04/13/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Group.00:00:03 70.
00:00:06 Good.
00:00:08 70.
00:00:12 62886.
00:00:16 6288.
00:00:21 13297.
00:00:26 13297.
00:00:31 60318.
00:00:36 60318.
00:00:40 26319.
00:00:45 263.
Speaker 2
00:00:47 19.Numbers Lady
00:00:50 37842.00:00:54 378-428-0120.
00:01:04 80120.
00:01:09 78362.
Speaker 3
00:01:14 7.Numbers Lady
00:01:15 8362.Speaker 4
00:01:40 Tell you something good with me. You're standing in the rain.00:01:53 Rip it up.
00:01:55 Again.
Speaker 5
00:01:57 Really.Speaker 4
00:01:59 Start.00:02:08 I miss you.
00:02:20 I hope to God.
00:02:33 And when the next star in the heart for you, my arms look like.
Speaker 6
00:02:49 Hi.Speaker 4
00:02:53 And start again.00:02:56 Right.
Speaker 7
00:03:07 I hope to God.Speaker 4
00:03:18 And there were times I take my family start again.00:03:28 You know me.
00:03:37 My favorite song.
00:03:51 Hey.
00:04:21 I said.
00:04:23 Get up and start again.
00:04:25 I said up and stop again, I said.
00:04:36 Let's rip it up and rip it up, rip it up and hip it up.
Speaker 8
00:05:11 Give it to me. Give it to me.Speaker 5
00:05:32 XXXX.Speaker 8
00:05:49 If it's.Speaker 4
00:06:14 Right into the hips.Speaker 9
00:06:41 It is.Devon Stack
00:07:15 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:07:20 Orange juice addition.
00:07:23 Wow, it's going to be it's going to be kind of long.
00:07:27 Kyle long, someone that I'm your host. Of course, Devin Stack. Someone recommended that I I cover OJ Simpson.
00:07:35 Made in America.
00:07:37 And I was like, oh, well, OJ just died.
00:07:40 Maybe I'll do that now, right?
00:07:43 Not knowing it was 10 hours.
00:07:47 10 hours. That's with commercials. I don't know if it without commercials, it's still. It's still like it's several hours. My God.
00:07:58 The things I do for you people sit so many hours.
00:08:03 I know way too much about OJ now. I mean, it's stuff I already knew for the most part, but.
00:08:08 And we're not going to cover.
00:08:10 The the last, the last episode of that series.
00:08:14 It was a documentary put on by, you know, produced by Jews, obviously for ESPN.
00:08:20 And the last it was in five parts.
00:08:25 And part 5.
00:08:28 Goes into like the stuff after the trial and it's just not as I don't really care as much about that.
00:08:35 So it's just, it's just too much. It's just too much like this stream would be like.
00:08:40 The stream would be 5 hours long at least.
00:08:43 And.
00:08:45 Yeah, not going to happen.
00:08:47 So I don't you guys would want me to.
00:08:50 So we're we're. But trust me, there's a lot. There's enough meat and potatoes to this store. We don't have to worry about that.
00:08:57 The the bottom line really.
00:09:01 Is really what I could have called this.
00:09:04 Is this is the ultimate toll paid story?
00:09:08 And not in like the haha. Look what happens to women when they date black guys? Although come on, there's a little bit of that.
00:09:16 But like, why do you?
00:09:17 Think that happens.
00:09:20 I've talked to I, like I've said, maybe somewhat flippantly before.
00:09:26 That why are you surprised that your daughters date black guys? If you're one of these guys who are, who is cheering and and and and drinking beer and jumping up out of your chair and getting excited watching black guys in spandex run around slapping themselves in the ***.
00:09:47 Why wouldn't your daughter date black guys if you're walking around with a jersey with a a another man, a black man's name on the back?
00:09:58 Why wouldn't she date black guys?
00:10:03 And this is this is the story of that basically.
00:10:08 This is the story of that.
00:10:10 So like I said, it's very long as we have a lot to get into. Let me fix this thing. So it's not all super full screen.
Speaker 11
00:10:19 Voicey thing?00:10:21 Where's that at? There it is.
00:10:24 Alright.
Devon Stack
00:10:26 Shrink myself into the corner a little.00:10:28 Bit here alright.
00:10:32 I'm probably going to fix the.
00:10:35 The video thing too, but let's just see, let's see, maybe I'll maybe I'll get lucky.
00:10:41 Hope you all are having a good weekend.
00:10:46 Good.
Speaker 4
00:10:48 April.Devon Stack
00:10:50 I'll tell you what, my allergies are pretty bad right now, not just because of the, you know, the season. It's because I've been open like it. It's, you know, I always get like a little bit of hay fever, like a little bit.00:11:03 But I'm not usually opening up wooden boxes with concentrated amounts of pollen. Well, well.
Speaker 6
00:11:11 Put.Devon Stack
00:11:11 Puffing of smoker in my face.00:11:15 So I'm I'm I'm on a I I know a lot of Claritin and and other stuff, but I think getting like random I'm. I feel like I've I I should at least I should be allowed to do cocaine with how many nose bleeds I've been having the last couple days where I'm just walking through my nose is bleeding. That's great.
00:11:33 Looks like a. Well, it looks like Nicole Brown Simpsons apartment over here sometimes after some of these nosebleeds.
00:11:41 Where did it go? I'm trying to find the thingy that uh.
00:11:45 It pops up the video for you guys and I can't. Oh, there it is.
00:11:50 And of course, Churro here's my voice. There he is.
00:11:55 Like clockwork, like clockwork.
00:11:58 I'm gonna let him in. We'll our four. I let him in.
00:12:01 Know.
00:12:02 You know what?
00:12:03 Churro you can wait just a second.
00:12:07 I'm going to get you guys primed up.
00:12:11 We're going to listen to, I think I downloaded these things, didn't I?
00:12:15 I must have, yes.
00:12:19 We're gonna play some Norm MacDonald talking about the OJ case.
00:12:24 Well, I go quickly. Let Cheryl into the house here.
00:12:30 Let's see if I can get this to center correctly. That's good enough for right now.
Speaker 12
00:12:37 Potential OJ Simpson case we're asked to fill out a 75 page jury questionnaire this week in the entire state of California, only one person got a perfect score. Charming woo. After the trial plans to attend Cal Tech.00:12:53 By the way, you can now purchase a bronze statue of the Jews for only $3395 and for an even 5 grand. You can buy one that Al Cowlings has kissed the *** of.
00:13:08 OJ Simpson's new fitness video was released this week and hitting the shows next week. Simpsons newest video door fun stocking.
00:13:25 The crowd is torn.
Devon Stack
00:13:30 All right. Well, actually he ran off the second I went out there to go get him. So he'll.00:13:34 I'm sure he'll be back.
00:13:36 He always he's always back.
00:13:39 So that this documentary, like I said, is in five parts the.
00:13:42 First one, let me fix this a little more. Let me just a little more.
Speaker 11
00:13:47 That's not what's supposed to happen.00:13:48 Here.
Devon Stack
00:13:49 Sorry guys, I just watched like.00:13:53 8 hours of video today. I'm a little burned out. Here we go. Oh, look. And he's already.
00:13:58 Back.
00:14:02 My God, Cheryl, you're gonna be the death of me. All right? Back to Norm MacDonald. Hang on.
Speaker 12
00:14:14 According to retailers, the most popular Halloween Mass this year is OJ Simpson, and the most popular Halloween greeting is I'll kill you and that guy who's bringing over your glasses or treats.00:14:34 And the Pope came out of the book this week, which contains a series of essays examining faith and morality in today's secular world and the changing world of the Catholic Church as it approaches the 21st century. The book is entitled, God himself told me that OJ is guilty.
Devon Stack
00:14:51 Some of these jokes will make more.00:14:52 Sense after we go over the.
00:14:55 Stream tonight. Alright, so the documentary starts off again in in sort of a part that we're not going to cover.
00:15:03 It shows him at the parole hearing.
00:15:06 And it's trying to like set it up to where all he's he's the victim of.
00:15:11 You know the the racist court system to some degree. You know, he talks about because this is the in his parole hearing because he does get arrested later on in life. People know the story.
00:15:24 And he says, like, oh, yeah, you know, I I'm. I'm working at the gym. I I I I coach people. You know I've I've been like a model citizen here at the prison and then the parole board's all. Yeah. But remember that time you were arrested for murdering your wife.
00:15:44 And so it's. He's like, damn it, I can't. But I was a quid. I just can't get away from that, can I? And then the music hits and it's OJ made in America. Right.
Speaker 13
00:15:45 And.Devon Stack
00:15:57 And they were treated to a little history lesson about OJ because a lot of people that are younger don't know this. I think boomers know a lot of this. I I didn't know a lot of this. I wasn't aware of, you know, I mean, I I kind of knew who he was because he was in some movies. He was in commercials. I didn't care about sports ball.00:16:17 Never have and so I knew he was. But I knew he was a sports ball guy, but that's about all I knew.
00:16:23 And when the trial was happening, I was pretty young. And so I remember it being on TV, but for me, it wasn't like watching some big star like it was for a lot of people. It was like watching some guy that I'd seen in a couple of commercials and I couldn't understand why it was as big as it was.
00:16:42 And so that they kind of go into that in this first episode here. And I want you to take a look at the racial makeup.
00:16:49 The the racial makeup at the college that he ended up playing at back in. I believe this is around 19671968.
Speaker 5
00:17:01 With an enrollment of approximately 16,000 students, this is the largest and oldest university of continuous existence in Southern California. Its buildings and grounds cover 45 acres and it is graduated many thousands of men and women who are now leaders in the business and professional world.Devon Stack
00:17:19 I mean, just look at that, look at that.00:17:21 Crowd.
00:17:22 Whole lot of white faces and this is Los Angeles.
00:17:28 This is Los Angeles.
00:17:32 This is before racial quotas. This is before lowering the bar to just let anyone into your college.
00:17:39 For diversity's sake, because it's not like there weren't black people in Los Angeles.
00:17:46 Lord knows that they were coming there in droves. In fact, they they talk about that as well.
00:17:53 They talk about how OJ Simpson was a A star player.
00:18:00 He was.
00:18:02 Going to get a scholarship to go to USC because he was such a an outstanding player in high school.
00:18:12 He gets all excited because he's one of the few black people that are admitted into the college, and I would submit to you, I don't understand.
00:18:22 Why?
00:18:23 The connection, especially now that sports ball has just become meaningless.
00:18:32 It's not as if.
00:18:34 The Oakland Raiders, the people that are in the Oakland Raiders, are from Oakland.
00:18:40 It's not as if the people that play for the New York Yankees are from New York.
00:18:47 It's not. Hey, let's get the best and brightest or the most athletic from our town.
00:18:53 And play against some other town for some kind of town pride? No, they're just franchises.
00:19:02 And the same goes for colleges, right? It's not as if.
00:19:06 People stay in the same. I mean, you're considered a loser. Ohh, you went to Community College, you went to State College.
00:19:16 No, people go across the country across the world.
00:19:21 To attend a college that has nothing to do with them has nothing to do with their their community. It just happens to be as as globalization spreads. It's just the the best option for your career at that moment.
00:19:38 And so it doesn't make any sense anymore. Not that I really don't think that it.
00:19:43 Did so much before either.
00:19:46 To have this incestuous relationship with sports and college.
00:19:54 OJ Simpson might have been a a great football player, but why does that mean that he should have free college?
00:20:04 And how many of these * athletes at different colleges can even read it at at A at a 8th grade level?
00:20:15 And it doesn't make any sense to me.
00:20:20 Other than the fact that it's it's a money making machine, right? How much money do those colleges make off of their athletic program?
00:20:29 People that want to to to wave a flag and and wear a jersey.
00:20:34 And drink, drink some beer and eat some hot wings while they watch other men play a game.
00:20:42 But anyway, so they decided to let him go to school with all the white people.
00:20:48 Because he's he's uh, he can run fast.
00:20:51 And that makes sense, right?
00:20:54 Because we we you know we we we want to have like lots of high performers in our society and and so that that's a good way to do it. Uh you can run fast. Ohh welcome to the the the Academic Center of the Universe here because you can run fast.
00:21:12 He quickly becomes a star because he's he is a good athlete.
Speaker 14
00:21:21 A civil rights leader in Los Angeles has said if you are going to be a ***** in a big city, then Los Angeles is the best place to be.Devon Stack
00:21:30 If you're going to be a *****, then Los Angeles is the best place to be.00:21:36 Word gets out the African community here is that. Ohh you know.
00:21:41 The Los Angeles is not racist like the South.
00:21:47 The Great ***** migration that we've covered in other major cities across the country also, of course takes place in Los Angeles. But there's this.
00:21:55 Drawn to California, California was always kind of a lefty state in Los Angeles. Had this reputation for being very liberal and not racist, like like the other cities that they might go to. So black people just started showing up in Los Angeles with, with not a penny to their name in droves.
Speaker 5
00:22:16 There is no group in America to whom California has meant more than it has the nigros in the two decades between 1940 and 1960, while the population of all other groups in Los Angeles went up by 100%, the ***** population went up by 600%.Speaker 6
00:22:35 A lot of.Speaker 5
00:22:36 The people come from the people come.Speaker 2
00:22:38 From the states of Texas, Louisiana, Georgia.Devon Stack
00:22:45 So the black population goes up by 600%.00:22:50 As blacks from the South flocked to Los Angeles.
00:22:55 And then of course, because at a certain point a city can only, as we've seen in previous streams, we're not going to get too heavy into this because I've done entire streams on this.
00:23:06 Cities can only their reach. You reach a saturation point.
00:23:12 After your city becomes X percent black and I haven't exactly figured out what that number is.
00:23:21 But once you reach a certain point, riots will happen.
00:23:27 Riots will happen again and again and again with regularity.
00:23:32 Every you know, decade or so. Maybe. Maybe.
00:23:36 More often than that.
00:23:38 And so, inevitably, of course, as we've covered in previous streams, the Watts riots take place.
00:23:46 In the late 60s.
00:23:48 And so while OJ Simpson is enjoying his status as the cool black guy on campus.
00:23:56 Just down the street and watts in the black neighborhoods.
00:24:01 It's chaos.
00:24:05 And they like to pin a lot of this, this, this chaos, this racist attack that's happening, because that's the way this it's framed, right? It's not framed that, hey, look, all these black people moved in and then all of a sudden they were riots. I I just can't think the math is too complicated for me to figure out.
00:24:25 You know, I went to school on a on a athletic scholarship, so I I can't, you know, algebra one. What is that?
00:24:34 I I can't figure it out.
00:24:37 So they tried to pin it on this police chief.
00:24:41 Darrell Gates, I believe his name was.
00:24:44 Who kept that city in check?
00:24:47 He kept it under control.
00:24:50 He kept under control with an iron fist.
00:24:53 And of course, because the blacks were committing all the crimes, they ended up being in the crosshairs of the LAPD.
Speaker 16
00:25:05 Excuse me.Speaker 15
00:25:05 Chief Barker turned a very corrupt Police Department into what was viewed as a very honest police work. But with that he brought a level of being untouchable.00:25:18 Everything at the police Academy was right in the sense of command staff officers, all of the trainers were white.
Speaker 2
00:25:19 Right.Speaker 17
00:25:27 Bill Parker was reputed to have actually recruited police officers from Klan rallies.Speaker 15
00:25:35 I think he minimum.00:25:37 Was racially insensitive at maximum he was racist.
Speaker 17
00:25:45 Police officers under Bill Parker would respond to a radio call. They would go ****** the person who was causing trouble, put him in the car, take him out and leave. So their interaction with the community was almost entirely based on.00:25:58 Apprehension and that's where the notion of an occupying army comes from.
Speaker 8
00:25:59 Oh yeah.Devon Stack
00:26:05 OK, Darrell Gates is actually the the chief that comes after him. So I mixed that. This is Bill Parker.00:26:12 Sounds pretty ******* based.
00:26:15 And then again they they how did they frame it? Well, you know, Bill Parker was all about just going in there and arresting criminals and then putting him in jail. So most of the black people's interaction with cops was it was very like a military coming in and and apprehending criminals.
00:26:34 Again, kind of sounds like that's what you have to do because you know what that is, kind of what you have to do. Just like when a certain amount of of black people make up your population in any given city, you're going to have riots. You have to maintain a certain level of police force, brutal ******* force.
00:26:53 To keep them in line.
00:26:55 Don't believe me? Look around you. LA doesn't look like this anymore.
00:27:07 That's just the facts.
00:27:12 You can reason with people and and you can use diplomacy with people.
00:27:19 And you can try to persuade people who are capable of reason.
00:27:25 But there's a minimum IQ and just a a minimal amount of of civilization that's required for that.
00:27:34 And I'm not going to beat around the Bush black people as a group, not maybe not individually all of them, but black people as a group lack the ability to govern themselves. There's an entire continent of them that proves this.
00:27:52 And so when you reach a certain point in your population and your demographics.
00:28:02 You can no longer trust them to govern themselves, and you have to rule.
00:28:08 In the same way that that the brutal dictator warlords in Africa rule, if you want to keep things in control, that's just the you want freedom.
00:28:21 You want these liberal societies, libertarians out there? Well, guess what? Those aren't possible when you have a certain amount of black people. It's just not.
00:28:30 It's just not.
00:28:34 These liberal societies, these, these I I believe in freedom and liberty. OK, then you you better believe in.
00:28:40 In a white ethno state.
00:28:44 Because that kind of government, that kind of lifestyle is not possible.
00:28:51 Once you get a certain amount of black people.
00:28:54 It's just not possible.
00:28:58 It's not possible.
00:29:03 So you have to ask yourself, and in fact, you're going to have to ask yourself this a lot this stream, because there's just so much evidence of this.
00:29:11 Is it worth it?
00:29:16 Is it worth it having guys in spandex running around slapping each other on the ***?
00:29:21 On the TV.
00:29:24 Is it worth it for some rap songs?
00:29:32 Is it worth it for some? You know, Eddie Murphy movies? Is it worth worth it to have Eddie Murphy voicing Donkey and Shrek?
00:29:44 Because that's the trade off you're making.
00:29:50 That's the trade off you're making.
00:29:54 And not that's not the only thing you're giving up, but that's like a major thing.
00:29:58 We we've talked about the.
00:29:59 Economics. Buying it too. It's it's unbelievable.
00:30:05 So of course, that's the price LA starts having to pay.
00:30:09 As all these blacks come from the South, all these, all these.
00:30:14 All these Yankees that have always looked down their nose at those racist Southerners? Ohh you guys just hate black people. We love black people. Come on in and then this **** happens.
00:30:29 And rather than just say, yeah, maybe the Southerners run to something.
00:30:36 They have to come up.
00:30:37 With wow that that this doesn't make any sense.
00:30:41 There must be something else at work here.
Speaker 5
00:30:44 Complaint that you hear everywhere is that the ***** is not getting the same treatment from the police as the.Speaker 18
00:30:50 Well, I know, but I'm getting a little bit weary of that and I think perhaps the best thing to do is just to pull the police out of the area. I've offered to do that again and again. But do you see how quick they?00:31:00 Are to come back and say we can't afford to have that.
Devon Stack
00:31:04 Wow, it's almost as if nothing's changed.00:31:07 Oh, we hate the police. Defund the police. All right, I'll be happy to take the police out of your neighbor. Well, we can't do that.
00:31:18 That's based Bill Parker, the police chief, saying, hey, look.
00:31:22 You know you can.
00:31:23 Criticize me all you want and say that we're too tough on black people, but this is sorry. Sometimes violence is the only language some people understand.
00:31:36 Which is evidenced by their behavior.
00:31:41 It's not just one way.
00:31:46 We're not negotiating with them in the same way they don't negotiate with you.
00:31:51 When they brutalize your daughter.
00:31:55 When they break into your home.
00:32:02 When they give a a white kid brain damage.
00:32:09 For looking at at at the wrong person at the wrong time.
00:32:15 Ohh I'm sure I'm sure, he said.
00:32:17 The N word.
00:32:22 So they talk about how the ohh there there's all this racial **** going on, this evil, evil white police chief that's keeping that. He's like the glue holding that ******* city together.
Speaker 6
00:32:34 The are stepping up. They're waking up and they're going to do something about what the right man did to them. I'm not.Speaker 8
00:32:39 Afraid of bloodshed?Devon Stack
00:32:43 Yeah, that's what you're dealing with.00:32:46 That's what you're dealing with.
00:32:50 We're going to get revenge on ******.
00:32:53 That's another theme that you're going to hear throughout tonight.
00:32:57 Because you're not able to be honest with these people with people like this. If you want to call them people.
00:33:06 Because you can't just say. Look, I'm sorry. You guys just aren't as.
00:33:10 Capable as we.
00:33:10 Are you did?
00:33:12 Not build a society like this anywhere on the.
00:33:14 Face of the earth.
00:33:16 And those civilizations? We've helped you build, you have not been able to maintain.
00:33:22 Anywhere, not a single example.
00:33:26 You are not capable of pulling your own weight in societies that we create for ourselves.
00:33:34 And we've done the math and you're just you.
00:33:36 Don't belong here.
00:33:39 Sorry, you don't belong here.
00:33:43 And So what do they have to do? They have to come up.
00:33:45 With excuses as to why they're not. Why?
00:33:48 Don't why? Why does why do you have all the wealth? Why does why do you have all the power? How come? Why did he?
00:33:55 Why they must be keeping me down?
00:34:02 And we're gonna get revenge. We're gonna get revenge.
00:34:08 Why? Because, as Bill Parker observed, violence seems to be the only language they understand.
00:34:20 Go back to August 11, 1965.
Speaker 15
00:34:25 The riots, the watch riot was one of the first major events in the city of LA that was caught on TV. People who grew up looking at those kinds of activities in the South, they thought that's where all of the racial divide was. The only thing was missing in LA they were dogs.Speaker 16
00:34:43 Give up. Get your hands up with low.Devon Stack
00:34:48 Once again, the framing is everything right?00:34:52 His framing is, Oh yeah, it turns out there's not just racists in the South. They're everywhere we go.
00:35:00 Right. We've been kicked out of 109 counties, but it's everyone else's fault everywhere we go.
00:35:09 We underperform and and and police treat us badly and we arrest us more because everyone just hates black people, has nothing to do with our behavior.
00:35:23 See, you guys are just as racist as the people that I ******* knew it.
00:35:31 You said it. It's just the Southerners that you Yankees were were above all that. But turns out you're not.
00:35:39 Look at this archival footage of white people arresting black people. I'm sure they did nothing.
00:35:48 Nothing but burn down the entire city like we've seen over and over and over again, just in the last few years. It happens all the time.
00:35:58 And almost always over a lie.
00:36:04 You would think that out of all of these moments in history, throughout American history, when blacks freak out and start burning down a city.
00:36:12 Then at least one of those, those those times, it would be over a legitimate reason.
00:36:19 Right. If it's, if it's. So. If everything's so racist. If the white supremacy is so endemic, you would think there'd be several examples, not just one or two, but at least you have a success rate of of 50%.
00:36:35 Right. But as we've gone over in detail, these riots are never it's it's always that George Floyd type situation.
00:36:46 It's all always over some ********.
00:36:49 It's always over some some like. Well, just what that last week.
00:36:56 Black Guy gets pulled over, opens fire on cops like like I think he gets off 11 shots before he getting shot dead his moms on TV. He didn't do nothing wrong. He was just going for a drive.
00:37:11 That's how these riots.
00:37:13 Start almost every single ******* time.
Speaker 5
00:37:16 In creating the situation where was the failure on the part of the city, the county, the schools?Speaker 18
00:37:21 Yes, Sir. I think is one of the difficulties in meeting this is that we're trying to find a failure other than the people themselves. They came in and and flooded a community that doesn't prepare to meet them. We didn't ask these people to come there.Devon Stack
00:37:37 Based Bill Parker and that should give you at least a little bit of hope, honestly.00:37:42 I know it's black Pilling looking at at at a police chief of Los Angeles just saying plainly exactly the problem here you are.
00:37:52 Asking me where the failure is, as if there's something we're doing that causes this.
00:37:59 When the obvious answer is nobody asked these people to show up and start chimping out.
00:38:07 They're the ones rioting.
00:38:09 They're the ones burning everything down. They're the ones running neighborhoods into the ground.
00:38:15 They're the ones parasitically sucking all of the the funds from the the city budgets, the county budgets, the state budgets.
00:38:24 Not just from, you know, the the money that they require just to sustain themselves.
00:38:30 Through welfare. But just the the added expense the to the the the police state that now has to exist in order to protect normal people from these people.
00:38:45 The prison system that has to expand wildly in order to house them.
00:38:51 Nobody's asking that question. Why?
00:38:55 And so you see this guy in 1965 just saying the obvious, and it's a little bit black Pilling because you.
00:39:02 Would never see that today.
00:39:05 You would never see, especially not in LA, a police chief in LA say, hey, maybe I don't know. Call me crazy. Maybe it's all the black people moving here. Maybe that's the problem. You think?
00:39:20 But the white Pilling thing is it wasn't that long ago.
00:39:27 It wasn't that long ago we used to have people that were were no nonsense like that. And you know, 1965.
00:39:38 60 some 70 some odd years ago.
00:39:45 Doesn't. That's not like 1000 years ago.
00:39:49 We were there once. We can get there again.
00:39:54 So they again, they keep showing archival footage of, oh, look, they're burning and they look, this could be any city if I showed you this, this could be any city, any, any city that has black people on it. I'm not going to put that asterisk there.
00:40:08 Any city with black people in it all across America.
00:40:14 But meanwhile.
00:40:17 Just down the street from this kind of nonsense.
00:40:21 You had OJ Simpson hanging out with the white folk because he was a good sports ball player.
00:40:28 He didn't want anything to do with the racial divide. He wanted to keep out of it. He wanted to succeed financially, and he knew that if he played the game, that if he was the black person, that that white people weren't afraid.
00:40:41 To be around.
00:40:44 Then he could make money.
00:40:49 So when athletes started to.
00:40:53 Black athletes started to get political. He wanted to stay.
00:40:57 Out of it.
Speaker 3
00:40:58 The United States has hypocritically put itself up as the leader of the free world, while right here in this country there are 22 million black people who are catching more hell than anyone in any communist country ever dreamed of. Black men and women athletes.00:41:17 Professional and amateur have unanimously voted to fully endorse and participate in a boycott of the World Olympic Games in 1960.
Devon Stack
00:41:32 So you have black athletes saying they're going to boycott the Olympics.00:41:37 And OJ Simpson is pressure, you know, to do to participate in this boycott of athletics. Yeah.
00:41:45 Martin Luther King.
00:41:47 Supporting this boycott, saying yes, you know, if if we're not going to if if white people don't want us, then we're not going to play their little reindeer games. And I'm like, hey, why not? I support that too. OJ. However, again, he wanted to be successful and wealthy and and and and.
00:42:07 Wanted to be part.
00:42:07 Of the club.
00:42:09 So he kept playing.
00:42:13 He's became a star player. He's featured in Sports Illustrated here.
00:42:18 Photographed with Nixon.
00:42:22 And during the Olympics, when they did the Black power fist.
00:42:27 In the air, the iconic go look at us.
00:42:30 We're protesting.
00:42:33 Were as were as the oppressed black athletes from America. We're letting the world know that we have to.
00:42:39 Deal with racism back home.
00:42:43 OJ Simpson didn't want any part of it.
00:42:48 He wins the Heisman Trophy.
00:42:52 And begins to get celebrity endorsements, which was a relatively new thing.
00:43:02 Now the celebrity endorsements.
00:43:07 Weren't you know, it wasn't like, completely new, but especially for a black guy that was like, that was completely new to have a black guy.
00:43:14 That you would feature to to sell your products to white people because you're selling products that black people can't really afford, especially if it's a brand new car, right?
00:43:25 But that shows you the level of acceptance that he had. He had reached in. I guess if you want to.
00:43:31 Say white America.
Speaker 5
00:43:37 I believe that once I.Speaker 19
00:43:38 Made perfect sense. OJ Simpson was a counter revolutionary athlete.00:43:44 White America is looking for somebody who can erase the threat of these seemingly angry principal black athletes. We're going to create a revolution in sports. OG made people feel good.
Devon Stack
00:44:04 Ah, now it's all starting to make sense.00:44:09 Just like the the racial, the obvious racial casting that takes place in commercials today.
00:44:18 This was a different kind of racial casting taking place in commercials back then.
00:44:24 White America was terrified of what was happening in places like Watts.
00:44:31 Because it was happening all across the country.
00:44:35 White Americans were increasingly uncomfortable with the idea.
00:44:41 Of the civil rights movement.
00:44:44 Of sharing their cities with black people who inevitably would would ruin the property values and and drive the crime up.
00:44:53 Drive the white people out to the suburbs.
00:44:58 And So what did they do?
00:45:01 Well, they found a black guy that white people weren't afraid of.
00:45:06 And they put them in as many commercials as they as they possibly could.
00:45:11 Hey, look, it's a black guy. He drinks RC Cola just like you.
00:45:17 Hey, look, it's a black guy.
00:45:19 He can afford a new car just like you.
00:45:24 Hey, look at he. He's it's like he was.
00:45:26 Like the Obama.
00:45:28 Of of of athletes.
00:45:31 He was he was clean. In fact, when they decided to use him as a sports commentator.
00:45:39 They gave him speech lessons.
00:45:42 So that he wouldn't sound *****.
00:45:45 They actually sent him to a speech coach to get him to sound as white as.
00:45:49 Possible.
00:45:55 But that's not that wasn't the real OJ.
00:45:59 The real OJ was he was a.
00:46:01 Ghetto black kid.
00:46:03 That just happened to be able to run fast.
00:46:06 And so he was useful.
00:46:08 To the egos of people who ran colleges.
00:46:13 And he was useful to advertisers and the the Jews that ran the ad agencies in showing white America. Ohh. Look looking black. That's not scary.
00:46:24 But they interviewed one of his childhood friends and and I don't know, maybe he maybe he is just like us. Maybe I'm exaggerating, right? They thought he talked about how what it was like growing up. And this is something that we can all relate to.
Speaker 7
00:46:39 You little poor kids. You know, we're still cars. We would break into somebody's house, take all the women's purses and stuff like you.Devon Stack
00:46:50 Yeah, you know, we were kids. We would steal cars, break into people's houses and steal women's purses.00:46:58 You know, like kids do.
00:47:03 We was just kids.
00:47:06 So OJ was was was a ghetto kid that would break into houses, steal purses from women and and steal cars.
00:47:15 And they think it's funny and relatable. He doesn't know anything else. Look at this guy. He thinks he's talking about some funny like ohh yeah, you know. Well, I snuck out of my room and went to a party one night, you know?
00:47:30 So after college, OJ gets drafted to play for the Buffalo Bills.
00:47:36 In Buffalo, NY.
00:47:40 Comes one of the highest paid football players.
00:47:46 But he's miserable.
00:47:48 He hates it because he's black and it's Buffalo.
00:47:52 Where it snows all the time and it's really cold.
00:47:58 And so he doesn't want to.
00:47:59 He doesn't want to live there.
00:48:02 It's basically, again, it's biologically incompatible with him.
00:48:10 But the you know, the white Boomer Bros love it. Oh, we got OJ. He can run fast.
00:48:18 He can run fast with.
00:48:19 A ball in his hand.
00:48:22 We're going to paint his name on our faces and jump up and down, drink beer and scream his name out loud.
00:48:31 Nothing gay about that.
00:48:33 Oh yeah, go get old. ******* OJ has nothing to do.
00:48:36 With Buffalo at all.
00:48:38 In fact, he hates Buffalo.
00:48:41 But he runs fast.
00:48:46 We're having a good time with this with this.
00:48:50 This fast running ***** that we purchased.
00:48:55 So then he gets one of his first really big endorsements product endorsements, which is a Hertz rent a car.
00:49:04 And this this whole deal, of course, was engineered by a Jewish ad agency.
00:49:12 The.
00:49:14 President of Hertz had this idea of a man running through quickly through an airport.
00:49:21 Trying to to not miss a flight and being impressed by how quickly he was able to return his car or rent a car and just showing that it's really smooth.
00:49:34 And the Jewish ad agency said, well, you know.
00:49:38 What if we made it a black guy?
00:49:42 You know they they.
00:49:43 Black people run fast. We got this guy, OJ.
00:49:49 And the the ad is actually very successful.
00:49:55 But listen to.
00:49:55 How they they crafted it? If you think I'm exaggerating by by making it racial.
00:50:00 Well, let them let them explain it.
00:50:03 Here's the ad.
Speaker 19
00:50:04 For us, OJ was colorless.00:50:07 One of the people that we associated with looked at him as a black man.
Devon Stack
00:50:13 Wrong clip. That's not the ad. But again, that's the boomer. I don't see color.00:50:18 So that was the CEO of Hertz, I believe. Yeah. That that guy right there. So he's like, yeah, I don't see race. I don't see.
00:50:25 Color of course.
00:50:27 Let's go and stick him in the air. He does. That's genius. Jewish ad agency. That's genius. Let's have him in there.
00:50:34 But then they start talking about how a black man running through an airport might disturb some people.
00:50:43 To give you an idea of what they were, people were what they were used to when they see a black man running what comes to mind.
00:50:49 You know what? What has? What has he done? What is he running away from?
00:50:54 If if I see him running through the airport, I'm I get uncomfortable. So.
00:50:57 They had to address that.
Speaker 20
00:51:00 OJ was the first to demonstrate that white folks would buy stuff based on a black endorsement, as as it was not pressed as a black endorsement.00:51:15 And the way they did that was to remove black people totally from anything that OJ was in.
Speaker 19
00:51:25 It was Fred Levinson who said, guys, we're going to be showing.Devon Stack
00:51:31 Fred Levinson. There's the there's the Jewish ad agency guy.00:51:36 There's the guy. Look, he it was he. It was all his idea. Imagine that it was all his Jewish idea. Guys, in order to get the white people to, to not look at this as a black endorsement. We have to remove all black people from the scene. But that's.
Speaker 19
00:51:50 Not all guys. We're going to be showing a black man running through an airport.Speaker 21
00:51:50 No.Speaker 19
00:51:57 In 1975.Speaker 23
00:51:59 I said when you see the commercial with a black guy running through an airport, little different than seeing a white guy running to an airport.Speaker 19
00:52:06 So he came up with the idea of putting in various characters who would see OJ and endorse him by saying, go OJ go.Speaker 22
00:52:15 Good girl.Speaker 5
00:52:20 Go forward from hurt a supercar and rent a car.Devon Stack
00:52:26 So they had to put white people in the commercial.00:52:31 Approving of the black guy running through the airport to to put people at ease.
Speaker 24
00:52:41 Ah.Speaker 25
00:52:43 It sounds talmudic.Devon Stack
00:52:47 So yeah, I'm not making it all up. They're they're the ones that look.00:52:52 They they said it, not me. It was this Jewish guys idea.
00:52:57 To plant, you know, let's have an old white lady. Let's have some Girl Scouts.
00:53:02 Cheering on the black man.
00:53:08 I'm gonna. I'm I'm. I'm going to drown you, churro.
00:53:13 I'm going to drown you in a in a.
00:53:16 And a bucket of wine.
00:53:19 He he wants to come in. I let him in and now he wants to go back out. You know, you're just have to deal with it.
00:53:26 I might let you back out after I when I play a.
00:53:28 Sound bite?
Speaker 11
00:53:28 But yeah, I know you. You made your bed.Devon Stack
00:53:34 So the the juice as he begins to be called.00:53:40 Because of, you know, OJ orange juice. You know it.
00:53:44 Becomes very popular. They put them on the the cover of magazines.
00:53:49 They put him on television shows.
00:53:53 He's endorsing everything you know between him and Bill Cosby. It was like wall to wall black guys endorsing things.
Speaker 11
00:54:02 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:54:03 Razors.00:54:05 Actual orange juice.
Speaker 7
00:54:11 The scene is this. Here is 3/4. Black kids never had $1000 in a pockets. Now he got a brand new drop top Cadillac. We're driving down rodeo. Dr. Women come up, throw their arms.00:54:30 Ron OJ and just lay it on. Not just one white. Fine.
Devon Stack
00:54:42 Ah yes, the the the the prize.00:54:46 The prize of all poor black men.
00:54:49 Fine white women.
00:54:52 You see now that he had the money and the status.
00:54:55 The two things that apparently find white women find the most attractive.
00:55:00 He had white women and he was married, by the way. He's married to a black woman at the time.
00:55:05 So then he had all these white.
00:55:06 Women throwing themselves at.
00:55:08 Him.
00:55:09 So he started cheating on.
00:55:10 His wife and banging random white hoes.
00:55:15 Getting into all these fancy clubs.
00:55:18 Rubbing elbows with all the the.
00:55:22 The rich studio heads and Hollywood.
00:55:27 Then they throw in this weird thing about his dad being gay, which it really I I don't understand. Like why they put that in there?
00:55:35 Because it it doesn't seem to tie into the rest of it. It's just they threw this in there to just be like ohh look how complex he is.
00:55:42 But the story is that his uh his friends came over to his house one day to see if he, you know, could come steal cars and and women's purses.
00:55:51 And his dad answered the door. And, you know, naked wearing it well, wearing a robe. And there was a naked guy behind him that he had been banging. And so all of his friends found out that his dad was gay. And, you know, and and that was like, again, I don't know why they threw that in there. So he's got a gay.
00:56:12 Dad.
00:56:17 So he's got a gay dad and he's trying to make it in Hollywood.
00:56:21 They decide to cast him in some like space movie where, you know, it's kind of a bee movie. If I forget the name of it doesn't really matter that much.
00:56:31 It doesn't do that great of a job.
00:56:32 But.
00:56:33 Does he does a good enough job to where it's not like the worst thing ever. It's just he's not. No, no studio is gonna be banging down his door trying to get into another movie. Maybe he could do some TV or something.
00:56:46 Because, you know, he didn't do the worst job, but he didn't really pass as, like, a a leading role.
00:56:51 He was he.
00:56:52 He certainly what he was. No, Sidney.
00:56:53 Poitier, if you will.
00:56:57 So then he meets 18 year old.
00:57:00 Nicole Brown.
00:57:02 While he's at one of the fancy restaurants, she is his waitress. Again. He's married, but he's banging all these white chicks and he decides that he wants to. He he he he must have her.
Speaker 19
00:57:17 She was 18 years old. She had just graduated from high school. She was just like my little sister.00:57:24 She goes. I met this man and his name is OJ Simpson.
00:57:29 They went out and and waited up for them.
00:57:34 She got home and was like 2:00 in the morning. Her jeans were ripped, and I went what? What happened? And she goes well, it was a little forceful.
00:57:47 And I can't, Nicole, why would you let him first aid be a little bit forceful? Well, Dave, don't be upset. I think I really like this guy. That was, you know, at the start of it.
00:58:01 About two days later, she went back to work, she said. OJ came in, he wants to get an apartment for me and also a car. And I went. Nicole, think about this. You know, he's married and has children.
00:58:16 And she knows. But I think I really like this guy. It was that fast.
00:58:23 18 years old. I mean, it was too young.
Devon Stack
00:58:28 So he meets this 18 year old white girl. He has lots of money and status and she says, oh, I don't care that you're married and and black and, you know, you've got money and status so.00:58:41 That's enough.
00:58:43 And he gets a place in the Hollywood Hills.
00:58:49 Meanwhile, of course, they try to contrast that with. That's not the typical black experience.
00:58:56 In LA, most black people are still being harassed by cops. While OJ was was going around banging all these hot white women.
Speaker 27
00:59:05 On January 3rd, 1979, two members of the Los Angeles Police Department shot and killed Yulia Law that our home in a dispute over $22.09 utility bill.00:59:19 She died on.
00:59:20 Her front lawn before the eyes of.
00:59:22 Her own children.
Devon Stack
00:59:25 And yes, that is Maxine Waters.00:59:29 That's how long. That's how long these ****** ******* stay in Washington.
00:59:34 That's Maxine waters. Way back in. What is that 70 something?
00:59:40 And yet again, this is the example they're using. They're saying Oh my God, the LAPD in in a fit of of racism. Gunned down this woman.
00:59:54 For no reason at all.
00:59:56 But in the same documentary, they they they tell you exactly what the reason was, and it's the same reason that you you have in all of these cases.
Speaker 28
01:00:05 Was an officer here an officer there? She held a knife in her hand. There was a scuffle. The knife was knocked out of her hand. She reached for it. And as she threw it, the officers opened fire.Devon Stack
01:00:16 So she attacked cops with a knife.01:00:21 So no, it wasn't some innocent black single mom just trying to make it, getting shot over $22.00 or whatever.
01:00:30 She attacked cops with a knife.
01:00:36 But that wasn't the quote community consensus.
01:00:40 Because black people also apparently lack the ability.
01:00:46 That the superpower, apparently.
01:00:50 Of.
01:00:52 Personal responsibility.
01:00:56 That's something you hear the same people that they want, they want freedom, they want liberty, they want this libertarian utopia.
01:01:04 That's all based on personal responsibility. Well, guess what? You can't have that and black people simultaneously. You just can't. It's just not possible.
01:01:16 You can be upset by that idea. You can be offended and anger. I don't care. It's just it's just not possible.
01:01:26 See if I found out that my aunt as an example.
01:01:32 Was was approached by cops because they were shutting off like the the gas or electricity because she wasn't paying the bill or whatever it was.
01:01:42 And she attacked them with a knife.
01:01:44 And got shot.
01:01:46 I'd be like, yeah, well, you know.
01:01:50 That's what happens, I guess you you probably shouldn't attack the police with a knife.
01:01:56 Doesn't matter like what the reason is I.
01:01:58 Mean there's there's.
01:01:59 Very few circumstances, and this wasn't one of them. Where I I would say, yeah, well, I would have attacked the police.
01:02:05 With a knife also.
01:02:09 You see, you can't have a society like the one that.
01:02:12 You want to live in.
01:02:15 As long as these people live in your society because it's not just the woman who attacked the police with the knife, it's the entire community. Look, community consensus.
01:02:25 Your love was murdered by police.
01:02:39 So of course they try to use this.
01:02:41 To get rid of a a, another police chief, that's also kind of based.
01:02:48 I believe now this is the one where we've gotten to Darrell Gates.
01:02:53 And they start saying that they they they need to reform everything because they're not. It's the same arguments.
01:03:00 Oh, black people are being mistreated by cops. Really. Is that just? It's it. It's, it's almost. It's the same thing with Jews like ohh, where we get kicked out of every country we go to, right? It's never anything we're doing.
01:03:15 And black people are the same way, right? And no matter, no matter where we go, the cops just don't like us. Even when the cops themselves are black, they always seem to abuse us.
01:03:28 And so the Jews in Hollywood decide to use this.
01:03:32 This racial tension that's going on and they realize that OJ's proclivity for white women is, is slowly becoming public and they want to kind of because they like, they like using OJ. He's a great propaganda tool.
01:03:49 So they want to kind of head that off before it it it starts because at the time, you know, interracial relationships was still frowned upon. You know, all the way up until really the last, I'd say up until the 2000s, early 2000s.
01:04:07 And so you have you have this going on and so they decide to put them in a A made for TV movie called A Killing Affair.
01:04:17 Where it's about police brutality against black people and.
01:04:21 Him falling in love with his his white woman partner.
Speaker 5
01:04:25 OJ Simpson and Elizabeth Montgomery are two police detectives who have a problem. They're falling in love, and it's breaking all the rules.01:04:34 But you are a married man and your conduct was supposed to be exemplary. Make any difference about the white cop. It's a bittersweet. Still break of two people caught between their emotions and their actions in a killing of bear.
Devon Stack
01:04:48 Ah yes, a killing affair.01:04:51 Titillating the masses.
01:04:55 Meanwhile, in real life, he's paying for an apartment for Nicole Brown to live in.
01:05:02 And.
01:05:04 Seeing her on the side while while still banging other random white chicks.
01:05:10 And the black power movements getting ****** *** because he's becoming really the most one of the most famous black people alive.
01:05:19 And he refuses to use his platform to push the black power stuff because he, unbeknownst to them, really, I don't think they're they're thinking this through. He's playing a a completely different role for the same cause.
01:05:36 He's being the optical *****.
01:05:42 The people pulling his puppet strings strings realize that it's bad optics when you guys walk around in in berets and holding bats and saying that you're going to get revenge on the white man, like, that's not helping you out.
01:05:58 Even this logo here this is. This looks a little. We don't like this.
01:06:05 See what we'd rather do?
01:06:08 Has featured him in magazines with white women and TV shows with white women and.
01:06:13 Having products and looking very normal and and non threatening as much as possible.
01:06:24 Then he gets divorced.
01:06:26 His daughter. Because he's out, you know.
01:06:30 Banging white women all the time and not actually watching his kids, his daughter drowns in the swimming pool of his.
01:06:37 Of his estate.
01:06:40 And his marriage kind of breaks up. He marries Nicole Brown and she becomes Nicole Brown Simpson.
01:06:53 He then gets hired by ABC Sports to be a sportscaster and this is.
01:06:59 You know that's where his training really pays off.
01:07:03 His voice training.
01:07:06 He wanted to make sure he didn't sound like, well, I don't know. I don't watch sports ball, but I've seen enough clips of like, like Shaq just as an example in his role as a sportscaster guy, he didn't want to sound like that.
01:07:21 He wanted to sound.
01:07:22 Like a like a a a black white guy.
01:07:28 They also decided, well, you know what, he's got comedic talent.
01:07:32 You don't have to be a a serious dramatic actor.
01:07:36 In order to, you know, be featured in in TV shows and movies like the Naked Gun.
01:07:49 So he has some success there.
Speaker 29
01:07:52 In 1978, Los Angeles Police Chief Darryl Gates apologized after saying some Hispanic officers don't advance in the ranks because they are quote lazy and now an N double ACP official is calling a comment by Chief Gates quote so horrendous that it's laughable.Speaker 21
01:08:09 It all started when he first defended controversial.Speaker 25
01:08:13 So cold.Speaker 17
01:08:15 A number of African American suspects had died after being subjected to a chokehold, and gates was asked about it, and he said the problem was that they didn't.01:08:22 Respond the same as normal people.
Devon Stack
01:08:25 There's a based chief gates yet again again saying exactly what everyone knows.01:08:35 And this is the same problem right here we are.
01:08:38 50 years later, it's the same ******* problem.
01:08:43 Well, why are you using these chokeholds? Well, because black people don't respond the same way that normal people do.
01:08:50 And I love that wording.
01:08:56 Because it's true.
01:08:58 Because it's not trying to gussy it up.
01:09:01 Because it's not trying to beat around the ******* Bush.
01:09:08 It's saying no black people don't behave the same way that other people do that normal people do.
01:09:18 And so you can't treat them the same way.
01:09:22 And you have to be rough, because apparently violence is the only language they understand and you know it sometimes if they struggle enough and they put up enough of a fight and you have to match them or.
01:09:32 Exceed their fight.
01:09:34 Well, you're going to lose that fight.
01:09:36 Yeah, sometimes they're going to die.
01:09:39 Tasers didn't exist back then.
01:09:44 Would it be better if they just shot him?
01:09:51 I'll let you answer that question.
01:09:54 So they they keep juxtaposing OJ's success in in Hollywood.
01:09:59 With the the racial tensions that are growing in Los Angeles.
01:10:06 And the very pragmatic solutions white people are having are being driven to come up with to deal with the problem.
01:10:23 So they they make a big deal out of the chokehold. Look, it's very it's very much like George Floyd. It's almost exactly the same they they they create so much political pressure. They don't defund the police, but the police are forced to really rollback their physical force, which leads to exactly the kind of.
01:10:44 Thing you would expect it to.
Speaker 30
01:10:53 Over the past week or so, Chief Gates how many arrests have you made? Well, the last month we've made about 3000 arrests just in the last weekend we made 1400.Speaker 31
01:11:06 You just have a culture of officers who felt that the only way the world would survive is if we neutralize these individuals as soon as possible.Devon Stack
01:11:21 Yes.01:11:22 That is the only way Los Angeles, as it existed, and it was already deteriorating quickly.
01:11:29 That was the only way it was.
01:11:30 Going to survive.
01:11:33 Is if you neutralize the threat that these people were posing.
01:11:38 But instead you did the opposite. Instead of neutralizing the threat, you tried to neuter the people protecting you from the threat.
01:11:52 And I don't care how big your city is if you're making 1400 arrests in a weekend.
01:11:58 And what percentage of those do?
01:12:00 You think were black?
01:12:02 80% ninety.
01:12:07 Is it worth it? Is it worth it to have OJ Simpsons?
01:12:14 To have that extra 1000 arrests over the weekend.
01:12:24 Is it worth it?
Speaker 13
01:12:33 There was no conversation with the community about how should we deal with this. It was just.Devon Stack
01:12:45 Again, because that's the only language they that that they seem to understand, hammer, hammer, hammer. It's hammer time.01:12:54 So then I use this this this case here, which again it's just like every other case.
01:13:02 They say, oh, the cops really went over the top with this. They were serving a search warrant.
01:13:08 Looking for drug drugs being sold out of this building at 39th and Delton Ave. in Los Angeles.
01:13:16 And at first, you're like, oh, wow, they just tore up this lady's house for, like, no reason. It just, it seems like it was for.
01:13:22 No reason at all.
01:13:24 They went around and trashed the place, but then they tell you it's just like every other example.
Speaker 16
01:13:28 Everything was destroyed as police batted and rammed their way from room to room searching for drugs. Much of what they found were screaming mothers and children.Speaker 7
01:13:39 This is my bedroom over here. But they even broke all the mirrors and.Speaker 2
01:13:43 Stuff out of the bed.Speaker 23
01:13:47 Literally.01:13:48 The apartment where supposedly while the drug activity was going on.
Speaker 5
01:13:54 All of this resulted in 3/4 of an ounce of black paint seed, along with six ounces of pot.Devon Stack
01:14:04 Oh, so they found weed. They found 6 ounces of weed and 1/4 ounce of crack.01:14:11 So it it's not like they just.
01:14:14 Went after this innocent ladies house.
01:14:17 And it was all this. Ohh whoops, we were just harassing black people. Sorry. No, they found half an ounce of crack or more than 3/4 of an ounce of crack and 8 ounces of pot.
01:14:31 So yeah, there you go. It's.
01:14:34 Sorry, they smashed your TV. Maybe that was a little excessive, but maybe not. We don't know what was going on in that building while they were serving that search warrant. Not exactly the, you know, model citizens living there. Who knows what kind of shenanigans were going on.
01:14:48 And again, they juxtapose it with this oh look meanwhile.
01:14:53 OJ's making out with white ladies and rolling in the dough.
01:15:01 And he's banging. You know, even though he's now now, he's got his new white wife.
01:15:05 He's still cheating on her with other white women that are attracted to money and status.
01:15:14 And then he gets his his mansion.
01:15:19 And there's a call made to the.
01:15:23 The house.
01:15:25 Because the toll.
01:15:28 Is beginning to get paid.
01:15:31 Nicole Brown calls the police.
01:15:35 Tells the police who have been there a.
01:15:36 Number of times at this point.
01:15:39 That he's threatening to kill her.
01:15:42 And he's beating her because he's he's even though he's banging like 50 other chicks.
01:15:49 He's obsessed and thinks that she's cheating on him because you know, that's how cheaters think. Cheaters always think that everyone else is cheating on them because that's what they do.
01:16:01 He has photo evidence of the beatings and this guy's a professional athlete, so you better believe you know these. These aren't. This isn't light touch.
01:16:16 So while that's going on, then we go and then they start talking about Rodney King.
01:16:23 And they they show the footage of the Rodney King beating over and over and over again, just like they did all throughout the 90s.
01:16:30 I mean, I saw this footage as a kid, like a billion ******* times.
01:16:34 It was just always on the television.
01:16:38 And why? Because the of the the framing was.
01:16:42 Look at the LAPD. They just hate black people.
01:16:46 They're just being this guy up for no reason at all. He was just minding his own business, right?
01:16:53 They don't talk about why, why they're beating them up or why they were so ****** ***.
01:16:58 Let me see if I pull this up here. I'm not even going to go crazy with it. I'm just going to do the.
Speaker 11
01:17:06 Ohh that I closed that tab.01:17:09 No, I did not. Here it is.
Devon Stack
01:17:11 This is just from Wikipedia, right?01:17:15 Early in the morning of Sundays through Saturday night, March 3rd at or 1991 King with his friend Bryant Allen and Freddie Helms, was driving a 1987 Hyundai Excel West on the Foothill Freeway in San Fernando Valley.
01:17:34 Of Los Angeles, the three had spent the night watching basketball and drinking at a friend's house in Los Angeles.
01:17:42 At 12:30 AM, officers Tim and Melanie Singer, husband, wife, members of the California Highway Patrol noticed King's car speeding on the freeway. They pursued, pursued king with the lights and sirens, and the pursuit reached 117 mph.
01:18:01 So you got these three black, I guess you wasn't with those guys anymore. Got Rodney King driving 117 miles an hour drunk off his *** across town.
01:18:15 Refusing to pull over.
01:18:18 He then pulls off the freeway and here we go. King left the freeway near the Hansen Dam recreational area and the pursuit continued through residential streets. He almost ran over a bunch of people.
01:18:33 So he's he's still.
01:18:34 Going like 100 miles an hour through residential streets.
01:18:37 At speeds ranging from 55 to 80 mph and through at least one red light.
01:18:45 By this point, several police cars and police helicopter had joined their pursuit.
01:18:50 After approximately 8 miles, officers cornered King in his car. The 1st 5 Los Angeles Police officers to arrive where Stacey Koon, Lawrence Powell, Timothy Wynd, Theodore Briseno, and Roland Solano.
01:19:07 So this guy has been running from the cops.
01:19:10 Driving, you know, through residential areas, almost killing people with this car.
01:19:17 Almost killing cops.
01:19:20 They finally corner him. He gets out, he resists arrest. Of course, the, the, the, the, the camera didn't pick up that.
01:19:28 Because the guy didn't start filming until they they were just.
01:19:31 Fed up?
01:19:32 The police procedure.
01:19:35 Ironically, because of the chokehold thing. Because they freaked out about the chokehold.
01:19:42 You weren't allowed to use the chokehold anymore. And again, Tasers don't exist back then.
01:19:48 The actual police procedure was to do exactly what they were doing.
01:19:53 It was to beat him until he stopped resisting because they can't put him in a chokehold.
01:19:59 And they can't tase him because that doesn't exist.
01:20:03 And you know, they're not what you want. You want them to just take it, you know, take injuries unnecessarily? No.
01:20:10 So they're beating him until he stops resisting.
01:20:16 So the police chief.
01:20:19 The one that said that the reason we need the chokehold is because blacks don't respond the same way normal people do.
01:20:26 Says these guys didn't do anything wrong. This is literally what we tell them to do.
01:20:32 And then this Jew, who they never identify.
01:20:35 But they share with all the footage of the black people getting mad about the Rodney King video. So I'm very curious as to who this Jew is.
01:20:43 So this Jew comes, you know, comes out of ******* nowhere again like I.
01:20:46 Don't know who it is.
01:20:48 And starts riling up black people and trying to get them mad about it.
Speaker 32
01:20:53 Darrell Gates started out saying it was an aberration and we said, Darrell, don't you remember? You allowed.Devon Stack
01:21:06 Remember, you'll love.01:21:09 The woman that attacked cops with a knife? It's just like that. It's just like that other time, black people ****** around and found out. Uh-huh.
01:21:17 That's right. That's right.
01:21:22 So they end up because of political pressure arresting for the cops.
01:21:29 And putting them through a trial. Powell Brissett to Wynn and Koon.
01:21:37 Over the, you know the because of the the public outcry that's being driven by by Jews.
01:21:53 And then they have this case.
01:21:56 That happens around the same time.
01:21:59 Now this case is a case you might not have heard of.
01:22:02 This is Latisha harlins.
01:22:06 This is like Ferguson, like, again, black people keep doing the same thing over. It's literally like Ferguson. The hands up, don't shoot thing.
01:22:16 It's slightly different, but it's right on theme.
01:22:22 So just like like in in Ferguson. Well, what's his name? Brown, Michael Brown or whatever his name was.
01:22:30 Where they said Ohh he he was just a you know, he was just a good boy. He wasn't doing anything. And then he find out that he was trying to rob a store.
01:22:39 Well, they do the same thing here.
01:22:41 This is a teenage girl named Latisha Harlins.
01:22:45 And they slow the. I'll show you the real footage. They slow the footage down in this documentary, and then when they played it on the news to make it see and they and they edit it to make it seem like she's just there to buy some ironically orange juice. She's just there to buy some orange juice and the.
01:23:05 The Korean shopkeeper, just for no reason at all, shoots her in the back of the head.
Speaker 19
01:23:17 Comes from Natasha Hollands.01:23:21 Coming to the counter with what she was.
Speaker 23
01:23:24 Going to buy on one hand.Speaker 33
01:23:26 The money in the other.Speaker 34
01:23:32 Altercation.Speaker 19
01:23:38 Walks away.01:23:41 Shot in the back of the head.
Devon Stack
01:23:49 Now you might not have seen that jump cut because the the footage is so bad. But let me show you what actually happened. First of all, I like his reasoning. Ohh she came to the store with with with her orange juice in one hand and and money in the other.01:24:07 And she was just trying to pay for it and then altercation. Like, it seems like you're missing a few steps.
01:24:13 When altercation, usually when I go to the store. In fact I I've been to the store a lot of times in my life.
01:24:21 Believe it or not, I've I have purchased a lot of things at stores.
01:24:25 I've purchased things at at at convenience stores late at night, sometimes ****** ** on drugs and alcohol.
01:24:33 And never once.
01:24:35 Was there?
01:24:37 Dot dot dot altercation dot dot dot shot in the back of the head that never happened.
01:24:45 Every time I went to a convenience store to buy something.
01:24:50 Regardless of of how ****** ** I was and and I, there was a time I was so ****** **.
01:24:58 I couldn't count the change. Everything looked like a nickel and I and the the person had to count the the money for me.
01:25:07 And even that didn't end in dot dot dot altercation dot dot dot shot in the back of the head.
01:25:15 So it's weird, right? I guess it's racism, right? That's the reason why all this stuff happens to black people because of racism.
01:25:23 You know, she was just minding her own business and this ******* chick right here, this dirty little ******* Korean lady who hates black people.
01:25:32 She just shot her for no reason. I don't know why she's got that black eye.
01:25:36 Just ignore that.
01:25:38 She just, you know, it's for no reason at all. She just hated. She just hated black kids.
01:25:46 See, she's convicted in the shooting, convicted.
01:25:53 Now here's the actual footage.
01:25:56 All right.
01:26:00 She's at the counter trying to steal.
01:26:03 The Korean lady saying stop stealing. She punches. But look at the part.
01:26:07 They edited out of that movie.
01:26:09 She punches the Korean chick several times in the face boom boom.
01:26:15 The cream lady starts to fall down, boom, hits her again. She throws some stuff at her. The black chicks still chimping out, starts to trash the store a little bit.
01:26:26 Goes after her again starts throwing sharer the finally. The Korean Chicks had enough grabs a gun and shoots her.
01:26:40 See, that's that's the real video. This is the real footage.
01:26:45 That's the dot dot dot altercation she was trying to steal. She punched the lady several times in the face.
01:26:54 She ****** around and she found the **** out.
01:27:04 But they leave that out of the documentary. Of course. They make it sound like, oh, it's just no, she just doesn't. You know, something happened.
01:27:10 I don't know what.
01:27:12 Poor girl, she was.
01:27:13 A good girl didn't do nothing.
01:27:17 No sense of personal responsibility whatsoever.
Speaker 13
01:27:21 This girl was killed.Speaker 35
01:27:24 She was a little teenage girl behind some orange shoes.Speaker 36
01:27:31 That that could have been my child.Devon Stack
01:27:35 Uh, that could have been my child.01:27:40 See see the oppression that blacks have to live under.
01:27:47 That could be my child.
01:27:50 Yeah, it probably could have been your child that's the problem.
01:27:54 That's that's the whole problem we're discussing tonight, is it could have been your child.
01:28:01 But then, of course, blacks freaked the **** out.
01:28:05 Because they don't give the Korean lady the chair.
Speaker 37
01:28:09 No.Devon Stack
01:28:12 In fact, the giver, I don't remember. I don't remember if this clip says or not, so I'll just tell you they give her community service.01:28:19 Like the judge gives her community cause, you know, she the judge watches the video. It's.
01:28:23 Like, yeah, well, you.
01:28:23 Know she ****** her and found out. So she gets like 400 hours of commute like that was it. She doesn't even have to go to jail.
01:28:32 So how many times again, how many times have you seen this clip? How many times have you seen like the the black family of the the criminal freaking out in front of the cameras? Nothing changes.
Speaker 37
01:28:47 The judge for peace.Speaker 32
01:28:50 When this is going on.Devon Stack
01:28:55 It's it's the same video you've seen this video a million times.01:29:00 Some dysgenic look you know, morbidly obese black woman going. My baby did nothing.
01:29:11 And of course, what black people do, and that that same Jew is in this footage too. You'll see that Jew leading the black people into a riot.
Speaker 38
01:29:21 Karen must go angry. Protesters stormed through security checkpoints at the courthouse in Compton.01:29:29 They are still outraged over Judge Joyce. Colin's decision not to send Latasha Harlan's killer to jail.
Devon Stack
01:29:38 I don't know if you saw the the Jew there. Let me see. There he is.01:29:42 There's juice sunglasses.
01:29:50 So now they're extra mad. They're mad because.
01:29:53 A drug house got raided where they found drugs.
01:29:57 A guy who was running from the cops high out of his mind.
01:30:01 Going 117 miles an hour, 80 miles an hour through residential areas, almost running people over, almost killing cops.
01:30:10 Cops who have been unable to use their their previous techniques to subdue someone like that, so they're left to just using their knife sticks to get them to stop resisting. All you had to do was stop resisting.
01:30:24 Again, you could almost say that to every one of these clips today, all he had to do was stop resisting.
01:30:32 Right.
Speaker 23
01:30:37 We made the daughter, Latasha Rollins.01:30:48 Three new mining issues and different ways, but the tension in the environment and the disrespect shone to black light was the theme.
Devon Stack
01:31:02 What about the disrespect that blacks have for everyone else's life?01:31:08 Because I feel like that's the theme.
01:31:13 I feel like that's the theme when I see a a a woman attacking a cops with a knife.
01:31:21 I feel like that's the theme when I see a another woman trying to steal from a little Korean lady and punching her in the ******* face.
01:31:32 I feel like that's the theme when you've got a guy high out of his mind, drunk as ****, driving 117 mph down the freeway and avoiding cops and trying to run people down and run cops over.
01:31:46 I feel like that's the thing.
01:31:49 I feel like.
01:31:51 It's not that.
01:31:52 The the the.
01:31:53 Slogan shouldn't be Black Lives Matter. It should be. Hey, hey, Blacks lives matter.
01:32:01 Because in every one of these instances, you're not just endangering everyone around you. You, you end up endangering yourself.
01:32:11 That's why you end up six feet under.
01:32:15 Because you're a danger to you, yourself and everyone around you.
01:32:23 And I'm doing the cost benefit analysis in my head here because again, I didn't go to college on some.
01:32:30 Athletic scholarship.
01:32:34 And I'm telling you that it doesn't work out.
01:32:39 I'm not seeing the benefit here, but I'm seeing a lot of cost.
01:32:49 Meanwhile, and this is funny, because this, this entire documentary series was aired on ESPN.
01:32:57 And I don't know if this is ESPN, you know, kind of tacitly admitting that they played a role here, or if that's just the first they had available.
01:33:07 After OJ Simpson beat his wife.
01:33:10 Requiring the police to show up and it wasn't the first time the cops had been there several times. They just he was a famous person, so they didn't. They didn't make a fuss about it and the Nicole Brown Simpson wasn't wanting to file any charges against him.
01:33:29 But because of the the photo evidence, because the cops showed up and witnessed some of the domestic violence he was getting in trouble, he was actually going to get arrested this time.
01:33:39 All of a sudden, he couldn't be the black guy that white people weren't afraid of anymore, because now he was the black guy that beat up white women.
01:33:49 Well, they had a lot invested in this guy. They had a lot invested in OJ Simpson being the. Hey, look, everybody, he's the the the harmless black guy.
01:33:59 He's a gentle.
01:34:00 Giant. Sure, he looks like he could rip.
01:34:01 Off your head, but.
01:34:03 He's just this silly guy in in the naked gun movies.
01:34:09 He's just this goofy, harmless guy trying to sell you rental cars and soap.
01:34:19 So many shows, not all of which aired on ESPN, but this one did.
01:34:25 Went to work rehabilitating his.
01:34:29 Reputation.
01:34:32 Trying to get white people to understand. Ohh no he he doesn't beat up white women.
01:34:38 It's all just a misunderstanding.
Speaker 37
01:34:42 ESPN presents.01:34:46 Portsmouth.
01:34:49 With the personalities and cover stories making news in the world of sports.
01:34:55 Now here's your host boy, Firestone.
Speaker 35
01:34:58 When you live your life so publicly and really almost with such ease, it's hard to believe that there could ever be any rocky time. The reason I'm bringing that to light now is not to.01:35:09 Dredge it up.
01:35:09 Again, but more or less talk about how things can get distorted to such a point that you were.
01:35:14 Portrayed as the bad guy.
01:35:17 New Year's Eve at a little bit too.
01:35:19 Much to drink, there was some.
Speaker 25
01:35:21 You know actually and you know my wife.01:35:22 And I've been together for 12.
01:35:24 It is and it really. When I looked at it really wasn't that big of a fight. It's just that because of it being New Year's Eve, right, because it's 3:00 in the morning, just finished a big party, it got a little, got a little loud, yeah.
Speaker 35
01:35:38 Here's here's my point. The point I'm making juice is that it got to such a point that you portrayed in the press for a while. They're like a.Speaker 25
01:35:46 Wife beater. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and that bothered me. Obviously, it bothered my whole family. I mean, you know, the day after this was over, you know, we looked at and say we had, you know, we had a fight. We were both guilty. No one was hurt, was no big deal. We got on with our.Devon Stack
01:36:01 Ah, it's the the press made you look like a wife beater. It wasn't you beating your wife that made you.01:36:06 Look like a wife beater.
01:36:10 And just got out of control. This story is just, you know, the press. There is the other racist anti black press.
01:36:20 So we're glad. We're glad we had a chance here to, to, to clear everything up with you, juice.
01:36:29 We're glad we had a chance to make sure that no one, no one, understood the the gravity of this I mean.
01:36:37 Everyone there that you?
01:36:38 You just you had a little.
01:36:39 You had a little drink. It was New Years. I mean, you know, couples fight, especially when they've been drinking.
01:36:48 Right, that's all it was, right. It was just this innocent little uh.
01:36:53 Argument that you had with your wife. It certainly wasn't this thing that's been happening repeatedly with lots of photo evidence, right? It was just, you know, this one time, this one time.
01:37:05 You had a little bit too much to drink and he started fighting and it got loud. The neighbors freaked out cause the scary black man next door riding the fancy white guy neighborhood.
01:37:20 That's all it was.
01:37:23 You definitely weren't doling out the toll.
Speaker 35
01:37:28 What kind of public reaction did you get and what kind of corporate reaction did you get you?Speaker 25
01:37:33 Raisingly, so supportive. It was unbelievable, you know, so supportive. You know, most of.01:37:39 The people that I.
01:37:40 Work with know us real well so they can see first hand that.
01:37:43 There was you.
01:37:43 Know that our relationship was as strong.
01:37:45 Is not only as it's ever been, but as strong.
01:37:48 As anybody I.
Speaker 35
01:37:49 Know. So nobody dropped you from any contract, so the.Speaker 25
01:37:51 No, no.Speaker 35
01:37:52 One thing another.01:37:53 Thing people realize about RJC is extremely well involved in the business community. He doesn't want to do this, cause it's embarrassing to him, but he's one of the owners of honey baked hams, Ramada Inns, couple of Ramada, Inns 3, Ramada Inns.
01:38:06 They're in love, of course, with hurts. And when something like this happens, it takes a toll. It takes a bite out of it. But you know it that you bounce back from something like.
Devon Stack
01:38:18 Ah yes, you bounce right back like Nicole.01:38:21 Brown off your fist.
01:38:26 So they did this whole campaign to make sure, you know. Ohh no, it's fine. He doesn't really beat his wife. That was just a rumor you heard.
01:38:35 But I thought, you know, the press hated black people. I thought there was this culture of white supremacy that was always trying to frame black people as being bad.
01:38:50 In fact.
01:38:53 People got mad that the Korean lady only had to do community service. Well, guess what?
Speaker 39
01:38:59 This is where OJ Simpson performed community service as part of his sentence for beating his wife, Nicole for part of his punishment, Simpson went golfing. He spent his 120 hours of community service organizing a celebrity tournament. Prosecutors in the case say they wanted him to go to jail.Devon Stack
01:39:21 But he didn't go to jail.01:39:23 He he played golf for his community service, was literally playing golf.
01:39:32 Now, if I had to guess, I don't think that Korean shopkeeper would have been playing golf for her community service.
01:39:42 In fact, the cop that with the the the the responding officer.
01:39:49 Was convinced that they would try to get rid of the police report, so he made a copy and held onto it.
01:39:57 And he's glad that he did, because in the police report he wrote down.
01:40:01 Quote he's going to kill me.
01:40:04 Because that's exactly what she had told the officer.
01:40:14 So the documentary then ping pongs back to.
01:40:17 Rodney King.
01:40:20 They talk about how no blacks.
01:40:24 Were chosen for the jury.
01:40:28 Now that's another thing you need to think about, and this will become important later on as well.
01:40:34 You don't have to be.
01:40:36 Burning the coal to pave the toll.
01:40:40 Not only can blacks not be as a group again, there's always exceptions.
01:40:47 Not only can blacks as a group not participate in civil society in the obvious ways that we see evidenced in videos all over Twitter and Telegram daily.
01:41:00 But in the not so obvious ways.
01:41:05 Such as jury selection.
01:41:09 Remember that all these all these video clips you've seen, and we've just watched one just a moment ago of all these mothers saying ohh he was a good boy, he didn't do nothing.
01:41:20 What happens if you get one of those people on a jury for you?
01:41:29 What would have happened to these cops if they had? They had 12 angry black men.
01:41:37 As jurors.
01:41:45 And it's not just juries. You gotta worry about. It's now, it's judges.
01:41:50 It's police officers.
01:41:53 It's the lady at the DMV. It's TSA agents.
01:42:03 You want to know why when you have people?
01:42:06 Like Tucker Carlson going to to Moscow and saying, Wow, it's all clean and beautiful here. I don't understand why.
01:42:14 And Jimmy Kimmel said, oh, I just got back from Tokyo. It's all clean and beautiful. I.
01:42:18 Don't understand why.
01:42:21 Well, This is why you can't have a civil society, not just because of the obvious reasons, but the ones that you might not think about unless you live in one of these.
01:42:30 Big cities and deal with.
01:42:31 It on a per personal basis every day.
01:42:36 Here's the perfect example. This is a case that's going on right now. This is the Apple River stabbing trial.
01:42:44 That that guy that went ape ship and and look, I don't know much about the case. I don't really have to. That's not the point.
01:42:53 This is the kind of this not only should blacks not be allowed, and I I really firmly believe this not only should blacks not be allowed to serve on juries.
01:43:05 They shouldn't be allowed to be taken seriously and testify in court.
01:43:10 Because this is what you get.
01:43:13 Again, I I don't, I'm not.
01:43:14 Even I don't have to know anything about this case to know that this this is.
01:43:16 A witness for the prosecution.
Speaker 40
01:43:20 And you were asked today about what you saw and you said you saw.01:43:29 That a white skinned dude got stabbed, right?
Speaker 6
01:43:32 Yes.Speaker 40
01:43:33 Did you see more than that?Speaker 6
01:43:35 Yeah, it was like a tussle.Speaker 40
01:43:38 OK, well, I'm going to get into that with you for a minute. OK. So what you've provided to the state in terms of what you say you observed, there's much more than that, true.Speaker 6
01:43:50 Yes.Speaker 40
01:43:52 And your can I ask you this?01:43:55 Is your memory.
01:43:56 Of events. So you give two statements, one about 11 days after the incident, 12 days and 1:00.
01:44:06 21 months after the incident, rich memory in terms of the dates when you give those statements is 1 better than the other.
Speaker 6
01:44:15 Will be the one that was closer to the event. That would be better, but also I gave a statement to the officer that day.Speaker 41
01:44:24 I am not method defect.Speaker 40
01:44:27 515 memory normally better, closer than.Speaker 27
01:44:28 And I don't see why. How can the doctor say that I am?Speaker 6
01:44:32 Yes.Speaker 40
01:44:34 Now on the interview that you gave in March of this year, though.01:44:38 You told the police.
01:44:44 That you remember. You remember it like it was yesterday.
Speaker 6
01:44:48 Remember that I don't remember saying them exact words, but.Speaker 40
01:44:53 Officer or investigator? Sorry, investigator. Oh, Keith said to you. You said you remember it like it was yesterday, though. And you say? Yeah.01:45:03 OK.
Speaker 6
01:45:04 Yeah.Speaker 9
01:45:04 OK.Speaker 40
01:45:06 Now and you had described, at least in your interview with the police, that you were really kind of paying attention to.01:45:13 What was going on? OK.
01:45:20 In your statement in March of 2020.
01:45:24 4.
01:45:28 You say? Tell me if you remember this.
01:45:37 I remember he had a hat on. He had it. He had on like he looked like he wasn't supposed to be in the water like he just came out of. He came out of the bushes. He just came.
01:45:51 Out.
01:45:53 Remember that? Yeah. So is it your testimony today, Underoath that the person involved in this incident?
01:46:02 Had a hat.
01:46:03 On.
01:46:04 And came out of.
Speaker 43
01:46:04 The bushes? No.Speaker 40
01:46:09 You told the police.Speaker 6
01:46:10 I told him that, yes, but I don't. But I don't like you said it could be foggy. I don't think that's where it was. No more though.Speaker 40
01:46:18 OK, well this is less than a month ago you had.01:46:20 This conversation with them, right?
Speaker 6
01:46:23 Yes, yes. OK.Speaker 40
01:46:25 And were you intentionally lying to the police, OK.Speaker 18
01:46:31 So.Speaker 40
01:46:33 Where do you come up with the idea that he?01:46:35 Came out of the bushes.
Speaker 6
01:46:37 Because that's why I saw him running to the bushes after the incident.Speaker
01:46:41 OK.Speaker 40
01:46:46 Tell me if this is fair. You tell the police he walks in the water.01:46:53 He had pants on and everything. He had a jacket.
Speaker 7
01:46:57 Right.Speaker 40
01:46:59 Great.Speaker 6
01:46:59 Yeah, I recall that.Speaker 40
01:47:02 The police say you said it. Do you deny saying it?Speaker 6
01:47:07 If that, if that's what y'all got, I guess, yeah, I said it. I don't. I don't remember saying it, I should say.Speaker 40
01:47:13 You don't remember March of this?01:47:16 You're talking to the police?
Speaker 6
01:47:18 Yeah, I remember talking to him. I don't remember saying he had a jacket.01:47:21 And and a coat on.
01:47:24 I don't. I remember. He had he had on. He had on a hat he had on shorts. I don't never recall. No jacket though.
Speaker 40
01:47:29 OK.01:47:34 All right, but you don't dispute that you.
01:47:36 Told the police that.
Speaker 6
01:47:38 No.Speaker 40
01:47:39 Why would you tell the police?Speaker 6
01:47:41 That, like you said, our main reason little doggie over two years ago.Speaker 40
01:47:48 But you told them that you remembered it.01:47:50 Like it was yesterday.
Speaker 42
01:47:53 Right.Speaker 6
01:47:54 Yeah.Speaker 40
01:47:56 Do you?Speaker 6
01:47:59 That was a month ago, I said that, though.Speaker 40
01:48:02 OK, so a month ago you remembered 21 months ago like yesterday. In the 26 days that have passed since then.Speaker 42
01:48:12 It's all faded.Speaker
01:48:14 Object argumentative sustain you made.Speaker 42
01:48:16 Your point, OK.Devon Stack
01:48:19 Imagine your life hangs in the balance.01:48:25 You can't have a civil society with people like this in it being taken seriously.
01:48:33 Look, it's like.
01:48:34 The Trayvon Martin case, the same thing.
01:48:37 This ******* horrendous ***** ** ****.
01:48:42 I mean you.
01:48:42 Guys, I don't know if you guys remember this.
01:48:45 This was also a witness for the prosecution.
Speaker 44
01:48:48 Which one? One thing about what Trayvon Martin told you that made you think this was racial?Speaker 6
01:48:57 Pardon me.Speaker 36
01:48:57 This guy.Speaker 33
01:48:59 I just didn't.Speaker 36
01:49:00 Describe that person that was following him, Sir.Speaker 44
01:49:06 I see describing the person is what made you think.01:49:09 It was racial, yes.
01:49:10 And that's because you described him as a creepy *** cracker.
Speaker 13
01:49:16 Yes.Speaker 44
01:49:17 So it was racial, but it was because Trayvon Martin put race in this you don't think that's a racial comment?01:49:31 You don't think that creepy *** cracker is a racial comment?
Devon Stack
01:49:41 I mean, this is what we're dealing with here.01:49:45 This is what we're dealing with.
01:49:52 So luckily, the cops didn't end up with black jurors.
Speaker 24
01:49:57 You believe that the actions of your officers up to this point were having any effect on Mr. King, not at all. This was the managing control use of force that followed the policies and procedures, Los Angeles Police Department.Speaker 8
01:50:09 Training.Devon Stack
01:50:12 Because once again, they weren't allowed to use the chokeholds.01:50:17 And so of course.
01:50:19 When they were found not guilty.
01:50:22 The the black people do what they always do and they they chimp the **** out.
Speaker 35
01:50:29 I wanted to believe that the system would work for black people in general, even though I knew often it doesn't. But this time it should work and it didn't, and all I felt like I just wanted to smack somebody, right.Devon Stack
01:50:44 He just wanted to smack somebody white. This is one of the the the, the Nice trusted ones.01:50:50 This is the well spoken, nice, nicely dressed black man.
01:50:55 And look at the smile on his face as he tells you he just wanted to smack someone white. And you think that I'm being hyperbolic when I say that violence is the only language that some people understand? I'm the bad one.
01:51:08 I'm the naughty, mean white supremacist.
01:51:12 He just told you.
01:51:15 Because a white jury could relate to the situation, and by the way, what the ****'* wrong with that? Right? Isn't it supposed to be a jury of your peers?
Speaker 13
01:51:26 You.Devon Stack
01:51:27 Listening to the sound of my voice.01:51:32 Ask yourself.
01:51:34 Is that one of your peers?
01:51:39 Is that one of your peers?
01:51:46 You cannot have the society that we have built and created for ourselves.
01:51:53 With these kinds of people.
01:51:56 In them it cannot function. It does not work.
01:52:06 So of course you get the, you know, the the the basic ***** racism stuff, LAPD equals KKK. That's how original.
01:52:17 And what do they do? Well, just like with every, you know, every other time they burn down the city.
01:52:25 They riot like look, this could literally be this is interchangeable with not just footage from the George Floyd riots. This could be a Trump.
01:52:33 Rally, for all we knew.
Speaker 44
01:52:47 Chaos at this particular location.Speaker 26
01:52:50 To see the very start of the violence was very troubling. What made it?Devon Stack
01:52:56 Wait, hold on.Speaker 22
01:53:01 Ah, ****.Devon Stack
01:53:03 Ah, ****. The world's falling apart. This is what this is. What's happening? This is what's happening.01:53:10 So the the helicopter reporter that that got the footage of the guy getting pulled out of the truck during the Rodney King riots is now a.
01:53:18 ******. Just so you guys know.
Speaker 42
01:53:22 Ah.Speaker 11
01:53:23 There you go.Speaker 26
01:53:25 Was very troubling.01:53:27 What made it really troubling was there was no police presence.
Speaker 45
01:53:30 There's a van coming under attack.01:53:32 They're pulling the driver out of the van and they're kicking the driver and beating.
Speaker 26
01:53:36 The driver we captured, what essentially became the bookend to the Rodney King beating.Speaker 45
01:53:43 There's another driver badly beaten.Speaker 26
01:53:45 In the case of Reginald Denny, he had black gang members beating a white man.Speaker 45
01:53:51 That terrible and there's no police presence down here, they will not enter the area.Devon Stack
01:54:02 Well, just like the well dressed black man said, they just wanted to hit a white person.01:54:10 And so they did.
01:54:15 And of course, the great.
01:54:17 Irony is that while the Rodney King verdict wasn't racial in the sense that they were portraying it.
01:54:25 This attack was.
01:54:30 I'm pretty sure that if if cops had if if cops had encountered a white man behaving the exact same way that Rodney King was behaving.
01:54:41 They would have responded exactly the same way.
01:54:44 The reason why white people don't find themselves in those situations is they don't resist the same way that black people do. They don't respond.
01:54:55 The same way that blacks do when and when arrested.
01:55:01 But this guy was just doing his job. He was just driving a truck up, pulled out of the truck and assaulted, beat within an inch of his life.
01:55:13 And that wasn't enough, of course. They had to burn down the city also, because that's what black people do.
01:55:20 Burned down LA. That's where you have the roof Koreans, right? The the same kind of Korean lady that that shot that black chick in the head for trying to rob her and.
01:55:29 Beat her up.
01:55:32 Post it up on top on the top of their shops and.
01:55:37 Defended their neighborhoods from the Black Menace.
Speaker 35
01:55:42 I went on the streets and Western Ave. was in flames.01:55:47 And this crowd is gathering, and police have now come.
Speaker 19
01:55:52 And there's one guy, and he's screaming his head.Speaker 23
01:55:55 Off bird, baby bird. How you like me?Speaker 35
01:55:59 Now Mr. police then.Devon Stack
01:56:04 And look how excited he is.01:56:13 It's just a couple thugs that miss. No, it's it's it's if you want. If. Look, if you want to have a society, you have to deal with people as groups.
01:56:26 This is just how this group behaves.
01:56:32 The evidence is everywhere. Again, if it wasn't for the quality of this footage and the date stamp, you know, over here in the corner.
01:56:40 You wouldn't know.
01:56:43 You wouldn't know if this was uh footage from the the George Floyd riots. The Watts riots. Wouldn't. I mean it's they're all the same.
01:56:53 They're all exactly the ******* same.
01:57:01 So again, they they pop back over to the OJ Simpson.
01:57:06 Life and Nicole Brown because I don't know the money and status, I guess.
01:57:12 Decides to go back to the the wife beater.
01:57:19 Until one night.
01:57:22 She has to call the cops again.
Speaker 2
01:57:27 Where do you think? Yeah. Can you send someone to my house?01:57:31 What's the problem there? Well, my ex-husband or my husband just broke into my house and he's ranting and raving. Now he's just walked out in the front yard. Has he been drinking or anything? No, but he's crazy. And he black. What? What's he wearing right now?
01:57:47 My pants and a golf shirt.
01:57:50 And he said he hasn't.
01:57:50 Been drinking? He hits you.
01:57:53 No, you haven't any American? No. What's your name? Nicole Simpson. Ender 325, Gretna. Green way. Thank you.
Devon Stack
01:58:11 Again, here's another photo.01:58:14 That's interchangeable with photos that we see.
01:58:18 All over the Internet today.
01:58:22 This could be a photo in a in.
01:58:24 A Tinder profile.
01:58:28 I'm looking for a man that can help me raise my son.
01:58:38 My boy is my world.
01:58:45 So meanwhile, OJ.
01:58:47 Gets another white girlfriend.
01:58:53 And uh, while he's with this white girlfriend, he's still stalking.
01:58:59 His uh.
01:59:00 I don't know at this point they're legally separated, I guess, but I don't know if they're actually divorced all the way or what. The hell, the timeline on that is doesn't really matter that much.
01:59:10 He's stalking her.
01:59:13 He's paying private investigators to follow her around. He's paying people to spy on her at clubs. He's personally following her around. If she brings a man home, he actually sneaks into the backyard and and tries to to watch what's going on in the house.
Speaker 8
01:59:35 There was an incident where we went over to Roxbury, the hot club at the time in LA, and we get in and she's dancing maybe 20-30 minutes go by and I see her coming back towards me. She goes. OJ's here.01:59:51 And I go.
01:59:52 Hey again. You know, she goes. Well, let's just get out of here. And I said I couldn't agree more.
01:59:58 So we drive back to her house right in the green.
02:00:03 We go inside.
02:00:05 And we became romantic. We were off in a private area in one of.
Speaker 39
02:00:10 The living rooms.Speaker 8
02:00:14 And the next day he came over and pushed in the back door, confronted both of us, and he wanted to talk to her alone. She was trembling, standing next to me, holding my hands shaking, and she said, Keith, I think you need to leave me alone.02:00:28 With him for a couple of minutes.
02:00:31 I could hear him screaming at her. I could hear him using disparaging terms about her and me.
Speaker 42
02:00:37 Walked out.Speaker 8
02:00:39 He was OJ.02:00:41 Shook my hand. Sorry, dude. No hard feelings. I'm a very proud man.
02:00:48 And he walked out the house and she turned to me, and she was white as a ghost. And she said, oh, my God, Keith. He watched us.
Devon Stack
02:00:59 And I bet at that moment she was wishing OJ, who had been white as a ghost, because the same thing probably would not have been happening.02:01:12 So here's a I found A they don't really play a lot of the.
Speaker 12
02:01:17 Phone.Devon Stack
02:01:17 Calls in the documentary and.02:01:20 I found this while trying to find the whole phone. I could really find the the full audio, but here is to give you an idea of what was going on when she was calling the cops on him all the.
Speaker 9
02:01:32 No one.02:01:33 If you could send one over here now, 2325, Gretna Green. OK, what does?
02:01:39 He look.
02:01:39 He's OJ Simpson. I think you know. What is he doing there? Wait a minute. What kind of car is sportscaster?
02:01:54 OK, wait.Speaker 9
02:01:59 No.02:01:59 Yeah. OK, wait, wait a minute. We're saying, please. What is he doing? He threatening you going nuts? Has he threatened you anyway? Or does he just harassing you?
Speaker 46
02:02:00 Thank you.Speaker 9
02:02:17 Can you stay on the line on the line so we can know what's going on? So please get there. OK. OK, Nicole, just a moment.02:02:18 Want to?
02:02:29 Brother. OK, I'm sleeping OK today or no. OK, you don't need your notes or anything, OK? You just want him to.
02:02:34 OK.
02:02:44 My door. He broke through that door and then he left and he came down and he came and he went to the door down. He handed it and then he.
02:02:56 Hall and we tried to get him out of the bedroom because it's like the phone number and I gave him my phone.
02:03:22 3321 S Greenway.
02:03:28 I think.
02:03:31 42213825.
02:03:50 OK.
Devon Stack
02:03:54 So sounds like the that that voice training some suddenly evaporates when he's in private with his.02:04:02 White girlfriend about to beat her brains in.
02:04:08 So they get separated again.
02:04:14 Nicole Brown goes out to a restaurant with her mom.
02:04:20 She.
02:04:23 Forgets her or her mom forgets her glasses.
02:04:27 They call the restaurant.
02:04:30 And a waiter by the name of Ron Goldman.
02:04:36 Gets the glasses.
02:04:38 And is going to go return them to her at her house.
Speaker 19
02:04:45 They got there. They had the scene very well secured. They had the entire block taped off, front door wide open, little music playing in the background. Cannons are lit inside, very violent confrontation, rage.02:05:05 Two victims, blood everywhere.
02:05:09 We find a glove. It's a left glove on a blood trail, indicating the suspect has been wounded on the left side.
02:05:19 So we're just getting into this.
02:05:21 When we find out that this is apparently OJ Simpson's estranged wife.
Devon Stack
02:05:31 So cops show.02:05:32 Up later that evening to find a bloody mess, Ron Goldman has been.
02:05:39 Beaten and stabbed to death.
02:05:42 Nicole Brown has been.
02:05:44 Nearly decapitated.
02:05:47 There's a bloody glove.
02:05:51 There is a.
02:05:53 Bloody cap.
02:05:55 Footprints.
02:05:58 Drops of blood leaving the scene.
02:06:05 Mark Furman, a detective.
02:06:08 Shows up.
02:06:09 Because it's now ruled there, obviously it's a homicide.
Speaker 21
02:06:15 They called me over and said you were at Simpsons House once, right? We want you to take us up there.02:06:26 We pull close to the gate.
02:06:31 Van Adder was hitting the doorbell.
02:06:35 They keep ringing the doorbell and so I just stroll down the street.
02:06:43 By the other gate, there's a white Bronco.
02:06:48 On the driver side, door handle blood.
02:06:53 I mean, there was enough.
02:06:55 Evidence outside. We got to make sure everybody's OK in here.
Speaker 19
02:07:01 Yeah.02:07:01 Persons in their dead.
Speaker 21
02:07:03 Well, yeah. We need to go in. So I jumped up over the fence and I opened the gate.Speaker 19
02:07:14 Bang on the front door. Nothing walk around to the back. There's couple of bungalows.Speaker 21
02:07:21 The first one was Kato Kaylan's Kato Kaelin was a a live in friend said with the police and check out Mr. Simpson.Speaker 19
02:07:37 OJ's in Chicago.02:07:39 Well, he left last night. Now thank God.
Speaker 21
02:07:43 They all leave and I'm left here with Kato Kaelin. Go tell me what you did last night.02:07:50 He goes well. I was talking on the phone and all of a sudden it was like an earthquake. It was just like.
02:07:59 On the wall and the picture shook, OK.
02:08:06 I walked back outside.
02:08:09 And I start.
02:08:10 Walking down the back behind the bungalows.
02:08:15 And then as I pan down, I see this brown glistening. At first, I thought it was dog crap.
02:08:26 And then I shine the light on it and the glove.
Devon Stack
02:08:34 So cops respond to the the murder scene they go to, they find out it's OJ's wife. They go to OJ's house.02:08:44 They see blood on his Bronchos they decide that's probable cause to enter the residence.
02:08:50 They find Kato Kaelin is just some weirdo that OJ's letting live in his house for some reason. I don't no one's ever explained that. I don't think anyone ever really knows what the.
02:09:00 Deal. That was.
02:09:02 Kato Kaelin says, yeah, I heard this loud banging sound on the wall.
02:09:07 Mark Furman goes the.
02:09:08 Other side of that wall.
02:09:11 And finds a glove that matches the glove that was found at the murder scene.
02:09:20 And so the glove found at the murder scene. So he finds the other.
02:09:23 Glove.
02:09:28 Oh, Jay apparently had flown to Chicago.
02:09:31 Right after, when the murders would have taken place.
02:09:36 So when he returns, they arrest him, bring him in.
02:09:41 And talk to them.
02:09:44 And he actually does the stupid thing.
02:09:48 And talks to the cops without.
02:09:50 A lawyer present.
Speaker 47
02:09:54 My partner, detective line, we were in an interview room in Parker Center.02:10:00 Who we're here with OJ Simpson is that orenthal James Simpson.
Speaker 19
02:10:06 He said he was going to talk to us, which is really strange.Speaker 47
02:10:10 How did you get the injury injury?Speaker 21
02:10:13 You have one opportunity.02:10:16 Forever to talk to this guy forever.
Speaker 24
02:10:21 What did you doing so just just.Speaker 36
02:10:26 Just call me and I was.Speaker 23
02:10:27 In the bathroom, and I just.Speaker 19
02:10:31 He's thinking he can control a couple of cops, especially these guys, because, you know, they're pretty nice.Speaker 5
02:10:39 Jay, would that sort of a problem?02:10:42 We've got some blood on and in your cart you had some blood at your house. The problem?
Speaker 23
02:10:53 Sure.Devon Stack
02:10:57 One of the problems is these detectives, whether it's because they're starstruck or they're just kind of incompetent.02:11:04 And I've watched a lot of these and probably many of you have two on YouTube. I've watched a lot of these interrogation videos.
02:11:12 And these guys seem to have really kind of missed an opportunity. As Mark Furman said, you had, they had one chance and they kind of blew it.
02:11:21 Instead of confronting him and trying to get him to explain it.
02:11:25 They just kept saying, well, we've, we've got this blood, you know, at your house and this glove and you've got this injury on your hand and you want to explain it. And he was like, uh, you know, just cut and cut my hand on some glass or something and.
02:11:42 And they don't really push him.
02:11:45 They take a photo.
02:11:47 Of the wound on his hand.
02:11:50 And let them go.
02:11:53 At which point he immediately lawyers up.
Speaker 34
02:12:01 No, I.02:12:02 Said.
02:12:03 OJ, what happened? Your finger? And he says I cut it on the.
02:12:08 Grass in Chicago.
02:12:10 And I want.
Speaker 23
02:12:12 Ohh OK.Speaker 34
02:12:14 Somebody else sat down and asked him the same question.02:12:18 And you said.
02:12:19 I was chipping golf balls.
Speaker 5
02:12:24 Later on that evening, same question came out.Speaker 48
02:12:28 Ohh man you know I was getting the.Speaker 34
02:12:30 Cell phone out of the the Bronco.02:12:32 Cut myself. I was like, wow.
Devon Stack
02:12:38 So one of OJ's inner circle.02:12:42 Over here is OJ making up different excuses about how he cut his hand.
02:12:48 And decides to bail.
02:12:51 And you know, good on him, I guess for doing that. So he leaves.
02:12:56 And eventually would would testify for the prosecution.
02:13:03 They then do a a the document that goes over like a quick timeline where they talk about the the opportunity he would have had. Obviously to do it.
02:13:13 At 5:00, Nicole Brown and family attend daughters dance recital.
02:13:19 And OJ had been disinvited to this recital, and he was very.
02:13:22 Upset by this?
02:13:25 At 6:30 they go to a restaurant where Ron Goldman worked.
02:13:33 Meanwhile, at 9:30 at night, OJ goes to McDonald's with Kato Kaelin.
02:13:40 And drops him off and then leaves, he tells Kato. He's going to go to Chicago.
02:13:48 At 9:30, around the exact same time that that.
02:13:54 OJ leaves kiddo kaylin.
02:13:57 Nicole's mom calls the restaurant and says that she's missing her glasses.
02:14:05 Less than 1/2 hour later, Ron Goldman takes the glasses back to Nicole Brown's house.
02:14:15 And around 15 minutes later, the neighbors here, Nicole Brown's dog, barking uncontrollably.
02:14:25 An hour after that, Simpson is picked up at his home.
02:14:30 Which doesn't match up.
02:14:32 With Kato Kaylan's, you know saying that they parted ways a couple hours prior.
02:14:40 So an hour after the uh the dog barking incident.
02:14:44 OJ's picked up by the limo and taken to the airport from his home, which is not the same as Nicole Brown's home.
02:14:53 11:45 he flies to Chicago.
02:14:59 And.
02:15:01 They arrest him when he gets back.
02:15:06 So then he lawyers up, he hires Robert Shapiro.
02:15:13 F Lee Bailey.
02:15:16 And this Private Eye, Bill Pavlik.
Numbers Lady
02:15:19 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:15:21 Among among others. But this is like the original group. He actually goes to Nicole Brown's wake, where all the family members suspect that he killed her.02:15:34 And are very uncomfortable with him being there.
02:15:38 He's supposed to turn himself in.
02:15:44 Now that he's had a chance to talk to his lawyers.
02:15:48 11:00 AM is when he's supposed to turn himself in, that rolls around. It comes and goes. At 1:30 PM, the police finally make an announcement that he is missing.
Speaker 49
02:16:01 This morning, detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department sought and obtained a warrant for the arrest of OJ Simpson, charging him with the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman.02:16:18 Mr. Simpson, in agreement with his attorney.
02:16:24 Was scheduled to surrender this morning to the Los Angeles Police Department.
02:16:29 Initially that was 11:00.
02:16:33 It then became 11:45.
02:16:36 Mr. Simpson has not appeared.
02:16:43 The Los Angeles Police Department right now is actively searching for Mr. Simpson.
Devon Stack
02:16:56 And so now it becomes known to the press that OJ is a fugitive.02:17:07 After this press conference, Robert Kardashian.
02:17:12 Yes.
02:17:14 Of those Kardashians.
02:17:17 Good friend of OJ Simpson.
02:17:21 Has his own little press conference and says that he was.
02:17:25 Hiding out with with the Kardashians.
02:17:30 And that he was suicidal and he read a note that OJ had written that made it sound like he was going to take his own life.
02:17:39 So now the whole press is going crazy.
02:17:43 You've got the LAPD looking for OJ. You have the Kardashians saying that he's going.
02:17:48 To kill himself.
02:17:52 And that's when they locate his Bronco, driving on the freeway.
02:17:57 And if you were alive when this happened, you saw this live because it was on every station.
02:18:04 For hours.
02:18:08 And I mean for hours and hours. This is all I was on TV. It was a white Bronco driving very slowly, followed by several police cars.
02:18:20 And one of the reasons why they were driving slowly instead of apprehending him is again the LAPD.
02:18:29 Was under political pressure to go easy on criminals.
02:18:34 Especially if the criminal was black.
02:18:38 Everyone was being told that the LAPD was racist, and now here's this famous black person and all the eyes are on the scene.
02:18:46 You had several news helicopters flying overhead.
02:18:51 And they knew that if they did anything that even remotely resembled force, that they would have to deal with being called racist again.
02:19:02 So they just followed him.
02:19:06 The friend, a friend of OJ Simpson driving the Bronco, called in the police.
02:19:13 Then said, hey, I'm with OJ. He's suicidal. He just wants to talk.
02:19:18 To his mother.
02:19:21 You gotta stop chasing us.
02:19:26 And the cops said, well, we're not going to stop. You just said he has a gun in there with him. So he's wanted for murder, double homicide.
02:19:35 And he's driving down the freeway with a gun, threatening to use it. We're not going.
02:19:39 To stop following him.
02:19:43 So at his house they they they send out a SWAT team and snipers to go because they they see that he's going back to his house.
02:19:53 Meanwhile, because it's on TV.
02:19:57 Black people start gathering over the overpasses on the freeway.
02:20:04 Holding up makeshift signs saying free OJ.
02:20:09 Because this is this is this is an event. It becomes a big party. This has been going on for so long on live television now, there's enough time for crowds to gather.
02:20:19 Along the way, as they clear off the freeway.
02:20:23 And black people are celebrating the the fact that OJ.
02:20:28 Is now a.
02:20:30 A.
02:20:31 Mass murderer.
02:20:37 And uh, they think it's all fun it.
02:20:41 You know, free OJ.
02:20:45 The Bronco finally arrives back at his house. There's already tons of news cameras there, obviously, along with crowds and crowds of people.
02:20:58 The Bronco parks in the driveway and.
02:21:00 Just sits there.
02:21:03 There's lots of news, helicopters, there's, you know, the SWAT snipers are all around.
02:21:10 Everyone's on edge because the LAPD knows this. This is being recorded and they don't want.
02:21:15 To be called racist.
02:21:19 So even though they're they're posted up inside his house.
02:21:24 They have a hostage negotiator. Get on the phone, talk to him talking to him.
02:21:30 On his cell phone.
02:21:32 And the hostage hostage negotiator says that the way he found that he could get him to cooperate was that, you know, he he determined he was a narcissist pretty quickly.
02:21:43 And started saying how you know, the whole world is watching and they want to know that he's the brave man they've they've seen on television and.
02:21:52 And finally.
02:21:54 After the Sun has gone, has gone down. That's how long this standoff went on. And again, this was on every television in America.
02:22:02 He finally exits the vehicle and is taken into custody.
02:22:08 As black people partying down on the streets.
02:22:13 Because it's a big, fun game for them.
02:22:18 He gets arraigned.
02:22:22 And the DA.
02:22:25 Is very confident that they're going to have a quick conviction.
02:22:29 Because there's so much evidence.
02:22:34 You have a bloody glove that matches a bloody glove found at the scene of the crime.
02:22:41 On his property.
02:22:43 You have all the motive in the world.
02:22:47 Lots of of of records of phone calls to 911 different officers who have responded to domestic violence calls. The testimony from all the friends and family.
02:23:00 Many of whom said they knew he was.
02:23:01 Going to kill her.
02:23:04 You have the opportunity, you know you have, you have the missing time right during the the the time of the murder.
02:23:13 When he leaves Kato Kaelin.
02:23:15 And then it's just no one knows where he was for about two hours and then suddenly he's being picked up from his home.
Speaker 27
02:23:33 A blood trail.02:23:34 That led from Bundy all the way.
02:23:35 Into his bedroom.
02:23:38 I don't think I'd ever seen that much evidence in any single case, ever.
Speaker 50
02:23:44 When you couple that with evidence of motivation.02:23:49 And that.
02:23:50 Was the history of domestic violence with Simpson physically and psychologically abusing Nicole Brown? This was a domestic violence case that culminated in murder, end of story.
Speaker 7
02:23:57 My one.Devon Stack
02:24:07 So yeah.02:24:08 They feel like this is an open.
02:24:10 And shut case.
02:24:12 You've got the the wound to his hand.
02:24:17 You've got a blood trail leading up to his bedroom. The blood's all over the Bronco.
02:24:24 But then, because OJ has tons of money, he hires Trump's lawyer and and and Jeffrey Epstein's friend Alan Dershowitz.
02:24:36 Alan Dershowitz joins the Dream team.
02:24:41 And Alan Dershowitz calls his Jewish friend all over at The New Yorker.
02:24:49 And Alan Dershowitz tells his his Jewish friend.
02:24:54 I need you to find some dirt.
02:24:57 On on Mark Furman, the guy who found the glove.
02:25:06 And so he does.
02:25:08 Jeffrey Toobin of The New Yorker.
02:25:15 Decides to target Mark Furman and try to dig up dirt on him.
02:25:21 And he finds a workman's compensation lawsuit.
02:25:26 Were Mark Furman, who had to work in black neighborhoods while working at the LAPD.
02:25:33 Was trying to get workers compensation for the having to work in ultra violent.
02:25:40 An ultraviolet environment.
02:25:44 He worked in.
02:25:45 Watts. You know where the uh Watts riot was.
02:25:51 And he he said that he had a lot of emotional stress and tension and hated the job. And it was it was a.
02:25:57 War zone cause it was.
02:26:01 And in one of the interviews, he says.
02:26:10 And so this Jew.
02:26:13 Decides to write an article.
02:26:16 About how Mark Furman is a racist who hates black people, and he probably planted that that glove.
02:26:26 And he goes down Dershowitz's Jewish friend.
02:26:29 And says, yeah, you were right. That Mark Furman guy, he's a dirty racist.
02:26:36 You know, all this other evidence doesn't mean anything. It's this dirty racist. He's he's conspiring to put that, that bloody glove. He planted the evidence.
02:26:49 Just to even.
02:26:50 Before he knew what was going on, right, like Mark Furman, who shows up.
02:26:56 The the night they discover the bodies.
02:26:59 Decided to get the bloody glove from the sink because apparently both gloves. According to this theory were left at the scene. He gets one of them and and plants it.
02:27:12 At the scene of the crime.
02:27:20 Johnny Cochran.
02:27:22 Who is a a race hustler?
02:27:25 Who gets involved with all these cases, you know like?
02:27:28 The.
02:27:29 I guess you would say the Trayvon Martins of yesteryear.
02:27:35 Trying to milk money out of the institutions that the blacks leach off of and when they.
02:27:42 **** around and.
02:27:43 Find out occasionally he's there to try to.
02:27:48 To make some money.
02:27:55 The DA.
02:27:57 Is so confident in his case.
02:28:00 But also so worried.
02:28:04 About his political situation in a city that is increasingly black and increasingly views the government as racist.
02:28:14 Even though he's given the opportunity to try this case in a area where the jury pool would be almost 100% white, especially if he tried the case in the jurisdiction in which the murder happened.
02:28:28 Instead decides to try the case downtown.
02:28:34 And get a jury.
02:28:36 That is almost entirely black.
02:28:41 It's 2 white people.
02:28:46 And then what is it 123456789 black people?
02:28:52 And one I think Asian or something.
Speaker 43
02:29:03 Thrilled. We're thrilled. We were so stunned that we had such a large collection of favorable drummers.Speaker 51
02:29:13 75% of the actual jurors believed.02:29:18 That he could not have committed these murders because he excelled at football at USC.
Devon Stack
02:29:25 That's that high IQ I was talking about. Those are the people you can't have on juries. You can't have them as witnesses because that's the way they're going to behave in a courtroom.02:29:36 Reason and logic's going to go right out the window just as it does in every other encounter with them.
02:29:44 Every other aspect of their lives.
02:29:47 They're not going to suddenly become legal scholars when they.
02:29:50 Enter the courtroom.
02:29:53 They're not going to magically become unbiased.
Speaker 38
02:29:57 Jurors.Devon Stack
02:30:00 These are people that literally think he couldn't possibly have done it because he was a famous athlete and he's black.02:30:09 And the white man is always trying to sabotage the black man.
02:30:16 To make matters worse, we end up with this ineffectual Asian judge.
02:30:21 Because you know, it's the melting pot. It's awesome. It's awesome to have this limp, wristed Asian judge.
02:30:29 Who's also afraid of being called racist?
02:30:33 The DA, who is afraid of being called racist. In fact, he brings on a inexperienced black prosecutor just so they can have a.
02:30:41 Black person on the team.
02:30:43 Never tried a case like this or anything remotely like this. They just wanted to have a black face for that black jury.
02:30:58 Johnny Cochran starts leaning into the the racial aspect of the case immediately.
02:31:05 Starts planting the seeds of doubt into the minds of the low IQ black jury, saying that this is all a big conspiracy.
02:31:13 A big conspiracy to arrest an innocent black man for really no reason that I can figure out. But you know, because of is there ever really a reason?
02:31:24 I mean, this is the black jury that thinks that the woman that attacked police with knives and and got shot. It's the police fault.
02:31:34 This is the black jury that thinks of the home that had almost an ounce of crack cocaine and six ounces of marijuana. When a search warrant was served. That was over the top and excessive.
02:31:48 This is the jury that thinks that the the young black woman that assaulted and robbed a a Korean shopkeeper and got shot in the head as a as a consequence of that, it was all just this racist attack.
02:32:05 This is the same black jury that thinks that Rodney King.
02:32:11 Driving 117 miles an hour on the freeway, endangering the lives of everyone around him.
02:32:18 Getting a beating when they finally get him out of the car to while he's resisting arrest.
02:32:24 That's somehow just like out of nowhere. Black. You know, they just pulled over a black guy and started beating him up.
02:32:33 This is the same black jury that thinks that the riots that happened as a result of those cops not being convicted, it was totally justified, and ****** was asking for it.
02:32:49 So what's evidence going to mean to a group like that?
Speaker 5
02:32:53 Today, good morning.Speaker 52
02:32:56 Good morning, everyone.02:32:59 You know, I think the best indication or evidence of just how inflammatory.
Devon Stack
02:33:05 So this is the the the junior Black prosecutor and the reason they had to use him in this instance.02:33:13 Is the the evidence of Mark Furman?
02:33:19 You.
02:33:20 Saying.
02:33:21 Came up and Johnny Cochran knew exactly.
02:33:27 That with that jury, we were just discussing, do you think the facts were already going out the window? Wait till they find out that the guy who found the bloody glove has said before.
02:33:40 Right. Anyone who's ever looked at Twitter and they've and on on non racial accounts accounts that just post fight videos and it's a black guy being up a white guy. The top responses by black people are always all he must have said.
02:33:55 Anything's justified at that point, right?
02:33:59 Even murderous rage.
02:34:02 And even though Mark Furman's not the one.
02:34:04 On trial, that's exactly what, Johnny.
02:34:06 Cochran sought to do.
02:34:10 And so they anyone who's watched the trial, you know that a lot of this stuff, a lot of these discussions take place with the jury not in their room. So they can decide what, what, whether or not, you know, evidence AB or C should be presented with the jury present.
02:34:27 And.
02:34:29 Even this black junior prosecutor.
02:34:33 Admits that look, if black people hear this.
02:34:37 All reason is going to go out the window and and they're they're not going to be able to be impartial jurors. They're just going to automatically.
02:34:47 Find him innocent because.
02:34:50 It's the magic word that makes black.
02:34:51 People freak out.
Speaker 16
02:34:55 Good morning.Numbers Lady
02:34:55 Good.Speaker 21
02:34:56 Morning.Speaker 52
02:34:59 You know, I think the best indication or evidence of just how inflammatory the use of this word is is the fact that that it appears that Mister Cochran and I, the only two black women lawyers on each side of the Council table, were somehow dragged into this issue to argue the issue to the court.Speaker 43
02:35:17 They used him to make the argument.02:35:22 That an African American jury cannot listen to the utterance of that word.
02:35:29 In some sort of dispassionate, objective way.
Devon Stack
02:35:34 Gee, imagine that.02:35:36 Imagine that.
02:35:39 Imagine arguing that black people can't hear the word in a dispassionate and an unbiased way.
02:35:51 Imagine that.
02:35:54 Look, there's a lot of white people that can't hear that now that can't hear that word.
02:36:09 So they get upset.
02:36:12 And start and they play, they lean into.
02:36:15 It even harder.
02:36:16 They're saying what?
02:36:18 What are you trying to say? Black people can't handle that. They're not rational people. They can't handle it. They can't handle hearing the word.
Speaker 52
02:36:27 It blinds people.02:36:30 It'll blind the jury. It'll blind them to the truth. They won't be able to discern what's true and what's not.
Speaker 36
02:36:37 You hit the nail right on the head.Speaker 27
02:36:39 He said if you do this, you know it.Speaker 25
02:36:41 Then that's all.Speaker 36
02:36:41 This case is going to be about.Speaker 52
02:36:43 All they'll think about is frame up, frame up, frame up, but all they have to do is mention the word say to mark firm and hey, do you ever use that N word and you'll say yeah, and it's over you.02:36:53 Must have planted the.
Speaker 43
02:36:53 Glove. I remember whispering to.02:36:57 Honey, is this serious?
Speaker 52
02:37:00 And I'm not saying Mark Furman is a racist because he was suffering from stress, and it asked if he's stressful to be a police officer in.Speaker 15
02:37:02 Crazy.Speaker 52
02:37:07 The city of.02:37:07 LA and geez, the stuff that's going on in this city in the last five to six years.
Speaker 43
02:37:12 It's serious.Speaker 52
02:37:13 That was one.Speaker 43
02:37:14 Or is he just carrying the white man's bucket?Speaker 52
02:37:17 It will give them the test and the test will be whose side are you on the side of the white prosecutors and the white policeman? Or are you on the side of the black defendant and his very prominent and capable black lawyer?02:37:29 That's what it's going to do.
02:37:31 Either you with the man.
02:37:33 Are you with the brothers?
Devon Stack
02:37:37 Because blacks have in Group preference and he knows this.02:37:41 And he's honest about it. He's he's he.
02:37:45 He's not. He's not great at prosecuting this case and and really ***** up later on, but in this instance he's exactly right.
02:37:55 He's exactly right.
02:37:58 But he's no match for the.
02:38:01 The lyrical genius, I guess.
02:38:06 Of Johnny Cochran.
Speaker 33
02:38:08 His remarks this morning.02:38:10 Are perhaps the most incredible remarks I've.
02:38:12 Heard in the Court of Law.
02:38:14 In the 32 years I've been practicing law.
02:38:17 To marks our demeaning to African Americans as a group.
02:38:24 And so I want before I go to this room, to apologize to African Americans across this country, African Americans live with offensive words, offensive looks, offensive treatment every day of their lives. Say they can't be fair is absolutely outrageous.
02:38:42 I am ashamed that Mister Darden would allow himself to become an apologist for this man.
02:38:51 You can't justify that in a civilized society.
02:38:55 Nobody wants to introduce race into this case.
Devon Stack
02:39:00 That's rich. And he's right, though. You can't have that in civilized society, which means.02:39:08 You can't have black people, and it's a civilized society because everything he.
02:39:11 Said was true.
02:39:15 As we will soon find out, as someone in chat observed, astutely welcome to the gay 90s.
02:39:23 This is the 90s that everyone thinks it was so great.
02:39:27 No, no, the 90s were not so great.
02:39:33 So that inexplicably.
02:39:37 The judge wants to give the jury a tour of OJ's house doesn't really make any sense because the murder didn't take place in OJ's house.
02:39:49 I guess they wanted to see where the trail of blood was or the defense was making that argument. The prosecution thought it was a bad idea and they knew.
02:39:59 They knew that the the defense was going to.
02:40:02 Stage the house.
02:40:06 By that I mean that the the lawyer Jews.
02:40:10 They know how they basically know how to brainwash people. They've been you.
Speaker 53
02:40:14 Know they've been.Devon Stack
02:40:15 Jews are are really good at brainwashing people using subtle visual cues to influence the lower IQ and easily influenced among us.02:40:28 So prior to the jury showing up to the House to do the tour of again, inexplicably, inexplicably, for no reason that and the prosecution was like judge, we don't, why are we doing this?
02:40:41 They took down all the photos, that of OJ that the OJ had up on the walls because it was all him with famous white people and famous Jews.
02:40:51 And instead they put up all these photos of him with black people.
02:40:57 And black power symbols.
02:41:01 So that when the black jury walked through his house.
02:41:07 They would know he was one of them.
Speaker 8
02:41:14 We did that day.Speaker 42
02:41:16 Is creating illusion.Speaker 43
02:41:19 When you would walk up the grand staircase, there was a large wall with pictures of.02:41:27 The family.
02:41:29 The friends problem was the overwhelming majority of pictures were of Caucasian friends and colleagues of his.
02:41:32 Pictures of O'jays career.
02:41:48 We had an African American jury and we wanted to make sure that the home setting would reflect the themes that we wanted to reflect.
Speaker 42
02:42:03 We took all his white friends down and all this black people up pictures he probably never seen before because that's what we were told. The jury would identify with. We made him blacker there.Speaker 43
02:42:19 Was the Norman Rockwell lithograph.02:42:23 That we took from Johnny's office and we put that picture at the very top of the stairs.
Devon Stack
02:42:38 Ah, days without Jewish tricks 0.02:42:45 So they subtly manipulate the jury by dressing at the house and look at the guy they're proud of themselves. They know what they did. They think it's hilarious.
Speaker 43
02:42:54 Marsha saw the wall and she said, Carl, you know damn well he has never had this many black people on his wall his entire life. Marsha, what are you talking about? How dare you accuse us of such things?Speaker 27
02:43:15 I was miserable. I was angry.Speaker 20
02:43:17 That is very dirty pool.Speaker 43
02:43:19 If we had had a Latin jury, we would have had a picture of the sombrero. There would have been a mariachi band out front.Speaker 20
02:43:31 But I don't see race.Devon Stack
02:43:36 I don't see race. I don't see. I don't see how that would.02:43:40 Have influenced any?
02:43:41 Jury, what are you talking about, Devin?
02:43:44 Are you trying to tell me that black people are going to be influenced by?
02:43:47 Thinking that he's black.
02:43:51 Why would they do that? It doesn't make any sense in my insane worldview or race doesn't matter.
02:44:04 So they pulled it off.
02:44:08 You had they, they they contacted Black Church leaders.
02:44:14 To go protest outside the courtroom.
02:44:18 You have these, you know, super high IQ blacks.
02:44:22 Hanging out front, selling OJ merch and supporting him because he was black.
02:44:28 And for no other reason.
Speaker 54
02:44:31 And feel that he is not guilty. And I also feel that he is being unfairly treated and so it has a lot of African American persons who have been through this judicial process.02:44:41 I am not.
Speaker 5
02:44:45 And I don't see why. How can the doctor say that I am?Speaker 7
02:44:49 Meant to say.Devon Stack
02:44:52 Ah yes, all the blacks that go through the judicial process.02:45:00 Guilty or not, we still love you, OJ.
02:45:04 But I thought race didn't matter.
Speaker 13
02:45:10 He was a black man who was on.Speaker
02:45:11 Right.Speaker 13
02:45:14 That they perceive that white people were trying to unfairly.Numbers Lady
02:45:25 Because they saw him look for the murder.Speaker 9
02:45:27 He's accused, but.Speaker 54
02:45:29 We all know he didn't do it.Speaker 23
02:45:31 Because wealthy, he was powerful. He was. This was that there is a BUT life.02:45:41 He was black.
Devon Stack
02:45:45 But race doesn't matter.02:45:53 Just because it doesn't matter to you.
02:45:57 Doesn't mean it doesn't matter.
02:46:02 It's like playing a game of.
02:46:05 Or football?
02:46:09 Where you're passing the ball to the other team all the time.
02:46:13 And they only pass it to themselves. Who's going to win?
Speaker 21
02:46:35 We got this call.02:46:37 And I didn't.
Speaker 25
02:46:37 Know whose house?Devon Stack
02:46:40 This is Mark Furman. When he was a.02:46:43 A cop? He was one. He's one of the cops in 1985. So years and years before this even happened.
02:46:50 He was one of the many, many, many cops.
02:46:54 That showed up.
02:46:55 Over because of domestic violence, calls to OJ Simpson's house.
Speaker 21
02:47:04 I had never been on a call there, but there had been 10/11/12 officers that have been on various calls over the years.02:47:16 Simpson is standing on the left side of the driveway.
02:47:21 By the shrubs holding a baseball.
Speaker 43
02:47:23 Bat.Speaker 21
02:47:25 Nicole is sitting on the front part of a 450SL Mercedes windshield smashed in and she's bawling, heaving almost uncontrollably.02:47:41 He's got this look on his face like he's gonna do battle. And I say put the bat down.
02:47:51 And he's got this. This look, this rage. Look, I said put the bat down.
02:48:01 He didn't do it, Sir. I took out my baton and I said put it down now.
02:48:08 And then all of a sudden there was this coughing that came over his face. He dropped it and he goes, oh, sorry officer.
02:48:16 And I went.
02:48:16 Over and and she was still crying.
02:48:19 And I said.
02:48:21 Do you want to make a report?
02:48:24 And she goes.
02:48:25 No.
Speaker 11
02:48:29 Of course not.Devon Stack
02:48:31 Because then all the money and status would evaporate.02:48:37 So they interview cops that have been on different calls, different domestic violence calls to the house.
02:48:46 They interview, or rather they they have them on the stand.
02:48:52 The 911 operators that answered those calls.
02:49:00 The sister of Nicole Brown.
02:49:03 Talking about how she was afraid that.
02:49:08 Obj would one day snap and then actually kill her.
02:49:13 But the problem is, like I've said, all night.
02:49:16 None of this matters.
02:49:18 If the jury.
02:49:21 Looks like this.
02:49:24 And all they see is black man.
02:49:28 Black man in trouble. I have to help the black man.
Speaker 36
02:49:32 There is a connection with abuse and could it lead to death? But I don't think they.02:49:40 Proved that.
Devon Stack
02:49:45 What? What? What? What proof did you need?02:49:48 The The blood trail. The like, none of that. That that wasn't proof enough, apparently.
Speaker 52
02:49:59 How many times?02:50:00 Did you hear?
02:50:01 Her shout. He's going to kill me. He's going.
02:50:04 To kill me.
Speaker 39
02:50:06 Four or five times.Devon Stack
02:50:10 But that's not proof. That's not proof of anything, especially when your jury looks like this.02:50:17 There's another juror.
Speaker 41
02:50:19 I lose respect for any woman to take a ***** with him when she.02:50:22 Don't have to.
02:50:25 Don't stay.
02:50:27 In the water. If it'll be you, idiot, you're dry.
Devon Stack
02:50:33 I guess that's that old tiny black lady wisdom.02:50:38 That we're we're always treated to in, in Hollywood movies, right?
02:50:45 I lose respect for any woman and take a beating that don't need to. Don't don't stand the water if you can't handle it, go. Go over your head.
02:50:54 Good old fashioned black lady wisdom. Good, good thing that she was there on the jury.
02:51:01 Good thing she was on the jury.
02:51:03 And you know, we're showing these photos of the crime scene.
02:51:11 This is the water. I guess that that goes over your head.
02:51:19 Or if you're this guy, you just happened to, uh.
02:51:23 You know, be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
02:51:28 This is the water.
02:51:30 That goes over your head.
02:51:49 This is the water.
02:51:54 That goes over your head.
02:51:59 And if you're squeamish, you're not going to like this next photo.
02:52:06 But to give you an idea of.
02:52:07 How?
02:52:08 Brutal. This was.
02:52:13 And the kind of strength that would be required regardless of how sharp that knife was when I said that she was almost decapitated.
02:52:21 And again, look away if this isn't for you.
02:52:24 This is the water.
02:52:28 That goes over your head.
02:52:42 So.
02:52:44 I'm trying to. I don't know if I I download a lot of stuff, I don't know if I got this loaded up or not. Let me double.
Speaker 11
02:52:51 Check here.Devon Stack
02:52:55 I might not have loaded this up correctly.02:53:08 I I didn't. There was a recreation.
02:53:14 Of the crime scene, let me see if. Hold on. I might be able to pull it up.
Speaker 11
02:53:21 Did I not download it on accident?02:53:26 Oh yeah, here it is.
Devon Stack
02:53:36 That's going to take a moment to.02:53:39 To actually download because for some reason downloading videos doesn't work always unless I.
02:53:47 Have my VPN on weirdly.
02:53:52 Let me see if I can do a different way.
Speaker 11
02:54:24 And we do it this way.Devon Stack
02:54:32 Alright, sorry for the delay guys. It's a long stream. We're already like what? Almost.02:54:38 Are we three hours in already?
Speaker 42
02:54:39 Alrighty.Devon Stack
02:54:41 Are we three hours in already?02:54:43 Where are we at?
02:54:45 Yeah, we're getting. We're all those three hours in already.
02:54:48 I told you.
02:54:49 It's going to be long.
Speaker 42
02:54:58 Alright.Speaker 11
02:55:01 Let's see if this will work faster.Devon Stack
02:55:06 Yes, it will, all right.Speaker 11
02:55:19 We'll do it that way.02:55:22 OK, here we are.
Devon Stack
02:55:28 This is.02:55:28 A.
02:55:29 Cheesy 90s animation.
02:55:34 Of how they recreated the scene.
Speaker 55
02:55:42 Engineers and forensics experts who were given unprecedented access to the Simpson Goldman murder scene have assembled this scenario.Speaker 56
02:55:51 We're seeing an overhead aerial shot of the Bundy drive geometry of this section of town where you can see there's a number of condos side by.02:55:59 Side this area is.
02:56:00 Where the murder occurs in reality, it's covered up with trees. There are steps and a gate and a dirt area beside the front entryway and a patio.
02:56:09 But we took the tree out so you could see that now we're going to put the tree in because the night of the murder, the tree provides incredible shade and it's extremely dark in this area at this point, Mr. Goldman comes up to the gate, punches it and rings the doorbell.
02:56:26 The called Simpson leaves her condo and she actually leaves the.
02:56:29 Front door ajar.
02:56:30 To come down and open the.
02:56:32 Gate.
02:56:33 There is obviously a speakerphone and she knows who her visitor is. Literally, the assailant has to come from.
02:56:39 The patio area.
02:56:41 Or the physical arrangements of the subjects make no sense the way he attacks them.
02:56:47 Immobilizes them both. He hits the right side of Mr. Goldman's face with his left hand, and does so very hard. There's a substantial bruise on the right side of his.
02:56:57 Face.
02:56:58 Simultaneously, a very soon thereafter, we believe the assailant hits Nicole Simpson on the left side.
02:57:04 Of her face.
Speaker 35
02:57:05 With the button.Speaker 56
02:57:06 His knife, the pommel. And that knocks her right side of her head into the wall. We believe that knocks her up, which enables the assailant now to come down and deal with the number.02:57:17 One threat, which is the young able and in pretty good shape, Mr. Goldman, we postulate that he puts the point of the knife behind Mr. Goldman's head and actually uses the knife like a fork with his hand over the mouth to raise Mr. Goldman to his feet. The medical examiner has testified that that wound alone would have been sufficient to kill Mr. Goldman.
02:57:38 If nothing else had been done to him, it's obvious from the medical evidence that the assailant has a hand over Mr. Goldman's mouth is having a talk.
02:57:47 With Mr. Coleman and is emphasizing his points.
02:57:50 With the knife the next.
02:57:52 Fatal blow received by Mr. Goldman as a plunge.
02:57:54 Right over his heart.
02:57:56 Hitting him in the left side of his torso, another thrust again from the back, upwards under the rib cage, which is also a fatal thrust, and he takes a final knife blow in this side, another fatal wound, and we push like he falls away into the fence. We see abrasion marked on the back of his.
02:58:16 Scalp, which we believe is a result of falling down the.
02:58:18 Fence and then.
02:58:19 He falls over and that is literally the position he is found by the police the next morning with Mr. Goldman dealt with.
02:58:27 The assailant is now free to turn his attention to Nicole. The assailant uses the same technique to lift her as he does Mr. Goldman's hand over mouth. Most important, it's clear again that the assailant is talking to Nicole Simpson. The reason we know this is before the final, fatal cut of her throat. There are three other small.
02:58:47 Cuts.
02:58:48 Throat parallel to where the fatal blow is going to be administered, it's clearly again torture. The final cut and crossed her throat is going to be delivered with her head cocked substantially back and.
02:59:03 The strength in that cut is enormous, and by that I mean she is going to receive a single slice to the front of the throat that is going to be so deep it is going to nick her spinal cord. That requires tremendous strength for a single cut. I don't care how sharp your knife is, the assailant.
02:59:22 Notices he has lost his will cap and in the animation he touches his head. Unlike our animation which has got enough light level for you to see what's going on in the real scene, this was very, very dark and it's a dark wheel cap, he's.
02:59:35 Trying to feel for the.
02:59:36 Cap can't feel anything through the groups. He has to take the gloves off to feel for the wool cap by taking off both gloves and not being careful about it. He actually ends up leaving a glove behind and not retrieving the wool cap. We speculate that something disturbed him in his search and cut it short. Whether it be a dog barking or some neighbors.
02:59:57 Choice or something. When the investigators arrived, they're going to find the cause body in this position, Mr. Goldmans. And this one, they're going to find the net. Skull cap here. They're going to find the glove very close by it. Mr. Goldman's pager.
03:00:09 And his keeps are all going to be found in these relative positions. We believe this to be the most detailed reconstruction done to date. We hope it remains the standard by which all other reconstructions are judged by even the prosecutions, of course.
Speaker 55
03:00:24 Of course, an animation from the OJ Simpson defense team would show a different conclusion, but for this animation failure, investigators used evidence presented in court to autopsy reports and detailed data they gathered from the scene of the murders.Speaker 56
03:00:38 Evidence is literally the most important.03:00:42 To establishing this scenario of the.
Speaker 57
03:00:43 Crime.Speaker 56
03:00:44 The choreography, the movement of the characters through the scene has been driven by the medical evidence because the choreography has to produce the wounds and they have to be produced in a certain order. The hat is found with, I believe the number is 26.03:01:02 African American hairs in it. There doesn't seem to be any contrary testimony or even dispute over the hat as belonging to the assailant. So we merely followed the physical evidence of this scene.
Devon Stack
03:01:16 But again.03:01:20 For physical evidence to matter.
03:01:23 Your jury has to be reasonable.
03:01:29 OJ's friend.
03:01:31 Who, upon hearing the different excuses for the cut finger.
03:01:36 Obviously.
03:01:38 A. A cut he sustained while stabbing.
03:01:42 People to death.
03:01:44 And decide to cut him. You know, cut himself off from the the inner circle and testify against him. Testified that that he. He thought that his friend.
03:01:57 Had killed.
03:02:00 Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.
Speaker 48
03:02:03 He kind of jokingly just said, you know, to be on a ship. That's what he called me, ship said. I well, I've had some dreams of killing her.Devon Stack
03:02:16 They immediately framed him up as a uncle Tom. They said he was jealous of OJ, and then the white women that he was getting that he wanted to have sex with Nicole.03:02:31 That he was a traitor. He was a Judas.
03:02:35 And he was work. He was.
03:02:36 Working for the man.
03:02:40 They went after Mark Furman, of course.
03:02:43 Calling him a racist.
Speaker 43
03:02:49 We made him a central part consistent with the themes that he's the boogeyman.Devon Stack
03:02:56 The themes that he's the boogeyman.03:02:59 You see, evidence doesn't matter if if someone said.
03:03:02 The word.
03:03:05 So they they say that he planted the glove.
03:03:10 They start planting this theory and newspapers.
03:03:17 The the white cop has framed the the innocent black man that OJ, despite telling three different people three different stories about how he cut his finger.
03:03:29 Just innocently cut his finger in one of those ways.
03:03:34 Oh, and by the way, his finger that he cut.
03:03:39 Because he cut it while murdering people.
03:03:42 Left a trail of blood fleeing the scene alongside the bloody footprints.
03:03:51 That's right, not one.
03:03:54 Not 2.
03:03:56 Not 3.
Speaker 19
03:03:58 Not 4.Devon Stack
03:04:00 But five drops of OJ Simpson's blood.03:04:07 Genetically tested by two separate labs.
03:04:14 We're at the murder scene.
03:04:18 It wasn't just a bloody glove on his property.
03:04:22 OJ Simpson.
03:04:23 'S blood.
03:04:25 Dripped alongside bloody footprints.
03:04:31 Leaving the same.
03:04:35 On the side of the footprints that his injured hand was on.
03:04:45 100% OJ's blood genetically tested.
03:04:52 Oh, and guess what? Else inside the Bronco?
03:04:57 Ron Goldman's blood.
03:05:00 Someone that OJ Simpson didn't know.
03:05:06 There was no possible way for Ron Goldman's blood to be inside the Bronco.
03:05:15 Also.
03:05:18 Brown's blood was found inside the Bronco, along with OJ's blood.
03:05:26 Inside the Bronco.
03:05:29 Consistent with the the droplets that they'd found at the murder scene.
03:05:35 There was blood smeared all over the Bronco, in fact.
03:05:42 Oh, and those same droplets?
03:05:44 That you found with the bloody footprints leaving the scene.
03:05:49 Well, that trail picked back up.
03:05:52 At OJ's House leading from the Bronco.
03:05:58 Into his house.
03:06:00 Into his bedroom.
03:06:07 But that's OK.
03:06:10 OJ Simpson was paying $50,000 a day for his legal dream team.
03:06:18 That's a 90s money.
03:06:21 To get this Jew.
03:06:25 Barry, what was his last name?
03:06:29 Barry.
03:06:39 Barry scheck.
03:06:45 So Barry Scheck proposed the idea.
03:06:49 That not only did the LAPD plant the bloody glove.
03:06:56 At OJ's house.
03:06:58 That when they drew blood from OJ Simpson.
03:07:02 To get a match, you know to get the DNA testing.
03:07:07 Did they use that vial of blood that they drew?
03:07:11 To then make fake blood trails all over the murder scene in his Bronco and in his house.
03:07:23 And the jury must have believed it.
03:07:27 But don't worry, he still sleeps at night because he's a Jew.
03:07:33 And he's found just like the entire Talmud is just like this. This book of Ways of tricking God.
03:07:40 Just like keeping the Sabbath right, I don't know if you guys have been seeing these videos. They've been posting on social media later or lately about the the ways that Jews tricked God into keeping the Sabbath right where oh, it's not really turning a light on. If instead of flipping a switch.
03:08:00 I'm I'm lifting up this mechanism that that.
03:08:03 That reveals the light.
03:08:05 Like all these stupid little loopholes.
03:08:08 The Jews have come up with to to break rules, but you know they're not really breaking them. Well, he uses the same Jew logic when pressed about it the day. Now that everyone knows everyone, including these guys knew back then, too, that that OJ is guilty, that knowing he's going to sound ridiculous.
03:08:29 They pressed him in this interview, saying come on, you really think the LAPD planted all this blood?
Speaker 58
03:08:35 Do you believe that that blood was planted by the LAPD?Speaker 42
03:08:39 You know, it's not my job.Speaker 19
03:08:42 To believe or not believe.Devon Stack
03:08:45 Ohh it's not my job to believe or not believe. It's just, you know, I wasn't supposed to believe or not believe it's it's, you know, that's I was supposed to just, you know, lie for him.Speaker 57
03:08:59 Most likely and probable inference is the one that is not for the timid or the.03:09:03 Faint of heart.
03:09:05 Somebody.
03:09:08 Wait with this evidence and there's no doubt about it.
Speaker 58
03:09:13 Just so I'm clear.03:09:15 You believe that all of the blood evidence in the case?
Speaker 19
03:09:18 You're you're asking me this question. Do I believe? Think you know is not.Speaker 4
03:09:23 Very, very.Speaker 19
03:09:25 The because you're you're.Speaker 13
03:09:29 The the the.Speaker 16
03:09:31 It sound it sound really.Speaker 19
03:09:31 As you know from meticulously researching this case and this has been written about, we presented, you know, sound arguments and evidence to explain each piece of this evidence and how it got there.Numbers Lady
03:09:45 Sorry.Devon Stack
03:09:49 See, he's not responsible for letting a murder a mass murderer free, a double homicide.03:09:55 Psycho free.
03:09:59 That's how he sleeps. And now he just he was just doing his job. He used his his crazy Jew logic to explain being evil.
03:10:12 So then we get to one of the most famous aspects of the case.
03:10:17 The gloves.
Speaker 53
03:10:21 The gloves.Devon Stack
03:10:24 See, unfortunately.03:10:27 The junior Black prosecutor thought it would be this.
03:10:31 Very dramatic. He was trying to out Johnny Cochrane. Johnny Cochran.
03:10:36 He thought he could do this dramatic Perry Mason reveal.
03:10:41 By making OJ Simpson put the gloves on in the courtroom in front of the jury.
03:10:48 Even though the other defense or prosecutors said look.
03:10:55 You're not going to be able to do this unless you know how it's going to go. You never ask a question less.
03:11:01 You already know the answer to it.
03:11:04 And OJ Simpson, who's an.
03:11:09 And a comedic actor is going to have a field day, especially because they're not going to even let him put the gloves on because it's considered evidence they're going to have him wear and a lot of people at home watching this on television didn't even know this part of it. They're going to have him wear latex gloves underneath the gloves.
03:11:29 And so he's going to be able to pantomime and make it look like the gloves don't fit.
03:11:36 And it's going to be a we don't do this unless we know exactly how it's going to go down. And so please don't do this. But again, he was like, no, I'm going to have this big dramatic moment.
03:11:47 They thought about it.
03:11:49 He won the the fight, I guess.
03:11:53 And of course, he.
03:11:56 Shows the jury. Ohh these these bloody gloves don't even fit me while I'm wearing.
03:12:02 Wearing gloves underneath. Look. Ohh look it. It's so funny. It doesn't fit. Ohh. And by the way.
03:12:09 That's not the only reason why they didn't fit.
03:12:12 Now that the trial is over and he's been acquitted.
03:12:16 The guy that helped him get away with murder.
03:12:20 Admits the other trick they.
03:12:21 Used some of they wouldn't fit.
Speaker 42
03:12:25 The funny thing about the glove?03:12:27 You didn't want to put him on.
03:12:30 He said, look, if you're worried about the gloves fitting or not fitting, just don't take your arthritis medicine. No big deal.
03:12:36 He said Mike, my hands would hurt like hell.
03:12:39 They said why would they hurt locality?
03:12:43 You just see the light click, you know just hands would get swollen, couldn't bend his knuckles so and take arthritis medicine for like 2 weeks.
Speaker 58
03:12:54 Do you think that made a difference?Speaker 42
03:12:55 Well, this he couldn't bend his hands.Devon Stack
03:13:01 So he didn't take his arthritis medicine for two weeks.03:13:06 So that his hands would swell.
Speaker 5
03:13:08 Up.Devon Stack
03:13:11 And that the glove wouldn't fit, especially when his hand was in another glove.03:13:16 All swollen up.
03:13:19 The good thing you let that guy get away with with murder, huh? Thanks, buddy.
03:13:29 So then, because you know the trial's still not going good because you have the DNA evidence, the blood evidence.
03:13:37 They still have to hammer away at Mark Furman.
03:13:40 And wouldn't you know it, through all of his Hollywood Jewish contacts?
03:13:46 They find a woman that was a screenwriter.
03:13:51 Who is researching cops?
03:13:56 And many years ago, and I interviewed Mark Furman while he was in the ****, when he was working in watts.
03:14:04 During his his traumatic time.
03:14:07 With black people during like all the the riot stuff.
03:14:13 And she interviewed him to give the.
03:14:17 The police perspective. Like what? What's it like to be a real cop in the mean streets, in the inner city?
03:14:23 So he's getting paid to to make cops sound like a ******.
03:14:28 And in these interviews he talks about.
03:14:32 Having to arrest people and feeling, you know, all powerful because of the badge and you know what he says a couple times again.
03:14:47 And so, because these tapes.
03:14:49 Now have Mark Furman's voice on them saying.
03:14:55 Johnny Cochran.
03:14:57 Has the silver bullet. He knows that if he plays these tapes.
03:15:03 Of Mark Furman trying to sound like a ****** cop.
03:15:09 Saying the word every once in a while.
03:15:13 That the black jury is going to let OJ go.
03:15:20 And the public knows about these tapes. The jury doesn't know about the tapes yet.
03:15:26 And instantly, that's all the OJ trial is about. It's about Mark Furman, the racist.
03:15:33 We believe OJ, not Fermin.
03:15:36 Get the KKK out of the DA and the LAPD.
03:15:44 And once again, Johnny Cochran reaches out to his.
03:15:48 Contacts at black churches.
03:15:51 And probably that weird Jew.
03:15:52 Guy with the sunglasses, who I couldn't find.
03:15:54 Out who it was.
03:15:57 And they show up and they protest and they pressure the limp, wristed Asian judge into allowing the tapes into evidence.
Numbers Lady
03:16:06 Yeah.Devon Stack
03:16:08 And because Mark Furman had previously testified.03:16:12 That he hadn't, he didn't recall ever using the word.
03:16:17 In the last.
03:16:18 15 years.
03:16:21 He now was in a situation where he could be.
03:16:24 Facing perjury charges.
03:16:29 So at the advice of his attorney or with the advice of his attorney.
03:16:34 He pled the 5th regardless of what question was asked of him.
03:16:41 Regarding these tapes.
03:16:46 So now the the jury.
03:16:49 Thinks Ohh and now he's he's not trustworthy.
03:16:53 Ohh. He not only did he say now he's pleading the 5th no matter what they ask him. So he's got something to hide.
03:17:01 Because that's the way juries think when they look like this.
Speaker 43
03:17:15 It was the weekend after the glove demonstration and we were talking and you know, Jerry was on speakerphone. Hey, guy. Hey, hey, hey. I got. I got a phrase.Speaker 33
03:17:26 If it doesn't fit.Speaker 30
03:17:28 You must acquit.Speaker 43
03:17:30 The room then.03:17:32 Erupted high five and hey, hey, hey.
Devon Stack
03:17:40 So Johnny Cochran has his closing line when addressing the jury.03:17:47 Says the famous line at the glove doesn't fit. You must acquit.
03:17:53 Because rhyming seems to be very powerful when it comes to influencing black people.
03:18:04 And the jury only deliberates for like 3 hours.
03:18:09 This case has been going on for.
03:18:13 Several months.
03:18:16 It only takes the jury 3 hours to come up with a verdict.
Speaker 33
03:18:20 There was another man.Speaker 24
03:18:23 Who had those same views? They didn't.Devon Stack
03:18:26 You forgot this part. Johnny Cochran also compares Mark Furman to Hitler, because why not, right?Speaker 19
03:18:33 Chair.Speaker 33
03:18:34 People say he's just crazy. He's just a half baked painter.Speaker 58
03:18:40 They didn't do anything about it.Speaker 33
03:18:42 This man, this scourge, became.Speaker 35
03:18:46 One of the worst people in the.Speaker 29
03:18:47 History of this world adopted.Speaker 43
03:18:50 The word Hitler had not been in any of the prior drafts people.Speaker 33
03:18:50 I didn't care. I didn't try to stop him. He had the power over his racism and his anti religionism he.03:19:04 Nobody's going to stop him and end up.
03:19:07 In World War 2.
Devon Stack
03:19:11 So Mark Furman is literally Hitler.03:19:16 And look, this is what the jury was like.
Speaker 58
03:19:19 267 days selling the trialist 11105 pieces of evidence, 45,000 pages of trial transcript from 133 witnesses. How the hell did you deliberate for three?Speaker 36
03:19:22 Mm-hmm.Speaker 58
03:19:32 And 1/2 hours.Speaker 36
03:19:33 How many days was it again?Speaker 58
03:19:34 267 days.Speaker 36
03:19:36 266 nights.03:19:43 266 nights I went back to that room alone.
03:19:48 Wasn't able to talk to other jurors, wasn't able to talk to family.
03:19:53 Nobody but me and my thoughts.
03:19:57 I waited till the end to come up with a decision, but each night that I went home after listening to the testimony, I stored that.
03:20:06 By the end of that trial, I knew where I was.
03:20:09 And it was clear.
Devon Stack
03:20:13 So she wanted to.03:20:14 Go home as her excuse.
03:20:18 The trial was long. They were the the jury was sequestered because of how public it was.
03:20:24 And she just wanted to go home so.
03:20:30 I'm in a lot of homicidal maniac free.
03:20:36 So the cops weren't sure if they were going, you know, they didn't know what the the verdict was going to be. In fact, a lot of people were confident that he was going to be guilty. That that's why that they deliberated for such a short period of time because it was so obvious that he was guilty cause the.
03:20:50 DNA evidence was clear.
03:20:52 The motive was clear, the opportunity was clear.
03:20:57 This mark Furman stuff, you know, people had this false sense.
03:21:03 Of confidence.
03:21:05 That blacks really didn't see race.
03:21:08 Blacks didn't hear the word and then all reason went out the window.
03:21:14 Blacks could be impartial.
03:21:17 Blacks could put all their racial grievances aside and and and judge people as as.
03:21:26 Accurately and pragmatically, as a white jury.
03:21:32 And they thought, you know.
03:21:33 Well, that is true simultaneously.
03:21:37 Once, once the other blacks find out they're gonna chimp out. So they had basically a a militarized zone around the the courtroom.
03:21:47 They were ready for a massive chimp out.
03:21:52 But of course.
03:21:54 They didn't deliberate for only three hours because they found him guilty.
Speaker 59
03:21:58 Simpson, would you please stand and chase the jury?Speaker 60
03:22:08 In the matter of the people of the state of California versus orenthal James Simpson case number BA 097211, we the jury in the above entitled Action Find the defendant or or involve James Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder in violation of Penal Code Section 187.03:22:26 A A felony upon Nicole Brown Simpson, a human being, as charged in count one of the.
Devon Stack
03:22:34 They let him off.03:22:39 They let him off.
03:22:46 OJ was a champion once again.
Speaker 50
03:22:51 One of the jurors, I believe, was juror #6 male black stood in the jury box and raised his fist like this.Devon Stack
03:23:05 But I don't see race.03:23:09 I don't see race.
03:23:11 The 90s were good.
03:23:13 Because there wasn't any racism.
03:23:21 One of the ******* jurors did the Black Power Fist when they read the verdict.
Speaker 15
03:23:25 Whatever.Devon Stack
03:23:34 This guy right here.03:23:39 Did the ******* black power fist.
03:23:48 Remember this old lady that was just. Uh, the water's going.
03:23:51 To go over your head.
Speaker 58
03:23:54 Do you think that they're members of the jury that voted to acquit OJ because of Rodney King?Speaker 36
03:24:01 Yes, yes.Speaker 58
03:24:02 You do how many of?Speaker 41
03:24:04 You think though that was ohh 90% yeah.Speaker 58
03:24:11 90%.03:24:13 Did you feel that well?
Speaker 36
03:24:15 Yes.Speaker 52
03:24:17 That was paid back.Speaker 19
03:24:18 Mm-hmm.Speaker 58
03:24:20 You think that's right?Devon Stack
03:24:28 It was payback.03:24:42 It was payback.
03:24:48 90%.
03:24:50 Which was all the black jurors.
03:25:00 We're just like, yeah, **** ******.
Speaker 13
03:25:14 It was payback for what's happened over the last.03:25:16 400 years.
03:25:20 It was payback for how black people are treated in America.
Devon Stack
03:25:31 See. It's payback, ******.03:25:38 But definitely don't worry about becoming a minority in your own countries. White guys.
03:25:47 Definitely don't get nervous about that.
03:25:56 Definitely don't worry about.
03:25:58 Black people having just the smallest amount of power over you. I mean, I don't know. And maybe if you you've been through an airport lately and you've seen how black people like to throw their power around when they're just working at the ******* TSA.
03:26:11 Or at the post office or at the DMV.
03:26:16 It's payback.
Speaker 5
03:26:21 They hate you.Devon Stack
03:26:29 She hates you.03:26:47 And you have an image of the white people responding to the verged on the left, shocked and surprised.
03:26:54 While Black Woman on the ride is celebrating.
03:27:01 And that was the response. I've played the clips and streams in the past.
03:27:06 There's one in particular, I guess that was going around.
03:27:10 Oprah, because it was such a big thing.
03:27:24 Here is a I'm going to get the clip here.
03:27:28 Oprah televised the verdict live because it happened during her show.
03:27:36 And in the audience you see something?
03:27:40 Well, a little bit telling.
03:27:50 As soon as I can pop it up here.
Speaker 11
03:27:57 Why is that not going?Devon Stack
03:28:03 Oh, the video is restricted. Really. Wow.Speaker 11
03:28:08 Why would it be restricted?Devon Stack
03:28:13 It's harder to download YouTube videos that are restricted.03:28:20 Alright, maybe this one will work.
Speaker 46
03:28:25 It is shortly before.Speaker 11
03:28:28 Alright, this will work.Speaker 46
03:28:51 It is shortly before noon, Chicago time and history is in the making. By the time you will see this, you will already know the OJ verdict, but we just like the rest of the country, are waiting to hear it live for the very first time. So you will be seeing this audiences reactions as the verdict is being.03:29:10 And so we wait. Are you nervous? Who's nervous?
03:29:17 Is everybody nervous?
Speaker 33
03:29:20 Yes.Speaker 59
03:29:20 All right, Mrs. Robertson, would you, do you have the envelope with the seal brake lines, please? Or would you give us the deputy Tron?Speaker
03:29:24 Yes, your honor.Speaker 46
03:29:30 Be still my heart.Speaker 59
03:29:32 All right, Mr. cotton.03:29:33 Mr. Simpson, would you please stand and face the jury?
03:29:39 This is Robertson.
Speaker 60
03:29:41 Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles in the matter of the people of State of California versus orenthal James Simpson case number BA 097211. We the jury in the above entitled action. Find the defendant or orenthal James Simpson not guilty of the.03:29:57 And of murder in violation of Penal Code Section 187, a A felony upon the full blown sensation of human being a starting point. One of the information.
03:30:12 Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles in the matter of the people state of California versus orenthal James Simpson, we the.
Devon Stack
03:30:21 You might not see race, but race sees you.Speaker 60
03:30:29 Jury in the above entitled Action find the defendant, orenthal James Simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder and violation of Penal Code Section 187, a, A felony, upon Ronald Lyle Goldman, a human being, as charged in count two of the information.Speaker 59
03:30:45 Or it's entirely up to you.Speaker 46
03:30:45 We, along with the rest of the country, saw this verdict as you saw it and the jury.03:30:50 Has spoken. Our audience has been here most of the morning, waiting to see the verdict and lots of people, as you saw, had some pretty strong reactions. Obviously you're very.
03:30:59 Happy. I'm very happy for his family, for his children. I'm very happy.
Speaker 61
03:31:03 I'm also very happy. I think justice was served.Speaker 46
03:31:10 We'll try to let you have that everyone here is happy. However, not everyone here is happy. I I noticed that you are not.Speaker 62
03:31:17 No, I'm not happy.03:31:19 I just think it's it's just unfair. Everything. No, I feel so bad for her. She's saying I just feel like she's rolling over in her grave and and he got. He said if he ever did it, he would get away with it. That's what she said. And he he knows. Yeah.
Speaker 46
03:31:31 We will be right back.Devon Stack
03:31:35 And that was the response.03:31:38 100% across racial lines.
03:31:45 Black people celebrated because they don't. They didn't care about the evidence.
03:31:50 And white people did.
03:31:55 But he was let go. I mean, they he went back to his.
03:31:57 Mansion that day.
Speaker 45
03:32:01 Hung out with his new white girlfriend.Speaker 5
03:32:07 Think of your Jack.Speaker 25
03:32:10 Response to what says was PlayStation.Speaker 32
03:32:14 You're home.Devon Stack
03:32:20 But I I guess you know it was white supremacy, huh?03:32:25 White supremacy strikes again.
03:32:28 As he's allowed to golf.
03:32:31 He goes to black churches. He's now a hero.
03:32:35 Black churches are treating this homicidal maniac as a.
03:32:41 Freedom fighter.
03:32:44 Giving him awards.
03:32:47 Dressing them up and like, you know, ******* African king.
Speaker 19
03:32:54 Bern sea race.Speaker 23
03:32:58 I don't see race.Devon Stack
03:33:03 And so then, like I said the the the last part of the documentary, I skimmed through real quickly, but it just it was they go into the fact that Ron Goldman's family sued him for wrongful death in civil court and one effectively bankrupting him or.03:33:23 You know, getting a lot of his money. Then of course, there was the he tried to rob some people in in Las Vegas and that's what he ended up going to jail for. So they, you know, they finally got him. But.
03:33:35 You know, he was out. And in fact, I think he became a big Trump supporter and was tweeting out up until just recently his death.
03:33:46 From cancer was unexpected the most.
03:33:50 Which was just the other day so.
03:33:54 You know, he was able to get a lot of golf games in and hit while searching for the real killers.
03:34:05 And now that you know the story.
03:34:07 You probably understand a little bit better.
03:34:10 Why Norm MacDonald would spend night? You know, Saturday after Saturday ******** on.
03:34:17 On OJ Simpson and eventually got him fired because OJ Simpson was was friends with a lot of Jews.
03:34:24 Including the the head of of programming over at NBC that.
Speaker 12
03:34:30 That basically fired Norm for making jokes about OJ over and over and over again, and if it's successful, OJ will work on yet another book entitled From Football to Prison. My 25 years of showering with other men.Speaker 43
03:34:37 Yeah.Speaker 12
03:34:51 And finally, in honor of the 50th anniversary of their first publication, Random House will be releasing special commemorative issues of many Doctor Seuss classics the 1st to hit the bookshelves will be green eggs and ham, and OG is guilty.03:35:08 Judge Edo was interviewed this week by a local TV station in Los Angeles. Asked by the interviewer if it was appropriate for a supposedly impartial judge to be on TV with his case still pending, Vito said. Maybe not, but how appropriate is it to kill your ex?
03:35:23 Wife.
03:35:31 It was revealed today that OJ Simpson told police that Nicole Brown Simpson used to beat him up. He also claimed that she and Ron Goldman killed him.
03:35:47 OJ Simpson's lawyers have decided to skip hearings on DNA evidence and go right to trial. Asked why they did this, the lawyers replied. We want to get OJ acquitted as speedily as possible so he can get back to doing what he does best, killing people.
03:36:05 Let's get to OJ, OJ Simpson's lawyers say they don't want the families of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman in the courtroom during the trial. They're afraid the presence of the family members will just remind OJ of how much more killing he still has to.
03:36:19 Do.
03:36:27 Well, OJ Simpson's lawyer stopped feuding this week. Finally, the Dream Team F Lee Bailey and Robert Shapiro were able to put aside their differences and express their admiration for each other after OJ threatened to cut their heads off.
03:36:51 According to the National Transportation Safety Board, sleepy Truckers are responsible for 1000 deaths a year. In second place, OJ Simpson had two deaths a year, it was revealed this week. The defense lawyer Johnny Cochran.
03:37:08 Once abused, his first wife in his defence, Cochrane said. Hey, at least I didn't kill her like.
03:37:14 Some people I know.
03:37:24 Tomorrow judge Lance Keto will take OJ and the jury on a tour of the now famous crime scene for the jury. It will be their first look at the actual location. Chris, Rd. Jay. It will be just a case of been there done that.
03:37:38 Judge Lance Ito is happy with the jurors field trip to the crime scene last week and went off without a hitch, said Ito. Not one murder.
03:37:49 OJ's Pal al Cowlings now has a 1900 number for 299 a minute. Cowlings will tell callers that OJ is innocent and for 399 a minute he will try to do it without laughing.
03:38:12 And this week, Simpson defense lawyers questioned witnesses about 1/2 melted container of ice cream found at the murder site. The Simpson defense has seized upon the ice cream for two reasons. One, it may help fix the time of the murders, and two, it was the only thing in the murder scene.
03:38:29 Without any of OJ's blood on it.
03:38:36 To illustrate the point that their client is running out of money to defend himself, OJ Simpson's lawyer said this week that if he had to do it over again after killing his victims, OJ would now rob them as well.
03:38:50 That one you find troubling, we went was OJ Simpson high on speed the night of the murders? Absolutely not, said defense attorney Johnny Cochrane today. And a simple test of any of OJ's blood found at the crime scene will prove it.
03:39:16 And OJ Powell Cowling said this week that in looking for the truth in the OJ Simpson case, he sometimes talks to a picture of Nicole Brown Simpson, something that in the past would have gotten him killed by OJ.
03:39:31 F Lee Bailey said this week that if the defense only knew what Ron Goldman's last words were, they might be able to find the real.
03:39:39 Killer.
03:39:40 You know, if you ask me, Goldman's last words were probably, hey, you're OJ Simpson.
03:39:53 Ohh no, OJ has struck again. How about that? And in court this week, Kato Kaelin testified that OJ Simpson did not.
Speaker 19
03:39:58 Good thing.Speaker 12
03:40:06 Appear angry before or after the period of his wife's murder, but Caitlin admitted he could have been at touch edgy while he was actually murdering her.Devon Stack
03:40:18 And.Speaker 12
03:40:22 Hertz rental Car company announced this week that will buy 520,000 vehicles, increasing its worldwide fleet 24%. In addition, they will try to find a new spokesman who won't kill his ex-wife.03:40:39 This week at the OJ Simpson trial, the infamous bloody Glove was finally introduced into evidence, and OJ didn't help his case any by blurting out. There it is. I've been looking all over for.
03:40:49 That thing.
03:40:57 And a new shocker in the OJ Simpson trial this afternoon. Judge Lancy, though, dismissed yet another juror, a 45 year old African American male, for failing to tell the court that he had once worked for Hertz, rent a car, and that he had once held Nicole Brown Simpsons glasses while OJ killed her.
03:41:22 Dismissed since anger Jeanette Harris revealed in interviews this week that the jury is torn by dissension and is already divided into two camps, those who think he is guilty and those who are really, really stupid.
03:41:43 A bad week for the prosecution of the OJ Simpson trial under intense cross examination by defense lawyer Barry Scheck, LAPD crime expert Dennis Fung admitted that he may have contaminated the crime scene when he accidentally dropped a big bucket full of OJ's DNA.
03:42:04 Our top story tonight, this week in the OJ Simpson trial after grizzly photos of the murdered Nicole Brown Simpson were shown in court, OJ turned his head away and wept. It was at that moment that he realized he would never be able to kill her again.
03:42:24 Well, and a questionable move by the defense team this week, OJ Simpson demonstrated how to stab two people at the same time.
Speaker 43
03:42:36 Yeah.Speaker 12
03:42:38 Remember 12 angry Men, the classic courtroom drama? Well, the first film about the OJ Simpson case is in the works. It's entitled 9 angry black people, two scared Asians, and a white guy who hasn't spoken since Rosa Lopez.03:42:59 Testimony during the final week provided some spellbinding moments.
03:43:04 In a brilliant mood during closing arguments, Simpson attorney Johnny Cochran put on the knit cap. Prosecutors say OJ wore the night he committed the murders. Although OJ may have heard his case when he suddenly blurted out. Hey, easy with that. That's my lucky stabbing hat.
03:43:28 Well, the trial of the century is over late. Yesterday, the fate of OJ Simpson, the most famous murder suspect in United States history, was placed in the hands of the jurors. They must now decide whether to free him or get all their heads cut off.
Devon Stack
03:43:49 And the most famous one? I'm surprised they left out of this little compilation was after the the verdict was read the following week. Norm MacDonald famously said, well, it's official. Murder is now legal in California.03:44:06 And it is.
03:44:08 As long as you're black.
03:44:12 And that, of course, is the story.
Speaker 42
03:44:15 Of the juice.Devon Stack
03:44:19 All right. Well, that was pretty long almost to four hours. Let's get 2. Let's get to hyper chats now, huh?Speaker 9
03:44:28 Woo.Devon Stack
03:44:30 I'm not even done for the night. I gotta I. I got more beehives to move around. Alright, let's take a look here, ladies and gentlemen.03:44:42 Beethoven or beat oven, depending on how you want to pronounce it.
03:44:54 I recently discovered your work. It's second to none. Seriously random question. In a previous stream I thought I heard you mention an episode about century of Self can't find on symbi search. Does it exist? Hope so, but it could not be.
03:45:10 A good future, or if not, it could be a good future episode. Take care. Yeah, I did. Like, I think there was a couple streams, right. I.
03:45:17 Don't think we were.
Speaker 53
03:45:18 Able.Devon Stack
03:45:18 To fit it all into.03:45:18 One think there was it was like two or three.
03:45:25 Not sure.
03:45:27 What they're called. I'll, I'll, I'll you know. I I'm slowly but steadily.
03:45:32 Going to be making playlists that have those, those those multipart streams in one playlist, so that'll be one of them. When I get to that.
03:45:44 But I definitely definitely did a a few streams on that and welcome. Welcome to the pill box.
03:45:51 Zazi Mataz Bot says. I hear that Japan is having a collapsing population problem, and they don't have the workforce, so they have to be diversified. If there are less people to do the work, isn't there less work to be done? Fewer babies to look after, et cetera. Thanks for the show. World War Three may have just started. Sleep tight.
03:46:13 Well, yeah, obviously it's it's just the the only way.
03:46:17 Capitalism and its and its current form can keep on going as if you have a non-stop nonstop growth.
03:46:27 And by that I mean the only way that the bankers of the top and the the the, the people who don't actually produce anything that just get rich off of investing generational wealth, they can the only way they can keep making money is through growth.
03:46:45 And so when there's not growth.
03:46:48 It doesn't hurt the little people because the little people start getting paid more and things start costing less.
03:46:56 But that's that's not what the society is is is built around. Is it?
03:47:01 So yeah, I mean it's it's not a bad thing. Imagine this. If you have a dropping population.
03:47:09 All of a sudden you've got the supply of housing just as a as a an example, the supply of housing goes up and the demand goes down.
03:47:20 What does that do to housing prices? Well, it makes the housing prices go down. So now all of a sudden you can't afford a house if you work as just like a normal blue collar guy.
03:47:32 But that doesn't help out Johnny Boomer, who's got like 4 houses, and he got his entire retirement wrapped up in the.
03:47:40 The house that he bought for a tomato back in 1965 going for 2,000,000 bucks.
03:47:47 And and that's just the the lower rung guy, right? It doesn't help the investment firms and the, the the bankers with the you know the mortgage rates and the and the kinds of returns they're going to get off of charging people outrageous fees for literally doing nothing in terms of World War 3.
03:48:08 I don't know. I I unless something happened. The last I've been working on this for, like the.
03:48:11 Last 12 hours.
03:48:14 And that site, including the the last four that we just did for the stream. So I don't unless something crazy has happened. I know that there might be something with Iran attacking Israel and all this other stuff. I don't know. I don't think World War three necessarily is going.
03:48:31 To happen but.
03:48:33 As I've been saying for years.
03:48:37 If it dies, you guys should be prepared for it. So no big deal. I'm.
03:48:41 Ready for it?
03:48:42 And look at it as an opportunity.
03:48:46 That's all.
03:48:48 It's all lots of bad things can happen, but lots of good things could happen too. Nord nag. No tap says in the 1990 dystopian film prayer of the Rollerboys, their goal was day of the rope, which was a sterilization additive to a highly addictive drug. When I got my OG copy of day, the rope at first.
03:49:10 I thought it might have been a reference to it been rereading in preparation for book two. I haven't seen that movie 1990 film about roller Derby people. I'm assuming it's roller Derby genocidal roller Derby people.
03:49:27 That could be interesting. Nor at Magnolia app, this dollar is for ******** fagot. I always looked forward to his donation and comments and the insomnia stream after show. Godspeed wherever you are, brother. By the way, Mr. Stack. My name is inspired by one of your rants on the antibiotic edition. I laughed until I almost threw up.
03:49:48 No, Meg, not yap.
03:49:50 I I I I don't even know the reference there.
03:49:57 Sounds like was I speaking backwards, no.
03:50:00 When, when? When am I?
03:50:04 Oh, Fab lover 69. What is Speaking of bad names? I've pandered or pondered the demographic issue for a while as well, due to the medicine and engineering advancements around 1900, Malthusian factors were able to be avoided. Hence the exponential pop of.
03:50:23 Population growth.
03:50:25 A reversion seems natural, although I don't want it forced by Fagg oligarchs.
03:50:33 Yeah, I mean.
Numbers Lady
03:50:34 Yes.Speaker 12
03:50:36 Who knows? Maybe we'll be forced by.Devon Stack
03:50:37 World War Three, right?03:50:39 Ulrich Verence says thoughts on Vidar shutting down due to law fare.
03:50:46 I wasn't aware of that, so I don't know all the INS and outs of what's going on with that, but yeah, that's that's the the weapon that is hard to fight against it. It's basically fighting you with money. And as OJ Simpson proved tonight, well, it proved many years ago, if you have enough money.
03:51:06 You can literally get away with murder.
03:51:09 Lamp shade denier. I know it's been mentioned already, but a video on Bobby Fischer.
03:51:15 Will be very interesting.
03:51:17 Yeah, I'm aware of him, but never done a deep dive. Maybe that'll be something in the future.
03:51:25 Skip viral says, shout out to replay gang my boomer dad's favorite movie is, Yep, A Bronx tale. I'm not even joking. Oh, that's interesting.
Speaker 11
03:51:34 I don't know.03:51:35 Why he would like that it's a.
Devon Stack
03:51:37 Pretty degenerate movie.03:51:39 And one that.
03:51:40 Might also show up in the future. Tell the truth. Tell the truth.
03:51:47 Ohh you got you got sad at Amy.
Numbers Lady
03:51:49 I I drink, drink, drink.Devon Stack
03:52:03 Sad Gorilla I made the mistake of watching the movie fried Green tomatoes for the first time with my wife and the other night.03:52:12 Or the other night. Her suggestion? Yes. She's a nasty feminist. Holy ****, that movie hates white men, and it's feminist trash. Would you make or would make a good stream if you wanted to barf or get ******? Absolutely. Worst movie.
03:52:26 Sure.
03:52:27 I know I've gone over it at some point in a stream. I don't know that I've I I made it all about that movie, but I know I've gone over it because it's. Yeah, it's very obviously Pro Jew, anti white man, you know.
Speaker 11
03:52:44 At least I'm almost positive I have.Devon Stack
03:52:47 If I haven't, it was one of those movies I was preparing to do, and then my computer blew up so, but I watched it and it was taking notes, and I remember that part of it. I've yeah, remember. I've been doing a lot of. I've done a lot of streams and a lot of.03:53:00 Videos and I don't always remember everything I've done.
03:53:04 Potato Mutt says Nicole was a coal burner. Marcia Clark was a Jew who got raped by Jews in Israel. Ron Goldman was a Jew and his family are Jews who went after OJ's football shekels and the only good guy in the case who could reasonably be called our guy is Mark Furman.
03:53:23 Also, please cover A Bronx tale.
03:53:26 Yeah, Mark Furman seems like he was just like a normal cop that had to.
03:53:29 Deal with the.
03:53:30 Lots of black crime and had enough and, you know, used language to express that and unfortunately recorded environments that you know might have allowed.
03:53:46 A homicidal murderer to go free.
Speaker 21
03:53:50 Blue chord, blue chord.Devon Stack
03:53:59 Blue chord. Good evening again, Mr. Stack. Well, good evening to you.03:54:04 Uncle Floyd's reeducation shed. Have you ever done an episode on the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire?
03:54:12 Two Jewish owners were acquitted for the deaths of 146 employees after violating safety regulations many times. No, I've never heard of that.
03:54:22 The Triangle shirtwaist fire.
Speaker 11
03:54:28 I'll put that in my.03:54:30 My list of.
Devon Stack
03:54:31 Things that you guys think ignore, but clearly after OJ night, you know, I do not.Speaker 11
03:54:38 All right, that's been added.Devon Stack
03:54:44 Nightfire says Devin, thanks for being on Vinces show in the past. You've talked about the oh, **** moment where things really escalate as Congress has basically really repealed the 4th Amendment this.03:54:58 Do you see that? That as said moment, I'm guessing no, since the Patriot Act destroyed the Constitution anyway.
03:55:07 What I I don't know exactly what you're talking about specifically here.
Speaker 11
03:55:12 Let me see.03:55:17 Is there something I'm missing?
03:55:28 Here we are.
Devon Stack
03:55:35 Now this is from 2023, but maybe they're talking about the same thing.03:55:41 New legislation would close the 4th amendment loophole, intelligence and law enforcement agencies have disregard of the 4th amendment by purchasing intimate details about American lives.
Speaker 11
03:55:54 I don't think this is it.Devon Stack
03:56:00 Yeah, I don't know specifically we're talking about, but I don't think the Constitution really stops them anyway. So yeah, I mean business as usual as far as I'm concerned, unless someone can prove to me otherwise.03:56:12 Yeah, nothing that I've heard about is some kind of watershed moment yet.
03:56:19 They could. They could literally ban guns tomorrow, and I don't think people would would rise up. Brody says. Hi, Devin, some of the most interesting and fun parts of your podcast when you talk about your beehives or other issues, you are working on around your property, always enjoy your streams. Have you have helped get through many long hikes?
03:56:38 Poor drives keep it up, my friend. Well, I appreciate that.
03:56:42 And yeah, nothing new about the bees.
03:56:46 Just been doing splits and hive relocations, moving them around.
Speaker 11
03:56:51 And uh.Devon Stack
03:56:53 I've I've been I've I've been. I have been.03:56:57 Experimenting with nano, nano ceramic nano spheres.
03:57:04 And paint to help cool the hives in the hot desert sun.
03:57:11 Plug NIF says this week in the city of Casper, WY.
03:57:16 A 14 year old white kid was beaten and stabbed by 215 year old blacks. Casper has a population of 60,000. Blacks make up less than 1%. The population of the population ever relax. I've actually been to Casper, WY and yeah.
03:57:35 Go figure. Right. Well, I'll tell you what I was once in a a town that was probably very demographically similar. And I was mugged by a black guy.
03:57:46 Uh, Colonel Edward says I was five years old when OJ was acquitted. This was my first black pill. I think about it. Every time someone wishes, we could go back to the 90s. Exactly. The 90s were no picnic. And the people that want to go back to the 90s are the people.
03:58:04 Who were either infants.
03:58:06 Or not alive yet, or just falsely nostalgic about the 90s.
03:58:12 We have to go way back. I mean, look, we can't. We're not going back to the 50s is even bad, right? I mean, there's just. There's certain things that are better.
03:58:21 And it's dramatically better than the 90s. But the 90s was, I mean we, we already we were sliding down that slippery slope at 100 miles an hour by the the time.
Speaker 11
03:58:32 The 90s hit.Devon Stack
03:58:34 Brody says I forgot to ask how can we give a tip and ask a question outside the live stream time window. Most of the time I'm unable to catch the live streams, but would still like to ask a question and give some financial support in terms of the question part, I don't know, but you can support videos after they've you know you can support replays.03:58:54 I think the button.
03:58:55 Is still there. If you want to ask a question.
03:59:00 I mean, maybe I can just start posting like I did today. I think I posted the the stream on Odyssey like several hours before I was lives. That gives you, you know, all day long. Maybe I can just start, you know, trying to do that earlier.
Speaker 11
03:59:15 And then it'll still. It'll. You know, I'll.03:59:17 Still get it?
Devon Stack
03:59:19 Jay Ray, 1981.03:59:21 Is this Iran attack fake and gay? I don't even know about the Iran attack. See, this is the.
03:59:26 Problem now you gotta look this up.
03:59:31 I was out in the yard all day except for when I was in here doing OJ research.
03:59:39 So I am out of the loop on the Iran attack.
03:59:43 First ever direct attack alright, Iran attacks Israel explosions light up the sky. IDF full alert.
03:59:50 USA supporting Mideast airspace closed.
03:59:53 Sky News live alright well, apparently Iran has openly attacked.
04:00:00 Israel let me see if there's any breaking news.
04:00:07 This is what happens when you have these deep dives. I focus like a ******* laser beam and I don't know what else is going on with the rest of the world and I just hope that it doesn't all go to **** while I'm.
04:00:17 While I'm not doing it, but apparently some things have been happening, huh.
04:00:22 You know, I'm not seeing, like a lot of.
04:00:26 Yeah, you gotta remember who's writing these headlines.
04:00:30 This you know, it's gonna be blown out.
04:00:32 Here's the thing.
04:00:34 We'll know better tomorrow, especially if this is something that's all happened within the last 12 hours or so. Every headline is going to be, oh, my God, the sky is falling because they're going to be written by Jews.
04:00:46 And it's going to be like, you know, October 7th, where you're gonna have, uh, like a 1000 beheaded babies. And you're gonna have a bunch of just ******** Jewish lies coming out of Israel about how.
04:00:56 Bad it is.
04:00:58 And so we won't know, maybe it is bad. I don't. I'm not seeing anything.
Speaker 11
04:01:06 Too crazy?Devon Stack
04:01:19 OK, as of 19 minutes ago, Iran's attack.04:01:24 On Israel is over, according to Iran.
04:01:29 So this has been going on while I'm streaming apparently.
04:01:33 This is the danger that the danger of of dealing these big long ones is like you know.
04:01:39 I don't know what's going on. I have no idea what's going on and so I would just be making **** up here.
04:01:45 Let's see if there's a.
04:01:47 Is there like a quick rundown? Let me see. I'm scrolling. I'm looking for some kind of.
Speaker 11
04:01:54 Something.Devon Stack
04:01:56 I don't see anything that's really summing it up. There is a lot of, I don't know. Let's see here. What's what's the timestamp on this thing?04:02:06 So looks like drones. Iran's deadly kamikaze drones arrive in Jerusalem. Sirens heard across the city as Israel fires missiles to intercept the aerial bombardment, with explosions seen lighting up the sky.
04:02:18 So they're just throwing, you know, some suicide drones.
04:02:25 Yeah, I mean, it doesn't seem like it's anything that crazy. There's, here's the thing.
04:02:32 I won't take it seriously until it's like an invasion. Like boots on the ground.
Speaker 53
04:02:39 That's.Devon Stack
04:02:41 Until that happens, and maybe it will until that happens, it's not really a war, you know. I mean, if you're, if you're just because.04:02:51 Look, we wouldn't say it. We wouldn't say it's a war when we when we shot missiles into that air, when Trump fired missiles at that airfield in Syria because.
04:03:00 His.
04:03:00 Jewish daughter cried.
Speaker 53
04:03:03 About fake dead kids.Devon Stack
04:03:06 That wasn't like a war with Syria, right?04:03:09 And I think that that's kind of what's.
04:03:14 Happening just the the inverse of that is what's happening, and Jews are hysterical and freaking out about it.
04:03:20 But I don't know I could be wrong. I don't know enough about this yet. I'll. I'll have to check it out after the show.
04:03:27 Let's see here. Night Nation review the the only people that like blacks or people who don't live near them and don't interact with them. The simple fact is, if they aren't ruled by a forceful hand, they won't be at all. They just have a massive underclass and euro. Caucasian white.
04:03:44 Just dumb, right? That's the problem is it's like, you know, when they they look at these African dictators that ruled an iron fist and and commit these atrocities.
04:03:56 That's just what you have to do to rule over a country full of black people.
04:04:04 That's it's it's look, it's the language they understand and it's so that's such a foreign thing to white people, especially those who don't believe in race. And you know, they're they've deluded themselves into the.
04:04:17 Seeing that evolution stops at the neck, you know that all of our bodies are completely different, except for our brains like our skulls are different, our muscle and and skeletal structures are different. Our skin different. You know our our cultures and societies everything's different. Except for like our.
04:04:38 Somehow. Or we all have the exact same brain and it doesn't make any sense unless you're a ******. And which is why I think a lot of black people.
04:04:47 Hey. Oh, hey, Jeff. Anxiety. I remember in the string he did on 1967 Detroit riots. You pointed out how they would write Soul Brother owned on black-owned businesses and far left terrorist mobs called Weather Underground helped the the Nags Burn down the city.
04:05:06 Literally nothing has changed. Yeah, literally nothing has changed. It's exactly the same. It's it. That's just that the the cost of having black people in your society is occasionally and and with varying levels of frequency.
04:05:22 And especially if you don't come down like an iron fist.
04:05:25 Increasing level or increasing frequency, they burn down the city, they burn down the city and kill a bunch of people and and that's just that's if you're willing to pay that cost to have black people in your society.
04:05:40 You know, I think you're in the minority there, but you know that's that's on you, I guess.
04:05:46 Funk and Droid funk and Droid.
Speaker 23
04:05:51 Why is money management first the rest?Speaker 8
04:05:55 Right.Speaker 5
04:05:57 Thank you.Devon Stack
04:05:58 Funk Android says. I know how much you hate lynx, but these are supplemental to the stream. Well, I'm not going to. I'm still not going to check it out. Shift enter doesn't seem to work. We got a Capricorn 1A naked gun or fellow James Public access getting pranked. Blah blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Sorry. I just not. I'm not going to play links.04:06:18 I made. I've made it abundantly clear, abundantly, I don't know how much clearer I could make.
04:06:25 And we're already we're already past four hours. And so sorry. I you know.
04:06:31 I appreciate the support.
04:06:33 But we're not doing links. I'm I'm I'm I'm I've. I'm linked out. I'm linked out. I'm Beach Boys.
04:06:43 Beach.
Speaker 20
04:06:43 Boys.Speaker 22
04:06:45 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.Devon Stack
04:06:49 Look how Julie this Fagg is.04:07:08 All right, Beach Boys. After relisting or relistening, rather to the 10 or to 10 recent strains at 2X speed, I've come to the conclusion that I dreamed about you talking about 3 streams a week. Sometimes I fall asleep listening.
04:07:24 Nothing personal. I'm an east coaster. Well, one can dream. Maybe in the summer when it's too hot to go out and do anything.
04:07:33 Wait, what? After Relistening to to 10 recent streams on 2X speed? I've come to the conclusion that I've dreamt about you talking about 3 streams a week. Oh, oh, oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. No, I never. Yeah, I never said that.
04:07:51 I said the exact opposite, in fact. Yeah, there's no stream Wednesday because I'm just. I'm behind on a lot of stuff I'm trying to.
04:07:57 Shop.
04:07:59 There will be a stream Saturday and then probably after that we'll go back to normal, but I'm still way behind on things and I'm just trying. I'm just trying to get to where it's just not chaotic around here, you know, and just trying to get organized and back into a groove because.
04:08:18 Right now I'm just I. I feel like it's.
Speaker 53
04:08:21 It's.Devon Stack
04:08:22 I got. I just got too much stuff piling up and.04:08:25 But I do appreciate the support there Beach Boys, man of low moral fiber, regarding OJ's gay dad. I believe that all black men are gay. There are a lot of different examples of this. Just like there, there are only ever at most 72 hours of missed meals from cannibalism.
04:08:45 Black men are only ever two weeks away from male on male ******. At most, this is seen in the prison system.
04:08:54 It's not not the craziest of theories. Cruise Cross cruise.
04:09:00 Cross.
Speaker 11
04:09:00 Ah.Speaker 23
04:09:02 Let's see here.Speaker 7
04:09:04 Easy money.Devon Stack
04:09:07 Knives don't work in gunfights. No, they don't.Speaker 11
04:09:11 No they don't.Devon Stack
04:09:14 Bessemer, Bessemer,04:09:17 72.
Speaker 62
04:09:19 Cash flow checkout.Speaker 8
04:09:26 I'd like to.Speaker 27
04:09:26 Return this duck.Devon Stack
04:09:29 Hi, Devin. You're a national treasure. Hey, there is a book that I recommend for those hot summer months for you about the history of California historical novel. Maybe send to your dear mom for Mother's Day to see if she agrees that you that you'll like old tiny book.04:09:48 Jubilee trail. Uh favorite to me. Jubilee trail, huh?
Speaker 11
04:09:55 I might look into that.Devon Stack
04:09:57 I find that most books that were written.04:10:00 At least 50 years ago, usually better.
04:10:07 It's just. Yeah, it's like that. That book I mentioned on Vinces stream where they were taught, you know, it's this English author.
04:10:16 And I think it was written like in the 50s or something and he's referring to the French as a different race and how proud he is of his English race. And it's just like.
04:10:26 This used to not be so complicated.
04:10:31 Bad 2-3 bad two. Is that like a baby saying battery?
04:10:36 Battery, animal battery.
04:10:49 That too we I had a religious experience last October. Jesus came to me. He is real and he loves us more than we can imagine. The Christ hate here is nauseating. I understand it, but it is gravely misguided.
04:11:04 He has saved me from hatred, but the Satanic Jews are going in the eternal pit. Well. There you go, Batumi, bearing his testimony. Yeah, I look, I get it too. I understand the frustration with some of the exploits.
04:11:24 That have yet to be patched in Christianity, I guess, but I I don't know we can.
04:11:31 Can't we? Can't. We can't squabble internally. Internally. Internally, we have to. We have to get along and in order to make anything happen, have the at least some version of the solidarity that blacks have put on display during the OJ trial.
04:11:52 Old Sterling says back in the day. If you were too old and sick, many cultures would allow the elderly and sick to die with dignity rather than being kept alive by machine.
04:12:03 I dislike the push for assisted suicide for mental illness, but I can't get over the first hand experience I had, which?
04:12:10 Makes me support it.
04:12:13 Look, if you're an old person.
04:12:16 And and I just don't think it should be institutionalized. If you're an old person that decides to jump off a bridge. Hey.
Speaker 12
04:12:23 Go for it.Devon Stack
04:12:24 You know it is what it is. I I don't. I don't. That's not what I would do. And I I still think it's a little cowardly.04:12:32 But you know, it's not like we need to have an institutional it's not hard to kill. It's especially if you're old. It's not hard to kill yourself. I mean, the the struggle is staying alive, right?
04:12:46 It's not hard to not survive.
04:12:50 So having it institutionalized is what is the negative thing?
04:12:57 Old Sterling says too long didn't read. My mother had cancer, went into remission, then cancer came very aggressively back and spread to her gut. She could not eat or digest anything. She was told she'd be dead with it, with at most two months from cardiac induced problems.
04:13:15 From starving, she decided to go down with the assisted Suicide Route, which allowed her to be lucid with her family.
04:13:24 And at home for her last months, it took immense courage and it allowed us to remember her at her best instead of months of brutal, deteriorate deterioration just waiting for the inevitable thought, I would share it as our side does not support this, but this is an example, I think that.
04:13:45 Knows how it can be acceptable. What do you think? Well, like I said, it's not the choice I would have made. Just being honest. You know, I appreciate your situation. I have never been in it and. And so I I get I get that and I get the context.
04:14:00 Of that, but I don't find it particularly courageous to do that. To make the choice to escape a pain. However, if again, if, as long as it's not institutionalized, it doesn't sound as if ending her own life would be that difficult.
04:14:20 There's a million ways to kill yourself painlessly, even.
04:14:25 To where you don't need some some kind of government entity. Oops. Hit my microphone there. Doling out death pills. You know what I mean? Like it's not that hard to die. I mean, there's like 50 ways I could kill myself right now. Like just within arms reach. You you know what I mean? So it's just the it's the the.
04:14:44 The idea of institutionalizing it and normalizing it, and and that's what is, is, I think bothersome to some people if if you.
04:14:54 You know, I don't think, I don't think most people have a hard time. If someone had like a terminal terminal illness, I don't think people have a hard time morally wrapping their head around someone like that. Checking out early. There's some people that would, but I don't think that it's it would be, you know, it. I don't think there's a lot of people that feel super strongly.
04:15:16 Against that, they would just probably disagree on a personal level, but again, I understand that you have a, you know, this is a personal thing to you and.
Speaker 11
04:15:24 And.Devon Stack
04:15:25 Not being in that situation means probably that my opinion doesn't doesn't mean much to you.04:15:30 But just from a from a, a principal standpoint, even if I was dying a slow, painful death, I'd want to, I'd want to hang on as long as I was meant to. Hang on, I'd let I would leave that decision up to God, the universe, or whatever.
04:15:50 You know, I wouldn't want to check out early. I wouldn't want to. I wouldn't want to change the channel until I thought the the credits were rolling. So and and that's just the way I feel and you asked so there.
04:16:00 You go uh master slave, send a link. So good luck with that.
04:16:08 Bessemer, 72, says the books remind me of you because the early settlers mostly wanted to get away from society and start new lives. There is a bit of Mormon history too. Well, that's I think what all the Mormons were doing. And a lot of the people that settled the West period that, you know, Mormons.
04:16:28 Or not Mormons. The lot of gold rush people. A lot of The Pioneers, the people that I descend from, the people that were.
04:16:34 My people, that was what they wanted to do. They wanted to go carve out a place of the the Virgin frontier that could be theirs. That was away from the.
Speaker 11
04:16:46 Well, the the everything.Devon Stack
04:16:50 Opera Commandant says hey, Devin, to be honest, I don't have empathy for Nicole.04:16:56 She slept with a jungle ape. You burned the coal. You pay the toll. Her toll was being killed by your garden variety *****. She was a race traitor. I feel sorry for her family. Maybe a stream about Rodney King and the LA riots. I, I've I've touched on Rodney King and the LA riots. I don't know that I've done.
04:17:17 I mean, I've done it in the context of other riots and and and whatnot.
04:17:23 And look, you got to keep in mind.
04:17:26 I get what you're saying about Nicole Brown, but you also got to keep in mind that she was 18, and so it's I it. I'm kind of like on part I'm. I'm kind of in the same headspace as I was when it came to the.
04:17:41 The the **** chick.
04:17:43 That was in the the last stream that was taken advantage of by the the the **** Jews and stuff where she was. Yeah, she was making horrible decisions and leaning into the worst parts of.
04:17:56 And instincts. But ultimately she was just basically some stupid 18 year old girl and and it's it's a shame that that sometimes that those.
04:18:11 This is one of.
04:18:12 The reasons why, by the way, ladies, when you know when so-called misogynist.
04:18:18 Are looking to deprive.
04:18:21 Women of not agency, necessarily, but of decision making powers. These these are the kinds of decisions that we're looking to avoid.
04:18:32 Let's see here, Jay Ray 1981 says. I remember 12 years.
Speaker 11
04:18:36 Ago. Wait, did I skip one? No, I.04:18:39 Didn't.
Devon Stack
04:18:39 12 years or no at 12 years old, playing hooky to listen to the OJ verdict on AM radio, I heard the results, and even as a kid, I thought to myself, what?04:18:51 How is he not guilty, exactly. I mean DNA evidence.
04:18:55 And just like the history and everything else, right, it's just it's.
04:18:58 Just you.
04:18:58 It's not a even look. The black people didn't think that he wasn't guilty, they just this was payback for ******.
Speaker 20
04:19:06 Yeah.Devon Stack
04:19:07 It's not that they thought he was innocent, they was paid back for, I think I said it wrong the first time, but they didn't think he was innocent.04:19:14 It was payback for ****** that.
04:19:15 Juror is she admitted it.
04:19:19 Jay, right. Night 21. What were you doing? Stack as the verdict was read off. And what was your thinking at the time? I was 12. What's going on? And radio playing hook.
Speaker 11
04:19:29 You from school?Devon Stack
04:19:32 Wait, is that the same one twice?Speaker 53
04:19:36 Well, kind of.Devon Stack
04:19:39 To be honest, I don't remember. It's not one of those moments where maybe because I was too young, I don't remember thinking like.04:19:49 Like it wasn't, it's not one of those moments that's like 911 right where it's in my head. And I'll never forget when I saw the plane said, you know.
04:19:57 I just remember being on TV all the time.
04:20:01 And I remember being obviously surprised that that he got off and especially given all the evidence against him.
04:20:09 And but that's about it. I don't remember watching it. I don't know that I even saw it live. I might not have.
04:20:16 Seeing it live, but it wasn't. It wasn't like a big deal to me because I didn't really know who he was and it just it was more like I knew he was on TV a lot and I knew that they were making fun of him on silent live and stuff like that. But I didn't, you know, I didn't.
04:20:32 I wasn't, like, super invested in it at the time.
04:20:39 Oh, and then you say your chats don't won't go through and they all went through.
04:20:44 Yelda N Word says can we get a B pill? I want to split my hive. Do you have any tips?
04:20:51 Well, if you don't have Africanized bees.
04:20:55 It's actually quite easy. All you have to do is for those of you don't understand what he's talking about. If you have one beehive, you'd rather have two. All you have to do is is make sure that you have enough that that you got to get another beehive that's empty and take enough frames from the original beehive.
04:21:16 With enough nurse bees, and but most importantly as as fresh eggs as possible, because the the earliest that those those.
04:21:30 Bees can be turned into Queens, the better, and you also want to feed, feed, feed, feed, feed the new hive so that when they start to give royal Jelly to the the new queen, they have all the food they could ever want. You also want to make sure they have as many bees as possible because you gotta remember when you split the new hive.
04:21:49 All the worker bees are going to fly back to the original hive, so shake more bees into the new hive than you would. Then you would need because a bunch of them are going to fly back home anyway.
04:22:03 And make sure that you know the Queens and one if you can't find the queen, just make sure there's.
04:22:08 Eggs in both.
04:22:10 And that's the big thing. If there's eggs and both and there's food in both, and there's enough worker bees, you know, or nurse bees in both, you'll be fine. I mean, I've had. I've had bees that I didn't want to make a queen make Queens out of, like, larva, that they should not have been able to make a queen out of because it was too old and they still managed to pull it off.
04:22:32 Cause these Africanized bees are nuts like that and they they want to survive like they hang on for dear life.
04:22:38 UM and so it's it's, uh, you know, they'll they'll make a new queen.
04:22:44 Let's see here, man. Have little moral fiber regarding the Rodney King thing. The fact that we no longer beat up drunk driving blacks is exactly why the Christmas parade massacre happened with Darrell Brooks. I would agree with that.
04:22:59 Absolutely, age of anxiety says the scene in American history acts when Edward Norton's character argues with the Jew about Rodney King and the riots was so spot on, even though that was the point of the movie to make people who have a rational understanding of Rodney King sound like radical Neo Nazis.
Speaker 11
04:23:19 Exactly.Devon Stack
04:23:21 Amber comma Don.Speaker 11
04:23:25 Let's see here.Speaker 5
04:23:26 When you're trying to save money.04:23:28 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 37
04:23:38 Take it from there, Jim neighbors, it'll pay dividend.Devon Stack
04:23:41 Hopper. Come on. Hey, Devin, normally, I don't send links, but this is relevant to the stream. Well, I'm sorry, buddy. I'm.Speaker 7
04:23:49 Yeah.Devon Stack
04:23:50 Still I got to check it and I probably already played the clip. You say wear black jurors admit they voted not guilty. As a response to.04:23:56 Rodney King case. Yeah, we already we.
Speaker 11
04:23:58 Already played the clip.Devon Stack
04:24:00 Uh, but appreciate that guitar dude says. What are your thoughts regarding the Israel Iran conflict and do you think nukes will start flying given the recent developments? And if so, do you think you would survive a nuclear war even being in the desert? Current nukes have 100 times the power of atomic bombs that were dropped in Japan.04:24:22 I suspect I'm far enough away from any kind of strategic target where I would be fine.
04:24:29 And Iran? It's iffy whether or not they even have them right now, because, you know, that's been a big
04:24:37 A big thing for the the West and Israel is to prevent them from ever getting them, so it's questionable whether or not they even have them in the 1st place. So if anyone got nuked, it would be Iran and it is is Israel.
04:24:51 Bloodthirst you have to use them against Iran. Absolutely would. What would what would happen as a result? I don't know. I think I said in a previous stream that I feel like that that Israel could literally new Gaza and the world would act mad and they'd maybe, like, pass some resolutions. And in the, you know, the UN talking about how bad Israel is, but ultimately would nothing would happen.
04:25:13 And what's gonna happen is United States gonna declare war against Israel in the same way that they did against.
04:25:22 Other countries that that, they, they you know that they they accused of atrocities over the years and as a as a reason to go to war.
Speaker 11
04:25:30 With them, of course not.Devon Stack
04:25:32 So would the whole Arab War or world go against uh Israel if if they nuked Iran?04:25:40 Doubtful. I mean, really doubtful.
04:25:44 But we'll see. We'll see. Uh, I'm not that. I'm not that worried about it because like I said, I I feel like I would be able to ride it out.
04:25:54 Jay Ray, 1981. Yeah. Sorry for the same question. Disregard the no big deal. Age of anxiety. Devon, you must have partied pretty hard. That nickel story was hilarious. Need to hear more about drunk High Devin stories.
04:26:10 I don't like being a guy that, like, tries to reminisce about, like, the the funny time I was high or whatever because it it it just seems a little cringe. You know what I mean?
04:26:20 The reason why?
04:26:22 And just so it makes sense, you know, I was, I I I had friends that that sold mushrooms. And that night I had mushrooms. And so every coin in my hand looked like a nickel. And so I couldn't count my.
04:26:36 A reason, by the way, not to do mushrooms, but to not do mushrooms because.
Speaker 53
04:26:42 You know who?Devon Stack
04:26:43 Who knows what kind of brain damage was going on for that to happen, right? For me to perceive reality that way.04:26:49 And that was many years ago. Yeah, it was just. I was. I think I was trying to to buy like a Gatorade or something. And I I just couldn't.
04:26:58 I couldn't get through it, but again, you know what? You know what didn't happen is I didn't get an altercation with the guy who ended up counting the money for me and he didn't shoot me in the head because it wasn't punching him in the face.
04:27:11 Had I punched him in the face, I might have got shot in the head in.
04:27:14 That part of.
04:27:14 The town. I'll. I'll. Yeah, I'll. I'll just tell you. Like I didn't live in a nice part of town when that when that happened.
04:27:21 And had I had I been acting, had I been wild in as the ******* say, I might have been shot in.
04:27:29 The back of the head.
04:27:33 Edge of anxiety says the cold toll must be paid in full. The coal well she paid in full.
04:27:40 Gory Boy 1488 says more God than Mark Colette. Both want a collaboration 2 best streams of the year keep up the good work, mate. Yeah, I I I I do too with both those guys.
04:27:53 It's just a matter of.
04:27:56 You know, scheduling and everything else, but I'm sure it will.
04:27:59 Happen.
Speaker 11
04:28:00 Sooner rather than later.Devon Stack
04:28:02 Steve just Steve says that trending that got the footage is the same one that threatened Ben Shapiro, is it?04:28:09 No, it's not. I think it just, it can't. I don't think it's the same one. I think it they just all ******** sound the same.
04:28:16 Because the one that threatened Ben Shapiro was a.
04:28:23 He was a special forces guy. He was.
04:28:25 A military guy, right?
04:28:27 So I don't think. I don't think it's the same one because this one it was just he's just a.
04:28:33 A news reporter or helicopter pilot? I don't.
04:28:35 Think it was.
04:28:38 I don't know. I I I know what clip you're talking about, but. And they sound very similar, but I think ******** just sound like that. I well, you're right. I could be wrong. Not not that it matters because no matter ultimately, no matter how you look at it.
04:28:58 The pits got room.
04:28:59 For both of them, if they're two or or just one.
04:29:03 Colonel end where it says for everyone looking to buy a home, be sure to check out the census for race demographics before closing the deal. These days, affordable homes have a large black population. Avoid anything over 10% black if you can.
04:29:18 That that number's even a little high as far as I'm concerned.
04:29:23 Winston Smith says thanks for all your hard work. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
Speaker 11
04:29:32 I don't know.Devon Stack
04:29:35 I don't know. I I don't know.04:29:38 They would probably.
04:29:41 Involve.
04:29:44 The hottest hatch green chili.
04:29:47 Possible.
04:29:48 Though.
04:29:50 That, that, that much I can tell.
04:29:52 You.
04:29:54 The geezer says in England the blacks have been imported wholesale since the 1950s and proceeded to behave in blacks in black ways. The police are then expected to deal with this.
04:30:08 We've had multiple.
04:30:11 Riots in our large cities, agitated by Jews and comma.
Speaker 52
04:30:16 Please.Devon Stack
04:30:17 But you repeat yourself, institutions have since been forced to pander and prostrate to blacks.04:30:25 Yeah, I honestly, I don't understand the.
04:30:30 The race cuttery that goes on in the UK.
04:30:33 I mean, I I don't understand the degree at which it happens, I should say.
04:30:38 Because the same kind of stuff happens here, but it's just it just.
Numbers Lady
04:30:42 Yeah.Devon Stack
04:30:43 It just seems like it's on, it's turned up to 11 out there, you know, and I don't understand it. I don't understand it. I mean, I I I'm guessing it stems from like you know the the the white guilt of the of colonialism or something like that. But ****, I mean.04:30:59 It just, it's just it's kind of embarrassing and I and I don't know.
04:31:03 I don't know how a nation grows out of that without some kind of leadership, and I and that's what's missing.
04:31:11 It's a shame, you know, it's a shame that the royal family let you guys down in that department is so profoundly.
04:31:22 And I know they don't have any, like, quote UN quote real power and that's the argument I get. But it's like, come on, they have influence. Richard says. Remember all those whites that whited when OJ was acquitted? Oh, wait. Like the Holocaust? It never.
Speaker 11
04:31:40 Happened.04:31:42 Where's the womp when I need it?
Numbers Lady
04:31:46 Yep.Devon Stack
04:31:49 Alright, alright, we got ***** nuggle. **** knuckle with three big dono if I can find the.Speaker 11
04:31:59 The button for.Speaker 22
04:31:59 It money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.Devon Stack
04:32:05 Go, Julie, this *** is.04:32:23 Alright. **** knuckle. Hey, Devin, here's some roof fines. Keep farming those black pills. Well, I appreciate that.
04:32:30 Uh, yeah, roof is still is one of those things that's it's uh.
Speaker 53
04:32:36 That's not.Devon Stack
04:32:37 Not resolved yet, but it's, you know, I appreciate the support there. That'll that is that is very helpful. **** knuckle.04:32:46 Blood stained tunnel mattress.
04:32:51 Thank you, Sir, for your hard work. Well, I appreciate that. I had to think about what your name meant for a second, but now I get it. Just I was like what?
04:33:00 A lowly scribe in God's army. Nice work, Sir. I love these marathon streams. Yeah, this was quite quite the long one. I think we're going to be.
04:33:09 In the neighborhood of five hours, probably by the time we're.
Speaker 11
04:33:11 Done here.Devon Stack
04:33:13 Colonel Edward says Mark Furman's theory.04:33:18 Is that the *****? Did all this with a pocket knife with a 2 inch blade? Imagine the savage, savage ***** rage when these two walked into produce? This carnage always carry and stay away from mud sharks.
04:33:37 He thought it was a 2 inch blade. I mean, I guess it's possible. That's the thing there. OJ Simpson was built like a tank.
Speaker 5
04:33:47 I mean he.Devon Stack
04:33:47 Was built like a tank this guy had.04:33:52 The strength of the the Uber *****.
04:33:57 You know what, I.
04:33:57 Mean.
04:33:58 So if anyone could do could inflict those kinds of wounds with A2 inch blade, I guess it would be him.
04:34:05 And they never did find the knife, right, so who knows? It could be.
04:34:11 Could be John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
04:34:17 Where is the button I was about to push that disappeared on me.
Speaker 9
04:34:24 You too, baby.Devon Stack
04:34:28 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, hundreds of years from now, if whites survive, it will be because they understand non whites are incompatible with white society and will treat non whites accordingly or yeah, or they'll just, yeah, they'll just it's it's separation is literally the only way whites.04:34:47 Will continue to exist as a people. That's just the way that it is.
04:34:51 Unless I mean, look, you could you could potentially exist as an isolated diaspora. You know, you could potentially, you know, I mean with that that that's it, right. That's it. I mean, look, what's the other? What's the other lesson you learned from the OJ?
04:35:10 Sorry, right. Is that given the opportunity non whites really will like white women, you know. And so that's going to be that's the issue too is even when they're not stabbing us to death, you know, they're they're they're mixing their genetics with us.
04:35:25 So it's just it is what?
Speaker 11
04:35:27 Yes.Devon Stack
04:35:29 So yeah, if you want an actual, you know, actual white people to stay intact as a people and a culture and everything else. Separation is literally the only way.04:35:40 OSA 567 How does OJ live after this? Does he have to develop like a split personality or something? No, of course not.
04:35:50 I mean, he he had custody of his kids.
04:35:55 I mean, there's a lot of people that still treated him like like he was some kind of hero.
04:36:03 You know, including the guy that fired Norm over his OJ jokes, there's a lot of rich Jews and white people that that kept uh kept him around. Is it like a, I don't know as an oddity or something? I don't know. He was the juice.
04:36:19 And I I I would assume that even even OJ.
Speaker 7
04:36:25 He.Devon Stack
04:36:25 When you're a narcissist like this.04:36:29 I I don't think you have trouble sleeping at night, ever, because you don't. You don't feel empathy.
04:36:35 You know, when you're that kind of psychopath, you don't feel empathy.
04:36:38 For other people. So the feelings that you, the of guilt that you're imagining, he doesn't even have.
04:36:46 When he was a kid, right when they were talking, his childhood friend, yeah, we were just kids. We used to, you know, break into houses still with ladies, purses, steal car. I mean, that was.
04:36:54 When he was a kid.
04:36:58 So there you go. Age of anxiety. Look on the bright side. If OJ wasn't acquitted, we wouldn't have gotten so much gold from norm well.
04:37:09 Yeah, I mean, I don't know, maybe he would have kept his job though, too. So, because the the embassy NBC executive would have been too embarrassed to fire him.
04:37:19 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt during the trial, when Cochran invokes Hitler, he says Hitler did what he did because of racism. Cochrane then quickly interjects and adds and religion. Of course he does because he's, you know, throwing in the the anti-Semitism. Devin, can you comment on the PC culture that existed even then?
04:37:39 Restrained Johnny into muddying the waters of the Jewish race.
04:37:42 Well, I mean, you gotta remember a lot of that legal team was Jewish.
04:37:47 And he knew that by even just mentioning Hitler, he was kind of getting into trouble. And in fact, that's exactly what the Goldman family did. They went on television and lots of Jews. They sided with them on this, you know what they did, what they always do, they did what? What they do today. How dare you compare Hitler to this guy?
04:38:08 How dare you Hitler killed 6,000,000 Jews and this guy said a couple of times. How dare you? You're you are minimizing the Holocaust like that was that was the Goldman family literally went on television and said exactly that.
04:38:23 And and so that land Jews everywhere did because what he did was, is he he's ******* with the Holocaust narrative. So he knew he was kind of playing with fire with that one, but decided to go along with it anyway because it was more important to win the case.
04:38:41 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt again.
Speaker 53
04:38:45 With a big dono, let's do let's mix it up a little bit. I stop.Devon Stack
04:38:55 The magic *****.Speaker 7
04:38:58 Sure.Speaker 4
04:39:05 Where did the soul men go?Speaker 9
04:39:19 The best Christmas ever.Devon Stack
04:39:26 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt says that computer generated video of the assault is so brutal it keeps replaying in my mind. Tonight is the first time I've seen it exceptionally great presentation tonight.04:39:38 Well, look at at least the graphics were 90s graphics and so therefore not as as graphic. I guess you could say.
04:39:47 But yeah, that's basically what happened and he was hiding in the bushes.
04:39:52 Ron Goldman not, you know, hit the buzzer.
04:39:56 And Nicole Simpson thought she was safe, opened up the gate.
04:40:00 And OJ went on his little stabbing spree. And that was that.
04:40:06 Liam Tracy, Liam Tracy.
Speaker 9
04:40:10 Like real food. Good for real.Speaker 5
04:40:14 No.Devon Stack
04:40:16 Liam Tracy, World War Three is coming is and as expected, it's faking gay. Yeah. Like I said, I'm not too worried about it at the moment and.04:40:28 You know right now.
04:40:30 The at least the the the current attack on on Israel from Iran. The retaliation, I guess I should say.
04:40:39 Has at least paused, and why would they officially announce that their their attack has paused unless it was not really that serious to begin with? You know what I mean? Like I said, this is akin to this is with the Saber rattling phase, right? Where? In order to save face. If you're the Iranian government.
04:41:01 You can't just allow Israel to assassinate one of your guys without doing something in the same way that.
04:41:09 You know, Trump felt like he had to shoot missiles at that.
04:41:13 Syrian airfield. You know, if you talk a big game, you got to back it up somehow. And and I just and again I'm or I'm totally wrong. And World War Three is going raging on that. Just that's not my. That's not my my gut reaction to what I've skimmed through here on the side, looking at these when.
04:41:33 These headlines and stuff.
04:41:36 Glock 23, I was in high school during the OJ trial and all white school, all classrooms had a TV in them and all the teachers turned on the TV for the reading of the OJ verdict. Everyone was shocked when they heard not guilty. I was the only person who wasn't surprised by the verdict. I knew about *******.
04:41:57 Did they have? Uh.
04:42:00 You have to, uh, a lot of people in the 90s probably remember this, remember. Do you just have like remember channel 1?
04:42:08 Like every, every classroom had a TV in my school too, and we had to watch Anderson Cooper of all people, when he was much younger, a much younger Vanderbilt.
04:42:17 He was on channel one. It was like student news and it was basically priming you to get into and accept mainstream media once you were out of high school. And I was just trying to like it was like this.
04:42:34 Training program well for people like Anderson Cooper, who would later be the voice you were supposed to listen to as an.
04:42:41 Adult.
04:42:42 OSA 567 says I sent you some praise shekels before the previous one, but looks like you missed it but the but you are forgiven. Great stream.
04:42:53 Good night. I don't think I saw any.
Speaker 11
04:42:57 From you before.04:42:59 Let me scroll through here.
04:43:07 No, not seeing your name.
Devon Stack
04:43:11 Ohh here it here it is. Maybe I skipped this one accident. Devin, you had the right judgment not to cover the trigger effect movie. I started watching it and felt like being abused. It was a it was abuse. I skipped through it and everything you said about it was spot on. A lot of times you dissect things so I don't have to waste.04:43:31 Time on it. Thanks. Yeah, it was. It was underwhelming and gay. And you know, the base black guy at the end is the hero. And white people are the irrational.
Speaker 11
04:43:40 All.Devon Stack
04:43:41 People and all the white guys are are gay, limp, wristed, fagots, you know, 90s men that are afraid of guns.04:43:49 Yeah, looks like I might have missed a couple if.
Speaker 11
04:43:50 Something must have happened here.04:43:55 Did I missed this one too?
Devon Stack
04:43:57 No, no, OK, that's the only one I think I missed.Speaker 11
04:44:01 All right. Just want to make sure.Devon Stack
04:44:04 Let's check in on rumble.04:44:12 And I don't think we have any rumble, right? Ohh.
Speaker 11
04:44:13 Wait, there's one right.04:44:16 Let me scroll up some more here.
Devon Stack
04:44:20 I forgot to open the stupid rumble rant gatherer, so I'm just having to scroll up. Here we are.04:44:28 Red Pill 3D says thank you for all you do, Devin. Well, I appreciate that.
04:44:35 Power it in power in YZ.
04:44:47 Power and YZ says you were so close to the solution on Vincent Stream. Bees die when they sting, so use a room full of bees as the death penalty into the hive.
04:45:02 Yeah. Well, actually when? Well, usually, unless you're allergic to bees, the ****** ** thing is when bees like killer bees kill you, it's usually from suffocation. They so many bees fly down your throat and up your nose that it suffocates you and kills you before they, you know, while stinging you.
04:45:22 It's a horrible death because you know, while stinging you they suffocate you, which is sounds horrifying.
04:45:29 Hi this is from JJ, under score JJ I think.
04:45:35 Hi Devin. Love your show. Here's $10.00 for the Bruce Jenner Fagot sound effect. I love you so much, JJ. And so Cal.
Speaker 11
04:45:46 The Bruce Jenner what?Devon Stack
04:45:50 That's not Bruce Jenner.04:45:53 You're talking about a.
04:45:57 Like this one's not.
Speaker 11
04:46:01 And.Speaker 9
04:46:02 Suck it.Devon Stack
04:46:04 Yeah, I think that's what you're talking about, but I don't know where Bruce Jenner, I.04:46:08 Mean Bruce Jenner is a ******.
04:46:12 But uh yeah, I don't know. Uh.
04:46:15 I don't know what what we're talking about there.
04:46:18 But appreciate the support there, JJ, and so Cal Nolan pork.
04:46:23 Says Mr. Mark, a tad today. Mr. Stack, by not using OJ.
04:46:29 Just stop it. Meme 100 plus times it was perfect and prime for it.
04:46:35 I don't even know the meme you're talking about.
04:46:38 I'm out of the loop on that name.
04:46:40 Power and YZY.
04:46:45 Z oh, look at rumble.
04:46:46 Stepping up their their game today.
04:46:55 That trendy you thought was the reporter. Was that ex Navy SEAL guy that threatened the guy on the talk show? His name was Chris Beck? No, in in in the.
04:47:05 If he is a Navy SEAL guy, he's also the helicopter pilot because in the documentary, he says I'm the helicopter pilot shooting the video.
04:47:17 Of that scene.
04:47:19 I'm. I'm I'm I promise you if.
04:47:21 If it's the same guy.
04:47:24 Then that means Chris Beck was also a news helicopter pilot.
04:47:30 Because he he he literally said.
04:47:32 Says.
04:47:33 You know, that's me. And the pilot. I've also gone through a lot. You know, I've transitioned since then, you know, he I just didn't put all that in the ******* thing because it was just. It just seemed gratuitous.
04:47:46 So I I think look maybe it's the same guy. Maybe he was a reporter. Look, look, you know, let's settle this.
04:47:55 Let's see if Chris Beck was ever a helicopter pilot for a news station.
Speaker 11
04:48:03 Let's see here.Devon Stack
04:48:11 Career.04:48:19 Yeah, it doesn't say anything about him being a news reporter or a helicopter pilot.
04:48:26 Here you know what? Let's bring him up here.
04:48:30 Let's settle this once and.
04:48:31 For all, where would that have been?
04:48:42 Is after that because during the oh here it is.
04:48:47 No, it's during the.
04:48:50 The Bronco chase, right?
04:48:53 That's gonna be towards the end.
04:49:04 He also had a a bit during let me find him. Hang on.
04:49:10 John, let me find this.
Speaker 11
04:49:13 Guy.Devon Stack
04:49:21 He's in the first episode. I wonder if they ever give him a lower third. Let me see.Speaker 11
04:49:30 All right.Speaker 5
04:49:44 OK.Devon Stack
04:49:47 Is it muted there? Yeah. I'm only is that? Listen all this the way I'm listening to it.Speaker 11
04:50:04 That's the only tough to find.04:50:05 Him.
04:50:09 You know, let me just look up.
Devon Stack
04:50:11 The episode now he's in cause he's in.04:50:19 I know he's in the.
Speaker 11
04:50:22 Bronco chase scene here. Here we are.04:50:27 Bronco chasing Bronco chasing.
04:50:32 Bronco chasing. Here we are.
04:50:38 Bronco chasing.
Devon Stack
04:50:43 There we go. Yeah, it's not almost positive. It's not him. It's just ******** all look like monsters.Speaker 53
04:50:55 So.Devon Stack
04:50:56 Let me see if I can get the sound clip of him talking here.Speaker 26
04:51:00 Status of celebrity.04:51:04 That shouldn't have happened.
Speaker 8
04:51:08 He'd be on the ground get clubbed, but because he transcended race color to this exalted celebrity, he got a motorcade.Devon Stack
04:51:17 Yeah, that, that's not him that I think ******** just all look like monsters.04:51:21 So let me pop this back up here.
04:51:25 So that's this training.
04:51:43 What was Chris Beck?
04:51:44 'S ****** name because that's gonna be tough to find cause though like ohh it's dead naming we.
Speaker 11
04:51:48 Can't have results.Devon Stack
04:51:51 Because he he then he switched back.04:51:55 Lady valor. That's what. Uh, Kristen beck. That's what he went by while he was a ******* psycho. While he's still a psycho for cutting his balls off. But.
Speaker 11
04:52:05 Ah, let's see here.04:52:11 Images.
Devon Stack
04:52:15 Yeah, they look similar because they all look like monsters. They all look like dudes with wigs on, but it's not the same person.04:52:26 And they sound the same because they're just dudes trying to sound like girls.
04:52:30 Let me pop this up here.
04:52:41 Yeah, it doesn't say anything about Chris Beck ever being a news reporter or a.
04:52:46 Helicopter pilot. So.
04:52:50 Not him, but just so you can see side by side here.
Speaker 11
04:53:00 Bump. Bump, bump.Devon Stack
04:53:06 So yeah, they they look similar.04:53:09 But you can tell by the nose.
Speaker 11
04:53:10 It's different.Devon Stack
04:53:12 Yeah, they're just. They're just dudes trying to look like men.04:53:17 You know.
04:53:18 So.
04:53:22 Yeah, not Chris Beck. Just just another ******* monster.
04:53:29 Let's see here and.
Speaker 11
04:53:30 Then let me Scroll down some more.Devon Stack
04:53:33 Because there was one more I thought towards the end here.Speaker 11
04:53:38 Scroll scroll scroll scroll scroll, scroll scroll.Devon Stack
04:53:44 Uh, no, 1G pork says smacks lips. **** grab crotch ** ****. Lick lips. ****. Need needs big time, Jew. I didn't do nothing.04:53:54 ****, I don't know. You're OK.
Speaker 34
04:53:57 There you go.Speaker 11
04:54:03 Yeah, there you go.Devon Stack
04:54:05 Alright, let me double check. Uh odyssey. And I think we're good. All right, guys. Well, on that ****** note.04:54:14 I'll see you guys on.
04:54:17 Saturday.
04:54:22 Because we're not doing one Wednesday.
04:54:24 Same bat time, same bat channel and and there is the possibility, at least. Maybe I'll be on on another line. Someone else's live stream like it was this week with the Vince this week. Instead of doing the stream, we'll have to see if I can. I can work something out there, but don't count on that and I'll and I will let you know if I if I'm going to. I want to let you know sooner about the Vince thing. I just.
04:54:46 He didn't tell me until, like a couple hours before and I was like, alright.
04:54:51 So yeah, in the meantime, thanks for being out here and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your weekend.
04:54:56 And of course, for black pilled.
04:55:01 I am of course.
Numbers Lady
04:55:02 Yeah.Speaker 8
04:55:04 Devin stag.Speaker 61
04:55:09 After we finished filming, OJ said to me that he had a surprise for me and I generally was surprised. I think it was his idea of a joke and this is it.