
The Art of the Schlemiel.mp3

Speaker 1
00:00:32 In the 1987 autobiography the Art of the Deal, Trump claimed his grandfather, Friedrich Trump, was Swedish. In 1990, Trump was vague about the issue, telling Vanity Fair my father was not German. My father's parents were German, Swedish and really sort of all over Europe.
00:00:20 In 1999, Trump was Grand Marshall of the German American parade in New York City.
Speaker 3
00:00:25 I'm a proud German American.
00:00:27 Enjoy the parade.
Speaker 4
00:00:28 Why doesn't he show his birth certificate?
Speaker 5
00:00:30 With the state.
Speaker 2
00:00:31 Of Hawaii says this is official.
00:00:33 He was born.
Speaker 6
00:00:33 In Hawaii, why do you deny that?
Speaker 2
00:00:36 A lot of people.
Speaker 3
00:00:37 Do not think it was an authentic certificate.
00:00:39 Was perhaps born in Kenya, President.
00:00:42 Barack Obama was born in the United States, period. Hillary Clinton started the birther controversy. Hillary is a birther. I know the H1B very well and that's something that I frankly use and I shouldn't be allowed to use. We shouldn't have it very.
00:01:01 Very bad for workers and and.
Speaker 7
00:01:03 Yeah, let me just read the tweet first. It's H1B holders of the United States. Can rest assured changes are coming.
00:01:08 We'll bring both simplicity and certainty that to their stay, including a potential path to citizenship 1, encourage A talented and highly skilled people to pursue.
00:01:18 Career options in the US.
00:01:19 So do you think this?
00:01:21 Is a complete flip.
00:01:21 Flop from the from the president in terms of his prior view or kind.
00:01:24 Of an evolution of where he was on it.
00:01:26 It seemed like a pretty important it's.
Speaker 2
00:01:28 At the end of the week, so let's.
Speaker 4
00:01:29 Call it an evolution.
Speaker 3
00:01:30 Are we going to get involved with Syria?
Speaker 9
00:01:33 No, tonight I.
Speaker 3
00:01:34 Ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in.
00:01:40 Syria will be coming out of Syria like very soon.
00:01:43 Let the other people take care.
00:01:45 Of it now.
00:01:45 They're all coming back and they're coming back now.
Speaker 10
00:01:48 The president said everyone's coming out.
00:01:51 Orders were.
00:01:52 Even to expedite the removal of 2000 U.S. special forces and others in Syria, then everyone started.
00:02:01 To say wait a.
00:02:03 What will happen to those who the US and its coalition partners fought alongside?
Speaker 12
00:02:10 Now the White House has issued a clarification.
Speaker 4
00:02:12 In the statement that says there will not.
Speaker 6
00:02:14 Be an immediate.
Speaker 12
00:02:15 Withdrawal of American forces troops will still stay in.
00:02:18 Syria, right?
Speaker 11
00:02:18 Partial birth abortion would President Trump ban partial birth abortion?
Speaker 13
00:02:22 Well, I'm. I'm.
Speaker 4
00:02:25 Very pro-choice.
Speaker 11
00:02:26 But you would not ban it or ban partial birth.
Speaker 1
00:02:28 No, I would I.
Speaker 3
00:02:29 Am pro-choice in every respect.
Speaker 8
00:02:31 They even punishment.
Speaker 4
00:02:32 For abortion, yes or no, as a principle.
Speaker 5
00:02:34 That has to be said from a.
Speaker 3
00:02:35 Punishment to the woman? Yeah.
Speaker 11
00:02:37 You think it's murder? Abortion.
Speaker 2
00:02:43 I have my.
Speaker 3
00:02:43 Opinions on it, but I'd rather not.
00:02:44 Comment on it, OK.
Speaker 12
00:02:45 Because you have said that Planned Parenthood, they do some good things, you say.
Speaker 14
00:02:49 Senate leadership failed to include conscience protections in the spending bill, which would protect pro-life healthcare workers from taking part in a.
00:02:56 Portion why did the president sign the spending bill on Friday?
00:02:59 It funds Planned Parenthood.
00:03:01 That's something he said he's opposed to.
Speaker 12
00:03:04 It's a tough call, kept the government open.
Speaker 3
00:03:07 So I will never sign another bill like this again.
00:03:10 I'm not going to.
00:03:10 Do it again.
00:03:11 It changes.
00:03:12 I will be changing very rapidly.
00:03:14 I'm very capable of changing to anything I want to change to.
Speaker 15
00:03:18 We just got breaking news this morning, according to Axios.
00:03:21 What the President is talking about doing, he hasn't done it yet.
00:03:24 It's one of these things where he's using, he will do it because he wants us to talk about it, is to do away with birthright citizenship.
Speaker 3
00:03:30 Now they're saying I can do it just with an executive order.
00:03:34 Now, how ridiculous. We're the only country in the world where a person comes in, has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years. With all of those benefits.
00:03:44 It's it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous and it has to.
Speaker 5
00:03:47 Have you talked about that with Council?
Speaker 3
00:03:50 I have.
Speaker 5
00:03:50 So we're in the process.
Speaker 3
00:03:51 It's in the process.
00:03:52 It will.
00:03:53 Have people that have been here for years that have, you know, been hard workers have good jobs, are supporting a family.
00:03:59 It's very, very tough to just say you have to leave.
Speaker 1
00:04:03 Yeah, right.
Speaker 3
00:04:03 Get out.
00:04:04 How do you throw somebody out that's lived in this country for 20 years?
Speaker 12
00:04:07 Just can't throw everybody out.
Speaker 2
00:04:08 It began with the president informing the Speaker of the House that, yes, in fact, he would be delivering that state of the Union address as planned.
00:04:16 Next week, now, that was a move that invited a response from the speaker herself, telling the President No, no, you're not going to do that.
00:04:24 Just responded and she.
Speaker 10
00:04:25 Said she will not consider a concurrent resolution to have you come to the House on January.
00:04:29 29th delivered the.
Speaker 12
00:04:30 State of the Union.
00:04:31 Your response?
Speaker 10
00:04:32 To the House Speaker.
Speaker 2
00:04:34 The President declared that he would in fact wait to deliver his state of the Union until a later date.
Speaker 3
00:04:39 Hit and we have to start by building a wall.
00:04:42 A big beautiful.
Speaker 4
00:04:44 Powerful wall.
Speaker 3
00:04:45 Who is going to pay for the wall?
00:04:51 They may not.
00:04:52 Know it yet, but the answer is.
00:04:54 Things are negotiable.
00:04:55 I'll be honest with you.
00:04:56 You know, I'll make the world 2.
00:04:57 Feet shorter or?
Speaker 6
00:04:58 Something, I mean every.
Speaker 3
00:05:00 We're going to build the wall, OK?
00:05:03 We're going to.
Speaker 4
00:05:04 Build the wall.
Speaker 3
00:05:07 And it'll be a real wall.
00:05:08 And by the way, it will be paid for by Mexico and they understand.
00:05:11 But we didn't discuss payment of the wall.
00:05:14 That'll be for a.
00:05:15 Later date.
Speaker 2
00:05:16 President Trump is flip flopping tonight over funding for his border wall.
00:05:20 He's long promised that Mexico will pay.
Speaker 3
00:05:22 For it going to have a shutdown, there's nothing we can do about that.
Speaker 6
00:05:26 But the president saying he is going to take some major action on the border if he does not get the raw money.
Speaker 12
00:05:31 He wants.
00:05:32 We will be forced to close the southern border entirely if the obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the wall.
Speaker 3
00:05:39 I can't tell you where the government's gonna be open. I can tell you it's.
00:05:42 Not going to be open until we have.
00:05:44 A wall, a fence, whatever they'd like to call it.
Speaker 10
00:05:47 This is him quoting.
00:05:48 You I just want to check.
00:05:50 That the shutdown could go on for months or even a year or longer.
00:05:55 Did you say that?
Speaker 3
00:05:56 I did. I did.
Speaker 10
00:05:56 And is that your?
00:05:57 Is that your assessment of where we are?
Speaker 3
00:05:58 I did say that absolutely, I said that.
Speaker 9
00:06:00 He's not going to sign a bill that doesn't have money for the wall if he gives in now, that's the end of 2019 in terms of him being an effective president, that's probably the end of his presidency.
Speaker 3
00:06:12 I am very proud to announce today that we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government.
Speaker 10
00:06:21 Yesterday he was saying no short term deal unless there is a down payment on the wall.
00:06:26 There is No Down Payment for the wall.
00:06:28 So what is his?
Speaker 9
00:06:28 Thinking the best way to get this thing to conclusion is open up the government.
Speaker 6
00:06:33 Last weekend, with a remarkable cave, when his demand for a border wall, today House Speaker Nancy Pelosi extended an invitation to the president.
00:06:41 State the Union speech announcing the.
00:06:43 New date as February 5th.
Speaker 3
00:06:45 I want people to come into our country.
00:06:49 In the largest numbers.
00:06:52 It's political ********.
00:06:54 Do you understand?
00:06:55 Clinton, I think is a terrific woman.
00:06:57 I mean, I'm a little biased because I've known her for years.
00:06:59 I just like.
00:07:00 If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general.
00:07:05 To get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception, there has.
00:07:15 Never been anything.
00:07:16 Like it and we're going to have a special prosecutor when I speak, I go out and.
00:07:20 Take the people of this country are furious in my opinion.
00:07:25 The people that.
00:07:26 Have been long.
00:07:26 Term workers at the FBI are furious.
Speaker 17
00:07:32 You know it is.
00:07:34 It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Speaker 16
00:07:41 Because you'd be in jail.
Speaker 17
00:07:42 Secretary Clinton.
Speaker 18
00:07:46 At pretty much every rally, president-elect Trump was hearing from the crowds lock her up and he said on Tuesday to the New York Times that he is not looking to prosecute Hillary Clinton when he comes into office.
Speaker 19
00:08:13 You got.
Speaker 3
00:08:13 To speak to Jeff Sessions about that.
Speaker 19
00:08:25 Well, so now talk now.
Speaker 2
00:08:31 Forget it.
Speaker 3
00:08:33 That plays great before the election.
Speaker 19
00:08:35 Now we don't care, right?
Speaker 3
00:08:39 In many cases, I probably identify more as a.
00:08:42 Is obsolete.
00:08:42 NATO is obsolete.
00:08:43 The Ukraine.
00:08:45 I think it's largely obsolete.
00:08:47 Yeah, it's gotta be changed.
00:08:48 I reiterated to Chancellor Merkel my strong support for NATO.
00:08:53 I said it was obsolete.
00:08:55 It's no longer obsolete.
00:08:57 Once again, the full faith and support for America's.
00:09:01 Intelligence agencies, I have a full faith in our intelligence agencies.
00:09:07 Well, we're gonna get infrastructure.
00:09:08 Infrastructure is the easiest of all.
00:09:10 Infrastructure is going.
00:09:11 To be starting right after the midterms.
Speaker 6
00:09:13 I hate the concept of worms.
Speaker 3
00:09:15 So big Second Amendment.
00:09:17 We're all big heavy on the 2nd amendment.
00:09:20 This morning we also completed the process to issue a new regulation banning.
00:09:25 Bump stocks my father.
Speaker 17
00:09:27 Now, wait, wait.
Speaker 3
00:09:28 You can't do it to an executive order.
00:09:31 Well, Martha feels very strongly.
00:09:32 My wife feels very strongly about it.
00:09:35 I feel very strongly about it.
00:09:37 We're going to.
00:09:37 Keep families together, but the border is going to be just as tough as it's been.
Speaker 16
00:09:43 Liberal and healthcare universal health coverage.
00:09:46 I like universal.
Speaker 3
00:09:47 As far as single payer, it works in Canada.
00:09:50 It works incredibly well in Scotland.
00:09:51 I will ask Congress to convene a special.
00:09:56 So we can repeal and replace and we will do it very, very quickly.
00:10:01 Said repeal it and replace it within 64 days I have.
Speaker 7
00:10:06 A long time.
Speaker 3
00:10:06 We'll just let Obamacare fail.
00:10:08 Everybody's gotta be covered.
00:10:10 This is an unreplicated thing for me.
00:10:11 To say universal healthcare.
00:10:13 I am going to take care of everybody who pays for it.
00:10:16 The government's gonna pay.
Speaker 4
00:10:17 What do you think of domain?
Speaker 8
00:10:19 I think it's a wonderful thing, I'll.
Speaker 3
00:10:20 Be honest with you.
Speaker 4
00:10:21 Very few complaints.
00:10:23 The way it is, people go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate.
00:10:28 There has been so little trouble.
00:10:30 So if Caitlyn Jenner.
Speaker 16
00:10:31 Were to walk into Trump Tower.
00:10:33 And want to use the bathroom.
00:10:34 You would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses.
Speaker 4
00:10:38 That is correct.
Speaker 16
00:10:39 I really believe the Republicans are just too crazy, right?
Speaker 3
00:10:42 I mean, hey, I lived in New York City and Manhattan all my life.
00:10:46 OK, so, you know, my views are a little bit different.
00:10:48 Than if I lived.
Speaker 7
00:10:49 In I would I perhaps wouldn't never.
Speaker 3
00:10:51 Do anything right with China.
00:10:52 I was very impressed.
00:10:53 With President Xi.
Speaker 2
00:10:55 I will absolutely.
Speaker 3
00:10:57 Give my return but.
Speaker 2
00:10:57 I'm being audited now while I'm.
Speaker 3
00:11:00 Look, as I've told you, they're under audit.
00:11:03 They have been for a long time.
00:11:05 They're extremely complex.
00:11:06 People wouldn't understand them, and if they don't stop them, we're closing the border, they'll close it and we'll we'll keep it.
00:11:12 Closed for a long time.
00:11:13 I'm not playing games.
Speaker 19
00:11:14 Stay down.
Speaker 3
00:11:14 They don't.
00:11:15 And I'm telling you right now, we will close the damn border.
Speaker 13
00:11:21 Closing down the border would have potentially catastro.
00:11:25 Economic impact on our country.
Speaker 3
00:11:28 We're going to give.
00:11:28 Them a one year warning and if the drugs don't stop, we're largely stop.
00:11:34 We're going to put tariffs.
00:11:36 On Mexico, and products in particular cars, and if that doesn't stop the drugs, we close the border, I don't think we'll ever have to.
Speaker 7
00:11:44 Close the border.
Speaker 12
00:11:45 Though he tried to walk back his one year.
Speaker 7
00:11:47 Deadline within the span of a day.
00:11:50 It's open at least.
Speaker 1
00:11:51 Per year.
Speaker 3
00:11:52 No, I didn't say that.
00:11:53 We're gonna, we would start with the tariffs.
00:11:55 So we'll see what happens.
Speaker 8
00:11:57 Saying remember, it was the Republican Party with the help of conservatives, that made so many promises to their base but didn't keep them.
Speaker 17
00:12:05 Donald J Trump.
Speaker 3
00:12:13 Thank you. Thank you.