Stack
01:32:21 Right.
Speaker 28
01:32:22 Doesn't really matter.
01:32:23 Two grown consenting adults doing whatever they want.
01:32:27 To do is is their business.
Devon Stack
01:32:33 And the mom seems to be totally fine now because of Roseanne's little pep talk.
01:32:39 She's now overcome with with good emotions.
01:32:45 Seeing the.
01:32:47 Her son Mary, a ******.
01:32:52 And again, like I said, this is like 90 this probably around 95.
01:32:57 People think ******** are new.
Speaker 10
01:32:58 Here we go.
Speaker 30
01:33:02 I'm I'm going to be married. I'm so excited. I really AM.
Devon Stack
01:33:15 Oh, but it's all a big joke.
01:33:19 Don't worry, these people aren't going to be literally teaching your kids in.
01:33:22 A in a like a decade.
01:33:31 We'll have to go back to the 90s though, right?
01:33:36 So we covered 90210 Roseanne. Let me take a look at the ratings for Roseanne.
01:33:47 See what the ratings were at its peak.
01:33:56 Well, let's see here, Roseanne.
01:34:03 Scroll down, Scroll down, Scroll down, Scroll down, Scroll down, scroll readings.
01:34:09 Now.
01:34:11 You thought 90210 was big.
01:34:15 With its 20 million viewers.
01:34:19 Roseanne and again this would have had to have been 96 or before because it stopped airing in 96.
01:34:29 And ran from late 1988 to 1996.
01:34:35 The first season had 35.8 million viewers.
01:34:45 35.
01:34:47 Almost 36 million viewers.
01:34:52 At the time, the population of America would have been below 300 million. So you're talking about.
01:34:58 A good chunk.
01:35:01 About 15% of the American public watched that show.
01:35:06 Many with their families it.
01:35:07 Was on a prime time.
01:35:17 By the end of it.
01:35:20 He was still and look it and it did close.
01:35:22 To 30 million.
01:35:24 At least every season.
01:35:28 You had thirty 36,000,039 almost 40 million thirty million.
01:35:33 28 point 536.7.
01:35:37 30 point 128.9 and then it ended.
01:35:41 On a on a low 19,000,000.
01:35:45 By 1996, which is why it was.
01:35:50 Slowly taken off the air because the the numbers were there, still big numbers.
01:35:56 Almost almost double what 90210 was doing in some instances.
01:36:03 And that doesn't even count all the syndication. And that goes for 90210 also.
01:36:08 This is just the original air date.
01:36:15 So all these shows.
01:36:17 They get those kinds of numbers the first time they play.
01:36:24 That's what those rating numbers are. So it's not just, oh, thirty million, 40 million people watched the show? No, they just watched.
01:36:31 It that night.
01:36:35 Then you have all the reruns.
01:36:40 They played on TBS for a while. They played on Nick at night.
01:36:44 TV Land oxygen.
01:36:52 Now it's on all the you know, on demand stuff, Netflix.
01:37:03 And the same goes for 90210.
01:37:06 That went into syndication also.
01:37:13 But nothing.
01:37:16 His more 90s.
01:37:19 Or higher rated I'm I'm saying this without I might be wrong. I don't think I.
01:37:23 AM.
01:37:25 Then the next next example we've got here.
01:37:30 The Simpsons.
01:37:35 This aired around the same time mid 90s. This is season 8.
01:37:41 Episode 15, the name of the episode is Homer's phobia.
01:37:48 Give you a little peek into you know, what time period this was? They're making fun of AOL, Very 90s.
Speaker 3
01:38:10 Problem.
Speaker 11
01:38:11 While the Phillies, the 90s man.
Speaker 15
01:38:13 The 90s my it's the 90s.
Speaker 16
01:38:16 I can be anything I want to be.
01:38:17 It's the 90s, it's the 90s.
Speaker 8
01:38:19 The 90s it's the 90s. Parents are supposed to.
Speaker 32
01:38:19 90.
Speaker 17
01:38:22 Sex with their children, 90s.
Speaker 3
01:38:23 It's the.
Devon Stack
01:38:26 Now I asked the 90s.
01:38:28 So in this episode.
01:38:30 Bart destroys their washer or their I guess their dryer.
01:38:36 With the gas line or something and the repair bill is.
01:38:41 Really expensive. So Marge decides to get a family heirloom, which is a Confederate soldier figuring.
01:38:50 And take it down to some collectible shop and sell it to help pay.
01:38:54 For the bill.
01:38:57 And they go to the antiques and collectibles shop.
01:39:02 And the guy who owns the shop is, well, you guessed it.
Speaker 6
01:39:06 Wow.
Devon Stack
01:39:12 And he opens it up and or twist the head off and says no, this is actually a liquor bottle. It's not a priceless heirloom. It's not actually worth anything at all.
01:39:23 And.
01:39:25 Homer is confused because he just thinks that everything in the store is junk. So why wouldn't this junk be worth something?
Speaker 30
01:39:31 OK, so maybe that things a hunk of junk. But look at what you're selling. 50 bucks for a toy. No kidding worth that.
Speaker 21
01:39:39 But this is the Rex Mars atomic discombobulator. Don't you just love the graphics on this box?
Speaker 30
01:39:45 No.
01:39:47 Who can you love a box or a toy or graphic? You're a grown man. It's camp.
Speaker 21
01:39:54 The tragically ludicrous, the ludicrously tragic.
Numbers Lady
01:39:57 Oh.
Speaker 30
01:39:57 Ohh yeah, like when a clown guy.
Speaker 21
01:40:00 Well, sort of. But I mean more like inflatable furniture or Last Supper TV trays or even this bowling shirt. Can you believe somebody gave this to goodwill?
Speaker 30
01:40:12 And that kind of stuff is worth.
01:40:13 Money. Alright. Howdy.
01:40:14 Man, you should come over to our place. It's full of valuable, worthless crap.
Devon Stack
01:40:21 So Homer not.
01:40:22 Knowing that this guy is gay invites him over to their house to.
01:40:27 Take a look and see what kind of.
01:40:30 Collectibles they might have.
Speaker 30
01:40:35 So do those records have camp value?
Speaker 21
01:40:37 Everything here does you yourself are worth a bundle, Homer? Well, I could wrap a bow around you and slap on a price tag.
01:40:37 Yeah.
Speaker 11
01:40:45 Hey, come on, Homer. Join the party.
Speaker 33
01:40:51 John, let's itchy and scratchy as much as we do. Maybe more. Yeah, he collects toy robots, yes.
Speaker 4
01:40:58 Quite a charmer. The fathers certainly taken a shine too.
Speaker 21
01:41:03 Homer, you are The Living End.
Speaker 30
01:41:07 Ohh that John is the greatest guy in the world. We gotta have him and his wife over for drinks.
01:41:13 Sometime.
Speaker 4
01:41:14 And I don't think.
01:41:15 He's married Homer.
Speaker 30
01:41:16 Ohh, swinging Bachelorette. Well, there's lots of foxy ladies out there.
Speaker 4
01:41:22 Homer didn't try and seem a.
01:41:26 Best of deal?
Speaker 30
01:41:27 Couldn't agree more happy as a clam.
Speaker 4
01:41:29 He prefers the company of men.
Speaker 11
01:41:31 Who doesn't?
Speaker 4
01:41:33 Homer, listen carefully. John is a hoe, Moe, right? Sexual.
Devon Stack
01:41:45 Cut the black, go to commercial so the audience is now thinking. Ohh wow, how's how's Homer going to deal with this?
01:41:55 Placement of commercial breaks is always.
01:41:58 Always important.
01:42:00 Now, nowadays people don't think about that stuff because they just watch.
01:42:04 Everything commercial free on a streaming service or or whatever, but.
01:42:09 That was the the pregnant pods.
01:42:12 In the story. That way, everyone at home could sit and talk and discuss. Like what? What do you think about this situation? Ohh.
01:42:19 I don't know.
01:42:22 You know, as advertisements for for KFC and M&M's and whatever. As Bill Cosby tried to sell you Jello.
01:42:32 Everyone can discuss like, Oh yeah, this is this is interesting. He doesn't know that that he was gay and he was, like, dance around. I wonder how.
01:42:40 I'm going to address that.
01:42:46 Commercial breaks over, they come back and and Homer is really uncomfortable with the idea that that he had a gay.
01:42:53 Guy in his house.
Speaker 30
01:42:54 Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. I can't swim. A gay March. Lisa, promise me you won't tell anyone.
Speaker 4
01:43:01 Else me, you're being ridiculous.
Speaker 30
01:43:04 And my Marge am I.
01:43:05 To get a property values. Now we can never say only straight people have been in this House.
Speaker 4
01:43:10 I'm very sorry you feel that way because John invited us all out for a drive today and we're going.
Speaker 30
01:43:17 Not me, and not because John's gay, but because he's a sneak. He should at least have the good taste.
01:43:22 To mince around.
Speaker 11
01:43:23 And let everyone know that he's that way, are you?
Speaker 4
01:43:27 Talking about.
Speaker 30
01:43:28 You know me March I like my beer cold, my TV loud and my homosexuals faming.
Speaker 2
01:43:42 ZAP.
Speaker 4
01:43:47 Come on. Please come out and say hello. Ohh, come on. You like John this morning.
Speaker 30
01:43:48 No. Yeah. That. Oh. Oh, no.
01:43:53 No, I'm not saying foot outside his house until that man is gone.
Speaker 33
01:43:57 Oh, Dad, you are The Living End.
Devon Stack
01:44:01 And again you have that same message. Oh.
01:44:06 This might be rubbing off on the kid, but the only one that's worried about it.
01:44:09 Is the oath of a.
01:44:11 A A white male.
01:44:12 Homer Simpson.
01:44:15 He's intolerant, he's stupid, he's bigoted.
01:44:19 He's like Archie, Bunker and cartoon form.
01:44:27 Everyone thinks Homer is funny, but no one wants to.
01:44:29 Actually be him.
01:44:32 Maybe for Halloween, but that's about the.
01:44:34 Extent of it.
01:44:42 So he lets his family go off with this strange gay man that he had in his house.
01:44:53 And make a joke about Smithers A.
01:44:57 Character that they imply is gay all throughout the show.
Speaker 30
01:45:10 Got it. Go tell me everything that happened. He didn't give you gay, did he?
Speaker 4
01:45:13 Did he? Jeez. You don't even know what?
01:45:16 To worried about.
01:45:17 Anymore. John's a witty or bang person.
Speaker 11
01:45:20 Ohh when I'm not.
Speaker 33
01:45:22 Hey, Dad, look what I got.
Speaker 20
01:45:25 That, that, that.
Devon Stack
01:45:32 Seeing all these people like it was fine in the 90s.
01:45:37 I'm OK with ****. I just don't want them around. They're around my children.
01:45:43 I'm OK with if ******** want to be ********, that's fine. I just don't want them around the kids.
Speaker 20
01:45:49 Yes.
Devon Stack
01:45:51 The 90s is when they were laying down the the the pavement that let that that road led to.
01:46:01 They were telling you that you were crazy, that you were stupid, that you were ignorant, that you were low IQ. If you had any kind of suspicions whatsoever about grown men that wanted to hang out with your little children.
01:46:15 I mean, it was crazy to think that that gay men hanging out with your children could possibly have any kind of bad influence on them.
Speaker 20
01:46:31 So.
Devon Stack
01:46:34 I think I've told this story before. When?
01:46:36 I lived in the DC area.
01:46:41 I live in this apartment.
01:46:42 And the the door opposite to mine was a was.
01:46:45 A couple ****.
01:46:48 And they had random **** over all the time.
01:46:52 We had the upstairs apartments.
01:46:57 And below them.
01:46:58 Was a young German couple with a young boy.
01:47:04 And one day.
01:47:06 I came home from work.
01:47:09 And one of the Faggs had the the young son, and we're talking maybe six years old.
01:47:18 Of the German couple on his lap.
01:47:22 And he was bouncing the kid on his knee.
01:47:25 And I just had this.
01:47:28 This recognition.
01:47:29 Of evil.
01:47:34 I was. I was instantly disgusted. Repulsed.
01:47:39 I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
01:47:43 But just a couple feet away from this horrific scene. Oh, you're being crazy, Devin. Oh, really?
01:47:51 Was the smiling German couple looking on as if nothing was wrong?
01:47:58 Well, this is fine. They must have watched this episode of The Simpsons right in 90210 and.
01:48:03 Roseanne.
01:48:06 They're just like us.
01:48:13 I didn't know what to do. I couldn't. What? It's not my kid.
01:48:17 Was I supposed to just go to?
01:48:18 The parents and say look you.
01:48:21 You're letting a ******.
01:48:23 Bounce a kid on his lap.
01:48:27 So I kind of justice was like, hey, went into my apartment. It was just like.
01:48:33 I felt ******* disgusting. I felt like I'd seen something.
Speaker 6
01:48:38 Evil.
Devon Stack
01:48:41 And you know what?
01:48:44 Just a couple months later.
01:48:47 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:48:49 I was coming home from work again.
01:48:53 The Thag neighbor came out.
01:48:57 And started.
01:48:59 The conversation, as he often did to my.
01:49:02 My horror.
01:49:04 And I polite, you know, when politely like guys going.
01:49:09 He explained that he was on his.
01:49:11 Way to the prison.
01:49:14 Where that same fad that was bouncing the boy on his knee.
01:49:19 Was now living.
01:49:23 Because he got into a little bit of trouble, John got into, I think his our forgives. Well, it might have been John. John got into a little bit of trouble.
01:49:33 Oh, what kind of trouble? Well, they they kind of found they found someone fortunate pictures on his computer. Long story short, he got caught with child **** on his computer.
01:49:48 He got busted in some online sting operation or I.
01:49:52 Don't know. I thought that works.
01:49:56 And I immediately thought to that that day.
01:50:00 Where he was bouncing that kid on his knee and and I was like, that's, you know, I knew the devil was was nearby. I knew it.
01:50:14 But I was just being homophobic, right? I should have ignored that voice like those those German parents.
01:50:22 Who, as far as I know.
01:50:24 Let them babysit their kid.
01:50:39 So Homer Simpson.
01:50:43 This feeling, this look on his face, that's the look I was making when I walked into my apartment and I saw that ****** with the kid on his lap.
01:50:57 That's the look that was on my face as I.
01:51:01 Walked into my apartment and thought, what the ****?
Speaker 32
01:51:05 Yeah.
Devon Stack
01:51:08 But I was just being a bigot, just like Homer Simpson.
Speaker 11
01:51:15 Bart, where'd you get that shirt?
Speaker 33
01:51:18 Uh, come out of the closet.
Speaker 7
01:51:21 Huh.
Speaker 4
01:51:23 I hope you all saved the room because I made your favorite dessert store buy snack cakes. Both kinds.
01:51:32 Hmm.
Devon Stack
01:51:38 See, it's all a joke.
01:51:41 Your kid starts acting gay after hanging out with the gay guy that your wife is letting him hang out with like all those women taking their little kids to drag queen story hour. That's your problem.
01:51:52 You're the you're the problem in this situation.
Speaker 30
01:52:00 Doo Doo Doo Doo, Doo Doo. Alright boy. Come on. Today we're going to.
Speaker 20
01:52:07 No.
Devon Stack
01:52:14 See.
01:52:16 He's just overreacting.
01:52:19 It doesn't rub off on kids.
01:52:23 Thanks. Don't want anything to do with your kids.
01:52:28 So he confronts the gay guy.
01:52:32 Who, of course, is super cool about it and whatever. While Homer just sounds like a, you know.
01:52:38 Low IQ. Lunatic.
Speaker 21
01:52:40 Homer, what have you got against gays?
Speaker 11
01:52:43 You know it's.
Speaker 30
01:52:44 It's not usual if there was a law, would.
01:52:47 Be against it.
Speaker 4
01:52:48 Homer, please, you're embarrassing yourself.
Speaker 30
01:52:50 No, I'm not. Marge, they're embarrassing me. They're embarrassing America. They turned the Navy into a floating joke. They ruined all our best names like Bruce and Lance and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had. No, they're just you. Yeah, and that's another thing. I really think you people using that word.
01:53:12 That's our word for making fun of you. We need it. Well, I'm taking back our word, and I'm taking back my son.
Devon Stack
01:53:22 So he decides to.
01:53:24 Trying to make sure.
01:53:27 Bart isn't gay.
01:53:30 By taking him out for a drive, and this is something we talked about earlier with the 90210 episode.
01:53:36 Not only do you have to worry about gays affecting the children, it does destabilize relationships between men.
01:53:45 Like I said, you know you could.
01:53:46 Do a bro hug.
01:53:49 Prior to the acceptance of homosexuality.
01:53:52 And not think anything of it.
01:53:55 And now zoomers have to wonder.
01:53:58 Is this a ******* ******? You know, like, you know, people want to know why camaraderie among men is has eroded.
01:54:08 This is one of the major reasons.
01:54:11 And they kind of they, they kind of acted out in this scene here, it's even even a relationship between a father and son is affected by the presence of predators. Homosexual predators. Look you even if you stand in line.
01:54:27 In a I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it.
01:54:34 I'm not going to do it.
01:54:37 If you stay.
01:54:38 Alive. I'm gonna do it.
01:54:42 If you stay in a grocery store.
01:54:48 And there's like, let's say there's a kid in the shopping cart in front of you.
01:54:53 You know, with with their mom.
01:54:56 You you can't even like if you. It's almost like you. You can't look at the kid and try to like, interact like in a friendly way.
01:55:05 Because you don't want to like creep out the mom or or send the wrong message. Everyone's just kind of like, you know.
01:55:12 There's so many ******* Peters around you.
01:55:14 Don't want to look like one of them.
01:55:20 It destabilizes the relationship just among everybody when when there's all these ******* degenerates around.
01:55:28 It takes away that understanding that you have as a society that, oh, this behavior is unacceptable.
01:55:37 And so I'm not going to automatically assume or or at least assume that that that's possibly what you're up to.
01:55:44 Because it's so outside the norm when it happens, it's it's aberration.
01:55:51 And it's dealt with.
01:55:55 Now, if someone's looking at your kid making funny faces or whatever, you have to worry is that is that is that dude trying to like?
01:56:03 Is he going to kidnap the kid?
01:56:13 And like I said, the illustrator and the scene, it even affects relationships between father and son and they try to make it always being overly sensitive. No, it's just it's psychologically damaging.
Speaker 30
01:56:24 Don't worry, boy, we're going to set you straight by tomorrow morning. You'll be a regular Burt Reynolds.
Speaker 22
01:56:30 What are you talking about, Homer? Where we going?
Speaker 30
01:56:32 Just a couple of good old fashioned manly places, father and son. You're leaving here? I'm there too long. You want.
01:56:39 To make it worse.
Speaker 11
01:56:41 No, no, you're no, you're on to him.
Speaker 30
01:56:43 Quick shake his hand. Just remember, it's done. Whatever happens, I'll always love you as as.
Speaker 11
01:56:50 As a father, your father's regular father.
Devon Stack
01:56:55 See, I mean they they that's what the.
01:56:57 That's the poison.
01:56:59 They've added to the recipe.
01:57:07 So Homer does like these ham fisted things like he tries to take.
01:57:12 Bart to go look at some billboard with girls and cigarettes on it or something.
01:57:18 And takes into a steel mill. And of course, you know, cause The Simpsons. It ends up being like.
01:57:23 Like Super Gay there.
Speaker 30
01:57:27 Art, I want you to shake hands with. What's your name, fella? Roscoe Roscoe here runs this mill. He's gonna show us the world to let you get a first hand. Look at real all American Joe's doing what they do best.
Speaker 33
01:57:39 Why the hell would?
01:57:40 I want to see that.
Speaker 30
01:57:41 You'll thank me on your wedding night.
Speaker 2
01:57:49 Hey.
Speaker 7
01:57:50 Stop. I want all of you to say hello to The Simpsons.
Speaker 11
01:57:54 Hello, it's the whole world going insane. Stand.
Speaker 14
01:58:00 Still, there's a spark in your hair.
Speaker 19
01:58:02 You gotta get.
Speaker 11
01:58:05 Hot stuff coming through.
Speaker 33
01:58:08 Dad, why did you bring me to a gay steel mill?
Speaker 30
01:58:11 I don't know.
Speaker 11
01:58:13 This is a nightmare. You're a stick. Ohh. Be nice. My son doesn't stand a chance. The whole world's gone gay.
Speaker 30
01:58:23 Oh my God, what's happening now?
Speaker 7
01:58:26 We work hard, we play hard.
Speaker 20
01:58:28 3rd.
Devon Stack
01:58:38 Fast forward 30 years and people are making gay **** in the capital.
01:58:47 With no consequences.
01:58:50 Like this this is it's supposed to be ridiculous.
01:58:56 Ohh no, it's it's crazy to think that everyone would be gay.
Speaker 8
01:59:02 And then.
Devon Stack
01:59:02 You have to protect your children from it.
01:59:09 So he decides he has to do something, some kind of activity with his son that will make him not gay.
Speaker 5
01:59:15 What happened? Nah, it ain't no mystery. Whole modern world's gotta Swisher firing effect on kids today and their MTV's and their diet sodas ain't gonna set them straight neither.
01:59:26 You gotta do it yourself, Homer. And you gotta do it fast.
Speaker 30
01:59:29 But what would turn Bart into a man? First, you have to think for.
Speaker 5
01:59:32 Me. Well, let's see now. Time wise, you send the boy off to war, shooting the man. Fix him right up. But there's not even any wars no more. Thank you very much. Warren. Christopher.
Speaker 11
01:59:42 Hey, better yet, but I could shoot a deer. That's like shooting a beautiful man.
Speaker 5
01:59:48 Hey, he's right, Homer, after the boy begs a deer want a diet sodas in the world won't turn him back. Then you just sit back and watch the grandkids roll in.
Numbers Lady
01:59:53 Did.
Speaker 30
01:59:56 Hunting eh?
Devon Stack
02:00:00 So of course they they make jokes about ohh television can't possibly being be influencing these people. And you know, joke about diet sodas and oh, we got to take him hunting so he.
02:00:12 Goes hunting store.
02:00:14 And they go hunting, but they they're unable to find any deer.
02:00:19 So they decide on the way home to hit up this santas's workshop kind of amusement park.
02:00:28 And shoot a reindeer.
02:00:30 But before they can shoot the reindeer, the reindeer start freaking out and, you know, attacking them. And, of course, who comes to save them? The gay guy with his weird Santa Claus robot or something? Because it's a cartoon.
02:00:48 And in the end you find.
02:00:49 Out that that him.
02:00:51 Being gay was was OK after all.
Speaker 21
02:00:54 Well, Homer, I won your respect and all I had to do was save your life. Now, if every gay man could just do the same, you'd be set.
Speaker 30
02:01:02 Amen to that.
Speaker 11
02:01:07 You know, Bart, maybe.
Devon Stack
02:01:09 And here's the kicker. The whole time he was worried about Bart being gay.
02:01:18 But now he's decided, hey.
02:01:21 Bart can be gay and it'll be fine.
Speaker 11
02:01:24 You know, Bart, maybe.
Speaker 30
02:01:26 It's just the concussion talking, but any way you choose to live your life is OK with me.
Devon Stack
02:01:44 And they leave it open. Like maybe he is.
02:01:48 Maybe he is executive producers Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein.
02:01:55 The end.
02:01:58 But that's the 90s.
02:02:00 The 90s were it was so much better in the 90s, wasn't it, guys?
02:02:05 Wow, I'm fully we go back to the 90s.
Speaker 14
02:02:08 Uh oh.
Speaker 10
02:02:10 Well, the film is the 90s.
Speaker 15
02:02:11 Man, it's the 90s, Ma, it's the 90s.
Speaker 16
02:02:14 Anything I want to be, it's the 90s. This is the 90s.
Speaker 8
02:02:17 It's the 90s, it's the 90s parents.
Speaker 17
02:02:19 Are supposed to discuss sex with their children. These.
Speaker 3
02:02:21 It's the 90s.
Devon Stack
02:02:24 No. Yes, the the the definitely not gay 90s.
02:02:29 So yeah, I I don't know what else to do, guys. I mean I I've.
02:02:32 I've put together.
02:02:34 At this point, something like six hours and that and look, this is I could do this every ******* weekend. I'm not. But I could do this forever. There's like an endless list of these kinds of the exact same episodes in every television show, you know, movie upon movie upon movie.
02:02:53 It was you couldn't escape.
02:02:56 You couldn't escape it.
02:02:58 And these, of course, these television shows that were being watched by. Ohh. Let's see. Let's see what the.
02:03:05 Like this was season one.
02:03:08 This is season eight of The Simpsons.
02:03:12 Let's see what how many people watch that. And again, since it's been in syndication for ******* over.
02:03:18 Now let's see how they watched that episode the night it came out.
02:03:25 The Simpsons.
Speaker 8
02:03:31 All right.
Devon Stack
02:03:36 Season season 8.
02:03:39 Oh, it's actually lower than I was expecting.
02:03:42 Oh wait, what is this from?
02:03:49 This is saying 8 million that sounds low to me or it's 8.6 million.
02:03:57 Uh, let's see here. Is that is that the?
02:04:01 Is that?
02:04:03 Let me see if that's the real numbers.
02:04:07 I would have thought The Simpsons would have had higher ratings. That's still obviously that's really high, but.
Speaker 13
02:04:13 Let me see here.
Devon Stack
02:04:16 Here's a ratings graph.
02:04:19 Ratings. Here we go.
02:04:24 No. Yes, that's right. OK.
02:04:25 So on the night of that aired, it was watched by probably about 8.5 million people.
02:04:34 And then again that aired in.
02:04:40 What year was that?
02:04:48 Season 896 to 97.
02:04:54 So 30 years of reruns.
02:04:57 And of course there's like about.
02:04:59 10 episodes of The Simpsons that are that are along the same lines. There was the flaming Moe's episode there was uh.
02:05:09 Well, the new ones are like, there's like a gay gay guy, like every other one. And of course, the largest sisters end up being lesbians. And, you know, it goes on and on and on.
02:05:23 So that, ladies and gentlemen, is that's the 90s that one wants to go back to for some reason?
02:05:30 They want to go back to when, like.
02:05:32 Uh. When? When?
02:05:33 The the Faggs ****** their society were just whispering in their in their.
02:05:37 Ear. Come on. Just the tip.
02:05:40 Come on. Just let me put it in.
02:05:43 They weren't. They weren't.
02:05:44 They didn't have like, a a boot on the back of their neck, getting raped with a broomstick. Yet it was. It was just like the the the threat of it happening. It was just, it was. It was just starting to happen to him.
02:05:59 They they still, they still thought I can get out of this situation. I I I can still escape. I can still get out of this.
02:06:09 You didn't get out of it. You didn't get out of it.
02:06:12 Think about the 90s as it leads to the 2000s.
02:06:15 And and then the 2000s leads to.
02:06:18 Where we are today.
02:06:20 So yeah, going back to the 90s, is is ******* stupid. It's just it was peak.
02:06:26 It was peak, you know. Here's The funny thing.
02:06:32 Yeah, Mr. matrix, right?
02:06:35 Andrew Tate. Mr. Matrix that wants to go back to the 90s.
02:06:39 The 90s was literally peak matrix.
02:06:43 In fact, in the movie The Matrix, the cannot 1999, right? That's literally in the movie.
02:06:49 Then they decide to keep it the night, like the machine that that takes over humanity and enslaves everyone and puts them in the pods. They keep everyone in the 90s.
02:06:59 So Andrew Tate, the man who wants to escape the matrix, bro.
02:07:05 Wants you to be stuck in in in peak matrix.
02:07:09 That's what he looks back to when he thinks of.
02:07:10 Like the the Golden Age.
02:07:13 The Golden Age of humanity for Andrew Tate was was was peak matrix.
02:07:22 Which makes sense.
02:07:26 Because this is Andrew Tate.
Speaker 29
02:07:28 You look around you and just look at the world and feel.
02:07:30 Like kind of.
02:07:31 Like we're in the matrix. Like there's something missing. I don't know. I was always looking for this.
02:07:35 Secret I was.
02:07:35 Always looking for. I wouldn't say happiness or contentment, but I was always looking to try and break out.
02:07:43 I don't know what I was trying to.
02:07:44 Get to I.
02:07:44 Don't know where it was going to lead.
Speaker 2
02:07:50 No.
Devon Stack
02:07:53 Yeah, he wants you to.
02:07:54 Be he wants you to be in the 90s forever, just like.
02:07:56 Literally like the matrix does.
02:08:04 Which is.
02:08:06 A fine bit of irony. All right, let me take a look at a hyper chance everybody.
02:08:17 There was another there was an episode of the of Seinfeld. I was going to go over too, but we we covered Seinfeld already.
02:08:23 Like I said, I could do this endlessly. There are so many episodes of of TV that define the 90s.
02:08:32 Of movies that defined and I I mean it's just it's endless.
02:08:36 This stuff was in full force.
02:08:38 The only difference was is that there was at least some people uncomfortable enough with it to where they they were still making the propaganda where they weren't full on demonizing the people who hated ****.
02:08:53 You know, they they were. They were ridiculing them and making them look like, you know, bigoted *******, like Homer or whatever. But, you know, they, in the case of Homer Simpson, right, they they came around in the end.
02:09:07 I guess that's what it is, right? That all these anti all these homophobes and and racist and and and and the anti semites, they want to go back to the 90s. They just want to go back to a time when when the their enemies weren't openly calling for their their deaths.
02:09:25 Yet it was coming.
02:09:31 Alright, Zazie Mattas Bot says if everyone that watches acted like a ******** ******, you would be rich. I mean, by if everyone that was watching you a dollar, that's.
02:09:45 There'll be a lot of hyper chats.
02:09:49 Ohh I want that.
02:09:53 But I appreciate that Charles Ingalls. Hey, Devin, you mentioned that you once had aspirations of being a filmmaker. What are some of your favorite films? Also, are there any movies that you like despite them being filled with insidious propaganda? Yeah. I mean, look, I've always been hyper critical of films.
02:10:12 Because that's. That is what I was going to get into. That's why I studied it. So my whole life, I wanted to make movies so.
02:10:19 I mean, I don't know. It's it's shifted it. It's just like there's some songs that you like and then you grow out of them. There's movies that you watch and then you kind.
02:10:28 Of grow out of them.
02:10:30 There's some films that I I think I mentioned before, there will be blood is that I I think that I'll always think.
02:10:37 That's a good movie.
02:10:41 It's really well put together and just I like the cinematography, the acting, the the music, you know, it's it's all very it's a well-rounded solid film.
Speaker 15
02:10:54 But yeah it.
Devon Stack
02:10:54 It changes. I mean, there's times there was a time in my life when I.
02:10:58 Really like the Star Wars movies?
02:11:00 As an example, right when?
02:11:01 I was a little kid.
02:11:03 And I've I've probably seen the, you know, the not the, you know, episode 1-2 and three, but like the first three that came out, I've probably seen those more times than I want to know. When I was a kid, right, watching them over and over again and stuff.
02:11:20 I mean.
02:11:22 But now, like you know, I've watched it in a really long time because it's just, you know, it's like, it's like hearing a song that you, you're that you're tired of.
Speaker 20
02:11:26 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:11:32 There, there's, but there are movies that I I.
02:11:34 Can watch and respect.
02:11:37 The the craftsmanship that went into the film or the the the the skill of the director or the the writers, there's often times you it's like.
02:11:56 It's even if you know that the movie is just outright propaganda. Sometimes you have to respect the skill of your enemy.
02:12:05 And I don't think that's something that the right does often enough is they can't appreciate.
02:12:13 The skill and effort and and and.
02:12:20 The artistic value that some of this propaganda has, and so they never learn from it. And I don't mean like they don't not learn the propaganda that's in it, but learn the method that was used to deliver their own propaganda.
02:12:36 And that's why so many conservative movies are awful.
02:12:44 Chosen jawah chosen Jawa.
02:12:54 Chosen Joe Devon. That last stream was very educational.
02:12:58 So many things make so much more sense when you talk about the genetic tendencies and average IQ's of all the different races. Pulling the curtain back on the underlying reasons for common stereotypes is much needed in our engineered melting pot society.
02:13:14 Yeah. Look, it's just something that it explains so.
02:13:17 Much.
02:13:19 Because.
02:13:21 Even if you're like I, you know, I was a kid raised by hippie boomers and the, you know, my teachers were basically hippie boomers.
02:13:31 And so everything was through the lens of the civil rights movement, and you were just hit over and, you know, obviously all the movies and and all the culture around me was telling me that racists were bad and that there was no difference between blacks and whites. But I also lived in a very diverse part of the country.
02:13:49 Well perished my whole life. Like we moved. I like I I lived in.
02:13:54 I lived in a California when I was a kid.
02:13:58 And then we moved to New Mexico. So like I was, I was around like every kind of person in California. It was like jungle Asians, Mexicans, Puerto Rican. It was like everybody blacks. And then in in, in Mexico, it was like, you know, mostly Mexicans and a.
02:14:14 Couple of black people.
02:14:15 But you just you know.
02:14:17 Your eyes told you a different story.
02:14:21 And.
Devon Stack
02:14:23 You wanted it to make sense, and so I understand the temptation.
02:14:29 That people who aren't deep thinkers, who don't actually think for themselves, right, like you know, that's a tired.
02:14:37 Term, but NPC's right that they they require programming to tell them how to think.
Speaker 20
02:14:42 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:14:44 And so when?
02:14:45 You're faced with this problem where observation is not matching up with the programming.
02:14:51 A more intelligent person might try to come up.
02:14:53 With their own reason for it.
02:14:56 And I I denied the evidence to some extent because I just didn't want to believe it and I couldn't make sense of it.
02:15:03 They couldn't. It just didn't make sense, even, especially if you're. If you're raised religiously.
02:15:10 Right. Like a lot of lot of Christians in America who raised thinking, hey, we're all God's children, so that that **** ***** you a little bit too thinking like well, I mean why would God make us different in that way? You know, like that seems a bit weird and and so you're you're when you think about it religiously or rationally.
02:15:31 With the information that you.
02:15:32 Have available to.
02:15:33 You cause no ones showing you the bell curve. No one's giving data like this. No one is showing you crime statistics like that.
02:15:39 So you're you're kind of stuck and I now I I innately knew that there's there. Look, I don't know what the answer it's it's like a.
02:15:47 It's like when you test a theory.
02:15:50 You can't account for a variable, but you know there. There has to be a variable there that you don't know what it is yet.
02:15:58 But you know something?
02:15:59 Wrong with the equation and there was something wrong with the equation. I always knew that. Look, you know you can tell me all day long that blacks and whites are the exact same or Mexicans and whites are the same thing. And it's just like this cultural difference or whatever. But like.
02:16:16 I know it's wrong because we're going to the same ******* school we live in the same town. In some instances, the same neighborhoods. OK, maybe we have different parents, but.
02:16:28 You know, like is it that big of a, I mean, I feel like as as as.
02:16:31 A white kid, I.
02:16:32 Could have been.
02:16:33 Raised in a different environment, I don't think I'd be radically different. I don't think my. I don't think I'd be like, like, way stupider because I was raised by different parents. Like, if their parents raised me.
02:16:45 I might have different values or something like that, but I wouldn't be Dumber.
02:16:49 And and so you you think about this stuff, you know, there. And none of this is adding up. And it wasn't until, like I said it.
02:16:55 Was several years into adulthood.
02:16:58 Before I I encountered, you know, the the IQ data and it was like, oh, ****, this this is the. Oh, ****, this is the this isn't good news. This this confirms my, my, my fears. Yeah, this is the this is not the truth. I wanted it. I wanted to encounter but.
02:17:16 This.
02:17:17 This makes the equation work.
02:17:18 And a very.
02:17:21 For boat for boating way like this is not good.
02:17:26 But yeah, it's important why people understand this, because otherwise you're you're a lot of people are going to end.
02:17:32 Up.
02:17:35 Filling in that that blank.
02:17:38 With leftist propaganda, they're going to internalize this white guilt garbage because they what else? What other data do they have to put into the equation?
02:17:47 Well, apparently it's us doing it to him like, I guess, you know, I guess this is somehow it's the, it's the, it's the vestiges of.
02:17:57 You know that of colonialism or whatever, right? Like it's and. And that's so many people. That's what. That's how they compute it. Because they have no other information. So it's just really important that people understand that. No, we're biologically different.
02:18:10 We're we're biologically different and and.
02:18:13 Measurable and substantial ways. And that explains so much, if not all, of the disparities between races and Western society. And so it doesn't matter how much money you find the trillions of dollars that we've thrown at this problem have just gone right into the ******* toilet.
02:18:30 And it hasn't just been a waste of money. It's just been it's, I mean, for, for ***** sake, just imagine where our culture would be.
02:18:38 How much energy is just spent talking about this crap?
02:18:43 How much energy is is spent just policing these non whites that are our societies? What would we have accomplished as Americans, as Europeans?
02:18:55 As Australians.
02:18:57 As New Zealanders, Kiwis, Afrikaans, what we have accomplished as as as white people.
02:19:07 If we didn't have to deal with.
02:19:08 The rest of the world.
02:19:10 And not just the world. The rest of the world that comes in and moves into our countries.
02:19:15 But just the amount of foreign aid.
02:19:19 That goes to, you know, African warlords.
02:19:24 That goes to.
02:19:26 Even not even just the low IQ countries like, you know, the the the aid that goes to Israel.
02:19:33 The aid the I mean it's just we're just.
02:19:36 Why? Why are we the world's pinata?
02:19:43 What do we owe these people?
02:19:50 Anyway.
02:19:52 Hungry, Howie?
02:19:54 Hungry, Howie hungry Howie. A pizza chain. I I believe right somewhere. I feel like I've had hungry Howie's pizza at some point.
02:20:08 Hi, Devin Long time listener, first time caller. What are your thoughts on the idea you had a while ago to do a bonus string that airs earlier in the evening for US Eastern Time Zoners, once a quarter or every six months would be cool. Thanks for what you are doing. Take care.
02:20:28 I don't know. I might do something that I was. I was actually before.
02:20:33 I just I I.
02:20:34 Couldn't finish the research in time because all the stuff I was.
02:20:36 Doing this week.
02:20:38 I was researching a more of a historic.
02:20:44 I don't want to.
02:20:45 Reveal what it is yet, but it's it has to.
02:20:47 Do with the late.
02:20:48 1800s, I will say.
02:20:50 And just the more I I, I was looking at old newspaper clippings and old because there's two there. It's one of these things where like the the, you know, the winners write history. Right. And so I was coming across the modern tellings of this story.
02:21:11 Leftist outlets.
02:21:13 And they were saying things like despite the way it was originally reported, I was like, wait, Wait, wait, hold on. How is it? How was it originally reported?
02:21:21 And I went down this rabbit hole of, like, digging up old newspapers and and going, huh. Oh, wow. This is. But anyway, I mean, there's, I don't think the subject matter would change if I just did one earlier in the day. Every once.
02:21:34 In a while.
02:21:37 I yeah, I'll. I'm. I'm just going to get back in the rhythm for right now, the bee stuff.
02:21:41 It's been.
02:21:43 It's been really time consuming.
02:21:46 But it it's.
02:21:49 All the major stuff is done for the spring. I'm like, so I'm going to be putting boxes on and taking them off and whatever. And then I got to figure out how to do extraction.
02:21:58 I at at the scale that I need to do it now, but little by little 11 problem at a time.
02:22:09 But yeah, I'll let you guys.
02:22:10 Know.
02:22:11 Alright, alright. Welcome. Welcome. Hungry Howie. Dog face. Pony soldier. Hey, Mr. stacks. I was messing around with the old radio dial when I heard a show kind of like yours. Only much more racist. I believe the host was none other than the.
02:22:28 Rascally beloved choro as he spared no offenses, he started with a rant about Texas being a big old **** Taco.
02:22:38 Of wet backs, the most egregious how is this on the radio? The most egregious is at one point and you're spelling sure wrong. Churro caught a desert mouse that referred to Jews as desert mice. Then Churro just spent the duration of the show torturing the mouse and laughing.
02:22:59 You sound like an insane person, dog faced pony soldier.
02:23:03 Why? What are you talking?
02:23:04 About.
02:23:05 The name of the show, of course.
02:23:07 Was called the insomnio.
02:23:10 Stream.
02:23:17 Really. Really.
02:23:20 Really.
02:23:26 No, actually Truro is.
02:23:29 I just let him out. He's now that it's warming up. He's he's basically sleeping in the air, conditioned.
02:23:38 Pill box during the day and then.
02:23:41 Slinking away at night to do who knows what.
02:23:45 Torturing mice, apparently, according to you, BMC 1488, the propagandists who helped normalize ******** in the 90s.
02:23:55 Get the.
02:24:02 I agree, I agree.
02:24:05 That's that. See if the if that was what the 90s was like, I'd want to go back to the 90s. If every time one of these shows aired at the conclusion of the show, the people responsible for creating it, we're throwing a megabit. Then yeah, the 90s would be great. Short of that, though, I think people are a little bit misinformed.
02:24:24 About the 90s.
02:24:25 Billy Bob, you read a paper not too long ago about Jews needing to slow down immigration because white people were starting to.
02:24:32 Question it they went on to say it was their goal to keep it going, but maybe to slow it down just a bit. Where can I find this document? I know I.
02:24:40 Know what you're talking about? Oh.
02:24:47 Someone in chat probably knows.
02:24:50 What he's talking about there is that I want to say.
02:24:55 I want to say he worked at the State Department or Penac or something like that.
02:25:02 But yeah, there was this.
02:25:03 Jewish guy that said that.
02:25:07 White people are becoming racially aware.
02:25:10 Because of the the speed at which the replacement was, I mean, he worded it almost like that.
02:25:17 Someone in chat hopefully will know. I don't remember the name of that.
02:25:23 That's like that. It's not hard to find.
02:25:26 Well.
02:25:30 It's hard to find when you're on a live stream. I got. If I I I'm sure if he gave me like 10-15 minutes I could find it. But I I think maybe someone in chat knows what you're talking about.
02:25:40 I don't have it handy though.
02:25:43 Maddie K414.
02:25:46 So.
Devon Stack
02:25:47 Tithes for Devon. Well, I appreciate that, Mattie Kay.
02:25:53 Griper says much love from the groupers.
02:25:57 Well, I appreciate that grouper.
02:25:59 Much love. I mean a a dollars amount of love.
02:26:06 I'm just ******* with.
Speaker 23
02:26:06 You.
Devon Stack
02:26:09 Just call me Molyneux. JA 1981. I hate the wind. It's going to be bad tomorrow, fellow geographic resider, wherever you are in the desert. Thanks, Devin. Yeah, well, every desert is very windy.
02:26:24 And yeah, I mean I my my I don't you might be able to tell. I'm starting to get my Claritin is.
02:26:32 Has worn off and it's. I'm slowly. I'm slowly getting stuffed up as the stream goes, but the yeah the like. I open up the door.
02:26:43 And I just saw like this yellow silt all over everything. And I my first thought was like.
02:26:51 Oh, that's a lot of pong. My second thought was like the the bees aren't gonna get ********** because I hadn't. I hadn't thought about that, you know.
02:26:59 But that's something I got to think about now.
02:27:03 But Are you sure? Says I know this is the gay coins that are useless, completely useless, but I'd love that. They're they're they're worth 0 now, I think. But I don't think I don't even think Odyssey is going to use them anymore. They're going to make their own like coin or something like that. But I'd really love it if you added some black pilled logo stickers to your store.
02:27:23 Here for my girly water jug. God bless, love you Devin. Alright, well, maybe I maybe I can sell girly water jugs. I'll have to look and see.
02:27:32 You know, people always ask for the black filled logo stuff.
02:27:37 Maybe I'll maybe I'll do like a.
02:27:38 Limited time run.
02:27:42 Before the SPLC.
02:27:44 Goes at the the goes at him or something, I don't know.
02:27:49 We'll see. We'll see about that, I mean.
02:27:52 Or maybe not. Maybe.
02:27:53 Maybe it won't be a problem. I've always, I don't know. I've always thought that like that might be an issue.
02:27:58 Or maybe it won't be.
02:28:01 January 1981, says Davis Lorman podcast on Speak Free Radio is very good Mr. Stack. Check it out. I'll I'll add that to my list. I just have had I don't have. I have time to. I mean, I'll let I'll listen to stuff sometimes I'm doing things but I haven't had time to really.
02:28:18 Explore new content in a while actually and maybe I need to because a lot of people. It's funny. Well, it just seems like a lot of people stop making content after a while like they get burned out. I can relate like it. It's tough.
02:28:33 And I might. I might make it look easy.
02:28:36 But it's not easy. It's definitely not easy. Prairie dog after your Russian Fox breeding stream, I had the thought that most of the world's problems will be fixed in a century or so. If one law can be passed. Child licenses require people to have a marriage license and 100 plus.
02:28:56 IQ to reproduce. Then remove welfare and give tax breaks to qualifying couples. Yeah, and there's ways you could engineer it. The problem is, is it's not that engineering, it is bad. It's just that it's the people you need to have people.
02:29:14 That you could trust to engineer it correctly. And that's always the danger.
02:29:19 That that I think that a lot of, especially Americans are sensitive to, there's they're sensitive to the idea that the because the whole, the whole mythos of of America right is that this detail.
02:29:35 Royal family on the other side of the planet was imposing these controls over these people. They had, you know, very little understanding of because of the distance and everything. And we rose up against their, their under unfair.
02:29:55 Taxes and regulations and overthrew them. And what?
02:29:59 Yeah, it's, it's.
02:30:00 Part of the American story.
02:30:02 And so as an American, especially if you're a patriotic American that leans right, you do have these tendencies to distrust people to, well, really, to have.
02:30:15 Any kind of authority over you and unfortunately.
02:30:20 I I don't think that's a a crazy.
02:30:24 And given what authority is is currently doing in the West, I don't think that's a bad suspicion to have and, and I don't think you can even start refining the population in a way that to especially the degree you're talking about until you can at least get everyone in the country.
02:30:45 Or whatever community that you would propose to do this in at least somewhat homogeneous in the 1st place. You know, like you'd.
02:30:54 Have to have.
02:30:57 I mean.
02:30:59 A black gay communist. He's going to have completely different.
02:31:09 Prerequisites you know and and so if one of those people gets in in charge then.
02:31:15 The breeding program becomes well only black.
02:31:19 Gay, you know, only black pedophiles can reproduce. Or you know what I mean? Like.
02:31:24 So that's that's the tough one is you'd have to get into a situation. I mean that's that's so far off. But yeah, you're right. And it's also why, but that would solve it. But that's also why it's never getting solved. I guess is a quick way to to put that.
02:31:38 DDS Waterloo in my childhood. In a sense, I never realized how gay, corrupt and Jewish full house was so evil. These people, a hostile foreign group, Jews especially, must never be allowed to control a nation's media.
02:31:54 You know I.
02:31:55 I never watched full house. I think my little sisters watched it. I'd have to. I'd have to take a look at it. But yeah, a bunch of dudes raising some kids. There's all. There's always something wrong with that. There was a lot of shows like that, a lot of single parent shows.
02:32:12 You know whether it was single dads or single moms. There's a lot of single parent shows.
02:32:17 In the 90s, the wonderful 90s, right?
02:32:21 White noise says Dev. I hope you continue your mission because with this stream there would be or without this stream there would be a void to fill. I'm not sure would not sure would manifest you are a national treasure, Sir. Well, I appreciate that white noise.
02:32:37 And lowly a lowly scribe in God's army. Awesome show. As usual, the earliest gay stuff in movies I can remember as a kid.
02:32:45 Was the blue oyster scene in police Academy and the gay black dude in Revenge of the Nerds? Yeah, those guys are pretty early, but they are. There was gay characters in the 70s stuff, mostly. Television movies, not so much. Like there. I mean, they there were gay movies and and.
02:33:05 So gay.
02:33:06 The characters in in other movies in the 70s, even as early, I would say as the 60s, but it didn't really become, you know, full unacceptable.
02:33:19 Until I'd say the 80s.
Speaker 23
02:33:22 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:33:23 Or many late 70s, actually.
02:33:27 Uh hellie rides for anti whites. Good show Devin, but I think coffee house queers needs a.
02:33:41 Isn't it funny how having like a?
02:33:44 Having like a cappuccino or or whatever it was, I think that's what it was.
02:33:49 Made you gay in the 90s?
Speaker 12
02:33:52 And probably you know.
Devon Stack
02:33:53 Maybe that's why there's so many Starbucks.
02:33:57 Maybe they knew something.
02:33:59 Maybe Starbucks makes you gay.
02:34:03 The Ministry of Truth I really enjoyed last stream. I've been doing some research on evolution myself. What I have read seems to explain why Jews and Europeans are so different and why they behave in a way parasitic to our people. There's a whole book about that.
02:34:19 If you're reading if.
02:34:21 If that's, if that's the research you're doing.
02:34:23 You hope you read.
02:34:24 Cultural critique. Because that's exactly that book.
02:34:29 Yeah, check out. You might have to find out. eBay. I don't think they sell it anywhere else anymore. Or maybe they do. But culture of critique.
02:34:40 That entire book is.
02:34:43 Literally about Jewish survival strategies in in Western countries.
02:34:49 It even explains religious and physical differences, and we'll keep you all updated on it. Well, like I said, Kevin McDonald's.
02:34:57 Cultural critique, that is, that's where it's at. That'll explain.
02:35:01 In great detail.
02:35:05 But what they'll probably answer a lot of your questions.
02:35:08 All right. And then we have King Sultan.
02:35:14 King saltine with the big.
Speaker 10
02:35:16 **** dono.
02:35:17 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend himself with.
Devon Stack
02:35:23 Go, Julie, this *** is.
Speaker 11
02:35:39 Easy money.
Devon Stack
02:35:41 Alright, king saltine.
02:35:45 Only sharing for those interested in heavy music that pushes our cause, I think everyone will enjoy the tunnel Geo reference in it shekel for you, Sir. Always a great stream. We are still putting QR code stickers out for defiant. Well, I appreciate that. And I won't give you **** for the link because you're not demanding that I.
02:36:05 I play it. Uh, there is a.
02:36:08 A link for everyone who wants to check that out.
02:36:12 And I don't know, maybe I'll if it's a song I'll play a couple of seconds of it about that.
Speaker 24
02:36:23 Let's see.
Speaker 2
02:37:09 This is a war of attrition.
02:37:16 Solid gold burns.
02:37:22 Use the plan. Some might have. Millard, you liar this.
Devon Stack
02:37:40 It kind of reminds you of.
02:37:41 Pantera, a little bit.
02:37:49 Alright, so that's a consulting burn on YouTube. It's kind of like that. Kinda reminds me of Pantera a little bit.
02:38:01 Yeah, not bad, not bad.
02:38:04 So people want to check that out.
02:38:08 It's on YouTube there.
02:38:11 The king? Saltines. There's any update on book two and sell your honey? Well, not yet on either one of those I have the means to do the honey. Like I haven't done honey extraction at scale before.
02:38:27 I've only done like a few frames cause like I feed a lot of the honey back to the bees to make more bees so I can, you know.
02:38:34 It's, you know, you only get one. You only get. There's only one, you know, one season per year. You only get one shot at every year. So I haven't been doing it. I.
02:38:42 Think it's like my 3rd or 4th year.
02:38:45 Not very many years, so I'm up until this year. I've been kind of building up enough to where I could actually have some.
02:38:54 To speak of.
02:38:55 And I think it's possible this year I'll have.
Speaker 25
02:38:59 Stuff.
Devon Stack
02:39:01 And I've got the stuff to to.
02:39:03 Do it, I think.
02:39:05 But I gotta figure.
02:39:06 It out I got it's.
02:39:08 You know, because we're not. It's not just uh.
02:39:11 Extracting it and bottling it and labeling it, and there's a lot more that goes into it and then shipping it, you know, like all around the country.
02:39:20 And.
02:39:21 You know, that's like a whole business in and of itself, so.
02:39:26 Yeah, I'll, I'll. I'm. I'm. I'm trying to think of a way to do it.
02:39:30 Especially if it tastes like the stuff I got today or yesterday, and the stuff I got yesterday was really good.
02:39:36 I don't know if it's all going to taste. It's probably not.
02:39:38 But.
02:39:39 It's probably going to be good. It's honey, right? It's going to be crappy, but that I don't know what they. I don't know what they got. Those bees got into, but whatever it was, it was.
02:39:48 Good, because it was. It was just different than all the other honey. And because I've tasted the honey that the other bees have made, that's the first time where I'm like, what is this like? It was even a different color. So I don't know what they got into.
02:40:01 And then book two. Yeah. I mean, with everything else I, you know, I'm behind on that. I'm way behind on that.
02:40:09 Then King salting you hear about the whites getting to start their own town and separate from the ******* in Louisiana.
02:40:15 Yeah, big win and hopefully that starts a movement of this. Of course, the ******* are already complaining that they are and they are talking all wait, complaining that they are taking all the money out of that area.
02:40:31 Yeah, we'll see what happens. I suspect the DOJ will get involved. I don't know.
02:40:37 I I and I don't know. I don't know all the INS and outs of the situation. I just have never seen this work out. It's not the first time whites have done this.
02:40:49 In fact, that's kind of what I was researching about.
02:40:54 Earlier this week that I'm I'm probably going to stream on fairly soon.
02:40:58 The one of the first really ******** attempts at doing this.
02:41:03 They didn't. Quite.
02:41:04 Work out because at the end of the day, if the feds don't want you to do it, you're not doing it.
02:41:08 And they will bring guns if they have to.
02:41:11 And and they do.
02:41:14 So we'll see how long this lasts or or what happens if.
02:41:19 Remember that we did that maybe like two years ago. I did that stream covering that it was an all white community.
02:41:27 And those Manhattan Jews bought a house and then sent black people to go live in it.
02:41:34 And they made a documentary to try to show white people how evil they were for not letting the black people move into their neighborhood.
02:41:41 But it was all Jewish psyop.
02:41:44 And so what's to stop Jews from doing that in this case? Like, why not? Why not have some, you know, Black Rock style, Jewish entity, go in and buy up some land and then throw in some low income housing?
02:41:52 OK.
Devon Stack
02:42:01 What the feds doing?
02:42:03 The feds could use eminent domain.
02:42:06 And just take over some land and then throw a bunch of projects in there.
02:42:11 And they're not above doing.
02:42:12 That they've done it before.
02:42:14 So look, I I don't want to **** on it. I'm just saying like, I'm glad they did it and I and it is a positive.
02:42:21 I'm just not very confident that it has staying power because it just never has.
02:42:27 It's it's a band.
02:42:28 Aid on a on a gunshot wound.
02:42:31 You know it's we have to get way more serious than just.
02:42:37 OK.
Devon Stack
02:42:38 You know, redrawing some some lines on a map.
02:42:44 Uh, we need to make take. All right? We need to consulting again. We need to take the word gay.
02:42:53 Away from these folks, I only refer to them as sodomites. It's most offensive to them, and it's biblical, all sodomites.
02:43:03 Go into.
02:43:05 There's the normal pet one. I can't find the ******* normal pet one anyway.
02:43:10 Here it is.
Speaker 20
02:43:15 Get.
Devon Stack
02:43:28 Yeah, they don't like sodomites.
Speaker 12
02:43:31 You ever wonder?
Devon Stack
02:43:34 What was going on in Gomorrah?
02:43:39 Was was it like just so much worse?
02:43:41 Than we don't talk about Gomorrah.
02:43:47 Alright. Paragliding or part? Yeah. Paragliding enthusiast.
02:43:52 What are your thoughts on the anti-Semitism bill and I read your book and cannot wait for the new one to come out. Keep up the great work such a breath of fresh air. Well, I appreciate that look the the new anti-Semitism bill is.
02:44:11 It's a step in the it's not, they're not, it's not banning anti-Semitism on a federal level. And the way that some people have been talking about it.
02:44:18 But it also is in some ways it's basically creating it's. It's putting institutions like Columbia University into legal jeopardy if they allow quote UN quote anti-Semitism as is defined in the bill.
02:44:37 To happen.
02:44:39 Which in other words, like these protests, right? So it would, it would put them in legal jeopardy.
02:44:46 And it would also put federal funding in question. And so it's creating a motivation.
02:44:58 4.
02:44:58 Or.
02:45:00 Not just Columbia University, but like every university.
02:45:04 That receives federal funding, which is like every university.
02:45:09 It puts them in a situation where they have to ban. I mean they have to enforce anti-Semitism laws like Soviet era anti-Semitism laws on their campuses.
02:45:26 And it's like I said, it's a step in the direction like maybe.
02:45:30 Maybe that will.
02:45:31 Later extend to workplaces, right? Like right now it's it's the Department of Education.
02:45:38 But what what happens when that extends to?
02:45:44 I mean, what would? What would be the the Bureau bureaucracy that would do it? What the?
Speaker 20
02:45:51 Yeah.
Devon Stack
02:45:53 Not OSHA. I don't know. But yeah, maybe some it's it's just it's a step in the right direction.
02:46:00 To baseless a back door to banning anti-Semitism while and bypassing the the 1st amendment.
02:46:08 I don't know.
02:46:08 If it'll even hold up in court, though.
02:46:11 Because it does seem like this, even though they're kind of doing this backdoor way, I kind of feel like it's the same thing. It's this. It's the kind of thing that if it goes to the Supreme Court.
02:46:21 It would, if it I'll tell you what, if it.
02:46:23 If it gets to the Supreme Court.
02:46:27 If it gets challenged, well, first of all, Biden hasn't even signed. I think he's going to, but I I don't think he's signed yet. If it gets signed into law, I think he'll be challenged.
02:46:37 If it gets to the Supreme Court.
02:46:40 And they uphold it. Then you know that? Yeah, we're we're done. I mean, it'll be a while.
02:46:48 But now it's the door is open.
02:46:52 And they'll start. They'll start passing these kinds of regulations and there's so many regulatory agencies out there regulating every aspect of American life that they'll just use that same doorway to get into every little way they can weasel their way in, like, termites. And, you know, way it at your ability to.
Speaker 24
02:47:13 Criticized Jews.
Devon Stack
02:47:18 Pagan bear.
02:47:20 Says black pill. They agree with your intention toward the 90s and you are right, but your three shows show 10 years of degeneracy in a few hours. It didn't seem like that at the time.
02:47:32 Yeah, but you.
02:47:33 Know what I could do? 300 shows.
02:47:38 I this is the this is Part 3.
02:47:42 This is Part 3.
02:47:46 I could do a show every weekend because guess what? In the 90s every week there was a show like this.
02:47:54 And it wasn't just shows. Watch the other watch, part one and Part 2. It wasn't just TV shows.
02:48:01 It was. It was the. It was the education system, brainwashing kids in schools.
02:48:09 It was, you know, talk shows. It was academia. It was government.
02:48:17 Then this. This was this was happening across the board.
02:48:20 You say it didn't seem like that at the time when we were young. Well, that's because you were young.
02:48:27 What did you know about the world?
02:48:28 When you were eight years old, you.
02:48:30 Didn't you? Didn't see it happening because your parents?
02:48:33 Didn't shove it down your throat.
02:48:37 You know, like like uh.
02:48:40 There's a lot of stuff about the 90s I didn't know because I was.
02:48:44 A kid, you know?
Speaker 20
02:48:45 No.
Devon Stack
02:48:47 Yeah, I I didn't see that. It's like a lot of kids now. I mean, yeah, there's a lot of humor, kids. They're being exposed to a lot of this ******* nonsense. But a lot of kids aren't. If you're a responsible parent, your kids aren't.
02:48:59 Doesn't mean it's not happening though.
02:49:01 The reason people want to go back is because the anti white stuff and the migration stuff was much less ******. It wasn't though.
02:49:10 It wasn't.
02:49:13 Like I said it it it's you were.
02:49:15 Just the the the demo. The only thing that's different was the demographics were different.
02:49:22 There were more white people.
02:49:26 They didn't have you against the ropes, demographically.
02:49:29 All that stuff that they're doing today, they were doing it in the 90s. They just just like uh.
02:49:38 It's like I don't want.
02:49:41 To use another B reference.
02:49:44 So I'm not going to you it it's.
02:49:48 We are picking on a big kid, right? Like it's like, OK, it's like a little kid who is is getting, who wants to beat up a big kid. Right. And so he's working out and maybe he'll be like really passive aggressive around the big kid, but he never wants to be out like confrontational.
02:50:06 Cause he knows he'll get his *** kicked.
02:50:08 But it doesn't change the fact that he want he ******* hates.
02:50:11 This big kid.
02:50:13 And as this kid's working out and getting bigger and stronger for whatever reason, this big kid, it's like he already hit his growth spurt. He's not getting any bigger.
02:50:21 And then one day, the little kid figures out I'm bigger than this, this big kid.
02:50:27 And that now he lets it all hang out, and that's what it was. It's just that we're we're now, we're outnumbered and in the 90s we weren't. That's that's literally the only difference. All these same things that are happening today were happening in the 90s. You just didn't see it because you were a kid. And the little clip that plays at the end of the of the stream, what kind of highlight that?
02:50:48 It was happening. It was. It was just as bad as it is today. It just wasn't. It wasn't. You couldn't see it because you.
02:50:55 Were a kid.
02:50:58 So no, it wasn't less ******. It was. Uh.
02:51:02 It was. It was.
02:51:04 Less Mexicans and and it was.
02:51:11 More white people you know.
02:51:14 But that's that's all changed now. Like that's the only thing you can say. It was better by the 90s.
02:51:19 Was the demographics.
02:51:24 Jive Turkey jive Turkey.
02:51:36 Jive Turkey, Devon your take on the anti-Semitism bill and what it means for us going for I already.
02:51:41 Went over that.
02:51:42 Yeah, like you said, we'll we'll see.
02:51:46 We'll see what happens. We'll see if.
02:51:47 It.
02:51:48 Becomes law, first of all, which I.
02:51:50 Think it probably.
02:51:51 Will and then if it's challenged in court and then whatever it means it's it's it's not going to be the changes won't be implemented quickly.
02:52:03 So we'll have time to to figure something out, but yeah, it's not great. Not great. My fat little ******** toe.
Speaker 8
02:52:14 What?
Devon Stack
02:52:19 My fat little ******** tail fat stacks for Mr. Stack. I'll catch the replay since I'm about to pass out. Good night, Bros. Well, goodnight to you. Or good morning. I guess because you'll be listening to the replay.
Speaker 23
02:52:23 Oh.
Devon Stack
02:52:32 My fat little ******** toe.
02:52:35 My cute little friend says. Could you please tell which one of your streams was about the world according to GARP?
02:52:44 Which one is what is I've done so many things I have to like? Look that.
02:52:48 Up now.
02:52:54 Oh yeah, that one.
02:52:59 ****, I don't. I don't know.
02:53:09 That was a while ago I feel like.
02:53:15 Uh.
Devon Stack
02:53:18 Wasn't it Simba that had like the?
02:53:25 The search thing.
02:53:30 Where's my notes that has that on there? I have too many ******* notes here.
02:53:47 Yeah, hopefully someone in chat knows I I mean.
02:53:49 I don't know.
02:53:52 That was a while ago.
02:53:55 You know, was a while ago, you know.
02:53:57 What you just watch all of them.
02:54:01 That's what you want to answer. From now on, you just watch all of them until you get to it.
02:54:07 Barry McAlpine or Devin, are you on the verge of making it or you are on the verge of making it big? I sense you are getting fatigued and are slacking off the streams a bit. Take the rest if you need it, but then get back at it. Maintain consistent stream schedule. Keep it out. We're not slacking off.
02:54:26 I it's. I have another. I have another thing I do and it happens every every year. This time of year. So I'm sorry I can't be your your string guy all the time. I don't think I'm on the verge of making it big. This is, but it's not as big as we need to make it.
02:54:45 Don't need to be any bigger than this.
Speaker 13
02:54:47 I don't know.
Devon Stack
02:54:50 I don't know.
02:54:52 Uncomfortable with the signs that that we're at here.
02:54:57 UM.
02:55:00 Yeah, I'm not slacking off. I'm just. I'm just. I don't think you realize. I don't think you realize the amount of physical labor that I've been doing this week.
02:55:08 And or or maybe you don't realize how much research goes into some of these streams.
02:55:13 I don't just hit hit, go live and then, you know, start talking and I've done it before, but I try not to do that, that that is slacking.
02:55:24 But I haven't done that in a while.
02:55:28 Let's see here my cute little friend, my cute little friend.
02:55:38 My cute little friend, my Anglo White brothers.
02:55:42 You still can migrate to Russia. There is a lot of territory there or here. Rather, yes, we have ethnic diversity, slaves, Kazakhs, Caucasians, but they are all but they are still white kind.
Speaker 23
02:55:59 Have.
Devon Stack
02:56:01 The kind of.
02:56:02 There are few black and brown people, but they don't misbehave. LGBT is forbidden. ******** get.
02:56:09 Beaten in the streets.
02:56:11 Well, there you go. There's uh.
02:56:14 My cute little friend.
02:56:17 Would like people to.
02:56:18 Go to Russia, people come who you know.
02:56:20 I tell you what, like I said.
02:56:23 You guys are lucky. We took all your ******* juice.
02:56:29 I kind of want to send them back.
02:56:32 If only like what? Like honestly, if if just that difference, imagine if that was the only difference.
02:56:39 And like if you if you could flip a switch like, you can go back in time. There's lots of things you could do that would make massive changes and whatever. But just imagine if you could go back in time and all you did is you prevented Eastern European Jews from immigrating to America.
02:56:57 Like that's the only change you made.
02:57:01 What would what would be different?
02:57:03 A lot of things would be different.
02:57:05 Like a lot of things would be different.
02:57:10 If only if only I had a DeLorean. Oh, no, that would be different, too. There wouldn't be. There wouldn't be. No one would know what the hell I was talking about. Because back to.
02:57:20 The future wouldn't be a thing.
02:57:22 Because Spielberg would, his family would.
02:57:24 No.
Devon Stack
02:57:25 Never have showed up.
02:57:29 Bessemer, Bessemer, 72.
Speaker 20
02:57:33 Hello. Hello, hello.
Speaker 18
02:57:34 Hello.
Devon Stack
02:57:38 Bessemer, hi Devin. They were dropping like flies from AIDS and we and we still were like, that's fine. It's not a gay thing. Yeah. Yeah, in in any. That was the thing was they pushed this narrative that AIDS was not.
02:57:55 Had nothing to do with gay people, even though gay people were the only ones that were aided up and still are.
02:58:03 Heterosexual aids is pretty much nonexistent. I have questions about just aids in general, though.
02:58:10 I don't know enough about it, but I know enough to.
02:58:13 Know that there's.
02:58:15 Something's up with AIDS.
02:58:17 Something's up with AIDS.
02:58:19 That's a that's a discussion for another time.
02:58:22 But yeah, the whole that was another sign up I think in a lot of ways to get you to feel bad for fagots.
02:58:28 Ohh look poor.
02:58:29 Fagots. They're like when they had to finally start addressing it as a gay disease once they had already conditioned people in the 90s to.
02:58:38 Accept gay people. Then they can make you feel bad for.
02:58:41 The aids stuff.
02:58:45 **** knuckle with the *** **** money. Let's mix it up with some Christmas music, huh?
02:58:58 The magic *****.
Speaker 20
02:59:09 Where did the soul men go? Christmas. Ever.
Devon Stack
02:59:26 There we go, Frank Michael says. Hey, Devin, have you ever done or heard of dry fasting? It's one of the most powerful detoxes you can do for your body. I highly recommend that anyone that's dealing with severe health issues in one form or another might be worth a strain. Thanks for all you do.
02:59:44 Yeah, that I think that'd be hard for me to do.
02:59:47 Here just cause it's so like it's so easy to get dehydrated out here.
02:59:52 I've never tried it, but I have to drink a lot of water just to stay.
02:59:57 Like showing normal.
03:00:01 I mean, it's really dry like like actually got like a.
03:00:06 I have a thing here.
03:00:09 Yeah, it's it's 16% humidity right now.
03:00:14 That's really, really dry.
03:00:18 So if I were to just not drink water.
03:00:21 It would be tough for me to do.
03:00:24 It would be tough for me to do and.
03:00:25 Like to not.
03:00:26 Feel like garbage, but I am a big believer in.
03:00:28 Fasting.
03:00:30 Fasting is always a good thing. Well, not always, but it is often a good thing.
03:00:36 Ink, stone says.
03:00:38 Devin, I disagree with your take on bullying, especially in the case or in this case, 90210 combined with RAP. Basically program my class.
03:00:49 Both male and female and defined.
03:00:52 What was and not socially acceptable?
03:00:57 It was the kids sucking down garbage like this that ostracized anyone who didn't join the Hive mind.
03:01:04 And fall in line. Is that part of the healthy immune system you extol the virtue of bullying or now even killing off of the weakest of our group.
03:01:15 I'm sorry, but the bullies and most popular people were always the ones most saturated in the culture that were fighting. It's often the outliers who can see things for how they truly are. If we can't lift up the.
03:01:29 Weakest among us.
03:01:31 And try to help them out. There's no point this now. If it's just, that's just.
03:01:35 Like thinking the problem is we have societal aid.
03:01:39 The immune system.
03:01:41 And Speaking of aids, like what? What do they say about aids, like whether it's real or not? I mean, that's not a conversation the way it's described is.
03:01:51 The HIV virus reprograms your immune system so that it it starts attacking itself.
03:01:59 You know the the the the immune system starts attacking healthy cells in your body and and because it gets.
03:02:06 Hyperactive or whatever.
03:02:07 And and so eats away at you and you die. And that's what you're describing. You're not describing a healthy society. You're describing a society that was programmed with a a societal AIDS virus or HIV or whatever, and programmed the people that were.
03:02:27 That should have been community leaders that used bullying to get rid of things like like ******* in the in the in the 90210 episode. See, that's the way it's portrayed, right? That's not what was happening.
03:02:42 As you say, the people that were the the popular girls that were watching 90210.
03:02:47 We're all we're getting programmed by that show that didn't depict reality. It depicted a version of reality that transmitted a set of values to these girls that they then went to school and and signaled to their friends and reinforced. And that was the transmission of that.
03:03:08 Virus.
03:03:09 And so, yeah, what they did is they went to school and they that look, I I think it took a little while because I we still we still made fun of **** like in the 90s.
03:03:21 But towards the end of the 90s, it was no longer cool.
03:03:26 So yeah, I mean, but it it got hijacked and the people that that knew that it was.
03:03:32 You know, we can't have this cancer in our society. We're overrun by this run amok. Immune system. Excuse me a second. Let me get some water.
Speaker 25
03:03:43 Welcome to intermission.
Speaker 7
03:03:58 Yeah.
Speaker 25
03:04:00 Animation.
Devon Stack
03:04:04 Yeah. Yeah, I talked to my allergy medicine was wearing off.
03:04:11 And and no, sometimes.
03:04:14 The weak people.
03:04:16 They they don't have anything to offer, you know, unfortunately, I mean, I get.
03:04:22 I get I.
03:04:25 I understand that you know, having sympathy for people who are social outcasts, and I don't think that that everyone that gets receives bullying.
03:04:35 He's the kind of person that you.
03:04:36 Should that should be bullied?
03:04:38 I'm saying that in a healthy society, bullying is a is, well, a healthy immune system.
03:04:45 But in an unhealthy society.
03:04:49 Then you have an immune system on a muck that has that attacks the healthy cells, and that's what that's what we're experiencing now.
03:04:59 Like right now, like if I were to go to a high school.
03:05:02 The people getting bullied wouldn't be the.
03:05:05 Faggs there would be.
03:05:08 Right wing people, you know.
Speaker 23
03:05:11 So.
Devon Stack
03:05:14 You know it'd be.
03:05:14 Like normal, conservative Christian kids would be the ones getting bullied.
03:05:18 And that's been going on for a while. That's been going on for a while.
03:05:23 But it doesn't mean it doesn't work like look, I mean you could say that that's proof that it works. Look how much.
03:05:31 Look how much they control the the culture and the narrative now as a result.
03:05:36 By marginalizing and bullying their their detractors, the people that that think of, all the people just who are afraid to speak up, we don't want to lose my job.
03:05:44 OK.
Devon Stack
03:05:51 I don't want. I don't want to lose my, you know, my relationship with my friends and family.
03:05:56 They've they've been bullied into silence. It works.
03:05:59 Right. It's just working. It's just.
03:06:03 We're on the wrong end of it right now.
03:06:07 Goy boy, 14, eight, says **** fagots.
03:06:12 Into the mega pit. Also, it's my birthday.
03:06:15 Hell Christ. Well, happy birthday. I wasn't going to make a pick as we really play it twice, but.
03:06:19 If it's your birthday.
03:06:25 Happy Birthday, Glory boy, 1488.
03:06:30 Appreciate the you spend your birthday.
03:06:32 List and you know what?
03:06:35 It's technically Cinco de Mayo. I should have loaded up.
03:06:39 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not yeah. I forgot to do. It is fun.
03:06:48 Antonio Vey didn't catch the beginning in the 90s. You had pretty much every female celebrity proclaiming that they valued men that weren't afraid to cry. Basically ***** guys. It was a very pervasive message directed at youth every youth.
03:07:06 Magazine and so forth, propagandized that women liked weak men. Yeah, that was a look.
03:07:13 That was a message that every boy heard loud and clear.
03:07:18 That women, like men that were in touch with their feminine side and that would had high emotional they had high EQ, you know and you know they they they were in touch with their feelings and.
03:07:33 Which was a.
03:07:34 It was a bunch of ******* nonsense, but because guys wanted to *** ****. In fact, that's the thing of the 90s.
03:07:40 Right. That was the well. They're telling women that they're simultaneously telling boys with movies like American Pie and all this other **** that was coming out, that the the height of achievement for a young man is to *** ****.
03:07:53 And that that basically defines the your ability to *** **** is what makes you a man. And if you can't *** ****, you're you're just, you're nothing. It's like the worst being a virgin is like the worst possible thing in the world.
03:08:10 So you put those two variables together, this understanding that women want you to be like some ***** and.
03:08:18 That's what gets you, *****.
03:08:21 And you get a bunch of guys acting like *******.
03:08:24 Because I think it's gonna get him *****. And you know, it obviously doesn't work that way.
03:08:29 But it takes a while for men to figure this out, because just in under normal circumstances, women are hard to understand and, you know, men are men are just like.
03:08:37 I don't know.
03:08:39 It's like it's like trying to fly a difficult to fly aircraft in a storm where your navigation system is giving you.
03:08:49 That information, you know, it's just like there's so many things.
03:08:52 Working against you in that situation, it's no no wonder that so many people crashed and burned.
03:09:01 Let's see here.
03:09:04 Chosen jawa.
Speaker 8
03:09:06 Chosen job with cash flow checkout.
Devon Stack
03:09:06 Java.
Speaker 8
03:09:14 I'd like to return this duck.
Devon Stack
03:09:17 Chosen jawa. I'm going to catch the replay. Devin, have you heard about the new anti-Semitism Awareness Act?
03:09:24 Everyone's very much worried about this. Some say in the New Testament, churches and Christianity in general may be on the chopping block. Thoughts. Yeah. Again, it's only it only affects campuses.
03:09:36 And it can't. It's not like they're, you know.
03:09:39 You you could go.
03:09:41 Now look another way they could do this.
03:09:44 Is they in the same way? Like I said they they're using this to control.
03:09:50 Speech on campuses, there's ways they could try to extend that through regulatory agencies on even I think even on platforms like ex like I don't know exactly what regulatory agencies.
03:10:05 Access to deal with.
03:10:09 To remain a platform, but I'm sure there's there's at least some compliance that they have to worry about. I'm sure they've got an entire team of people that just focuses on compliance with federal regulations.
03:10:23 And I could. I could see that. And look, that's what Elon keeps repeating, right, like.
03:10:26 Oh, as long.
03:10:27 You're not saying illegal. Well, they can make that.
03:10:31 They could make it illegal in a in a manner of speaking, you know, but I think we're a little ways away from that. I wouldn't worry about it just yet. I mean, I'll keep an eye on it.
03:10:44 Definitely keep an eye on it and especially like I said.
03:10:47 When and if.
03:10:48 Probably when it gets challenged in in court.
03:10:52 To see what if it if it holds up under in the court system, which it very well could.
03:10:58 Because it's about Jews.
03:11:02 Then, then, then it's then it's the.
03:11:04 Time. That's time to start worrying.
03:11:08 Let's see here.
03:11:12 Antonio vey.
03:11:15 Antonio Bay simply says.
03:11:21 I'm getting a string deck by the way, because I have too many. I don't know if that's going to help.
03:11:26 But I got one. I found one cheap.
03:11:30 So I can have just a button I can push.
03:11:32 That goes.
03:11:34 You know, because now I have this big list and they'll be asked that like, scroll my mouse through. I don't know, I feel.
03:11:40 Like I need to.
03:11:43 Even the stream deck doesn't have enough buttons for all this ****. I don't know if I don't.
03:11:46 I've never used one before, but hopeful.
03:11:47 Helps out red truck.
03:11:54 Red truck.
Numbers Lady
03:11:55 Good for real. Good, good for real.
Devon Stack
03:12:01 Red truck. We're about the same age. You're not wrong about the 90s. I feel like things went completely in your face. Subversion slightly later, when queer eye for the straight guy came out, that show was hyped and talked about constantly. Your thoughts? Yeah. Will and Grace, I think was the tipping point and that I think that happened around the same time.
03:12:22 It was late, late 90s, early 2000s that it went full.
03:12:28 They went from, like, come on guys.
03:12:31 We're just like you 2.
03:12:33 We're here, we're queer. Get used to it. And and. And you love it. And we're cool. And. And in fact, I think, you know, South Park of that whole episode about Metrosexuals because being gay became so mainstream. And so quote UN quote cool that straight men were emulating.
03:12:54 Yeah, it's like the the faggs that watch like Yellowstone, they start wearing like ******* cowboy boots to the office or whatever. It was the same kind of a thing. It's it's just these MPC consumers, they saw that like oh, the cool thing is being a ******, I'm going, you know, I'm going to wear like this fruity *******.
03:13:14 You know, short shorts and you know what? I don't know. Whatever the ****, right? This sequinned club shirt. And so you had all these guys kind of just dressing up like a like faggs and South Park did a whole episode about the.
03:13:32 People and and how?
03:13:34 Even though they.
03:13:35 Men were doing it because they thought women liked it. Women didn't actually like it.
03:13:41 Chosen John says on a scale of blacks to Asians, how would you rate Jewish IQ?
03:13:47 It's it's pretty close to Asian.
Speaker 10
03:13:50 A lot of.
Devon Stack
03:13:51 The Jews that I've interacted with in, I would say they're almost.
03:13:55 With a couple exceptions.
03:13:57 The majority of the Jews I've interacted with have been pretty high IQ, like on the level IQ.
03:14:05 I don't meet it's it happens, but I don't often meet.
03:14:09 Stupid Jews.
03:14:11 And it happens.
03:14:13 I don't want to have to meet Jews.
03:14:14 These days, but like.
03:14:17 When I was working with.
03:14:18 In, in a more diverse environments, and I was meeting all kinds of people I I didn't often encounter. Maybe it was the industry I was in, but I often encounter dumb Jews.
03:14:30 Maybe next time says they started giving children with ADHD psychotropic drugs in the 1980s huge business, then they really pushed antidepressants for the 1990s. Huge business get boosted fagots. That was the other thing I was.
03:14:48 I I was diagnosed with ADHD and they put me on. I don't know what it was anymore. I think weirdly it was like dexamphetamine or something like that. Like it wasn't. It wasn't like riddling. It wasn't like what everyone else was. It was, it might. I think it was like deck something.
03:15:08 But I stopped taking it cause it was making me ******* crazy.
03:15:13 I was like, ah, like it's like a robot on the.
03:15:18 Good.
03:15:21 Cruise cross.
03:15:23 Cruise cross.
Speaker 28
03:15:25 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 13
03:15:27 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 30
03:15:36 Take it from me, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividends.
Devon Stack
03:15:38 Cruise cross. No shame in finding your rhythm.
03:15:44 Uh, is that in reference to the oh, yeah, doing the strands. So yeah, I don't know if that's what it is, but.
03:15:53 Yeah. No, I'm. I'm. You know, I'm juggling a lot of things trying to make work, but I'm not. I'm not going to stop streaming like I told you guys, I'm gonna do this forever.
03:16:02 But I appreciate that Amos Burton.
03:16:06 I don't recall if you ever reviewed the show man in the High Castle, which was on Amazon Prime, a show about a world where Germans won World War Two. When I watched it and they depicted the modern German families, I couldn't help but admire the wholesomeness. And yet this was presented as evil. I don't. I don't think I ever I might have talked about it before, but I don't think I did the whole thing.
03:16:27 Cause I never saw the whole thing I saw.
03:16:31 They might have seen a episode or two.
03:16:36 But yeah, I haven't watched that whole thing 07567 just here to say I was here. Well, now oh, so 567. Your name has been burned into the record.
03:16:49 Forever and ever, until the Jews make this episode disappear from the cloud for eternity. Unless you record it locally, maybe next time, says Paul Kruger, rural White people, 59 seconds long. Well, you know, my rolled out links.
03:17:08 I don't care if it's 59 seconds long. Main exception for the song because you didn't have to play it.
03:17:16 But.
Devon Stack
03:17:18 You know I have, I have put.
03:17:19 My foot down at the lengths.
03:17:22 I can't do links, I can't. I can't do. I can't do links.
03:17:27 I might link, I don't know.
03:17:29 We're going. I'll tell you what.
03:17:32 I'll think about it. Let's see where we're at. Let me get through this.
03:17:37 We'll see where we're at, Red Truck says I enjoy listening to your Beehive projects. Can you give some context? How close are you to your hives of your house to each other? Are they all on your property or they have them randomly in the nearby desert? Not trying to docks? It sounds like you're trying to dock. Just interested in clarification as you tell your stories.
03:17:58 No, I got. I mean, they're African. Well, hopefully there's probably still a few of them that are.
03:18:06 No, they're not by my house. I have found local people that have allowed me to put them in, in, in areas that are away from people because.
03:18:21 Even even though after all the work.
03:18:23 That I did.
03:18:25 You know requeening and everything like that.
03:18:29 I can't. I can't risk them being around people.
03:18:33 Because all it would take.
03:18:37 Is for me to.
03:18:38 Not.
03:18:39 I mean because it can.
03:18:40 I mean, it can happen so quickly a.
03:18:42 Queen could die.
03:18:44 And then they make a new queen. She goes out, she mates with the, you know, she burns the coal, she comes back.
03:18:53 Has a bunch of unruly child.
03:18:57 And you don't know the behavior has changed until, well, it's kind.
03:19:01 Of like America, right?
03:19:03 When the demographics are because it takes a while, it doesn't instantly, she doesn't instantly change the behavior of the hive as the the nice bees die off her kids take over, and then one day it is almost like a.
03:19:16 The light switch gets flipped, and now you're dealing with something that's.
03:19:21 You know that no one wants to be around.
Speaker 20
03:19:24 Look.
Devon Stack
03:19:25 The bees are bad, they get worse reputation, they really are. I mean, look, if if you go and and rip open their hive without a.
03:19:34 Going on. Yeah, that's that's they have the potential to kill. Kill. I mean, if you're allergic to bees, then you're really.
03:19:41 ******.
03:19:41 But but for the most part.
03:19:45 Some of them are really aggressive, but for the most part they're. I mean, the mean ones aren't even that mean, but you don't want them next to your house because they would just be all up in your face all.
03:19:54 The time even nice bees.
03:19:58 I mean, if you had a bunch next to your house.
03:20:01 I feel like they'd be annoying because they're insects and they're still attracted to light.
03:20:06 And I mean I my the first year I did it, I had it, I had it in my backyard.
03:20:12 And.
03:20:14 It was annoying cause bees kept getting in the house and every time there was a big storm like the the Thunder would trigger the beat like it made him freak out and it's just if you were back there every time there was Thunder.
03:20:27 And clouds and and I don't mean like every time Thunder hit or, you know, rumbles in the distance. There's just if there was Thunder that day and you walked into the backyard, you would probably get stung.
03:20:38 And so we got annoying. So I just found people to let me, you know, move them out to remote locations. What you want anyway, because you want to find places that have food for them and water. And I don't really have a lot of that here, at least not accessible for bees.
03:20:59 Tipsy Mcstay Egger say it and say it with conviction. *****. Yeah. I'm not going to play your game. I'm not going to play your game. We're trying to class it up. Run, run rumble here.
03:21:13 Cannot connect.
03:21:24 Connect.
03:21:25 Says agree that the mechanism for adaptation, genetic variation and limited evolution are clearly observed. However, extrapolating evolution for explanation for all living things as major problems, RNA world hypothesis mutations yield no new info, etcetera.
03:21:44 Is do you?
Devon Stack
03:21:44 Keep going for that or is that so? You just don't believe in evolution? I I I I don't think there's the the problems that you're describing are not.
03:21:52 Don't don't actually exist. The people I've heard try to explain that evolution is not mathematically possible. They're they're always like missing some major piece to the puzzle. They're always either misrepresenting, maybe intentionally, maybe unintentionally. They're either misrepresenting the facts or calculating it in a very.
03:22:13 Incorrect way that's missing like a key.
03:22:16 Piece to it.
03:22:17 And look, I'm not saying that that.
03:22:21 Uh.
03:22:22 That look, I'm not. I'm not saying this to be like the cringe Fedora atheist guy. I'm just saying, look, that's just the way it is. You know, you can be religious and and and and understand that, you know, like, like there were.
03:22:38 For example, giant sloths in in North America.
03:22:44 Millions of years ago, or hundreds of thousands of years ago at least, and that that we don't have giant slots anymore. And maybe they went extinct. Maybe they evolve in other things. I think that, I mean, look, I don't want to get into it. I'm not going to debate about evolution right now. I'm ******* too tired for that.
03:23:04 Variety Channel says Adam Corolla's, Jewish stepdaughter.
03:23:10 He has a Jewish stepdaughter.
03:23:12 No.
03:23:14 Why not? Right. Oh, wait. Jewish step, grandfather. That's even weirder.
03:23:22 I've just read that wrong Adam Kroll's Jewish step grandfather.
03:23:26 Wrote the mole people. Adam would always talk about how great he was and how Jews are better than whites and use this old Jew as an example. A few years ago, Corollas.
03:23:40 Found his grandma and her Jew boyfriend mentioned in Harry Hayes autobiography.
03:23:48 In the autobiography, it detailed that the Jew and his grandma were swingers, were communists and as far as the Jew used to steal typewriters to sell.
03:24:01 You should do a show on loveline. They promoted abortion, ****, interracial relations, and it turns out Doctor Drew was paid by Glaxo to push SSRI's very 90s.
03:24:17 OK, that's kind of confusing about the Adam Corolla stuff, but.
03:24:22 I've never seen love. I know you're talking about. It was like an MTV thing.
03:24:26 But I've never seen an episode of it, Cause I never really watched MTV or any that stuff.
03:24:33 Yeah. Is that even something you can find the episodes of? I mean, I maybe I I would assume it's probably somewhere, right.
03:24:41 I mean, I don't know.
03:24:42 I might have to look and see what the.
03:24:44 What the ratings were for that I I feel like old 90s MTV was was full of garbage. Everything that I which is part of why I didn't watch it.
03:24:54 Partially because.
03:24:56 I was a kid and if I were to try to watch it with my parents around, they would have been they wouldn't let me watch it, right?
03:25:02 But partially also because I just wasn't really, I was never really drawn, you know, pulled in. But like, I never like, just as an example, Beavis and Butthead to me.
03:25:13 Wasn't all that entertaining. I I thought it was kind of dumb. I thought the movie was kind of funny, but the show I just was like, hey, you know, it's all right. I guess, you know, it's not. I don't see what the big deal is, and that's how I felt about most MTV programming was I was like.
03:25:29 I guess but.
03:25:33 I don't really. I don't. Maybe I I I felt like I, maybe I just wasn't. It was like sports in a way. Like I, yeah, I couldn't understand why people were into sports ball. I would watch them like I don't. What's how does this exciting to.
03:25:45 Buddy.
03:25:47 I mean I I guess I can watch it and you know, not shoot myself in the head, but eventually I'm going to want to shoot myself in the head if if we if we leave this on.
03:25:58 But yeah, I it it might be worth taking a look at.
03:26:03 Let's see here.
03:26:07 Alif the nemesis House of Numbers is a documentary you may want to check out to see the ******** surrounding HIV AIDS and one of the major reasons I think that the disease is entirely fabricated as a SIOP. Also, there is a ghost in the machine Part 2 airborne syops.
03:26:27 Video that just dropped.
03:26:31 OK, well I'm not sure what that is.
03:26:33 Yeah, I've heard people say that AIDS is fake and and, you know, Fauci was really involved with it and.
03:26:41 I've seen some stuff that at least has.
03:26:45 Interested me in the topic, but I haven't deep dive into any of it yet.
03:26:52 Anton olivet. It's true what they say about ******** in.
03:26:56 Eastern Europe and then you?
03:26:57 Have a link.
03:26:59 I told you guys about the links.
03:27:01 But people can check it out if other people want to see it.
03:27:05 There's a link for everybody.
03:27:07 My cute little friend says we still have Jews, it's just that they don't have that power that they used to or that they have in the West. Well, you've got. I mean, look.
03:27:19 My and maybe I'm wrong about this and my understanding is that if you say Jewish, I mean Russian oligarch, you're basically saying Jewish oligarch 9 times out of 10.
03:27:30 Right. Like it's not like.
03:27:32 And it's I'm sure.
03:27:33 The relationship is different. OK, but.
03:27:38 I also am sure that Jews have a lot of power over there and I know habad lubovitch is over there and I know that. I mean, there's just look, there's just too many of them came from over there or came from too many of our Jews came from from your part of the world for them to not be over there.
03:28:00 Unless they all came over here. I mean, I don't think they all came over here.
03:28:05 Yes, they still try to push propaganda, but usually government confidence against their wealth or they just run away from the country. I'm guessing the cold weather makes our emotions numb and and kills our compassion.
03:28:18 Well, look, maybe I don't know, like, I don't know. I've never looked into.
03:28:23 That what kind of relation? You know what kind of Jewish power is going on in in Russia?
03:28:28 It has to be different, but I don't know.
03:28:33 As Doctor Pavlov said, if you want to measure someone's IQ, all you have to do is observe their relationship with reality. Well, there you go. That is a.
03:28:45 That is a good way to.
03:28:45 Measure.
Speaker 12
03:28:46 I don't know.
Devon Stack
03:28:47 I would say there's, well, I don't know. I was gonna say there's some intelligent people that have just been programmed.
03:28:54 With wildly bad information.
03:28:57 But I think to some extent you're right. Because when they do the IQ test, it's not about, it's not about knowledge.
03:29:04 You know, it's it. It's like pattern recognition and you know everyone who's taking the test, right, it's like, but, you know, ranging, you know, these shapes and, you know, arranging sets of numbers and things like that. And I guess if you were sufficiently high IQ, it would be way.
Speaker 19
03:29:24 More difficult to.
Devon Stack
03:29:26 To get you to be full of all that wrong information, I think it's mostly like mid wits that are full of bad information.
03:29:34 Bananas. That's not a bad thing. Let's take a look at. Oh, we.
03:29:37 Got one more.
03:29:39 More of the tanks, turns out thousands of landline of loveline episodes were tape recorded from the radio show and uploaded to the web. Just letting you know it exists well, there you go, lovelinetapes.com/show.
03:29:56 Alright, I might take a look at that over at Rumble.
03:30:00 Ebt didn't.
03:30:02 Says nobody had a problem with a grown man being a pathological liar, making up stories about having long term relationships with girls he never met. Not sure that fly for an Asian, but fine for a ******. I don't know what you're talking about.
03:30:22 Nobody had a problem with the grown man being a pathological liar, making up stories about having long term relationship with girls. All right, Tim, I have the guy in the closet. He's making up all.
03:30:31 These stories about.
03:30:36 You know, maintaining his his cover by making up stories about.
03:30:40 It.
Devon Stack
03:30:43 Yeah, I don't know, I mean, but they're not sure that fly.
03:30:45 For an Asian part, but.
03:30:47 Yeah, that no one had a problem with the dishonesty of things. Ah, there we.
03:30:52 Go.
03:30:53 Every time I got that tab it starts.
03:30:54 Playing it at me.
03:30:57 Evan, 26, says the way you're able to weave a story is amazing. Thanks. Well, I appreciate that. I think I was weaving a story.
03:31:05 I was just showing you.
03:31:07 The stories that Jews weaved.
03:31:11 I didn't write those scripts.
03:31:13 But I appreciate all the same, all the same new world, shorter new world, shorter.
03:31:22 As far as I can see.
Speaker 33
03:31:23 Where? Where?
Devon Stack
03:31:28 New world shorter. I'm going to be or it is going to be hard, but we have.
03:31:36 Wait, it is going to be hard, but we have I think you mean.
03:31:38 Have to to program all this ****.
Speaker 10
03:31:42 That's why I.
Devon Stack
03:31:42 Do what I do. It is gonna. It's gonna take a long time and it's gonna take probably honestly, in the same way that we have to outlive boomers to get rid of their their their programming is, you know it's it's in there. Every generation has its programming. But I feel like the boomers was so.
03:32:02 Because the like we talked about earlier where, you know there's there's, there's these TV shows with 30 ******* million people, 30 ******* million people are watching the same show at the same time.
03:32:14 And then going into work and talking about it with their friends, that doesn't really happen very often anymore.
03:32:21 But with boomers, that was like everything, everything that they watched everyone else was watching and everyone else knew what it was. And everyone can make references to it and everyone could talk about it and they could just. It could consume their. And in fact, it could be more real to them than reality.
03:32:36 And so there's more unity among Boomer thought. You know, they're more of a hive mind with the.
Speaker 21
03:32:40 New.
Devon Stack
03:32:44 With how they behave and operate and.
03:32:48 Well, flush the country down the toilet with generations after that, and it's a little bit like that with Gen. X.
Speaker 27
03:32:51 General.
Devon Stack
03:32:56 Millennials, it's still a little bit like that, but it.
03:32:58 Starts to go away.
03:33:00 And then Gen. Z, it's kind of all over the place because of the Internet and there look, there's certain things on the Internet that every you know, every Zoomer knows about, you know, memes and.
03:33:12 YouTube channels and content creators, they all you know, everyone knows who PewDiePie is and you know, stuff like that.
03:33:20 But it's different, it's different and I think that you're going to have better luck deprogramming people that that you got it. Look in the same way. You have to get them young if you want to program them, you have to get them young if you want to deprogram.
03:33:41 Let's see here griselle graybeard.
03:33:47 Grizzel graybeard.
03:34:00 Griselle graybeard. Imagine how little power they'd have and how different the countries culture would be. Have they not sold us on? California is cool.
03:34:15 Well, yeah, but that's.
03:34:16 That's that goes back to what I said about, like, imagine if just Eastern Europeans used and come here. California would be something completely different.
03:34:24 It would be completely different. San Francisco used to be a conservative.
03:34:29 Town if you can believe it.
Speaker 10
03:34:31 Yeah, if Eastern Europe look at what?
Devon Stack
03:34:33 Here's the other thing to think about. E European Jews weren't just running Hollywood. They were, but they were running Hollywood. They're running all the record companies. They are running all the radio stations that played the records for the record companies. I mean, they, they, they, they're running a lot of academia.
Speaker 12
03:34:50 And.
Devon Stack
03:34:51 Floor.
03:34:52 It's it's.
03:34:55 So much of our culture would just be so radically it would be unrecognizable.
03:34:59 If you went.
03:35:00 To an alternate universe where Eastern European Jews didn't come to America around the turn of the century same year, same everything else. You wouldn't recognize the place. You wouldn't recognize the place. The Immigration Act of 1965 wouldn't have happened.
03:35:15 There's probably world wars that we would not have if if they happened, even we wouldn't have participated. Probably not. Not in World War 2 might maybe not. World War One. We wouldn't have had. The probably would have had at least the the Federal Reserve.
03:35:32 I mean, that's a little questionable. It's.
Speaker 12
03:35:36 It it you?
Devon Stack
03:35:37 Would not recognize you would not recognize the United States or probably and look if you were to somehow go to alternate universe where Jews didn't reside in Europe at all. I mean, **** it, I'm we who knows, we might already be living on Mars like like not not ******* around. We might already be there.
03:35:58 You know, you might. You might go to that alternate universe and say where is everybody? And there'd be a note on the table and said, hey, we went to Mars. **** the Jews.
03:36:10 So anyway.
03:36:12 Alright guys, my voice is starting to go out a little bit as you can. Oh, we got one more here.
03:36:18 All right. Yes, we got two more here.
03:36:22 Paraguay enthusiast says Trump.
03:36:25 Was even talking about the death penalty for anti-Semitism, just like how Stalin did. That's an old clip. I saw people playing that clip. He said that well, he was president.
03:36:37 He said that after the.
03:36:41 The synagogue shooting.
03:36:44 Hey, that, that set. That's clip's been around for a long time and for some reason the one problem with it back then.
03:36:50 Or maybe they did. I mean, I showed that clip.
03:36:52 Up.
Devon Stack
03:36:53 I think it was like 2018 or something like that.
03:36:57 So he he's thought he's he's been saying that a long time that you know.
03:37:01 That we need to kill anti Semites.
03:37:05 Variety, channel says. Can you quickly read a couple of paragraphs in this article? No, I can't.
Speaker 23
03:37:11 Right.
Devon Stack
03:37:11 What? What did I say about what did I say about Lynx? Especially not.
03:37:15 Right at the end here. I'm ******* dying here.
03:37:19 But there's a link for people that want to check out a.
03:37:22 And yeah, I mean, I'll, I'll.
03:37:24 Maybe after the show I'm not gonna.
03:37:25 Do it on the show.
03:37:29 All right, we got.
03:37:32 Cover war on, on and none of my none of my.
03:37:35 Voice is dying here.
03:37:37 I appreciate it. I'm just, you know, I'm a little bit of.
03:37:40 Pain right now.
03:37:44 That didn't says my Asians reference was a throwback to Ted saying ***** are just like Jews and Asians coming in the fret.
03:37:55 I'll state differently that I don't think the heterosexual would get away with lying like a closet ***.
03:38:05 Yeah. I mean, yeah, I mean, look, I would say in in terms of.
03:38:10 Of sacred cows.
03:38:15 Being a *** is is probably on at least right now.
03:38:19 I don't know if it was back then. Yeah, maybe maybe it. Maybe it started back then. Maybe it started in the mid 90s, but being a fad was probably like peak sacred minority status.
03:38:32 So I mean, and if you could somehow add the multiplier right? Like if you were like a black ******.
03:38:38 Then you would you know, you were. You were golden.
03:38:41 All right guys, I'm shutting her down. I I I really gotta chug a bunch of water and take some more allergy medicine because I'm just drying up over here. But I appreciate you stopping by. I hope that you learned a few things about the 90s.
03:38:57 Some of you were alive during the 90s. Some of you were not.
03:39:00 Some of you might have a different perspective of.
03:39:05 What exactly was going on back then? Hopefully and and if, like if you haven't seen the other streams part one and Part 2, I definitely recommend you check taking a look at that so you realize that these are not. I didn't cherry pick a few examples.
03:39:21 These are really just a a tiny fraction.
03:39:25 A tiny I have a list. I did a lot of research looking for every gay ******* episode of everything I could find, and it is a long ******* list. I will never run out of this stuff. I will if people, you know, keep keep telling me how the 90s.
03:39:45 Great. And I'll keep, I'll keep doing these. I'll do part. You know I'll do part 6,000,000 if I.
03:39:52 Nothing but the 90s were just as ******* degenerate as the day. Just a lot of people, especially people who were children at the time. I mean, you look back at it. Look, everything was great. Everything seems great when you were.
03:40:03 A kid because you have no responsibilities.
03:40:05 And you were shielded from.
03:40:07 A lot of this stuff.
03:40:09 So anyway, hope you guys have a good rest of your weekend. And yeah, plan on having a stream on Wednesday because like I said, the bee stuff's pretty much in the bag.
03:40:18 So back to the normal schedule now.
03:40:22 In the mean time.
03:40:25 For black pilled.
03:40:28 I am of course.
Speaker 2
03:40:31 Lipstick.
Speaker 10
03:40:53 Again.
Devon Stack
03:41:03 The.
Speaker 24
03:41:27 Your spirit.
Speaker 2
03:41:27 A lot of bosses.
Speaker 13
03:41:31 OK.
Numbers Lady
03:41:32 Forever.