02/28/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 Group.00:00:03 70.
00:00:07 Good.
00:00:09 70.
00:00:13 62886.
00:00:17 62886.
00:00:22 132971329760318.
00:00:37 60318.
00:00:41 263.
00:00:44 19.
00:00:46 263-193-7842.
00:00:55 378-428-0120.
00:01:05 801-207-8362.
00:01:15 78362.
Speaker 2
00:01:20 3.Speaker 3
00:01:38 It goes out.00:01:42 Drums keep pounding rhythm till the brain.
00:01:47 Hello.Speaker 3
00:01:54 The Charleston was one story in the history of the minister.00:02:24 Bubble doll.
Speaker 4
00:02:24 Hold down.Speaker 3
00:02:26 Boom. Those drums keep falling rhythm till the brain.00:02:41 The grocery store.
Speaker 5
00:02:50 Oh God.Speaker 6
00:03:26 Some morning when I was drinking.00:03:35 I'm.
00:03:44 And maybe tell you about Vedra and how she gave me life and how she made it in.
Devon Stack
00:03:59 So.Speaker 6
00:04:00 More.Speaker 2
00:04:03 Stream.Speaker 8
00:04:20 Love from us? Look at us that do not touch my.Speaker 6
00:04:40 Some morning.00:04:45 Straight and maybe tell you about Fatra and how she.
00:05:03 In.
00:05:05 And how she made it in.
00:05:11 Morning.
Speaker 2
00:05:15 Stream.Speaker 8
00:05:33 Very much. Look at us that do not touch.Speaker 6
00:05:51 So open up your gate.00:06:12 And maybe tell you about Phedra.
00:06:21 And how she gave me life.
Speaker 8
00:06:25 Look at us, but do not.Speaker 6
00:06:30 How she made it in?Speaker 8
00:06:34 The door.Devon Stack
00:06:43 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:06:48 This is the poster Daddy edition.
00:06:54 I guess there was a another lawsuit.
00:06:59 Against everyone's favorite rapper.
00:07:02 People covering it.
00:07:03 I'm your host, of course. Devin stack. We're going to talk a little bit about that, but I'll have to tell you.
00:07:10 I didn't know what I was in for when I decided to look into this ****.
00:07:15 I you know, it's funny because people talk about black Twitter and they talk about how blacks have like their own version of America. And and we talked about in the show just.
Speaker 9
00:07:26 In the usually.Devon Stack
00:07:26 We're talking about something else, though. When we we mentioned the other version of America, they they really do have like another version of America that they're living in.00:07:36 There's like this whole subculture that exists that.
Speaker 9
00:07:41 Unfortunately, bleeds into.Devon Stack
00:07:42 White culture and American all the way around the world, I guess. And you know, Black American culture influences Western culture at large.00:07:51 And.
00:07:53 Yeah, I didn't. I didn't think I was gonna be in for, like, this massive, bottomless, dark, dark dark pit. Ohh, he was. And I'll tell you, I I, I haven't even gotten to the top of it yet.
Speaker 9
00:08:13 I have time.Devon Stack
00:08:15 I spent 10 hours the day the day up until when we just went live.00:08:25 Trying to just get like caught up on what the **** was going on with all this? I.
Speaker 9
00:08:31 Still don't know.Devon Stack
00:08:33 What are you going to get to the other in the current lawsuits in detail? Because we can't.00:08:37 There's too much crazy back story.
00:08:44 And it's hard to research it because it is in this weird black subculture. And when black people talk about this stuff, it's like it's almost like.
00:08:53 They have their own like Q **** stuff, right? They all have like their own weird conspiracy stuff.
00:08:59 And they all know about it.
00:09:01 So you'll find these interviews.
Speaker 10
00:09:03 And and and and this.Devon Stack
00:09:04 First of all, some of it's hard to decipher just I mean it just is when you watch like a black podcast, there's like 8 drunk black guys talking about stuff. And one of them's $0.50. It's like.00:09:16 It's hard to know.
00:09:17 What they're even saying?
00:09:18 A little bit, it just is.
00:09:20 And then when they start saying stuff like, well, you know about what happened back in nine to two and it was like her or her and you're like, I don't know what happened in 92.
Speaker 9
00:09:28 What the **** happened in 92?00:09:31 How am I supposed to find out what the hell you even talking?
Devon Stack
00:09:34 About you keep saying this ****.00:09:36 It's like listening to cue cards and they have like their own things like the Q cards, like trust the plan and it's like, what? What's the plan there? Yeah. Tell me what this plan is.
00:09:49 So I tried, I tried and wouldn't you know it like every?
00:09:55 Single one of these stories that we and this was not intentional, by the way, I did not plan this. It took me a few hours even to get to this part of the the the rabbit hole where I was like really.
00:10:09 It's really it's really going to start like this.
00:10:14 It's really going to start with a gay Jew, like, that's really how this story is going to start.
00:10:21 The story of of Puff Daddy bringing underage kids.
00:10:27 Probably sexually abusing Justin Bieber.
00:10:32 Lots of other crazy ****. It starts with a gay Jew.
Speaker 9
00:10:41 How does it start with a gay Jew?Devon Stack
00:10:46 Everybody does. It does.00:10:52 Oh boy, it really does.
00:10:57 So let's let's I I I promise you, this was not my intention and it was just I was. This is where it starts. This is where the story starts.
00:11:09 So let me let.
00:11:10 Me page up my notes here. I don't see and that's how you know it's long. I don't usually have to take notes and I have copious amounts of notes tonight.
00:11:19 So the gauge you on the screen here.
00:11:22 This is Clive Davis.
00:11:26 Clive Davis Davis, why is why are people saying check audio? What's wrong with the audio? Is it too loud or something?
00:11:40 We didn't kick up the mic, the mic's like.
00:11:42 It ******* maximum.
00:11:48 Hang on a second. I haven't changed. You're saying, oh, it's better now. I didn't do anything. I didn't change anything.
00:11:57 Hold on one minute. Let me see what rumble sounds like. You're going to hear it.
00:12:01 And it's hard to research it.
00:12:03 OK. It's it's, I see it's peeking out. It's flat, topping a little bit. Tell you what, I was being loud. That's part of why.
00:12:11 But if you guys are going to be little, you know, audio aficionados.
00:12:17 I'll, I'll turn my mic down as a smidge. How about that? How about that?
00:12:23 All right, because I might yell some more tonight. Oh, it is OK. It was cranked up to like 11.
00:12:31 It's usually more. It's usually closer to this. How's this? Is this better?
00:12:41 This better. Hello. Hello. Hello. I say OK, I think people are good now. All right, yeah, I know why it was cranked up so high. That was that was too. That was that was that was too loud.
00:12:56 It's usually not that loud.
00:12:58 Now, Craig, let me turn it down a little bit on this end here too. Alright, so that should be better. You guys ready? You guys ready now? Can we can we proceed?
00:13:08 You want to hear about the Gay Jew now, now you want to hear about the gay Jew? Is it gay? Jew story time now. All right, Clive Davis.
00:13:18 The Gay Jew, from Crown Heights, cause where else would he be from? Right.
00:13:23 He went to Harvard on a full ride scholarship.
00:13:27 Because God forbid, Jews had to pay for anything, he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, which I believe is the oldest fraternity.
00:13:40 In America.
00:13:42 After he graduated.
00:13:44 From Phi Beta Kappa.
00:13:47 He got his job.
00:13:50 Through a A fellow alum of Phi Beta Kappa.
00:13:56 Serving at A at a law firm by the name of Rosenman, Colin Kay and Petschek, Petschek and Freund.
00:14:09 Which you can imagine you know is.
00:14:12 Very Jewish, in fact.
00:14:14 Fun fact.
Speaker 9
00:14:16 It was the law firm.Devon Stack
00:14:18 I told you this just it's weird like you start researching.00:14:24 You start researching Puff Daddy.
Numbers Lady
00:14:28 Being.Devon Stack
00:14:28 A sexual degenerate psycho.00:14:32 And this is where it goes.
00:14:35 This is where it goes. He gets his his first job at this law firm that was started by Samuel Irving Rosenman.
00:14:45 Fellow alum.
00:14:47 At his fraternity.
00:14:49 He was an American lawyer, a Jewish American lawyer, obviously.
00:14:54 But you know more than.
00:14:55 That he was the 1st.
00:14:59 First person.
00:15:01 The hold the position of White House counsel.
00:15:07 That's right. He was the first. This position didn't exist before until a Jew decided to be the man whispering into the ear of President Roosevelt.
00:15:19 And Harry Truman, during World War 2.
00:15:23 Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird that that position it just didn't exist until we?
00:15:29 Had to go.
00:15:30 Fight Europeans right and and rescue the Jews.
00:15:35 So anyway, yeah, he he was a senior advisor to to Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. He wrote there.
Speaker 11
00:15:44 I mean this.Devon Stack
00:15:45 This is the degree to which he was influential, he wrote.00:15:49 Their state of the Union addresses he came up.
00:15:54 With the.
00:15:56 He came up with the term the New Deal.
00:16:01 So he invented the New deal.
00:16:09 But better, but it gets even better than that.
00:16:14 In addition to helping FDR reorganize the entire federal government and make it more socialist than it had ever been intended to be by the founding fathers, in reaction, I might add to wars we shouldn't have been in, and a Federal Reserve that we shouldn't have.
00:16:36 Thanks, Jules, on both accounts.
00:16:38 So we have this this other Jew, this special counsel Jew, show up and and and help the Golem through all the the the rocky, rocky waters that they they made for us.
Speaker 9
00:16:54 But even better than.Devon Stack
00:16:55 Being the man who got this Clive Davis, this gave you his first job.00:17:04 He was also.
00:17:06 Get this.
00:17:12 He's Merrick Garland's wife's grandpa.
00:17:18 You see, if there's anything you're going to learn tonight and you're going to learn some lurid things, but you're also going to learn. It's a big club, even when you're talking about the degeneracy of Puff Daddy.
00:17:32 It's he's in that club. Puff Daddy is in this club.
00:17:39 He's. This is the grandpa of Merrick Garland, the current head.
00:17:45 Of the DOJ.
00:17:47 Biden's DOJ guy, the guy that's saying the white supremacy is the the biggest threat to the country while millions of non whites flood across the southern border? That's his wife's grandpa.
00:18:01 Right there.
00:18:04 So there you go.
Speaker 9
00:18:05 Like I said, I was just kind of.00:18:07 Like what the ****?
Devon Stack
00:18:10 I just start looking into this thing.00:18:12 And I'm like, what? Really?
00:18:14 So anyway, so this guy gives the gay Jew Clive Davis his first job and then hooks him up with this Jew.
00:18:27 Uh, this Jew was. Let's see here. What's his name? Goddard lieberson.
Speaker 9
00:18:34 I mean, there's.Devon Stack
00:18:37 It's like, could you look more evil?00:18:41 I mean that's that's just like.
00:18:44 That's like a Dean. I'm sorry. That's that's demon face. I don't know what else to call it. That's that's just straight up demon face.
00:18:51 So this Jew was the president.
00:18:55 At of of CBS or or Columbia Records, which was part of CBS, this was when Jews were basically consolidating power in the media sphere. So CBS Columbia, this is when it was first beginning and now, you know, now it's under the.
00:19:14 The the the I think Redstone Red doesn't, he doesn't he run everything now.
00:19:19 Or no he or.Devon Stack
00:19:20 He died. I don't know. But anyway, it was, it was. This was the Jews running it back then it's it's still Jews. But these are the Jews running it back then.00:19:30 So Goddard lieberson.
00:19:33 Appointed Davis as the administrative vice president.
00:19:38 And general manager.
00:19:40 In 1965.
00:19:44 And he would go on to sign acts like Drew, Barry Manilow.
00:19:52 Janis Joplin Santana.
00:19:56 Jew. Bruce Springsteen.
00:19:59 Drew, Billy Joel. Aerosmith, who actually added him into the lyrics of one of their songs. It might be a little hard to hear because this is a ****** recording, but he says Clive Clive Davis said. He's going to make his famous.
Speaker 3
00:20:21 **** at the ball and then.Devon Stack
00:20:34 And then old Clive Davis said he's going to make us a star.00:20:39 And so he did.
00:20:42 Uh, he signed lots of bands during this era.
00:20:47 But then he, even though he's he's signing all these big, huge bands and making tons of money.
00:20:54 For Columbia records.
00:20:58 I'm not making this is gonna some of the some of the shift tonight is gonna seem scripted or or seem like I knew this in advance and I swear to God I didn't, OK.
00:21:11 He gets fired.
00:21:13 In 1973.
00:21:18 Because he was embezzling money from CBS Records.
00:21:23 Namely, to pay for his son's bar mitzvah.
00:21:30 Like I said, I.
Speaker 12
00:21:34 It sounds traumatic, I I.Devon Stack
00:21:37 I didn't know any of this before going in.00:21:41 So he's embezzling money.
00:21:44 Trying to.
00:21:47 You know, even though he signed all.
00:21:48 These huge bands made him a ton of money.
00:21:51 He was also involved in a Paola scam which was going to get the CBS in trouble with the FCC and for those of you don't know, like look, this still goes on. It's not like a new thing. It's basically if you have see it, it's in fact it's normal. Now, I don't even know if they call it.
00:22:12 There's probably like legal ways around this.
00:22:14 But it used to be.
00:22:16 If you had a record company like CBS did and lots of radio stations like CBS did, and you were paying the DJ's to play your music.
00:22:30 That was illegal.
00:22:31 The FCC would not would take the broadcast license from the radio stations for being paid to play music.
00:22:41 But now, like I said, I'm pretty sure that that's just normal, right? That's how they make you want to buy the music.
00:22:47 And so that's that. It's called Synergy now, right. They have the record company they have and.
00:22:54 That that's how.
00:22:54 Jews operate, right? They they make the music, they distribute the music, they make it so the only music you're hearing because they own all the radio stations is their music.
00:23:06 And so that's that there was a scandal involving money changing hands with all that, and they were afraid of losing their FCC license and that with the bar mitzvah thing, they fired him.
00:23:19 Then in the 80s.
00:23:21 He actually came out as gay. He was one of the first.
00:23:26 I guess media moguls to come out as gay.
00:23:30 Here's an interview with him and Katie Couric. You know, very this was in the 90s, I believe this.
00:23:38 For you.Devon Stack
00:23:40 Maybe the 2000s because he's I think he's still around talking about, you know, very brave how brave he was, you know, being bisexual.Speaker 13
00:23:49 Right now, let's take a trip down memory lane to the 80s.00:23:53 Let's.
00:23:53 Talk about that decade because this was the decade where you were really struggling with your sexuality and in your book you reveal that you were bisexual. Why did you wait so long, Clive, to make that public?
Speaker 12
00:24:07 For for I was only turning to bisexuality after my second marriage failed, so that it was not an issue through my life, not neither of my marriages were affected. I was.Devon Stack
00:24:23 Yeah, I'm sure you definitely weren't banging dudes while you were married. Absolutely. I'm glad you cleared that up. OK, as long as, as long as you weren't banging random dudes. And you know people that work for.00:24:36 You then it's it's fine as long as you wait till after your second divorce.
Speaker 12
00:24:41 Totally attracted to women when the marriage failed in the mid 80s, I open myself up to the possibility that I could have a relationship with the man.Devon Stack
00:24:58 Alright, well anyway the the real story from the people that worked with him.00:25:04 Was that it was for him. It was a power thing.
00:25:10 It was a power thing.
00:25:12 If you worked for Clive Davis.
00:25:15 If you got a record deal with Clive Davis, you might have to suck some Jewish ****.
00:25:22 You might have to. You might have to get on your knees.
00:25:27 And suck some Jewish **** if you wanted.
00:25:30 To work with this guy.
00:25:36 Just ask this guy here. Andre Harrell.
00:25:42 Andre Harrell.
00:25:44 Was work. It was basically an intern.
00:25:49 For Clive Davis.
00:25:52 At his after he got fired from CBS Records, he started a a new company called Arista Records.
00:26:00 And then a a sub record company. I don't know what you would call it a sub label maybe called Uptown Records. There was more towards you.
00:26:08 Know black audiences.
00:26:10 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:26:12 And Andre Harrell.00:26:16 Was an intern that well, he he sucked the **** he was. See, that's the thing. Is Clive Davis. He was in the black guys.
00:26:27 And Andre Harrell played the game and he.
00:26:34 You know, he he sucked, Judith. So he was in charge of after just a real short period of time and not a whole lot of experience. He was put in charge of finding new acts for Uptown Records.
00:26:49 And one of the acts that he that he found was Heavy D.
00:26:55 Heavy D from you guys might remember him from the 80s and 90s.
00:27:00 And Heavy D.
00:27:03 Was friends.
00:27:05 With a nerdy black kid by the name of Sean Combs.
00:27:12 Sean Combs, who will have you believe that he's from the ghetto?
00:27:17 Sean Combs, Sean, Puffy Combs, Sean Puff, daddy pee, Diddy, Diddy, whatever the **** he goes by now.
00:27:26 He's from the streets.
00:27:31 He's gangster.
00:27:34 Right.
00:27:35 Now he was.
00:27:36 He was a preppy kid.
00:27:39 He was a preppy kid that went to a private school.
00:27:44 And then later attended Howard University.
00:27:49 And he was friends with Heavy D.
00:27:53 Now.
00:27:55 Sean Combs his dad was a gangster.
00:28:00 But not like a like a street corner drug selling thug.
00:28:07 Like he was a actual black mafia gangster.
00:28:12 And yes, he did sell drugs.
00:28:15 That's how they had money to put him in a private school.
00:28:19 And how they had money to send them to Howard University.
00:28:26 See when when Sean was was a baby?
00:28:30 His father, Melvin Combs.
00:28:33 Was doing a drug deal.
00:28:37 Working with a, you know, or I guess alongside.
00:28:43 There is a big black gangster by the name of Frank Lucas.
00:28:48 Who is like the Black godfather I?
00:28:49 Guess you could say.
00:28:53 And in one of his deals, it went bad.
00:28:57 And he was killed.
00:29:01 And so his wife took a puff. Daddy little baby Puff Daddy.
00:29:06 To the suburbs.
00:29:08 And used all their drug money that they had in their accounts, their mafia, their black mafia money to put them into private school and and send them to college.
00:29:17 In fact, they caught up with.
00:29:21 Frank Lucas is.
Speaker 12
00:29:22 Who?Devon Stack
00:29:25 Almost dead. Or he might have died alright. This is an older interview.00:29:29 And asked him, oh, well, isn't it true that you knew Puff Daddy's dad and have you met Puff Daddy? And this is Frank Lucas, who is, like I said, he's like the Black Godfather.
00:29:41 And you can tell he's completely unimpressed with Puff Daddy's St. Cred.
Speaker 14
00:29:48 I'm never going with their friends with their friend who good friend. We did a lot of business together. Of course it was not a leisure business, but we did a lot of business together and.00:29:59 I was sorry to see what happened to happen. They shot me.
00:30:02 A lot of me.
00:30:04 And the and the guy who did it. I'm glad.
00:30:06 He got what he got.
00:30:10 But I met Shawn about a year ago, year ago here that I know their father. He wanted me to tell him about the fathers when I come over there and I told him something about, about, about and, you know, so impressed me.
00:30:22 Because you're not going. Ohh sorry.
Speaker 4
00:30:27 Yeah.Speaker 14
00:30:28 Well, I know, but I didn't do that because it impressed me. You know, really. Like, I really want to know. Yeah. Like, it was just another thing. So I didn't. I had to go.Speaker 6
00:30:36 Right. And you know, Miss Sean Combs.Speaker 14
00:30:39 No, I know me, Melvin, son. I didn't know his name. I know. Know Melvin's son. I didn't know his name.Devon Stack
00:30:48 He didn't even know his name. He just knew.00:30:49 Him as Melvin's son.
00:30:52 And he didn't impress him. And he didn't even tell him the full story that he knew about his dad because he was just kind of underwhelmed by puff Puff Daddy generally as a person. So he was just like, yeah, I just told him, like, some half fast or whatever. Yeah. It's Melvin son.
00:31:08 Doesn't even ******* know his name.
00:31:14 So this preppy kid?
00:31:17 He really wants to be rich and famous.
00:31:23 Like his friend Heavy D and heavy, D says.
00:31:26 Well.
00:31:28 If you want to be rich and famous.
00:31:31 And you like to **** ****? I've got good news for you.
00:31:36 Here's my friend Andre Harrell.
00:31:39 You see, cause Andre Harrell had learned from Clive Davis.
00:31:44 That if you want to control someone.
00:31:47 Then you can make them suck **** ****.
00:31:50 And if you can make them suck **** ****, you can make them do anything.
00:31:55 In fact, that's that's a quote. Apparently, according to one of his bodyguards, you know, Puff Daddy said if you if I can make you **** ** ****, I.
00:32:03 Can make you do anything.
00:32:08 So Andre Harrell.
00:32:11 Who?
00:32:13 Met.
00:32:15 Sean Combs.
00:32:18 And took a liking to him and *** **** *******.
00:32:22 Said. Well, come on down here and.
Speaker 9
00:32:23 I'll give you a job.Devon Stack
00:32:26 Quit school. He was 20 years old.00:32:29 Quit school and just come up here. I know you've never really had a job before.
00:32:35 And you know what? He ****** **** so good.
00:32:39 They made them VP.
00:32:41 Of Uptown records.
00:32:43 In like a year.
00:32:45 Like his first real job.
00:32:49 But like you know.
00:32:51 He was controlled.
00:32:53 He was controlled.
Speaker 9
00:32:55 Now a lot of this is going to sound this some of this.Devon Stack
00:32:57 Might sound crazy to you guys, but I.00:32:58 Assure you it it's.
00:33:00 I'm leaving out the stuff that sounded crazy.
00:33:04 There's there's more. There's a lot of other stuff.
00:33:08 That uh and and look, it gets crazier, but there's a lot of the stuff I couldn't substantiate. I'm leaving.
00:33:15 I'm leaving it out.
00:33:18 This seems pretty uh substantiated.
00:33:24 So he starts working for Uptown Records.
00:33:27 And trying to find new talent.
00:33:33 And well, I told you. And well, we already know Clive Davis. He's really into the black.
00:33:38 Dudes.
00:33:40 He's really into the black dudes and and here's this new guy, he's younger.
00:33:47 Yeah, you got got 20 year old.
00:33:51 Sean Combs coming in and and he's picking up acts that that are actually kind of popular.
00:34:00 And Clive Davis says, well, you know, instead of sucking.
00:34:05 Andre Harrell's ****.
00:34:07 Why don't you just come straight to the judic source?
00:34:12 This is this is how the brap industry on the East Coast worked.
00:34:17 At least with the.
00:34:19 Bad boy records.
00:34:23 So.
00:34:25 Puff Daddy starts sucking this guys **** instead.
00:34:29 And they totally cut out Andre Harrell.
00:34:34 And they give him his own record label.
00:34:37 Because they say that the the acts that he's are that he's finding, they're not appropriate for Uptown records, right?
00:34:45 Because he found people like Craig Mack, you guys.
00:34:48 Might remember this song from the 90s.
Speaker 5
00:34:52 Just like.Speaker 15
00:35:05 Just like a piece of sizzling your, it's not my stomach with your eggs and crisp between the king is what I mean.Devon Stack
00:35:08 So lots of talent there.00:35:13 And of course, everyone's heard of Biggie Smalls.
Speaker 5
00:35:24 Don't think ships Detroit players in Brooklyn. They head right there.Speaker 16
00:35:29 That's a.Devon Stack
00:35:34 So he finds these acts.00:35:38 And another guy named Mace.
00:35:42 And they decide to form Bad Boy records.
00:35:46 Which I think is now a bad boy entertainment, but it was bad. Boy Records initially weird that there's a.
00:35:53 A baby on the on the logo, but alright whatever.
00:35:59 So they have.
00:36:02 They have this new record label.
00:36:06 And let's see here, I got to Scroll down in my notes, so I got a lot of ******* stuff here tonight, and most of the notes just say sucking judice and then he sucked this Tuesday.
00:36:18 Just a spider web of judex.
00:36:22 All right, so they found bad boy records. And let's see here. They also this they had Combs, Mace 112 and Faith Evans those those were like the smaller acts.
00:36:38 All right, then, you might have heard of usher.
00:36:42 Ah, Clive Davis.
00:36:45 Clive Davis, he likes the young black kids.
00:36:50 So usher was at a talent show at the age of like, 10 or 11.
00:36:58 When one of the A&R's that worked under Clive Davis.
00:37:05 Track them down.
00:37:07 And so Clyde Davis was, you know, he was quick to put usher under his wing.
00:37:15 At at age 14.
00:37:19 Usher was sent to live at Puff Daddy's House.
00:37:24 Puff Daddy's House, which was a, was increasingly becoming famous for gay ******.
00:37:30 And drug use. And because you just like Clive Davis here, Puff Daddy actually wasn't gay, he was bisexual.
00:37:38 Well.Devon Stack
00:37:39 And so he had been drugging women.00:37:43 Drugging models and and sexually assaulting them and videotaping it and sending the videos to his friends. This is from like I said, I watched a lot of weird black black podcasts with different rappers, some of whom had seen the videos during this era $0.50.
00:38:02 So he was personally sent some of the photos and videos.
00:38:10 Usher on Howard Stern awkwardly remembers his time living at.
00:38:18 And Puff daddy's house.
00:38:21 And they called it a flavor camp.
00:38:25 Flavor camp. He had to go to Puff Daddy's house for flavor camp.
Speaker 10
00:38:30 Did that? Hey, it was curious. I got a chance to see some things.Speaker 4
00:38:32 Yeah. Between 13. What were you saying? Right.Speaker 10
00:38:33 Yeah, I went there to see the lifestyle.00:38:35 And and I saw it and it was.
00:38:37 And it was.
00:38:38 But I don't know if I could indulge and understand what I was even.
00:38:41 Looking at it was, it was pretty wild. It was, it was crazy.
Numbers Lady
00:38:42 So nobody tried to, you know, some woman didn't.Speaker 4
00:38:46 Come along, say.Speaker 11
00:38:46 I thought you didn't.Speaker 10
00:38:47 It OK you say it.00:38:49 What I did say is that they were very curious things taking place and I didn't necessarily understand.
Speaker 17
00:38:52 Uh-huh.Speaker 11
00:38:54 Uh-huh.Devon Stack
00:38:58 Curious things taking place and he didn't quite understand it. If by it perhaps it was, uh, gay ******, then I think you hit the nail on the head there.00:39:12 Again, you also had.
00:39:15 Justin Bieber was promised a Ferrari puff. Daddy said he'd give him a Ferrari and hung out with him and introduced him to.
00:39:25 A lot of drugs.
00:39:29 So Craig Mack began to sour on Puff Daddy. Puff Daddy started to become more controlling.
00:39:39 More, more threatening.
00:39:41 He was screwing people out of money.
00:39:46 This is him.
00:39:48 Years later, talking about when he was getting ****** out of money.
00:39:54 And started to fear for his life. So he started carrying a gun around with him.
Speaker 18
00:40:00 Supposed to give you the.00:40:00 Money and I go to the studio and I.
00:40:02 Start banging out.
00:40:04 So it gave me and was like, you know, I can only cut you a third.
00:40:07 Of the money supposed to give you.
00:40:10 I said, you know what, man? I wanted through these songs, you know, I'm saying if you're going to do this, let it, though, let's do it. You give them money as we go. You know, I'm saying I think the third.
00:40:20 Again, I think a fair game when we finish the actual recording of the album.
00:40:25 Nothing happened. No money. So I stopped recording. So I'm not gonna be doing any and sit here and do all this stuff for everybody. And I'm not going to see anything from it, you know. Next thing I know, money come, you know, with this, with this, this Bush mafia mentality with him and his glues and all that stuff like that.
00:40:45 You talk about yo, you know, you owe us an album and I'm like school my first. But I owe you ****. You owe me money.
00:40:54 You know, say so if you can call me. This is bill. If we can come up with the rest of the album. No dog. No records. That's it. I don't think you know what you mean when you saying that, man, you know, I'm saying, you know what type of dude I am. You know what kind of muscle I got? You know, I'm saying right now.
00:41:10 You need to be in the studio.
Devon Stack
00:41:14 But I thought their their tendencies for violence. It was all socioeconomic. These guys are millionaires. What? Weird. That's weird.Speaker 18
00:41:23 I was in my sister. I called my sister cause we known each other for so long. You know, I'm saying it's like brother and sister, you know? But so this is the car and.00:41:35 I had a gun in my lap. I'm sitting there and talking to God, my Lord. I don't want to do this.
00:41:45 But if it comes to getting ugly where somebody's going to be trying.
00:41:48 To kill me.
00:41:51 I'm going to have to do something.
00:41:53 1st or do something to prevent that from happening.
00:41:57 You know what I'm saying? And I was like, I'm frustrated. I really need your advice and your love right now.
00:42:03 And I started flipping around on the radio station 660 AM or after one stations where the supreme team needs.
00:42:11 To be on.
00:42:12 Early in the morning to do some other Hempstead, we had that joints blasting, you know, so I was looking for that.
00:42:20 And when I.
00:42:20 Turned the station. All this gospel music came on.
Devon Stack
00:42:28 So here's another weird part of the story he here's for those of you who are who are shortwave radio listeners or or were you might be familiar with Brother Stair. And I think I even talked about the weird Craig Mack brother stair thing before.00:42:46 So he what?
00:42:47 He hears his brother Stare. Who? This is an old recording.
00:42:51 Of when you.
00:42:52 Couldn't avoid it.
Speaker 5
00:42:53 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:42:54 Like if you wanted to know if if you were fit, like when I used to fix shortwave radios a couple years ago and I still do, but like I can't do this now because the guy died. But one of the ways you would you would find out if you had a reception is you would tune around listening for Brother Stare because he was like always on.00:43:10 And it was like just a rambling old man. This is him.
Speaker 4
00:43:14 Too many stations around the world from 10:00 to night, noon on many, many stations. Radio stations broadcasting. So we're always grateful when we do get a response from though.Speaker 2
00:43:30 Listen.Devon Stack
00:43:33 And they got a response.00:43:35 Craig Mack for some reason and other he wasn't the only one that was close to Sean Combs, who decided to go find Jesus after working with him. That guy Mace he left under similar circumstances and became a pastor afterwards.
00:43:51 So Craig Mack is thinking about killing Puff Daddy. He's got a gun in his lap. He tunes the radio.
00:43:57 Round.
00:43:58 He hears brother stare.
00:44:00 And decides to go live on brother Stairs compound. He had a a a weird. Well, I guess it's still around. Like it's not a very big cult anymore. Especially now that he's dead. But they have a cult. He was broadcasting on multiple frequencies for decades and like he was one of the.
00:44:21 There's probably no other voice that's been broadcast on shortwave, and in fact, there's probably not even a close second.
00:44:29 As much as brother Stair and he had this little end times cult out in the woods and Craig Mack decided to go out and live with them.
Speaker 18
00:44:40 Amen.Speaker 4
00:44:41 He said he made millions and millions don't bring that Craig.00:44:47 You have a lot of the stolen from you.
00:44:51 You don't try to steal.
00:44:52 Your show with you.
Speaker 11
00:44:55 That's.Speaker 18
00:44:58 The name of.00:44:59 Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you. Thank you, Paul. Praise the Lord.
Speaker 9
00:45:03 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.Speaker 5
00:45:06 Praise the Lord.Numbers Lady
00:45:10 So.Devon Stack
00:45:10 He he goes and lives on that compound. We'll get back to that in a little bit.00:45:16 Meanwhile, Sean Combs decides that he can't have artists that have talent anymore.
00:45:24 And he tells his interns that, just like with *** **** ******* to control people in order to have artists that you can control completely because it's all about control of this personality type.
00:45:37 You have to. This is why he's he fits in so well at the ruling class, by the way, and why he never gets caught and why he rubs shows all his famous and rich people because they all they all think the same way.
00:45:47 He says that the strategy is you can't have bands that have talent.
00:45:53 You can't have people that have talent because if you have people that.
00:45:57 Have talent and you.
00:45:58 Order them around, they they can just go somewhere else and still.
00:46:01 Make their music.
00:46:03 And I want you to.
00:46:04 Think about the gatekeepers out there.
00:46:06 How this might apply to the?
00:46:09 Gatekeepers out there that.
00:46:10 Wouldn't be able to survive a.
00:46:11 Canceling for an example.
00:46:16 The people that need that Jew money.
00:46:21 Because, just like Sean Combs said to his interns.
00:46:24 If you get people that don't have talent.
00:46:28 They know you're the reason why they're famous.
00:46:34 Just like all those gatekeepers are out there, they wouldn't survive a second without being artificially pumped up in the algorithms. Same sort of a deal.
00:46:45 So he told his interns. And this is a a woman that worked for the company at the time, who overheard this pep talk.
00:46:55 He told his interns we want to find.
00:46:57 People with no talent that need us to survive and.
00:46:59 Then we can control them.
00:47:01 By the way, you can apply this.
00:47:02 To politicians too.
Speaker 11
00:47:05 He said the objective of bad boy is to kill.00:47:11 Talent.
Speaker 17
00:47:13 You don't want talented ************* and bad boy.Speaker 11
00:47:16 Telling some ************* think they got to say.00:47:19 Ohh talented ************ will tell you. I'm gonna turn in my.
00:47:22 Album when I feel like it, he.
00:47:23 Said. But see if we get people with no talent.
00:47:27 And when we make them look like stars.
00:47:31 See, we have total control because without us they could be the ****.
Speaker 6
00:47:38 Oh.Speaker 11
00:47:38 He said, you know, we're gonna run this label and we're gonna run these ************* into the ground, and I'm gonna make all these you ditch.Speaker 17
00:47:45 And that was his ******* pet talk.Speaker 11
00:47:48 At the Kit Kat club in.Speaker 17
00:47:49 1996.00:47:50 To his interns, who are now mostly.
Speaker 10
00:47:54 Exactly.Speaker 11
00:47:55 Executives are bad boy.Speaker 10
00:47:57 So that explains making the band bringing or unknowns.Devon Stack
00:48:05 So that was the plan.00:48:07 Now unfortunately something similar was going on in the West Coast.
00:48:11 At the same time.
00:48:13 Bad boy was was blowing up.
00:48:15 On the East Coast.
00:48:17 On the West Coast, you had death row records.
00:48:20 With Doctor Dre and Suge Knight.
00:48:25 And Suge Knight would do this. A similar thing. You'd find people that didn't really have a a lot of talent.
00:48:33 And put him on death row.
00:48:36 Doctor Dre would wrap a few lines in one of their songs, or Snoop Dogg Wood or something and and now you're a made man. You've got an album.
00:48:46 And this rubbed Puff Daddy the wrong way. And should knight, who also was a control freak. Again, I thought it was all I.
Speaker 9
00:48:54 Thought it I.Devon Stack
00:48:54 Mean weird how this didn't happen like in the?00:48:56 Country music world.
00:48:59 Right, weird how this didn't happen like in the.
00:49:01 Rock'n'roll world.
00:49:05 I thought it was just all economic. These are all millionaires. We're talking about. These are all millionaires.
00:49:13 So should Knights ****** *** because he doesn't get a piece of the East Coast action?
00:49:19 And.
00:49:21 Sean Puffy Combs is is mad because he can't get a piece of the West Coast action.
00:49:28 One night when they're in.
00:49:30 I think it's Atlanta which would make sense, but don't quote me on that.
00:49:36 Should night.
00:49:38 Goes into a strip club.
00:49:41 Where?
00:49:44 Sean Combs and some of his friends are hanging out.
00:49:49 And should night goes in and slaps the **** out of out of Puff Daddy.
00:49:58 And during the altercation.
00:50:00 Puff daddies bodyguard shoots and kills.
00:50:05 Again, when, when?
00:50:06 Does this happen like in any other music industry?
00:50:10 Shoots and kills the friend and bodyguard of Suge Knight, Robles or Jake Robles, who went by the name Wolf or Big Jake.
00:50:27 So now the the beef has started right. There's now bodies.
00:50:36 So they they they start talking ****.
00:50:40 They wanna they. They want a war.
00:50:44 And Puff Daddy decides that that uh.
00:50:48 To to.
00:50:50 To let them know how serious they are, they're gonna. They're not gonna just stop with with.
00:50:54 Shooting Jake Robles.
00:50:56 They're going to get their their hot new talent.
Speaker 2
00:51:00 Tupac.Devon Stack
00:51:04 So they convinced Tupac and I when I heard the numbers on this when I was just like.00:51:09 Has the has inflation really? Is it really that bad because this was like in 94 and I guess it was.
00:51:18 They they had Tupac agree to wrap a couple lines.
00:51:23 On a biggie smalls track.
00:51:26 And the payment he was going to get was was $7000 and I was like really that's it.
00:51:33 But it was probably, you know, for a.
00:51:34 Couple of lines, you know, like a few minutes of work. I guess it wasn't that bad.
00:51:39 And when he went to.
00:51:40 Go pick up the.
00:51:40 Money, he said. He was kind of suspicious because.
00:51:46 Puff Daddy kept calling him and asking him where he was at and when he was going to be there and all this other stuff.
00:51:51 And then when he showed up to go pick up.
00:51:53 The.
00:51:53 Money at the the record label.
00:51:58 They were yelling at him out.
00:52:00 The window or Eric come.
Speaker 9
00:52:01 On up. Come on up.Devon Stack
00:52:03 And when he walked into the the lobby.00:52:07 Tupac got shot.
Speaker 19
00:52:09 In other news, rap star Tupac Shakur, who checked out of a New York hospital just hours after undergoing surgery for multiple gunshot wounds, Shakur was shot five times during the apparent robbery early yesterday morning. He left the hospital against the advice of his doctors Shakur.00:52:26 Currently on trial in New York, charged.
00:52:28 With sexual assault.
Devon Stack
00:52:32 Ohh, good. So it's funny he gets out of jail and then literally or out of the hospital. And then the next day.00:52:40 He has to go to his sexual assault hearing.
Speaker 9
00:52:46 Yeah, again, I thought I thought it was because they didn't.Devon Stack
00:52:48 Have money, right? It's.Speaker 9
00:52:48 All it's all cause you know.Devon Stack
00:52:50 It's it's all economic.00:52:52 So millionaire Tupac, who just got shot over some feud, is now at the the sexual assault hearing that the day after getting out of out of the hospital.
Speaker 20
00:53:12 Tupac Shakur has been sentenced to a maximum of 4 1/2 years in prison for sexually abusing a fan. The state judge in New York condemned 23 year old the 23 year old rapper, for his quote arrogant abuse of.00:53:24 Victim and crimes he said had escalated as Shakur's career progressed. Shakur has been arrested six times since 1993 on charges ranging from assault to gun possession.
Devon Stack
00:53:36 Yeah, there's just economics or something, right?00:53:41 So Tupac he he does some time. I I don't think he did much and he did like eight months or something like that. He gets out of jail and he makes a a diss track, a diss track. I'll hit him up. That makes fun of Puff Daddy and Biggie Smalls and and says they **** their wives and.
Speaker 15
00:54:00 Suck something. So I ****** your *****, you fat ************.00:54:04 West side Bad Boy chips.
00:54:07 No. You know who the really?
00:54:17 You claim to be a player, but.
00:54:20 We want some bad boys for life, plus trying to see me, Ricky Smalls and Junior Mafia. Some more gas *******.
Devon Stack
00:54:30 OK so.Speaker 9
00:54:33 No, I'm not.Devon Stack
00:54:33 Going to make him listen the whole thing.00:54:36 So he makes this diss track and this ****** off.
00:54:40 Puff Daddy.
00:54:42 And Puff Daddy knows that Suge Knight and all these guys are involved with the Bloods.
00:54:48 Yeah, people are probably familiar. They've heard about the Bloods and the *****. It's not quite what it used to.
00:54:54 The.
00:54:55 But in the 90s, there were still the Bloods and the ***** on the the West Coast at least. And because Suge Knight was involved with the Bloods.
00:55:07 Puff Daddy decided he'd go talk to the *****.
00:55:11 To take care of his problem.
00:55:13 And one of those crypts that he talked to was a guy by the name.
00:55:17 Of Keefe Dee.
00:55:20 And kefi D of the crypts.
00:55:23 Ran a a low rider hydraulic shop so like you know the bouncing cars you see in old Doctor Dre videos and stuff like that. You know, he had a a shop that did that.
00:55:39 And he was recently arrested because of all the interviews he gave recently on YouTube. It's like he was telling anyone that would listen.
00:55:46 And what he would tell them is the funny story. And again, I I am not making this up.
00:55:51 This is another one of those details where I'm just like really like.
00:55:56 Ah, OK.
00:55:58 Because, because Puff Daddy met with Keith D.
00:56:03 And offered him $1,000,000 to kill Tupac.
00:56:08 And you're thinking in your head right now. Oh, yeah. These two black gangsters, right. They're probably in some seedy black room or back room playing black room.
00:56:18 You know, maybe there's, like, like pools, like in the movies, right? There's like, pool tables out front and rap music and stuff. No, they they met at Green Blats Deli.
00:56:34 They met at Green Blats deli.
00:56:38 In in LA very, very.
00:56:44 So, at Greenblatt's deli.
00:56:48 Puff Daddy offers the the $1,000,000 to have Tupac killed.
00:56:56 And a few months later, Tupac is in. I believe it was in Las Vegas.
00:57:05 And the key.
00:57:08 Keefe, Dee and I think it was his nephew.
00:57:12 Pull up next to him at A at a stop light and opened fire and killed Tupac.
Speaker 19
00:57:19 Hours could not save the life of rapper Tupac Shakur. Jerry Bowen has more on the life and death. Last night of the singer, who always seemed to be in the middle of trouble.Speaker 2
00:57:33 25 year old Tupac Shakur was a victim of the urban violence. He made a staple of.00:57:38 His own hip hop.
00:57:39 Music gunned down one week ago in a Las Vegas drive by shooting a crime with reluctant witnesses and killers who got away. It amazes me with who we have professional bodyguards.
00:57:53 We're part of this entourage that they can't even give us an accurate.
00:57:55 Description of the vehicle.
Speaker 15
00:57:58 Push out of jail.Speaker 2
00:57:59 More than anything else, Shakur represented what he called the thug life, the swaggering, tough attitude of gangster rap, a life and music that was raw course and on the edge. That was definitely true to the game, despite some of his shortcomings, he always gave you.Speaker 15
00:58:03 For money.Speaker 2
00:58:20 That he's losing trouble always seemed to find Shakur, who found himself in numerous scrapes with the law arrested for rape in New York in 1990.Speaker 18
00:58:30 I've done plenty of things wrong with my life, but I've done nothing criminally wrong in the case that I'm I'm serving.Speaker 2
00:58:35 Right now and in the middle of that.Devon Stack
00:58:37 I just want you to keep in mind.00:58:43 Imagine in 1994.
00:58:47 There had no Clive Davis's.
00:58:53 There had no tupacs.
00:58:57 They had no Sean Combs.
Numbers Lady
00:59:00 We.Devon Stack
00:59:01 They want all these people like like Tucker Carlson, right? He wants to go back to the 90s, and we're gonna. We're gonna focus a lot on this in coming weeks. I've got. I was going to do something totally different tonight and then like this, this stupid Puff Daddy thing came up and then I fell down this hole.Speaker 9
00:59:19 This was the 90s.Devon Stack
00:59:23 This is what we want to go back to.00:59:29 Weird gay **** rapper shooting at each other and and and not just that. I mean, look this. Who really cares, right? Some of you might be thinking, why do I ******* care what a.
00:59:39 Bunch of gay do.
00:59:41 If they want to go around shooting each other and sucking off.
00:59:43 Jews. Who cares?
Speaker 9
00:59:45 Who do you? Who do you think?Devon Stack
00:59:46 These their music was was being listened to by.00:59:54 These were chart topping songs you might not like it. You might call the people listening to the music wiggers and whatever.
01:00:02 White suburban kids were were the ones buying these albums.
01:00:14 This was just like everything else. This was another way Jews were defining what the culture was.
01:00:25 Without Clive Davis, there would be no Puff Daddy.
01:00:31 There would be no bad boy records.
01:00:36 There'd be no Tupac. There'd be. No, none of this.
01:00:39 ******* music would exist.
01:00:44 Without Clive Davis and those like him.
01:00:47 There were there were there were analogues for Clive Davis all across the country.
01:00:51 He was just one of them.
01:00:55 He was just one of the.
01:00:56 The Jewish record labels.
01:01:04 You know the West Coast had had basically their own versions of Clive Davis.
01:01:10 And a lot.
01:01:10 Of the behavior was exactly the same. Suck the Jew ****. So I know I control.
01:01:15 You.
01:01:16 Because I can get you to suck.
01:01:17 ** ****. I can get you to do anything.
01:01:29 So then we get into a situation where.
01:01:33 You know, blood has been spilled.
01:01:37 And there's there's already violence on both sides just now. It's now it's crossing, going across the country.
01:01:45 You know Suge Knight was famous for violently attacking and threatening people.
01:01:52 On the West Coast.
01:01:54 Puff, Daddy's trying to, you know, emulate him in a way, by challenging him. Kills Tupac.
01:02:02 And then there's a theory. And again, this is.
01:02:06 A lot of it was it was hard to research because it's just like weird black people talking. And you know, a lot of it just unsubstantiated nonsense. But it it's easy to see just based on interviews.
01:02:20 Of the people who were involved.
01:02:24 That there is at least a very good possibility.
01:02:29 That biggie Smalls was becoming too talented for Puff Daddy.
01:02:35 And he wanted to get.
01:02:36 Rid.
01:02:36 Of him, but he Smalls had been in a car accident.
01:02:41 And broke his femur.
01:02:45 And there was an award show on the West Coast.
01:02:49 And Puff Daddy wanted him to go to the after party, was very insistent that he go to the after party.
01:02:55 And Biggie Smalls didn't want to go, he said. I'm going to cast and I'm biggie small, so I'm gigantic. I barely fit in the on an airplane, even when it's first class. But now that I've got a broken femur, it's.
01:03:07 It's not like a fun thing to do.
01:03:10 But he badgered him and and and told him he had to go. So he decided to go.
01:03:18 And.
01:03:19 Found out.
01:03:21 While he was flying out to the West Coast.
01:03:24 That Clive Davis had scheduled Biggie Smalls to be in London the next day.
01:03:31 Because they wanted to have him do a European Tour. So this wasn't just affecting American children, they wanted to spread their poison to Europe too.
01:03:43 And Puff Daddy got very upset.
01:03:46 He said it. It's he.
01:03:48 He can't fly to London the next day. He has to attend this after party.
01:03:54 There was something weird about it from all the people that witnessed this.
01:04:02 Biggie Smalls goes to the after party.
01:04:05 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:04:07 And then on his way.01:04:10 Home, Oregon to his hotel.
01:04:13 He's assassinated.
01:04:16 In his SUV.
01:04:21 So Biggie Smalls is now dead.
01:04:28 Christopher Williams, an R&B singer.
01:04:33 Was talking to Puff Daddy trying to get a record deal.
01:04:40 When his lawyer walked in on him giving.
01:04:44 Puff Daddy a *******.
01:04:49 And.
01:04:51 He never got the record deal, so he just, you know, he just sucked *** **** for free, apparently.
01:04:57 50 Cent said that Puff Daddy had come on to him a bunch of times.
01:05:03 And often implies that Puff Daddy is gay. Publicly, he said that Puff Daddy wanted to sign him and said he was going to take him shopping. And it just the whole thing seemed very **********. So a weird amount. And he didn't want to do it.
01:05:20 You know, even even.
01:05:21 Now he posts things like on like this is $0.50 Instagram. He posted something about you know, Puff Daddy doing gay **** with Rick Ross and some other guy. I don't know who that is.
01:05:38 You might remember the.
01:05:41 The famous umbrella guy like this was in the news that there was some weird umbrella guy following uh.
01:05:48 Puff Daddy around.
01:05:52 And this guy was a he worked.
01:05:56 He worked at the mall or I or I forget. If it was the gap or like.
01:06:01 It was some like it. Was it like the gap or or Abercrombie or something like that?
01:06:08 And.
01:06:10 Well, let's just say Puff Daddy met him and took a liking to.
Speaker 14
01:06:13 Them.Devon Stack
01:06:15 And named and renamed him, named him Fonzworth Bentley.01:06:19 And tell him the dress fancy and and be his concubine. According to one of Puff Daddy's former employees.
01:06:32 And so this guy with the umbrella was his *** *** slave.
01:06:38 They would follow him around and yeah.
01:06:44 In fact.
01:06:46 Funny enough, for those of you who are Kanye fans.
01:06:54 Farnsworth Bentley.
01:06:57 Is credited with writing some of the songs on Yeezus.
01:07:02 One of Kanye's albums.
01:07:05 And he also worked with Outcast, but he was he's credited as a songwriter for.
01:07:11 For for yay or Kanye.
01:07:16 When he didn't want to be the umbrella boy anymore.
01:07:20 He was blacklisted and and kicked out of the industry and.
01:07:24 And faded away.
01:07:27 Shortly after he participated in another gay black guy, his campaign, Barack Obama's campaign in 2008.
01:07:37 Where he worked on the music and and.
01:07:44 Propaganda surrounding Obama in 08.
01:07:51 So now we get to Kim Porter.
01:07:54 Now Kim Porter.
01:07:57 Worked at Uptown Records when.
01:08:01 Puff Daddy got his first start.
01:08:03 Sucking off the black guy before he started sucking off.
01:08:06 The Jewish guy.
01:08:09 And Kim Porter was was seeing some other had like a kid with some other black guy.
01:08:18 What was his name?
01:08:20 It only matters because he comes in later.
01:08:24 Oh. Oh, I'll be sure. What's his name? I don't. You know? Not really. But you know, I mean, none of their names are real.
01:08:32 So they had a relationship that was very violent. At one point he bashed her face in so hard he had to whisk her away to a hotel for like a month while she healed up and he hired a plastic surgeon to go.
01:08:51 Basically erased the evidence.
01:08:53 That was all over her body.
01:08:55 You know, so all the the bruises and bleeding healed. She was living in some luxury hotel with a.
01:09:02 A plastic surgeon.
01:09:07 She eventually broke up with him.
01:09:10 In the early 2000s and Puff, Daddy went crazy. Started he. He literally had her phone tapped.
01:09:19 Had private investigators follow her around?
01:09:23 And one of the guys that she was interested in was this.
01:09:29 Record label Guy named Shaqir Stewart.
01:09:33 He went to a party that he was at and threw a chair at him and and threatened his life.
01:09:41 We'll get back to that in a second.
01:09:45 Then in 2005.
01:09:48 Like we're almost getting.
01:09:49 To like some of this lawsuit stuff.
01:09:54 He met a 19 year old Cassie Ventura.
01:10:00 I think at the time he was 37, she was 19.
01:10:05 And he he drugged her.
01:10:09 And made her go on trips with him.
01:10:13 And and and basically wore her down and drugged her until she agreed to be his his woman.
01:10:21 And that's where one of these lawsuits starts.
01:10:28 The only time I've seen a lawsuit, I don't know if this.
01:10:30 Is common now.
01:10:33 But it's the only time I've seen.
01:10:34 A lawsuit that came with a trigger warning.
01:10:37 These are official court documents and it has a.
01:10:39 ******* trigger warning.
01:10:44 So here's we'll just read some excerpts from this to get you give.
01:10:48 You an idea?
01:10:49 This was last year. This was a few months ago.
01:10:54 This.
01:10:56 This lawsuit was filed.
01:10:59 Ventura versus Combs.
01:11:05 And at the very beginning here it says.
Speaker 6
01:11:09 Uh.Devon Stack
01:11:11 Sean Combs raped Miss Ventura in her own home after she tried to leave him often punched, beat, kicked and stomped on Miss Ventura, resulting in bruises, burst lips, black eyes and bleeding.01:11:26 Sounds like she's paying the toll. Blew up a man's car after he learned that he was romantic, or that that that the man was romantically involved or an interested rather in Ventura.
01:11:41 Forced Miss Ventura to engage in sex acts with a male prostitute while ************ and filming the encounters.
01:11:52 Ran out of his apartment with a firearm in pursuit of rival industry executive.
01:11:57 Whom he learned was nearby. And that's actually Suge Knight they're talking about.
01:12:03 Demanded Miss Ventura carry his firearm in her purse.
01:12:09 Introduced Miss Ventura to a lifestyle of excessive alcohol and substance abuse. Blah.
01:12:13 Blah blah blah.
01:12:15 So this you go down further in the lawsuit and this is what it alleges.
01:12:21 The first time Mr. Combs hired a man and.
01:12:25 So this is this is what?
01:12:29 So that first part like where it said.
01:12:32 That he he forced her to have sex with.
01:12:35 With sex workers.
01:12:36 What? What?
01:12:37 What apparently Puff Daddy was sewing the ***** **** at this point.
01:12:42 That, you know, banging his wife or or I guess it was. Why? I don't know. His wife or his living girlfriend. But banging this chick wasn't doing it for him anymore.
01:12:53 So what he was doing on a regular basis, like on a, on a weekly or more often basis.
01:13:00 Is he would hire big black bulls.
01:13:05 To come in and rail his wife.
01:13:08 While she was drugged up on like ecstasy while he jacked off in the corner.
01:13:13 And filmed it.
01:13:16 This is what the.
01:13:19 The lawsuit alleges the first time Mr. Combs hired a man and brought the man to his home in Los Angeles.
01:13:28 The man Mr. Combs and Miss Ventura wore masquerade masks and ingested drugs.
01:13:34 Mr. Combs directed Miss Ventura to perform sexual acts with this man while Mr. Combs watched them. He *********** while he directed Missus Ventura and the man to do specific sexual acts.
01:13:48 The entire encounter lasted multiple days, so it was like a drug fueled multiple day long ordeal.
01:13:58 Mr. Combs began to.
01:13:59 Call the arrangement a freak off.
01:14:04 And this is a term that is has become popular among his inner circle. They all know what.
01:14:10 The freak off is.
01:14:13 There are other famous black people that are said to.
01:14:15 Be involved with.
01:14:16 These freak offs people like Katt Williams have.
01:14:20 Have essentially said that, like Kevin Hart, that little ****** black guy that white women love.
01:14:28 That he's been involved in the freak outs Jamie Foxx has been involved with the the freak outs.
01:14:38 Or freak off rather.
01:14:42 He will repeatedly tell Miss Ventura at random moments that he wanted a freak off and Miss Ventura was eventually expected to facilitate the location and the hiring of the male sex workers.
01:14:56 At certain points during this Ventura and Mr. Combs relationship, he would insist on a freak out weekly.
01:15:05 Mr. Combs would repeatedly tell Miss Ventura that his practice was our thing, and our little secret great.
01:15:15 Freak outs would often take place in hotel suites.
01:15:19 Included at the Trump International Hotel in Columbus Circle, Beverly Hills.
01:15:27 The London Hotel, Los Angeles and the Intercontinental century city.
01:15:34 In Atlanta.
01:15:36 And intercontinental New York City.
01:15:39 The one Hotel, New York and Miami and the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in New York and in Miami.
01:15:46 And Fontaine blue in Miami. The Beverly Hills Hotel, and shutters on the beach in Los Angeles.
01:15:54 On one occasion, around 2013, Mr. Combs had a freak out.
01:16:00 Or freak off rather.
01:16:02 Set up at the Intercontinental Hotel in New York City.
01:16:07 After which he was charged with 10s of thousands of dollars and damages.
01:16:12 By the hotel.
01:16:14 Upon information and belief, Mr. Combs, chief of staff Tony Fletcher, paid the invoice charged.
01:16:20 By the hotel.
01:16:22 Miss Ventura was eventually instructed to use websites and escort services to find male sex workers to participate in the freak offs.
01:16:31 Mr. Combs told Miss Ventura to search for large black penises.
01:16:37 On the website.
01:16:40 Sometimes Mr. Combs would pay to fly male sex workers to his location.
Numbers Lady
01:16:45 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:16:47 Including to multiple cities in the United States as well as abroad. So this is where it goes into the human trafficking charges that are now the the new lawsuits, because that that's what qualifies as human trafficking.01:17:03 And there's also a lot of underage.
01:17:05 People alleged in the newer lawsuits. But this is the old lawsuit.
01:17:11 Uh, let's see. He required Miss Ventura and his staff to help him make these arrangements.
Numbers Lady
01:17:17 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:17:18 Mr. Combs assistance would help to set up freak offs, including by setting up the hotel suites with baby oil and Astro Glide.01:17:31 Mr. Combs always supplied Miss Ventura.
01:17:35 And the sex workers, with copious amounts of drugs before and during the freak offs.
01:17:42 Miss Ventura was given ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana and alcohol and excessive amounts during the freak cuffs whenever she was 19. When, like this **** started.
01:17:54 Which allowed her to disassociate during the horrific encounters, it became common place to get IV fluids in the days after a freak off to recover from the excessive substance, substances pushed on her.
01:18:10 Mrs. Ventura was required to dress up in lingerie for a freak off, and Mr. Combs insisted she wear white nail Polish to contrast her nails with the skin of the black man he hired to have sex with.
01:18:23 Her.
01:18:25 During the freak off, Mr. Combs would instruct Miss Ventura to pour excessive amounts of oil all over herself.
01:18:33 Mr. Combs would then instruct Miss Ventura and the sex workers to speak to each other, and that would specifically tell Miss Ventura where to touch the sex workers. Mr. Combs would say things like grab that big ***** ****.
Speaker 9
01:18:54 That's what it says.Devon Stack
01:18:56 And ask her how does it feel as he directed her to perform for him during the freak offs in addition to directing Miss Ventura and ************, Mr. Cobbs would use his phone, laptop and tablet to film Miss Ventura.01:19:13 Having sex with the hired sex worker.
01:19:17 He treated the forced encounter as a personal art project, adjusting the candles he used for lighting to frame the videos that he took.
01:19:26 While Miss Ventura quickly deleted any photographs or video of sex acts, if they were taking on her phone.
01:19:31 Taking on her?
01:19:32 Phone Mr. Combs repeatedly made it clear that he retained many of the videos of Miss Ventura during the freak offs.
01:19:40 Even when she deleted the videos, Mr. Combs would tell her that Miss Ventura, that he was able to recover, deleted videos from her devices. On one occasion, he sat next to her on a flight and made her watch a video she thought had she had deleted, reinforcing her inability to escape and the immense power he held over her.
01:20:00 Mr. Combs would pay the male sex workers a few $1000 in cash for their services.
01:20:07 During some freak offs, Mr. Combs will become extremely intoxicated and would hit Miss Ventura in front of the male sex workers.
01:20:16 Miss Ventura was repulsed by Mr. Combs's demands, but between the physical beatings and the recognizing using his incredible power and temper, Miss Ventura became petrified of her partner and boss and felt that she could not say no. So he was he was also he had like, a A10 year exclusive.
01:20:36 Contract with her, which is insane because she's not like a great.
01:20:39 Honest but.
01:20:42 That essentially as an artist, you're owned by your label for that amount of time.
01:20:47 So she find it probably impossible. Why? Because she wasn't talented, right? That was the whole.
01:20:53 That is the whole strategy of of bad boy records. Find people that don't have talent.
01:20:58 And she didn't really have a lot of talent.
01:21:02 So she, in order for her to maintain her career, she had to go.
01:21:07 Along with this.
01:21:09 And uh, you know.
01:21:13 She went along with it like, yeah, it coerced. Certainly. But, you know.
01:21:19 Around August 2015, in the middle of surprise birthday dinner for Miss Ventura's 29th birthday, cause this went on for a long time.
01:21:29 Mr. Combs insisted that Miss Ventura leave the party and go to a hotel for.
01:21:34 A freak out.
01:21:36 When she expressed that she didn't want to go, Mr. Combs had Miss Ventura, cornered by his security staff in order to force.
01:21:42 Her to leave with him.
01:21:45 After this freak out, Mr. Combs and Miss Ventura went back to the hotel room. The Miss Ventura was staying in, where some of Miss Ventura's friends were already hanging out.
01:21:54 Mr. Combs was severely intoxicated at one point during the night, picked up one of Miss Ventura's friends, and dangled him, dangled the friend over the balcony of the 17th Floor Hotel suite.
01:22:10 That's like, apparently, a classic rap mogul move should night and reportedly did that with vanilla ice at one point. And there's a rapper named I don't know if it's pronounced whale or Wally or, I don't know, but it's Wale.
01:22:26 But there's witnesses that say that Puff Daddy did that to that guy and and maybe this, that, that incident. I don't.
01:22:35 Know.
01:22:39 So there we go. And then there was another lawsuit filed by another girl that he was drugging back in the early 90s. And these are getting settled out of court.
01:22:51 So this lawsuit that I just read from, from his ex woman.
01:22:58 Was settled for an undisclosed amount.
01:23:03 So a lot of ******* money changed hands.
01:23:06 And one of the estimates is she's getting paid 200 and.
01:23:11 50 grand A month.
Speaker 11
01:23:14 For.Devon Stack
01:23:14 Basically ever.01:23:18 To settle this lawsuit.
01:23:22 Now I.
01:23:24 I don't know if.
01:23:24 You guys realize this, but it's.
01:23:27 Most likely because if all this evidence of these freak outs or freak offs or whatever exists.
01:23:34 All that footage would would go into the court record because you'd have discovery and you'd be compelled to provide it. They could probably get it off his iCloud, you know, because I'm guessing he's not like some kind of tech.
01:23:46 Genius, you know.
01:23:47 What I mean, they could find this stuff.
01:23:50 And and then, you know, people would see it.
01:23:55 And so now that this lawsuit has been settled.
01:23:59 There's another lawsuit from a woman that said that he drugged her in the 90s and basically raped her while she was drugged a a producer that worked on his latest album is now. I. Like I said, I can't even get to that lawsuit. That lawsuit's 300 something pages long.
01:24:20 It's.
01:24:21 From the the quick rundowns that I was able to go through while researching the rest of the ship.
01:24:27 It it, it sounds like the same kind of ****. It's the same kind of ****, only a little bit worse. It involves underage girls, so he's and there's video of the underage girls. In fact, this lawsuit, the it's not just mentions of of him taking video. The guy filing the lawsuit has.
01:24:48 Video.
01:24:50 That he has provided to the court and so we'll see how that all goes down or if they're able to settle again. But I don't know how that would happen. And there's probably any criminal charges.
01:25:01 Or at least you would think so, right? Unless he's too connected.
01:25:06 Because there have been allegations of Puff Daddy ******* underage boys in the past.
01:25:13 And the FBI got involved. That's right. The FBI that Merrick Garland Garland is in charge of.
01:25:21 Whose grandpa gave gave Clive Davis his first job.
01:25:28 And for some reason the investigation it just went away.
01:25:32 It just went away.
01:25:35 By the way.
01:25:37 Not the only investigation that just went away.
01:25:42 Remember his ex-wife.
01:25:48 She's dead. She went away.
01:25:55 And I don't mean to like a hotel. While this plastic surgeon fixes her up.
01:26:03 She was found dead in her home.
01:26:08 It took them almost. It was something crazy, like a year.
01:26:13 For them to announce the official cause of death.
01:26:16 Some witnesses say that initially it was.
01:26:20 It was considered a homicide and that there were they found toxic.
01:26:30 Chemicals, I guess in her blood.
01:26:33 In fact, they took him so long that when they finally came out and said, Oh no, she died of pneumonia.
01:26:40 Her family hired a A celebrity.
01:26:47 Mortician, I guess or or some guy, you know, kind of a guy that does autopsies? I don't know what the word is for the.
01:26:54 His name was Ed. Where is it?
01:27:04 Add something.
01:27:06 Did I write it down? I thought.
Speaker 12
01:27:07 I wrote it.Devon Stack
01:27:07 Down. Well, I had it written down. It was add something and then before he could before he could do the autopsy, he turned up dead.01:27:20 He was like he was like 50 something.
01:27:23 And then you might remember Heavy D.
01:27:27 Every day.
01:27:29 Was working on a according to some a tell all book.
01:27:34 They would talk about what happened behind the scenes in the early days of that record company, Uptown Records.
01:27:42 And uh, he dropped dead at age 44. Now of course he was Heavy D so you could just say maybe it was a heart attack or whatever.
01:27:52 Andre Harrell.
01:27:54 The first black guy that Sean was, uh.
01:27:59 Was sucking off.
01:28:01 To get his first gig.
01:28:04 Also found dead.
01:28:07 Also working on a book A Tell all book.
01:28:12 The.
01:28:14 Ex-boyfriend of oh, this guy too.
01:28:18 The guy that Sean Combs assaulted with a chair after tapping his ex wife's phone and confronting him because she he was he was hitting on her.
01:28:31 He turned up dead in 2008.
01:28:34 After telling his friends and that he was being followed and acting like a, you know, paranoid psycho, they thought he was just being paranoid and weird.
01:28:45 Turned up dead.
01:28:49 The ex-husband.
01:28:52 Of.
01:28:54 Kim Porter.
01:28:56 Who also worked at Uptown Records who had a child with Kim Porter.
01:29:00 That guy with the weird name, I'll be sure.
01:29:04 He was working on a documentary about his life.
Speaker 9
01:29:08 He slipped into a coma.Devon Stack
01:29:12 He has since recovered and says that.01:29:15 He doesn't want to talk about those those days. You might also remember.
01:29:25 Jamie Foxx.
01:29:27 Got sick last year. A lot of people thought it was the jab.
01:29:32 And that he was. He almost died suddenly.
01:29:36 You might also remember that Jamie Foxx was visited by law enforcement while he was in the hospital, and there was a suggestion that someone had tried to poison.
01:29:44 Him.
01:29:46 Jamie Foxx, in addition to attending lots of these parties, took a lot of footage in fact, but before Jamie Foxx was a famous actor, the way he got his start.
01:29:59 Was following Puff Daddy around with a camera?
01:30:03 And going to these parties and telling them, oh, I'll, I'll videotape your parties for you and and you know, this is before people, you know, people that have like, phones that had video on it. It was like this big *** like he had to wear a backpack full of batteries to, you know to keep videotaping the.
01:30:20 The parties. And so that's that's how he got his start. In fact, he helped arrange late night naked basketball.
01:30:31 Where Hollywood elites, men only were invited to either participate in or watch the the black guys, the famous Black guys playing naked basketball in the.
01:30:43 Middle of the night.
01:30:45 And so there's some suggestion that.
01:30:48 He knows too much and so I don't know, though there's no nothing to substantiate that.
01:30:54 And there's a lot of other crazy theories that I've like I said, black people have, they're like, they're all like cue cards. And at heart, they really are. They're all cute cards at heart.
01:31:05 And so there's a lot of other really crazy **** that, you know that doesn't that that is probably way over the top didn't actually happen.
01:31:16 But there are a lot of dead bodies.
01:31:20 Not only is Puff Daddy dead.
01:31:25 But the other, you know, Craig Mack, also died mysteriously.
01:31:31 When he lived on that compound with Brother Stair.
01:31:36 I think he was in his 40s. Millionaire guy.
01:31:42 Dropped out of a heart attack.
01:31:47 Who knows? Maybe. Maybe just everyone that that works with Puff Daddy just dies.
01:31:53 Here is a former coworker talking about.
01:31:55 It.
Speaker 17
01:31:57 I'm sorry, I'm.01:31:58 A little upset about it.
01:31:58 Yes.Speaker 17
01:32:01 Because I'll be sure it just came out of his coma and.Speaker
01:32:05 Hmm.Speaker 17
01:32:06 I've been talking to AL and.01:32:08 We've been texting back and forth and I'm just glad that he's alive to text.
01:32:13 No.01:32:15 Definite.
01:32:16 Yeah.
Speaker 17
01:32:18 Yeah.01:32:22 But when you think about Kim?
01:32:25 I was thinking to myself the other day, Uptown records.
01:32:30 Started with five people.
01:32:34 Andre Harrell.
01:32:37 I'll be sure.
01:32:39 Heavy D.
01:32:41 And Puffy and Kim.
01:32:44 Was the longest working employee because she was there from the very beginning. She was Andrea's personal assistant.
Speaker 11
01:32:50 Hmm.Speaker 17
01:32:54 Kim is dead.01:32:56 Heavy D is dead.
01:32:58 What's?Speaker 17
01:33:01 Andre Harrell is dead.01:33:04 The only two left.
01:33:06 Are puffy and Al and Al almost died.
01:33:11 Isn't that interesting?
01:33:13 And.Speaker 17
01:33:14 Heavy. He was found dead, face down in the.01:33:18 Heart attack Andre Harrell. Heart attack.
01:33:23 Kim died from pneumonia, but there's the first coroner's report that said that she died it. It was ruled a homicide and they found toxins in her body to prove that she had been poisoned. You know, they they have poisons that create heart attack and pneumonia like symptoms. And then, right.
Speaker 16
01:33:42 After that, I'll.Speaker 17
01:33:43 Had a meeting and I was gonna meet up with him because we were in Vegas. And then the next thing you know.Devon Stack
01:33:52 You want to.Speaker 17
01:33:52 Know what they all had in common though.01:33:56 The survivors and the and and the late of Uptown records. They were all writing tell all books.
01:34:05 Andre was writing a book right before he died.
01:34:09 Heavy D was working on a book before he died.
01:34:15 Kim Porter was working on a book before she died, and Albie sure was working on the documentary of his life.
01:34:24 And then he goes into a coma.
01:34:28 Has puffy ever been in a coma?
01:34:32 Has he has anything happened to him? He must be the luckiest ************. Cause it seems like everybody that worked at Uptown Records from the very beginning.
01:34:45 So going.
Speaker 20
01:34:46 You guys are calling yourself.Speaker 14
01:34:48 Right.Devon Stack
01:34:53 So there you go.01:34:55 That's as far as I could get, I said. I I couldn't get into the details. A lot of it's redacted. Anyway, the new lawsuit, a lot of it's redacted. The the names are blurred out. The photos are blurred out, the videos are blurred out, but it's much of the same kind of thing.
01:35:15 And really, what it boils down to.
01:35:19 This is.
01:35:21 Basically par for the course.
01:35:26 These are the people producing the culture.
Speaker 11
01:35:30 Whether you approve it of.Devon Stack
01:35:32 Of it or not? Or like it or not, for many white people.01:35:40 Yeah, even right wing white people.
01:35:47 There's a lot of people that in the West that are still enamored by this.
01:35:53 Gay culture.
01:35:57 That's what it is.
01:36:00 So now I'm kind of wish I had clipped that.
01:36:02 The other day.
01:36:04 Because I we don't take kindly to no fagot, I could have used it a lot tonight apparently.
01:36:17 You know, it's funny because it's Jews aren't just using black people as a demographic weapon, which they are.
01:36:27 Yeah, it. It's like every time the Jew.
01:36:32 Utilizes black people for anything, whether it's for just for.
01:36:37 Profit even it's.
01:36:39 And just the the trail of destruction that they leave behind them is insane. Like I said, these are all millionaires.
01:36:49 There's absolutely zero need for any of this behavior.
01:36:58 This is like the best possible economic outcome for a black person in the in in the United States.
01:37:07 In the 1990s.
01:37:12 Total control over your own multi billion dollar record label.
01:37:21 Funded by some Jew.
01:37:25 Then maybe you have to to suck off every.
01:37:28 Once in a while.
01:37:33 And this is the behavior that.
01:37:34 You get out of it.
01:37:45 And look, you could say the same thing about Kanye, right? And everyone's like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It by the way, Puff Daddy did the did the exact same thing puff that that Kanye did? Puff Daddy acted like he was he he had found Jesus.
01:38:00 And was doing, you know the the same kind of, you know, Black Church, spiritual revival kind of music, just a handful of years ago.
01:38:09 And the whole time he was doing it, he was doing ******* weird, drug fueled freak offs with with big black *****.
01:38:19 And then people act surprised when someone like Kanye.
01:38:23 After, after having a manic episode and talking about Jews for a little while and wearing a mask on Infowars during one of his episodes.
01:38:35 Goes right back to making songs about finger banging Jewish girls and putting crosses on the ***** of of.
01:38:45 Women with taped *******.
01:38:47 And has very Satanic themed parties.
01:38:57 This is just what you get.
01:39:02 This is just one, this is just one little.
01:39:06 Carpet. We looked under, you know.
01:39:11 This is just one.
01:39:13 I was expecting to find all this stuff, but you think it was going to be radically different if you look behind any of these others.
01:39:26 You think the story of like, Doctor Dre and Suge Knight and Eazy E and all these people, it's going to be much.
01:39:33 Different, of course not.
01:39:39 It's not even that much different when you look behind the curtain that that's hiding the personal lives of black athletes.
01:39:52 Again, millionaires, millionaires that are allowed to just play a.
01:39:57 Game for a living.
01:40:03 By the way, also facilitated by billionaire Jews.
01:40:07 Who do you think owns all?
01:40:08 The sports ball teams.
01:40:13 Let me thank yeah, Jews.
01:40:21 See bottom line is Jews owned the slaves they trained. They bought the slaves, they transported them to America.
01:40:30 And they still own them.
01:40:33 And they still use them to do their work. It's just that the the, the work they're doing now isn't picking cotton. It's destroying Western civilization.
01:40:55 That's just the facts.
01:41:00 Yeah, that's just the facts.
01:41:10 Anyway, like I said.
01:41:14 Seeped myself into this.
01:41:16 Bizarre subculture for like 10 hours of.
01:41:19 The day and.
Speaker 9
01:41:26 I just.Devon Stack
01:41:28 I didn't think it was going to be like this. I thought really I thought I was going to. I was going.01:41:32 To go through.
01:41:33 The lawsuit, and there maybe be something like. So Justin Bieber thing, right, you know, like, I I didn't get. I didn't even get to go down that rabbit hole.
01:41:42 You know all I know for sure is that that Puff Daddy gave him a ******* Ferrari and that he became like an insane drug addict afterwards. And there's a bunch of other stories too. I couldn't even go to. Like I said, there's and there's lots of crazy black people, allegations that are probably some of them are probably nonsense and but some of them probably aren't.
01:42:03 And like I said, this is just one guy. This is one guy.
01:42:10 You know what, what do you think you would find if you look behind, you know, the Jay-Z curtain? What do you think you'd find if you looked into any of these guys?
01:42:21 And these are the people defining Western culture for a lot of white males.
01:42:28 You don't have to like it. It's just that's just a it's just true.
01:42:34 And why do you think that is?
01:42:38 Well, in the same way that Sean Puffy Combs can never become Diddy or P Diddy or whatever the.
01:42:43 **** he is.
01:42:46 Without that Jewish money.
01:42:49 There's a lot of talented white musicians.
01:42:53 And film makers and writers and creators of culture.
01:42:59 Whose works will never see the light of day.
01:43:05 And even though it's easier now with the Internet, right, you can at least sort of get like some underground **** going on.
01:43:13 Even today, with the Internet, well, it has made a significant difference in this scenario.
01:43:21 You can see the difference between the the viewer count and the influence of the gatekeepers versus someone who's just independent.
01:43:36 Right, you can. You can have a.
01:43:38 Lots of people know who Ben Shapiro is.
01:43:44 My mom knows who Ben Shapiro is.
01:43:51 Lots of people know who Dennis Prager is.
01:43:58 Lots of people know who these big names are because they're advertised.
01:44:03 They're boosted in the algorithms.
01:44:09 They have, you know.
01:44:11 In some instances like $1,000,000 sets.
01:44:15 Crews that run all the cameras for them, producers who like they just have to show up and.
01:44:22 Read a teleprompter.
01:44:26 Is right, they don't want people that actually have talent because then they can't control them.
01:44:33 If you had talent, you could just be like, oh **** this and go do something on your own and people that on on.
01:44:37 Our side have done exactly that. They've had to do that.
01:44:43 Not everyone survives it.
01:44:47 Some of us have.
01:44:52 These guys wouldn't surviving.
01:45:00 You think if Ben Shapiro was was relegated to streaming on Odyssey and?
01:45:07 And had his account debugged on Twitter.
01:45:13 Anyone even know who the **** he?
01:45:15 Is.
01:45:19 Speaking of which, I I had a interaction with the Leather Apron Club. He's the guy. He's done some good videos talking about, like the Jews invited to Joe Rogan or another gatekeeper Joe Rogan show.
01:45:33 And how the the guests on Joe Rogan's podcast have been Jews have wildly been overrepresented.
01:45:42 And not just in in the field. You know, like in politics, right?
01:45:46 But in technology or really almost anything they talk about.
01:45:50 For some reason it's.
01:45:52 You have a. If you have to bet, it's your bet bet.
01:45:56 Your money on it's going to be a Jew.
01:45:58 Because chances are, it's going to be a Jew.
01:46:06 And that's across the board with a lot of these other people, including Elon Musk. I I noticed Elon seems to only interact with.
01:46:16 Twitter account at least if they're right wing or left wing, cause the krassenstein twins or brothers, or you know those ******* Jews.
01:46:24 He only seems to interact with.
01:46:27 Twitter accounts run by Jews.
01:46:33 And it's reached a point of absurdity.
01:46:38 Like when I saw him retweeting Ashley singing ******* Claire, I was like, really.
01:46:44 Like the the the the MAGA Ho, the Jewish mega Ho.
01:46:53 You know, it's just like, I mean, but he's always promoting, you know, like the the Babylon Bee, which is run by Jews. And the wokeness, which is run by Jews, you know, what's the the.
01:47:12 The woke woke TikTok one whatever run by Jews.
01:47:24 The Krassenstein S of the world on the left.
01:47:30 There's only a couple exceptions.
01:47:34 You know, he's he's he's interacted with like what Keith once or twice Keith Woods.
01:47:46 So I tweeted.
01:47:46 There today or maybe yesterday, but I sure hope Leather Apron Club.
01:47:55 Does a video where he analyzes.
01:47:58 Maybe not just the accounts that he interacts with, but he only follows something like 500 accounts.
01:48:07 Well.Devon Stack
01:48:08 I suspect that Jews will be overrepresented in that bunch too.01:48:14 But I I'd love to see the real data. He does a good job of.
01:48:20 Producing real data.
01:48:27 But this Jewish influence is pervasive, and then it's been going on since, you know, before World War Two and this stupid *** notion of going back to the 90s. Well, this was the 90s.
01:48:37 The 1990s was gay Jews getting ******** from from black rappers who also got ******** from other black rappers and murdered people. And, you know, and everything that comes with that while destroying your culture and society. So if that's what you want to go back to, right?
01:48:58 If that's what you want to, let's take the clock back to that time. That sounds amazing, right? The 90s. Wow. You mean like, like the LA riots of 1992?
01:49:11 Really. I mean, it's funny cause Tucker says that he wanted to. I think he specifically said he wanted to go back to 1993. Really. The year after the LA riots.
Speaker 9
01:49:25 That's what you want to go back to.Devon Stack
01:49:29 The year after the LA riots, when? Uh.01:49:32 Sean Combs was was sucking off some Jew and about to unleash.
01:49:38 A A a subversive.
01:49:42 Black Thug culture on the world.
01:49:48 While doing freak offs and drugging chicks and ******, that's what you want to go back to.
01:49:56 Sounds amazing. You mean backward? Like Seinfeld was like big and and and everyone loved Jews. Is that what you're saying?
01:50:11 The one I was working on what I.
01:50:13 Want to spoil it?
01:50:16 It's going to under score it's. It's not about black people.
01:50:20 Or that stuff. But there the other thing that happened in the 90s and I will get to specific here, but I'm going to cover the next one, but because I've got, it's like insane. How much?
01:50:30 Stuff.
01:50:30 I've been finding but the 90s it was when they were normalizing ******** too.
Numbers Lady
01:50:35 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:50:37 In a systematic Jewish runway.01:50:40 So we want to go back.
01:50:41 To that.
01:50:43 We want to go back to and literally every sitcom had an episode about one of the main characters or family member of the main characters coming out as gay and getting gay married. Maybe adopting a kid.
01:50:57 We want to go back to that, do we?
01:51:05 That's the that was. That's the golden era.
01:51:14 Anyway.
01:51:20 Let me go back. Let me get a hyper chance.
01:51:25 Yeah. Sorry. I'm. I'm, I'm.
01:51:29 I'm just exhausted 10 hours. I was watching that. It was so hard. Usually I could watch stuff at like double speed, right? So it's not as big of a deal.
01:51:39 Try watching a black podcast. Even at 1 1/2 times. It's unintelligent, just like I can't. I mean some of them I kind of wanted to, like set it to 50% speed even like, understand what these ******* were saying.
01:51:56 I mean, it's just it's hard to decipher.
01:51:59 It's an. It's an entirely different world.
01:52:05 Alright, here we go. We got chosen.
01:52:10 Chosen jawa. Does that mean you're like, a Jewish Jawa? Easy money.
01:52:17 Chosen John. Well, good evening, Deb and I plan.
Speaker 9
01:52:19 To catch the.Devon Stack
01:52:19 Replay as the crew and I need to attend a scrapping convention and most easily can you explain the sudden surge in recent years of white women falling in love?01:52:31 With black guys.
01:52:33 Some WW date exclusively white one I guess exclusively date Blacks also. Can I trade $20.00 for half $1,000,000? I'll tell you what. Jawa, you're not going to be super excited because I think you're the one that doesn't like me.
01:52:48 Hearing and there's a lot of, and apparently you don't like white women dating black. Well, maybe. OK with Jews getting sucked off by.
01:52:57 Black.
01:53:01 Ohh man.
Speaker 2
01:53:02 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
01:53:07 Yeah. Well, I'll tell you one thing that Sean Combs paid way more than that to make that lawsuit go away.01:53:15 Yeah, I think that a lot of it is because of this exact culture.
Speaker 9
01:53:18 I'm talking about.Devon Stack
01:53:20 What do you think white women think when they see that the white men in their lives are looking up to black guys?01:53:29 And I don't just mean the rappers, although that's certainly a big deal. How do you think that that's that's playing a role?
01:53:37 You know, it's really easy to complain about. Ohh, you know, all these white women, they hate black guys. Here's my favorite rapper.
Speaker 9
01:53:47 That's weird.Devon Stack
01:53:51 That's that's who you look up to. Well, then you're kind of implying that that's your alpha. Why wouldn't she go after that guy? It's the same thing. If her dad is sitting there cheering at the TV as the black guys running around.01:54:03 In their spandex.
01:54:07 Why wouldn't she want to go out with a black guy her dad loves to cheer and and memorize and aim statistics about black guys.
01:54:20 White, the white boy at school classmate, loves memorizing the songs that the the black guy made.
Speaker 9
01:54:27 Why wouldn't she want a black guy?Devon Stack
01:54:38 You can't even get white guys to to not.01:54:40 Want to suck off black guys?
01:54:49 Adam Richard.
01:54:51 Adam.
01:54:53 Richard.
Speaker 9
01:54:56 What?Devon Stack
01:55:04 Adam Richard can't catch this one live.01:55:08 Sadly, but the last stream selling suggested a spaghetti drop. I agree and took the liberty of making one for for you. Sorry for being the link Negger appreciate what you do. Yes.
01:55:23 The link diggers are always sorry that they're linked diggers, aren't they? They're always sorry about it. Doesn't stop them from doing it.
01:55:34 Alright, let's.
01:55:37 Let's see. Let's see what it is.
01:55:41 I only have well, let.
Speaker 12
01:55:43 Me see.Speaker 6
01:55:47 All right.Devon Stack
01:55:55 Here we go.01:56:04 Right where you go away. There it is.
Speaker 21
01:56:07 They're about to execute us when a rebel officer sees one.01:56:10 Of our passports.
01:56:14 Wait.
Devon Stack
01:56:23 Well, great. Awesome.Speaker 21
01:56:27 Dark white, they're they're about to execute this when the rebel officer praised one of our passports and shouts. Wait, these aren't whites? They're Italians.Speaker 3
01:56:27 Come on. Just play. Damn it.Devon Stack
01:56:29 He ain't showing my stream with this.Speaker 16
01:56:35 Here.Devon Stack
01:56:36 No, it's a spaghetti nagger.01:56:38 All right, I can't play.
01:56:40 It, but I I I.
01:56:41 I like where this is going. I'll check it out later.
Numbers Lady
01:56:44 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:56:46 Let it maybe buffer forever, OK.01:56:53 Let's see here.
01:56:55 Thank you, Adam Merchant, for the generosity and.
01:57:01 The Triforce of Guinness there with the link.
01:57:05 Shows in Jawa again.
01:57:08 Devin, in honor of Waco Remembrance Day, would you clear up some of the myths about the Davidians? People say they were a cult, and Koresh claimed he was Jesus. People say that they were also child marriages and stuff like that, too. You covered this in pacon, but maybe explain for those who don't know.
01:57:27 Yeah, they can watch pack on, but the short version is. Yeah, he he didn't say he was Jesus and they weren't child marriages.
01:57:35 You know he.
01:57:37 He, in fact, he was joke they they edit it like he he was making a joke.
01:57:43 I don't remember the exact context, but he was making a joke saying like oh I I should just say I'm Jesus or something. It was something like that. And then they cut it to where they they just said like I'm Jesus or something and so and that's the clip they.
01:57:56 Played.
01:57:58 So everyone thought that, you know, he was he was this messianic guy and it really it he was talking about some former member of the church. Like it was, you know it wasn't the context was totally not him being Jesus.
01:58:15 But that's not.
01:58:15 The clip they played over and over and over and over and over and over again.
01:58:19 And the child bride stuff also from what I could tell, did not exist. In fact, the sheriff went out there to investigate these claims couple of times, found nothing like them.
01:58:31 Had a good relationship with them.
01:58:35 And you know, Child Protective Services had had popped in a couple of times.
01:58:39 And.
01:58:40 There were never. There was nothing ever weird or bad that was found in regards to that.
01:58:49 But yeah, check out the pack on the series. There should be a link to the playlist if you just go to it goes straight to my Odyssey page and then it's the.
01:59:01 I think only playlist right now that's below the videos there.
01:59:07 John Skywalker, since we have recently covered white people trying to be something they aren't, have you seen film malibus most wanted?
01:59:16 Yeah, I saw like a million years ago. And it's a satire about a white man who thinks and acts like he's black. His dad tries to break him of that, and all the black people he meets want to beat him up for it. You could review it. Yeah, maybe I remember. Like I said, I saw it like a really long time ago. I just remember hitting it.
01:59:36 Because it just wasn't funny and it was anti white. I've always been.
01:59:41 Sensitive, I guess to the anti white stuff. I've always noticed it.
01:59:46 Even when I.
01:59:47 Was younger.
01:59:48 I would still notice it.
01:59:50 And I noticed it definitely in that movie, but that's all I remember is, isn't, wasn't he played by a Jew like the the White kid?
02:00:00 No, I'm. I'm thinking like uh.
02:00:03 What's his name? The guy from robot chicken, right? That's not him. I'm thinking someone.
02:00:08 Else ohh yeah.
02:00:09 That might be worth looking into.
02:00:13 Hemothorax azine.
02:00:16 Hammer of thorazine.
Speaker 18
02:00:19 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.Devon Stack
02:00:24 I have come to the realization that your stream names have gotten so obscure and unusual that they now sound like race horses names like prime, the pump child of ignorance, ****, the daddy fed jacket, Valentine 24 and bamboozled and down the stretch they come.02:00:42 I'll die on this hill. Yeah, well, it's the spice of life, right?
02:00:47 I'm just spicing up our culture.
02:00:49 Here.
02:00:50 I'm using my creativity. Don't stifle my creativity, bro.
02:00:56 But yes, I believe you're right. Blue chord.
02:01:01 Blue chord is this this I I I want to play the the sad gorilla one for for some reason it never comes up.
Speaker 6
02:01:07 Good. Really good. Good grill.Devon Stack
02:01:13 Yeah. Still no sad gorilla we'll get.02:01:15 To it maybe sometime.
02:01:17 Evening, Mr. stack. Well, evening to you, Mr. Blue.
02:01:21 Bored Beach Boys Beach Boys with the *** **** money.
Speaker 5
02:01:27 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.Devon Stack
02:01:32 Go, Julie, this *** is.Speaker 2
02:01:45 A lot of other people covered in it, but not.Speaker 18
02:01:48 To Doctor Sherwood, are we moving?02:01:51 Body gonna wake up.
Devon Stack
02:01:57 All right.02:01:58 Beach Boys, I was mistaken last stream. It was the day of or day of hate, not day of rage. I'm looking forward to the reply for work tomorrow. I hope you are making good progress with the well. Well, probably at the hire. Someone with a.
02:02:19 With a well, truck is what that boils down to.
02:02:23 Day of hate.
02:02:25 Let's see here. Although I'm probably going to find my own pump because those ******* want to charge a ridiculous amount for a new.
Speaker 5
02:02:34 It's like it's.Devon Stack
02:02:34 Like they don't know the Internet exists. That's the thing about, like, small town people. It's like I get it right, support small businesses and whatever. But if you're going to charge twice what I can.02:02:43 Get it for on the Internet.
02:02:45 You know or or three times what like it's like you know.
02:02:53 That's here in the face of the threatened day of hate. OK, yeah. There it is.
02:02:58 February 24th it was 2023. ADL is leading the anti hate organizations. This is the ADL. This is from there's it's still on their website.
02:03:13 Still, the ADL website says New York.
02:03:17 February 2020 blah blah blah.
02:03:19 When is the day of hate supposed to be with white supremacist groups attempting to organize anti-Semitic activities as part of the so-called National Day of Hate? Yet a thing that never existed, no one at all like had heard of it until these guys started saying it was happening.
02:03:36 What you do? They say what they don't even say what the day of he's supposed to be. I mean, it was published on the 24th, so maybe that's what day it was supposed to be.
02:03:45 Yeah, that was totally manufactured, 100% manufactured.
02:03:49 And and literally.
02:03:50 It was. It was, stuff like that.
02:03:53 That I think, caused the gatekeepers to allow a little bit of ADL criticism.
02:04:01 And let like the band ADL stuff trend because they knew that it was getting too wacky.
02:04:07 He was getting to it like they were. They were doing the opposite of what they were designed to do. They were creating anti-Semitism and they didn't have the same power to shut people down like they used to have, largely because of the Internet and enough people were starting to notice things. In fact, they're still noticing things so much that they're having to try to repurpose the term.
02:04:28 Patterson Paul. Joseph Watson, who just made a video the other day trying to say, noticing just meant noticing black crime. He made another one. It's like he's doubling down. It's like there is a concerted effort to redefine stuff like noticing.
02:04:43 And and every single time and any other term that might be a, you know, popular slang. That means look at what the Jews are doing, you know, to mean something else.
02:04:58 And so anyway.
02:05:03 Yeah, that's the. Yeah. It was totally manufactured and it and it.
02:05:07 Yes.Devon Stack
02:05:08 I think it backfired on them and.02:05:12 It'd be kind of funny to make it into a thing, but like, I don't know what would we do, you know?
02:05:17 Land of the fake home of the gay, be sure to upload all your based stank foul, funky fresh sounds to where you can sell sound boards. OK, apparently you're trying to that's your commercial or something?
02:05:32 I still haven't gone there.
02:05:37 I got two. I got my own soundboard here.
02:05:39 Yeah, I don't need.
Speaker 9
02:05:40 I don't need your symbol. I got it.Devon Stack
02:05:47 I have lots of sounds that I can board.02:05:51 You know like.
Speaker 2
02:05:59 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
02:06:02 OK, OK.02:06:05 Alright anyway.
02:06:09 Ah, Rabbit hole says.
02:06:11 Devin, is there something wrong with me? I don't know. I was asked to stand in my friend's wedding today. I was honored. His fiancee asked one thing of me. Please don't talk about the JQ. I responded, no problem. This is the second time I was asked not to talk about the JQ.
02:06:28 The wedding had her laughing hard. Well, there you go. Uh, no, I don't think that sounds like there's something right about you, unless you're bothering.
02:06:37 People. You know what it you don't have the opposite effect. You know, like there's pushy salesman that that have that make a lot of sales and then there's pushy salesman that turn people.
02:06:49 Off you, don't you?
02:06:50 Don't want to. It's sometimes it's OK to be the pushy salesman. Sometimes that's the guy that.
02:06:54 Gets the job.
02:06:55 Done. But there's also the times that you don't.
02:06:58 Want to be that guy?
02:07:00 You have to know you have to be able.
02:07:01 To read the crowd, you got to know your audience.
02:07:03 So I guess that's and and you know in a in a I guess in in the context of a wedding. Yeah, talking about the JQ is.
02:07:12 Unless you're warning your friend to not marry a Jew like it's, it's probably not the time and place.
02:07:19 Cannot.
02:07:21 Cannot will he get the sad?
02:07:24 Gorilla.
02:07:27 No, he didn't.
02:07:30 No sad gorilla.
02:07:33 And cannot just simply says.
02:07:39 Here's a little something for the well repair fund. Wells must be one of the best things to have for self-sufficiency.
02:07:46 It's it's, it's.
02:07:48 The thing to have, it's the most important thing.
Speaker 5
02:07:50 To.Devon Stack
02:07:50 Have and in the desert. Unfortunately, it's.02:07:54 Very deep.
02:07:57 You know.
02:07:57 More than 400.
02:07:59 Feet. So it's, you know that's that's that's deep.
02:08:03 But that's what you got to do out.
02:08:05 Here I want to look into prime water.
02:08:09 You should look that up on YouTube sometime. If you had a chance. Prime water wells.
02:08:14 But I'd love to get. I wish I got a shallow well too, even like a, you know, the pain where you're at with good filtration. You could do a shallow well.
02:08:21 I'm always jealous when I see people in the South do beekeeping and dig wells. I'm just like, uh, looks like a ******* paradise over there. Uh, appreciate that Jive Turkey will jive Turk.
02:08:36 Get the sad gorilla?
02:08:48 Now that the gorilla seemed pretty happy.
02:08:52 Drive Turkey says ******* be gay and ****. And yes, I did clean it up a little bit. They have reached my N word allotment for the for the night on at least on rumble, right?
02:09:05 Offer Commandant says. Hey, Devin. Wow. What an unholy union. A ****** and a Jew. Uppity *******. A match made in hell.
02:09:17 Yeah, well, all you said it's, it's.
02:09:21 It's a match that lives on today.
02:09:25 It lives on today, blood stained Olivey says. Jews like to hide their involvement in crimes as we.
02:09:32 No.
02:09:33 But are there things that they like to take credit for that they did not commit in order to manufacture resentment? I'm suggesting they use this to time exoduses when opportunities dry up.
02:09:47 I'm not aware of any of those things beyond just like, you know, like.
02:09:50 A rabbi.
02:09:51 You know, painting, you know. **** on a on a synagogue and blaming white supremacist or something like that to get attention.
02:10:01 I don't know if they've ever, like, tried to fake an atrocity. I don't. I don't know how that would work or why they would do that. Why wouldn't they just leave look like they're doing OK in terms of of fomenting resentment on their own? I don't think they have to fake anything so.
02:10:15 You know.
02:10:17 Man of low moral fiber. Hey, Deb. Thanks for the string. Always look forward to it. I saw that you compared Zendaya to Tokyo from Breaking Bad on Twitter.
Speaker 9
02:10:28 Yeah. You know what though, you.Devon Stack
02:10:30 Can you tell me I'm sure.02:10:31 Somewhere you guys saw this already?
02:10:34 Come on, I mean.
02:10:37 I thought I'm not joking. I thought it was Tuco when I I.
02:10:43 I wasn't looking closely at the photo.
02:10:46 I just happened to be, you know, browsing quickly down the down the feed.
02:10:54 And I where? Why is it?
02:10:56 Not saying where I told it to go.
02:10:59 Oh yeah, it should be there.
02:11:06 There it is.
02:11:11 Ah, what? You know I should do it a different way.
02:11:15 Let me do it this way.
02:11:27 Of course, now it doesn't want to be there.
02:11:31 Alright, whatever. **** it do this way. You can't tell me.
Speaker 12
02:11:37 Let me size it.Devon Stack
02:11:41 You can't tell me that they don't look.02:11:45 Almost identical.
02:11:47 Like when I was scrolling down I.
02:11:49 Thought it was Tuco.
02:11:52 And then you know for like a split second. And then I was like, oh, holy ****.
02:11:58 It looked like ******* Tuco in my brain for like a split second.
02:12:04 Yeah, Zendaya looks like.
02:12:06 You know, Mexican gangster.
02:12:09 Anyway, what was said? You said? I remember donating, asking why you thought they were portraying her beautiful months ago made me laugh. They've been doing it for years. Even Jessica Alba was ugly. Which one is she again? Jessica Alba.
02:12:26 That sounds familiar, and I'm sure when I see her, I'll recognize her.
02:12:30 Because they always they always push, you know.
02:12:33 The here's the IT girl.
Speaker 9
02:12:38 Yeah, she's, I mean, but come on.Devon Stack
02:12:39 She's not nearly as bad.02:12:45 You know, she's not my thing, but like ******* hell. Like the Zendaya is just like a monster.
02:12:54 Jessica Alba at least looks like a normal person.
02:12:57 Man of low moral fiber. Also, I remember something in the early 2000s showing Combs on tour within sink.
02:13:08 I don't remember that it was clear and obvious even to a kid that he was ******* those guys, most likely similar to the video of young DiCaprio with that older guy. Extremely creepy.
02:13:22 Oh yeah. No, I I yeah, I promise you.
Speaker 9
02:13:25 My guess? Look, he's probably.Devon Stack
02:13:26 ****** Obama, you know, like, like for reals.02:13:30 There was a I guess there's an influencer named Fat Jew like there's an influencer named Fat Jew who has a.
02:13:38 A tattoo of the Star of David made-up of pizza slices on his arm.
02:13:45 I've never heard of this guy until the day, apparently he's.
02:13:50 He's one of the the the Jews, black people like or something. And so he ends up at black things. But he's literally called Fat Jew and he was on a podcast saying that he walked in on a gay **** scenario at one of Puff Daddy's parties. Like he opened like he was looking for a bathroom.
02:14:10 And he opened up a door and it was like a room full.
02:14:12 Of black dudes spooning.
02:14:14 Basically.
02:14:15 Naked.
02:14:17 So.
02:14:19 Yeah, I'm. I'm sure, like Obama, lots of other famous black dudes. If they haven't participated, at the very least they've known about it.
02:14:32 Man of low moral fiber.
02:14:34 Also, I remember something earlier. I just read that.
02:14:38 Empire wind rush. That was a good streaming data. Academic agent boomers seem to believe that their prosperity is due to them seeing themselves as the main characters in their own stories and not just being born in the right place and time, economically speaking.
02:14:57 Also, something something, something something cup flake millennial pronouns.
02:15:05 Cups flake. I don't know what.
02:15:07 That is, you mean Snowflake.
02:15:11 I understand your the last sentence of your thing here, but yes, they they think that they are. They are. They weren't the the inheritors of anything great. They were the creators of something great. And that's why it's all going to go to **** when they die. Because they're the only ones keeping it all together.
02:15:30 Fact.
02:15:35 Now, just ask Greenblatt's deli. I don't know why that popped in my head. It cracks me up that it was called Greenblatt's Deli. Like, that's literally where they where they were hanging out.
02:15:47 Let's see here mile reads Saturn.
02:15:52 Westerners who idolized 90s are doing out of nostalgia for a time U.S. military might had omnipresent influence across the globe, and their lives were far simpler and cheaper. As a result, harder lives now, as the West must compete with the rivals that want to develop using the same.
02:16:12 Cheap dirty resources.
02:16:15 Yeah, that's part of it. Like I said, it was just, it was no picnic. I mean, I think a lot of the people that have that nostalgia, we're like 7 in the 90s and that's why they have nostalgia. I'm sorry. No, no matter when when it is, when you're seven, life is just.
02:16:30 Easier.
02:16:31 You know, life is life is more fun. It's like when.
02:16:34 These people, they.
02:16:35 Hyper chatter, they just ask me like you think it's too bad to have kids in this kind of environment. No kids think everything's great.
02:16:43 You know, it's like.
02:16:45 It's like classified cat, right? He's like a stupid, furry, ******** kid, and if I give him, if I go to the store and I buy him a cat toy like a like, I don't do this anymore. But when I first got I, I was like, oh, I should get them, I guess something to.
02:17:01 Keep.
02:17:01 Him busy and I'd give them like a like a $50.
02:17:04 High tech cat toy and he'd be.
02:17:06 Really into it for like a a day and.
02:17:08 You hate it and then you you you know, you see him playing with the ******* toilet paper roll or something like that. He just likes garbage. When I was a kid, I was like the same way. If I had a a like a complicated toy that my parents got from like Toys-R-Us or RadioShack or something, it'd be fun for like a week or two. And then I would take it apart and.
02:17:29 The border or whatever, but you give me a refrigerator box and I would turn that thing.
02:17:33 Into like a.
02:17:33 Little Fort and.
02:17:34 You know, kids don't know that they're poor.
02:17:39 Kids don't know that that you know that the world is scary and crazy. I mean, look, if you expose them to that **** unnecessarily, they do. But it's it's anything you can be nostalgic for. Anything. There's people. I guarantee you that we're infants or younger during.
02:17:59 The war time to think back.
02:18:00 To like you know the the.
02:18:02 Good parts of that.
02:18:03 Right.
02:18:04 Because it's not. Nothing's ever all bad. And and if you were a kid in the 90s, look, I was a kid in the 90s, so I get it right. I look back to the 90s and you know what you're thinking like? Oh, yeah, Nintendo and and, you know, like, it just you didn't have a job and you have to pay taxes or, you know, I mean, you have any responsibility.
02:18:24 You you had.
02:18:25 You maybe having a curfew like you had to be home by 10 or something like that, and that was it. Like that was your big, you know, turn your homework in and be home by 10. And like those are, that's the big stuff you have to worry about.
02:18:38 So yeah.
02:18:40 Let's see here.
02:18:42 Truth forge, right? Truth Forge might get the. Let's see if you get the sand gorilla.
Speaker 5
02:18:49 No.Devon Stack
02:18:56 That's the the drinky drink. Gorilla. Hey, Dave. Great show as always. Any comment on the Gab meme charge?02:19:05 I understand why Torba is doing what you're talking is Gah, will no longer be able to host images or videos without you being like a gab pro person or something like that. I get it. If you are having to host all of your data yourself, that's expensive.
02:19:25 And Gabe's not making any money or not very much.
02:19:29 And they haven't successfully yet. Remember, they didn't successfully monetize YouTube or Twitter, or a lot of these things. I mean, they lost hundreds of millions of dollars until they actually turned a profit. And Torba doesn't have billionaire Jews pumping his pockets full of dough. So.
02:19:49 It's just, you know, you got to do what you got to do.
02:19:54 It's just it's an I get why he's doing it. Like, is it awesome? No, obviously not. It's probably not great for the traffic on the platform even.
02:20:05 But it's, you know, what do you what do you what? What's the choice, right.
02:20:11 If people want to keep it.
02:20:12 They'll pay for it. You know what I mean?
02:20:14 Man of low moral fiber. And finally, if you have time, it might be worth looking into get him to the Greek.
02:20:22 Where Combs basically plays a less violent version of himself.
02:20:28 It's a lot creepier and more disgusting when you know how he actually is.
02:20:35 Yeah, I I I wonder I.
02:20:37 Feel like I saw that or something. Or maybe it was playing at a friend's house when I was at a.
02:20:41 Party or something like that, that.
02:20:45 Yeah, I may be worth looking into, but yeah, that's that's often have a.
02:20:52 They they dispel the rumors about themselves as they act out an extreme version of it in.
02:20:58 A movie.
02:21:00 Let's see here. Lowly scribe in God's army. Great show. I was overseas or overseas and the army and, well, I guess kind of overseas to.
02:21:07 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:21:11 During most of the 90s, so I missed all this. The wiggers in my high school were listening.02:21:16 To Public Enemy.
Speaker 5
02:21:18 I.Devon Stack
02:21:20 Yeah, I mean, I don't know what label they were with, but I think there's probably a very similar story behind every single one of these.02:21:27 Clicks, you know clicks, posses clams and crews.
02:21:33 Empire Windrush also yes I am very cool because my name is being read out on this hip stream. I don't know about that, but you know.
02:21:44 No one said you were cool, man of low moral fiber regarding the word for someone who does autopsies. I believe the word is corner. That's right. That was the word I was trying to think of. They do it for the state, and it's just a pathologist. When they do it as a private practice. Yeah. Yeah. So that guy.
02:22:04 They hired me was like this is I wrote it down. It's Ed something. It's like. It's like a very normal, you know, goy sounding name. It's like Ed Johnson or Ed Wilson or, you know, something like that. And they hired him. And before he could again, I don't know.
02:22:20 But he he also just kind of dropped dead of like a heart attack or something.
02:22:23 Like that.
02:22:25 So it's like, yeah, maybe if if if all these other people are dropping dead, what what's one more, right?
02:22:32 And look, there's also something to be said about the relationship that that might very well exist between the federal government and Puff Daddy. You think or Mossad and Puff Daddy honestly. Like, it doesn't have to be our government. It could be a foreign government and Puff Daddy.
02:22:51 Right. And they had they had Epstein. Why not have a black Epstein? Why not have lots of black epsteins, right?
02:22:58 Why not control it? Why not control him?
02:23:02 Who, using the same tactics that cause look, he fits the bill, right? He's.
02:23:07 Like a weird.
02:23:08 Short, I mean, did you see like him standing next to that, that that his ex-wife or whatever, he's a manlet. So he's this tiny little manlet and he is a sexual degenerate.
02:23:24 And that that's he didn't have a dad or his dad was gone his entire life. He he fits the the profile exactly for the kind of person that you'd want.
02:23:35 As a as an asset, and then the fact that he has as much social influence as he does. **** yeah, he's probably working for the feds or somebody, not just Clive Davis anymore. He's probably working whoever Clive Davis was working for, you know what I mean?
02:23:52 And look, yeah, his first job.
02:23:56 Good old good old grandpa of Merrick Garland's wife.
02:24:03 Uh. Let's see here, Ella Nomad says Devin. This is why you need to deep dive the Masons. I will bet money Diddy was a Prince Hall Mason, and that had a lot to do with why none of this was investigated.
02:24:22 When you have a wrapper, the DA, the city medical examiner, the police chief, etc, all meeting once a week.
02:24:29 At a large.
02:24:30 Weird things happen.
02:24:31 I mean it's possible, but again I I don't think Masons quite have the same influence that they once had, but maybe I'm totally wrong. I don't know that's the problem with the Masons though, too. It's hard to find.
02:24:44 A lot of information on the Masons, I mean, aside from like what everyone else kind of already knows, trying to find current membership lists and things like that would be, I think in many ways you would just kind of be guessing.
02:24:57 Zazzy Mataz bot thanks and that's of course. You know, I had pictures of them wearing rings and stuff like that. Zazi mattas. But thanks for doing these deep dives. Much has been said about black and white crime rates, but of the white, something to think about is what do many of those whites sound like when they talk?
02:25:17 What style clothes do they wear?
02:25:20 What music do you listen to?
02:25:21 No.
02:25:23 Who do they emulate and admire? Well, you're right. The white trash criminals that are that you would see on episodes of cops.
02:25:31 Would often be bumping the chronic album in their 87 Honda Accord.
02:25:42 Age of anxiety and Japan. There are Japanese nationalists who are against Koreans living in their country.
02:25:51 And from an American outside or outside point of view, their cultural differences look minor compared to the cultural differences of whites, blacks, pagets, etcetera. They understand that diversity is suicide.
02:26:07 OK, in Japanese regions?
02:26:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:26:16 Koreans and Japanese people do hate each other.
02:26:20 You know the the Koreans are always complaining about the comfort women and the and the strawberries. Apparently. Apparently Koreans think Japanese stole the strawberries from them. I don't, I don't.
02:26:33 Corner Korean I know there was like it was a sore subject, the strawberries.
02:26:39 And the and the comfort women was a big deal. I don't know what the Japanese are mad about. I'm sure. I mean, sure, maybe like World War Two stuff or something, I don't know.
02:26:50 But yeah, it's they have a healthy amount of racism. I just hope they are able to maintain it. That's that's called an immune system. And the 2nd that goes, you know, say goodbye to your society.
02:27:04 Bill Monigan will Bill Monaghan get the sad gorilla?
Speaker 11
02:27:12 It's.Speaker 21
02:27:12 Negative.Devon Stack
02:27:20 How sad, gorilla.02:27:23 Great work again, Sir. Did you come across any credible suggestions that any intelligence agencies were involved in elevating hip hop culture the way they popularized hippie culture? Well, see, that's The thing is, of course, there were lots of black podcasters going.
02:27:40 Illuminati you know Illuminati ****.
02:27:42 And.
02:27:43 And there's a lot of Jews involved in this. And like I told, you know, it showed you the.
02:27:47 Connection it's it's a.
02:27:48 Little. Yeah, it's it's it is pretty far connection, but it shows you the proximity that all these people are all in the same kind of.
02:27:56 You know, there's not a lot of of separation between Merrick Garland, for example, and and Puff Daddy like, you know, in around about sort of way and probably there's probably connections that connect them even closer given his notoriety and whatnot. I I would not be surprised if, like I said, intelligence agencies, foreign or domestic.
02:28:16 They both were involved.
02:28:18 And did I find any evidence of it? No. The only evidence I found were people talking about, and it was hard to find any kind of record of this. But several different, unconnected people talking about him being investigated by the FBI for underage sex parties and that that investigation.
02:28:38 It was just it just evaporated and went away, and that was supposedly from like five 5-10 years ago. I didn't find anything about that though it was. But again I was.
02:28:50 I I didn't have time to like there. There's so many sub.
02:28:55 Rabbit holes within this rabbit hole and it's so hard to just get a coherent story as to like what the hell is going on with all this.
02:29:02 That I I had to like, you know, rein it in in some places where I was like, I was getting too out there.
02:29:08 But I wouldn't be surprised at all. Would not be surprised at all.
02:29:13 Mile resetter.
02:29:15 What do you think of Brett Weinstein's boogeyman depiction of the unfriendly Chinese?
02:29:22 Migrants coming N towards the US border a bit weird the way he targeted them and was completely fine with everyone else just walking into this country. I haven't seen the clip, but if I had to guess, it's because Asians will compete with Jews and Mexicans won't. It's as simple.
02:29:40 That he's he Brett Weinstein is no stranger to in Group preference and doing what's good for Jews and and ****, you know, whatever happens to white people. And so I could see him zeroing in on the Asians as a problem because look what look what the Asians are doing with the Jewish admissions and and quotas with.
02:30:00 Ivy League schools, right? They're suing because they're being they're not being allowed in at the same rates that the Jews are, he said. They're they're competing with Jews for their, their their places and elite positions.
02:30:16 So that's what I mean. Again, I haven't seen the clip before to guess that's that would be where his heads at Jakes channel. Devin, can I recommend angry north.
02:30:26 An independent musician from the UK who has made a lot of great protest songs against the COVID tyranny and trans tyranny, he surprisingly still on YouTube and band camp but criminally interviewed. Thank you. We'll watch the replay for everyone. You can check out angry north.
02:30:45 I will open it up in a tab and I'll check.
02:30:48 It out afterwards.
Speaker 10
02:30:50 As soon as.Devon Stack
02:30:50 I.02:30:52 Find my tabs and I got too many freaking tabs over here.
02:30:55 Feeling that.Devon Stack
02:30:57 Angry N all right.02:31:00 Jive Turkey well jive Turkey.
02:31:05 Get the sad?
02:31:07 Gorilla.
02:31:10 Negative.
Speaker 19
02:31:11 As far as.02:31:12 I can see.
Speaker 6
02:31:13 Where? Where?Devon Stack
02:31:17 No sad, I don't know.02:31:19 Which one it is?
02:31:21 My favorite one though. I gotta go to have break me off a half $1,000,000. You want a half $1,000,000.
Speaker 2
02:31:30 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
02:31:35 There's your half $1,000,000 Poly frog.02:31:40 Poly frog 64.
Speaker 22
02:31:42 Cash flow checkout.Devon Stack
02:31:49 I'd like to return this duck.02:31:52 Polly Frog, 64, says. I think when people say we should go back to.
Speaker 9
02:31:56 The 1990s.Devon Stack
02:31:58 What they really mean is they want to go back to being a majority white country.02:32:04 The 1990s was just as disgusting and subversive as today. The only difference is back then we were a majority white country. I would say that, and I would say it was. It was also before the religiosity of the country had really been kicked.
02:32:21 In the balls.
02:32:24 As I've mentioned before, it's like if you know the first season of or even the first seasons of Simpsons, they are poking fun at the church. But The Simpsons are regularly attending church, and it's not outright war against going. The idea of going to church. It's just making it.
02:32:41 Sound boring and lame, right?
02:32:43 But they're not outright like they do now, you know, attacking it. And that was a common thing, like in other sitcoms, even you had the people attending church.
02:32:54 And and making references to God and things like that. And even if it was kind of, you know, unspecific, you know it's fine.
02:33:02 And then you have.
02:33:03 A lot of the atheism kind of kick in that I think accelerated things towards the end of the 90s.
02:33:13 Uh. Let's see here, Bill Monaghan.
02:33:18 Bill Monaghan, will you get the sad gorilla?
Speaker 14
02:33:28 Why?Devon Stack
02:33:29 Like running out of gorilla? Someone's.02:33:31 Got to get it.
02:33:33 I'll be glad when I no longer have to share the potato clip with the spaghetti. Well. There you go, Bill Monigan.
02:33:44 Yeah, you can never. You'll never be able to get the the stink of mozzarella out of that out of that meme once they've been in there, American life 702, Devin, you should review higher learning. I think I have.
02:33:59 The one with Michelle Pfeiffer.
02:34:02 Where Michelle or Michael Rappaport plays a Nazi Skinhead school shooter. Also notable, Laurence Fishburne's pronunciation of pursuit of happiness in his fake African accent.
02:34:15 It I'm I know. I've. I don't know if I did like a whole stream on it, but I.
02:34:20 Know I've talked about that movie before.
02:34:26 If that's the one that isn't, that's the one that it has Michelle Pfeiffer, right where she goes and teaches the black kids how.
02:34:31 To be humans.
02:34:35 Let me look this up.Devon Stack
02:34:37 I'm pretty sure that's the one, right?Speaker 10
02:34:41 I know this.02:34:41 Is maybe is this a different one?
Speaker 9
02:34:47 Oh no. This is the weird.Devon Stack
02:34:49 Red Man Method Man one right or?02:35:00 Yeah, OK. Now let's go, OK.
Speaker 9
02:35:08 OK, I don't know if.Devon Stack
02:35:09 I've seen this one actually.02:35:13 OK. I mean, I thought for some reason higher learning was the Michelle Pfeiffer 1.
02:35:19 Mine might be something to look at. I I don't know how that would have slipped the cracks like.
02:35:26 Because I it looks familiar like I know I saw the trailer for that at some point in my life, but maybe I didn't see it.
02:35:34 Huh. We'll take.
Speaker 6
02:35:36 A look, uh.Devon Stack
02:35:38 Zur zum.02:35:46 Let's see. Let's see what the robot says.
02:35:51 Robot says.
Speaker 10
02:35:54 Zoom 525.Devon Stack
02:35:55 Alright, zoom it.02:35:56 Is appreciate your work well, I appreciate.
02:35:59 The support zum Cruise Cross says completely random. However, any plans for the Eclipse and April?
02:36:08 I was not aware there was any clips in April. I don't really track eclipses.
02:36:12 Where where is, where is it happening at?
Speaker 10
02:36:18 Give me a second.Devon Stack
02:36:20 Eclipse in April.02:36:25 It's a total eclipse.
02:36:27 Where is it going to go?
02:36:30 It looks like it's going to go across the Southern states, but not the southwestern states. It looks like it's going to be.
Speaker 9
02:36:39 All right, now on.Devon Stack
02:36:42 Where's the?02:36:48 No, it's. Yeah, it's going to go across like.
02:36:51 Like Southeast Texas through.
02:36:58 Yeah, I'm not really going to be able to see that. I know I'm, you know, I'll be able.
02:37:02 To see it, kind of.
02:37:05 But I'm not going to be able to see it that that much. The only people that going to.
02:37:10 Be able to see that you'll.
02:37:11 See it if you're in.
02:37:13 Parts of Oklahoma.
02:37:16 Missouri. I got friends in Missouri. They'll see it for sure. In fact, it's going like right over their ******* house.
02:37:25 Illinois. Yeah, I mean in Maine, I guess if you're in Maine, you'll see it pretty good.
02:37:32 But yeah, it's not really going to be in my neck of the woods, so I don't.
02:37:36 Think it'll be that impressive?
02:37:39 But yeah, eclipses are cool. Kind of irrefutably proves the shape of the earth is not what ******* think.
02:37:48 But you know, they're ******** so.
02:37:50 What are you gonna do?
02:37:52 You know what, I.
02:37:53 Mean so all right, rumble.
02:37:59 Uh, let's see here. I'm scrolling up because I forgot to hit the stupid ramp button.
02:38:06 Here we go.
Speaker 10
02:38:08 Bree.Devon Stack
02:38:09 Loco says African drive by small dono looking forward to the replay, thank you for always providing the highest quality content on the interwebs. Well, I appreciate that.02:38:23 And I'm scrolling up. There was another one that said some became a.
02:38:28 Monthly supporter, which I don't know how.
02:38:30 That works, but I guess.
02:38:33 That's cool. Where does it say that again?
02:38:37 Here we are.
02:38:38 Jake.
02:38:41 Husband.
02:38:42 That was me, Hudson, but Jake Husdon is now a monthly supporter. So thank you, Jake.
02:38:49 Husband which?
02:38:52 I don't even know how that works, but I'll have to figure out.
02:38:56 And I believe.
02:38:59 That is it.
Speaker 18
02:39:03 All right.Devon Stack
02:39:05 Cool. Where are we at now time.02:39:09 Wise. Yeah, it's.
02:39:10 A little short tonight. It's a little short tonight, not super short. We've done shorter ones recently. Yeah, it was just exhausting. Guys. Sorry. It was like 10 hours in and I'm just like, ****. I'm never going to make it.
02:39:22 I'm never going to make it to the 300 page lawsuit stuff. I just, you know, I'll just I you know it is.
Speaker 10
02:39:28 What it is?Devon Stack
02:39:30 But this is, you know, like I said and like I said to that hyper chatter, you know, you don't want white women going and loving black guys, then white don't have white guys idolizing them either.02:39:41 That's probably the first step I would say.
02:39:44 OK. And This is why this is the kind of **** you get when you just peek behind the curtain. This is the kind of **** you get. And look, The funny thing is, even black people get it right. Black people get that. All their famous people are basically Illuminati devil worshipping crazies like they they all believe it. They all believe it like.
02:40:04 They have their own version of QQ ship and and 90% of it is crap, but there that there's that 10%. Well, they're right. Yeah, they they are kind of just.
02:40:14 You know, satanic pedophiles like Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding. So yeah, just keep that in mind and.
02:40:24 Always remember.
02:40:27 Now this is Black History Month.
02:40:31 And while this is part of black history.
02:40:35 Don't let that solely your view.
02:40:38 Of the contributions that blacks have made.
02:40:42 To western culture.
02:40:45 For black pills, I am of course.
Speaker 21
02:40:49 Dim stack.Speaker 23
02:40:53 Today we use tools and objects in the home and school and on the way to work and at play that were invented by African Americans. Items like the traffic light lawn mower and the pencil sharpener. Each invention example of the creativity, aspirations and struggles that have shaped our country when all Americans come to know these inventors, we will have a greater understanding and respect for America and all of its citizens.02:41:16 The impact these black inventors had on society can be seen by watching this episode of a popular television series.
Speaker 2
02:41:24 Your next stop, the twilight zone.Numbers Lady
02:41:29 Mom, can I spend the night over at Michael's? We have.Speaker 9
02:41:31 To.02:41:31 Work on our.
Speaker 22
02:41:31 Project. Well, I guess it's OK, it's.02:41:34 Friday night. But you better check.
02:41:35 With your father first.
Speaker 16
02:41:40 What's wrong, dad?Speaker 24
02:41:42 Well, junior, I didn't sleep well last night. I got a.02:41:45 Crick.
02:41:45 In my neck. Is it alright if I spend the night with Mike?
02:41:48 Michael.
02:41:50 Isn't he?
02:41:51 Black what difference does that?
02:41:53 Make the difference is I don't want you staying.
Speaker 16
02:41:55 Over there, he's my best friend. If he wasn't black, could I stay over then?Speaker 24
02:42:00 That's not the case, is it? Look, every morning I pick up this paper and all I read about is affirmative action.02:42:06 We're giving them jobs. They don't.
02:42:07 Even have qualified for.
02:42:09 It was up to me. I wish they'd all.
Speaker 22
02:42:11 It's disappeared. That's an awful thing to say, your father.02:42:15 'S just kidding.
Speaker 24
02:42:16 Oh no, I'm not kidding. Look, if I woke up that door this morning and they're all gone, then that's.02:42:22 All right with me.
02:42:32 Hey, have you seen my cold? Jenny, have you seen my cold?
Speaker 22
02:42:37 No, I haven't just used my brush dear.Speaker 24
02:42:43 I can't find the brush either. Are you sure?02:42:47 Junior, have you been in our?
Speaker 16
02:42:48 Stuff again. No, I haven't been in your stuff there.Speaker 22
02:42:52 Junior. Just let your father use your coat.Speaker 16
02:42:59 Hey, Michael is gone too. I used it this morning.02:43:05 Do you know what happened to the Combs?
02:43:07 And their brush? How?
02:43:08 Are we supposed to know you see a black man, Walter Simmons? And then they come and Lydia Newman, a black woman, and then the brush when he wished all black people disappeared. Their inventions disappeared. Awesome. That's a weird story. Just like your dreams.
Speaker 22
02:43:23 Junior, I thought I told you to sweep up the bathroom so that I can mop I.02:43:27 Can't find the dust pan.
02:43:36 I can't find the mop either.
Speaker 16
02:43:42 Don't tell me. Let me get it. Black people invented the dust pan and the monk. Lloyd Ray, the Dustin and Thomas Stewart. The mop for real.Speaker 24
02:43:53 Hey, Annie, have you heard my shirt yet? I'm coming running late this morning.Speaker 22
02:43:58 I can't find the ironing board. I used it this morning to IMG your shirt and now I can't find it. Why don't you go get your shirt out of the dryer like.02:44:06 It junior to look for it.
Speaker 24
02:44:12 Hey, the drive's gone.Speaker 3
02:44:16 What the hell is?Speaker 24
02:44:17 Going on around here.Speaker 16
02:44:22 Even the ironing board and George standing.Speaker 22
02:44:26 Here so you can hear this.Speaker 24
02:44:28 Share us out here. Hey, junior, can you?Speaker 19
02:44:31 Hear me code that refrigerator.Speaker 16
02:44:41 Bad news, dad. The refrigerator's gone.Speaker 22
02:44:44 Frigerator's gone. It's gone. It can't be. I just got no get it this morning.Speaker 24
02:44:51 It is going else can go wrong today.Speaker 22
02:44:54 Dad, don't hurt your sore.Speaker 24
02:44:56 Neck. Forget about my neck.02:44:59 I'll call the police as soon as I turn.
02:45:00 Up this air conditioner.
02:45:04 Wait a?
02:45:04 Minute.
02:45:05 There goodness is.
02:45:06 Gone. We've been robbed. Call the police. We've been robbed down. Now 11. Don't just stand there down, #1.
Speaker 16
02:45:15 Do you know what the world of the story was?