02/03/2024Numbers Lady
00:00:00 13297.Speaker
00:00:04 So.Numbers Lady
00:00:05 132-976-0318.00:00:16 60318.
00:00:20 26319.
00:00:25 263-193-7842, 378-428-0120.
00:00:44 80120.
00:00:49 78362.
00:00:54 78362.
00:00:59 37425.
Speaker 2
00:01:41 Mr.00:01:50 Mary setting and the people don't know where the world is heading. The cream of the crop of the blue Bloods and a class with everything that you'll remember.
00:02:03 Doesn't seem a minute when your new credit card doesn't have a limit. No change. Don't you know that when you pay at this level, there's no ordinary menu? It's Acapulco or Westminster or Andres or Lupe.
Speaker 3
00:02:22 Between.Speaker 2
00:02:38 This town's never like another. When you head down over West paces, looking at this place, it's a state of mind.Speaker 4
00:02:42 It's.Speaker 2
00:02:53 I'm like you're talking to a tourist who buys a rose from a sidewalk florist. I get my kicks at Texas State lines sometime.00:03:12 Johnny's hideaway.
00:03:25 Next to me.
00:03:47 This is gonna be the witness to the ultimate test of social fitness. This drives me more than what a Lily skirted a BMW like. God, I'm only watching the girls afford again. I don't see you guys dating daddy's girls. I'm contemplating. I'll let you watch. I would invite you. But.
00:04:06 Danny time balls would not excite you.
00:04:09 So you better go back to your cafes, your mansions, you love it, stickers.
00:04:20 Before they close.
Speaker 5
00:04:41 Close.Speaker 6
00:05:09 In this studio, part of the city, when the Sun refused to share, people tell me there ain't in frame.00:05:25 Now, my girl, you're so young and pretty.
00:05:29 And one thing I saw it through, if it did fool you.
Speaker 3
00:05:40 Watch my daddy's face. Watch this. He's been working, explaining his life for four years.00:05:58 Still working.
Speaker 7
00:06:23 Is a better life for me.00:06:26 You.
Speaker 6
00:06:34 Now my girl, you soon. And one thing I know is, you know.Speaker 3
00:06:49 Watch my daddy and.00:06:53 Watch this happen.
00:07:01 I know he's been working so hard.
00:07:06 I've been working.
Speaker 7
00:07:32 Better life for me and somehow.Speaker 3
00:07:37 Somewhere, baby.Speaker 7
00:07:43 We gotta.Speaker 3
00:07:47 If it's elastic.Speaker 7
00:07:56 For me and.Speaker 3
00:07:59 Leaving baby.Speaker 6
00:08:04 You know what too?Devon Stack
00:08:19 Welcome to the insomnia stream.00:08:22 Little Vietnam edition. I'm your host, of course. Devon stack.
00:08:28 Tonight we're going to talk about a little city.
00:08:32 By the name of Atlanta Hotlanta, as they call it these days.
00:08:38 Good old hotlanta.
00:08:40 As we celebrate Black History Month, it's only fitting.
00:08:45 That we go over some of the uh.
00:08:49 One of the black history in this country.
00:08:51 Including Atlanta's first black mayor.
00:08:56 And the events surrounding his administration.
00:09:00 We've talked about in the past about the.
00:09:04 The Great ***** migration.
00:09:07 As blacks from the South migrated to big cities and.
00:09:12 Well, ruined them for lack of a better term.
00:09:17 And the impact the other they had on those cities, you know, in terms of crime, economics, housing, etcetera.
00:09:27 And we've also on this stream we've talked about or we've covered rather Ken Burns documentaries at great length.
00:09:37 Ken Burns, who uh hates him. Some white people for sure.
00:09:44 Is raising his daughter to, I think, take over once he's gone.
00:09:50 PBS, of course. Happy to.
00:09:54 To produce and and air her her latest work, or actually it's her latest work. But one of her more recent works.
00:10:06 Talking about the Atlanta Housing Authority.
00:10:12 So when I go over this documentary a little bit and we're going to go into this going kind of a long one guys, I'm just going to warn you right now.
00:10:20 Get ready, get.
00:10:21 Get your get your beverage and you know, get get comfortable, get comfy. Or if you're, you know, like the other night, the guy that was.
00:10:28 On the road.
00:10:29 Trip that we're we're going to cover some miles, I guess for you.
00:10:34 So let's go ahead and just dive right in, because we got, we got a lot of lot.
00:10:38 OK.
00:10:39 To cover here.
00:10:41 So the the the documentary opens up.
00:10:46 Explaining that in 1970.
00:10:49 The Atlanta Housing Authority opened a 650 unit public housing project.
00:10:56 Called E Lake meadows.
00:10:59 Oh, it's so nice that that name E Lake Meadows, it's like soda SOPA.
00:11:06 Super.
00:11:08 It's very nice and this is an aerial look. This is when I first completed it. It looks really, you know it looks.
00:11:15 Like a nice little housing development row houses row houses like apartments, I guess.
00:11:23 And they talk about the history of East Lake Meadows.
00:11:30 And the the residents there and and what happened to East Lake Meadows eventually?
00:11:35 Like.Devon Stack
00:11:36 So here's here's kind of how it opens up.Speaker 10
00:11:41 When we moved to East Lake Meadows, that was just like heaven to us.00:11:47 We went from.
00:11:48 No food and no heat and five to a room to bedrooms where you can go wash your clothes. Everything in the house you will warm.
Devon Stack
00:12:01 Oh, so so far so good. You know, it looks like that's all a lot of these black people, these poor.00:12:06 Black people needed.
00:12:08 They just needed that often. You see this right the way that they talk about it is. Well, because of slavery, because the impacts, the social impacts of slavery.
00:12:19 Yeah. That's why they have affirmative action, right?
00:12:23 They they just need to leg up, you know, they just need a a a head start, a little bit of a, you know, some preferential treatment.
00:12:31 So, so far so good. You know, it says it's great. We went from no heating.
00:12:37 To having their own bedroom. Everything's nice. OK, sounds. You know, so far so good.
Speaker 11
00:12:50 Residents say that drug dealers are all over the East Lake meadows.Speaker 12
00:12:54 You hear the gunshots going off all the time. All you can.Speaker 13
00:12:57 Do is grab your kids.Speaker 14
00:13:05 It was just this chaos. It was called Little Vietnam by the police for good reason.Devon Stack
00:13:13 Well, hold on. So, so and and it immediately went straight to hell and.00:13:20 It's called Little Vietnam now. Alright, well.
00:13:24 That's not good, but.
00:13:27 Maybe they there's a reason for this.
Speaker 14
00:13:29 And was just viewed as irredeemable. It was just it was a place that was beyond the capacity that anybody could imagine things being different.Speaker 15
00:13:32 Right.Speaker 16
00:13:38 We were all saying that.00:13:39 They need to do something.
00:13:40 About.
Speaker 4
00:13:40 These this place they need to fix it up.Speaker 17
00:13:43 Or do something.Devon Stack
00:13:45 Now that's going to be the theme of tonight.00:13:48 They need to fix it up or do something.
00:13:53 And they created this housing development where blacks were were welcomed in.
00:13:58 And they moved in and within a very short period of time, it became like Vietnam.
00:14:07 And the residents? Their response?
00:14:09 To it is they need to do something.
00:14:14 They need to do something.
00:14:17 That's the theme for tonight.
00:14:21 Well, they did do something. Eventually they ended up knocking it down.
00:14:26 They ended up bulldozing the entire ******* place because.
00:14:30 It was little Vietnam, but let's let's find out how we got to that point, right? Let's find out.
00:14:36 The story.
00:14:38 Of how we went from this wonderful utopian housing development to.
00:14:45 Vietnam, to my God, just just bulldoze the.
00:14:50 Whole ******* place down.
Speaker 18
00:14:52 We can agree that E Lake Meadows was a terrible place and we can then even agree that demolition was necessary. But if our first concern?Devon Stack
00:15:04 Another theme tonight, it's going to be Jews of.00:15:06 Course I mean.
00:15:09 Just you know, they they just always happen to be around when these things happen, right?
00:15:15 So anyway, let's see where this this general agrees that that yeah, it was a terrible place. It has to. It had to be knocked down.
00:15:22 It was terrible.
Speaker 12
00:15:24 But but but what now?Speaker 18
00:15:26 Was the residence of East Lake Meadows. Then the way we would have gone about it and the outcome would have been different.Devon Stack
00:15:36 Oh, OK. So he agrees that it was a terrible place. It had to be knocked down. It had to be destroyed.00:15:44 But you know, we just, we still we failed them. We failed. These black folks, apparently.
00:15:50 The the the we who I guess the woman was referring to is the they.
00:15:57 As whites we.
00:15:58 Have failed the black people yet again.
Speaker 19
00:16:03 We are not mature enough as a society. I think to look in the mirror and see how we manufactured American poverty, how we manufactured housing that was meant to seclude these poor people, and how we turned a blind eye to creating.00:16:23 To creating a middle class while simultaneously excluding people from it.
Devon Stack
00:16:30 Ohh so I guess it wasn't just a cheap housing for blacks, it was actually all an evil plan to keep black people down by giving them free housing.00:16:42 OK, well, now that the stage has been set, we get the, you know the title, the title card, E Lake Meadows, a public housing story.
00:16:52 And look, this is a story. That's it was.
00:16:54 Repeated all around the country.
00:16:57 All around the country, which is weird because it was all these different communities, all these major metropolitan areas that were previously white.
00:17:07 That went out of their way and spent millions and millions of dollars to try to accommodate these poor black people.
00:17:14 And yet somehow.
00:17:16 No matter where you look, no matter which part of the country the East Coast, the West Coast, the South.
00:17:23 The north.
00:17:25 It all ended up the same way.
00:17:28 It all ended up the same way.
00:17:31 So let's get into the history of this public housing. Maybe that'll give us some clues.
00:17:45 Uncle Sam starts clearing Atlanta slums in the plan to give modern dwellings to the poor. Secretary of the Interior Ecus fires the first blast.
Speaker 20
00:17:53 That's.Speaker 21
00:17:59 We think of public housing as a place where low income and mostly minority families.Speaker 11
00:18:04 Live.Speaker 21
00:18:05 That's not how public housing began in this.00:18:07 Country.
00:18:09 During the depression, many, many families lost their homes. They couldn't afford to pay rent, and so there's an enormous housing crisis.
00:18:16 In the country.
Devon Stack
00:18:19 So as that, as this new Jew just explained.00:18:23 It actually wasn't designed to house minorities.
00:18:27 There's a lot that I stick there though, because he says that when people think of public housing, they now think of minorities.
00:18:34 But that's not how it was originally intended.
00:18:38 Now, while I'm I'm not exactly sure his motivation for explaining it that way.
00:18:45 It's it's my interpretation of that is so when they sold the idea of creating public housing.
00:18:53 It was actually meant to house poor white people after the depression.
00:19:00 And not minorities.
00:19:02 And yet, somehow today, when you think of public housing, you think of minorities. Why is that? By the way, minorities, I guess, is becoming an outmoded term because they are rapidly.
00:19:13 Not the minority anymore. Some minorities will describe white people.
00:19:18 But be that as it may.
00:19:20 They go on and describe how after the you know with the New Deal they they create all this public housing and that the idea was it was temporary housing. So if you were a white family.
00:19:35 And you can tell the people they interview are.
00:19:37 Very upset by this if.
00:19:38 You were a white family.
00:19:40 It was like, you know, they you you were expected to maybe live there a couple of years while you saved up some money and then you could go on and.
00:19:50 And.
00:19:50 Build your own house.
00:19:52 But it was, it was thought as transitional house.
Speaker 9
00:19:55 Using.Devon Stack
00:19:56 Right. It was never, never expected that you would.00:19:59 Live there forever.
00:20:01 It was just like let's let's build some temporary housing so that these people who have lost their jobs because of the depression or, you know, the economic situation in the United States, we don't have this homelessness crisis that will, you know, be a problem. We'll build these cheap houses, they can live in for a little bit and then move on and.
00:20:21 Become productive members of society.
Speaker 12
00:20:24 City.Speaker 4
00:20:25 They want residents who fit a certain image. They present them as a middle class population. You'll see a mother in the starch dress and the perfect white apron in her kitchen with her appliances. They're telling everyone these people are low income, but they're the deserving poor.00:20:44 And deserving poor means you fit into this middle class image of respectability.
Devon Stack
00:20:52 As this new Jew just explains.00:20:55 As I told you, it's.
00:20:57 Jew after Jew after Jew.
Speaker 17
00:21:00 Yeah, it it.Devon Stack
00:21:01 She's just reiterating what I just said, that it was, but it's it's almost like she's saying it's like it's a bad thing that you have this house wife for the appliances and these they're they're expecting you to be respectable people.00:21:15 Right. That's how it's sold to the public.
00:21:20 We're making this housing for these respectable upward, you know, going to middle class eventually, people.
00:21:27 These young white families.
00:21:32 Well, that's not how it ends up.
Speaker 22
00:21:34 The government thought about public housing as a step up for families. You're working hard, so you're able to save and hopefully you know you live in public housing one or two years and you will then be able to move into.00:21:48 Your next step.
Devon Stack
00:21:50 That's all it was supposed to be. Temporary. Very temporary.00:21:55 So then they go on and explain that the reason why it became all black.
00:22:03 The reason why the the Whites.
00:22:06 Were no longer the the customers I guess of this service is that the evil federal government was guaranteeing loans and the evil federal government would only guarantee loans for mortgages for people that they thought would actually pay it back.
00:22:25 Now look, I think usury is a sin.
00:22:29 And I don't.
00:22:29 Think the government should should be participating in usury or you know, I think mortgage is is it's it's a it's a form of slavery, but whatever. That's the system that.
00:22:39 That was in place then and is in place now.
00:22:42 And because it's a managed risk type.
00:22:46 Where if you're a lender, you want to lend money to people who are going to pay it back. That's the whole idea. If you want to know why there was the housing crash of 2008, same thing they decided.
00:23:02 You know black people and other minorities weren't getting enough loans.
00:23:07 So just give a loan to literally anyone that shows up and people did.
00:23:13 And next thing you know, people aren't paying back their loans and next thing you know, lenders and you know, banking institutions start collapsing all over the place until the federal government came and stole more money from white middle class people and gave it to the bankers.
00:23:30 Because the black people and the other minorities were that they had loaned to.
00:23:34 Weren't paying it back, so they're saying though, that at this time, because of this caution.
00:23:43 This caution that the federal government had in guaranteeing loans.
00:23:48 And not wanting to just loan to anyone indiscriminately, that this was a form of racism. It was a form of racism.
00:23:58 And so the federal government was was facilitating the upward mobility of white people, allowing them to go out of poverty and and and move into these suburbs.
00:24:12 While at the same time forcing blacks into poverty.
00:24:19 By not not not guaranteeing loans at the same rate.
00:24:25 They even go so far as to blame the federal government for building freeways because their logic is because the federal government built freeways it it allowed white people to not have to live in the city.
00:24:42 And have facilitated white.
00:24:44 White because as blacks flock to these major cities.
00:24:49 Whites didn't want to move or want to live next to blacks.
Speaker 23
00:24:53 And they were.Devon Stack
00:24:53 Eager to move to these new suburbs that were popping up outside of the city.00:24:59 In these safer places and the argument here is Oh well. See, that's it's more systemic racism from the federal government because that the federal government hadn't built these interstates.
00:25:12 Then you wouldn't have the. The whites would be stuck with the blacks.
00:25:17 That's really the argument.
Speaker 24
00:25:18 The government enables the movement out to the suburbs through the rise of sure the Interstate Highway system started in 1956 is a huge boom that helps make suburban living possible in many cities across the country. They put those highways there, in some cases, to erase what regarded as black slums.Devon Stack
00:25:21 A look at our Geo infrastructure.Speaker 24
00:25:38 But always to try to keep white and black communities apart.Devon Stack
00:25:44 See, it was all a conspiracy.00:25:46 They were trying to keep.
00:25:48 Blacks and whites apart, it wasn't people self selecting. It wasn't white people choosing to leave.
00:25:55 It's odd because my understanding of history is integration was forced by the federal government.
00:26:03 So it's weird that somehow the federal government really wanted to keep whites and blacks separated, but that they sent the National Guard.
00:26:12 To integrate them at the end of a rifle.
00:26:17 But you know, what do I know, right? What do I know?
00:26:21 So they start talking about how the whites moved to escape these ghettos that were popping up all around them. They left the cities and as they left the cities, the people left were the black people who couldn't afford to live there.
00:26:38 And so, naturally, the housing that was the government housing that was available.
00:26:45 Was.
00:26:47 Theirs for the the choosing because there weren't whites anymore trying to live in this government housing because they didn't want to live in that close proximity with poor blacks.
00:26:58 They then talk about how there was this neighborhood.
00:27:02 There was very white.
00:27:05 Very white.
00:27:06 It was, uh, they had a golf course, very elite. It was called East Lake.
00:27:14 And had restrictive covenants.
00:27:18 And so the plan was because it was so white.
00:27:21 Let's let's get some black people in there.
Speaker 14
00:27:27 At the beginning of 1960s E Lake was this middle class and upper middle class white area of the city exclusively white. I think the numbers are if you go back and look at the 1960 census, there were 8000 white residents and nine African American.Devon Stack
00:27:46 8000 whites and nine just 9 not 9009 blacks.00:27:53 And East lake.
00:27:57 But which is weird because uh.
00:28:01 I I don't think it's like that anymore. Let's find out if it's like that anymore.
Speaker 24
00:28:09 Weren't able to buy homes in white neighborhoods across town because of the prevalence of what were known as restrictive covenants.Devon Stack
00:28:17 This is the restrictive covenants thing. So this is one of the rules here that we're on the books racial restrictions, no property and set addition shall be at anytime be sold, conveyed rented.00:28:28 Or leased in.
00:28:28 Whole or in part to any person or persons not of the white Caucasian race.
00:28:35 This is how based your country was in the 1960s. They knew what happened to neighborhoods when black people moved in, so as kind of part of your HOA or whatever, they made sure that you couldn't sell your house to a black family because if you did.
00:28:49 In row in the in the neighborhood.
Speaker 22
00:28:52 You know, you you.Devon Stack
00:28:53 Think it's bad when your neighbor is not, you know, mowing his lawn. Wait till Tyrone.00:28:56 Moves in next.
00:28:57 Door. So this is very important. No person other than one of the white or Caucasian race shall be permitted to occupy any property in set, addition or portion thereof, or billing therein, except a domestic servant actually employed by a person of the white or Caucasian race, where the latter isn't occupant of such property.
00:29:18 So they made allowances, if you?
00:29:20 Had a Manny, I guess.
00:29:22 She could. She could maybe stay the night.
00:29:27 And so they decided. Well, let's, that's all you know, that's that's old fashioned. We got to get these blacks and these ghettos into these exclusive neighbor.
Speaker 24
00:29:36 Foods.Devon Stack
00:29:38 There's another sign of the times here. It shows that this is a exclusive and restricted which meant.00:29:46 This neighborhood that they're building is is whites only.
Speaker 25
00:29:53 Next thing I know.00:29:55 It was for sale signs everywhere.
00:30:00 Everywhere.
00:30:01 I would say they gave away the community, sort of, you know, call it white flight.
00:30:10 She said the week after I moved in my House, 3 white people put their homes up for sale. They were pretty much giving away those houses.
Devon Stack
00:30:19 Now this is the odd thing too. This would actually benefit blacks.00:30:23 Right.
00:30:25 If the whole thing is we're trying to make things fair for blacks and we're trying to give them a chance.
00:30:31 White flight would actually be a benefit because whites were leaving and no whites wanted to purchase their homes.
00:30:38 So not only you know the the Whites leave, but they were having to sell their homes at cut throat rates.
00:30:45 Because they were having to basically sell to blacks because no white wanted to move there.
00:30:51 So this this should have been a great boon.
00:30:55 To the this you know, black, this emerging black middle class, right?
00:31:01 All of a sudden you have all kinds of property available to you at a discounted rate.
00:31:08 And not only that, it's a neighborhood full of people like you.
00:31:13 So why is that a problem?
Speaker 16
00:31:20 I hate to leave, really, but I feel like that I'm out of place. You know, living in this community.Speaker 26
00:31:27 Do you feel that your attitude could be changed to make?Speaker 27
00:31:30 Want to stay here and live among blacks?Speaker 16
00:31:34 Well, I I don't know. I mean, I'm not prejudice. I just as soon, you know.00:31:41 Live here. Live anywhere.
00:31:42 Else, but I don't want to be the only white family living here. You see what I mean?
Devon Stack
00:31:50 So even then, the white guilt was creeping in. She was embarrassed to just say, look, I just don't want to lift around.00:31:56 A bunch of black people.
00:31:58 You know, she was more honest, definitely more honest than anyone is today.
00:32:05 Right. Most middle class white women wouldn't say anything even resembling that on a with a television camera in their face today, but it was already creeping in.
00:32:15 And was already she already felt some social anxiety about expressing the truth that I, you know, I just, I don't want to be the only white person in this neighborhood, you know, probably not the best. Probably not the safest thing for my family.
00:32:34 So whites moved out.
00:32:38 And a lot of whites kind of knew what was up.
00:32:41 Here's a photo of some whites who were kind of protesting this desegregation.
00:32:48 Now they see some of the signs here. Don't push our children out the back door and let the Communists in.
00:32:53 Through the front door.
00:32:56 And the sky on the bottom right here, segregation was planned long before Supreme Court justices were born.
00:33:06 So there you go.
00:33:09 Trying to say look.
00:33:11 This is this is the way this is the way it should be.
00:33:17 The Supreme Court justices that showed up and changed everything. **** them.
00:33:24 So what they did is next door to this Country Club, thanks to all the white people leaving this country, club could no longer.
00:33:34 Afford to maintain the massive property that it.
Speaker 9
00:33:38 Had.Devon Stack
00:33:39 They basically had two different golf courses, and because all the white people were leaving, they just they didn't have enough clients, I guess, or members to to to keep it going. So they decided to sell off.00:33:55 A big portion of their property.
00:33:58 And the people who purchased that property.
00:34:02 Were the people that the funded by the government to build?
00:34:07 East Lake Meadow apartments.
00:34:10 A government housing project.
00:34:13 So look, it's it's, it's in a prime location, right? It's right next to a a Country Club. And the fanciest part of town or suburb rather it's it's outside of town.
00:34:25 And so they do. They build these apartments?
00:34:31 And blacks move in.
00:34:36 And as we saw in the in the intro.
00:34:40 And rapidly deteriorate it, it basically all went to ****.
00:34:46 It all became rundown and looked like a war zone.
00:34:51 And really, just a a few years.
00:34:55 It didn't take long.
00:34:59 And then the documentary complains that because of the crime.
00:35:03 Which was extremely high.
00:35:06 Atlanta had the highest violent crime rate in the entire country.
00:35:12 And this was like the highest crime rate in Atlanta.
00:35:16 So just to give you an idea, it was the most crime ridden area of the most crime ridden city in America.
00:35:27 So they're complaining that in this, in this situation with the most most crime.
00:35:35 In the entire country, concentrated in one neighborhood, white businesses didn't want to operate there.
00:35:44 Kind of like what we're seeing in San Francisco and other places around the country where blacks are just walking in and shoplifting, you know, brazenly.
00:35:55 And not being stopped and not being arrested, not have, you know, just no one. No one's interested in enforcing the law anymore.
00:36:05 And so you have, you know, companies like CVS and Walgreens and stuff like that, leaving San Francisco and, you know, just that's that's just becoming a norm in in major cities.
00:36:18 Well, back then at the same, you know, the same sort of a thing was happening. No one wants to have a a company or a business in a neighborhood. That's it's where it's just going to.
00:36:27 Get held up.
00:36:28 And and be dangerous for their employees and property damage is constant and the theft is is rampant.
00:36:37 So the the documentary complains that all these these racist white people.
00:36:44 Didn't want their businesses in the Black neighborhood, and so it kept the black people poor.
00:36:50 Because they couldn't work now, like they could still work.
00:36:53 They could commute.
00:36:56 But you know, evil white people, right?
Speaker 28
00:37:01 East Lake Meadows, it's like many government funded housing projects in this country today, over 5000 people live here, most of them on welfare. Many tents recall the days when it was a nice place to live, but now they say it's run.Speaker 10
00:37:20 Even dangerous when you isolate people like they did in East Lake, then it's almost like people start praying on each other.00:37:32 It's almost like we lose our humanity.
Devon Stack
00:37:37 I want you to think about that too, because.00:37:39 That's another running thing.
00:37:42 She's saying that if you isolate people, they revert to being animals.
00:37:52 And I'm going to tell you right now, I was going to make this, like a big reveal at the end. But I want you to ruminate on this a little bit as you watch the rest of this evidence here.
00:38:02 Really. What what she's saying is if you isolate blacks.
00:38:09 If you if you make blacks live among blacks without a sufficient amount of white people to subsidize blacks.
00:38:21 Then what happens inevitably, is things become very primitive in 3rd.
00:38:26 World really fast.
Speaker 6
00:38:28 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:38:31 And that that is why.00:38:35 Integration is necessary as you can't have segregated communities because black communities are unable to exist.
00:38:45 Alongside white communities.
00:38:48 They can't.
00:38:51 The only way blacks can be even remotely successful in a country like the United States or any of the countries in Europe is if whites are constantly picking up the bill.
00:39:04 If whites are constantly picking up the slack and subsidizing the blacks and dealing with the crime and everything else that comes with that.
00:39:17 Because you would never hear someone who started a whites only community. In fact, that was the whole thing, right?
00:39:27 This was a whites only community and you would never hear the people who lived in that whites only community say well.
00:39:35 When you when you segregate us and you isolate us, everyone just turns into an animal.
00:39:44 They would never say that.
00:39:48 Yet when the opposite happens.
Speaker 28
00:39:50 East Lake Meadows, it's like many government funded housing projects in this country today, over 5000 people live here, most of them on welfare.00:40:03 Many tents are called the days when it was a nice place to live, but now they say it's run down even dangerous.
Speaker 10
00:40:13 When you isolate people like they did in East Lake, then it's almost like people start praying on each other.00:40:21 It's almost like we lose our humanity.
00:40:25 There's the drugs.
00:40:27 You get people coating, fighting, killing, stealing.
Speaker 28
00:40:32 Kenny White says Eastlake Meadows has a nickname, Vietnam. That's because it's compared to a war zone.Speaker 2
00:40:39 That's the.Speaker 12
00:40:39 I see a whole lot of fighting and cutting up and.Speaker 27
00:40:42 Shooting.Speaker 28
00:40:42 Young mothers fear for their children. That's what Queen Wheeler says.Speaker 12
00:40:46 It's not really good environment for him because it would be too much.Speaker 29
00:40:50 Shoe my fight.Devon Stack
00:40:54 Yeah, it's funny because she said people lose their humanity.00:40:59 It's almost as if she's saying that the humanity of blacks is contingent on their proximity to whites.
00:41:09 But you're not just subsidizing them economically.
00:41:15 That it's much deeper than that.
00:41:18 They're without whites.
00:41:21 Without the guidance and and financial.
00:41:26 You know the access to the financial.
00:41:32 I don't know like the earnings of whites, they literally lose their humanity.
00:41:41 So things keep getting increasingly worse in this neighborhood.
00:41:46 Uh, this woman? Uh.
00:41:49 Is this to give you an idea?
00:41:52 Of the IQ of this, of of the residents here.
00:41:56 This was this became their community leader.
00:42:00 Your name is Eva something, but I forgot to write it down, but this is this is like the cream of the crop. Like this is the best they have.
Speaker 30
00:42:09 And so if they can't come to East Lake Meadows when we call them, we in in deadly need our lies in that state. What in the hell did they come out here by yesterday doing us like that? If they can't come out here this but protect us, we'll come out here and harass and.00:42:23 Scare us to death, right?
Speaker 20
00:42:23 I am not Mr. defect and I don't see why. How can the doctor say that I am?Devon Stack
00:42:36 You see the problem here?00:42:40 Now listen. Know. I know it's difficult. In fact, I get. I get that most that well most. But some of you at least probably didn't even understand what she was, was what she was even saying there.
00:42:51 She's complaining that the crime is really bad.
00:42:55 And the cops need to they need to fix it. They need to fix it.
00:43:01 But then in her next breath, she says the cops need to stop coming here and harassing us.
00:43:13 You see, you can't please him.
00:43:16 With the police presence, it's bad. They're oppressing us, those cops. But without the police presence.
00:43:24 They need they need to fix the crime. Why is there so much crime?
00:43:31 So they complained to the cops that they need to they they need to fix it.
00:43:37 Someone needs to fix it.
Speaker 22
00:43:41 It just hits home.Speaker 25
00:43:43 See somebody die that you know.Speaker 31
00:43:46 Are you here by a friend the night before they got killed?00:43:51 We shouldn't walk over their bodies. People shouldn't shoot through your house.
Speaker 25
00:43:55 That's not normal.Speaker 32
00:44:00 In disadvantaged neighborhoods, individuals have a higher level of any given stressful experience, and that changes how we function psychologically, how we feel emotionally.00:44:15 It has negative effects on our ability to adapt and cope with all of the adversities we face in.
Speaker 14
00:44:21 Life.Devon Stack
00:44:24 Or yeah, all that gobbledygook. Basically, it's not their fault.00:44:29 It's not their fault.
00:44:35 They needed access to white people.
00:44:38 In order for them to maintain a sense of humanity, they need to live in proximity.
00:44:45 To many people.
00:44:48 There were murders.
00:44:50 All the time.
00:44:53 Drug.
00:44:53 Dealing.
00:44:54 You know constantly.
00:44:57 Lots of excuses for that.
00:45:01 And white flight.
00:45:03 Was in full swing. People didn't. No one wanted.
00:45:06 To live around that.
Speaker 33
00:45:09 This is a residential St. in southwest Atlanta.00:45:13 Not long ago, all the persons who lived.
00:45:15 Here were white.
00:45:17 But recently a few ***** families moved in and a scene too familiar in other areas of Atlanta was repeated. The white residents started moving out for sale. Signs were.
Speaker 31
00:45:28 Up.Speaker 33
00:45:30 The street became what is known as transitional. That stage when ******* are moving in and white people are leaving.00:45:37 Soon this street may be resegregated all grow the Atlanta Planning Department has warned that if this trend continues, it's just a matter of time until Atlanta will become an island of ******* surrounded by a sea of white suburbanites.
Devon Stack
00:45:55 Only a matter of time. Well, it looks as if that's happened again. Why the focus?00:46:00 Unmixing people up.
00:46:03 Why is there a problem that it's Atlanta is an island of *******?
00:46:10 Surrounded by a sea of white. Are they afraid the white people are going to come and invade?
00:46:17 Right, because that would be the that would be the accusation. If you had swapped it around. If you had said Ohh this city is an island of white people surrounded by *******.
00:46:28 They'd say, oh, you're you're afraid of the *******, huh? Come. And they're gonna come banging down your door.
00:46:36 Yet when you reverse it, it's nefarious somehow still like that. If it's an island of ***** surrounded by whites, it's like, well, they should want.
00:46:45 To live with us.
00:46:48 Why? Why does it matter so much?
00:46:54 Why does it matter so much?
00:46:57 Well, I'll tell you part of why it matters so much.
00:47:01 Is, as the whites leave.
00:47:05 Guess who's not paying?
00:47:07 For the government housing anymore.
00:47:11 You see, lots of people never talk about this and they really should. This should be a big topic.
00:47:18 Especially with all this talk of reparations, this should be a big topic. Blacks are a net negative.
00:47:26 Always have been.
00:47:30 In this instance, I'm talking about economically, but probably in in most ways when it comes to a society, and it will, at least in in America.
00:47:38 Blacks are a net negative.
00:47:42 So the black or your city becomes.
00:47:46 The the less money it's bringing in.
00:47:51 Because every black is a net negative.
00:47:55 They use more resources.
00:47:58 Than they produce.
00:48:02 And so that's exactly what was happening in Atlanta.
00:48:07 As the whites who are who are paying the bill for all this government housing to be built and maintained as they were driven out of the city to avoid Vietnam.
00:48:20 And when they called it ******* Vietnam, like it was a literal war zone.
00:48:33 I'm sorry, I wouldn't want my family to live there either.
00:48:37 So as these white families left.
00:48:42 These cities could no longer afford.
00:48:46 To to pay for all these programs.
00:48:49 To pacify the blacks.
00:48:51 Because the blacks weren't paying for it.
00:48:58 So that was the real problem.
00:49:04 And the blacks justified their bad behavior.
00:49:07 You know, here's one of the residents justifying like, well, I I got into selling drugs cause it was.
00:49:13 The family business.
Speaker 34
00:49:16 Is still selling through because it was in the family.00:49:20 At the time, my brother did.
00:49:21 It.
00:49:22 My dad did it. That was our way of surviving, you know, because it was hard to get a job for a black man anyway.
Speaker 6
00:49:32 And would be used to get.Speaker 35
00:49:33 Out of the court of law.Speaker 36
00:49:33 In Atlanta, there's a housing project where drugs are ramp.00:49:37 There's so much gunfire, the post office sometimes refuses to deliver the mail.
Speaker 37
00:49:41 Yet.00:49:42 Another child, the second in two years, has died at East Lake Meadows, a victim of the violence associated with the sale and use of illegal drugs.
00:49:52 Police say about 200 gang members have been operating in the area.
Speaker 27
00:49:56 Gangs go by such names as warriors, creepers and down by law.Speaker 30
00:50:01 So I think about three guys get killed.Speaker 27
00:50:03 Out here behind drones.Speaker 34
00:50:05 It was made back three or four times.Speaker 17
00:50:07 A week. You know you.Speaker 12
00:50:08 Hear shotgun shooting.Devon Stack
00:50:13 I can't imagine why the white people didn't want.00:50:15 To live there.
00:50:20 Probably because they were racist, right?
00:50:25 That must be it. It was some racist conspiracy.
00:50:32 Now white people were just they were just sabotaging the blacks.
00:50:36 Right. They just they built them a multi $1,000,000 housing project.
00:50:44 On what was formerly an elite golf course.
00:50:49 And a really nice suburb.
00:50:52 Of Atlanta.
00:50:54 And within just a couple of years, it became Vietnam.
00:50:59 And they left.
00:51:02 So they didn't live in Vietnam anymore?
00:51:06 And damn damn those whites.
00:51:10 Why did they? They better fix this?
00:51:14 Why aren't they fixing this?
00:51:18 Don't they know that without proximity to whites, we lose our humanity?
Speaker 11
00:51:29 Robbery. Prostitution. Killing.Speaker 37
00:51:32 Poverty, the shootings, the drug abuse.Speaker 12
00:51:36 Two guys got in a fight right across in front of my house. I saw one people head, ran it on the pow, pow, pow. It was just like you was in a movie Western movie.Speaker 38
00:51:48 Eva Davis moved into Atlanta's East Lake Meadows housing project in 1971.00:51:54 Wasn't long before murder and mayhem became a way of.
Speaker 12
00:51:57 Life he ran right by my car and blood was just shooting out out of his body. That guy shot him and he fell dead right before my face.Speaker 38
00:52:09 The 650 unit housing project was never great, but when drugs took over and gangs claimed turf, it went from bad to horrible in a.Speaker 12
00:52:17 Hurry, they would shoot and cut and stabbed and killed each other. That's what they did.Speaker 38
00:52:22 By 1995, the crime rate was 18 times the national average.Devon Stack
00:52:29 Can't imagine why whites wouldn't want to live there.00:52:34 18 times the national average.
00:52:45 You know, it's funny because.
00:52:47 I was. I was looking for anything.
00:52:49 I could find.
00:52:50 From Atlanta.
00:52:54 Like news reports and things like that from that era.
00:52:58 And I just found some random uh air checks.
00:53:02 From a couple of different TV stations.
00:53:05 From around that, you know 1979 when they were.
00:53:09 When they were built, or actually I guess after they built uh.
00:53:13 The what is it called EE Lake Meadows?
00:53:19 And.
00:53:21 Just randomly like these are just random news.
00:53:23 Reports. I didn't select them.
00:53:26 And it was all black people robbing banks.
Speaker 35
00:53:31 Rob, the bank in Macon earlier this afternoon, they fled N along I-75 with women chasing them. When the trio abandoned their cars, shots were fired and the bandage fled into the woods.00:53:43 Bandits hit two banks in Atlanta today. The first robbery occurred at the Trust Company of Georgia Office at 1503 Peachtree and then left in the bank. About 12:30 went to a teller and demanded money. He showed no weapon and wear no mask.
00:53:57 On Atlantis Blvd. drive. Have some shop owners angry and quite worried.
00:54:02 They said police.
00:54:03 Protection in the area is almost non-existent. Here's more from TV 5 News Saint Paul Yates. It is a bad morning for these business people. At Blvd. drive. Builders came through two layers of brick and concrete through the backyard into.
00:54:17 The beauty shop.
Devon Stack
00:54:20 Can't imagine why the businesses stop being there.00:54:26 And look, it wasn't even just like the the crime from because people forget.
00:54:32 Remember, this is supposed to be some big racist plan.
00:54:37 But with the blacks moving in and the whites moving out.
00:54:40 The political situation shifted.
00:54:43 And so the people who ran the city were also black.
Speaker 6
00:54:46 Yeah.Devon Stack
00:54:48 It wasn't like some like a.00:54:50 You know, racist white guy keeping black people in the ghetto and and you know, like the the IT was, the whole town was run by black people. This was another story that popped up again just randomly.
Speaker 35
00:55:02 In Atlanta, City Councilman Arthur Langford was invited today on charges of extortion, perjury and obstruction of justice. The rebuttal was returned by a federal grand jury that has been investigating charges of corruption of last year's southeastern Fair. FBI agents arrested Linford shortly after the indictment was returned.00:55:19 To be fired, as Richard Belcher and the live hour on the scene right now at the federal courthouse, Richard Chuck. Councilman Langford will just come out of the courthouse. We're trying to talk with him and not very successfully. I see he has just gone on down the street from the quick, my microphone right back on and we're going to tell you what happened this afternoon. The indictment of Councilman Arthur Langford was not really a surprise.
00:55:39 He reported as early as last fall that the Super attended the FBI had secretly tape recorded conversation.
00:55:45 In which Councilman Langford promised political protection authority promoters of the southeastern soil, and they've been documents on file with the federal courthouse all along indicating that the grand jury was looking into possible charges of extortion and operating under in several anti rocket fueling law. But today's indictment of Council and Langford are also.
Devon Stack
00:55:59 I bet it's an evil white guy.00:56:00 Right.
Speaker 35
00:56:05 Beyond that, though, that is the principal charge. The second term, counseling, is also charged with one count of perjury and one count of obstruction of justice is convicted on all three could face 30 years in prison and $25,000 in fines.Numbers Lady
00:56:07 Everything.Devon Stack
00:56:20 Ohh so it was it was the City Councilman and the mayor.00:56:24 And even more people, as we'll we'll see later on. Or they're all black.
00:56:29 And the black people don't seem to have a problem with it. They went and interviewed people with black people on the street and asked them, what do you think about this indictment? And they said, well, it's the white racist trying to keep us down.
Speaker 38
00:56:39 Lankford was not the most flamboyant of the city's council members, but it was evident from the people in his district. I spoke with that he made it in.Speaker 23
00:56:47 What do you think about his getting?00:56:48 Indicted well, that I I don't understand that I don't think that that's right at all. I don't think anybody feeling David.
00:56:54 So you feel good about the fact that the length is your representative.
00:56:57 And city.
00:56:57 Yeah, he can go get me anytime.
Devon Stack
00:57:01 They're they were happy with their leadership.00:57:06 This is something I tried to explain to my mother recently.
00:57:10 My mom, she.
00:57:11 She always reverts back to Boomer if I haven't talked to her in a while.
00:57:15 And I have to bring her back to to reality.
00:57:19 You know? She said.
00:57:19 Well, we, you know, you don't have to have a high IQ to be a nice person. This is a this is a lot of right here. You don't have to be. You know when I talk about race and IQ.
00:57:29 You can be like a, you know, a dumb person still be nice and and and it's like, yeah, but you can't maintain.
00:57:36 The society that you live in right now.
00:57:40 After a certain amount of dumb people come into your society, it changes the society. Yeah, you can hit if the average IQ.
00:57:49 Is high. You can have people on the lower end of the spectrum and things will, you know, the the trains will keep arriving on time, right? The wheels will keep on turning.
00:58:00 But when so many dumb people move in.
00:58:03 The average IQ starts to drop.
00:58:06 You run into.
00:58:07 Problems and you can't maintain the society.
00:58:11 All that really matters, though is is is, you know, people being Christian and and you know, Nope, no.
00:58:18 Otherwise, you know, most of the countries in Africa.
00:58:22 Our very Christian.
00:58:25 That would not be a problem. You would have thriving societies in Africa.
00:58:30 And hey, if that's your, if that's your viewpoint, you should be ecstatic.
00:58:35 Because all these Christians are coming across the border from the South.
00:58:40 Right. What do you think Mexicans are Buddhists?
00:58:45 In fact, they're more Christian than the the white population.
00:58:48 In America, most likely.
00:58:50 I mean today.
00:58:55 But you look at the other side of the border and for some reason all that you know their, their, their, their Christianity doesn't seem to be you know doing the job. Something tells me there's more to it than that.
00:59:10 And so that's exactly what was going on.
00:59:14 In Atlanta.
00:59:17 And if that wasn't bad enough.
00:59:21 You had even more going on. You had.
00:59:24 So much murder.
00:59:28 So much murder in this town.
00:59:31 That there was a serial killer.
00:59:34 Going around killing kids and and young men.
00:59:38 For months before they realized, oh, it's not just like regular people getting murdered, there's actually maybe a connection between these people.
00:59:48 And look, maybe the length of time it took for them to figure that out was.
00:59:51 Also tied to that IQ thing I was telling you.
00:59:56 Yeah, maybe maybe a higher IQ police force might might have connected the dots a little bit sooner.
Speaker 6
01:00:01 Yeah.Speaker 11
01:00:03 Not far from downtown Atlanta, in a poor neighborhood known as Mechanicsville, is the McDaniel Glen Public Housing project. On the morning of October 21st, 1979, nine year old Yusef Bell went on a quick shopping errand for a neighbor. He was seen across the street at a small grocery store.01:00:23 You never made it back.
01:00:25 2 1/2 weeks later, the boy was found dead in an abandoned school. He had been strangled, his body stuffed into a crawl space under a classroom floor.
Devon Stack
01:00:37 In an abandoned school, I might add.01:00:45 Because as the the Whites moved out.
01:00:48 All that infrastructure again, the money that they were paying in taxes to maintain all this infrastructure.
Speaker 38
01:00:54 Evaporated.Devon Stack
01:00:57 And blacks weren't able to to maintain it, they were handed at a discount rate.01:01:04 Nice white neighborhoods.
01:01:10 And given.
01:01:13 So much political power.
01:01:15 As a result of the demographic change.
01:01:19 That they were able to elect a black mayor with, with Black City Council members.
01:01:28 And they couldn't keep it. They just they didn't have to improve it. They just couldn't keep it from falling all the to pieces.
01:01:37 And then they start finding dead kids. And at first the cops, like I said, they're they're baffled in terms of, you know, connecting the dots that maybe they're connected because they just they're.
01:01:48 Always finding dead people.
01:01:50 Because so many people are getting murdered.
Speaker 11
01:01:52 Over the past summer, the bodies of two other black children have been found in a wooded lot in East Point, just South of the city.Devon Stack
01:02:03 And again, this is the same area. This is the same area that E Lakeview wise. A lot of these projects, they had a couple different. I mean they built them all at the same time.01:02:16 Nice suburban areas. This wasn't like the inner city.
Speaker 11
01:02:22 Then, in November, the skeletal remains of a fourth boy were found dumped among piles of rubbish near Atlanta municipal airports.Devon Stack
01:02:35 So again, they keep finding all these dead kids.Speaker 11
01:02:40 Four months passed on March 11, 1980, on the city's southwest side. Willie Mae Mathis sent her 10 year old son Jeffrey to the corner gas station to buy some cigarettes.Devon Stack
01:02:53 That that's good parenting right there, right.01:02:59 Also, you might have noticed in almost all these stories, there's no fathers, there's no fathers, and this isn't like a a Sargon. Well, that's the problem. There's no and no. The reason there's no fathers is they're they're all in jail for murdering people.
01:03:17 They're just. That's that's why there's no the government didn't come in and and just scoop up all the fathers.
01:03:28 The reason why that Eva Davis Lady the the I am not mental defect lady.
01:03:33 Was in charge of that community was it was described as a matriarchy.
01:03:40 Where you have like these these old grandmas who were like at the top.
01:03:46 And then the the mothers and aunts were like the the enforcers.
01:03:51 And the men were just going around committing crimes and going to jail.
01:03:59 And sometimes they sent their son to go buy cigarettes, and they didn't come back.
Speaker 39
01:04:04 We would have a child reported missing. We find the body at a location other than where the killing took place, and thus we did not even have a crime scene.Devon Stack
01:04:16 So he's not, they're not, you know, he was one of the black investigators. See, the cops are black. The police chief was black. The mayor is black.01:04:29 But then it starts to add up there starts.
01:04:31 To be a.
01:04:31 Lot of a lot of dead black kids appearing.
Speaker 40
01:04:35 Several cities today, people held demonstrations of sympathy and support for the people of Atlanta, where volunteer search teams again turned out in force. But the searchers found no new clues today to the baffling series of murders of black youngsters there again today, search parties swept the South side of Atlanta, which has been hit by a wave of unsolved murders of black youngsters.01:04:55 Against that background, Sam Ford reports tonight on a fearful community trying to protect its young and one black family whose worst fears have come true. The police commissioner says that 1700 persons are reported missing in Atlanta each year, about 80% of them turned up within 20.
Speaker 41
01:05:11 Four hours, but there is a special terror in Atlanta these days when a black child is reported missing. Today, as Sanford reports, another name was added to that.Speaker 42
01:05:20 List Funeral services were held today for another victim among the murdered and missing black children in Atlanta, and in a growing atmosphere of dread, police considered adding another name to that.Speaker 40
01:05:31 List in Atlanta today, search teams continued to hunt for clues in the murders of black youngsters. A day after authorities identified the body of the 16th victim.Speaker 43
01:05:42 TV announcements warn parents to keep track.Speaker 2
01:05:44 Of their children.Speaker 14
01:05:46 Do you know where your children are?Devon Stack
01:05:50 Do you know where your children are?01:05:52 Now The funny thing is, one of the the documentaries I I was watching on this they attributed.
01:06:00 The these.Devon Stack
01:06:01 Disappearances with the appearance of these ads.01:06:05 And I looked into it further and it actually started in the 1960s. A A Jew and with the last name of Epstein is the one that started doing the do you know where your children are? Ads on television. But this is when they did start in Atlanta.
01:06:23 And uh, it's funny because.
01:06:27 Because all the kids that.
01:06:28 Were going missing were black.
01:06:32 And what's one of the things tonight? What are they going to do about it? Why are the white people doing this to us?
01:06:39 Well, of course.
01:06:41 They jumped to the conclusion that it must.
01:06:44 Be white people.
01:06:47 There must be white people. Remember that it's an island of ******* surrounded by whites.
01:06:55 And I guess they do have to worry about the whites banging on their doors trying to get into the black neighborhoods that they fled.
01:07:04 Because the theory was.
01:07:07 Well, there must be whites coming under these black neighborhoods and killing black boys.
01:07:14 That must that must explain what's happening here. There's no other explanation.
01:07:22 You know, it's funny because that.
01:07:23 That clip in the beginning from the the the Burns documentary.
01:07:30 When the man said.
01:07:32 As a society, we don't. We have a problem looking.
Speaker 13
01:07:35 In the mirror.Devon Stack
01:07:38 Well, I would say as a black man, he's got a problem looking in the mirror.01:07:43 As does the rest of his people, when these problems are, you know, inevitably happen.
01:07:50 When blacks are in charge of a society.
01:07:54 They can't just say, oh, you know, it's probably one of us since, like, I don't know, we're doing all the crime.
01:08:02 So you know, if we're doing all the crime we we're probably doing this crime.
01:08:06 Too no, it was whites.
Speaker 11
01:08:08 By July 1980, with 11 children either missing or murdered, rumors were spreading that the killings might be part of a racist plot.Speaker 17
01:08:20 It was a.Devon Stack
01:08:20 Racist plot.01:08:24 There were people that were that were going to.
01:08:29 Going to these black communities and and just killing blacks, white people. So what they do?
Speaker 7
01:08:36 So this is.Devon Stack
01:08:37 The The the mayor.01:08:41 And because they don't know they have no leads, they can't figure out what's going on.
01:08:46 And blacks are now rioting.
01:08:51 In front of police stations because you know.
01:08:55 Yeah, some. Some things just don't change.
01:09:00 And so he doesn't know what to do. He decides to sign a a curfew order.
Speaker 44
01:09:09 And I'm going to sign this into law at this time. Therefore, effective Tuesday this date.01:09:16 February the 3rd at 7:00 PM, the curfew will become effective on all youngsters ages 14 and under.
01:09:28 And those who are 14 and under, who stay out after 7:00 PM and between 7:00 PM and 6:00 AM.
01:09:38 May be out only with persons, not 16 and over but only with persons who are 18 years of age or older.
01:09:50 Now we are confident that the exceptions that are allowed here for those who are who have to work, for example and so forth, will be carefully and correctly and fairly administered. Therefore, I now sign this with the expressed reservations, and I've indicated to you.
01:10:10 Into law. It has a 90 day effectiveness to it. Yes, ma'am.
Speaker 13
01:10:11 No Jackson Jones.Devon Stack
01:10:19 You know, it's interesting.01:10:22 You used to hear from black people that these light skinned blacks like the.
01:10:26 Mayor clearly is.
Speaker 27
01:10:29 You know that they're not like real blacks.Devon Stack
01:10:32 Right. They're trying to be white.01:10:36 And you know, we talked last stream, I think that the leader of the.
01:10:41 Not ACLU the the.
01:10:47 Or is it the?
01:10:49 For the advancement of colored people, what is it? The N double ACP, the N double ACP was the the the light skinned black guy that was in charge of the N double ACP in the 1950s. He was so light skinned. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.
01:11:04 Right. And he was just like, oh, no. And his last name is Whiteman.
01:11:09 Which is kind of hilarious.
01:11:12 And I've noticed that in doing all the research I've done for all the different videos on this.
01:11:16 Stream.
01:11:17 That this is often the case you have these light skinned black, sometimes extremely light skinned.
01:11:24 Who are in positions of power.
01:11:27 And a lot of people, I think the old way of thinking, you know from blacks, it's because all they want to be white and from whites they might think of it the same way they used to talk about Obama, right. Well, it's going to be more palatable to white people that the the white voters are going to be more accepting of a light skinned black guy.
01:11:44 Well, let's just not.
01:11:45 Not beat around the Bush anymore.
01:11:48 The reality is.
01:11:50 They have more white DNA.
01:11:53 They have more white admixture, their higher IQ, and that's why they've risen to their positions.
01:12:01 That's just that's it's it's really as simple as.
01:12:04 That you can tell by the way he talks versus the way you know, Eva Davis talks from uh, Lakeview or E Lakeview that there's a big difference.
Speaker 17
01:12:15 You got a black administrator here. Black. Everything down here is black and the only thing that Lee, Brown and Jackson would say is.01:12:24 No comments. So we're not leaving any stone unturned, that's all what they would.
01:12:29 Say.
Devon Stack
01:12:30 I mean right there. That just demonstrated it.01:12:33 That is not the same as that. It's not that is not the same as that. It's not even the same as that.
01:12:46 It's just not.
01:12:51 I mean, even within.
01:12:53 Black societies, the lighter skinned people.
01:12:57 Are going to be in charge, not because of some weird, you know.
01:13:03 You know, social construct or something like that or just people. You know, there's this idea that's been, you know, the white supremacy that's been built up, you know, over the years and beat into their heads where they just they imagine that if you're lighter skinned, you're going to be more competent. No. The chances are you you probably will be.
01:13:23 I mean, it's statistically speaking, it's probably you know if if you look like this guy, you know, good chance you're going to be smarter than if.
01:13:30 You look like this.
01:13:33 Now the the reason why you might have that perception is it's you're perceiving reality.
01:13:40 That's just the way that it is.
01:13:44 So as she says, it's, you know, everyone that's running the city is black.
01:13:50 And yet the blacks are still convinced that there's some kind of conspiracy.
01:13:54 That the cops are covering it up, that it's it's white people going into these black neighborhoods and killing black kids.
01:14:05 So they start the the homicide task force.
Speaker 11
01:14:11 In the following weeks.01:14:13 Two more children disappeared, including 12 year old Clifford Jones. He was found strangled behind a small shopping Plaza next to a dumpster.
Speaker 45
01:14:24 But they keep.Devon Stack
01:14:25 Finding bodies and the numbers are climbing.01:14:31 Seems like every couple of weeks they're finding another.
01:14:34 Dead black kid.
01:14:37 And then.
01:14:39 What really triggers the blacks into thinking that it's white supremacists coming into black neighborhoods and and committing crime because, you know, that's reality.
01:14:49 There's an explosion at a daycare.
01:14:54 There's an explosion and a mostly black daycare.
01:14:58 That kills a few black kids, and I think a teacher.
01:15:02 And they say I knew it.
01:15:04 I knew it, those white supremacists.
01:15:08 They they bombed a daycare.
01:15:11 Apparently their blood, their appetite for black blood, cannot be satisfied by kidnapping black kids and killing them and leaving them, you know, different places around our neighborhoods. They went and they they've upped the ante. Now they've bombed a daycare.
Speaker 11
01:15:28 Just three days later, an explosion ripped through a daycare center at the Bowen Homes Public Housing project.01:15:38 Word on the street was that the blast was part of a white supremacist war.
01:15:42 On the black community.
Devon Stack
01:15:46 Ohh, as white supremacy strikes again.01:15:50 Look at that wagon.
01:15:52 We better do something. I'm sure Merrick Garland is. It would be hot on the case.
01:15:58 If this were to happen today.
01:16:00 All you'd hear about is the white supremacists that bombed a a daycare at the black government projects.
Speaker 11
01:16:09 Many were convinced that this most recent tragedy was racially motivated, but it wasn't. The faulty boiler had caused the blast. Even when it became apparent that this was simply a boiler explosion and mechanical malfunction, there were many people who still never.Speaker 32
01:16:25 Believed it.Speaker 3
01:16:26 Find out what happened and what happened with.Speaker 2
01:16:29 And who did it? That's what I want.Devon Stack
01:16:34 See, they wouldn't. They still wouldn't believe it.01:16:38 When, once again, the reality was.
01:16:41 They failed to maintain their infrastructure.
01:16:44 And a boiler exploded.
01:16:48 It was still white people, white people still did it.
01:16:52 They they wanted answers, you better find those ******* whites that did it.
01:16:59 But instead.
01:17:01 The the the Whites that were volunteering cause a lot of volunteers looking for these kids when they would go missing. We're whites.
01:17:11 Lights would show up and go look around for these missing kids.
01:17:15 And they kept finding bodies.
01:17:19 Eventually.
01:17:21 The mayor offered $100,000 cash.
01:17:27 And again, this is like 1980 money and this is a lot of ******* money and night time it's still a lot of money.
01:17:33 For 1980, that's like a lot of money, but they they're out of ideas.
01:17:37 They didn't know what to do, so they're like, ah.
01:17:41 How about how about $100,000 to?
01:17:43 Stop killing kids.
Speaker 44
01:17:45 There's $100,000.01:17:49 And it's all yours, $100,000.
01:17:55 To do it for the children.
Devon Stack
01:17:58 We know how blacks like money.01:18:02 Muhammad Ali even threw in another $400,000, so it was 1/2.
01:18:07 $1,000,000.
01:18:10 Half $1,000,000 to find out what was going on.
01:18:13 They even brought in some psychic who?
01:18:17 I don't know if she's Jewish. She's this psychic. That was, that was famous back in the day. It's hard to know if she was Jewish. Her name's not Jewish and I can't find an early life on her. And she's from New Jersey. So she sounds like Fran Drescher. But it's one of those things where it's like, wow.
01:18:35 I mean, a lot of people from New Jersey just kind of sound Julie, so it's hard.
01:18:40 To know is is are you, you know.
01:18:42 Are you really Jewish, or are you just from New Jersey?
01:18:45 So her name is Dorothy Allison.
01:18:47 And you know, this was the the the black Police chiefs, I guess.
01:18:55 This is one of his ways. One of his techniques to try to solve the crime.
Speaker 46
01:18:59 Every available resource Atlanta police even call on renowned psychic Dorothy Allison.Speaker 16
01:19:06 Do you actually know?Speaker 13
01:19:07 Names. Yes, I do. There the other murders. Pardon me. Will there be other murders?01:19:13 Not while I'm here. I guarantee he will not murder while I'm here. I will control because I've done it before.
Devon Stack
01:19:23 So they called in psychics. They went door to door.01:19:29 You know they they.
01:19:31 Went to schools.
01:19:33 They have that curfew in in order.
01:19:38 And eventually the FBI, because it was becoming such a big national story.
01:19:44 President Reagan at the time gave them $1,000,000 in federal funds.
01:19:50 Then Vice President Bush Bush senior went there and they sent FBI profilers in to help them find the the killer.
01:20:04 And the FBI profilers.
01:20:07 After looking at the evidence, determined well it would, it would kind of have to be a black guy.
Speaker 11
01:20:15 Contrary to fears in the black community that a white racist might be responsible, the profilers believed the killer was a black man.Speaker 47
01:20:22 And we were probably dealing with a black male, someone that could move comfortably through that environment without attracting attention and a white male certainly would have attracted a great amount of attention.Devon Stack
01:20:34 And that's that's pretty reasonable. They were like, well, I mean just basically because everyone's black, whether these things are happening.01:20:42 So if you're like a white guy going around snatching up black kids.
01:20:47 People would probably notice that.
01:20:49 You know, people will probably notice, like, hey, what's that white guy doing?
01:20:58 That doesn't take an FBI profiler to.
01:21:00 Figure that one out.
01:21:03 But the FBI profiler said yeah, it's no, it's it's a black guy cause he's moving in and out of these areas and no one's.
01:21:11 Noticing that he's.
01:21:11 There. And if you want to, we're up to like over 20 dead kids at this point.
01:21:18 And if yeah, and a lot of are happening in broad daylight, it's not even though the the the curfew didn't really matter cause a lot of these were happening in the middle of the day. Now if you had some white guy going in and doing this, then you know, you'd have a description at least people would notice this guy.
01:21:35 It's kind of it reminds me years and years ago, years like one of my first.
01:21:40 Jobs. I worked at a call center.
01:21:42 And I called up because, you know, just the the the robot thing just calls people.
01:21:48 I did my little spiel when, uh, when someone picked up and I I just heard like some silence for a second, and then this black girl goes.
Speaker 30
01:21:56 Mama, there's a white man on.Devon Stack
01:21:58 The phone and I was like, oh, OK.01:22:05 They don't get a lot of calls from my people.
01:22:07 I can tell.
01:22:10 So a lot of the Atlantic cops refused to believe, actually, that it was that the the FBI profilers were right. They still thought it was probably some kind of racist thing going on.
01:22:24 They kept finding bodies.
01:22:28 And then they started analyzing the the the evidence at the scene, like the clothing.
01:22:34 Looking for there was a new technology. This is before DNA and all that stuff. But you know the science, the science of forensics was, you know, it was.
01:22:44 It was just uh, starting to get going.
01:22:47 And one of the the new techniques was looking at fibers.
01:22:51 Then you would take a clothing from the the scene.
01:22:55 And look at it of the clothing under a microscope and look for fibers. You know, lint basically, you know, because your clothing collects lint and hairs and stuff like that.
01:23:10 And after analyzing the fibers.
01:23:16 Left at the the crime scenes, they found some dog hair that was consistent among a lot of the the victims on their clothing.
01:23:29 As well as some unusual.
01:23:32 Man made fibers from like a carpet or something like that.
01:23:39 So they looked into it and found that the man-made fibers were actually somewhat rare.
01:23:48 There weren't a lot of fibers of this type.
01:23:52 The manufacturer kept track of, you know.
01:23:56 Who they sold?
01:23:58 These the carpet two and there was only something like 1500 square feet.
01:24:04 That was ever sold to anyone in that area.
01:24:11 They got it got leaked out that the FBI and the.
01:24:16 Local cops were looking at at fiber evidence.
01:24:20 And the killer must have been paying attention.
01:24:22 To the media.
01:24:23 Because now when they found these bodies, they've been stripped naked and dropped in waterways.
01:24:31 So now when they were finding bodies, which they kept finding bodies.
01:24:35 They were finding them in rivers.
01:24:44 So the FBI decided, well, if the guy is going to be dumping them in rivers.
01:24:51 He's probably going to be dumping them.
01:24:53 From a bridge.
01:24:54 That's going to be the easiest way to do it. He doesn't have to go down to the river, he can just pull over at the side of the you.
01:25:00 Know the bridge and throw him overboard.
01:25:03 And so we're going to set up surveillance.
01:25:07 On every bridge that goes that, that's.
01:25:10 In the area.
01:25:12 In the hopes of discovering someone, that's.
01:25:16 That's going to go to one of these bridges.
01:25:20 And once you know it.
01:25:22 One night.
01:25:24 At 3:00.
01:25:25 In the morning.
01:25:28 A car pulls over.
01:25:30 At one of the bridges.
01:25:32 A cop who's kind of dozing off that's supposed to be watching the bridge. Here's a big splash and he wakes up.
01:25:39 And you see something kind of sinking in the water.
01:25:43 You can't see what it is because it's already sunk.
01:25:47 So radios his partner, who's up at the top of the bridge.
01:25:51 And tells him to, you know, take.
01:25:53 A look and see.
Speaker 23
01:25:55 What?Devon Stack
01:25:56 What he sees.01:25:58 And what he sees as a white station wagon.
01:26:02 And a man getting into it and doing a U-turn on the bridge and usual behavior, obviously.
01:26:09 And driving off so an unmarked cars they decide to follow.
01:26:15 This station wagon and they pull over.
01:26:20 This guy.
Speaker 23
01:26:22 Wayne.Devon Stack
01:26:23 Williams.01:26:25 Wayne Williams has some weird excuse.
01:26:29 Of what he's doing, he says. Oh, I'm just out driving around. I'm a talent scout.
01:26:37 I'm a talent scout and I have an appointment at 9:00 in the morning.
01:26:42 With a singer named Cheryl Johnson.
01:26:45 And I I just wanted to make sure I was there on time. So I'm at 3:00 in the morning. I'm driving the route to try to find her house so that at 9:00 in the morning.
01:26:56 I can then make the appointment on time.
01:27:02 Now they don't have any evidence.
01:27:05 Because they can't see what fell in the river.
01:27:08 It's already sunk.
01:27:10 They can't hold him, but they see that he's got rope in the car and he seems kind of sketchy.
Speaker 39
01:27:18 They saw a bag with rope and clothes in it and gloves, but the investigators made a a real mistake. They let him go and I was furious the next morning when I found out he had it had been released.Speaker 29
01:27:29 Williams was questioned, but there was no evidence nobody, so they had to let him go.Speaker 48
01:27:35 Later that evening and at his home, the neighbors reported that he.01:27:39 And was out in the backyard burning things in a BBQ pit and the the boxes of things were being loaded out in into a car.
Devon Stack
01:27:49 So not suspicious at all, right?01:27:52 This black guy throw something in the.
01:27:56 The river.
01:27:57 Has rope and gloves in his car has some weird excuse?
01:28:03 The investigators try to track down a Cheryl Johnson. There's no Cheryl Johnson anywhere in the in the area.
01:28:11 The neighbors they talked to say he's burning stuff in his backyard and loading stuff into his car late at night.
01:28:19 And then a couple days later.
01:28:22 Just downstream from where he had parked on the bridge and thrown something over the side of the bridge.
01:28:29 A body washes up.
01:28:32 So now they have the evidence that they need to go execute a search warrant.
01:28:38 Because you know all the circumstantial evidence is kind of adding up here.
01:28:45 So they search his home.
01:28:47 They search his car.
01:28:50 And they fine fibers.
01:28:54 In his home.
01:28:56 He lives with his parents.
01:28:58 So it's I guess it's his parents home.
01:29:01 That match the fibers, those rare fibers, those synthetic fibers that they found on all the victims.
01:29:09 And the hair of the dog. The dog hair that they found matched his dog's hair.
01:29:17 So now they're like, OK.
01:29:20 Do we have enough circumstantial evidence and physical evidence now to charge him?
01:29:27 They also found out that he had access to kids because he was actively looking for kids.
01:29:35 Under the guise of being a talent scout.
01:29:38 And here's the flyer that he was putting up. Can you sing or?
01:29:41 Play an instrument.
01:29:42 If you are between 11 and 21.
01:29:45 And would like to become a professional entertainer. You can apply for positions with professional recording acts, no experience necessary. Training is provided. All interviews private and free.
01:29:57 So he was obviously trying to get access.
01:30:00 To young people.
01:30:06 They camped outside his house for a little bit. I don't know why they waited so long. I think it was because.
01:30:12 They didn't have any circumstantial evidence that tied him to, and you're talking like a lot of cases now.
01:30:19 You know 20, I think it was like 28 at some point like I think like they added up to about 28.
01:30:27 So they had to figure out like look.
Speaker 12
01:30:29 We.Devon Stack
01:30:30 You know, it's hard to it's.01:30:31 Going to be hard to tie him to 28.
Speaker 18
01:30:35 Murderers.Devon Stack
01:30:37 So what we should do is focus on the ones that we know we can get them on.01:30:42 For right now, so we're not going to charge them with with all 28 of these these murders.
01:30:48 And so they decide to focus on on two that they think they have enough evidence on and they charge them with two murders.
01:30:58 And bring them in.
01:31:00 And this this is the these are all the victims.
01:31:04 But they focus just on the two.
01:31:08 And they get him on the stand and.
01:31:12 The FBI profilers told the prosecutors.
Speaker 7
01:31:16 Look.Devon Stack
01:31:18 Especially because your jury is going to be majority black.01:31:22 They're not going to necessarily go for the fiber evidence. It's too scientific. Yeah. So this is, this is another aspect to having high IQ averages.
01:31:34 Right.
01:31:36 All of a sudden being tried by a jury of your peers gets a little more dangerous when the average IQ drops and they can't understand scientific evidence.
01:31:47 And so if you bring him in without like video of him doing it, you know, a lot of blacks think that it's some kind of white supremacist group that's doing this.
01:31:56 If you want them to convict a black guy, then you're going to have to get him to crack on the stand and and and and act crazy, basically. And they got him to do exactly that. There's no footage of it because they wouldn't allow cameras.
01:32:11 In the courtroom. But the reporting is that on day two of the prosecutions cross examination, he freaked out and just started pathologically lying about everything, calling them names and and just acting like a.
01:32:30 Nico and that that's what the FBI profilers suspect it would happen, they said with his personality type, you know, he'll be very well mannered and and and personable and even charismatic, you know, because he's got the psychotic, you know, personality type. But if you keep at him, eventually he can't keep that.
01:32:50 That facade going and the cycle will come out.
01:32:54 You know, it's like, you know, anyone who's dated a crazy girl, you know, right, the first couple dates, she can hold it in.
01:33:03 Then then, after a while, not so much.
01:33:07 So same sort of a strategy. They just kept him on the stand so long that he couldn't, you know, he couldn't maintain the, the facade. He freaks out.
01:33:16 And then.
Speaker 33
01:33:34 Verdict in Atlanta here is CBS News correspondent Dan Rather.Speaker 45
01:33:41 Good evening. The verdict tonight? Guilty. And to the end, Wayne Williams said he did not do it, did not kill any of 28 young Atlantans. But the jury found otherwise. That he did kill.01:33:53 At least two of them, Jimmy Ray Payne and Nathaniel Cater, the two he was formally charged with.
01:34:00 The sentence imposed immediately two consecutive life terms.
01:34:05 Parole technically possible after serving 14 years.
01:34:10 For now, it's the end of a chilling chapter that Americans came to know as the Atlanta murders, a chapter that had begun quietly in July of 1979. There were few headlines then. Some said it was because sadly, so many children turned up missing for so many reasons. Others.
01:34:30 Said it was because the victims were.
01:34:31 Poor and black.
01:34:33 Either way, 14 year old Edward Smith and 13 year old Alfred Evans were the first known victims. Both found dead July 28th, 1979. More victims would follow over the next 22 months, slowly. The realization and the headlines. Someone was killing the black children of Atlanta.
01:34:54 Someone with more St. savvy than the street smart victims that someone said the prosecution was 23 year old Wayne B Williams, himself a black.
01:35:05 Man.
01:35:05 And tonight, a jury of eight blacks and four whites agreed.
Devon Stack
01:35:12 So now we have a jury of eight blacks and four whites that convicted him.01:35:22 Then came the Jews.
01:35:28 They weren't going to let this go.
01:35:31 They weren't going to let this know it's it's definitely white supremacists.
01:35:35 Doing this go.
01:35:39 So a Jew, a Jewish lawyer?
01:35:45 And I and I I **** you not this guys name.
01:35:50 Is Cutler.
01:35:57 Ohh Cutler.
01:36:01 Good old, good old Cutler.
01:36:04 So uh yeah.
01:36:06 Oh, I'm sorry.
01:36:07 Kunstler don't know if that makes it any better.
01:36:12 Kunstler was born to a Jewish family in New York City. So yeah, this Jewish lawyer came in.
01:36:22 And said no.
01:36:23 It was the KKK.
01:36:26 It was the KKK that did this. This man is innocent, by the way. All these innocent projects, innocence projects, type stuff.
01:36:34 Those are Jews.
01:36:36 Now remember the the West Memphis three Jews.
01:36:40 The the the Netflix documentary trying to get that murderer off Jews.
01:36:46 All these obvious murderers doing things, you know, getting convicted and and then all of a sudden, years later, some lawyers show up and and try to get them free. It's always Jews.
01:36:59 OK, so if you're watching what so many people are susceptible to this and I don't know why, I think maybe it's because the, you know the distrust and and the ruling class and the the police and and look I get it.
01:37:14 I don't exactly trust the FBI, right?
01:37:17 It's the trust is so low people aren't willing to believe.
01:37:22 You know that it's it's just a case of, you know.
Speaker 25
01:37:25 God dammit, FBI.Devon Stack
01:37:30 But I want you to not realize.01:37:33 Nine times out of 10, when you see, if not more. When you see these cases, it's Jewish lawyers. It's Jewish lawyers trying to upset society and further their narrative and get rich while doing it.
01:37:48 And that's what our counselor here was doing. He decided that it was, uh, it was the KKK. And and in fact, he even managed to convince.
01:38:00 The mother of a couple of the victims or so mothers of a couple of the victims that.
01:38:06 Ohh yeah, no, it was the KKK.
01:38:10 Camille ball. You know Yousef? Bella's mother and I. And there's some other mother, I think. I don't know if I put her up later.
01:38:17 Convinced you know, they were convinced by this Jewish lawyer that, oh, this guy's innocent.
01:38:25 This guy's innocent, and the proof that we have that it was the KKK.
01:38:30 Obviously, the KKK was doing that again. These, in fact, they probably did it while in their robes, right? They probably, with the burning cross in the back of their pickup truck, went to these black neighborhoods and and with the magical invisibility cloak, kidnapped these black kids.
01:38:50 And uh killed them to start a race war.
01:38:53 Like that, that that really is the official narrative.
01:38:57 Of these people.
01:38:59 And their evidence is that the Georgia Bureau of Investigations, it's like Georgia's FBI.
01:39:06 During the the investigation into these these bodies being found, one of the people or one of the the organizations they investigated was the KKK.
01:39:18 And they looked into it. They found nothing.
01:39:23 And so they didn't bother even giving their file on the investigation to the prosecution.
01:39:29 Because they just. They didn't find anything but they.
01:39:31 Thought they should look.
01:39:32 Because that was.
01:39:33 What was being rumored is that ohh it's white supremacist doing it.
01:39:37 Well, because they didn't give it to the prosecution. The prosecution didn't give it to the defense because they didn't have.
01:39:43 It.
01:39:44 And they're only required to give the defense.
01:39:47 What they have?
01:39:49 Right. And that's part of like if you go to trial, the prosecution is required to give the defense whatever you know, all the information they have.
01:39:57 And you know so.
01:39:58 You.
01:39:58 Don't get in a position where you can't defend. You know something that you don't know they're going to pop. You know they're going to, you know, sneak up on you with. They got to give you all this. All the data data that they've.
01:40:09 Got well, they never had it.
01:40:12 You know, there's a little file that said that, you know, it was the the Wayne Williams KKK file.
01:40:19 When they looked into to see if if the KKK was involved and they, they concluded they weren't.
01:40:25 And so the judge, thankfully.
01:40:28 Not a Jew.
01:40:30 Said yeah, this is uh, this is stupid.
01:40:33 So.
01:40:36 You know, I'm not going to give you. We're going to deny your appeal.
01:40:40 Because the prosecution didn't have this information, there's no information in the information.
01:40:46 The file clearly indicates that it wasn't the KKK, so you're not getting another trial.
01:40:54 And you know.
01:40:56 Let me just remind you.
Speaker 46
01:40:59 In 1973, Maynard Jackson is the first African American mayor of Atlanta, and going into the 1980s, he and the people have Great Expectations.Speaker 17
01:41:11 We were excited about the mayoral administration that was in and it gave you hopes and dreams.Speaker 31
01:41:18 For the future.Speaker 49
01:41:20 It was a great time of pride. We were experiencing first black administration, the first black mayor in the city of Atlanta, as well as the first black police chief.Devon Stack
01:41:34 So unless you know.01:41:37 The the Georgia FBI was trying to **** over like the the black ruling class, which you know, it doesn't seem to be the case there. There was obviously no cover.
01:41:49 Up.
01:41:50 And then let's add this to the mix.
01:41:53 One of the siblings.
01:41:56 Of one of of the kids that got killed.
01:41:59 Positively ID Wayne Williams.
01:42:03 All right, we're back.
Speaker 6
01:42:04 Yeah.Devon Stack
01:42:06 So here we go.01:42:09 In case I don't know where exactly it dropped off, so I'm going to.
01:42:13 Just.
01:42:13 Back it up here a little bit.
01:42:16 This is the the sibling of one of the victims who positively ideed Wayne Williams.
Speaker 50
01:42:25 They've got the right guy. That was one of the most frightening times of my life, which automatically means you are going to.01:42:32 Be very detailed on what you're observing and you're going.
01:42:34 To remember this person's face.
Speaker 43
01:42:36 Nearly 40 years ago, Isaac Rogers says he walked to a neighbor's apartment with his two cousins, and as they were walking out, it turned into a nightmare.Speaker 50
01:42:44 As we got ready to exit her porch and walk down the stairs, that's when the guy that I now know of this one room, stepped from behind the wall to block us off from going down.Speaker 43
01:42:53 The stairs, he says his two cousins got away, which left him by himself.Speaker 50
01:42:57 The only thing I could do is to turn back around, which is what I did. I went back and I started to beat on this.01:43:02 William's door to get it open the door.
Speaker 43
01:43:04 Isaac Rogers says Wayne Williams was still approaching him when the neighbor came to the door.Speaker 50
01:43:09 Which is how I was able to.01:43:11 Tail it says detail everything he was wearing.
Speaker 43
01:43:13 Isaac Rogers says he doesn't know if Wayne Williams killed all the victims, but he says that's his brother's killer. 16 year old Patrick Rogers, who went missing after he walked Isaac to his school bus on November of 1980.Speaker 50
01:43:27 Such a shame that he was he was robbed of his potential.Speaker 43
01:43:31 Investigators say evidence connected Williams to the Atlanta Child Murders, but he was sentenced to life in prison for killing two adults.01:43:38 Williams wrote a letter this week proclaiming his innocence once again after the city recently announced it was reexamining evidence in the cases to bring families some closure. Isaac Rogers says he doesn't buy Williams story.
Speaker 50
01:43:51 That's almost 40 years, and he's still the same conniving, manipulative person that he's always been.Devon Stack
01:43:58 So obviously the right guy.01:44:02 Unless the unless the KKK is is.
01:44:06 The most powerful organization in the world.
01:44:13 Anyway, let's go back to.
01:44:16 That's just that was the little detour there.
01:44:20 Let's go back to the the burns.
01:44:23 Documentary.
01:44:26 Trying to figure out why white people wouldn't want to live in these.
01:44:28 In these neighborhoods.
01:44:32 They just couldn't. They I.
01:44:33 Mean it. It's all racism, right?
01:44:37 It's probably why the KKK was killing those boys because they were trying to reclaim that territory, right?
01:44:46 So what happened to those projects?
01:44:50 Well, they couldn't fund the projects anymore.
01:44:53 The city was was black. It's still black today. You know, Atlanta is a chocolate city, you might say.
01:45:03 And so the decision was made to.
01:45:06 Bulldoze the projects.
01:45:10 It was just they they couldn't police them.
01:45:13 And they had to get rid of them.
01:45:16 And this documentary, it's really kind of weird because they make it sound.
01:45:21 As if it was.
Speaker 2
01:45:22 Ohh all you know we we.Devon Stack
01:45:23 Learned our lesson.01:45:26 We learned our lesson about trying to.
01:45:30 Give black people a ****** place to live, cause that that's kind of part of the that's the implication, right?
01:45:38 And even though they they built the, you know for millions of dollars, they built these homes and like right next to an exclusive golf course.
01:45:46 You know, not in the inner city at all, and they're complaining that the whites are going to the suburbs. Well, they got their own little version of the suburbs.
01:45:54 But they implied that it was. It was just the ****** place and and they never came to fix it. They never came to fix it.
01:46:06 We learned those lessons.
01:46:08 And So what we did is we we knocked down the projects and built nicer places for the black people to live and and now the black people are getting along great.
01:46:21 But the reality is something quite different.
01:46:25 They wanted to bulldoze those places.
01:46:28 And the Black city planner that was organizing it.
01:46:32 Absolutely wanted to get those people out of there and they evicted most of them. This is a shot of a bunch of their belongings that were carted out to the the side of the road before they demolished the buildings.
01:46:45 And they knocked him down.
01:46:48 And the reason wasn't so that they could, you know, having learned their lessons.
01:46:56 You know the black people somehow came together and overcame the situation.
01:47:02 No.
01:47:03 Turns out they.
01:47:06 Meaning white people.
01:47:08 Finally came and fixed.
Speaker 9
01:47:09 It.Devon Stack
01:47:13 You see, what happened was a a white billionaire.01:47:18 Wanted to the redevelop.
01:47:22 The now basically abandoned.
01:47:24 Golf course.
01:47:27 The golf course, I mean it was, it was so unsafe because it was right next to this war zone. Bullets were flying across the golf course.
01:47:37 And you might get killed not just on your way to the golf course, but you might just be.
01:47:41 Golfing and catch a bullet.
01:47:45 So the place went bankrupt.
01:47:48 And this land developer bought it.
01:47:51 But he knew that he couldn't make any money.
01:47:54 Unless he also got rid of those neighborhoods.
01:48:01 So he he greased the palms of some city planners.
01:48:07 Give him some story about. Ohh no, I'll. I'll. I'm a philanthropist.
01:48:12 I'll donate a bunch of my money, since apparently white people have to fix everything.
01:48:18 And we'll bulldoze down those those projects and I'll build.
01:48:22 A mixed mixed income housing.
01:48:30 Why mixed income housing? Well, because as we've already discussed at great length during this stream.
01:48:36 For blacks to maintain humanity, they need to be in proximity to white people.
01:48:43 So what we'll do is we'll Regents.
01:48:45 Rifier the area.
01:48:48 Will provide a select few blanks.
01:48:54 We'll we'll raise the bar.
01:48:56 Will ban 90% of the former residents.
01:49:01 And we'll make.
01:49:02 It.
01:49:03 A vetting process so that we only get like the best blacks who will qualify.
01:49:10 Who will still get assistance and live in these apartments that will build in place?
01:49:16 And they will charge market rate.
01:49:18 For the rest of them.
01:49:21 Which will necessarily force all the all the blacks that used to live there out of there because they won't be able to afford it.
01:49:29 But they gussied it up. They did all this propaganda gussing up to try to make it sound like this. Black City planner Lady had this amazing idea to clean it up and through the help of this, this, you know, selfless philanthropist. They they cleaned up all the crime.
Speaker 38
01:49:49 And then in the early 90s, seemingly from out of nowhere came an unlikely savior.Speaker 27
01:49:55 When we stand on that.Speaker 38
01:49:56 An Atlanta philanthropist named Tom Cousins, the developer from the other side of town worth more than $300 million. Do you have any idea how much money you have?Speaker
01:49:58 Go.Speaker 32
01:50:09 Giving away over your lifetime.Speaker 27
01:50:11 And that's. I don't, I don't keep track of it.Speaker 38
01:50:14 But I bet your company knows how many square feet.Speaker 9
01:50:16 You've built.Speaker 27
01:50:17 Oh, yeah, yeah, we know that.Speaker 38
01:50:20 Cousins is a soft spoken self. Effacing Atlanta business legend whose skyscrapers dot the downtown skyline.01:50:28 He brought pro basketball and hockey to town, and he built the tallest building in the US outside New York and Chicago. But the broken down housing project in East Lake Meadows was like nothing he'd ever encountered.
Speaker 27
01:50:42 Is almost beyond description. Trash everywhere. Wind is broken out of the apartments. Climb was rampant. No attempt to hide the drug dealing and drug selling on the streets.Speaker 38
01:50:54 Cousins interest in East Lake began when he read a 1993 article that described how 70% of New York State prisoners came from just 8 neighborhoods.01:51:06 Atlantis police chief told him there were even fewer Georgia neighborhoods mass producing criminals, the worst by Far East Lake Meadows.
Speaker 27
01:51:14 And drove out there I could.Speaker 48
01:51:15 Not believe it.Speaker 27
01:51:16 Hundreds of kids out on the streets. They had nothing to say about where they were. They were going there and I thought myself, had I been born there.01:51:26 I'd probably be one of those people in jail.
Devon Stack
01:51:30 And there you see the the boomer white savior complex.01:51:37 If I'd been born there, I wouldn't be this real estate tycoon.
01:51:41 I'd be in jail too.
01:51:44 That's all. That's all it was.
01:51:48 It was the environment.
Speaker 51
01:51:52 But again this.Devon Stack
01:51:53 Is just the cover story but it.01:51:54 Plays well with.
01:51:55 The they have the narrative, so both sides are happy with this cover story.
01:52:00 That you know, the white boomers are happy because they're like, yeah, you know, that's all that's all they needed. We just got it right this time.
01:52:08 And the blacks are happy because they got their palms greased. They got to make some.
01:52:11 Money.
01:52:13 Out of black-owned businesses got those government contracts.
Speaker 27
01:52:17 If they could have called.Speaker 38
01:52:18 Me. The employment rate at the housing project, not the unemployment rate, was just 14%. Cousins and his wife Anne decided their family had to dive in.01:52:29 He created the East Lake Foundation and began to rule housing project residents like Eva Davis, the famously strong willed head of the Residents Association.
Speaker 12
01:52:39 I was kind of nervous. He had this big, rich man with all this money and and he willing to come over here messing with us and ain't nobody else didn't want to be bothered with us.Speaker 5
01:52:50 Well, I was like a lot of other people.01:52:51 I thought he was crazy.
Devon Stack
01:52:55 And again, we see this proximity to white people.01:53:00 Is what's required for blacks to be in a functioning neighborhood.
01:53:07 Left to their own devices, you get E Lake Meadows.
01:53:11 You get little Vietnam.
01:53:15 Rich white guy shows up.
01:53:18 You get this housing development.
Speaker 38
01:53:21 Shirley Franklin, long before she was mayor, was part of Tom Cousins Eastlake team.Speaker 5
01:53:26 I thought he was overreaching, but he was taking on something that frankly the rest of us felt helpless to.Speaker 27
01:53:32 Do I actually didn't know whether this would work?01:53:35 Not, I honestly didn't. But I I knew we were going.
Speaker 38
01:53:37 Try when a faltering Golf Club bordering the housing project came up for sale, Cousins and his family put up $25 million and used the club as the cornerstone of one of the most audacious redevelopment plans ever conceived. The urban nightmare that was the East Lake Meadows Housing project was literally just a chip shot.01:53:58 Way from the 4th hole here at East Lake Golf Club.
01:54:02 Founded in 1904, this historic, very private club had itself fallen in its disrepair from neglect and was on the brink of bankruptcy. Incredibly, then, when a plan was developed to transform the Housing project, golf traditionally exclusive, traditionally white became the driving force.
01:54:23 To help turn around the neighborhood, it was golf of all things, privileged, pristine, genteel golf that helped save Eastlake.
Devon Stack
01:54:35 Well, in other words, it was white people.01:54:38 It was white people that saved it.
01:54:43 Now, of course, that's not how it's framed in the documentary.
01:54:48 The documentary celebrates the the destruction.
01:54:54 And they say despite continuing questions about fairness and what they're talking about is they they kicked.
01:54:59 All those people out.
01:55:01 They got rid of all the black people that were ruining the neighborhood.
01:55:06 Over 1/4 of the nation's public housing units have been eliminated since the 1990s.
01:55:12 Again, this is a nationwide problem. This isn't unique to Atlanta.
01:55:17 We may cover more of them in future streams for.
01:55:20 Black History Month.
01:55:23 This is what it looks like now.
01:55:29 They give a handful of these apartments.
01:55:31 To well, like that woman, Eva Eva Davis.
01:55:37 The the bulldog of the neighborhood, they gave her a place.
01:55:42 And a handful of the like the old people who weren't, who were.
01:55:44 Basically too old to commit crime.
01:55:48 And they charge market rate for the rest of it.
01:55:52 And the the Blacks, I believe.
01:55:58 And now the the golf course.
01:56:01 Is it right next to a black ghetto?
01:56:05 And so he makes his money.
01:56:13 Now, at the very beginning of the stream I.
01:56:14 Played a clip of this.
01:56:17 This was a news report talking about the the white flight.
01:56:22 Talking about how they were, you know, the blacks are moving to the neighborhood.
01:56:27 And you would have all these for sale signs that would pop up immediately afterwards.
01:56:33 As people fleed.
01:56:37 And this is a news report where they interview a leader of a group. I think it was called a swap.
01:56:49 That was trying to.
01:56:51 Integrate blacks into white neighborhoods.
01:56:56 And deal with this problem of white flight while it was happening.
01:57:02 And even at the time.
01:57:05 While this was happening.
Speaker 35
01:57:08 They knew.Devon Stack
01:57:10 That if the area became 100% black.01:57:14 That it would fail.
01:57:17 And so the whole purpose of this group.
01:57:20 Was to try to manage the ratio of whites to blacks.
01:57:25 So that whites would be able to subsidize the existence of blacks.
01:57:32 That blacks will be able to hang on to their humanity.
01:57:36 Because of their proximity to white people.
01:57:42 But it wouldn't just evolve into little Vietnam.
01:57:47 Because there weren't enough white people to prevent that.
01:57:51 Now, of course they don't word it that way.
01:57:54 But it's telling that even at the time.
01:57:58 That was the goal.
01:58:00 They maintain that if if they could keep.
01:58:03 It.
01:58:04 Slightly majority white.
01:58:08 All hell wouldn't break loose.
01:58:11 The number I think, he says, is they wanted to maintain 40% black in these areas.
01:58:18 If they could keep it down to 40%.
01:58:23 There will be enough white people paying the taxes, paying the bills, maintaining the yards.
01:58:29 Working at the jobs.
01:58:31 Shopping at the the the and paying for instead of stealing the goods at the shops to keep them in business.
01:58:41 And that it wouldn't just go to hell in a handbasket.
Speaker 26
01:58:45 In the area in southwest Atlanta, north of Sewer Rd. there's been an almost complete flip flop from White to ***** in the past year.01:58:53 And a half.
Devon Stack
01:58:56 See and that was the that was the.01:58:59 That was the big fear.
01:59:01 For some reason it wasn't a problem when the neighborhood was.
01:59:06 What was the number? He said. It was like 8000 white people and or 9000 white people and eight eight black people.
01:59:15 That was fine.
01:59:17 For some reason.
01:59:19 The issue is not racial homogeneity.
01:59:24 The problem is what race?
01:59:27 Makes up the majority.
01:59:30 So he calls out. The problem is like, well, you know.
01:59:34 All these neighborhoods.
01:59:36 They used to be 100% white. They're now 100% black and that's the problem.
Speaker 26
01:59:42 We have high hopes that the area between sewer road and Cascade Rd. which has now got about 40% Eagle population, will continue and somewhat that ratio of.Devon Stack
01:59:55 That's the ratio they thought they had to maintain.02:00:00 That's not what happened.
Speaker 26
02:00:03 Of white to *****.02:00:06 There are some things the city could have done, like banning for sale signs and residential property.
Devon Stack
02:00:13 They wanted to ban for sale signs to try to keep the right people from leaving.02:00:22 They knew what was going to happen.
02:00:24 Even the people that were for integration.
02:00:28 Knew you couldn't have it be 100% black or it would fail.
Speaker 26
02:00:34 Which would have eased some of the psychological pressure that people in the neighborhoods feel. But the city backed off on this.Speaker 33
02:00:42 Swamp is now battling the proposed construction of public housing units on Sewer Road near the Perimeter Highway.02:00:49 Members told the Automatic Zoning Committee that housing would put a strain on public facilities like schools and swap, fears that public housing will bring a large number of ******* into an area that's trying to achieve a racial balance.
02:01:03 The zoning committee did vote to build the units in Southwest Atlanta, but the proposal still must clear the full board of Alderman. Southwest Atlanta has become sort of a battleground where swap fights to prove that residents of a community can achieve a lasting racial balance in their own neighborhood. The odds are against them.
02:01:22 But they're still fighting.
Devon Stack
02:01:26 I can't imagine why they would fight. They well, they lost that battle.02:01:31 But I don't know why you would fight for that.
02:01:37 This is what white people need to understand about. You know, this is the.
Speaker 27
02:01:43 You know it's it's.Devon Stack
02:01:44 The the selfless personality trait or whatever it is, where they feel like that they're responsible for the.02:01:49 For blacks, they're not.
02:01:50 But they they feel that they are.
02:01:54 Even if it.
02:01:55 Means living in a neighborhood where you're having to subsidize them as long as we can maintain 60%.
02:02:06 And I think just by and large, if you look at America now, that's.
02:02:09 How a lot of.
02:02:10 These you know on the fence types think right?
02:02:15 Well, diversity is good as long.
02:02:17 As it's majority white.
02:02:20 As long as there's enough of us.
02:02:22 To pay for everybody else.
02:02:27 Why would you think like that?
02:02:34 His organization fought against the government projects specifically because he said, you know, if we bring in all the, it'll turn 100% black.
02:02:44 And all the schools will go under. All the services will go to ****.
02:02:50 So why would you want to be 40% ****?
02:03:00 Why is the mantra of so many white people?
02:03:02 Well, it could be worse.
Speaker 51
02:03:09 Why do you?Devon Stack
02:03:09 Believe that it's your burden to take care of these people and and subsidize them.02:03:25 What what exactly? What's this pathological behavior in white people that that's so self-destructive?
02:03:34 And it's pretty universal.
02:03:37 Because it's not. You know, you people could say, well, oh, it's white guilt over slavery. Well, then, you know, it wasn't slavery in Europe.
02:03:45 Why do the Europeans feel the same way?
02:03:49 And it's interchangeable. It goes both ways, right? It's the same. You know, it's like whites that feel guilty about the so-called the Holocaust.
02:03:58 That are, you know, American whites. They're they're like, even if that was, even if it really happened, it's like, well, you're on the side that.
02:04:04 Stopped.
02:04:05 It so why would you feel bad about it?
02:04:09 Jews should celebrate white people every year for saving them from the Holocaust.
02:04:15 By the way, how come that never happens? How come there's no? There's never like any kind of like thank you celebration.
02:04:22 For all the white men that died to, to free them of the Holocaust, that never happens.
02:04:28 I've never heard of that happening.
02:04:30 I've never even heard.
02:04:31 A Jew say thank you for for saving us.
02:04:36 And whites don't even seem to want it.
02:04:41 They don't think they deserve it.
02:04:49 They feel so guilty for everything.
02:04:55 Like last stream when I was playing that clip from Paul Mooney's comedy special analyzing white people.
02:05:06 Where he opens up his comedy special.
02:05:10 Talking to that fictitious White senator who's?
02:05:13 Talking about how every time he sees a a black person, he just feels guilty.
02:05:24 Every time he sees a Jew, he just feels guilty.
02:05:31 I'll pull it back up here.
02:05:35 I got it. Might as well play it.
02:05:41 Explain to me that this.
Speaker 31
02:06:03 I'm Paul Mooney. Welcome to analyzing white America. It's a very difficult job, and I'm just the man for it. Let's welcome our first guest, congressman.02:06:15 Phillips.
Speaker 9
02:06:19 I tell you what's been bothering me most recently. Is it? Yeah, I guess it's guilt.Devon Stack
02:06:23 I.Speaker 9
02:06:27 I don't know. It's like blacks make me feel guilty. Sorry.02:06:32 Arabs make me feel guilty. Jews make me feel guilty.
02:06:36 I don't know. I I just feel like everything by being a white man. I'm.
Speaker 39
02:06:42 I'm. I'm I'm.Speaker 9
02:06:43 The guilty party.02:06:46 This 911 thing, I mean, you know, it's sort of puts us all in the same pot, right? And I know blacks, whites, it doesn't matter, but.
Devon Stack
02:07:01 That's a hurdle that's going to be really difficult to get over when people ask me why I'm black pilled and they say that, oh, no, we can still change it. It's like it's people that don't know their history.02:07:12 It's people that don't know that this isn't.
02:07:13 Like a new problem.
02:07:16 This is a centuries old problem.
02:07:21 It goes back to the colonial days.
02:07:26 White people, I mean, if you got to think about it, out of every people that ever went around the world conquering places around the world.
Speaker 51
02:07:36 White people.Devon Stack
02:07:38 Were the ones that.02:07:40 Honestly, pragmatically and look, I'm not pro genocide.
02:07:44 But they made the the historic mistake.
02:07:48 Of not wiping out the people they conquered.
02:07:51 I know it's maybe a controversial take or whatever, but I mean.
Speaker 42
02:07:55 The.Devon Stack
02:07:57 That's that's what happened.02:08:00 Why people felt bad?
02:08:03 Whether you're talking about the aboriginals in Australia, whether you're talking about the Native Americans and people can say, oh, it's a genocide, no, there's a genocide.
02:08:11 There wouldn't be any of them.
02:08:16 Talking about blacks talking about India with the British Empire, when white people or the Canadians with the First Nation people, right?
02:08:26 When they would go to uncivilized parts of the world and claim.
02:08:30 The land and build civilizations.
02:08:35 The first thing they would do.
02:08:39 Was trying to educate.
02:08:42 The native people.
02:08:45 They built infrastructure.
02:08:51 A lot of that infrastructure, you know, still operating the day in India.
02:08:59 At least the parts they can still maintain.
02:09:09 This idea that we that we went around the world colonizing these countries and committing genocide doesn't make any sense.
02:09:18 Because if we had done that, we wouldn't have.
02:09:20 All these people.
02:09:23 Claiming that we genocide them. How does that happen?
02:09:28 Must be really bad at genocide for people that do it all the time.
02:09:41 It's something that's been it's in our blood for some reason.
02:09:47 In a way, I think it's why white people are more likely to be nice to animals.
02:09:55 You know why we have affinity for like dogs and cats and such?
02:10:00 We want to take care of animals.
02:10:08 I'm not saying these these other people are animals necessarily. I'm just saying it's the same.
02:10:14 It's the same part of the brain.
02:10:20 That makes white people have this fondness for animals that I think.
02:10:25 Gives them a fondness for.
02:10:28 Primitive people.
Speaker 15
02:10:30 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:10:34 And the right context and the right circumstances.02:10:37 It's a beautiful thing.
02:10:43 But unfortunately it's been our.
02:10:49 All Achilles heel.
02:10:55 We're now guilting ourselves into extinction.
02:11:07 And these uncivilized people aren't exactly. And even the civilized ones I mentioned. The Jews.
02:11:15 They're not exactly thankful.
02:11:18 For what you're doing.
02:11:20 They hold it against you.
02:11:24 Whites move out of the neighborhood and sell their homes at A at a a discount price to blacks. Ohh, that's white people being evil.
02:11:33 Whites building up entire housing complexes for black people to live in a in a nice area next to an elite golf course. So that's white.
02:11:41 People being able.
02:11:50 You're damned if you do and you're.
02:11:52 Damned if you don't.
02:12:03 So anyway, that's the I think that's the lesson.
02:12:07 Of tonight's string.
02:12:09 Is the reason why it's so important for non whites to have proximity to whites is that is literally what is keeping civilization going, and on some level.
02:12:21 They know it.
02:12:26 On some level, they know it.
02:12:32 That's why everyone knows I've brought up this example before. I said if what we did with the Indians is so terrible, right when we gave them their own, essentially country sovereign nations.
02:12:45 Within our own country.
02:12:48 Fully subsidized, by the way, by the federal government. Yet you're still paying for the Indians.
Numbers Lady
02:12:53 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:12:58 You know, that's a terrible thing, right? This it's a horrible thing we did. We gave the Indians their own sovereign nations that we pay, we pay for their healthcare.02:13:07 Pay for their education.
02:13:12 In many cases, we pay for their utilities.
02:13:15 And then we give them a check every month. On top of that depends on the tribe. Every tribe has their own treaty.
02:13:20 But in many cases.
02:13:23 We allow them to have casinos.
02:13:30 Now their own law enforcement, their own government.
02:13:36 But if whites were to ask for the same thing all of a sudden it's evil.
02:13:42 No one's trying to, you know, break into the Navajo Nation and live in, you know, in the Navajo Nation.
02:13:50 People aren't lining up to live on a Hopi reservation.
02:13:57 But if whites were to get a white reservation, again, this is some terrible evil we did to them. So obviously it's subpar.
02:14:06 If it's, you know, if anything, it's it would be a self-inflicted wound for white people to ask for the same thing. I mean, we're missing out on the strength of diversity.
02:14:14 And everything else.
02:14:17 We ask for our own reservations. Just give us like, the ********* part of Nevada.
02:14:22 Put us somewhere where they've tested nukes.
02:14:30 They'd never let that happen, and if they did, it would only be a matter of time before they were knocking on our door, begging to come in.
02:14:40 Everyone knows this ****.
02:14:43 And people need to.
02:14:44 Get past the taboo of just saying it.
02:14:48 Stop coming up with all these excuses about. Well, you don't have to be. Have a high IQ to be a nice for everyone knows that that's not the point.
02:15:00 Stupid people can be good people.
02:15:03 And to some extent.
02:15:05 At least for right now.
02:15:07 Society needs at least some stupid people.
02:15:14 Everyone gets then.
02:15:18 But just like that guy that was trying to integrate, you know, these these neighborhoods, there is a ratio that you have to maintain between smart and stupid people or your whole society becomes stupid.
02:15:39 The US military is learning all about that.
02:15:51 When the rubber meets the the road, everyone instinctively knows that.
02:15:56 Blacks know that.
02:16:00 Look, there's there's non whites that watch this stream that, you know, I I would say.
02:16:05 Are good people that that understand that?
02:16:13 They're just just.
02:16:14 Worried about the the country becoming non white as you are?
02:16:33 And I'm sorry if Christianity was this magical elixir.
02:16:37 Then let me explain Japan to me.
02:16:40 You gotta explained the Congo to me.
02:16:43 God explained Mexico to me.
02:16:46 Honduras.
02:16:54 Even if Christianity is the software, it sure as *****, not the hardware.
02:16:58 And sometimes the software has minimum hardware requirements.
02:17:13 You can have the best software in the world and you try to run it on a computer that can't do it. It's not going to work, it's going to glitch.
02:17:20 It's going to crash.
02:17:22 It's going to look like those.
02:17:23 Black projects in no time.
02:17:26 I mean, Speaking of which, those blacks were Christians too.
02:17:40 Anyway, that's our that's our stroll into Black History Month. At least this installment. We'll look at more stuff. As I said in later strings.
02:17:52 I just thought it would be a good one to check out this.
02:17:57 The daughter of Ken Burns.
02:18:01 Who only interviews Jews, apparently Jews and.
02:18:06 It was it.
02:18:07 Was a little stunning even for me, like I'm expecting it right. Like I'm watching the the the documentary. I know what to expect, right? I know what I'm getting into.
02:18:16 I mean, I hadn't seen it, but I knew I I knew. I knew.
02:18:20 But I was just like, really Roth stain. You know, like every, like out of the out of the the the six, you know, people you interview.
02:18:31 They're like almost, it's like.
02:18:34 80% Jewish.
02:18:35 You know, like the rest is black.
02:18:38 Even when talking about another race, you still had still Jews, really.
02:18:44 But anyway.
02:18:47 Let's take a look at Hyper chats.
Speaker 27
02:18:55 Let me see here.Devon Stack
02:19:02 We got friendly neighborhood fascist, one of the most unsavory parts of James Mason's siege that I remember is the part where he basically celebrated the then unsolved Atlanta Child murders. Because of the assumption that it was a race conscious white man killing these kids as a strike and the ongoing race war.02:19:23 Still an interesting book. I've I I've never read it, but.
02:19:27 Yeah, I mean, you know that's.
02:19:30 It's probably not a good strategy, but.
02:19:34 You know, in fact, I guess in a way you could say it's very nearly of him to believe that since that's that was that was the belief of the.
02:19:43 The black community at the time.
02:19:46 From the neighborhood fascist then says the idea that the serial killing is a white thing is another blood libel against us.
02:19:54 Like the mass shooting one apart from the fact that many white serial killers are Jews.
02:20:00 49.5% of serial killers between 1980 and 2020 were black.
02:20:07 From 2010 to 2020, and is climbed to almost 60%.
02:20:13 Well, and you had that. What was his name?
02:20:17 The like the.
02:20:21 The serial I mean they called him a.
02:20:23 Serial killer because he was doing.
02:20:25 Abortions and **** like they had, like a they found like A was like a shipping. It was a black guy with like a shipping container full of dead babies.
02:20:33 Because he was doing like basically post birth abortions. What was?
02:20:35 That guy's name.
02:20:38 That was just a couple of years ago. I I forget the guy. People probably know I'm talking about, but they just found like he had, like, freezers full of dead babies and ****.
02:20:49 Night Nation review says, hey Devin, you should let Ryan help you. He can get you set up to receive Monero super chats with messages. We just set it up and tested it for me and it looks good. Hard for the enemy to poke their eye of soul on into it.
02:21:06 Yeah, maybe I I.
02:21:09 I mean, you can I I have a Monero address that people can send Monero to, but I guess having like a hyper I.
02:21:14 I don't know how.
02:21:16 Use. That would be. I mean I I maybe it's more commonly used than I imagined.
02:21:23 I I just suspect that would be very limited.
02:21:26 And it's and it's access. But you know it doesn't mean we shouldn't do it. That's something we're looking into perhaps.
02:21:35 Uh, mark? ESPY says.
02:21:38 I would never recommend Spike Lee's Black Klansmen, as it has your typical propaganda. I still can't believe the way he ended the movie. I burst out laughing when I saw this.
02:21:49 A few years.
02:21:49 Ago.
02:21:50 They got a link. Uh well, I'll check the link.
02:21:52 Out another time I'm.
02:21:54 I I don't know. I don't do links tonight. I'm tired.
02:22:01 Been researching this all day.
02:22:03 The research in this all day, and maybe that's a movie that I'll take a look at at some point. So we don't want to, we don't want to. Spoiler I mean I assume it's bad and it's Spike Lee, right? It's got to be bad.
02:22:15 Ryan says Devin, we should make a dark web tour, streaming media, radio network, the Monero Super chat software, the Night Nation review, and I just finished setting up works with OBS.
02:22:28 But all these things plug and play together quite nicely. Hope all is well. Thanks for all you do.
02:22:34 Again, maybe I I I don't know that we're. I mean, I don't know if it's something that I can just add in restream.
02:22:41 Maybe it it I mean I don't think it won't. It won't hurt me at all to have that. I just don't know how many people would actually be watching it that way.
02:22:51 But you know, maybe it's worth looking into. I it's always good to at least check out new technologies, and I'm just skeptical of I I like to be in, you know, as accessible as possible.
02:23:04 Possible. And I don't know that I've been increasing access to the show by doing that.
02:23:10 But maybe, maybe.
02:23:14 I'll I'll think about that because if it's just something I can add and I'm guessing it would be if it's just something I can add in restream as another target to send it to.
02:23:26 Then you know it doesn't.
02:23:27 Really.
02:23:28 Affect me on this end.
02:23:34 Excellence. Excellence.
02:23:38 Excellence with the *** **** money.
Speaker 51
02:23:40 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.Devon Stack
02:23:45 Go, Julie, this *** is.02:24:03 XLS.
02:24:05 Actually says I grew up in a small western town named after a hero cowboy who won the Medal of Honor fighting Indians that committed unspeakable savagery. Growing up, I never knew the history.
02:24:18 But I did grow. I did know everything about the Holocaust, wounded knee, etcetera. It's high time whites know their glorious history, and I agree it it's a lot of people don't understand and look, if you live in the southwest or just the West at all.
02:24:32 Really, most of America, I guess there there are stories like that. People like to believe, thanks to Jews controlling the media that whites showed up here and there was a bunch of a bunch of peaceful Indians smoking the peace pipe and we just walked around, you know, shooting them in the face and killing all the Buffalo. And that's not what happened at all. We did. In fact, we didn't even kill the Buffalo.
02:24:55 And and did I get knocked offline again? No, I did not. OK.
02:25:01 So it's it's kind of fascinating to me when I look at the local history.
02:25:05 History of, you know, places that I go visit or even where I live now, there's almost always some kind of story like that. And no, you're right. No one knows it. No one knows it. There's a city not too far from me, where, like the whole, the existence of it, you know, you go back even. It's not even that far. You go back a couple 100 years.
02:25:25 And it's just this story of Indians killing all the white people, the white people getting a bunch of their friends together, coming back and killing all the Indians and taking it back. And then, like the Indians coming. And then the Mexicans show up and just, you know, and white people don't know this.
02:25:40 Again, they're like this guy on the couch. They're just sitting there, feeling guilty, feeling like they've done something.
02:25:46 And I don't know, maybe that's just the way it's always been taught to white people, because it's susceptible to thinking that way. Maybe they just, you know, this this weird inherent guilt.
02:25:54 That they feel.
02:25:55 They're just primed and ready to.
02:25:57 Go.
02:25:58 Or I mean, it's hard to know like how much of it is the Jewish influence over media. I mean, which obviously that's a big part of it, but how much of it is that versus how much of that is white people don't freak out when they hear the Jewish lies, they embrace them for some reason.
02:26:17 So yeah, I I I would. I would.
02:26:20 I would not urge necessarily, but I would recommend if you know just anyone that's an American, check out your local history and might be surprised at what you'll find. And again, it's it's so many stories of it. It's just like or even just The Pioneers, right. The Pioneers crossing the plains and having to deal with savages like no other. Way to describe.
02:26:41 Straight up savages.
02:26:43 Just go in and scalping and and they they found a mass grave just like the other day. I I saw on the news.
02:26:50 They found a.
02:26:51 A mass grave. It was something. It was hundreds, if not thousands, of bodies, including children and babies.
02:26:58 And they've all been scalloped, so obviously it wasn't white people doing that, right? I mean, Indians were brutal to each other before they showed up. They were killing each other left and right. I mean, when the the the Jamestown people showed up.
02:27:13 You know, they had that the missing colony or whatever. Forget what island that is. You know where the Virginia dare you know where she was living?
02:27:25 The first white baby born well, you know, at least.
02:27:28 From from that part of Europe in America, they.
02:27:35 They they had basically a treaty with one tribe and there was another tribe that was at war with that tribe and there was already a war going on the the first white people to show up, they showed up in the middle of war is already going on. It's kind of like that movie Apocalypto.
02:27:51 Right where you had the, the Aztec, you know.
02:27:56 Painted up savages going around and killing the neighboring tribes.
02:28:01 And then Cortez or whoever that is shows up.
02:28:05 Right in the middle of it, I mean that that's that was just the reality.
02:28:10 That was just the reality. It was. It was straight up savagery, you know, to varying degrees depending on the on the tribe. But yeah, absolutely. And there were a lot of heroes in these stories, a lot of white heroes.
02:28:24 My fat little ******** toe smaller donor than I, but I bought three of your shirts today. Happy mental defect month. May your pits be deep and your grocery store is full. Well, I appreciate that. And.
02:28:37 Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. The well, if you saw last string, there was a lot.
02:28:43 Of reason for for grocery store.
02:28:46 Beach Boys Beach Boys with.
02:28:50 *** **** money.
Speaker 51
02:28:51 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend and your.02:28:55 Big.
Devon Stack
02:28:57 Go, Julie, this Fagg is.Speaker 20
02:29:00 Good.Devon Stack
02:29:14 Beach Boys. Ah, you had me at. It's going to be a long one. Is that a whomp? I can't tell if if if you meant it that way or not.02:29:30 Well, thank you very.
02:29:30 Much Beach Boys.
02:29:33 Blue chord, blue chord.
Speaker 11
02:29:36 Lines, money management.Speaker 15
02:29:43 Thank you.Devon Stack
02:29:44 Blue cord. I've got the coffee going for a long one. Evening, Mr. stack. Well, I appreciate that.02:29:51 It's not as long as I thought.
02:29:52 It was going.
02:29:52 To be I I feel like I I I oversold it. But I just looked at the the time I've been.
02:29:58 Live and.
02:30:01 I actually thought because we had so much to get through, I thought it was going to take like I was like man, this might go into like 4 hours or.
02:30:06 Something like that, but I think that's going to happen.
02:30:11 I I've become.
02:30:12 Very efficient, apparently at at relaying some of this information.
02:30:16 But yeah, I appreciate that blue chord.
02:30:20 Lying again, replicating the genius of the Autobahn or autobahn, this autoban has nothing to do with escaping wiggers, but it doesn't hurt when you want to escape them.
02:30:33 Yeah, I that was such a reach. I was surprised they included that in the documentary, trying to say that the federal government was somehow perpetrating racism against blacks by building roads to get away from them.
02:30:50 I mean, in a way, I guess it makes sense, but I mean that's like saying that that like what whites wouldn't have left if they're, I mean, I guess it would be harder to leave how many roads to leave on, but.
02:31:03 That's a little. Yeah, that's a little bit insane, but that's that's what we're dealing with. And people will hear that and not think twice. It shows you the validity of their argument when that's the kind of reaching they've got to do.
02:31:14 Like if if that's what you what? You didn't put on the editing room floor. Like, if that's what you ended up keeping in your documentary.
02:31:24 It lets you know that they.
02:31:25 They really don't have any valid arguments.
02:31:28 If that's and that that's part of what they opened with.
02:31:34 You know the idea of it like.
02:31:35 Oh, and and then all.
02:31:36 Those racist roads, it's like, well, OK.
02:31:40 Data tapes.
02:31:43 Data tapes with the big big.
Speaker 51
02:31:44 Money, cash flow, checkout.Speaker 18
02:31:52 I'd like to return this duck.Devon Stack
02:31:58 Racist tapes or racist tapes? Racist data tapes? You're an American treasure, Mr. Stack. Thank you for your efforts. If anyone is looking the audiobook of day of the rope is, well, I don't know. I can't tell you that I'm. I'm pretty sure that's that's pirated.02:32:21 I mean, I I don't know. I I I that's something I need to like get make available for for a legitimate people to get.
02:32:32 But I appreciate that all the same data tapes.
02:32:37 Arminius. Revenge.
Speaker 29
02:32:39 Arminius. Revenge. When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.02:32:52 Take it from these Jim neighbors. It'll pay dividends.
Devon Stack
02:32:56 Arminius. Revenge, the private school I sent my son to, has started or was started to oppose segregation.02:33:04 The mascot is a literal blue eyed, blonde haired Viking.
02:33:08 Now they have DIDEI goals. Many such cases pull them out this year. You're the man, Devin. Cheers. Well, I appreciate that. And. And yes, as you say, many such cases.
02:33:21 I mean, just from a legal standpoint, it's hard to not do that, but if it's a private.
02:33:26 I mean.
02:33:27 If you I don't think you know if you're a private school, you you still can't. You can't have like a control over.
02:33:35 The racial makeup.
02:33:36 I mean, you can you can make other.
02:33:38 Requirements that are you know that basically will filter out the people you don't want, but like they did with that neighborhood, right when they when they knocked down the projects. But yeah, I mean that that's that, that's all you.
02:33:53 Need to know.
02:33:54 That's all you need to know.
02:33:55 Is the the very fact that the federal government will come after you if you try to make just a school that's all white, and meanwhile state schools are having black only graduations.
02:34:06 And you know, where's the DOJ? No one cares.
02:34:09 It's all about proximity to white people. They know that the the wheels will stop turning if there's if there's all black people.
02:34:19 Lamp shade the nire look up Pruitt I go projects in Saint Louis and Cabrini Green in Chicago. Blacks trashed both places. Never took accountability and blamed systemic racism. Yeah, many such.
02:34:37 Cases many such cases I'll put that in my notes because I am going to cover some more of these.
02:34:44 Because there's. So there's just so many of them, and some of them are worse than the one we covered tonight, but.
02:34:50 Yeah, it's, it's.
02:34:51 It repeated this exact pattern, repeated itself all across the country. It didn't matter if it was on the West Coast, the East Coast, or on the South or whatever. It just any time that the blacks were given a free ride, essentially a place to be and and in in a homogeneous society, a little mini society, something that would have thrived if it would been white people and everyone.
02:35:13 ******* knows that everyone ******* knows it.
02:35:16 That's why it's not allowed to work. It's not allowed to happen.
02:35:20 When they're given the same opportunity, they destroy.
02:35:23 It.
02:35:25 Well, and Speaking of Indian reservations, have you have you driven through?
02:35:30 Gallup NM before guitar dude, and that's like one of the nice ones. Not sure if you followed Japanese media, but the subversion of the asias ramping up, they have way more blacks and Japanese anime now, and the new Miss Japan is Ukrainian Jew, maybe Europe and the US are beyond saving, but what advice would you give Japanese Asians?
02:35:52 To prevent a similar fate.
02:35:54 I mean, just look at what's happening here and don't do that. I was wondering if she was a Jew. I.
02:35:58 Saw that people.
02:36:00 It was so frustrating because I saw people on Twitter basically celebrating the idea. The oh look, you know, Japan had a had a a miss, you know, Miss Japan.
02:36:13 And they picked a white chick as as if it was some kind of win.
02:36:18 And I was like, well, first of all, that's like the ugliest ******* white chick I've ever seen. Like, let me let me pull it up. I.
02:36:23 Was I was just surprised that.
02:36:26 You know that that was the white chick.
02:36:28 I was like.
02:36:28 I I was like, well, they're gonna pick.
02:36:30 A white chick. She's probably, you know.
02:36:32 Probably hot if she's hotter than like all of the the Japanese chicks. Pull this up here.
Speaker 25
02:36:39 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:36:40 So so this is the white chick.02:36:44 You know, quote UN quote white.
Speaker 6
02:36:46 Yeah.Devon Stack
02:36:47 And my first thought was just like.02:36:51 And I'm like, what the ****? I was just like, really like.
02:36:59 Well, who are the? What are the Japanese chicks look like? If that was the.
02:37:04 Yeah, that was the winner. Like, oh, good Lord.
02:37:08 Right. And so I I kind.
02:37:10 Of looked that up.
02:37:12 And to be fair.
02:37:14 I don't know what they're how they're judging this.
02:37:16 Or who's judging this in this contest?
02:37:20 Because I was like, OK, well, maybe the Japanese ones, I'm having a hard time picturing this, but then I was like.
02:37:23 That.
02:37:26 Uh.
02:37:27 You know, I mean, you know, they're not the best either or the one on the far right looks like the kind of lady that would scream at you at A at a Chinese restaurant. You know, the other ones are like, average.
02:37:42 But they're not like, you know, these aren't like out of reach. Hot people. They're just average looking Asians, except for the one in the green dress is below average.
02:37:52 So it's kind of like, uh, yeah, I guess.
02:37:54 A little bit.
02:37:56 And then I started thinking like, OK, was it there? This isn't this. This isn't even the first time, right? This isn't even the first time something like this has happened. Cause I remember something similar a couple years back, and sure enough, this was Miss Japan.
02:38:14 I forget what year this was, but like it, you know, maybe last year, but a couple of years ago, but like very recently.
02:38:21 And then I was like, well.
02:38:23 What the ****? What the ****? What's happening?
02:38:27 And then you go back in time and look at the older Miss Japans because you're like, OK, well, maybe.
02:38:33 Maybe they're just judging on something else. I mean, obviously not if they're, you know, they're.
02:38:37 Letting the.
02:38:39 The If you say I I tried to see if she was a Jew because I saw that she was Ukrainian I.
02:38:43 Was like probably a Jew.
02:38:45 And it was a single mom. They were married, some Japanese guy. And so I I couldn't find, like, the actual last name of of, you know, what her mom's last.
02:38:55 Was, but yeah, you're right. I mean, she did look, I mean, that would explain to.
02:39:01 Her that would explain the.
02:39:06 You know that would because usually you think Ukrainian and you're not like.
02:39:10 Thinking ugly girl but.
02:39:16 And you know, the ears are kind of big and you're, I mean, the Junos kind of, it's hard to tell from this angle and the mouth is.
02:39:25 Too big and ugly anyway, but they these are like this.
02:39:29 Is like what you would.
02:39:30 What I mean, she looks a little Polynesian.
02:39:33 Right. She doesn't even really look Japanese. This is the first Japanese.
02:39:40 Let's see where, where, where I can.
Speaker 48
02:39:42 Put that.Devon Stack
02:39:43 This is the first missed Japanese or missed.02:39:45 Japan, I guess.
Speaker 48
02:39:48 There we go.Devon Stack
02:39:50 And sure, that's what you would expect to see, right? You're like, yeah, you know, just like.02:39:55 You know, classy Japanese lady. You know, that was the first one I think that was 1959 or something like that.
02:40:02 Uh, and then east or no, I guess she was the first Miss Japan to win Miss Universe, but I don't. I don't. I don't know. I mean, it was 1959, I think, but I don't know when they first started doing.
02:40:13 And then you look into, well, I mean well, who's running Miss Universe, right?
02:40:19 And cause I thought Trump used to own it or something like that. And I guess that he he did, or at least own some had some ownership of it a little while ago, but another explanation as to what's going on here is back in 2022. See, I did go down this rabbit hole because I was. I was just as.
Speaker 7
02:40:38 Confused as.Devon Stack
02:40:39 Everybody else.02:40:42 And so I find out. Oh well, who owns the the Miss Universe pageant? Now is some Jew and a ****** from like Thailand or something? So it's like a **** *** and a Jew owns it. And the CEO is some Jew.
02:40:59 So it's like, oh, OK, well, that makes sense now you.
02:41:02 Know why that's happening?
02:41:03 And it's it's all propaganda. I guess it always kind of was it just used to be positive propaganda, kind of like the Olympics. It used to, you know, before diversity, the Olympics was kind of like the propaganda, the POSIT propaganda that you would want, you know, like, oh, look, Americans went to the Olympics and we brought home all these medals.
02:41:23 Look how awesome Americans are.
02:41:25 But then it kind of just it.
02:41:26 Didn't feel, I mean, even as a kid.
02:41:29 And maybe I just was always, I don't know, kind of racist or something. But yeah, even as a kid, as like these Olympic gold medalist.
Speaker 49
02:41:38 Yes.Speaker 23
02:41:39 Yeah, usually like.Devon Stack
02:41:39 The runners and stuff like that, as they were more like black from time to time. I was just kind of like, I don't care as much, you know? Don't like, don't really care as much. And now it's kind of like, you know, look at the World Cup as an example. And it's just like, who ******* cares at all? You know, who gives a **** at all?02:41:58 And yeah.
02:41:59 So now it's just it's propaganda being used inversely instead of, you know, it's it's satanic conversion instead of something that's being used to try to make you feel proud about your people and good about your people. It's something that's being used to make you feel ****** about your people. I mean, how ****** would you feel if you're Japanese and you're told that like this?
02:42:20 Chicks better looking than all the Japanese. Like, that's the that's the best that Japan could come up.
02:42:29 I can't. OK, that's a little better.
02:42:36 Yeah, yeah, I. But it just it it it bothered me. I saw so many people on Twitter trying to act like this was a good thing. Like, Oh yeah, it's great haha. And it's like, no, it's not great. It's just it's just it's spreading. The virus is spreading. Eventually one of the good things about having Japan, the way that it is is it gives you a good example of how things.
02:42:56 Would be, you know, it's a good it's a good contrast the way. But I think they know that. I think they know that and which is why they're having to, you know that they're tired of getting into conversations and arguments with people like us and having nothing, no rebuttal.
02:43:12 To like the the.
02:43:13 The Japan question, right? Well, the Korea question or whatever, right?
02:43:17 They have these homogeneous societies that are just a billion times better and they have to lower them down to the.
02:43:23 Level that we're at.
02:43:26 Or or else there's too much data available that shows that they're wrong.
02:43:31 That's really what I think it is.
02:43:33 That's really what I think it is.
02:43:35 It boils down to it it it creates an argument that that they they can't refute.
02:43:44 Splinter Trace, another group of people that have caused the moral decay in our society behind the Jews and Blacks, is the treacherous middle.
02:43:53 Aged white woman.
02:43:54 You ever thought of doing a stream on them? Yeah. Yes. You know, maybe you could do something. It's it seems to be more often than not.
02:44:04 It's the single cat lady. It's it's the witches.
02:44:09 You know Edward Dutton does a good thing on about, you know, talking about how society used to know that these kinds of people were a problem and called them witches and often.
02:44:19 You know, got rid of him.
02:44:24 And uh, you know that it that seemed there was a healthy mechanism in place for centuries that kind of dealt with the the witch problem.
02:44:35 And.
02:44:37 That that, that mechanism is no longer in place like so many other safety mechanisms that have been disengaged.
02:44:46 Changed and so now we've got witches everywhere. So yeah, I mean it. Maybe I.
02:44:53 Mean I don't.
02:44:53 Know it's it'd be hard to find like or maybe it wouldn't be. I guess I've never tried to find, you know, real hard data on this kind of thing.
02:45:03 But I mean cause what? What would how would I guess you could find like voting. I mean the the voting things obvious, right? I mean there's lots of data for that that that shows you how bad it.
02:45:12 Is, but it's hard to quantify. You know, it's like one of those things that we all get it because we live amongst them, but it's it's. I'm I'm wondering wondering how difficult it would be to actually quantify it. Maybe maybe it's easier than I think Antonio Bay says, yet one of many good or.
02:45:32 Yet one of many good shows, Devin I was mean to ask if you ever consider putting your material on CD's. I know it sounds old fashioned, not entirely non.
Speaker 19
02:45:44 Cool.Devon Stack
02:45:46 I mean, you guys could.02:45:46 Burn CD's. I mean, I don't even know how.
02:45:49 I can't even get blank CD's anymore and I feel like that it's almost like I feel like that'd be as difficult as finding blank tapes these days. I mean, I.
02:45:58 Guess you could probably find them.
02:46:00 But that's another one of those things. It's a usefulness thing, right? Like I guess I would put things on CD is like maybe like.
02:46:08 You know, it's like a merchant kind of a thing, you know, just as like a collectible, kind of a thing. It'd be fun to have something like that. And I've I've talked about doing stuff like that, or even maybe even doing something on VHS, you know, just to have as like, I mean, no one's obviously going to be, you know, watching it really. But just.
02:46:27 So you have something you know, it's like a memento, you know, like a a trinket kind of a thing. But yeah, as as far as putting things on CD for any practical reason, doesn't really make a lot of.
02:46:40 Zaza Mac Taskbot says thanks, I'll have to catch the replay. What is your favorite American mythos like Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, Johnny Appleseed, Casey Jones, or even John Henry? I very much like today's subject. My mom was in Detroit.
02:47:00 When she was a kid and had to move because of the riots, she still doesn't get it. Yeah, the same exact thing happened. We did a whole thing on the on the Detroit situation.
02:47:15 I don't know. Like I like pioneer stories and my ancestors were pioneers.
02:47:20 So I like pioneer stories, but a lot.
02:47:21 Of those are real, I mean, not all of them, but a lot of them are real.
02:47:26 It's like if you ever go traveling throughout the West, and I mean, it's only a matter of time before these are gone, I guess. But there's a lot of historic markers, you know, that show like the Oregon Trail, for example. And there's, you know, like the the Donner Party story. I.
02:47:46 Find interesting.
02:47:47 And there were other versions of that. There was, uh, that group of pioneers that that left, I mean, they knew about the Donner Party because it was in the news and they somehow got stuck in Nevada because that doing the same stupid ****, like trying to take a shortcut and a bunch of. I mean, I don't think they hate each other, but they.
02:48:07 They ended up a lot of them dying.
02:48:10 In fact, there was a really.
02:48:11 Cool story. I might even do a whole.
02:48:13 Stream on it.
02:48:14 There's a cool story.
02:48:16 About a guy who broke into area 51, he was a I think he was a high school.
02:48:23 Future and he was very into like, The Pioneers who went across the Nevada.
02:48:30 And actually I think it was actually that wagon trail. I was just talking about. And they had left. They had carved into the walls of one of the mountains near Papoose Lake. You know, that they had been there, and he was just a history buff, and he wanted to see the sights of.
02:48:50 You know where they were.
02:48:52 And it just happened to be on area 51 land. And so he contacted the government and said, look, as an archaeologist, I know it's a a base or whatever, but I'd like permission to go there and and just check out the land and preserve any artifacts I can find.
02:49:08 And of course, you know, the government said no, go to ****, you know.
02:49:11 Go to ******* hell. It's area 51.
02:49:13 So he snuck on to area 51 anyway.
02:49:17 Took a few photos and retrieved a aux shoe like it's like a horseshoe, only for ox and.
02:49:26 Couldn't find the inscription, but was relatively certain that he had that he was, at least in the right area, claimed to have seen some weird **** in the dried up lake bed of Lake of Papoose Lake.
02:49:42 And snuck back out and then died of cancer. Like two years later, partially because he drank water from a hose.
02:49:51 At Area 51, that was, that was near a radioactive waste disposal thing. So, but I don't know, but it it's a very it's a really interesting story. I was thinking about, I might, I might even do. I don't know, that basically ruined the whole story, but I might do a story on that. It's a fascinating story. He called the part bell in fact.
02:50:11 Before he died.
02:50:13 And told part of it he was supposed to write a book. He was in, you know, he he had worked with the local newspaper. And then I I don't think he ever wrote the.
02:50:21 Book. I think he died before he could write the book.
02:50:23 Which is a shame and a lot of people haven't seen. I mean, some people have seen the photos, and there's even a little bit of video.
02:50:29 But I tried finding on the Internet and then no luck with that.
02:50:34 I mean, I felt like a picture or two, but.
02:50:37 Anyway, let's see here.
02:50:45 We're worry.
02:50:52 Jay Ray, 931. Funny how today they call it Chirac today.
02:50:59 You mean like little Vietnam is now called Tarek?
02:51:04 Why? Why? Why? I talk about Chicago.
02:51:07 What's what's with the Chai?
02:51:11 Probably Chicago, I guess. But yeah, I mean.
02:51:13 Look, everyone, no matter if you live in a.
02:51:16 Major City there's almost always inevitably, a place that's called the war zone. I lived in Albuquerque. There was a place literally called the war zone. You don't go to the war zone.
02:51:25 And all white people all knew where it was.
02:51:28 And didn't go there.
02:51:30 Uh, Stoney says. We're on the street.
02:51:33 Word on the street.
02:51:36 Not sure you mean by word on the street. Might have been you said an hour ago, so you might have been in response to something I said. I don't remember. Now, friendly neighborhood fascist. Curious if there's enough data to accurately calculate the net cost of blacks in the US. Someone's done it before and it's over $100,000.
02:51:55 The drain caused by equalization programs, welfare, healthcare, constant riots, black crime subsidies, towns like you've covered trillions of opportunity costs and look a conservative number, if I remember correctly.
Speaker 14
02:52:08 Like.Devon Stack
02:52:09 It's in the ballpark of 100. I forget the exact number, but it's in the ballpark of 100 grand.02:52:14 Per black person.
02:52:16 So for every black person you see walking around, it's a net loss of.
02:52:20 Like 100 grand.
02:52:22 And and again I don't I I think that's very conservative because as you mentioned, they're not, they're not figuring it. It's it's just like.
02:52:31 Like you can sit there and calculate the like. Some of this stuff, right, because they're real numbers. You can look at it and and and figure in what they're, you know what they're paying into things and what we're having to spend directly on, you know, policing their neighborhoods and putting them in jail and and all this other stuff.
02:52:50 But there's some stuff you won't you'll never know what.
02:52:53 The cost is.
02:52:54 Because you'll never know of the inventions and the innovations and and and the advancements that our society would have made had we not been paying for this **** forever.
02:53:07 Right. Like how much? How much would we have accomplished if instead of paying these trillions of dollars?
02:53:15 Into subsidizing these people, we've been putting them into. We've been investing in ourselves.
02:53:21 You'll never know. You'll never know what we could have accomplished or, or even worse yet, all the white kids who have been murdered by black people. You'll never know what they would have accomplished.
02:53:34 One of them might have cured cancer. We don't know. We'll never know. And so it's just it's.
02:53:40 You can't calculate it. You can. You can come up with conservative estimates, but that's all they'll ever be, and it's always going to be a net loss. And that's another thing that these libertarian types need to think about. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense for, especially for libertarians who are all are really hate parasitism.
02:54:00 OK. Well then yeah, I once I talked to a libertarian recently and I said, look.
02:54:10 Just by being libertarian, you're basically.
02:54:12 Racist.
02:54:14 And. And he's like, oh, no, I'm not like now you are. Cause like, who do you think?
02:54:18 That that benefits.
02:54:20 I mean, inevitably, a libertarian society is one where blacks are going to be they're not even going to get to live in the free ghetto. They're it's going to be like mud huts. It's going to you think it's bad in in that, that ****** projects that you gave them for free with with libertarians, you would even have that.
02:54:38 You have little Mogadishu going. I mean, you'd have, like, literal mud huts.
02:54:44 And you have homeless, you have marauding bearing would be.
02:54:48 And and look, they get it. They know they're just.
02:54:51 Afraid of being called racist? They're just *******.
02:54:54 They're just uh.
02:54:56 They're just libertine *******.
02:55:00 And well, describing God's army says interesting deep dive. Did anyone ever get the half $1,000,000?
02:55:08 Now the the.
02:55:11 The half $1,000,000 was uh.
02:55:16 Or they offered it to to that.
02:55:19 Was a little girl there raped or a little? I forget who. But they raped a kid. What he's talking about is the the Jews raped a kid.
02:55:29 And the they, they had a fundraiser.
Speaker 9
02:55:34 Half $1,000,000.Devon Stack
02:55:39 And they raised half $1,000,000 and then they got busted for trying to bribe the victim with half $1,000,000.02:55:50 Lying says the most astonishing thing is that there isn't one single thing created by the Jew or the ***** that makes any of this worth tolerating. Not one single thing legitimately brought into existence by them, which objectively uplifts humanity. **** their movies, **** their art, **** them. Well, I don't know.
02:56:10 I would say that's a little.
02:56:12 Too broad. I mean, I get where you're coming from, but I I I mean it's.
02:56:16 Yeah, I I would say it's impossible to say that that there's not a single positive thing that any Jew or black person has ever done right that it exists. But as but as a group, as a group, it doesn't exist. I would say, you know, and and you're right. White people need to stop being so individualist and that that is the that we have.
02:56:36 Spiral right.
02:56:39 But there is a happy medium. There is we don't have to overcorrect and and, but yeah, we need to paint with a much broader brush, absolutely.
02:56:48 Bitcoin, crypto and gaming news says F and when the stream took a dive.
02:56:57 White fish fagot white fish.
02:57:01 ******.
02:57:09 White fish. Fagot. Hey, David. Haven't cut up on the last two strings, so sorry if you've.
02:57:14 Already gone over?
02:57:15 It did. You see the interview with handsome Truth and Steve Peters? It seemed rather tame. Nothing too inflammatory. But for someone outside the JQ, it would get it would be hard to digest. Still useful.
02:57:28 Useful or in the pit? I I. No, I haven't seen it.
02:57:33 Steve Painters is weird in that he has like, a crazy reach.
02:57:39 Uh.
02:57:41 But I'm I'm I'm wondering who his audience is because I feel like they're kind of cute hearted a little because he he promotes flatter. I mean there I I haven't seen a conspiracy theory he doesn't like.
02:57:53 So I don't. I don't know who his audience is, but I.
02:57:57 Even though it's big.
02:57:59 Where it seems big like he seems.
02:58:01 Like he's got.
02:58:02 Big followings on socials and stuff like that.
02:58:05 I don't know how influential he actually is, but maybe he is. I don't know. I, but no, I haven't. I haven't seen it.
02:58:12 Night Nature view it seems simple for them to have any sort of civilization. Whites need to take paternalistic relationships to Africans. Without us, their natural state is simply squalor and savagery. Well, right, their natural state is Africa.
02:58:33 Without whites, blacks, we know what that looks like because it exists.
02:58:39 And it there's not a single example that that breaks out of the pattern.
02:58:47 In every instance where blacks are not being ruled in some way or another by whites, it's.
02:58:56 It's below substandard and it's very primitive.
02:59:00 And you know that's that's the problem.
02:59:03 Is you can't bring them up and all you can do is drag us down.
02:59:07 Lampshade denier black squatter in the UK, Keith Best moved into white pensioners empty home, then won legal right.
02:59:15 To keep it.
02:59:16 He sold it for $682,000.
02:59:21 Well, I don't know anything about that story, but it's the UK, so I believe it, I believe it.
02:59:28 Harbor commandant. Hey, Devin. I'm from the Netherlands. Europe. My parents grew up in a small town in the 1950s. Completely white. Nobody locked their house or bikes.
02:59:41 Neighbors would walk in and out of houses to borrow sugar and bring it back. High social trust. Nowadays, higher crime, no social trust, all because of nags. Yeah, well, that's it's only going to get.
02:59:55 Worse, it's only got.
02:59:57 Look, I feel like Europe's got a better chance of turning this **** around. I know to an American, for Americans, it's hard to imagine that because no offense, Europeans, but we always kind of view you guys as kind of.
03:00:10 Well, more susceptible. A nice way of putting you're more susceptible to the Jewish nonsense. I know. That sounds a little crazy coming from an American knowing the Jewish influence that exists here, but like.
03:00:21 The the kind of ******** of the leftism that that a lot of Europeans have. It makes Americans feel like that, that you're never going to grow a pair. And plus, you don't have guns and stuff like that. But that said.
03:00:35 I do feel like in even like I feel like the Swedes.
03:00:40 Who seemed very turbo cooked in a.
03:00:42 Lot of ways.
03:00:44 I feel like they're starting to have enough of this. I just think a lot of it was you just didn't have it. You didn't know what it was. You didn't know it was like.
03:00:51 You hadn't tasted it.
03:00:53 You know, you were just you.
03:00:54 Were just going off of what?
03:00:55 You were just going off.
03:00:56 What you were told it was.
03:00:58 And now you're tasting it for the first time. And you're like, ah. And hopefully it's just not too late in America. It's, you know, the the diversity things already happen. You know, it's it's the melting pot has already.
03:01:10 Happened and I don't know if you ever watched. I don't why the YouTube algorithm does this.
03:01:15 YouTube algorithm for some reason has decided that I want to watch, not alchemy videos, but like videos of people melting gold off of like computer chips and **** like like like refining metals and like scrap people, you know, and I was watching this video of this guy again, maybe it's.
03:01:35 Because I end up watching. I'm just like, oh, it's interesting. There's a guy who got these copper nails that were gold.
03:01:43 Related and he bought them off eBay so that he could chemically strip the gold from the copper nails and with sulphur sulphuric acid. And you know or nitric acid and a bunch of other kind of acid baths and and just all, you know. But it was this long.
03:02:03 Complicated process for him to get the gold off of these copper nails and eventually after like several days and acid baths.
03:02:16 All these you know, rinse, rinse and repeat kind of things he was doing. He ended up with a gold nugget worth a couple $1000.
03:02:24 And I was watching that and I was thinking, you know.
Speaker 20
03:02:30 In a weird way.Devon Stack
03:02:31 It kind of gives me a.03:02:32 Little bit of.
03:02:33 Hope that like if there's white people out there autistic enough to go through this entire process of trying to strip away the contaminants and refine gold and get, you know, get down to where it's just this, this element and going through all these chemical processes.
03:02:50 Of of chemically liquefying gold and then resolidified and doing all this, this, this chemistry ****.
03:03:00 Maybe maybe there is a way you know to to strip us out of the the population and and get rid of the impurities. You know, like, I don't know. Maybe. Maybe right. It's just going to be a very complicated, lengthy process.
03:03:12 And and you'll you'll lose. Just like with the gold refinement, right, like in the process of him doing this. Inevitably, he lost some of the gold doing it, you know, just. And that's just going to happen. You're not going to get 100% yield of of what the original was, but at least you know, you're able to separate the the copper from the gold and end up with the gold nugget. And maybe that's something that's.
03:03:33 All we can ask for.
03:03:37 Let's see here. Mine. Comfy. Chair says my office is next door to a high end. Mixing income housing high-rise they maintain around 25% subsidized black residency, but even that is high enough to eventually drive out white people. So to keep the flow of white residents.
03:03:56 Moving in, they trick new residents by hiding the blacks during tours.
03:04:01 Yeah, I I get, I get what you mean the part of DC that I lived in, I it wasn't entirely subsidized, but it was.
03:04:09 Just enough of it was, I mean the not the billionaire was in, but like the building's not far from me.
03:04:16 Was all subsidized housing, so it was like all black like it was like the whole building was black and that street, you didn't walk down the whole the whole block, you didn't walk.
03:04:24 On.
03:04:25 Because it was surrounded by criminals 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
03:04:31 Doesn't take much and 25% is pretty high.
03:04:36 Ah, let's see here. Hammer, thorazine, hammer, thorazine.
03:04:49 Hammer theorizing, relevant to what you were talking about regarding Jews attacking whites, the infamous poll post well, I told you I'm not not doing that.
03:04:59 I'm not doing links tonight.
03:05:01 Not doing links tonight? Well, it's it's.
03:05:03 Well, it's just a picture I guess.
03:05:06 Let me say what is.
Speaker 19
03:05:07 This.Speaker 34
03:05:11 What is this?Devon Stack
03:05:18 It's just a picture. I'm OK with that.03:05:21 Paul's razor.
03:05:24 If the hollow hoax actually happened and the allies really did save the Jews from evil gas chambers, Jews should be building monuments to their white rescuers and singing their praises. Instead, they write article after article policy after policy about how all whites need to be sterilized and exterminate.
03:05:43 They are ungrateful to their liberators, men charged into a machine gun fire to save them. Now they are telling the generations that came after that they all deserve to die for the crime of being white. Thus begs the following questions. If the holohoax is real and Jews hate their liberators, doesn't that prove that Hitler was right about them?
03:06:05 Or alternatively, if Jews feel free to attack their liberators and have no guilt in doing so, doesn't that prove the holohoax never happened?
03:06:15 Well, there you go. That's basically what I was saying. You know, great minds think alike. I I I like, I suppose.
03:06:22 Alright, Pagan Bear says well, Australia has to put up with forward to what I'm not doing. Videos. I know one minute, 30 seconds. Sorry for the long money, but I am broke. That's OK. Broke, but I'm we're trying to trying to cut down on the the random video links.
03:06:41 You guys can't take hints. I tried to be subtle about this at first.
03:06:48 But I believe it I I'm assuming it's Australia's some. I'm sure it's some ******* psycho Abbo **** that you guys have to deal with. I can only imagine.
03:06:58 Upper commandant. It's all the same everywhere in the West. How is it that after the end of the Second World War they said that good triumphed over evil? It feels the evil forces won the war because after the Second World War, they slowly started to erode white ethnic pride, desegregation and mass immigration.
03:07:16 Well, is it?
03:07:18 All the same over in the West. How is it that after the end of the World War, they said they they good triumphed over evil? Well, that's The thing is, is good. Did not triumph over evil.
03:07:27 So simple equation there. Mine comfy chair. The building even has a separate leasing office specifically, that's the one that you're talking about that has the black residence that they hide specifically for the black residents. I can't tell you how many disgruntled white locals I've talked to who complained that they felt like they were tricked.
03:07:48 Or, of course, they never mentioned that they're upset about the black people until I bring it.
03:07:53 Up.
03:07:54 No, I I that's why it's. I think it's important to bring it up.
03:07:58 There's a lot of people that that think the same way that we do. They're just afraid to be the first one to say it. It's kind of like, you know, I learned a long time ago in my degenerate drug user days when I would move and I moved. Often you had to find because this is before we was you could, you know, there wasn't such a thing as a weed store.
03:08:18 And so when you moved to a new town or something, you had to find weed again.
03:08:22 And so you'd have to do the secret handshake. You know this the the float out little things to coworkers and other people that you you didn't if they didn't smoke pot you didn't want them to know that you did, so you'd have to just say things that other pot smokers would would pick up on. Right. And then they they would know oh he smokes and then you know there you go.
03:08:42 Same thing. You basically just have to you have to do the little racist dog whistle, you know, throw it out there at the very least, that's at a minimum. You got to do that. I think, you know, maybe even be a little more forward than that, depending on what the.
03:08:56 And you know, give them permission if you will, to speak freely because a lot of people think like us, they're just afraid to say it. And I think that if you can get more people into the practice of saying it and it really does start to wear away in a road, that taboo, that is.
03:09:15 So prevalent in white people.
03:09:18 Ah, let's see here.
03:09:21 Beach.
03:09:22 Boys.
03:09:24 Beach Boys.
03:09:35 Have you ever thought about reviewing the propaganda and hogans heroes? You know, I used to watch reruns of that when I was a real little kid, and I I just. I mean, I just barely remember bits and pieces of.
03:09:48 But.Devon Stack
03:09:50 It's one of those things where.03:09:52 I don't is there if there's not like a ton of.
03:09:54 Episodes. Maybe it'd be worth doing.
03:09:57 But it's one of those because I don't remember a lot of it. It would. It would take a lot of time because, you know, if there's like, you know, let's say there's like five seasons of it, you know, I have to speed watch, which is what I do when it's something like that, I'd have to speed watch a bunch of it just to.
03:10:16 To get it, but I I would I would assume that it's going to be pretty heavy with propaganda just given the subject matter, right? I I don't think a bunch of Hollywood Jews are going to make a a show about Nazis and not have propaganda in it, right? I mean, I do remember all the Nazis being stupid.
03:10:32 And that was the whole premise, right? Was the Nazis were *******.
03:10:37 But I don't know if it goes beyond that. I'm.
03:10:39 Sure it does.
03:10:40 A real real ubermensch.
03:10:44 A real ubermensch with the big big money.
Speaker 35
03:11:16 That will keep him busy.Devon Stack
03:11:27 All right.03:11:30 Devin, you're in the helping White identity Hall of Fame. Thanks for all you do. I appreciate.
03:11:34 That.
03:11:35 And I think all of you guys are in the Hall of Fame. If you are able to.
03:11:40 You know, at least get through at least, at least. Uh, someone in your immediate circles.
03:11:47 Everyone should be trying that. I know it can be frustrating and I know it can feel like you're burning bridges, but at a certain point, you know, I mean, I'm not saying.
03:11:55 You.
03:11:55 Should destroy relationships or whatever but.
03:11:59 You got to let people know where you stand.
03:12:02 But I appreciate that a real ubermensch arch, Stanton.
03:12:18 Arch Stanton is there a great deal living with blacks here in Philly, whites get to pay taxes.
03:12:24 So that black queen bees can shoot out endless children who then rob rape and murder whites. By the way, I worked over 10 years in the Philly court system, so I've had a front row seat to this madness. I can only imagine.
03:12:39 Working in the any core system, but like, yeah in Philly, especially not gonna be down on that one. Antonio Bay, there was a bit of an out roar when they picked a white chick as Miss Zimbabwe.
03:12:56 Ohh yeah, I did see that one.
03:13:00 I'm I'm I'm less irritated by people liking that.
03:13:07 For some reason.
03:13:09 Uh, my cute little friend says about the T-shirt you wanted to design when Hasidic Jew was crawling out of the sewer. The caption caption should be how how Jew is born. Please make that T-shirt. Well, I already made one. It's.
03:13:26 Well, I forget what it says.
03:13:29 But there is a there is a a Jew coming out of the Sewer 1.
03:13:33 Oh, it's the pizza one. That's right. It's uh.
03:13:37 Like Shlomo's pizza or something like that. I.
03:13:39 Forget.
03:13:41 Link is in the description Veruca Salt. Hi David. I saw a quote from Ron Owens lately. He said that per capita Jews have been the most genocidal people in history. Great stream.
03:13:53 Thanks for all you do.
03:13:55 I would believe that I don't think that that's a stretch. I don't know about in history, just only because of like Genghis Khan and stuff like that. But I guess per capita, you know, maybe right, I guess, I guess that's what would do it, I guess yeah, because they.
03:14:12 Are such a small?
03:14:14 Percentage of the world population I I guess it.
03:14:18 I guess it would have to.
03:14:20 Yeah, I guess, I mean that, I guess that, I mean almost when you think about it that.
03:14:23 Way the math definitely checks out.
03:14:26 Truth forge New Mexico is depressing. Yes, it is. In just my lifetime, it has gone from majority white to now minority white, and the crime has risen in conjunction. Yeah, there's a reason I.
03:14:43 Had to get out of there.
03:14:46 It was already it.
03:14:47 Was already almost there when I was there. I lived in the very white part of town.
03:14:53 And I went back there, not super recently, probably like six years ago or something like that or maybe longer now.
03:15:04 And I went to like my old stomping grounds. I was just like, what the ****, you know, like it it's worse somehow.
03:15:14 You know, I'll tell you what I basically lived at one point. I lived in in what I amounts to the projects.
03:15:21 I I'm assuming it's just as bad now as it was then, but it was called Uptown Park Apartments. It was right next to one of the malls and it the one room apartments and they it.
03:15:34 Was it was 2.
03:15:35 88 a month all utilities.
03:15:37 OK. And it was a little tiny room.
03:15:42 That had a bathroom so small it was like a RV bathroom like that had like, a a plastic accordion door that you opened up and there was just like a toilet in the shower. Like, right there. It was like an RV bathroom. And they they, they had an oven that was there was like a mini.
03:16:02 RV.
03:16:03 Even you know, like that was it, it was. It was like an it was like smaller than it was like a trailer, more than an RV. It was like a camping trailer. Basically. It was a whole in fact.
03:16:13 I I'm pretty sure if.
03:16:15 It wasn't built as like project housing. It had to have been like a hotel at some point or like an office building because it didn't make sense to have it that small.
03:16:23 But I lived there and it was just. It was.
03:16:26 That was my first apartment and it was.
03:16:29 Lots of drugs and shootings and **** like that back then, so I can only imagine what it's turned into now. Unless maybe they gentrified that area because that that was the other weird thing is I drive around and like some of the places I've gone straight to hell and then other places that turn into soda soap on. So I don't know.
03:16:46 Grabler Stabler, hell professor stack, Niger. Niger white *******.
03:16:50 Power right there.
03:16:52 Yeah, my cute little friend says, by the way, why is that guy so obsessed with Bronx tale is a anti white movie with no subtlety. The main character is a noble loser. His son is obsessed about black women. Racist Italians are bad.
03:17:12 Milk Italians are good, dumb, boring movie. Well, I mean, I don't know. It's been a lot. I haven't seen in a.
03:17:18 Long time so.
03:17:20 But I look I I would imagine that the the propaganda is pretty heavy in that film given the subject matter and you're, you know, you're probably right to some extent there.
03:17:32 Not sure about why. Why he's obsessed with it over comma, dot. Hey, Deb. And you might be surprised, but even here in the Netherlands, there are still 72.645 private gun or wait point. Or are you just doing the European thing where instead of a comma you guys use period sometimes.
03:17:52 So 72,600.
03:17:54 45 I would.
03:17:55 Yes, private gun owners, me being one of them, buying my first gun. Soon 79% native white, 10% European white, even at 11 percent non white. It still feels too diverse, especially in the big cities where it is 50.
03:18:15 Non white. Well, that's where.
03:18:16 They go to 1st.
03:18:18 Because that's where the Gibbs are. And yeah, I would get those guns sooner rather than later. If you're in a part of Europe that allows you to get guns, I would not take that for granted.
03:18:28 In fact, if you're in America, if you're in, if you're anywhere where you can get guns.
03:18:35 I would stock up while you can, and if you don't use them, you don't. And look, they're always fun to play with. If nothing else. I not play with. You know what I mean? So, you know, if even if you don't end up needing them, it's all I would rather have too much ammo as they say, than not enough.
03:18:52 Jeraj jeraj.
03:19:01 Europe is just as ******. Latest trend is to guilt Eastern Europeans. For all the Gypsy poverty and crime, blaming it on systemic discrimination for the last 500 years, etcetera, and almost all the progressives adopting, adopting this oppressor narrative.
03:19:18 Yeah, the oppressor narrative will never go away so long as there are communists and Jews. So that's the.
03:19:26 If that's the remedy, if you want any.
03:19:28 If you're looking to get rid of.
03:19:31 Oppressor narratives you first must rid yourself of.
03:19:37 The influence of communists and Jews, in whichever way your country feels, is appropriate, Antonio Vey. Let's see that retired Korean fagot, the retired Korean fagot.
03:19:52 Retired Korean ******. What is then?
03:19:57 I actually don't know what you're.
03:19:59 Talking about, I'm trying to.
03:20:00 Think here.
03:20:01 Retired Korean ******.
Speaker 2
03:20:03 Chuck it.Devon Stack
03:20:04 Only that.03:20:06 I don't know what that is. I don't know what the retired. I'm gonna go to regular chat. What's the retired Korean? Does anyone know?
03:20:16 It's just it's it's just.
03:20:17 Weird enough to where I kind of want to know what that means.
03:20:22 Not only anyone has a.
03:20:27 No one knows. No, no knows.
03:20:28 You're talking about dude.
03:20:32 And myself included. All right. And we take a look at rumble and they're all a bunch of cheapskates like usual. That's fine. I'm just going to scroll up in case the little stupid plug-in missed something that like it did. But I hate that you have to have a plug in just to even see.
03:20:51 All right, well, there.
03:20:51 You go alright, guys. Well, thank you everybody for popping in.
03:20:58 And I will see you for the next installment of us celebrating Black History Month should be able to there. There's a possibility I might have to shift days. Maybe the Thursday or something, but it should be the normal time. I'll let you guys know in the meantime.
03:21:18 Of course.
Speaker 51
03:21:20 For black pilled.Devon Stack
03:21:23 I am.Speaker 51
03:21:27 Demon stag.Speaker 15
03:21:33 Mrs. J, Dean Milan, and I think this is the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened, and tigers are just as way as we are. They have the same opportunity to work and the build they're part of the town up just the same as we have.03:21:51 I just don't understand it and don't approve of it.
03:21:57 I'm going to stand up.
Speaker 52
03:21:59 Jim Knight with WLB television news. We're soliciting the views of all many people on the civil rights bill. Would you like to give us your?Speaker 29
03:22:06 Views. Well, thank you. They remain peaceful. It would be a lot better than perhaps the violence that would be concerned.Speaker 16
03:22:15 Well, of course, being a Southerner, I'm not far.Speaker 12
03:22:17 It at all.Speaker 29
03:22:19 And I just don't know how it's going to turn out, I hope.03:22:22 We don't have any trouble.
Speaker 52
03:22:24 We're listing opinions on the civil rights bill. Would you like to give us yours?Speaker 15
03:22:29 I'm sorry, but I don't think.03:22:30 It's.
Speaker 16
03:22:32 The time right now, I think they have equal rights though.Speaker 52
03:22:36 Thank you very.03:22:36 Much would you like to express your views?
Speaker 23
03:22:40 No, I don't think.Speaker 52
03:22:41 So how about?Speaker 23
03:22:41 You what I'd have seen wouldn't be.Speaker 35
03:22:46 Thank you very much.Speaker 29
03:22:48 I don't like it. I don't like you. Just.03:22:51 We don't want. I say we'll have a national election on it well and just let nine men. Plus what we got.
Speaker 52
03:22:58 And how about?03:22:59 You. That's really funny.
Speaker 23
03:23:00 Alright, thank you very.Speaker 52
03:23:01 Much.Speaker 16
03:23:04 I sure don't like it, that's for sure.Speaker 52
03:23:06 I see. Do you feel this will have any effect on your life directly?Speaker 29
03:23:10 I imagine it will. Thank you very much. Thank you.